EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D.: Post-Presidential Papers, 1961-69
Series Description
The 1964 Principal File, which was the main office file for Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Gettysburg
Office, is divided into two subseries--a subject file and an alphabetical file. The subject subseries
consists of a little over twenty-three boxes of material, and it is arranged alphabetically by
subject. This subseries contains such categories as appointments, autographs, endorsements,
gifts, invitations, memberships, memoranda, messages, political affairs, publications, statements,
and trips. Invitations generated the greatest volume of correspondence, followed by
appointments, messages, and gifts. Documentation in this subseries includes correspondence,
schedules, agendas, articles, memoranda, transcripts of interviews, and reports. The alphabetical
subseries, which has a little over thirty-four boxes, is arranged alphabetically by names of
individuals and organizations. It is primarily a correspondence file, but it also contains printed
materials, speeches, cross-reference sheets, interview transcripts, statements, clippings, and
During 1964 Eisenhower was receiving correspondence from the public at the rate of over fifty
thousand letters a year. This placed considerable strain on Eisenhower and his small office staff,
and many requests for appointments, autographs, speeches, endorsements, and special messages
met with a negative response.
Although the great bulk of the correspondence in this series involves routine matters, there are
considerable letters and memoranda which deal with national and international issues, events,
and personalities. Some of the subjects discussed in Eisenhower’s correspondence include the
1964 presidential race, NATO, the U.S. space program, the U. S. economy, presidential inability
and succession, defense policies, civil rights legislation, political extremists, and Cuba.
Organizations which featured prominently in his correspondence were Freedoms Foundation,
People to People, the American Assembly, Planned Parenthood, the Critical Issues Council, the
Republican National Committee, and the Boy Scouts.
Some of the most fascinating correspondence in the 1964 Principal File centers around the 1964
presidential race, including the primaries, convention, and the campaign. This correspondence
documents Eisenhower’s differences with Barry Goldwater, his efforts to encourage moderate
Republican candidates, his desire for an “open” convention, his response to criticisms of his
administration by Goldwater, and Eisenhower’s role in the campaign. The post-election
correspondence describes efforts to evaluate the election results and moves to reorganize the
Republican Party by replacing Dean Burch with Ray Bliss as head of Republican National
Eisenhower’s fence-sitting prior to the Republican National Convention led to a large volume of
letters from people--all good Republicans--who either urged him to come out in favor of a
moderate Republican candidate in order to save the party from the Goldwater “extremists” or
criticized him for not supporting Barry Goldwater. Despite Eisenhower’s attempt to maintain
neutrality during the primary races, the press sought to interpret various moves or statements by
Eisenhower as evidence of his support for one candidate or the other.
In 1964 Dwight Eisenhower continued to correspond with many prominent individuals on a
variety of topics. Political leaders, including Barry Goldwater, Harold Stassen, William
Scranton, Henry Cabot Lodge, Herbert Brownell, Leonard Hall, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Senator
Thomas Kuchel, were among those who communicated with the ex-president. Representative of
the media, journalists, and writers, such as Fred Friendly, Frank Stanton, William Scranton,
Henry Cabot Lodge, Herbert Brownell, Leonard Hall, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Senator Thomas
Kuchel, were among those who communicated with the ex-president. Representative of the
media, journalists, and writers, such as Fred Friendly, Frank Stanton, William Paley, Norman
Cousins, Ray Scherer, and Marvin Arrowsmith, also had frequent contacts with Eisenhower.
Former members of the Eisenhower Administration who kept in touch included Bryce Harlow,
Richard Nixon, Arthur F. Burns, Raymond J. Saulnier, Ezra Taft Benson, Sigurd Larmon, and
Abbott Washburn.
The 1964 Principal File contains considerable documentation relating to attacks on Dwight
Eisenhower by such individuals as Robert Welch, head of the John Birch Society, John A.
Stormer, author of None Dare Call It Treason, and Phyllis Schlafly, author of A Choice Not an
Echo. Eisenhower’s public response was to ignore what he considered to be unwarranted,
spurious attacks by right-wing extremists, but his private correspondence does offer some
indication of how he felt about such criticism. Eisenhower’s correspondence on this issue with
Ezra Taft Benson is particularly fascinating as Benson endorsed the John Birch Society and tried
to explain why in his letters to his former boss.
This series also has material on a variety of interesting historical details and minor subjects;
Eisenhower’s personal attitude toward such labels as “liberal,” “conservative,” “left,” and “right”
are noted, and the files include information on such matters as the source of the Latin phrase
which Eisenhower kept on his desk, Mamie Eisenhower’s preference for Chrysler limousines,
Eisenhower’s smoking habit, and his role in the 1932 Bonus March. Also covered in this series
are the general’s recreational pursuits, his involvement in the celebration of the twentieth
anniversary of D-Day, World War II issues and personalities, reviews of Mandate for Change,
and comments on his Farewell Address. As with the previous post-presidential principal files this
series continues to offer numerous insights into Eisenhower’s personal feelings and beliefs on
many issues, and it documents a varied, active life.
Box No. Contents
1 AP-1 Appointments Approved--Algerian Parliamentary Delegation (N.Y.), May 22,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Anderson, Elmer L.; Crabtree, Nate, May 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Andrews, Peter, April 10, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Anwar, Shiek Mohamed, Dec. 3, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Arnold, Emmett R., Dec. 2, 1964 [NATO after 1969]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Arrowsmith, Marvin; Morim, Relman, Oct. 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Arrowsmith, Marvin, June 24, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved—Arnold, Emmett R., Dec. 2, 1964 [NATO after
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bartholomay, William (Visit to Farm with Nevins),
May 22, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bartolini, Julian A., July 27, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bedell, Hilles, April 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Belair, Felix, June 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bennett, Charles & Mrs., Sept. 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bettcher, Alvin J., March 17, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bird, John, Dec. 7, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bird, John, Dec. 2, 1964 [politics; speaking out;
Republican Party]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bird, John, June 12, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Bird, John, Feb. 16-22, 1964 [Republican Party;
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Black, Douglas, June 4, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Blanchard, H. T., Sept. 30, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Blazina, Tom, April 9, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Brakeley, George; Healey, John, Sept. 2, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Brock, George So, Oct. 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Brock, George So, August 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Brown, Charles H., May 13, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Brown, Walter E., June 29, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Buck, Pearl; Harris, Ted, June 26, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Campbell, Craig, Oct. 7, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Catlin, George E.G., March 3, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Chandler, Alfred D.; Ambrose, Dr., Dec. 14, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Chandler, Alfred D., June 3, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Chase, Howard W., August 18, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Chesney, Earle D., June 16, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Cleveland, David; Breidster, Fritz, March 10, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Coffee Get-Together, July 15, 1964 [Republican
National Convention]
AP-1 Appointments Approved-Cousins, Norman, June 26, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Continental, May 18, 1964 [personal automobile]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Cousins, Norman, June 26, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Crawford, Kenneth, April 27, 1964 [Eisenhower
policy re press interviews]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Crowl, Philip A., July 28, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Cutler, Robert; Hoftiezer, Gaylord, May 24, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--D-Day Plus 20 Final Viewing, CBS, Friendly, Fred,
May 22, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--DeLaval, Maurice, Oct. 8, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--DeMarco, Roland R., American Korean Foundation,
April 27, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Dirksen, Everett; Halleck, Charles, May 18, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Discovery (ABC), June 24, 1964 [suggested
questions for interview of Eisenhower]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Dormann, Henry (Interview for Latin America)
SIPA, Dec. 14, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Doubleday, June 23-July 3, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Eagle, Arnold, August 28, 1964 [Winston Churchill’s
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Eichman, Russell & Son, Dec. 10, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Eklof, Carl, August 21, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Eppley, Samuel M. (bio. of Gen. Spaatz), Nov. 25,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Erb, Horace Go. June 13, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Ewald, William B., August 21, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Finder, Leonard, Feb, 3, 1964 [Milton Eisenhower-
possible presidential candidate]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Folliard, Edward T., Dec. 16, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Francis, Clarence; Tsiang, To So, July 31, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Francis, Clarence, Feb. 7, 1964 [Freedoms
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Freedoms Foundation Meeting, Nov. 23, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Fuller, Harold (National Railroad Museum, Wisc.),
Nov. 20, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Gammont Robert, Dec. 10, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Garlow, John W. (Boy Scout Troop), July 8, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Gaston, Robert (candidates endorsed by DDE), Sept.
