Reducing Water Intrusion
Through Windows and Doors
Recovery Advisory 3
August 2023
DR-4673-FL RA 3
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Table of Contents
1. Purpose and Intended Audience ................................................................................. 1
1. Key Issues............................................................................................................................ 1
2. This Recovery Advisory Addresses ....................................................................................... 1
2. Performance Grade Ratings for Windows and Doors and Water Intrusion ..................... 2
1. Testing requirements for windows and sliding doors .......................................................... 3
1.1. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 ....................................................................... 3
1.2. TAS 202................................................................................................................... 5
2. Testing requirements for side-hinged doors ........................................................................ 8
3. Florida Building Code Exceptions to Water Intrusion Testing for Doors .......................... 9
4. Installation, Flashing, and Sealing of Windows and Doors .......................................... 10
1. Installation/anchorage ..................................................................................................... 10
2. Flashing and Sealing ........................................................................................................ 10
4.3. I
mportant Considerations for Sliding Doors ..................................................................... 12
5. Maintenance of Windows and Doors ......................................................................... 14
1. Sealant Joints ................................................................................................................... 14
2. Other Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 14
6. Resources................................................................................................................ 15
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Figure 1: Typical temporary supplement window label for a product tested to
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440. Figure used with permission. ....................................... 5
Figure 2: Typical temporary supplemental window label for a product tested to TAS 202.
Figure used with permission. .................................................................................................. 6
Figure 3: Overhang exception to water penetration testing for doors in the FBCB and FBCR. .............. 9
Figure 4: Using a removable stop to protect exposed sealants. Source: FEMA P-499 ........................11
Figure 5: Pan flashing for window and door openings. Source: FEMA P-499 ......................................12
Figure 6: Typical sill riser detail for sliding doors. Figure used with permission. .................................13
Figure 7: Sill riser on sliding door. Photo used with permission...........................................................13
Figure 8: Typical drainage weepholes (red circles). Photo used with permission. ...............................15
Table 1: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 PG Ratings Wind Design Pressure and Water
Penetration Resistance .......................................................................................................... 4
Table 2: Summary of Water Penetration Testing Requirements in the FBCB and FBCR ....................... 8
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
1. Purpose and Intended Audience
This Recovery Advisory outlines observations from Hurricane Ian in Florida, DR-4673-FL, that provide
insights regarding building improvement opportunities. These recommendations are applicable to
buildings experiencing similar issues and need not be limited to the state or disaster in which they
were observed.
This Recovery Advisory provides important recommendations to reduce water intrusion through and
around windows and doors due to wind-driven rain during extreme wind events. Water intrusion
through and around windows and doors can damage interior finishes and interior contents. Water
intrusion can also lead to algae and mold growth and may result in degradation or complete loss of
building function, until adequate repairs are made. This Recovery Advisory addresses specific issues
observed by the FEMA Hurricane Ian Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) in Florida and provides
recommended techniques to reduce water intrusion through windows and doors during extreme wind
events. This advisory does not address water intrusion through windows and doors due to flooding.
The primary audience for this Recovery Advisory includes building owners, operators, and managers;
design professionals; building officials; contractors; and municipal building and planning officials.
1.1. Key Issues
The key issues addressed in this advisory for consideration during rebuilding and mitigation activities
are as follows:
Water intrusion through and around windows and doors due to wind-driven rain can result in
costly damage to interior finishes and furnishings.
Water intrusion around window and door openings can cause dry rot and fastener corrosion that
weaken the window or door frame or the wall itself.
Window and door assemblies that are not tested for water penetration resistance, or are not
tested to the required level can enable water to penetrate through the product and into the
building, resulting in costly damage.
Inadequate flashing techniques can enable water to enter the building around windows and
doors, resulting in costly damage.
The lack of proper product maintenance as specified by the manufacturer can result in poor
water penetration resistance around windows and doors, resulting in costly damage.
