Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
_orrey, Alice T.
Obituary, 05/27/1938:6
Abati, Prmenio
Engaged to Anne Roque, 07/26/1935:6
Abatti, Ermino
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Abbott, Everett
Wed to Eleanor Webster, 10/15/1937:11
Abele, Katherine Eaton
Son born, 02/05/1937:7
Abele, Mannert L.
Son born, 02/05/1937:6, 02/05/1937:7
Abercrombie, A. Vaughan
Wedding described, 10/22/1937:11
Abercrombie, A.V.
Rock church holds reception for new pastor, 10/29/1937:11
Rock church votes to retain minister, 09/08/1939:1
Grandfather dies in Bridgeport, 09/22/1939:6
Couple married two years, 10/27/1939:6
Abercrombie Bag Co.
Bridgeport, CT company moves to Rock, 12/22/1939:1
Abrew, Evelyn
Charged with disorderly conduct, 08/27/1937:1
A.C. Cosseboom and Co.
History and profile of blacksmith's shop, 03/01/1935:1
AcArdle, John F.
Dies in Plymouth, 03/24/1939:1
see also Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents; Boats and Boating -
Accidents; Burns and Scalds; Drowning; Falls (accidents); Industrial
Accidents; Railroads - Accidents; Sports - Accidents; Traffic
Dominic Serra injured at carnival, 06/28/1935:1
William Hadsel victim of only fireworks accident over 4th,
Edgar Wilbur hurt while unloading autos at freight yard, 08/16/1935:1
Operator lost in clouds, plane wreck on Bedford St, 09/20/1935:1
Joseph Lunskis wounded by gun shot, 11/15/1935:1
Frank Promades, Jr. narrowly escapes death while sleeping in carriage,
Alice Beattie injured on toboggan slide in New Hampshire,
Bertram Thomas, Jr. crushed while moving piano, 02/14/1936:1
Dudley Kinsman recovering from coasting accident, 02/14/1936:6
Annie Curley found on kitchen floor with bad cut to head,
Ernest Drake injured by falling tree branch, 01/01/1937:6
Lawrence Olsen breaks arm, 01/15/1937:5
Mail carrier Edwin Caswell injures leg, 03/19/1937:12
Eunice Jones injured when thrown off running board of moving car,
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast at State Farm,
Farmer Frank Wolski crushed by tractor, 07/23/1937:1
William Anderson fractures wrist on painting job, 11/19/1937:1
Oil burner flare-up causes shed fire at Nemasket Transportation Co.,
Roger Berger loses eye when bottle explodes, 01/21/1938:1
William Farley escapes serious injury after trapped in mud,
Carl Dupre cuts foot on broken glass, 08/05/1938:11
John Bernier injured clearing storm-felled trees with WPA,
Arthur Meack severs right leg while cutting wood, 12/23/1938:1
George Robbins' leg gashed in close encounter with bull, 05/26/1939:1
George Thomas injures arm in crusher machinery, 06/30/1939:1
Three-year-old Freddie Correira fractures arm, 08/04/1939:7
Smoke bomb goes off under hood of Constable Reed's car, 08/18/1939:1
Jeffrey and Alfred Hubbard caught in collapsed well, 09/01/1939:1
Eleanor Daly struck by falling plank in post office, 09/08/1939:1
Steve Stanley passes out at hospital, too much ether in air, 11/10/1939:1
Mrs Rubin Morris alleges injury from sidewalk defect, 11/24/1939:1
Nathan Richmond suffers injury to foot chopping wood, 11/24/1939:6
Ralph Nickerson breaks leg while playing in yard, 12/15/1939:8
Ackers, John Phillips
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:8
Actors and Acting
Actor Nelson Eddy is nephew of Mrs John R. Thompson, 05/03/1935:1
Maude Allen (aka Maude Pierce) appears in Hollywood movie showing
here, 09/27/1935:12
Dog "Itsy" stays at Martinique, 11/27/1936:2
Frank Carlos Griffith passes away here, obituary, 05/12/1939:2
Adams, Alice
Uncle's funeral held in East Concord, VT, 07/24/1936:11
Adams, Edward
Son born, 10/28/1938:7
Adams, Eugene
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Adams, Frank
Occupies North St bungalow, 03/08/1935:1
Father dies in Houlton, ME, 09/20/1935:6
Resides in Ft. Fairfield, ME, 12/30/1938:6
Former resident appointed town manager for Ellsworth, ME,
Adams, Frank T.
Sustains head injury in fall at Brockton theater, 01/31/1936:1
Adams, George N.
Obituary, 03/06/1936:8
Adams, Joel
Doctor at sanatorium, 08/11/1939:5
Adams, Kenneth
One of three men arrested for holdup in North Plymouth, 12/03/1937:1
Sentenced to Concord reformatory for armed robbery, 02/18/1938:1
Adams, Vernon D.
Wedding described, 05/20/1938:11
Adelia C. Richards Scholarship
Will provides for scholarship fund, playgrounds, and other town
institutions (p), 08/07/1936:1
Alexander Sowyrda recipient of, 06/30/1939:6
M. Alice Jones sails for Egypt, 07/12/1935:2
Alice Jones back teaching after summer spent in Europe and Egypt,
Mrs John Woodland sails for South Africa and East Indies,
Allan and Ronald Thatcher depart for Mediterranean cruise,
Louis Hathaway home from cruise to Africa, 09/16/1938:1
see also Middleboro - Board of Old Age Assistance; Rest Homes
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Figures do lie (l) (John H. McNeece), 11/22/1935:2
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Don't razz Rep. Jazzper (l) (John H. McNeece), 03/13/1936:8
Townsend Club No. 1 to test old age pension plan, 03/05/1937:1
Town rates high in state report, 05/05/1939:1
Local voters back lottery for Old Age Assistance fund, 10/20/1939:1
Airplanes (see Aviation)
The Alamo (restaurant)
Opens on Rte 28 (ad), 12/30/1938:12
Owned by Finn's Inc., 01/06/1939:8
Albee (Mr and Mrs)
Lease home of Mrs Prime, 04/10/1936:11
Alberts, Benjamin
Application for license to install gas tank, 10/15/1937:8
Selectmen defer decision on gas tank, 10/29/1937:1
Injured in auto accident enroute to Florida, 02/17/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Alberts, Elsie M.
Bertha Kanapa gets 30 days for larceny, 12/23/1938:2
Alberts, Leona
Attends Simmons College, 12/25/1936:1
Alberts, Leona Miriam
Graduates from Simmons College, 06/16/1939:1
Alberts Shoe Co.
Benjamin Alberts' application for license to install gas tank,
Using tank prior to application, 10/22/1937:5
Gasoline storage and pump petition tabled again by selectmen,
Gasoline petition finally approved, 11/12/1937:5
Running at full capacity, 02/25/1938:6
Purchases plant in North Easton, 08/12/1938:1
Fire at plant on Cambridge St, 09/16/1938:1
Cambridge St factory damaged by fire, 02/03/1939:1
Commends Fire Department, 02/24/1939:1
Fire in rubbish pile, 10/06/1939:6
Granted charter of incorporation, 11/10/1939:8
Albro, Emily Louise
Obituary, 08/09/1935:1
Roslindale woman dies at age 78, 08/09/1935:6
Alcoholic Beverage Industry
see also Murphy's Package Store
Rondelli's Package Store application for of liquor license, 11/27/1936:7
Gaudette's Package Store, 158 Center St (ad), 01/15/1937:11
Alcoholic Beverages - Law and Legislation
Selectmen ponder license question, 01/04/1935:1
Malaguti and Rose apply for licenses, 01/04/1935:5
Selectmen address liquor license applications from Rose, Malaguti, and
Dascoulias, 01/18/1935:1
Angelo Zervas applies for liquor license, 02/01/1935:1
John F. Murphy, Jr. applies for license, 02/15/1935:2
Murphy's liquor license application, 02/15/1935:5
John Danielson's liquor license application, 02/15/1935:8
Angelo Zervas granted liquor license, 02/22/1935:1
Frank Promades' liquor license application, 02/22/1935:8
Peter Kakarian acquitted on liquor charge, 03/01/1935:2
Selectmen address license applications, 03/01/1935:3
Selectmen liquor license applications, 03/08/1935:2
Paul Mitrakas' liquor license application, 03/08/1935:8
Court orders return of confiscated liquor to Peter Zakarian, 03/15/1935:1
Dascoulias' liquor license appeal before State Commission,
Selectmen deny liquor license for Boutin, Murphy, and Promades,
Selectmen discuss Malaguti's alleged violation of liquor laws in closed
meeting, 03/15/1935:1
Sinoski loses appeal for liquor license, 03/15/1935:1
Selectmen discuss Mitrakas' liquor license application, 03/22/1935:1
Appeal hearings for Mitrakas and Boutin held in Boston, 04/12/1935:1
Helen Cruckshank's liquor license application, 04/12/1935:5
Appeals by Mitrakas and Boutin denied by state board, 04/19/1935:1
Dascoulias plans changes to establishment to conform to liquor laws,
John Canning's liquor license application, 04/19/1935:7
M. James Silvia's liquor license application, 04/19/1935:7
Selectmen hear liquor license applications, 05/03/1935:1
Selectmen not in favor of additional licenses, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen take action on liquor license applications, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen address license applications, 05/24/1935:1
Bourgeois, Dascoulias, and Saccocia apply for liquor licenses,
Two license granted, one refused; petition for no additional,
William Finn and Aldric Bourgeois before selectmen, 07/26/1935:8
Selectmen grant license extension to Finn, 08/02/1935:1
Thomas Thompson applies for liquor license, 08/02/1935:8
Philip Brodeur applies for liquor license, 08/09/1935:11
Selectmen grant liquor licenses to Brodeur and Thompson, 08/23/1935:5
Horace Nickerson's application for liquor license, 08/29/1935:11
Howard Johnson's application for liquor license, 09/06/1935:7
Nickerson granted liquor license, 09/13/1935:1
Rotary Mill gets license despite opposition, 09/20/1935:1
Thomas Thompson granted liquor license, 09/20/1935:5
Selectmen discuss liquor license application process, 10/04/1935:1
Selectmen discuss opposition to licenses, 10/04/1935:1
George Brodeur's application for liquor license, 10/11/1935:8
Selectmen agreed on new liquor license fees (t), 10/18/1935:1
Arthur Gorrie's application for liquor license, 10/18/1935:6
Joseph Teceno's application for liquor license, 10/18/1935:8
Selectmen put Teceno's license application on hold, 11/08/1935:2
Gorrie and Teceno granted liquor licenses, 11/15/1935:1
Applications for renewal of liquor licenses, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor applications, 12/13/1935:1
Selectmen grant licenses, withhold action on two applicants,
James Davis' application for renewal of liquor licenses, 12/20/1935:7
Dascoulias' application for liquor license, 01/03/1936:8
Selectmen discuss Congdon's liquor license application, 01/10/1936:1
Alcohol licenses account for increase in budget, 01/17/1936:1
Dascoulias granted temporary transfer liquor license, 01/24/1936:1
Selectmen commended for refusing Congdon license, 01/24/1936:1
Louison's application for liquor license, 02/28/1936:8
Dascoulias granted renewal liquor license, 03/06/1936:1
Selectmen refuse liquor license for Louison, 03/13/1936:2
Lillian Enos' application for liquor license, 03/27/1936:7
Joseph Teceno's application for liquor license, 04/03/1936:7
Dascoulias' application for liquor license, 04/10/1936:11
Selectmen approve one license, refuse others, 04/17/1936:1
No objections to Dascoulias' new license, 04/24/1936:5
Liquor license hour extension refused to Finn's Sea Grill, 06/19/1936:1
Haven't we had enough? (l) (H.S. Sylvester), 10/23/1936:6
Vote no on liquor license question (ad) (George E. Gove), 10/23/1936:8
Vote no on liquor license question (ad) (Carl G. Kendall), 10/30/1936:2
Come over to our side (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 10/30/1936:8
Haven't we had enough? (l) (H.A. Ryder), 10/30/1936:8
Facts and figures for citizens to consider (ad) (Middleboro District
Beverage Dealers), 10/30/1936:11
Middleboro District Beverage Dealers Association thanks voters (l),
Wets gain very decisive victory in election, 11/06/1936:1
Selectmen receive license applications, 11/13/1936:1
Gaudette and Liber apply for liquor licenses, 11/13/1936:8
Selectmen to meet with beverage dealers, 11/20/1936:1
Selectmen establish liquor license fees, 11/27/1936:1
Selectmen Romeo Millette charges "the racket of the big four" (l),
Applications for renewal of liquor licenses, 11/27/1936:6
Henry Rondelli's application for of liquor license, 11/27/1936:7
Selectmen to reconsider decision on liquor license applications from
Gaudette and Liber, 12/04/1936:1
Applications for renewal of liquor licenses, 12/04/1936:6
Thompson & Son apply for liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Elk's application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:7
Selectmen establish new rates for 1937, 12/11/1936:1
Selectmen sign regulation concerning sterilization, 12/11/1936:1
Charles Liber's application for of liquor license, 12/11/1936:12
Selectmen grant all liquor and package store licenses, 12/18/1936:1
Ernest Johnson's application for of renewal of liquor license,
Sterilization regulations adopted by selectmen, 12/18/1936:7
Liber's package store license application denied, 12/25/1936:1
Applications for liquor licenses, 12/25/1936:7
Johnson granted liquor license for drug store, 01/01/1937:1
Watkins license appeal hearing in Boston, 02/19/1937:7
Arsene Berube's application for liquor license, 03/12/1937:6
Finn applies for extension of time, 04/16/1937:1
Selectmen okay use of front door at Liber's package store, 04/16/1937:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dascoulias' petition for extension of liquor sales hours denied,
Dascoulias granted permit for one o'clock liquor permit, 06/11/1937:1
Robert Giberti's application for liquor license, 08/27/1937:5
Selectmen hear complaint of alcohol sale to minor by John Danielson,
Selectmen table request for liquor license from Joseph Teceno,
Selectmen change by-laws so liquor business may be within 200 feet of
a theatre, 11/26/1937:1
Albert Brooks' application for liquor license, 11/26/1937:8
Robert Giberti's application for liquor license, 12/03/1937:9
Selectmen grant fifteen liquor licenses, 12/10/1937:1
P. Henry Higgins' application for liquor license, 12/10/1937:13
Selectmen approve Giberti's liquor license application, 12/17/1937:1
Clyde's Lunch applies for extension to liquor license, 12/17/1937:8
Sawicki granted permit to change location of package store to 13 West
St, 12/24/1937:8
Selectmen finally grant license to Murphy's Package Store,
Albert Brooks' liquor license application turned down, 01/07/1938:2
Selectmen vote transfer of liquor license from William Finn to Finn's
Inc., 02/18/1938:1
Finn's liquor license transfer approved, 03/04/1938:8
Arnold Watkins before selectmen on charge of alcohol sale to minor,
Thompson brothers before selectmen on charge of alcohol sale to
welfare recipients, 04/01/1938:3
Amanda Sackrison granted beer and wine license, 09/16/1938:3
Jennie Morris' application for liquor license for King Philip Inn,
To voters and taxpayers of Middleboro (ad) (Middleboro District
Beverage Association), 11/04/1938:11
Lakeville remains in wet column, 11/11/1938:1
Selectmen set fees for upcoming year, 12/23/1938:1
Selectman grant licenses, 12/23/1938:8
Liquor license renewed for Teceno's Cafe, 12/30/1938:11
Arnold Watkins charged with sale of liquor to a minor, 01/06/1939:5
Arnold Watkins fined $100 for sale of alcohol to minor, 01/20/1939:5
Florence Borsari protests transfer of liquor license (l), 01/20/1939:5
Arnold Watkins convicted of alcohol sale to minor, 01/27/1939:3
Leonard Chestnut's application for liquor license, 01/27/1939:11
Arnold Watkins' liquor license suspended for 30 days, 02/03/1939:1
Selectmen refuse transfer of Teceno's liquor license, 02/03/1939:1
Arnold Watkins pays $100 fine for liquor sale to minor, 02/03/1939:5
Zilonis' liquor application placed on file, 02/17/1939:1
Rev Hynes opposes Sunday liquor sales, 03/24/1939:1
James McCarthy applies for seasonal liquor license, 04/21/1939:1
William Nye applies for liquor license, none available, 04/21/1939:1
Selectmen refuse liquor license transfer for Joseph Teceno,
Murphy fails to appear before selectmen, 08/18/1939:6
Selectmen revoke Clyde's Lunch victualler's and liquor licenses,
Alfred Valle granted malt beverage and wine license, 09/01/1939:1
Teceno again asks for liquor license transfer, 10/13/1939:4
Teceno turned down again, 10/20/1939:1
Morrone and Giberti apply for liquor licenses, 12/01/1939:6
Elks lodge applies for liquor license, 12/15/1939:6
Selectmen grant 15 liquor licenses, 12/22/1939:1
Alden, A.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Alden, Albert
Conducts business in Philadelphia, 11/22/1935:12
Alden, Arthur H.
Quincy couple married 50 years, 10/27/1939:1
Alden, D. Albert
Obituary, 03/04/1938:8
Alden, Dorothy
Engaged to John Parker Chisholm, 08/04/1939:2
Alden, Frances Deyo
Wed to Paul S. Canfield, 06/30/1939:5
Alden, Gardner
Burial at Titicut Cemetery, 09/20/1935:11
Alden, Hattie
Chimney fire in Lakeville, 05/14/1937:1
Alden, Hattie S.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/10/1936:5
Lakeville welfare head resigns, 03/25/1938:1
Alden, Hope
On clerical staff of gas and electric office, 07/24/1936:12
Mother dies in Carver, 09/22/1939:10
Alden, Jared Gardner
Obituary, 09/20/1935:1
Alden, John
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Alden, Leon V.
Arrested for drunkenness and drunk driving, 10/25/1935:1
Acquitted on motor vehicle charge, fined $5 for drunkenness,
Alden, Maybell P.
Engaged to Francis T. Carlson, 11/01/1935:6
Alden, Maynard
Comes in 10th at Warwick, RI marathon, 06/07/1935:1
Takes second in 3-mile race at Brockton, 09/20/1935:1
Finishes 16th in Taunton race, 09/11/1936:1
Trophy winner compiles enviable running record, 06/11/1937:6
Takes third in Duxbury 10-mile race, 07/09/1937:6
Takes second in six-mile race from Norton to Mansfield, 07/08/1938:6
Takes first in road race at Monponsett, 09/02/1938:6
First local man to cross finish line at local event, 10/07/1938:1
Alden, Ruth
Breaks leg in fall on Forest St, 01/21/1938:1
Aldred, Pauline
Wed to George Richards, 11/18/1938:4
Aldrich, Annie
Fall River woman dies at age 75, 07/10/1936:7
Aldrich, J. Annie
Obituary, 07/10/1936:1
Aldrich, Willard
Moves from North Lakeville to Middleboro, 02/26/1937:11
Alewives (see Herring - Middleboro)
Alexander, J. Herbert
Assessed $25 for assault on Clinton Morse, 08/23/1935:1
Among flower exhibitors at Eastern States Exhibition, 09/23/1938:1
Distributes dozens of dahlias to stores and homes, 10/06/1939:5
Alfred's Beauty Shop
Alfred M. Sousa proprietor, 111 Centre St (ad), 01/15/1937:6
Alger (Mr)
Keith & Alger Insurance, formerly Percy W. Keith (ad), 08/06/1937:12
Alger, Elizabeth
Employed at W.T. Grant Co., 07/17/1936:12
Alger, Ellen K.
Engaged to Elwin L. Hanson, 01/22/1937:6
Alger, Ellen Kingman
Wedding described, 01/29/1937:1
Alger, F.B.
Portions of shore cottage located behind Wareham high school after
hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Alger, Fred B.
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
New England manager for Buffalo Fire Appliance Co., 11/29/1935:1
Deer hunter successful, 12/13/1935:2
Candidate for School Committee, 12/20/1935:1
Elected to School Committee (p), 01/24/1936:1
Marooned at Hamilton Beach during hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Files nomination papers for position on School Committee,
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (l), 01/13/1939:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Alger, George C.
Engaged to Buelahbel Hargreaves, 03/04/1938:8
Alger, Hilma Joan
Born to Richard, 07/14/1939:4
Alger, Hilma Williams
Son born, 12/17/1937:11
Alger, Louise
Wed to Edward Thomas, 07/29/1938:11
Alger, Madeline
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Alger, Mrs Rhodolphus P.
Named local director of Plymouth County Health Association,
Alger, Mrs Stanley F.
Candidate for School Committee, 12/04/1936:1
Alger, N.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Alger, Nancy
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Enrolls in Massachusetts State College in Amherst, 09/23/1938:1
Pledged to Phi Zeta at Massachusetts State College, 12/02/1938:1
Alger, Priscilla
Resides in Quincy, 08/06/1937:1
Engaged to William J. Morse, 12/01/1939:1
Alger, Priscilla S.
To the voters of Middleboro (l), 01/22/1937:8
Alger, Priscilla Stetson
Candidate for School Committee, 01/08/1937:5
Alger, Rhodolphus
Deer hunter successful, 12/13/1935:2
Alger, Rhodolphus P.
Retrieves turkeys from Pratt's yard, 10/25/1935:1
Percy Keith new partner in insurance business, 08/06/1937:1
Alger, Richard
Wed to Hilma Williams, 01/08/1937:6, 01/08/1937:8
Son born, 12/17/1937:11
Daughter born, 07/14/1939:4
Alger, Richard E.
Member of Harvard Glee Club, 04/24/1936:8
Engaged to Hilma C. Williams, 05/22/1936:1
Graduates from Harvard, 06/19/1936:1
Alger, Stanley F.
Helps in rescue of seaplane pilot and passengers, 08/05/1938:1
Alger, T.
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Alger, Ted
Speed skaters make wager, 02/11/1938:6
Alice Lee Restaurant
Opens on South Main St, 03/11/1938:1
Homecooking on South Main St (ad), 03/11/1938:7
Business at 24 South Main St for sale (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Allaire, Al
Employed at sanatorium, 12/22/1939:9
Allaire, Mrs Al
Employed at sanatorium, 12/22/1939:9
Allan, B.J.
Lets Pleasant St house to Paul Green, 05/10/1935:7
East Bridgewater man sentenced for destroying property owned by
judge, 11/05/1937:1
Trees down, barn roof gone after hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Allan, Elmer
Brief glimpse of the candidate for treasurer/collector, 01/11/1935:1
Allan, Elmer G.
For treasurer/collector (ad) (p), 01/11/1935:8, 01/18/1935:8
Expresses thanks to voters (l), 01/25/1935:5
Announces candidacy for treasurer/collector, 10/18/1935:1
Profile of candidate for treasurer/collector (p), 11/22/1935:1
Candidate for treasurer (ad) (p), 12/06/1935:12
For town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Candidate for town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:6
Appointed to head welfare department (p), 03/04/1938:1
New trustee of Pratt Free School, 04/15/1938:1
Attorney Allan accused of selling Frank Thomas farm too cheap,
Allen, Billy
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l) (George A. Warren),
Allen, B.J.
Lets Plymouth St house to Gordon Robbins, 09/01/1939:3
Allen, Charles
Funeral held in Freetown, 06/02/1939:9
Allen, Charles W.
Librarian of Baptist Library in Boston, 02/17/1939:11
Allen, C.W.
Pastor serves in Groton, 06/09/1939:9
Allen, Dora C.
Wins divorce decree, 07/05/1935:12
Allen, Ernest
William Comeau arrested after auto crashes into Allen's parked car,
Allen, Eugene
Resides in Washington, DC, 07/16/1937:1
Allen, Fred
New scoutmaster in Rock, 04/19/1935:7
Allen, Frederick
Charged in breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's, 07/19/1935:1
Receives sentence for larceny from Shurtleff's mill, 10/25/1935:1
Allen, Gladys Burton
Wed to Judson S. McGregor, 03/29/1935:3
Allen, Harold E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/02/1938:7
Allen, Harry B.
Wed to Margaret E. Pearce, 01/04/1935:4
Allen, Katherine
Graduates from Larson Junior College in New Haven, CT, 06/14/1935:5
Allen, Leon C.
Wife Dora wins divorce decree, 07/05/1935:12
Arraigned on larceny charges, 01/20/1939:8
Not guilty of larceny, 01/27/1939:11
Allen, Lumina
Chimney fire on Marion Rd, 04/03/1936:1
Allen, Maude
Appears in Hollywood movie showing here, 09/27/1935:12
Allen, Maude Pierce
Former Middleboro girl in Broadway production of Thirsty Soil,
Allen, Paul E.
Enrolls at Indiana Technical College, 12/17/1937:2
Allen, Roger LeBaron
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:9
Allen, Vernon
In violation of probation, 05/05/1939:7
Aller, Leslie
Steward at Elks' Home, 03/25/1938:7
Aller, Leslie G.
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Dies at age 33, 04/01/1938:7
Alley, Fannie M.W.
Obituary, 04/08/1938:11
Alley, Leon A.
Physician at sanatorium, 06/16/1939:5
Alley, Lucius
Accepts position with Revere Copper and Brass in New Bedford,
Allison, Mary E.
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Almquist, Florence
In charge of cosmetics department at Middleboro Pharmacy,
Almquist, Frederick
First lieutenant of the engineers at Camp Devens, 07/31/1936:8
Almquist, Harland F.
Engaged to Florence M. Clark, 10/09/1936:7
Almy, George
Moves out of mansion house, 05/03/1935:5
Almy, Lester
Resides in Providence, RI, 09/09/1938:11
Alonzo F. Ryder Co.
Department store (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Closed Wednesday afternoon during summer (ad), 07/05/1935:12
First anniversary sale (ad), 10/04/1935:4
Second anniversary sale (ad), 10/09/1936:11
Three Boston persons arrested for helping themselves at local stores,
Three shoplifters sentenced, 12/24/1937:1
Two Greater Boston folks sentenced for shoplifting here, 07/01/1938:1
Manager McNeil announces remodeling (ad), 05/12/1939:10
Extensive alterations made at store, 05/19/1939:1
New display windows installed (p), 06/16/1939:1
Alonzo F. Ryder Co. - Employees
Employs James McNeil, 06/28/1935:1
Employs Harold Wood, 07/19/1935:1
Employs Nellie Kelley, 07/19/1935:1
Employs Emma Breach, 08/02/1935:1
Nellie Kelley retires, 02/07/1936:12
Ruth Tingley new clerk, 03/06/1936:11
James McNeil proprietor, 07/17/1936:12
Employs Elizabeth Standish, 08/14/1936:7
Employs Helen McNeil, 01/22/1937:1
Eileen Gilligan new clerk, 07/09/1937:1
Employee Walter McNeil enrolls in Boston University business course,
Employs Ellen Gilligan, 07/15/1938:1
Caroline Taber new clerk at embroidery counter, 08/12/1938:1
Hires Frances Purdon, 11/03/1939:10
Alpert, Mrs Louis
Takes motion picture screen test in New York, 06/03/1938:1
Alphonse, Edward
Engaged to Marion L. Conant, 05/19/1939:5
Wed to Marion L. Conant, 06/09/1939:5
Altier, Margaret
Wed to Elwin C. Thomas, 04/22/1938:7
Alves, Frank
Son born, 05/26/1939:5
Ambercrombie, A. Vaughan
Connecticut pastor accepts call to Rock Church, 10/15/1937:11
Local vehicle replaces disabled ambulance, 06/28/1935:1
John D. Fahey Co., new ambulance service (ad), 08/14/1936:7
Police cruiser stands in for emergency run from Pocksha Pond,
Soule-Hayward Co. holds inspection of new ambulance, 03/26/1937:1
Towns organize for rescue work, 06/03/1938:1
William Egger service congratulated on new ambulance, 01/06/1939:1
Amerault, Donald
Wed to Mary White, 09/24/1937:11
American Cranberry Exchange
Assistant treasurer makes report at NE Cranberry Sales Co. meeting,
Reaches agreement with railroads on freight rates westbound,
American Express Agency
William Kenniston new agent here, 11/17/1939:1
American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post
see also Armistice Day
Presents lively minstrel show, 03/01/1935:1
Holds annual Veteran's Night, 03/01/1935:5
Starts planning early for 4th of July, 03/29/1935:1
Rifle Club holds annual meeting, 04/19/1935:1
Legion Amateurs make their debut, 05/03/1935:1
Legion Amateurs perform at Town House, 05/10/1935:1
Fund drive scheduled for same dates at VFW (l), 05/17/1935:1
Legion Amateur winners named, 05/17/1935:1
1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Littlejohn urges support of Poppy Drive (l), 05/17/1935:6
Holds final amateur night, 05/24/1935:2
Rifle Club starts season with win over Taunton (t), 07/19/1935:2
Holds carnival in Depot Grove, 07/26/1935:2
Carnival proves popular, 08/02/1935:2
John Hall installed as new local Legion commander, 09/20/1935:1
Begins annual membership drive, 11/01/1935:2
Holds Veteran's Night, 12/13/1935:1
Minstrels open first performance to full house, 01/31/1936:1
Opens registration office for veterans, 02/07/1936:6
Holds Athletic Night, 02/28/1936:11
Announcement of Citizen's Military Training Camp, 03/20/1936:1
Federal vaudeville unit entertains, 05/29/1936:1
Holds annual elections, 06/05/1936:2
Carnival at Depot Grove attracts large crowd, 07/24/1936:1
Carnival deemed a success, 07/31/1936:1
William Howard new janitor of Legion building, 10/23/1936:7
Sponsors Class of '29, 11/27/1936:11
John Hall installed as Chef de Guerre, 12/04/1936:1
Sponsors Federal Theatre production Variety Minstrels, 01/22/1937:8
Text of letter written in 1916 by Simeon Nickerson, 04/09/1937:5
Passes resolutions upon death of Louis Perkins, 05/07/1937:2
Memorial Day peddlers not associated with Post, 05/21/1937:1
Frolic draws record throng, 06/18/1937:1
John Hall elected vice commander of 10th Legion district, 08/27/1937:1
Impressive ceremonies for induction of officers (p), 10/08/1937:1
Presents annual minstrel show, 12/03/1937:1
Exceeds quota of members, 04/29/1938:1
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Carnival attracts throngs, 08/19/1938:1
Dr John Hall elected district commander (p), 08/26/1938:1
Poppy drive opens, 11/04/1938:1
Presents mammoth carnival, 06/30/1939:2
Backs John Hall for state vice commander (p), 08/11/1939:1
John Hall elected state vice commander, 08/25/1939:1
Horace Atkins installed as head of Legion (p), 09/22/1939:1
New state officer John Hall honored by local Legion, 10/13/1939:1
American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post, Women's Auxiliary
Poppies are blooming (l), 05/14/1937:2
Thanks citizens for support in Poppy campaign (l), 06/04/1937:1
Impressive ceremonies for induction of officers (p), 10/08/1937:1
American Oil Co.
Swift and Main, West Grove St (ad), 09/27/1935:12
American Red Cross (see Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter)
Alma Bennet departs for Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico,
Mary and Marianne Medeiros sail for Bermuda, 06/14/1935:1
Dorrance Ryder travels to California by plane, 07/05/1935:1
Mr and Mrs Luke Kelley set out on cruise to Bermuda and the West
Indies, 11/08/1935:12
Ronald Thatcher embarks on cruise of South America and the West
Indies, 11/15/1935:7
Roland Thatcher returns from cruise, 12/27/1935:6
N. Dorrance Ryder leaves for cruise to southern waters, 01/31/1936:12
Ryder returns from three-week cruise, 02/28/1936:12
Sarah Mendall sails for extended cruise of southern waters,
Begley and O'Hara head to Bermuda, 04/17/1936:1
Kinsman and Deane sail for Bermuda, 04/17/1936:11
Mrs A.B. Woodland returns from several month sin South America,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Ralph Kelley on 17-day cruise to Caribbean, 05/15/1936:2
Stanley Hull returns from five weeks in Seattle, WA, 09/11/1936:1
Middleboro colony at St. Petersburg, 01/01/1937:2
Jane and Nellie Bennett sail for Buenos Aires, 01/21/1938:1
Mr and Mrs Henry Wyman and Emile Hintrager return from trip to West
Indies, 12/23/1938:4
Mrs Frank Whitney returns from Trinidad, 01/20/1939:1
Jane and Nellie Bennett on cruise to Porto Rico and Virgin Islands,
Sue Pitman sails to West Indies, 03/17/1939:1
Adolph Rossbach on cruise through Montreal and maritime provinces,
Frederick Weston to meet old railroad-building jungle gang (p),
Ames, Ellen Frances
Obituary, 07/23/1937:11
Ames, Emma
Dies in Chelsea, 05/21/1937:11
Amsden, Chester F.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:6
Bridgewater man dies at age 54, 05/20/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 06/03/1938:11
Notice to creditors of insolvent estate, 10/28/1938:7
Amsden, Leah Cole
Wedding described, 07/24/1936:8
Amsden, Myra
Escapes death when Lucey Shoe Co. elevator weight hits chair,
Anacki (Mr)
Manager of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Anacki, Mary
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Attends Colby College, 04/01/1938:1
On Dean's list at Colby College, 10/28/1938:7
Ancestors' Day
First Congregational votes to forgo Ancestors' Day (l), 07/26/1935:2
Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons - Mayflower Lodge
Frederick Weston appointed District Deputy Grand Master of Taunton
Masonic District, 02/03/1939:1
Observes Ladies' Night, 02/24/1939:1
Observes 75th anniversary (p), 03/24/1939:1
Holds 75th annual Ladies Night, 11/10/1939:1
Anderson, Alfred
House and barn on Plymouth St swept by fire, 07/12/1935:1
Moves to new home on County St, 01/29/1937:8
Daughter born, 07/29/1938:7, 07/29/1938:11
Anderson, Alfred M.
County St couple married 2 years, 01/15/1937:8
Anderson, Arvid
Wed to Ruth Blair, 06/11/1937:8
Anderson, B.E.
Anent the Townsend Club (l), 07/05/1935:5
Anderson, Burnett E.
Townsend Plan upheld (l), 06/21/1935:11
Another word on Townsend Plan (l) (Albert Deane), 06/28/1935:2
Townsend boondoggling plan (l), 05/01/1936:8
The Townsend plan or boondoggle (l), 05/15/1936:11
Townsend Plan questions (l), 06/26/1936:2
Open letter to Rep. Charles L. Gifford (l), 07/17/1936:8
The Townsend Plan (l), 07/24/1936:8
Constructive criticism (l), 07/31/1936:5
The two Townsend Plans, which do you prefer? (l), 08/21/1936:5
Anderson, Burnette E.
Clears up misunderstandings about Townsend Plan (l), 02/07/1936:5
Webster St couple married 25 years, 09/10/1937:2
Anderson, Carl
Collides with Jamaica Plain driver at West Grove and Taunton St,
Anderson, Carrie
Employed at sanatorium, 06/25/1937:11
Anderson, Carrie M.
Engaged to Howard A. Robbins, 03/19/1937:11, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to Howard A. Robbins, 10/08/1937:7
Anderson, Carrie Myrtle
Wedding described, 10/08/1937:1
Anderson, David
Tax collector's sale, 08/13/1937:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Anderson, Ela
And Alfred Hodder open barber shop on South Main St, 01/04/1935:1
And Hodder open Sanitary Barber Shop on South Main St (ad),
Case placed on file after fine paid, 10/23/1936:2
Anderson, Elfreda T.
Pupils present piano recital, 06/30/1939:6
Anderson, Flora McDonald
Born to Phillip and Mabel Goodenough, 12/03/1937:8
Anderson, Fred
RFD mail carrier in Lakeville, 07/16/1937:11
Anderson, Frederick
Funeral held in South Carver, 01/31/1936:2
Obituary (p), 01/31/1936:5
Rev Robert Bisbee officiates at funeral, 01/31/1936:5
Rochester couple married 50 years, 12/18/1936:1
Injured when truck overturns on Plymouth St, 02/04/1938:1
Anderson, Frederick L.
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Anderson, Frederick T.
Obituary, 05/07/1937:6
Anderson, Frederick Theodore
Dies at age 77, 05/07/1937:7
Anderson, F.T.
F.T. Anderson & Sons, grand and upright pianos (ad), 12/13/1935:11
South Middleboro mourns, 05/07/1937:11
Anderson, George R.
Fined $50 after nearly crashing into Taunton St house, 11/24/1939:1
Anderson, H. Vera
Graduates from Modern School of Costume Design in Boston (p),
Anderson, Harry
Receives B.S. In Mechanical Engineering at Worcester Tech,
Employed at Post Office, 07/24/1936:12
Anderson, Harry T., Jr.
News editor of Tech News at Worcester Polytechnic, 03/08/1935:6
Worcester Tech grad accepts position with Hartford firm, 07/17/1936:1
Anderson, Hortense
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:8
Anderson, Howard
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:11
Anderson, Howard A.
Engaged to Jessie May Place, 01/07/1938:1
Wed to Jessie M. Place, 03/11/1938:7
Anderson, Howard S.
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:1
Wed to Elfleda L. Thomas, 01/10/1936:6
Anderson, J. Alfred
Henry Zion in court for theft of auto radiator from Anderson,
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Application for storage and sale of gasoline, 11/18/1938:4
Selectmen table application for gasoline sales, 12/02/1938:1
Application for license to sell gasoline rejected by selectmen,
Anderson, John W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/19/1936:7
Anderson, Leon
Wedding described, 08/19/1938:1
Anderson, Leon F.
Wed to Dorothy R. Keyes, 08/19/1938:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Anderson, Mabel Goodenough
Daughter born, 12/03/1937:8
Anderson, Mrs Philip
Resides in Norwalk, CT, 12/18/1936:7
Anderson, Nicholas
Everett St couple married 54 years, 11/29/1935:7
Everett St couple married 55 years, 12/04/1936:7
Everett St couple married 57 years, 11/25/1938:6
Obituary, 01/13/1939:1
Dies at age 86, 01/13/1939:7
Anderson, Oscar
Reaches 25-year service mark at Keith Shoe Co., 06/12/1936:1
Anderson, Paul
Reports tools stolen from box on South St, 07/15/1938:1
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Anderson, Philip Watkins
Wedding described, 11/06/1936:1
Anderson, Phillip
Daughter born, 12/03/1937:8
Anderson, Phillip W.
Engaged to Mabelle Goodnough, 09/25/1936:12
Anderson, Roger
Daughter born, 09/20/1935:6
Anderson, Ruth
Takes teaching post in Ashburnham, 09/11/1936:12
Anderson, Ruth P.
Assumes new teaching duties in Brewster, 01/07/1938:8
Anderson, Vera
Takes courses at Madame Suzanne Rollins School of Costume Design,
Appears in fashion show at Filene's, 04/03/1936:1
Attends Modern School of Applied Arts in Boston, 03/03/1939:1
Lectures on color and design in dress in Brewster, 04/07/1939:1
Lectures on basic dress at Boston YMCA, 04/14/1939:1
Dining room manager at Flander's Chicken House, 06/30/1939:5
Anderson, William
Fractures wrist on painting job, 11/19/1937:1
Shoes and shoe repair (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Lawn mowers sharpened (ad), 04/10/1936:5
Andrada, Alice T.
Wed to Vincent J. Preti, 05/05/1939:5
Andrade, Alice Theresa
Engaged to Vincent Joseph Preti, 04/21/1939:5
Andrade, Rose
Engaged to Louis M. Gomes, 06/10/1938:7
Wed to Louis M. Gomes, 06/17/1938:7
Andrews, Anne H.
Donates books to Lakeville Public Library, 03/12/1937:11
Andrews, Blanche Ardelle
Engaged to Robert Gardner Weeks, 06/30/1939:1, 07/28/1939:3,
Andrews, Doris
Resumes studies at Providence Bible Institute, 10/02/1936:12
Andrews, Edna Blanche
Obituary, 12/22/1939:3
Wife of Leroy F. dies at age 43, 12/22/1939:5
Andrews, George
Son born, 11/03/1939:5
Andrews, John M.
Biography, 05/24/1935:5
Obituary (p), 05/08/1936:5
South Middleboro folks attend Carver funeral, 05/08/1936:8
Andrews, Lillian M.
Obituary, 11/29/1935:6
Wife of Leon dies at age 50, 11/29/1935:6
Andrews, Norman
Thirteen-year-old provides missing link in counterfeit case,
Furnishes clue to counterfeits (p), 09/09/1938:1
Andrews, Roger
Engaged to Doris Griffith, 03/24/1939:3
Engaged to Doris A. Griffith, 06/23/1939:1
Andrews, Roger A.
Engaged to Doris A. Griffith, 06/23/1939:5
Andrews, Roger Cyrus
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
Andrews, Roy N.
Engaged to Alice M. Kirwin, 07/10/1936:7
Wed to Alice M. Kirwin, 07/17/1936:7
Andrews, Ruth
Representative for Charis Home Corsetry (ad) (p), 10/01/1937:8
Andrews, William A.
Purchases Thomas St property at town auction, 09/10/1937:2
Goes to New York World's Fair in boat, 07/28/1939:1
Andrews, William S.
Scene on South Main St after hurricane (p), 09/30/1938:6
Andrews, W.S. (see W.S. Andrews & Son)
Andrews, Zephaniah
Obituary, 02/19/1937:11
Andrews, Zephaniah W.
Obituary, 02/26/1937:5
Angell, Arthur K.
Reports 25 hens stolen, 04/29/1938:7
Angell, Helen
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:6
Angers, Marion
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Angers, Mrs Marion
Falls from car operated by Herbert Lawrence, 11/25/1938:1
Angers, Sylvia (see Circle Diner)
Angers, Sylvio
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Animal Welfare
Five animals poisoned with strychnine, 05/29/1936:1
Police investigate poisoning cases on Arlington St, 05/29/1936:1
Max Green charged with cruelty to horse, 01/29/1937:1
Max Breen guilty of cruelty to horse, 02/05/1937:2
East Providence, RI man in court for throwing dog out of car,
Bertram Thomas fined $15 for cruelty to dog, 07/15/1938:5
Malvina Rossbach protests treatment of animals in film Jesse James (l),
Annas, G. Christian
Denied citizenship papers, 08/23/1935:1
Annas, J.W., Jr.
Pastor of Corning, NY church, 02/22/1935:1
Annas, Mrs John W.
Sails for Scotland, 04/30/1937:6
Annas, Mrs John W., Jr.
Sails for Scotland, 08/18/1939:8
Annas, Mrs J.W.
Safely home from Scotland, 10/06/1939:1
Anne White Washburn Scholarship
Norman Egger recipient, 09/20/1935:5
List of recipients, 06/30/1939:6
Annie Keith Choral Society
Sponsors concert at Central Congregational, 03/06/1936:2
Presents delightful evening of music, 04/02/1937:1
Annis, Edna Mae
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:11
Roger Hawthorne going on expedition with Admiral Byrd, 09/22/1939:1
Hawthorne set to leave on Byrd's expedition soon, 11/17/1939:1
Tripp's candy headed to Antarctica with Hawthorne, 11/24/1939:1
Roger Hawthorne writes from USS North Star, 12/08/1939:1
Anternoits, Annie
Engaged to Leslie G. Maranville, 07/22/1938:7
Wedding described, 09/02/1938:1
Anthony, Marcia
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 03/17/1939:5
Widow of Michael dies at age 62, 03/17/1939:7
Anthony, Michael
Obituary, 09/09/1938:1
North Carver man dies at age 66, 09/09/1938:7
Obituary, 09/09/1938:8
Edith Hudson proprietor of The Homestead (ad), 01/04/1935:8
L.B. Romaine, Bedford St (ad), 03/15/1935:8
Appleby, Myrtle A.
Engaged to John A. Vickery, 09/02/1938:7
Wed to John A. Vickery, 09/09/1938:7
see also Egger, William
Sumner Redlon, appliances and radios, 30 North St (ad), 01/25/1935:3
Gertrude Sherman manages Home Appliance Sales Co. on North Main
St, 10/15/1937:1
Home Appliance Sales Co., grand opening at 46 North Main St (ad),
William Barden, new line of General Motors appliances (ad),
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/27/1938:3
Selectmen discuss regulations for installation, 05/27/1938:5,
Herbert H. Dunham, general repair work and cabinet making (ad),
George DeLoid opens appliance store at 24 South Main St,
Gas Co. veteran George DeLoid opens appliance store (ad),
Apportionment (election law)
Voters display conspicuous lack of interest, 11/24/1939:1
Wareham included in local district, 12/08/1939:1
April, Clara
Wedding described, 10/01/1937:11
April, Eugene J.
Employed at State Farm, 07/01/1938:8
April, Philomene
Obituary, 03/17/1939:11
April, Philomene Marie
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Wife of Joseph O. dies at age 53, 03/17/1939:7
A.R. Glidden & Son
Sale in men's department (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Change location of men's department, 05/07/1937:6
Store celebrates 25th anniversary, 05/06/1938:1
Twenty-fifth anniversary sale (ad), 05/06/1938:3
26th anniversary sale (ad), 05/05/1939:4
A.R. Parker Co.
Quality Hill Flower Shop sold to A.R. Parker Co., 03/29/1935:6
Aragon Cafe
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Liquor license application requires further investigation, 12/20/1935:1
Archambault, Eugene
Recently married, 04/08/1938:11
Archer, Betty
Enrolls at Colby College, 09/23/1938:6
Archer, Dean Gleason
Daughter wed in Norwell, 08/23/1935:1
Archer, Elizabeth
Attends Colby College, 03/24/1939:1
Archer, Helen Frances
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:1
Archer, Hiram J.
Comments at length on action by selectmen (l), 08/16/1935:1
Reminder of proposed town charter revision (l), 01/03/1936:1
Cost of town management compared with that of Mansfield, MA (t),
Congratulations to Lorenzo Wood (l), 01/31/1936:6
The tax rate (l), 02/07/1936:2
Thanks Alexander Heath for reform work (l), 02/14/1936:5
Let us establish the finance committee authorized by charter revision (l),
Candidate for Finance Committee, 04/17/1936:1
Local political observation (l), 09/25/1936:2
Reason for disapproval of salary item (l), 11/20/1936:11
Explains town warrant (l), 01/15/1937:1
Objects to plans for Union Street School (l), 01/22/1937:1
Rumor of fees for delinquent taxpayers without foundation (l),
Should rejection of passageway over Jackson and Lincoln St be
reconsidered? (l), 02/12/1937:2
Fallacies of Bodfish letter (l), 06/11/1937:5
Open letter to town manager government of Middleboro (l),
01/27/1939:8, 02/03/1939:11
Open letter to voters (l), 02/10/1939:5
Open letter to Middleboro people (l), 02/17/1939:11
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l), 03/03/1939:3
Public farming and hotel keeping under Middleboro manager
government (l), 03/03/1939:5
Piggies and politics in Middleboro government (l), 03/17/1939:8
Town meeting and Town Manager systems (l), 03/24/1939:8
Shurtleff - Millette recall (l), 03/31/1939:4
Recall election and realism (l), 04/07/1939:6
Clarifies Archer's letter (l) (William G. Boynton), 04/14/1939:8
Opposes recall election (l), 04/14/1939:11
Deplores recall election (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Clarifies Boynton reasoning (l), 04/28/1939:3
Recall election and spending (l), 05/05/1939:6
William Boynton claims Archer does not know figures (l) (t),
Self-support important for community (l), 08/04/1939:3
Archer, John W.
Enrolls at Boston Trade School, 10/01/1937:7
Wins new car at annual Boston auto show, 11/18/1938:1
Archer, Kenneth Randolph
Son of Robert christened at North Middleboro Congregational,
Archer, Lillian Jackson
Daughter born, 09/03/1937:7, 09/10/1937:8
Son born, 10/13/1939:9
Archer, Mrs Robert
Resides in Arlington, 04/01/1938:4
Archer, Priscilla
Wedding described, 01/17/1936:1
Attends Colby College, 12/16/1938:1
Archer, Priscilla C.
Engaged to Howard S. Mott, 01/10/1936:6
Archer, Robert
Daughter born, 09/10/1937:8
Son born, 10/13/1939:9
Archer, Robert S.
Active in Northeastern University affairs, 12/25/1936:2
Daughter born, 09/03/1937:7
Archer, Thomas
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Archer, Thomas C.
Enrolls at Harvard, 10/01/1937:7
Archibald, Ralph
Chimney fire on Plympton St, 11/20/1936:1
Hal Sumner commissioned to design and erect house in Hartford, CT,
Hal Sumner contracts to design home in Rocky Hill, CT, 09/06/1935:1
Arenburg, Leonard B.
Engaged to Helen Frances Boehme, 07/19/1935:1
Arenburger, Leonard B.
Engaged to Helen F. Boehme, 06/12/1936:7
Arkoette, Francis Walter
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Arlington, Ralph
Son born, 02/12/1937:6
Armistice Day
Beware hawkers and peddlers (Allen MacDonald), 11/08/1935:1
Celebration over the top, 11/15/1935:1
Large throng witnesses annual celebration (p), 11/15/1935:1
Committee chair thanks all participants (l), 11/15/1935:5
Chairman warns of potential problems with peddlers (l), 11/06/1936:1
Middleboro should be proud of turnout, 11/13/1936:1
Parade greatest in history of Middleboro (p), 11/13/1936:1
Parade, football game, and dance featured, 11/12/1937:1
All stores closed, 11/11/1938:1
Parade viewed by many, 11/18/1938:1
Respect warranted at Armistice Day parade (l) (Alice H. Wall),
Majority of retailers favor closing, 11/03/1939:1
Stores closed all day, 11/10/1939:1
Veterans march here as war clouds Europe, 11/17/1939:1
Armstrong, Marjorie E.
Wed to Harold C. McKay, Jr., 09/11/1936:11
Arnold, Elsie
Manager of the Alamo, 01/06/1939:8
Arnold, Hope
Enrolls in Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture in Boston,
Arnold, John P.
Obituary, 07/29/1938:12
Arnold, Mrs Frank
Sister dies in Franklin, 03/25/1938:11
Arnold, Paul
Son born, 06/28/1935:6
Arponen, Aaron
Son born, 05/24/1935:7
Arponen, Aron
Daughter born, 12/31/1937:11
Arsenault, Eugene
Granted junk dealers license, 03/19/1937:2
Fined $50 for receiving stolen goods, 02/24/1939:6
Arsenault, Eugene G.
Case of receiving stolen goods continued, 12/16/1938:11
Labor trouble at new Key Theatre may be cause of incendiary fire,
Incendiary fire burns Trinque's shed on Cambridge St, 11/11/1938:1
Fire destroys Adolph Lammi's hay on Plymouth St, 11/03/1939:1
Chief investigates Lammi hay fire, 11/03/1939:4
Art and Artists
see also Bates School - Arts; Middleborough Memorial High School -
Arts; Nichols, Gordon; Photography
Sanatorium Department of Occupational Therapy plans elaborate
exhibition, 05/03/1935:1
Sanitarium exhibition proves very interesting, 05/10/1935:2
Nicholas Panesis has painting in annual exhibition at Los Angeles
museum, 03/13/1936:1
Unusual mural completed at Finn's Sea Grill on East Grove,
Portrait painter John Callan presents The Last Supper to John Fahey,
Marblehead church purchases painting from Leander Churbuck,
John Callan's The Last Supper on display at Tripp's, 01/08/1937:1
Mrs William Soule presents painting of church to First Congregational,
Sophie Zion's fresco accepted for exhibition in New York City,
Beautiful reproduction of town seal adorns selectmen's meeting room
(i), 05/14/1937:1
Selectmen accept pencil drawing of Town House by Salvatore Tenaglia,
Salvatore Tenaglia donates pencil drawing of U.S. Capitol to high
school, 10/20/1939:1
Amy Whittemore joins Plymouth Pottery Guild, 10/20/1939:10
Arvanites, Chris
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:5
Ashley (Misses)
Move from Vaughn St to Southwick St, 10/08/1937:11
Ashley, Alice
Moves to Philbrick home on Vaughan St, 07/09/1937:5
Ashley, Belle
Break-in at home on Marion Rd, 12/08/1939:1
Ashley, Chester
Continues tradition of long service as Lakeville selectman, 03/06/1936:1
Serves 14 years as Lakeville selectman, 03/06/1936:1
Fire burns two acres on Highland Rd, 05/13/1938:11
Ashley, E.D.
Lakeville tax collector's sale, 07/15/1938:6
Ashley, Ernest
Son born, 01/22/1937:5
Ashley, Maynard
Son born, 05/19/1939:5
Injured in auto crash at Rock, 06/16/1939:7
Ashley, Mildred
Moves to Philbrick home on Vaughan St, 07/09/1937:5
Ashley, Pearl
Moves to Philbrick home on Vaughan St, 07/09/1937:5
Ashley, R. Eugene
Purchases property at town auction, 05/13/1938:3
Purchases registered Guernsey in Maine, 07/14/1939:6
Ashley, Thomas Frank
Born to Ernest, 01/22/1937:5
Ashley, Williams C.
Acushnet couple married 50 years, 12/11/1936:5
Ashton, John
Biography, 06/07/1935:5
M.L. Southwick launches new sailboat on the Yangtze River,
Melvin Southwick arrives safely in Shanghai, China, 12/10/1937:1
Mrs John Woodland sails for South Africa and East Indies,
Lawrence Wilbur describes life of Far East at Lions Club meeting,
Assault and Battery
Question of issuance of warrant for arrest of John Callan heard in court,
Callan and LeBarnes both fined for assault, 02/22/1935:1
Benjamin Parker guilty of assault on Elizabeth Macura, 06/21/1935:11
J. Herbert Alexander assessed $25 for assault on Clinton Morse,
Louis Lavallee brings assault charge against James Nunes, 11/15/1935:8
Stoughton boy fined $50 for assault on police officer in South
Middleboro, 03/06/1936:1
Lena Rossini case continued, 03/06/1936:2
Continuance granted in Rossini assault case, 03/13/1936:5
John Houlihan guilty of assault on Mary Griswold, 03/20/1936:5
Lena Rossini guilty of assault on Mary Riccio, 03/20/1936:5
Atherton assault case continued, 04/10/1936:2
Atherton gets thirty days for assault on Chadwick, 04/17/1936:2
Carver youths held for robbery and assault, 05/29/1936:1
Charge against Edward Harris filed, 06/19/1936:2
Charles Riley gets 30 days for assault, fined $10 for drunkenness,
Anselm Casey guilty of assault on wife Louise, 07/10/1936:2
Fugitive Joseph Lunskis surrenders after threatening girl with revolver,
Joseph Lunskis charged with threatening Barbara Lamoureax,
Joseph Lunskis held for grand jury, 08/07/1936:6
Fred Pratt arrested for assault on John Holt, 08/14/1936:1
Pratt assault case continued, 08/21/1936:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Fred Pratt discharged in assault case, 08/28/1936:1
Edward Harris charged with assault on William Brackett, 10/09/1936:2
Lunskis committed to MA Reformatory at Concord, 10/16/1936:1
Edward Harris guilty of assault on William Brackett, 10/16/1936:8
Statutory charge against Brothers reduced to assault; fined $50 for drunk
driving, 11/27/1936:2
Probation expires in Riley case, 12/25/1936:2
Melee at West Grove St roadhouse results in multiple charges,
John Houlihan gets four months for assault on Georgette Thomas,
Bertram Hammond run down by auto after argument, 07/30/1937:1
Leonard Chestnut charges John Yamoliwicz with assault, 08/06/1937:2
Yamoliwicz vs. Chestnut case appealed, 08/13/1937:1
Mike Maleski pays $25 fine for assault, 08/13/1937:2
Harold Dufur charged with assault on police officer Alton Rogers,
Russell Freeman guilty of assault on nine-year-old girl, 08/27/1937:1
Yamoliwicz withdraws appeal, pays fine, 08/27/1937:2
Verna Evans accepts nolo contendre on assault charge, 09/03/1937:2
Bernard Cabral gets two months for assault on officer, 09/17/1937:2
Carver man not guilty of assault on Bertram Hammond, 10/01/1937:1
Francis Huxley fined $25 for assault on officer, 11/12/1937:1
Raymond Brothers discharged from probation on assault charge,
Assault charges against Antone Falconieri dismissed, 12/31/1937:5
William and Frederick Gomes arrested for assault on George
Wrightington, 01/14/1938:2
Wrightington assault case continued, 01/21/1938:1
Frederick Gomes discharged, William Gomes fined $50 for assault on
Wrightington, 01/28/1938:1
Lucy Maxim in hospital after brutal attack in Wareham, 04/01/1938:1
Haig Kayajan arraigned on assault charge, 04/08/1938:11
Kayajan case dismissed, 04/15/1938:5
Lucy Maxim's attacker held on $10,000 bond, 04/22/1938:1
John Kelley gets 15 days for assault on his wife, 05/13/1938:5
Lucy Maxim's attacker gets 15 to 20 years in prison, 06/17/1938:1
Everett Britton gets two months for assaulting wife, 07/29/1938:1
Charles Cabral gets probation for assault on wife, 08/05/1938:5
Everett Britton violates probation, 08/05/1938:11
James Pasquarello fined $5 for assault on wife, 08/26/1938:11
John Barros gets two months for beating wife, 09/02/1938:1
Archie MacNayer gets 30 days for assault on wife, 09/16/1938:8
John Kelley gets 30 days for assault on wife, 11/25/1938:2
Charles Cabral's assault case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Henry Gray sentenced to 30 days for assault on wife, 02/10/1939:8
Britton probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Archie MacNayer's case filed, 03/31/1939:4
Arnold Sloan guilty of assault on wife Maude, 03/31/1939:8
Weeks of Belmont gets probation for assault on George Jacobs,
Mary Howard assaulted and robbed in her home, 07/07/1939:1
Bolislaw Macura guilty of assault on brother, ordered to leave town,
Priscilla Richardson charged with assault, 07/28/1939:7
Mrs Wendell Holloway drops assault charges against Priscilla
Richardson, 08/04/1939:2
Henry Gray's assault case filed, 08/04/1939:10
Assault case brought by Mae Vickery against husband Robert dismissed,
Assawampsett School
Addition proposed at Lakeville town meeting, 02/22/1935:1
Holds graduation exercises (t), 06/21/1935:2
Graduation program, 06/11/1937:6
Graduates 23 pupils, 06/18/1937:2
Holds graduation exercises, 06/17/1938:5, 06/09/1939:5, 06/23/1939:4
Assawompsett House
Opens in Lakeville, managed by Myrtle Whitney and Sarah Erwin (ad),
Myrtle Whitney, Rte 18, Lakeville (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Assawompsett Lake
T. Clifford Salter takes 5 lb.-2 oz. bass from Assawompsett,
Worst storm in years lashes Staple Shores, 03/20/1936:1
New Bedford auto plunges into lake, 05/29/1936:1
Brown, Hall, and Caswell catch large pickerel, 02/24/1939:1
Six rescued in sailboat upset, 07/07/1939:4
Committee studies plan to remove usage restrictions, 07/21/1939:1
Lifting of restrictions would be mixed blessing, 07/28/1939:1
Selectmen favor action to reclaim ponds, 08/04/1939:11
Brush piles set ablaze at white banks, 09/08/1939:6
Assawompsett Restaurant
Under new management (ad), 12/09/1938:11
Asselin, Roseanna J.
Engaged to Clarence M. Shaw, 08/09/1935:6
Wed to Clarence M. Shaw, 08/16/1935:6
Assessors (see Middleboro - Board of Assessors)
Aston, Harry
Break-in reported at West Grove St roadside stand, 06/11/1937:1
Aston, Harry G.
Signs (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Weather not cooperative for viewing lunar eclipse, 07/19/1935:1
Brilliant meteor shower in western sky, 03/05/1937:6
Northern lights put on show here, 10/08/1937:1
Aurora appears at all points on horizon, 01/28/1938:7
Athanasiou, Charlotte
Engaged to Kenneth R. Perry, 06/02/1939:5
Athanasiou, Charlotte Mae
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
Athanasiou, Lucy
Wed to John S. Perry, 09/27/1935:6
Athanasiou, Lucy J.
Engaged to John S. Perry, 09/13/1935:6
Atherton, George
Assault case continued, 04/10/1936:2
Gets thirty days for assault on Chadwick, 04/17/1936:2
Probation case filed, 10/16/1936:8
Dies in head-first dive from porch, 09/29/1939:1
Athletics (see Sports)
Atkins, Emily
Recipient of Golden Eaglet scouting award (p), 02/12/1937:1
Enrolls in Framingham State College, 09/17/1937:7
Atkins, Horace
The Spectator supports candidacy for selectman (l), 04/14/1939:2
Atkins, Horace K.
New president of local YMCA, 02/08/1935:1
Re-elected president of YMCA, 05/22/1936:6
Collides with Taunton driver on Wareham St, 06/18/1937:1
Accepts nomination for unexpired term of selectman (p), 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
To the citizens of Middleboro (ad), 04/14/1939:2
Qualifications of Atkins and Stetson (l) (Carl G. Kendall), 04/14/1939:6
Atkins and Stetson speak for themselves (l), 04/21/1939:1
Citizens speak at campaign meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Atkins and Stetson have spoken (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Archery, a noble sport (l) (Theodore N. Wood), 04/21/1939:3
Establishes campaign headquarters, 04/21/1939:4
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
Installed as head of American Legion (p), 09/22/1939:1
Atkinson, Westerly
Daughter born, 03/31/1939:7
Atlantic & Pacific Tea Store (see The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.)
Atlantic Refining Co.
Granted permit to erect sign, 09/25/1936:1
Attarian, Shirley
Former resident killed in crash on Providence-Boston highway,
Attorneys (see Lawyers)
Atwood (Mr)
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dr Fuller occupies Atwood house on Miller St, 02/05/1937:8
Petition to foreclose tax lien, 12/16/1938:11
Atwood, Anita
Employed at Trust Co., 07/29/1938:1
Atwood, Annie D.
Watertown woman dies, 09/13/1935:6
Obituary, 09/13/1935:11, 09/27/1935:11
Atwood, C. Maria
Tenement on Thompson St destroyed by fire, 11/12/1937:1
Atwood, Carlton
Daughter born, 03/06/1936:6, 03/06/1936:8
Atwood, Charles N.
Resolutions passed by YMCA, 03/04/1938:8
Petition for administration of estate, 03/18/1938:7
Atwood, Charles Nelson
Box manufacturer passes away in 94th year (p), 03/04/1938:1
Dies at age 93, 03/04/1938:7
Atwood, Delia
Brother's funeral held in Reading, 08/28/1936:5
Sister's funeral held in Medford, 01/15/1937:11
Atwood, E.A.
Takes position in Centerville, 04/24/1936:5
Atwood, Ellsworth
Engaged to Bernice Perkins, 03/22/1935:3
Wedding described, 05/03/1935:1
Wed to Bernice A. Perkins, 05/03/1935:4
Atwood, Ellsworth S.
Engaged to Bernice A. Perkins, 04/26/1935:4
Atwood, Faith
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Atwood, Faith M.
Wed to George E. Young, Jr., 10/06/1939:7
Atwood, Faith Margaret
Engaged to George Young, 04/22/1938:6
Atwood, Frederic S.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 12/03/1937:2
Pays $50 fine, case filed, 12/10/1937:5
Atwood, G. Gilbert
Resides in Brooklyn, NY, 01/15/1937:2
Atwood, George
Burial at North Carver, 02/25/1938:11
Atwood, George N.
Obituary, 03/17/1939:5
Atwood, George Newell
Dies at age 81, 03/17/1939:7
Atwood, Grace Elizabeth
Wedding described, 03/06/1936:1
Atwood, Harold
Son born, 09/30/1938:7
Daughter born, 11/10/1939:4
Atwood, Harvey N.
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Dies at age 86, 12/20/1935:6
Obituary, 12/20/1935:11
Petition for probate of will, 12/27/1935:5
Atwood, Hazel B.
Engaged to G. Vreeland Johnson, 10/01/1937:1
Wedding described, 10/29/1937:1
Atwood, Henry A.
Carver couple married 50 years, 11/26/1937:11
Atwood, H.N.
Lets Miller St house to Frederick Stevens, 03/26/1937:11
Atwood, J.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Atwood, John
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Atwood, Kenneth
Son born, 12/17/1937:3, 12/17/1937:7
Atwood, Kenneth E.
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:5
Atwood, Lenetta J.
Burial at Titicut cemetery, 02/01/1935:6
Atwood, Levi O.
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Atwood, L.O.
Kindling wood (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Sells house, barn, and lot to J.T. McKechnie, 04/01/1938:4
Atwood, Lucien
George Griswold moves to Atwood house on Wareham St, 04/26/1935:6
Atwood, Marion
Employed at sanatorium, 04/08/1938:11, 07/15/1938:11
Atwood, R. Anita
Employed at Trust Co., 07/15/1938:11
Atwood, R.E.
Brockton couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:5
Atwood, Susan
Burial at North Carver, 08/11/1939:6
Atwood, Uriel
Biography, 03/26/1937:5
Atwood, William F.
Obituary, 07/16/1937:1
Carver man dies at age 82, 07/16/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 12/31/1937:8
Atwood Family
Holds annual reunion, 08/21/1936:8
Atwood-Costello, Inc.
Chevrolet dealer (ad), 01/11/1935:7
Charles Chase joins sales force, 01/25/1935:1
Shaw and Clark guilty of larceny, 02/01/1935:7
Kenneth Keedwell new salesman, 09/20/1935:1
Announces return of Kenneth Keedwell (ad), 09/20/1935:12
Awarded bid for WPA truck, 12/20/1935:1
K.B. Keedwell sales manager (ad), 10/23/1936:5
Kenneth Keedwell promoted to sales manager, 10/23/1936:5
W.G.L. Jacob new to sales staff, 10/30/1936:1
W.G.L. Jacob new to sales department (ad), 10/30/1936:6
Clarence Churchill added to staff (ad), 02/19/1937:12
Employs Arthur Standish, 08/27/1937:6
Kenneth Keedwell awarded prize for best paper on How to Sell a Truck,
Opens agency in Plymouth, 12/02/1938:7
Warren Durfee joins sales staff, 12/16/1938:2
Announce arrival of Warren Durfee (ad), 12/16/1938:12
Frank Costello regional chairman of Chevrolet Dealers' National
Planning committee for NE, 03/10/1939:1
Atwood-Thomas Construction Co.
Opens sand and gravel business on Wareham St, 08/16/1935:5
Aubrey, C. Ernest
And wife open flower shop on South Main St, 05/07/1937:6
Aubrey, Charles M.
Obituary, 06/28/1935:1
Dies at age 74, 06/28/1935:6
Aubrey's Flower Shop
2 South Main St (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Ships roses to Tulsa and Oklahoma City, 05/06/1938:6
Auctionhouses and Auctioneers
Sale of antique glass, furniture and iron at 147 Plymouth St (ad),
James Houlihan granted license, 05/20/1938:3
Ralph Maddigan granted license, 05/27/1938:5
Sheldon Phinney granted auctioneers license, 02/03/1939:11
John V. Sullivan granted auctioneer's license, 08/18/1939:6
Max Green, certified public auctioneer (ad), 11/10/1939:10
Auger, Alfred
Sells The Martinique to Keith and Boise, 03/27/1936:6
Auger, Grace R.
Locust Dress Shop, Taunton St (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Aurman, Joseph
Collides with Washburn on Highland Rd, 06/02/1939:9
Northern lights put on show here, 10/08/1937:1
Colored beams appear at all points on horizon, 01/28/1938:7
Aurum Salvage Co.
Cash for gold (ad), 04/03/1936:12
Austin, Florence B.
Engaged to Clarence W. Jefferson, 04/01/1938:7
Wed to Clarence W. Jefferson, 04/08/1938:7
Austin, Harry
Guilty of operating without a license, 09/18/1936:8
Austin, Harry K.
Rear-ends newspaper truck on Center St, 09/02/1938:6
Austin, Martha
Chimney fire on Fuller St, 04/17/1936:1
Austin, Martha W.
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Dies at age 72, 02/11/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 02/25/1938:11
Authors (see Books)
Automobile Accidents (see Traffic Accidents - Automobiles)
Automobile Dealers
see also Atwood-Costello, Inc.; Bailey Motor Sales, Inc.; Maxim Motor
Co.; Middleboro Motor Sales; Middleboro Nash Co.; Nemasket Auto
Co.; Sherman, C.A.
Max Berman granted third class automobile license, 05/03/1935:1
William Rose opens Plymouth and DeSoto dealership, Rose Motor
Sales, 06/07/1935:2
Rose Motor Sales opens at 103 Everett St (ad), 06/07/1935:12
John Starr granted used car dealer's license, 08/18/1939:6
Lakeville Motors, Bedford St (ad), 12/15/1939:6
Automobile Drivers' Licenses
Over 300 cars check for licensed drivers, 03/06/1936:1
Harry Austin guilty of operating without a license, 09/18/1936:8
Raymond Barrus fined $10 for operating without a license, 11/13/1936:2
Arthur Wood fined $5 for operating without a license, 04/23/1937:2
Mackie's case of operating without license filed, 04/30/1937:2
Frederick Gomes charged with operating without a license,
Charles Riley wins continuance in case of operating without a license,
Charles Riley's license case continued again, 07/30/1937:2
Charles Riley gets 30 days for operating without a license, 08/06/1937:2
James Tallman, Jr. fails to pay fine, 08/06/1937:5
Lewis Walcott appeals sentence for operating after revocation of license,
Eugene Letourneau gets total of 130 days for motor vehicle violations,
Peter Letourneau fined $20 for two motor vehicle violations,
Peter Letourneau fined $10 for driving without a license, 06/23/1939:8
LeTourneau case of operating auto without license continued,
LeTourneau discharged from probation, 08/11/1939:2
Automobile Fires
Blaze in car owned by George Boardman, 07/12/1935:2
Lighted bombs cause smoke in State truck, 05/08/1936:1
Fire in Jennings' auto on Plympton St, 06/19/1936:1
Brockton auto fire extinguished by Paul Thompson, 01/08/1937:1
Blaze in cab of Brockton truck, 02/19/1937:1
Blaze starts in metal drum in Tessier's truck, 04/16/1937:1
Blaze in auto at traffic circle, 05/14/1937:1
Chief Sisson puts out flames in Worcester man's car, 08/13/1937:1
Taunton car burns at traffic circle, 08/13/1937:2
Fire in Brockton auto on Cambridge St, 04/01/1938:7
Nathan Hall's car on fire on Center St, 04/08/1938:1
John Sullivan's auto catches fire on Rice St, 05/13/1938:1
North Dighton truck destroyed in Lakeville, 10/28/1938:11
David Houlihan's auto catches fore on Center St, 12/16/1938:1
Fire in Wolski's truck's ignition system, 03/24/1939:1
Lawrence Smith loses delivery truck to fire, 05/12/1939:1
Blaze in Quincy vehicle on South Main St, 06/09/1939:4
Fire consumes Huntley's truck load of hay, 07/07/1939:1
Junk load catches fire on North St, 09/01/1939:1
Fire in Spaulding's auto on Star Ave, 10/06/1939:6
Taunton auto catches fire in downpour, 11/10/1939:8
Burned auto found off Rocky Gutter Rd, 12/08/1939:5
Automobile Parking (see Parking)
Automobile Racing
Mel Douglas wins three events at Joe Hooker races, 10/14/1938:6
Automobile Service Stations
see also Brodeur, Phillip
H.F. Kraege, auto radiator repair (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Edward Brown's gasoline permit application refused, 05/03/1935:1
Selectmen refuse to consider Edward Brown's gasoline sales application,
James Canning granted gasoline permit, 05/24/1935:1
Edward Brown granted gasoline license, 06/07/1935:1
Ernest Maxim hires Harris Tripp, 06/21/1935:8
Standish Filling Station, 33 Wareham St. (ad), 08/16/1935:2
Swift and Main, American Oil Co., West Grove St (ad), 09/27/1935:12
Ballou Woods, heated overnight cabins, filling station (ad),
Fagerberg's Garage, 103 Everett St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Standish Garage, Thomas St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Sukeforth's Service Station, John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Tax Payer's League supports gasoline permit for business at traffic
circle, 10/18/1935:1
Tax Payer's League in favor as gasoline permit for P.H. Brodeur &
Sons, 10/18/1935:2
Packey Marshall opens station on Wareham St, 11/01/1935:2
Packey Marshall, new auto service on Wareham St (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Selectmen hold hearing on gas station application, 11/08/1935:1
Selectmen meet to packed house, 11/08/1935:1
Howard Maher's application for gasoline license, 11/29/1935:7
Collins Auto Repair & Greasing Station, 125 Center St (ad),
Johan Wiksten's application for gasoline license, 01/10/1936:7
Johan Wiksten granted gasoline permit, 01/24/1936:1
A. Vincent Smith's application for gasoline license, 01/31/1936:7
A. Vincent Smith granted gasoline permit, 02/14/1936:1
West Wareham driver crashes into Colvin's Filling Station after striking
Lewis' car, 03/27/1936:1
Frank Leighton has new service station opposite Maxim's (ad),
Riverside Garage, official inspection station (ad), 05/01/1936:12
Congdon's application for gasoline license, 06/26/1936:2
Wooden building formerly owned by A.V. Smith dismantled to make
way for station, 07/10/1936:1
Boston autoist strikes pump at Sisson's filling station, 07/10/1936:2
C.A. Sherman erects gas pumps at Center St property, 07/17/1936:12
Razing of building at Pearl and Center St complete, 07/24/1936:1
Brownies Service Station, Rotary circle (ad), 07/31/1936:12
George Jacobs' application for gasoline license, 08/21/1936:7
Armed man takes $29 in holdup at Sisson's filling station, 09/04/1936:1
Charles Waters employed at Standish Service Station, 09/04/1936:12
George Jacobs granted gasoline permit, 09/11/1936:1
Boston truck hits Young's station, 09/11/1936:2
Harold Wood opens new Colonial type filling station, 09/18/1936:6
Holdup bandits identified by victims, 10/02/1936:1
Collins' Auto Repair 5th anniversary sale (ad), 10/09/1936:6
Provincetown driver strikes pumps at Finch's gas station, 11/27/1936:1
Break-in at Calvin Horsford's East Grove St gas station, 06/11/1937:1
Drivers of stolen car flee Clark's Garage without paying for gas,
Fire at Edward Brown's filling station, 02/11/1938:1
Louis Bowmar's application for storage and sale of gasoline,
Those with unpaid permits ordered closed, license issued discussed,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen say no to station at Grove and South Main St, 05/13/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/13/1938:8
David Sakrison's petition for storage and sale of gasoline, 05/13/1938:11
David Sakrison granted permit for gasoline storage and sale,
Arthur Wall granted permit to store and sell gasoline, 06/10/1938:8
Richmond Automotive Service gets permit to operate on Center St,
Walter Savard's application for license to store and sell gasoline,
Walter Savard granted permit for storage and sale of gasoline,
Arthur Smith sells filling station, grocery store to Harold Pratt,
Ernest Peck's application for license to sell gasoline, 11/04/1938:7
Harold Pratt's application for sale of gasoline discussed by selectmen,
J. Alfred Anderson's application for storage and sale of gasoline,
Selectmen table Anderson's application for gasoline sales, 12/02/1938:1
Anderson's application for license to sell gasoline rejected by selectmen,
Thomas S. Peirce estate trustees apply for license to store and sell
gasoline, 12/30/1938:7
Adolph Lammi's application for license to store and sell gasoline,
Selectmen postpone hearing on Peirce Estate gas application,
Selectmen consider license applications, 01/20/1939:1
Selectmen refuse applications from Lammi and Peirce Estate,
Clark's Garage, 116 North St (ad), 03/24/1939:12
Selectmen delay action on gasoline permit for Brown's traffic circle site,
Selectmen delay action on applications for businesses at traffic circle,
Selectmen grant gasoline permit to Edward Brown for traffic circle,
Vincent Sukeforth seeks gasoline permit for traffic circle, 05/12/1939:1
Selectmen take no action on Sukeforth application, 05/19/1939:1
Selectmen hold hearing on Galanto's gasoline license application,
Galento and Sukeforth granted licenses for sale and storage of gasoline,
John Marshall's petition for license to store and sell gasoline,
After Peirce Estate gas station petition rejected, may not be open to
donation of hotel property, 08/11/1939:4
John Marshall gets permit to install bulk gas tank, 08/18/1939:6
M. Francis Souza employed at Maher's garage, 09/01/1939:2
Peirce Trustees ask permit for filling station on North St, 11/03/1939:1
Peirce Trustees' application for gasoline license, 11/03/1939:10
Peirce Estate Trustees granted license for service station, 11/17/1939:1
Hearing on William Sukeforth's gas station delayed, 11/24/1939:1
Selectman Shurtleff perturbed by prompt action on Peirce Trustees'
application (l) (The Spectator), 11/24/1939:2
Speaking of gas stations (l) (The Spectator), 11/24/1939:2
Selectmen put off decision on Sukeforth gas station, 12/08/1939:1
Selectmen deny Sukeforth gas station application, 12/15/1939:1
Canedy places dilapidated shacks on land Sukeforth wanted for gas
station, 12/22/1939:1
The Spectator comments on shacks (l), 12/29/1939:2
Automobile Theft
Raymond Gerrior's auto stolen, 02/01/1935:3
Gerrior's stolen car located in Harwich, 03/15/1935:3
Police recover stolen Taunton vehicle, 09/06/1935:1
Otto Rorschach's stolen auto recovered in Brockton, 10/04/1935:8
Arthur Shaw's auto recovered in Bridgewater, 10/11/1935:1
Roberts' case dismissed, 11/01/1935:8
East Providence auto located in Lakeville, 05/22/1936:6
Clarence Erickson's car stolen from behind store on Center St,
Bailey Motor Sales car recovered on Fairview St, 04/02/1937:1
Police apprehend two juvenile thieves, 04/09/1937:1
Fourth person arrested, 04/16/1937:1
Roderick Matheson reports car missing from Bates School, youth
apprehended, 05/28/1937:1
Youth committed to Shirley school, 06/04/1937:1
Physician David Pollen's car stolen, 10/01/1937:1
Police recover auto stolen in Kingston, 05/06/1938:2
Chester Duncklee reports auto stolen from behind Doane's Hardware,
Police recover auto stolen from Randolph, 10/07/1938:6
Selectman Carver's car stolen, 11/04/1938:1
Selectman Carver's car recovered in Vermont, 11/11/1938:1
Arnold Thomas pleads guilty to stealing Carver's car, 11/18/1938:1
Arnold Thomas found guilty, 11/25/1938:2
Walter MacKenzie's stolen car recovered on Fairview St, 12/16/1938:1
Edward Cody gets three months for auto theft, 12/16/1938:11
Edward Cody requests jail term, 01/20/1939:5
Charles Riley's case continued, 02/17/1939:8
Cyr arrested for taking car at Maxim's, 07/21/1939:1
William Kenniston's stolen car found in Fairhaven woods, 10/27/1939:1
Small pickup stolen from Middleboro Motor Sales, found in
Bridgewater, 12/15/1939:6
S. Forest Long's business coupe stolen from rear of Town House,
Arnold Thomas held for grand jury, local court finds probable cause on
five counts, 12/29/1939:1
see also Traffic
Wm. W.L. Tallman, autos ducoed and enameled (ad), 09/27/1935:12
Welfare recipients with cars questioned by selectmen, 03/06/1936:1
Abandoned Taunton auto recovered here, 03/13/1936:1
Welfare recipients with cars questioned by selectmen, 03/13/1936:1
Bourne auto abandoned in South Middleboro, 06/12/1936:1
Walter Pittsley's motor vehicle junk license renewed, 12/24/1937:8
Shaw's Auto Refinishing, 37 Forest St (ad), 10/06/1939:12
Automobiles - Law and Legislation
see also Traffic Regulations
Over 300 cars check for registrations, 03/06/1936:1
Roger Piche fined $10 for motor vehicle violations, 03/27/1936:5
Leo Chausse files nolo plea in motor vehicle case, 08/07/1936:2
McCarty and Johnson fined $10 for operating unregistered car,
Richard Carty fined $10 for operating unregistered vehicle,
Raymond Barrus fined $10 for driving improperly registered vehicle,
William Young fined $10 for operating vehicle without windshield
wiper, 09/10/1937:2
Middleboro rules and orders for regulation of carriages and vehicles,
David Burgess charged with allowing improper person to operate
vehicle, 10/29/1937:2
Judge takes Burgess case under advisement, 11/19/1937:2
David Burgess guilty of allowing improper person to operate car,
Shaw & Washburn, auto refinishing (ad), 12/24/1937:2
Charles Gibbs guilty of operating improperly registered and uninsured
vehicle, 03/04/1938:8
Harry Goodale, Jr. pleads not guilty to four charges following auto
crash, 09/09/1938:1
Eugene Letourneau fined $10 for operating unregistered vehicle,
Letourneau and Benna cases filed, 12/02/1938:2
Eugene Letourneau gets total of 130 days for motor vehicle violations,
James Thomas fined $5 and 30 days for operating unregistered,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
uninsured trailer, 04/07/1939:7
Arnold Thomas gets six months on four motor vehicle charges,
Jesse Perkins gets 30 days for driving uninsured car, fined $10 for
driving unregistered car, 04/28/1939:6
James Thomas fined $5 for operating improperly registered trailer,
Joseph Carr fails to pay fine for allowing improper person to operate
car, 07/28/1939:1
Joseph Carr discharged from probation, 09/01/1939:1
James Thomas gets six months additional probation for snicker,
Automobiles - Parts
see also Batteries; Tires
Richmond's Store, tires and batteries (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Benny's grand opening at 60 Centre St (ad), 02/07/1936:11
Grand opening Benny's Auto Store at 60 Centre St (ad), 02/07/1936:11
Benny's grand opening gets good response, 02/14/1936:6
Grand opening of Benny's gets good response, 02/14/1936:6
DeMello manager of Western Auto Associates on Center St,
Benny's Auto Store given permit to erect sign on Center St,
Avellar, Albert, Jr.
Engaged to Jane Patterson Ufford Werner, 12/29/1939:1
Averell, Margaret E.
Obituary, 06/05/1936:1
Dies at age 74, 06/05/1936:7
Avery, Della
Obituary, 02/07/1936:1
Dies at age 68, 02/07/1936:6
Petition for probate of will, 02/21/1936:8
Avery, Joseph
Man struck and killed by auto while painting at Maxim Motor Co.,
Dies at age 53, 05/17/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 06/07/1935:7
Avery, Keith
Moves into South Middleboro parsonage, 06/23/1939:9
Commences senior year at Boston University, 09/29/1939:9
Avery, Theodore
Wed to Alice Shaw, 08/27/1937:11
Dorrance Ryder travels to California by plane, 07/05/1935:1
Local amateurs test communication from airplane, 07/26/1935:1
Operator lost in clouds, plane wreck on Bedford St, 09/20/1935:1
Merrill Shurtleff granted private pilot's license, 08/07/1936:1
Airplane makes forced landing on Chester Vickery's property,
New sign for aviators to be painted on roof of Middleboro Motor Sales,
Rev V. Broderick owns and operates airplane, 03/19/1937:1
Lillian Goldman with ambulance service at site of Hindenburg disaster,
Merrill Shurtleff forced down by fog, 06/25/1937:1
Merrill Shurtleff provides entertainment for school children here,
Herman Frederickson takes flying lessons, 05/13/1938:1
Tentative plans made to form Aviators Club here, 05/20/1938:1
James Duggan and Nathan Goodridge part of inaugural aerial service
out of East Taunton, 07/22/1938:1
Elizabeth Fies takes first plane ride at age 70, 09/02/1938:1
Merrill Shurtleff and Raymond Nourse fly over hurricane-damaged area,
Airplanes (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 03/03/1939:8
Airplanes benefit civilization (l) (Jack Holt), 03/10/1939:3
Are airplanes beneficial to civilization? (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Merits of the airplane (l) (Jack Holt), 03/31/1939:4
Wings in the air (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 04/07/1939:8
Again in defense of airplanes (l) (Jack Holt), 04/28/1939:7
Friend Jack: Please stay on the ground (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Merrill Shurtleff teaches aviation at Ames Airport in North Easton,
Florence Thomas wins flight at New York, 09/29/1939:9
Avila, Francisco L.
Petition for administration of estate, 03/29/1935:8
Administrator presents account of estate, 05/01/1936:7
Avila, Frank
Dies at age 80, 03/22/1935:4
Avila, Frank D.
Obituary, 03/22/1935:1
Ayars, L. Stewart
Recently married, 07/10/1936:5
Ayers, B.S.
Poultry and eggs (ad), 11/26/1937:12
Ayotte, Joseph L.
Pictured with winning greyhound (p), 06/23/1939:4
Ayres, Brenton S.
Sideswipes New Bedford auto on East Main St, 10/16/1936:2
Baananen, John
Petition for probate of will, 10/04/1935:8
Babbitt, Annie
Resides in Hartford, CT, 09/11/1936:12
Babbitt, Mrs Clifton
Resides on Long Island, 06/30/1939:5
Babcock's Convalescent Home
Taunton St, North Lakeville (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Babcock's Rest Home
Taunton St, North Lakeville (ad), 01/29/1937:12
Backus, Isaac
Mr and Mrs Cole purchase Backus homestead, 07/22/1938:11
Backus, (Rev)
Attended meetings concerning ratification of Constitution, 01/07/1938:5
Badger, Margaret
Obituary, 08/06/1937:1
Dies at age 75, 08/06/1937:7
Badger, Wallace I.
Chimney fire on Wood St, 09/02/1938:1
Bag Industry
Abercrombie Bag Co. moves to Rock from Connecticut, 12/22/1939:1
Bagdon, Alice
Bitten by Dr Ham's dog while bicycling, 07/12/1935:11
Bagnall, Allan
Resides in Holliston, 03/10/1939:8
Bagnell, A.
Moves to Medford, 02/07/1936:5
Bagnell, Alan
Injured in fall, 03/15/1935:5
Resides in Medford, 07/23/1937:11
Bagnell, Richard W.
Class of 1935 salutatory and essay, 06/21/1935:5
Awarded scholarship to MIT, 08/23/1935:2
Bail, Elizabeth Christine
Wedding described, 06/28/1935:11
Bailey, Donald
Daughter born, 10/04/1935:6
Bailey, Edward
Purchases Charles Shaw property on Bourne St, 07/30/1937:1
Bailey, Edward B.
Appointed senior engineer at MA Highway Department, 06/19/1936:2
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Bailey, Ellsworth
Obituary, 02/14/1936:2
Bailey, Evelyn L.
Teacher at Rock School, 09/06/1935:2
Bailey, George
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Moves to Binghamton, NY, 07/19/1935:1
Employed in Washington, MO, 02/11/1938:12
Employed at Army Base in Boston, 01/06/1939:1
Bailey, Harrison
Son born, 06/23/1939:5
Bailey, Luther S.
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Pondville man dies at age 87, 01/31/1936:6
Bailey, Mrs Luther
Fractures hip in fall, 07/21/1939:1
Bailey, Stanley
Entomologists wins praise on West Coast, 08/16/1935:1
Elected vice-president of Entomological Society of California,
Employed at University of California, 07/22/1938:1
Bailey, Stanley F.
Daughter born, 03/19/1937:1
Bailey Motor Sales, Inc.
Pontiac dealer (ad), 01/04/1935:6
History and profile of Middleboro business, 01/04/1935:8
Stolen car recovered on Fairview St, 04/02/1937:1
Police apprehend two juvenile car thieves, 04/09/1937:1
Fourth person arrested in auto theft case, 04/16/1937:1
Wilfred Cromwell salesman, 10/01/1937:6
Baily, Donald
Daughter born, 09/27/1935:8
Baker, Alice J.
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Baker, Carol
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Baker, Charles W.
Obituary, 08/19/1938:1
Dies at age 76, 08/19/1938:7
Baker, Cora M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/09/1937:7
Baker, E.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Baker, Edward
Engaged to Mary Freitas, 04/17/1936:1, 05/01/1936:6
Not guilty of manslaughter charge stemming from accident in
Bridgewater, 01/08/1937:1
Obituary, 02/04/1938:11
Baker, Edward F.
Injured in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Home from vacation from Vermont CCC camp, 10/18/1935:2
Involved in fatal crash in Bridgewater, 10/30/1936:1
Engaged to Mary D. Freitas, 06/04/1937:7
Wed to Mary Freitas, 06/18/1937:7
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:11
Baker, Everett C.
Escapes injury as car strikes pole, 08/23/1935:1
Baker, Florence M.
Wed to Ernest J. Ouellette, 07/26/1935:6
Baker, Francis
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Baker, Francis E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/11/1936:5
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Baker, Francis E., Jr.
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Baker, Frank
Engaged to Ethel MacNeil, 06/12/1936:11
Baker, Frank H.
Engaged to Ethel B. MacNeill, 07/24/1936:7
Baker, Helen A.
Opens kindergarten in Lakeville (ad), 10/13/1939:10
Baker, Henry A.
Couple married 2 years, 03/12/1937:11
Baker, Herbert S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/09/1937:7
Moves to Lakeside Dr, 08/27/1937:11
Baker, Hubert
Obituary, 11/25/1938:8
Baker, Hubert L.
Obituary, 11/25/1938:1
Dies at age 73, 11/25/1938:7
Baker, J. Robert
Engaged to Elinor Bryant, 09/06/1935:2
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:8
Baker, James V.
Probation ends, case filed, 07/31/1936:5
Baker, Laurence
Accepts government position in Baltimore, MD, 10/20/1939:10
Baker, Lawrence G.
Injured in auto crash in Bridgewater, 10/25/1935:1
Baker, Leonard A.
Obituary (p), 08/12/1938:1
Dies in Boston hospital at age 56, 08/12/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 08/26/1938:11
Baker, Madeline
Painters start small fire at 72 South Main St, 06/30/1939:1
Baker, Margaret
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Baker, Margaret H.
Engaged to Richard E. Benson, 02/04/1938:7
Wed to Richard E. Benson, 02/18/1938:7
Baker, Mrs Leonard A.
Hosts brilliant tea for St. Luke's, 11/01/1935:1
Baker, Perce
Son born, 05/27/1938:7
Baker, Ralph
Candidate for Lakeville School Committee, 01/28/1938:8
Baker, Richard
Resides in Philadelphia, 10/04/1935:6
Shaken up when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Daughter born, 08/19/1938:7
Baker, Robert
Engaged to Elinor Bryant, 09/13/1935:11
Son born, 06/03/1938:7
Baker, Watson F.
Obituary, 10/11/1935:1
Newton man dies at age 88, 10/11/1935:6
Baker, Watson W.
Purchases Spruce St property in land auction, 05/28/1937:1
Baker, Willard L.
Engaged to Cora B. Place, 08/19/1938:1, 09/02/1938:7
Baker, William
Obituary, 10/25/1935:11
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Henry King, Cushman bakery products (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Jane's Food Shop, 155 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Clarke's Bakery, 24 South Main St (ad), 07/09/1937:12
Daisy Do-Nut Shop, Neal Harrington proprietor (ad), 12/31/1937:2
Balboni (Miss)
Wed to Paul Williams, 03/25/1938:3
Baldwin, Alice M.
Dies at age 79, 10/20/1939:5
Obituary, 10/20/1939:10
Baldwin, Doris E.
Engaged to Frederic J. Carey, 12/04/1936:1
Engaged to Frederic W. Carey, 12/18/1936:6
Wed to Frederic J. Carey, 01/01/1937:6
Baldwin, Frank H.
Obituary, 10/08/1937:1
Dies at age 81, 10/08/1937:7
Baldwin, Mrs Frank
Breaks hip in fall, 09/15/1939:8
Baldwin, Mrs Frank H.
Brother dies in Foxboro, 04/17/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Balkam, A. Reginald
Arrested again for breaking and entering, 04/26/1935:2
Balkum, Arthur Reginald
Arrested for break-in at Edmund Pratt home, 02/22/1935:1
Break-in case continued, 03/01/1935:2
Court date set for larceny charge, 03/08/1935:6
Case continued, 03/15/1935:6
Guilty of larceny, 03/22/1935:1
Ball, Mrs Raymond
Resides in Miami, FL, 01/13/1939:1
Ball, Winifred Hanson
Resides in Miami, FL, 08/06/1937:5
Ballou, Perley
Chimney fire on East Grove St, 01/01/1937:1
Ballou, Perley F.
Oil-burner flare up on East Grove St, 03/11/1938:1
Ballou Woods
Heated overnight cabins, filling station (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Granted permission to erect sign on East Grove St, 04/30/1937:5
Balls (parties)
Sacred Heart Church holds benefit Mardi Gras and costume ball,
Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department holds first annual ball,
Balsis, John B.
Engaged to Vida J. Bartis, 12/15/1939:7
Bands and Orchestras
see also Bates School - Arts; Cellino Trio; Middleborough Memorial
High School - Arts
Mabel Sears and Marion Belmont members of Tauremid String Quartet,
Philharmonic Trio performs in Falmouth, 04/12/1935:1
Performance by Tauremid String Quartet reviewed by Taunton Gazette,
George Warren outlines history of Middleboro Band, 11/22/1935:2
Lakeville's Blue Rhythm Orchestra broadcast over WHDH,
Blue Rhythm Orchestra wins first prize from Boston radio station,
Joseph Cordeiro and Cape Cod Trio play Saturdays at Kingston Hotel,
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
High praise for Tauremid Quintette performance at Providence,
Tauremid String Quartette presents program in Barnstable, 10/30/1936:1
Local members of Philharmonic Orchestra of Plymouth, 02/12/1937:12
North Lakeville Orchestra plays for Men's Club in Dighton,
Phil Sylvia, Gerry Carr, and Morris Marshall are the Santa Fe Ranch
Boys, 05/14/1937:6
Bank Building
Copper sheeting ripped off and chimney knocked down in hurricane,
Banks and Banking (see Middleborough Co-operative Bank;
Middleborough Savings Bank; Middleborough Trust Co.; Nemasket
Credit Union)
Banus, Molly E.
Engaged to Joseph W. Gliniewcz, 12/13/1935:6
Banzi, Mildred
Wed to Robert Greaves, 10/25/1935:1
Baptist Church
see also Central Baptist Church; Third Baptist Church
BMC holds 25th annual meeting, 01/18/1935:1
Choir holds old folks concert, 11/18/1938:2
Baptiste, Domingo
Case of breaking and entering continued, 12/16/1938:11
Gets five months for breaking and entering and larceny, 02/24/1939:6
Barber (Mrs)
New York woman killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Barber, Howard Clark
Engaged to Mabel Belcher Sears, 12/22/1939:1
see also Hairdressers
Ela Anderson and Alfred Hodder open shop on South Main St,
Anderson and Hodder open Sanitary Barber Shop on South Main St
(ad), 01/11/1935:8
History and profile of Middleboro barber Peter Ramsey, 01/18/1935:1
A.J. Letendre, 3 North Main St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Joseph Wright, 5 School St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Tony Matrisciano , 227 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Peter Cotsellas opens new shop at Center and Pearl St, 11/01/1935:12
Pete's new barber shop (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Repairs made to Pleasant St barbershop of Thomas Quinn, 11/29/1935:8
Albert Letendre guilty of violating state barbers laws, 03/27/1936:5
Joseph D'Auria opens shop at 24 Wareham St (ad), 08/28/1936:12
Peter Ramsey closes doors after 50 years in business, 10/02/1936:1
Old landmark passes in closing of Ramsey's shop, 10/09/1936:5
Wilfred Boutin moves shop to home in North Middleboro, 11/27/1936:5
William Wright takes over management of Joseph Wright barber shop
(ad), 04/02/1937:12
Petition selectmen for regulation of working hours, 01/14/1938:8
Selectmen hold hearing concerning work hours, 02/11/1938:3
Ralph Marra fined $5 for barber shop health violation, 06/03/1938:1
Wright moves shop from School St to Center St, 05/26/1939:1
Petition for revision to local regulations, 10/27/1939:1
Squabble over regulation revision halts meeting, 11/10/1939:1
Barboza, John
Wed to Grace Silver, 01/18/1935:7
Barden, Eleanor
Resigns after 45 years of teaching in local schools, 06/18/1937:1
Barden, Katherine
Lets Wareham St house to J.L. Hynes, 10/14/1938:1
Barden, Katherine E.
Obituary, 01/27/1939:6
Petition for probate of will, 02/03/1939:8
Barden, Katherine Ellen
Widow of Joseph E. dies at age 82, 01/27/1939:7
Barden, William C.
RCA Victor radio (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Wallpaper, paint, and draperies (ad), 01/18/1935:3
Moves The Music Shop to Bon Mode property, 06/21/1935:6
Candidate for planning board, 01/01/1937:1, 01/08/1937:5
New line of General Motors appliances (ad), 10/22/1937:11
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Wed to Mildred F. Oglesby, 07/08/1938:7
Barden, William S.
Engineer with Radio Corp. of America, resides in Grasmere, Long
Island, 08/02/1935:1
Resides in Grassmere, NY, 08/28/1936:12
Bardsley, Nora
Obituary, 02/25/1938:11
Barker, Raymond
Begins studies at Wentworth Institute, 09/22/1939:9
Barksdale, Grover C.
Moves from Lakeville to Acushnet, 02/17/1939:11
Barlow, Gertrude
Resides in Providence, RI, 04/29/1938:11
Barnabeo, Dominic
Purchases Pleasant St property from Russell Carver, 09/29/1939:9
Barnaby, Arthur J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/13/1935:7
Barnaby, Frank T.
In U.S. Army Medical department at Ft. Banks, MA, 11/13/1936:2
Barnard, Lillian D.
Thanks local police for efforts in locating sister in Rhode Island,
Barnes, Leonard
Arrested for breaking into Southworth's barn, 09/27/1935:1
Barnes, Leonard G.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Barnes, Leonard G., 10/11/1935:2
Barnes, Leonard O.
Burglary case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Barnes, Ocena C.
Auction sale of household goods and antiques (ad), 07/29/1938:12
Barnett, Richard
Mother dies in Lawrence, 09/27/1935:8, 09/27/1935:11
Barney, Barbara
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:11
Marriage annulment granted to Harold Delano, 10/08/1937:1
Barney, Barbara E.
Wed to Harold W. Delano, 05/07/1937:7
Wed to Harold Delano, 05/14/1937:7
Barney, Carrie F.
Petition for administration of estate, 02/15/1935:5
Barney, Carrie Frances
Widow of George L. dies at age 76, 02/08/1935:4
Obituary, 02/15/1935:1
Dies at age 77, 02/15/1935:4
Barney, Marjorie E.
Wed to Ernest T. Morgan, 06/28/1935:6
Barney, Mrs Leland
Resides in Riverside, RI, 08/14/1936:12
Barney, Mrs Warren
Resides in Falmouth, 01/14/1938:6
Barr, Melba Weeman
Son born, 01/13/1939:1
Barr, William
Son born, 01/13/1939:1
Barr, William, Jr.
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:1
Barr, William Weeman
Born to William and Melba Weeman, 01/13/1939:1
Barrault, Doris P.
Engaged to Joseph F. Cordeiro, 05/14/1937:7
Wed to Joseph F. Cordeiro, 06/04/1937:7
Barrett, Mary A.
Engaged to Charles H. O'Donnell, 05/01/1936:7
Barrett, Mary Elizabeth
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:1
Barrett, Michael M.
Selectman seeks re-election (p), 11/29/1935:1
Announces candidacy for re-election (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:6
Reward faithful service (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:11
Former selectman exercised economy and good judgment, 01/31/1936:1
Expresses appreciation (l), 01/31/1936:7
Takes out nomination papers for selectman (p), 11/20/1936:1
Candidate for selectman, 12/04/1936:1, 01/08/1937:1
Charles Bates endorses Barrett for selectman (l), 01/08/1937:2
Candidate for selectman (ad) (l) (p), 01/15/1937:2
Appreciation to voters (l), 01/29/1937:2
New chairman of Park Commission, 04/08/1938:1
Resigns as chair of Park Commission, 12/30/1938:1
Barrett, M.M.
Employed by NY, NH & Hartford RR, 08/23/1935:7
Barriault, Doris P.
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:6
Barros, John M.
Gets two months for beating wife; guilty of drunkenness, 09/02/1938:1
Barros, Josephine
Wed to Charles E.L. Cabral, 06/24/1938:7
Barros, Josephine A.
Engaged to Charles E.L. Cabral, 06/17/1938:7
Barros, Mary
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 04/10/1936:1
Barros, Raymond
Nunes injured when car strikes tree on East Main St, 07/22/1938:1
Barrows, Clement
Dies at age 79, 05/08/1936:7
Barrows, Clement W.
Obituary, 05/08/1936:1
Petition for administration of estate, 06/05/1936:7
Barrows, Dominga
Engaged to Manuel P. Silva, 12/30/1938:7
Barrows, Edwin
Freed by local court, 07/14/1939:6
Barrows, F. Lawton
Former Middleboro youth appointed to dental clinic in Georgia,
Resides in Mt. Berry College, GA, 11/15/1935:12
Takes post grad work in anesthesia, 10/08/1937:1
Doctor joins MacAusland clinic in Boston, 01/14/1938:1
Barrows, Fletcher
Fire department extinguishes burning leaves, 11/05/1937:1
Barrows, Fletcher, Jr.
Named president of Middleborough Trust Co., 01/20/1939:1
Barrows, Fletcher L.
Pointer wins first at Woburn Field Trials, 09/16/1938:2
Dog wins Rhode Island field trials, 10/13/1939:4
Barrows, Lawton
Shows off catch of kingfish in Florida (p), 07/02/1937:6
Appointed to dental department of U.S. Navy, 06/03/1938:6
Barrows, Marie
West Barrington, RI cottage gone after hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Barrows, Marion I.
Obituary, 02/22/1935:1
Dies at age 45, 02/22/1935:4
Barrows, Nathaniel
Burial at Rock, 05/19/1939:9
Wedding described, 09/29/1939:9
Barrows, Pelham A.
Obituary, 12/15/1939:5
Barrows, Sarah Harris
Obituary, 01/10/1936:8
Barrus, Raymond
Fined $10 for operating without a license, $10 for driving improperly
registered vehicle, 11/13/1936:2
Barry, David
Daughter born, 07/12/1935:2
Son born, 05/13/1938:11
Barry, F. David
Son born, 05/13/1938:7
Barry, Raymond
Daughter born, 09/23/1938:7
Barstow, Anne
Employed at St. Luke's, 10/25/1935:1
Barstow, Barbara Jenks
Son born, 07/19/1935:1
Barstow, Ethelyn G.
Will in probate, 01/25/1935:5
Barstow, Richard H.
Son born, 07/19/1935:1
Barta, Emil
Engaged to Charlotte L. Kelly, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Charlotte Kelly, 06/24/1938:7
Wedding described, 06/24/1938:11
Barthelmes, George Albert
Engaged to Jennie Elizabeth Mawhinney, 10/06/1939:7
Barthelmes, George Gilbert
Wed to Jennie Elizabeth Mawhinney, 10/20/1939:5
Barthelmess, Lois Miriam
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:9
Bartis, Vida J.
Engaged to John B. Balsis, 12/15/1939:7
Bartlett, Basil
Collides with Fickert's milk truck at Oak and Peirce St, 06/19/1936:1
Bartlett, John
Resides in Cotuit, 08/28/1936:2
Bartlett, Leah
Wedding described, 11/24/1939:10
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Bartlett, Lester M.
Dies in Boston, 08/23/1935:7
Bartlett, Ruth
Biography, 05/22/1936:8
see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Sports
Ed Shalley signs with Eufaula, Alabama club, 03/29/1935:1
George Collin McLeod receives baseball autographed by Babe Ruth,
Group of boys form North Lakeville form team, 05/03/1935:4
Nemasket tribe of Red Men return after 12-year absence, 05/10/1935:7
Pittsburgh Hoboes defeat all-stars in close game, 06/28/1935:1
Fans get real treat here, 07/12/1935:1
West Wareham catcher hurt in collision at home plate, 07/12/1935:1
Crosier describes program for youngsters, 07/12/1935:8
Town witnesses first night game, 07/26/1935:1
Traveling Night Hawks beat league stars by 10 in first night game here,
Permission for Democrats to run game rescinded by Park Commission
(l), 08/09/1935:6
Umpires decision in final (l) (William Egger), 09/20/1935:6
Knights of Columbus fete baseball players, 11/01/1935:1
William Egger writes from Red Sox training camp in Florida (l),
Rock players form independent team, 05/01/1936:5
Red Men order new uniforms, 05/15/1936:1
Pittsburgh Hoboes defeat townies (t), 08/14/1936:1
Knights of Columbus team wins third league championship (t),
Knights of Columbus champs for third season (p), 09/25/1936:1
Knights of Columbus fetes baseball champs, 11/06/1936:1
William Egger writes from Red Sox Florida training camp (l),
Middleboro Athletic Association team boasts many stars, 05/14/1937:6
Hats off to manager Draghetti and Middleboro Athletic Association,
Draghetti and lads complimented after Brockton game, 06/11/1937:1
In second place after clean win, 06/18/1937:1
Nearly fifty enjoy trip to Boston Bees-St. Louis Cardinals game,
One hundred fifty boys travel to Fenway Park, 07/30/1937:1
Middleboro AA player Dziergowski signs with major league,
Local Ramblers of Mayflower League have successful season (p),
Middleboro Athletic Association sponsors team in Old Colony League,
Fans must support sport, 07/22/1938:1
Park Commission grants field use for Athletic Association games,
Middleboro Athletic Association team loses to Colored Giants of
Boston, 08/12/1938:6
Albert Croutworst receives baseball signed by leading Red Sox players,
Mayflower League organizes, 04/21/1939:4
Junior League organized here, 06/23/1939:4
Baseball - Twilight League
Redmen to form team, 02/15/1935:5
Rock team reorganizes, 02/22/1935:6
Requests use of fields at selectmen's meeting, 03/22/1935:1
Holds organizational meeting, 04/12/1935:1
Schedule for 1935 season, 04/26/1935:1
Team rosters, 05/03/1935:1
Season opens (t), 05/17/1935:1
Middleboro should be mighty proud, 06/07/1935:1
Batting and fielding averages (t), 06/21/1935:6
Votes to purchase amplifier, 07/19/1935:1
Message to fans, 07/26/1935:1
Batting and fielding averages (t), 08/02/1935:6
Elmer Phinney praises league (l), 08/23/1935:11
Exempt from Park Commission game fee, 09/06/1935:1
Junior League standings and averages (t), 09/06/1935:6
Allowed to play Sunday game, 09/27/1935:1
Triple tie in league, 09/27/1935:1
Players fielding and batting averages (t), 10/04/1935:6
Fans wonder about future of league, 05/15/1936:1
May be July before grounds ready, 05/29/1936:1
Plans for 1936 season, 05/29/1936:6
Opening day June 22, Carl Oakes president, 06/05/1936:1
Great to have league for another year, 06/12/1936:1
Schedule released, 06/12/1936:1
Clarification of recent statements, 06/26/1936:1
League opens with pomp and ceremony (p) (t), 06/26/1936:1
Batting and fielding averages (t), 07/31/1936:6
Considers Sunday games, 08/07/1936:1
No real reason for not having Sunday games, 08/14/1936:1
1936 season comes to close (t), 09/04/1936:6
Batting and fielding averages (t), 09/11/1936:6
Treasurer's report for 1936 season (t), 12/04/1936:1
Granted use of ball park, 04/09/1937:1
Selectmen question Park Commission's right to grant permission to
Twilight League, 04/09/1937:2
And Middleboro Athletic Association get permission to use ball park,
Season set to begin, 05/07/1937:1
Attendance at opening game good despite chilling weather,
Schedule (t), 05/14/1937:6
Batting and fielding averages (t), 06/18/1937:6, 07/23/1937:6
Will you support the League? (l), 07/23/1937:6
Batting and fielding averages (t), 09/03/1937:6
Fish and Game Assoc team crowned champs (p), 10/01/1937:1
To have six-team complement, 03/25/1938:6
Organizes for season, adds two new teams, 04/15/1938:1
New teams appear strong, 04/15/1938:6
Berth open for another team, 04/22/1938:6
Season opens May 16th, 04/29/1938:6
Invests considerable amount here, players not compensated,
League opens play, 05/20/1938:1
Park Commission discusses use of baseball equipment, 05/20/1938:1
Babe Cabral fractures leg on slide to third base, 06/24/1938:1
Summary of first half of season (t), 07/15/1938:6
Selectmen grant permit for grand field day, 08/05/1938:1
Final season averages (t), 09/02/1938:6
Cy Young hosted by Mr and Mrs John Lane on North Middleboro,
VFW- and Twilight League-sponsored events run despite hurricane,
Field day results (correction), 10/07/1938:1
see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Sports
American Legion 1935 champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Gammons family team in Corning, NY (t), 09/20/1935:1
Possibility of 8-team YMCA league, 09/20/1935:1
Teams chosen for YMCA Fraternal League, 10/11/1935:1
YMCA fraternal league opens play (t), 11/29/1935:1
Baptists crowned champions of church league (t), 03/20/1936:2
Knights of Columbus champs of fraternal league (t), 03/27/1936:1
Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p), 04/03/1936:1
Statistics of Fraternal League (t), 04/03/1936:6
Church league final standings (t), 04/10/1936:6
Over 500 attend donkey basketball game at high school, 04/17/1936:1
Keiths win post season series (t), 04/17/1936:6
Fraternal League holds annual banquet, 04/24/1936:1
Followup on donkey game, 05/15/1936:1
Knights of Columbus hold banquet for basketball stars and bowlers,
Elks elect to participate in fraternal league, 11/06/1936:1
Opportunities here for men and boys, 12/25/1936:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Middleboro Athletic Association invited to 6th annual MA State
semi-pro tournament, 01/22/1937:1
Gold Medal tournament hosted by YMCA, 03/26/1937:1
Tournament hosted at local YMCA outstanding, 03/26/1937:1
YMCA appreciates support of local fans, 03/26/1937:6
Keith team champions of Fraternal League, 04/16/1937:1
Keith team crowned champs of Fraternal League (t), 04/16/1937:6
Church League of YMCA holds banquet, 04/23/1937:8
Fraternal League schedule (t), 11/05/1937:6
YMCA organizes Junior League, 11/26/1937:6
Big shoots in the hoop circuits, 01/07/1938:6
Middleboro Church Basketball League opens play, 01/07/1938:6
Waldo Thomas guard on Ithaca College team, 02/04/1938:6
John E. Lucey team takes fraternal league championship, 04/15/1938:6
Methodists take church league championship, 04/15/1938:6
YMCA holds first drill, 11/04/1938:6
Fraternal League teams set for play, 11/18/1938:6
Farrar team takes championship of Fraternal League (t), 03/17/1939:6
Farrar's winner of Fraternal Basketball League (p), 03/24/1939:6
Newly organized Middleboro Oilers open season in Plymouth,
YMCA Fraternal League plans 6-team schedule (t), 11/24/1939:9
Bass, John W.
Baby chicks, hatching eggs (ad), 02/14/1936:12
Bassett, Andrew
Funeral held in New Bedford, 07/10/1936:8
Bassett, Annie Rogers
Obituary, 08/13/1937:11
Bassett, Celia
Obituary, 12/24/1937:11
Bassett, Charles
Employed in West Concord, NH, 01/18/1935:2
Sister dies in Chatham, 04/10/1936:11
Moves from Middleboro to Rock, 11/19/1937:11
Chicken pox quarantine lifted, 05/05/1939:9
Moves to Stoughton, 11/03/1939:6
Bassett, Charles, Jr.
Employed in mill at West Concord, NH, 01/04/1935:3
Works in West Concord, MA not NH, 02/01/1935:6
Employed in Concord, 06/21/1935:8
Takes post as sawyer at new mill on Walnut St, 01/29/1937:11
Couple married six years, 10/21/1938:3
Bassett, Charles S.
Obituary, 02/10/1939:1
Dies at age 79, 02/10/1939:7
Bassett, Charles, Sr.
Moves from Walnut St to Miller St, 05/10/1935:6
Bassett, Julia
Engaged to Herman Goodman, 02/08/1935:4
Bassett, Marcus
Obituary, 09/17/1937:1
Dies in Boston at age 47, 09/17/1937:7
Bassett, Ralph M.
Electrician, 17 S. Main St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Bassett, William
Caught on Onset Island during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Bastarache, Hilaire
Engaged to Viola N. Herbert, 01/10/1936:6
Bastardy (see Illegitimacy)
Batchelder, Barbara
Wed in Needham, 07/09/1937:1
Batchelder, Herbert W.
Obituary, 01/15/1937:1
Dies at age 49, 01/15/1937:6
Batchelder, Ruth
Engaged to Paul Paulson, 03/01/1935:1, 06/07/1935:6
Batchelder, Ruth E.
Engaged to Paul H. Paulson, 07/05/1935:6
Batchelder, Ruth V.
Wed to Paul Paulson, 07/12/1935:6
Batchelder, Shirley
Engaged to Perley A. Hollis, 12/16/1938:7
Bates, Charles H.
Restoration of teachers' salaries (l), 02/08/1935:3
Supports Elks' Christmas charity fund (l), 11/22/1935:2
Resides in Brookline, 06/12/1936:5
New Year's Thoughts (poem), 01/01/1937:2
Endorses Barrett for selectman (l), 01/08/1937:2
School superintendent endorse Elk's annual milk fund (l), 09/24/1937:1
Endorses Elks' charity fund (l), 12/17/1937:3
Bates School
Principal Burkland appreciates library service (l), 05/10/1935:4
Mr Hunt in charge of library, 05/10/1935:6
Opens 50th year with 309 students, 09/18/1936:8
Enrollment reaches 315, 09/25/1936:5
Students get response from Cardiff, Wales (l), 07/02/1937:2
Vincent Perry charged with breaking and entering Bates School,
Locals take training course at school, 11/12/1937:1
Breaking-and-entering case against Perry filed, 02/18/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/22/1938:8, 04/29/1938:4
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/08/1938:2
Open 52nd year with 321 students, 09/16/1938:4
Opening boosts Middleboro school enrollment, 09/15/1939:1
Bates School - Arts
Tenth annual 8th grade concert held at Town House, 02/22/1935:1
Eleventh annual concert especially pleasing, 02/21/1936:1
Eighth grade presents operetta A Merry Company, 02/19/1937:1
Mildred Perkins donates upright piano to school, 10/08/1937:8
Presents operetta Green Cheese, 02/18/1938:1
Cast of operetta Green Cheese (p), 02/25/1938:1
Robert Smith's art work included in New York exhibition, 03/04/1938:1
Mr and Mrs Ira Caplan present upright piano to Bates School,
Presents romantic drama Soldiers of Science, 12/16/1938:3
Students present operetta Tulip Time, 02/17/1939:1
Holds annual exhibit of pupil's work, 05/26/1939:6
Dramatic pageant features grad exercises, 06/09/1939:1
Mrs E.J. Kelley donates piano to Bates School, 09/29/1939:9
Henry Sullivan appointed concert-master, 10/20/1939:2
Bates School - Commencement
Promotion Day exercises (t), 06/14/1935:8
Olivia Williamson valedictorian, 04/17/1936:8
Commencement held for 125 students (t), 06/12/1936:5
Diplomas awarded to 135 students at annual commencement,
Graduation program, 06/11/1937:8
Holds graduation exercises, 06/10/1938:1
Graduation program, 06/10/1938:3
Bates School - Facilities
Sign needs coat of paint, 04/17/1936:1
New treads installed on stairs, 09/17/1937:8
Selectmen receive complaints about heating and ventilation,
Selectmen say no parking on lawn or walk at school, 03/25/1938:11
Selectmen discuss repair plan, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen decide boiler room must be fireproof, 04/29/1938:1
Spectator discusses state of old boiler (l), 08/05/1938:2
Boiler inspection company communicates with selectmen, 08/05/1938:8
Sum of $250 needed to repair boiler, 08/12/1938:6
Finance Committee refuses transfer for boiler repair, 08/26/1938:1
Recommendations made for WPA projects to improve schools (l) (The
Spectator), 12/02/1938:2
School Committee makes recommendations in annual report,
Condition of school discussed by selectmen, 02/24/1939:1
The Spectator discusses problems at school (l), 02/24/1939:5
The Spectator comments on improvement plan (l), 06/30/1939:3
Officials make tour of inspection, 06/30/1939:6
State will close school if not repaired, 07/21/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen take no action to reduce fire hazard, 08/04/1939:1
May do re-open in time (l) (The Spectator), 08/11/1939:1
Special town meeting to address highway financing and Bates School,
Finance Committee recommends $5,000 for repairs, 08/18/1939:1
Finance Committee reports more funds needed for repairs, 08/18/1939:7
Opening of school in doubt, 08/25/1939:1
Request for bids to do repairs, 08/25/1939:1
Selectmen vote to seek engineering advice, 08/25/1939:1
Opening uncertain (l) (The Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
To open September 11th, all other schools September 6th, 09/01/1939:1
Call for bids for repairs (ad), 09/01/1939:2
Parents need to show more interest in town affairs (l) (Ethel A. Cardini),
Town Manager authorized to seek bids for repairs, 09/08/1939:1
Voters provide $5,000 for school at special town meeting, 09/08/1939:1
Work begins on school, 09/08/1939:4
Boiler stands test, 09/15/1939:1
Missing smoke pipe delays use of boiler, school closed, 09/22/1939:1
Repairs nearly complete, 10/20/1939:1
Now safer and warmer (l) (The Spectator), 10/20/1939:2
Selectmen vote transfer from reserve fund, 11/24/1939:1
Bates School - Faculty and Staff
Donald Welch new teacher, 05/17/1935:1
Teacher Florence MacKinnon resigns, 05/08/1936:1
Teacher Lucy Merrihew has enviable record, 5 absences in 40 years of
service, 03/05/1937:1
Max Eaton new physical education teacher, 07/01/1938:1
Bates School - PTA
Holds annual meeting, 05/29/1936:2
Registers protest against current fare at movie theatre (ad), 04/02/1937:8
Program for the upcoming year, 09/24/1937:1
Celebrates 10 years, 05/06/1938:2
Announces program for season, 09/23/1938:1
Holds annual Guest Night, 04/28/1939:6
Richmond's Store, tires and batteries (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Battis (Coach)
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
High school makes good showing the season (p), 12/10/1937:1
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Orange and black football season summary (p), 12/23/1938:1
Coach of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Coach of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Battis, H.E.
Coach cautious about over abundance of publicity (l), 11/26/1937:6
Battis, Henry
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Coach of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Battis, Henry E.
Coach of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Coach of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Battis, Mrs Henry
Mother dies in Worcester, 01/17/1936:12
Caught in hurricane on return from Worcester, 09/30/1938:11
Baum, Ernest M.
Engaged to Thelma Louise Goodwin, 07/05/1935:2
Wedding described, 10/11/1935:1
Baxter, Elijah, Jr.
Obituary, 08/25/1939:4
Rochester man dies at age 90, 08/25/1939:5
Baxter, Jennie L.
Obituary, 12/15/1939:6
Widow of Myron W. dies at age 69, 12/15/1939:7
Petition for administration of estate, 12/29/1939:5
Baxter, Lydia F.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Baxter, Myron W.
Obituary, 08/14/1936:1
Dies at age 67, 08/14/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 08/21/1936:7
Bay State Straw Works
Historical Society winter meeting well attended, history of straw works
presented, 02/10/1939:11
Bayer, Stanley
Funeral held in Natick, 08/20/1937:11
Bazinet, Hervey A.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Bazinet, Romeo
Son born, 04/12/1935:4
Beach, Anne M.
Engaged to Albert J. Bois, 05/12/1939:5
Wed to Albert J. Bois, 05/19/1939:5
Beagin, Joseph
Local film star in production of Movie Queen, 01/17/1936:1
Beahl, Julia F.
Wed to Warren F. May, 06/23/1939:5
Beal, Helen G.
Obituary, 04/09/1937:6
Dies at age 58, 04/09/1937:7
Beale, Katherine
Moves from Taunton to Lakeville, 07/22/1938:11
Beals, A.L.
Typewriters (ad), 10/16/1936:12
Beals, Joseph E.
First treasurer of Co-operative Bank (p), 07/14/1939:7
Beals, Marion
Employed at Co-operative Bank, 06/30/1939:4
Beals, Robert M.
Enrolls at School of Practical Art of Boston, 10/01/1937:1
Beals, Walter L.
Treasurer at Co-operative Bank, 10/04/1935:7
50th anniversary of graduation from Middleborough High School,
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Succeeded father as treasurer of Co-operative Bank (p), 07/14/1939:8
Beanland, Edith Ada
Wedding described, 05/14/1937:8
Bearce, Roland
Son born, 01/24/1936:6
Beard, Elizabeth
Engaged to William B. Burt, 11/01/1935:6
Wed to William B. Burt, 11/08/1935:6
Beard, James Merrill
Born to Thomas, 01/14/1938:11
Beard, John, Jr.
Probation continued, 12/29/1939:4
Beard, Martha
Hurt in auto accident on the Cape, 10/21/1938:6
Beard, Thomas
Daughter born, 09/06/1935:6
Son born, 01/14/1938:7, 01/14/1938:11
Moves from Lakeville to Middleboro, 06/30/1939:9
Bearse, Charles O.
Brother dies in Hyannis, 03/06/1936:11
Bearse, John C.
Dies in Hyannis, 03/06/1936:11
Bearse, Malcolm
Medford couple married 50 years, 07/01/1938:11
Bearse, Theophilus LeBaron
Resides in New York, 01/04/1935:2
Resides in Marion, 08/29/1935:2
Wed to Louise Humphrey, 08/18/1939:6
Bearse, William
Marion couple married 50 years, 06/11/1937:5
Resides in Marion, 12/01/1939:5
Beat-Hollins, Daisy
Brookline woman dies here, 07/21/1939:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Beaton, Elliott
Employed at Thomas Bros., 02/15/1935:3
Beaton, Gilbert
Engaged to Ruth Carver, 01/25/1935:2, 03/22/1935:7, 04/19/1935:7
Moves to Wareham, 10/01/1937:11
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:5, 07/21/1939:6
Beaton, Gilbert T.
Wedding described, 04/26/1935:1
Wed to Ruth Ella Carver, 04/26/1935:4
Beaton, Mrs Gilbert
Resides in Wareham, 04/22/1938:11
Beaton, Ruth Carver
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:6
Beatt, David A.
Tax collector's sale, 03/06/1936:12
Beatt, John
One hundred fifty chicks die in fire in North Middleboro, 02/14/1936:1
Beattie, Alice
Injured on toboggan slide in New Hampshire, 02/07/1936:2
Beattie, Cecelia
Dies tragically in fire, 05/10/1935:1
Beattie, James
Home after unusually stormy voyage, 12/06/1935:8
Beauchenin, Alfred
Son born, 04/21/1939:5
Cabot Club and Garden Club join forces to beautify grounds of Town
House, 03/27/1936:2
Centre St property owners to be congratulated, 07/23/1937:1
Citizens of Precinct 3 organize with intent to improve public property,
Rear of Town Meeting House looks like dumping ground, 05/19/1939:1
Everyone do their p art to remove ragweed, 07/21/1939:1
The Beauty Shoppe
Katherine L. Wright proprietor (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Beck, Elisha
Chimney fire in Fall Brook, 04/10/1936:1
Beck, Elisha T.
Tax collector's sale, 03/06/1936:12
Beck, Jesse C.
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Dies at age 72, 01/31/1936:6
Becker, Otto P.
Enrolls in course given by telephone company, 10/15/1937:1
Beckman, E.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Beckman, Ellsworth
Engaged to Lillian Waters, 09/29/1939:4
Wed to Lillian Waters, 10/13/1939:5
Beckman, Ellsworth P.
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:1
Beckman, Mary
Receives 25-year medal from G.E. Keith Shoe Co., 02/15/1935:4
Beckman, Ralph
Injured when caught between freight car and truck, 08/11/1939:7
Judge gives fatherly advice with year of probation, 11/17/1939:3
Beckman, Russell P.
Engaged to Blanche O. Gerrior, 10/11/1935:6
Wedding described, 10/18/1935:1
Wed to Blanche O. Gerrior, 10/18/1935:6
Beckman, Walter
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Bee, Benjamin
Dies in Harwichport, 07/21/1939:1
Beech, Ann
Engaged to be married, 05/12/1939:1
Beech, Commi
Petitions to change name to Roger Commi Beech, 08/27/1937:5
Beech, Edward
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Dies at age 80, 06/10/1938:7
Beech, Henry
Shoots 12-lb. fox in own yard, 11/12/1937:1
Beech, John
Non support case continued, 07/19/1935:2
Rear-ends Roxbury driver on Bedford St, 09/27/1935:1
Non-support case continued, 09/25/1936:2
Guilty of non-support, 03/26/1937:2
Beech, John B.
In court on charge of non-support, 07/05/1935:8
Non-support case continued, 09/27/1935:8
Fined $50 for negligent driving, 11/01/1935:8
Notice of responsibility for own bills only, 07/29/1938:7
Beech, Roger Commi
Commi Beach petitions for name change, 08/27/1937:5
Beers, Bettina B.
Wed to Richard S. Howes, 09/16/1938:7
Beers, Bettina Brownson
Engaged to Richard Shaw Howes, 02/18/1938:1
Wedding described, 09/16/1938:1
Begley, Alice
Leaves for cruise to Bermuda, 04/17/1936:1
Begley, Robert
Cast in Teachers' College Drama Club production of A Midsummer
Night's Dream, 05/17/1935:7
Begley, T. Francis
Announces candidacy for treasurer/collector, 12/06/1935:1
For town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Promising only efficient administration (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Employed at Co-operative bank (p), 07/14/1939:9
Begley, W.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Begley, William
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Marion cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Begley, William R.
Market closes doors after 38 years in business, 05/06/1938:1
Belben, John
Occupies West property on Pleasant St, 09/08/1939:7
Belben, William
Daughter born, 03/13/1936:8
Moves from Walnut Plain to Rock, 05/01/1936:5
Moves to house on Miller St, 07/31/1936:11
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 11/12/1937:11
Barn damaged and auto lost to fire on Sumner Ave, 07/08/1938:1
Belben, William J.
Moves to Rock, 05/01/1936:11
Chimney fire on Summer St, 03/17/1939:6
Belcher, Arthur F.
Belcher's Corner Grocery opens at 439 Center St (ad), 10/13/1939:10
Belcher's Corner Grocery
Opens at 439 Center St (ad), 10/13/1939:10
Bell, Charles E.
Obituary, 03/03/1939:1
Dies at age 79, 03/03/1939:7
Bell, Charlotte
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/19/1937:7
Bell, Clarece Dunham
Engaged to Stephen Sylvester Daniels, 07/08/1938:11
Bell, Clarence J.
Native of Marietta, OH, 04/22/1938:11
Bell, F.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Bell, Francis
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Bell, Lois T.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 07/10/1936:1
Dies at age 15, 07/10/1936:7
Bell, Mrs Clarence J.
Resides in Wellfleet, 02/04/1938:11
Bell, William D.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/19/1937:7
Painter dislocates jaw in fall from staging at post office, 09/08/1939:1
Belmont (Mrs)
Member of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Belmont, H.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Belmont, Harry
Member of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Belmont, Harry R.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:10
Belmont, Harvey
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Belmont, Harvey T.
Enrolls at Northeastern University, 09/24/1937:1
Belmont, Marion
Member of Tauremid String Quartet, 02/01/1935:1
Philharmonic Trio performs in Falmouth, 04/12/1935:1
Member of Philharmonic Orchestra of Plymouth, 02/12/1937:12
Plays violin for Ladies Musical Club of Taunton, 02/12/1937:12
Belmont, Marion T.
Yarn and patterns (ad), 02/22/1935:4
Violin instruction (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Plays violin for Taunton Ladies Musical Club, 12/13/1935:12
Agent for Bernat Yarn now at 9 Courtland St (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:10
Resumes teaching violin (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Belmont, Mrs Robert
Resides in Worcester, 06/19/1936:12
Belmont, Robert
Son born, 10/29/1937:1
Belmont, Robert Shaw
Born to Robert, 10/29/1937:1
Belmont White Way
Helen Cruickshank granted liquor license, 05/03/1935:1
John Hogan granted common victualler's license, 05/26/1939:1
Belmore, George
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Belrose, Arthur
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Belrose, Florence
Resides in Chelsea, 03/01/1935:5
Resides in Newton, 10/18/1935:5
Performs in radio broadcast of Gilbert and Sullivan, 06/02/1939:9
Engaged to Dennis Calnan, 11/17/1939:7
Belrose, Henry
Oil heater causes fire on Plymouth St, 01/18/1935:4
Case of disturbing the peace filed, 12/25/1936:12
Belrose, Louise
Employed in Cambridge, 01/28/1938:8
Resides in Brookline, 12/30/1938:11
Belrose, Ralph
Collides with David Winsberg at Everett and Arch St, 12/17/1937:5
Belrose, Walter
Stationed at CCC in New Hampshire, 04/16/1937:5
Transfers from NH CCC camp to Milton camp, 05/07/1937:11
Resides in Milton, 05/14/1937:11
Transfers from CCC camp at Milton to camp in Oregon, 07/16/1937:2
Transfers from camp in Oregon to Northfield, VT, 10/29/1937:11
Engaged to Priscilla Clarke, 06/16/1939:9
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:9
Belrose, Walter C.
Engaged to Priscilla Mae Clark, 03/24/1939:1
Engaged to Priscilla M. Clark, 06/09/1939:5
Wed to Priscilla M. Clark, 06/16/1939:5
Belyea, D.C.
Funeral held in Taunton, 04/17/1936:8
Bemis, Edson
Purchases Bourne St property from G. Delmar Dunbar, 05/29/1936:12
Bena, Amando
Guilty of assault after melee at West Grove St roadhouse, 03/26/1937:1
Bena, Carlo F.
Daughter born, 04/03/1936:6
Bena, Mando
Engaged to Mary Rose, 05/21/1937:1
Benevides, Clara April
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:4
Benevides, Jilio
Wedding described, 10/01/1937:11
Daughter born, 05/19/1939:5
Benevides, John
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:4
Benevides, Linda
Born to John and Clara April, 06/02/1939:4
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274
Hold Old Timer's Night, 03/08/1935:1
Holds annual Flag Day program, 06/21/1935:2
Inaugurate scholarship fund, 08/02/1935:12
Set to begin annual milk fund tag day, 09/27/1935:1
Appeal for Elk's milk fund drive (l) (J. Stearns Cushing), 09/27/1935:12
Reminder to contribute to milk tag fund, 10/04/1935:1
Town manager and public health nurse urge support of milk fund (l),
Milk fund drive pronounced a success, 10/11/1935:1
Town nurse expresses thanks (l) (Helen B. Pasztor), 10/18/1935:12
Establish Christmas fund for Santa Claus, 11/08/1935:1
Bingo night bets $50 for hospital, 11/08/1935:6
Christmas charity fund gains momentum (t), 11/15/1935:1
Christmas charity fund grows (t), 11/22/1935:1
Citizens support Christmas charity fund (l), 11/22/1935:2
Contribution total at $177.75 (t), 11/29/1935:1
Response to Christmas charity fund enthusiastic, 11/29/1935:1
Another endorsement of milk fund (l) (M.J. Danahy), 11/29/1935:7
J. Stearns Cushing appeals for support of Christmas fund (l),
Christmas fund shows gain (t), 12/13/1935:1
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Christmas fund nears goal (t), 12/20/1935:1
Donations pour in to Christmas fund, 12/20/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Over 100 families benefit from Christmas charity fund (t), 12/27/1935:1
Announce total for Christmas drive, 01/03/1936:1
Results of Christmas charity fund gratifying, 01/03/1936:1
Makes final report on charity fund (t), 01/31/1936:1
Benefit for injured hunter Joncas a success, 04/17/1936:1
Milk fund committee appointed, 09/18/1936:1
Set to start milk fund again, 09/18/1936:1
Citizens urged to participant in milk fund, 09/25/1936:1
Help out with milk fund, 09/25/1936:1
Resumes bingo games twice a week, 09/25/1936:1
Milk fund begins receiving contributions, 10/02/1936:1
Superintendent endorses milk fund (l) (J. Stearns Cushing),
Appreciation for milk fund (l) (Harry E. Richmond), 10/09/1936:1
Milk fund a success, 10/09/1936:1
Elect to participate in fraternal basketball league, 11/06/1936:1
Christmas Charity Fund opens with $110, 11/27/1936:1
Christmas Charity Fund re-opens, 11/27/1936:1
Gratified by response to Christmas Charity Drive, 12/04/1936:1
Several hundred members pay homage to Stephen O'Hara, 12/04/1936:1
Still short of Christmas Fund goal (t), 12/04/1936:1
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:7
Christmas Charity needs your support (t), 12/11/1936:1
All urged to do their part in Christmas Drive (t), 12/18/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Little time remains to get your contribution in, 12/18/1936:1
Citizens have been very generous, 12/25/1936:1
Many new donations received, more needed (t), 12/25/1936:1
Christmas Charity drive ends for another year (t), 01/01/1937:1
Benefit bingo for flood victims raises $150, 02/05/1937:1
Christmas Charity Fund report (t), 02/05/1937:1
Dignitaries attend 25th anniversary celebration (p), 04/23/1937:1
Holds Flag Day exercises, 06/18/1937:1
Citizens asked to subscribe to annual milk fund tag day, 09/17/1937:1
Milk fund appeal (l), 09/17/1937:1
School superintendents endorse annual milk fund (l), 09/24/1937:1
Milk fund campaign receives many donations, 10/08/1937:1
Milk fund campaign very successful, 10/08/1937:1
Launch Christmas drive, 11/19/1937:1
Christmas Charity Fund kicks off (t), 11/26/1937:1
Open Christmas fund with $100 donation, 11/26/1937:6
Letters plea for help from Santa (l) (t), 12/03/1937:1
Contributions still coming in, 12/10/1937:1
Fund campaign stalls (l) (t), 12/10/1937:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Santa pleased at recent results of Christmas campaign (t), 12/17/1937:1
Charles Bates endorses Elks' charity fund (l), 12/17/1937:3
Local citizenry fails in worthy cause, 12/17/1937:6
Christmas Fund surpasses goal (t), 12/24/1937:1
Thanks to residents and former residents for generous donations,
Charity Fund officials gratified, contributors listed (l) (t), 12/31/1937:1
Introduces new series of up-to-the minute bingo games, 01/14/1938:1
Bingo. A brand new game (ad), 01/14/1938:5
Leslie Aller steward, 03/25/1938:7
Over 100 attend Flag Day ceremonies, 06/17/1938:1
Milk fund drive opens, 10/07/1938:1
Please give to Elks milk fund (l), 10/07/1938:1
Support the annual milk fund drive, 10/07/1938:1
Thank you from the Middleboro Elks (l), 10/14/1938:1
Milk fund total $227.65, 10/21/1938:1
School nurse appreciates milk fund (l) (Helen Pasztor), 10/21/1938:1
Milk fund hits new high, 10/28/1938:1
Charity fund donates $100 to Gazette Christmas Basket Fund,
Christmas Charity fund benefits widespread, 11/25/1938:1
Expect new record for Christmas fund (l) (t), 12/02/1938:1
Bespeaks support of Christmas fund (l) (Laura B. Whittemore),
John Fahey donates winnings to Elks' Christmas fund, 12/02/1938:6
Two weeks left to contribute to Christmas fund (t), 12/09/1938:1
Christmas fund total $322 (t), 12/16/1938:1
Support Christmas Basket Fund (t), 12/23/1938:1
About 600 youngsters attend Elks benefit showing at Middleboro
Theatre, 12/30/1938:1
Christmas Basket Fund breaks record (t), 12/30/1938:1
Sponsors Americanism Night, 03/10/1939:1
Honors retiring Exalted Ruler John Brady, 05/12/1939:1
Raises $61.50 for oxygen tent at St. Luke's, 07/14/1939:2
Present St. Luke's with oxygen tent (p), 09/08/1939:1
Starts annual milk fund campaign, 09/29/1939:1
Help needy children (l), 10/06/1939:1
Milk fund at $201.64, 10/13/1939:1
Start Christmas fund, 11/24/1939:1
Elks and Gazette sponsor gift baskets fund for needy, 12/01/1939:1
Former Superintendent Bates makes appeal for contributions,
Basket fund total $241 (t), 12/15/1939:1
Applies for liquor license, 12/15/1939:6
Last call for Basket Fund (t), 12/22/1939:1
Basket Fund at $359.71 (t), 12/29/1939:1
Benjamin (Mr)
Tattoos poultry, 06/21/1935:11
Benjamin, Alma
Chimney fire on Center St, 01/11/1935:1
Benjamin, Alma J.
Engaged to Lawrence Gleason Conroy, 12/27/1935:6
Benjamin, Henry O.
Hurled 60 feet from wreck in Bridgewater, 07/30/1937:1
Injured in Wareham crash, 10/01/1937:1
Collides with Taunton driver at Fall Brook junction, 09/15/1939:1
Benn, George
Dense fog causes crash at Center and Cambridge St, 01/11/1935:1
Closes plumbing business after 35 years, 12/08/1939:2
Benna, Carlo
Fined $75 for multiple motor vehicle violations, 09/02/1938:1
Case filed, 12/02/1938:2
Bennet, Alma
Departs for Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico, 06/14/1935:1
Bennet, Jane
On cruise to Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, 03/10/1939:1
Bennet, Nellie
On cruise to Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, 03/10/1939:1
Bennett, Achsah A.
Obituary, 04/24/1936:1
Widow of Asa dies at age 73, 04/24/1936:7
Bennett, Achsah Annie
Lakeville Library sewing circle loses valued member in death of
Bennett, 04/24/1936:5
Bennett, Allerton C.
Obituary, 08/07/1936:1
Administrator requests all bills against estate, 02/12/1937:7
Sale to settle estate (ad), 07/23/1937:12
Administrator's sale of real estate, 04/22/1938:11
Bennett, Allerton Cushman
Dies at age 75, 08/07/1936:7
Bennett, Almira J.
Obituary, 02/15/1935:1
Taunton woman dies at age 90, 02/15/1935:4
Bennett, Bradford D.
Obituary, 10/09/1936:1
Dies at age 34, 10/09/1936:7
Bennett, Dora D.
Engaged to George L. Nickerson, 11/10/1939:4
Wed to George L. Nickerson, 11/17/1939:5
Bennett, Edward
Engaged to Daisy Long, 12/20/1935:5
Bennett, Edwin
Fire at home on Marion Rd, 02/18/1938:1
Bennett, Jane
Sails for Buenos Aires, South America, 01/21/1938:1
Bennett, Nellie
Sails for Buenos Aires, South America, 01/21/1938:1
Benny's Auto Store
Grand opening at 60 Centre St (ad), 02/07/1936:11
Grand opening gets good response, 02/14/1936:6
Given permit to erect sign on Center St, 05/27/1938:5
Licensed to sell, lease, or rent firearms, 01/13/1939:11
Benoit, Annie E.
Engaged to Edward F. Bernier, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Louis E. Bernier, 08/13/1937:7
Benoit, Betty
Wedding described, 08/13/1937:1
Benoit, Ray
Employed at sanatorium, 02/18/1938:11
Benson, Arthur
Son born, 11/25/1938:7
Benson, Arthur D.
Heads Annawon Council of Boy Scouts, 01/24/1936:8
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:4
Retires as head of Annawon Scout Council (p), 01/21/1938:1
Benson, Arthur F.
Engaged to Doris M. Godbout, 10/16/1936:7
Wed to Doris M. Godbout, 10/23/1936:7
Benson, Charles
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Chimney fire on Chestnut St, 11/22/1935:2
Engaged to Eva Sylvester, 05/19/1939:9
Wed to Eva Sylvester, 06/09/1939:5
Benson, Charles C.
Engaged to Eva Sylvester, 06/02/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Benson, Earle Diman
Wed to Evelyn Arline Wills, 12/01/1939:5
Benson, George G.
Harness maker, 95 Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
History and profile of Middleboro business, 02/08/1935:1
Closes harness shop for a week (ad), 08/12/1938:11
Benson, John
Plays role in Carver history, 03/22/1935:3
Son born, 10/21/1938:12
Resides in Quincy, 11/11/1938:1
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 03/10/1939:4
Benson, John E.
Obituary, 03/03/1939:1
Dies at age 77, 03/03/1939:7
Benson, John K.
Resides in Quincy, 11/25/1938:6
Benson, Mrs Theophilus A.
Dies in New Bedford, 02/14/1936:2
Benson, Preston
One of three men arrested for holdup in North Plymouth, 12/03/1937:1
Benson, Preston C.
Sentenced to Concord reformatory for armed robbery, 02/18/1938:1
Benson, Richard E.
George Wilbur struck by Benson's auto on Plymouth St, 11/15/1935:1
Engaged to Margaret H. Baker, 02/04/1938:7
Wed to Margaret H. Baker, 02/18/1938:7
Benson, Roger
Resides in New Haven, CT, 09/10/1937:6
Benson, Rufus T.
Obituary, 12/03/1937:1
Dies at age 66, 12/03/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 01/21/1938:8
Benson, Russell
Engaged to Helen Savard, 12/30/1938:1, 04/07/1939:9, 08/18/1939:6
Benson, Stanley
Attends Springfield College, 02/22/1935:1
Appointed assistant camp director at Camp Norse in North Carver,
Resides in Buffalo, NY, 04/14/1939:1
Benson, Stanley D.
Graduates from Springfield College, accepts position in Albany,
Benson, William J.
Fined $25 for operating to endanger, 05/24/1935:3
Wed to Gertrude C. Girard, 07/07/1939:5
Bent, Frank
Wed to Margaret Tripp, 04/14/1939:8
Bent, Frank J.
Engaged to Margaret A. Tripp, 04/07/1939:5
Wed to Margaret A. Tripp, 05/05/1939:5
Bent, Harold D.
Dies in Brockton, 02/18/1938:1
Benton, Herman R.
Loses life fighting woods fire, 05/07/1937:1
Benton, Lewis H.
Writes of old Peter Hoar homestead in Lakeville, 02/28/1936:8
Benton, Louis A.
Engaged to Lillian I. Rogers, 03/06/1936:6
Wed to Lillian I. Rogers, 03/13/1936:6
Benton, Mildred
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:11
Benton, Mildred E.
Wed to Charles E. Dimond, 09/03/1937:7
Benton, Winthrop E.
Wed to Irene Black, 07/15/1938:1
Berg, Mrs John
Resides in Eureka, CA, 04/01/1938:4
Berg, Olga Stone
Resides in California, 07/02/1937:8
Berg, Willard
Wed to Elizabeth Calloway, 07/07/1939:4
Berger, Roger
Loses eye when bottle explodes, 01/21/1938:1
Bergquist, Emma
Roslindale woman dies, 07/23/1937:7
Beristain, Lucy
Obituary, 08/29/1935:1
Dies at age 29, 08/29/1935:6
Berman (Mr)
Royal Burgess resting comfortably after burned at junk yard,
Sawicki complains about conditions at junk yard, 04/23/1937:5
Berman, George
Engaged to Doris Sherman, 01/06/1939:1
Berman, Hyman
Engaged to Lillian Ruth Rubin, 03/11/1938:1
Berman, Max
Selectmen grant junk dealer's license, 03/01/1935:3
Granted third class automobile license as well as junk dealers license,
Selectmen field complaints about junk yard, 08/23/1935:5
Granted auto junk license, 01/10/1936:8
Granted junk dealers license, 01/22/1937:1
Granted junk license, 04/30/1937:5
Purchases Knox Combination No. 1 from Fire Department,
Berman, Tillie
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/12/1935:5, 05/24/1935:8
Bernabeo, Dominic
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:5
Bernabeo, Dominick
Engaged to Mary R. Duphily, 01/31/1936:6
Wed to Mary R. Duphily, 02/07/1936:8, 02/14/1936:6
Son born, 05/06/1938:7
Bernabeo, Donata
Engaged to Armand Boileau, 06/14/1935:6
Wed to Armond Boileau, 07/05/1935:6
Bernabeo, Joseph
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 03/20/1936:1
Bernabeo, Louis J.
Wed to Anna Tantillo, 12/08/1939:7
Berniche, Stanley
Son born, 10/28/1938:6
Bernier, Edward
Wedding described, 08/13/1937:1
Bernier, Edward F.
Engaged to Annie E. Benoit, 08/06/1937:7
Bernier, Eugene
Probation extended, 11/04/1938:11
Bernier, Eugene J.
Jailed for drunkenness, 04/22/1938:1
Bernier, George
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/19/1937:7
Bernier, John
Injured clearing storm-felled trees with WPA, 10/14/1938:6
Bernier, John B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/19/1937:7
Bernier, Louis E.
Wed to Annie Benoit, 08/13/1937:7
Bernier, Louis J.
Wed to Marion H. Carpenter, 06/07/1935:6
Bernier, Romeo
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:1
Wed to Loretta Martin, 06/11/1937:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Daughter born, 09/30/1938:7
Bernier, Romeo J.
Engaged to Loretta Martin, 05/28/1937:7
Bernier, Rosario
Daughter born, 11/03/1939:5
Bernier, Rosario L.
Engaged to Blanche L. Lucier, 06/10/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/15/1938:1
Wed to Blanche E. Lucier, 07/15/1938:7
Bernier, W.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Steve Kelley grows 3.5-in. strawberries, 06/28/1935:1
Farmers report bountiful crop of strawberries, 06/24/1938:11
Mrs Elmer Shaw harvesting raspberries, 11/04/1938:1
Blueberries very plentiful this year, 07/21/1939:1
Berry, Roderick
Injured in car crash in Lakeville, 05/06/1938:1
Berry, T.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Berry, Walter
Resumes studies at St. Francis Xavier University, 09/18/1936:12
Graduates cum laude, 05/28/1937:5
Berry, Walter E.
Attends St. Francis University in Nova Scotia, 06/05/1936:12
Graduates from Francis Xavier University with honors, 05/14/1937:6,
Berthiaume, Ruth Lorraine
Wed to John Arthur Parker, 11/24/1939:4
Berube, Alma A.
Enters St. Luke's New Bedford Training School for Nurses,
Berube, Arsene
Application for liquor license, 03/12/1937:6
Fire at home on Lakeside Ave, 11/12/1937:1
Besegai, Alfred D.
Engaged to Hilda A. Mello, 07/22/1938:7
Wed to Hilda A. Mello, 08/05/1938:7
Besse, Dan
George Stiles joins Lang and Besse at Walk-Over Shoe Store,
Besse, Emily
Wed to William Seward, 10/22/1937:11
Besse, George M.
Obituary, 10/25/1935:8
Besse, Julia E.
Obituary, 11/25/1938:1
Wife of Charles dies at age 72, 11/25/1938:7
Besse & Lang
Shoes, 29 Center St (ad), 09/18/1936:11
Bessett, Armond
Seriously injured in auto accident on East Grove St, 11/13/1936:1
Bessette, Armand
Crashes into signal beacon at Grove and South Main St, 06/18/1937:2
Gets 30 days for leaving scene of accident, 09/02/1938:5
Probation case filed, 03/03/1939:5
Fails to appear in court, 03/03/1939:11
Bessey, Mrs Lloyd D.
Resides in Boston, 04/16/1937:8
Bettencourt, Marianno A.
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Betty Neck Cranberry Co.
Fire in building in Lakeville, 02/28/1936:2
Fire in small building in Lakeville, 01/07/1938:1
Employs Robert Vickery, 04/22/1938:11
see also Nemasket Spring Water Co.
New dealers' organization has about 40 members, 08/21/1936:1
Middleboro Beverage Employees hold first meeting, 09/04/1936:5
Bianchini, Tiziano
Son born, 11/24/1939:5
Bible Conference Grounds
Break-in on Tispaquin St, 09/02/1938:1
Historical Society presents scenes of bicentennial celebration,
Bickford, Evelyn
Moore takes leave of absence from high school, replaced by Bickford,
Bickford, Evelyn I.
Takes over for Esther Moore at high school, 01/08/1937:1
Bicycles and Bicycling
New safety league for children, 05/10/1935:2
Fifteen sign up for new Cycle Club, 07/24/1936:6
Club organized at high school, 10/09/1936:8
Chief Sisson outlines rules, 10/23/1936:1
George Pina fined after caught hooking ride on auto, 05/28/1937:1
Registration of bicycles suggested, 05/26/1939:1
Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents
Frank Travassos fatally struck by auto driven by Edgar Paun,
Police begin campaign to remind bicyclists of laws, 04/12/1935:1
Edward Cleverly collides with Miskinis' auto on Center St,
Bicyclist Nelson Russell tangles with A. Wilbur Fillmore's auto at Lane
and Center St, 09/06/1935:6
Edward Ramsey injured in fall from bicycle, 10/04/1935:1
Peter Paoli's auto knocks Donald Gammons off bike, 10/23/1936:11
Lawrence Shaw knocked down by laundry truck driven by Daniel
Sweeney, 11/06/1936:1
Dorothy Gingras injured when bicycle struck by Arthur Wood's auto,
Two accidents bring danger to attention of public, 04/16/1937:1
William Greer struck by Gertrude Kyrouz at Everett and North St,
Anent bicycles accidents (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 04/23/1937:2
Frank Crosier champions cause of local bicycle riders (l), 04/30/1937:1
Wollaston man hits W.B. Stone's car and Tullis' bicycle while speeding,
James Quigley collides with auto driven by Mildred Bowman,
Krikorian's tricycle runs into Burnett's car on Frank St, 03/25/1938:1
Florence Davis injured by bicyclist on Plymouth St, 04/01/1938:4
Warren Perry bruised in bicycle somersault, 06/10/1938:1
Ruth Pendleton badly bruised when thrown from bicycle, 06/10/1938:11
Avis Johnson struck by Cape auto on Bedford St, 05/12/1939:1
Bicyclist Phyllis Wilbur struck by Walter Burgess' auto on Wareham St,
Richard Hicks injured by Edith Frost's auto, 06/16/1939:8
Alden Robinson thrown against Cushman's auto, fractures skull,
Bicyclist Frank Towne hit by Celia Hebert's car on Center St,
Bidell, Fred C.
Dies in Melrose, 02/10/1939:2
Henry Soucie instructed to present divorce papers to judge,
Henry Souci in court here, 08/04/1939:4
Bigelow, Fred
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Bigelow, Frederic
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Bigelow, Victor
Daughter born, 10/30/1936:7
Bigelow, Winfred
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Son born, 04/23/1937:7
Exhibition by Peter Crandall, 10/25/1935:6
Murphy's pool room suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Murphy's gets permit for billiards, pool, and bowling, 04/14/1939:1
Billings, David Lewis
Born to Lawson H., 06/09/1939:4
Billings, Eva Alice
Wed to Hermon Hawkes, 07/12/1935:2
Billings, Janet Lee
Born to Lewis E., 10/21/1938:6
Billings, Lawson H.
Son born, 06/09/1939:4
Billings, Lewis
Daughter born, 10/14/1938:7
Billings, Lewis E.
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:6
Binns, Hannah
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/08/1935:7
Binns, Lambert
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/08/1935:7
Bird Racing
see also Budd, George
Colonial Homing Pigeon Club inaugurates spring racing season (t),
Westgate's birds win special race (t), 10/11/1935:2
Harriette Eaton, birds boarded (ad), 02/08/1935:8
Robin sighted on Tispaquin St, 02/15/1935:2
George Budd awarded racing cups for records made by birds this
season, 02/22/1935:6
Imprisoned in 4th District Court ventilation system, 04/12/1935:1
A few martens return to Rock, 04/26/1935:6
Large flock of geese herald spring, 03/06/1936:1
Martens return to Thomas' on Smith St, 04/24/1936:5
Large numbers of seagulls here to feed on herring, 05/08/1936:2
Martin colony on Bishop Ave larger than ever, 05/22/1936:2
Tabulation of birds seen by members of Middleboro Bird Club in 1936,
Flock of geese adds to signs of spring, 02/26/1937:1
C.A. Thompson, white canaries (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Alfred Thomas' martin colony draws folks from afar, 05/21/1937:11
Nest of owls discovered by Devlin on High St, 07/02/1937:7
Middleboro Bird Club conducts second annual all day outing,
Colony of martens returns to Thomas' house, 04/22/1938:11
Middleboro Bird Club takes third annual trip to West Barnstable,
Higgins gives lecture on birds to Wareham Garden Club, 04/07/1939:9
Martins arrive in Rock, 04/28/1939:9
Rev Kilpatrick rescues robin, 11/17/1939:1
Birdsall, Walter F.
Resides in Barnstable, 10/23/1936:6
Employed in Barnstable, 10/15/1937:5
Engaged to Natalie A. Joncas, 12/02/1938:3, 09/01/1939:5
Wed to Natalie A. Joncas, 09/15/1939:5
Employed at sanatorium, 11/03/1939:5
Birdsall, Walter Franklin
Wedding described, 09/08/1939:4
Births - Lakeville
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
Twenty-five in 1935, 02/21/1936:6
Twenty-six in 1936, 02/26/1937:11
Births - Middleboro
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
One hundred and twenty six recorded in 1935, 01/10/1936:1
WPA money allotted to vital statistics project, 05/15/1936:1
One hundred eighty eight in 1938, 01/20/1939:1
Bisbee, Ada May
Obituary, 09/01/1939:1
Bisbee, Ada M.
Petition for probate of will, 11/24/1939:4
Bisbee, Edwin
Father dies in Lakeville, 03/20/1936:8
Bisbee, Eugene
Father of Edwin dies in Lakeville, 03/20/1936:8
Bisbee, Joseph
Resides in Mansfield, 09/27/1935:11, 11/29/1935:8, 03/20/1936:11
Resides in Mystic, CT, 08/14/1936:2
Bisbee, Mrs Robert E.
Moves from Lakeville to South Middleboro, 07/21/1939:7
Dies at age 88, 09/01/1939:5
Bisbee, Rena I.
Resides in Watertown, 03/01/1935:6
Bisbee, Rena Isobel
Engaged to Walter Herman Hadley, 04/28/1939:9
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:6
Bisbee, Robert E.
Couple married 60 years, 08/02/1935:5
Couple married 63 years, 07/29/1938:11
Many friends and family attend funeral service, 11/11/1938:2
Petition for probate of will, 12/16/1938:11
Bisbee, Robert Edgar
Reverend dies in 88th year, obituary, 11/04/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 11/04/1938:7
Bisbee, S. Eugene
Obituary, 03/20/1936:1
Dies at age 67, 03/20/1936:6
Bisee, Grace
Employed at St. Luke's, 11/18/1938:3
Bishop, Annie
Funeral held in Providence, RI, 05/03/1935:7
Bishop, Georgina
Petition for conservatorship, 10/09/1936:7
Obituary, 12/24/1937:1
Taunton woman dies at age 82, 12/24/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 12/31/1937:5
Bishop, Howard
Quincy man dies at age 79, 01/04/1935:4
Bishop, Israel F.
Obituary, 10/30/1936:1
Dies at age 88, 10/30/1936:7
Bishop, Israel Freeman
Obituary, 10/30/1936:5
Bishop, Susan
Teaches in Wollaston, 06/28/1935:11
Gives illustrated lecture at Boston University, 04/24/1936:5
Bishup, Howard M.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1, 01/04/1935:3
Petition for probate of will, 07/26/1935:11
Bishup, Susan
Resides in Quincy, 01/18/1935:2
Bismore (Mr)
Occupies Thomas' tenement at Smith and Miller St, 08/26/1938:8
Bismore, James A.
Employed in Plympton, 07/28/1939:6
Bisonnette, Eugene R.
Wed to Julia A. DeMoranville, 07/07/1939:5
Bissonette, Eugene R.
Engaged to Julia A. DeMoranville, 06/30/1939:5
Wed to Julia Alberta DeMoranville, 07/14/1939:2
Bissonette, Lauretta
Attends Simmons College, 03/27/1936:12
Bissonnette, Adrien
Fire destroys store at 152 Peirce St, 12/11/1936:1
Bissonnette, Alcida
Christen daughter Jeanne Margaret, 03/18/1938:11
Bissonnette, Alcidas
Fire destroys Pickens St barn, 03/08/1935:1
Daughter born, 03/04/1938:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Case of non-support continued, 03/24/1939:11
Not guilty on non-support charge, 06/09/1939:8
Bissonnette, Chester
Resides in Tiverton, RI, 06/10/1938:11
Bissonnette, E. Vincent
Engaged to Dorothy P. Cummings, 10/09/1936:7
Wed to Dorothea P. Cummings, 10/16/1936:7
Bissonnette, Eugene R.
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:2
Bissonnette, Helen
Resides in Brockton, 12/30/1938:11
Bissonnette, J. Adrian
Insurance services, 152 Pierce St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Bissonnette, J. Adrien
Elected to honorary group sponsored by American Motorists Ins. Co.,
Bissonnette, Jeanne Margaret
Daughter of Alcida christened, 03/18/1938:11
Bissonnette, Lauretta
Graduates from Simmons College (p), 06/10/1938:1
Engaged to Abbott Sherwood Maeder, 06/23/1939:1
Bissonnette, Lauretta Eleanor
Wedding described, 08/11/1939:1
Bissonnette, Lawrence
Employed at Homestead Grocery, 05/29/1936:1
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:6
Wed to Evelyn Lovell, 06/04/1937:7
Son born, 03/18/1938:7
Bissonnette, Lawrence B.
Engaged to Evelyn M. Lovell, 05/28/1937:7
Bissonnette, Loretta
Elected to staff of Simmons News at Simmons College, 10/18/1935:1
Biswonger, Elizabeth
In minor crash with Albert Carr on Wareham St, 07/31/1936:5
Black (Mr)
Assignee's sale at O'Hara & Black (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Black, Barbara G.
Injured when car overturns in mishap on East Grove St, 06/12/1936:1
Black, Irene
Wed to Winthrop E. Benton, 07/15/1938:1
Black, John A.
Fire at home on Cross St, 02/14/1936:2
Black, Thelma E.
Engaged to Harold L. Caswell, 09/08/1939:1
Blackburn, Hollis
Son born, 11/25/1938:7, 11/25/1938:8
Blackburn, Louise B.
Alumni Association presents Out High School; honor Leonard Tillson
(p), 12/31/1937:1
Blackburn, Preston
Daughter born, 09/02/1938:6
Blackley, Alice K.
Engaged to Lloyd R. Vickery, 06/02/1939:5
Blackman, Frederick
Son born, 10/15/1937:11
Blacksmiths (see Metal and Metal Work)
Blackwell, George
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Blackwell, George W., Jr.
Police locate missing youth in record time, 07/05/1935:1
Blackwell, Lucy Adelaide
Biography, 06/21/1935:8
Blair, George N.
Obituary, 10/06/1939:7
Springfield man dies at age 76, 10/06/1939:7
Blair, Mrs Everett
Resides in Truro, Nova Scotia, 07/09/1937:1
Blair, Rufus E.
Mary Mello injured after coming in contact with Blair's auto,
Blair, Rufus Richards
Genealogy, 06/28/1935:8
Blair, Ruth
Wed to Arvid Anderson, 06/11/1937:8
Blake, Edwin
Brother dies in Dexter, ME, 03/10/1939:8
Blake, Erwin
Daughter born, 10/23/1936:7
Blake, Norma Gay
Born to Erwin, 10/23/1936:7
Blakely, John
Obituary, 06/05/1936:5
Blakely, Lucille Elizabeth
Wedding described, 11/18/1938:1
Blakeman, Alton H.
Daughter born, 10/18/1935:8
Blakeman, Betty Jean
Born to Alton H. and Dorcas Dale, 10/18/1935:8
Blakeman, Dorcas Dale
Daughter born, 10/18/1935:8
Battery and tire service (ad), 02/22/1935:8
Blakeslee, Merwin
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 05/22/1936:1
Blakeslee, Robert
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 02/11/1938:1
Blakney, Edgar O.
Obituary, 10/28/1938:6
Blanchard, Arthur
Wed to Harriet Burrill, 10/01/1937:11
Blanchard, Fred Montrose
Obituary, relatives sought, 07/29/1938:1
Blanchard, Walter F.
Takes own life with shotgun, 04/16/1937:11
Blanchard, Wendall Phillips
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11
Blanchard, Wendell
Daughter born, 09/15/1939:5
Blanchette, Phyllis Dorothy
Daughter of William dies at age 1, 02/22/1935:4
Blanchette, William
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Candidate for representative, 08/14/1936:1
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Candidate for selectman withdraws, 01/07/1938:1
Nomination papers taken out for post on Finance Committee,
Blanchette, William A.
Announces candidacy for representative (p), 08/28/1936:1
Candidate for Delegate to the Democratic State Convention,
Blandin, Erville
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:1
Blandin, Erville D.
Engaged to Madeline E. Cash, 05/29/1936:7
Blandin, Fred
Peddlers license required to sell food near skating rink, 02/10/1939:11
Blandin, Olive B. Starbuck
Obituary, 08/14/1936:1
Blizzards (see Storms)
Blood, Esther
Engaged to be married, 05/14/1937:11
Wed in Bridgewater, 06/18/1937:8
Bloom (Mr and Mrs)
Purchase Plymouth St house from Stephen Richmond, 07/26/1935:2
Bloom, Max
Dog license renewal comes from California, 01/28/1938:1
Bloom, S.D.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Sells Plymouth St home, moves to California, 07/16/1937:2
Blouin, Elizabeth
Engaged to Reginald Chandler, 08/12/1938:7, 09/02/1938:1
Blouin, Elzear
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 12/27/1935:1
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 05/26/1939:7
Blouin, Elzear J.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 03/17/1939:5
Blouin, Mary
Wed to Reginald Chandler, 09/09/1938:7
Blouin, Mary E.
Engaged to Reginald A. Chandler, 08/12/1938:7
Blouin, Napoleon J.
Engaged to Arleen A. Mayhew, 09/16/1938:7
Wed to Arleen A. Mayhew, 09/30/1938:7
Blue Plate Restaurant
Complaint about fan referred to Health Board, 07/15/1938:1
No violations, 08/05/1938:8
Blue Rhythm Orchestra
Lakeville musicians broadcast over WHDH, 03/20/1936:1
Wins first prize from Boston radio station, 04/03/1936:7
Bluhm, Natalie L.
Engaged to Mitchell G. Dyer, 10/08/1937:7
Wed to Mitchell G. Dyer, 10/29/1937:7
Bly, John
Obituary, 04/17/1936:11
Boarding Houses (see Hotels, Motels, Etc.)
Boardman, Arthur
Daughter born, 09/09/1938:7
Boardman, Arthur E.
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/25/1936:11
Boardman, Catherine
Obituary, 07/15/1938:1
Wife of George dies at age 63, 07/15/1938:7
Boardman, Charles
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Jailed for drunkenness, 04/22/1938:1
Obituary, 09/16/1938:1
Bridgewater man dies at age 47, 09/16/1938:7
Boardman, George
Fire starts in car, 07/12/1935:2
Daughter-in-law dies in Somerville, 06/10/1938:12
Boardman, George H.
Obituary, 08/18/1939:4
Boardman, Georgie Henry, Jr.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/13/1935:7
Boardman, Mrs Earl
Funeral held at Hanson, 09/08/1939:7
Boardman, Mrs Edward
Dies in Somerville, 06/10/1938:12
Boardway, Charles
Dies in Malone, NY, 07/19/1935:11
Boats and Boating
Charles Gurney and sons start boat building business here. see also
Charles S. Gurney & Sons Co.
M.L. Southwick launches new sailboat on the Yangtze River,
Charles S. Gurney & Sons Co. already receives large number of orders,
Charles S. Gurney & Sons Co. locates on Wareham St, 01/29/1937:2
Iceboats make appearance on Long Pond, 01/06/1939:11
This week in 1914, still iceboating on Assawompsett, 03/31/1939:1
C.B. Clark agent for Belcher Marine Co. (ad), 04/28/1939:10
Boats and Boating - Accidents
Beatrice Taylor drowns in Long Pond, 04/22/1938:11
Six rescued in sailboat upset on Assawompsett, 07/07/1939:4
Fred Galfre saves overturned canoeist Raymond Snowden, 07/14/1939:5
Cecil Clark drowns in boating accident, 09/08/1939:1
Balky canoe dumps Waldo Thomas in Vermont lake, 09/08/1939:8
Bob's Diner
Open for inspection (ad), 12/15/1939:5
Expresses appreciation (l), 12/29/1939:4
Bob's Lunch
Thomas Thompson resigns, takes position with Metropolitan Life
Insurance Co,, 02/03/1939:1
Small fire in awning on North Main St, 07/07/1939:6
Alphonso Fish plans to raze property at Four Corners, 10/20/1939:1
Bobs Turkey Ranch
R.E. Hewitt proprietor (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Bochichio, Frank J.
Injured when car overturns on Bedford St, 08/12/1938:1
Fined $20 for negligent driving, 09/02/1938:5
Boden, Alice N.
Engaged to Charles G. Roberts, 08/21/1936:7
Bodfish, John D.W.
Favors principals of Union for Social Justice (l), 07/17/1936:5
Bodwell, Everett
Wedding described, 09/13/1935:8
Moves to Pleasant St, 04/02/1937:5
Son born, 10/14/1938:8
Moves to Center St tenement, 02/10/1939:2
Bodwell, Everett E.
Wed to Laura E. Hazelton, 09/13/1935:6
Bodwell, Everett, Jr.
Born to Everett and Laura Hazelton, 10/14/1938:8
Bodwell, Laura Hazelton
Son born, 10/14/1938:8
Boehme (Mr)
For town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Boehme, Helen
Collides with Plymouth driver at South Main and Courtland St,
Boehme, Helen F.
Engaged to Leonard B. Arenburger, 06/12/1936:7
Boehme, Helen Frances
Engaged to Leonard B. Arenburg, 07/19/1935:1
Boehme, L. Mendall
Announces candidacy for treasurer/collector (p), 12/06/1935:1
Candidate for town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Boehme, Nellie
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Boehme, Oscar
Employed at sanatorium, 05/21/1937:11
Bogigan, Leon
Injured when truck crashes into tree, 06/26/1936:1
Bogigian, Leon
Grass fire on Everett St, 03/25/1938:1
Bogogian, Leon
Son born, 11/13/1936:7
Bohan, Timothy
Obituary, 10/01/1937:7
Boice, Carleton
Engaged to Barbara D. Ramsdell, 05/22/1936:1
Boileau, Armand
Engaged to Donata Bernabeo, 06/14/1935:6
Wed to Donata Bernabeo, 07/05/1935:6
Daughter born, 01/10/1936:6
Son born, 02/19/1937:6, 04/15/1938:7
Bois, Albert J.
Engaged to Anne M. Beach, 05/12/1939:5
Wed to Anne M. Beach, 05/19/1939:5
Boise, John
Alfred Auger sells The Martinique to Keith and Boise, 03/27/1936:6
Bolduc, Edward
Recently married, 05/19/1939:9
Bolduc, Laura
Obituary, 04/28/1939:9
Bolduc, Louis
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Bollinger, Walter
Dies in Pottsville, PA, 11/18/1938:1
Bolster, Mrs Robert
Resides in Penngwnne, PA, 08/29/1935:12
Bolster, Mrs Robert P.
Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 05/03/1935:1
Resides in Philadelphia, 08/14/1936:6
Bolster, Mrs R.P.
Resides in Pennwyn, PA, 05/01/1936:1
Bonn, Mrs Lewis
Resides in Chappatua, NY, 08/23/1935:7
Bonnar (Dr)
General medicine (ad), 11/11/1938:12
Bonnar, James, Jr.
Daughter born, 03/31/1939:7
Bonnar, James M.
New doctor locates here, 11/04/1938:1
Bonney, George E.
Administrator presents account of estate, 01/25/1935:5
Bonzarni, Romeo
Chimney fire on Cedar St, 08/25/1939:4
Booker, Arlington Winfred
Engaged to Priscilla Louise Commeau, 09/29/1939:1, 09/29/1939:5
Booker, Mrs Arlington
Resides in Bradford, ME, 11/10/1939:9
see also Gibbs, A. Hamilton; Libraries
Arthur Winslow donates his own book to Rock Village Library,
Clarence Lucas author of new book Press Work Pressure, 10/11/1935:8
Middleboro Chamber of Commerce publishes book Know Your Town,
Chamber of Commerce book of facts goes to press, 03/26/1937:2
List of advertisers in Chamber publication Know Your Town,
New book by Hazel Hawthorne released, Three Women, 04/22/1938:1
Neal O'Hara's book Take It From Me published, 03/31/1939:1
Honolulu, Hawaii library requests copy of Weston's Town of
Middleboro, 12/08/1939:12
Booth, Henrietta A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/06/1936:7
Bordeau, Fred
Tree falls on Plymouth St house during hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Bordeaux, Fred
Dies at age 41, 02/03/1939:7
Bordeaux, Fred Nelson
Petition for administration of estate, 02/10/1939:6
Borden, Curtis
Wedding described, 11/25/1938:8
Borden, Esther
Engaged to William W.L. Tallman, 09/02/1938:7
Wed to William W.L. Tallman, 09/02/1938:7
Borden, George
Daughter born, 07/29/1938:11
Borden, Helen Hoard
Daughter born, 07/29/1938:11
Borden, Morrill
Resides in Takohau, WA, 06/16/1939:9
Borden, Mrs George
Resides in Boston, 05/27/1938:11
Borden, Perry A.
Tax collector's sale, 03/06/1936:12
Borden, Raymond
Moves from Lakeside Ave to Bedford St, 02/05/1937:8
Borden, William
East Taunton couple married 55 years, 12/25/1936:8
Bordon, Mrs George
Resides in Boston, 06/24/1938:11
Borsari, Florence
Protests transfer of liquor license (l), 01/20/1939:5
Borsari, Francis H.
Elected president of John Cabot Club (p), 12/17/1937:1
Borsari, George
Employed in Washington, DC, 03/05/1937:1
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:2
Borsari, Joseph
Passes exam for journeyman plumber, 04/26/1935:5
Borsari, Joseph T.
Passes exam for master plumbers license, 06/03/1938:1
Plumbing, heating & supplies (ad), 07/08/1938:12
Borsari, Leopold
Son born, 03/31/1939:7
Borsari, Mrs Frank
Sails for trip to Europe, 05/28/1937:1
Borsari, Rose
Graduates from Sturdy Memorial hospital in Attleboro, 10/21/1938:1
Bosari, Ellen M.
Graduates from New Bedford Vocational school, 04/19/1935:1
Boshoff, Phillip
Obituary, 02/01/1935:1
Dies at age 41, 02/01/1935:4
The Boston Store
Clothing (ad), 02/15/1935:8
Selling out sale of men's and boy's furnishings (ad), 07/19/1935:8
Renovates and enlarges women's and children's department (ad),
Removal notice, to 48 Center St (ad), 05/06/1938:4
Moves to new location on south side of Center St, 07/01/1938:1
Grand opening of new Center St store (ad), 07/01/1938:4
Celebrates 20 years in Middleboro (ad), 01/20/1939:2
Bosworth, Joel E.
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Freetown man dies at age 78, 12/16/1938:7
Bosworth, Walter
Non-support case continued, 12/04/1936:8
Bottie, Hermoine
Obituary, 02/12/1937:1
Taunton woman dies at age 65, 02/12/1937:6
Boucher, Catherine T.
Administrator presents account of estate, 01/31/1936:7
Boucher, Everett
Lunch counter man at rail station, 08/19/1938:5
Boucher, Joseph
Employed at fire station, 08/14/1936:12
Boucher, Joseph E.
Engaged to Catherine E. Tobey, 10/08/1937:7
Boucher, Joseph E.A.
Collides with East Bridgewater auto at South Main and West Grove St,
Boucher, Mary E.
Obituary, 02/10/1939:1
Dies at age 77, 02/10/1939:7
Boucher, Richard
Obituary, 09/11/1936:1
Boston man dies at age 74, 09/11/1936:7
Boucher, Russell
Daughter born, 12/15/1939:12
Boucher, Sarah
Resides in Lancaster, NH, 01/04/1935:1
Boucher, Sarah A.
Engaged to Robert P. Sheehan, 11/01/1935:6
Boucher, Sarah Ann
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:1
Wed to Robert P. Sheehan, 11/15/1935:6
Boucher, T.F.
Lets Center St apartment to Peter McLeod, 07/19/1935:1
Boucher, Thomas
Daughter born, 05/12/1939:5
Boucher, Thomas F.
History and profile of paint business, 04/19/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Martha M. Klocker, 09/11/1936:7
Obituary, 11/20/1936:1
Dies at age 70, 11/20/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 11/27/1936:12
Daughter born, 04/08/1938:7
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Boucher, Thomas F., Jr.
Engaged to Martha Mary Klocker, 06/21/1935:1
Boucher, Vincent
Fire in barn, 04/23/1937:1
Contracts with town for cesspool cleaning service, 01/28/1938:8
Boudreau, Henry A.
Auto goes through fence on Center St, 03/19/1937:2
Boudreau, Joseph
Injured in fall from mow, 01/06/1939:11
Boudreau, Mrs Henry
Sister dies in Boston, 12/15/1939:8
Bourdeaux, Fred
Obituary, 02/03/1939:1
Bourgeois, Aldric
Liquor license application, 06/21/1935:7
Selectmen refuse liquor license application, 07/05/1935:1
Requests reconsideration of liquor license decision, 07/26/1935:8
Bourgeois, Anatole
Candidate for Finance Committee, 04/17/1936:1
Bourgeois, Augustin
Obituary, 07/05/1935:1
Dies at age 84, 07/05/1935:6
Bourget, John
Carver couple married 25 years, 12/03/1937:11
Bourne, Arabella
Letter of appreciation (l), 04/02/1937:1
Obituary, 02/25/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 02/25/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 03/11/1938:7
Bourne, Arabella J.
Rescued by son as fire sweeps through residence (p), 03/26/1937:1
Bourne, Charles A.
Arabella Bourne rescued by son as fire sweeps through residence (p),
Letter of appreciation (l), 04/02/1937:1
Dog gives life to save family, 04/09/1937:6
Gets permit to erect sign at 21 North St, 11/19/1937:5
David Pollen purchases residence on School St, 10/07/1938:6
Bourne, Clyfton
Wed to Evelyn Cooper, 09/17/1937:11
Home furnishings (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Bousquet, Levi J.
Collides with James Taylor on Carmel St, 11/19/1937:2
Bouteman, John
Wed to Lucinda Johnston, 11/05/1937:11
Boutin, Amelia
Attends Hyannis Normal school, 08/16/1935:11
Boutin, Joseph
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 03/06/1936:7
Boutin, Leah
Attends Hyannis Normal school, 08/16/1935:11
Boutin, Leah V.
Engaged to Anthony Gilli, 12/08/1939:7
Boutin, Leon
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Wed to Audrey A. Cudworth, 06/05/1936:7
Boutin, Leon A.
Engaged to Audrey A. Cudworth, 05/29/1936:7
Boutin, Mrs Leon
Employed in Wareham, 09/24/1937:11
Boutin, Octavia
Obituary, 05/01/1936:1
Dies at age 66, 05/01/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 06/12/1936:8
Boutin, Thomas
Employed by railroad, 06/05/1936:2
Boutin, Viola
Nurse at St. Luke's, 10/04/1935:5
Transfers to Lakeville sanatorium, 11/08/1935:11
Boutin, Wilfred
Moves barbershop to home in North Middleboro, 11/27/1936:5
Boutin, William
Selectmen address license application, 03/15/1935:1
Appeal hearing for liquor license held in Boston, 04/12/1935:1
Appeal denied by state board, 04/19/1935:1
Wed to Maydora Seymour, 10/22/1937:11
Oil burner fire at barber shop, 05/05/1939:1
Boutin, William D.
Applies for liquor license, 03/01/1935:3
Engaged to Maydora M. Seymour, 10/15/1937:7
Wedding described, 10/22/1937:1
Wed to Maydora M. Seymour, 10/29/1937:11
Boutin, Wm. D.
Liquor license application, 03/01/1935:8
Boville, Annie
Car strikes pole on East Main St, 10/23/1936:1
Bowen (Mr)
Leroy Wilkie purchases Bowen property in Lakeville, 04/19/1935:1
Auction sale of tools, furniture, etc. (ad), 06/21/1935:12
Lets house on Crooked la to Wallace Wilkie, 10/22/1937:11
Bowen, Carolyn
Resides in Marshall, MI, 07/09/1937:1
Accepts post with District Nursing Association of Providence, RI,
Resides in Providence, RI, 09/02/1938:2
Bowen, Everett
Arrested for larceny of lumber, 10/04/1935:2
Larceny case continued, 10/11/1935:2
Bowen, Everett A.
Not guilty of larceny, 11/29/1935:2
Bowen, Jeanette
Wedding described, 03/10/1939:1
Bowen, Jeannette
Resides in Storrs, CT, 08/14/1936:7
Bowen, Maurice
Resides in Hackensack, NJ, 06/10/1938:12
Bowen, Richard E.
Resides in Kenmore, NY, 07/03/1936:6
Bowers, Winthrop
Transfers to state of Oregon, 11/29/1935:6
Bowers, Winthrop R.
Engaged to Alice Murphy, 08/18/1939:5
Wed to Alice Murphy, 08/25/1939:5
Bowker, Alva A.
Wed to Richard J. Brusso, 01/18/1935:4
Bowles, Donald
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
see also Murphy's Bowling Alley
YMCA bowlers' banquet wraps up successful season (t), 05/03/1935:7
Knights of Columbus hold banquet for basketball stars and bowlers,
Murphy's opens with new pin spotter, 09/10/1937:6
Annual YMCA banquet (t), 05/20/1938:6
Fire in bowling alley beneath Blanche Carr's store damages stock,
Final averages of YMCA league (t), 05/05/1939:1
Bowman, Abram
Employed with Woodward & Wright for 44 years, 01/06/1939:1
Bowman, Abram L.
Court End Ave couple married 50 years, 12/15/1939:1
Bowman, Edwin
Resides in Sandwich, 06/05/1936:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Bowman, Louise
Engaged to Walter Arnold MacKenzie, 10/16/1936:1
Clerk at Vogue Dress Shoppe, 03/05/1937:2
Engaged to Arnold McKenzie, 05/21/1937:1
Engaged to Walter A. MacKenzie, 06/18/1937:7
Engaged to be married, 06/25/1937:1
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:1
Bowman, Mildred
New teacher at Soule School, 06/14/1935:1
Bicyclist James Quigley collides with auto driven by Bowman,
Bowmar, Louis H.
Application for storage and sale of gasoline, 04/08/1938:11
Richard Ferraguto wins match at Newport Training Station,
First licensed show takes place here, 04/01/1938:6
Outdoor event attracts large gathering, 08/12/1938:6
Boy Scouts of America
Annawon Council holds annual meeting, 02/01/1935:1
Fletcher Clark, Jr. elected to local committee of Annawon Council,
Local scouts open campaign, 03/01/1935:1
Annawon council fund campaign falls short, 03/08/1935:1
Fred Allen new scoutmaster in Rock, 04/19/1935:7
William Collins named new executive of Annawon Council,
Annawon Council holds annual meeting, 01/10/1936:2
Middleboro leaders hold annual meeting, 01/10/1936:11
Local men chosen for council posts at annual meeting, 01/24/1936:8
Hold Court of Honor, 02/14/1936:1
Annawon Council opens annual fund drive, 02/14/1936:6
Arthur Cummings corrects story on history of Scouting here (l),
Franklin Harlow participates in Sea Scouts regatta, 05/29/1936:2
Annawan Council Jamboree attracts 250 scouts, 06/12/1936:2
Annawon Council Camp opens for season, 07/17/1936:2
District meeting reveals need for active leaders, 08/07/1936:8
A. Wilbur Fillmore appointed commissioner for Annawon Council (p),
Lakeville troop holds investiture, 10/23/1936:6
Annawon Council holds annual meeting, 01/22/1937:8
Will collect offerings for flood victims, 01/29/1937:1
Albert F. Soule, Jr. to receive Eagle Scout award (p), 02/05/1937:1
Hold Court of Honor here, 02/12/1937:2
Cub Scouts organize here, 02/19/1937:2
John Cabot Club sponsors two new troops in Middleboro, 03/12/1937:5
Take over town duties for the day, 03/26/1937:1
Open annual maintenance fund campaign, 03/26/1937:6
Correction to omission, 04/02/1937:1
Gather over $600 in cash and pledges, 04/02/1937:1
Receive keys to town (p), 04/02/1937:1
Five area boys in Annawon Council National Jamboree (p),
Annawon Council report from National Jamboree, 07/09/1937:1
Lakeville scouts renew registration, 12/03/1937:9
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Annawon Council holds annual meeting, 12/24/1937:3
Benson retires as head of Annawon Council (p), 01/21/1938:1
Local scouts celebrate 28 years of movement with awards ceremony (p),
Hold joint exposition with Girl Scouts, 02/18/1938:11
Annawon Council begins annual campaign for funds, 03/11/1938:1
Awarded certificate for heroism from Massachusetts Humane Society,
Fund drive raises $850 so far, 04/08/1938:1
District holds annual Court of Honor, 05/27/1938:1
Annawon Council holds annual jamboree, 06/10/1938:8
Annawon Council scouts head to Camp Norse, 07/01/1938:8
Local troop sponsors radio and amateur show, 12/02/1938:1
Annawon Council holds annual meeting, 12/16/1938:1
Local men honored at annual meeting of Annawon Council,
Annawon Council presents badge and hobby show, 02/17/1939:8
Annawon Council holds Court of Honor, 03/03/1939:1
C.P. Washburn aids in additions to Scout Camp Norse, 03/03/1939:1
Local district opens fund drive, 03/10/1939:5
Local district raises over $900, 03/24/1939:1
Men start building cabins at Camp Norse, 03/31/1939:6
Hold Court of Honor, 06/09/1939:1
Boyce, Arthur
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Boyd, Dorothy
Engaged to Mendall Patterson Thomas, 04/09/1937:11
Boyd, Phyllis
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:7
Boyle, Catherine V.
Engaged to Malcolm J. MacLean, 05/01/1936:7
Boynton, Carlyle T.
Accepts call to Batavia, NY church, 10/23/1936:8
Boynton, John C.
Obituary, 04/22/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 04/22/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 04/29/1938:6
Boynton, J.R.
Biography, 11/15/1935:8
Boynton, Lois Marion
Engaged to Gerald Eugene Cruea, 05/05/1939:4
Boynton, Sue Hope
Wed to Paul E. Friedmann, 07/12/1935:2
Boynton, William G.
WPA Certifying Officer Charles Carver resigns, replaced by Boynton,
Dismissed as welfare assistant, 02/25/1938:1
Named vice-president of Middleborough Trust Co., 01/20/1939:1
Clarifies Archer's letter (l), 04/14/1939:8
Claims Archer does not know figures (l) (t), 05/05/1939:7
Brackett, Edward
Shot through neck by 13-year-old Carl Matheson, 09/08/1939:1
Brackett, Elizabeth M.
Wed to Russell A. Freeman, 08/02/1935:6
Brackett, Frank
Daughter born, 06/05/1936:7
Brackett, Grace M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/04/1936:7
Brackett, Mae
Wedding described, 08/02/1935:1
Brackett, Robert
Son born, 08/04/1939:7
Brackett, Robert H.
Wedding described, 04/21/1939:9
Brackett, William
Edward Harris charged with assault on Brackett, 10/09/1936:2
Edward Harris guilty of assault on Brackett, 10/16/1936:8
Brackett, W.W.
New field instructor for FHA here, 05/17/1935:1
Mormons make headquarters here in home of Brackett, 08/02/1935:5
Bradbury, Mrs Fred
Funeral held in Pembroke, 07/10/1936:7
Braddock, Alan
Mother dies in Halifax, 02/05/1937:8
Braddock, Elmer L.
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:11
Braddock, Mary D.
Obituary, 05/12/1939:1
Wife of Sumner G. dies at age 53, 05/12/1939:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Braddock, Milton
Employed at sanatorium, 03/05/1937:11
Bradford, Clement
Obituary, 04/21/1939:1
Bradford, Dorothy May
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:7
Bradford, Eldora L.
Dies at home on Centre St, 03/08/1935:4
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Bradford, Elmer L.
Fined $50 for game violations, 11/25/1938:2
Bradford, James A.
Collides with Paul Carter on East Main St, 01/21/1938:2
Bradford, Joseph W.
Wed to Helen E. Simmons, 07/03/1936:11
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:11
Bradford, Lura
Employed at J.L. Jenney Coal Co., 08/23/1935:1
Bradford, William
Springfield man purchases Walker Co., 04/23/1937:1
Bradley, Francis
Occupies Shaw house on Miller St, 07/30/1937:11
Moves from Miller St to tenement at Miller and Smith St, 10/01/1937:11
Bradley, Inezetta
Employed at Woolworth store, 07/15/1938:1
Engaged to Charles Forsberg, 10/06/1939:6
Bradley, Inezetta M.
Engaged to Charles F. Forsberg, 12/29/1939:5
Bradshaw, Lewis Edwin
Wife files for divorce, 04/12/1935:8
Bradshaw, Mildred
Teaches in Pilgrim Memorial High school in Wareham, 05/03/1935:5
Bradshaw, Mildred Andrews
Files for divorce, 04/12/1935:8
Bradshaw, Mrs G.C.
Resides in St. Louis, MO, 08/27/1937:6
Bradshaw, Mrs Greatorex
Resides in St. Louis, MO, 01/20/1939:8
Brady, Herman
Reverend dies, 07/21/1939:6
Brady, John
Son born, 09/20/1935:6
Brady, John M.
Elks honor retiring Exalted Ruler, 05/12/1939:1
Brady, Madlynne E.
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Wed to Frederick E. Standish, 10/27/1939:5
Bragdon, Harry
North Carver couple married 50 years, 11/29/1935:5
Braley, Carleton E.
Obituary, 09/24/1937:1
Dies at age 16, 09/24/1937:7
Braley, Harry
Nellie Chase attends funeral, 03/06/1936:11
Albert Soule purchases Braley homestead at North and Oak St,
Braley, Harry E.
Obituary, 02/28/1936:1
Dies at age 73, 02/28/1936:6
Petition for probate of will, 03/13/1936:2
Braley, Job
Administrator presents account of estate, 05/20/1938:11
Braley, Lucy
see also Lucy Braley's Candy Kitchen
Wilbur and Pope sell candy at beaches, 09/09/1938:11
Braley, Lydia E.
Obituary, 09/30/1938:1
Wife of Frederick dies at age 59, 09/30/1938:7
Braley, Martha A.
Obituary, 12/17/1937:1
Dies at age 82, 12/17/1937:7
Braley, Ruth Elaine
Born to Waldo, 10/28/1938:7
Braley, Waldo
Daughter born, 10/28/1938:7
Braley, Walton
Daughter born, 05/29/1936:7, 07/01/1938:7
Braman, Bertha C.
Engaged to Maynard Luther, 09/24/1937:11
Brancaccio, Patsy D.
Engaged to Louise A. Chuippi, 01/01/1937:6
Wed to Louise A. Chiuppi, 01/08/1937:6
Brannick, Margaret A.
Uninjured in auto crash in Lakeville, 01/20/1939:1
Brawn, Howard
Pointers take prizes at Seekonk Gun club show, 10/09/1936:1
Brawn, Howard D.
Takes first at Bird Dog Club trial in Forestdale, 04/03/1936:1
Breach, Emma
Employed at Alonzo F. Ryder Co., 08/02/1935:1
Breach, Emma C.
Obituary, 06/30/1939:1
Bridgewater woman dies at age 61, 06/30/1939:5
Breach, M.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Breach, Marjorie
Enters nurses' training at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 09/10/1937:6
Breach, Marjorie L.
Passes probation exam at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 01/21/1938:12
Breck, S.
Concrete work (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Breck, Samuel
Brief glimpse of the candidate for treasurer/collector, 01/11/1935:1
For treasurer/collector (ad) (p), 01/11/1935:8
Re-elect Breck (ad) (p) (Benjamin C. Shaw), 01/18/1935:8
Expresses thanks to voters (l), 01/25/1935:5
One of best treasurer/collectors ever here, 01/31/1936:1
The proposed budget (l), 02/07/1936:6
Former town treasurer and businessman dies (p), 08/27/1937:1
South Hanson man dies at age 46, 08/27/1937:7
Brehant, Mary H.
Obituary, 04/26/1935:6
Brennan, Russell
Reaches 25-year service mark at Keith Shoe Co., 06/12/1936:1
Warren Ave couple married 25 years, 08/18/1939:6
Brennan, Seymour H.
Obituary, 10/18/1935:1
Dies in Boston at age 55, 10/18/1935:6
Additions to obituary, 10/25/1935:1
Brett, Charles
Resides in Washington, DC, 11/04/1938:1
Brett, Jennie A.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Wife of Sylvanus dies at age 66, 12/29/1939:5
Brett, Sylvanus L.
Vote NO on the charter changes (ad) (l), 01/17/1936:5
Employs Elizabeth Shaw, 06/24/1938:11
Bricknell, Charles H.
Son born, 03/05/1937:11
Bricknell, Charles Hillman
Wedding described, 05/15/1936:2
Bricknell, Elaine
Sister dies in Saranac Lake, NY, 11/13/1936:2
Bricknell, Robert Emmet
Born to Charles H., 03/05/1937:11
Highway department repairs Center St bridge, 07/12/1935:6
Work at Center St span completed, 07/19/1935:1
Fence and guard rail erected at Everett St bridge, 10/02/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Discussion of widening two West Grove St spans, 08/27/1937:1
Selectmen discuss re-routing cars through town while bridge repaired,
West Grove St spans slated for repair, 10/15/1937:1
Work begun on one of West Grove St spans, 10/22/1937:8
Work on West Grove St span progresses, 10/29/1937:2
Gun-nite process used on Soule St bridge, 04/08/1938:1
Nemasket River foot bridge rebuilt by order of Nemasket Hill Cemetery
trustees, 09/23/1938:1
Selectmen submit WPA proposal for stone wall construction at bridge
approaches, 01/13/1939:11
Steel flooring proposed for Titicut bridge, 10/06/1939:1
Projects included in WPA list, 12/15/1939:1
Bridgham, John
Biography, 05/01/1936:8
Brier, Louis
Moves to Carver, 11/04/1938:11
Briggs, Benjamin E.H.
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Dies at age 35, 05/15/1936:7
Briggs, Eugene
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Briggs, Felicia
Burial in Plympton, 06/26/1936:5
Briggs, Irving
Moves from Colorado to Brockton, 11/19/1937:1
Briggs, Joseph
Twin daughters born, 09/15/1939:5
Briggs, Joseph M.
Engaged to Dorothy Westgate, 01/03/1936:6
Briggs, Joseph Merritt
Engaged to Dorothy Westgate, 11/29/1935:6
Description of upcoming wedding, 01/03/1936:1
Briggs, Kathleen
Briggs and two sons injured when auto sideswiped on Miller St,
Briggs, Lillian M.
Obituary, 05/08/1936:8
Briggs, Mrs David
Brother dies in Lowell, 03/04/1938:8
Briggs, Vernon
Son born, 09/04/1936:7
Briggs, Vernon E.
Engaged to Dorothy J. Matheson, 02/21/1936:6
Wed to Dorothy J. Matheson, 02/28/1936:6
Briggs, William W.
Engaged to Grace C. Nye, 04/17/1936:7
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Wed to Grace Nye, 04/24/1936:7
Brigham, Irene A.
Husband files for divorce, 08/07/1936:8
Brigham, John Alexander
Wedding described, 11/03/1939:6
Britton, Amy
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Britton, Archie E.
Gets two months for leaving scene of accident, 30 days for drunk
driving, 11/06/1936:2
Britton, Clement
Center Ave couple married 55 years, 03/01/1935:1
Rock friends attend 55th anniversary, 03/08/1935:6
Middleboro couple married 56 years, 03/06/1936:11
Britton, Clement T.
Center Ave couple married 56 years, 02/28/1936:6
Obituary, 07/09/1937:1
Dies at age 80, 07/09/1937:7
Britton, Everett R.
Gets two months for assaulting wife, 07/29/1938:1
Violates probation, 08/05/1938:11
Probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Britton, Lillian J.
Obituary, 03/18/1938:1
Britton, Lillian Jane
Dies at age 78, 03/18/1938:7
Broadbent, Robert
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Broadbent, William
Shaw St couple married 45 years, 02/07/1936:5
Brock, Joseph
Son born, 12/11/1936:6
Broderick, V.
Owns and operates airplane, 03/19/1937:1
Broderick, William
Six rescued in sailboat upset on Assawompsett, 07/07/1939:4
Brodeur, George A.
Application for liquor license, 10/11/1935:8
Brodeur, Phillip
see also Phillip Brodeur & Sons
Application for liquor license, 08/09/1935:11
Selectmen discuss gasoline permit, 08/23/1935:5
Selectmen grant liquor license, 08/23/1935:5
Selectmen hear protests against gas license, 08/29/1935:1
Gasoline permit denied, 09/13/1935:1
State dismisses case concerning gas permit at traffic circle, 05/08/1936:1
Bromley, Anne Lewis
Daughter born, 08/13/1937:11
Bromley, Frances Anne
Born to Francis and Anne Lewis, 08/13/1937:11
Bromley, Francis
Engaged to Anne Lewis, 08/23/1935:2
Daughter born, 08/13/1937:11
Bromley, Francis E.
Wedding described, 10/04/1935:8
Bronkhurst, Mrs John
Resides in Brookline, 12/25/1936:8, 08/13/1937:11
Resides in Roxbury, 07/15/1938:11
Brook, Frederick William
Dies in Lowell, 03/13/1936:12
Brookings, Eugene
Moves to Plymouth to head branch of C.P. Washburn Co., 03/01/1935:1
Brooks, Albert
Application for liquor license, 11/26/1937:8
Applies for liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Liquor license application turned down, 01/07/1938:2
Moves to Plymouth, 07/07/1939:8
Brooks, Edward F.
Collides with Myra Stone at Thompson and Plympton St, 03/18/1938:12
Brooks, Herbert
Local radio amateurs test communication from airplane, 07/26/1935:1
Brooks, John
Purchases house from Augusta Shattuck, 10/15/1937:11
Brooks, Marcia
Moves to Plymouth, 07/07/1939:8
Brooks, Mary G.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 87, 03/15/1935:4
Brooks Radio Shop
Oil stove fire at shop, 01/04/1935:1
229 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Brothers, Raymond
Dog killed by truck, 07/10/1936:11
Moves from Rock to Thomastown, 07/31/1936:11
Charged with statutory offense, 11/20/1936:2
Statutory charge reduced to assault; fined $50 for drunk driving,
Brothers, Raymond L.
Discharged from probation on assault charge, 11/26/1937:2
Broughton, Flora B.
Struck and killed in Taunton accident, 11/01/1935:1
Barnstable woman dies at age 69, 11/01/1935:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Brouilette, Ellenor W.
Engaged to John J. McNeil, 10/01/1937:7
Brouillette, Ellenor
Wedding described, 10/08/1937:1
Brouillette, Ellenor W.
Wed to John J. McNeil, 10/08/1937:7
Broullard, Theodore
Guilty of non-support, 08/21/1936:8
Non-support case continued, 12/31/1937:5
Probation continued in non-support case, 07/01/1938:2
Must pay more to family, 12/08/1939:5
Brousseau, Norman J.
On leave after from serving with infantry in Panama, 11/13/1936:2
Brown (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Brown, Beatrice
South Middleboro folks attend wedding, 12/02/1938:3
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:3
Brown, Betty
Studies at Providence Bible Institute, 05/03/1935:1
Engaged to G. Oliver Donner, 05/13/1938:5, 06/10/1938:5,
Brown, Charles
Moves from Norwich, CT to Bourne St, 03/13/1936:7
Holdup bandits identified by victims, 10/02/1936:1
Brown, Charles W.
Proprietor of Dutchland Farms stand held up at gunpoint, 09/25/1936:1
Brown, Dorcas B.
Trustee presents account of estate, 02/21/1936:7
Trustee presents 9th account of estate, 01/21/1938:8
Brown, Dorothea Ellen
Born to Elbridge, 10/08/1937:11
Brown, Edward
Granted gasoline license, 06/07/1935:1
Engaged to Celia Gammons, 07/02/1937:5
Fire at filling station, 02/11/1938:1
Selectmen grant gasoline permit for traffic circle, 05/12/1939:1
Brown, Edward J.
Gasoline permit application refused, 05/03/1935:1
Selectmen refuse to consider gasoline sales application, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen delay action on gasoline permit for traffic circle site,
Brown, Edwin
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:11
Son born, 10/21/1938:6
Brown, Elbridge
Wed to Doris Hill, 10/02/1936:6
Daughter born, 09/24/1937:7, 10/08/1937:11
Brown, Elbridge M.
Engaged to Doris E. Hill, 07/17/1936:7
Brown, Eleanor K.
Engaged to Albert R. Carey, 10/23/1936:7
Brown, Elizabeth
Resumes studies at Providence Bible Institute, 10/02/1936:12
North Carver folks attend wedding, 07/08/1938:8
Carver folks attend wedding, 07/08/1938:11
Brown, Elizabeth Helen
Engaged to George Oliver Donner, 06/10/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:1
Brown, Gardner
Daughter born, 01/01/1937:6
Employed at Homestead Grocery, 09/01/1939:8
Brown, Glenis
Manager of W.T. Grant store, 07/07/1939:4
Brown, H. Elmer
Guest and Desjeunes larceny cases held for grand jury, 07/19/1935:2
Brown, Harold D.
Employed in Boston, 04/30/1937:11
Brown, Herbert
Chimney fire on Bedford St, 04/12/1935:1
Sells Bedford St house to Ruth McLean, 10/15/1937:5
Brown, Herbert F.
Obituary, 12/24/1937:1
Dies at age 82, 12/24/1937:7
Brown, H.J.
Employed in Boston, 09/15/1939:7
Brown, Joseph
Fined $5 for illegal plumbing, 03/01/1935:2
Daughter born, 07/03/1936:7
Guilty of taking electricity from town, 03/10/1939:4
Discharged from probation, 09/08/1939:6
Brown, Joseph A.
Engaged to Gladys M. Shaw, 11/10/1939:6
Brown, Lewis
Son born, 10/22/1937:7
Brown, Lewis R.
Son born, 10/22/1937:11
Brown, Lois
Dies in Pembroke, ME, 05/28/1937:11
Brown, Manuel
Daughter born, 10/23/1936:7
Moves to Harie's tenement, 10/07/1938:5
Brown, Manuel J.
Wed to Esther M. Cannon, 06/26/1936:7
Brown, Merlin
Son born, 03/12/1937:6
Brown, Mrs Manuel
Mother dies in Lakeville, 02/05/1937:8
Brown, Oren Lathroup
Engaged to Barbara Anne Fillebrown, 07/08/1938:6
Brown, Pearl E.
Pearl Brown applies for position of Old Age Visitor, 10/20/1939:1
Brown, Rose D.
Engaged to Henry D. Gray, 06/07/1935:6
Brown, Victor
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Brown Realty Co.
To renovate Center St block, 04/01/1938:1
Brownell, F.W.
Moves from Berkley to Lakeville, 03/17/1939:4
Brownell, Helen W.
Engaged to John B. Hinds, 11/13/1936:7
Brownies Service Station
Rotary circle (ad), 07/31/1936:12
Browning, Lillian
Wed to Lloyd John Clark, 02/05/1937:1
Bruce, Bertha Stiles
Son born, 05/07/1937:12
Daughter born, 07/07/1939:9
Bruce, Donald Gordon
Born to Harry and Bertha Stiles, 05/07/1937:12
Bruce, Grace
Burial in Carver, 02/21/1936:8
Bruce, Harry
Son born, 05/07/1937:12
Daughter born, 07/07/1939:9
Bruce, Mrs Harry
Resides in Lynbrook, Long Island, 01/04/1935:1
Bruce, Russel S.
Drowns in Wenham pond, 08/12/1938:11
Bruce, Russell E.
Carver man drowns in Wenham pond, 08/12/1938:1
East Carver man dies at age 45, 08/12/1938:7
Bruce, Susanne
Born to Harry and Bertha Stiles, 07/07/1939:9
Brule, Dean Emery
Born to Roland J., 10/07/1938:11, 10/14/1938:11
Brule, Roland
Son born, 05/15/1936:7, 09/30/1938:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Brule, Roland J.
Wedding described, 01/03/1936:1
Employed at sanatorium, 04/23/1937:11
Son born, 10/07/1938:11, 10/14/1938:11
Brush Fires (see Forest Fires)
Bruso, Abbie
Claims has not received child support from husband, 08/25/1939:1
Bruso, Abbie E.
Tax collector's sale, 03/06/1936:12
Bruso, Amanda
Wed to Charles A. Gloyd, 09/29/1939:5
Bruso, Charles
Obituary, 04/15/1938:1
Dies at age 4, 04/15/1938:7
Bruso, George
Ordered defaulted on non-support charge, 04/07/1939:7
Case dismissed, 04/07/1939:8
Brusso, Richard J.
Wed to Alva A. Bowker, 01/18/1935:4
Bryan, Lester
Employed by state of Hawaii, 08/12/1938:1
Bryant, Charlotte
Wed to Stanley Krakow, 05/24/1935:7
Bryant, Charlotte L.
Engaged to Stanley J. Krakow, 05/10/1935:4
Wed to Stanley J. Krakow, 05/24/1935:4
Bryant, Chrystal W.
Five-year-old C. Stetson Thomas, Jr. struck by Bryant's auto,
Bryant, Cleon
Breaks shoulder in fall down steps, 01/25/1935:3
Bryant, Edith F.
Tax collector's sale, 08/13/1937:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/08/1938:11
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Bryant, Elinor
Engaged to J. Robert Baker, 09/06/1935:2
Engaged to Robert Baker, 09/13/1935:11
Bryant, Elinor Elizabeth
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:8
Bryant, Elliot
Moves from Middleboro to Plympton, 09/09/1938:11
Daughter born, 11/11/1938:8
Bryant, Elliot F.
Engaged to Eleanor M. Cowdrey, 03/18/1938:7
Wed to Eleanor M. Cowdrey, 04/08/1938:7
Bryant, Elliott
Daughter born, 11/11/1938:7
Bryant, Emily E.
Obituary, 08/18/1939:4
Bryant, Emma E.
Petition for administration of estate, 11/19/1937:11
Bryant, Emma Eaton
Obituary, 07/31/1936:1
Bryant, Ernest F.
Moves from Plympton to East Middleboro, 05/22/1936:11
Bryant, Florence
Child care (ad), 10/21/1938:12
Opens season at kindergarten with 12 youngsters, 09/15/1939:8
Bryant, Florence M.
Moves kindergarten to 237 North Main St (ad), 07/19/1935:12
Bryant, Florine I.
Obituary, 03/05/1937:1
Widow of William E. dies at age 91, 03/05/1937:6
Petition for probate of will, 03/12/1937:8
Bryant, Frank
Sells house to Carroll Cross, 05/27/1938:11
Bryant, Henry Edson
Engaged to Ida E. Pedrini, 08/11/1939:2
Wedding described, 09/22/1939:9
Bryant, Henry S.
Obituary, 04/21/1939:9
Bryant, Hiram
Obituary, 02/14/1936:1
Dies at age 81, 02/14/1936:6
Bryant, Howard
Deer hunter successful, 12/13/1935:2
Chimney fire on Plympton St, 02/25/1938:1
Bryant, Howard I.
Has close encounter with skunk, 12/15/1939:9
Bryant, I. Howard
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Bryant, Ida F.
Petition to sell real estate, 06/19/1936:7
Bryant, Isaac
Kenneth Truesdale's car overturns three times after colliding with
Bryant, 06/04/1937:1
Bryant, Isaac H.
Tax collector's sale, 08/13/1937:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/08/1938:11
Bryant, Isaac Howard
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/08/1938:2
Bryant, Lewis
Moves to Carver, 05/08/1936:11
Bryant, Mrs Edward
Dies at age 86, 07/24/1936:7, 07/31/1936:7
Bryant, Olive M.
Engaged to Edward R. McQuiggan, 06/30/1939:5
Wed to Edward McQuiggan, 07/07/1939:5
Bryant, Ralph N.
