HydroDesktop: Web services-based software for hydrologic data discovery,
download, visualization, and analysis
Daniel P. Ames
, Jeffery S. Horsburgh
, Yang Cao
, Timothy Whiteaker
, David Valentine
Geospatial Software Lab e Ctr. for Adv. Energy Studies, Idaho State Univ., Idaho Falls, ID 83402, USA
Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT, USA
Center for Research in Water Resources, Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, USA
article info
Article history:
Received 24 November 2011
Received in revised form
21 March 2012
Accepted 24 March 2012
Available online 27 April 2012
Data management
Geographic information system
Hydrologic information systems
Hydrologic modeling
Observation data
Web services
Discovering and accessing hydrologic and climate data for use in research or water management can be
a difcult task that consumes valuable time and personnel resources. Until recently, this task required
discovering and navigating many different data repositories, each having its own website, query interface,
data formats, and descriptive language. New advances in cyberinfrastructure and in semantic mediation
technologies have provided the means for creating better tools supporting data discovery and access. In
this paper we describe a freely available and open source software tool, called HydroDesktop, that can be
used for discovering, downloading, managing, visualizing, and analyzing hydrologic data. HydroDesktop
was created as a means for searching across and accessing hydrologic data services that have been
published using the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI)
Hydrologic Inform ation System (HIS). We describe the design and architecture of HydroDesktop, its novel
contributions in web services-based hydrologic data search and discovery, and its unique extensibility
interface that enables developers to create custom data analysis and visualization plug-ins. The func-
tionality of HydroDesktop and some of its existing plug-ins are introduced in the context of a case study for
discovering, downloading, and visualizing data within the Bear River Watershed in Idaho, USA.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Software availability
All CUAHSI HydroDesktop software and documentation can
be accessed at http://his.cuahsi.org. Source code and additional
documentation for HydroDesktop can be accessed at the Hydro-
Desktop code repository website http://hydrodesktop.codeplex.
com. HydroDesktop and its source code are released under the
New Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License which allows for
liberal reuse of the software and code.
1. Introduction
As scientists begin to investigate complex hydrologic processes
at expanding spatial and temporal scales, integration of data from
multiple sources, projects, and research efforts becomes critical.
The last several years have seen a signicant improvement in
hydrologic and environmental data availability (Beran and Piasecki,
20 09); however, most observational data published on the Internet
are not inherently discoverable using automated systems because
they are usually encapsulated within les or databases, the
contents of which cannot easily be discovered or cataloged by web
crawler technologies employed by major web search engines.
Another challenge is that syntactic and semantic heterogeneity
in data from different sources make data discovery, integration, and
synthesis difcult. Observational data are rarely annotated with
sufcient attribute information, or metadata, to make their inter-
pretation unambiguous by investigators other than those who
collected the data, and semantic differences in metadata from
different sources can limit both data discovery and data integration.
Syntactic heterogeneity, or differences in the way data are encoded
or organized, makes it difcult for data consumers to mediate
across the various data formats that they download to organize
data and get it into their data analysis software of choice.
The Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydro-
logic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) Hydrologic Information System (HIS) is
focused on the development of cyberinfrastructure for hydrologic
science. Its vision is to bring together hydrologic observations from
multiple sources across the globe into a uniform, standards-based,
service-oriented environment where heterogeneous data can be
seamlessly integrated for advanced computer-intensive analysis and
modeling. The HIS team has developed several software tools and
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 208 533 8141.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D.P. Ames).
Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect
Environmental Modelling & Software
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/envsoft
1364-8152/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.envsof t.2012.03.013
Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156
standards that together enable publishing and accessing hydrologic
data collected at point locations (e.g., time series of observations
from stream gages, water quality monitoring sites, weather stations,
etc.). The availability of the CUAHIS HIS tools has led to a network
of hydrologic data servers that hosts data from a number of different
sources, including the United States Geological Surveys (USGS)
National Water Information System (NWIS), the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agencys (USEPA) STORage and RETrieval (STORET)
system, and academic research groups collecting data within
experimental watersheds across the United States. HIS compliant
data servers have also been set up in the Czech Republic and other
countries (Kadlec and Ames, 2011).