1.2. This Recovery Advisory Addresses
This Recovery Advisory addresses the following:
Performance Grade (PG) Ratings for Windows and Doors and Water Intrusion
Florida Building Code Exceptions to Water Intrusion Testing for and Doors
Installation, Flashing, and Sealing of Windows and Doors
Maintenance of Windows and Doors
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
This Recovery Advisory was developed primarily for the State of Florida as a result of observations
from the FEMA Hurricane Ian MAT. However, the recommendations and issues addressed can be
applied throughout the United States to minimize damage caused by water intrusion through
windows and doors.
Florida Product Approval
The State of Florida requires product approval for the building envelope components addressed
in this Recovery Advisory. A Florida Product Approval (Product Approval) certifies that the product
has been designed or tested to the standards required in the building code. Although local
product approval is permitted, most manufacturers opt for statewide Product Approval. The
database of products approved through the statewide Product Approval system is available at A Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance (NOA) is a local product approval
that is similar to a statewide Product Approval. Miami-Dade NOAs are product certifications
offered by Miami-Dade County that certify that products have been designed or tested to the
High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) requirements in the Florida Building Code. Because the
HVHZ requirements typically meet or exceed the requirements in the rest of the state, most
jurisdictions in Florida will also accept Miami-Dade NOAs as well as statewide Product Approvals.
Manufacturers with products that also meet the HVHZ requirements can list their products as
complying with the HVHZ requirements as part of their statewide Product Approval. Miami-Dade
NOAs are available at Windows and
doors with statewide Product Approvals and/or NOAs can be relied upon by applicable
stakeholders to provide a level of confidence of given standards of performance during wind
2. Performance Grade Ratings for Windows and Doors
and Water Intrusion
Water intrusion through and around windows and doors as observed after Hurricane Ian, often
occurs during the high winds and heavy rain that typically accompany hurricanes. Most windows and
doors are required to be subjected to a series of tests that include air infiltration, wind pressure, and
water penetration resistance in addition to other operability tests. (Note: American Architectural
Manufacturers Association [AAMA] / Window and Door Manufacturers Association [WDMA] / CSA
Group [CSA] 101/I.S.2/A440
characterizes a products water intrusion resistance as water
penetration resistance. In this section, where the term water penetration resistance is used, it refers
to a product’s resistance to water intrusion.) For windows and doors tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440, a product’s performance grade (PG) rating correlates to the lowest outcome of
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 is the North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
each of these applicable performance tests. A product with a higher PG rating will have better
resistance to water infiltration.
2.1. Testing requirements for windows and sliding doors
Flashing and sealing methods are used to mitigate the effects of water intrusion around windows
and doors. However, windows and doors should also be tested for water intrusion that may occur
through the product or assembly. The resistance of water penetration through the product is
determined by testing specified in AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 or TAS (Testing Application
Standard) 202.
e Florida Building Code, Building (FBCB) and Florida Building Code, Residential (FBCR) require
windows and sliding doors to be tested and labeled to indicate compliance with AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440 or TAS 202. In the HVHZ, all windows and doors are required to be tested to TAS
202. Although AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 and TAS 202 are similar tests, they differ
somewhat in how water penetration resistance is qualified.
2.1.1. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 is a standard that certifies window and door products for air
leakage resistance, wind pressure resistance, water penetration resistance and other performance
tests as applicable. The water penetration resistance of products tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440 does not always directly correlate to the wind design pressure (DP) rating, and
therefore, the DP rating is not always an indication of water penetration resistance. The important
designation regarding water penetration resistance is the PG rating. This designator is well
understood in the window industry but is not typically well understood outside the industry. The PG
rating indicates that the product has met a specific set of performance tests that include wind
pressure resistance and water penetration resistance. A product’s PG rating correlates to the lowest
outcome of each of the applicable performance tests.
