PyWaffle Documentation
Guangyang Li
Jun 16, 2024
1 Installation 3
2 Examples 5
2.1 Basic Examples and Formats of Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Figure and Axis Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Value Scaling and Auto-sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 Title, Label and Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Block Colors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Plot with Characters or Icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.7 Block Shape, Spacing, Location, Direction and Arranging Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.8 Subplots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.9 Adjust Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.10 Add Other Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3 Font Awesome Integration 17
4 API Reference 19
Python Module Index 23
Index 25
PyWaffle Documentation
PyWaffle is an open source, MIT-licensed Python package for plotting waffle charts.
A Figure constructor class Waffle is provided, which could be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.figure and generate a mat-
plotlib Figure object.
Visit PyWaffle on Github and PyPI.
PyWaffle Documentation
The last stable release is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:
$ pip install pywaffle
Python 3.5+
PyWaffle Documentation
4 Chapter 1. Installation
Several examples are shown below by topics, which covers all parameters that PyWaffle has, and their most common
use cases. If you are looking for the detailed definition and description of parameters, please check out API Reference.
2.1 Basic Examples and Formats of Values
This is a simple example to plot a 5-row, 10-column waffle chart. The three values are plotted as blocks directly, and
the blocks number matches the numbers in values, because the sum of values equals to total block number (rows
* columns).
Parameter values accept numbers in multiple format, including list, dict, and pandas.DataFrame.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pywaffle import Waffle
fig = plt.figure(
columns=10, # Either rows or columns could be omitted
values=[30, 16, 4] # Pass a list of integers to values
fig.savefig("plot.png", bbox_inches="tight")
NOTE: One of the parameter rows and columns is redundant in this case, since both of the chart size
and value sum are 50. So, either one of rows and columns could be omitted, and it can still be calculated
through value sum automatically. See Auto-sizing for more details.
When a dictionary is passed to values, the key will be used as labels and shown in legends.
values={'Cat1': 30, 'Cat2': 16, 'Cat3': 4},
legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)}
However, unlike values in a dictionary that can generate labels and legend automatically, when the values is a
DataFrame, Waffle does not use the row index of the DataFrame as label by default. So you have to pass the in-
dex to parameter labels manually, if you would like to use column index as label.
PyWaffle Documentation
import pandas as pd
data = [30, 16, 4]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Value'], index=['Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3'])
labels=list(df.index), # Legend would not be created without this line
legend={'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)}
2.2 Figure and Axis Manipulation
2.2.1 Update plot with returned Figure and Axes
You are free to modify the figure generated by Waffle class. You may get all axes in the figure through property
Figure.axes, and modify them through the list.
For example, if you would like to remove the auto-generated legend, and save the figure into a file, you can update the
axis through axes property and then call savefig() with the returned figure:
fig = plt.figure(
values={'Cat1': 30, 'Cat2': 16, 'Cat3': 4},
# Remove legend
# Save the figure into a file
2.2.2 Make Waffle on Existed Axis
Sometimes you might have figure and axis created already, and you would like to plot waffle chart on top of it, without
creating a new figure. In this case, you may use Waffle.make_waffle() function, which accepts axis ax and other
arguments available in Waffle.
NOTE: Waffle.make_waffle() is a classmethod, and you should call it without creating a new Waffle
NOTE: The only argument that is available in Waffle but unsupported in Waffle.make_waffle() is
plots, since it only accept one axis. Thus, this function can only generate waffle chart in a single plot.
6 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle Documentation
Below is an example showing that you may create and modify the figure and axis first, and then pass the axis to
Waffle.make_waffle() for waffle chart plotting.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# Modify existed axis
ax.set_title("Axis Title")
ax=ax, # pass axis to make_waffle
values=[30, 16, 4],
title={"label": "Waffle Title", "loc": "left"}
2.3 Value Scaling and Auto-sizing
2.3.1 Value Scaling
It is a common case that the chart size does not equal to the total number of values. Then the values have to be scaled
to fit the chart size.
Change argument rounding_rule to set a preferred rounding rule when scaling. It accepts floor or ceil or nearest.
NOTE: When rounding_rule is ceil or nearest, sum of scaled values might be greater than chart
size. If so, the blocks of last category would not be shown completely in the chart. Therefore, although
nearest is the default rounding rule, floor is actually the most consistent rule as it avoids the block
In the following example, values are scaled to 24, 23, 1 as block numbers with rounding_rule=floor.
values=[48, 46, 3],
2.3. Value Scaling and Auto-sizing 7
PyWaffle Documentation
2.3.2 Auto-sizing
If you would like to avoid values scaling, pass an integer to either one of rows or columns parameter only. Then
the absolute number of values would be used as block number directly and the other parameter would be calculated
In the following example, we set rows=5, values=[48, 46, 3] and leave columns empty. Then the block numbers
would be the same to values. Since the sum of values is 97, the column number has to be 20 to fit all blocks.
values=[48, 46, 3]
2.4 Title, Label and Legend
Parameter title accepts parameters of matplotlib.pyplot.title in a dict.
