Florida Department of Health
Lee County
Environmental Engineering
60 S Danley Drive, Unit 1
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Phone: 239-274-2200
Fax: 239-274-2201
Fact Sheet for Limited Use Water Systems (LUPWS)
Operating Permit (Rule 64E-8.004, FAC):
The annual Operating Permit LUPWS expires each year on September 30
and must be renewed
each year by October 1
. The Operating Permit Application Form DH4092A must be completed
with any changes and submitted to the Department of Health along with the application fee and
forms. The Department will issue the Operating Permit if the application is complete, all fees have
been paid, and the LUPWS complies with Chapter 64E-8, FAC. Operating Permits are non-
Annual Inspections, Operation, and Maintenance (Rule 64E-8.005, FAC):
Every permitted LUPWS must be inspected at least once every 12 months. Every LUPWS may be
inspected at any time as Quality Assurance in response to complaints, or for any reason as required
by the Department. All equipment on the LUPWS shall function properly and be kept in good
condition at all times. The minimum pressure is 20 psi. If the water system is shut down for any
reason, including as a result of loss of power due to hurricanes or any other natural disaster, the
Department must be notified within 24 hours of such shut down. Bacteriological samples will
need to be collected, tested and determined to be free from contamination before the water system
can be cleared for resumption of potable water consumption
Bacteriological Requirements (Rule 64E-8.006(3)(6), FAC):
Every calendar quarter, at a minimum there must be a satisfactory microbiological analysis of a
sample of finished water taken from a remote location on the distribution system. If the LUPWS
includes disinfection (chlorination), a source (well) water sample for microbiological analysis
must also be taken on the same day.
First quarter (October, November, December): Suggest sample in October
Second quarter (January, February, March): Suggest sample in January
Third quarter (April, May, June): Suggest sample in April
Fourth quarter (July, August, September): Suggest sample in July
All system owners shall report laboratory analysis results to the Department within five (5) days
of receipt. (64E-8.006(5) The required sampling may be done by the owner, operator, a water
service, or by the Department. Call (239) 274-2000 for information on having sampling conducted
by the Department. All water samples must be analyzed by a NELAC certified laboratory.
If a bacteriological water sample is positive for coliform bacteria, per Rule 64E-8.007, FAC, a
second water sample should be taken within 24 hours and submitted to the laboratory. If the second
sample is positive, corrective action must be taken, including but not limited to disinfection of the
LUPWS. In order to allow enough time for any resampling and/or corrective actions, the required
bacteriological sampling must be completed as soon as possible during the calendar quarter.
Florida Department of Health
Lee County
Environmental Engineering
60 S Danley Drive, Unit 1
Fort Myers, FL 33907
Phone: 239-274-2200
Fax: 239-274-2201
Lead and Nitrate Requirements (Rule 64E-8.006(3)(a), FAC):
Every LUPWS must be sampled for lead and nitrate per Chapter 64E-8, FAC, as follows:
Commercial LUPWS must be sampled every five (5) years
Community LUPWS must be sampled every three (3) years.
Chlorinated Systems (Rule 64E-8.005(1)(d), FAC):
Disinfection equipment (chlorinated systems) shall maintain a free available chlorine residual
0.2 mg/L and a maximum of 4.0 mg/L residual throughout the entire LUPWS. Where continuous
disinfection is required, the supplier shall test the chlorine residual daily by using a N,N-Diethyl-
p-Phenylendiamine (DPD) color comparison test kit, or a portable spectrophotometer test kit and
post the results in a log kept on premises. Where continuous disinfection is required for a
LUPWS and a chemical disinfectant is used, the supplier shall assure a state certified water
treatment plant operator services the system weekly and record the services in the log. Monthly,
Monthly Operating Reports, (MOR’s) should be sent to the Department within 10 days after the
end of the month during which the evaluation was completed.
Registered Limited Use System (Rule 64E-8.004(5), FAC):
Some commercial LUPWS may be exempt from obtaining an annual operating permit if that
water system does not make tap water available for public consumption. Suppliers of registered
systems must perform annual testing for bacteria in the form of one (1) satisfactory
microbiological sample per year. The analysis shall be performed no more than twelve (12)
months apart and the results shall be provided to the Department no later than fifteen (15) days
after time period in which the sample was required. Re-registration is required upon change of
system ownership.
Call our office if you have any questions (239) 274-2200.