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If a premium is shown on the Declarations Page for one of the vehicle types listed below, we agree that this endorsement
is part of the GEICO automobile insurance policy. This endorsement does not amend your GEICO automobile insurance
policy as it applies to your auto, but only applies to the motor home or travel trailer that is shown on the Declarations.
All of the provisions of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply except as noted.
SECTION I-VACATION LIABILITY COVERAGE- This coverage is a supplement to the Section I-Liability Coverages
in the GEICO automobile insurance policy does not apply to travel trailers.
The definitions in Section I-Liability Coverages of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to this endorsement,
except for the following definitions: owned auto, non-owned auto, trailer, private passenger auto and temporary
substitute auto.
The definitions of owned auto,non-owned auto, and trailer are amended as follows:
Owned auto means:
(a) A motor home or travel trailer described in this policy for which a premium charge is shown for these
(b) A trailer owned by you.
Non-owned auto means a motor home, travel trailer, or trailer not owned by or furnished for the regular use of either
you or a relative. This definition also includes a motor home, travel trailer or trailer, rented or leased for your use for
less than 30 days.
Trailer means a trailer designed to be towed by a motor home if not being used for business or commercial purposes. A
trailer does not include a mobile home or trailer used as an office, store, display, or passenger conveyance.
The following definitions are added:
Insured location means the owned auto or non-owned auto while it is parked off public roads and being used as a
temporary dwelling or for recreational purposes. Insured location also includes the following only when used in
conjunction with an owned auto or non-owned auto:
(a) A defined campsite or parking site rented by or owned by you;
(b) Vacant property rented by or owned by you; or
(c) A radius of 25 feet around the owned auto or non-owned auto when parked off public roads and legally on
public or private property.
Motor home means a motorized land vehicle, including its original permanently attached equipment, that:
(a) Has built-in cooking, sleeping, and bathroom facilities; and
(b) Is designed and primarily used for recreational purposes and is not used as a permanent stationary residence.
Motor vehicle includes any of the following:
(a) Motorcycles;
(b) Snowmobiles;
(c) Dune buggies;
(d) Motorized scooters;
(e) Scootmobiles;
(f) Mopeds;
(g) All-Terrain Vehicles;
(h) Golfmobiles or golf carts; and
(i) Motorized land vehicles while on a trailer.
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Occurrence means an accident or event, including continuous or repeated exposure to conditions, which results in
bodily injury or property damage neither expected nor intended from the standpoint of the insured and with respect to
personal injury, the commission of an offense, or a series of similar related offenses that arise out of the ownership,
maintenance, or use of an owned auto or non-owned auto while at an insured location.
Pollutant means all pollutants and contaminants, including, but not limited to, any:
(a) Solid, liquid, gaseous, bacteria, mold, organic or thermal irritant or contaminant;
(b) Smoke, vapor, soot, or fumes;
(c) Acids, alkalis, chemicals, or metals, including, but not limited to, lead or any material containing lead;
(d) Poisons;
(e) Sewage or waste, including materials to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed;
(f) Substances, including, but not limited to, asbestos or any material containing asbestos;
(g) Odors;
(h) Compounds, even if now or previously recognized as having a safe or useful purpose; or
(i) Residential, recreational, work-site, and commercial pollution or contamination.
Travel trailer means a non-motorized trailer, including its original permanently attached equipment, which is designed to
be towed on public roads by a land motor vehicle, and that;
(a) Has built in sleeping facilities; and
(b) Is designed for recreational and camping use and is not used as a permanent stationary residence.
We will defend or pay damages under this endorsement, other than punitive or exemplary damages, which an insured
becomes legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury or property damage resulting from an occurrence at an
insured location.
The payment described below is in addition to those listed in the GEICO automobile insurance policy.
Unless paid pursuant to another coverage provided in this policy, we will pay, in addition to our limits of liability, up to
$1,000 for damage to the property of others occurring at an insured location.
All exclusions in Section I-Liability Coverages of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to Vacation Liability
We will not pay damages or defend under this endorsement if any one of the following exclusions apply.
Section I does not apply to:
A. Any bodily injury to you or a relative.
B. Any bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of:
(a) An aircraft;
(b) A motor vehicle; or
(c) A watercraft owned by or rented to an insured.
C. Any bodily injury or property damage arising out of rendering or failing to render professional services.
D. Any bodily injury or property damage arising out of, or in connection with, a business engaged in by an insured on
the insured location.
