Special Considerations for CNR & Biology Resumes
CNR & Biology resumes are 1-2 pages, depending on experience.
References may be listed on a 3
page with your full contact info.
Consider creating a concise 1-page Career Fair/conference/networking resume
Stick to a more conservative style consider who will be reviewing your resumes
Stand out for the content, not a unique resume format
Unique Sections:
Your “Experiences” section (preferred to Employment/Work) can include:
o Paid, unpaid, volunteer, undergraduate research, internships, student organization involvement…
o You can separate this section into “Related” and “Additional
o If applying for graduate programs or research assistant positions, create a separate “Research
Experience” section include any grant funding you received, poster and oral presentations and
Make sure to include your Summer Field Experience, if appropriate
List relevant licenses and certifications, but only if they are current
Resume Basics for Wildlife, Fisheries & Biology Majors
Your resume is not a static document. It may be used to apply for jobs/internships, scholarships,
graduate/professional programs, or for networking. The key is to tailor your document to highlight your
relevant qualifications for each situation. The following sample is meant to present a single, possible style.
Your resume should reflect your own interpretation, style, and experience. Consider the following when
creating your resume:
Organize content according to what is required and relevant to the position or program
Use margins (.5 to 1-inch), sections, or columns to balance and organize your content
Balance the content of your resume using left and right justification, spacing, and tab settings to draw
attention to relevant information remember consistency is key
Use a font that is clear and easy to read at-a-glance
Adjust the size (10-12 pts, typically) based on the font
Incorporate style elements like bold, italics, CAPITALIZATION, and underline to draw attention to the
most important parts of your resume
Each style element should emphasize a single type of information
Create section titles that market your experiences and align with what an employer or program is
looking for
Select what you choose to include (ex. education, certifications/licensure, experiences, knowledge,
skills, community outreach, leadership, etc.) based on what is required and relevant within the
job/program description
List section information in reverse-chronological order with the most recent, relevant content first
Format your content to make it easily accessible to the reader - it is much easier to skim bullet points
for information than paragraphs
Be concise but thorough do not ramble or use irrelevant “filler” words
Phone email@gmail.com City, State
Bachelor of Science anticipated May 2024
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP), Stevens Point, WI
Major: Wildlife Ecology and Management
Minor: GIS & Spatial Analysis and Spanish
Cumulative GPA: 3.92/4.00
Extensive experience with GIS/GPS software including ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, and Trimble
Basic certification in drone operation for research purposes
Eager and able to work outdoors in difficult conditions
Strong work ethic and time management skills shown by working 10+ hours/week during school
Excellent written and oral communication skills
Able to work independently with minimal supervision or as an integral part of a diverse team
WI Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) certifications in Hunter Safety, Boater Safety,
Snowmobile Safety, and ATV Safety
Completion of FISTA Chainsaw Safety and Handling Certification course (UWSP 2020)
Fluent in conversational Spanish; experience living in a Spanish speaking country
Sand Lake National Wildlife Refuge - US Fish & Wildlife Service, Aberdeen, SD Summer 2023
WILDLIFE TECHNICIAN. Conduct GIS, waterfowl, and vegetation surveys in pothole lakes in the refuge
Help capture, collect data (age, sex, weight) and band ducks, geese, and marsh birds
Conducted osprey and bald eagle surveys along lakes
Assisted with macroinvertebrate and aquatic plant inventory and identification
Wisconsin Center for Wildlife, UWSP, Stevens Point, WI Sept 2022-Present
TEACHING ASSISTANT/LAB TECHNICIAN. Assist with field work, writing educational materials and
laboratory instruction.
Write, review, and develop UW-Extension publications about ducks, geese, and marsh birds
Assist with delivery of Waterfowl Ecology labs and lectures
Conduct research on wetlands with a graduate student using drones
Canada Goose Management, Hastings, MN Summer 2022
CREW MEMBER. Assisted with goose egg removal, trapping and processing of nuisance geese throughout
the Twin Cities metro area at various golf courses, parks, and other places
Handled wildlife in a safe manner in all environmental and weather conditions
Communicated effectively with fellow crew members to problem solve problems in a fast-paced,
ever-changing environment
Provided excellent customer service and education to the public about the goals of the goose
management program
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, Necedah, WI Mar 2019-Present
VOLUNTEER. Volunteered over 200 hours at the Refuge, continue to volunteer as needed
Created a dove banding project, mapped duck bands, entered wildlife data into WAVE
Provided public relations to visitors and school groups, maintained cleanliness in visitor center
Field Techniques in Natural Resource Management, Central WI and Tomahawk, WI Summer 2021
TEACHING ASSISTANT. Helped instruct the Wildlife Management Techniques and Plant Identification
Courses for 120 undergraduate natural resource students at the UWSP Treehaven Field Station.
Helped professors by preparing, gathering, and inspecting equipment for the day’s activities
Used Sherman traps for small mammal trapping and multiple versions of telemetry equipment
Administered practical exam for use and competence of equipment respective for each discipline
Tutored and quizzed students in the evenings in preparation for weekly exams
Adapted to changes and was professional regardless of personal affiliation with fellow students
STUDENT. 6-week summer field experience at Treehaven, dedicated to the inventory and management of
forest, soil, water, and wildlife resources.
Extensive use of a dichotomous key and field identification of over 200 terrestrial and aquatic plants,
mammals, fishes, and macroinvertebrates in northern Wisconsin
Conducted point and transect count surveys as well as radio telemetry triangulation and vegetation
sampling using quadrants and a Robel pole
Emphasis on teamwork, reports, computer mapping, vegetation identification, and the use of tools
and equipment.
Wildwood Zoo, Marshfield, WI Jun 2018-Jul 2021
ANIMAL CARE VOLUNTEER. Volunteered over 100 hours
Fed animals, cleaned cages, and performed maintenance
Educated school aged children about the animals at the zoo
Necedah National Wildlife Refuge, Necedah, WI Summer 2019
YOUTH CONSERVATION CORPS MEMBER. Maintained refuge grounds and visitor center, posted boundary
signs throughout the refuge
Worked on duck banding projects
Created promotional video for Youth Conservation Corps
The Wildlife Society (TWS), UWSP, Stevens Point, WI September 2019-present
Waterfowl Project Co-leader (Jan 2020-Present): Check duck boxes for use in the Mead Wildlife Area,
Milladore, WI
o Poster presentation, “Long Term Reproductive Trends of Box Nesting Ducks in Central Wisconsin”,
at the College of Natural Resources Undergraduate Research Symposium
o Poster presentation at TWS National Conference, “Ecology of box-nesting waterfowl in Central WI:
Biological versus societal benefits
o Maintain communication between co-leaders and WDNR staff
Member (Sept 2019-Present): volunteer with other projects to help and gain experience, helped the
Deer Project (Feb 2021 & 2022) check box traps, tackle and ear tag bucks, and reset traps
Wildlife Management Techniques
Quantitative Methods for Wildlife
Research & Management
Wildlife Habitat Management
Wetland Ecology
Plant Taxonomy
Geographic Information Systems
Natural Resources and Public Relations