A product with the PG rating of 60 has a minimum DP rating of 60 pounds per square foot (psf) and
has passed the water penetration resistance test at 15% of the positive DP rating, 9 psf. The higher
the PG rating, the more resistant the product is to water penetration. A PG 60 product has been
tested for water penetration resistance at four times the pressure of a PG 15 product. Table 1
compares some common PG ratings and the water penetration resistance test pressures and shows
how PG and DP ratings can diverge and affect the water penetration resistance test pressure. Using
the rows below with the asterisks as an example, the positive DP ratings are same, but the one with
a higher PG rating is tested to a higher water penetration resistance test pressure.
TAS 202 is the Criteria for Testing Impact & Non-impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static
Air Pressure, which is contained in the Florida Building Code Test Protocols for the High-Velocity Hurricane Zones (ICC
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Table 1: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 PG Ratings Wind Design Pressure and Water
Penetration Resistance
PG Rating
Wind DP Rating
Water Penetration Resistance Test Pressure
(15% of PG Rating)
15 15 psf 2.25 psf
30 30 psf 4.5 psf
40 40 psf 6 psf
40* 50 psf* 6 psf*
50* 50 psf* 7.5 psf*
60 60 psf 9 psf
psf = pounds per square foot
*PG rating is less than DP rating
It is commonly assumed that windows and doors are tested for water penetration resistance at 15%
of the positive DP rating. While that is true for products tested to TAS 202 (see TAS 202 section in
this advisory), it is not necessarily true for products tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440,
which specifically states that the positive DP rating is not an indicator of water penetration
resistance performance. For the AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 standard, the water penetration
resistance is tested at 15% of the PG, which may not always correspond to 15% of the positive DP
The FBCB and FBCR require products to have a permanent label, marking, or etching that provides
traceability to the manufacturer and product. They also require additional information about the
product that includes the positive and negative DP rating, in addition to other items, to be on the
permanent label or a temporary supplement label that can be removed after the final inspection
(most manufacturers opt to put the additional information on the temporary supplemental label).
Although the FBCB and the FBCR require the positive and negative DP ratings to be shown on the
product label, they do not specifically require the PG rating to be on the label. However,
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S 2/A440 does require the product label to include the PG rating, in
addition to the DP rating. Code enforcement personnel and others look at labels to ensure the
product has met the required DP rating. For water penetration resistance, the PG rating is the most
important designation. A product with a higher PG rating has been tested for water penetration
resistance at a higher level. The PG rating should be on the product label alongside the positive and
negative DP rating. Figure 1
shows a typical temporary supplemental window label and points out the
PG rating and DP rating.
The PG rating should equal the positive DP rating. The negative DP rating is
not correlated to water penetration resistance and, therefore, its absolute value may exceed the PG
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
gure 1: Typical temporary supplement window label for a product tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440. Figure used with permission.
2.1.2. TAS 202
Windows and sliding doors are permitted to be tested in accordance with TAS 202 as an alternative
to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440. In the HVHZ, all windows and doors are required to be tested
to TAS 202. Figure 2 shows a typical temporary window label with the DP rating and TAS 202 testing
standard. The performance tests in TAS 202 are similar to those in AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440. However, TAS 202 specifically requires windows and doors to be tested for water
penetration resistance at 15% of the positive DP rating. The water penetration test in TAS 202
directly correlates to the positive DP rating. Consequently, some products could actually qualify for a
higher positive DP rating in TAS 202 but are limited to a lower positive DP rating because of the
performance during the water penetration resistance part of the test. As in AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440, the negative DP rating does not correlate with the water penetration resistance of
the product.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
gure 2: Typical temporary supplemental window label for a product tested to TAS 202. Figure
used with permission.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Best Window Types for Water Penetration Resistance
Fixed windows and operable window and door products with compression seals provide the best
resistance to water infiltration. Operable products include awning and casement type windows.