Each hydrologic data server participating in the CUAHSI HIS hosts
one or more water data web services that publish observational data
on the Internet in a standard format, or syntax (Beran et al., 2009).
This federated system of observational data web services comprises
the largest repository of syntactically homogenous hydrologic
observations of its kind within the U.S. and perhaps the world. As of
June 30, 2011, there were over 70 water data web services registered
with the CUAHSI HIS, having data for approximately 2 million sites
and observations of over 13,000 variables. The CUAHSI HIS provides
access to over 23 million observational time series comprised of
more than 5 billion individual observations.
The CUAHSI HIS network has increased the availability and
accessibility of hydrologic observations to support research and
management. However, the volume of data now available via water
data services and the distributed nature of the servers on which
the data are hosted can present a challenge for individual scientists
who seek to discover and use data from one or more of these
services. Tools are needed to assist data consumers in discovering
data of interest, for managing the download and organization of the
data, and for facilitating the import of data into analytical and
modeling software where they can be used.
In this paper, we describe the design, architecture, implementa-
tion, and a case study involving a newly developed open source HIS
software tool called HydroDesktop intended to meet this need.
HydroDesktop was designed to enable the discovery and retrieval of
syntactically homogenous data hosted on any of the distributed
hydrologic data servers registered with the CUAHSI HIS system using
user-specied spatial, temporal, and keyword based constraints
to narrow search results. Through an extensible graphical user
interface (GUI), HydroDesktop provides many capabilities needed by
hydrologic data consumers, including: discovery of hydrologic time
series data; map-based visualization of monitoring locations and
other geographic information systems (GIS) data; download, orga-
nization, visualization, editing, and maintenance of hydrologic
time series; linkage with integrated modeling systems such as
OpenMI (e.g. see Castronova and Goodall, 2010); and linkage with
common data analysis and modeling software such as the R statis-
tical computing environment.
Section 2 of this paper provides background and describes the
need for software tools like HydroDesktop. Section 3 describes the
CUAHIS HIS, including its common information model and services
oriented architecture (SOA). Section 4 describes the design and key
capabilities of HydroDesktop and its extensibility architecture and
GUI. Section 5 describes a case study for discovering, downloading,
organizing, and visualizing hydrologic data using HydroDesktop.
Section 6 provides discussion and conclusions related to Hydro-
Desktop. Section 7 describes the availability of the HydroDesktop
software, documentation, and source code.
2. Background
The challenges of discovering and integrating disparate data
and schemas from physically distributed sources are not unique.
Finding solutions to interoperability problems is a common
component of large cyberinfrastructure projects being conducted
within many scientic domains, including geology (Nambiar et al.,
20 06), oceanography (Chave et al., 2009), and atmospheric sciences
(Droegemeier et al., 2004). Within the hydrology domain, there
have been, to date, no public standards for data organization,
formats, or publication mechanism that would increase the inter-
operability of water observations data expressed as time series.
Consequently, there has been no means of uni
ed discovery or
to water observations information.
Water observations data are series or sets of time-indexed
values collected at point locations such as stream gages, water
quality sampling sites, and weather stations. They describe the
quantity and quality of water or the characteristics of weather and
climate that inuence water conditions. Such data are collected by
many agencies and also by water and atmospheric scientists, and
are often made publicly accessible through individual websites
from each data source. However, most observational data published
on the Internet are not discoverable using web search engines
because the data are usually encapsulated within les or databases,
the contents of which cannot be easily discovered or cataloged by
web crawler technologies employed by search engines.
A user of water data, such as a water scientist or student,
needs access to water observations from one or more data servers
seamlessly. That is, the user needs to simply search for water data of
the required type on the Internet, obtain a description of datasets
that may meet his or her needs, and then download data that
are most relevant to his or her search criteria. There are several
challenges to overcome in creating such capability. For example,
querying the data holdings of large, nationwide agencies like USEPA
and the USGS, as well as those of regional or local water manage-
ment agencies or research groups currently requires that a data
consumer rst learn about a data source, then nd the query
functionality provided by each data source, and nally learn how to
operate each data discovery and retrieval system. Each data source
may have different functionality, software interfaces, and query
criteria, making discovery of data difcult.
