The Ultimate
In case you’re wondering who is writing this... Allow me to introduce myself. Ahem...
Hey there! I’m Emmy de León Jones! A designer, total wellness queen and magic
believer with huge dreams! I like to think of myself as your personal Fairy Godmother,
here to guide you on how to make all your dreams come true.
My purpose is to help you build a life that you truly love while being the best and
happiest version of yourself. I’ve made it my mission to do everything in my power
to help you find clarity, overcome fears and give you the tools and courage to make
those beautiful dreams of yours come true. This is one of those tools and it is my
hope that it helps you on your journey to living a magical life you love. Keep moving
forward Dreamer!
Life Could
Be a
Social Media Anxiety
Instanxiety is a real thing. When we look at other peoples seemingly amazing lives in our
feed, it triggers this insane anxiety that makes us feel awful about our own lives. This is
actually what prompted me to just up and quit the app. I took a six month sabbatical of
absolutely no app use. I even deleted every single post I ever had (something I do regret)
but I just wanted to mentally and emotionally detach myself from it. It has consumed my
life for so long making me feel small and insignificant.
That is just no way to live. I felt like one of those infomercials that yell “There must be a
better way!”... and let me tell you my friend, there totally is. While on my detox I poured
my heart into finding a sustainable way to grow my business without sacrificing my life or
mental health and I found it. My secret weapon: Pinterest!
In just 6 months I went from pinning recipes and cute clothes, to harnessing it’s power
to drive trac to my site. Before I knew it, I had 2 MILLION MONTHLY VIEWERS with a
average of 60K engaged users clicking out to my website.
Think of Pinterest as a very niched search engine. This is not a social media app, it is a
place where people go to search for answers whether its a recipe, outfit inspiration or a
tutorial. You can find just about any resource or how-to with just a simple keyword search.
So imagine instead of shouting into the void that is Instagram. Following an easy 1,2,3 step
process that gets your content, those beautifully thought out blog posts of yours, in front of
the right audience. FOR FREE and with no added pressure, no comparison game and no
“follow for follow” or “like for like.
If you aren’t using Pinterest for your business right now, my goal is to change your mindset
and help you harness the magic of the platform. So Dreamer, let’s get Pinnin’! While you’re
hanging out in there, feel free to follow me to see my strategies live!
You may already have a Pinterest that you use occasionally to pin wedding inspiration,
holiday recipes or Disney styled outfits (raises hand!), but you may not have yet harnessed
the true power of this platform. Not to worry I am here to help! It is my goal to show you
how awesome and liberating it is to use the magic of Pinterest.
So, Why Is Pinterest So Underused By Entrepreneurs?
1. They only think of it as a place to pin recipes and pretty images for inspiration.
2. They never thought of using it as a place to meet their dream clients/customers.
3. They aren’t sure HOW to use it and don’t have the time to learn another app.
Start By Changing Your Mindset!
Let me start by freeing you from what you may already be thinking....
1. Pinterest is NOT social media (wait, what?!).
2. The number of followers DOES NOT matter (Are you serious !?).
3. There are no dramatic and ever changing algorithms to screw up your strategies.
4. You will find that there are NO “like for like” games or inauthentic followers.
Isn’t that amazing and totally liberating? Like a huge weight is lifted o your shoulders? I
can’t tell you how many times I got random accounts on Instagram (not even in my niche)
follow me and then unfollow me 3 days later. It’s annoying, PLUS, seeing the number go
up and down is so stressful and discouraging. Or those dreaded “Love your feed, DM me
for xyz” comments are gross. Well... there’s a better way!
Think about how you’re likely to use it. You probably type in things like: how to... tips for...
recipes for.... You are searching like you do on Google. The dierence is that it’s image
based which is a huge advantage for you! I like to think of it as eye-candy. So here’s the
thing, your dream client is already searching for what YOU can solve, on Pinterest. So
instead of mindlessly scrolling and pinning, let’s get you in front of their eyes.
The Magic of Pinterest
It’s Not About The Number of Followers or Likes, It’s About Trac.
The biggest takeaway here is to change your mindset around Pinterest. The main goal is
to create relevant content that drives trac to your turf: your website.
Apps like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and even Pinterest can fade, or go away. They
are not in your control, those followers belong to Mark Zucherberg and he can shut it
down whenever! But your website, that is totally yours. That’s where you should be putting
all your eorts. My new philosophy? Obsess about the number of viewers on my site and
newsletter not followers on an app.
