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Series Description
The 1966 Principal File houses the main office files of Dwight Eisenhower’s Gettysburg Office.
Two subseries, a subject and an alphabetical file, make up this series. The twenty-box subject file
has files arranged by categories, such as appointments, Eisenhower Center, education,
Eisenhower name, foreign affairs, Freedoms Foundation, gifts, invitations, medals-awards,
memberships, messages, People-to-People, political affairs, public relations, publications,
servicemen and veterans, and trips. Documentation in this subseries consists of correspondence,
schedules, articles, memoranda, and reports. The thirty-two box Alphabetical Subseries is
arranged in alphabetical order by the name of the individual or organization corresponding with
Eisenhower or his staff. Correspondence, printed materials, articles, statements, memoranda,
reports, transcripts, and lists are found in this subseries.
A sizeable portion of the correspondence in this series deals with routine matters, including
appointments, autograph requests, gifts, invitations, and requests for special messages or
statements. Eisenhower’s staff frequently had to inform individuals as to the general’s policies
on autographs, telephone conversations, and live interviews.
Dwight Eisenhower’s views on a wide variety of issues, trends, and events are recorded in
letters, memoranda, interview transcripts, messages, and articles. 1960s issues he commented on
included Vietnam, universal military training, youth, demonstrations, population growth, birth
control, inflation, NATO, term limits for U.S. legislators and judges, the John Birch Society,
prayer in public schools, Supreme Court decisions, moral and spiritual values, the “military-
industrial complex,” and the domestic policies of the Johnson Administration. He also
commented on World War II events, leadership, and strategy, as well as the accomplishments of
his presidency. The appointment of Earl Warren to the Supreme Court and Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles’ “brinkmanship” strategy are two subjects which also received his attention.
In one interview he reflected on the roles of such outstanding leaders in the past as George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Robert E. Lee.
There is considerable correspondence in this series regarding Republican politics and the 1966
congressional and gubernatorial races. Eisenhower urged Republicans to unite, and he supported
such candidates as Ronald Reagan, Edward Brooke, George Bush, Mark Hatfield, and others. He
offered suggestions as to potential Republican presidential candidates for 1968.
Eisenhower continued to maintain contacts with many prominent individuals. This series
includes correspondence with Konrad Adenauer, General Omar Bradley, Warren Burger, Walter
Cronkite, Bob Hope, Bobby Jones, Lord Mountbatten, Richard Nixon, Arnold Palmer, Charles
Percy, Gary Player, Ronald Reagan, Nelson Rockefeller, William Scranton, Lord Tedder, Harry
Truman, John Wayne, and General Westmoreland.
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Former staff members from his Administration continued to correspond with the ex-president.
General Andrew Goodpaster, General Alfred Gruenther, Oveta Culp Hobby, Neil McElroy,
Anne Wheaton, and Ann C. Whitman were among those who had contact with their former boss.
Eisenhower also sent letters to a number of former members of his Administration and suggested
they consider donating their personal papers to his presidential library.
Although most of the files in the Alphabetical Subseries represent his correspondence with an
individual for 1966, in a few cases the file contains accumulated correspondence for a number of
years. Eisenhower’s files of correspondence with Charles Halleck and Charles Percy cover the
period from 1963 to 1966. His file for the Pitcairn family has copies of letters from 1952 to 1967.
This series contains transcripts of several interviews of Dwight Eisenhower by various
journalists and writers as well as articles based on such interviews. These materials contain his
comments on a wide variety of historic events as well as 1960s issues.
Eisenhower had the policy of never commenting publicly on articles or books which were critical
of his actions, strategy, or policies in World War II or as president. However, he frequently
commented on such matters in his private correspondence. He criticized journalists and
historians who he believed had misquoted him, made unfounded allegations, misinterpreted what
he had done, or made outright errors in their presentation of the facts.
There are numerous references to Eisenhower’s continuing health problems in this series. While
his health concerns reduced the length and frequency of his travels, he still managed a number of
trips to such places as Abilene, the White House, Chicago, Kansas City, New York City, and
Augusta. In December 1966 he had a gall bladder operation at Walter Reed. Other personal
matters reflected in this series include Ike and Mamie’s 50
wedding anniversary and the re-
interment of their son Doud Dwight, “Icky,” at the Eisenhower Center in Abilene, Kansas.
Despite health problems, occasional trips, and voluminous correspondence, Eisenhower still
found time to work on books and articles. Articles written by Eisenhower for Reader’s Digest are
found in this series, along with hand-edited drafts. Correspondence between Eisenhower and
Doubleday executives includes references to Mandate for Change
and Waging Peace as well as
sales figures for the two volumes.
A number of documents with unique and interesting information can be found scattered
throughout this series. A memorandum supporting General Eisenhower as the Democratic
nominee for president, a memo by Warren Burger regarding the Harold Stassen candidacy and
nominating convention in 1952, and letters from high school students on the draft are in the 1966
Principal File. Other historical tidbits include references to Eisenhower’s boyhood and West
Point years, a description of the pistol he carried during the war, correspondence with an Army
nurse in Vietnam, criticism of the way western novels portray the Army, books that influenced
him, information on citizens of France and Belgium who assisted American forces during the
war, and an explanation of the design for the windows of the chapel in Abilene.
A number of items have been removed from the series. Fifteen items have been transferred to the
museum. One hundred and sixty-six still photographs and one slide have been transferred to the
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audiovisual collection. Forty-eight pages of documents have been closed under the donor’s deed
of gift. Two hundred and ninety pages of original documents were removed, placed in the
protective storage, and replaced with copies. There are no security classified documents in this
The 1966 Principal File provides an excellent resource for writers and historians looking for
candid reflections of an ex-president on many different issues, trends, and events. While a
sizeable share of this series consists of routine correspondence, there are numerous materials
which reflect his thinking on various matters as well as his comments on how writers and
historians were interpreting his leadership efforts in World War II and during his presidency.
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Box No.
1 Subject Subseries
File Manual for Subject File [description of filing scheme and primary subjects;
list of names for special correspondence files]
AP-1 Appointments Accepted (December 1, 1966) [article by Harold MacDonald
based on interview with Eisenhower, comments on war, peace, youth, Vietnam,
and daily activities; Presidential Prayer Breakfast]
AP-1 Appointments Accepted (October 8, 1966) (1)-(3) [German Army WWII
insignia; H. Taswell—ambassador of South Africa; NASA history project; John
H. Reed, Governor of Maine; Malcolm Moos; junior high group; political
candidates for photos with Eisenhower; Eisenhower considering irrigation system
for farm; Gov. Romney, 11-14-63; Salvation Army; Bryce Harlow; Charles
AP-1 Appointments Accepted—National Advisory Commission on Selective
Service (Interview, 10-6-66) [Eisenhower’s views on universal military training]
AP-1 Appointments Accepted (May-October 1966) (1)-(6) [transcript of interview
by Marvin Arrowsmith, 10-7-66, discusses farming operation, political issues,
economic problems, Vietnam War, crime and rioting in cities, rights of minorities,
civil rights legislation, and population growth; Asian journalists; Gov. Tim
Babcock of Montana; Courtney Brown and Clifford Nelson, American Assembly;
Warren E. Burger; interview of Eisenhower by Honore Catudal re Berlin Wall
and Blockade, German reunification, Khrushchev, U.S. troops in Europe, Gen. de
Gaulle, Adenauer, Churchill, Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Russians, decision to
divide up Berlin; transcripts of interviews with Gen. Maxwell Taylor and
Ambassador Robert Murphy; George Goddard, air reconnaissance; Ben Hibbs;
Republican candidates; gift of woven rug; Lions and People to People peace essay
contest; President and Mrs. Marcos, 9-16-66, schedule for visit to U.S.; Lord
Mountbatten; Pennsylvania Heart Assoc.-humanitarian award; Commission on
Selective Service; 50
wedding anniversary interviews]
AP-2 Appointments Declined (1)
2 AP-2 Appointments Declined (2)(3) [Robert Schulz to Hirschfeld re ground rules
for interviews; Morris Katz-postcards with portrait of Eisenhower; National
Football Hall of Fame; Eisenhower donated stamp collection to Cardinal
Spellman Philatelic Museum, Regis College, Weston, Massachusetts]
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AP-3 Appointments (Tentative) [1966 congressional elections; Senator George
Murphy; Virgil Pinkley-resurgence of Republican Party; Clarence Schoobridge,
golf, Bob Jones; Fred Seaton; Abbott Washburn; Voice of America]
AP-4 Appointments (Cancelled) [ground rules for interview; Donovan Medal
awarded to Eisenhower; Eisenhower College Trustees meeting; Leonard Hall-
Republicans and congressional elections; December gall bladder operation;
Relman “Pat” Morin, Associated Press; Clarence Randall, South Africa; Sinclair
Weeks; Tuskegee Institute]
BE Business-Economics [Arthur Burns, worker productivity; container for
carrying frozen foods; response to rumor that oil companies paid for the
Eisenhower farm; farm operation; Clifford Roberts re personal financial holdings]
EC Eisenhower Center [Sam Heller and Harry Darby re transfer of property to
U.S. Government]
EC-1 Eisenhower Chapel (1)(2) [plans for funeral train from Washington to
Abilene; correspondence with Harry Darby and Aksel Nielsen re transfer of Doud
Dwight (Icky) Eisenhower’s remains from Denver to Abilene; Louise
Eisenhower; contributors to building fund for chapel; quit claim deed; articles of
incorporation of Eisenhower Library Associates, Inc.; list of contributors and
amounts donated]
EC-2 Eisenhower Home [birthplace in Denison, Texas]
EC-3 Eisenhower Library (1)(2) [correspondence re solicitation for materials for
the Library; Judge Warren Burger; Ray Bliss; Dr. John Wickman; Library opened
for research, 11-17-66; photos of Eisenhower by George Tames, New York
Times; Eisenhower to Dr. John Wickman re 1952 Convention; Eisenhower
College Committee exhibition of Eisenhower paintings; Abilene High School
yearbooks; agreement to process pre-presidential papers; Lewis Strauss; memo of
1963 meeting re appointment of Dr. Aeschbacher as director of Eisenhower
Library, reluctance of Edgar Eisenhower to approve transferring the Eisenhower
Center to government, and solicitation of materials from former members of
Eisenhower’s Administration]
EC-3-1 Shipments to Library
EC-4 Acquisition of Cabinet Papers-1964 [lists of White House staff members,
Cabinet members, and military associates and drafts of letters to be sent under
Eisenhower’s signature suggesting they donate materials to the Library]
EC-4 Eisenhower Museum
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ED Education (1)(2) [Columbia University Oral History Program; Eisenhower
letter to Brownlow re youth of America, demonstrations, crowd activities,
demagogues, good teachers, facing problems, and measure of success; program
for ARCS Science Ball; Sargent Shriver, Upward Bound program; Defiance
College; brochure on banking]
EN Eisenhower Name [Eisenhower Ski Trophy; list of schools and educational
buildings named for Eisenhower]
3 EN-1 Eisenhower Name (Requests Denied)
EN-2 Eisenhower Name (Name Used) [public schools; ski trophy; locomotive;
school paper; golf trophy; residence hall; account of effort to get Theodore
Roosevelt to head the Boy Scouts; Eisenhower Exchange Fellows; National
Railroad Museum; scholarship fund]
EN-2 Eisenhower College (1)-(6) [letter to Mrs. Hilson re painting by
Eisenhower, gift to college, and health; correspondence re gifts to college; letter
to student in Ghana; correspondence with John Rosenkrans, President of
Eisenhower College; gift from Israeli Government; Eisenhower Exchange
Fellows; Carl Norgren; Warren E. Burger; Neil McElroy; Eisenhower Golden
Wedding Anniversary celebration; Parade article on Dwight and Mamie; lists of
contributors to college; Harry Darby; Walt Disney; Gen. Alfred Gruenther; report
on meeting of Committee for the Promotion of a New Liberal Arts College;
booklets on college]
EN-2 Eisenhower Medical Center (1)(2) [Pollard Simons; Stouffer Foundation;
Bob Hope; proposed schedule for building the Center; Delores Hope, President;
memo by Rusty Brown re renaming hospital, 2-22-66]
EM Employment Assistance [John Anderson re judgeship; letter re loss of USIA
job in 1953; Mrs. Ellen C. Schwab, former WAC officer; Miss Barrie Ann Brown
leaves Gettysburg office for IBM; letter to Commissioner of Immigration to
facilitate immigration of Chinese domestic help for the Cochran-Odlum Ranch]
FA Foreign Affairs (1)-(3) [Eisenhower to Sir Francis De Guingand re desire to
take a trip to South Africa; International Court case involving South Africa;
question re different dates for signing armistice and “termination of combat
activities” in Korea; question regarding Eisenhower’s support for UNICEF;
Eisenhower re Vietnam War; Congressional report on U.S. involvement in
Vietnam; spiritual and intellectual standards; Clarence Randall; National Student
Committee for the Defense of Vietnam; Admiral Arleigh Burke re Korea]
FA Foreign Affairs (Vietnam) (1)(2) [Eisenhower to Gen. Waters re strategy
against Viet Cong; letter to soldier in Vietnam re Gen. Westmoreland and
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possibility of trip to area; orphanage in Vietnam; troop morale; Eisenhower
endorses Freedom House statement supporting U.S. policy in Vietnam;
correspondence from Mennonite Church leader, Alvin J. Beachy, critical of
Freedom House statement and Vietnam policy; George Gallup re opinion poll on
universal military training; Eisenhower comments on U.S. efforts in Vietnam and
conditions soldiers face; congressional elections; Eisenhower comments on
nuclear weapons; Howard K. Smith report on Vietnam War]
4 FA 1-1 Foreign Affairs (NATO) [Eisenhower comments on future of NATO]
FA 1-2 Foreign Affairs (United Nations) [William H. Draper-Population Crisis
Committee-population and family planning; Eisenhower supports revising the
United Nations Charter, opposes admission of mainland China]
FF Freedoms Foundation (1)-(4) [fundraising and financial reports; Eisenhower
resigns as Chairman (1965) and as a Director (9-21-66); 1965 speeches by
Kenneth Wells; seminar program]
FI Finance [inflation and government spending; remarks by Raymond J. Saulnier;
balanced budget]
GI Gifts [empty folder]
GI-1 Gifts From the General [Arnold Palmer; Eisenhower College; Arthur Burns;
Richard Nixon; Eisenhower gives philatelic material to Cardinal Spellman]
GI-2 Gifts to the General (Dec. 12-31, 1966) (1)-(6) [William Pawley; Gettysburg
Address put to music; Bing Crosby; Bobby Jones; Roger Firestone; Bob Hope;
Homer Gruenther; Bud Maytag; Randolph Scott; Helms Hall Board; comments on
Eisenhower’s health]
5 GI-2 Gifts to the General (Dec. 12-31, 1966) (7)-(9) [Mrs. Russell Stover; Oveta
Culp Hobby; Andrew Goodpaster; Norman Cousins; Willy the Clown; Ray Bliss;
Cherry Hills Country Club newsletter]
GI-2 Gifts to the General (Nov. 1-Dec. 10, 1966) (1)-(5) [J. Edgar Hoover; J.