Several existing hydrologic software tools and products (both
commercial and open source) have capabilities for downloading
spatial and temporal data from predetermined data sources. For
example, the USEPA Better Assessment Science Incorporating Point
& Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) system includes a data download tool
with support for USGS streamow, water quality, and watershed
boundary data, as well as many other datasets (http://www.epa.
gov/ost/basins). Another open source project, Water Resources
Database (WRDB e http://wrdb.codeplex.com) provides support
for downloading data from selected U.S. government sponsored
data repositories and has extensive capabilities for managing a local
database of hydrologic time series data. These and similar tools
typically require custom code for each website from which they
retrieve data. Such an approach is maintainable only for a small
number of well-dened websites because of the unique format and
structure of each data provider website.
A well-established solution to the problem of providing
consistent web-based data access is to implement a system of web
services on each data server. A web service is a standardized
method for communication between two devices or software
applications over the internet (W3C, 2004). One of the leading
organizations for establishing standardized web service denitions
is the Open Geospatial Consortium (www.opengeospatial.org),
which has dened web service standards for sharing geospatial data
such as Web Coverage Services (WPS), Web Map Services (WMS),
Web Feature Services (WFS), and other standard service interfaces.
Web services have been applied in a number of environmental
modeling and data analysis studies. For example, Granell et al. (2009)
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156 147
implemented a web services-based modeling system wherein key-
geospatial data processing tasks were carried out on distributed
servers accessed by an alpine runoff model. Feng et al. (2011) created
a web services based system using OGC standards for sharing
computational models such that different models that implement
the WPS web service standard can be accessed and integrated
through a common user interface. Castronova et al. (2012) take
signicant steps toward integrating the CUAHSI HIS web services
with component based modeling using the OpenMI standard.
The present work builds heavily on web services-based data
sharing advancements made by Goodall et al. (2008) and Horsburgh
et al. (2010).
Another challenge in seamlessly integrating multiple data
sources is resolving heterogeneity issues (Beran and Piasecki, 2009;
Piasecki and Beran, 2009; Horsburgh et al., 2009). In the example
above, each data source may use different vocabularies to describe
data collection locations or measured variables, making it difcult
to search multiple systems for similar data. This can be particularly
difcult when a study requires data from multiple scientic
domains, and the scientist is not familiar with the vocabulary used
by one or more of the domains whose data is being accessed.
Performance of queries and search mechanisms for data discovery
can be signicantly improved when semantic heterogeneity in data
among datasets is overcome (Madin et al., 2007).
Even when scientists can nd needed data, there remains the
sometimes difcult challenge of mediating across the various
formats, or syntaxes, of the data for integration purposes. Syntactic
heterogeneity includes both the way data and metadata are
organized (e.g., rows versus columns) and how they are encoded
(e.g., text les versus Excel spreadsheets). Syntactic heterogeneities
tend to arise from differing methods of either collecting data or
publishing them on the Internet. Given the large variety in
computer hardware, software, and le formats used by hydrolo-
gists, there are relatively few general-purpose data storage formats
and data management tools available.
Beran and Piasecki (2009) described several innovations
within this problem space, and indeed, much of the work related to
discovery of hydrologic data described in this paper is a direct
outgrowth of their work. They described an ontology-aided search
engine website called HydroSeek, which was developed to enable
users to query multiple hydrologic data repositories simultaneously
using keywords. They created this functionality by developing
what they called a knowledge base that covered the water quality,
meteorology, and hydrology domains, and that provided a linkage
between scientic or everyday language (e.g., the keywords or
terms that scientists would use to search for data) and the language
and variable codes used by repositories to store data.
HydroSeek used its knowledge base to resolve semantic hetero-
geneity issues between data repositories as well as for clustering
search results. Metadata catalogs were created for each data source,
which were similar to web indexes compiled by conventional web
search engines and contained a description of the data holdings of
each source to facilitate the search. Development of the knowledge
base, the metadata catalogs, and the semantic mappings between
variables from each data source and the keywords or concepts in
the knowledge base was done by the developers of HydroSeek.
HydroSeek did not have data analysis or extensive visualization
capabilities, but data discovered using HydroSeek could be down-
loaded to a users computer for later analysis.
