May 2018
Print Server
Information Assurance Disclosure
Version: 1.1
Xerox Nuvera
100/120 Digital Coper/Printer
Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144 Digital Production System
Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144/157 EA Digital Production System
Xerox Nuvera
200/288/314 EA Perfecting Production System
Xerox Nuvera
100/120/144 MX Digital Production System
Xerox Nuvera
200/288 MX Perfecting Production System
©2018 Xerox
Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox
, Xerox and Design
, Nuvera
and FreeFlow
are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
BR #22288.
Other company trademarks are also acknowledged.
Table of Contents
1.0 Security Process Introduction .......................................................................... 10
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 10
1.2 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Target Audience .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Disclaimer ....................................................................................................................................... 11
2.0 Security Assurance & Assessment Process ................................................. 12
3.0 FreeFlow
Print Server Product Description .............................................. 13
3.1 Security-relevant Subsystems ................................................................................................ 14
3.1.1 Physical Partitioning .................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.2 FreeFlow
Print Server Purpose ............................................................................................ 15
3.1.3 Memory Components .............................................................................................................. 16
3.1.4 External Connections ................................................................................................................ 16
3.1.5 Peripheral Devices (DVD Drive and USB Ports) .............................................................. 16
3.2 Graphical User Interface ......................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1 Graphical User Interface Purpose ....................................................................................... 16
3.2.2 GUI Security Features & Considerations .......................................................................... 16 Saved Jobs ................................................................................................................................ 17 Background Forms Manager ............................................................................................ 17 Print from File .......................................................................................................................... 17 Job Forwarding ....................................................................................................................... 17 Resource Management ....................................................................................................... 18 Job Accounting ....................................................................................................................... 18 System-Level Preferences and Options........................................................................ 18 User/Group Management ................................................................................................. 18 Job Manager UI Feature Access Controls .................................................................. 19 Password Security ............................................................................................................... 19 GUI Console Logging ........................................................................................................ 19 GUI Host Filtering ............................................................................................................... 19 Queue Lock/Unlock ............................................................................................................ 20 Network/Print Protocol Access Control ...................................................................... 20 Retain PDL Setting .............................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Marking <-> IOT Interface ...................................................................................................... 20
3.3.1 Marker Interface Purpose ....................................................................................................... 20
3.3.2 Marking Data Security .............................................................................................................. 21
3.4 Software Structure & Technologies .................................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Open-Source Components ..................................................................................................... 21
3.4.2 Operating System Layers ........................................................................................................ 22
3.4.3 Network Protocol Layers .......................................................................................................... 23
3.5 Logical Network Access & Interface Security .................................................................. 23
3.5.1 TLS/SSL Cryptographic Module ............................................................................................ 23
3.5.2 SSH Cryptographic Module .................................................................................................... 24
3.5.3 IPSec Protocol Security ............................................................................................................ 25
3.5.4 UDP/TCP Port Management ................................................................................................. 26
3.5.5 Network Protocol Filters ........................................................................................................... 31 Internet Protocol (IP) Filter ..................................................................................................... 31 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Filter ..................................................................................... 31 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Filter ........................................................................................ 31
4.0 FreeFlow
Print Server System Access ......................................................... 32
4.1 User Based Roles (RBAC) ......................................................................................................... 32
4.2 User & Group Management ................................................................................................... 32
4.3 FreeFlow
Print Server Built-In Users.................................................................................. 33
4.4 FreeFlow
Print Server Built-In Groups .............................................................................. 34
4.5 Password Security ....................................................................................................................... 34
4.6 User Authentication Methods ............................................................................................... 36
4.6.1 SSL/TLS Authentication ........................................................................................................... 36
4.6.2 SSH Authentication ................................................................................................................... 37
4.6.3 Kerberos Authentication .......................................................................................................... 37
4.6.4 IPSec Authentication ................................................................................................................ 37
4.6.5 SNMPv3 Authentication .......................................................................................................... 38
4.7 Job Manager UI Feature Access Control .......................................................................... 38
5.0 General Security Features / Capabilities ..................................................... 39
5.1 Security Profile ............................................................................................................................. 39
5.1.1 Security Profile Feature Descriptions ................................................................................. 42
5.1.2 Security Profile UDP/TCP Port Settings ............................................................................. 50
5.2 Anti-Virus Software Protection .............................................................................................. 51
5.3 Audit Logging ............................................................................................................................... 51
5.3.1 BSM Security Audit Log ............................................................................................................ 52
5.3.2 Solaris
OS Audit Log ............................................................................................................... 52
5.3.3 System Activity Reporter ......................................................................................................... 52
5.3.4 FreeFlow
Print Server GUI Console Log .......................................................................... 52
5.3.5 FreeFlow
Print Server Job Accounting ............................................................................. 53
5.3.6 FreeFlow
Print Server Job/Print Activity Logs ............................................................... 53
5.4 Hard Drive Security ..................................................................................................................... 53
5.4.1 Hard Disk Access Restriction .................................................................................................. 53
5.4.2 Data Overwrite Feature ........................................................................................................... 53
5.4.3 Hard Disk Purge ........................................................................................................................... 54
5.4.4 Removable Hard Drive Kit ....................................................................................................... 54
5.4.5 Hard Drive Removal and Purchase ...................................................................................... 54
5.5 PII/PHI Security Compliancy Standards ........................................................................... 55
5.5.1 DIACAP Security Standard ..................................................................................................... 55
5.5.2 STIG Toolkit .................................................................................................................................. 55
5.5.3 Common Criteria Certification Standard ......................................................................... 56
5.5.4 Authority to Operate (ATO) Certification ......................................................................... 56
5.5.5 Certificate of Networthiness (CON) Standard ............................................................... 56
5.6 Statement of Volatility (SoV) ................................................................................................ 56
Revision Log
Version Date Description or Purpose of Changes Author
1.0 1/26/2018
Created the initial Version 1.0 of this FreeFlow
Server 7.3 / Solaris
Security Information Assurance
Disclosure (IAD) document for the Nuvera
D. Roome
1.1 05/10/2018
Updated this document with enhanced information
contributing to Information Assurance Disclosure, and
with information related to Security component updates
made for the FreeFlow Print Server product. Added new
information pertaining to system audit logging.
D. Roome
Document Glossary
ADS Microsoft Active Directory
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
AMR Automatic Meter Read
ATO Authority to Operate
API Application Programming Interface
BART Basic Auditing and Reporting Tool
BSM Basic Security Model
CA Certificate Authority
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CCC Common Criteria Certification
CCRA Common Criteria Recognition Arrangement
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CFA Call for Assistance
CHARGEN Character Generator
CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional
CIS Center for Internet Security
CON Certificate of Networthiness
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSE Customer Service Engineer
CVE Common Vulnerability Exposure
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DES Data Encryption Standard
DFE Digital Front End
DFS Distributed File System
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIACAP Department of Defense Information Assurance Certificate and
Accreditation Process
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DNS Domain Naming Service
DoD Department of Defense
DOS Disk Operating System
DTLS Datagram Transport Layer Security
DVD Digital Versatile Disc
EAL4 Evaluation Assurance Level 4
EDE Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt
FFRPS FreeFlow® Remote Print Service
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FSO Field Security Operations
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GID Group ID
GUI Graphical User Interface
HMAC Hash Message Authentication Code
HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,
HTTP Hyper Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hyper Transfer Protocol Secure
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IKE Internet Key Exchange
IOT Image Output Terminal
IP Internet Protocol
IPDS Intelligent Printer Data Stream
IPF Internet Protocol Filter
IPP Internet Printing Protocol
IPSec Internet Protocol Security
IRS Internal Revenue Service
IT Information Technology
JASS Jumpstart Architecture and Security Scripts
JMF Java Media Framework
LCDS Line Conditioned Data Stream
LPR Line Printer
MAC Macintosh
MAC Message Authentication Code
MD Message Digest
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
NetBIOS Network Basic Input/Output System
NFS Network File System
NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology
NTP Network Time Protocol
OS Operating System
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
PCIDSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PDF Portable Document Format
PDL Page Description Language
PHI Personal Health Information
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PSIP Print Station Interface Platform
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
RFC Request for Comment
RIP Raster Image Processing
RPC Remote Procedure Call
RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adelman
SA System Administrator
SAR System Activity Reporter
SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol
SCP Secure Copy
SCSEM Safeguard Computer Security Evaluation Matrix
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
SLP Service Location Protocol
SMB Server Message Block
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SoV Statement of Volatility
SPARC Scalable Processor Architecture
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Socket Layer
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guide
SUNDR Secure Non-Trusted Data Repository
TAS TotalNET Advanced Server
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TSM Transport Security Model
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UI User Interface
URL Uniform Resource Locator
USB Universal Serial Bus
US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
UUCP Unix-to-Unix Copy
VIPP Variable Data Intelligent Postscript Printware
VPN Virtual Private Network
WINS Windows
Internet Naming Service
XBS Xerox Business Services
ZFS Zettabyte File System
1.0 Security Process Introduction
This document includes Information Assurance Disclosure for the FreeFlow
Print Server to
support customers with transparency to meet their Security requirements and compliances.
Refer to the Information Assurance Disclosure document for the Nuvera
printer products for
the same information that pertains to the print engine. This document also provides references
to the FreeFlow Print Server SoV document supporting the Nuvera
printer products, which
includes location, capacities and content of volatile and non-volatile memory component within
the FreeFlow
Print Server X86 embedded subsystem that support the Xerox Nuvera
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide a high-level view of the Xerox processes that ensure
the Xerox
Print Server can satisfy customer security requirements, and how the
Security of FreeFlow
Print Server software is evaluated and maintained. This document also
identifies security features and capabilities, which assist a print shop System Administrator and
Security IT personal to manage Security and the assurance of security on the FreeFlow
Server platform.
1.2 Overview
actively supports our customer’s desire to achieve a level of security to meet their
business needs and goals for compliancy standards, and specific security policies. Xerox
allocates dedicated development and support team resources to support FreeFlow
Server security. We deliver Security White Papers and Configuration Guides to assist with an
understanding of the robust security features built into the FreeFlow
Print Server product, and
to describe security procedures. This document is a good reference to assist the Xerox
Customer Service Engineer (CSE) and/or Analyst in addressing the majority of a customer’s
security requirements. The intention of this document is to disclose FreeFlow
Print Server
security-related information to Xerox customers.
The Xerox
Print Server is an application software product tightly integrated with
the Solaris
OS, which has very well established highly customizable Security features. The
Print Server software includes many enhancements to increase security by using
time tested and robust underlying Solaris
OS features and capabilities. One of the advantages
of a Unix-based system over other Operating Systems is the number of tools, and API-like
utilities that assist in making Security updates highly customizable. This document describes
features, tools, utilities and procedures to aid in the management and maintenance of Security
for the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
has built-in features and capabilities using the latest Security technologies,
and this ensures the FreeFlow
Print Server product satisfies critical data-protection compliant
requirements dictated by a customer business environment. The Solaris
OS was originally
designed with a focus on security capabilities such as BART (baseline files, directories and
attributes for later comparison and identifying changes), BSM (DoD audit logging criteria for a
“C2” level security certification), SCAP scripts (Security assessment and audit), etc.
It is the responsibility of the customer to use the information contained herein this document,
and from the Oracle
knowledge database to Security tighten the FreeFlow
Print Server /
platform per their requirements and policies. Some important Security measures are,
install of Security patch updates, defining FreeFlow
Print Server users with well-defined roles,
implementing password security policies, install/setup of SSL certificate, defining IP/Port filters,
capturing/reviewing audit logs, etc.
Security requirements to meet Industry Security compliancy standards (E.g., IRS SCSEM, IRS
Publication 1075, DISA STIG, CIS Benchmark, NIST HIPPA, PCIDSS, etc.) that exceed the scope
of the FreeFlow
Print Server software service agreement are the responsibility of the customer.
is responsible for integrating Security patches for the Solaris
OS, and provide
mitigation information in response to Security findings reported by a customer. Xerox
provide Security tightening recommendations to support customer Security strategies and
policies, but is not responsible for auditing Xerox printer devices. We recommend that the
customer hire a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) specialist to ensure
and certify that the Xerox printer(s) comply with the Security standards per the customer policy.
1.3 Target Audience
The target audience for this document is Xerox field personnel, FreeFlow
Print Server 3
developers and Xerox
customers concerned with IT security.
1.4 Disclaimer
The information in this document is accurate to the best knowledge of the authors, and
provided without warranty of any kind. In no event shall Xerox
Corporation, or Electronics For
Imaging, Inc. be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from user's use or disregard of
the information provided in this document including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential,
loss of business profits or special damages, even if the Xerox
Corporation, or Electronics For
Imaging, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
2.0 Security Assurance & Assessment
The Xerox
Print Server Development processes to assure security of the FreeFlow
Print Server platform are:
1. Xerox
monitors weekly-issued US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness
Team) alerts at, and Oracle
Alerts that announce new security
vulnerabilities and delivers patches to remediate them.
2. Xerox
evaluates US-CERT alert notification of Common Exposure Vulnerabilities (CVEs) for
impacts to the Solaris
OS and FreeFlow
Print Server product. The development team
prioritizes patches applicable to current FreeFlow
Print Server products based on severity,
system tests patches, and makes Security patch deliverables available for all FreeFlow
Server software releases as a post-install package. Xerox
delivers an Oracle
Security Patch
Cluster on a quarterly sequence after test and acceptance completion.
3. Xerox
delivers a FreeFlow
Print Server Solaris
-based “Security White Paper and User
Guide”, and Security bulletins that describe a customer’s options to install Oracle
Patch Clusters. The Security White Paper and quarterly delivered install documents include
procedures to retrieve, prepare and install a Security Patch Cluster from media (E.g., DVD,
USB, hard disk) or over the Internet using the Update Manager UI on the FreeFlow
Server platform.
4. Xerox
and the FreeFlow
Print Server development team constantly maintains existing
security features, and updates Open-Source packages (E.g., OpenSSL, OpenSSH, SMB, etc.) to
keep up with Security technologies.