28, 1964 [list of candidates endorsed by Eisenhower; statements of endorsement]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Goldwater, Barry, Dec. 9, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Goldwater, Barry; McCabe; Harlow, June 18, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Golibart, Martin T., (Saint Mary’s College), May 27,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Goodpaster, Andrew, Sept. 22, 1964
2 AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hagerty, James, May 21, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hanson, C.A., May 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hawbaker, Elmer, August 27, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Head, Murdock, Jan. 13, 1964 [film re heart attack
and recovery]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Heaton, Leonard (Dinner), Sept. 29, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Henle, G., June 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hibbs, Ben, Dec. 1, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hibbs, Ben, August 18, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Higgins, Scott, Oct. 8, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hill, Margo (Nelson, Oscar D.), Nov. 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hines, William M., August 27, 1964 [transcript of
interview--re 1954 decision to proceed with development of ICBM, also Von
Neumann and Atomic Energy Commission]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hogan, Clary, April 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hopkins, John D., Nov. 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Hostetter, D, Ray; Climenhaga, Asa (Messiah
College), Dec. 8, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Jacobi, Claus, May 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Jacobs, Herbert, Jan. 20, 1964 [Joyce Hall; People to
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Johnson, Robert N., August 28, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Joynt, Carey B., August 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Keller, Lewis M., May 22, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Klucher, Robert H.; Schumann, Beate, August 11,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Korean Cultural & Freedom Foundation, Nov. 9,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Larson, Arthur, March 1964 [John F. Kennedy;
Republican politics]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lauback, Frank C., Jan. 23, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lever, Tresham, Oct. 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Life Photographer, May 18, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lodge, Henry Cabot, Nov. 9, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Love, Kennett (Suez Crisis), Nov. 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lubik, Mr., August 24, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lusk, J. H., March 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Lyric Theatre International, Inc., June 30, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Manchester, Wm., August 27, 1964 [John F.
Kennedy and events of November 1963]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Martin, Paul, July 1, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Mateos/Johnson, Feb. 21, 1964 [President of Mexico
and Lyndon B. Johnson visit Eisenhower]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Matteson, Robert R., Nov. 24, 1964 [U.S.
disarmament policy]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--McCabe, Ed, Dec. 3, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--McCabe, Ed; Burch, Dean, August 21, 1964 [Burch--
chairman of Republican National Committee]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--McCloy, John J., Sept. 1, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--McCone, John, Sept, 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--McCormick, Ken, August 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Merriam, Robert; Eisenhower, Milton, June 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Mid Atlantic Federation of College Young
Republicans, July 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Miller, William J., March 13, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Miskell, David R., July 29, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Moline Boys’ Choir, June 28, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Moore, Franklin; Scharf, Henry, May 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Morgan, Gerald (re Capitol Hill Club), June 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Nathan, Ruth, August 6, 1964 [Eisenhower re
Herbert Hoover]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Nicholas, Tom, Oct. 5, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Nixon, Richard M., Dec. 9, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Nixon, Richard M., Sept. 22, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Nixon, Richard M., July 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Paley, William S., March 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Palmer, Ely Elliott, May 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Parker, Joe (Los Angeles County, Hollywood
Museum), April 27, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Patterson, David, March 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Paul, Willard S., Nov. 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Pennsylvania State Representatives, June 12, 1964
Estate of Republican Party]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Peterson, Val, Jan. 31, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Price, Ray (New York Herald Tribune), May 21,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Purcell, Stuart M., August 21, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Rabb, Maxwell, June 12, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Radford, Arthur W., March 27, 1964
AP-l Appointments Approved--Raleigh, E. C., Sept. 2, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Randall, Clarence B., June 13, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Redman, Jack, July 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Reid, Ogden, August 24, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Reider, Elvin, August 27, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Rentschler, William H., July 12, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Rhoades, Paul H., August 11, 1964 [Gettysburg
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Rockefeller, David, May 24, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Rosenkrans, John (Eisenhower College), May 29,
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Ruschmeyer, Walter, Dec. 7, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Ruschmeyer, Walter, August 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Salet, Eugene A., August 20, 1964 [Army War
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Sarno, Mickey, Dec. 9, 1964 [tailor]
3 AP-1 Appointments Approved--Scranton, William W., Dec. 8, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Seaton, Fred, Sept. 10, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Seeligson, Arthur A., April l, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Shanley, Bernard, Oct. 2, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Shoenbrun, David, August 25, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Siekmann, Gene, June 7, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Sims, H. Hershiel, August 28, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Smith, Gerard C., Jan, 15, 1964 [Christian Herter-
multilateral nuclear forces in Europe; NATO; Goodpaster; Livingston T. Merchant;
mixed manned ballistic force; speech by Jean Monnet; U-2; sub vs. surface ship]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Spence, Clark E., August 20, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Sperling, Godfrey, May 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Stassen, Harold E., March 1, 1964 [candidate for
Republican nomination for president]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Stein, Eric; Jacobson, Harold, Dec. 14, 1964 [Test
Ban Treaty]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Thomas, Charles S., March 17, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Truax, Craig, Dec. 1, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Twin Pines, Nov. 9, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Udaipur, Maharajah of, Oct. 1, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Vaughan, Samuel; Black; Ewald; Eisenhower, Dec.
14, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Vaughan, Samuel; Gotfryd, Alex; Freson, Robert,
Nov. 24, 1964 [Doubleday-publicity for White House Years]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Vaughan, Samuel, August 21, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--von Mantueffel, Baron; Lazzarino, Anthony;
Robinson, Gil, Sept. 23, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wadsworth, Jerry (International Club), June 26, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Washburn, Abbott, Dec. 11, 1964 [People to People]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Weaver, W. G., Sept. 11, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Weeks, Harlan, August 17, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Westminister Presbyterian Church (Oklahoma City),
August 19, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Whitney, Wheelock, August 6, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wilkins, Roy; Young; Whitney, May 21, 1964
[Council for Civil Rights Leadership--Sen. Hugh Scott]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wilkinson, Bud (C.B.), May 29, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wilkinson, Ernest L., Sept. 4, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Williams, Frank O.H., 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Williams, Walter, April 2, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wolf, Charles, Dec. 7, 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Wollen, A. Ross (The Pointer
), Nov. 27, 1964 [West
Point-class of 1965-Army and Navy football teams]
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Woodhull, Esther D. (Desert Crippled Children’s
League, Inc.), January 1964
AP-1 Appointments Approved--Woolson, William A. (Republican Associates of
L.A.), March 31, 1964
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--A, B
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--C, D, E [William Clark; 1943 letter from Kay
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--F, G, H
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--I thru L
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--M
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--N thru R
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--S (1)(2) [World Peace Study Mission--Japanese
good will ambassadors]
4 AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--T, V
AP-2 Appointments Disapproved--W
AP-3 Appointments Tentative
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--A, B
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--C, D
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--E, F [Edgar Eisenhower]
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--G, H
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--I to L [Eisenhower policy on autograph
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--M, N [medal of honor dinner]
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--O, P, R
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--S [World’s Fair]
AU Autographs, Photographs, Holographs--T to Z [WWII-flying in an L-19; West
Point class of 1903]
EN-1 Endorsements of an Organization [American Heritage Foundation]
5 EN-2 Endorsements of an Individual [policy re letters of recommendation; Dr. Geo.
A. Hughes--W. H. dentist; Sen. Hugh Scott; John Anderson]
EN-3 Endorsements Denied [Republican candidates in primary elections; people not
known personally]
EN-4 Endorsements Tentative [empty folder]
FF Freedoms Foundation-1964 (1)-(12) [meeting agendas and minutes; policy book;
financial report; ads; possible endorsement by Lyndon B. Johnson]
6 FF Freedoms Foundation, Nov. 23, 1964 (1)(2) [annotated list of potential directors]
GI-1 Gifts From DDE to Others
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-A [Abel-sword]
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-B (1)(2)
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-C (1)-(3)
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-D
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-E
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-F
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-G (1)(2) [Chas. Goren]
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-H (1)(2) [Norman Palmer book re golfing with
Eisenhower; Eisenhower policy re giving views or comments over the phone]
7 GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-H (3)
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-I, J
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-K
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-L [Sigurd Larmon-Eisenhower re western novels;
Barry Leithead; Liberace]
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-M (1)-(3) [Stanley Marcus; William McChesney
Martin re Federal Reserve and federal deficit]
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-N [1897 chart re cause and cure of hard times]
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-O
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-P (1)(2) [Edwin Parker golf equipment; Lelia
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-Q
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-R (1)(2)
Gi-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-S (1)(2) [presidential disability and vice-presidential
8 GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-S (3)(4) GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-T
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-U, V GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-W
GI-2 Gifts to DDE from Others-Y, Z
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Army Navy Town Club, Oct. 12, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Augusta, Georgia, Nov. 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Bard College, June 30, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Bohemian Grove, July 17, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Brownell, Herbert (National Forum, Presidential Inability
and Succession), May 25, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Chicago, Illinois, Sept. 23, 1964 [speech by C. Percy]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Columbia Board of Trustees Mtge, Oct. 6, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Columbia Univ.-School of Mines (John R. Dunning), Nov.
8, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Doubleday Dinner, June 1, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Eisenhower Day, New York World’s Fair, Oct. 2, 1964
[Eisenhower-coat of arms]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship, Sept. 14, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Eisenhower, Milton (Johns Hopkins Visiting Comm.),
May 20, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-English-Speaking Union, National Board of Directors
Mtge (Charles Saltzman), June 2, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Family of Man Award Dinner (JSDE attended for DDE),
Oct. 28, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Freedoms Foundation Awards Program, May 27, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Freedoms Foundation Executive Board Mtge, June 22,
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Freedoms Foundation, Board of Directors Mtge, Dec. 9,
IN-l Invitations Accepted-George Co Marshall Library Dedication (Bradley, Omar
N.), May 23, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-George Murphy Dinner (Stans, Maurice), Dec. 22, 1964
9 IN-1 -Invitations Accepted-George Washington Univ. (Carroll, Thomas H.), June 7,
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Governors’ Conference, June 8-9, 1964 (1)(2) [Romney;
John Anderson; George Humphrey]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Greenbay, Wisconsin, Sept. 18, 1964 [National Railway
Museum-Gen. Eisenhower locomotive]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Hamilton Watch Co./American Ordnance Assn., June 17,
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Heart Fund Golf Tournament, May 26, 1964 [Eisenhower
and Arnold Palmer in benefit golf match at Merion Golf Club; Eisenhower’s
conditions for participating in the golf match]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Heaton, Leonard, June 30, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Hershey, Pao (Goldwater Inspired), Aug. 12, 1964
[Goldwater; Bill Miller; Eisenhower; Nixon; Republican National Committee;
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Houghton, Amory, Corning, N.Y., Oct. 9-11, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-International Business Machines, July 7, 1964 [World’s
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Ike Golf Tournament, Aug. 4-5, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Life Insurance Asso. of America (Kalmbach, Andrews),
Dec. 9, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Medal of Honor Grove, Oct. 1, 1964 [Freedoms
Foundation-K. Wells]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Moore Wedding, Sept. 26, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Neshaminy School District (Schwalm, Janet R.), May 27,
1964 (1)(2)
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Nichols, Thomas S. (Study Group), Dec. 4-6, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Nichols, Thomas S. (Study Group), May 30, 1964 [Milton
Eisenhower; Arthur Burns; Alfred Gruenther]
IN-l Invitations Accepted-Oblate College (Murphy, Richard J.; Horkan, George),
Dec. 7, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Order of Lafayette (Fish, Hamilton), Nov. 19, 1964
[movement to draft Gen. Clay for presidential race; Eisenhower re charges of
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Palmer, Arnold (Laurel Valley), Sept. 17, 1964 [R.
Firestone; C. Roberts; gang]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Party to People Forum, June 15, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-People to People Planning Comm., Sept. 14, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-People to People Board Meeting (Cookingham/Bushier)
(Park Lane), June 1, 1964 (1)(2)
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Republican Financial Comm., June 15, 1964
10 IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Republican Forum, March 31, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Salvation Army, Dec. 10, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Slavin, JoAnn (California Jr. Statesmen of America), May
9, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Strauss, Lewis, Oct. 20, 1964 [Angus production sale;
breeding and raising cattle; sale prices]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Taras Shevchenko, June 27, 1964 (1)-(4) [statue to
Ukranian national hero]
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-United Nations Luncheon, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Uplifters Dinner, April 24, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-USO Gold Medal Dinner (Roger Blough), Dec. 9, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Wolf, Charles, Dec. 8, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-World War I Tank Corps (DeTar, Dave), Sept. 5, 1964
IN-1 Invitations Accepted-Young Republican College Council Mtgo (Blair, C.