Petition for sale of household furniture and personal effects,
Bryant, Roxanna
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 04/26/1935:4
Bryant, Walter
Chimney fire on Raven St, 04/19/1935:1, 12/27/1935:1
Obituary, 01/27/1939:5
Bryant, Walter T.
Obituary, 01/27/1939:1
Dies at age 80, 01/27/1939:7
Bryden, Marjorie
Moves to apartment on Center St, 03/19/1937:12
Moves to Holliston, 12/23/1938:1
Bryden, Marjorie W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:9
Bryden, Norman M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:9
Bryden, Norman M., Jr.
Petition for termination of surety company responsibility, 12/01/1939:5
Buchanan, Edward
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 03/10/1939:1
Buchanan, Elda
Engaged to LeRoy Rounseville, 07/12/1935:6
Buck, Malcolm
Druggist at The Corner Drug Store (ad), 03/08/1935:5
Buckey, Mrs J.H.
Resides in New Jersey, 07/22/1938:1
Buckingham, H.G.
Shrewsbury couple married 50 years, 06/26/1936:5
Buckingham, Mrs H.G.
Dies in Worcester, 09/16/1938:1
Buckley, Alice E.
Wed to Robert E. Young, 10/25/1935:6
Buckley, Robert J.
Promoted to territory manager with Shell Union Oil Corp., 07/09/1937:2
Buckman (Mr)
William Locklin purchases Buckman place on Highland St,
Buckman, Alfred Robert
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:8
Buckman, Amos
Selectmen include property on saleable list, 08/06/1937:2
Selectmen sell parcel to Joseph Foster, 10/01/1937:8
Buckman, Arthur
Runs garage in Whitman, 04/24/1936:1
Buckman, Carrie A.
Obituary, 09/11/1936:8
Buckman, Eugene
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Awarded certificate for heroism from Massachusetts Humane Society,
Buckman, Everett
And wife injured in auto accident, 06/28/1935:8
Buckman, Everett, Jr.
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Awarded certificate for heroism from Massachusetts Humane Society,
Buckman, F. Everett
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Reports stolen outboard motor, 08/12/1938:6
Buckman, Florence
Moves to Middleboro from Falmouth, 10/04/1935:5
Employed in Jamaica Plain, 11/22/1935:11
Employed in Boston, 03/27/1936:8
Resides in Allston, 02/26/1937:11
Resides in Newton, 05/20/1938:4
Buckman, Frank E.
Three injured in accident on Cape road, 06/28/1935:1
Buckman, Hazel Delores
Born to Ralph, 06/18/1937:8
Buckman, Mrs Everett
And husband injured in auto accident, 06/28/1935:8
Buckman, Mrs Fred
Father dies, 03/24/1939:11
Buckman, Nellie
Injured in accident on Cape road, 06/28/1935:1
Buckman, Ralph
Employed at brother's garage in Whitman, 04/24/1936:1
Daughter born, 06/18/1937:7, 06/18/1937:8
Fire in sawing machine trailer, 02/17/1939:1
Daughter born, 03/17/1939:7
Buck's Drug Store
At the Four Corners (ad), 08/14/1936:12
A Massachusetts registered drug store (ad), 11/27/1936:2
Budd, George
Awarded racing cups for records made by birds this season,
Bird takes second in Greater Boston race (t), 06/07/1935:8
Bird wins again (t), 06/14/1935:2
Birds continue to race well (t), 06/21/1935:2
Bird wins race from Amsterdam, NY to Middleboro (t), 09/13/1935:2
Bird wins race from Herkimer, NY (t), 09/20/1935:2
Bird wins third in a row (t), 09/27/1935:5
Birds take first and second in Lyons race (t), 10/04/1935:5
Budgets - Lakeville
Voters opt for selectmen's version instead of finance committee,
Voters approve budget, 03/10/1939:1
Budgets - Middleboro
see also Middleboro - Finance Committee
Town clerk files financial statement (t), 01/04/1935:1
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Teachers favor 25% pay restoration, 02/08/1935:1
Teachers hold pay restoration forum, 02/08/1935:1
Teachers meet with selectmen, 02/08/1935:1
Restoration of teachers' salaries (l) (Charles H. Bates), 02/08/1935:3
Annual budget announced (t), 02/08/1935:7
Economy was watchword at special town meeting, 03/08/1935:1
Voters spend conservatively at special town meeting, 03/08/1935:1
Recent fund transfer by selectmen prompts petition for special town
meeting, 07/26/1935:1
Selectmen vote $300 transfer for playground maintenance, 07/26/1935:1
Transfer by selectmen bypasses voters, 07/26/1935:1
Fund transfer prompts petition, 08/02/1935:1
Selectman Millette expresses stand on town meeting petition (l),
John Cabot Club supports Millette in matter of special town meeting,
Opposition grows to transfer made by selectmen, 08/09/1935:1
Tax Payers League votes to support town meeting stand, 08/09/1935:1
Hiram Archer comments at length on action by selectmen (l),
Selectmen rescind vote on money transfer to Park Commission,
Herbert Dunham replies to open letter concerning playground funds (l),
Reserve fund transfers under investigation, 10/04/1935:1
Selectmen recommend borrowing $15,000 for relief, 10/25/1935:1
Selectmen cut appropriations, 11/01/1935:1
Selectmen call special town meeting for needed relief funds,
Selectmen to call another meeting to ask for money, 11/22/1935:1
Yours for an unbalanced budget (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 11/29/1935:8
Gratifying to see a few more voters at latest town meeting, 12/06/1935:1
Special town meeting approves transfer of $38,550, 12/06/1935:1
Toward what are we heading (l) (Margaret Y. Murray), 12/06/1935:6
Selectmen make reserve fund transfer, 12/13/1935:1
Notice of bill payment by town, 12/20/1935:6
Receipts for 1935 almost double 1934 (t), 01/10/1936:1
Compared with that of Mansfield, MA (t) (Hiram J. Archer),
Alcohol licenses account for increase, 01/17/1936:1
Selectmen discuss annual appropriations, 01/31/1936:1
Voters urged to peruse annual budget, 01/31/1936:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Calls for net increase of $35,000 in 1936, 02/07/1936:1
Plenty to ponder in this document, 02/07/1936:1
The proposed budget (l) (Samuel Breck), 02/07/1936:6
Voters demand revisions, 02/14/1936:1
Selectmen discuss accepted budget, 02/21/1936:1
Voters accept Millette's budget at town meeting, 02/21/1936:1
Voters have four to choose from, 02/21/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Correction to previous article, 02/28/1936:1
Should town have finance committee, 03/06/1936:1
An explanation of budget troubles (l) (Romeo Millette), 03/13/1936:1
Recordkeeping systems discussed by selectmen, 03/13/1936:2
Selectmen call special election to consider Finance Committee,
Special election for finance committee discussed by selectmen,
Amendments subject of special town meeting, 03/27/1936:1
Methods employed by accountant subject of special town meeting,
Selectmen approve new budget form, 10/23/1936:1
Audit shows four years without a mistake, 11/27/1936:1
Report of audit filed with town clerk, 11/27/1936:1
Notice to pay all bills owed to town by January 5th, 12/25/1936:12
Selectman discuss annual budget, 02/05/1937:6
Selectmen discuss budget with department heads, 02/26/1937:1
Town meeting set to reconsider 1937 figures, 03/05/1937:1
Selectmen deliberate for six hours, reduce appropriations, 03/12/1937:1
Selectmen move money from reserve fund, 03/12/1937:7
Warrant for meeting to amend vote on budget (t), 03/12/1937:7
Generating much discussion here, 03/19/1937:1
Lewis Harding proposes budget with pay restoration (l), 03/19/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectman Millette defends budget amendments (l), 03/19/1937:1
Town meeting settles budget question, 03/26/1937:1
All funds owned town due before January 5th, 12/17/1937:12
Selectmen discuss plan for 1938, 12/24/1937:1
Annual report of Town Clerk (t), 01/07/1938:7
McKechnie complains of too much pre-arranged bidding, 02/04/1938:1
Voters approve $460,941.64 in appropriations, 02/18/1938:1
Cost to run town trucks (l) (Bertram L. Thomas), 03/11/1938:7
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/15/1938:9
All bills must be paid on or before 1/5, 12/30/1938:8
Clerk's account shows increase in receipts, 01/20/1939:1
Budget for 1939 exceedingly difficult (l) (The Spectator), 01/27/1939:2
Selectmen discuss budget, 02/03/1939:1
Finance Committee and selectman discuss budget (l) (The Spectator),
Proposed budget calls for $433,923, 02/10/1939:1
The Spectator comments on work of Finance Committee (l),
Open letter to voters (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 02/10/1939:5
Voters appropriate $459,139.84, 02/17/1939:1
Exciting drama at meeting (l) (The Spectator), 02/17/1939:5
No mis-statement by Spectator (l), 02/24/1939:3
William Boynton claims Archer does not know figures (l) (t),
Local debt load decreased, 09/01/1939:1
Departments save $6,481 two years ago (l) (The Spectator),
Town finances not jittery (l) (The Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Selectmen request transfers from reserve fund, 11/10/1939:2
Town receives $21,701.54 from state, pays $5,094.79 more back to
state, 11/17/1939:1
Reserve fund transfers address shortages (l) (The Spectator),
Annual headache here again, 12/15/1939:1
Selectmen and Finance Committee have work to do on warrant (l) (The
Spectator), 12/22/1939:2
see also Churchill, Chester
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Elliott W. Harlow (ad), 10/04/1935:10
George deBoer (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Joseph Fish awarded contract for Taunton Nurses' Home, 10/02/1936:1
A.M. Westgate (ad), 11/18/1938:12
M. Mello, carpenter and builder, 98 Oak St (ad), 01/27/1939:11
W. Bradley Steel, contractor and builder (ad), 05/19/1939:10
E.W. Harlow & Sons, general contractors (ad), 12/15/1939:7
Ernest Hanson takes over father's carpentry business (ad),
Building Demolition (see Demolition (building))
Building Materials
see also George A. Shurtleff & Son
S. Breck, concrete work (ad), 01/04/1935:3
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Geo. A. Shurtleff & Son, lumber, hardware, paint (ad), 05/10/1935:3
Dalton Champlin, window screens made to order (ad), 05/10/1935:8
Atwood-Thomas Construction Co. opens sand and gravel business on
Wareham St, 08/16/1935:5
Dalton Champlin, screen repair (ad), 04/03/1936:12
Local firms given preference on PWA projects, 11/26/1937:1
V.R. Reynolds, Rock Wool insulation (ad), 07/01/1938:12
Ernest Burrill opens part time quarters here for sale of insulation,
Bump, Benjamin
Cast in Bridgewater State production of A Midsummer Night's Dream,
Appears in comedy The Youngest at Bridgewater State, 11/29/1935:12
Elected President of College Dramatic Club at Bridgewater State,
Takes eight-week training course at Bates School, 11/12/1937:1
Receives B.S. degree from Bridgewater State, 06/17/1938:1
Bump, Charles
Chimney fire on Vaughan St, 02/21/1936:12
Bump, Dana
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 07/03/1936:2
Collides with John Danielson at Center and Carey St, 04/01/1938:1
Bump, Dana E.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 09/04/1936:2
Bump, Dorothy B.
Wed to Herbert H. Parker, 12/02/1938:7
Bump, George
Serves Peirce Estate Trustees, 07/08/1938:1
Bump, Henry
Chief machinist's mate in U.S. Navy, 04/14/1939:1
Returns to Navy base in New London, CT, 04/21/1939:1
Bump, J. Myrick
Obituary, 02/05/1937:1
Carver man dies at age 80, 02/05/1937:6
Obituary, 02/12/1937:5
Bump, Lillian D.
Employed at Savings Bank, 07/30/1937:1
Bump, Theodore F.
Engaged to Gwendolyn V. Taylor, 11/18/1938:7
Wed to Gwendolyn V. Taylor, 12/02/1938:7
Bump, Walter
Ralph Serra guilty of destroying personal property of Walter Bump,
Bump, Walter E.
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 09/23/1938:6
Bump, Warren
Chimney fire on Southwick St, 05/01/1936:1
Bumpus, Abigail
Do not forget women in Carver history, 04/26/1935:3
Bumpus, Barbara
Daughter of Ellis S. baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Bumpus, Bertha
Engaged to Herbert F. Snowden, 04/21/1939:5
Wedding described, 04/28/1939:1
Wed to Herbert F. Snowden, 04/28/1939:5
Bumpus, Ellis
Daughter born, 06/12/1936:7, 06/12/1936:8
Bumpus, Ellis Sheridan
Son of Ellis S. baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Bumpus, Elmer
Burial in Brockton, 05/15/1936:11
Bumpus, Elmer E.
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Dies at age 74, 05/15/1936:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/01/1937:8
Bumpus, Frank
Obituary, 02/21/1936:5
Bumpus, Ira B.
Obituary, 03/06/1936:8
Bumpus, Iraton
Engaged to Sophie Zablocki, 02/17/1939:11
Bumpus, Ireton
Wed to Sophia Zablocki, 05/05/1939:4
Bumpus, Mrs Frank
Obituary, 08/23/1935:5
Bunker, Minnie
Pondville woman dies at age 62, 10/11/1935:6
Bunnell, C. Milton
Rock Manufacturing salesman moves to Bridgeport, CT, 06/16/1939:3
Bunnell, Milton
Engaged to Elizabeth Clark, 06/10/1938:11
Burbank, Howard
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Burchell, E. Ray
Wedding described, 06/07/1935:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Burchell, Raymond
Daughter born, 06/26/1936:5
Burgess, Aile Halunen
Son born, 06/24/1938:8
Burgess, Amanda F.
Obituary, 03/20/1936:1
Burgess, Barbara
Engaged to John R. Kingman, 05/26/1939:1
Burgess, Barbara Bennett
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
Burgess, Birdella
Injured when Leora Burgess collides with Dorchester driver at Thomas
and Sachem St, 06/11/1937:2
Burgess, David W.
Charged with allowing improper person to operate vehicle,
Judge takes case under advisement, 11/19/1937:2
Guilty of allowing improper person to operate car, 11/26/1937:2
Burgess, David Webb
Appointed supervisor at Boston ERA headquarters, 03/29/1935:1
Burgess, Emily
Petition for administration of estate, 04/26/1935:5
Burgess, Emily A.
Obituary, 12/09/1938:1
Burgess, Emily Webb
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Wife of William dies at age 64, 03/29/1935:4
Burgess, George W.
Obituary, 01/14/1938:1
Burgess, J.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Burgess, Leora
Collides with Dorchester driver at Thomas and Sachem St, 06/11/1937:2
Burgess, Mandy
Dies at age 87, 03/13/1936:6
Burgess, Marshall P.
Obituary, 01/14/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 01/14/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 01/28/1938:11
Burgess, Maynard
Son born, 03/08/1935:6, 06/24/1938:8
Burgess, Rose G.
Engaged to Paul Roberts, Jr., 07/30/1937:7
Wed to Paul Roberts, Jr., 08/06/1937:7
Burgess, Royal
Daughter born, 01/18/1935:4
Burn victim resting comfortably, 10/11/1935:2
Chimney fire at home, 11/13/1936:1
Burgess, Royal F.
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Dies in Boston at age 31, 01/31/1936:6
Burgess, Virginia Mae
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
Burgess, Walter E.
Bicyclist Phyllis Wilbur struck by Burgess' auto on Wareham St,
see also Larceny; Robbery; Theft
Youths nabbed in break-in at Thomas Thompson's store, 01/18/1935:1
Break-in at Shaw St house of Lester DeMoranville, 02/08/1935:1
Police faced with rash of break-ins, 02/15/1935:1
Police act quickly in DeMoranville case, 02/15/1935:2
Arthur Reginald Balkum arrested for break-in at Edmund Pratt home,
Balkum break-in case continued, 03/01/1935:2
Break-ins reported at John Holt's market and Middleboro Fruit Co.,
Balkam arrested again for breaking and entering, 04/26/1935:2
Local police deserve praise for recent case, 06/14/1935:1
Rash of break-ins on Marion Rd, 06/14/1935:1
Break-in at Lakeside summer home of Robinson, 06/14/1935:6
Michael Perry gets three months, fined $25 for breaking and entering,
Break-in at Lewis Richmond's Peirce St garage, 08/09/1935:1
Break-in at California Mills, 08/09/1935:5
Leonard Barnes arrested for breaking into Southworth's barn,
Break-in at Clark's on Marion Rd, 09/27/1935:2, 09/27/1935:5
Barnes burglary case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Break-in at East Grove St roadside stand of Frank Hastay, 10/11/1935:1
Leonard Barnes gets one year probation, 10/11/1935:2
Charles DelRocco awaits grand jury on larceny and burglary charges,
Samuel Davis caught in local police net, 12/20/1935:1
Local police solve break-in cases in area, 12/27/1935:1
Two minors arrested in breaks Saunders' Hardware and First National
store, 01/17/1936:1
Charles Del Rocco gets 18 months for break-in at Chestnut's,
Break-in at Gagnon's East Main St garage, 02/28/1936:1
Display window at Murphy's Package Store smashed in break-in,
Rifle and ammunition missing in break-in at cottage of David
MacCartney, 03/27/1936:1
Eva Marchant reports break-in on Plymouth St, 04/24/1936:7
Two youths arrested for break-in at Reisner Ensworth's home,
Peachie and Peranian sentenced for break-in at Reisner's, 06/12/1936:1
Roger Peachie's charged with break-in, 06/12/1936:5
Break-in at Teceno's cafe on Center St, 07/17/1936:1
Joseph Lunskis charged with break-in at Sherman's on Center St,
Joseph Lunskis held for grand jury, 08/07/1936:6
Lunskis committed to MA Reformatory at Concord, 10/16/1936:1
Cash taken in break-in at Royal Cafe, 11/06/1936:1
Police investigate break-ins at four stores, 11/20/1936:1
Wallace and Servant held for break-in at Murphy's bowling alley,
Dorchester man has money stolen from YMCA, 01/22/1937:1
Wallace and Servant case continued, 01/22/1937:2
Four arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Charges against Wallace and Servant dismissed, 01/29/1937:2
David Duarte held on $1,000 bond for recent break-ins, 02/05/1937:1
Police Department commended for recent action, 02/05/1937:1
David Duarte gets suspended sentence at Shirley school, 02/12/1937:1
Janitor Daniel McCarthy reports break-in at West Side School,
Break-in at summer home on Woods Pond, 04/16/1937:1
Break-in at Calvin Horsford's East Grove St gas station, 06/11/1937:1
Break-in reported at Harry Aston's West Grove St roadside stand,
Youths charged with breaking and entering store of Samuel Lucas,
Break-in at Standard Cut Sole Co., 06/25/1937:1
Truesdale and Eaton charged with robbery of cash from Heath store in
Lakeville, 06/25/1937:1
State and Boston police make arrests in theft from Standard Cut Sole
Co., 08/06/1937:1
Two additional suspects grilled, 08/06/1937:1
Defendants fail to testify in leather theft case, 08/13/1937:1
Public Enemy No. 1 implicated in leather theft, 08/13/1937:1
Break-ins at Gurney's and Cavicchi's, 09/17/1937:1
Charlestown man held in leather theft from Standard Cut Sole Co.,
Vincent Perry charged with breaking and entering Bates School,
Wrong identity leads to leather theft case dismissal, 11/12/1937:1
Break-in reported at South end stand owned by Harlas Cushman,
Bates School breaking-and-entering case against Perry filed,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Pawtucket, RI man guilty of breaking and entering Harlas Cushman's
property, 02/18/1938:1
Juvenile gets probation for breaking into Lewis Shaw's property,
Break-in at Richmond's store on Pearl St, 03/25/1938:1
James Tallman, Jr. arrested for break-in at Richmond's store,
Tallman held for grand jury, 04/08/1938:1
Attempted break-in at Lakeside cottages, 04/29/1938:1
Break-ins reported at Richmond's on Pearl St and at Middleboro Fruit
Co., 05/06/1938:2
Rochester man held for grand jury on breaking and entering Diamond
property, 06/03/1938:1
Warrant against Churbuck in Heath burglary case refused, 07/01/1938:6
J.L. Jenney Coal Co. reports break-in, 08/19/1938:1
Break-in at Bible Conference Grounds on Tispaquin St, 09/02/1938:1
Break-in at Mary Wainor's store on West St, 09/16/1938:1
Break-in at Washburn's elevator, 10/14/1938:1
Recent rash reflects prosperity of town, 12/02/1938:1
Three break-ins on Cambridge St, 12/02/1938:1
Three men held for break-in at Margaret Walker's on South Main St,
Baptiste and Nunes cases of breaking and entering continued,
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Parmenter ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Baptiste and Nunes get five months for breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/24/1939:6
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at Washburn grain mill,
Praise for speedy work of police Department in solving break-ins,
Camandona, Kazlauski, and Spack held for grand jury in mill break,
Brockton youth arrested for break-ins at Parker's and Johnson's stands,
Camandona, Perkins, and Kazlawski each get two years probation for
break-in at Washburn's mill, 06/16/1939:1
Burglars elude police after break-in at Mexicana on West Grove St,
Olive Parmenter gets continuance for payment of fine, 08/18/1939:2
Three youths arrested in North Carver break-in, 10/13/1939:1
Gazette first to break story on North Carver break-in, 10/20/1939:1
Three youths held for grand jury in North Carver break-in, 10/20/1939:1
Several cottages at Tispaquin Pond robbed, 11/24/1939:1
Break-in at Ashley home on Marion Rd, 12/08/1939:1
Burke, Evelyn Wright
Wed to Raymond Muise, 07/30/1937:1
Burke, James
Son born, 04/07/1939:5
Burkhead, Betsy
Collides with Bridgewater driver at Arch and Everett St, 01/04/1935:7
Burkland, Henry
And wife attend reception for Swedish Crown Prince and Princess in
Boston, 07/15/1938:1
Falls down stairway at Bates School, 09/29/1939:4
Burkland, Henry B.
Bates School principal appreciates library service (l), 05/10/1935:4
And wife give South Middleboro ME Church inscription dedicated to
Emma Gammons, 09/03/1937:11
Begins studies at Boston University School of Education, 07/07/1939:10
Attends Boston University, 07/28/1939:3
Burman, Tillie
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/12/1935:5
Burnett (Mr)
Porter and Burnett Interiors expands to Boston (ad), 04/21/1939:10
Burnett, D. Theron
Lightning strikes house on Clifford St, 07/26/1935:1
And Flora Porter design model home in Quincy, 08/07/1936:6
Burnett, Dorr T.
Krikorian's tricycle runs into Burnett's car on Frank St, 03/25/1938:1
Burnett, D.T.
Appeal for Republican campaign funds (l), 10/07/1938:6
Burnett, Elizabeth S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/15/1937:7
Burnett, Natalie
Art work included in New York exhibition, 03/04/1938:1
Burnett, Sherwood
Attends Dartmouth College, 12/25/1936:12
Burnham, Charles H.
Obituary, 10/21/1938:1
Dies at age 53, 10/21/1938:7
Burnham, Cleveland
Bitten by dog allegedly belonging to Ettore Tonira, 03/08/1935:1
Burnham, H.
Kindling wood (ad), 01/24/1936:12
Burnham, Lucretia
Obituary, 01/07/1938:11
Burnham, Mary V.
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Burnham, Mary Veronica
Wareham woman dies at age 44, 06/10/1938:7
Burnham, Robert
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Burns, Ellen Mable
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Dies at age 77, 01/31/1936:6
Burns, James W.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Funeral held in Buzzards Bay, 01/18/1935:1
Burns, Paul M.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Burns and Scalds
Royal Burgess resting comfortably, 10/11/1935:2
Night watchman Zakarian at fireworks plant severely burned,
Roger Mathews dies from severe body burns, 06/12/1936:1
Gasoline burn victim John Glover improving, 08/20/1937:11
David Caswell recovering from burns, 01/28/1938:8
Three-year-old Bobby Hartley saves self and garage from fire,
George Philbrook suffers burns in testing accident, 12/09/1938:1
Elliott Perkins suffers burns from work in East Bridgewater,
Burrill, Ernest A.
Opens part time quarters here for sale of insulation, 08/04/1939:9
Burrill, Harriet
Wed to Arthur Blanchard, 10/01/1937:11
Burrill, Martha
Wed to Jesse F. Perkins, 12/17/1937:11
Burrowes, Germaine
Engaged to William F. Stanley, 03/19/1937:6
Burrows, Gilbert
Resides in Providence, RI, 01/14/1938:11
Burt, Nellie F.
Wed to Maurice W. Scanlon, 07/29/1938:7
Burt, William B.
Engaged to Elizabeth Beard, 11/01/1935:6
Wed to Elizabeth Beard, 11/08/1935:6
Burt, William T.
Obituary, 08/06/1937:1
Dies at age 71, 08/06/1937:7
Busby, Frances
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Busby, George
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Strikes snow bank attempting to pass another auto, 02/08/1935:4
Fined $2 for failure to stop, 10/09/1936:2
Busby, George E.
Charged with failure to stop at traffic sign, 10/02/1936:2
Engaged to Dorothy F. Cherrett, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to Dorothy F. Cherrett, 10/08/1937:7
see also Interstate Transportation Co.
New England buses discontinues route through South Middleboro,
Taunton-Middleboro and Lakeville sanatorium service schedule (ad),
Selectmen grant bus line permit to Homer Guertin, 05/22/1936:1
Homer Guertin granted permit for bus line extension, 05/14/1937:5
Plymouth, Middleboro & New Bedford schedule (ad), 07/30/1937:12
New England Transportation Co. stops service between Middleboro and
Brockton, 01/07/1938:2
John Gagnon applies for bus service permit, 02/18/1938:8
John Gagnon granted bus service license, 04/01/1938:3
Gagnon's Bus Service, service to Bridgewater and Boston (ad),
John Gagnon given franchise to operate bus service, 08/05/1938:8
New England Transportation Co. changes schedule, 09/09/1938:1
Discontinued between Middleboro and Plymouth, other companies
interested in providing service, 09/15/1939:1
No action taken on bus service permits, 09/29/1939:1
Who will run bus service nobody wants? (l) (The Spectator),
Business and Industry
see also Middleboro Chamber of Commerce; names of specific
industries; Sealer of Weights and Measures
Middleboro looks to the future, 01/18/1935:1
Inspection of Star Mills site by Philadelphia business prospect,
Lions Club inserts ad for town in Cape Cod Canal brochure,
Group of businesses inaugurate civic loyalty campaign, 04/12/1935:4
Local business operated by non-citizen, 04/19/1935:1
Patronize the home merchants (ad), 04/19/1935:6
Selectmen discuss question of new businesses at traffic circle,
Selectmen grant licenses for businesses at traffic circle, 06/07/1935:1
New enterprise at old Leonard & Barrows factory to sell 200 shares of
preferred stock, 06/21/1935:1
Response to stock offering most gratifying, 06/28/1935:1
Why not advertise in Middleboro? (l) (Louis G. Stone), 07/26/1935:2
Middleboro has two-page spread in Cape Cod Canal dedication book,
Pages from Cape Cod Canal dedication book reproduced in Gazette (p),
Conditions improve since 1933, 01/03/1936:1
Ralph Crane named enumerator for business census, 01/31/1936:2
Stores closed in observance of state holiday, 04/17/1936:1
Businesses open late for holiday weekend, 05/29/1936:1
Afternoon closings need to be consistent, 07/10/1936:1
Business requested to close during funeral of William Soule,
Sensational Christmas selling here in Middleboro, 12/11/1936:1
U.S. Chamber of Commerce rep gives town favorable report,
Middleboro has run out of manufacturing space, 02/05/1937:6
Coat of paint to several stores an improvement, 06/11/1937:1
Merchants change schedules for the summer, 07/16/1937:12
New firm, Middleboro Manufacturing Co., organizes, 08/27/1937:1
Chamber's industrial committee announces new enterprise, 12/03/1937:1
Many local stores close Wednesday afternoon for the summer,
Store fronts on Center St modernistic, 07/15/1938:1
Local businesses closed for Labor Day, 09/02/1938:1
All stores closed on Armistice Day, 11/11/1938:1
Is there a moral obligation to trade in town? (l) (The Spectator),
Buy now. Buy here, 12/16/1938:1
Local stores reluctantly participate in National Swap Week,
Middleboro citizens pay $473,772 in hidden retail tax, 03/31/1939:3
Merchants and hairdressers hold benefit card party and style show for
St. Luke's, 05/05/1939:1
Discuss of upcoming summer half-holiday on Wednesday, 06/30/1939:1
More Wednesday afternoon store closings, 07/07/1939:1
List of 18 stores that will remain open on Wednesday afternoons,
List of 44 stores closed on Wednesday afternoons, 07/14/1939:4
Briggs building tenants claim forced out by non-resident owner,
Dollar Days a rare opportunity for consumers, 07/28/1939:1
Summer lull used to improve appearance of businesses, 07/28/1939:1
List of businesses contributing to Dollar Days advertisement,
Dollar Days one of greatest savings events ever, 08/04/1939:1
Frederick Pratt, Jr. commends Gazette for story on Briggs building (l),
Self-support important for community (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Local business gradually passes into non-resident hands (l) (The
Spectator), 08/04/1939:11
All former Briggs property stand vacant, 08/04/1939:12
Chamber of Commerce appreciates spirit of cooperation (l),
Compliments to Dollar Days organizers, 08/11/1939:1
Dollar Days a great success, 08/11/1939:8
Six stores announce Wednesday afternoon closing throughout year (ad),
Merchants' Committee passes resolutions to open stores Friday nights,
Will not be open Friday nights (l) (William Egger), 10/13/1939:2
Majority of retailers favor closing for Armistice Day, 11/03/1939:1
Middleboro included in second series of statistical abstracts for 175 New
England communities, 11/03/1939:8
Stores closed all day on Armistice Day, 11/10/1939:1
Gazette Christmas shopping edition, 12/08/1939:1
Abercrombie Bag Co. moves to Rock from Connecticut, 12/22/1939:1
Retailers using street space must sign leases, 12/22/1939:1
Christmas trade better than 1938, 12/29/1939:1
Bussey, Mary A.
Wife of William dies at age 53, 06/18/1937:7
Obituary, 06/18/1937:12
Bussey, Robert
Moves from North Lakeville to North Abington, 09/16/1938:3
Bussey, William J.
Wedding described, 01/06/1939:1
Wed to Mary E. Clark, 01/06/1939:7
Butler, Alfred
Temporary janitor at Town House, 02/21/1936:1
New janitor at Town House, 03/06/1936:11
Repaints office of school superintendent, 08/21/1936:6
Butler, Alfred M.
New deputy tax collector, 07/26/1935:12
Paints district nurse's office at Town House, 08/28/1936:6
Butler, Ephraim P.
Obituary, 09/24/1937:1
Dies at age 66, 09/24/1937:7
Butler, Florence Maria
Born to Philip, 12/20/1935:6
Butler, Francis
Daughter born, 12/04/1936:5, 12/04/1936:7
Butler, George
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/18/1938:1
Butler, Martha Irene
Born to Francis, 12/04/1936:5, 12/04/1936:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Butler, Philip
Daughter born, 12/20/1935:6
Butler, R.G.
Brief glimpse of the candidate for school committee, 01/11/1935:1
Dentist (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Butler, R.G., Jr.
Stationed at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD, 06/19/1936:12
Transfers to West Point, 04/28/1939:1
Teaches Gunnery and Ordinance at West Point, 07/14/1939:1
Butler, Robert
Resides in Aberdeen, MD, 05/03/1935:1
Butler, Robert G.
For School Committee (ad), 01/18/1935:2, 01/18/1935:8
Seeks re-election to School Committee, 12/10/1937:1
Butler, Robert G., Jr.
Daughter born, 01/15/1937:7
Butterfield, Blanche
Dies in Ocean Park, ME, 07/02/1937:8
Buttermore, Albert R.
Member of Taunton National Guard, 09/01/1939:2
Buttermore, Eldon
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Scout attends Annawon Council National Jamboree (p), 07/02/1937:1
Buttermore, Grace
Resides in New Jersey, 07/15/1938:11
Student nurse at Colt Memorial in Newark, NJ, 01/27/1939:8
Buttermore, Grace Emma
Graduates from Memorial Hospital in Newark, NJ, 06/02/1939:9
Buttermore, Michael
Lakeville couple married 25 years, 04/12/1935:4
Two sheds on Highland Rd destroyed by fire, 11/05/1937:1
Buttermore, R. Eldon
Joins U.S. Navy, 11/03/1939:5
Stationed at Newport Naval Training Center, 12/29/1939:7
The Buttonwoods Inn and Gift Shop
Mrs Thomas Pollitt hostess (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Buxton, Charles Lee
Engaged to Helen Morgan Rotch, 06/03/1938:2
Engaged to Helen Rotch, 09/02/1938:11
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Byrd, Richard E., 1888-1857
Roger Hawthorne going on expedition with Admiral Byrd, 09/22/1939:1
Hawthorne set to leave on Byrd's expedition soon, 11/17/1939:1
Byrne, Joseph
Employed at sanatorium, 03/05/1937:11, 02/11/1938:3
Cabot Club
Holds gala Guest Night (p), 02/15/1935:1
Holds annual meeting (t), 05/10/1935:1
Schedule of upcoming season (p), 09/27/1935:1
Collects worn or used toys, 11/08/1935:6
Holds annual celebration of Presidents' Day, 11/15/1935:1
Broken Dishes a theatrical and financial success, 11/29/1935:2
Male Singing Society entertains at annual Guest Night, 01/24/1936:1
Holds American Home Day, 02/28/1936:1
Cabot Club and Garden Club join forces to beautify grounds of Town
House, 03/27/1936:2
Grand concert a great success (p), 04/17/1936:1
Mrs Barclay Kinsman elected president at annual meeting, 05/15/1936:1
Receives award at annual state meeting, 05/22/1936:5
Opens 1936 season with Kinsman at helm (p), 09/04/1936:1
Former resident Mildred Taylor Shaw to appear at opening meeting (p),
Musical selections rendered by Mrs Shaw well received, 10/09/1936:1
Holds annual Guest Night entertainment (p), 02/05/1937:1
Dramatic Committee presents The Patsy, 02/12/1937:2
Members enjoy American Home Day, 02/26/1937:1
Holds 40th anniversary luncheon, 03/12/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 05/14/1937:1
And Garden Club on campaign to eradicate hay fever weeds,
Makes appeal for help with rag weed eradication, 07/09/1937:1
Program for upcoming year (p), 09/17/1937:1
Presents The Late Christopher Bean, 11/26/1937:8
Holds annual Guest Night, 02/04/1938:1
Holds silver tea benefit for St. Luke's, 04/29/1938:1
Mrs B.A. Kinsman to serve third term, 05/13/1938:1
Program for upcoming season, 09/09/1938:1
Guest Night attracts 600, 02/03/1939:1
Presents two one-act comedies, 03/03/1939:1
Mrs William Barden elected president at annual meeting, 05/12/1939:1
Co-sponsors series of four band concerts, 07/14/1939:1
Asks co-operation in eradicating ragweed, 07/21/1939:3
Program for 1939-40, 09/01/1939:1
Program schedule for 1939-40 season, 09/08/1939:1
Appeals for damaged toys, firemen will repair, 11/24/1939:1
Cabral, Babe
Fractures leg on slide to third base, 06/24/1938:1
Cabral, Bernard
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Cabral, Bernard F.
Gets two months for assault on officer, 09/17/1937:2
Cabral, Charles
Injured when car strikes pole on Plymouth St, 07/09/1937:2
Gets probation for assault on wife, 08/05/1938:5
Assault case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Cabral, Charles E.L.
Engaged to Josephine A. Barros, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Josephine Barros, 06/24/1938:7
Cabral, Emma
Engaged to Alfred Dupre, 02/24/1939:1
Wedding described, 04/28/1939:1
Wed to George DuBord, 04/28/1939:5
Cabral, Emma M.
Engaged to George H. Dubord, 04/14/1939:7
Cabral, Johnny
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Cabral, Joseph
Obituary, 12/24/1937:1
Taunton man dies at age 40, 12/24/1937:7
Cabral, Lindora A. Norton
Obituary, 10/06/1939:7
Wife of Manuel J. dies at age 24, 10/06/1939:7
Cabral, Manuel
Daughter born, 09/24/1937:7
Moves to Pearl Court bungalow, 01/06/1939:1
Fined $30 for reckless driving, 11/10/1939:1
Cabral, Manuel J.
Son born, 04/10/1936:6
Cahill, Russell
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 03/15/1935:6
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Cahill, Vincent
Class of 1935 outstanding athlete, 06/21/1935:5
Cahill, Vint
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Cahoon (Mr)
Moves from Harwich to South Middleboro, 03/18/1938:3
Cahoon, Elsie
Teaches third grade at Union Street School, 09/13/1935:1
Resides in Pleasant Lake, 11/06/1936:5
Teacher transfers from School Street School to Union Street School,
Caldwell (Mr)
Arthur Strople purchases Caldwell place from town, 06/09/1939:2
Caldwell, Alice
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Employed in Brookline, 02/15/1935:6
Concludes work in Brookline, 06/28/1935:11
Engaged to Irving T. Pierce, 07/19/1935:8
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:5
Caldwell, Alice I.
Engaged to Irving T. Pierce, 08/16/1935:6
Wed to Irving T. Pierce, 08/23/1935:6
Caldwell, Eleanor
Employed in Brookline, 03/29/1935:3
Employed in Wareham, 05/10/1935:6
Caldwell, Eleanor M.
Wed to Walter A. Chase, 12/25/1936:6
Caldwell, Harry
North Rochester couple moves back to Rock, 09/08/1939:7
Caldwell, Mildred E.
Engaged to Albert W. Freeman, 05/27/1938:7
Wed to Albert W. Freeman, 06/10/1938:7
Caldwell, Russell
Drives school bus through Rock, 09/10/1937:11
Employed at Rock Mfg Co., 05/19/1939:9
Caldwell, Russell E.
Moves from Highland Rd to Lakeside Ave, 04/15/1938:8
California Mills
Oil and gasoline taken in break-in, 08/09/1935:5
Callahan, Stephen
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Callan, Delia
Dies at age 80, 08/04/1939:7
Callan, Delia Dorr
Obituary, 08/04/1939:10
Callan, John
Question of issuance of warrant for assault heard in court, 02/15/1935:2
Engaged to Carolyn Fish, 11/01/1935:2
Callan, John M.
Named deputy district tax collector, 01/18/1935:1
Fined $25 for assault on LeBarnes, 02/22/1935:1
Deputy tax collector resigns to take post with Fahey Funeral concern,
Wedding described, 11/22/1935:1
Wed to Carolyn E. Fish, 11/22/1935:6
Passes final exam for MA Embalming Board, 12/06/1935:8
Portrait painter presents The Last Supper to John Fahey, 12/18/1936:6
The Last Supper on display at Tripp's, 01/08/1937:1
Son born, 02/19/1937:6
Replaces Littlejohn as health officer, 02/25/1938:1
Head of Health Board initiates column on health affairs (l),
Callan, John T.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Callan, L. Francis
Attorney with Sullivan & Sullivan, 07/26/1935:12
Daughter born, 10/25/1935:6
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:1
Appointed Conciliation Commissioner for Plymouth County,
Appointed assistant clerk of Superior Court of Plymouth County (p),
Callan, L. Francis, Jr.
Brief glimpse of the candidate for school committee, 01/11/1935:1
For School Committee (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:4
Three new town officials elected (p), 01/25/1935:1
Expresses thanks to voters (l), 02/01/1935:5
Seeks re-election to School Committee, 12/10/1937:1
Callan, Mrs John
Nurse at St. Luke's, 08/28/1936:1
Calloway, Elizabeth
Wed to Willard Berg, 07/07/1939:4
Calnan, Dennis
Engaged to Florence Belrose, 11/17/1939:7
Camandona, Chester
Car forced off road in Lakeville, 07/24/1936:1
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at Washburn grain mill,
Held for grand jury in mill break, 05/12/1939:1
Son born, 05/12/1939:5
Gets two years probation for break-in at mill, 06/16/1939:1
Camandona, Madeline
Engaged to Edgar Roberts, 11/10/1939:4
Wedding described, 11/17/1939:4
Wed to Edgar Roberts, 11/17/1939:5
Camandona, Madeline M.
Engaged to Edgar A. Roberts, 10/20/1939:5
Camara, Antone X.
Wed to Josephine Hurlok, 10/15/1937:7
Camera, Albert
Son born, 01/15/1937:8
Camera Club of Middleboro
New club holds first meeting, 12/23/1938:4
Increases membership, 02/03/1939:11
Dark room opens at YMCA, 02/24/1939:2
Holds exhibition at YMCA, 03/03/1939:11
Cameron, B.N.
Appointed inspector of milk, 04/15/1938:11
Cameron, Ernest
Halifax couple recently married, 11/19/1937:11
Cameron, Margaret
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Nova Scotia woman dies at age 84, 05/10/1935:4
Cammarata, Sam
Hides cash stolen from Standish's service station in artificial leg,
Camp Joe Hooker
see also Joe Hooker Track
National Guard war games hark back to old days, 08/23/1935:1
About 250 soldiers of 13th Infantry at camp, 10/04/1935:6
Grand opening of horse racing (ad), 05/21/1937:11
Over 1,000 spectators take in motorcycle races, 11/17/1939:6
Camp Joe Hooker Agricultural Society
No dog racing at proposed ag fair, 08/11/1939:1
Genuine agricultural fair proposed (l) (The Spectator), 08/18/1939:7
Holds barn dance, 11/10/1939:9
Campbell, Albert
In court for drunkenness, 11/03/1939:1
Campbell, Andrew P., Jr.
Engaged to Marion Eleanor Nerney, 01/06/1939:1
Campbell, Anne
Employed at Thompson Tire Co., 08/23/1935:2
Engaged to Edward Rogers, 07/03/1936:2
Campbell, Anne E.
Engaged to Edward V. Rogers, 07/31/1936:7
Wedding described, 08/21/1936:1
Wed to Edward V. Rogers, 08/21/1936:7
Campbell, Annie
Funeral held in Easton, 03/22/1935:1
Campbell, Catherine
Employed by John Hancock Ins. Co. in Taunton, 09/02/1938:1
Campbell, Charles M.
Obituary, 08/28/1936:1
Dies at age 58, 08/28/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 09/25/1936:7
Campbell, Elizabeth Jane
Obituary, 07/31/1936:1
Dies at age 54, 07/31/1936:7
Campbell, Frances Northop
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:2
Campbell, Harold
Picks dandelion in January, 01/08/1937:1
Campbell, Harold E.
Squirrel's Nest Riding School, East Grove St (ad), 09/11/1936:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Campbell, J.G.
Funeral held in New Jersey, 12/22/1939:10
Camps and Camping
see also Boy Scouts of America
Thomas Hirst describes old fashioned NE camp meeting (l),
Volunteers of America camp director thanks Middleboro people for help
and consideration (l), 09/17/1937:2
Volunteers of America's Lakeview Rest Camp in full swing,
Tourist camps required to be licensed, 12/30/1938:1
C.P. Washburn aids in additions to Scout Camp Norse, 03/03/1939:1
Selectmen adopt regulations for night cabins, 12/22/1939:1
Canavan, Mary C.
Wed to Frank W. Graves, 05/17/1935:4
Candella, A.
Hairdresser, 23 South Main St (ad), 10/02/1936:12
Candini, Della M.
Engaged to Carl F. Lind, 06/04/1937:7
Wed to Carl F. Lind, 06/11/1937:7
Candini, Esther M.
Wed to Cecil John Strojny, 09/24/1937:7
Canedy (Mr)
Peter Sylvia purchases Canedy bungalow on Kingman St, 01/22/1937:5
Canedy, Augusta
Everett Holmes remodels old Canedy place in North Lakeville,
Canedy, Lucy
Sells old Pierce homestead to Kenneth Leonard, 09/03/1937:5
Canedy, Lucy W.
Places dilapidated shacks on land Sukeforth wanted for gas station,
The Spectator comments on shacks (l), 12/29/1939:2
Canedy, Zebulon
Obituary (p), 08/07/1936:1
Canedy, Zebulon L.
Petition for probate of will, 08/14/1936:8
Canedy, Zebulon Leonard
Dies at age 72, 08/07/1936:7
Canfield, Frances E.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Dies at age 38, 05/20/1938:7
Canfield, John
Notice of inactive account at Savings Bank, 11/19/1937:8
Canfield, Paul S.
Wed to Frances Deyo Alden, 06/30/1939:5
Canning, James
Liquor license application, 04/19/1935:7
Appeals liquor license refusal to state commission, 05/10/1935:1
Armond Bessett seriously injured in accident on East Grove St,
Canning, James J.
Liquor license application turned down, 05/03/1935:1
Granted gasoline permit, 05/24/1935:1
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Fined $10 for reckless driving, $50 for drunk driving, 11/13/1936:2
Pays $50 fine for drunk driving, 12/04/1936:8
Cannon, Blanche
Mother-in-law dies in Newton Centre, 03/19/1937:11
Sister-in-law dies in Newton, 11/18/1938:2
Cannon, Caroline
Ten-year-old in broadcast over New Bedford's station, 12/04/1936:5
Cannon, Edward J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/15/1935:7, 02/19/1937:5
Cannon, Esther M.
Wed to Manuel J. Brown, 06/26/1936:7
Cannon, Leonard C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/07/1935:7
Cannon, Nelson
Daughter born, 03/12/1937:11
Moves from Lakeville to East Freetown, 09/17/1937:11
Cannon, Orpha L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/07/1935:7
Cannon, Shirley Mae
Born to Nelson, 03/12/1937:11
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc.
Firm files articles of incorporation, 09/10/1937:1
Send clam chowder as far as Chicago, 10/01/1937:1
Old chowder recipe basis of new business, 10/01/1937:2
34-36 Pearl St (ad), 11/05/1937:7
Cape Cod Cranberry Growers' Association
Holds 50th annual meeting in East Wareham, 08/27/1937:11
Massachusetts crop totals 425,000 barrels, 09/01/1939:1
Cape Cod Floral Supply
Marie DeWolf designer, 64 Centre St (ad), 05/19/1939:5
Cape Cod Trio
Joseph Cordeiro and Cape Cod Trio play Saturdays at Kingston Hotel,
Cape Cod Typewriter Co.
224 Plymouth St (ad), 10/20/1939:5
Caperello, Anthony
Son born, 06/12/1936:7
Caperello, Joseph
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/28/1937:6
Caperello, Joseph F.
Wed to Gertrude E. Hoffman, 12/09/1938:7
Caperello, Mary A.
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Dies at age 63, 10/04/1935:6
Caplan, Ira
Son born, 03/19/1937:6
And wife present upright piano to Bates School, 11/11/1938:8
Card, Charles
Receives 25-year pin from Keith Shoe Co., 04/09/1937:6
Card, George A.
Parked car struck by New Bedford driver, 09/06/1935:6
Card, Georgina
Engaged to Burton Matheson, 08/09/1935:12, 08/29/1935:6
Card, Roy
Six-year-old Clark Schaaf struck by car on East Main St, 04/14/1939:1
Card, William
Injured in fall, 09/16/1938:8
Cardin, Estelle Thomas
Daughter born, 05/21/1937:11
Cardin, Leo
Daughter born, 05/21/1937:7, 05/21/1937:11
Cardini, Ethel A.
Open letter concerning O'Neil's allegations (l), 06/09/1939:9
Parents need to show more interest in town affairs (l), 09/01/1939:4
Carew, Thomas A.
Engaged to Sarah E. Green, 08/20/1937:7
Carey, Abbie K.
Recalls 1858 marriage, 10/30/1936:5
Carey, Abbie K.T.
Delivers message on 95th birthday (l), 10/18/1935:6
Carey, Albert
Daughter born, 12/30/1938:7
Carey, Albert R.
Engaged to Eleanor K. Brown, 10/23/1936:7
Carey, Andrew
Salem couple married 25 years, 03/13/1936:2
Carey, Bernard
Daughter born, 08/13/1937:11
Carey, F. Gordon
Son born, 05/05/1939:5
Carey, Fred
Son born, 06/25/1937:7
Carey, Frederic J.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Doris E. Baldwin, 12/04/1936:1
Wed to Doris E. Baldwin, 01/01/1937:6
Carey, Frederic W.
Engaged to Doris E. Baldwin, 12/18/1936:6
Carey, Marie
Born to Bernard, 08/13/1937:11
Carleton, Gerald F.
Engaged to Kathleen A. Gammons, 04/14/1939:1
Wed to Helena Gammons, 10/27/1939:5
Carleton, Gerald Francis
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Carleton, Harold Earle
Wed to Myrtle W. Perkins, 06/09/1939:4
Carlson (Miss)
Takes teaching post in Plympton, 02/03/1939:6
Carlson, Francis
Daughter born, 05/15/1936:7
Carlson, Francis T.
Engaged to Maybell P. Alden, 11/01/1935:6
Carlson, Lillian
Wed to Earl Sealander, 05/13/1938:11
Carlson, Margaret
Takes eight-week training course at Bates School, 11/12/1937:1
Receives B.S. degree from Bridgewater State, 06/17/1938:1
Carlson, Mrs Charles
Obituary, 12/17/1937:11
Carlton, Gerald
Engaged to Helena Gammons, 07/21/1939:5
Carmichael, Lawrence
Daughter born, 07/19/1935:6, 07/19/1935:11, 08/02/1935:11
Carmichael, Lillian
Engaged to Herbert W. Rounseville, 07/19/1935:7
Carmichael, Lillian L.
Engaged to Herbert W. Rounseville, 07/19/1935:6
Wed to Herbert W. Rounseville, 07/26/1935:6
Caron, Leo
Engaged to Gladys Moreau, 05/15/1936:11
Carpenter, E.J.
Chimneys cleaned and repaired (ad), 12/16/1938:12
Carpenter, Jesse
Fire watcher spots Bridgewater fire from Barden Hill tower,
Foreman of USDA group combating brown tail moth, 01/31/1936:1
Carpenter, Joyce
Four-year-old thrown from car, dies of injuries, 08/20/1937:1
Carpenter, Marion H.
Wed to Louis J. Bernier, 06/07/1935:6
Carpenter, Mrs H.A.
Dies in Worcester, 01/17/1936:12
Carpenters (see Builders)
Carr, Adeline
Engaged to Andrew Miller, Jr., 12/17/1937:7
Carr, Albert J.
In minor crash with Elizabeth Biswonger on Wareham St, 07/31/1936:5
Carr, Annie E.
Obituary, 06/07/1935:1
Carr, Annie E.H.
Widow of William dies at age 89, 06/07/1935:6
Carr, Arthur
Employed at Elmer Sisson's garage, 10/25/1935:11
Carr, Arthur J.
Obituary, 12/25/1936:1
Dies at age 70, 12/25/1936:6
Petition for administration of estate, 07/16/1937:7
Carr, Blanche
Opens Kiddie and Specialty Shop in Klar building, 09/02/1938:1
Opening of new store 137 Center St (ad), 09/02/1938:3
Fire in bowling alley beneath store damages stock, 12/02/1938:1
Smoke sale (ad), 12/02/1938:6
Carr, Blanche L.
Engaged to Daniel L. Gurney, 10/28/1938:7
Wedding described, 11/04/1938:1
Wed to Daniel L. Gurney, 11/04/1938:7
Carr, Gerry
Phil Sylvia, Gerry Carr, and Morris Marshall are the Santa Fe Ranch
Boys, 05/14/1937:6
Carr, Harold
Francis Shaw guilty of larceny from Harold Carr, 03/29/1935:2
Carr, John J., Jr.
Completes 20 years of naval service, retires at age 37, 08/18/1939:1
Chief electricians mate recalled to Navy service, 09/22/1939:1
Carr, Joseph
Discharged from probation, 09/01/1939:1
Carr, Joseph C.
Fined $25 for drunkenness, 05/26/1939:8
Carr, Joseph W.
Fails to pay fine for allowing improper person to operate car,
Carr, Raymond
Engaged to Barbara Pearce, 08/26/1938:7
Wed to Barbara Pearce, 09/09/1938:7
Carr, Raymond J.
Arrested for leaving scene of accident, 10/30/1936:1
Fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 11/06/1936:2
Carreiro, Anna S.
Files for divorce on grounds of desertion, 12/31/1937:8
Carreiro, Joseph
Fog causes auto crash on West Grove St, 11/11/1938:1
Carreiro, Manuel
Wife files for divorce, 12/31/1937:8
Middleboro rules and orders for regulation of carriages and vehicles,
Carriero, Frank
Daughter born, 07/19/1935:6
Carroll, Jane H.
Engaged to Donald T. Welch, 05/05/1939:5
Carroll, Jane Hathaway
Engaged to Donald Thomas Welch, 01/06/1939:1
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Donald Thomas Welch, 06/09/1939:5
Carron, Leo
Daughter born, 08/13/1937:11
Carron, Leo A.
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:8
Carter, Edith A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/01/1938:11
Carter, Lorenzo
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/01/1935:1
Carter, Mary E.
Moves to Barden Hill Rd, 03/15/1935:1
Carter, Paul
Moves from Tispaquin St to Star Ave, 10/28/1938:11
Daughter born, 12/30/1938:7
Carter, Paul M.
Collides with James Bradford on East Main St, 01/21/1938:2
Engaged to Beatrice E. Hopkins, 04/15/1938:7
Wed to Beatrice Hopkins, 04/22/1938:7
Carter, Sawyer G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/01/1938:11
Carter, Theodore E.
Engaged to Helen E. Rogers, 09/20/1935:6
Wed to Helen E. Rogers, 09/27/1935:6
Carty, Richard W.
Fined $10 for operating unregistered car, 09/18/1936:8
Fails to appear in court to pay fine, 10/16/1936:8
Fined $10 for operating unregistered vehicle, 10/30/1936:2
Carty, William L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/16/1937:7
Carver (Mr)
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Everett Bodwell, 04/02/1937:5
Carver, Charles
Ill with measles, 02/01/1935:6
Candidate for selectman, 12/20/1935:1
And Fred Fies make repairs to Davis' Plymouth St house, 01/24/1936:11
Selectman's car stolen, 11/04/1938:1
Carver, Charles S.
Candidate for selectman (ad) (l), 01/17/1936:6
Elected to Board of Selectmen (p), 01/24/1936:1
To the voters (l), 01/24/1936:7
Elected chair of Board of Selectmen after Millette resigns, 03/26/1937:1
WPA Certifying Officer resigns, replaced by William Boynton,
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Selectman's car recovered in Vermont, 11/11/1938:1
Arnold Thomas pleads guilty to stealing Carver's car, 11/18/1938:1
Arnold Thomas found guilty of auto theft, 11/25/1938:2
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:1
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:1
Review of candidates (l) (The Spectator), 01/13/1939:1
Continuation of sane and responsible town government (ad),
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:11
Carver, Chester
Obituary, 07/23/1937:1
Taunton man dies at age 58, 07/23/1937:7
Funeral held in Rock, 07/23/1937:8
Carver, Cora
Wed to Franklin P. Stone, 01/27/1939:7
Wedding described, 01/27/1939:8
Carver, Edson
Wed to Alice Walker, 11/08/1935:2
Carver, Eldon W.
Wed to Alice M. Walker, 11/08/1935:6
Carver, Francis
Rock couple married 25 years, 12/13/1935:8
Granted continuance in drunk driving case, 10/22/1937:5
Appeals fines for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk driving,
Chimney fire on Smith St, 03/18/1938:3
Carver, Joseph
Probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Pays fine, 05/12/1939:8
Carver, Joseph A.
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 12/23/1938:9
Carver, Josiah Thomas
Obituary, 11/13/1936:1
Dies at age 88, 11/13/1936:7
Carver, L.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Carver, Mrs Charles
Aunt dies in South Paris, ME, 04/07/1939:9
Carver, Mrs J. Charles
Dies in Rutherford, NH, 02/12/1937:11
Carver, Nellie F.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Carver, Russell
Employed at State Farm, 06/28/1935:8, 08/28/1936:2
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Philip Smith, 01/06/1939:11
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Gordon Robbins, 04/14/1939:11
Small roof fire on Pleasant St, 07/07/1939:6
Sells Pleasant St property to Dominic Barnabeo, 09/29/1939:9
Carver, Ruth
Engaged to Gilbert Beaton, 01/25/1935:2, 03/22/1935:7, 04/19/1935:7
Carver, Ruth E.
Wedding described, 04/26/1935:1
Carver, Ruth Ella
Wed to Gilbert T. Beaton, 04/26/1935:4
Cary, Edward W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/27/1936:7
Cary, Eleanor Holbrook
Five generations of Spooner family (p), 07/14/1939:5
Cary, Lynne
Five generations of Spooner family (p), 07/14/1939:5
Casagrande, Carl
Obituary, 04/02/1937:1
Dies at age 77, 04/02/1937:7
Case, Horace G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/03/1936:11
Casey, Alice M.
Middleboro woman dies, 10/13/1939:5
Obituary, 10/13/1939:5
Petition for administration of estate, 11/10/1939:6
Casey, Anselm
Guilty of assault on wife Louise, 07/10/1936:2
Casey, James F.
Engaged to Mildred A. Gatie, 12/23/1938:7
Casey, James H.
Engaged to Mildred A. Gatie, 12/30/1938:7
Wedding described, 01/06/1939:1
Wed to Mildred Annetta Gatie, 01/06/1939:7
Casey, John
Howard Connover charged with drunkenness, must make restitution to
John Casey, 09/30/1938:11
Casey, John M.
Obituary, 01/15/1937:1
Dies at age 89, 01/15/1937:6
Dies at age 89 (p), 01/22/1937:1
Petition for administration of estate, 01/29/1937:7
Casey, Louise
Anselm Casey guilty of assault on wife Louise, 07/10/1936:2
Casey, Mary E.
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Dies at age 71, 05/24/1935:4
Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1935:7
Casey, Mrs Charles
Father dies in Anaconda, MT, 09/15/1939:8
Cash, Madeline E.
Engaged to Erville D. Blandin, 05/29/1936:7
Cash, Madeline Elizabeth
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:1
Casiere, Frank
Engaged to Carmelina Penna, 05/06/1938:11
Casieri, Frank
Engaged to Carmelina Penna, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Carmelina Penna, 06/24/1938:7
Cassidy, Edward
Obituary, 11/15/1935:1
Dies at age 75, 11/15/1935:6
Cassidy, W. Harry
Biography, 07/03/1936:11
Caswell, A. Wilma
Wedding described, 09/27/1935:1
Caswell, Arthur
Chimney fire on Jackson St, 11/26/1937:1, 01/20/1939:1
Caswell, David
Son of Henry recovering from burns, 01/28/1938:8
Caswell, E.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Caswell, Earl
Obituary, 08/07/1936:1
Caswell, Edwin
Mail carrier injures leg, 03/19/1937:12
Caswell, Eleanor
Accepts position in Harwich, 05/07/1937:11
Caswell, Francis
Son born, 11/03/1939:5
Caswell, Francis L.
Engaged to Virginia H. Jacques, 01/01/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Virginia H. Jacques, 01/08/1937:6
Caswell, Harold L.
Collides with Ernest Pratt on Center St, 04/09/1937:5
Engaged to Thelma E. Black, 09/08/1939:1
Caswell, Henry
Occupies tenement on Plymouth St, 11/15/1935:8
Daughter born, 02/07/1936:5, 02/07/1936:6
Moves to Huntley's tenement on Plymouth St, 11/20/1936:7
Daughter born, 08/11/1939:6, 08/18/1939:6
Caswell, Janice Ann
Born to Henry, 02/07/1936:5, 02/07/1936:6
Caswell, Justin
Judge refuses warrant application for larceny complaint from Caswell,
Caswell, Leavitt
James Davis completes probation in larceny case, 07/17/1936:2
Chimney fire on Rhode Island Rd, 03/05/1937:1
Caswell, Leavitt C.
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Caswell, Madeline
Resides in Mattapoisett, 04/12/1935:1
Teaches in Mattapoisett, 05/03/1935:1
Caswell, Marian
Employed in Bridgewater, 08/20/1937:11
Caswell, Mary E.
Wife of George W. dies at age 78, 03/31/1939:7
Caswell, Mary Eliza Roscoe
Obituary, 03/31/1939:1
Caswell, Mary E.R.
North Middleboro folks attend funeral, 03/31/1939:8
Caswell, Mary F.
Former resident celebrates 85th birthday, brief biography, 02/08/1935:7
Obituary, 12/20/1935:2
Caswell, Mrs Henry
Uncle dies in North Adams, 10/06/1939:11
Caswell, Richard
Tenor gives song recital in Lakeville, 07/03/1936:5
Caswell, Roberta Evelyn
Born to Henry, 08/18/1939:6
Caswell, Roy B.
Obituary, 11/08/1935:1
Dies at age 44, 11/08/1935:6
Caswell, Sylvia
Quarantined with scarlet fever, 05/28/1937:11
Scarlet fever quarantine lifted, 06/18/1937:11
Caswell, Viola M.
Engaged to Myron LeRoy Tuck, Jr., 05/12/1939:5
Caswell, Viola Mae
Engaged to Myron Leroy Tuck, 07/16/1937:1
Wedding described, 05/26/1939:1
Caswell, Wallace
Resides in Merrimac, NH, 02/04/1938:1
Caswell, Wilbur
Resides in Bedford, NH, 02/04/1938:1
Caswell, William
Attends reunion of U.S. Navy Ex-Apprentices, 06/10/1938:11
Caswell, William R.
Answers letter concerning veterans (l), 02/01/1935:5
Plymouth St couple married 25 years, biographies, 06/30/1939:9
Caswell, Wilma
Engaged to Stephen Zilonis, 06/14/1935:6
Employed at roadside stand on Rte 28, 09/13/1935:8
Engaged to Stephen Zilonis, 09/20/1935:11
Caswell Bros.
North Middleboro (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Caswell William R.
Car sideswiped at Old Center St and Center St, 02/14/1936:6
Caswell's Handy Store
295 Wareham St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Cater, Thomas Howard, Jr.
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:11
Cathcart, Samuel M.
Obituary, 10/08/1937:1
Westerly, RI man dies at age 74, 10/08/1937:7
Catholic Church (see Sacred Heart Church)
Catholic Daughters of America - Jewel Court
Celebrates 21st anniversary, 03/29/1935:2
Caton, Teresa
Employed at sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Abe Green back from cattle-buying trip to Wisconsin, 10/15/1937:11
J.M. Foster, dealer (ad), 02/25/1938:12
George Robbins' leg gashed in close encounter with bull, 05/26/1939:1
Cave Ins
Jeffrey and Alfred Hubbard caught in collapsed well, 09/01/1939:1
Cavicchi, Frank
Tobacco, candy, and oil missing in break-in, 09/17/1937:1
Cayton, Inez E.
Engaged to Harold W. Peirce, 09/11/1936:7
Wed to Harold W. Peirce, 09/18/1936:7
Cedar Crest Poultry Farm
Alfred Chase purchases new International truck, 01/17/1936:12
Cedar Croft Farm
Alfred B. Chase, breeder and hatcher (ad), 02/07/1936:12
Cedar-Croft Poultry Farm
Alfred B. Chase, Purchade St (ad), 12/06/1935:12
Cellini Trio
Plays at East Bridgewater, 09/06/1935:6
Plays at Taunton Women's Club, 10/25/1935:7
Cellino Trio
Local musicians, Virginia Tinkham, Sybil Thomas, and Priscilla
Commeau, form group, 03/29/1935:1
Plays over station WNBH, 05/17/1935:1
Performs for gathering at Backus Memorial Church, 07/05/1935:11
Plays in North and South Middleboro and at Brockton, 11/29/1935:6
Heard over WNBH, 06/05/1936:6
see also Central Cemetery; Nemasket Hill Cemetery
Wappanucket Cemetery Association elects officers, 05/03/1935:1
South Middleboro Cemetery holds annual meeting, 04/17/1936:11
Water supply line to St. Mary's needs replacement, 04/24/1936:5
Cemetery at the Green one of most historical spots in town,
South Middleboro Cemetery Association elects officer, 04/15/1938:8
Trustees appointed at Titicut Cemetery association meeting,
South Middleboro Cemetery Association holds annual meeting,
Rock Cemetery Association holds annual meeting, 04/28/1939:9
Welfare Department begins construction of new cemetery on Wood St,
Town accepts deed for land near Precinct church, 10/27/1939:6
State condemns town's method of pauper burial, 12/22/1939:3
Cemetery at the Green
One of most historical spots in town, 05/29/1936:2
see also Schools - Middleboro (attendance and enrollment)
Ralph Crane named enumerator for business census, 01/31/1936:2
Annual town census to be conducted by Police Department,
School census official Carrie Jones retires, 10/13/1939:1
Lucinda Morse turns 100 years old on January 31st (p), 01/27/1939:1
Central Baptist Church
Church Aid Society holds annual meeting, 01/18/1935:4
Hosts 31st annual reunion of county Christian Endeavor Union,
B.M.C. celebrates 25th anniversary, 05/10/1935:1
Large audience enjoys cantata The Woman of Sychar, 06/07/1935:1
Hosts Union Thanksgiving Service, 11/29/1935:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Aid Society holds annual meeting, 01/17/1936:1
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 01/17/1936:6
Holds annual meeting, 05/08/1936:2
Hosts annual Memorial Day service, 05/29/1936:5
Hosts Commonwealth Choral Group, 07/17/1936:8
Church Aid Society holds annual meeting, 01/15/1937:6
Hosts January meeting of Neighborhood convention, 01/15/1937:6
Brief resume of Christian Endeavor society, 04/16/1937:3
Maintenance of town clock at Central Baptist a worthy project,
Holds annual meeting, 05/07/1937:8
School Home Department holds annual meeting, 05/21/1937:5
Aid Society holds annual meeting, 01/14/1938:5
Stirring address by Dr Tehyi Hsieh at Central Baptist, 04/01/1938:1
Holds annual meeting, 05/06/1938:8
Hosts baccalaureate service, 06/17/1938:2
Holds annual meeting, 12/30/1938:5
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 01/20/1939:6
Begins series of revival services (p), 03/17/1939:3
Choir looking for new voices (ad), 03/24/1939:12
Holds last week of revival services, 03/31/1939:1
No outing on Sunday (l) (A.G. Newkirk), 07/28/1939:7
Christmas pageant and service impressive, 12/29/1939:4
Central Cafe
Slight blaze on roof, 07/12/1935:12
Notice of sale of 350 shares of stock, 01/03/1936:6
Permit for entertainment renewed, 10/27/1939:1
Central Cemetery
Missing cannon balls recovered, 10/25/1935:1
Josephine Shaw Perkins leaves $8,000 to cemetery, 04/10/1936:1
Few choice plots available (ad), 01/22/1937:6
Headstones for war veterans (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 03/19/1937:2
Plot owners reminded of Josephine Perkins' bequest (l), 04/16/1937:6
To lot owners of the Central Cemetery (l) (Kenelm Winslow),
Agenda for special meeting, 12/03/1937:6
Trustees in trouble (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 12/17/1937:7
Explains Josephine Shaw Perkins legacy to Central Cemetery (l)
(Kenelm Winslow), 09/16/1938:5
Petition for special meeting concerning erection of fence, 07/07/1939:3
Winslow urges attendance at meeting (l), 07/21/1939:7
Committee appointed to address new fence, 07/28/1939:7
Central Congregational Church
Solicits funds for Lizzie E.B. Tillson Memorial Font, 02/01/1935:1
White Church Men's Club holds annual meeting, 04/12/1935:1
Program for dedication of Lizzie E.B. Tillson Baptismal Font,
Baptismal font dedicated in simple ceremony, 05/24/1935:3
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 03/13/1936:11
Pastor John Garfield tenders resignation (p), 03/27/1936:1
Resignation of Rev Garfield accepted at annual meeting, 04/10/1936:1
Reception held for Reverend and Mrs Garfield, 05/15/1936:1
David J. Julius called to pastorate (p), 08/21/1936:1
New pastor David Julius assumes duties, 10/16/1936:1
Request for bids for painting (ad), 11/06/1936:12
Cast and sponsors of upcoming The First Commandment (ad),
Boston University Glee Club gives splendid performance, 12/25/1936:8
Reception held for new pastor David Julius (p), 02/12/1937:1
Hosts monthly Neighborhood convention, 03/12/1937:5
Co-Workers hold annual meeting, 04/09/1937:2
Two hundred attend Rev Julius' installation ceremony (p), 04/23/1937:1
Bethany Girls hold Mother and Daughter banquet, 06/04/1937:6
Holds Gay Nineties party, 03/04/1938:5
Hosts county Neighborhood convention, 03/11/1938:7
Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1938:2
White Church Guild holds first annual bridal pageant, 05/20/1938:8
Bethany Girls hold annual Mother and Daughter Banquet, 05/27/1938:8
Holds impressive candlelight service, 12/23/1938:5
Hosts 527th Neighborhood convention, 03/10/1939:11
Holds annual meeting, 04/07/1939:3
Co-Workers hold annual meeting, 04/14/1939:6
White Church Guild holds annual meeting, 05/19/1939:2
Call for bids on fuel oil (ad), 05/26/1939:10
Principal beneficiary of Ebenezer Pickens' will, 08/11/1939:1
Central Methodist Episcopal Church
Named beneficiary on will of Margaret Shields, 01/04/1935:1
Chimney fire, 02/22/1935:1
Hosts April Neighborhood convention meeting, 04/12/1935:9
Shining Circle King's Daughters observe 43rd anniversary,
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 04/17/1936:2
Cantata Night of Holy Memories presented, 12/25/1936:8
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 04/16/1937:7
Wesleyan Class honors teacher of 35 years, Albert Keyes (p),
Honors Bert Keyes, 04/15/1938:11
Annual report presented at quarterly meeting, 04/29/1938:8
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 05/06/1938:6, 05/13/1938:11
Fills quota in fellowship movement, 02/24/1939:3
Central Shoe Hospital
22 Center St (ad), 08/28/1936:7
Cerda, Arthur L.
Enters third year at Northeastern University, 10/18/1935:1
Member of Northeastern University Glee Club, 05/01/1936:2
Represents Northeastern at intercollegiate conference, 06/19/1936:1
Delegate to Northfield Student Conference, 06/19/1936:11
Northeastern University student spends 10 weeks at Weymouth Art
Leather Co., 04/16/1937:6
Wins credit at Northeastern University, 05/21/1937:1
In Chemical Engineering program at Northeastern, 12/24/1937:2
Cast in Gilbert and Sullivan operetta at Northeastern University,
Manager of Northeastern University Glee Club, 06/03/1938:7
Graduates from Northeastern, 06/10/1938:1
Cerda, Carmen
Engaged to T. Clifford Salter, 04/19/1935:6, 05/24/1935:3
Engaged to Thomas C. Salter, 06/28/1935:6
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Chace, Charles
Transfers from Fall River to Boston, 02/11/1938:7
Chace, Mildred
Engaged to Joseph Teeling, 08/23/1935:2
Chace, Mildred W.
Engaged to Joseph Teeling, 07/26/1935:2
Engaged to Joseph D. Teeling, 08/23/1935:6
Wedding described, 08/29/1935:1
Chace, Sadie A.
Engaged to Loren M. Littlefield, 03/18/1938:7
Wed to Loren M. Littlefield, 03/25/1938:7
Chace, Zilpha
Obituary, 01/21/1938:12
Chadwick, Miles
Atherton gets thirty days for assault on Chadwick, 04/17/1936:2
Chadwick, Myles
Atherton assault case continued, 04/10/1936:2
Chamber of Commerce (see Middleboro Chamber of Commerce)
Chamberlain, Annie
Daughter dies in Braintree, 09/22/1939:10
Chamberlain, Annie C.
Suffers severe bruising in fall down stairs, 08/18/1939:8
Chamberlain, Helen K.
Wed to Albert T. Richie, 06/14/1935:6
Chamberlain, John
Dies in Brooklyn, NY, 02/08/1935:1
Chamberlain, Ralph
Dies in Weymouth, 03/01/1935:1
Obituary, 03/01/1935:1
Weymouth man dies at age 47, 03/01/1935:4
Chamberlain, Raymond
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Agnes Fisher, 05/24/1935:1
Chamberlain, Russell
Son born, 05/29/1936:7, 10/13/1939:5
Champagne, Alice D.
Petition for lien foreclosure, 02/01/1935:5
Champagne, Corliss
Petition for lien foreclosure, 02/01/1935:5
Champlin, A.L.
Cotuit oysters are in season (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Champlin, Arthur L.
Store closes after 40 years of service, 08/11/1939:1
Champlin, Dalton
Window screens made to order (ad), 05/10/1935:8
Screen repair (ad), 04/03/1936:12
Champlin, Jennie T.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Wife of Arthur L. dies at age 73, 12/29/1939:5
Champlin, Louise P.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Champlin, Nathan
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Chancey, Mrs A.U.
Funeral held in New York, 07/02/1937:5
Chandler, Alton Cole
Genealogy, 07/05/1935:8
Chandler, Bessie
Obituary, 03/10/1939:1
Widow of William dies at age 75, 03/10/1939:7
Chandler, Charles
Moves to Plymouth, 06/07/1935:1
Car sideswiped by Dorchester man on Plymouth St, 06/28/1935:1
Chandler, Grace
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:11
Chandler, Harold
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Chandler, Josiah
Died in 1780, 02/08/1935:3
Chandler, Olive M.
Wedding described, 10/01/1937:11
Chandler, Reginald
Engaged to Elizabeth Blouin, 08/12/1938:7, 09/02/1938:1
Wed to Mary Blouin, 09/09/1938:7
Chandler, Reginald A.
Engaged to Mary E. Blouin, 08/12/1938:7
Chang, Chin S.
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Chapman, Benjamin E., Jr.
Obituary, 08/29/1935:1
Wareham man dies at age 26, 08/29/1935:6
Chapman, Bertha L.
Engaged to Leon E. Newcomb, 09/02/1938:7
Chapman, Bertha Louise
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Chapman, Judson
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11
Chappell, C. Raymond
Resides in Keene, NH, 05/10/1935:1
Gives up pastorate of Keene, NH Baptist church, 10/11/1935:1
Chappell, Mrs C.R.
Resides in Manchester, NH, 12/10/1937:13
Chappell, Raymond
Keene, NH pastor celebrates 25th anniversary of ordination,
Chappell, William George, Jr.
Wedding described, 05/14/1937:8
Charbonneau, Albert
Head of Rock Manufacturing Co., 07/08/1938:6
Charbonneau, Albert W.
Candidate for Finance Committee, 04/17/1936:1
President and treasurer of new Rock Manufacturing Co., 03/19/1937:1
Charbonneau, A.W.
Notice to all voters concerning special town meeting (l), 09/09/1938:1
Charitable Gaming
Selectmen revoke VFW's beano license, 11/01/1935:1
Selectmen meet to packed house, 11/08/1935:1
Selectmen revoke all existing beano licenses, 11/08/1935:1
Elks introduce new series of up-to-the minute bingo games,
Bingo at Elks. A brand new game (ad), 01/14/1938:5
Charles S. Gurney & Sons Co.
Already receives large number of orders, 01/22/1937:1
Charles Gurney and sons start boat building business here, 01/22/1937:1
Boat industry locates on Wareham St, 01/29/1937:2
Delivers seven boats to Hartford, CT, 06/11/1937:1
Prepare fleet for New York Motor Boat show, 12/31/1937:1
Attends New York Boat Show, 01/14/1938:11
To build and operate World's Fair boats, 03/03/1939:6
Charlotte's Beauty Salon
Hires Valerie Waters, 02/24/1939:1
Charron, Frank D., Jr.
Takes ill at Fort Adams, Newport, RI, 12/29/1939:7
Charron, Frank, Jr.
Joins U.S. Army, 12/15/1939:8
Charron, Mildred E.
Engaged to Johan J.K. Lamminmaki, 10/30/1936:7
Charter (see Government)
Chartier, Oliver
Son born, 08/29/1935:6
Chase (Mr)
Chimney fire on Benton St, 03/11/1938:1
Chase, Alberto
Engaged to Phyllis I. Kennedy, 05/21/1937:7
County St couple married one year, 06/03/1938:2
Chase, Alberto P.
Engaged to Phyllis Kennedy, 05/14/1937:8
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:1
Employed in Wareham, 10/08/1937:11
Chase, Alfred B.
Cedar-Croft Poultry Farm, Purchade St (ad), 12/06/1935:12
Purchases new International truck, 01/17/1936:12
Cedar Croft Farm, breeder and hatcher (ad), 02/07/1936:12
Chase, Almyra A.
Obituary, 04/12/1935:1
Chase, Alonzo
Closes roadside stand on South Main St, 09/27/1935:6
Chase, Alonzo R.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Chase, Beverly
Injured after running into Kayajan's car on High St, 03/18/1938:1
Chase, Charles R.
Joins sales force at Atwood-Costello Co., 01/25/1935:1
Chase, Clara A.
Obituary, 01/07/1938:1
Maywood, CA woman dies at age 78, 01/07/1938:7
Chase, Constance
Engaged to Fred W. Janvrin, 06/18/1937:1, 08/20/1937:7
Wedding described, 08/27/1937:1
Chase, Doris
Has appendix out after German measles attack, 07/05/1935:1
Engaged to Gordon Smith, 06/12/1936:5
Chase, Doris P.
High school teacher resigns, 05/22/1936:1
Engaged to Gordon Smith, 06/26/1936:5
Chase, Doris Putnam
Wedding described, 09/04/1936:1
Chase, Ellen L.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/23/1937:8
Administrator presents account of estate, 05/13/1938:7
Chase, Ellen Parris
Obituary, 04/02/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dies at age 85, 04/02/1937:7
Chase, Harriette A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/17/1935:5
Chase, Henry W.
Petition to foreclose tax lien, 12/16/1938:11
Chase, Herbert
Chimney fire on Rocky Gutter St, 09/13/1935:1
Fined $5 for speeding, 08/28/1936:2
Son born, 10/01/1937:7
Chase, Madeline S.
Wed to Ernest T.N. Morgan, 09/27/1935:6
Chase, Mary C.
Obituary, 06/30/1939:1
Dies at age 54, 06/30/1939:5
Chase, Mary J.
Petition for probate of will, 09/01/1939:2
Chase, Nellie E.
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
North Carver woman dies at age 90, 03/17/1939:7
Funeral held at North Carver Congregational Church, 03/24/1939:11
Chase, Ray
Resides in Harwich, 08/16/1935:12
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Chase, Raymond
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Letter to a columnist (l), 12/10/1937:8
Chase, Roger P.
Fined $50 for game violations, 11/25/1938:2
Chase, Russell
Wed to Dorothy Crowell, 06/21/1935:8
Chase, Sarah
Closes South Main St store, 09/10/1937:11
Chase, Walter
Daughter born, 01/29/1937:6, 01/29/1937:11
Son born, 05/27/1938:7
Occupies Strople house on Miller St, 07/22/1938:8
Moves to Walnut St, 10/07/1938:8
Chase, Walter A.
Wed to Eleanor M. Caldwell, 12/25/1936:6
Collides with Dorchester driver on Center St, 01/29/1937:2
Chausse, A.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Chausse, Angel
Collides with town truck at Sachem and Thomas St, 03/26/1937:5
Chausse, Eugene R.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 03/18/1938:2
Chausse, Leo
Files nolo plea in motor vehicle case, 08/07/1936:2
Chausse, Leon
Son born, 06/17/1938:7
Chausse, Leonard
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Checker Taxi
Ernest Morgan employed by MacAdams' taxi service, 10/08/1937:1
New service for Middleboro, stand at North Main and Center St (ad),
George MacAdams authorized for one stand in Middleboro,
Cherrett, Dorothy F.
Engaged to George E. Busby, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to George E. Busby, 10/08/1937:7
Cherry, Charles
Daughter born, 10/16/1936:5
Chestnut, Jean
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/18/1938:7
Chestnut, L.
Chestnut's Market, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Chestnut, Leonard
Engaged to Jean Faietti, 05/10/1935:4, 05/24/1935:6
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Charles DelRocco awaits grand jury on larceny and burglary charges,
Charles Del Rocco gets 18 months for break-in at Chestnut's,
Charges John Yamoliwicz with assault, 08/06/1937:2
Assault case appealed, 08/13/1937:1
Yamoliwicz withdraws appeal, pays fine, 08/27/1937:2
Application for liquor license, 01/27/1939:11
Warned not to ask for additional continuance in dog case, 10/06/1939:6
Chestnut, Leonard J.
Engaged to Argentina H. Faietti, 06/28/1935:6
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 03/18/1938:7
Dog case continued, 10/27/1939:1
Fined $5 for letting quarantined dog loose, 11/10/1939:6
Chestnut's Market
108 Arch St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Leonard Chestnut's application for liquor license, 01/27/1939:11
Chevalier, Cora
Employed at sanatorium, 01/21/1938:11
Chicken Pox
Prevalent at Rock, 06/14/1935:2
Quarantine at Goodreau home removed, 01/07/1938:11
Mild epidemic in North Middleboro, 01/27/1939:1
Epidemic in North Middleboro, 01/27/1939:8
Quarantines lifted, 02/03/1939:11
Caswell, Nickerson, Hatch, and Brooks quarantined, 02/10/1939:2
Quarantine lifted from home of Charles Bassett, 05/05/1939:9
Child Care
Florence Bryant, child care (ad), 10/21/1938:12
Child Welfare
see also Desertion and Non-Support
Massachusetts SPCC makes local appeal (l) (Kendrick H. Washburn),
MSPCC opens fund drive (l), 10/16/1936:1
Middleboro chapter of MSPCC makes annual request for financial
support, 10/20/1939:8
Aid to dependent children gets fund transfer, 12/15/1939:1
Childs, Cora
Burial at Central Cemetery, 08/04/1939:12
Childs, Laura
Engaged to play at Hotel Hamilton in Bermuda, 12/18/1936:6
Chilian, Asen
Son born, 12/29/1939:5
Chilin, Harry
Iola Travers injured in auto crash at Union and Nickerson St,
Chimney Sweeps
E.J. Carpenter, chimneys cleaned and repaired (ad), 12/16/1938:12
Selectmen okay sign installation for Dr Lerner, 04/16/1937:5
Chisholm, John Parker
Engaged to Dorothy Alden, 08/04/1939:2
Chisholm, Lavinia
Obituary, 10/06/1939:11
Chisholm, Sidney J.
Wed to Lillian Gerrior, 09/11/1936:7
Chiuppi, Anthony
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
High school students and staff attend funeral, 11/11/1938:5
Brighton boy dies at age 17, 11/11/1938:7
Chiuppi, Louise A.
Wed to Patsy D. Brancaccio, 01/08/1937:6
Chiuppi, Pasquerosa
Widow of Lawrence dies at age 82, 06/26/1936:7
Choates, Clifton
Crushed to death under fallen derrick, 07/03/1936:1
Chouinard, Anna Dubuque
Obituary, 08/07/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Bridgewater woman dies at age 43, 08/07/1936:7
Christian Scientists (see First Church of Christ)
Elks establish Christmas fund for Santa Claus, 11/08/1935:1
Cabot Club collects worn or used toys, 11/08/1935:6
Benefits of charity fund, 11/15/1935:1
Elks' charity fund gains momentum (t), 11/15/1935:1
Elks' charity fund grows (t), 11/22/1935:1
Citizens support Elks' charity fund (l), 11/22/1935:2
Elks' fund contribution total at $177.75 (t), 11/29/1935:1
Response to Elks' charity fund enthusiastic, 11/29/1935:1
J. Stearns Cushing appeals for support of Elks' fund (l), 12/06/1935:1
Elks' Christmas fund shows gain (t), 12/13/1935:1
Donations pour in to Elks' fund, 12/20/1935:1
Elks' Christmas fund nears goal (t), 12/20/1935:1
Lighting proves attractive, 12/20/1935:6
Light display magnificent, 12/27/1935:1
Over 100 families benefit from Elks' charity fund (t), 12/27/1935:1
Elks announce total for charity drive, 01/03/1936:1
Results of Elks' charity fund gratifying, 01/03/1936:1
Elks make final report on charity fund (t), 01/31/1936:1
Middleborough Savings Bank and Middleborough Trust Co. issue
$68,000 in Christmas checks, 11/20/1936:1
Elk's Charity Fund opens with $110, 11/27/1936:1
Elk's Charity Fund re-opens, 11/27/1936:1
Decoration of Town House lot progresses, 12/18/1936:1
Christmas Paean poem by J.L. Hynes, 12/25/1936:1
Decorations on Town House lot on for first time, 12/25/1936:6
Illumination of Town House most striking, 01/01/1937:6
Elks launch Christmas drive, 11/19/1937:1
Elk's Charity Fund kicks off (t), 11/26/1937:1
Elks open Christmas fund with $100 donation, 11/26/1937:6
Letters plea for help from Santa (l) (t), 12/03/1937:1
Contributions still coming in to Elks' Fund, 12/10/1937:1
Elks Christmas Fund campaign stalls (l) (t), 12/10/1937:1
Santa pleased at recent results of Elks' campaign (t), 12/17/1937:1
Charles Bates endorses Elks' charity fund (l), 12/17/1937:3
Local citizenry fails in worthy cause, 12/17/1937:6
Elks' Fund surpasses goal (t), 12/24/1937:1
Residents get first glimpse of lighting display, 12/24/1937:1
Thanks to residents and former residents for generous donations,
Elks' Charity Fund officials gratified, contributors listed (l) (t),
Elks' Charity fund benefits widespread, 11/25/1938:1
Elks' charity fund donates $100 to Gazette Christmas Basket Fund,
Elks expect new record for Christmas fund (l) (t), 12/02/1938:1
Bespeaks support of Elks' Christmas fund (l) (Laura B. Whittemore),
John Fahey donates winnings to Elks' Christmas fund, 12/02/1938:6
Two weeks left to contribute to Elks' Christmas fund (t), 12/09/1938:1
Buy now. Buy here, 12/16/1938:1
DeVinny's Greenhouses depicts unusual Christmas scene, 12/16/1938:1
Elks' Christmas fund total $322 (t), 12/16/1938:1
Lighting at Four Corners and at Town Hall, 12/16/1938:1
Support Elks' Christmas Basket Fund (t), 12/23/1938:1
Elks' Christmas Basket Fund breaks record (t), 12/30/1938:1
Selectmen discuss lighting display, 05/19/1939:6
Selectmen appropriate $400 for home lighting contest, 11/10/1939:1
Holiday decorating prizes announced, 11/17/1939:1
Disagreement among merchants on location for major display (l) (The
Spectator), 11/17/1939:2
Cabot Club appeals for damaged toys, firemen will repair, 11/24/1939:1
Elks start Christmas fund, 11/24/1939:1
Holiday light plan dims, 11/24/1939:1
Elks and Gazette sponsor gift baskets fund for needy, 12/01/1939:1
Former Superintendent Bates makes appeal for contributions,
Gazette Christmas shopping edition, 12/08/1939:1
Eleven enter home lighting contest, 12/08/1939:6
Basket fund total $241 (t), 12/15/1939:1
Firemen busy repairing toys, 12/15/1939:1
Town lighted for holidays, 12/15/1939:1
Each high school classroom provides dinner for family, 12/22/1939:1
Last call for Basket Fund (t), 12/22/1939:1
Twenty-nine homes enter contest, nine named to judge, 12/22/1939:1
Basket Fund at $359.71 (t), 12/29/1939:1
Home lighting prizes awarded, 12/29/1939:1
Santa Claus pays a visit to Town Infirmary, 12/29/1939:1
Trade better than 1938, 12/29/1939:1
Chuippi, Alexander
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Chuippi, Louise A.
Engaged to Patsy D. Brancaccio, 01/01/1937:6
Churbuck (Mr)
Sawdust catches fire at Wareham St saw mill, 11/06/1936:1
Churbuck, Alice D.
Husband Percy F. granted divorce, 03/19/1937:6
Churbuck, Alice Dorothy
Husband files for divorce, 09/18/1936:11
Churbuck, Clarence
Opens print shop on North Main St, 12/29/1939:8
Churbuck, Ernest
Resides in Washington, DC, 04/10/1936:12
Churbuck, Ernest S.
Resides in Washington, DC, 09/06/1935:1
Churbuck, Forrest
Escapes hurricane in rowboat before cottage demolished, 09/30/1938:1
Churbuck, Forrest S.
Middleboro couple married 40 years, 08/07/1936:6
Churbuck, Fred
Candidate for assessor, 01/08/1937:5
Churbuck, Fred F.
Candidate for assessor (p), 12/11/1936:1
Elect to assessor's post (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:12
Churbuck, James
Infant son of P.F., 07/07/1939:4
Churbuck, Leander M.
Former resident enters politics, 08/21/1936:2
Marblehead church purchases painting, 12/25/1936:1
Churbuck, Lewis
Resides in Chicago, IL, 07/30/1937:1
Churbuck, Lewis M.
Daughter born, 01/17/1936:5
Resides in Chicago, IL, 05/08/1936:7
Churbuck, L.M.
The Foolish Old Frog of Nemasket (poem), 07/08/1938:6
Churbuck, Louis
Chimney fire on Elm St, 03/20/1936:1
Chimney fire, 03/27/1936:1
Churbuck, Louis D.
Dies at age 78, 08/04/1939:7
Obituary, 08/04/1939:10
Churbuck, Mrs Clarence C.
Collides with Mrs DeVinny's beach wagon on Center St, 07/14/1939:2
Churbuck, Percy
Manager of new credit bureau here, 02/11/1938:1
Warrant in burglary case refused, 07/01/1938:6
Churbuck, Percy F.
Granted divorce from Alice D. Churbuck, 03/19/1937:6
Wedding described, 09/17/1937:1
Engaged to Frances H. Jones, 09/17/1937:7
Wed to Frances H. Jones, 09/24/1937:7
Churbuck, Percy Forrest
Applies for admission to District Court, 09/11/1936:2
Files for divorce, 09/18/1936:11
Churbuck, P.F.
Attorney admitted to federal court (p), 12/04/1936:1
Son born, 02/03/1939:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Moves law office to North Main St, 03/03/1939:1
Infant son named James, 07/07/1939:4
Church, Horace S.
Petition for administration of estate, 02/24/1939:4, 03/03/1939:8
Church, William
Townsend Plan (l), 03/08/1935:7
Church, William D.
Oil stove flare-up on Everett St, 07/28/1939:2
Church Coal Co.
Blue coal (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Manager Howard Lincoln transfers from Taunton, 06/28/1935:1
Employs Leah Fabbri, 08/23/1935:1
Application for gasoline storage, 12/04/1936:7
Granted permit for gasoline sales, 12/18/1936:5
Four arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Offices to close Saturdays and noon, 04/30/1937:1
Closed Saturday at noon till further notice (ad), 04/30/1937:12
Closes at noon (ad), 05/06/1938:2
Four-year-old Joseph Costa injured by truck, 10/07/1938:1
Dial chiseled from safe, 12/02/1938:1
Closes Saturdays at noon (ad), 05/05/1939:5
Business started with two boys and a barrow celebrates 75th year,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Makes headquarters here in home of W.W. Brackett, 08/02/1935:5
Church of Our Saviour
Hosts 495th session of Neighborhood convention, 02/15/1935:5
Holds annual meeting, 01/17/1936:8
Mrs William Crossley choir director, 05/08/1936:1
Vestry passes resolutions upon death of Philip Egger, 05/29/1936:2
Parish Aid elects officers, 05/29/1936:5
Holds annual meeting, 01/15/1937:7, 01/14/1938:11
Hosts 519th Neighborhood convention, 02/11/1938:8
Undergoes extensive repairs, 06/24/1938:1
Hosts 526th meeting of Neighborhood convention, 02/10/1939:6
Rector W.C. Kilpatrick marks 13th anniversary, 10/13/1939:9
Churches (see names of specific churches)
Churchill, C.B.
Crew busy on roof of Peirce building, 08/19/1938:5
Churchill, Chester
Fails to appear in court, 09/09/1938:3
Case continued after $100 bail set, 09/09/1938:11
Non-support case continued, 09/23/1938:8
Guilty of non-support, must pay $8, 09/30/1938:5
Employee Richard Parmenter injured in 20-ft. fall from ladder,
Reroofs fire station, 04/07/1939:1
Probation case filed, 04/07/1939:8
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:5
Reports busy season, 08/11/1939:2
Churchill, Chester B.
Do not re-elect Alexander Heath (ad) (l), 01/18/1935:4
Excessive heat cause work stoppage at Peirce Memorial Building,
Churchill, Chet
Remodeling (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Roofer awarded contract for Nantucket high school, 04/24/1936:8
Churchill, Clarence
Added to staff at Atwood-Costello, Inc. (ad), 02/19/1937:12
Moves to Shrewsbury, 03/11/1938:11
Lets Center St house to William Hutchins, 07/22/1938:11
Churchill, Edmund F.
Wed to Elinor M. Kinsman, 09/03/1937:7
Churchill, Edmund Francis
Engaged to Elinor May Kinsman, 08/13/1937:11
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Plympton folks attend wedding, 09/03/1937:11
Churchill, Elinor Kinsman
Dean of Williams Business and Finishing School in Brockton,
Churchill, Ella
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1938:6
Churchill, Luther
New school music supervisor, 06/03/1938:1
Work to date shows wisdom of Committees' choice, 02/03/1939:1
Churchill, William
Son born, 03/18/1938:7
Chute, Leon
Chimney fire on Bedford St, 12/31/1937:1
Circle Diner
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Liquor license application requires further investigation, 12/20/1935:1
The circus (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 06/17/1938:11
Malaguti's victualler's license revoked due to lack of citizenship,
G. Christian Annas denied papers, 08/23/1935:1
John Cabot Club registers 29 at first class, 11/15/1935:6
Nine aliens dropped from WPA rolls, 07/16/1937:1
Civil War, 1861-1865
see also Grand Army of the Republic Post 8
Veteran George Washington Thomas passes 95th milestone,
Plympton's oldest veteran, George Washington Thomas, turns 96,
Civil Works Administration
Sewing supervisor Mrs Joseph Peck praised, 04/02/1937:8
Civilian Conservation Corps
Local boys start duty at Camp Devens, 04/26/1935:6
Opportunity for 17 young unmarried local men, 05/17/1935:1
Order for five more youths from Middleboro, 10/04/1935:5
Drew and Finneran stationed at camp in Lewiston, ME, 10/04/1935:12
Albert Gomes promoted to camp exchange steward at CCC camp in
Vermont, 10/18/1935:2
Local boys serve in Underhill Center, VT camp, 10/18/1935:2
No new enrollments in January, 01/17/1936:12
Openings available for men here, 10/23/1936:1
Walter Belrose transfers from camp at Milton to camp in Oregon,
Middleboro sends seven youths to camp, 10/20/1939:1
Clapp, Clara
Obituary, 11/27/1936:1
Widow of Henry dies at age 87, 11/27/1936:7
Clapp, Herbert E.
Wedding described, 10/01/1937:11
Clare, Josephine
Taunton woman dies in auto crash in Rochester, 09/17/1937:1
Clark, Abisha
Break-in on Marion Rd, 09/27/1935:2, 09/27/1935:5
Warren Ave and Vincent St lot sold to Clarence Curtis, 11/12/1937:5
Clark, Abisha T.
Obituary, 08/18/1939:4
Clark, Albert
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Clark, Albert H.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Clark, Arthur A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/19/1936:8
Clark, Arthur L.
Head of Fish and Game department for Jefferson City, MO,
Clark, A.T.
Moves to North Rochester, 11/08/1935:2
Sells Marion Rd place to James Hartley, 07/10/1936:11
Clark, Aubrey
Moves from West Bridgewater to Middleboro, 01/14/1938:6
Clark, Benjamin Preston
Born to Francis, 09/17/1937:6
Clark, Bert
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Clark, C.
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 02/17/1939:1
Clark, C.B.
Agent for Belcher Marine Co. (ad), 04/28/1939:10
Clark, Cecil B.
Drowns in boating accident, 09/08/1939:1
Dies at age 53, 09/08/1939:5
Clark, Charles Bartlett
Born to Fletcher, Jr., 06/21/1935:6
Clark, Charles W.
Daytime sleigh rides (ad), 02/01/1935:8
Clark, Chester G.
Guilty of larceny from Atwood-Costello Co., 02/01/1935:7
Clark, Clara Dennett
Wedding described, 12/03/1937:11
Clark, Clara Stevens
Engaged to Howard White, 10/29/1937:11
Clark, Clarence
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 02/05/1937:1, 04/07/1939:1
Clark, Clinton
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:7
Clark, Dorothy
Moves from Lakeville to Rochester, 04/07/1939:9
Clark, Edward S.
Obituary, 05/22/1936:1
Bridgewater man dies at age 69, 05/22/1936:7
Clark, Edwin H.
Husband of Grace E. Bennett dies at age 62, 03/26/1937:6
Clark, Elizabeth
Engaged to Milton Bunnell, 06/10/1938:11
Clark, Fletcher
Brief glimpse of the candidate for town moderator, 01/11/1935:1
Clark, Fletcher, 3rd
Scout attends Annawon Council National Jamboree, 07/02/1937:1
Clark, Fletcher, Jr.
Elected to local committee of Annawon Scout Council, 02/08/1935:1
Son born, 06/21/1935:6
Moderator seeks re-election (p), 12/06/1935:1
Candidate for town moderator disqualified, 01/10/1936:1
WWI veteran receives medal and certificate from French city,
Candidate for moderator, 01/01/1937:1, 01/08/1937:5
Seeks re-election as moderator, 12/17/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Clark, Florence M.
Engaged to Harland F. Almquist, 10/09/1936:7
Clark, Francis
Son born, 09/17/1937:6
Clark, Frederick A.
Obituary, 11/18/1938:1
Dies at age 71, 11/18/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 06/16/1939:8
Clark, George
Daughter born, 02/01/1935:5
Clark, Harold
School bus driver for Rock, 03/20/1936:11
Clark, Harold E.
Overturns auto on Miller St, 04/12/1935:1
Clark, Helen Beckman
Engaged to Winthrop H. Towner, 05/27/1938:1
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
Clark, Henry
Chimney fire on Walnut St, 02/05/1937:1
Clark, James M.
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 05/24/1935:4
Will in probate, 07/19/1935:8
Clark, Leslie
Shed fire on East Grove St, 01/01/1937:1
Clark, Leslie N.
Ayrshires do well in test, 07/09/1937:2
Clark, Lloyd John
Wed to Lillian Browning, 02/05/1937:1
Clark, L.N.
Ayrshires win milk contest, 10/16/1936:5
Ayrshires make good average yield in June, 09/03/1937:8
Ayrshires have creditable average, 10/22/1937:2
Ayrshires make good average, 11/05/1937:2
Clark, Marguerite C.
Plea for new schoolhouse (l) (Marguerite Clark, Nellie Dean),
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Clark, Mary E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/19/1936:8
Wedding described, 01/06/1939:1
Wed to William J. Bussey, 01/06/1939:7
Clark, Mrs Roland
Resides in Riverside, RI, 01/18/1935:4
Clark, Myra
To study nursing in Concord, NH, 01/01/1937:12
Contracts for a year's work at hospital in Orange, NJ, 01/14/1938:1
Student at Memorial hospital in Orange, NJ, 02/04/1938:1
Student nurse at hospital in Orange, NJ, 02/10/1939:1
Graduates with honors from New Hampshire Hospital, 05/26/1939:1
Clark, Olive M.
Engaged to Francis C. Shaw, 09/09/1938:7
Clark, P.
Captain of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Clark, Percy
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Clark, Phoebe J.
Wife of Frederick A. dies at age 67, 08/26/1938:7
Clark, Phoebe Jane
Obituary, 08/26/1938:1
Clark, Priscilla
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:9
Clark, Priscilla M.
Engaged to Walter C. Belrose, 06/09/1939:5
Wed to Walter C. Belrose, 06/16/1939:5
Clark, Priscilla Mae
Engaged to Walter C. Belrose, 03/24/1939:1
Clark, Robert
Poultry and eggs (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Clark, Robert A.
Present Worshipful Master of A.F. & AM., Mayflower Lodge (p),
Fire destroys small house on North St, 07/28/1939:2
Clark, Sophie M.
Wife of William F. dies at age 76, 08/07/1936:7
Obituary, 08/14/1936:1, 08/14/1936:2
Clark, William F.
Obituary, 01/15/1937:1
Dies at age 75, 01/15/1937:6
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Dies at age 75, 12/29/1939:5
Obituary, 12/29/1939:6
Clark, Winthrop
Collides with Providence vehicle at North Main and Peirce St,
Car bumps Vrazzell's car near post office, 07/14/1939:2
Clark School (see Flora M. Clark School)
Clarke, Priscilla
Engaged to Walter Belrose, 06/16/1939:9
Clarke's Bakery
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
24 South Main St (ad), 07/09/1937:12
Clark's Garage
Drivers of stolen car flee without paying for gas, 11/19/1937:1
116 North St (ad), 03/24/1939:12
Cleaves, Wilmot
Obituary, 12/08/1939:5
Clement, John
Obituary, 02/18/1938:1
Taunton man dies at age 85, 02/18/1938:7
Clemson, Susan
Engaged to Allen Leonard, 11/04/1938:1, 11/11/1938:5
Cleveland (Mr)
Grass fire at rear of estate on South Main St, 04/08/1938:1
Cleveland, Clarence
Makes extensive improvements to North Middleboro property,
Cleveland, Edward H.
Obituary, 08/09/1935:1
Dies at age 79, 08/09/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 09/06/1935:11
Cleveland, Joseph Clark
Obituary, 09/02/1938:1
Cleveland, Mannetta
Lets Plymouth St home to Walter Hammond, 08/04/1939:8
Cleveland, Nelson
Engaged to Edith Mary Ward, 06/14/1935:1
Engaged to Edith Ward, 08/23/1935:7
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:1
Wed to Edith M. Ward, 09/06/1935:6
Cleverly, Edward
Bicyclist collides with Miskinis' auto on Center St, 08/29/1935:6
Cleverly, Harold
Moves here from Kingston, 07/05/1935:1
Member of Philharmonic Orchestra of Plymouth, 02/12/1937:12
Cleverly, H.T.
Owner/manager of Cleverly's Nation-Wide Market at 454 Centre St
(ad), 10/04/1935:3
Cleverly, Mrs Harold
Member of Philharmonic Orchestra of Plymouth, 02/12/1937:12
Cleverly's Nation-Wide Market
Big opening sale at 454 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:3
Selectmen okay sign, 11/18/1938:3
Clifford, Marie W.
Sanatorium nurse in auto accident in Hingham, 08/06/1937:1
Clocks and Watches
Maintenance of town clock at Central Baptist a worthy project,
Town clock getting face lift, 06/11/1937:1
Watch found on Vermont skeleton repaired by Myron Hinckley,
Frank Pierce, watch and clock repair (ad), 05/27/1938:12
Clothing Stores
see also A.R. Glidden & Son; Dewey Clothes Shop; Dupont's Dress
Shop; Faietti Fashion Shop; McQuade's Clothes Shop; Middleboro
Clothing Co.; The Boston Store; Wayside Dress Shop
Ella Coombs, Spencer corsets (ad), 07/12/1935:12
Romeo Trinque local agent for Kumin's, Inc. of Brockton (ad),
Grand opening of Joan's Fashion Shop, 238 Center St (ad), 12/04/1936:5
Grand opening of Vogue Dress Shoppe at 18 South Main St (ad),
Vogue Dress Shoppe caters to women's apparel, 03/05/1937:2
Joan's Fashion Shop announces new millinery department (ad),
Celina Manchester, Spencer corsets, 400 Wareham St (ad),
Ruth Andrews representative for Charis Home Corsetry (ad) (p),
Locust Dress Shop, Taunton St (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Joan's Fashion Shop, first anniversary sale (ad), 12/10/1937:5
Locust Farm Dress Shop, Taunton St (ad), 08/05/1938:12
La Moda Dress Shop purchases Joan's Dress Shop, 08/12/1938:1
Formerly Joan's Dress Shop, 240 Center St (ad), 08/12/1938:6
Blanche Carr opens Kiddie and Specialty Shop in Klar building,
Opening Kiddie & Specialty Shop at 137 Center St (ad), 09/02/1938:3
Fire in bowling alley beneath Blanche Carr's store damages stock,
Kiddie & Specialty Shop smoke sale (ad), 12/02/1938:6
Grace Hokanson distributor for Charis Adjustable Foundations (ad),
Kiddie & Specialty Shop celebrates first anniversary (ad), 09/01/1939:6
Cloyes, Mrs Frank
Obituary, 02/21/1936:1
Clyde's Lunch
Re-opens on West Grove St (ad), 03/15/1935:8
Slot machine seized in raid, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent gambling raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Lottery case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
West Grove St business closed for alterations (ad), 11/27/1936:12
Application for liquor license, 12/25/1936:7
Re-opens on West Grove St (ad), 01/01/1937:8
Applies for extension to liquor license, 12/17/1937:8
Granted entertainment license, 12/30/1938:11
Selectmen revoke victualler's and liquor licenses, 08/25/1939:1
see also Church Coal Co.; J.L. Jenney Coal Co.; R.D. Kelley Coal Co.
Ernest S. Pratt, New England coke (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Request for bids for Lakeville schools (ad), 06/26/1936:7
Town accepting bids, 07/07/1939:8
South Middleboro folks enjoy sport, 01/03/1936:2
Police Chief assigns streets for use of coasters, 01/31/1936:1
Alice Beattie injured on toboggan slide in New Hampshire,
Dudley Kinsman recovering from coasting accident, 02/14/1936:6
Caution signs in tune with ideal conditions, 01/14/1938:6
Police post signs on streets for safety of coasters, 01/14/1938:6
Please use streets mark by police department, 01/21/1938:1
Cooks' Hill at State Farm very popular, 01/21/1938:11
Coates, Dora Luelle Redding
Taunton woman dies at age 63, 12/06/1935:6
Obituary, 12/06/1935:12
Cobb, Allen
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Cobb, Clarence A.
Brother dies in Keene, NH, 04/16/1937:12
Cobb, Dora
Teacher at Flora M. Clark School, 09/06/1935:2
Cobb, Dora L.
Engaged to Neil G. McClure, 06/23/1939:5
Cobb, Dora Louise
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
Wed to Neil Graham McLure, 06/30/1939:5
Cobb, Ella J.
Collides with Taunton car on Rte 28, 09/18/1936:1
Cobb, Eugene
Dies in Keene, NH, 04/16/1937:12
Cobb, Florence G.
Dies at age 65, 05/29/1936:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/27/1939:10
Cobb, Florence Georgiana
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
Cobb, H. Emerson
Engaged to Esther Williamson, 08/27/1937:11
Cobb, Hazel Davis
Begins training at Bristol Hospital in Bristol, CT, 09/22/1939:10
Cobb, John S.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
see also John S. Cobb Greenhouses
For selectman (ad) (l), 01/11/1935:8, 01/18/1935:5
Cobb, Lydia
Holds clerical position at Town Clerk's office, 10/30/1936:5
Cobb, Mrs Charles
Resides in Woodstock, VT, 03/25/1938:7
Cobb, Mrs Frank
Sister Maude Gibbs dies, 03/04/1938:3
Cobb, Nehemiah
Biography, 10/11/1935:8, 09/25/1936:5, 10/09/1936:5
Cobb, Sarah
Obituary, 12/30/1938:8
Cobb, Sarah S.
Obituary, 12/30/1938:1
Widow of A.W. dies at age 84, 12/30/1938:7
Cody, Edward
Missing youth located in Connecticut, 07/12/1935:1
Gets three months for auto theft, 12/16/1938:11
Auto thief requests jail term, 01/20/1939:5
Coe, M. Walker
Father dies in Baltimore, 08/29/1935:11, 09/13/1935:11
Mother dies in Baltimore, 12/20/1935:8
Coe, Mary R.
Engaged to Clifford J. Gerrior, 04/07/1939:5
Coe, Mrs Samuel
Dies in Baltimore, 12/20/1935:8
Coe, Samuel
Dies in Baltimore, 08/29/1935:11, 09/13/1935:11
Coffin, Lavenda C.
Tax collector's sale, 06/25/1937:5
Coffin, Nancy Eva
Obituary, 03/25/1938:1
Wife of Arthur dies at age 73, 03/25/1938:7
Colbath, Lillian
Obituary, 09/10/1937:1
North Rochester woman dies at age 71, 09/10/1937:7
Cole (Mr and Mrs)
Purchase Isaac Backus homestead, 07/22/1938:11
Cole, Charles
Purchases modern cottage at Long Pond from Edward Goodhue,
Cole, Dorothy
Wed to Forbes MacRae, 12/03/1937:11
Cole, Elmer B.
Tribute and obituary (l) (Philip S. Cole), 09/25/1936:1
Obituary, 09/25/1936:11
Cole, Frank H.
High St couple married 25 years, 11/19/1937:8
Cole, Harold
Improvements made to Plymouth St property, 03/10/1939:8
Cole, Helen
Attends Middlebury College, 01/07/1938:11
Cole, Inez E.
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Wife of Haskell Leroy dies at age 51, 04/14/1939:7
Obituary, 04/14/1939:11
Cole, John W.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Dies at age 77, 05/20/1938:7
Cole, Louis A.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Cole, Philip S.
Obituary and tribute to Elmer Cole(l), 09/25/1936:1
Cole, Winifred O.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/04/1939:7
Coleman, May
Obituary, 05/05/1939:9
Coleman, Emerson H.
Injured when truck overturns on Plymouth St, 02/04/1938:1
Coleman, Raymond
Discharged from probation, 01/27/1939:8
Coleman, Ruth C.
Wed to A. Wilbur Fillmore, 04/24/1936:7
Coleman, Ruth E.
Engaged to A. Wilbur Fillmore, 04/17/1936:7
Coleman, Stella
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Parmenter ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Collins, Anna V.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/27/1937:12
Collins, Dorothea
Starts nurse's training at Goddard hospital in Brockton, 02/07/1936:12
Graduates from Wilfred Academy, 07/23/1937:7
Beautician accepts position in Dennisport, 06/30/1939:3
Collins, Dorothea Louise
Engaged to Warren Lothrop Stetson (p), 12/24/1937:1
Engaged to Warren Lothrop Stetson, 01/14/1938:1
Collins, Everett
Engaged to Ruth Alice Smith, 12/15/1939:1
Collins, Michael
Celebrates 25 years as auto repair man, 03/17/1939:1
Collins, Roderick G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1936:7
Collins, William A.
New executive of Annawon Council of Boy Scouts, 06/21/1935:11
Collins Auto Repair & Greasing Station
125 Center St (ad), 12/13/1935:12
5th anniversary sale (ad), 10/09/1936:6
Michael Collins celebrates 25 years as auto repair man, 03/17/1939:1
Collucci, Leonard A.
Wed to Geneva Teceno, 05/06/1938:7
Colonial Casket Co.
Chimney fire at plant, 12/10/1937:1
Colonial Cleansers & Dyers
New dry cleaning equipment, 28 North Main St (ad), 04/26/1935:2
New location at 40-42 North Main St (ad), 05/28/1937:12
Colonial Homing Pigeon Club
Inaugurates spring racing season (t), 05/24/1935:4
Corayer's bird takes first (t), 06/28/1935:2
Charles Westgate winner in all New England race (t), 07/05/1935:2
Local birdmen in first race (t), 08/29/1935:2
Colvin, Charles
Daughter born, 01/13/1939:7
Colvin, Edward
DAR prize-winning essay, 04/19/1935:2
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Colvin, Gertrude
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Colvin's Filling Station
West Wareham driver crashes into station after striking Lewis' car,
Viljo Heleen charged after accident at Colvin's, 04/17/1936:2
Coman, Howard
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Coman and Norris top first skiing event held here, 01/21/1938:6
Coman, Ruth F.
Engaged to Vincent A. Foster, 07/15/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/29/1938:11
Wed to Vincent A. Foster, 08/05/1938:7
Coman, Ruth Frances
Engaged to Vincent A. Foster, 06/04/1937:1
Coman, William
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Coman, William E.
Elm St couple married 20 years, 01/18/1935:1
Comeau, William
Arrested after auto crashes into Allen's parked car, 03/04/1938:1
Comeau, William E.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 03/11/1938:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Commeau, Celia
Dies in Boston, 12/15/1939:8
Commeau, Milton
Resides in Fall River, 11/11/1938:5
Commeau, Mrs Osias
Father's funeral at Fall River, 06/05/1936:5
Commeau, Olympe
Obituary, 07/30/1937:1
Dies at age 91, 07/30/1937:7
Commeau, Priscilla
Local musicians, Tinkham, Thomas, and Commeau, form Cellino Trio,
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Enrolls at Providence Bible Institute, 09/17/1937:11
Commeau, Priscilla L.
High school valedictory and salutatory addresses, 06/18/1937:3
Commeau, Priscilla Louise
Engaged to Arlington Winfred Booker, 09/29/1939:1, 09/29/1939:5
Commeau, William E.
Case filed after $50 fine paid, 04/15/1938:5
Community Baptist Church of South Lakeville
Winslow requests record book from Mullein Hill church (ad),
Holds annual meeting, 07/09/1937:5
Companions of the Forest - Eureka Circle
New organization has 50 members, 07/03/1936:6
Conant, Charles
Obituary, 04/21/1939:1
Conant, Frank
Obituary, 01/07/1938:1
Dies at age 49, 01/07/1938:7
Conant, Frank McKay
Obituary, 01/07/1938:11
Conant, H. Page
Engaged to Frances W. Burrill Perkins, 10/27/1939:8
Conant, Mabel
Resides in Vermont, 11/22/1935:5
Conant, Marion L.
Engaged to Edward Alphonse, 05/19/1939:5
Wed to Edward Alphonse, 06/09/1939:5
Conant, Ralph
Gets probation on non-support charge, 09/17/1937:2
Fails to appear on charge of non-support, 12/31/1937:2
Conant, Ralph G.
Probation continued in non-support case, 11/18/1938:11
Conant, Sylvanus
Biography, 04/24/1936:8
see also Bands and Orchestras; Musical Instruction
Large audience enjoys cantata The Woman of Sychar at Central Baptist,
South Middleboro ME Church presents annual choir concert,
Middleboro Police Association holds annual concert and dance,
Middleboro Male Singing Society entertains at annual Cabot Club Guest
Night, 01/24/1936:1
Annie Keith Choral Society sponsors concert at Central Congregational,
Cabot Club grand concert a great success (p), 04/17/1936:1
White Church Guild of Congregational Church holds pop-concert fund
raiser, 06/05/1936:5
Tenor Richard Caswell gives song recital in Lakeville, 07/03/1936:5
Central Baptist hosts Commonwealth Choral Group, 07/17/1936:8
South Middleboro ME Church choir gives 7th annual concert,
South Middleboro ME Church choir concert program, 07/31/1936:11
Boston University Glee Club gives splendid performance at Central
Congregational, 12/25/1936:8
Annie Keith Choral Society presents delightful evening of music,
Unitarian Laymen's League presents musical, 05/07/1937:2
WPA Recreational Music Institute presents recital, 06/24/1938:8
Baptist Church choir holds old folks concert, 11/18/1938:2
First Unitarian presents annual musicale, 04/07/1939:8
Boston University Choral Society presents program, 04/28/1939:1
Suggestion for revival of old band concerts, 05/19/1939:1
Good band concerts can be had in town (l) (Myron L. Hinckley),
Park Commission goes forward with suggestion of band concerts,
Park Commission promotes band concert series, 06/30/1939:1
Band concerts start tonight, 07/14/1939:1
Merchants sponsor continuation of concert series, 08/04/1939:1
Tripp's Candy Shop, peanut taffy, kisses, crisps (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Lucy Braley opens Candy Kitchen for special orders, 03/06/1936:11
Lucy Braley's Candy Kitchen, South Middleboro (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Increasing cost of raw materials is reason for price advance at Tripp's
(ad), 12/18/1936:5
Wilbur and Pope sell Lucy Braley's candy at beaches, 09/09/1938:11
Lucy Braley's employees Doris Smith and Helen Graham attend Fanny
Farmer's in Boston, 10/14/1938:11
Tripp's candy headed to Antarctica with Hawthorne, 11/24/1939:1
Congdon, Harold
Selectmen discuss liquor license application, 01/10/1936:1
Selectmen commended for refusing license, 01/24/1936:1
Plumbing violation case dismissed, 02/04/1938:5
Congdon, Harold A.
Moves from Clinton to South Middleboro, 03/15/1935:7
Congdon, Harold A., Jr.
Resides in Vineyard Haven, 12/06/1935:8
Application for gasoline license, 06/26/1936:2
Files papers for selectman's office, 11/26/1937:1
Employed in New Hampshire, 01/14/1938:11
Congregational Church
see also Central Congregational Church; First Congregational Church;
Lakeville Congregational Church; North Middleboro Congregational
White Church Guild holds pop-concert fund raiser, 06/05/1936:5
Conklin Duck Farm
A trip through a duck farm, 08/09/1935:11
Conley, Delia C.
Obituary, 01/22/1937:1
Dies at age 75, 01/22/1937:6
Conlin, Helen
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:12
Conner, Frank A.
Wed to Dora A. Lavalley, 10/02/1936:7
Connor, John T.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/13/1936:5
Connor, Sarah A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/13/1936:5
Connover, Howard
Charged with drunkenness, must make restitution to John Casey,
Conrad, Charles
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Conrad, Harry
And wife operate Hotel Driftwood on Casco Bay during summer,
Operates hotel on Bailey's Island, ME for the summer, 06/25/1937:1
Opens summer hotel in Bailey's Island, ME, 06/24/1938:1
Conroy, Lawrence Gleason
Engaged to Alma J. Benjamin, 12/27/1935:6
Convalescent Homes (see Rest Homes)
Conway, Vivian
Edward Reed's former housekeeper arrested for theft, 09/27/1935:1
Cook, Audrey
Hired at sanatorium, 07/21/1939:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Cook, Dorothy
Engaged to Edmund Reynold, Jr., 05/01/1936:2
Cook, Dorothy M.
Engaged to Edmund H. Reynolds, 05/15/1936:7
Wed to Edmund H. Reynolds, 06/12/1936:7
Cook, George
Westport couple married 25 years, 01/15/1937:7
Cook, Harry M.
Wedding described, 09/11/1936:2
Cook, Isaac N.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/06/1936:7
Cook, Myra E.
Dies at age 94, 09/22/1939:5
Obituary, 09/22/1939:5
Cook, Orrin
Moves to home of Katherine MacLean, 01/29/1937:8
Cook, Robert F.
Narrowly escapes mistaken identity in murder case, 07/17/1936:1
Cook, Roy
Engaged to Muriel Rounseville, 06/07/1935:11
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:2
Son born, 02/28/1936:6, 03/06/1936:11
Moves from Smith St to Miller St, 04/24/1936:5
Secures employment at sanatorium, 08/28/1936:2
Moves from Miller St to Cherry St, 04/30/1937:11
Son born, 08/26/1938:8
Employed at sanatorium, 04/07/1939:9
Cook, Roy B.
Engaged to Muriel R. Rounseville, 05/03/1935:4
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Cook, Roy E.
Son born, 08/26/1938:7
Cook, Vacia
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:5
Cook, Walter
Charles Bartis files intend to foreclose, 09/13/1935:7
Charged with larceny from John Holt, 09/20/1935:2
Larceny case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Case dismissed for want of prosecution, 10/18/1935:5
Cooke, Alton
Sagamore couple celebrates anniversary, 06/24/1938:8
Coole, Harry
Fall River man dies at age 41, 10/07/1938:7
Coole, Harry L.
Reverend dies in 42nd year, obituary, 10/07/1938:1
Coole, Mrs Harry L.
Mother dies in North Rochester, 06/14/1935:1
Coolidge, John
Gets mother skunk and seven little ones with 3 shoots, 07/30/1937:1
Coolidge, Sumner
Breaks leg in fall on ice, 03/01/1935:4
Treasurer of Lakeville Gardens, Inc. (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/15/1939:4
Lakeville Gardens, Inc. receiver's sale in bankruptcy (ad), 11/10/1939:5
Coombs, Addison
Employed at sanatorium farm, 03/03/1939:11
Coombs, Anthony B.
Susie Witbeck injured when Providence truck hits Waltham auto,
Pedestrian runs into J. Vincent Sullivan's auto on Nickerson Ave,
Coombs, Chessman
Spruce tree topples two chimneys at Jackson St residence (p),
Coombs, Clarence E.
Obituary, 12/22/1939:3
Dies at age 72, 12/22/1939:5
Coombs, Ella M.
Spencer corsets (ad), 07/12/1935:12
Moves from Courtland St to South Main St, 04/07/1939:1
Coombs, Elwyn
Daughter born, 04/08/1938:7
Coombs, Mrs Addison L.
Thirty nine windows broken in East Grove St home by stone throwers,
Coombs, Rex C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/02/1936:7
Coon Hunting
Local hunters bag two, 10/04/1935:1
Phil Sisson's dog trees 18-lb. coon, 11/08/1935:1
Hunter Jeffrey Joncas injured in fall from tree, 11/22/1935:1
Local hunters of fire department increase total catch, 10/16/1936:1
Cooper, Evelyn
Wed to Clyfton Bourne, 09/17/1937:11
Cooper, Joseph
Assistant postmaster, 10/11/1935:12
Son born, 07/30/1937:7
Assistant post master, 08/19/1938:8
Cooper, Paul Willard
Born to Joseph, 07/30/1937:7
Copeland, Mabel N.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/11/1939:2
Copeland, Mabel Nelson
Obituary, 06/30/1939:1
Brockton woman dies at age 73, 06/30/1939:5
Copp, D.W.
Christmas turkeys (ad), 12/11/1936:12
Copp's Turkey Farm
Enters fine exhibit at Boston show, 01/13/1939:2
Corayer (Mr)
Bird takes first in East Buffalo race (t), 06/28/1935:2
Corayer, Arthur Vincent
Born to Edward, Jr., 01/20/1939:3
Corayer, E.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Corayer, Edna May
Begins training at Sturdy Memorial hospital, 09/08/1939:4
Corayer, Edward
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:1
Couple married 28 years, 01/22/1937:5
Son born, 05/14/1937:7
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Moves from Lakeville to Middleboro, 11/10/1939:6
Chimney fire on South Main St, 11/24/1939:10
Corayer, Edward F.
Engaged to Beryl Fawcett, 05/08/1936:12
Engaged to Beryl M. Fawcett, 06/05/1936:7
Employed at sanatorium, 11/03/1939:5
Corayer, Edward, Jr.
Employed at sanatorium, 11/12/1937:8
Son born, 01/20/1939:3
Corayer, Edward W.
Employed at sanatorium, 10/27/1939:6
Corayer, Marion B.
Wedding described, 09/25/1936:1
Corcoran, Andrew
Barn at Old Center and Vernon St burns to the ground, 07/08/1938:1
Cordeiro, Annie
Engaged to Leonard Iampietro, 10/18/1935:6
Wed to Leonard Iampietro, 10/25/1935:6
Cordeiro, John S.
Chimney fire on Center St, 12/15/1939:12
Cordeiro, Joseph
And Cape Cod Trio play Saturdays at Kingston Hotel, 04/03/1936:12
Cordeiro, Joseph F.
Engaged to Doris P. Barrault, 05/14/1937:7
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:6
Wed to Doris P. Barrault, 06/04/1937:7
Cordeiro, Manuel
Nemasket Transportation Co. driver strikes pole, 06/28/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Files complaint with selectmen over condition of Hillside Ave,
Cordeiro, Manuel C.
Son born, 01/24/1936:6
Cordeiro, Manuel J.
Arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Cordeiro, Mary T.
Engaged to Joseph W. DuCharne, 08/20/1937:7
Wed to Joseph W. DuCharne, 09/10/1937:7
Cordiero, Manuel
Correction to previous report, 02/05/1937:1
Daughter born, 08/06/1937:7
Corey, Helen
Wed to Roger Vaughn, 02/14/1936:6
Coriero, Manuel J.
And Hardy in minor mishap at West St and Hillside Ave, 03/05/1937:6
Cormier, Marguerite
Wed to Nelson Thomas, 06/16/1939:4
Rules for disposal of corn cobs, 07/29/1938:1
The Corner Drug Store
Malcolm Buck pharmacist (ad), 03/08/1935:5
Cornish, Alice O.
Widow of William D. dies at age 90, 12/17/1937:7
Obituary, 12/17/1937:12
Cornish, Alma Sears
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:11
Cornish, Esther
Married in Barnstable, 12/04/1936:11
Cornish, Esther Holmes
Wedding described, 12/04/1936:11
Cornish, Herbert
Anniversary couple entertains over 200 guests, 09/29/1939:1
Cornish, Herbert W.
Benton St couple married 50 years (p), 09/22/1939:1
Cornish, Mrs Herbert
In Pawtucket Memorial hospital after auto accident, 12/06/1935:8
Cornish, William E.
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Death a shock to friends in Carver, 03/29/1935:3
Dies at age 59, 03/29/1935:4
Cornwell, Ardon
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/25/1939:2
Corr, J. Wilfred
Challenge to debate on Townsend Plan (l), 03/01/1935:6
Correia, George
Son born, 11/08/1935:6
Correia, George P.
Chair of local division of Portuguese American Republicans,
Correia, Olive
Files for divorce from Peter, 01/10/1936:12
Correia, Peter
Wife Olive files for divorce, 01/10/1936:12
Correira, Evelyn
Wed to Chester D. Phillips, 02/03/1939:7
Correira, Freddie
Three-year-old fractures arm, 08/04/1939:7
Correira, George
Daughter born, 11/04/1938:7
Barber falls from ladder while painting, 11/10/1939:10
Corriera, Evelyn
Engaged to Chester D. Phillips, 12/09/1938:1
Corriero, Manual J.
Escapes injury in car crash on Center St, 04/09/1937:8
Corshia, Ralph
Obituary, 02/03/1939:6
Carver man dies at age 76, 02/03/1939:7
Corsini, Enrico
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Dies at age 70, 12/20/1935:6
Corsini, Leon
Son born, 08/02/1935:6
Corsini, Leon H.
Agent for Boston memorials company (ad), 03/05/1937:12
Corson, Robert
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Dies at age 9, 12/17/1937:7
Boy Scouts awarded certificate for heroism from Massachusetts
Humane Society, 04/01/1938:3
Cosseboom, A.C.
History and profile of A.C. Cosseboom and Co., 03/01/1935:1
Cosseboom's Blacksmith Shop
Corner of Pearl and North St (ad), 12/01/1939:8
Costa, Grace E.
Wed to Anthony D. Gangone, 09/10/1937:7
Costa, Joseph
Continuance granted driver in fatal accident, 01/08/1937:2
Four-year-old injured by Church Coal Co. truck, 10/07/1938:1
Costa, Joseph, Jr.
Petition for administration of estate, 07/30/1937:11
Costello, Frank D.
Regional chairman of Chevrolet Dealers' National Planning committee
for NE, 03/10/1939:1
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Cote, Mrs Joseph
Obituary, 01/29/1937:8
Cote, Stephen M.
Engaged to Ruth Jenkins, 01/29/1937:6
Cotsellas, Peter
Opens new barber shop at Center and Pearl St, 11/01/1935:12
Pete's new barber shop (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Cotting, Charles E.
Wed to Sarah H. Winslow, 07/28/1939:6
Coughlin, Harold
Coach of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Coughlin, Louise
New clerical worker for FHA here, 05/17/1935:1
Coughlin, William J.
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Dies at age 57, 03/29/1935:4
Counterfeiting (see Currency)
Cournoyer, Paul
Obituary, 03/31/1939:1
Dies at age 89, 03/31/1939:7
Court, Fourth District (see Fourth District Court)
Courtney, Agnes M.
Engaged to William Teece, 11/25/1938:1
Courtney, Mary A.
Wed to William W. Teece, 12/09/1938:7
Courtney, Mary Agnes
Wedding described, 12/09/1938:1
Covel, Bertha
Track walking case filed, 02/26/1937:2
Covel, Francis
Arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Charged with receiving stolen goods, 02/05/1937:1
Arrested for poultry theft from Jenney, 09/17/1937:1
Fails to report to probation officer, 01/14/1938:1
Covel, George
Three-year-old runs into side of Freedman's truck on Center St,
Covell, Bertha
Arrested for track walking, 08/21/1936:1
On probation for track walking, 08/28/1936:2
Covell, Elizabeth F.
Wed to Alfred S. Hodkins, 07/07/1939:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Covell, Esther
Obituary, 03/31/1939:4
Covell, Francis
Larceny case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Cowan, Joseph
Obituary, 05/01/1936:5
Cowan, Marion
Moves from Harwich to Middleboro, 09/04/1936:5
Cowdrey, Eleanor M.
Engaged to Elliot F. Bryant, 03/18/1938:7
Wed to Elliot F. Bryant, 04/08/1938:7
see also Dairies
Two cows owned by Horace and Allerton Wilbur struck by Cape train,
R. Eugene Ashley purchases registered Guernsey in Maine,
Gamache's heifer killed after hit by Kelley's auto, 09/22/1939:1
Cox, Anna Mae
Hydrotherapist at Boston State hospital, 01/18/1935:1, 05/24/1935:1
Takes post as supervisor of hydrotherapy and psychiatry at University of
Louisville, 10/15/1937:7
Supervisor of hydrotherapy and psychiatric unit at Louisville, KY City
Hospital, 08/26/1938:1
Cox, Edwin A.
High teacher resigns to take principal's post at Montague school,
Cox, Frances
Employed at Cooley Dickson hospital in Northampton, 05/03/1935:1
Cox, George A.
Obituary, 06/05/1936:1
Wareham man dies at age 74, 06/05/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 06/19/1936:8
Cox, George F.
Transfers to NY, NH & Hartford RR duties in Wareham, 12/09/1938:1
Coyne, Patrick J.
Engaged to L. Elizabeth McLaughlin, 06/17/1938:7
Coyne, Patrick, J., Jr.
Wed to L. Elizabeth McLaughlin, 07/01/1938:7
C.P. Washburn Co.
Eugene Brookings heads Plymouth branch, 03/01/1935:1
Low pressure in sprinkler mains causes false alarm, 05/24/1935:1
Considers installation of diesel plant, 12/11/1936:1
Break-in at Washburn's elevator, 10/14/1938:1
Craig, Alice Lee
Obituary, 02/05/1937:1
Dies at age 83, 02/05/1937:6
Craig, Arthur
Moves from North Lakeville to North Middleboro, 01/14/1938:11
Daughter born, 01/28/1938:7, 02/11/1938:11
Craig, Esther
Wedding described, 12/01/1939:1
Craig, James
Arraigned on lottery charges, 10/28/1938:2
Craig, Mrs Arthur
Mother dies in Chipman, New Brunswick, 01/20/1939:11
Craig, Ruth Alice
Born to Arthur, 02/11/1938:11
Craig's Welcome Inn
Opposite Lakeville sanatorium (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Cramer, Ralph
Grass fire on Highland St, 03/25/1938:1
Cranberry Industry
see also American Cranberry Exchange; New England Cranberry Sales
Co.; United Cape Cod Cranberry Co.
Canal bridge opening is opportunity to introduce cranberries to tourists,
Growers from two Massachusetts counties and New Jersey meet in East
Wareham (t), 08/29/1935:1
Growers make effort to get more reliable crop estimate, 09/13/1935:11
Predicted harvest of 29,000 well below original estimate, 10/11/1935:1
Ellsworth Shaw takes charge of bogs in Marshfield, 12/13/1935:5
New trade journal in the offing, Cranberries, 05/01/1936:1
Berries will be dear if present conditions prevail, 08/13/1937:7
Cape Cod Cranberry Growers' Association holds 50th annual meeting in
East Wareham, 08/27/1937:11
No word yet from berry growing pessimists, 07/22/1938:1
Massachusetts crop totals 425,000 barrels, 09/01/1939:1
Cranberry Industry - Carver
Frost warnings bring sleepless nights, 05/10/1935:3
History surrounding Crane Brook, 05/10/1935:3
Expecting unusually sound berries, 06/14/1935:5
Average grower looks at average yield, 07/05/1935:8
Estimates drop, 08/23/1935:8
Frank Shaw among successful growers, 09/20/1935:8
Harvest proceeds without incident, 09/27/1935:8
Season ideal for harvest, 10/04/1935:8
Killing frost, 10/11/1935:8
Insects and disease keep pace in industry, 12/06/1935:8
Ellis Atwood adds ten acres to bogs, 03/20/1936:6
Crop predictions down, 07/24/1936:5
Benson and Chaney feel a bit better after touring bogs, 08/07/1936:5
View of crop more optimistic, 08/14/1936:8
Harvest begins on small scale, 09/04/1936:8
Harvest behind schedule, 09/25/1936:5
S. Dexter Atwood had bog on New Meadows tract 25 years ago,
Pond St bog sold to Eldred Mosher, 01/15/1937:2
Growers drawing water, resanding, and reflooding, 03/12/1937:5
Hall may have been very first to cultivate berries, 03/12/1937:5
Greatest cranberry town, 09/24/1937:11
Last day of screening for Kenneth Shaw, 12/17/1937:3
A weed meeting held, 03/04/1938:11
Talk in insects at town hall, 07/22/1938:6
Cranberry Industry - Lakeville
Joseph Turner begins screening, 09/20/1935:6
Fire at Betty Neck Cranberry Co., 02/28/1936:2
Season opens at Betty's Neck, 09/18/1936:6
Fire in small building at Betty Neck Cranberry Co., 01/07/1938:1
Betty Neck Cranberry Co. employs Robert Vickery, 04/22/1938:11
Harvesting and screening begun at Betty's Neck, 09/22/1939:2
Cranberry Industry - Massachusetts
Crop estimate 350,000 barrels, 09/09/1938:1
Cranberry Industry - Middleboro
Crop estimates good, 09/11/1936:1
St. Armand and Thomas report stolen cranberries, 09/24/1937:1
Fire destroys Rocky Meadow Cranberry Co. shed on Purchase St,
Cranberry Industry - North Carver
Urann's screenhouse struck by lightning, 08/09/1935:11
Patenanude harvests berries, 10/11/1935:5
Sells Bogs to Plymouth man, 10/15/1937:11
George Perkins harvests crop, 10/29/1937:2
Cranberry Industry - Plympton
Whiting starts screening, 09/27/1935:11
Cranberry Industry - Rock
Turner, Handy, and Gates commence picking, 09/13/1935:5
Eighty-two-year-old Mrs Lewis Thayer picks cranberries for Adella
Gates, 09/20/1935:5
Handy begins screening, 09/20/1935:5
Handy finishes screening early berries, 10/11/1935:2
Handy starts screening late berries, 11/01/1935:2
Handy finishes screening, 11/15/1935:5
Handy screening berries, 10/23/1936:5
Mrs Albert Rounseville has berries stolen, 10/01/1937:11
Handy starts screening berries, 11/05/1937:11
Handy finishes screening berries, 12/10/1937:8
Handy starts screening, 10/21/1938:3
Handy and Turner screening berries, 11/11/1938:11
Handy screens berries, 12/02/1938:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Cranberry screening begun at Handy's, 09/22/1939:6
Screening resumed at bog house off Smith St, 11/03/1939:6
Cranberry Industry - South Carver
Alec Johnson purchases Fred Anderson's bog, 07/19/1935:11
Several bogs dusted by airplane, 07/19/1935:11
Cranberry Industry - South Middleboro
Elwood Holmes takes charge of bog in South Middleboro, 07/05/1935:5
Crandall, Lillian
Funeral service held in Lynn, 03/10/1939:11
Crandon, Benjamin H.
Mrs George Caswell owner of 1835 copy of The Essayist and Literary
Journal, 03/13/1936:1
Crane, Ralph S.
Named enumerator for business census, 01/31/1936:2
Crankshaw (Mr)
Auto sideswiped near Maxim's filling station, 07/28/1939:2
Crankshaw, Wayne C.
New manager of Middleboro Theatre, 02/24/1939:1
Crapo, Everett
Lakeville couple married 30 years, 05/21/1937:11
Crapo, Squire E.
Collides with Taunton auto at South Main and Grove St, 01/04/1935:7
Craw, Raymond
Engaged to Thelma Wright, 03/19/1937:1
Crawford, Harry
Resides in Providence, RI, 07/19/1935:8
Crawford, Wesley
Resides in Southbridge, 10/02/1936:5
Crawshaw, Clara
Obituary, 02/08/1935:1
Dies at age 72, 02/08/1935:4
Crawshaw, Thelma
Wed to Edward J. Ryan, 08/29/1935:6
Crawshaw, Thelma M.
Engaged to Edward J. Ryan, 03/29/1935:4
Crazes (see Popular Culture)
Creamer, Helen Scott
Sings praises of Kendrick Washburn (l), 02/22/1935:3
Creamer, Ralph
Brush fires on Highland St, 03/25/1938:3
Creati, Joseph
Engaged to Muriel Otto, 09/03/1937:11, 11/05/1937:11
Credit Bureaus
Percy Churbuck manager of Middleboro Credit Bureau, 02/11/1938:1
Credit Unions (see Banks and Banking)
Creedon (Mr)
Fresh flowers, 129 Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:4
New store front on Wareham St, 11/10/1939:10
Creedon, Fred C.
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Creedon, J.H.
Describes interesting Texas trip, 10/09/1936:1
Creedon, Mrs E.M.
Describes interesting Texas trip, 10/09/1936:1
Creighton, J. David
Purchases Bedford St house from Clifton Nelson, 07/07/1939:9
see also Fourth District Court; Middleboro - Police Department
Raymond Leighton district manager of National Anti-Crime
Association, 01/10/1936:2
Christmas pardons (l) (Geo. E. Gove), 12/30/1938:6
Crist, Frank C.
Chimney fire on Thompson St, 08/29/1935:2
Crittenden, Leonard
Occupies house owned by Sarah Crittenden, 09/13/1935:8
Crittenden, Sarah
Lets house to Leonard Crittenden, 09/13/1935:8
South Middleboro house moved to Wareham, 04/02/1937:11
Crocker, Samuel
Daughter born, 07/07/1939:5
Crocker, Walter, Jr.
Killed in traffic accident in Marion, 04/16/1937:2
Cromwell, Carmen Louise Cerda
Engaged to Thomas Clifford Salter, 01/04/1935:1
Cromwell, E.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Cromwell, Edward
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1, 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Cromwell, Mary S.
Obituary, 01/21/1938:1
Wife of Wilfred J. dies at age 50, 01/21/1938:7
Cromwell, Ralph
Moves to John Miller house on South Main St, 06/09/1939:1
Cromwell, Wilfred
Salesman at Bailey Motor Sales, 10/01/1937:6
Cronan, Lillian
Wed to Warren Mitchell, 05/28/1937:7
Cronan, Lillian Anna
Obituary, 02/26/1937:1
South Hanson woman dies at age 35, 02/26/1937:6
Cronan, Marjorie E.
Engaged to George R. Rogers, 05/29/1936:7
Wed to George A. Rogers, 06/05/1936:7
Cronan, Mary N.
Engaged to Joseph L. Sinoski, 10/07/1938:7
Cronan, Michael
Wed to Cora Robbins, 01/25/1935:1
Cronan, Michael J.
Resigns from Board of Registrars, 01/03/1936:1
Cronin, William
Obituary, 01/08/1937:1
Crosby, Helen
Physiotherapist resigns from sanatorium, attends school in Midwest,
Crosby, Kenneth
Daughter born, 06/14/1935:5
Crosby, Viola Braley
Daughter born, 06/14/1935:5
Crosier, B.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Crosier, Betty
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Crosier, E.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Crosier, Elizabeth
Injured when Falmouth auto leaves road, 03/26/1937:1
Crosier, Enid
Engaged to Warren Frank Tillman, 06/14/1935:6
Honored in Playgoer, 09/20/1935:8
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Crosier, Enid F.
Engaged to Warren Tillman, 05/03/1935:8
Engaged to Warren F. Tillman, 06/14/1935:6
Wedding described, 06/28/1935:1
Wed to Warren F. Tillman, 06/28/1935:6
Crosier, Frank
Athletic instructor at Bridgewater and Framingham Teachers' Colleges,
Named playground superintendent by Park Commission, 06/21/1935:1
Answers questions about playground (l), 06/28/1935:7
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Champions cause of local bicycle riders (l), 04/30/1937:1
Help the hard of hearing (l), 11/25/1938:11
Crosier, Mary Joy
Directs play for Connecticut hospital benefit, 02/01/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Clifton D. Sheppard, 03/08/1935:4
Directs musical comedies in western Pennsylvania, 01/31/1936:1
Resides in Danvers, 02/14/1936:1
Hostess for Howard Johnson restaurant in Quincy, 05/15/1936:6
Receives scholarship to Leland Powers school, 09/11/1936:12
Plays lead in production at Leland Powers school, 01/29/1937:7
Resides in Hartford, CT, 02/25/1938:6
Rehearses in production of Federal Theatre in Boston, 09/16/1938:1
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Crosier, Mrs Frank
And Mrs Carlton Guild organize Middleboro Players, 11/22/1935:1
Directs musical comedy in Worcester, 01/31/1936:1
Takes position as house mother and teacher at institution in
Pennsylvania, 03/12/1937:12
House mother at private school for handicapped in Roslin, PA,
Crosier, R.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Crosier, Robert
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Cross, Anne Francis
Wedding described, 10/16/1936:12
Cross, Carroll N.
Purchases house from Frank Bryant, 05/27/1938:11
Cross, C.N.
Winthrop-Atkins Co. sales manager gets glimpse of flood area,
Cross, Everett
Obituary, 02/19/1937:1
Cross, Robert J., Jr.
Engaged to Bessie L. Thomas, 03/08/1935:1
Crossen, Kathleen E.
Engaged to Walter L. Webb, 06/12/1936:7
Crossley, Jean
Attends Wheaton College, 12/25/1936:1
Crossley, Mrs William B.
Choir director at Our Saviour, 05/08/1936:1
Appointed Old Age Visitor, 11/10/1939:1
Crossley, W.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Crossley, William
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Crossman, Averill
Engaged to H. Melvin Jackson, 07/12/1935:6
Wed to H. Melvin Jackson, 07/19/1935:6
Engaged to H. Melvin Jackson, 07/19/1935:11
Croteau, Ernest
Employed at sanatorium, 03/05/1937:11
Crothers, Arianna B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/18/1938:8
Crothers, George
New field instructor for FHA here, 05/17/1935:1
Crouse, Frederick
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Croutworst, Albert
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Replaces Harlow at Morse's Drug Store, 01/21/1938:1
Receives baseball signed by leading Red Sox players, 03/31/1939:1
Croutworst, W.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Croutworst, William
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Crowell, Dorothy
Wed to Russell Chase, 06/21/1935:8
Crowell, Ellsworth
Police radio demonstration (l), 03/01/1935:4
Local radio amateurs test communication from airplane, 07/26/1935:1
Crowell, Marguerite
Wedding described, 11/06/1936:1
Crowell, Mrs Burpee
Roses bloom in unseasonable warm weather, 11/11/1938:1
Crowell, Mrs Ernest
Mother dies in Independence, MO, 10/23/1936:1
Crowell, Nathalie Thibault
Summer tutoring (ad), 06/09/1939:10
Crowell, Natilie Thibault
New teacher at Thomastown School, 08/11/1939:1
Crowell, Robert
Engaged to Nathalie Thibault, 01/01/1937:6, 05/28/1937:7,
Crowell, Robert I.
Engaged to Nathalie I. Thibault, 02/14/1936:1
Wed to Nathalie I. Thibault, 07/23/1937:7
Obituary, 12/23/1938:1
Boston man dies at age 28, 12/23/1938:7
Crowell, Robert Irving
Wedding described, 07/23/1937:1
Crowell, Robert J.
Engaged to Nathalie Thibault, 07/09/1937:7
Crowier (Mr and Mrs)
Purchase Fiske property on Bedford St, 09/18/1936:6
Crowley, Michael
Victim of hit-and-run on South Main St, 08/23/1935:1
Crowther, Alfred
Moves from New Bedford to Lakeside, 10/08/1937:11
Son born, 01/07/1938:11
Crowther, Hilda
Engaged to Albert Slater, 05/28/1937:11
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:11
Crowther, John
Bedford St couple married 29 years, 01/28/1938:8
Crowther, Ronald Ernest
Born to Alfred, 01/07/1938:11
Crozier, Enid Sinclair
Opens drama studio (ad), 11/15/1935:12
Cruckshank, Helen E.
Liquor license application, 04/12/1935:5
Cruea, Gerald Eugene
Engaged to Lois Marion Boynton, 05/05/1939:4
Cruelty to Animals (see Animal Welfare)
Cruickshank, Helen E.
Granted liquor license, 05/03/1935:1
Cucinotta, Carol Sue
Born to James, 12/31/1937:6
Cucinotta, James
Daughter born, 12/31/1937:6
Cucinotta, James P.
Transfers to W.T. Grant store in Needham, 02/12/1937:12
Cudworth (Mr)
M. Francis Souza moves to Cudworth house on Long Point Rd,
Cudworth, Aubrey A.
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Cudworth, Audrey A.
Engaged to Leon A. Boutin, 05/29/1936:7
Wed to Leon Boutin, 06/05/1936:7
Cudworth, Elisha A.
Obituary, 03/04/1938:1
Dies at age 69, 03/04/1938:7
Cudworth, Jesse R.
Obituary, 12/04/1936:1
Dies at age 74, 12/04/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 12/25/1936:7
Administrator presents account of estate, 06/10/1938:11
Cudworth, William N.
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 64, 01/25/1935:4
Cummings, A.G.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
1890 graduate of Phillips Academy, 06/14/1935:1
Cummings, Arthur G.
Corrects story on history of Scouting here (l), 02/14/1936:11
Cummings, Dorothea P.
Wed to E. Vincent Bissonnette, 10/16/1936:7
Cummings, Dorothy P.
Engaged to E. Vincent Bissonnette, 10/09/1936:7
Cummings, John
Daughter born, 09/15/1939:2
Cummings, John L.
Daughter born, 09/15/1939:5
Cummings, Marion E.
Abbie Wrightington struck by auto driven by Cummings, 12/16/1938:1
Cummings, Sarah
Dies in Braintree, 09/22/1939:10
Cunningham, Arthur W.
Widely known dentist succumbs in 66th year (p), 02/12/1937:1
Dies at age 65, 02/12/1937:6
Petition for administration of estate, 03/19/1937:7
Cunningham, A.W.
New dentist Louis Fuller takes over for A.W. Cunningham,
Turns practice over to Dr Fuller (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Cunningham, Flora Virginia
Engaged to Matthew T. Kumpunen, 12/08/1939:7
Cunningham, Virginia
Engaged to Robert B. Smith, 02/01/1935:4
Wedding described, 02/22/1935:1
Wed to Robert B. Smith, 02/22/1935:4
Cunningham, William
Blaze at Arch St home, 12/27/1935:1
Chimney fire on Arch St, 01/17/1936:11
Chimney fire on Arch third this season, 03/06/1936:2
Fire in sofa brings out entire apparatus, 07/17/1936:1
Cunningham, William J.
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Curley, Annie
Found on kitchen floor with bad cut to head, 09/04/1936:12
Curley, Annie M.
Obituary, 12/04/1936:1
Dies at age 64, 12/04/1936:7
Curley, Barbara
Injured when car strikes tree on Oak St, 06/17/1938:1
Curley, Edward
Son born, 06/18/1937:7
Curley, Francis V.
Accepts position with Frigidaire Sales Co. in Boston, 03/15/1935:7
Appointed state insurance examiner, 12/06/1935:1
Curley, Thomas
Local radio amateurs test communication from airplane, 07/26/1935:1
Injured when car strikes tree on Oak St, 06/17/1938:1
Curran, Muriel
Engaged to Chester A. Place, Jr., 09/29/1939:5
Wed to Chester A. Place, Jr., 10/13/1939:5
Five fake tens spotted here, 11/27/1936:1
Store keepers report counterfeit tens, 11/27/1936:1
Counterfeit ten dollar bills circulate here, 08/05/1938:1
Local police investigate counterfeit bills, 08/19/1938:1
Thirteen-year-old Norman Andrews provides missing link in counterfeit
case, 09/02/1938:1
Norman Andrews furnishes clue to counterfeits (p), 09/09/1938:1
Currier, Emma
Obituary, 07/01/1938:8
Curtis, Amy
Wedding described, 09/16/1938:8
Curtis, Chloe S.
Files complaint against former husband for non-support, 09/15/1939:1
Curtis, Clarence
Purchases Abisha Clark lot at Warren Ave and Vincent St, 11/12/1937:5
Curtiss, Charles
Daughter born, 08/06/1937:7
Curtiss, Charles D.
Daughter born, 08/06/1937:5
Curtiss, Charles Dwight
Wedding described, 12/25/1936:8
Cushing, Caroline L.
Petition for probate of will, 07/16/1937:8
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/03/1939:11
Cushing, Carrie L.
Obituary, 07/09/1937:1
Dies at age 82, 07/09/1937:7
Cushing, Herbert
Attempted break-in at Lakeside cottage, 04/29/1938:1
Cushing, J. Herbert
Couple married 60 years, 09/04/1936:2
Lakeside couple married 60 years, 09/11/1936:1
Cushing, J. Stearns
Appeal for Elk's milk fund drive (l), 09/27/1935:12
Elected president of county teachers' association, 10/25/1935:1
Appeals for support of Elks' Christmas fund (l), 12/06/1935:1
Sponsors new WPA community recreation project, 03/06/1936:1
Repudiates newspaper stories about hiring practices, 05/22/1936:1
Appointed to centennial committee for Board of Education,
Superintendent endorses milk fund (l), 10/02/1936:1
School superintendent endorse Elk's annual milk fund (l), 09/24/1937:1
Superintendent of schools makes annual report (l), 01/21/1938:8
Delivers historical address, The Life of Paul Revere, to Lions Club,
Cushing, Josiah H.
Couple celebrates 63rd wedding anniversary, 09/15/1939:1
Cushing, Robert
Enters Amherst College, 09/20/1935:1
Enters Chicago University, 09/29/1939:1
Cushing, Robert C.
Graduate student at University of Chicago, 12/29/1939:8
Cushing, Robert L.
Graduates from Amherst College, 06/23/1939:1
Cushman (Mr)
George Dunham makes repairs to Cushman house on Smith St,
Cushman, Barbara
And Marjorie Waugh find money, get rewards, 09/29/1939:3
Cushman, Bradford Earl
Born to Earl, 03/26/1937:11
Cushman, Clarence L.
Tax collector's sale, 12/27/1935:7
Cushman, Druscilla B.
Obituary, 07/22/1938:1
Wed to Herbert dies at age 79, 07/22/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 07/29/1938:8
Cushman, Drusilla B.
Tax collector's sale, 12/27/1935:7
Cushman, Earl
Daughter born, 11/15/1935:8
Son born, 03/26/1937:11, 04/02/1937:5
Chimney fire on Murdock St, 03/10/1939:1
Chimney fire on Bedford St, 03/24/1939:1
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 03/24/1939:11
Alden Robinson thrown against Cushman's auto, fractures skull,
Cushman, Earle
Only successful deer hunter in East Middleboro, 12/18/1936:11
Cushman, Earle B.
Daughter born, 11/08/1935:5
Cushman, Fred
Operator at local theatre, 05/14/1937:1
Cushman, Frederick
Moves from Southwick to Elm St, 08/05/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Cushman, Frederick E.
Operator returns to work at local theatre, 05/28/1937:1
Cushman, Harlas
Break-in reported at South end stand, 01/28/1938:1
Pawtucket, RI man guilty of breaking and entering Cushman's property,
Cushman, Harlas L.
Gladioli on display at Boston flower show, 08/29/1935:1
Cushman, H.O.
Donates back issues of Atlantic Monthly and National Geographic to
Rock Village Library, 09/13/1935:5
Donates about 50 historical and reference books to Rock Village
Library, 11/27/1936:5
Cushman, Isaac S.
Administrator presents account of estate, 06/24/1938:11
Cushman, Lilla
Moves from Rock to South Carver, 11/29/1935:11
Brother dies in South Carver, 04/30/1937:11
Obituary, 07/22/1938:8
Lets Miller St house to Rodney Vickery, 12/22/1939:7
Cushman, Mrs Frederick E.
Father dies in Brockton, 03/31/1939:1
Cushman, Pauline Coleman
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
Widow of Bradford King dies at age 55, 10/14/1938:7
Cushman, Pauline M.
Petition for administration of estate, 11/11/1938:8
Cushman, Susan Leonard
Born to Earle B., 11/08/1935:5
Born to Earl, 11/15/1935:8
Cusick, Eugene
Son born, 10/08/1937:7
Cusick, Eugene A.
Wedding described, 05/21/1937:1
Cusick, Eugene Francis
Born to Eugene, 10/08/1937:7
Cusick, Mrs Eugene
Resides in Seekonk, 03/25/1938:11
Cusick, Mrs Gladys
Resides in Seekonk, 08/26/1938:1
Cusson, Edith Sherman
Son born, 11/12/1937:2
Cusson, F.J.
Resides in Hanover, NH, 07/10/1936:1
Son born, 11/12/1937:2
Cusson, Mrs F.J.
Resides in Hanover, NH, 12/27/1935:6
Cusson, Mrs Francis J.
Resides in Hanover, NH, 06/30/1939:5
Cutter, Byron W.
Wife files for divorce, 06/05/1936:1
Cutter, Carrie J.
Files for divorce, 06/05/1936:1
Cuzner, Verna
Engaged to Reginald Taylor, 06/16/1939:9
Cuzner, Verna M.
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:9
da Costa, Frederick W.
Candidate for Planning Board, biography, 12/29/1939:4
Dacey, William
Daughter born, 04/28/1939:5
daCosta, Frances
Commences studies at Boston City hospital, 08/25/1939:4
daCosta, Fred
Files nomination papers for position on School Committee,
daCosta, Frederick
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Car hits stone wall on North St, 04/01/1938:1
Wants Union Street School building moved, not demolished,
Files nomination papers for position on Finance Committee,
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
daCosta, Frederick W.
Explains reasons for seeking seat on School Committee (l),
School Committee candidate campaigns (l), 01/06/1939:5
Candidate for School Committee (ad), 01/13/1939:8
daCosta, Frederick William, Jr.
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 06/17/1938:7
Called to active duty in U.S. Navy, 01/06/1939:5
daCosta, Suzanne
Files nomination papers for position unspecified position, 12/16/1938:1
Daddiro, Louis
Oil burner flare up on Center Ave, 01/27/1939:1
Daggett, Horace Purrington
Wedding described, 11/24/1939:10
Dahlen, Alphonse K.
Wed to Alice W. Jacoby, 05/10/1935:4
Dainis, George
Boston man drowns in attempt to swim Taunton River, 07/24/1936:1
Dies at age 46, 07/24/1936:7
Dainis, James
Daughter born, 11/24/1939:5
Dainis, James G.
Engaged to Antoise L. Luzaitis, 10/21/1938:7
Wed to Antosie J. Luzaitis, 11/04/1938:7
see also Cows
B.A. Kinsman (ad), 01/04/1935:3
B.W. Shaw's Ayrshire and Guernsey cattle test 100% pure,
Alfred Fickert in court for adding water to milk, 05/03/1935:2
Fickert guilty of watering milk, 05/24/1935:3
Standish Farm Dairy, Thompson St (ad), 07/19/1935:12
Nemasket Dairy (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Alfred Fickert in court for weights and measures violation, 11/22/1935:2
Wiksten Bros. Dairy, 76 Cedar St (ad), 12/20/1935:5
Wiksten Bros. Dairy makes sales record after only 3 years in business,
South Middleboro Dairy employs Norman Rudolph, 01/03/1936:2
William Fickert & Son dairy supplies milk to flood victims,
William Fickert & Son install new bottle washing and sterilizing
machine, 04/17/1936:11
William Fickert & Son best in family milk (ad), 04/24/1936:2
Charles Hunt retires from business after 50 years, 05/29/1936:11
Protect health with milk from Sunnyside Farm (ad), 07/03/1936:2
Russell Tripp employed at Golden Glow Dairy, 07/03/1936:8
H.A. Standish's Ayrshires producing well, 08/14/1936:2
L.N. Clark's Ayrshires win milk contest, 10/16/1936:5
H.A. Standish's Ayrshires among good producers, 12/25/1936:8
Nemasket Dairy supplies milk for Norge cooking school (ad),
Dairyman Ernest Pratt makes honor roll, 06/04/1937:7
Leslie Clark's Ayrshires do well in test, 07/09/1937:2
H.A. Standish's Ayrshires give 335 lbs of milk, 07/16/1937:8
L.N. Clark's Ayrshires make good average yield in June, 09/03/1937:8
L.N. Clark's Ayrshires have creditable average, 10/22/1937:2
Clark's Ayrshires make good average, 11/05/1937:2
Ernest Pratt's herd produces 340 lbs butterfat per cow for 12 month
period, 01/07/1938:2
Austin McCarthy's dairy farm on Thompson St for sale (ad),
B.N. Cameron appointed inspector of milk, 04/15/1938:11
Milk dealers protest new regulations, selectmen schedule hearing,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/27/1938:3
What is pasteurized milk? (ad) (Nemasket Dairy), 05/27/1938:8
Recent Health Board regulations rescinded by selectmen, 06/10/1938:1
H.A. Standish's Ayrshires producing well, 07/15/1938:8
B.F. Elliott sells stock and milk route to W.F. Fickert, 07/15/1938:11
Fickert's milk truck in collision with Lutaut's auto on Plymouth St,
Ernest Pratt purchases registered Guernsey cow, 12/23/1938:1
Abe Green builds new dairy barn at Leona Farm, 07/21/1939:2
Rosebud Dairy granted permit to pasteurize milk, 10/20/1939:1
Daisy Do-Nut Shop
Neal Harrington proprietor (ad), 12/31/1937:2
Daley, John E.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Dalton, Charles
Wedding described, 10/16/1936:12
Daly, Eleanor
Struck by falling plank in post office, 09/08/1939:1
Dame, Alison
Alice Viera petitions court to change name to Alison Dame,
Engaged to John J. Riordan, 05/24/1935:1
Dame, Allison
Wedding described, 06/07/1935:1
Dame, Charles A.
Obituary, 03/19/1937:12
Dame, Mary
Assault charges against Antone Falconieri dismissed, 12/31/1937:5
Dame, Mrs Fred
Decries conditions at Union Street School (l), 02/08/1935:5
Fire starts in leaf pile, 12/25/1936:1
Damon, Fred
Moves from Rock to Fall Brook, 04/29/1938:11
Danahy, M.J.
Another endorsement of Elks' milk fund (l) (M.J. Danahy),
Dance Instruction
Smith Dancing School, all types of stage work (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Lillian France, dancing school (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Edith Johnson re-opens dance school at Legion Hall (ad), 10/04/1935:7
Lillian Shea opens school with 20 pupils, 11/08/1935:1
Students of Lillian Francis present recital, 06/12/1936:11
Edith Johnson's pupils present second annual dance revue, 07/01/1938:8
Dorothy Maranville Dean, elocution, dancing, and platform art (ad),
Edith Johnson re-opens dance school (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Pupils of Edith Johnson present annual dance recital, 05/26/1939:9
Students of Dorothy Deane present first annual dance and elocution
recital, 06/30/1939:2
Dorothy Deane's school of dance and expression with platform arts (ad),
Dances and Dancing
see also Balls (parties)
John E. Lucey Shoe Co. holds second annual dance, 05/17/1935:2
Howard Johnson granted permit to hold dances, 10/04/1935:5
Middleboro Police Association holds annual concert and dance,
Town football team sponsors dance, 01/10/1936:5
Local dance group, The Lady in Red, entertains in Brockton,
Knights of Columbus hold annual event, 05/08/1936:2
Several hundred couples enjoy 7th annual football dance, 12/25/1936:2
Alumni Association holds annual dance party, 01/01/1937:1
Knights of Columbus hold third annual dance, 01/29/1937:8
Knights of Columbus hold 3rd annual dance, 04/23/1937:2
Lobl Employee's Benefit Association sponsors second annual dance,
Knights of Columbus hold annual dance, 03/04/1938:6
Alton Tobey and Mary Gailes win dance contest at Wilson Club in
Dorchester, 06/10/1938:1
Middleboro Police Association holds 4th annual dance, 12/09/1938:5
High School alumni association holds annual dance, 01/06/1939:1
Camp Joe Hooker Agricultural Society holds barn dance, 11/10/1939:9
Middleboro Police Relief Association profits $250 from 5th annual
dance, 12/01/1939:1
Danford, Fred
Employed at sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Danforth, Fred
Resigns from sanatorium, returns to Lisbon Falls, ME, 11/26/1937:11
Daniels, Stephen Sylvester
Engaged to Clarece Dunham Bell, 07/08/1938:11
Danielson, John
see also Aragon Cafe
Liquor license application, 02/15/1935:8
Selectmen denied application for liquor license, 03/01/1935:3
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Son born, 09/03/1937:7
Selectmen hear complaint of alcohol sale to minor, 10/08/1937:1
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Collides with Dana Bump at Center and Carey St, 04/01/1938:1
Innholder's license renewed, 12/29/1939:1
Dano, Manuel Barros
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/26/1935:5
Darby, Myra
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Dardinsky, Stanley
Thirteen ducks stolen, 07/15/1938:7
Darling, Myrtle F.
Wed to Harland F. Erickson, 06/17/1938:7
Darling, Myrtle Florence
Wedding described, 06/17/1938:11
Darnall, Virginia Victoria
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Dart, Ernest D.
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Dies at age 63, 04/01/1938:7
Dart, Mrs E.E.
Resides in New Hampshire, 08/11/1939:7
Dascoulias, Ethel N.
Notice of sale of 350 shares of stock of Central Cafe, 01/03/1936:6
Dascoulias, Mrs Nicholas
Injured in auto collision at Oak and Courtland St, 06/07/1935:2
Dascoulias, Nicholas
Selectmen address liquor license application, 01/18/1935:1
Liquor license appeal before State Commission, 03/15/1935:1
Plans changes to establishment to conform to liquor laws, 04/19/1935:1
Final appeal for liquor license refused, 05/03/1935:1
Petition for liquor license accepted, 05/10/1935:1
Applies for liquor license at new location, 05/24/1935:1
Liquor license application, 06/21/1935:7
Granted liquor license, 07/05/1935:1
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Granted temporary transfer liquor license, 01/24/1936:1
Granted renewal liquor license, 03/06/1936:1
Selectmen refuse entertainment license, 07/31/1936:1
Petition for extension of liquor sales hours denied, 06/04/1937:2
Granted permit for one o'clock liquor permit, 06/11/1937:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Permit for entertainment at Central Cafe renewed, 10/27/1939:1
Dascoulias, Nicholas G.
see also Central Cafe
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Notice of sale of 350 shares of stock of Central Cafe, 01/03/1936:6
Application for liquor license, 01/03/1936:8, 04/10/1936:11
No objections to new liquor license, 04/24/1936:5
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/27/1936:6
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
DaSilva, Paul
Sustains leg injuries when run over by car, 06/02/1939:1
Daughters of the American Revolution - Nemasket Chapter
Edward Colvin's prize-winning essay, 04/19/1935:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/17/1935:6
Adjourned meeting held, 05/24/1935:2
Schedule for upcoming year, 09/27/1935:2
Passes resolutions upon death of Grace Marion Pratt, 11/15/1935:5
George Sampson's prize essay read, 05/08/1936:6
Holds annual meeting, 05/15/1936:5
D'Auria, Joseph
Visits friends here after 12 years in Italy, 07/24/1936:12
Opens barbershop at 24 Wareham St (ad), 08/28/1936:12
David, Eugene
Son born, 04/28/1939:5
Davidson, Donald D.
Wed to Claire Isabelle Wingate, 06/03/1938:11
Davidson, Eino
Son born, 05/24/1935:7
Davidson, Ella Halunen
Son born, 05/24/1935:7
Davidson, Milton
Twin sons born, 01/13/1939:7
Davis (Mr)
Lets Highland Rd house to Weston, 05/05/1939:3
Davis, Alice B.
Obituary, 02/15/1935:1, 04/12/1935:1
Davis, Annie M.
Petition for probate of will, 01/01/1937:11
Davis, Burton
Mrs Earl Gates sells landmark Hell's Blazes to Davis (p), 05/03/1935:4
Purchases Old Tavern from Mrs Earl Gates, 05/17/1935:7
Manager of The Olde Tavern in South Middleboro, 05/29/1936:5
Manager of The Old Tavern on Rte 28 (ad), 05/29/1936:12
Olde Tavern Tea-Room on Route 28 business re-opens for season,
Davis and Deeping appreciate patronage at Olde Tavern (ad) (l),
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/26/1938:6
Davis, C. Frank
Nephew dies in Taunton, 09/27/1935:11
Has well dug deeper, 11/29/1935:8
Charles Carver and Fred Fies make repairs to Plymouth St house,
Davis, Caleb F.
Obituary, 12/09/1938:1
Davis, Caleb Franklin
Obituary, 12/09/1938:7
Davis, Carrie
Daughter Emma Hupper here from Maine for funeral, 01/18/1935:7
Davis, Carrie G.
Obituary, 01/18/1935:1
Dies at age 75, 01/18/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 02/05/1937:11
Davis, Ellis
Son born, 05/22/1936:8
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Davis, Emma
Wed to James Jellow, 10/29/1937:11
Davis, Eugene
Daughter born, 01/14/1938:7
Davis, Florence
Injured by bicyclist on Plymouth St, 04/01/1938:4
Davis, G. Fred
Obituary, 05/01/1936:1
Davis, H.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Davis, Hazel
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Graduates from Miss Farmer's School of Cookery, 05/12/1939:1
Davis, James
Moves from Rock to North Middleboro, 04/03/1936:8
Davis, James H.
Application for renewal of liquor licenses, 12/20/1935:7
Completes probation in larceny case, 07/17/1936:2
Davis, James H., Jr.
Engaged to Olive R. Young, 09/13/1935:6
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:5
Son born, 07/30/1937:11
Davis, James Herbert
Born to James H., Jr., 07/30/1937:11
Davis, James, Jr.
Resides in Boston, 11/05/1937:11
Davis, Lottie May
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:8
Davis, Minnie
Employed at Trust Co., 08/09/1935:5
Davis, Mrs James
Resides in Boston, 10/07/1938:8
Davis, Mrs James, Jr.
Resides in Boston, 09/10/1937:11
Davis, Rena
Resides in Rhode Island, 09/27/1935:2
Resides in Providence, RI, 05/20/1938:4
Davis, Ruth J.
Engaged to Freeman T. Shaw, 08/02/1935:6
Davis, William
Couple celebrates wedding anniversary, 01/25/1935:2
Davis, William H.
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Day, Charles
Obituary, 08/20/1937:1
Dies at age 65, 08/20/1937:7
Day, Mary E.
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 04/26/1935:4
Day, Viola
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Dealtry, Clarence W.
Appears in Who's Who in New England, 09/09/1938:8
Obituary, 11/04/1938:1
Dean, Edna M.
Obituary, 10/27/1939:4
Widow of Benjamin F. dies at age 84, 10/27/1939:5
Dean, Fannie Williams
Graduates from Goddard Hospital School of Nursing, 05/06/1938:1
Dean, Frederick
Clubbed to death at State Farm by insane prisoner, 07/26/1935:1
Dean, Herbert A.
Noted cattle trader dies, 09/10/1937:1
Dean, Jerusha
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l) (George A. Warren),
Dean, Nellie L.
Plea for new schoolhouse (l) (Marguerite Clark, Nellie Dean),
Deane, Albert
Real estate to let (ad), 02/01/1935:8
Fractures rib in fall from hay mow, 06/14/1935:1
Townsend Plan a childish fantasy (l), 06/14/1935:11
Townsend Plan upheld (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 06/21/1935:11
Another word on Townsend Plan (l), 06/28/1935:2
Office for rent (ad), 07/05/1935:12
Loses hens to thief, 11/19/1937:1
Deane, Cecil H.
Resides in Buffalo, NY, 07/12/1935:1
Deane, Charles
Engaged to Polly Harris, 11/08/1935:2
Deane, Charles B.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Pauline Harris, 11/08/1935:6
Deane, Charles Bates
Engaged to Polly Harris, 09/27/1935:1
Wedding described, 11/29/1935:1
Deane, Dorothy
School of dance and expression with platform arts (ad), 09/01/1939:8
Deane, Dorothy Maranville
Elocution, dancing, and platform art (ad), 08/26/1938:12
Deane, Dorothy S.
Students present first annual dance and elocution recital, 06/30/1939:2
Deane, Faye
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Deane, George A.
Thompson St couple married 25 years, 07/26/1935:2
Thompson St couple married 27 years, 07/23/1937:7
Deane, Hazel Deborah
Born to Wilfred, 02/03/1939:7
Deane, James M.
Biography, 08/02/1935:8
Deane, John M.
Collides with Rhode Island driver at West Grove and Taunton St,
Engaged to Eva A. Hatch, 03/04/1938:7
Wedding described, 03/11/1938:1
Work progresses rapidly on new addition, 03/11/1938:1
Wed to Eva Hatch, 03/11/1938:7
Deane, Linda B.
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Deane, M.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Deane, Mae
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Deane, Margaret W.
Obituary, 02/15/1935:1
Dies at age 98, 02/15/1935:4
Deane, Marion
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Deane, Martha
Sails for Bermuda, 04/17/1936:11
Deane, Martha W.
Engaged to J. Warren Tufts, 02/10/1939:1
Deane, Mrs Theodore
Resides in Mahopac, NY, 10/11/1935:12
Deane, Philip B.
Elected director of York Trust Co. of York, PA, 01/18/1935:1
Resigns from York Safe and Lock, hired by Wyndham Hills Corp.,
Deane, Theodore
Engaged in government project to combat Japanese beetles,
Deane, Theodore V.
Engaged to Dorothy S. Maranville, 05/17/1935:4
Wed to Dorothy Maranville, 07/05/1935:6
Tree surgery (ad), 10/07/1938:12
Deane, Theodore Vaughn
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Deane, Wilfred
Eastvale Farms wins prizes at dahlia show in Boston, 09/17/1937:5
Eastvale Farms dahlias win at New England Dahlia Show in Boston,
Daughter born, 02/03/1939:7
Wins high honors at Dahlia Show, 09/15/1939:1
DeArruda, Eva
Engaged to Myron Turnbull, 07/12/1935:11
DeArruda, Eva C.
Engaged to Myron A. Turnbull, 07/19/1935:6
Wed to Myron A. Turnbull, 07/26/1935:6
DeArruda, Jesse
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
DeArruda, Manuel
Daughter born, 03/06/1936:6
Receives 25-year pin from Keith Shoe Co., 04/09/1937:6
DeArruda, Margaret M.
Engaged to Robert W. Turnbull, 08/04/1939:7
Deaths - Lakeville
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
Fourteen in 1935, 02/21/1936:6
Thirty-eight in 1936, 02/26/1937:11
Deaths - Middleboro
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
One hundred and thirty nine recorded in 1935, 01/10/1936:1
WPA money allotted to vital statistics project, 05/15/1936:1
One hundred forty seven in 1938, 01/20/1939:1
State condemns town's method of pauper burial, 12/22/1939:3
Deatte, Dorothy
Wed to Irving Zieman, 02/14/1936:6
DeBeech, John
Obituary, 04/29/1938:6
Petition for probate of will, 05/13/1938:11
deBoer, George
Contractor and builder (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1938:6
DeBoer, George
Oil burner flare up on Coombs St, 01/27/1939:1
deBoer, George
Oil burner flare up, 03/03/1939:1
DeBoer, Gerald W.
Collides with Wareham driver on West Grove St, 04/10/1936:1
deBoer, Gerard
Purchases Center St property at town auction, 06/23/1939:2
deBoer, Gerrit
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1938:6
deBoer, Janna
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1938:6
Decker, Dale Arlen
Born to Roy, 10/22/1937:11
Decker, Emma Danforth
Obituary, 07/10/1936:1
Dies at age 79, 07/10/1936:7
Decker, Emma D.C.
Petition for probate of will, 08/07/1936:8
Decker, John
Assistant superintendent at Lakeville Hospital, 10/11/1935:1
Lakeville Hospital assistant superintendent studies surgery at Boston
hospital, 01/21/1938:1
Decker, John J.
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Wed to Ruth Gibb, 04/24/1936:7
Decker, Mary
Obituary, 05/17/1935:1
Decker, Roy
Son born, 10/22/1937:11
DeCosta, Benjamin F.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
DeCosta, Manuel
Burial at Central Cemetery in Carver, 02/10/1939:6
DeDeyn, William A.
Wedding described, 08/14/1936:2
Wed to Gertrude Jacobs, 08/14/1936:7
Deeping, Robert
Assistant manager of The Olde Tavern in South Middleboro,
Olde Tavern Tea-Room on Route 28 business re-opens for season,
Davis and Deeping appreciate patronage at Olde Tavern (ad) (l),
Manager of Olde Tavern (ad), 11/11/1938:12
To clarify a misunderstanding (l), 05/12/1939:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Holmquist reports injured deer to police, 02/15/1935:1
Archie Fillebrown strikes deer in South Middleboro, 05/10/1935:1
Carver man kills deer near Dead Man's Curve, 05/17/1935:6
Taunton auto strikes deer on Cape road, 10/04/1935:2
Newtonville auto kills deer on Rte 28, 12/13/1935:2
Train strikes deer in Rock, 06/05/1936:1
Sighted in meadow on Smith St, 06/25/1937:8
Louis Gomes' auto strikes deer on Rocky Meadow St, 12/17/1937:5
Sandwich driver kills deer in South Middleboro, 12/24/1937:7
Brockton driver kills deer on Wareham St, 04/29/1938:1
Vincent Washburn strikes deer on County St, 08/26/1938:11
Bourne man strikes deer in South Middleboro, 11/25/1938:6
Brockton man strikes deer in South Middleboro, 04/28/1939:1
Doe killed by Lowell auto at traffic circle, 11/17/1939:1
Deer Hunting
Several Middleboro hunters successful, 12/13/1935:2
Only three taken in town of Middleboro, 12/11/1936:1
Seventy-three-year-old William Quindley shoots first deer of season,
Earle Cushman only successful hunter in East Middleboro,
Henry Shaw gets his deer, 12/16/1938:3
Joseph Mackiewicz bags big buck in South Middleboro, 12/08/1939:1
DeJesus, Vincent
Car overturns on Spruce St, 01/10/1936:5
Rock barn totally destroyed by fire, 03/17/1939:3
Fire destroys Highland St barn, 03/17/1939:5
Del Rocco, Charles
Gets 18 months for break-in at Chestnut's, 02/14/1936:1
Del Vecchio, Dominick
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Del Vecchio, Frank
Probation case filed, 03/26/1937:2
Delamartes, Dewitt C.
Obituary, 12/04/1936:1
Delamartes, Dewitt Clinton
Dies at age 81, 12/04/1936:7
Delano, Amy
Chimney fire on Smith St, 04/10/1936:1
Lets Smith St tenement to Sumner Tinkham, 11/06/1936:5
Lets Smith St tenement to Ralph DeMoranville, 04/21/1939:9
Delano, Doris
Employed at sanatorium, 10/11/1935:2
Employed at Lakeville Hospital, 10/23/1936:5
Wed to Frank Williams, 07/07/1939:6
Delano, Harold
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:11
Wed to Barbara E. Barney, 05/14/1937:7
Delano, Harold W.
Wed to Barbara E. Barney, 05/07/1937:7
Marriage annulment granted, 10/08/1937:1
Delano, Robert T.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:3
Delano, Susan
Resides in New Bedford, 01/18/1935:2
D'Elia, Joseph S.
Emma and Blanche Letourneau injured in collision with D'Elia,
Delicatessens (see Grocers)
Delivery Businesses
S. Forrest Smith and son Lawrence purchase Eaton's Express,
Eaton's Express, S. Forrest Smith & Son, 4 Pearl St (ad), 02/28/1936:5
Dell (Mrs)
Dies in Lynn, 12/11/1936:5
Dellarocco, Charles
Former resident charged with vagrancy, 06/03/1938:1
Delmarter, DeWitt
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
DeLoid, George E.
Opens appliance store at 24 South Main St, 05/05/1939:1
Gas Co. veteran opens appliance store (ad), 05/05/1939:2
Delory, Abraham J.
Engaged to Mary E. Silvia, 10/14/1938:7
Delory, Edmund A.
Collides with Henry Short at John Glass, Jr. Square, 05/07/1937:1
DelRocco, Charles
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Awaits grand jury on larceny and burglary charges, 11/22/1935:2
DeMaranville, Charlotte E.
Wedding described, 11/17/1939:7
DeMaranville, James
Engaged to Elizabeth Macura, 08/09/1935:5
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:5
Moves to Kingston, 10/09/1936:5
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:11
DeMaranville, Jarvis
Dies at age 76, 04/09/1937:7
DeMaranville, Leon
Moves from Forest St to Everett St, 09/29/1939:4
DeMello, Joseph
Manager of Western Auto Associates on Center St, 09/17/1937:1
Deming, Herbert
Son born, 12/25/1936:2
Deming, Joan
Halifax child victim of fatal truck accident, 07/03/1936:1
Deming, John
Daughter born, 07/15/1938:7
Demmings, Mrs Daniel
Dies in Chipman, New Brunswick, 01/20/1939:11
Elks sponsor Americanism Night, 03/10/1939:1
Sponsors Americanism Night, 03/31/1939:4
Town committee organizes, 02/01/1935:1
State director of ERA addresses Plymouth County meeting here,
Permission for town committee to run baseball game rescinded by Park
Commission (l), 08/09/1935:6
Group of Junior Democrats organizes here, 12/20/1935:2
Two town committees file, 03/27/1936:7
James O'Neil candidate for convention delegate (p), 04/03/1936:1
St. Armand still in running as Democratic delegate, 04/10/1936:1
Voters to chose delegates, 04/24/1936:1
One of largest meetings ever held here, 05/22/1936:1
Mrs Albert Heath named to state committee, 07/24/1936:12
President Roosevelt's son speaker at forum here, 10/02/1936:1
Several hundred attend rally here, 10/16/1936:1
More power to them, Democratic party (l) (E.E. Phinney),
William Blanchette candidate for Delegate to the State Convention,
Former Governor Curley speaks at mammoth rally here, 10/28/1938:1
Curley and Curleyism (l) (The Spectator), 10/28/1938:11
Middleboro included in second series of statistical abstracts for 175 New
England communities, 11/03/1939:8
Demolition (building)
St. Luke's has Oak St structures razed, 06/28/1935:2
Wooden building formerly owned by A.V. Smith dismantled,
Razing complete at Pearl and Center St, 07/24/1936:1
Winslow corrects dates concerning Smith building recently demolished
(l), 07/31/1936:5
Bid offered for demolition of Liber house, 11/05/1937:5
Selectmen vote to demolish old Union Street School building,
daCosta wants Union Street School building moved, not demolished,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Union Street School project approved, 05/27/1938:1
Demolition of Union Street School begins, 06/24/1938:1
Old landmark razed, formerly site of carriage business, 07/22/1938:1
Razing old Nemasket House could make way for large parking lot,
Selectmen request bids for demolition of Norris Building, 08/11/1939:1
Action delayed on Norris Block, 08/11/1939:4
Old North St barn first used by William Vaughn comes down,
Selectmen invite bids for Norris building, 09/08/1939:1
Town Manager authorized to seek bids for Norris building,
Request for bids for demolition of Norris building, 09/15/1939:7
Norris building demolished to make room for parking (l) (The
Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Alphonso Fish plans to raze property at Four Corners, 10/20/1939:1
Norris building razed, 10/27/1939:7
St. Luke's request for bids to raze building at 60 Oak St, 11/24/1939:10
Bridgewater man does demolition of Nemasket Hotel, 12/08/1939:1
Bertram Thomas not required to fill in Norris building cellar hole,
DeMoranville (Mr)
Herbert Baker moves to homestead on Lakeside Dr, 08/27/1937:11
DeMoranville, Avis
Wed to Newell Wambolt, 06/25/1937:11
DeMoranville, Avis L.
Engaged to Newell I. Wambolt, 05/07/1937:7
DeMoranville, Beatrice Elvira
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:11
DeMoranville, Bessie
Leaps from window of burning home, 10/13/1939:1
DeMoranville, Charlotte
Employed at Rotary Mill, 06/23/1939:9
DeMoranville, Charlotte E.
Engaged to Cesar Sousa, 11/10/1939:4
Wed to Cesar Sousa, 11/24/1939:4
DeMoranville, Eleanor A.
Wedding described, 09/10/1937:1
DeMoranville, Elnora A.
Wed to Roger B. Wall, 06/10/1938:7
DeMoranville, Eunice W.
Obituary, 06/26/1936:1
Wife of Herbert dies at age 66, 06/26/1936:7
DeMoranville, Grace
Engaged to Sumner F. Tinkham, 04/24/1936:7
DeMoranville, Grace Louise
Engaged to Sumner F. Tinkham, 04/24/1936:5
Wed to Sumner Tinkham, 05/01/1936:5
DeMoranville, Hoyle
Wed to Evelyn C. Frost, 05/14/1937:7
DeMoranville, James
Accepts post at E.B. Cushman estate in Bridgewater, 03/15/1935:5
Daughter born, 02/11/1938:3, 02/18/1938:7, 02/25/1938:8
Son born, 09/15/1939:5
DeMoranville, James H., Jr.
Son born, 09/15/1939:2
DeMoranville, James, Jr.
Daughter christened Theresa Ann, 06/03/1938:2
DeMoranville, Jarvis
Obituary, 04/09/1937:6
DeMoranville, J.R.
Barn in Lakeville destroyed by fire, 08/27/1937:1
DeMoranville, Julia A.
Engaged to Eugene R. Bissonette, 06/30/1939:5
Wed to Eugene R. Bisonnette, 07/07/1939:5
DeMoranville, Julia Alberta
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:2
Wed to Eugene R. Bissonette, 07/14/1939:2
DeMoranville, Leon
Granted license for popcorn and food stand on East Grove St,
DeMoranville, Leon R.
Chimney fire on Forest St, 01/31/1936:7
Dry kindling wood (ad), 10/02/1936:12
DeMoranville, Lester C.
Break-in at Shaw St house, 02/08/1935:1
Police act quickly in break-in case, 02/15/1935:2
Petition for administration of estate, 08/09/1935:11
DeMoranville, Mabel A.
Wife of George dies at age 64, 04/17/1936:7
DeMoranville, Mabel Parry
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
DeMoranville, Malcolm
Engaged to Bertha A. Weld, 03/24/1939:1
Engaged to Bertha Alice Weld, 03/31/1939:8
Engaged to Bertha A. Weld, 04/28/1939:5
Wedding described, 05/05/1939:3
Wed to Bertha A. Weld, 05/05/1939:5
DeMoranville, Milton
Resides in East Freetown, 12/23/1938:4
DeMoranville, Mrs Ralph
Employed at State Farm, 08/05/1938:12
DeMoranville, Olive
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/25/1939:6
DeMoranville, Ralph
Moves to Delano's tenement on Smith St, 04/21/1939:9
DeMoranville, Ruel A.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
DeMoranville, Russell
Son born, 08/13/1937:11
DeMoranville, Theresa
Born to James, 02/25/1938:8
DeMoranville, Theresa Ann
Daughter of James, Jr. christened, 06/03/1938:2
Dempsey, D.H.
Daughter born, 12/27/1935:12
Dempsey, Roger
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Denehy, James
Obituary, 01/13/1939:1
Denham, Alice C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/30/1937:7
Denison, Frank
Son born, 08/02/1935:6
Dennett, Milford H.
Daughter born, 02/01/1935:6
Dennett, Natalie Irene
Born to Milford H., 02/01/1935:6
Dennett, Winfield
Takes position in Ft. Madison, IA, 08/21/1936:8
Resides in Ft. Madison, IA, 08/11/1939:1
Dennihy, Robert
Employed at sanatorium, 12/22/1939:9
see also Fuller, Louis
F. Lawton Barrows appointed to dental clinic in Georgia, 10/04/1935:1
John H. Hall surgeon dentist at State Farm, 10/04/1935:1
R.G. Butler (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Dr Forrest Kilkelly locates here, 01/29/1937:1
Dr Arthur Cunningham succumbs in 66th year (p), 02/12/1937:1
John Hall takes out papers for selectman, 11/12/1937:1
Robert Butler seeks re-election to School Committee, 12/10/1937:1
Dr F. Lawton Barrows joins MacAusland clinic in Boston, 01/14/1938:1
Lawton Barrows appointed to dental department of U.S. Navy,
John Hall dentist at State Farm, 08/26/1938:1
Katherine Porter state certified dental hygienist, 07/21/1939:1
Denton, James
Son born, 03/06/1936:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Deonnes, Beatrice E.
Engaged to Manuel J. Piava, 05/22/1936:7
Department Stores (see Alonzo F. Ryder Co.; F.W. Woolworth & Co.; The
Boston Store; W.T. Grant Co.)
Depoian, Arthur
Wed to Catherine H. Reynolds, 10/27/1939:5
Deporau, Arthur
Engaged to Catherine H. Reynolds, 10/13/1939:5
Depression (economic) (see Civil Works Administration; Civilian
Conservation Corps; Emergency Relief Administration; National Youth
Administration; Works Progress Administration)
deRheims, Albert C.
Father dies in New York, 08/25/1939:5
deRheims, Albert Carlisle
Wedding described, 07/23/1937:2
deRheims, Harry
Dies in New York, 08/25/1939:5
Derosiers, Napoleon
Chimney fire on Washburn St, 03/10/1939:1
Derry, Amelia
Donates books to Lakeville Public Library, 03/12/1937:11
Derry, Edward
Resides in Shannock, RI, 04/02/1937:11
Desautel, Albert
Son born, 08/26/1938:7
Desertion and Non-Support
John Beech in court on charge of non-support, 07/05/1935:8
Beech case continued, 07/19/1935:2
Phillip Silva discharged, 09/06/1935:11
Christian Nielson's case continued, 09/20/1935:2
John Beech case continued, 09/27/1935:8
Nielsen non-support case dismissed, 10/11/1935:2
Edgar Thibeault found guilty of non-support of wife and children,
Clarence Wilbur's case continued, 12/27/1935:2
Clarence Wilbur acquitted on charge, 01/03/1936:2
John Perry's case continued, 02/14/1936:2
Clarence Wilbur guilty of non-support, 06/12/1936:5
Wrightington and Eaton cases continued, 07/17/1936:2
William Wrightington not guilty, 07/24/1936:5
Theodore Broullard guilty of non-support, 08/21/1936:8
John Beech non-support case continued, 09/25/1936:2
Walter Bosworth case continued, 12/04/1936:8
John Beech guilty of non-support, 03/26/1937:2
Harold Pratt found not guilty of non-support, 06/25/1937:5
Harold Pratt not guilty on charge of non-support, 07/02/1937:7
Ralph Conant gets probation on non-support charge, 09/17/1937:2
Clifford Ray allowed continuance in non-support case, 10/08/1937:2
Conant and Shurtleff fail to appear on charges of non-support,
Broullard and Thibault cases continued, 12/31/1937:5
Anna S. Carriero files for divorce on grounds of desertion, 12/31/1937:8
Harrison Shurtleff non-support case filed, 01/28/1938:2
Joseph Gabrey's probation continued, 04/15/1938:2
Clifford Ray's non-support case filed, 04/15/1938:5
Clarence Wixon's non-support case continued, 04/22/1938:5
Broullard probation continued, Thibault case continued, 07/01/1938:2
Joseph Ferraguto charged with non-support, 08/26/1938:8
Joseph Ferraguto not guilty of non-support, 09/02/1938:5
Chester Churchill's non-support case continued, 09/23/1938:8
Chester Churchill guilty of non-support, must pay $8, 09/30/1938:5
Edgar Thibault fails to appear in court on non-support charge,
Edgar Thibault discharged from probation, 10/07/1938:5
Joseph Gabrey's non-support case continued, 10/14/1938:5
Carroll Morrison found not guilty of non-support, 11/11/1938:6
Probation continued in Conant non-support case, 11/18/1938:11
Alcidas Bissonnette's case of non-support continued, 03/24/1939:11
George Bruso ordered defaulted on non-support charge, 04/07/1939:7
Bruso case dismissed, 04/07/1939:8
Alcidas Bissonnette not guilty on non-support charge, 06/09/1939:8
Allan Nickerson in arrears in child support payments, 07/21/1939:2
Harnedy tells court he is employed after sentenced for non-support,
Vickery non-support case dismissed, 07/28/1939:1
Vincent Harnedy back in court on non-support charges, 08/18/1939:1
Abbie Bruso claims has not received child support from husband,
Raymond Muise agrees to pay wife $8 weekly for support, 09/01/1939:1
Chloe Curtis files complaint against former husband for non-support,
Russell Eaton gets year probation on 60 day sentence for non-support,
Theodore Broullard must pay more to family, 12/08/1939:5
Clifford Ray gets one year probation, must support two children,
DeShon, Ansell P.
Dies at age 60, 06/21/1935:6
DeSilvia, Mrs L.M.
Middleboro finest rest home, Rest Cottage on Rock St (ad),
DesRoseiers, Napoleon
Wed to Nellie DesRosiers, 07/15/1938:7
DesRoseiers, Nellie
Wed to Napoleon DesRosiers, 07/15/1938:7
DesRosiers, Napoleon J.
Engaged to Nellie DesRosiers, 07/01/1938:7
DesRosiers, Nellie
Engaged to Napoleon J. DesRosiers, 07/01/1938:7
Destruction of Property (see Malicious Mischief; Vandalism)
DeVinny, Donald S.
John S. Cobb Greenhouses sold to Robert H. and Donald S. DeVinny,
DeVinny brothers assume ownership of Cobb's greenhouse,
New president of Chamber of Commerce, 04/14/1939:1
Receives Nazi propaganda through the mail, 12/01/1939:1
DeVinny, Margaret
Collides with New Bedford driver on West Grove St, 02/25/1938:1
DeVinny, Mrs Donald
Mrs Clarence Churbuck collides with DeVinny's beach wagon on Center
St, 07/14/1939:2
DeVinny, Robert H.
John S. Cobb Greenhouses sold to Robert H. and Donald S. DeVinny,
DeVinny brothers assume ownership of Cobb's greenhouse,
DeVinny's Greenhouses
Successor to John S. Cobb Greenhouses (ad), 02/18/1938:12
Gives informal talk at Garden Club meeting, 04/08/1938:1
Opens agency to serve Carver, 08/05/1938:5
Granted permit to erect sign at Oak and Center St, 10/07/1938:2
Complete landscaping around new Union Street School, 10/21/1938:12
Depicts unusual Christmas scene, 12/16/1938:1
Mammoth Easter display, 03/31/1939:3
Opens new conservatory (ad), 11/10/1939:10
Devitt (Mrs)
Breaks hip in fall, 07/15/1938:11
Devitt, Clarence
Aunt dies in Chelsea, 05/21/1937:11
Devitt, James
Obituary, 08/16/1935:1
Dies at age 79, 08/16/1935:6
Devoll, Dorothy W.
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
DeWerth, Mrs G.W.
Resides in Lakewood, OH, 05/10/1935:1
Dewey, Josephine
Obituary, 07/09/1937:1
Dies at age 53, 07/09/1937:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dewey Clothes Shop
69 Centre St (ad), 02/01/1935:2
Ralph McQuade purchases sole interest in business, 02/07/1936:1
Going out of business sale, making room for new stock (ad),
Dewhurst, Elmer
Employed at A&P, 08/07/1936:7
Manager of A&P, 07/30/1937:1
DeWolf, Marie
Cape Cod Floral Supply, DeWolf designer, 64 Centre St (ad),
DeWolf, Miriam Ford
Resides in Medford, 10/27/1939:10
Dextraze, Clarence
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Daughter born, 10/15/1937:7
Son born, 04/07/1939:5
Dextraze, Clarence H.
Engaged to Marguerite K. McCormick, 01/31/1936:6
Wed to Marguerite K. McCormack, 02/28/1936:6
Dextraze, Euclide
Chimney fire on Lovell St, 02/01/1935:1
Diamond, Charles
Rochester man held for grand jury on breaking and entering Diamond
property, 06/03/1938:1
Diamond, Robert E.
Engaged to Gladys M. Vaughn, 06/05/1936:7
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 06/10/1938:4
Dickey, Carrie
South Middleboro community saddened by death, 12/20/1935:11
Dickey, Carrie M.
Dies at age 76, 12/20/1935:6
Dickey, Carrie Maria
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Dickey, George C.
Fairhaven man dies, 06/18/1937:11
Dickson, Joseph Theodore
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Dickson, Ralph C.
Engaged to Lillian C. Malais, 08/28/1936:7
Wed to Lillian C. Maltais, 09/04/1936:7
Dill, Albert
Injured in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Dill, Elbert
Engaged to Madeline Wilbur, 08/18/1939:5
Dill, Elbert E.
Engaged to Mary Madeline Wilbur, 09/02/1938:1
Dill, Elbert Edwin
Engaged to Mary Madeline Wilbur, 09/01/1939:5
Wed to Mary Madeline Wilbur, 09/15/1939:5
Wedding described, 09/15/1939:5
Dill, Eleanor
Wedding described, 06/03/1938:2
Dill, Eleanor E.
Wed to Vincent A. Galfre, 06/03/1938:7
Dill, Mrs Thomas
Resides in Raynham, 11/10/1939:6
DiMeranda, Joseph
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
Dies at age 75, 10/14/1938:7
Dimmock, Pauline
Studies nursing at Sturdy Memorial hospital in Attleboro, 09/13/1935:1
Student nurse at Sturdy Memorial hospital, 10/04/1935:12
Dimmock, Scott
Son born, 05/08/1936:7
Dimond, Charles
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:11
Dimond, Charles E.
Wed to Mildred E. Benton, 09/03/1937:7
Dimond, Clarence
Moves to Miller St, 05/07/1937:11
Dimond, Clarence A.
Engaged to Frances M. Phillips, 11/29/1935:6
Dimond, Marion A.
Engaged to Walter E. Lowes, 12/24/1937:7
Dimond, Richard
Infant dies, 10/08/1937:7
Dimond, Richard A.
Obituary, 10/08/1937:1
Dimond, Robert
Wed to Gladys M. Vaughn, 06/12/1936:7
Dimond, Robert E.
Wedding described, 06/12/1936:1
Dionne, Beatrice
Engaged to Joseph M. Taiva, 05/08/1936:11
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:11
Dionne, Doris
Engaged to Clarence M. Marshall, 10/07/1938:7
Dionnes, Beatrice E.
Wed to Manuel J. Piava, 06/05/1936:7
DiPalma, Rocco
Son born, 08/29/1935:6
Protect your child (ad), 03/15/1935:6
Diphtheria is preventable (ad) (Board of Health), 03/13/1936:5
One hundred twenty one children examined at clinic, 04/03/1936:1
Twelve children attend clinic in Lakeville, 05/08/1936:7
School and public heath board schedule clinic (ad), 03/12/1937:2
Fifty-nine children treated at clinic, 04/02/1937:1
Clinic announced (ad), 03/11/1938:12
Successful clinic held, 04/01/1938:7
Clinic treat 114 children, 03/31/1939:1
Crosby Publishing of Northampton, NH surveys town, 08/26/1938:7
Crosby Publishing delays publication, 09/23/1938:1
Disabled (see Handicapped)
see also Floods; Hurricane of 1938
Lillian Goldman with ambulance service at site of Hindenburg disaster,
see also Middleboro - Board of Health; names of specific diseases
Healthy year for Middleboro, 01/21/1938:11
Fear of dysentery epidemic here, 11/18/1938:1
Disorderly Conduct
George Veiga and Evelyn Abrew charged, 08/27/1937:1
District Court (see Fourth District Court)
Disturbing the Peace
Annie Paquette arrested for drunkenness and disturbing the peace,
Six local men arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton,
Edward Harris gets two months for disturbing the peace, other charges
filed, 06/19/1936:2
Henry Belrose case filed, 12/25/1936:12
Antone Falconieri fined $5 in window-breaking incident, gets 10 days
for drunkenness, 08/13/1937:1
Antone Falconieri pays $5 fine, 08/20/1937:2
John Stonkus fined $10, 10/22/1937:1
Louis Turenne gets thirty days shooting out partition, 07/14/1939:1
Ditano, Amelia S. Rose
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
Wife of Leonard dies at age 45, 10/14/1938:7
Ditano, Mary
Engaged to Nelson Keirstead, 03/29/1935:1
Ditano, Mary V.
Engaged to Nelson L. Kierstead, 08/02/1935:6
Wed to Nelson L. Kierstead, 08/16/1935:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dixon, Susan M.
Obituary, 09/06/1935:1
Widow of Joseph E. dies at age 85, 09/06/1935:6
Doane, George E.
Hardware (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Complimented on clever paragraphs in Gazette, 01/28/1938:11
Leading businessman succumbs at age 83, 05/06/1938:1
Administrator petitions for authority to continue business, 05/06/1938:6
Petition for administration of estate, 05/06/1938:6
Dies at age 83, 05/06/1938:7
Business to continue under same policies and standards (ad),
Administrator petitions to continue business, 07/01/1938:7
Hardware store sold to George Shurtleff & Son, 08/19/1938:1
Hardware store under new management, 08/26/1938:1
Estate announces sale to Shurtleff (ad), 08/26/1938:12
Passing of Middleboro's oldest business establishment, 09/02/1938:3
Parties still owing money, pay bills at former place of business (ad),
Doctors (see Physicians)
Dodenhoff, Edna C.
Engaged to John S. Pike, 05/01/1936:7
Wed to John S. Pike, 05/08/1936:7
Dodenhoff, Frances
In memory of Miriam Newkirk Jenkins, 12/09/1938:11
Dodenhoff, Frances E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/18/1936:7
Dodenhoff, John D.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/18/1936:7
Dodenhoff, Mrs John
Father's funeral held in New Jersey, 12/22/1939:10
Dog Racing
One hundred seventy nine locals sign petition, 09/17/1937:1
Battle heats up with local petition, 09/17/1937:7
Town clerk receives petition for repeal of racing law, 11/19/1937:1
Rev Dunn circulates petitions against horse and dog racing and
transportation to private schools, 11/26/1937:11
Going to the dogs (l) (William Egger), 07/08/1938:2
Potential for racing at Joe Hooker dangerous, 03/17/1939:1
State denies race dates for Lakeville, 03/17/1939:1
Proposed track would cost $175,000, 03/24/1939:1
Notice of public hearing on track for Lakeville, 03/24/1939:7
Discrepancy arises on site of track, 03/31/1939:1
No action taken on Lakeville track, 04/07/1939:1
No action taken by State Racing Commission, 04/14/1939:1
Lakeville residents relieved, 04/21/1939:1
Still no action on race dates, 04/21/1939:1
Joseph Ayotte pictured with winning greyhound (p), 06/23/1939:4
Dog Shows
see also Middleboro Fish and Game Protective Association
Howard Brawn's pointers take prizes at Seekonk Gun club show,
Fletcher Barrows' pointer wins Rhode Island field trials, 10/13/1939:4
Holmquist reports injured deer to police, 02/15/1935:1
Cleveland Burnham bitten by dog allegedly belonging to Ettore Tonira,
Alice Bagdon bitten by Dr Ham's dog while bicycling, 07/12/1935:11
Bourne's dog gives life to save family, 04/09/1937:6
Peter Zakarian's small dog saves master's life in house fire, 08/27/1937:1
Dog struck by New Haven train, 12/10/1937:5
Local dogs travel far and wide, 01/28/1938:1
Police dog saved from flames, 02/25/1938:1
Dogs - Law and Legislation
Notice of license requirements, 03/22/1935:8
Last call to dog owners (ad), 06/28/1935:12
Attention dog owners (ad), 03/27/1936:7
Don't forget the dog license (ad), 06/05/1936:12
Town clerk's financial report (t), 01/22/1937:11
Bertram White's case of unlicensed dog continued, 02/26/1937:2
Bertram White guilty of having unlicensed dog, 03/26/1937:2
Dog tax refunds $1,502.28 for Middleboro and $516.92 for Lakeville,
Town clerk reports on licenses, 07/15/1938:2
Must be licensed before April 1st (ad), 03/17/1939:12
Six hundred seven dogs licensed here, 07/07/1939:1
Beware, if dogs do not have tag, 08/11/1939:2
Selectmen late on dog warrants, 08/11/1939:4
Leonard Chestnut warned not to ask for additional continuance in dog
case, 10/06/1939:6
Leonard Chestnut's case continued, 10/27/1939:1
Leonard Chestnut fined $5 for letting quarantined dog loose,
Doherty, William
Replaces Horace Swift at Railway Express Agency, 08/19/1938:1
Dolan, James M.
Daughter born, 10/08/1937:1, 02/24/1939:7
Dolan, Jimmy
Two-year-old goes in search of fireworks, 07/07/1939:1
Domina, Lizzie F.
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Boston woman dies at age 61, 04/26/1935:4
Burial at Hope Rest Cemetery, 04/26/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 05/17/1935:5
Domina, Mrs Harvey E.
Resides in northern Vermont, 11/25/1938:6
Donaghue, Frances D.
Famous doctor dies, 01/08/1937:7
Donahue, Martin
Obituary, 01/27/1939:6
Brockton man dies at age 75, 01/27/1939:7
Donahue, Martinia K.
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Donnelly, Paul W.
Killed in auto crash on Highland Rd, 11/12/1937:1
Donner, Calvin Shurtleff
Born to G. Oliver, 07/28/1939:1
Donner, G. Oliver
Engaged to Betty Brown, 05/13/1938:5
Graduates from Gordon College, 06/10/1938:1
Engaged to Betty Brown, 06/10/1938:5, 06/17/1938:1
Son born, 07/28/1939:1
Donner, George
Brief glimpse of the candidate for selectman, 01/11/1935:1
North St couple married 26 years, 12/17/1937:5
Donner, George A.
For selectman (ad) (l), 01/11/1935:8
For selectman (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
New manager of J.L. Jenney Coal and Oil Co., 01/29/1937:1
Graduates from NE Coke Sales Training Course, 05/05/1939:2
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Candidate for School Committee, biography, 12/29/1939:4
Donner, George Oliver
Engaged to Elizabeth Helen Brown, 06/10/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:1
North Carver folks attend wedding, 07/08/1938:8
Carver folks attend wedding, 07/08/1938:11
Donner, Harold
Employed by Pilgrim Trust Co. in Boston, 07/31/1936:12
Donner, Harold J.
Wed to Laura E. Holmes, 04/29/1938:7
Donner, Harold John
Wedding described, 04/29/1938:1
Donner, Jack
Recently married, 05/20/1938:1
Donner, Oliver
Attends Gordon Theological School, 12/06/1935:8
Attends Gordon College, 09/03/1937:1
Accepts pastorate in Harmony, ME, 04/01/1938:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Ordained to gospel ministry, 10/20/1939:1
Donovan, Henry C.
Resides in Boston, 05/29/1936:11
Lets South Middleboro house to Richmond Matthews, 09/22/1939:9
Donovan, John E.
Wed to Gertrude V. Solewski, 08/21/1936:7
Donovan, Robert H.
Resides in Boston, 07/05/1935:8
Dooley, J. Louis
Dies in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Jackson manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
McFarlin manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
McFarlin acquitted and Jackson held for grand jury in trial of fatal
accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
Warren Jackson gets jail sentence in auto fatality case, 11/01/1935:2
Dooley, Joseph P.
Engaged to Agnes M. Jordan, 08/04/1939:7
Dooley, Mary Rita
Graduates from Waltham Hospital nursing school, 05/12/1939:1
Dooley, William
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Dorflinger, Joseph A.
Dies in Bridgewater at age 47, 01/17/1936:6
Dottridge, Helen
Engaged to Cecil Wadsworth Gibbs, 09/27/1935:1
Engaged to Cecil W. Gibbs, 07/22/1938:7
Wedding described, 08/05/1938:1
Doty, Ida Frances
Obituary, 06/03/1938:1
Doucett, William H.