The data discovery and download functionality that was pio-
neered by HydroSeek has now been generalized and expanded within
the CUAHSI HIS system through the creation of two major compo-
nents. The
rst is a central web service registry, metadata catalog, and
ta discovery service called HIS Central (described in more detail
in the next section). The second is HydroDesktop, which is end-user
client software that has data discovery and download capabilities
similar to HydroSeek as well as a number of data organization,
management, analysis, visualization, and management tools.
3. The CUAHSI HIS: a service-oriented architecture for
hydrologic observations
The design of the CUAHSI HIS (Fig. 1) follows an open, service-
oriented architecture (SOA) model. SOA relies on a collection of
loosely-coupled, self-contained services that communicate with
each other through the Internet and can be called from multiple
clients in a standard fashion (Goodall et al., 20 08). Common benets
associated with a SOA include: scalability, security, easier moni-
toring and auditing, standards-reliance, interoperability across
a range of resources, and plug-and-play interfaces (Josuttis, 2007;
Goodall et al., 2010). Internal service complexity is hidden from
service clients, and backend processing is decoupled from client
Fig. 1. Key components of the CUAHSI HIS include a distributed network of HydroServers sharing data that have been cataloged at HIS Central and which are retrievable through
HydroDesktop (Figure courtesy of Stephen Brown, Univ. of New Mexico.).
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156148
applications, making the core of the system independent of
a specic platform or implementation (Huhns and Singh, 2005;
Granell et al., 2009). As a result, different desktop and online
client applications are able to access the same service functionality,
leading to a more modular, transparent, and easier to manage
system. HydroDesktop is presented here as a desktop client appli-
cation that fully exploits the modular design of the CUAHSI HIS.
At the physical level, the CUAHSI HIS infrastructure represents
a collection of computer servers, referred to as HydroServers, which
support publishing hydrologic observations data (Horsburgh et al.,
2010). Over the past several years, HydroServers have been
installed at various universities and public agencies, and there is now
a large and growing number of hydrologic observations data available
via web services published on HydroServers (Horsburgh et al., 2009).
The core of the HIS SOA is a collection of hydrologic web
services, called WaterOneFlow, that provide uniform access to
multiple repositories of water observations data. Each HydroServer
hosts one or more WaterOneFlow web services, each of which
contains two types of web service methods: 1) a data delivery
method called GetValues, which publishes the values of water
observations; and 2) metadata delivery methods, including Get-
Sites, GetSiteInfo, and GetVariableInfo, which identify and describe
collections or series of data values associated with particular spatial
locations. WaterOneFlow web services are used to publish hydro-
logic observations on a HydroServer using a markup language
called Water Markup Language (WaterML) (Zaslavsky et al., 2007).
These are key components of CUAHSI HIS, ultimately enabling data
search and discovery through the HydroDesktop application.
Data published on HydroServers using WaterOneFlow web
services are indexed within a central web service registry and
metadata catalog called HIS Central. HIS Central regularly harvests
the metadata describing published time series of hydrologic obser-
vations from registered WaterOneFlow web services by calling their
metadata delivery methods. The metadata are compiled within
a central metadata catalog database, which is then exposed to search
queries via a data discovery web service. HIS Central also contains
a variable name ontology that is used to semantically tag variable
metadata harvested from WaterOneFlow web services and enable
mediation across the vocabularies used by different data sources.
This data discovery web service is publicly accessible and can be
called by any client application that wishes to incorporate data
discovery capabilities. It supports spatial, temporal, and variable
keyword constraints to narrow search results.
The CUAHSI HIS SOA is completed by client applications that
use the data discovery service available at HIS Central to enable
discovery of relevant time series of hydrologic observations and
then use the metadata returned by data discovery queries to access
the data via the WaterOneFlow web services on the HydroServer
that hosts the data. Client applications are then free to download,
store, and use the data. The primary client application that has been
developed by the CUAHSI HIS project is HydroDesktop.
3.1. A common information model
Unifying data discovery and access across data from many
different sources requires identication of the informational
elements that are common across all data sources and an infor-
mation model that can represent the semantics of the data from
each source. The CUAHSI HIS relies on a common information
model for organizing, storing, and publishing observational time
series collected at point locations, a simplied version of which is
depicted in Fig. 2. In this high-level view of the information model
(Panel a), an organization operates a network of monitoring sites.