Jackson), June 11, 1964 [William Scranton]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-A (1)-(3)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-B (1)(2)
11 IN-2 Invitations Declined-B (3)-(10)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-C (1)-(6)
12 IN-2 Invitations Declined-D (1)-(3) [E. Dirksen; Walt Disney; William Draper;
Planned Parenthood World Population campaign-Eisenhower honorary chairman;
Project HOPE]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-E (1)(2) [Eisenhower political involvement in 1964
IN-2 Invitations Declined-F (1)-(3)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-G (1)-(3) [Sam Goldwyn California politics; Freeman
Gosden; Griswold-National War College]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-H (1)-(3) [Bryce Harlow-American Bar Association]
13 IN-2 Invitations Declined-H (4)-(6) [George Humphrey--Eisenhower quotes doctors]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-I
IN-2 Invitations Declined-J
IN-2 Invitations Declined-K (1)-(3)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-L (1)-(3) [Henry Luce]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-M (1)-(3)
14 IN-2 Invitations Declined-M (4)-(7)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-N (1)(2)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-O
IN-2 Invitations Declined-P (1)-(4)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-Q [Empty Folder]
15 IN-2 Invitations Declined-R (4)(5) [Schulz gives reasons for declining invitations]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-S (1)-(9) [Eisenhower lists potential presidential
candidates; People to People; Ezra Taft Benson and John Birch Society]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-T (1)(2)
IN-2 Invitations Declined-U
16 IN-2 Invitations Declined-V
IN-2 Invitations Declined-W (1)-(4) [Abbott Washburn; Arthur Watkins-Indian
Claims Commission; Caspar Weinberger; Henry Wriston-American Assembly]
IN-2 Invitations Declined-X, Y, Z [Howard Young-Republican Convention and
vacation in Wisconsin]
IN-3 Invitations Tentative
MA Medals and Awards (Medals, Awards, Citations, etc.)
MB Memberships, 1964 (1)-(3)
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-Atlantic Council
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-A
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-B
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-Burning Tree Club
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-C
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-D
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-E
17 MB-1 Memberships Accepted-English-Speaking Union (1)(2) [correspondence re
death of John F. Kennedy, including Prince Philip]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-F [empty folder]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-G
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-Gettysburg Country Club
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-H (1)(2)
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-I [empty folder]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-J
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-K
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-L
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-M
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-N
17 MB-1 Memberships Accepted-O
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-P [Pilots for Goldwater; Goldwater Victory Club]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-Q [empty folder]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-R
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-S
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-T
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-U [empty folder]
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-V
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-W
MB-1 Memberships Accepted-X, Y, Z
MB-2 Memberships Declined (1)-(5) [Citizens for Goldwater-Miller and Pilots for
MB-3 Memberships Tentative [empty folder]
MEMO Memorandum for the Record (1) [Eisenhower re attending River Brethren
Church as a boy; memo re attempt to remove Burch as head of Republican National
Committee and replace with Bliss; New York elections, Sen. Keating, dirty politics;
Sen. Kuchel, George Murphy, John Birch Society; Republican National Committee
Truth Squad; Cong. J. Ford-Goldwater; Eisenhower-personal business, David Marx]
MEMO Memorandum for the Record (2) [Goldwater extremism; Norman Cousins-
interview and article, edited by Eisenhower; Gov. Scranton]
18 MEMO Memorandum for the Record (3) [Freedoms Foundation; 1913 Army-Navy
football game; Wiley Buchanan]
ME-1 Messages-Wedding (1)-(5)
ME-2 Messages-Birthday (1)-(6) [Clarence Francis Goldwater; Gabriel Hague re
New Hampshire primary, Scranton, and Romney]
ME-3 Messages-Condolence (Illness, death) (1)-(4) [Eisenhower re heart attack and
need for daily rest]
19 ME-3 Messages-Furnished to Organizations (1)-(3)
ME-3-1 Messages-Agriculture, Business, Industry [empty folder]
ME-3-2 Messages-Educational Groups
ME-3-3 Messages-Entertainment, News Media, Publication Groups
ME-3-4 Messages-Fraternal Groups [empty folder]
ME-3-5 Messages-Governmental Groups [two-party politics]
ME-3-6 Messages-Health-Medical Groups
ME-3-7 Messages-Labor Groups [empty folder]
ME-3-8 Messages-Religious Groups
ME-3-9 Messages-Veterans-Patriotic Groups (1)-(3) [St. Lo; D-Day; Lithuania; role
of French underground in WWII]
ME-3-10 Messages-Welfare Groups [empty folder]
ME-3-11 Messages-Testimonial (Non-Political) (1)(2) [Al Gruenther; Sam Goldwyn;
Gosden-convention and politics; Joyce Hall]
20 ME-4 Messages-Denied (1)-(3)
ME-5 Messages-Tentative
PP People to People, 1964 (1)-(3) [Abbott Washburn]
PL Political, 1964 (1) [Eisenhower re endorsing of specific Republican candidate for
president; right to work; two party system; need for open convention; political
extremism; Eisenhower-divisive labels-“liberal” and “conservative”]
PL Political, 1964 (2)(3) [Romney; Scranton; John F. Kennedy; Bay of Pigs; civil
rights; public spending; Goldwater-principles of Republican Party; failure of
Republican Party; Frank Stanton; Harold Stassen-convention; Eisenhower
“mainstream” Republican Party; convention; extremists; people who label others as
PL-1 Political Affairs-Conventions (1)(2)
PL-2 Political Affairs-Elections, Campaigns [Eisenhower, Goldwater]
PL-3 Political Affairs-Fund Raising
PL-4 Political Affairs-Testimonial Dinners (1)(2)
PL-5 Political Affairs-Platforms
PL-6 Political Affairs-Parties [William Miller]
PL-7 Political Affairs-Publicity
PL-8 Political Affairs-Speakers [empty folder]
PL-9 Political Affairs-Women [empty folder]
21 PU-1 Publications-Forward/Preface (1)(2) [article by Norman Cousins]
PU-1 Publications-Paris Match (1)-(5) [article on WWII and Normandy edited and
edited and annotated by Eisenhower; drafts of article]
PU-2 Publications-Article or Photo for Magazine, Newspaper, Periodical, etc. (1)-(7)
[article by Felix Belair-edited by Eisenhower; Eisenhower-purpose of Farewell
Address; Der Spiegel article re WWII; National Anthem; D-Day Plus 20-series of
articles-drafts edited by Eisenhower]
PU-3 Publications-Request for Aid in Publishing an Article [Financial Aid,
Endorsement, Referred to Someone]
22 PU-4 Publications-Statement Endorsing Books
PU-5 Publications-Permission to Use Quoted or Quotes (material, etc.) [Wiley
Republican Miscellaneous [William Miller]
ST-1 Statement-Sent In [Saulnier]
ST-1 Statement-Goldwater Remarks in Hershey, Pa., Aug. 12, 1964
ST-2 Statement-Made by DDE (1)-(3) [nomination of Goldwater; convention; voting;
ST-2 Statement-Dodge, Joseph (death)
ST-2 Statement-Eisenhower College, 6-5-64
ST-2 Statement-Eisenhower Statement After Election, 11-5-64
ST-2 Statement-Gettysburg Hotel, 12-11-64
ST-2 Statement-Goldwater, 8-12-64
ST-2 Statement-Hoover, J. Edgar
ST-2 Statement-John Birch Society, 10-9-64
ST-2 Statement-New York Herald Tribune (On Endorsement of Presidential
Candidate, 5-25-64
ST-2 Statement-Task Force [on Peace Through Preparedness--McElroy Task Force
Report, The Defense Role of Nuclear Weapons, 10-5-64]
ST-2 Statement-Walter Reed General Hospital, 10-26-64
ST-3 Statement-Request Statement
TR Trips Made by DDE-Mexico (1)-(5)
23 TR Trips Made by DDE-Detroit, Michigan (1)(2)
TR Trips Made by DDE-New York, 10-1 to 5-64 (1)-(13)
TR Trips Made by DDE-New York, 12-9&10-64
TR Trips Made by DDE-San Francisco Convention, 7-9 to 16-64 (1)-(10) [special
train to Convention; transcripts of remarks by Eisenhower on ABC TV; convention
TR Trips Made by DDE-Tournament of Roses, 1-1-64 (1)-(3)
24 TR Trips Made by DDE-Tournament of Roses, 1-1-64 Activities and Arrangements
TR Trips Made by DDE-Tournament of Roses, 1-1-64 Acceptances
TR Trips Made by DDE-Tournament of Roses, 1-1-64 Declinations
Alphabetical File
Adenauer (1)(2) [NATO; cooperative security; Western Europe]
Advertising of “Enemies”
Al (1)-(3) [peaceful coexistence]
Am (1)-(3)
American Assembly, 1964
American University
An (1)(2)
25 Ap
Ar (1)(2) [Goldwater]
Au [politics]
Ba (1)-(7) [garden at Gettysburg; Eisenhower signature; Goldwater and convention;
1952 campaign and Taft supporters; article by William Buckley-McCarthy charges re
James Conant; bursitis elbow; Cong. Bob Barry; Peace Corps; golf; D-Day means
“departure day”]
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Bayh, Birch [presidential succession and disability statements by Herbert Brownell
and Eisenhower-const. amendment]
Be (1)-(3) [Welch’s charges; journalists requesting interviews with Eisenhower; Ezra
Taft Benson-Welch and John Birch Society and response by Eisenhower; Goldwater-
Ku Klux Klan]
26 Be (4)(5)
Belding, Don (1)-(4) [Freedoms Foundation-fund raising and finances, John S.D.