E. Damage to any property owned by, rented to, being transported by, used by, or in the charge of an insured.
However, this exclusion does not apply to a rented residence or a rented garage damaged by an owned auto or
non-owned auto.
F. Bodily injury or property damage while the owned auto is rented or leased to others.
G. Bodily injury or property damage that arises out of the transmission of a communicable disease, caused wholly or in
part by the actions of an insured.
H. Bodily injury or property damage that arises out of the actual, alleged, or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage,
migration, release, or escape of pollutants.
I. Bodily injury or property damage arising out of any loss, cost, or expense relating to any governmental directive or
request that you or a relative test for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify, or neutralize pollutants.
J. Bodily injury or property damage arising out of sexual molestation, corporal punishment, or physical or mental
K. Any fines or penalties.
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Section I-Persons Insured of the GEICO automobile insurance policy is replaced in its entirety with the following:
Section I applies to the following as insureds with regard to an owned auto:
1. You and your relatives;
2. Any other person using the owned auto with your permission. The actual use must be within the scope of that
3. Any other person or organization for his or its liability because of acts or omissions of an insured under 1. or 2.
Section I applies to the following with regard to a non-owned auto:
1. You and your relatives. The actual use by you or your relatives must be with the permission of the owner and
within the scope of that permission.
2. A person or organization, not owning or hiring the non-owned auto, regarding his or its liability because of acts
or omissions of an insured under 1. above.
The limits of liability as stated in this Section apply only to the Vacation Liability Coverage.
Regardless of the number of motor homes or travel trailers to which this policy applies, the limit of liability shown on
the Declarations is the limit of our liability for all damages, including damages for care and loss of services, because of
bodily injury sustained by all persons as a result of one (1) occurrence.
All bodily injury and property damage resulting from continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general
harmful conditions shall be considered to be resulting from one (1) occurrence.
No one will be entitled to duplicate payments for the same elements of damages.
Injury Protection of the GEICO automobile insurance policy do not apply to travel trailers.
The definitions in Section I-Liability Coverages of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to this Section. The
definitions in Section I-Vacation Liability Coverage of this endorsement apply to this Section. In addition the following
definition applies:
Occupying means in or upon or entering into or alighting from.
If you pay a premium for Recreational Vehicle Medical Payments Coverage, subject to the limit of liability, if bodily
injury is discovered and treated within one year of the date of the occurrence and the bodily injury results from the
occurrence, we will pay all reasonable expenses actually incurred by an insured within three years from the date of the
occurrence for necessary medical, surgical, x-ray, dental services, prosthetic devices, ambulance, hospital, professional
nursing, and funeral services.
We will not pay for bodily injury:
1. Arising out of or occurring at any premises other than an insured location.
2. Arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of:
(a) An aircraft;
(b) A motor vehicle; or
(c) A watercraft owned by or rented to an insured.
3. To any person occupying the travel trailer while it is being towed.
4. Due to nuclear reaction or radiation.
5. Arising out of rendering or failing to render professional services.
6. To an employee of you or a relative arising out of or within the course of employment, except domestic employees if
benefits are neither paid nor required to be provided under workers’ compensation, disability benefits, or similar laws.
7. Arising out of, or in connection with, a business engaged in by any insured on the insured location.
8. That arises out of the actual, alleged, or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of
9. Arising out of any loss, cost, or expense relating to any governmental directive or request that you or a relative test
for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain, treat, detoxify, or neutralize pollutants.
10. That arises out of the transmission of a communicable disease.
11. Arising out of sexual molestation, corporal punishment, or physical or mental abuse.
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Section II-Recreational Vehicle Medical Payments applies to the following persons as insureds:
1. You and your relatives who sustain bodily injury caused by an occurrence at an insured location;
2. Any other person who sustains bodily injury caused by an occurrence while at an insured location with your
The limits of liability as shown on the Declarations is the most we will pay regardless of the number of persons insured or
the number of owned auto or non-owned autos to which this policy applies.
Any amount payable to a person under this Section shall be reduced by any amount paid under Auto Medical Payments
or Personal Injury Protection.
If the insured has other insurance against a loss covered by this Section, we will not owe more than our pro-rata share of
the total coverage available.
The definitions in Section I-Liability Coverages of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to this Section. The
definitions in Section I-Vacation Liability Coverage of this endorsement apply to this Section. In addition, the following
special definitions apply to this endorsement:
Actual cash value is the replacement cost of the owned auto or non-owned auto, or property less depreciation
and/or betterment.
