Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
See for most recent version
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
Fire Code Requirements for the Maintenance of Short-Term Rentals and Life
Safety Systems
Calgary Fire Department Inspections has prepared this reference document listing common fire safety maintenance requirements as
found in the National Fire Code 2019 Alberta Edition. With some exceptions, these requirements apply to all Short-Term Rentals in
the City of Calgary. For a complete list of requirements see the National Fire Code 2019 Alberta Edition also referred to as NFC(AE).
What is a Short-Term Rental? ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Who is an Owner? ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
General Requirements ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Maximum Number of Occupants ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Egress Window Requirements ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Smoke Alarms / Carbon Monoxide Alarms ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Portable Fire Extinguishers ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Posting of Fire Emergency Procedures ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Additional requirements ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
What is a Short-Term Rental?
Short-Term Rental is the business of providing temporary accommodation for compensation, in a dwelling unit or portion of a dwelling
unit for boarders or roomers for periods of up to 30 consecutive days. There are Two Tiers associated with Short-Term Rentals. Tier 1
is defined as providing accommodations of one to four bedrooms for up to eight occupants. A Tier 2 Short-Term Rental is defined as
offering 5 or more bedrooms for rent in a single unit with no overlapping bookings for ten or more occupants. However, there is one
consideration for Tier 2 rentals if you are looking to entertain more than five bedrooms at double occupancy a Fire Alarm will be
required as per the National Building Code Alberta Edition (NBC(AE)).
Who is an Owner?
The Safety Codes Act under which NFC(AE) is applied, defines an “ownerto include a lessee, a person in charge, a person who has
care and control and a person who holds out that the person has the powers and authority of ownership or who for the time being
exercises powers and authority of ownership. Unless otherwise specified, the owner or the owner’s authorized agent shall be
responsible for carrying out the provisions of this Code. NFC(AE) Div. C
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
General Requirements
There are general requirements that apply to all buildings, such as, maintenance of heating and cooling systems, door hardware and
locking features, accumulation of combustible materials, electrical installations and means of egress. To reduce the hazards associated
with the accumulation of combustible materials the owner is responsible for regularly checking lint traps and furnace filters, as well
as, ensuring there is no buildup of combustible materials near fuel burning appliances. The owner is also responsible to ensure all
doors and egress windows function properly and that all exit pathways are in good repair and free of obstructions such as snow and
Hoods, Ducts and Filters in Ventilation Systems INSPECT for accumulation of combustible deposits and
clean as required
Exit Doors TEST all doors forming a part of a means of egress to ensure they are operable
Chimney Spark Arrestors INSPECT, CLEAN and repair burnt-out arrestors
Chimneys, Flues and Flue Pipes INSPECT
Ongoing Requirements
Access Panels and Windows MAINTAIN free of obstruction where provided to facilitate access for
firefighting operations
Chimneys, Flues and Flue Pipes MAINTAIN by cleaning to keep them free of dangerous accumulations of
combustible deposits; replace or repair as per Sentence; MAINTAIN clearances between
chimneys, flue pipes, or appliances and combustible construction as per NBC(AE)
Closures in a fire separation (doors, shutters, dampers, etc.) INSPECT and MAINTAIN so that defects are
corrected and closures are operable at all times; repair where damaged to MAINTAIN the integrity of their
fire-protection rating
Combustible Materials CHECK to ensure materials are not accumulating in any part of an elevator shaft,
ventilation shaft, means of egress, service room or service space, or being stored in crawl spaces, ceiling
spaces or roofs
Door Release Hardware, Latches and Locks MAINTAIN in good working condition at all times
Electrical Installations Use and MAINTAIN so as to not constitute an undue fire hazard
Means of egress shall be maintained in good repair and free of obstructions.
Exterior Passageways and Exit Stairs MAINTAIN free of snow and ice accumulations; MAINTAIN
equipment used to melt snow or ice
Fire Separations Repair where damaged to MAINTAIN the integrity of the fire separation
Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning Systems, including appliances, chimneys and flue pipes Operate
and MAINTAIN so as not to create a hazardous condition
Laundry Equipment CHECK and empty lint traps to prevent lint from accumulating
Means of Egress MAINTAIN in good repair and free of obstructions
Maximum Number of Occupants
The Occupant load is defined as the number of persons for which a building or part thereof is designed. The maximum permissible
occupant load for any room shall be calculated based on the number of occupants determined in accordance with Table of
Division B of the NBC(AE). In the case of Short-Term Rentals, the number of occupants is based on the number of sleeping rooms at
double occupancy containing egress windows or protected by sprinklers that are tested annually. As well, the Bylaw specifically
requires that all Short-Term rentals post the occupant load card near the main entrance adjacent to the floor plan, Short-Term Rental
Host Emergency Contact information and Guest Record.
