Annual Troop Finance Report (TFR) Filing Instructions
Each membership year, all Girl Scout troops are required to submit a Troop Finance
Report. Troop Finance Reports are due on June 1
. This Troop Finance Report is a
snapshot summary of the money received and spent over the last year. Each troop will
complete a form with this information and upload a copy of their April bank statement.
The report should cover May of the previous year to April of the year the document is
being completed. The reporting form can be found on the Finance Tab of the Volunteer
Toolkit (VTK).
Troop Treasurers now have access to the Finance tab on the Volunteer Toolkit.
As you know, a Troop Leader and Troop Treasurer would both approve the
numbers before the report is submitted.
Some categories for the report have changed, but if a troop has been using a
certain category this year, they need not reclassify for this report. For example,
Series is being combined with Events, but if the troop has been tracking their
Series amounts, they can add it to either “Other” or “Events” for their
report. Please review the new categories outlined on the Spreadsheet for next
What You Will Need to File Your Report
Spreadsheet to Compile Troop Finance Report or your own troop accounting
April Bank Statement
Troops may use the Spreadsheet to Compile Troop Finance Report to track their income
and expenses throughout the year. This tool matches the information requested on the
reporting form and allows the Troop Leader or Troop Treasurer to easily transfer the
numbers to the online form. The Volunteer Toolkit is only accessible by volunteers who
hold a Troop Leader or Troop Treasurer role.
Updated 04/24/2022