Parameter labels accepts string labels in a list. If it is not specified, key of values would be used as labels.
Parameter legend accepts parameters of matplotlib.pyplot.legend in a dict.
NOTE: Labels could also be specified in parameter legend under key labels instead.
data = {'Cat1': 30, 'Cat2': 16, 'Cat3': 4}
fig = plt.figure(
'label': 'Example plot',
'loc': 'left',
'fontdict': {
'fontsize': 20
labels=[f"{k} ({int(v / sum(data.values()) * 100)}%)" for k, v in data.items()],
# 'labels': [f"{k} ({v}%)" for k, v in data.items()], # lebels could also be
˓under legend instead
'loc': 'lower left',
'bbox_to_anchor': (0, -0.4),
'ncol': len(data),
'framealpha': 0,
'fontsize': 12
8 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle Documentation
2.5 Block Colors
Parameter colors accepts colors in a list or tuple. The length must be same to values, and the acceptable color
format includes case-insensitive hex RGB or RGBA, RGB or RGBA tuple, single character notation, case-insensitive
X11/CSS4 color name, and more, as long as Matplotlib can recognize. See Matplotlib Colors for the full list.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#232066", "#983D3D", "#DCB732"]
Another method to change block colors is passing Colormap to parameter cmap_name, which sets colors in batch.
NOTE: Sequential colormaps does not work with PyWaffle. Only Qualitative colormaps are supported,
including Pastel1, Pastel2, Paired, Accent, Dark2, Set1, Set2, Set3, tab10, tab20, tab20b,
tab20c. See the list and color examples in Colormaps in Matplotlib.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
2.6 Plot with Characters or Icons
2.6.1 Characters
Blocks could be Unicode characters instead of rectangles by passing the desired character to characters.
Categories could have different character for each category, by passing a list or tuple of characters to parameter
characters . The length must be the same as values.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#4C8CB5", "#B7CBD7", "#C0C0C0"],
To specify the font, pass the absolute path to a .ttf or .otf file to parameter font_file.
2.5. Block Colors 9
PyWaffle Documentation
2.6.2 Icons
Waffle Chart with icons is also known as Pictogram Chart.
PyWaffle supports plotting with icons through Font Awesome. See page Font Awesome Integration for how Font Awe-
some is integrated into PyWaffle.
For searching available icon name in Font Awesome, please visit
Icon Size
When using icons, the parameters for setting block size would be ignored, including interval_ratio_x,
interval_ratio_y and block_aspect_ratio. Instead, use font_size to set the size of icons. For allowed sizes,
see FontProperties.set_size.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#232066", "#983D3D", "#DCB732"],
Icons in Legend
Each category could have a different icon, by passing a list or tuple of icon names to parameter icons. The length
must be the same as values.
In Font Awesome Icons, there are different icon sets in different styles, including Solid, Regular and Brands. It can be
specified through parameter icon_style. By default it searches icon from solid style.
With icon_legend=True, the symbol in legend would be the icon. Otherwise, it would be a color bar.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#FFA500", "#4384FF", "#C0C0C0"],
icons=['sun', 'cloud-showers-heavy', 'snowflake'],
'labels': ['Sun', 'Shower', 'Snow'],
'loc': 'upper left',
'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)
10 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle Documentation
Specify Icon Style for Each Category
Font Awesome locates icons by both of icon name and style. Thus, icon style might not be the same for all icons, and
you have to specify icon style for all icons separately. Therefore, icon_style also accepts a list or a tuple of styles in
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#FFA500", "#4384FF", "#C0C0C0"],
icons=['sun', 'cloud-showers-heavy', 'font-awesome'],
icon_style=['regular', 'solid', 'brands'],
'labels': ['Sun', 'Shower', 'Flag'],
'loc': 'upper left',
'bbox_to_anchor': (1, 1)
2.7 Block Shape, Spacing, Location, Direction and Arranging Style
PyWaffle provides several parameters to control how and where to plot blocks.
2.7.1 Block Shape
Parameter block_aspect_ratio controls the shape of blocks by change the ratio of block’s width to block’s height.
