allows your local PTAs to have
a consistent stream of fresh, timely, new content
to tweet, share on Facebook, use in your e-
newsletter and so on. Blogs allow PTAs to tell
their stories and engage with their audiences on
a deeper lever than tweets or Facebook updates.
Source: SproutSocial (2012).
Writing Style
Understand your audience. Make sure your
story is engaging and relevant.
Use findings from research reports and
statistics to strengthen the post. Don’t forget
to check and cite your facts.
Try using a famous quote, or relate your story
to a trending topic in the news.
Hyperlink text to related articles and content
useful to the leader.
Keep it short; avoid jargon and use bullets or
sub-headlines to breakdown content.
Write the post in first person as the “blogger’s
Use images or videos to enhance your visual
story and give credit to the owner.
Inform, inspire and interact! End your post with
a “call to action.”
Monitor your comments at least 24-48 hours
after your latest post. You should allow
comments, but you have the right to remove
them as well.
One Voice Blog Requirements
Must be 400-700 words
1 to 4 hi-res images & captions (preferably
640x480 pixels)
Engaging titleno more than eight words
Short bio of the author at the end of the
post. If you are affiliated with a PTA, mention
your role and PTA school, district or region.
(1-2 brief sentences)
Did You Know?
A study from the Pew
Research Center revealed that
three-quarters of online parents
use Facebook, as do 70% of
Facebook Page or Group Page
National PTA recommends every unit create a
page because they are much easier to update and
reinforces our brand.
Unlike pages, groups do not allow you to add
applications for promotions or advertising. Groups
are often created for personal discussion rather
than representing your PTA’s brand as a whole.
Don’t have a Facebook for your PTA yet? Learn
how to create a page and be sure to assign at
least two admins for the platform.
Promote Posts
With Facebook’s new algorithm
, engagement on
your Facebook page may be low. If you have
budget to spare, try boosting” your posts, or
create an ad campaign for special annual events or
tools that you want to promote.
Schedule Your Posts Strategically
Too many posts will cause people to hide or un-
like your Facebook page. Ideally you should not
post more than twice a day. However, your
Facebook’s Insights will show when your
audience is most active during the time of the day.
Use it to your advantage.
Be Fun and Informative
Need inspirational ideas for posts? Try these
different types of posts for your Facebook:
PTA announcements
Question of the day
Inspirational quotes
Holidays/current events
Blog posts & news articles
is a great way to do social media
marketing for your PTA, especially parents. The
platform allows you to promote your PTA, connect with
people online and share what is important to your
Post a Disclosure Statement
Set up rules of etiquette for your PTA’s Facebook page
so that everyone knows the rules and can help make it a
safe place for sharing information. Check out National
PTA’s Social Media Policy for a sample policy
is a multi-usage platform that
organizations and businesses use to share
information about a product, brand or program.
Using only 140 characters, your tweets can include
a link to any web content (blog post, webpage, PDF
document, etc.) or a photograph or video.
Source: Social Media Examiner (2013).
Write Clearly + Concisely
Stop the grammar errors. Many Tweeters
automatically think it’s OK to recreate the
dictionary by shortening words with abbreviations.
Tweet with clarity, proper punctuation and be
succinct—you only have 140 characters!
Post Frequently
Twitter is fast-paced, which can cut the lifespan of a
tweet drastically. For some local units that may be
too overwhelming.
Twitter is most active from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. in any given time zone so focus your
attention on tweeting during that time span and
tweet or retweet 2-8 times daily.
Be the Expert
Establish yourself as the expert in your industry and
post/retweet helpful content and resources that
are not your own. Tweet trending articles and share
popular blog posts from your favorite newspapers,
bloggers and partner organizations.
Always Include a Link
Tweets with links have an 86% higher retweet
rate. Your link should have a “call to action”
strategy. Take the user to your website. Ask the user
to register for a webinar and link a tweet to the
registration site.
Use Hashtags Strategically
Hashtags (#) allow Tweeters to discuss issues and
events on Twitter in real time. They also help to
organize tweets, spread information and find new
friends. Tweets should not have more than one or
two hashtags.
Quick Tips
Shorten your links with or to
track statistics
Preschedule content ahead of time using
HootSuite, Tweetdeck or Buffer
Catch a user’s attention with an image in
your tweet. Photos should be at least
525 x 262 pixels wide.
is a fun and quirky way to share your life through a
series of pictures and short 15-second videos. Organizations use this
platform to share their stories in a visually appealing way to the world.
From behind-the-scenes photos, to beautifully designed infographics
and branded contentInstagram brings that experience to life!
Source: Instagram. (2015).
Study Your Target Audience
It’s important to know who your audience is and how active your
followers are on the platform. There is no Instagram algorithm like
Facebook, but post it when your audience is most active.
Check out Iconosquare to learn when your Instagram audience is most
active. You will be able to view a graph displaying the best times to post.
Ask Engaging Questions
Instead of writing a simple caption stating the obvious, switch it up a bit
and ask a question. The best way to have an active presence is to engage
with your Instagram community.
Hashtags Are Your Best Friend
Hashtags (#) are being used on all social media platforms to label
content on a specific topic. There actually is no real social media rule for
this, but study shows that captions with 11+ hashtags get the highest
interactions on their Instagram photos.