Norwich, CT couple married 65 years, 01/18/1935:7
Doucette, Thomas
On 10-day furlough from Army post in Hawaii, 11/03/1939:5
Dow, Elsie
Attends Northfield Seminary, 12/24/1937:11
Dow, Frank
Moves to North St, 10/08/1937:8
Dowling, Mrs Wade
Resides in Alberta, Canada, 02/04/1938:11
Downey, Mercie
Petition for administration of estate, 10/07/1938:4
Downey, Mercie B.
Auction sale of household goods and antiques (ad), 11/11/1938:7
Downey, Mercie T.
Obituary, 09/16/1938:1
Dies at age 81, 09/16/1938:7
Downing, Edward
Brother dies in Maine, 05/27/1938:12
Downing, Edward P.
Petition to build garage and store gasoline, 10/15/1937:8
Downing, E.P.
Lawn mowers cleaned, sharpened (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Doyle, Archie
Engaged to Katherine Green, 09/03/1937:11
Doyle, Lee H.
Engaged to Verdene M. Sheridan, 08/18/1939:5
Wed to Verdene M. Sheridan, 08/25/1939:5
Draghetti, Alexander
Applies for liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Draghetti, Joseph C.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/26/1935:5
Draghetti, Raymond
Head coach at Brattleboro High school amasses enviable record (t),
Engaged to Elizabeth Moore Savage, 05/01/1936:1
Draghetti, Raymond L.
Wedding described, 08/21/1936:1
Wed to Elizabeth M. Savage, 08/21/1936:7
Coach at Brattleboro high school, 01/29/1937:6
Draghetti, Sam
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Named to Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:7
Resigns from Park Commission, 03/18/1938:1
Draghetti, Teresa
Engaged to be married, 08/13/1937:1
Draghetti, Theresa A.
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:1
Wed to B. Thomas Gamperoli, 08/20/1937:7
Drake, Beatrice
Moves from Centre St to Boston, 04/26/1935:7
Makes improvements to North Middleboro home, 04/28/1939:9
Drake, Beatrice E.
Returns from trip to France, 08/20/1937:11
Drake, Donald
Wed to Agnes Watts, 07/17/1936:2
Drake, Ella
Resides in Florida, 09/27/1935:11
Drake, Enos
Brockton man dies at age 77, 10/13/1939:5
Obituary, 10/13/1939:5
Drake, Ernest M.
Injured by falling tree branch, 01/01/1937:6
Drake, Ernest M., Jr.
Engaged to Marie L. Lounsbury, 11/20/1936:7
Drake, Ernest Milton
Wedding described, 11/27/1936:1
Drake, Horace
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 11/05/1937:1
Drake, L.F.
Employed in Edgartown, 01/04/1935:4
Drake, Malcolm C.
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 03/20/1936:12
Treasurer at Trust Co., 10/23/1936:1
Alumnus of Bryant & Stratton, 07/02/1937:7
Drake, Milton
Moves to Marion Rd, employed by C.R. Weld, 03/05/1937:11
Drake, Mrs Ernest M.
Father dies in Taunton, 02/24/1939:2
Drake, Mrs Reginald
Alumnus of Mount Holyoke College, 06/09/1939:1
Drake, Ruth C.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/04/1939:8
Drake, Thalia
Valedictorian of class of 1936, 03/20/1936:1
Valedictorian receives scholarship to Tufts College (p), 05/22/1936:1
Enrolled in pre-med at Jackson College, 09/18/1936:12
Drake, Thalia S.
High school salutatory and valedictory essays, 06/19/1936:11
Member of Tufts College orchestra, 11/06/1936:12
Pledge to Sigma Kappa at Tufts College, 03/05/1937:5
Engaged to Otis Jillson, 12/22/1939:1
Drake, Thalia Sutliffe
List of activities at Tufts College, 01/14/1938:2
Drama (see Theater)
see also Tailors
Jennie Merrihew, 41 School St, 03/01/1935:8
Emma's Dress Shop, 38 Montello St (ad), 03/27/1936:7
Drevinski, Polly
Has role in play put on by Stoughton teachers, 12/11/1936:2
Drevinsky, Clement
Lane St couple married 25 years, 10/15/1937:2
Drevinsky, Pauline
Sails for two months of travel in Europe, 07/01/1938:1
Drevinsky, Peter
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Drevinsky, Polly
Teaches in Stoughton, 04/30/1937:1
Director of 4-H Music Club in Stoughton, 03/17/1939:1
Drew, Alvaris
Resides in Clifton, NJ, 11/13/1936:12
Drew, Elizabeth
Retires after 42 years as teacher, 06/28/1935:12
Drew, Elizabeth K.
Wed to Thomas Tate, 02/01/1935:4
Drew, Elizabeth Kenney
Wedding described, 02/01/1935:1
Drew, Elmer
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Drew, Elmer, Jr.
Member of CCC camp in Lewiston, ME, 08/02/1935:1
Drew, Elmer O.
Stationed at CCC camp in Lewiston, ME, 10/04/1935:12
Enlists in U.S. Navy, 11/15/1935:11
Navy man promoted, station in San Diego, CA (l), 04/09/1937:8
Drew, Elmer O., Jr.
On leave from U.S. Navy, 05/08/1936:11
Completes course in aviation gunnery at Norfolk, VA, 09/18/1936:1
Seaman 1st class stationed in San Diego, 07/02/1937:7
Drew, Elmer Oria
Called to active duty in U.S. Navy, 02/21/1936:2
Seaman Second Class enters aviation school, 06/19/1936:1
High rating for Navy man, 12/23/1938:1
Drew, Herbert
Son born, 08/27/1937:11
Drewett's Convalescent Home
Everett St (ad), 08/19/1938:12
Drewinski, Clement
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Driesbeck, Alvin, Jr.
Wedding described, 07/24/1936:8
Drinking Water (see Nemasket Springs Water Co.; Water Supply)
Despite conditions, town has plenty of water, 07/28/1939:1
George Dainis of Boston attempts to swim Taunton River, 07/24/1936:1
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini dies, 12/17/1937:4
South Middleboro School closes in memory of Bobby Travalini,
Boy Scouts awarded certificate for heroism from Massachusetts
Humane Society, 04/01/1938:3
Beatrice Taylor drowns in Long Pond, 04/22/1938:11
Marie Williams commits suicide in Nemasket River, 05/26/1939:1
Elmer G. Hopkins drowns at Loon Pond (p), 06/23/1939:1
Letter of appreciation to Fire Chief (l) (Elmer L. Hopkins), 06/23/1939:1
Hopkins expresses appreciation to Fire and Police Departments and
friends (l), 06/23/1939:2
Cecil Clark drowns in boating accident, 09/08/1939:1
Drug Stores
see also Giberti's Apothecary; Morse's Drug Store
The Corner Drug Store, Malcolm Buck pharmacist (ad), 03/08/1935:5
Buck's Drug Store at the Four Corners (ad), 08/14/1936:12
Buck's Drug Store, a Massachusetts registered drug store (ad),
Kay Cut Rate Drug Store, 37 Center St (ad), 02/12/1937:5
Kay Cut Rate Drug Store name incorrect in advertisement, 02/19/1937:7
E.M. Johnson sells drug store to Robert Giberti, 08/27/1937:1
Middleboro Pharmacy, sparkling new and largest drug store in town
(ad), 10/21/1938:2
Middleboro Pharmacy opens at 60 Center St, 10/28/1938:1
Selectmen okay signs for Kay Cut Rate Store, 11/18/1938:3
Selectmen grant liquor licenses, 12/22/1939:1
Drunk Driving
Murray Gifford appeals sentence on second charge, 03/08/1935:6
Russell Cahill fined $50, 03/15/1935:6
William White charged after strikes parked car on Center Ave,
Leon Alden arrested for drunkenness and drunk driving, 10/25/1935:1
Leon Alden acquitted on drunk driving charge, fined $5 for
drunkenness, 11/15/1935:5
Emmett Stover arrested for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 12/20/1935:1
Emmett Stover fined $50, 12/27/1935:2
Arthur Quelle gets two months for leaving scene of accident, fined $50
for drunk driving, 01/17/1936:1
Reginald Walker charged with reckless driving and drunk driving in
Wareham, 05/29/1936:1
Leo Letendre in court for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 06/19/1936:2
Letendre guilty of drunk driving and drunkenness, not guilty of
speeding, 06/26/1936:8
Dana Bump fined $50, 07/03/1936:2
David Dunlea fined $50, 07/17/1936:2
Dana Bump fined $50, 09/04/1936:2
Charles Hodgdon fined $50, 09/11/1936:2
David Dunlea fails to appear in court, 09/18/1936:8
Ralph Morton fined $50, 09/18/1936:8
Dunlea gets extension to pay $50 fine, 10/16/1936:8
Archie Britton gets two months for leaving scene of accident, 30 days
for drunk driving, 11/06/1936:2
Daniel Warren fined $100 for drunk driving after revocation,
James Canning fined $10 for reckless driving, $50 for drunk driving,
Raymond Brothers fined $50 for drunk driving, 11/27/1936:2
James Canning pays $50 fine, 12/04/1936:8
Everett Freeman charged after car overturns on South Main St,
Stanley Sinoski found not guilty, 02/19/1937:1
David O'Neill gets 30 days, 07/16/1937:1
Arnold Salley fined, 08/13/1937:1
David O'Neill violates probation, committed, 08/20/1937:1
Francis Carver granted continuance, 10/22/1937:5
Francis Carver appeals fines for drunkenness, reckless driving, and
drunk driving, 11/05/1937:2
Frederic Atwood fined $50, 12/03/1937:2
Wilfred Hill arrested, 12/10/1937:1
Frederic Atwood pays $50 fine, case filed, 12/10/1937:5
Wilfred Hill fined $35, 12/17/1937:2
Wilfred Hill pays $35 for drunk driving, 02/18/1938:11
William Comeau arrested after auto crashes into Ernest Allen's parked
car, 03/04/1938:1
William Comeau fined $50, 03/11/1938:5
Eugene Chausse fined $50, 03/18/1938:2
Carlo Benna fined $50, 09/02/1938:1
Walter Bump fined $35, 09/23/1938:6
Levi Nickerson fined $35, 10/21/1938:8
Gibbs and Carver each fined $35, 12/23/1938:9
Manuel Mello arraigned in court as result of auto crash, 03/10/1939:1
Gibbs and Carver probation cases continued, 03/10/1939:3
Elzear Blouin fined $50, 03/17/1939:5
Levi Nickerson on probation for fine of $35 for drunk driving,
Gibbs and Mello get extensions to pay fine, 05/12/1939:8
Joseph Carver pays fine, 05/12/1939:8
Elzear Blouin fined $50, 05/26/1939:7
Andrew Miller, Jr. fined $35, 05/26/1939:8
Charles Gibbs pays $5 of $35 fine for drunk driving, 07/14/1939:2
Charles Gormley arrested for drunk driving after 4-mile chase,
Edwin Barrows freed by local court, 07/14/1939:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Manuel Mello pays $50 fine, 07/14/1939:6
George Soper gets 20 days, 07/21/1939:3
Charles Gormley fined $50, 07/21/1939:7
Levi Nickerson fined $35, 07/28/1939:1
Adolph Lammi pleads guilty, 08/04/1939:10
Local police glum over failure to discourage (l) (The Spectator),
Judge Sullivan censures drunken driving, 09/22/1939:1
Adolph Lammi granted extension of probation, 10/13/1939:8
Whitman driver straddles hedge while driving drunk, 12/01/1939:1
Framingham driver ends up in bog driving drunk, 12/29/1939:1
Charles Haines fined $50, 12/29/1939:4
Annie Paquette arrested for drunkenness and disturbing the peace,
Arthur Record charged with drunkenness and operating to endanger,
Six local men arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton,
Leon Alden arrested for drunkenness and drunk driving, 10/25/1935:1
Leon Alden acquitted on drunk driving charge, fined $5 for
drunkenness, 11/15/1935:5
Emmett Stover arrested for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 12/20/1935:1
Leo Letendre in court for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 06/19/1936:2
Charles Riley gets 30 days for assault, fined $10 for drunkenness,
Letendre guilty of drunk driving and drunkenness, not guilty of
speeding, 06/26/1936:8
Arnold Salley arrested, 10/30/1936:1
Stanley Sinoski pleads not guilty to reckless driving and drunkenness,
Stanislaw Plaskawicki gets 10 days, 02/19/1937:2
Antone Falconieri fined $5 in window-breaking incident, gets 10 days
for drunkenness, 08/13/1937:1
David O'Neill violates probation, committed, 08/20/1937:1
Henry LeBlanc gets 30 days for violating probation, 10/22/1937:2
Francis Carver appeals fines for drunkenness, reckless driving, and
drunk driving, 11/05/1937:2
Francis Huxley fined $5, 11/12/1937:1
John Kelley fined $15, 11/26/1937:2
Francis Huxley sentenced to jail after violates probation, 12/17/1937:2
David O'Neil gets 30 days, 12/17/1937:5
Bernier, Houlihan, and Boardman get jail sentences, 04/22/1938:1
Albert Matrisciano fined $5, 07/22/1938:1
Wilmot and Stetson each get 10 day sentence, 07/22/1938:11
Carlo Benna's case filed, 09/02/1938:1
John Barros found guilty, 09/02/1938:1
Howard Connover charged with drunkenness, must make restitution to
John Casey, 09/30/1938:11
Daniel Pawlak gets 30 days, 10/14/1938:11
John Houlihan and Eugene Bernier have probation extended,
Francis McCausland ordered defaulted, 11/11/1938:11
Daniel Pawluk gets one month, 12/30/1938:5
Raymond Coleman discharged from probation, 01/27/1939:8
Manuel Mello arraigned in court as result of auto crash, 03/10/1939:1
Peter Letourneau gets two months, 04/14/1939:11
Norman Hill pays $10 fine, 05/12/1939:3
Joseph Carr fined $25, 05/26/1939:8
Harold Pierce gets 10-day sentence, 06/16/1939:1
Vincent Harnedy gets 10-day suspended sentence, 07/07/1939:7
Wilmot and Plaskawicki (aka Smith) each get 10 days, 07/14/1939:3
Waldo Ramsdell fined $5, 07/14/1939:6
George Soper warned of future penalties, 08/11/1939:3
Vincent Harnedy sentenced, 08/25/1939:4
Harnedy back in court for probation violation, 09/01/1939:3
Albert Campbell and Daniel Warren in court, 11/03/1939:1
Thomas Morris in court, 11/10/1939:3
Stanislaw Plaskawiski and Alfred Wilmot discharged from probation,
Henry Gray gets probation for drunkenness, one more time and will go
to jail, 12/15/1939:2
Francis Mendoza smashes up sister's home, 12/29/1939:3
Drury, Harry
Malden man dies, 08/18/1939:6
Dry Goods (see A.R. Glidden & Son)
Duarte, David
Held on $1,000 bond for recent break-ins, 02/05/1937:1
Gets suspended sentence at Shirley school, 02/12/1937:1
Duarte, Manuel
Charged with receiving stolen goods, 02/05/1937:1
Dube, Albert
Has well dug deeper, 11/29/1935:8
Father dies in Carver, 05/06/1938:11
Officer at State Farm, 08/12/1938:11
Dube, Alfred
Obituary, 04/29/1938:11
Dube, Ezimeal
Obituary, 03/25/1938:8
Dubee, Josephine
Engaged to Albert Dutra, 05/17/1935:1, 05/17/1935:2
Dubee, Josephine F.
Wed to Albert A. Dutra, 06/07/1935:6
Dubord, Claude
Daughter born, 06/16/1939:5
DuBord, George
Wedding described, 04/28/1939:1
Wed to Emma Cabral, 04/28/1939:5
Dubord, George H.
Engaged to Emma M. Cabral, 04/14/1939:7
DuCharne, Joseph W.
Engaged to Mary T. Cordeiro, 08/20/1937:7
Wed to Mary T. Cordeiro, 09/10/1937:7
Ducker, Eleanor Anderson
Son born, 05/27/1938:6
Ducker, William
Son born, 05/27/1938:6
Ducker, William E.
Wedding described, 10/23/1936:11
Dudley, Harrison H.
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
Dudowska, Celine
Lobl's niece visits from Paris, France, 05/07/1937:7
Dufresne, Adella
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/12/1936:7
Dufur, Harold M.
Charged with assault on police officer Rogers, 08/27/1937:1
Duggan, James
James Duggan and Nathan Goodridge part of inaugural aerial service
out of East Taunton, 07/22/1938:1
Duggan, Richard
Attendant resigns from sanatorium, 12/01/1939:7
Dumac, Helen
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:11
Dumphy, B.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Dumps (see Refuse and Refuse Disposal)
Dunbar, G. Delmar
Accepts position with Besse-Baker in Brockton, 10/25/1935:12
Sells Bourne St property from Edson Bemis; moves to Brockton,
Dunbar, Richard H.
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 01/17/1936:8
Duncan, Mabel F.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Duncan, Nellie
Purchases property from Pearl Turkington, 03/24/1939:11
Duncklee, Chester
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Reports auto stolen from behind Doane's Hardware, 06/03/1938:1
Duncklee, Chester V.
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/22/1937:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/18/1938:7
Duncklee, David Emerson
Wed to Doris E. Mosher, 06/30/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:5
Duncklee, George N.
On Dean's List at Northeastern University, 01/25/1935:3
Wed to Carol J. Wiley, 07/16/1937:7
Duncklee, Ida M.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 10/22/1937:7
Dunham, Abbie
Obituary, 08/02/1935:1
Dunham, Abbie E.
Wife of Elbridge dies at age 65, 08/02/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 02/10/1939:6
Dunham, Anna Mabel
Engaged to Henry Rullo, 10/27/1939:5
Dunham, Arthur
Lets Clay St tenement to Walter Houghton, 11/17/1939:7
Dunham, Bettie
Wed to Arthur J. Williams, 10/20/1939:10
Dunham, B.L.
Builds camp on land near Highland St bog, 07/23/1937:8
Dunham, Charles
Moves from Brockton to Rock, 05/15/1936:11
Dunham, Curtis
Former resident dies in hunting accident in Vermont, 11/29/1935:1
Former resident dies in Jamaica, VT at age 62, 11/29/1935:6
Dunham, Elbridge
Falls from tree at home on Pearl St, 02/04/1938:1
Dunham, Elbridge F.
Dies at age 69, 02/03/1939:7
Petition for administration of estate, 02/10/1939:6
Dunham, Elbridge Francis
Obituary, 02/03/1939:1
Dunham, Ethel
Lets Everett St house to J. Raymond Hyman, 02/22/1935:1
Employed at Town House, 08/02/1935:1
Dunham, Frances Marie
Daughter of Francis baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Dunham, Francis
South Carver couple married ten years, 12/02/1938:3
Dunham, George
Makes repairs to Cushman house on Smith St, 11/15/1935:5
Dunham, George I.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Dunham, Gertrude
Employed at Town House, 07/10/1936:1
Dunham, Harold F.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Substitute mail carrier gets appointment as regular clerk, 10/20/1939:10
Dunham, Harry
Moves to Raynham, 07/28/1939:4
Dunham, Henry
Treated for blood poisoning in hand, 04/07/1939:9
Dunham, Herbert H.
Replies to open letter concerning playground funds (l), 08/23/1935:8
"I believe men" (l), 04/03/1936:8
To the voters (l), 04/17/1936:2
To the people (l), 05/01/1936:11
Alphabetically Speaking (poem), 06/19/1936:6, 07/03/1936:8
Do You Care? (poem), 07/10/1936:2
Up to the voters (l), 09/11/1936:11
Our security is in your hands (l), 10/02/1936:6
A few hints on the election (l), 12/04/1936:11
Behavior at town meetings not amusing (l), 03/12/1937:2
Defends McNeece stand against pension trial (l), 03/26/1937:1
Let no one think for you (l), 03/11/1938:3
General repair work and cabinet making (ad), 09/09/1938:12
She was neutral are you? (l), 09/22/1939:7
Dunham, H.H.
Supreme Court nominations, think this over (l), 03/19/1937:8
Dunham, Horace H.
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 07/17/1936:12
Obituary, 12/03/1937:1
Dies at age 55, 12/03/1937:7
Dunham, Irving
Swifts Beach cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Dunham, Leighton
Wed to Elizabeth Swift, 09/04/1936:2
Son born, 12/11/1936:6
Dunham, Leroy
Resides in East Orange, NJ, 04/24/1936:7
Dunham, Leslie
Resides in Winthrop, 12/23/1938:4
Dunham, Loraine Alden
Daughter of Francis baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Dunham, Luella
Obituary, 03/08/1935:1
Taunton woman dies at age 69, 03/08/1935:4
Obituary, 03/08/1935:7
Dunham, M.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Dunham, Madeleine
Employed at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, 12/09/1938:1
Dunham, Madelyn
Completes probationary period at Sturdy Memorial, 01/27/1939:1
Dunham, Mrs Elbridge
Native of Carver dies in Middleboro, 08/02/1935:12
Dunham, Mrs Warren
Lets Everett St house to Roy West, 10/06/1939:12
Dunham, Mrs Winthrop
Funeral held in Brookline, 09/24/1937:11
Dunham, Norman Francis
Son of Francis baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Dunham, Otis M.
Tax collector's sale, 06/25/1937:5
Dunham, R. Leighton
Graduates from Wentworth Institute, 06/07/1935:8
Dunham, Richard L.
Wed to Elizabeth A. Swift, 09/04/1936:7
Dunham, Roy
Resides in East Orange, NJ, 01/27/1939:1
Dunham, Warren D.
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 50, 01/25/1935:4
Dunham, Willard A.
Retires from railroad after 50 years of service, 06/11/1937:1
Dunham, William
Lets Clay St tenement to Staples, 02/26/1937:11
Chimney fire at Clay and Bedford St, 01/14/1938:1
Dunham's Poultry Farm
RI Red hatching eggs (ad), 12/29/1939:8
Dunlap, William Emerson
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:2
Dunlea, David
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 07/17/1936:2
Fails to appear in court, 09/18/1936:8
Gets extension to pay $50 fine, 10/16/1936:8
Dunlea, James
Engaged to Edythe Standish, 12/31/1937:12, 05/19/1939:5
Engaged to Edythe M. Standish, 05/26/1939:2
Dunlea, M. James
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Edythe M. Standish, 06/09/1939:5
Dunn, E.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dunn, Edward
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Mother dies in Fall River, 04/22/1938:1
Dunn, J.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Dunn, John W.
Fall River man takes own life at playground here, 06/19/1936:1
Dies at age 72, 06/19/1936:7
Dunn, Mary E.
Dies in Fall River, 04/22/1938:1
Dunn, Virginia
Engaged to Ivan R. McLeod, 06/16/1939:1
Wed to Ivan McLeod, 06/23/1939:9
Dunn, Virginia A.
Engaged to Ivan R. McLeod, 06/09/1939:5
Wed to Ivan R. McLeod, 06/23/1939:5
Dunn, Virginia Alice
Engaged to Ivan P. McLeod, 05/26/1939:1
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
Dunn, Waldo E.
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Drowns in Fearing Pond, Plymouth, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Awarded silver medal for heroism from Massachusetts Humane Society,
Dunn, W.E.
And family move into South Middleboro parsonage, 06/26/1936:5
Resumes studies at Boston University, 01/15/1937:2
Attends Boston University, 03/26/1937:11
Graduates from Boston University School of Theology, 06/18/1937:11
Reverend circulates petitions against horse and dog racing and
transportation to private schools, 11/26/1937:11
South Middleboro pastor moves to Falmouth, 06/23/1939:9
Duphily, Lillian
Engaged to Albert Thompson, 01/01/1937:6
Duphily, Mary R.
Engaged to Dominick Bernabeo, 01/31/1936:6
Wed to Dominick Bernabeo, 02/07/1936:8, 02/14/1936:6
Duplissey, Albert
Wed to Doris Naomi Lewis, 06/23/1939:9
Duplissey, Albert H.
Engaged to Doris Lewis, 09/16/1938:8
Dupont, George N.
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Dupont, James
Engaged to Gertrude A. Gauthier, 08/25/1939:5
Wed to Gertrude A. Gauthier, 09/08/1939:5
Dupont, James Gerald
Wedding described, 09/08/1939:4
Dupont, Russell
Walk-Over Shoe Store clerk, 07/30/1937:1
Wedding described, 12/16/1938:2
Dupont, Russell G.
Wed to Gertrude W. Sherman, 12/02/1938:7
Dupont's Dress Shop
Sale of better dresses (ad), 02/08/1935:2
Duporier, Arthur
Forest Thomas' auto struck by Duporier on Oak St, 04/09/1937:1
Dupre, Alfred
Engaged to Emma Cabral, 02/24/1939:1
Dupre, Carl
Cuts foot on broken glass, 08/05/1938:11
Dupre, Gertrude
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:5
Wed to Richard White, 08/06/1937:7
Dupre, William
Moves from South Bridgewater to North Middleboro, 06/12/1936:8
Employed at State Farm, 05/27/1938:11
Durant, Oscar L.
Obituary, 11/12/1937:8
Durfee, Warren
Son born, 02/26/1937:6
Metropolitan Life Ins. rep praised by company, 03/12/1937:1
Joins sales staff at Atwood-Costello, 12/16/1938:2
Atwood-Costello, Inc. announce arrival of new salesman (ad),
Dutchland Farms
Opens at Rte 28 and 44 (ad), 06/28/1935:7
Proprietor Charles Brown stand held up at gunpoint, 09/25/1936:1
Holdup bandits identified by victims, 10/02/1936:1
Opening sale at Rtes 28 and 44 (ad), 05/07/1937:5
Onset and Buzzards Bay men sentenced for armed robbery,
Open for season March 19 (ad) (p), 03/18/1938:12
Dutra, Albert
Engaged to Josephine Dubee, 05/17/1935:1, 05/17/1935:2
Dutra, Albert A.
Wed to Josephine F. Dubee, 06/07/1935:6
Dutra, Alton
Son born, 07/22/1938:1
Dutra, Frank
Daughter born, 01/20/1939:7
Dutra, Joseph
Trucking, 89 Everett St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Murdock St couple married 45 years, 02/07/1936:2
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Named Sealer of Weights and Measures, 02/17/1939:1
Dutra, J.R.
Fire in shed on Everett St, 07/09/1937:1
Dutton, Edward
Halifax couple married 40 years, 01/22/1937:5
Dwellings - Fires
Chimney fires on France St and Everett St, 01/04/1935:1
Chimney fire at Benjamin's on Center St, 01/11/1935:1
Chimney fire at Jenks' on Pleasant St, oil heater fire at Belrose's on
Plymouth St, 01/18/1935:4
Chimney fire at Jenks' on Pleasant St, 01/18/1935:7
Five chimney fire calls this week, 02/01/1935:1
Stubborn fire at Old Red House at Wareham and Benton St,
Chimney fire at Hopkins' on Highland St, 02/22/1935:1, 02/22/1935:6
Chimney fire at Erickson's on Beach St, 03/08/1935:1
Fire guts interior of Warren Horsman's Wareham St home, 03/15/1935:3
Chimney fires on Lakeville and on West Grove St, 03/22/1935:1
Chimney fire at Harvey's on Cherry St, 03/29/1935:1
Defective oil burner causes fire at Gauthier's, 03/29/1935:1
Chimney fires on Bedford St and Wareham St, 04/12/1935:1
Fire spreads from fireplace to partitions at Tinkham's on Plymouth St,
Rubbish fire in cellar at Phinney's on Taunton St, 04/12/1935:1
Chimney fire at Bryant's on Raven St, 04/19/1935:1
Rubbish fire in cellar on Coombs St, fire in stove on Vine St,
Chimney fires at MacNayr and Peterson homes, 05/03/1935:1
Chimney fires on Wood and Rock St, 05/10/1935:5
Anderson house and barn on Plymouth St swept by fire, 07/12/1935:1
Lightning sets fire in Jones' Lakeville home, 07/26/1935:1
Chimney fire at Crist's on Thompson St, 08/29/1935:2
Chimney fire at Chase's on Rocky Gutter St, 09/13/1935:1
Bedford St home of Sophie Zion destroyed by fire, 09/20/1935:1
Samuel Shaw's home damaged by fire, 10/25/1935:1
Chimney fire on Chestnut St and Plympton St, 11/22/1935:2
Chimney fire at Fickert's on Plymouth St, 11/29/1935:12
Chimney fire at Gibbs' on Tispaquin St, 12/13/1935:1
Chimney fire at Pierce's on Wareham St, 12/13/1935:1
Blaze at Arch St home of William Cunningham, 12/27/1935:1
Chimney fire at Blouin's and at Mason's on Old Center St, 12/27/1935:1
Chimney fire Bryant's on Raven St, 12/27/1935:1
Fire at West St home of Frank Mackiewicz, 12/27/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Fire in McLeod home on Lovell St, 01/03/1936:1
Chimney fire at Swanson's on Rhode Island Rd, 01/17/1936:5
Chimney fire at Cunningham's on Arch St, 01/17/1936:11
Fire at Vickery's home on Pearl St, 01/17/1936:12
Two chimney fires on Forest St, 01/31/1936:7
Fire completely destroys Lakeville house of Roy Washburn,
Fires in home son Summer St, Fairview St, Tispaquin St, and Everett St,
Fires at homes on Plymouth, Peirce, and Cross St, 02/14/1936:2
Chimney fire at Thomas' on Chestnut St and Bump's on Vaughan St,
Chimney fire at White's on Plymouth St, 02/28/1936:2
Chimney fire at Cunningham's on Arch third this season, 03/06/1936:2
Chimney fire at Boutin's on Wareham St, 03/06/1936:7
Fires on Center St and Peirce St, 03/13/1936:5
Chimney fire at Thomas' on Center St, 03/13/1936:12
Chimney fire at Churbuck's on Elm St, 03/20/1936:1
Squad calls on Old Center St and Oak St, 03/20/1936:1
Chimney fires at Green, Churbuck, McCarthy, and Preti homes,
Karklin's summer residence on Vernon St destroyed, 03/27/1936:1
Chimney fire at Galanto's on Vine St and Allen's on Marion Rd,
Department responds to four chimney fires, 04/10/1936:1
Chimney fire at Austin's on Fuller St, 04/17/1936:1
Chimney fire at Robbins' on Wood St, 04/24/1936:1
Fires at Lakeside and on Southwick St, 05/01/1936:1
Chimney fire at Blakeslee's on Pleasant St, 05/22/1936:1
Gagnon's Lakeville home destroyed by fire, 05/22/1936:5
Fire at home of George Irwin on Webster St, 06/05/1936:1
Fire in building occupied by Edna Jefferson on Wareham St,
Fire in sofa brings entire apparatus to Cunningham house, 07/17/1936:1
Chimney fire at Girard's on Wood St, 07/31/1936:1
Chimney fires on Plymouth and Forest St, 10/30/1936:1
Chimney fire at Fickert's on Plymouth St, 10/30/1936:8
Chimney fire at Quindley's on Peirce St, 11/06/1936:1
Chimney fire at home of Royal Burgess, 11/13/1936:1
Chimney fire on Plympton St and Chestnut St, 11/20/1936:1
Chimney fire at Williams' at Old Center and Taunton St, 12/18/1936:1
Chimney fires on Vernon St and Mill St, 12/25/1936:1
Chimney fires on East Grove, Lovell, and Chestnut St, 01/01/1937:1
Fire at home of Mrs Charles Gay on Forest St, 01/08/1937:1
Chimney fire at Salminen's on France St, 01/22/1937:1
Department responds to five chimney fires, 02/05/1937:1
Department responds to three chimney fires, 02/19/1937:1
Chimney fire at Sloan's on Oak St, 02/26/1937:1
Chimney fires on North St and Rhode Island Rd, 03/05/1937:1
Chimney fires at home of Shurtleff and Lee, 03/12/1937:1
Arabella Bourne rescued by son as fire sweeps through residence (p),
Chimney fires on Vernon St and Forest St, 03/26/1937:1
Chimney fire at Lamb's on Pleasant St, 04/02/1937:1
Bourne's dog gives life to save family, 04/09/1937:6
Chimney fire at Alden's in Lakeville, 05/14/1937:1
Lack of water hampers firefighters at Lyons' in North Middleboro,
Etta Tessier's Fuller St house partially destroyed, 06/04/1937:2
Fire starts in oil burner at Lyon's summer home, 06/04/1937:11
Burning leavings spread fire to Summer St home of Norvel Scribner,
Chimney fire at Ray's on South Main St, 06/25/1937:1
Local firemen Phillip Sisson's home destroyed by flames, 07/23/1937:1
Chimney fire at Strojuy's on Precinct St, 07/30/1937:1
Summer home of Edward Finneran destroyed by fire, 07/30/1937:1
Fire destroys Kingman St farmhouse of Joseph Silvia, 08/13/1937:1
Peter Zakarian's small dog saves master's life, 08/27/1937:1
Fire caused by overheated stove at Alexander Heath's house,
Chimney fire at McCarthy's on Thompson St, 10/22/1937:1
Chimney fire at Old Stone House on Wareham St, 10/22/1937:1
Chimney fire at Drake's on Old Center St, 11/05/1937:1
Chimney fire at Nye's on Wareham St, 11/05/1937:1
Atwood's tenement on Thompson St destroyed, 11/12/1937:1
Department battles fires on Lakeside Ave and on Wareham St,
Chimney fires at Perkins' on School St and at Caswell's on Jackson St,
Chimney fire at Gardiner's on Fairview St and at William Thomas'
home, 12/10/1937:1
Fire department puts out four chimney fires, 12/17/1937:1
Chimney fire at Jenks' on Pleasant St, 12/17/1937:11
Chimney fires on Highland St and on Bedford St, 12/31/1937:1
Department answers calls to four chimney fires, 01/14/1938:1
Chimney fires on Mill St, Miller St, and Vaughn St, 01/28/1938:7
Chimney fires on Everett St, West Grove St, North St, and Smith St,
Department responds to four chimney fires, 02/11/1938:1
Fires on Marion Rd, Wareham St, and Plymouth St, 02/18/1938:1
Chimney fire at Bryant's on Plympton St, 02/25/1938:1
Chimney fires on Vernon St, Purchase St, and Old Center St,
Chimney fires on Benton St and on School St, 03/11/1938:1
Oil-burner flare up at Ballou's on East Grove St, 03/11/1938:1
Chimney fire at Carver's on Smith St, 03/18/1938:3
Glass jug starts fire that destroys porch at Jenkins on 70 Oak St,
Chimney fire at Roberts' on Pleasant St, 04/01/1938:4
Chimney fires on Plymouth St and on Pleasant St, 04/01/1938:7
Chimney fires on North St and on Plymouth St, 04/08/1938:1
Fire at Raymond's on North Main St, 04/22/1938:1
Chimney fires on Wareham St, Plymouth St, and Highland St,
Destroys house and barn of Norman Garnett on Rocky Meadow St,
Destroys roof of Page home on Miller St, 04/29/1938:1
Chimney fire at Jones' on Plymouth St, 04/29/1938:11
Fire destroys John Reed's home on Kingman St, 05/06/1938:11
Chimney fire at Scanlon's on Arch St, 05/13/1938:1
Fire in Merrihew's home on School St, 05/27/1938:1
Oil burner causes small fire at Tribou's on Oak St, 06/03/1938:1
Chimney fires on Wareham St and on Wood St, 09/02/1938:1
Chimney fire at Tosti's on Vine St, 09/23/1938:6
Chimney fire at Phillips' on Oak St, 10/14/1938:1
Fire in beams of Thompson home on Thompson St, 11/18/1938:6
Chimney fire at Alden Wilbur's on Wareham St, 12/02/1938:1
Fire caused by drying clothes on stove at Scholtz's on Center St,
Fireplace blaze spreads to partitions at Huntley's on Old Center St,
Chimney fire at Huntley's on Center St, 12/02/1938:11
Chimney fire at Walter Eayrs' on North St, 12/09/1938:1
Oil burner flare up at Murial Thomas' on High St, 12/09/1938:1
Fires on Oak St and Keith St, 12/16/1938:1
Chimney fire at Ray's on South Main St, 12/30/1938:1
Chimney fire at Quell's on Barrows St, 01/06/1939:1
Chimney fire at Furlan's on Old Center St, 01/13/1939:1
Chimney fires on Arch St, Highland St and Jackson St, 01/20/1939:1
Ell on Shaw's Plymouth St house destroyed, 01/20/1939:1
Department responds to multiple oil burner flare ups and chimney fires,
Fire demolishes Lakeville home of Edward Given, 01/27/1939:1
Chimney fire at Mills' on Highland Rd, 01/27/1939:8
Chimney fires on East Main St and on Wareham St, 02/03/1939:6
Chimney fires on North St, East Main St, and Plymouth St,
Department responds to four chimney fires, 02/17/1939:1
Chimney fires on Plymouth St and Oak St, 02/24/1939:1
Chimney fire at Saunders' on Wareham St, 03/03/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Oil burner flare up at home of George deBoer, 03/03/1939:1
Chimney fires on Plymouth St, Washburn St, and Murdock St,
Chimney fires on Plymouth St and Summer St, 03/17/1939:6
Two chimney fires on Bedford St, 03/24/1939:1
Chimney fire at Cushman's on Plymouth St, 03/24/1939:11
Chimney fires on Plymouth St and Miller St, 03/31/1939:1
Chimney fire on Cherry St, oil burner flare up on Center St,
Fire in partitions of Alexander Heath's Wareham St house, 04/14/1939:1
Chimney fire at Fabbri's on Plymouth St, 04/21/1939:1
Department responds to five chimney fires, 05/05/1939:1
Fires destroys Thompson St home of John Zilenski, 05/05/1939:1
Chimney fire at J.M. Foster's on Highland St, 05/05/1939:9
Roof fire at Pearson home on Wareham St, 05/19/1939:1
Carelessness with match causes fire at Center and Pearl St, 05/26/1939:1
Chimney fire at Holmquist's on Highland St, 06/09/1939:4
Chimney fire at Herman's false alarm, 06/23/1939:1
Painters start small fire at Baker's 72 South Main St, 06/30/1939:1
Fumigation on West Grove St mistaken for fire, 07/07/1939:1
Small roof fire at Carver's on Pleasant St, 07/07/1939:6
Fire destroys small house owned by Jacques on North St, 07/28/1939:2
Oil stove flare-up at Church's on Everett St, 07/28/1939:2
Chimney fire at Holmes' on Wareham St, 08/04/1939:1
Earl Holden burned to death in bed, 08/11/1939:1
Chimney fire at Bonzarni's on Cedar St, 08/25/1939:4
Fire on porch of cottage at Wood's Pond, 09/22/1939:3
Bessie DeMoranville leaps from window of burning home,
Chimney fire at Rotch farm on Highland Rd, 10/20/1939:9
Chimney fire at Perkins' on LeBaron Ave, 10/27/1939:10
Engine No. 1 called for four chimney fires, 11/17/1939:8
Chimney fire at Corayer's on South Main St, 11/24/1939:10
Fire in ashes in cellar at Sugarman's on Courtland St, 11/24/1939:10
Oil burner fire at Kerrigan's does no damage, 11/24/1939:10
Four chimney fires over weekend, 12/01/1939:1
Partition burns in Wareham St home of Alves Garcia, 12/15/1939:1
Chimney fire at Coreiro's on Center St, 12/15/1939:12
Firemen called twice for chimney at Maude Hammond's, 12/22/1939:3
Stove pipe fire at Gomes' out before department arrives, 12/22/1939:8
Two chimney fires and one roof fire over weekend, 12/29/1939:1
Chimney fires on Everett St and Wareham St, 12/29/1939:4
Dyer, Bill
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Dyer, Christine D.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/21/1936:7
Dyer, George
Moves to Bedford St, 01/20/1939:3
Dyer, John G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/21/1936:7
Dyer, Mitchell G.
Engaged to Natalie L. Bluhm, 10/08/1937:7
Wed to Natalie L. Bluhm, 10/29/1937:7
Dyer, Mrs Nathan
Obituary, 10/13/1939:5
Dyer, Peter
Paper hanger and painter (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Arrested here when pardon for life sentence revoked, 10/13/1939:1
Dyer, Peter A.
Wed to Elizabeth E. Sheehan, 01/24/1936:6
Dzengeleski, Joseph
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Dziedic, Stasia
Engaged to Robert C. Watson, 05/19/1939:5
Dziergowski, Alex
Middleboro AA player signs with major league, 09/24/1937:1
Eames, Doris
Wedding described, 12/27/1935:5
Earle, Harry E.
Obituary, 12/09/1938:1
Eastman, Olga Marie
Wedding described, 07/24/1936:8
Eastvale Farms
Wilfred Deane wins prizes at dahlia show in Boston, 09/17/1937:5
Dahlias win at New England Dahlia Show in Boston, 09/16/1938:1
Eaton (Mr)
Lets bog cottage to Robert Vickery, 04/09/1937:11
Eaton, Alice Hains
Obituary, 09/22/1939:5
Widow of Amos dies at age 91, 09/22/1939:5
Eaton, Bessie
Moves to Middleboro from Braintree, 12/22/1939:5
Eaton, Carrie T.
Students present pianoforte recital, 07/08/1938:12
Eaton, Carrie W.
Students present excellent program, 07/12/1935:8
Pupils present pianoforte recital, 07/10/1936:2
Eaton, Charles H.
Candidate for selectman, 12/20/1935:1
For a good business administration (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Oak St couple married 25 years, 07/01/1938:1
Asks questions of Spectator (l), 08/05/1938:11
Eaton, Chas. H.
Thanks Spectator for brief reply (l), 08/19/1938:5
Eaton, Clara W.
Alumni of Bridgewater State, 06/02/1939:9
Eaton, Edna
Text of address delivered over station WMEX, 06/11/1937:4
Eaton, Edna L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/03/1937:2
Eaton, Ella
Obituary, 04/08/1938:11
Eaton, Gertrude
Petition for probate of will, 04/09/1937:7
Trustees petition to demolish building, 03/17/1939:8
Eaton, Harriette B.
Birds boarded (ad), 02/08/1935:8
Proprietor of Wayside Dress Shop (ad), 12/11/1936:5
Eaton, Joseph T.
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Eaton, Lizzie F.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/08/1937:12
Eaton, Max
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Wedding described, 08/11/1939:1
Eaton, Max A.
New physical education teacher at Bates School, 07/01/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/08/1938:2
Eaton, Mrs Seth
Resides in Brookline, 06/24/1938:7
Eaton, Mrs William
Sister-in-law dies in Worcester, 03/24/1939:11
Eaton, Mrs William S.
Obituary, 04/09/1937:11
Eaton, Mrs Williams
Sister dies in Lowell, 05/15/1936:11
Eaton, Russell T.
Case of probation violation continued, 07/19/1935:2
Probation violation case continued, 07/26/1935:2
Non-support case continued, 07/17/1936:2
Fined $2 for failure to stop, 08/28/1936:2
Probation extended, 09/25/1936:2
Charged with robbery of cash from Heath store in Lakeville,
Gets year probation on 60 day sentence for non-support, 11/03/1939:2
Eaton, Russell Thomas
Files intentions to marry, 11/03/1939:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Adeline Juliet Marchesi, 11/03/1939:4
Wed to Adeline Juliet Marchese, 11/17/1939:5
Eaton, William
Fire in shed at Plymouth and Bedford St, 11/06/1936:1
Eaton's Express
Purchased by S. Forrest and Lawrence Smith, 02/07/1936:1
S. Forrest Smith & Son, 4 Pearl St (ad), 02/28/1936:5
Forrest Smith injured loading truck, 04/24/1936:6
Lawrence Smith denies rumors that trucking business to discontinue,
Eayrs, Carrie
Wedding described, 10/25/1935:11
Eayrs, Carrie C.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 62, 03/15/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 04/12/1935:8
Engaged to Wendell D. Fuller, 10/18/1935:6
Eayrs, Elizabeth F.
Engaged to Donald M. Kraus, 11/20/1936:7
Wedding described, 11/27/1936:1
Wed to Donald M. Kraus, 11/27/1936:7
Eayrs, Walter
Chimney fire on North St, 12/09/1938:1
Eayrs, Weston
Moves from Fairview St to Center St, 04/03/1936:1
Eayrs, Weston, Jr.
Foundation for new home laid on Webster St, 10/02/1936:11
Awarded diploma as Chevrolet mechanic, 07/02/1937:6
Weather not cooperative for viewing lunar event, 07/19/1935:1
see also Depression (economic)
Listen to the professors of economics (l) (John H. McNeece),
Lies!!! Lies!!! Lies!!! (l) (John H. McNeece), 03/20/1936:5
Townsend boondoggling plan (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 05/01/1936:8
The Townsend plan or boondoggle (l) (Burnett E. Anderson),
A suggestion for prosperity (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 06/26/1936:2
Townsend Plan questions (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 06/26/1936:2
Open letter to Rep Charles Gifford (l) (Burnett E. Anderson),
The Townsend Plan (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 07/24/1936:8
Constructive criticism (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 07/31/1936:5
Where is the money coming from? (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 08/07/1936:8
The two Townsend Plans, which do you prefer? (l) (Burnett E.
Anderson), 08/21/1936:5
Text of address delivered by Edna Eaton over station WMEX,
Social Security (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 12/17/1937:4
The Great Crash and ten years after (l) (The Spectator), 10/27/1939:2
Economy Store
Opens in building formerly occupied by Sparrow Bros., 03/01/1935:1
43 Center St (ad), 03/05/1937:7
Eddy, Anna C.
Trustee presents account of estate, 12/02/1938:11
Eddy, Charlotte
Engaged to John B. Howes, 10/16/1936:1
Engaged to John Howes, 11/20/1936:1
Wed to John B. Howes, 02/26/1937:6
North Carver folks attend wedding, 02/26/1937:11
Eddy, Charlotte A.
Engaged to John B. Howes, 02/12/1937:6
Wedding described, 02/26/1937:1
Eddy, Nelson
Actor is nephew of Mrs John R. Thompson, 05/03/1935:1
Edgerly, George T.
Wed to Mary H. Ferraguto, 01/04/1935:4
Edgerly, Mary Ferraguto
Resides in Newmarket, NH, 11/08/1935:12
Edmands, Bessie
Dies in Norwood, 08/05/1938:6
Edmund, Skipper
Biography, 08/28/1936:8
Edwards, Alfred T.
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
Dies at age 59, 11/11/1938:7
Edwards, Doris
Recreational director at Holyoke, 12/31/1937:12
Edwards, Maurice
Dies in Kingston, 02/18/1938:11
Edwards, Renfrew I.
Obituary, 09/18/1936:1
Edwards, Robert
Brother dies in Kingston, 02/18/1938:11
E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and Optical
Robinson gets new optical equipment, 04/12/1935:8
Robinson moves store from 113 Center St to 123 Center St,
Egar, Ralph
Held on $2,000 bonds for larceny in Marion, 11/06/1936:1
Egger, Arlene
Elected to English honorary society at Wheaton College, 11/01/1935:1
Attends Wheaton College, 03/27/1936:12
Graduates cum laude from Wheaton College, 06/25/1937:1
Private secretary to prominent cotton manufacturer in Boston,
Wedding described, 02/03/1939:1
Egger, D. Arlene
Receives B.A. from Wheaton College (p), 06/18/1937:1
Egger, Mrs Frank
Parrot, Socrates, enjoys freedom, 08/23/1935:11
Egger, Mrs George
Escapes train wreck in South Denver, 08/18/1939:1
Egger, Norman
Enters Boston University, 09/20/1935:1
Recipient of Anne White Washburn Scholarship, 09/20/1935:5
Attends Boston University, 02/07/1936:12
Editor-in-chief of Boston University magazine, 04/29/1938:1
Chosen for Phi Beta Kappa membership at Boston University,
Egger, Norman Francis
Graduates from Boston University, 06/16/1939:1
Egger, Philip
Church of Our Saviour vestry passes resolutions upon death,
Egger, Philip L.
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/15/1937:8
Egger, Phillip L.
Obituary, 02/14/1936:1
Dies at age 65, 02/14/1936:6
Egger, Phoebe
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Parmenter ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Egger, Virginia
Local film star in production of Movie Queen, 01/17/1936:1
Accepted at Weylister Secretarial School in Milford, CT, 09/03/1937:1
Graduates from Weylister Secretarial School, 06/03/1938:7
Wins award for scholarship achievement, 06/02/1939:1
Engaged to Earle C. Hockwald, 10/13/1939:1
Engaged to be married, 11/24/1939:3
Egger, Virginia G.
Wed to Earle C. Hochwald, 12/08/1939:7
Egger, Virginia Gertrude
Engaged to Earle Charles Hochwald, 12/08/1939:1
Egger, William
see also William Egger Co.
Umpires decision in final (l), 09/20/1935:6
Writes from Red Sox training camp in Florida (l), 03/13/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Employs Roger Eldridge at furniture store, 03/13/1936:12
Gambling mad (l), 07/17/1936:5
Employs Winfred Perkins, 07/24/1936:12
Pearl St parking conditions dangerous (l), 08/14/1936:2
Writes from Red Sox Florida training camp (l), 04/02/1937:6
Present day business methods (ad), 05/07/1937:7
Granted billboard permit, 07/16/1937:1
Selectmen okay sign on South Main St, 05/20/1938:3
Going to the dogs (l), 07/08/1938:2
William Egger service congratulated on new ambulance, 01/06/1939:1
Will not be open Friday nights (l), 10/13/1939:2
Awarded heating contract by John Cabot Club, 11/24/1939:10
Expresses appreciation to Fire Department (l), 12/15/1939:2
Firemen quell threatening blaze at warehouse, 12/15/1939:10
Egger, William - Furniture Store
Complete house furnisher (ad), 01/04/1935:5
History and profile of Middleboro business, 01/11/1935:1
Employs Frank Read, 04/26/1935:1
Celebrates 37th anniversary (ad), 12/17/1937:7
Occupies new quarters on South Main St, 12/24/1937:1
Moves to 14 South Main St (ad), 12/24/1937:7
Egger's Funeral Home
Efficient, dependable service (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Rooms enlarged and improved (ad), 08/29/1935:5
Thomas Tate resigns, employed in Wareham, 11/10/1939:10
Employs Richard Holmes, 12/22/1939:10
Elderly (see Aged)
Eldredge, Abner
Funeral held at East Brewster, 09/02/1938:11
Eldredge, Howard
Son born, 12/10/1937:7
Eldredge, Lydia Maria
Obituary, 09/25/1936:1
Eldredge, Roger
Son born, 10/14/1938:7
Eldridge, Bernard H.
Graduates from Wentworth Institute, 06/07/1935:8
Eldridge, Bernard Hull
Engaged to Caroline Andrews Packard, 05/19/1939:1
Eldridge, F.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Eldridge, Frederick W.
Obituary, 09/02/1938:1
Dies at age 52, 09/02/1938:7
Eldridge, Roger
Employed at Egger Furniture Store, 03/13/1936:12
John McNeece Republican candidate for Congress (ad) (p),
The Race is On poem by Elmer E. Phinney, 08/21/1936:11
Local polls record vote (t), 11/06/1936:1
Summary of voting in Lakeville, 11/06/1936:8
A few hints on the election (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 12/04/1936:11
The political campaign (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 11/04/1938:9
Elections - Lakeville
Results of annual election, 03/08/1935:7
Review of upcoming questions, 02/28/1936:1
Only 37 voters participate in primary, 05/01/1936:1
Candidates announced, 02/12/1937:1
Two veterans returned to office (t), 03/05/1937:1
Ina Washburn thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/05/1937:12
Ralph Baker candidate for School Committee, 01/28/1938:8
List of candidates, 02/18/1938:11
Edward Shea candidate for Lakeville School Committee, biography,
Results of annual election, 03/11/1938:1
Remains in wet column, 11/11/1938:1
Candidates listed, 02/10/1939:1
Twenty seven candidates for posts, 02/17/1939:1
To voters of Lakeville (l) (Howard S. Reynolds), 03/03/1939:11
Voters re-elect Williams, approve budget, 03/10/1939:1
Elections - Massachusetts
G. Ward Stetson announces candidacy for Representative, 05/08/1936:1
Local political gun fired with one candidacy, 05/15/1936:1
Stetson, Washburn, and Paun candidates for 7th District in MA General
Court (p), 08/07/1936:1
Paun and Picone out, Heath and McNeece in, 08/14/1936:1
William Blanchette announces candidacy for representative (p),
George Ward Stetson Republican candidate for representative (ad) (p),
Re-nominate and re-elect Representative Washburn (ad) (p),
Neighbors (l) (John H. McNeece), 09/11/1936:5
Up to the voters (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 09/11/1936:11
Lakeville Taxpayers Association sends questions to candidates,
Results reflect desire for honest representation, 09/18/1936:1
Stetson has good reason to be satisfied with endorsement, 09/18/1936:1
Stetson swamps Washburn by 2 to 1 (p) (t), 09/18/1936:1
Kendrick Washburn extends congratulations to Stetson (l),
Thanks to voters of 7th District (ad) (l) (George W. Stetson),
Stetson Republican candidate for Representative (ad) (p), 10/23/1936:2
George Ward Stetson thanks voters (l), 11/06/1936:1
G. Ward Stetson circulates papers for re-nomination, 07/22/1938:1
Nomination papers filed, 07/29/1938:1
Primary vote light here (t), 09/23/1938:1
One of largest voter turnouts, 3,731 votes cast, 11/11/1938:1
George Ward Stetson thanks voters of 7th district (l), 11/18/1938:1
Elections - Middleboro
No new candidates file papers, 01/04/1935:1
Brief glimpses of the candidates, 01/11/1935:1
Prospects for upcoming contests, 01/11/1935:1
Elmer Allan for treasurer/collector (ad) (p), 01/11/1935:8
Frederick Lobl for selectman (ad), 01/11/1935:8
George Donner for selectman (ad) (l), 01/11/1935:8
John S. Cobb for selectman (ad) (l), 01/11/1935:8
Samuel Breck for treasurer/collector (ad) (p), 01/11/1935:8
Candidates express views at open meeting, 01/18/1935:1
Robert Butler for School Committee (ad), 01/18/1935:2
Callan for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:4
Do not re-elect Alexander Heath (ad) (l) (Chester B. Churchill),
John Cabot Club endorses candidates, 01/18/1935:4
Allan Thatcher for School Committee (ad) (l), 01/18/1935:5
John S. Cobb for selectman (ad) (l), 01/18/1935:5
Voters must act wisely in upcoming election (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Allan for treasurer/collector (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
Butler for School Committee (ad), 01/18/1935:8
Donner for selectman (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
John Cabot Club endorses candidates (ad), 01/18/1935:8
Millette for selectman (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
Re-elect Samuel Breck (ad) (p) (Benjamin C. Shaw), 01/18/1935:8
Vote for Frederick Lobl for selectman (ad) (Nathaniel D. Ryder),
Recent campaign remarkable in many respects, 01/25/1935:1
Three new officials elected (p), 01/25/1935:1
Election officers appointed, 08/23/1935:5
Elmer Allan announces candidacy for treasurer/collector, 10/18/1935:1
Abraham Newkirk announces candidacy for treasurer/collector,
Profile of candidates for treasurer/collector (p), 11/22/1935:1
Field of candidates small so far, 11/29/1935:1
Selectman Michael Barrett seeks re-election (p), 11/29/1935:1
Moderator Fletcher Clark, Jr. seeks re-election (p), 12/06/1935:1
Three new candidates for treasurer/collector (p), 12/06/1935:1
Elmer Allan candidate for treasurer (ad) (p), 12/06/1935:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Heath and Thomas candidates for selectman, 12/13/1935:1
More nomination papers issued, 12/20/1935:1
Political guns commence to boom, 12/20/1935:1
Forest Thomas candidate for School Committee (p), 12/27/1935:1
Newkirk is qualified (ad) (p), 12/27/1935:12
Lewis Harding seeks fourth term as selectman (p), 01/03/1936:1
Next thunderbolt to hit town, 01/03/1936:1
Candidates Albert Thomas and Fletcher Clark, Jr. disqualified,
Candidates advertise (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
All eyes focused on upcoming event, 01/17/1936:1
Political advertisements (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
More political advertisements (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:6
Reward faithful service (ad) (p) (Barrett and Harding), 01/17/1936:11
Annual event shows record vote (p) (t), 01/24/1936:1
Battle over for another year, 01/24/1936:1
Selectmen approve election officials, 01/24/1936:1
Candidates express appreciation (l), 01/24/1936:7
Congratulations to Lorenzo Wood (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 01/31/1936:6
Expresses appreciation (l) (Michael M. Barrett), 01/31/1936:7
Selectmen call special election to consider Finance Committee,
Special election for finance committee discussed by selectmen,
Date set for election of Finance Committee, 04/03/1936:1
Election to decide extra funding for police station, 04/03/1936:1
Finance Committee subject of special election, 04/03/1936:1
Five candidates for Finance Committee in field so far, 04/17/1936:1
Seven on ballot for Finance Committee, 04/24/1936:1
Democratic voters elect O'Neil as delegate (ad) (p), 04/24/1936:7
Republicans vote for Picone as delegate (ad), 04/24/1936:8
Democrats out vote Republicans in pre-primary, 05/01/1936:1
Albert Heath thanks voters for support (l), 05/01/1936:6
James O'Neil thanks voters for support (l), 05/01/1936:6
All voters go to polls to vote for Finance Committee (ad), 05/01/1936:7
Finance Committee election draws small vote, 05/08/1936:1
Number of ballots cast for Finance Committee a disappointment,
Alfred Mack seeks post on School Committee, 11/13/1936:1
Barrett and Noble take out nomination papers (p), 11/20/1936:1
More candidates enter the field (p), 12/04/1936:1
Churbuck and Shaw file nomination papers (p), 12/11/1936:1
Tallman, Shurtleff, and Kenniston file papers for selectman,
Fagerberg, Clark, and Barden file nomination papers, 01/01/1937:1
Goldie Fagerberg first woman candidate for selectman (p), 01/08/1937:1
Review of upcoming contests, 01/08/1937:1
Charles Bates endorses Michael Barrett for selectman (l), 01/08/1937:2
Alfred Mack for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/08/1937:8
Re-elect Frederic Noble selectman (ad), 01/08/1937:8
James Houlihan ,elect as your assessor (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Forest Thomas files protest against Alfred Mack in upcoming election,
Alfred Mack candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:2
Michael Barrett candidate for selectman (ad) (l) (p), 01/15/1937:2
Elect Forest Thomas to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:5
Elect Fred Churbuck to assessor's post (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:12
Results see 26-year-old on Board of Selectmen (t), 01/22/1937:1
Review of results, 01/22/1937:1
Appreciation to voters (l) (Alfred R. Mack), 01/22/1937:8
Thanks to voters (l) (Frederic H. Noble), 01/22/1937:8
To the voters of Middleboro (l) (Priscilla S. Alger), 01/22/1937:8
Appreciation to voters (l) (Michael M. Barrett), 01/29/1937:2
Selectmen named officers, 09/17/1937:1
First round of nomination papers taken out, 10/29/1937:1
Romeo Millette first to circulate nomination papers, 10/29/1937:1
James Houlihan circulates nomination papers for office of assessor,
All qualified citizens feel free to participate, 11/12/1937:1
Local dentist John Hall takes out papers for selectman, 11/12/1937:1
Herbert Perkins files nomination papers for assessor, 11/19/1937:1
Sheldon Phinney files nomination papers for assessor, 11/19/1937:1
Twenty-two-year-old Ivan Stuart runs for selectman, 11/19/1937:1
William Tallman supports Millette for re-election (l), 11/19/1937:2
Frank Thomas runs for assessor's office, 11/26/1937:1
Harold Congdon, Jr. files papers for selectman's office, 11/26/1937:1
Bertram Thomas files nomination papers for Finance Committee,
Charles Giberti files nomination papers for selectman, 12/03/1937:1
Forest Thomas files nomination papers for School Committee,
Harrison Shurtleff files nomination papers for assessor, 12/03/1937:1
George Finch new candidate for selectman, 12/10/1937:1
L. Francis Callan, Jr. seeks re-election to School Committee,
Robert Butler seeks re-election to School Committee, 12/10/1937:1
Fletcher Clark, Jr. seeks re-election as moderator, 12/17/1937:1
Overview of upcoming races, 12/17/1937:1
Updated list of local candidates, 12/17/1937:1
A. Vincent Smith seeks seat on Board of Selectmen, 12/24/1937:1
Updated list of local candidates, 12/31/1937:1
To voters and taxpayers (l) (Romeo Millette), 12/31/1937:8
Battle lines drawn, 01/07/1938:1
Candidates explain reasons for seeking office (l) (p), 01/07/1938:1
Seventeen candidates file papers, some withdraw, 01/07/1938:1
William Blanchette withdraws candidacy for selectman, 01/07/1938:1
James Houlihan candidate for assessor (ad), 01/07/1938:12
Sheldon Phinney candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/07/1938:12
Get out and do your duty, 01/14/1938:1
Glimpses of 1938 candidates, 01/14/1938:1
Results to be announced at Middleboro Theatre, 01/14/1938:1
A. Vincent Smith candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Charles Giberti candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
James Houlihan candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
John Hall candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Romeo Millette candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Sheldon Phinney candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
A clean contest with outcome unknown till very end, 01/21/1938:1
Recount petition filed on behalf of A. Vincent Smith (l), 01/21/1938:1
Results of local races (p) (t), 01/21/1938:1
One of closest in history, 01/21/1938:7
Appreciation to voters (l) (Charles V. Giberti), 01/21/1938:11
Appreciation to voters (l) (James E. Houlihan), 01/21/1938:11
Appreciation to voters (l) (Romeo Millette), 01/21/1938:11
Declared winner Giberti still on top after recount (t), 01/28/1938:1
Malcontents want changes made, 01/28/1938:1
Recount will remove all doubt (t), 01/28/1938:1
Selectmen name election officials, 10/28/1938:1
Political pot starts to boil, papers filed, 12/02/1938:1
More nomination papers filed, 12/09/1938:1
More nomination papers issued, 12/16/1938:1
Additional papers filed, 12/23/1938:1
Little enthusiasm for upcoming contests, 12/23/1938:1
Twenty candidates file papers, 12/30/1938:1
The Spectator discusses upcoming contests (l), 12/30/1938:2
Gazette states policy on politics as election day approaches,
Local races narrow as day approaches, 01/06/1939:1
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:1
School Committee candidate campaigns (l) (Frederick W. daCosta),
Candidate for selectman (ad) (l) (Lawrence F. McCluskey),
Brief glimpses of candidates, 01/13/1939:1
Do not neglect duty to vote (l) (The Spectator), 01/13/1939:1
Sample ballot, 01/13/1939:1
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (l) (Fred B. Alger), 01/13/1939:2
Harding and Carver, continuation of sane and responsible town
government (ad), 01/13/1939:2
Lawrence McCluskey for selectman (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Candidate for selectman (ad) (Albert M. Heath), 01/13/1939:6
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p) (Bertram L. Thomas), 01/13/1939:6
Candidate for selectman (ad) (Toivo Erickson), 01/13/1939:6
Candidate for Finance Committee (ad) (Edward B. Thomas),
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (Frederick W. daCosta),
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p) (Virginia C. Smith),
Candidate for selectman (ad) (Lewis F. Harding), 01/13/1939:8
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p) (Lorenzo Wood),
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p) (Charles S. Carver), 01/13/1939:11
Results of local races (p) (t), 01/20/1939:1
The Spectator's preferred candidates win (l) (t), 01/20/1939:1
Candidates thank voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
New recall papers to be filed, 03/10/1939:1
The Spectator discusses proceedings of recall (l), 03/10/1939:2
New recall affidavits filed, 03/17/1939:1
Recall petitions to be filed, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen set tentative date for recall election, 03/31/1939:1
Recall election not to be taken lightly (l) (The Spectator), 03/31/1939:2
Shurtleff - Millette recall (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/31/1939:4
Experienced, honest men accept nominations for balance of selectmen's
terms, 04/07/1939:1
Recall election set for April 25th, 04/07/1939:1
Stetson and Atkins accept nominations for unexpired term of selectman
(p), 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
Recall election and realism (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 04/07/1939:6
To the citizens of Middleboro (ad) (Horace K. Atkins and George Ward
Stetson), 04/14/1939:2
Confusion among citizens about removal proceedings (l) (The
Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
The Spectator supports candidacies of Stetson and Atkins (l),
Warrant for recall election, 04/14/1939:2
An appeal to vote at recall election (l) (Anne C. Wyman), 04/14/1939:3
Qualifications of Atkins and Stetson (l) (Carl G. Kendall), 04/14/1939:6
Hiram Archer opposes recall election (l), 04/14/1939:11
Charles Sherman supports Shurtleff and Millette (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Atkins and Stetson speak for themselves (l), 04/21/1939:1
Citizens speak at campaign meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Do not lose sight of real issue, 04/21/1939:1
Atkins and Stetson have spoken (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Hiram Archer deplores recall election (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Shurtleff persistent in efforts to defend himself and Millette (l) (The
Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Archery, a noble sport (l) (Theodore N. Wood), 04/21/1939:3
Atkins and Stetson establish campaign headquarters, 04/21/1939:4
Millette and Shurtleff retained (t), 04/28/1939:1
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
No recall of ballots, candidates satisfied, 05/05/1939:1
Recall election and spending (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 05/05/1939:6
Discuss cost of recall election in closed session, 05/12/1939:1
Election wardens summoned in costs probe, 05/12/1939:1
Finance Committee approves transfer to cover costs, 05/19/1939:1
Selectmen fill election posts for 1939-40, 08/18/1939:1
Local political front impressively quiet (l) (The Spectator), 12/08/1939:2
Activity begins with six nomination papers in circulation, 12/15/1939:1
List of prospective candidates, 12/22/1939:1
Number of candidates steadily growing (l) (The Spectator),
Names and addresses of candidates, 12/29/1939:1
Twenty-one individuals in local contests, 12/29/1939:1
Candidate list nearly complete (l) (The Spectator), 12/29/1939:2
see also Bassett, Ralph M.
E.N. Niro (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Howard Maxim (ad), 01/18/1935:5
Hiram Benton in court for installation without a license, 02/15/1935:7
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Walter Lang, 616 Wareham St (ad), 06/10/1938:12
Walter Lang receives master electrician's license, 03/03/1939:1
see also Middleboro Gas & Electric Plant
Arthur Jenney attempts to reproduce Jenney arc light dynamo for Edison
Institute, 05/17/1935:4
Selectmen seek lower electric rate from Plymouth & New Bedford
Electric Co., 04/15/1938:1
Middleboro terminates contract with Plymouth County Electrical Co.,
Selectmen hold special meeting to discuss contracts for service to town,
Selectmen to ask for loan to build line to Rochester town line,
Town seeks PWA approval for new high tension wires, 07/01/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/01/1938:2
Selectmen seek federal aid for electric line, 07/15/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/15/1938:2
High tension line project approved, 07/22/1938:1
Grant for high tension wires approved, 08/12/1938:6
Spectator comments of new high tension wires (l), 08/26/1938:2
Face to face meeting required with PWA (l) (The Spectator),
Selectmen discuss warrant for special town meeting, 09/02/1938:8
Favorable action on high tension line, 09/16/1938:1
Selectmen act officially on power grant, 09/23/1938:1
Call for proposals to clear right-of-way, 09/30/1938:11
Issues with right-of-way discussed by selectmen, 10/07/1938:2
Open bids for line construction, 10/14/1938:1
Engineer inspector, Andrew Little, to locate here, 10/14/1938:6
All voters called to attend town meeting to correct vote on high tension
line, 10/21/1938:1
Town meeting approves high tension line again, another meeting in
offing, 10/28/1938:1
Praise for WPA project to trim branches menacing power lines,
Advertisement for proposal to build transmission lines (ad),
Four concerns submit bids for power line, 12/30/1938:1
Selectmen award contract for high tension line, 01/06/1939:1
The Spectator comments on selectmen's meeting(l), 01/06/1939:2
New high tension line in use soon, 07/28/1939:1
Town requires changes in high tension lines, 08/04/1939:1
New power line in commission, 08/25/1939:1
Elks (see Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274)
Eller, Meredith
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Elliot, Thomas
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Elliott, Alfred
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 06/14/1935:7
Elliott, B.F.
Sells stock and milk route to W.F. Fickert, 07/15/1938:11
Sells Rock place to Raymond Struck, 07/28/1939:6
Elliott, Cedric
Member of local police force, 07/22/1938:1
Elliott, George
Injured in head-on collision with Vickery on Rocky Gutter St,
Elliott, L_lia Shockley
Engaged to Arthur Lewis Guidoboni, 12/16/1938:1
Elliott, Leila
Wed to Arthur Guidaboni, 08/11/1939:1
Elliott, Lelia Shockley
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Elliott, Marion M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Elliott, Phyllis
Accepts post in office of Plymouth County Commissioners,
Elliott, Thomas
Resides in Quincy, 09/01/1939:8
Elliott, W. Cedric
Named as new patrolman, 07/16/1937:1
Ellis (Mr)
Lets Center St tenement to Everett Bodwell, 02/10/1939:2
Ellis, Alton B.
Notice to creditors of insolvent estate, 04/19/1935:5
Administrator presents account of estate, 02/21/1936:7, 07/24/1936:7
Ellis, Ben
Biography, 09/06/1935:11
Ellis, Benjamin
Biography, 05/24/1935:5, 08/23/1935:8
Description of homestead, 09/13/1935:11
Ellis, Charles M.
Obituary, 10/30/1936:1
Dies at age 73, 10/30/1936:7
Ellis, Cushing
Son born, 11/27/1936:12, 12/18/1936:8
Ellis, Cushing W.
Son born, 11/03/1939:10
Ellis, David Wellington
Born to Cushing W. and Madelyn Shaw, 11/03/1939:10
Ellis, Deane Cushing
Born to Cushing and Madelyn Shaw, 11/27/1936:12
Ellis, Elisha T.
Obituary, 04/16/1937:11
Ellis, Florence E.
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:2
Ellis, Hattie C.
Obituary, 03/26/1937:1
Ellis, James
Biography, 09/13/1935:11
Ellis, James Milton
Son of Walter baptized, 06/23/1939:9
Ellis, Joseph
Biography, 08/16/1935:8, 08/23/1935:8
Ellis, Madelyn Shaw
Son born, 11/27/1936:12, 11/03/1939:10
Ellis, Matthias
Biography, 09/04/1936:8
Ellis, Mrs Cushing
Resides in Auburndale, 03/25/1938:1
Ellis, Mrs Cushing W.
Resides in Auburndale, 03/03/1939:1
Ellis, Mrs C.W.
Resides in Boothbay Harbor, ME, 07/09/1937:1
Ellis, Nathan
Moves to Fairhaven, 03/18/1938:3
Ellis, Norma
Employed in Marion, 09/10/1937:11
Ellis, Norma V.
Wedding described, 01/13/1939:1
Ellis, Norma Vaughan
Wed to Charles Wallace Linhares, 01/13/1939:7
Ellis, Ruth Miriam
Engaged to Leroy F. Stevens, 10/27/1939:6
Ellis, Walter
Son born, 01/06/1939:11
Elmhurst Farm
Hubbard squash for sale (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Elocution (see Public Speaking)
Elsie Wells Beauty Shop
87 Centre St (ad), 03/27/1936:7
Elwell, Alfred M.
Obituary, 12/20/1935:6
Emergency Medical Services (see Ambulances)
Emergency Relief Administration
see also Works Progress Administration
Local allotment increased, 01/04/1935:1
First February allotment $4,000, 02/08/1935:4
Report of local administrator, 02/08/1935:6
Total February allotment $12,000, 02/15/1935:1
Allotment discussed by selectmen, 03/01/1935:3
Project to benefit orchard men, 03/08/1935:1
New grievance committee appointed, 03/22/1935:1
Rebuilding of Walnut St latest project, 04/12/1935:1
May allotment $14,900, 05/10/1935:1
June allotment $13,500, projects listed, 06/07/1935:2
Worker re-registration and reclassification underway, 06/21/1935:6
All projects stopped pending July allotment, 06/28/1935:1
ERA workers start sidewalk work on Cambridge, Frank, and Arch St,
July allotment of $13,500 arrives, 07/05/1935:1
July allotment made, no projects active, 07/19/1935:1
Swimming pool work suspended, mosquito control project begins,
New office on second floor of Chamber of Commerce, 07/26/1935:12
Allotment sharply reduced to $7,800, 08/09/1935:1
New federal relief legislation necessitates meeting on police station,
Building committee for new police station makes request for special
town meeting, 08/16/1935:12
Explanation of local projects (l) (Chester Shaw), 08/23/1935:1
Local allotment reduced to $4,500, 10/04/1935:1
Selectmen discuss projects and relief funds, 10/04/1935:5
Workers go to full time with additional allotment, 10/25/1935:1
Selectmen make transfer from reserve fund, 11/08/1935:2
Local office to close, 12/13/1935:5
Sewing supervisor Mrs Joseph Peck praised, 04/02/1937:8
Emerson, Henry
Collides with Heileman at John Glass Jr. Square, 01/29/1937:6
Emigration (see Immigration and Emigration)
Emma's Dress Shop
38 Montello St (ad), 03/27/1936:7
see also Civil Works Administration; Civilian Conservation Corps;
Middleborough Relief Association; National Youth Administration
Selectmen address discharge of women employees, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen to give preference to single individuals over married females,
The Townsend Club, is it crazy? (l), 05/10/1935:6
State to open employment office here, 09/27/1935:1
MA State Employment Bureau office at 111 Center St, 04/03/1936:1
Work available for youths under Student Aid Program, 09/04/1936:1
Those eligible for relief re-interviewed, 09/18/1936:1
A five year demonstration (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 03/18/1938:11,
Unemployment Compensation Commission opens office here,
State office relocates to Town House, 09/08/1939:1
Town manager wants space for employment service at Town House,
Endres, Charles
Cabinetmaker uses cigar labels in work, 03/20/1936:1
Endres, Charles E.
Obituary, 05/27/1938:1
Dies at age 73, 05/27/1938:7
Engineers and Engineering
State chemists retrieves buried samples for testing, 09/15/1939:1
Albert Rockwood in charge of bridge repair in Washington, DC,
Englested, Charles A.
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Dies at age 80, 02/11/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 04/08/1938:10
English, Edna M.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Edward J. McCarthy, 10/30/1936:7
English, John
Daughter born, 05/01/1936:7
English, John Bernard
Son born, 04/07/1939:5
Ennes, Joseph
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1936:6
Ennes, Olive
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/16/1936:6
Ennis, Benjamin
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 06/17/1938:11
Ennis, John H.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Eno, Leo P.
Liquor license application, 05/10/1935:5
Eno, Lillian
Granted liquor license, 04/17/1936:1
Eno, Lillian F.
Petition for sale of property to King Midas Chicken House, Inc.,
Application for liquor license, 03/27/1936:7
Eno Chateau
King Midas Chicken House now Eno-Chateau (ad), 05/21/1937:12
Wareham St (ad), 04/29/1938:8
Brush fire on Wareham St, 07/07/1939:6
Enos, Carl F.
Wed to Mary C. Lidi, 05/22/1936:7
Enos, George H.
Liquor license application turned down, 05/03/1935:1
Enos, Leo
Liquor license application turned down, 05/03/1935:1
Enos, Leo P.
Selectmen grant liquor license renewal, 05/10/1935:1
Ensworth, Forest
South Carver man dies, 02/05/1937:5
see also American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post; Concerts;
Lectures; Theater
Knights of Columbus hold carnival despite inclement weather,
Knights of Columbus carnival hampered by weather, but pronounced
success, 06/28/1935:2
Minstrel show at sanatorium entertaining, 11/29/1935:5
Catholic Order of Foresters' minstrels and dance benefit a success,
The Floyds, magicians, perform at high school auditorium, 05/22/1936:8
Selectmen refuse entertainment license to Dascoulias, 07/31/1936:1
Knights of Columbus carnival features many attractions, 08/14/1936:7
Chamber of Commerce announces program similar to Citizens Course,
Many attend John Cabot Club carnival at Depot grove, 08/20/1937:1
Middleboro Athletic Association presents sensational radio-stage show,
We're on the Air, 02/04/1938:1
Jimmie and Dick radio yodelers play to packed house, 03/11/1938:1
Standing room only at Town House for Jimmie and Dick show,
Selectmen discuss carnival permits for local groups, 03/25/1938:1
Nemasket Grange sponsors Jimmie and Dick of WEEI, 05/20/1938:1
The circus (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 06/17/1938:11
John Cabot Club and Knights of Columbus hold joint carnival,
Local Scout troop sponsors radio and amateur show, 12/02/1938:1
Nemasket Grange holds variety show, 05/12/1939:2
4th of July committee sponsors Mal MacNeil and his Texas Trailers,
Episcopal Church (see Central Methodist Episcopal Church; Church of Our
Saviour; South Middleboro Methodist Episcopal Church)
Erhard, Harry
Wedding reception held in Mattapoisett, 05/10/1935:7
Erickson, A.
Resides in Hamilton, 12/02/1938:11
Erickson, Antone
Chimney fire on Beach St, 03/08/1935:1
Chimney fire on Beech St, 02/05/1937:1
New Bedford man dies at age 52, 01/20/1939:7
Obituary, 01/20/1939:7
Erickson, Axel
Resides in Hamilton, 07/10/1936:7
Erickson, Axel E.
Petition to sell real estate, 09/15/1939:4
Erickson, Caisa
Petition for probate of will, 12/20/1935:7, 01/03/1936:8
Erickson, Caisa I.
Obituary, 12/06/1935:1
Erickson, Caisa Inga
Dies at age 85, 12/06/1935:6
Erickson, Carl
Resides in Peekskill, NY, 09/01/1939:8
Erickson, Carolyn Mae
Born to Harland, 12/15/1939:8
Erickson, Clarence
Stolen from behind store on Center St, 03/26/1937:1
Engaged to Lois Littlejohn, 08/11/1939:4
Erickson, Clarence E.
Wed to Lois Weston Littlejohn, 09/01/1939:5
Erickson, Clarence Edward
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:4
Erickson, Eleanor
Wedding described, 10/23/1936:11
Erickson, Ethel
Resides in Wellesley, 09/02/1938:2
Erickson, Ethel Mae
Graduates from Nurserymaids' Training School in Wellesley,
Erickson, Harland
Daughter born, 12/15/1939:7, 12/15/1939:8
Erickson, Harland F.
Wed to Myrtle F. Darling, 06/17/1938:7
Erickson, Harland Forest
Wedding described, 06/17/1938:11
Erickson, Helen
Engaged to Samuel C. Ryder, 03/12/1937:6
Erickson, Helen R.
Wedding described, 04/02/1937:6
Wed to Samuel C. Ryder, 04/02/1937:7
Erickson, Herbert
Mailman in Lakeville, 05/03/1935:8
Bedford St couple married 22 years, 05/07/1937:11
Erickson, Herbert F.
Bedford St couple married 23 years, 05/06/1938:11
Erickson, Louise F.
Obituary, 03/08/1935:1
Dies at age 79, 03/08/1935:4
Erickson, Matti
South Carver couple married 25 years, 10/25/1935:2
Erickson, Mrs Carl
Resides in Peekskill, NY, 06/10/1938:12
Erickson, Richard
Funeral to be held at home, 03/27/1936:6
Infant son of Herbert dies, 03/27/1936:6
Erickson, Robert
Wed to Tynne Kari, 08/20/1937:8
Daughter born, 03/18/1938:7, 03/25/1938:3
Erickson, Robert S.
Obituary, 01/27/1939:1
Infant son of Sulo Erickson dies, 01/27/1939:7
Erickson, Ronald
Engaged to Priscilla Kinsman, 12/04/1936:1, 04/30/1937:6
Erickson, Ronald Victor
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Erickson, Sula
Son born, 12/23/1938:7
Erickson, Sulo
Son born, 12/23/1938:4
Infant son dies, 01/27/1939:11
Erickson, Tauno
Collides with Providence driver on Beech St, 09/09/1938:3
Erickson, Toivo
Political pot starts to boil, nomination papers filed, 12/02/1938:1
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:1
Candidate for selectman (ad), 01/13/1939:6
Elected new selectman (t), 01/20/1939:1
Legality of actions discussed by The Spectator (l), 03/03/1939:2
Ernest S. Pratt Co.
New England coke (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Erwin, John
New home started on Precinct St, 03/05/1937:11
Employed at South Bridgewater State Farm, 04/29/1938:4
Erwin, Sarah Thew
Assawompsett House opens in Lakeville, managed by Myrtle Whitney
and Sarah Erwin (ad), 06/17/1938:7
Police search for prisoner missing from Bridgewater State Hospital,
Local police chief receives praise from State Farm, 05/24/1935:8
Pearce arrested here after escape from Medford State Hospital,
Wilfred Hill captured after jail break here, 10/13/1939:1
Wilfred Hill put on long probation, 10/20/1939:1
see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Commencement
Edward Colvin's DAR prize-winning essay, 04/19/1935:2
George Sampson's prize essay read for Nemasket Chapter DAR,
High school salutatory and valedictory essays, 06/19/1936:11
The First Schools in Middleboro by Andrew Wood, 11/20/1936:11
Essenwein, Lois
Wedding described, 01/15/1937:1
Essert, Frederick H.
Obituary, 05/08/1936:1
Dies at age 73, 05/08/1936:7
Estey, Nye
Daughter born, 06/10/1938:7
Estey, Nye D.
Engaged to Hattie M. Guild, 01/29/1937:1, 02/26/1937:6
Mr and Mrs Harlow Hudson sail for Europe, 06/07/1935:1
Bessie and Catherine Panesis return after 18 months study in Athens,
Henry Wyman makes 63rd crossing, 08/23/1935:1
Alice Jones back teaching after summer spent in Europe and Egypt,
Katherine Rotch sails for Germany, 10/04/1935:6
Adolph Rossbach sails for Scotland, 07/17/1936:12
Ellen and Jane Joyce sail for Ireland, 07/31/1936:12
Arthur Winslow and Mr and Mrs Robert Lowell sail for Germany,
Mrs Nils Malmquist returns from family visit in Norway, 08/28/1936:7
Jane and Ellen Joyce return from visit with parents in Ireland,
William Kennedy returns from 10,000-mile trip on schoolship
Nantucket, 09/04/1936:12
Arthur Winslow returns from European trip, 10/16/1936:5
Mrs John Annas sails for Scotland, 04/30/1937:6
Borsari, Woodland, and Fabbri sail for Europe, 05/28/1937:1
Edith Sheehan sails on board Normandie for France, 08/06/1937:1
Beatrice Drake returns from trip to France, 08/20/1937:11
Mary F. and Edith Sheehan arrive safely in Paris, 08/20/1937:12
Mrs Medardo Fabbri returns from tour of Italy, 08/27/1937:1
Mr and Mrs Frederick Lobl return from two and a half month trip,
Edith Sheehan welcomed home from trip, 09/24/1937:1
Frederick Lobl presents talk on conditions in Europe, 09/24/1937:1
Katherine Rotch travels to Germany, 10/01/1937:11
Earl Kelley returns from trip to Belgium, France, and England,
Allan and Ronald Thatcher depart for Mediterranean cruise,
Drevinsky and Giberti sail for two months of travel in Europe,
Virginia Lee Smith sails for three months of travel, then year of study,
M. Alice Jones sails for five weeks of travel in Europe, 07/08/1938:1
Anders Martenson, Jr. sails with uncle for Sweden, 07/22/1938:1
Mrs Edward Riley returns from Scotland, 08/12/1938:6
Katherine Rotch returns from a year in Germany, 09/02/1938:11
Josephine and Florence Giberti return from summer abroad,
Katherine Rotch sails for Germany, 10/28/1938:11
Helen McNeil sails for Scotland, 06/09/1939:1
Mr and Mrs John Nichols return from Europe, 06/23/1939:1
Ella Trufant leaves for trip to England and the Continent, 07/14/1939:1
Mrs John Annas, Jr. sails for Scotland, 08/18/1939:8
Helen McNeil describes warlike scenes in Dundee, Scotland,
Louisa Farrar sails for England aboard British ship, 09/08/1939:1
Farrar reaches Liverpool safely, 09/15/1939:1
May be safer for Helen McNeil to stay abroad, 09/22/1939:1
Helen McNeil writes of carrying gas mask everywhere, 10/06/1939:1
Mrs J.W. Annas safely home from Scotland, 10/06/1939:1
Arrangements made for deportation of Maina Texeria to Portugal,
American consul in Scotland helping to get Helen McNeil home,
Helen McNeil returns on SS Acadia after rough crossing, 10/27/1939:1
Helen McNeil feared hurricane would end trip, 11/03/1939:1
Evans, Chester
Daughter born, 09/16/1938:7
Evans, Jackson
Bonfire gets out of control on Fuller St, 03/20/1936:1
Evans, James T.
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Evans, Kedah G.
Engaged to Michael P. Karsen, 05/24/1935:4
Evans, Marguerite F.
Engaged to Leo D. Gray, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Leo D. Gray, 09/03/1937:7
Evans, Verna
Accepts nolo contendre on assault charge, 09/03/1937:2
Evany, Michael
Employed at sanatorium, 11/26/1937:11
Evany, Michael Edward
Michael Nickoloff petitions to change name, 03/04/1938:11
Everbeck, Mary E.
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
Dies at age 77, 05/29/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 06/05/1936:7
E.W. Harlow & Sons
General contractors (ad), 12/15/1939:7
Explorers and Exploration
see also Hawthorne, Roger
Harold Howes returns from MacMillan expedition in the Arctic,
Explosives and Explosions
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast at State Farm,
Oil burner flare-up causes shed fire at Nemasket Transportation Co.,
Roger Berger loses eye when bottle explodes, 01/21/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Smoke bomb goes off under hood of Constable Reed's car, 08/18/1939:1
Fabbri, Anne
Wedding described, 11/20/1936:1
Fabbri, Annie
Engaged to Amedeo Giberti, 11/13/1936:1
Fabbri, Annie T.
Engaged to Amedeo J. Giberti, 10/23/1936:1
Fabbri, Ida
Employed at town treasurer's office, 07/26/1935:1
Fabbri, Ida M.
Wed to Ronald R. Lewis, 05/15/1936:7
Fabbri, Leah
Employed at Church Coal Co., 08/23/1935:1
Fabbri, Medardo
Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 11/08/1935:12
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 04/21/1939:1
Fabbri, Mrs Marcella
Leaves for three-month trip to Italy, 05/28/1937:1
Fabbri, Mrs Medardo
Returns from tour of Italy, 08/27/1937:1
Fabric (see Textiles)
Fads (see Popular Culture)
Fagerberg, Goldie
Candidate for selectman, 01/01/1937:1
First woman candidate for selectman (p), 01/08/1937:1
Fagerberg, John A.
Petition for probate of will, 08/09/1935:11
Fagerberg, Roy
Swifts Beach cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Fagerberg's Garage
103 Everett St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Fahey, John
John Callan's The Last Supper on display at Tripp's, 01/08/1937:1
Fahey, John D.
Employed by undertaker Healey (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Funeral home at 246 Center St undergoes renovations, 05/17/1935:7
Opens new funeral home here, 06/07/1935:5
Public invited to open house John D. Fahey Co. on Center St (ad),
Many visit new business, John D. Fahey Co., 06/14/1935:6
Deputy tax collector Callan resigns to take post with Fahey,
John D. Fahey Co., new ambulance service (ad), 08/14/1936:7
Portrait painter John Callan presents The Last Supper to Fahey,
Donates winnings to Elks' Christmas fund, 12/02/1938:6
Fahey Funeral Apartments
John Callan passes final exam for MA Embalming Board, 12/06/1935:8
Faietti, A.
Tinsmith, South Main St (ad), 01/10/1936:12
Fireworks, John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 07/03/1936:12
Faietti, Albert
Joseph Lunskis charged with larceny from Faietti, 11/29/1935:1
Lunskis gets probation, ordered to make restitution in larceny case,
Faietti, Albino
Purchases block on South Main St, 09/29/1939:1
Faietti, Argentina H.
Engaged to Leonard J. Chestnut, 06/28/1935:6
Faietti, Eleanor
Engaged to Chester H. Rice, 05/17/1935:5
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Faietti, Eleanor R.
Engaged to Chester H. Rice, 06/07/1935:6
Faietti, Jean
Engaged to Leonard Chestnut, 05/10/1935:4, 05/24/1935:6
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Faietti Fashion Shop
Thatcher's Row (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Anniversary sale (ad), 11/08/1935:7, 05/07/1937:6
Oil burner flares, causes smoke damage, 01/07/1938:1
Stock sale due to fire (ad), 01/07/1938:12
Falconieri, A.J.
Manager of The Lobsterman's Dory (ad), 06/16/1939:10
Falconieri, Amelia
Obituary, 10/29/1937:1
Riveria, CA man dies at age 53, 10/29/1937:7
Falconieri, Antone
Fined $5 in window-breaking incident, gets 10 days for drunkenness,
Pays $5 for disturbing the peace, 08/20/1937:2
Assault charges dismissed, 12/31/1937:5
Probation continued, 01/14/1938:5
Fails to appear in court, 02/18/1938:2
Falconieri, Bridget
Obituary, 04/29/1938:1
Falconieri, Bridget Burns
Dies at age 82, 04/29/1938:7
Falconieri, Guerino
Joins U.S. Army, 03/15/1935:3
Enlists in U.S. Army, 05/10/1935:3
Engaged to Philomena Renna, 05/28/1937:7
Wed to Philomena Renna, 07/09/1937:7
Falconieri, Guero
Daughter born, 09/17/1937:7
Falconieri, Marie
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:1
Falls (accidents)
Cleon Bryant breaks shoulder in fall down steps, 01/25/1935:3
Augusta Shattuck injures hip in fall, 02/22/1935:6
Sumner Coolidge breaks leg in fall on ice, 03/01/1935:4
Alan Bagnell injured, 03/15/1935:5
Albert Deane fractures rib in fall from hay mow, 06/14/1935:1
Carpenter injured in fall from scaffolding at First National, 07/12/1935:5
David McLaughlin lacerates leg in fall from tree, 08/09/1935:1
Louis Ritter fractures foot bone in fall, 08/16/1935:1
Dana Judkins injured in fall from police car, 11/01/1935:1
Rose Pasztor injured in fall at local store, 11/01/1935:1
Coon hunter Jeffrey Joncas injured in fall from tree, 11/22/1935:1
Injured hunter Joncas improving, 11/29/1935:1
Injured hunter Joncas returns home, 12/06/1935:1
Frank Adams sustains head injury in fall at Brockton theater,
William Waugh badly hurt in fall from ladder, 07/17/1936:1
Alfred Travassos breaks leg for second time, 07/24/1936:1
Melville Matthews breaks arm in fall, 08/21/1936:5
Della MacFarlin breaks bones in wrist, 09/18/1936:8
Mrs Eli Goodman bruised in fall from car, 02/19/1937:7
Robert Fiske injured in fall down stairs, 02/19/1937:11
Robert Fiske recovers from fall down stairs, 04/02/1937:11
Genevieve Hollis files complaint after fall on Everett St, 04/23/1937:5
Helen Thomas bruised in fall down stairs, 07/09/1937:5
Frank Short strikes head in fall, 08/27/1937:11
Lawrence Riggs stabbed in abdomen as result of fall, 09/10/1937:1
Benjamin Lindsay suffers injury in schoolyard fall, 10/08/1937:1
Mrs John Savoy breaks arm in two places, 10/22/1937:8
Elizabeth Fies cuts chin in fall in library steps, 11/05/1937:2
Ruth Alden breaks leg in fall on Forest St, 01/21/1938:1
Arthur Smith breaks leg in fall on ice, 01/28/1938:5
Elbridge Dunham falls from tree at home on Pearl St, 02/04/1938:1
Arthur Smith breaks leg in fall on ice, 04/01/1938:4
John Silvia injured in fall down elevator shaft at Lucey Shoe Co.,
Mrs Devitt breaks hip in fall, 07/15/1938:11
Jenny Wright's injured arm requires 24 stitches, 08/26/1938:1
William Card injured in fall, 09/16/1938:8
Mrs Ernest Sukeforth falls backwards down flight of stairs,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Fred Johnson sprains back in fall from Edwin Gross' roof, 10/21/1938:3
Richard Parmenter injured in 20-ft. fall from ladder, 12/09/1938:1
Joseph Boudreau injured in fall from mow, 01/06/1939:11
Steps at Town Hall hazardous, 01/20/1939:1
Walter Savard breaks nose in fall while skating, 01/27/1939:8
Samuel Gomes falls from railroad bridge, 04/21/1939:1
Mrs Charles Tinkham injures ankle in fall, 05/19/1939:9
Mrs Luther Bailey fractures hip in fall, 07/21/1939:1
Annie Chamberlain suffers severe bruising in fall down stairs,
Everett Willis injures spine in fall down stairs, 08/18/1939:8
Painter William Bell dislocates jaw in fall from staging at post office,
Charles Thibeault injured in fall while playing, 09/08/1939:3
Mrs Frank Baldwin breaks hip in fall, 09/15/1939:8
Principal Burkland falls down stairway at Bates School, 09/29/1939:4
Mrs L. Littlejohn slips on steps, breaks leg, 11/10/1939:9
Barber George Correira falls from ladder while painting, 11/10/1939:10
Mrs Louis Littlejohn sustains broken leg in fall, 11/10/1939:10
Lizzie Maxim slips and falls on stairs, 12/01/1939:7
Fanjoy, Allen C.
Hirst's car overturns avoiding Fanjoy's vehicle, 12/04/1936:2
Fanjoy, Charles
Son born, 10/25/1935:6
Farley (Coach)
High school makes good showing the season (p), 12/10/1937:1
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Orange and black football season summary (p), 12/23/1938:1
Coach of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Coach of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Farley, Alfred E.
New civics teacher replaces Hill, 06/18/1937:1
Assistant coach of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Farley, Edward
Son born, 07/26/1935:6
Farley, Julia Worthman
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Dies at age 88, 01/29/1937:6
Farley, P.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Farley, William
Escapes serious injury after trapped in mud, 02/11/1938:1
Farm Service Stores, Inc.
Grain store looted of cash, 08/09/1935:1
Larro feed (ad), 06/12/1936:8
Roy West manager, 05/28/1937:7
Business closing, 11/26/1937:11
Employs Ivan Sparrow, 09/23/1938:1
Robbers find empty safe, 12/02/1938:1
Employs Ralph Tripp, 08/11/1939:3
Employs Freeman Taylor, 08/18/1939:8
Farms and Farming (see Dairies; Patrons of Husbandry; Poor Farm; State
Farr, John
Resides in Buffalo, NY, 01/10/1936:12
Farrar, Louisa
Sails for England aboard British ship, 09/08/1939:1
Reaches Liverpool safely, 09/15/1939:1
Farrar's Store
History and profile of Middleboro business, 03/22/1935:1
Rubbish fire at John Glass, Jr. Square, 05/03/1935:1
John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 10/04/1935:11
P.G. Reed builds addition for ice cream hardening unit, 07/10/1936:12
Super soda, John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 08/07/1936:5
Farrar team takes basketball championship of Fraternal League (t),
Winner of Fraternal Basketball League (p), 03/24/1939:6
Farriers (see Blacksmiths)
Farrington, Annie W.
Will in probate, 03/22/1935:5
Farrington, Annie Wise
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Florida woman buried at Nemasket Hill Cemetery, 03/15/1935:4
Farrington, Arlene
Registered nurse employed in Boston, 08/11/1939:3
Farrington, Gladys Rosalie
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:1
Farrington, James
Assault charge against Edward Harris filed, 06/19/1936:2
Farrington, Leon
Obituary, 05/27/1938:1
Dies at age 67, 05/27/1938:7
Farrington, Leon B.
Petition for administration of estate, 06/10/1938:11
Farrington, William R.
Administratrix presents account of estate, 03/27/1936:11
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/12/1937:7, 06/25/1937:5
Fasula, George
Son born, 12/04/1936:7
Fasulo, Aldo
Loses finger in mill at Rock Manufacturing Co., 06/17/1938:7
Fasulo, Joseph
Son born, 09/18/1936:7
Faulkner, James
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 04/12/1935:1
Faulkner, Mrs George
Obituary, 02/26/1937:11
Fava, Dante
Daughter born, 01/25/1935:4
Fava, John
Daughter born, 01/31/1936:6
Fawcett, Albert
Daughter born, 09/10/1937:7
Fawcett, Albert E.
Chimney fire on Summer St, 05/05/1939:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/14/1939:3
Fawcett, Albert E., Jr.
Wed to Barbara M. Slattery, 02/12/1937:6
Fawcett, Beryl
Engaged to Edward F. Corayer, 05/08/1936:12
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:1
Fawcett, Beryl M.
Engaged to Edward F. Corayer, 06/05/1936:7
Fawcett, Gordon
Son born, 06/25/1937:7
Fawcett, Gordon R.
Engaged to Ida Record, 07/12/1935:1
Engaged to Ida M. Kinickmen, 07/03/1936:7
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:1
Wed to Ida May Knickman, 07/17/1936:7
Fawcett, Henry
Moves to Miller St, 08/16/1935:8
Son born, 12/04/1936:7, 12/04/1936:8
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 06/04/1937:11
Occupies Jones place on Main St in Lakeville, 10/13/1939:9
Daughter born, 12/29/1939:5
Fawcett, Margaret
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/14/1939:3
Faxon, Lois
Obituary, 03/22/1935:3
Feas, Frederick G.
Public apology for weed bouquet (l), 04/01/1938:11
Feas, Frederick Gusdolph
Frederic Fies petitions for name change, 10/15/1937:8
Federal Aid (see Public Welfare)
Federal Housing Administration (see Housing)
Feinstein, Melvin
Son born, 06/11/1937:7
Petitions to change name to Melvin Fenton, 06/23/1939:6
Feinstein, Selma
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Car sideswiped at Old Center St and Center St, 02/14/1936:6
Feltch, Ben
Dies in Waltham, 02/17/1939:11
Feltch, John L.
Nephew dies in Waltham, 02/17/1939:11
Rock Manufacturing Co. capitalized at $80,000, makes Cape Cod fences
and wooden novelties, 03/19/1937:1
Fenton, Melvin
Petitions to change name from Melvin Feinstein, 06/23/1939:6
Ferade, Frances
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1937:8
Ferade, Francisco de Mederios
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/15/1937:8
Ferguson, Dorothy
Born to John, 04/28/1939:1
Ferguson, John
Engaged to Jeannette Howes, 11/20/1936:1
Daughter born, 04/28/1939:1
Ferguson, John A.
Engaged to Jeannette Howes, 05/21/1937:1
Wed to Jeannette F. Howes, 06/11/1937:7
Ferguson, John Arthur
Engaged to Jeannette Frances Howes, 11/06/1936:12
Description of upcoming wedding, 06/04/1937:1
Ferguson, Mrs John
Resides in Beacon Falls, CT, 07/09/1937:1
Fern, Daniel J.
Fined $25 for negligent driving, 11/08/1935:5
Fernald, Adelaide
Obituary, 11/12/1937:12
Fernandes, Ernest
Victim of fatal accident, 06/05/1936:1
Fernandes, John
South Carver man dies, 08/23/1935:2
Fernandez, Ernest
Fatal accident on Palmer road, 06/05/1936:11
Funeral held in Kingston, 06/12/1936:11
Ferraguto, Anna H.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/26/1938:7
Ferraguto, J.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Ferraguto, John
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Ferraguto, Joseph
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/26/1938:7
Charged with non-support, 08/26/1938:8
Not guilty of non-support, 09/02/1938:5
Ferraguto, Leo
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Ferraguto, Leo H.
Uninjured when car overturns on North St, 05/10/1935:1
Ferraguto, Mary H.
Wed to George T. Edgerly, 01/04/1935:4
Ferraguto, Richard
Enrolls in Northeastern University, 01/11/1935:1
Local man wins boxing match at Newport Training Station,
Ferraguto, Richard Howard
Accepted for enlistment in U.S. Navy, 08/09/1935:12
Called to active duty in U.S. Navy, 12/20/1935:2
Passes exams for U.S. Navy Machinist school, 04/10/1936:2
Graduates from U.S. Navy machinist school, 10/30/1936:1
Ferreira, Richard
Injured when struck by Duxbury autoist, 05/29/1936:1
Ferrini, Paul
Doctor at Lakeville Hospital, 07/30/1937:8
Ferson (Mr)
Moves to Bridgewater, 02/03/1939:11
Fertilizer (see Washburn, C.P.)
Fessenden, Edith M.
Obituary, 04/30/1937:6
Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1937:6
Fessenden, Mrs William
Dies at age 58, 04/30/1937:7
Fessenden, Richard
Son born, 07/02/1937:12
Fessenden, Robert Marshall
Born to Richard, 07/02/1937:12
Fessenden, William P.
Obituary, 11/19/1937:1
Amherst man dies at age 67, 11/19/1937:7
F.H. Sargent & Co.
Livestock feed and equipment (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Fickert (Mr)
Bartlett collides with Fickert's milk truck at Oak and Peirce St,
Fickert, Alfred
In court for adding water to milk, 05/03/1935:2
Guilty of watering milk, 05/24/1935:3
In court for weights and measures violation, 11/22/1935:2
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 11/29/1935:12, 10/30/1936:1,
Funeral for nephew held in Natick, 08/20/1937:11
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 01/14/1938:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/24/1938:11
Daughter born, 06/09/1939:9
Names daughter Sally Augusta, 06/16/1939:9
Sells Plymouth St home to E. Warr, 09/29/1939:9
Moves to Clay St, 10/06/1939:11
Fickert, Alfred H.
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Fickert, Norma
Quarantined with German measles, 03/20/1936:11
Fickert, Norman
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Starts course of study at New England Welding Laboratories,
Fickert, Robert F.
Petition for conservatorship of property, 08/18/1939:6
Fickert, Sally Augusta
Born to Alfred, 06/16/1939:9
Fickert, W.F.
B.F. Elliott sells stock and milk route to Fickert, 07/15/1938:11
Fickert, William
William Fickert & Son dairy supplies milk to flood victims,
William Fickert & Son install new bottle washing and sterilizing
machine, 04/17/1936:11
William Fickert & Son best in family milk (ad), 04/24/1936:2
Fickert's milk truck in collision with Lutaut's auto on Plymouth St,
Fickert, William F.
Heads state Manchester Unity IOOF, 05/20/1938:1
Honored with testimonial banquet, 09/29/1939:1
Fickert, Wm. F. (see Nemasket Dairy)
Field, Abby
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Field, Abby R.
Teacher transfers from high school to Bates School, 06/18/1937:1
Field, Lillian
Obituary, 12/08/1939:6
Wife of Stephen W. dies at age 51, 12/08/1939:7
Field, Lucy
Obituary, 01/01/1937:1
Field, Lucy Eller
Dies at age 85, 01/01/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Fielding, A.J.
Denies writing abusive letter to St. Luke's (l), 08/28/1936:1
Fies, Elizabeth
Cuts chin in fall in library steps, 11/05/1937:2
Takes first plane ride at age 70, 09/02/1938:1
Fies, Fred
And Charles Carver make repairs to Davis' Plymouth St house,
Fies, Frederic
Petitions for name change to Frederick Gusdolph Feas, 10/15/1937:8
Fifield, Cora Standish
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Figlioli, Margaret
Engaged to Reynold Laine, 11/11/1938:11
Fillebrown, Barbara Anne
Engaged to Oren Lathroup Brown, 07/08/1938:6
Fillmore, A. Wilbur
Bicyclist Nelson Russell tangles with Fillmore's auto at Lane and Center
St, 09/06/1935:6
Engaged to Ruth E. Coleman, 04/17/1936:7
Wed to Ruth C. Coleman, 04/24/1936:7
Appointed Scout commissioner for Annawon Council (p), 08/14/1936:1
Fillmore, Geneva
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Dies at age 69, 04/26/1935:4
Films (see Motion Pictures)
Finan, Anna C.
Dies as result of collision at Hell's Blazes, 08/05/1938:1
Dies at age 49, 08/05/1938:7
Finch (Mr)
Provincetown driver strikes pumps at Wareham St gas station,
Finch, George
Named new WPA coordinator, 11/18/1938:1
Finch, George L.
Accepts post as regional engineer for PWA, 06/19/1936:11
New candidate for selectman, 12/10/1937:1
Union Street School inspector resigns to take post in Bellingham,
Finn, Walter W.
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5, 03/13/1936:11
Finn, William
Petitions for extension of selling hours, 07/26/1935:8
Selectmen grant liquor license extension, 08/02/1935:1
Liquor license transfer approved, 03/04/1938:8
The Alamo owned by Finn's Inc., 01/06/1939:8
Finn, William E.
see also Finn's Sea Grill
Lottery case continued, 09/13/1935:2, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 11/27/1936:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/22/1937:11, 10/29/1937:7
Selectmen vote transfer of liquor license to Finn's Inc., 02/18/1938:1
Finneran, Alfred
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Finneran, Bertha
Wed to Silo A. Jussila, 07/28/1939:1
Finneran, Bertha M.
Engaged to Sulo A. Jussila, 06/09/1939:5
Wed to Silo A. Jussila, 06/16/1939:5
Finneran, Edward
Summer home in Lakeville destroyed by fire, 07/30/1937:1
Finneran, William
Stationed at CCC camp in Lewiston, ME, 10/04/1935:12
Finn's Sea Grill
Dining and dancing (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Slot machine seized in raid, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent gambling raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Lottery case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Restaurant marks 5th anniversary, 05/22/1936:2
5th anniversary (ad), 05/29/1936:11
Liquor license hour extension refused, 06/19/1936:1
Unusual mural completed at restaurant on East Grove, 08/07/1936:1
Grand opening of new cocktail bar (ad), 08/14/1936:8
Many attend grand opening of tap room, 08/21/1936:8
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Applies for extension of time on liquor license, 04/16/1937:1
Celebrates six years in business, 05/28/1937:5
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Fire Department (see Middleboro - Fire Department)
Fire Prevention
Jesse Carpenter spots Bridgewater fire from Barden Hill tower,
Sprinkler system in Ryder block tested, 05/03/1935:1
Exercise caution in the woods, 04/03/1936:1
No more permits issued for next 30 days, 05/01/1936:1
Radios installed in fire towers, 05/01/1936:2
No permits to be issued till end of May, 04/30/1937:1
No burning permits April 26th through June 1st (ad), 05/05/1939:10
Town ordered to fireproof scenery and backdrops at Town House,
Firearms - Law and Legislation
Police busy fingerprinting applicants for pistol permits, 03/27/1936:1
Malden driver involved in accident here arrested for carrying loaded
revolver, 05/15/1936:1
Revolver toting motorist held for grand jury, 05/22/1936:1
Gun-toting motorist gets probation, 06/19/1936:1
Arthur Rouse gets year on larceny charge, charged with carrying
revolver without permit, 02/11/1938:1
Adams, Pike, and Benson sentenced to Concord reformatory for
unlawful carrying, 02/18/1938:1
Benny's Auto Store licensed to sell, lease, or rent firearms,
Edward Kraus given revolver permit, 01/20/1939:8
Irving Westgate granted permit for revolver, 01/27/1939:3
Firearms Accidents
Joseph Lunskis wounded by gun shot, 11/15/1935:1
Edward Brackett shot through neck by 13-year-old Carl Matheson,
Firemen's Relief Organization
Holds annual meeting, 01/15/1937:6
see also Automobile Fires; Dwellings - Fires; Forest Fires; Industrial
Oil stove fire at Brook's Radio Shop, 01/04/1935:1
Chimney fire at Central ME Church, 02/22/1935:1
Fire destroys Pickens St barn owned by Alcidas Bissonnette,
Rubbish fire on West St, 03/29/1935:1
Brush fire burns Washburn's cranberry bog house off Plympton St,
Fire damages Park Cleansers, 04/19/1935:1
Rubbish fire at Farrar's Store, 05/03/1935:1
Blaze starts in cotton bales in Lakeville, 06/07/1935:1
Slight blaze on roof of Central Cafe, 07/12/1935:12
Fire in awning of Kaw-Daw-Cut roadside stand, 08/29/1935:2
Rufus Richmond's Vernon St barn destroyed by fire, 09/27/1935:2
Fire at Rotary Mill starts in overheated water heater, 10/25/1935:12
Rock barn owned by Walter Thomas leveled, 12/13/1935:1
Public Library damaged by fire, 12/13/1935:5
Smith St barn owned by W.C. Thomas destroyed, 12/13/1935:8
Night watchman Zakarian at fireworks plant severely burned,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Smoke and water damage W.T. Grant store, 01/10/1936:1
Fire in Goodman's brooder house on Plymouth St, 01/17/1936:5
One hundred fifty chicks die in fire at Beatt's in North Middleboro,
Fire at Betty Neck Cranberry Co. in Lakeville, 02/28/1936:2
Henhouse fire at Holmes' on Summer St, 03/20/1936:1
Rubbish fire behind A&P and at dump on Plymouth St, 04/24/1936:1
Four structures owned by J.A. McDonald destroyed, 05/01/1936:1
Residents thank East Freetown Fire department with help at
McDonald's, 05/01/1936:6
At public dump on Plymouth St, 05/15/1936:1
Fire in small building at Letourneau's on Wood St, 05/29/1936:1
Fire in shed at home of Kenneth Taylor on Center St, 06/12/1936:1
Fire in tree at corner of Nemasket and Plymouth St, 06/26/1936:1
Fire in Guidaboni's hen house on Soule St, 07/10/1936:1
Fire in tree at Taunton and Old Centre St, 07/10/1936:1
Rubbish fire on Wareham St, 07/24/1936:1
Fire department receives letter of appreciation from State Farm (l),
Large cow barn at State Farm completely destroyed, 08/28/1936:1
Rubbish fire in rear of Sherrard's barbershop, 10/02/1936:1
Fire in Eaton's shed at Plymouth and Bedford St, 11/06/1936:1
Tar kettle fire at town barn, 11/20/1936:1
Lang Block catches fire, 12/04/1936:1
Blaze in tar kettle at town barn, 12/11/1936:1
Fire destroys Bissonnette's store at 152 Peirce St, 12/11/1936:1
Fire starts in leaf pile at Dame's on Oak St, 12/25/1936:1
Two shed fires on East Grove St, 01/01/1937:1
Brooder fire at Hiel's on Summer St, 02/26/1937:1
Fire in Vincent Boucher's barn, 04/23/1937:1
Curiosity seekers cause problems, 07/09/1937:1
Fire in shed at Dutra's on Everett St, 07/09/1937:1
Blaze destroys machinery, hay, and three structures at sanatorium (p),
Fire in cellar of building behind police station and in shed behind
Soule's, 08/06/1937:1
Fire in old cellar on Plymouth St, 08/06/1937:1
Fires in Peirce barn and Soule's Furniture Store under investigation,
John Morrison puts out flames with blanket, 08/13/1937:1
DeMoranville barn in Lakeville destroyed, 08/27/1937:1
Serious fire averted at First National store, 09/24/1937:1
Fire department extinguishes burning leaves and Barrows and Harlow
homes, 11/05/1937:1
Two sheds owned by Michael Buttermore destroyed, 11/05/1937:1
Chimney fire at Colonial Casket Co., 12/10/1937:1
Chimney fire at old Star Mill, 01/07/1938:1
Fire in small building at Betty Neck Cranberry Co., 01/07/1938:1
Oil burner flares at Faietti Fashion Shop, causes smoke damage,
Oil burner flare-up causes shed fire at Nemasket Transportation Co.,
Fire at Edward Brown's filling station, 02/11/1938:1
Fire destroys Rocky Meadow Cranberry Co. shed on Purchase St,
Three-year-old Bobby Hartley saves self and garage from fire,
Fire destroys Pittsley's shed on Wareham St, 02/25/1938:1
Small hen house destroyed at Severance's on Ash St, 04/15/1938:1
Gilbert Souza's tractor starts fire in wood pile, 05/13/1938:11
Belben's barn damaged and auto lost to fire on Sumner Ave,
Corcoran's barn at Old Center and Vernon St burns to the ground,
Karklan's barn on Vernon St destroyed, 07/08/1938:11
Department called to Highland St, 08/19/1938:1
Fire on Maranville's Rhode Island Rd property, 09/02/1938:1
Fire in bowling alley beneath Blanche Carr's store damages stock,
Fire damages Park Cafe on Center St, 12/09/1938:1
Early morning blaze damages Kay Cut Rate Store, 02/03/1939:1
Fire in sawing machine trailer at Buckman's on Plymouth St,
Fire in roof of barn on Sampson place, 03/10/1939:1
Rock barn owned by Vincent DeJesus totally destroyed, 03/17/1939:3
Fire destroys DeJesus' Highland St barn, 03/17/1939:5
Fire at old landmark, Primo's Pastime, 04/07/1939:1
Blaze on roof of Royal Cafe at John Glass, Jr. Square, 04/28/1939:1
Chimney fire in Holmes' screenhouse on Wareham St, 04/28/1939:1
Oil burner fire at Boutin's barber shop, 05/05/1939:1
Paper fire at Thatcher's printing plant, 05/05/1939:1
Rubbish fire at Thibault's, 05/05/1939:1
Lightning strikes Sylvia's barn on Kingman St, 06/23/1939:1
Small fire in awning at Bob's Lunch on North Main St, 07/07/1939:6
Brush piles set ablaze at white banks on Assawompsett Lake,
Fire in rubbish pile at Alberts Shoe Co., 10/06/1939:6
William Egger expresses appreciation to Fire Department (l),
Firemen quell threatening blaze at Egger's warehouse, 12/15/1939:10
Call from dump on Plymouth St, 12/29/1939:1
Cause brush fire on Summer St, 07/05/1935:6
William Hadsel victim of only fireworks accident over 4th,
Night watchman Zakarian at fireworks plant severely burned,
Fourth of July committee awards contract, 06/05/1936:1
A. Faietti, John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 07/03/1936:12
Peter Zakarian awarded $10,000 in fireworks plant suit, 11/27/1936:1
Selectmen grant permits for sales, 06/25/1937:2
Dangerous 4th of July trick (l) (A. Whitman Higgins), 07/09/1937:2
Selectmen regulate sales, lower license fees, 06/24/1938:1
First Church of Christ
Holds annual Thanksgiving service, 11/27/1936:8
Judge Hill presents lecture on Christian Science, 04/14/1939:1
First Congregational Church
Votes to forgo Ancestors' Day celebration (l), 07/26/1935:2
Hosts 500th session of Plymouth County Neighborhood Convention,
Holds annual meeting, 12/25/1936:5
Painting of church presented by Mrs William Soule, 01/15/1937:1
Holds annual parish meeting, 04/30/1937:2
Hosts 514th Neighborhood convention, 06/18/1937:5
First National Stores, Inc.
Three more youths arrested for break-in, 01/25/1935:1
Carpenter injured in fall from scaffolding, 07/12/1935:5
Two minors arrested in breaks Saunders' Hardware and First National
store, 01/17/1936:1
Serious fire averted at Center St store, 09/24/1937:1
First Unitarian Church
Rev Helvie resigns, 03/29/1935:1
Text of Alliance Sunday sermon by Mrs A.W. Littlefield, 04/12/1935:7
Rev Helvie's resignation accepted, 04/19/1935:8
Alice Gerrish fills post on parish committee, 11/01/1935:1
Issues call to Rev Adolph Rossbach, 11/08/1935:2
Adolph Rossbach accepts call, 11/15/1935:6
Adolph Rossbach new minister (p), 11/22/1935:1
Women's Alliance holds 5th annual Children's Party, 02/14/1936:6
Holds annual meeting, 04/10/1936:1
Woman's Alliance holds annual spring luncheon, 05/01/1936:1
Beneficiary of William L. Soule's will, 10/16/1936:1
Branch Alliance holds annual meeting, 03/26/1937:7
Society hold annual meeting, 04/09/1937:6
Laymen's League presents musical, 05/07/1937:2
Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1938:1
Laymen's League presents annual musical, 05/27/1938:5
Rev Helvie accepts call to Milford church (p), 08/19/1938:1
To organize Young People's Religious Union, 11/18/1938:4
Passes resolutions upon death of Granville Tillson, 01/06/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Laymen's League passes resolutions upon death of Granville Tillson,
Holds anniversary services, 03/10/1939:11
Holds annual meeting, 04/07/1939:6
Presents annual musicale, 04/07/1939:8
Evening Alliance holds annual meeting, 05/05/1939:2
Fish, A.D.
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Fish bowl only thing intake after hurricane hits cottage, 09/30/1938:6
Fish, Alphonse D.
Lang Block catches fire, 12/04/1936:1
Fish, Alphonso D.
Restaurant owner plans to raze property at Four Corners, 10/20/1939:1
Glittering new diner arrives, in position at Four Corners, 12/15/1939:1
Fish, Alphonso David
Injured when auto strikes tree on West Grove St, 04/10/1936:1
Fish, Beverly
Mrs Robert Fish makes denial of daughter's reported engagement,
Fish, Beverly T.
Wed to Irving G. Murray, 01/06/1939:1
Fish, Carolyn
Nurse at St. Luke's, 07/19/1935:1
Engaged to John Callan, 11/01/1935:2
Fish, Carolyn E.
Wedding described, 11/22/1935:1
Wed to John M. Callan, 11/22/1935:6
Fish, Donald
Attends New England Conservatory of Music, 02/22/1935:1
Completes 3-year construction of model Napoleonic coach,
Wins radio audition, 02/25/1938:1
Makes own arrangements and play with originality on radio,
Glittering new diner arrives, in position at Four Corners, 12/15/1939:1
Fish, Joseph N.
Awarded contract for Taunton Nurses' Home, 10/02/1936:1
Fish, Kenneth
Employed at Middleboro Laundry, 10/09/1936:1
Fish, Marion I.
Wedding described, 10/20/1939:1
Wed to Ernest Mendenhall, 10/20/1939:5
Fish, Mrs Robert
Makes denial of daughter's reported engagement, 12/02/1938:7
Fish, Nellie
Resides in Athol, 04/14/1939:1, 08/04/1939:1
Fish, Robert
Obituary, 07/10/1936:1
Dies at age 48, 07/10/1936:7
Moves to Washington, DC, 11/26/1937:1
Fish, Wilfred T.
Suffers a stroke, 01/25/1935:1
Fish Markets
People's Fish Market, 139 Center St (ad), 03/01/1935:8
A.L. Champlin, Cotuit oysters are in season (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Sea Gull re-opens on West Grove St (ad), 07/17/1936:12
The Lobsterman's Dory, Ripley proprietor, Falconieri manager (ad),
Champlin's store closes after 40 years of service, 08/11/1939:1
Fisher, Agnes
Wed to Raymond Chamberlain, 05/24/1935:1
Fisher, Mrs Jessie
Accepts post at St. Luke's, 10/27/1939:6
Fishes and Fishing
see also Herring - Middleboro; Middleboro Fish and Game Protective
T. Clifford Salter takes 5 lb.-2 oz. bass from Assawompsett,
Town clerk's financial report (t), 01/22/1937:11
State workmen stock Lakeville streams with trout, 04/15/1938:8
Preston Robbins catches 4-lb. bass in Long Pond, 09/02/1938:11
Goldfish swallowing craze hits town, 03/31/1939:1
Fisk, Allan
Son born, 08/11/1939:6
Fisk, Allen
Resides in New York City, 07/19/1935:1
Fisk, Allen A.
Resides in New York City, 09/18/1936:1
Fiske (Mr)
Slater and Crowier purchases property on Bedford St, 09/18/1936:6
Fiske, Allan
Son born, 08/04/1939:7
Fiske, Donald
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Daughter born, 08/18/1939:5
Fiske, Mrs Ray
Resides in Hyannis, 04/21/1939:1
Fiske, Robert
Daughter born, 06/28/1935:6
Move from Kingman St to Lakeside, 10/23/1936:6
Fiske, Robert R.
Injured in fall down stairs, 02/19/1937:11
Recovers from fall down stairs, 04/02/1937:11
Lakeside Ave couple married 4 years, 03/18/1938:11
Fiske, Thacher
Wed to Dorothy Gammons, 07/17/1936:12
Fiske, Thacher Heath
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:1
Fitting, Charles
Member of Taunton National Guard, 10/07/1938:11, 09/01/1939:2
Fitting, David
Member of Taunton National Guard, 10/07/1938:11, 09/01/1939:2
Fitton, Alfred
Youngster runs into Gregory's car at Courtland and Oak St,
Fitzgerald, Bernard J.
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:1
Fitzgerald, Bernard James
Engaged to Lois Aldrich Gammons, 11/11/1938:1
Fitzsimmons, Mary
Collides with Frank Harris on East Main St, 07/29/1938:1
Flag Day
Elks hold annual program, 06/21/1935:2
Elks hold exercises, 06/18/1937:1
Over 100 attend ceremonies at Elks' Home, 06/17/1938:1
Women's Relief Corps presents flag to Townsend Club, 08/02/1935:5
Nazi flag flown at high school as Halloween prank, 11/03/1939:1
Flaherty, John C.
Promoted to Chief Engineer of Metropolitan District Commission at
Quabbin Reservoir, 12/09/1938:1
Flanders, Bert
Purchases Horatio Thomas Place on Smith St, 11/08/1935:2
Flanders, B.W.
Treasurer and general manager of Flanders & Woodward Poultry Farm,
Inc., 06/16/1939:2
Flanders, Stuart
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Flanders, Wilmot
Student at University of Alabama, 07/12/1935:2
Flanders & Woodward Poultry Farm, Inc.
Rock concern covers 12 acres, includes 37 poultry houses, 06/16/1939:2
Homestead Grocery exclusive agents for local poultry (ad),
Flander's Chicken House
Restaurant opens in Rock, 06/30/1939:1
Vera Anderson dining room manager, 06/30/1939:5
Johnson and Tresback provide strictly homecooked meals (ad),
Closes successful season in Rock, 09/08/1939:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Closed for season on September 10th, 09/08/1939:7
Flanders Farm
South Middleboro (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Flash Gordon News Club
Middleboro Gazette and Middleboro Theatre form club for kids,
Fleming, Adeline J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/11/1936:7, 06/23/1939:4
Flood, Hazel A. Pickersin
Wed to Anton Freitas, 08/29/1935:6
Flood, Richard
Four-year-old struck by auto, 07/02/1937:1
Middleboro men participate in flood relief in Northampton,
Emergency flood relief committee organizes, 03/27/1936:1
More Middleboro men and trucks assigned to flood area, 03/27/1936:1
Please give, 03/27/1936:5
Former local man Wilbur Ray assisting in flood area, 03/27/1936:6
William Fickert & Son dairy supplies milk to flood victims,
New total for flood relief $1,335.82, 04/03/1936:1
Tag Day committee reports success, 04/03/1936:1
Letter of appreciation from Red Cross national headquarters (l),
Local Red Cross holds emergency appeal for flood victims (l),
Scouts will collect offerings for flood victims, 01/29/1937:1
Elk's benefit bingo for flood victims raises $150, 02/05/1937:1
Middleboro exceeds relief quota by $50, 02/05/1937:1
Winthrop-Atkins Co. sales manager Cross gets glimpse of flood area,
Flora M. Clark School
Dora Cobb teacher, 09/06/1935:2
PTA requests repairs to school, 10/20/1939:1
Flower Shop
Mr and Mrs William Frost closes the Flower Shop for the winter,
see also Creedon (Mr); Leland's Flower Shop; Nurseries (plant)
Quality Hill Flower Shop sold to A.R. Parker Co., 03/29/1935:6
Harlas Cushman has gladioli on display at Boston flower show,
Middleboro Garden Club sponsors spectacular flower show,
Kelley's peonies, Bridge St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
A.E. Thomas has dandelion in full bloom, 11/15/1935:5
Rose garden on Peirce St in bloom, 11/22/1935:12
Minnie Russell picks pansies from yard, 04/03/1936:8
Tony Galanto, pansies for sale (ad), 04/24/1936:12
Pink rambler roses abound in Old Depot Grove, 07/10/1936:1
Lauretta Thomas has Easter lily in bloom, 10/23/1936:1
Dandelions in bloom in North Middleboro, 01/08/1937:1
Harold Campbell picks dandelion in January, 01/08/1937:1
John Kelley picks dandelions and daffodils, 01/15/1937:8
Mr and Mrs William Frost close the Flower Shop for the winter,
W.C. Vickery, dahlia and gladiolus bulbs (ad), 03/26/1937:12
Mr and Mrs C. Ernest Aubrey open flower shop on South Main St,
Aubrey's Flower Shop, 2 South Main St (ad), 05/07/1937:12
F.M. Gibbs Florist Shop moves to new South Main St location (ad),
Eastvale Farms wins prizes at dahlia show in Boston, 09/17/1937:5
Mrs William Murphy's roses bloom in mild weather, 11/19/1937:1
Dandelions and quince bushes in bloom, 12/10/1937:8
Aubrey's Flower Shop ships roses to Tulsa and Oklahoma City,
William Frost opens shop for season, 05/06/1938:8
Eastvale Farms dahlias win at New England Dahlia Show in Boston,
J. Herbert Alexander among exhibitors at Eastern States Exhibition,
Mrs Burpee Crowell's roses bloom in unseasonable warm weather,
Mrs Everett Grant picks violets, 12/02/1938:1
Cape Cod Floral Supply, Marie DeWolf designer, 64 Centre St (ad),
Wilfred Deane wins high honors at Dahlia Show, 09/15/1939:1
J. Herbert Alexander distributes dozens of dahlias to stores and homes,
Floyd, H.C.
Builds new house on site of fire on Wareham St, 06/19/1936:8
Flynn, Thomas J.
Daughter born, 01/04/1935:4
Flynn, William J.
Obituary, 03/01/1935:1
Dies at age 64, 03/01/1935:4
F.M. Gibbs Florist Shop
Moves to new South Main St location (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Foist, Nellie A.
Obituary, 02/04/1938:11
Petition for probate of will, 02/11/1938:2
Follansbee, Arthur
Resides in Boston, 06/04/1937:11
Follansbee, Edith
Resides in Boston, 06/04/1937:11
Resides in Waverly, 10/21/1938:11
Follansbee, Richard
Resides in Waverly, 10/21/1938:11
see also Dairies; Fruit; Poultry; Vegetables
To health editor of Gazette (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 12/30/1938:5
Local police provide escort for food truck, 09/08/1939:1
Hidden taxes total $78,780 for Middleboro folks, 09/29/1939:2
Food Industry
New firm, Middleboro Manufacturing Co., organizes, 08/27/1937:1
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc. files articles of incorporation, 09/10/1937:1
Middleboro Manufacturing Co., 1 Spencer St (ad), 09/24/1937:12
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc. send clam chowder as far as Chicago,
Old chowder recipe basis of new business, Cape Cod Cooks, Inc.,
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc, 34-36 Pearl St (ad), 11/05/1937:7
see also Middleborough Memorial High School - Sports
Call issued by manager Trinque for candidates, 07/26/1935:1
Town team holds first practice, 08/02/1935:1
Town team practices scheduled, 09/06/1935:1
Park Commission sanctions Sunday ball, 09/27/1935:1
Head coach Raymond Draghetti amasses enviable record at Brattleboro
High school (t), 11/29/1935:1
Town team sponsors dance, 01/10/1936:5
Several hundred couples enjoy 7th annual dance, 12/25/1936:2
Town team calls for first practice, 09/03/1937:1
"Shine" Hall supervises town team practice, 09/10/1937:6
New club includes many former high school players, 10/08/1937:6
New team gets little support, 10/15/1937:1
Town team opens season, 09/30/1938:6
Varsity club forms here, 10/06/1939:1
Semi-pro team makes debut here, 10/13/1939:4
Varsity club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Greg Mitrakas a hero in win at Manchester, NH, 10/27/1939:9
Varsity Club undefeated (p), 12/08/1939:11
Middleboro Varsity Club holds first annual meeting, 12/15/1939:11
Forand, Oscar H.
Engaged to Adela Tomasik, 04/28/1939:5
Forbes, Esther Dennett
Son born, 06/09/1939:4
Forbes, John
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Employed in Middleboro, 11/26/1937:11
Son born, 06/09/1939:4
Forcier, Helen
Engaged to Raymond Fortin, 10/27/1939:4
Forcier, Helen M.
Wedding described, 12/08/1939:3
Wed to Frederick B. Fortin, 12/08/1939:7
Ford, William Channing
Petitions court to change name from William Millard Moses,
Forest Fires
Brush fire near Rocky Meadow and Plymouth St, 03/22/1935:1
Brush fires in Rock section and on Wood St, 03/29/1935:1
Grass fire at Green's on Bedford St and on Benson St, 03/29/1935:1
Brush fire burns Washburn's cranberry bog house off Plympton St,
Grass fire in Beach St section, 04/26/1935:5
Brush fires off Taunton St, on Soule St, and near dump, 05/03/1935:1
Grass fire on South Main St, 05/24/1935:4
Brush fire on Highland St, 07/05/1935:1
Brush fire on Summer St due to fireworks, 07/05/1935:6
Brush fires on Acorn St and Rocky Meadow St, 07/12/1935:2
Grass fire on Thomas St, 09/27/1935:12
Brush fire off Cherry St, 10/18/1935:1
Brush fire near Rotary Mill, 10/25/1935:12
Brush fires on France St and Stone St, 11/01/1935:5
Stubborn blaze off West Grove St, 11/01/1935:11
Bonfire gets out of control at Evans' on Fuller St, 03/20/1936:1
Grass fire near old Wappanucket school, 03/20/1936:1
Brush fire in North Lakeville, 03/27/1936:1
Grass fire near Cross St bridge, 03/27/1936:1
Rash of brush and grass fires, 04/03/1936:1
Brush fire on Bedford St, 04/10/1936:1
Brush fires on Barden Hill, Wareham St, and Hillside Ave,
Grass fire on Plymouth St, 04/24/1936:1
Brush fire on North St, 05/01/1936:1
Brush fires on Marion Rd and Plympton St; grass fires on Plympton St
and Wareham St, 05/15/1936:1
Brush fires on Everett St, near Rock Station, and in South Middleboro,
Department responds to multiple calls, 05/29/1936:1
Brush fire on Rock St, grass fire on Wareham St, and woods fire on
Thompson St, 06/05/1936:1
Brush fires on Wareham St, South Main St, and Plymouth St,
Grass fire on Plymouth St and on Wareham St, 06/12/1936:1
Brush fire near Lakeville-Middleboro line, 07/17/1936:1
Brush fire near Rotary Mill, 08/21/1936:1
Brush fire at North and Everett St, 10/23/1936:1
Leaf pile fire on Frank St, 11/06/1936:1
Grass fire on Elm St, 11/20/1936:1
Brush fire on Summer St, 11/27/1936:6
Grass fires on Nemasket St, Warren Ave, Miller St, and Pearl St,
Burns four acres of scrub land on Clear Pond Rd, 02/19/1937:11
Grass fire near Rock station, 02/19/1937:11
Grass fire on Elm St, 03/05/1937:1
Fifteen acres of scrub land burns in Lakeville, 03/05/1937:11
Burn two acres on County St, 03/19/1937:11
Grass fires on Rocky Meadow St and Vernon St, 04/02/1937:1
Grass fires keep department busy, 04/16/1937:1
Sign that spring is here, 04/16/1937:1
Fire near railroad tracks on West Grove St, 04/23/1937:1
Grass fire on South Main St and on Mayflower Ave, 04/23/1937:1
Grass fire on Rock St, 04/30/1937:1
Department answers two calls, 05/07/1937:1
Grass fire off Frank St and at Sears Lumber Co., 05/14/1937:1
Woods fire on Wood St, 05/28/1937:1
Grass fire on Minkle property on Tispaquin St, 06/04/1937:1
Grass fire on Vaughan St, 06/11/1937:1
Call to Wareham St, 07/09/1937:1
Brush fires on Plympton St and on Everett St, 08/06/1937:1
Grass fires on South Main St and on East Grove St, 08/06/1937:1
Brush fires on Plymouth St and on Chestnut St, 08/13/1937:7
Brush fires on Chestnut St, Miller St, near South Middleboro station,
and on Old Center St, 08/20/1937:1
Grass fire near South Main St rail bridge, 11/05/1937:1
Grass fire on Everett St, 12/24/1937:6
Grass fire at Dr Pollen's, 02/04/1938:1
Grass fire near West Grove St bridge, 02/18/1938:1
Grass fire on Pleasant St, 03/11/1938:1
Grass fires on Pine St and on South Main St, 03/18/1938:1
Grass fires on Bedford St, Highland St, and Everett St, 03/25/1938:1
Brush fires on Highland St, 03/25/1938:3
Department called to three grass fires and one brush fire, 04/01/1938:7
Grass fire at rear of Cleveland estate, 04/08/1938:1
Woods fire on Thomas St, 04/22/1938:1
Woods fire in Tispaquin Pond, 04/29/1938:1
Fire burns two acres at Chester Ashley's on Highland Rd, 05/13/1938:11
Brush fire on Spruce St; grass fire in vicinity of Cherry and Wareham
St, 07/08/1938:7
Destruction of timber by hurricane heightens danger, 10/07/1938:1
Grass fire on Plymouth St, 01/06/1939:1
Grass fires on East Main St and North St, 03/03/1939:1
Grass fires at St. Luke's and on Plymouth St, 03/10/1939:1
Special danger this spring, 03/17/1939:1
Brush fire near South Middleboro station, 03/31/1939:1
Brush fire near Wood St, 04/07/1939:1
Brush fire on Taunton St, 04/21/1939:1
Grass fires on Smith St, Plymouth St, and Clay St, 04/21/1939:1
Grass fire on Rock St Ext, 04/28/1939:1
Brush fires on Thomas St and on Plymouth St, 05/12/1939:1
Grass fire near Rock station, 05/12/1939:1
Large brush fire near South Middleboro station, 05/19/1939:3
Burns over six acres on Kingman and Pickens St, 05/19/1939:9
Brush fire on Purchase St, 06/09/1939:4
Brush fire on Plain St, 06/16/1939:4
Brush fire on Wareham St, 07/07/1939:6
Brush fire at Owens' on Wareham St., 07/21/1939:5
Nineteen fires confined to 15 acres of land, 08/18/1939:1
Takes half day to subdue brush fire on Thomas St, 08/18/1939:2
Stubborn blaze in woods between Old Center St and West Grove St,
Grass fire on Plymouth St, 12/15/1939:8
Grass and brush fire near Center and Taunton St, 12/29/1939:1
Grass fire off West Grove St, 12/29/1939:1
Grass fire on Bourne St, 12/29/1939:1
Grass fire on Miller St, 12/29/1939:1
Woods fire near Gomes place on Purchase St, 12/29/1939:4
Forest Street School
Principal Mrs Norman Guidoboni granted leave of absence,
see also Trees
Report of forest warden (t), 01/29/1937:11
Forney, Agnes
Resigns post at sanatorium, employed in Cohasset, 03/29/1935:1
Forney, Louis
Named moth superintendent, 01/29/1937:1
Re-named to position as moth inspector, 02/04/1938:8
Takes half day to subdue brush fire on Thomas St, 08/18/1939:2
Moth superintendent praised by state officials, 09/08/1939:4
Forsberg, Charles
Engaged to Inezetta Bradley, 10/06/1939:6
Forsberg, Charles F.
Engaged to Inezetta M. Bradley, 12/29/1939:5
Forsberg, Flora
Resides in Brockton, 11/12/1937:12
Forsberg, Harold
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Restaurant license approved for Perkins, Forsberg, and Mullins,
Forsberg, Harold F.
Engaged to Simonne C. Roy, 10/18/1935:6
Wedding described, 10/25/1935:1
Wed to Simonne C. Roy, 10/25/1935:6
Forsberg, Thalia
Senior at Simmons College, 04/12/1935:1
Earns B.S. from Simmons' School of Library Science, 06/14/1935:1
Employed by James Shurtleff on new weekly, 02/21/1936:8
Married James F. Shurtleff in May, 09/09/1938:1
Forsberg, Thalia Elizabeth
Graduates from Simmons College, 06/07/1935:1
Forsythe, Rexford
Daughter born, 10/22/1937:7
Fortier, Elizabeth
Resides in Springfield, ME, 02/18/1938:12
Fortier, H.E.
Dies in Springfield, ME, 01/07/1938:2
Fortier, Mrs Harry
Resides in Springfield, ME, 05/15/1936:12
Fortin, Aime Philip Roger
Obituary, 03/19/1937:1
Dies at age 7, 03/19/1937:6
Fortin, Frederick B.
Wedding described, 12/08/1939:3
Wed to Helen M. Forcier, 12/08/1939:7
Fortin, Joseph
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/06/1939:12
Fortin, Raymond
Engaged to Helen Forcier, 10/27/1939:4
Fortin, Victoria
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/06/1939:6, 02/10/1939:6
Foster, Allan
Four-year-old victim of hit-and-run, 11/25/1938:1
Wallace Wilbur not guilty of leaving scene of accident, fined $25 for
reckless driving, 12/02/1938:5
Foster, Amasa
Obituary, 06/12/1936:1
Dies at age 86, 06/12/1936:7
Foster, Emma
Obituary, 10/08/1937:1
Foster, Emma I.
Dies at age 85, 10/01/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 01/21/1938:8
Foster, Emma L.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/12/1938:8
Foster, J.M.
Aunt dies in Lynn, 12/11/1936:5
Niece dies in Lynn, 02/05/1937:8
Mother dies in Lynn, 02/12/1937:11
On horse buying trip to Illinois and Indiana, 03/19/1937:11
Cattle dealer (ad), 02/25/1938:12
Chimney fire on Highland St, 05/05/1939:9
Resides in West Hartford, CT, 12/29/1939:6
Foster, John
Tax collector's sale, 04/26/1935:5
Foster, Joseph
Higgins hits Foster's mailbox in fog, 10/09/1936:1
Chimney fire on Highland St, 05/05/1939:1
Foster, Joseph M.
Auto skids on Pratt's hill, goes through fence, 06/14/1935:5
Purchases Buckman parcel from town, 10/01/1937:8
Foster, Malcolm
Employed at sanatorium, 01/29/1937:8
Resigns from sanatorium to take position in Acushnet, 04/09/1937:11
Dislocates collar bone at sanatorium dairy, 08/05/1938:11
Employed at sanatorium, 08/05/1938:11
Resigns from sanatorium dairy, accepts post in Northfield, 12/02/1938:3
Daughter born, 03/17/1939:3, 03/17/1939:4, 03/17/1939:7
Moves to Highland St, 08/11/1939:7
Foster, Marvis
Engaged to Lawrence E. Thayer, 04/15/1938:9
Foster, Mavis L.
Engaged to Lawrence E. Thayer, 06/24/1938:7
Wed to Lawrence E. Thayer, 07/01/1938:7
Foster, Vincent
Graduates from Bristol County Ag school, 04/10/1936:11
Receives prize for public speaking and judging, 04/24/1936:5
Takes position at Bristol County Ag school, 05/01/1936:5
Concludes services at Bristol School of Ag, takes post at sanatorium,
01/29/1937:8, 01/29/1937:11
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 02/11/1938:3
Wedding described, 07/29/1938:11
Foster, Vincent A.
Engaged to Ruth Frances Coman, 06/04/1937:1
Engaged to Ruth F. Coman, 07/15/1938:7
Wed to Ruth F. Coman, 08/05/1938:7
Foster, Virginia
Employed in Brookline, 09/18/1936:8
Engaged to Charles Westgate, 01/22/1937:2, 02/05/1937:6
Resigns post in Brookline, 02/05/1937:8
Wed to Charles Westgate, 02/12/1937:11
Wedding described, 02/12/1937:11
Foster's Square Deal
Cleansing, dyeing, and tailoring (ad), 10/15/1937:12
Foundries (see Metal and Metal Work)
Fountain, Gordon
Daughter born, 12/09/1938:7
4-H Club
Holds annual exhibition, 05/17/1935:7
New club forms in Lakeville, 10/25/1935:7
Wins six out of 21 prizes at Hanover meet, 06/12/1936:1
Holds 13th annual exhibit, 04/21/1939:6
Fourth of July
Legion starts planning early for 4th, 03/29/1935:1
Planning committee off to a good start, 05/24/1935:1
Help support celebration, 06/28/1935:1
Large crowd expected, details of celebration, 06/28/1935:1
Congratulations to committee for excellent celebration, 07/05/1935:1
Huge crowds line streets for mammoth Horribles Parade, 07/05/1935:1
Very quiet in North Middleboro, 07/05/1935:7
Committee expresses thanks to My Bread Co. of New Bedford,
Only occasional fire cracker breaks stillness in Rock, 07/12/1935:2
Report of committee on celebration, 07/12/1935:2
Committee submits final report (t), 10/11/1935:6
Committee organizes, 05/22/1936:1
Fireworks contract awarded, sports committee organizes, 06/05/1936:1
Playground picked for center point of activities, 06/05/1936:1
Button Day to raise funds for celebration, 06/26/1936:1
Committee solicits funds for celebration (l), 06/26/1936:1
Take care while celebrating, 07/03/1936:1
Committee deserves congratulations, 07/10/1936:1
Parade, vaudeville, bonfire, and field events mark gala 4th,
North Middleboro holds 4th of July parade, 07/10/1936:7
Committee submits report (t), 07/17/1936:1
Committee named to plan celebration, 04/09/1937:5
Committee outlines plans for holiday, 06/25/1937:1
Committee request support of citizenry, 07/02/1937:1
Updated program schedule, 07/02/1937:1
Celebration committee to be commended, 07/09/1937:1
Middleboro celebrates glorious 4th, 07/09/1937:1
Patrick McMahon recognized for contributions to planning committee,
Townsend float receives honors, 07/09/1937:1
Reasons to have celebration, 06/24/1938:1
Citizens turn out in full numbers for holiday weekend, 07/08/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Committee expresses thanks for support (l), 07/08/1938:1
Town should be well pleased with observance, 07/08/1938:1
North Middleboro holds 4th of July parade, 07/08/1938:11
Permanent committee forms, 07/15/1938:1
Permanent organization starts planning celebration, 05/05/1939:1
Thousands enjoy sane celebration, 07/07/1939:1
Vandalism and accidents kept at minimum with community celebration,
Safe and sane, 07/07/1939:2
The Spectator comments on holiday (l), 07/07/1939:3
North Middleboro holds annual holiday parade, 07/07/1939:9
List of contributors to celebration, 07/21/1939:1
Committee elects officers for 1940, 08/11/1939:4
Fourth District Court
John H. Sullivan fills vacancy left by death of Judge Washburn (p),
New judge takes office, 01/11/1935:1
D.D. Sullivan marks 35 years as judge(p), 01/25/1935:1
Plans for new court rooms under consideration, 01/25/1935:5
Moves forward in choosing quarters here, 02/01/1935:5
Stephen O'Hara named probation officer, 03/01/1935:1
Peirce building suggested for new quarters, 03/01/1935:3
Plans for new quarters (p), 03/29/1935:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 03/29/1935:8
Bird imprisoned in ventilation system, 04/12/1935:1
Matter of police and court quarters settled at special town meeting,
Voters agree on building plan, 04/12/1935:2
Architect Hal Sumner draws up plans, 04/19/1935:1
Order in for 80,000 bricks, 05/10/1935:2
Building committee hires architect Hal Sumner, 05/17/1935:1
Building committee accepts plans for new police station and court
house, 07/12/1935:1
Selectmen, building committee, and Peirce Trustees hold meeting,
Time running out to obtain federal money for building, 08/02/1935:1
Town Meeting need for reconsideration of P.H. Peirce building
renovations, 08/16/1935:1
Building committee makes request for special town meeting,
Special town meeting to address only police quarters and court house,
Handful of voters approve police station and court house amendment,
New court house to become a reality, 09/06/1935:1
Building committee sends project to Washington, 09/13/1935:1
Federal allocation $20,700, 10/04/1935:1
Federal grant for renovation of old Peirce store, 10/04/1935:1
Warrant issued for special meeting, 10/18/1935:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 10/18/1935:6
Final stamp put on project, 11/01/1935:1
Project narrowly approved by handful of voters, 11/01/1935:1
Request for bids for alterations to structure, 11/22/1935:12
Dorchester firm recommended for project, 12/13/1935:1
Stephen O'Hara probation officer, 12/13/1935:1
Dorchester firm awarded contract, 12/20/1935:1
Renovation project begins, 12/27/1935:1
View of P.H. Peirce Co. store before renovation (p), 12/27/1935:1
Work estimated to be complete in six months, 12/27/1935:1
Work progresses on new building, 01/10/1936:1
James Wilmot awarded contract to paint new court house,
Work ahead of schedule, 01/31/1936:1
Sub-contracts awarded in building project, 02/14/1936:1
Cement floor work complete, 02/28/1936:1
Work on new court house nears completion, 05/15/1936:1
New court house set to open (p), 09/18/1936:1
Contractors from all over NE help built facility (ad) (p), 09/18/1936:2
Selectmen to named new janitor, 09/25/1936:1
John A. Washburn new janitor, 10/16/1936:1
Over 500 attend dedication of Peirce Memorial (p), 10/30/1936:1
Kendrick Washburn appointed clerk of court (p), 11/27/1936:1
Work begins of regrading of grounds, 12/04/1936:8
New court clerk Kendrick Washburn assumes office, 12/18/1936:1
Clerk of Court Kendrick Washburn honored at testimonial,
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Former court clerk Harold Hurley named judge, 02/05/1937:1
Selectmen protest Bristol County help in local court, 02/12/1937:1
County commissioners reply to criticism (l), 02/26/1937:1
Shrubbery added to grounds, 06/04/1937:1
New walks and landscaping (p), 06/25/1937:6
John V. Sullivan appointed associate justice, 02/11/1938:1
Judge D.D. Sullivan resigns after 38 years of judicial service,
Son succeeds father as justice of local court (p), 02/18/1938:1
Judge John Sullivan inducted into office, 02/25/1938:1
Justices D.D. Sullivan, John V. Sullivan. and John H. Sullivan (p),
Sadie Sheehy named clerk of probation, 07/07/1939:1
Saddened by retirement of Lawrence McCluskey, 07/07/1939:2
D.D. Sullivan drops in at 4th District Court to watch son, 08/04/1939:9
Presented with picture of Judge Dennis D. Sullivan, 10/13/1939:1
Fines may total as much as $10,000 by year's end (l) (The Spectator),
The Spectator comments on last six months of activity (l), 12/29/1939:2
Fowler, Dwight
Enrolls at Harvard, 09/30/1938:11
Fowler, Dwight M.
Ivy Oration (essay), 06/17/1938:2
Fowler, Elwood B.
Wed to Beatrice F. Moran, 09/24/1937:7
Fowler, F. Stewart
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:7
Fowler, Harry
Obituary, 03/17/1939:4
Fowler, Harry C.
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Dies at age 55, 03/17/1939:7
Fowler, Ira
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 02/05/1937:1
Fowler, John
Employed in Lakeville, 05/24/1935:6
Collides with Winsor Fryer at Oak and High St, 08/16/1935:11
Wed in North Carver, 07/02/1937:5
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:5
Daughter born, 02/11/1938:8
Fowler, Leona May
Born to John, 02/11/1938:8
Fowler, Mrs Ira
Mother dies in Brookline, 07/24/1936:5
Fowler, Norman
Married in January, 07/29/1938:11
Daughter born, 12/23/1938:8
Fox, Lillian
Member of Tauremid String Quartet, 05/17/1935:4
Fox Hunting
Chief Sisson kills fox in barn with farming implement, 07/26/1935:12
Frank Otto, Jr. bags 8.5-lber, 10/18/1935:12
Nicholas Hotz shoots first fox of season, 10/23/1936:6
Henry Beech shoots 12-lb. fox in own yard, 11/12/1937:1
Lakeville Sportsmen's Club holds fox hunt, 06/03/1938:6
Foye, Harold
Son born, 08/16/1935:6
Moves from School St to Summer St, 07/31/1936:12
Chimney fire on Summer St, 02/05/1937:1
Frances, Lillian
Dancing school (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Francis, Elizabeth Carder
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Francis, Lillian
Students present dance recital, 06/12/1936:11
Franco-American Club
New social club organized, 08/16/1935:12
Fraser, Manuel
Runaway horse causes damage on Center St, 09/02/1938:1
Recent rash of chain letters prompts warning, 05/17/1935:1
Frazier, Anthony
Son born, 10/02/1936:7
Frazier, Anthony V.
Collides with Francis Hunt in South Middleboro, 01/17/1936:11
Engaged to Celia Freyermouth, 04/24/1936:7
Wed to Celia Freyermouth, 05/08/1936:7
Frazier, Edward S.
Engaged to Ina S. Mackey, 08/28/1936:7
Frazier, Manuel
Obituary, 12/15/1939:6
Dies at age 69, 12/15/1939:7
Frazier, Mary
Petition for administration of estate, 09/11/1936:7
Frazier, Mary F.
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
Dies at age 63, 05/29/1936:7
Fred, Frances A.
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1937:8
Frederickson, Herman
Takes flying lessons, 05/13/1938:1
Frederickson, S. Wayne
Obituary, 04/08/1938:1
Dies at age 32, 04/08/1938:7
Fredette, George
Chimney fire on Keith St, 12/16/1938:1
Fred's Lunch
Plans to move out of Briggs property, 08/04/1939:12
Proprietor goes before selectmen concerning electric bill, 08/18/1939:6
Freed, Hulda A.
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:1
Freed, Hulda H.
Proprietor of Quality Dining Room (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Freed, Robert
In collision with South Weymouth driver at Center and Oak St,
Freed, Robert V.
Engaged to Muriel Priestley, 02/11/1938:1
Engaged to Muriel E. Priestley, 05/27/1938:7
Wedding described, 06/10/1938:1
Wed to Muriel E. Priestley, 06/10/1938:7
Freedman, Isadore
Three-year-old George Covel runs into side of Freedman's truck on
Center St, 11/08/1935:2
Granted junk license, 04/30/1937:5
Freedman Isador
Granted auto junk license, 01/10/1936:8
Freeman, Albert W.
Engaged to Mildred E. Caldwell, 05/27/1938:7
Wed to Mildred E. Caldwell, 06/10/1938:7
Freeman, Charles H.
Obituary, 10/30/1936:1
Freeman, Edward A.
Engaged to Myra E. Fuller, 06/17/1938:7
Freeman, Edward Andrew
Wed to Myra Evelyn Fuller, 07/22/1938:7
Freeman, Everett
Case filed, 02/04/1938:5
Freeman, Everett W.
Charged with drunk driving after car overturns on South Main St,
Freeman, Lawrence
Son born, 04/28/1939:5
Freeman, Rufus Cobb
Biography, 08/21/1936:8
Freeman, Russell
Daughter born, 07/31/1936:7
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Freeman, Russell A.
Wedding described, 08/02/1935:1
Wed to Elizabeth M. Brackett, 08/02/1935:6
Guilty of assault on nine-year-old girl, 08/27/1937:1
Freeman, Theodore
Son born, 04/08/1938:7
Freeman, Wayne Mason
Obituary, 06/17/1938:11
Freidman, Isadore
Granted junk license after inspection by selectmen, 03/29/1935:1
Freitas, Antone
Wed to Hazel A. Pickersin Flood, 08/29/1935:6
Freitas, Frank Foster
South Middleboro folks attend wedding, 12/02/1938:3
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:3
Freitas, John
Chimney fire on Rocky Meadow St, 01/27/1939:1
Freitas, Joseph
Chimney fire on Vaughn St, 01/28/1938:7
Freitas, Mary
Engaged to Edward Baker, 04/17/1936:1, 05/01/1936:6
Wed to Edward F. Baker, 06/18/1937:7
Freitas, Mary D.
Engaged to Edward F. Baker, 06/04/1937:7
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:11
French, S. Frederick
Will in probate, 03/01/1935:8
Petition for sale of real estate, 06/07/1935:12
Petition to sell real estate, 01/10/1936:7
Fretwell, Charles E.
Obituary, 05/05/1939:1
Dies at age 71, 05/05/1939:5
Freund, Mrs Felix
Pilshaw's and Lobl's sister visits from Berlin, Germany, 05/07/1937:7
Freyermouth, Celia
Engaged to Anthony V. Frazier, 04/24/1936:7
Wed to Anthony V. Frazier, 05/08/1936:7
Friedman, Isadore
Selectmen hear petitions for junk yards from Picone and Friedman,
Appreciates actions of the voters (l), 02/22/1935:5
Inspection required before granting junk license, 03/29/1935:2
Junk license renewed, 12/29/1939:1
Friedmann, Paul E.
Wed to Sue Hope Boynton, 07/12/1935:2
Frost (Mr)
Dies in Framingham, 11/15/1935:7
Frost, Edith
Two chimney fires on Wood St, 12/17/1937:1
Bicyclist Richard Hicks injured by Frost's auto, 06/16/1939:8
Frost, Evelyn C.
Wed to Hoyle DeMoranville, 05/14/1937:7
Frost, George
Employed at Taunton post office, 04/22/1938:6
Frost, Lovell W.
Obituary, 07/08/1938:1
Dies at age 82, 07/08/1938:7
Frost, Marion
Wed to Alden Perry, 03/17/1939:3
Frost, Marion E.
Wed to Alden C. Perry, 03/17/1939:7
Frost, William
Couple closes the Flower Shop for the winter, 01/29/1937:8
Frost, William H.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Opens flower shop for season, 05/06/1938:8
see also Berries; Panesis, Thomas
ERA project to benefit orchard men, 03/08/1935:1
Break-in reported at Middleboro Fruit Co., 03/22/1935:1
Middleboro Fruit Co., 240 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Nelson Leonard's orchard a pleasing sight, 05/08/1936:6
Ka-Daw-Kut Farm Store opens at old post office building (ad),
Orchardists hold meeting here, 12/18/1936:1
M.E. Hanscom, eggs and apples (ad), 10/08/1937:12
Nelson's orchards on Bedford St in bloom, 05/06/1938:8
Ernest Maxim hosts fruit growers' meeting at Lakeville orchard,
Fryer, Winsor F.
Collides with John Fowler at Oak and High St, 08/16/1935:11
Middleboro's oldest practicing physician at age 83, 08/25/1939:8
F.T. Anderson & Sons
Grand and upright pianos (ad), 12/13/1935:11
Fuel Oil
see also R.D. Kelley Coal Co.
Selectmen okay sign over sidewalk for Quincy Oil Co., 05/24/1935:1
Notice from town to dealers (ad), 10/04/1935:2
F.M. Logan, Tydol range oil (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Selectmen award town contracts, 10/18/1935:1
State testing unit here for first time, 01/03/1936:1
LeBaron's and Sukeforth's use Ventalarm oil delivery system (ad),
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Wareham St (ad), 09/25/1936:2
Selectmen solicit bids (ad), 05/28/1937:7
Selectmen hold long discussion on contracts, 06/04/1937:1
Selectmen discuss bids, 06/25/1937:2
Town contracts settled, 07/02/1937:1
Town manager awards contracts, 07/02/1937:1
Request for bids from town (ad), 09/17/1937:12
William Tribou petitions to build fuel oil storage tanks, 10/01/1937:8
Frank Leighton awarded fuel oil bid for Peirce Memorial, 10/08/1937:7
Call for bids for Union Street School (ad), 07/15/1938:8
Central Congregational Church calls for bids (ad), 05/26/1939:10
Notice to oil dealers for delivery to Union Street School, 07/07/1939:8
Town awards contracts, 07/21/1939:1
Welfare Department realizes savings on fuel costs to welfare recipients,
R.D. Kelley Coal Co. erects two new fuel storage tanks, 09/08/1939:8
Fugitives from Justice
Joseph Lunskis surrenders after threatening girl with revolver,
Fuller (Dr)
Dr Cunningham turns practice over to Dr Fuller (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Occupies house on Miller St, 01/22/1937:2
Occupies Atwood house on Miller St, 02/05/1937:8
Fuller, Adelbert
Engaged to Georgette Thomas, 01/21/1938:7
Fuller, Adelbert O.
Wed to Georgette C. Thomas, 01/28/1938:7
Fuller, Almeda
Obituary, 08/06/1937:1
Dies at age 82, 08/06/1937:7
Petition for license to sell real estate, 06/23/1939:6
Administrator's sale, 07/21/1939:6
Fuller, Clara L.
Obituary, 10/16/1936:2
Fuller, Emma
Obituary, 03/10/1939:4
Fuller, Frederick
Overview of service during World War, 01/14/1938:11
Fuller, Granville
Sign painting (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Son born, 04/01/1938:7
Daughter born, 04/08/1938:7
Fuller, Issachar
Biography, 03/13/1936:5
Fuller, Louis
New dentist takes over for A.W. Cunningham, 01/08/1937:1
Fuller, Lucius M.
Homestead sold to Medford family, 09/16/1938:3
Fuller, Mary
Lakeville nurse, 01/18/1935:1
Fuller, Mary Alice
Obituary, 03/25/1938:11
Fuller, Melvin Louvelle
Obituary, 04/22/1938:5
Fuller, Mrs L.D.
Sister drowns in Montreal, 07/14/1939:6
Fuller, Mrs L.D.H.
Sister dies in Montreal, 07/14/1939:1
Fuller, Myra E.
Engaged to Edward A. Freeman, 06/17/1938:7
Fuller, Myra Evelyn
Wed to Edward Andrew Freeman, 07/22/1938:7
Fuller, Thelma
Engaged to Frank E. Johnson, 10/16/1936:1
Fuller, Wendell D.
Engaged to Carrie C. Eayrs, 10/18/1935:6
Wedding described, 10/25/1935:11
Funeral Industry
see also Egger's Funeral Home; Healey, John E.; John D. Fahey Co.;
Soule-Hayward Co.; Soule's Undertaking Establishment
Deputy tax collector Callan resigns to take post with Fahey,
Middleboro Casket Co., 59 Pearl St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
John Callan passes final exam for MA Embalming Board, 12/06/1935:8
William Soule hires George Robbins, 01/17/1936:11
Harriett Kennedy of Boston refused license, 10/23/1936:1
Clarence Hayward granted undertaking permit, 01/01/1937:1
Chimney fire at Colonial Casket Co., 12/10/1937:1
Hayward Funeral Home, corner of Oak and High St (ad) (p),
Furbush, Nellie
Resides in Dorchester, 03/26/1937:11
Furlan, Elizabeth N.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/20/1937:7
Furlan, Frank
Extensive repairs made to Plymouth St home, 08/21/1936:5
Moves from Plymouth St to Center St, 05/14/1937:11
Son born, 07/23/1937:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/20/1937:7
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 01/13/1939:1
Moves from North Middleboro to North Lakeville, 03/17/1939:11
Furlan, Mary
Resides in Wilmington, 01/08/1937:8, 05/07/1937:11, 07/30/1937:11
Furlin, Frank
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 03/04/1938:1
Furling, Frank
Purchases Plymouth St house from Ralph Nourse, 05/10/1935:7
see also Egger, William
William Barden, wallpaper, paint, and draperies (ad), 01/18/1935:3
Bourne's (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Slipcovers by N. Goldman, 389 Bedford St (ad), 08/06/1937:12
Furniture Moving (see Moving, Household)
Furniture Stores (see Egger, William - Furniture Store; Soule's Furniture
Furs and Furriers
Arnold Thomas, raw furs wanted (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Paul Hotz owner of Hotz Mink Fur Farm in North Middleboro,
Hotz Fur Farm wins mink award at Boston Show, 01/20/1939:5
F.W. Woolworth & Co.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Three Boston persons arrested for helping themselves at local stores,
Three shoplifters sentenced, 12/24/1937:1
Employs Inezetta Bradley, 07/15/1938:1
Gabrey, Evelyn
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Gabrey, Joseph
Probation continued, 04/15/1938:2
Non-support case continued, 10/14/1938:5
Wed to Madeline E. Houlihan, 02/24/1939:7
Gadbois, Beverly Anne
Infant daughter of George and Helen Wiksten dies, 08/11/1939:8
Gadbois, George
Son born, 03/20/1936:11
Gadbois, Helen Wiksten
Son born, 03/20/1936:11
Gagnon, Ann V.
Lakeville home destroyed by fire, 05/22/1936:5
Gagnon, Clara
Widow takes over bus service, 11/04/1938:1
Gagnon, George
Daughter born, 09/09/1938:8, 09/16/1938:3
Gagnon, George Roland
Wed to Winnifred E. Washburn, 03/11/1938:11
Gagnon, Jennie G.
Lakeville home destroyed by fire, 05/22/1936:5
Gagnon, John
Awarded school bus contract for Warrentown and Thompsonville,
Break-in at East Main St garage, 02/28/1936:1
Appears again to protest hiring practices at light plant, 11/19/1937:1
Applies for bus service permit, 02/18/1938:8
Dies of heart attack, obituary, 10/28/1938:1
Buried with full military honors, 11/04/1938:2
Gagnon, John B.
Our school problem (l), 02/12/1937:8
Granted bus service license, 04/01/1938:3
School bus contract renewed, 07/01/1938:1
Given franchise to operate bus service, 08/05/1938:8
Dies at age 51, 10/28/1938:7
Widow Clara Gagnon to take over bus service, 11/04/1938:1
Petition for administration of estate, 11/11/1938:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/10/1939:5
School bus contract transferred from Gagnon estate to Joseph
MacAllister, 03/24/1939:1
Administratrix presents account of estate, 04/21/1939:9
Gagnon, Linda Lou
Born to George, 09/16/1938:3
Gagnon, Mrs John B.
In appreciation for all tokens of sympathy (l), 11/04/1938:7
Gagnon's Bus Service
Service to Bridgewater and Boston (ad), 06/10/1938:12
Gailes, J.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Gailes, Mary
And Alton Tobey win dance contest at Wilson Club in Dorchester,
Galanto, Antone
Chimney fire on Vine St, 04/03/1936:1
Galanto, Josephine C.
Engaged to Jack O. Guimare, 05/19/1939:5
Galanto, Tony
Pansies for sale (ad), 04/24/1936:12
Selectmen hold hearing on gasoline license application, 05/19/1939:6
Gale, Harry
Daughter born, 12/16/1938:7
Galento, Tony
Granted license for sale and storage of gasoline, 05/26/1939:1
Galfre, Fred
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Saves overturned canoeist Raymond Snowden, 07/14/1939:5
Galfre, Vincent
Employed at sanatorium, 01/15/1937:8, 09/10/1937:11
Transfers from dairy to farming department at sanatorium,
Wedding described, 06/03/1938:2
Galfre, Vincent A.
Wed to Eleanor E. Dill, 06/03/1938:7
Gallagher, John, Jr.
Employed at sanatorium, 12/04/1936:6
Gallagher, John V.
Hatching eggs (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Gallagher, Paul
Son born, 12/01/1939:5
Gallagher, Paul E.
In minor collision with Taunton man on Wareham St, 12/06/1935:2
Wed to Jeannette H. Twarog, 12/02/1938:7
Gallagher, Russell
Missing boy found working in Boston restaurant, 05/28/1937:1
Gallerani, Victoria
Son born, 09/30/1938:7
Galstaun, Lionel S.
Engaged to Agnes Krikorian, 10/14/1938:1
Gamache, Edward
Infant son of Jules dies, 04/03/1936:5, 04/03/1936:6
Gamache, Joseph
Plymouth St couple married 25 years, 04/22/1938:6
Heifer killed after hit by Kelley's auto, 09/22/1939:1
Gamble, William H.
New Bedford man dies at sanatorium, 04/15/1938:8
see also Charitable Gaming
One arrest, machines taken in local raids, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Lottery cases continued, 09/13/1935:2, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery cases all come back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Gambling mad (l) (William Egger), 07/17/1936:5
Elks resume bingo games twice a week, 09/25/1936:1
Police raid Frank Teceno's, Joseph Teceno's and Frank Leighton's,
Slot machine cases against Teceno, Teceno, and Leighton continued,
Leighton, Teceno, and Teceno guilty of having gaming devices,
Leighton, Teceno, and Teceno appeal $35 fines, 06/25/1937:11
Guilty parties will lose any license granted by town, 07/16/1937:1
Teceno, Teceno, and Leighton each fined $35 for possession of
gambling implements, 10/22/1937:1
Reverend Parker protests gambling devices in theatres, 05/13/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/13/1938:8
Selectmen discuss discontinuing Bank Nights at local theatres,
Young, Craig, Hallock, and Howes arraigned on lottery charges,
District Attorney issues order to halt "Bank Night" at theatres,
In cooperation with District Attorney and local police, Bank Night
discontinued (ad), 12/02/1938:12
Key Theatre manager Roy Heffner arrested for holding lottery,
Roy Heffner, Jr. pleads not guilty to lottery charge, 01/06/1939:1
Heffner is test case in Bank Night matter, 01/13/1939:1
Local Bank Night test case fails, 03/03/1939:1
Patrick McMahon held on charges of lottery fraud, 11/10/1939:1
Games (see Toys and Games)
Gammons, Alberta May
Daughter of Stephen baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gammons, Annie
Resides in Brockton, 04/08/1938:1
Gammons, Celia
Engaged to Edward Brown, 07/02/1937:5
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:11
Gammons, Charles
Collides with Marion driver at Fall Brook, 04/10/1936:1
Struck by passing car, 05/05/1939:9
Gammons, Charles O.
Grass fire on property, 04/01/1938:7
Gammons, D. Melvern
Physical director of YMCA consults for Corning, NY church,
Accepts new position as physical director of Corning, NY Methodist
church, 03/01/1935:1
Moves to Corning, NY, 06/21/1935:6
House in Corning, NY threatened by flood, 07/12/1935:1
Gammons, David
Drum major at Corning Free Academy, 12/24/1937:1
Employed at Morse pharmacy, 06/30/1939:4
Gammons, David Melvern
Legal notice of separation from wife, 04/09/1937:6
Gammons, Donald
Knocked from bike by Paoli's auto, 10/23/1936:11
Gammons, Doris Virginia
Daughter of Stephen baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Gammons, Dorothy
Wed to Thacher Fiske, 07/17/1936:12
Gammons, Dorothy Viola
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:1
Gammons, Elijah
Bridgewater man dies, 05/03/1935:6
Gammons, Emma J.
Mr and Mrs Henry Burkland give South Middleboro ME Church
inscription dedicated to Gammons, 09/03/1937:11
Gammons, Fred
Moves to Brockton, 10/07/1938:6
Moves back to Middleboro, 06/30/1939:5
Gammons, Helena
Takes post grad course at Corning Academy, 11/08/1935:12
Engaged to Gerald Carlton, 07/21/1939:5
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Wed to Gerald F. Carleton, 10/27/1939:5
Gammons, Isabel
Obituary, 12/06/1935:1
Dies at age 57, 12/06/1935:6
Gammons, Kathleen
Resides in Corning, NY, 07/23/1937:12
Gammons, Kathleen A.
Engaged to Gerald F. Carleton, 04/14/1939:1
Gammons, Kathleen Aldrich
Legal notice of separation from husband, 04/09/1937:6
Gammons, Lois
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:1
Gammons, Lois Aldrich
Engaged to Bernard James Fitzgerald, 11/11/1938:1
Gammons, Mel
Gammons family basketball team in Corning, NY (t), 09/20/1935:1
Corning basketball players take on locals (t), 03/13/1936:1
Gammons, Mildred Louise
Daughter of Stephen baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Gammons, Morton
Celebrates birthday, brief biography, 09/23/1938:5
Gammons, Randolph
Salesman for Dewey Clothes Shop, 02/07/1936:1
Clerk at McQuade Clothes Shop, 08/12/1938:6
Gammons, William W.
Wed to Irene Gardner, 02/26/1937:6
Gamperoli, B. Thomas
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:1
Wed to Theresa A. Draghetti, 08/20/1937:7
Gangone, Anthony D.
Wed to Grace E. Costa, 09/10/1937:7
Ganyer, Henry
Fined $20 for operating to endanger, 06/19/1936:2
Ganyer, Lucie
Aunt's funeral held in Gardner, 11/20/1936:7
Moves from North Middleboro to Bridgewater, 09/16/1938:8
Garafalo, Carmen
Son born, 09/30/1938:7
Garafalo, Michael P.
In accident with Rhode Island driver on West Grove St, 11/25/1938:6
Garcia, Alves
Partition burns in Wareham St home, 12/15/1939:1
Garcia, Mary H.
Engaged to Maurice K. Richmond, 10/04/1935:6, 10/18/1935:6
Garde, Mrs Edward
Moves from Miller St to Smith St, 09/25/1936:5
Garden Club (see Middleboro Garden Club)
Gardens and Gardening
see also Middleboro Garden Club; Vegetables
Albert Hulley wins first prize at Massachusetts Horticultural Society
annual spring show, 03/27/1936:1
Gardiner, William
Chimney fire on Fairview St, 12/10/1937:1
Gardner, Ella
Resides in Elmwood, 09/27/1935:11
Gardner, Emma
Wed to George A. Nugent, 05/21/1937:1
Gardner, Estelle May
Resides in Duxbury, 10/16/1936:2
Gardner, George, Jr.
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Gardner, Irene
Wed to William W. Gammons, 02/26/1937:6
Gardner, Louise Kingman
Resides in Riverside, CA, 08/13/1937:7
Garfield, Harriet
Son born, 03/22/1935:1
Garfield, John P.
A meditation on prayer, 01/04/1935:5
Pastor tenders resignation (p), 03/27/1936:1
Resignation accepted at annual meeting, 04/10/1936:1
Reception held for Reverend and wife, 05/15/1936:1
Moves to Dean St in Taunton, 10/16/1936:11
Appointed Protestant chaplain of Morton hospital in Taunton,
Completes interim work in Bridgewater, 01/28/1938:1
Pastor completes work at New Bedford church, 05/12/1939:1
Garfield, Owen
Son born, 03/22/1935:1
Employed at Bell Labs in New York, 08/09/1935:1
Garfield, Owen Johnston
Baptized by grandfather, John P. Garfield, 08/09/1935:1
Garfield, Owen Johnstone
Born to Owen and Harriet, 03/22/1935:1
Garland Farm
Purchased by Carver man in land auction, 05/28/1937:1
Garnett (Mr)
Occupies tenement on Pleasant St, 11/29/1935:8
Garnett, Norman
Daughter born, 08/28/1936:7, 07/30/1937:7
Fire destroys house and barn on Rocky Meadow St, 04/29/1938:1
Son born, 09/23/1938:7
Garney, Alice
Receives certificate for excellence in shorthand, 07/23/1937:11
Garney, Lewis, Jr.
Army man on leave from Honolulu, 01/22/1937:5
Garnier, Donald
Engaged to Louise Greene, 11/22/1935:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Twins born, 06/02/1939:1, 06/02/1939:5
Garnier, Donald A.
Engaged to Louise N. Greene, 12/11/1936:6
Wedding described, 01/01/1937:1
Wed to Louise Greene, 01/01/1937:6
Garnier, Esther
Twin son and daughter born to Donald Garnier, 06/02/1939:1
Garnier, Howard
Daughter born, 08/29/1935:6
Grocer (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Garnier, Howard E.
Exceptional food bargains (ad), 06/17/1938:7
Garnier, Lester
Twin son and daughter born to Donald Garnier, 06/02/1939:1
Garofalo, Patsy
Struck by auto driven by Vincent Sukeforth, 10/01/1937:1
Garvin, Marion
Wife of Charles A. dies, 05/29/1936:8
Gary, Mrs Paul
Resides in Rochester, 04/12/1935:1
see also Automobile Service Stations
Notice from town to dealers (ad), 10/04/1935:2
Selectmen award town contracts, 10/18/1935:1
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Wareham St (ad), 09/25/1936:2
Church Coal Co. application for gasoline sales, 12/04/1936:7
Church Coal Co. granted permit for gasoline sales, 12/18/1936:5
Leon Newcomb applies for gasoline storage license, 01/01/1937:8
Permit granted to Leon Newcomb for 500-gal. storage tank,
Selectmen solicit bids (ad), 05/28/1937:7
Selectmen hold long discussion on contracts, 06/04/1937:1
Selectmen defer action on gas bids, 06/11/1937:1
Selectmen discuss bids, 06/25/1937:2
Town contracts settled, 07/02/1937:1
Town manager awards contracts, 07/02/1937:1
Anna Novakowski petitions to install gasoline tanks, 10/08/1937:8
Benjamin Alberts' application for license to install gas tank,
Alberts Shoe Co. using tank prior to application, 10/22/1937:5
Alberts gasoline storage and pump petition tabled again by selectmen,
Alberts Shoe Co. petition finally approved, 11/12/1937:5
Request for bids for Highway Department (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Town request for bids for bulk gasoline, 03/31/1939:12
Sealer of Weights and Measures completes testing of tank trucks and
bulk stations, 07/21/1939:1
Gassett, John W.
Dies in Brooklyn, NY, 05/05/1939:4
Gasunas, Alfred
Injured when auto hits wall, rolls over, 09/10/1937:1
Gasunas, Paul
Arrested for poultry theft from Jenney, 09/17/1937:1
Gasunas, Peter
Discharged from probation, 11/13/1936:2
Guilty of assault after melee at West Grove St roadhouse, 03/26/1937:1
Collides with Bridgewater auto on Bedford St, 07/15/1938:5
Negligent driving case continued, 07/22/1938:5
Fined $50 for negligent driving, 07/29/1938:1
Gets 30 days for destruction of property at Teceno's Cafe, 08/26/1938:8
Obituary, 09/09/1938:1
Dies at age 56, 09/09/1938:7
Probationary period extended, 09/30/1938:8
Fails to appear in court, 12/02/1938:2
Malicious mischief case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Given till March 4th to pay $50 fine, 01/13/1939:5
Probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Pays fine, 05/12/1939:8
Gates, Adella
Picking commences at Rock bog, 09/13/1935:5
Eighty-two-year-old Mrs Lewis Thayer picks cranberries for Gates,
Wed to Albert T. Rounseville, 11/08/1935:2
Gates, Ardella
Lets Miller St tenement to Hastay and Lapham, 05/03/1935:7
Gates, Earl
Scene on South Main St after hurricane (p), 09/30/1938:6
Gates, Earl F.
South Main St used as speedway (l), 08/23/1935:2
Summer cottage swept away in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Gates, Edith M.
Obituary, 10/27/1939:1
Wife of Earl F. dies at age 58, 10/27/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 11/10/1939:10
Gates, Emma A.
Born in Holland, MA September 1850, 09/01/1939:8
Gates, Harold
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:7
Chimney fire on Thompson St, 01/27/1939:1
Gates, Harold C.
Collides with Lemira Smith on Summer St, 10/04/1935:2
Son born, 10/18/1935:6
Gates, Leslie
Honored by NE Ice Association, 12/15/1939:1
Gates, Lorraine
Attends Stoneleigh, 12/25/1936:1
Attends Stoneleigh College, 02/12/1937:8
Majoring in photography at Stoneleigh College, 04/23/1937:6
Stoneleigh College student participates in photography exhibition,
Awarded honors in photography from Stoneleigh College, 07/02/1937:7
Graduates from Stoneleigh College, 06/24/1938:1
Gates, Lorraine Thayer
Engaged to Richard Albert Rockwood, 06/30/1939:1
Gates, Mrs Earl F.
Sells landmark Hell's Blazes to Burton Davis (p), 05/03/1935:4
Sells Old Tavern to Burton Davis, 05/17/1935:7
North Rochester poultry house destroyed by fire, 04/28/1939:7
Gatie, Mildred A.
Engaged to James F. Casey, 12/23/1938:7
Engaged to James H. Casey, 12/30/1938:7
Gatie, Mildred Annetta
Wedding described, 01/06/1939:1
Wed to James H. Casey, 01/06/1939:7
Gaudette (Mr and Mrs)
Brookfield couple married 50 years, 06/17/1938:11
Gaudette, George
Proprietor of Gaudette's Package Store, 158 Center St (ad),
Gaudette, George P.
Application for liquor license, 11/13/1936:8
Selectmen to reconsider decision on liquor license application,
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Gaudette, William J.
Engaged to Bertha Robidoux, 01/01/1937:6
Daughter born, 12/02/1938:7
Gaudette's Package Store
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Package store license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Now open at 158 Center St (ad), 01/15/1937:11
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Gaudreau, Blanche C.
Wed to Russell D. Inglese, 07/21/1939:5
Wedding described, 07/21/1939:5
Gault, Thomas
Funeral held in West Wareham, 01/22/1937:2
Gauthier, Ed
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gauthier, Edward
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Gauthier, Elizabeth
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/24/1936:12
Gauthier, Elzear
Defective oil burner causes fire, 03/29/1935:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/15/1935:8
Gauthier, Gertrude
Missing girl located in Roxbury, 01/04/1935:1
Missing girl last seen in Boston, 12/27/1935:1
Gauthier, Gertrude A.
Engaged to James Dupont, 08/25/1939:5
Wed to James Dupont, 09/08/1939:5
Gauthier, Gertrude Anita
Wedding described, 09/08/1939:4
Gauthier, Marie L. Brunelle
Wife of Joseph dies, 12/13/1935:6
Gauthier, Mary
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/15/1935:8, 07/24/1936:12
Gauthier, William
Engaged to Lena Somaruga, 11/06/1936:1
Fined $50 for negligent driving, 02/10/1939:2
Fails to appear in court to pay $50 fine, 05/05/1939:2
Gauthier, William J.
Escapes death after car goes down embankment, 11/18/1938:1
Fined $50 for negligent driving, 12/02/1938:5
Pays fine, 05/12/1939:8
Gay, Alveretta
Myra Thomas collides with Gay at Union and Nickerson St,
Gay, Dorothy
Graduates from School of Occupational Therapy in Boston,
Employed at Gardner State Hospital, 08/04/1939:6
Gay, Edgar
Chimney fire on Oak St, 03/20/1936:1
Gay, Ellen
Smells smoke, but false alarm, 03/15/1935:3
Gay, Mary
Graduates from Cambridge Latin High, 06/12/1936:5
Trains at MA General Hospital, 08/28/1936:12
Gay, Mrs Charles
Fire at home on Forest St, 01/08/1937:1
Gay, Mrs Charles E.
Resides in Provincetown, 07/31/1936:7
Gay, Wallace C.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Dies at age 55, 12/29/1939:5
G.E. Keith Shoe Co.
False alarm brings fire department out, 03/05/1937:1
Keith team champions of basketball Fraternal League, 04/16/1937:1
Crowned champs of Fraternal League (t), 04/16/1937:6
Brief history of Walk-Over shoe business, 07/02/1937:2
Sprinkler system causes false alarm, 04/22/1938:1
New grade of shoe to be manufactured here, 05/06/1938:1
Starts new line of shoes at local factory, 05/06/1938:1
Excessive heat cause shut down at factory, 08/19/1938:1
G.E. Keith Shoe Co. - Employees
Mary Beckman receives 25-year medal, 02/15/1935:4
Employees receive 25-year medals, 06/21/1935:1
Five more employees reach 25-year service mark, 06/12/1936:1
Card, DeArruda, and Shaw receive 25-year pins, 04/09/1937:6
T.F. Mendall salesman, 02/04/1938:1
Geiser, Henry
In alleged suicide pact with Viola Spafford, 05/26/1939:6
Gendreau, Albert J.
Fall River man dies here after auto accident on Taunton St,
Gennette, Eugene
Resides in New Bedford, 09/30/1938:2
Popes Point point of contention between Middleboro and Carver,
France extends from Pope's Point to Bull Jump green, 07/12/1935:8
Representatives of Geological Survey visit Triangulation Station on
Highland St, 11/27/1936:5
U.S. government engineer surveys South Lakeville for new map,
Street and Town Line Survey underway (l) (The Spectator),
U.S. Geodetic Survey engineers take measurements on Highland St,
George, Richard Winthrop
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:1
George A. Shurtleff & Son
Second hand lumber (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Lumber, hardware, paint (ad), 05/10/1935:3
Purchases Doane's hardware store, 08/19/1938:1
Takes over management of Doane's hardware store, 08/26/1938:1
George Doane estate announces sale to Shurtleff (ad), 08/26/1938:12
Passing of Doane's hardware store, Middleboro's oldest business
establishment, 09/02/1938:3
Buzzards Bay lumber yard damaged in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Rullo and Griswold run into Shurtleff's lumber truck on West Grove St,
George H. Shaw Co.
Blaze starts in cook house, 05/29/1936:1
Fire damage estimated at $200, 05/29/1936:1
George Lang & Co.
Closes doors after eleven years, 03/01/1935:1
Disposing of all stock (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Germaine, Robert
Moves from Middleboro to North Middleboro, 11/05/1937:11
Moves from North Middleboro to Middleboro, 03/03/1939:11
Germaine, Rupert H.
Dies in crash of Coast Guard plane in Texas, 12/23/1938:1
Gerrior, Blanche O.
Engaged to Russell P. Beckman, 10/11/1935:6
Wedding described, 10/18/1935:1
Wed to Russell P. Beckman, 10/18/1935:6
Gerrior, Clifford J.
Enlists in U.S. Army, 05/10/1935:3
Engaged to Mary R. Coe, 04/07/1939:5
Gerrior, Lillian
Wed to Sidney J. Chisholm, 09/11/1936:7
Gerrior, Raymond
Auto stolen, 02/01/1935:3
Stolen car located in Harwich, 03/15/1935:3
Gerrior, Wilfred
Wed to Barbara Mundi, 12/31/1937:11
Gerrior, Wilfred R.
Engaged to Barbara E. Mundi, 12/10/1937:7
Gerrish, Alice K.
Fills post on Unitarian Society parish committee, 11/01/1935:1
Gewecke, Carolyn Blanchard
Daughter born, 10/13/1939:9
Gewecke, William
Daughter born, 10/13/1939:9
Gholson, A.K.
Wed to Eileen Story, 09/04/1936:8
Gholson, Amon
U.S. Marine stationed at Hingham, 10/09/1936:8
U.S. Marine Corporal stationed at Quantico, VA, 12/29/1939:4
Gholson, Arnon Kenneth
Wedding described, 07/31/1936:8
Giacobbe, Rocco
Injured in auto crash near Clyde's Lunch, 01/08/1937:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gibb, Ruth
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Wed to John J. Decker, 04/24/1936:7
Gibbons, Leo N.
Optometrist to locate here, 11/11/1938:1
Optometrist, 87 Center St (ad), 11/11/1938:7
Gibbs, A. Hamilton
Couple close summer home on Highland Rd, 12/06/1935:7
And wife spend winter in New York and Europe, 04/29/1938:4
Addresses Scribblers Club, 10/14/1938:11
Returns to summer estate on Highland Rd, 03/24/1939:11
Lakeville author's home robbed, 07/07/1939:1
Gibbs, Alma
Burial at Hope Rest cemetery, 04/17/1936:8
Gibbs, Alma J.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Gibbs, Alma Josephine
Dies at age 74, 04/17/1936:7
Gibbs, Andrew B.
Obituary, 04/02/1937:1
Dies at age 83, 04/02/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 04/30/1937:8
Petition to sell real estate, 04/07/1939:8
Gibbs, Anna M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/01/1936:7
Gibbs, Carl
Obituary, 06/26/1936:1
Gibbs, Cecil W.
Engaged to Helen Dottridge, 07/22/1938:7
Gibbs, Cecil Wadsworth
Engaged to Helen Dottridge, 09/27/1935:1
Wedding described, 08/05/1938:1
Gibbs, Charles
Probation case defaulted, 10/07/1938:11
Gibbs, Charles F.
Obituary, 05/26/1939:5
Gibbs, Charles R.
Guilty of operating improperly registered and uninsured vehicle,
Case of insurance law violation filed, 10/07/1938:5
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 12/23/1938:9
Probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Gets extension to pay fine, 05/12/1939:8
Pays $5 of $35 fine for drunk driving, 07/14/1939:2
Gibbs, Evelyn F.
Obituary, 03/11/1938:1
Dies at age 83, 03/11/1938:7
Gibbs, Florence
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Gibbs, F.M.
F.M. Gibbs Florist Shop moves to new South Main St location (ad),
Gibbs, Frank
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Onset cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Gibbs, Frederick
Pays fine, 09/02/1938:5
Gibbs, Frederick A.
Fined $10 for trapping without a license, 03/04/1938:8
Gibbs, Herbert H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/01/1936:7
Gibbs, Joseph
Chimney fire on Tispaquin St, 12/13/1935:1
Gibbs, Joseph M.
Obituary, 03/13/1936:1, 03/13/1936:2
Brockton man dies at age 51, 03/13/1936:6
Gibbs, Maude
Sister of Mrs Frank Cobb dies, 03/04/1938:3
Gibbs, Maude Louise
Obituary, 02/25/1938:6
North Abington woman dies at age 59, 02/25/1938:7
Gibbs, Mrs A. Hamilton
Mother dies in Lakeville, 06/04/1937:11
Gibbs, Orville J.
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Gibbs, Walton
Funeral held in Wareham, 10/13/1939:9
Giberti (Mr)
Legality of actions by selectmen discussed by The Spectator (l),
Giberti, Amedeo
Engaged to Annie Fabbri, 11/13/1936:1
Occupies new home on Oak St, 07/15/1938:7
Car smashed when tree comes down in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Giberti, Amedeo J.
Engaged to Annie T. Fabbri, 10/23/1936:1
Wedding described, 11/20/1936:1
Appointed new wire inspector, 03/04/1938:1
Daughter born, 12/29/1939:8
Giberti, Amedio
Daughter born, 04/15/1938:7
Giberti, Charles
Candidate for Finance Committee, 04/17/1936:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Giberti, Charles V.
Files nomination papers for selectman, 12/03/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:1
Elected selectman (p) (t), 01/21/1938:1
Appreciation to voters (l), 01/21/1938:11
Declared winner still on top after recount (t), 01/28/1938:1
Rumors have no basis in fact (l), 03/25/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/01/1938:8
Giberti, Deodato
Obituary, 12/06/1935:1
Dies at age 69, 12/06/1935:6
Giberti, Florence
Does graduate work at Boston University, 04/09/1937:1
Sails for two months of travel in Europe, 07/01/1938:1
Returns from summer abroad, 09/16/1938:1
Giberti, Florence C.
Fills vacancy at Thompson St School, 11/06/1936:1
Giberti, Joseph V.
Delivers address at University Club in Boston, 02/07/1936:12
Completes four months of clinical study at Boston hospital,
Awarded M.D. degree from Tufts' College (p), 06/18/1937:1
Opens medical office at 31 Oak St, 08/05/1938:1
General medicine, surgery and obstetrics (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Giberti, Josephine
Returns from summer abroad, 09/16/1938:1
Giberti, Josephine M.
Resumes school duties in Dedham, 09/25/1936:12
Giberti, Mary Louise
Born to Amedeo J., 12/29/1939:8
Giberti, Robert
Purchases drug store from E.M. Johnson, 08/27/1937:1
Granted drug store license, 09/10/1937:2
Giberti, Robert D.
Application for liquor license, 08/27/1937:5
Assumes control of Johnson's pharmacy, 09/10/1937:1
Application for liquor license, 12/03/1937:9
Selectmen approve liquor license application, 12/17/1937:1
Application for liquor license, 12/01/1939:6
Giberti's Apothecary
John Glass Jr. Square (ad), 09/17/1937:12
Soda fountain and ice cream bar (ad), 11/26/1937:8
Gibney, Arthur
Employed at sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Gibney, Mrs Arthur
Employed at sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gifford, Allen A.
Obituary, 04/09/1937:6
Gifford, Charles L.
Open letter to Representative (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 07/17/1936:8
Congressman thanks voters (l), 01/01/1937:1
Gifford, Marion M.
Wed to Harrison A. Shurtleff, 03/15/1935:4
Gifford, Murray
Appeals sentence on second drunk driving charge, 03/08/1935:6
Gifford, Murray S.
Wedding described, 01/08/1937:1
Gifford, Richmond
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:7
Son born, 09/02/1938:7, 11/10/1939:4
Gifford, Richmond M.
Teacher of drums (ad), 12/24/1937:12
The Gift Shop
34 North Main St (ad), 12/06/1935:8
Gift Shops
Edith Hudson proprietor of The Homestead (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Mrs Thomas Pollitt hostess of The Buttonwoods Inn and Gift Shop (ad),
The Gift Shop, 34 North Main St (ad), 12/06/1935:8
Mrs A.H. Keyes opens Lila's Gift Shop, 22 School St (ad),
Gilbert, Rollene
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:5
Gilbert, Susie
Dies in Fairhaven, 07/10/1936:11
Gilchrist, Elizabeth Janet
Engaged to Rene Albert Lizotte, 07/30/1937:8
Wedding described, 08/13/1937:11
Gill, Alfred J.
Wed to Aune Lammi, 12/15/1939:2
Gill, Arthur L.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Gill, Edna G.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Gillchrist, Ethel
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/29/1935:7
Gilli, Anthony
Engaged to Leah V. Boutin, 12/08/1939:7
Gilligan, Edward
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Gilligan, Eileen
New clerk at A.F. Ryder Co., 07/09/1937:1
Gilligan, Ellen
Clerk at A.F. Ryder Co., 07/15/1938:1
Gilligan, John F.
Collides with New Bedford driver on Main St in Lakeville,
Gilligan, John F., Jr.
Engaged to Eva L. Willette, 01/24/1936:1
Gilligan, John Francis
Engaged to Eva Louise Willette, 10/22/1937:11
Wedding described, 11/05/1937:8
Gilligan, Mrs John
Resides in Connecticut, 06/24/1938:1
Gilligan, Mrs John F.
Resides in Worcester, 11/18/1938:4
Gillis, Angus
Walter Gillis here for funeral, 08/09/1935:2
Gillis, Angus S.
Victim of auto fatality in Wareham, 08/02/1935:1
Dies at age 70, 08/02/1935:6
Obituary, 08/02/1935:8
Gillis, George Malcolm
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:2
Gillis, Mrs Walter
Resides in Hartford, CT, 07/17/1936:5
Gilman, Annie
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:11
Gilman, Lewis W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:11
Gingman, Dorothy Lynne
Born to Duanne, 10/13/1939:5
Gingman, Duanne
Daughter born, 10/13/1939:5
Gingras, Dorothy
Injured when bicycle struck by Arthur Wood's auto, 04/16/1937:1
Gingras, Vernon
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Gioanoni, Mary
Engaged to Frank E. Silvia, 12/20/1935:6
Giovanoni, Mary
Wed to Frank E. Silvia, 12/27/1935:6
Giovenetti, Vincenzo
Obituary, 09/20/1935:1
Girard, Andrew P.
Chimney fire on Wood St, 07/31/1936:1
Girard, Gertrude C.
Wed to William J. Benson, 07/07/1939:5
Girl Scouts of America
Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 01/04/1935:8
Holds annual rally, award recipients listed (t), 06/07/1935:11
Emma Holloway attends tea for Lady Baden-Powell, 07/19/1935:6
Middleboro council holds annual meeting, 05/29/1936:2
Hold rally and court of awards, 06/12/1936:6
Robinson and Atkins recipients of Golden Eaglet award (p),
Local rally acclaimed great success, 02/19/1937:1
Middleboro Council holds annual meeting, 05/14/1937:8
Hold joint exposition with Boy Scouts, 02/18/1938:11
Hold Court of Awards, 05/27/1938:1
Council holds annual meeting, 05/19/1939:2
Girls Scouts of America
Holds Court of Awards, 06/02/1939:6
Given, Edward
Fire demolishes Lakeville home, 01/27/1939:1
Glasey, Eliza M.
Dies at age 77, 06/12/1936:7
Glass, John J., Jr.
VFW holds memorial service, 06/07/1935:6
Glassey, Eliza
Obituary, 06/12/1936:1
Glidden, A.R. (see A.R. Glidden & Son)
Glidden, Benjamin
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Glidden, James R.
Wintering in Florida (p), 03/17/1939:11
Glidden, Lindley
Lets tenement to Lawrence Huntley, 11/15/1935:8
Has well dug deeper, 11/29/1935:8
Moves from Plymouth St to Bedford St, 09/04/1936:5
Glidden, Mrs James R.
Wintering in Florida (p), 03/17/1939:11
Glidden, Robert
Son born, 02/14/1936:2, 02/14/1936:6
Glidden, Roger H.
Scout attends Annawon Council National Jamboree (p), 07/02/1937:1
Gliniewcz, Joseph W.
Engaged to Molly E. Banus, 12/13/1935:6
Gloria Provisions
378 Centre St (ad), 12/18/1936:12
Glover, Bessie A.
Obituary, 12/02/1938:1
Taunton woman dies at age 62, 12/02/1938:7
Glover, John
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Lightning strikes tree on Miller St, damages house on rebound,
Lightning strikes house at Rock, 08/21/1936:8
Gasoline burn victim improving, 08/20/1937:11
Glover, Mildred Elaine
Born to Myron, 02/05/1937:5
Glover, Mrs Myron
Resides in Beachmont, 09/06/1935:5
Resides in East Weymouth, 05/28/1937:11
Glover, Myron
Daughter born, 04/26/1935:7
Resides in Weymouth, 04/03/1936:5
Daughter born, 02/05/1937:5
Resides in East Weymouth, 07/30/1937:11
Son born, 12/30/1938:11
Glover, Rosella
Obituary, 02/26/1937:11
Glover, Ruth Drake
Daughter born, 04/26/1935:7
Son born, 12/30/1938:11
Glover, Ruth Frances
Born to Myron and Ruth Drake, 04/26/1935:7
Glover, R.W.
It Isn't the Town, It's You (poem), 02/11/1938:1
Glover, William J.
Engaged to Hilda J. Lindelof, 09/06/1935:6
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:5
Gloyd, Charles A.
Wed to Amanda Bruso, 09/29/1939:5
Gnospelius, Alfred
Son born, 07/21/1939:1
Gnospelius, Frances Crossley
Son born, 07/21/1939:1
Alden Wilbur's goat gives birth to three sons and a daughter,
Goble, William
Obituary, 06/28/1935:1
Goble, William D.
A tribute (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 07/05/1935:12
Godbout, Doris M.
Engaged to Arthur F. Benson, 10/16/1936:7
Wed to Arthur F. Benson, 10/23/1936:7
Goddard, H.W.
Parents of Lucy Ganyer celebrate 60th anniversary, 03/05/1937:11
Goddard, Lottie
Funeral held in Gardner, 11/20/1936:7
Godfrey (Mr)
Kelley & Godfrey, 385 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Godfrey, Nellie S.
Obituary, 07/15/1938:1
Dies at age 68, 07/15/1938:7
Godfrey, Walter
Wed to Edith Reed, 08/26/1938:8
Goetz, Leander
Obituary, 04/23/1937:6
Greencastle, PA man dies at age 78, 04/23/1937:7
Funeral held in Carver, 04/23/1937:11
Goetz, Ruth
Resides in Cambridge, 05/14/1937:11
Goff, Gene
Engaged to Mr MacKenzie, 03/05/1937:11
Goff, Geneva
Wed to Roderick MacKenzie, 03/26/1937:11
Goff, Madeline
Engaged to Reginald Washburn, 08/20/1937:1
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Wed to Reginald Washburn, 09/03/1937:11
Goff, Madeline W.
Wed to Reginald S. Washburn, 09/03/1937:7
Gola, Ilario
Employed as paddle-maker in Dorchester, 10/07/1938:11
Golden Glow Dairy
Employs Russell Tripp, 07/03/1936:8
Goldenberg, Karl
Taunton doctor applies for license for medical massage, 09/15/1939:1
Goldman, Lillian
Enters Newark City hospital nurse's training in New Jersey,
Student nurse at Newark City hospital in NJ, 04/03/1936:12
With ambulance service at site of Hindenburg disaster, 05/14/1937:1
Member of 50th class to graduate from Newark City Hospital School of
Nurses, 06/17/1938:1
Goldman, N.
Slipcovers, 389 Bedford St (ad), 08/06/1937:12
Goldstein, Ezra
Fire in bowling alley beneath Blanche Carr's store damages stock,
Goldstein, Virginia
Musician plays at Myles Standish Hotel, 02/01/1935:1
Engaged to play at Hotel Hamilton in Bermuda, 12/18/1936:6
Town manager outlines plan for golf course here, 03/18/1938:1
Golf course for Middleboro gains support, 03/25/1938:1
Gomes, Albert P.
Promoted to camp exchange steward at CCC camp in Vermont,
Engaged to Audrey J. Kelley, 11/18/1938:1
Gomes, Alfred J.
Purchases old carpenter shop at rear of Peirce Memorial, 12/25/1936:1
Gomes, Arthur E.
Collides with Brighton auto on West Grove St, 07/01/1938:8
Gomes, Benjamin
Obituary, 07/22/1938:1
Gomes, Edmund
Son born, 08/29/1935:6
Gomes, Elevine
Sustains injury in auto accident at School and Peirce St, 01/10/1936:1
Gomes, Esther Marie
Born to William, 05/05/1939:3
Gomes, Fred
Family auto goes into bog reservoir on Thomas St, 11/03/1939:6
Gomes, Frederick
Charged with operating car without a license, 05/28/1937:1
Arrested for assault on George Wrightington, 01/14/1938:2
Wrightington assault case continued, 01/21/1938:1
Discharged on assault charge, 01/28/1938:1
Gomes, John
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Obituary, 04/09/1937:6
Carver man dies at age 87, 04/09/1937:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/03/1937:5
Brother dies in Boston, 07/22/1938:1
Son born, 11/04/1938:5
Chimney fire on Vine St, 02/17/1939:1
Gomes, Joseph
Son born, 05/19/1939:5
Gomes, Lewis
Son born, 11/18/1938:7
Gomes, Louis
Auto strikes deer on Rocky Meadow St, 12/17/1937:5
Gomes, Louis M.
Have your car simonized (ad), 05/24/1935:8
Promoted to mess steward at CCC camp in Vermont, 10/18/1935:2
Stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, VT, 02/21/1936:12
Engaged to Rose Andrade, 06/10/1938:7
Wed to Rose Andrade, 06/17/1938:7
Gomes, Manuel
Stove pipe fire out before department arrives, 12/22/1939:8
Gomes, Margaret P.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to William A. Wrightington, 10/18/1935:6
Wed to William A. Wrightington, 11/15/1935:6
Gomes, Pedro
Wed to Grace Raymond, 04/16/1937:7
Gomes, Samuel
Falls from railroad bridge, 04/21/1939:1
Gomes, William
Arrested for assault on George Wrightington, 01/14/1938:2
Wrightington assault case continued, 01/21/1938:1
Fined $50 for assault on Wrightington, 01/28/1938:1
Daughter born, 05/05/1939:3
Gonsalves, Lawrence
Drowns outside New York harbor, 04/26/1935:7
Good Will Club
Holds annual meeting, 02/24/1939:1
Goodale, Harry
Town manager back on the job, 05/10/1935:1
The Spectator discusses upcoming election (l), 12/30/1938:2
Goodale, Harry J.
Town manager resigns, given probationary period as acting head,
Town manager resigns, 02/25/1938:1
Re-named to town manager post for six months, 03/18/1938:1
Injured in three-car crash on Rte 28, 07/22/1938:1
Voluntary retirement comes after 17 years of service, 08/12/1938:1
Why the Town Manager resigned (l) (The Spectator), 08/12/1938:1
Sufficiently abused to not want to run for selectman (l) (The Spectator),
Works conscientiously even after date set for resignation, 09/30/1938:1
Retiring town manager feted, 10/07/1938:1
Retiring town manager presented gift, 10/14/1938:1
Chamber holds testimonial dinner, 11/18/1938:1
Citizens speak at campaign meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Refutes rumors, will not accept post of Town Manager (l), 04/21/1939:1
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Candidate for Board of Selectmen, biography, 12/29/1939:1
Goodale, Harry J., Jr.
Pleads not guilty to four charges following auto crash, 09/09/1938:1
Fined $25 for leaving scene of accident, 09/23/1938:6
Goodale, Loring D.
Passes bar exam, 03/26/1937:6
Goodale, Mrs Robert
Employed at Trust Co., 10/02/1936:1
Victim of measles epidemic, 12/15/1939:12
Goodale, Robert
Daughter born, 04/19/1935:4
Goodell, Ida I.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Dies at age 79, 05/20/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 06/03/1938:11
Goodell, Maurice
Student at Textile school in New Bedford, 04/03/1936:8
Graduates from New Bedford Textile school, 05/22/1936:8
Attends school in Hartford, CT, 07/31/1936:2
Resides in Hartford, CT, 12/04/1936:5, 05/20/1938:4
Goodenough, Mabelle Thelma
Wedding described, 11/06/1936:1
Goodhue (Mr)
Lets Lakeside place to Robert Fiske, 10/23/1936:6
Goodhue, Donald
Son born, 07/12/1935:12
Goodhue, Edward
Builds new bungalow on Main St in Lakeville for Hannah and May
Nelson, 06/24/1938:11
Sells modern cottage at Long Pond to Charles Cole, 06/02/1939:9
Goodhue, Genevieve Johnson
Son born, 07/12/1935:12
Goodick, Ethel
Just for To-Day (poem), 01/04/1935:4
Riches (poem), 07/12/1935:6
A Hundred Years from Now (poem), 08/09/1935:11
My Garden of Memories (poem), 03/18/1938:6
Goodick, Mildred
Employed at Trust Co., 08/23/1935:7
Goodick, Mrs David
Employed at Trust Co., 08/21/1936:12
Gooding, Edna
Resumes teaching in Lancaster, 09/13/1935:8
Instructor in Girls' Industrial School, 09/01/1939:3
Goodman, Eli
Fire in brooder house on Plymouth St, 01/17/1936:5
Goodman, Herman
Engaged to Julia Bassett, 02/08/1935:4
Son born, 12/25/1936:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/12/1939:7
Goodman, Mrs Eli
Bruised in fall from car, 02/19/1937:7
Goodnough, Mabelle
Engaged to Phillip W. Anderson, 09/25/1936:12
Goodreau, Arthur
Engaged to Gladys Trinque, 03/12/1937:6, 03/19/1937:11
Wed to Gladys L. Trinque, 04/23/1937:7
Wed to Gladys Trinque, 04/30/1937:11
Goodreau, Arthur E.
Engaged to Gladys L. Trinque, 04/09/1937:7
Goodreau, Arthur Eugene
Wedding described, 04/23/1937:1
Goodreau, David J.
Accepts post in Harrisburg, PA, 03/03/1939:3
Goodreau, Dora
Injured in auto accident in Medfield, 10/04/1935:8
Resides in North Cambridge, 11/22/1935:2
Goodreau, Irene
Resides in North Cambridge, 11/22/1935:2
Goodreau, Theodore
Chicken pox quarantine removed, 01/07/1938:11
Daughter born, 06/16/1939:2, 06/16/1939:5
Goodreau, Theodore H.
Moves to South Carver, 08/26/1938:8
Goodrich, Elizabeth
Supervisor of dormitory at Yale, 03/29/1935:1
Goodrich, Maynard
North St couple married 10 years, 07/09/1937:6
Goodridge, Mrs Ono
Injured in collision with New Bedford driver, 01/21/1938:11
Goodridge, Nathan F.
James Duggan and Nathan Goodridge part of inaugural aerial service
out of East Taunton, 07/22/1938:1
Goodridge, Ono
Injured in collision with New Bedford driver, 01/21/1938:11
Goodwin, George
Son born, 06/18/1937:8
Goodwin, George W.
Chimney fire at North and Myrtle St, 02/04/1938:1
Goodwin, Irma
Wed to Michele Renzi, 05/24/1935:4
Goodwin, Irma B.
Engaged to Michele Renzi, 05/10/1935:4
Goodwin, Linetta Holmes
Son born, 06/18/1937:8
Goodwin, Mrs Henry
Employed at Thomas Panesis' new delicatessen, 04/09/1937:1
Goodwin, Thelma E.
Wedding described, 10/11/1935:1
Goodwin, Thelma Louise
Engaged to Ernest M. Baum, 07/05/1935:2
Goodyear, Mary
Obituary, 05/29/1936:12, 06/05/1936:5
Gordon, Isaac
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Minnie Zigman, 01/27/1939:7
Gordon, Patrick T.H.
Briton obtains five-day law waiver to marry Monsarrat-Zai,
Gorman, James H.
Obituary, 01/14/1938:8
Gormley, Charles D.