Betterment is improvement of the owned auto or non-owned auto, or property to a value greater than its pre-loss
Collision means loss caused by upset of the owned auto or non-owned auto or its collision with another object,
including an attached vehicle.
Custom parts or equipment means paint, equipment, devices, accessories, enhancements, and changes, other than
those which are original manufacturer installed, which:
(a) Are permanently installed or attached; or
(b) Alter the appearance or performance of a vehicle.
This includes any electronic equipment, antennas, and other devices used exclusively to send or receive audio, visual, or
data signals, or to play back recorded media, other than those which are original manufacturer installed, that are
permanently installed in the owned auto using bolts or brackets, including slide-out brackets.
Depreciation means a decrease or loss in value to the owned auto or non-owned auto, or property because of use,
disuse, physical wear and tear, age, outdatedness, or other causes.
Loss means direct and accidental loss of or damage to:
(a) The owned auto or non-owned auto, including its equipment; or
(b) Other insured property or personal effects.
Model year means the calendar year beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31 of the same calendar year.
Personal effects means any personal property owned by you or a relative including household and other items normally
used in conjunction with an owned auto.
Secured storage location means a segregated portion of a building used in a commercial storage business where
access to your personal effects is restricted to you or your designated representative by locks, walls, or cages.
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Section III-Losses We Will Pay of the GEICO automobile insurance policy is replaced in its entirety with the following:
Comprehensive Coverage
If you pay a premium for Comprehensive Coverage, we will pay for each loss, less the applicable deductible, caused
other than by collision, subject to the Limits of Liability.
A comprehensive loss is a loss caused by any event other than collision, including, but not limited to, any of the
(a) Impact with an animal (including a bird); (i) Riot;
(b) Explosion; (j) Civil commotion;
(c) Earthquake; (k) Theft;
(d) Fire; (l) Larceny;
(e) Malicious mischief; (m) Windstorm;
(f) Vandalism; (n) Hail;
(g) Missiles; (o) Water;
(h) Falling objects; (p) Flood;
(q) Lightning.
No deductible will apply to loss caused by:
(a) Fire, lightning, smoke, smudge; or
(b) Damage
sustained while the owned auto or non-owned auto is being transported on any conveyance.
Collision Coverage
If you pay a premium for Collision Coverage, we will pay for loss to an owned auto or non-owned auto when it collides
with another object or overturns, subject to the applicable deductible and the Limits of Liability.
Read the following exclusions carefully. If an exclusion applies, coverage will not be afforded under Section III.
In addition to the special exclusions stated below, all exclusions in Section III-Physical Damage Coverages of the
GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to this Section.
Coverage under this Section does not apply for:
A. Loss to an owned auto or non-owned auto, whether or not rented or borrowed, if being maintained or used by a
person while employed or engaged in any business.
B. Loss or damages due to theft or conversion of an owned auto or non-owned auto:
(a) By you, a relative, or any resident of your household;
(b) Prior to its delivery to or acquisition by you or a relative; or
(c) While in the care, custody, or control of anyone engaged in the business of selling the owned auto or
non-owned auto.
C. Loss or damages resulting from:
(a) The acquisition of a stolen vehicle;
(b) Any governmental, legal or other action to return a vehicle to its legal, equitable, or beneficial owner, or anyone
claiming an ownership interest in the vehicle; or
(c) Any confiscation, seizure or impoundment of a vehicle by governmental authorities.
(d) The sale of an owned auto.
D. Loss to an owned auto while leased or rented to others;
E. Loss to an owned auto or non-owned auto caused by birds, vermin, rodents, insects or animals. This exclusion
does not apply to damage caused by impact with birds, vermin, rodents, insects, or animals while the owned auto or
non-owned auto is moving.
F. Loss caused by mold, fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This means the presence, growth, proliferation, spread, or
any activity of mold, fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This exclusion does not apply to damage directly resulting from
a loss covered under Comprehensive Coverage or Collision Coverage provided you have complied with all parts of
the Your/Insured’s Duties in the Event of a Loss Condition of the GEICO automobile insurance policy.
G. Loss that arises out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release or escape
of pollutants.
H. Loss to an owned auto while entrusted to a person or business for the purpose of selling, renting or brokering the
sale of the vehicle. However, this exclusion does not apply to you or a relative while operating an owned auto.