5. Xerox
performs Security penetration-tests using Nessus and Qualys (Industry-Standard
Security evaluation software applications) against each FreeFlow
Print Server major
software release and patch software releases. Xerox
performs testing of network security
settings using Nessus and Qualys. Xerox
remediates all security findings listed in the Nessus
and Qualys audit reports by installing patches delivered by Oracle
or disabling/removing
services that are not used.
6. Xerox
tests each FreeFlow
Print Server software release with Security Technical
Implementation Guide (STIG) hardening before making it available to customers that require
enhanced security defined by Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). The FreeFlow
Print Server product bundles a UNIX STIG package used by the Department of Defense (DoD)
and other U.S. Federal and State Government agencies/departments to satisfy DISA security
requirements. This security software package contains numerous scripts that tighten the
Print Server platform security to meet DISA standards.
7. Xerox
performs authentication and authorization testing on each FreeFlow
Print Server
major and patch software release delivered to the field.
8. Xerox
performs testing of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) security controls and
configuration settings on each FreeFlow
Print Server major software release delivered to the
9. Xerox maintains a website, with up to date security
vulnerability status, white papers, Common Criteria Certification, Intel Security McAfee
information, and a portal to submit security questions to Xerox.
3.0 FreeFlow
Print Server Product
The FreeFlow
Print Server product is a Digital Front End (DFE) application that supports Xerox
high-volume and higher end mid-volume Xerox
printer products. The FreeFlow
Print Server is
a specialized software application that runs on the Solaris
10/11 platform, so takes advantage
of the robust mature Security capabilities Oracle
has implemented and maintained over the
years. The Solaris
OS was implemented with a focus on the strict Security standards demanded
by Federal and State Government, and need to protect Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
and classified data.
The Xerox Nuvera
printer is a specialized high-volume Production printer requiring very intensive
CPU bandwidth for Raster Image Processing (RIP), real-time raster image marking and Job
Manager GUI operations to manage jobs. Therefore, there is no encryption of the print data on
the hard disk to ensure the FreeFlow
Print Server can exceed the rated speed of the Nuvera
Unlike the purpose of a File Server to permanently storage store information, such as Personally
Identifiable Information (PII), Personal Health Information (PHI), or other private information,
print data on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform hard disk isshort lived. Print jobs are
submitted over the network to an input spool area on the disk, scheduled for printing,
processed/rendered to and output spool area on the hard disk, printed, and deleted once printing
has completed. There are Security strategies that can be applied to ensure the FreeFlow
Server platform functions strictly as a print service only, and can restrict login, protocol
connection and file access.
The Nuvera
printer is a high-volume production printer that would typically be located in a
secure physical location, and accessed by very few trusted administrators/operators. The
customer print data is not stored permanently like on a File Server, and Xerox offers hard disk
Security options such as Data Overwrite meeting NIST and DoD compliancy standards, and
Removable Hard Drive kit.
printer products with the FreeFlow
Print Server software is a commonly chosen product
for State Government agencies (E.g., Department of Revenue, Department of Treasury, etc.) all
around the US to print customer checks, and Security tightened to meet the string compliancy
requirements of the IRS.
3.1 Security-relevant Subsystems
This section identifies the location, capacities and content of volatile and non-volatile memory
components within the FreeFlow
Print Server X86 embedded subsystem platform that
support the Xerox Nuvera
printer products.
3.1.1 Physical Partitioning
See the security-relevant subsystems for the FreeFlow
Print Server / Single Engine Nuvera
illustrated below:
See the security-relevant subsystems for the FreeFlow
Print Server / Dual Engine Nuvera
illustrated below:
Customer jobs arrive over the “public” network interface (a.k.a, External Network) via a
network and/or print protocol services. The job data stream is spooled to the hard disk (or
stream directly to the RIP via system memory buffers, scheduled for printing,
decomposed/rendered to raster images, and delivered to the printer by the marker interface
(See Section 3.3Marking <-> IOT Interface”).
Print Server
10/100/100 Mbit
Single Engine Nuvera
Public Network Interface
(Customer Network)
Private Network Interface
(Printer Network)
Video Image
Print Server
Dual Engine Nuvera
100 Mbit
Private Network Interface
(Printer Network)
Xerox Proprietary Video Image Data
Public Network Interface
(Customer Network)
3.1.2 FreeFlow
Print Server Purpose
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform is a specialized Digital Front End (DFE) representing a
multiple Queue Spooler model printer architecture that provides printing services such as job
management, job processing, transferring rasterized page images to the printer, and printer
management/configuration services. It incorporates a High-Speed RIP engine and Marking
process (See Section 3.3 Marking <-> IOT Interface”) to support performance requirements
of high-speed Xerox printers such as Nuvera
. It includes capabilities to manage printing
resources (E.g., Paper Stocks, Fonts, Background Forms, VIPP Projects, Imposition Templates,
We have tightly coupled the FreeFlow
Print Server software application and the Solaris
v10/11 OS release. There is a “private” network interface connection between the back-end
of the FreeFlow
Print Server subsystem to the Xerox Nuvera
printer via the Print Station
Interface Platform (PSIP). The FreeFlow
Print Server delivers job pages decomposed and
rendered as Xerox proprietary raster images to the Xerox Nuvera
printer over this interface.
This back-end network connectivity is isolated from the front-end network interface
connected to the customer “public” network unless configured to route network information
between these networks by defining a proxy configuration for the Nuvera
printer to
communicate on the customer “public” network.
There are many robust Security capabilities built-into Solaris
, and customized by the
Print Server
application for easy configuration setup. Some features include a
Security Profile, IP/RPC filter, User/Group Management, Password Security, GUI Console
Audit Logging, Job Management Feature Access Control, etc. These controls in the
FreeFlow® Print Server GUI use the security features of the underlying Solaris
v10/11 OS
mechanisms, and configured from the GUI to make setting easy to use. The FreeFlow
Server offers an on-demand Data Overwrite feature to sanitize the areas of the hard disk that
hold customer print jobs that may contain sensitive PII and/or private data.
There are other important Security capabilities included with the FreeFlow
Print Server /
v10/11 OS platform, which are described herein this document. Some of those
capabilities are: Security Profile, STIG Hardening Package, Basic Security Model (BSM) Audit
Logging, syslog Audit Logging, Password Security, Job Management User Interface (UI)
Access Control, Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2, Cryptographic Module Secure Socket Layer
(SSL) Certificate, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
256-bit Stream Encryption, etc.
Assigning the Security profile to ‘High’ disables insecure network services and closes User
Datagram Protocol (UDP)/Transport Control Protocol (TCP) ports not required for job
submission workflow. See Section 5.1Security Profile” for more information. The FreeFlow
Print Server application also bundles a Port Management tool to manage UDP/TCP ports. A
customer has the option to install and setup an SSL/TLS certificate on the FreeFlow
Server platform to ensure secure job submission workflows and remote management.
Customers submit documents to the FreeFlow
Print Server over a “public” network interface,
which transfer to an input spool directory on the hard disk (or stream directly to the RIP via
system memory buffers), and schedule for processing/printing. Unlike a File Server that
persistently stores user files, the life of a print job ends once the last page is printed. The
Print Server application deletes the customer document once a job completes
printing, and proceeding jobs write over the disk sectors that hold print data from deleted
document files. The input spool directory is included on a hard disk location configured to be
sanitized when running the Data Overwrite application included with the FreeFlow
Server platform.
3.1.3 Memory Components
Refer to the official SoV document titled “Xerox
Print Server; Statement of
Volatility; Supports Nuvera
EA/MX 100/120/144/157 and 200/288/314 IPM; Production
Systems Engine” dated January 2018 for external connections information.
3.1.4 External Connections
Refer to the official SoV document titled “Xerox
Print Server; Statement of
Volatility; Supports Nuvera
EA/MX 100/120/144/157 and 200/288/314 IPM; Production
Systems Engine” dated January 2018 for external connections information.
3.1.5 Peripheral Devices (DVD Drive and USB Ports)
Refer to the official SoV document titled “Xerox
Print Server; Statement of
Volatility; Supports Nuvera
EA/MX 100/120/144/157 and 200/288/314 IPM; Production
Systems Engine” dated January 2018 for external connections information.
3.2 Graphical User Interface
This section describes the capabilities of the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI presented to the
Administrator or Operator to facilitate printing-related tasks for the Nuvera
printer. This
section does not describe the GNome Desktop or the applications available from the GNome
interface. Setting the Security profile to “High” will remove all security risky application and
options from the GNome Desktop GUI.
3.2.1 Graphical User Interface Purpose
The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI is a java application that runs as a local GNome Desktop
application on the Solaris
v10/11 OS. This GUI is also accessible remotely from a Windows
or MAC
client using the FreeFlow
Remote Print Server application, which uses a Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) based remote connection.
The main purpose of the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI is to manage print jobs that are
associated with a Queue (a.k.a., Virtual Printer) and listed in a UI view (Job Manager)
according to the status state of the job (E.g., active, held, paused and completed). There is a
very large number of options available and applicable to jobs in the held or paused state.
Jobs that arrive in the Job Manager UI are associated with printing requirements that you
can change using the job properties option from the Job Manager UI.
3.2.2 GUI Security Features & Considerations
The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI offers many Security related capabilities available to define
locally or from a remote Windows
or MAC
client using the FreeFlow
Remote Print Server.
The GUI Security capabilities rely on the robust set of Security capabilities that are build-into
the underlying Solaris
OS. There are Security considerations related to many of the
Print Server GUI features.
17 Saved Jobs
The FreeFlow
Print Server application supports the decomposition and rendering of print
jobs to an output job file written to hard disk in a well-known location in a Xerox proprietary
raster image format. The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI provides an option to RIP and write
saved jobs that are stored for reprint, and the ability to manage them.
The System Administrator or Operator can submit jobs using this feature. There are Security
conscious customers that will not allow saved jobs as a site policy. The GUI provides an
option for the System Administrator to disable the Save Job option so that Operator is
restricted access from the Job Manager UI. See Section 4.7Job Manager UI Feature
Access Control” for more information. In addition, the Security Profile provides an option
named “Limit Print Service Paths” to disable access to the Save Job location. See Section
5.1Security Profile” for more information. Background Forms Manager
The FreeFlow
Print Server application supports the decomposition and rendering of print
jobs, representing static text, graphics and/or images on the pages of a print job, and
storing them for reuse by jobs from a well-known directory location in a Xerox proprietary
raster image format. The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI provides an option to RIP and write
jobs as static Background Forms, and the ability to manage them.
The System Administrator or Operator can submit variable data jobs that can use the static
saved forms. There are Security conscious customers that will not allow Background Form
jobs as a site policy. The GUI provides an option for the System Administrator to disable
the Background Form option so that Operator is restricted access from the Job Manager UI.
See Section 4.7Job Manager UI Feature Access Control” for more information. Print from File
The FreeFlow
Print Server application supports a FreeFlow
Print Server GUI job
submission mechanism named ‘Print from File’ that can be used to select a print file from
the local disk or remote storage location, define printing requirement, and submit for job
scheduling/printing. You can access the “Print from File” job submission mechanism
remotely using the FreeFlow
Remote Print Server application from a Windows
(MAC) client platform.
The Administrator or Operator can submit jobs using this feature. There are Security
conscious customers that will not allow job submission of print jobs selected from the GUI
as a site policy. The GUI provides an option for the System Administrator to disable this
option or restrict it from the Operator. See Section 4.7Job Manager UI Feature Access
Control” for more information. Job Forwarding
The FreeFlow
Print Server application supports a UI job submission mechanism referred
to as Job Forwarding used to submit jobs from one FreeFlow
Print Server platform and
printer to a like Nuvera
printer. A customer uses this feature when the Nuvera
printer is inoperable because of a hardware/software issue or the printer is in maintenance
mode. A customer also uses Job Forwarding to achieve load balancing when the local
printer is queued with multiple jobs, so can forward jobs to other remote idle printers with
a minimal print job load or in an idle state.
The Job Forwarding submission UI application requires Internet Control Message Protocol
(ICMP) and Line Printer (LPR) access to the receiving printer using port 515. Access to ICMP
services are required on the remote printer for the Echo (a.k.a., ping) request and response
service. The System Administrator or Operator can forward print jobs to a Nuvera
that has fewer print jobs queued or is idle. The GUI provides an option for the System
Administrator to restrict this feature from the Operator. See Section 4.7Job Manager UI
Feature Access Control” for more information. Resource Management
The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI authorizes the System Administrator to manage printer
resources for things such as Fonts, Paper Stocks, Imposition Templates, Variable Data
Intelligent PostScript (VIPP), Line Conditioned Data Stream (LCDS), etc. The System
Administrator can grant access for resource management to the Operators.
An option is available to the System Administrator from the FreeFlow Print Server GUI to
perform a Configuration Backup to a hard disk location or media (E.g., DVD or USB). This
backup includes configuration settings customized by a customer, and printing resources
that have been installed. The Configuration Backup can be used to restore if the software
is re-installed. Job Accounting
The FreeFlow
Print Server application offers Job Accounting records to provide job
accounting information (E.g., stocks used, # of each stock used, RIP/Print date/time, Job
Costing information, printing attributes applied, Etc.) for completed jobs. The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI provides options to manage (E.g., view, define format, print, delete)
accounting records. The GUI authorizes the System Administrator to manage Job
Accounting options. The Operator is restricted access to this capability unless the System
Administrator grants access. System-Level Preferences and Options
The FreeFlow
Print Server application presents many system-level options in the GUI to
define and customize the configuration for onsite printing settings that meet customer
requirements. Some of the system-level options are for Network Settings, Security Settings,
Finisher Settings, Job Manager Settings, Custom Job Layout and Shortcut Settings, etc. The
Print Server GUI authorizes the System Administrator to manage the system-
level options. The Operator is restricted access to these preferences and options unless the
System Administrator grants access. User/Group Management
The FreeFlow
Printer Server offers a User/Group management capability in the GUI to
create and manage users that are a member of either the built-in System Administrator,
Operator or User group. These built-in user accounts are accessible from the FreeFlow
Server GUI for login, and are registered Solaris
users. You use the FreeFlow
Print Server
GUI to change the User passwords and some password policies. A user’s group association
(SA, Operator or User) defines their access (granted or restricted) to FreeFlow
Print Server
GUI features. . See Section 4.2User & Group Management” for more detailed information.