Arrested for drunk driving after 4-mile chase, 07/14/1939:2
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 07/21/1939:7
Gorrie, Arthur
see also Royal Cafe
Application for liquor license, 10/18/1935:6
Granted liquor license, 11/15/1935:1
Cash taken in break-in at Royal Cafe, 11/06/1936:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Baron larceny case continued, 05/20/1938:8
Joseph Baron found guilty of larceny, 05/27/1938:1
Gorrie, Arthur T.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 11/27/1936:6
Goss, Basil
Son born, 06/02/1939:5
Goss, Basil F.
Names infant son Lee Stuart, 06/09/1939:9
Goss, Helen M.
Obituary, 08/26/1938:1
Goss, Lee Stuart
Born to Basil F., 06/09/1939:9
Goss, Madeline Winifred
Engaged to Chester M. Washburn, 06/04/1937:1
Gotham, James
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Gould (Mr)
Waltham man purchases property on Rock Pond, 11/05/1937:11
Gould, Elton
Daughter born, 03/06/1936:6, 03/06/1936:7
Son born, 08/04/1939:7
Gould, Elton E.
Wed to Lenora E. Reed, 08/16/1935:6
Gould, Lilly K.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Gould, Melvin W.
Obituary, 12/06/1935:5
Gould, Mrs Roy
Resides in Plymouth, 04/14/1939:8
Gould, Ray
Wed to Miss Smith, 11/18/1938:2
Gove, Geo. E.
Christmas pardons (l), 12/30/1938:6
Gove, George E.
Vote no on liquor license question (ad), 10/23/1936:8
Alexander Heath takes another hit at local government (l), 01/04/1935:5
Charter committee makes preliminary report, 02/15/1935:2
System of district representation for town suggested, 03/15/1935:1
Charter revision committee holds meeting, 04/19/1935:1
Petition for charter revisions, 06/14/1935:1
Petition over charter brings issue to a head, 06/21/1935:1
House of Representatives acts favorably to charter revision petition,
Petition for charted revision approved by Senate committee,
Charter revision petition approved with but one change, 07/12/1935:1
Charter petition passed by House of Representatives, 07/19/1935:1
Charter revision petition enacted by state Senate, 07/26/1935:1
Governor's signature makes petition law, 08/02/1935:6
Tax Payer's League hears Manager Goodale speak on town government,
Committee discusses charter revisions, 12/20/1935:1
Reminder of proposed town charter revision (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Shall our town charter be changed? (l) (t) (Frederick Lobl),
To the voters of Middleboro (l) (Romeo Millette), 01/17/1936:2
Vote NO on the charter changes (ad) (l) (Sylvanus L. Brett, Morrill S.
Ryder), 01/17/1936:5
Proponents of charter revision come out strong on election day,
Let us establish the finance committee authorized by charter revision (l)
(Hiram J. Archer), 02/21/1936:1
Charter revisions incorporated into workings of town, 05/01/1936:1
Should protest President's plan (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 03/05/1937:5
Outstanding Scout Roger Soule to be Town manager for a day (p),
Supreme Court nominations, think this over (l) (H.H. Dunham),
Scouts take over town duties for the day, 03/26/1937:1
Boy Scouts receive keys to town (p), 04/02/1937:1
Committee named to investigate representative form of government,
Correction to omission in article on Scouts, 04/02/1937:1
Wake up America (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 04/09/1937:5
Committee to consider representative form of government, 05/07/1937:1
Fallacies of Bodfish letter (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 06/11/1937:5
Form of government discussed in local conference, 08/27/1937:1
Plymouth residents visit here to town manager form in action,
Selectmen host committee from Plymouth, 09/03/1937:1
Committee studies representative form of government, 10/22/1937:1
Residents hear talk on representative form of government, 11/12/1937:1
Representative form will die natural death, 11/19/1937:1
The Ludlow Amendment (l) (Nina Shaw), 01/07/1938:5
We the People (l) (M.A. Snow), 02/04/1938:8
Bubbles (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 02/11/1938:3
Let no one think for you (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 03/11/1938:3
Dictators (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 04/15/1938:10
Social Security (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 05/06/1938:6
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/20/1938:3
Our votes have gone with the wind (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 05/27/1938:9
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 06/03/1938:8, 06/10/1938:4,
Racketeers (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 07/22/1938:8
Town divided on question of manager form of government,
Spectator discusses town manager form (l), 08/26/1938:2
Town manager Peterson makes thorough study of town charter (l) (The
Spectator), 11/11/1938:5
Open letter to town manager government of Middleboro (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 01/27/1939:8, 02/03/1939:11
Open letter to Middleboro people (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 02/17/1939:11
Public farming and hotel keeping under Middleboro manager
government (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/03/1939:5
Pleads for spirit of brotherly love (l) (Luke F. Kelley), 03/10/1939:3
Piggies and politics in Middleboro government (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Town meeting and Town Manager systems (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Selectmen plan for revision to charter, 12/29/1939:1
Govoni (Mr and Mrs)
Son born, 10/14/1938:7
Goward, Mignon R.
A Picture of Spring (poem), 05/06/1938:6
Gracey (Mrs)
Miriam Pratt here for funeral, 05/07/1937:11
Gracey, Cordania E.
Obituary, 05/07/1937:6
Dies at age 92, 05/07/1937:7
Graham, C.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Graham, Clifford
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Graham, Clifford J.
Wins scholarship to Northeastern University, 07/15/1938:11
Enrolls in Massachusetts State College in Amherst, 09/23/1938:5
Employed in Carver, 09/08/1939:7
Graham, Frank A.
Collides with Waltham driver on Wareham St, 09/22/1939:2
Graham, Gertrude L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/24/1937:8
Graham, Helen
Employed in Jamaica Plain, 08/09/1935:8, 07/03/1936:8
Employed at Lucy Braley's Candy Kitchen, takes course at Fanny
Farmer's in Boston, 10/14/1938:11
Graham, James E.
Employed in Natick, 07/05/1935:8
Graham, Katherine
Employed at Polly Pines, 07/05/1935:8
Delegate from Bridgewater State German Club to gathering in Boston,
Graham, Kathleen
Student at Bridgewater State College, 03/01/1935:6
President of German Club at Bridgewater State, 11/27/1936:5
Awarded Alpha Gamma Phi scholarship at Bridgewater State,
Graduates from Bridgewater State, 06/10/1938:11
Receives B.S. degree from Bridgewater State, 06/17/1938:1
Teacher at Trade school at Thompson Island, Boston, 07/01/1938:11
Graham, Percy
Daughter born, 06/19/1936:7
Grain (see C.P. Washburn Co.)
Grand Army of the Republic Post 8
George Thomas new commander, 11/22/1935:1
General Order No. 1 for Memorial Day, 05/22/1936:1
Holds memorial service at Central Baptist, 05/29/1936:5
Level of participation gratifying, 06/05/1936:1
Post Commander George Thomas observes 94th birthday, 02/26/1937:1
General orders for Memorial Day, 05/21/1937:1
General Orders for Memorial Day, 05/20/1938:1
Middleboro has one surviving member, 05/27/1938:1
Issues orders for Memorial Day, 05/26/1939:1
Grange (see Patrons of Husbandry)
Grant (Mr)
Lets Bedford St cottage to George Dyer, 01/20/1939:3
Grant, Corrine Beverly
Born to Forres and Helen Johnson, 12/17/1937:4
Grant, Emerson
Letters in hockey at Vermont Academy, 03/29/1935:1
Attends Massachusetts State College, 02/14/1936:11
Wins honors at MA State College, 03/27/1936:11
Returns from six weeks training with ROTC Cavalry Detachment,
Graduates from Mass State College, 06/16/1939:1
Grant, Emerson W.
Second Lt. ordered to active duty in Cavalry Reserves, 07/07/1939:4
Grant, Everett
Lets Bedford St apartment to Edward Shea, 05/06/1938:11
Grant, Everett F.
Bedford St couple married 37 years, 07/01/1938:11
Grant, Forres
Daughter born, 12/17/1937:4
Grant, Harriet L.
Defeated for third term on Lakeville School Committee, 03/06/1936:1
Grant, Helen Johnson
Daughter born, 12/17/1937:4
Grant, Lillian
Engaged to Sterling McLean, 06/23/1939:1
Grant, Lillian F.
Engaged to Sterling A. McLean, 06/16/1939:5
Grant, Lillian Fraser
Engaged to Sterling A. McLean, 05/26/1939:1
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:1
Wed to Sterling A. McLean, 07/07/1939:5
Grant, Mrs Everett
Picks violets, 12/02/1938:1
Grant, Patrick A.
Obituary, 06/26/1936:1
Dies at age 67, 06/26/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 10/02/1936:7
Grant, Walter
Employed at fire station, 08/21/1936:12
Grant, W.T. (see W.T. Grant Co.)
Grasjean, Margaret
Resides in Nutley, NJ, 10/23/1936:1
Grass Fires (see Forest Fires)
Grasser, Grace I.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/06/1937:7
Grasser, John A.
Obituary, 07/09/1937:1
Dies in Boston at age 67, 07/09/1937:7
Gravelin, Peter
Daughter born, 09/10/1937:7
Graves, Frank W.
Wed to Mary C. Canavan, 05/17/1935:4
Graves, Mary Canavan
Recent bride tendered surprise party, 06/07/1935:5
Graves, Samuel
Funeral held in South Norwalk, CT, 10/01/1937:7
Gray, Alice
Brother's funeral held in Reading, 08/28/1936:5
Gray, Charles E.
Funeral held in North Carver, 10/06/1939:10
Gray, Christine E.
Wed to Howard M. Pierce, 07/01/1938:7
Gray, Elizabeth
Obituary, 06/17/1938:11
Gray, Elizabeth Elsie
Born to Theodore and Elizabeth Hopkins, 08/11/1939:7
Gray, Elizabeth Hopkins
Daughter born, 08/11/1939:7
Gray, Henry D.
Engaged to Rose D. Brown, 06/07/1935:6
Sentenced to 30 days for assault on wife, 02/10/1939:8
Assault case filed, 08/04/1939:10
Gets probation for drunkenness, one more time and will go to jail,
Gray, Leo D.
Engaged to Marguerite F. Evans, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Marguerite F. Evans, 09/03/1937:7
Gray, Mrs Clara
Resides in Winthrop, ME, 06/19/1936:12
Gray, Nellie May
Engaged to Lawrence W. Leach, 11/27/1936:2
Gray, Rose
Henry Gray sentenced to 30 days for assault on wife, 02/10/1939:8
Gray, Theodore
Engaged to Alma E. Hopkins, 11/19/1937:7
Wed to Alma E. Hopkins, 12/03/1937:7
Wedding described, 12/03/1937:11
Daughter born, 08/11/1939:5, 08/11/1939:7
The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.
Grocery store (ad), 01/18/1935:4
Nevada police hold McDermott on two-year-old robbery charge,
Police clerk leaves for Nevada to fetch McDermott, 07/26/1935:1
A&P bandit McDermott returned to Middleboro, 08/02/1935:1
McDermott held on $3,000 for grand jury, 08/16/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Chain store bandit gets term at state prison, 10/18/1935:1
Rubbish fire in rear of store, 04/24/1936:1
Employs Louis MacMillan, 07/17/1936:12
Employs Elmer Dewhurst, 08/07/1936:7
Elmer Dewhurst manager, 07/30/1937:1
Opens new self service store at 13 Center St, 03/25/1938:1
New mammoth self-service store (ad), 03/25/1938:8
Grand opening at Main and Centre St (ad), 03/25/1938:10
Andrew Pike head of meat department, 08/19/1938:5
Employs Andrew Pike, 08/18/1939:8
Greaves, Robert
Wed to Mildred Banzi, 10/25/1935:1
Greek Americans
Shoe man Paul Mitrakas sells business to Tony Vertucci, returns to
Greece, 03/25/1938:1
Greely (Mr)
Sells South Middleboro house to Raymond Stuck, 03/03/1939:8
Green (Mr)
New Hampshire family purchases Sigsworth farm on Mill St,
Green, A.
Employs Staples, 02/26/1937:11
Green, Abe
Grass fire on Bedford St, 03/29/1935:1
Back from cattle-buying trip to Wisconsin, 10/15/1937:11
Builds new dairy barn at Leona Farm, 07/21/1939:2
Green, Abraham
Brush fire on Bedford St, 04/10/1936:1
Green, Albert
Son born, 12/03/1937:11
Green, Ashley F.
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:1
Green, Carl
Chimney fire on Mill St, 12/01/1939:1
Green, Frank
Daughter born, 01/03/1936:5, 01/03/1936:6
Green, Frank A.
Wed to Elnora F. Simonds, 04/26/1935:4
Green, Frank L.
Wed to Elnora Simonds, 04/26/1935:4
Green, Frank Lyman
Wedding described, 04/26/1935:1
Green, George
Chimney fire on Forest St, 03/27/1936:1
Green, George A.
Chimney fire on Forest St, 12/01/1939:1
Green, Joseph
Obituary, 06/23/1939:1
Green, Katherine
Engaged to Archie Doyle, 09/03/1937:11
Green, Kenneth
Son born, 10/27/1939:5
Green, Max
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Charged with cruelty to horse, 01/29/1937:1
Guilty of cruelty to horse, 02/05/1937:2
Tax collector's sale, 06/25/1937:5
Chimney fire on Taunton St, 01/14/1938:1
Certified public auctioneer (ad), 11/10/1939:10
Green, Mrs Gilbert
Resides in New Bedford, 09/30/1938:2
Green, Mrs Sylvester
Father dies in Lowell, 03/13/1936:12
Green, Paul
Rents Pleasant St house from B.J. Allan, 05/10/1935:7
Son born, 07/05/1935:6
Green, Philip
On staff at Walk-Over Shoe store, 08/06/1937:8
Son born, 04/07/1939:5
Green, Philip A.
Collides with Montello driver at Pearl and Center St, 10/18/1935:2
Green, Phillip
Clerk at Walk-Over Shoe Store, 08/07/1936:6
Green, Sarah E.
Engaged to Thomas A. Carew, 08/20/1937:7
Green, Sylvester
Son born, 02/07/1936:1, 02/07/1936:6
Green, Walter
Obituary, 09/17/1937:1
Dies at age 58, 09/17/1937:7
Green School
Hilda MacKeen teacher, 09/06/1935:2
Jeanne Lockhart new teacher, 08/11/1939:1
Greene, Louise
Engaged to Donald Garnier, 11/22/1935:2
Wed to Donald A. Garnier, 01/01/1937:6
Greene, Louise N.
Engaged to Donald A. Garnier, 12/11/1936:6
Wedding described, 01/01/1937:1
Greene, Mrs George
Resides in Manchester, CT, 10/04/1935:8
Greene, Philip
Wed to Evelyn Peterson, 09/23/1938:7
Greenhouses (see Nurseries (plant))
Green's Poultry Farm
Vernon St (ad), 12/24/1937:12
Greer, Charles
Moves from Brattleboro, VT to Plymouth St, 03/20/1936:12
Greer, Nelson
Son born, 04/08/1938:7
Greer, William
Bicyclist struck by Gertrude Kyrouz at Everett and North St,
Gregory, Elsie M.
Beauty shop, 87 Center St (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Gregory, Ralph
Young Alfred Fitton runs into Gregory's car at Courtland and Oak St,
Son born, 04/10/1936:6
Grew, Albert
Son born, 09/20/1935:6
Grey, Charles
Carver man dies at age 78, 10/06/1939:7
Grey, Charles E.
Obituary, 10/06/1939:7
Grey, Theodore
Engaged to Elizabeth Hopkins, 10/22/1937:11, 11/26/1937:11
Griesemer, Susan Doty
Engaged to be married, 09/09/1938:6
Griffin, Allen
Daughter born, 01/20/1939:7
Griffin, Beulah F.
Wed to Albert N. Sears, Jr., 06/23/1939:5
Griffin, Edgar
Funeral held at Onset, 05/21/1937:11
Griffin, William J.
Tax collector's sale, 08/13/1937:6
Griffith, Alonzo D.
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
South Carver man dies at age 68, 05/29/1936:7
Obituary, 05/29/1936:8
Griffith, Doris
Engaged to Roger Andrews, 03/24/1939:3
Griffith, Doris A.
Engaged to Roger Andrews, 06/23/1939:1
Engaged to Roger A. Andrews, 06/23/1939:5
Griffith, Doris Adeline
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
Griffith, Edward
Occupies tenement on Miller St, 05/01/1936:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Lets tenement to Maude Lapham, 08/28/1936:2
Lets tenement to Mrs Edward Garde, 09/25/1936:5
Griffith, Eugenia
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Griffith, Henry
Couple married 50 years, 02/12/1937:1
Dies in South Carver, 04/30/1937:11
Griffith, Henry S.
Veteran Carver town official succumbs (p), 04/30/1937:1
South Carver man dies at age 76, 04/30/1937:7
On death of (l) (Eugene A. Wright), 05/07/1937:1
An appreciation (l) (Carver townsman), 05/07/1937:11
Griffith, Homer
Daughter born, 07/01/1938:11
Griffith, Hope Elaine
Born to Homer, 07/01/1938:11
Daughter of Homer baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Griffith, Horace
Couple married 20 years, 01/13/1939:1
Griffith, Kenneth
Daughter born, 04/07/1939:5
Griffith, Lucy
Obituary, 07/12/1935:6
Griffith, Marian
Great aunt's funeral held in Brockton, 07/23/1937:2
Griffith, Mrs Calvin
Funeral held in Marion, 07/19/1935:8
Griffith, Orlando
Obituary, 01/27/1939:6
Griffith, Orlando P.
Carver man dies at age 67, 01/27/1939:7
Griffith, Sherwood
Attends Northeastern, 01/06/1939:1
Griffith, Sherwood B.
Enrolls at Northeastern University, 09/23/1938:6
Takes Liberal Arts courses at Northeastern University, 10/21/1938:1
Griffiths, Frank Carlos
Former actor passes away here, obituary, 05/12/1939:2
Maine native dies here, 05/12/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 06/02/1939:6
Grigalunas, Euphemia
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Wed to Anthony Zwinglas, 07/14/1939:5
Griniewicz, Mary
Obituary, 02/26/1937:1
Palmer woman dies at age 23, 02/26/1937:6
Griniewicz, Victoria Ann
Engaged to Lawrence Sullivan, 12/29/1939:1
Grinlewica, Frank
Injured in auto crash on Center St, 01/29/1937:2
Grinnell, Frank O.
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Berkley man dies at age 59, 07/26/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 08/09/1935:7
Grinnell, Susie E.
Wed to Samuel E. Taylor, 10/16/1936:7
Griswold, Ernest
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Athlete runs into Shurtleff's lumber truck on West Grove St,
Griswold, Fred
Assistant cook at Vermont CCC camp, 10/18/1935:2
Griswold, George
Moves to Lucien Atwood house on Wareham St, 04/26/1935:6
Griswold, Mary
John Houlihan guilty of assault on Griswold, 03/20/1936:5
Griswold, Roger C.
Wed to Helen J. McAloney, 09/23/1938:7
see also Economy Store; First National Stores, Inc.; Fish Markets;
George Lang & Co.; Homestead Grocery; Meat Markets; Miller's
Markets; Panesis Market; P.H. Peirce Co.; The Great Atlantic &
Pacific Tea Co.; Thomas Bros. (store)
Break-in reported at John Holt's market, 03/22/1935:1
J.T. McKechnie's Puritan Food Market, Fall Brook (ad), 08/16/1935:5
Ricketts Market, corner of South Main and Wareham St (ad),
Big opening sale of Cleverly's Nation-Wide Market at 454 Centre St
(ad), 10/04/1935:3
Howard Garnier (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Moro's Market, Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Caswell Bros., North Middleboro (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Chestnut's Market, 108 Arch St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Kelley & Godfrey, 385 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Moro's Market opens at 137 Centre St (ad), 10/25/1935:12
W.C. Thomas closes grocery after 29 years, 12/06/1935:11
Marra & Son, Italian imported groceries, 376 Center St (ad),
Gloria Provisions, 378 Centre St (ad), 12/18/1936:12
P.H. Higgins Store adds full line of meats, 02/26/1937:2
P.H. Higgins Store, full line of liquors, wines, and beers (ad),
P.H. Higgins Store "robs" customers (ad), 03/12/1937:2
Thomas Panesis opens delicatessen shop at 34 Center St, 04/09/1937:1
Panesis Delicatessen, 34 Center St (ad), 04/09/1937:7
Begley & Sons market closes doors after 38 years in business,
Begley closing business May 1st (ad), 05/06/1938:12
Howard Garnier, grocer with exceptional food bargains (ad),
Stop and Shop super market opens at 43 Center St, 06/24/1938:1
Stop and Shop now open at 43 Center St (ad), 06/24/1938:2
Arthur Wall opens new grocery on Miller St, 06/24/1938:11
Apartments over Puritan Food Market completed, 10/14/1938:11
Arthur Smith sells filling station, grocery store to Harold Pratt,
Stop & Shop, 43 Center St (ad), 11/04/1938:8
Free Stop & Shop food baskets won by residents, 11/11/1938:5
Selectmen okay signs for Cleverly's Market, 11/18/1938:3
Champlin's store closes after 40 years of service, 08/11/1939:1
Belcher's Corner Grocery opens at 439 Center St (ad), 10/13/1939:10
Selectmen grant liquor licenses, 12/22/1939:1
Shaw Reynolds purchases grocery business of late Frank Williams,
Grogan, Alvina
Dies in Wollaston, 04/23/1937:11
Grogan, Doris
Wedding described, 10/18/1935:5
Groppner, Catherine E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:7
Grosjean, Harold
Son born, 01/08/1937:1
Grosjean, Margaret
Moves to Nutley, NJ, 01/03/1936:1
Grosjean, Margaret Courtney
Son born, 01/08/1937:1
Grosjean, Mrs Harold
Resides in Nutley, NJ, 10/08/1937:7
Gross, Edwin
Moves from East Freetown to Rock, 08/19/1938:11
Fred Johnson sprains back in fall from Edwin Gross' roof, 10/21/1938:3
Employed in Plympton, 07/28/1939:6
Finds employment in East Freetown, 09/01/1939:7
Gross, Leslie
Park St couple married 25 years, 04/22/1938:1
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Grossman, Albert
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Grossman, Edward A.
Collides with East Taunton driver at East Main St and Star Ave,
Grossman, R.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Grove Chapel (see Lakeville Congregational Church)
Grover, Bert
Obituary, 09/18/1936:11
Grover, Robert
Wedding described, 04/30/1937:11
Guerin, Charles
Son born, 10/25/1935:6
Guerin, Joseph
Obituary, 11/26/1937:1
Dies at age 59, 11/26/1937:7
Funeral held at Sacred Heart Church, 12/03/1937:8
Guertin, Charles E.
Tax collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5
Guertin, Daniel
Five-year-old struck by Pittsley's car on Bourne St, 06/09/1939:2
Guertin, H.
Proprietor of Plymouth, Middleboro & New Bedford Bus Line (ad),
Guertin, Homer
Selectmen grant bus line permit, 05/22/1936:1
Granted permit for bus line extension, 05/14/1937:5
Guest, Edgar A.
The Country Hospital (poem), 06/04/1937:1
Guidaboni, Arthur
Wed to Leila Elliott, 08/11/1939:1
Occupies new home on Cedar St, 09/08/1939:8
Guidaboni, Didimo
Fire in hen house on Soule St, 07/10/1936:1
Guidaboni, Edna
Injured in auto accident on Plymouth St, 10/15/1937:1
Guidaboni, Mary
Injured in auto accident on Plymouth St, 10/15/1937:1
Guidaboni, Norman H.
Son born, 07/10/1936:7
Guidoboni, Alice
Wedding described, 10/28/1938:6
Wed to Ralph McIlvana, 10/28/1938:7
Guidoboni, Arthur Lewis
Engaged to L_lia Shockley Elliott, 12/16/1938:1
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Guidoboni, Casear
In triple car crash on West Grove St, 07/09/1937:1
Guidoboni, Mrs Norman
Principal of Forest Street School granted leave of absence, 03/06/1936:1
Guild (Mr)
Philip Skerrye takes Guild's place in high school English department,
Moves from Middleboro to North Lakeville, 06/10/1938:11
Guild, Albert
Henry Wood struck by Guild's auto on Prospect St, 11/04/1938:1
Guild, Albert E.
Engaged to Lillian C. Shea, 02/21/1936:6
Wedding described, 02/28/1936:1
Wed to Lillian Shea, 02/28/1936:6
Guild, Alice B.
Engaged to Henry C. Walker, Jr., 06/24/1938:7
Guild, Carlton
Fills vacancy left by Trufant resignation, 08/09/1935:1
High school English teacher resigns, joins faculty at Tabor Academy,
Guild, Hattie M.
Engaged to Nye D. Estey, 01/29/1937:1, 02/26/1937:6
Guild, Herbert
Son born, 11/13/1936:7, 11/13/1936:12
Guild, Herbert F.
Son born, 04/28/1939:9
Guild, Josephine Casey
Son born, 11/13/1936:12, 04/28/1939:9
Guild, Mrs Carlton
And Mrs Frank Crosier organize Middleboro Players, 11/22/1935:1
Guild, Mrs Herbert
Resides in Manchester, NH, 01/01/1937:1
Guilford, Ella L.
Petition for administration of estate, 07/23/1937:6
Dies at age 67, 07/23/1937:7
Administrator presents account of estate, 07/14/1939:6
Guilford, Ella Louise
Obituary, 07/23/1937:1
Guilford, Marian
Nurse at St. Luke's, 07/24/1936:12
Guilford, Marion
Husband files for divorce, 05/27/1938:12
Guilford, Paul Kendrick
Files for divorce, 05/27/1938:12
Wed to Gladys May Kraus, 05/26/1939:1
Guilford, Richard A.
In memoriam (p), 06/12/1936:11
Guilford, Samuel
Obituary, 10/09/1936:1
Dies at age 72, 10/09/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 10/16/1936:5
Guimare, Jack O.
Engaged to Josephine C. Galanto, 05/19/1939:5
Guimaries, Ernest
Son born, 11/03/1939:5
Gunn, Gilbert
Employed at sanatorium, 10/18/1935:12
Employed at Lakeville Hospital, 11/06/1936:6
Gurney (Mrs)
Funeral held in Appleton, ME, 03/05/1937:11
Gurney, Annetter F.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Gurney, Charles E.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/10/1936:5,
Gurney, Charles, Jr.
Charles Gurney and sons start boat building business here, 01/22/1937:1
Gurney, Charles S. (see Charles S. Gurney & Sons Co.)
Gurney, Clarence M.
Baby chicks, started chicks, Vaughan St, Lakeville (ad), 02/12/1937:12
Gurney, Dan
Charles Gurney and sons start boat building business here, 01/22/1937:1
Gurney, Daniel L.
Engaged to Blanche L. Carr, 10/28/1938:7
Wedding described, 11/04/1938:1
Wed to Blanche L. Carr, 11/04/1938:7
Gurney, David
Window broken but nothing taken, 09/17/1937:1
Gurney, Jonathan R.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Gurney, J.R.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Gurney, William
Well-known author dies, 12/16/1938:10
Gustafson, David
Brockton couple married 25 years, 11/05/1937:11
Police disperse band camping on Plymouth St, 11/08/1935:1
Gypsy Moths (see Insects)
Hackett, Ida Ellen
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
Wife of Frank dies at age 61, 11/11/1938:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Hackett, Mrs Herbert
Donates books to Lakeville Public Library, 03/12/1937:11
Hacking, Adeline
Obituary, 10/04/1935:8
Hacking, Jack
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:3
Hacking, John
Daughter born, 01/08/1937:5
Hadley, Walter Herman
Engaged to Rena Isobel Bisbee, 04/28/1939:9
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:6
Hadsel, William
Victim of only fireworks accident over 4th, 07/05/1935:6
Hadsell, Grant B., Jr.
Engaged to Genevieve I. Phillips, 02/21/1936:6
Wed to Genevieve I. Phillips, 03/13/1936:6
Haigh, Benson
Plymouth man dies, 03/08/1935:1
Haines, Charles L.
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 12/29/1939:4
see also Barbers
The Beauty Shoppe, Katherine L. Wright proprietor (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Jean's Beauty Shoppe, 200 Center St (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Elsie M. Gregory beauty shop, 87 Center St (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Roberta's Beauty Shoppe, genuine, realistic waves (ad), 03/29/1935:8
Elsie Wells Beauty Shop, 87 Centre St (ad), 03/27/1936:7
A. Candella, 23 South Main St (ad), 10/02/1936:12
Alfred Sousa proprietor of Alfred's Beauty Shop, 111 Centre St (ad),
Rose's Beauty Shoppe enlarged with spacious porch, 07/30/1937:1
Genevieve Zmudin, electric needle specialist (ad), 01/21/1938:12
Charlotte's Beauty Salon hires Valerie Waters, 02/24/1939:1
Merchants and hairdressers hold benefit card party and style show for
St. Luke's, 05/05/1939:1
Rose's Beauty Shoppe closed for vacation (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Haire, Chester
Moves from South Middleboro to Rock, 03/18/1938:3
Moves to tenement on Miller St, 03/25/1938:3
Haire, J. Walter
Lets tenement to Manuel Brown, 10/07/1938:5
Halahan, John
Fire at home on Peirce St, 02/14/1936:2
Halahan, John W.
Moves to Prospect St, 07/15/1938:1
Hale, Alan
Attends Northeastern University, 11/29/1935:12
Hale, Alan M.
On honor list at Northeastern University law school, 10/02/1936:6
Hale, Allan
Files nomination papers for position on Finance Committee,
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Hale, Allan M.
Graduates from Northeastern University law school, 06/23/1939:1
Halenun, Carl
Wed to Helen Maharta, 10/21/1938:6
Halewood, Richard S.
Engaged to Eleanor T. Rice, 04/03/1936:6
Haley, Helen Ryder
Chosen to direct high school pageant, 11/05/1937:1
Teacher of elocution (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Haley, Hiram
Electrician in court for installation without a license, 02/15/1935:7
Haley, Hiram F., Jr.
Collides with Buzzards Bay driver at Oak and Frank St, 09/08/1939:2
Haley, Mamie
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Hall, Allan M.
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Hall, Alton C.
Dies at age 66, 12/02/1938:7
Obituary, 12/02/1938:11
Hall, Arthur S.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Member of post office force, 09/16/1938:6
Hall, Charles E.
Mansfield man dies, 07/02/1937:8
Hall, Cyril
Wed to Elspeth Reid, 10/15/1937:11
Hall, Delia K.
Obituary, 01/13/1939:1
Widow of Frank dies at age 75, 01/13/1939:7
Petition for probate of will, 02/10/1939:7
Hall, Ellen M.
Complaint against Leroy Washburn concerning removal of stone wall
boundary dismissed, 09/02/1938:5
Hall, F.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Hall, Francis
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Hall, Frank
And Theodore Leonard use river for logging 25 years ago, 02/19/1937:1
Hall, Fred
Moves from Lakeville to Brockton, 12/17/1937:8
Hall, Henry L.
Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1938:5
Hall, Henry Lindsay
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Dies at age 78, 05/20/1938:7
Hall, Jesse
Driver at local fire station, 07/31/1936:12
Shed fire on East Grove St, 01/01/1937:1
One hundred hens stolen, 09/17/1937:1
Hall, John
Installed as Chef de Guerre, 12/04/1936:1
Elected vice commander of 10th Legion district, 08/27/1937:1
Local dentist takes out papers for selectman, 11/12/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:1
Dentist at State Farm, 08/26/1938:1
Hall, John D.
Explains reasons for seeking office (l), 01/07/1938:1
Hall, John H.
Installed as new local Legion commander, 09/20/1935:1
Surgeon dentist at State Farm, 10/04/1935:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Elected district Legion commander (p), 08/26/1938:1
Local Legion backs Hall for state vice commander (p), 08/11/1939:1
Elected vice commander, 08/25/1939:1
New state officer honored by local Legion, 10/13/1939:1
Hall, Nahum
In court for violation of wage laws, 10/30/1936:2
Fined $25 fro violation of wage law, 11/13/1936:2
Sells Bedford St house to Florence Thorson, 10/01/1937:11
Hall, Nahum L.
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Dies at age 58, 10/14/1938:7
Hall, Nahum Leonard
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
Hall, Nathan
Car on fire on Center St, 04/08/1938:1
Hall, Roger
Police apprehend two juvenile car thieves, 04/09/1937:1
Hall, "Shine"
Supervises town football practice, 09/10/1937:6
Hall, William W.
Attends California Tech, 12/04/1936:6
Hallett, Carlton
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Resides in Cristobel, Panama, 08/19/1938:5
Hallett, Hattie Ritter
Son born, 03/15/1935:1
Hallett, James
Son born, 03/15/1935:1
Hallett, James, Jr.
Born to James and Hattie Ritter, 03/15/1935:1
Hallett, Mae Boehme
Resides in the Panama Canal Zone, 09/18/1936:12
Hallett, Mary
Fine millinery (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Hallett, Mary L.
Willed life interest in $10,000 by late cousin, 12/18/1936:1
Oil burner flare up on Center St, 04/07/1939:1
Hallett, Mrs Carlton
Resides in Panama Canal Zone, 08/21/1936:8
Hallett, Mrs James
Resides in Milton, 02/14/1936:6
Hallock, Mrs F.K.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Hallock, Robert
Son born, 08/05/1938:7
Arraigned on lottery charges, 10/28/1938:2
Pranksters busy Halloween Night, 11/06/1936:1
Police encounter little difficulty, 11/05/1937:1
Town enjoys normal holiday, 11/04/1938:11
Nazi flag flown at high school as Halloween prank, 11/03/1939:1
Rock School damaged in delayed prank, 11/03/1939:1
Halunen, Allie
Daughter born, 02/08/1935:7
Halunen, Andrew
Chimney fire on France St, 01/04/1935:1
Halunen, Anna
Engaged to Malcolm Taylor, 02/17/1939:11
Wedding described, 02/24/1939:11
Halunen, Carl
Son born, 06/16/1939:2, 06/16/1939:5
Halunen, Frank
Wedding described, 06/24/1938:8
South Carver man dies at age 56, 10/07/1938:7
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1, 10/14/1938:5
South Carver man dies at age 56, 10/14/1938:7
Halunen, John
Son born, 12/16/1938:7
Halunen, Laurie
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:11
Halunen, Mary
Wedding described, 09/25/1936:8
Halunen, William
Stationed at Fort Adams, RI, 02/10/1939:11
South Carver man leaves for Panama with 13th Infantry, 10/27/1939:3
Ham, Helen
Alice Bagdon bitten by Dr Ham's dog while bicycling, 07/12/1935:11
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 01/14/1938:1
Ham, Mrs Robert
Resides in Kansas City, MO, 09/01/1939:8
Haman, Gordon
Son born, 09/01/1939:5
Hamer, George
Son born, 12/29/1939:5
Hamilton, Lula
Obituary, 03/05/1937:11
Hamilton, Margaret A.
Obituary, 07/17/1936:1
Hamilton, Margaret J.
Obituary, 01/21/1938:1
Hamilton, Norma Ruth
Baptized at First Congregational, 01/14/1938:11
Hamilton, Will J.
Obituary, 01/29/1937:7
Hammerton, James
Obituary, 11/25/1938:1
Dies at age 80, 11/25/1938:7
Hammond, Arthur T.
Burial at Central Cemetery, 01/20/1939:6
Hammond, Benjamin
Biography, 10/16/1936:11
Hammond, Bertram
Youth run down by auto after argument, 07/30/1937:1
Carver man not guilty of assault on Hammond, 10/01/1937:1
Hammond, Fred
Bernard Owens purchases former Hammond house in Fall Brook,
Hammond, George
Biography, 10/16/1936:11, 10/23/1936:11
Hammond, Joshua W.
Obituary, 02/19/1937:11
Hammond, L.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Hammond, Louis
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Hammond, Maude D.
Firemen called twice for same chimney, 12/22/1939:3
Hammond, Mildred K.
Engaged to John Page, 01/17/1936:6
Hammond, Philbert
Charged in breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's, 07/19/1935:1
Receives sentences for larceny from Shurtleff's mill, 10/25/1935:1
Hammond, Walter
Occupies Cleveland home on Plymouth St, 08/04/1939:8
Hammond, William
Burial at Plympton, 06/04/1937:8
Daughter wed to William Rowland, 09/01/1939:7
Soule-Hayward Co. to furnish invalid coach service, 02/05/1937:7
Handricken, Madeline
Engaged to Arthur Quelle, 04/16/1937:7
Handricken, Madeline W.
Wed to Arthur Quelle, 04/23/1937:7
Handy (Mr)
Begins screening, 09/20/1935:5
Finishes screening early berries, 10/11/1935:2
Starts screening late berries, 11/01/1935:2
Finishes screening, 11/15/1935:5
Screening cranberries, 10/23/1936:5
Starts screening berries, 11/05/1937:11
Finishes screening berries, 12/10/1937:8
Starts screening berries, 10/21/1938:3
Screening cranberries, 11/11/1938:11
Screens berries, 12/02/1938:3
Cranberry screening begun, 09/22/1939:6
Handy, Julia
Funeral held in West Wareham, 06/21/1935:8
Handy, L.S.
Picking commences at Rock bog, 09/13/1935:5
Hanelt, Howard
Engaged to Elizabeth M. Whiting, 04/22/1938:5
Hanelt, Howard Max
Engaged to Elizabeth Mason Whiting, 06/10/1938:11
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:8
Hanks, Lenda
On one year sabbatical from work in Brooklyn, 07/09/1937:1
Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home for the Aged
Selectmen receive notice to incorporate, 02/18/1938:8
Incorporation hearing scheduled in Boston, 03/04/1938:11
Hannon, Cecilia B.
Engaged to Joseph F. Sagesta, 11/11/1938:7
Wed to Joseph F. Sagesta, 12/02/1938:7
Hannon, Harold W.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Former resident commits suicide in Plymouth, 05/19/1939:1
Hanscom, Ethel
Resides in Brookline, 01/18/1935:1
Engaged to Winthrop R. Manwaring, 03/20/1936:1
Engaged to Winthrop Manwaring, 08/28/1936:12, 10/23/1936:5
Engaged to Winthrop R. Manwaring, 10/23/1936:7
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:1
Wed to Chester M. Washburn, 07/16/1937:7
Hanscom, Ethel M.
New teacher at School Street School, 06/14/1935:1
Hanscom, Ethel S.
Engaged to Chester M. Washburn, 07/09/1937:7
Hanscom, Matthew
Engaged to Alida Wadsworth, 04/12/1935:4, 04/19/1935:6
Daughter born, 06/04/1937:7
Hanscom, Matthew W.
Wedding described, 05/03/1935:1
Hanscom, M.W.
Broilers (ad), 04/23/1937:12
Eggs and apples (ad), 10/08/1937:12
Hansen, Serina
Narrowly escapes serious injury in auto crash in Lakeville, 01/20/1939:1
Hanson, Annie
Obituary, 12/23/1938:4
Hanson, Annie L.
Obituary, 12/23/1938:6
Dies at age 52, 12/23/1938:7
Hanson, Carolyn
Employed at Trust Co., 09/02/1938:12
Hanson, Elwin L.
Engaged to Ellen K. Alger, 01/22/1937:6
Hanson, Elwin Lane
Wedding described, 01/29/1937:1
Hanson, Elwyn
Son born, 08/19/1938:7
Hanson, Ernest
Daughter born, 06/12/1936:7
Takes over father's carpentry business (ad), 12/15/1939:12
Hanson, Estelle B.
Engaged to Lucian V.B. Libby, 04/17/1936:7
Wed to Lucian V.B. Libby, 04/24/1936:7
Hanson, Estelle Belle
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Hanson, Eugene
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:11
Hanson, Fred S.
Trust Co. employee ill with influenza, 03/08/1935:1
Son born, 09/20/1935:6
Hanson, Gerda A.
Obituary, 07/10/1936:1
Wife of John H. dies at age 66, 07/10/1936:7
Hanson, Hazel
Employed at housekeeper in Waterville, ME, 11/17/1939:10
Hanson, Jeannette Louise
Born to Ernest, 06/12/1936:7
Hanson, Marilyn
Two-year-old strike by Plymouth driver, 07/16/1937:1
Hanson, Mrs Clinton
Resides in New Bedford, 09/30/1938:2
Hanson, Ruth Jenkins
Warren's former pupils Reasoner and Hanson perform at annual recital,
Hanson, Sophia E.
Obituary, 09/10/1937:1
Taunton woman dies at age 87, 09/10/1937:7
Hanson, William
Obituary, 07/26/1935:2
Hanson, William G.
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Dobbs Ferry, NY man dies at age 60, 07/26/1935:6
Hardie, Helen Putnam
Wed to Neil Warner Young, 07/01/1938:7
Harding (Mr)
Legality of actions by selectmen discussed by The Spectator (l),
Harding, Lewis
Selectmen charged with incompetency, petition to seek recall,
Harding, Lewis F.
Seeks fourth term as selectman (p), 01/03/1936:1
Reward faithful service (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:11
Re-elected president of Chamber of Commerce (p), 07/03/1936:1
Proposes budget with pay restoration (l), 03/19/1937:1
Town meeting settles budget question, 03/26/1937:1
The Spectator discusses upcoming election (l), 12/30/1938:2
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:1
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:1
Review of candidates (l) (The Spectator), 01/13/1939:1
Continuation of sane and responsible town government (ad),
Candidate for selectman (ad), 01/13/1939:8
Enters fifth term as selectman (p) (t), 01/20/1939:1
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Harding, Marguerite
Graduates from Radcliffe College, 06/28/1935:1
Harding, Warren Duncan
Engaged to Helen Marie Nielsen, 11/20/1936:1
Wedding described, 04/22/1938:1
Harding Lewis F.
Selectman recall petition not filed, 09/06/1935:1
Hardware Stores
see also Doane, George E.; George A. Shurtleff & Son
Grand opening of Saunders Hardware & Paint Co., 25 Center St (ad),
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Two minors arrested in breaks Saunders' Hardware and First National
store, 01/17/1936:1
W.L. Sturgis named president of T.W.Pierce Hardware, 02/24/1939:1
T.W. Pierce Hardware Co. announces new houseware department (ad),
Hardy, Annie I.
Engaged to William Owen, 03/24/1939:7
Hardy, Helen Courville
Wedding described, 07/29/1938:1
Hardy, I.R.
Resides in Manhassett, Long Island, 04/12/1935:1
Hardy, Irving
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Hardy, Raymond
And Cordiero in minor mishap at West St and Hillside Ave,
Hardy, Will
Former resident now a dance band leader in Boston, 05/05/1939:1
Hardy, Will S.
Obituary, 07/14/1939:1
Dies at age 64, 07/14/1939:5
Hargreaves, Beulahbel
Engaged to George C. Alger, 03/04/1938:8
Harju, Reino
Injured when auto strikes tree, 01/17/1936:1
Harlow, Adnah
Speed skaters make wager, 02/11/1938:6
Selectman appoint new registrar, 10/14/1938:1
Harlow, Adnah H.
Selectmen wrangle over registrar, 10/21/1938:1
Secures position with State Racing Commission at Dighton,
New president of Plymouth County Republicans, 08/11/1939:4
Named deputy sheriff (p), 09/29/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Harlow, A.W.
Tax collector's sale, 04/24/1936:6
Harlow, Carrie F.
Obituary, 05/05/1939:1
Wife of Warren dies at age 72, 05/05/1939:5
Harlow, Clinton
Brockton man dies, 04/26/1935:1
Harlow, Darragh
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Harlow, Eleanor
Senior at Bridgewater State, 03/04/1938:11
Harlow, Elliott
Reginald Walker collides with Elliott Harlow at Montello and East Main
St, 01/06/1939:11
Harlow, Elliott W.
Contractor and builder (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Harlow, Elmer
Named to Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:7
Resigns from Park Commission, 03/18/1938:1
Harlow, Elvira
Wedding described, 10/04/1935:7
Harlow, Eunice F.
Obituary, 11/27/1936:1
Dies at age 83, 11/27/1936:7
Harlow, E.W.
E.W. Harlow & Sons, general contractors (ad), 12/15/1939:7
Harlow, Franklin G.
Sea Scouts hold regatta, 05/29/1936:2
Graduates from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance (p),
Harlow, George
Employed at Morse's Drug Store, 07/12/1935:1
Harlow, George N.
Resigns from Morse's Drug Store, employed at Winthrop-Atkins Co.,
Harlow, Hannah
Fire department extinguishes burning leaves, 11/05/1937:1
Harlow, Horace
Has post as stenographer with Boston candy company, 03/03/1939:3
Resides in Boston, 04/14/1939:8
Harlow, Ida
Chimney fire on Forest St, 11/17/1939:8
Harlow, Leonard D.
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 06/10/1938:7
Harlow, Lucy A.
Obituary, 06/14/1935:1
Dies in Palermo, CA, 06/21/1935:8
Harlow, Mrs Warren
Brother dies in Framingham, 11/15/1935:7
Harlow, Wilson G.
Proposes two plans for new school (i), 02/26/1937:1
Architect dies in 61st year, obituary, 09/09/1938:1
Dies at age 60, 09/09/1938:7
Harlow, Winslow
Objects to plans for Union Street School (l), 01/22/1937:1
Harlowe, Everett T.
Salesman hired by Middleboro Motor Sales, 11/13/1936:12
Harnedy, Vincent
Gets probation for violation of illegitimacy laws, 12/16/1938:2
Gets 10-day suspended sentence for drunkenness, 07/07/1939:7
Tells court he is employed after sentenced for non-support,
Harnedy, Vincent L.
On probation in illegitimacy case, 02/17/1939:8
Back in court on non-support charges, 08/18/1939:1
Sentenced for drunkenness, 08/25/1939:4
Back in court for probation violation, 09/01/1939:3
Harney, Nelley
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/15/1935:5
Harpootian, Hegui T.
Eva Millette struck by car while crossing John Glass, Jr. Square,
Harrell, Anne Lucile
Engaged to Stuart Grant Keedwell, 02/24/1939:1
Harriman, Ruth
Employed at Town House, 07/12/1935:1
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Harriman, Ruth M.
Petition to erect garage and store gasoline, 10/23/1936:5
Harrington (Mrs)
Dies in New York, 08/21/1936:12
Harrington, Charles
Warren Ave couple married 25 years, 10/20/1939:1
Harrington, Frank
Returns as manager of Middleboro Theatre, 12/17/1937:1
Theatre manager takes job with State Department of Conservation,
Harrington, Grace
Sister Frances Immaculate supervisor of music at Trinity College,
Harrington, Julia Ann
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Dies at age 67, 12/16/1938:7
Harrington, Mabel A.
Obituary, 04/16/1937:6
Dies at age 69, 04/16/1937:7
Harrington, Margaret
Graduates from Leslie School in Cambridge, 06/05/1936:12
Harrington, Marjorie
Accepts position in Washington, DC, 10/11/1935:1
Resides in Washington, DC, 12/27/1935:6
Harrington, Neal R.
Proprietor of Daisy Do-Nut Shop (ad), 12/31/1937:2
Harris, Arthur Elliott
Born to Clarence E., 10/22/1937:7
Harris, Clarence E.
Son born, 10/22/1937:7
Harris, Edward J.
Gets two months for disturbing the peace, other charges filed,
Charged with assault on William Brackett, 10/09/1936:2
Guilty of assault on William Brackett, 10/16/1936:8
Harris, Edward J., Jr.
Wed to Euna M. Leonard, 12/01/1939:5
Harris, Frank A.
Mary Fitzsimmons collides with Harris on East Main St, 07/29/1938:1
Harris, Jessie
Obituary, 11/03/1939:4
Wife of Ralph dies at age 34, 11/03/1939:5
Harris, Lucy
Funeral held in Brockton, 07/23/1937:2
Harris, Mary C.
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Dies at age 76, 01/29/1937:6
Harris, Pauline
Engaged to Charles B. Deane, 11/08/1935:6
Wedding described, 11/29/1935:1
Harris, Polly
Engaged to Charles Bates Deane, 09/27/1935:1
Engaged to Charles Deane, 11/08/1935:2
Harris, Ralph
Moves from Wareham St to Vaughn St, 04/14/1939:8
Harris, Ralph B.
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 11/17/1939:8
Harris, Samuel F.
Obituary, 06/12/1936:1
Dies at age 76, 06/12/1936:7
Harrison, Aurelia L.
Obituary, 01/01/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dies at age 91, 01/01/1937:6
Harrison, B.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Harrison, Bartlett
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Unanimous choice for football captain, 05/12/1939:1
Harrison, E. Kimball
Town House janitor retires, 02/14/1936:1
Retires as Town House janitor, 02/28/1936:6
Obituary, 04/09/1937:1
Dies at age 67, 04/09/1937:7
Harrison, Ellis K.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/03/1937:2
Harrison, James
Engaged to Bertha N. Young, 03/18/1938:1
Wedding described, 09/30/1938:11
Harrison, James W.
Wed to Bertha M. Young, 09/30/1938:7
Harrison, Mrs James
Resides in Boston, 04/14/1939:8
Harrison, Mrs K.B.
Proprietor of The Hitching Post (ad), 12/31/1937:12
Harrison, Mrs Kimball
Operate The Hitching Post restaurant, 03/04/1938:1
Harrison, P.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Harrison, Paul
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Harrisson, Bartlett
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Harrub, Webster
Obituary, 02/15/1935:7
Hart, Alice
George Purdon petitions for sale of auto belonging to Hart,
Hart, Cora Rosamond
Wed in Montello, 06/12/1936:8
Hart, Melvina
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Wife of Thomas Langley dies at age 75, 03/17/1939:7
Hartford, Bramwell
Wollaston couple married 25 years, 03/20/1936:12
Hartley (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Hartley, Allan
Son born, 02/14/1936:6, 01/06/1939:7
Hartley, Bobby
Three-year-old saves self and garage from fire, 02/18/1938:1
Hartley, James
Purchases Marion Rd place from A.T. Clark, 07/10/1936:11
Hartling, A. Kent
Dies in Wethersfield, CT, 03/04/1938:3
Hartling, Alva
Purchases property at 60 Oak St from St. Luke's, 04/08/1938:1
Hartling, Murdock
Employed at State Farm, 07/19/1935:8
Chimney fire on Miller St, 02/11/1938:1
Cousin dies in Wethersfield, CT, 03/04/1938:3
Hartling, Robert
Attends Williams' Business College in Brockton, 09/09/1938:11
Secures position with Middleboro Journal, 10/20/1939:3
Hartmann, Evelyn
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Pennsylvania woman dies at age 24, 03/15/1935:4
Hartmann, Evelyn Casey
Glenside, PA woman dies, 03/22/1935:3
Hartt, Dorothy E.
Engaged to Arnold R. Helm, 02/10/1939:7
Hartwell, Clara
Pilgrim descendant celebrates 96th birthday, 02/17/1939:1
Harvey, A.G.
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 03/29/1935:1
Harvey, Ella May
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Rockland woman dies at age 70, 10/16/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 11/06/1936:6
Harvey, Fred N.
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 08/21/1936:12
Harvey, Mrs Wallace B.
Burial at Rock, 05/21/1937:11
Harvey, Sarah W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/13/1935:7
Haskell, George B.
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Haskell, Goldie
Brother dies in Connecticut, 07/01/1938:6
Haskell, Lura Leonard
Petition for probate of will, 06/07/1935:12
Haskell, Reginald
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:9
Haskell, Walter
Brother dies in Wilmington, 12/10/1937:1
Haskell, Walter, Jr.
Resumes duties at fire station, 08/07/1936:6
Haskins, Ben
Selectmen claims Haskins does not have junk license, 12/15/1939:1
Haskins, Edmund M.
Obituary, 07/22/1938:1
Haskins, Edmund Myrick
Holbrook man dies at age 86, 07/22/1938:7
Haskins, Herbert
North Lakeville couple married 57 years, 10/23/1936:5
Haskins, Herbert M.
North Lakeville couple married 56 years, 11/01/1935:1
North Lakeville couple married 57 years, 10/30/1936:2
Haskins, Ida J.
A tribute (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 05/06/1938:8
Haskins, Ida Jane
Obituary, 04/22/1938:1
Haskins, Ida Jane Washburn
Dies at age 75, 04/22/1938:7
Haskins, Lester
Resides in New York, 04/01/1938:3
Haskins, Lottie
Niece's funeral held in Boston, 03/31/1939:4
Haskins, Mabel
Tax collector's sale, 04/26/1935:5, 03/13/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/02/1937:5
Haskins, Patricia Jane
Born to Russell, 03/15/1935:4
Haskins, Russell
Daughter born, 03/15/1935:4
Lawrence Osborne builds new house on Taunton St, 05/21/1937:11
Housewarming held at new home on Taunton St, 10/15/1937:5
Hasselton, William
Obituary, 02/19/1937:11
Hastay, Adelaide
Rents Miller St tenement from Ardella Gates, 05/03/1935:7
Hastay, Frank
Break-in at East Grove St roadside stand, 10/11/1935:1
Hastings, James W.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:8
Hastings, Mary
Enrolls at Katherine Gibbs school in Boston, 09/23/1938:6
Hastings, Mrs O.B.
Appeal for humane traps (l), 02/10/1939:5
Hasty, John
Resides in Bridgeport, CT, 02/05/1937:8
Hatch, Billy
Obituary, 01/04/1935:3
Hatch, Elizabeth
Obituary, 01/20/1939:1, 01/20/1939:3
Hatch, Elizabeth L.
Petition for administration of estate, 02/10/1939:8
Hatch, Eva
Wedding described, 03/11/1938:1
Wed to John M. Deane, 03/11/1938:7
Hatch, Eva A.
Engaged to John M. Deane, 03/04/1938:7
Hatch, Kenneth
Confined to home with scarlet fever, 07/02/1937:8
Hatch, Wilbur
Quarantined with scarlet fever, 05/28/1937:11
Scarlet fever quarantine lifted, 06/18/1937:11
Hatfield, Ann M.
Obituary, 07/16/1937:11
Hatfield, Augustus L.
Halifax couple married 42 years, 02/26/1937:11
Hatfield, Pearl E.
Wed to Francis C. Whiting, 11/15/1935:6
Hatfield, Pearl Ernestine
Wed to Francis Coomer Whiting, 11/15/1935:6
Hathaway, Barbara
Engaged to Joseph Medeiros, 02/01/1935:1
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:1
Hathaway, Calista
Injured when car rear-ends Westgate auto on West Grove St,
Hathaway, Clarence L.
Former druggist and business man succumbs (p), 06/26/1936:1
Dies at age 80, 06/26/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 08/14/1936:8
Hathaway, Fred
Resides in Center Barnstead, NH, 10/09/1936:1
Hathaway, Lelah
Obituary, 12/11/1936:1, 12/18/1936:1
Hathaway, Louis
Rear-ends parked truck belonging to William Tribou on Oak St,
Hathaway, Louis S.
Cadet at Massachusetts Nautical school, 04/19/1935:1
Graduates from Nautical Training School, 04/09/1937:1
Graduates from USS Nantucket, visits many ports, 10/22/1937:11
Officer on board City of New York, 06/10/1938:12
Home from cruise to Africa, 09/16/1938:1
Ship arrives in Cape Town, 12/09/1938:1
Third mate on board SS West Cawthon arrives safely in Capetown,
South Africa, 05/05/1939:1
Home between cruises on SS West Cawthorn, 07/07/1939:4
Hathaway, Mrs Fred
Resides in Center Barnstead, NH, 05/24/1935:1
Hathaway, Natalie
Injured when car rear-ends Westgate auto on West Grove St,
Hathaway, Priscilla
Attends Bryant & Stratton school in Boston, 09/09/1938:6
Hathaway, Susan M.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Hathaway, Susan V.
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Dies at age 74, 07/26/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 08/09/1935:11
Mary Hallett millinery (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Haubrich, Mrs B.P.
Funeral held at Claremont, NH, 10/30/1936:6
Haultla, Isaac
Petitions for name change to Isaac Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Hautala, Alma Amanda
Petitions for name change to Alma Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Hautala, Isak
Petitions for name change to Isaac Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Hautla, Amanda
Petitions for name change to Alma Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Haven, Elizabeth
Resides in Worcester, 08/12/1938:11
Haven, George
Administrator presents account of estate, 07/26/1935:7
Haven, Karolyne Ruth
Born to Rockwood Haven, 06/02/1939:9
Haven, Marjorie
Resides in Chatham, 11/25/1938:5
Haven, Martin Rockwood
Engaged to Hilda Vaughan, 10/11/1935:5
Haven, Mrs Charles
Resides in Worcester, 08/29/1935:5
Haven, Rockwood
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:9
Haverty, John
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast at State Farm,
Mrs Granville Tillson travels to Hawaii, 03/24/1939:1
Hawes, Mrs Ernest
Resides in Elizabeth, NJ, 05/27/1938:1
Hawkes, Hermon
Wed to Eva Alice Billings, 07/12/1935:2
Hawkes, Roger Drew
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:7
Hawkes, Ruth
Teacher in Scituate, 01/07/1938:11
Hawkesworth, Lionel
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Hawkesworth, Winifred
Resides in New York, 02/25/1938:8
Hawley, Eva L.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Hawley, Frank
Resides in Brockton, 10/09/1936:5
Hawley, Frank W.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Hawley, F.W.
Moves from Plymouth St to Brockton, 03/29/1935:4
Hawthorne, Esther M.
Brother dies in Rockland, 08/21/1936:12
Hawthorne, Hazel
New book released, Three Women, 04/22/1938:1
Hawthorne, Roger
Transfers from Washington Times to Associated Press, 02/01/1935:1
Son born, 10/02/1936:1
Going to Antarctica with Admiral Byrd, 09/22/1939:1
Set to leave for Antarctica soon, 11/17/1939:1
Tripp's candy headed to Antarctica with Hawthorne, 11/24/1939:1
Writes from USS North Star, 12/08/1939:1
Hawthorne, Sylvia R. Moulson
Son born, 10/02/1936:1
Hayden, Myron
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11
Hayden, Myron H.
Wedding described, 10/14/1938:1
Hayes, Cora
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 05/22/1936:8
Hayes, Francis
Daughter born, 12/22/1939:5
Hayes, Royal
Son born, 04/08/1938:7
Hayes, Royal K.
Mother dies in Lowell, 05/15/1936:11
Son born, 04/08/1938:11
Hayes, Royal Kenneth
Born to Royal K., 04/08/1938:11
Haynes, Clinton
Letterman on high school basketball team, 04/07/1939:4
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Hayward, Carrie A.
Obituary, 08/02/1935:1
Widow of George W. dies at age 84, 08/02/1935:6
Hayward, C.H.
Manager of Soule's Undertaking Establishment (ad), 01/08/1937:6
Hayward, Clarence H.
Granted undertaking permit, 01/01/1937:1
New manager takes over Soule Undertaking, new name Soule-Hayward
Co., 01/08/1937:2
Open letter denies rumors concerning sale of late Soule's businesses (l),
Appointed to special police, 07/21/1939:4
Hayward, Eva
Injured when car struck tree, 11/13/1936:5
Hayward, Howard H.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 04/01/1938:7
Hayward, Lee M.
Engaged to Ford W. Martyn, 12/18/1936:6
Hayward, Mary L.
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Dies at age 85, 10/16/1936:7
Hayward, Minnie M.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 04/01/1938:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/07/1939:8
Hayward, Ralph Stanley
Wedding described, 10/28/1938:6
Hayward Funeral Home
Corner of Oak and High St (ad) (p), 09/16/1938:7
Hazelton, George H.
Plymouth St couple married 54 years, 12/03/1937:11
Obituary, 06/30/1939:4
Dies at age 80, 06/30/1939:5
Hazelton, Laura
Wedding described, 09/13/1935:8
Hazelton, Laura E.
Wed to Everett E. Bodwell, 09/13/1935:6
Healey, Francis C.
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Healey, John E.
Undertaking and embalming, 119 Pierce St (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Fahey funeral home undergoes renovations, 05/17/1935:7
Healey, Minnie H.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 71, 03/15/1935:4
Health (see Public Health)
Health Board (see Middleboro - Board of Health)
Healy, John
Employed by Harold Wood at new filling station, 09/18/1936:6
Heath, Albert
Attends Governor's inaugural, 01/04/1935:1
Appointed enumerator of Federal Farm Census, 01/11/1935:1
Appointed federal census enumerator at Worcester, 06/07/1935:1
Nomination papers taken out for post of selectman, 12/09/1938:1
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Heath, Albert M.
Appointed District 7 Assistant Replacement Director of Dept. of Public
Works, 10/25/1935:6
Placement officer at MA State Employment Bureau office here,
Thanks voters for support (l), 05/01/1936:6
Candidate for state Senator, 08/14/1936:1
Candidate for selectman (ad), 01/13/1939:6
Heath, Alexander
Takes another hit at local government (l), 01/04/1935:5
Do not re-elect Heath (ad) (l) (Chester B. Churchill), 01/18/1935:4
Observations on Dr. Dick (l), 02/15/1935:7
Moves to Malden, 09/06/1935:12
Candidate for selectman, 12/13/1935:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Enjoys town meeting; commended by Hiram Archer (l), 02/14/1936:5
Candidate for selectman, 01/08/1937:5
Fire caused by overheated stove, 09/17/1937:1
Fire in partitions of Wareham St house, 04/14/1939:1
Heath, Alexander, Jr.
Neil Young takes over Lakeville store, 07/02/1937:5
Neil Young takes over store, 08/06/1937:8
Heath, Alice
Collides with Stoughton driver at traffic circle, 09/27/1935:2
Truesdale and Eaton charged with robbery of cash from Heath store in
Lakeville, 06/25/1937:1
Heath, Edward
Moves to apartment at Center and Forest St, 09/06/1935:12
Daughter born, 12/03/1937:7
Warrant against Churbuck in burglary case refused, 07/01/1938:6
Heath, Elizabeth
Brother dies in Manchester, NH; brother-in-law dies in Newport,
Brother dies in Newport, NH, 02/11/1938:3
Heath, Mrs Albert
Named to Democratic state committee, 07/24/1936:12
Heath, Mrs Alexander
Undergoes amputation operation, 03/18/1938:12
Heath, Roberta L.
Engaged to LeRoy F. Lake, 08/26/1938:7
Heath, Virginia
Assigned position in office of MA Attorney General Paul Dever,
Heating and Heating Contractors
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Joseph Borsari, plumbing, heating & supplies (ad), 07/08/1938:12
Hebert, Alfred
Daughter born, 02/26/1937:6
Chimney fire on East Main St, 02/17/1939:1
Hebert, Celia R.
Bicyclist Frank Towne hit by Hebert's car on Center St, 08/25/1939:1
Hebert, George
Daughter born, 05/10/1935:7, 08/20/1937:7
Hebert, Jeffrey
Cesspools and wells cleaned (ad), 07/03/1936:12
Hebert, Jeffry
Concludes work with Board of Health and snow plow, 10/22/1937:5
Hedlof, Paul
Resides in Frankfurt, MI, 07/09/1937:1
Heffner, Roy E., Jr.
Key Theatre manager arrested for holding lottery, 12/30/1938:1
Heffner, Roy, Jr.
Pleads not guilty to lottery charge, 01/06/1939:1
Test case in Bank Night matter, 01/13/1939:1
Local Bank Night test case fails, 03/03/1939:1
Hegarty, Everett
Move to Middleboro from Plymouth, 09/15/1939:8
Heggerty, Louise
Six rescued in sailboat upset on Assawompsett, 07/07/1939:4
Heikkela, Matte N.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Funeral held in South Carver, 03/15/1935:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
South Carver man dies at age 46, 03/15/1935:4
Heikkila, Matti
Will in probate, 03/22/1935:5
Heileman, Otto
Collides with Emerson at John Glass Jr. Square, 01/29/1937:6
Heinig, Gertrude A.
Engaged to Warren B. Washburn, 05/14/1937:7
Heisler, Alvina
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 12/27/1935:2
Heisler, Mildred
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 12/27/1935:2
Hekkila, Leonard
Wed to Aili Piispanen, 06/10/1938:2
Heleen (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Heleen, Edwin O.
Engaged to Lillian T. Pennala, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Lillian T. Pennala, 08/13/1937:7
Heleen, Frances MacRae
Son born, 11/01/1935:11
Heleen, Viljo
Charged with reckless driving, 04/17/1936:2
Fails to appear in court on reckless driving charge, 05/01/1936:2
Fined $20 for reckless driving, 05/08/1936:5
Heleen, William
Born to William, 11/01/1935:6
Son born, 11/01/1935:6, 11/01/1935:11
Middleboro men participate in flood relief in Northampton,
Daughter born, 02/17/1939:7
Heleen, William A.
Prominent athlete has heart attack, obituary, 11/18/1938:1
Dies at age 25, 11/18/1938:7
Heleen, William Emile
Baptized at First Congregational, 01/14/1938:11
Hell's Blazes
Mrs Earl Gates sells landmark to Burton Davis (p), 05/03/1935:4
Origin of name lost in time, 07/12/1935:8
Helm, Arnold R.
Engaged to Dorothy E. Hartt, 02/10/1939:7
Helvie, Clara C.
Resides in Milford, NH, 04/07/1939:1
Helvie, Clara Cook
Minister resigns from First Unitarian, 03/29/1935:1
Resignation from First Unitarian accepted, 04/19/1935:8
Accepts call to Milford church (p), 08/19/1938:1
Henig, Gertrude
Wedding described, 05/28/1937:1
Henig, Gertrude Anna
Engaged to Warren B. Washburn, 04/23/1937:2
Hennessey, Edward
Resides in Charlotte, NC, 07/17/1936:12
Hepel, Theodore
Chimney fire on West St, 01/27/1939:1
Herbert, Joseph
Kingston man dies at age 36, 08/26/1938:7
Herbert, Joseph Henry
Obituary, 08/26/1938:1
Herbert, Viola N.
Engaged to Hilaire Bastarache, 01/10/1936:6
Herman, Lewis
Has wheat ranch in Wheat Basin, MT, 11/13/1936:12
Lunch cart suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Returns from wheat ranch in Montana, 12/04/1936:12
Herman, Louis
Chimney fire false alarm, 06/23/1939:1
Hero Manufacturing Co.
New toy factory opens on Cambridge St, 05/26/1939:1
Granted charter of incorporation, 11/17/1939:7
Waldo Dunn awarded silver medal from Massachusetts Humane
Society, 04/01/1938:3
Herrett, Augusta
Wed to Jeremiah F. Reardon, 02/18/1938:7
Herring - Middleboro
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Privileges go to Wareham man, 03/22/1935:1
Visitors here to witness annual run in Nemasket, 05/03/1935:1
Three cheers, they are here, 04/24/1936:1
Sign boast Middleboro claim to fame, 05/08/1936:1
Large numbers of seagulls here to feed on herring, 05/08/1936:2
Illinois resident Krause sees herring run at Muttock bridge in film,
Selectmen discuss bids, 09/25/1936:1
Plymouth man wins bid, 10/09/1936:2
Chokers busy again, 04/09/1937:1
Signs explaining story of annual visitors suggested, 04/23/1937:1
Film shown in local theatre, 05/07/1937:1
Crowd views herring run, 05/06/1938:11
Selectmen get project request for improvements to run at Nevertouch
Pond, 10/07/1938:2
Old law cited in claim made by Middleboro, 03/24/1939:1
Herring sign gives wrong idea about Middleboro, 05/19/1939:1
Truckload dumped on Rte 28, 05/19/1939:1
Health officials called to site of accident, 05/19/1939:4
Runs at Wareham St and East Main St rebuilt, 12/29/1939:1
Hervey, Abbie Caswell
Obituary, 07/24/1936:6
Hewitt, Bertram
Resides in West Somerville, 06/14/1935:1
Hewitt, Louise Lincoln
Engaged couple's upcoming wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Hewitt, Mrs Robert
Father dies in Rehoboth, 03/20/1936:11
Hewitt, R.E.
Proprietor of Bobs Turkey Ranch (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Hewitt, Robert
Re-appointed dog officer, 05/24/1935:1
Hewitt, Thomas F.
Obituary, 04/23/1937:6
Dies at age 60, 04/23/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 05/07/1937:8
Hewitt, William
Chimney fire on Everett St, 01/04/1935:1
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Hewitt Bros. Farm
East Grove St (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Hewitts' Farms
Poultry, East Grove St (ad), 01/03/1936:12
Hickey, Peter
South Carver man dies, 09/06/1935:5
Hicks, Karin Louise
Born to Walter, 03/03/1939:7
Hicks, Mrs Walter
Returns home after two years of treatment at Essex Sanatorium,
Hicks, Richard
Bicyclist injured by Edith Frost's auto, 06/16/1939:8
Hicks, Walter
Daughter born, 10/08/1937:7
Mother dies in Gloucester, 10/22/1937:5
Daughter born, 03/03/1939:7
Hicks, Walter G.
Leads new group, Junior Executive Club, 02/01/1935:1
High school graduating class dedicates year book to (p), 06/18/1937:7
Hickson, Arthur
Obituary, 03/05/1937:12
Hidden, Charles W.
Obituary, 09/11/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dies at age 79, 09/11/1936:7
Hiel, Julius
Brooder fire on Summer St, 02/26/1937:1
Hietla, Walter
Dies of self-inflicted wounds, 02/03/1939:1
Dies at age 62, 02/03/1939:7
Higginbotham, A.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Higginbotham, Hester C. O'Gara
Obituary, 11/17/1939:4
Wife of Arthur F. dies at age 39, 11/17/1939:5
Higginbotham, T.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Higginbotham, Thomas
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Higgins, A. Whitman
Dangerous 4th of July trick (l), 07/09/1937:2
Highland St couple married 25 years, 08/26/1938:1, 08/26/1938:8
Higgins, Bob
Manager of P.H. Higgins Store, full line of liquors, wines, and beers
(ad), 02/26/1937:2
Higgins, Dura
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Higgins, George H.
New Union Street School project inspector, 05/27/1938:1
Obituary, 11/18/1938:1
Dies at age 63, 11/18/1938:7
Higgins, George Henry
Petition for probate of will, 12/02/1938:11
Higgins, John
Collides with Bridgewater driver at Wood and East Grove St,
Son born, 01/13/1939:7
Higgins, John H.
Reckless driving case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Acquitted on charge of negligent driving, 02/07/1936:2
Higgins, Lorrimer F.
Daughter born, 04/10/1936:6
Higgins, Louise W.
Hits Foster's mailbox in fog, 10/09/1936:1
Higgins, P. Henry
Application for liquor license, 12/25/1936:7, 12/10/1937:13
Higgins, P.H.
P.H. Higgins Store, full line of liquors, wines, and beers (ad),
P.H. Higgins Store "robs" customers (ad), 03/12/1937:2
Higgins, Robert
Larceny case against Nemasket Spring Water Co. continued,
Larceny case continued again, 04/19/1935:2, 04/26/1935:2
Injured in crash on Rte 44, 12/04/1936:1
Higgins, Robert D.
Larceny case brought by Nemasket Spring Water Co. continued,
Larceny case dismissed, 05/10/1935:2
Driver may have fallen asleep, injured when car strikes tree,
Higgins, Whitman
Enters Bristol County Ag School, 09/18/1936:8
Bristol County Ag School student takes second in essay contest,
New superintendent of South Middleboro ME Church, 03/31/1939:5
Higgins, Whitman A.
Gives lecture on birds to Wareham Garden Club, 04/07/1939:9
Higgins, Whitman W.
Graduates from Bristol County Ag School (p), 03/31/1939:1
Receives prize for best essay on nature, 04/07/1939:9
Higginson, Leo
Transfers from New Jersey to Boston, 08/27/1937:11
Moves to Somerville, 04/08/1938:11
Resides in Somerville, 07/01/1938:11
Aunt dies in Fall River, 08/11/1939:6
Resides in Mattapan, 10/27/1939:8
Higginson, Mrs Leo
Resides in New Jersey, 07/05/1935:11
Highway Department (see Middleboro - Highway Department)
Highways (see Massachusetts Department of Public Works; Roads,
Highways, Etc.)
Hill (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Hill, Doris
Wed to Elbridge Brown, 10/02/1936:6
Hill, Doris E.
Engaged to Elbridge M. Brown, 07/17/1936:7
Hill, Frank
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Hill, George Q.
Civics teacher resigns, 06/18/1937:1
Hill, H. Norman
Not guilty of criminal trespass, 08/18/1939:1
Hill, Harold
Resides in Brattleboro, VT, 05/07/1937:11
Hill, Harold G.
Employed in Boston, 06/11/1937:5
Engaged to Eugenia Tallman, 06/18/1937:7
Wed to Eugenia C. Tallman, 06/25/1937:7
Engaged to Eugenia Tallman, 07/02/1937:8
Hill, Harry N.
Guilty of larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/29/1935:2
Hill, H.N.
Charged with larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/22/1935:1
Hill, Joanna Kathryn
Born to Frank and Ruth Manley, 02/18/1938:7
Hill, Norman
Injured in auto accident on Taunton St, 10/29/1937:1
Injured in car crash in Lakeville, 05/06/1938:1
Hill, Norman C.
Injured in auto accident at Frank and Forest St, 03/17/1939:5
Fined $10 for drunkenness, 05/12/1939:3
Hill, Ralph
Moves from Brockton to Lakeville, 10/22/1937:11
Hill, Ruth Manley
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Hill, Wilfred
Employed at sanatorium, 02/17/1939:11
Hill, Wilfred E.
Auto strikes traffic beacon on Everett St, 05/08/1936:1
Arrested for drunk driving, 12/10/1937:1
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 12/17/1937:2
Pays $35 for drunk driving, 02/18/1938:11
Discharged from probation, 06/10/1938:5
Captured after jail break here, 10/13/1939:1
Jail breaker put on long probation, 10/20/1939:1
Hill, William
Chimney fire on Highland St, 12/31/1937:1
Hill Top Farm
Employs Charles Wells, 08/28/1936:7
Hiltz, Dorothy
Attends Burdett College, 09/29/1939:4
Hinckley, Gilbert L.
Dies in Hyannis, 07/02/1937:7
Hinckley, Leslie
Employed by W.T. Grant Co. in Holyoke, 06/05/1936:12
Assistant manager of Hartford, CT W.T. Grant store, 06/17/1938:6
Transfers to W.T. Grant store in Brooklyn, NY, 02/10/1939:1
Hinckley, Leslie A.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Takes manager training with W.T. Grant Co., 02/21/1936:2
Resides in Holyoke, 09/11/1936:12
Transfers from W.T. Grant store in Palmer, MA to Hartford, CT,
Hinckley, M.L.
Jeweler, optometrist (ad), 04/19/1935:3
Fountain pen repair service (ad), 05/03/1935:6
Hinckley, Myron L.
Father dies in Hyannis, 07/02/1937:7
Watch found on Vermont skeleton repaired here, 12/24/1937:6
Vice president of South Shore Watchmaker's Guild, 05/19/1939:2
Good band concerts can be had in town (l), 06/02/1939:4
Hinckley, Richard
Moves from Peirce St to North Main St, 09/11/1936:12
Hinds, David H.
Dies at age 88, 03/17/1939:7
Hinds, David Herbert
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Hinds, Herbert
Chimney fire on Fairview St, 02/19/1937:1
Hinds, Jennie
Obituary, 10/04/1935:6
Hinds, Jennie F.
Dies at age 65, 10/04/1935:6
Hinds, John
Makes restitution to Trust Co., 03/22/1935:1
Hinds, John B.
Charged with larceny from Trust Co., 03/08/1935:6
Engaged to Helen W. Brownell, 11/13/1936:7
Hines, Alton
Reaches 25-year service mark at Keith Shoe Co., 06/12/1936:1
Hinkley, Arthur M.
Obituary, 03/10/1939:8
Hintrager, Emile
Returns from trip to West Indies, 12/23/1938:4
Hirst, David
Car overturns avoiding Fanjoy's vehicle, 12/04/1936:2
Hirst, Roby
And Thomas Hirst apply for masseur license, 05/26/1939:2
And Thomas Hirst granted license, 06/23/1939:2
Hirst, Roby Angelina
Born to Thomas E., 12/23/1938:7
Hirst, T. Edward
I protest treatment of Jews (l), 11/18/1938:11
Lamentation (poem), 11/25/1938:8
Hirst, Thomas
Acts as assistant health officer/sealer of weights and measures,
And Roby Hirst granted license, 06/23/1939:2
Hirst, Thomas E.
Calling of God (poem), 06/28/1935:7
Describes old fashioned NE camp meeting (l), 07/12/1935:8
Mutiny on the Bounty (l), 12/20/1935:11
A Happy New Year (l), 12/27/1935:8
Tribute to St. Luke's (l), 09/11/1936:6
A new school (l), 10/16/1936:11
Engaged to Roby W. Peck, 12/03/1937:1
Engaged to Roby Wilkinson Peck, 02/18/1938:11, 02/18/1938:12
Daughter born, 12/23/1938:7
And Roby Hirst apply for masseur license, 05/26/1939:2
Hirst, Thomas Edward
Thorns (poem), 04/19/1935:4
Wedding described, 02/25/1938:1
Giving is Living (poem), 12/16/1938:10
Hirst, Thomas H.
Gives stirring account of early years at sea, 01/14/1938:1
Hirst, Winifred E.
Engaged to Edward A. Recks, 09/25/1936:7
Wed to Edward A. Recke, 10/02/1936:7
see also Landmarks; The Old Middleborough Historical Society
Representative Washburn fails in attempt to reverse decree of
banishment of Roger Williams, 02/22/1935:2
Parish tax bills very different than in 1850, 03/01/1935:1
Train stalled at Rock in the snow for four days in 1867, 03/01/1935:6
Taxpayer's list from 1866, 03/08/1935:1
Career of P.H. Peirce Co. store ends, 03/29/1935:6
Chronicle of school days in South Middleboro by Jennie Phillips,
Trees on high school lot to commemorate Peirce children (l) (Chester E.
Weston), 06/07/1935:2
Shawl worn by President Lincoln on display at Dupont's store,
Chester Weston completes ERA work of compiling vital statistics; short
story covers 1667 to 1853, 10/18/1935:11
George Warren outlines history of Middleboro Band, 11/22/1935:2
Many advancements here in last year, 12/27/1935:1
Representative Kendrick Washburn renews efforts to lift Roger
Williams banishment decree, 01/03/1936:1
Schooners by William Murdock, 01/03/1936:8
Rep. Washburn wins first step in lifting decree against Roger Williams,
Lions Club adopts resolution to revoke Roger Williams' banishment
decree, 01/31/1936:7
Lewis Benton writes of old Peter Hoar homestead in Lakeville,
Mrs George Caswell owner of 1835 copy of The Essayist and Literary
Journal, 03/13/1936:1
Banishment decree against Roger Williams withdrawn, 05/08/1936:1
Kendrick Washburn succeeds in lifting Roger Williams ban (p),
Last of Nemasket Indians (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 05/08/1936:6
How will history view past decade? (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Wooden building formerly owned by A.V. Smith dismantled,
Razing of building at Pearl and Center St complete, 07/24/1936:1
Winslow corrects dates concerning Smith building recently demolished
(l), 07/31/1936:5
small pox epidemic of 1777 and 1778, 11/06/1936:5
The First Schools in Middleboro essay by Andrew Wood,
Detailed entries from account book, 1774 to 1814 (Laurence Romaine),
Short resume of activities of 1936, 01/01/1937:1
Frank Hall and Theodore Leonard use river for logging 25 years ago,
Excerpts from history of Middleboro included in volume prepared by
Historical Records Survey workers, 04/23/1937:6
History and genealogy of Ballou family prepared by Historical Records
Survey, 04/30/1937:5
Local information included in publication issued by Massachusetts
Historical Records Survey, 06/18/1937:12
Winslow requests record book from Mullein Hill church (ad),
Rev Backus attended meetings concerning ratification of Constitution,
We the People (l) (M.A. Snow), 02/04/1938:8
Town clerk paid in fish in 1861, 02/11/1938:1
History of local post office shows rapid growth, 07/29/1938:1
History of public library, 08/19/1938:2
Passing of Doane's hardware store, Middleboro's oldest business
establishment, 09/02/1938:3
Similar hurricane visited Middleboro in 1817, 09/30/1938:1
Kenelm Winslow responds to query about "Wide Awakes" organization
of yesteryear, 02/17/1939:1
Attendance at high school was 70 in 1884, 02/24/1939:11
Honolulu, Hawaii library requests copy of Weston's Town of
Middleboro, 12/08/1939:12
The Hitching Post
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Open for lunch, dinner, and parties, 20 Rock St (ad), 12/10/1937:14
Operated by Mrs Kimball Harrison, 03/04/1938:1
H.L. Thatcher & Co.
Employs Raymond Nourse, 10/18/1935:1
Raymond Nourse foreman, 08/14/1936:7
Raymond Nourse foreman of printing plant, 12/11/1936:2
Paper fire at printing plant, 05/05/1939:1
Hoar, Peter
Lewis Benton writes of old homestead in Lakeville, 02/28/1936:8
Hoard, Barbara
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:5
Hoard, Grant
Moves from Bedford St to Precinct St, 10/11/1935:7
Couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:1
Couple celebrates 25th anniversary, 12/11/1936:2
Hoard, Helen
Student nurse at Faulkner Hospital, 03/15/1935:5
Resides in Boston, 07/05/1935:12
Graduates from Faulkner hospital in Boston, 10/18/1935:12
Resides in Jamaica Plain, 01/22/1937:5
Hoard, Helen Thomas
Couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:1
Hoard, Natalie
Confined to home with mumps, 04/02/1937:11
Hoard, W. Grant
Moves from precinct St to Bedford St, 01/07/1938:11
Hoard, William
Lakeville couple married 50 years, 11/29/1935:6
Hobart, Chester
Quincy couple married 25 years, 07/02/1937:7
Hobbs, Francis
Resides in Memphis, TN, 08/14/1936:6
Hochwald, Earle C.
Wed to Virginia G. Egger, 12/08/1939:7
Hochwald, Earle Charles
Engaged to Virginia Gertrude Egger, 12/08/1939:1
Hockwald, Earle C.
Engaged to Virginia Egger, 10/13/1939:1
Hodder, Alfred
And Ela Anderson open barber shop on South Main St, 01/04/1935:1
And Anderson open Sanitary Barber Shop on South Main St (ad),
Hodgdon, Charles
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 09/11/1936:2
Purchases building at Oak and Arch St, 12/29/1939:8
Hodgdon, Pearl E.
Engaged to Philip J. Silva, 01/01/1937:6
Wed to Philip S. Silva, 01/08/1937:6
Hodges, Bertha May
Wedding described, 11/03/1939:6
Hodkins, Alfred S.
Wed to Elizabeth F. Covell, 07/07/1939:6
Hoffman, Gertrude E.
Wed to Joseph F. Caperello, 12/09/1938:7
Hogan, Henry
Engaged to Iris M. Nickerson, 08/23/1935:6
Wed to Iris Nickerson, 08/29/1935:1
Wed to Iris M. Nickerson, 08/29/1935:6
Hogan, John E.
Granted common victualler's license, 05/26/1939:1
Hogan, Thomas
Engaged to Doris Owens, 10/18/1935:1
Hogan, Thomas L.
Engaged to Doris G. Owens, 10/25/1935:6
Wed to Dorris G. Owens, 11/08/1935:6
Hojaboom, Albert
Resides in Attleboro, 03/08/1935:6
Hokanson, Grace
Distributor for Charis Adjustable Foundations (ad), 08/25/1939:7
Hokanson, Marion
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Hokanson's Tailoring Service
Ready-to-wear or custom-made (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Moves from second to first floor of 111 Center St, 01/29/1937:1
Now located in former Tinkham Jewelry store (ad), 01/29/1937:2
Holbrook, Amelia A.
Widow of Frederick dies at age 96, 07/17/1936:7
Obituary, 07/24/1936:1
Holbrook, Amelia Atwood
Obituary, 07/24/1936:2
Holbrook, Augusta
Obituary, 02/07/1936:8
Holbrook, Elizabeth
Chimney fire on Highland St, 01/20/1939:1
Holbrook, Harriet A.
Five generations of Spooner family (p), 07/14/1939:5
Holbrook, L. Augusta
South Middleboro folks attend funeral, 02/07/1936:8
Holbrook, Lucy A.
Rock folks attend funeral, 02/07/1936:8
Holbrook, Lucy G.
Obituary, 02/07/1936:1
Dies at age 82, 02/07/1936:6
Holden, Arthur L.
Resides in East Orange, NJ, 03/01/1935:1
Employed by Plymouth Cordage Co., 08/23/1935:1
Wedding described, 03/06/1936:1
Promoted to assistant sales manager at Plymouth Cordage Co.,
Holden, Carol
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Holden, Charles
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Holden, Earl
Burned to death in bed, 08/11/1939:1
Holden, Frederick P.
Daughter born, 06/07/1935:1
Resides in Gloversville, NY, 02/28/1936:12
Holden, Howard C.
Will in probate, 01/25/1935:5
Holden, Mitchell
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Holden, Parker
Attends Dartmouth College, 09/20/1935:1
Student at Dartmouth, 06/12/1936:8
Elected vice president of Interfraternity Treasurers Council at
Dartmouth, 05/14/1937:1
Holden, Parker H.
Pledges Delta Tau Delta at Dartmouth, 10/11/1935:12
Holden, Walter Mitchell
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:9
Holden. Earl
On danger list after auto accident in East Bridgewater, 05/26/1939:1
see also names of specific holidays
Origins of St. Swithin's Day (l) (W.B. Munroe), 07/26/1935:11
Hollinrake, Olive Sullivan
Resides in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 10/18/1935:1
Hollis, Ada Ellen
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Dies at age 80, 02/11/1938:7
Hollis, Claude
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 03/17/1939:6
Hollis, Genevieve
Files complaint after fall on Everett St, 04/23/1937:5
Hollis, Perley
Purchases house from Delia McFarlin estate, 07/21/1939:7
Hollis, Perley A.
Engaged to Shirley Batchelder, 12/16/1938:7
Hollis, Russell
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Receives sentences for larceny from Shurtleff's mill, 10/25/1935:1
Moves to tenement in Rock, 10/13/1939:9
Hollis, Russell G.
Arrested in rash of break-ins on Marion Rd, 06/14/1935:1
Charged in breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's, 07/19/1935:1
Engaged to Caroline Madden, 06/24/1938:7
Wed to Caroline Madden, 07/08/1938:7
Daughter born, 06/09/1939:5
Holloran, William J.
Secures work in Brookline, 02/28/1936:8
Holloway, Agnes
Moves to Lakeville, 11/03/1939:5
Holloway, Carleton
Moves to Manchester, CT, 04/12/1935:1
Holloway, Carlton
Supervisor of Marine Insurance Branch of Firemen's Fund,
Resides in Manchester, CT, 08/29/1935:1
Territory covers Rhode Island and north to Albany, NY, 09/13/1935:1
Daughter born, 05/14/1937:1
Promotion brings transfer to Pittsburg, PA, 04/01/1938:7
Holloway, Mrs Carlton
Resides in Manchester, NH, 10/16/1936:1
Holloway, Mrs Wendell E.
Priscilla Richardson charged with assault, 07/28/1939:7
Drops assault charges against Priscilla Richardson, 08/04/1939:2
Holloway, Penelope
Born to Carlton, 05/14/1937:1
Holm, Colin
Obituary, 12/15/1939:12
Holmes, Agnes M.
Fire in henhouse on Summer St, 03/20/1936:1
Holmes, Arthur P.
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Holmes, Benjamin E.
North Middleboro couple married 60 years, 11/20/1936:1
Plymouth St couple married 60 years, 11/27/1936:11
Plymouth St couple married 61 years, 11/26/1937:2
Holmes, Daniel
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Holmes, Daniel H.
Mary Walker in critical condition after struck by car, 01/17/1936:1
Holmes, Donald
Wedding described, 04/08/1938:11
Holmes, Donald H.
Graduates from Wentworth Institute, 06/07/1935:8
Holmes, E. Standish
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:11
Holmes, Edgar S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:11
Holmes, Edward F.
Collides with North Carver driver near railroad bridge, 04/17/1936:2
Holmes, E.E.
Moves from Cedar St to Miller St, 03/26/1937:11
Holmes, Ellen Wyman
Obituary, 10/21/1938:3
Holmes, Elmer E.
Engaged to Blanche McCann, 01/31/1936:6
Holmes, Elmer E., Jr.
Wed to Blanche McCann, 02/28/1936:6
Holmes, Elwood
Moves from Carver to Middleboro, 07/05/1935:5
Daughter born, 04/02/1937:7, 04/02/1937:11
Chimney fire in screenhouse on Wareham St, 04/28/1939:1
Holmes, Elwood E.
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 08/04/1939:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/25/1939:2
Moves from Fall Brook to Rock, 10/06/1939:9
Holmes, Ethel A.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Holmes, Everett
Remodels old Augusta Canedy place in North Lakeville, 01/17/1936:6
In serious auto accident on County road, 10/09/1936:7
Holmes, Everett A.
Lakeville couple married 30 years, 02/25/1938:8
Holmes, Fred W.
Obituary, 08/13/1937:7
Wareham man dies at age 57, 08/13/1937:7
Holmes, Harold
Daughter born, 06/09/1939:5
Holmes, Herbert
Daughter born, 09/22/1939:5
Holmes, Herbert W.
And Mattie Holmes purchase Tillson parcel from town, 10/01/1937:8
Holmes, James, Jr.
Hired at Weld's farm on Marion Rd, 12/11/1936:5
Holmes, Jesse A.
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Holmes, Laura E.
Graduates from Syracuse University, 05/28/1937:1
Wed to Harold J. Donner, 04/29/1938:7
Holmes, Laura Ellen
Wedding described, 04/29/1938:1
Holmes, Mary S.
Petition for administration of estate, 03/04/1938:7
Administrator presents account of estate, 04/07/1939:8
Holmes, Mary Sawyer
Wife of Benjamin E. dies at age 85, 02/18/1938:7
Holmes, Mary Sawyer Perkins
Obituary, 02/18/1938:1
Holmes, Mattie E.
And Herbert Holmes purchase Tillson parcel from town, 10/01/1937:8
Holmes, Mrs Jesse A.
Uncle dies in Providence, 06/24/1938:8
Holmes, Nathaniel
Memories of, 06/07/1935:5
Holmes, Norman
Daughter born, 01/24/1936:2
Son born, 02/18/1938:7
Holmes, Norman V.
Son born, 02/18/1938:7
Holmes, Richard
Employed at Egger's Funeral Home, 12/22/1939:10
Holmes, Roy
Moves from Miller St to Wareham St, 01/25/1935:2
Moves from Rock to Wareham St, 02/01/1935:6
Holmes, Ruth H.
Executor presents account of estate, 06/21/1935:7
Trustee presents account of will, 03/26/1937:6
Trustees present account of estate, 02/11/1938:8
Trustee presents account of estate, 12/09/1938:6
Holmes, Sara Ellen
Born to Norman, 01/24/1936:2
Holmquist, Charles
Resides in New Bedford, 08/14/1936:2
Resides in Springfield, 04/02/1937:11
Holmquist, Henry
Night watchman at Rock Manufacturing, 05/12/1939:9
Chimney fire on Highland St, 06/09/1939:4
Holmquist, Henry F.
Collides with Roslindale driver on Wareham St, 07/29/1938:1
Rock Mfg. Co. night watchman named special police officer,
Holoran, William
Moves from Boston to Rock, 10/11/1935:2
Holt, Jack
Airplanes benefit civilization (l), 03/10/1939:3
Are airplanes beneficial to civilization? (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Merits of the airplane (l), 03/31/1939:4
Wings in the air (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 04/07/1939:8
Again in defense of airplanes (l), 04/28/1939:7
Friend Jack: Please stay on the ground (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
Holt, John
Break-in reported at market, 03/22/1935:1
Cook (aka Kukaukas) charged with larceny from Holt, 09/20/1935:2
Cook (aka Kukaukas) larceny case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Cook (aka Kukaukas) larceny case dismissed for want of prosecution,
Fred Pratt arrested for assault on Holt, 08/14/1936:1
Pratt assault case continued, 08/21/1936:8
Fred Pratt discharged in assault case, 08/28/1936:1
Holzworth, Mrs George
Mother dies in Rutherford, NH, 02/12/1937:11
Home Appliance Sales Co.
Gertrude Sherman manages new North Main St store, 10/15/1937:1
Grand opening at 46 North Main St (ad), 10/22/1937:2
The Homestead
Edith Hudson proprietor, tea room, gift shop, antiques (ad),
William Sullivan clerk, 08/19/1938:5
Homestead Dining Room
19 South Main St (ad), 09/30/1938:12
Re-opens for business at 19 South Main St (ad), 11/03/1939:10
Homestead Grocery
Quality, service, and savings (ad), 01/04/1935:5
History and profile of Middleboro business, 02/15/1935:1
Employs Edward Shaw, 10/25/1935:1
Employs Lawrence Bissonnette, 05/29/1936:1
William Sullivan clerk, 08/06/1937:7
Exclusive agents for local Flanders & Woodward poultry (ad),
Employs Gardner Brown, 09/01/1939:8
Hooker, Joe (see Camp Joe Hooker)
Hooper, William
Resides in Detroit, MI, 06/09/1939:9, 06/16/1939:9
Hopkins, Alma E.
Engaged to Theodore Gray, 11/19/1937:7
Wed to Theodore Gray, 12/03/1937:7
Hopkins, Beatrice
Wed to Paul M. Carter, 04/22/1938:7
Hopkins, Beatrice E.
Engaged to Paul M. Carter, 04/15/1938:7
Hopkins, Chester A.
Collides with Roxbury driver on Wareham St, 03/19/1937:2
Hopkins, Elizabeth
Engaged to Theodore Grey, 10/22/1937:11, 11/26/1937:11
Wedding described, 12/03/1937:11
Hopkins, Elmer
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Hopkins, Elmer G.
Youth drowns at Loon Pond (p), 06/23/1939:1
Dies at age 20, 06/23/1939:5
Hopkins, Elmer L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/13/1935:8
Moves from Highland St to Warrentown, 10/25/1935:2
Letter of appreciation to Fire Chief (l), 06/23/1939:1
Expresses appreciation to Fire and Police Departments and friends (l),
Hopkins, George
Chimney fire on Highland St, 02/22/1935:1, 02/22/1935:6
Moves to Marion Rd, 06/04/1937:11
Moves from Marion Rd to Wareham St, 11/12/1937:11
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 05/05/1939:1
Hopkins, George M.
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 12/29/1939:1
Hopkins, Harry
Daughter born, 07/28/1939:5
Hopkins, Howard
Employed at central fire station, 08/20/1937:6
Hopkins, Lizzie M.
Obituary, 09/15/1939:4
Widow of Abel dies at age 74, 09/15/1939:5
Hopkins, Marion
Employed in Brookline, 02/15/1935:6
Leaves post in Brookline, 03/29/1935:3
Wedding described, 05/24/1935:7
Hopkins, Marion W.
Engaged to John Roza, 05/10/1935:4
Wed to John Roza, 05/24/1935:4
Hopkins, Sarah B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/13/1935:8
Horbal, Stephen
WPI student elected to American Institute of Electrical Engineers,
Horn, Dorothy
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:11
Horn, Dorothy F.
Engaged to Elmer A. Washburn, 01/20/1939:7
Horn, Jennie
Obituary, 12/04/1936:1
Dies in Middleboro, 12/04/1936:7
Horn, William
In fender bender with Rose Sapetgian at Pearl and Center St,
Hornby, Donald
Moves to new home on East Grove St, 02/28/1936:7
Horne, Robert
New Bedford couple married three years, 08/12/1938:11
Horribles Parade
Huge crowds line streets for mammoth Horribles Parade on the 4th,
North Middleboro puts on a show, 07/09/1937:1
Contributes to grand 4th of July, 07/07/1939:1
see also Joe Hooker Track
Benjamin Shaw launches new venture at old Short St site, 05/01/1936:1
Grand opening of Shaw track postponed, 05/29/1936:8
Middleboro Driving Club gala day of horseracing at Camp Joe Hooker
(ad), 07/10/1936:6
Town clerk receives petition for repeal of racing law, 11/19/1937:1
Rev Dunn circulates petitions against horse and dog racing and
transportation to private schools, 11/26/1937:11
Renewed interest in horse-drawn transport, 03/01/1935:1
Recent activities in town recall the old days, 03/01/1935:2
John Pratt takes trip to Kansas to purchase horses, 06/19/1936:12
Squirrel's Nest Riding School, East Grove St (ad), 09/11/1936:12
F.E. Standish, draft horses for sale (ad), 03/05/1937:8
Foster and Smith on horse buying trip to Illinois and Indiana,
Sabalewski's horse strikes car on Bedford St, 10/15/1937:1
Polo inaugurated at Joe Hooker oval, 10/22/1937:6
Equine encephalomyelitis strikes here, 08/26/1938:1
Horsford, Calvin
Break-in at East Grove St gas station, 06/11/1937:1
Horsman (Mr)
Tailor celebrates 22 years in business (ad), 04/29/1938:12
Horsman, Paul
Granted to permit to erect sign, 05/21/1937:5
Horsman, Paul R.
Moves music and tailoring shop from South Main St to Centre St,
Visit new location at 161 Center St (ad), 02/26/1937:12
Horsman, Warren F.
Fire guts interior of Wareham St home, 03/15/1935:3
Horsman's Music Shop
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
18 South Main St (ad), 12/11/1936:8
Horton, Adin B.
Dies in Rehoboth, 03/20/1936:11
Horton, George
Son born, 06/12/1936:7
Daughter born, 01/20/1939:7
Horton, Lyman G.
Funeral held in Chartley, 12/27/1935:6
Horton, Rachel E.
Wed to Donald Macdonald, 04/12/1935:4
Horutz, Stephen
Clay St couple married 25 years, 10/01/1937:11
see also Lakeville Hospital; St. Luke's Hospital of Middleboro
Representative Stetson urges consideration of town for veterans'
hospital, 07/08/1938:1
Hostess Club
New organization formed in Rock, 11/25/1938:5
Hotel Haywire
New hotel opens on Nickerson St, 09/24/1937:1
Open Friday and Saturday, Nickerson Ave (ad), 09/24/1937:7
Hotels, Motels, Etc.
Ballou Woods, heated overnight cabins, filling station (ad),
Craig's Welcome Inn (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Lillian White closes Polly Pine Inn for season, 01/22/1937:6
Hotel Haywire opens on Nickerson St, 09/24/1937:1
Hotel Haywire, Nickerson Ave (ad), 09/24/1937:7
Mrs Charles Martin granted lodging permit for The Martinique,
Grace Logrien licensed to conduct boarding house for infants,
Jennie Phillips granted lodging license, 03/03/1939:5
Mabel Martin renews lodging license, 04/07/1939:1
Town wishes to purchase Nemasket Hotel from Pierce Trustees,
After Peirce Estate gas station petition rejected, may not be open to
donation of hotel property, 08/11/1939:4
Faint hope that Peirce Trustees will donate Nemasket Hotel land (l) (The
Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
Selectmen adopt regulations for night cabins, 12/22/1939:1
John Danielson's innholder's license renewed, 12/29/1939:1
Hotz, Frank
Member of radio cast of The Box Board Village Sketch, 01/18/1935:1
Hotz, Nicholas
Shoots first fox of season, 10/23/1936:6
Hotz, Paul
Owner of Hotz Mink Fur Farm in North Middleboro, 01/29/1937:7
Wed to Olga Rudziak, 05/20/1938:11
Son born, 05/05/1939:3, 05/05/1939:5
Hotz, Paul V.
And Alfred Osborne appear on radio in Florida, 02/12/1937:11
Hotz Fur Farm wins mink award at Boston Show, 01/20/1939:5
Hotz, Wallace
Collides with Taunton auto at traffic circle, 11/18/1938:11
Hotz Fur Farm
Wins mink award at Boston Show, 01/20/1939:5
Hotz Mink Fur Farm
Paul Hotz owner, 01/29/1937:7
Houdlett, Roswell D.
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Dies at age 87, 05/24/1935:4
Houghton, Mrs Walter
Sees sister from California for first time in 19 years, 05/26/1939:5
Houghton, Walter
Moves to Plymouth St, 02/22/1935:6
Employed at State Farm, 08/23/1935:2
Moves from Plymouth St to Clay St, 11/17/1939:7
Houlihan, Alice
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/14/1937:7
Houlihan, David
Auto fire on Center St, 12/16/1938:1
Houlihan, Everett
Petition to erect garage and store gasoline, 07/23/1937:5
Houlihan, J.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Houlihan, James
Plays piano solo on WNBH, 06/07/1935:1
Candidate for selectman, 12/20/1935:1
Candidate for assessor, 01/08/1937:5
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Wins radio audition, 02/25/1938:1
Makes own arrangements and play with originality on radio,
Son born, 04/01/1938:7
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Granted auctioneers license, 05/20/1938:3
Participates in recital at NE Conservatory, 06/17/1938:1
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Plays Bach at student recital at NE Conservatory of Music,
Houlihan, James E.
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Loyal support appreciated (l), 01/24/1936:7
Candidate for assessor (p), 12/04/1936:1
Elect as your assessor (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Circulates nomination papers for office of assessor, 11/05/1937:1
Candidate for assessor (ad), 01/07/1938:12
Candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Appreciation to voters (l), 01/21/1938:11
Houlihan, James, Jr.
Performs Liszt at NE Conservatory of Music concert, 05/19/1939:1
Wins scholarship from NE Conservatory of Music, 06/23/1939:1
Highlight of Lillian Tinkham's recitals, 06/23/1939:6
Houlihan, John
Judge continues probation, 09/04/1936:2
Probation extended six months, 09/18/1936:8
Probation extended, 11/04/1938:11
Houlihan, John F.
Guilty of assault on Mary Griswold, 03/20/1936:5
Jailed for drunkenness, 04/22/1938:1
Houlihan, John H.
Gets four months for assault on Georgette Thomas, 04/02/1937:2
Houlihan, Madeline E.
Wed to Joseph Gabrey, 02/24/1939:7
Houlihan, Mary
Wed to Malcolm Pittsley, 04/29/1938:7
Houlihan, William F., Jr.
Engaged to Cecelia Morris, 02/05/1937:6
Middleboro Better Housing program off to auspicious start,
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Middleboro a leader in FHA Better Housing Program, 05/10/1935:1
Brackett, Crothers, and Coughlin added to FHA work force here,
FHA office closes, 12/13/1935:2
Selectmen discuss new federal project, 01/24/1936:1
Home sweet home (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 02/25/1938:5
Federal funds available at local banks for modernization of homes,
Hovenanian, Hovenan
Engaged to Esther M. Stuart, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to Esther M. Stuart, 10/01/1937:7
Hovenanian, Hovenian
Son born, 09/02/1938:7
Hovey, Jeannette
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Howard, Clayton
Louis Turenne gets thirty days shooting out partition after row with
Howard, 07/14/1939:1
Howard, Everett
Employed in Albany, NY, 12/04/1936:8
Employed in Buffalo, NY, 02/12/1937:11
Resides in Albany, NY, 04/16/1937:11
Employed in Albany, NY, 01/14/1938:11
Howard, Luella
Fire damages Howard's garage on Everett St, 06/23/1939:10
Howard, Mary
Elderly woman assaulted and robbed in her home, 07/07/1939:1
Howard, Mary A.
Chimney fire on Vernon St, 03/26/1937:1
Howard, Mary E.
Obituary, 07/08/1938:1
Dies at age 60, 07/08/1938:7
Howard, Robert G.
Engaged to Audrey Weeman, 03/25/1938:1, 04/08/1938:1
Engaged to G. Audrey Weeman, 04/08/1938:7
Howard, Robert Gardner
Wedding described, 04/15/1938:1
Howard, William
New janitor of Legion building, 10/23/1936:7
Howard Johnson's Rotary Mill (see Rotary Mill)
Howe, Henry
Obituary, 03/29/1935:4
Howe, Henry L.
Rents Murray house on Miller St, 05/14/1937:11
Howe, James F.
Obituary, 01/24/1936:1
Dies at age 44, 01/24/1936:6
Howe, Louise Peirce Stockwell
Obituary, 04/02/1937:6
Howe, Madeline
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Howe, Madeline M.
Engaged to Gabriel J. Viera, 08/26/1938:7
Wed to Gabriel J. Viera, 09/30/1938:7
Howe, Mary
Petition for administration of estate, 04/22/1938:5
Howe, Mary A.
Obituary, 02/14/1936:1
Dies at age 73, 02/14/1936:6
Howe, Patrick E.
Found dead in shack off parsonage Rd, 04/16/1937:11
Howe, Ralph
Moves from North Main St to Everett St, 08/20/1937:2
Howes, Alice
Bookkeeper at Nemasket Garage, 08/07/1936:7
Howes, Benjamin
Enrolls in Burdette College, 10/16/1936:1
Graduates from Burdett College, 07/01/1938:1
Arraigned on lottery charges, 10/28/1938:2
Howes, Dorothy
Student nurse at Goddard Hospital, 03/27/1936:12
Completes three years of work at Chapin Hospital in Providence,
Student nurse at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 05/07/1937:6
Completes 3-year nursing course at Goddard hospital, 10/08/1937:12
Passes state board examinations in nursing, 12/24/1937:7
Employed at Goddard Hospital, 09/23/1938:6
Howes, Dorothy E.
Student nurse at Goddard hospital, 12/06/1935:8
Howes, Dorothy Elizabeth
Graduates from Goddard Hospital School of Nursing, 05/06/1938:1
Howes, Frank
Injured in auto crash at Rock, 06/16/1939:7
Howes, Harold
Returns from MacMillan expedition in the Arctic, 09/16/1938:8
Howes, Harry
Couple married 25 years, 07/03/1936:12
Howes, Henry
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 03/04/1938:3
Howes, Herbert
President of State Normal school at Hyannis, 08/23/1935:2
Enters Massachusetts State College at Amherst, 09/20/1935:1
Attends Massachusetts State, 02/07/1936:12
Initiated into Kappa Sigma at MA State College, 05/22/1936:12
Wins 100-yd dash in swim meet in Worcester, 01/22/1937:5
Co-captain of MA State College swim team, 04/08/1938:1
Graduates from Mass State College, 06/16/1939:1
Accepted at Harvard School of Business Administration, 06/23/1939:3
Enters School of Business Administration at Harvard, 09/22/1939:10
Howes, Jeannette
Engaged to John Ferguson, 11/20/1936:1
Resigns from Walker Co., engaged to John Ferguson, 05/21/1937:1
Howes, Jeannette F.
Wed to John A. Ferguson, 06/11/1937:7
Howes, Jeannette Frances
Engaged to John Arthur Ferguson, 11/06/1936:12
Description of upcoming wedding, 06/04/1937:1
Howes, John
Student at Massachusetts State College, 02/01/1935:1
Couple married 25 years, 07/03/1936:12
Engaged to Charlotte Eddy, 11/20/1936:1
Daughter born, 12/30/1938:7
Howes, John B.
Engaged to Charlotte Eddy, 10/16/1936:1
Engaged to Charlotte A. Eddy, 02/12/1937:6
Wedding described, 02/26/1937:1
Wed to Charlotte Eddy, 02/26/1937:6
Howes, John G.
Receives letter of appreciation from President of Goodyear,
Howes, John, Jr.
North Carver folks attend wedding, 02/26/1937:11
Howes, Richard
Elected to senior honorary society at Worcester Tech, 05/17/1935:1
Attends Worcester Tech, 02/07/1936:12
Graduates from Worcester Tech, 06/19/1936:1
Promoted to Cleveland, OH office of Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,
Resides in Cleveland, OH, 02/04/1938:1
Howes, Richard S.
Wed to Bettina B. Beers, 09/16/1938:7
Howes, Richard Shaw
Wed to Bettina Brownson Beers, 02/18/1938:1
Wedding described, 09/16/1938:1
Howes, Robert F.
Class of 1935 valedictory, 06/21/1935:5
Graduates from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance (p),
Howes, Verna E.
Wed to Frank A. Pierce, Jr., 09/17/1937:7
Howes, Willard B.
Resides in Detroit, MI, 10/15/1937:1
Howland, John
Genealogy, 02/21/1936:5
Grave in North Carver cemetery, 02/28/1936:5
Howlett, Sherman
Resides in Hartford, CT, 06/07/1935:1
Hoyt, Flora
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
North Berwick, ME woman dies at age 61, 10/14/1938:7
Hubbard, Al
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Hubbard, Alfred
And father caught in collapsed well, 09/01/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Hubbard, Jeffrey
Granted permit to collect and transport garbage, 04/14/1939:1
And son caught in collapsed well, 09/01/1939:1
Huber, Ernest F.
Held on charge of larceny, 03/31/1939:3
Gets probation for larceny, 04/07/1939:8
Hudson, Carleton
Wed to Alice Emma Shurtleff, 05/08/1936:8
Hudson, Carleton D.
Engaged to Alice E. Shurtleff, 05/01/1936:7
Wed to Alice E. Shurtleff, 05/08/1936:7
Hudson, Carleton DuRoy
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:1
Hudson, Carlton
Engaged to Alice Shurtleff, 04/24/1936:1
Hudson, Carlton DuRoy
Engaged to Alice E. Shurtleff, 04/24/1936:7
Hudson, Edith
Proprietor of The Homestead, tea room, gift shop, antiques (ad),
Hudson, Harlow E.
Sails for Europe, 06/07/1935:1
Hudson, Lila
Wed to Harold Wall, 10/13/1939:10
Hugo, Charlotte Bruce
Wedding described, 05/15/1936:2
Huie, Park J.
Opens Nan Tung American and Chinese Restaurant at 137 Chestnut St,
Hull, Mrs Harry
Brother-in-law dies in Baltimore, MD, 05/26/1939:1
Hull, Stanley
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Accepts post with Sinclair Refining Co. in Texas, 07/02/1937:12
Starts course of study at New England Welding Laboratories,
Hull Stanley
Returns from five weeks in Seattle, WA, 09/11/1936:1
Hulley, Albert A.
Wins first prize at Massachusetts Horticultural Society annual spring
show, 03/27/1936:1
Hulley, Edith
Employed by Trust Co., 07/14/1939:1
Hulley, Ruth
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Human Rights
I protest treatment of Jews (l) (T. Edward Hirst), 11/18/1938:11
Brotherhood meeting praised for message of tolerance, 02/24/1939:1
Tolerance stressed at Brotherhood meeting here, 02/24/1939:3
Humphrey, Louise
Wed to Theophilus LeBaron Bearse, 08/18/1939:6
Hunt (Mr)
In charge of library at Bates School, 05/10/1935:6
Hunt, Charles E.
Retires from dairy business after 50 years, 05/29/1936:11
South Middleboro couple married 50 years, 11/06/1936:1, 11/06/1936:5
About 50 attend anniversary celebration, 11/13/1936:8
Hunt, Francis P.
Collides with Anthony Frazier in South Middleboro, 01/17/1936:11
Hunt, Jesse
Resides in Short Falls, NH, 06/17/1938:11
Hunt, John E.
Obituary, 11/10/1939:4
Hunt, John Eugene
North Rochester man dies at age 53, 11/10/1939:5
Hunt, Mrs Albert
Resides in New Hampshire, 11/01/1935:11
Hunt, Susan H.
Obituary, 04/21/1939:1
Hunt, Susan Hattie
Wife of Edward dies at age 72, 04/21/1939:5
Hunt, William
Executor presents account of estate, 01/10/1936:7
Hunter, Carl
Resides in South Bridgewater, 05/28/1937:11
Hunter, Charles H.
Obituary, 05/07/1937:6
Bridgewater man dies at age 51, 05/07/1937:7
Hunter, Everett
Resides in South Bridgewater, 05/28/1937:11
Employed at sanatorium, 11/25/1938:5, 11/25/1938:8
Employed in Marlboro, 10/20/1939:3
Hunter, Ida
Employed at Highlea school in Chatham, 07/01/1938:11
Hunter, Mrs Harry
Funeral for mother held in Gleasondale, 02/07/1936:8
see also Coon Hunting; Deer Hunting; Fox Hunting; Hunting Dogs;
Middleboro Fish and Game Protective Association
Town clerk's financial report (t), 01/22/1937:11
John Coolidge gets mother skunk and seven little ones with 3 shoots,
Hunting - Law and Legislation
Article on steel trap law included in town meeting warrant,
Searra and Oreti each fined $20 for trapping without a license,
Albert Jacques, Jr. fined $20 for trapping out of season, 04/02/1937:2
Albert Jacques, Jr. given more time pay fine for trapping out of season,
Albert Jacques pays $20 fine for trapping out of season, 08/13/1937:2
Frederick Gibbs fined $10 for trapping without a license, 03/04/1938:8
Chase and Bradford each fined $50 for game violations, 11/25/1938:2
Appeal for humane traps (l) (Mrs O.B. Hastings), 02/10/1939:5
Lowell man escapes $100 fine, 12/08/1939:8
Hunting Accidents
Former resident Curtis Dunham dies in hunting accident in Vermont,
Benefit for injured Joncas a success, 04/17/1936:1
Hunting Dogs
see also Middleboro Fish and Game Protective Association
Local men active in Bird Dog Club, 11/01/1935:2
Phil Sisson's dog trees 18-lb. coon, 11/08/1935:1
Howard Brawn's dog takes first at Bird Dog Club trial in Forestdale,
Lawrence Olsen's dog is an accomplished woodchuck killer,
Fred Staples' beagle winner in Lakeville Sportsmen's Club trials,
Local men aid in dog trial, 04/01/1938:8
About 150 attend 6th annual hare hunt in Lakeville, 04/22/1938:6
Fletcher Barrows' pointer wins first at Woburn Field Trials,
Lakeville Sportsmens' Club holds 7th annual field trials, 09/30/1938:2
Win Perkins' bird dog trained in Saskatchewan, 10/21/1938:6
Huntley, Isaac
Oxen win pulling contest at Rehoboth fair, 09/13/1935:8
Huntley, Lawrence
Moves from Plymouth St to Glidden's tenement, 11/15/1935:8
Purchases Plymouth St house from Lindley Glidden, 09/04/1936:5
Lets Plymouth St tenement to Henry Caswell, 11/20/1936:7
Daughter born, 05/27/1938:11
Huntley, Maude
Employed at Trust Co., 09/18/1936:6
Huntley, Orlando
Resides in California, 07/01/1938:11
Car hits pole in New Hampshire, results in $12,000 in damages,
Huntley, Roy
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Fire destroys house on Berkley farm, 03/19/1937:11
Yoke of oxen take first prize at Rehoboth fair, 09/10/1937:8
Fireplace blaze spreads to partitions at home on Old Center St,
Chimney fire on Center St, 12/02/1938:11
Fire consumes truck load of hay, 07/07/1939:1
Huntley, Virginia
Born to Lawrence, 05/27/1938:11
Huntley Family
Holds reunion in South Middleboro, 08/20/1937:11
Hupfer, Lester
Resides in Easthampton, 01/11/1935:1
Hupfer, Mrs Ralph
Resides in Arlington Heights, 07/30/1937:1, 09/01/1939:8
Hupfer, Ralph
Son born, 10/18/1935:6
Hupper, Emma
Here from Maine for funeral for mother's funeral, 01/18/1935:7
Hurley, Annie
Obituary, 11/15/1935:1
Dies at age 79, 11/15/1935:6
Hurley, Edward C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/18/1937:5
Hurley, Ellen
Tax collector's sale, 05/15/1936:8
Hurley, Harold W.
Former court clerk named judge, 02/05/1937:1
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Hurlok, Josephine
Wed to Antone X. Camara, 10/15/1937:7
Hurricane of 1938
Hurricane wreaks havoc, no serious personal injuries, property damage
high, 09/23/1938:1
Selectmen hold emergency meeting, transfer funds, 09/23/1938:1
Updates on conditions here, 09/23/1938:1
Appeal made for funds from Red Cross (l), 09/30/1938:1
Hurricane scene in Middleboro (p), 09/30/1938:1
Lillian Barnard thanks local police for efforts in locating sister in Rhode
Island, 09/30/1938:1
Local folks relate hurricane stories, 09/30/1938:1
Similar hurricane visited Middleboro in 1817, 09/30/1938:1
Tidal wave takes lives of four former Middleboro residents,
Selectmen make request for funds to repair hurricane damage,
Local folks relate hurricane stories, 09/30/1938:6
Scenes on South Main St after hurricane (p), 09/30/1938:6
High school students describe storm, 09/30/1938:11
Destruction of timber by hurricane heightens forest fire danger,
Donation received from Puerto Rico (l), 10/07/1938:1
Request for citizens to keep porch lights on till hurricane damaged street
lights repaired, 10/07/1938:1
Body of Robert Tuell recovered, grandmother's body still not found,
Hurricane damage to high school roof repaired, 10/14/1938:2
John Bernier injured clearing storm-felled trees with WPA,
Chimney repair done at North Lakeville Community Hall, 11/04/1938:9
Husbands, John
Resides in Stellartown, Nova Scotia, 08/21/1936:8
Hutchins (Miss)
Sanatorium nurse escapes tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Hutchins, William
Recently married couple occupies Churchill house on Center St,
Hutchinson, Harriet
Engaged to Harold E. Veronesi, 08/20/1937:11
Hutchinson, S. Phillip
Resides in Springfield, IL, 08/04/1939:12
Huxley, Alice
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Huxley, Francis
Guilty of assault after melee at West Grove St roadhouse, 03/26/1937:1
Probation period extended, 01/14/1938:2
Huxley, Francis J.
Fined $25 for assaulting an officer and $5 for drunkenness,
Sentenced to jail after violates probation, 12/17/1937:2
Engaged to Marion Wilson, 11/18/1938:7
Wed to Marion Wilson, 12/02/1938:7
Huxley, George
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Huxley, Marion
Returns for second year at Boston University, 09/17/1937:6
Huxley, William J.
Obituary, 07/08/1938:1
Dies at age 52, 07/08/1938:7
Huxtable, Ralph W.
Obituary, 09/27/1935:8
Hyman, J. Raymond
Moves from Coombs St to Everett St, 02/22/1935:1
Daughter born, 11/04/1938:7
Hyman, Ray
Coach of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Coach of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Hyman, Vincent
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:12
Hynes, Elizabeth G.
Severely bruised when struck by car, 12/15/1939:1
Hynes, Gilbert
Sings for Dudley Radio Carollers on WEAN, 06/17/1938:6
Hynes, Gilbert S.
Guest artist at Providence Bible School recital, 02/26/1937:2
Engaged to Margaret E.S. Rehnberg, 05/19/1939:5
Wed to Margaret E. Rehnberg, 05/26/1939:5
Hynes, Gilbert Stephen
Wedding described, 05/26/1939:1
Hynes, Gordon L.
Twin sons born, 10/16/1936:1
Hynes, J. Gordon
President of Phi Alpha Chi at Gordon College, 06/07/1935:1
Earns degree of Doctor of Philosophy by University of New York,
Pastor of Freeport, Long Island church, 07/23/1937:12
Hynes, James L.
The philosophy of prayer, 01/04/1935:5
Hynes, J.L.
The Risen Christ (poem), 04/10/1936:7
Christmas Paean (poem), 12/25/1936:1
Occupies Barden's house on Wareham St, 10/14/1938:1
Opposes Sunday liquor sales, 03/24/1939:1
Hynes, John L.
An Easter Message (poem), 04/19/1935:7
Hynes, Mrs James L.
Sister-in-law dies in Basking Ridge, NJ, 01/20/1939:6
Iampietro, Anthony
Attends Burdett College, 09/29/1939:4
Iampietro, Leonard
Engaged to Annie Cordeiro, 10/18/1935:6
Wed to Annie Cordeiro, 10/25/1935:6
Iampietro, P.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Iampietro, Philip
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Iampietro, Phillip
Fire in stove on Vine St, 04/26/1935:5
Iampietro, Rosa
Obituary, 07/12/1935:1
Iampietro, Rosa DeSalvo
Dies at age 35, 07/12/1935:6
Ice Fishing
Assawampsett Lake yields large pickerel, 02/24/1939:1
Ice Industry
History and profile of John B. LeBaron Ice Co., 03/08/1935:1
Ice harvest begins at Tispaquin Pond, 01/31/1936:12
Salley gets good harvest on Tispaquin; Tribou harvests for Tabor farm,
Workmen at Rotch estate harvesting 10-in. ice, 01/21/1938:11
Many ponds in area harvested, 02/10/1939:1
Edward Willette and Leslie Gates honored by NE Ice Association,
Charge against Lawrence Thayer for violating illegitimate child law
dismissed, 09/04/1936:2
Robert Poirier pleads not guilty to violation of illegitimacy laws,
Robert Poirier's case continued, 02/04/1938:2
Robert Poirier gets probation for offense, 04/15/1938:5
William Tallman appeals findings, 12/02/1938:2
Vincent Harnedy gets probation for violation of illegitimacy laws,
Vincent Harnedy on probation, 02/17/1939:8
Immaculate, Sister Frances
Grace Harrington supervisor of music at Trinity College, 02/21/1936:12
Immigration and Emigration
Arrangements made for deportation of Maina Texeria to Portugal,
Portuguese-American League plans campaign for naturalization,
Improved Order of Red Men - Nemasket Tribe
To form baseball team, 02/15/1935:5
Returns to baseball after 12-year absence, 05/10/1935:7
Order new baseball uniforms, 05/15/1936:1
Celebrates 50th anniversary (p), 06/02/1939:1
Industrial Accidents
Roy Shaw injured at Maxim Motor Co., 06/14/1935:8
Forrest Smith injured loading truck, 04/24/1936:6
Clifton Choates crushed to death under fallen derrick, 07/03/1936:1
Theodora Mawhinney sustains minor injuries at work at
Winthrop-Atkins plant, 02/05/1937:1
William Winberg breaks toe at Maxim Motor Co., 05/28/1937:1
Myra Amsden escapes death when Lucey Shoe Co. elevator weight hits
chair, 01/28/1938:1
John Silvia injured in fall down elevator shaft at Lucey Shoe Co.,
Aldo Fasulo loses finger in mill at Rock Manufacturing Co.,
Sheldon Phinney breaks arm in accident at sawmill, 06/24/1938:1
Malcolm Foster dislocates collar bone at sanatorium dairy,
George Philbrook suffers burns in testing accident, 12/09/1938:1
Industrial Fires
Blaze starts in cook house at George H. Shaw Co., 05/29/1936:1
Fire damage at Japan Works estimated at $200, 05/29/1936:1
Fire starts in slab pile at Frank Thomas' saw mill, 07/10/1936:1
Sawdust catches fire at Churbuck's Wareham St saw mill, 11/06/1936:1
Peter Zakarian awarded $10,000 in fireworks plant suit, 11/27/1936:1
Fire in range ventilation pipe at Rotary Mill, 05/07/1937:1
Fire at Alberts Shoe Co. on Cambridge St, 09/16/1938:1
Alberts Shoe Co. factory damaged by fire, 02/03/1939:1
Fire at mill, 04/28/1939:1
Rock Mfg. a total loss, 100 unemployed (p), 06/30/1939:1
Rock Mfg. employees blame voters on destruction of factory due to lack
of water, 07/07/1939:1
The Spectator comments on fire at Rock Mfg. (l), 07/07/1939:3
Sawdust pile at Rock Mfg. flares up, 07/28/1939:2
Infantile Paralysis
Closure of swimming pool not due to disease, 08/23/1935:1
Reports of cases here erroneous, 08/23/1935:1
No cases here, 10/04/1935:1
Mrs Henry Wyman recovers, 01/25/1935:2
Fred Hanson seriously ill, 03/08/1935:1
John Paun ill, 01/07/1938:11
Inglese, Angelo
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Employed at Lakeville Hospital, 10/16/1936:6
Employed at sanatorium, 09/30/1938:2
Inglese, Antone
Farm employee at sanatorium, 02/05/1937:8
Inglese, Patsy L.
Eligible for civil service promotion, 03/24/1939:5
Inglese, Russell D.
Wed to Blanche C. Gaudreau, 07/21/1939:5
Wedding described, 07/21/1939:5
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Gypsy moths cause damage, 06/21/1935:1
Selectmen discuss mosquito control, 07/05/1935:1
ERA pool work suspended, mosquito control project begins,
ERA mosquito control project progresses, 08/09/1935:1
Notice to property owners (ad), 09/20/1935:12
Jesse Carpenter foreman of USDA group combating brown tail moth,
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Notice to property owners (ad), 09/18/1936:8
G. Ward Stetson resigns a moth superintendent, 12/25/1936:1
Louis Forney named moth superintendent, 01/29/1937:1
Financial standing of moth department, 01/29/1937:11
Selectmen instruct moth department to continue spraying, 05/07/1937:2
M.Y.M. has idea to eliminate moths (l), 08/13/1937:7
Notice to property owners (ad), 10/22/1937:12
Town infested with moths, 11/12/1937:12
Louis Forney re-named to position as moth inspector, 02/04/1938:8
Moth department requests cooperation of citizens during spraying
season, 05/27/1938:12
Army worms reported here, 07/22/1938:11
Notice to property owners (ad), 11/25/1938:7
Moth superintendent Forney praised by state officials, 09/08/1939:4
Plea made to distribute town policies among all local agents,
Auto rates higher for Middleboro, 09/10/1937:1
Selectmen hold special meeting to discuss fire insurance, 03/04/1938:1
Selectmen reach decision on insurance, 03/11/1938:8
Charles Gibbs' case of insurance law violation filed, 10/07/1938:5
Town Manager brings discussion to selectmen, 12/23/1938:8
St.Luke's Hospital of Middleboro a member of service, 01/27/1939:1
Manager Peterson works on proposed new program (l) (The Spectator),
High school athletes to be insured, 06/09/1939:1
The Spectator comments on Manager Peterson's new program (l),
Insurance Agents
Clyde Thomas, 7 Rock St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Frederick S. Weston (ad), 03/22/1935:5
Percy Keith recognized for over 25 years of service to Hanover Fire Ins.
Co., 04/26/1935:1
J. Adrian Bissonnette, 152 Pierce St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Hancock insurance man, Thomas O'Melia, honored, 01/29/1937:6
Metropolitan Life Ins. reps praised by company, 03/12/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Percy Keith and Rhodolphus Alger new partners in insurance business,
Thomas O'Melia agent for John Hancock Insurance Co., 08/06/1937:1
Keith & Alger Insurance, formerly Percy W. Keith (ad), 08/06/1937:12
Dorothy Shaw employed at Maddigan's insurance office, 08/13/1937:1
Gordon MacNeill, insurance broker and surveyor, Main St, Lakeville
(ad), 11/26/1937:2
T.M. Ryder & Co., windstorm insurance (ad), 09/23/1938:6
Interior Decorators
D. Theron Burnett and Flora Porter design model home in Quincy,
Porter and Burnett Interiors expands to Boston (ad), 04/21/1939:10
Flora Porter (ad), 06/09/1939:10
International Order of Odd Fellows - Alberta Rebekah Lodge
Observes 36th anniversary, 10/11/1935:6
Observes 37th anniversary, 10/16/1936:6
Celebrates 118th anniversary, 04/30/1937:1
Celebrates 38th anniversary, 10/15/1937:1
Celebrates 40th anniversary, 10/20/1939:10
Holds successful Country Fair, 11/17/1939:2
International Order of Odd Fellows - Loyal Assawampsett Lodge
Celebrate 46th year, 05/29/1936:5
Sponsor new Royal Tom Thumb Lodge, 06/19/1936:6
Celebrates 118th anniversary, 04/30/1937:1
William Fickert honored with testimonial banquet, 09/29/1939:1
International Order of Odd Fellows - Middleboro Lodge
Celebrates 116th year of fellowship, 05/03/1935:2
Celebrates 118th anniversary, 04/30/1937:1
International Order of Odd Fellows - Royal Tom Thumb Lodge
Sponsored by Loyal Assawampsett and Loyal Olympia lodges,
International Order of Odd Ladies - Loyal Olympia Lodge
Observes 35th anniversary, 05/17/1935:4
Celebrate 36th year, 05/29/1936:5
Sponsor new Royal Tom Thumb Lodge, 06/19/1936:6
Interstate Transportation Co.
Gets bus line permit here, 10/20/1939:1
Granted intra-state service permit, 11/10/1939:1
New bus service begins here, 11/24/1939:1
State routes bus line wrong way on one-way street, 11/24/1939:1
New bus service schedule (ad) (t), 11/24/1939:4
Public Works submits revised route, 12/15/1939:1
Ireland, William
Son born, 07/22/1938:7
Irving, Edward S.
Engaged to Mary E. Parker, 05/13/1938:7
Wed to Mary E. Parker, 05/20/1938:7
Irwin, George
Fire at home on Webster St, 06/05/1936:1
Isaacson, Alma
Alma Amanda Hautala (aka Amanda Hautla) petitions for name change
to Alma Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Isaacson, Isaac
Isak Hautala (aka Isaac Haultla) petitions for name change to Isaac
Isaacson, 03/27/1936:8
Iseminger, Boyd
Son born, 03/05/1937:6
Moves to Maria Winslow estate on Nemasket St, 12/03/1937:8
Iseminger, Boyd A.
Nominated for post as public administrator, biography, 04/28/1939:1
First Lt. in Organized Reserve Corps, 07/28/1939:7
Iseminger, Grace
Resides in Eugene, OR, 04/09/1937:1
Iverson, Inga K.
Moves from Pearl St to Rock St, 02/21/1936:1
Jacintho, Manuel
Occupies new home at West End Ave and Center St, 07/08/1938:12
Jacintho, Mary R.
Engaged to James L. O'Gorman, 10/15/1937:7
Wed to James L. O'Gorman, 10/22/1937:7
Jackson, Clarence
Dies in Taunton, 03/01/1935:1
Jackson, D.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Jackson, Foster
Son born, 03/24/1939:7
Jackson, George
Burial in Plympton, 12/31/1937:11
Jackson, H. Melvin
Engaged to Averill Crossman, 07/12/1935:6
Wed to Averill Crossman, 07/19/1935:6
Engaged to Averill Crossman, 07/19/1935:11
Jackson, Harold
Chimney fire on Vernon St, 04/10/1936:1
Employed at State Farm, 08/07/1936:2
Jackson, Helen Manwaring
Daughter born, 07/03/1936:6
Jackson, Lillian
Resumes studies at Amherst College, 01/04/1935:7
Jackson, Mark L.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Jackson, Maude
Member of Tauremid String Quartet, 05/17/1935:4
Jackson, Melvin
Resides in Quincy, 06/25/1937:11
Jackson, Mrs Edward S.
Resides in Santa Barbara, CA, 08/21/1936:7
Jackson, Mrs Richard
Resides in Pittsford, VT, 06/07/1935:1
Resides in Pittsfield, VT, 02/28/1936:6
Jackson, Pearl
Engaged to Waino Wainio, 06/24/1938:7
Jackson, Pearl F.
Engaged to Waino Wainio, 06/17/1938:7
Jackson, Richard
Daughter born, 07/03/1936:6
Jackson, Robert V., Jr.
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:5
Jackson, Waldo
Swifts Beach cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Jackson, Warren
Two killed, three injured in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
Held over for grand jury trial of fatal accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
Gets jail sentence in auto fatality case, 11/01/1935:2
Jacob, George Stanley
Granted peddlars license, 12/29/1939:1
Jacob, W.G.L.
New to sales staff at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 10/30/1936:1
New to Atwood-Costello sales department (ad), 10/30/1936:6
Jacob, William G.L.
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Jacobs, George
Son born, 11/04/1938:7
Jacobs, George J.
Weeks of Belmont gets probation for assault on Jacobs, 05/12/1939:6
Jacobs, George S.
Application for gasoline license, 08/21/1936:7
Granted gasoline permit, 09/11/1936:1
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 02/18/1938:1
Jacobs, Gertrude
Wedding described, 08/14/1936:2
Wed to William A. DeDeyn, 08/14/1936:7
Jacobs, W.G.
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 04/08/1938:1
Jacobson, John
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:11
Jacobson, Otto
Wedding described, 11/05/1937:8
Jacobson, Otto J.
Engaged to Ruth S. Peterson, 10/29/1937:7
Wed to Ruth S. Peterson, 11/05/1937:7
Jacoby, Alice W.
Wed to Alphonse K. Dahlen, 05/10/1935:4
Jacoby, Mrs Asher J.
Dies in Morristown, PA, 11/15/1935:7
Jacques, Albert
Pays $20 fine for trapping out of season, 08/13/1937:2
Jacques, Albert, Jr.
Fined $20 for trapping out of season, 04/02/1937:2
Given more time pay fine for trapping out of season, 07/16/1937:8
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Jacques, Albert V.
Fire destroys small house on North St, 07/28/1939:2
Jacques, Edith
Enters Household Nursing Training School in Boston, 09/11/1936:12
Jacques, Edith M.
Graduates from Household Nursing Training School in Boston,
Jacques, M.E.
Son born, 12/25/1936:5
Jacques, Mrs Maurice
Resides in Windsor, VT, 11/18/1938:1
Jacques, Virginia A.
Engaged to Francis L. Caswell, 01/01/1937:6
Wed to Francis L. Caswell, 01/08/1937:6
Jadis, Stewart
Son born, 08/11/1939:5
Jane, Betsy
The Wife at Home to her Husband in the Legislature (poem),
Janes, Alma L.
That Wonderful City (poem), 04/12/1935:8
Petition for probate of will, 05/10/1935:8
Executor presents account of estate, 06/19/1936:8
Jane's Food Shop
155 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Four arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Janvrin, Fred W.
Engaged to Constance Chase, 06/18/1937:1, 08/20/1937:7
Janvrin, Fred Warren
Wedding described, 08/27/1937:1
Janvrin, Mrs Fred
Resides in Wellesley, 10/01/1937:1
Japan Works (see George H. Shaw Co.)
Jarvis, Alfred
Wed to Rita Sharron, 09/09/1938:8
Jean's Beauty Shoppe
200 Center St (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Jefferson, Arnold
Resides in Rochester, 09/02/1938:11
Jefferson, Arthur
Son born, 11/12/1937:7
Jefferson, Clarence W.
Engaged to Florence B. Austin, 04/01/1938:7
Wed to Florence B. Austin, 04/08/1938:7
Jefferson, Edna
Fire in building on Wareham St, 07/10/1936:1
Jefferson, Edwin
Wedding described, 11/06/1936:1
Employed at Lakeville Hospital, 11/06/1936:6
Daughter born, 05/13/1938:11
Jefferson, Eleanor F.
Obituary, 06/28/1935:1
Wareham woman dies at age 28, 06/28/1935:6
Jefferson, Frank
Son born, 03/01/1935:6
Daughter born, 08/14/1936:7
Moves to Mansion House, 09/10/1937:11
Daughter born, 04/22/1938:7, 04/22/1938:11
Moves to Highlands, 08/18/1939:6
Jefferson, George H.
Engaged to Avis Beverly Rider, 06/17/1938:1
Jefferson, Irving
Secures post at Lakeville Hospital, 06/25/1937:11
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Jefferson, Martin F.
Petition for probate of will, 12/25/1936:7
Jefferson, Martin F., Jr.
Obituary, 12/18/1936:1
Dies at age 80, 12/18/1936:6
Jefferson, Mrs Warren
Pocketbook returned by receding flood waters, 09/30/1938:6
Jefferson, Thomas
Armed man takes $29 in holdup at Sisson's filling station, 09/04/1936:1
Jefferson, Thomas O.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/19/1937:7
Jefferson, Warren
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Jeffrey, Grace Mabel
Obituary, 06/07/1935:1
Jellow, James
Wed to Emma Davis, 10/29/1937:11
Jenkins, Athalia
Superintendent of Montgomery Home, 04/21/1939:1
Jenkins, Beverly
Engaged to Frank E. Shaw, 09/03/1937:7
Jenkins, Cora
Glass jug starts fire that destroys porch at 70 Oak St, 03/25/1938:1
Jenkins, Eben K.
Engaged to married, 12/24/1937:12
Jenkins, Florence Miriam
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
Wife of Everett N. dies at age 32, 11/11/1938:7
Jenkins, Frank
Attempted break-in at Lakeside cottage, 04/29/1938:1
Jenkins, Mary
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:11
Jenkins, Miriam Newkirk
In memory of (l) (Frances Dodenhoff), 12/09/1938:11
Jenkins, Ruth
High school teacher resigns, 05/22/1936:1
Teacher accepts post in Brockton, 06/19/1936:1
Engaged to Stephen M. Cote, 01/29/1937:6
Jenkins, William
Funeral held in Halifax, 04/02/1937:11
Jenks, Agnes
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 01/18/1935:4, 01/18/1935:7,
Takes room in home of Helen Ham, 10/06/1939:11
Jenks, Agnes B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/23/1939:5
Jenks, Edith L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/23/1939:5
Jenks, E.T.P.
Moves from Nelson's grove to 3 High St, 10/06/1939:12
Jennette, Joseph H.
Moves from New Bedford to Lakeville, 06/10/1938:11
Jenney, Alvira F.
Lakeville tax collector's sale of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Jenney, Arthur
Police investigate poultry theft, 09/10/1937:1
Covel, Preti, and Gasunas arrested for poultry theft, 09/17/1937:1
Jenney, Arthur E.
Attempts to reproduce Jenney arc light dynamo for Edison Institute,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/08/1939:8
Jenney, James L. (see J.L. Jenney Coal Co.)
Jenney, Lewis
Son born, 08/25/1939:7
Jennings, Elizabeth
Wedding described, 12/10/1937:1
Jennings, Frances E.
Engaged to Arthur Vasel, 11/19/1937:7
Jennings, Harry
Daughter born, 02/22/1935:4
Son born, 02/11/1938:7
Jennings, J.H.
Fire in auto on Plympton St, 06/19/1936:1
Jennings, Lewis
Son born, 12/30/1938:7
Jennings, Lewis C.
Wed to Beulah L. Wood, 07/26/1935:6
Jennings, Paul Harry
Born to Harry, 02/11/1938:7
Jennings, Robert E.
Engaged to Hazel E. Remillard, 10/28/1938:7
Wed to Hazel E. Remillard, 11/11/1938:7
Jennings, Robert Elwood
Wedding described, 11/11/1938:1
Jenson (Mrs)
Moves from North Carver to Middleboro, 10/23/1936:5
Jewell, George
Daughter born, 02/14/1936:6
Robinson gets new optical equipment for E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and
Optical, 04/12/1935:8
M.L. Hinckley, jeweler and optometrist (ad), 04/19/1935:3
Robinson moves E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and Optical from 113 Center St
to 123 Center St, 01/29/1937:1
Romeo Trinque manager of Kay Jewelry Co. at 11 North Main St,
Kay Jewelry Co., branch office at 11 North Main St (ad), 11/19/1937:8
North Main St office of Kay Jewelry Co. closes, 02/18/1938:1
Jillson, Otis
Engaged to Thalia S. Drake, 12/22/1939:1
J.L. Jenney Coal and Oil Co.
George Donner appointed new manager, 01/29/1937:1
Offices to close Saturdays and noon, 04/30/1937:1
Closed Saturday at noon till further notice (ad), 04/30/1937:12
J.L. Jenney Coal Co.
Instant service (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Employs Lura Bradford, 08/23/1935:1
Prize money for float in Armistice parade donated to Thimble Club
Daughters, 12/18/1936:1
Closes at noon (ad), 05/06/1938:2
Break-in reported, 08/19/1938:1
Closes Saturdays at noon (ad), 05/05/1939:5
Joan, Mrs Albert
Resides in Campello, 06/05/1936:5, 09/04/1936:2, 09/25/1936:5
Joan's Fashion Shop
Grand opening, 238 Center St (ad), 12/04/1936:5
Announces new millinery department (ad), 03/12/1937:6
First anniversary sale (ad), 12/10/1937:5
Joan Promades sells shop to La Moda Dress Shop, 08/12/1938:1
Joe Hooker Track
Harness racing starts, local horsemen stable racers there (t),
Racing results, 08/16/1935:1
Middleboro Driving Club gala day of horseracing at Camp Joe Hooker
(ad), 07/10/1936:6
Middleboro Driving Club pays second highest daily double,
Racing results from inaugural weekend (t), 07/24/1936:2
Harness meet successful (t), 08/21/1936:6
Prepares for opening of racing season, 04/23/1937:2
Attracts 1,500 enthusiasts on opening day, 06/04/1937:1
Races to be weekly event, 06/11/1937:6
Horse racing every Saturday (ad), 06/11/1937:8
Track records broken at last meet, 07/23/1937:1
Track record smashed at meet (t), 07/23/1937:6
Polo inaugurated, 10/22/1937:6
Now under direction of Michael McGuiness of Taunton, 10/07/1938:6
Mel Douglas wins three events at auto races, 10/14/1938:6
About 1,700 spectators attend motorcycle races, 10/21/1938:6
Motorcycle races furnish thrills, 11/11/1938:6
Potential for dog racing dangerous, 03/17/1939:1
State denies race dates for Lakeville, 03/17/1939:1
Proposed track would cost $175,000, 03/24/1939:1
Notice of public hearing on dog racing for Lakeville, 03/24/1939:7
Discrepancy arises on site of track, 03/31/1939:1
No action taken on Lakeville track, 04/07/1939:1
No action taken by State Racing Commission, 04/14/1939:1
Lakeville residents relieved, 04/21/1939:1
Still no action on race dates, 04/21/1939:1
Motorcycle races all thrills and action, 04/28/1939:4
John B. LeBaron Ice Co.
History and profile of Middleboro business, 03/08/1935:1
John Cabot Club
New organization names officers, 01/04/1935:1
Purchases home at West Grove and Elm St, 03/01/1935:1
Charter granted, 04/19/1935:1
Charter approved, 06/14/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 07/05/1935:1
Supports Millette in matter of special town meeting, 08/09/1935:1
Registers 29 at first citizenship class, 11/15/1935:6
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Holds anniversary social, 01/03/1936:5
Establishes scholarship fund for high school, 04/10/1936:1
Joseph Picone elected honorary president, 12/11/1936:1
Sponsors two new Scout troops in Middleboro, 03/12/1937:5
Many attend carnival at Depot grove, 08/20/1937:1
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Francis Borsari elected president (p), 12/17/1937:1
And Knights of Columbus hold joint carnival, 07/01/1938:2
Joseph Picone elected to another term as president, 12/09/1938:1
To erect new club house, 05/26/1939:1
Awards construction contract for new club house, 11/17/1939:10
Awards heating contract to William Egger, 11/24/1939:10
John D. Fahey Co.
Opens new funeral home here, 06/07/1935:5
Public invited to open house on Center St (ad), 06/07/1935:6
Many visit new business, 06/14/1935:6
Deputy tax collector Callan resigns to take post with Fahey,
New ambulance service (ad), 08/14/1936:7
John E. Lucey Shoe Co.
Associates elect officers, 02/01/1935:1
Employees reach agreement with company, 03/22/1935:1
Holds second annual dance, 05/17/1935:2
Petition for reduction in power rate, 06/07/1935:1
Lucey announces plan for new company, Leonard & Barrows,
Moves headquarters to Leonard & Barrows factory, 11/01/1935:1
New factory has official opening, 12/13/1935:1
Louis Stone congratulates sponsors of credit union at shoe company (l),
Files complaint against gas and electric department, 12/10/1937:8
Parking matter discussed by selectmen, 12/31/1937:5
Myra Amsden escapes death when elevator weight hits chair,
Employs 600, weekly payroll $14,000 (ad), 02/25/1938:5
Takes fraternal basketball league championship, 04/15/1938:6
John Silvia injured in fall down elevator shaft at Lucey Shoe Co.,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Factory workers fall ill, fear of dysentery epidemic, 11/18/1938:1
Private water supply unsafe, 11/25/1938:1
John Foster Co.
Tax collector's sale, 04/26/1935:5
John S. Cobb Greenhouses
Greenhouses, 106 Oak St (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Nelson Perkins foreman, 03/27/1936:12
Using outdoor greenhouse for flower culture, 07/16/1937:12
Sold to Robert H. and Donald S. DeVinny, 02/04/1938:1
DeVinny brothers assume ownership of greenhouse, 02/18/1938:1
Johnson, A. Edwin
Victim of hit-and-run driver, 08/09/1935:1
Johnson, Ada
Engaged to Edmund Waitkwich, 12/27/1935:1
Wed to Edmund Waitkewich, 05/15/1936:6
Johnson, Amelia
Attends Bates College, 04/02/1937:11
Johnson, Anna M.
Obituary, 12/18/1936:1
Dies at age 69, 12/18/1936:6
Petition for probate of will, 01/01/1937:8
Executrix presents account of estate, 04/15/1938:11
Johnson, Ardney
Son born, 04/19/1935:3
Johnson, Arne
Son born, 12/31/1937:11
Johnson, Astrid
Johnson and Tresback provide strictly homecooked meals at Flander's
Chicken House (ad), 06/30/1939:10
Johnson, Avis
Bicyclist struck by Cape auto on Bedford St, 05/12/1939:1
Johnson, Avis L.
Wed to Alfred White, 10/20/1939:5
Johnson, Avis Lincoln
Wedding described, 10/20/1939:1
Johnson, Chas. E.
Baby chicks, hatching eggs, Taunton Rd (ad), 01/29/1937:12
Johnson, Dorothy
Obituary, 11/29/1935:11
Johnson, Dorothy I.
Wed to Joseph W. Wilbur, 06/23/1939:5
Johnson, Edith
Pupils present second annual dance revue, 07/01/1938:8
Re-opens dance school (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Pupils present annual dance recital, 05/26/1939:9
Johnson, Edith M.
Re-opens dance school at Legion Hall (ad), 10/04/1935:7
Johnson, E.M.
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Sells drug store to Robert Giberti, 08/27/1937:1
Robert Giberti assumes control of pharmacy, 09/10/1937:1
Johnson, Ernest M.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 12/04/1936:6
Package store license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Application for of renewal of liquor license, 12/18/1936:7
Granted liquor license for drug store, 01/01/1937:1
Johnson, Esther
Wedding described, 04/21/1939:9
Johnson, Frank E.
Engaged to Thelma Fuller, 10/16/1936:1
Johnson, Fred
Sprains back in fall from Edwin Gross' roof, 10/21/1938:3
Johnson, G. Vreeland
Engaged to Hazel B. Atwood, 10/01/1937:1
Wedding described, 10/29/1937:1
Johnson, Godfrey
Fined $10 for operating unregistered car, 09/18/1936:8
Gets extension to pay $10 fine, 10/16/1936:8
Johnson, Gustaf
Daughter born, 05/12/1939:5
Johnson, Harriet Revere
Obituary, 09/15/1939:4
Dies at age 84, 09/15/1939:5
Johnson, Herbert
Father dies in Quincy, 12/04/1936:2
Employed in Quincy, 06/24/1938:11
Employed by New England Telephone & Telegraph of Boston,
Johnson, Howard
see also Rotary Mill
Owner of chain of stands and stores acquires Rotary Mill (p),
Granted permit to hold dances, 10/04/1935:5
Brockton youth arrested for break-in at Johnson's stand, 06/16/1939:1
Johnson, Howard D.
Application for liquor license, 09/06/1935:7
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 11/27/1936:6
Johnson, John S.
Resides in New York, 06/07/1935:1
Johnson, Lois Arline
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:11
Johnson, Marion Louise
Obituary, 08/14/1936:1
Dies at age 6, 08/14/1936:7
Johnson, Mrs August
Sister-in-law dies in Waldoboro, ME, 09/20/1935:1
Johnson, Mrs Walter
Resides in Waltham, 07/30/1937:8
Johnson, Mrs William
Resides in East Wareham, 07/29/1938:11
Johnson, Norma Pearle
Wedding described, 11/11/1938:11
Johnson, Solon
Wed to Alma Siebenshu, 12/16/1938:3
Johnson, Stuart
Hospitalized with scarlet fever, 12/29/1939:6
Johnson, Webster
West Medford couple married 50 years, 09/20/1935:11
Johnson, William
Obituary, 09/27/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 09/27/1935:6
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:6
Resides in Foxboro, 03/26/1937:11
Son born, 07/23/1937:11
Wed to Anna Leith, 09/10/1937:11
Johnson, William H.
Petition for administration of estate, 10/04/1935:8
Petition to sell real estate, 11/15/1935:8
Administrator presents account of estate, 11/06/1936:7
Son born, 11/11/1938:7
Johnston, Douglas
Norwood man dies, 07/28/1939:1
Johnston, J. Douglas
Daughter born, 08/07/1936:7
On alumni committee for Colby College, 03/19/1937:1
Move to new house on Pierce St, 12/10/1937:5
Father dies in Norwood, 07/28/1939:1
Johnston, Lucinda
Wed to John Bouteman, 11/05/1937:11
Johnston, Malcolm
Stationed at Fort Devens, 11/29/1935:6
Joiner, Jean
Wed to John McIsaac, 03/27/1936:11
Jollimore, Bessie
Obituary, 06/14/1935:1
Jonas, Mrs Harry
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 08/02/1935:1
Joncas, Jeffrey
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Coon hunter injured in fall from tree, 11/22/1935:1
Injured hunter improving, 11/29/1935:1
Injured hunter returns home, 12/06/1935:1
Benefit for injured hunter a success, 04/17/1936:1
Joncas, N.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Joncas, Natalie A.
Engaged to Walter F. Birdsall, 12/02/1938:3, 09/01/1939:5
Wed to Walter F. Birdsall, 09/15/1939:5
Joncas, Natalie Agnes
Wedding described, 09/08/1939:4
Jones (Mr)
Henry Fawcett occupies Jones place on Main St in Lakeville,
Jones (Mrs)
Baby dies in Newton, 02/15/1935:3
Jones, Albert
Lightning sets fire in Lakeville home, 07/26/1935:1
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Dies at age 63, 06/02/1939:5
Petition for administration of estate, 06/23/1939:8, 07/14/1939:6
Jones, Alice
Back teaching after summer spent in Europe and Egypt, 09/13/1935:5
Jones, Alwyn
Resides in New York, 04/19/1935:1
Employed on ship in New York, 06/16/1939:9
Jones, Ambrus
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Jones, Arthur J.
Wed to Jennie Stanielewicz, 09/11/1936:7
Jones, Carrie L.
School census official retires, 10/13/1939:1
Jones, Clifton S.
Brockton man dies, 01/24/1936:11
Jones, Debius E.
Obituary, 05/06/1938:1
Dies at age 83, 05/06/1938:7
Jones, Edwin
New Bedford driver strikes farm wagon in Lakeville, 05/17/1935:3
Jones, Ernest B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/21/1937:4
Sheriff's sale, 03/25/1938:8
Jones, Eunice
Injured when thrown off running board of moving car, 03/26/1937:1
Jones, Frances H.
Wedding described, 09/17/1937:1
Engaged to Percy F. Churbuck, 09/17/1937:7
Wed to Percy F. Churbuck, 09/24/1937:7
Jones, George A.
Obituary (p), 05/17/1935:1
Dies in Brookline at age 77, 05/17/1935:4
Will in probate, 07/05/1935:7
Jones, Henry Bowditch
Piano tuning (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Jones, Lester W.
Wed to Catherine Sheehan, 05/17/1935:4
Jones, Lillian M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/13/1936:7
Jones, Lillian Martha
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11, 10/14/1938:1
Jones, Lucy
Engaged to Joseph Seiberlich, 08/26/1938:1
Jones, Lucy Bowditch
Wed to Joseph Seiberlich, 09/23/1938:7
Wedding described, 09/30/1938:1
Jones, M. Alice
Sails for Egypt, 07/12/1935:2
Sends cards from Aleppo, Damascus, and Jerusalem, 08/16/1935:1
Sails for five weeks of travel in Europe, 07/08/1938:1
On cruise to Hawaii, 07/07/1939:8
Jones, Milton
University of Toledo freshman has traveled the world, 06/07/1935:5
Jones, Minnie
Dies in Rock, 08/13/1937:11
Jones, Minnie Elizabeth
Obituary, 08/13/1937:11
Jones, Mrs Harry
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 06/14/1935:1
Jones, Mrs Robert
Aunt dies in Springfield, 05/07/1937:11
Jones, Paul G.
Obituary, 12/02/1938:3
Jones, Robert
Employed at State Farm, 08/16/1935:2
Children quarantined with scarlet fever, 04/09/1937:8
Scarlet fever quarantine lifted, 05/07/1937:11
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 04/29/1938:1, 04/29/1938:11
Employed in engineering department at State Farm, 08/12/1938:11
Father's funeral held in Waltham, 09/30/1938:2
Jones, Thomas
Obituary, 05/03/1935:1
Mechanics Falls man dies at age 54, 05/03/1935:4
Jones, William H.
Obituary, 01/03/1936:5
Jordan, Agnes M.
Engaged to Joseph P. Dooley, 08/04/1939:7
Joseph, Raphael N.
Obituary, 03/08/1935:1
Dies at age 26, 03/08/1935:4
Jost, Ada E.
Obituary, 10/28/1938:1
Dies at age 76, 10/28/1938:7
Jost, Willard S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/13/1938:11
see also Hawthorne, Roger
George T. Washburn local correspondent for Taunton Gazette,
Joy, Edward
Resides in Sharon, 01/25/1935:1
Joyce, Ellen
Nurse at Lakeville Hospital, 07/31/1936:12
Returns from visit with parents in Ireland, 09/04/1936:1
Joyce, Jane
Nurse at Lakeville Hospital, 07/31/1936:12
Returns from visit with parents in Ireland, 09/04/1936:1
Joycelyn, Roland
Wedding described, 11/03/1939:6
J.T. McKechnie Stores
Armstrong tires (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Local Jewry gather for Yom Kippur, 09/17/1937:1
Local Jewry observe Yom Kippur, 10/07/1938:1
I protest treatment of Jews (l) (T. Edward Hirst), 11/18/1938:11
Middleboro Jewish Women's Club supports refugee work, 02/10/1939:1
Jews observe high holiday here, 09/15/1939:1
Judge, John
Son born, 10/21/1938:7
Judkins, Dana
Injured in fall from police car, 11/01/1935:1
Judson, Frances M.
East Carver woman dies at age 86, 06/11/1937:7
Obituary, 06/11/1937:12
Judson, Sheldon B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/04/1935:8
Julius, David J.
Called to pastorate of Central Congregational (p), 08/21/1936:1
New pastor assumes duties at Central Congregational, 10/16/1936:1
Reception held for new Central Congregational pastor (p), 02/12/1937:1
Two hundred attend installation ceremony (p), 04/23/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Brother-in-law dies in Pottsville, PA, 11/18/1938:1
Daughter born, 06/09/1939:5
Open three-faith drive at Williamstown (l), 09/08/1939:3
Junior Executive Club
Walter Hicks leads new group, 02/01/1935:1
Junk Dealers
Selectmen ponder license question, 01/04/1935:1
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Question settled within town limits, what about rural areas,
Selectmen hear petitions from Picone and Friedman, 02/01/1935:1
Tallman's license application tabled by selectmen, 02/15/1935:2
Junk question dismissed at town meeting, 02/22/1935:1
Appreciates actions of the voters (l) (Isadore Friedman), 02/22/1935:5
Praise for quick action of selectmen, 03/01/1935:1
Selectmen grant license to Max Berman, 03/01/1935:3
Isadore Freidman granted junk license after inspection by selectmen,
Inspection required before granting license to Friedman, 03/29/1935:2
Tallman appears before selectmen, 03/29/1935:2
Picone thanks selectmen for work cleaning up junk yards on West side,
Max Berman granted license, 05/03/1935:1
Willard Patterson's license suspended, 05/24/1935:1
Patterson granted auto junk dealers license, 06/07/1935:1
Selectmen field complaints about Berman's junk yard, 08/23/1935:5
Royal Burgess resting comfortably after burned at Berman's junk yard,
Selectmen grant licenses, 01/10/1936:8
Max Berman granted license, 01/22/1937:1
Eugene Arsenault granted license, 03/19/1937:2
Sawicki complains about conditions at Berman's junk yard,
Berman and Freedman granted licenses, 04/30/1937:5
Walter Savard granted license, 06/04/1937:2
Walter Pittsley's motor vehicle junk license renewed, 12/24/1937:8
Walter Pittsley complains of rubbish workers pilfering junk,
Selectmen claims Ben Haskins does not have junk license, 12/15/1939:1
Isadore Friedman's license renewed, 12/29/1939:1
Jurgelewicz, V.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Jurgelewicz, Victoria
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
New jury list approved by selectmen, 06/28/1935:5
Jury list for 1937-38, 07/02/1937:2
Lakeville's jury list, 02/25/1938:8
Jury list for 1938-1939, 07/22/1938:11
Local list includes at least six criminals, 08/18/1939:1
Jussila, Silo A.
Wed to Bertha M. Finneran, 06/16/1939:5
Wed to Bertha Finneran, 07/28/1939:1
Jussila, Sulo A.
Engaged to Bertha M. Finneran, 06/09/1939:5
Ka-Daw-Cut Farms
Fire in awning of roadside stand, 08/29/1935:2
Panacy and Karadimos reopen Ka-Daw-Cut Farm on West Grove St,
Grand opening on West Grove St (ad), 05/22/1936:12
Store opens at old post office building (ad), 11/13/1936:12
Kakarian, Peter
Acquitted on liquor charge, 03/01/1935:2
Kanapa, Adella N.
Engaged to Vacia Ruzycki, 01/10/1936:6
Kanapa, Bertha
Former local girl gets 30 days for larceny, 12/23/1938:2
Kanserstein, Arthur
Doctor at Lakeville Hospital, 07/30/1937:8
Karadimos, James T.
And Gus Panacy reopen Ka-Daw-Cut Farm on West Grove St,
Grand opening of Ka-Daw-Cut Farms on West Grove St (ad),
Ka-Daw-Kut Farm Store opens at old post office building (ad),
Charged with hitting stop sign, 09/15/1939:1
Kari, Jennie
Burial at Center Carver, 01/29/1937:8
Kari, Jenny M.
Obituary, 01/22/1937:1
South Carver woman dies at age 56, 01/22/1937:6
Kari, Tynne
Wed to Robert Erickson, 08/20/1937:8
Karklan (Mr)
Barn on Vernon St destroyed by fire, 07/08/1938:11
Karklin, Andrew
Summer residence on Vernon St destroyed by fire, 03/27/1936:1
Karsen, Michael P.
Engaged to Kedah G. Evans, 05/24/1935:4
Kay Cut Rate Store
37 Center St (ad), 02/12/1937:5
Name incorrect in advertisement, 02/19/1937:7
Granted permit to erect sign, 05/14/1937:5
Selectmen okay sign, 11/18/1938:3
Early morning blaze damages Center St store, 02/03/1939:1
Kay Jewelry Co.
Romeo Trinque manager of new business at 11 North Main St,
Branch office at 11 North Main St (ad), 11/19/1937:8
North Main St office closes, 02/18/1938:1
Kayajan, Ardavest
Two hurt when car tips over on Summer St, 11/27/1936:11
Kayajan, Armen
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Enrolls at New Hampshire school for boys, 10/01/1937:1
Graduates from New Hampton Prep School in New Hampshire,
Kayajan, Garabed
Obituary (p), 03/19/1937:1
Dies at age 61, 03/19/1937:6
Petition for probate of will, 04/23/1937:7
Kayajan, Haig
Arraigned on assault charge, 04/08/1938:11
Assault case dismissed, 04/15/1938:5
Kayajan, Musch
Employed by Nemasket Spring Water Co., 03/13/1936:1
Beverly Chase injured after running into Kayajan's car on High St,
Nemasket Spring Water Co. observes National Beverage Week (p),
Kayajan, Musch G.
General manager of Nemasket Spring Water Co. resigns, 07/30/1937:1
Kayajanian, Garabed
Petition for probate of will, 04/23/1937:7
Kazlauski, Stanley W.
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at Washburn grain mill,
Held for grand jury in mill break, 05/12/1939:1
Kazlawski, Stanley
Gets two years probation for break-in at mill, 06/16/1939:1
Keane, Henry J.
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 02/10/1939:8
Keating, William
Mattapan couple married 50 years, 04/28/1939:9
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Keedwell, George
Resides in Montreal, 06/11/1937:1
Keedwell, George H.
Resides in Montreal, Canada, 07/19/1935:1
Keedwell, K.B.
Sales manager at Atwood-Costello (ad), 10/23/1936:5
Keedwell, Kenneth
Resides in Syracuse, NY, 05/03/1935:1
Salesman for Atwood-Costello, 09/20/1935:1
Atwood-Costello, Inc. announces return of Keedwell (ad),
Daughter born, 04/09/1937:7
Keedwell, Kenneth B.
Promoted to sales manager at Atwood-Costello, Inc., 10/23/1936:5
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Awarded prize for best paper on How to Sell a Truck, 05/20/1938:6
Wins auto quiz contest, 10/28/1938:1
Keedwell, Polly Ann
Born to Kenneth, 04/09/1937:7
Keedwell, Stuart Grant
Engaged to Anne Lucile Harrell, 02/24/1939:1
Keefe, Mrs J.E.
Resides in Springfield, 05/13/1938:7
Keegan, James
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Keegan, Jim
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Keenan, Mrs Eugene
Accepts position in Washington, DC, 02/22/1935:1
Keenan, William J.
Obituary, 02/03/1939:1
Dies at age 63, 02/03/1939:7
Keevey, Deborah
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11
Keirstead, Nelson
Engaged to Mary Ditano, 03/29/1935:1
Keith, Almeda
Dies in Cambridge at age 96, 11/12/1937:11
Keith, Annie
Annie Keith Choral Society sponsors concert at Central Congregational,
Annie Keith Choral Society presents delightful evening of music,
Keith, Clifford
Couple celebrates anniversary, 04/21/1939:1
Keith, Francis
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Keith, James
Alfred Auger sells The Martinique to Keith and Boise, 03/27/1936:6
Keith, Jane A.
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Widow of Frank dies at age 87, 05/10/1935:4
Keith, Percy
Plymouth St couple married 50 years, 06/19/1936:8
Keith, Percy W.
Recognized for over 25 years of service to Hanover Fire Ins. Co.,
Couple observes 50th anniversary, 06/19/1936:8
Rhodolphus Alger new partner in insurance business, 08/06/1937:1
Petition for administration of estate, 02/11/1938:2
Keith, Percy William
Obituary, 01/28/1938:1
Dies at age 75, 01/28/1938:7
Keith, Rodney E.
Dies in Boston hospital at age 21, 04/28/1939:5
Keith, Roy L.
Engaged to Angeline Panesis, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Angeline Panesis, 06/16/1939:1
Keith, Sylvester H.
Obituary, 09/27/1935:1
Dies at age 64, 09/27/1935:6
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/11/1936:2
Keith, Virginia
Engaged to Robert H. Shaw, 05/05/1939:5
Keith & Alger Insurance
Formerly Percy W. Keith (ad), 08/06/1937:12
Kelley, Amy
Resides in Boston, 05/03/1935:8
Kelley, Amy Evelyn
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:1
Kelley, Ann
Obituary, 01/20/1939:1
Rockland woman dies at age 92, 01/20/1939:7
Kelley, Audrey J.
Engaged to Albert P. Gomes, 11/18/1938:1
Kelley, Dorothy
Wedding described, 02/14/1936:6
Kelley, Dorothy L.
Engaged to George S. Pickett, 02/07/1936:6
Kelley, Earl
Returns from trip to Belgium, France, and England, 01/14/1938:1
Kelley, Francis
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Kelley, Francis A.
Engaged to Mildred L. Kinney, 06/30/1939:5
Wed to Mildred L. Kelley, 07/07/1939:5
Wed to Mildred Louise Kinney, 07/07/1939:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:5
Kelley, Frank
Resides in New York City, 07/07/1939:5
Kelley, Grace H.
Play school, 151 North Main St (ad), 09/25/1936:12
Kelley, Grace Hatch
Kindergarten to specialize in music, 09/18/1936:1
Kelley, Herbert
Daughter born, 07/24/1936:7
Kelley, Irving
Resides in Dorchester, 01/22/1937:12
Kelley, John
Daughter born, 09/11/1936:7
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Picks dandelions and daffodils, 01/15/1937:8
Gets 30 days for assault on wife, 11/25/1938:2
Kelley, John W.
Gets two months for leaving scene of accident, 10/22/1937:1
Fined $15 for leaving scene of accident, 11/19/1937:2
Fined $15 for drunkenness, 11/26/1937:2
Gets 15 days for assault on his wife, 05/13/1938:5
Kelley, Lawrence
Resides in White Plains, NY, 06/21/1935:1
Resides in New Rochelle, NY, 04/10/1936:12
Resides in Hartsdale, NY, 01/21/1938:12
Kelley, Luke
And wife set out on cruise to Bermuda and the West Indies,
Kelley, Luke F.
Pleads for spirit of brotherly love (l), 03/10/1939:3
Re-appointed public administrator, 04/14/1939:1
Appointment confirmation delayed, 04/21/1939:1
Name withdrawn for consideration as public administrator,
Kelley, Mary A.
Obituary, 11/05/1937:1
Widow of Michael H. dies at age 81, 11/05/1937:7
Kelley, Mildred
Gamache's heifer killed after hit by Kelley's auto, 09/22/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Kelley, Mrs E.J.
Resides in Boston, 01/22/1937:12
Employed at the Trinity Home in Boston, 08/18/1939:8
Donates piano to Bates School, 09/29/1939:9
Kelley, Mrs Roger W.
Opens indoor-outdoor Play school on North Main St, 08/09/1935:2
Kelley, Mrs Sheldon
Resides in Braintree Highlands, 02/17/1939:11
Kelley, Mrs Stephen
Poem on passing of old year, 01/03/1936:6
Kelley, Mrs Stephen T.
Resides in Saco, ME, 01/07/1938:11
Kelley, Nellie
Employed at A.F. Ryder Co., 07/19/1935:1
Retires from Alonzo Ryder Co., 02/07/1936:12
Kelley, P.E.
Moves to New York, 03/04/1938:1
Kelley, Ralph D.
On 17-day cruise to Caribbean, 05/15/1936:2
Kelley, R.D. (see R.D. Kelley Coal Co.)
Kelley, Roger
Uncle dies in Harwichport, 07/21/1939:1
Kelley, Roger W.
Collides with Providence driver on Pratt's hill, 08/27/1937:2
Kelley, S.D.
Peonies, Bridge St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Kelley, Sheldon
Moves to Center St, 09/06/1935:5
Son born, 06/12/1936:7, 06/12/1936:8
Transfers to Hartford office, 07/24/1936:12
Leaves for new home in Hartford, CT, 08/07/1936:2
Moves to Barrows St, 09/03/1937:1
Son born, 11/19/1937:7
Moves to South Manchester, CT, 09/02/1938:1
Kelley, Stephen
Resides in Saco, ME, 12/03/1937:8
Kelley, Stephen D.
Raises 17.5-in. cucumber, 10/02/1936:11
Kelley, Steve
Grows 3.5-on. strawberries, 06/28/1935:1
Kelley, Thomas
Pocasset cottage damaged in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Kelley, Wallace
Doing post-grad work at Memorial High School, 02/08/1935:6
Employed in Fall River, 09/04/1936:8
Kelley, William
Moves from South Middleboro to North Middleboro, 06/24/1938:8
Kelley & Godfrey
385 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Kelly, Charlotte
Wed to Emil Barta, 06/24/1938:7
Wedding described, 06/24/1938:11
Kelly, Charlotte L.
Engaged to Emil Barta, 06/17/1938:7
Kelly, Fannie
Obituary, 10/14/1938:1
Wife of John dies at age 61, 10/14/1938:7
Kelly, Fannie E.
Petition for probate of will, 11/25/1938:6
Kelly, John
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Son born, 08/18/1939:5
Kelly, Lawrence
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Kelly, Mrs Sheldon
Resides in Connecticut, 04/02/1937:5
Kelly, T.
Manager of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Kelly, Teresa
Enrolls in College of New Rochelle, NY, 07/15/1938:1
Kelly, Thomas
Postal carrier, 07/16/1937:1
Applies for re-appointment as library trustee, 02/03/1939:11
Kelly, Wallace
Employed in New Bedford, 06/23/1939:9
Kelly, William
Occupies tenement on Plymouth St, 06/24/1938:11
Kelso, Charles
Wed to Doris Rogers, 10/15/1937:2
Kelton, James
Dies in Portland, ME, 04/14/1939:1
Kemper, John Mason
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:8
Kempton, Barbara
Wedding described, 04/08/1938:11
Kendall, Carl G.
Count with me the antis of the Townsend Plan (ad), 10/11/1935:11
Edgar Morton responds to Kendall's letter on Townsend Plan (l),
Two family house on Peirce St for sale (ad), 05/08/1936:12
Vote no on liquor license question (ad), 10/30/1936:2
Qualifications of Atkins and Stetson (l), 04/14/1939:6
Kendall, James
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Kendall, Sherwin J.
Wed to Virginia Sawyer, 03/03/1939:6
Kennedy, Chester
Everett Bowen arrested for larceny of lumber, 10/04/1935:2
Bowen larceny case continued, 10/11/1935:2
Everett Bowen found not guilty of larceny, 11/29/1935:2
Kennedy, George
Resides in New York City, 08/07/1936:12
Wedding described, 01/15/1937:1
Son born, 02/03/1939:7
Resides in Jackson Heights, Long Island, 04/14/1939:1
Kennedy, George E.
Employed with Everlastik Corp in New York, 03/01/1935:1
Kennedy, Gertrude
Resides in Boston, 07/19/1935:7
Kennedy, James H.
President of Co-operative Bank, 10/16/1936:1
Co-operative Bank president honored (p), 10/01/1937:1
President of Massachusetts Co-operative Bank League (p),
Only veteran on Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:1
Resigns from Park Commission, 03/25/1938:11
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/01/1938:8
Appointed to Chamber of Commerce committee for U.S. Building and
Loan League, 04/01/1938:11
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Co-operative Bank president since 1930 (p), 07/14/1939:8
In running for head of bank league (p), 09/22/1939:1
Kennedy, Jennie Atwood
Obituary, 02/14/1936:6
Kennedy, Louisa M.
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Kennedy, Parker H.
Resides in New Rochelle, NY, 08/02/1935:1
Kennedy, Phyllis
Engaged to Alberto P. Chase, 05/14/1937:8
Kennedy, Phyllis I.
Engaged to Alberto Chase, 05/21/1937:7
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:1
Kennedy, William
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Resides in New York City, 06/09/1939:9
Kennedy, William T.
Returns from 10,000-mile trip on schoolship Nantucket, 09/04/1936:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
On board school ship Nantucket, 07/09/1937:6
Graduates from Massachusetts Nautical School, 10/22/1937:11
Kenney, Douglas
Resides in Stellartown, Nova Scotia, 08/21/1936:8
Kenney, John
Carver couple married 40 years, 06/26/1936:8
Obituary, 01/27/1939:5, 01/27/1939:6
Kenney, Leland
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:11
Kenniston, Barbara N.
New Bedford girl dies at age 12, 10/07/1938:7
Kenniston, Barbara Natalie
Obituary, 10/07/1938:1
Kenniston, William
Loren Littlefield strikes Kenniston as backs car out of driveway,
Driver for Railway Express Agency, 08/04/1939:6
New local agent for American Express Agency, 11/17/1939:1
Kenniston, William S.
Files nomination papers for selectman, 12/18/1936:1
Engaged to Florence I. Lakin, 09/09/1938:7
Stolen car found in Fairhaven woods, 10/27/1939:1
Kenny, John
North Carver couple married 40 years, 06/26/1936:6
Obituary, 01/27/1939:6
Kenny, John, Jr.
Daughter born, 10/01/1937:11
Kenyon, Arthur
Summer St couple married 31 years, 11/15/1935:7
Kenyon, Frederick Ralph
Wedding described, 06/28/1935:11
Kenyon, F.T.
Resides in Orlando, FL, 01/28/1938:11
Keough, Bernard
Clerk at post office, 03/19/1937:12
Keough, Edward W.
Obituary, 03/01/1935:1
Dies at age 81, 03/01/1935:4
Keough, John
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 02/01/1935:1
Injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Keough, John F.
Auto knocked into ditch by passing driver, 10/13/1939:3
Keough, Mildred
Cashier at Middleboro Theatre, 02/11/1938:7
Cashier in local theatre, 07/07/1939:4
Keough, William F.
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Keough Trucking Co.
Blaze starts in cotton bales in Lakeville, 06/07/1935:1
Kepple, Nicholas
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast at State Farm,
Kern, George M.
Obituary, 08/28/1936:1
Pondville man dies at age 62, 08/28/1936:7
Kerrigan, John
Oil burner fire does no damage, 11/24/1939:10
Kershaw, Robert
Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 07/05/1935:8
Mother dies in Philadelphia, 02/17/1939:11
Kessler, Mildred I.
Engaged to Albert A. Mindel, 10/14/1938:7
Wedding described, 11/25/1938:1
Wed to Albert A. Mindel, 11/25/1938:7
Kettembeil, Annie B.
Petition for appointment as conservator, 03/13/1936:5
Petition for probate of will, 01/22/1937:7
Conservator presents account of property, 03/26/1937:6
Kettembeil, Annie Bartlett
Obituary, 01/08/1937:1
Dies at age 71, 01/08/1937:6
Kettle, Arlene
Resides in Jamestown, NY, 08/12/1938:1
Key Theatre
Wenner to manage new movie house at site of old Lyric, 04/01/1938:1
Policies outlined for new theatre, 04/08/1938:10
Middleboro Amusement Co. applies for theater license, 04/08/1938:11
Opening soon (ad), 04/08/1938:12
Middleboro welcomes new theatre (ad), 04/15/1938:3
Selectmen take time to decide on license, 04/15/1938:5
Selectmen discuss discontinuing Bank Nights at local theatres,
Labor trouble at new theatre may be cause of incendiary fire,
District Attorney issues order to halt "Bank Night" at theatres,
Manager Roy Heffner arrested for holding lottery, 12/30/1938:1
Granted license, 12/30/1938:11
Roy Heffner, Jr. pleads not guilty to lottery charge, 01/06/1939:1
Heffner is test case in Bank Night matter, 01/13/1939:1
Local Bank Night test case fails, 03/03/1939:1
Extends thanks on first anniversary, 04/07/1939:1
Celebrates 1st anniversary, 04/07/1939:8
Granted license renewal, 12/15/1939:1
Keyes, A.F.
Dies at daughter's home in Rock, 01/22/1937:2
Keyes, Albert
Wesleyan Class honors teacher of 35 years (p), 04/08/1938:1
Central Methodist Episcopal Church honors teacher, 04/15/1938:11
Keyes, Charles E.
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Dies at age 79, 01/29/1937:6
Tribute to a good neighbor, 01/29/1937:11
Keyes, Chester
Street cleaner rewarded for not finding lost money, 11/20/1936:1
Receive award for 50 years of service to fire department, 04/09/1937:1
Keyes, Dorothy
Wedding described, 08/19/1938:1
Keyes, Dorothy R.
Wed to Leon F. Anderson, 08/19/1938:7
Keyes, Emma
Obituary, 03/18/1938:1
Widow of Lewis dies at age 62, 03/18/1938:7
Keyes, Emma F.
Petition for probate of will, 04/01/1938:5
Keyes, George B.
W.T. Grant store manager transfers to another Connecticut store,
Daughter born, 10/04/1935:1
Resides in Winsted, CT, 05/22/1936:12
Receives promotion to Bennington, VT W.T. Grant store, 01/21/1938:12
Keyes, George H.
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 06/14/1935:8
Keyes, Lydia F.
Petition for probate of will, 05/22/1936:7
Keyes, Lydia French
Obituary, 05/01/1936:1
Dies at age 71, 05/01/1936:7
Keyes, Mrs A.H.
Lila's Gift Shop, 22 School St (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Keyes, William F.
Obituary, 05/17/1935:1
Dies at age 83, 05/17/1935:4
Will in probate, 06/21/1935:7
Kibi, Carl, Jr.
Infant son of Carl and Emmie Wieno dies, 01/25/1935:3
Kidd, Olive
Teacher transfers from Bates School to School Street School,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Kiddie & Specialty Shop
Blanche Carr opens shop in Klar building, 09/02/1938:1
Opening of new store 137 Center St (ad), 09/02/1938:3
Fire in bowling alley beneath Blanche Carr's store damages stock,
Smoke sale (ad), 12/02/1938:6
Celebrates first anniversary (ad), 09/01/1939:6
Mrs Thomas Orrall receives two kidnap threats, 01/25/1935:1
Kierstead, Bertha D.B.
Purchases Miller St house from Mrs Albert West, 04/08/1938:10
Kierstead, Nelson L.
Engaged to Mary V. Ditano, 08/02/1935:6
Wed to Mary V. Ditano, 08/16/1935:6
Kierstead, Robert
Rhode Island man purchases Miller St house from Mrs Albert West,
Kilkelly, T. Forrest
New dentist locates here, 01/29/1937:1
Killen, David
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 12/02/1938:3
Resigns from sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Kilpatrick, W.C.
Marks 13th anniversary at Church of Our Saviour, 10/13/1939:9
Kilpatrick, W.C
Reverend rescues robin, 11/17/1939:1
Kincus, E.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Kincus, Eddy
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Kincus, Edward
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Kincus, Francis Albert
Freshman at Middlesex University, 12/22/1939:10
Florence Bryant moves kindergarten to 237 North Main St (ad),
Mrs Roger Kelley opens indoor-outdoor Play school on North Main St,
Florence Bryant moves kindergarten to 35 North Main St, 10/04/1935:7
Grace Hatch Kelley's kindergarten to specialize in music, 09/18/1936:1
Grace H. Kelley play school, 151 North Main St (ad), 09/25/1936:12
Florence Bryant opens season with 12 youngsters, 09/15/1939:8
Helen Baker opens kindergarten in Lakeville (ad), 10/13/1939:10
King, Adrian
Son born, 12/15/1939:5
King, Charles F.
Obituary, 03/04/1938:11
Petition for administration of estate, 03/11/1938:7
King, Donald Adrian
Born to Adrian and Emily Adams, 12/15/1939:5
King, Emily Adams
Son born, 12/15/1939:5
King, Henry O.
Cushman bakery products (ad), 10/04/1935:10
King, John
Son born, 09/02/1938:7
King, Joseph
Forgotten man in Plympton history, 03/29/1935:3
Wedding described, 07/24/1936:8
Daughter born, 06/25/1937:7
King, Mrs Victor
Resides in Long Beach, CA, 06/18/1937:11
King, Sarah A.
Obituary, 06/23/1939:1
Wife of Henry O. dies at age 68, 06/23/1939:5
King, Victor
Returns to duty at Norfolk, VA, 01/11/1935:1
Stationed in San Diego, Ca, on board USS Idaho, 05/10/1935:1
King Midas Chicken House
Rte 28 in Middleboro (ad), 08/23/1935:2
Lillian Eno's petition for sale of property to King Midas Chicken House,
Inc., 02/21/1936:8
Granted liquor license, 04/17/1936:1
Grand opening, Rte 28 (ad), 05/29/1936:12
New name Eno-Chateau (ad), 05/21/1937:12
King Philip Inn
Grand opening, dine and dance (ad), 09/03/1937:12
Available for parties, receptions, and banquets (ad), 09/17/1937:12
Jennie Morris' application for liquor license, 11/04/1938:7
Kingman, Bela
Genealogy, 07/05/1935:5
Kingman, Calvin
Conference in North Middleboro saves buttonwood tree planted by
Kingman, 05/15/1936:6
Kingman, E. Elizabeth
Obituary, 03/06/1936:1
Kingman, Emily Elizabeth
Dies at age 85, 03/06/1936:6
Kingman, John R.
Engaged to Barbara Burgess, 05/26/1939:1
Kingman, John Redman
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
Kingman, Josiah
Obituary, 10/11/1935:1
Dies at age 67, 10/11/1935:6
King's Daughters - Shining Circle
Celebrates 44th anniversary, 04/02/1937:8
Kingsley, Arthur
Lets Pleasant St home to Mrs Reed, 08/12/1938:11
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Joseph Osborne, 12/30/1938:11
Kingsley, Chester
Resides in Tennessee, 04/21/1939:6
Kinickmen, Ida M.
Engaged to Gordon R. Fawcett, 07/03/1936:7
Kinne, Edna C.
Obituary, 11/20/1936:1
Kinne, Ednah C.
Dies at age 87, 11/20/1936:7
Kinney, Mildred L.
Engaged to Francis A. Kelley, 06/30/1939:5
Wed to Francis A. Kelley, 07/07/1939:5
Kinney, Mildred Louise
Wed to Francis A. Kelley, 07/07/1939:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:5
Kinsley, Esther
Employed at sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Kinsman (Mr)
Sousa collides with Kinsmans' milk truck at Oak and High St,
Kinsman, B.A.
Dairy (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Kinsman, Dorothy
Engaged to Meddio Rondelli, 02/05/1937:1
Kinsman, Dudley
Recovering from coasting accident, 02/14/1936:6
Enters Gordon College, 10/09/1936:12
Kinsman, Dwight
Leaves for reunion in old home in Berwich, Nova Scotia, 08/06/1937:1
Kinsman, Eleanor
Resumes teaching in Wrentham, 09/11/1936:12
Engaged to be married, 08/06/1937:1
Kinsman, Elinor`
Sails for Bermuda, 04/17/1936:11
Kinsman, Elinor
Resides in Wrentham, 12/25/1936:1, 04/23/1937:6
Engaged to be married, 08/13/1937:5
Kinsman, Elinor May
Engaged to Edmund Francis Churchill, 08/13/1937:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Plympton folks attend wedding, 09/03/1937:11
Kinsman, Elinor M.
Wed to Edmund F. Churchill, 09/03/1937:7
Kinsman, Elizabeth Thomas
Couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:1
Kinsman, Frank
Couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:1
Couple celebrates 25th anniversary, 12/11/1936:2
Kinsman, Frank F.
Obituary, 04/08/1938:1
Dies at age 51, 04/08/1938:7
Kinsman, G. Dudley
Resides in Boston, 04/23/1937:6
Attends Gordon College, 03/25/1938:1
Kinsman, James
Dies in Needham, 10/21/1938:1
Kinsman, Leah
Accepted at Providence Bible Institute, 05/03/1935:1
Resumes studies at Providence Bible Institute, 10/02/1936:12
Broadcasts song she composed and wrote, 12/24/1937:12
Graduates from Providence Bible Institute, 05/26/1939:1
Kinsman, Lewis
Soule St couple married 25 years, 04/09/1937:2
Kinsman, Marjorie
Takes position at Hopkins School for Boys in New Haven, CT,
Teaches at Hopkins school in New Haven, 12/18/1936:6
Resides in Marshfield, 02/04/1938:1
Engaged to George B. Thomas, 11/24/1939:1, 12/15/1939:7
Kinsman, Marjorie Adellis
Engaged to George Bertram Thomas, 11/03/1939:10
Kinsman, Marjorie Ardellis
Wedding described, 12/22/1939:5
Kinsman, Mrs B.A.
Addresses Cabot Club annual Guest Night entertainment (p),
Kinsman, Mrs Barclay
Cabot Club opens 1936 season with Kinsman at helm (p), 09/04/1936:1
Kinsman, Mrs Barclay A.
Elected president at annual meeting of Cabot Club, 05/15/1936:1
President of Cabot Club (p), 09/17/1937:1
To serve third term as Cabot Club as president, 05/13/1938:1
Kinsman, Priscilla
Engaged to Ronald Erickson, 12/04/1936:1, 04/30/1937:6
Kinsman, Priscilla Fairfield
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:1
Kinsman, Reginald
Minor collision with Westgate at Peirce and North Main St,
Large sedan goes off road on Precinct St, 02/07/1936:1
Kinsman, Richard
Promoted at Farm Bureau Federation, 08/28/1936:12
Wed to Elizabeth Raymond, 06/18/1937:7
Kinsman, Richard M.
Engaged to Elizabeth K. Raymond, 06/04/1937:7
Kinsman, Richard McLean
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:1
Kinsman, Richard McLearn
Engaged to Elizabeth Kathryn Raymond, 09/11/1936:1
Kinsman, William L.
Ernest McIlvana killed in auto accident on Rochester Rd, 07/07/1939:1
Accused of manslaughter in traffic death of McIlvana, 07/14/1939:1
Dorchester driver fined $100 for accident that killed Mary Sullivan,
Kinsman, William Lewis
Acquitted of manslaughter, 07/28/1939:1
Kirchell, Noel
Manuel Fraser's runaway horse causes damage on Center St,
Kirkell, Anthony
Accepts position in Wilmington, 11/15/1935:8
Kirkell, Casimir
Engaged to Grace D. Silveria, 01/21/1938:7
Wed to Grace D. Silveria, 02/11/1938:7
Kirkell, Charles
Engaged to Grace Dorothy Silveria, 01/28/1938:8
Wed to Dorothy Silveria, 02/11/1938:11
Kirkell, Mrs Charles
Resides in Bridgewater, 02/18/1938:11
Mother dies in West Bridgewater, 11/24/1939:6
Kirkell, Walter
Resumes duties at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston, 01/04/1935:7
Resides in Wilmington, 10/04/1935:8
Kirkpatrick, James D.
Resides in Evanston, IL, 08/21/1936:12
Kirwin, Alice M.
Engaged to Roy N. Andrews, 07/10/1936:7
Wed to Roy N. Andrews, 07/17/1936:7
Klein, Joseph
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/28/1937:8
Klocker, Martha
Engaged to Thomas F. Boucher, Jr., 06/12/1936:6
Klocker, Martha M.
Wed to Thomas F. Boucher, 09/11/1936:7
Klocker, Martha Mary
Engaged to Thomas F. Boucher, Jr., 06/21/1935:1
Knickman, Ida May
Wedding described, 07/17/1936:1
Wed to Gordon R. Fawcett, 07/17/1936:7
Knights of Columbus
Lt. Governor Hurley speaks at annual communion breakfast,
Hold carnival despite inclement weather, 06/21/1935:6
Carnival hampered by weather, but pronounced success, 06/28/1935:2
Fete baseball players, 11/01/1935:1
Council holds Athletic Night, 12/13/1935:1
Champs of fraternal basketball league (t), 03/27/1936:1
Fraternal League champs (p), 04/03/1936:1
Hold annual communion breakfast, 05/01/1936:2
Hold annual dance, 05/08/1936:2
Hold banquet for basketball stars and bowlers, 05/15/1936:1
Carnival features many attractions, 08/14/1936:7
Baseball team wins third league championship (t), 09/11/1936:1
Champs for third season (p), 09/25/1936:1
Fetes baseball champs, 11/06/1936:1
Hold Athletic Night, 12/11/1936:1
Hold third annual dance, 01/29/1937:8
Hold 3rd annual dance, 04/23/1937:2
Hold annual communion breakfast, 04/30/1937:2
Celebrate 40th anniversary, 05/21/1937:1
Hold impressive ceremonies in new quarters on Center St, 10/15/1937:1
Hold annual dance, 03/04/1938:6
And John Cabot Club hold joint carnival, 07/01/1938:2
Hold annual communion breakfast, 05/12/1939:2
Knowles, Serena
Obituary, 05/26/1939:1
Widow of Oliver dies at age 90, 05/26/1939:5
Obituary, 06/02/1939:9
Knowles, Sidney
Resides in New York, 09/01/1939:2
Knowles, Staley H.
Obituary, 02/12/1937:1
Dies at age 71, 02/12/1937:6
Knowlton, Lucy
Files complaint with selectmen concerning boys throwing stones,
Knox, Herman N.
Melrose Highlands man victim of first fatal accident of 1939,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Knysinski, Edmund F.
Graduates from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance (p),
Knysinski, Mary
Resides in Boston, 02/07/1936:6
Kocnoc, Clarence
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 06/17/1938:11
Koerner, Meriam Irene
Wedding described, 05/21/1937:11
Korpinen, Edward
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Captain of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Kotchounian, Mihran
Former Middleboro businessman dies in Detroit, MI, 01/10/1936:1
Kotchounian, Mihran A.
Detroit, MI man dies at age 60, 01/10/1936:6
Kraege, Herman F.
Obituary, 03/24/1939:1
Petition for probate of will, 05/05/1939:6
Kraege, Herman Frederick
Dies at age 62, 03/24/1939:7
Kraege, H.F.
Auto radiator repair (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Krakow, Stanley
Wed to Charlotte Bryant, 05/24/1935:7
Son born, 04/09/1937:7
Krakow, Stanley J.
Engaged to Charlotte L. Bryant, 05/10/1935:4
Wed to Charlotte L. Bryant, 05/24/1935:4
Kraus, Charles
Employed at sanatorium, 04/08/1938:11
Kraus, Curtis
Keith Shoe Co. employee receives 25-year medal, 06/21/1935:1
Kraus, Donald
Son born, 02/03/1939:7
Kraus, Donald M.
Engaged to Elizabeth F. Eayrs, 11/20/1936:7
Wedding described, 11/27/1936:1
Wed to Elizabeth F. Eayrs, 11/27/1936:7
Kraus, Edward W.
Given revolver permit, 01/20/1939:8
Kraus, Gladys May
Wed to Paul Kendrick Guilford, 05/26/1939:1
Kraus, Mary H.
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Dies at age 61, 12/20/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 01/17/1936:7
Krause, Mrs William
Illinois resident sees herring run at Muttock bridge in film, 06/05/1936:1
Krikorian, Agnes
Engaged to Lionel S. Galstaun, 10/14/1938:1
Krikorian, Gregory
Tricycle runs into Burnett's car on Frank St, 03/25/1938:1
Krikorian, M.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Krikorian, Moushey
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Captain of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Fractures leg in high school football game, 12/01/1939:4
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Krikorian, Moushy
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Kukaukas, Blades
Charged with larceny from John Holt, 09/20/1935:2
Larceny case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Case dismissed for want of prosecution, 10/18/1935:5
Kulian, Rose
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 08/27/1937:12
Kumpunen, Henry
Graduates with rank of 2nd Lt. in U.S. Army Reserves, 01/27/1939:11
Kumpunen, Henry W.
Receives honors at University of Alabama, 11/19/1937:2
Reserve officer at Fort Devens, 06/23/1939:10
Kumpunen, Matthew T.
Engaged to Flora Virginia Cunningham, 12/08/1939:7
Kunces, A.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Kunces, Adam
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Kyrouz, Gertrude
Bicyclist William Greer struck by Kyrouz at Everett and North St,
Kyrouz, Joseph
Son born, 02/08/1935:4
La Moda Dress Shop
Brockton concern purchases Joan's Dress Shop, 08/12/1938:1
Formerly Joan's Dress Shop, 240 Center St (ad), 08/12/1938:6
Labor Laws and Legislation
Nahum Hall in court for violation of wage laws, 10/30/1936:2
Nahum Hall fined $25 fro violation of wage law, 11/13/1936:2
Peter Zakarian fined $100 and a suspended sentence in wage case,
Zakarian appeals wage law fines, 12/15/1939:2
Phillip Washburn files complaint against Howard Moody for
nonpayment of wages, 12/22/1939:5
Labor Relations
John E. Lucey Shoe employees reach agreement with company,
Labor trouble at new Key Theatre may be cause of incendiary fire,
Truck strike originating in Providence felt here, 03/31/1939:1
No WPA strike in Middleboro, 07/14/1939:1
Head of Babson's Report speaks to worried parents (l) (The Spectator),
Ladd, William
Whitman couple married 40 years, 01/22/1937:5
Ladino, Mary
Lab technician at sanatorium, 06/16/1939:9
The Lady in Red
Local dance group entertains in Brockton, 04/17/1936:11
LaFlamme, Clara A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/27/1939:10
LaFlamme, Francois X.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/27/1939:10
Lagadimos, A.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Lagarde, Charles R.
Obituary, 01/27/1939:1
Dies at age 71, 01/27/1939:7
Lagarde, Louis
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 05/17/1935:1
Lagidimos, Arthur
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Lagodimos, John
Five-year-old Jane Murdock struck by car on Forest St, 04/10/1936:1
Laine, Arthur
Wedding described, 04/21/1939:6
Son born, 12/01/1939:5
Laine, Arvo
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:11
Daughter born, 04/14/1939:6
Laine, Martha
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:11
Laine, Olga
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Laine, Reynold
Engaged to Margaret Figlioli, 11/11/1938:11
Laine, Tauno
Daughter born, 03/25/1938:3
Lake, LeRoy F.
Engaged to Roberta L. Heath, 08/26/1938:7
Committee studies plan to remove usage restrictions, 07/21/1939:1
Lifting of restrictions would be mixed blessing, 07/28/1939:1
Selectmen favor action to reclaim ponds, 08/04/1939:11
Lakeview Rest Camp
Volunteers of America's Lakeview Rest Camp in full swing,
Lakeville - Board of Selectmen
Fred Shockley resigns after 43 years of service, 01/20/1939:1
Lakeville - Finance Committee
Makes budget recommendations, 03/04/1938:3
Lakeville Carmen's Association
Holds 14th annual reunion, 09/13/1935:2
Holds 19th annual reunion, 09/09/1938:3
Holds 19th reunion, 09/16/1938:2
Lakeville Congregational Church
see also Rochester-Lakeville Greater Parish
Anniversary service planned (p), 07/19/1935:5
New furniture for kindergarten dedicated, 02/19/1937:11
Lakeville Gardens, Inc.
Sumner Coolidge treasurer (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Receiver's sale in bankruptcy (ad), 11/10/1939:5
Lakeville Hospital
Water supply petition to sanatorium from Bridge St residents before
Legislature, 02/15/1935:1
Hosts meeting of Plymouth District Medical Society, 04/26/1935:3
Department of Occupational Therapy plans elaborate exhibition,
Exhibition proves very interesting, 05/10/1935:2
Patients visited by noted wrestler Dan O'Mahony, 10/18/1935:1
Minstrel show entertaining, 11/29/1935:5
Over 500 attend open house in occupational therapy shop, 05/21/1937:8
Blaze destroys machinery, hay, and three structures (p), 07/23/1937:1
Farm buildings will not be rebuilt, 09/03/1937:1
Petition requests continuance of farm at sanatorium, 09/24/1937:1
Representatives meet with governor concerning farm, 10/08/1937:1
State auditor visits farm, opposes transfer, 10/15/1937:1
Latest developments on farm transfer, 10/22/1937:1
Conference held at State House on fate of farm, 11/26/1937:7
Governor receives final report on farm transfer, 12/03/1937:1
State delays action on farm transfer, 12/17/1937:1
Representative Stetson files bill to continue farm, 01/21/1938:1
Representative Stetson outlines argument against transfer of farm,
Stetson asks bill be held till finances worked out, 03/18/1938:1
Horses replaced by motor vehicles at farm, 04/08/1938:11
Approval of budget guarantees farm, 04/15/1938:1
Malcolm Foster dislocates collar bone at sanatorium dairy,
Hosts state medical society meeting, 05/19/1939:1
Lakeville Hospital - Employees
Employs Charles Pillsbury, 03/15/1935:5
Agnes Forney resigns, 03/29/1935:1
Dr John Decker assistant superintendent, 10/11/1935:1
Employs Doris Delano, 10/11/1935:2
Hires Paul Moody, Gilbert Gunn, and Elliott Nelson, 10/18/1935:12
Viola Boutin transfers from St. Luke's, 11/08/1935:11
Charles McFarlin employed at sanatorium, 04/17/1936:1
Employs Edward Holmes, 04/17/1936:2
Ellen and Jane Joyce nurses, 07/31/1936:12
Hires Roy Cook, 08/28/1936:2
Employs Angelo Inglese, 10/16/1936:6
Employs Doris Delano, 10/23/1936:5
Employs Edwin Jefferson, 11/06/1936:6
Employs Rosario Pintonarno and John Gallagher, Jr., 12/04/1936:6
Nicholas Paglicco head waiter, 01/08/1937:11
Employs Vincent Galfre, 01/15/1937:8
Employs Robert Southwick, 01/22/1937:5
Employs Malcolm and Vincent Foster, 01/29/1937:8
Antone Inglese farm employee at sanatorium, 02/05/1937:8
Employs Thomas Rogers, 02/05/1937:8
Employs Charles Pillsbury, 02/12/1937:11
Employs Ernest Croteau, 03/05/1937:11
Employs Glen Perkins, 03/05/1937:11
Employs Henry Roberts and Joseph Byrnes, 03/05/1937:11
Employs Milton Braddock, 03/05/1937:11
Employs Gerard LeDoux, 04/23/1937:11
Employs Roland Brule, 04/23/1937:11
Employs Arthur Parry, 05/14/1937:8
Employs Oscar Boehme, 05/21/1937:11
Employs Carrie Anderson, 06/25/1937:11
Employs Loretta LeDoux, 06/25/1937:11
Hires Irving Jefferson, 06/25/1937:11
Employs Kenneth Lakey, 07/02/1937:5
Neil Young resigns, 07/02/1937:5
Employs Loretta LeDoux, 07/23/1937:11
Employs Elizabeth Thomas, 07/23/1937:12
Arthur Kanserstein physician, 07/30/1937:8
Assisting physician Alvin Severance resigns, 07/30/1937:8
Paul Ferrini physician, 07/30/1937:8
Marie Clifford graduate nurse, 08/06/1937:1
Elinor Ruttle resigns, 09/10/1937:11
Employs Esther Kinsley and Teresa Caton, 09/10/1937:11
Employs Fred Danford, 09/10/1937:11
Employs Mr and Mrs Arthur Gibney, 09/10/1937:11
Employs Vincent Galfre, 09/10/1937:11
Employs Edward Corayer, Jr., 11/12/1937:8
Employs Maurice Lawrence, 11/19/1937:11
Employs William Tribou and Michael Evany, 11/26/1937:11
Fred Danforth resigns, 11/26/1937:11
Henry Roberts foreman of dairy, 12/03/1937:8
Assistant superintendent Dr John Decker studies surgery at Boston
hospital, 01/21/1938:1
Employs Cora Chevalier, 01/21/1938:11
Employs Joseph Byrne, 02/11/1938:3
Vincent Foster employed at sanatorium dairy, 02/11/1938:3
Employs Ray Benoit and Gilbert Ward, 02/18/1938:11
Employs Howard Tinkham, 03/04/1938:3
Employs James Tallman, Jr. and Charles Kraus, 04/08/1938:11
Employs Marion Atwood, 04/08/1938:11
Vincent Galfre transfers from dairy to farming department,
Arthur Perry resigns from farm, 04/29/1938:4
Employs Glen Perkins, 04/29/1938:4
Joseph Mello, Jr. ranger on chicken ranch at sanatorium, 04/29/1938:4
Employs Benjamin Ennis, Clarence Kocnoc, and Lionel Welch at dairy,
Howard Tinkham and Gilbert Ward resign from dairy, employed on the
Cape, 06/17/1938:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Employs Elizabeth Standish, 06/24/1938:1
Margaret Welch nurse, 07/15/1938:7
Employs Marion Atwood, 07/15/1938:11
Employs Malcolm Foster, 08/05/1938:11
Employs William Roberts, 08/05/1938:11
Employs Frank Bochichio, 08/12/1938:1
Miss Hutchins nurse, 09/23/1938:1
Employs Angelo Inglese, 09/30/1938:2
Employs Everett Hunter, 11/25/1938:5, 11/25/1938:8
David Killen employed at sanatorium dairy, 12/02/1938:3
Malcolm Foster resigns from sanatorium dairy, 12/02/1938:3
Employs Wilfred Hill, 02/17/1939:11
Employs Robert Pope, 02/24/1939:11
Coombs and Mahoney employed at sanatorium farm, 03/03/1939:11
Alden Perry resigns, 03/17/1939:4
Physiotherapist Helen Crosby resigns, 03/17/1939:4
David Killen resigns from sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Edward Shalley resigns from sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Employs Roy Cook, 04/07/1939:9
Employs William McFarlin, 04/07/1939:9
Ernest Nadeau takes position at sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Employs Philip Wilber, 04/28/1939:9
Employs Glen Perkins, 05/19/1939:9
William Tribby physician, 06/02/1939:9
Employs William Turner and Frank Williams, 06/09/1939:1
Robert Wilbur employed at dairy, 06/09/1939:9
Leon Alley physician, 06/16/1939:5
Mary Ladino lab technician, 06/16/1939:9
Charles Gormley works in laundry, 07/14/1939:2
Hires Audrey Cook, 07/21/1939:7
Joel Adams doctor, 08/11/1939:5
Employs Mrs George Monroe, 10/20/1939:6
Carolyn White supervisor of nurses, 10/27/1939:6
Employs Alton Logan, 10/27/1939:6
Employs Edward W. Corayer, 10/27/1939:6
Employs Edward F. Corayer, 11/03/1939:5
Walter Birdsall attendant, 11/03/1939:5
Employs Richard Norton, 11/10/1939:6
Employs Alfred Rose, 12/15/1939:8
Employs Francis MacDonald, 12/15/1939:8
Grace Wood resigns, 12/15/1939:8
Employs Mr and Mrs Al Allaire, 12/22/1939:9
Employs Robert Dennihy, 12/22/1939:9
Lakeville Motors
Bedford St (ad), 12/15/1939:6
Lakeville Post Office
Fred Anderson RFD mail carrier, 07/16/1937:11
Lakeville Public Library
List of new books, 01/18/1935:4
Eunice Peirce Fund provides new books, 04/19/1935:1
Library Circle holds annual lawn party, 08/09/1935:1
Closed indefinitely after oil burner blows out, 02/28/1936:7
Reopens, 03/27/1936:6
Sewing circle loses valued member in death of Achsah Bennett,
Closed Christmas Day, 12/25/1936:12
Adds 84 new books to collection, 03/12/1937:11
Trustees report, 03/04/1938:3
Old newspapers found behind framed pictures, 03/03/1939:11
Lakeville Sportsmen's Club
Fred Staples' beagle winner in local trials, 10/22/1937:11
Holds fox hunt, 06/03/1938:6
Holds 7th annual field trials, 09/30/1938:2
Lakeville Taxpayers Association
Sends questions to candidates, 09/11/1936:12
Holds annual meeting, 01/08/1937:1, 01/15/1937:8
Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department
Group meets in Lakeville, membership estimate 50, 06/10/1938:11
Obtains land north of town hall, 06/24/1938:11
Discuss ways and means of raising money for fire house, 07/08/1938:11
Elects officers, 08/12/1938:11
Boasts 17 members, 09/09/1938:8
Holds first annual ball, 05/05/1939:7
Lakey, Kenneth
Son born, 07/10/1936:7
Employed at sanatorium, 07/02/1937:5
Lakey, Wentworth
Son born, 06/23/1939:5
Lakey, Wentworth O.
Engaged to Barbara H. Sampson, 05/14/1937:7
Wed to Barbara H. Sampson, 05/28/1937:7
Lakin, Florence I.
Engaged to William S. Kenniston, 09/09/1938:7
Lamb, Edna
Resides in Detroit, MI, 06/19/1936:8
Resides in Cleveland, OH, 06/26/1936:12
Resides in Detroit, MI, 07/28/1939:5
Lamb, Lottie
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 12/01/1939:1
Lamb, William
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 04/02/1937:1
Obituary, 09/17/1937:1
Dies at age 65, 09/17/1937:7
Obituary, 09/17/1937:11
Lambert, Thomas H.
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Lammi, Adolph
Moves from Pleasant St to Purchade, 08/16/1935:2
Application for license to store and sell gasoline, 01/06/1939:11
Selectmen consider license application, 01/20/1939:8
Selectmen refuse gasoline license application, 01/27/1939:1
Fire destroys hay on Plymouth St, 11/03/1939:1
Chief investigates hay fire, 11/03/1939:4
Lammi, Adolph A.
Pleads guilty to drunk driving, 08/04/1939:10
Granted extension of probation, 10/13/1939:8
Lammi, Adolphe
Son born, 03/22/1935:4
Lammi, Aune
Wed to Alfred J. Gill, 12/15/1939:2
Lammi, Mrs Adolph
Occupies house on Pleasant St, 07/19/1935:11
Lamminmaki, Johan J.K.