Eisenhower position; John Birch Society; extremism; Eisenhower’s first interest in
Freedoms Foundation]
Biography (Material for Writing and Copy of)
Bi (1)-(3) [Robert Biggers; John Bird-interview; People to People]
Birch Society [Cong. Harding--Robert Welch and John Birch Society]
Bl (1)(2) [Ray Bliss--drive to put him in as head of Republican National Committee
in place of Burch]
Bo (1)-(3) [D-Day; questions re civil rights, Negroes, and Republican Party; Herbert
Hoover; ileitis]
27 Bo (4) [Freedoms Foundation; People to People; Burton Mason--former classmate at
West Point]
Boy Scouts, 1964 (1)-(8)
Br (1)-(6) [Omar Bradley; Eisenhower voting record; Sec. McNamara’s criticism of
Eisenhower’s defense policies; golf; WWII-Gen. Marshall, Gen. Krueger; reason for
sending troops to Little Rock; Bricker Amendment; CBS broadcast -Eisenhower
suggests changes in copy; William Brock; Lucius Clay; NBC program re Eisenhower
statements on best candidates for president]
28 Br (7)-(9) [Fox Conner correspondence; report on Guayule rubber industry-1930; Earl
Warren; Percival Brundage]
Brownell, Herbert [Keating for Senator campaign; Kansas politics--Harry Darby and
Gov. Anderson]
Bu (1)-(7) [D-Day; Wiley Buchanan--politics and convention--quotes by Eisenhower;
William Buckley re James Conant, Sen. McCarthy and Eisenhower; Harold Bull-D-
Day and OVERLORD, WWII; Dean Burch-move to replace him with Bliss as head
of Republican National Committee; Goldwater statement re moon shot;
Constitutional Prayer Foundation; Eisenhower-Republican Party and need for open
convention; Arthur F. Burns-wage and price guidelines, public debt, economic
retrenchment, business expansion, inflation, balance of payments, deficit spending;
Courtney Burton-American Foundation-duties of citizenship]
Business Council, 1963-64 (1)-(3) [industrial production; exports; imports; world
motor vehicle trade]
29 Business Council, 1963-64 (4)
Ca (1)-(6) [Eisenhower-support for Goldwater; favorite Bible verse; right to work;
decentralized government; John Birch Society; Arthur Larson; Eisenhower-list of
qualified people who lost in November 1964 election-G. Bush, C. Percy; 1964
campaign; politics; choosing the Republican nominee; party principles; Charley A.
Case; cattle]
Ch (1)-(6) [George Champion-Freedoms Foundation; National Forum on Presidential
Inability and Vice Presidential Vacancy; need for “open convention”; politics;
Scranton for President Club of Missouri]
Christmas Gift List-1964
Churchill, Winston
30 Ci [Eisenhower statement re election, voting, and need to support the Republican
Party; civil rights legislation]
Cl (1)(2) [Freedoms Foundation]
Clippings-1964 (1)-(7) [Eisenhower on ABC during 1964 Republican convention]
Clippings-1963 [Eisenhower flying in Philippines-Col. Ramos]
Co (1)-(6) [John Birch Society ad-statement by Eisenhower; Jacqueline Cochran-
Republican Party mission; J. Lawton Collins-D-Day; CBS-D-Day Plus 20 program;
William Buckley article referring to McCarthy and Conant and Eisenhower]
31 Co (7)-(13) [1964 political campaign; Gettysburg College; Council on Foreign
Relations-Dr. Wriston; Norman Cousins; Walter Lippman critical of article by
Eisenhower; Eisenhower-political scene, his role, Scranton, Nixon, and Goldwater]
Cookingham, Perry (1)-(4) [People to People]
Cr (1)(2) [replacing Burch as head of Republican National Committee; D-Day;
political extremists; Critical Issues Council civil rights, Panama, and defense policies;
American League; CBS broadcast-Fred Friendly and Walter Cronkite]
Critical Issues [Republican Citizens Comm.-Critical Issues Council headed by Milton
Eisenhower; agriculture]
32 Cu (1)(2) [Cuba; Republican Party primary-Nelson Rockefeller-Republican
principles-“open convention;” Eisenhower quote re wounded officer; WWII-
documents re General Patton slapping incident, 1943; Republican National
Committee Truth Squad]
Cuban Telegrams [from anti-Castro Cubans]
Da (1)-(5) [Eisenhower-Stevenson Bi-Partisan Appeal, October 1964; story re
Eisenhower and flying saucers; Conservation Act of 1963; Scranton; D-Day]
De (1)-(7) [de Gaulle; De Guingand-South Africa-U.S. policy towards-A. J. Luthuli,
African National Congress president; Roland Demarco American-Korean
Foundation; Lodge for President movement; Eisenhower-article for Der Spiegel]
33 Di (1)-(3) [Walt Disney-People to People]
Do (1)-(4) [Joseph Dodge; Bob Dole; Bob Donovan; politics; Herbert Hoover]
Dr (1)(2) [William Draper]
Drafts [politics]
Draper, William H., Jr. (1)(2) [Planned Parenthood; population explosion; birth
control; Eisenhower re population problem]
Du (1)(2) [space program; Bay of Pigs; Eisenhower re use of terms, such as “right
wing,” “left wing,” “liberal,” and “conservative;” “common sense” Republicanism;
news media-columnists; Goldwater; politics]
Dw [things named after Eisenhower]
33 Ea [People to People; WWII; Winston Churchill quote re Bernard Montgomery;
Eisenhower to Booker re civil rights]
34 Ed [Anthony Eden re book on Suez; Eisenhower re Mid East and Hungary in 1956]
Edwards, Robert L.