The Users & Groups UI provides an option to enable the Strong Password option, and make
Password Security option settings. The System Administrator has access to create users,
manage users/groups, and make Password Security settings
19 Job Manager UI Feature Access Controls
The System Administrator has the authority to disable/enable access for each of the Job
Management UI features (i.e., Preview, Preflight, Print from File, Job Forwarding,
Accounting Information, etc.) from the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. The System
Administrator on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform manages the Operator and User
group roles. The System Administrate can enable/disable Job Manager UI features for the
Operator and User Group. See Section 4.7Job Manager UI Feature Access Control” for
detailed information.
This feature is a very important enabler for Xerox
customers that required protection of
PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and/or PHI (Protected Health Information) data
for compliancy of Security standards such as PCIDSS, HIPPA, Safe Harbor, etc. You can
change the Access Control options for FreeFlow
Print Server Operator and User groups to
a “custom” setting to meet the Security policies of a customer. Password Security
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform provides a subset of the Password Security options
available on the Solaris
OS platform from the Users & Groups UI in the FreeFlow
Server GUI. The Password Security options available are Strong Password, Minimum
Password Attempt Lockout, Minimum Password Length, Password Expiry Weeks, Minimum
Change Password Weeks, and Minimum Unique Sequential Passwords. There are many
more Password Security options available by the Solaris
OS not included in the Users &
Groups UI. The System Administrator has access to set the Security Password options. See
Section 4.5Password Security” for more detailed information. GUI Console Logging
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform has a GUI Console Logging feature that will log all tasks
performed in the FreeFlow
Print Server Web-UI including user login/logout activity. See
Section 5.3.4FreeFlow
Print Server GUI Console Log” for more information. GUI Host Filtering
Remote hosts can be restricted from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform using the Internet
Protocol (IP) Filtering capability in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, and filtering on “IP-
based” protocols to grant/restrict remote host access for protocols such as RPC, LPR, IPP,
HTTP, SMB, FTP, etc.. A System Administrator has the ability to:
1. Disable All Connections
2. Enable All Connections [Default]
3. Enable Specified Connections by:
a) IP Address
b) Range of IP Address’
c) Subnet
When you select option #3, the administrator can create a list of ”trusted hosts”. The hosts
are simply “trusted” client platforms on the network granted permission to access the
Print Server platform. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform denies TCP/IP-based
services/protocols from hosts not configured in the list of “trusted hosts”.
An RPC filter exists for FreeFlow
Remote Print Service (FFRPS) clients, which run on remote
workstations such as Windows
platforms. A FFRPS client or list of clients can be granted
access to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform by adding the IP address in the RPC filter list.
Once you have added one or more trusted hosts to the RPC access control list, only those
hosts in the list will have FreeFlow
Print Server platform access from the FreeFlow
Print Service. When the Security profile is set to ‘High”, this Remote Access filter must be
enabled to allow FreeFlow
Remote Print Service application access to connect and
manage Xerox
printers. Queue Lock/Unlock
The Queue Manager UI available from the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI offers an option to
lock and unlock access for making queue attribute modifications. Once locked only a
System Administrator can make queue property changes. The users in the Operator and
User groups are restricted. This assists with configuration management control of printing
requirement settings of print queues by the System Administrator. Network/Print Protocol Access Control
The FreeFlow
Print Server application offers options to disable network and print services
that are not required for customer printing workflow. For example, gateway services for
LPR, IPP, Socket (port 9100), SNMP, etc. can be disabled and enabled. The management
of these resources can be restricted from the FreeFlow
Print Server by the System
Administrator. The Security profile includes options to enable and disable services such as
SNMP, TLS 1.0/1.2, SHA1/SHA2, etc. The Security profile disables the SSLv2/v3
cryptographic modules and MD5 encryption by default, and we recommend leaving them
disabled. See Section 5.1Security Profile” for more information. Retain PDL Setting
The FreeFlow
Print Server application offers and option to retain PDL files (PDF, PostScript,
IPDS, etc.) on the hard disk for the purpose of reprint after the job has already been printed.
This option is disabled by default, so must be enabled if retaining of jobs is a desired feature
for a customer. It is recommended to disable this option to prevent printer Operators from
reprinting jobs with highly sensitive information such as information about customers, or
checks. The System Administrator has access to enable or disable the Retain PDL option.
3.3 Marking <-> IOT Interface
This section describes the Marking process that runs on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform,
and interfaces with the front-end of the Nuvera
printer. It does not describe the Nuvera
marking engine that marks the FreeFlow
Print Server delivered raster image pages to paper.
Refer to the Information Assurance Disclosure document for the Nuvera
printer to obtain
information related to marking image data to the pages.
3.3.1 Marker Interface Purpose
The marker process running on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform communicates over a
private network interface to the Nuvera
printer. The main purpose of the printer network
interface is for communication with the Nuvera
printer to deliver raster print job pages
that can be marked on the printed pages. By default, this network interface is isolated from
the FreeFlow
Printer Server platform front-end network interface connected to the “public”
customer network. Therefore, the Nuvera
printer is not directly accessible from the
customer “public” network, and the Nuvera
printer does not have access to the customer
“public” network.
The main purpose of the customer network interface is for receiving documents submitted
by end-users for printing. A customer can optionally define a proxy configuration on the
Printer Server to allow the Nuvera
printer access to the customer “public”
network to support Remote Services (E.g., uploading debug information (CFA data push) to
Xerox server available on the Internet, support Automatic Meter Read (AMR), etc.).
3.3.2 Marking Data Security
The APPE decomposer renders and rasterizes job pages input as supported PDL documents
from an input spool directory that receives pint jobs from the “pubic” customer network,
and write raster image pages in Xerox proprietary encoded format to an output back-end
directory location. The input and output directory locations are accessible only to the
root account and FreeFlow
Print Server
System Administrator.
The life of the raster image pages are represented by the timeframe to render/rasterize and
deliver the pages to the Nuvera
printer. Raster image pages from proceeding jobs
overwrite hard disk sectors in the output back-end directory that hold raster images from
previously printed jobs that have been deleted. In addition, the raster image pages in Xerox
propriety encoded format are not readable by industry standard image applications or
tools, which would make reverse engineering extremely difficult. The output back-end
directory is included as a location on the hard disk that is sanitized when running the Data
Overwrite application included with the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
3.4 Software Structure & Technologies
This section defines the applications, operating system and network technologies available
on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
3.4.1 Open-Source Components
Open-source components in the connectivity layer implement high-level protocol services.
The security-relevant connectivity layer components for the FreeFlow
Print Server platform
supporting the Nuvera
printer are:
Open Source Package Solaris 10
Solaris 11
Apache HTTP 2.4.33
Apache Tomcat 6.0.44
OpenSSL 1.0.2n
OpenSSH 1.1.9
Samba 4.4.16
Kerberos K5 Rel. 1.4.0
K5 Rel. 1.8.3
Firefox Mozilla 45.5.1
These Open-source components are updated in FreeFlow
Print Server software releases
when necessary (E.g., maintain updated technology, Security improvements, etc.), and the
version number is updated. A customer can receive Open-Source component updates in a
new FreeFlow
Print Server scrape (a.k.a., clean) software install, Security Patch Cluster, or
Print Server software patch upgrade that is installed over-top of an existing
software release. You can find bulletin notifications for new FreeFlow
Print Server Security
Patch Updates from the URL under “Security At Xerox
”, and sign up for RSS
feed services to receive posted bulletins.
3.4.2 Operating System Layers
The OS layers include the operating system, network, and physical I/O drivers. The FreeFlow
Print Server application run on the Solaris
operating system is illustrated below:
Print Server Operating System Layers
Note: The above illustration of the Operating System Layers on the FreeFlow
Print Server
platform only. The Print Station Interface Platform (PSIP) component of the Nuvera
defines its own Operating System Layers.
System Call
/ ZFS File
Firewall /
IP Filtering
Print Server GUI
And Security Profile
Solaris Kernel
Xerox Developed
3.4.3 Network Protocol Layers
Refer to the diagram below that illustrates the IPv4/IPv6 protocol stacks supported by the
Print Server / Solaris
OS platform and annotated per the DARPA model.
DARPA Network Protocol Model (a.k.a., OSI Layers)
Note: The above illustration is the OSI Layers on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform only,
and represents the front-end customer network interface. The Print Station Interface
Platform (PSIP) component of the Nuvera
printer defines its own OSI Layers.
3.5 Logical Network Access & Interface Security
This section describes the modules and methods on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform that
supports secure connectivity and communication for job submission and job/printer status
workflows. The cryptographic modules incorporated on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform
are not FIPS 140-2 compliant, but do support the most current digital certificate technology,
and the strongest hash and stream encryption algorithms today. The Nuvera
printer is a
specialized high-volume Production printer that can operate in a secure physical location by
trusted operators. The customer print data is not stored permanently like on a File Server, and
Xerox offers hard disk Security options such as Data Overwrite meeting NIST and DoD
compliancy standards, and Removable Hard Drive kit. See Section 5.4Hard Drive Security” for
more details.
3.5.1 TLS/SSL Cryptographic Module
The FreeFlow
Print Server software supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0/v1.2
cryptographic protocols to provide authentication, data integrity and encryption security for
all job submission and printing workflows that support these protocols. You can configure a
self-signed SSL certificate, have it Certificate Authority (CA) signed, and install it on the
Print Server platform to secure and authenticate a remote host, the transfer of
user information and print data over a network connection. After installing the SSL certificate,
any connection request from a remote client host to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform
verifies the authentication and exchanged certificate information before granting access.
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform supports install of self-signed 1024-bit and/or 2048-bit
SSL certificates.
You can use the certificate management facilities built into the FreeFlow
Print Server /
platform to create, setup and install Triple DES-EDE-CBC and AES (supported by TLS
v1.2) stream encryption, with the latter being the most secure and stronger encryption
algorithm, to facilitate the secure exchange of print data between the job submission client
and the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. The TLS v1.2 cryptographic module supports the
SHA2 hash encryption algorithm, which is the strongest today. The Internet Print Protocol
(IPP), Internet Services Web client, 3
-party developed Web-based job submission
applications, and clients using SNMPv3 can take advantage of TLS v1.0/v1.2 protocols when
submitting jobs to the printer or obtaining job or printer information. By default, the
Print Server platform supports TLS v1.0 and setting the Security profile to ‘High’
updates to TLS v1.2. See Section 5.1Security Profile” for more information.
It is required that an SSL digital certificate be installed on the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
DFE platform to enable job submission workflow with TLS authentication and encryption
protocols. With the certificate installed a Windows
client can retrieve it and start using it to
communicate and submit “secure” data over the network to the printer.
The FreeFlow
Print Service Update Manager UI uses TLS authenticate with the Xerox
Download Manager service to download and install FreeFlow
Print Server software patches
and Oracle
security patches. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform initiates a
“secure” communication session with the Xerox patch server using HTTP over the TSL 1.0
protocol (HTTPS on port 443) using an RSA 2018-bit certificate authentication, SHA2 hash
encryption and AES 256-bit stream encryption.
The SNMPv3 services use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) services to authenticate remote SNMPv3
client requests, and securely encrypt the user passwords and job/printer information. Once
the Security profile is set to “High”, the SSLv3 cryptographic module is enabled to support
1024-bit/2048-bit digital certificate authentication, SHA1 hash encryption, and AES 256-bit
stream encryption.
3.5.2 SSH Cryptographic Module
The FreeFlow
Print Server software supports the Secure Schell (SSH) protocol, which uses
public-key cryptography to authenticate with a remote client workstation SSH request, such
as Windows
, and to authenticate a user login session. The Secure Shell protocol supports
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) for “secure” transfer of files between the FreeFlow
Server platform and a remote client workstation. A secret key is created using a key exchange
algorithm between a remote client making an SSH or putty request, and the FreeFlow
Server platform.
The SSH service on the Solaris
OS supports configuration options that allow a customer to
customize the behavior and security for remote connection sessions to the FreeFlow
Server platform. Restrictions can be applied, and supported Ciphers/MACs can be defined for
remote connections.
The set of Ciphers and MACs supported are as follows:
SSH Ciphers/MACs Table
Ciphers Supported MACs Supported
3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc ecdh-sha2-nistp256
cast128-cbc,arcfour ecdh-sha2-nistp384
arcfour128 ecdh-sha2-nistp521
arcfour256 diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
aes128-cbc diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
aes192-cbc diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
aes256-cbc diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
The SSH services on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform supports a secure remote login and
file transfer using a secure FTP connection. You can achieve Hot Folder workflow securely by
using FTP over SSH (port 22) to transfer print jobs into a FreeFlow
Print Server Hot Folder
directly. Once the job(s) securely transfer to a Hot Folder directory location associated with
a queue, the Hot Folder service imports the jobs into the FreeFlow
Print Service Job Manager
UI for scheduling, processing and printing.
3.5.3 IPSec Protocol Security
The FreeFlow
Print Server software supports the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) protocol,
which authenticates, delivers data integrity, and encrypts each exchanged IP packet with a
job submission client.
A customer may use an IPSec tunnel to ensure secure communications at the IP protocol
layer with Xerox
printer devices. The IPSec protocol uses secure cryptography to
authenticate the customer’s client workstation and to create a secure encrypted tunnel to
transfer data safely through un-trusted networks. In essence, it creates a Virtual Private
Network (VPN) connection that protects all IP-based applications.
The IPSec protocol authenticates and encrypts each exchanged IP packet with a job
submission client. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform supports 3DES block cipher encryption
algorithm, which facilitates the secure exchange of print data between the remote client such
as Windows
, and the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform
supports SHA1 hash encryption algorithm, which facilitates the secure exchange of encrypted
authentication data between the job submission client and the FreeFlow
Print Server
platform. The Xerox
printer grants access when a shared key matches between the remote
client and the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
The set of Ciphers and MACs supported are as follows:
IPSec Ciphers/MACs Table
Ciphers Supported MACs Supported
aes sha
aes-cbc sha1
des md5
des-cbc hmac-md5
3des hmac-sha
3des-cbc hmac-sha1
blowfish hmac-sha256
blowfish-cbc hmac-sha384
IPSec services enable secure network communication for remote user login and file/print
protocol workflows. Network protocols that are inherently insecure, and even those that do
have data encryption can benefit from IPSec services. Once you establish IPSec connectivity
between the FreeFlow
Print Server platform and remote Windows
clients, insecure print,
file and job management workflows can benefit from secure network communication.