At each monitoring site a number of variables are measured
resulting in a time series of data values for each variable at each site.
Each data series (Panel b) is made up of individual, time-indexed
values. This information model is generic and can be used
regardless of the source of the data.
On HydroServers, the information model has been implemented
within the design of the Observations Data Model (ODM)
(Horsburgh et al., 2008), ensuring that hydrologic observations are
stored with their associated metadata. It also serves as the basis for
the WaterOneFlow web service methods and the WaterML schema,
which ensures that observations are published and transmitted with
all appropriate metadata. These tools make it possible for disparate
investigators and organizations to publish their hydrologic obser-
vations using a common mechanism, in a common language, with
common syntax and semantics, thus alleviating the heterogeneity in
hydrologic datasets from different sources (Horsburgh et al., 2009).
The consistency enforced by use of WaterOneFlow web services
has also been key to enabling data discovery and access across the
many different sources of hydrologic data within the CUAHSI HIS.
Indeed, availability of the data via common web services (Water-
OneFlow) that use a common syntax (WaterML) for publishing and
transmitting the data means that data can be indexed consistently, in
much the same way that the standardization of the Internet on HTML
nabled modern Internet search providers (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing)
to catalog and index the contents of the Internet and enable
sophisticated searches. It also opens the door for client software
applications to discover and access data using these services.
4. Architecture, design, and key capabilities of HydroDesktop
The general architecture of HydroDesktop and its relationship to
other HIS project components are shown in Fig. 3. HydroDesktop
serves as a commonwindow into observational data published using
Fig. 2. Simplied information model for point hydrologic observations.
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156 149
WaterOneFlow web services (Ames et al., 2009). Data discovery is
accomplished through searches across a comprehensive metadata
catalog maintained at HIS Central and/or individual HydroServers
hosting WaterOneFlow web services. These searches are facilitated
by additional web services that expose the metadata catalog and the
Hydrologic Ontology maintained at HIS Central. Search results can be
further rened to specify datasets that a user would like to down-
load. Data downloads are performed by making GetValues calls
(part of the WaterOneFlow web services denition) to the appro-
priate WaterOneFlow web services. Downloaded data are stored in
a desktop data repository database following a relational database
schema. This database is accessible to additional tools and software
either through an application programmer interface (API) or directly.
Visualization and analysis tools that are part of HydroDesktop
are developed using the API data access method to maintain a level
of data access consistency and integrity as well as abstraction
from the HydroDesktop database. Additionally, users can access
data through third party data analysis applications that have the
ability to read from a relational database (e.g. R and MATLAB).
HydroDesktop includes a number of plug-ins developed by the HIS
team, and also supports third party plug-ins that follow a standard,
well-dened plug-in interface described at the project website.
HydroDesktop has a familiar primary interface similar to
most desktop GIS programs with the addition of tools and forms
specically related to time series data visualization and analysis.
Included are a ribbon-style main menu, legend, and a main map
display in a tabbed interface with movable/dockable panels (Fig. 4).
The map display is the main visualization element, while the other
portions of the interface provide tools for searching, obtaining, and
managing data. With a wide base of users in mind, HydroDesktop
was developed with a simple interface that should be easily usable
regardless of the operators technical background. The GIS capa-
bilities are powered by the open source DotSpatial GIS components
The primary purpose of HydroDesktop is to facilitate discovery
and access of hydrologic data. A secondary purpose is to provide
support for data manipulation and synthesis. The user primarily
interacts with HydroDesktop via a GUI with the functionality
described below.
4.1. Data discovery
HydroDesktop supports two different methods of data
discovery: 1) ontology-based discovery across all WaterOneFlow
web services that have been registered at HIS Central and for which
metadata has been harvested and stored in the HIS Central meta-
data catalog; and 2) discovery of data within a single WaterOne-
Flow web service that has not been registered at HIS Central. The
rst type of data discovery is supported by HIS Central metadata
web services that expose the contents of the HIS Central metadata
catalog. The second type of data discovery involves making
data discovery calls directly to the web service that has not been
registered with HIS Central. This approach facilitates both the use of
datasets cataloged and documented at HIS Central, as well as use of
datasets stored on individual or regional HydroServers but not
registered with HIS Central.