Willard Marriott; Gary Player; book on European tour of Broward Williams, State
Treasurer of Florida; Eisenhower made an honorary member of the Boy Scouts
“Order of the Arrow;” Omar Bradley; Ken Venturi; Forrest Pogue; dinner
program for 50
Anniversary of the PGA; 1860 campaign letter; letter to Lord
Tedder re Tedder’s book and differences between U.S. and British military staff
and command systems]
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GI-2 Gifts to the General (Oct. 13-31, 1966) (1)-(4) [newsletter for Cardinal
Spellman Philatelic Museum, article on Eisenhower stamp collection; Tank Corps
Association; letter to Barrie Ann Brown and attempts at charcoal drawings; Ann
C. Whitman re former members of Eisenhower’s administration; Eisenhower
reference to Denver as “my favorite city;” letter to Gills re Mamie playing
“Bolivia games;” humorous cards from Roger Firestone; trip to Kniseley’s farm;
Sigurd Larmon-poem re Eisenhower at age 76; John Wickman to Eisenhower re
1904 Class Day Exercises and speech; missing bowl; diagram from Lelia Picking
identifying members of Abilene High School Class of 1909 in photographs]
GI-2 Gifts to the General (Jan. 14-Oct. 12, 1966) (1)(2) [oversize birthday card;
Republican Heritage Calendar; illustrated book of quotations by famous people
made by Sunday School and Art Class children in Bryn Maur, Pennsylvania;
Allen Dulles]
6 GI-2 Gifts to the General (Jan. 14-Oct. 12, 1966) (3)-(7) [bronze medal re WWII;
religious tracts; Jefferson Davis’ letters; comment on phony politicians; photo of
painting of Eisenhower Farm before renovation; Harry Reasoner; Frank Stanton,
CBS; letter to Dr. Paul White re health and indigestion; 1920 passport photo of
Mamie; Konrad Adenauer, former chancellor of Germany]
IV Invitations
IV-1 Invitations (Accepted) [present prizes to winners of Heart Fund Golf
IV-2 Invitations Declined (Dec. 1-29, 1966) (1)-(3) [Eisenhower policy re
telephone conversations; Cherry Hills Country Club; Ronald Reagan, his
inauguration as Governor of California; William Scranton, Governor of
Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Awards for Excellence; Grayson Kirk, President of
Columbia University]
IV-2 Invitations Declined (Nov. 4-29, 1966) (1)-(5) [People-to-People, Sister-City
Program; Columbia University; television show, “Hot Line;” Pennsylvania State
Chamber of Commerce 50
anniversary; statement re First Infantry Division]
7 IV-2 Invitations Declined (Oct. 10-31, 1966) (1)-(4) [Forrest Pogue]
IV-2 Invitations Declined (Jan.-Oct. 1966) (1)-(8) [Fred Waring; Korea Society;
United Nations We Believe program; California Political Forum; PGA;
conference on universal military training, the draft; many invitations turned down
for health reasons or not wanting to leave California in the winter; Mayor Sam
Yorty; Eisenhower describes health problems in letter to Neil McElroy; New
York Board of Trade; Boy Scouts; Saturday Evening Post article, “Danger From
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Within,” by Eisenhower; Freedoms Foundation; Arnold Palmer; inability to play
golf; Homer Gruenther; Allan Shivers; AMVETS]
IV-3 Invitations Tentative [discusses possibility of visit to Canada; Herbert
8 MA Medals-Awards [speech by Don Belding at Woodbury College;
correspondence re Eisenhower’s uniforms and foreign decorations, Mme.
Tussand’s Waxworks; Humanitarian Award, Pennsylvania Heart Association;
Charles Evans Hughes Medal; Arthur F. Burns-Eisenhower awarded honorary
membership; list of honorary degrees given to Eisenhower (24)]
MB Memberships [Council on Foreign Relations]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted (August-December 1966) (1)-(8) [Family of Man
Award; Tennis Club; Bal Swan-Colorado Fishing License; PGA; English-
Speaking Union; La Quinta Country Club; Korean Cultural and Freedom
Foundation and Radio of Free Asia – statement of support by Eisenhower and
recommendations that he not allow his name to be used for fund raising; Seven
Lakes Country Club; Thomas A. Dooley Foundation; Presbyterian Church-50
Million Fund; RNC Committee on Convention Reforms; Project Show Boat-
Thomas A. Dooley Foundation; YMCA; United Nations Association-report on
issues and policies; Board of Associates, Gettysburg College; Council on Foreign
Relations; honorary citizen of Michigan; Herbert Hoover Library Dedication
Committee; American Legion; Augusta National Golf Club; Blind Brook Club;
Bohemian Club]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted (Business Council) (1)-(3) [memos, reports,
speeches, and statements at meetings; list of members; agenda, minutes of
meeting; membership and committee books)
9 MB-1 Memberships Accepted (Fair Campaign Practices Committee) [letters and
memoranda re charges of unfair practices by Congressman Broyhill; criticism of
committee; RNA use of edited speech excerpts by President Johnson]
MB-2 Memberships Declined [Eisenhower comments on honorary positions and
use of name; Studebaker Family National Association]
ME Messages
ME-1 Messages (1)(2) [Robert T. Jones, Jr.; Admiral Richard E. Byrd; Leverett
Saltonstall; Eddie Folliard; Edward L. Beach, reasons for retiring from Navy;
handwritten message re Antarctic Treaty and Admiral Byrd; Byron G. Stout, Jr.,
Wichita auto dealer; Robert B. Anderson; Arthur Krock; Major General Sir
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Kenneth W. D. Strong; Theodore S. Repplier, President of Advertising Council;
Martha Allen, Camp Fire Girls; Field Marshall Lord Alexander]
ME-1-1 Messages-Anniversaries (1)-(3) [Tuskegee Institute]
ME-1-2 Messages-Birthdays (1)-(3) [Susan and Mary Eisenhower; Everett
Dirksen; Konrad Adenauer; Agnes Stover; Neil McElroy; letter to Brig. Gen.
Cannon re Mamie’s desire to leave farm and move to city and political campaign;
letter to Frank Rackley on life after fifty; Leonard Hall; Sherman Adams]
ME -1-3 Messages-Condolences (1)(2) [Maurice Stans; Charles Case; President
Lyndon B. Johnson; Senator Harry Byrd; reference to Bob Hope in letter to Jerry
Colonna; Clarence Schoo; George C. Marshall; Charles Percy; 1953-54 leaflet for
Ground Observer Corps with letter from Edward Kalb; SFC James Martin, on
Eisenhower’s household staff at Ft. Myer and at NATO; Mrs. Nimitz]
10 ME-1-4 Messages-Wedding Congratulations [daughter of Billy Graham]
ME-2 Messages-to Children
ME-3 Messages-Organizations (1)(2) [Gen. Westmoreland; Gettysburg College
Choir; West Point football coach; Population Crisis Committee, booklet reprints
Eisenhower letter re population control; English-Speaking Union; Bob Hope
Desert Classic; Abilene VFW and American Legion; Program for Bob Hope
Desert Classic; Veterans Day message for Junior High School; American
ME-4 Messages Denied (1)(2) [People-to-People; WSIV-Eisenhower does not
make statements over the telephone; Eisenhower comments on article by
NS National Security (1)(2) [Eisenhower comments on study committees and
current Administration; Eisenhower policy re charges and accusations]
PE People-to-People (1)-(5) [seasons greeting cards to be sent out under
Eisenhower’s name and lists of recipients; letter to Walt Disney re being chairman
of the board; newsletters; resignation as chairman of board of People-to-People;
award to Bob Hope; Sacred Torch Ceremony; 10
anniversary of People-to-
11 PE People-to-People (6) [Eisenhower letter to Queen Elizabeth; trustee of People-
PL Political Affairs [article by Warren Burger, “The Courts on Trial”]
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PL-1 Political Affairs-Complaints, Criticisms [Lyndon B. Johnson labels
Republicans the Party of fear]
PL-2 Political Affairs-Conventions [Reagan has large delegation at Republican
Governors meeting]
PL-3 Political Affairs-Elections, Campaigns (1)-(9) [Eisenhower comments on
need for Republican Party to unite in 1967; Fred Seaton; rules Eisenhower wants
potential Republican candidates to follow; results of 1966 elections; Governor
Avery’s loss in Kansas; Ruth M. Briggs; Eisenhower letter to Ray Bliss
suggesting they meet with prospective candidates for 1968 presidential race;
correspondence discussing political developments; list of Republican governors
and senators; David Kendall; Henry Sayler; Charles Percy; George Murphy-
California; list of Republican and Democratic nominees for Senate, House, and
for Governor and other state offices; Nelson Rockefeller; Leland Kalmbach re Ed
Brooke; Earl Eisenhower runs for County Clerk; Eisenhower sent money to
Reagan campaign; letters and statements by Eisenhower endorsing various
candidates; Eisenhower wrote letters in support of Brooke; George Wallace;
Richard Nixon; Eisenhower disagrees with Brooke re guaranteed minimum
annual wage; radio and television campaign spots; George Bush, letter and
brochure; letter from Nancy Reagan; Howard Baker; John Grenier; Karl Mundt;
Asian peace talks; Mark Hatfield; Republican Fact Book 1966 Election
Campaign-annotations and comments by Eisenhower re quote attributed to Jack
Anderson and Drew Pearson, Bay of Pigs, and alleged U.S.-Russian agreement]
PL-4 Political Affairs-Funds [Nelson Rockefeller; Charles Percy]
PL-5 Political Affairs-Political Statements (1) [Eisenhower comments on dealing
with arthritic pain; Richard Nixon predicts Republican gains; Edward Brooke;
Eisenhower memo re criticism of his administration and list of its
accomplishments; Eisenhower indicates he is skeptical that congressional
experience is a good preparation for the presidency, comments, “The Presidency
is a lonely place.”]
