Graduation Certificate Requirement
All applicants for admission to the Alabama State Bar must submit a Graduation Certificate from the law
school where the applicant has graduated or will graduate.
Applicants who have graduated from law school should have the Graduation Certificate sent from the law
school to the Admissions Office.
Applicants who have not graduated from law school should request of the proper law school official that the
Graduation Certificate be sent to the Admissions Office upon the applicant’s graduation.
Applicants will not be certified to sit for the bar examination, or otherwise admitted to the Alabama State Bar,
until the Admissions Office has received a properly executed Graduation Certificate.
Graduation Certificate Form
Applicants should only submit an original Graduation Certificate, which must be on school letterhead,
with the school seal affixed, and signed by the dean or other certifying official. The certificate should be
in the following form:
“This is to certify that (name of applicant) has pursued and satisfactorily completed as a full-time
resident law student of (name of law school) a course of law studies for a period of three years of at
least thirty (30) weeks each (or whatever the case may be, pursuant to Rule IV.B.(2) of the Rules
Governing Admission to the Alabama State Bar) and has completed all requirements for the Juris
Doctor degree. Said degree was awarded on (date of degree award).”
(Seal of law school) (Signature of dean or other certifying official)
Note: Law schools accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA) should include a statement as to
the status and date of accreditation. (Example: (Name of law school), has at all times since (year of
accreditation) been accredited by the American Bar Association.”)
Undergraduate Transcript Requirement
If, at the time of the applicant’s graduation from law school, the applicant’s law school is not accredited
by the ABA, then the applicant must submit an undergraduate transcript that shows the applicant has
received a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, and that the degree was
earned before the applicant entered law school. See Rule IV.B.(1)(a).
Graduation Certificates and undergraduate transcripts should be submitted to the following address:
Alabama State Bar
Attn: Admissions Office
P.O. Box 671
Montgomery, AL 36101