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
For example, if you have a rental property with three bedrooms, all with proper sized egress windows, the occupant load would be
posted as six (6) occupants. Occupant load cards are required by the Bylaw and posted as per the NFC(AE). Although the posted
occupant load card is not required by the NFC(AE) it is required by the Bylaw and therefore maintained in accordance with 2.1.4 of
the NFC(AE). The Occupant Load Card must be posted near the exit along with the emergency plan and the floor plan.
Occupant Load
The maximum permissible occupant load for any room shall be calculated on the basis of the lesser of
a) the number of occupants determined in accordance with Table of Division B of the NBC(AE),
b) the occupant load for which means of egress are provided, or
c) the occupant load as calculated and posted in accordance with the NBC(AE).
Occupant Load is determined in a dwelling unit based on 2 persons per sleeping room.
Signs required by the NBC(AE) to indicate the occupant load for a floor area shall be posted in conspicuous
locations near the principal entrances to the floor area. (See Note A-
Where a sign, notice, placard or information is required to be posted, it shall be
a) clearly legible, and
b) except as provided in Sentence (2), permanently mounted in a conspicuous or prominent location in
proximity to the situation to which it refers.
Every sign, notice, placard or information that is required to be posted shall be maintained in conformance
with Article
Egress Window Requirements
Except where the suite is sprinklered, each bedroom or combination bedroom shall have at least one outside window or exterior
door openable from the inside without the use of keys, tools or special knowledge and without the removal of sashes or hardware.
For more details on window egress requirements please download the Advisory Bulletin Egress Window Guidelines” on the City of
Calgary website.
Egress Window Guidelines (National Building Code(AE))
2. The window referred to in Sentence (1)
a. shall provide an unobstructed opening of not less than 0.35 m2 in area with no dimension less
than 380 mm, and
b. maintain the required opening during an emergency without the need for additional support
(see Appendix A)
3. Where a window required in Sentence (1) opens into a window well, a clearance of not less than
760mm shall be provided in front of the window (see Appendix A).
4. Where the sash of a window referred to in Sentence (3) swings towards the window well, the
operation of the sash shall not reduce the clearance in a manner that would restrict escape in an
5. Where a protective enclosure is installed over the window well referred to in Sentence (3), the
enclosure shall be openable from the inside without the use of keys, tools or special knowledge of the
opening mechanism.
6. If the window referred to in Sentence (1) is provided with security bars, the security bars shall be
openable from the inside without the use of keys, tools or special knowledge.
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
Smoke Alarms / Carbon Monoxide Alarms
There must be functioning smoke alarms installed in each dwelling unit in accordance with the NBC(AE). Smoke Alarms shall be
installed on each storey including basements, in each sleeping room, and in the hallway between sleeping rooms on or near the ceiling.
Where one or more smoke alarms are required they shall be interconnected so when the activation of one alarm will cause all the
alarms in the dwelling unit to sound. The smoke alarms must be tested monthly and cleaned between each new tenant. As well,
tenants must be provided with information related to ongoing testing and maintenance requirements if the stay is greater than one
month (30 days). Carbon monoxide detectors are required to be installed and mechanically fastened in each bedroom or outside each
bedroom within 5 m of the bedroom door.
Ongoing Requirements
Smoke alarms within dwelling units shall be installed between each sleeping area and the remainder of
the dwelling unit, and where the sleeping areas are served by hallways, the smoke alarms shall be installed
in the hallways.
Smoke alarms shall be installed in conformance with CAN/ULC-S553, Installation of Smoke Alarms.” (See
Note A-
Smoke alarms are permitted to be battery-operated in dwelling units constructed before July 5, 1977.
(See Note A-
Fire protection installations shall be maintained in operating condition. (See Note A-
Smoke alarms shall be inspected, tested and maintained in conformance with CAN/ULC-S552, Inspection,
Testing and Maintenance of Smoke Alarms.”