12 PL-5 Political Affairs-Political Statements (2) [proposals re Vietnam]
PL-6 Political Affairs-Publicity [Senate Republican Memo re various issues]
PL-6-1 Political Affairs-General [Eisenhower supports Reagan and Republican
ticket in California; statements by Senators Dirksen and Ford as Republican
leaders; draft statements re farm problem, inflation, the need for a Republican
Congress, and morality and crime]
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PL-7 Political Affairs-Republican National Committee (1)-(6) [letters and
Republican National Committee materials from A. B. Hermann and Ray Bliss; list
of Republican nominees for federal and statewide offices; Republican National
Committee report on rising costs of living and fiscal policies of government;
report on trends in public opinion; booklet, “Elements of Victory”]
PL-8 Political Affairs-Greetings, Congratulations (1)-(4) [memo supporting
Eisenhower as Democratic nominee for presidency (c. 1948 or 1952); Robert
Taft, Jr.; John Volpe; Edward Brooke; John Tower; James Rhodes; Mark
Hatfield; Carl Curtis; William Scranton; Strom Thurmond; J. Caleb Boggs;
Winthrop Rockefeller; John Chafee; Walter Hickel; Karl Mundt; Ronald Reagan;
Howard Baker; Nelson Rockefeller; George Romney; James Pearson; Charles
Halleck; Charles Percy; Cliff Hansen; Ruth Briggs; Garner Shriver; Eisenhower
letter to Gordon Gray re training Cuban refugees; book, “The Story of Paul G.
Hoffman” by Crane Haussamen]
PR Public Relations [memo re boulder for mounting National Historic Landmark
plaque for Eisenhower Farm]
PR-1 Public Relations-Anonymous, Illegible Communications
13 PR-2 Public Relations-Criticisms, Complaints [paper by French writers criticizing
General de Gaulle; Eisenhower comments on U-2 incident and disputes misquote
by Robert Erwin; Vietnam policy; use of Eisenhower’s image]
PR-3 Public Relations-Favors (1)-(7) [West Point reunion; 1941 Chrysler;
football game with Tufts; 1953 choral group; Eisenhower and Berlin issue;
endorses Dr. Thomas Mattingly; D-Day means “departure date;” Clarence
Francis-Nutrition Foundation; places associated with Eisenhower; article on
Navy; Eisenhower’s doctors; aircraft Eisenhower used; Eisenhower named after
evangelist Dwight L. Moody; William Ewald re Eisenhower’s response to
criticism; Ewald a member of Council on Foreign Relations; Battle of Fort
Necessity, 1754; Eisenhower residence in Gettysburg, 1918; Eisenhower contacts
INS re visas for Odlums’ domestic help; booklet on nuclear-powered autoplane;
troops in Vietnam]
PR-3-1 Public Relations-Autographs, Photographs (1)-(4) [signature on Columbia
diploma; policies re autographs; plates signed by Eisenhower; Eisenhower does
not autograph books written by other authors; note from Mary Jane McCaffree;
1948 article on Eisenhower’s boyhood by former Abilene resident; newsletter for
Pennsylvania Railroad]
14 PR-3-1 Public Relations-Autographs, Photographs (5) [leaf sent to Eisenhower;
child’s letter with references to flying saucers]
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PR-3-1-1 Public Relations-Philatelic (1)(2) [limit of one autograph per requester;
Eisenhower only autographs material when he is involved; Robert Schulz denies
Eisenhower ever used a signature machine or had anyone sign for him]
PR-3-2 Public Relations-Contributions (1)(2) [Dwight D. Eisenhower Research
Fund for Cerebral Palsy; American Assembly; Council on Foreign Relations;
Smithsonian Institution; School of the Ozarks; charity auctions-occasional
donations of personalized golf balls]
PR-3-3 Public Relations-Eisenhower Lineage
PR-3-4 Public Relations-Forewords, Prefaces [foreword for book on Army-Navy
football series by Col. Weyand; policy of doing forewords only for friends and
close associates; preface for CBS presidential project; Eisenhower expresses
preference for Walter Cronkite as an interviewer; foreword to biography of
Charles Halleck; foreword for journal of Warsaw Ghetto Resistance
PR-3-5 Public Relations-Hand-signed Frank
PR-3-6 Public Relations-Paintings (1)(2) [policies re paintings, not for sale, not
for public display, given only to friends, a personal matter for own enjoyment; ten
WWII paintings donated by Mrs. Roy Clayburn to Army, Chief of Military
History; portrait of Eisenhower by C. Harrison Conroy, donated to Eisenhower
Community School, Flint, Michigan; Eisenhower has painting by Montague
Dawson; charcoal portrait of Eisenhower by George Pollard; oil painting of
Japanese fisherman by Mrs. Betty Myers; painting by Joseph Dolejsi, “Sinking of
the Bismarck”]
PR-4 Public Relations-Photographs [aerial photos of Gettysburg Farm by Marine
Helicopter Squadron One; color postcard with picture of Mamie’s Cottage at
Augusta National Golf Club]
PR-5-1-1 Public Relations-Publicity, Broadcasts, Telecasts, Tapes, Films (1)(2)
[Eisenhower doesn’t appear on news programs on an exclusive basis; Eisenhower
segment cropped from Republican National Committee film critical of President
Lyndon B. Johnson; text for speech by Eisenhower on Republican National
Committee film; text for audio tape for youth banquet; correspondence with Omar
Bradley; Florence Engle Northcott writes of childhood experiences in Abilene,
Kansas; statement re President Hannah of Michigan State University;
correspondence with Mountbatten discusses his role in invasion of Normandy;
CBS show, “Young Mr. Eisenhower;” letter from Mrs. Rodney H. Smith, widow
of one of Eisenhower’s football coaches at West Point; statement re General
Sarnoff; statements re two-party system and Senator Robert Griffin; interview
with Gen. Stackpole]
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PR-5-1-1 Public Relations-Military Churchill (1)(2) [script for television show,
“The Military Churchill,” Eisenhower interviewed by Alistair Cooke; NBC show,
Eisenhower on Lincoln; Eisenhower-Cooke correspondence re U.S.-British
relations during WWII and directive for Operation Overlord]
15 PR-5-1-2 Public Relations-Press Conferences [draft statement re use of nuclear
weapons in Vietnam]
PR-5-1-3 Public Relations-Publicity Releases-Press, Radio, and TV [Eisenhower
re limiting terms of U.S. legislators and judges; Eisenhower-bipartisan on foreign
affairs and partisan on domestic policies; population explosion and birth control;
statement on Republican gains in November elections; article by Marvin
Arrowsmith based on interview with Eisenhower on Vietnam and use of nuclear
weapons; statement re Richard Nixon]
PR-5-1-4 Public Relations-Publicity-Clippings (1)-(3) [David Eisenhower and
Julie Nixon at debutante ball; Errett Scrivner; Lyndon Johnson; Virgil Pinkley;
article with picture of lodge at Sylvania Club near Marquette, Michigan where
Eisenhower and three brothers reportedly stayed in 1961; Berkeley rally;
Eisenhower supports Reagan for Governor; universal draft; United Nations
luncheon, Eisenhower and Truman; article on Eisenhower at Palm Springs and
Eldorado Country Club; Milton Eisenhower; reviews of Waging Peace]
PR-5-1-4 Public Relations-Publicity-Clippings Sent by Seaton [50
PR-6 Public Relations-Thank You Letters (1)-(8) [Mark Hatfield; Edward
Rickenbacker; Christmas letter or annual report for West Point Class of 1913;
Paul A. Hodgson, West Point roommate; Edwin Parker-new golf clubs; Joyce
Hall; Nelson Rockefeller; letters from school kids; Charles Percy; Andrew
Goodpaster; Omar Bradley; A. J. Leonard recounts incident at Camp Colt in
1918; Wade Haislip; John McCormack; Arnold Palmer; Oveta Culp Hobby;
James Gault; Robert Bahmer, Archivist of the U.S., re report on Eisenhower’s
papers; memo by Warren Burger re Stassen candidacy in 1952 and Minnesota’s
role in nominating Eisenhower at the Republican National Convention; David
Sarnoff; Ben Hibbs; Lord Mountbatten; Messiah College; Tomas C. Benitez re
serving with Eisenhower in 1939 in the Philippines and successive meetings;
biographical booklet, “Francisca Tirona Benitez,” Philippine educator; Col.
16 PR-6 Public Relations-Thank You Letters (9) [Ferdinand Marcos, President of
Philippines; 7
Armored Division reunion]
Page 15 of 41
PR-7 Public Relations-Complimentary Letters [J. P. Pattin re boyhood days in
Abilene; Eisenhower re first game of golf in a year and Eisenhower College]
PU Publications [notes on Charles McAdam-McNaught syndicate offer to
Eisenhower to publish articles he wrote; Doubleday & Co.]
PU-1 Publications-Articles Written by the General (1)-(4) [advertisement for
article by Eisenhower in Reader’s Digest; Eisenhower statement on troop
reduction in Europe; Eisenhower article for Paris Herald-Tribune
calls for
reduction of U.S. troops in Europe; hand-edited drafts of article; Eisenhower
objections to article in U.S. News & World Report based on interview with him
used direct quotes; Eisenhower comments on Vietnam War; comments and article
on universal military training; Warren E. Burger re age and term limits for federal
judges; Eisenhower re “security;” letters to Eisenhower from a high school class
re UMT, both for and against]
PU-2 Publications-Books by General [correspondence with Doubleday re At
Ease; selection of title; Eisenhower comments on roles of Churchill and Marshall
in WWII; Eisenhower letter to Lord Tedder re meeting at Brussels with
Montgomery on September 10, 1944 re future operations in Europe; Tedder sends
Eisenhower chapter from his own memoirs re incident; article by Eisenhower,
“Brief History of Planning for Procurement and Industrial Mobilization Since the
World War,” 10-2-31, course paper, Army Industrial College]
PU-3 Publications-Other (1)-(4) [article by Clare Booth Luce re Churchill,
Eisenhower, and Kennedy as painters; Eisenhower comments on article in U.S.
News & World Report; Eisenhower policy re accusations and charges; article in
Saturday Review by Richard L. Tobin, “Dwight D. Eisenhower: ‘What I Have
Learned’;” quote by Marshal Joffre re Battle of Marne; Eisenhower criticizes
book, Powers of the President in Foreign Affairs; guide book on Tredyffrin
Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania; universal military training; captions for
photos of Eisenhower to appear in National Geographic
article on the White
House; anecdote and quote by Eisenhower on “push-button” warfare;
correspondence with Saturday Review re article based on interview by Richard
Tobin; transcript of interview of Eisenhower by Tobin, 7-11-66, comments on
George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Benjamin Franklin,
Franklin Roosevelt, George Marshall, Winston Churchill, belief in higher being,
quote by mother re God, Iron Curtain, greatest accomplishments, greatest failure,
books he has liked or been influenced by, United Nations, war, freedom of the
press, political extremists, advice for young people, elements of character, voting
age, 1955 heart attack, hobby of painting, golf, weight (161 pounds), best field
officers in WWII, and personal philosophy; edited draft of interview; quotes by
Eisenhower compiled from his writings and clippings, 1942-1966]