These products seal directly against the frame and provide the best resistance to water
Examples of Windows with Most Effective Water Intrusion Resistance
Casement Window Fixed Window
Examples of Windows with Less Effective Water Intrusion Resistance
Double Hung Window Sliding Window
Key Recommendation:
For products tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, ensure all windows and sliding doors
have a PG rating that equals the positive DP rating for the product. Alternatively, ensure all
windows and doors have been tested to TAS 202.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
2.2. Testing requirements for side-hinged doors
In the HVHZ, all doors, including side-hinged doors, are required to be tested for water penetration
resistance except windows and doors that meet the exceptions to water intrusion testing (see next
section). Outside the HVHZ, side-hinged doors are not required to be tested for water penetration
resistance but are required to have a DP rating determined using the uniform static air pressure test
of ASTM International (ASTM) E330.
Products that have not been tested for water penetration
resistance will most likely not be effective in resisting wind-driven rain during a hurricane.
Table 2 provides a summary of water penetration testing requirements in the FBCB and FBCR.
Table 2: Summary of Water Penetration Testing Requirements in the FBCB and FBCR
Product Requirement Outside the HVHZ HVHZ
TAS 202 TAS 202
15% of PG 15% of
Positive DP
15% of
TAS 202
15% of PG 15% of
DP Rating
None 15% of
Key Recommendation:
Side-hinged doors should be tested for compliance with AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440
or TAS 202. For products tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, ensure all doors,
including side-hinged doors, have a PG rating that equals the positive DP rating for the
product. Alternatively, ensure all windows and doors have been tested to TAS 202.
ASTM E330 is the Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain
Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
3. Florida Building Code Exceptions to Water Intrusion
Testing for Doors
The FBCB and FBCR provide a couple of exceptions to water testing for doors complying with
AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 or TAS 202. These exceptions also apply in the HVHZ. Doors in
the following locations are not required by the code to be tested for water penetration:
Door assemblies installed in non-habitable areas where the door assembly and area are
designed to accept water infiltration, and
Door assemblies installed where the overhang ratio (OH ratio) (see F
igure 3) is equal to 1 or
Non-habitable areas are areas not used for living, sleeping, eating, or cooking. They include but are
not necessarily limited to bathrooms, toilet rooms, closets, halls, screen enclosures, and sunrooms.
However, the phrase “areas that are designed to accept water infiltration,” is not well defined. Non-
habitable areas have commonly been interpreted to also include doors that open to a foyer where a
foyer is connected to a living area but is interpreted to be a non-habitable area. Although the code
does not require doors in these areas to be tested for water penetration resistance, water infiltration
in these areas can still cause damage to interior contents and finishes.
The overhang exception, shown in Figure 3, applies where the length of the overhang is greater than
or equal to the overhang height (OH ratio equal to or greater than 1). While the overhang exception
may provide sufficient protection in areas outside hurricane-prone regions, it will not protect doors
from the wind-driven horizontal rain that commonly occurs during hurricanes.
igure 3: Overhang exception to water penetration testing for doors in the FBCB and FBCR.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Key Recommendations:
As a best practice, do not apply the exceptions to water penetration resistance testing in the
FBCB and FBCR. Ensure all doors have been tested for water penetration resistance even in
areas where the FBCB and FBCR do not require it.
For products tested to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, ensure all doors have a PG rating
that equals the positive DP rating for the product.
Alternatively, ensure all doors have been tested to TAS 202 and include the water
penetration resistance test.
4. Installation, Flashing, and Sealing of Windows
and Doors
Windows and doors must be installed, flashed, and sealed as specified by the manufacturer and/or
building code to provide the expected level of performance.
4.1. Installation/anchorage
Installation of windows and doors is not generic and is specific to each manufacturer to achieve the
required performance ratings such as the design wind DP rating and water penetration resistance.
Window and door manufacturers are required to provide installation instructions for their products
with their Product Approval. See the Florida Product Approval text box on page 2 of this advisory for
information on how to find Product Approvals for any product that has a Statewide Product Approval
or a Miami-Dade NOA. The installation instructions will vary by manufacturer and can also vary for
the same product depending on7 the required DP rating for the site-specific conditions where the
product is being installed. Section R609.7 of the 7th Edition (2020) FBCR specifies minimum
anchorage requirements, but primarily defers to the manufacturer’s installation instructions. It is
critical that windows and doors be installed as specified by the manufacturer.