Quick Tip: Save a note on your phone with a list of relevant hashtags
that you can easily copy and paste at once with your caption.
Post Content that Sets Your Platform Apart
Try to not post the same content repeatedly across all platforms.
National PTA’s Instagram secret: we post PTA spotlights and behind-the-
scene happenings at our office headquarters.
Free Photo Editing Apps
Instagram’s filters can get pretty
boring. Yes, we said it. Believe it or
not, Instagram was created off the
idea that it can be transformed
into a professional-looking photo
right from your smartphone. Use
these additional apps to jazz up
your photos:
Free Instagram Scheduling Apps
is a platform that allows users to
organize and share images, called “pins,” to a
themed board. Boards can range from any topic
from food recipes to wallpaper patterns to even
books for teenagers. Did you know Pinterest is
of the Internet’s top search engines in the ranks
with Google and Facebook?
PTAs can use this platform as an extension of their
community to pin interests, tools and other visuals
to support their message.
Source: Mashable (2013).
Your Profile
On your Pinterest profile, make sure you fill out the
information as it is geared towards your PTA.
Upload your local unit’s official PTA logo
for your avatar.
Make sure your username and
name are similar to each other.
Your profile’s description
serves as your
PTA’s bio.
You only have 160 characters
so make it fun and quirky!
Always add the location of
your PTA local
unit. Even if you’re a state PTA, include
the city where your offices are located.
Include a link
of your PTA’s website.
Don’t have
one? Add your school’s
website or Facebook page.
Pin Your Content More than Once
In addition to pinning every day, if you’re looking to
increase impressions and followers, then pin your
pins over and over again. This means if you pin
something on Monday, pin it again two weeks later.
But make sure you are pinning things in between!
Upload Original Content with a Tall, Vertical
If you want your pins to be repinned and noticed,
then you need to think twice about the look of
your images.
Pins that are vertical flow better with the
Pinterest experience than horizontal ones,
making it more visible and popular to pin than
other sized images.
See our Social Media Graphics
Tips for more info.
Board Covers with a Consistent Visual
Pinterest in itself is organized. Create a consisted
look & feel so your Pinterest profile has a strong
See National PTA’s Pinterest profile for example:
Now, let’s look at another branded
Pinterest page,
but see how the covers are presented differently.
The key is to keep it clean, consistent and cohesive.
is the social website that lets people upload online videos
and participate in free video sharing, commenting, liking, and reposting.
YouTube allows registered users to upload videos and share video clips online
and share with others.
Source: Mansfield, Heather (2011) A How to Guide for NonProfits: Social Media for Social Good.
Create Your Story
The main goal of YouTube is to tell a story with video, music & pictures. You
can share this content with your PTA members, parents,
teachers, school
administrators and your community.
Make Your Videos Searchable
Be sure to tag your videos so they are searchable by PTA
members, parents, teachers and anyone searching on
Enable Comments
Social media is about engaging and creating a
conversation, so be sure to enable comments on your
Create Playlists
YouTube playlists are very effective tool that video
content creators should take advantage of. This feature
helps you organize videos in themed playlists and
categories. Have a webisode series? News clips?
Recorded webinars? You can create playlists for them all!
Always Have a Description
The description you give your channel should be short
and simple. No one wants to read on YouTubethey
want to see a story.
is a professional networking site
designed to connect with professionals in your career
industry, classmates, colleagues and other contacts in
the business community.
LinkedIn groups are an effective way for like-minded
professionals in the PTA community to engage, share
expert content and find information about the topics
they are interested in.
About Groups
Anyone can create a LinkedIn group by clicking
the “Interests” tab in their main navigation, then
“Groups” subpage.
If you create the group, you’re automatically the
group owner unless you’ve transferred
ownership of the group to someone else.
As a group owner, you have the authority and
control to assign admin roles to be a manager
or moderator. See details about admin roles.
As a group owner or manager, you have several
options for approving members for your group:
o Send an invite
o Pre-approve by individual email address
o Manually approve requests
o Member to member invites
How to Moderate
As a group owner or manager, you have the
right to control the conversations in your
Your group’s admins can delete conversations
and/or comments. Users who comment also
have the right to delete their own comments,
but not anybody else.
When the conversation or comment is removed,
it is no longer visible to anyone.
You create the rules. Here are general rules to
o Members of this group may not always
agree but are expected to treat each
other in a professional manner with
kindness and respect.
Do not use defamatory, abusive, profane
or threatening language.
Do not post advertisement or promotion
of products or services such as internal
documents and/or fliers.
No personal attacks on anyone inside or
outside the group
o No spamming, which includes sending
multiple unsolicited messages to group
Facebook Post: 800 x 800 pixels
Facebook Ad: 1200 x 627 pixels
Facebook Cover: 851 x 315 pixels
Twitter Post: 1024 x 512 pixels
Twitter Cover: 1500 x 500 pixels
Pinterest Graphic: 735 x 1102 pixels
Instagram Post: 800 x 800 pixels
YouTube Channel Header: 2560 x1440 pixels
YouTube Video Thumbnail: 1280 x 720 pixels
Need to jazz up your visual branding? Create custom
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It’s easy-to-use and fun! Be your own
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