HIS Central includes a metadata catalog describing the time
series datasets served by registered WaterOneFlow web services.
This catalog includes the mappings between variables and HIS
Ontology concepts. This catalog is automatically updated weekly
and represents a comprehensive listing of data published using
WaterOneFlow services and registered at HIS Central. The contents
of the HIS Central metadata catalog are exposed by a web service
API that provides methods for retrieving the following information:
(i) the full metadata description (including the URL to the Water-
OneFlow service) for all WaterOneFlow web services registered at
HIS Central, (ii) a listing of all searchable keywords/concepts from
the HIS Ontology, and (iii) the full metadata description for all data
that meet certain spatial, temporal, and variable search criteria.
HydroDesktop uses the methods from the HIS Central metadata
catalog API to search for data series that meet criteria input by
a specic user. HydroDesktop presents users with a search tool that
supports the following search criteria: (i) a latitude/longitude-
bounding box to serve as the spatial constraint on the query.
Fig. 3. HydroDesktop design and relationship to other CUAHSI HIS components.
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156150
The box can be input by typing in coordinates, by drawing a rect-
angle on the HydroDesktop map, or by selecting a polygon feature
from one of the layers in the HydroDesktop map (e.g., a watershed
boundary e the extent of the feature would be converted to a lati-
tude/longitude box), (ii) a searchable concept from the HIS
Ontology (to be input by the user or selected from a list), (iii) a begin
date and end date to serve as the temporal constraint on the query,
(iv) a minimum number of observations (only data series that have
more than this minimum number for the entire data record will
be selected, regardless of time window specied), and (v) a list of
WaterOneFlow web services to include in the search. This will be
a user-specied subset of the web services registered at HIS Central
that constrains search results to only a selected set of web services.
The result of a data discovery query using the HIS Central met-
adata catalog is the full metadata description for a listing of all of the
data series cataloged at HIS Central that meet the search criteria. For
example, a user may choose to search the entire state of Utah for
streamow data. The results of the search will be a list of sites and
data series that meet the criteria. The user can then subset the results
to the data series of particular interest, i.e. after seeing a map of the
locations of several hundred streamow gauge sites in Utah, the user
may choose to only retrieve data for sites that meet some additional
condition. The user then organizes data into a thematic dataset on
the local machine for layered GIS viewing and interaction.
4.2. Data download
The goal of the HydroDesktop data download functionality is
to retrieve observational data series that have been identied
for download using the data discovery tools described above and
to create a local cache copy of the data in the local database. The
metadata resulting from the discovery process consist of a descrip-
tive list of data series identied by a user for download. Using this
list, HydroDesktop issues GetValues calls to retrieve each data series
in WaterML format. As a user selected option, HydroDesktop saves
a copy of the result of each GetValues call as a WaterML formatted
XML le on the users hard drive. Next, HydroDesktop parses each
of the WaterML results into the HydroDesktop data repository
database. The purpose of saving the WaterML les is to preserve
the data as they were retrieved from the web service when the
GetValues call was made as part of data provenance. The purpose of
loading the data into the data repository database is to facilitate and
enable analysis and manipulation of the data.
The data repository database has a relational structure and is
implemented within a relational database management system
(RDBMS), serving as a local cache copy of the data that have been
retrieved. The relational schema of the data repository database
is semantically similar to the CUAHSI ODM database design
(Horsburgh et al., 2008), with similar naming conventions and data
types, but has been modied and extended to facilitate manage-
ment of the data series that have been downloaded and storage of
provenance information. The relational database schema of the
HydroDesktop data repository database is available for viewing at
http://hydrodesktop.codeplex.com/ documentation.
The data repository database is capable of storing all of the
information encoded within WaterML les resulting from GetVal-
ues calls and also supports the storage of provenance information,
including: (i) where was the data obtained, i.e., which web service?
(ii) the query that resulted in the data that was loaded (the Get-
Values call used to get the data); (iii) a pointer to the WaterML
le from which the data originated (the le is cached locally); (iv)
the date on which the data were loaded; (v) the last date on which
the data were checked for updates; (vi) the last date on which the
data were updated with new data; and (vii) what has been done to
the data since it was added to the database.