Engaged to Mildred E. Charron, 10/30/1936:7
Lamminmaki, John
Daughter born, 05/19/1939:5
LaMothe, Alphonse
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
LaMothe, Frances
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
LaMothe, Myrtle
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
Lamoureax, Barbara
Fugitive Joseph Lunskis surrenders after threatening girl with revolver,
Joseph Lunskis charged with threatening Lamoureax, 07/31/1936:1
Joseph Lunskis held for grand jury, 08/07/1936:6
Lamoureux, Barbara
Lunskis committed to MA Reformatory at Concord, 10/16/1936:1
Lamoureux, Joseph
Obituary, 09/04/1936:1
Dies at age 52, 09/04/1936:7
Landau, Frederick
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1
Landers, Irving
West Falmouth couple married 25 years, 08/16/1935:1
Landgrebe, Ferdinand C.
Obituary, 04/23/1937:1
Dies at age 82, 04/23/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 05/07/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Mrs Earl Gates sells landmark Hell's Blazes to Burton Davis (p),
Burton Davis purchases Old Tavern from Mrs Earl Gates, 05/17/1935:7
Conference in North Middleboro saves buttonwood tree planted by
Calvin Kingman, 05/15/1936:6
Old landmark razed, formerly site of carriage business, 07/22/1938:1
Fire at old landmark, Primo's Pastime, 04/07/1939:1
Old North St barn first used by William Vaughn comes down,
Landscapers and Landscaping
Theodore Travaglini, landscaping services (ad), 03/08/1935:8
Request for proposals for work along Rte 28 in Middleboro,
A.A. Petrowski, representative of Empire State Nursery Co. (ad),
DeVinny's Greenhouses completes landscaping around Union Street
School, 10/21/1938:12
Landstrom, Adalina
Obituary, 01/06/1939:1
Widow of John dies at age 78, 01/06/1939:7
Landstrom, Adelaide
Niece dies in Arlington, 05/03/1935:1
Landstrom, Norman
Resides in Washington, DC, 02/18/1938:1
Passes bar exam in Washington, DC, 03/11/1938:7
Employed with Hutchins and Wheeler in Boston, 08/11/1939:3
Landstrom, V. Norman
Wins Sears prize at Harvard (p), 10/23/1936:1
Graduates with high honors from Harvard Law School (p), 06/25/1937:1
Lane, John
Cy Young hosted by Mr and Mrs John Lane on North Middleboro,
Lane, John J.
Head of Massachusetts State Athletic Board, 08/12/1938:1
Lane, Tauno
Daughter born, 03/25/1938:7
Lang (Mr)
Besse & Lang, 29 Center St (ad), 09/18/1936:11
Lang, A.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Lang, Charles H.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Lang, Edward
Chimney fire on Arch St, 01/20/1939:1
Lang, Fred
George Stiles joins Lang and Besse at Walk-Over Shoe Store,
Tree downed in hurricane damages roof on Pearl St, 09/23/1938:1
Lang, George
George Lang & Co. closes doors after 11 years, 03/01/1935:1
George Lang & Co. disposing of all stock (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Lang, Lottie
Principal of both School Street and Union Street schools, 06/18/1937:1
Lang, Stella M.
Locust Dress Shop, Taunton St (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Lang, Walter
Receives master electrician's license, 03/03/1939:1
Lang, Walter E.
Electrician, 616 Wareham St (ad), 06/10/1938:12
Lang Building
Lots of black smoke, but no fire, 03/24/1939:1
Langley, C.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Langley, Christine
Wins mark Twain prize for essay, 11/29/1935:6
Langshaw (Mr)
Clifton Nelson moves Langshaw house from Assawompsett Lake to
Bedford St, 03/24/1939:11
Lanstrom, Norman
Completes second year at Harvard Law School, 06/12/1936:5
Lanzikos (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Lapham, Maude
Rents Miller St tenement from Ardella Gates, 05/03/1935:7
Occupies Thomas' tenement on Miller St, 06/28/1935:11
Moves to Griffith tenement, 08/28/1936:2
LaPlant, John, Jr.
Briggs building tenants claim forced out by non-resident owner,
Frederick Pratt, Jr. commends Gazette for story on Briggs building (l),
All former Briggs property stand vacant, 08/04/1939:12
Local business gradually passes into non-resident hands (l) (The
Spectator), 08/04/1939:12
see also Burglary; Robbery; Theft
Three more youths arrested for break-in at First National Store,
Youths given another chance, 02/01/1935:1
Shaw and Clark guilty of larceny from Atwood-Costello Co.,
Court date set for Balkum, 03/08/1935:6
John Hinds charged with larceny from Trust Co., 03/08/1935:6
Balkum case continued, 03/15/1935:6
Balkum found guilty, 03/22/1935:1
H.N. Hill charged with larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/22/1935:1
John Hinds makes restitution to Trust Co., 03/22/1935:1
Francis Shaw guilty of larceny from Harold Carr, 03/29/1935:2
Harry Hill guilty of larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/29/1935:2
Maleski gets six months for larceny from Maxim Motor Co.,
Robert Higgins' case against Nemasket Spring Water Co. continued,
Higgins' case continued again, 04/19/1935:2
Higgins case continued again, 04/26/1935:2
Case brought by Nemasket Spring Water Co. against Robert Higgins
continued, 05/03/1935:2
Francis Shaw gets ten days for larceny, 05/03/1935:2
Higgins larceny case dismissed, 05/10/1935:2
Arrests by local police solve recent breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's,
Guest and Desjeunes larceny cases held for grand jury, 07/19/1935:2
Joseph Maleski pleads guilty, 08/09/1935:1
Cook (aka Kukaukas) charged with larceny from John Holt,
Cook (aka Kukaukas) larceny case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Everett Bowen arrested for larceny of lumber, 10/04/1935:2
Bowen case continued, 10/11/1935:2
Cook (aka Kukaukas) case dismissed for want of prosecution,
Allen, Hammond, and Hollis receive sentences for larceny from
Shurtleff's mill, 10/25/1935:1
Charles DelRocco awaits grand jury on larceny and burglary charges,
Joseph Lunskis charged with larceny from Albert Faietti, 11/29/1935:1
Everett Bowen found not guilty, 11/29/1935:2
Lunskis gets probation, ordered to make restitution, 12/06/1935:2
James Davis completes probation in larceny case, 07/17/1936:2
Michael Perry held for larceny of cranberries, 10/30/1936:2
Michael Perry held on $1,000 for larceny in North Carver, 11/06/1936:1
Ralph Egar held on $2,000 bonds for larceny in Marion, 11/06/1936:1
William Wrightington gets suspended sentence, 01/01/1937:1
Perry, Wallace and Servant arrested for break-in and larceny in Carver
some months ago, 02/12/1937:1
Robert Poirier withdraws appeal on larceny charge, 06/04/1937:2
East Taunton man guilty of larceny from Ethan Pierce, 10/22/1937:8
Elmer Rhodes makes restitution to Leroy Wilkie, 11/26/1937:8
Case against Rhodes dismissed, 12/03/1937:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Arthur Rouse gets year on larceny charge, charged with carrying
revolver without permit, 02/11/1938:1
Rouse gets year probation for larceny, 02/11/1938:11
Fall River man gets 30 days for larceny from Charles Whitney's
Lakeville store, 04/29/1938:2
Gorrie's case against Baron for larceny continued, 05/20/1938:8
Joseph Baron found guilty of larceny against Arthur Gorrie,
Judge refuses warrant application from Justin Caswell, 06/03/1938:11
James Tallman, Jr. gets probation for breaking and entering and larceny,
John Wiksten case continued, 07/08/1938:5
John E. Wiksten guilty of larceny from John O. Wiksten, 08/05/1938:11
Arnold Thomas gets probation for larceny from Benno Muthow,
George Pina case of continued, 12/16/1938:11
Bertha Kanapa gets 30 days for larceny, 12/23/1938:2
Francis Covell's case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Leon Allen arraigned on larceny charges, 01/20/1939:8
Leon Allen found not guilty, 01/27/1939:11
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Arthur Rouse fails to appear at end of probation, 02/10/1939:11
Parmenter ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Charles Riley found not guilty, 02/24/1939:3
Baptiste and Nunes get five months for breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/24/1939:6
Eugene Arsenault fined $50 for receiving stolen goods, 02/24/1939:6
Ernest Huber charged, 03/31/1939:3
Ernest Huber gets probation, 04/07/1939:8
Alice Parmenter case continued, 07/21/1939:2
Arnold Thomas discharged from probation, 08/11/1939:2
Letourneau and Washburn sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro
and Lakeville, 10/13/1939:1
Melix and Libby held for grand jury in larceny from power station,
George Pina discharged from probation, 12/15/1939:2
Arnold Thomas held for grand jury, local court finds probable cause on
five counts, 12/29/1939:1
Larner, Charlotte
Obituary, 02/11/1938:12
Laroche, Alfred
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast at State Farm,
Larsen, Anders E.
Obituary, 06/24/1938:1
Dies at age 56, 06/24/1938:7
Larson, Anders Edward
Petition for administration of estate, 02/24/1939:7, 03/03/1939:8
Middleboro Laundry, we wash while you wait (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Fire damages Park Cleansers, 04/19/1935:1
Colonial Cleansers & Dyers, 28 North Main St (ad), 04/26/1935:2
Puritan Cleansing and Dyeing Co., 139 Centre St (ad), 04/26/1935:8
Middleboro Laundry employs Kenneth Fish, 10/09/1936:1
Wah Kee Hand Laundry, 225 Centre St (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Colonial Cleansers & Dyers new location at 40-42 North Main St (ad),
Foster's Square Deal, cleansing, dyeing, and tailoring (ad),
Modern Cleaners & Dyers, opens at 11 North Main St (ad),
Middleboro Tailor and Cleaner, 250 Center and Oak St (ad),
Park Cleansers' new location at 5 School St (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Launsbury, Marie
Wedding described, 11/27/1936:1
Lavalle, Mrs F.A.
Resides in Wellesley, 05/13/1938:7
Lavallee, Catherine M.
Obituary, 06/21/1935:1
Lavallee, Louis
Brings assault charge against James Nunes, 11/15/1935:8
Lavallee, Louis A.
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Lavalley, Dora A.
Wed to Frank A. Conner, 10/02/1936:7
Lavalley, Joseph
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 05/27/1938:1
Lavelley, Joseph
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 05/27/1938:1
Lavey, June
Six-year-old uninjured after hitting side of Mason's car, 12/17/1937:2
Lavine, John J.
Tax collector's sale, 03/13/1936:11
Lawn and shrubbery work (ad), 06/17/1938:12
Law Enforcement (see Middleboro - Police Department)
Lawn Mowers
J.E. Wrightington, lawn mower service (ad), 05/05/1939:10
E.P. Downing, lawn mowers cleaned, sharpened (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Lawrence (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Lawrence, George A.
Obituary, 11/24/1939:6
Lawrence, Gifford
Brothers killed in crash at Rochester, 10/27/1939:1
Lawrence, Herbert
Mrs Marion Angers falls from car operated by Lawrence, 11/25/1938:1
Lawrence, Leonard F.
Judge gives fatherly advice with year of probation, 11/17/1939:3
Lawrence, Maurice
Employed at sanatorium, 11/19/1937:11
Eileen Small files morals charge against Lakeville man, 09/29/1939:8
Morals case continued, 10/06/1939:4
Discharged due to lack of prosecution, 10/13/1939:8
Lawrence, Otis
Brothers killed in crash at Rochester, 10/27/1939:1
Lawrence Edward
Son born, 03/20/1936:6
Lawson, Mrs Wilbert
Resides in Medford, 07/16/1937:1
Lawton, Charles M.
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
see also Clark, Fletcher, Jr.; Stone, Louis G.; Sullivan, Dennis D.;
Sullivan, John H.; Sullivan, John V.; Washburn, Kendrick H.
L. Francis Callan attorney with Sullivan & Sullivan, 07/26/1935:12
Percy Forrest Churbuck applies for admission to District Court,
Attorney P.F. Churbuck admitted to federal court (p), 12/04/1936:1
Former court clerk Harold Hurley named judge, 02/05/1937:1
Loring Goodale passes bar exam, 03/26/1937:6
V. Norman Landstrom graduates with high honors from Harvard Law
School (p), 06/25/1937:1
Norman Landstrom passes bar exam in Washington, DC, 03/11/1938:7
L. Francis Callan appointed Conciliation Commissioner for Plymouth
County, 05/27/1938:1
Clarence Dealtry appears in Who's Who in New England, 09/09/1938:8
L. Francis Callan appointed assistant clerk of Superior Court of
Plymouth County (p), 01/13/1939:1
P.F. Churbuck moves law office to North Main St, 03/03/1939:1
Norman Landstrom employed with Hutchins and Wheeler in Boston,
Leach, Ann Louise
Born to Raymond E., 12/09/1938:2
Leach, Arlene
Wedding described, 07/09/1937:8
Leach, Ellis B.
Obituary, 10/22/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dies at age 89, 10/22/1937:7
Leach, Frank
Funeral held in Providence, 06/24/1938:8
Leach, Harry E.
Chef at Mexicana (ad), 08/18/1939:8
Leach, James H.
Wed to Barbara D. Small, 05/15/1936:7
Leach, Lawrence W.
Engaged to Nellie May Gray, 11/27/1936:2
Leach, Raymond E.
Daughter born, 12/09/1938:2
Leach, William
Carver man dies at age 55, 01/14/1938:7
Obituary, 01/21/1938:8
Leahy, James P.
Obituary, 11/06/1936:1
Leary, Lena
Promoted to head nurse at Deaconess Hospital in Boston, 02/12/1937:8
Leary, R.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Leary, Robert
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Leavett, Edward
Obituary, 07/30/1937:11
LeBarnes, Cora S.
Moves from North Carver to Middleboro, 12/13/1935:5
LeBaron, Annie A.
Wife of Frank dies at age 79, 07/29/1938:7
LeBaron, Annie A. Tripp
Petition for administration of estate, 08/12/1938:8
LeBaron, Annie Avis
Obituary, 07/29/1938:1
LeBaron, E. Frank
Receive award for 50 years of service to fire department, 04/09/1937:1
LeBaron, Elizabeth Bishop
Obituary, 05/13/1938:1
Dies at age 83, 05/13/1938:7
LeBaron, Francis
Osteopath announces plans to open practice here, 12/03/1937:1
Osteopathic physician (ad), 12/03/1937:12
LeBaron, Fred I.
Skeleton found in Vermont believed to by LeBaron, 12/24/1937:6
LeBaron, Hattie B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/30/1938:8
LeBaron, John B.
see also John B. LeBaron Ice Co.
LeBaron Ice & Oil Co.
Ventalarm oil delivery system (ad), 05/22/1936:5
LeBlanc, Elsie
Collides with Connecticut driver on East Main St, 12/17/1937:1
LeBlanc, Henry
Gets 30 days for violating probation, 10/22/1937:2
Frederick Lobl presents talk on conditions in Europe, 09/24/1937:1
Thomas Hirst gives stirring account of early years at sea, 01/14/1938:1
Stirring address by Dr Tehyi Hsieh at Central Baptist, 04/01/1938:1
Elks sponsor Americanism Night, 03/10/1939:1
Sponsors Americanism Night, 03/31/1939:4
Judge Hill presents lecture on Christian Science at Church of Christ,
J. Stearns Cushing delivers historical address, The Life of Paul Revere,
to Lions Club, 04/21/1939:7
Leddy, H.L.
Transfers to Springfield branch of American Oil Co., 07/28/1939:5
LeDoux, Alfred
Daughter born, 01/07/1938:11
LeDoux, Angelo
Daughter born, 02/17/1939:7
LeDoux, Arthur
Daughter born, 12/17/1937:7
LeDoux, Georgia May
Born to Alfred, 01/07/1938:11
LeDoux, Gerard
Employed at sanatorium, 04/23/1937:11
LeDoux, Loretta
Employed at sanatorium, 06/25/1937:11, 07/23/1937:11
Ledoux, Loretta E.
North Dartmouth woman left at roadside by hit-and-run driver,
LeDoux, Loretta E.
Arthur Quelle gets two months for leaving scene of accident, fined $50
for drunk driving, 01/17/1936:1
Lee, Alice
Alice Lee Restaurant opens on South Main St, 03/11/1938:1
Alice Lee Restaurant homecooking on South Main St (ad), 03/11/1938:7
Lee, Catherine
Engaged to Louis Vincent, 04/28/1939:5
Wedding described, 05/05/1939:9
Lee, Charles
Son born, 10/01/1937:7, 09/30/1938:7, 10/20/1939:5, 10/20/1939:6
Lee, Charles A.
Wed to Doris Ruth Trefry, 02/19/1937:1
Lee, Charles A., Jr.
Wed to Doris R. Trefry, 05/21/1937:7
Lee, David Charles
Born to Charles, 10/01/1937:7
Lee, James
Obituary, 09/16/1938:11
Lee, John
Chimney fire on Plympton St, 03/12/1937:1
Lee, Lawrence Putnam
Infant son of Charles and Doris Teffrey dies, 11/11/1938:1
Lee, Theodore L.
Collides with Maurice Vinal at Pleasant and Center St, 09/18/1936:1
Lee, William, Jr.
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:11
Wed to Bessie C. MacKenzie, 11/22/1935:11
Lee Guey Shing
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Legee, Elmes
Daughter born, 01/29/1937:6
Legee, Kenneth
Injured in auto collision at Oak and Courtland St, 06/07/1935:2
Legee, Mason
Injured in auto collision at Oak and Courtland St, 06/07/1935:2
Legg, Margaret E.
Engaged to James B. Scott, 07/03/1936:7
Wed to James B. Scott, 07/17/1936:7
Leggee, Edith C.
Collides with Russell Tripp at Oak and High St, 04/16/1937:1
Leggee, James E.
Dies at age 93, 06/10/1938:7
Obituary, 06/10/1938:11
Leggee, Sidney R.
Obituary, 04/29/1938:1
Dies at age 10, 04/29/1938:7
Lehtoniaa, Seven
Engaged to Lioma M. Maki, 02/12/1937:6
Leighton, Axilda
Granted gasoline permit renewal, 10/04/1935:5
Leighton, F.E.
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co., Wareham St (ad), 09/25/1936:2
Leighton, Frank
New service station opposite Maxim's (ad), 05/01/1936:11
Police find slot machines in raids, 05/14/1937:1
Slot machine case continued, 05/28/1937:2
Found guilty of having gaming devices, 06/18/1937:1
Appeals $35 fine, 06/25/1937:11
Fined $35 for possession of gambling implements, 10/22/1937:1
Daughter born, 01/13/1939:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Leighton, Frank E.
Engaged to Mary Fred Sousa, 03/20/1936:6
Son born, 08/27/1937:7
Awarded fuel oil bid for Peirce Memorial, 10/08/1937:7
Leighton, Myrtle
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Graduates from Bryant College, 08/05/1938:1
Leighton, Myrtle B.
Continues education at Bryant College of Business Administration,
Honored at Bryant College (p), 12/31/1937:1
Employed at Savings Bank, 10/21/1938:7
Leighton, Ray
Tire shop, 19 Center St (ad), 06/17/1938:12
Leighton, Raymond E.
District manager of National Anti-Crime Association, 01/10/1936:2
Leith, Anna
Wed to William Johnson, 09/10/1937:11
Leland, Myra E.
Petition to erect garage and store gasoline, 03/25/1938:11
Leland, Shirley E.
Collides with Onset driver on Center St, 09/24/1937:1
Leland, William H.
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 07/26/1935:6
Leland's Flower Shop
60 Centre St (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Opens at new location, 9 South Main St (ad), 12/27/1935:12
Lemmo, John
Daughter born, 11/15/1935:6
Lemmo, John Anthony
Engaged to Florence Santucci, 08/11/1939:1, 08/11/1939:5
Wed to Florence Santucci, 09/01/1939:5
Lemmo, Louis
Reports death of 20 chickens, 06/24/1938:1
Lent, Elizabeth
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:8
Leona Farm
Abe Green builds new dairy barn at Leona Farm, 07/21/1939:2
Leonard, Allen
Engaged to Susan Clemson, 11/04/1938:1, 11/11/1938:5
Leonard, Annie H.
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Leonard, Arthur W.
Obituary, 12/06/1935:1
Dies at age 72, 12/06/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 12/13/1935:7
Leonard, Carlotta
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Providence, RI woman dies at age 70, 03/17/1939:7
Leonard, Clara
Burial in Rock Cemetery, 06/26/1936:8
Leonard, Euna M.
Wed to Edward J. Harris, Jr., 12/01/1939:5
Leonard, Fannie L.
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Widow of George dies at age 73, 04/14/1939:7
Leonard, Fannie Logan
Petition for probate of will, 09/15/1939:7
Leonard, Frederick L.
Petition for administration of estate, 05/19/1939:9
Leonard, Geo.
Taunton St place for sale (ad), 12/08/1939:12
Leonard, Grace C.
Wed to George H. Stiles, 06/05/1936:7
Leonard, Irene Fortier
Engaged to be married, 06/19/1936:2
Leonard, Kenneth
Purchases old Pierce homestead from Lucy Canedy, 09/03/1937:5
Son born, 05/20/1938:7
Resides in Dedham, 07/08/1938:12
Leonard, Luke
Moves from Middleboro to Lakeville, 07/09/1937:5
Moves into new home on Howland Rd, 07/22/1938:11
Leonard, Milton
Daughter born, 08/26/1938:7
Leonard, Nelson
Orchard a pleasing sight, 05/08/1936:6
Leonard, Orville
Obituary, 11/15/1935:8
Leonard, Orville N.
Obituary, 11/15/1935:1
Dies at age 68, 11/15/1935:6
Leonard, Paul
Purchases old Leonard homestead on Howland Rd, 01/29/1937:8
Moves to Howland Rd, 07/22/1938:11
Leonard, Payson
Resides in New York, 06/28/1935:12
Leonard, Theodore
And Frank Hall use river for logging 25 years ago, 02/19/1937:1
Leonard & Barrows
New enterprise at old factory to sell 200 shares of preferred stock,
Response to stock offering most gratifying, 06/28/1935:1
Stock issue passes halfway mark, 07/05/1935:1
List of businesses and individuals participating in stock issue (t),
Stock issue reaches $6,000, 07/12/1935:1
Lucey announces plan for new company, 07/19/1935:1
Stock issue reaches $7,000, 07/19/1935:6
Mass meeting of local Chamber yields $8,000 for opening of factory,
Factory campaign reaches $9,000 mark, 08/02/1935:1
Many new names added to stock subscriber's list (t), 08/02/1935:6
Campaign fund drive reaches goal, 08/09/1935:1
Factory renovated, starts operations, 08/09/1935:1
Drive draws near to successful end (t), 08/09/1935:6
Campaign fund drive virtually complete, 08/09/1935:12
Expression of gratitude to people of Middleboro (l) (Chamber of
Commerce), 08/16/1935:1
Complete list of stock subscribers and contributors, 08/16/1935:5
Selectmen discuss parking conditions at factory, 09/20/1935:5
Employees form benefit organization, 10/04/1935:1
John E. Lucey Shoe Co. moves headquarters to old factory,
Leonardi, Rena
Wed to Albert C. Mitchell, Jr., 10/02/1936:7
LePlant, Victorien
Obituary, 08/25/1939:5
Lepore, Antonio
Petition for administration of estate, 10/14/1938:8
Lepre, Antonio
Petition for administration of estate, 10/14/1938:8
Lepre, Louis
Employed by W.T. Grant Co., 07/03/1936:6
Lepre, Nellie
Chimney fire on West Grove St, 02/04/1938:1
Lepre, Nellie C.
Obituary, 08/16/1935:1
Wife of Samuel dies at age 32, 08/16/1935:6
Administrator presents account of estate, 10/08/1937:8
Lerner, B.M.
Selectmen okay sign installation for chiropodist, 04/16/1937:5
Doctor of podiatry opens office here, 04/30/1937:1
15 Centre St (ad), 04/30/1937:12
Professional foot treatments (ad), 12/17/1937:10
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 10/06/1939:9
Leslie, Anne Brown
Grieving (poem), 07/31/1936:8
Letendre, A.J.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Barber, 3 North Main St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Letendre, Albert
Guilty of violating state barbers laws, 03/27/1936:5
Auto clipped by Barros auto on East Main St, 07/22/1938:1
Letendre, Leo
In court for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk driving,
Guilty of drunk driving and drunkenness, not guilty of speeding,
Letendre, Raymond
Son born, 05/14/1937:7, 07/14/1939:5
Letourneau, Blanche
Injured in collision with Joseph Thomas, 09/06/1935:1
Letourneau, Emma
Injured in collision with Joseph Thomas, 09/06/1935:1
Letourneau, Eugene
Fined $10 for operating unregistered vehicle, 10/28/1938:2
Case filed, 12/02/1938:2
Gets total of 130 days for motor vehicle violations, 12/16/1938:1
Sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro and Lakeville,
Letourneau, Joseph, Jr.
Joins ranks of expert riflemen, 06/16/1939:9
Letourneau, Louis
Fire in small building on Wood St, 05/29/1936:1
LeTourneau, Peter
VFW holds memorial service, 06/07/1935:6
Letourneau, Peter
Gets two months for drunkenness, 04/14/1939:11
Fails to appear in court to pay $20 fine, 06/09/1939:8
LeTourneau, Peter
Discharged from probation, 08/11/1939:2
Letourneau, Peter W.
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Fined $20 for two motor vehicle violations, 05/19/1939:2
Fined $10 for driving without a license, 06/23/1939:8
Traffic violation case continued, 07/14/1939:6
LeTourneau, Peter W.
Case of operating auto without license continued, 07/28/1939:1
Levine, Barbara Lovell
Shower held for recent bride, 05/03/1935:2
Levine, Harold D.
Wedding described, 04/19/1935:1
Levine, Mrs Harold
Resides in Bristol, NH, 07/12/1935:12
Lewis, Anne
Engaged to Francis Bromley, 08/23/1935:2
Wedding described, 10/04/1935:8
Lewis, Doris
Engaged to Albert H. Duplissey, 09/16/1938:8
Lewis, Doris Naomi
Wed to Albert Duplissey, 06/23/1939:9
Lewis, Edgar
Resides in West Brookfield, 09/18/1936:6
Lewis, Elias
Daughter born, 11/08/1935:5
Lewis, Elizabeth Lamb
Obituary, 09/18/1936:1
Dies at age 67, 09/18/1936:7
Lewis, Emily R.
Engaged to Howard S. Logrien, 04/03/1936:6
Wed to Howard S. Logrien, 04/24/1936:7
Lewis, Hazel R.
Wed to Lionel K. Wells, 11/24/1939:4
Lewis, Mary E.
North Carver woman dies at age 80, 06/16/1939:5
Lewis, Mary Eva
Obituary, 06/16/1939:4
Lewis, Mrs Irving
Resides in Hancock, VT, 05/24/1935:7
Lewis, Ronald R.
Wed to Ida M. Fabbri, 05/15/1936:7
Lewis, Roy A.
Car struck by West Wareham driver on Taunton St, 03/27/1936:1
Lewis, Shirley Ann
Born to Elias, 11/08/1935:5
Lewis, William
Large tree damages Pleasant St house in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Lets Bedford St bungalow to Earl Moore, 11/04/1938:6
Libby, Albert C.
Greeting cards (ad), 11/03/1939:10
Libby, Arthur
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Son born, 02/26/1937:6
Libby, Arthur F.
Held for grand jury in larceny from power station, 12/08/1939:1
Libby, Lucian Van Burian
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Libby, Lucian V.B.
Engaged to Estelle B. Hanson, 04/17/1936:7
Wed to Estelle B. Hanson, 04/24/1936:7
Libby, Shirley Jean
Born to Vernon P. and Shirley MacMullan, 06/12/1936:11
Libby, Shirley MacMullan
Daughter born, 06/12/1936:11
Libby, Vernon P.
Daughter born, 06/12/1936:11
Liber (Mr)
Bid offered for demolition of house, 11/05/1937:5
Liber, Charles
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Application for liquor license, 11/13/1936:8
Selectmen to reconsider decision on liquor license application,
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Application for of liquor license, 12/11/1936:12
Package store license denied, 12/25/1936:1
Selectmen okay use of package store front door, 04/16/1937:5
Selectmen discuss eminent domain takeover, 10/15/1937:1
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Awarded $7,015 in suit against town for land taken for Union Street
School, 11/24/1939:1
Liber, Dorothy E.
Committal service held for daughter of Charles, 03/13/1936:12
see also Lakeville Public Library; Middleborough Public Library; Rock
Village Library
Rev Reisner institutes lending library at South Middleboro ME Church,
Town clerk's financial report (t), 01/22/1937:11
Lidh, Swen E.
Wedding described, 12/01/1939:1
Lidi, Mary C.
Wed to Carl F. Enos, 05/22/1936:7
Liepis, Stanley P.
Engaged to Josephine Pawlowski, 09/30/1938:7
Lightford, Norman
Resides in Brockville, Ontario, 07/10/1936:12
Resides in Perth, Ontario, 08/12/1938:12
Strikes East Grove St house of Phillip Sisson, 06/21/1935:1
Strikes house of Nettie Murdock, 07/12/1935:1
Worst electrical storm in years, 07/26/1935:1
Cape Cod Cranberry Co. screenhouse struck, 08/09/1935:1
Strikes pole near Rotary Mill, 07/17/1936:6
Strikes tree near home of Henry Shaw, 08/07/1936:8
Lakeville house of John Perkins struck by lightning, 08/21/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Strikes tree on Miller St, damages house on rebound, 08/21/1936:1
Strikes houses at Rock, 08/21/1936:8
Star Mills chimney stack repaired after struck by lightning,
Strikes Lincoln's barn on Wareham St, 09/09/1938:1
Strikes Sylvia's barn on Kingman St, 06/23/1939:1
Lila's Gift Shop
Mrs A.H. Keyes, 22 School St (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
Shawl on display at Dupont's store, 10/11/1935:6
Lincoln, C.F.
Sister dies in Pembroke, ME, 05/28/1937:11
Brother's funeral held in North Carver, 06/17/1938:11
Lincoln, Charles
Obituary, 01/14/1938:11
Lincoln, Charles Frank
Petitions court to change name from Charles Moses Lincoln,
Lincoln, Charles Moses
Petitions court to change name to Charles Frank Lincoln, 01/18/1935:6
Lincoln, Cora A.
Trustee presents account of estate, 12/09/1938:6
Lincoln, Earl G.
Charles Warren collides with Lincoln at Wareham and East Grove St,
Lincoln, Eva M.
Obituary, 08/25/1939:5
Lincoln, Frank
Attends funeral of sister-in-law at North Carver, 01/17/1936:11
Lincoln, George
Funeral held in North Carver, 06/17/1938:11
Lincoln, George P.
Obituary, 06/17/1938:11
Lincoln, Hazel
Shower for perspective bride, 05/17/1935:1
Engaged to Walter Rowley, 05/24/1935:7
Employed at Trust Co., 07/05/1935:8
Engaged to Walter E. Rowley, 07/19/1935:6
Engaged to Walter Rowley, 07/19/1935:8
Lincoln, Hazel C.
Wed to Walter E. Rowley, 07/26/1935:6
Lincoln, Hazel Clark
Wedding described, 07/26/1935:1
Lincoln, Howard
Funeral held in Wareham, 04/09/1937:8
Lincoln, Howard T.
Church Coal Co. manager transfers from Taunton, 06/28/1935:1
Lincoln, John
Obituary, 12/24/1937:11
Lincoln, Mary
Obituary, 01/21/1938:11
Lincoln, Mrs C.F.
Cousin dies in Fairhaven, 07/10/1936:11
Lincoln, Mrs Everett
Stubborn fire at Old Red House at Wareham and Benton St,
Heavy rain uproots tree on Wareham St, 06/14/1935:7
Lightning strikes barn on Wareham St, 09/09/1938:1
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 02/03/1939:6
Lincoln, Mrs George
Funeral held at North Carver, 01/17/1936:11
Lincoln, Ruby Ann
North Carver woman dies at age 87, 01/10/1936:6
Obituary, 01/17/1936:11
Lind, Carl F.
Engaged to Della M. Candini, 06/04/1937:7
Wed to Della M. Candini, 06/11/1937:7
Lind, Clarence J.
Driver injured when car strikes tree in Lakeville, 11/27/1936:1
Lind, John
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/14/1936:2
Chimney fire on Plympton St, 01/27/1939:1
Lindelof, Hilda J.
Engaged to William J. Glover, 09/06/1935:6
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:5
Lindsay, Benjamin
Suffers injury in schoolyard fall, 10/08/1937:1
Lindsay, Donald
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Enters Wesleyan College in Middleton, CT, 09/15/1939:8
Member of Wesleyan College choir, 09/29/1939:10
Lindsay, Donald B.
Wins scholarship to Wesleyan, 05/12/1939:1
Essay and valedictory, 06/16/1939:10
Lindsay, Norman
Moves from Peirce St to Barden Hill, 07/05/1935:1
Lindsay, Norman W.
Compliments "The Spectator" (l), 07/22/1938:1
Lindsay, Ruby
New choir director of Third Baptist Church, 10/07/1938:8
Lindsay, Tulivie V.
Engaged to Manuel T. Michael, 05/13/1938:7
Lindstron, Ellen K.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/08/1938:2
Lindstron, Karl A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/08/1938:2
Linhares, Charles
Son born, 08/11/1939:7
Linhares, Charles W.
Wedding described, 01/13/1939:1
Linhares, Charles Wallace
Wed to Norma Vaughan Ellis, 01/13/1939:7
Linhares, Norma Ellis
Son born, 08/11/1939:7
Linsman, Elinor
Accepts teaching post at Wrentham high school, 01/11/1935:1
Linton, Alton
Daughter born, 12/31/1937:11
Employed at Rotch estate, 10/21/1938:6
Linton, Alton H.
Highland Rd couple married ten years, 08/20/1937:11
Highland Rd couple married 11 years, 08/26/1938:11
Linton, Charles R.
Joins U.S. Army, 12/15/1939:8
Linton, Jane Standish
Born to Alton, 12/31/1937:11
Linton, Mary
Resides in East Bridgewater, 11/25/1938:8
Linton, Orville
Lakeville couple married 6 years, 03/29/1935:4
Son born, 01/21/1938:7
Linton, Orville B.
Resumes duties on Rotch farm, 09/20/1935:6
Moves to new home on Lakeside Ave, 11/15/1935:7
Linton, Phyllis A.
Wedding described, 01/03/1936:1
Linton, Ralph
Daughter born, 01/08/1937:5
Linton, Shirley Temple
Born to Ralph, 01/08/1937:5
Daughter of Ralph baptized, 06/23/1939:9
Lions Club
Inserts ad for town in Cape Cod Canal brochure, 04/12/1935:1
Adopts resolution to revoke Roger Williams' banishment decree,
Donates $125 to St. Luke's, 10/30/1936:1
Frederick Lobl presents talk on conditions in Europe, 09/24/1937:1
Votes to furnish room at St Luke's, 02/11/1938:12
Holds annual meeting, 06/10/1938:1
J. Stearns Cushing delivers historical address, The Life of Paul Revere,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
to Lions Club, 04/21/1939:7
Co-sponsors series of four band concerts, 07/14/1939:1
Lawrence Wilbur describes life of Far East at meeting, 10/27/1939:1
New project to furnish Nurses' Home at St. Luke's, 11/10/1939:10
Lippert, Mary
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Dies at age 68, 04/26/1935:4
Liquor Stores (see Alcoholic Beverage Industry)
Liquor Traffic (see Alcoholic Beverage Industry)
Liscomb, Amelia G.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Liscomb, Harry E.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Lithgow, Theodora
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:1
Lithgow, Theodora C.
Wed to John S. Marston, 08/06/1937:7
Little, A.D.
PWA resident engineer takes new post in Boston, 01/27/1939:1
Little, Andrew D.
Engineer inspector of new electric line to locate here, 10/14/1938:6
Little, Hattie A.
Obituary, 06/09/1939:1
Wife of Alvin dies at age 67, 06/09/1939:5
Little People
Emmett Stover uses gas to take own life in Tom Thumb mansion,
Graduate Roberta Rogers receives ring of Mrs Tom Thumb as gift from
grandfather, 06/10/1938:1
Fire at old landmark, Primo's Pastime, 04/07/1939:1
Littlefield, Edward
Resides in Albany, NY, 05/22/1936:12
Resides in Delmar, NY, 06/17/1938:5
Littlefield, Henrietta
Resumes duties at Springfield College, 01/04/1935:8
Littlefield, Loren M.
Strikes William Kenniston as backs car out of driveway, 10/30/1936:1
Engaged to Sadie A. Chace, 03/18/1938:7
Wed to Sadie A. Chace, 03/25/1938:7
Littlefield, Mrs A.W.
Alliance Sunday sermon, 04/12/1935:7
Littlejohn, Lillian Weston
Wed to Henry J. Ripley, 01/11/1935:1
Littlejohn, Lois
Engaged to Clarence Erickson, 08/11/1939:4
Littlejohn, Lois Weston
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:4
Wed to Clarence E. Erickson, 09/01/1939:5
Littlejohn, Louis
Acts as both health officer and sealer of weights and measures,
Littlejohn, Louis C.
Sealer of Weights and Measures urges support of Poppy Drive (l),
Selectman calls for resignation of health officer Littlejohn, 02/18/1938:1
Callan replaces Littlejohn as health officer, 02/25/1938:1
Former official dead from carbon monoxide poisoning, 05/06/1938:1
Dies at age 53, 05/06/1938:7
Littlejohn, Mrs L.
Slips on steps, breaks leg, 11/10/1939:9
Littlejohn, Mrs Louis
Sustains broken leg in fall, 11/10/1939:10
Livermore, Mrs Charles
Resides in West Ramney, NH, 06/14/1935:1
see also Cattle; Cows; Horses; Poultry
Huntley's oxen win pulling contest at Rehoboth fair, 09/13/1935:8
Roy Huntley's yoke of oxen take first prize at Rehoboth fair,
Alden Wilbur's goat gives birth to three sons and a daughter,
Livestock Feed
see also C.P. Washburn Co.
F.H. Sargent & Co., livestock feed and equipment (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Farm Services Store, Inc. (ad), 06/12/1936:8
Lizotte, Rene Albert
Engaged to Elizabeth Janet Gilchrist, 07/30/1937:8
Wedding described, 08/13/1937:11
Lloyd Perkins & Son
Plumbing and heating, Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Chester Sylvester purchases Perkins' plumbing business, 12/08/1939:1
Lobdell, Belle
Obituary, 11/01/1935:11
Lobl, Frederick
For selectman (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Vote for Lobl for selectman (ad) (Nathaniel D. Ryder), 01/18/1935:8
Three new town officials elected (p), 01/25/1935:1
Expresses thanks to voters (l), 01/25/1935:5
Shall our town charter be changed? (l) (t), 01/17/1936:2
Honored with life membership in Chamber of Commerce, 02/05/1937:1
Recognized for work in town and club affairs (p), 02/05/1937:1
Appreciates Chamber membership (l), 02/12/1937:5
Couple books passage to Europe, 06/11/1937:1
Bon Voyage My Friend (poem), 06/18/1937:1
And wife return from two and a half months in Europe, 09/17/1937:1
Presents talk on conditions in Europe, 09/24/1937:1
Relatives arrive from Austria, 07/15/1938:1
Lobl, Mania
Obituary, 01/14/1938:1
Wife of Frederick dies at age 46, 01/14/1938:7
Lobl, Manja
Petition for probate of will, 02/04/1938:12
Lobl, Mrs Frederick
Niece, Celine Dudowska, visits from Paris, France, 05/07/1937:7
Sister, Mrs Felix Freund, visits from Berlin, Germany, 05/07/1937:7
Lobl, Otto
And Paul Lobl open Hero Manufacturing on Cambridge St,
Lobl, Paul
And Otto Lobl open Hero Manufacturing on Cambridge St,
Lobl Mfg. Co.
Suggests campaign to reduce motor vehicle deaths (l), 12/20/1935:11
Wins safety trophy, 10/30/1936:2
Wins Safety Council trophy for second successive year, 10/22/1937:1
Safety award an outstanding achievement, 10/22/1937:7
Employee's Benefit Association sponsors second annual dance,
Awarded trophy from National Safety Council for third year,
Lobo, John
Burial in Carver, 10/21/1938:3
Lobo, Tony
Obituary, 10/16/1936:11
The Lobsterman's Dory
Ripley proprietor, Falconieri manager (ad), 06/16/1939:10
Lockhart, Jeanne H.
New teacher at Green School, 08/11/1939:1
Locklin, John
Chimney fire on Highland St, 04/29/1938:1
Locklin, William
Purchases Buckman place on Highland St, 04/01/1938:3
Locust Dress Shop
Stella Lang and Grace Auger, Taunton St (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Locust Farm Dress Shop
Taunton St (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Logan, Alton
Employed at sanatorium, 10/27/1939:6
Logan, F.M.
Tydol range oil (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Logan, Grace
Accepted as student at Attleboro hospital, 06/30/1939:9
Logan, Jean L.
Car leaves road on Plympton St, no injuries, 05/13/1938:5
Logan, Milford
Former resident rep for shoe union in Washington state, 06/04/1937:5
Resides in Seattle, WA, 06/04/1937:5, 08/13/1937:7
Logan, William J.
Obituary, 02/01/1935:1
Dies at age 55, 02/01/1935:4
Logging and Lumbering
see also Building Materials
Frank Hall and Theodore Leonard use river 25 years ago, 02/19/1937:1
WPA will clear private woodlands (l) (E. Peterson), 11/11/1938:6
Logrien, Grace
Licensed to conduct boarding house for infants, 02/17/1939:1
Logrien, Helen A.
Engaged to Zigmund A. Stulpin, 10/02/1936:7
Wed to Zigmund A. Stulpin, 10/16/1936:7
Logrien, Howard S.
Engaged to Emily R. Lewis, 04/03/1936:6
Wed to Emily R. Lewis, 04/24/1936:7
Logrien, Yvonne
Car goes over embankment on Center St, 11/25/1938:1
Lomba, Manuel
Burial in Carver, 03/22/1935:7
Lombard, Alfred
Wedding held in Lawrence, 01/03/1936:12
Lombard, Ella
Eighty-six-year-old George Sloat claims 84-year-old bride,
Long (Mr)
Norton & Long radios, Thatcher's Row (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Long, Abner L.
Obituary, 08/28/1936:1
Dies at age 88, 08/28/1936:7
Long, Bob
Clerk at George Shurtleff & Son, 08/19/1938:1
President of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
President of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Long, Charles L.
Enlists in U.S. Army, 05/10/1935:3
Expresses appreciation to Fire Department (l), 12/15/1939:8
Long, Daisy
Engaged to Edward Bennett, 12/20/1935:5
Long, Daisy V.
Engaged to Edward B. Thomas, 06/21/1935:1
Wedding described, 12/27/1935:1
Long, E.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Long, Edith
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Long, Eleanor L.
Widow of George H. dies at age 74, 09/01/1939:5
Long, Forest
Grass fires on North St, 03/03/1939:1
Long, Forrest
Chimney fire on North St, 03/05/1937:1
Long, Hazel
Teacher transfers to South Middleboro School, 09/13/1935:1
Engaged to Harold S. Peck, 04/22/1938:1
Engaged to Harold Peck, 06/10/1938:11
Engaged to Harold S. Peck, 07/01/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Long, Hazel L.
Wed to Harold Peck, 07/08/1938:7
Long, Louise
Girl struck by Bridgewater auto on North St, 03/08/1935:1
Engaged to Edward J. Thomasik, 05/06/1938:6
Engaged to Harold Peck, 07/01/1938:1
Long, Louise M.
Engaged to Edward J. Tomasik, 06/03/1938:7
Wed to Edward J. Tomasik, 06/10/1938:7
Long, Paul
Wed to Ruby Morse, 01/25/1935:5
Couple married two years, 04/01/1938:7
Long, Paul C.
Engaged to Ruby E. Morse, 03/27/1936:6
Wed to Ruby E. Morse, 04/17/1936:7
Long, Robert
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Long, S. Forest
Business coupe stolen from rear of Town House, 12/15/1939:10
Long, Swift N.
Obituary, 10/07/1938:1
Dies at age 85, 10/07/1938:7
Obituary, 10/07/1938:8
Long Pond
Beatrice Taylor drowns in Long Pond, 04/22/1938:11
Preston Robbins catches 4-lb. bass, 09/02/1938:11
Committee studies plan to remove usage restrictions, 07/21/1939:1
Lifting of restrictions would be mixed blessing, 07/28/1939:1
Selectmen favor action to reclaim ponds, 08/04/1939:11
Longland (Mr)
Moves from West Wareham to South Middleboro, 10/29/1937:11
Longland, Alice
Missionary in India, 10/20/1939:6
Longland, Herbert
Resides in Melrose, 05/26/1939:5
Loon Pond
Residents petition for electric service, 06/09/1939:2
Elmer G. Hopkins drowns at Loon Pond (p), 06/23/1939:1
Letter of appreciation to Fire Chief (l) (Elmer L. Hopkins), 06/23/1939:1
Hopkins expresses appreciation to Fire and Police Departments and
friends (l), 06/23/1939:2
Lord, Ernest
Obituary, 05/03/1935:1
Loring, Alice
Obituary, 12/30/1938:6
Loud, Edward
Brother dies in Weymouth, 05/05/1939:9
Loud, Harry E.
Dies in Weymouth, 05/05/1939:9
Louison, Israel
Application for liquor license, 02/28/1936:8
Selectmen refuse liquor license, 03/13/1936:2
Lousnbury, Marie L.
Engaged to Ernest M. Drake, Jr., 11/20/1936:7
Lovell, Angeline Elizabeth
Obituary, 12/11/1936:1
Lovell, Barbara Hayward
Wedding described, 04/19/1935:1
Lovell, B.P.W.
Plymouth couple married 50 years, 12/29/1939:8
Lovell, E.B.
Real estate, 26 Barden Hill Rd (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Lovell, Edward B.
Barden Hill Rd couple married 50 years (p), 06/03/1938:1
Over 200 attend 50th anniversary celebration, 06/10/1938:1
Lovell, Eva B.
Obituary, 05/03/1935:1
Lovell, Evelyn
Wedding described, 06/04/1937:6
Wed to Lawrence Bissonnette, 06/04/1937:7
Lovell, Evelyn M.
Engaged to Lawrence B. Bissonnette, 05/28/1937:7
Lovell, George W.
Auction sale of household furniture, personal property and farm
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
equipment (ad), 05/20/1938:12
Lovell, George William
Obituary, 09/01/1939:1
Enfield, ME man dies at age 88, 09/01/1939:5
Lovell, Mabel A.
Dies at age 71, 10/20/1939:5
Obituary, 10/20/1939:10
Lovell, Mabel A. Bryant
Barden Hill Rd couple married 50 years (p), 06/03/1938:1
Lovell, Martha E.
Engaged to Michael J. Teceno, 05/21/1937:7
Wed to Michael J. Teceno, 05/28/1937:7
Lovell, Warren
Rock St couple married 50 years, 07/05/1935:5
Bristol, NH family attends funeral, 11/25/1938:1
Lovell, Warren E.
Obituary, 11/18/1938:1
Dies at age 74, 11/18/1938:7
Lovell, Windsor
Resides in Detroit, 02/18/1938:11
Lovell, Winsor
And wife open small summer business on the Cape, 05/13/1938:1
Lowell, Robert
And wife sail for Germany, 08/14/1936:2
Lowes, Walter E.
Engaged to Marion A. Dimond, 12/24/1937:7
Lowney, John B.
Funeral held in New Bedford, 07/12/1935:1
Lucas, Clarence W.
Author of new book Press Work Pressure, 10/11/1935:8
Lucas, Emma E.
North Carver woman dies at age 73, 07/12/1935:6
Obituary, 07/12/1935:8
Another valued Carver resident dies, 07/19/1935:8
Funeral held at North Carver, 07/19/1935:11
Plymouth folks attend funeral, 07/19/1935:11
Lucas, J.L.
Resides in Bridgeport, CT, 07/30/1937:1
Lucas, Mrs Allan
Dies in Reading, 11/29/1935:8
Lucas, Samuel
Youths charged with breaking and entering, 06/11/1937:2
Luce, Dorothy
Wedding described, 11/26/1937:1
Wed to Merrill A. Shurtleff, 11/26/1937:7
Luce, Warren A.
Obituary, 12/03/1937:1
Dies at age 88, 12/03/1937:7
Lucey, John E.
see also John E. Lucey Shoe Co.
Announces plan for new company, Leonard & Barrows, 07/19/1935:1
Appointed to industrial committee, No. 6, 06/30/1939:1
Lucier, Blanche E.
Wedding described, 07/15/1938:1
Wed to Rosario L. Bernier, 07/15/1938:7
Lucier, Blanche L.
Engaged to Rosario L. Bernier, 06/10/1938:7
Luckman, Tom
Obituary, 12/06/1935:1
Dies at age 81, 12/06/1935:6
Lucy Braley's Candy Kitchen
Lucy Braley opens for special orders, 03/06/1936:11
South Middleboro (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Employees Doris Smith and Helen Graham attend Fanny Farmer's in
Boston, 10/14/1938:11
Luddy, William
Son born, 08/16/1935:6
Luizzi, Frank
Engaged to Dorothy F. Rullo, 05/08/1936:7
Luizzi, Frank J.
Wedding described, 06/12/1936:1
Lumba, Manuel
Obituary, 03/22/1935:1
South Hanson man dies at age 35, 03/22/1935:4
Lumber (see Building Materials)
Lumsden, Virginia
Dies in Foxboro, 05/20/1938:11
Lumsden, Wallace
Dies in Foxboro, 05/20/1938:11
Lundgren, Anne
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:6
Lunkas, Paul
Petition for conservator of property, 06/07/1935:7
Lunn, Ellen
Engaged to John Mochell, 07/16/1937:11
Lunn, Ellen Vivian
Engaged to John M. Mochel, 04/23/1937:8
Wedding described, 09/24/1937:11
Lunskis, Joseph
Wounded by gun shot, 11/15/1935:1
Charged with larceny from Albert Faietti, 11/29/1935:1
Gets probation, ordered to make restitution in larceny case,
Fugitive surrenders after threatening girl with revolver, 07/24/1936:1
Faces burglary and assault charges, 07/31/1936:1
Held for grand jury, 08/07/1936:6
Committed to MA Reformatory at Concord, 10/16/1936:1
Lunskis, Paul
Struck by auto driven by Merril Shaw, 04/26/1935:1
Lutaut, Frank
Fickert's milk truck in collision with Lutaut's auto on Plymouth St,
Luther, Maynard
Engaged to Bertha C. Braman, 09/24/1937:11
Luti, Doris
Moves to Melrose, 09/08/1939:8
Luti, M.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Luti, Marie
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Luti, Vincent
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 03/31/1939:1
Luti, W.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Luti, William
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Receives medal for play in YMCA tourney, 04/01/1938:8
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Captain of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Luzaitis, Antoise L.
Engaged to James G. Dainis, 10/21/1938:7
Luzaitis, Antosie J.
Wed to James G. Dainis, 11/04/1938:7
Lynch, Alice B.
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:8
Lynde, Elwyn B.
Deer hunter successful, 12/13/1935:2
Corrects misstatement (l), 04/21/1939:3
Lynde, John B.
Scout attends Annawon Council National Jamboree (p), 07/02/1937:1
Lynde, Robert
Enrolls at Parks Air College in St. Louis, 09/16/1938:6
Attends Parks Air College in St. Louis, 12/23/1938:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Resides in St. Louis, IL, 06/23/1939:4
Student at Parks Air College, East St. Louis, IL, 12/29/1939:8
Lyon, Lena Rigo
Son born, 12/17/1937:11
Lyon, Robert
Son born, 12/17/1937:11
Lyons, Mary
Lack of water hampers firefighters in North Middleboro, 06/04/1937:1
Fire starts in oil burner, 06/04/1937:11
Lyons, Robert F.
Wedding described, 04/02/1937:11
The Lyric
Selectmen approve motion picture license for old Lyric hall,
C.H. Williams announces re-opening of theatre, 11/26/1937:1
Selectmen grant movie license, 11/26/1937:2
Grand re-opening at South Main and Wareham St (ad), 11/26/1937:12
Hires sound engineers to improve theatre, 12/10/1937:1
Acoustical improvements complete, bingo goes forward, 12/17/1937:2
Wenner to manage new movie house, Key Theatre, at site of old Lyric,
Lytle, Carl D.
Former school principal dies, obituary, 01/20/1939:1
MacAulay, D.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
MacAulay, Douglas
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1, 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
MacAulay, R.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
MacAulay, Roger
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1, 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
MacAulay, Viola L.
Obituary, 06/19/1936:1
Macauley, Elizabeth
Enrolls in Chandler School of Boston, 09/25/1936:12
MacAuley, Viola L.
Dies at age 37, 06/19/1936:7
MacCallum, Scott
Son born, 12/13/1935:6
MacCartney, David
Rifle and ammunition missing in break-in, 03/27/1936:1
MacCauley, Mrs Angus
Resides in Norwich, VT, 10/14/1938:8
MacCombie, Pearl
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
MacDonald, Agnes M.
Receives B.S. in Ed. from Boston University, 08/18/1939:1
MacDonald, Agnes Marie
Attends Boston University, 07/28/1939:3
MacDonald, Ann Barrie
Born to C.L., 10/07/1938:5
MacDonald, Charlotte
Tree downed in hurricane damages house on Oak St, 09/23/1938:1
MacDonald, C.L.
Daughter born, 10/07/1938:5
Macdonald, Donald
Wed to Rachel E. Horton, 04/12/1935:4
MacDonald, Edward
Funeral held for infant daughter, 01/08/1937:2
MacDonald, Francis
Employed at sanatorium, 12/15/1939:8
MacDonald, James
Named special police officer for Rock, 03/08/1935:6
Uncle dies in Malden, 08/18/1939:6
MacDonald, John
Moves from Freetown St to Hill St, 01/08/1937:11
Son born, 03/26/1937:6
MacDonald, M. Cameron
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/29/1938:7
MacDonald, Mary Elizabeth
Obituary, 09/15/1939:4
Dies at age 89, 09/15/1939:5
MacDonald, Susan C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/29/1938:7
MacFarlin, Della J.
Breaks bones in wrist in fall, 09/18/1936:8
MacGown, Mrs Roland
Mother dies in Delta, OH, 01/25/1935:5
MacGown, Roland
Father dies in Abington, 08/29/1935:12
Moves to newly renovated house in Abington, 07/01/1938:1
MacGown, Wilson Y.
Dies in Abington, 08/29/1935:12
MacGregor, Judson Stewart
Daughter born, 04/03/1936:8
MacInnis, Kenneth
Daughter born, 10/15/1937:7
MacIntyre, Charles
Daughter born, 12/11/1936:6, 05/06/1938:7
Mack, A. Russell
Stirs up interest in 150th anniversary of Constitution, 01/07/1938:5
Moves to West Roxbury, 09/29/1939:10
Mack, Alfred
State supervisor of secondary education in Massachusetts, 05/15/1936:8
Mack, Alfred R.
Named to State Education Board, 03/20/1936:1
Seeks post on School Committee, 11/13/1936:1
Candidate for School Committee, 12/04/1936:1, 01/08/1937:5
For School Committee (ad) (p), 01/08/1937:8
Forest Thomas files protest against Mack in upcoming election,
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:2
Appreciation to voters (l), 01/22/1937:8
MacKay, John
Moves from Bridgewater to North Middleboro, 10/23/1936:8
MacKay, Robert
Scarlet fever quarantine lifted, 06/18/1937:11
MacKeen, Edwin
Resides in Atchison, KS, 09/30/1938:11
MacKeen, Elizabeth C.
Wedding described, 04/17/1936:1
MacKeen, Hilda
Instructor at Bristol Health Camp in Attleboro, 07/05/1935:8
Teacher at Green School, 09/06/1935:2
MacKeen, Margaret
Brother-in-law's funeral held in Taunton, 04/17/1936:8
MacKenzie (Mr)
Engaged to Gene Goff, 03/05/1937:11
MacKenzie, Bessie C.
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:11
Wed to William Lee, Jr., 11/22/1935:11
MacKenzie, Minnie
Mother dies in Plymouth, 08/30/1935:11
MacKenzie, Roderick
Wed to Geneva Goff, 03/26/1937:11
Son born, 05/27/1938:2
MacKenzie, Walter A.
Engaged to Louise Bowman, 06/18/1937:7
Stolen car recovered on Fairview St, 12/16/1938:1
MacKenzie, Walter Arnold
Engaged to Louise Bowman, 10/16/1936:1
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:1
Mackey, David
Daughter born, 08/19/1938:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Mackey, Ina S.
Engaged to Edward S. Frazier, 08/28/1936:7
Mackey, James
Body of missing man found floating in Taunton River, 05/27/1938:1
Macki, Peter
Son born, 10/21/1938:6
Mackie, Margaret
Case of operating without license filed, 04/30/1937:2
Mackie, Margaret M.
Engaged to Edgar C. Thibault, 05/13/1938:7
Wed to Edgar C. Thibault, 05/27/1938:7
Mackie, Toivo
Daughter born, 08/05/1938:7
Mackiewicz, Ben
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Mackiewicz, Benjamin
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Mackiewicz, Benny
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Mackiewicz, Frank
Fire at West St home, 12/27/1935:1
Mackiewicz, Joseph
Missing boy reaches Florida, 02/21/1936:1
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Bags big buck in South Middleboro, 12/08/1939:1
Engaged to Marguerite Shaw, 12/29/1939:1
MacKinnon, Florence L.
Engaged to Royal Wesley Potter, 12/20/1935:2
Bates school teacher resigns, 05/08/1936:1
MacKinnon, Florence Lillian
Wedding described, 08/07/1936:2
MacKinnon, Mrs Edward
Resides in Montreal, 05/10/1935:1
Mackintosh, Evan
Obituary, 02/08/1935:7
MacLaren, Brenton
Engaged to Helen L. Thomas, 06/19/1936:11
MacLean, Malcolm J.
Engaged to Catherine V. Boyle, 05/01/1936:7
MacLeod, Annie
Obituary, 05/05/1939:1
Dies at age 72, 05/05/1939:5
MacMillan, Louis W.
Employed at A&P, 07/17/1936:12
MacMullen, Leslie H.
Awarded scholarship to Northeastern College of Business
Administration, 10/02/1936:1
MacNayer, Archie
Gets 30 days for assault on wife, 09/16/1938:8
Assault and battery case filed, 03/31/1939:4
MacNayr, Archie
Chimney fire on East Main St, 05/03/1935:1
MacNeil, Arthur
Employed in Hyannis, 10/25/1935:11
MacNeil, Ethel
Engaged to Frank Baker, 06/12/1936:11
MacNeil, Gordon
Lakeville home renovated, 08/14/1936:6
MacNeill, Ethel B.
Engaged to Frank H. Baker, 07/24/1936:7
MacNeill, Gordon
Daughter born, 09/20/1935:6
Insurance broker and surveyor, Main St, Lakeville (ad), 11/26/1937:2
MacNeill, John R., Jr.
Obituary, 12/02/1938:1
Danvers man dies at age 46, 12/02/1938:7
MacNeill, Raymond
Wed to Jeannette M. Whitman, 06/11/1937:5
MacNeill, Raymond H.
Engaged to Jeannette M. Whitman, 04/16/1937:7
Wed to Jeannette M. Whitman, 05/28/1937:7
MacNeill, Walter
Cadet-sergeant in ROTC at Boston University, 01/13/1939:2
MacNeill, William
Employed in Framingham, 04/02/1937:11, 07/09/1937:5
Employed in Vermont, 05/05/1939:6
Macomber, Charles D.
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Macomber, Helen Augusta
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Dies at age 85, 12/29/1939:5
Macomber, Horace
William Sampson purchases Vernon St house from George Penniman,
Macomber, Marjorie E.
Wedding described, 08/04/1939:7
MacRae, Forbes
Wed to Dorothy Cole, 12/03/1937:11
MacRae, William
South Bridgewater man dies, 02/24/1939:2
Macura, Anna
Robert Macura in court for threatening mother with butcher knife,
Macura, Bolislaw
Guilty of assault, ordered to leave town, 07/21/1939:1
Macura, Elizabeth
Benjamin Parker guilty of assault on Macura, 06/21/1935:11
Engaged to James DeMaranville, 08/09/1935:5
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:5
Macura, Joseph
Engaged to Charlotte Westgate, 06/17/1938:11
Son born, 07/21/1939:7
Macura, Paul
Brother Bolislaw guilty of assault, ordered to leave town, 07/21/1939:1
Macura, Robert
Resides in New York City, 03/04/1938:3
In court for threatening mother with butcher knife, 06/03/1938:1
Madden, Caroline
Engaged to Russell G. Hollis, 06/24/1938:7
Wed to Russell G. Hollis, 07/08/1938:7
Maddigan, Charles
Son born, 10/02/1936:7
Maddigan, Francis J.
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Local letter carrier succumbs, obituary, 08/05/1938:1
Funeral held at Sacred Heart, 08/12/1938:1
Petition for administration of estate, 09/09/1938:7
Maddigan, Francis Joseph
Dies at age 38, 08/05/1938:7
Maddigan, Frederick
Florida couple visit Middleboro for first time in 12 years, 08/18/1939:1
Maddigan, James F.
Engaged to Viola M. Remillard, 05/22/1936:2
Engaged to Viola Remillard, 06/05/1936:7
Maddigan, James F., Jr.
Engaged to Viola Remillard, 06/19/1936:8
Wed to Viola Remillard, 06/26/1936:7
Maddigan, James Francis, Jr.
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:1
Maddigan, Maria A.
Obituary, 05/27/1938:1
Widow of Edward dies at age 71, 05/27/1938:7
Maddigan, Ralph
Dorothy Shaw employed at Maddigan's insurance office, 08/13/1937:1
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 04/01/1938:7
Maddigan, Ralph W.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Delegate to Aetna's national convention, 09/04/1936:1
Granted auctioneers license, 05/27/1938:5
Maddigan, Thomas
Resides in Oneida, NY, 01/04/1935:1
Manager of W.T. Grant store in Glen Falls, NY, 02/10/1939:1
Maddox, Harold R.
Obituary, 11/11/1938:7
Maeder, Abbott Sherwood
Engaged to Lauretta Bissonnette, 06/23/1939:1
Wedding described, 08/11/1939:1
The Floyds perform at high school auditorium, 05/22/1936:8
Magoon, Ida L.
Obituary, 11/18/1938:1
Wife of Josiah E. dies at age 75, 11/18/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 01/27/1939:11
Magri, Countess (see Thumb, Mrs Tom)
Magri, J.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Magri, John
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Magri, Primo Count
Fire at old landmark, Primo's Pastime, 04/07/1939:1
Mahar (Mr)
Police investigate assault on Lakeville home, 04/28/1939:8
Maharta, Helen
Wed to Carl Halenun, 10/21/1938:6
Maher (Mr)
M. Francis Souza employed at Maher's garage, 09/01/1939:2
Maher, George
Resumes duties on board Harry Bourne, 10/04/1935:6
Maher, Howard S.
Application for gasoline license, 11/29/1935:7
Mahler, Jacob P.
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Carver man dies at age 79, 10/16/1936:7
Carver man remembered, 10/16/1936:11
Mahler, Peter
Obituary, 03/27/1936:11
Mahoney, Barbara
Engaged to be married, 10/16/1936:11
Wilfred Academy grad accepts post in York Harbor, ME, 06/30/1939:3
Mahoney, George
Employed at sanatorium farm, 03/03/1939:11
Mahoney, John J.
Obituary, 01/17/1936:1
Dies at age 63, 01/17/1936:6
Funeral service held at Sacred Heart, 01/24/1936:12
Mahoney, Mrs J.T.
Resides in Somerville, 01/22/1937:2
Main, Emma W.
Obituary, 09/03/1937:1
Dies at age 56, 09/03/1937:7
Main, George F.
Swift and Main, American Oil Co., West Grove St (ad), 09/27/1935:12
Main, Mathilda J.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Main, Mrs William
Dies at age 71, 12/29/1939:5
Main, Stuart R.
Engaged to Mary M. Sweeney, 11/22/1935:6
Wed to Mary M. Sweeney, 12/13/1935:6
Maker, Kenneth
Petition to erect garage and store gasoline, 03/19/1937:7
Maki, Kusti
Dies of injuries sustained in auto accident, 01/10/1936:1
Dies at age 55, 01/10/1936:6
Burial at Central Cemetery in Carver, 01/10/1936:8
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Maki, Lillian
Wed to Martin J. Nugent, 06/18/1937:5
Maki, Lioma M.
Engaged to Seven Lehtoniaa, 02/12/1937:6
Maksimuk, Eva
Obituary, 12/01/1939:5
Wife of Andrew dies at age 44, 12/01/1939:5
Maksimuk, Mary
Completes first year at Vesper George School of Art in Boston,
Malaguti (Mr)
Selectmen discuss alleged violation of liquor laws in closed meeting,
Malaguti, Roy
Victualler's license revoked due to lack of citizenship, 04/19/1935:1
Malaguti, Roy J.
Applies for liquor license, 01/04/1935:5
Selectmen address liquor license application, 01/18/1935:1
Malais, Lillian C.
Engaged to Ralph C. Dickson, 08/28/1936:7
Malenfant, A.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Malenfant, Albie
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Maleska, E.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Maleski, Joseph
Gets six months for larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/29/1935:2
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Pleads guilty to larceny charge, 08/09/1935:1
Injured in rollover at Oak and High St, 10/15/1937:1
Engaged to Ruth E. Paun, 07/01/1938:7
Wed to Ruth E. Paun, 07/08/1938:7
Maleski, Michael
Guilty of criminal trespass, 08/18/1939:1
Fails to pay fine for trespassing, 09/01/1939:3
Fails to appear in court for continuance, 09/29/1939:8
Maleski, Mike
Halifax man guilty of assault after roadhouse melee, 03/26/1937:1
Pays $25 fine for assault, 08/13/1937:2
Malicious Mischief
Samuel Rullo guilty on charge of destroying property of Ida Rounseville
estate, 10/01/1937:2
East Bridgewater man sentenced for destroying property owned by
Judge Allan, 11/05/1937:1
Ralph Serra guilty of destroying personal property of Walter Bump,
Peter Gasunas gets 30 days for destruction of property at Teceno's Cafe,
Peter Gasunas' case filed, 01/06/1939:8
Police investigate assault on Mahar's Lakeville home, 04/28/1939:8
Probationer Ralph Serra declare in default, 08/11/1939:2
Thirty nine windows broken in Coombs home by stone throwers,
Default removed in Ralph Serra case, 10/20/1939:8
Malley, John
Obituary, 11/05/1937:1
Dies at age 81, 11/05/1937:7
Malmquist, Mrs Nils
Returns from family visit in Norway, 08/28/1936:7
Maltais, Adrien
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/13/1937:7
Maltais, Alice
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:7
Maltais, Evelyn Sylvia
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/13/1937:7
Maltais, Frederick H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Maltais, Hormisdas F.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:7
Maltais, Lillian C.
Wed to Ralph C. Dickson, 09/04/1936:7
Maltais, William
VFW holds memorial service, 06/07/1935:6
Manchester, Celina
Spencer corsets, 400 Wareham St (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Completes advanced course in corsetry, 08/19/1938:6
Mann, John J.
Obituary, 04/15/1938:1
Dies at age 74, 04/15/1938:7
Mannie's Lunch
Selectmen address liquor license application from Manuel Rose,
Manning (Mr)
Chimney fire on East Main St, 02/03/1939:6
Manning, Charlotte
Wedding described, 10/22/1937:11
Manning, Eunice
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:9
Manning, George
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Manning, George E.
Lottery case continued, 09/13/1935:2
Manning, George P.
Chimney fire on East Main St, 02/10/1939:1
Manning, Lillian A.
Auction sale of land, house, and furnishings (ad), 03/18/1938:12
House sold at auction to Harry F. Plissey, 04/08/1938:11
Manning, Lillian I.
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Tewksbury woman dies at age 58, 02/11/1938:7
Manning George E.
Lottery case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Mannion, Gertrude
Graduates from Leslie Kindergarten school of Cambridge, 06/12/1936:8
Engaged to James Thompson, 08/04/1939:1, 09/22/1939:2
Mannion, Gertrude T.
Engaged to James J. Thompson, 09/22/1939:5
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Jackson case stemming from fatal accident continued, 07/19/1935:2
McFarlin case stemming from fatal accident continued, 07/19/1935:2
McFarlin acquitted in trial of fatal accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
George Millette held in $1,000 bonds as result of fatal accident,
Edward Baker not guilty of charge stemming from accident in
Bridgewater, 01/08/1937:1
William Kinsman accused of manslaughter in traffic death of McIlvana,
Boston man held on charge of manslaughter in traffic death of Mary
Sullivan, 07/28/1939:1
William Kinsman acquitted, 07/28/1939:1
Manter, Frank
Obituary, 05/13/1938:11
Manter, Mrs Frank
Brother dies in Middleboro, 10/22/1937:11
Manter, Nelson F.
Obituary, 05/13/1938:1
Dies at age 79, 05/13/1938:7
Manwaring, Bertha R.
Obituary, 08/18/1939:4
Wife of Nelson dies at age 62, 08/18/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 09/01/1939:5
Manwaring, Winthrop
Employed by George Weeman in Rochelle Park, NY, 07/24/1936:6
Engaged to Ethel Hanscom, 10/23/1936:5
Moves to Taunton, engages in insurance business, 01/22/1937:1
Moves here from Plymouth, 10/14/1938:1
Manwaring, Winthrop R.
Engaged to Ethel Hanscom, 03/20/1936:1, 10/23/1936:7
Manwaring, Winthrop Ritter
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:1
Maps and Mapping
U.S. government engineer surveys South Lakeville for new map,
Maranville, Alice
Injured in auto accident in Kentucky, 09/02/1938:1
Injured in auto accident in Missouri, 09/16/1938:1
Maranville, Bernice
Injured in auto accident in Kentucky, 09/02/1938:1
Maranville, Charles N.
Cambridge man dies at age 74, 10/13/1939:5
Obituary, 10/13/1939:5
Maranville, Clifton
Pocasset cottage damaged in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Maranville, Dorothy
Wed to Theodore V. Deane, 07/05/1935:6
Maranville, Dorothy S.
Engaged to Theodore V. Deane, 05/17/1935:4
Maranville, Dorothy Sheldon
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Maranville, Leslie
Wedding described, 09/02/1938:1
Maranville, Leslie G.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Engaged to Annie Anternoits, 07/22/1938:7
Maranville, Lloyd
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:7
Maranville, Marshall
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Maranville, Myron
Fire on Rhode Island Rd property, 09/02/1938:1
March, Mrs Lindsay J.
Mother dies in Worcester, 09/16/1938:1
Marchant, Eva
Reports break-in on Plymouth St, 04/24/1936:7
Marchese, Adeline Juliet
Wed to Russell Thomas Eaton, 11/17/1939:5
Marchese, Helen C.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Marchesi, Adeline Juliet
Files intentions to marry, 11/03/1939:3
Engaged to Russell Thomas Eaton, 11/03/1939:4
Maria L.H. Peirce Fund
Drinking fountain funds transferred to Water Department, 03/29/1935:1
Laura Whittemore named custodian, 03/29/1935:1
George McKay named director, 10/13/1939:1
Mariane, Alfred
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Markowski, Floriana
Engaged to James Pye, 09/01/1939:2
Marra, George
Granted hawkers and peddlars license, 05/12/1939:2
Marra, Mary
Piano instruction (ad), 02/03/1939:12
Marra, Philip
Attends Burdett College, 09/29/1939:4
Marra, Phillip
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Marra, Ralph
Fined $5 for barber shop health violation, 06/03/1938:1
Marra & Son
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Italian imported groceries, 376 Center St (ad), 12/04/1936:12
Marriages - Lakeville
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
Eighteen in 1935, 02/21/1936:6
Twenty in 1936, 02/26/1937:11
Marriages - Middleboro
Numbers jump in 1934, 01/18/1935:7
Survey of vital statistics show gaps prior to 1853, 04/26/1935:2
Ninety-eight recorded in 1935, 01/10/1936:1
WPA money allotted to vital statistics project, 05/15/1936:1
Trend in number of weddings this decade, 07/03/1936:1
Show gain over a year ago, 07/03/1936:6
One hundred eighteen in 1938, 01/20/1939:1
Only nine recorded in July, 08/04/1939:9
Marroni, Farangelo
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Marshall, Caroline
Daughter of Ray dies after kicked by goat, 01/08/1937:11
Marshall, Carolyn Marie
Born to Clarence and Doris Dionne, 03/31/1939:11
Marshall, Charles
Daughter born, 03/24/1939:7
Marshall, Clarence
Daughter born, 03/31/1939:11
Marshall, Clarence M.
Engaged to Doris Dionne, 10/07/1938:7
Marshall, Doris Dionne
Daughter born, 03/31/1939:11
Marshall, H.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Marshall, Howard
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Marshall, John M.
Petition for license to store and sell gasoline, 08/04/1939:8
Gets permit to install bulk gas tank, 08/18/1939:6
Marshall, Lucy
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:6
Marshall, Morris
Phil Sylvia, Gerry Carr, and Morris Marshall are the Santa Fe Ranch
Boys, 05/14/1937:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Marshall, Mrs Russell
Lets Bedford St to Howard Monroe, 01/04/1935:1
Marshall, Muriel
Resides in El Paso, TX, 07/02/1937:8
Marshall, Packey
Opens service station on Wareham St, 11/01/1935:2
New auto service on Wareham St (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Automotive service (ad), 06/11/1937:12
Marshall, Russell
Appointed principal of Junior and Senior High schools in Falmouth,
Falmouth couple married 9 years, 07/01/1938:11
Marshall, Wendell S.
Bertram Thomas granted permit to move building from Plymouth St to
Spencer St, 11/17/1939:1
Marshall's Automotive Service (see Marshall, Packey)
Marston, John
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:1
Marston, John S.
Wed to Theodora C. Lithgow, 08/06/1937:7
Martenson, Anders
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Sister dies in Boston, 07/23/1937:7
Art work included in New York exhibition, 03/04/1938:1
Hosts members of his Swedish family, first meeting in 40 years,
Indian Mound Beach cottage damaged in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Martenson, Anders, Jr.
Sails with uncle for Sweden, 07/22/1938:1
In auto accident at Frank and Forest St, 03/17/1939:5
Martenson, Gladys
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Studies at NE Conservatory of Music, 04/08/1938:1
Martenson, Gladys Jeannette
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:1
Martenson, Priscilla
Injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville, 06/19/1936:1
Enrolls at NE Conservatory of Music, 09/24/1937:6
Student sings duet at Jordan Hall in Boston, 01/20/1939:1
Sings solo at NE Conservatory of Music recital, 06/09/1939:7
Plays flute in NE Conservatory of Music orchestra, 11/03/1939:10
Martin (Mr)
Connecticut man, Page, purchases Martin place, 06/26/1936:8
Martin, Charles F.
Obituary, 04/30/1937:6
Dies at age 69, 04/30/1937:7
Martin, Clara E.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:6
Martin, Everett
Resides in New Haven, CT, 03/13/1936:12
Martin, F.D.
Manager of Middleboro Clothing Co., 01/04/1935:5
Martin, Frank N.
Swansea couple married 60 years, 08/04/1939:1
Martin, Jane E.
Obituary, 06/10/1938:5
Martin, John
Son born, 10/25/1935:6
Daughter born, 10/07/1938:7
Martin, John J.
Employed at Middleboro Clothing Co., 08/16/1935:1
Martin, Loretta
Engaged to Romeo J. Bernier, 05/28/1937:7
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:1
Wed to Romeo Bernier, 06/11/1937:7
Martin, Mabel
Renews lodging license, 04/07/1939:1
Martin, Mary
Struck by auto driven by Edward Thew, 11/20/1936:1
Martin, Mrs Charles
Granted lodging permit for The Martinique, 01/27/1939:3
Martin, Mrs Charles F.
Alumnus of Orange High School, MA, 06/25/1937:1
Martin, Robert B.
Infant son of John dies, 11/22/1935:6
Martin, William
Six rescued in sailboat upset on Assawompsett, 07/07/1939:4
The Martinique
Alfred Auger sells place to Keith and Boise, 03/27/1936:6
Mrs Charles Martin granted lodging permit, 01/27/1939:3
Mabel Martin renews lodging license, 04/07/1939:1
Martyn, Ford W.
Engaged to Lee M. Hayward, 12/18/1936:6
Masky, Emil
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:11
Masky, Emily
Son born, 09/25/1936:8
Masky, Martha Laine
Son born, 09/25/1936:8
Mason, Evelyn
Chimney fire on Old Center St, 12/27/1935:1
Mason, Thomas H.
Six-year-old June Lavey uninjured after hitting side of Mason's car,
Masonic Order (see Ancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons -
Mayflower Lodge)
Masons and Masonry
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters - Middleboro Court
Celebrates 44th anniversary, 05/14/1937:2
Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters - Sacred Heart Court
Holds annual banquet, 05/17/1935:4
Minstrels and dance benefit a success, 05/08/1936:1
Celebrates 45th anniversary of the Order, 05/13/1938:1
Massachusetts Department of Public Works
Lighted bombs cause smoke in State truck, 05/08/1936:1
Edward Bailey appointed senior engineer at MA Highway Department,
New route planned between Middleboro and Plymouth, 07/10/1936:1
Proposed Plymouth roadway to cut Middleboro out, 07/17/1936:1
Eugene Washburn repair agent, 09/25/1936:12
Gives instruction to snow plow operators, 10/30/1936:1
Eugene Washburn foreman of state highways in Lakeville,
Calls for bids on erection of steel smoke stack at Vine St storehouse,
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/13/1938:8
Massachusetts Department of Public Works - Employees
John Troy appointed District Engineer, 02/08/1935:1
Albert Heath appointed District 7 Assistant Replacement Director,
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Middleboro chapter makes annual request for financial support,
Roby Hirst and Thomas Hirst apply for masseur license, 05/26/1939:2
Roby and Thomas Hirst granted license, 06/23/1939:2
Taunton doctor applies for license for medical massage, 09/15/1939:1
Mastera, Melvin
Indian Shore couple married 7 years, 02/18/1938:11
Mastera, Melvin F.
Struck by auto driven by Wollaston man, 03/01/1935:4
Masters, Elizabeth
Attends Boston Clerical school, 04/19/1935:1
Resides in Somerville, 01/31/1936:1, 08/21/1936:7
Mathers, Amy Bryant
Wed to Edward Mayo Tolman, 12/22/1939:9
Matheson, Burton
Engaged to Georgina Card, 08/09/1935:12
Wed to Georgina Card, 08/29/1935:6
Son born, 11/20/1936:7
Metropolitan Life Ins. rep praised by company, 03/12/1937:1
Matheson, Carl
Edward Brackett shot through neck by 13-year-old Matheson,
Matheson, Dorothy J.
Engaged to Vernon E. Briggs, 02/21/1936:6
Wed to Vernon E. Briggs, 02/28/1936:6
Matheson, Helen Frances
Engaged to Walter A. Zilonis, 12/29/1939:1
Matheson, Hugh M.
Driver strikes two Onset men on East Grove St, 06/21/1935:1
Matheson, John
Fire on Oak St, 12/16/1938:1
Matheson, Kathryn
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Dies in Boston at age 30, 04/01/1938:7
Matheson, Reginald A.
Promoted by Southern Railway Systems, 11/19/1937:1
Matheson, Roderick
Reports car missing from Bates School, youth apprehended,
Young thief committed to Shirley school, 06/04/1937:1
Matheson, Samuel
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Dies at age 73, 01/29/1937:6
Matheson, Sylvia G.
Annual report of school art supervisor (t), 02/01/1935:6
Mathews, M.P.
New doctor locates here, 12/06/1935:1
Opens office at 135 Centre St (ad), 12/06/1935:11
Mathews, Roger
Dies from severe body burns, 06/12/1936:1
Dies at age 23, 06/12/1936:7
Matrisciano, Albert
Engaged to Ericka Von Berg, 11/22/1935:6
Wed to Ericka Von Berg, 12/06/1935:6
Son born, 03/13/1936:6
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/22/1938:1
Matrisciano, Beatrice Natalie
Engaged to Joseph Scolamiero, 08/11/1939:5
Matrisciano, Tony
Barber, 227 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Matson, Lena
Wife of Matti dies at age 77, 06/07/1935:6
Matthews, Anna A.
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Widow of Melville dies at age 75, 12/16/1938:7
Matthews, Melville
Breaks arm in fall, 08/21/1936:5
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Matthews, Melvin
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Appointed janitor of South Middleboro ME Church, 05/12/1939:9
Janitor for South Middleboro School, 09/22/1939:9
Matthews, Mrs Richmond
Brother dies in Boston, 03/20/1936:11
Matthews, R.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Matthews, Richmond
Moves to Annie Shurtleff's home, 07/05/1935:8
Employed at Thomas Bros., 02/21/1936:5
Moves to Donovan house in South Middleboro, 09/22/1939:9
Matthews, Roger
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Matthews, William B.
Accepts call to Detroit, MI church, 09/30/1938:11
Matulis, Kurdus
Petition for probate of will, 05/05/1939:6
Mawhinney, Jennie Elizabeth
Engaged to George Albert Barthelmes, 10/06/1939:7
Wed to George Gilbert Barthelmes, 10/20/1939:5
Mawhinney, Theodora
Sustains minor injuries at work at Winthrop-Atkins plant, 02/05/1937:1
Maxim, Calvin
Born to Hosea, 06/30/1939:4
Maxim, Carlton W.
Obituary (p), 08/29/1935:1
Dies at age 76, 08/29/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 09/20/1935:7
Maxim, Charles H.
Obituary, 04/28/1939:1
New Bedford man dies at age 78, 04/28/1939:5
Maxim, Clarence W.
Trustees present account of estate, 11/25/1938:6
Maxim, Ernest
Hires Harris Tripp, 06/21/1935:8
Hosts fruit growers' meeting at Lakeville orchard, 07/01/1938:2
Maxim, Harry S.
Obituary, 02/26/1937:1
Dies at age 63, 02/26/1937:6
Maxim, Hazel
Accepts teaching post in North Conway, NH, 02/28/1936:6
Teacher in Center Conway, NH, 12/04/1936:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Teaches in North Conway, NH, 09/03/1937:5
Maxim, Hosea
Employed at Rock Manufacturing Co., 10/01/1937:11
Moves to Rock, 10/08/1937:11
Son born, 06/30/1939:4
Maxim, Howard
Electric pumps (ad), 01/18/1935:5
Maxim, Howard W.
Adds well-drilling to services (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Maxim, James
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Dies at age 69, 04/17/1936:7
Maxim, Leighton
Son born, 09/23/1938:7
Maxim, Leighton LeBaron
Engaged couple's upcoming wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Maxim, Lizzie
Slips and falls on stairs, 12/01/1939:7
Maxim, Lucy
In hospital after brutal attack in Wareham, 04/01/1938:1
Attacker held on $10,000 bond, 04/22/1938:1
Attacker gets 15 to 20 years in prison, 06/17/1938:1
Maxim, Nellie
Alice Parmenter charged with three counts of breaking and entering and
larceny, 02/10/1939:5
Parmenter ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Maxim, Samuel N.
Obituary, 11/06/1936:5
Maxim, Thomas
Biography, 07/31/1936:11
Maxim Motor Co.
Dodge and Plymouth dealer (ad), 01/04/1935:5
H.N. Hill charged with larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/22/1935:1
Harry Hill guilty of larceny from Maxim Motor Co., 03/29/1935:2
Maleski gets six months for larceny, 03/29/1935:2
Sells fire truck to town of Ayer, 04/19/1935:1
Roy Shaw injured while at work, 06/14/1935:8
Factory equipment available to all motorists (ad), 07/05/1935:2
Holds evening of entertainment and instruction, 11/15/1935:5
Salesman Fred Alger resigns, 11/29/1935:1
Awarded bid for WPA truck, 12/20/1935:1
New design in fire fighting apparatus (p), 02/28/1936:1
Gets bid for new police cruiser, 04/10/1936:1
Delivers 750-gallon pumper to Bridgewater, 06/05/1936:1
William Winberg breaks toe at Maxim Motor Co., 05/28/1937:1
Charles Norton foreman of repair department, 08/19/1938:5
Sends pumping equipment and hose to Providence in wake of storm,
Observes 50th anniversary, 11/18/1938:1
50th anniversary (ad), 11/18/1938:8
Cyr arrested for taking car at Maxim's, 07/21/1939:1
Charles Norton foreman of repair department, 08/18/1939:8
Produces heavy duty truck for commercial use (p), 09/15/1939:1
Maxwell, Ernest
Janitor at School Street School, 11/12/1937:12
Maxwell, Mary L.
Obituary, 12/24/1937:1
Dies at age 59, 12/24/1937:7
Maxwell, William
Engaged to Beulah L. Wilmot, 05/24/1935:4
Son born, 10/02/1936:7
Daughter born, 07/28/1939:5
Maxwell, William S.
Wed to Beulah L. Wilmot, 06/14/1935:6
May, Warren F.
Wed to Julia F. Beahl, 06/23/1939:5
Mayall, G.E.
Moves from Wollaston to North Middleboro, 07/30/1937:11
Mayall, Jane
Completes year at Miss Wheelock's school in Boston, 06/10/1938:11
Mayhew, Arleen A.
Engaged to Napoleon J. Blouin, 09/16/1938:7
Wed to Napoleon J. Blouin, 09/30/1938:7
Mayhew, Charles K., Jr.
To continue studies at Davis University in California, 08/14/1936:7
Maynard, Thomas L.
New English teacher at high school, 07/01/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/08/1938:2
Mayo, Estella DeMeritt
Files for divorce, 06/18/1937:5
Mayo, James Harold Day
Wife files for divorce, 06/18/1937:5
McAllister, Arthur
School St couple married 25 years, 10/15/1937:12
Clerk at George Shurtleff & Son, 08/19/1938:1
McAllister, Joseph B.
School bus contract transferred from Gagnon estate to Joseph
MacAllister, 03/24/1939:1
McAloney, Helen J.
Wed to Roger C. Griswold, 09/23/1938:7
McAnaugh, Bertha
Obituary, 08/28/1936:1
Dies at age 35, 08/28/1936:7
McAnerney, John
Obituary, 09/09/1938:1
Dies at age 78, 09/09/1938:7
McArdle, J. Francis
Flies here from headquarters in Brazil, 08/04/1939:9
McAulay, Angus
Loses hens to thief, 11/19/1937:1
McBane, John
Succumbs to injuries after struck by car, 08/14/1936:1
Nathaniel Ryder pleads guilty in McBane traffic death, 08/21/1936:1
McBane fatal accident case continued, 09/04/1936:1
Nathaniel Ryder fined $100 for negligent operation, 09/18/1936:8
McBane, John Adrian
Dies at age 3, 08/14/1936:7
McCabe, William
Locomotive engineer has perfect 50-year record, 08/07/1936:1
McCabe, William T.
Local railroad engineer completes 50 years of service, 08/07/1936:1
McCaig, John
Struck by Mansfield car in Lakeville, 07/09/1937:1
McCaig, John Bastion
Wedding described, 11/11/1938:11
McCaig, John, Jr.
Resides in Boston, 10/28/1938:11
McCaig, Mary
Resides in Fall River, 10/14/1938:11
McCallum, Scott
Fined $5 for speeding, 08/28/1936:2
Collides with Wareham driver on Vaughn St, 09/09/1938:3
Daughter born, 09/29/1939:5
McCann, Blanche
Engaged to Elmer E. Holmes, 01/31/1936:6
Wed to Elmer E. Holmes, Jr., 02/28/1936:6
McCann, Edward J.
Boy struck by Whitman auto on Everett St, 02/10/1939:1
McCarthy, Austin
Chimney fire on Thompson St, 03/27/1936:1, 10/22/1937:1
Dairy farm on Thompson St for sale (ad), 03/25/1938:12
McCarthy, Bridget
Obituary, 10/09/1936:1
Dies at age 85, 10/09/1936:7
McCarthy, Charles E.
Director of advertising and publicity for 20th Century-Fox Co.,
McCarthy, Daniel
Janitor at West Side School, 04/02/1937:1
McCarthy, Edward
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Falls asleep at wheel, escapes injury, 06/26/1936:1
McCarthy, Edward J.
Engaged to Edna M. English, 10/30/1936:7
McCarthy, Elsie
Teaches in Arlington, 05/03/1935:1
McCarthy, James W,
Applies for seasonal liquor license, 04/21/1939:1
McCarthy, Mabel G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/26/1939:9
McCarthy, Mrs James
Sister-in-law dies in Waldoboro, ME, 09/20/1935:1
McCarthy, Robert
Moves from Taunton to Lakeville, 06/10/1938:11
McCausland, Francis
Discharged from probation, 09/18/1936:8
Pays fine, 09/02/1938:5
Ordered defaulted in drunkenness case, 11/11/1938:11
Case filed, 12/09/1938:11
McClaren, Philip B.
Wed to Helen L. Thomas, 06/26/1936:7
McClellan, William
Daughter born, 07/22/1938:7
McClelland, Ether
Wed to Morton Reed, 07/05/1935:1
McClure, Mrs Neil
Resides in Lindley, NY, 08/25/1939:3
McClure, Neil G.
Engaged to Dora L. Cobb, 06/23/1939:5
McCluskey, James F.
Re-appointed post master, 06/10/1938:1
McCluskey, Lawrence F.
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Candidate for selectman (ad) (l), 01/06/1939:7
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
For selectman (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:5
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
4th District Court saddened by retirement, 07/07/1939:2
McCluskey, Lawrence P.
Grass fire on Everett St, 03/25/1938:1
McCluskey, Mrs Lawrence
Stranded in Providence during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
McClusky, Ellen
Obituary, 12/18/1936:1
Dies at age 79, 12/18/1936:6
McClusky, James F.
Postmaster appointed director of New England Postmasters'
Association, 10/04/1935:1
McClusky, Lawrence F.
Appointed Town Manager for Killingly, CT, biography (p),
McComiskey, Foster, Jr.
Fined $5 for speeding, 11/24/1939:8
McConaghy, Margaret T.
Wed to Roland L. Theroux, 11/04/1938:7
McCormack, Marguerite K.
Wed to Clarence H. Dextraze, 02/28/1936:6
McCormick, Marguerite K.
Engaged to Clarence H. Dextraze, 01/31/1936:6
McCraig, John, Jr.
Resides in Boston, 02/04/1938:11
McCrillis, Clifton
Son born, 06/19/1936:7
Trailer wrecked by drunk driver in Florida, 03/18/1938:1
Son born, 02/24/1939:7
Photo of sons Walter and George in New York Post, 08/04/1939:9
McCrillis, Clifton A.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
McCrillis, Minnie M.
Wife of Walter dies at age 67, 12/02/1938:7
Obituary, 12/02/1938:11
Petition for administration of estate, 01/20/1939:5
McCulloch, Joseph
Wedding described, 02/03/1939:1
Daughter born, 09/08/1939:5
Assistant coach of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Assistant coach of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
McDavitt, Mrs Thomas
Resides in Hollywood, CA, 09/09/1938:6
McDermott, William
Nevada police hold McDermott on two-year-old robbery charge,
Police clerk leaves for Nevada, 07/26/1935:1
A&P bandit returned to Middleboro, 08/02/1935:1
Held on $3,000 for grand jury, 08/16/1935:1
McDonald, Agnes
Begins studies at Posse-Nissen School of Physical Education,
Resumes studies at Posse School, 10/02/1936:1
Secretary of junior class at Posse School, 10/30/1936:1
McDonald, Ellen F. Dahoney
Obituary, 02/03/1939:6
Dies at age 78, 02/03/1939:7
McDonald, Emma
Obituary, 07/14/1939:1
New Gloucester, ME woman dies at age 60, 07/14/1939:5
McDonald, J.A.
Four structures in Lakeville destroyed by fire, 05/01/1936:1
McDonald, James A.
Rhode Island driver collides with McDonald's horse and buggy,
Team loaded with sawdust struck by auto on Wareham St,
McDonald, John A.
Residents thank East Freetown Fire department, 05/01/1936:6
McDonald, Lawrence F.
Voters to have say on funding organizations for ex-servicemen (l),
Debate of veteran's matters continued (l), 02/08/1935:3
McDonald, Malcolm
Wed to Elsie L. Peterson, 06/28/1935:6
McDonald, Malcolm R.
Engaged to Elsie L. Peterson, 06/21/1935:6
McDonald, Mary E.
Storm scene at home on High St (p), 09/30/1938:1
McDonald, Mrs Rex
Resides in Southington, CT, 07/10/1936:12
McDonald, T.F.
Resumes horse shoeing (ad), 01/10/1936:12
McDonald, Thomas
Four injured as car overturns on South Main St, 06/09/1939:1
McDowell, Herbert
Chimney fire on Oak St, 05/05/1939:1
McFarland, Frank
Obituary, 10/23/1936:8
McFarlin, Charles
Employed at sanatorium, 04/17/1936:1
McFarlin, Delia
Perley Hollis purchases house from McFarlin estate, 07/21/1939:7
McFarlin, Eldoretta
Widow of Peleg dies at age 84, 05/13/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 05/20/1938:7
McFarlin, Eldoretta Thomas
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
McFarlin, Medella J.
Obituary, 02/25/1938:1
Petition for probate of will, 03/04/1938:11
McFarlin, Medella Jane
Dies at age 79, 02/25/1938:7
McFarlin, Mrs Fred
Brother attends funeral, 03/27/1936:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
McFarlin, Nettie E.
Obituary, 03/20/1936:1
Wife of Frederick A. dies, 03/20/1936:6
McFarlin, Pamelia F.
Graduates from Burdett College, 06/26/1936:1
Engaged to Charles Richards, 05/26/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
McFarlin, Roderick
Stationed with U.S. Coast Guard in Virgin Islands, 08/13/1937:11
McFarlin, Thomas
Enters Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 09/20/1935:1
Graduates from Bridgewater State, 06/16/1939:1
McFarlin, Veretta
Obituary, 04/08/1938:11
McFarlin, William
Injured in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Acquitted in trial of fatal accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
Employed at sanatorium, 04/07/1939:9
McFarlin, William S.
Manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
McGregor, Judson S.
Wed to Gladys Burton Allen, 03/29/1935:3
McGuiness, Michael F.
New manager of Joe Hooker Track, 10/07/1938:6
McGuire, Mary E.
Engaged to Joseph Prinzo, 07/19/1935:6
Wed to Joseph L. Prinzo, 08/02/1935:6
McHugh, Alice Dennett
Son born, 11/25/1938:6
McHugh, James
Son born, 11/25/1938:6
McIlvana, Ernest
Plympton youth killed in auto accident on Rochester Rd, 07/07/1939:1
McIlvana, Ernest M.
Plympton man dies at age 21, 07/07/1939:5
William Kinsman acquitted of manslaughter, 07/28/1939:1
McIlvana, John
William Kinsman accused of manslaughter in traffic death of McIlvana,
McIlvana, Ralph
Wedding described, 10/28/1938:6
Wed to Alice Guidoboni, 10/28/1938:7
McIntosh, Alec
Wakefield couple married 50 years, 07/07/1939:6
McIntyre, Charles
Daughter born, 04/12/1935:4
McIsaac, John
Wed to Jean Joiner, 03/27/1936:11
McIssac, Donald Weston
Wedding described, 10/18/1935:5
McIssac, Doris
Grandmother dies in Wollaston, 04/23/1937:11
McKay, George
Replaces James O'Neil as welfare agent, 06/09/1939:1
McKay, George G.
The Spectator comments on replacement of O'Neil (l), 06/09/1939:3
Named director of Maria H.L. Pierce Luxury Fund, 10/13/1939:1
McKay, Harold C.
Couple married 25 years, 12/11/1936:8
McKay, Harold C., Jr.
Wed to Marjorie E. Armstrong, 09/11/1936:11
McKay, Helen
Brother dies in Brockton, 01/24/1936:11
McKay, James S.
North Carver couple married 50 years, 10/23/1936:5
North Carver couple celebrates anniversary, 10/29/1937:2
McKay, John
Moves from Plymouth St to Main St, 07/22/1938:11
McKay, J.S.
Couple celebrates wedding anniversary, 11/04/1938:9
North Carver couple celebrate anniversary, 10/27/1939:6
McKay, Robert
Quarantined with scarlet fever, 05/28/1937:11
McKechnie, Elizabeth
Occupies apartment over Puritan Food Market, 10/14/1938:11
McKechnie, James T.
Asks selectman why not given opportunity to sell tires and batteries to
town, 02/04/1938:1
Gets permit to erect four-car garage, 09/15/1939:1
McKechnie, J.T.
J.T. McKechnie Stores, Armstrong tires (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Puritan Food Market, Fall Brook (ad), 08/16/1935:5
Purchases house, barn, and lot from L.O. Atwood, 04/01/1938:4
McKechnie, Mary A.
Obituary, 03/12/1937:1
Widow of Donald dies at age 82, 03/12/1937:6
McKendrick, Norman
Attends Phillips Exeter Academy, 07/09/1937:5
McKenna, Frank
Obituary, 09/17/1937:11
McKenna, Honora
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/29/1935:7
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Dies in Boston dies at age 70, 10/16/1936:7
McKenna, Simon J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/29/1935:7
McKenzie, Arnold
Engaged to Louise Bowman, 05/21/1937:1
McKeown, Mrs Thomas
Resides in Ashmont, 04/01/1938:4
McKinley, Richard
Funeral held in Reading, 08/28/1936:5
McLane, Walter
Couple married 45 years, 09/17/1937:11
McLaughlin, David W.
Lacerates leg in fall from tree, 08/09/1935:1
McLaughlin, Florence
Granted common victualler license, 05/12/1939:2
McLaughlin, John
Mother dies in Quincy, 01/06/1939:1
McLaughlin, John C.
Daughter born, 02/15/1935:4
Collides with Plymouth man at John J. Glass, Jr. Square, 04/08/1938:5
McLaughlin, L. Elizabeth
Engaged to Patrick J. Coyne, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Patrick J. Coyne, Jr., 07/01/1938:7
McLaughlin, Sylvia Jeannette
Born to John C., 02/15/1935:4
McLaugthlen, Florence
Burglars elude police after break-in at Mexicana on West Grove St,
McLauthlen, Florence
Brockton woman in charge of Mexicana, 08/18/1939:6
Proprietor at Mexicana (ad), 08/18/1939:8
McLean, Ruth
Purchases Bedford St house from Herbert Brown, 10/15/1937:5
McLean, S.A.
Doctor, 8 Rock St (ad), 11/10/1939:10
McLean, Sterling
New to Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:1
Resigns from Park Commission, 03/18/1938:1
Engaged to Lillian Grant, 06/23/1939:1
McLean, Sterling A.
Engaged to Lillian Fraser Grant, 05/26/1939:1
Engaged to Lillian F. Grant, 06/16/1939:5
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:1
Wed to Lillian Fraser Grant, 07/07/1939:5
McLeod, Daniel
Petition for administration of estate, 02/25/1938:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
McLeod, Euphemia
Dies at age 72, 09/17/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 10/08/1937:6
McLeod, Euphemia McSwain
Obituary, 09/17/1937:1
McLeod, Florence L.
Wed to John C. Rubeski, 11/05/1937:7
McLeod, George
Fire in home on Lovell St, 01/03/1936:1
Moves to newly renovated home on Crowell St, 09/29/1939:10
McLeod, George Collin
Receives baseball autographed by Babe Ruth, 03/29/1935:1
McLeod, Ivan
Engaged to Virginia Dunn, 06/23/1939:9
McLeod, Ivan P.
Engaged to Virginia Alice Dunn, 05/26/1939:1
McLeod, Ivan R.
Engaged to Virginia A. Dunn, 06/09/1939:5
Engaged to Virginia Dunn, 06/16/1939:1
Wed to Virginia A. Dunn, 06/23/1939:5
McLeod, Ivan Russell
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
McLeod, Margaret
Petition for administration of estate, 04/10/1936:11
McLeod, Margaret M.
Obituary, 03/27/1936:1
Dies at age 56, 03/27/1936:6
McLeod, Peter
Moves from Elm St to Center St, 07/19/1935:1
McLeod, Thelma
Attends Boston University, 04/19/1935:1
Accepts position with Singer Sewing Machine Co. in Cambridge,
Employed at Behr, Manning Co. in Boston, 07/22/1938:1
McLure, Alexander
Fire at home on Tispaquin St, 02/07/1936:2
Mother dies in Corning, NY, 04/21/1939:6
McLure, Dora Cobb
Teacher resigns, 06/30/1939:1
McLure, Neil Graham
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
Wed to Dora Louise Cobb, 06/30/1939:5
McMahon, Ann Kane
Obituary, 03/03/1939:1
McMahon, Ann Keane
Widow of Thomas dies at age 79, 03/03/1939:7
McMahon, James E.
Albert Sparrow struck by auto driven by McMahon, 11/11/1938:1
McMahon, Nora O'Connor
Obituary, 01/27/1939:1
Wife of Patrick dies at age 63, 01/27/1939:7
McMahon, Patrick
Moves from Everett St to Pearl St, 11/25/1938:1
Employed at electric light station, 09/08/1939:8
McMahon, Patrick J.
Recognized for contributions to 4th of July planning committee,
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Held on charges of lottery fraud, 11/10/1939:1
Selectmen vote to revoke appointment as special police officer,
McMahon, William
Named to Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:7
McMahon, William J.
Resigns from Park Commission, 03/18/1938:1
McManus, Clara
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/26/1937:8
McManus, Clara R.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
McManus, J. Everett
Moves from North Main St to Peirce St, 02/12/1937:1
McManus, William
Obituary, 02/17/1939:1
McMillan, William D.
Obituary, 10/13/1939:1
McNabb, Mary
Obituary, 03/13/1936:1
Dies at age 50, 03/13/1936:6
McNally, William J.
Engaged to Edith A. Thurston, 09/09/1938:7
McNayr, Archie
Son born, 03/29/1935:4, 07/24/1936:7
McNeece, Arabella
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/07/1936:7, 01/08/1937:8
McNeece, John
Candidate for Congressman, 08/14/1936:1
Townsend Club answers McNeece letter (l), 03/19/1937:1
Herbert Dunham defends McNeece stand against pension trial (l),
McNeece, John H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/22/1935:8
Figures do lie (l), 11/22/1935:2
Listen to the professors of economics (l), 02/28/1936:5
Don't razz Rep. Jazzper (l), 03/13/1936:8
Lies!!! Lies!!! Lies!!! (l), 03/20/1936:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/12/1936:8
Republican candidate for Congress (ad) (p), 07/24/1936:12
Neighbors (l), 09/11/1936:5
McNeece, Mildred
Wedding described, 12/08/1939:12
McNeil, Ethel
Engaged to be married, 06/12/1936:6
McNeil, Helen
Employed at Ryder's department store, 01/22/1937:1
Sails for Scotland, 06/09/1939:1
Describes warlike scenes in Dundee, Scotland, 09/08/1939:1
May be safer to stay abroad, 09/22/1939:1
Writes of carrying gas mask everywhere, 10/06/1939:1
American consul in Scotland helping to get McNeil home, 10/20/1939:1
Returns on SS Acadia after rough crossing, 10/27/1939:1
Feared hurricane would end trip, 11/03/1939:1
McNeil, James
Employed at A.F. Ryder Co., 06/28/1935:1
Proprietor of Alonzo F. Ryder Co., 07/17/1936:12
Coombs St couple married 25 years, 10/21/1938:1
Couple expresses thanks (l), 10/28/1938:1
McNeil, John J.
Engaged to Ellenor W. Brouillette, 10/01/1937:7
Wedding described, 10/08/1937:1
Wed to Ellenor W. Brouillette, 10/08/1937:7
McNeil, Margaret
Moves to Bridge St in Lakeville, 05/12/1939:9
McNeil, Walter
Alonzo Ryder employee enrolls in Boston University business course,
On tour with Boston University Glee Club, 04/01/1938:7
McNeil, Walter J.D.
Appointed ROTC Sergeant at Boston University, 11/03/1939:1
Inducted into Boston University Chapter of Scabbard and Blade,
McNeill, Arthur
Son born, 09/15/1939:5
McPherson, Roderick J.
Wedding described, 08/04/1939:7
McQuade, James F.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
McQuade, Ralph
Announces grand opening of McQuade's Clothes Shop, 03/20/1936:1
McQuade, Ralph J.
Purchases sole interest in Dewey Clothes Shop, 02/07/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
McQuade's Clothes Shop
Ralph McQuade announces grand opening, 03/20/1936:1
Grand opening at 69 Center St (ad), 03/20/1936:3
First birthday sale (ad), 01/15/1937:6
Randolph Gammons clerk, 08/12/1938:6
Announces new line of boys clothing, 08/26/1938:6
Announces opening of boys' department (ad), 09/02/1938:2
Hires Ralph Mendall, Jr., 06/30/1939:4
McQuiggan, Catherine A.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 54, 03/15/1935:4
Will in probate, 03/22/1935:5
McQuiggan, Edward
Wed to Olive M. Bryant, 07/07/1939:5
McQuiggan, Edward R.
Engaged to Olive M. Bryant, 06/30/1939:5
McTernan, Lillian
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
McVey, John J.
Carver man dies at age 72, 10/06/1939:7
McVey, John Joseph
Obituary, 10/06/1939:6
McWilliams, Edward
Resides in Pawtucket, 06/28/1935:1
M.E. Club
New club forms, 02/12/1937:11
Meack, Arthur
Severs right leg while cutting wood, 12/23/1938:1
Meade, Mrs Edwin
Resides in Danville, SC, 09/03/1937:7
Charles Carver ill, 02/01/1935:6
Vera Rogers ill with German measles, 04/19/1935:2
Doris Chase has appendix out after German measles attack,
Ralph Nickerson's children quarantined, 01/31/1936:2
Norma Fickert quarantined with German measles, 03/20/1936:11
Seventy-two cases reported since November 1st, 11/17/1939:1
Mrs Robert Goodale and Mrs Everett Saunders victims of epidemic,
Meat Markets
Tim Papamichael, 69 Everett St (ad), 02/04/1938:12
Narcissi's Meatland moves out of Briggs building, 08/04/1939:12
Medeiros, Arthur C.
Engaged to Bernice L. Perkins, 04/21/1939:5
Wed to Bernice L. Perkins, 09/15/1939:5
Medeiros, Joseph
Engaged to Barbara Hathaway, 02/01/1935:1
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:1
Medeiros, Manuel
Son born, 04/30/1937:7
Medeiros, Marianne
Sails for Bermuda, 06/14/1935:1
Medeiros, Mary
Sails for Bermuda, 06/14/1935:1
Medical Care
see also Middleboro - Board of Health; Nurses and Nursing; Physicians
Help the hard of hearing (l) (Frank Crosier), 11/25/1938:11
Appendix operations at epidemic level, 12/16/1938:1
Meier, Fred
Son born, 03/29/1935:4
Meier, Mrs William
Resides in Wareham, 11/25/1938:5
Melchin, Archie
Dies suddenly in Boston, 09/03/1937:11
Melix, William W.
Held for grand jury in larceny from power station, 12/08/1939:1
Mello, Esther E.
Daughter of Manuel dies at age 1, 05/10/1935:4
Mello, Hilda A.
Engaged to Alfred D. Besegai, 07/22/1938:7
Wed to Alfred D. Besegai, 08/05/1938:7
Mello, Jesse
Son born, 04/16/1937:7
Mello, John
Fire at home on Everett St, 02/07/1936:2
Chimney fire on Everett St, 02/04/1938:1
Mello, John B.
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Somerville man dies at age 56, 12/20/1935:6
Mello, Joseph
Chimney fire on West Grove St, 03/22/1935:1
Mello, Joseph B.
Wife files for divorce, 06/09/1939:9
Mello, Joseph, Jr.
Ranger on chicken ranch at sanatorium, 04/29/1938:4
Mello, Joseph W.
Engaged to Jessie M. Young, 06/26/1936:7
Wed to Jessie M. Young, 07/03/1936:7
Son born, 09/02/1938:7
Mello, Joseph William
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:1
Mello, Lois
Nursery, 13 Hillside Ave (ad), 05/22/1936:12
Mello, M.
Carpenter and builder, 98 Oak St (ad), 01/27/1939:11
Mello, Manuel
Moves from Middleboro to South Carver, 08/14/1936:8
Moves from South Carver to Middleboro, 06/17/1938:11
Pays $50 fine for drunk driving, 07/14/1939:6
Mello, Manuel B.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/20/1939:5
Mello, Manuel M.
Wed to Katherine M. Serra, 09/11/1936:7
Arraigned in court as result of auto crash, 03/10/1939:1
Gets extension to pay fine, 05/12/1939:8
Mello, Mary
Injured after coming in contact with Rufus Blair's auto, 04/15/1938:11
Mello, Mary A.
Files for divorce, 06/09/1939:9
Melville, Stanley
Moves from North Middleboro to Quincy, 01/20/1939:11
Middleboro has one surviving member of GAR, 05/27/1938:1
Memorial Day
see also Grand Army of the Republic Post 8
Nation's Holy Day (l), 05/24/1935:1
Pay tribute, 05/29/1936:1
Parade and exercises draw large crowd, 06/05/1936:1
Fewer organizations turnout for annual parade, 06/04/1937:1
Real summer weather greets participants, 06/04/1937:1
Citizens turn out in full numbers, 06/03/1938:1
Middleboro can feel well about showing, 06/03/1938:1
Ideal weather for 71st annual exercises, 06/02/1939:1
Proud showing here, 06/02/1939:1
Mendall, Marguerite
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Enrolls at Bates College, 09/17/1937:6
Bates College flute soloist at Lewiston, ME Rotary Club, 02/18/1938:12
Receives scholarship from Bates College, 03/04/1938:7
Awarded scholarship for second year at Bates College, 07/29/1938:12
Member of Bates College choir, 10/14/1938:1
Flute soloist at Bates College concert, 03/03/1939:1
Appointed president of Hacker house at Bates College, 03/31/1939:1
Plays flute duet at Bates College concert, 05/12/1939:1
Mendall, Naomi
Begins studies at New England School of Art in Boston, 09/22/1939:10
Mendall, R.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Mendall, Ralph
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Mendall, Ralph B.
Collides with Plymouth driver at Dead Man's Curve, 08/05/1938:1
Mendall, Ralph B., Jr.
Enrolls in Massachusetts State College in Amherst, 09/23/1938:1
Member of Traveling Glee Club at MA State College, 10/27/1939:6
Mendall, Ralph, Jr.
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Hired at McQuade's Clothes Shop, 06/30/1939:4
Mendall, Sarah
Sails for extended cruise of southern waters, 03/13/1936:12
Mendall, Seaton
Enters Massachusetts State College at Amherst, 09/20/1935:1
Returns from six weeks training with ROTC Cavalry Detachment,
Mendall, Seaton C.
Class of 1935 salutatory and essay, 06/21/1935:5
Corporal in ROTC Cavalry Unit at MA State College, 04/09/1937:1
Appointed Cadet 1st Sergeant in ROTC cavalry at Mass State College,
Leaves for 6 weeks military training at Ft. Ethan Allan, VT,
Employed at NY Ag Experiment Station in Roslyn, NY, 08/12/1938:1
Elected president of Fernald Etomological Club; commissioned 2nd Lt.
in ROTC, 11/11/1938:1
Mass State College grad takes post with NY State Entomological
Department, 05/26/1939:1
Included in Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and
Universities, 06/09/1939:5
Graduate student at Cornell University, 12/22/1939:10
Mendall, T.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Mendall, T.F.
Salesman for Walk Over Shoe Co., 02/15/1935:1
Salesman for Keith Shoe Co., 02/04/1938:1
Mendall, Trafton
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Mendell, Agnes H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/09/1938:7
Mendenhall, Ernest
Wedding described, 10/20/1939:1
Wed to Marion J. Fish, 10/20/1939:5
Mendoza, Francis M.
Drunk smashes up sister's home, 12/29/1939:3
Menowski, A.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Menowski, Anthony
Chimney fire on Lovell St, 01/01/1937:1
Menowsky, Joseph
Runaway boy located in Central Cemetery, 05/17/1935:7
Menowsky, Stanley
Completes enlistment in U.S. Army, 06/28/1935:1
Menzie, Isabella
Funeral held in Medford, 01/15/1937:11
Merchant, Clayton
East Weymouth couple married 50 years, 04/19/1935:1
Merchant, Clayton B.
Obituary, 06/09/1939:2
Merriam, Isabella
Burial at Hope Rest Cemetery, 04/14/1939:8
Merriam, Isabella O.
Obituary, 04/07/1939:1
Widow of Bert dies at age 75, 04/07/1939:5
Merrick, Mildred
Obituary, 06/26/1936:5
Merrick, Mrs Robert
Dies in Saranac Lake, NY, 11/13/1936:2
Merrick, Robert
Dies in Saranac Lake, NY, 11/13/1936:2
Merrihew, Gladys
Resigns from W.T. Grant Co., 03/26/1937:5
Merrihew, Gladys Magilton
Wedding described, 05/21/1937:1
Merrihew, Helyn
Engagement to Morrell broken, 08/16/1935:1
Merrihew, Helyn Arline
Engaged to Lloyd James Morrell, 08/09/1935:12
Merrihew, Jennie
Dressmaking, 41 School St, 03/01/1935:8
In auto accident in Seekonk, 10/01/1937:7
Merrihew, Lucy E.
Teacher has enviable record, 5 absences in 40 years of service,
Merrihew, Mildred M.
Dies in Boston, 06/24/1938:1
Boston woman dies at age 43, 06/24/1938:7
Merrihew, Mrs Jennie
Fire in home on School St, 05/27/1938:1
Merrill, Charles
Moves to Miller St cottage, 05/08/1936:5
Moves from Rock to Lakeville, 07/17/1936:5
Moves from Lakeville to Middleboro, 11/11/1938:11
Merrill, Robert L.
Engaged to Jennie Pomagzak, 08/29/1935:6
Merritt, George A.
Obituary, 05/14/1937:1
Dies at age 60, 05/14/1937:7
Meslick, Louise R.
Engaged to Frank E. Williams, 09/03/1937:5
Wedding described, 09/24/1937:11
Messer, Mrs Henry
Brother dies in Brooklyn, NY, 02/08/1935:1
Metal and Metal Work
History and profile of Cosseboom's blacksmith shop, 03/01/1935:1
Edward Van Zandt refused license to purchase old gold, 05/10/1935:1
A. Faietti, tinsmith, South Main St (ad), 01/10/1936:12
T.F. McDonald resumes horse shoeing (ad), 01/10/1936:12
Arum Salvage Co., cash for gold (ad), 04/03/1936:12
Anderson's, lawn mowers sharpened (ad), 04/10/1936:5
Middleboro Tool and Machine Co., general repairs on metal and wood
(ad), 10/08/1937:12
Middleboro Tool and Machine Co., 22 West St (ad), 02/04/1938:12
Old blacksmith's shop razed, formerly site of carriage business,
Cosseboom's Blacksmith Shop, corner of Pearl and North St (ad),
Metal Work
Herbert H. Dunham, general repair work and cabinet making (ad),
Methodist Church
see also Central Methodist Episcopal Church; South Middleboro
Methodist Episcopal Church
Fair attracts nearly 400, 10/02/1936:8
Ornamental structure blown off roof in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Annual fair a success, 09/30/1938:8
Holds annual fair, 09/29/1939:1
Metrakas, G.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Mexicana (restaurant)
Burglars elude police after break-in at West Grove St eatery,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Patrons well pleased with unique services, 08/18/1939:6
Florence McLauthlen proprietor, Harry Leach chef (ad), 08/18/1939:8
No progress made in solving robbery (l) (The Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
Trio of suspects in break-in, 09/08/1939:1
Presents new Navajo Room (ad), 11/17/1939:6
Meyers, Wolfe
Obituary, 10/09/1936:5
Michael, Joseph
Engaged to Beatrice Teceno, 06/18/1937:7
Michael, Joseph D.
Daughter born, 09/15/1939:5
Michael, Manuel T.
Engaged to Tulivie V. Lindsay, 05/13/1938:7
Michael, Mary
Obituary, 11/29/1935:6
Wife of Joseph M. dies at age 68, 11/29/1935:6
Michael, William
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Michaud, Arthur A.
Promoted at Stanley Home Products, Inc., 04/28/1939:7
Clarifies point in O'Neil's letter (l), 06/02/1939:9
Michaud, Leann B.
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:8
Middle East
M. Alice Jones sends cards from Aleppo, Damascus, and Jerusalem,
Allan and Ronald Thatcher depart for Mediterranean cruise,
Middleboro - Board of Assessors
see also Taxation - Middleboro
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Selectmen fill vacancy, 02/07/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Organizes for upcoming year, 03/06/1936:7
Notice of requirement for true lists, 12/25/1936:6
Explanation of mileage figures for assessors (l), 05/14/1937:1
Notice to all persons subject to taxation, 12/24/1937:8
To get new calculating machine, 04/29/1938:3
Tax rate set at $35.40, 05/27/1938:1
Struggles along without proper tools (l) (The Spectator), 09/16/1938:3
Notice to all those subject to taxation, 12/23/1938:4
Gets new $2,000 accounting machine, 07/14/1939:1
Notice to homeowners, 12/22/1939:4
Middleboro - Board of Health
see also Diseases; Refuse and Refuse Disposal; Sewage Disposal
Annual report (t), 01/04/1935:6
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Protect your child from diphtheria (ad), 03/15/1935:6
Authorities speak to Tax Payers League, 10/04/1935:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Selectmen favor consolidation of sealer of weights with health officer's
position, 03/13/1936:1
Diphtheria is preventable (ad), 03/13/1936:5
Finance Committee discussed need for additional funds, 12/25/1936:1
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Requests equipment repair, 02/19/1937:5
Selectmen discuss quarantine regulations, 04/23/1937:1
Jeffry Hebert concludes work with Board of Health and snow plow,
Selectman calls for resignation of health officer Littlejohn, 02/18/1938:1
Callan replaces Littlejohn as health officer, 02/25/1938:1
Head John Callan initiates column on health affairs (l), 04/08/1938:4
Selectmen order investigation into finances, 05/06/1938:6
Recent milk handling regulations rescinded by selectmen, 06/10/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 06/10/1938:4
Spectator comments duties of department (l), 08/19/1938:2
Destroy that ragweed (l), 08/04/1939:4
Health agent and plumbing inspector switch offices, 09/15/1939:4
Selectmen request transfer from reserve fund, 09/29/1939:1
Requests more funds, 10/06/1939:1
Needs $1,000, 10/13/1939:1
Financial emergency declared, 10/20/1939:1
Selectmen discuss Pasztor's salary, 10/20/1939:1
Finance Committee approves transfer, 10/27/1939:1
Nurse Pasztor loses salary claim appeal, 10/27/1939:1
Asks selectmen for fund transfer, 12/08/1939:1
Aid to dependent children gets fund transfer, 12/15/1939:1
Finance Committee defers action on transfer, 12/15/1939:1
Reserve Fund down to $112 after transfers, 12/22/1939:1
State condemns town's method of pauper burial, 12/22/1939:3
Middleboro - Board of Old Age Assistance
Selectmen appoint review board, 11/13/1936:1
Mary Pawlak clerk at welfare office and old age assistance office,
Bureau writes to selectmen (l), 06/02/1939:1
The Spectator comments on expenditures (l), 06/16/1939:3
Requests $7,000 more from Finance Committee, 07/21/1939:1
Two-month-old request for funds ignored (l) (The Spectator),
Laura Whittemore resigns after seven years as Old Age visitor,
Selectmen not sure who appoints Visitor, 10/06/1939:1
Pearl Brown applies for position of Visitor, 10/20/1939:1
Special town meeting called to vote on appropriation, 11/03/1939:1
Mrs William Crossley appointed Old Age Visitor, 11/10/1939:1
Tax Payers League suggests transfer of funds, 11/10/1939:1
Finance Committee approves $4,000, 11/17/1939:1
Millette charges board is doing selectmen's dirty work, 11/17/1939:1
Town will lose $2,200 in federal funds if voters fail to act at special
town meeting, 11/17/1939:1
Voters pass special meeting warrant in 15 minutes flat, 12/01/1939:1
Middleboro - Board of Public Welfare
see also Employment; Poor Farm
Annual report (t), 01/25/1935:7
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Town manager's annual report, 02/08/1935:2
Chairman reports costs to selectmen, 02/15/1935:2
Officials speak at meeting of Taxpayers League, 08/09/1935:1
Files request for wheelchair, 08/09/1935:2
Request to retain counsel for case of taking property by deed,
Chairman Boynton explains need for additional funds, 10/18/1935:1
Needs overdraft to carry through till federal allotment arrives,
In need of warm clothing, 10/25/1935:1
Selectmen recommend borrowing $15,000 for relief, 10/25/1935:1
Relief appropriations slashed, 11/01/1935:1
Selectmen cut appropriations, 11/01/1935:1
Selectmen call special town meeting for needed relief funds,
Gratifying to see a few more voters at latest town meeting, 12/06/1935:1
Special town meeting approves transfer of $38,550, 12/06/1935:1
Toward what are we heading (l) (Margaret Y. Murray), 12/06/1935:6
Letter of appreciation to area charities (l), 12/27/1935:2
Annual report (t), 01/24/1936:11
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Those receiving support must justify car ownership, 02/14/1936:1
Selectmen discuss cases, 02/21/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Welfare recipients with cars questioned by selectmen, 03/06/1936:1
Selectmen question auto owners, 03/13/1936:1
The truth about the Welfare Department (l) (Laura Whittemore),
Seeks additional funds, special town meeting called (t), 10/09/1936:1
Special town meeting may be called, 10/09/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen discuss additional funds, 10/30/1936:1
Annual report (t), 01/22/1937:3
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Welfare slip has added digit, raising value, 03/12/1937:1
Welfare agent commended, 03/19/1937:1
Wheel chair needed, 03/26/1937:1
Selectmen discuss operations of department, 12/24/1937:1
Local welfare costs normal, 12/31/1937:1
Letter from State Department of Public Welfare (l), 12/31/1937:5
Annual report (t), 01/21/1938:3
William Boynton dismissed as welfare assistant, 02/25/1938:1
Elmer Allan appointed to head welfare department (p), 03/04/1938:1
Selectmen investigate mortgages in welfare cases, 03/04/1938:1
Further discussion on mortgages held by welfare recipients,
James O'Neil new welfare agent (p), 03/18/1938:1
Selectmen reconsider salary of welfare agent, 04/01/1938:3
Department shaping up, 05/06/1938:1
Takes people off rolls as operations improve, 05/13/1938:1
Makes report to selectmen, 05/20/1938:3
Mary Pawlak clerk at welfare office and old age assistance office,
Three new cases approved, two cases dropped, 06/24/1938:8
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/15/1938:2
Makes report to selectmen, 09/02/1938:8
Reports to selectmen, 09/16/1938:3
Weekly report to selectmen, 10/07/1938:2
Reports to selectmen, 12/02/1938:5
Selectman Giberti wants full accounting of medical supplies and
services, 01/13/1939:5
The Spectator discusses management of WPA funds (l), 02/24/1939:5
Selectmen recommend removal of James O'Neil, 05/05/1939:1
Town rates high in state report, 05/05/1939:1
Comments on recommendation to oust O'Neil (l) (The Spectator),
The Spectator comments on O'Neill resignation (l), 05/19/1939:3
O'Neil claims unfair tactics (l), 05/26/1939:1
Whittemore to be summoned regarding statements made about candidate
Millette, 05/26/1939:1
Selectmen discuss re-classification of recipients, 05/26/1939:2
The Spectator comments on situation with O'Neil (l), 05/26/1939:3
The Spectator comments on situation with Whittemmore (l),
Laura Whittemore will not answer summons by selectmen (l),
Shurtleff answers charges made by O'Neil (l), 06/02/1939:1
George McKay replaces James O'Neil as welfare agent, 06/09/1939:1
Understanding reached between Whittemore and Board of Selectmen,
The Spectator comments on replacement of O'Neil (l), 06/09/1939:3
The Spectator comments on salary issue (l), 06/09/1939:3
Surprised at appearance of Whittemore at selectmen's meeting (l) (The
Spectator), 06/09/1939:3
Open letter concerning O'Neil's allegations (l) (Ethel A. Cardini),
Welfare agent to receive $40 weekly, 07/07/1939:1
Expect changes in welfare administration, 07/14/1939:1
Finance Committee does not approve raise, 07/21/1939:1
New salary schedule (l) (t) (The Spectator), 07/21/1939:3
Selectmen receive letter from Finance Committee concerning salaries,
Realizes savings on fuel costs to welfare recipients, 08/04/1939:1
Seeks donation of radio for elderly man living alone, 09/15/1939:1
Begins construction of new cemetery on Wood St, 10/13/1939:1
Rolls drop, may not need extra funds, 10/13/1939:1
Bids asked for infirmary food, 10/20/1939:1
Takes responsibility for referrals for WPA work, 10/27/1939:1
Contract awarded for infirmary food, 11/03/1939:1
Selectmen to sign WPA agreement, 11/10/1939:1
Harding opposes agreement with WPA, 11/10/1939:2
Selectmen vote to revoke McMahon's appointment as special police
officer, 11/17/1939:1
Seeks radio for aged man who is ill, 12/01/1939:1
Aged man gets radio, infirmary gets machines and bed spring,
Middleboro - Board of Registrars of Voters
Registration schedule, 01/04/1935:8
Adds seven names to list, 01/11/1935:1
Total number of voters 4,196, 01/18/1935:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 04/12/1935:1
Registration schedule, 11/22/1935:1
Add 82 names to list, 12/13/1935:1
Michael Cronan resigns, 01/03/1936:1
Registration schedule, 01/03/1936:1, 01/03/1936:12
Adds 307 names to list, 01/10/1936:12
Selectmen officially name new registrar, 02/07/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Registration schedule, 03/06/1936:1, 03/13/1936:8
Adds 59 names to list, 04/10/1936:1
Registration schedule, 04/10/1936:8
Adds 10 new names to list, 05/01/1936:1
Adds ten new names to list, 07/24/1936:1
New registration dates announced, 07/31/1936:1
Registration dates (ad), 07/31/1936:12
Adds 43 names to list, 08/14/1936:1
Add 370 new names to list, 08/28/1936:1
Women lead men by one in new registrations, 08/28/1936:1
Registration schedule, 09/11/1936:2
Rolls increased by 72, 10/02/1936:1
Adds 75 names to list, 10/09/1936:1
New registrations total 190, 10/16/1936:1
Registration figures hit all time high, 10/30/1936:1
Registration schedule (ad), 12/04/1936:12
Only one new name added to list, 12/25/1936:1
Registration schedule, 01/01/1937:12
Adds three new names to list, 01/08/1937:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 04/23/1937:6
Registration schedule, 10/29/1937:1
Registration schedule (ad), 12/03/1937:12, 12/24/1937:11
One hundred names added to list, 01/07/1938:1
Breakdown of registration numbers (t), 01/14/1938:1
Organize for upcoming year, 04/08/1938:1
Registration schedule, 07/22/1938:1
Meets with selectmen to discuss polling places, 08/12/1938:6
Registration schedule, 08/12/1938:12
Adds 26 names to list, 08/19/1938:6
Registration schedule, 10/07/1938:1
Selectman appoint Adnah Harlow to board, 10/14/1938:1
Registration figures show increase (t), 10/21/1938:1
Selectmen wrangle over registrar, 10/21/1938:1
Registration schedule, 12/02/1938:6, 12/09/1938:12
Adds three names to list, 12/23/1938:4
Adds 13 names to list, 01/06/1939:1
Registration schedule, 04/14/1939:12, 12/01/1939:1
Middleboro - Board of Selectmen
New board convenes for first meeting, 01/25/1935:3
Two outstanding accounts from former treasurer/collector subject of
meeting, 03/08/1935:2
Lewis Harding charged with incompetency, petition to seek recall,
Petition in circulation to remove member of board, 08/16/1935:1
Harding recall petition not filed, 09/06/1935:1
Petition for ousting member improperly filed, 09/06/1935:1
To meet in different parts of town, 09/20/1935:1
Hold first suburban meeting in South Middleboro, 10/04/1935:1
Hold meeting in South Middleboro, 10/04/1935:1
Reorganize for year, Lewis Harding at head again, 01/24/1936:1
Business of all sessions should by public, 10/23/1936:1
Romeo Millette charges "the racket of the big four" (l), 11/27/1936:1
Middleboro gets trophy for best town report, 01/15/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Millette named chairman, 01/22/1937:1
Trophy for best town report (p), 01/22/1937:1
Millette resigns, Carver elected chair, 03/26/1937:1
Set up new headquarters in municipal building, 04/16/1937:1
Decide checking business too complicated, 04/30/1937:1
Use new headquarters for first time, 04/30/1937:1
Out of checking business, 04/30/1937:5
Beautiful reproduction of town seal adorns meeting room (i),
Reorganizes at first meeting following election, 01/21/1938:5
Open meetings may encourage showmanship, 01/28/1938:1
Outlines three point policy program to all departments, 01/28/1938:1
Congratulations to Giberti after stormy session, 03/18/1938:1
Rumors have no basis in fact (l) (Charles V. Giberti), 03/25/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/01/1938:8
Frederick Feas makes public apology for weed bouquet (l),
Fails to organize after first meeting (t), 01/20/1939:1
Elects Shurtleff as chair, 01/27/1939:1
The Spectator comments on composition of board (l), 01/27/1939:2
Chief Ryder first victim of purge (l) (The Spectator), 02/24/1939:1
Move to oust selectmen Shurtleff and Millette, charges laid out,
Recall petitions have more than required number of signatures,
Legality of actions discussed by The Spectator (l), 03/03/1939:2
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 03/03/1939:3
Answers to recall charges (l) (Romeo Millette), 03/03/1939:6
Open letter (l) (James F. Shurtleff), 03/03/1939:11
New recall papers to be filed, 03/10/1939:1
The Spectator discusses proceedings of recall (l), 03/10/1939:2
Pleads for spirit of brotherly love (l) (Luke F. Kelley), 03/10/1939:3
New recall affidavits filed, 03/17/1939:1
Recall petitions to be filed, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen set tentative date for recall election, 03/31/1939:1
Shurtleff - Millette recall (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/31/1939:4
Recall election set for April 25th, 04/07/1939:1
Stetson and Atkins accept nominations for unexpired term of selectman
(p), 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
Recall election and realism (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 04/07/1939:6
To the citizens of Middleboro (ad) (Horace K. Atkins and George Ward
Stetson), 04/14/1939:2
Confusion among citizens about removal proceedings (l) (The
Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Warrant for recall election, 04/14/1939:2
An appeal to vote at recall election (l) (Anne C. Wyman), 04/14/1939:3
Qualifications of Atkins and Stetson (l) (Carl G. Kendall), 04/14/1939:6
Hiram Archer opposes recall election (l), 04/14/1939:11
Charles Sherman supports Shurtleff and Millette (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Atkins and Stetson speak for themselves (l), 04/21/1939:1
Atkins and Stetson have spoken (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Hiram Archer deplores recall election (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Shurtleff persistent in efforts to defend himself and Millette (l) (The
Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Archery, a noble sport (l) (Theodore N. Wood), 04/21/1939:3
Millette and Shurtleff retained (t), 04/28/1939:1
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
No recall of ballots, candidates satisfied, 05/05/1939:1
Chambers for use of selectmen only, 09/15/1939:1
Would benefit community for chairman to have sole purpose to serve
community (l) (The Spectator), 12/08/1939:2
Middleboro - Finance Committee
Date set for election of committee, 04/03/1936:1
Subject of special election, 04/03/1936:1
Filing times announced, 04/10/1936:1
Five candidates in field so far, 04/17/1936:1
All voters go to polls (ad), 05/01/1936:7
Election draws small vote, 05/08/1936:1
Number of ballots cast a disappointment, 05/08/1936:1
Selectmen discuss duties of committee, 05/08/1936:1
Officers elected, make plans for budget, 05/22/1936:5
New ruling has committee in charge of all distributions, 07/31/1936:1
Paying more attention to small expenditures, 10/09/1936:1
Selectmen consider funds transfer, 10/16/1936:1
Approves several fund transfers, 10/23/1936:1
Makes first official appearance at special town meeting, 11/13/1936:1
Town meeting approves all transfers save salary item, 11/13/1936:1
Reason for disapproval of salary item (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Discusses health situation, funds transfers, and back wages,
Saves town money, 12/25/1936:1
Meets to discuss budget, 01/01/1937:1
Possibility of delay in budget presentation, 01/15/1937:1
Preparing annual budget, 01/29/1937:6
Budget ready for presentation, 02/05/1937:1
General report to annual town meeting (t), 02/05/1937:11
Why not a pay restoration?, 02/12/1937:1
Voters override Finance Committee on pay restoration and budget
recommendations, 02/19/1937:1
Explains small balance in WPA general fund (t), 09/17/1937:1
Approves transfers from reserve fund, 10/29/1937:1
Considers funds transfer, 11/26/1937:1
Approves two transfers, 12/10/1937:1
Selectmen transfer funds without committee approval, 12/17/1937:1
Discusses annual budget, 12/31/1937:1
Considers budget submissions, 01/07/1938:1
Cuts budget figures submitted by departments, 01/07/1938:1
Still examining departmental budget figures, 01/14/1938:1
Albert Thomas named to replace Charles Giberti, 01/28/1938:1
General report and recommendations (t), 02/11/1938:11
Votes transfer from reserve fund, 05/06/1938:1
Fails to act on transfers requested by selectmen, 11/11/1938:1
Okays transfer for four departments, 11/25/1938:1
A look back at recommendations made last February (l) (The Spectator),
What has become of our Finance Committee? (l) (The Spectator),
Tables requests for transfer, 12/30/1938:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 01/20/1939:1
The Spectator comments on first meeting of re-organized board (l),
Recommends special town meeting, 02/24/1939:1
Requests $32,00 be taken from E & D fund, would reduce taxes,
Requests funds transfer to relieve burden (l) (The Spectator),
Reports $27,068.32 in free cash, 04/14/1939:1
Selectmen stall on E & D fund decision (l) (The Spectator),
Recommends adherence to February budget, 05/05/1939:1
Tax Payers League in favor of transfer from E & D account,
Tax Payers league goes on record as approving transfer to E & D
account, 06/23/1939:2
Fund transfer requests seem reasonable (l) (The Spectator),
Does not favor reserve fund transfers, 11/10/1939:7
Reserve Fund down to $112, 12/22/1939:1
State auditors complete work here, 12/29/1939:1
Middleboro - Fire Department
see also Firemen's Relief Organization
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
14th annual report (t), 02/08/1935:6
Selectmen discuss budget, 02/15/1935:2
Provides aid to Freetown firefighters, 09/27/1935:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Chief repudiates charges against Engine 4, 06/05/1936:1
Bothered by second false alarm, 07/24/1936:1
Two false alarms from same alarm box, 07/24/1936:1
Receives letter of appreciation from State Farm (l), 08/28/1936:1
Firemen busy repairing toys, 12/11/1936:2
Firemen repair broken toys, 12/25/1936:1
Toy repair reflects spirit of the season, 12/25/1936:1
Performs cat rescue at Forest and Arch St, 01/15/1937:6
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Report of fire chief (t), 02/05/1937:3
Letter of appreciation (l) (Arabella Bourne, Charles A. Bourne),
Local department lends aid to Taunton and Plymouth, 05/07/1937:1
Chief Philbrook resigns; Fred Ryder promoted (p), 11/26/1937:1
Chief Ryder outlines policies, 12/03/1937:1
Chief Ryder recommends not all apparatus go to every fire call,
Takes first step in re-organization, 12/10/1937:1
Chief's suggestion for salvage unit commendable, 12/17/1937:1
Lends aid in East Taunton fire, 05/06/1938:8
Doors and sashes painted at central station, 06/17/1938:6
Max Berman purchases Knox Combination No. 1, 09/16/1938:3
Entire department on duty during and after storm, 09/23/1938:1
Selectmen rescind pay raises, 11/18/1938:1
Selectmen okay pay raises, 11/18/1938:3
Commended by Mr and Mrs Alden Wilbur (l), 12/09/1938:1
Refurbished ladder truck looks brand new, 12/23/1938:1
Seventh annual report includes recommendation for alarm extensions
(t), 01/27/1939:1
Chief called before Board of Selectmen, 02/24/1939:1
Chief Ryder first victim of purge (l) (The Spectator), 02/24/1939:1
Commended by Alberts Shoe Co., 02/24/1939:1
Charges against Chief made public, 03/03/1939:1
Legality of actions by selectmen discussed by The Spectator (l),
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 03/03/1939:3
Petition of support for Chief Ryder submitted to selectmen,
Selectmen change date of hearing, 03/10/1939:1
Fire Chief ouster moved dropped, 03/17/1939:1
No substance to campaign for removal of Ryder (l) (The Spectator),
Piggies and politics in Middleboro government (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Campaign against Chief a devious affair (l) (The Spectator),
Facts in case important to recall election (l) (The Spectator),
Was fire chief only the beginning? (l) (The Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Lend aid at Plymouth fire, 05/05/1939:1
Issues warning to motorists following fire apparatus, 05/26/1939:1
Selectmen postpone decision on pump replacement, 07/07/1939:1
Selectmen vote funds transfer from reserve for forest fire transportation,
Cabot Club appeals for damaged toys, firemen will repair, 11/24/1939:1
Firemen busy repairing toys, 12/15/1939:1
William Egger expresses appreciation to department (l), 12/15/1939:2
Charles Long expresses appreciation to Fire Department (l),
Middleboro - Fire Department (equipment)
Selectmen vote to replace Engine No. 1, 08/04/1939:12
Engine No. 1 has new pump, 08/11/1939:5
Finance Committee reports funds insufficient to pay for pump,
Ryder says log for Engine No. 1 available for Finance Committee (l)
(The Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
Middleboro - Fire Department (facilities)
Churchill's crew reroofs station, 04/07/1939:1
Middleboro - Fire Department (staff)
Jesse Hall driver, 07/31/1936:12
Walter Haskell, Jr. resumes duties, 08/07/1936:6
Joseph Boucher employed at fire station, 08/14/1936:12
Employs Walter Grant, 08/21/1936:12
Fred Ryder captain, 09/04/1936:12
Chester Keyes and E. Frank LeBaron receive awards for 50 years of
service, 04/09/1937:1
Howard Hopkins employed at central fire station, 08/20/1937:6
Middleboro - Health Department (see Middleboro - Board of Health)
Middleboro - Highway Department
see also Bridges; Snow Removal
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Annual report, 01/25/1935:7
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Selectmen discuss new truck, 03/22/1935:1
Oak St treated to retread, other streets to follow, 07/05/1935:11
Coats Peirce St with tarvia treatment, 07/26/1935:12
Portion of Wareham St receives tarvia treatment, 08/09/1935:1
Up to the task in recent storm, 01/24/1936:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Correction to previous article on budget, 02/28/1936:1
Selectmen discuss administering 1936 appropriations, 02/28/1936:2
Three employees discharged due to budget issues, 03/06/1936:1
Busy patching holes, removing excess sand, 04/03/1936:6
Selectmen discuss Jackson St repairs, 06/26/1936:1
Street treatment keeps department busy, 07/24/1936:1
Applies coat of oil to old Center St, 08/21/1936:12
Crew grades Clara St, 10/02/1936:1
Four arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Manager cites need for added appropriations (l), 01/29/1937:1
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Angel Chausse collides with town truck at Sachem and Thomas St,
Selectmen okay purchase of new truck, 04/16/1937:5
Installs walk at Town House, 05/21/1937:5
Wareham St oiled, 06/11/1937:1
Men at work on Marion Rd and Long Point Rd, 06/25/1937:1
Workers at on Fuller St and at Waterville School, 07/16/1937:1
Selectmen discuss local WPA projects, 08/06/1937:2
Selectmen discuss new federal projects, 08/20/1937:1
Working on surface of Summer St, 08/20/1937:1
East and Beach street projects probably stalled, 08/20/1937:7
Employs Rodney Vickery, 09/03/1937:11
Streets sanded and oiled, 09/10/1937:1
Wareham St under repair, 10/08/1937:5
Authorized to make improvements at Union St and Nickerson Ave
intersection, 11/19/1937:5
Requests bids for gasoline (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Commended for speedy attention to snowy roads, 12/31/1937:7
Does not deserve much credit for handling of recent storm,
Selectmen discuss possible highway program, 01/14/1938:8
Review of current projects, 06/10/1938:5
Brush along roadsides rather excessive, 06/17/1938:1
Warrentown section of Plymouth St re-surfaced, 07/29/1938:1
Gasoline fund allotment to go to highway repair, 09/02/1938:8
Overdrawn account will affect snow removal, 11/04/1938:1
Finance Committee okays transfer for four departments, 11/25/1938:1
Local sanding crews turn in nice bit of work, 12/02/1938:1
Work on Plympton St worthy of comment, 06/02/1939:1
Plympton St reconstruction complete (l) (The Spectator), 06/23/1939:3
Special town meeting to address highway financing and Bates School,
Selectmen transfer storm fund balance back to highway fund,
Finance Committee discusses fund shortfall, 08/18/1939:7
Peirce Trustees come to rescue, give $2,000 for wages, 08/25/1939:1
Voters provide additional appropriations at special town meeting,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Streets resurfaced, 09/22/1939:3
Spreads 3,270 gallons of tarvia on Thompson St, 11/10/1939:4
Middleboro - Light Board (see Middleboro Gas & Electric Plant)
Middleboro - Park Commission
Selectmen name five men to commission, 03/29/1935:2
Frank Crosier named playground superintendent, 06/21/1935:1
Crosier answers questions about playground (l), 06/28/1935:7
Crosier describes baseball program for youngsters, 07/12/1935:8
First in series of Newsagram (t), 07/19/1935:6
Selectmen vote $300 transfer for playground maintenance, 07/26/1935:1
John Cabot Club supports Millette in matter of special town meeting,
Opposition grows to transfer made by selectmen, 08/09/1935:1
Tax Payers League votes to support town meeting stand, 08/09/1935:1
Permission for town committee to run baseball game rescinded by
commission (l), 08/09/1935:6
Hiram Archer comments at length on action by selectmen (l),
Selectman explains stand on playground activities (l) (Romeo Millette),
Selectmen rescind vote on money transfer to Commission, 08/23/1935:1
Herbert Dunham replies to open letter concerning playground funds (l),
Defers decisions around use of playgrounds, 08/29/1935:1
Establish game fee, close pool, 09/06/1935:1
Allows Twilight League to play Sunday game, 09/27/1935:1
Sanctions Sunday football, 09/27/1935:1
Reserve fund transfers under investigation, 10/04/1935:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Ball diamond needs renovation, 05/01/1936:1
Selectmen re-name commission members, 05/08/1936:1
Plan swimming pool opening for latter part of June, 05/15/1936:1
Will of Adelia Richards provides for fund (p), 08/07/1936:1
Selectmen question right to grant permission to Twilight League,
Selectmen renamed for members, 04/30/1937:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 05/14/1937:1
Holds meeting concerning swimming pool, 06/25/1937:1
Selectmen name new members to Commission, 02/11/1938:1
Selectmen appoint board members, 02/11/1938:3
Organizes for upcoming year, 03/11/1938:1
Four members resign, 03/18/1938:1
James Kennedy fifth resignation, 03/25/1938:11
Selectmen name new commission, 04/01/1938:3
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/01/1938:8
Michael Barrett new chairman, 04/08/1938:1
Allots dates for three baseball leagues, 04/29/1938:6
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/06/1938:9
Discusses use of Twilight League equipment, 05/20/1938:1
Sets opening date for swimming pool, gives permission for WPA tent
show, 06/03/1938:6
Regulations for tennis courts, 06/17/1938:6
Grants field use for baseball games, 07/29/1938:1
Chairman Michael Barrett resigns, 12/30/1938:1
Organizes for 1939, 05/26/1939:1
Wadsworth Henry named fifth member, 05/26/1939:1
Makes excellent plans for sports at playground; outline tennis
regulations, 05/26/1939:4
Goes forward with suggestion of band concerts, 06/30/1939:1
Swimming pool and band concerts discussed, 06/30/1939:1
Fourth of July celebrants get opportunity to see good work here,
Hopes to have pool ready soon, 07/07/1939:1
Co-sponsors series of four band concerts, 07/14/1939:1
Finance Committee questions expenses, 10/06/1939:1
Middleboro - Planning Board
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Middleboro - Police Department
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Annual report (t), 01/18/1935:7
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Police radio demonstration (l) (Ellsworth Crowell), 03/01/1935:4
Aids in captures of Bridgewater thief, 04/12/1935:8
Police chief receives praise from State Farm, 05/24/1935:8
Selectmen, building committee, and Peirce Trustees hold meeting,
Warrant issued for special meeting, 10/18/1935:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 10/18/1935:6
Solve break-in cases in area, 12/27/1935:1
Requests cruiser car, 01/10/1936:1
Annual report (t), 01/10/1936:2
Nothing but praise for excellent work, 01/17/1936:1
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 01/17/1936:8
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Request for bids for new cruiser (ad), 03/20/1936:12
Decision of awarding cruiser appears to be a problem, 04/03/1936:1
Voters will need to be satisfied before voting more money, 04/03/1936:1
Selectmen need four ballots to decide cruiser issue, 04/10/1936:1
New cruiser should increase efficiency of department, 05/15/1936:1
Work on new station nears completion, 05/15/1936:1
Chief Sisson receives cruiser, 05/15/1936:12
On par with best in the country, 07/17/1936:1
Police cruiser stands in for emergency run from Pocksha Pond,
Work begins of regrading of grounds, 12/04/1936:8
Request for bids for old carpenter shop (ad), 12/11/1936:7
Alfred Gomes purchases old carpenter shop at rear of Peirce Memorial,
Annual report (t), 01/22/1937:3
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:11
Commended for recent action, 02/05/1937:1
Local authorities solve big cases, 03/12/1937:1
Shrubbery added to grounds, 06/04/1937:1
New walks and landscaping (p), 06/25/1937:6
Patrolman L. Walter Rice tenders resignation, 07/09/1937:1
W. Cedric Elliott named as new patrolman, 07/16/1937:1
Selectmen waste no time naming new patrolman, 07/23/1937:1
Chester Rice clerk at station, 07/30/1937:1
Ambulance rushes to Brockton, saves the day, 10/08/1937:1
Living up to past reputation, 11/12/1937:1
Commendable for quick action in shoplifting case, 12/24/1937:1
Annual report (t), 01/28/1938:2
Town no longer provides home phone for chief, 03/04/1938:1
Selectmen appoint special police officers, 03/04/1938:8
Boston resident praises officer (l), 08/26/1938:1
Lillian Barnard thanks local police for efforts in locating sister in Rhode
Island, 09/30/1938:1
Taxed to utmost straightening out matters after hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Does fine job during recent crime wave, 12/23/1938:1
Annual town census to be conducted by Police Department,
Annual report includes recommendation for more officers and new
cruiser (t), 01/20/1939:1
Praise for speedy work in solving break-ins, 05/05/1939:1
Rock Mfg. Co. night watchman Henry Holmquist named special police
officer, 05/05/1939:2
To have new patrol car (l) (The Spectator), 06/02/1939:3
Has new cruiser, 06/09/1939:1
New cruiser a real advantage to department, 06/16/1939:1
New cruiser put into service, 06/23/1939:1
New cruiser valuable in factory fire, 07/07/1939:1
Clarence Hayward appointed to special police, 07/21/1939:4
Local police provide escort for food truck, 09/08/1939:1
Wilfred Hill captured after jail break here, 10/13/1939:1
Wilfred Hill put on long probation after escape, 10/20/1939:1
Selectman Millette wants chief to discuss signal lights, 11/10/1939:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen vote to revoke McMahon's appointment as special police
officer, 11/17/1939:1
Purpose of investigation by selectmen no stated (l) (The Spectator),
Middleboro - Police Department (facilities)
Selectmen discuss question of new quarters, 02/15/1935:2
Plans for new police station (p), 03/29/1935:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 03/29/1935:8
Matter of police and court quarters settled at special town meeting,
Voters agree on building plan, 04/12/1935:1
Architect Hal Sumner draws up plans, 04/19/1935:1
Building committee hires architect Hal Sumner, 05/17/1935:1
Building committee accepts plans for new police station and court
house, 07/12/1935:1
Time running out to obtain federal money for building, 08/02/1935:1
New federal relief legislation necessitates meeting on police station,
Town Meeting need for reconsideration of P.H. Peirce building
renovations, 08/16/1935:1
Building committee makes request for special town meeting,
Special town meeting to address only police quarters and court house,
Handful of voters approve police station and court house amendment,
New station to become a reality, 09/06/1935:1
Building committee sends project to Washington, 09/13/1935:1
Federal allocation $20,700, 10/04/1935:1
Federal grant for renovation of old Peirce store, 10/04/1935:1
Final stamp put on project, 11/01/1935:1
Voters approve project by narrow margin, 11/01/1935:2
Dorchester firm awarded construction contract, 12/20/1935:1
Renovation project begins, 12/27/1935:1
View of P.H. Peirce Co. store before renovation (p), 12/27/1935:1
Work estimated to be complete in six months, 12/27/1935:1
Work progresses on new building, 01/10/1936:1
Work ahead of schedule, 01/31/1936:1
Sub-contracts awarded in building project, 02/14/1936:1
Cement floor work complete, 02/28/1936:1
Extra money for work is subject of special town meeting, 03/27/1936:1
Need additional $6,500 for police station, 03/27/1936:1
Election to decide extra funding for police station, 04/03/1936:1
Four ballots needed for police car, Maxim Motor Co. gets bid,
Voters approve $6,500 loan for station, 04/10/1936:1
Occupies new headquarters, 09/04/1936:1
Taunton man first to occupy new cell, 09/04/1936:1
New station set to open (p), 09/18/1936:1
Contractors from all over NE help built facility (ad) (p), 09/18/1936:2
Selectmen to named new janitor, 09/25/1936:1
John A. Washburn new janitor, 10/16/1936:1
Over 500 attend dedication of Peirce Memorial (p), 10/30/1936:1
Middleboro - Police Department (staff)
Charles Rogers sergeant with local police, 07/12/1935:1
Walter Rice police officer, 08/16/1935:1
Alton Rogers local patrolman, 09/06/1935:6
Charles Rogers sergeant, 08/07/1936:6
L. Walter Rice night office, 08/28/1936:1
Cedric Elliott member of local force, 07/22/1938:1
Middleboro - School Committee
see also Schools - Middleboro
Alger appointed head, 01/25/1935:1
Holds closed session with selectmen, 02/01/1935:1
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Re-elects teachers, accepts one resignation, 05/08/1936:1
Organizes for upcoming year, 02/05/1937:1
Upholds pay restoration, cuts other items $1290, 03/05/1937:1
Makes appointments of nontenured teachers, 05/07/1937:1
Superintendent of schools Cushing makes annual report (l),
Annual report, 02/03/1939:1
The Spectator comments on athletics portion of annual report (l),
Votes to temporarily close Purchade School, 04/14/1939:1
Middleboro - Street Department (see Middleboro - Highway Department)
Middleboro - Water Department
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Review of warrant for town meeting, 01/18/1935:1
Annual report (t), 01/18/1935:7
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Selectmen discuss bill collection, 03/01/1935:3
Drinking fountain funds transferred Maria Peirce Fund to Water
Department, 03/29/1935:1
Selectmen issue shut-off order for delinquent payers, 03/29/1935:2
Selectmen's shut-off order results in bill paying spike, 04/12/1935:1
Selectmen discuss water main extensions, 12/13/1935:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Supply line to St. Mary's cemetery needs replacement, 04/24/1936:5
Selectmen discuss extension at Fall Brook, 06/26/1936:1
Selectmen approve purchase of new truck, 12/25/1936:1
Annual report, 01/29/1937:11
PWA projects at pumping station go forward, 02/12/1937:2
Selectmen discuss extension on South Main St, 03/12/1937:7
Martenson gets estimates for main extensions on South Main St,
Town gets $9,000 grant from PWA, 08/27/1937:1
Town receives 45% grant for two local projects, 08/27/1937:1
Government grants accepted, 10/08/1937:1
Voters address articles on construction at pumping station, 10/15/1937:1
Pumping station bid awarded, 11/12/1937:1
Trust Co. successful bidder for bond issue floated by selectmen,
Selectmen discuss contract for improvements, 11/26/1937:1
Martenson requests extension on South Main St, 12/10/1937:8
Martenson requests extension on mains on South Main St, 03/11/1938:8
Selectmen discuss pumping station filter beds, 04/29/1938:3
Martenson petitions for water mains on South Main St, 09/30/1938:2
Extensions discussed at town meeting, 10/28/1938:5
Extension of service to Rock (l) (The Spectator), 10/28/1938:11
Selectmen address requests for service extension, 11/04/1938:8
Town manager Peterson makes study of proposed extension (l) (The
Spectator), 11/11/1938:5
Special town meeting called to address Rock water extension and tax
rate, 11/25/1938:1
Voters to be summoned again (l) (The Spectator), 11/25/1938:1
Rock residents appeal to voters (l), 12/02/1938:1
Selectmen fail to recommend extension, 12/02/1938:1
The Spectator comments on rejection of extension project (l),
Extension to Rock killed by four votes, 12/16/1938:1
What has become of our Finance Committee? (l) (The Spectator),
Selectmen to name committee to study extensions, 12/23/1938:1
The Spectator comments on developments in extension demands (l),
Selectmen appoint committee of engineers to investigate extensions,
Selectmen receive petition for Center St extension, 01/13/1939:1
Ivan Shaw named water meter inspector, 02/03/1939:1
Annual report (t), 02/03/1939:3
Matter of water for Rock revived at selectmen's meeting, 05/12/1939:2
Manager Peterson makes recommendations for improvements (l) (The
Spectator), 05/26/1939:3
Prevention of stand pipe collapse addressed by Town Manager (l) (The
Spectator), 05/26/1939:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Detailed information needed before voting on Rock extension (l) (The
Spectator), 06/02/1939:3
Selectmen discuss right-of-way to electric light station, 06/09/1939:2
The Spectator comments on cost of proposed Rock extension (l),
Water main plug on Summer St blows, 150,000 gallons lost,
Rock Mfg. employees blame voters on destruction of factory due to lack
of water, 07/07/1939:1
New coke going into water filter, 07/07/1939:2
The Spectator comments on fire at Rock Mfg. (l), 07/07/1939:3
Gamache petitions for service to Wood St, 07/21/1939:4
Engineer Sampson denies shortage of supply, 08/25/1939:1
Selectmen approve WPA project to survey underground structures,
The Spectator comments on underground survey (l), 10/06/1939:2
Seventeen Everett St residents request water service, 11/10/1939:2
Voters pass special meeting warrant in 15 minutes flat, 12/01/1939:1
Middleboro Amusement Co.
Applies for license for Key Theatre, 04/08/1938:11
Middleboro Athletic Association
Organization set with new by-laws, 01/08/1937:6
One of 45 organizations invited to 6th annual MA State semi-pro
basketball tournament, 01/22/1937:1
And Twilight League get permission to use ball park, 04/16/1937:1
Baseball teams boasts many stars, 05/14/1937:6
Hats off to manager Draghetti and team, 05/21/1937:1
Presents sensational radio-stage show, We're on the Air, 02/04/1938:1
Elects officers for coming year, 03/11/1938:1
First licensed boxing and wrestling show takes place here, 04/01/1938:6
Creates athletic scholarship for high school student, 04/08/1938:6
Sponsors baseball team in Old Colony League, 04/29/1938:6
Park Commission grants field use for baseball games, 07/29/1938:1
Baseball team loses to Colored Giants of Boston, 08/12/1938:6
Middleboro Band
George Warren outlines history of organization, 11/22/1935:2
Middleboro Beverage Employees
Holds first meeting, 09/04/1936:5
Middleboro Bird Club
Tabulation of birds seen by members in 1936, 01/22/1937:8
Conducts second annual all day outing, 08/27/1937:2
Third annual trip to West Barnstable, 09/09/1938:2
List of birds seen in 1938, 01/06/1939:5
Sees mockingbird in Sandwich, 03/31/1939:4
List of sightings made on trip to New Bedford, 04/28/1939:8
Sights 40 species on walk in Rock, 05/12/1939:4
Sight 41 species on walk at the lakes, 05/26/1939:8
Middleboro Bowlerway
Formerly Murphy's Bowling Alley (ad), 10/14/1938:6
Middleboro Boys' Club
New football club includes many former high school players,
Middleboro Casket Co.
59 Pearl St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Middleboro Chamber of Commerce
Lobl visits Philadelphia looking for new manufacturing businesses for
town, 03/01/1935:1
Lobl has prospect for new hat manufacturer, 03/08/1935:1
Lobl reports on trip to Philadelphia, 03/15/1935:1
Moves forward cautiously, 03/15/1935:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/12/1935:1
Elects officers, 04/19/1935:2
Mass meeting yields $8,000 for opening of Leonard & Barrows,
Expression of gratitude to people of Middleboro (l), 08/16/1935:1
Local film stars in production of Movie Queen, 01/17/1936:1
Harding re-elected president at annual meeting, 04/17/1936:1
Elects officers and committees (p), 07/03/1936:1
Announces program similar to Citizens Course, 10/02/1936:1
Frederick Lobl honored with life membership, 02/05/1937:1
Frederick Lobl recognized for work in town and club affairs (p),
Frederick Lobl appreciates membership (l), 02/12/1937:5
Publishes book Know Your Town, 03/19/1937:1
Book of facts goes to press, 03/26/1937:2
List of advertisers in Know Your Town, 04/02/1937:2
Considers local business exposition, 05/07/1937:1
Names committee to plan exposition, 05/07/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/15/1938:1
Calls attention to legislation regarding "closing out sales" (l),
Holds testimonial dinner for Harry Goodale, 11/18/1938:1
Donald DeVinny new president, 04/14/1939:1
Announces more Wednesday afternoon store closings, 07/07/1939:1
Co-sponsors series of four band concerts, 07/14/1939:1
Gathers data on effect of railroad loss, 07/28/1939:1
Circulates rail service petition, 08/04/1939:1
Appreciates spirit of cooperation (l), 08/11/1939:1
DeVinny urges quick reply on rail service data, 08/18/1939:1
Middleboro Church Basketball League
Opens play here, 01/07/1938:6
Middleboro Civic Council
Elects officers, discusses by-laws, 05/10/1935:6
Middleboro Clothing Co.
F.D. Martin manager (ad), 01/04/1935:5
History and profile of Middleboro business, 03/29/1935:1
Employs John Martin, 08/16/1935:1
Middleboro Community Skating Club
Large group organizes new club, 12/04/1936:1
Membership at well over 400, 12/11/1936:1
Has more than 500 members, solicits more, 12/18/1936:1
Construction of club house on East Main St complete, 01/01/1937:6
Building complete and furnished, 01/29/1937:1
Financial report (t), 02/05/1937:6
Holds annual meeting, 10/22/1937:6
Publish financial statement (t), 10/29/1937:2
Extends skating area on East Main St, 11/26/1937:6
Workers accomplish much at East Main St rink, 12/03/1937:6
Facilities at East Middleboro described, 12/17/1937:6
Public urged to join, 01/07/1938:6
Rink awaits wintry blast, 01/07/1938:6
First action of season at rink brings out crowd, 01/14/1938:6
Hundreds enjoy rink, 01/14/1938:8
Entry money needed for upkeep, 01/21/1938:6
Speed skaters make wager, 02/11/1938:6
Elects officers, 10/28/1938:6
Holds Tag Day to fund arena and club house, 11/18/1938:1
Continues undaunted to work in interest of sport, 12/02/1938:1
Plan to proceed despite low returns at Tag Day, 12/02/1938:6
East Main St rink busy, 12/30/1938:6
License required to serve food, 01/13/1939:11
Doing excellent job, 01/27/1939:1
Raises $65.22 at tag day, 11/24/1939:10
Plans new hockey rink, 12/22/1939:9
Middleboro Co-operative Bank (see Middleborough Co-operative Bank)
Middleboro Credit Bureau
Percy Churbuck manager of new credit bureau here, 02/11/1938:1
Middleboro Credit Union
Notice of intent to form, 12/13/1935:7
Middleboro District Beverage Dealers
Facts and figures for citizens to consider (ad), 10/30/1936:11
Thanks voters (l), 11/06/1936:1
To meet with selectmen in wake of wet vote, 11/20/1936:1
To voters and taxpayers of Middleboro (ad), 11/04/1938:11
Middleboro District Nursing Association
January statistics, 02/08/1935:4
February statistics, 03/08/1935:7
Explanation of need for support, 03/22/1935:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/03/1935:6
April report, 05/10/1935:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
May report, 06/07/1935:8
June report, 07/12/1935:2
September report, 09/20/1935:5, 10/11/1935:2
October report, 11/08/1935:2
November report, 12/06/1935:5
December report, 01/10/1936:8
January report, 02/07/1936:2
March report, 03/06/1936:2
April report, 04/10/1936:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/01/1936:2
April report, 05/08/1936:5
May report, 06/05/1936:2
June report, 07/03/1936:7
July report, 08/07/1936:2
August report, 09/18/1936:5
September report, 10/09/1936:2
October report, 11/06/1936:2
December report, 01/08/1937:2
January report, 02/05/1937:11
February report, 03/05/1937:6
Please be generous (l), 04/09/1937:1
March report, 04/09/1937:8
April report, 04/30/1937:2, 05/07/1937:2
May report, 06/11/1937:2
June and July reports, 08/20/1937:5
September report, 10/08/1937:5
October report, 11/05/1937:2
November report, 12/10/1937:2
January report, 01/14/1938:2, 02/11/1938:5
February report, 03/11/1938:2
March report, 04/08/1938:4
Welcome donations (l), 04/15/1938:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/29/1938:11
April report, 06/10/1938:5
August report, 09/16/1938:8
September report, 10/07/1938:11
October report, 11/11/1938:2
November report, 12/09/1938:8
December report, 01/06/1939:6
January report, 02/10/1939:7
February report, 03/10/1939:5
Starts annual fund drive, March report, 04/07/1939:6
Holds annual meeting, 04/28/1939:7
April report, 05/05/1939:7
May report, 06/09/1939:10
August report, 09/22/1939:7
September report, 10/06/1939:4
October report, 11/10/1939:6
November report, 12/08/1939:10
Middleboro Driving Club
Gala day of horseracing at Camp Joe Hooker (ad), 07/10/1936:6
Pays second highest daily double at first day at new track, 07/24/1936:1
Racing results from inaugural weekend (t), 07/24/1936:2
Middleboro Economy League
Holds business meeting, 06/07/1935:2
Middleboro Ethnological Society
Elects officers, 11/03/1939:7
Middleboro Fish and Game Protective Association
Holds annual meeting, 03/08/1935:2
Pioneer organization in bird field trial game, 08/23/1935:1
Held first field trials in Massachusetts in 1892, 08/29/1935:2
Twelfth annual field trials a big success, 09/06/1935:1
Holds annual meeting, 12/20/1935:1
Pioneer in bird dog field trials, 09/04/1936:1
Holds 13th annual bird dog field trials, 09/11/1936:2
Float takes first prize in Armistice Day parade (p), 11/13/1936:1
Over 1,000 attend field trials, 09/10/1937:1
Crowned champs of Twilight League (p), 10/01/1937:1
Bird dog trials attract crowds, 09/09/1938:1
Holds successful Old Timers Night, 04/07/1939:1
Results of holiday weekend field trials, 09/08/1939:4
Middleboro Fruit Co.
Break-in reported, 03/22/1935:1
240 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Break-in reported at Center St store, 05/06/1938:2
Middleboro Garden Club
Plant sale (ad), 05/24/1935:8
Holds annual day in the country, 07/19/1935:2
Holds annual outdoor meeting, 08/02/1935:5
Sponsors spectacular flower show, 09/06/1935:1
Congratulations in order for wonderful show, 09/13/1935:1
Thanks all participates in show, 09/13/1935:5
Holds annual meeting, 10/04/1935:5
Cabot Club and Garden Club join forces to beautify grounds of Town
House, 03/27/1936:2
Presents unusual flower show, 09/04/1936:1
Thanks participants in recent show, 09/11/1936:2
Represented at Boston Flower Show, 03/19/1937:6
Lecture gets good response, 04/09/1937:1
Wins prize at county show, 06/18/1937:1
And Cabot Club on campaign to eradicate hay fever weeds,
Makes appeal for help with rag weed eradication, 07/09/1937:1
Holds third annual Flower Show, 09/03/1937:8
Third annual show excellent, 09/10/1937:1
Pledges landscaping and planting to St. Luke's, 02/18/1938:11
Robert DeVinny gives informal talk at meeting, 04/08/1938:1
Inaugurates annual ragweed campaign, 08/19/1938:8
Program of activities, 09/02/1938:11
Holds inaugural Spring Flower Show, 06/09/1939:1
Receives awards for exhibits at Taunton Flower show, 07/07/1939:5
Awarded honorable mention at Rochester Flower show, 07/21/1939:1
Asks co-operation in eradicating ragweed, 07/21/1939:3
Middleboro Gas & Electric Plant
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Rate cut suggested, 03/15/1935:1
To erect power line to railroad station, 03/22/1935:1
Progress made in collection of delinquent bills, 04/19/1935:1
Philbrook outlines history and functioning of business, 11/15/1935:1
Gratifying to see a few more voters at latest town meeting, 12/06/1935:1
Special town meeting approves transfer of $38,550, 12/06/1935:1
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Water seepage causes power outage in business district, 02/21/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
More than 500 miles of lines in Middleboro, 02/28/1936:1
Permanent repairs made to affected cables, 02/28/1936:1
Selectmen approve rate decrease, 03/13/1936:1
Selectmen vote electric light decrease, 03/13/1936:1
Selectmen discuss extensions of gas service, 03/13/1936:2
New electric rates (ad) (t), 03/13/1936:12
Failure to plow at onset of recent storm is cause of electrical problems,
Edward Wallace gets 30 days for unlawful use of electricity,
Moderator appoints committee to study extensions, 05/15/1936:1
Hope Alden on clerical staff, 07/24/1936:12
Renews contract to supply Taunton, 07/31/1936:1
Outlines plans for new quarters, 10/09/1936:2
Selectmen vote on rate decrease, 10/16/1936:1
Selectmen approve right-of-way on Wareham St, 10/16/1936:2
New quarters discussed by selectmen, 10/23/1936:1
Commercial power rates announced (ad) (t), 10/23/1936:12
Committee delivers electrification report, 11/13/1936:2
To have new quarters, 11/20/1936:1
To locate in new quarters at Town House, 11/20/1936:1
New poles to go up on Marion Rd and Purchase, Wall, and Precinct
streets, 11/27/1936:1
Offices at town house in process of remodel, 12/11/1936:1
All town employee accounts follow same rules as everyone else,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Investigating possibility providing power in big way, 05/21/1937:1
Selectmen takes steps into field of manufacturing electricity,
Selectmen discuss gas contracts, 05/28/1937:5
New rate structure approved by selectmen, 07/16/1937:1
Rate changes outlined (ad), 07/16/1937:12
Two conduit lines under construction by WPA, 07/23/1937:1
John Gagnon objects to hiring practices, 10/08/1937:8
Selectmen discuss hiring practices, 10/15/1937:1
Selectmen okay request for bids for new truck, 11/12/1937:1
Gagnon appears again to protest hiring practices, 11/19/1937:1
Notice to truck dealers (ad), 11/19/1937:6
Lucey Shoe Co. files complaint against gas and electric department,
Selectmen transfer funds without Finance Committee approval,
Selectmen vote to extend gas line to Rotary Mill, 03/11/1938:1
Extensions on East and Beech St okayed, 03/11/1938:8
Selectmen reject petition for service on Fuller St, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen reverse stand on delinquent bills, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen vote to extend mains for Rotary Mill, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen reconsider electric service on Fuller St, 04/08/1938:11
Selectmen vote pay raises at light plant, 04/15/1938:1
Selectmen vote to extend main on West Grove St, 04/29/1938:3
Posts rules and regulations, 05/13/1938:11
Electrification at Woods pond uncertain, 06/10/1938:8
Light extension approved for Long Pond, 06/10/1938:8
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/01/1938:2
Selectmen field questions on service for East and Beech St,
Manager Philbrook unable to estimate storm damages, 09/23/1938:1
Financially responsible department, 09/30/1938:1
Service should be restored shortly, 09/30/1938:6
George Philbrook suffers burns in testing accident, 12/09/1938:1
Annual report, hurricane costs department $5,000 (t), 01/27/1939:11
Joseph Brown guilty of taking electricity from town, 03/10/1939:4
Selectmen discuss new car for manager, 05/19/1939:6
Selectmen vote to provide new truck (t), 05/26/1939:1
The Spectator comments on truck purchase (l), 05/26/1939:3
Superintendent gets new truck (l) (The Spectator), 06/02/1939:3
Loon Pond residents petition for electric service, 06/09/1939:2
Selectmen discuss right-of-way to pumping station, 06/09/1939:2
Seeks new electric rate schedule, 06/23/1939:1
Selectmen vote on Loon Pond extension, 06/23/1939:1
The Spectator comments on proposed rate change (l), 06/23/1939:3
Gets new $2,000 accounting machine, 07/14/1939:1
Expensive new equipment not being used (l) (The Spectator),
Fred Pratt of Fred's Lunch goes before selectmen concerning electric
bill, 08/18/1939:6
Called to Oak when huge limb takes out wires, 09/01/1939:1
Electric rates reduced (t), 09/08/1939:1
Employs Patrick McMahon, 09/08/1939:8
Selectmen approve WPA project to survey underground structures,
Commercial rates (ad) (t), 09/29/1939:10
Superintendent proposes new equipment to increase efficiency,
The Spectator comments on underground survey (l), 10/06/1939:2
Selectmen vote electricity for France St, 10/13/1939:1
Town counselor tells selectmen only voters can extend electric lines,
What is authority of selectmen over light board?, 11/17/1939:1
Voters pass special meeting warrant in 15 minutes flat, 12/01/1939:1
Melix and Libby held for grand jury in larceny from power station,
Selectmen vote for Miller St extension, 12/22/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette
Adds new features, 06/07/1935:1
Statement of ownership, 10/11/1935:11, 10/02/1936:7
New feature covers State House News, 12/18/1936:1
Arthur Woodman staff correspondent, 12/25/1936:1
And Middleboro Theatre form Flash Gordon News Club for kids,
Adopts new typeface to reduce eye strain, 04/09/1937:1
Congratulated on entry into American Press Half Century Club,
Runs contest with large cash prizes, 06/18/1937:5
Statement of ownership, 10/15/1937:8
Dorothy Peterson employed in office, 07/22/1938:1
Statement of ownership, 10/14/1938:8
Elks' charity fund donates $100 to Christmas Basket Fund, 11/25/1938:1
States policy on politics as election day approaches, 01/06/1939:1
Editor states policies of Gazette (l) (Lorenzo Wood), 01/20/1939:1
First to break story on North Carver break-in, 10/20/1939:1
Makes numerous changes to layout of paper (l) (The Spectator),
Elks and Gazette sponsor gift baskets fund for needy, 12/01/1939:1
Christmas shopping edition, 12/08/1939:1
Former Superintendent Bates makes appeal for contributions,
Basket fund total $241 (t), 12/15/1939:1
Participates in Finland Relief Fund effort, 12/15/1939:1
Donations for Finnish Relief total $55.85 (t), 12/22/1939:1
Last call for Basket Fund (t), 12/22/1939:1
Basket Fund at $359.71 (t), 12/29/1939:1
Finnish Relief Fund totals $75.85 (t), 12/29/1939:1
Middleboro General Welfare Club
No. 1 club meets with Frederick Sowle presiding, 07/23/1937:2
Middleboro Good Will Club
Notice of change of corporation name from Middleborough Relief
Association, 06/30/1939:5
Middleboro Hare and Rabbit Club
New organization forms, 10/13/1939:4
Middleboro High School (see Middleborough Memorial High School)
Middleboro High School Alumni Association (see Middleborough
Memorial High School Alumni Association)
Middleboro Historical Society (see The Old Middleborough Historical
Middleboro Jewish Women's Club
Proceeds of affair go to refugee work, 02/10/1939:1
Middleboro Journal
Hires Robert Hartling, 10/20/1939:3
Middleboro Laundry
We wash while you wait (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Employs Kenneth Fish, 10/09/1936:1
Middleboro Male Singing Society
Society reorganizes, brief history, 03/01/1935:4
Entertains at annual Cabot Club Guest Night, 01/24/1936:1
Middleboro Manufacturing Co.
New concern organizes here, 08/27/1937:1
Priscilla extracts and other food products, 1 Spencer St (ad),
Middleboro Melody Boys
Young musicians form orchestra (p), 04/17/1936:5
Middleboro Motor Sales
Ford dealer (ad), 01/04/1935:2
Awarded bid for WPA truck, 12/20/1935:1
New sign for aviators to be painted on roof, 10/09/1936:1
Employs Fred A. Thomas, 10/09/1936:7
Hires Everett Harlowe in sales department, 11/13/1936:12
Small pickup stolen, found in Bridgewater, 12/15/1939:6
Middleboro Nash Co.
LaFayette, $711 and up (ad), 02/08/1935:8
Middleboro Pharmacy
Sparkling new and largest drug store in Middleboro (ad), 10/21/1938:2
New pharmacy opens at 60 Center St, 10/28/1938:1
Middleboro Players
Mrs Frank Crosier and Mrs Carlton Guild organize theater group,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Middleboro Police Relief Association
Holds annual concert and dance, 11/08/1935:6
Holds 4th annual dance, 12/09/1938:5
Profits $250 from 5th annual dance, 12/01/1939:1
Middleboro Rifle Club
Starts season with a win (t), 10/25/1935:12
Middleboro Savings Bank (see Middleborough Savings Bank)
Middleboro Skating Club (see Middleboro Community Skating Club)
Middleboro Softball League
Schedule announced (t), 05/19/1939:4
Middleboro Tailor and Cleaner
250 Center and Oak St (ad), 04/21/1939:10
Middleboro Taxpayers League (see Tax Payers League)
Middleboro Teachers' Association
Favors 25% pay restoration, 02/08/1935:1
Teachers hold pay restoration forum, 02/08/1935:1
Teachers meet with selectmen, 02/08/1935:1
Holds annual Guest Night, 03/15/1935:1, 01/17/1936:1
Adopts resolutions protesting misuse of office for endorsement,
Presents three act comedy Big Hearted Herbert, 03/20/1936:1
Holds annual Guest Night, 01/15/1937:8
Presents annual play Lady of Letters, 04/09/1937:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/14/1937:2
Large audience enjoys annual production, Mrs Bumpstead-Leigh,
Wirt Phillips tendered testimonial dinner by Teachers' Association,
Presents annual play The Cuckoo's Nest, 11/25/1938:11
Presents Outlook Unsettled, 11/24/1939:8
Middleboro Theatre
Matinees and evenings (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Completes installation of air conditioning, 07/12/1935:1
Arctic Nu-Air (ad), 07/12/1935:2
Announces new price policy, 01/08/1937:11
Bargain matinees Tuesday and Thursday (ad), 01/08/1937:12
And Gazette form Flash Gordon News Club for kids, 03/05/1937:1
Manager books extra attractions for 20th anniversary, 04/16/1937:6
Manager Wenner prepares for 20th anniversary of theatre (p),
Congratulations on 20 years in business (ad), 04/23/1937:3
New daylight savings time schedule, 04/30/1937:1
Young ladies wanted to canvas beaches (ad), 07/23/1937:12
Bank Night gets great response, 07/30/1937:1
To announce election results from stage, 01/14/1938:1
Is a union theatre (ad), 01/14/1938:7
Reduces prices (ad), 01/28/1938:12
Workingmen and women patronize Middleboro Theatre (ad),
Bargain prices for matinees (ad), 04/29/1938:5
Open letter to townsfolk from Moving Picture Operators Union (l),
District Attorney issues order to halt "Bank Night" at theatres,
In cooperation with District Attorney and local police, Bank Night
discontinued (ad), 12/02/1938:12
About 600 youngsters attend Elks benefit showing at Middleboro
Theatre, 12/30/1938:1
Improvements to increase entertainment value, 04/14/1939:1
New series of advertisements, 06/16/1939:2
Closed for a week for complete renovation, 06/16/1939:8
Closes for complete renovation, 06/30/1939:1
Will have 500 seats on street floor when renovations complete (ad),
Workmen on schedule, to re-open Sunday, 07/07/1939:4
Offers free checking service, 08/04/1939:9
To have lounging room, 09/01/1939:1
To show war news on screen, 09/29/1939:3
Selectmen to address request for neon sign, 10/27/1939:1
Permission for neon sign denied, 11/10/1939:7
Submits another application for neon sign, 11/17/1939:1
Theatre sign still bothers selectmen, 11/24/1939:1
Middleboro Theatre - Employees
Robert Wenner new manager, 10/23/1936:1
Fred Cushman operator, 05/14/1937:1
Operator Frederick Cushman returns to work, 05/28/1937:1
Manager Frank Harrington returns, 12/17/1937:1
Mildred Keough cashier, 02/11/1938:7
Robert Wenner resigns, 07/22/1938:12
Wayne Crankshaw new manager, 02/24/1939:1
Employs Walter Soule, 07/07/1939:4
Trains employees in salesmanship, 09/15/1939:6
Middleboro Tool and Machine Co.
General repairs on metal and wood (ad), 10/08/1937:12
22 West St, open 8 to 5 (ad), 02/04/1938:12
Middleboro Townsend Club
Fills Town House to capacity, 03/15/1935:4
To pay regular price to use Town House, 03/22/1935:1
Would free the slaves (l), 04/19/1935:6
Questions issue about plan (l), 04/26/1935:7
Is it crazy? (l), 05/10/1935:6
Explanation of Townsend Plan (l), 06/14/1935:11
Townsend Plan a childish fantasy (l) (Albert Deane), 06/14/1935:11
Report of meeting includes financial statement (t), 06/28/1935:11
Anent the Townsend Club (l) (B.E. Anderson), 07/05/1935:5
Hold grand outing on 4th of July, 07/12/1935:11
Women's Relief Corps presents flag to Townsend Club, 08/02/1935:5
Vitality of Townsend Plan, 08/23/1935:11
Purpose of organization, 08/29/1935:8
Last in series of installments, 09/06/1935:11
Advertisements from enrolled business members; organization goals
outlined (ad), 10/04/1935:10, 10/04/1935:11
Count with me the antis of the Townsend Plan (ad) (Carl G. Kendall),
Edgar Morton responds to Kendall's letter on Townsend Plan (l),
A plea for thoughtfulness (l) (Rebecca Seaver), 10/18/1935:7
Burnette Anderson clears up misunderstandings about Townsend Plan
(l), 02/07/1936:5
Holds second annual field day, 07/10/1936:5
Harmony Club No. 2 forms, 08/14/1936:5
History of Harmony Club here, 02/12/1937:8
History continued from last week, 02/19/1937:5
Club No. 1 to test old age pension plan, 03/05/1937:1
Club No. 3 condemns $200 spending experiment (l), 03/12/1937:1
Rapid progress on Club No. 1 pension plan, 03/12/1937:1
Harmony Club No. 2 granted charter, 03/12/1937:8
Answers McNeece letter (l), 03/19/1937:1
Herbert Dunham defends McNeece stand against pension trial (l),
Club No. 1 test plan cancelled, 04/30/1937:1
Joseph Picone named chairman at district meeting of Townsend Clubs,
Club No. 1 still loyal to Dr Townsend (l), 07/16/1937:1
Club No. 2 voters to return charter and sever ties, 07/16/1937:1
Club No. 1 sponsors third annual picnic and auto parade, 09/10/1937:5
Club No. 1 presents The Family Upstairs, 11/26/1937:2
Middleboro Trust Co. (see Middleborough Trust Co.)
Middleboro Varsity Club
Holds first annual meeting, 12/15/1939:11
Middleborough Co-operative Bank
Invest in our institution (ad), 01/18/1935:6
Will reduce interest rates, 02/22/1935:4
Shareholders convene for annual meeting, 05/24/1935:1
Walter Beals treasurer, 10/04/1935:7
Directors and officers named, 05/29/1936:2
James Kennedy president, 10/16/1936:1
Officers nominated at annual meeting, 04/23/1937:6
Officials hold election, 05/28/1937:1
President James Kennedy honored (p), 10/01/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Shares always on sale. Last dividend 3.5% (ad), 10/15/1937:2
Loan totals increase, 01/28/1938:11
Elects directors at annual meeting, 05/20/1938:2
Names officers, 05/27/1938:1
Aids clients in paying real estate tax bills, 11/11/1938:8
Elects directors at annual meeting, 05/19/1939:2
Elects officers, 05/26/1939:6
Employs Marion Beals, 06/30/1939:4
Half a century old this year, officers pictured (i) (p), 07/14/1939:1
Occupied Congregational Church chapel from 1914 - 1928 (p),
Harry Sears long-time shareholder, 08/11/1939:1
Middleborough Memorial High School
Annual report, 01/25/1935:7
Honor roll, 03/15/1935:2, 05/10/1935:7
Receives Class A rating for 1935, 07/05/1935:2
Home room assignments, 09/06/1935:8
Honor roll, 11/08/1935:11
High school lunch result of group effort, 12/06/1935:11
Honor roll, 01/17/1936:8
Principal presents annual report, 01/24/1936:11
Honor roll, 03/13/1936:11
John Cabot Club establishes scholarship fund, 04/10/1936:1
Honor roll, 05/08/1936:8
Holds awards assembly, 06/12/1936:11
Honor roll, 06/26/1936:2
Home room assignments, 09/04/1936:11
Bicycle club organized, 10/09/1936:8
Honor roll, 11/27/1936:7, 01/15/1937:11, 05/14/1937:5
Senior class members revive old custom, duck junior class officers,
Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Homeroom assignments, 09/03/1937:2
Helen Ryder Haley chosen to direct high school pageant, 11/05/1937:1
Holds annual Parent's Night, 11/12/1937:2
Honor roll, 11/12/1937:11, 01/14/1938:5, 03/11/1938:11
Point system explained at assembly, 03/11/1938:11
Flag at half mast in honor of Dura Weston, 03/25/1938:2
Honor roll, 05/06/1938:6
New traffic squad begins work, 05/06/1938:10
Photos of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/17/1938:3
Home room assignments, 09/02/1938:4
Hurricane damage slight, students react, 09/30/1938:11
Honor roll, 11/11/1938:5, 01/13/1939:11
Estate of Mrs George A. Richards establishes $12,000 scholarship,
Honor roll, 05/12/1939:9
A better school than Plymouth for Carver students, 06/02/1939:1
Official notice of transfer of students to Plymouth (l) (Carver School
Committee), 06/02/1939:1
Carver committee alters decision, 06/09/1939:1
Carver parents want students to stay at Memorial High School,
Carver pupils label strike as a joke (l), 06/16/1939:9
Honor roll, 06/30/1939:5
Home room lists, 08/18/1939:1
Salvatore Tenaglia donates pencil drawing of U.S. Capitol,
Nazi flag flown as Halloween prank, 11/03/1939:1
Each classroom provides dinner for family, 12/22/1939:1
Middleborough Memorial High School - Alumni
List of graduates attending higher institutes of learning, 10/04/1935:2
Will of Adellia Richards provides for scholarship fund (p), 08/07/1936:1
List of grads returning for post grad work, 09/18/1936:11
List of grads and colleges they are attending, 10/09/1936:8
Class of 1902 holds 35th reunion, 07/02/1937:2
List of 31 grads attending institutes of higher education, 10/08/1937:2
Class of 1912 holds 25th reunion, 12/31/1937:1
List of grads attending schools of higher learning, 11/04/1938:8
List of graduates attending schools of higher learning, 09/29/1939:5
Middleborough Memorial High School Alumni Association
Holds seventh annual party, 01/04/1935:2
Holds annual meeting, 06/14/1935:2
Passes resolutions upon death of Florence Smith, 06/14/1935:2
Holds annual dance party, 01/01/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/30/1937:1
Presents Out High School; honor Leonard Tillson (p), 12/31/1937:1
Holds annual business meeting, 04/15/1938:1
Holds annual dance, 01/06/1939:1
Middleborough Memorial High School - Arts
Band plays in Falmouth, 01/18/1935:6
Annual report of art supervisor (t), 02/01/1935:6
Annual report of music supervisor, 02/01/1935:7
Senior class presents play Captain Applejack, 02/22/1935:3
Presents Old Folks Concert, 04/26/1935:1
Music groups present old folks concert, 05/03/1935:1
Band has active schedule, 05/10/1935:1
Second performance of old folks concert plays to large audience,
Band plays at St. Luke's and in Twilight League parade, 05/17/1935:1
Band and orchestra members participate in MA Music Festival,
Band plays to Lions convention in Plymouth, 06/14/1935:6
Music department presents program of Stephen Foster, 05/01/1936:1
Students make fine showing in SPCA poster contest in Boston,
Band presents splendid concert, 05/29/1936:6
Band makes annual visit to Tabor Academy, 06/19/1936:11
Band highly complimented at Providence event, 07/24/1936:1
Band in Lions convention parade in Providence, 07/24/1936:1
Senior class play The Whole Town's Talking a success, 12/18/1936:1
Holds annual band concert, 05/28/1937:6
Senior class presents The Queen's Husband, 12/17/1937:4
Burnett's and Martenson's art work included in New York exhibition,
Annual spring concert features music from all nations, 05/13/1938:8
Musical groups organize for the year, 10/21/1938:5
Benefit concert a success, 01/20/1939:11
Senior class play opens in "court room", 04/07/1939:3
Annual band concert entertaining and financially successful,
Short concert program thoroughly enjoyable, 05/19/1939:3
Holds annual exhibit, 06/02/1939:4
Clever minstrels by Boys Glee Club, 11/10/1939:8
Middleborough Memorial High School - Attendance and Enrollment
At 270 November 1st, 11/20/1936:11
New record set for low number of tardy students, 12/03/1937:8
Figures for February, 03/04/1938:11
Figure stands at 566, 09/16/1938:2
Attendance at 70 in 1884, 02/24/1939:11
Opens with enrollment of 557, 09/08/1939:1
Enrollment by class, 09/15/1939:3
Middleborough Memorial High School - Commencement
Exercises held in Town Hall (t), 06/21/1935:1
Class of 1935 (p), 06/21/1935:3
Valedictory and salutatory, 06/21/1935:5
Thalia Drake valedictorian, Ella Trufant salutatorian, 03/20/1936:1
Class of 1936 photos (p), 06/12/1936:10
Annual exercises held for 104 grads, 06/19/1936:1
High school salutatory and valedictory essays, 06/19/1936:11
Chairman Alger presents 101 diplomas, 06/18/1937:1
Valedictory and salutatory addresses, 06/18/1937:3
Photos of graduating class members (p), 06/18/1937:10, 06/18/1937:11
Senior class holds reception at Town Hall, 06/25/1937:1
Andrew Wood valedictorian, Marion Thomas salutatorian, 03/18/1938:1
Banquet and Class Day exercises, 06/17/1938:1
Class of 1938 has 104 graduates, many awards presented, 06/17/1938:1
Baccalaureate service held at Central Baptist, 06/17/1938:2
Ivy Oration (essay by Dwight M. Fowler), 06/17/1938:2
Photos of 1938 graduates (p), 06/17/1938:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Salutatory and valedictory essays, 06/17/1938:4
Diplomas awarded to 101, scholarships and awards presented,
Group photo of 1939 graduates (p), 06/16/1939:1
Sacred Heart hosts baccalaureate service, 06/16/1939:4
Essay and valedictory (Donald B. Lindsay), 06/16/1939:10
Middleborough Memorial High School - Curriculum
New program of studies, 04/10/1936:11
Middleborough Memorial High School - Facilities
New railing installed in lunch room, 03/18/1938:11
Hurricane damage to roof repaired, 10/14/1938:2
Middleborough Memorial High School - Faculty and Staff
Miss Trufant resigns, takes post in Pittsburg, 06/07/1935:8
Carlton Guild fills vacancy left by Trufant resignation, 08/09/1935:1
Ruth Jenkins and Doris Chase resign, 05/22/1936:1
Ruth Jenkins accepts post in Brockton, 06/19/1936:1
Edwin Cox resigns to take principal's post at Montague school,
Evelyn Whitty new member of faculty (p), 08/21/1936:1
Changes in faculty listed, 09/18/1936:11
Teacher Esther Moore granted leave of absence, Evelyn Bickford fills
in, 01/08/1937:1
Moore takes leave of absence, replaced by Bickford, 01/08/1937:11
George Hill resign, 06/18/1937:1
Margaret Ryder new English teacher, 06/18/1937:1
New civics teacher Alfred Farley replaces Hill, 06/18/1937:1
High school English teacher Carlton Guild resigns, joins faculty at
Tabor Academy, 03/04/1938:1
Philip Skerrye takes Guild's place in English department, 04/08/1938:8
Photos of class faculty (p), 06/17/1938:3
Thomas Maynard new English teacher, 07/01/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/08/1938:2
Bessie Veazie clerk at Memorial High School, 01/06/1939:8
School Committee re-appoints teachers and staff, 05/05/1939:1
List of 1939-40 teachers, 08/18/1939:4
Middleborough Memorial High School - Sports
Football team best in some time, 11/29/1935:1
Football players feted (p) (t), 12/27/1935:1
Baseball squad finishes with only one defeat (p), 06/12/1936:1
Baseballers win nine out of ten for the season, 06/12/1936:1
Successful tag day raises $80, 06/12/1936:1
Coach Battis issues first call for football practice, 08/28/1936:1
Manager Trinque announces first football practice, 08/28/1936:1
Opens grid practice, schedule announced, 09/04/1936:1
Freshman football team builds for future (p), 11/13/1936:1
Girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Hockey now a major girls' sport, 12/04/1936:11
Announces basketball schedule, 01/15/1937:6
1937 baseball schedule, 03/26/1937:1
Excellent record for basketball team (p) (t), 04/02/1937:1
Baseball team begins training, 04/09/1937:1
Girls basketball team closes successful season (p) (t), 04/09/1937:1
Baseball season set to begin, 04/30/1937:1
Girls baseball team closes season undefeated, 06/18/1937:6
Summary of 1937 boys' baseball season (p) (t), 06/18/1937:6
Grid schedule (t), 09/03/1937:6
Football warriors start annual training, 09/10/1937:6
Student body comes through with necessary funds, 10/08/1937:8
Basketball schedule (t), 11/26/1937:6
Coach Battis cautious about over abundance of publicity (l),
Hats off to Coach Battis, 11/26/1937:6
Football heroes of past and present, 12/03/1937:6
To have football team heavy with veterans next season, 12/03/1937:6
End of season summary (p), 12/10/1937:1
Letter to a columnist (l) (Raymond Chase), 12/10/1937:8
Bernard Sheehan leads basketball seconds in easy victory, 01/07/1938:6
New plan to raise athletic funds, 01/21/1938:6
Basketball star Gregory Mitrakas breaks wrist, 02/04/1938:6
Students thank public for support (l), 02/11/1938:1
Returns from benefit movie, 02/11/1938:8
Baseball program cut, 03/04/1938:6
Cuts to baseball program hard dose to swallow, 03/11/1938:1
Girls basketball team undefeated, 03/25/1938:1
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Summary of undefeated girls' basketball season (t), 04/01/1938:6
Middleboro Athletic Association creates athletic scholarship,
Athletic Association in the hole (t), 04/15/1938:6
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Tag day proceeds help baseball program, 04/29/1938:6
Schedule for 1938-39 basketball team announced, 05/13/1938:6
Annual basketball awards assembly, 05/27/1938:6
Review of baseball season (p), 06/17/1938:6
Prepares for football season, 09/09/1938:6
Orange and black football season summary (p), 12/23/1938:1
The Spectator comments on athletics portion of annual report (l),
Review of basketball season (p), 04/07/1939:4
Lack of funds handicaps program, 04/28/1939:1
Sports for girls, 04/28/1939:4
Track preview, 04/28/1939:4
Bartlett Harrison unanimous choice for football captain, 05/12/1939:1
Athletes to be insured, 06/09/1939:1
Battis suggests school take over maintenance of North Main St grounds,
School Committee granted land between pool and river for football
field, 09/22/1939:1
Football team gets pep talk from All-American Albie Booth,
Football team has high hopes for season, 09/22/1939:4
Selectmen approve football field improvement project, 11/10/1939:1
Selectmen ask Peirce Trustees to fund football field improvement,
Loyal rooters hold banquet for football team, 12/01/1939:1
Moushey Krikorian fractures leg in football game, 12/01/1939:4
Basketball team attracts 65 candidates, 12/08/1939:11
Review of successful football season (p), 12/15/1939:11
Middleborough Post Office
Large muskrat trapped in drainage well adjacent to post office,
Receives 100% rating, 05/08/1936:1
Recent inspection results in 100% rating, 05/08/1936:2
Ready to certify service bonds, 06/12/1936:1
Review of Christmas business, 01/01/1937:6
Awarded 100% rating for third consecutive year (p), 02/12/1937:1
Congratulations to McCluskey and staff, 02/12/1937:6
Additional mail facilities for holiday, 12/17/1937:10
Achieves 100% rating fourth consecutive year, 01/07/1938:1
Hats off to local post office, 01/14/1938:1
History of local post office shows rapid growth, 07/29/1938:1
Extends hours during holidays, 12/16/1938:1
Record business over holidays, 12/30/1938:1
Receives first class rating, 05/19/1939:1
Changes in service hours, 09/22/1939:1
Open Thanksgiving Day, 11/17/1939:1
Mail volume about same as last year, 12/22/1939:1
Middleborough Post Office - Employees
Harold Dunham RR#3 carrier, Herbert Erickson RR#3, 06/28/1935:5
Postmaster McClusky appointed director of New England Postmasters'
Association, 10/04/1935:1
Joseph Cooper assistant postmaster, 10/11/1935:12
Henry Powell's bicycle stolen from post office, 12/20/1935:1
Employs Harry Anderson, 07/24/1936:12
Bernard Keough clerk, 03/19/1937:12
Thomas Kelly postal carrier, 07/16/1937:1
James McCluskey re-appointed post master, 06/10/1938:1
Joseph Cooper assistant post master, 08/19/1938:8
Arthur Hall member of post office force, 09/16/1938:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Substitute mail carrier Harold Dunham gets appointment as regular
clerk, 10/20/1939:10
Middleborough Public Library
Review of new books, 01/18/1935:6
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Review of new books, 02/01/1935:6, 02/22/1935:3, 03/08/1935:6,
03/22/1935:2, 04/19/1935:6, 05/10/1935:2
Principal Burkland appreciates library service (l), 05/10/1935:4
Review of new books, 06/07/1935:5, 06/21/1935:8, 07/05/1935:6,
07/19/1935:8, 08/02/1935:5
Art exhibit of works from Massachusetts School of Art in Boston,
Review of new books, 10/04/1935:5, 10/25/1935:5, 11/08/1935:2,
11/22/1935:11, 12/06/1935:8
Damaged by fire, 12/13/1935:5
Review of new books, 12/20/1935:5, 01/03/1936:2, 01/24/1936:2
Proposed budget for 1936 (t), 01/31/1936:11
Review of new books, 02/07/1936:8, 02/21/1936:5
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Review of new books, 03/13/1936:8, 03/27/1936:5, 04/24/1936:8,
05/08/1936:6, 05/22/1936:2, 06/05/1936:2, 07/03/1936:5,
07/17/1936:8, 07/31/1936:8, 08/14/1936:5, 09/11/1936:8
WPA sewing unit moves from library to telephone building,
Review of new books, 09/25/1936:8
Selectmen discuss removal of WPA sewing unit, 10/02/1936:1
Selectmen meet with Trustees about sewing unit, 10/16/1936:2
Review of new books, 10/16/1936:5, 11/06/1936:8
Celebrates Book Week, 11/20/1936:2
Hosts meeting of Old Colony Library clubs, 11/27/1936:1
Review of new books, 12/18/1936:4, 01/01/1937:8, 02/19/1937:8
What's new at the library (p), 03/05/1937:7
New rules for reserving books, 03/12/1937:1
Front door badly in need of touchup, 04/02/1937:1
What's new at the library (p), 04/02/1937:3, 04/16/1937:4
What's new at the library, 05/07/1937:5, 06/04/1937:5
Door receives new coat of paint, 06/25/1937:6
What's new at the library, 06/25/1937:6, 07/16/1937:8
Front doors newly painted and varnished, 07/30/1937:1
What's new at the library, 08/06/1937:7, 08/20/1937:7, 08/27/1937:5,
09/17/1937:5, 10/08/1937:3
Elizabeth Fies cuts chin in fall in library steps, 11/05/1937:2
What's new at the library, 11/12/1937:11, 11/19/1937:3, 12/24/1937:3
Trustees query selectmen on South Middleboro branch, 01/21/1938:5
What's new at the library, 01/28/1938:5, 02/11/1938:5, 03/11/1938:3,
04/15/1938:9, 04/29/1938:4, 05/27/1938:3, 06/17/1938:4,
07/15/1938:8, 08/05/1938:5
History of local institution, 08/19/1938:2
What's new at the library, 08/26/1938:5, 11/11/1938:3, 12/23/1938:4
Transfer of $26 from reserve fund approved by selectmen,
Librarian Mertie Witbeck addresses Cabot Club, 02/10/1939:1
Past year sees decided increase in circulation, 02/17/1939:1
Grace Noble, Thomas Kelly, and Jane Bennett elected trustees,
What's new at the library, 03/10/1939:4, 06/30/1939:9
Exhibit of North Carolina artist's wood carvings, 07/28/1939:2
Hand rails placed on stairs, 08/18/1939:2
What's new at the library, 08/25/1939:4, 12/15/1939:4
Middleborough Public Library - Employees
Simmons Library School student Elizabeth Savage interns here,
Ellen Thurston librarian when first opened, 11/15/1935:5
Employs Edith Veazie and Louis Pratt, 06/12/1936:2
Employs Edith Veazie, 08/13/1937:11
Middleborough Public Library - Trustees
Hold annual meeting, 03/08/1935:1
Candidates file letters, 02/18/1938:8
Thomas Kelly applies for re-appointment as library trustee,
Middleborough Relief Association
Notice of change of corporation name to Middleboro Good Will Club,
Middleborough Savings Bank
Safety for savings (ad), 01/04/1935:6
Will reduce interest rates, 02/22/1935:4
Congratulations to Theodore Wood on 50 years of service to bank,
Holds annual meeting, 04/26/1935:5
Theodore Wood treasurer, 05/10/1935:1
List of officers, 10/25/1935:8
Christmas Club checks mailed, 12/06/1935:1
List of officers, 04/24/1936:7, 10/16/1936:7
And Middleborough Trust Co. issue $68,000 in Christmas checks,
Holds annual meeting, 04/30/1937:7
Employs Lillian Bump, 07/30/1937:1
Posts list of bank officers, 10/15/1937:7
Notice of inactive accounts, 11/19/1937:8
Amount in Christmas Club accounts good sign, 11/26/1937:1
Christmas Club deposits up 20%, 11/26/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/08/1938:1
Officers elected at annual meeting, 04/29/1938:7
Petition for sale of land and division of proceeds, 05/27/1938:11
N. Dorrance Ryder assistant treasurer, 08/19/1938:7
Employs Myrtle Leighton, 10/21/1938:7
List of officers, 10/28/1938:7
Incorporators hold meeting, 04/14/1939:1
List of new officers, 04/28/1939:6
List of officers, 10/27/1939:7
And Trust Co. release $84,000 in Christmas Club checks, 11/17/1939:1
Middleborough Trust Co.
Convenient checking service (ad), 01/04/1935:2
Will reduce interest rates, 02/22/1935:4
John Hinds charged with larceny, 03/08/1935:6
John Hinds makes restitution to Trust Co., 03/22/1935:1
Report of condition as of 6/29 (t), 07/05/1935:7
Report of condition as of 11/01 (t), 11/08/1935:7
Christmas Club checks mailed, 12/06/1935:1
Report of condition as of 12/31 (t), 01/10/1936:7
Stockholders have annual meeting, 01/24/1936:5
Report of condition as of 12/31 (t), 02/14/1936:11
Report of condition as of 3/4 (t), 03/20/1936:7
Report of condition as of 6/30 (t), 07/10/1936:11
And Middleborough Savings Bank issue $68,000 in Christmas checks,
Report of condition as of 12/31/ (t), 01/08/1937:11
Report of condition as of 3/31 (t), 04/16/1937:6
Report of condition as of 6/30 (t), 07/16/1937:8
Notice of termination of shareholders' liability, 09/03/1937:8
Successful bidder for bond issue floated by selectmen, 11/19/1937:1
Amount in Christmas Club accounts good sign, 11/26/1937:1
Christmas Club deposits up 20%, 11/26/1937:1
Christmas Club checks mailed 11/27 (ad), 11/26/1937:5
Report of condition as of 12/31 (t), 01/14/1938:3
Report of condition as of 3/7 (t), 03/18/1938:8
Report of condition as of 6/30 (t), 07/08/1938:12
Report of condition as of 10/31 (t), 11/11/1938:5
Report of condition as of 12/31 (t), 01/13/1939:11
Passes resolutions upon death of Granville Tillson, 01/20/1939:6
Has new check service, 06/02/1939:3
Report of condition as of 6/30 (t), 07/07/1939:5
And Savings Bank release $84,000 in Christmas Club checks,
Middleborough Trust Co. - Employees
Employs Fred Hanson, 03/08/1935:1
Dalton Penniman clerk/teller, 04/12/1935:1
Employs Hazel Lincoln, 07/05/1935:8
Employs Minnie Davis, 08/09/1935:5
Employs Mildred Goodick, 08/23/1935:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Employs Mrs David Goodick, 08/21/1936:12
Employs Maude Huntley, 09/18/1936:6
Employs Mrs Robert Goodale, 10/02/1936:1
Malcolm C. Drake treasurer, 10/23/1936:1
Employs R. Anita Atwood, 07/15/1938:11
Employs Anita Atwood, 07/29/1938:1
Employs Pauline Schleuter, 08/19/1938:5
Employs Carolyn Hanson, 09/02/1938:12
Chester Shaw fills vacancy on board, 10/21/1938:1
Fletcher Barrows named president, Boynton vice-president,
Roger Tillson succeeds father as president (p), 02/03/1939:1
Employs Edith Hulley, 07/14/1939:1
Dalton Penniman assistant treasurer, 07/14/1939:5
Milette, Philip W.
Collides with Dr Pollen on Center St, 10/30/1936:2
Five Middleboro boys chosen for Citizen's Military Training Camp at
Newport, 07/17/1936:5
Call for boys from Middleboro for CMTC, 03/19/1937:1
Naval Communications Reserve headquarters moves from Marion to
Middleboro, 09/23/1938:6
Miller, Adelaide G.
Obituary, 10/25/1935:6
Correction to obituary, 11/01/1935:6
Miller, Andrew
Daughter born, 06/17/1938:7
Miller, Andrew, Jr.
Engaged to Adeline Carr, 12/17/1937:7
Miller, Andrew W.
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 89, 01/25/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 02/15/1935:6
Miller, Andrew W., Jr.
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 05/26/1939:8
Miller, Constance
Engaged to John Phillip Pulliam, 05/19/1939:1
Miller, David
Granted divorce from Mildred Gregory Miller, 08/02/1935:6
Miller, Florence
Wedding described, 08/14/1936:11
Miller, Frank E.
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Brooklyn, NY man dies at age 72, 10/04/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 10/11/1935:7
Administrator presents account of estate, 01/01/1937:8
Miller, George
Son born, 06/18/1937:7
Miller, Irene
Aunt dies in Palermo, CA, 06/21/1935:8
Miller, James H.
Engaged to Louise Miskinis, 04/12/1935:4
Wed to Louise M. Miskinis, 04/26/1935:4
Miller, John
Lets South Main St house to Ralph Cromwell, 06/09/1939:1
Miller, Lorenzo D.
