Help protect your future
from life’s uncertainties
Genworth 2018 Cost of Care Survey, conducted by CareScout, 06/2018.
Genworth Life Insurance Company, business operations information, 12/1974 through 12/2017
Your Group Long Term Care Insurance Program
Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS) voluntary benefits include Group Long
Term Care Insurance. Under this voluntary Group Long Term Care Insurance Program,
coverage to help pay for long term care may be more affordable than you think.
The need
Long term care insurance enhances TRS benefit offerings by meeting a largely
unrecognized need many of us may have. It helps pay covered expenses for long term
care services whether they are received at home, in the community or in a nursing
facility. Here are a few points to consider:
• These expenses aren’t covered by either disability or health insurance.
• Relying on government programs may not be a viable solution.
• Without insurance, the costs of these services may have to come out of savings.
The cost
Today, a private room in Texas nursing facilities averages $78,475
a year and costs are
rising. Since the average long term care claim lasting longer than a year is 4.3 years
, a
long term care situation could cost almost $337,443.
The opportunity
As an active TRS member or retired TRS member, you and your spouse, plus other
eligible family members, may be able to buy this important coverage at competitive
group rates. This benefit is not available to any employee or retiree with group insurance
through the Employees Retirement System of Texas, University of Texas, and Texas
A&M University.
Employees in their first TRS-covered position have 90 days beginning on their
employment date to apply for this coverage with reduced medical underwriting
depending on their age.
Current, active TRS members and their spouses may apply for this coverage
with full medical underwriting.
Retired TRS members and their spouses under age 76 may apply for this coverage
at any time with full medical underwriting.
Other eligible family members may also apply for this coverage with full medical
Underwritten by Genworth Life Insurance Company
47485TRSN 09/01/16
For more
or to enroll:
Go to:
or call:
866 659.1970
To speak with a Program
expert or to order an
information kit.
Monthly Benefit
$1,500/month $36,000 $54,000 $72,000
$3,000/month $72,000 $108,000 $144,000
$4,500/month $108,000 $162,000 $216,000
$6,000/month $144,000 $216,000 $288,000
Total Coverage Choices
What are your basic choices?
Step 1: Choose a Monthly Benefit
This is the maximum amount you’ll be reimbursed each month for covered long term
care expenses. You have the following choices.
Step 2: Select Your Total Coverage Amount
This is the total amount of money available to pay covered long term care expenses for
the lifetime of your coverage. You have Total Coverage choices available, depending on
the Monthly Benefit you chose.
Will Reimburse Up to This Amount For Covered:
Monthly Benefit Home Care Assisted Nursing
Choices Living Care Facility Care
$ 1,500/month $ 1,125/month $ 1,500/month $ 1,500/month
$ 3,000/month $ 2,250/month $ 3,000/month $ 3,000/month
$ 4,500/month $ 3,375/month $ 4,500/month $ 4,500/month
$ 6,000/month $ 4,500/month $ 6,000/month $ 6,000/month
Texas $ 3,813/month $ 3,795/month $ 6,540/month
cost of care
Genworth 2018 Cost of Care Survey, conducted by CareScout, 06/2018.
Assumes the “Buy more coverage over time” benefit increase option and does not include the optional non-forfeiture benefit.
These premiums are not guaranteed, and the insurer has the right to change rates in the future. While Genworth Life Insurance
Company reserves the right to change future premiums for the Group Policy, your premiums will never increase solely due to changes
in your age or your health status.
Details about benefits, costs, limitations and exclusions can be found in the outline of coverage.
This material is part of a solicitation for Group Long Term Care Insurance under Group Policy number 16273
issued to Teacher Retirement System of Texas, on policy form series 7053, underwritten by Genworth Life
Insurance Company. Form numbers can vary by state, including a state specific variation. For example, In
Texas, the certificate form number may read 7053CRT TX, and in Pennsylvania, 7053CRT PA.
A sampling of available plans for a 45 year old.
Step 3: Choose a Benefit Increase Option
This program offers 3 Benefit Increase Options to help you protect against the
rising cost of care:
Buy More Coverage Over Time
Every three years, you will be offered additional coverage - as long as you’re
not in claims status. If you accept the offer, both your Monthly Benefit and
your Total Coverage Maximum will increase by 5%, compounded annually.
This feature is automatically included in your plan.
Automatic 3% Increase for Life - Compound
Your Monthly Benefit and Total Coverage Maximum will automatically
increase by 3% compound every year.
Automatic 5% Increase for Life - Compound
Your Monthly Benefit and Total Coverage Maximum will automatically increase by
5% compound every year.
A simple solution can fit your needs and budget
It’s easy to apply for coverage – and it may be more affordable than you think.
You can tailor a plan to meet your individual needs and your budget.
Call the toll-free number with any questions or go to the dedicated website to get a
personalized quote.
With the TRS Group Long Term Care Insurance Program, a 45 year old can
purchase comprehensive coverage starting at $14.25 per month.
Monthly Benefit $ 1,500 $ 3,000 $ 4,500 $ 6,000
Total Coverage $ 36,000 $ 72,000 $ 108,000 $ 144,000
Monthly Premium $ 14.25 $ 28.50 $ 42.74 $ 56.99
Benefit Eligibility, Limitations and Exclusions
To understand the benefits and features available to you under this Program go to or call 866 659.1970. The
limitations and exclusions that apply to this coverage are listed below.
Eligibility for Benefits: Your Group Program can reimburse you, up to your plan limits, for the costs of covered long term care services.
You qualify for reimbursement when you need assistance with 2 or more everyday activities which include bathing, continence, dressing,
eating, toileting, and transferring out of a bed, chair or wheelchair, and the need is expected to last for at least 90 days; or when you
need substantial supervision due to a cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s disease. A licensed health care professional must
confirm your condition. The services must be part of your plan of care from a licensed health care professional.
Limitations and Exclusions: As with any insurance program, certain limitations apply. Charges that are not covered include those for
services: •for which no charge is made •received outside of the United States •provided by your immediate family except as covered
under the Informal Care benefit •for which benefits are payable by a Worker’s Compensation or occupational disease act or law
provided by a Veteran’s Administration or other federal government facility, unless a valid charge is made. Charges are also not
covered if they are for services that are required because of: •war or an act of war • attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury •your
participation in a felony, riot or insurrection service in the armed forces or units auxiliary thereto alcoholism or drug addiction.
Other Limitations on Benefits: Benefits under the Program coordinate with other long term care insurance meaning that the sum of
all benefits you receive will not exceed the actual charges. And, benefits will not duplicate benefits received under another insurance
program such as: •Medicare • any state or federal worker’s compensation, employer’s liability, or occupational disease law • any other
federal, state or government health care or long term care program, or law except Medicaid.
This is a summary of the limitations and exclusions. State variations may apply to these exclusions and limitations. The specific language
may vary or change the impact of the exclusion. For example, in Oklahoma, the war exclusion is qualified. Check your Outline of Coverage
for complete details and any state variations that apply.