Some of the insecure FreeFlow
Print Server workflows that can benefit from IPSec are:
1. LPR
2. SMB
3. Port 9100 Printing
4. FFRPS (FreeFlow
Remote Print Service)
5. Job Forwarding
6. NFS (Network File System)
7. SMB (Windows
Folder Sharing, Print from SMB, Scan to SMB, Hot Folder, etc.)
8. NTP (Network Time Protocol)
9. DNS (Domain Naming Service)
3.5.4 UDP/TCP Port Management
Once you identify a customer production print workflow(s), you can close all UDP/TCP ports
not required to support their workflows. One of the most common concerns of IT/Security
managers is the existence of “open” UDP/TCP ports that are a frequent target of remote
malicious attackers. Customers often use “Security scan” tools that attempt to survey, and
subsequently access open UDP/TCP “ports” on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform, and will
report ports as potential vulnerabilities, or for use in assessing management of ports.
Customers may request specific ports “closed” or “blocked”, or for the associated services to
be disabled or removed from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. If the customer workflow
does not require the use of open ports, and these are ports of concern to the customer, you
can close or disable ports using a Port Management tool that is bundled with the FreeFlow
Print Server software.
There are Network/Print protocol services that are enabled and accessible on the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
platform to ensure support of printing workflows (e.g., FreeFlow
Ready, LPR, Hot Folder, IPP, JMF/JDF, etc.). The FreeFlow
Print Server includes a Port
Management tool to define rules that can close ports associated with Network / Print protocol
services when not required by the customer print work flow(s). The FreeFlow
Print Server
platform supports many Network/Print protocol services to facilitate file access and printing
workflows to Xerox
printer products.
See the network/print protocol services with associated port numbers, and a description
Print/Network Services and Ports Table
Print / Network
Job Workflow Facilitation and Considerations
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) services
runs over port 21 and is
an insecure protocol. The recommendation is to close port 21 in
favor of using port 22 for a “secure” connection for file transfer.
Make Ready has a workflow to use FTP, and does
have the ability submit using “secure” FTP (SFTP). Another
common workflow that uses FTP is Hot Folder. Defining the
Security profile to “High” will close port 21 or you can use Port
Management tool to close port 21 if the FTP transfer protocol is
not used
Note: Some print engines (e.g., Xerox Nuvera
and DT
61xx HLC) require anonymous FTP service on the “private
network” between FreeFlow
Print Server and the print
engine. The standard FTP service includes anonymous
FTP so they are one in the same, so you must not disable
this service. The standard FTP service can be blocked
(block port 21 using the Port Management tool) from the
customer network to address Security requirements, and
still allow Anonymous FTP access on the printer network
The Secure Shell protocol is a secure network service used to
protect remote login and file transfer with data encryption and
an SSL certificate. There are several “secure” utility services (e.g.,
SSH or putty, SFTP, SCP, etc.) that access the FreeFlow
Server platform over port 22. Hot Folder workflow is
recommended using SFTP to ensure “secure” communication
and to meet strict security requirements.
This service is required to connect to the FreeFlow
Print Server
/ Solaris
platform from an HTTP client, such as the Internet
Services Web client, Internet Print Protocol (IPP) service, JMF/JDF
service, FreeFlow
Print Server Core, FF Make-ready, Remote
Services, etc. The HTTP protocol an insecure protocol, so the
recommendation is to close port 80 in favor of using port 443
for a “secure” HTTP (HTTPS) connection. Use the Port
Management tool to close port 80 if the standard HTTP print
workflow is not used.
The FreeFlow
Remote Print Service (FFRPS) application
and Solaris
-based network services such as NIS+ also
uses RPC services. Use this port to allow clients to establish
a connection to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform (using
OS level port management (RPC Port Mapper). The
Print Server responds to the RPC request with
another open RPC port (randomly selected from a port
number range) that it can open to access and application.
RPC is an insecure network protocol that can be made
secure using IPSec and/or defining an RPC filter list.
Setting the Security profile to ‘High’ will close the Port
Mapper service. There are RPC services required by some
printer product when communicating with the
platform over a “private” network
SMB (Legacy)
The service for these SMB ports are older legacy versions of SMB
no longer used unless a Windows
environment have old
PC platforms that support these older versions. Close
these ports unless there are older Windows
client platforms on
the network that required SMB services. Setting the Security
profile to ‘High’ will close these legacy SMB ports.
This service is required for Windows
Folder Browsing and
resolving Windows
server name. For Example, it enables the
Print Server to be visible by “hostname” over a
Network (i.e., NetBIOS over T CP/IP) to enable folder
sharing and legacy Windows
printing. Setting the Security
profile to ‘High’ closes this port. You can disable/disable the
WINS service in the Options tab from Network Configuration UI
in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
This is an implementation of SMB over NetBIOS using UDP/IP
Datagram Service (Data Transfer), and used by the FreeFlow
Print Server platform to do Network Discovery. Setting the
Security profile to ‘High’ closes this port. The FreeFlow
Server platform supports SMB directly over TCP, and therefore
recommend closing port 138.
This is an implementation of SMB over NetBIOS using TCP/IP
Session Service (Session Management), and used by the
Print Server platform to do Network Discovery.
Setting the Security profile to ‘High’ closes this port. The
Print Server platform supports SMB directly over TCP,
and therefore recommend closing port 139.
Net-SNMP v3
This service is required for exchanging SNMP v3 messages and
bi-directional communication for receiving job and printer
status. The SNMP v1/v2 version services are insecure, so the
recommendation is to use SNMP v3 for a “secure” SNMP
connection. You can disable/enable the SNMP Gateway service
in the SNMP tab Gateway Configuration UI in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. Use SNMP v3 for secure exchange of
This service is required for SNMP Traps.
The SNMP v1/v2 version
services are insecure, so the recommendation is to use SNMP v3
for a “secure” SNMP connection.
AppleTalk Ports
The AppleTalk Gateway is a legacy service that supports
AppleTalk network for Apple
MAC workstations. We
recommend closing these ports unless they are required to
download PostScript fonts from a MAC client to the PostScript
Raster Image Processor (RIP) on the FreeFlow
Print Server
The port services are 1. AppleTalk Routing Maintenance (201), 2.
AppleTalk Name Binding (202), 3. Unused #1 (203), 4. AppleTalk
Echo (204), 5. Unused #2 (205), 6. Zone Information (206), 7.
Unused #3 (207), 7. Unused #4 (208).
The Service Location Protocol (SLP) protocol is for browsing
remote file systems and is required when using NFS and Samba
services. It is recommended to closer this port using the Port
Management tool.
The Secure Sockets Layer service provides encrypted and highly
secure login authentication and file transfer services. This
service can be used by client submission applications that
support SSL/TLS such as SSH, “secure” HTTP, “secure” IPP
Internet Services Web client, Remote Services, FreeFlow
Server Core, FreeFlow
Make Ready (v2.0 or newer) submission
clients, etc. The specific Windows
service associated with this
port is ‘World Wide Web Services (HTTPS Traffic-In)’.
The SMB (a.k.a., Samba) service
provides Windows
Sharing capabilities. Print from SMB, Scan to SMB, Hot Folder,
etc. require SMB (port 445) service. The Samba services are
available when the Security profile is set to “High”.
Samba services are insecure and susceptible to exploitation, so
we recommend these services be disabled. If a customer is using
Hot Folder workflow it is recommended to use SFTP to transfer
jobs into the Hot Folder directory locations. Use the Port
Management tool to close port 445 if the SMB print workflow is
not used.
The lpr Gateway supports print job submissions from widely
available lpr client workstations and implementations. The lpr
print job submission method is the most widely used print
The lpr protocol is insecure in that it does not support
authentication or data encryption. However, there is no known
way to exploit lpr over port 515. It is a well-defined print protocol
that is not bi-directional so a one-way communication for the
sole purpose of transferring print data to the printer. You can
enable IPSec services to make lpr job submissions “secured”. You
can disable lpr from the LPD tab in the Gateways UI of the
Print Server GUI. Use the Port Management tool to
close port 515 if the lpr print workflow is not used.
-Party partners and Xerox
Application Suite
Software such as FreeFlow
Make Ready and FreeFlow
and FreeFlow
Print Server customers have implemented IPP
client applications. You can disable/enable the IPP Gateway
service in the IPP tab from the Gateways UI in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
The IPP Gateway on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform services
IPP clients over port 631, and establishes a connection over port
80 to transfer print data. This is an insecure network connection
with data transferring over the network in clear text.
It is recommended to update the network connection over SSL
(using a digital certificate) and HTTPS (port 443) to ensure a
“secure” connection with user authentication and data
encryption algorithms supported by TLS 1.2. Use the Port
Management tool to close port 631 if the IPP print workflow is
not used.
This is a
service used to secure Network File System (NFS) on the
Print Server platform. It will secure an untrusted
Data Repository (SUNDR). Setting the Security profile to ‘High’
disables NFS and closes this port.
The NFS services are not disabled on the FreeFlow
Print Server
for some Xerox printer products that required access to resource
on the FreeFlow
Print Server hard disk. This access is over a
“private” network between the FreeFlow
Print Server and the
printer. The NFS services are disabled from the “public” customer
network interface for these printer products when the Security
profile is set to “High”.
Use this folder-sharing service when clients need to access NFS
shares or access NFS mounted directories on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. This service (nfsd) is shutdown when
Print Server Security defines a setting of “High”.
The FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
platform supports NFS v4,
which is a “secure” connection over the network.
The NFS services are not disabled on the FreeFlow
Print Server
for some Xerox printer products that required access to resource
on the FreeFlow
Print Server hard disk. This access is over a
“private” network between the FreeFlow
Print Server and the
printer. The NFS services are disabled from the “public” customer
network interface for these printer products when the Security
profile is set to “High”.
NFS Lock
When NFS is used, this service protects files from corruption.
Setting the Security profile to ‘High’ disabled NFS services and
closes this port.
The NFS services are not disabled on the FreeFlow
Print Server
for some Xerox printer products that required access to resource
on the FreeFlow
Print Server hard disk. This access is over a
“private” network between the FreeFlow
Print Server and the
printer. The NFS services are disabled from the “public” customer
network interface for these printer products when the Security
profile is set to “High”.
The IPDS workflow is
a unique protocol service that uses port
5100 connecting to the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
platform and transferring print data. This service and port are
not disabled when the Security profile is set to “High”. Use the
Port Management tool to close port 6001 if the IPDS print
workflow is not used.
The FreeFlow
Print Server Diagnostics service uses this port
“internally” by the FreeFlow
Print Server Diagnostics
software. Therefore, there is no risk of exploitation of port 6000
over the “public” customer network. Setting the Security profile
to “High” closes this port.
This is a service used by the DT HLC and HLC Publisher printers
to access needed services on the FreeFlow
Print server platform
over the private network interface. Therefore, there is no risk of
exploitation of port 6000 over the “public” customer network.
Setting the Security profile to “High” closes this port.
-Party partners (e.g., XMPie and GMC PrintNet), and
Print Server customers have implemented JMF/JDF
client applications. This is the
Adobe recommended print
protocol to submit PDF jobs. Only the FreeFlow
Print Server
v9.3 software release supports JMF Gateway services natively.
Port 7781 is left open when the Security profile is set to “High”.
Use the Port Management tool to close port 8181 if the JMF/JDF
print workflow is not used.
Tomcat Web
This service is used for the
Print Server
Web Print client
(aka, Internet Services Gateway), IPP Gateway, JMF/JDF
Gateway, FreeFlow
Core, Remote Services, etc. Port 8009 is
left open when the Security profile is set to “High”. Use the Port
Management tool to close port 8009 if these print workflows are
not used.
JMF (Hot
This service handles JMF requests from a remote JMF client that
transfers JDF and PDL files to a Hot Folder location for print
scheduling. Port 8181 is left open when the Security profile is
set to “High”. Use the Port Management tool to close port 8181
if the JMF/JDF print workflow is not used.
Socket (Raw
The Socket Gateway supports job submissions submitted over
TCP/IP to a raw port service. The Xerox
Global Print Driver
submits jobs over this connection. It is also common for
mainframes to submit IPDS to the FreeFlow
Print Server Socket
Gateway via these ports. Use the Port Management tool to
close these ports if the raw Socket print workflow is not used.
SNMP v1/v2
This service is required for exchanging SNMP v1/v2 messages.
The SNMP v1/v2 version services are insecure, so we recommend
using SNMP v3 for a “secure” SNMP connection, and close port
16611. The SNMP v1/v2 protocol services are disabled when the
Security profile is set to “High”.
Defining the FreeFlow
Print Server security profile to ‘High’ will close UDP/TCP ports that are
high risk or not needed for print workflows. See Section 5.1.2Security Profile UDP/TCP Port
Settings” for more information.
3.5.5 Network Protocol Filters
A network protocol filter is a mechanism that can be used to restrict access from remote
computer hots and application network services. This section identifies filters that are
available on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform Internet Protocol (IP) Filter
includes a Firewall capability calledIP filter (IPF). The FreeFlow
Print Server
makes use of this IPF mechanism to deliver a simple GUI-based IP Filter configuration
setting, and provides a basic capability to block remote clients IP addresses not included in
a filter list. A customer can configure the IPF service to only allow FreeFlow
Print Server
access to remote “trusted hosts” for another level of security. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Filter
The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) services on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform can be
restricted using an IP filter list. You can define a list of IP addresses as “trusted hosts” that
can access RPC services, and this will restrict all other hosts assigned a IP address in not in
the list from accessing RPC. This RPC filter mechanism is available from the RPC tab on the
Security Profile in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
The FreeFlow
Remote Print Server application accessed Xerox printers from a Windows
or MAC client platform using RPC services. You can define IP addresses for “trusted hosts”
running FFRPS as a filter list to allow access to the FreeFlow
Print Server and Xerox printer.
This is the same underlying RPC mechanism that use by the filter list from the RPC tab on
the Security profile. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Filter
The FTP services include with the Solaris
OS include an FTP users filter. When you add
Print Server and Solaris
users to the filter list it restricts these users from
accessing the platform using FTP. It is recommended that the FTP services are disabled
and port 21 be blocked on the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
platform in favor of SFTP to
transfer files using port 22.