4.2. Flashing and Sealing
Proper flashing and sealing of windows and doors is integral to preventing water infiltration due to
wind-driven rain. The primary function of flashing is to prevent the entry of water into a building from
a joint or opening. Flashing is required to be applied in shingle-like fashion, where the top layer laps
over the bottom layer to direct water down and out of a structure. One of the more common window
and door flashing mistakes is the failure to layer flashing in a shingle-like fashion. In addition,
flashing must extend to the surface of the exterior wall or to the water-resistive barrier for
subsequent drainage and/or to direct the water to weep holes.
Flashing for windows and doors generally falls into two categories: surface barrier method and
drainage system method. The barrier method primarily relies on installation and sealants to prevent
water penetration. The drainage system method permits water to enter but uses flashing, such as
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
metal/vinyl and self-adhered membranes and tapes, to direct water to the exterior of the building or
the water-resistive barrier.
A common problem with the barrier method is that sealants can degrade over time and will need to
be replaced once they exhibit signs of edge curling, cracking, and/or other breaks or delamination
(see Section 5 in this advisory). FEMA P-499, Homebuilders Guide to Coastal Construction (2010)
recommends that a removable “stop” be installed over exposed sealant to protect the sealant from
direct exposure to weather and reduce the wind-driven rain demand on the sealant (see Figure 4).
igure 4: Using a removable stop to protect exposed sealants. Source: FEMA P-499
The FBCB and FBCR specify several methods for flashing windows and doors, including:
The fenestration manufacturer’s installation and flashing instructions
The flashing manufacturer’s instructions
The flashing design or method developed by a registered design professional
The FMA, AAMA, and WDMA standards were developed by the window industry to address common
installation methods in the State of Florida. The flashing/sealing methods in these standards have
been tested by the industry and have been shown to be effective in preventing water intrusion.
Where flashing instructions or details are not provided, the FBCB and FBCR require pan flashing to
be installed at the sill of exterior window and door openings. Pan flashing must be sealed or sloped
in such a manner as to direct water to the surface of the exterior wall finish or to the water-resistive
barrier for subsequent drainage. Pan flashing is required to incorporate flashing or protection at the
head and sides (rear leg and end dam). Minimum recommended end dam and rear leg heights are
addressed in Technical Fact Sheet No. 6.1 of FEMA P-499. See Figure 5.
FMA/AAMA 100, FMA/AAMA 200, FMA/WDMA 250, FMA/AAMA/WDMA 300, or FMA/AAMA/WDMA 400 are the
Fenestration Manufacturers Association (FMA), American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA), and Window &
Door Manufacturers Association’s (WDMA’s) Installation Resources for Waterproofing.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
Figure 5: Pan flashing for window and door openings. Source: FEMA P-499
Additionally, while not specifically referenced in the FBCB or FBCR, ASTM E2112, Standard Practice
for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights, also provides comprehensive details for
window and door installation, including flashing techniques.
If the window and door assemblies are not anchored properly as specified by the Product Approval,
flashings and sealants may be less effective during a windstorm, resulting in water intrusion.
4.3. Important Considerations for Sliding Doors
Sliding doors are prone to water infiltration because of the nature of their construction. Most sliding
doors are considered “contain and drain” products in that they allow water penetration to occur but
contain the water in an integral sill pan and allow the water to drain to the exterior. This integral sill
pan includes a sill riser (sill dam) on the interior side of the door; see Figure 6 and Figure 7. The
height of the sill riser depends on the water penetration resistance rating of the product. The higher
the riser, the better the water penetration resistance. However, because the FBCB and FBCR provide
some exceptions to water penetration testing (for example, the overhang exception previously
discussed), some manufacturers may offer a “no riser” option on their products. Many homeowners
do not understand the importance of this riser and consider it a trip hazard or unsightly attachment
to their door and remove it. Without a riser or sill dam, sliding doors have little resistance to water
infiltration. Additionally, the termination ends of the integral sill pan must be sealed with an
approved sealant to the jambs at a height equal to the height of the sill riser.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
igure 6: Typical sill riser detail for sliding doors. Figure used with permission.
gure 7: Sill riser on sliding door. Photo used with permission.