PU-4 Publications-Publications of Interest to the General (1)-(3) [article using
Eisenhower quote on military-industrial complex; article on Lyndon B. Johnson’s
Page 16 of 41
“Credibility Gap;” correspondence with General O’Connor re Tedder’s book and
WWII; Eisenhower policy not to comment on the literary efforts of others; John
D. Rockefeller, III re population problem; Eisenhower defends General Robert E.
Lee; inflation; Messiah College; issues of Finance
and Nation’s Business]
17 PU-4 Publications-Publications of Interest to the General (4)-(15) [issues of
Business Week
; article by Norman Vincent Peale; Search Magazine, articles on
pyramids, mysteries, and religion; GOP Comeback; communications satellites;
Army policies and missions; Lions International-Peace Essay Contest;
assassination of President Lincoln; Gallup Political Index, June 1966—Johnson
popularity, Vietnam, military draft, political affiliation, and death penalty; final
report of 4
special meeting of Inter-American Economic and Social Council;
Rochefort golf course; western books and writing; golf; Atlantic Union; money
and stocks; birth control; American Assembly; booklet in French on chateau at
Rochefort; OAS report on Dominican situation, November 1965; 573
Aircraft Warning Battalion (part of 9
Army), summary of organizational
activities, January 1944 to May 9, 1945]
18 PU-4 Publications-Outside Publications-Gallup Polls (1)-(7) [Romney-Nixon
status; Ronald Reagan’s appeal; Vietnam; GOP gains; George Wallace; admission
of China to United Nations; party best able to avert war; UMT; President Lyndon
B. Johnson’s popularity; registration of guns; racial problems; Robert Kennedy’s
appeal; wage-price freeze; campaign spending; integration; de Gaulle’s policies;
draft; Russians; GOP criticisms of Vietnam policy; inflation; Johnson-Nixon race
in 1968; electoral college; inflation; flying saucers; anti-poverty program;
campaign issues; population explosion; Vietnam peace proposal; Johnson
approval rating; foreign aid; Robert Kennedy-Richard Nixon race in 1968; cost of
living; labor strikes; George Romney]
RM Religious Matters [incident re Eisenhower leg injury as youth; Jacob
Eisenhower, Brethren in Christ; regularity of church attendance; Was Eisenhower
a Jehovah’s Witness?; Eisenhower quote that total security could be found in
prison; “under God” phrase in pledge of allegiance; favorite scripture verse;
spiritual side of man, materialistic values]
SP Speeches [speech by Gov. Scranton, 11-14-66; speech by DAR president;
speech by Vice President Humphrey, 6-11-66]
SV Servicemen and Veterans (1)-(3) [assistance re VA benefits; historical facts re
post-war military governors of Germany; Eisenhower reinstated as General of the
Army on 3-22-61 by PL 87-3; Peter Rupp, proprietor of Moulin Hotel in
Ligneuville, Belgium received award for assisting American personnel in WWII;
Eisenhower re Admiral Cunningham and invasion of Pantelleria; Major General
Leroy Watson re Eisenhower-Churchill meeting in railroad cars to discuss D-Day
Page 17 of 41
plans; wartime organization in Operations Division of Army; Army widows’
pensions; Eisenhower comments re Major General Maurice Rose, Commander of
Army Division, 1944-45; Eisenhower re West Point disciplinary standing and
supports amnesty for suspended football players; military officers who assisted in
Eisenhower’s move from New York City to the White House in 1952-53; General
Sir Richard O’Connor, escaped from Italian prison in WWII; General John S.
Wood, commander of 4
Armored Division in 1944; Marichu Anatol, French
civilian who received Medal of Freedom for assisting Allied soldiers in escaping
from German forces in WWII]
TR Trips [possibility of trip to Japan and Far East; James Hagerty; Roemer
TR Trips-Abilene, 6-3-66 [contributors to fund to build the Place of Meditation;
reinterment of Doud Dwight Eisenhower, 6-3-66; itinerary, schedule, and
passenger manifest]
19 TR Trips-Philadelphia Golf Classic, 8-24-66 [correspondence and newspaper
TR Trips-White House Luncheon, 8-25-66 [list of guests; schedule; letter to
TR Trips-Carlisle Barracks, 8-31-66 [dedication of Dwight D. Eisenhower Chair
of Strategic Appraisal and a ballroom, U.S. Army War College; program; seating
chart for luncheon; schedule]
TR Trips-Tank Corps Reunion, 9-2-66 [newspaper clippings and correspondence]
TR Trips-Arnold Palmer, 9-10&11-66 [schedule and letter]
TR Trips-Anniversary Lunch for People-to-People, 9-13-66 [George Allen;
TR Trips-Walter Reed, 9-14-66
TR Trips-Committee of Convention Reforms, 9-16-66 [recommendations of
committee; schedule; agenda; meet at Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C.;
Ray Bliss; television coverage of conventions; problems on the floor; statistics re
television coverage of 1964 conventions]
TR Trips-Chicago/Baltimore/Washington, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 1966 (1)(2)
[Eisenhower to meet with Republican Coordinating Committee on October 3; four
Eisenhower brothers meet in Chicago, September 29-30; schedule; Radio
Television News Directors Association convention; Earl Eisenhower running for
Page 18 of 41
county clerk in Cook County, Illinois; room and car assignments; itinerary;
fundraising dinner]
TR Trips-Cleveland, 10-5-66 (1)(2) [Stouffer award dinner; schedule; George
Humphrey; program; press release]
TR Trips-Adams County Republican Dinner, 10-6-66 [program; newspaper
clipping; brochures]
TR Trips-Anniversary Dinner People-to-People (Kansas City), 10-8-66 [schedule;
agenda for Board of Trustees meeting; L. P. Cookingham; Walt Disney; Bob
Hope; Joyce Hall; program]
TR Trips-Fort McNair, 10-10-66 [Industrial College of the Armed Forces and
National War College; schedule]
TR Trips-Kniseley Farm, 10-14-66 [schedule]
TR Trips-Association of College Unions-International, 10-17-66
TR Trips-Brandy Rock Farms, 10-18-66 [Eisenhower Farms sells Angus cattle;
hand-annotated booklet on the sale]
TR Trips-New York City, 10-24 to 27-66 [dinner in honor of Henry Wriston,
chairman of the American Assembly; William Paley; Mamie Eisenhower meets
Angela Lansbury, star of the musical, “Mame;” seating list for dinner; schedule]
TR Trips-Harrisburg Airport, 11-7-66 [Eisenhower briefly meets Republican
statewide candidates who are beginning a tour of 30 cities; handwritten note from
Gov. William Scranton]
TR Trips-Board of Associates Luncheon, 11-9-66 [Gettysburg College]
TR Trips-National Conference of Christians and Jews, 11-13-66 (1)(2)
[Eisenhower presented the Charles Evans Hughes Award for Courageous
Leadership in Governmental Service; program; Robert Murphy; Lewis Strauss;
reference to 1916 election; brochure]
TR Trips-SHAPE Dinner, 11-16-66 [schedule; guest list; Alumni banquet; move
to new headquarters; family housing; schooling for children]
TR Trips-Visit with President Johnson, 11-17-66 [part of same trip, November
16-21 to Washington, D.C., Augusta, Georgia, and return to Washington-Walter
Reed Hospital]
Page 19 of 41
TR Trips-Augusta National, 11-17 to 20-66 [letters from school children; Leland
J. “Pete” Kalmbach; checklist for arrival of Eisenhower]
20 TR Trips-Dedication of Walter Reed Memorial, 11-21-66 [part of November 16-
21 trip; schedule]
TR Trips-Nichols Study Group, 12-2-66 [met at home of Thomas Nichols]
TR Trips-Walter Reed Operation, Dec. 1966 (1)-(9) [Eisenhower re operation
(removal of gall bladder) and recovery; Ann Whitman correspondence;
correspondence with Jose A. Mora, Secretary General of the OAS; Harold
Macmillan; Mrs. George Marshall; get well cards and letters; appointment
records, December 16-26; telegram from President Lyndon B. Johnson; letters
from Mamie Eisenhower to well-wishers; Walter Cronkite; Mrs. Roy Eisenhower;
lists of people who sent telegrams, cables, and flowers; Shah of Iran; Joyce Hall;
Barry Goldwater; Edgar and Earl Eisenhower; Sam Goldwyn; Jim Hagerty;
George Meany; Billy Graham; Nelson Rockefeller; President Mateos; Dillon
Anderson; Arthur Radford; John W. McCormack; Jimmy Stewart; letter from
Omar Bradley with signatures of additional members of the class of 1915; Wilton
Persons; Gen. Lucius Clay; Arnold Palmer; Randolph Scott; Senator Charles
Percy; Raymond Saulnier; Sigurd Larmon; Spiro Agnew; Holmes Tuttle-politics]
TR Trips-Walter Reed—News Releases [list of personnel assisting in
Eisenhower’s care; articles and news releases re Eisenhower’s gall bladder
operation, December 6-26, 1966; patient claims his surgery was postponed
because of Eisenhower operation]
TR-1 Trips-Cancelled (1)(2) [National Football Hall of Fame; Republican
Coordinating Committee; Gov. Scranton-highway opening]
21 Alphabetical Subseries
A [American Youth Performs; “Boots” Adams; Richard Nixon; Earl Eisenhower;
Sherman Adams; Konrad Adenauer; letter to Robert Adleman, Eisenhower
comments on what he believes are errors in book on WWII; Spiro Agnew; Arnold
AL (1)(2) [letter to nurse at Walter Reed comments on her attempt to lose weight;
53 honorary degrees; Eisenhower’s medical care; George Allen, People-to-
People; letter to Stephen Ambrose re military plans concerning Berlin in Spring of
1945 and court martial charges in 1920]
American (1)(2) [American Assembly; Eisenhower statement on student lending;
comments on cardiology; statement to American Council for Judaism; Golf Hall
Page 20 of 41
of Fame-Eisenhower nixes Eisenhower Room; American Heart Association;
American Mothers Committee; Red Cross; American Veterans Committee,
Eisenhower comments on military-industrial complex]
American Legion
AM [Schulz letter, 700 U.S. military advisors in South Vietnam in 1961 and no
commitment to send troops]
Anderson [letter to Robert Anderson re golf and hunting]
AN (1)(2) [Walter Annenberg, dinner party, 4-8-66; Eisenhower comments on
government contracts with universities re arms and munitions]
AR (1)(2) [Eisenhower responds to questions re West Point exams,
Bonus March, Panay sinking, Congressional Medal of Honor, Marshall and
Truman Plans, inflation, neutrality, Eisenhower-Dulles relationship, Ho Chi
Minh, Birch Society and radical fringe, and presidential decisions; Fair Campaign
Practices Committee; Eisenhower donates original Churchill letter to Churchill
Junior College, Pontiac, Illinois; Rep. Les Arends; birthday message to Louis
Armstrong; appointment with Marvin Arrowsmith]
Arthritis (1)(2) [Eisenhower statement re arthritis; report]
AS (1)(2) [Victoria Asare, student from Ghana]
22 AT [letter to Greek Orthodox Patriarch; Atlantic Union]
AU (1)(2) [Augusta National Golf Club; Admiral E. Aurand, comments on U.S.
Navy, destroyers, Philippines, and Australia; Governor William Avery; cattle
B (1)(2) [WW I veteran’s story; Robert W. Bahmer, Archivist of U.S.; Col.
Robert L. Stephens, world air speed record holder]
BAK (1)(2) [newspaper clippings re scandals involving Democratic nominee for
Governor of Pennsylvania; Howard Baker]
BAL [Robert L. Balfour, advance man for 1952 campaign; Bob Hope]
BAR (1)-(3) [Major Velma Barkley re orphanage and troop morale in Vietnam;
foreword for book on Eisenhower Library and Museum; inflation; Admiral
Cunningham and North Africa in WWII; Eisenhower policy not to endorse
Republican candidates in the primary elections; Dewey Bartlett, Governor of
Page 21 of 41
BAS [Ronald Reagan; California politics]
BE (1)(2) [Captain Edward Beach; eighteen-year old vote; Eisenhower a member
of the “Cardiac Club;” Lt. Jane Bednarek, nurse at Walter Reed; Travis Beeson,
Republican candidate for Senate in Arkansas]
Belding, Don (1)(2) [personal journal of Don Belding, September-December
1966; Freedoms Foundation; Walt Disney; Woodbury College; J. Edgar Hoover]
BEN [Ambassador Tomas Benitez; Col. Charles I. Bennett; West Point football;
Major General D. V. Bennett; CBS filming Eisenhower at West Point; comments
on book, The Politician by Robert Welch; Ezra Taft Benson]
23 BER [Eisenhower comments on manuscript by Ambrose and his impression of
the Russians in 1942; Irving Berlin; People-to-People, Sacred Torch Ceremony;
St. Germain Golf Club]
BES [Planned Parenthood-World Population, William Draper]
BI (1)(2) [fishing permit and fly; General Sir Richard O’Connor-escaped from
Italian prison during WWII; Society for the Family of Man, Eisenhower an
honorary chairman; comments on John Birch Society and Ronald Reagan; Nixon
appearance in Seattle; birth control; Vietnam War]
BL (1)(2) [Augusta Golf Club; Magna Charta Day Award; Sgt. Thomas Blazina-
service in Texas in 1916; Blind Brook Club]
BLO [Roger Blough; paper on investment tax credit; National Football
Foundation; Blue Ribbon Committee to investigate Vietnam War; Schultz states
that Eisenhower did not use a ghost writer for any of his books; John S.D.