By default it is 1, so that the blocks are squares.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
2.7.2 Block Spacing
Parameter interval_ratio_x and interval_ratio_y control the horizontal and vertical distance between blocks.
interval_ratio_x is the ratio of horizontal distance between blocks to block’s width and interval_ratio_y is
the ratio of vertical distance between blocks to block’s height.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
(continues on next page)
2.7. Block Shape, Spacing, Location, Direction and Arranging Style 11
PyWaffle Documentation
(continued from previous page)
2.7.3 Where to Start First Block
Use parameter starting_location to set the location of starting block. It accepts locations in string like NW, SW, NE
and SE representing four corners. By default, it is SW, meaning PyWaffle starts drawing blocks from lower-left corner.
Here is an example that start plotting from lower-right corner (SE).
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
2.7.4 Plotting Direction
By default, PyWaffle draws blocks column by column, thus categories are plotted horizontally. To make it vertical, set
parameter vertical to True.
In the following example, it draws blocks from lower-left corner to lower-right corner row by row up to the top.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
2.7.5 Where to Start Each Category
Use parameter block_arranging_style to set how to arrange blocks for each category. By default it is 'normal',
which draws block of new category from where last category ends.
When it is snake, it draws with snake pattern, starting a new line from an opposite direction every time. This style is
useful if you would like to keep blocks of each category together.
In the below example, since the default starting location is lower-left and default direction is not vertical, it draws blocks
from lower-left to top-left for the first line, and then from the top block of second column down to the bottom one of
this column, and then go on with snake-like pattern.
12 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle Documentation
fig = plt.figure(
values=[12, 22, 20, 4],
When it is new-line, it forces every category starting from a new line. Note that it only works when only columns
is passed and vertical=True, or rows is passes and vertical=False. It will be ignored if both of columns and
rows are passed.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
2.8 Subplots
Sometimes we would like to show multiple waffle charts in one figure. This is supported through adding subplots. It
also helps avoiding duplicated legends, titles and other components.
Lets say we have sample data as shown below:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame(
'labels': ['Car', 'Truck', 'Motorcycle'],
'Factory A': [32384, 13354, 5245],
'Factory B': [22147, 6678, 2156],
'Factory C': [8932, 3879, 896],
# A glance of the data:
# Factory A Factory B Factory C
# labels
# Car 27384 22147 8932
# Truck 7354 6678 3879
# Motorcycle 3245 2156 1196
To convert the Vehicle Production data above into reasonable block numbers, we can simply pass values like
data['Factory A'] / 1000, and PyWaffle will handle the rounding. Note that parameter values also accepts
column data in pandas.Series. However, unlike values in dict, pandas.Series value does not support auto labeling
To plot multiple subplots in one figure, merge the parameters for each plot to parameter plots as dict values. The
keys are integers describing the position of the subplot. It accepts tuple, int and string. If position is tuple, the format
should be like (nrows, ncols, index); if it is int or string, it should be a 3-digit integer like 312, standing for
nrows, ncols, and index in order. Note that all integers must be less than 10 for the later form to work. See arguments
of matplotlib.pyplot.subplot for more detail.
2.8. Subplots 13
PyWaffle Documentation
NOTE: Parameters which are passed outside of plots would be applied to all subplots, if they are not
specified in plots. Otherwise, settings in plots have higher priority.
fig = plt.figure(
311: {
'values': data['Factory A'] / 1000, # Convert actual number to a reasonable
˓block number
'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['Factory A'].items()],
'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
'title': {'label': 'Vehicle Production of Factory A', 'loc': 'left',
˓'fontsize': 12}
312: {
'values': data['Factory B'] / 1000,
'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['Factory B'].items()],
'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.2, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
'title': {'label': 'Vehicle Production of Factory B', 'loc': 'left',
˓'fontsize': 12}
313: {
'values': data['Factory C'] / 1000,
'labels': [f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in data['Factory C'].items()],
'legend': {'loc': 'upper left', 'bbox_to_anchor': (1.3, 1), 'fontsize': 8},
'title': {'label': 'Vehicle Production of Factory C', 'loc': 'left',
˓'fontsize': 12}
rows=5, # Outside parameter applied to all subplots, same as below
cmap_name="Accent", # Change color with cmap
rounding_rule='ceil', # Change rounding rule, so value less than 1000 will still
˓have at least 1 block
figsize=(5, 5)
fig.suptitle('Vehicle Production by Vehicle Type', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')
fig.supxlabel('1 block = 1000 vehicles', fontsize=8, ha='right')
2.9 Adjust Figures
2.9.1 Figure Size, Background Color, DPI, etc.
Built-in parameters of matplotlib.pyplot.figure could be passed alone with Waffle as FigureClass and PyWaffle
parameters. Some of them are commonly used to adjust figure, like figsize, dpi, facecolor, tight_layout, etc.
