Overview and Timeframe
Thank you for volunteering for Girl Scouts and being a good steward of girls’ money! This guide will help
you compile and submit your troop’s Annual Financial Report (AFR), a report documenting troop
income and expense transactions from May 1 to April 30. The AFR must be submitted by June 1.
The data and documentation needed to compile the report should already be available from records
maintained by the troop throughout the year.
Those year-round responsibilities include keeping up-to-date and accurate financial records collecting
and saving all receipts, bank statements, and maintaining the checkbook register. The troop treasure
or leader) should track income and expenditures in the Financial Tracking Worksheet on an ongoing
basis. The best and easiest way to do this is to starting on May 1 of each year. The Financial Tracking
Worksheet is available (as a downloadable Excel sheet) at sdgirlscouts.org/forms. It is due when you
submit the AFR report.
Submitting Your AFR
To submit the AFR, upload your completed Financial Tracking Worksheet and latest April bank
statement (needed to ensure it matches the worksheet balance), and complete the AFR sections as
prompted through the Finances tab on the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK). Access the VTK Finance tab on our
Go to sdgirlscouts.org
1. Select “MyGS/VTK” tab
2. Select “Volunteer Toolkit
3. Log in using your Girl Scout
membership info
4. Select “Volunteer Toolkit
5. Select “Finance” tab from the
Volunteer Toolkit section
How to Submit Your
Annual Financial Report (AFR)
NOTE: A desktop or laptop computer
is necessary to submit the AFR. Google
Chrome and Firefox web browsers are also
highly recommended.
Find detailed instructions covering specific sections of the report on the remaining pages in this guide.
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Complete the INCOME section by inputting the totals in each category.
HINT: Totals can be found on the “Income Statement” tab of the Financial Tracking Worksheet under the
“Money Collected” tab.
Troop dues collected:
Enter the total amount of all funds received for troop dues and GSUSA memberships.
Event fees collected:
Enter the total of all money collected from families contributed to fund-specific troop activities and/or
events—i.e., trips, encampments, etc. If zero money was received, enter “0.00” (no value).
Fall product program collected:
Enter the total of funds collected and deposited into the troop bank account earned for the Fall product
program (i.e., magazines, chocolates, and nuts).
Cookie program funds collections:
Enter the total of funds collected and deposited into the troop bank account earned for the cookie
Money-earning projects income:
Enter the total earned from all money-earning projects—projects that the troop organized to earn funds.
Donations to the troop:
Enter the total of all donations that the troop received during the year.
Other income:
Enter any income not listed above (i.e., opportunity fund, returned purchase or any other income which
may need clarification).
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Conf idential and Pr oprietary- Not f or Pu blic Distr ibutio n- Do Not Copy
Troop Annual Financial Report
Complete the EXPENSES section by inputting the totals in each category.
HINT: Totals can be found on the “Expense” tab of the Financial Tracking Worksheet under the
“Money Paid” tab.
GSUSA membership fees paid:
Enter the total amount paid from troop account to cover GSUSA membership fees.
Fall product program paid:
Enter the total of amount paid to Girl Scouts San Diego (GSSD) from Fall products—this can be found on
your bank statements as SD PROD SALES.
Cookie program paid:
Enter the total amount paid to GSSD from Cookie program. This can be found on your bank statements
as SD PROD SALES or on the eBudde sales report.
Troop supplies/activities/events:
Enter the total amount paid fro supplies including badges, awards and recognition as well as amount paid
to fund specific troop activities and events.
Other expenses:
Enter any expenses not listed above (i.e., PayPal fees, Square Reader fees or any other expenses which
may need clarification).
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Financial Summary
Starting balance:
Enter the starting balance as of May 1. If your troop started after May 1, enter the initial bank deposit
as your starting balance.
<<Income (auto-generated)>>
Bank Information
Bank name: Enter the name of the bank associated with the troop account. (i.e. Wells Fargo)
Branch name: Enter the name of the branch area/location. (i.e. Wells Fargo—Oceanside)
Signers: Enter the name of the person submitting this report. (You can only submit one name.)
Conf idential and Proprietary- Not fo r Pub lic Dist ribut ion - Do Not Copy
Troop Annual Financial Report
Enter the submitters name
Conf idential and Propr iet ary- Not f or Pub lic Distrib ution - Do Not Copy
Troop Annual Financial Report
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Council Notes and Questions for Troops
Troop status: Mark the appropriate troop status.
Service unit: Enter the name of your service unit. Enter your service unit number. If unknown, enter “623.
Please respond to all five prompts listed as applicable:
1. If ending account balance exceeds $500.00, how does your troop plan to use these funds?
What is the approximate date that the event or activity will take place?
2. If your troop received more than one donations this year, please list the date, amount, and source
of each donation. (i.e. 1/18/18, $150, Kiwanis Club)
3. If you entered a dollar amount int the “Other Income” category, please provide a description of
the income source for these funds (i.e. Opportunity Funds).
4. If you entered a dollar amount into the “Other Expenses” category, please provide a description of
the purpose of these expenses (i.e. PayPal fees, Square Reader fees).
5. Would you like to be contacted by a Girl Scout support staff about plans for your troop in the up
coming year?
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Review and Edit
This will allow you to review the Annual Financial Report before submitting.
Select “Send to Council.” You will upload:
1. A Wells Fargo bank statement
2. Financial Tracking Worksheet (on the next screen.)
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Please attach the following documents as applicable (click each item to see how to download):
Select “Yes, submit now.” You will upload:
1. A Wells Fargo bank statement
2. Financial Tracking Worksheet (on the next screen.)
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At the very bottom of the page, you will see this message:
You have completed your Annual Financial Report!
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