Who do Sponsors help?
Sponsors help local children 0-18 years of age. Parents attend an application open house
where Sub for Santa staff and volunteers verify ID for the parent, children documentation and
other income documents. Sub for Santa staff then evaluates each application according to
their financial situation, how many years their family has received assistance, and other
circumstances. At the application open houses parents are also shown other community
resources that can help them year-round.
What kind of information does Sub for Santa provide about the family & children?
We will provide you with parent contact information, children gift ideas and clothing sizes.
How will I be notified of the family I am matched with?
You will be notified via email and text when you are matched with a family. This notification
will give you the Family Information Sheet and instructions on next steps as a Sponsor.
When will family names be available?
Beginning in mid-November. Families apply for help from November through mid-December.
Please request names closest to the date you actually need them by. For example, please
don’t request names for Nov. 15th if you don’t plan on shopping for the family until later in
December. We will do our best to get you your family names by the date you request, but this
is not a guarantee.
I received the name of a family I am assigned to Sponsor. What should I do next?
1. Call the parents the week you receive your information so they know they have a sponsor.
2. Verify the gift suggestions, clothing sizes & delivery address you received on the Family
Information Sheet. You can say something like, “Hi, this is [your first name], and I am
assigned to be your Sub for Santa Sponsor. Do you have a few minutes to discuss the list I
received and figure out a day and time to deliver the gifts to your home?”
3. Update your online Sponsor Account with your scheduled delivery date.
Who delivers the gifts?
You do! We do our best to match you with a family that lives close to you. We will do our best
to assign you a family within 10 miles of your home (if you live in Utah County), but when those
families are not available, you may be assigned one a little further away.
Who calls the family I’m going to Sponsor to make delivery arrangements?
You do! Please call the family as soon as you are matched with them. Let them know that you
are their sponsor and work out a deliver date and time that works best for both of you. The
Family Information Sheet will have the family phone number and address.
When should gifts be delivered by?
Try to have the gifts delivered by December 20
. Please contact the family immediately after
receiving the family information to set up a time for delivery. Deliver gifts at a time that works
for you and the family you are sponsoring.
How can I remain anonymous?
PHONE: To ensure anonymity, dial *67 before calling the number and your number will be
blocked from the caller ID.
EMAIL & TEXT: You are welcome to contact applicants via email and text, however, keep in
mind this will not allow the same kind of anonymity as a blocked phone call. Also, phone calls
may be the fastest way to reach a parent as they may not use email frequently. Parents are
often easiest to reach after 8:00 p.m. because of work schedules.
What does a Sponsor provide?
Sponsors are asked to provide the following per child:
· 1-2 new toys/other gifts
· 2-3 items of new clothing
· 3-5 new books
How much money should I spend?
The purpose of Sub for Santa is to meet the basic needs of the children in each family.
Providing an elaborate Christmas makes it difficult for parents to recreate a similar holiday the
following year. Sponsors are asked to spend an average of $150-175 per child on all the gifts.
If you would like to provide more, we suggest you call us to sign up for another family to help
so they can receive a Christmas also.
Should I buy gifts for the parents?
We are concerned about helping children first. We do not ask you to help the parents, but you
may do so if you wish. Please do not give cash.
Should I wrap the gifts?
We ask that you do not wrap the gifts. This allows the parents to know what their child will be
getting for Christmas and feel safe about the gifts they are getting from a stranger. This also
allows the parents to wrap the gifts themselves and share in the Christmas experience and
play a greater role in providing for their children’s Christmas. If you would like, you are
welcome to include wrapping paper and bows for the parents to use (this is optional). It is a
good idea to put the gifts in a black bag or closed box so the children cannot see the gifts as
you deliver.
How can I be sure the family I sponsor really needs my help?
To apply for assistance, a parent attends an application open house where Sub for Santa staff
and volunteers verify ID for the parent, children documentation and other income documents.
At the open house they are also shown other community resources that can help them year-
round. Sub for Santa staff then evaluates each application and according to their financial
situation, how many years they have received assistance, and other circumstances they are
accepted or denied Sub for Santa assistance. As a Sponsor, you will have the most contact
with the family. If you are concerned about anything, please contact us immediately at 801-
What if the family I Sponsor doesn’t speak English?
Many of the families who apply don’t speak English, but are still in great need of your help. We
do our best to match Spanish-speaking Sponsors with Spanish-speaking families, however,
there are not enough Spanish-speaking Sponsors to help all the families who apply. Because
of this, you may receive a family who does not speak English. Be resourceful! Do you have a
family member, neighbor, or co-worker who speaks Spanish and can help translate for you? In
one phone call all of the necessary answers and arrangements can be made. If you are
experiencing difficulty, please call our office at 801-356-6300.
Can I meet the children I’m sponsoring? Can I go inside the home and visit the family?
It depends on the parents, but most likely no. This can create confusing questions from
children about Santa Claus and put parents in an awkward position. Please be considerate of
the privacy and safety of the family. Even though you are generously providing for them, you
are still a stranger and they are under no obligation to invite you inside their home.