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I. Loss resulting from heat related sources within the owned auto or non-owned auto.
J. We do not cover loss for custom parts or equipment unless the existence of those custom parts or equipment
has been previously reported to us and an endorsement to the policy has been added.
Section III-Limits of Liability of the GEICO automobile insurance policy is replaced in its entirety with the following:
The limit of our liability for loss:
1. Is the actual cash value of the stolen or damaged property at the time of the loss, reduced by the applicable
deductible shown on the Declarations, and by its salvage value if you or the owner retain the salvage.
2. Will not exceed the amount necessary to repair or replace the stolen or damaged property, reduced by the applicable
deductible shown on the Declarations.
3. Is the amount necessary to repair the damaged property to its pre-loss condition, reduced by the applicable
deductible shown on the Declarations and will not include compensation for any diminution in the property’s value
that is claimed to result from the loss or the repair.
In determining the amount necessary to repair damaged property to its pre-loss condition, our estimate will be based
(a) The prevailing competitive labor rates charged in the area where the property is to be repaired, as reasonably
determined by us; and
(b) The cost of repair or replacement parts and equipment with new, refurbished, restored, or used, including, but not
limited to:
(i) Original manufacturer parts or equipment; and
(ii) Non-original manufacturer parts or equipment.
4. Is $2,500 with respect to a loss to a trailer that is not shown on the Declarations.
5. For glass repair or replacement, is not to exceed the prevailing competitive price. Although you have the right to
choose any glass repair facility or location, the limit of liability for loss to window glass is the cost to repair; or replace
such glass but will not exceed the prevailing competitive price. This is the price we can secure from a competent and
conveniently located glass repair facility. At your request, we will identify a glass repair facility that will perform the
repairs at the prevailing competitive price.
If coverage applies to a non-owned auto, the highest deductible on any motor home or travel trailer shall apply.
If you pay a premium for Comprehensive Coverage for the motor home, a $50.00 deductible will apply for the entire
or partial replacement of the windshield. There will be no deductible for the repair of the windshield. At our option, we
will repair or replace the windshield.
Subject to the Limits of Liability, as stated in the Declarations, we will pay you for loss to personal effects if the
loss is caused by any of the following listed below or occurrence. For this coverage only, occurrence also includes
the ownership, maintenance, or use of an owned auto or non-owned auto.
1. Fire or lightning;
2. Explosion, smoke, or smudge;
3. Windstorm, hail, earthquake, landslide or flood. However, this does not include loss to personal effects in the
owned auto or non-owned auto caused by rain, snow, sand, sleet or dust unless the owned auto or
non-owned auto is first damaged by the direct force of wind or hail, creating an opening through which the rain,
snow, sand, sleet or dust enters;
4. Riot or civil commotion;
5. Vandalism, but not when caused by you or a relative;
6. Aircraft and missiles;
7. Falling objects; this does not include loss to property contained in the owned auto or non-owned auto, or
secured storage location, unless the roof or an outside wall is first damaged by the falling object. Damage to
the falling object itself is not covered.
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8. Theft, including larceny, robbery, burglary, or pilferage, all subject to the following additional conditions and
(a) We may return any stolen property to you, along with payment for damage resulting from the theft, at any
time before settlement of a loss under this coverage;
(b) Theft must be a result of forcible entry of which there is evidence by visible marks of entry made by tools,
electricity, explosives, chemicals, or other physical damage;
(c) Each loss must be reported promptly to police or appropriate civil authority.
Your personal effects must be:
(a) Located inside an owned auto;
(b) At the insured location; or
(c) In a secured storage location which is owned by you or reserved for your exclusive use.
If a loss to your personal effects occurs anywhere other than (a),(b), or (c) above, our limit of liability is 25% of the limit
shown on the Declarations for Replacement Cost Personal Effects.
Read the following exclusions carefully. If an exclusion applies, coverage will not be afforded.
We will not pay for loss:
1. If the secured storage location is used by you for commercial or business purposes.
2. To any self-propelled vehicles or watercraft.
3. To deeds, documents, records, bills, money, notes, securities, or other evidence of debt.
4. To property pertaining to your business or occupation.
5. To articles or merchandise held as samples, or for storage, repair, demonstration, or sale.
6. To animals or birds.
7. Caused intentionally by or at the direction of you or a relative.
8. Due to abandonment.
9. Caused by birds, vermin, rodents, insects, or animals.
10. That arises out of the actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal, seepage, migration, release, or escape of
11. Caused by mold, fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This means the presence, growth, proliferation, spread, or any
activity of mold, fungi, wet or dry rot, or bacteria. This exclusion does not apply to damage directly resulting from a
loss covered under Comprehensive or Collision Coverage provided you have complied with all parts of the
Your/Insured’s Duties in the Event of a Loss Condition of the GEICO automobile insurance policy.