NFS related
32771 -
> 32779
NFS uses ports in this range for a variety
of related remote file service capabilities.
Note: Some network scan tools not “Solaris
aware” may
tag these ports with false identifiers, e.g., “filenet-rmi”.
The NFS services are not disabled on the FreeFlow
Print Server
for some Xerox printer products that required access to resource
on the FreeFlow
Print Server hard disk. This access is over a
“private” network between the FreeFlow
Print Server and the
printer. The NFS services are disabled from the “public” customer
network interface for these printer products when the Security
profile is set to “High”.
4.0 FreeFlow
Print Server System Access
This section focuses on user access to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform from the local and
remote hosts. You can access the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, and Solaris
OS locally or remotely
as a registered known user when properly authenticated.
4.1 User Based Roles (RBAC)
The Solaris
OS supports a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to assign users to pre-defined
Roles to simplify administration of feature access policies. User access to the FreeFlow
Server platform is achieved using the local FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. Local terminal window,
or remotely over the network, and subject to RBAC access control supported by the Solaris
Any local GUI, local terminal windows, or remote login is associated with a FreeFlow
Server user account, which is tracked by audit services. See Section 5.3Audit Logging” for
more information
You can manage Authorization of user functions via Role Based Access Control (RBAC) whereby
the OS validates access based on permissions assigned to user roles, Individual users are
associated to Roles via their Group association. See Section 4.2User & Group Management
for more information.
4.2 User & Group Management
The FreeFlow
Print Server application uses the underlying Solaris
OS user and group
database and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to create users and assign them to pre-defined
roles that achieve specific access levels in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI and the underlying
OS. The Solaris
OS installs with predefined built-in system users, which are secured by access
restrictions, account locks, and an assigned login shell. You can prevent login for a user account
by assigning a non-functioning shell (E.g., null shell).
The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI application built-in users are System Administrator, Operator
and User. You can create users for the Operator role for the purpose of managing jobs from
the Job Manager UI. Any login to the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, is associated with a
Print Server user account, and audit records can be captured when GUI Console
logging is enabled. A local FreeFlow
Print Server user account is composed of the username
and an associated group. Each user account is a member of one group and associated with
only one group. The group membership of a user account defines/authorizes the FreeFlow
Print Server user for the access rights assigned to that group.
The FreeFlow
Print Server users can access the system through the local GUI, using a local
Unix terminal window, or remotely over the network using applications such as FreeFlow
Remote Print Server, SFTP, SSH, and other secure remote applications. The FreeFlow
Print Server (FFRPS) application can be run on a Windows
or MAC client, and is an RPC-based
connection to retrieve the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI to the client application display, and have
the ability to Manage jobs and printing remotely. Login audit records are captured for terminal
window and remote network login when the Security profile is set to “High”. See Section 5.3
Audit Logging” for more information.
A FreeFlow
Print Server GUI logon session, login session from a “local” terminal window, or
remote network login, begins upon successful authentication (a.k.a., verification) of a username
and credentials (a.k.a., password). The login ends by logging off which can be either user-
initiated or system-initiated. Once the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, terminal window login, or
remote network login session is established, the user can interact with the system, subject to
the Authorization and Access Control Policies associated with the settings of the Current
Security profile, group association, and file/directory permissions. You can manage
Authorization of user functions via Role Based Access Control (RBAC) whereby the OS validates
access based on permissions assigned to user roles, (individual users are associated to Roles via
their Group association).
Optionally, a customer can join a Microsoft
Active Directory (ADS) service on a customer
network from the FreeFlow
Print Server for the purpose of logging into the GUI with existing
ADS users. The built-in FreeFlow
Print Server groups are mapped to equivalent groups defined
on the ADS network, and this will ensure the appropriate level of access for an ADS user logged
into the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. The advantage using ADS users to log into the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI is they are already existing accounts on the customer Microsoft
network, and
it centralizes user and group account management. This is very useful for a customer that has
a large fleet of Xerox printers, and do now wish to duplicate local FreeFlow
Print Server users
for each Xerox printer.
4.3 FreeFlow
Print Server Built-In Users
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform is delivered with default built-in user account as follows:
1. sa (System Administrator)
2. cse (Customer Service Engineer)
3. operator (Printer Operator)
4. user (Walk-up User)
5. xrxusr (FreeFlow
Print Server System Account)
The FreeFlow
Print Server application has a built in System Administrator (SA) account with
full access to the GUI features to manage advanced tasks such as configuration settings, patch
install, print resource management, making security settings, users/groups management,
backup & restore, etc. The System Administrator can grant/deny access to Job Manager UI
features in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI for Operators and Users. See Section 4.7Job
Manager UI Feature Access Control”.
The Customer Service Engineer (CSE) account is used by Xerox Service while on-site doing
printer maintenance or solving a FreeFlow
Print Server printing issues. This account has the
same access to the system as the System Administrator. A customer can lock this account and
then unlock it when needed by the CSE when on-site to perform service. The Operator is a role
for those that will be managing jobs and running the printer. It is recommended to create a
unique Operator account for each person that will perform this role, and then lock out the build-
in Operator account. The User account is for walk-up users, and has very limited access. It is
recommended that this built-in account be locked unless needed by walk-up users. Large-
volume production printers are not typically used as a walk-up printer so that User account can
be locked for security purposes.
The FreeFlow
Print Server defined xrxusr account is used for the purpose of running most of
the FreeFlow
Print Server software services, so represents the FreeFlow
Print Server software
like ‘root’ does for the Solaris
OS. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform locks the xrxusr user
account by default to ensure access is restricted as an internal account only. Access to the
xrxusr account via FTP, NFS, telnet, SMB, etc. is disabled. We recommend against using the
xrxusr account for any purpose, and against making any account changes. Do not change the
User ID (UID) or Group ID (GID) of the xrxusr account. Such actions can result in the FreeFlow
Print Server platform becoming unable to perform copying, printing and scanning functions.
Instead, add/create additional user accounts with the System Administrator account if unique
roles are needed to access the FreeFlow
Print Server platform for any purpose. Do not use the
xrxusr account for any purpose, and create a new FreeFlow
Print Server user that will meet
customer user access requirements for the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
You cannot remove the built-in user accounts from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
However, any of these accounts may be “locked” by the SA as a means to unsure that unique
customer-created accounts are used in place of these “built-in” accounts. This capability is
important to customers who require audit logs that identify who has accessed the system via
the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI and identify the time a user has had access. Edit the FreeFlow
Print Server user Account Status option (i.e., Enabled/Disabled) option to lock/unlock the built-
in users.
4.4 FreeFlow
Print Server Built-In Groups
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform provides three default User Groups to define user access
level in the GUI. You cannot edit, delete, disable, or remove these built-in Group accounts from
the system. The FreeFlow
Print Server software does not provide a way to create a new Group.
Each built-in FreeFlow
Print Server user account is mapped to one of these default built-in
Groups. The three Groups are:
1. System Administrators (members: sa and cse)
2. Operators (member: operator)
3. Users (member: user)
The “cse” is the only built-in User account that can have its Group assignment modified. All
other FreeFlow
Print Server built-in User and Group assignments are fixed. We recommended
that the customer IT System Administrator lock the “cse” user account until a Xerox Service
Representative requires access to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform for a Service call. Edit
the FreeFlow
Print Server user Account Status (i.e., Enabled/Disabled) option to lock the “cse”
4.5 Password Security
The “built-in” FreeFlow
Print Server users define well-known passwords after the initial
Print Server software install. You should change the built-in default password for the
Print Server user accounts (root, system administrator, operator, user, and cse) after
the initial software install. The Change System Password dialog window appears when the
Print Server software is first installed or after running the sys-unconfig command.
This prompts the installer to set new passwords for all default User Accounts. Alternatively, the
user passwords can be changed from the Users & Groups UI in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
For security reasons, it is highly recommended to change these well-known passwords from
there default settings.
Change the passwords to the customer-required passwords to meet their Password Security
requirements. The GUI authorizes the System Administrator to change any FreeFlow
Server user account password. In addition, the owners of a FreeFlow
Print Server user account
can change their own password.
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform provides additional security for users required to adhere
to stricter security guidelines per strong password policies and password security settings. The
Strong Password feature can be enabled/disabled from the Users and Groups UI in the
Print Server GUI. A “Strong Password” (a.k.a., complex password) must satisfy all of
the following requirements:
1. A minimum of 8 characters in length
2. A maximum of 15 characters in length
3. Contain at least one capital letter
4. Contain at least one number
5. Contain at least one special character {!, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *}, including open and close
parentheses { ( ) }, hyphen{ - }, underscore{ _ }, and period{ . }.
The Password Security options available for configuring user password settings are:
1. Password Complexity:
Use the Password Security parameter to enable/disable the password
complexity requirements that enforce user Strong Passwords settings.
2. Maximum Age Weeks: Use this parameter to define the number of maximum weeks a
password can exist for a user before they must change it. This parameter satisfies the
Government STIG requirement GEN000700. The default value is 12 weeks, and the valid
range is 0 to 52 weeks.
3. Minimum Age Weeks: Use this parameter to define the number of minimum weeks that a
password must exist before it can be changed by the user. This parameter satisfied the
Government STIG requirement GEN000540. The default value is 3 weeks, and the valid
range is 0 to11 weeks. This parameter must always be less than the weeks defined by
Maximum Age Weeks parameter.
4. History: Use this parameter to define the number of password changes you can set before
reusing a previously defined password. This parameter satisfies the Government STIG
requirement GEN000800. The default value is 10 days, and valid range is 0 to 30 days.
5. Password Expiry Notification: Use this parameter to define the number of weeks prior to
password expiry that a user is notified to change their password. The user login prompts to
change the password once the password security reaches this threshold. The default value
is 2 weeks, and the valid range is 1 to14 weeks.
This parameter must always be less than the weeks defined by the Maximum Age Weeks
parameter. The ‘Threshold’ value starts when the FreeFlow
Print Server user password is
changed, and represents the number of weeks after the password change.
6. Minimum Password Length: Use this parameter to define the minimum number of
characters a user must define for a user password. This parameter satisfies the Government
STIG requirement 2001-T-0018. The default value is 8 characters and the range is 8 to 15
7. Failed Login Attempts Lockout:
This Password Security parameter defines the number of failed
login attempts before locking out the user account.
Password policies can be set for the FreeFlow
defined users depending on the needs of the
customer organization policies.
You can define the Strong Password, Minimum Password Length and Failed Login Attempts
Lockout settings from the Users & Groups UI in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. There are many
other Password Security settings (illustrated in the below table) supported by the underlying
OS that are not available in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, and they can be defined
using the OS facilities.
The FreeFlow
Print Server System Administrator and root user has the role of defining and
updating Password Security options. See the table illustrating the FreeFlow
Print Server User
Group default access to Security Password options below:
Password Security Option Access Table
Security Password Option
Automatic Logon/Logoff Denied
Change Own Password Granted
Change System-Wide User Settings
Enable/Disable Strong Password
Failed Login Attempts Lockout
Password History Denied
Minimum Password Length Denied
Password Lock/Unlock Denied
Maximum Age Weeks Denied
Minimum Age Weeks Denied
Password Expiry Notification Denied
4.6 User Authentication Methods
The FreeFlow
Pint Server platform offers server authentication protocols to verify the
credentials and authenticity of communication of remote hosts, user login and print workflows.
The two peers must have at least one common authentication method or connection and
communication will fail.
4.6.1 SSL/TLS Authentication
Transport Layer Security (TLS v1.2) is a network security protocol that encrypts and transmits
data via HTTP and IPP over a TCP/IP network. TLS is an encryption protocol layer placed
between a reliable connection-oriented network layer protocol and the application protocol
layer. An SSL certificates is a protocol that authenticates a remote host to enable connection
security before exchanging information between a Web-based and the FreeFlow
Server platform.
Server certificates enable users to confirm the identity of a Web server before transmitting
sensitive data, such as a credit card numbers, user health information and other PII data.
Server certificates also contain the server's public key information to encrypt data and send
back to the requesting client application.
It is required that an SSL digital certificate be installed on the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
platform to enable job submission workflow with SSL/TLS authentication and encryption
protocols. With the certificate installed on the FreeFlow
Print Server
platform, a Windows
client can retrieve it and start using it to connect, and submit “secure” data over the network
to the printer.
Customer print workflows that make use of secure SSL/TLS authentication are Internet Print
Protocol (IPP), Internet Services Web Client, Remote Services and other third-party Web-
based client applications. The FreeFlow
Print Service Update Manage UI uses SSL/TLS
authenticate with the Xerox Download Manager service to download and install FreeFlow
Print Server software patches and Oracle
security patches over the Internet. The customer
proxy information must be configured on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform to allow access
outside of a customer Intranet, and to the Xerox server available on the Internet. The
SNMPv3 services use SSL/TLS services to authenticate remote SNMPv3 client requests for job
and printer status.
4.6.2 SSH Authentication
The SSH services use public-key cryptography to authenticate remote computers and user
requesting SSH access to the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. The communication uses
automatically generated public-and private key pairs to encrypt passwords, print data in
transient over the network, and use password authentication for the user log on.
Customers make use of SSH services by securely transferring print jobs over port 22 using
secure FTP to the Hot Folder service on the FreeFlow
Print Service. Platform. Once the jobs
securely transfer to a directory location associated with a queue, the Hot Folder service
imports the jobs into the Job Manager UI for processing and print scheduling.
4.6.3 Kerberos Authentication
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform includes Kerberos Authentication services, which are an
MIT technology. It is the default authentication technology that supports secure ADS
connection to Windows
2000 and higher servers, and ADS user login to the FreeFlow
Server GUI. You can join a Microsoft
ADS network from the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI,
which will utilize Kerberos to authenticate with ADS services on a Windows
server. Once the
customer domain connection is established the customer users maintained from a ADS
centralized network user database can log into the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, and adhere
to the access level of a FreeFlow
Print Server / ADS mapped group, and user Password
Security defined by the ADS user database.