4.3. Data visualization, editing, and export
HydroDesktop supports visualization of both geospatial and time
series data. Geospatial data visualization is enabled through an
Fig. 4. Extensible ribbon based layout design of HydroDesktop.
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156 151
Fig. 5. HydroDesktop map interface showing the Bear River near Mud Lake.
Fig. 6. HydroDesktop search tab includes options for specifying search location, keyword, date range, and web services (optional).
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156152
Fig. 7. Locations of streamow time series matching the search parameters.
Fig. 8. Graph of streamow and phosphorus concentration within the HydroDesktop user interface.
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156 153
interactive GIS map using the open source DotSpatial GIS compo-
nents which are based on the MapWindow GIS system (Ames et al.,
2008) and 3rd party DotSpatial plug-ins. DotSpatial supports
a variety of vector, raster, and image GIS data types, and includes
functionality for navigating the map as well as many other GIS tools
and features. The HydroDesktop interactive map is used for dis-
playing and manipulating spatial datasets as well as for setting the
context for data discovery. As described in the sections above, an
area of interest is often used as a spatial lter for narrowing a search
for data. The HydroDesktop interactive map enables the user to set
the geographic context for data discovery and access by enabling
users to draw a bounding box or select a polygon feature from one of
the GIS layers in the map (e.g., state boundaries, watershed bound-
aries, etc.) within which they would like to conduct their search.
Once time series of observational data have been retrieved and
stored in the desktop data repository database, HydroDesktop
provides users with tools for visualizing and analyzing the data.
HydroDesktop maintains a GIS data layer showing the locations of
the sites for which data have been downloaded to the desktop data
repository database. This layer is dynamically built from the data
repository database each time data are downloaded. Visualization
of observational data is provided through a variety of plots using
the open source Zed Graph plotting package and is focused on
exploratory data analysis for data series that are downloaded and
stored in the HydroDesktop data repository. Plot types available
for visualizing time series data at a selected site include time ser-
ies, histogram, box-and-whisker, and probability plots. The
HydroDesktop time series visualization and analysis tool also
enables users to view a selected time series in a simple tabular view
and calculates simple descriptive statistics (minimum, maximum,
mean, percentile values, etc.) for the selected time series.
Additionally, HydroDesktop includes an R statistics plug-in
that supports manipulation and transformation of data, statistical
analysis, and modeling using data from the HydroDesktop data-
base. A data export plug-in allows users to export selected obser-
vational data from the local database to a delimited text le.
5. A case study for using HydroDesktop
In this section, a brief case study describing use of the Hydro-
Desktop software for accessing and visualizing water quantity
and quality data from the Bear River Watershed in Idaho, USA is
presented. This case study presumes that the user has installed
version 1.3 or later of HydroDesktop. In this case study, the goal is to
identify patterns in phosphorus loading into the Bear River from
Mud Lake. Data pertaining to phosphorus concentrations and
streamow will need to be obtained. The acquisition of these data
using HydroDesktop is given emphasis in this case study.
5.1. Searching for hydrologic data
When HydroDesktop opens, the user is presented with a map
showing political boundaries included as a GIS dataset in Hydro-
Desktop. The user can augment this map by displaying a variety of
online basemaps from ESRI, Google, Bing, OpenStreetMap, and
more. By manipulating and navigating the map, the user sets the
spatial context for the study (Fig. 5).
Once zoomed in to the portion of the Bear River near Mud Lake in
Idaho, USA, the user activates the Search tab to specify lters for the
data search. In this case, the user draws a box (shown in red in Fig. 6)
around the area of interest, species a keyword such as stream-
ow, and enters a date range in order to constrain the search.
The user could further lter the search to only include specic data
sources of interest, but in this case will leave the default of search
across all WaterOneFlow web services registered at HIS Central.