12. Due to nuclear reaction or radiation.
Subject to a $100 deductible for each loss, the limit of liability for Personal Effects Coverage shall be as follows:
1. The aggregate limit of liability for loss to personal effects will be the lowest of:
(a) The amount shown on the Declarations for personal effects;
(b) The cost of repairing or replacing the item or items with other of like kind and quality; or
(c) The applicable group limits set forth below in 2(a)-(e) or 3(a)-(f).
2. Subject to the aggregate limit of liability shown on the Declarations for Personal Effects, we will pay no more than
$1,000 for loss to any group of items listed in 2(a)-(e) below:
(a) Travel tickets, passports, and manuscripts;
(b) Coin collections, stamps, and collecting supplies;
(c) All cameras and equipment used with cameras;
(d) Any single article of jewelry, art, heirlooms, antiques, and furs (including any article containing fur which
represents its principal value);
(e) Non-motorized recreational equipment, guns, fishing, golf, and skiing equipment.
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3. Subject to the aggregate limits of liability shown on the Declarations for Personal Effects, we will pay no more than
$3,000 for loss to any group of items listed in 3(a)-(f) below:
(a) Personal computers, monitors, printers, word processors and data media used for personal purposes;
(b) Devices or instruments for the transmitting, recording, or reproduction of sound or pictures, including accessories
and antennas, tapes, wires, records, disks or other media for use with any such device or instrument;
(c) Silverware, silver-plated ware, gold ware, gold plated ware, and pewter ware (including, but not limited to,
flatware, hollow ware, tea sets, trays and trophies made of or including silver, gold or pewter);
(d) Household furnishing including upholstered and non-upholstered furniture, lamps, paintings and rugs;
(e) Appliances and other equipment used in the normal use at and maintenance of a residence;
(f) Lawn and garden equipment.
4. Subject to all other applicable limits of liability, our limit of liability for loss to part of a pair or set, series of objects,
pieces, or panels is the lowest of:
(a) The cost to repair or replace the part that restores the set to its value before the loss;
(b) The difference between the actual cash value of the set before the loss and after the loss; or
(c) The cost of a substitute part that reasonably matches the rest of the set. We have no obligation to replace the
entire set if only part is lost or damaged.
5. We are not obligated to pay for any diminution of value for any covered loss.
If you pay a premium for Comprehensive and Collision Coverage for the owned auto or non-owned auto, we will pay
up to an additional $1000 for your liability assumed by contract or agreement if fire department charges are incurred
when the fire department is called to save or protect the owned auto or non-owned auto. This benefit does not include
payment of the cost or premium associated with the contract or agreement for these services.
Subject to the applicable limits of liability shown on the Declarations, if a loss occurs that is covered under Collision or
Comprehensive Coverage, that renders the owned auto or non-owned auto inoperable and
(a) The loss occurred more than 50 miles from your residence; or
(b) The owned auto or non-owned auto is your only residence,
then we will pay your reasonable expenses for:
1. Temporary living facilities;
2. Transportation expenses incurred up to $20 per day;
3. Transportation back to your residence; and
4. Towing your owned auto or non-owned auto to the nearest qualified repair facility.
You must provide us written proof of your expenses.
We will only pay for the above reasonable expenses incurred by you beginning on the date of loss, and ending:
1. When the owned auto or non-owned auto has been repaired;
2. In the case of theft, when the owned auto or non-owned auto has been recovered and repaired, or replaced; or
3. If the owned auto or non-owned auto is deemed by us to be a total loss or unrecoverable, 7 days after we
make an offer to pay the applicable limit of liability for loss to the owned auto or non-owned auto.
Duplicate recovery for identical elements of damages is not permitted under this policy.
If you pay a premium for Total Loss Replacement Cost Coverage for an owned auto, the limit of Liability for a total loss,
subject to the applicable deductible, is as follows:
1. When the owned auto is, at the time of loss, the current model year, or first through fourth preceding model
year, will be:
(a) If you choose to replace the owned auto, we will pay the cost of a new vehicle that is, to the extent possible,
the same make, class, size, and type, and which contains comparable equipment to the owned auto; or
(b) If you choose not to replace the owned auto, we will pay the original documented purchase price.