Effective Citizens Organization [Eisenhower-member of Advisory Council]
Ei (1)(2) [Eisenhower Cup; Edgar Eisenhower re Lodge, Goldwater, and Scranton;
Eisenhower-Civil Rights Bill; Eisenhower Fellows; John S.D. Eisenhower-ABC
offer; WWII-Morganthau Plan re Germany; Louise Eisenhower-politics]
El (1)(2) [Eisenhower remarks at convention re press; Dr. Edward Elson]
En (1)(2) [J. Earl Endacott; English Speaking Union]
Ep [Herbert Hoover]
Er (1)(2) [D. Erickson-candidate for Congress-seeking endorsement; Eisenhower
Es [Republican National Committee-Burch-Bliss-Nixon-Goldwater-Eisenhower]
Ew [William Ewald]
Fa (1)(2) [Schulz re volume of letters to Eisenhower; favorite books; favorite songs]
Fe (1) [WWII ship’s newsletter]
35 Fe (2) [D-Day def.]
Fi (1)-(4) [Presbyterian Church; Republican Party in California; Leonard V. Finder;
rebuilding the Republican Party; Goldwater; Republican Party politics; Rockefeller;
Knowland; de Gaulle; Red China; Secretary McNamara; defense budget; equality for
Negroes; Paul Findley; portrait by Wyeth; Goldwater’s positions on the issues;
bridge; fiscal policy; golf]
Fl (1)(2) [Arthur S. Flemming; presidential candidates, Goldwater and Johnson; two-
party system]
Fo (1)-(3) [Sen. Hiram L. Fong; Gerald Ford; Henry Ford II-People to People]
Fr (1)-(5) [Clarence Francis-Eisenhower Fellows; Eisenhower’s position re
Republican presidential candidates; Freedoms Foundation; Goldwater and Lyndon B.
Johnson on civil rights; Capitol Hill Club; WWII-French underground; Fred Friendly,
CBS history of Republican Party, 1960 election]
36 Fr (6)
Fu (Harold E. Fuller-National Railroad Museum; rebuilding the Republican Party;
Eisenhower re use of words, “conservative,” “liberal,” and “moderate;” WWII-Telek]
Ga (1)-(4) [Cuba; Freedoms Foundation; James Gault]
Gallup Poll (1)-(3) [results of polls from March to December 1964]
Gates, Thomas E. [contents interfiled in Special Name Series]
Ge (1)(2) [Goldwater; Republican Party; biography of General Patton by Farago;
incidents in WWII when Eisenhower intervened to prevent demotion of Patton; D-
Day; Leonard T. Gerow; golf]
Gettysburg College, 1964 (1)-(6)
37 Gettysburg College, 1963
Gettysburg College, 1962 (1)(2)
Gi (1)(2) [1964 campaign and election; Republican candidates; Eisenhower re use of
certain cliches and labels; political issues; Scranton; Goldwater]
Go (1)-(4) [Negro problem; Eisenhower-convention appearance on ABC TV; Sam
Goldwyn; golf; Goodpaster; WWII]
Goldwater, Barry (1)(2) [Republican National Committee leadership-Bliss, Judd,
Dean Burch; Johnson landslide; 1964 campaign; Eisenhower role in campaign;
Republican meeting at Hershey, Pennsylvania; Goldwater and 1960 Republican
platform; fiscal policy; role of government; Scranton; 1964 Civil Rights bill; Ed
McCabe; TVA; Bryce Harlow; criticisms of Eisenhower policies; Hugh Scott;
Gr (1)-(3) [Billy Graham; use of divisive labels; principles of Republican Party;
Robert K. Gray; Vince Lombardi; Eisenhower role in Republican convention]
38 Gr (4)(5) [Robert Griffin; Gilbert Grosvenor-People to People; Wayne C. Grover;
Homer Gruenther; Eisenhower at convention; D-Day def.]
Gu (1)-(3) [Illinois politics]
Ha (1)-(11) [Jim Hagerty; Dean Burch; Republican Party; results of election; Richard
M. Nixon; Goldwater; Rockefeller-New York primary; Bob Montgomery; campaign;
J. Edgar Hoover; Leonard Hall; reorganization of Republican Party; Ray Blisso
Scranton; Eisenhower-reasons for supporting Goldwater; Larry Hansen; Ralph
Harding; Ezra Taft Benson-John Birch Society-Welch; Eisenhower-why voters didn’t
support Goldwater; Arthur T. Harris-WWII; business card; presidential disability;
Mark Hatfield; Alden Hatch; People to People; Bliss and Judd-Republican National
Committee; Swede Hazlett]
39 He (1)-(5) [Herbert Hoover; Leonard Heaton; South Vietnam; personal health; Sam
Goldwyn; Eisenhower re need to vote Republican; A. B. Hermann, Republican
National Committee; overflights of Russia and Cuba]
Herter, Christian [interfiled in Special Name Series]
Hi (1)(2) [Goldwater-nuclear issue; Conrad Hilton re election; history of Republican
Party, CBS program]
Ho (1)-(6) [Oveta Culp Hobby; Goldwater; Lyndon B. Johnson; political
conventions; Courtney Hodges; WWII-Battle of Bulge; Paul Hoffman; People to
People; Republican National Committee “Truth Squad”; Herbert Hoover; Eugene
Lyons’ biography of Hoover-1932 Bonus March and role of Eisenhower; Bob Hope-
golf; church attendance in Abilene; Sen. Fong]
Hoover Funeral Services, 10-22-23-64
Hu (1) [Rev. Robert A. MacAskill]
40 Hu (2)(3) [Eisenhower statement to voters of California re support for Goldwater]
I (1)-(4) [Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships; Eisenhower-need to support Republican
candidates; federal handouts; politics; Goldwater; Lord Ismay; Winston Churchill; D-
Day; Montgomery; de Guingand; Lord Wavell]
Ja (1)-(4) [Goldwater; Rockefeller; 1964 campaign; C. D. Jackson; article on
Normandy invasion; Neil H. Jacoby; Critical Issues Council; Eisenhower offered a
board membership; Jacob Javits; Eisenhower pledge not to express preference for a
presidential candidate during the primaries]
Jackson, C. D. (Deceased--9-20-64) [institutions and political parties; Stephen
Vincent Benet’s poem, “John Brown’s Body”--references to Lincoln and God’s will;
Project Hope; WWII; Freddie Morgan]
Je (1)(2)
Jo (1)-(4) [John Birch Society-misuse of quote by Eisenhower; Sen. Kuchel; George
Murphy; Lyndon B. Johnson]
Jo (5) [Robert Tyre Jones; cotton subsidy bill; health and family; news commentators;
understanding the Far East]
Ju [Walter Judd; American Security Council--Eisenhower withdrawal of
Ka (1)-(3) [Leland J. Kalmbach]
Ke (1)-(4) [Kenneth Keating; election results; John F. Kennedy and Castro; Arnold
Palmer-golf; John F. Kennedy; Robert F. Kennedy; WWII-armistice offer]
Kendall, David W. [Republican Party-reorganization and basic principles; campaign;
Lyndon B. Johnson; Goldwater; Eisenhower’s role in campaign; Scranton; reference
to S. V. Benet’s poem; 1956 Chrysler; Eisenhower’s use of Chrysler products since
1934; George Romney; Rockefeller]
Kennedy, John F.