4.6.4 IPSec Authentication
A customer may use an IPSec tunnel to ensure secure communications with Xerox
devices. The IPSec protocol uses cryptography to authenticate the customer’s client
workstation and to create a secure encrypted tunnel to transfer data safely through un-
trusted networks. In essence, it creates a VPN (virtual private network) connection that
protects all IP-based applications. The IPSec protocol authenticates and encrypts each
exchanged IP packet with a job submission client that relies on a TCP/IP network connection.
The IPSec authentication methods supported by the FreeFlow
Print Server platform are as
IKE Authentication
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform support IKE services, which are used by IPSec to setup
and establish a secure authenticated communication with a remote client such as Windows
The authentication is performed using a pre-shared key, which is a shared secret key between
the two peers.
You can optionally configure the FreeFlow
Print Server platform with Kerberos v5 (MIT
technology) to authenticate remote host and user access when using IPSec encryption
services. See Section 4.6.3Kerberos Authentication” for more information.
Pre-shared Key
You can configure the FreeFlow
Print Server platform to use pre-shared key to authenticate
remote host and user access when using IPSec encryption services. The pre-shared key
defined and agreed to prior to setup for authentication. This method does not require
Kerberos v5 protocol or a public key certificate, so a very simple method.
4.6.5 SNMPv3 Authentication
SNMP v3 supports a Transport Security Model (TSM) defined in RFC 5591, which specifies the
Transport Layer Security (TLS), and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) protocols for
enhanced Security of SNMP communication. TSM is a part of the SNMP v3 framework along
with the DTLS specification brings SNMP users, applications, and devices under the umbrella
of an X.509 public key infrastructure. The RFC specification that support this TSM in the
SNMP v3 architecture are RFC 5590, RFC 5591 and RFC 5593.
The Transport Security Model provides a foundation for the following security features:
1. Asymmetric (public-key) cryptography
2. Server authentication (Optionally provides client authentication)
3. Confidentiality
4. Message integrity
MIS applications and Xerox print drivers make SNMP requests to the FreeFlow
Print Server
to retrieve job and printer status, and are responded to by SNMP v3 services. The SNMP v3
service ensures the remote SNMP client is authenticated to grant the connection, and
encrypts the communication. The SNMP v3 services also support Xerox Remote Services
request to retrieve printer-billing meters via the Automatic Meter Read (AMR) services, Xerox
CentreWare, FreeFlow
Core services and other 3
-party applications make requests over
SNMPv3 to the FreeFlow
Print Server to retrieve jobs and printer information.
4.7 Job Manager UI Feature Access Control
Controlling the access of job operations is extremely important for customers that must protect
print data (e.g., PII, PHI, etc.). You can disable operations available in the Job Manager UI such
as job and thumbnail preview, Print from File, job save, and many others for the print operators
to meet specific “custom” Security requirements.
The default access level to job-related operations for the User, Operator and System
Administrator (SA) groups are illustrated in the below ‘Job Operation Access Control Settings’
table. The System Administrator can change these access options for the FreeFlow
Server Operator and User groups.
Job Operation Access Control Settings Table
Job Management Option
Background Form Granted
Copy Job Denied
Disposition (Job Print/Save) Granted
Duplicate Job Name Denied
Forward Job Denied
Job Cancel Denied
Job Delete Denied
Job Hold Denied
Job Preflight Denied
Job Notes Granted
Job Preview Denied
Job Release Denied
Job Reset Denied
Job Upload Granted
Move Job Denied
Print Configuration Report Granted
Print Next Denied
Print Now Denied
Print Attributes Report Granted
Print Banner Page Granted
Print Test Page Granted
Print from File Granted
Process Job Denied
Proof Job Denied
Reset Job Id Denied
Sample Current Job Denied
Save Form Location Granted
Save Job Location Granted
Save/Modify Job Properties Denied
Thumbnail Preview Denied
View Job Properties Granted
5.0 General Security Features /
This section includes a description of additional general Security capabilities and compliances
supported by the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
5.1 Security Profile
The FreeFlow
Print Server software provides four static system-supplied Security Profiles to
allow customers flexibility in selecting the level of Security enforcement that is required. The
system supplied Security profiles available are: None (Operating System only), Low, Medium
and High.
Customers have a broad range of security requirements and it is impossible to satisfy all with a
single collection of static “security settings”. If one of system-supplied Security profiles does
not suit the customer requirements, there is an option to create a “custom” Security profile.
You can create a “custom” Security profile by copying one of the system-specified Security
profiles to a new profile name. A newly created profile defines the default settings of the build-
in Security profile copied to a custom Security profile.
The configuration settings of the “custom’ Security profile can be modified to meet customer
site-specific requirements. For example, the System Administrator can create a custom Security
profile defined with all of the Security settings of the built-in ‘High’ security profile, and
enable/disable specific network services as mandated by the customer site requirements. You
can save multiple custom profiles with their own custom assigned name to help the System
Administrator readily differentiate between them. Although the Security profile does provide
the ability to significantly Security tighten FreeFlow
Print Server, it does not encompass all
security settings for the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
OS platform. There are many
additional Security hardening settings and capabilities described throughout this document.
For customers interested in the Security of their print data, prevention of ‘Denial of Service’
attacks, or other types of computer attacks, set the Security profile to ‘High’. Once the
Print Server Security profile is set to ‘High’, the IPP workflow is inoperable. The IPP
services support SSL authentication and encryption to make the connection and
communication using these secure methods. You must create and install a self-signed or
Certificate Authority (CA) signed SSL certificate on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform to
support authentication and “secure” IPP connectivity. The client platform can then retrieve the
SSL certificate for use by the IPP client to achieve successful communication with the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
Setting the Security profile to ‘High’ closes many of the UDP / TCP ports that are not required
and/or could pose a Security risk. You can block specific ports (e.g., Port 21 for FTP, Port 445
for SMB, etc.) using a Port Management Tool bundled with the FreeFlow
Print Server software,
or open ports if required for customer print workflow.
The chart below lists the features and services managed in each FreeFlow
Print Server system-
supplied security profile. It includes the default settings for the “Low” and “High” profile, and
the tab they belong to in the Security profile dialog of the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
Profile Tab Profile Feature
High Setting
Apply Settings After Reboot Disabled Enabled
Automatic Logon Enabled Disabled
Auto Logon Username User User
Logon Message Disabled Enabled
Limit Print Service Paths Enabled Enabled
Minimum Password Length 6 6
Cleanup Menus Disabled Enabled
UNIX Terminal Authentication Disabled Enabled
allow_host.equiv_plus Disabled Disabled
bsm Disabled Enabled
Executable Stacks Disabled Disabled
MD5 Algorithm for SSL Certificate Disabled Disabled
Remote CDE Logins Disabled Disabled
Restrict DFS Tab Enabled Disabled
Router Disabled Disabled
Secure Sendmail Enabled Enabled
Security Warning Banners Disabled Enabled
SHA1 Algorithm for SSH Enabled Disabled
SHA1 Algorithm for SSL Certificate Enabled Disabled
SHA2 Algorithm for SSH Disabled Enabled
SHA2 Algorithm for SSL Certificate Disabled Enabled
SNMP v1/v2c Enabled Disabled
SNMP v3 Disabled Enabled
TAS_httpd Disabled Disabled
TLSv1.0 Enabled Disabled
TLSv1.2 Disabled Enabled
S40LLC2 Disabled Disabled
S47ASPPPD Disabled Disabled
S70UUCP Disabled Disabled
S72AUTOINSTALL Disabled Disabled
S73CACHEFS.DAEMON Disabled Disabled
S17HCLNFS.DAEMON Enabled Disabled
autofs Enabled Disabled
chargen:dgram Disabled Disabled
chargen:stream Disabled Disabled
comsat Disabled Disabled
daytime:dgram Disabled Disabled
daytime:stream Disabled Disabled
discard:dgram Disabled Disabled
discard:stream Disabled Disabled
echo: dgram Disabled Disabled
echo: stream Disabled Disabled
exec Disabled Disabled
finger Disabled Disabled
ftp Enabled Disabled
icmp Enabled Disabled
login Disabled Disabled
name Disabled Disabled
nfs.client Enabled Disabled
nfs.server Enabled Disabled
ntp Disabled Disabled
rpc.cmsd Disabled Disabled
rpc.rusersd Disabled Disabled
rpc.rwalld Disabled Disabled
rpc.sprayd Disabled Disabled
rcp.ttdbserverd Disabled Disabled
rquotad Disabled Disabled
S81VOLMGT Enabled Disabled
samba Enabled Enabled
sendmail Disabled Disabled
shell Disabled Disabled
slp Disabled Disabled
ssh Enabled Enabled
talk Disabled Disabled
telnet Disabled Disabled
time:dgram Disabled Disabled
time:stream Disabled Disabled
uucp Disabled Disabled
WEBEM Disabled Disabled
Wins Enabled Enabled
5.1.1 Security Profile Feature Descriptions
The tables below include a description of all the features and services available for
configuration settings managed by the Security Profile. Each table section below represents
a tab for each Security profile in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
General Services Tab
Apply Settings After Every Reboot
If enabled, changes to a “custom”
Security profile apply
after a FreeFlow
Print Server reboot. Changes to a
“custom” Security profile will not persist over a
Print Server reboot if this feature is disabled.
This might be useful if a System Administrator wants to
operate the FreeFlow
Print Server platform using
different Security settings for the ”current” Security
profile, but wants the Security settings to go back to
default settings after a FreeFlow
Print Server platform
Automatic Logon
If enabled, the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI will
automatically login the walkup user as the User account
specified in the ‘User Name’ field (Automatic Login
Automatic Logon Username
Once the Automatic Login option is enabled a user name
must be defined that will be used to log into the
Print Server GUI. By default, the built-in User
account is configured to login, which has the least access-
level to the GUI. You can change it to any FreeFlow
Server user.
Logon Message
This is the Banner Message that is displayed in the login
UI dialog, which is used when the Security profile is set to
“High”. A Security conscious customer (E.g., State /
Federal State Agency) can define their own Banner
Message to be displayed in the login dialog UI.
Limit Print Service Paths
This feature defines the Solaris
file paths accessible for
job submission or reprint from the FreeFlow
Print Server
GUI. The options that are available to grant access are:
1. CD-RW
2. File System
3. Saved Job Repository.
When this feature does not define any Solaris
path, the
operator will not be able to submit jobs or reprint from
any job repository or resource.
Minimum Password Length
This setting denotes the minimum number of characters
you can specify for a FreeFlow
Print Server user
password. The range allowed to define for minimum
characters is 0 to 8 characters. The range is extended to
0 –to15 when the Strong Password feature is enabled.
Cleanup Menus
This feature removes access to
certain Security risky
menu options from the GNome Desktop. For example,
this option removes “Programs…” submenu, thus
preventing the user from running optional application
software packages such as Terminal Window, Terminal
Console, or the Desktop File Manager.
UNIX Terminal Authentication
This feature disables the ability to access a terminal
window as root. The terminal window will log in as the
sisuser for diagnostic access.
System Services Tab
The /etc/hosts.equiv and /.rhosts files provide the remote
authentication database for rlogin, rsh, rcp, and rexec.
These files specify “trusted” remote hosts and users. This
grants trusted users access to the local system without
supplying a password. You can remove or modify these
files to enhance security.
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform is delivered without
the /etc/hosts.equiv and /.rhosts files. This option is
defined as disabled by default. This will ensure the ‘+’ is
absent from the hosts.equiv file to prevent trusted user
access without a password.
Basic Security Module (BSM is a Solaris
feature for intrusion detection, which activates extensive
OS-level “audit logging”. Defining the Security profile to
‘High’ automatically enables BSM logging. This logging
feature does not support log rotation by default, which
results in continual log file growth.
Executable Stacks
Some security exploits allow taking advantage of the
OS kernel executable system stack to attack the
system. The ‘x86” platforms are much more susceptible
than the SPARC platforms to this kind of attack. You can
avoid these exploits by making the system stack non-
executable. When this setting is enabled entries are
added to /etc/system/fp file as illustrated below:
set noexec_user_stack=1
set noexec_user_stack_log=1
MD Algorithm for SSL Certificate
The MD5 algorithm is a widely used hash function
producing a 128-bit hash value. Although MD5 was
initially designed to be used as a strong cryptographic
hash function, it has been found to suffer from extensive
This option is disabled for both the ‘Low’ and ‘High’
security profiles. It is only available for a customer that
has legacy platforms and want to assume the risk of using
this legacy hash encryption algorithm. You can only
defined MD5 hash encryption by creating a custom
Security profile.
Remote CDE Logins
Deny all remote access (direct/broadcast) to the X server
running on FreeFlow
Print Server by installing an
appropriate /etc/dt/config/Xaccess file.
Restrict DFS Tab
This option enables/disables the restriction of the
“/local/var/spool/data” shared directory.
This option enable/disable routing of IPv4
communication between the “public” and “negative”
network interfaces. Enabling routing between these two
network interfaces allows remote hosts on the “public”
customer network to access the printer or PSIP
Secure Sendmail
Forces sendmail service to only support outgoing e-mail,
and prevent incoming e-mail. If enabled, the sendmail
service will not accept any incoming e-mail.
The majority of customers that care about Security do
not care about e-mail, and choose to remove sendmail
packages. One use case to allow outgoing e-mail is to
send notifications that warn about disk space exhausted
or password expiry warnings for FreeFlow
Print Server
Security Warning Banners
Enable this option to ensure display of a customer
Security banner warning when a user logs into the
Print Server platform using an application (e.g.,
Telnet, SSH, etc.) that uses a command shell (csh, borne,
bash, etc.).
The default-warning message indicates that only
authorized users allowed for access to the FreeFlow
Server platform, logins monitored, and violators turned
over to law enforcement officials. The banner message
can be customized for Federal and State Government
SHA1 for SSH
SSH implements a MAC (Message Authentication Code)
protocol to ensure an attacker is not able to tamper with
message packets. It is a cryptographic network protocol
to allow remote login and other services to communicate
securely. The SHA1 hash encryption is the predecessor to
the latest SHA2 version of this hash encryption algorithm.
SHA1 is assigned on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform
for SSH when the Security profile is set to ‘Low’. Assigning
the Security profile to ‘High’ will result in the FreeFlow
Print Server platform using SSH2 rather than SHA1.