Dies at age 66, 12/01/1939:5
Obituary, 12/01/1939:6
Miller, Mary Jane
Engaged to Edwin Vincent Preston, 08/25/1939:3
Miller, Mildred Gregory
Husband David granted divorce, 08/02/1935:6
Miller, Mrs Alden
Resides in Louisville, KY, 03/26/1937:7
Miller, Mrs John Alden
Resides in Louisville, KY, 04/26/1935:1
Miller, Walter
Son born, 04/15/1938:7
Occupies Westgate house on Miller St, 10/07/1938:8
Moves to Carver, 09/29/1939:9
Miller, Walter E.
Engaged to Edith K. Tinkham, 10/15/1937:7
Wed to Edith K. Tinkham, 11/26/1937:7
Millerd, Cornelius S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/17/1936:7
Millerd, Earl
Tire regrooving service, 12 East Main St (ad), 03/18/1938:12
Millerd, Etta M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/17/1936:7
Miller's Markets
Look for new store at Wareham and S. Main St (ad), 03/15/1935:8
Grand opening (ad), 03/29/1935:7
David Miller manager, 08/02/1935:6
Millette, Eva
Struck by car while crossing John Glass, Jr. Square, 08/19/1938:6
Millette, France
Engaged to Norman Poirier, 07/29/1938:1
Millette, France A.
Wed to Norman E. Poirier, 08/19/1938:7
Millette, George
Son born, 06/17/1938:7
Millette, George L.
Held in $1,000 bonds as result of fatal accident, 09/27/1935:1
Millette, Gerard U.
Obituary, 08/19/1938:1
Dies at age 17, 08/19/1938:7
Millette, Romeo
Brief glimpse of the candidate for selectman, 01/11/1935:1
For selectman (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
Three new town officials elected (p), 01/25/1935:1
Expresses thanks to voters (l), 01/25/1935:5
Selectman expresses stand on town meeting petition (l), 08/02/1935:1
Explains stand on playground activities (l), 08/23/1935:1
To the voters of Middleboro (l), 01/17/1936:2
Opposes teacher's pay restoration (l), 01/31/1936:5
Thanks voters for support at town meeting (l), 02/14/1936:1
Acknowledges cooperation (l), 02/21/1936:6
An explanation of budget troubles (l), 03/13/1936:1
Tax Payers League holds testimonial, 05/01/1936:1
Named chairman of committee on new Union Street School,
Selectmen charges "the racket of the big four" (l), 11/27/1936:1
Selectman defends budget amendments (l), 03/19/1937:1
Resigns from Board of Selectmen, 03/26/1937:1
Selectman first to circulate nomination papers, 10/29/1937:1
William Tallman supports Millette for re-election (l), 11/19/1937:2
To voters and taxpayers (l), 12/31/1937:8
Explains reasons for seeking office (l) (p), 01/07/1938:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Re-elected selectman (p) (t), 01/21/1938:1
Appreciation to voters (l), 01/21/1938:11
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Move to oust selectmen Shurtleff and Millette, charges laid out,
Recall petitions have more than required number of signatures,
Legality of actions discussed by The Spectator (l), 03/03/1939:2
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 03/03/1939:3
Answers to recall charges (l), 03/03/1939:6
New recall papers to be filed, 03/10/1939:1
The Spectator discusses proceedings of recall (l), 03/10/1939:2
New recall affidavits filed, 03/17/1939:1
Recall petitions to be filed, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen set tentative date for recall election, 03/31/1939:1
Recall election not to be taken lightly (l) (The Spectator), 03/31/1939:2
Shurtleff - Millette recall (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/31/1939:4
Recall election set for April 25th, 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Ardent disciple of lower taxes (l) (The Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Confusion among citizens about removal proceedings (l) (The
Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Warrant for recall election, 04/14/1939:2
An appeal to vote at recall election (l) (Anne C. Wyman), 04/14/1939:3
Hiram Archer opposes recall election (l), 04/14/1939:11
Charles Sherman supports Shurtleff and Millette (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Hiram Archer deplores recall election (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Shurtleff persistent in efforts to defend himself and Millette (l) (The
Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Millette and Shurtleff retained (t), 04/28/1939:1
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
Whittemore to be summoned regarding statements made about
candidate, 05/26/1939:1
Understanding reached between Whittemore and Board of Selectmen,
Surprised at appearance of Whittemore at selectmen's meeting (l) (The
Spectator), 06/09/1939:3
Attacks WPA project as "joke", 10/13/1939:1
Persists in authority to appoint janitors (l) (The Spectator), 10/13/1939:2
Selectman extends meeting with own agenda, 11/10/1939:3
Mary Hallett (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Repairs made to small mill on Walnut St, 10/30/1936:5
Sawdust catches fire at Churbuck's Wareham St saw mill, 11/06/1936:1
Charles Bassett, Jr. takes post as sawyer at new mill on Walnut St,
Rock Manufacturing Co., custom sawing (ad), 02/17/1939:12
Mills, Charles
Son born, 02/15/1935:7
Mills, Frederick
Resides in Harwich, 11/08/1935:6
Transfers to A&P in Mattapan Square, 09/18/1936:6
Mills, George
Employed on Rotch farm, 08/29/1935:12
Daughter born, 08/28/1936:7
Recently elected Lakeville constable called on to hold Taunton inmate,
Mills, George E.
Lakeville couple married 7 years, 09/20/1935:6
Son born, 02/04/1938:11
Mills, George T.
Dies in Rockland, 08/21/1936:12
Mills, Lillian Robbins
Son born, 02/15/1935:7
Mills, Marguerite Helen
Born to George, 08/28/1936:7
Mills, Mrs Carl
Mother dies in Vermont, 06/18/1937:11
Mills, Robert J.
Having house built at Briarwood Beach, 01/08/1937:11
Highland Rd couple married 35 years, 03/04/1938:3
Lakeville couple married 35 years, 03/04/1938:11
Chimney fire on Highland Rd, 01/27/1939:8
Mills, Robert John
Born to George E., 02/04/1938:11
Mills, Stanley
Lets Bedford St house to Clarence Shaw, 09/10/1937:11
Son born, 08/12/1938:7
Employed at Rotch estate, 11/04/1938:9
Foreman at Rotch estate, 09/15/1939:2
Mindel, Albert A.
Engaged to Mildred I. Kessler, 10/14/1938:7
Middleboro Pharmacy, sparkling new and largest drug store in town
(ad), 10/21/1938:2
Wedding described, 11/25/1938:1
Wed to Mildred I. Kessler, 11/25/1938:7
Mindell, Albert A.
Middleboro Pharmacy opens at 60 Center St, 10/28/1938:1
Miner, Charles H.
Campello couple married 50 years, 06/04/1937:12
Dies in Brockton, 03/31/1939:1
Miner, Mrs Roscoe
Resides in Belmont, 07/01/1938:11, 10/21/1938:11
Miner, Roscoe
Obituary, 05/20/1938:11
Minkle (Mr)
Grass fire on Tispaquin St, 06/04/1937:1
Minkle, Cornelius
Obituary, 08/21/1936:1
Minkle, Joseph F.
Obituary, 08/23/1935:1
Dies at age 74, 08/23/1935:6
Minor, Harry D., Jr.
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:8
Minor, Harry, Jr.
Daughter born, 02/25/1938:11
Minott, Carol Ann
Daughter of Irving dies at age 2, 11/19/1937:11
Minott, Irving
Son born, 01/21/1938:8
Miskinis, Joseph
Bicyclist Edward Cleverly collides with Miskinis' auto on Center St,
Miskinis, Louise
Engaged to James H. Miller, 04/12/1935:4
Miskinis, Louise M.
Wed to James H. Miller, 04/26/1935:4
Miskinis, Mrs Samuti
Bridgewater woman dies, 02/05/1937:8
Missing Children
Gertrude Gauthier located in Roxbury, 01/04/1935:1
Missing boy, William Washburn, returns from adventure, 06/07/1935:1
Police locate George Blackwell, Jr. in record time, 07/05/1935:1
Missing youths, Cody and Thomas, located in Connecticut,
Police locate missing Whitman boy here, 07/26/1935:1
Missing girl, Gertrude Gauthier last seen in Boston, 12/27/1935:1
Mackiewicz found in Florida, Walker found in Connecticut,
Russell Gallagher found working in Boston restaurant, 05/28/1937:1
Fourteen-year-old Mary Toughes reported missing, 06/25/1937:1
Two-year-old Jimmy Dolan goes in search of fireworks, 07/07/1939:1
Missing Persons
Body of missing man James Mackey found floating in Taunton River,
Local police find Rockland man here, 09/02/1938:1
Josiah Harris Vaughan located after 25 years, living in Baltimore,
Mitchell, Albert C., Jr.
Wed to Rena Leonardi, 10/02/1936:7
Mitchell, Hank
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Mitchell, Harry G.
Injured when car strikes pole on Plymouth St, 05/19/1939:2
Mitchell, Harry M.E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/04/1938:7
Mitchell, Irving
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Mitchell, M. Agnes
Wed to Earl D. Whitney, 05/08/1936:1
Mitchell, Maria D.
Obituary, 12/24/1937:1
Dies at age 63, 12/24/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 01/28/1938:11
Mitchell, Paul
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Mitchell, Ruth
Resides in Brockton, 10/14/1938:8
Mitchell, Viola O.
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:8
Mitchell, Warren
Wed to Lillian Cronan, 05/28/1937:7
Mitrakas, George
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Mitrakas, Greg
Hero in football win at Manchester, NH, 10/27/1939:9
Mitrakas, Gregory
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
High school basketball star breaks wrist, 02/04/1938:6
Receives medal for play in YMCA tourney, 04/01/1938:8
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Mitrakas, Paul
Appeal hearing for liquor license held in Boston, 04/12/1935:1
Appeal denied by state board, 04/19/1935:1
Liquor license application, 05/10/1935:5
Selectmen turn down application for liquor license, 05/24/1935:1
Shoe man sells business to Tony Vertucci, returns to Greece,
Mitrakas, Paul A.
Selectmen set date to discuss liquor license application, 03/08/1935:2
Liquor license application, 03/08/1935:8
Selectmen discuss liquor license application, 03/22/1935:1
Mobbs, Stanley W.
Obituary, 03/29/1935:1
Mochel, John M.
Engaged to Ellen Vivian Lunn, 04/23/1937:8
Wedding described, 09/24/1937:11
Mochell, John
Engaged to Ellen Lunn, 07/16/1937:11
Modern Cleaners & Dyers
Opens at 11 North Main St (ad), 03/11/1938:12
Moffitt, Barbara Evelyn
Born to George, 10/02/1936:6
Moffitt, George
Daughter born, 10/02/1936:6
Son born, 03/25/1938:11
Moffitt, Leroy W.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Moles, Mary
Trains at Massachusetts General Hospital, 09/06/1935:1
Mondeau, Leo
Son born, 01/04/1935:4
Monroe, Howard
Moves to Marshall's house on Bedford St, 01/04/1935:1
Moves to Hyannis, 11/01/1935:6
Monroe, Mrs George I.
Employed at sanatorium, 10/20/1939:6
Monroe, Roger
Resides in Trenton, NJ, 07/19/1935:1
Monsarrat-Zai, Emily B.
Patrick Gordon obtains five-day law waiver to marry Monsarrat-Zai,
Montanari, Florence
Engaged to Julian Plaskawiski, 06/28/1935:1
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:1
Montanari, Florence N.
Engaged to Julian J. Plaskawiski, 06/28/1935:6
Montgomery, George E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/27/1937:12
Montgomery, Leona
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/27/1937:12
Montgomery Home for Aged People
Holds annual meeting (t), 10/25/1935:2
Mrs Thomas Oglesby matron, 12/06/1935:2
Beneficiary of William L. Soule's will, 10/16/1936:1
Officers elected at annual meeting, 10/23/1936:1
Mrs Thomas Oglesby matron, 12/18/1936:1
Holds annual meeting, 10/22/1937:1
Matron Mildred Oglesby resigns, 07/08/1938:1
Officers elected at annual meeting, 10/21/1938:1
Athalia Jenkins superintendent, 04/21/1939:1
Elects officers for the year, 10/13/1939:1
Leon Corsini agent for Boston memorials company (ad), 02/11/1938:12
Noble Starbuck, cemetery work, old stones reset (ad), 04/22/1938:8
Moody, Barbara L.
Engaged to L. Richard Tilden, 11/22/1935:6
Wed to L. Richard Tilden, 12/06/1935:6
Moody, Barbara Lane
Wedding described, 12/06/1935:7
Moody, Howard T.
Letourneau and Washburn sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro
and Lakeville, 10/13/1939:1
Phillip Washburn files complaint for nonpayment of wages,
Moody, Jefferson
Selectmen okay sign over sidewalk, 05/24/1935:1
Moody, J.F.
Shoe repairer, 20 Wareham St (ad), 09/18/1936:12
Moody, J.H.
Shoe repair (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Re-opens shoe repair shop, 20 Wareham St (ad), 03/20/1936:12
Moody, Paul
Employed at sanatorium, 10/18/1935:12
Mooney, Frank
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Dies at age 64, 10/16/1936:7
Mooney, Leo M.
Held on statutory charge, 06/18/1937:7
Moore (Mrs)
High school teacher takes leave of absence, replaced by Bickford,
Mother dies, 10/21/1938:5
Moore, Barbara F.
Wed to Sydney L. Tirrell, 03/15/1935:4
Moore, Charlotte M.
Engaged to John J. Reynolds, 11/08/1935:6
Wed to John J. Reynolds, 11/15/1935:6
Moore, Earl
Son born, 06/11/1937:11
Moves from Bridgewater to North Middleboro, 11/04/1938:6
Moore, Esther L.
High school teacher granted leave of absence, 01/08/1937:1
Moore, Florence Lewis
Son born, 06/11/1937:11
Moore, George Elizabeth
Wed to Herbert George Nichols, 10/13/1939:5
Moore, Georgia Elizabeth
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:5
Moore, Gertrude
Resides in Reading, 03/26/1937:11
Moore, Leonard Lewis
Born to Earl and Florence Lewis, 06/11/1937:11
Moore, Maude E.
Wed to Arnold W. Sloan, 09/04/1936:7
Moquin, Edward
Obituary, 04/24/1936:1
Dies at age 74, 04/24/1936:7
Moquin, J.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Moran, Beatrice F.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Elwood B. Fowler, 09/24/1937:7
Moran, Donald
Moves from Somerville to Bedford St, 09/17/1937:11
Moranville, Alice M.
Fire damages Park Cleansers, 04/19/1935:1
Moreau, Gladys
Engaged to Leo Caron, 05/15/1936:11
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:8
Morehouse, Willis Palmer
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:11
Morgan, Annie
Burial at Hope's Rest Cemetery in Rock, 03/15/1935:7
Morgan, Annie M.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 50, 03/15/1935:4
Morgan, Ernest
Granted taxi license, 10/01/1937:8
Employed by MacAdams' taxi service, 10/08/1937:1
Morgan, Ernest T.
Wed to Marjorie E. Barney, 06/28/1935:6
Gets permit to operate taxi, 04/29/1938:3
Morgan, Ernest T.N.
Wed to Madeline S. Chase, 09/27/1935:6
Morgan, Ernest T.N., Jr.
Posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 02/24/1939:7
Morgan, Joseph P.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/08/1936:12
Morgan, Madeline S.
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for debts, 02/24/1939:7
Morgan, Richard
Son born, 01/10/1936:8
Morgan, Robert
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:8
Morini, Louise
Wed to Henry E. Zion, 10/07/1938:7
Mormons (see Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)
Moro's Market
Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Opens at 137 Centre St (ad), 10/25/1935:12
Morrell, Lloyd
Engagement to Merrihew broken, 08/16/1935:1
Morrell, Lloyd James
Engaged to Helyn Arline Merrihew, 08/09/1935:12
Morris, Annie M.
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Dies at age 86, 06/10/1938:7
Morris, Annie Maria
Petition for administration of estate, 06/24/1938:11
Morris, Anthony J.
Run over by own car, 12/23/1938:11
Morris, Cecelia
Engaged to William F. Houlihan, Jr., 02/05/1937:6
Morris, Clarence V.
Obituary, 12/22/1939:4
Morris, Emma C.
Petition for probate of will, 09/11/1936:7
Morris, Ida
Resides in Boston, 06/05/1936:5, 09/03/1937:11
Morris, Ida A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/19/1938:6
Morris, Jennie M.
Application for liquor license, 11/04/1938:7
Morris, Mary C.
Engaged to John Sukus, Jr., 06/16/1939:5
Morris, Mrs Clarence
Resides in Boston, 01/25/1935:2
Morris, Thomas
Charged with drunkenness, 11/10/1939:3
Morris Shoe Co.
17 Jackson St (ad), 03/08/1935:6
Celebrates 21st anniversary (ad), 08/29/1935:2
History of company, 09/06/1935:5
Celebrates 21st anniversary, 09/20/1935:1
Directional signal to be moved, 02/26/1937:12
Celebrates 23rd anniversary, 08/20/1937:1
Makes plans for 25th anniversary, 08/04/1939:1
Morrison, Annie
Obituary, 12/11/1936:1
Dies in Boston at age 72, 12/11/1936:6
Morrison, Carroll
Found not guilty of non-support, 11/11/1938:6
Son born, 12/16/1938:7
Morrison, Carroll T.
Auto strikes pole on Taunton St, 01/07/1938:5
Morrison, Colin
Employed at State Farm, 05/24/1935:1
Morrison, D.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Morrison, Don
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Morrison, Donald
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Morrison, Emma C.
Obituary, 08/21/1936:1
Dies at age 71, 08/21/1936:7
Morrison, Freida
Dies at age 31, 06/19/1936:7
Morrison, Freida Hardy
Obituary, 06/19/1936:1
Morrison, John
Obituary, 03/06/1936:1
Dies at age 56, 03/06/1936:6
Petition for administration of estate, 04/10/1936:11
Morrison, John E.
Puts out flames with blanket, 08/13/1937:1
Morrison, Katherine
Shower for recently married couple, 08/21/1936:7
Morrison, Rose
Resides in Boston, 03/13/1936:8
Morrison, Thomas
Engaged to Stella F. Nesmith, 10/30/1936:6
Morrison, Thomas Andrew
Engaged to Stella Frances Nesmith, 12/04/1936:8
Wedding described, 12/18/1936:8
Morrone, Vincenzo
Application for liquor license, 12/01/1939:6
Morse, Clinton
J. Herbert Alexander assessed $25 for assault on Morse, 08/23/1935:1
Resides in Londonderry, NH, 02/05/1937:7
Morse, Clinton D.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/26/1936:7
Moves from Middleboro to Derry, NH, 07/17/1936:12
Morse, Georgianna
Obituary, 04/30/1937:6
Dies at age 90, 04/30/1937:7
Morse, Georgianna E.
Petition for administration of estate, 05/21/1937:4
Morse, Harris
Daughter born, 03/15/1935:2
Son born, 05/07/1937:11
Morse, Hosea A.
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Waltham man dies at age 56, 05/10/1935:4
Morse, Jesse (see Morse's Drug Store)
Morse, Levi F.
North Carver man dies at age 76, 08/20/1937:7
Morse, Levi Frank
Obituary, 08/20/1937:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Morse, Lucinda F.
Turns 100 years old on January 31st (p), 01/27/1939:1
Morse, Mary
Chimney fie on Summer St, 02/07/1936:2
Morse, Rollin D.
Receives $100 for excellence in thesis work at MIT, 01/18/1935:1
Does chemical engineering research at MIT, 08/02/1935:1
Chemical engineer for Standard Oil Co. on Aruba, 11/01/1935:1
Morse, Rollin D'Arcy
Receives Bachelor of Science from MIT (p), 06/07/1935:1
Morse, Ruby
Engaged to Paul Long, 01/25/1935:5
Morse, Ruby E.
Engaged to Paul C. Long, 03/27/1936:6
Wed to Paul C. Long, 04/17/1936:7
Morse, Russell T.
Obituary, 02/05/1937:1, 02/05/1937:5
Palmer man dies at age 54, 02/05/1937:6
Morse, Ruth Erickson
Daughter born, 03/15/1935:2
Son born, 05/07/1937:11
Morse, V. Louise
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/26/1936:7
Morse, William J.
Engaged to Priscilla Alger, 12/01/1939:1
Morse's Drug Store
Howard Sewall pharmacist, 05/03/1935:1
Save with safety (ad), 05/10/1935:5
Employs George Harlow, 07/12/1935:1
Howard Sewall pharmacist, 08/07/1936:12
George Harlow resigns, replaced by Albert Croutworst, 01/21/1938:1
Employs David Gammons, 06/30/1939:4
Morton (Mr)
House on Miller St wired for electricity, 03/01/1935:6
Rents house on Miller St, 09/06/1935:2
Page purchases Morton house on Miller St, 05/08/1936:5
Morton, Edgar A.
Responds to Kendall's letter on Townsend Plan (l), 10/18/1935:6
Morton, Frances Gladys
Wedding described, 07/23/1937:2
Morton, Maynard
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Morton, Ralph
Moves from Middleboro to Rock, 10/11/1935:2
Moves to house on Miller St, 02/28/1936:8
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 09/18/1936:8
Moses, William Millard
Petitions court to change name to William Channing Ford, 06/07/1935:7
Mosher, Doris E.
Wed to David Emerson Duncklee, 06/30/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:5
Mosher, Eldred
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:7
Mosher, Eldred, Jr.
Daughter born, 11/03/1939:6
Mosher, John
Son born, 07/19/1935:11
Daughter born, 07/16/1937:5
Mosher, Ruth
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:11
Moss, Edward T.
Son born, 09/23/1938:7
Mostrom, Rachel
Remains in Kuling, China despite warnings, 03/03/1939:8
Moths (see Insects)
Motion Pictures
see also Key Theatre; Middleboro Theatre
Maude Allen (aka Maude Pierce) appears in Hollywood movie showing
here, 09/27/1935:12
Local film stars in production of Movie Queen, 01/17/1936:1
Illinois resident Krause sees herring run at Muttock bridge in film,
Bates School PTA registers protest against current fare at movie theatre
(ad), 04/02/1937:8
Film of local herring run shown in local theatre, 05/07/1937:1
Selectmen approve license for old Lyric hall, 11/12/1937:5
C.H. Williams announces re-opening of The Lyric theatre, 11/26/1937:1
Selectmen grant movie license to The Lyric, 11/26/1937:2
Grand re-opening of The Lyric at South Main and Wareham St (ad),
Reverend Parker protests gambling devices in theatres, 05/13/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/13/1938:8
Selectmen discuss discontinuing Bank Nights at local theatres,
Labor trouble at Key theatre may be cause of incendiary fire,
Mrs Louis Alpert takes motion picture screen test in New York,
Open letter to townsfolk from Moving Picture Operators Union (l),
About 1,700 spectators attend races at Joe Hooker Track, 10/21/1938:6
Races furnish thrills, 11/11/1938:6
Races at Joe Hooker Track all thrills and action, 04/28/1939:4
Jesse Perkins pays $10 fine for improper operation of motorcycle,
State trooper loses memory in crash, 11/10/1939:6
Over 1,000 spectators take in races at Camp Joe Hooker, 11/17/1939:6
Mott, Arthur
Engaged to Dorothy Southworth, 07/26/1935:6
Daughter born, 09/11/1936:7, 04/22/1938:6
Mott, Arthur T.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Mott, Arthur Taylor
Born to Howard S. and Priscilla Archer, 06/11/1937:2
Mott, Arthur W.
Engaged to Dorothy E. Southworth, 01/10/1936:6
Wed to Dorothy E. Southworth, 01/24/1936:6
Mott, Arthur W., Jr.
Engaged to Dorothy Edith Southworth, 05/24/1935:1
Mott, Dorothy Southworth
Daughter born, 04/22/1938:6
Mott, Howard
Wedding described, 01/17/1936:1
Appointed measurer of wood, bark, and lumber, 04/28/1939:4
Mott, Howard S.
Engaged to Priscilla C. Archer, 01/10/1936:6
Son born, 06/11/1937:2
Mott, Priscilla Archer
Son born, 06/11/1937:2
Moulton, Mary A.
Obituary, 03/06/1936:7
Moving, Household
B.J. Owens, furniture and piano moving (ad), 02/08/1935:8
Bertram Thomas, Jr. crushed while moving piano, 02/14/1936:1
Moving of Bridges, Buildings, Etc.
Alfred Gomes purchases old carpenter shop at rear of Peirce Memorial,
Ernest Briggs granted permit to move building, 03/12/1937:7
Sarah Crittenden's South Middleboro house moved to Wareham,
Selectmen discuss removal of old Union Street School building,
daCosta wants Union Street School building moved, not demolished,
Mildred Wheeler purchases former nurses' home from St. Luke's, moves
building to her property, 08/19/1938:7
Clifton Nelson moves Langshaw house from Assawompsett Lake to
Bedford St, 03/24/1939:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Brockton man permitted to move building across line from Bridgewater,
Bertram Thomas granted permit to move building from Plymouth St to
Spencer St, 11/17/1939:1
Charles Hodgdon purchases building at Oak and Arch St, 12/29/1939:8
Moxson, Arnold J.
Wed to Esther Weston, 09/04/1936:8
Muise, Evelyn
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/25/1939:5
Son born, 11/17/1939:5
Muise, Raymond
Wed to Evelyn Wright Burke, 07/30/1937:1
Daughter born, 03/18/1938:7
Muise, Raymond F.
Notice of no responsibility for wife's debts, 08/25/1939:5
Agrees to pay wife $8 weekly for support, 09/01/1939:1
Mulhall, William Jerome
Wedding described, 11/18/1938:1
Mullein Hill Church (see Community Baptist Church of South Lakeville)
Mullen, Bernard
Fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 03/24/1939:5
Mullen, Bernard H.
Fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 01/20/1939:5
Mullins, Francis
Resides in Boston, 09/08/1939:8
Mullins, George
Restaurant license approved for Perkins, Forsberg, and Mullins,
Mullins, John
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Dies at age 71, 04/14/1939:7
Petition for probate of will, 04/28/1939:6
Merle Washburn and Natalie Hoard confined to home, 04/02/1937:11
Olive Washburn confined to home, 04/02/1937:11
Two cases reported in North Middleboro, 03/03/1939:11
Mundi, Barbara
Wed to Wilfred Gerrior, 12/31/1937:11
Mundi, Barbara E.
Engaged to Wilfred R. Gerrior, 12/10/1937:7
Munroe, W.B.
Origins of St. Swithin's Day (l), 07/26/1935:11
Munroe & Osborne
Real estate, 10 Station St (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Frederick Dean clubbed to at State Farm death by insane prisoner,
Attorney John V. Sullivan provides clue in Hampton, NH murder,
Leora Murdock charged with murder of newborn baby, 06/17/1938:8
Peter Dyer arrested here when pardon for life sentence revoked,
Murdock, Bartlet
Biography, 11/22/1935:8
Murdock, Bartlet, Jr.
Genealogy, 07/26/1935:8
Murdock, Francis
Son born, 01/27/1939:7
Murdock, Jane
Five-year-old struck by car on Forest St, 04/10/1936:1
Murdock, John
Biography, 03/15/1935:6
Genealogy, 06/14/1935:5, 07/26/1935:8
Murdock, Leora
Takes nurse's training at St. Luke's New Bedford, 02/12/1937:11
Student nurse at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 06/11/1937:11
Murdock, Leora M.
Charged with murder of newborn baby, 06/17/1938:8
Murdock, M.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Murdock, Mrs William, Jr.
Takes apartment on Rock St, 11/04/1938:1
Murdock, Nettie
Lightning strikes house in White's Hill section, 07/12/1935:1
Murdock, Ruth
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Murdock, Will
Biography, 10/25/1935:8
Murdock, William
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Chelsea man dies at age 43, 04/26/1935:4
Former Middleboro police officer dies at Chelsea Naval Hospital,
Biography, 10/18/1935:11
Schooners, 01/03/1936:8
Murphy (Mr)
Pool room suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Murphy, Alice
Engaged to Winthrop R. Bowers, 08/18/1939:5
Wed to Winthrop R. Bowers, 08/25/1939:5
Murphy, Bridget
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Dies at age 74, 07/26/1935:6
Murphy, Edward Leo
Wedding described, 12/08/1939:12
Murphy, Francis
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Murphy, Frank L.
Obituary, 09/20/1935:1
Dies at age 51, 09/20/1935:6
Murphy, Jerimiah
Carrier on rural route 3, 06/28/1935:5
Murphy, John
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Opens bowling lanes after resurfacing and repolishing, 09/27/1935:2
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Package store license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Engaged to Beatrice Wells, 11/17/1939:5
Murphy, John F.
see also Murphy's Package Store
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/27/1936:6
Murphy, John F., Jr.
Applies for liquor license, 02/15/1935:2
Selectmen address license applications, 03/01/1935:3
Selectmen deny application for liquor license, 03/15/1935:1
Murphy, John Francis
Wed to Margaret Sullivan, 04/14/1939:1
Murphy, John Francis, Jr.
Liquor license application, 02/15/1935:5
Murphy, John J.
Engaged to Beatrice Louise Wells, 06/09/1939:1
Murphy, John Joseph
Wed to Beatrice L. Wells, 12/08/1939:7
Murphy, John P.
Injured in rollover at Oak and High St, 10/15/1937:1
Murphy, Mrs William
Roses bloom in mild weather, 11/19/1937:1
Murphy, Peter
Granted permit to erect garage, 11/08/1935:2
Murphy, William
Selectmen grant hackney license, 12/17/1937:8
Murphy's Bowling Alley
Repairs made at Center St lanes, 09/18/1936:1
Grand opening follows renovations, 09/25/1936:1
Wallace and Servant held for break-in at bowling alley, 01/15/1937:1
Wallace and Servant burglary case continued, 01/22/1937:2
Pin spotters installed, 07/23/1937:6
Opens with new pin spotter, 09/10/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Undergoes thorough renovation, 08/19/1938:6
Middleboro Bowlerway formerly Murphy's Bowling Alley (ad),
Gets permit for billiards, pool, and bowling, 04/14/1939:1
Murphy's Package Store
Beer and ale, 61 Center St (ad), 07/05/1935:5
Has beer and ale in new Keglined cans, 08/02/1935:5
Display window smashed in break-in, 03/20/1936:1
Appointed certified retailer of liquors, 06/19/1936:5
Authorized dealer for S.S. Pierce Co. (ad), 06/26/1936:2
Application for liquor license, 12/25/1936:7
Opens new store at 167 Center St, 02/05/1937:7
Changes from sole proprietorship to corporation, 02/19/1937:5
New manager Frederick Schmidt, 07/30/1937:1
Selectmen discuss liquor license for new owners, 12/10/1937:1
Selectmen finally grant alcoholic beverage license, 12/24/1937:8
Plans to move out of Briggs property, 08/04/1939:12
Murphy fails to appear before selectmen, 08/18/1939:6
Murray (Mr)
Lets Miller St house to Henry Howe, 05/14/1937:11
Murray, Elizabeth A.
Secretary at MA State Employment Bureau office here, 04/03/1936:1
Murray, Francis J.
Son born, 05/17/1935:4
Murray, Frank
Son born, 05/17/1935:6
Employed in Cambridge, 11/01/1935:2
Moves to Boston, 11/08/1935:2
Lets Miller St house to Arthur Strople, 03/11/1938:8
Murray, Helen
Engaged to be married, 07/16/1937:11
Murray, Irving
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Murray, Irving G.
Wed to Beverly T. Fish, 01/06/1939:1
Murray, John F.
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Murray, L.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Murray, Lynwood
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Murray, Lynwood C.
Pledges Pi Kappa Alpha at University of Tennessee, 10/08/1937:1
Murray, Margaret Y.
Toward what are we heading (l), 12/06/1935:6
Murtagh, Mary
Obituary, 10/09/1936:1
Widow of Thomas Henry dies at age 82, 10/09/1936:7
Murtha, Mrs H.E.
Resides in Belmont, 09/18/1936:12
Music and Musicians
see also Bands and Orchestras; Belmont, Marion; Musical Instruction;
Sears, Mabel; Shaw, Mildred Taylor
Natalie Seaver performs at Langy School of Music in Cambridge,
Middleboro Male Singing Society reorganizes, brief history,
Baritone Donald Welch makes radio debut on WEAN, 05/24/1935:1
James Houlihan plays piano solo on WNBH, 06/07/1935:1
Middleboro folks members of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Trick pianist Charles Whitney appears on radio program, 05/22/1936:1
Leonard Wood accepted into trombone section at Northeastern
University, 10/16/1936:12
Goldstein and Childs engaged to play at Hotel Hamilton in Bermuda,
The Dude Ranch Cowboy, Ernest Ray, plays guitar, sings, and yodels,
Natalie Seaver thrills audience at Central ME Church, 06/11/1937:5
Leonard Wood member of trombone section of Northeastern University
orchestra, 11/19/1937:2
Millard Spooner chief staff organist of Station WFIL in Philadelphia,
Millard Spooner radio organist for WFIL in Philadelphia, 04/01/1938:1
James Houlihan participates in recital at NE Conservatory, 06/17/1938:1
Gilbert Hynes sings for Dudley Radio Carollers on WEAN,
Will Hardy now a dance band leader in Boston, 05/05/1939:1
Music Club
WPA project welcomes new members, 08/14/1936:2
The Music Shop
9 South Main St (ad), 01/11/1935:8
William Barden moves shop to Bon Mode property, 06/21/1935:6
Former Rock pastor loses Indiana church to fire, 07/09/1937:11
William Barden updates store on Center St, 10/29/1937:1
Music Stores
see also The Music Shop
Barden's New Music Studios, 172 Center St, 08/09/1935:12
New Music & Greeting Card Shop, 172 Centre St (ad), 12/04/1936:8
Horsman's Music Shop, 18 South Main St (ad), 12/11/1936:8
Paul Horsman moves music and tailoring shop from South Main St to
Centre St, 02/26/1937:6
Visit Horsman's new location at 161 Center St (ad), 02/26/1937:12
Musical Instruction
see also Tinkham, Lillian Place; Walker, Elizabeth; Warren, Abigail
Students of Carrie Eaton present excellent program, 07/12/1935:8
Marion Belmont, violin instruction (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Walter Weeman, teacher of instrumental music (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Pupils of Carrie Eaton present pianoforte recital, 07/10/1936:2
Richmond, Gifford, teacher of drums (ad), 12/24/1937:12
Students of Elfreda Anderson perform in annual spring concert,
Jeanette Snowdale, piano accordion and piano classes (ad),
Walter Weeman, cornet teaching (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Marion Belmont resumes teaching violin (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Mary Marra, piano instruction (ad), 02/03/1939:12
Pupils of Elfreda Anderson present piano recital, 06/30/1939:6
Hazel Proctor, pianoforte instruction (ad), 09/08/1939:8
Musical Instruments
F.T. Anderson & Sons, grand and upright pianos (ad), 12/13/1935:11
Bertram Thomas, Jr. crushed while moving piano, 02/14/1936:1
Mildred Perkins donates upright piano to Bates School, 10/08/1937:8
Henry Bowditch Jones, piano tuning (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Walter Weeman, violin repair (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Mr and Mrs Ira Caplan present upright piano to Bates School,
Mrs E.J. Kelley donates piano to Bates School, 09/29/1939:9
Mussickaa, Sulo
Son born, 10/11/1935:8
Muthow, Benno
Mortgagee's sale, 04/19/1935:5
Arnold Thomas gets probation for larceny from Muthow, 08/12/1938:1
Myers, Virginia L.
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Dies at age 72, 05/10/1935:4
Will in probate, 05/24/1935:8
Nadeau, Ernest
Takes position at sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Nairatinu Club
Holds annual meeting, 01/11/1935:1
Namasket River
Visitors here to witness annual herring run, 05/03/1935:1
Framingham auto goes into the river, 06/12/1936:1
River behaves despite rain fall, 07/29/1938:1
Clear explanation of new sewage disposal system needed at special town
meeting (l) (The Spectator), 09/02/1938:2
No more dumping of sewage, 09/09/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Cleanup project proposed, 09/16/1938:1
Foot bridge rebuilt by order of Nemasket Hill Cemetery trustees,
Peter Vasel leaps from East Grove St bridge into Nemasket River,
Marie Williams commits suicide by drowning, 05/26/1939:1
Nan Tung American and Chinese Restaurant
Park Huie opens restaurant at 137 Chestnut St, 06/25/1937:1
Granted license subject to Health Board approval, 06/25/1937:2
Announces opening at 137 Chestnut St (ad), 06/25/1937:12
Narcisi, Mrs Ottavio
Injured when struck by Warren's auto, 11/17/1939:8
Narcissi, Lena
Granted common victualler's license, 05/26/1939:1
Narcissi's Meatland
All former Briggs property stand vacant, 08/04/1939:12
Narragansett Milling Co.
Chester Thomas employed in office, 02/14/1936:11
National Union of Social Justice
Organizational meeting attended by 300 here, 02/07/1936:2
Enthusiastic meeting held for organization of Unit No. 2, 02/28/1936:1
Unit No. 1 adds 17 new members, 03/06/1936:6
Unit 20 membership reaches 200, third unit to form, 03/20/1936:2
To the people (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 05/01/1936:11
Middleboro hosts conclave, 07/17/1936:1
Favors principals of Union for Social Justice (l) (John D.W. Bodfish),
Holds mammoth field day in Lakeville, 09/18/1936:8
National Youth Administration
Two projects planned for Middleboro, 09/29/1939:5
Selectmen approve first project, 10/13/1939:1
Girls employed in Town House offices, boys at Myles Standish
reservation, 11/03/1939:1
Selectmen approve football field improvement project, 11/10/1939:1
Selectmen ask Peirce Trustees to fund football field improvement,
Native Americans
Last of Nemasket Indians (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 05/08/1936:6
Middleboro Ethnological Society elects officers, 11/03/1939:7
Neal, Clement V.
Daughter born, 11/22/1935:6
Son born, 01/15/1937:2
Neal, Clement V., Jr.
Born to Clement V., 01/15/1937:2
Neal, Garland L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/26/1937:8
Neal, Lanson
Obituary, 06/03/1938:11
Neal, Mrs Clement V.
Grandmother dies in Zion, IL, 05/13/1938:2
Neal, Robert
Employed in Hyde Park, 09/18/1936:12
Neal, Ruth C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/26/1937:8
Neal, Sherrill Kay
Born to Clement V., 11/22/1935:6
Neilsen, Helen Marie
Wedding described, 04/22/1938:1
Neilson, Helen
Employed at W.T. Grant Co., 08/28/1936:12
Neilson, Margaret
Obituary, 10/22/1937:1
Petition for probate of will, 12/10/1937:13
Neilson, Vera F.
Tenant in common, David Washburn, files claim in probate court,
Nelson (Mr)
Orchards on Bedford St in bloom, 05/06/1938:8
Nelson, May
Returns to Lakeville after two years in Florida, 05/14/1937:8
New bungalow built on Main St in Lakeville, 06/24/1938:11
Nelson, Clifton
Tires and grease stolen from Nelson, 04/08/1938:11
Moves Langshaw house from Assawompsett Lake to Bedford St,
Nelson, Clifton W.
Lakeville couple married 31 years, 11/15/1935:7
Sells Bedford St house to J. David Creighton, 07/07/1939:9
Nelson, C.W.
Couple married 32 years, 11/06/1936:6
Nelson, Edmund
Biography, 05/15/1936:8
Nelson, Eleanor
Wed to Duncan Seavey, 09/01/1939:7
Nelson, Elliott
Employed at sanatorium, 10/18/1935:12
Nelson, George S.
Twins born, 12/09/1938:7
Nelson, Hannah
Returns to Lakeville after two years in Florida, 05/14/1937:8
New bungalow built on Main St in Lakeville, 06/24/1938:11
Nelson, Hannah K.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Nelson, Mrs Ernest
Resides in Hoosick Falls, NY, 05/03/1935:1, 07/16/1937:1
Nelson, Samuel
Daughter born, 03/08/1935:4
Nelson, Thomas
Roberts' auto theft case dismissed, 11/01/1935:8
Nemasket Auto Co.
Hudson dealer, 78 Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
History and profile of Middleboro business, 02/01/1935:1
Hudson and Terraplane dealers (ad), 02/01/1935:2
Celebrates 25 years in business, 03/27/1936:2
Alice Howes bookkeeper, 08/07/1936:7
Nemasket Community Club
Holds annual dinner party, 07/12/1935:12
Celebrates 14th anniversary, 07/23/1937:7
Nemasket Credit Union
Louis Stone suggests town have a credit union (l), 09/13/1935:2
Appeal for credit union gets response (l) (Louis G. Stone), 09/20/1935:2
Be your own bank (l) (Louis G. Stone), 09/27/1935:5
What is a credit union? (l) (Louis G. Stone), 10/18/1935:6
Notice of intent to form Middleboro Credit Union, 12/13/1935:7
Louis Stone congratulates sponsors of credit union at Lucey Co. (l),
Local group petitions state to form credit union, 05/21/1937:1
Petition to Board of Bank Incorporation, 05/21/1937:7
Declares dividend, 12/09/1938:11
Nemasket Dairy
Babies milk a specialty (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Supplies milk for Norge cooking school (ad), 05/14/1937:11
What is pasteurized milk? (ad), 05/27/1938:8
Nemasket Gas & Oil Co.
F.E. Leighton, Wareham St (ad), 09/25/1936:2
Nemasket Hill Cemetery
Officers named at annual meeting, 04/19/1935:1
Brush fire on grounds, 04/03/1936:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/17/1936:2, 04/16/1937:2
Main drive re-surfaced, 08/19/1938:8
Nemasket River foot bridge rebuilt, 09/23/1938:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/14/1939:1
Nemasket Hotel
Razing old Nemasket House could make way for large parking lot,
Town wishes to purchase from Pierce Trustees, 08/11/1939:1
After Peirce Estate gas station petition rejected, may not be open to
donation of hotel property, 08/11/1939:4
Faint hope that Peirce Trustees will donate land (l) (The Spectator),
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Call for bids to remove, 11/17/1939:4
Bridgewater man does demolition, 12/08/1939:1
Nemasket Mill
Walker Co. purchases newer section of mill property, 06/21/1935:1
Nemasket River (see Namasket River)
Nemasket Spring Water Co.
Engages Cape Cod Entertainers for radio broadcast, 04/12/1935:1
Robert Higgins' larceny case against water Co. continued, 04/12/1935:2
Higgins' larceny case continued again, 04/19/1935:2
Higgins larceny case continued again, 04/26/1935:2
Larceny case brought against Robert Higgins continued, 05/03/1935:2
Higgins larceny case dismissed, 05/10/1935:2
Cocoa Cola bottler (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Fine beverages (ad), 12/13/1935:11
Employs Musch Kayajan, 03/13/1936:1
Plans expansion with two-story addition, 05/22/1936:5
Plant operates 24 hours a day to meet demand, 07/16/1937:1
General manager Musch Kayajan resigns, 07/30/1937:1
Installs new liquid super-bottle cleaner (p), 08/20/1937:1
Observes National Beverage Week (p), 05/19/1939:1
Nemasket Transportation Co.
Driver Manuel Cordeiro strikes pole, 06/28/1935:1
Oil burner flare-up causes shed fire, 01/14/1938:1
Application for license to build garage and store gasoline, 09/23/1938:7
Nerney, Marion Eleanor
Engaged to Andrew P. Campbell, Jr., 01/06/1939:1
Nesmith, Stella F.
Engaged to Thomas Morrison, 10/30/1936:6
Nesmith, Stella Frances
Engaged to Thomas Andrew Morrison, 12/04/1936:8
Wedding described, 12/18/1936:8
Nevertouch Pond
Selectmen get project request for improvements to herring run at pond,
Neville, Edward
Engaged to Edith A. Potter, 08/20/1937:7
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Wed to Edith Potter, 09/10/1937:7
New England Cranberry Sales Co.
Holds annual meeting, 04/19/1935:3
Late annual meeting receives little attention, 05/03/1935:3
Pre-harvest meeting one of largest, 09/06/1935:7
Annual meeting held at Carver town hall, 09/06/1935:8
Sets price at $2.40 per quarter barrel box, 09/20/1935:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/17/1936:11, 04/24/1936:1
Holds annual meeting in Carver, 09/04/1936:8
Massachusetts estimate at 343,000 barrels, 09/11/1936:1
Fruit begins arriving at Storehouse No. 2, 09/11/1936:11
Harvest nearly complete, 10/16/1936:2
Holds annual meeting at Carver town hall, 04/16/1937:5
Holds 30th annual meeting at Carver town hall, 04/23/1937:2
Holds annual meeting at Carver town hall, 09/03/1937:11
Begin screening in North Carver, 09/24/1937:5
Holds meeting in Carver, 02/04/1938:11
Holds 31st annual meeting, local men head organization, 04/22/1938:1
Storehouse No. 2 begins screening, 09/23/1938:11
Work held up by loss of power and lights, 09/30/1938:5
Resumes screening at No. 2 storehouse, 12/16/1938:10
Storehouse No. 2 completes shipping for the year, 12/23/1938:4
Holds annual meeting, 04/21/1939:6
Details of annual meeting, 04/28/1939:8
Holds annual meeting, 09/08/1939:7
Optimism over season, 09/15/1939:3
Crop up to estimates, 09/22/1939:1
Roger Weston traveling salesman, 09/22/1939:9
Screening at No. 2 storehouse begun, 09/22/1939:9
Crop tops estimates, 484 car loads shipped, 10/20/1939:1
New England Order of Protection - King Phillip Lodge No. 584
New organization forms here, 01/22/1937:8
Votes to sponsor juvenile lodge, 03/19/1937:5
Observes Charter Night, 04/02/1937:1
New England Telephone & Telegraph Co.
New directory closes June 19th (ad), 06/07/1935:3
Granted permit to erect poles on Bedford St, 07/05/1935:1
Exchange closed Wednesday afternoons, 07/19/1935:1
Permitted to move poles on Sachem St and Plymouth St, 10/18/1935:1
Granted permit to erect poles on Marion Rd, 11/08/1935:2
Handles over 7,000 calls daily here, 07/17/1936:1
WPA sewing unit moves from library to telephone building,
Granted permit for poles on Plymouth St, 04/16/1937:5
Granted permit to erect poles, 09/10/1937:2
Granted permit for underground cable on Wareham St, 02/18/1938:8
Open house attendees see efficient operation, 03/11/1938:1
Holds open house at local exchange, 03/11/1938:8
About 400 subscribers without service after hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Normal service to be restored soon, 09/30/1938:6
Gets permit for pole work on Wareham and Center St, 02/10/1939:11
Granted permit to relocate poles at North and School St, 10/20/1939:1
New England Transportation Co.
Stops service between Middleboro and Brockton, 01/07/1938:2
Change in bus schedule, 09/09/1938:1
New Music & Greeting Card Shop
172 Centre St (ad), 12/04/1936:8
New Music Studios
Barden's, 172 Center St, 08/09/1935:12
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
New Comet will get folks to Boston in 26 minutes, 05/10/1935:1
New Comet viewed by 5,788 at local station, 05/24/1935:2
Comet makes run to Boston in 40 minutes, 06/07/1935:5
Cape train strikes car at Briggs Lane crossing, 11/08/1935:1
Bertha Covell and Georgette Thomas arrested for track walking,
Covell and Thomas on probation for track walking, 08/28/1936:2
Train kills Ernest Ouellette near Center St bridge, 01/08/1937:1
Track walking cases closed, 02/26/1937:2
South Middleboro residents petition for continued service, 01/28/1938:8
Curtailment of services brought on by popularity of the auto,
Selectmen take preliminary steps to protest changes, 02/04/1938:1
Propose discontinuation of 88 stations on Old Colony Railroad line (ad),
New schedule filed for Old Colony lines, 02/04/1938:5
Selectmen hold hearing on proposed changes, 02/11/1938:1
Suit filed against railroad in death of Ernest Ouellette, 02/18/1938:1
Petition for public hearing, 03/04/1938:11
Residents oppose changes at Public Utilities hearing, 03/18/1938:1
Seeks permission to build new track, 03/18/1938:1
Granted permit to construct roadway, 03/18/1938:8
Train service in South Middleboro to continue indefinitely,
Timetable changes postponed (ad), 03/25/1938:4
Rep. Stetson attends hearings in New Haven, CT, 07/15/1938:1
Closing of station leaves South Middleboro without public
transportation, 07/22/1938:11
Rock Station closed to passengers, 07/29/1938:11
Hurricane disrupts service to Cape, 09/23/1938:1
Osmond Pell dies after run over by freight train at local station,
NY Circuit Court of Appeals reverses order permitting discontinuation
of stations, 01/20/1939:1
Rebell brothers discover broken rail, avert train accident, 02/10/1939:1
Selectmen file formal protest of abandonments, 05/19/1939:1
Selectmen agree to protest curtailment of services, 05/26/1939:2
Committee named to fight loss of rail service, 07/21/1939:1
Chamber of Commerce gathers data on effect of railroad loss,
Stetson in fight to keep railroad, 07/28/1939:1
Chamber of Commerce circulates rail service petition, 08/04/1939:1
Selectmen sign petition to prohibit discontinuance of service,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
DeVinny urges quick reply on rail service data, 08/18/1939:1
Town signs off on street conditions after rail removal, 12/22/1939:1
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad - Employees
Charles Watkins tower operator, 05/10/1935:1
Charles Watkins telegraph operator, 05/24/1935:1
M.M. Barrett track supervisor, 08/23/1935:7
Employs Thomas Boutin, 06/05/1936:2
Local railroad engineer McCabe completes 50 years of service,
Locomotive engineer William McCabe has perfect 50-year record,
Willard Dunham retires after 50 years of service, 06/11/1937:1
George Cox transfers to duties in Wareham, 12/09/1938:1
New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad - Fares and Schedules
Changes to train schedule, 04/26/1935:2
Change in afternoon trains at Rock, 07/19/1935:8
New rates for Sunday excursions, 07/26/1935:2
Spring timetable in effect April 25th, 04/23/1937:5
Changes in train schedule, 09/24/1937:5
Six trains discontinued when new schedule goes into effect (t),
Changes in train time, 04/28/1939:6
Winter schedule, 09/29/1939:7
Newcomb, Leon
Daughter born, 10/27/1939:5
Newcomb, Leon E.
Applies for gasoline storage license, 01/01/1937:8
Permit granted for 500-gal. gas storage tank, 01/15/1937:2
Engaged to Bertha L. Chapman, 09/02/1938:7
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Newell, Charles W.
Appointed resident engineer for PWA, 04/28/1939:1
Newkirk, Abraham G.
Announces candidacy for treasurer/collector, 10/25/1935:1
Profile of candidate for treasurer/collector (p), 11/22/1935:1
Newkirk is qualified (ad) (p), 12/27/1935:12
Experience, character, personality (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Twenty-five years experience (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Newkirk, John
Resides in Dennisport, 10/16/1936:12, 08/06/1937:1
Newkirk, Mildred V.
Engaged to Mario Scalera, 06/28/1935:6, 07/05/1935:11
Newkirk, Mildred Van Etten
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:1
Newkirk, Mildred V.E.
Engaged to Mario Scalera, 06/21/1935:1
Rock village boys issue first Village Bulletin, 03/31/1939:4
Selectmen rule only one reporter per paper at meetings, 05/12/1939:2
Ruling meant to exclude The Spectator from meetings (l), 05/12/1939:3
Newton, Charles
Son born, 05/01/1936:7
Newton, Joseph
Son born, 03/06/1936:6
Nichols, Gordon
Senior at Vesper George School of Art in Boston, 01/18/1935:1
Beautiful reproduction of town seal adorns selectmen's meeting room
(i), 05/14/1937:1
Artists to study in New York, 08/19/1938:1
Exhibits work at National Academy Fine Arts Building in New York,
Nichols, Gordon E.
Studies with noted artist Cornwell, 07/05/1935:6
Charcoal drawings receive praise, 05/29/1936:1
Collides with South Carver driver at Four Corners, 08/27/1937:2
Nichols, Gordon R.
Opens art studio on North Main St, 08/27/1937:1
Nichols, Harold
Accepts call from Baptist church of Cranston, RI, 01/18/1935:7
Son born, 12/13/1935:1
Nichols, Herbert George
Wed to George Elizabeth Moore, 10/13/1939:5
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:5
Nichols, John T.
And wife return from Europe, 06/23/1939:1
Nichols, L. Gordon
Illustrator gets work published in magazine, 05/01/1936:1
Nichols, Lillian Neilson
Son born, 12/13/1935:1
Nichols, Lillian Nielson
Resides in Nova Scotia, 06/10/1938:12
Nichols, Ralph
Transfers to Baptist church in Cranston, RI, 01/18/1935:7
Assumes new duties in Cranston, RI, 04/12/1935:8
Nichols, Ruth
Dies in Jersey City, NJ, 05/14/1937:1
Nickerson, Allan P.
In arrears in child support payments, 07/21/1939:2
Nickerson, Clifton
Resides in Worcester, 04/09/1937:11
Nickerson, Doris J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/19/1936:8
Nickerson, Edith Rosella
Obituary, 09/01/1939:1
Wife of Levi N. dies at age 63, 09/01/1939:5
Nickerson, Frederick
Daughter born, 04/24/1936:7
Nickerson, George L.
Engaged to Dora D. Bennett, 11/10/1939:4
Wed to Dora D. Bennett, 11/17/1939:5
Nickerson, H. Frank
Obituary, 06/05/1936:1
Marion man dies at age 78, 06/05/1936:7
Nickerson, Harold W.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/19/1936:8
Nickerson, Horace E.
Application for liquor license, 08/29/1935:11
Granted liquor license, 09/13/1935:1
Nickerson, Howard W.
Four-year-old Rae Smith struck by Nickerson on Center St,
Nickerson, Iris
Wed to Henry Hogan, 08/29/1935:1
Nickerson, Iris M.
Engaged to Henry Hogan, 08/23/1935:6
Wed to Henry Hogan, 08/29/1935:6
Nickerson, Levi
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 10/21/1938:8
On probation for fine of $35 for drunk driving, 04/14/1939:8
Nickerson, Levi N.
Fined $35 for drunk driving, 07/28/1939:1
Nickerson, Lillian
Bystander hurt in three-car crash on Rte 28, 10/14/1938:1
Nickerson, Ralph
Children quarantined with measles, 01/31/1936:2
Breaks leg while playing in yard, 12/15/1939:8
Nickerson, Simeon L.
Text of letter written in 1916, 04/09/1937:5
Nickerson's Lunch Cafe
Application for liquor license, 08/29/1935:11
Nickoloff, Michael
Petitions to change name to Michael Edward Evany, 03/04/1938:11
Nicol, Mary
Sister dies in Milton, 02/26/1937:11
Nielsen, Helen Marie
Engaged to Warren Duncan Harding, 11/20/1936:1
Nielsen, Niels
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Dies at age 64, 06/02/1939:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Nielson, Christian
Case of non-support continued, 09/20/1935:2
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 09/20/1935:7
Non-support case dismissed, 10/11/1935:2
Nielson, Vera
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 09/20/1935:7
Niemi, Gertrude
Wed to Eino Pentanen, 11/17/1939:3
Niro, E.N.
Electrician (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Nitz, Mary
Sheriff's sale, 12/03/1937:8
Noble, Frederic
Candidate for selectman, 12/04/1936:1, 01/08/1937:1
Noble, Frederic H.
Takes out nomination papers for selectman (p), 11/20/1936:1
Re-elect selectman (ad), 01/08/1937:8
Thanks to voters (l), 01/22/1937:8
Knob Terrace cottage partial destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Nolan, Helen
Senior at Simmons College, 03/18/1938:1
Nolan, Louise
Wedding described, 12/04/1936:1
Nolan, Louise R.
Wed to Willard F. Rand, 12/04/1936:8
Nolan, Peter J.
Obituary, 02/21/1936:1
Dies at age 48, 02/21/1936:6
Non-Support (spousal) (see Desertion and Non-Support)
Norcross, John
Gets extension to pay $5 fine, 10/16/1936:8
Case placed on file after fine paid, 10/23/1936:2
Fails to appear in court at expiration of probation, 11/27/1936:2
Obituary, 04/16/1937:6
Dies at age 44, 04/16/1937:7
Norcross, Thomas
Daughter born, 07/09/1937:7
Nord, Dorothea
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 07/01/1938:1
Normandeau, George H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/29/1938:8
Normandeau, Myrtle F.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/29/1938:8
Normando (Mr and Mrs)
Move from Lakeville to Boston, 03/04/1938:3
Normando, George
Moves from Taunton to Lakeville, 10/15/1937:5
Moves from Boston to Lakeville, 05/20/1938:11
Norris, Alonzo
Obituary, 09/08/1939:4
Brockton man dies at age 77, 09/08/1939:5
Norris, Alonzo C.
Petition for administration of estate, 09/22/1939:2
Norris, Bernice K.
Little girl injured when struck by Plympton car in Lakeville,
Norris, Fred
Son born, 10/23/1936:7
Moves from Lakeville to Middleboro, 09/03/1937:5
Norris, George
Coman and Norris top first skiing event held here, 01/21/1938:6
Norris, Harry
Daughter born, 05/28/1937:11
Norris, Joseph F.
Resides in Quincy, 11/08/1935:12
Norris, Martha E.
Class of 1935 holds in loving remembrance (p), 06/21/1935:3
Norris, Minnie C.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Norris, Robert Rufus
Born to Walter, 03/12/1937:11, 03/26/1937:11
Norris, Rufus
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 75, 01/25/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 02/15/1935:6
Norris, Walter
Son born, 03/12/1937:11, 03/26/1937:11
Norris, Wilfred
Proprietor of Rose Arbour Extract Co. (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Norris Building
Selectmen request bids for demolition, 08/11/1939:1
Action delayed on demolition, 08/11/1939:4
Selectmen invite demolition bids, 09/08/1939:1
Town Manager authorized to seek bids for demolition, 09/08/1939:1
Request for bids for demolition, 09/15/1939:7
Building demolished to make room for parking (l) (The Spectator),
Demolition complete, 10/27/1939:7
Bertram Thomas not required to fill in cellar hole, 12/15/1939:5
Norris Family
Forty attend reunion, 03/03/1939:11
North America (see Americas)
North Lakeville Community Club
New organization holds first venture, 08/23/1935:2
Celebrates 5th anniversary, 11/03/1939:5
North Lakeville Community Hall
Hurricane damage to chimney repaired, 11/04/1938:9
North Lakeville Orchestra
Plays for Men's Club in Dighton, 04/09/1937:11
North Lakeville School
Improvements discussed at special town meeting, 04/21/1939:1
North Middleboro Baptist Church
Rev Ralph Nichols transfers to church in Cranston, RI, 01/18/1935:7
North Middleboro Congregational Church
William Rogers new pastor, 04/26/1935:7
Hosts county Neighborhood convention, 06/14/1935:2
Holds annual roll call, 10/18/1935:5
Beneficiary of will of Marion Pratt, 10/25/1935:1
Holds annual meeting, 03/06/1936:8
Hosts monthly Neighborhood convention, 06/12/1936:11
Harold Rogers pastor, 08/07/1936:2
Bids farewell to Rev William Rogers, 10/16/1936:11
Holds annual roll call, 10/16/1936:11
Cantata The Lost Star presented, 12/25/1936:8
Holds annual meeting, 03/12/1937:11, 03/11/1938:11
Hosts closing meeting of Neighborhood convention, 06/10/1938:2
Holds annual roll call, 10/14/1938:8
Holds annual meeting, 03/10/1939:8
Holds annual roll call, 10/13/1939:9
North Middleboro Mothers' Club
Holds annual Guest Night, 09/25/1936:2
North Middleboro Taxpayers' Association
Residents form association, 02/15/1935:5
Northcott, Henry S.
Obituary, 02/01/1935:1
South Hanson man dies at age 25, 02/01/1935:4
Northrup, James
Dies in North Adams, 10/06/1939:11
Northway, Cecil
Daughter born, 07/12/1935:6
Northway, Elizabeth M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/16/1937:6
Northway, George
Resides in Saco, ME, 01/20/1939:1
Northway, Mrs Cecil
Resides in Saco, ME, 06/03/1938:12
Northway, Ralph
Middleboro men participate in flood relief in Northampton,
Northway, Ralph E.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/16/1937:6
Norton, Charles
Foreman of repair department at Maxim Motor Co., 08/19/1938:5
Chimney fire on North Main St, 05/05/1939:1
Foreman of repair department at Maxim Motor Co., 08/18/1939:8
Norton, Emily S.
Obituary, 09/03/1937:1
Dies at age 78, 09/03/1937:7
Norton, Howard P.
Obituary, 05/06/1938:1
Dies at age 70, 05/06/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 05/20/1938:7
Norton, Leslie
Alumnus of Mass State College, 06/16/1939:9
Norton, Lindley C.
Obituary, 03/24/1939:1
Dies at age 74, 03/24/1939:7
Norton, Richard
Employed at sanatorium, 11/10/1939:6
Norton, Winthrop
Attends school at Chrysler Motor plant in Detroit, MI, 07/07/1939:9
Norton & Long
Radios, Thatcher's Row (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Norvish, Augustine S.
Injured when auto hits wall, rolls over, 09/10/1937:1
Norvish, Charles
Application for license for two car garage, 01/22/1937:7
Leslie and Katharina Woodward, notary public, public stenographer
(ad), 11/11/1938:12
Notman, James Frederick
Wed to Helen Shaw, 09/15/1939:8
Nourse, Alton
Everett St couple married 48 years, 06/19/1936:12
Everett St couple married 50 years, 06/10/1938:1, 06/17/1938:1
Nourse, Fred
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Nourse, Harold
Son born, 07/05/1935:6
Nourse, Ralph
Sells Plymouth St house to Frank Furling, 05/10/1935:7
Funeral for nephew held in Natick, 08/20/1937:11
Nourse, Raymond
Employed at H.L. Thatcher printing office, 10/18/1935:1
Foreman at H.L. Thatcher Co., 08/14/1936:7
Foreman at H.L. Thatcher printing plant, 12/11/1936:2
And Merrill Shurtleff fly over hurricane-damaged area, 09/30/1938:6
Nourse, Sally
Brother dies in Onset, 05/21/1937:11
Novakowski, Anna
Petitions to install gasoline tanks, 10/08/1937:8
Novakowski, Valentine
Makes improvements to Plymouth St home, 07/29/1938:11
Novalowski, V.A.
Tree falls on Plymouth St house during hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Nugent, George A.
Engaged to Emma Gardner, 05/21/1937:1
Nugent, Martin J.
Wed to Lillian Maki, 06/18/1937:5
Nunes, James
Charged with assault, 11/15/1935:8
Passenger injured when car strikes tree on East Main St, 07/22/1938:1
Case of breaking and entering continued, 12/16/1938:11
Gets five months for breaking and entering and larceny, 02/24/1939:6
Nunes, Lydia B.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Nunn, Mrs A.E.
Dies in Independence, MO, 10/23/1936:1
Nurseries (plant)
see also DeVinny's Greenhouses; John S. Cobb Greenhouses;
Landscapers and Landscaping
Lakeville Gardens, Inc., Sumner Coolidge treasurer (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Sisson's Greenhouse, East Grove St (ad), 05/08/1936:12
Lois Mello, 13 Hillside Ave (ad), 05/22/1936:12
A.A. Petrowski, representative of Empire State Nursery Co. (ad),
Lakeville Gardens, Inc. receiver's sale in bankruptcy (ad), 11/10/1939:5
Nurses and Nursing
see also Middleboro District Nursing Association
Helen Pasztor is local school nurse, Harriett Thomas district nurse, Mary
Fuller Lakeville nurse, 01/18/1935:1
Nute, Alice
Moves from Lakeville to Rochester, 04/07/1939:9
Nutter, Stephen R.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/09/1938:7
Nye, Albert E.
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 11/05/1937:1
Fire at home on Wareham St, 11/12/1937:1
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Nye, Alma
Attends Bridgewater State, 02/26/1937:6
Receives B.S. degree from Bridgewater State, 06/17/1938:1
Bridgewater State grad accepts teaching post in Maine, 12/16/1938:1
Nye, Bessie
Obituary, 11/06/1936:11
Nye, Edna S.
Wife of Albert dies at age 59, 09/17/1937:7
Obituary, 09/24/1937:1
Nye, Grace
Wedding described, 04/24/1936:1
Wed to William W. Briggs, 04/24/1936:7
Nye, Grace C.
Engaged to William W. Briggs, 04/17/1936:7
Nye, Lucius S.
Son born, 11/18/1938:7
Nye, William C.
Applies for liquor license, none available, 04/21/1939:1
Nyland, Carl Augustus
Funeral held in Halifax, 02/01/1935:6
Nyland, Jerome
Son of William christened, 03/18/1938:11
Nyland, Mary
Wed to Donald Whitman, 03/12/1937:11
Nyland, William
Son Jerome christened, 03/18/1938:11
Oates, Mrs Joseph
Sister dies in Vermont, 10/25/1935:11
Ober, Elijah S.
Obituary, 08/16/1935:1
Dies at age 71, 08/16/1935:6
O'Brien, Daniel
Obituary, 03/05/1937:11
O'Connell, John J.
Pleads not guilty to assault with intent to rape, 06/25/1937:5
Acquitted on serious charge involving two local girls, 10/29/1937:2
Odd Fellows (see International Order of Odd Fellows)
O'Donnell, Charles H.
Engaged to Mary A. Barrett, 05/01/1936:7
O'Donnell, Charles Henry
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:1
O'Donnell, G.H.
News from Aurora, IN, 01/15/1937:5
Former Rock pastor loses Indiana church to fire, 07/09/1937:11
Accepts call to church in Montpelier, IN, 11/11/1938:11
O'Donnell, Mary Barrett
Obituary, 04/29/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wife of Charles H. dies at age 31, 04/29/1938:7
O'Donnell, Ruth
Law Graduate Scholar in mathematics at University of Cincinnati,
Oglesby, Mildred
Montgomery Home for Aged People matron resigns, 07/08/1938:1
Oglesby, Mildred F.
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Wed to William C. Barden, 07/08/1938:7
Oglesby, Mrs Thomas
Matron of Montgomery Home, 12/06/1935:2
Matron at Montgomery Home for Aged People, 12/18/1936:1
O'Gorman, James L.
Engaged to Mary R. Jacintho, 10/15/1937:7
Wed to Mary R. Jacintho, 10/22/1937:7
O'Hara, Everett
Attends Burdett College, 09/29/1939:4
O'Hara, Mrs Stephen
Leaves for cruise to Bermuda, 04/17/1936:1
O'Hara, Neal
Book Take It From Me published, 03/31/1939:1
Shares stage with presidential possibles in Washington, 04/28/1939:1
O'Hara, Neal R.
Broadcasts over WEEI, 10/14/1938:1
O'Hara, Stephen F.
Named probation officer for 4th District Court, 03/01/1935:1
Probation officer, 12/13/1935:1
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 10/02/1936:5
Several hundred members of Elks pay homage, 12/04/1936:1
Onset cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Everett St couple married 25 years, 06/30/1939:1
O'Hara, Walter E.
Purchases Manville-Jenckes textile mill in Pawtucket, RI, 02/22/1935:6
Former local man to run for governor of Rhode Island, 08/05/1938:1
O'Hara & Black
Assignee's sale at Everett Square business (ad), 10/30/1936:12
O'Hare, Hannah Spellman
Obituary, 01/20/1939:1
Dies at age 85, 01/20/1939:7
Oil (see Fuel Oil)
Old Colony Railroad
NY, NH & Hartford RR propose discontinuation of 88 stations on Old
Colony line (ad), 02/04/1938:3
New schedule filed, 02/04/1938:5
Selectmen hold hearing on proposed changes, 02/11/1938:1
Seeks permission to build new track, 03/18/1938:1
Shurtleff attends hearing on discontinuance of service, 10/06/1939:1
Revision of passenger service on South Shore (ad), 10/06/1939:3
Investors ask court action to force trustees to end all service,
Review of issues, 10/13/1939:2
State Senate has no plans to approve modified rail service, 10/20/1939:7
Commuters from South Shore towns unit in efforts, 10/20/1939:10
Commission wants answers, what is minimum service required by town,
Glidden tells commission that local industry requires raw materials,
Commuters League lays out plan, 11/10/1939:1
Governor promises to help keep railroad, 11/10/1939:1
The Spectator reviews the issues in discontinuation of railroad service
(l), 11/10/1939:2
Ordered by state public utilities department to re-open local stations,
Local tax collector instructed to sell property on which railroad refuses
to pay taxes, 12/15/1939:4
The Old Middleborough Historical Society
see also Ancestors' Day
Holds annual meeting, 06/28/1935:2
Still unable to secure own building, 02/07/1936:1
Presents scenes of bicentennial celebration, 04/24/1936:1
Holds annual meeting, 06/05/1936:1
Holds fall meeting at Grange hall, 10/30/1936:1
Holds fall meeting, 10/29/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 06/10/1938:5
Winter meeting well attended, history of straw works presented,
Annual reports read at meeting, 06/23/1939:1
Holds fall meeting, 10/27/1939:1
The Old Tavern
Burton Davis purchases Old Tavern from Mrs Earl Gates, 05/17/1935:7
Davis and Deeping set to open in South Middleboro, 05/29/1936:5
Tearoom set to open on Rte 28 (ad), 05/29/1936:12
Opens for the season, 06/05/1936:2
Closes for winter (ad), 10/09/1936:11
Opening date set for April 16th, 04/15/1938:1
Olde Tavern
South Middleboro business closes till next spring, 09/13/1935:1
Closes for winter (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Open weekends (ad), 09/20/1935:12
Robert Deeping manager (ad), 11/11/1938:12
Olde Tavern Tea-Room
Route 28 business re-opens for season, 04/30/1937:5
Davis and Deeping appreciate patronage (ad) (l), 04/30/1937:12
Brief history (ad), 04/28/1939:10
To clarify a misunderstanding (l) (Robert Deeping), 05/12/1939:6
Oldfield, Wilbur
Accepts post in New York, 03/31/1939:4
Oles, Mary
Obituary, 09/04/1936:12
Olive, Ralph M.
Wed to Eileen H. Sullivan, 12/04/1936:8
Oliver, Anthony
Passes exam for radio telephone operator, 06/17/1938:2
Oliver, Cladys A.
Collides with Rockland truck on North St, 10/06/1939:4
Oliver, Joan
Four-year-old struck by Brockton auto on West Grove St, 05/20/1938:1
Oliver, Joseph
Selectmen grant permit to move henhouses, 10/07/1938:2
Oliver, Ralph L.
Engaged to Lillian Bisson Simmons, 11/15/1935:6
Wed to Lillian Bisson Simmons, 11/22/1935:6
Oliver, Royce
Wedding described, 02/28/1936:12
Son born, 11/27/1936:7
Olsen (Mr and Mrs)
Move from Boston to Rock, 05/29/1936:5
Olsen, Lawrence
Dog is an accomplished woodchuck killer, 07/31/1936:11
Breaks arm, 01/15/1937:5
Olson, Adolf
Obituary, 11/20/1936:11
Olson, Edward
Son born, 02/26/1937:6
Olson, Inger Kristina
Obituary, 10/25/1935:11
Olson, Lawrence
Engaged to Alice B. Young, 11/03/1939:6
O'Malley, Hattie
Moves from Everett St to Frank St, 12/08/1939:2
O'Melia, James A.
Obituary, 06/19/1936:1
O'Melia, Thomas
Local insurance man honored, 01/29/1937:6
Agent for John Hancock Insurance Co., 08/06/1937:1
O'Melia, Thomas F.
Injured when car overturns on Frank St, 06/30/1939:10
O'Neil, David
Case filed, 11/25/1938:6
O'Neil, David H.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gets 30 days for drunkenness, 12/17/1937:5
O'Neil, James
New welfare agent (p), 03/18/1938:1
O'Neil, James J.
Candidate for Democratic convention delegate (p), 04/03/1936:1
Democratic voters elect delegate (ad) (p), 04/24/1936:7
Thanks voters for support (l), 05/01/1936:6
Selectmen recommend removal of chair of welfare board, 05/05/1939:1
The Spectator comments on recommendation to oust O'Neil (l),
The Spectator comments on resignation (l), 05/19/1939:3
Claims unfair tactics (l), 05/26/1939:1
The Spectator comments on Welfare Board situation (l), 05/26/1939:3
Shurtleff answers charges made by O'Neil (l), 06/02/1939:1
Arthur Michaud clarifies point in O'Neil's letter (l), 06/02/1939:9
George McKay replaces James O'Neil as welfare agent, 06/09/1939:1
The Spectator comments on replacement of O'Neil (l), 06/09/1939:3
Open letter concerning O'Neil's allegations (l) (Ethel A. Cardini),
O'Neill, David
Violates probation, committed, 08/20/1937:1
O'Neill, David J.
Gets 30 days from drunk driving, 07/16/1937:1
Opticians and Optometrists
Robinson gets new optical equipment for E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and
Optical, 04/12/1935:8
J.E. Robinson (ad), 04/12/1935:10
M.L. Hinckley, jeweler and optometrist (ad), 04/19/1935:3
Optometrist Leo Gibbons to locate here, 11/11/1938:1
Leo Gibbons, optometrist, 87 Center St (ad), 11/11/1938:7
Optometrists (see Opticians and Optometrists)
Orchestras (see Bands and Orchestras)
Orcutt, Frank M.
Melrose man dies in Wareham St crash (p), 10/21/1938:1
Orcutt, Myron
Dies at age 57, 06/04/1937:7, 06/11/1937:7
Obituary, 06/11/1937:12
Order of DeMolay
DeMolay leader Robert Powell receives award (p), 03/17/1939:1
Robert Powell wins Degree of Chevalier (p), 09/22/1939:1
Order of the Eastern Star - Hannah Shaw Chapter
Celebrates 21st anniversary, 05/03/1935:3
Holds annual meeting, 12/13/1935:2
Celebrates 22nd anniversary, 05/01/1936:1
Holds Matrons and Patrons Night, 11/27/1936:6
Celebrates 23rd anniversary, 04/30/1937:6
Celebrates 25th anniversary, 05/05/1939:7
O'Regan, Patrick
Son born, 02/07/1936:6
Oreti, Joseph V.
Fined $20 for trapping without a license, 11/06/1936:2
O'Rourke, Mary C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:7
O'Rourke, Peter
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:7
O'Rourke, Peter J.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/21/1936:7
Orrall, Lucy K.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Orrall, Mrs Thomas
Receives two kidnap threats, 01/25/1935:1
Orrall, Thomas
Son born, 07/31/1936:1, 07/31/1936:7
Osborn, Alfred B.
Member of radio cast of The Box Board Village Sketch, 01/18/1935:1
Osborn, David
Moves to Meriden, CT, 10/08/1937:11
Osborne (Mr)
Munroe & Osborne, 10 Station St (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Lets North Lakeville bungalow to Guild, 06/10/1938:11
Osborne, Alfred B.
And Paul Hotz appear on radio in Florida, 02/12/1937:11
Purchases Taunton St property at town auction, 05/13/1938:3
Osborne, David
Rubbish fire in cellar on Coombs St, 04/26/1935:5
Osborne, George B.
Obituary, 08/23/1935:1
Dies at age 82, 08/23/1935:6
Osborne, Joseph
Occupies Kingsley's tenement on Pleasant St, 12/30/1938:11
Finishes cellar for house on Center St, 08/25/1939:7
Osborne, Lawrence
Builds new house for Russell Haskins on Taunton St, 05/21/1937:11
North Lakeville couple married 8 years, 07/02/1937:5
Sells bungalow to William Pidgeon, 10/08/1937:11
Osborne, Lyman
Center St couple married 40 years, 04/17/1936:8
Osborne, M.E.
We Miss Him. Yes, We Miss Him (poem), 01/22/1937:6
Osborne, Melva
Accepted at Providence Bible Institute, 05/03/1935:1
Osborne, Melva Reynolds
Awarded high honors at Providence Bible institute graduation,
Osgood, Merrick H.
Obituary, 12/23/1938:6
Dies at age 81, 12/23/1938:7
O'Toole, Eveleen M.
Obituary, 01/22/1937:1
Dies in Worcester at age 67, 01/22/1937:6
O'Toole, Grace
Resides in South Bridgewater, 03/26/1937:11
Otterson, Jonas
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 04/07/1939:9
Otterstein, Robert
Mother dies in Amboy, MN, 09/17/1937:6
Otterstein, Robert M.
Father dies in Amboy, MN, 12/24/1937:7
Otto, Frank
Auto skids on Plymouth St, hits pole, 10/15/1937:1
Otto, Frank C., Jr.
Bags 8.5-lb. fox, 10/18/1935:12
Otto, Muriel
Engaged to Joseph Creati, 09/03/1937:11, 11/05/1937:11
Otto, Myrtle
Attends Salem State College, 12/27/1935:6
Receives B.S. in Education from Salem State, 06/19/1936:12
Accepts teaching post at Howard High school, 06/26/1936:12
Commercial teacher at Howard High School, 09/10/1937:6
Ouelette, Romeo
Son born, 01/31/1936:5
Ouellette, Arthur
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Ouellette, Arthur J.
Vine St couple married 45 years, 09/22/1939:1
Ouellette, Ernest
New Haven train kills local man near Center St bridge, 01/08/1937:1
Ouellette, Ernest J.
Wed to Florence M. Baker, 07/26/1935:6
Suit filed against railroad in death last January, 02/18/1938:1
Overseer of the Poor (see Poor Farm)
Owen, William
Engaged to Annie I. Hardy, 03/24/1939:7
Owens, Bernard
Son born, 08/20/1937:7
Owens, Bernard J.
Purchases former Hammond house in Fall Brook, 01/21/1938:12
Brush fire on Wareham St., 07/21/1939:5
Owens, B.J.
Furniture and piano moving (ad), 02/08/1935:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Owens, Doris
Engaged to Thomas Hogan, 10/18/1935:1
Owens, Doris G.
Engaged to Thomas L. Hogan, 10/25/1935:6
Owens, Dorris G.
Wed to Thomas L. Hogan, 11/08/1935:6
Owens, Fay
Daughter born, 11/26/1937:7
Owens, Kendrick
Transfers from Rockland W.T. Grant store to Sanford, ME,
Owens, Mabel
Celebrates 36th anniversary, 11/17/1939:6
Owens, Mary E.
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Owens, Mary Eleanor
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:6
Owens, Maude
Moves from Peirce St to North Main St, 09/11/1936:12
Owens, Mrs Harry B.
Obituary, 05/14/1937:1
Owens, William
Wed to Viola Pittsley, 08/05/1938:11
Huntley's pair win pulling contest at Rehoboth fair, 09/13/1935:8
Roy Huntley's yoke of oxen take first prize at Rehoboth fair,
Paananen, John
Obituary, 08/09/1935:1
South Carver man dies at age 63, 08/09/1935:6
Huckleberry Corner man will be missed, 08/09/1935:8
Petition for probate of will, 10/04/1935:8
Package Stores (see Alcoholic Beverage Industry)
Packard, Abbie
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Packard, Caroline Andrews
Engaged to Bernard Hull Eldridge, 05/19/1939:1
Packard, George W.
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 03/29/1935:3
Page, Charles
Plympton couple married 52 years, 06/16/1939:4
Page, Charles D.
Plympton couple married 47 years, 01/18/1935:7
Plympton couple married 48 years, 01/17/1936:8
Plympton couple married 49 years, 01/15/1937:2
Plympton couple married 50 years, 01/14/1938:11
Page, Colonel V.
Purchases Morton house on Miller St, 05/08/1936:5
Page, John
Engaged to Mildred K. Hammond, 01/17/1936:6
Page, Victor W.
Fire destroys roof of home on Miller St, 04/29/1938:1
Page, V.W.
Connecticut man purchases Martin place, 06/26/1936:8
Purchases house on Miller St, 08/14/1936:2
Moves furniture to Miller St house, 10/16/1936:5
Paglicco, Nicholas
Head waiter at sanatorium, 01/08/1937:11
Paine, Albert Bigelow
Class of 1935 holds in loving remembrance Martha Norris and Leonard
Riggs (p) (poem), 06/21/1935:3
Paine, Charles
Daughter born, 07/28/1939:5
Paint and Painting
James Wilmot, house painting and paper hanging (ad), 01/04/1935:3
James Sparrow, cellar cleaning, painting, and varnishing (ad),
William Barden, wallpaper, paint, and draperies (ad), 01/18/1935:3
Grand opening of Saunders Hardware & Paint Co., 25 Center St (ad),
History and profile of Thomas F. Boucher's paint business, 04/19/1935:1
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Wm. W.L. Tallman, autos ducoed and enameled (ad), 09/27/1935:12
James Wilmot awarded contract to paint new court house,
Peter Dyer, paper hanger and painter (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Painter William Bell dislocates jaw in fall from staging at post office,
Palm, Andrew Emil
South Carver couple married 50 years, 11/11/1938:11
Palmer, Eleanor G.
Obituary, 04/03/1936:5
Panacy, Gus
And James Karadimos reopen Ka-Daw-Cut Farm on West Grove St,
Grand opening of Ka-Daw-Cut Farms on West Grove St (ad),
Ka-Daw-Kut Farm Store opens at old post office building (ad),
Panasa, Joseph
Petition for administration of estate, 02/22/1935:8
Panesa, Guiseppe
Petition for administration of estate, 02/22/1935:8
Panesa, Joseph
Petition for administration of estate, 02/22/1935:8
Panesis, Angeline
Student nurse at French Hospital, New York, 01/14/1938:1
Engaged to Roy L. Keith, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Roy L. Keith, 06/16/1939:1
Panesis, Bessie
Returns after 18 months study in Athens, 07/19/1935:1
Trains as nurse at Children's Hospital in Boston, 02/05/1937:7
Panesis, Catherine
Returns after 18 months study in Athens, 07/19/1935:1
Panesis, Dorothea Sandra
Born to Nicholas, 02/15/1935:1
Panesis, Mrs Nicholas
Resides in California, 10/01/1937:12
House-warming at new home in Eddyville, 02/25/1938:5
Panesis, Mrs Thomas
In charge of husband's new delicatessen business, 04/09/1937:1
Panesis, Nicholas
Daughter born, 02/15/1935:1
Has painting in annual exhibition at Los Angeles museum, 03/13/1936:1
On leave from Los Angeles, CA, 12/31/1937:12
Panesis, Ted
Teddy's Light Lunch, at traffic circle (ad), 06/12/1936:12
Panesis, Theodore
Applies for liquor license, 03/01/1935:3
Panesis, Thomas
History and profile of Middleboro business, 03/15/1935:1
Before selectmen on parking matter, 05/03/1935:1
Chimney fire on Center St, 03/13/1936:12
James Karadimos resigns, 05/22/1936:11
North Main St store suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Opens delicatessen shop at 34 Center St, 04/09/1937:1
Panesis Delicatessen
34 Center St (ad), 04/09/1937:7
Panesis Market
15 North Main St (ad), 03/15/1935:2
Close out sale in preparation for renovation (ad), 01/22/1937:7
Work begins on remodeling, 02/12/1937:12
Paoli, Peter
Auto knocks Donald Gammons off bike, 10/23/1936:11
Papamichael, Tim
Opens meat market at 69 Everett St (ad), 02/04/1938:12
Paquette, Annie
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Arrested for drunkenness and disturbing the peace, 02/22/1935:1
Paquette, George
Moves to new house on Lakeside Ave, 10/15/1937:5
Paquin, Cheridah
Engaged to be married, 02/24/1939:1
Paquin, Cyrenus
Daughter born, 09/09/1938:7
Paquin, Cyrenus S.
Six injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Paquin, Cyrenus Selwood
Wedding described, 05/21/1937:11
see also Fourth of July; Horribles Parade; Memorial Day
Fish and Game Ass'n float takes first prize in Armistice Day parade (p),
Townsend Club No. 1 sponsors third annual picnic and auto parade,
Parade, football game, and dance featured on Armistice Day,
North Middleboro holds 4th of July event, 07/08/1938:11
Armistice Day event viewed by many, 11/18/1938:1
Respect warranted at Armistice Day parade (l) (Alice H. Wall),
Veterans march here as war clouds Europe, 11/17/1939:1
Paradis, Cecelia
Engaged to Albert Scaramelli, 01/14/1938:1, 01/28/1938:5
Engaged to Albert A. Saramelli, 02/11/1938:7
Wedding described, 02/25/1938:1
Paradise, Cecelia
Graduates from St. Luke's in New Bedford, 05/24/1935:1
Parent, A. George
Navy man completes training in Newport, RI, 08/27/1937:11
Parent, Albert George
Accepted for Navy enlistment, 03/12/1937:2
Called to active duty in U.S. Navy, 05/28/1937:8
Parent, George
Recently married, 06/10/1938:5
Park Cafe
Angelo Zervas applies for liquor license, 02/01/1935:1
Angelo Zervas granted liquor license, 02/22/1935:1
Good food, fine liquor (ad), 03/29/1935:3
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Court rules against Romeo Trinque, 06/18/1937:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Romeo Trinque held in contempt over unpaid bill to Park Cafe,
Trinque contempt case continued, 06/10/1938:1, 06/17/1938:1
Fire damages restaurant on Center St, 12/09/1938:1
Completely remodeled (ad), 03/03/1939:12
Park Cleansers
Fire damages business across from Town House, 04/19/1935:1
New location at 5 School St (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Parker, Alfred
Wed to Arline Parker, 08/13/1937:11
Parker, A.R.
Brockton youth arrested for break-in at Parker's stand, 06/16/1939:1
Parker, Benjamin
Guilty of assault on Elizabeth Macura, 06/21/1935:11
Parker, Everett
Daughter born, 10/20/1939:5
Parker, George H., Jr.
Conference sees threat to liberty (l), 08/29/1935:8
Minister injured when car overturns at High and Oak St, 06/11/1937:1
Expresses thanks for assistance with Brotherhood Meeting (l),
Parker, George, Jr.
Reverend protests gambling devices in theatres, 05/13/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/13/1938:8
Parker, Harry N.
Employed in Taunton, 10/08/1937:11
Employed at Taunton pumping station, 09/16/1938:3
Parker, Herbert H.
Wed to Dorothy B. Bump, 12/02/1938:7
Parker, Howard
Wed to Annie M. Redlon, 02/12/1937:6
Son born, 07/09/1937:7
Daughter born, 11/17/1939:5
Parker, J. Alfred
Collides with West Wareham driver at East and Beech St, 06/18/1937:2
Engaged to Arlene F. Washburn, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Arlene F. Washburn, 08/13/1937:7
Parker, John Arthur
Wed to Ruth Lorraine Berthiaume, 11/24/1939:4
Parker, Lindolph
Son born, 08/26/1938:8
Parker, Mary E.
Engaged to Edward S. Irving, 05/13/1938:7
Wed to Edward S. Irving, 05/20/1938:7
Parker, Mary Elizabeth
Wedding described, 08/18/1939:4
Parker, Rodney H.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Parker, Roscoe L.
Obituary, 10/14/1938:8
Parker, Sally Fillebrown
Son born, 08/26/1938:8
Parker, Warren W.
Obituary, 04/15/1938:11
Parkhurst, James S.
Obituary, 08/19/1938:1
Dies at age 87, 08/19/1938:7
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/21/1939:3
Thomas Panesis before selectmen on parking matter, 05/03/1935:1
Lines painted on principal streets, 08/09/1935:12
Problem at shoe factories brought to attention of selectmen,
Selectmen discuss problems at local factories, 09/13/1935:1
Selectmen discuss conditions at Leonard & Barrows, 09/20/1935:5
New regulations on Center St, 12/06/1935:1
Amended regulations (ad), 01/03/1936:8
White stripes painted on Center St, 05/08/1936:1
Parking ground needs maintenance work, 06/19/1936:1
Pearl St conditions dangerous (l) (William Egger), 08/14/1936:2
Comments on parking situation on Pearl St, 08/21/1936:1
Merits of park-o-meters discussed, 08/28/1936:1
Numerous complaints but no action, 09/04/1936:1
Problem prompts protest at selectmen's meeting, 09/11/1936:1
Selectmen her parking protest, 09/11/1936:1
Selectmen discuss situation at length, 09/25/1936:2
Rossbach complains of conditions on Pearl St, 03/19/1937:2
Situation spruced up, 05/07/1937:1
New regulations may cause problems, 05/28/1937:1
Selectmen address issues, 05/28/1937:5
Selectmen discuss ways to increase space, 06/04/1937:1
Dangerous situation at Town House lot, 09/10/1937:1
Center St wider with new regulations in effect, 10/22/1937:1
Insufficient at town center, 10/29/1937:6
Selectmen discuss parallel parking on Center St, 11/05/1937:5
Discussion of parallel parking takes up majority of selectmen's meeting,
Parking hogs the real problem, 11/26/1937:6
Selectmen discuss additional space near Four Corners and Center St,
Selectmen say no parking on lawn or walk at Bates School,
Parallel vs. slant between School and Main St, 04/29/1938:1
Parallel parking on Center St draws little complaint, 05/13/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Businessmen think new plan bad for business, 05/20/1938:1
Police Chief makes recommendations for one-way streets, 05/20/1938:3
Milk dealers protest new regulations, selectmen schedule hearing,
More arguments on Center St system, 05/27/1938:1
Cooperation and consideration will help with problem, 06/10/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 06/10/1938:4
After lengthy hearing selectmen vote to return to old form, 06/10/1938:8
Chief Sisson meets with selectmen, 06/24/1938:8
What happened to diagonal parking plan?, 07/15/1938:1
No one cares what official rules are for Center St, 07/29/1938:1
Razing old Nemasket House could make way for large parking lot,
Solution needed to problems on Center St, 05/26/1939:1
Selectmen to discuss new spaces, 07/14/1939:1
Center St lines painted, 07/21/1939:1
Plan for parallel parking on Centre St controversial, 07/21/1939:1
Selectmen discuss public parking on North Main and Center St,
Selectmen request bids for demolition of Norris Building, ask to
purchase Nemasket Hotel, 08/11/1939:1
After Peirce Estate gas station petition rejected, may not be open to
donation of hotel property, 08/11/1939:4
Faint hope that Peirce Trustees will donate Nemasket Hotel land (l) (The
Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
Issue of additional space discussed at special town meeting,
Plans still in doubt, Peirce Trustees will sell land, 09/29/1939:1
No agreement with Peirce Trustees on land for parking (l) (The
Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Norris building demolished to make room for parking (l) (The
Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Selectmen reject Trustee's plan (l) (The Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Parallel parking arrangement on Center St called idiotic, 10/06/1939:1
A parking area, with income (l) (The Spectator), 10/20/1939:2
Merchants critical of delay on parking space, 11/24/1939:1
All night parkers will get tagged, 12/01/1939:1
Parks (see Middleboro - Park Commission; Playgrounds)
Parmenter, Alice
Charged with three counts of breaking and entering and larceny,
Ordered to make restitution, 02/17/1939:2
Parmenter, Alice E.
Larceny case continued, 07/21/1939:2
Parmenter, Fred
Son born, 05/26/1939:5
Parmenter, James
Secretly married to Anne Turner, 10/04/1935:6
Son born, 01/17/1936:6
Parmenter, Olive
Gets continuance for payment of fine, 08/18/1939:2
Parmenter, Richard
Injured in 20-ft. fall from ladder, 12/09/1938:1
Parnell, Emma L.
Obituary, 03/31/1939:1
Parris, William A.
Pays $5 fine, case filed, 12/10/1937:5
Parrish, H. Dexter
Moves to new home on Pearl St, 11/20/1936:1
Parrish, Mrs H. Dexter
Aunt dies in Nashua, NH, 02/01/1935:1
Parry, Arthur
Employed at sanatorium, 05/14/1937:8
Parry, Isabelle
Obituary, 02/12/1937:1
Dies at age 56, 02/12/1937:6
Funeral at Mullien Hill church, 02/19/1937:11
Petition for administration of estate, 07/16/1937:8
Parthum, Mary Rudolph
Obituary, 07/14/1939:1
Pasquarello, Caroline
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Widow of Dominic dies at age 69, 06/02/1939:5
Pasquarello, James
Fined $5 for assault on wife, 08/26/1938:11
Pays fine, 09/02/1938:5
Pasquarello, Madlyn
James Pasquarello fined $5 for assault on wife, 08/26/1938:11
Pasquette, Mrs Noel
Resides in New Bedford, 06/07/1935:11
Pasquil, Mary Faulkner
Son born, 01/22/1937:2
Pasquil, Noel
Son born, 01/22/1937:2
Pasquill, Mrs Noel
Resides in New Bedford, 01/04/1935:3
Pasquill, Noel
Son born, 01/20/1939:3
Pasquille, Mrs Noel
Resides in New Bedford, 11/25/1938:5
Pasztor, Andrew, 3d
Appointed head life guard for Wareham beaches, 06/11/1937:1
Pasztor, Andrew J.
Obituary, 01/07/1938:1
Dies at age 73, 01/07/1938:7
Pasztor, Andrew, Jr.
Appointed life guard at Wareham beach, 08/21/1936:1
Pasztor, Helen
School nurse recovers from fall, 01/04/1935:1
Local school nurse, 01/18/1935:1
Appeals to selectmen for transportation costs, 02/15/1935:2
Injures knee in tobogganing accident in New Hampshire, 01/21/1938:6
School nurse appreciates milk fund (l), 10/21/1938:1
Selectmen discuss salary of public health nurse, 10/20/1939:1
Nurse loses salary claim appeal, 10/27/1939:1
Pasztor, Helen B.
Protect your child from diphtheria (ad), 03/15/1935:6
Town nurse expresses thanks for milk fund support (l), 10/18/1935:12
Pasztor, Rose
Injured in fall at local store, 11/01/1935:1
Patenaude, Alfred
Obituary, 02/25/1938:6
Patrick, William
Engaged to Sylvia Anne Penti, 05/19/1939:1
Patrons of Husbandry - Nemasket Grange
Celebrates 47th anniversary, 02/08/1935:2
Holds most successful fair (t), 10/04/1935:2
Celebrates 48th anniversary, 02/07/1936:2
Holds Agricultural Night, 01/22/1937:11
Celebrates 49th anniversary, 02/05/1937:2
Holds Home and Community Service Night, 03/05/1937:2
Holds Patriotic Night, 04/23/1937:5
Holds Neighborhood Night, 05/21/1937:5
Holds Memorial Night, 06/04/1937:5
Holds Young People's Night, 07/09/1937:1
Holds Neighborhood Night, 09/24/1937:5
Holds annual fair, 10/08/1937:5
Dramatic Club puts on The Road Back, 11/05/1937:5
Celebrates 50th anniversary, 02/18/1938:11
Sponsors Jimmie and Dick of WEEI, 05/20/1938:1
Grange fair prize winners, 10/07/1938:7
Holds variety show, 05/12/1939:2
Holds annual fall fair, 09/29/1939:1
List of awards at annual fair, 10/06/1939:4
Patrons of Husbandry - North Middleboro Grange
Celebrates 11th anniversary, 03/15/1935:5
Holds 13th anniversary celebration, 03/12/1937:11
Celebrates 14th anniversary, 03/11/1938:11
Patrons of Husbandry - South Middleboro Grange
Prize list from 9th annual fair, 09/20/1935:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Henry Shaw janitor at Grange hall, 09/27/1935:11
Hall interior redecorated, 10/18/1935:5
Celebrates 22nd anniversary, 12/13/1935:11
Henry Shaw janitor, 01/31/1936:5
Holds Neighbors Night, 03/12/1937:11
Donates National Grange Monthly to Rock Village Library,
Celebrates 26th anniversary, 12/22/1939:9
Patterson, Alfred J.
Obituary, 01/17/1936:1
Dies at age 59, 01/17/1936:6
Petition for probate of will, 02/07/1936:7
Executor presents account of estate, 04/02/1937:5
Patterson, Grover C.
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Dies at age 50, 05/15/1936:7
Patterson, John
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 02/03/1939:6
Patterson, M.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Patterson, Marion
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Patterson, Willard
Junk dealer's license suspended, 05/24/1935:1
Granted auto junk dealers license, 06/07/1935:1
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 02/11/1938:1
Paty, Etta M.
Obituary, 03/12/1937:1
Widow of Charles dies at age 70, 03/12/1937:6
Paulson, Mrs Paul
Resides in Avon, 04/10/1936:5
Paulson, Paul
Engaged to Ruth Batchelder, 03/01/1935:1, 06/07/1935:6
Wed to Ruth V. Batchelder, 07/12/1935:6
Paulson, Paul H.
Engaged to Ruth V. Batchelder, 07/05/1935:6
Paun, Edgar A., Jr.
Frank Travassos fatally struck by auto driven by Edgar Paun,
Paun, Edgar, Jr.
Travasso death case continued, 03/22/1935:1
Injured in crash on Rte 44, 12/04/1936:1
Paun, John
Fails to file papers with Secretary of State, 08/14/1936:1
Paun, John G.
Candidate for 7th District in MA General Court (p), 08/07/1936:1
Ill with influenza, 01/07/1938:11
New welfare head in Lakeville, 03/25/1938:1
Lakeville couple married 40 years, 08/18/1939:5
Paun, Ruth
Injured in rollover at Oak and High St, 10/15/1937:1
Paun, Ruth E.
Engaged to Joseph Maleski, 07/01/1938:7
Wed to Joseph Maleski, 07/08/1938:7
Pavilionis, Joseph
Petition for administration of estate, 11/27/1936:8
Pavilonis, Joseph
Petition for administration of estate, 11/27/1936:8
Pawlak, Daniel
Gets 30 days for drunkenness, 10/14/1938:11
Gets one month for drunkenness, 12/30/1938:5
Pawlak, Mary
Clerk at welfare office and old age assistance office, 06/24/1938:1
Pawlowski, Frank
Injured in auto crash on Center St, 01/29/1937:2
Pawlowski, Josephine
Engaged to Stanley P. Liepis, 09/30/1938:7
Paysant, Margaret
Resides in Boston, 09/06/1935:5
Payzant, Margaret
Resides in Boston, 05/15/1936:11
Peachie, Roger
Gets two years for break-in at Reisner's, 06/12/1936:1
Fines for motor vehicle violations revoked, charged with break-in,
Pearce, Alma Preti
Husband arrested here after escape from Medford State Hospital,
Pearce, Barbara
Engaged to Raymond Carr, 08/26/1938:7
Wed to Raymond Carr, 09/09/1938:7
Pearce, Clara
Wed to Lester D. Rider, 03/11/1938:7
Pearce, Clara W.
Engaged to Lester D. Rider, 02/25/1938:7
Pearce, Margaret E.
Wed to Harry B. Allen, 01/04/1935:4
Pearce, Mary E.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:8
Pearce, Mrs Francis E.
Additional survivors listed, 01/04/1935:1
Pearl Beverage Shop
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Pearson, Arthur B.
Roof fire at 348 Wareham St, 05/19/1939:1
Pearson, John
Petition for administration of estate, 11/08/1935:8
Pearson, Sarah F.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Pease, Gula Grace
Wedding described, 04/21/1939:6
Peck, Annie M.
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/09/1936:11
Peck, Carroll
Chauffeur at Rotch estate, 08/13/1937:11
Peck, Christine
Obituary, 05/05/1939:4
Peck, Ernest
Resides in Cabot, VT, 11/29/1935:6
Moves from Cabot, VT to North Lakeville, 09/17/1937:11
Peck, Ernest W.
Application for license to sell gasoline, 11/04/1938:7
Peck, Grace Louise
Wedding described, 12/25/1936:8
Peck, Harold
Engaged to Hazel Long, 06/10/1938:11
Engaged to Louise Long, 07/01/1938:1
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Wed to Hazel L. Long, 07/08/1938:7
Peck, Harold S.
Engaged to Hazel Long, 04/22/1938:1, 07/01/1938:7
Peck, Margaret
Collides with Falmouth truck at Grove and South Main St, 12/17/1937:1
Peck, Mrs Joseph S.
CWA, ERA, and WPA sewing supervisor resigns, 04/02/1937:8
Peck, Mrs J.S.
Aunt's funeral held at South Yarmouth, 10/29/1937:1
Peck, Roby W.
Engaged to Thomas E. Hirst, 12/03/1937:1
Peck, Roby Wilkinson
Engaged to Thomas E. Hirst, 02/18/1938:11, 02/18/1938:12
Wedding described, 02/25/1938:1
Peckham, Annie H.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:6
Peckham, Annie Harris
Carver woman dies at age 73, 05/20/1938:7
Peckham, Mildred
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wife of John M. dies in Abington, 02/25/1938:11
Peckham, Mildred H.
Obituary, 02/18/1938:7
Peddlers and Peddling
Sealer of Weights and Measures issues warning to citizens (l),
Gilbert Sowerby charged with peddling without a license, 10/04/1935:2
Beware hawkers and peddlers on Armistice Day (Allen MacDonald),
Armistice Day chairman warns of potential problems (l), 11/06/1936:1
Memorial Day peddlers not associated with Legion Post, 05/21/1937:1
John Wright fails to pay $10 fine for peddling without license,
Selectmen adopt regulations regarding transient vendors, 01/13/1939:1
Fred Blandin informed that license required to sell food near skating
rink, 02/10/1939:11
George Marra granted hawkers and peddlars license, 05/12/1939:2
Warning to householders, 08/11/1939:1
George Stanley Jacob granted license, 12/29/1939:1
Pedestrians - Accidents
Melvin Mastera struck by auto driven by Wollaston man, 03/01/1935:4
Bridgewater driver strikes Louise Long on North St, 03/08/1935:1
Travasso death case continued, 03/22/1935:1
Paul Lunskis struck by auto driven by Merril Shaw, 04/26/1935:1
Joseph Avery struck and killed by auto while painting at Maxim Motor
Co., 05/17/1935:1
Hugh Matheson strikes two Onset men on East Grove St, 06/21/1935:1
Young Alfred Fitton runs into Gregory's car at Courtland and Oak St,
A. Edwin Johnson victim of hit-and-run driver, 08/09/1935:1
Arthur Preti struck by driver from Brockton, 08/29/1935:2
Three-year-old George Covel runs into side of Freedman's truck on
Center St, 11/08/1935:2
George Wilbur struck by Richard Benson's auto on Plymouth St,
North Dartmouth woman left at roadside by hit-and-run driver,
Arthur Quelle gets two months for leaving scene of accident, fined $50
for drunk driving, 01/17/1936:1
Auto traffic record in Middleboro shameful, 01/17/1936:1
Mary Walker in critical condition after struck by car, 01/17/1936:1
Five-year-old Jane Murdock struck by car on Forest St, 04/10/1936:1
Raymond Wardell in critical condition after struck by Campello driver,
Richard Ferreira injured when struck by Duxbury autoist, 05/29/1936:1
Raymond Wordell struck by auto on Bedford St, 06/05/1936:6
Halifax child victim of fatal truck accident, 07/03/1936:1
Bernice Norris injured when struck by Plympton car in Lakeville,
John McBane succumbs to injuries, 08/14/1936:1
Nathaniel Ryder pleads guilty in McBane traffic death, 08/21/1936:1
Christian Sylvia struck by Connecticut car on Cottage Ct, 09/04/1936:1
McBane fatal accident case continued, 09/04/1936:1
Loren Littlefield strikes William Kenniston as backs car out of
driveway, 10/30/1936:1
Mary Martin struck by auto driven by Edward Thew, 11/20/1936:1
Joseph Costa Ray struck and killed by Attleboro driver on West Grove
St, 12/18/1936:1
Nine-year-old Mildred Thompson injured by Sisson's school bus,
Manuel Silva struck and killed by Lowell driver on West Grove St,
Four-year-old Richard Flood struck by auto, 07/02/1937:1
John McCaig struck by Mansfield car in Lakeville, 07/09/1937:1
Two-year-old Marilyn Hanson strike by Plymouth driver, 07/16/1937:1
East Wareham man struck by Brockton driver on Wareham St,
Five-year-old C. Stetson Thomas, Jr. struck by Bryant's auto,
Patsy Garofalo struck by auto driven by Vincent Sukeforth,
Emiline Thomas struck by Dorchester auto on Wareham St,
Six-year-old June Lavey uninjured after hitting side of Mason's car,
Elmer Young struck by auto on Wareham St, 02/25/1938:8
Beverly Chase injured after running into Kayajan's car on High St,
Florence Davis injured by bicyclist on Plymouth St, 04/01/1938:4
Mary Mello injured after coming in contact with Rufus Blair's auto,
Archie Phillips struck by auto in front of YMCA, 04/29/1938:1
Joan Oliver struck by Brockton auto on West Grove St, 05/20/1938:1
Walter Preti struck by Connecticut auto on Rte 28, 06/24/1938:1
Arthur Willette's wheelbarrow struck by auto driven by William
Thomas, 07/15/1938:5
Eva Millette struck by car while crossing John Glass, Jr. Square,
Winchendon man struck by Boston auto on East Grove St, 08/26/1938:5
Four-year-old Joseph Costa injured by Church Coal Co. truck,
Henry Wood struck by Albert Guild's auto on Prospect St, 11/04/1938:1
Albert Sparrow struck by auto driven by James McMahon, 11/11/1938:1
Four-year-old Allan Foster victim of hit-and-run, 11/25/1938:1
Wallace Wilbur not guilty of leaving scene of accident, fined $25 for
reckless driving, 12/02/1938:5
Abbie Wrightington struck by auto driven by Marion Cummings,
Four-year-old Rae Smith struck by Howard Nickerson on Center St,
Edward McCann struck by Whitman auto on Everett St, 02/10/1939:1
Six-year-old Clark Schaaf struck by Card's car on East Main St,
Charles Gammons struck by passing car, 05/05/1939:9
Paul daSilva sustains leg injuries when run over by car, 06/02/1939:1
Five-year-old Daniel Guertin struck by Whitter Pittsley's car on Bourne
St, 06/09/1939:2
Elizabeth Shaw injured when struck by South Easton auto, 06/30/1939:2
Cranberry worker Tratreault struck and killed by Short's car,
Tatro automobile death case up October 10th, 10/06/1939:5
Tetreault death case up October 10th, 10/06/1939:5
Henry Short found guilty in death of Oliver Tatrault, 10/13/1939:1
Anthony Coombs runs into J. Vincent Sullivan's auto on Nickerson Ave,
D. Morton Pratt fatally injured in accident in Plymouth, 10/27/1939:1
Mrs Ottavio Narcisi injured when struck by Warren's auto, 11/17/1939:8
Elizabeth Hynes severely bruised when struck by car, 12/15/1939:1
Joseph Scanlon struck by car driven by Kenneth Shaw, 12/22/1939:1
Pedrini, Ida
Wedding described, 09/22/1939:9
Pedrini, Ida E.
Engaged to Henry Edson Bryant, 08/11/1939:2
Peevor, Doris Cassandra
Wedding described, 10/28/1938:6
Peirce (Mr)
Highway workers uncover top of old Peirce well on Jackson St,
Fire in barn behind police station under investigation, 08/06/1937:1
Fire in cellar of building behind police station, 08/06/1937:1
Peirce, Alice Caldwell
Daughter born, 12/31/1937:11
Peirce, Charles D.
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Peirce, David
Commissioners' notice to creditors of insolvent estate, 09/08/1939:4
Peirce, David P.
Petition for administration of estate, 08/12/1938:12
Peirce, Frank
Middleboro men participate in flood relief in Northampton,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Peirce, Grace
Director of Music at Lowell State College, 05/22/1936:12
Peirce, Harold W.
Engaged to Inez E. Cayton, 09/11/1936:7
Wedding described, 09/18/1936:1
Wed to Inez E. Cayton, 09/18/1936:7
Peirce, Huldah L.
Trustee presents account of estate, 09/27/1935:7, 12/23/1938:7
Peirce, Irving
Daughter born, 12/31/1937:11
Peirce, Louise F.
Obituary, 10/28/1938:1
Petition for probate of will, 11/25/1938:6
Peirce, Maria L.H. (see Maria L.H. Peirce Fund)
Peirce, Mary
Dies in Fairhaven, 10/28/1938:11
Peirce, Mrs Irving
Resides in West Wareham, 05/13/1938:3
Peirce, Nabby Sproat
Trees on high school lot to commemorate Peirce children (l) (Chester E.
Weston), 06/07/1935:2
Peirce, Peter Hoar
Trees on high school lot to commemorate Peirce children (l) (Chester E.
Weston), 06/07/1935:2
Peirce, Thomas S.
Trustees account of estate, 08/11/1939:2
Peirce Estate Trustees
New federal relief legislation necessitates meeting on police station,
Election to decide extra funding for police station, 04/03/1936:1
Over 500 attend dedication of Peirce Memorial at new police station (p),
Trustees present account of estate, 06/25/1937:5
Traffic re-routing decision awaits negotiations with trustees,
George Bump employed by trust, 07/08/1938:1
Trustees apply for license to store and sell gasoline, 12/30/1938:7
Selectmen postpone hearing on gas application, 01/13/1939:1
Selectmen consider license application, 01/20/1939:8
Selectmen refuse gasoline license application, 01/27/1939:1
Battis suggests school take over maintenance of North Main St grounds,
Town wishes to purchase Nemasket Hotel from trustees, 08/11/1939:1
After gas station petition rejected, may not be open to donation of hotel
property, 08/11/1939:4
Give $2,000 for Highway Department wages, 08/25/1939:1
To sell strip of land to town for parking, 09/29/1939:1
No agreement on land for parking (l) (The Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Selectmen reject Trustee's plan (l) (The Spectator), 09/29/1939:2
Ask permit for filling station on North St, 11/03/1939:1
Application for gasoline license, 11/03/1939:10
Selectmen ask trustees to fund football field improvement, 11/10/1939:2
Granted license for service station, 11/17/1939:1
Selectman Shurtleff perturbed by prompt action on application (l) (The
Spectator), 11/24/1939:2
Bridgewater man does demolition of Nemasket Hotel, 12/08/1939:1
Peirce Memorial Building
Frank Leighton awarded fuel oil bid, 10/08/1937:7
John Washburn janitor, 06/10/1938:12
Excessive heat cause work stoppage, 08/19/1938:1
Undergoes roof repairs, 08/19/1938:1
C.B. Churchill's crew busy on roof, 08/19/1938:5
John Washburn custodian, 06/09/1939:1
Pells, Osmond
Dies after run over by freight train at local station, 10/28/1938:1
Pells. Oswald
Dies at age 67, 10/28/1938:7
Pember, Henry L.
Lakeville couple married 35 years, 10/20/1939:10
Pemberton, Edna Isabel
Wedding described, 06/24/1938:8
Pembroke, Arnold G.
Resides in England, 01/21/1938:11
Pendleton, Roy
Named special police officer for Rock, 03/08/1935:6
Chimney fire on Smith St, 02/04/1938:1
Pendleton, Ruth
Badly bruised when thrown from bicycle, 06/10/1938:11
Penna, Carmelina
Engaged to Frank Casiere, 05/06/1938:11
Engaged to Frank Casieri, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Frank Casieri, 06/24/1938:7
Penna, Peter
Daughter born, 09/15/1939:5
Pennala, Lillian T.
Engaged to Edwin O. Heleen, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Edwin O. Heleen, 08/13/1937:7
Penniman, Albert
House purchased by Mrs James Skelton, 08/18/1939:8
Penniman, Albert A.
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Dies at age 79, 12/16/1938:7
Penniman, Dalton
Clerk/teller at Trust Co., 04/12/1935:1
Assistant treasurer of Trust Co., 07/14/1939:5
Penniman, Elsa
Step-father dies in Portland, ME, 04/14/1939:1
Penniman, Ethel
Alumni of Bridgewater State, 06/02/1939:9
Penniman, George
Sells Vernon St house to William Sampson, 09/17/1937:11
Occupies new home in Lakeville, 04/08/1938:11
Penniman, Josiah F.
Obituary, 11/03/1939:4
Dies at age 82, 11/03/1939:5
Penniman, Lucy E.
Obituary, 06/21/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 06/21/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 08/09/1935:11
Penny, Mrs Frank
Resides in Scarsdale, NY, 07/24/1936:12
Pentanen, Eino
Wed to Gertrude Niemi, 11/17/1939:3
Penti, Sylvia
Engaged to be married, 06/30/1939:9
Penti, Sylvia Anne
Engaged to William Patrick, 05/19/1939:1
People's Fish Market
Mr. Robbins, 139 Center St (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Peppard, Mrs Victor
Resides in Maynard, 01/18/1935:2
Peppard, Murray Bisbee
Assistant instructor on German at MA State College, 01/22/1937:6
Perangelo, Mary
Engaged to John J. Silva, 05/26/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:4
Peranian, Leo
Two youths arrested for break-in at Reisner Ensworth's home,
Gets probation for break-in at Reisner's, 06/12/1936:1
Default removed, fined $35, 12/02/1938:5
Peranian, Leo S.
Fined $35 for negligent driving, 09/30/1938:5
Fails to appear in court, 12/02/1938:2
Perkins (Mrs)
Moves from Taunton to Lakeville, 07/22/1938:11
Perkins, Albert
Daughter born, 10/04/1935:6
Chimney fire on LeBaron Ave, 10/27/1939:10
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Perkins, Arlotha
East Bridgewater woman dies, 06/07/1935:11
Perkins, Arthur
Daughter born, 06/14/1935:6
Crashes into tractor trailer on Taunton St, 09/03/1937:7
Daughter born, 08/04/1939:7
Perkins, Bartlett
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 10/04/1935:8
Perkins, Bernice
Engaged to Ellsworth Atwood, 03/22/1935:3
Wedding described, 05/03/1935:1
Perkins, Bernice A.
Engaged to Ellsworth A. Atwood, 04/26/1935:4
Wed to Ellsworth Atwood, 05/03/1935:4
Perkins, Bernice L.
Engaged to Arthur C. Medeiros, 04/21/1939:5
Wed to Arthur C. Medeiros, 09/15/1939:5
Perkins, Charles B.
Funeral held in Plympton, 11/12/1937:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/23/1938:7
Perkins, Charles Bradford
Obituary, 11/12/1937:8
Perkins, Chester
Son born, 07/01/1938:7, 10/20/1939:5
Perkins, Elizabeth
Alumni of Bridgewater State, 06/02/1939:9
Perkins, Ellen
Resumes studies at Sturdy Memorial hospital, 07/14/1939:3
Perkins, Ellen Mar
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:8
Perkins, Elliott
Suffers burns from work in East Bridgewater, 07/07/1939:9
Perkins, Ernest I.
Obituary, 09/27/1935:1
Portland, ME man dies at age 70, 09/27/1935:6
Perkins, Everett
Restaurant license approved for Perkins, Forsberg, and Mullins,
Perkins, Everett J.
Records reveal secret marriage, 07/15/1938:1
Perkins, Forrest
Engaged to Norma E. Smith, 08/16/1935:2
Engaged to Norma Smith, 10/04/1935:6
Daughter born, 12/09/1938:7
Perkins, Forrest R.
Wedding described, 10/11/1935:1
Engaged to Norma E. Smith, 10/11/1935:6
Wed to Norma E. Smith, 10/11/1935:6
Perkins, Frances W. Burrill
Engaged to H. Page Conant, 10/27/1939:8
Perkins, G.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Perkins, George
Purchases West Side School portable building for $5, 09/30/1938:2
Perkins, Glen
Employed at sanatorium, 03/05/1937:11, 04/29/1938:4, 05/19/1939:9
Perkins, Glenice
Accepted for training at Waltham hospital, 08/25/1939:2
In training at Waltham hospital, 09/08/1939:3
Perkins, Herbert
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Perkins, Herbert C.
Files nomination papers for assessor, 11/19/1937:1
Chimney fire on School St, 11/26/1937:1
Perkins, Irene
Enters Newark City hospital nurse's training in New Jersey,
Takes nurse's training in Newark, NJ, 04/16/1937:8
Member of 50th class to graduate from Newark City Hospital School of
Nurses, 06/17/1938:1
Employed at Overlook hospital in Summilt, NJ, 08/25/1939:2
Perkins, Jesse
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at Washburn grain mill,
Pays $10 fine for improper operation of motorcycle, 05/05/1939:7
Chimney fire on Everett St, 12/29/1939:4
Perkins, Jesse F.
Wed to Martha Burrill, 12/17/1937:11
Perkins, Jesse W.
Gets 30 days for driving uninsured car, fined $10 for driving
unregistered car, 04/28/1939:6
Gets two years probation for break-in at mill, 06/16/1939:1
Perkins, Josephine S.
Obituary, 03/13/1936:1
Perkins, Josephine Shaw
Widow of Morrill L. dies, 03/13/1936:6
Petition for probate of will, 03/20/1936:8
Leaves $8,000 to Central Cemetery, 04/10/1936:1
Central Cemetery plot owners reminded of Perkins' bequest (l),
Executor presents account of estate, 07/02/1937:5
Kenelm Winslow explains legacy from estate to Central Cemetery (l),
Perkins, Lloyd
see also Lloyd Perkins & Son
Obituary, 09/15/1939:4
Dies at age 79, 09/15/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 09/22/1939:2
Judge John V. Sullivan named executor, 10/27/1939:7
Administrator presents account of estate, 12/22/1939:3
Perkins, Louis T.
Obituary, 03/19/1937:1
Dies at age 48, 03/19/1937:6
Petition for probate of will, 03/26/1937:7
American Legion post passes resolutions upon death, 05/07/1937:2
Perkins, Martha
Begins training at Children's hospital in Boston, 09/15/1939:8
Perkins, Mildred
Donates upright piano to Bates School, 10/08/1937:8
Perkins, Minerva
Obituary, 01/10/1936:1, 01/10/1936:5
Dies at age 93, 01/10/1936:6
Perkins, Mrs Jesse F.
Resides in Brockton, 02/04/1938:11
Perkins, Myrtle W.
Engaged to Harold Earle Perkins, 06/09/1939:4
Perkins, Nelson
Purchases Shiverick property on Oak St, 03/27/1936:12
Perkins, Ray
Resides in Weymouth, 07/16/1937:1
Perkins, Roy
Resides in Rumford, RI, 11/26/1937:7
Perkins, Russell
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Perkins, William
Obituary, 04/17/1936:5
Perkins, Win
Bird dog trained in Saskatchewan, 10/21/1938:6
Perkins, Winfred
Employed by William Egger, 07/24/1936:12
Lakeville house struck by lightning, 08/21/1936:1
Perras, Joseph A.
Engaged to May Prairie, 10/28/1938:7
Perrault, Archie
Moves from Miller St to Kingston, 09/20/1935:5
Perrault, Henry
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 12/06/1935:11
Perrault, Mrs William
Injured in mishap on Plympton St, 10/15/1937:8
Perrault, W.H.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Moves from Middleboro to Rock, 03/01/1935:6
Perry, Abigail
Do not forget women in Carver history, 04/26/1935:3
Perry, Alden
Wed to Marion Frost, 03/17/1939:3
Resigns from sanatorium, 03/17/1939:4
Perry, Alden C.
Wed to Marion E. Frost, 03/17/1939:7
Perry, Arthur
Resigns from farm at sanatorium, 04/29/1938:4
Perry, Edward S.
Couple celebrates anniversary, 04/21/1939:1
Perry, E.L.
Physician, 39 Oak St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Perry, George
Dies in Waterville, ME, 08/12/1938:1
Perry, Harry
Father dies in Halifax, 03/12/1937:11
Perry, John
Non-support case continued, 02/14/1936:2
Funeral held in Halifax, 03/12/1937:11
Obituary, 03/12/1937:11
Son born, 10/22/1937:7
Perry, John S.
Engaged to Lucy J. Athanasiou, 09/13/1935:6
Wed to Lucy Athanasiou, 09/27/1935:6
Perry, Joseph
Daughter born, 05/20/1938:7
Perry, Kenneth R.
Engaged to Charlotte Athanasiou, 06/02/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
Perry, Lucy
Wedding described, 07/26/1935:11
Perry, Lucy L.
Wed to Edgar T. Westgate, 07/26/1935:6
Perry, Manuel
Wedding described, 08/14/1936:11
Perry, Michael
Arrested for break-in and larceny in Carver some months ago,
Fined $20 for contempt of court, 09/16/1938:7
Perry, Michael A.
Arrested in rash of break-ins on Marion Rd, 06/14/1935:1
Gets three months, fined $25 for breaking and entering, 06/21/1935:11
Held for larceny of cranberries, 10/30/1936:2
Held on $1,000 for larceny in North Carver, 11/06/1936:1
Wed to Mariannie B. Thomas, 10/15/1937:7
Perry, Mrs John
Resides in Truro, 07/31/1936:1
Perry, Vincent E.
Charged with breaking and entering Bates School, 11/05/1937:1
Bates School breaking-and-entering case filed, 02/18/1938:1
Perry, Warren
Bruised in bicycle somersault, 06/10/1938:1
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 03/10/1939:1
Perry, William E.
Obituary, 10/16/1936:1
Perry, William F.
Dies at age 52, 10/16/1936:7
Obituary, 08/20/1937:1
Perry, William Francis
Dies at age 5, 08/20/1937:7
Peterson, Dorothy
Employed at Gazette office, 07/22/1938:1
Employed in Gazette office, 07/21/1939:1
Peterson, E.
WPA will clear private woodlands (l), 11/11/1938:6
Peterson, Edward
Town Manager given vote of confidence, 01/06/1939:1
Moves to new home on North Main St, 09/08/1939:8
Peterson, Edward C.
New town manager here, 08/26/1938:1
New town manager to assume duties 10/1 (p), 09/02/1938:1
New town manager assumes duties (p), 10/07/1938:1
Town manager makes study of proposed extension (l) (The Spectator),
Town manager makes thorough study of town charter (l) (The
Spectator), 11/11/1938:5
Peterson, Effa
Obituary, 06/09/1939:1
Widow of Henry dies at age 83, 06/09/1939:5
Peterson, Effa M.
Petition for administration of estate, 07/07/1939:8
Peterson, Elsie L.
Engaged to Malcolm R. McDonald, 06/21/1935:6
Wed to Malcolm McDonald, 06/28/1935:6
Peterson, Evelyn
Wed to Philip Greene, 09/23/1938:7
Peterson, L.P.
Granted common victualler's license, 05/26/1939:1
Peterson, Maynard
Daughter born, 05/15/1936:11
Peterson, Oscar
Chimney fire at Clay and Mill St, 05/03/1935:1
Stationed at Camp Devens, 02/10/1939:2
Peterson, Oscar W.
Enlists in U.S. Army, 08/02/1935:5
Peterson, Ruth
Resides in Boston, 10/08/1937:11
Engaged to be married, 10/22/1937:11
Peterson, Ruth S.
Engaged to Otto J. Jacobson, 10/29/1937:7
Wed to Otto J. Jacobson, 11/05/1937:7
Wedding described, 11/05/1937:8
Peterson, William
Resides at Fort Devens, 10/08/1937:11
Petrowski, A.A.
Representative of Empire State Nursery Co. (ad), 03/11/1938:12
Petrowski, Anthony
Daughter born, 02/05/1937:6
Petrowski, Sophie L.
Wed to John Rubzcki, 11/26/1937:7
see also Dogs
Mrs Frank Egger's parrot, Socrates, enjoys freedom, 08/23/1935:11
Pettee, Chandler
Chimney fire on Marion Rd, 02/01/1935:1
Obituary, 05/12/1939:1
Dies at age 82, 05/12/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 05/12/1939:9
Farm for sale at a sacrifice (ad), 09/15/1939:2
Pettee, Gardner M.
Dies in Foxboro, 04/17/1936:1
Petti, Albert
Wedding described, 07/09/1937:8
Pezzoli, Frank
Shower held for new couple, 06/21/1935:8
Pfister, August
East Taunton couple married 10 years, 01/20/1939:5
Pfister, Andrew
Jumps from car just before struck by train, 01/31/1936:1
Pfister, Frank
Obituary, 05/21/1937:1
East Taunton man dies at age 60, 05/21/1937:7
Pflister, Annie
Moves to North St, 12/20/1935:6
Pflister, Otto
Moves to North St, 12/20/1935:6
P.H. Brodeur & Sons (see Phillip Brodeur & Sons)
P.H. Higgins Store
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Adds choice line of meats, 02/26/1937:2
Full line of liquors, wines, and beers (ad), 02/26/1937:2
"Robs" customers (ad), 03/12/1937:2
P.H. Peirce Co.
Closes after 125 years of service to Middleboro, 03/29/1935:1
Career of old store ends, 03/29/1935:6
Warrant for special town meeting, 03/29/1935:8
Stock to be sold and National Historical Building Administration to take
interior photos, 05/10/1935:2
Plans of historic store on display, 06/28/1935:5
View of store before renovation (p), 12/27/1935:1
Pharmacies (see Drug Stores)
The Pheasant
Mr and Mrs William Shaw open South Middleboro business,
Philbrick (Mr)
Alice, Pearl, and Mildred Ashley move to Philbrick home on Vaughan
St, 07/09/1937:5
Lets Vaughan St bungalow to Ralph Hill, 10/22/1937:11
Philbrook, George
Suffers burns in testing accident, 12/09/1938:1
Philbrook, George A.
Fire Chief resigns (p), 11/26/1937:1
Philharmonic Trio
Belmont, Sears, and Porter perform in Falmouth, 04/12/1935:1
Phillip Brodeur & Sons
Granted common victualler's license, 06/07/1935:1
Petition for license to sell gasoline, 08/09/1935:11
Application for liquor license, 10/11/1935:8
Tax Payers League in favor as gasoline permit, 10/18/1935:2
Selectmen hold hearing on gas station application, 11/08/1935:1
Selectmen reject gasoline license application, 11/15/1935:1
Files suit over rejection of gasoline permit, 12/06/1935:1
Phillips (Mrs)
Resides in Centerville, 10/28/1938:6
Phillips, Albert L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/12/1935:6
Phillips, Archer S.
Fairview St couple married 25 years, 12/04/1936:1
Phillips, Archie
Struck by auto in front of YMCA, 04/29/1938:1
Phillips, Blanche
Engaged to James Prescott, 08/04/1939:1
Phillips, Blanche E.
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Wed to James S. Prescott, 10/06/1939:7
Phillips, Blanche Elizabeth
Engaged to James S. Prescott, 06/09/1939:1
Phillips, Chester D.
Engaged to Evelyn Corriera, 12/09/1938:1
Wed to Evelyn Correira, 02/03/1939:7
Phillips, Clara
Dies in Lakeville, 06/04/1937:11
Phillips, Clara E.
Obituary, 06/04/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 09/10/1937:8
Phillips, Edmond E.
Fairhaven man dies at age 77, 05/05/1939:5
Obituary, 05/12/1939:4
Phillips, Edward
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 11/12/1937:11
Phillips, E.M.
Rents house on Miller St, 07/23/1937:8
Phillips, Frances M.
Engaged to Clarence A. Dimond, 11/29/1935:6
Phillips, Genevieve I.
Engaged to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 02/21/1936:6
Wed to Grant B. Hadsell, Jr., 03/13/1936:6
Phillips, Gustavus
Resides in South Bend, IN, 11/13/1936:12
Phillips, Hannah E.
Wed to Robert S. Phillips, 11/19/1937:7
Phillips, Jennie
Chronicle of school days in South Middleboro, 04/19/1935:7
Granted lodging license, 03/03/1939:5
Phillips, Joseph
Brother dies in Wellesley, 02/18/1938:8
Phillips, Joseph F.
Couple married 30 years, 07/15/1938:11
Phillips, Lydia
Employed at Soule's store, 07/05/1935:1
Phillips, Lydia R.
Employed at Soule's, 06/19/1936:12
Phillips, Mrs Gustavus
Resides in South Bend, IN, 09/13/1935:1
Phillips, Mrs Joseph F.
Sells The Old Stone House, 01/04/1935:2
Phillips, Mrs Wirt B.
Cabot Club holds gala Guest Night (p), 02/15/1935:1
President of Cabot Club (p), 09/27/1935:1
Cabot Club grand concert a great success (p), 04/17/1936:1
Appointed to State Literature Department, 08/14/1936:7
Phillips, Pearl M.
Wedding described, 01/25/1935:6
Phillips, Robert
Wed to last week, 11/12/1937:12
Phillips, Robert S.
Wed to Hannah E. Phillips, 11/19/1937:7
Phillips, Sarah
Chimney fire on Oak St, 10/14/1938:1, 02/24/1939:1
Phillips, Thomas D.
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 60, 03/15/1935:4
Phillips, William H.
Dies in Wellesley, 02/18/1938:8
Phillips, Wirt B.
Annual report of school music supervisor, 02/01/1935:7
Has outstanding record of achievements, 05/29/1936:1
Music supervisor reaches compulsory retirement age, 05/06/1938:1
Tendered testimonial dinner by Teachers' Association, 06/03/1938:1
Moves to Brookline, 09/16/1938:6
Long years of service recognized in School Committee annual report,
Phinney, Edwin H.
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Dies at age 57, 04/01/1938:7
Phinney, E.E.
More power to them, Democratic party (l), 08/26/1938:11
Phinney, E.H.
Resides in California, 08/06/1937:7
Phinney, Elmer E.
Voters must act wisely in upcoming election (l), 01/18/1935:7
Who will pay the bills? (l), 02/08/1935:6
Does not approve of swimming pool (l), 08/09/1935:2
Praises Twilight League (l), 08/23/1935:11
An honest exchange of opinion (l), 08/29/1935:2
Think of the fun we are having (l), 10/25/1935:11
Yours for an unbalanced budget (l), 11/29/1935:8
Demands apology for slur against town manager (l), 01/24/1936:5
How will history view past decade? (l), 06/12/1936:6
A suggestion for prosperity (l), 06/26/1936:2
Fourth party progress (l), 07/03/1936:11, 07/10/1936:11
Fourth party notes (l), 07/17/1936:8
Where is the money coming from? (l), 08/07/1936:8
Should protest President's plan (l), 03/05/1937:5
Wake up America (l), 04/09/1937:5
Anent bicycles accidents (l), 04/23/1937:2
"Relief." As reviewed by a taxpayer (l), 10/08/1937:3
A solution to the relief problem (l), 10/15/1937:8
Social Security (l), 12/17/1937:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
A happy New Year (l), 01/07/1938:5
We want relief (l), 01/14/1938:3
Bubbles (l), 02/11/1938:3
Home sweet home (l), 02/25/1938:5
A five year demonstration (l), 03/18/1938:11, 03/25/1938:4
Dictators (l), 04/15/1938:10
Social Security (l), 05/06/1938:6
Our votes have gone with the wind (l), 05/27/1938:9
The circus (l), 06/17/1938:11
Racketeers (l), 07/22/1938:8
Relief racket (l), 10/07/1938:2
The political campaign (l), 11/04/1938:9
To health editor of Gazette (l), 12/30/1938:5
Questions The Spectator (l), 02/17/1939:11
Airplanes (l), 03/03/1939:8
Airplanes benefit civilization (l) (Jack Holt), 03/10/1939:3
Are airplanes beneficial to civilization? (l), 03/17/1939:5
Merits of the airplane (l) (Jack Holt), 03/31/1939:4
Wings in the air (l), 04/07/1939:8
Again in defense of airplanes (l) (Jack Holt), 04/28/1939:7
Friend Jack: Please stay on the ground (l), 05/05/1939:8
Phinney, Elmer E. - Poetry
Youth, 04/03/1936:6
All Coming to Fourth Party, 07/31/1936:5
The Daily News, 08/14/1936:5
The Race is On, 08/21/1936:11
Justice, 08/28/1936:8
The Trailers Dream, 09/04/1936:8
Political Nursery Rhymes, 09/11/1936:8
A Modern Casablanca, 09/18/1936:6
Toys, 12/25/1936:5
Joy to the World, 12/31/1937:8
The Horse and Buggy Days, 04/01/1938:4
Votes or Prosperity, 07/01/1938:2
Phinney, James O.
Obituary, 11/12/1937:8
Phinney, Perle
Resides in California, 08/06/1937:7
Phinney, Sheldon
Rubbish fire in cellar on Taunton St, 04/12/1935:1
Son born, 08/02/1935:6
Files nomination papers for assessor, 11/19/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Breaks arm in accident at sawmill, 06/24/1938:1
Granted auctioneers license, 02/03/1939:11
Phinney, Sheldon L.
Candidate for assessor (ad) (p), 01/07/1938:12, 01/14/1938:12
Phinney, Thomas S.
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Dies at age 92, 12/16/1938:7
Thibault Studio, 87 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Doris Wright, 30 School St (ad), 04/02/1937:12
Stoneleigh College student Lorraine Gates participates in exhibition,
Lorraine Gates awarded honors from Stoneleigh College, 07/02/1937:7
Doris Wright, 20 School St (ad), 09/03/1937:12
Camera Club of Middleboro holds first meeting, 12/23/1938:4
see also Lakeville Hospital - Employees; Surrey, Sarah H.
E.L. Perry, 39 Oak St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Mark Shachoy, 232 Center St (ad), 08/09/1935:12
New doctor, M.P. Mathews, locates here, 12/06/1935:1
M.P. Mathews opens office at 135 Centre St (ad), 12/06/1935:11
Dr George Tate dies, 02/28/1936:1
David Pollen announces office hours (ad), 09/04/1936:12
Selectmen okay sign installation for chiropodist Lerner, 04/16/1937:5
Doctor of podiatry, B.M. Lerner, opens office here, 04/30/1937:1
Dr B.M. Lerner, 15 Centre St (ad), 04/30/1937:12
Joseph Giberti awarded M.D. degree from Tufts' College (p),
Arthur Kanserstein physician at sanatorium, 07/30/1937:8
Assisting physician Alvin Severance resigns from sanatorium,
Paul Ferrini physician at sanatorium, 07/30/1937:8
Sarah Surrey Raymond, osteopathic physician (ad), 10/29/1937:12
Osteopath Dr Francis LeBaron announces plans to open practice here,
Francis LeBaron, osteopathic physician (ad), 12/03/1937:12
Dr B.M. Lerner, professional foot treatments (ad), 12/17/1937:10
Sanatorium assistant superintendent Dr John Decker studies surgery at
Boston hospital, 01/21/1938:1
Dr Sterling McLean new to Park Commission board, 02/11/1938:1
Dr Joseph Giberti opens medical office at 31 Oak St, 08/05/1938:1
Dr Joseph Giberti, general medicine, surgery and obstetrics (ad),
David Pollen removes office to 24 School St (ad), 10/28/1938:8
Dr James M. Bonnar to locate here, 11/04/1938:1
Dr Bonnar, general medicine (ad), 11/11/1938:12
William Tribby physician at sanatorium, 06/02/1939:9
Leon Alley physician at sanatorium, 06/16/1939:5
Joel Adams doctor at sanatorium, 08/11/1939:5
Winsor Fryer is Middleboro's oldest practicing physician at age 83,
Dr S.A. McLean, 8 Rock St (ad), 11/10/1939:10
Piava, Manuel
Fails to appear in court, 09/18/1936:8
Has default removed, case filed, 09/25/1936:2
Son born, 01/07/1938:7
Piava, Manuel J.
Engaged to Beatrice E. Deonnes, 05/22/1936:7
Wed to Beatrice E. Dionnes, 06/05/1936:7
Piava, Manuel Joseph
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:11
Picard, Marie
Engaged to Emile E. Savard, 10/29/1937:7
Engaged to Emil Savard, 06/24/1938:7
Wed to Emile Savard, 07/08/1938:7
Picard, Wilfred
Everett St couple married 20 years, 01/01/1937:7
Piche, Roger
Two youths arrested for break-in at Reisner Ensworth's home,
Piche, Roger W.
Fined $10 for motor vehicle violations, 03/27/1936:5
Pickens, Eben
Public auction sale of farming tools (ad), 05/03/1935:3
Pickens, Ebenezer
Obituary, 08/04/1939:1
Dies at age 84, 08/04/1939:7
Central Congregational principal beneficiary of will, 08/11/1939:1
Petition for probate of will, 08/11/1939:2
Executor's sale by auction (ad), 09/29/1939:3
Pickering, Mrs M.A.
Dies in Oakland, CA, 08/12/1938:7
Pickett, George
Wedding described, 02/14/1936:6
Pickett, George S.
Engaged to Dorothy L. Kelley, 02/07/1936:6
Standish, Starbuck, and Sylvia report missing items, 06/28/1935:1
Picone, Joseph
Selectmen hear petitions for junk yards from Picone and Friedman,
Thanks selectmen for work cleaning up junk yards on West side,
Files papers for post on Republican Town Committee, 03/20/1936:8
Fails to file papers with Secretary of State, 08/14/1936:1
Elected honorary president of John Cabot Club, 12/11/1936:1
Named chairman at district meeting of Townsend Clubs, 06/25/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Elected to another term as president of John Cabot Club, 12/09/1938:1
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Picone, Joseph A.
Republicans vote for delegate (ad), 04/24/1936:8
Frederick Feas makes public apology for weed bouquet (l),
Candidate for Finance Committee, biography, 12/29/1939:4
Picone, Joseph W.
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Picture Frames (see Winthrop-Atkins Co.)
Pidgeon, William
Purchases bungalow from Lawrence Osborne, 10/08/1937:11
Pierce (Mr)
Kenneth Leonard purchases old Pierce homestead from Lucy Canedy,
Pierce, Alice Caldwell
Son born, 04/28/1939:9
Pierce, Alice Elizabeth
Born to Starret and Faith Dale, 12/06/1935:5
Pierce, Allan
Westport couple moves to Shaw house on Miller St, 05/14/1937:11
Pierce, Clarence A.
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Dies at age 79, 01/31/1936:6
Pierce, Curtis
Tax collector's sale, 06/28/1935:12
Pierce, David R.
Obituary, 08/05/1938:1
Dies at age 65, 08/05/1938:7
Pierce, Eliza M.
Dies at age 76, 06/28/1935:6
Obituary, 07/12/1935:1
Pierce, Ellen G.
Engaged to Joseph Silvia, Jr., 04/26/1935:4
Wed to Joseph Silvia, Jr., 05/03/1935:4
Pierce, Ethan
East Taunton man guilty of larceny from Lakeville man, 10/22/1937:8
Pierce, Faith Dale
Daughter born, 12/06/1935:5
Pierce, Frank
Watch and clock repair (ad), 05/27/1938:12
Pierce, Frank A., Jr.
Wed to Verna E. Howes, 09/17/1937:7
Pierce, George F.
Collides with Taunton driver at South Main and Grove St, 10/02/1936:2
Pierce, Harold
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 12/13/1935:1
Pierce, Harold W.
Gets ten days for drunkenness, 06/16/1939:1
Pierce, Hattie F.
Engaged to Henry C. Walker, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Henry C. Walker, 09/03/1937:7
Pierce, Howard M.
Wed to Christine E. Gray, 07/01/1938:7
Pierce, Irving
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:5
Moves from Rock to West Wareham, 05/22/1936:2
Son born, 04/28/1939:9
Pierce, Irving T.
Engaged to Alice Caldwell, 07/19/1935:8
Engaged to Alice I. Caldwell, 08/16/1935:6
Wed to Alice I. Caldwell, 08/23/1935:6
Pierce, Maude
Appears in Hollywood movie showing here, 09/27/1935:12
Pierce, Mrs Irving
Resides in Pierceville, 05/19/1939:9
Pierce, Mrs Seabury
Obituary, 06/23/1939:9
Pierce, R.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Pierce, Raymond
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:5
Daughter born, 07/29/1938:7
Son born, 08/25/1939:2
Moves to Miller St, 11/03/1939:6
Pierce, Raymond Grant
Born to Raymond, 08/25/1939:2
Pierce, Richard Allen
Wed to Ruth Carter Shores, 09/09/1938:7
Pierce, Ruth
Obituary, 06/23/1939:1
Wife of Seabury dies at age 72, 06/23/1939:5
Pierce, S.B.
North Lakeville couple married 50 years, 05/29/1936:5
Pierce, Seabury B.
North Lakeville couple married 50 years, 05/29/1936:5
Pierce, Starret
Daughter born, 12/06/1935:5
Pierce, Transylvania L.
In Memoriam (poem), 03/08/1935:4
Piercon, Carl John
Petition for administration of estate, 11/08/1935:8
Piercon, John
Petition for administration of estate, 11/08/1935:8
Pierson, Carl John
Biography, 11/08/1935:8
Petition for administration of estate, 11/08/1935:8
Pierson, John
Obituary, 11/01/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 11/08/1935:8
Pigeon, William J.
Moves from Whitman to Lakeville, 05/27/1938:11
Piispanen, Aili
Wed to Leonard Hekkila, 06/10/1938:2
Pike, Andrew
Daughter born, 02/05/1937:6
Employed at A&P, 08/18/1939:8
Pike, Andrew F.
Head of meat department at A&P, 08/19/1938:5
Pike, John S.
Engaged to Edna C. Dodenhoff, 05/01/1936:7
Wed to Edna C. Dodenhoff, 05/08/1936:7
Pike, Leander J.
Son born, 09/23/1938:7
Pike, Perley
One of three men arrested for holdup in North Plymouth, 12/03/1937:1
Sentenced to Concord reformatory for armed robbery, 02/18/1938:1
Pilgrim Window Cleaning Service
Reasonable rates (ad), 05/19/1939:10
Pillsbury, Carl
Son born, 08/09/1935:6
Pillsbury, Charles
Employed at sanatorium, 03/15/1935:5, 02/12/1937:11
Pilshaw, Mrs Harry
Sister, Mrs Felix Freund, visits from Berlin, Germany, 05/07/1937:7
Pina, Charles
Brockton auto plows through Pina house in South Middleboro,
Pina, George
Fined $10 for allowing illegal use of car, 05/28/1937:1
Case of larceny continued, 12/16/1938:11
Discharged from probation, 12/15/1939:2
Pink, Lawrence
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Pintonarno, Rosario
Employed at sanatorium, 12/04/1936:6
Piper, Edwin
Sells store in Somerville, returns to Middleboro, 10/04/1935:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Moves to Newfield, ME, 04/03/1936:8
Piper, Ernest
Purchases Benson St place from Fred Russell, 06/14/1935:2
Piper, Ida M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/23/1937:8
Piper, Lewis
Resides in Medford, 02/15/1935:6, 09/16/1938:3
Piper, Ruth
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:8
Pitkin, Clarence
Dies in Marshfield, VT, 01/25/1935:1
Pitman, George
Resides in Lame Deer, MT, 01/03/1936:12
Former resident and Montana cowboy displays rope skills at Bates
School, 01/15/1937:5
Former Middleboro man tells of life in the West (p), 02/26/1937:1
Demonstrates trick riding (p), 04/09/1937:1
Cowboy thrills crowd with trick riding, 04/16/1937:2
Pitman, Sue
Sails to West Indies, 03/17/1939:1
Pittsley, Charles
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 09/01/1939:8
Pittsley, Elizabeth
Obituary, 05/08/1936:1
Pittsley, Elizabeth A.
Wife of Ezra dies at age 90, 05/08/1936:7
Pittsley, Ezra
Jackson St couple married 65 years, 04/19/1935:1
Pittsley, Ezra A.
Obituary, 09/16/1938:1
Dies at age 94, 09/16/1938:7
Pittsley, George
Moves from Barrows St to Miller St, 10/15/1937:11
Pittsley, Malcolm
Wed to Mary Houlihan, 04/29/1938:7
Pittsley, Sarah E.
Obituary, 02/01/1935:1
Dies at age 48, 02/01/1935:4
Pittsley, Thomas
Bernard Cabral gets two months for assault on officer, 09/17/1937:2
Pittsley, Vincent
Member of North Lakeville Orchestra, 04/09/1937:11
Pittsley, Viola
Wed to William Owens, 08/05/1938:11
Pittsley, Walter
Granted auto junk license, 01/10/1936:8
Motor vehicle junk license renewed, 12/24/1937:8
Fire destroys shed on Wareham St, 02/25/1938:1
Junk dealer complains of rubbish workers pilfering junk, 03/04/1938:8
Pittsley, Walter D.
Letourneau and Washburn sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro
and Lakeville, 10/13/1939:1
Pittsley, Warren A.
Freetown man dies at age 75, 08/04/1939:7
Obituary, 08/04/1939:7
Pittsley, Whittier A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/12/1937:8
Five-year-old Daniel Guertin struck by Pittsley's car on Bourne St,
Piver, George
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:1
Daughter born, 11/24/1939:5
Place, Chester A., Jr.
Engaged to Muriel Curran, 09/29/1939:5
Wed to Muriel Curran, 10/13/1939:5
Place, Cora B.
Engaged to Willard L. Baker, 08/19/1938:1, 09/02/1938:7
Place, Edward
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/01/1935:1
Place, Edward E.
Obituary (p), 09/06/1935:1
Dies at age 87, 09/06/1935:6
Buried with full military honors, 09/13/1935:1
VFW passes resolutions upon death, 09/13/1935:2
Petition for probate of will, 09/27/1935:7
Place, Eldora P.
Petition for probate of will, 04/16/1937:6
Place, George H.
Notice of inactive account at Savings Bank, 11/19/1937:8
Place, Helen
Teacher of voice (ad), 11/06/1936:12
Place, Jessie May
Engaged to Howard A. Anderson, 01/07/1938:1
Place, Jessie M.
Wed to Howard A. Anderson, 03/11/1938:7
Place, Margaret Highdon
Obituary, 01/24/1936:1
Place, Myrtle
Nurse at Jordan Hospital, Plymouth, 10/08/1937:8
Place, Persis Eldora
Obituary, 01/15/1937:1
Dies at age 84, 01/15/1937:6
Planning Board (see Middleboro - Planning Board)
Plaskawaski, Julian
Daughter born, 07/16/1937:7
Plaskawicki, Stanislaw
Gets 10 days for drunkenness, 02/19/1937:2
Probation case filed, 08/20/1937:2
Gets 10 days for drunkenness, 07/14/1939:3
Plaskawiski, Julian
Engaged to Florence Montanari, 06/28/1935:1
Plaskawiski, Julian J.
Engaged to Florence N. Montanari, 06/28/1935:6
Plaskawiski, Stanislaw
Discharged from probation, 12/08/1939:8
see also Middleboro - Park Commission; Swimming
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
To remain open for after school activities, 09/11/1936:1
Works Progress Administration to rebuild bleachers, 04/29/1938:1
WPA allocation used for improvements, 05/27/1938:5
Special notice for parking autos, 05/27/1938:6
Need better arrangement for mowing, 08/19/1938:1
New program of activities for fall, 09/02/1938:6
Battis suggests school take over maintenance of North Main St grounds,
Selectman sponsors motion for shut off box for large lights,
The Spectator comments on lack of organized recreation (l),
Selectmen approve football field improvement project, 11/10/1939:1
Selectman suggests skating rink at playground, 11/10/1939:2
Selectmen ask Peirce Trustees to fund football field improvement,
Pleasant Street School
Opens with same teachers, 09/10/1937:8
Plissey, Augustus
Lets Bedford St house to Donald Moran, 09/17/1937:11
Plissey, Harry F.
Purchases Lillian Manning property at auction, 04/08/1938:11
Employed at New Bedford pumping station, 09/16/1938:3
Plumbers and Plumbing
Lloyd Perkins & Son, Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Joseph Brown fined $5 for illegal plumbing, 03/01/1935:2
Joseph Borsari passes exam for journeyman plumber, 04/26/1935:5
List of local tradesmen cooperating with federal program (ad),
Plumbing violation case against Harold Congdon dismissed,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Joseph Borsari passes exam for master plumbers license, 06/03/1938:1
Joseph Borsari, plumbing, heating & supplies (ad), 07/08/1938:12
Spectator asks questions about Union Street School (l), 08/05/1938:2
Selectmen table discuss of transportation costs for plumbing inspector,
Selectmen will advertise regulations when approved, 11/10/1939:4
Chester Sylvester purchases Lloyd Perkins' plumbing business,
George Benn closes plumbing business after 35 years, 12/08/1939:2
Plymouth, Middleboro & New Bedford Bus Line
H. Guertin proprietor (ad), 07/30/1937:12
Plymouth & New Bedford Electric Co.
Selectmen seek lower electric rate, 04/15/1938:1
Plymouth County Farm Bureau
Holds elections at annual meeting, 11/22/1935:8
Holds annual meeting, 11/05/1937:11
Plymouth County Sheriffs Department
Fred Shockley re-appointed sheriff for six-year term (p), 01/06/1939:1
Adnah Harlow named deputy sheriff (p), 09/29/1939:1
Plymouth Street School
Opens with same teachers, 09/10/1937:8
Pobamus, Mrs Roland
Resides in Williamsburg, IA, 11/11/1938:11
Pocksha Pond
Committee studies plan to remove usage restrictions, 07/21/1939:1
Lifting of restrictions would be mixed blessing, 07/28/1939:1
Selectmen favor action to reclaim ponds, 08/04/1939:11
see also Phinney, Elmer E. - Poetry
Just for To-Day by Ethel Goodick, 01/04/1935:4
The Old House by Emma Tisdale, 01/18/1935:5
In Memoriam (for Transylvania L. Pierce), 03/08/1935:4
That Wonderful City by Alma L. Janes, 04/12/1935:8
Thorns by Thomas Edward Hirst, 04/19/1935:4
An Easter Message by John L. Hynes, 04/19/1935:7
Class of 1935 holds in loving remembrance Martha Norris and Leonard
Riggs by Albert Bigelow Paine (p), 06/21/1935:3
Calling of God by Thomas E. Hirst, 06/28/1935:7
Riches by Ethel Goodick, 07/12/1935:6
A Hundred Years from Now by Ethel Goodick, 08/09/1935:11
Poem on passing of old year by Mrs Stephen Kelley, 01/03/1936:6
Rev Rossbach forms poetry group at Unitarian church, 01/24/1936:2
The Risen Christ by J.L. Hynes, 04/10/1936:7
Alphabetically Speaking by Herbert H. Dunham, 06/19/1936:6
Life's Journey by Emma J. Tisdale, 07/03/1936:5
Alphabetically Speaking by Herbert H. Dunham, 07/03/1936:8
Do You Care? by Herbert H. Dunham, 07/10/1936:2
Grieving by Anne Brown Leslie, 07/31/1936:8
Christmas Paean by J.L. Hynes, 12/25/1936:1
New Year's Thoughts by Charles H. Bates, 01/01/1937:2
We Miss Him. Yes, We Miss Him by M.E. Osborne, 01/22/1937:6
Mother by Ruth Putnam Trefry, 04/30/1937:2
The Country Hospital by Edgar A. Guest, 06/04/1937:1
Bon Voyage My Friend (to Frederick Lobl), 06/18/1937:1
Old Swimming Hole by H. Wood, 06/25/1937:5
It Isn't the Town, It's You by R.W. Glover, 02/11/1938:1
My Garden of Memories by Ethel Goodick, 03/18/1938:6
A Picture of Spring by Mignon R. Goward, 05/06/1938:6
The Foolish Old Frog of Nemasket by L.M. Churbuck, 07/08/1938:6
A Flagstone Walk by Ruth Putnam Trefry, 07/29/1938:7
The Wife at Home to her Husband in the Legislature by Betsey Jane,
Lamentation by T. Edward Hirst, 11/25/1938:8
Giving is Living by Thomas Edward Hirst, 12/16/1938:10
Poirer, Joseph
Sells South Middleboro house, 06/02/1939:9
Poirer, Norman
Daughter born, 05/26/1939:5
Poirer, Robert
Engaged to Harriet Tower, 12/22/1939:7
Poirier, Norman
Engaged to France Millette, 07/29/1938:1
Poirier, Norman E.
Wed to France A. Millette, 07/29/1938:7, 08/19/1938:7
Poirier, Raymond
Son born, 12/17/1937:4
Poirier, Robert
Withdraws appeal on larceny charge, 06/04/1937:2
Pleads not guilty to violation of illegitimacy laws, 09/24/1937:5
Illegitimacy case continued, 02/04/1938:2
Gets probation for illegitimacy offense, 04/15/1938:5
Poirier, Robert E.
Strikes beacon at John Glass Square, 07/02/1937:1
Poison and Poisoning
Five animals poisoned with strychnine, 05/29/1936:1
Police investigate animal cases on Arlington St, 05/29/1936:1
Former official Louis Littlejohn dead from carbon monoxide poisoning,
Henry Dunham treated for blood poisoning in hand, 04/07/1939:9
Wilfred Vickery fails suicide attempt, uses wrong poison, 08/18/1939:1
Poitras, Louis
Obituary, 12/23/1938:1
Dies at age 70, 12/23/1938:7
Poland, Moses
Employed at State Farm, 07/15/1938:11
Polefka, Stacia M.
Wed to John Sabalweski, 06/11/1937:7
Polhamus, Amy Kelley
Daughter born, 11/05/1937:8
Polhamus, Roland
Wedding described, 10/30/1936:1
Daughter born, 11/05/1937:8
Police Department (see Middleboro - Police Department)
"I believe men" (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 04/03/1936:8
To the voters (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 04/17/1936:2
Fourth party progress (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 07/03/1936:11,
Fourth party notes (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 07/17/1936:8
All Coming to Fourth Party (poem by Elmer E. Phinney), 07/31/1936:5
Political Nursery Rhymes poem by Elmer E. Phinney, 09/11/1936:8
Local political observation (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 09/25/1936:2
Charles Eaton asks questions of Spectator (l), 08/05/1938:11
The political campaign (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 11/04/1938:9
Kenelm Winslow responds to query about "Wide Awakes" organization
of yesteryear, 02/17/1939:1
Recent events keep qualified men away (l) (The Spectator),
Pollen, D.A.
Philip Milette collides with Dr Pollen on Center St, 10/30/1936:2
Pollen, David A.
Son born, 03/01/1935:4
Doctor announces office hours (ad), 09/04/1936:12
Physician's car stolen, 10/01/1937:1
Grass fire at home, 02/04/1938:1
Collides with Bridgewater auto at Arch and Everett St, 07/15/1938:5
Purchases Bourne residence on School St, 10/07/1938:6
Removes office to 24 School St (ad), 10/28/1938:8
Son born, 12/16/1938:7
Pollitt, Mrs Thomas
Hostess of The Buttonwoods Inn and Gift Shop (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Polly, Caroline
Tax collector's sale, 05/15/1936:8
Polly Pine Inn
Lillian White closes for the season, 01/22/1937:6
Polly Pine Tea Room
Closed for winter, 11/29/1935:8
Polly Pines
Employs Katherine Graham, 07/05/1935:8
Pomagzak, Jennie
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Robert L. Merrill, 08/29/1935:6
Pomeroy (Rev and Mrs)
Couple married 20 years, 08/27/1937:11
Pool, William E.
Obituary, 08/18/1939:4
Dies at age 67, 08/18/1939:5
Poole, Bertram
Daughter born, 10/28/1938:7
Poole, Mildred
Wedding described, 09/11/1936:2
Poor Farm
see also Town Infirmary
New piggery needed, special town meeting called, 10/09/1936:1
Special town meeting may be called, 10/09/1936:1
Piggery must wait till next year, 10/16/1936:1
Public farming and hotel keeping under Middleboro manager
government (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/03/1939:5
Food supplies on bid-and-contract basis, 07/14/1939:1
Request for bids for food supplies, 08/11/1939:4
Hopes to save $900 in food and oil costs this year, 09/08/1939:1
Inmates to have Christmas tree, 12/22/1939:8
Poore, Ethel Cleveland
Obituary, 03/12/1937:11
Pope, Millard
Moves from Halifax to South Middleboro, 03/19/1937:11
Pope, Mrs Millard
Mother dies in Bryantville, 07/16/1937:5
Pope, Robert
Employed at sanatorium, 02/24/1939:11
Enters New Hampshire University at Durham, 09/08/1939:7
Popes Point
Point of contention between Middleboro and Carver, 06/21/1935:8
Popular Culture
Goldfish swallowing craze hits town, 03/31/1939:1
Middleboro included in second series of statistical abstracts for 175 New
England communities, 11/03/1939:8
Population - Middleboro
Totals 8,692 inhabitants, 03/01/1935:3
Porter (Miss)
Porter and Burnett Interiors expands to Boston (ad), 04/21/1939:10
Porter, Barbara Joan
Born to Malcolm, 06/10/1938:7
Porter, Bertha
Student nurse at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 02/14/1936:1
Graduates from nursing school at St. Luke's New Bedford, 05/20/1938:1
Employed at St. Luke's, 08/18/1939:8
Porter, Chester
Frederick Feas makes public apology for weed bouquet (l),
Porter, Flora
Philharmonic Trio performs in Falmouth, 04/12/1935:1
And D. Theron Burnett design model home in Quincy, 08/07/1936:6
Decorator (ad), 06/09/1939:10
Porter, George
Obituary, 03/17/1939:5
Dies at age 90, 03/17/1939:7
Porter, I.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Porter, Ira A.
Obituary, 09/24/1937:1
Dies at age 80, 09/24/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 10/08/1937:12
Petition for sale of real estate, 06/24/1938:11
Porter, Irene
Enters Forsythe Dental Infirmary to become dental hygienist,
Graduates from Forsythe Training School for Dental Hygienists,
Porter, Katherine I.
State certified dental hygienist, 07/21/1939:1
Porter, Malcolm
Daughter born, 06/10/1938:7
Porter, Mary
Obituary, 09/20/1935:8
Porter, Mrs Ira
Lets tenement to Mr and Mrs Longland, 10/29/1937:11
Porter, Olive
Begins training at Chelsea Memorial hospital, 09/22/1939:10
Porter, Susie
Burial at Central Cemetery, 04/19/1935:1
Porter and Burnett Interiors
Middleboro business expands to Boston (ad), 04/21/1939:10
Portuguese-American League
Plans campaign for naturalization, 11/17/1939:5
Potter, Arlene A.
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Potter, Edith
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Wed to Edward Neville, 09/10/1937:7
Potter, Edith A.
Engaged to Edward Neville, 08/20/1937:7
Potter, Royal Wesley
Engaged to Florence L. MacKinnon, 12/20/1935:2
Wedding described, 08/07/1936:2
Hewitt Bros. Farm, East Grove St (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Stover Farm, hatching eggs (ad), 01/04/1935:8
F.H. Sargent & Co., Livestock feed and equipment (ad), 01/11/1935:8
John Gallagher, hatching eggs (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Samuel Taylor's hen lays peanut-like egg, 04/19/1935:1
Benjamin and Ward tattoo birds, 06/21/1935:11
A trip through Conklin Duck Farm, 08/09/1935:11
R.E. Hewitt proprietor of Bobs Turkey Ranch (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Robert Clark, poultry and eggs (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Alger retrieves turkeys from Pratt's yard, 10/25/1935:1
Flock of turkeys take up residence on Pearl St, 10/25/1935:1
W.F. Preston, pedigree cockerels for sale (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Cedar-Croft Poultry Farm, Alfred B. Chase, Purchade St (ad),
Hewitts' Farms, East Grove St (ad), 01/03/1936:12
Fire in Goodman's brooder house on Plymouth St, 01/17/1936:5
Alfred Chase purchases new International truck for Cedar Crest Poultry
Farm, 01/17/1936:12
Joseph Roberts, baby chicks (ad), 01/17/1936:12
Cedar Croft Farm, Alfred Chase breeder and hatcher (ad),
One hundred fifty chicks die in fire at Beatt's in North Middleboro,
Mrs George Wood, 26-acre poultry farm for sale on Winter St (ad),
John W. Bass, baby chicks, hatching eggs (ad), 02/21/1936:12
Preston's Poultry Farm, baby chicks, hatching eggs (ad), 02/21/1936:12
Michael Zilonis, live and dressed turkeys, 4 Lovell St (ad),
D.W. Copp, Christmas turkeys (ad), 12/11/1936:12
Chas. Johnson, baby chicks, hatching eggs, Taunton Rd (ad),
Clarence Gurney, baby chicks, started chicks, Vaughan St, Lakeville
(ad), 02/12/1937:12
Roberts Poultry Farm, 1046 Center St (ad), 02/12/1937:12
Stover Poultry Farm, chicks bred to live, grow, and produce (ad),
M.W. Hanscom, broilers (ad), 04/23/1937:12
M.E. Hanscom, eggs and apples (ad), 10/08/1937:12
B.S. Ayers, poultry and eggs (ad), 11/26/1937:12
Robert's Poultry Farm, Center St (ad), 12/10/1937:14
Green's Poultry Farm, Vernon St (ad), 12/24/1937:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
West Farm (ad), 01/14/1938:12
Louis Lemmo reports death of 20 chickens, 06/24/1938:1
Selectmen grant permit to Joseph Oliver to move henhouses,
Roberts Poultry Farm, Centre St (ad), 11/04/1938:12
Copp's Turkey Farm enters fine exhibit at Boston show, 01/13/1939:2
Flanders & Woodward Poultry Farm, Inc. in Rock covers 12 acres,
includes 37 poultry houses, 06/16/1939:2
Homestead Grocery exclusive agents for local Flanders & Woodward
poultry (ad), 06/16/1939:6
Dunham's Poultry Farm, RI Red hatching eggs (ad), 12/29/1939:8
Poultry Stealing
Police investigate thefts from Sisson and Jenney, 09/10/1937:1
Covel, Preti, and Gasunas arrested for poultry theft from Jenney,
One hundred hens stolen from Jesse Hall, 09/17/1937:1
Deane and McAulay lose hens to thief, 11/19/1937:1
Charles and Marie Servant released here, arrested in Taunton,
Samuel Ryder reports 17 hens missing, 04/29/1938:1
Arthur Angell reports 25 hens stolen, 04/29/1938:7
Thirteen ducks stolen from Stanley Dardinsky, 07/15/1938:7
Povilonis, Joseph
Obituary, 07/24/1936:1
Powell, Ann Viner
Born to Henry, 06/26/1936:12
Powell, Doris
Enrolls at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, 08/11/1939:1
Begins training at Sturdy Memorial hospital, 09/15/1939:5
Powell, Henry
Bicycle stolen from post office, 12/20/1935:1
Daughter born, 06/26/1936:12
Powell, Margery E.
Engaged to Zimri T. Washburn, 12/22/1939:5
Powell, Marjorie
Receives B.S. degree from Bridgewater State, 06/17/1938:1
Engaged to Zimri Tobey Powell, 11/24/1939:10
Powell, Marjory
Resumes studies at Bridgewater State, 04/26/1935:1
Powell, Miriam
Employed in Harwich, 08/21/1936:7
Powell, Robert N.
Heads Taunton DeMolay chapter, 10/14/1938:1
DeMolay leader receives award (p), 03/17/1939:1
Active DeMolay wins Degree of Chevalier (p), 09/22/1939:1
Powell, William
Fuller St couple married 25 years, 04/24/1936:1
Powell, William H., Jr.
Engaged to Stella A. Washburn, 05/29/1936:7
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Wed to Stella A. Washburn, 06/05/1936:7
Powell, Zimri Tobey
Engaged to Marjorie Powell, 11/24/1939:10
Powers, George
Daughter born, 02/26/1937:6
Son born, 06/23/1939:5
Powers, Lillian
Sister dies in Connecticut, 02/07/1936:5
Prairie, May
Engaged to Joseph A. Perras, 10/28/1938:7
Prater, Elwyn
Daughter born, 09/03/1937:7
Pratt (Mr)
Lets Plymouth St tenement to G.E. Mayall, 07/30/1937:11
Pratt, Abner K.
Obituary, 03/19/1937:1
Pratt, Alton G.
Works with State Income Tax Department, 02/01/1935:1
Pratt, Catherine Hayes
Obituary, 04/19/1935:1
Dies at age 68, 04/19/1935:4
Pratt, Charles
Daughter born, 11/24/1939:5
Pratt, D. Morton
Pedestrian fatally injured in accident in Plymouth, 10/27/1939:1
Pratt, David
Joins U.S. Army, 07/29/1938:11
Pratt, David G.
D.D. Sullivan purchases Buzzards Bay summer home of Pratt,
Pratt, Edmund
Arthur Reginald Balkum arrested for break-in at Pratt home,
Pratt, Edward
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Pratt, Elizabeth
Genealogy, 02/19/1937:5
Pratt, Elton L.
Obituary, 03/22/1935:1
Dies at age 68, 03/22/1935:4
Will in probate, 04/12/1935:6
Pratt, Ernest S.
see also Ernest S. Pratt Co.
Fall River woman runs into parked ice truck on Plympton St,
Donates land for skating arena on East Main St, 11/27/1936:1
Collides with Harold Caswell on Center St, 04/09/1937:5
Dairyman makes honor roll, 06/04/1937:7
Herd produces 340 lbs butterfat per cow for 12 month period,
Purchases registered Guernsey cow, 12/23/1938:1
Pratt, Fred
Assault case continued, 08/21/1936:8
Discharged in assault case, 08/28/1936:1
Pratt, Fred A.
Arrested for assault on John Holt, 08/14/1936:1
Fred Pratt of Fred's Lunch goes before selectmen concerning electric
bill, 08/18/1939:6
Pratt, Frederick A., Jr.
Commends Gazette for story on Briggs building (l), 08/04/1939:1
Pratt, Grace Marion
Nemasket Chapter of DAR passes resolutions upon death, 11/15/1935:5
Pratt, Harold
And wife cling to roof during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
And wife miraculously escape Onset cottage in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Pratt, Harold E.
Found not guilty of non-support, 06/25/1937:5
Not guilty on charge of non-support, 07/02/1937:7
Pratt, Harold M.
Purchases filling station, grocery store from Arthur Smith, 10/28/1938:1
Application for sale of gasoline discussed by selectmen, 11/04/1938:8
Pratt, Henry
Chimney fire on Miller St, 03/31/1939:1
Pratt, Henry K.
Obituary, 01/08/1937:1
Dies at age 80, 01/08/1937:6
Petition for probate of will, 01/08/1937:6
Executor presents account of estate, 05/06/1938:6
Pratt, John
Takes trip to Kansas to purchase horses, 06/19/1936:12
Pratt, Kingman
Enrolls at Phillips Andover Prep, 09/17/1937:7
Pratt, L.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Pratt, Leonard
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Pratt, Louis
Employed at public library, 06/12/1936:2
Pratt, Lucy H.
Dies at age 71, 05/07/1937:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Petition for probate of will, 05/21/1937:4
Subscribers appointed to examine all claims on estate, 09/09/1938:6
Petition to sell real estate, 04/07/1939:5
Executors sale of real estate, 05/05/1939:3
Pratt, Lucy Hall
Obituary, 05/07/1937:6
Pratt, Lulu A.
Obituary, 10/09/1936:8
Pratt, Maria
Obituary, 03/05/1937:11
Pratt, Marion G.
Obituary, 10/11/1935:1
Dies at age 83, 10/11/1935:6
Funeral held at Unitarian church, 10/18/1935:5
Bequeaths $150,000 to St. Luke's, 10/25/1935:1
Petition for probate of will, 10/25/1935:8
Pratt, Merle L.
Wed to Rose E. Sylvia, 07/09/1937:7
Pratt, Miriam
Here for aunt's funeral, 05/07/1937:11
Pratt, Mrs Alan
Resides in Hanson, 05/22/1936:8
Resides in Rockland, 05/27/1938:11
Pratt, Mrs Alton G.
Alger retrieves turkeys from Pratt's yard, 10/25/1935:1
Pratt, Mrs D.G.
Hurricane uproots trees, destroys fence, 09/30/1938:6
Pratt, (Mrs) Edmund
Balkum break-in case continued, 03/01/1935:2
Court date set for Balkum, 03/08/1935:6
Balkum case continued, 03/15/1935:6
Balkum found guilty of larceny, 03/22/1935:1
Pratt, Mrs Harold M.
Takes first prize in home lighting contest, 12/29/1939:1
Pratt, Nathan K.
Retired game warden dies, obituary (p), 04/28/1939:1
Taunton man dies at age 76, 04/28/1939:5
Pratt, Nathan W.
Petition for probate of will, 05/12/1939:9
Pratt, Roger
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Pratt, Susanna K.
Leaves bulk of estate to Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
Heirs contest will, 05/06/1938:1
Pratt, Suzanne Keith
Obituary, 04/15/1938:1
Pratt, Sylvia Mayo
Wedding described, 06/19/1936:8
Pratt Free School
Graduation program, 06/07/1935:11
Presents Where is the Bride, 02/14/1936:2
Commencement exercises held, 06/12/1936:8
Graduation program, 06/11/1937:11
Opens with same teachers, 09/10/1937:8
Names honor students for graduating class, 03/25/1938:11
Elmer Allan new trustee, 04/15/1938:1
Holds graduation exercises, 06/10/1938:8
Precinct 3 Improvement Association
Membership at 124, 06/23/1939:9
Petitions selectmen for traffic signals, 07/21/1939:4
Precinct Congregational Society (see Lakeville Congregational Church)
Precourt, Charles
Son born, 11/18/1938:7
Prescott, Edward H.
Resides in Portland, ME, 01/01/1937:2
Prescott, Edwin H.
Employed by New York chemical company, 09/10/1937:8
Resides in Portland, ME, 02/18/1938:11
Prescott, E.H.
Pleasant St couple married 35 years, 11/11/1938:5
Prescott, James
Resides in Springfield, 05/27/1938:6
Engaged to Blanche Phillips, 08/04/1939:1
Prescott, James S.
Secures position in Springfield, 04/29/1938:12
Engaged to Blanche Elizabeth Phillips, 06/09/1939:1
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Wed to Blanche E. Phillips, 10/06/1939:7
Prescott, Paul
Resides in Groton, CT, 01/01/1937:2
Preston (Mrs)
Brother dies in Marion, IN, 07/26/1935:11
Preston, Edwin
Resumes studies at DePauw University in Indiana, 01/04/1935:3
Graduates from DePauw University, 06/18/1937:12
Preston, Edwin Vincent
Engaged to Mary Jane Miller, 08/25/1939:3
Preston, George
Wedding described, 03/10/1939:1
Preston, Margaret
Obituary, 02/05/1937:8
Preston, Margaret-Anne
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Preston, Mrs W.F.
Brother dies in Indiana, 07/26/1935:12
Preston, W.F.
Pedigree cockerels for sale (ad), 11/01/1935:12
Assumes pastorate of church in Graniteville, 04/22/1938:11
Preston's Poultry Farm
Baby chicks, hatching eggs (ad), 02/21/1936:12
Preti, Alfred
Chimney fire on West Grove St, 03/27/1936:1
Preti, Arthur
Youngster struck by driver from Brockton, 08/29/1935:2
Preti, Joseph
Arrested for poultry theft from Jenney, 09/17/1937:1
Seriously hurt when car crashes into pole on Bedford St, 11/04/1938:1
Preti, Leo L.
Takes Mechanical Engineering courses at Northeastern University,
Preti, Vincent J.
Wed to Alice T. Andrada, 05/05/1939:5
Preti, Vincent Joseph
Engaged to Alice Theresa Andrade, 04/21/1939:5
Preti, Walter
Struck by Connecticut auto on Rte 28, 06/24/1938:1
Price, Arch
Mrs Preston's brother dies in Indiana, 07/26/1935:12
Price, Donald
Son born, 08/05/1938:6
Price, Donald Norman
Wed to Barbara Wetsell Thompson, 10/25/1935:12
Price, Mrs Donald
Resides in New York City, 05/13/1938:1, 04/21/1939:1
Priestley, Muriel
Engaged to Robert V. Freed, 02/11/1938:1
Priestley, Muriel E.
Engaged to Robert V. Freed, 05/27/1938:7
Wedding described, 06/10/1938:1
Wed to Robert V. Freed, 06/10/1938:7
Prime, Emma B.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/23/1937:8
Prime, Mrs St. Clair
Lets home to Mr and Mrs Albee, 04/10/1936:11
Primo's Pastime
Fire at old landmark, 04/07/1939:1
Printers and Printing
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
H.L. Thatcher & Co. employs Raymond Nourse, 10/18/1935:1
Raymond Nourse foreman of H.L. Thatcher printing plant, 12/11/1936:2
Clarence Churbuck opens print shop on North Main St, 12/29/1939:8
Prinzo, Antonio
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/15/1936:11
Prinzo, Joseph
Engaged to Mary E. McGuire, 07/19/1935:6
Daughter born, 05/29/1936:7
Prinzo, Joseph L.
Wed to Mary E. McGuire, 08/02/1935:6
Prisons (see State Farm)
Probst, Mrs John D.
Obituary, 12/03/1937:11
Proctor, Hazel
Pianoforte instruction (ad), 09/08/1939:8
Promades, Frank
Liquor license application, 02/22/1935:8
Selectmen table liquor license application, 03/08/1935:2
Selectmen deny application for liquor license, 03/15/1935:1
Garbage collection man granted permission to erect sign, 12/11/1936:1
Promades, Frank, Jr.
Narrowly escapes death while sleeping in carriage, 12/06/1935:12
Promades, Harry
Fined $5 for sale of tobacco to minor, 01/20/1939:8
Promades, Joan
Sells Joan's Dress Shop to La Moda Dress Shop, 08/12/1938:1
Prophett, Ida Soule
Resides in Dover, NJ, 08/25/1939:8
Prouty, Frank A.
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8
Prouty, Lloyd A.
Tax collectors taking of real estate, 09/11/1936:7
Provonche, Dana
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Provonche, Roberta Mae
Engaged to Herbert H. Thomas, 09/23/1938:7
Wed to Herbert H. Thomas, 09/30/1938:7
Prussick, Stephen
Connecticut couple celebrates anniversary, 02/25/1938:8
Public Health
see also Middleboro - Board of Health
Garden Club and Cabot Club on campaign to eradicate hay fever weeds,
Garden Club and Cabot Club make appeal for help with rag weed
eradication, 07/09/1937:1
Public Speaking
Helen Ryder Haley, teacher of elocution (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Students of Dorothy Deane present first annual dance and elocution
recital, 06/30/1939:2
Dorothy Deane's school of dance and expression with platform arts (ad),
Public Welfare
see also Emergency Relief Administration; Employment; Middleboro -
Board of Public Welfare; Middleboro Townsend Club
Flaws in the Townsend plan (l) (Amy Whittemore), 02/15/1935:7
Observations on Dr. Dick (l) (Alexander Heath), 02/15/1935:7
Challenge to debate on Townsend Plan (l) (J. Wilfred Corr),
Townsend Plan (l) (William Church), 03/08/1935:7
Townsend Plan supporters want free use of Town House, 03/15/1935:1
Explanation of Townsend Plan (l) (Middleboro Townsend Club),
Townsend Plan a childish fantasy (l) (Albert Deane), 06/14/1935:11
Townsend Plan upheld (l) (Burnett E. Anderson), 06/21/1935:11
Another word on Townsend Plan (l) (Albert Deane), 06/28/1935:2
Elks establish Christmas fund for Santa Claus, 11/08/1935:1
Figures do lie (l) (John H. McNeece), 11/22/1935:2
Boston names Middleboro in lawsuit for unpaid bills, 01/01/1937:1
Selectmen discuss federal projects, 03/19/1937:2
A solution to the relief problem (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 10/15/1937:8
Town needs to keep closer eye on program, 12/24/1937:1
No shyster lawyers (l) (Joseph Merrill), 08/12/1938:8
Relief racket (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 10/07/1938:2
Additional staffing requested at federal commissary on Forest St,
Public Works Administration
see also Electricity
Approves $47,000 grant for work on Union Street School, $9,000 for
pumping station, 08/27/1937:1
Town receives 45% grant for two local projects, 08/27/1937:1
Government grants accepted, 10/08/1937:1
Voters address school and pumping station issues at special town
meeting, 10/15/1937:1
Local firms given preference in purchase of building materials,
Town seeks approval for new high tension wires, 07/01/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/01/1938:2
Final payment made on new school, 01/27/1939:1
Resident engineer A.D. Little takes new post in Boston, 01/27/1939:1
Charles Newell appointed resident engineer, 04/28/1939:1
New high tension line in use soon, 07/28/1939:1
Pulliam, John Phillip
Engaged to Constance Miller, 05/19/1939:1
Pupello, Frank A.
Engaged to Elizabeth Teceno, 06/23/1939:5
Purchade School
Margaret Sullivan new teacher, 06/14/1935:1
Teacher Margaret Sullivan resigns, 02/10/1939:1
School Committee votes to temporarily close school, 04/14/1939:1
Purdon, Frances
Hired at A.F. Ryder Co., 11/03/1939:10
Purdon, George
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Returns to studies at Bryant and Stratton Commercial school in Boston,
Purdon, George B.
Petitions for sale of auto belonging to Alice Hart, 08/18/1939:7
Puritan Cleansing and Dyeing Co.
139 Centre St (ad), 04/26/1935:8
Puritan Food Market
J.T. McKechnie, Fall Brook (ad), 08/16/1935:5
Apartments over store completed, 10/14/1938:11
Puritan Shoe Hospital
22 Center St (ad), 10/28/1938:11
Putkins, Martha
Wedding described, 02/28/1936:12
Putnam, Tracy J.
Brookline man in land court concerning Middleboro parcel,
Pye, James
Engaged to Floriana Markowski, 09/01/1939:2
Pythian Sisters - Woodbine Temple
Observes 28th anniversary, 06/19/1936:2
Quagan, Donald
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Quality Dining Room
Hulda Freed proprietor (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Quality Hill Flower Shop
Sold to A.R. Parker Co., 03/29/1935:6
Quarantine (see Diseases)
Quell, Arthur
Chimney fire on Barrows St, 01/06/1939:1
Quelle, Arthur
Probation extended, 09/25/1936:2
Engaged to Madeline Handricken, 04/16/1937:7
Wed to Madeline W. Handricken, 04/23/1937:7
Quelle, Arthur V.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Gets two months for leaving scene of accident, fined $50 for drunk
driving, 01/17/1936:1
Quigley, Catherine
Obituary, 12/02/1938:1
Wife of Michael J. dies at age 68, 12/02/1938:7
Quigley, James
Bicyclist collides with auto driven by Mildred Bowman, 09/24/1937:1
Quigley, Michael J.
Moves business out of Briggs property, 08/04/1939:12
Candy and tobacco (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Quill, Frank
Aka Leon Bogigan injured when truck crashes into tree, 06/26/1936:1
Quincy Oil Co.
Selectmen okay sign over sidewalk, 05/24/1935:1
Quindley, Leo
Collides with Boston gasoline truck at Frank and Oak St, 08/07/1936:1
Chimney fire on Peirce St, 11/06/1936:1
Quindley, Norman
Leaves for Hawaii with U.S. Army Engineering Corps, 10/30/1936:1
Quindley, Norman E.
In U.S. Army Engineer Corps, 11/13/1936:2
Wins U.S. Army track meet, 03/05/1937:8
Quindley, Phyllis
Engaged to G. Melvin West, 03/03/1939:1
Quindley, William J.
Seventy-three-year-old shoots first deer of season, 12/18/1936:2
Quinlan, Joseph
Son born, 06/28/1935:8
Quinn (Mr and Mrs)
Move here from Somerville, 06/21/1935:6
Quinn, Mrs Thomas J.
Mother dies in Marion, 11/06/1936:11
Quinn, Thelma
Resides in Marion, 07/05/1935:11, 09/13/1935:8
Engaged to Arthur Sloat, 02/12/1937:8, 04/09/1937:8
Resigns position at Marion, 04/09/1937:8
Wedding described, 04/23/1937:1
Quinn, Thelma Ruth
Engaged to C. Arthur Sloat, 10/16/1936:11
Quinn, Thomas J.
Occupies Stone's Pleasant St tenement, 08/29/1935:5
Repairs made to Pleasant St barbershop, 11/29/1935:8
Moves to Marion, 02/25/1938:8
Quitticas Pond
Committee studies plan to remove usage restrictions, 07/21/1939:1
Lifting of restrictions would be mixed blessing, 07/28/1939:1
Selectmen favor action to reclaim ponds, 08/04/1939:11
Conference sees threat to liberty (l) (George H. Parker, Jr.),
Radford, Josephine Elizabeth Dixon
Obituary, 12/11/1936:8
Radio Broadcasting
Local amateurs test communication from airplane, 07/26/1935:1
James Houlihan and Donald Fish win radio auditions, 02/25/1938:1
see also Barden, William C.
Oil stove fire at Brook's Radio Shop, 01/04/1935:1
Smith Radio Shop, South Main St (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Barden's Music Shop, 9 South Main St (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Sumner Redlon, appliances and radios, 30 North St (ad), 01/25/1935:3
Police radio demonstration (l) (Ellsworth Crowell), 03/01/1935:4
Norton & Long, Thatcher's Row (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Brooks Radio Shop, 229 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Shaw's Radio Service gets permit to erect sign on Center St,
Smith's Radio Shop, now located at 5 Center St (ad), 12/03/1937:12
Welfare Board seeks radio for aged man who is ill, 12/01/1939:1
Aged man gets radio, infirmary gets machines and bed spring,
Railroad Stations
Plant to erect power line to railroad station, 03/22/1935:1
C.T. Westgate station agent for Rock, South Middleboro, and Tremont,
Everett Boucher lunch counter man at rail station, 08/19/1938:5
see also New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad; Old Colony
Train stalled at Rock in the snow for four days in 1867, 03/01/1935:6
Carmen hold annual reunion, 09/18/1936:5
Railroads - Accidents
Cape train strikes car at Briggs Lane crossing, 11/08/1935:1
Andrew Pfister jumps from car just before struck by train, 01/31/1936:1
Campello brakeman catches leg in switch at Middleboro, 02/14/1936:1
Train strikes deer in Rock, 06/05/1936:1
New Haven train kills Ernest Ouellette near Center St bridge,
Two cows owned by Horace and Allerton Wilbur struck by Cape train,
Dog struck by New Haven train, 12/10/1937:5
Suit filed against NY, NH & Hartford RR in death of Ernest Ouellette,
Osmond Pell dies after run over by freight train at local station,
Rebell brothers discover broken rail, avert train accident, 02/10/1939:1
South Braintree conductor falls 40 feet from freight train on South Main
St bridge, 06/23/1939:1
Ralph Beckman injured when caught between freight car and truck,
Railway Express Agency
Horace Swift resigns post, replaced by William Doherty, 08/19/1938:1
Materially reduces rates, 04/14/1939:5
Announces rate reductions (ad), 04/14/1939:12
William Kenniston driver, 08/04/1939:6
Business gains over 50% in July, 08/18/1939:4
Reduces rates, 08/25/1939:6
Ramsdell, Barbara D.
Engaged to Carleton Boice, 05/22/1936:1
Ramsdell, Waldo B.
Fined $5 for drunkenness, 07/14/1939:6
Ramsey, Edward
Injured in fall from bicycle, 10/04/1935:1
Ramsey, Peter M.
History and profile of Middleboro barbershop, 01/18/1935:1
Barber shop closes doors after 50 years in business, 10/02/1936:1
Old landmark passes in closing of shop, 10/09/1936:5
Rand, Mary
Funeral held at Plympton, 08/21/1936:2
Obituary, 08/21/1936:7
Rand, Willard
Wedding described, 12/04/1936:1
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Rand, Willard F.
Wed to Louise R. Nolan, 12/04/1936:8
Randall, Charles
Obituary, 08/09/1935:5
Randall, Mrs Harry
Resides in Hatchville, 05/01/1936:1
Ransom, Benjamin
Biography, 11/01/1935:8, 10/02/1936:11
Rape (see Sex Crimes)
Ratcliffe, Doris M.
Wed to Charles A. Wrightington, 01/17/1936:6
Ratthei, Alice
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Rattray, Alexander
Moves from West Wareham to Lakeville, 01/06/1939:11
Ray, Clifford
Daughter born, 03/01/1935:4
Allowed continuance in non-support case, 10/08/1937:2
Non-support case filed, 04/15/1938:5
Gets one year probation, must support two children, 12/15/1939:6
Ray, E.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Ray, Emerson
Takes third in road race at Monponsett, 09/02/1938:6
Ray, Ernest
The Dude Ranch Cowboy plays guitar, sings, and yodels, 05/21/1937:1
Takes second in road race at Monponsett, 09/02/1938:6
Wins five mile race at Monponsett, 09/01/1939:4
Ray, Joseph Costa
Struck and killed by Attleboro driver on West Grove St, 12/18/1936:1
Dies at age 4, 12/18/1936:6
Ray, Mrs Wilbar S.
Resides in Greenport, Long Island, 01/17/1936:12
Ray, Seward
Chimney fire on South Main St, 02/19/1937:1, 06/25/1937:1,
12/17/1937:1, 12/30/1938:1
Ray, Walter
Among top finishers in North Medford marathon, 03/29/1935:2
Wins 10-marathon over Brighton/Newton course, Boston Marathon
next, 04/12/1935:1
Enters U.S. National marathon at Washington, 05/24/1935:2
Comes in 16th at U.S. National marathon, 06/07/1935:1
Takes 3rd place in Bunker Hill marathon, 06/21/1935:6
Takes second in 15-mile scratch race in Boston, 07/05/1935:1
Takes second in Cape Anne 15 mile marathon, 07/12/1935:6
Trains for 20-mile North Medford marathon, 03/13/1936:1
Takes second in North Medford 20-mile marathon, 03/27/1936:1
Middleboro runner in fine form for Boston race (p), 04/17/1936:6
Letter of thanks (l), 04/24/1936:6
Enters U.S. Marathon Championship, 05/22/1936:6
Local marathoner wins Taunton 15-mile race, 07/10/1936:6
Wins fourth straight marathon (p), 07/24/1936:1
Finishes fourth in Beverly race, 08/28/1936:1
To run in Taunton Labor Day race, 09/04/1936:6
Wins cup in Taunton race, 09/11/1936:1
Leaves on 3-month trip for Salem concern, 09/25/1936:1
Opens season, 03/19/1937:6
Takes second in General Edwards 12-mile road race (p), 05/14/1937:1
Fifth fastest 10-miler in the country, 06/04/1937:6
Runs one of fastest miles in New England, 07/09/1937:6
Takes fifth in Duxbury 10-mile race, 07/09/1937:6
Places second in Methuen 10-miler, 07/30/1937:1
To enter National Marathon championship, 08/27/1937:6
Wins Newport road race, 09/10/1937:6
Places second in NE AAAU 29-km race in Woburn, 09/17/1937:6
Trophy on display at Tripp's Candy Shop, 10/01/1937:6
Marathon season opens, 04/08/1938:6
Ray, Wilbur
Son born, 02/28/1936:6
Ray, Wilbur S.
Wedding described, 08/23/1935:6
Former local man assisting in flood area, 03/27/1936:6
Raymond, A.E.
Obituary, 02/28/1936:5
Funeral held in North Carver, 03/06/1936:11
Raymond, Albert
South Carver man dies, 03/08/1935:6
Raymond, Elizabeth
Wed to Richard Kinsman, 06/18/1937:7
Raymond, Elizabeth K.
Engaged to Richard M. Kinsman, 06/04/1937:7
Raymond, Elizabeth Kathryn
Engaged to Richard McLearn Kinsman, 09/11/1936:1
Wedding described, 06/18/1937:1
Raymond, Grace
Engaged to Pedro Gomes, 04/16/1937:7
Raymond, H. Nelson
Teacher of voice (ad), 09/30/1938:12
Raymond, Millard E.
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:1
Wed to Sarah H. Surrey, 08/20/1937:7
Raymond, Sarah Surrey
Osteopathic physician (ad), 10/29/1937:12
Raymond, Wesley
Fire at home on North Main St, 04/22/1938:1
Ray's Tire Shop
158 Center St (ad), 08/12/1938:12
Moves to 52 North Main St (ad), 09/29/1939:10
R.D. Kelley Coal Co.
Range, furnace, and fuel oil (ad), 01/04/1935:2
Offices to close Saturdays and noon, 04/30/1937:1
Closed Saturday at noon till further notice (ad), 04/30/1937:12
Closes at noon (ad), 05/06/1938:2
Quality, security, and service (ad) (p), 05/13/1938:11
Safe blown with nitro-glycerine, 12/02/1938:1
Closes Saturdays at noon (ad), 05/05/1939:5
Takes over oil tanks from Shell Oil Co., 08/18/1939:6
Erects two new fuel storage tanks, 09/08/1939:8
Read, Alden
Resides in West Newton, 11/19/1937:8
Read, Frank
Employed at Egger's store, 04/26/1935:1
Read, Hazel
Resides in Winston-Salem, NC, 06/21/1935:1
Read, Hazel H.
Resides in Winston-Salem, NC, 07/10/1936:12
Read, John G.
Maleski and Sinoski guilty of criminal trespass, Hill not guilty,
Real Estate
Clyde Thomas, 7 Rock St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
E.B. Lovell, 26 Barden Hill Rd (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Albert Deane, real estate to let (ad), 02/01/1935:8
Munroe & Osborne, 10 Station St (ad), 03/22/1935:8
Seven room house on Wareham St must be sold (ad), 11/20/1936:12
Ratio of debt to valuation 1.76 in January 1936, 12/18/1936:2
Town announces public auction, parcels listed (ad), 06/11/1937:7
Selectmen hold public auction, 06/25/1937:1
List of properties to be auctioned by town (ad), 09/03/1937:6
Town sells only one parcel at auction, 09/10/1937:2
Selectmen sell three more parcels, 10/01/1937:8
Sale of property at Warren Ave and Vincent St by town (ad),
Warren Ave and Vincent St lot sold to Clarence Curtis, 11/12/1937:5
Description of properties the town is auctioning off (ad), 05/06/1938:3
Results of town auction, 05/13/1938:3
Reardon, Jeremiah F.
Wed to Augusta Herrett, 02/18/1938:7
Reasoner, C. Roland
Resides in Brookline, 07/29/1938:12
Reasoner, Maude Wesson
Warren's former pupils Reasoner and Hanson perform at annual recital,
Reckard, Chester
Obituary, 05/12/1939:9
Recke, Edward A.
Wed to Winifred E. Hirst, 10/02/1936:7
Reckless Driving
William Benson fined $25 for operating to endanger, 05/24/1935:3
Arthur Record charged with drunkenness and operating to endanger,
John Higgins' case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
John Beech fined $50, 11/01/1935:8
Daniel Fern fined $25 for negligent driving, 11/08/1935:5
Emmett Stover arrested for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 12/20/1935:1
John Higgins acquitted on charge of negligent driving, 02/07/1936:2
Viljo Heleen charged after accident at Colvin's, 04/17/1936:2
Viljo Heleen fails to appear in court, 05/01/1936:2
Viljo Heleen fined $20, 05/08/1936:5
Reginald Walker charged with reckless driving and drunk driving in
Wareham, 05/29/1936:1
Frederick Standish case continued, 06/12/1936:5
Henry Ganyer fined $20 for operating to endanger, 06/19/1936:2
Leo Letendre in court for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 06/19/1936:2
Standish fined $30 for negligent driving, 06/26/1936:8
Nathaniel Ryder fined $100 for negligent operation, 09/18/1936:8
Frederick Standish not guilty of operating to endanger, 10/23/1936:1
James Canning fined $10 for reckless driving, $50 for drunk driving,
Stanley Sinoski pleads not guilty to reckless driving and drunkenness,
Kenneth Truesdale fined $50 for negligent operation, 06/11/1937:1
James Tallman, Jr. fails to pay fine, 08/06/1937:5
Francis Carver appeals fines for drunkenness, reckless driving, and
drunk driving, 11/05/1937:2
Gasunas case continued, 07/22/1938:5
Peter Gasunas fined $50 for negligent driving, 07/29/1938:1
Carlo Benna's case filed, 09/02/1938:1
Frank Bochichio fined $20 for negligent driving, 09/02/1938:5
Leo Peranian fined $35 for negligent driving, 09/30/1938:5
Peter Gasunas' probationary period extended, 09/30/1938:8
Gasunas and Peranian fail to appear in court, 12/02/1938:2
Default against Peranian removed, fined $35, 12/02/1938:5
Wallace Wilbur not guilty of leaving scene of accident, fined $25 for
reckless driving, 12/02/1938:5
William Gauthier fined $50 for negligent driving, 12/02/1938:5
Gasunas given till March 4th to pay $50 fine, 01/13/1939:5
Gauthier fined $50 for negligent driving, 02/10/1939:2
Wallace Wilbur's negligent driving case filed, 02/24/1939:3
Manuel Mello arraigned in court as result of auto crash, 03/10/1939:1
Gasunas probation case continued, 03/10/1939:3
Gasunas and Gauthier pay fines, 05/12/1939:8
James Karadimos charged with hitting stop sign, 09/15/1939:1
Henry Short found guilty in death of Oliver Tatrault, 10/13/1939:1
Arnold Thomas' case continued, 10/27/1939:1
Cabral fined $30, 11/10/1939:1
George Anderson fined $50 after nearly crashing into Taunton St house,
Recks, Edward A.
Engaged to Winifred E. Hirst, 09/25/1936:7
Record, Arthur J.
Charged with drunkenness and operating to endanger, 07/12/1935:2
Record, Clara Marquette
Resides in Nashua, NH, 09/04/1936:2
Record, Ida
Engaged to Gordon R. Fawcett, 07/12/1935:1
J. Stearns Cushing sponsors new WPA community recreation project,
Interests increases in WPA project, 03/20/1936:1
New WPA opportunities for adults, 12/16/1938:9
The Spectator comments on lack of organized recreation at playground
(l), 06/30/1939:3
Red Cross - Middleboro Chapter
Junior delegates to convention in Washington give report, 05/03/1935:7
Financial report of Junior Red Cross (t), 06/14/1935:6
Students win service awards, 06/28/1935:5
To establish aid station in South Middleboro, new officers named,
Holds annual meeting, 12/13/1935:6
Generous response to appeal for flood victims, 03/27/1936:1
New total for flood relief $1,335.82, 04/03/1936:1
Letter of appreciation from national headquarters (l), 04/10/1936:1
Report of Junior Red Cross (t), 06/19/1936:1
To establish first aid station in South Middleboro, 06/26/1936:1
Aid station at South Middleboro a good idea, 07/03/1936:1
First aid station opens at South Middleboro, 07/03/1936:1
National representative addresses Junior Chapter, 11/13/1936:1
Receives $435 in donations, 12/18/1936:1
Holds annual meeting, 01/08/1937:1
Emergency appeal for flood victims (l), 01/29/1937:1
Collects $183.34 for flood victims, 02/05/1937:1
Middleboro exceeds relief quota by $50, 02/05/1937:1
Disaster relief fund reaches $1,813.66, 02/12/1937:1
Fund passes $2,000 mark, 02/19/1937:1
Junior Red Cross holds annual meeting, 06/03/1938:1
Annual report of Junior chapter, 06/17/1938:8
Financial report of Junior chapter (t), 07/08/1938:11
Appeal made for funds from National Red Cross (l), 09/30/1938:1
Donation received from Puerto Rico (l), 10/07/1938:1
Junior Chapter holds annual meeting, 06/16/1939:5
Hosts district meeting, 09/29/1939:1
Opens annual appeal for membership, 11/03/1939:1
Rally attracts 94 roll call workers, 11/17/1939:7
Preliminary report on membership encouraging, 11/24/1939:1
Reports gratifying gains, 12/01/1939:1
Enrolls 918 members, 12/08/1939:1
Spent $2,072.81 in hurricane relief, 12/08/1939:4
Holds annual meeting, 12/15/1939:2
Reddington, Gilbert
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Reddington, John
Obituary, 01/03/1936:1
Dies at age 64, 01/03/1936:6
Redistricting (see Apportionment (election law))
Redlon, Annie M .
Wed to Howard Parker, 02/12/1937:6
Redlon, Mary
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/22/1937:7
Redlon, Sumner I.
Appliances and radios, 30 North St (ad), 01/25/1935:3
Redlon, William
Granted license to sell candy and other wares, 11/13/1936:1
Redman, Mrs Stanley
Resides in Bass River, 10/29/1937:11
Reed (Mrs)
Occupies Kingsley home on Pleasant St, 08/12/1938:11
Reed, Alden
Resides in Newton, 07/29/1938:11
Reed, Bertha
Moves to Concord, 11/03/1939:8
Reed, Betty
Matron at State Farm, 08/25/1939:7
Reed, Charles E.
Obituary, 04/23/1937:6
Dies at age 70, 04/23/1937:7
Reed, Charles Leonard, Jr.
Wedding described, 09/10/1937:1
Reed, Charles Porter
Baby born, 11/29/1935:8
Reed, David
Enters Rhode Island State College, 09/20/1935:1
Pledges Beta Phi at Rhode Island State College, 10/11/1935:7
Reed, David G.
Graduates from Rhode Island State College, 06/16/1939:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Reed, Earl
Son born, 07/17/1936:5
Reed, Edith
Wed to Walter Godfrey, 08/26/1938:8
Reed, Edward C.
Former housekeeper Conway arrested for theft, 09/27/1935:1
Grass fire on Pine St, 03/18/1938:1
Reed, Emily T.
Engaged to Louis A. Turenne, 10/04/1935:6
Wed to Louis Turenne, 10/18/1935:6
Reed, Frances Mae
Wedding described, 10/07/1938:11
Reed, Frank
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
Employed at Taunton pumping station, 08/04/1939:8
Reed, Grace Johnson
Obituary, 05/15/1936:11
Reed, H.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Reed, Harold
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Reed, Harriet L.
Employed at home of Clyde Turner, 01/29/1937:8
Reed, Harriett L.
Wedding described, 05/20/1938:11
Reed, John
Fire destroys home on Kingman St, 05/06/1938:11
Smoke bomb goes off under hood of Lakeville constable's car,
Reed, Lenora E.
Wed to Elton E. Gould, 08/16/1935:6
Reed, Mabel
Obituary, 02/10/1939:1
Wife of Howard dies at age 61, 02/10/1939:7
Reed, Morton
Wed to Esther McClelland, 07/05/1935:1
Reed, Percy G.
Collides with Point Independence truck at South Main and East Grove
St, 05/07/1937:1
Reed, P.G.
Builds addition to Farrar's Store, 07/10/1936:12
Reed, Thomas J.
Dies at age 60, 06/11/1937:7
Obituary, 06/11/1937:12
Reeves, Stanley
Four arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
David Duarte held on $1,000 bond for recent break-ins, 02/05/1937:1
David Duarte gets suspended sentence at Shirley school, 02/12/1937:1
Refuse and Refuse Disposal
Health officer urges use of receptacles of proper construction,
Rubbish fire at Farrar's Store, 05/03/1935:1
Citizens of East Main St section petition for collection, 05/24/1935:1
No tree limbs or similar debris to be collected, 07/05/1935:1
Board of Health requests better attention to separating garbage (l),
Fire at Plymouth St dump, 04/24/1936:1
Selectmen hire help for next ten weeks, 06/19/1936:1
Board of Health reminder to separate garbage and rubbish, 09/04/1936:1
Garbage collection man Frank Promades granted permission to erect
sign, 12/11/1936:1
Selectmen discuss refuse salvage, 02/12/1937:1
Selectmen discuss pilfering of rubbish, 02/19/1937:5
Better pickings along roadsides on way to dump, 02/19/1937:6
Fire at dump on Plymouth St, 04/16/1937:1
Notice of changes to collection days, 04/23/1937:11
Notice to public concerning separation of garbage, 07/02/1937:1
Junk dealer Pittsley complains of rubbish workers pilfering junk,
Board of Health reminds citizens of rules (l), 04/15/1938:9
Health agent reports on conditions at Webster St dump, 05/27/1938:5
Rules for corn cobs, 07/29/1938:1
Health Department announces no more collection for remainder of year
(ad), 12/16/1938:12
Jeffrey Hubbard granted permit to collect and transport garbage,
Lewis Thayer applies for garbage hauling license, 08/04/1939:1
Registrars of Voters (see Middleboro - Board of Registrars of Voters)
Rehnberg, Margaret E.S.
Engaged to Gilbert S. Hynes, 05/19/1939:5
Wed to Gilbert S. Hynes, 05/26/1939:5
Rehnberg, Margaret Esther
Wedding described, 05/26/1939:1
Reid, Elspeth
Wed to Cyril Hall, 10/15/1937:11
Reid, Leonard
Chimney fire on Precinct St, 01/27/1939:1
Reimels, Walter
Moves from Rocky Meadow St to Reland St, 10/28/1938:6
Reis, Joseph
Obituary, 09/18/1936:1
Dies at age 71, 09/18/1936:7
Reisner, Einsworth
Pastor of Ford Memorial church in Detroit, 08/05/1938:11
Reisner, Ensworth
Return South Middleboro ME Church for another year, 06/21/1935:11
Resumes studies at Boston University, 09/27/1935:11
Resigns as pastor at South Middleboro, 05/15/1936:5
Two youths arrested for break-in, 05/22/1936:1
Peachie and Peranian sentenced for break-in, 06/12/1936:1
Roger Peachie's charged with break-in, 06/12/1936:5
Receives degree of S.T.B. from Boston University, 06/19/1936:8
Pastor of ME church in Detroit, MI, 08/07/1936:8
Pastor of church in Detroit, MI, 10/02/1936:5
Daughter born, 06/04/1937:11
Has success at Detroit, MI church, to move on to Strathmore,
Conference sees threat to liberty (l) (George H. Parker, Jr.),
Our security is in your hands (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 10/02/1936:6
A new school (l) (Thomas E. Hirst), 10/16/1936:11
Open three-faith drive at Williamstown (l) (David J. Julius),
Remillard, Hazel E.
Engaged to Robert E. Jennings, 10/28/1938:7
Wed to Robert E. Jennings, 11/11/1938:7
Remillard, Hazel Elizabeth
Wedding described, 11/11/1938:1
Remillard, Leo
Daughter born, 03/15/1935:4
Remillard, Viola
Engaged to James F. Maddigan, 06/05/1936:7
Engaged to James F. Maddigan, Jr., 06/19/1936:8
Wed to James F. Maddigan, Jr., 06/26/1936:7
Remillard, Viola M.