Ki (1)-(3) [James R. Killian, Jr.; Arthur Kimball; People to People; Republican Party;
need for open convention; Mandate for Change; WWII; Jack Anderson column]
Kl (1)(2) [Drew Pearson column; Goldwater; Robert Kennedy; Julius Klein]
Ko (1) [Gen. Koenig-WWII; Eisenhower-changes in medicine since boyhood]
42 Ko (2)(3) [John Birch Society; Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation; Bela
Kornitzer; Gen. MacArthur; Lyndon B. Johnson; D-Day]
Kr [McNamara-re Eisenhower defense policies; Goldwater; two party system; Arthur
Krock; Eisenhower not a Mason]
Ku [Sen. Kuchel refusal to endorse George Murphy]
Kuchel, Thomas H. [Goldwater’s positions on issues compared with Republican
leadership and 1960 platform; refusal to endorse G. Murphy; John Birch Society;
multilateral missile fleet; civil rights bill]
Kurtz, Howard G. (1)-(4) [disarmament; war control]
La (1)-(5) [Melvin Laird; Arthur Larson-reasons for supporting Johnson/Humphrey
ticket; Eisenhower re John F. Kennedy’s policies; PGA]
43 La (6)(7) [UFOs; political conventions; nuclear weapons; “Jock” Lawrence]
Larmon, Sigurd S. [politics; Goldwater; Burch; Republican Party; C. Percy; golf
game; polls]
Le (1)-(5) [WWII-General Patton incident; People to People; Eisenhower statement re
candidates for president; WWII-Battle of Bulge; Eisenhower critical of press at
convention; school system]
Li (1)-(4) [Lincoln Day Dinner; golf; Lithuanian American Council]
Liberal and Wichita, Kansas, Trip to, Oct. 24, 1964
Lo (1)-(5) [Henry Cabot Lodge; Eisenhower-reference to quantity of mail being
received; Goldwater; Gov. John Love of Colorado]
44 Lu (1)(2) [Mr. Ed television show; golf; WWII; politics Eugene Lyons’ biography of
Herbert Hoover-reference to 1932 Bonus March and Eisenhower’s role]
Ma (1)-(11) [Gen. Douglas MacArthur; Robert MacAskill; John Birch Society;
Goldwater; Republican Convention; Eisenhower-reasons for not responding to false
charges; United Student Aid Funds; William McC. Martin Jr.,-Federal Reserve
Board; deficit spending; inflation; Louis Marx; Dr. Howard Snyder; politics;
Scranton; 1960 election; need for open convention; class of 1915 reunion; President
Mateos of Mexico; People to People; Mandate for Change; life insurance;
Eisenhower re saddles and beef prices]
Mandate for Change--Reviews, 1963 [list of people who got free copies]
McC (1) [Sen. McCarthy; Dr. Conant; D-Day]
45 McC (2) [John E. McClure; political situation; Eisenhower’s mail volume;
Goldwater; Bob Taft; John W. McCormack; civil rights bill]
McCloy, John [U.S. troops in Europe; Adenauer; defense of Western Europe; NATO;
Algeria; France; de Gaulle]
McE [Neil McElroy; Scranton; Republican primary struggle; two-party system; open
McL [Eisenhower offered membership on board of trust; evaluation of Goldwater]
McP [Henry Roemer McPhee; Republican meeting at Hershey; Goldwater; Scranton;
Republican convention]
Me (1)-(4) [Eisenhower-position re Republican primary races; Merion Golf Club-
Heart Fund Golf Tournament-Arnold Palmer; Party to People Forum; Robert E.
Merriam; Scranton; Goldwater; Henry Cabot Lodge; Nixon]
Mi (1)-(4) [Rep. Robert H. Michel; Vietnam War-French; de Gaulle; Korea-1953;
Freedoms Foundation; Goldwater; William E. Miller-Republican National
Committee; H. C. Lodge]
46 Mi (5)(6) [WWII-German redoubt issue-push for Berlin political decisions; Bob
Mitchell-Republican Truth Squad; James P. Mitchell]
Mo (1)-(8) [Jean Monnet; Robert Montgomery; Ellen Mooree WWII; NATO;
Scranton; Robert E. Merriam; Malcolm Moos; Moral Re-Armament; Lt. Gen. Freddie
Morgan-WWII; Montgomery; Gerald Morgan; Scranton; Goldwater; Eisenhower re
Latin phrase on desk plaque; E. Frederic Morrow; Thruston B. Morton; Republican
convention; use of television at convention; changes needed in conventions; Arthur
Vandenberg, Jr.; Gettysburg farm; Suez]
Mu (1)-(4) [Dr. Seeley G. Mudd; Goldwater; convention; loan of bicycle; Heart Fund
Golf Tournament; multilateral missile fleet; Karl E. Mundt; Republican candidates;
Eisenhower-role in campaign; George Murphy; Sen. Kuchel]
Na (1)(2)
47 Na (3)(4) [National Railroad Museum]
Ne (1)-(5) [Nehru; American Assembly; Clifford C. Nelson; Allan Nevins;
Eisenhower-Republican Party-Jeffersonian Republican-role of government; aid to
Latin America; Eisenhower attitude toward malicious and defamatory material;
Eisenhower political beliefs; MacArthur]
New York World’s Fair, 1963-64 (1)-(6)
Ni (1)-(3)
48 No (1)(2) [Justice Potter Stewart; NATO; Scranton]
Nu [Churchill]
Oe [Goldwater; civil rights legislation; right wing extremists; Goldwater’s criticism
of Eisenhower; Eisenhower’s pledge to remain neutral during primary elections;
Ol (1)(2) [John M. Olin; Goldwater; Bud Wilkinson; C. Percy; politics; Iran]
Om [D-Day; WWII-Operation Bonaparte; Goldwater]
Oklahoma City Oklahoma (Proposed Trip to, Oct. 23 & 24, 1964) [Bud Wilkinson
campaign for Senate]
Oppenheimer, 1964 [partial draft of chapter in Mandate for Change
Ot [loan of auto]
48 Pa (1)-(6) [People-to-People; Arnold Palmer; Heart Fund Golf Match at Merion;
Eisenhower’s smoking habit; heart attack; Panama; Paris Match article; Edwin
Parker-Spalding-golf balls and clubs; Eisenhower-golf game; WWII; Republican
Party; Party to People Program]
49 Pa (7)(8) [William D. Pawley; Goldwater; politics; Scranton; Rockefeller; Republican
Pe (1)-(5) [Scranton; Eisenhower-licensed pilot; J.C. Penney Angus sale; People to
People; recipe; Capitol Hill Club; Val Peterson]
Pearson, Drew, Letters in Response to Article by [financing of Gettysburg Farm]
Photo Project--K. S. Adams, Freeman Gosden, and A. Nielsen
Pi (1)-(3) [Oppenheimer case; Pilots for Goldwater; Virgil Pinkley-1943 suggestion
Eisenhower run for president; golf]
Pi [Planned Parenthood-Eisenhower honorary chairman]
Po (1)-(3) [Bricker Amendment; Dr. Forrest C. Pogue WWII and George Patton;
Gen. Marshall; funeral of Eisenhower’s mother; population problem-Planned
Parenthood-William H. Draper, Jr.; H. J. Porter; Eisenhower-greatest accomplishment
of his presidency]
50 Pr (1)-(4) [presidential succession, inability, and disability; Walter Krueger; reason