Eisenhower correspondence with Martin Blumenson; Herbert Blunck, Hilton
Bliss, Ray (1)-(5) [Eisenhower thinks Republican leaders should avoid criticism
of other Republicans; Republican National Committee public opinion survey,
opinion trends in late 1966; Republican Coordinating Committee; report on
opinion trends for mid-1966; Lyndon B. Johnson slipping in the polls;
Eisenhower re need for Republican politicians to visit schools and colleges;
papers on federalism and revenue sharing and Republican response to the urban
challenge; paper on U.S. relations with Latin America]
Page 22 of 41
24 BO (1)(2) [Charles E. Bohlen, Ambassador to France, remarks at inauguration of
Eisenhower Pavilion of American Hospital of Paris, 6-8-66; article based on
interview of Eisenhower by college student; Eisenhower comments on medical
treatments; Eisenhower to Frances Bolton re need for Republican candidates to
unite and not criticize each other]
Bolton, Robert (1)(2) [Bolton is identified in the files as Director, Associate
Director, and Acting Director of the Eisenhower Library; correspondence dates
from January 1963 to July 1966; various materials being sent to the Library by
Eisenhower and loaned back to him; form letter and printed cards used by Robert
Schulz in responding to Eisenhower’s mail in 1961]
BON [letter to college students discusses Eisenhower’s views re four-year term
for congressmen; message to West Virginia University; message re Gettysburg
College Choir; correspondence with Veterans of Foreign Wars and letter to
President re closing of some National Cemeteries; letter and poems from second
grade class]
BOS (1)(2) [Eisenhower’s favorite Bible verse; President Bourguiba of Tunisia;
gold bowl from Tiffany; message to survivors of the USS Memphis; West Point
class of 1915]
Boy Scouts [proposed revision of Scout by-laws]
BR (1)-(7) [Omar Bradley; sale catalogue for production sale by Brandy Rock
Farms (owned by Lewis Strauss) and Eisenhower Farms-Angus heifers and bulls
offered for sale are pictured and described; National Goals Commission; Golf
Society of Great Britain; statement of support for Ruth Briggs for Senate from
Rhode Island; Salesman’s Award Banquet; Lord Tedder; letter of support for
Edward Brooke for Senate; Gertrude Brooks re book on first ladies; American
Heritage Foundation; Eisenhower to Miss Barrie Ann Brown re artistic attempts
with pastel crayons; Brown (Rusty) leaves for job at IBM after five years with
Eisenhower; list of gifts to Brown includes two paintings; American Assembly-
Courtney Brown; Governor Edmund Brown-re Eisenhower’s paintings; Lillian
Brown, secretary in Eisenhower’s California office, telegrams to Schulz for
information; Eisenhower to Herbert Brownell with copy of Gallup Poll re
methods of filling government posts; letter to J. Edgar Broyhill; telegram
supporting Garner Shriver; statement by Percival Brundage re NATO to Senate
Foreign Relations Committee; statement by General Norstad to Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, 6-23-66, re NATO and problems it faces]
25 BR (8)(9) [volume of Senate hearings on Atlantic Union resolutions; support for
Atlantic Union Bill; speech by L. B. Pearson, Prime Minister of Canada, re
Atlantic Union; Eisenhower notes errors in biography of him; Eisenhower is
Page 23 of 41
Honorary Vice President of the National Council and life member of the National
Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America; J. A. Brunton]
BU (1)-(5) [correspondence re efforts to protect historic Philadelphia from
expressway; details on changes of command in Germany, 1945-47; Warren
Burger gives Eisenhower an account of events in Minnesota delegation in 1952;
Arthur Burns; Eisenhower comments on economic growth and inflation; speech
by Burns on U.S. economy and fiscal policies; Vietnam; talk by Burns on the
Employment Act; federal budget; Raymond Burr; Eisenhower statement
supporting George Bush for Congress; Richard Byrd; favorite childhood book]
C (1)-(3) [Eisenhower comments on death penalty for military crimes; dates for
military pay raises, 1949-66; Ross W. Campbell; Brig. Gen. C. Craig Cannon;
Eisenhower comments on football, political campaign, and Mamie’s talk of
moving to an apartment in the city; Eisenhower-arthritis; paper on citizenship;
Capitol Hill Club]
CAR (1)-(3) [Caramanlis, former prime minister of Greece; Eisenhower re
painting with oil vs. water colors, health problems; Eisenhower comments on
attempts to take references to God out of government; Frank Carlson re
Presidential Prayer Breakfast; Joel Carlson; WWII items recovered from
Cherbourg harbor; Seventh Day Adventist Award to Eisenhower, 4-25-66;
reference to Field Hospital and Red Cross Club in England in WWII; Sertoma
Club; Amon Carter-exposition and stock show; statement re professional soldier]
26 CAS [Charlie Case-Abilene; Bruce Catton; interviews of Commandant of
Spandau Prison, Director of Berlin Task Force, and Gen. Lucius Clay]
CH (1)-(4) [George Champion; Eisenhower suggests rules to help unify
Republican Party; Eisenhower comments on problems dealing with Charles de
Gaulle; Alfred D. Chandler, changes wording in paper on Eisenhower; Thomas A.
Dooley Foundation; Col. Rene Chesnais-worked for Charles de Gaulle; People-to-
People; Golf Hall of Fame; Eisenhower discusses bridge techniques in
correspondence with S. Garton Churchill]
Christmas Card List, 1966 (1)(2) [73-page list]
Churchill, Winston (1)(2) [Churchill Memorial Fund-statement of support;
Eisenhower lists organizations for which he has solicited donations; issue of
Atlantic with ten articles on Churchill]
CI (1)(2) [The Citadel; statement for Citizens Handbook; World Citizenship
Award to Eisenhower from Civitan International]
Page 24 of 41
CL (1)-(3) [National Student Committee for the Defense of Vietnam; speech by
General Bruce Clarke to American Legion Convention re Boy Scouts;
Eisenhower comments on national security and universal military training;
Senator Robert Kennedy opposes Eisenhower suggestion that U.S. transfer
nuclear weapons to European allies; Eisenhower statement re newspaper carriers;
Eisenhower comments on election eve television appearance in 1952 re clock
falling on his head; 1955 Geneva meetings, Eisenhower and Dulles photographed
at Ferminish Estate]
27 CO (1)-(5) [Jacqueline Cochran; Eisenhower letter to INS seeking assistance for
Odlums in getting domestic help from Hong Kong; Presidential Prayer Breakfast;
greetings to people of Australia; correspondence with Sterling Cole-comments on
nuclear disarmament; Eisenhower-Abilene “will always be ‘home’”; Eisenhower-
honorary chairman of 49
PGA Championship; Eisenhower’s desk motto;
stockholder report by Colorado Instruments; CBS filming Eisenhower at West
Point; Columbia University; booklet on liberal arts college, religion in the liberal
arts college, and academic elitocracy; Eisenhower re Herbert Hoover; Eisenhower
comments on dealing with Charles de Gaulle and current problems over
Germany; speech by Melvin Laird re U.S. defense posture; dates on postwar U.S.
commanders in Germany]
COO (1)(2) [Alistair Cooke; WWII-North Africa; People-to-People-L.P.
Cookingham; comments by Lyndon B. Johnson and Eisenhower re People-to-
People; Sister Cities Program; Eisenhower proposes men for Republican
Associates; Senator John Cooper; comments on Vietnam War and protests;
review of The Last Battle by Cornelius Ryan]
COR (1)(2) [message to annual convention of American College of Cardiology;
Eisenhower describes his cattle herd to Ralph Cordiner; Eisenhower remarks re
Spam, advertising agency BBDO, and golf; American Heart Association]
COU (1)(2) [MDE-Scripto cigarette lighter; Korean Cultural and Freedom
Foundation; Eisenhower awarded Grand Cross by Noble Order of the Southern
Star; Council on Foreign Relations-Eisenhower a member; Norman Cousins;
William J. Cox]
CR (1)(2) [Joseph Cronin-American League pass; Lt. Gen. Willis Crittenberger;
Eisenhower to Walter Cronkite, foreword for project on Presidents; church
affiliation; story re role of prayer and Eisenhower’s boyhood leg injury]
CU [memorial for Admiral Cunningham; Eisenhower comments on WWII
experiences with Cunningham; Columbines I, II, and III; Eisenhower statement
supporting Senator Carl Curtis; greetings to Abilene veterans’ groups]
Page 25 of 41
28 D (1)-(5) [Eisenhower-bipartisan on foreign affairs and partisan on domestic
policy; National Trust for Scotland-Culzean Castle; Eisenhower comments on
Civil War; Seven Lakes Country Club; Merion Golf Club; Justin Dart-California
politics and bridge]
DE (1)-(3) [Arthur Dean, Council on Foreign Relations; Bill Moyers; Gen.