With the search parameters set, the user clicks Run Search,
which triggers a query to HIS Central for metadata about time series
that match the search criteria. HydroDesktop presents the search
results to the user as points on the map where each point is
symbolized by data source. Larger points indicate a greater number
of time series values available at that location compared to
locations with smaller points (Fig. 7). The user can hover the mouse
over a point to view metadata about the time series available at the
point or open a table to view metadata about the time series at all
5.2. Downloading time series
In this case study, the user selects a site with data from the USGS
National Water Information System (NWIS) and clicks to download
the time series. HydroDesktop identi
es the URL to data source
om the metadata and makes a connection to that data sources
WaterOneFlow web service to download the data, saving the result
to the local database. A second search is carried out for total
phosphorus concentrations, and a time series at the outlet of Mud
Lake is selected and downloaded.
5.3. Visualizing time series data
With the data retrieved, the user clicks the Graph tab and plots
the streamow and phosphorus concentration time series on the
same graph. After zooming in on the graph, the user notices that
Fig. 9. Options for exporting data to a text le.
D.P. Ames et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 37 (2012) 146e156154
phosphorus concentrations increase with increased streamow
during the summer (Fig. 8), indicating a correlation between
phosphorus concentration and streamow. At this point, the user
could use the HydroR plug-in, which provides integration with the
R statistical computing software (http://www.r-project.org/), to
perform more in-depth analyses with the data. A growing number
of open source hydrologic modeling and time series analysis
tools have been developed using R (e.g. Andrews et al., 2011), and
integration with R greatly extends the capabilities and utility of
5.4. Exporting time series data
To export the data, the user clicks the Table tab and then click s
the Export button on the ribbon. In the Export To Text File dialog,
the user species which data series to export, a delimiter, and an
output le location (Fig. 9). The user then clicks Export Data, and
HydroDesktop saves the data to a delimited text le. The user can
then import the data into other programs that can read text les.
6. Discussion and conclusions
The main contributions of this work are: (i) HydroDesktop
provides free access to data from distributed data services that are
part of the CUAHSI HIS Internet-based, service-oriented architec-
ture (SOA) and its 23 million data series; (ii) the HydroDesktop
software interface enables end users that include university faculty,
graduate and undergraduate students, K-12 students, engineering
and scientic consultants, and others to operate within a relatively
uncomplicated software environment; (iii) as an open source, free
software application, HydroDesktop does not require use of
commercial, third party software beyond the operating system and
hence is expected to facilitate growth of a community of users
and developers who can maintain and enhance the software. An
on-going usability study focused on improving HydroDesktop and
demonstrating/quantifying its efciencies and performance over
legacy methods is also underway, and results will be published.
While the core HydroDesktop software is complete and available
for use (over 33,000 downloads as of March 2012), new plug-ins
and extended capabilities are under active development at http://
hydrodesktop.codeplex.com/. Here project participants, both from
the CUAHSI HIS team and volunteers from the hydrologic sciences
community share a discussion forum, bug tracking system,
documentation WIKI, and an open Mercurial code-sharing reposi-
tory. User support and documentation for HydroDesktop is
provided informally by the open source and volunteer development
community at the project website (including step-by-step tutorials)
as well as formally through a series of workshops, webinars, and
outreach activities sponsored by CUAHSI (see http://his.cuahsi.org)
and through the detailed help system included with the software.
Any interested parties are invited to visit the project website,
download the source code and join in the development and testing
activities related to this project. It is expected that the simple
plug-in architecture will encourage and facilitate third party
development of plug-ins that signicantly extend the base Hydro-
Desktop application, making full use of all of the data retrieval and
storage mechanisms in the initial version of HydroDesktop.
Specic future development plans for HydroDesktop include:
support for new data sources and formats (including the OGC
WaterML 2.0 standard); entry and upload of data into a Hydro-
Server via HydroDesktop (e.g. for data collection purposes); ability
to nd and view metadata for datasets with limited access rights;
a number of geospatial data analysis tools provided through the
DotSpatial toolbox (e.g. geostatistical interpolation, clipping); and
new time series management tools (e.g. unit conversion).
The software described in this paper was developed as part of
the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic
Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) Hydrologic Information System (HIS)
oject whose goal is to advance information system technology
for hydrologic science. This work was supported by the National
Science Foundation under grant EAR 0622374 and under the
Idaho NSF EPSCoR grant EPS 0814387. Any opinions, ndings and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the views of the
National Science Foundation. We also acknowledge the extensive
programming, testing, and documentation work of the entire
CUAHSI HIS team, without whose help this project could not have
been completed.
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