Another key consideration for sliding doors is that the rough opening should be plumb and level. In
addition to affecting door operability, an unlevel surface under the track can cause cracks and
crevices under the track that enable water to infiltrate under the door. While wood shims can be
used to plumb the door on the sides and top of the rough opening, wood shims should not be used
to level the surface under the track. Wood shims will quickly rot and deteriorate if exposed to water.
The bottom on the rough opening should be leveled with grout or a similar product. Grout can
provide a solid level for the bottom track and impede water intrusion under the track.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
5. Maintenance of Windows and Doors
Windows and doors require periodic maintenance to ensure their continued operability and ability to
resist water infiltration.
5.1. Sealant Joints
Sealant joints require periodic inspection and replacement. If the sealant is cracked, discontinuous,
or delaminated, or there is a gap between the window or door frame and the wall, the entire joint
should be replaced. Two important things should be considered when replacing sealants:
Always use sealants that comply with AAMA 800, ASTM C920 Class 25 Grade NS or greater,
ASTM C1281, or AAMA 812.
Check the product labeling to ensure that one of these standards is
identified and the product is indicated for exterior use.
Ensure the sealant is compatible with the material it will be adhered to (i.e., masonry, aluminum,
wood, vinyl). Even a high-quality sealant will not remain in the joint if it is not compatible with the
product to which it is being adhered.
Ensure that the sealant does not block any weep holes and/or misdirect the path of water runoff.
5.2. Other Maintenance
Periodically clean weatherstripping with soap and water. If the weatherstripping is damaged, contact
the window or door manufacturer for replacement.
Periodically inspect drainage openings (weep holes). As discussed previously in this Recovery
Advisory, drainage holes are a key element of contain and drainproducts and should not be
covered or plugged with caulk. They must be kept clean and free of debris to allow water that gets in
the product to drain to the exterior of the building as shown in Figure 8.
These standards are AAMA 800, Voluntary Specifications and Test Methods for Sealants; ASTM C920, Standard
Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants; ASTM C1281, Standard Specification for Preformed Tape Sealants for
Glazing Applications; and AAMA 812, Voluntary Practice for Assessment of Frame Deflection When Using One
Component Polyurethane Foams for Air-Sealing Rough Openings of Fenestration Installations.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
gure 8: Typical drainage weepholes (red circles). Photo used with permission.
Ensure all windows and doors close tightly and firmly latch. Windows and doors that do not close
tightly may facilitate cracks and gaps between the window or door and the frame. These cracks and
gaps can permit water to infiltrate through the window or door when exposed to wind-driven rain.
6. Resources
ASCE/SEI. 2022. Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-22). ASCE
Standard ASCE/SEI 7-22. ASCE/SEI 7-2022 - M
inimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for
Buildings and Other Structures (
AAMA/WDMA/CSA (American Architectural Manufacturers Association / Window & Door
Manufacturers Association / CSA Group). 2017. North American Fenestration
Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, and Skylights. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-
17. AAMAWDMACSA-101I.S.2A440-11-NAFS-windows-doors-skylights.pdf (
AAMA (American Architectural Manufacturers Association). 2010. Voluntary Practice for Assessment
of Single Component Aerosol Expanding Polyurethane Foams for Sealing Rough Openings of
Fenestration Installations. AAMA 812-04(2010).
