Revised August 2012
B-XVIII AURA Grievance Policy and Procedures Page 1
In an effort to foster and maintain a productive and respectful workplace, AURA
employees who feel they have a grievance or formal complaint regarding any of its
policies, practices, managers or supervisors have the opportunity to have such
grievances and complaints heard and responded to fairly and promptly. Accordingly, the
procedures under Section B below have been developed to assure timely and equitable
resolution of employee complaints and also to assure that neither shyness nor fear of
reprisal should inhibit any employee seeking a remedy.
Except for communications with or initiated by the complainant, participants in the
grievance process will treat as confidential any information gained during participation.
This includes all aspects of handling, investigating, reviewing and making final decisions
on complaints or grievances.
Unless there are extenuating circumstances, complaints or grievances must be stated
within 15 working days of the occurrence giving rise to the complaint or, if involuntary
termination is involved, within five working days of receipt of notice. If there are
extenuating circumstances, the grievance must be submitted as soon as possible.
For grievance policy applied in Chile refer to B-XXIII - Unique Policies and Procedures
1. An employee is encouraged to first discuss any complaint or grievance with his or
her immediate supervisor, orally or in writing. The supervisor will endeavor to render
a decision or an interim reply within the next five working days that he or she is
present for duty. An interim reply will include a reason for delay (such as referral to
higher levels of supervision) and an estimate of the time expected to render a
2. If the employee does not feel he or she can voice a grievance or complaint to his or
her supervisor, or if the employee is not satisfied with the answer received, or if there
has been no reply within the five working days of the issue being presented to the
supervisor, the employee may refer the matter, in writing,
to the next level
supervisor, who will respond as above. This process may be repeated through the
employee’s line of management. All individuals involved will provide copies to the
Human Resources Manager and to supervisors who previously have been included
in the process.
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3. If the employee does not feel he or she can voice a grievance or complaint to his or
her supervisor or line of management, or if the employee is not satisfied with the
answer received, or if there has been no response within the time frames outlined
above, the employee may refer the matter, in writing
, to the Human Resource
Manager. The Human Resources Manager will obtain all available information,
including statements from supervisors and others named or having knowledge of the
matter and will prepare a written summary. Depending on the Center and/or nature
of the matter, the Human Resources Manager may either provide the summary to
Senior Management and/or the Director for resolution of the issue or, at the
discretion of the Director, the Human Resources Manager, may be charged with the
responsibility of determining the resolution. The outcome will be reported to the
employee and to any supervisors who previously have been included in the process
within five working days of obtaining all required information and statements. Advice
of legal counsel will be obtained, if needed.
4. If all other avenues are considered unacceptable or inappropriate based on the
employee’s assessment, the final level of referral will be to the Director. The
grievance or complaint should be made in writing
, to the Director. The Director may
designate a member of management to oversee the investigation of the matter. The
Director may request, if not already completed, that the Human Resources Manager
obtain all available information, including statements from supervisors and others
named or having knowledge of the matter, and prepare a written summary. If the
complaint involves the Human Resources Manager, the Director will designate
another to perform these functions. The Director will notify the complainant and all
others concerned of the final determination on the case within five working days after
receiving the recommendations
5. With the exception of the staff appointed by direct authorization of the AURA Board
of Directors, the Center Director's decision is final. The Board of Directors will be the
final authority on complaints by staff members appointed by authority of the Board of
Directors. Appeals to the Board of Directors will be routed through the President of
6. If the grievance is against the Human Resources Manager or Director, the complaint
should be reported to a Corporate Officer.
7. Advice of legal counsel will be obtained, if needed.
8. If at any time the employee feels it necessary, he or she may bypass a level listed
above. This may be the case if:
a. the matter to be discussed personally involves the individual on that supervisory
level; or
b. the employee may be concerned about repercussions with that individual based
on the issue; or
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c. the subject matter is personal and would be embarrassing or inappropriate if
discussed with that individual.
Any employee is encouraged to use this policy when appropriate. No employee will be
subject to reprimand or retaliation as a result of initiating a complaint which is made in
good faith, or as a result of assisting a fellow employee in the grievance process by
providing testimony.
Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigatory process to the extent
practical. Individuals bringing forth allegations of inappropriate conduct to management,
as well as those who may be involved in the investigation, are expected to maintain
appropriate levels of confidentiality with respect to those allegations among co-workers
at all times.
There may be times when the nature of the issue or complaint involves such things as
improper activities, ethics violations, discrimination, fraud, etc. and the individual does
not feel that the general grievance/complaint process as the appropriate reporting
mechanism. AURA maintains a confidential resource called IntegrityLine that can be
accessed for the purpose of registering a complaint or concern. Access is available
online and via telephone. Additionally, pursuant to our Federal contracts, our contracting
agencies maintain a confidential fraud hotline which may be used by employees to
report improper acts.
AURA IntegrityLine:
Or Toll Free at 855-257-4106.
A complaint based upon false or inaccurate information will be handled according to its
merits. Individuals making false or misleading statements will be subject to AURA’s
disciplinary process.