Engaged to James F. Maddigan, 05/22/1936:2
Remillard, Viola Mildred
Wedding described, 06/26/1936:1
Renna, Philomena
Engaged to Guerino Falconieri, 05/28/1937:7
Wed to Guerino Falconieri, 07/09/1937:7
Renzi, Joe
Tailor, Benson St (ad), 10/16/1936:12
Renzi, Michele
Engaged to Irma B. Goodwin, 05/10/1935:4
Wed to Irma Goodwin, 05/24/1935:4
Republican Club of Middleborough
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Organizational meeting held, 12/23/1938:4
How to change your party enrollment (ad), 03/06/1936:5
Delegates put names forth, 03/20/1936:1
Joseph Picone files papers for post on Town Committee, 03/20/1936:8
Open 1936 campaign, 04/17/1936:1
Voters to chose delegates, 04/24/1936:1
Several hundred gather for meeting here, 05/29/1936:1
Town committee organizes, 07/10/1936:1
Committee organizes in Lakeville, 07/17/1936:1
Local committee granted permit for political sign, 09/25/1936:1
Register to vote now (ad), 10/09/1936:6
Hold torch light parade, 10/23/1936:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/08/1938:2
Appeal for campaign funds (l) (D.T. Burnett), 10/07/1938:6
Urge campaign contributions (l), 10/14/1938:5
Four County Women's Republican Club holds session here,
Adnah Harlow new president of Plymouth County group, 08/11/1939:4
Beals bars politics from Public Works Dept., 09/01/1939:6
Rest Cottage
Middleboro's finest rest home, Rock St (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Rest Homes
see also Montgomery Home for Aged People
Babcock's Rest Home, Taunton St, North Lakeville (ad), 01/29/1937:12
Selectmen receive notice to incorporate Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home
for the Aged, 02/18/1938:8
Incorporation hearing for Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home for the Aged
scheduled in Boston, 03/04/1938:11
Babcock's Convalescent Home, Taunton St, North Lakeville (ad),
Drewett's Convalescent Home, Everett St (ad), 08/19/1938:12
Rest Cottage, Rock St (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Hannah Shaw estate expected to establish home within the year,
see also Clyde's Lunch; Dutchland Farms; Finn's Sea Grill; King Midas
Chicken House; Mexicana (restaurant); Olde Tavern; Park Cafe;
Rotary Mill; Royal Cafe; Teceno's Cafe; The Old Tavern
Edith Hudson proprietor of The Homestead (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Mrs Thomas Pollitt hostess of The Buttonwoods Inn and Gift Shop (ad),
Selectmen address liquor license application for Mannie's Lunch,
Malaguti's victualler's license revoked due to lack of citizenship,
Selectmen adopt new licensing rules, 05/24/1935:1
Selectmen plan inspections on premises applying for licenses,
Phillip Brodeur and Son granted common victualler's license,
Slight blaze on roof of Central Cafe, 07/12/1935:12
One arrest, machines taken in raids at local eateries, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent gambling raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Application for liquor license for Nickerson's Lunch Cafe,
Lottery cases continued, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery cases all come back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Hulda Freed proprietor of Quality Dining Room (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Jane's Food Shop, 155 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Gorrie and Teceno granted liquor licenses, 11/15/1935:1
Lillian White closes Polly Pine Tea Room for winter, 11/29/1935:8
Selectmen grant liquor licenses, withhold action on two applicants,
Alfred Auger sells The Martinique to Keith and Boise, 03/27/1936:6
Teddy's Light Lunch, at traffic circle (ad), 06/12/1936:12
P.G. Reed builds addition to Farrar's for ice cream hardening unit,
Break-in at Teceno's cafe on Center St, 07/17/1936:1
Farrar's Store, John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 08/07/1936:5
Eldora Shaw granted common victualler's license, 10/02/1936:1
Herman's lunch cart suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Thompson & Son apply for liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Thompson Cafe granted permit to erect neon sign at 16 Wareham St,
Olde Tavern Tea-Room on Route 28 business re-opens for season,
Park Huie opens Nan Tung American and Chinese Restaurant at 137
Chestnut St, 06/25/1937:1
Nan Tung restaurant granted license subject to Health Board approval,
Nan Tung American and Chinese Restaurant opens at 137 Chestnut St
(ad), 06/25/1937:12
King Philip Inn grand opening, dine and dance (ad), 09/03/1937:12
Fee for Sundays $1, 09/10/1937:2
King Philip Inn available for parties, receptions, and banquets (ad),
Thompson Cafe request change of location, 11/12/1937:5
Giberti's Apothecary, soda fountain and ice cream bar (ad),
Selectmen grant liquor licenses, 12/10/1937:1
The Hitching Post, open for lunch, dinner, and parties, 20 Rock St (ad),
The Hitching Post operated by Mrs Kimball Harrison, 03/04/1938:1
License approved for Perkins, Forsberg, and Mullins, 03/04/1938:8
Alice Lee Restaurant opens on South Main St, 03/11/1938:1
Alice Lee Restaurant homecooking on South Main St (ad), 03/11/1938:7
Eno Chateau, Wareham St (ad), 04/29/1938:8
Leon DeMoranville granted license for popcorn and food stand on East
Grove St, 05/27/1938:5
Assawompsett House opens in Lakeville, managed by Myrtle Whitney
and Sarah Erwin (ad), 06/17/1938:7
Harriet Waite home cooking, by order (ad), 06/17/1938:12
Complaint about fan at Blue Plate Restaurant referred to Health Board,
No violations at Blue Plate Restaurant, 08/05/1938:8
Alice Lee Restaurant at 24 South Main St for sale (ad), 09/16/1938:12
Homestead Dining Rooms, 19 South Main St (ad), 09/30/1938:12
Myrtle Whitney's Assawompsett House, Rte 18, Lakeville (ad),
Assawompsett Restaurant under new management (ad), 12/09/1938:11
Selectman grant licenses, 12/23/1938:8
Reminded by selectmen that they need licenses, 12/30/1938:1
Alamo opens on Rte 28 (ad), 12/30/1938:12
Elsie Arnold manager of the Alamo, owned by Finn's, Inc.,
Thomas Thompson resigns from Bob's Lunch, takes position with
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co,, 02/03/1939:1
James McCarthy applies for seasonal liquor license, 04/21/1939:1
Brief history of Olde Tavern Tea-Room (ad), 04/28/1939:10
Florence McLaughlin granted common victualler license, 05/12/1939:2
Narcissi, Hogan, and Peterson granted common victualler's licenses,
Flander's Chicken House opens in Rock, 06/30/1939:1
Vera Anderson dining room manager at Flander's Chicken House,
Johnson and Tresback provide strictly homecooked meals at Flander's
Chicken House (ad), 06/30/1939:10
Small fire in awning at Bob's Lunch on North Main St, 07/07/1939:6
Fred's Lunch plans to move out of Briggs property, 08/04/1939:12
Fred Pratt of Fred's Lunch goes before selectmen concerning electric
bill, 08/18/1939:6
Alphonso Fish plans to raze Bob's Lunch property at Four Corners,
Permit for entertainment at Central Cafe renewed, 10/27/1939:1
Homestead Dining Room re-opens for business at 19 South Main St
(ad), 11/03/1939:10
Alphonso Fish's glittering new diner arrives, in position at Four
Corners, 12/15/1939:1
Bob's Diner open for inspection (ad), 12/15/1939:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen grant liquor licenses, 12/22/1939:1
Expresses appreciation (l) (Bob's Diner), 12/29/1939:4
Old "Waiting Room" sign evokes memories, 10/25/1935:1
Rettig, Metta
Married in Wollaston, 07/22/1938:11
Reynold, Edmund, Jr.
Engaged to Dorothy Cook, 05/01/1936:2
Reynolds (Mr)
Employs Frank Williams on Highland Rd farm, 09/10/1937:11
Lets Highland Rd house to Brownell, 03/17/1939:4
Reynolds, Catherine H.
Engaged to Arthur Deporau, 10/13/1939:5
Wed to Arthur Depoian, 10/27/1939:5
Reynolds, Edmund H.
Engaged to Dorothy M. Cook, 05/15/1936:7
Wed to Dorothy M. Cook, 06/12/1936:7
Reynolds, Edward
Daughter born, 01/27/1939:1
Reynolds, George F.
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Dies at age 91, 01/31/1936:6
Correction to report on funeral, 02/07/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 02/21/1936:7
We Miss Him. Yes, We Miss Him by M.E. Osborne, 01/22/1937:6
Reynolds, Georgie
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Reynolds, Harry
Vermont couple recently wed, 03/03/1939:11
Reynolds, Howard S.
To voters of Lakeville (l), 03/03/1939:11
Ovile Picard gets 30 days on larceny charge, 03/17/1939:1
Reynolds, John J.
Engaged to Charlotte M. Moore, 11/08/1935:6
Wed to Charlotte M. Moore, 11/15/1935:6
Reynolds, Raymond
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Reynolds, Sarah Ida
Obituary, 01/21/1938:11
Reynolds, Shaw H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/27/1936:12
Purchases grocery business of late Frank Williams, 12/29/1939:8
Reynolds, Shaw Howard
Wedding described, 03/15/1935:1
Reynolds, Thelma
Wed to Alphonse St. Don, 12/02/1938:7
Reynolds, Thelma Arleen
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:3
Reynolds, Thomas H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/12/1935:8
Reynolds, V.R.
Moves from Springfield to Middleboro, 07/01/1938:1
Rock Wool insulation (ad), 07/01/1938:12
Reynolds, William H.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/10/1936:5
Rezvendes, Mrs Albert
Resides in St. Petersburg, FL, 06/14/1935:1
Rhumpohl, M. Francis
Son born, 08/07/1936:7
Rhumpohl, Morris
Son born, 08/07/1936:2
Ricard, Arsen
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Ricard, Arsene
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Lakeville tax collector's sale, 07/15/1938:6
Riccio, Mary
Lena Rossini assault and battery case continued, 03/06/1936:2
Continuance granted in Rossini assault case, 03/13/1936:5
Lena Rossini guilty of assault on Riccio, 03/20/1936:5
Ricco, John F.
Auto strikes tree at John Glass Jr. Square, 03/19/1937:2
Ricco, Mary
Engaged to Rosario Tomase, 08/18/1939:5
Rice, Chester
Daughter born, 04/09/1937:7
Clerk at police station, 07/30/1937:1
Son born, 03/17/1939:7
Rice, Chester A.
Engaged to Eleanor Faietti, 05/17/1935:5
Rice, Chester H.
Engaged to Eleanor R. Faietti, 06/07/1935:6
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Rice, Eleanor T.
Engaged to Richard S. Halewood, 04/03/1936:6
Rice, L. Walter
Night office with local police, 08/28/1936:1
Patrolman tenders resignation, 07/09/1937:1
Rice, Lorenzo Walter
Obituary, 05/13/1938:1
Dies at age 66, 05/13/1938:7
Obituary, 05/20/1938:6
Rice, M. Allen
Obituary, 08/05/1938:6
Rice, Walter
Local police officer, 08/16/1935:1
Richards, Adelia C.
Obituary, 07/17/1936:1
Dies at age 68, 07/17/1936:7
Will provides for scholarship fund, playgrounds, and other town
institutions (p), 08/07/1936:1
Petition for probate of will, 08/28/1936:7
Executor's petition, 05/28/1937:7
Executor presents account of estate, 05/20/1938:11
Alexander Sowyrda recipient of scholarship, 06/30/1939:6
Richards, Charles
Engaged to Pamelia F. McFarlin, 05/26/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:4
Richards, George
Wed to Pauline Aldred, 11/18/1938:4
Richards, Mrs George A.
H. Dexter Parrish purchases home on Pearl St, 11/20/1936:1
Estate establishes $12,000 scholarship for high school student,
Richardson, Anna
Donates books to Lakeville Public Library, 03/12/1937:11
Richardson, Priscilla Holloway
Son born, 02/08/1935:1
Richardson, Priscilla L.
Charged with assault, 07/28/1939:7
Mrs Wendell Holloway drops assault charges, 08/04/1939:2
Richardson, Theodore
Son born, 02/08/1935:1, 07/17/1936:7
Richie, Albert T.
Wed to Helen K. Chamberlain, 06/14/1935:6
Richmond, David Hale
Born to Maurice K., 10/28/1938:7
Richmond, Frank
Moves from Brockton to North Middleboro, 10/07/1938:11
Richmond, Grace Evelyn
Obituary, 12/17/1937:1
Richmond, Harry
Break-in at store on Pearl St, 03/25/1938:1
James Tallman, Jr. arrested for break-in at Richmond's store,
Tallman held for grand jury, 04/08/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Break-in reported at Pearl St store, 05/06/1938:2
James Tallman, Jr. gets probation for breaking and entering and larceny,
Richmond, Harry E.
Appreciation for milk fund (l), 10/09/1936:1
Richmond, Lewis
Police investigate break-in at Peirce St garage, 08/09/1935:1
Richmond, Maurice K.
Engaged to Mary H. Garcia, 10/04/1935:6
Wed to Mary H. Garcia, 10/18/1935:6
Son born, 10/28/1938:7
Richmond, Mrs Nathan
Brockton woman dies at age 60, 12/17/1937:7
Richmond, Nathan
Suffers injury to foot chopping wood, 11/24/1939:6
Richmond, Ray
Makes donation of books to Rock Village Library, 12/27/1935:2
Richmond, Rufus
Vernon St barn destroyed by fire, 09/27/1935:2
Vernon St couple married 38 years, 06/02/1939:9
Richmond, Stephen
Sells Plymouth St house to Mr and Mrs Bloom, 07/26/1935:2
Richmond, Theodore
Clings to roof during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Miraculously escapes Onset cottage in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Richmond, Winston
Son born, 08/26/1938:7
Richmond, Winston D.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Richmond Automotive Service
Gets permit to operate on Center St, 06/10/1938:8
Richmond's Store
Tires and batteries (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Ricker, Charles Sherwood
Obituary, 03/17/1939:11
Ricketts Market
Corner of South Main and Wareham St (ad), 09/20/1935:12
Rider, Avis Beverly
Engaged to George H. Jefferson, 06/17/1938:1
Rider, Lester D.
Engaged to Clara W. Pearce, 02/25/1938:7
Wed to Clara Perce, 03/11/1938:7
Riggs, Lawrence
Stabbed in abdomen as result of fall, 09/10/1937:1
Riggs, Leonard A.
Class of 1935 holds in loving remembrance (p), 06/21/1935:3
Rigo, Lena
Wedding described, 04/02/1937:11
Riley, Charles
Gets 30 days for assault, fined $10 for drunkenness, 06/26/1936:8
Probation expires in assault case, 12/25/1936:2
Wins continuance in case of operating without a license, 07/23/1937:8
License case continued again, 07/30/1937:2
Gets 30 days for operating without a license, 08/06/1937:2
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Found guilty of selling leased property, 07/29/1938:1
Probation extended, 09/02/1938:8
Given extra day to pay restitution, 09/30/1938:8
Discharged from probation, 10/07/1938:11
Auto theft case continued, 02/17/1939:8
Found not guilty of larceny, 02/24/1939:3
Riley, Francis
VFW holds memorial service, 06/07/1935:6
Riley, Joseph F.
Metropolitan Life Ins. rep praised by company, 03/12/1937:1
Riley, Mrs Edward S.
Returns from Scotland, 08/12/1938:6
Ring, Eunice
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 06/05/1936:5
Riordan, John J.
Engaged to Alison Dame, 05/24/1935:1
Wedding described, 06/07/1935:1
Ripley, Henry J.
Wed to Lillian Weston Littlejohn, 01/11/1935:1
Son born, 08/19/1938:7
Ripley, H.J.
Son born, 12/13/1935:6
Proprietor of The Lobsterman's Dory (ad), 06/16/1939:10
Ripley, Robert
Occupies tenement on Pleasant St, 04/08/1938:11
Ristoff, George
Police apprehend two juvenile car thieves, 04/09/1937:1
Grass fire gets to shingles on East Grove St, 08/06/1937:1
Ritch, Phoebe
Resides in Boston, 06/12/1936:12
Ritter, Louis
Fractures foot bone in fall, 08/16/1935:1
Couple married 34 years, 05/15/1936:5
Couple married 35 years, 04/30/1937:6
Obituary, 02/03/1939:1
Dies at age 72, 02/03/1939:7
Petition for probate of will, 02/24/1939:4
Ritter Family
Holds reunion on Nemasket St, 08/27/1937:1
Rivers (see Namasket River; Taunton River)
Riverside Garage
Official inspection station (ad), 05/01/1936:12
Roach, Joseph
Moves to Westerly, RI, 06/25/1937:1
Roach, Joseph J.
Sister dies in New York, 08/21/1936:12
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 09/18/1936:7
Roach, Mrs George
Funeral held in Wakefield, 11/06/1936:12
Roach, Mrs J.J.
Wins recipe contest, 08/29/1935:12
Roads, Highways, Etc.
see also Massachusetts Department of Public Works; Middleboro -
Highway Department
Selectmen allocate funds for construction, 11/01/1935:1
More than 200 miles of highways in Middleboro, 02/28/1936:1
France district residents protest road conditions, 04/24/1936:1
Many miles of gravel roads in town, 04/24/1936:1
Selectmen field complaints about conditions, 09/25/1936:1
Petition for improvements to East St, 03/12/1937:8
Petition for improvements to Rhode Island Rd, 03/12/1937:8
County commissioners consider work on Beach St and East St,
State commissioners refuse plans for East and Beach St, 04/23/1937:5
East and Beech St start and end nowhere, 04/30/1937:5
White lines painted at Four Corners, 05/21/1937:1
School bus drivers protest conditions, 10/22/1937:1
Selectmen discuss road projects, 10/29/1937:1
Petition from bus drivers concerning road conditions must go to
selectmen, 11/05/1937:1
State will not consider new Plymouth-Middleboro highway,
Final action on bus drivers' petition rests with highway department,
Selectmen discuss proposed projects, 12/03/1937:5
Vernon St paving approved by selectmen, 12/17/1937:8
Plymouth representative asks reconstruction of Middleboro-Plymouth
highway, 02/11/1938:1
School bus drivers express appreciation for brush clearing (l),
Petition for improvement to Plympton St, 03/18/1938:8
Hearing held on construction of Plympton St, 04/01/1938:1
Selectmen reconsider vote on layout of East and Beech St, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen okay start to East And Beech St project, 04/08/1938:1
Selectmen willing to cooperate on Rte 44 construction, 12/30/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Town Manager meets with County Commissioners, 12/30/1938:1
Town cannot use gas tax revenue for highway work, 12/30/1938:5
Highway between Lakeside Ave and Long Point discussed at special
Lakeville town meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Seek $14,400 for Middleboro, 04/28/1939:3
The Spectator comments on state fund distribution (l), 06/16/1939:3
Highway cash from state expected to total $19,085, 06/30/1939:2
Lakeville to repair Rhode Island Rd, 09/08/1939:4
New hope for highway between Middleboro and Plymouth,
Roath, Ella F.
Burial at Plympton, 06/26/1936:5
see also Automobile Theft; Burglary; Larceny; Poultry Stealing;
Shoplifting; Theft
Standish, Starbuck, and Sylvia report missing items, pickpockets active,
Nevada police hold William McDermott on two-year-old charge,
Police clerk leaves for Nevada to fetch McDermott, 07/26/1935:1
A&P bandit McDermott returned to Middleboro, 08/02/1935:1
Farm Service Stores, Inc. looted of cash, 08/09/1935:1
McDermott held on $3,000 for grand jury, 08/16/1935:1
A&P bandit gets term at state prison, 10/18/1935:1
Carver youths held for robbery and assault, 05/29/1936:1
Armed man takes $29 in holdup at Sisson's filling station, 09/04/1936:1
Charles Brown of Dutchland Farms stand held up at gunpoint,
Holdup bandits identified by victims, 10/02/1936:1
Onset and Buzzards Bay men sentenced for armed robbery at Dutchland
Farms, 07/02/1937:2
Four local men held on suspicion of holdup, 11/26/1937:1
Adams, Pike, and Benson arrested for holdup in North Plymouth,
Adams, Pike, and Benson sentenced to Concord reformatory for armed
robbery, 02/18/1938:1
Home of A. Hamilton Gibbs in Lakeville robbed, 07/07/1939:1
Mary Howard assaulted and robbed in her home, 07/07/1939:1
No progress made in solving robbery at Mexicana (l) (The Spectator),
Trio of suspects in break-in at Mexicana, 09/08/1939:1
Cammarata hides cash stolen from Standish's service station in artificial
leg, 11/10/1939:1
Robbins (Mr)
People's Fish Market, 139 Center St (ad), 03/01/1935:8
Robbins, Albert
Daughter born, 03/18/1938:7
Robbins, Albert C.
Wedding described, 12/06/1935:11
Daughter born, 03/18/1938:8
Robbins, Bernice L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, B.G.
Court End Ave couple married 56 years, 01/04/1935:8
Couple marks 50th anniversary, 01/08/1937:2
Court End Ave couple married 60 years, 01/06/1939:2
Robbins, Carroll G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, Cora
Wed to Michael Cronan, 01/25/1935:1
Robbins, Doris
Resides in Taunton, 04/26/1935:1
Robbins, Edward
Moves to apartment on Main St in Lakeville, 01/27/1939:8
Robbins, Elsie
Engaged to be married, 11/24/1939:6
Robbins, Everett M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, George
Chimney fire on Wood St, 04/24/1936:1
Resigns from Soule's Undertaking Establishment, 08/07/1936:8
Purchases Stafford home in Lakeville, 04/07/1939:9
Leg gashed in close encounter with bull, 05/26/1939:1
Robbins, George A.
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8, 06/28/1935:12
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, Gladys E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, Gladys Elizabeth
Engaged to Alexander McKenzie Thomson, 09/25/1936:12
Robbins, Gordon
Occupies Carver's tenement on Pleasant St, 04/14/1939:11
Moves from Pleasant St to Plymouth St, 09/01/1939:3
Robbins, Gordon F.
Fined for contempt, 11/05/1937:5
Robbins, Howard A.
Engaged to Carrie M. Anderson, 03/19/1937:11, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to Carrie M. Anderson, 10/08/1937:7
Robbins, Howard Alton
Wedding described, 10/08/1937:1
Robbins, Howard C.
Resides in Foxboro, 03/19/1937:11
Lakeville couple married six years, 08/06/1937:11
Robbins, Jeduthen
Genealogy, 05/24/1935:5
Robbins, John B.
Obituary, 09/13/1935:1
Jacksonville, FL man dies at age 83, 09/13/1935:6
Robbins, John S.
Plympton man dies at age 71, 05/01/1936:7
Obituary, 05/01/1936:11
Sudden death a shock to all, 05/01/1936:11
Death a double sorrow for Plympton, 05/08/1936:8
Robbins, Louise M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, Maurice
North Carver couple married 40 years, 10/28/1938:8
Robbins, Percy
Letourneau and Washburn sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro
and Lakeville, 10/13/1939:1
Robbins, Preston
Highland Rd couple married 33 years, 12/24/1937:11
Catches 4-lb. bass in Long Pond, 09/02/1938:11
Robbins, Stella H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Robbins, William
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Roberta's Beauty Shoppe
Genuine, realistic waves (ad), 03/29/1935:8
Roberts, Alfred
Sustains injury in auto accident at School and Peirce St, 01/10/1936:1
Roberts, Alfred E.
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/17/1937:5
Roberts, Anna
Resides in Boston, 11/15/1935:8, 03/27/1936:11
Opens beauty parlor in Boston, 04/03/1936:5
Roberts, Annie L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/17/1937:5
Roberts, Carl R.
Married in Rochester, NH, 06/23/1939:9
Roberts, Charles G.
Engaged to Alice N. Boden, 08/21/1936:7
Roberts, Edgar
Engaged to Madeline Camandona, 11/10/1939:4
Wedding described, 11/17/1939:4
Wed to Madeline Camandona, 11/17/1939:5
Roberts, Edgar A.
Auto theft case dismissed, 11/01/1935:8
Engaged to Madeline M. Camandona, 10/20/1939:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Roberts, Eva
Graduates from New York Hospital, 09/03/1937:11
Graduate to take special surgical course, 09/24/1937:11
Takes advanced nursing course in New York, 12/31/1937:11
Accepts post as surgical nurse in Montclair, NJ, 03/11/1938:11
Surgical nurse in New York, 07/21/1939:7
Roberts, Fannie
Obituary, 01/13/1939:1
Wife of Joseph dies at age 86, 01/13/1939:7
Roberts, Frank W.
Obituary, 04/22/1938:1
Roberts, Frank Woodbury
Tewksbury man dies at age 75, 04/22/1938:7
Roberts, Helen
Takes course at Williams College in Brockton, 09/23/1938:11
Roberts, Henry
Employed at sanatorium, 03/05/1937:11
Roberts, Henry R.
Daughter born, 08/05/1938:11
Roberts, Henry S.
Foreman of Lakeville Hospital dairy, 12/03/1937:8
Roberts, Janice Catherine
Born to Henry R., 08/05/1938:11
Roberts, Joseph
Baby chicks (ad), 01/17/1936:12
Roberts, Nicholas
Petition for administration of estate, 12/29/1939:4
Roberts, Nichols
Obituary, 12/15/1939:6
Roberts, Paul
Collides with Taunton driver on North St, 05/15/1936:2
Chimney fire on Mill St, 12/25/1936:1, 01/28/1938:7
Roberts, Paul, Jr.
Engaged to Rose G. Burgess, 07/30/1937:7
Wed to Rose G. Burgess, 08/06/1937:7
Roberts, Philip
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Roberts, Samuel
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 04/01/1938:4
Roberts, Samuel W.
Chimney fire on Pleasant St, 04/01/1938:7
Roberts, Thomas
Engaged to be married, 06/02/1939:9
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
Roberts, William
Auto skids on wet road at Main St and Rhode Island Rd, 08/29/1935:2
Employed at sanatorium, 08/05/1938:11
Roberts, William M.
Studies television at institute in Boston, 08/19/1938:5
Roberts Poultry Farm
1046 Center St (ad), 02/12/1937:12
Center St (ad), 12/10/1937:14
Centre St (ad), 11/04/1938:12
Robertson (Mrs)
Drowns in Montreal, 07/14/1939:6
Robichaud, Albert J.
Wed to Gladys C. Turner, 07/29/1938:7
Robideaux, Arthur
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Robideaux, Arthur C.
Nomination papers taken out for post on School Committee,
Robidoux, Arthur
Cast in Teachers' College Drama Club production of A Midsummer
Night's Dream, 05/17/1935:7
Employed by James Shurtleff on new weekly, 02/21/1936:8
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Robidoux, Arthur C.
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Robidoux, Bertha
Engaged to William J. Gaudette, 01/01/1937:6
Robie, Frank
Wedding described, 02/24/1939:11
Robinson, Alden
Bicyclist thrown against Cushman's auto, fractures skull, 08/18/1939:1
Robinson, Annie L.
Obituary, 08/21/1936:1
Widow of John C. dies at age 84, 08/21/1936:7
Robinson, Catherine S.
Obituary, 11/03/1939:4
Widow of Samuel dies at age 81, 11/03/1939:5
Robinson, Dorothy E.
Graduates from NE Deaconess Hospital School in Boston,
Robinson, Earl
Former Tinkham employee secures position at Winthrop Arms hotel,
Robinson, Emil
Farewell party for couple moving to Stoughton, 06/24/1938:1
Robinson, Emil D.
Petitions to erect garage and store gasoline, 07/19/1935:8
Daughter born, 10/22/1937:7
Robinson, Frederick W.
Break-in at Lakeside summer home, 06/14/1935:6
Robinson, Godfrey
Lakeville couple married 52 years, 05/19/1939:9
Robinson, Jac R.
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Robinson, J.E.
New equipment for optical services at E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and
Optical, 04/12/1935:8
Registered optician (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Robinson, John E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/19/1937:8
Robinson, Mary L.
Obituary, 01/18/1935:1
Robinson, Mildred B.
Recipient of Golden Eaglet scouting award (p), 02/12/1937:1
Robinson, Mrs Richard
Moves to Braintree, 01/14/1938:1
Robinson, Sina B. Smith
Obituary, 01/03/1936:12
Robinson, Thomas
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Dies at age 79, 06/02/1939:5
Roby, Emma
Brother dies in Brooklyn, NY, 05/05/1939:4
Roche, Ambrose F.
Obituary, 03/22/1935:1
Jamaica Plain man dies at age 80, 03/22/1935:4
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/19/1937:7
Roche, Elizabeth E.
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Rochester-Lakeville Greater Parish
Reverend Andrew Solandt given farewell reception, 09/13/1935:1
Herbert Wilber pastor at Precinct Church, 02/10/1939:11
Rock, Olive Gould
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:11
Rock Cemetery
Insufficient attendance to conduct business, 04/24/1936:5
Frank Washburn caretaker, 09/25/1936:5
Attracts visitors on Memorial Day, 06/04/1937:11
Holds annual meeting, 04/28/1939:9
Rock Manufacturing Co.
Sign goes up in former mill office, 03/12/1937:11
New industry capitalized at $80,000, makes Cape Cod fences and
wooden novelties, 03/19/1937:1
Takes over large mill, 07/02/1937:8
For sale, dry shavings and sawdust (ad), 09/17/1937:12
Work brisk, 09/24/1937:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Hires Hosea Maxim, 10/01/1937:11
Logs wanted (ad), 10/01/1937:12
Company makes good start (l) (Anne C. Wyman), 11/26/1937:8
Aldo Fasulo loses finger in mill, 06/17/1938:7
Displays variety of goods at Buck's drug store, 07/08/1938:6
Men wanted to learn cabinet trade (ad), 07/08/1938:12
Employs Edwin Gross, 08/19/1938:11
Rock residents appeal to voters on water question (l), 12/02/1938:1
The Spectator comments on rejection of extension project (l),
New construction underway (l) (The Spectator), 02/17/1939:5
Custom sawing (ad), 02/17/1939:12
Fire at Rock Manufacturing Co., 04/28/1939:1
Henry Holmquist night watchman, 05/05/1939:2, 05/12/1939:9
Employs Russell Caldwell, 05/19/1939:9
C. Milton Bunnell salesman, 06/16/1939:3
Destroyed by fire, 100 unemployed (p), 06/30/1939:1
Action in wake of fire depends on local support, 07/07/1939:1
Chamber offers help in wake of fire, 07/07/1939:1
Employees blame voters on destruction of factory due to lack of water,
The Spectator comments on fire (l), 07/07/1939:3
General manager silent of plans for mill, 07/14/1939:1
Purchases plant property in Stoughton, 07/21/1939:1
To rebuild here, also have Stoughton plant, 07/28/1939:1
Sawdust pile flares up, 07/28/1939:2
Employs Charles Bassett in Stoughton, 11/03/1939:6
Rock Pond
First swimmers of season at pond, 05/17/1935:6
Bathers lie in road bed near pond, 06/28/1935:11
Railing on Smith St repaired, 01/28/1938:11
A fine swimming "facility", 06/16/1939:1
Rock Railroad Station
Closed to passengers, 07/29/1938:11
Now closed, 12/23/1938:4
Rock School
Evelyn Bailey teacher, 09/06/1935:2
Damaged in delayed Halloween prank, 11/03/1939:1
Rock Village Church (see Third Baptist Church)
Rock Village Library
List of new books, 01/18/1935:2
Soldiers of Fortune latest addition, 02/01/1935:6
Dangerous Corner new addition, 02/08/1935:6
List of new books, 05/17/1935:6, 07/12/1935:2, 08/02/1935:8,
Trustees hold annual meeting, 08/09/1935:2
Annual benefit supper held, 08/16/1935:8
List of new books, 08/29/1935:2
H.O. Cushman donates back issues of Atlantic Monthly and National
Geographic, 09/13/1935:5
Summer resident, Arthur Winslow, donates his own book, 09/13/1935:5
Establishes permanent fund in name of Henry Wyman, 10/04/1935:8
List of latest contributors, 11/01/1935:2
List of new books, 12/06/1935:11
Ray Richmond makes donation of books, 12/27/1935:2
List of new books, 01/31/1936:5, 08/07/1936:2
Trustees hold annual meeting, 08/07/1936:2
Bound volumes of popular magazines donated, 10/30/1936:5
Observes Book Week, 11/20/1936:2
H.O. Cushman donates about 50 historical and reference books,
Holiday hours, 12/25/1936:2
List of new books, 05/28/1937:11, 06/25/1937:8
New books at library, 07/02/1937:8
New books listed, 08/06/1937:11
Trustees hold annual meeting, 08/06/1937:11
Adds magazines to collection, 10/01/1937:11
List of new books, 10/08/1937:11
Receives copies of Horace Mann Centennial book and bibliography,
List of new books, 10/15/1937:11
Richmond donates book, 10/15/1937:11
List of new books, 10/22/1937:11, 11/12/1937:11, 11/19/1937:11
Change in hours, 11/26/1937:11, 12/03/1937:11
List of new books, 12/03/1937:11, 02/11/1938:5, 04/22/1938:11,
Summer hours, 07/01/1938:11
List of new books, 07/22/1938:8
Holds annual business meeting, 08/05/1938:11
List of new books, 08/26/1938:8, 01/20/1939:3, 02/17/1939:11
Mrs H.A. Wyman donates magazine subscriptions, 02/24/1939:11
List of new books, 03/31/1939:4
Now offers National Grange Monthly, 04/14/1939:8
List of new books, 04/21/1939:9
Closed May 30th, 05/26/1939:9
List of new books, 07/07/1939:6
Trustees hold annual business meeting, 08/11/1939:7
Celebrates National Book Week, 11/10/1939:6
Rockwood, Albert F.
Engineer in charge of bridge repair in Washington, DC, 11/10/1939:6
Rockwood, Richard
Promoted at W.T. Grant Co., 02/21/1936:2
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Employed at Andrews shoe store, 07/14/1939:1
Rockwood, Richard Albert
Engaged to Lorraine Thayer Gates, 06/30/1939:1
Rocky Meadow Cranberry Co.
Fire destroys shed on Purchase St, 02/11/1938:1
Rogers, Alton
Purchases parcel from town, 10/01/1937:8
Rogers, Alton R.
Local patrolman, 09/06/1935:6
Harold Dufur charged with assault on police officer Rogers,
Tree downed in hurricane topples chimneys at Center St property,
Rogers, Annie
Obituary, 08/16/1935:5
Rogers, Catherine
Dies in Newton, 11/18/1938:2
Rogers, Catherine Joan
Born to Hugh, 02/15/1935:4
Rogers, Charles
Sergeant with local police, 07/12/1935:1
Sergeant at local police station, 08/07/1936:6
Moves to new home on Pearl St, 10/08/1937:11
Rogers, Charles E.
Obituary, 01/15/1937:1
Petition for probate of will, 01/22/1937:12
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/04/1938:11
Rogers, Charles Ervin
Dies at age 67, 01/15/1937:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/03/1937:7
Rogers, Charles W.
Obituary, 09/22/1939:10
Rogers, Chester A.
Obituary, 10/01/1937:11
Rogers, Doris
Wed to Charles Kelso, 10/15/1937:2
Rogers, Edith
Funeral held in Grand Rapids, MI, 10/29/1937:11
Rogers, Edward
Engaged to Anne Campbell, 07/03/1936:2
Rogers, Edward V.
Engaged to Anne E. Campbell, 07/31/1936:7
Wedding described, 08/21/1936:1
Wed to Anne E. Campbell, 08/21/1936:7
Daughter born, 02/11/1938:7
Rogers, George A.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Marjorie E. Cronan, 06/05/1936:7
Rogers, George R.
Engaged to Marjorie E. Cronan, 05/29/1936:7
Rogers, Hannah H.
Will in probate, 03/22/1935:5
Rogers, Hannah Rebecca
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Rogers, Harold H.
Named to YMCA Board of Directors, 01/03/1936:12
Pastor of North Middleboro Congregational, 08/07/1936:2
Mother's funeral held in Grand Rapids, MI, 10/29/1937:11
Rogers, Harry
In auto accident near Boston, 02/05/1937:8
Rogers, Helen E.
Engaged to Theodore E. Carter, 09/20/1935:6
Wed to Theodore E. Carter, 09/27/1935:6
Rogers, Hugh
Daughter born, 02/15/1935:4
Rogers, Karen Anne
Born to Edward V., 02/11/1938:7
Rogers, Lillian
Begins studies at Bridgewater State, 09/17/1937:11
Rogers, Lillian I.
Engaged to Louis A. Benton, 03/06/1936:6
Wed to Louis A. Benton, 03/13/1936:6
Rogers, Mrs Frances
East Carver woman found dead in snow, foul play suspected,
Rogers, Mrs Frank
Body found Sunday at East Carver, 02/07/1936:5
Rogers, Mrs Harold
Mother dies in Grand Rapids, MI, 10/22/1937:11
Rogers, Mrs Harry
Uncle dies in Neponsett, 02/07/1936:8
Injured in auto accident near Boston, 02/05/1937:8
Rogers, Raymond
Eunice Jones injured when thrown off running board of moving car,
Attends Wentworth Institute, 09/23/1938:11
Rogers, Roberta
Graduates from Wilfred Academy, 05/12/1939:1
Rogers, Roberta E.
Graduate receives ring of Mrs Tom Thumb as gift from grandfather,
Rogers, Thomas
Employed at sanatorium, 02/05/1937:8
Rogers, Vera
Resumes studies at Boston University, 01/04/1935:7
Ill with German measles, 04/19/1935:2
Chosen president of Freshmen-Sophomore class at Boston University
School of Religious and Social Work, 10/18/1935:5
Rogers, Verina
Instructor at community center in Hillsboro, NH, 08/14/1936:8
Assumes duties at Daily Vacation Bible school in Maine, 06/25/1937:11
Written up in Boston paper, 03/25/1938:11
Engaged to Ernest W. Saunders, 03/31/1939:1, 04/07/1939:9
Engaged to Ernest Saunders, 06/23/1939:9, 07/28/1939:4
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:4
Rogers, Verina May
Engaged to Ernest William Saunders, 08/18/1939:5
Rogers, Verina M.
Graduates from Boston University, 06/10/1938:1
Commences duties as church school director at Auburndale
Congregational Church, 09/09/1938:11
Offered an assistantship at Boston University Graduate School,
Rogers, Walter P.
Fined $5 for speeding, 09/27/1935:8
Rogers, William
North Middleboro Congregational Church bids farewell, 10/16/1936:11
Graduates from seminary school, 05/21/1937:11
Rogers, William F.
New pastor at North Middleboro, 04/26/1935:7
Rogers, William H.
Obituary, 02/04/1938:1
Bridgewater man dies at age 56, 02/04/1938:7
Romaine, Laurence R.
Detailed entries from account book, 1774 to 1814, 11/27/1936:5
Romaine, Lawrence
Grass fire on Bedford St, 03/25/1938:1
Romaine, L.B.
Cash for antiques, Bedford St (ad), 03/15/1935:8
Rondelle, Jeanne C.
Obituary, 04/21/1939:6
Rondelli, Albert
Daughter born, 12/15/1939:7
Rondelli, Alma
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:11
Rondelli, Edmund
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:7
Rondelli, Edmund C.
Wedding described, 01/07/1938:1
Rondelli, Henry
Application for of liquor license, 11/27/1936:7
Rondelli, Joseph
Chimney fire on Everett St, 02/11/1938:1
Rondelli, Meddio
Engaged to Dorothy Kinsman, 02/05/1937:1
Rondelli's Package Store
Application for of liquor license, 11/27/1936:7
Package store license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Roofers (see Churchill, Chet)
Rook, Donald A.
Daughter born, 04/02/1937:11
Rook, Dorothy Louise
Born to Donald A., 04/02/1937:11
Rook, Millicent Ann
Wedding described, 06/07/1935:6
Rook, S.J.A.
Resides in Niantic, CT, 10/23/1936:8
Rook, Wilbur J.
Principal of Mattapoisett Junior High, 11/20/1936:5
Rook, Wilbur John
Wed to Katherine Warren Talley, 07/29/1938:11
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945
Local clergyman receives letter from the President (l), 10/04/1935:7
Change of plans gives residents opportunity to see President,
Stops briefly in town, 10/23/1936:1
Root, Julia T.
Obituary, 02/12/1937:1
New Haven, CT woman dies at age 96, 02/12/1937:6
Roque, Anne
Engaged to Prmenio Abati, 07/26/1935:6
Rorschach, Otto
Stolen auto recovered in Brockton, 10/04/1935:8
Rosa, John
Son born, 08/28/1936:7
Roscoe, George
Employed by Lewis Shaw, 03/20/1936:11
Rose, Alfred
Employed at sanatorium, 12/15/1939:8
Rose, Bill
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Rose, Joseph
Daughter born, 07/07/1939:5
Rose, Joseph G., Jr.
Obituary, 08/02/1935:1
Rose, Manuel
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Daughter born, 01/04/1935:4
Son born, 12/03/1937:7
Rose, Manuel G.
Applies for liquor license, 01/04/1935:5
Selectmen address liquor license application, 01/18/1935:1
Rose, Mary
Engaged to Mando Bena, 05/21/1937:1
Rose, Richard George
Born to Manuel, 12/03/1937:7
Rose, William
Truck involved in mishap at Everett And Arch St, 07/03/1936:8
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Rose, William V.
Collides with Roland Tinkham at Peirce and School St, 01/25/1935:2
Opens Plymouth and DeSoto dealership, Rose Motor Sales,
Rose Motor Sales opens at 103 Everett St (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Rose Arbour Extract Co.
Wilfred Norris proprietor (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Rose Motor Sales
William Rose opens Plymouth and DeSoto dealership, 06/07/1935:2
Opens at 103 Everett St (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Rosebud Dairy
Granted permit to pasteurize milk, 10/20/1939:1
Rosenberg, Mrs Walter
Resides in Long Island, 06/18/1937:1
Rosenberg, Mrs Walter E.
Resides in Long Island City, Long Island, 10/11/1935:12
Rose's Beauty Shoppe
Everett St business enlarged with spacious porch, 07/30/1937:1
Closed for vacation (ad), 07/28/1939:8
Ross, Thomas
Accident halts 50th anniversary, 06/12/1936:2
Rossbach, Adolph
First Unitarian issues call, 11/08/1935:2
Accepts call from Unitarian church, 11/15/1935:6
New minister at First Unitarian (p), 11/22/1935:1
Forms poetry group at Unitarian church, 01/24/1936:2
Sails for Scotland, 07/17/1936:12
Moves from Waltham to Pearl St, 12/11/1936:2
On cruise through Montreal and maritime provinces, 06/30/1939:1
Rossbach, Anne Bowyer
Born to George Bowyer, 11/24/1939:5
Rossbach, George
Resides in Palo Alto, CA, 11/17/1939:10
Rossbach, George Bowyer
Daughter born, 11/24/1939:5
Rossbach, Malvina H.
Protests treatment of animals in film Jesse James (l), 02/03/1939:11
Rossbach, Mrs Adolph
Visits hometown of Keokuk, 09/30/1938:11
Rossini, B.
Shoe repair, 169 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Rossini, Lena
Assault and battery case continued, 03/06/1936:2
Guilty of assault on Mary Riccio, 03/20/1936:5
Rossini, Leon
Continuance granted in assault case, 03/13/1936:5
Rotary Mill
Gold digging machine seized in raid, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent gambling raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Howard Johnson's application for liquor license, 09/06/1935:7
Gets liquor license despite opposition, 09/20/1935:1
Howard Johnson, owner of chain of stands and stores acquires Rotary
Mill (p), 09/20/1935:2
Lottery case continued, 09/20/1935:2
Grand opening at traffic circle (ad), 09/20/1935:12
Grand opening Howard Johnson's Rotary Mill at traffic circle (ad),
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Fire starts in overheated water heater, 10/25/1935:12
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Fire in range ventilation pipe, 05/07/1937:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Selectmen vote to extend gas line to Rotary Mill, 03/11/1938:1
Selectmen vote to extend gas mains for Rotary Mill, 04/01/1938:3
Employs Mrs Arthur Scagel, 10/21/1938:11
Employs Charlotte DeMoranville, 06/23/1939:9
Rotch (Mr)
Employs George Mills on farm, 08/29/1935:12
Employs Charles Wells at farm, 09/13/1935:1
Frank Turner resumes duties at farm, 09/20/1935:6
Orville Linton employed on farm, 09/20/1935:6
Carroll Peck chauffeur at Rotch estate, 08/13/1937:11
Workmen at Rotch estate harvesting 10-in. ice, 01/21/1938:11
Alton Linton employed at estate, 10/21/1938:6
Stanley Mills employed at Rotch estate, 11/04/1938:9
Stanley Mills foreman, 09/15/1939:2
Rotch, Arthur G.
Named state commissioner of public welfare, 10/06/1939:1
Will have plenty to do in new post (l) (The Spectator), 10/13/1939:2
Chimney fire at farm on Highland Rd, 10/20/1939:9
Rotch, Helen
Resides in Weston, 06/07/1935:6
Resumes studies at Weston, 10/04/1935:6
Attends Bennington College, 12/04/1936:6
Spends two months abroad, 06/25/1937:11
Returns from two years abroad, 07/23/1937:11
Engaged to Charles Lee Buxton, 09/02/1938:11
Rotch, Helen Morgan
Engaged to Charles Lee Buxton, 06/03/1938:2
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Rotch, Josephine Grinnell
Obituary, 07/07/1939:1
Rotch, Katherine
Sails for Germany, 10/04/1935:6
Travels to Germany, 10/01/1937:11
Returns from a year in Germany, 09/02/1938:11
Sails for Germany, 10/28/1938:11
Rotch, Phoebe
Resumes studies at Cambridge, 10/04/1935:6
Rounds, Mrs Merton
Resides in Brockton, 07/24/1936:5, 07/09/1937:5
Rounseville, Albert T.
Wed to Adella Gates, 11/08/1935:2
Rounseville, Della
Renovates Miller St house for new tenants, 05/01/1936:5
Lets Miller St cottage to Charles Merrill, 05/08/1936:5
Lets Miller St house to William Belben, 07/31/1936:11
Rounseville, Herbert
Son born, 12/13/1935:6
Daughter born, 04/30/1937:7, 03/10/1939:7
Rounseville, Herbert W.
Engaged to Lillian I. Carmichael, 07/19/1935:6
Engaged to Lillian Carmichael, 07/19/1935:7
Wed to Lillian L. Carmichael, 07/26/1935:6
Rounseville, Ida
Samuel Rullo guilty on charge of destroying property of Rounseville
estate, 10/01/1937:2
Rounseville, Ida F.
Town beneficiary of will, 12/08/1939:6
Rounseville, Ida M.
Will provision accepted at special town meeting, 01/29/1937:1
Rounseville, LeRoy
Engaged to Elda Buchanan, 07/12/1935:6
Rounseville, Lorenzo Braley
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Files for divorce, 11/11/1938:11
Rounseville, Margaret Teresa Smith
Husband files for divorce, 11/11/1938:11
Rounseville, Mildred M.
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Rounseville, Mrs Albert
Lets Miller St tenement to Bradford Westgate, 09/24/1937:11
Cranberries stolen from Miller St bog, 10/01/1937:11
Rounseville, Muriel
Engaged to Roy Cook, 06/07/1935:11
Rounseville, Muriel R.
Engaged to Roy B. Cook, 05/03/1935:4
Rounseville, Muriel R.E.
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1, 06/14/1935:2
Rounseville, W. Scott
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Rounsveil, W. Scott
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Rouse, Arthur
Gets year on larceny charge, charged with carrying revolver without
permit, 02/11/1938:1
Rouse, Arthur C.
Gets year probation for larceny, 02/11/1938:11
Fails to appear at end of probation, 02/10/1939:11
Rowe, Amy E. Curtis
Nehemiah Waine, 09/30/1938:7
Rowland, William
Wed to daughter of William Hammond, 09/01/1939:7
Rowley, Mrs Walter
Resides in West Wareham, 02/07/1936:8
Rowley, Walter
Engaged to Hazel Lincoln, 05/24/1935:7, 07/19/1935:8
Rowley, Walter E.
Engaged to Hazel Lincoln, 07/19/1935:6
Wed to Hazel C. Lincoln, 07/26/1935:6
Rowley, Walter Ellsworth
Wedding described, 07/26/1935:1
Roy, Henry
Son born, 12/27/1935:2, 12/27/1935:6
Roy, Simonne C.
Engaged to Harold F. Forsberg, 10/18/1935:6
Wedding described, 10/25/1935:1
Wed to Harold F. Forsberg, 10/25/1935:6
Royal Cafe
Excellent food, choice liquors (ad), 08/09/1935:12
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Cash taken in break-in at Gorrie's, 11/06/1936:1
Arthur Gorrie's restaurant suffers break-in, 11/20/1936:1
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Beer, ale, wine, and liquor (ad), 01/29/1937:6
Blaze on roof of building at John Glass, Jr. Square, 04/28/1939:1
Roza, John
Engaged to Marion W. Hopkins, 05/10/1935:4
Wed to Marion W. Hopkins, 05/24/1935:4
Wedding described, 05/24/1935:7
Moves from Sandwich to Rock, 07/30/1937:11
Roza, Marion Hopkins
Moves from Sandwich to Rock, 07/30/1937:11
Rubendall, Carolyn Dennett
Daughter born, 04/22/1938:1
Rubendall, Howard L.
Daughter born, 04/22/1938:1
Rubendall, Linda Dennett
Born to Howard L. and Carolyn Dennett, 04/22/1938:1
Rubeski, John C.
Wed to Florence L. McLeod, 11/05/1937:7
Rubin, Lillian Ruth
Engaged to Hyman Berman, 03/11/1938:1
Rubin, Mrs Morris
Alleges injury from sidewalk defect, 11/24/1939:1
Rubzcki, John
Wed to Sophie L. Petrowski, 11/26/1937:7
Ruda, Joseph
Engaged to Thelma Wright, 05/07/1937:7
Rudolph, Norman
Purchases house from Harold Touhy, 01/03/1936:2
Daughter born, 07/01/1938:7
Moves to 65 Everett St, 12/02/1938:3
Moves to Everett St, 12/02/1938:7
Rudziak, Olga
Wed to Paul Hotz, 05/20/1938:11
Ruhmpohl, Charles
Daughter born, 01/17/1936:6, 01/17/1936:11
Son born, 08/26/1938:7, 08/26/1938:8
Ruhmpohl, Francis
Daughter ill with scarlet fever, 01/17/1936:11
Ruhmpohl, Mildred
Moves to Walnut St, 06/02/1939:9
Ruhmpohl, Morris F.
Bartlett collides with Fickert's milk truck at Oak and Peirce St,
Ruhmpohl, Nancy Lee
Born to Charles, 01/17/1936:11
Rullo, Albert
Athlete runs into Shurtleff's lumber truck on West Grove St,
Rullo, Dorothy
Wedding described, 06/12/1936:1
Rullo, Dorothy F.
Engaged to Frank Luizzi, 05/08/1936:7
Rullo, Henry
Sheriff's sale, 11/19/1937:11
Engaged to Anna Mabel Dunham, 10/27/1939:5
Rullo, Samuel
Daughter born, 03/29/1935:4
Son born, 06/26/1936:7, 08/06/1937:7
Guilty on charge of destroying property of Ida Rounseville estate,
Son born, 07/21/1939:5
Joseph Menowsky located in Central Cemetery, 05/17/1935:7
Arthur Thomas runs away for third time in a year, 12/06/1935:1
Rundecker, Ida B.
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Widow of Joseph dies at age 79, 06/10/1938:7
Rundstrom, Eda A.
Engaged to Harmon P. Ward, 03/25/1938:7
Rundstrom, Eda E.
Wed to Harmon P. Ward, 05/06/1938:7
see also Ray, Walter
04/19/1935:2. see also Stuart, Robert
Bob Stewart takes 6th in race held in Jamaica Plain, 04/19/1935:1
Benton, Alden, and Stuart enter Warwick, RI marathon, 05/24/1935:2
Warwick, RI results for local runners, 06/07/1935:1
Ray, Stuart, and Alden compete, 07/05/1935:1
Alden and Stuart have good showing at Brockton and Barre,
Tarzan Brown, full-blooded Indian trains in Lakeville to take on Walter
Ray (p), 04/17/1936:6
Marathon winner Brown training in our midst, 04/24/1936:1
Tarzan proves local training grounds best, 04/24/1936:6
Tarzan Brown sails for Germany and the Olympic Games, 07/17/1936:1
Alden, Stuart, and Ray in Taunton Labor Day race, 09/04/1936:6
Results for local runners at Taunton, 09/11/1936:1
Norman Quindley wins U.S. Army track meet, 03/05/1937:8
Maynard Alden compiles enviable running record, 06/11/1937:6
Maynard Alden takes second in six-mile race from Norton to Mansfield,
Alden, Ray and Ray place in road race at Monponsett, 09/02/1938:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
VFW- and Twilight League-sponsored events run despite hurricane,
Field day results (correction), 10/07/1938:1
Marathoner Johnny Semple pleased with local event (l), 10/14/1938:1
Ernest Ray wins five mile race at Monponsett, 09/01/1939:4
Russell, Edmund
Obituary, 05/22/1936:1
Russell, Frank
Couple married 48 years, 11/08/1935:11
Russell, Fred B.
Sells Benson St place to Ernest Piper, moves to Rochester Center,
Russell, Frederick
Daughter born, 09/18/1936:7
Russell, Gladys
Granted billboard permit, 07/16/1937:1
Russell, James H.
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Phoenix, AZ man dies at age 37, 01/29/1937:6
Russell, John Chambers
Obituary, 01/10/1936:2
Russell, Lillian S.
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
Dies at age 56, 05/29/1936:7
Russell, Melvin
Moves to Rochester, 08/16/1935:11
Russell, Minnie
Picks pansies from yard, 04/03/1936:8
Russell, Minnie M.
Obituary, 08/28/1936:1
Dies at age 70, 08/28/1936:7
Russell, Mrs Fred
Resides in Rochester, 02/21/1936:5
Russell, Myles F.
Son born, 09/22/1939:5
Russell, Nelson
Bicyclist tangles with A. Wilbur Fillmore's auto at Lane and Center St,
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Russell, Will
Resides in Rochester, 02/26/1937:11
Russell, William
Daughter born, 05/10/1935:4
Ruttle, Elinor
Resigns from sanatorium, 09/10/1937:11
Ruzycki, Anna Kanapa
Obituary, 04/10/1936:1
Dies at age 26, 04/10/1936:6
Ruzycki, Vacia
Engaged to Adella N. Kanapa, 01/10/1936:6
Ryan, Edward J.
Engaged to Thelma M. Crawshaw, 03/29/1935:4
Wed to Thelma Crawshaw, 08/29/1935:6
Ryder, Alonzo F.
see also Alonzo F. Ryder Co.
Celebrates 84th birthday (p), 10/02/1936:1
Credits Carlton White with saving life in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Retired merchant succumbs in 87th year, obituary (p), 04/07/1939:1
Dies at age 86, 04/07/1939:5
Ryder, Charles
Biography, 01/18/1935:6
Ryder, Donald Bryden
Born to N. Dorrance, 01/29/1937:6
Ryder, Dorrance
Travels to California by plane, 07/05/1935:1
Ryder, Edwin
Resides in Allston, 12/02/1938:1
Ryder, Edwin M.
Takes position as manager of paint store in Burlington, VT,
Ryder, Edwin Miller
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:1
Ryder, Frances
Daughter born, 06/02/1939:7
Ryder, Francis
Resides in Wellesley, 12/02/1938:1
Ryder, Fred M.
Captain at fire station, 09/04/1936:12
Promoted to Fire Chief, 11/26/1937:1
Charges against Fire Chief made public, 03/03/1939:1
Legality of actions by selectmen discussed by The Spectator (l),
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 03/03/1939:3
Petition of support submitted to selectmen, 03/10/1939:1
Selectmen change date of hearing, 03/10/1939:1
Fire Chief ouster moved dropped, 03/17/1939:1
No substance to campaign for removal (l) (The Spectator), 03/17/1939:2
Piggies and politics in Middleboro government (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
Campaign against Chief a devious affair (l) (The Spectator),
Facts in case important to recall election (l) (The Spectator),
Was fire chief only the beginning? (l) (The Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Ryder, Gertrude
Alonzo Ryder credits White with saving life in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Ryder, H.A.
Haven't we had enough? (l), 10/30/1936:8
Ryder, Harland H.
Seriously ill in Gardner, ME hospital, 03/24/1939:3
Obituary, 03/31/1939:1
Ryder, H.C.
Retail merchant in Hyannis, 08/11/1939:7
Ryder, M.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Ryder, Margaret E.
New English teacher at high school, 06/18/1937:1
Ryder, Mason
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Ryder, Morrill S.
Vote NO on the charter changes (ad) (l), 01/17/1936:5
Ryder, Mrs Harland
Resides in Cedar Grove, ME, 04/12/1935:4
Ryder, Mrs Roger
Resides in Alexandria, VA, 05/17/1935:6
Ryder, N. Dorrance
Leaves for cruise to southern waters, 01/31/1936:12
Returns from three-week cruise, 02/28/1936:12
Wedding described, 09/18/1936:1
Son born, 01/29/1937:6
Assistant treasurer of Middleborough Savings Bank, 08/19/1938:7
Ryder, Nathan
Biography, 11/29/1935:6
Ryder, Nathaniel D.
Vote for Frederick Lobl for selectman (ad), 01/18/1935:8
Pleads guilty in McBane traffic death, 08/21/1936:1
McBane fatal accident case continued, 09/04/1936:1
Fined $100 for negligent operation, 09/18/1936:8
Ryder, Roger
Resides in Alexandria, VA, 12/25/1936:2
Ryder, Samuel
Son born, 10/22/1937:7
Reports 17 hens missing, 04/29/1938:1
Ryder, Samuel C.
Engaged to Helen Erickson, 03/12/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wedding described, 04/02/1937:6
Wed to Helen R. Erickson, 04/02/1937:7
S. Forrest Smith & Son
Eaton's Express, S. Forrest Smith & Son, 4 Pearl St (ad), 02/28/1936:5
Sabalewski, Abram
Horse strikes car on Bedford St, 10/15/1937:1
Sabalewski, Helen
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Sabalewski, John
Wed to Stacia M. Polefka, 06/11/1937:7
Sabens, Elliott
Weymouth couple married 25 years, 11/17/1939:6
Sabins, Bertha
Dies in Taunton, 12/17/1937:6
Saccocia, Arthur
Son born, 03/11/1938:7
Saccocia, Ettore
Liquor license application, 06/21/1935:7
Sachem Press
Moves to new quarters in the Gazette building, 03/29/1935:1
Sackrison, Amanda
Granted beer and wine license, 09/16/1938:3
Sacred Heart Church
see also Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters - Sacred Heart Court
New rectory opens for inspection, 01/11/1935:1
Holds field day at Depot Grove, 09/06/1935:2
Holds annual field day, 08/07/1936:2
Bishop Spellman of Boston confirms class of 185, 04/23/1937:8
Holds annual field day, 07/01/1938:8
Holds benefit Mardi Gras and costume ball, 02/24/1939:1
Hosts baccalaureate service, 06/16/1939:4
Sagesta, Joseph F.
Engaged to Cecilia B. Hannon, 11/11/1938:7
Wed to Cecilia B. Hannon, 12/02/1938:7
St. Armand, August
Tax collector's sale, 06/28/1935:12
Still in running as Democratic delegate, 04/10/1936:1
Cranberries stolen from Warren St property, 09/24/1937:1
Moves to tenement on Plymouth St, 06/23/1939:9
St. Armand, August B.
Appointed bail commissioner, 02/22/1935:1
Collides with Carver driver on Center St, 04/08/1938:5
St. Armand, Ovila
Swifts Beach cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
St. Don, Alphonse
Wedding described, 12/02/1938:3
Wed to Thelma Reynolds, 12/02/1938:7
St. Luke's Hospital of Middleboro
Opens fully equipped clinic laboratory, 01/25/1935:1
Seeks willing needles, 03/15/1935:1
Incorporators hold annual meeting, 04/12/1935:3
More than 500 observe National Hospital Day, 05/17/1935:1
Acquires new property, 05/24/1935:1
Plans fund raising campaign, 06/07/1935:1
Needs $2,000 to carry on work (ad) (p), 06/07/1935:11
Details of fund campaign, 06/14/1935:1
Has Oak St structures razed, 06/28/1935:2
Campaign report, 06/28/1935:12
Carolyn Fish nurse, 07/19/1935:1
Fund drive raises $1,293.92, 07/19/1935:1
Marion Pratt bequeaths $150,000, 10/25/1935:1
Mrs Leonard Baker hosts brilliant tea for St. Luke's, 11/01/1935:1
Elk's bingo night bets $50 for hospital, 11/08/1935:6
Incorporator's hold annual meeting, 04/17/1936:1
Residents should be proud of local institution, 05/08/1936:1
Large number inspect hospital, 05/15/1936:1
Annual solicitation June 15-17 (ad) (p), 06/05/1936:11
A.J. Fielding denies writing abusive letter to St. Luke's (l), 08/28/1936:1
A tribute (l) (Thomas E. Hirst), 09/11/1936:6
Beneficiary of William L. Soule's will, 10/16/1936:1
Lions Club donates $125, 10/30/1936:1
Leaves no stone unturned to quest for funds, 04/16/1937:1
Plans new building (t), 04/16/1937:1
Asks for support for new building (p), 06/04/1937:1
Opens building fund campaign (l) (p), 06/11/1937:8
Building fund report, 07/02/1937:7
Building to be started soon, 08/13/1937:1
Sound-proof nursery included in planned improvements, 09/03/1937:1
Taunton firm wins contracts, 09/10/1937:1
Work commences, 09/24/1937:1
Lions Club votes to furnish room, 02/11/1938:12
Middleboro Garden Club pledges landscaping and planting to St. Luke's,
Work progresses rapidly on new addition, 03/11/1938:1
Building at 56 Oak St for sale (ad), 03/11/1938:7
Sells property at 60 Oak St to Alva Hartling, 04/08/1938:1
Annual meeting of incorporators (t), 04/15/1938:1
Cabot Club holds silver tea benefit, 04/29/1938:1
New hospital unit opens May 8th, 04/29/1938:1
New building open for inspection (ad) (p), 05/06/1938:9
Building for sale (ad), 05/06/1938:12
Designated as distributing station for biologic products, 05/13/1938:1
First public building here with elevator, 05/13/1938:1
Middleboro should be proud of facility, 05/13/1938:1
Public inspection draws 1,500, 05/13/1938:1
Mildred Wheeler purchases former nurses' home from St. Luke's, moves
building to her property, 08/19/1938:7
Trustees inaugurate quarterly meeting schedule (t), 10/21/1938:1
Appendix operations at epidemic level, 12/16/1938:1
Community benefits substantially from hospital, 12/30/1938:1
Hospital executives plan campaign, 12/30/1938:1
Some facts about hospital (t), 12/30/1938:11
President cites service to community, 01/06/1939:1
First report on hospital drive, 01/13/1939:1
More than 100 citizens engaged in fund drive, 01/13/1939:1
Campaign raises $5,500, 01/27/1939:1
Member of Blue Cross service, 01/27/1939:1
Superintendent's report shows nearly 50% increase (t), 04/14/1939:1
Merchants and hairdressers hold benefit card party and style show,
Appeal for participation in fund raiser (l), 06/23/1939:5
Elks raise $61.50 for oxygen tent at St. Luke's, 07/14/1939:2
Elks present hospital with oxygen tent (p), 09/08/1939:1
Lions Club project to furnish Nurses' Home, 11/10/1939:10
Request for bids to raze building at 60 Oak St, 11/24/1939:10
St. Luke's Hospital of Middleboro - Employees
Viola Boutin nurse, 10/04/1935:5
Employs Anne Barstow, 10/25/1935:1
Viola Boutin transfers to sanatorium, 11/08/1935:11
Only grads of recognized medical schools qualified to serve on staff,
Committee expects new rating; $809.35 raised in campaign,
Staff officers appointed, 07/24/1936:1
Marian Guilford nurse, 07/24/1936:12
Mrs John Callan nurse, 08/28/1936:1
Marian Guilford nurse, 01/22/1937:8
Employs Mary Waters, 08/27/1937:6
Employs Grace Bisee, 11/18/1938:3
Employs Bertha Porter, 08/18/1939:8
Mrs Jessie Fisher accepts post at St. Luke's, 10/27/1939:6
Attendant Richard Duggan resigns, 12/01/1939:7
St. Mary's Cemetery
Water supply line needs replacement, 04/24/1936:5
St. Peter, Theodore
Obituary, 03/15/1935:1
Dies at age 79, 03/15/1935:4
Sakrison, David
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Granted permit for gasoline storage and sale, 05/27/1938:5
Sakrison, David J.
Petition for storage and sale of gasoline, 05/13/1938:11
Salley, A.R.
Harvests good ice on Tispaquin, 02/07/1936:8
Salley, Arnold
Ice harvest begins at Tispaquin Pond, 01/31/1936:12
Arrested for drunkenness, 10/30/1936:1
Fined for drunk driving, 08/13/1937:1
Salley, E.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Salley, Ervin
Chimney fire on Forest St, 10/30/1936:1
Salley, Irving
Chimney fire on Forest St, 03/26/1937:1
Sallom, Elias
Obituary, 07/15/1938:1
East Carver man dies at age 59, 07/15/1938:7
Obituary, 07/15/1938:11
Salminen, Victor
Chimney fire on France St, 01/22/1937:1
Strong protest lodged at selectmen's meeting against West St
establishment, 12/30/1938:1
Salter, Clifford
Promoted to Gloucester W.T. Grant store, 02/12/1937:12
Salter, T. Clifford
Engaged to Carmen Cerda, 04/19/1935:6, 05/24/1935:3
Wedding described, 07/05/1935:12
Takes 5 lb.-2 oz. bass from Assawompsett, 08/16/1935:1
Son born, 10/02/1936:7
Salter, T.C.
Manager of Grant Store in Taunton, 07/19/1935:1
Transfers from Taunton to Needham Grant's store, 03/13/1936:12
Salter, Thomas C.
Engaged to Carmen Cerda, 06/28/1935:6
Salter, Thomas Clifford
Engaged to Carmen Louise Cerda Cromwell, 01/04/1935:1
Saltmarsh (Mr)
Lightning strikes house at Rock, 08/21/1936:8
Saltmarsh, Frank K.
Dies at age 82, 05/01/1936:7
Obituary, 05/08/1936:1
Petition to sell real estate, 09/24/1937:8
Salvation Army
Fund drive off to good start, 08/23/1935:8
Seeks quota of $500 for Middleboro, 09/01/1939:1
Annual appeal in progress, 09/08/1939:3
Half of quota subscribed, 09/15/1939:6
Final appeal for funds, 09/22/1939:3
Turns over 20% of local collections to Trust Co. for distribution,
Sampson (Mr)
Administrator's sale at Lakeville farm (ad), 05/10/1935:2
Fire in roof of barn, 03/10/1939:1
Sampson, Alice
Attends Burdett College, 10/14/1938:1
Burdette College grad accepts position at Mass College of Pharmacy,
Graduates from Burdett College, 06/30/1939:2
Sampson, Barbara H.
Engaged to Wentworth O. Lakey, 05/14/1937:7
Wed to Wentworth O. Lakey, 05/28/1937:7
Sampson, Clara J.
Obituary, 05/08/1936:1
Widow of George R. dies at age 81, 05/08/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 05/15/1936:7
Sampson, Deborah
Theatrical producer in town collecting background information for play,
Sampson, Frank W.
Auto strikes pole on Center St, 11/05/1937:2
Sampson, George H.
Prize essay read for Nemasket Chapter DAR, 05/08/1936:6
Sampson, Helen
Resides in Long Island, NY, 10/22/1937:11
Sampson, Jennie T.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1
Dies at age 74, 01/04/1935:4
Sampson, Lillian M.
Obituary, 08/21/1936:1
Dies at age 65, 08/21/1936:7
Sampson, Mabel
Escapes serious injury in Bridgewater auto crash, 02/19/1937:1
Sampson, Peleg
Whitman couple married 25 years, 03/12/1937:11
Sampson, Ralph
Son born, 05/01/1936:7
Daughter born, 01/28/1938:7
Sampson, William
Purchases Vernon St house from George Penniman, 09/17/1937:11
Purchases Vernon St home from George Penniman, 04/08/1938:11
Sanatoriums (see Lakeville Hospital)
Sanderson, Douglas J.
Wedding described, 01/25/1935:6
Sandford, Dorothy
Wed to Gordon H. Washburn, 07/02/1937:5
Sanford, Dorothy M.
Engaged to Gordon H. Washburn, 06/18/1937:5
Sanitary Barber Shop
Anderson and Hodder open on South Main St (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Santaipia, James
Wedding described, 09/25/1936:8
Santarpia, James
Daughter born, 12/18/1936:2
Santarpia, Mary Halunen
Daughter born, 12/18/1936:2
Santine, John, Jr.
Injured in auto accident on Center St, 08/26/1938:6
Santos, Antone P.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/11/1937:4
Santos, Leo
Wed to Maxine F. Shaw, 02/21/1936:6
Daughter born, 09/09/1938:7
Santos, Manuel
Son born, 06/30/1939:5
Santos, Mary
Obituary, 04/15/1938:8
Santos, Mary P.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/11/1937:4
Santucci, Florence
Engaged to John Anthony Lemmo, 08/11/1939:1, 08/11/1939:5
Wed to John Anthony Lemmo, 09/01/1939:5
Sapetgian, Rose
In fender bender with William Horn at Pearl and Center St,
Sapp, Charles
Charged with improperly sealed scales, 07/12/1935:2
Scale case settled, 07/19/1935:2
Moves from South Middleboro to Middleboro, 06/26/1936:5
Saramelli, Albert A.
Engaged to Cecelia Paradis, 02/11/1938:7
Sargent, Mrs Thomas V.
Dies in Revere, 04/24/1936:8
Sargent, Robert
Relocates to Hackensack, NJ before departing for Cuba, 08/06/1937:1
Sargent, Robert H.
Takes up new post in New York City, 07/02/1937:7
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/03/1937:11
Resides in Havana, Cuba, 07/08/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Sargent, Virginia Y.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/03/1937:11
Sarkisian, Frank
Gets permission to erect sign at 139 Center St, 05/10/1935:1
Saunders, E.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Saunders, Ernest
Engaged to Verina Rogers, 06/23/1939:9, 07/28/1939:4
Saunders, Ernest W.
Engaged to Verina Rogers, 03/31/1939:1, 04/07/1939:9
Saunders, Ernest William
Engaged to Verina May Rogers, 08/18/1939:5
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:4
Saunders, Everett
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 03/03/1939:1
Saunders, Everett L.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Saunders, Mrs Everett
Stranded in Providence during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Victim of measles epidemic, 12/15/1939:12
Saunders Hardware & Paint Co.
Grand opening, 25 Center St (ad), 04/12/1935:8
Two minors arrested in breaks Saunders' Hardware and First National
store, 01/17/1936:1
Savage, Elizabeth
Simmons Library School student interns at library here, 06/21/1935:1
Wedding described, 08/21/1936:1
Savage, Elizabeth M.
Wed to Raymond L. Draghetti, 08/21/1936:7
Savage, Elizabeth Moore
Engaged to Raymond Draghetti, 05/01/1936:1
Earns library science degree from Simmons College, 05/22/1936:11
Savage, Henry
Enters Rhode Island State College, 09/20/1935:1
Pledges Beta Phi at Rhode Island State College, 10/11/1935:7
Attends Boston University, 09/24/1937:6
Savage, J.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Savage, Jane
Enters Skidmore College, NY, 09/29/1939:10
Savage, Janet
Leases South Main St home, moves to Court End Ave, 09/10/1937:6
Alexander Stone rents South Main St house from Savage, 09/24/1937:6
Savage, John
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Attends Worcester Academy, 01/06/1939:1
Enrolls at Brown University in Providence, 09/29/1939:10
Savage, John B.
Collides with Buzzards Bay driver at Oak and Courtland St,
Savage, Ruth
Wed to Louis Spurr, 06/04/1937:11
Savard, Edward
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Savard, Emil
Moves to Miller St, 12/13/1935:8
Moves from Miller St to Cherry St, 02/05/1937:8
Engaged to Marie Picard, 06/24/1938:7
Savard, Emile
Wed to Marie Picard, 07/08/1938:7
Savard, Emile E.
Engaged to Marie Picard, 10/29/1937:7
Savard, Helen
Engaged to Russell Benson, 12/30/1938:1, 04/07/1939:9, 08/18/1939:6
Savard, Walter
Granted junk dealers license, 06/04/1937:2
Granted permit for storage and sale of gasoline, 09/02/1938:8
Breaks nose in fall while skating, 01/27/1939:8
Savard, Walter H.
Application for license to store and sell gasoline, 08/12/1938:5
Savery, Clifton
Son born, 12/13/1935:6
Savery, Ella E.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Savery, George B.
Obituary, 08/26/1938:8
Savery, Samuel
Biography, 09/18/1936:6
Savithes, Dorothea
Resides in Milton, 10/13/1939:10
Savithes, E. Dorothy
Teaches in Milton school, 06/28/1935:12
Savoy, Julia
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Wife of John dies at age 65, 04/14/1939:7
Savoy, Mrs John
Falls and breaks arm in two places, 10/22/1937:8
Saw Mills
Sawdust catches fire at Churbuck's Wareham St saw mill, 11/06/1936:1
Charles Bassett, Jr. takes post as sawyer at new mill on Walnut St,
Rock Manufacturing Co., custom sawing (ad), 02/17/1939:12
Sawicki, Catherine
Collision at West and Vine results in injuries to Helrich, 08/05/1938:1
Sawicki, Catherine O.
Graduates from Bryant & Stratton School, 06/28/1935:1
Sawicki, E.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Sawicki, Edward
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Attends Bridgewater State, 09/24/1937:1
Sawicki, Stephen
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Granted permit to change location of package store to 13 West St,
Sawyer, Nellie L.
Obituary, 01/21/1938:1
Dies in Boston at age 64, 01/21/1938:7
Sawyer, Virginia
Wed to Sherwin J. Kendall, 03/03/1939:6
Say, Harry
Petition for probate of will, 04/23/1937:5
Saye, Harry
Obituary, 03/26/1937:1
Dies at age 70, 03/26/1937:6
Saye, Margaret
Sister dies in Oakland, CA, 08/12/1938:7
Saye, Margaret J.
Obituary, 03/31/1939:1
Widow of Harry dies at age 80, 03/31/1939:7
Scagel, Mrs Arthur
Employed at Rotary Mill, 10/21/1938:11
Scalera, Mario
Engaged to Mildred V.E. Newkirk, 06/21/1935:1
Engaged to Mildred V. Newkirk, 06/28/1935:6, 07/05/1935:11
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:1
Scalera, Mrs Mario
Resides in Meriden, CT, 08/29/1935:12
Resides in Summerville, NJ, 08/21/1936:12, 08/20/1937:7
Scanlon, J.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Scanlon, Joe
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Scanlon, John
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Scanlon, Joseph
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Varsity Club footballer struck by car driven by Kenneth Shaw,
Scanlon, Maurice W.
Wed to Nellie E. Burt, 07/29/1938:7
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Scanlon, William
Chimney fire on Arch St, 05/13/1938:1
Scaramelli, Albert
Engaged to Cecelia Paradis, 01/14/1938:1, 01/28/1938:5
Wedding described, 02/25/1938:1
Scarlet Fever
Richard Washburn ill, 12/20/1935:6
Attleboro teacher Natalie Thibault ill, 12/20/1935:7
Richard Washburn recovers, 01/17/1936:6
Daughter of Francis Ruhmpohl ill with scarlet fever, 01/17/1936:11
House of Roland Tinkham quarantined, 03/19/1937:11
Robert Jones' children under quarantine, 04/09/1937:8
Quarantine lifted at Jones' house, 05/07/1937:11
North Middleboro children quarantined, 05/28/1937:11
Quarantine lifted from homes of Caswell, McKay, and Hatch,
Kenneth Hatch confined to home, 07/02/1937:8
Stuart Johnson hospitalized, 12/29/1939:6
Scarpati, Ralph
Obituary, 07/29/1938:1
Dies at age 4, 07/29/1938:7
Schaaf, Clark A.
Six-year-old struck by Card's car on East Main St, 04/14/1939:1
Schaaf, Richard
Son born, 04/26/1935:4
Scheiderich, William S.
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Schleuter, Pauline
Employed at Trust Co., 08/19/1938:5
Schmeizer, Freida
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Schmelyer, Frieda
Taunton woman dies at age 71, 05/24/1935:4
Schmidt, Frederick
New manager of Murphy's Package Store, 07/30/1937:1
Schnitzler, William
Obituary, 04/08/1938:1
Dies at age 67, 04/08/1938:7
Schofield, Harry F.
Petition to erect garage and store gasoline, 05/07/1937:11
Schofield, Joseph H.
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Dies at age 68, 05/15/1936:7
Elks inaugurate scholarship fund, 08/02/1935:12
Norman Egger recipient of Anne White Washburn Scholarship,
John Cabot Club establishes fund for high school, 04/10/1936:1
Will of Adelia Richards provides for fund (p), 08/07/1936:1
Awarded at high school commencement, 06/18/1937:1
Middleboro Athletic Association creates athletic scholarship for high
school student, 04/08/1938:6
Estate of Mrs George A. Richards establishes $12,000 scholarship,
List of recipients from Middleborough Memorial High School,
Scholtz, William
Fire caused by drying clothes on stove, 12/02/1938:1
School Board (see Middleboro - School Committee)
School Children - Food
see also Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks - Lodge No. 1274
High school lunch result of group effort, 12/06/1935:11
Elks set to start milk fund again, 09/18/1936:1
Milk fund committee appointed, 09/18/1936:1
Citizens urged to participant in Elks' milk fund, 09/25/1936:1
Help out with milk fund, 09/25/1936:1
Milk fund begins receiving contributions, 10/02/1936:1
Superintendent endorses milk fund (l) (J. Stearns Cushing),
Appreciation for milk fund (l) (Harry E. Richmond), 10/09/1936:1
Milk fund a success, 10/09/1936:1
Citizens asked to subscribe to annual milk fund tag day, 09/17/1937:1
Milk fund appeal (l), 09/17/1937:1
School superintendents endorse Elk's annual milk fund (l), 09/24/1937:1
Elk's milk fund campaign receives many donations, 10/08/1937:1
Elk's milk fund campaign very successful, 10/08/1937:1
Elks' milk fund drive opens, 10/07/1938:1
Please give to Elks milk fund (l), 10/07/1938:1
Support the annual milk fund drive, 10/07/1938:1
Thank you from the Middleboro Elks (l), 10/14/1938:1
Milk fund total $227.65, 10/21/1938:1
School nurse appreciates milk fund (l) (Helen Pasztor), 10/21/1938:1
Elks' milk fund hits new high, 10/28/1938:1
Elks lodge starts annual milk fund campaign, 09/29/1939:1
Help needy children (l), 10/06/1939:1
Milk fund at $201.64, 10/13/1939:1
School Children - Transportation
Notice to transportation contractors (ad), 07/26/1935:5
John Gagnon awarded contract, 08/09/1935:1
Harold Clark school bus driver for Rock, 03/20/1936:11
Nine-year-old Mildred Thompson injured by Sisson's school bus,
New rules for buses, 01/29/1937:8
Russell Caldwell drives for Whitney, 09/10/1937:11
Petition from bus drivers concerning road conditions must go to
selectmen, 11/05/1937:1
Final action rests with highway department, 11/12/1937:5
Town clerk receives petition concerning transportation laws,
Rev Dunn circulates petitions against horse and dog racing and
transportation to private schools, 11/26/1937:11
Drivers express appreciation for brush clearing (l), 02/11/1938:7
John Gagnon's school bus contract renewed, 07/01/1938:1
Widow Gagnon takes over bus service, 11/04/1938:1
Request for bids for Lakeville pupils (ad), 12/02/1938:6
Lakeville schools open bids, 12/30/1938:11
Contract transferred from Gagnon estate to Joseph MacAllister,
School Committee (see Middleboro - School Committee)
School Lunches (see School Children - Food)
School Street School
Superintendent files annual report (t), 01/18/1935:4
Ethel Hanscom new teacher, 06/14/1935:1
Olive Kidd replaces Elsie Cahoon, 06/18/1937:1
Ernest Maxwell janitor, 11/12/1937:12
Orchestra makes debut in performance of The Little Princess,
Boiler in adverse condition, 10/20/1939:1
Churchill starts band, 10/27/1939:6
Schools (see Pratt Free School; Schools - Lakeville; Schools - Middleboro)
Schools - Lakeville
Request for coal bids (ad), 06/26/1936:7
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Lakeville/Carver school superintendent Arthur Webber retires,
Changes made in school system, 11/25/1938:8
Open transportation bids, 12/30/1938:11
Teacher transfers, 06/16/1939:9
Schools - Middleboro
see also Middleboro - School Committee; names of specific schools
Highlights of Superintendent's report from 1885, 03/29/1935:1
Named center for summer teacher education, 04/12/1935:3
Superintendent and chairman of School Committee principal speakers at
meeting to Taxpayers League, 07/05/1935:1
Open September 9, 08/29/1935:1
Notice of opening schedule (ad), 08/29/1935:8
Selectmen discuss new federal project, 01/24/1936:1
Superintendent presents annual report, 01/24/1936:11
Committee named to study school problems, 03/20/1936:1
Request for wood bids (ad), 08/07/1936:7
Opening schedule, 08/28/1936:1
Notice of school opening (ad), 08/28/1936:12
The First Schools in Middleboro essay by Andrew Wood,
Our school problem (l) (John B. Gagnon), 02/12/1937:8
Set to reopen September 8th, 08/27/1937:1
Notice of opening (ad), 08/27/1937:2
Selectmen discuss placement of school signs, 05/20/1938:3
Opening set for September 7th, 08/19/1938:1
Notice of opening schedule (ad), 08/19/1938:12
Committee votes to reduce tuition rates, 02/10/1939:1
Lakeville student tuition reduced $9.50 per pupil, 02/24/1939:8
Superintendent still busy despite end of school year (l) (The Spectator),
Notice of opening, 08/18/1939:7
Vacation ends in 12 days, 08/25/1939:1
Selectmen vote funds transfer from reserve, 11/17/1939:1
Schools - Middleboro (arts)
Tenth annual 8th grade concert held at Town House, 02/22/1935:1
Annual exhibit pronounced one of best, 05/24/1935:1
Exhibition a must for all, 05/24/1935:1
Festival demonstrates work in public schools, 05/22/1936:1
Praise for performance at musical festival, 05/22/1936:1
Wirt B. Phillips has outstanding record of achievements, 05/29/1936:1
Pupils make excellent showing at Boston poster contest, 04/30/1937:1
Students win awards in annual poster contest, 04/30/1937:1
Annual exhibition held, 05/14/1937:11
Hold Home Beautiful Art Exhibits, 05/28/1937:1
Works of three students included in New York exhibition, 03/04/1938:1
Forty seven of one hundred posters win awards from SPCA,
Students win poster awards from SPCA, 05/06/1938:5
Hosts fifth Choral Conclave of Mayflower School Festival Association,
School Street School Orchestra makes debut in performance of The
Little Princess, 04/21/1939:8
Churchill starts band at School Street School, 10/27/1939:6
Schools - Middleboro (attendance and enrollment)
Superintendent files annual report (t), 01/18/1935:4
Opening day registration figures (t), 09/13/1935:1
May eventually need another school to relieve crowding, 09/20/1935:1
Below last year, total is 1,752 (t), 09/11/1936:1
Discussion of enrollment decrease, 09/18/1936:1
WPA school records compilation project begins, 09/18/1936:1
Figures drop slightly (t), 09/10/1937:1
Slight decrease in enrollment, stands at 1,719 (t), 09/09/1938:1
Total enrollment jumps to 1,762, 09/16/1938:1
Open with enrollment of 1,386, 09/08/1939:1
Total 1,730 with opening of Bates School, 09/15/1939:1
School census official Carrie Jones retires, 10/13/1939:1
Schools - Middleboro (commencement) (see Middleborough Memorial
High School - Commencement)
Schools - Middleboro (curriculum)
No sex pamphlet distributed here, 05/15/1936:2
Schools - Middleboro (facilities)
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Comments on superintendent's report, 01/25/1935:1
Request for bids on firewood (ad), 08/23/1935:12
Committee formed to address needs, 05/22/1936:1
Committee visits West Side portable school, 06/05/1936:1
School housing problems addressed at special town meeting,
Committee delivers report on building conditions, 11/13/1936:2
Special town meeting to address housing issues, 01/22/1937:1
Harlow proposes two plans for new school (i), 02/26/1937:1
Special town meeting to consider new school house, 02/26/1937:1
North Middleboro residents protest sanitary and building conditions,
Call for bids for wood (ad), 08/13/1937:7
Representative Stetson files measure to fund remodeling, 03/25/1938:1
Call for wood bids (ad), 07/15/1938:8
Selectmen discuss projects, 12/02/1938:5
Call for wood bids for schools (ad), 06/30/1939:10
Selectmen vote transfer from reserve fund, 11/24/1939:1
Schools - Middleboro (faculty and staff)
see also Middleboro Teachers' Association
School nurse Helen Pasztor recovers from fall, 01/04/1935:1
Helen Pasztor is local school nurse, 01/18/1935:1
Superintendent files annual report (t), 01/18/1935:4
Restoration of teachers' salaries (l) (Charles H. Bates), 02/08/1935:3
Re-elections and transfers listed, 05/17/1935:1
Romeo Millette opposes teacher's pay restoration (l), 01/31/1936:5
School Committee re-elects teachers, accepts one resignation,
Superintendent Cushing repudiates newspaper stories about hiring
practices, 05/22/1936:1
School Committee interviews candidates and makes transfers,
Janitor appointments made, 09/18/1936:1
Music supervisor Wirt Phillips reaches compulsory retirement age,
School Committee elects teachers, principals named, 05/06/1938:1
Luther Churchill new school music supervisor, 06/03/1938:1
Lois Wright new teacher of Special Opportunity class, 07/01/1938:1
School Committee re-appoints teachers and staff, 05/05/1939:1
Teacher Dora Cobb McLure resigns, 06/30/1939:1
School Committee makes appointments and transfers, 08/11/1939:1
List of 1939-40 teachers, 08/18/1939:4
Selectman Millette wants Town Manager to appoint janitors,
Millette thinks "repairs" includes appointment of janitors (l) (The
Spectator), 10/06/1939:2
Millette persists in authority to appoint janitors (l) (The Spectator),
Schools - Middleboro (finances)
Superintendent files annual report (t), 01/18/1935:4
Public health nurse's report (t), 01/22/1937:3
Superintendent's report, 01/22/1937:3
Schools - Middleboro (sports)
The Spectator comments on athletics portion of annual report (l),
Schroeder, William
Dies in Newton, 07/09/1937:8
Schubert, Mrs Paul
Resides in Roselle, NJ, 08/13/1937:11
Schultz, Donald Fuller
Born to William W. and Irene Snowden, 08/13/1937:1
Schultz, Irene Snowden
Son born, 08/13/1937:1
Schultz, William W.
Son born, 08/13/1937:1
Schwarz, Mrs F.H.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 11/08/1935:11
Scolamiero, Joseph
Engaged to Beatrice Natalie Matrisciano, 08/11/1939:5
Scott, Bernard
Resides in Hanover, 03/08/1935:1, 04/12/1935:1, 06/07/1935:1
Scott, Emma E.
Obituary, 04/14/1939:1
Wife of William E. dies at age 57, 04/14/1939:7
Petition for administration of estate, 04/28/1939:6
Scott, James B.
Engaged to Margaret E. Legg, 07/03/1936:7
Wed to Margaret L. Legg, 07/17/1936:7
Scott, Mary Sanford
Obituary, 12/31/1937:1
Dies at age 64, 12/31/1937:7
Scott, William
Archie Phillips struck by auto in front of YMCA, 04/29/1938:1
Scribner, Norvel
Burning leavings spread fire to Summer St home, 06/25/1937:1
Scriven, William
Administrator presents account of estate, 01/29/1937:11
Scudder, Mildred L.
Obituary, 04/19/1935:1
Sea Gull (restaurant)
Re-opens on West Grove St (ad), 07/17/1936:12
James McCarthy applies for seasonal liquor license, 04/21/1939:1
Sea Scouts
Franklin Harlow participates in regatta, 05/29/1936:2
Seafood (see Fish Markets)
Sealander, Earl
Wed to Lillian Carlson, 05/13/1938:11
Married in New York, 05/20/1938:2
Sealer of Weights and Measures
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Warns citizens about hawkers and peddlers (l), 04/26/1935:2
Lakeville Sealer's notice (ad), 05/17/1935:8
Standards for potatoes and onions (l), 11/22/1935:2
Citizen says give credit where credit is due (l), 11/22/1935:7
Selectmen favor consolidation with health officer's position,
Notice from Lakeville (ad), 05/08/1936:12
Louis Littlejohn does his job protecting consumers, 06/05/1936:1
Notice from Lakeville (ad), 05/21/1937:12
Selectmen order investigation into finances, 05/06/1938:6
Notice from Lakeville Sealer (ad), 06/03/1938:12
Makes report to selectmen, 08/05/1938:8
Finance Committee okays transfer for four departments, 11/25/1938:1
Five applicants for position, 02/10/1939:1
Joseph Dutra named to post, 02/17/1939:1
Lakeville official's notice, 06/23/1939:10
Completes testing tank trucks and bulk stations, 07/21/1939:1
Selectmen would license measurers, 10/13/1939:4
Searra, Ralph J.
Fined $20 for trapping without a license, 11/06/1936:2
Sears, Albert N., Jr.
Collides with Halifax driver at Thompson and River St, 06/17/1938:1
Wed to Beulah F. Griffin, 06/23/1939:5
Sears, Anthony
Son born, 05/06/1938:7
Sears, Curtis
Son born, 08/05/1938:7
Sears, Harry
Long-time shareholder at Co-operative Bank, 08/11/1939:1
Sears, Henry W., Jr.
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Sears, Hial Barney
Wed to Marion Laura Wood, 10/25/1935:2
Sears, Mabel
Member of Tauremid String Quartet, 02/01/1935:1
Philharmonic Trio performs in Falmouth, 04/12/1935:1
Member of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Sears, Mabel Belcher
Supports Elks' Christmas charity fund (l), 11/22/1935:2
High praise for Tauremid Quintette performance at Providence,
Engaged to Howard Clark Barber, 12/22/1939:1
Sears, Mary E.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1
Widow of Winslow dies at age 66, 01/04/1935:4
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Sears, Mrs Earl
Resides in Brockton, 01/07/1938:11
Sears, Winslow H.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Sears Lumber Co.
Truck collides with Taunton car at North Main and Montello St,
Grass fire at lumber yard, 05/14/1937:1
Seaver, Edwin
Pearl St couple married 45 years, 01/01/1937:6
Seaver, Natalie
Young musician performs at Langy School of Music in Cambridge,
Little musician thrills audience at Central ME Church, 06/11/1937:5
Seaver, Ralph
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Seaver, Rebecca
A plea for thoughtfulness (l), 10/18/1935:7
Seaver, Russell
Son born, 06/18/1937:11
Seavey, Duncan
Wed to Eleanor Nelson, 09/01/1939:7
Seavey, Mrs Ernest
Funeral held in Boston, 03/31/1939:4
Seekel, William H.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Seelman, Fred G.
Engaged to Loretta Tetu, 09/04/1936:8
Seelman, Frederick
Wedding described, 10/02/1936:11
Son born, 06/11/1937:5
Seelman, Loretta Tetu
Son born, 06/11/1937:5
Seiberlich, Joseph
Engaged to Lucy Jones, 08/26/1938:1
Wed to Lucy Bowditch Jones, 09/23/1938:7
Wedding described, 09/30/1938:1
Seip, Lydia
Clark attends burial service, 11/26/1937:11
Obituary, 12/03/1937:11
Selectmen - Middleboro (see Middleboro - Board of Selectmen)
Senior Citizens (see Aged)
Serafin, John, Jr.
Arrested for break-in at North Carver home, 10/13/1939:1
Held for grand jury in North Carver break-in, 10/20/1939:1
Sergio, Joseph
Wed to Elsie Thomas, 01/06/1939:11
Serra, Dominic
Injured at carnival, 06/28/1935:1
Serra, Katherine M.
Wed to Manuel M. Mello, 09/11/1936:7
Serra, Ralph
Probationer declare in default, 08/11/1939:2
Serra, Ralph J.
Guilty of destroying personal property of Walter Bump, 08/05/1938:1
Default removed in malicious mischief case, 10/20/1939:8
Servant, Charles
Arrested for break-in and larceny in Carver some months ago,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
And wife released on hen stealing charge here, arrested in Taunton,
Servant, Charles F.
Held for break-in at Murphy's bowling alley, 01/15/1937:1
Burglary case continued, 01/22/1937:2
Charges dismissed, 01/29/1937:2
Servant, Marie
And husband released on hen stealing charge here, arrested in Taunton,
Service Stations (see Automobile Service Stations)
Severance, Alvin O.
Assisting physician at sanatorium resigns, 07/30/1937:8
Severance, Clarence
Small hen house destroyed by fire on Ash St, 04/15/1938:1
Sevigny, Daniel
Obituary, 06/12/1936:1
Dies at age 68, 06/12/1936:7
Sewage Disposal
C.L. Tribou , cleans cesspools and cellars (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming town meeting,
Review of warrant for town meeting, 01/18/1935:1
Selectmen discuss construction of system, 10/18/1935:6
Jeffrey Hebert, cesspools and wells cleaned, trucking (ad),
Selectmen discuss conditions on Forest St and Cambridge St,
Selectmen handle complaints of lack of service for cess pools,
Selectmen discuss cesspool issue again, 12/24/1937:8
Selectmen continue discussion of cesspool cleaning, 01/14/1938:8
Vincent Boucher contracts with town for cesspool cleaning service,
Local plan protested in Legislature, 04/01/1938:1
Board of Health reminds citizens to check cesspools (l), 04/15/1938:9
Plan for West side and north of Peirce St approved, 06/10/1938:8
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/01/1938:2
Spectator says Middleboro needs modern system (l), 08/26/1938:2
Selectmen discuss warrant for special town meeting, 09/02/1938:1
Clear explanation needed at special town meeting (l) (The Spectator),
Projects to carry relief load, 09/09/1938:1
Finance committee approves sewer project, 09/09/1938:3
Action deferred on sewer system, 09/16/1938:1
The Spectator discusses sewer projects (l), 09/23/1938:5
Sewall, Harold
Employed at Morse's Drug Store, 07/19/1935:1
Sewall, Howard
Pharmacist at J.F. Morse store, 05/03/1935:1
Pharmacist at Morse's Drug Store, 08/07/1936:12
Seward, William
Wed to Emily Besse, 10/22/1937:11
Sex Crimes
Raymond Brothers charged with statutory offense, 11/20/1936:2
Statutory charge against Brothers reduced to assault; fined $50 for drunk
driving, 11/27/1936:2
Leo Mooney held on statutory charge, 06/18/1937:7
John O'Connell pleads not guilty to assault with intent to rape,
New Bedford and Freetown men arrested on statutory charge,
William Tallman held on morals charge, 11/04/1938:11
Tallman case continued, 11/18/1938:11
Tallman's case of moral charges continued, 11/25/1938:2
William Tallman appeals findings, 12/02/1938:2
Arnold Sloan held for grand jury on statutory charge, 04/14/1939:1
Arnold Sloan sentenced on statutory charge, 06/16/1939:6
Eileen Small files morals charge against Maurice Lawrence,
Lawrence morals case continued, 10/06/1939:4
Maurice Lawrence discharged due to lack of prosecution, 10/13/1939:8
Seymour, Maydora
Wed to William Boutin, 10/22/1937:11
Seymour, Maydora M.
Engaged to William D. Boutin, 10/15/1937:7
Wedding described, 10/22/1937:1
Wed to William D. Boutin, 10/29/1937:11
Shachoy, Clifford
Waste paper fire on Center St, 03/13/1936:5
Shachoy, Mark
General medicine, 232 Center St (ad), 08/09/1935:12
Shad (see Herring - Middleboro)
Shalley (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Shalley, Ed
Twilight League player signs with Eufaula, Alabama club, 03/29/1935:1
Shalley, Edward
Resigns from sanatorium dairy, 04/07/1939:9
Shaltra, George A.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Shannon, Mrs William
Resides in Worcester, 06/28/1935:1
Shannon, William
Funeral held in Worcester, 08/09/1935:1
Obituary, 08/09/1935:1
Sharples, Smith T.
Former police chief passes away, obituary, 02/17/1939:1
Sharron, Rita
Wed to Alfred Jarvis, 09/09/1938:8
Shattuck, Augusta
Injures hip in fall, 02/22/1935:6
Sells house to John Brooks, 10/15/1937:11
Shattuck, Celia
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 90, 01/25/1935:4
Shattuck, Ray
Resides in Brockton, 03/15/1935:5
Shaughnessy, Daniel Edward
Born to Edward J., 05/13/1938:7
Shaughnessy, Edward J.
Son born, 05/13/1938:7
Shaughnessy, Mary Begley
Son born, 05/13/1938:7
Shaw (Mr)
Grand opening of Shaw track postponed, 05/29/1936:8
Francis Bradley occupies Shaw house on Miller St, 07/30/1937:11
Moves from Walnut Plain to South Middleboro, 10/29/1937:11
Shaw, Abbie
Taken to hospital in state of exhaustion, 01/25/1935:3
Shaw, Abbie D.
Obituary, 05/22/1936:1
Dies at age 77, 05/22/1936:7
Shaw, Albert B.
Obituary, 01/31/1936:1
Shaw, Alice
Wed to Theodore Avery, 08/27/1937:11
Shaw, Amy V.
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Shaw, Amy Victoria
Dies at age 64, 05/24/1935:4
Shaw, Arthur
Stolen auto recovered in Bridgewater, 10/11/1935:1
Shaw, Arthur B.
Mother dies in Middleton, 03/11/1938:8
Shaw, Bartlett Murdock
Biography, 05/22/1936:8
Shaw, Benjamin
Mansfield car overturns after colliding with Shaw, 06/21/1935:2
Administrator's auction sale of estate (ad), 03/25/1938:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Files nomination papers for position of Town Clerk, 12/02/1938:1
Shaw, Benjamin C.
Re-elect Samuel Breck (ad) (p), 01/18/1935:8
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Shaw, Benjamin W.
Launches new horseracing venture at old Short St site, 05/01/1936:1
Puts track into great shape for racing, 07/24/1936:1
Obituary, 01/07/1938:1
Dies at age 81, 01/07/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 01/14/1938:8
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Administrator presents account of estate, 05/20/1938:11
Petition for license to sell real estate, 12/16/1938:7
Call for all claims against estate, 01/27/1939:8
Shaw, Benjamin Ward
Funeral held at home on Wareham St, 01/07/1938:11
Shaw, Betsey S.
Obituary, 09/16/1938:1
North Carver woman dies at age 78, 09/16/1938:7
Shaw, Betsey S
Funeral held in Rocky Meadow, 09/16/1938:11
Shaw, Betty
Benefits of spiritualism (ad), 07/15/1938:7
Shaw, Bradford
Son born, 10/29/1937:11
Shaw, B.W.
Ayrshire and Guernsey cattle test 100% pure, 04/19/1935:1
Shaw, C.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Shaw, Carleton
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Shaw, Charles
Son born, 02/05/1937:6
Edward Bailey purchases property on Bourne St, 07/30/1937:1
Shaw, Chester
Member of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Explanation of local ERA and WPA projects (l), 08/23/1935:1
Member of Philharmonic Orchestra of Plymouth, 02/12/1937:12
Shaw, Chester L.
Announces candidacy for treasurer/collector (p), 12/06/1935:1
Efficiency, honesty, and understanding (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Candidate for town treasurer (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Elected town treasurer/collector (p), 01/24/1936:1
Appreciation for support (l), 01/24/1936:7
Candidate for town clerk, 12/11/1936:1
Candidate for treasurer, 01/08/1937:5
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Fills vacancy on Trust Co. board, 10/21/1938:1
Shaw, Clarence
Forest St couple married 25 years, 06/26/1936:12
Rent Bedford St house from Stanley Mills, 09/10/1937:11
Shaw, Clarence M.
Engaged to Roseanna J. Asselin, 08/09/1935:6
Wed to Roseanna J. Asselin, 08/16/1935:6
Shaw, Dorothy
Employed at T.M. Ryder & Co., 09/27/1935:1
Employed at Ralph Maddigan's insurance office, 08/13/1937:1
Shaw, Edward J.
Employed at Homestead Grocery, 10/25/1935:1
Shaw, Edwin F.
Four-year-old Joseph Costa injured by Church Coal Co. truck,
Shaw, Eldora
Granted common victualler's license, 10/02/1936:1
Shaw, Elizabeth
Employed at the Briarwood, 06/24/1938:11
Injured when struck by South Easton auto, 06/30/1939:2
Leg amputated after auto accident, 07/07/1939:1
Shaw, Ella G.
Obituary, 12/13/1935:1, 12/20/1936:8
Shaw, Elmer
Receives 25-year pin from Keith Shoe Co., 04/09/1937:6
Shaw, Elmer F.
Everett St couple married 50 years, 12/31/1937:2
Shaw, Emma A.
Ell on Plymouth St house destroyed by fire, 01/20/1939:1
Shaw, Ethel
Employed in Boston, 10/04/1935:5
Shaw, Ethel M.
Employed in Boston, 07/09/1937:5
Shaw, Ezra F.
Executor presents account of estate, 01/18/1935:6
Shaw, Forrest
Son born, 01/25/1935:6, 05/22/1936:7
Shaw, Francis
Guilty of larceny from Atwood-Costello Co., 02/01/1935:7
Guilty of larceny from Harold Carr, 03/29/1935:2
Gets ten days for larceny, 05/03/1935:2
Shaw, Francis C.
Engaged to Olive M. Clark, 09/09/1938:7
Shaw, Francis H.
Obituary, 07/14/1939:1
Dies at age 88, 07/14/1939:5
Shaw, Frank
Obituary, 05/29/1936:1
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 05/29/1936:5
Shaw, Frank E.
Engaged to Beverly Jenkins, 09/03/1937:7
Shaw, Frank H.
Rock St couple married 62 years, 04/17/1936:1, 04/24/1936:2
Shaw, Freeman T.
Engaged to Ruth J. Davis, 08/02/1935:6
Middleboro men participate in flood relief in Northampton,
Shaw, G. Fred
Petition for administration of estate, 04/30/1937:8
Shaw, George F.
Obituary, 04/09/1937:1
Dies at age 66, 04/09/1937:7
Petition for administration of estate, 04/30/1937:8
Shaw, George H. (see George H. Shaw Co.)
Shaw, Gladys M.
Riley man accused of hit-and-run, 09/15/1939:1
Engaged to Joseph A. Brown, 11/10/1939:6
Shaw, Gordon A.
Quincy couple married 25 years, 11/29/1935:6
Shaw, Hannah B.
Executor presents account of estate, 07/26/1935:11
Trustees present account of estate, 09/24/1937:8
Surviving trustees present account of estate, 04/14/1939:7
Roger Tillson appointed trustee of estate (p), 04/21/1939:1
Trustees present account of estate, 12/22/1939:8
Shaw, Hannah B. Griffith
Selectmen receive notice to incorporate Hannah B. Griffith Shaw Home
for the Aged, 02/18/1938:8
Shaw, Harrison
Waterville couple married 25 years, 02/05/1937:7
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 12/01/1939:1
Shaw, Hazel
Wedding described, 11/03/1939:6
Shaw, Helen
Wed to James Frederick Notman, 09/15/1939:8
Shaw, Henry
Son born, 12/04/1936:7, 12/04/1936:8
Daughter born, 12/11/1936:5
Lets tenement to Francis Bradley, 10/01/1937:11
Hunter gets his deer, 12/16/1938:3
Son born, 01/06/1939:7
Shaw, Henry F.
Drives well for Washburn in South Carver, 08/29/1935:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Shaw, Henry H.
Janitor at grange hall, 09/27/1935:11
Janitor at South Middleboro Grange hall, 01/31/1936:5
Shaw, Herbert
Resides in Malden, 05/24/1935:1
Shaw, Herbert B.
Resides in Malden, 07/12/1935:12
Shaw, Herman
Resides in Rochelle Park, NJ, 08/09/1935:12
Shaw, Hortense E.
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/15/1939:7
Shaw, Ivan
Named water meter inspector, 02/03/1939:1
Shaw, J. Addison
Executor presents account of estate, 02/21/1936:7
Shaw, John
First Worshipful Master of A.F. & AM., Mayflower Lodge in 1864 (p),
Shaw, Joseph
Biography, 09/20/1935:8
Shaw, Joseph A.
Obituary, 06/21/1935:1
Dies at age 10, 06/21/1935:6
Shaw, Joseph N.
Obituary, 07/05/1935:1
Dies at age 64, 07/05/1935:6
Daughter comes from Nova Scotia for funeral, 07/05/1935:12
Shaw, Kenneth L.
Joseph Scanlon struck by car driven by Shaw, 12/22/1939:1
Shaw, Lawrence
Bicyclist knocked down by laundry truck driven by Daniel Sweeney,
Shaw, Lewis
Injured in collision with Esther Taber on Miller St, 06/14/1935:5
George Roscoe replaces Byron Whittemore, 03/20/1936:11
Juvenile gets probation for breaking into Shaw's property, 03/11/1938:2
Shaw, Lewis G.
Tires stolen from truck, 05/12/1939:3
Shaw, Linus
Brockton couple married 66 years, 01/06/1939:1
Shaw, Linus H.
Brockton couple married 67 years, 01/06/1939:1
Shaw, Lizzie
Dies in Middleton, 03/11/1938:8
Shaw, Lydia
Biography, 03/01/1935:3
Shaw, Madeline
Enters Bridgewater State Teachers' College, 09/20/1935:1
Graduates from Bridgewater State, 06/16/1939:1
Shaw, Mae
Moves from Rock St to Montgomery Home, 09/29/1939:10
Shaw, Marguerite
Trains at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 02/07/1936:8
Engaged to Joseph Mackiewicz, 12/29/1939:1
Shaw, Marietta Lincoln
Obituary, 02/05/1937:1
Dies at age 75, 02/05/1937:6
Shaw, Martha
Secures employment in New Bedford, 04/09/1937:11
Resides in New Bedford, 04/16/1937:11, 04/22/1938:11
Shaw, Martha W.
Obituary, 02/26/1937:1
Wife of Francis H. dies at age 86, 02/26/1937:6
Shaw, Mary
Obituary, 08/07/1936:8
Memories of wedding, 08/28/1936:8
Shaw, Mary G.
Obituary, 10/07/1938:1
A tribute (l) (A.W.), 10/07/1938:1
Dies at age 74, 10/07/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 11/18/1938:2
Shaw, Mary L.
Obituary, 02/05/1937:5
Shaw, Mary Whidden
Obituary, 08/07/1936:1
Widow of Isaac dies in Brockton, 08/07/1936:5
Carver woman dies at age 90, 08/07/1936:7
Obituary, 08/07/1936:8
Shaw, Mason
Lets Miller St house to Allan Pierce, 05/14/1937:11
Shaw, Maxine F.
Wed to Leo Santos, 02/21/1936:6
Shaw, May
Wedding described, 12/06/1935:11
Shaw, Mercy
Biography, 03/01/1935:3
Shaw, Merril
Paul Lunskis struck by auto driven by Shaw, 04/26/1935:1
Shaw, Mildred
Wed to Chester G. Wrightington, 01/06/1939:7
Shaw, Mildred P.
Engaged to Chester G. Wrightington, 12/30/1938:7
Shaw, Mildred Taylor
Former resident to appear at opening meeting of Cabot Club (p),
Musical selections rendered by Mrs Shaw well received, 10/09/1936:1
Soloist at Apollo Club concert in Boston, 05/21/1937:2
Shaw, Mrs E. Herman
Mother dies in Jersey City, NJ, 05/14/1937:1
Shaw, Mrs Elmer
Harvesting raspberries, 11/04/1938:1
Shaw, Mrs Ezra
Moves to Medford, 11/01/1935:6
Shaw, Mrs Joseph
Chimney fire on Sachem St, 11/17/1939:8
Shaw, Mrs William M.
Sister-in-law dies in Reading, 11/29/1935:8
Shaw, Nathaniel
Biography, 09/20/1935:8
Shaw, Nellie
Nursing at Bump home in Carver, 01/29/1937:8
South Carver folks attend funeral, 05/26/1939:5
Shaw, Nellie M.
Petition to sell real estate for maintenance of insane person,
Obituary, 05/26/1939:1
Taunton woman dies at age 75, 05/26/1939:5
Guardian presents account of estate, 11/17/1939:5
Shaw, Nellie W.
Wedding described, 03/31/1939:1
Shaw, Nellie Wicher
Instructor at American Institute of Normal Methods in Music, Lasell
Seminary, 07/12/1935:12
Shaw, N.G.
Purchase or rent typewriters (ad), 12/10/1937:14
Shaw, Nina
Awarded bonus for sales with Remington Rand Co., 03/06/1936:6
David Duarte gets suspended sentence at Shirley school, 02/12/1937:1
The Ludlow Amendment (l), 01/07/1938:5
Shaw, Nina G.
David Duarte held on $1,000 bond for recent break-ins, 02/05/1937:1
Shaw, Robert H.
Engaged to Virginia Keith, 04/21/1939:5
Wed to Virginia Keith, 05/05/1939:5
Shaw, Roy
Injured at Maxim Motor Co., 06/14/1935:8
Son born, 10/18/1935:1
Shaw, Roy E.
Son dies at age 10, 06/21/1935:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Shaw, Russell
Son born, 03/13/1936:2
Shaw, Samuel
Home damaged by fire, 10/25/1935:1
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Enrolled at MA State College in Amherst, 09/25/1936:12
Receives silver medal for activities at State College, 04/28/1939:1
Shaw, Silvanus
Biography, 03/01/1935:3
Shaw, Walter
South Carver folks attend 25th anniversary celebration, 05/12/1939:4
Shaw, Willard
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 12/29/1939:4
Shaw, William F.
And wife open The Pheasant in South Middleboro, 04/09/1937:11
Shaw & Washburn
Auto refinishing (ad), 12/24/1937:2
Shaw's Auto Refinishing
37 Forest St (ad), 10/06/1939:12
Shaw's Radio Service
Gets permit to erect sign on Center St, 10/08/1937:8
Shea, Edward
Daughter born, 08/13/1937:11
Employed in Providence, 09/09/1938:8
Shea, Edward J.
Candidate for Lakeville School Committee, biography, 03/04/1938:3
Moves to Bedford St, 05/06/1938:11
Highland Rd couple celebrates wedding anniversary, 06/30/1939:9
Employed in Fall River, 09/08/1939:7
Shea, Lillian
Opens dance school with 20 pupils, 11/08/1935:1
Wed to Albert E. Guild, 02/28/1936:6
Shea, Lillian C.
Engaged to Albert E. Guild, 02/21/1936:6
Wedding described, 02/28/1936:1
Shea, Margaret Ann
Born to Edward, 08/13/1937:11
Shea, Mary Agnes
Obituary, 07/09/1937:1
Dies at age 71, 07/09/1937:7
Sheehan, B.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Sheehan, Bernard
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Leads basketball seconds in easy victory, 01/07/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Sheehan, Bernard J.
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Sheehan, Catherine
Wed to Lester W. Jones, 05/17/1935:4
Sheehan, Edith
Sails on board Normandie for France, 08/06/1937:1
Arrives safely in Paris, 08/20/1937:12
Welcomed home from European trip, 09/24/1937:1
Sheehan, Elizabeth E.
Wed to Peter A. Dyer, 01/24/1936:6
Sheehan, Elizabeth O.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Dies at age 61, 04/17/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 05/08/1936:12
Sheehan, James J.
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Obituary, 07/07/1939:1
Quincy man dies, 07/07/1939:5
Sheehan, Mary F.
Arrives safely in Paris, 08/20/1937:12
Sheehan, Mary Frances
Obituary, 12/02/1938:1
Dies at age 71, 12/02/1938:7
Sheehan, Michael
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
Sheehan, Mrs Robert
Resides in Harvard, 02/19/1937:1
Sheehan, Robert
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:1
Sheehan, Robert P.
Engaged to Sarah A. Boucher, 11/01/1935:6
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:1
Wed to Sarah Ann Boucher, 11/15/1935:6
Daughter born, 01/29/1937:7
Sheehan, Sarah Boucher
Daughter born, 01/29/1937:7
Sheehy, Bill
Manager of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Sheehy, Nicholas J.
Obituary, 05/12/1939:1
Dies at age 82, 05/12/1939:5
Sheehy, Sadie
Named clerk of probation, 07/07/1939:1
Sheehy, William
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Sheldon, Isaac
Obituary, 10/30/1936:1
Taunton man dies at age 67, 10/30/1936:7
Shell Oil Co.
Move four oil tanks to other sites, 08/18/1939:6
Shelton, Horace E.
Brookline man second auto fatality this year, 09/30/1938:1
Sheppard, Clifton D.
Engaged to Mary Joy Crosier, 03/08/1935:4
Sherbloom, G. Delores
Wedding described, 08/11/1939:1
Sheridan, Katharine E.
Will in probate, 01/04/1935:5
Sheridan, Verdene M.
Engaged to Lee H. Doyle, 08/18/1939:5
Wed to Lee H. Doyle, 08/25/1939:5
Sherman, C.A.
Chrysler dealer (ad), 01/04/1935:8
History and profile of Middleboro business, 02/22/1935:1
New Nash and Lafayette dealer (ad), 10/18/1935:2
Takes over agency for Nash-Lafayette cars, 10/18/1935:2
Erects gas pumps at Center St property, 07/17/1936:12
Joseph Lunskis charged with break-in at Sherman's on Center St,
Lunskis committed to MA Reformatory at Concord, 10/16/1936:1
Sherman, Charles A.
Supports Shurtleff and Millette (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Sherman, Doris
Engaged to George Berman, 01/06/1939:1
Sherman, Edwin
Resides in New Bedford, 06/03/1938:11
Sherman, George Wilson
Wed to Gladys Waterman, 07/05/1935:1
Sherman, Gertrude
Takes charge of new electrical store here, 10/15/1937:1
Wedding described, 12/16/1938:2
Sherman, Gertrude W.
Wed to Russell G. Dupont, 12/02/1938:7
Sherman, Harris
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Sherman, Henry
Burial in North Carver, 01/18/1935:7
Biography, 08/14/1936:8
Sherman, Henry C.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Sherman, Jennie
Resides in California, 10/02/1936:11
Sherman, Jennie F.
San Jose, CA woman dies at age 79, 04/28/1939:5
Sherman, Jennie Frances
Obituary, 04/28/1939:1
Sherman, Nellie Florence
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:8
Sherrard (Mr)
Rubbish fire in rear of barbershop, 10/02/1936:1
Sherrard, M.F.B.
Auto struck by Framingham driver on East Grove St, 08/09/1935:1
Sherwin, Matilda Clark
Obituary, 07/10/1936:5
Shibles, Mark R.
On State Education Department committee, 03/20/1936:12
Principal of Belmont High, 07/10/1936:1
Shields, Margaret
Central ME Church named beneficiary on will, 01/04/1935:1
Shing, Lee Guey
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Shing, Toy She
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Shiverick, Samuel
Oak St property for sale (ad), 10/11/1935:12
Nelson Perkins purchases Shiverick property on Oak St, 03/27/1936:12
Shockley, F.A.
Lakeville couple married 56 years, 02/18/1938:7
Shockley, Fred
Lakeville couple married 57 years, 02/24/1939:1
Shockley, Fred A.
Longest serving selectman in Lakeville, 03/06/1936:1
Serves 41 years as Lakeville selectman, 03/06/1936:1
Lakeville couple married 50 years, 02/19/1937:1
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Re-appointed sheriff for six-year term (p), 01/06/1939:1
Lakeville selectman resigns after 43 years of service, 01/20/1939:1
Lakeville sheriff honored for 44 years of service, 06/09/1939:1
Appreciates testimonial, 06/16/1939:1
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Shockley, John
Daughter born, 11/18/1938:7
Shockley, William I.
New Bedford whaling captain found dead, 10/09/1936:1
Shoe Industry
see also Alberts Shoe Co.; G.E. Keith Shoe Co.; John E. Lucey Shoe
Co.; Leonard & Barrows; Morris Shoe Co.; Standard Cut Sole Co.
Parking problem at factories brought to attention of selectmen,
Selectmen discuss problems at local factories, 09/13/1935:1
Shoe findings concern buys Star Mill property, 02/14/1936:1
Plans unchanged for new concern, Wind Innersole Co., 02/21/1936:1
Wind Innersole Co. to start operations here within a few weeks,
Defendants fail to testify in leather theft case, 08/13/1937:1
Public Enemy No. 1 implicated in leather theft, 08/13/1937:1
Shoe Stores
see also Walk-Over Shoe Store; W.S. Andrews & Son
History and profile of White Shoe Store, 01/04/1935:1
Walk-Over Shoe Store (ad), 01/11/1935:8
T.F. Mendall salesman at Walk-Over Shoe Store, 02/15/1935:1
Anderson's, 123 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:10
J.W. Moody, shoe repair (ad), 10/04/1935:10
B. Rossini, shoe repair, 169 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
White Shoe Store, 347 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
J.H. Moody re-opens shoe repair shop, 20 Wareham St (ad),
Phillip Green clerk at Walk-Over Shoe Store, 08/07/1936:6
Central Shoe Hospital, 22 Center St (ad), 08/28/1936:7
Besse & Lang, 29 Center St (ad), 09/18/1936:11
J.F. Moody shoe repairer, 20 Wareham St (ad), 09/18/1936:12
George Stiles joins Lang and Besse at Walk-Over Shoe Store,
Shoe man Paul Mitrakas sells business to Tony Vertucci, returns to
Greece, 03/25/1938:1
Brown Realty Co. to renovate Center St block, W.S. Andrews & Son go
to temporary quarters, 04/01/1938:1
Puritan Shoe Hospital, 22 Center St (ad), 10/28/1938:11
Anthony Vertucco granted permit for sign at shoe repair shop on Center
St, 10/20/1939:1
Three Boston persons arrested for helping themselves at local stores,
Quick action by local police commendable, 12/24/1937:1
Three shoplifters sentenced, 12/24/1937:1
More stolen goods identified, 12/31/1937:1
Two Greater Boston folks sentenced for shoplifting here, 07/01/1938:1
Shore, Louise
Resides in Lynn, 12/20/1935:6
Shores, Albert U.
Obituary, 01/17/1936:1
Shores, Albert Upton
Mansfield man dies at age 71, 01/17/1936:6
Shores, Ruth Carter
Wed to Richard Allen Pierce, 09/09/1938:7
Shorey, Leon
Daughter born, 11/03/1939:6
Shorey, Linda Ann
Born to Leon, 11/03/1939:6
Shorey, Valentine
West Haven, CT girl dies at age 8, 06/14/1935:5
Short, Frank
Strikes head in fall, 08/27/1937:11
Obituary, 09/10/1937:1
Dies at age 85, 09/10/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 12/31/1937:5
Petition for mortgaging real estate, 04/29/1938:6
Short, Henry
Collides with Edmund Delory at John Glass, Jr. Square, 05/07/1937:1
Cranberry worker Tratreault struck and killed by Short's car,
Tetreault death case up October 10th, 10/06/1939:5
Found guilty in death of Oliver Tatrault, 10/13/1939:1
Short, Lewis
Daughter born, 07/08/1938:8
Moves to South Middleboro from the Cape, 09/08/1939:7
Short, Rose Marie
Born to Lewis, 07/08/1938:8
Shuman, Mrs Nelson
Dies in Waldoboro, ME, 09/20/1935:1
Shuman, Mrs Wilfred
Sister-in-law dies in Waldoboro, ME, 09/20/1935:1
Shuman, Wilford
Resides in Boston, 06/26/1936:12
In collision with Brockton driver on Wareham St, 08/21/1936:1
Shuman, Wilford M.
Employed at Free Hospital for Women in Brookline, 11/08/1935:1
Shupe, Charles
Newburyport couple married nine years, 10/07/1938:11
Shurtleff (Mr)
Member of Fish and Game Assoc team baseball champs (p),
Shurtleff, Alfred
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Sells Smith St place, moves to Center St, 08/14/1936:2
Shurtleff, Alice
Engaged to Carlton Hudson, 04/24/1936:1
Shurtleff, Alice E.
Engaged to Carlton DuRoy Hudson, 04/24/1936:7
Engaged to Carleton D. Hudson, 05/01/1936:7
Wed to Carleton D. Hudson, 05/08/1936:7
Shurtleff, Alice Emma
Wedding described, 05/08/1936:1
Wed to Carleton Hudson, 05/08/1936:8
Shurtleff, Archie
Chimney fire at Oak and Frank St, 03/12/1937:1
Shurtleff, Clifford
Daughter born, 04/09/1937:11
Son born, 01/20/1939:11
Shurtleff, David
Starts course of study at New England Welding Laboratories,
Shurtleff, Donald R.
Obituary, 04/09/1937:6
Dies at age 3, 04/09/1937:7
Shurtleff, Edward D.
Obituary, 02/05/1937:3
Shurtleff, Eugene
Son born, 02/11/1938:7
Shurtleff, Franklin Edward
Born to Clifford, 01/20/1939:11
Shurtleff, Fred
Files nomination papers for selectman, 12/18/1936:1
Shurtleff, Fred J.
Daughter born, 04/07/1939:5
Shurtleff, Frederick
New selectman is grandson of Dr. J.F. Shurtleff, 01/22/1937:2
Shurtleff, Frederick J.
Benton St couple married 60 years, biographies, 10/06/1939:1
Obituary, 12/22/1939:3
Dies at age 84, 12/22/1939:5
Shurtleff, George (see George A. Shurtleff & Son)
Shurtleff, George, Jr.
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:7
Shurtleff, Gideon
Biography, 07/24/1936:5
Shurtleff, Harrison
Arrests by local police solve recent breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's,
Allen, Hammond, and Hollis receive sentences for larceny from
Shurtleff's mill, 10/25/1935:1
Files nomination papers for assessor, 12/03/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Shurtleff, Harrison A.
Wed to Marion M. Gifford, 03/15/1935:4
Non-support case filed, 01/28/1938:2
Shurtleff, Harrison, Jr.
Fails to appear on charge of non-support, 12/31/1937:2
Shurtleff, Harry
Son born, 01/06/1939:7
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 07/28/1939:6
Shurtleff, Howard
Moves to Brockton, 08/09/1935:12
Shurtleff, James
Frederick Feas makes public apology for weed bouquet (l),
Shurtleff, James F.
Organizes new local weekly, 02/21/1936:8
New selectman only 26 years old, 01/22/1937:1
Appointed temporary town manager, 03/04/1938:1
Married Thalia Forsberg in May, 09/09/1938:1
Elected chair of Board of Selectmen, 01/27/1939:1
The Spectator comments on new leadership of Board of Selectmen (l),
Move to oust selectmen Shurtleff and Millette, charges laid out,
No mis-statement by Spectator (l), 02/24/1939:3
Recall petitions have more than required number of signatures,
Legality of actions discussed by The Spectator (l), 03/03/1939:2
Concerning recall of selectmen and ouster of fire chief (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 03/03/1939:3
Open letter (l), 03/03/1939:11
New recall papers to be filed, 03/10/1939:1
The Spectator discusses proceedings of recall (l), 03/10/1939:2
New recall affidavits filed, 03/17/1939:1
Recall petitions to be filed, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen set tentative date for recall election, 03/31/1939:1
Recall election not to be taken lightly (l) (The Spectator), 03/31/1939:2
Shurtleff - Millette recall (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 03/31/1939:4
Recall election set for April 25th, 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
Ardent disciple of lower taxes (l) (The Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Confusion among citizens about removal proceedings (l) (The
Spectator), 04/14/1939:2
Warrant for recall election, 04/14/1939:2
An appeal to vote at recall election (l) (Anne C. Wyman), 04/14/1939:3
Hiram Archer opposes recall election (l), 04/14/1939:11
Charles Sherman supports Shurtleff and Millette (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Hiram Archer deplores recall election (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Persistent in efforts to defend himself and Millette (l) (The Spectator),
Elwyn Lynde corrects misstatement (l), 04/21/1939:3
Millette and Shurtleff retained (t), 04/28/1939:1
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
O'Neil claims unfair tactics (l), 05/26/1939:1
Answers charges made by O'Neil (l), 06/02/1939:1
Goodale to oppose in selectman's race, 12/29/1939:1
Shurtleff, Merrill
Aviator forced down by fog, 06/25/1937:1
And Raymond Nourse fly over hurricane-damaged area, 09/30/1938:6
Shurtleff, Merrill A.
Wedding described, 11/26/1937:1
Wed to Dorothy Luce, 11/26/1937:7
Teaches aviation at Ames Airport in North Easton, 05/19/1939:9
Shurtleff, Merrill D.
Granted private pilot's license, 08/07/1936:1
Shurtleff, Mrs Robert
Resides in Hempstead, Long Island, 05/10/1935:1
Shurtleff, Percy W.
Obituary, 11/01/1935:1
North Carver man dies at age 57, 11/01/1935:6
Shurtleff, Robert
Transfers to Grant store in Schenectady, NY, 07/17/1936:12
W.T. Grant manager in Schenectady, NY promoted to Salt Lake City,
UT, 05/27/1938:1
Shurtleff, Virgil William
Obituary, 04/10/1936:1
Shurtleff, William
Biography, 09/20/1935:8
Shurtleff Hardware Store
see also George A. Shurtleff & Son
George Doane estate announces sale to George Shurtleff & Son (ad),
Passing of Doane's hardware store, Middleboro's oldest business
establishment, 09/02/1938:3
Wins Middleboro Softball League championship, 10/13/1939:4
Softball team receives trophy, 10/27/1939:1
List of streets to get new sidewalks, 04/12/1935:1
ERA workers start work on Cambridge, Frank, and Arch St,
West St resident requests regrading of sidewalk, 07/26/1935:8
ERA construction projects near completion, 08/09/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
No money for walk on Wareham St, 08/23/1935:5
LaFramboise asks for repair of walk on West St, 09/13/1935:1
Selectmen approve state construction on Rte 28, 09/13/1935:1
Nothing to be done for LaFramboise, 09/20/1935:5
Selectmen discuss walks along state highways, 09/20/1935:5
Main thoroughfares should have first class sidewalks, 08/07/1936:1
Wood St construction begins, 08/14/1936:1
Anent sidewalks (l) (An Interested Citizen), 09/04/1936:5
WPA projects begin, 09/18/1936:1
WPA workers install walk and curbing on Peirce St, 10/09/1936:1
Alden St walks require attention, 10/09/1936:2
George Dupont requests walk for Alden St, 03/12/1937:7
Bad conditions on Oak St cause fall, 03/19/1937:1
Selectmen receive petitions for School St and Vine St, 04/02/1937:2
Selectmen draft plan for project, 04/09/1937:1
Petition for walk on Coombs St mislaid by selectmen, 04/16/1937:5
Selectmen accept petition for Benton St, 04/16/1937:5
Concrete to be purchases in town, 04/30/1937:5
View of WPA-built walk on Wareham St (p), 05/14/1937:3
Sidewalk and bench at Town House a decided improvement,
Local highway department installs walk at Town House, 05/21/1937:5
Selectmen accept petition for walk on Montello St, 05/21/1937:5
Everett St residents petition for walk, 06/25/1937:2
New asphalt sidewalk improves Webster St (p), 06/25/1937:6
WPA project approved, 07/16/1937:1
Selectmen vote on funds transfers for WPA projects, 11/19/1937:5
Selectmen receive petition for walk on Bourne St, 04/01/1938:3
Mrs E.A. Perkins protests location of walk in North Middleboro,
Selectmen submit new projects to WPA, 05/13/1938:3
Petition for new walk on Keith St, 07/15/1938:2
WPA busy with walk construction, 07/22/1938:1
Reason for Sproat St request (l) (The Spectator), 08/05/1938:2
Selectmen hear petitions for new walks, 08/05/1938:8
Whole heartedly endorse federal project, 08/12/1938:1
Selectmen receive petition for repair on Arch St, 09/30/1938:2
Selectmen okay walk for Wareham St, 11/18/1938:3
List of new WPA construction, 04/07/1939:1
Residents await sidewalk chairs near Town House, 06/16/1939:1
Work begun on South Middleboro walk, 08/18/1939:6
Good progress made in South Middleboro, 09/08/1939:7
Sheiderick requests walk for Mayflower Ave, 10/27/1939:1
Selectmen take no action on request for Rock St, 11/17/1939:1
Mrs Rubin Morris alleges injury from sidewalk defect, 11/24/1939:1
Sidlevicz, John Peter
Petitions for name change to John Peter Wholan, 11/26/1937:5
Siebenshu, Alma
Wed to Solon Johnson, 12/16/1938:3
Signs and Signboards
see also Traffic Signs and Signals
Frank Sarkisian gets permission to erect sign at 139 Center St,
Selectmen okay signs for Moody and Quincy Oil Co., 05/24/1935:1
Thomas Thompson granted permission to erect electric sign,
Harry G. Aston (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Granville Fuller, sign painter (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Old "Waiting Room" sign evokes memories, 10/25/1935:1
Bates School sign needs coat of paint, 04/17/1936:1
No Smoking signs to go up at Town House, 05/01/1936:1
Sign boast Middleboro claim to largest herring run in the world,
Signboards at traffic circle an issue, 06/12/1936:1
Police recommend signs near hospital, 09/11/1936:1
Selectmen grant permits, 09/25/1936:1
New sign for aviators to be painted on roof of Middleboro Motor Sales,
Selectmen refuse billboard request for West Grove St, 10/09/1936:2
Selectmen approve advertising sign east of traffic circle, 10/16/1936:2
Sign for village of North Middleboro to go up at Bedford and Plymouth
St, 10/16/1936:2
Garbage collection man Frank Promades granted permission to erect
sign, 12/11/1936:1
Morris Shoe Co. directional signal to be moved, 02/26/1937:12
Thompson Cafe granted permit to erect neon sign at 16 Wareham St,
James Thompson granted permit to erect sign at 16 Wareham St
business, 04/02/1937:2
Signs explaining story of annual herring visit suggested, 04/23/1937:1
Selectmen grant permission for two signs, 04/30/1937:5
Kay Cut Rate Store granted permit to erect sign, 05/14/1937:5
Paul Horsman granted to permit to erect sign, 05/21/1937:5
William Egger and Gladys Russell granted billboard permits,
Shaw's Radio Service gets permit to erect sign on Center St,
Charles Bourne gets permit to erect sign at 21 North St, 11/19/1937:5
Selectmen approve new sign for Thompson & Son, 12/17/1937:8
Selectmen discuss billboard requests, 12/31/1937:5
Selectmen table decision on billboard on Pine St, 04/01/1938:3
Selectmen discuss placement of school signs, 05/20/1938:3
Selectmen okay sign for Egger on South Main St, 05/20/1938:3
Benny's Auto Store given permit to erect sign on Center St,
DeVinny's Greenhouses granted permit to erect sign at Oak and Center
St, 10/07/1938:2
Selectmen okay signs for Cleverly's Market and the Kay Cut Rate Store,
Suggestion made for "Welcome" sign for town, 03/10/1939:1
Selectmen not opposed to advertising sign on Rte 28, 04/14/1939:1
Cabot Club and Garden Club object to billboards along Middleboro
highways, 04/28/1939:1
Herring sign gives wrong idea about Middleboro, 05/19/1939:1
Selectmen not responsible for outdoor ad signs (l) (The Spectator),
Anthony Vertucco granted permit for sign at shoe repair shop on Center
St, 10/20/1939:1
Selectmen to address Middleboro Theatre request for neon sign,
Permission for Middleboro Theatre neon sign denied, 11/10/1939:7
Middleboro Theatre submits another application for neon sign,
Theatre sign still bothers selectmen, 11/24/1939:1
Sigsworth, John
Green family purchases Sigsworth farm on Mill St, 05/19/1939:9
Siller, Edward A.
Engaged to Irene Williams, 05/28/1937:7
Wed to Irene Williams, 06/11/1937:7
Silva, Frank
David Duarte held on $1,000 bond for recent break-ins, 02/05/1937:1
Silva, Idalina G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/21/1935:11
Silva, Jerome
Son born, 09/17/1937:7, 10/06/1939:7
Silva, John
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:4
Silva, John J.
Engaged to Mary Perangelo, 05/26/1939:5
Silva, John S.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/21/1935:11
Silva, Joseph
Daughter born, 08/16/1935:6
Silva, Joseph T.
Engaged to Alice A. Sylvester, 01/25/1935:4
Silva, Louisa
Wed to Peter Varela, 11/22/1935:11
Silva, Manuel
Struck and killed by Lowell driver on West Grove St, 02/12/1937:1
Dies at age 74, 02/12/1937:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Petition for probate of will, 03/05/1937:7
Driver in fatal accident fined $100, 06/25/1937:2
Silva, Manuel L.
Petition for probate of will, 02/26/1937:7
Silva, Manuel P.
Engaged to Dominga Barrows, 12/30/1938:7
Silva, Philip
Daughter born, 06/16/1939:5
Silva, Philip J.
Engaged to Pearl E. Hodgdon, 01/01/1937:6
Silva, Philip S.
Wed to Pearl E. Hodgdon, 01/08/1937:6
Silva, Phillip
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/23/1935:7
Discharged on non-support case, 09/06/1935:11
Silva, Theresa
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 08/23/1935:7
Silva, Theresa R.
Wed to Clarence M. Wixon, 01/06/1939:7
Silva, Theresa Rose
Engaged to Clarence M. Wixon, 12/30/1938:7
Silveira, Anna Bettencourt
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:9
Silver, Grace
Wed to John Barboza, 01/18/1935:7
Silver, Joseph G.
Petition for probate of will, 01/20/1939:5
Silveria, Dorothy
Wed to Charles Kirkell, 02/11/1938:11
Silveria, Grace D.
Engaged to Casimir Kirkell, 01/21/1938:7
Wed to Casimir Kirkell, 02/11/1938:7
Silveria, Grace Dorothy
Engaged to Charles Kirkell, 01/28/1938:8
Silveria, Rose
Dies in West Bridgewater, 11/24/1939:6
Silvia, Fannie E.
Engaged to Harland I. Standish, 12/13/1935:6
Silvia, Francis J.
Engaged to Elizabeth M. Sullivan, 06/07/1935:6
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Wed to Elizabeth M. Sullivan, 06/14/1935:6
Silvia, Frank E.
Engaged to Mary Gioanoni, 12/20/1935:6
Wed to Mary Giovanoni, 12/27/1935:6
Silvia, Franklin
Daughter born, 07/29/1938:7
Manager of W.T. Grant store in Stamford, CT, 08/19/1938:11
Silvia, Henry
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Silvia, James
Son born, 05/12/1939:5
Silvia, John
Accepts post with W.T. Grant Co. in Jersey City, 08/14/1936:7
Injured in fall down elevator shaft at Lucey Shoe Co., 04/22/1938:1
Silvia, Joseph
Daughter born, 10/25/1935:6
Fire destroys Kingman St farmhouse, 08/13/1937:1
Daughter born, 06/09/1939:5
Silvia, Joseph, Jr.
Engaged to Ellen G. Pierce, 04/26/1935:4
Wed to Ellen G. Pierce, 05/03/1935:4
Silvia, M. James
Liquor license application, 04/19/1935:7
Selectmen refuse application for liquor license, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen do not reconsider liquor license application, 05/24/1935:1
Silvia, Manuel J.
Toastmaster at IORM - Nemasket Tribe 50th anniversary celebration
(p), 06/02/1939:1
Silvia, Mary D.
Injured in auto crash at Rock, 06/16/1939:7
Silvia, Mary E.
Engaged to Abraham J. Delory, 10/14/1938:7
Silvia, Mrs M.J.
Employed in office of Judge Sullivan, 07/17/1936:12
Silvia, Rose E.
Wed to Merle L. Pratt, 07/09/1937:7
Simas, Manuel Duarte
Arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Simkus, Mrs Frank
Clerk at Vogue Dress Shoppe, 03/05/1937:2
Simmons, Abbie Lincoln Jenks
Obituary, 05/21/1937:1
Simmons, Anna L.
Obituary, 05/19/1939:1
Wife of Henry dies at age 79, 05/19/1939:5
Simmons, Franklin
Son born, 03/20/1936:8
Simmons, G.M.
Wood (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Simmons, Helen E.
Wed to Joseph W. Bradford, 07/03/1936:11
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:11
Simmons, Lillian Bisson
Engaged to Ralph L. Oliver, 11/15/1935:6
Wed to Ralph L. Oliver, 11/22/1935:6
Simonds, Elnora
Wed to Frank L. Green, 04/26/1935:4
Simonds, Elnora F.
Wed to Frank A. Green, 04/26/1935:4
Simonds, Elnora Frances
Wedding described, 04/26/1935:1
Simpkins (Mrs)
Resides in Belmont, 09/18/1936:12
Simpson, Annie L.
Obituary, 10/21/1938:1
Dies at age 78, 10/21/1938:7
Simpson, Irving
Son born, 12/03/1937:11
Simpson, Mary Peterson
Son born, 12/03/1937:11
Simus, Davis Duarte
Arrested after series of break-ins, 01/29/1937:1
Singleton, Henry
Obituary, 11/19/1937:1
Dies at age 59, 11/19/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 12/03/1937:7
Singleton, Mrs Henry
Moves back to New Bedford, 05/20/1938:4
Sinoski, Joseph L.
Engaged to Mary N. Cronan, 10/07/1938:7
Sinoski, Stanley
Liquor license application appealed, 03/08/1935:2
Loses appeal for liquor license, 03/15/1935:1
Pleads not guilty to reckless driving and drunkenness, 11/27/1936:2
Two hurt when car tips over on Summer St, 11/27/1936:11
Not guilty of drunk driving, 02/19/1937:1
Guilty of criminal trespass, 08/18/1939:1
Sipolin, Mary
Attends Boston University, 04/19/1935:1
Sipolin, Rose
Resides in New Britain, CT, 07/07/1939:4
Sisson ( Police Chief)
Kills fox in barn with farming implement, 07/26/1935:12
Sisson, Albert A.
Obituary, 01/17/1936:1
Dies at age 76, 01/17/1936:6
Administratrix presents account of estate, 06/25/1937:5
Sisson, Edward Perry
Sisson triplets re-united (p), 08/21/1936:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Sisson, Elmer
Employs Arthur Carr at garage, 10/25/1935:11
Boston autoist strikes pump at Sisson's filling station, 07/10/1936:2
Armed man takes $29 in holdup at Sisson's filling station, 09/04/1936:1
Holdup bandits identified by victims, 10/02/1936:1
Sisson, Elmer E.
Nine-year-old Mildred Thompson injured by Sisson's school bus,
Sisson, Mason Corey
Sisson triplets re-united (p), 08/21/1936:1
Sisson, Phil
Dog trees 18-lb. coon, 11/08/1935:1
Sisson, Philip
Sisson triplets re-united (p), 08/21/1936:1
Police investigate poultry theft, 09/10/1937:1
Several turtles found with carved dates on East Grove St farm,
Sisson, Philip, Jr.
Sisson triplets re-united (p), 08/21/1936:1
Sisson, Phillip
Lightning strikes East Grove St house, 06/21/1935:1
Local firemen's home destroyed by flames, 07/23/1937:1
Sisson, Sarah F.
Obituary, 11/20/1936:1
Dies at age 77, 11/20/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 09/15/1939:7
Sisson's Greenhouse
East Grove St (ad), 05/08/1936:12
see also Middleboro Community Skating Club
South Middleboro folks enjoy sport, 01/03/1936:2
Ernest Pratt donates land for skating arena on East Main St,
Large group organizes Middleboro Community Skating Club,
South Middleboro young people enjoy first of season, 12/04/1936:5
Middleboro Skating Club membership at well over 400, 12/11/1936:1
Middleboro Skating Club has more than 500 members, solicits more,
Sturtevant's pond popular spot, 02/12/1937:8
Ice on Rock pond for first time this season, 02/12/1937:11
North Middleboro folks enjoy skating at Sturtevant's pond,
Selectman suggests rink at playground, 11/10/1939:2
Skelton, Mrs James
Purchases Albert Penniman house, 08/18/1939:8
Skelton, Susie
Occupies newly renovated Fuller St home, 09/29/1939:4
Skerrye, Philip B.
Takes Guild's place in high school English department, 04/08/1938:8
Coman and Norris top first skiing event held here, 01/21/1938:6
Skillings, Colby R.
Obituary, 02/10/1939:1
Dies at age 85, 02/10/1939:7
Slaney, Ann Elizabeth
Wedding described, 07/30/1937:11
Slater (Mr)
Purchases Fiske property on Bedford St, 09/18/1936:6
Slater, Albert
Engaged to Hilda Crowther, 05/28/1937:11
And bride reside on Bedford St, 06/25/1937:11
Slater, Alfred
Wedding described, 06/11/1937:11
Slater, Hilda
Wife of Albert dies at age 27, 08/11/1939:5
Obituary, 08/11/1939:8
Slater, Mrs Alfred
Employed in New Bedford, 07/30/1937:8
Slattery, Barbara M.
Wed to Albert E. Fawcett, Jr., 02/12/1937:6
Sledding (see Coasting)
Sleighs and Sleighing
Charles Clark, daytime sleigh rides (ad), 02/01/1935:8
One of first pung rides of season enjoyed by sanatorium group,
Sloan, Arnold
Guilty of assault on wife Maude, 03/31/1939:8
Held for grand jury on statutory charge, 04/14/1939:1
Sentenced on statutory charge, 06/16/1939:6
Sloan, Arnold W.
Wed to Maude E. Moore, 09/04/1936:7
Sloan, Arthur
Chimney fire on Oak St, 02/26/1937:1
Sloan, Eldon L.
Graduates from Classical High School of Worcester, 06/24/1938:1
Sloat, Arthur
Engaged to Thelma Quinn, 02/12/1937:8, 04/09/1937:8
Sloat, C. Arthur
Engaged to Thelma Ruth Quinn, 10/16/1936:11
Wedding described, 04/23/1937:1
Sloat, George W.
Eighty-six-year-old claims 84-year-old bride, 04/16/1937:1
Sloat, Mrs Arthur
Resides in Marion, 06/18/1937:11, 12/24/1937:11
Slocum, Edward B.
South Carver man dies, 03/15/1935:2
Slocum, Katherine
Dies in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Slocum, Kaye
Jackson manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
McFarlin manslaughter case stemming from fatal accident continued,
McFarlin acquitted and Jackson held for grand jury in trial of fatal
accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
Warren Jackson gets jail sentence in auto fatality case, 11/01/1935:2
Slugg, Edward
Obituary, 01/10/1936:11
Remembered by Henry Griffith, 01/10/1936:11
Slugg, Sara A.
Obituary, 09/25/1936:8, 10/02/1936:11
Slugg, Sara Anne
Petition for probate of will, 10/02/1936:7
Slugg, Sarah Annie
Obituary, 09/18/1936:11
Small (Mr and Mrs)
Son born, 07/07/1939:5
Small, Barbara D.
Wed to James H. Leach, 05/15/1936:7
Small, Eileen E.
Files morals charge against Maurice Lawrence, 09/29/1939:8
Lawrence morals case continued, 10/06/1939:4
Maurice Lawrence discharged due to lack of prosecution, 10/13/1939:8
Small, Evelyn
Wedding described, 01/27/1939:3
Wed to Roy Vickery, 01/27/1939:7
Small, Evelyn L.
Engaged to Roy B. Vickery, 01/20/1939:7
Small, Guy V.
Obituary, 05/27/1938:2
Small, Jennie
Obituary, 03/19/1937:11
Small, Lawrence
Moves to Miller St, 08/21/1936:8
Small, Mrs E.A.
Resides in Bridgewater, 01/04/1935:8
Small, Mrs Thomas
Resides in Hyannisport, 11/18/1938:2
Small, Thomas
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Funeral held in Dennisport, 09/01/1939:7
Small, Thomas F.
Sells South Middleboro house, moves to Dennisport, 10/22/1937:11
Small Pox
Epidemic of 1777 and 1778, 11/06/1936:5
Smalley, Edna L.
Obituary, 08/14/1936:1
Wife of Edwin, Jr. dies at age 34, 08/14/1936:7
Smalley, Edwin
Cross St couple married 50 years, 06/25/1937:1
Smarsh, Annie
High school valedictory and salutatory addresses, 06/18/1937:3
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Attends Bridgewater State, 09/24/1937:1
Smarsh, Eva
Enters Newark City hospital nurse's training in New Jersey,
Student nurse at Newark City hospital in NJ, 04/03/1936:12
Member of 50th class to graduate from Newark City Hospital School of
Nurses, 06/17/1938:1
Smith (Miss)
Wed to Ray Gould, 11/18/1938:2
Smith, A. Gerald
Obituary, 06/03/1938:1
Dies at age 71, 06/03/1938:7
Smith, A. Gordon
Son born, 09/01/1939:5
Smith, A Tremaine
Employs Roy Vickery, 07/19/1935:2
Smith, A. Vincent
Protect your child from diphtheria (ad), 03/15/1935:6
Application for gasoline license, 01/31/1936:7
Granted gasoline permit, 02/14/1936:1
Seeks seat on Board of Selectmen, 12/24/1937:1
Explains reasons for seeking office (l) (p), 01/07/1938:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/14/1938:12
Recount petition filed on behalf of (l), 01/21/1938:1
Smith, Abner
Brief glimpse of the candidate for planning board, 01/11/1935:1
Smith, Ada J.
Resides in Holyoke, 11/05/1937:1
Smith, Adolphus Gerald
Petition for probate of will, 03/17/1939:12
Smith, Allan Thomas
Born to Paul, 10/29/1937:11
Smith, Archer
Instructor at RCA Institute in New York City, 12/02/1938:1
Smith, Arthur
Breaks leg in fall on ice, 01/28/1938:5
Smith, Arthur L.
Breaks leg in fall on ice, 04/01/1938:4
Sells filling station, grocery store to Harold Pratt, 10/28/1938:1
Smith, A.T.
On horse buying trip to Illinois and Indiana, 03/19/1937:11
Smith, Bertha E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/10/1936:7
Wedding described, 01/08/1937:1
Smith, Caroline
Begins studies at Modern School of Applied Arts in Boston,
Smith, Catherine
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/09/1935:6
Smith, Celia
Resides in Dedham, 11/27/1936:12
Smith, Charlotte M.
Engaged to Vernon A. Smith, 10/18/1935:12, 03/20/1936:6
Wedding described, 03/27/1936:1
Wed to Vernon A. Smith, 03/27/1936:6
Smith, Chester
Chimney fire in South Middleboro, 03/29/1935:1
Smith, Clarence
Vaughan St couple married 11 years, 06/11/1937:11
Employed at State Farm, 08/27/1937:11
Burial at Central Cemetery in Carver, 03/25/1938:8
Smith, David G.
Wedding described, 10/04/1935:7
Smith, Doris
Employed at Lucy Braley's Candy Kitchen, takes course at Fanny
Farmer's in Boston, 10/14/1938:11
Smith, Elizabeth
Attends Wheaton College, 12/25/1936:1
Smith, Everett
Obituary, 01/22/1937:1
Dies in Brockton at age 54, 01/22/1937:6
Smith, Florence L.
Obituary, 05/24/1935:1
Wife of Norman C. dies at age 55, 05/24/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 06/07/1935:7
High school alumni association passes resolutions upon death,
Smith, Forrest
Injured loading truck, 04/24/1936:6
Smith, Frances W.
Wed to Charles S. Wilbur, 03/05/1937:11
Smith, Gordon
Engaged to Doris Chase, 06/12/1936:5
Engaged to Doris P. Chase, 06/26/1936:5
Smith, Gordon W.
Teaches at Colby College, 03/29/1935:6
Studies at Middlebury College, 06/28/1935:8
Promoted to Assistant Professor of Modern Languages at Colby
College, 07/02/1937:8
Smith, Gordon Winslow
Wedding described, 09/04/1936:1
Smith, Grace Thomas
Missionary dies in China, 08/11/1939:7
Smith, Harry L.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1
Dies at age 76, 01/04/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 01/18/1935:6
Smith, Henry Dexter
Obituary, 12/13/1935:1
Smith, Julian
Wedding described, 07/12/1935:1
Smith, Kitty
Resides in Wareham, 03/26/1937:11
Smith, Lawrence
And father S. Forrest purchase Eaton's Express, 02/07/1936:1
Head of Eaton's Express, 09/01/1939:4
Smith, Lawrence S.
Wedding described, 04/17/1936:1
Loses delivery truck to fire, 05/12/1939:1
Smith, Lemira
Resumes teaching in Plainville, 09/13/1935:1
Collides with Harold Gates on Summer St, 10/04/1935:2
Named to teaching post in Plymouth, 08/13/1937:1
Smith, Lois Chase
Obituary, 02/21/1936:1
Dies at age 92, 02/21/1936:6
Smith, Mary A.
Obituary, 01/24/1936:1
Dies at age 84, 01/24/1936:6
Smith, Melvin
Attends Northeastern University, 09/25/1936:2
Graduates from Wentworth Institute, employed at Woods Hole,
Resides in Woods Hole, 07/16/1937:2
Employed at Woods Hole, 06/17/1938:11
Smith, Minnie L.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 03/19/1937:1
Wife of George dies at age 54, 03/19/1937:6
Smith, Mrs J.A.B.
Resides in New York City, 05/10/1935:1
Smith, N. Marie
Obituary, 10/01/1937:1
Acushnet woman dies at age 91, 10/01/1937:7
Smith, Norma
Engaged to Forrest Perkins, 10/04/1935:6
Smith, Norma E.
Engaged to Forrest Perkins, 08/16/1935:2
Wedding described, 10/11/1935:1
Engaged to Forrest R. Perkins, 10/11/1935:6
Wed to Forrest R. Perkins, 10/11/1935:6
Smith, Norman C.
Petition for administration of estate, 12/08/1939:8
Smith, Norman Campbell
Obituary, 11/17/1939:4
Smith, Paul
Resides in Brockton, 12/06/1935:7
Son born, 10/29/1937:11
Smith, Philip
Moves to Carver tenement on Pleasant St, 01/06/1939:11
Smith, Rae
Four-year-old struck by Howard Nickerson on Center St, 01/27/1939:1
Smith, Robert
Son born, 03/20/1936:6
Art work included in New York exhibition, 03/04/1938:1
Smith, Robert B.
Engaged to Virginia Cunningham, 02/01/1935:4
Wedding described, 02/22/1935:1
Wed to Virginia Cunningham, 02/22/1935:4
Smith, Ruth A.
Employed in West Roxbury, 03/19/1937:11
Smith, Ruth Alice
Engaged to Everett Collins, 12/15/1939:1
Smith, S. Forrest
And son Lawrence purchase Eaton's Express, 02/07/1936:1
Eaton's Express, S. Forrest Smith & Son, 4 Pearl St (ad), 02/28/1936:5
Smith, Samuel C.
Obituary, 09/18/1936:1
Dies at age 83, 09/18/1936:7
Smith, Sarah
Obituary, 05/13/1938:1
Smith, Seymour
Resides in Syracuse, NY, 06/26/1936:12
Resides in Cortland, NY, 03/10/1939:1
Smith, Sterling
Wedding described, 07/29/1938:1
Smith, Steve
Gets 10 days for drunkenness, 07/14/1939:3
Smith, Tremaine
Grass fire on Benson St, 03/29/1935:1
Smith, Vernon A.
Engaged to Charlotte M. Smith, 10/18/1935:12, 03/20/1936:6
Wedding described, 03/27/1936:1
Wed to Charlotte M. Smith, 03/27/1936:6
Smith, Virginia C.
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:8
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Smith, Virginia Cunningham
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Strongest candidate for School Committee (l) (The Spectator),
Candidate for School Committee, biography, 12/29/1939:4
Smith, Virginia Lee
Attends Vassar College, 03/27/1936:12
Vassar graduate to study in France (p), 06/17/1938:1
Sails for three-month of travel, then year of study in Europe,
Smith, Walter
Icy conditions send auto into fence on Center St, 03/01/1935:2
Smith, William
Excavations for bungalow begin on Precinct St, 07/09/1937:5
Smith Dancing School
All types of stage work (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Smith's Radio Shop
William A. Smith, South Main St (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Now located at 5 Center St (ad), 12/03/1937:12
Smoking (see Tobacco Industry)
Snell, Mrs Ernest
Obituary, 01/21/1938:8
Snell, Nettie I.
Tax collector's sale, 04/24/1936:6
Snow, Earl
Daughter born, 07/24/1936:7
Snow, M.A.
We the People (l), 02/04/1938:8
Snow, Marshall A.
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Snow, Martha
Resides in Washington, DC, 08/29/1935:12
Snow, Mrs Marshall
Marion cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Snow, Sallie Elizabeth
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:2
Snow Removal
Citizens should be proud of street department, 02/01/1935:1
Not handled well in last storm, 02/21/1936:1
Selectmen discuss budget, 02/21/1936:1
Plows start operating after selectmen's meeting, 02/21/1936:11
Failure to plow at onset of recent storm is cause of electrical problems,
Public Works department gives instruction to plow operators,
Public Works to be responsible for four highways in and around town,
Jeffry Hebert concludes work with Board of Health and snow plow,
Selectmen hear request for new equipment, 11/12/1937:5
Youngsters earn pocket money shoveling snow, 01/21/1938:1
Overdrawn Highway Department account will affect snow removal,
Latest snow storm costs town $1,016.92, 03/24/1939:1
Snowdale, Jeanette
Piano accordion and piano classes (ad), 08/26/1938:7
Snowden, Herbert
Daughter born, 12/01/1939:5
Snowden, Herbert F.
Engaged to Bertha Bumpus, 04/21/1939:5
Wedding described, 04/28/1939:1
Wed to Bertha Bumpus, 04/28/1939:5
Snowden, Merton
Daughter born, 11/01/1935:6
Snowden, Raymond
Fred Galfre saves overturned canoeist, 07/14/1939:5
Snowe, Merreta M.
Administrator petitions for distribution of balance of estate,
New league organizes here, 06/10/1938:6
Leagues organizes here, 05/12/1939:4
Middleboro Softball League schedule (t), 05/19/1939:4
Final league batting averages (t), 09/29/1939:4
Shurtleff Hardware wins Middleboro League championship,
Shurtleff's championship team receives trophy, 10/27/1939:1
Solandt, Andrew
Rochester-Lakeville pastor given farewell reception, 09/13/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Solandt, A.W.
Lakeville couple married seven years, 04/12/1935:4
Solewski, Gertrude V.
Wed to John E. Donovan, 08/21/1936:7
Solmonsom, Frederick W.
West Roxbury man dies of exposure, 12/04/1936:1
Solomon, Florence
Resides in Boston, 10/30/1936:5, 11/13/1936:11, 01/22/1937:2
Solomon, William
Moves to Smith St, 06/12/1936:2
Somaruga, Lena
Engaged to William Gauthier, 11/06/1936:1
Somerski, John
Chimney fire in Lakeville, 03/22/1935:1
Somerskill, John
Obituary, 12/13/1935:1
Dies at age 75, 12/13/1935:6
Sons of the American Legion
Impressive ceremonies for induction of officers (p), 10/08/1937:1
Sons of Veterans
Holds memorial service at Central Baptist, 05/29/1936:5
Sopa, Theodore
Son born, 03/10/1939:7
Soper, George
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Probation case filed, 05/05/1939:2
Soper, George F.
Warned of future penalties, 08/11/1939:3
Soper, George M.
Gets 20 days for drunk driving, 07/21/1939:3
Souci, Henry
Bigamist in court here, 08/04/1939:4
Souci, Joseph
Fall River man dies at age 72, 07/19/1935:6
Soucie, Henry
Bigamist instructed to present divorce papers to judge, 07/21/1939:5
Soule (Mr)
Employs Lydia Phillips, 06/19/1936:12
Soule, Albert
Son born, 08/07/1936:7
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Soule, Albert F.
Purchases Braley homestead at North and Oak St, 05/06/1938:6
Housewarming at new residence on North St, 07/15/1938:1
Soule, Albert F., Jr.
To receive Eagle Scout award (p), 02/05/1937:1
Scout attends Annawon Council National Jamboree (p), 07/02/1937:1
Scout completes 430 miles of hiking for merit badge, 05/13/1938:12
Soule, Barbara
Begins studies at Chandler Secretarial school, 09/15/1939:1
Soule, Edwin G.
Burial at Rock Cemetery, 11/27/1936:5
Soule, George H.S.
Sister dies in Bermuda, 12/17/1937:8
Soule, George W.
Obituary, 07/24/1936:1
Whitman man dies at age 81, 07/24/1936:7
Soule, Henry
Caught on Onset Island during hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Soule, James
Land deeded to Ye Military Company of Middleboro in 1717,
Soule, Lucelia F.
Undertaking business of late husband to continue (ad), 09/18/1936:12
Soule, Mabel S.
Dies in Bermuda, 12/17/1937:8
Funeral held in Plympton, 12/24/1937:7
Soule, Mildred
Teaches in Milton, 04/26/1935:1
Resides in Boston, 03/13/1936:12
Resumes teaching in Milton, 09/10/1937:6
Employed at W.T. Grant, 07/07/1939:4
Resigns from W.T. Grant store to attend Burdett College, 09/01/1939:8
Attends Burdett College, 09/29/1939:4
Soule, Mrs William L.
Presents painting of church to First Congregational, 01/15/1937:1
Soule, Ralph
Daughter born, 05/15/1936:7
Soule, Roger
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Outstanding Scout to be Town manager for a day (p), 03/19/1937:1
Soule, Roger E.
Earns Eagle Scout award (p), 02/11/1938:1
Soule, Thomas
Old landmark razed, formerly site of carriage business, 07/22/1938:1
Soule, Walter
Employed at Middleboro Theatre, 07/07/1939:4
Soule, William L.
see also Soule's Undertaking Establishment
Business requested to close during funeral, 08/28/1936:1
Succumbs to heart attack in 73rd year, obituary (p), 08/28/1936:1
Petition for probate of will, 09/11/1936:2
Unitarian church, St. Luke's, and Montgomery Home beneficiaries of
will, 10/16/1936:1
Soule, William Lewis
Dies at age 73, 08/28/1936:7
Soule, Wm. L.
Soule's Undertaking Establishment, 14 South Main St (ad),
Soule Street School
Mildred Bowman replaces Margaret Sullivan, 06/14/1935:1
Soule Undertaking Establishment
New manager Hayward takes over Soule Undertaking, new name
Soule-Hayward Co., 01/08/1937:2
Soule-Hayward Co.
New manager Hayward takes over Soule Undertaking, new name
Soule-Hayward Co., 01/08/1937:2
To furnish invalid coach service, 02/05/1937:7
Corner of Oak and High St (ad), 02/12/1937:6
Opening of new funeral home, 02/19/1937:1
Holds inspection of new ambulance, 03/26/1937:1
Open letter denies rumors concerning sale of late Soule's businesses (l)
(Clarence H. Hayward), 04/09/1937:1
Baby boy delivered in ambulance, 09/03/1937:1
Soule's Furniture Store
Flooring covering sale (ad), 03/08/1935:8
Employs Lydia Phillips, 07/05/1935:1
Under new ownership, 02/26/1937:1
Public auction of high grade new furniture (ad), 04/02/1937:12
Open letter denies rumors concerning sale of late Soule's businesses (l)
(Clarence H. Hayward), 04/09/1937:1
Fire in shed behind building on South Main St, 08/06/1937:1
Fire under investigation, 08/06/1937:1
Liquidation sale (ad), 10/01/1937:12
Soule's Undertaking Establishment
14 South Main St (ad), 01/04/1935:4
Hires George Robbins, 01/17/1936:11
George Robbins resigns, 08/07/1936:8
Undertaking business to continue (ad), 09/18/1936:12
Hires Clarence Hayward, 01/01/1937:1
C.H. Hayward manager (ad), 01/08/1937:6
Open letter denies rumors concerning sale of late Soule's businesses (l)
(Clarence H. Hayward), 04/09/1937:1
Sousa, Alfred M.
Proprietor of Alfred's Beauty Shop, 111 Centre St (ad), 01/15/1937:6
Sousa, Cesar
Engaged to Charlotte E. DeMoranville, 11/10/1939:4
Occupies Westgate house on Smith St, 11/17/1939:6
Wedding described, 11/17/1939:7
Wed to Charlotte E. DeMoranville, 11/24/1939:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Sousa, Charles
Daughter born, 03/27/1936:6
Sousa, Charles H.
Collides with Kinsmans' milk truck at Oak and High St, 06/19/1936:1
Sousa, Francis
Employed in Barnstable, 10/23/1936:6
Sousa, Manuel
Son born, 05/10/1935:4
Sousa, Mary Fred
Engaged to Frank E. Leighton, 03/20/1936:6
South America (see Americas)
South Lakeville Community Baptist Church (see Community Baptist
Church of South Lakeville)
South Middleboro Cemetery
Holds annual meeting, 04/17/1936:11
Association elects officer, 04/15/1938:8
Holds annual meeting, 04/14/1939:8
South Middleboro Dairy
Employs Norman Rudolph, 01/03/1936:2
South Middleboro Improvement Association
Finch re-elected to head group, 12/22/1939:1
South Middleboro Methodist Episcopal Church
History of ladies Aid Society, 04/26/1935:7
Purchases mimeograph machine, 06/21/1935:11
Rev Ensworth Reisner to return for another year, 06/21/1935:11
Receives altar cloth and hangings in memory of Mrs Frank Woodhead,
Presents annual choir concert, 08/02/1935:5
Rev Reisner institutes lending library, 08/16/1935:11
New hymnals purchased, 10/11/1935:5
Impressive service for dedication of new hymnals, 11/01/1935:11
Pastor Ensworth Reisner resigns, 05/15/1936:5
Choir gives 7th annual concert, 07/31/1936:1
Choir concert program, 07/31/1936:11
Work starts on new ceiling, 08/28/1936:2
New electric light fixtures installed in auditorium, 12/04/1936:5
Holds rededication service, 03/26/1937:11
Church completes re-dedication services series, 04/16/1937:2
Holds 18th annual summer concert, 07/30/1937:1
Mr and Mrs Henry Burkland give church inscription dedicated to Emma
Gammons, 09/03/1937:11
Holds annual meeting, 06/10/1938:11
Choir presents 19th annual summer concert, 06/17/1938:11
Choir program of rare excellence, 06/24/1938:7
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 11/18/1938:5
Whitman Higgins new superintendent, 03/31/1939:5
Melvin Matthews appointed janitor, 05/12/1939:9
Rev Keith Avery moves into parsonage, Rev Dunn moves to Falmouth,
Church bell rope replaced, 09/22/1939:9
South Middleboro Parent Teacher Association
Celebrates 14th anniversary, 01/17/1936:11
South Middleboro Railroad Station
Closing of station leaves South Middleboro without public
transportation, 07/22/1938:11
Now closed, 12/23/1938:4
South Middleboro School
Chronicle of school days by Jennie Phillips, 04/19/1935:7
Elsie Cahoon transfers to Union Street School, replaced by Hazel Long,
Enrollment at 37, 10/02/1936:5
Grounds cleaned of stones, highway graded, 10/16/1936:2
Florence Wilbur donates Victrola to school, 11/27/1936:5
Enrollment at 33, 09/17/1937:11
Requests donation of couch, 11/19/1937:1
Melvin Matthews janitor, 09/22/1939:9
Southard, Doris M.
Engaged to Raymond A. Struck, 05/05/1939:5
Wed to Raymond Struck, 05/12/1939:5
Southwick, Fred
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Southwick, Helen
Cars completely demolished in Cape road accident, 09/03/1937:1
Southwick, Melvin
Arrives safely in Shanghai, China, 12/10/1937:1
Southwick, M.L.
Launches new sailboat on the Yangtze River, 07/19/1935:11
Southwick, Robert
Employed at sanatorium, 01/22/1937:5
Southworth, Anna A.
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Dies at age 95, 04/01/1938:7
Southworth, Arthur E.
Obituary, 03/17/1939:1
Southworth, Dorothy E.
Engaged to Arthur Mott, 07/26/1935:6
Engaged to Arthur W. Mott, 01/10/1936:6
Wed to Arthur W. Mott, 01/24/1936:6
Southworth, Dorothy Edith
Engaged to Arthur W. Mott, Jr., 05/24/1935:1
Southworth, Edwin
Bedford St couple married 22 years, 01/15/1937:8
Employed at New Bedford Pumping Station in Freetown, 07/02/1937:5
Moves to Taunton, 08/26/1938:11
Southworth, Frank
Obituary, 09/24/1937:11
Southworth, Hannah
Petition for probate of will, 05/20/1938:11
Southworth, Henry
Funeral held in Taunton, 08/23/1935:11
Southworth, Herbert A.
Obituary, 04/02/1937:1
Dies at age 65, 04/02/1937:7
Southworth, Philander
Leonard Barnes arrested for breaking into barn, 09/27/1935:1
Barnes burglary case continued, 10/04/1935:2
Leonard Barnes gets one year probation, 10/11/1935:2
Southworth, Rodney
Resides in Providence, RI, 07/24/1936:5, 06/04/1937:11
Graduates from Northeastern, 06/23/1939:9
Southworth, Rodney C.
On honor list at Northeastern University law school, 10/02/1936:6
Souza, Alfred
Daughter born, 01/07/1938:7
Souza, Francis
Bedford St couple married one year, 08/13/1937:11
Souza, Gilbert
Tractor starts fire in wood pile, 05/13/1938:11
Souza, Gus
Pearl St couple married 25 years, 11/26/1937:2
Souza, John P.
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
Dies at age 22, 01/25/1935:4
Souza, M. Francis
Moves to Cudworth house on Long Point Rd, 04/29/1938:4
Employed at Maher's garage, 09/01/1939:2
Souza, M. Frank
Long Point Rd couple married two years, 08/12/1938:11
Souza, Mary
Resides in New Bedford, 08/12/1938:11
Sowerby, Gilbert
Charged with peddling without a license, 10/04/1935:2
Sowerby, Roy A.
Engaged to Bertha A. Weld, 03/12/1937:1
Sowyrda, Theodora
Passes Civil Service exam, assigned to post in Westfield, 03/03/1939:11
Sowyrda, Walter
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Spack, Max C.
Held for grand jury in mill break, 05/12/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Spack, Max G.
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at Washburn grain mill,
Spafford, Viola
In alleged suicide pact with Henry Geiser, 05/26/1939:6
Spalding, Doris E.
Engaged to Caleb H. Thomas, 02/10/1939:7
Spalding, Doris S.
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:1
Wed to Caleb H. Thomas, 02/17/1939:7
Sparling, Clyde V.
Resides in New York, 07/26/1935:8
Sparold, John
Dies in Medford, 11/29/1935:5
Sparrow, Albert
Struck by auto driven by James McMahon, 11/11/1938:1
Sparrow, Emma J.
Obituary, 03/18/1938:1
Dies at age 81, 03/18/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 03/25/1938:11
Sparrow, Harry P.
Trustees present account of estate, 02/11/1938:8
Sparrow, Ivan
Son born, 11/26/1937:7, 11/26/1937:11, 12/03/1937:8
Purchases home on Barrows St, 08/05/1938:1
Moves from Keith Ave to Middleboro, 08/05/1938:11
Employed at Farm Services store, 09/23/1938:1
Sparrow, James P.
Cellar cleaning, painting, and varnishing (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Sparrow, Mrs R.M.
Chimney fire on Plympton St, 11/22/1935:2
Sparrow, Mrs Wendell
Resides in Belmont, 09/18/1936:12
Sparrow, Rolinda F.
Obituary, 04/29/1938:1
Wife of Albert dies at age 83, 04/29/1938:7
Sparrow, Stanwood
Resides in South Bend, IN, 09/23/1938:1
Sparrow, Terrence Ralph
Born to Ivan, 12/03/1937:8
Sparrow Bros.
Old Center St store renovated, 01/18/1935:2
Spaulding, Emma G.
Obituary, 07/26/1935:1
Dies at age 72, 07/26/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 08/02/1935:7
Funeral services held at Egger's, 08/02/1935:8
Spaulding, Henry
Fire in auto on Star Ave, 10/06/1939:6
Spaulding, Mrs R.
Resigns from sanatorium, moves to New York, 11/18/1938:4
Spaulding, R.
Resigns from sanatorium, moves to New York, 11/18/1938:4
Speed Limits and Speeding
South Main St used as speedway (l) (Earl F. Gates), 08/23/1935:2
Walter Rogers fined $5, 09/27/1935:8
Letendre guilty of drunk driving and drunkenness, not guilty of
speeding, 06/26/1936:8
Selectmen and police appeal to drivers to slow down, 08/14/1936:1
First results of new campaign felt, 08/21/1936:1
McCallum and Chase each fined $5, 08/28/1936:2
Chester Sylvester charged, 09/23/1938:8
Earl Tatro pleads not guilty to speeding, 05/19/1939:7
Earl Tatro fined $5, 05/26/1939:8
Arnold Thomas fined $25, 11/03/1939:1
Arnold Thomas discharged from probation, 11/17/1939:3
Onset man sped through town at 80 mph, 11/24/1939:2
Foster McComiskey fined $5 for speeding, 11/24/1939:8
Spencer, Henrietta A.
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Widow of George W. dies at age 82, 05/20/1938:7
Spencer, Wilfred Lawson
Wedding described, 08/18/1939:4
Spiritualism and Spiritualists
Betty Shaw, benefits of spiritualism (ad), 07/15/1938:7
Spoon, Wilson
Resides in Assonet, 01/29/1937:8
Spooner, Esther
On cruise to Hawaii, 07/07/1939:8
Spooner, George
Dies in Newport, NH, 02/11/1938:3
Spooner, George F.
Visits town after absence of 50 years, 10/04/1935:7
Five generations of Spooner family (p), 07/14/1939:5
Spooner, Louisa
Resides in Quincy, 02/17/1939:1
Five generations of Spooner family (p), 07/14/1939:5
Spooner, Millard
Resides in Philadelphia, PA, 12/04/1936:12
Chief staff organist of Station WFIL in Philadelphia, 12/31/1937:7
Radio organist for WFIL in Philadelphia, 04/01/1938:1
see also Middleboro Athletic Association; Middleborough Memorial
High School - Sports; names of specific sports
Athletic club to organize here, 12/04/1936:1
About 25 people discuss possibility of new club, 12/11/1936:1
New athletic club partially formed, 12/18/1936:1
New athletic club has by-laws, 12/25/1936:1
Local fans finely complimented, 05/28/1937:1
Sports - Accidents
West Wareham catcher hurt in collision at home plate, 07/12/1935:1
High school basketball star Gregory Mitrakas breaks wrist,
Babe Cabral fractures leg on slide to third base, 06/24/1938:1
Rullo and Griswold run into Shurtleff's lumber truck on West Grove St,
Moushey Krikorian fractures leg in high school football game,
Sprague, Myra Ellen
Graduates from Boston University, 08/19/1938:5
Spranger, Ruth E.
Wedding described, 02/08/1935:1
Springer, Phyllis E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/13/1939:5
Springer, Wallace
Twin daughters born, 06/24/1938:11
Springer, Wallace A.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 10/13/1939:5
Sprong, William Curtis
Wedding described, 09/01/1939:8
Spurr, Louis
Wed to Ruth Savage, 06/04/1937:11
Squanto (see Tisquantum (Squanto))
Squires, George D.
Obituary, 05/27/1938:6
Squirrel's Nest Riding School
Harold Campbell, East Grove St (ad), 09/11/1936:12
Stacey, William
Dies at home in New York, 07/17/1936:2
Stacy, William
Obituary, 07/17/1936:1
New York man dies at age 45, 07/17/1936:7
Stafford (Mr)
George Robbins purchases Stafford home in Lakeville, 04/07/1939:9
Stafford, Philip
Begins duties at Charlestown Navy Yard, 08/11/1939:3
Stafford, Phillip
Resides in Medford, 09/06/1935:6
Stafford, R.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Stafford, Richard
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Standard Cut Sole Co.
To commence work at Star Mill property July 1st, 06/05/1936:1
Begins operations this week, 06/19/1936:1
Break-in at leather company, 06/25/1937:1
State and Boston police make arrests in leather theft, 08/06/1937:1
Two additional suspects grilled, 08/06/1937:1
Defendants fail to testify, 08/13/1937:1
Public Enemy No. 1 implicated in theft, 08/13/1937:1
Charlestown man held in leather theft, 11/05/1937:1
Wrong identity leads to case dismissal, 11/12/1937:1
Standish, Almeda G.
Obituary, 11/22/1935:1
Wife of Frederick E. dies at age 36, 11/22/1935:6
Standish, Arthur
Employed at Atwood-Costello, 08/27/1937:6
Standish, Arthur L.
Awarded diploma as Chevrolet mechanic, 07/02/1937:6
Standish, Catherine D.
Petition for administration of estate, 06/09/1939:9
Standish, Catherine Delia
Dies at age 82, 06/04/1937:7, 06/11/1937:7
Obituary, 06/11/1937:12
Standish, Cora W.
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Taunton woman dies at age 75, 10/04/1935:6
Standish, Edythe
Engaged to James Dunlea, 12/31/1937:12, 05/19/1939:5
Standish, Edythe M.
Engaged to James Dunlea, 05/26/1939:2
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to M. James Dunlea, 06/09/1939:5
Standish, Elizabeth
Employed at Alonzo F. Ryder Co., 08/14/1936:7
Employed at sanatorium, 06/24/1938:1
Engaged to Gerald Tinsley, 09/22/1939:4
Standish, Elmer
Reports missing items, pickpockets active at carnival, 06/28/1935:1
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 12/29/1939:1
Standish, F.E.
Draft horses for sale (ad), 03/05/1937:8
Standish, Fred
Purchases filling station in Taunton, 09/17/1937:6
Standish, Frederick
Not guilty of operating to endanger, 10/23/1936:1
Standish, Frederick E.
Injured when auto strikes tree on West Grove St, 04/10/1936:1
Reckless driving case continued, 06/12/1936:5
Fined $30 for negligent driving, 06/26/1936:8
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Wed to Madlynne E. Brady, 10/27/1939:5
Standish, H.A.
Ayrshires producing well, 08/14/1936:2
Ayrshires among good producers, 12/25/1936:8
Ayrshires give 335 lbs of milk, 07/16/1937:8
Ayrshires producing well, 07/15/1938:8
Standish, Harland I.
Engaged to Fannie E. Silvia, 12/13/1935:6
Standish, M. Elizabeth
Wed to Gerald E. Tinsley, 10/20/1939:5
Standish, Marion H.
Obituary, 11/08/1935:1
Dies at age 52, 11/08/1935:6
Standish, Mary Elizabeth
Engaged to Gerald E. Tinsley, 06/23/1939:1
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Standish, Miles T.
Petition for administration of estate, 06/09/1939:9
Standish Farm Dairy
Thompson St (ad), 07/19/1935:12
Standish Filling Station
33 Wareham St. (ad), 08/16/1935:2
Employs Charles Waters, 09/04/1936:12
Cammarata hides cash stolen from service station in artificial leg,
Standish Garage
Thomas St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Stanielewicz, Jennie
Wed to Arthur J. Jones, 09/11/1936:7
Stanley, S.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Stanley, Stephen
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Stanley, Steve
Passes out at hospital, too much ether in air, 11/10/1939:1
Stanley, Victoria
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:1
Wed to Robert Tobey, 05/21/1937:2
Stanley, William F.
Engaged to Germaine Burrowes, 03/19/1937:6
Stanly (Mrs)
Mother's funeral held in Appleton, ME, 03/05/1937:11
Stanly, Arethusa
Obituary, 11/04/1938:1
Wife of Herbert dies at age 76, 11/04/1938:7
Stanulewicz, John J.
Injured in auto crash on Center St, 01/29/1937:2
Stanwood, Dorothy C.
Engaged to John P. Wholan, 12/10/1937:7
Wedding described, 12/17/1937:1
Wed to John P. Wholan, 12/17/1937:7
Staples (Mr)
Occupies tenement on Clay St, employed by A. Green, 02/26/1937:11
Lets Lakeville apartment to Edward Robbins, 01/27/1939:8
Staples (Mr and Mrs)
Move to New Hampshire, 08/05/1938:11
Staples, Abbie E.
Obituary, 10/11/1935:1
Wife of Edwin A. dies at age 63, 10/11/1935:6
Staples, Clarence
Son born, 10/30/1936:7
Daughter born, 03/25/1938:7, 04/01/1938:3
Staples, Fred
Beagle winner in Lakeville Sportsmen's Club trials, 10/22/1937:11
Staples, Kay Evelyn
Born to Clarence, 04/01/1938:3
Staples, Percival
Wedding described, 05/28/1937:11
Star Mills
Inspection of site by Philadelphia business prospect, 03/22/1935:1
Shoe findings concern buys Star Mill property, 02/14/1936:1
D.D. Sullivan finalizes sale of property, 03/13/1936:1
Sale of property finalized, 03/13/1936:1
Standard Cut Sole Co. to commence work at Star Mill property July 1st,
Standard Cut Sole Co. begins operations this week, 06/19/1936:1
Chimney stack repaired after struck by lightning, 09/11/1936:12
Chimney fire at old mill, 01/07/1938:1
One of largest roofing contracts ever negotiated here, 07/28/1939:7
Starbuck, Clara B.
Obituary, 04/19/1935:1
Dies at age 70, 04/19/1935:4
Starbuck, Noble
Reports missing items, pickpockets active at carnival, 06/28/1935:1
Starbuck, Noble H.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Cemetery work, old stones reset (ad), 04/22/1938:8
Stark, Norman
Daughter born, 07/24/1936:7
Starr, John
Granted used car dealer's license, 08/18/1939:6
State Farm
Police chief receives praise from State Farm, 05/24/1935:8
Frederick Dean clubbed to death by insane prisoner, 07/26/1935:1
Fire department receives letter of appreciation from State Farm (l),
Large cow barn completely destroyed by fire, 08/28/1936:1
Kepple and Laroche killed and Haverty injured in blast, 04/30/1937:1
State Farm - Employees
James Warren superintendent, 01/18/1935:1
Lester Thorson officer, 05/03/1935:7
Employs Colin Morrison, 05/24/1935:1
Employs Russell Carver, 06/28/1935:8
Employs Murdock Hartling, 07/19/1935:8
Employs Robert Jones, 08/16/1935:2, 08/23/1935:2
Employs Walter Houghton, 08/23/1935:2
John H. Hall surgeon dentist, 10/04/1935:1
Charles White officer, 11/29/1935:8
Employs Robert Jones, 08/07/1936:2
Harold Jackson guard, 08/07/1936:2
Employs Walter Houghton, 08/21/1936:5
Employs Russell Carver, 08/28/1936:2
Frank Stone supervisor, 09/18/1936:6
Employs Lester Thorson, 05/21/1937:11
Employs Frank Stone, 08/20/1937:11
Employs Clarence Smith, 08/27/1937:11
Employs William Dupre, 05/27/1938:11
Employs Eugene April, 07/01/1938:8
Employs Leroy Sweeney, 07/15/1938:11
Employs Moses Poland, 07/15/1938:11
Employs Mrs Ralph DeMoranville, 08/05/1938:12
Albert Dube officer, 08/12/1938:11
Robert Jones employed in engineering department, 08/12/1938:11
John Hall dentist, 08/26/1938:1
Betty Reed matron, 08/25/1939:7
New Music & Greeting Card Shop, 172 Centre St (ad), 12/04/1936:8
Albert Libby, greeting cards (ad), 11/03/1939:10
Stearns, Mrs George
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Stearns, Pauline
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Stearns, Roswell
Resides in Los Angeles, CA, 09/01/1939:8
Steel, W. Bradley
Contractor and builder (ad), 05/19/1939:10
Stegelmann, Hans
Obituary, 02/19/1937:11
Stegmaier, Jeanette
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Stegmaier, Phyllis
Received into Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Trinity College,
Stegmaier, Phyllis Claire
Attends Trinity College in Washington, DC, 10/20/1939:10
Stegmaier, T.
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Stegmaier, Theodore A.
Obituary, 02/25/1938:6
Stegmaier, Theodore H.
Father dies in Dorchester, 02/25/1938:6
Leslie and Katharina Woodward, notary public, public stenographer
(ad), 11/11/1938:12
Stephens, R. James
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6
Stephenson, Elizabeth R.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/07/1939:5
Stephenson, John H.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/07/1939:5
Stetson, Edward
Gets 10 days for drunkenness, 07/22/1938:11
Case filed, 08/26/1938:2
Stetson, Edward L.
Obituary, 06/30/1939:1
Dies at age 53, 06/30/1939:5
Petition for administration of estate, 07/21/1939:4
Stetson, Elmer
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:6
Stetson, G. Ward
Announces candidacy for Representative, 05/08/1936:1
Candidate for 7th District in MA General Court (p), 08/07/1936:1
Has good reason to be satisfied with endorsement, 09/18/1936:1
Swamps Washburn by 2 to 1 (p) (t), 09/18/1936:1
Resigns a moth superintendent, 12/25/1936:1
Representative Stetson urges consideration of town for veterans'
hospital, 07/08/1938:1
Circulates papers for re-nomination, 07/22/1938:1
Named to committees on Conservation and on Public Health,
Stetson, George W.
Kendrick Washburn extends congratulations to Stetson (l),
Thanks to voters of 7th District (ad) (l), 09/18/1936:12
Stetson, George Ward
Republican candidate for representative (ad) (p), 08/28/1936:12
Republican candidate for Representative (ad) (p), 10/23/1936:2
Stetson takes representative post by wide margin, 11/06/1936:1
Takes representative post by wide margin, 11/06/1936:1
Thanks voters (l), 11/06/1936:1
Activities at State House detailed, 02/19/1937:1
Representative demands reorganization of state department of mental
diseases, 04/08/1938:1
Appointed to Special Recess Commission, 09/09/1938:1
Thanks voters of 7th district (l), 11/18/1938:1
Back to State House of Representatives (l) (The Spectator),
Accepts nomination for unexpired term of selectman (p), 04/07/1939:1
The Spectator discusses new developments (l), 04/07/1939:2
To the citizens of Middleboro (ad), 04/14/1939:2
The Spectator supports candidacy for selectman (l), 04/14/1939:2
Qualifications of Atkins and Stetson (l) (Carl G. Kendall), 04/14/1939:6
Atkins and Stetson speak for themselves (l), 04/21/1939:1
Citizens speak at campaign meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Atkins and Stetson have spoken (l) (The Spectator), 04/21/1939:2
Archery, a noble sport (l) (Theodore N. Wood), 04/21/1939:3
Establishes campaign headquarters, 04/21/1939:4
The Spectator comments on recall election results (l), 04/28/1939:2
Honored by state legislature, 09/01/1939:1
Stetson, Mrs G. Ward
Wins Pontiac Deluxe Sedan and 1,000 gallons of gas in nationwide
contest, 03/12/1937:1
Stetson, Mrs George Ward, Jr.
Car winner picture din new Pontiac sedan (p), 04/16/1937:1
Stetson, Thurston
Daughter born, 06/17/1938:7
Stetson, Warren
Accepts position with Walpole Trust Co., 06/25/1937:1
Stetson, Warren L.
Graduates from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance (p),
Stetson, Warren Lothrop
Engaged to Dorothea Louise Collins (p), 12/24/1937:1
Engaged to Dorothea Louise Collins, 01/14/1938:1
Stevens, F.L.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Moves to Miller St, 04/09/1937:11
Stevens, Fred
Moves from East Middleboro to Rock, 05/08/1936:5
Stevens, Frederick
Moves into Atwood house on Miller St, 03/26/1937:11
Stevens, Leroy F.
Engaged to Ruth Miriam Ellis, 10/27/1939:6
Stevens, Norman
Resides in Waltham, 10/29/1937:11, 12/10/1937:6
Secures employment in Waltham, 06/10/1938:11
Employed in Waltham, 08/11/1939:7
Stevens, Ralph N.
Son born, 10/04/1935:5
Stevens Family
Genealogy, 11/13/1936:8
Stevenson, Amy Clark
Resides in Riverside, CA, 07/03/1936:12
Stewart (Mr and Mrs)
Move from Bridgewater to North Middleboro, 04/08/1938:11
Stewart, Bob
Runner takes 6th in race held in Jamaica Plain, 04/19/1935:1
Stewart, R.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Stewart, Robert
Finishes 6th in 10-mile run at Jamaica Plain, 04/19/1935:2
Stewart, Sanborn
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/24/1939:1
Stickney, Mrs Frank
Escapes train wreck in South Denver, 08/18/1939:1
Stiga, Paul
Moves from Brockton to Lakeville, 10/13/1939:9
Stiles, George
Joins Lang and Besse at Walk-Over Shoe Store, 01/14/1938:1
Stiles, George H.
Wed to Grace C. Leonard, 06/05/1936:7
Stiles, George Harding
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Stiles, Grace Catherine
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Stockman, George William
Born to Irving A., 08/16/1935:5
Stockman, Irving A.
Son born, 08/16/1935:5
Daughter born, 10/15/1937:11
Stockman, Judith Ellen
Born to Irving A., 10/15/1937:11
Stoddard, William
Sister dies in Dry Mills, ME, 01/22/1937:7
Stohn, Alexander, Jr.
Plays for Harvard hockey team, 01/06/1939:1
Stohn, Robert
Enrolls in Williams and Mary College, 08/18/1939:8
Stone, Alexander C.
Boston couple rent house from Janet Savage, 09/24/1937:6
Stone, Anna Thompson
Obituary, 11/20/1936:1
Wife of Frank dies at age 73, 11/20/1936:7
Stone, Cyrus G.
Roof fire on Thompson St, 12/29/1939:1
Stone, Esther G.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Stone, Frank
Occupies Pleasant St tenement, 08/02/1935:8
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Thomas Quinn, 08/29/1935:5
Supervisor at State Farm, 09/18/1936:6
Employed at State Farm, 08/20/1937:11
Lets Pleasant St tenement to Robert Ripley, 04/08/1938:11
Stone, Franklin P.
Wed to Cora Carver, 01/27/1939:7
Wedding described, 01/27/1939:8
Stone, Lillie Margaret
Wed to Edward Bayard Van Dusen, 09/15/1939:7
Stone, Louis G.
Boston attorney locates office here, 06/28/1935:2
Boston attorney opens branch office at 27 Center St (ad), 07/05/1935:12
Why not advertise in Middleboro? (l), 07/26/1935:2
Opens office at 27 Centre St (ad), 08/16/1935:12
Suggests town have a credit union (l), 09/13/1935:2
Appeal for credit union gets response (l), 09/20/1935:2
Be your own bank (l), 09/27/1935:5
What is a credit union? (l), 10/18/1935:6
Congratulates sponsors of credit union at Lucey Co. (l), 04/23/1937:2
Stone, Marie
Obituary, 07/01/1938:11
Stone, Marie S.
Petition for probate of will, 09/02/1938:5
Stone, Myra P.
Collides with Edward Brooks at Thompson and Plympton St,
Stone, Walter
Resides in Norfolk, 08/16/1935:2
Stone, W.B.
Wollaston man hits Stone's car while speeding, 09/03/1937:1
Stonkus, john
Fined $10 for disturbing the peace, 10/22/1937:1
Stop & Shop
Super market opens at 43 Center St, 06/24/1938:1
Now open at 43 Center St (ad), 06/24/1938:2
43 Center St (ad), 11/04/1938:8
Free food baskets won by residents, 11/11/1938:5
see also Hurricane of 1938; Lightning
Heavy storm blankets town in foot of snow, 01/25/1935:5
Tale of oxen during storm, 02/01/1935:2
Oxen story correction, 02/08/1935:2
Heavy rains, wind, and icy conditions cause accidents, 02/15/1935:1
Heavy rain uproots tree on Wareham St, 06/14/1935:7
Electrical storm damage slight, 08/09/1935:11
Florida hurricane makes hurried stop in Middleboro, 11/22/1935:1
Town lashed by severe wind and rain storm, 11/22/1935:1
Heavy rain and lightning at Rock, 11/22/1935:2
Snow brings real touch of winter, 01/03/1936:1
Highway department up to the task, 01/24/1936:1
Worst in years lashes Staple Shores, 03/20/1936:1
Snow joins spring flowers, 04/03/1936:1
First real thunderstorm of season, 08/21/1936:1
Freak storm brings thunder, lightning, rain, and hail, 09/04/1936:1
Heavy rain and wind pass through Rock, 09/25/1936:5
Tempest just short of hurricane, 10/23/1936:1
Rain and wind did little damage here, 12/25/1936:1
Heavy winds and rain cause damage, 11/19/1937:1
Spruce tree topples two chimneys at Coombs residence (p),
First heavy thunder storm of season, 06/10/1938:1
Heartfelt thanks extended to town departments for quick cleanup,
Depot Grove transformed after hurricane, 02/17/1939:1
Severest of season hits Rock, 03/17/1939:3
Official figure is 17 3/8 inches of snow, 03/17/1939:5
Latest snow storm costs town $1,016.92, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen transfer storm fund balance back to highway fund,
Hurricane hit one year ago, 09/22/1939:1
Brings 3.85 inches of rain (t), 11/03/1939:1
Story, Caroline Frances
Daughter of Paul baptized, 06/23/1939:9
Story, Carolyn Frances
Born to Paul, 11/25/1938:8
Story, Eileen
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to A.K. Gholson, 09/04/1936:8
Story, Miriam Eileen
Wedding described, 07/31/1936:8
Story, Paul
Daughter born, 11/18/1938:3, 11/25/1938:8
Stover, Emmett W.
Arrested for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk driving,
Fined $50 for drunk driving, 12/27/1935:2
Uses gas to take own life in Tom Thumb mansion, 05/07/1937:1
Dies at age 42, 05/07/1937:7
Funeral services held on Plymouth St, 05/14/1937:1
Petition for administration of estate, 06/04/1937:11
Administrator petitions to pay debts, 07/23/1937:8
Administrator presents account of estate, 09/10/1937:8
Stover Farm
Hatching eggs (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Chicks bred to live, grow, and produce (ad), 03/19/1937:11
Stoy, Bertha
Engaged to Zigmond Wytrwal, 04/08/1938:7
Wed to Zigmond Wytrwal, 05/20/1938:7
Stratton, Charles Sherwood (see Thumb, Tom)
Straw Works
Historical Society winter meeting well attended, history of straw works
presented, 02/10/1939:11
Street Lighting
Christmas lighting proves attractive, 12/20/1935:6
Christmas display magnificent, 12/27/1935:1
Petition for extension on Rte 28, 01/10/1936:8
Selectmen discuss lighting for South Middleboro, 04/24/1936:5
Selectmen okay new lights for Wood St, 01/01/1937:1
Plymouth St residents petition for lighting, 11/05/1937:1
Selectmen vote to install lighting on Plymouth St, 11/12/1937:1
Selectmen authorize installations, 11/19/1937:5
Residents get first glimpse of Christmas display, 12/24/1937:1
Request for citizens to keep porch lights on till hurricane damage repairs
made, 10/07/1938:1
Holiday lighting at Four Corners and at Town Hall, 12/16/1938:1
Selectmen discuss Christmas lighting display, 05/19/1939:6
see also Middleboro - Highway Department
Rebuilding of Walnut St latest ERA project, 04/12/1935:1
Selectmen vote to lay out Clara St, 08/23/1935:5
Lane St project approved by WPA, 11/08/1935:1, 11/08/1935:2
Wood St to be watered, May be paved, 05/29/1936:1
Shiederich petitions for repairs on Mayflower Ave, 10/16/1936:2
Selectmen act on petition from residents of Beech and East St,
Certain streets repeated problem in traffic accidents, 02/12/1937:1
Should rejection of passageway over Jackson and Lincoln St be
reconsidered? (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 02/12/1937:2
Kingman St in Lakeville widened, 02/19/1937:11
Harmon Ward petitions selectmen for improvements to Plymouth St,
Intersection at Union St and Nickerson St in better shape, 12/10/1937:1
Erickson addresses selectmen on East and Beech St work, 12/10/1937:8
Selectmen approve layout of Plympton St, 02/18/1938:8
White traffic lines painted, 04/29/1938:12
Police Chief makes recommendations for one-way streets, 05/20/1938:3
Public Works Dept paints white lines, 05/20/1938:6
Union and Nickerson St now one-way, 05/20/1938:6
Residents file complaints about road conditions, 08/05/1938:8
Selectmen discuss financial arrangements for Plymouth St
improvements, 08/12/1938:6
Cordeiro files complaint with selectmen over condition of Hillside Ave,
Selectmen discuss remaking of Old Center St, 09/02/1938:8
Expect little help from county for Beach and East St projects,
County Commissioners' notice of hearing on relocation of Precinct St,
Selectmen discuss ownership of Mayflower Ave, 05/26/1939:2,
Commissioners meet with town officials to discuss Chapter 90 work,
Police chief supervises re-painting of guide lines, 07/14/1939:1
Hubbard petitions for improvements to Plymouth St, 07/21/1939:4
Selectmen plan request for $2,000 to improve Plymouth St,
Police chief directs re-painting of traffic lines, 09/08/1939:1
Carpenter St layout accepted, 09/08/1939:3
Voters accept street without any information (l) (The Spectator),
Selectmen doubt legality of street acceptances, 10/06/1939:1
Selectmen lay out three new streets, 11/10/1939:1
Voters pass special meeting warrant in 15 minutes flat, 12/01/1939:1
Strikes (labor) (see Labor Relations)
Stringer, Alden
Daughter born, 09/10/1937:7
Stringer, Granville
Wed to Eleanor Washburn, 09/20/1935:11
Strojny, Cecil
Son born, 10/14/1938:7
Strojny, Cecil John
Wed to Esther M. Candini, 09/24/1937:7
Strojuy, Annie
Chimney fire on Precinct St, 07/30/1937:1
Strople (Mr)
Lets Miller St house to Walter Chase, 07/22/1938:8
Strople, Arthur
Moves to Miller St, 03/11/1938:8
Strople, Arthur W.
Purchases Caldwell place from town, 06/09/1939:2
Strople, Ethel M.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 11/05/1937:8
Strople, Frederick
Grandmother dies in Rock, 08/13/1937:11
Stroples, Fred
Secures post with Midland Steel Co. in Cleveland, OH, 09/10/1937:11
Struck, Raymond
Wed to Doris M. Southard, 05/12/1939:5
Purchases Rock place from B.F. Elliott, 07/28/1939:6
Daughter born, 09/22/1939:5
Struck, Raymond A.
Engaged to Doris M. Southard, 05/05/1939:5
Strut, William
Moves from South Middleboro to Rock, 07/28/1939:5
Strutt (Mr)
Enters CCC, 10/06/1939:11
Stuart, Esther M.
Engaged to Hovenan Hovenanian, 09/24/1937:7
Wed to Hovenan Hovenanian, 10/01/1937:7
Stuart, Ivan
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Stuart, Ivan F.
Twenty-two-year-old runs for selectman, 11/19/1937:1
Stuart, Robert
Places 12th in 15-mile scratch race in Boston, 07/05/1935:1
Takes third in Barre race, 09/20/1935:1
Takes sixth in 10-mail race in Jamaica Plain, 04/24/1936:8
Finishes 13th in Taunton race, 09/11/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Stuart, Robert I.
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Stuck, Christian
Holds family reunion, 05/19/1939:9
Stuck, Donald Edward
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Obituary, 04/14/1939:11
Stuck, Raymond J.
Purchases Greely's house in South Middleboro, 03/03/1939:8
Studley, Alice B.
Obituary, 12/03/1937:11
Studley, Edwin A.
Obituary, 08/27/1937:8
Stulpin, Eddie
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Stulpin, Edward
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Stulpin, Zigmund
Daughter born, 12/02/1938:7
Stulpin, Zigmund A.
Engaged to Helen A. Logrien, 10/02/1936:7
Wed to Helen A. Logrien, 10/16/1936:7
Sturgis, W.L.
Named president of Peirce Hardware, 02/24/1939:1
Sturtevant, Elmer
Chimney fire on North St, 04/08/1938:1, 02/10/1939:1
Sturtevant, John
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Sugarman, Joseph
Fire in ashes in cellar on Courtland St, 11/24/1939:10
John Dunn takes own life at playground here, 06/19/1936:1
Walter Blanchard takes own life with shotgun, 04/16/1937:11
Emmett Stover uses gas to take own life in Tom Thumb mansion,
Peter Vasel leaps from East Grove St bridge into Nemasket River,
Walter Hietla dies of self-inflicted wounds, 02/03/1939:1
Harold Hannon commits suicide in Plymouth, 05/19/1939:1
Viola Spafford in alleged suicide pact with Henry Geiser, 05/26/1939:6
Wilfred Vickery fails suicide attempt, uses wrong poison, 08/18/1939:1
George Atherton dies in head-first dive from porch, 09/29/1939:1
Sukeforth, Mrs Ernest
Falls backwards down flight of stairs, 09/23/1938:6
Sukeforth, Vincent
Injured in crash on Rte 44, 12/04/1936:1
Patsy Garofalo struck by auto driven by Sukeforth, 10/01/1937:1
Seeks gasoline permit for traffic circle, 05/12/1939:1
Granted license for sale and storage of gasoline, 05/26/1939:1
Sukeforth, Vincent A.
Selectmen take no action on application, 05/19/1939:1
Sukeforth, William
Daughter born, 10/22/1937:7
Sukeforth, William L.
Hearing on gas station delayed, 11/24/1939:1
Speaking of gas stations (l) (The Spectator), 11/24/1939:2
Selectmen put off decision on gas station, 12/08/1939:1
Selectmen deny gas station application, 12/15/1939:1
Canedy places dilapidated shacks on land Sukeforth wanted for gas
station, 12/22/1939:1
The Spectator comments on shacks (l), 12/29/1939:2
Sukeforth's Service Station
John Glass, Jr. Square (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Ventalarm oil delivery system (ad), 05/22/1936:5
Sukus, John, Jr.
Engaged to Mary C. Morris, 06/16/1939:5
Sullivan, Ann E.
Student nurse at St. Luke's in New Bedford, 02/14/1936:1
Sullivan, Clara
Nurse at Acushnet hospital, 08/13/1937:11
Sullivan, D.D.
Marks 35 years as judge in Fourth District Court (p), 01/25/1935:1
Sullivan finalizes sale of Star Mills property, 03/13/1936:1
Purchases Buzzards Bay summer home of David G. Pratt,
Sells summer place at Nanumet Heights, 05/29/1936:12
Mrs M.J. Silvia employed in office of Judge Sullivan, 07/17/1936:12
Judge resigns after 38 years of judicial service, 02/11/1938:1
Buzzards Bay estate damaged in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Sullivan, Dennis D.
South Main St couple married 50 years, 09/04/1936:1
Son succeeds father as justice of local court (p), 02/18/1938:1
Justices D.D. Sullivan, John V. Sullivan. and John H. Sullivan (p),
Grass fire on South Main St, 03/18/1938:1
Actively involved in Co-operative bank for 44 years (p), 07/14/1939:8
Drops in at 4th District Court to watch son, 08/04/1939:9
Picture of judge presented to 4th District Court, 10/13/1939:1
Sullivan, Eileen H.
Wed to Ralph M. Olive, 12/04/1936:8
Sullivan, Elizabeth M.
Engaged to Francis J. Silvia, 06/07/1935:6
Wed to Francis J. Silvia, 06/14/1935:6
Sullivan, Elizabeth Marie
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Sullivan, George
Shower for recently married couple, 08/21/1936:7
Daughter born, 02/05/1937:8, 02/12/1937:11
Highland Rd couple married one year, 08/13/1937:11
Highland Rd couple married two years, 08/12/1938:11
Sullivan, George C.
Collides with Hyannis driver at traffic light, 04/17/1936:2
Sullivan, Helen
Killed instantly in auto crash on Cape road, 10/30/1936:1
Driver fined $100 in fatal accident, 03/05/1937:1
Sullivan, Henry
Appointed concert-master at Bates School, 10/20/1939:2
Sullivan, J. Robert
Private home for short furlough, 02/14/1936:2
Returns to New York after short furlough, 09/04/1936:8
Sullivan, J. Vincent
Anthony Coombs runs into Sullivan's auto on Nickerson Ave,
Sullivan, James R.
Enlists in U.S. Army, 08/02/1935:5
Sullivan, Jeremiah
Dies in Anaconda, MT, 09/15/1939:8
Sullivan, John
Resides in Miami, FL, 01/03/1936:1
Chimney fire on Benton St, 03/11/1938:1
Sullivan, John D.
Auto catches fire on Rice St, 05/13/1938:1
Sullivan, John F.
Obituary, 03/08/1935:1
Resides in Washington, DC, 09/27/1935:6
Resides in Ardmore, OK, 07/07/1939:9
Sullivan, John H.
Judge fills vacancy left by death of Washburn (p), 01/04/1935:1
New judge takes office, 01/11/1935:1
Justices D.D. Sullivan, John V. Sullivan. and John H. Sullivan (p),
Obituary, 10/07/1938:1
Sullivan, John V.
Appointed auditor for tort cases, 02/15/1935:2
Attorney provides clue in Hampton, NH murder, 03/06/1936:1
Provides clue in Hampton, NH murder, 03/06/1936:1
Appointed associate justice to 4th District Court, 02/11/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Son succeeds father as justice of local court (p), 02/18/1938:1
Judge inducted into office, 02/25/1938:1
Justices D.D. Sullivan, John V. Sullivan. and John H. Sullivan (p),
Honored by Bar Association, 05/06/1938:8
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
D.D. Sullivan drops in at 4th District Court to watch son, 08/04/1939:9
Granted auctioneer's license, 08/18/1939:6
Sullivan, John V., Jr.
Attends Dartmouth College, 09/20/1935:1
Sullivan, Lawrence
Student at Colby College, 03/29/1935:4
Resides in White Plains, NY, 12/04/1936:6
Employed in Glen Falls, NY, 07/09/1937:5
Injured when auto strikes fence in Plymouth, 09/02/1938:1
Engaged to Victoria Ann Griniewicz, 12/29/1939:1
Sullivan, Lawrence J.
Member of Alpha Tau Omega dance committee at Colby College,
Sullivan, Lucy
Arrests by local police solve recent breaks at Shurtleff's and Sullivan's,
Sullivan, Lucy H.
Petition for administration of estate, 10/16/1936:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/23/1939:5
Sullivan, Lucy Harrington
Obituary, 10/09/1936:1
Dies at age 71, 10/09/1936:7
Sullivan, Margaret
Teacher transfers from Soule School to Purchade School, 06/14/1935:1
Teacher resigns from Purchade School, 02/10/1939:1
Wed to John Francis Murphy, 04/14/1939:1
Sullivan, Mary
Dorchester woman dies in traffic accident in Carver, 07/14/1939:1
Boston man held on charge of manslaughter in traffic death,
Dorchester driver fined $100 for fatal accident, 08/04/1939:1
Sullivan, Mary Jane
Obituary, 07/12/1935:1
Hyannis woman dies at age 73, 07/12/1935:6
Sullivan, Mrs John V.
Father dies in Plymouth, 03/24/1939:1
Sullivan, P.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Sullivan, Paul
Obituary, 05/06/1938:1
Sullivan, Robert
Returns from two years of U.S. Army service in the Philippines,
Sullivan, Sandra Elaine
Born to George, 02/05/1937:8, 02/12/1937:11
Sullivan, Vincent
Resides in Auburn, RI, 09/25/1936:5
Sullivan, William
Clerk at The Homestead, 08/19/1938:5
Sullivan, William D.
Clerk at Homestead Grocery, 08/06/1937:7
Sullivan, William H.
Resides in Falmouth, 02/08/1935:1
Sullivan & Sullivan
Employ L. Francis Callan, 07/26/1935:12
Touhy property on Wareham St for sale (ad), 11/08/1935:12
Mrs James Sylvia resigns, moves to Taunton, 10/27/1939:10
Sumner, Franksford S.
Couple celebrates wedding anniversary, 02/25/1938:8
Sumner, Hal B.
Architect for new police station and court house, 04/19/1935:1
Court house/police station building committee hires architect,
Local architect commissioned to design and erect house in Hartford, CT,
Architect contracts to design home in Rocky Hill, CT, 09/06/1935:1
Sumner, Henry B.
Couple celebrates wedding anniversary, 02/25/1938:8
Sumner, Jennie E.
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Sumner, Mrs Robert B.
Resides in Window Rock, AZ, 09/08/1939:7
Sumner, Robert
Son born, 08/20/1937:11
Sundstrom, Albert F.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 04/02/1937:5
Sundstrom, Alma Sofia
Obituary, 07/03/1936:1
Wife of Albert dies at age 70, 07/03/1936:7
Sunnyside Farm
Protect health with milk (ad), 07/03/1936:2
Support (spousal) (see Desertion and Non-Support)
Surrey, Sarah
Engaged to be married, 08/06/1937:1
Surrey, Sarah H.
Osteopathic physician (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Wedding described, 08/20/1937:1
Wed to Millard E. Raymond, 08/20/1937:7
Surrey, Susan L.
Petition for probate of will, 09/11/1936:7
Surrey, Susan Louisa
Obituary, 08/07/1936:1
Dies at age 89, 08/07/1936:7
Gordon MacNeill, insurance broker and surveyor, Main St, Lakeville
(ad), 11/26/1937:2
Sutherland, Henrietta
Resumes studies at YWCA in Boston, 03/27/1936:8
Takes position at Newton Centre, 10/16/1936:2
Employed in Hingham, 09/15/1939:7
Swain, Mary P.
Obituary, 07/02/1937:1
Internment at Nemasket Hill Cemetery, 07/02/1937:7
Swan, Alvin
Obituary, 04/15/1938:8
Swan, George E.
Obituary, 10/13/1939:9
Swanson, Gustaf
Chimney fire on Rhode Island Rd, 01/17/1936:5
Swanson, Mildred
Studies at Vesper George School of Art in Boston, 10/27/1939:10
Sweeney, Daniel
Bicyclist Lawrence Shaw knocked down by laundry truck driven by
Sweeney, 11/06/1936:1
Sweeney, John F.
Engaged to Rose Tinsley, 10/28/1938:1
Sweeney, John Francis
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:2
Sweeney, Leroy
Employed at State Farm, 07/15/1938:11
Sweeney, Mary M.