Enabling this option will ensure support for SHA1 hash
encryption if required by a customer.
SHA1 SSL Certificate
SSL Certificates need to be “signed” by a hash algorithm.
By default, the FreeFlow
Print Server software creates
self-signed certificates and signs them using SHA1. The
SHA1 hash encryption is the predecessor to the latest
SHA2 hash encryption algorithm.
Hackers have compromised the legacy SHA1 algorithm so
no longer considered a viable encryption algorithm.
Assigning the Security profile to ‘High’ will result in the
Print Server software using the SHA2
encryption algorithm to sign created SSL certificates, and
disables SHA1.
SHA2 for SSH
SSH implements a MAC (Message Authentication Code)
protocol to ensure an attacker is not able to tamper with
message packets. SSH2 is the strongest hash encryption
algorithm today. It is encryption algorithm to allow
remote login and other services to authenticate and
connect securely.
Assigning the Security profile to ‘High’ will result in the
Print Server platform using SSH2 rather than
SHA1. Enabling this option will ensure usage of SHA2.
SHA2 SSL Certificate
SSL Certificates need to be “signed” by a hash algorithm.
By default, the FreeFlow
Print Server software creates
self-signed certificates and signs them using SHA1, which
is a legacy encryption algorithm.
SHA1 is inherently insecure so no longer considered a
viable encryption algorithm. Assigning the Security
profile to ‘High’ will result in the FreeFlow
Print Server
software using the SHA2 encryption algorithm to sign
created SSL certificates, and disables SHA1.
SNMP v1/v2c
This option pertains to an SNMP service bundled with
used to handle request for job and printer status
information, and Remote Service requests. The SNMP
v1/v2 services are an insecure bi-directional protocol, so it
is recommended they be disabled in favor of SNMP v3 if
you care about information security.
SNMP services on the FreeFlow
Print Server support
workflows such as requests for job and printer
information from Xerox print drivers, MIS applications
and 3
-party applications. Remote Services use the
SNMP services for AMR and to retrieve other printing
related information.
The SNMP v1/v2 services are enabled and SNMP v3
services disabled when the security profile is set to “Low”.
Setting the security profile to and the “High” disables the
SNMP v1/v2 services and enables SNMP v3 services..
SNMP v3 adds much stronger security features such as
client authentication, encryption of credentials, and
encryption of bidirectional SNMP traffic. SNMPv3
ensures “secure” remote monitoring of Xerox
printers for
IPv4 and IPv6 network addressing.
SNMP services on the FreeFlow
Print Server support
workflows such as requests for job and printer
information from Xerox print drivers, MIS applications
and 3
-party applications. Remote Services use the
SNMP services for AMR and to retrieve other printing
related information.
The SNMP v1/v2 services are enabled and SNMP v3
services disabled when the security profile is set to “Low”.
Setting the security profile to and the “High” disables the
SNMP v1/v2 services and enables SNMP v3 services.
A networking package named TotalNet is installed on the
Print Server platform to support legacy
networking protocols such as NetWare and AppleTalk. It
also includes an HTTP (Apache 1.3) service not needed for
Print Server print workflows. Always disable
this option. Optionally, we recommend removing the
TotalNet packages from the FreeFlow
Print Server
Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0 is the successor to its
predecessor Secure Socket Layer (SSL), and is a
cryptographic protocol to provide communication
security over a computer network. Security compliancy
standards such as PCIDSS, and newer higher strength
encryption algorithms are supported by the latest TLS
v1.2 cryptographic module.
Some older browsers or applications may require the TLS
v1.0 protocol, which would be otherwise inoperable if this
service is disabled. The TLS v1.0 service is enabled when
the Security profile is set to “Low”, and TLS v1.2 when set
to “High”. Optionally, you can create a “custom” Security
profile from the built-in “High” profile, and enable TLS
v1.0 if these services are needed.
TLS v1.2 is currently the latest Transport Layer
Security protocol used to provide communication
security over a computer network. RFC 5246
defined TLS v1.2 in August 2008 and based on the
earlier TLS 1.1 specification. It is the latest version
of TLS today.
This cryptographic protocol offers support for SHA2
hash encryption and AES block/stream encryption.
The TLS v1.2 service can be enabled by setting the
Security profile to ‘High’.
INIT Services Tab
This option enables/disables a Class II logical link control
driver used for interfacing between the Ethernet network
interface and network software such as NetBIOS, SNA
and OSI.
Use this option to enable/disable
the Asynchronous PPP
link manager: This service will enable using the enable-
remote-diagnostics command.
This is an UUCP server. UUCP
is an abbreviation of Unix-
to-Unix Copy. The term generally refers to a suite of
computer programs and protocols allowing remote
execution of commands and transfer of files, email and
net news between computers This service is needed or
used by the FreeFlow
Print Server software.
Use this option to enable/disable a script executed during
stub JumpStart or Auto-Install JumpStart.
Use this option to enable/disable starting of Cache file
system services.
Manages the BWNFS (B & W Network File System)
service; provides ability to read/write an MS-DOS file
system. Optionally used by FreeFlow
Print Server for
DOS compatibility. This service is for legacy Windows
SMB and WINS network services compatibility, see other
references for SMB/Samba. This is an obsolete service.
Services Tab
Use this option to enable/disable automatic file system
mounting. The auto-mount file system feature is not
used by FreeFlow
Print Server software, and
recommended that this option remain disabled.
Use this option to enable/disable
Character Generator
Protocol services. This service sends revolving pattern of
ASCII characters. Sometimes used in packet debugging
and can be used for denial of service attacks. Not used
by FreeFlow
Print Server
Use this option to enable/disable
Character Generator
Protocol services. This is the same service as
chargen:dgram except a more robust and reliable TCP/IP
connection service. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server
Use this option to enable/disable
Biff server services.
comsat is the BSD legacy “talk” server process, which
listens for reports of incoming mail and notifies users
who have requested notification of mail arrivals. Not
used by FreeFlow
Print Server
Use this option to enable/disable
Daytime Protocol
Server services. This service displays the date and time,
by using UDP datagram packets. Used primarily for
testing. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server
This is the same as the daytime:dgram service except
that is uses a reliable TCP/IP connection service. Not used
by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable
the Discard Protocol
Server services. This service discards everything received.
Testing purposes are the primary use for these services.
Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server
This is the same as the discard:dgram service except that
is uses a reliable TCP/IP connection service. Not used by
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable the Echo Protocol
server services. This service will echo back any character
sent to it. Sometimes used in packet debugging and can
be used for denial of service attacks. Uses UDP/IP. Not
used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
This is the same as the echo:dgram service except that is
uses a reliable TCP/IP connection service. Not used by
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable
Remote Execution
Server services. The rexec command uses this service.
This is a Security risk service given passwords and
subsequent sessions are in clear text (not encrypted). Not
used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable Remote User
Information Server services. This service displays
information about local and remote users. Reveals
information about system users. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable the FTP Server services.
Client FTP services remain enabled so that files can be
transferred to remote workstations from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. It is recommended to disable
standard FTP in favor of SFTP for “secure” file transfer.
Note: Do not disable FTP services for the Xerox Nuvera
or DT HLC printer products. They require anonymous FTP
communication between the FreeFlow
Print Server
platform and printer engine software over a “private”
network interface for proper operation. You can disable
the FTP service over the “public” network interface by
closing port 21.
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an
extension of the Internet Protocol (IP). ICMP supports
packets containing error, control, and informational
messages. Disable this service unless using the Job
Forwarding capability to forward print jobs from one
Xerox to another.
This service is required to support the Job Forwarding
feature on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform, which
submits one or more jobs from one printer to another
like-printer. The only service of ICMP required by Job
Forwarding is echo (a.k.a., ping).
Use this option to enable/disable
the Remote Login
Server service. The rlogin command uses this service.
This is a Security risk given it uses the .rhosts file for
authentication, so passwords and subsequent sessions
are in clear text (not encrypted).
Use this option to enable/disable DARPA Trivial Name
Server services. This service name is in.tnamed and
supports the DARPA Name Server Protocol. Seldom. Not
used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable client-side NFS Server
service. This service provides the ability to access remote
NFS shares from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
Use this option to enable/disable server-side ide NFS
Server services. This service provides the ability to share
file device and hard disk resources from the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
Use this option to enable/disable the Network Time
Protocol service. This service automatically synchronizes
the platform’s “clock” with network time service from an
NTP server. Transmits multicast packets to search for
NTP servers, if not configured with the server’s unicast
Highly secure conscience customers require NTP services
to ensure accurate time associate with audit log
Use this option to enable/disable
Network Username
Server services. This service generates intruder
information about accounts. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable
Network rwall Server
services. This service handles rwall command requests.
You can use this service for spoofing attacks. Not used by
Print Server.
Use this option to enable/disable
Spray Server service.
This service captures the packets sent by the spray
command. You can use the service in denial of service
attacks. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server
Use this option to enable/disable
the RPC-based ToolTalk
Database Server services. Not used by FreeFlow
Use this option to enable/disable
the Remote Quota
server service. The quota command uses this service to
display user quotas for remote file systems. Not used by
Print Server
Use this service to enable/disable peripheral devices
(USB ports and CD/DVD drives). Optionally required by
customer system administrators, operators, or Xerox
Customer Service Engineers (CSE). You can disable the
volfs service and then enable it using the svcadm
command only when there is a need to access the DVD
drive or USB port.
Use this option to enable/disable Windows
File Sharing
(aka SMB) and WINS services.
NOTE: Since Samba emulates a family of very old
Folder Sharing and WINS protocols, and is
inherently insecure. Optionally required by customer
network administrators, system administrators,
operators, and/or Xerox Service Engineers (CSE).
Alternatively, you can use “secure” FTP for Hot Folder
workflow, and disable/remove Samba.
Use this option to enable/disable Mail services.
Optionally, a customer may use sendmail to deliver
notification of disk space low conditions, or password
expiry warnings.
Use this option to enable Remote Execution services. The
rsh and rcp commands rely on this service.
The legacy DocuSP “print command line client” relies on
the enablement of remote shell services, since it uses the
rcp command to transfer files onto the FreeFlow
Server. However, this service represents a security risk, so
it is recommended to disable this service.
Use this option to enable/disable the Service Location
Protocol services. This service advertises network services
hosted by Solaris
platform (e.g., LPR) to remote clients.
Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server, but improves
interoperability with legacy Novell clients and Mac OS
clients. These clients use legacy network protocols not
used today.
Use this option to enable/disable SSH services. SSH
provides user authentication and encrypted secure
communications via Secure (remote) Shell, and Secure
Once the Security profile has been set to 'High', The
Print Server platform restricts telnet and rlogin
commands, so can only remote login securely using the
SHH (port 22) service. You can use "secure FTP" (SFTP)
to transfer files, which ensures user authentication and
encryption of data over the network.
Use this option to enable/disable
the “talk” legacy
service. The talk utility is a two-way, screen oriented
communication program. Not used by FreeFlow
Use this option to enable/disables the Telnet service.
This does not affect using the telnet client from the
Print Server platform to another network host
running a Telnet server. The Telnet service is an insecure
communication, thus SSH is the recommended
alternative to ensure secure connectivity.
Use this option to enable/disable a legacy Time Protocol
service. This service is outdated, so recommend it be
disabled. Used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
Same as time:dgram except a more robust and reliable
TCP/IP service. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server. We
recommend this service be disabled.
Use this option to disable/enable UNIX-to-UNIX copy.
This service is used to perform a UNIX-to-UNIX platform
copy over the networks. The UUCP service is not a secure
protocol and easily exploitable. Not used by FreeFlow
Print Server.
This WEBEM option is use to enable/disable Solaris
Web-based Management service. This service complies
with Common Information Model (CIM) requirements
specified by Distributed Management Task Force
(DMTF). This service is not required for the FreeFlow
Print Server product, but can optionally be used by a
Use this option to enable/disable the Windows
Name Service. This is a Windows
NetBios Name service,
which is the Windows
equivalent to DNS for domain
names. Samba includes this service to facilitate access
to Windows
hosts and shared folders.
See comments elsewhere in this table regarding Samba
security issues. Optionally required for Windows
sharing and FreeFlow
Print Server GUI access to
folders (E.g., Print from File) on a remote host.
5.1.2 Security Profile UDP/TCP Port Settings
Setting the Security profile to ‘High’ closes many of the UDP / TCP ports that are not required
and/or could pose a Security risk. The table below illustrates the state of the protocol service
and ports for built-in Security profile settings.
Protocol Service/Port State Table
UDP/TCP Incoming Port State (Opened/Closed)
Port Protocol Service Name
Standard Security
High Security
21 FTP Opened
22 SSH Opened
23 NTP Opened
25 SMTP Opened
53 DNS Opened
68 DHCP Opened
80 HTTP Opened
88 Kerberos Opened
135 SMB Legacy Opened
136 SMB Legacy Opened
161 Net-SNMP v3
162 SNMP-Trap Opened
201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
202 AppleTalk Name Binding
203 AppleTalk Unused #1
204 AppleTalk Echo
205 AppleTalk Unused #2
206 Zone Information
207 AppleTalk Unused #3
208 AppleTalk Unused #4
443 SSL Opened
445 SMB (TCP) Opened
515 LPR Opened
631 IPP Opened
5001 IPDS Opened
7781 JMF Opened
8005 Tomcat Web Services
8080 Proxy Opened
8181 JMF (Hot Folder)
9100 Socket (Raw TCP)
9400 Socket (Raw TCP)
16611 SNMP v1/v2 Opened
5.2 Anti-Virus Software Protection
Anti-virus software is not bundled with the FreeFlow
Print Server system software. Customers
may choose to acquire and install anti-virus software for “peace of mind”. Traditional Worms
and Viruses rarely if ever infect the FreeFlow
Print Server application and the underlying
OS. There have not been any report of viruses or malware compromises of the
Print Server platform to the engineering team. Compared to Microsoft
the Solaris
OS is much less susceptible to these issues given the Solaris
OS is less widespread,
used for specialized computing purposes, and therefore less commonly targeted.
The purpose of the FreeFlow
Print Server platform is a Digital Front End (DFE) that provides
printing services such as job processing, job management and printer management services.