Check matplotlib.pyplot.figure for the details.
In the following example, we change the background color of figure by passing color value to facecolor.
fig = plt.figure(
(continues on next page)
14 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle Documentation
(continued from previous page)
values=[30, 16, 4],
colors=["#232066", "#983D3D", "#DCB732"],
facecolor='#DDDDDD' # facecolor is a parameter of matplotlib.pyplot.figure
2.9.2 Plot Location
Use parameter plot_anchor to change the location of plot in the figure.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4],
Parameter tight controls whether tight_layout in matplotlib is called when drawing.
2.9.3 Tight Layout
By default, PyWaffle sets the figure with tight layout. Thus, when showing the plot, the following warning might pop
UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so its
˓results might be incorrect
It is usually not an issue when saving the plot to a file, so it could ignored. If you still want to remove the moving, you
can either suppress warnings through Pythons warnings module, or set PyWaffle parameter tight to False.
2.10 Add Other Elements
Although PyWaffle provides parameters like title and legend to add elements, it is only for plotting waffle charts
after all. To add other elements and make a fancy plot, you can update the figure directly or use the methods provided
by Figure class.
In the following example, we use text() method to add a custom watermark to the figure.
fig = plt.figure(
values=[30, 16, 4]
(continues on next page)
2.10. Add Other Elements 15
PyWaffle Documentation
(continued from previous page)
'boxstyle': 'square',
'lw': 3,
'ec': 'gray',
'fc': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5),
'alpha': 0.3
You may also use method like add_artist to add custom objects, which is not a method of PyWaffle, but its parent
class matplotlib.figure.Figure. See matplotlib.figure.Figure for all available methods.
16 Chapter 2. Examples
PyWaffle installs Font Awesome free version automatically as a dependent package. The package it is trying to install
is the latest version of fontawesomefree.
If you would like to upgrade or downgrade fontawesomefree, and use the specific version within PyWaffle, you can
upgrade fontawesomefree and then reinstall pywaffle. In commands, that is:
# Either upgrade to the latest, or specify a version number
pip install --upgrade fontawesomefree
# OR
pip install fontawesomefree==6.1.1
# Then reinstall pywaffle
pip install --force-reinstall --no-deps pywaffle
Option --force-reinstal ensures icon mapping file in the package would be regenerated, and option --no-deps
avoid package fontawesomefree being upgraded to unexpected version.
To validate the upgrade, you may check the version number at the first line of the icon mapping file. The file path is
<PYTHON_LIB>/pywaffle/ The line should be something like:
# For Font Awesome version: 6.1.1
For how to use Font Awesome with PyWaffle, please visit Plot with Characters or Icons.
PyWaffle Documentation
18 Chapter 3. Font Awesome Integration
class pywaffle.waffle.Waffle(*args, **kwargs)
A custom Figure class to make waffle charts.
values (list|dict|pandas.Series) Numerical value of each category. If it is a dict,
the keys would be used as labels.
rows (int) The number of lines of the waffle chart.
columns (int) The number of columns of the waffle chart.
At least one of rows and columns is required.
If either rows or columns is passed, the other parameter would be calculated automatically
through the absolute value of values.
If both of rows and columns are passed, the block number is fixed and block numbers are
calculated from scaled values.
colors (list[str]|tuple [str], optional) A list of colors for each category. Its
length should be the same as values.
Default values are from Set2 colormap.
labels (list[str]|tuple[str], optional) The name of each category.
If the values is a dict, this parameter would be replaced by the keys of values.
legend (dict, optional) Parameters of matplotlib.pyplot.legend in a dict.
E.g. {‘loc’: ‘’, ‘bbox_to_anchor’: (,), .. . }
See full parameter list in
interval_ratio_x (float, optional) Ratio of horizontal distance between blocks to
block’s width. [Default 0.2]
PyWaffle Documentation
interval_ratio_y (float, optional) Ratio of vertical distance between blocks to
block’s height. [Default 0.2]
block_aspect_ratio (float, optional) The ratio of block’s width to height. [De-
fault 1]
cmap_name (str, optional) Name of colormaps for default color, if colors is not as-
See full list in
[Default ‘Set2’]
title (dict, optional) Parameters of matplotlib.axes.Axes.set_title in a dict.
E.g. {‘label’: ‘’, ‘fontdict’: {}, ‘loc’: ‘’}
See full parameter list in
characters A character in string or a list of characters for each category. [Default None]
font_size Font size of Font Awesome icons.