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2. When the owned auto is, at the time of loss, in the fifth through seventh preceding model years we will pay the
higher of the actual cash value, at the time of loss, or the documented purchase price you originally paid for
the owned auto. If at the time of loss you do not provide proof of the documented purchase price, our limit of
liability will be the actual cash value of the owned auto reduced by its salvage value if you or the owner retain
This coverage is subject to Section III-Physical Damage Coverage exclusions of the GEICO automobile insurance
policy and the Section III exclusions of this endorsement.
If you pay a premium for Purchase Price Coverage for the owned auto, then the limit of liability for a total loss, subject
to the applicable deductible, is as follows:
For a total loss to the owned auto , in the first model year through the seventh preceding model year, we will pay the
higher of the actual cash value, at the time of loss, or the documented purchase price you originally paid for the owned
auto. If at the time of loss you do not provide proof of the documented purchase price, our limit of liability will be the
actual cash value of the owned auto reduced by its salvage value if you or the owner retain salvage.
Purchase Price Coverage is removed from the policy in the owned auto’s eighth or older model year. If you continue to
pay a premium for Comprehensive and Collision Coverage, our limit of liability at the time of loss will be the actual cash
value of the owned auto, reduced by its salvage value, if you or the owner retain the salvage.
This coverage is subject to Section III-Physical Damage Coverage exclusions of the GEICO automobile insurance policy
and the Section III exclusions of this endorsement.
If you pay a premium for Emergency Road Service, we will pay reasonable expenses you incur for the owned auto for:
1. Mechanical labor up to one (1) hour at the place of breakdown;
2. Lockout services up to $100 per lockout if keys to the ignition or vehicle entry doors are lost, broken or
accidentally locked in the owned auto;
3. Towing to the nearest qualified repair facility, if the owned auto is inoperable;
4. Towing the owned auto out if it is stuck:
(a) In an official campground or recreational vehicle park; or
(b) On or within 10 feet of a publicly maintained road;
5. Jump starting if the primary vehicle battery is dead. We do not pay for the cost of the battery;
6. Changing a tire if the tire is flat. We do not pay for the cost of the tire(s).
There will be a limit of one (1) payment per disablement.
We offer two methods of securing service when Emergency Road Service is purchased:
The first method, “sign and drive”, features a toll-free number in which the insured calls a service representative who
will dispatch a service vendor. Upon verification of coverage, reasonable and necessary charges for up to the policy
limit for Emergency Road Service will be automatically billed to us by the service vendor. The insured need only
sign a receipt at the time of service which authorizes us to directly pay the service vendor. Any additional fees for
towing beyond the nearest qualified repair facility, or other fees not specifically addressed above will be at the
insured’s expense.
The second method occurs when the insured does not use the “sign and drive” feature described above and hires
services without prior approval from us. Upon verification of coverage, we will reimburse you for reasonable and
necessary charges for up to a limit of $400. Requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by an original
itemized receipt and must be submitted within 60 days of service.
W. C. E. Robinson
O. M. Nicely
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Policy Number:
Refer to your GEICO automobile insurance policy, and any amendments/endorsements attached, for applicable
provisions of Uninsured Motorists Coverage, Underinsured Motorists Coverage, and/or Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists
Property Damage Coverage.
The following definitions are amended:
When used in this Section:
Insured auto is a motor home:
(a) Described on the Declarations and covered by the Liability Coverages of the GEICO automobile insurance policy;
(b) Operated or used by you or your spouse if a resident of the same household.
But the term insured auto does not include:
(i) A motor home used to carry passengers or goods for hire except in a carpool on a ride sharing or cost sharing basis;
(ii) A motor home being used without the owner’s permission; or
(iii) Under subparagraph (b) above, a motor home owned by or furnished for the regular use of an insured.
Uninsured motor vehicle: The term uninsured motor vehicle, also does not include:
(a) Any vehicle that is designed for use off public roads while not on public roads;
(b) Any vehicle that is not required to be registered; and
(c) Any motor home owned by and insured by you or a relative.
The Conditions within each Section and all General Conditions of the GEICO automobile insurance policy apply to
owned autos, non-owned autos and trailers as defined in this endorsement.
We affirm this endorsement.