How Pinterest Trac Can Grow Your Business:
1. Get authentic and loyal followers that fall in love with YOU.
2. Grow your email list at a faster pace by creating opt-ins.
3. More eyes on your work that builds trust and lands you new client leads.
4. Boost in sales by getting those awesome products in front of your customers.
5. A more joyful business experience without the added social stress.
Sound good? Great! Now that you’re beginning to understand how Pinterest totally rocks, I
want to teach you how to harness it’s magic! It really is like a 1-2-3 step, which anyone can
do! There are no tricks, no ever-changing algorithms, no follower stress.
I started six months ago and have tripled my monthly visitors! You just have to be consistent,
have a plan and be patient. Slow and steady truly does win the race.
Pinterest is the first impression. The handshake. Think of it as your own personal editorial
magazine. What would you include in this magazine? What is your dream niche interested
in? What are they searching for?
You want to curate your Pinterest to create a connection beyond just your services or
products. You are building and establishing trust by building a go-to source that solves
your audience’s pain points one pin at a time.
Shi Your Focus On Your Dream Audience.
Pinterest is all about creating boards and pinning to them and you want to do that with
a specific intention in mind: serving your audience. What sorts of things are they likely
searching for? The first step is to visualize what your own magazine would look like and
sort that into dierent categories.
Follow the 80/20 Rule
When it comes to creating boards and pinning every day you want to follow the 80/20 rule.
What that means is, you want to pin 20% of your own content and 80% of others. In order
for you to better serve your audience and not burn yourself out by creating thousands of
blog posts, you want to mix your stu in with very intentionally curated pins.
Same goes for boards. Create 2-5 main boards that speak directly to what you do and
then curate additional lifestyle boards that speak to your audience as well. Here’s how you
can break it down:
1. BOARDS THAT SERVE: Things you can pin that help your dream audience.
Tips for Entrepreneurs, Social Media Marketing, Branding Tips etc...
2. LIFESTYLE BOARDS: Things you enjoy you think will resonate with your audience.
Clothes + Fashion, Travel Inspiration, Decor etc...
3. INDUSTRY BOARDS: Pins that build trust in your expertise in your line of work.
Graphic Design, Typography, Branding Design, Photography etc...
Strategic Pinning
Here’s a few examples I pulled from my own Pinterest profile and who they are serving.
Hopefully it will clear any questions that may have popped up!
DESIGN + BRANDING: Things you can pin that help your dream audience.
Inspirational pins with curated design images I like that fit my aesthetic.
ENTREPRENEUR TIPS: Serves creative female entrepreneurs with business tips.
Pins on going from cubicle to business, productivity, business growth etc..
BEST SELF: Serves women who are searching to change their mindset + life.
Pins on mindset, self love, overcoming fears and other wellness things I blog about.
Audit Your Pinterest + Modify it With Intention
I want to invite you to see your Pinterest with fresh eyes. You’ll want to hide some boards that
don’t resonate with your audience but you want to keep. So if you’re planning a wedding
for example or are on a very specific diet and you have a board full of recipes, you want to
make those “secret”. Whatever doesn’t serve your audience or isn’t on brand, hide it!
Use the space below to brainstorm your new strategic boards! Use simple searchable and
keyword rich titles (we’ll get to that in part 3). If you get stuck, seek out industry leaders
check out their board list and follow them! That way you’ll have fresh relevant content to
pin directly from your home feed.
Now that you know how magical Pinning can be, you need to learn how to create share-
worthy pin designs that get noticed and stand out like powerful eye candy! So in order to
fill up your new boards with strategic designs, below is the anatomy of the perfect pin! It’s
only the basics and you can use dierent layouts, this is just the way I designed mine.
You Can Totally Test Designs Too!
You can design 2-3 dierent layouts and use dierent photography or just typography
based to A/B test which ones preform better. I do it all the time! I use Adobe Illustrator to
design my pins, but you can do Canva! I hear they have pre-made Pinterest designs ;)
(600x900px min)
Design Pinfection
This is the heart of Pinterest. I bet you have heard whispers about SEO. If you haven’t I’m
about to take you through the nitty gritty of how it will help your business. It is life changing.
So what exactly is SEO? Well, the fancy word for it is: Search Engine Optimization, and it
is the secret sauce that catapults your content right in front of your dream audience. How
exactly does this happen? One thing my friend: Keywords.
Knowing your Keywords is Key
Search engines only want to display the best information out there and so, you need to get
their attention. Keywords are the best way to wave a giant flag in front of Pinterest that
says “I have the answer! Pick me!”.