The default size is not fixed and depends on the block size.
Either an relative value of ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large, ‘x-large,
‘xx-large or an absolute font size.
font_file Path to custom font file.
icons (str|list[str]|tuple[str], optional) Icon name of Font Awesome.
If it is a string, all categories use the same icon;
If its a list or tuple of icons, the length should be the same as values.
See the full list of Font Awesome on
[Default None]
icon_style (str|list[str]|tuple[str], optional) The style of icons to be used.
Font Awesome Icons find an icon by style and icon name.
The style could be ‘brands’, ‘regular’ and ‘solid’. Visit
for detail.
If it is a string, it would search icons within given style.
20 Chapter 4. API Reference
PyWaffle Documentation
If it is a list or a tuple, the length should be the same as values and it means the style for each
[Default ‘solid’]
icon_size (int|str, optional) Font size of Font Awesome icons.
Deprecated! Use font_size instead.
The default size is not fixed and depends on the block size.
Either an relative value of ‘xx-small’, ‘x-small’, ‘small’, ‘medium’, ‘large, ‘x-large,
‘xx-large or an absolute value of font size.
icon_legend (bool , optional) Whether to use icon but not color bar in legend. [De-
fault False]
plot_anchor (str, optional) The alignment method of subplots. {'C', 'SW',
'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W'}
See details in
[Default ‘W’]
plots (dict, optional) Position and parameters of Waffle class for subplots in a dict,
with format like {pos: {subplot_args: values, }, }.
Pos could be a tuple of three integer, where the first digit is the number of rows, the second
the number of columns, and the third the index of the subplot.
Pos could also be a 3-digit number in int or string type. For example, it accept 235 or ‘235’
standing for the Ith plot on a grid with J rows and K columns. Note that all integers must be
less than 10 for this form to work.
The parameters of subplots are the same as Waffle class parameters, excluding plots itself.
If any parameter of subplots is not assigned, it use the same parameter in Waffle class as
default value.
vertical (bool, optional) Whether to draw the plot vertically or horizontally. [De-
fault False]
starting_location (str, optional) Change the starting location plotting the blocks.
{'NW', 'SW', 'NE', 'SE'}
When its ‘NW’, it means plots start from upper-left; ‘SW’ means plots start from
lower-left; ‘NE’ means plots start from upper-right; ‘SE’ means plots start from lower-right.
[Default ‘SW’]
PyWaffle Documentation
rounding_rule (str, optional) The rounding rule applied when adjusting values to
fit the chart size. {'nearest', 'floor', 'ceil'}
When its ‘nearest’, it is “round to nearest, ties to even” rounding mode;
When its ‘floor’, it rounds to less of the two endpoints of the interval;
When its ‘ceil’, it rounds to greater of the two endpoints of the interval.
[Default ‘nearest’]
tight (bool |dict, optional) Set whether and how .tight_layout is called when draw-
It could be bool or dict with keys “pad”, “w_pad”, “h_pad”, “rect” or None
If a bool, sets whether to call .tight_layout upon drawing.
If None, use the figure.autolayout param instead.
If a dict, pass it as kwargs to .tight_layout, overriding the default paddings.
[Default True]
block_arranging_style (string, optional) Set how to arrange blocks.
{'normal', 'snake', 'new-line'}
If it is ‘normal’, it draws blocks line by line with same direction.
If it is ‘snake, it draws blocks with snake pattern.
If it is ‘new-line, it starts with a new line when drawing each category. This only works
when only one of rows and columns is assigned, and vertical=False when rows is
assigned or vertical=True when rows is assigned.
[Default ‘normal’]
classmethod make_waffle(ax: Axes, **kwargs)
Plot waffle chart on given axis. Run it with codes like: Waffle.make_waffle(ax=ax, rows=5,
values=[48, 46, 6])
Note that calling this method does not update attributes, including fig_args, plot_args, and
ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes) An instance of Matplotlib Axes
**kwargs Waffle properties
Waffle.fig_args: Dict
All Waffle-specific arguments with default values
Waffle.plot_args: List
Standardized arguments of all subplots
Waffle.values_len: int | None
The length of values
22 Chapter 4. API Reference
pywaffle.waffle, 22
PyWaffle Documentation
24 Python Module Index
fig_args (pywaffle.waffle.Waffle attribute), 22
make_waffle() (pywaffle.waffle.Waffle class method),
pywaffle.waffle, 19, 22
plot_args (pywaffle.waffle.Waffle attribute), 22
module, 19, 22
values_len (pywaffle.waffle.Waffle attribute), 22
Waffle (class in pywaffle.waffle), 19