Charles de Gaulle; Eisenhower comments on possibility of trip to South Africa;
Sir Francis de Guingand; congressional committee hearings re South Africa;
Eisenhower message re Gen. Clay; Eisenhower message to participants in World
Amateur Golf Team Championships]
Devin, Kathleen (1)(2) [correspondence with Army nurse serving in Vietnam –
she formerly was Eisenhower’s nurse at Walter Reed; Eisenhower quotes old
saying re sense of humor; Eisenhower re his health situation; conditions in
Vietnam; General Heaton; personnel changes at Walter Reed; Eisenhower sends
her supplies; Eisenhower comments on his belief on wars]
DI (1)(2) [Senator Dirksen; Walt Disney-People to People]
DO (1)(2) [Winston Churchill; English-Speaking Union; Senator Thomas Dodge;
Thomas Donoher indicates he served as a White House aide; Thomas Dooley
Foundation; article based on interview of Eisenhower by Henry O. Dormann,
editor for SIPA News Service re Eisenhower and Latin America; Dormann
proposes a Library of Presidential Papers]
29 DO (3) [Brotherhood Award; correspondence with Doubleday re publishing
projects; proposed gold medal with Eisenhower on one side and D-Day landing
on the other]
Draper, William H., Jr. [Population Crisis Committee; population control;
Planned Parenthood; Eisenhower statement re Draper receiving the Margaret
Sanger Award; Eisenhower – co-chairman of Honorary Sponsors Council]
DR (1)(2) [Major General John S. Wood; International Rescue Committee;
Eisenhower supports Charles Percy for Senator; Eisenhower critical of an excerpt
in Stephen Ambrose re Eisenhower and Churchill; Eisenhower notes error in
article in Union-Gazette by Daniel Dwyer]
E (1)-(3) [Edward Eagan, People-to-People Sports Committee; Earl Eisenhower
to attend dedication of Eisenhower Community School, Flint, Michigan; message
to David Sarnoff; Sir Anthony Eden; message to Marist Brothers at Catholic High
School, man “possesses a destiny as his origin;” New Jersey high school,
Eisenhower Award for Citizenship; Eisenhower College; Eisenhower Golden
Wedding Committee; Eisenhower Library; schools named after Eisenhower]
Page 26 of 41
Eisenhower, Anne
Eisenhower, David
Eisenhower, Earl [campaign for county clerk in Chicago]
Eisenhower, Edgar N. [Edgar, “the spokesman for the family;” Eisenhower-trip to
Eisenhower, Edna (Mrs. Roy) [greeting cards and correspondence]
Eisenhower, Louise (Mrs. Arthur)
Eisenhower, Lowell
Eisenhower, Mamie [handwritten note “To my bridegroom” on July 1, 1966]
Eisenhower, Mary Jean
EL (1)(2) [honorary member of PGA; Max Elbin, golf pro at Burning Tree; trip to
Abilene and Manhattan; Eldorado Country Club; election statement by
Eisenhower on 11-9-66; Eisenhower-paintings not for public display; Dr. Thomas
Mattingly; Desert Sun School; Rev. Edward Elson asks Eisenhower to be a
honorary co-chairman of a Religious Heritage committee; George Emery, NPS, 6
ton boulder for landmark plaque for Eisenhower farm; Dr. Eugene Emme; 20
Anniversary of Employment Act]
EN (1)(2) [Earl Endacott, Eisenhower Foundation; cast of Eisenhower’s hands;
Stephens portrait of Eisenhower; English-Speaking Union; statement re 20
anniversary of Employment Act; Eisenhower describes his past ileitis attacks;
Eisenhower comments on allegations of Robert Erwin re U-2, etc.; Eisenhower
comments on Lane University and his father’s interest in Greek]
30 ET (1)(2) [trip to Kansas; National Youth Councils on Civic Affairs; memo re
social action in the national interest; William Ewald; Eisenhower lists
achievements of his administration; review of Waging Peace; review of Cutler’s
book, No Time for Rest; statement by Dr. Raymond Ewell at Senate hearings on
S. 1676, comments on world food/population problems]
FBI National Academy Association, 6-5-66 [program; Eisenhower made brief
F [Fair Campaign Practices Committee; James Farley, Coca-Cola; letter by
Eisenhower to INS for assistance in processing visas for Chinese domestic help
for the Cochran-Odlum Ranch]
Page 27 of 41
FE [Eisenhower describes his movements from November 1965 to May 1966]
Few Thoughts for Young Americans [draft of article for Readers’ Digest
FI (1)-(4) [John S.D. Eisenhower letter re 5412 Committee; letters from Jim
Hagerty re interviews and filming for Eisenhowers’ 50
wedding anniversary,
lists of television networks crews; Eisenhower comments on inflation and
balanced budgets; revenue sharing; Eisenhower endorses Ronald Reagan for
Governor of California; Eisenhower correspondence with Leonard Finder,
comments on Reagan, John Birch Society, far right, extremists, Medicare, and
Vietnam; Congressman Paul Findley re nuclear technology sharing and the
Atlantic Union; Joint Resolution to establish an Atlantic Union delegation;
California Angels; Eisenhower re need for Republicans to unite in California;
Leonard Firestone; Roger Firestone; United Cerebral Palsy Association-
Eisenhower Research Fund; messages to churches re faith and moral strength;
Operation Freedom; Henry W. Allen, author of “Westerns” under the pen names
of Will Henry and Clay Fisher, sends books to Eisenhower; Eisenhower
comments on students running universities; Eisenhower letter to Nixon re use of
nuclear weapons in Vietnam]
Fifty Million Fund [correspondence and printed literature re fundraising campaign
by the United Presbyterian Church]
FL (1)(2) [article with interview of James S. Kemper; Arthur Flemming;
Eisenhower letter to F. M. Flynn re “reckless course” of domestic policies]
FO (1) [Eddie Folliard; Marion Folsom; Ford Foundation funds American
Assembly; Gerald Ford; Republican Policy Committee supports new Hoover
31 FO (2)(3) [William Clay Ford; death of Abe Forney, boyhood friend; Eisenhower
critical of statement by Stephen Ambrose re difference between Churchill and
Eisenhower; Eisenhower does not want room at golf club named after him]
FR (1)-(4) [Clarence Francis-invitation to opera; Eisenhower policy re
autographs; Eisenhower re classmate, Major John Duckstadt, killed in WW I;
Freedom Award; Freedoms Foundation; minutes of Freedoms Foundation board
meeting; General Eisenhower tulip; delegation to free nations’ conference; Fred
Friendly resigns from CBS; Eisenhower acknowledges being partial to CBS;
Eisenhower letter to soldier in Vietnam]
FU (1)(2) [Harold Fuller, National Railway Museum, acquiring engine and two
cars from Eisenhower’s wartime train; student rally re Vietnam; Medal of Honor
Page 28 of 41
G (1)-(3) [Eisenhower to Lt. Gen. Sir Humphrey Gale re operation in northern
Europe in September 1944; George Gallup; Eisenhower remarks that no private
individual can give useful advice to the president on Vietnam; statement for the
Winston Churchill Memorial Fund; Eisenhower gives views on erecting statues
on the West Point campus, including one for General MacArthur; Eisenhower
letter to students at Fort Hays State College; speech by Thomas Gates re business
and government; qualities that make a nation great; Sir James Gault; Arthur
Krock to visit Scotland; Eisenhower’s health situation; Eisenhower gold medals,
project of the English-Speaking Union]
GE (1)(2) [Schulz responds to inquiry re the Military Code of Conduct issued in
1955; Eisenhower reflects on heart attack in November 1965 and get-well
messages; West Point cadets in Gettysburg in 1911]
Gettysburg College [statement re overseas trip by choir; minutes of board of
trustees meeting]
32 GI (1)-(3) [article with interview of Bob Hope re Vietnam, U.S. troops,
entertaining Eisenhower and Johnson; Charles Percy; Keith Glennan; study
committees; current administration]
GO (1)-(4) [Community Action for Youth; Eisenhower to Nixon re Vietnam and
Ambassador Arthur Goldberg; Goldberg reports to Eisenhower re issues before
the United Nations Security Council; 1964 election, Barry Goldwater, and “stop
Romney” effort; Sam Goldwyn; Eisenhower support for Ronald Reagan for
Governor; golf; Andrew Goodpaster; Vietnam; training costs of Army enlistees;
Dept. of Defense report, “Meeting Our Military Manpower Needs;” Moral Re-
Armament, Sing-Out ‘66; Schulz comments on Vietnam issue during Eisenhower
Administration; Colonel Gorrell; Lord Gort, British WWII leader]
GR (1)-(4) [Billy Graham; Ulysses S. Grant, III; Republican National Committee
film quoting President Lyndon B. Johnson out of context, Eisenhower statement
removed from film; Eugene Emme, NASA; Eisenhower responds to accusation
that he caused the war in Vietnam; Eisenhower comments on reasons the U.S. is
strongest nation in the world; Eisenhower comments on elections; Senator Robert
Griffin; Eisenhower gives qualified support to Representative H. R. Gross;
Melvin Grosvenor, National Geographic; speech by Senator Ernest Gruening re
U.S. policy and actions in Vietnam; Argus House, Iowa Wesleyan College;
Eisenhower comments on selecting the political party he would join]
GU (1)(2) [George Gruenther; letter from John Steinbeck to Soviet poet,
Yevtushenko re Vietnam War; Harry Guggenheim, Newsday; handwritten
response by Eisenhower re Suez, Dulles, and Eden; Eisenhower comments on
Page 29 of 41
Eden’s opposition to Dulles being Secretary of State; Norman Vincent Peale;
parents’ religious beliefs]
33 GU (3)
H (1)-(4) [James Hagerty; Eisenhower to Nelson Rockefeller re candidate for
Congress; Eisenhower named after Dwight L. Moody; Leonard Hall; message to
Society of American Military Engineers; Charles A. Halleck; high school choir
tour; Clifford P. Hansen; Eisenhower comments on allegations by Robert Erwin
and misquote; C. A. Hansen, President of Gettysburg College]
Hall, Joyce (1)-(3) [Eisenhower-Hall correspondence, 1963-1966; People-to-
People; Christmas cards; World’s Fair, Churchill exhibit; Eisenhower painting a
portrait of Churchill; selection of new president for People-to-People; Mr. Nemon
makes bust of Eisenhower; proposal for Eisenhower Chair of Military History at
Kansas State University; summary of discussion for meeting between Eisenhower
and Dr. Herbert H. Jacobs re future plans of People-to-People; Hall to reduce his
involvement in People-to-People due to health problems; Eisenhower letters to
Dr. Heald, Ford Foundation, re People-to-People]
Halleck, Charles [1963-1966 correspondence; mutual security program;
International Development Association proposal; nuclear test ban; Eisenhower
meeting with President John F. Kennedy re problem of racial tension and unrest
and Kennedy’s need for Republican support to pass civil rights measures;
Eisenhower comments on Advance publication; Military Pay Bill; budget and
deficit spending; Cuba and Fidel Castro]
HAR (1)-(3) [Pennsylvania Railroad newsletter with article on Eisenhower using
trains; Presidential Art Medals-medals to commemorate World War II; Robert
Schulz comments on Eisenhower’s great aunt; Eisenhower has painting by
Montague Dawson; statement re work of the American Red Cross; military pay
bill; reference to break-in of Eisenhower’s car and theft of radio; George Hartzog,
NPS, boulder for farm; Eisenhower comments on article by Bob Taft and tactics
in Vietnam]
HAT [Eisenhower letter to Leland Kalmbach re qualified support for Ed Brooke
for Senate; Mark Hatfield]
HAU [Eisenhower Fund, United Cerebral Palsy; Eisenhower toast to Robert T.
Jones receiving the Sportsmanship Award; Eisenhower re article by Stephen
Hauge, Gabriel [economy; politics; article by Milton Rakove, “A Democrat Looks
at the Republican Party;” Eisenhower comments on reading biography of General
Page 30 of 41
Lee and on work of Sylvanus Thayer; brochure on bank operations during a
transit strike]
34 HE (1)-(5) [comment on Eisenhower’s ancestry; letter to Prince Philip re visit to
California; Governor Warren Hearnes; Heart Association; Leonard Heaton,
Surgeon General; Eisenhower comments on possibility of future travels; medical
care for a retired Army officer; Eisenhower’s health problems and medication;
Senator Thomas Kuchel; first official missile mail, 1959; Eisenhower receives
new camera, Alpha 9D; Eisenhower comments on book, Is Paris Burning?; A. B.
Hermann, Republican National Committee; rebuilding the Republican Party;
Eisenhower’s ancestry]
HI (1)-(3) [Senator Hickenlooper; Bob Hope Desert Classic; citizenship; Mildred
Hilson; rumors re Ronald Reagan]
HO (1)-(4) [interview on Universal Military Training, October 11, 1966; Oveta
Culp Hobby; Courtney Hodges; Paul Hoffman-United Nations Special Fund;
policy on autographs; Coleman family in Abilene; Eisenhower policy re
accusations and ridiculous charges; Herbert Hoover; Gerald Ford-Hoover
35 Hope, Bob [activities of Mr. Hope]
HOP (1)-(3) [Eisenhower concerned over friction between HOPE and Planned
Parenthood; George Horkan re heifers he bought from Eisenhower; discussion
between John S.D. Eisenhower and Robert Schulz on where to keep the Whitman
File; Messiah College; Amory Houghton; Eisenhower comments on new Gillette
razor; Union League Club; Eisenhower painting of “Church in Bavaria;” Edgar to
be “spokesman” for Eisenhower family; Long Island University; story re
Eisenhower’s boyhood leg injury in Guide Posts
HU (1)-(3) [Doctors in attendance for Eisenhower’s surgery; Schulz indicates
Eisenhower may have offered John S.D. Eisenhower money if he didn’t smoke
before he was 21; Eisenhower recommends several men for Republican
Associates; Franz Hutter in Austria sends Eisenhower copy of old document with
information on Eisenhower family; Eisenhower responds to query re boyhood leg
injury; Eisenhower re building character and qualities that make a nation great]
I (1)-(5) [Eisenhower letter to Patriarch Athenagoras I; nuclear disarmament;
International Eye Foundation; Planned Parenthood; International Rescue
Committee; Interstate Commerce Commission; book, Ruthenia: Spearhead
Toward the West by Charles J. Hokky; Eisenhower critical of public statement
attributed to Donald J. Irwin]
Page 31 of 41
J (1)(2) [Henry B. Jameson re efforts to rename Tuttle Creek Reservoir in Kansas
after Eisenhower; statement re American Heart Association; Bill Jeffcoat re
Eisenhower Center and photographs; Eisenhower comments on belonging to the
“Cardiac Club”]
36 Johnson, Lyndon Baines [cufflinks from President Johnson; National Cemeteries;
Winston Churchill-honorary citizen]
JO (1)-(3) [Johns Hopkins University; Max Elbin, Burning Tree Club;
Eisenhower comments on speech on learning and on happiness; Eisenhower
policy on autographs; Population Crisis Committee; Bob Hope Golf Classic;
Robert T. Jones, award and toast; School of the Ozarks, Mrs. W. Alton Jones;
Pete Kalmbach; Senator Len Jordan]
K (1)-(3) [exhibition of Eisenhower paintings at Eisenhower College; Eisenhower
comments on state income taxes; West Papua independence group contacts
Eisenhower; Leland Kalmbach; military museum at Springfield Armory; election
of Senator Brooke; Eisenhower health problems; Kansas Boys Chorus;
Eisenhower policy re his paintings; Josef Karsh, photographer; Eisenhower
comments on “military-industrial complex” theme in Farewell Address; Danny
Kansas State University, 6-5-66 [Commencement, Eisenhower receives honorary
degree of Doctor of Laws; trip schedule; visit to Abilene]
KE (1)-(3) [Henry Kearns, Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association;
Eisenhower’s horses; letter to Rev. Kellison re re-interment of Doud Dwight
Eisenhower (Icky); Eisenhower to David Kendall re rebuilt Chrysler, health,
summer plans; letter of appreciation to staff at Walter Reed; Janet Hurd Kent;
Eisenhower comments on “deportment in command”]
KI (1)-(5) [message to survivors of USS Memphis; telegram with draft of Parade
article based on interview; Sunoon Kim, Friends of Asia University; origins and
purposes of Asia University; Eisenhower comments on first meeting with Bob
Hope in WWII; International Eye Foundation; message to Presbyterian Church,
Medina, New York; message to VFW; Grayson Kirk, Columbia University; menu
for holiday dinner]
37 KN (1)-(3) [bequest to Eisenhower Library by W. B. Smith; message to Warsaw
Ghetto Resistance Organization; Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation and
Radio Free Asia; Eisenhower not a Mason; Gen. E. Kotoka, Ghana; Golden Deed
Award, Pennsylvania State Exchange Clubs; Peter Rupp, Moulin Hotel,
Ligneuville, France, grade 5 award for assisting American POWs during WWII;
Page 32 of 41
Senator Thomas Kuchel; Eisenhower policy re evaluating members of Federal
L (1)-(4) [Melvin Laird; Lloyd Lambert; Eisenhower comments on listening to
music at Walter Reed; award from Propeller Club; La Quinta Country Club;
Sigurd Larmon; universal military training; golf scores; article describes bridge
game including Eisenhower and Gruenther; Eisenhower supports four-year term
for congressmen; John Birch Society]
LE (1)-(4) [qualities necessary for a president; Eisenhower comments on
influence of Ben Hibbs; Eisenhower to Gen. Lemnitzer re NATO; William
Leonard; report on California primary, June 7, 1966; Eisenhower writes foreword
for cook book; American Heart Association; American Mothers Committee]
LI (1) [correspondence re cattle and horses from Gettysburg Farm]
38 LI (2)(3) [correspondence re horses; Sol Linowitz, National Committee for
International Development and foreign aid; Lions International; Korean Cultural
and Freedom Foundation—“Little Angels”]
LO (1)-(3) [Judge Lester Loble, John Birch Society; juvenile delinquency; Henry
Cabot Lodge; Vietnam; National Republican Women’s Club; Eisenhower
comments on Constitution and Supreme Court decisions; Carl Loeb; copy of Free
China Weekly; National Organization for the Advancement of All People; John E.