AMA Updates Standard for Assessing
Frame Deflection When Using One Component Polyurethane Foams (
AAMA. 2016. Voluntary Specifications and Test Methods for Sealants. AAMA 800-16. AAMA 800-16
Voluntary specifications and test methods for sealants, American Architectural Manufacturers
Association - Publication Index | NBS (
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
ASTM (ASTM International). 2014. Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants. ASTM
C920-14A. ASTM C920-14a - Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants (
ASTM. 2014. Standard Specification for Preformed Tape Sealants. ASTM C1281-2014. ANSI
ASTM. 2021. Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors,
Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. ASTM E330.
Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls
by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference (
ASTM. 2023. Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights. ASTM
ASTM E2112-23 - Standard Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and
Skylights (
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). 2010. Home Builders Guide to Coastal
Construction (FEMA P-499).
FEMA. 2018. Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Puerto Rico Mitigation Assessment Team Report, FEMA
FEMA P-2020 Mitigation Assessment Team Report - Hurricanes Irma and Maria in
Puerto Rico
Hurricanes Maria and Irma in Puerto Rico Recovery Advisory 5, Protecting Windows and
Openings in Buildings.
FEMA. 2020. Hurricane Michael in Florida Mitigation Assessment Team Report, FEMA P-2077.
Mitigation Assessment Team Report: Hurricane Michael in Florida, Building Performance
Observations, Recommendations, and Technical Guidance, FEMA P-2077/February 2020
Hurricane Michael in Florida Recovery Advisory 2, Best Practices for Minimizing Wind and
Water Infiltration Damage.
FMA/AAMA (Fenestration Manufacturers Association / American Architectural Manufacturers
Association). 2012a. Standard Practice for the Installation of Windows with Flanges or Mounting
Fins in Wood Frame Construction for Extreme Wind/Water Conditions. FMA/AAMA 100-12.
Fenestration Manufacturers Association (
FMA/AAMA. 2012b. Standard Practice for the Installation of Windows with Frontal Flanges for
Surface Barrier Masonry Construction for Extreme Wind/Water Conditions. FMA/AAMA 200-12.
Reducing Water Intrusion Through Windows and Doors
FMA/AAMA/WDMA. 2012. Standard Practice for the Installation of Exterior Doors in Wood Frame
Construction for Extreme Wind/Water Conditions. FMA/AAMA/WDMA 300-12.
FMA/AAMA/WDMA. 2013. Standard Practice for the Installation of Exterior Doors in Surface Barrier
Masonry Construction for Extreme Wind/Water Conditions. FMA/AAMA 400-13.
WDMA 400-13.pd.pdf (
FMA/WDMA (Fenestration Manufacturers Association / Window & Door Manufacturers Association).
2012. Standard Practice for the Installation of Non-Frontal Flange Windows with Mounting
Flanges for Surface Barrier Masonry Construction for Extreme Wind/Water Conditions.
FMA/AAMA 250-12. fma_wdma_250_2010_outline.pdf
ICC (International Code Council). 2020. Florida Building Code Test Protocols for the High-Velocity
Hurricane Zones, 7th Edition. TAS 202-94.
PREFACE, 2020 Florida Test Protocols for High-
Velocity Hurricane Zones, 7th Edition | ICC Digital Codes (
All documents were prepared with accessibility and compliance with Section 508 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in mind. For further information or clarification regarding items such as
technical drawings or maps, please contact the FEMA Building Science Helpline at
FEMA- or 866-927-2104.
For More Information
For more information, see the FEMA Building Science Frequently Asked Questions website at
If you have additional questions on FEMA Building Science Publications, contact the helpline at
FEMA-Buildingsciencehel[email protected] or 866-927-2104.
You may also sign up for the FEMA Building Science email subscription, which is updated with
publication releases and FEMA Building Science activities. Subscribe at
Visit the Building Science Branch of the Risk Management Directorate at FEMA’s Federal
Insurance and Mitigation Administration at
To Order Publications
To order publications, contact the FEMA Distribution Center:
Call: 1-800-480-2520 (MondayFriday, 8 a.m.5 p.m., EST)
Fax: 719-948-9724
Additional FEMA documents can be found in the FEMA Library
Please scan the QR code to visit the FEMA Building Science web page.