A keyword is basically what people are typing into their Search Engine. There are essentially
two types of keywords:
• Short-Tail: A single word like: Disney
• Long-Tail: A small phrase of 2-4 words like: DIY Easy Disney Mani
You probably know where I’m going with this. A short-tail keyword is waaaay to general,
there’s too much competition for you to stand out, BUT if you use a long-tail, you have a
better shot. Long-tail keywords attract a more targeted audience to your content. The
more specific you are with your keyword the better, just make sure its what people are
searching for, don’t go crazy with an 8 long-tail keyword. Basically, if you are not using
words that people are searching for, how will they find you?!
If you go type something basic into the Pinterest search bar you get a bunch of
recommendations that help you create long-tail keywords! You can use this to do your
research and see what people are already searching for. Pinterest does the work for you!
Mastering SEO!
Where Do These Fancy Keywords Go?
1. BOARD TITLES: Female Entrepreneur Tips
2. BOARD DESCRIPTIONS: Make your Dreams happen with these helpful Business
Tips! Grow your business, create strategies that work for you and utilize tips and
techniques to increase profits.
Emmy de León Jones / Brand Designer, Lifestyle Blogger & Entrepreneur
How to stay productive working from home.
5. PIN DESCRIPTION: Working from home is great, but if you don’t create healthy
habits you will hurt your business. Read my 5 top tips on how to stay productive
and motivated working from home.
Can you see how each keyword is being intentional to help and attract the right people?
Once you spend some time choosing keywords for your boards and making sure they have
a simple but strategic name you can get started with pinning to them!
Double The Trac With The Same Amount of Work
Did you know that the time you invest in doing your keyword research and strategies is
actually going to bring in double the trac? When you use keywords on your blog posts
titles, Pinterest board and pin descriptions and general profile, GOOGLE, takes notice.
So all that eort and work that goes into SEO will attract other bigger search engines like
the Goog-machine. A one hour strategy-sesh yields DOUBLE the results! Boom.
Last, But Not Least, Apply For Rich Pins
Branding is everything, we want to do our best to add it to our pinning strategies. Having
Rich Pins means that when someone pins from your site, your name, icon and link are
included in the pin which adds to your brand recognition and trust. You need to apply with
Pinterest for this, its totally simple and doable. They have a guide which you can find here:
So you got killer content and now it’s on Pinterest with keyword rich goodness. You’re
starting to see amazing trac coming to your website from the platform and people are
finally reading your blog posts! What’s next?
You Need To Have a Plan!
You want people to stay on your turf for a while giving them a chance to fall in love with
you and what you do. When someone lands on your page you need to have a plan for
them. You don’t want them reading your article and clicking out never to be seen again.
How will you capture their information so that you can get in touch with them again with
your services/products/oers or love letters?
Take a look at your overall business strategy. What are some of your goals? Is it to get more
clients? Have more sales? Grow your email list? It’s important to have an overall plan so
that you can leverage your Pinterest strategy towards that.
Creating Clear Call to Actions.
For every blog post (which translates to a Pin) you need to have a clear intention. Meaning,
where do you want all this trac to go? Is it to a product page? A freebie? A sales page?
When someone lands on your page directed from a Pin on Pinterest, what do you want
them to do? You need a call to action! Here are a couple of examples:
1. CONTENT UPGRADE: Like free workbooks in exchange for their email.
2. PRODUCT THAT SOLVES THEIR PAIN POINT: To boost product sales/awareness.
3. SPECIAL OFFERS: Invite your reader to check out a special oer for your services.
The end goal is to have your dream client on your turf. Not Pinterest, not Instagram, not
Facebook, but something you control. When you’re looking at your strategies, you want to
be Pinning content that will guide people to opt-in on a newsletter controlled by you. So
think of call to actions that can help achieve those business goals you have.
Creating a Plan
Share your story with me @EMMYGINATION
I’m rooting for you fellow Dreamer! See ya real soon!
Say Goodbye to Your Social Anxiety!
I am so happy you are taking notice of how powerful Pinterest can be! It is such a great
asset that helps grow your business without hurting your mental health. Just remember...
the more you look at it as a search engine rather than another social platform, the stronger
your mindset will be when creating eective strategies to grow your biz!
Always be strategic, think of your dream clients and don’t forget to have a solid plan to
back it up. I am seriously so stoked for you to dive in and start seeing the amazing results
that I did in just a six short months. Before I leave you, I wanted to give you a simple and
quick reminder of what you learned in this guide, AKA, the flow of Pinterest.