Long, attended school with Eisenhower in Abilene; tribute to Lord Ismay;
International PBX Clubs; Suez Crisis; Allen Dulles; Eisenhower comments on
editors condensing article]
LU (1)(2) [Burning Tree Club and Max Elbin; Doubleday catalogue of books for
young readers; date for end of combat in Korea; Eisenhower’s decorations and
LY [speech at Exeter Academy; color television sets]
M (1)-(3) [Gen. MacArthur; Dr. Robert A. MacAskill, Presbyterian Church, 50
Million Fund; pencil sketch of Eisenhower; Harold Macmillan; Eisenhower
comments on Major General Maurice Rose, 3
Army Division in WWII;
statement re the Army-Navy game tradition; report on U.S.-China relations; Brig.
Gen. Phillip W. Malory, Walter Reed Hospital; Dr. C. H. Johnson, Gettysburg
“standby” doctor; Eisenhower comments on advances in natural and experimental
MAR (1)(2) [Ferdinand Marcos; statement to Marist Brothers; Eisenhower
reflects on materialistic values and moral and spiritual side of man; Rev. John
Markoe; Ernest Marsh, Santa Fe Railway; WWII, theater commanders and
Page 33 of 41
Military Governors of Germany, 1945-47; George C. Marshall Research
Foundation; Joseph W. Martin]
39 MAR (3)-(5) [Eisenhower objects to excessive direct quoting of him in an article
in U.S. News; letter to William McChesney Martin re his service as chairman of
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; Eisenhower comments on
materialism; accomplishments of Herbert Hoover; President Adolfo Lopez-
Mateos; Congressman Charles Mathias; Bibles used at 1953 Inauguration;
Eisenhower comments on the presidency, “a lonely place;” Harry Reasoner and
Walter Cronkite; Republican chances in 1966 elections; Col. Edgar Gorrell
attended West Point with Eisenhower]
MC (1)-(7) [Edward A. McCabe; Eisenhower comments on election results and
Governor Romney’s victory; student loan programs; Thomas McCabe; speech by
Thomas A. Dewey; Mary Jane McCaffree; Eisenhower comments on writing
about Marshall and Churchill as the two outstanding leaders of WWII;
correspondence with Frank McCarthy re General George Patton; John J. McCloy;
John E. McClure; statement re military chaplains; program for golf tournament;
Robert McCulloch-gift of Eisenhower painting; Neil H. McElroy; Eisenhower
comments on statements in article by Robert Taft re Vietnam; Henry Roemer
McPhee-possibility of a round-the-world trip]
ME (1)-(3) [message to Mechelen, Belgium re People-to-People; message to
survivors of USS Memphis]
40 MI (1)-(4) [Saint Germain Golf Club, France; military chaplains; Military Code of
Conduct, 1955; military-industrial complex; universal military training; Rev.
Dean Miller, Palm Desert Community Presbyterian Church; William J. Miller,
use of Eisenhower quotations in article on Henry Cabot Lodge; statement re
“liberty under law;” J. D. Milne, Royal Porcelain Works; endorses son of former
employee for Naval Academy; Moral Re-Armament, “Sing-Out ‘66”]
Miscellaneous [correspondence re Republican National Committee Latin America
report; Ray Bliss names Convention Reform Committee]
MO (1)-(3) [Eisenhower comments on appointment of Earl Warren to Supreme
Court and supports limiting terms for federal judges; puppy offered; Jean Monnet,
article re European unity and partnership with U.S.; Col. G. Gordon Moore;
Malcolm Moos, economic programs, students running universities]
MOR (1)-(3) [letter to Sir Frederick Morgan re health problems, Vietnam, and
historian Arnold Toynbee; Pat Morin, Associated Press reporter; Rev. Felix
Morlion; E. Frederick Morrow; Senator Thruston B. Morton re 1966 Senate races;
J. Edgar Broyhill; Lord Mountbatten; Senator Carl Curtis; Bill Moyers re
Page 34 of 41
Republican National Committee film which quotes President Johnson out of
MU (1)-(3) [Senator Karl Mundt, Vietnam; Eisenhower-autograph policy; small
town values; Senator George Murphy; General John S. Wood; Robert Murphy;
Mrs. W. H. Mustard, formerly Maggie Broadfoot, Abilene classmate]
41 N [letter to Richard Nixon re President Johnson labeling the Republicans the
“party of fear”]
National [National Historic Landmark Plaque for Eisenhower Farm; National
Railroad Museum; Eisenhower’s support for Republican candidates; National
Student Committee for the Defense of Vietnam]
NATO (1)(2) [Congressman Paul Findley re nuclear policies; memo on possibility
of unauthorized use of U.S. nuclear warheads in NATO facilities; letters to
Senator Henry Jackson and Congresswoman Edna F. Kelly by Eisenhower on
history, development, and current problems of NATO, plus recommendations to
strengthen it; report on Atlantic Alliance; Christian Herter comments on draft of
Eisenhower’s letter to Jackson; drafts of letter on NATO]
NE (1)(2) [Clifford Nelson, American Assembly; Eisenhower reports he almost
got a hole-in-one at Augusta National Golf Club; Nguyen-van-Thieu]
NI (1)(2) [Letter to Sir Leslie Nicholls re arthritis, conditions in Britain, and
spending by U.S. Government; Sgt. Henry L. Swift, former military acquaintance
of Eisenhower; death of Admiral Nimitz; Julie Nixon]
NO (1)-(3) [G. Bernard Noble, study on Christian Herter; Carl A. Norgren; Lauris
Norstad; Churchill Memorial Fund; Honolulu World War II memorial; People-to-
People sister cities program; nuclear disarmament; National Law Center]
O (1) (2) [Eisenhower comments on Tedder’s book on WWII; Bob Hope;
“Upward Bound” program; Walter Cronkite]
OL (1)(2) [Col. Barney Oldfield, Litton Industries; John M. Olin, salmon]
42 OL (3)-(5) [Eisenhower comments on Columbia University Oral History
program; Franklin Orth, NRA; donation to Gettysburg church; Eisenhower letter
to Gruenther re books on World War II; Walter Cronkite; School of the Ozarks]
P (1)-(6) [requests to reproduce Eisenhower’s paintings for fundraising; Korean
Cultural and Freedom Foundation; Palm Desert Community Church; Eisenhowers
spent weekend at home of Arnold Palmer; comments on golfing activities by
Palmer and Eisenhower; Palm Springs Life
article re Dwight and Mamie
Page 35 of 41
Eisenhower; Eisenhower comment on American land forces needed in Europe;
Edwin L. Parker, golf; Wesley Award; Eisenhower re national morals and future
of U.S.; Col. Loren Parmley, Eisenhower treatment at Walter Reed; Civitan,
World Citizenship Award; Eisenhower Postal Society, first day cover; WWII
paintings by Roy H. Clayburn; National Student Committee for the Defense of
Vietnam; William Pawley]
PE (1)-(5) [Norman Vincent Peale, Guideposts; Eisenhower comments on
General Lee; booklet on “Common Trees of Pennsylvania;” People-to-People;
Charles Percy, campaign for Senate, calls for an all-Asia conference; Freedom’s
Foundation, “Freedoms Handbook;” James R. Perryman, chauffeur for
Eisenhower in New York and Paris; John Birch Society]
43 PE (6)-(8) [General Krueger; Cardinal Spellman, stamp collection; list of political
candidates that were filmed or photographed with Eisenhower]
Percy, Charles [1963 to 1966 correspondence; Eisenhower supports Percy for
Senator; Percy speech on civil rights; People-to-People; Percy defeated in race for
Governor of Illinois in 1964; campaign for Governor; 1963 civil rights bill]
Pinkley, Virgil (1)(2) [article based on interview of Eisenhower; draft of article
with corrections and annotations by Eisenhower]
PI (1)(2) [Committee on Convention Reform; Eisenhower named after Dwight L.
Moody; baseball courtesy card]
Pitcairn Family Correspondence, 1952-1967 (1)-(4) [see Special Name Series for
Eisenhower correspondence with Raymond Pitcairn, 1961-1965; Dwight and
Mamie Eisenhower correspondence with members of Pitcairn family, 1952-1967;
Senator Ed Martin; personal matters; politics]
PL [Planned Parenthood, William Draper; Gary Player, golf]
PO (1)-(3) [1956 Hungarian Revolution; Forrest Pogue; Churchill and Marshall,
the outstanding men of WWII; Earle Poorbaugh re 1916 menu; chairman of
National Advisory Council for Tuskegee Institute; Pope Paul VI; Population
Crisis Committee; Freedoms Foundation, accounts receivable, expenses, balance
44 PO (4) [two issues of The Treasure Hunter; article in Decision]
PR (1)-(4) [Odell Prather, artist who designed the windows for the Chapel,
explains the design; press interview for 50
wedding anniversary; statement re
Churchill Memorial Fund; Ivy Baker Priest; Prince Philip; Grand Cross of the
Page 36 of 41
Noble Order of the Southern Star; PGA; Mamie Eisenhower to Maine Chance;
golfing plans of Eisenhower]
Q [Queen Elizabeth; Lt. Gen. Wm. Quinn]
R (1)-(3) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation; Radio of Free Asia;
Clarence Randall, South Africa; Dr. I. S. Ravdin, Heart Association Golf
Exhibition; Eisenhower comments on battle against Communism and war in
RE (1)-(5) [article with Eisenhower views on term limits for legislators and
judges; Reader’s Digest; Harry Reasoner; statement on newspaper delivery boys;
health condition and recuperation; Col. Red Reeder; Eisenhower autographs only
books he has written; Henry Jameson; endorsements for Republican candidates;
Ted Repplier, Advertising Council; “Eisenhauer” sword; Governor James A.