for sending troops to Little Rock; purpose of Farewell Address; golf; politics;
Douglas R. Price; Project Hope; Proposition One in California]
Pu [American Heritage Foundation-citizenship education project]
Q [problem of crime]
Ra (1)(2) [review of Mandate for Change; Clarence Randall; Heart Fund Golf
Re (1)-(5) [Eisenhower re policy on non-involvement in Republican primary contests;
Goldwater; John Birch Society; Ogden Reid; Republican National Committee; 1964
Convention-Eisenhower a commentator for ABC; People to People; Republican
Citizens Comm.; Cuba; Blacks in Republican Party]
Rh [Republican Truth Squad]
Ri (1)-(3) [Eliot Richardson; Ripon Society]
Ro (1) [Gettysburg Farm; U.S. budget; space program; Walter S. Robertson-Virginia
politics; Goldwater]
51 Ro (2)-(7) [Roy Rogers; Goldwater; politics; Eisenhower-“my gang”; Eisenhower-leg
injury as youth; People to People; James Rowley; partisan statements, misstatements,
and distortions]
Ru (1)-(3) [American Lithuanian Council; Walter Ruschmeyer; Gettysburg Farm;
Andrew Wyeth portrait; Big Brother program; C. Percy]
Sa (1)-(7) [racial problems; post-heart attack medication and exercise; California
politics; Goldwater; Rockefeller; Lodge; L. Saltonstall--Senate rule giving former
presidents right to address the Senate; Percy; Bud Wilkinson; English Speaking
Union; political situation; R. Saulnier-business outlook, deficits, and European
economy; People to People; David Sarnoff, RCA; U.S. economy; fiscal policy]
52 Saint Louis, Mo.-Trip, Oct. 24-25, 1964
San Antonio, Texas-Oct. 22-23, 1964
Sc (1)-(8) [Goldwater-speech at convention; Republican Party; John Birch Society;
Ray Scherer; Scranton; Eisenhower most important event in his life and greatest
accomplishment as president; Republican leadership; space program; Bay of Pigs;
Hugh Scott; Republican National Committee Truth Squad; presidential security and
assassinations; Goldwater; reorganization of Republican Party]
Se (1)-(3) [Goldwater-criticism of Eisenhower administration; Phyllis Schlafly-
criticism of Eisenhower]
Sh (1)-(3) [Bernard Shanley; People to People; Mexican border duty and value of
small unit combat experience]
53 Sh (4)(5)
Si (1)-(3) [political situation; Pollard Simons; Eisenhower role in 1952 campaign]
Sk [American Security Council]
Sl [balance of payments problem; budget deficits; favorite book]
53 Sm (1)-(3) [John A. Stormer-None Dare Call It Treason; Herbert Hoover; Vietnam
War; Korea-1953]
Sn (1)(2) [Republicans and Independents for Johnson; Murray Snyder-Republican
politics-Goldwater, Lodge, and Scranton]
So (1)(2) [Republican Party politics]
Sp (1)(2) [Cardinal Spellman; WWII-Op, Bonaparte]
St (1)(2) [Maurice Stans; John Birch Society; Frank Stanton; Eisenhower-debates by
presidential candidates]
54 St (3)-(10) [Harold Stassen-open convention; Sen. Kuchel; John Birch Society;
Republican Party politics; Colorado land development; Henry Cabot Lodge; Planned
Parenthood; T. Streibert-Radio Free Europe; Jefferson Davis; Black newspaper
Stephens, Thomas E. [interfiled in Special Name Series, 12/87]
Su [Republican Party politics; Goldwater]
Subscriptions, 1964
Summerfield, Arthur E. [interfiled in Special Name Series, 12/87]
Sutliff, Vincent Es (1)(2) [Eisenhower chairman of Americana Corp, Editorial
Advisory Board-resignation]
Sy [Goldwater-Miller ticket]
Ta (1)-(3) [Chrysler limousine-used by Mamie Eisenhower since 1956; Republican
Party; Goldwater; platform; Scranton; Eisenhower need for open convention; Gen.
Maxwell Taylor]
Robert A. Taft Institute of Government
Te (1)
55 Te (2)
Tedder, Arthur
Telephone Calls
Th (1)-(4) [Norman Thomas re Goldwater; Republican Party-political philosophy-
growth of federal government; Goldwater-“me-tooer”]
To (1)-(3) [John Birch Society ad-uses misquote of Eisenhower by George Todt;
Tr (1)(2) [Republican Party politics; Goldwater; Truman; Republican National
Committee Truth Squad]
Tu (1)(2)
Tuskegee Institute
U (1)-(4) [West Point Class of 1915]
United Cerebral Palsy
56 Va (1)-(3) [Arthur Vandenburg; Republican Party; Eisenhower role in party; charges
in None Dare Call It Treason
by John A. Stormer]
Vi [Vietnam War; Korean War]
Vo [open convention; Republican Party politics]
Wa (1)-(5) [Freedoms Foundation; Black problems; DeWitt Wallace; Eisenhower-use
of small plane in WWII; Republican National Committee-A. B. Hermann;
Eisenhower quotes on prayer, common labor, and religion; Project Hope; Sen. Joseph
Bristow; John Birch Society; Goldwater; Gen. MacArthur; Tuskegee Institute; Mark
Hatfield; Peter Dominick; Cuba]
Washburn, Abbott [People to People-role of USIA; Republican Party-desire by some
to replace Burch with Bliss; Nixon; Goldwater]
We (1)-(3) [Republican convention; Eisenhower treated at Ashford Army General
Hospital, Nov. 26, 1945; George C. Marshall; Sinclair Weeks; Eisenhower-election a
“rout”; promising Republican candidates; Goldwater; Stassen; Party to People;
Kenneth Wells-Freedoms Foundation]
57 We (4)-(7) [Wells-Freedoms Foundation]
Wh (1)-(4) [Dr. Paul Dudley White; Republican politics; Scranton; Rockefeller; two-
party system; White Supremacy Council; G. Murphy; Gen. Courtney Whitney-
interview of MacArthur; Eisenhower--why he was a Republican]
Wi (1)-(6) [Roy Wilkins-NAACP; B. Wilkinson; Scranton; Goldwater; poll re
presidential candidates; Bob Wilson; Walter Winchell; Willard Wirtz-Planned
Whitman, Ann C. [interfiled from A75-22, April 1994]
W (1) [Eisenhower policy re not endorsing candidates in Republican primary
58 W (2)-(4) [Goldwater, Bob Woodruff; 1953 Inauguration bibles and verses; Felix
Wormser; U.S. economy]
Wr [politics; Eisenhower’s role in campaign, Henry Wriston American Assembly;
WWII propaganda]
Ya [Charlie Yates-railroad travel]
Ye [Republican Party, closed convention; Goldwater]
Yo (1)(2) [Black vote in 1964, 1952, and 1956 elections]
Young Men’s Christian Association, 1963
Young Republicans, 1963
Z (1)(2) [Adams County, Pennsylvania; work of Congress; Republican Party,
Eisenhower-use of labels-“liberal”, “conservative,” “leftist,” and “rightist”]
Address Book, 1964
Notebook and Calendar, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1964