Carbon Monoxide detectors required where fuel burning appliances are installed
Carbon monoxide alarms shall be inspected, tested and maintained in conformance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
The owner of a leased dwelling unit shall a) ensure smoke alarms within the dwelling unit are tested and
cleaned prior to occupancy, and
b) provide tenants information concerning ongoing smoke alarm testing and maintenance.
Portable Fire Extinguishers
As Short-Term Rentals are providing accommodation for boarders or roomers NFC(AE) Division B, Subsection requires that
at least one portable extinguisher having a 2-A rating shall be installed on each storey of a building described in Article,
“Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.Section 6.2 further requires that extinguishers be inspected, tested and maintained in
conformance with the same standard. Monthly inspections may be completed by the owner or owner representative. However, all
maintenance must be completed by qualified personnel.
Installation and Selection of Extinguishers
Refer to the NFPA Fire Extinguisher Location and Placement fact sheet for location and installation guidelines. Where questions arise,
owners should refer to a qualified person employed by a certified company or Calgary Fire Inspections via 311.
Inspection, Testing and Maintenance Requirements
Monthly (see below)
INSPECT extinguisher and sign monthly tag area as per NFPA 10 7.2.2
INSPECT, TEST and MAINTAIN as per NFPA 10 by qualified personnel acceptable to the AHJ
Every 5 Years
Hydrostatically TEST at 5 years of age as required by NFPA 10 Table 8.3.1
Every 6 Years
REPLACE the extinguishing agent in stored-pressure fire extinguishers as per NFPA 10 7.3.6
Every 12 Years
Hydrostatically TEST at 12 years of age as required by NFPA 10 Table 8.3.1
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
Monthly Inspection
Prior to signing the monthly tag area, inspection shall include a check of at least the following indicators:
1. Location in designated place
2. No obstruction to access or visibility
3. Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable (“normal”) range or position
4. Fullness determined by weighing or hefting
5. Condition of tires, wheels, carriage, hose and nozzle (for wheeled extinguishers)
6. Indicator for non-rechargeable extinguishers using push-to-test pressure indicators
Refer to Fire Code Interpretation STANDATA 19-FCI-009R1 Portable Fire Extinguishers” for clarification on the intent of NFC(AE) and
NFPA 10 for inspection, maintenance, recharging, placement, refurbishing and the applicable listing and labelling (service tags).
Posting of Fire Emergency Procedures
All Short-Term Rentals require a floor plan, copy of emergency procedures, and the occupant load card to be posted near the main
entrance of the occupancy and on the inside of each sleeping room to be rented. In addition to the Short-Term Rental Host
Emergency Contact, please consider also providing information such as the closest hospital, location of utility shut offs, flashlights,
and first aid kits to assist in an emergency.
Figure 1 Sample Floor basic information required on the floor plan
Note: The blue numbers represent an example of the occupant load considerations. See the occupant load section for further details.
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
Figure 2 Sample Occupant Load Card
Ongoing Requirements
At least one copy of the fire emergency procedures shall be prominently posted on each floor area.
In every hotel and motel bedroom, the fire safety rules for occupants shall be posted showing the
locations of exits and the paths of travel to exits.
Where a fire alarm system has been installed with no provisions to transmit a signal to the fire
department, a sign shall be posted at each manually actuated signaling box requesting that the fire
department be notified and including the telephone number of that department.
Additional requirements
If your building has a Fire Alarm, Sprinkler System, or located in a High Building please download the Building Owners Responsibilities
for Fire SafetyGuide for additional requirements.
The Inspector will review all inspection records related to testing and maintenance of life safety systems. This will ensure the building
life safety systems are functioning properly before providing fire approval for a Short-Term Rental located within a high building,
containing a fire alarm, or a sprinkler system. Please be prepared for delays in approval if violations are identified with the buildings
life safety systems.
Revision History
Major revisions to this document are detailed below. With the exception of the most recent publication all other revisions are
considered to be withdrawn. Calgary Fire Department Inspections reserves the right to modify or adjust this document without notice.
Refer to Building and business fire codes ( for the most recent edition of this document.
Fire Safety Maintenance Requirements
Publication Date
November 20, 2023
Prepared for the initial Short-Term Rental roll out.