Reagan, Ronald [Eisenhower supported Reagan in race for Governor;
membership of John Birch Society; handwritten letters from Reagan to
Eisenhower; political situation in California]
Republican (1) [Republican Associates; Republican Coordinating Committee;
statements by Eisenhower for Republican National Committee; correspondence
with A. B. Hermann and the Republican National Committee; report on Vietnam
by House Republicans]
45 Republican (2)(3) [report on Vietnam]
RI (1)(2) [solicits donations for National Railroad Museum; Eisenhower
comments on fiscal and financial policies, inflation, unions, and “new
economics;” Free Europe, Inc.; Eisenhower supports Donald W. Riegle, Jr. for
Congress from Michigan; economic policies, stable dollar]
RO (1)-(7) [Harry Darby; honorary degrees; Religious Freedom Award; Carver
Memorial Institute; John D. Rockefeller, population problem; Nelson Rockefeller;
Winthrop Rockefeller; People-to-People; booklets on international aid, Latin
America, and Southeast Asia; William P. Rogers; Barbara Romack, golf pro;
English-Speaking Union; Seventh Day Adventist’s, Religious Freedom Award;
soldiers executed for military crimes; Maj. Gen. Maurice Rose; John Rosenkrans,
fund-raising for Eisenhower College; Carl Norgren; exhibition of Eisenhower
paintings; list of Eisenhower’s friends and their gifts to Eisenhower College;
Parade Magazine; Abbie Rowe; biography of Clifford C. Furnas; James J.
Page 37 of 41
RU (1)(2) [Ruiz Cortines, Mexican ambassador; Cornelius Ryan; Eisenhower
complains about WWII writers and historians]
46 S (1)-(4) [favorite reading material; Gen. Eugene Salet, commandant of Army
War College; Eisenhower changes wording for quotations; Leverett Saltonstall,
tribute upon his retirement from the Senate; Eisenhower supporting Ed Brooke for
U.S. Senate; meeting in 1960 re training Cuban refugees; Charles Saltzman, The
English-Speaking Union; Margaret Sanger, population problem; WWII,
Eisenhower head of Operations Division; David Sarnoff; Raymond Saulnier, U.S.
economy and outlook for prices; inflation and government spending; economic
notes on Western Europe; Employment Act, Joint Economic Committee, and
Council of Economic Advisers; 1967 budget; article attacking economic policies
of Eisenhower Administration; article on wage and price guidelines; Eisenhower
never a Boy Scout; Henry B. Saylor, Jr.]
SC (1)-(7) [J. Earl Schaefer; Eisenhower comments on November 1966 election
results; youth and need for self-discipline; Henry M. Scharf, publisher; Vietnam;
English-Speaking Union, letter to President of U.S. in 2063; Churchill Memorial
Fund; Herb Schiveley, Abilene classmate; plans to visit National War College on
October 10; Clarence Schoo, golf and bridge; Eisenhower having “stag parties”
while Mamie Eisenhower is at Maine Chance; Eisenhower recollects some
experiences playing football at West Point, 1911-1912; Peter Rupp, Moulin Hotel,
Ligneuville, Belgium, received a Grade 5 award for assisting American troops
during WWII; President Sukarno; Senator Hugh Scott; speech by John S.D.
Eisenhower at dinner in honor of Raymond P. Shafer; Youth for Pennsylvania
Committee; Randolph Scott; message to Abilene veterans groups; William
Scranton; Eisenhower discusses election of 1964 and his neutrality in the
primaries; IRS and Sherman Adams; Fred Scribner]
SE (1)(2) [Glenn Seaborg, Atomic Energy Commission; Fred Seaton; Eisenhower
interviewed on universal military training and Selective Service, 10-6-66; Seventh
Day Adventist Church, Religious Freedom Award]
47 SH (1)-(3) [Walter Cronkite; Ray Shafer; Bernard Shanley; Garner Shriver;
Sargent Shriver, “Upward Bound”]
SI (1)-(3) [Pollard Simons; Senator Milward L. Simpson; Gen. William Hood
Simpson; Sing Out ‘66, Moral Re-Armament show; Sister City Program]
SK (1)(2) [Spyros Skouras; Cathedral of the Pines]
SM (1)-(3) [Patton, changes in cavalry saber; North Atlantic developments;
Merriman Smith, lost son in Vietnam; post-war commanders in Europe; 9
Infantry Division]
Page 38 of 41
Snyder, Howard McC. [Empty folder – contents interfiled in Special Names File]
SO (1)(2) [statement to Society of American Military Engineers; Hall of Fame for
Great Americans]
SP (1)(2) [West Point Class of 1912; Senator John Sparkman; Cardinal Spellman;
Bob Jones, Sportsmanship Award]
48 ST (1)-(8) [Elmer Staats; Col. James Stack; Eisenhower Proclamation No. 1, WG
12, 10-9-44; Maurice Stans inquires if Eisenhower favors Romney over Nixon for
1968; talk by Stans on fiscal policy; Frank Stanton; CBS annual report; 1952
Republican convention and role of Governor Harold Stassen; statement re State
YMCA of Pennsylvania; 1887 photo of David J. Eisenhower and others in Hope,
Kansas; Eisenhower comments on arrests of German leaders after WWII; John
Stenhouse, military-industrial complex; Eisenhower’s paintings; Vernon Stouffer;
Agnes Stover, Eisenhower’s aunt; Mrs. Russell Stover; International Movement
for Atlantic Union; issue of Freedom and Union magazine; Maj. Gen. Kenneth
Strong, comments on WWII and Berlin; statement re student loans]
SU (1)(2) [Arthur Hays Sulzberger; Supreme Court decision; statement re
American Council for Judaism; Eisenhower Sportsmanship Award]
SW (1)(2) [1952 election eve incident at WBZ in Boston; Eisenhower carried .38
pistol during WWII]
T (1)-(3) [Robert Taft, Jr.; Ryuji Takeuchi, Ambassador of Japan; books that
influenced Eisenhower; H. L. T. Taswell, Ambassador of South Africa;
Eisenhower comments on problems of South Africa; message to Temple Beth
Am; declines offer to be commander in the Texas Navy]
Tedder, Arthur [Eisenhower comments on Tedder’s book on WWII; Eisenhower’s
conference with Montgomery on September 10, 1944]
49 TH (1)-(4) [comments on movie, “Is Paris Burning?;” orphanage in Vietnam;
Eisenhower comments on the way western novels portray Army people and the
actual qualities he finds in service personnel; Eisenhower and Louis S. St.
Laurent, former Prime Minister of Canada, copies of correspondence, statements,
and speeches; Dan Thornton; Strom Thurmond]
TI [gold bowl from Tiffany; Eisenhower comments on “happiness” and criticizes
Rosten’s attitude toward life]
Page 39 of 41
TK [Senator John Tower]
TR (1)(2) [Eisenhower’s recommendations to retiring former colleague;
Republican National Committee records for the Eisenhower Library; Eisenhower
letter to Harry Truman; Tuskegee Institute; Holmes Tuttle, California politics and
Ronald Reagan; Holmes provided Ford LTD for Eisenhower to use in California]
U (1)-(3) [Stewart Udall, marker for Eisenhower Farm; Schulz outlines what
Eisenhower is willing to do for congressional and state candidates; Eisenhower
comments on need for military Public Relations Officers and war correspondents;
Eisenhower Room at Army War College; West Point visit, 6-28-66; statement re
United Student Aid Fund; universal military training; honorary captain of golf
team; St. Germain Golf Club]
United Nations, We Believe, 6-6-66 [luncheon in Kansas City, visit with Harry
Truman; clipping re re-interment of Doud Dwight Eisenhower in Abilene]
V (1)(2) [Jack Valenti, assistant to Lyndon B. Johnson; U.S. Coastal Cadets;
speech by Tom Van Sickle to Republican National Committee; Friends
50 Vaughan, Samuel S., 1966 (1)-(3) [editing At Ease; writing a piece on Winston
Churchill and George C. Marshall; filing for copyrights on Eisenhower’s writings;
Doubleday’s sales figures for Waging Peace and Mandate for Change; book
reviews and articles re Eisenhower’s books; subsidiary rights sales of Waging
VE (1)(2) [Ken Venturi; Eisenhower comments on Lord Gort in WWII; National
Cemeteries closed; Eisenhower honorary chairman of Fred Waring Testimonial
Dinner; views on Vietnam and bombing of North Vietnam; Governor John Volpe
of Massachusetts]
Veterans of Foreign Wars
W (1)-(6) [G. N. Waddell, mayor of Salina, Kansas; religious faith of Jacob
Eisenhower; Eisenhower comments on inflation and small family farms; DeWitt
Wallace, Reader’s Digest; George Wallace, governor of Alabama; lecture on
economic policy by W. Allen Wallis; Planned Parenthood, Project HOPE, and
birth control; letter to Maj. Gen. Douglas Kendrick thanking staff at Walter Reed
for their care, lists nurses; Vernon Walters ; Fred Waring; Eisenhower comments
on experiences with Admiral Cunningham in WWII; Tuskegee Institute;
Columbia University Board of Trustees, 1949 to 1952; Warsaw Ghetto; reporter
Eddie Folliard; Vietnam strategy; UPS newsletter with article on Eisenhower;
John Wayne writes Eisenhower re paintings by Olaf Wieghorst]
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WE (1)-(3) [Eisenhower supports Edward Brooke for U.S. Senate; fire truck
named “General Ike;” Pilot Dick Merrill; Sinclair Weeks; Leo Welch; Korea
Society, article on South Korea; Lord Wemyss and National Trust of Scotland]
51 WE (4) [sermon by Rev. Elson; Gen. Westmoreland; West Papua, Indonesia;
foreword for book by “Babe” Weyland on football]
Wedding Anniversary-July 1, 1966 (Sample of Golden Wedding Anniversary
Thank You Card) [article from Gettysburg Times]
Wells, Kenneth [Freedoms Foundation, fundraising]
WH (1)-(6) [Anne Wheaton; Suez crisis; bipartisan on foreign policy and partisan
on domestic policy; drafts of articles by John Wheeler based on interview with
Eisenhower re Vietnam, foreign policy, WWII, using the atomic bomb, Sec. of
State John Foster Dulles and “brinkmanship,” Suez Crisis, and Korea (drafts are
annotated by Eisenhower); a study by the Senate Republican Policy Committee,
“Where the Votes Are,” a profile of America in the mid-1960s as it affects voting
habits of 1968 and 1972; Pro-Am Golf Tournament, Whitemarsh Valley Country
Club, August 24; Dr. Paul Dudley White, Eisenhower’s health; comment on Gen.
Thomas D. White; Eisenhower receives Award of the Baronial Order of the
Magna Charta; speech by Gen. White; William L. White; Eisenhower comments
on inflation; film for Veterans Day]
Whitman, Ann C. [Eisenhower’s health; Whitman’s work for Gov. Rockefeller;
mutual acquaintances]
WI (1)-(4) [Committee for Constitutional Government (right-wing, anti-
Communist); letter from member of John Birch Society critical of Eisenhower;
Dr. John Wickman, Eisenhower Library to open for research; list of items being
sent to the Eisenhower Library; photos of three Olaf Wieghorst’s paintings; J. R.
Wiggins; presidential succession; National Landmark plaque for Eisenhower
Farm; Eisenhower on need for “real choice” for Republican voters, lists possible
candidates for 1968; anecdote from 1952 campaign; comments on retirement]
52 WI (5)(6) [ Lord Tedder’s book on WWII; Congressman Bob Wilson; statement
re Churchill memorial fund]
WO (1)-(5) [two articles by Allen Dulles re “Secret Surrender;” Maj. Gen. John S.
Wood; Blind Golfers Foundation; Robert and Neil Woodruff; Eisenhower’s
health; Eisenhower College; Vietnam situation; Eisenhower’s uncle, Ira
Eisenhower; Felix Edgar Wormser, sound money policy; Eisenhower comments
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on Leverett Saltonstall; Henry Wriston, American Assembly; universal military
service; Gen. Willard Wyman]
X-Y (1)(2) [Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation and Radio of Free Asia;
Senator Yarborough; Charles R. Yates; Col. Charles Yeager; Howard Young;
health problems; politics; Eisenhower recommends men for Republican
Young Men’s Christian Association [Eisenhower honorary chairman of state fund
drive for YMCA]
Z [Eisenhower comments on proposed changes to United Nations Charter and
opposes admission of Red China; Darryl Zanuck]