For assistance, contact our customer care team at or 1(800) 541-9852.
Annual Troop Finance Report 2023–2024
Troop Number Troop Service Unit Number Disbanding (circle if yes)
The Annual Troop Finance Report (ATFR) is due June 30, 2024, for all troops formed prior
to June 30, 2024. Refer to your June 2023–May 2024 bank statements to complete the report.
Find related resources below.
Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) Submission Instructions for the ATFR
ATFR Hot Sheet
ATFR EXAMPLE for Troops with NO Bank Account
Troop Detailed Cash Record
Income (If there is no value for an item, write 0 in the field.)
Troop or Group Dues
Financial Assistance
Received by member from GSWW
Fall Product Net Proceeds
From Trophy Nut
Cookie Program Net Proceeds
From eBudde
Gross Income
From Troop Money-Earning Activities
Other Income
Describe below and/or attach documents _
Total Income
Other Income description (if applicable)
For assistance, contact our customer care team at or 1(800) 541-9852.
Expenses (If there is no value for an item, write 0 in the field.)
Program and Event Fees
Paid to GSWW
Camp Fees
Paid to GSWW
Membership or Renewal Fees
Paid to GSWW _
Program and Event Fees
NOT paid to GSWW (e.g.: trips, SU events)
Food and Beverage
Community Service Projects
To other organizations
Bank Charges & Fees
(e.g. Square, PayPal)
Other Expenses
Describe below and/or attach documents
Total Expenses
Other Expenses description (if applicable)
For assistance, contact our customer care team at or 1(800) 541-9852.
Financial Summary 20232024
Starting Balance* (amount on June 1, 2023, or $0 if new troop)
Total Income
Total Expenses
Ending Balance** (amount on May 31, 2024, or date the troop disbanded)
*Starting balance should match your 2022–2023 ATFR ending balance.
**Ending balance should match your May 2024 bank statement ending balance.
As part of our routine auditing process of Girl Scouts of Western Washington Volunteer-Led
bank accounts, we may request additional information. Please retain all bank statements,
financial documents, and receipts for 4 years.
Bank Information
Bank Name Branch Name Last 4 of Acct #
Signers on Bank Account
Signer 1 First and Last Name Active? Yes or No (circle one)
Signer 2 First and Last Name Active? Yes or No (circle one)
Signer 3 First and Last Name Active?
No (circle one)
Additional Questions (enter N/A if not applicable)
What is the status of your troop for the next membership year (circle one)?
Merge with another troop
Not Sure
Signer completing this ATFR Preferred contact method
Finance Report Start Date (June 1, 2023, or different if new troop)
Last Bank Statement Date (May 2024 or different if disbanding)
Balance as of Last Bank Statement (May 2024 statement unless your troop is disbanding,
then use your last bank statement)
Cash on Hand (outside of bank account)
For assistance, contact our customer care team at or 1(800) 541-9852.
List all non-GSWW gifts/donations received and the donors' names.
Describe in detail how and when the remaining balance will be used.
If your troop's ATFR ending balance deviates from the ending balance on your May 2024
bank statement, kindly provide an explanation for the variance.
If disbanding, specify the date you plan to visit the bank to close bank account (allow 30
days after submitting the Disbanding Report and Disbanding ATFR)
You must submit additional information with your ATFR if:
Your troop has an extreme variance ($500 or more), send your Detailed Cash Record
and documentation showing income and expenses.
Your troop banks outside of Key Bank or Umpqua, you must attach a full ATFR years’
worth (June 1–May 31) of bank statements.
Email completed ATFR and attachments to cust
[email protected] or mail to:
ATTN: Customer Care
5601 6
Ave. S., Ste 150
Seattle, WA 98108