The most common methods for virus attacks occur by Web browsing, Receiving Unsolicited
Email Attachments, and Downloading Internet Files. The FreeFlow
Print Server platform does
not require these type of applications, so removing them significantly minimize the risk of virus
attacks. The security profile settings of “High” supported on the FreeFlow
Print Server system
inhibits some of the most common methods for accessing the server (E.g. Services such as FTP,
Telnet, Sendmail, etc.). Many services and UDP/TCP ports are disabled when the Security
profile is set to “High”.
To eliminate the risk of Malware contamination on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform, the
customer should first perform a Malware scan on all removable media and removable storage
devices before installing and reading the media from FreeFlow
Print Server platform. This
precaution will greatly reduce the risk of FreeFlow
Print Server exposure to Malware and risk
of exploitation as a “carrier” or repository for Malware
We do not prohibit installing of anti-virus software on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform.
However, Xerox has not performed any testing of anti-virus applications, so cannot comment
on their effectiveness or possible impact to the productivity and reliability of printer operation.
We recommend running Anti-Virus and Malware scans when production printing is completed,
and the printer is idle.
5.3 Audit Logging
There are six types of FreeFlow
Print Server Audit Logs related to Security.
1. BSM Security Audit Logs
2. Solaris
OS Audit Logs
3. System Activity Reporter
4. FreeFlow
Print Server GUI Console Logs
5. FreeFlow
Print Server Job Accounting
6. FreeFlow
Print Server Job/Print Activity Logs
5.3.1 BSM Security Audit Log
The Solaris
11 OS includes a feature called Basic Security Module (BSM) used for forensic
level audit logging. This produces a very detailed level of logging of all operating-system-
level events, which have a security implication. For example, noting remote user logins, file
delete activity, file read/write activity, etc. The logs produced by this feature will satisfy the
Department of Defense audit logging criteria for a “C2” level security certification.
5.3.2 Solaris
OS Audit Log
The Solaris
-Generated logging is quite extensive and complex, so this document does not
attempt to provide a comprehensive description of all this system logging The process
daemon used to manage this audit logging is referred to as syslog. You can configure syslog
to capture debug log information for several of the built-in Solaris
services and the level of
verbosity of information to capture. In addition, the syslog service can be defined to write
each log record dynamically in real-time over the network to a network server. For more
information, refer to the Solaris
Administration Guide or search the Web.
5.3.3 System Activity Reporter
The System Activity Reporter (SAR) service samples system activity and cumulative activity
counters in the Solaris OS at intervals of 5 seconds or greater. It will generate automatic
reports to measure and monitor system performance. This audit logging is disabled by
default, and must be enabled, and setup if required by a customer.
5.3.4 FreeFlow
Print Server GUI Console Log
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform has a Console Logging feature that will log all tasks
performed in the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI including user login activity. You can use the
System Administrator login enable the “Console Logging” feature from the “Log Console” UI
An example of the console log illustrating a user login is below:
The example above shows that the ‘sa’ account and user ‘samuel’ logged into the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI. Note that user ‘samuel’ is associated with the System Administrator group,
so has SA equivalent access to the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI.
5.3.5 FreeFlow
Print Server Job Accounting
The accounting logs capture statistics and characteristic of each job received, processed and
printed/saved on the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. Some of the useful Security audit
information is Sender Name, Job Name, Copies, Impressions Printed, Plex, Account ID, etc.
5.3.6 FreeFlow
Print Server Job/Print Activity Logs
Print Server application modules generate log file entries in a well-defined
directory as the system performs job scheduling, rendering/rasterizing, printing, saving, etc.
These logs can be analyzed by FreeFlow
Print Server support engineers to identify the
security configuration settings, and any risks that may exist. There are log file entries useful
to track the jobs processed and printed by the FreeFlow
Print Server software. The
information in the FreeFlow
Print Server logs is extensive, and provides details that can be
used to audit activity performed by the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
OS users.
5.4 Hard Drive Security
A very important Security consideration is the protection of customer data written on the hard
disks available in the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. This is extremely important when printing
PII/PHI data on Xerox printer devices. The features offered to protect private data on the hard
disk are:
5.4.1 Hard Disk Access Restriction
The first line of defense to protect this private data is removal of FreeFlow
Print Server user
access from the hard disk, or tightly controlling access to a user defined area. Network access
to the system can be completely restricted except for access required to perform job
submission workflows only. The FreeFlow
Print Server application and Windows
are not accessible until a user provides their login credentials in the FreeFlow
Print Server
GUI. All non-Administrator accounts can be restricted from accessing (coping/deleting) user
and print data from the FreeFlow
Print Server GUI, GNome File Manager, or command line
shell. They are also restricted from deleting system files that could make the FreeFlow
Server / Solaris
platform inoperable.
5.4.2 Data Overwrite Feature
The FreeFlow
Print Server support a configurable one-pass to twenty one-pass Data
Overwrite algorithm that conforms to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) SP800-88 specification, and U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5220.22-M. A
customer would use this software to completely destroy user or print data potentially with
PII/PHI information from the FreeFlow
Print Server hard disk. This service sanitizes the data
and renders it unrecoverable, and therefore unable for a criminal to breach the information.
The hard disk location categories targeted by the Data Overwrite operation to sanitize user
and print data are things such as input directory PDL files, output directory Xerox proprietary
files, Hot Folder print files, internal FreeFlow
Print Server job database information,
Accounting data, Fonts, System files (E.g., recycle bin, temporary file locations, etc.).
5.4.3 Hard Disk Purge
When a customer returns a Xerox
printer (E.g., termination of lease), they may wish to
sanitize the hard disk(s). The customer can use the Solaris
Format Purge operation to
remove all FreeFlow Print Service and Solaris
OS software and data from the hard drive(s).
The process involves using the Solaris
format command.
We recommend the customer schedule a Xerox Service Engineer or Support Analyst to
complete the hard disk purge operation. It is possible that the hard disk purge process fails
for some known or unknown reason. If this occurs, the customer does have the option to
remove and purchase the hard disk(s) for a nominal fee. They can then have the data
destroyed by a specialist certified in data destruction.
Always capture a System Backup of the FreeFlow
Print Server / Solaris
OS prior to executing
the Hard Disk Purge operation if you want the current configuration restored after the disk
purge is completed. Even more important is backup of all user and print related data (E.g.,
VIPP/LCDS resources, Fonts, Print Jobs, etc.) using the Configuration Backup operation. You
can use the System Backup or Configuration Backup to restore the FreeFlow
Print Server /
OS back to the customer customized configuration.
This feature is different from Data Overwrite feature (described in Section 5.4.2Data
Overwrite Feature” in that the purge operation will result in the permanent removal of all
, FreeFlow
Print Server platform and user data files. The Data Overwrite feature only
purges the user data files on the hard disk(s) in pre-defined directory locations designated for
user and print data. Always capture a FreeFlow
Print Server System Backup prior to
executing the Hard Disk Purge process to ensure there is a System Recovery in case the disk
purge causes a problem. Even more important is backup of all user and print related data
(E.g., VIPP/LCDS resources, Fonts, Print Jobs, etc.). Restore user and print backed up data once
the hard disk purge operation completes.
A customer can encounter several use cases that require purging the printer hard disk(s) in
the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. Some of them are:
1. The customer is returning the printer back to Xerox.
2. Customer is moving the printer to another location.
3. The printer will be idle for a long timeframe.
4. The hard drive has defects and needs replaced.
5.4.4 Removable Hard Drive Kit
For customers who have very strong Security requirements, and need to secure/lock up the
Print Server hard drive(s), Xerox offers an optional “Removable Hard Drive”
hardware kits to enable hard drive lock, quick and easy removal of the hard drives. For
example, the US Government may require the customer to remove the hard drives after
printing “Classified” information, and replacing it with a hard drive used to print more public
XSIS offers “removable hard drive kits” which greatly facilitates application-specific software
setups, where you keep the hard drive locked up and swap it in when secured print jobs or
resources are scheduled for production printing.
5.4.5 Hard Drive Removal and Purchase
Whenever a customer needs to dispose of or destroy the hard drive(s), Xerox Service provides
an optional service to remove the hard drive and leave it with the customer for disposal. Xerox
supports this service only for customers in the USA and Canada. The customer is responsible
for protection or destruction of any data on the hard disk.
5.5 PII/PHI Security Compliancy Standards
Although we designed and developed the FreeFlow
Print Server security features with industry
standard certification guidelines in mind, there is no Security authority that has officially
certified the FreeFlow
Print Server platform. The FreeFlow
Print Server Security team is aware
of several Security compliance standards, and we continually enhanced and developed new
Security features to close compliancy gaps.
The FreeFlow
Print Server software includes a very robust set of capabilities, settings and tools
that can address the vast majority of customer Security requirements. We have placed the
Print Server platform in several State and Federal Government locations that have
the highest level of Security requirements and strict Security compliance standards. Xerox is
pro-actively implements new FreeFlow
Print Server features for customer Security
requirements that meet very stringent Financial, Education and Government standards for
protecting sensitive data.
5.5.1 DIACAP Security Standard
The DIACAP (Department of Defense Information Assurance Certificate and Accreditation
Process) standard is a Security compliance required by US Government agencies which are
responsible for systems that are owned or controlled by the Department of Defense (or by
commercial systems which are under contract to the Department of Defense) before any
network device can be incorporated on their network. When an institution completes this
Accreditation for a network device, the device qualifies as network worthy for the US
Government network and receive an ATO (Authority to Operate) certificate. An institution
that would like to achieve the ATO must provide a sponsor (i.e., IT or Security representative)
to work through the DIACAP process under the auspices of its internal DOD-inspected
Security process. Xerox requires customer sponsorship to partake and complete the DIACAP
Xerox is required to evaluate the FreeFlow
Print Server platform for compliance with “STIG”
Security requirements as part of satisfying DIACAP compliancy. Security Gaps which are of
concern to the customer’s Security manager need to be remediated by the installation of
security Patches and/or reconfiguration (aka “STIG hardening”) of Solaris
and/or FreeFlow
Print Server software.
5.5.2 STIG Toolkit
STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guide) is a set of Security policies, requirements,
checklists, and compliance assessment methodology used by Defense Information Systems
Agency (DISA) Field Security Operations (FSO) to evaluate software applications prior to
deployment in a DISA-supported computing environment. Government customers who must
comply with Security Policies directed by the Department of Defense (DoD) may require
“STIG” compliance before a Xerox
printer with FreeFlow
Print Server is permitted to
connect to the customer’s network.
The FreeFlow
Print Server platform bundles a STIG toolkit to assist government agencies to
obtain DIACAP (Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and
Accreditation Process) compliancy and other State Department (E.g., IRS) required
compliance standards. All STIG requirements can be categorized into 4 different groups (i.e.,
Cat 1, 2, 3 & 4) with Cat 1 being the highest priority and Cat 4 the lowest priority.
The FreeFlow
Print Server STIG Toolkit delivers a set of Solaris
‘JASS scripts’ that can be
used to satisfy specific STIG requirements to meet strict Federal and State security
5.5.3 Common Criteria Certification Standard
Print Server runs as an application on top of the Solaris
OS, which meets the
Common Criteria Certificate (CCC) compliant standard for the underlying OS mechanisms
that it utilizes for connectivity and security. The FreeFlow
Print Server GUI mediates all user
interactions and non-Administrator users do not have direct access to the operating system
(the System Administrator role may interact with the OS if permitted by the security
has received certification for the Solaris
10 Operating System Updates 5, 7 and 9
under the Common Criteria at EAL4+ under the Controlled Access Protection Profile and Role
Based Access Control Protection Profile and certified for use on SPARC and AMD/Intel based
Oracle Solaris 11 is certified under the Canadian Common Criteria Scheme at Evaluation
Assurance Level 4 (EAL4) and augmented by flaw remediation (EAL4+). EAL4 is the highest
level of evaluation mutually recognized by 26 countries under the Common Criteria
Recognition Arrangement (CCRA). Oracle certifies subsequent Solaris
Updates and Security
patches using the Common Criteria’s Assurance Continuity Process.
implements all Network Security mechanisms and interactions with the customer’s
network and Solaris
performs the authentication/authorization. Thus, Solaris
ensures the
infrastructure for FreeFlow
Print Server application security. Oracle
certifies subsequent
OS updates and Security patches to using the Common Criteria’s Assurance
Continuity Process.
5.5.4 Authority to Operate (ATO) Certification
The customer’s Security manager requires an ATO before considering any network device
worthy for connectivity on the Army network. This is a certificate obtained by the customer
after they have successfully complete the DIACAP process.
5.5.5 Certificate of Networthiness (CON) Standard
Prior to connecting a Xerox
printer to a US Army Enterprise Network, it requires completion
of the Certificate of Networthiness (CON) process. A pre-requisite to achieve the CON is for
the customer to acquire the Authority to Operate (ATO) by going through the DIACAP
process. Once achieving the DIACAP process, an ATO represents the official certification for
compliancy and ensures qualification for CON compliancy. Identification of a formally
acknowledged sponsor to obtain CON compliancy is a requirement of the CON submission
process, and the sponsor must be an Army officer.
A networked device can only qualify for connectivity with the Army Enterprise Network after
successfully completing the CON process. The Army sponsor initiates and drives the CON
process for the customer requiring Army network connectivity. The sponsor provides the
information for how they plan to operate, manage, support and maintain the networked
Xerox printer device according to Army regulations.
5.6 Statement of Volatility (SoV)
The main function of the Statement of Volatility is to describe the volatile and non-volatile
nature of the memory on a device, and more specifically the locations, capacities and contents
of volatile and non-volatile memory components. A customer that installs a device in their
facility environment and/or on their network require knowledge of whether memory can store
data when the device is powered off (non-volatile) or not (volatile).
It is common policy for customers that print highly sensitive data such as Personally
Identifiable Information (PII), Personal Health Information (PHI), and Government Top Secret
Classified Information, to require an SoV for the printer device installed at their facility and on
their network. The SoV provides these customers with the information they need to make
Security decisions about how they want to handle a printer device. The devices for a Xerox
printer include the print engine, FreeFlow
Print Server, other devices interfaces such as a Print
Station Interface Platform (PSIP) for some print engines, and workflow device such as
Core, etc.