Engaged to Stuart R. Main, 11/22/1935:6
Wed to Stuart R. Main, 12/13/1935:6
Sweeney, Nellie
Daughter of Adam and Margaret dies in Brockton, 02/17/1939:7
Sweet, Ernest
Daughter born, 10/01/1937:11
Sweetlovich, William
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/15/1935:8
Sweitlowicz, Leo
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Swenning, Charles
U.S. government erects tower for coast survey, 10/18/1935:2
Swietlowich, Joseph
Manager of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Swietlowich, Leo
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Swift (Mr)
Urquhart-Swift Land Co., tax collector's sale of real estate,
Swift, Charles B.
Obituary, 11/15/1935:1
Dies at age 77, 11/15/1935:6
Petition for probate of will, 12/06/1935:7
Swift, Charles R.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/24/1936:7
Swift, Charlotte O.
Obituary, 09/23/1938:1
Swift, Chloe
Obituary, 01/28/1938:1
Dies at age 84, 01/28/1938:7
Swift, Elizabeth
Wed to Leighton Dunham, 09/04/1936:2
Swift, Elizabeth A.
Wed to Richard L. Dunham, 09/04/1936:7
Swift, Harold L.
Manager of American Oil Co., West Grove St (ad), 09/27/1935:12
Swift, Horace P.
Resigns Railway Express Agency post, 08/19/1938:1
Swift, Mrs A.E.
Resides in Palo Alto, CA, 11/22/1935:2
Swift, Russell
Son born, 02/24/1939:7
see also Middleboro - Park Commission
First swimmers of season at Rock Pond, 05/17/1935:6
Break in drain at new pool, 06/14/1935:1
Pool scheduled to open after 4th of July, 06/28/1935:1
Bathers lie in road bed near Rock Pond, 06/28/1935:11
ERA pool work suspended, mosquito control project begins,
Elmer Phinney does not approve of swimming pool (l), 08/09/1935:2
ERA pool project complete, 08/09/1935:2
Pool closure not due to infantile paralysis, 08/23/1935:1
Pool opening planned for latter part of June, 05/15/1936:1
Herbert Howes wins 100-yd dash in swim meet in Worcester,
Pool closes third successful season with water pageant, 09/10/1937:1
Herbert Howes co-captain of MA State College swim team,
YMCA director L. Richard Tilden named pool supervisor, 05/20/1938:1
Town launches "Learn to Swim" safety campaign, 07/08/1938:1
Pool hosts 829 the first week, 07/15/1938:6
Health officer reports no contamination, pool to re-open, 08/12/1938:1
Public needs reassurance about pool closing, 08/12/1938:1
Why was pool closed? (l) (The Spectator), 08/12/1938:2
Selectmen discuss closure, 08/12/1938:6
Road is one source of dirt in pool (l) (The Spectator), 09/16/1938:3
Rock Pond a fine "facility", 06/16/1939:1
Park Commission needs funds to open this season, 06/30/1939:1
Need swimming pool funds (l) (Raymond P. Tripp), 06/30/1939:2
Selectmen vote on filling fee, 07/07/1939:1
Pool opened for summer, 07/14/1939:2
Park Commission to test water daily, 07/28/1939:4
Using new chemical in pool, 08/11/1939:4
Local officials say pool now adequately safeguarded, 08/25/1939:1
Free swimming on closing day, 09/01/1939:1
Pool bills postponed by selectmen, 11/10/1939:3
Sykes, Donald
Wedding described, 11/26/1937:1
Wed to Virginia Tinkham, 12/24/1937:6
Son born, 06/24/1938:7
Sylvester, Alfred
Tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Sylvester, Alice A.
Engaged to Joseph T. Silva, 01/25/1935:4
Sylvester, Chester
Charged with speeding, 09/23/1938:8
Sylvester, Chester M.
Purchases Lloyd Perkins' plumbing business, 12/08/1939:1
Sylvester, Eva
Engaged to Charles Benson, 05/19/1939:9
Engaged to Charles C. Benson, 06/02/1939:5
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Charles Benson, 06/09/1939:5
Sylvester, Herbert S.
Dies at age 68, 04/22/1938:7
Petition for probate of will, 06/24/1938:8
Sylvester, Herbert Scott
Obituary (p), 04/22/1938:1
Sylvester, H.S.
Haven't we had enough? (l), 10/23/1936:6
Sylvester, Mrs Herbert S.
Mother dies in Revere, 04/24/1936:8
Sylvia, Christian
Child struck by Connecticut car on Cottage Ct, 09/04/1936:1
Sylvia, Francis
Son born, 02/19/1937:6
Sylvia, James
Daughter born, 11/06/1936:7
Son born, 02/19/1937:6
Sylvia, John
Reports missing items, pickpockets active at carnival, 06/28/1935:1
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Sylvia, Joseph
New Bedford man rebuilds Kingman St house for Sylvia, 10/22/1937:11
Lightning strikes Sylvia's barn on Kingman St, 06/23/1939:1
Sylvia, Mrs James
Resigns from Sullivan & Sullivan, moves to Taunton, 10/27/1939:10
Sylvia, Peter
Purchases Canedy bungalow on Kingman St, 01/22/1937:5
Sylvia, Phil
Phil Sylvia, Gerry Carr, and Morris Marshall are the Santa Fe Ranch
Boys, 05/14/1937:6
Sylvia, Sylvester
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Syverson, John
Petition for administration of estate, 10/04/1935:8
Taber, Caroline
New clerk at A.F. Ryder's embroidery counter, 08/12/1938:1
Taber, Esther
Lewis Shaw injured in collision with Taber on Miller St, 06/14/1935:5
Tack (horses)
George Benson, 95 Wareham St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
History and profile of George Benson's business, 02/08/1935:1
George Benson closes harness shop for a week (ad), 08/12/1938:11
see also Dressmakers
Hokanson's Tailoring Service, ready-to-wear or custom-made (ad),
Joe Renzi, Benson St (ad), 10/16/1936:12
Hokanson's Tailoring Service moves from second to first floor of 111
Center St, 01/29/1937:1
Hokanson's Tailoring Service now located in former Tinkham Jewelry
store (ad), 01/29/1937:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Paul Horsman moves music and tailoring shop from South Main St to
Centre St, 02/26/1937:6
Visit Horsman's new location at 161 Center St (ad), 02/26/1937:12
Foster's Square Deal, cleansing, dyeing, and tailoring (ad),
Horsman celebrates 22 years in business (ad), 04/29/1938:12
Middleboro Tailor and Cleaner, 250 Center and Oak St (ad),
Taiva, Joseph M.
Engaged to Beatrice Dionne, 05/08/1936:11
Talbot, Barbara Tahoe
Engaged to Albert Lincoln Washburn, 08/29/1935:1
Talbot, Peter Brewster
Born to Stanley Brewster and Sally Joy Pratt, 06/25/1937:11
Talbot, Sally Joy Pratt
Son born, 06/25/1937:11
Talbot, Stanley Brewster
Son born, 06/25/1937:11
Talford, Josephine M.
Tax collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7
Talford, M. Josephine
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 07/10/1936:5
Talley, Katherine Warren
Wed to Wilbur John Rook, 07/29/1938:11
Tallman, Eugenia
Engaged to Harold G. Hill, 06/18/1937:7, 07/02/1937:8
Tallman, Eugenia C.
Wed to Harold G. Hill, 06/25/1937:7
Tallman, James A., Jr.
Escapes death in crash in Carver, 07/02/1937:2
Committed to Plymouth after failure to pay fines, 08/06/1937:1
Fails to pay fines, 08/06/1937:5
Gets probation for breaking and entering and larceny, 06/24/1938:1
Tallman, James H., Jr.
Arrested for break-in at Richmond's store, 04/01/1938:1
Tallman, James, Jr.
Held for grand jury, 04/08/1938:1
Employed at sanatorium, 04/08/1938:11
Tallman, William W.L.
Appears before selectmen on junk dealer license matter, 03/29/1935:2
Files nomination papers for selectman, 12/18/1936:1
Candidate for selectman, 01/08/1937:5
Supports Millette for re-election (l), 11/19/1937:2
Engaged to Esther Borden, 09/02/1938:7
Wed to Esther Borden, 09/02/1938:7
Held on morals charge, 11/04/1938:11
Case continued, 11/18/1938:11
Case of moral charges continued, 11/25/1938:2
Appeals findings, 12/02/1938:2
Tallman, W.L.
Junk license application tabled by selectmen, 02/15/1935:2
Tallman, Wm. W.L.
Autos ducoed and enameled (ad), 09/27/1935:12
Tantillo, Anna
Wed to Louis J. Bernabeo, 12/08/1939:7
Tassanari, Dante
Daughter born, 05/12/1939:5
Tassarini, Alexander
Engaged to Sophie T. Zion, 09/08/1939:5
Tate, Elizabeth Drew
Summer tutoring (ad), 06/16/1939:10
Tate, George
Mechano therapy (ad), 10/04/1935:10
Obituary, 02/28/1936:1
Dies at age 78, 02/28/1936:6
Tate, Robert Drew
Born to Thomas, 02/04/1938:7
Tate, Thomas
Wed to Elizabeth K. Drew, 02/01/1935:4
Daughter born, 07/10/1936:7
Son born, 02/04/1938:7
Resigns from work with William Egger, employed in Wareham,
Tate, Thomas Mecreedy
Wedding described, 02/01/1935:1
Tatrault, Oliver
Henry Short found guilty in death of Oliver Tatrault, 10/13/1939:1
Tatro, Armand
Recently married, 10/29/1937:11
Tatro, Earl E.
Pleads not guilty to speeding, 05/19/1939:7
Fined $5 for speeding, 05/26/1939:8
Tatro, Francis
Daughter born, 06/25/1937:7
Tatro, Oliver F.
Automobile death case up October 10th, 10/06/1939:5
Tatro, Oliver Frank
Petition for administration of estate, 10/06/1939:10
Taunton River
Running extremely high, 04/19/1935:2
George Dainis of Boston drowns in attempt to swim river, 07/24/1936:1
Body of missing man James Mackey found floating in river,
Tauremid Quintette
High praise for performance at Providence, 05/15/1936:2
Tauremid String Quartette
Mabel Sears and Marion Belmont members, 02/01/1935:1
Performance reviewed by Taunton Gazette, 05/17/1935:4
Presents program in Barnstable, 10/30/1936:1
Mrs Earl Gates sells landmark Hell's Blazes to Burton Davis (p),
Origin of name "Hell's Blazes" lost in time, 07/12/1935:8
Tax Payers League
Superintendent and chairman of School Committee principal speakers,
Votes to support town meeting stand, 08/09/1935:1
Welfare department officials speak at meeting, 08/09/1935:1
Hiram Archer comments at length on action by selectmen (l),
Favor special town meeting, 08/23/1935:1
Hears Manager Goodale speak on town government, 09/13/1935:1
Authorities from local Board of Health speak at meeting, 10/04/1935:1
Reserve fund transfers under investigation, 10/04/1935:1
Supports gasoline permit for business at traffic circle, 10/18/1935:1
In favor as gasoline permit for P.H. Brodeur & Sons, 10/18/1935:2
Hear report of Worcester convention, charter changes presented,
Tremendously important to attend special town meeting (ad),
Holds testimonial for Romeo Millette, 05/01/1936:1
In favor of transfer from E & D account, 05/05/1939:1
Goes on record as approving transfer to E & D account, 06/23/1939:2
Suggests transfer of funds for Old Age Assistance Board, 11/10/1939:1
"Relief." As reviewed by a taxpayer (l) (Elmer E. Phinney),
We want relief (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 01/14/1938:3
Rate for 1938 may be lower than that for 1937, new officers doing their
job, 02/04/1938:1
Taxation - Lakeville
Group of more than 40 protest, 02/21/1936:7
Collector's sale, 05/22/1936:7, 06/05/1936:7
Collector's taking of real estate, 07/10/1936:5
Lakeville Taxpayers Association holds annual meeting, 01/08/1937:1
Rate at $29, 05/28/1937:11
Collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3, 06/25/1937:5, 04/22/1938:8
Collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Collector's sale, 07/15/1938:6
Collector's taking of real estate, 07/15/1938:6, 07/29/1938:5
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Rate reduction discussed at special town meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3, 07/21/1939:3
Tax rate set at $28, 09/08/1939:1
Taxation - Massachusetts
Middleboro to pay an additional $720 for East Boston tunnel,
Middleboro to receive extra $4,022.85 from state, 01/29/1937:6
Action expected on legislation to return money to Middleboro,
Urge defeat of income tax distribution, 01/27/1939:3
Questions The Spectator (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 02/17/1939:11
Selectmen still in the dark on state tax, 08/04/1939:1
State and county require $54,174 from Middleboro, 08/18/1939:1
Taxation - Middleboro
see also Middleboro - Board of Assessors; Middleboro Economy
League; Tax Payers League
What has become of taxpayers association?, 01/18/1935:1
Notice to voters (l), 02/01/1935:2
Who will pay the bills? (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 02/08/1935:6
Question of issuance of warrant for arrest of John Callan heard in court,
North Middleboro residents form taxpayers association, 02/15/1935:5
Parish tax bills very different than in 1850, 03/01/1935:1
Taxpayer's list from 1866, 03/08/1935:1
Two outstanding accounts from former treasurer/collector subject of
selectmen's meeting, 03/08/1935:2
Collector's sale, 03/22/1935:5, 03/29/1935:5, 04/12/1935:8,
04/19/1935:6, 04/26/1935:5
Voters anxious about poll tax rate, 05/03/1935:1
Citizens have had a week to ponder new rate, 06/07/1935:1
Information on new rate (t), 06/07/1935:5
List of Middleboro's heaviest taxpayers (t), 06/14/1935:11
Collector's sale, 06/28/1935:12
Response to new law gratifying, 07/19/1935:1
Collector's sale, 12/27/1935:7
The tax rate (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 02/07/1936:2
Due on or before February 15th (ad), 02/07/1936:12
Voters demand lower taxes at town meeting, 02/14/1936:1
Collector's sale, 03/06/1936:12, 03/13/1936:11, 03/20/1936:11,
04/03/1936:11, 04/24/1936:6, 05/15/1936:8
Residents await rate announcement, 05/22/1936:1
Rate set at $37.60 for 1936 (t), 06/05/1936:1
Collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Rate reduction small but welcome, 06/12/1936:1
List of Middleboro's heaviest taxpayers (t), 06/26/1936:1
Collectors taking of real estate, 09/11/1936:7
All 1935 bills must be paid by 12/1, 11/20/1936:12
1934 assessment entirely cleaned up, only 13% of 1935 levies
uncollected, 11/27/1936:1
Financial standing, 01/29/1937:1
Rumor of fees for delinquent taxpayers without foundation (l) (Hiram J.
Archer), 01/29/1937:1
Collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12, 03/19/1937:7
General by-laws amended to include Town Treasurer and Collector of
Taxes, 04/23/1937:8
Selectmen to put 12 parcels up to auction, 04/30/1937:5
Selectmen set date for land auction, 05/07/1937:1
Public auction - real estate (ad), 05/07/1937:7
Rate set at $40.00, 05/21/1937:1
Results of real estate auction disappointing, 05/21/1937:1
Public auction of additional parcels (ad), 05/21/1937:6
Land auction brings in $233.00, 05/28/1937:1
Rate up $2.70 from last year, 05/28/1937:7
List of heaviest taxpayers for 1937 (t), 07/02/1937:1, 07/09/1937:11
Collector's sale, 08/13/1937:6
Tax collector's notice (ad), 10/22/1937:12
Rate for 1938 estimated at $37.50, 02/04/1938:1
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Selectmen decide to put fund transfer to vote at special town meeting,
Transfer from Excess and Deficiency Account would lower tax rate,
Special town meeting requires presence of all voters, 04/08/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/08/1938:8
Special town meeting calm, serene affair, 04/15/1938:1
Voters approve funds transfer to reduce tax rate, 04/15/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/15/1938:9
Federal money keeping rate down, 04/22/1938:1
Taxpayers should be happy with lower rate, 06/03/1938:1
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/15/1938:2
Collector's taking of real estate, 07/29/1938:5
Co-operative Bank aids clients in paying real estate tax bills,
Special town meeting called to address Rock water extension and tax
rate, 11/25/1938:1
The Spectator discusses upcoming election (l), 12/30/1938:2
Ninety-seven percent of 1938 revenue collected, 01/27/1939:1
Finance Committee requests funds transfer to relieve burden (l) (The
Spectator), 03/31/1939:2
Finance Committee reports $27,068.32 in free cash, suggests lower tax
rate, 04/14/1939:1
Millette and Shurtleff ardent disciples of lower taxes (l) (The Spectator),
Selectmen stall on E & D fund decision (l) (The Spectator),
Clarifies Archer's letter (l) (William G. Boynton), 04/14/1939:8
Hiram Archer clarifies Boynton reasoning (l), 04/28/1939:3
Tax Payers League in favor of transfer from E & D account,
Selectmen discount transfer from E & D account, 05/05/1939:2
No valid reason for delay in vote on E & D transfer (l) (The Spectator),
Recall election and spending (l) (Hiram J. Archer), 05/05/1939:6
William Boynton claims Archer does not know figures (l) (t),
When will voters get opportunity to appropriate money from E & D
account? (l) (The Spectator), 05/12/1939:3
List of taxpayers in arrears, 06/09/1939:6
Tax Payers league goes on record as approving transfer to E & D
account, 06/23/1939:2
Assessors have work to do before bills sent out (l) (The Spectator),
Funds transfer will reduce taxes (l) (The Spectator), 08/25/1939:4
Rate set at $34 (t), 09/08/1939:1
Voters lower tax rate at special town meeting, 09/08/1939:1
Personal tax bills sent out, 09/15/1939:1
List of Middleboro's largest taxpayers (t), 09/22/1939:1
State Director of Accounts says no delay in fixing 1940 rate,
Taxation - Plymouth County
Dog tax refunds $1,502.28 for Middleboro and $516.92 for Lakeville,
State and county require $54,174 from Middleboro, 08/18/1939:1
Taxi Service
Ernest Morgan granted taxi license, 10/01/1937:8
Taunton man starts service here, 10/08/1937:1
New service for Middleboro, Checker Taxi stand at North Main and
Center St (ad), 10/08/1937:2
Checker Taxi authorized for one stand in Middleboro, 10/08/1937:8
Petition for public stands contains fraudulent signatures, 12/03/1937:1
Selectmen grant hackney license to William Murphy, 12/17/1937:8
Charles Tripp granted hackney license, 12/31/1937:5
Ernest Morgan gets permit to operate taxi, 04/29/1938:3
Selectmen asked to move taxi stand on North Main St, 10/20/1939:1
Taylor (Mr and Mrs)
Providence couple married 50 years, 07/01/1938:6
Taylor, Barbara
Attends Burdette College, 09/09/1938:11
Attends Burdett College, 10/14/1938:1
Completes course of study at Burdette Business College, 05/05/1939:9
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Graduates from Burdett College, 06/30/1939:2
Takes position in Boston insurance office, 09/22/1939:6
Taylor, Beatrice A.
Drowns in Long Pond, 04/22/1938:11
Taylor, David
Wed at West Medford, 09/18/1936:6
Taylor, Elizabeth
Funeral held at South Yarmouth, 10/29/1937:1
Taylor, Etta
Housekeeper for South Carver man, 11/15/1935:5
Taylor, Eva Babb
Resides in East Haven, CT, 06/23/1939:10
Taylor, Freeman
Employed at Farm Service Store, 08/18/1939:8
Taylor, Gwendolyn V.
Engaged to Theodore F. Bump, 11/18/1938:7
Wed to Theodore F. Bump, 12/02/1938:7
Taylor, Howard
Moves from Lakeville to Brockton, 07/21/1939:7
Taylor, James C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/05/1935:8
Taylor, James G.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/28/1935:11
Taylor, James H.
Collides with Levi Bousquet on Carmel St, 11/19/1937:2
Taylor, Kenneth
Fire in shed on Center St, 06/12/1936:1
Taylor, Kenneth C.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/26/1937:7
Taylor, L.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Taylor, Malcolm
Engaged to Anna Halunen, 02/17/1939:11
Wedding described, 02/24/1939:11
Son born, 09/01/1939:5
Taylor, Marietta B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/26/1937:7
Taylor, Philip
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:8
Taylor, Reginald
Engaged to Verna Cuzner, 06/16/1939:9
Taylor, Reginald L.
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:9
Taylor, Samuel
Hen lays peanut-like egg, 04/19/1935:1
Taylor, Samuel E.
Wed to Susie E. Grinnell, 10/16/1936:7
Taylor, Sarah
Obituary, 06/17/1938:11
Taylor, Sarah E.
Obituary, 02/24/1939:1
Widow of George W. dies at age 96, 02/24/1939:7
Taylor, S.E.
Auction sale at Lakeville residence (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Auction sale (ad), 11/06/1936:12
Taylor, Trescott L.
Engaged to Mildred M. Tibbetts, 05/12/1939:5
Wed to Mildred M. Tibbetts, 05/19/1939:5
Taylor, William
Chimney fire on Vernon St, 12/25/1936:1, 03/04/1938:1
Obituary, 07/08/1938:11
Chimney fire on Vernon St, 11/17/1939:8
Taylor, William J.
Obituary, 10/15/1937:1
New Brunswick man dies at age 63, 10/15/1937:7
Petition for probate of will, 10/29/1937:7
see also Schools - Middleboro (faculty and staff)
Nathalie Thibault Crowell, summer tutoring (ad), 06/09/1939:10
Lakeville teacher transfers, 06/16/1939:9
Elizabeth Drew Tate, summer tutoring (ad), 06/16/1939:10
Teceno, Beatrice
Engaged to Joseph Michael, 06/18/1937:7
Teceno, Elizabeth
Engaged to Frank A. Pupello, 06/23/1939:5
Teceno, Frank
Police find slot machines in raids, 05/14/1937:1
Slot machine case continued, 05/28/1937:2
Found guilty of having gaming devices, 06/18/1937:1
Appeals $35 fine, 06/25/1937:11
Fined $35 for possession of gambling implements, 10/22/1937:1
Teceno, Geneva
Wed to Leonard A. Collucci, 05/06/1938:7
Teceno, Joseph
Granted liquor license, 11/15/1935:1, 12/20/1935:1
Liquor license application turned down, 04/17/1936:1
Break-in at cafe on Center St, 07/17/1936:1
Police find slot machines in raids, 05/14/1937:1
Slot machine case continued, 05/28/1937:2
Found guilty of having gaming devices, 06/18/1937:1
Appeals $35 fine, 06/25/1937:11
Fined $35 for possession of gambling implements, 10/22/1937:1
Selectmen table request for liquor license, 10/22/1937:5
Daughter born, 10/28/1938:7
Selectmen refuse transfer of liquor license, 02/03/1939:1
Selectmen refuse liquor license transfer, 08/04/1939:1
Teceno, Joseph F.
Application for liquor license, 10/18/1935:8
Selectmen put liquor license application on hold, 11/08/1935:2
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Application for liquor license, 04/03/1936:7
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Again asks for liquor license transfer, 10/13/1939:4
License transfer petition turned down again, 10/20/1939:1
Teceno, Michael
Son born, 01/06/1939:7
Teceno, Michael J.
Engaged to Martha E. Lovell, 05/21/1937:7
Wed to Martha E. Lovell, 05/28/1937:7
Teceno, Nicholas
Obituary, 10/27/1939:4
Teceno, William N.
Obituary, 11/01/1935:1
Dies in Boston at age 11, 11/01/1935:6
Teceno's Cafe
758 Centre St (ad), 11/29/1935:2
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Restaurant liquor license granted, 12/25/1936:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Peter Gasunas gets 30 days for destruction of property at cafe,
Liquor license renewed, 12/30/1938:11
Teddy's Light Lunch
Ted Panesis proprietor, at traffic circle (ad), 06/12/1936:12
Teece, William
Engaged to Agnes M. Courtney, 11/25/1938:1
Teece, William W.
Wedding described, 12/09/1938:1
Wed to Mary A. Courtney, 12/09/1938:7
Teeling, Joseph
Engaged to Mildred W. Chace, 07/26/1935:2
Engaged to Mildred Chace, 08/23/1935:2
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Teeling, Joseph D.
Engaged to Mildred W. Chace, 08/23/1935:6
Wedding described, 08/29/1935:1
Telephones (see New England Telephone & Telegraph Co.)
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Telfer, Arnold
North Carver couple married 16 years, 05/07/1937:8
Tenaglia, Salvatore
Selectmen accept pencil drawing of Town House by Tenaglia,
Playground Committee issues rules, 04/26/1935:2
Young people prepare South Middleboro for season, 04/23/1937:11
Volunteers ready South Middleboro court for the season, 07/09/1937:5
Court signup book located at fire station, 04/29/1938:6
Regulations for courts, 06/17/1938:6
Park Board outlines tennis regulations, 05/26/1939:4
Middleboro team organized, 06/23/1939:4
Tepe, Florence Culhane
Resides in Hyannis, 10/16/1936:1
Obituary, 12/09/1938:1
Former high school teacher dies, 12/09/1938:5
Tessier, Etta
Fuller St house partially destroyed by fire, 06/04/1937:2
Tessier, H.
American Legion 1935 basketball champs (p), 05/17/1935:4
Tessier, Harold
Blaze starts in metal drum in Tessier's truck, 04/16/1937:1
Tessier, Mrs Louis
Loses sight in one eye as result of fall, 03/01/1935:1
Tetley, Joseph
Taunton man dies at age 72, 12/20/1935:6
Tetley, Joshua
Obituary, 12/20/1935:1
Guardian presents account of estate, 02/21/1936:8
Tetreault, Oliver F.
Automobile death case up October 10th, 10/06/1939:5
Tetu, Eugene
Dies of injuries sustained in truck-auto crash, 09/11/1936:1
Obituary, 09/11/1936:8
Funeral held in North Carver, 09/18/1936:11
Tetu, Loretta
Engaged to Fred G. Seelman, 09/04/1936:8
Wedding described, 10/02/1936:11
Tewkesbury, Charles
Son born, 10/06/1939:7
Texeira, John F.
Engaged to Beatrice L. White, 10/14/1938:7
Texeria, Maina
Arrangements made for deportation to Portugal, 10/13/1939:1
Marion Belmont, yarn and patterns (ad), 02/22/1935:4
ERA sewing project continues, 08/09/1935:1
Marion Belmont, agent for Bernat Yarn, now at 9 Courtland St (ad),
Selectmen doom federal sewing project, 09/03/1937:1
Figures on sewing project, 09/10/1937:1
Selectmen do about-face concerning federal sewing project,
Sewing project to continue, 09/10/1937:1
Needs transfer to sewing project, 09/17/1937:1
WPA sewing project gets A plus rating, 09/17/1937:1
Sewing unit figures, 10/01/1937:1
Group protests employment conditions on sewing project, 10/22/1937:1
Selectmen vote on funds transfers for WPA projects, 11/19/1937:5
Selectmen receive quarterly bill from sewing project, 01/14/1938:8
Selectmen approve new WPA sewing project, 08/11/1939:6
Thanksgiving (holiday)
Thimble Club Daughters give dinner baskets to 29 families,
Tharion, Sumner
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Thatcher, Adelaide K.
Sells School St residence to Albert Westgate, 07/15/1938:1
Obituary, 11/10/1939:4
Dies at age 81, 11/10/1939:5
Petition for administration of estate, 12/08/1939:8
Thatcher, Allan
Brief glimpse of the candidate for school committee, 01/11/1935:1
Thatcher, Allan R.
For School Committee (ad) (l), 01/18/1935:5
And son depart for Mediterranean cruise, 03/11/1938:1
Marion cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Thatcher, Emma E.
Obituary, 04/16/1937:6
Dies at age 64, 04/16/1937:7
Thatcher, Ronald
Embarks on cruise of South America and the West Indies, 11/15/1935:7
Returns from cruise, 12/27/1935:6
And father depart for Mediterranean cruise, 03/11/1938:1
Thayer, Axel
Son born, 08/02/1935:6
Thayer, Azel
Daughter born, 02/12/1937:6, 03/12/1937:12
Thayer, Ewell
Resides with brother on Everett St, 05/01/1936:5
Thayer, Florence M.
Tax collector's sale, 03/29/1935:5
Thayer, Lawrence
Charge of violating illegitimate child law dismissed, 09/04/1936:2
Takes tenement on Forest St, 11/18/1938:4
Daughter born, 09/29/1939:5, 09/29/1939:9
Thayer, Lawrence E.
Engaged to Marvis Foster, 04/15/1938:9
Engaged to Mavis L. Foster, 06/24/1938:7
Wed to Mavis L. Foster, 07/01/1938:7
Thayer, Lewis
Iola Travers injured in auto crash at Union and Nickerson St,
Wedding described, 01/31/1936:5
Resides with brother on Everett St, 05/01/1936:5
Chimney fire on Miller St, 01/28/1938:7
Twin sons born, 01/27/1939:7
Moves to Wareham St, 06/02/1939:9
Applies for garbage hauling license, 08/04/1939:1
Thayer, Lewis A.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Dies at age 79, 04/17/1936:7
Petition for administration of estate, 05/15/1936:7
Thayer, Lewis E.
Engaged to Dorothy F. Thomas, 01/17/1936:6
Wedding described, 01/24/1936:2
Wed to Dorothy F. Thomas, 01/24/1936:6
Wedding described, 01/24/1936:12
Escapes injured when car overturns on Wareham St, 05/21/1937:1
Thayer, Mrs Lewis
Eighty-two-year-old picks cranberries for Adella Gates, 09/20/1935:5
Thayer, W.E.
Chimney fire on Miller St, 02/17/1939:1
see also Bates School; Middleborough Memorial High School - Arts
Locals cast in Bridgewater State production of A Midsummer Night's
Dream, 05/10/1935:7
Begley and Robidoux cast in Teachers' College Drama Club production
of A Midsummer Night's Dream, 05/17/1935:7
Producer in town collecting background information for play based on
life of Deborah Sampson, 08/09/1935:1
Enid Crosier honored in Playgoer, 09/20/1935:8
Enid Sinclair Crozier opens drama studio (ad), 11/15/1935:12
Mrs Frank Crosier and Mrs Carlton Guild organize Middleboro Players,
Cabot Club presentation of Broken Dishes a theatrical and financial
success, 11/29/1935:2
Benjamin Bump appears in comedy The Youngest at Bridgewater State,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Mary Joy Crosier directs musical comedies in western Pennsylvania,
Mrs Frank Crosier directs musical comedy in Worcester, 01/31/1936:1
Pratt Free School presents Where is the Bride, 02/14/1936:2
Middleboro Teachers' Association presents three act comedy Big
Hearted Herbert, 03/20/1936:1
Mrs Stephen Zergas, class of dramatics, Lakeville (ad), 05/29/1936:12
Cast and sponsors of upcoming Central Congregational production of
The First Commandment (ad), 11/27/1936:5
Legion post sponsors Class of '29, 11/27/1936:11
Mary Joy Crosier plays lead in production at Leland Powers school,
Cabot Club Dramatic Committee presents The Patsy, 02/12/1937:2
Maude Pierce Allen in Broadway production of Thirsty Soil,
Middleboro Teachers' Association presents annual play Lady of Letters,
Nemasket Grange Dramatic Club puts on The Road Back, 11/05/1937:5
Townsend Club No. 1 presents The Family Upstairs, 11/26/1937:2
Cabot Club presents The Late Christopher Bean, 11/26/1937:8
Large audience enjoys Teachers' Association annual production, Mrs
Bumpstead-Leigh, 04/01/1938:1
Laymen's League of Unitarian Church presents annual musical,
Mary Joy Crosier rehearses in production of Federal Theatre in Boston,
WPA starts drama club, 11/18/1938:11
Middleboro Teachers' Association presents annual play The Cuckoo's
Nest, 11/25/1938:11
WPA community dramatic association forms, 12/23/1938:4
Cabot Club presents two one-act comedies, 03/03/1939:1
Clare Tree Major Children's Theatre presents The Little Princess,
Middleboro Teachers' Association presents Outlook Unsettled,
Theater,, 04/16/1937:2
Thecetti, Mary
Edward Baker not guilty of manslaughter charge stemming from
accident in Bridgewater, 01/08/1937:1
see also Automobile Theft; Burglary; Larceny; Robbery
Henry Zion in court for theft of auto radiator from J. Alfred Anderson,
Boat motor stolen from Harold Wood, 06/14/1935:1
Edward Reed's former housekeeper Vivian Conway arrested for theft,
Case of misuse of electricity by Clara Williams filed, 10/25/1935:5
Stolen motor discover in woods by hunters, 11/15/1935:1
Henry Powell's bicycle stolen from post office, 12/20/1935:1
Edward Wallace gets 30 days for unlawful use of electricity,
St. Armand and Thomas report stolen cranberries, 09/24/1937:1
Mrs Albert Rounseville has cranberries stolen, 10/01/1937:11
Drivers of stolen car flee Clark's Garage without paying for gas,
Francis Covel fails to report to probation officer, 01/14/1938:1
Tires and grease stolen from Clifton Nelson, 04/08/1938:11
Paul Anderson reports tools stolen from box on South St, 07/15/1938:1
F. Everett Buckman reports stolen outboard motor, 08/12/1938:6
Joseph Brown guilty of taking electricity from town, 03/10/1939:4
Lewis Shaw reports tires stolen from truck, 05/12/1939:3
Tires stolen from parking grounds at Town House, 07/14/1939:5
Joseph Brown discharged from probation, 09/08/1939:6
Theroux, Roland L.
Wed to Margaret T. McConaghy, 11/04/1938:7
Thew, Edward
Moves from Wareham to Lakeville, 03/03/1939:11
Thew, Edward J.
Mary Martin struck by auto driven by Thew, 11/20/1936:1
Thew, Martha
Resides in Worcester, 10/16/1936:6
Thibault, Edgar
Non-support case continued, 12/31/1937:5, 07/01/1938:2
Fails to appear in court on non-support charge, 09/30/1938:8
Discharged from probation, 10/07/1938:5
Moves farther down Wareham St, 07/21/1939:6
Thibault, Edgar C.
Engaged to Margaret M. Mackie, 05/13/1938:7
Wed to Margaret M. Mackie, 05/27/1938:7
Thibault, Mildred
Resides in South Hanson, 10/30/1936:12
Thibault, Mildred P.
Obituary, 05/14/1937:1
South Hanson woman dies at age 21, 05/14/1937:7
Thibault, Natalie
Attleboro teacher ill with scarlet fever, 12/20/1935:7
Thibault, Natalie I.
Engaged to Robert I. Crowell, 02/14/1936:1
Thibault, Nathalie
Engaged to Robert Crowell, 01/01/1937:6, 05/28/1937:7, 06/25/1937:1
Engaged to Robert J. Crowell, 07/09/1937:7
Thibault, Nathalie I.
Wed to Robert I. Crowell, 07/23/1937:7
Thibault, Nathalie Inez
Wedding described, 07/23/1937:1
Thibault, Newman
Receives fellowship for advanced study of geology at the University of
Michigan, 09/20/1935:1
On honor list at University of Michigan, 05/15/1936:2
Ceramic photographer at Norton Co. in Worcester, 05/12/1939:1
Thibault, Newman W.
Awarded fellowship at University of Michigan, 06/07/1935:1
Accepts post as ceramic petrologist at Norton Co. in Worcester,
Engaged to Elizabeth Voorhees, 07/09/1937:1
Thibault, Newman William
Wedding described, 05/20/1938:1
Thibault, William J.
Department extinguishes rubbish fire, 05/05/1939:1
Thibault Studio
87 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Thibeault (Mr)
Moves to Bumpus place at Wareham and Smith St, 08/26/1938:8
Thibeault, Charles
Injured in fall while playing, 09/08/1939:3
Thibeault, Edgar
Found guilty of non-support of wife and children, 11/29/1935:2
Thimble Club Daughters
Hold annual meeting, 02/22/1935:1, 02/07/1936:6
Prize money for J.L. Jenney float in Armistice parade donated to
organization, 12/18/1936:1
Hold annual meeting, 02/12/1937:7, 02/04/1938:12
Thanksgiving dinner baskets given to 29 families, 11/25/1938:1
Hold annual meeting, 02/17/1939:2
Third Baptist Church
Ladies' Aid Society holds annual meeting, 01/18/1935:2
Holds annual business meeting, 05/03/1935:7
New ceiling in auditorium, Endeavor room painted, floors varnished,
Hosts meeting of Neighborhood convention, 10/11/1935:6
First Neighborhood convention held at Rock, 10/18/1935:2
Holds annual meeting, 05/01/1936:5
Only federated church in town, 01/29/1937:11
Holds annual meeting, 04/30/1937:11
Connecticut pastor A. Vaughan Ambercrombie accepts call,
Holds reception for new pastor, 10/29/1937:11
Rev Abercrombie forms Top Notchers boys' club, 11/12/1937:11
Holds annual meeting, 05/06/1938:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Ruby Lindsay new choir director, 10/07/1938:8
Hosts Neighborhood convention, 10/14/1938:5
Holds annual supper and business meeting, 04/28/1939:9
Votes to retain Rev Abercrombie, 09/08/1939:1
Third Congregational Church (see North Middleboro Congregational
Thomas, A.E.
Has dandelion in full bloom, 11/15/1935:5
Martens return to Smith St, 04/24/1936:5
Thomas, Albert
Candidate for selectman, 12/13/1935:1
Daughter born, 06/05/1936:11
Thomas, Albert A.
Candidate for selectman disqualified, 01/10/1936:1
Replaces Charles Giberti on Finance Committee, 01/28/1938:1
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Thomas, Alfred
Employed by Thomas Bros., 11/29/1935:8
Thomas, Alfred E.
Resides in Boston, 06/19/1936:8
Martin colony draws folks from afar, 05/21/1937:11
Colony of martens returns, 04/22/1938:11
Twins hold celebration for 74th birthday, 09/16/1938:3
Thomas, Alice Marion
Born to Edward, 05/19/1939:9
Thomas, Almira F.
Obituary, 12/25/1936:1
Dies at age 84, 12/25/1936:6
Thomas, Almira J.F.
A tribute, 01/01/1937:11
Thomas, Alton
Collides with Ohio driver at Forest and Arch St, 06/25/1937:2
Thomas, Alvin
Collides with West Weymouth driver on Wareham St, 07/29/1938:5
Thomas, Alvin E.
Employed at Thomas Bros., 02/15/1935:3
Resides in Boston, 06/19/1936:8
Twins hold celebration for 74th birthday, 09/16/1938:3
Retires after 59 years of active service with Thomas Bros. store,
Thomas, Anna W.
Obituary, 01/10/1936:12
Thomas, Arnold
Son born, 12/24/1937:7
Discharged from probation, 08/11/1939:2
Reckless driving case continued, 10/27/1939:1
Thomas, Arnold C.
Gets probation for larceny from Benno Muthow, 08/12/1938:1
Thomas, Arnold E.
Raw furs wanted (ad), 10/30/1936:12
Thomas, Arnold G.
Thomas pleads guilty to stealing Charles Carver's car, 11/18/1938:1
Guilty of auto theft, 11/25/1938:2
Gets six months on four motor vehicle charges, 04/14/1939:6
Lakeville man with record of motor vehicle violations smashes auto on
Rhode Island Rd, 10/06/1939:1
Arrested for break-in at North Carver home, 10/13/1939:1
Held for grand jury in North Carver break-in, 10/20/1939:1
Fined $25 for speeding, 11/03/1939:1
Discharged from probation, 11/17/1939:3
Held for grand jury, local court finds probable cause on five counts,
Thomas, Arthur
Missing youth located in Connecticut, 07/12/1935:1
Runs away for third time in a year, 12/06/1935:1
Thomas, Arthur C.
Resides in West Newton, 01/24/1936:5, 03/13/1936:8
Icy roads a factor in collision with Taunton driver, 01/27/1939:1
Thomas, Arthur L.
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Thomas, Bert
Boston man dies, 03/20/1936:11
Thomas, Bertram
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Thomas, Bertram, Jr.
Crushed while moving piano, 02/14/1936:1
Thomas, Bertram L.
Files nomination papers for finance committee, 12/03/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Cost to run town trucks (l), 03/11/1938:7
Delivery of withered flowers prompts investigation, 03/25/1938:1
Selectmen discuss weed bouquet, 03/25/1938:11
Frederick Feas makes public apology for weed bouquet (l),
Fined $15 for cruelty to dog, 07/15/1938:5
Files nomination papers for position of selectman, 12/23/1938:1
Candidate for selectman (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:6
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Petition concerns land held in common with Elizabeth Thomas,
Attorney Allan accused of selling Frank Thomas farm too cheap,
Granted permit to move building from Plymouth St to Spencer St,
Thomas, Bessie L.
Engaged to Robert J. Cross, Jr., 03/08/1935:1
Thomas, C. Stetson, Jr.
Five-year-old struck by Bryant's auto, 08/13/1937:1
Thomas, Caleb H.
Engaged to Doris E. Spalding, 02/10/1939:7
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:1
Wed to Doris S. Spalding, 02/17/1939:7
Thomas, Chester
Proprietor of Farm Service Stores, Inc., 08/09/1935:1
Employed at Narragansett Milling Co., 02/14/1936:11
Farm Service Stores, Inc. closes, Thomas employed for 17 years,
Thomas, Clara M.
Obituary, 10/28/1938:1
Dies at age 81, 10/28/1938:7
Thomas, Clyde
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Thomas, Clyde S.
Real estate and insurance, 7 Rock St (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Son born, 09/06/1935:6
Thomas, Dorothy
Wedding described, 01/31/1936:5
Thomas, Dorothy F.
Engaged to Lewis E. Thayer, 01/17/1936:6
Wed to Lewis E. Thayer, 01/24/1936:6
Wedding described, 01/24/1936:12
Thomas, Dorothy Francis
Wedding described, 01/24/1936:2
Thomas, Edward
Wed to Louise Alger, 07/29/1938:11
Daughter born, 05/19/1939:9
Thomas, Edward B.
Engaged to Daisy V. Long, 06/21/1935:1
Wedding described, 12/27/1935:1
Son born, 10/29/1937:7
Files nomination papers for position on Finance Committee,
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Candidate for Finance Committee (ad), 01/13/1939:8
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Thomas, Elfleda
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:1
Thomas, Elfleda L.
Wed to Howard S. Anderson, 01/10/1936:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Thomas, Elflida L.
Wedding described, 01/10/1936:11
Thomas, Elizabeth B.
Employed at sanatorium, 07/23/1937:12
Obituary, 09/16/1938:1
Widow of James A. dies at age 89, 09/16/1938:7
Petition concerns land held in common with Bertram Thomas,
Thomas, Ellen
Obituary, 07/22/1938:1
Thomas, Elsie
Wed to Joseph Sergio, 01/06/1939:11
Thomas, Elwin C.
Wed to Margaret Altier, 04/22/1938:7
Thomas, Emiline
Struck by Dorchester auto on Wareham St, 11/05/1937:1
Thomas, Emma J.
Files for divorce, 07/22/1938:5
Granted divorce from Leslie Thomas, 01/27/1939:8
Thomas, Ernest
Cousin dies in Mansfield, 07/02/1937:8
Thomas, Ernest E.
Chimney fire on Peirce St, 03/13/1936:5
Thomas, Florence A.
Wins flight at New York, 09/29/1939:9
Thomas, Florence Nelson
Obituary, 12/31/1937:7
Thomas, Forest
Former School Committeeman served faithfully, 01/31/1936:1
Bertram Thomas files nomination papers for School Committee,
Thomas, Forest E.
Candidate for School Committee (p), 12/27/1935:1
Reward faithful service (ad) (p), 01/10/1936:5
Re-elect to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Candidate for School Committee (p), 12/04/1936:1
Candidate for School Committee, 01/08/1937:5
Files protest against Alfred Mack in upcoming election, 01/15/1937:1
Elect to School Committee (ad) (p), 01/15/1937:5
Auto struck by Duporier on Oak St, 04/09/1937:1
Glimpse of 1938 candidate, 01/14/1938:2
Past commanders of local post (p), 04/29/1938:1
Thomas, Frank
Fire starts in slab pile at saw mill, 07/10/1936:1
Thomas, Frank E.
Obituary, 03/13/1936:1
Dies at age 66, 03/13/1936:6
Thomas, Frank S.
Runs for assessor's office, 11/26/1937:1
Attorney Allan accused of selling farm too cheap, 11/10/1939:1
Thomas, Frank W.
Obituary, 01/25/1935:1
South Hanson man dies at age 30, 01/25/1935:4
Thomas, Fred A.
Employed at Middleboro Motor Sales, 10/09/1936:7
Thomas, Frederica H.
Resides in Bristol, CT, 08/07/1936:12
Thomas, George
Injured when car strikes pole at Old Center St and Taunton St,
Only surviving member of GAR in Middleboro, 05/27/1938:1
Arm injured in crusher machinery, 06/30/1939:1
Thomas, George B.
Engaged to Marjorie Kinsman, 11/24/1939:1
Son born, 11/24/1939:5
Engaged to Marjorie Kinsman, 12/15/1939:7
Thomas, George Bertram
Engaged to Marjorie Adellis Kinsman, 11/03/1939:10
Wedding described, 12/22/1939:5
Thomas, George L.
Obituary, 09/10/1937:1
Thomas, George Loring
A tribute, 09/10/1937:1
Dies at age 67, 09/10/1937:7
Thomas, George W.
New commander of local GAR post, 11/22/1935:1
GAR Post Commander observes 94th birthday, 02/26/1937:1
Thomas, George Washington
Civil War veteran passes 95th milestone, 02/25/1938:1
Plympton's oldest Civil War veteran turns 96, 02/24/1939:1
Thomas, Georgette
Arrested for track walking, 08/21/1936:1
On probation for track walking, 08/28/1936:2
Probation for track walking ends, 02/26/1937:2
John Houlihan gets four months for assault on Thomas, 04/02/1937:2
Engaged to Adelbert Fuller, 01/21/1938:7
Case filed, 06/24/1938:8
Thomas, Georgette C.
Wed to Adelbert O. Fuller, 01/28/1938:7
Thomas, Gordon P.
Resides in Springfield, 05/13/1938:7
Thomas, H.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Thomas, Harriett
District nurse, 01/18/1935:1
Thomas, Harvey
Wants analysis of water in South Middleboro, 06/04/1937:1
Cranberries stolen from Tispaquin St property, 09/24/1937:1
Thomas, Helen
Student at Stoneleigh Junior College, 11/17/1939:10
Thomas, Helen L.
Engaged to Brenton MacLaren, 06/19/1936:11
Wed to Philip B. McClaren, 06/26/1936:7
Thomas, Helen R.
Enters Dental School of Nursing in Boston, 09/18/1936:8
Graduates from Dental School of Nursing, 02/12/1937:11
Bruised in fall down stairs, 07/09/1937:5
Thomas, Henry D.
Funeral held in East Concord, VT, 07/24/1936:11
Thomas, Herbert H.
Engaged to Roberta Mae Provonche, 09/23/1938:7
Wed to Roberta Mae Provonche, 09/30/1938:7
Thomas, Herbert H., Jr.
Son born, 03/24/1939:11
Thomas, Herbert Harvey
Born to Herbert, Jr., 03/24/1939:11
Thomas, Herbert S.
Obituary, 07/16/1937:1
Thomas, Herbert Stetson
Dies at age 71, 07/16/1937:7
Thomas, Horatio
Bert Flanders purchases Smith St place, 11/08/1935:2
Thomas, Ida B.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/18/1935:6
Thomas, Israel
Biography, 02/14/1936:5
Thomas, James
Engaged to Ruth Yanak, 09/15/1939:1
Wed to Ruth Yanak, 10/27/1939:6
Thomas, James W.
Fined $5 and 30 days for operating unregistered, uninsured trailer,
Fined $5 for operating improperly registered trailer, 07/07/1939:8
Gets six months additional probation for snicker, 10/13/1939:6
Rents tenement at Miller and Smith St, 10/13/1939:9
Engaged to Ruth C. Yanak, 10/20/1939:5
Wed to Ruth C. Yanak, 10/27/1939:5
Thomas, John B.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Petition for administration of estate, 08/26/1938:6
Petition for sale of real estate, 08/25/1939:5
Thomas, Joseph
Chimney fire on Chestnut St, 02/21/1936:12, 11/20/1936:1,
Chimney fire on Purchase St, 03/04/1938:1
Thomas, Joseph B.
Emma and Blanche Letourneau injured in collision with Joseph D'Elia,
Purchase St couple married 40 years, 04/01/1938:1
Thomas, Lauretta
Easter lily in bloom, 10/23/1936:1
Thomas, Leslie
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Wife files for divorce, 07/22/1938:5
Wife Emma J. granted divorce, 01/27/1939:8
Moves from South Middleboro to Rock, 03/03/1939:3
Moves from Highland St to Walnut Plain, 04/28/1939:9
Moves from Rock to Walnut Plain, 05/05/1939:6
Thomas, Lois
Nurse takes post in Fitchburg, 09/06/1935:2
Thomas, Lorimer
Resides in Portland, ME, 10/16/1936:2
Thomas, Lothrop
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8, 04/19/1935:6, 03/25/1938:3
Thomas, Lyman Willard
Graduates from Mt. Hermon school in Northfield, 06/26/1936:5
Thomas, M.
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Thomas, Mariannnie B.
Wed to Michael A. Perry, 10/15/1937:7
Thomas, Marion
Named salutatorian, 03/18/1938:1
Receives freshman scholarship to Colby College, 07/08/1938:12
Enrolls at Colby College, 09/23/1938:6
Thomas, Marion B.
Salutatory essay, 06/17/1938:4
Thomas, Mendall Patterson
Engaged to Dorothy Boyd, 04/09/1937:11
South Middleboro folks attend wedding in Roslindale, 04/16/1937:11
Thomas, Mrs A.J.
Son-in-law dies in Springfield, ME, 01/07/1938:2
Thomas, Murial
Oil burner flare up on High St, 12/09/1938:1
Thomas, Muriel
Rents tenement on High St, 11/22/1935:2
Thomas, Myra
Collides with Alveretta Gay at Union and Nickerson St, 03/29/1935:3
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Attends Houghton College in New York, 09/09/1938:7
Wins Houghton College tournament, 05/26/1939:4
Thomas, Myron
Member of Taunton Orchestral Club, 06/07/1935:1
Member of Glee Club at Boston University, 04/10/1936:12
Thomas, Myron B.
On tour with Boston University Glee Club, 04/01/1938:7
Tours with Boston University Choral Art Society, 04/21/1939:1
Graduates from Boston University, 06/09/1939:1
Thomas, Myron Bradley
Graduates from Boston University, 06/16/1939:1
Thomas, Nelson
Wed to Marguerite Cormier, 06/16/1939:4
Thomas, Nelson C.
Obituary, 09/13/1935:1
Dies at age 78, 09/13/1935:6
Thomas, Rebecca L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/15/1939:4
Thomas, Robert
Obituary, 05/17/1935:3
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Thomas, Sarah Addie
Obituary, 10/28/1938:1
Worcester woman dies at age 81, 10/28/1938:7
Thomas, Silas
Obituary, 04/10/1936:1
Dies at age 61, 04/10/1936:6
Thomas, Snowden
Attends Amherst College, 10/02/1936:5
Accepts U.S. Civil Service position at Concord, NH, 11/25/1938:5
Thomas, Snowden W.
Resumes studies at Harvard, 09/27/1935:11
Enters Harvard, 10/09/1936:5
Employed in Hanson, 07/23/1937:2
Resides in Concord, NH, 12/30/1938:11
Employed in Philadelphia, PA, 05/26/1939:5
Thomas, Snowdon W.
Resides in West Newton, 01/03/1936:2
Thomas, Stella
Resides in Roslindale, 07/05/1935:8
Thomas, Stella F.
Teaches in Dorchester, 10/04/1935:5
Obituary, 08/21/1936:1
South Middleboro community deeply saddened, 08/21/1936:5
Roslindale woman dies at age 60, 08/21/1936:7
Thomas, Sybil
Local musicians, Tinkham, Thomas, and Commeau, form Cellino Trio,
Wedding described, 09/18/1936:1
Thomas, Virginia A.
Obituary, 07/30/1937:11
Thomas, W.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Thomas, W. Snowden
Student at Harvard, 06/07/1935:6
Employed in Amherst, 08/14/1936:2
Thomas, Waldo A.
Guard on Ithaca College basketball team, 02/04/1938:6
Thomas, Waldo S.
Appointed commissioner to qualify public officers, 03/10/1939:1
Balky canoe dumps town clerk in Vermont lake, 09/08/1939:8
Thomas, Walter
Rock barn leveled by fire, 12/13/1935:1
Lets tenement at Smith and Miller St to Mr Bismore, 08/26/1938:8
Thomas, Walter C.
Rock couple married 30 years, 07/26/1935:11
Thomas, W.C.
Lets Miller St house to Charles Bassett, Sr., 05/10/1935:6
Lets Miller St tenement to Maude Lapham, 06/28/1935:11
Closes grocery after 29 years, 12/06/1935:11
Smith St barn destroyed by fire, 12/13/1935:8
Lets tenement to Edwin Gross, 08/19/1938:11
Thomas, Weldon
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Represents Ithaca College in boxing match at North Adams,
Member of Ithaca College varsity track team, 05/13/1938:6
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Thomas, Weldon A.
Enrolls at Ithaca College, 09/10/1937:1
Wins track letter at Ithaca College, 06/03/1938:6
Thomas, William
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Chimney fire at home, 12/10/1937:1
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 04/29/1938:1
Arthur Willette's wheelbarrow struck by auto driven by Thomas,
Thomas, William H.
Observes 83rd birthday, biography, 11/20/1936:5
Obituary, 02/25/1938:1
Dies at age 84, 02/25/1938:7
A tribute (l), 03/04/1938:11
Petition for administration of estate, 03/11/1938:7
Thomas, Winthrop S.
Resides in West Newton, 03/01/1935:6
Thomas Bros. (contractors)
Trucks and equipment for hire (ad), 07/02/1937:12
Thomas Bros. (store)
Employs Alvin Thomas and Elliott Beaton, 02/15/1935:3
History and profile of Middleboro business, 04/26/1935:1
Employ Alfred Thomas, 11/29/1935:8
Employ Richmond Matthews, 02/21/1936:5
Interior of store remodeled, 12/25/1936:11
Alvin Thomas retires after 59 years of active service, 11/25/1938:5
Letourneau and Washburn sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro
and Lakeville, 10/13/1939:1
Thomas Family
Holds annual reunion in Rock, 08/02/1935:8
Thomasik, Edward J.
Engaged to Louise Long, 05/06/1938:6
Thomastown School
Committee votes to install lights and water, 02/10/1939:1
Holds first social since electric lights installed, 05/26/1939:2
Natilie Thibault Crowell new teacher, 08/11/1939:1
Selectmen vote transfer from reserve fund, 11/24/1939:1
Thompson, Albert
Engaged to Lillian Duphily, 01/01/1937:6
Son born, 09/17/1937:7
Thompson Cafe request change of location, 11/12/1937:5
Son born, 10/14/1938:7
Daughter born, 10/06/1939:7
Thompson, Albert G.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Thompson, Albert George
Application for of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Thompson, Arthur
Liquor license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Thompson, Barbara Wetsell
Wed to Donald Norman Price, 10/25/1935:12
Thompson, C.A.
White canaries (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Thompson, F.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Thompson, Frank
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Letterman on high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Thompson, Geneveive M.
Obituary, 11/19/1937:1
Petition for administration of estate, 12/03/1937:8
Thompson, Genevieve M.
Wife of Walter dies in Brockton, 11/19/1937:7
Thompson, Gilbert
Son born, 02/26/1937:6, 03/05/1937:11
Thompson, Gilbert, Jr.
Infant son of Gilbert dies, 08/20/1937:11
Thompson, Herbert
Chimney fire on Cherry St, 02/19/1937:1
Thompson, James
Liquor license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Granted permit to erect sign at 16 Wareham St business, 04/02/1937:2
Thompson Cafe request change of location, 11/12/1937:5
Engaged to Gertrude Mannion, 08/04/1939:1, 09/22/1939:2
Thompson, James E.
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Thompson, James J.
Engaged to Gertrude T. Mannion, 09/22/1939:5
Wed to Gertrude T. Mannion, 10/06/1939:7
Thompson, James Joseph
Application for of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Thompson, John H.
Obituary, 03/04/1938:7
Thompson, John Henry
Taunton man dies at age 80, 03/04/1938:7
Thompson, John R.
Candidate for Finance Committee, 04/17/1936:1
Candidate for Finance Committee, biography, 12/29/1939:1
Thompson, Mildred
Nine-year-old injured by Sisson's school bus, 01/22/1937:1
Thompson, Mrs John R.
Actor Nelson Eddy is nephew of Mrs Thompson, 05/03/1935:1
Thompson, Mrs Robert
Resides in Woods Hole, 09/23/1938:11
Thompson, R.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Thompson, Robert
Son born, 05/07/1937:11
Thompson, Rose
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Thompson, Ruth Nourse
Son born, 05/07/1937:11
Thompson, Thomas
Youths nabbed in store break-in, 01/18/1935:1
Application for liquor license, 08/02/1935:8
Selectmen grant liquor license, 08/23/1935:5
Granted liquor license, 09/20/1935:5
Granted permission to erect electric sign, 10/04/1935:5
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Chimney fire on Forest St, 01/31/1936:7
Obituary, 04/03/1936:1
Dies at age 67, 04/03/1936:6
Fire in beams on Thompson St, 11/18/1938:6
Resigns from Bob's Lunch, takes position with Metropolitan Life
Insurance Co,, 02/03/1939:1
Thompson, Thomas F.
Moves from Everett St to Thompson St, 08/19/1938:6
Thompson, Walter
Daughter born, 12/23/1938:7
Thompson & Son
Application for of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Selectmen approve new sign, 12/17/1937:8
Thompson Cafe
Granted permit to erect sign, 09/25/1936:1
Granted permit to erect neon sign at 16 Wareham St, 03/12/1937:7
Request change of location, 11/12/1937:5
Proximity to theatre prompts change to liquor by-laws, 11/26/1937:1
Selectmen grant liquor license, 12/10/1937:1
Before selectmen on charge of alcohol sale to welfare recipients,
Thompson Street School
Florence Giberti fills teacher vacancy, 11/06/1936:1
Thompson Tire Co.
Employs Anne Campbell, 08/23/1935:2
Thompsonville School
Oldest school building closed due to low enrollment, 02/03/1939:1
Thomson, Alexander McKenzie
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Gladys Elizabeth Robbins, 09/25/1936:12
Thornton, William H.
Obituary, 03/10/1939:1
Thorsen, Lester
Grass fire on Bedford St, 04/01/1938:7
Thorson, Florence
Moves from Plymouth St to Bedford St, 10/01/1937:11
Thorson, Lester
Officer at State Farm, 05/03/1935:7
Employed at State Farm, 05/21/1937:11
Robert Macura in court for threatening mother Anna with butcher knife,
Thumb, Mrs Tom
Graduate Roberta Rogers receives ring of Mrs Tom Thumb as gift from
grandfather, 06/10/1938:1
Thumb, Tom
Emmett Stover uses gas to take own life in Tom Thumb mansion,
Thurston, Edith A.
Engaged to William J. McNally, 09/09/1938:7
Thurston, Ellen
First librarian for Middleborough Public Library, 11/15/1935:5
Moves from Rock to Fall Brook, 04/29/1938:11
Thurston, Jason F.
Resides in Milton Mills, NH, 04/01/1938:4
Thurston, J.F.
Resides in Tamworth, NH, 06/11/1937:8
Thurston, Mrs Gerald
Resides in Boston, 07/28/1939:4
Thurston, Mrs Jason F.
Principal of school in Milton Mills, NH, 08/02/1935:8
Tiavi, Beatrice Dionne
Son born, 01/07/1938:11
Tiavi, Manuel
Son born, 01/07/1938:11
Tibbets, Helen Bassett
Popular swim instructor in Ellsworth, ME, 08/20/1937:6
Tibbetts, Florence
Engaged to Wilfred C. Vickery, 09/11/1936:7
Tibbetts, Mildred M.
Engaged to Trescott L. Taylor, 05/12/1939:5
Wed to Trescott L. Taylor, 05/19/1939:5
Tierney, Bessie M.
Obituary, 06/02/1939:1
Wife of William E. dies at age 36, 06/02/1939:5
Tierney, Elizabeth M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 08/25/1939:2
Tierney, William
Son born, 04/10/1936:11
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Tilden, L. Richard
New physical director at YMCA (p), 09/06/1935:1
Engaged to Barbara L. Moody, 11/22/1935:6
Wed to Barbara L. Moody, 12/06/1935:6
YMCA director named swimming pool supervisor, 05/20/1938:1
Takes appointment at Marblehead YMCA, 09/29/1939:1
Tilden, Leon Richard
Wedding described, 12/06/1935:7
Tilden, Richard
Nominated for YMCA post at Marblehead, 09/22/1939:4
Tillman, Warren
Engaged to Enid F. Crosier, 05/03/1935:8
Daughter born, 10/30/1936:7
Tillman, Warren F.
Engaged to Enid F. Crosier, 06/14/1935:6
Wedding described, 06/28/1935:1
Wed to Enid F. Crosier, 06/28/1935:6
Tillman, Warren Frank
Engaged to Enid Crosier, 06/14/1935:6
Son born, 01/10/1936:6
Tillson (Mr)
Selectmen sell parcel to Herbert and Mattie Holmes, 10/01/1937:8
Tillson, Bernard
Daughter born, 04/03/1936:5
Tillson, Bernard E.
Daughter born, 04/03/1936:6
Tillson, Elwood
Instructor at Annapolis, 06/26/1936:5
Lt. Commander resides in Annapolis, MD, 07/15/1938:1
Passes Selection Board for position of Commander in U.S. Navy,
Tillson, Elwood M.
Assigned to USS Utah as executive officer, 05/26/1939:1
Tillson, Granville E.
Community feels loss, 01/06/1939:1
Dies in 67th year, obituary, 01/06/1939:1
First Unitarian Society passes resolutions upon death, 01/06/1939:1
The Spectator comments on passing of prominent citizen (l),
Petition for probate of will, 01/20/1939:5
Middleborough Trust Co. passes resolutions, 01/20/1939:6
Lengthy tribute, 02/03/1939:5
Unitarian Laymen's League passes resolutions, 02/24/1939:3
Tillson, Granville Edson
Dies at age 66, 01/06/1939:7
Tillson, Hiram
Biography, 07/17/1936:11
Tillson, Ichabod
Homesteaded on New Meadows tract, 12/25/1936:6
Tillson, Ichabod, Jr.
Biography, 01/04/1935:3
Tillson, Leonard O.
Honored by High School Alumni Association, 12/31/1937:1
Tillson, Lizzie E.B.
Central Congregational solicits funds for Memorial Font, 02/01/1935:1
Program for dedication of Central Congregational baptismal font,
Baptismal font dedicated in simple ceremony, 05/24/1935:3
Tillson, Mrs Granville
Travels to Hawaii, 03/24/1939:1
Tillson, Priscilla
Student at New Hampshire State College, 12/29/1939:8
Tillson, Roger
Appointed trustee of Hannah Shaw estate (p), 04/21/1939:1
Moves here from Harwich, 09/01/1939:8
Tillson, Roger W.
Resides in Harwich, 12/02/1938:1
Succeeds father as president of Middleborough Trust Co. (p),
Tillson, Thomas
Biography, 02/15/1935:3
Tillson, Truman A.
Obituary, 08/12/1938:1
South Carver man dies at age 69, 08/12/1938:7
Obituary, 08/12/1938:11
Tingley, Bessie
Brother-in-law dies in Wickford, RI, 12/25/1936:2
Tingley, Ruth
New clerk at Alonzo F. Ryder Co., Inc., 03/06/1936:11
Tingley, Ruth K.
Records reveal secret marriage, 07/15/1938:1
Tinkham, Angeline B.
Obituary, 11/04/1938:1
Widow of Lewis B. dies at age 73, 11/04/1938:7
Tinkham, Charles
Sells Miller St house to Albert West, 12/13/1935:8
Tinkham, Charles W.
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8
Obituary, 08/23/1935:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Dies at age 76, 08/23/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 08/29/1935:5
Tinkham, Ed
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l) (George A. Warren),
Tinkham, Edgar W.
Everett St couple married 50 years, 10/01/1937:2
Tinkham, Edgar Washburn
Obituary, 07/01/1938:1
Tinkham, Edith K.
Engaged to Walter E. Miller, 10/15/1937:7
Wed to Walter E. Miller, 11/26/1937:7
Tinkham, E.F. (see E.F. Tinkham Jewelry and Optical)
Tinkham, Evelyn
President of Commuter's Club at Boston University, 05/24/1935:1
Attends Boston University, 03/27/1936:12
Resides in Rhode Island, 12/04/1936:5
Takes post as physiotherapist at Children's Convalescent Home in Grand
Rapids, MI, 03/03/1939:1
Tinkham, Frank
Fire spreads from fireplace to partitions on Plymouth St, 04/12/1935:1
Tinkham, Howard
Employed at sanatorium, 03/04/1938:3
Resigns from sanatorium dairy, employed on the Cape, 06/17/1938:11
Tinkham, Levi B.
Old North St barn first used by William Vaughn comes down,
Tinkham, Lillian Place
Piano recital delightful (t), 06/28/1935:5
Pianoforte, harmony, and transposition (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Students perform at NE Conservatory of Music, 06/12/1936:6
Forty pupils perform at annual recital, 06/26/1936:2
Students heard in novel radio broadcast, 04/09/1937:8
Students participate in NE Conservatory of Music recital, 04/23/1937:6
Students participate in NE Conservatory recital, 05/21/1937:7,
Students present annual recital, 06/25/1937:7
Pianoforte students present excellent program, 06/24/1938:8
Second concert by pupils, 07/01/1938:8
Resumes pianoforte classes (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Pupils present two recitals, 06/23/1939:6
Tinkham, Mrs Charles
Injures ankle in fall, 05/19/1939:9
Tinkham, Roger
Moves here from Brockton, 11/03/1939:10
Tinkham, Roger A.
Engaged to Dorothy E. Wyman, 06/17/1938:7
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Wed to Dorothy E. Wyman, 07/08/1938:7
Tinkham, Roland
Collides with William Rose at Peirce and School St, 01/25/1935:2
House quarantined for scarlet fever, 03/19/1937:11
Purchases Miller St and Highland St properties at town auction,
Tinkham, S. Foster
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8
Tinkham, Sumner
Wed to Grace Louise DeMoranville, 05/01/1936:5
Occupies tenement on Smith St, 11/06/1936:5
Daughter born, 12/18/1936:6, 12/10/1937:6, 12/10/1937:7
Moves to tenement on Miller St, 03/25/1938:3
Son born, 02/24/1939:11
Tinkham, Sumner F.
Engaged to Grace Louise DeMoranville, 04/24/1936:5
Engaged to Grace DeMoranville, 04/24/1936:7
Tinkham, Virginia
Local musicians, Tinkham, Thomas, and Commeau, form Cellino Trio,
Graduate of Wilfred Academy, 08/06/1937:8
Wedding described, 11/26/1937:1
Wed to Donald Sykes, 12/24/1937:6
Tinkham, William Warren
Obituary, 11/06/1936:1
Tinsley, Gerald
Engaged to Elizabeth Standish, 09/22/1939:4
Tinsley, Gerald E.
Engaged to Mary Elizabeth Standish, 06/23/1939:1
Wed to M. Elizabeth Standish, 10/20/1939:5
Tinsley, Gerald Emil
Wedding described, 10/27/1939:1
Tinsley, Rose
Engaged to John F. Sweeney, 10/28/1938:1
Tinsley, Rose Alma
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:2
Tippitts, Florence Cummings
Obituary, 01/11/1935:1
Richmond's Store, tires and batteries (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Blake's, battery and tire service (ad), 02/22/1935:8
J.T. McKechnie Stores, Armstrong tires (ad), 06/07/1935:12
Thompson Tire Co. employs Anne Campbell, 08/23/1935:2
Charles Whitney opens tire service station at 158 Centre St,
Whitney's Tire Service opens at 158 Center St (ad), 06/04/1937:8
Whitney's Tire Service moves from 158 Center St to 4 South Main St
(ad), 12/24/1937:7
Earl Millerd, regrooving service, 12 East Main St (ad), 03/18/1938:12
Ray Leighton tire shop, 19 Center St (ad), 06/17/1938:12
John Howes receives letter of appreciation from President of Goodyear,
Ray's Tire Shop, 158 Center St (ad), 08/12/1938:12
Ray's Tire Shop moves to 52 North Main St (ad), 09/29/1939:10
Tirrell, Sydney L.
Wed to Barbara F. Moore, 03/15/1935:4
Tisdale, Emma
The Old House (poem), 01/18/1935:5
Tisdale, Emma J.
Life's Journey (poem), 07/03/1936:5
Tispaquin (see Tisquantum (Squanto))
Tispaquin Pond
Ice harvest begins, 01/31/1936:12
Several cottages robbed, 11/24/1939:1
Tisquantum (Squanto)
Mrs Earl Gates sells landmark Hell's Blazes to Burton Davis (p),
Titicut Cemetery
Trustees appointed at association meeting, 04/29/1938:11
Titus, Marion H.
Wed to Harry A. Yeaton, 08/21/1936:7
Tivoli Restaurant
Lena Narcissi granted common victualler's license, 05/26/1939:1
T.M. Ryder & Co.
Employs Dorothy Shaw, 09/27/1935:1
Windstorm insurance (ad), 09/23/1938:6
Tobacco Industry
No Smoking signs to go up at Town House, 05/01/1936:1
Harry Promades fined $5 for sale of tobacco to minor, 01/20/1939:8
Earl Holden burned to death in bed, 08/11/1939:1
Tobey, Alton
And Mary Gailes win dance contest at Wilson Club in Dorchester,
Tobey, Catherine E.
Engaged to Joseph E. Boucher, 10/08/1937:7
Tobey, Clifton
Resides in Wareham, 01/27/1939:1
Tobey, Genevieve Gifford
Obituary, 09/03/1937:1
Tobey, Genevieve R.
Petition for probate of will, 11/18/1938:2
Tobey, Jeanette
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Resides in Wareham, 02/24/1939:1
Tobey, Robert
Wed to Victoria Stanley, 05/21/1937:2
Daughter born, 02/18/1938:7
Tobey, Robert L.
Wedding described, 05/07/1937:1
Tobey, Sylvia M.
Obituary, 02/08/1935:1
Tobey, Sylvia Tripp
Obituary, 04/19/1935:1
Toby, Genevieve
Dies at age 82, 09/03/1937:7
Todd, Matthew
Providence couple married 50 years, 10/16/1936:5
Tolman, Edward Mayo
Wed to Amy Bryant Mathers, 12/22/1939:9
Tom Thumb Club
Enjoys outing at Long Pond, 07/23/1937:11
Tomas, Albert A.
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Tomase, Rosario
Engaged to Mary Ricco, 08/18/1939:5
Tomasik, Adela
Engaged to Oscar H. Forand, 04/28/1939:5
Tomasik, Edward
Son born, 12/23/1938:7
Tomasik, Edward J.
Engaged to Louise M. Long, 06/03/1938:7
Wed to Louise M. Long, 06/10/1938:7
Tomasik, Thaddeus
Resides in Danville, NY, 07/24/1936:5
Tomei, Mario
Watertown man drowns in Carver pond, 08/07/1936:1
Body recovered from bottom of Wenham Pond, 08/07/1936:8
Watertown man drowns at age 22, 08/07/1936:8
Tomlinson, George
Wedding described, 06/21/1935:6
Tomlinson, George Willard
Wedding described, 06/14/1935:1
Tonira, Ettore
Cleveland Burnham bitten by dog allegedly belonging to Tonira,
Torrance, Robert
Moves from Randolph to Lakeville, 09/02/1938:11
Tosti, Alexander
Chimney fire on Vine St, 09/23/1938:6
Toughes, Mary
Fourteen-year-old reported missing, 06/25/1937:1
Touhy (Mr)
Wareham St property for sale (ad), 11/08/1935:12
Touhy, Harold
Sells house to Norman Rudolph, 01/03/1936:2
Middleboro cooperates generously in Visit New England campaign,
Tower, Harriet
Engaged to Robert Poirier, 12/22/1939:7
Towle, Caroline W. Wilbur
Obituary, 04/10/1936:5
Town Farm (see Poor Farm)
Town Infirmary
Santa Claus pays a visit, 12/29/1939:1
Town Manager - Middleboro
Annual report, 02/08/1935:2
Harry Goodale back on the job, 05/10/1935:1
Elmer Phinney demands apology for slur against town manager (l),
Harry Goodale resigns, given probationary period as acting head,
Harry Goodale resigns, 02/25/1938:1
James Shurtleff appointed temporarily, 03/04/1938:1
Harry Goodale re-named topost for six months, 03/18/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 05/20/1938:3
Goodale's voluntary retirement comes after 17 years of service,
Why the Town Manager resigned (l) (The Spectator), 08/12/1938:1
Town divided on question of manager form of government,
Spectator comments on new man to take post (l), 08/19/1938:2
Edward Peterson of Stoughton takes post, 08/26/1938:1
Peterson to assume duties 10/1 (p), 09/02/1938:1
Works conscientiously even after date set for resignation, 09/30/1938:1
Edward Peterson assumes duties (p), 10/07/1938:1
Retiring town manager Harry Goodale presented gift, 10/14/1938:1
Was there deceit in appointment? (l) (The Spectator), 10/28/1938:11
Peterson makes study of proposed extension (l) (The Spectator),
Peterson makes thorough study of town charter (l) (The Spectator),
Edward Peterson given vote of confidence, 01/06/1939:1
Refutes rumors, will not accept post of Town Manager (l) (Harry J.
Goodale), 04/21/1939:1
Selectman Millette wants Town Manager to appoint school janitors,
Fast renovation underway at Town Manager's outer office,
Town Meeting House
Janitor E. Kimball Harrison retires, 02/14/1936:1
New sodium vapor lamp installed outside, 02/14/1936:11
Alfred Butler temporary janitor, 02/21/1936:1
Janitor Harrision retires, 02/28/1936:6
Alfred Butler new janitor, 03/06/1936:11
Cabot Club and Garden Club join forces to beautify grounds,
Selectmen discuss rental rates, 05/01/1936:1
Selectmen discuss fees, 05/08/1936:1
Fee structure discussed by selectmen, 05/15/1936:1
Selectmen reconsider rate structure, 07/03/1936:1
Alfred Butler repaints office of school superintendent, 08/21/1936:6
Butler paints district nurse's office at Town House, 08/28/1936:6
Roof leaks after recent storm, 09/25/1936:1
Selectmen discuss roof repairs, 10/02/1936:1
Repairs needed, special town meeting called, 10/09/1936:1
Special town meeting may be called, 10/09/1936:1
Account replenished for operation and repair, 10/16/1936:1
Selectmen discuss additional funds for roof, 10/30/1936:1
Repair issues addressed at special town meeting, 11/13/1936:1
Special town meeting votes for roof repair, 11/13/1936:1
Gas & Electric dept. to locate in new quarters at Town House,
Call for bids to reroof (ad), 11/20/1936:12
Dorchester man wins bid to re-roof building, 12/04/1936:1
Gas & Electric Plant offices in process of remodel, 12/11/1936:1
Selectmen authorize linings for gutters, 12/11/1936:1
Christmas illumination most striking, 01/01/1937:6
Mrs Phinney complains of disgraceful conditions in dressing room,
Grounds need improvements, 04/02/1937:5
Checking policy discussed by selectmen, 04/23/1937:5
Sidewalk and bench a decided improvement, 05/21/1937:1
Local highway department installs sidewalk, 05/21/1937:5
Selectmen accept pencil drawing by Salvatore Tenaglia, 04/29/1938:3
Stone steps a falling hazard, 01/20/1939:1
Rear of building looks like dumping ground, 05/19/1939:1
Tires stolen from parking grounds, 07/14/1939:5
Town ordered to fireproof scenery and backdrops at Town House,
Selectmen discuss hours for janitor, 08/18/1939:6
State employment office relocates to Town House, 09/08/1939:1
Health agent and plumbing inspector switch offices, 09/15/1939:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Town manager wants space for employment service, 11/24/1939:1
Fast renovation underway at Town Manager's outer office,
Town Meetings - Lakeville
Addition to Assawampsett School proposed, 02/22/1935:1
Finance committee named, routine matters addressed, 03/08/1935:7
Review of upcoming questions, 02/28/1936:1
Voters opt for selectmen's budget instead of finance committee,
Voters shun efforts of finance committee, 03/06/1936:1
By-laws pertaining to additions to warrant (ad), 06/05/1936:6
Details of warrant, 02/19/1937:1
Warrant for annual meeting, 02/25/1938:8
Hold meeting at night for first time, 03/04/1938:1
Results of annual meeting (t), 03/11/1938:1
Special meeting concerns town highway surveyor, 01/27/1939:8
Six items addressed at special meeting, 04/21/1939:1
Vote to rescind highway appropriation, 07/21/1939:5
Warrant includes article for work on Rhode Island Rd, 08/25/1939:1
Town Meetings - Middleboro
see also Budgets - Middleboro; Elections - Middleboro
Selectmen meet to discuss warrant for upcoming meeting, 01/11/1935:1
Thoughts on town warrant, 01/11/1935:1
Review of warrant, 01/18/1935:1
Article on steel trap law included in town meeting warrant,
Warrant for annual meeting, 01/18/1935:3
Voters to have say on funding organizations for ex-servicemen (l)
(Lawrence F. McDonald), 01/25/1935:6
Reminder to participate, 02/08/1935:1
Marked with usual zest, sprinkled with tangible results, 02/15/1935:1
Junk question dismissed at meeting, 02/22/1935:1
Tone of meeting disappointing, 02/22/1935:1
Warrant for special meeting, 02/22/1935:3
Economy was watchword at special meeting, 03/08/1935:1
Voters spend conservatively at special town meeting, 03/08/1935:1
Warrant for special meeting, 03/29/1935:8
Matter of police and court quarters settled at special meeting,
Voters agree on building plans, 04/12/1935:1
Recent fund transfer by selectmen prompts petition for special town
meeting, 07/26/1935:1
Fund transfer prompts petition, 08/02/1935:1
Selectman Millette expresses stand on town meeting (l), 08/02/1935:1
John Cabot Club supports Millette in matter of special town meeting,
Opposition grows to transfer made by selectmen, 08/09/1935:1
Tax Payers League votes to support town meeting stand, 08/09/1935:1
Hiram Archer comments at length on action by selectmen (l),
Need for reconsideration of P.H. Peirce building renovations,
New federal relief legislation necessitates meeting on police station,
Building committee for new police station makes request for special
town meeting, 08/16/1935:12
Special meeting favored by Tax Payer's League, 08/23/1935:1
Special meeting to address only police quarters and court house,
Warrant for special meeting, 08/23/1935:5
Bring town affairs to attention of individuals, 09/06/1935:1
Handful of voters approve police station and court house amendment,
Special meeting attracts only 108 voters, 09/06/1935:1
Warrant issued for special meeting, 10/18/1935:1
Warrant for special meeting, 10/18/1935:6
Special meeting to cover police station, federal projects, and welfare
department, 10/25/1935:1
Relief appropriations slashed, courthouse project approved,
Selectmen call special meeting for needed relief funds, 11/22/1935:1
Selectmen to call another meeting to ask for money, 11/22/1935:1
Warrant for special meeting, 11/22/1935:7
Gratifying to see a few more voters at latest meeting, 12/06/1935:1
Special meeting approves transfer of $38,550, 12/06/1935:1
Toward what are we heading (l) (Margaret Y. Murray), 12/06/1935:6
Selectmen discuss warrant, 01/10/1936:1
Warrant, 01/10/1936:5
Safe and sane arguments the order of the day, 02/14/1936:1
Thanks voters for support at town meeting (l) (Romeo Millette),
Voters demand lower taxes, 02/14/1936:1
Alexander Heath enjoys town meeting; commended by Hiram Archer
(l), 02/14/1936:5
Voters accept Millette's budget at town meeting, 02/21/1936:1
Romeo Millette acknowledges cooperation (l), 02/21/1936:6
Need additional $6,500 for police station, 03/27/1936:1
Voters asked to consider new money for police station and budget
accounting, 03/27/1936:1
Warrant for special meeting, 03/27/1936:6
Tremendously important to attend special town meeting (ad) (Tax
Payers League), 04/03/1936:2
Warrant for special meeting, 04/03/1936:5
Special meeting a success despite earlier rumblings, 04/10/1936:1
Voters approve $6,500 loan for police station, 04/10/1936:1
Warrant for special meeting, 04/24/1936:8
Selectmen vote to hold special meeting on new voting precinct,
Special meeting in offing to establish voting precinct in South
Middleboro, 07/31/1936:1
Warrant for special meeting, 07/31/1936:12
Selectmen cancel special meeting, 08/07/1936:1
Selectmen vote to cancel August meeting, 08/07/1936:1
Only 100 citizens convene to decide on voting precinct, 08/14/1936:1
Voting precinct matter quickly disposed of at special town meeting,
Selectmen call special meeting to deal with requests (t), 10/09/1936:1
Welfare situation, piggery at town farm, and town house repairs need
attention, 10/09/1936:1
Selectmen decide on matters to be discussed at special meeting,
Warrant for special meeting, 10/30/1936:6
Special meeting conducted efficiently, 11/13/1936:1
Selectmen discuss warrant for annual meeting, 01/08/1937:1
Warrant for annual meeting, 01/08/1937:7
Hiram Archer explains town warrant (l), 01/15/1937:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 01/15/1937:5
Special town meeting to address school housing issues, 01/22/1937:1
Voters act on warrant, meeting adjourned, 02/12/1937:1
Size of assembly reflects decrease in interest in town affairs,
Middleboro Voters can spend money when they are in the mood,
Voters override Finance Committee on pay restoration, 02/19/1937:1
Special meeting to consider new school house, 02/26/1937:1
More meetings lined up for school and budget consideration,
Special meeting warrant a unique document, 03/12/1937:1
Behavior at town meetings not amusing (l) (Herbert H. Dunham),
Warrant for meeting to amend vote on budget (t), 03/12/1937:7
Federal projects may require special meeting, 09/24/1937:1
Union Street School financing may require special town meeting,
Selectmen call special meeting to cover Union St School and alternate
traffic route, 10/01/1937:1
Warrant for special meeting, 10/01/1937:6
Public summon to vote on Union Street School, 10/08/1937:1
Voters address school and pumping station issues at special town
meeting, 10/15/1937:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen discuss warrant for annual meeting, 12/31/1937:1
Selectmen add articles to warrant, 01/07/1938:1
Warrant for annual meeting, 01/07/1938:3
Review of warrant for annual meeting, 02/11/1938:1
Want to speak your piece? Be at the meeting, 02/11/1938:1
Voters approve $460,941.64 in appropriations, 02/18/1938:1
Change in quorum number must go through Attorney General,
Selectmen decide to put fund transfer to vote at special town meeting,
Tax reduction meeting requires presence of all voters, 04/08/1938:1
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/08/1938:8
Special town meeting calm, serene affair, 04/15/1938:1
Voters approve funds transfer to reduce tax rate, 04/15/1938:1
Addresses issue of number required for quorum, 04/15/1938:2
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/15/1938:9
Selectmen discuss warrant for special town meeting, 09/02/1938:1
Warrant for special meeting, 09/02/1938:11
Notice to all voters concerning special town meeting (l) (A.W.
Charbonneau), 09/09/1938:1
Action deferred on sewer system, favorable action on high tension line,
Selectmen call for special town meeting after lengthy, heated discussion,
Small turnout indicates waning interest, 09/16/1938:1
Warrant for special meeting, 09/16/1938:12
Another special meeting, this time for additional WPA work,
Lack of quorum postpones meeting, 09/30/1938:1
Another special meeting required, vote did not conform to federal
regulations, 10/14/1938:1
Warrant for special meeting, 10/14/1938:12
All voters called to attend town meeting to correct vote on high tension
line, 10/21/1938:1
Another profitless two hour discussion, 10/28/1938:1
Approves high tension line again, another meeting in offing,
Non-eligible voters should not be allowed in, 10/28/1938:1
Special meeting called to address Rock water extension and tax rate,
Voters to be summoned again (l) (The Spectator), 11/25/1938:1
Selectmen discuss warrant for special meeting, 12/02/1938:1
Warrant for special meeting, 12/02/1938:6
Low turnout a reflection of appalling lack of interest in municipal
affairs, 12/16/1938:1
Warrant for annual meeting, 01/06/1939:6
Something for every voter this year, 02/10/1939:1
Highlights, 02/17/1939:1
Voters appropriate $459,139.84, 02/17/1939:1
Exciting drama at meeting (l) (The Spectator), 02/17/1939:5
Finance Committee recommends special town meeting, 02/24/1939:1
Warrant for special town meeting, 04/28/1939:4
No quorum, special meeting adjourned, 05/12/1939:1
Special meeting fails to attract quorum, 05/12/1939:1
Lack of quorum causes adjournment, 05/19/1939:1
Poor showing at special meeting again, 05/19/1939:1
Finance Committee discusses recent enactments concerning special
meetings, 06/16/1939:1
The Spectator comments on new legislative act (l), 06/16/1939:3
Special meeting to address highway financing and Bates School,
Selectmen discuss appropriations, 08/25/1939:1
Selectmen draft warrant, 08/25/1939:1
Two special meetings on same night, 08/25/1939:1
Warrant for special meeting, 08/25/1939:4
Recommendations made on 14 articles in warrant, 09/01/1939:1
Selectmen vote favorably of all articles in warrant, 09/01/1939:1
Warrant for special meeting, 09/01/1939:7
Special meeting called to vote on appropriation for Old Age Assistance,
Review of articles in warrant, 11/10/1939:1
Selectmen adopt warrant for special meeting, 11/10/1939:1
Warrant for special meeting, 11/10/1939:5
Town will lose $2,200 in federal funds if voters fail to act, 11/17/1939:1
Special town meeting fails to attract quorum, 11/24/1939:1
Not the voters only........ (l) (The Spectator), 11/24/1939:2
Voters pass special meeting warrant in 15 minutes flat, 12/01/1939:1
Extraordinary effort required to get quorum (l) (The Spectator),
Selectmen and Finance Committee have work to do on warrant (l) (The
Spectator), 12/22/1939:2
Selectmen vote on articles for warrant, 12/29/1939:1
Town Officers - Lakeville
see also Elections - Lakeville
Three selectmen combine for 76 years of service, 03/06/1936:1
Three selectmen round out over quarter century of service, 03/06/1936:1
Moderator to appoint Finance Committee, 06/11/1937:3
Hattie Alden resigns from welfare board, Paun appointed, 03/25/1938:1
Town Officers - Middleboro
see also Elections - Middleboro; Town Manager - Middleboro
Selectmen make appointments, 02/22/1935:1, 03/01/1935:3
Selectmen to give preference to single individuals over married females,
Robert Hewitt re-appointed dog officer, 05/24/1935:1
Ruth Harriman employed at Town House, 07/12/1935:1
Deputy tax collector Callan resigns to take post with Fahey,
Ida Fabbri employed at town treasurer's office, 07/26/1935:1
Alfred Butler new deputy tax collector, 07/26/1935:12
Ethel Dunham employed at Town House, 08/02/1935:1
Election officers appointed, 08/23/1935:5
Selectmen approve election officials, 01/24/1936:1
Breck, Thomas, and Barrett praised for past service, 01/31/1936:1
Selectmen make annual appointments, 02/28/1936:1
Selectmen require substantial payment on any bills owned to town,
Gertrude Dunham employed at Town House, 07/10/1936:1
Selectmen make re-appointments, 09/11/1936:1
Lydia Cobb holds clerical position at Town Clerk's office, 10/30/1936:5
Revision of wage scale discussed at special town meeting, 11/13/1936:1
Reason for disapproval of salary item (l) (Hiram J. Archer),
State Senate takes action on local retirement board, 02/05/1937:1
Why not a pay restoration?, 02/12/1937:1
Selectmen to establish new wage scale, 02/19/1937:1
Voters override Finance Committee on pay restoration, 02/19/1937:1
Selectmen make appointments with little dissension, 04/02/1937:1
Free town utilities for Superintendent illegal, 04/30/1937:5
Selectmen discuss mileage for town employees, 05/14/1937:1
Selectmen return to mileage discussion, 05/21/1937:5
Selectmen discuss mileage rates, 05/28/1937:1
Town clerk paid in fish in 1861, 02/11/1938:1
Selectmen receive applications, 02/11/1938:3
Selectmen set salaries for fire chief, town clerk, and clerk of police
department, 02/18/1938:1
Application letters received by selectmen, 02/18/1938:8
Selectmen take action on resignations and appointments, 02/25/1938:1
Deserve explanation for dismissal, 03/04/1938:1
New wire inspector appointed by selectmen, 03/04/1938:1
Selectmen set salaries, make appointments, 03/25/1938:11
Selectmen draw up warrant for special meeting, 04/01/1938:1
Warrant for special meeting, 04/01/1938:11
Positions filled by selectmen, 03/03/1939:5
Howard Mott appointed measurer of wood, bark, and lumber,
Selectmen vote on employee vacation time, 07/21/1939:1
Towne, Frank
Bicyclist hit by Hebert's car on Center St, 08/25/1939:1
Towne, Fred D.
North St couple married 45 years, 10/20/1939:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Towner, Winthrop
Wedding described, 06/23/1939:1
Towner, Winthrop H.
Engaged to Helen Beckman Clark, 05/27/1938:1
Towns, Fred P.
Obituary, 08/12/1938:1
Taunton man dies at age 77, 08/12/1938:7
Dies at age 77, 08/12/1938:11
Townsend, Charles
Resides in Hartford, CT, 07/12/1935:12
Wed to Edith Wayth, 04/10/1936:11
Resides in New Jersey, 07/16/1937:2
Townsend, Leon
Granted permit to store gasoline, 10/04/1935:5
Townsend Clubs
Chooses Miss Middleboro at 1st annual St. Patrick's Day party,
Toy She Shing
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Toys and Games
Cabot Club collects worn or used toys, 11/08/1935:6
New toy factory, Hero Manufacturing, opens on Cambridge St,
Hero Manufacturing Co. granted charter of incorporation, 11/17/1939:7
Tracey, James J.
Wedding described, 02/08/1935:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 02/12/1937:7
Tracey, James L.
Tax collector's sale, 03/20/1936:11
see also Wilcox, William G.
Police handle large volume of traffic for bridge dedication in Bourne,
Over 19,000 cars on main highway to Cape, 07/19/1935:1
Weather not a factor in numbers passing through town, 04/10/1936:1
Count at Four Corners at 2,167 Friday afternoon, 06/12/1936:11
Resident spends 25 minutes at end of driveway during heavy traffic,
Everett St residents petition selectmen, 07/31/1936:1
Selectmen discuss conditions on Everett St, 09/11/1936:1
Cape road packed both Sunday and Monday, 10/16/1936:1
Cape traffic numbers continue to climb, 04/23/1937:6
Out-of-town cars from numerous states, 07/23/1937:1
Cape traffic a hazard from here to Buzzards Bay, 08/13/1937:1
Discussion of widening two West Grove St spans, 08/27/1937:1
Good to see steps are being taken to remedy problems, 08/27/1937:7
Selectmen discuss alternative routes through Middleboro, 09/17/1937:1
Need for alternate route around town discussed by selectmen,
Rotary needed at John Glass, Jr. Square, 09/24/1937:7
Selectmen call special town meeting, 10/01/1937:1
Selectmen discuss re-routing cars through town while bridge repaired,
Re-routing decision awaits negotiations with Peirce Trustees,
Alternate route refused by Department of Public Works, 11/05/1937:5
Cape traffic bottleneck on Rte 28, 07/01/1938:1
Intersection of routes 28 and 44 and Taunton and West Grove St give
motorists plenty of trouble, 07/29/1938:1
Only 564 cars through town 25 years ago, over 22,000 today,
By-pass at railroad bridges suggested to relieve bottle-neck,
Selectmen ask state police to patrol West Grove St, 08/11/1939:8
State police will not patrol bottleneck, 08/25/1939:1
Heavy over Labor Day weekend, but little congestion, 09/08/1939:1
Traffic Accidents (see Bicycles and Bicycling - Accidents; Pedestrians -
Accidents; Railroads - Accidents; Traffic Accidents - Automobiles;
Traffic Accidents - Horse-Drawn Vehicles; Traffic Accidents -
Traffic Accidents - Automobiles
Betsy Burkhead collides with Bridgewater driver at Arch and Everett St,
Squire Crapo collides with Taunton driver at South Main and Grove St,
Dense fog causes Benn crash at Center and Cambridge St, 01/11/1935:1
Tinkham and Rose collide at Peirce and School St, 01/25/1935:2
Robert Freed in collision with South Weymouth driver at Center and
Oak St, 02/01/1935:2
George Busby strikes snow bank attempting to pass another auto,
Heavy rains, wind, and icy conditions cause accidents, 02/15/1935:1
Winthrop Clark collides with Providence vehicle at North Main and
Peirce St, 02/22/1935:4
Icy conditions send Walter Smith's auto into fence on Center St,
Louis Hathaway rear-ends parked truck belonging to William Tribou on
Oak St, 03/01/1935:2
North Easton driver strikes stone wall at Wareham St and Barden Hill
Rd, 03/01/1935:4
No one injured in rollover of Taunton auto, 03/15/1935:3
Myra Thomas collides with Alveretta Gay at Union and Nickerson St,
Harold Clark overturns auto on Miller St, 04/12/1935:1
New Bedford man in collision with Taunton driver on Center St,
George Thomas injured when car strikes pole at Old Center St and
Taunton St, 05/03/1935:1
Archie Fillebrown strikes deer in South Middleboro, 05/10/1935:1
Leo Ferraguto uninjured when car overturns on North St, 05/10/1935:1
Raynham driver turns auto over on Cape road, 05/10/1935:2
Another fatality in Middleboro, 05/17/1935:1
Dennisport man collides with Dorchester man on Wareham St,
Iola Travers injured in auto crash at Union and Nickerson St,
Joseph Boucher collides with East Bridgewater auto at South Main and
West Grove St, 06/07/1935:2
Three injured in auto collision at Oak and Courtland St, 06/07/1935:2
Joseph Foster's auto skids on Pratt's hill, goes through fence,
Lewis Shaw injured in collision with Esther Taber on Miller St,
Framingham driver skids, knocks down traffic light, 06/21/1935:1
Two killed, three injured in head-on crash on Taunton St, 06/21/1935:1
Two more fatalities early Sunday morning, 06/21/1935:1
Mansfield car overturns after colliding with Benjamin Shaw,
Buckman, Buckman, and Earle injured in accident on Cape road,
Charles Chandler's car sideswiped by Dorchester man on Plymouth St,
Malden driver tips car at traffic circle, 06/28/1935:1
Nemasket Transportation Co. driver Manuel Cordeiro strikes pole,
Teaticket driver uninjured in rollover on East Grove St, 06/28/1935:2
Mr and Mrs Everett Buckman injured in auto accident, 06/28/1935:8
Roxbury auto hits tree on Bedford St, four injured, 07/05/1935:1
Six injured in crash at West Grove and Taunton St, 07/05/1935:1
William White strikes parked car on Center Ave, 07/05/1935:5
Florida driver overturns after sideswipes pole on Rte 28, 07/12/1935:1
Trailer skids on Wareham St, strikes parked cars, 07/12/1935:1
Drivers from Cambridge and Bridgewater collide on Bedford St,
Edgar Wilbur strikes Ashmont car in attempt to avoid collision with
another, 07/19/1935:1
Boston truck driver escapes injury in roll over, 07/19/1935:2
Hit-and-run in South Middleboro, driver apprehended, 07/26/1935:1
Leroy Vaughn sideswiped by Campello driver at West Grove and
Taunton St, 07/26/1935:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Minor crash between East Boston and Dorchester drivers on Route 28,
McFarlin acquitted in trial of fatal accident drivers, 08/02/1935:1
Taunton judge escapes injury in rollover on West Grove St,
Canton driver flips car after striking tree on Wareham St, 08/02/1935:2
Sherrard's auto struck by Framingham driver on East Grove St,
Natick and Malden drivers collide near Hell's Blazes, 08/16/1935:2
South Chatham driver strikes pole near Tispaquin St, 08/16/1935:2
Pratt's Hill takes another auto victim, 08/16/1935:5
John Fowler collides with Winsor Fryer at Oak and High St,
Everett Baker escapes injury as car strikes pole, 08/23/1935:1
Michael Crowley victim of hit-and-run on South Main St, 08/23/1935:1
Wellfleet driver ditches car avoiding crash on West Grove St,
William Roberts' auto skids on wet road at Main St and Rhode Island
Rd, 08/29/1935:2
Newton and Foxboro drivers collide on Rte 28, 08/29/1935:5
Drivers from Brockton and Jamaica Plain collide at Cherry and West
Grove St, 09/06/1935:1
Emma and Blanche Letourneau injured in collision with Joseph D'Elia,
John Higgins collides with Bridgewater driver at Wood and East Grove
St, 09/06/1935:1
William Westgate, Jr. rear-ended by Framingham driver at Grove and
South Main St, 09/06/1935:1
George Card's parked car struck by New Bedford driver, 09/06/1935:6
Duxbury auto overturns at Waterville curve, 09/20/1935:1
George Millette held in $1,000 bonds as result of fatal accident,
John Beech rear-ends Roxbury driver on Bedford St, 09/27/1935:1
Alice Heath collides with Stoughton driver at traffic circle, 09/27/1935:2
Lemira Smith collides with Harold Gates on Summer St, 10/04/1935:2
Minor collision between Westgate and Kinsman at Peirce and North
Main St, 10/11/1935:1
New Bedford trio injured in crash at Lakeville, 10/11/1935:2
Connecticut auto tips over at Hells Blazes, 10/18/1935:1
Philip Green collides with Montello driver at Pearl and Center St,
Think of the fun we are having (l) (Elmer E. Phinney), 10/25/1935:11
Barbara Venno's car forced to curb while passing New Bedford truck,
Warren Jackson gets jail sentence in auto fatality case, 11/01/1935:2
Cape train strikes car at Briggs Lane crossing, 11/08/1935:1
Sears Lumber Co. truck collides with Taunton car at North Main and
Montello St, 11/08/1935:6
North Dartmouth and Boston drivers crash at Fall Brook corner,
Drivers from Taunton and West Wareham collide on Rte 28,
Six injured in triple crash outside Norton, 11/29/1935:1
Paul Gallagher in minor collision with Taunton man on Wareham St,
Newtonville auto kills deer on Rte 28, 12/13/1935:2
Emmett Stover arrested for drunkenness, reckless driving, and drunk
driving, 12/20/1935:1
John Gilligan collides with New Bedford driver on Main St in Lakeville,
Pratt's Hill claims another victim, 12/20/1935:2
Lobl Manufacturing Co. suggests campaign to reduce motor vehicle
deaths (l), 12/20/1935:11
Stormy weather causes Wilbur auto crash on Centre St, 01/03/1936:1
Kusti Maki dies of injuries sustained in auto accident, 01/10/1936:1
Roberts and Gomes sustain injuries in auto accident at School and
Peirce St, 01/10/1936:1
Bridgewater auto goes over embankment on Cross St, 01/10/1936:5
De Jesus' car overturns on Spruce St, 01/10/1936:5
East Taunton woman injured in minor accident on Center St,
Auto traffic record in Middleboro shameful, 01/17/1936:1
Buzzards Bay man found by roadside with broken leg, 01/17/1936:1
Reino Harju injured when auto strikes tree, 01/17/1936:1
Roxbury driver falls asleep at the wheel, 01/17/1936:1
Anthony Frazier collides with Francis Hunt in South Middleboro,
Slippery road causes loaded East Providence truck to hit tree,
Falmouth couple injured when auto strikes tree on Rte 28, 01/31/1936:1
Kingston driver strikes pole on icy road, 02/07/1936:1
Large sedan driven by Reginald Kinsman goes off road on Precinct St,
Feinstein's and Caswell's cars sideswiped at Old Center St and Center
St, 02/14/1936:6
Roy Lewis' car struck by West Wareham driver on Taunton St,
Charles Gammons collides with Marion driver at Fall Brook,
Gerald DeBoer collides with Wareham driver on West Grove St,
Standish and Fish injured when auto strikes tree on West Grove St,
Edward Holmes collides with North Carver driver near railroad bridge,
George Sullivan collides with Hyannis driver at traffic light,
Drivers from Dorchester and Newton collide on old Wareham St,
Wilfred Hill's auto strikes traffic beacon on Everett St, 05/08/1936:1
Malden driver arrested for carrying loaded revolver, 05/15/1936:1
Serious accident on Cape road taste of what is to come, 05/15/1936:1
Three injured in head-on crash in South Middleboro, 05/15/1936:1
Paul Roberts collides with Taunton driver on North St, 05/15/1936:2
Revolver toting motorist held for grand jury, 05/22/1936:1
Norwood car overturns on Cape road, 05/22/1936:5
Carver man critically injured when car leaves the road, 05/29/1936:1
New Bedford auto plunges into Assawompsett Lake, 05/29/1936:1
Carver man hospitalized after accident in Middleboro, 05/29/1936:11
Buzzards Bay auto abandoned on East Grove St after crash,
Ernest Fernandes victim of fatal accident, 06/05/1936:1
Barbara Black injured when car overturns in mishap on East Grove St,
Framingham auto goes into the Nemasket River, 06/12/1936:1
Out-of-town drivers in triple car crash on Rte 28, 06/12/1936:1
Accident halts 50th anniversary for New York couple, 06/12/1936:2
North Dighton drivers in rear-in collision on Wareham St, 06/12/1936:2
Bartlett collides with Fickert's milk truck at Oak and Peirce St,
Six local persons injured when auto strikes pole in Lakeville,
Sousa collides with Kinsmans' milk truck at Oak and High St,
Dorchester driver hits pole passing truck, 06/19/1936:5
Helen Boehme collides with Plymouth driver at South Main and
Courtland St, 06/19/1936:5
Edward McCarthy falls asleep at wheel, escapes injury, 06/26/1936:1
Last two weeks see jumps in numbers, 06/26/1936:1
Leon Bogigan injured when truck crashes into tree, 06/26/1936:1
Two injured in triple crash near Sisson's diner, 06/26/1936:2
Cars from Roxbury and Brockton crash at South Middleboro light,
Triple car crash at Lane and Center St, 07/03/1936:2
Rose's truck involved in mishap at Everett And Arch St, 07/03/1936:8
Donkey truck strikes Connecticut car at East Main and North Main St,
Intersection at West Grove and Taunton St dangerous, 07/10/1936:1
Rhode Island auto goes over embankment at Dead Man's Curve,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Three injured at dangerous intersection, 07/10/1936:1
Boston autoist strikes pump at Sisson's filling station, 07/10/1936:2
Taunton and Boston drivers crash on East Main St, 07/17/1936:1
Three Rhode Island residents injured in crash on Wareham St,
Chester Camandona's car forced off road in Lakeville, 07/24/1936:1
New Jersey man arrested after rear-end collision in South Middleboro,
Wellesley Farms woman injured auto blows tire, 07/24/1936:1
Attleboro car strikes state fence on Harding St, 07/31/1936:1
Albert Carr in minor crash with Elizabeth Biswonger on Wareham St,
Chatham and Fall River drivers have mishap at bad corner at Waterville
School, 08/07/1936:1
Illinois man arrested for negligent driving, 08/07/1936:1
Leo Quindley collides with Boston gasoline truck at Frank and Oak St,
Fall River woman runs into Pratt's parked ice truck on Plympton St,
Middleboro has second fatal accident of the year, 08/14/1936:1
Three injured in crash on Cape road, 08/14/1936:1
Cambridge driver arrested in rear-end collision on East Grove St,
Revere driver runs into gas pumps on Bedford St, 08/21/1936:1
Wilford Shuman in collision with Brockton driver on Wareham St,
Six hurt when car collides with National Guard truck on West Grove St,
Out-of-town drivers sideswipe on Wareham St, 08/28/1936:1
Charlestown auto turns over in Lakeville, 08/28/1936:2
Taunton drunk driver first to occupy new cell, 09/04/1936:1
Three autos crash on Cape road, 09/04/1936:6
Boston auto strikes tree, three injured, 09/11/1936:1
California woman hurt in mishap in Watertown, 09/11/1936:1
Eugene Tetu dies of injuries sustained in truck-auto crash, 09/11/1936:1
Bridgewater auto strikes pole at West Grove and West St, 09/18/1936:1
Ella Cobb collides with Taunton car on Rte 28, 09/18/1936:1
Lee collides with Vinal at Pleasant and Center St, 09/18/1936:1
Hit-and-run driver evades police, 09/25/1936:1
West Grove and Taunton St scene of another accident, 09/25/1936:1
Several injured in three-car crash on Bedford St, 10/02/1936:1
George Pierce collides with Taunton driver at South Main and Grove St,
Higgins hits Foster's mailbox in fog, 10/09/1936:1
North Carver driver knocks down traffic beacon in the fog,
Everett Holmes in serious auto accident on County road, 10/09/1936:7
New Bedford and Winthrop drivers collide in Lakeville, 10/16/1936:1
Brenton Ayres sideswipes New Bedford auto on East Main St,
New Bedford truck strikes pole in Lakeville, 10/16/1936:2
Boville's car strikes pole on East Main St, 10/23/1936:1
Cars sideswipe on Wareham St, 10/23/1936:1
East Carver man strikes pole on Plympton St, 10/23/1936:2
Helen Sullivan killed instantly in auto crash on Cape road, 10/30/1936:1
Raymond Carr arrested for leaving scene of accident, 10/30/1936:1
Philip Milette collides with Dr Pollen on Center St, 10/30/1936:2
Rear-end collision at traffic circle, 10/30/1936:5
Archie Britton gets two months for leaving scene of accident, 30 days
for drunk driving, 11/06/1936:2
Raymond Carr fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 11/06/1936:2
Armond Bessett seriously injured in accident on East Grove St,
Harwichport driver hits pole on East Grove St, 11/13/1936:1
Brockton cars sideswipe on Plymouth St, 11/13/1936:5
Eva Hayward injured when car struck tree, 11/13/1936:5
Clarence Lind injured when car strikes tree in Lakeville, 11/27/1936:1
East Wareham man arrested after crash in South Middleboro,
Five injured when car sideswipes pole, overturns, 11/27/1936:1
Provincetown driver strikes pumps at Finch's gas station, 11/27/1936:1
Attleboro driver falls asleep at the wheel, 11/27/1936:6
Sinoski and Kayajan hurt when car tips over on Summer St,
Higgins, Sukeforth, and Paun injured in crash on Rte 44, 12/04/1936:1
Hirst's car overturns avoiding Fanjoy's vehicle, 12/04/1936:2
Another motor fatality this week, 12/18/1936:1
Norwood bakery truck collides with Plymouth auto on Benton St,
Sagamore auto tips over on Cape road, 01/01/1937:2
Three car collision on West Grove St, 01/01/1937:2
South Braintree auto abandoned after hitting tree in Lakeville,
Continuance granted driver in accident that killed Joseph Costa,
Giacobbe injured in crash near Clyde's Lunch, 01/08/1937:2
Everett Freeman charged with drunk driving after car overturns on
South Main St, 01/29/1937:2
Walter Chase collides with Dorchester driver on Center St, 01/29/1937:2
Heileman collides with Emerson at John Glass Jr. Square, 01/29/1937:6
Another death added to auto fatalities this year, 02/12/1937:1
Driver fined $100 in fatal Sullivan accident, 03/05/1937:1
Hardy and Cordiero in minor mishap at West St and Hillside Ave,
Three injured in three skidding mishaps, 03/12/1937:2
Ricco's auto strikes tree at John Glass Jr. Square, 03/19/1937:2
Slippery roads cause accidents, 03/19/1937:2
Elizabeth Crosier injured when Falmouth auto leaves road, 03/26/1937:1
Angel Chausse collides with town truck at Sachem and Thomas St,
New Bedford men hurt when auto strikes tree on Plymouth St,
Rear end collision on East Grove St injures three, 04/02/1937:6
Forest Thomas' auto struck by Arthur Duporier on Oak St, 04/09/1937:1
Harold Caswell collides with Ernest Pratt on Center St, 04/09/1937:5
Russell Tripp collides with Edith Leggee at Oak and High St,
Two Plymouth men uninjured when auto plunges 50 feet off East Main
St, 04/16/1937:1
Frank Wolski collides with East Taunton driver on East Main St,
Minnesota driver crashes into Bourne auto on Wareham St,
Victim from New Bedford files suit against town, 04/30/1937:5
Henry Short collides with Edmund Delory at John Glass, Jr. Square,
Percy Reed collides with Point Independence truck at South Main and
East Grove St, 05/07/1937:1
Lewis Thayer escapes injured when car overturns on Wareham St,
Three New Bedford residents injured when car tips at rotary,
Kenneth Truesdale's car overturns three times after colliding with Isaac
Bryant, 06/04/1937:1
Providence, RI driver knocks down 5 cement posts in Lakeville,
Marlboro and Hartford, CT drivers collide at Taunton and West Grove
St, 06/04/1937:7
George Parker, Jr. injured when car overturns at High and Oak St,
Drivers from Marlboro and Pawtucket, RI in mishap on Wareham St,
Leora Burgess collides with Dorchester driver at Thomas and Sachem
St, 06/11/1937:2
Elliott and Vickery injured in head-on collision on Rocky Gutter St,
Horace Atkins collides with Taunton driver on Wareham St,
Armand Bessette crashes into signal beacon at Grove and South Main
St, 06/18/1937:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
J. Alfred Parker collides with West Wareham driver at East and Beech
St, 06/18/1937:2
Alton Thomas collides with Ohio driver at Forest and Arch St,
Robert Poirier strikes beacon at John Glass Square, 07/02/1937:1
James Tallman, Jr. escapes death in crash in Carver, 07/02/1937:2
Casear Guidoboni in triple car crash on West Grove St, 07/09/1937:1
Charles Cabral injured when car strikes pole on Plymouth St,
New York auto overturns on East Grove St, 07/16/1937:1
Arlington couple injured in crash on East Grove St, 07/16/1937:2
Two people injured in four-car crash on East Grove St, 07/23/1937:1
Head-on crash on Cape road, 07/23/1937:2
Two Brockton folks injured in crash on Wareham St, 07/23/1937:2
Four injured in crash at South Main and Grove St, 07/30/1937:1
Research reveals statistics for Middleboro, 07/30/1937:2
Five injured in collision at traffic circle, 08/13/1937:1
Kenneth Vickery's auto strikes pole on Miller St, 08/13/1937:1
Worcester auto turns over on Harding St, 08/13/1937:1
Four-year-old Joyce Carpenter thrown from car, dies of injuries,
Merrill Washburn, Jr. collides with Taunton truck on Wareham St,
Cambridge driver seriously hurt in rollover at Centre St and Rte 28,
Gordon Nichols collides with South Carver driver at Four Corners,
Roger Kelley collides with Providence driver on Pratt's hill,
Cars completely demolished in Cape road accident, 09/03/1937:1
Wollaston man hits W.B. Stone's car and Tullis' bicycle while speeding,
Arthur Perkins crashes into tractor trailer on Taunton St, 09/03/1937:7
Gasunas and Norvish injured when auto hits wall, rolls over,
Slight crash at South Main and Grove St light, 09/10/1937:1
Connecticut driver skids off Plymouth St, 09/10/1937:2
Shirley Leland collides with Onset driver on Center St, 09/24/1937:1
North Attleboro man arrested after crash on Summer St, 10/01/1937:1
Frank Otto's auto skids on Plymouth St, hits pole, 10/15/1937:1
Murphy, Paun, and Maleski injured in rollover at Oak and High St,
Out-of-towners sideswipe on Carver-Middleboro line, 10/15/1937:1
Sabalewski's horse strikes car on Bedford St, 10/15/1937:1
Falmouth driver strikes tree on West Grove St, 10/15/1937:2
Three car accident on Harding St, 10/15/1937:2
William Horn in fender bender with Rose Sapetgian at Pearl and Center
St, 10/15/1937:2
Mrs William Perrault injured in mishap on Plympton St, 10/15/1937:8
Brockton driver escapes death in rollover on Nemasket St, 10/22/1937:1
John Kelley gets two months for leaving scene of accident,
Drivers from New Bedford and Plympton collide on North Main St,
Brockton man crashes car into tree on Wareham St, 10/29/1937:1
Buzzards Bay man severely injured in crash at Oak and Courtland St,
Fall River man dies here after auto accident on Taunton St,
Number of fatalities still grows despite campaign, 10/29/1937:1
Frank Sampson's auto strikes pole on Center St, 11/05/1937:2
Slight accident at Smith corner, 11/05/1937:2
Paul Donnelly killed in auto crash on Highland Rd, 11/12/1937:1
Four out-of-towners injured in mixup on Bedford St, 11/19/1937:1
Rhode Island car strikes pole on Wareham St, flips over, 11/19/1937:1
James Taylor collides with Levi Bousquet on Carmel St, 11/19/1937:2
John Kelley fined $15 for leaving scene of accident, 11/19/1937:2
Edward Grossman collides with East Taunton driver at East Main St and
Star Ave, 11/26/1937:1
South Carver auto overturns on Plymouth St, 11/26/1937:1
Elsie LeBlanc collides with Connecticut driver on East Main St,
Margaret Peck collides with Falmouth truck at Grove and South Main
St, 12/17/1937:1
John Deane collides with Rhode Island driver at West Grove and
Taunton St, 12/17/1937:5
Louis Gomes' auto strikes deer on Rocky Meadow St, 12/17/1937:5
Ralph Belrose collides with David Winsberg at Everett and Arch St,
Falmouth man strikes pole on Rte 28, 12/24/1937:1
Sandwich driver kills deer in South Middleboro, 12/24/1937:7
Brockton driver hits beacon at traffic circle, 12/31/1937:6
Onset and Tisbury drivers crash on West Grove St, 01/07/1938:1
Carroll Morrison's auto strikes pole on Taunton St, 01/07/1938:5
Paul Carter collides with James Bradford on East Main St, 01/21/1938:2
Mr and Mrs Ono Goodridge injured in collision with New Bedford
driver, 01/21/1938:11
Three injured in accident caused by fog, 01/28/1938:1
Wareham and Norwood drivers injured in accident on East Grove St,
Anderson and Coleman injured when truck overturns on Plymouth St,
Harwichport car overturns after skidding on icy East Grove St,
Margaret DeVinny collides with New Bedford driver on West Grove St,
Charles White collides with Oscar Westgate on Wareham St,
William Comeau arrested after auto crashes into Ernest Allen's parked
car, 03/04/1938:1
Edward Brooks collides with Myra Stone at Thompson and Plympton
St, 03/18/1938:12
Dana Bump collides with John Danielson at Center and Carey St,
Frederick daCosta's car hits stone wall on North St, 04/01/1938:1
Three injured when car strikes pole on Wareham St, 04/01/1938:2
Pocasset driver uproots six trees on East Grove St, 04/08/1938:1
August St. Armand collides with Carver driver on Center St,
John McLaughlin collides with Plymouth man at John J. Glass, Jr.
Square, 04/08/1938:5
Seven Onset people injured in crash on South Main St, 04/15/1938:1
Brockton driver kills deer on Wareham St, 04/29/1938:1
Norman Hill and Roderick Berry injured in car crash in Lakeville,
West Wareham driver strikes white way light, 05/06/1938:6
Logan's car leaves road on Plympton St, no injuries, 05/13/1938:5
Astoria, NY man injured when car strikes tree, 06/03/1938:2
Albert Sears, Jr. collides with Halifax driver at Thompson and River St,
Robert Higgins may have fallen asleep, injured when car strikes tree,
Thomas and Barbara Curley injured when car strikes tree on Oak St,
East Falmouth truck hits pole on Wareham St, 06/24/1938:1
Herbert Williams injured when car strikes pole on Bedford St,
Injured when auto overturns on Clear Pond Rd, 06/24/1938:1
Two injured in six-car crash on West Grove St, 07/01/1938:2
Arthur Gomes collides with Brighton auto on West Grove St,
West Roxbury and Stoughton drivers crash near railroad bridges,
Dr Pollen collides with Bridgewater auto at Arch and Everett St,
Gasunas collides with Bridgewater auto on Bedford St, 07/15/1938:5
Lawrence Westgate's car strikes tree on Plympton St, 07/15/1938:5
Marion and Stoughton drivers collide on Wareham St, 07/15/1938:5
Fickert's milk truck in collision with Lutaut's auto on Plymouth St,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Harry Goodale injured in three-car crash on Rte 28, 07/22/1938:1
James Nunes injured when car strikes tree on East Main St,
Out-of-towners collide on Cape road, 07/22/1938:1
Mary Fitzsimmons collides with Frank Harris on East Main St,
Sunday accidents take heavy toll here, ten injured, 07/29/1938:1
Alvin Thomas collides with West Weymouth driver on Wareham St,
First fatal accident this year takes one life, 08/05/1938:1
Ralph Mendall collides with Plymouth driver at Dead Man's Curve,
Weekend accidents take unusually large toll including one death,
Roslindale auto overturns on West Grove St, 08/05/1938:11
Frank Bochichio injured when car overturns on Bedford St,
Six persons injured in three-car crash on Wareham St, 08/12/1938:1
Carl Anderson collides with Jamaica Plain driver at West Grove and
Taunton St, 08/19/1938:6
John Santine, Jr. injured in auto accident on Center St, 08/26/1938:6
Norwood and New Bedford autos collide at South Main and Grove St,
Vincent Washburn strikes deer on County St, 08/26/1938:11
New Bedford residents injured in mishap in Lakeville, 09/02/1938:1
Weymouth vehicle rams six cement posts on West Grove St,
Armand Bessette gets 30 days for leaving scene of accident,
Harry Austin rear-ends newspaper truck on Center St, 09/02/1938:6
Bridgewater autos sideswipe on Route 28, 09/09/1938:1
Harry Goodale, Jr. pleads not guilty to four charges following auto
crash, 09/09/1938:1
Out-of-towners get tangled up in Town Hall parking lot, 09/09/1938:2
Out-of-town cars duplicate freak accident on West Grove St,
Scott McCallum collides with Wareham driver on Vaughn St,
Tauno Erickson collides with Providence driver on Beech St,
Brockton truck driver injured in accident on River St, 09/16/1938:7
Foxboro and Whitman autos crash on Bedford St, 09/16/1938:8
Harry Goodale, Jr. fined $25 for leaving scene of accident, 09/23/1938:6
Brookline man second auto fatality this year, 09/30/1938:1
Plymouth man sustains injuries in collision on Taunton St, 09/30/1938:6
Two injured when cat overturns on Rte 28, 09/30/1938:11
Eight persons hurt in three-car crash on Rte 28, 10/14/1938:1
Another serious accident on our stretch of "super highway",
Melrose man dies in Wareham St crash (p), 10/21/1938:1
Three accidents at Rock in last ten days, 10/21/1938:3
Bridgewater and Halifax cars sideswipe on Thompson St, 10/21/1938:5
Four Plymouth residents escape injury in rollover, 10/28/1938:1
South Carver youth receives head injuries in crash at Pearl and Peirce
St, 10/28/1938:6
Hathaways injured when car rear-ends Westgate auto on West Grove St,
Joseph Preti seriously hurt when car crashes into pole on Bedford St,
Two persons injured when Brockton auto strikes tree on East Grove St,
Fog causes auto crash on West Grove St, 11/11/1938:1
Needham and Cotuit drivers collide at West Grove and Taunton St,
William Gauthier escapes death after car goes down embankment,
Wallace Hotz collides with Taunton auto at traffic circle, 11/18/1938:11
Mrs Marion Angers falls from car operated by Herbert Lawrence,
Yvonne Logrien's car goes over embankment on Center St,
New Bedford auto leaves road in Lakeville, 11/25/1938:2
Bourne man strikes deer in South Middleboro, 11/25/1938:6
Michael Garafalo in accident with Rhode Island driver on West Grove
St, 11/25/1938:6
Anthony Morris run over by own car, 12/23/1938:11
Drivers from Taunton and North Attleboro sideswipe on West Grove St,
Reginald Walker collides with Elliott Harlow at Montello and East Main
St, 01/06/1939:11
Melrose Highlands man victim of first fatal accident of 1939,
Three women escape injury in crash in Lakeville, 01/20/1939:1
Bernard Mullen fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 01/20/1939:5
Charles Warren collides with Earl Lincoln at Wareham and East Grove
St, 01/27/1939:1
Icy roads a factor in Thomas' collision with Taunton driver,
Brockton auto skids into sign on Wareham St, 01/27/1939:2
Slippery roads cause five accidents, 03/17/1939:1
Bernard Mullen fined $35 for leaving scene of accident, 03/24/1939:5
Cars crash at East Middleboro, 03/24/1939:7
Mattapan driver loses control on Wareham St, 04/21/1939:3
West Wareham driver rear-ends Taunton driver on Old Wareham Rd,
Brockton man strikes deer in South Middleboro, 04/28/1939:1
Brockton man injured in crash near Miller's hill, 04/28/1939:8
Pawtucket, RI driver arrested after crashing into Milton auto,
Truckload of herring dumped on Rte 28, 05/19/1939:1
Harry Mitchell injured when car strikes pole on Plymouth St,
Wareham auto rolls over twice on Wareham St, 05/19/1939:2
Health officials called to site of herring accident, 05/19/1939:4
Attleboro driver strikes pole on Montello St, 05/26/1939:7
Wambolt narrowly escapes death when auto rammed by load of poles,
NYC sailor injured in accident in Lakeville, 06/02/1939:4
Aurman collides with Washburn on Highland Rd, 06/02/1939:9
Four injured as car overturns on South Main St, 06/09/1939:1
Brockton man injured in truck crash on Bedford St, 06/09/1939:2
Eugene Washburn severely injured in auto accident on Highland Rd,
Car rams water trough on East Main St, 06/16/1939:2
Brockton auto plows through Pina house in South Middleboro,
Silvia, Ashley, and Howes injured in crash at Rock, 06/16/1939:7
Briggs and two sons injured when auto sideswiped on Miller St,
Drivers from Hyannis and Waquoit crash at Fall Brook, 06/30/1939:7
Thomas O'Melia injured when car overturns on Frank St, 06/30/1939:10
Elizabeth Shaw's leg amputated after auto accident, 07/07/1939:1
Ernest McIlvana killed in auto accident on Rochester Rd, 07/07/1939:1
Women injured in rollover north of traffic circle, 07/07/1939:2
Foxboro driver rear-ends Taunton driver on Wareham St, 07/07/1939:3
Out-of-towners injured in crash on Wareham St, 07/07/1939:6
William Kinsman accused of manslaughter in traffic death of McIlvana,
Clark's car bumps Vrazzell's car near post office, 07/14/1939:2
Mrs Clarence Churbuck collides with Mrs Donald DeVinny's beach
wagon on Center St, 07/14/1939:2
Susie Witbeck injured when Providence truck hits Waltham auto,
Lynn driver knocks down traffic sign on West Grove St, 07/14/1939:4
Brockton woman resets fractured wrist after accident on Rte 28,
Newton Centre man collides with truck on Rte 28, 07/21/1939:2
Driving lesson ends in smash in South Middleboro, 07/21/1939:7
Boston man held on charge of manslaughter in traffic death of Mary
Sullivan, 07/28/1939:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
William Kinsman acquitted of manslaughter, 07/28/1939:1
Crankshaw's auto sideswiped near Maxim's filling station, 07/28/1939:2
Dorchester driver fined $100 for accident that killed Mary Sullivan,
New Jersey boy loses teeth when cars bump, 08/04/1939:7
State obtains data on local accidents, 08/04/1939:9
Boston girl hurt in collision on Rte 28, 08/11/1939:3
Greenbush man fined for triple spin on wet road, 08/18/1939:1
New Jersey driver hits Trulson's wood load, 08/18/1939:1
Load of clams goes off the road on East Main St, 08/25/1939:1
Brockton man smashes in fog on Grove St bridge, 09/01/1939:1
Hiram Haley, Jr. collides with Buzzards Bay driver at Oak and Frank St,
Providence driver goes down embankment on East Grove St,
Attleboro man accused of hit-and-run, 09/15/1939:1
Henry Benjamin collides with Taunton driver at Fall Brook junction,
Driver falls asleep, two injured on Wareham St, 09/15/1939:4
Gamache's heifer killed after hit by Kelley's auto, 09/22/1939:1
Frank Graham collides with Waltham driver on Wareham St,
Woburn driver knocks down several posts on Bedford St, 09/22/1939:3
Weston's auto strikes pole after tire blows, 09/22/1939:6
Arnold Thomas, Lakeville man with record of motor vehicle violations,
smashes auto on Rhode Island Rd, 10/06/1939:1
Cladys Oliver collides with Rockland truck on North St, 10/06/1939:4
Load of hay slides of truck on Centre St, 10/13/1939:1
John Keough's auto knocked into ditch by passing driver, 10/13/1939:3
Drivers from Kingston and Bridgewater collide at Pierce and Pearl,
Drivers from Lynn and Bristol, RI collide at traffic circle, 11/03/1939:6
Gomes family auto goes into bog reservoir on Thomas St, 11/03/1939:6
Doe killed by Lowell auto at traffic circle, 11/17/1939:1
George Anderson fined $50 after nearly crashing into Taunton St house,
Whitman driver straddles hedge while driving drunk, 12/01/1939:1
Framingham driver ends up in bog driving drunk, 12/29/1939:1
Mrs Josephine Willis collides with East Bridgewater driver on Oak St,
New Bedford driver strikes pole on Highland Rd, 12/29/1939:7
Traffic Accidents - Horse-Drawn Vehicles
New Bedford driver strikes Edwin Jones' farm wagon in Lakeville,
Rhode Island driver collides with McDonald's horse and buggy,
McDonald's team loaded with sawdust struck by auto on Wareham St,
Quincy and West Bridgewater drivers in near head-on collision on Rte
28, 03/27/1936:2
Manuel Fraser's runaway horse causes damage on Center St,
Traffic Accidents - Motorcycles
State trooper loses memory in crash, 11/10/1939:6
Traffic Regulations
see also Parking; Reckless Driving; Speed Limits and Speeding
Signboards at traffic circle an issue, 06/12/1936:1
Roger Peachie's fines for motor vehicle violations revoked,
Russell Eaton fined $2 for failure to stop, 08/28/1936:2
George Busby charged with failure to stop at traffic sign, 10/02/1936:2
George Busby fined $2 for failure to stop, 10/09/1936:2
Document details rules and orders adopted by selectmen, 05/07/1937:9
Chief Sisson meets with selectmen, 06/24/1938:8
Norman Lindsay compliments "The Spectator" (l), 07/22/1938:1
Peter Letourneau fined $20 for two motor vehicle violations,
Letourneau fails to appear in court to pay $20 fine, 06/09/1939:8
Letourneau traffic violation case continued, 07/14/1939:6
Judge gives youths fatherly advice with year of probation, 11/17/1939:3
Traffic Signs and Signals
Selectmen approve warning signs for Pratt's Hill, 06/26/1936:1
Selectmen discuss warning signs for Pratt's Hill, 06/26/1936:1
West Grove St in need of traffic signal, 07/16/1937:1
Selectmen discuss painted warnings and other solutions, 08/20/1937:1
Selectmen take action to divert traffic jams, 08/20/1937:1
John Gagnon petitions for sign at Fuller and Thompson St, 10/08/1937:8
Selectmen discuss speed limit signs for West Grove St, 06/24/1938:8
Selectmen discuss signage to alleviate traffic problems, 07/15/1938:1
Speed limit signs a step in the right direction, 07/15/1938:1
Attention motorists. New one-way signs on Nickerson and Union St,
"One-way" signs have autoists bewildered, 04/14/1939:1
Precinct 3 Improvement Association petitions selectmen for traffic
signals, 07/21/1939:4
State engineer sends staff to investigate requests, 08/04/1939:1
Rte 28, West Grove St, and old Taunton Rd intersection will not get
signal, 09/15/1939:1
Tramps (see Vagrancy)
Closing of rail station leaves South Middleboro without public
transportation, 07/22/1938:11
Tratreault, Oliver
Cranberry worker struck and killed by Short's car, 09/22/1939:1
Travaglini, Ann Jeanette
Born to Theodore, 02/22/1935:6
Travaglini, Theodore
Daughter born, 02/22/1935:6
Landscaping services (ad), 03/08/1935:8
Travalini, Bobby
Rescue attempt fails, 12/17/1937:4
South Middleboro School closes in memory of drowning victim,
Travalini, Ted
Moves to South Middleboro, 04/21/1939:6
Travassos, Alfred
Breaks leg for second time, 07/24/1936:1
Travassos, Frank
Bicyclists fatally struck by auto driven by Edgar Paun, 03/08/1935:1
Dies at age 47, 03/08/1935:4
Auto death case continued, 03/22/1935:1
Travassos, Manoel M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/25/1937:12
Travassos, Manuel M.
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
see also Africa; Americas; Asia; Europe; Middle East; Tourism
University of Toledo freshman, Milton Jones, has traveled the world,
Mrs E.M. Creedon and J.H. Creedon describe interesting Texas trip,
Middleboro on route to Cape Cod, should get share of recreation pie,
Mr and Mrs Frederick Lobl book passage to Europe, 06/11/1937:1
Helen Rotch spends two months abroad, 06/25/1937:11
Helen Rotch returns from two years abroad, 07/23/1937:11
Mrs Frank Whitney sails for Honolulu, 12/10/1937:5
Esther Spooner and M. Alice Jones on cruise to Hawaii, 07/07/1939:8
Travelers' Rest
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Travers, Helen
Injured in auto crash at Union and Nickerson St, 06/07/1935:1
Travers, Iola
Injured in auto crash at Union and Nickerson St, 06/07/1935:1
see also Forests
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Trees on high school lot to commemorate Peirce children (l) (Chester E.
Weston), 06/07/1935:2
Heavy rain uproots tree on Wareham St, 06/14/1935:7
WPA shade tree project allotment $4,311, 11/22/1935:2
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Conference in North Middleboro saves buttonwood tree planted by
Calvin Kingman, 05/15/1936:6
Lightning strikes tree near home of Henry Shaw, 08/07/1936:8
Lightning strikes tree on Miller St, damages house on rebound,
Moth department sets out elm trees on Bourne St, 09/25/1936:12
Theodore Deane, tree surgery (ad), 10/07/1938:12
Finance Committee okays transfer for four departments, 11/25/1938:1
Report of forest warden (t), 01/27/1939:11
Huge limb takes out wires on Oak St, 09/01/1939:1
Moth department takes down large dead elm on Thatcher's Row,
Trefry, Doris R.
Wed to Charles A. Lee, Jr., 05/21/1937:7
Trefry, Doris Ruth
Wed to Charles A. Lee, 02/19/1937:1
Trefry, Ruth Putnam
Mother (poem), 04/30/1937:2
A Flagstone Walk (poem), 07/29/1938:7
Tresback, Marie
Johnson and Tresback provide strictly homecooked meals at Flander's
Chicken House (ad), 06/30/1939:10
Bertha Covell and Georgette Thomas arrested for track walking,
Covell and Thomas on probation for track walking, 08/28/1936:2
Bertha Covel's track walking case filed, 02/26/1937:2
Georgette Thomas' probation for track walking ends, 02/26/1937:2
Wiksten case of criminal trespass continued, 04/30/1937:2
Wiksten case continued again, 05/21/1937:2, 06/04/1937:2
Criminal trespass case against John Wiksten dismissed, 07/16/1937:2
Maleski and Sinoski guilty of criminal trespass, Hill not guilty,
Michael Maleski fails to pay fine, 09/01/1939:3
Maleski fails to appear in court for continuance, 09/29/1939:8
Tribby, William
Physician at sanatorium, 06/02/1939:9
Tribou, C.L.
Cleans cesspools and cellars (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Tribou, Harry R.
Obituary, 10/22/1937:1
Tribou, Harry Runnelis
Dies in North Carolina at age 58, 10/22/1937:7
Tribou, Kendrick
Oversees ice harvest for Tabor farm, 02/07/1936:8
Tribou, William
Louis Hathaway rear-ends parked truck on Oak St, 03/01/1935:2
Employed at sanatorium, 11/26/1937:11
Oil burner causes small fire on Oak St, 06/03/1938:1
Tribou, William E.
Petitions to build fuel oil storage tanks, 10/01/1937:8
Trinque, Dolores N.
Infant daughter of Dennis dies, 03/15/1935:4
Trinque, Gladys
Engaged to Arthur Goodreau, 03/12/1937:6, 03/19/1937:11
Wed to Arthur Goodreau, 04/30/1937:11
Trinque, Gladys L.
Engaged to Arthur E. Goodreau, 04/09/1937:7
Wed to Arthur Goodreau, 04/23/1937:7
Trinque, Gladys Lucille
Wedding described, 04/23/1937:1
Trinque, Janice Claire
Infant daughter of Joseph and Blanche Smith dies, 10/14/1938:1
Trinque, Louis
Obituary, 06/21/1935:1
Dies at age 71, 06/21/1935:6
Petition for administration of estate, 07/19/1935:11
Trinque, Romeo
Manager of local football team, 07/26/1935:1
Local agent for Kumin's, Inc. of Brockton (ad), 10/09/1936:12
Manager of Kay Jewelry Co. at 11 North Main St, 11/19/1937:1
Manager of Kay Jewelry Co. branch office at 11 North Main St (ad),
Held in contempt over unpaid bill to Park Cafe, 05/20/1938:6
Contempt case continued, 06/10/1938:1, 06/17/1938:1
Charged with contempt of court, 10/14/1938:11
Trinque, Romeo N.
Court rules in favor of Park Cafe, 06/18/1937:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/27/1938:11
Trinque, Wilfred
Incendiary fire burns shed on Cambridge St, 11/11/1938:1
Sisson triplets re-united (p), 08/21/1936:1
Tripp (Mr)
Native vegetables (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Tripp, Arthur
Son born, 12/25/1936:6
Tripp, Arthur H. (see Tripp's Candy Kitchen)
Tripp, Arthur W.
Son born, 10/11/1935:6, 10/11/1935:8
Tripp, Charles
Granted hackney license, 12/31/1937:5
North Middleboro friends mourn, 09/30/1938:2
Tripp, Charles H.
Obituary, 09/30/1938:1
Dies at age 57, 09/30/1938:7
Tripp, Elias, Jr.
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:2
Wed to Zelda M. Westgate, 08/25/1939:5
Tripp, Harris
Accepts position with Ernest Maxim, 06/21/1935:8
Tripp, Ivan
Daughter born, 06/07/1935:6, 05/28/1937:11
Tripp, Jeanette Bassett
Daughter born, 05/28/1937:11
Tripp, Jeannette Bassett
Daughter born, 06/07/1935:6
Tripp, J.L.
Vegetables, Wareham St (ad), 10/02/1936:12
Tripp, Judith Frances
Born to Ivan and Jeanette Bassett, 05/28/1937:11
Tripp, Margaret
Wed to Frank Bent, 04/14/1939:8
Tripp, Margaret A.
Engaged to Frank J. Bent, 04/07/1939:5
Wed to Frank J. Bent, 05/05/1939:5
Tripp, Nancy Ivanette
Born to Ivan, 06/07/1935:6
Tripp, Phoebe
Principal of Ashley School, 05/20/1938:1
Tripp, Ralph
Son born, 03/01/1935:4, 03/01/1935:6
Couple married 24 years, 01/22/1937:6
Farm Service Stores, Inc. closes, Thomas employed for 12 years,
South Middleboro couple married 25 years, 01/28/1938:8
Employed at Farm Service Store, 08/11/1939:3
Tripp, Raymond
Chimney fire on Rock St, 05/10/1935:5
Son born, 05/08/1936:12
Tripp, Raymond P.
Son born, 05/01/1936:7
Need swimming pool funds (l), 06/30/1939:2
Tripp, Roger E.
Enlists in 3rd Cavalry at Fort Ethan Allen, VT, 06/09/1939:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Tripp, Russell
Employed at Golden Glow Dairy, 07/03/1936:8
Collides with Edith Leggee at Oak and High St, 04/16/1937:1
Resides in Hyannis, 09/03/1937:11
Tripp's Candy Kitchen
Increasing cost of raw materials is reason for price advance (ad),
Local candy headed to Antarctica with Hawthorne, 11/24/1939:1
Tripp's Candy Shop
Peanut taffy, kisses, crisps (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Trombley, Joseph M.
Obituary, 12/31/1937:1
Trombley, Laura Ann
Obituary, 03/24/1939:1
Widow of Joseph dies at age 62, 03/24/1939:7
Trop, Raymond
Daughter born, 12/17/1937:11
Troy, John
Appointed District Engineer, 02/08/1935:1
see also Moving, Household; Nemasket Transportation Co.
Blaze starts in cotton bales in Keough Trucking Co. vehicle,
Joseph Dutra, 89 Everett St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Jeffrey Hebert, cesspools and wells cleaned, trucking (ad),
Lawrence Smith denies rumors that Eaton's Express to discontinue,
True, Frank H.
Plympton couple married 59 years, 06/16/1939:4
Truesdale, Kenneth W.
Car overturns three times after colliding with Isaac Bryant, 06/04/1937:1
Fined $50 for negligent operation, 06/11/1937:1
Charged with robbery of cash from Heath store in Lakeville,
Trufant (Miss)
Resigns from MHS, takes post in Pittsburg, 06/07/1935:8
Trufant (Mr)
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Trufant, E.D.
Member of Radcliffe Choral Society, 04/02/1937:2
Trufant, Ella
Salutatorian of class of 1936, 03/20/1936:1
Member of Radcliffe College Choral Society, 12/17/1937:12
Leaves for trip to England and the Continent, 07/14/1939:1
Trufant, Ella D.
High school salutatory and valedictory essays, 06/19/1936:11
Enrolls in Radcliffe College, 09/25/1936:12
On Dean's List at Radcliffe College, 11/19/1937:1
Joins Harvard Glee Club in concert with Boston Symphony,
Trufant, Ella Dunavant
Member of Radcliffe College Choral Society, 12/09/1938:2
Trufant, Kathryn A.
English teacher resigns, takes post in Sewickley, PA, 05/17/1935:1
Trufant, Russell
Appointed WPA project engineer, 12/13/1935:1
Local engineer in suit with town of Whitman, 07/03/1936:1
Ousted as WPA coordinator, 11/18/1938:1
The Spectator comments on dismissal of Trufant (l), 11/18/1938:11
Trufant, Russell A.
Report of WPA planning engineer (t), 11/22/1935:6
Inspector on large-scale water supply project for Boston, 07/28/1939:2
Trufant, Walter E.
Obituary, 12/08/1939:5
Trull, Flora
Funeral held in Milton, 02/26/1937:11
Trulson, Axel O.
New Jersey driver hits Trulson's wood load, 08/18/1939:1
Trundy, Arthur B.
Obituary, 04/02/1937:1
Tubman, Kenneth
Son born, 09/18/1936:8
Tubman, Raymond
Engaged to Margaret Elizabeth Vickery, 06/16/1939:4
Tubman, Raymond W.
Engaged to Margaret Elizabeth Vickery, 06/09/1939:1
Tuck, Myron Leroy
Engaged to Viola Mae Caswell, 07/16/1937:1
Tuck, Myron LeRoy, Jr.
Engaged to Viola M. Caswell, 05/12/1939:5
Wedding described, 05/26/1939:1
Tucker, Annie E.
Funeral held in Arlington, 07/23/1937:2
Tucker, Mary E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 07/22/1938:7
Tucker, Robert
Resides in New Bedford, 07/15/1938:1
Tucker, William
Daughter born, 04/21/1939:5
Tuell, Erna M. Leach
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Tuell, Mrs Fred
Funeral held in Providence, RI, 10/21/1938:1
Tuell, Mrs Fred M.
No trace of body found, 10/14/1938:1
Tuell, Robert
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Body of child recovered, 10/14/1938:1
Tufts (Mr)
New manager of W.T. Grant store, 02/12/1937:12
Tufts, J. Warren
W.T. Grant manager resigns, 02/11/1938:12
Engaged to Martha W. Deane, 02/10/1939:1
Tufts, Warren
Manager of W.T. Grant store, 08/06/1937:7
Tullis (Mr)
Wollaston man hits W.B. Stone's car and Tullis' bicycle while speeding,
Tully, Hugh
Obituary, 04/30/1937:6
Bridgewater man dies at age 80, 04/30/1937:7
Tuomala, John
Daughter born, 06/30/1939:5
Turcotte, Charles
Dies in Charlestown, 02/22/1935:6
Turenne, Louis
Wed to Emily T. Reed, 10/18/1935:6
Son born, 06/26/1936:7
Turenne, Louis A.
Engaged to Emily T. Reed, 10/04/1935:6
Gets thirty days shooting out partition, 07/14/1939:1
Turkington, Pearl
Sells property to Nellie Duncan, 03/24/1939:11
Turnbull, James
Son born, 10/15/1937:7
Turnbull, Myron
Engaged to Eva DeArruda, 07/12/1935:11
Turnbull, Myron A.
Engaged to Eva C. DeArruda, 07/19/1935:6
Wed to Eva C. DeArruda, 07/26/1935:6
Turnbull, Robert W.
Engaged to Margaret M. DeArruda, 08/04/1939:7
Turner, Anne
Secretly married to James Parmenter, 10/04/1935:6
Turner, Arnold
George Millette held in $1,000 bonds as result of fatal accident,
Turner, Clyde H.
Employs Harriet Reed, 01/29/1937:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Daughter born, 01/21/1938:11
Turner, Clyde W.
Chimney fire on Wood St, 05/10/1935:5
Turner, Elliston T.
Tax collector's sale, 04/12/1935:8
Turner, Frank
Resumes duties at Rotch farm, 09/20/1935:6
Turner, Gladys C.
Wed to Albert J. Robichaud, 07/29/1938:7
Turner, Hazel Shirley
Graduates from Simmons College, 06/10/1938:1
Turner, J.C.
Picking commences at Rock bog, 09/13/1935:5
Screening cranberries, 11/11/1938:11
Turner, Joseph
Begins screening, 09/20/1935:6
Turner, Kathleen Clara
Born to Clyde H., 01/21/1938:11
Turner, Mrs Roy M.
Resides in Marion, 01/08/1937:11
Turner, Ruth
Moves to Bridgewater, 09/22/1939:10
Turner, William
Employed at sanatorium, 06/09/1939:1
Frederick Sisson finds turtles dated 1814 and 1871, 06/11/1937:1
Turtle bears initials CWK, CWS, and CDK, 05/27/1938:11
Several found with carved dates on Sisson's East Grove St farm,
Summer resident finds turtle initialed and dated, 07/28/1939:5
Turtle dated 1863 located in Lakeville, 08/04/1939:9
T.W. Pierce Hardware Co.
W.L. Sturgis named president, 02/24/1939:1
Announces new houseware department (ad), 12/01/1939:8
Twarog, Jeannette H.
Wed to Paul E. Gallagher, 12/02/1938:7
Sons born to Gordon Hynes, 10/16/1936:1
Alfred Lincoln and Lawrence George born to Alexander, 02/18/1938:1
Twin son and daughter born to Nicholas Vasconcelas, 05/27/1938:6
Daughters born to Wallace Springer, 06/24/1938:11
Thomas twins hold celebration for 74th birthday, 09/16/1938:3
Son and daughter born to George Nelson, 12/09/1938:7
Sons born to Milton Davidson, 01/13/1939:7
Sons born to Lewis Thayer, 01/27/1939:7
Son and daughter born to Donald Garnier, 06/02/1939:1, 06/02/1939:5
Daughters born to Joseph Briggs, 09/15/1939:5
Twombley, Arthur W.
Obituary, 08/09/1935:1
Dies at age 83, 08/09/1935:6
Twombley, Joseph M.
Dies at age 67, 12/31/1937:7
A.L. Beals (ad), 10/16/1936:12
N.G. Shaw, for purchase or rent (ad), 12/10/1937:14
Cape Cod Typewriter Co., 224 Plymouth St (ad), 10/20/1939:5
Ufford, Jane
Moves to New York, 11/04/1938:1
Ufford, Nancy
Moves to New York, 10/21/1938:12
Ufford, Sally
Moves to New York, 10/21/1938:12
Unemployment (see Employment)
Union Street School
Comments on superintendent's report, 01/25/1935:1
Mrs Fred Dame decries conditions at school (l), 02/08/1935:5
Workmen replace wooden fire escape with metal, 04/19/1935:1
New porcelain sinks and iron fire escape installed, 05/17/1935:1
Use of second floor to alleviate crowding, 09/13/1935:1
School Committee advises naming committee to report on conditions,
Committee to report on new facility, 11/20/1936:1
Selectman Millette heads committee of five, 11/20/1936:1
Committee to choose architect, 12/11/1936:1
Building committee interviews architects, 12/18/1936:1
Architect chosen for one-story, eight-room structure, 12/25/1936:1
Selectmen request federal funds, 01/01/1937:1
Architects drawings for proposed plans for new building (i) (t),
Winslow Harlow and Hiram Archer object to plans (l), 01/22/1937:1
Additional special town meeting called, 01/29/1937:1
Building problem postponed to March 1st, 01/29/1937:1
Planning committee discharged over architect controversy, 03/05/1937:1
Plea for new schoolhouse (l) (Marguerite Clark, Nellie Dean),
New architect to design one-story fireproof building, 03/12/1937:1
Committee named, 03/19/1937:1
Donner, Callan, Holloway, Wilmot, and Thomas on committee,
Building committee organizes, 03/26/1937:1
Building committee accepts plans, 04/02/1937:1
Federal grant in doubt, 04/30/1937:1
Building committee discusses proposal from Washington, 05/07/1937:1
Principal Eleanor Barden resigns; teacher Elsie Cahoon transfers in;
Lottie Lang new principal, 06/18/1937:1
Town gets $47,000 grant from PWA, 08/27/1937:1
Town receives 45% grant for two local projects, 08/27/1937:1
Building committee signs contract, 09/03/1937:1
Financing may require special town meeting, 09/24/1937:1
Selectmen call special town meeting, 10/01/1937:1
Government grants accepted, 10/08/1937:1
Public summon to special town meeting, 10/08/1937:1
Voters approve amendment, 10/15/1937:1
Sale of wooden buildings by town (ad), 10/15/1937:8
Committee seeks bids, 10/22/1937:1
New building closer to reality, 10/22/1937:1
Photos taken, bids open, 10/22/1937:5
Advertisement for bids (ad), 10/22/1937:8
Selectmen receive bids for removal or demolition, 11/05/1937:1
Construction bid awarded, 11/19/1937:1
Trust Co. successful bidder for bond issue floated by selectmen,
Seventeen bids presented to committee, 11/19/1937:6
Building committee approves contract, 11/26/1937:1
Preliminary construction begun, 12/03/1937:1
Building committee makes report to selectmen, 12/24/1937:8
Selectmen discuss hiring for project, 12/31/1937:5
Boiler company reports on conditions, 01/28/1938:8
Sixty percent complete, 03/25/1938:1
Selectmen discuss removal of old building, 03/25/1938:11
Selectmen vote to demolish old building, 04/01/1938:1
daCosta wants building moved, not demolished, 04/08/1938:1
Selectmen discuss improvements to lot, 04/08/1938:11
First payment of federal grant received, 04/22/1938:1
Call for bids to provide school equipment, 04/29/1938:7
Town receives second payment on federal grant, 05/20/1938:1
Demolition project approved, 05/27/1938:1
Inspector George Finch resigns to take post in Bellingham, 05/27/1938:1
Demolition begins, 06/24/1938:1
Call for bids for fuel oil (ad), 07/15/1938:8
Spectator asks questions about plumbing at school (l), 08/05/1938:2
Plumbing situation aired, 08/12/1938:1
Ready for public inspection, 08/19/1938:1
Spectator comments plumbing issues (l), 08/19/1938:2
The latest in school design, 08/26/1938:1
Hundreds visit new facility, 09/02/1938:1
Nothing but praise for new school, 09/02/1938:1
New school damaged in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Building committee files acceptance letter, 10/07/1938:2
DeVinny's Greenhouses completes landscaping around school,
Recommendations made for WPA projects to improve schools (l) (The
Spectator), 12/02/1938:2
Final payment made on new school, 01/27/1939:1
Chronology of new school, 02/03/1939:11
Plumber will not lose license (l) (The Spectator), 02/17/1939:5
Holds May Festival, 05/19/1939:1
Notice to oil dealers, 07/07/1939:8
Conditions a potential health menace (l) (The Spectator), 11/17/1939:2
Charles Liber awarded $7,015 in suit against town for land taken for
school, 11/24/1939:1
Unitarian Church (see First Unitarian Church)
United Cape Cod Cranberry Co.
Lightning strikes screenhouse, 08/09/1935:1
Upham, Mabel C.
Obituary, 03/27/1936:8
Urquhart-Swift Land Co.
Tax collector's sale, 04/03/1936:11
Tax collector's sale of real estate, 03/05/1937:12
Tax collector's sale, 03/25/1938:3
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/17/1939:12
Former resident Charles Dellarocco charged with vagrancy,
Trophim Visoky gets term at State Farm, 06/09/1939:8
Vaillancourt, Floyd
Daughter born, 02/05/1937:6
Vaillant, Ernest
Son born, 09/24/1937:7
Vaivilas, Peter
Obituary, 03/12/1937:1
Dies at age 68, 03/12/1937:6
Valle, Alfred
Granted malt beverage and wine license, 09/01/1939:1
Van Dekker, Esther Guerini
Husband appears in Boston theatre comedy, 01/04/1935:1
Van Dusen, Bayard
Teacher in Sudbury, 09/03/1937:11
Resides in Milton, 09/16/1938:3
Van Dusen, Edward Bayard
Wed to Lillie Margaret Stone, 09/15/1939:7
Van Dusen, Elizabeth
Teacher in Bourne, 09/03/1937:11
Resigns teaching post in Bourne, accepts post in Milton, 09/16/1938:3
Van Dusen, Richard
Resides in Milton, 09/16/1938:3
Van Dusen, Ruth
Resides in Concord, 01/08/1937:5
Van Vleet, Ada
Wedding described, 02/24/1939:11
Van Zandt, Earl B.
Refused license to purchase old gold, 05/10/1935:1
VanBuren, Kenneth
Wedding described, 12/04/1936:11
Son born, 02/17/1939:11
VanBuren, Wayne
Born to Kenneth, 02/17/1939:11
Police investigate stone throwing at auto, 03/08/1935:1
VanDusen, Bayard
Attends Northeastern University, 03/15/1935:7
Instructor at Northeastern, 09/20/1935:1
Teacher in Holliston High School, 09/04/1936:8
VanDusen, Dorothy May
Wedding described, 07/02/1937:5
VanDusen, Dorothy M.
Wed in North Carver, 07/02/1937:5
Vantura, Mary
Obituary, 05/15/1936:1
Wife of Manuel dies at age 52, 05/15/1936:7
VanWart, Lemuel A.
Petition for probate of will, 06/03/1938:11
Varbey, Charles
Member of successful high school football team (p), 12/15/1939:11
Varela, Peter
Wed to Louisa Silva, 11/22/1935:11
Varjabedian, Hovhannes S.
Petition for probate of will, 05/14/1937:6
Varjabedian, John
Obituary, 05/07/1937:6
Dies at age 68, 05/07/1937:7
Varney, C.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Vasconcelas, Nicholas
Twin son and daughter born, 05/27/1938:6
Vascoucelos, Frederick
Infant son of Nickolas dies, 03/15/1935:2
Vasel, Arthur
Engaged to Frances E. Jennings, 11/19/1937:7
Wedding described, 12/10/1937:1
Vasel, Peter
Leaps from East Grove St bridge into Nemasket River, 01/13/1939:1
Dies at age 48, 01/13/1939:7
Petition for administration of estate, 02/03/1939:7
Vassar, Addison
Obituary, 12/25/1936:1
Dies in Chelsea at age 50, 12/25/1936:6
Vaughan, Alden
Resides in Providence, RI, 12/02/1938:1
Vaughan, Clifford L.
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Taunton man dies at age 60, 10/04/1935:6
Vaughan, Helen F.
Widow of John C. dies at age 94, 04/19/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 10/11/1935:7
Administratrix presents account of estate, 07/31/1936:7
Vaughan, Helen Frances
Obituary, 04/26/1935:1
Vaughan, Hilda
Engaged to Martin Rockwood Haven, 10/11/1935:5
Vaughan, John C.
Homestead for sale (ad), 04/26/1935:8
Vaughan, Josiah Harris
Located after 25 years, living in Baltimore, 12/08/1939:1
Vaughan, Theodore T.
Obituary, 10/02/1936:1
Carver man dies at age 79, 10/02/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 10/02/1936:7
Obituary, 10/02/1936:11
Vaughn, Alden
Resides in Providence, RI, 08/26/1938:1
Vaughn, Florence L.
Obituary, 10/02/1936:1
Dies at age 49, 10/02/1936:7
Vaughn, Gladys M.
Engaged to Robert E. Diamond, 06/05/1936:7
Wedding described, 06/12/1936:1
Wed to Robert Dimond, 06/12/1936:7
Vaughn, Henry
Reaches 25-year service mark at Keith Shoe Co., 06/12/1936:1
Vaughn, Leroy
Sideswiped by Campello driver at West Grove and Taunton St,
Vaughn, Roger
Wed to Helen Corey, 02/14/1936:6
Vaughn, William E.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Old North St barn first used by William Vaughn comes down,
Vaughn, William H.
Old North St barn first used by William Vaughn comes down,
Veazie, Bessie
Clerk at Memorial High School, 01/06/1939:8
Veazie, Edith
Employed at public library, 08/13/1937:11
Veazie, Edith G.
Employed at public library, 06/12/1936:2
Stephen Kelley raises 17.5-in. cucumber, 10/02/1936:11
J.L. Tripp, Wareham St (ad), 10/02/1936:12
Ka-Daw-Kut Farm Store opens at old post office building (ad),
Elmhurst Farm, Hubbard squash for sale (ad), 11/19/1937:12
Tripp's native vegetables (ad), 08/05/1938:12
Veiga, George
Son born, 07/30/1937:7
Charged with disorderly conduct, 08/27/1937:1
Venno, Barbara
Rents tenement on High St, 11/22/1935:2
Venno, Barbara A.
Car forced to curb while passing New Bedford truck, 11/01/1935:1
Veronesi, Harold E.
Engaged to Harriet Hutchinson, 08/20/1937:11
Vertucci, Tony
Shoe man Paul Mitrakas sells business to Vertucci, returns to Greece,
Vertucco, Anthony
Granted permit for sign at shoe repair shop on Center St, 10/20/1939:1
see also American Legion - Simeon L. Nickerson Post; Grand Army of
the Republic Post 8; Veterans of Foreign Wars - John Glass Post
Voters to have say on funding organizations for ex-servicemen (l)
(Lawrence F. McDonald), 01/25/1935:6
1935 proposed town budget (t), 02/01/1935:3
William Caswell answers letter concerning veterans (l), 02/01/1935:5
Debate of veteran's matters continued (l) (Lawrence F. McDonald),
WWI veteran Fletcher Clark, Jr. receives medal and certificate from
French city, 01/10/1936:1
Details of 1936 budget (t), 02/21/1936:11
Deadline near for bonus application, 04/24/1936:1
Post Office ready to certify service bonds, 06/12/1936:1
Selectmen vote on solder's relief and bonuses, 06/12/1936:1
Over $60,000 comes to town in bonuses, 06/19/1936:1
Bonus checks arrive, 06/26/1936:1
Headstones for war veterans (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 03/19/1937:2
Civil War veteran George Washington Thomas passes 95th milestone,
Board of Selectmen start ball rolling on vet's hospital for Middleboro,
Representative Stetson urges consideration of town for hospital,
New organization, Veterans' Council, forms here, 01/20/1939:2
Plympton's oldest Civil War veteran, George Washington Thomas, turns
96, 02/24/1939:1
Emergency declared in soldier's benefits, 11/24/1939:1
Finance Committee okays $500 in soldier aid, 12/01/1939:1
Reserve Fund down to $112 after transfers, 12/22/1939:1
Veterans' Council
New organization forms here, 01/20/1939:2
Veterans of Foreign Wars - John Glass Post
William Caswell answers letter concerning veterans (l), 02/01/1935:5
Debate of veteran's matters continued (l) (Lawrence F. McDonald),
Holds Patriot's Day entertainment, 04/26/1935:4
Legion fund drive scheduled for same dates at VFW (l), 05/17/1935:1
Holds memorial service, 06/07/1935:6
Passes resolutions upon death of Edward Place, 09/13/1935:2
Selectmen revoke beano license, 11/01/1935:1
Selectmen grant permit for grand field day, 08/05/1938:1
Cy Young hosted by Mr and Mrs John Lane on North Middleboro,
VFW- and Twilight League-sponsored events run despite hurricane,
Field day results (correction), 10/07/1938:1
Holds memorial service for Spanish War veterans, 02/17/1939:1
Holds annual installation exercises, 04/28/1939:2
Moves quarters to Glidden building, 08/04/1939:1
Vibberts, Erna
Resides in Brockton, 03/24/1939:11
Vibberts, Mrs Raymond
Resides in Brockton, 08/23/1935:2
Vickery, Alice
Employed at Walker Manufacturing Co., 07/01/1938:11
Obituary, 08/25/1939:5
Vickery, Chester
Airplane makes forced landing on property, 10/02/1936:5
Vickery, Fred
Son born, 02/22/1935:4
Petition for administration of estate, 04/19/1935:5
Fire at home on Pearl St, 01/17/1936:12
Vickery, John
Injured in head-on collision with Elliott on Rocky Gutter St,
Notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 12/23/1938:7
Vickery, John A.
Chimney fie on Fairview St, 02/07/1936:2
Engaged to Myrtle A. Appleby, 09/02/1938:7
Wed to Myrtle A. Appleby, 09/09/1938:7
Vickery, John Arthur
Non-support case dismissed, 07/28/1939:1
Vickery, Kenneth
Auto strikes pole on Miller St, 08/13/1937:1
Vickery, Lloyd R.
Engaged to Alice K. Blackley, 06/02/1939:5
Vickery, Mae
Assault case brought by Vickery against husband Robert dismissed,
Vickery, Margaret Elizabeth
Engaged to Raymond W. Tubman, 06/09/1939:1
Engaged to Raymond Tubman, 06/16/1939:4
Vickery, Mrs Chester
Mother dies in Fairhaven, 10/28/1938:11
Vickery, Mrs Rodney
Uncle dies in Medford, 11/29/1935:5
Vickery, Myrtle
Husband posts notice of no responsibility for wife's bills, 12/23/1938:7
Vickery, Ralph
Son born, 05/14/1937:7
Vickery, Robert
Moves to Betty Neck estate where he is employed, 04/02/1937:11
Moves to Eaton's cottage on Long Point Rd, 04/09/1937:11
Lets Miller St house to Clarence Dimond, 05/07/1937:11
Employed by Betty Neck Cranberry Co., 04/22/1938:11
Assault case brought by Mae Vickery dismissed, 10/20/1939:3
Vickery, Rodney
Employed by Middleboro Highway Department, 09/03/1937:11
Occupies Cushman House on Miller St, 12/22/1939:7
Vickery, Roy
Employed by A. Tremaine Smith, 07/19/1935:2
Employed in Silver Bay, NY, 05/29/1936:5
Employed in Silver Bay, NH, 06/04/1937:11
Wedding described, 01/27/1939:3
Wed to Evelyn Small, 01/27/1939:7
Daughter born, 04/28/1939:5
Vickery, Roy B.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Evelyn L. Small, 01/20/1939:7
Vickery, Walter
Employed at A&P in Wareham, 06/26/1936:8
Vickery, W.C.
Dahlia and gladiolus bulbs (ad), 03/26/1937:12
Vickery, Wilfred
Fails to appear in court at expiration of probation, 10/16/1936:8
Fails suicide attempt, uses wrong poison, 08/18/1939:1
Vickery, Wilfred C.
Engaged to Florence Tibbetts, 09/11/1936:7
Vickford, Jane
Wedding described, 04/30/1937:11
Vien, Mark L.
Obituary, 01/14/1938:11
Viera, Alice
Petitions court to change name to Alison Dame, 05/03/1935:5
Viera, Gabriel J.
Engaged to Madeline M. Howe, 08/26/1938:7
Wed to Madeline M. Howe, 09/30/1938:7
Viera, Gay J.
Wedding described, 09/09/1938:1
Vigers, Mrs James
Police apprehend two juvenile car thieves, 04/09/1937:1
Vinal, Barbara
Resides in Gorham, NH, 01/04/1935:1
Accepts teaching post in Maine, 10/02/1936:6
Resides in Bangor, ME, 01/07/1938:11
Vinal, Henry Y.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
DeLand, FL man dies at age 76, 04/17/1936:7
Former parishioners attend funeral at Carver, 04/17/1936:8
Vinal, Linwood
Resides in Acton, 03/01/1935:4
Resides in Boxboro, 05/10/1935:4, 01/17/1936:6, 03/13/1936:7
Vinal, Maurice L.
Collides with Theodore Lee at Pleasant and Center St, 09/18/1936:1
Vincent, Lewis
Wedding described, 05/05/1939:9
Vincent, Louis
Engaged to Catherine Lee, 04/28/1939:5
Visoky, Trophim M.
Vagrant gets term at State Farm, 06/09/1939:8
Vockery, Roy
Son born, 04/28/1939:9
Vogue Dress Shoppe
Grand opening at 18 South Main St (ad), 03/05/1937:2
New store caters to women's apparel, 03/05/1937:2
Voice Lessons
Louisa Burt Wood, teacher of singing (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Helen Place (ad), 11/06/1936:12
Dorothy Maranville Dean, elocution, dancing, and platform art (ad),
H. Nelson Raymond, teacher of voice (ad), 09/30/1938:12
Court beside tennis courts ready for use, 06/10/1938:6
Gets fine start here, 07/08/1938:6
Vollmar, Mary
Funeral held in Plympton, 04/16/1937:11
Volunteers of America
Open home at Sturtevants Corner, 07/05/1935:11
Camp director thanks Middleboro people for help and consideration (l),
Lakeview Rest Camp in full swing, 08/05/1938:7
Von Berg, Ericka
Wed to Albert Matrisciano, 12/06/1935:6
Von Berg, Erika
Engaged to Albert Matrisciano, 11/22/1935:6
Von Berg, Erika Eleonore
Baroness arrives here from Germany, to reside with sister Helene
Wright, 03/01/1935:1
Voorhees, Elizabeth
Engaged to Newman W. Thibault, 07/09/1937:1
Voorhees, Elizabeth Maria
Wedding described, 05/20/1938:1
Voters and Voting
see also Middleboro - Board of Registrars of Voters
Selectmen discuss addition of new precinct, 10/04/1935:1
Selectmen discuss addition of precinct, 10/04/1935:5
Selectmen address precinct matter, 10/18/1935:1
Division of precincts on warrant for special town meeting, 03/27/1936:1
Town divided into three precincts, 04/03/1936:1
Selectmen vote to hold special town meeting, 07/31/1936:1
Special meeting in offing to establish precinct in South Middleboro,
Only 100 citizens convene to decide on voting precinct, 08/14/1936:1
Voting precinct matter quickly disposed of at special town meeting,
Descriptions of new voting precincts, 10/16/1936:1
State Senate okays absentee voting for Middleboro, 01/15/1937:1
Schedule for Lakeville registrars, 02/04/1938:11
In the olde town hall (l) (Spectator), 06/17/1938:8
Selectmen seek changes to polling sites, 08/05/1938:8
Notice of voting places (ad), 09/02/1938:8
Polling place for Precinct 3 changed to South Middleboro grange hall,
Vrazzell, Milford
Clark's car bumps Vrazzell's car near post office, 07/14/1939:2
Wade, Abbie
Obituary, 07/03/1936:11
Wade, Abbie Vaughan
Obituary, 07/03/1936:11
Wade, Abbie W.
Dies in Pennsylvania, 06/26/1936:7
Wade, Eleanor A.
Obituary, 08/06/1937:1
Wade, Eleanor Alice
South Hanson woman dies at age 31, 08/06/1937:7
Wade, Lewellyn
Resides in Stamford, CT, 07/10/1936:12
Wade, llewelyn
Resides in Stanford, CT, 08/19/1938:6
Wadsworth, Alida
Engaged to Matthew Hanscom, 04/12/1935:4, 04/19/1935:6
Wedding described, 05/03/1935:1
Wadsworth, Elton
Son born, 08/23/1935:6
Wadsworth, Robert
Resides in Northampton, 12/03/1937:11
Wagner, Margaret A.
Celebrates 96th birthday, brief biography, 10/28/1938:1
Wah Kee Hand Laundry
225 Centre St (ad), 01/08/1937:12
Waine, George
Dies in New Bedford, 07/14/1939:3
Waine, Nehemiah
Wedding described, 09/16/1938:8
Wed to Amy E. Curtis Rowe, 09/30/1938:7
Waine, Robert
Father dies in New Bedford, 07/14/1939:3
Wainio, Waino
Engaged to Pearl F. Jackson, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Pearl Jackson, 06/24/1938:7
Wainor, Mary
Break-in at store on West St, 09/16/1938:1
Wainwright, James
Son born, 05/15/1936:7, 06/16/1939:5
Wainwright, James W.
Son born, 02/22/1935:4
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Waite, Donald
Born to Harold, 05/24/1935:7
Waite, Harold
Son born, 05/24/1935:7
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:7
Waite, Harriet
In auto accident in Seekonk, 10/01/1937:7
Home cooking, by order (ad), 06/17/1938:12
Waitkewich, Edmund
Wed to Ada Johnson, 05/15/1936:6
Waitkwich, Edmund
Engaged to Ada Johnson, 12/27/1935:1
Walcott, Lewis U.
Appeals sentence for operating after revocation of license, 08/19/1938:1
Wales, Gladys
Takes post at Bryn Mawr College, 02/26/1937:6
Walford, Ruth Lathrop
Obituary, 10/29/1937:1
Newtonville woman dies at age 70, 10/29/1937:7
Walker, Albert D.
Walker Co. purchases newer section of Nemasket Mill property,
Obituary, 10/04/1935:1
Dies at age 30, 10/04/1935:6
Masonic rites for local manufacturer (p), 10/11/1935:1
Petition for administration of estate, 10/18/1935:8
Walker, Alfred E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/24/1937:8
Walker, Alice
Wed to Edson Carver, 11/08/1935:2
Walker, Alice M.
Wed to Eldon W. Carver, 11/08/1935:6
Walker, Annie H.
Obituary, 04/17/1936:1
Wife of Henry dies at age 69, 04/17/1936:7
Walker, Celia
Resides in Springfield, 12/29/1939:4
Walker, Dwight
Missing boy found in Connecticut, 02/21/1936:1
Walker, Edwin V.
Resides in Newark, NJ, 12/29/1939:4
Walker, Elizabeth
Sixteen pupils perform to large audience (t), 06/28/1935:2
Piano teacher (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Students present annual recital, 06/25/1937:7
Students present pleasing recital, 07/01/1938:11
Walker, Elizabeth F.
Piano teacher resumes classes (ad), 09/23/1938:12
Pupils present annual recital, 06/30/1939:4
Walker, Elizabeth P.
Students present piano recital, 07/03/1936:6
Walker, F.
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Walker, Francis
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Walker, George C.
East Longmeadow couple married 25 years, 12/23/1938:7
Walker, Henry
Moves to Pierceville, 02/04/1938:11
Daughter born, 07/14/1939:5
Walker, Henry C.
Engaged to Hattie F. Pierce, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to Hattie F. Pierce, 09/03/1937:7
Walker, Henry C., Jr.
Moves from Carver to Rock, 02/04/1938:11
Engaged to Alice B. Guild, 06/24/1938:7
Walker, Herman
Daughter born, 05/21/1937:1
Walker, LeForest E.
Obituary, 04/16/1937:6
Newark, NJ man dies at age 46, 04/16/1937:7
Walker, Margaret
Three men held for break-in at Walker's on South Main St, 12/09/1938:1
Walker, Mary E.
In critical condition after struck by car, 01/17/1936:1
Walker, Mary L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/24/1937:8
Walker, Mrs David R.
Walker Co., manufacturer of druggist sundries, may be sold,
Springfield man purchases Walker Co., 04/23/1937:1
Walker, Mrs Henry
Obituary, 04/24/1936:5
Walker, Orville
North Lakeville couple married 25 years, 10/08/1937:6
Walker, Reginald
Moves from Carver to Rock, 02/04/1938:11
Collides with Elliott Harlow at Montello and East Main St,
Walker, Reginald W.
Charged with reckless driving and drunk driving in Wareham,
Walker, Sylvia Gay
Born to Herman, 05/21/1937:1
Walker Manufacturing Co.
Purchases newer section of Nemasket Mill property, 06/21/1935:1
Manufacturer of druggist sundries may be sold, 04/16/1937:1
Under new ownership, 04/23/1937:1
Jeannette Howes resigns, 05/21/1937:1
Employs Alice Vickery, 07/01/1938:11
Walker Rubber Products Co.
Star Mills one of largest roofing contracts ever negotiated here,
Walkins, Henry
Moves to Boston, 11/12/1937:11
Walk-Over Shoe Store
All shoes reduced (ad), 01/11/1935:8
T.F. Mendall salesman, 02/15/1935:1
Phillip Green clerk, 08/07/1936:6
Russell Dupont clerk, 07/30/1937:1
Philip Green on staff, 08/06/1937:8
George Stiles joins Lang and Besse at Walk-Over Shoe Store,
Wall, Alice H.
Respect warranted at Armistice Day parade (l), 11/25/1938:11
Wall, Arthur
Son born, 11/26/1937:7
Moves from Cherry St to Miller St, 05/13/1938:3
Granted permit to store and sell gasoline, 06/10/1938:8
Daughter born, 10/20/1939:5, 10/27/1939:6, 11/03/1939:6
Wall, Arthur I.
Daughter born, 06/07/1935:6
Opens new grocery on Miller St, 06/24/1938:11
Wall, Carolyn Ann
Born to Arthur I., 06/07/1935:6
Wall, Dorothy Louise
Born to Arthur, 11/03/1939:6
Wall, Harold
Resides in Westchester, PA, 07/09/1937:1
Wed to Lila Hudson, 10/13/1939:10
Wall, Roger B.
Wed to Elnora A. DeMoranville, 06/10/1938:7
Wallace, Edward
Arrested for participation in gang fight in Brockton, 08/09/1935:1
Gets 30 days for unlawful use of electricity, 04/17/1936:2
Probation case filed, 10/16/1936:8
Held for break-in at Murphy's bowling alley, 01/15/1937:1
Burglary case continued, 01/22/1937:2
Charges dismissed, 01/29/1937:2
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Arrested for break-in and larceny in Carver some months ago,
James Wilmot, house painting and paper hanging (ad), 01/04/1935:3
William Barden, wallpaper, paint, and draperies (ad), 01/18/1935:3
Peter Dyer, paper hanger and painter (ad), 04/14/1939:12
Walmsley, Henry M.
New YMCA physical director, 10/27/1939:1
Walsh, Marie
Wed in Roxbury, 06/12/1936:2
Walton, Emily F.
Obituary, 07/01/1938:8
Wambolt, Avis DeMoranville
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:11
Wambolt, Charles
Narrowly escapes death when auto rammed by load of poles,
Wambolt, Isaac
Administrator presents account of estate, 03/03/1939:11
Wambolt, Mary
Obituary, 01/29/1937:1
Widow of Isaac dies, 01/29/1937:6
Wambolt, Mrs Isaac
Funeral service held at Sacred Heart, 02/05/1937:12
Wambolt, Newell
Wed to Avis DeMoranville, 06/25/1937:11
Daughter born, 08/20/1937:11
Names daughter Norma, 09/03/1937:5
Wambolt, Newell I.
Engaged to Avis L. DeMoranville, 05/07/1937:7
Wambolt, Norma
Born to Newell, 09/03/1937:5
Wappanucket Cemetery
Association elects officers, 05/03/1935:1
Wappanucket Social Club
Holds annual outing, 07/05/1935:8
Celebrates 16th anniversary, 11/13/1936:11
Celebrates 18th anniversary, 11/18/1938:4
The Ludlow Amendment (l) (Nina Shaw), 01/07/1938:5
Warapicki, Anna
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/08/1935:8
Warapicki, Toni
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/08/1935:8
Ward (Mr)
Tattoos poultry, 06/21/1935:11
Ward, Alva E.
Obituary, 11/20/1936:1
Dies at age 83, 11/20/1936:7
Petition for probate of will, 12/11/1936:8
Ward, Austin S.
Wedding described, 12/27/1935:5
Ward, David
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
Ward, Edith
Supervisor at St. Luke's, New Bedford, 06/14/1935:1
Engaged to Nelson Cleveland, 08/23/1935:7
Wedding described, 09/06/1935:1
Ward, Edith M.
Wed to Nelson Cleveland, 09/06/1935:6
Ward, Edith Mary
Engaged to Nelson Cleveland, 06/14/1935:1
Ward, Elva E.
Obituary, 11/20/1936:2
Ward, Ephraim
Biography, 08/07/1936:5
Ward, Gilbert
Employed at sanatorium, 02/18/1938:11
Resigns from sanatorium dairy, employed on the Cape, 06/17/1938:11
Head herdsman at Bristol County Ag School, 09/30/1938:2
Ward, Harmon P.
Engaged to Eda A. Rundstrom, 03/25/1938:7
Wed to Eda E. Rundstrom, 05/06/1938:7
Ward, Lyman
Obituary, 01/03/1936:5
Ward, William I.
North Carver couple married 55 years, 05/22/1936:11
North Carver couple married 58 years, 06/02/1939:9
Wardell, Raymond
In critical condition after struck by Campello driver, 05/29/1936:1
Warner, A.G.
Obituary, 02/01/1935:6
Warner, Fred
Plympton couple married 54 years, 06/16/1939:4
Warner, Fred C.
Obituary, 03/22/1935:1
Dies at age 59, 03/22/1935:4
Plympton couple married 54 years, 06/02/1939:4
Warner, Mrs A.G.
Resides in Georgetown, 09/18/1936:8
Warner, Wallace
Resides in Georgetown, 09/13/1935:5
Warner, Wallace J.
Awarded scholarship to MIT, 08/20/1937:11
Warr, E.
Purchases Plymouth St home from Alfred Fickert, 09/29/1939:9
Warren (Miss)
Students present annual recital, 06/12/1936:2
Presents annual student recital, 06/17/1938:8
Pupils hold annual Christmas musical, 12/23/1938:2
Students present annual recital (t), 06/16/1939:8
Warren, Abbie
Former pupils Reasoner and Hanson perform at annual recital,
Students present annual recital, 06/25/1937:2
To open new studio at 3 Rock St, 09/09/1938:1
Warren, Abby
Pianoforte students present pleasing recital, 06/24/1938:8
Students present annual recital, 06/23/1939:6
Warren, Abigail
Pianoforte students give annual recital, 06/26/1936:2
Warren, Abigail L.
see also Warren Pianoforte School
Opens new studio on Rock St, 09/11/1936:2
Warren, Charles N.
Collides with Earl Lincoln at Wareham and East Grove St, 01/27/1939:1
Warren, Daniel
Fined $100 for drunk driving after revocation, 11/13/1936:2
Warren, Daniel M.
In court for drunkenness, 11/03/1939:1
Warren, George A.
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l), 03/11/1938:2
Warren, James
Superintendent of State Farm, 01/18/1935:1
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l) (George A. Warren),
Warren, Mary A.
Executrix presents account of estate, 02/07/1936:7
Warren, Mildred S.
Mrs Ottavio Narcisi injured when struck by Warren's auto, 11/17/1939:8
Warren, Ruth
Attends Wheaton College, 04/22/1938:1
Warren, Thomas
Takes eight-week training course at Bates School, 11/12/1937:1
Warren, Wallace
Graduates from MIT, receives graduate scholarship, 06/23/1939:9
Warren Pianoforte School
Pupils give last monthly performance of school year, 05/10/1935:7
Students perform at Unitarian Church, 06/21/1935:2
Opens 1938-39 season at 3 Rock St (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Washburn (Mr)
Shaw & Washburn, auto refinishing (ad), 12/24/1937:2
Reminiscences of an old time resident (l) (George A. Warren),
Washburn, A. Foster
Petition for administration of estate, 04/12/1935:8
Washburn, Albert Lincoln
Engaged to Barbara Tahoe Talbot, 08/29/1935:1
Washburn, Anne White
Norman Egger recipient of Anne White Washburn Scholarship,
List of scholarship recipients, 06/30/1939:6
Washburn, Arlene F.
Engaged to J. Alfred Parker, 08/06/1937:7
Wed to J. Alfred Parker, 08/13/1937:7
Washburn, Arline
Wed to Alfred Parker, 08/13/1937:11
Washburn, Asaph F.
Petition for administration of estate, 04/12/1935:8
Washburn, Charles F.
Obituary, 11/17/1939:3
Washburn, Charles P.
Goes to New York World's Fair in boat, 07/28/1939:1
Washburn, Charles P., Jr.
Attends MIT, 12/25/1936:1
Washburn, Charles Parker
Attends MIT, 02/07/1936:12
Washburn, Chester
Brush fire burns cranberry bog house off Plympton St, 04/12/1935:1
Washburn, Chester M.
Engaged to Madeline Winifred Goss, 06/04/1937:1
Engaged to Ethel S. Hanscom, 07/09/1937:7
Wed to Ethel Hanscom, 07/16/1937:7
Washburn, C.P.
see also C.P. Washburn Co.
Aids in additions to Scout Camp Norse, 03/03/1939:1
Four arraigned on charges for break-in at grain mill, 05/05/1939:1
Camandona, Kazlauski, and Spack held for grand jury in mill break,
Camandona, Perkins, and Kazlawski each get two years probation for
break-in at mill, 06/16/1939:1
Washburn, David
Son born, 04/12/1935:4
Washburn, David F.
Files tenant in common claim in probate court, 10/06/1939:6
Washburn, E. Leonis
Wedding described, 03/15/1935:1
Washburn, Edward P.
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Marion man dies at age 69, 02/11/1938:7
Washburn, Eleanor
Wed to Granville Stringer, 09/20/1935:11
Washburn, Elmer
Wedding described, 02/17/1939:11
Daughter born, 11/10/1939:4
Washburn, Elmer A.
Engaged to Dorothy F. Horn, 01/20/1939:7
Washburn, Eugene
Repair agent for Department of Public Works, 09/25/1936:12
Foreman of state highways in Lakeville, 09/24/1937:11
Collides with Aurman on Highland Rd, 06/02/1939:9
Washburn, Eugene V.
Severely injured in auto accident on Highland Rd, 06/09/1939:10
Washburn, Frank
Sells house on Smith St, 05/15/1936:11
Sells Smith St house to Olsen, 05/29/1936:5
Caretaker for Rock Cemetery, 09/25/1936:5
Former resident struck and killed by truck in Brockton, 01/08/1937:2
Rock folks attend funeral in Brockton, 01/15/1937:5
Washburn, Fred
Obituary, 08/12/1938:7
Washburn, George B.
Obituary, 12/16/1938:1
Washburn, George H.
Obituary, 09/29/1939:10
Washburn, George T.
Local correspondent for Taunton Gazette, 01/04/1935:1
Employed at Taunton Daily Gazette, 08/07/1936:12
Employed at Taunton Gazette, 06/16/1939:1
Washburn, Gordon H.
Engaged to Dorothy M. Sanford, 06/18/1937:5
Wed to Dorothy Sandford, 07/02/1937:5
Washburn, Ina A.
Thanks Lakeville voters (ad), 03/05/1937:12
Washburn, John A.
Appointed janitor for new court house and police station, 10/16/1936:1
Janitor at Peirce Memorial building, 06/10/1938:12
Custodian of Peirce Memorial, 06/09/1939:1
Washburn, Joseph H.
Obituary, 07/05/1935:1
North Carver man dies at age 71, 07/05/1935:6
North Woodstock, CT folks come for funeral, 07/12/1935:8
Scion of North Carver family dies, 07/12/1935:8
Washburn, Kendrick H.
Representative chairman of legal affairs committee, 01/18/1935:2
Representative fails in attempt to reverse decree of banishment of Roger
Williams, 02/22/1935:2
Praises sung by Helen Creamer (l), 02/22/1935:3
Massachusetts SPCC makes local appeal (l), 10/11/1935:5
Renews efforts to lift Roger Williams banishment decree, 01/03/1936:1
Rep. Washburn wins first step in lifting decree against Roger Williams,
Local solon succeeds in lifting Roger Williams ban (p), 05/08/1936:1
Candidate for 7th District in MA General Court (p), 08/07/1936:1
Re-nominate and re-elect your Representative (ad) (p), 09/04/1936:6
Stetson swamps Washburn by 2 to 1 (p) (t), 09/18/1936:1
Extends congratulations to Stetson (l), 09/18/1936:12
Chairman of Middleboro MSPCC committee (l), 10/16/1936:1
Appointed clerk of Fourth District Court (p), 11/27/1936:1
Will not run for School Committee, 12/04/1936:6
New court clerk assumes office, 12/18/1936:1
Clerk of Court honored at testimonial, 01/01/1937:1
Washburn, L.B.
Famous Fuller brooms (ad), 05/07/1937:12
Washburn, Lena
Wedding described, 05/28/1937:11
Washburn, Leonard
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:11
Washburn, Leroy
Complaint by Ellen Hall concerning removal of stone wall boundary
dismissed, 09/02/1938:5
Washburn, M.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Washburn, Merle C.
Employed in Lowell, 01/15/1937:8
Confined to home with mumps, 04/02/1937:11
Washburn, Merle Canedy, 3d
Born to Merle, Jr., 06/05/1936:6
Washburn, Merle, Jr.
Moves from Brockton to Bedford St, 10/18/1935:12
Son born, 06/05/1936:6
Chimney fire on Bedford St, 03/24/1939:1
Washburn, Merrill C., Jr.
Collides with Taunton truck on Wareham St, 08/20/1937:1
Washburn, Mrs C.P.
Named local director of Plymouth County Health Association,
Washburn, Nathan
Bedford St couple married 50 years, 06/09/1939:9
Washburn, Olive
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Confined to home with mumps, 04/02/1937:11
Washburn, Peleg B.
Obituary, 08/16/1935:8
Washburn, Peleg Barrows
Biography, 08/16/1935:8
Washburn, Philip B.
Sent to jail for series of thefts in Middleboro and Lakeville,
Washburn, Phillip B.
Files complaint against Howard Moody for nonpayment of wages,
Washburn, Ralph
Couple celebrates 16th anniversary, 01/08/1937:8
Washburn, Reginald
Engaged to Madeline Goff, 08/20/1937:1
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Wed to Madeline Goff, 09/03/1937:11
Daughter born, 09/23/1938:7
Washburn, Reginald S.
Wed to Madeline W. Goff, 09/03/1937:7
Washburn, Richard
Ill with scarlet fever, 12/20/1935:6
Recovers from scarlet fever, 01/17/1936:6
Washburn, Robert
Son born, 04/12/1935:4, 08/20/1937:7
Washburn, Robert C.
Infant son buried in Lakenham Cemetery, 04/19/1935:3
Washburn, Rosanna L.
Obituary, 01/27/1939:1
Wife of John A. dies at age 63, 01/27/1939:7
Washburn, Roy
Fire completely destroys Lakeville house, 02/07/1936:1
Washburn, S.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Washburn, Samuel D.
Brockton couple married 50 years, 11/27/1936:5
North Carver folks attend anniversary celebration, 12/04/1936:5
Obituary, 03/04/1938:1
Brockton man dies at age 72, 03/04/1938:7
Obituary, 03/11/1938:5
Washburn, Sarah L.
Executor presents account of estate, 04/30/1937:7
Washburn, Stanley
Attends Gordon Theological School, 09/24/1937:6
Washburn, Stella
Wedding described, 06/05/1936:1
Washburn, Stella A.
Engaged to William H. Powell, Jr., 05/29/1936:7
Wed to William H. Powell, Jr., 06/05/1936:7
Washburn, Vincent
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Strikes deer on County St, 08/26/1938:11
Resides in Lowell, 10/14/1938:11
Attends Lowell Academy, 12/30/1938:11
Washburn, Virginia
Uncle dies in New Hampshire, 07/24/1936:8
Uncle's funeral held in East Concord, VT, 07/24/1936:11
Washburn, Warren
Wedding described, 05/28/1937:1
Son born, 12/31/1937:7, 09/01/1939:5
Washburn, Warren B.
Engaged to Gertrude Anna Henig, 04/23/1937:2
Engaged to Gertrude A. Heinig, 05/14/1937:7
Washburn, Warren Bradford, Jr.
Born to Warren, 12/31/1937:7
Washburn, William
Missing boy returns from adventure, 06/07/1935:1
Washburn, Winnifred E.
Wed to George Roland Gagnon, 03/11/1938:11
Washburn, Zimri T.
Engaged to Margery E. Powell, 12/22/1939:5
Watches (see Clocks and Watches)
Water Quality
Harvey Thomas wants analysis of water in South Middleboro,
Water Supply
see also Middleboro - Water Department
Petition to sanatorium from Bridge St residents before Legislature,
Howard Maxim adds well-drilling to services (ad), 04/12/1935:10
Bridge St and South Main St residents can tap into sanatorium water
supply, 06/14/1935:5
Henry Shaw drives well for Washburn in South Carver, 08/29/1935:5
Glidden, Davis, and Dube have wells dug deeper, 11/29/1935:8
Examined by state, found safe, 03/27/1936:11
Jeffrey Hebert, cesspools and wells cleaned, trucking (ad),
Highway workers uncover top of old Peirce well on Jackson St,
Private water supply at John Lucey Shoe Co. unsafe, 11/25/1938:1
Despite drought, town has plenty of water, 07/28/1939:1
Size of new Rock Mfg building depends on supply, 07/28/1939:1
Waterman, Charles Eldridge
Born to Harold, 03/11/1938:1
Waterman, Gladys
Wed to George Wilson Sherman, 07/05/1935:1
Waterman, Harold
Son born, 03/11/1938:1
Waterman, Howard
Son born, 07/09/1937:8
Waters, Charles J.
Employed at Standish Service Station, 09/04/1936:12
Waters, Charles Joseph
Couple married 25 years, 10/15/1937:1
Waters, Lillian
Engaged to Ellsworth Beckman, 09/29/1939:4
Wedding described, 10/13/1939:1
Wed to Ellsworth Beckman, 10/13/1939:5
Waters, Mary
Completes 3-year nursing course in New Bedford, 03/08/1935:1
Graduates from St. Luke's in New Bedford, 05/24/1935:1
Resumes duties at St. Luke's, 08/27/1937:6
Waters, S.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Waters, Valerie
Completes course at International Institute of Cosmetology in Brockton,
Hired by Charlotte's Beauty Salon on Center St, 02/24/1939:1
Watkins, A. Clyde
Lottery case continued, 09/13/1935:2, 09/20/1935:2
Lottery case comes back not guilty, 09/27/1935:8
Gaming machines ordered returned, 10/11/1935:2
Selectmen reserve action on liquor application, 12/13/1935:1
Granted liquor license, 12/20/1935:1
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Granted permit for extension of license for New Year's, 12/25/1936:1
Watkins, Arnold C.
see also Clyde's Lunch
Restaurant liquor license denied, 12/10/1937:1
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Before selectmen on charge of alcohol sale to minor, 04/01/1938:3
Charged with sale of liquor to a minor, 01/06/1939:5
Fined $100 for sale of alcohol to minor, 01/20/1939:5
Convicted of alcohol sale to minor, 01/27/1939:3
Liquor license suspended for 30 days, 02/03/1939:1
Pays $100 fine for liquor sale to minor, 02/03/1939:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 06/23/1939:5
Watkins, Arnold Clyde
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 11/27/1936:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Watkins, Charles
Tower operator NY, NH & Hartford RR, 05/10/1935:1
Telegraph operator for NY, NH & Hartford RR, 05/24/1935:1
Watkins, Clyde
Alcohol license appeal hearing in Boston, 02/19/1937:7
Watkins, Earle
Resides in Southboro, 03/27/1936:12
Watson, Clyde
Arrested in gambling raid, 08/23/1935:1
All those arrested in recent gambling raid plead not guilty, 08/29/1935:2
Watson, Joseph
Halifax couple married 22 years, 10/08/1937:8
Watson, Robert C.
Engaged to Stasia Dziedic, 05/19/1939:5
Watts, Agnes
Wed to Donald Drake, 07/17/1936:2
Watts, George
Professor decorated by French government, 01/07/1938:11
Watts, Mrs George
Resides in North Carolina, 09/10/1937:11
Resides in Davidson, NC, 08/26/1938:8
Waugh, Marjorie
And Barbara Cushman find money, get rewards, 09/29/1939:3
Waugh, William
Old chowder recipe basis of new business, Cape Cod Cooks, Inc.,
Waugh, William C.
Badly hurt in fall from ladder, 07/17/1936:1
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc. files articles of incorporation, 09/10/1937:1
Wayside Dress Shop
Why pay more (ad), 02/08/1935:5
Announces opening of enlarged showroom (ad), 08/21/1936:6
Has formal opening, 08/28/1936:2
Harriette B. Eaton proprietor (ad), 12/11/1936:5
Has no connection with any other business, 03/05/1937:6
Anniversary sale (ad), 10/14/1938:8
Wayth, Edith
Wed to Charles Townsend, 04/10/1936:11
see also Storms
December statistics, 01/04/1935:1
January statistics, 02/08/1935:4
Train stalled at Rock in the snow for four days in 1867, 03/01/1935:6
February statistics, 03/08/1935:7
Comparative rainfall figures (t), 04/19/1935:2
April statistics, 05/03/1935:8
May colder than last year, 06/07/1935:8
June statistics, 07/12/1935:2
July statistics, 08/09/1935:2
August statistics, 09/06/1935:5
September statistics, 10/04/1935:6
Mercury soars over 70 on several occasions over last two weeks,
October unusually dry, 11/08/1935:2
November statistics, 12/06/1935:2
December statistics and 1935 summary, 01/03/1936:12
Recent conditions mild, 01/10/1936:1
January not so cold as last year, 02/07/1936:2
February statistics, 03/06/1936:7
April statistics, 05/08/1936:11
May statistics, 06/05/1936:2
Summer announces itself with thunderstorm, 06/26/1936:1
Low temperatures for June a near record, 07/03/1936:1
June statistics, 07/03/1936:2
July cooler than last year, 08/07/1936:11
August statistics, 09/04/1936:11
September statistics, 10/09/1936:2
October statistics, 11/06/1936:2
Goes below freezing, 11/20/1936:1
Snow arrives, winter is here, 11/27/1936:1
Near zero with all the fixings for winter, 12/04/1936:1
November statistics, 12/04/1936:2
December statistics (t), 01/08/1937:2
Not as much rain as a year ago, 02/05/1937:2
Snow, rain, clouds, and sun all in one week, 02/12/1937:11
February statistics, 03/05/1937:11
Keep your snow shovel handy, 03/19/1937:1
March statistics, 04/02/1937:6
April statistics, 05/07/1937:5
May statistics, 06/04/1937:6
June statistics, 07/09/1937:11
Hot spell tops out at 96.5 degrees, 07/16/1937:1
July statistics, 08/13/1937:2
August statistics show high temperatures, 09/03/1937:1
September statistics, 10/08/1937:2
October statistics, 11/05/1937:2
December statistics, 01/07/1938:5
Driving rain melts snow, 01/28/1938:7
Sixteen inches of snow in January, 02/04/1938:1
January statistics, 02/04/1938:2
February statistics, 03/04/1938:5
Ice betrays onset of spring, 04/08/1938:1
March statistics, 04/15/1938:5
April statistics, 05/13/1938:4
May statistics, 06/03/1938:1
All June rainfall records shattered, 07/01/1938:1
Fourth of July weekend not exceptionally cold (t), 07/08/1938:1
June statistics, 07/08/1938:8
First 20 days of month brings 3.07 inches of rain, 07/22/1938:1
Namasket River behaves despite rain fall, 07/29/1938:1
Torrid month (t), 08/05/1938:1
July statistics, 08/05/1938:6
Excessive heat cause shut down at Keith Co. and Churchill roofing,
Not much warmer than a year ago (t), 08/19/1938:1
August statistics, 09/09/1938:5
September statistics, 10/07/1938:2
Winter arrives with snow, sleet, and ice, 12/02/1938:3
November a record month, 12/09/1938:11
Summary of 1938, 01/06/1939:5
January statistics, 02/03/1939:11
February statistics, 03/03/1939:12
This week in 1914, still iceboating on Assawompsett, 03/31/1939:1
March statistics, 04/07/1939:8
April unusually wet and cold, statistics, 05/05/1939:1
May statistics, 06/09/1939:8
June statistics, 07/07/1939:2
Despite drought, town has plenty of water, 07/28/1939:1
July not record for dryness here, 08/04/1939:5
Statistics show cooler August, 08/18/1939:1
Get first soaking rain in weeks, 09/01/1939:1
August statistics, 09/08/1939:3
September statistics, 10/06/1939:9
November statistics, 12/08/1939:5
Weaver, Paul
U.S. Navy man home on leave, 04/15/1938:8, 05/20/1938:4
Navy man home on leave, 06/17/1938:11
Navy man on furlough, 08/26/1938:11
U.S. Navy man transfers to San Diego, CA, 06/16/1939:9
Navy man on leave in California, 07/07/1939:9
Webb, Walter L.
Engaged to Kathleen E. Crossen, 06/12/1936:7
Webber, Arthur B.
Lakeville/Carver school superintendent retires, 06/10/1938:5
Webber, William D.
Obituary, 07/07/1939:2
Dies at age 65, 07/07/1939:5
Weber, Fred M.
Obituary, 02/03/1939:1
Webster, Eleanor
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wed to Everett Abbott, 10/15/1937:11
Weeks, Carrie
Obituary, 03/24/1939:11
Weeks, Carrie M.
Obituary, 03/24/1939:1
Weeks, Mrs Charles M.
Moves to Auburn, ME, 09/10/1937:6
Weeks, Robert Gardner
Engaged to Blanche Ardelle Andrews, 06/30/1939:1, 07/28/1939:3,
Weeman, Audrey
Employed at Peter Bent Brigham hospital in Boston, 07/05/1935:1
Engaged to Robert G. Howard, 03/25/1938:1, 04/08/1938:1
Weeman, Evelyn
Wedding described, 04/12/1935:1
Weeman, G. Audrey
Engaged to Robert G. Howard, 04/08/1938:7
Weeman, Grace Audrey
Wedding described, 04/15/1938:1
Weeman, J.E.
To manage William Weeman's store on Center St, 12/03/1937:8
Weeman, Melba
Completes year of training at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, 07/05/1935:1
Graduates from Attleboro hospital program, 10/08/1937:11
Weeman, Nina Melba
Wedding described, 05/06/1938:1
Weeman, Walter J.
Teacher of instrumental music (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Cornet teaching, violin repair (ad), 09/09/1938:12
Weeman, William
J.E. Weeman manager of Center St store, 12/03/1937:8
Weeman, William H.
Obituary, 12/23/1938:1
Dies at age 63, 12/23/1938:7
Weisbaum, Joseph
Obituary, 10/07/1938:1
Dies at age 51, 10/07/1938:7
Welch, Donald
Cast in Bridgewater State production of A Midsummer Night's Dream,
New teacher in Bates School, 05/17/1935:1
Baritone makes radio debut on WEAN, 05/24/1935:1
Welch, Donald T.
Sings at annual summer concert at Boston University, 08/19/1938:1
Engaged to Jane H. Carroll, 05/05/1939:5
Welch, Donald Thomas
Engaged to Jane Hathaway Carroll, 01/06/1939:1
Wedding described, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Jane Hathaway Carroll, 06/09/1939:5
Welch, Lionel
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 06/17/1938:11
Welch, Lionel O.
Wedding described, 09/25/1936:1
Welch, Margaret
Employed at sanatorium, 07/15/1938:7
Welch, Robert
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Weld, Bertha A.
Engaged to Roy A. Sowerby, 03/12/1937:1
Engaged to Malcolm DeMoranville, 03/24/1939:1, 04/28/1939:5
Wed to Malcolm DeMoranville, 05/05/1939:5
Weld, Bertha Alice
Engaged to Malcolm DeMoranville, 03/31/1939:8
Wedding described, 05/05/1939:3
Weld, Clifford R.
Petition for probate of will, 02/03/1939:8
Weld, Clifford Read
Obituary, 01/20/1939:1
Husband of Clarissa Lyon dies, 01/20/1939:7
Weld, C.R.
Hires James Holmes, Jr. to work on Marion Rd farm, 12/11/1936:5
Employs Milton Drake, 03/05/1937:11
Welders and Welding (see Metal and Metal Work)
Welfare, Public (see Public Welfare)
Wells, Beatrice
Engaged to John Murphy, 11/17/1939:5
Wells, Beatrice L.
Wed to John Joseph Murphy, 12/08/1939:7
Wells, Beatrice Louise
Engaged to John J. Murphy, 06/09/1939:1
Wells, Charles
Employed at Rotch farm, 09/13/1935:1
Employed at Hilltop Farm, 08/28/1936:7
Wells, Elizabeth
Brother-in-law dies in Taunton, 03/01/1935:1
Sister dies in Taunton, 12/17/1937:6
Wells, Elsie
Elsie Wells Beauty Shop, 87 Centre St (ad), 03/27/1936:7
Wells, Ernest
Dies in Maine, 01/31/1936:12
Wells, Lionel K.
Wed to Hazel R. Lewis, 11/24/1939:4
Wells, Walter
Comes in 12th at Warwick, RI marathon, 06/07/1935:1
Brother dies in Maine, 01/31/1936:12
Metropolitan Life Ins. rep praised by company, 03/12/1937:1
Wells, Walter E.
Completes ten years with Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 08/19/1938:5
Welsh, Albert
Resides in Everett, 07/17/1936:2
Wenner, Robert
Manager prepares for 20th anniversary of Middleboro Theatre (p),
Resigns from Middleboro Theatre, 07/22/1938:12
Wenner, Robert B.
New manager at Middleboro Theatre, 10/23/1936:1
To manage new movie house, Key Theatre, at site of old Lyric,
Wentworth, Darius Herbert
Obituary, 07/23/1937:11
Wentworth, Irene
Wed to Willard Wright, 07/23/1937:7
Wentworth, Oscar
see also Travelers' Rest
Liquor license renewed, 12/18/1936:1
Wentworth, Oscar C.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Selectmen grant wine and malt license, 12/10/1937:1
Wentworth, Oscar Clifford
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11
Werner, Jane Patterson Ufford
Engaged to Albert Avellar, Jr., 12/29/1939:1
Werner, Mrs M.R.
Resides in New York, 05/03/1935:1
Moves to New York, 11/04/1938:1
Wesson, Angeline E.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/23/1938:7
Wesson, Edward M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 09/23/1938:7
West, Albert
Purchases Miller St house from Charles Tinkham, 12/13/1935:8
Uncle's funeral held in West Wareham, 01/22/1937:2
West, Albert W.
Obituary, 06/04/1937:7
West, Belle
Wedding described, 06/30/1939:1
West, Daniel
Young musicians form Middleboro Melody Boys (p), 04/17/1936:5
Graduates from Bentley School of Accounting and Finance,
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
West, G. Melvin
Engaged to Phyllis Quindley, 03/03/1939:1
West, Mrs Albert
Moves from Rock to Natick, 09/17/1937:11
Resides in Cochituate, 03/25/1938:3
Sells Miller St house to Bertha Kierstead, 04/08/1938:10
Sells Miller St house to Robert Kierstead, 10/07/1938:8
West, Nona
Connecticut couple attends funeral, 12/06/1935:7
West, Nona H.
Dies at age 70, 11/29/1935:6
Obituary, 11/29/1935:6
West, R.C.
West Farm, poultry (ad), 01/14/1938:12
West, Robert
Lets Pleasant St property to John Belben, 09/08/1939:7
West, Roy
Manager of Farm Service Store, 05/28/1937:7
Moves to Dunham house on Everett St, 10/06/1939:12
West, Roy C.
Rouse gets year probation for larceny, 02/11/1938:11
West, Thomas
Army man stationed in Hawaiian islands, 05/22/1936:8
West Farm
R.C. West, poultry (ad), 01/14/1938:12
West Side School
Janitor Daniel McCarthy reports break-in, 04/02/1937:1
Portable building closed and abandoned as school, 09/16/1938:3
Portable school demolished in hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Portable building purchased by George Perkins for $5, 09/30/1938:2
Selectmen consider sale of hot air heater, 12/02/1938:1
Western Auto Associates
Opens in old Pasztor bakery property, 09/17/1937:1
Westgate (Mr)
Birds win special race, 10/11/1935:2
Lets Highland St house to Malcolm Foster, 08/11/1939:7
Lets Smith St house to Cesar Sousa, 11/17/1939:6
Westgate (Mr and Mrs)
Son born, 09/03/1937:7
Westgate, Albert T.
Purchases School St residence from Adelaide Thatcher, 07/15/1938:1
Westgate, A.M.
Builder (ad), 11/18/1938:12
Westgate, Amy B.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/12/1939:4
Widow of George King dies at age 72, 05/12/1939:5
Westgate, Amy Belle
Obituary, 05/12/1939:1
Westgate, Arthur
Rents house on Pearl St, 05/14/1937:11
Westgate, Bradford
Rents Miller St tenement from Mrs Albert Rounseville, 09/24/1937:11
Moves from Rock to Middleboro, 03/31/1939:4
Westgate, Bradford F.
Funeral held at Rock village church, 08/18/1939:6
Westgate, Bradford Franklin
Dies at age 79, 08/11/1939:5
Obituary, 08/11/1939:8
Westgate, Charles
Bird wins all New England race (t), 07/05/1935:2
Engaged to Virginia Foster, 01/22/1937:2, 02/05/1937:6
Wed to Virginia Foster, 02/12/1937:11
Wedding described, 02/12/1937:11
Rock couple married one year, 02/11/1938:5
Resides in Acushnet, 04/22/1938:11
Westgate, Charlotte
Engaged to Joseph Macura, 06/17/1938:11
Westgate, Cora
Returns to live at Rock, 11/17/1939:6
Westgate, C.T.
Station agent for Rock, South Middleboro, and Tremont, 05/03/1935:7
Westgate, Dorothy
Engaged to Joseph Merritt Briggs, 11/29/1935:6
Description of upcoming wedding, 01/03/1936:1
Engaged to Joseph M. Briggs, 01/03/1936:6
Westgate, Edgar
Wedding described, 07/26/1935:11
Daughter born, 10/21/1938:7
Westgate, Edgar T.
Wed to Lucy L. Perry, 07/26/1935:6
Westgate, Edward
Lets Rock place to Leslie Thomas, 03/03/1939:3
Westgate, Elsie
Wed to Preston Wood, 11/24/1939:3
Westgate, Elsie L.
Engaged to William Preston Wood, 11/03/1939:4
Wed to William Preston Wood, 11/24/1939:4
Westgate, Emma F.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Westgate, Irving
Granted permit for revolver, 01/27/1939:3
Westgate, Irving W.
Hathaways injured when car rear-ends Westgate auto on West Grove St,
Westgate, Lawrence
Student at Bridgewater Teachers College, 02/22/1935:6
Employed in Brighton, 07/31/1936:11
Graduates from Bridgewater State College, 06/18/1937:8
Westgate, Lawrence B.
Car strikes tree on Plympton St, 07/15/1938:5
Westgate, Lois L.
Wed to Everett D. Wrightington, 09/08/1939:5
Westgate, Mrs Bradford
Moves from Middleboro to Rock, 09/22/1939:6
Westgate, Mrs Charles
Resides in Acushnet, 04/02/1937:11
Westgate, Oscar E.
Minor collision with Kinsman at Peirce and North Main St,
Collides with Charles White on Wareham St, 03/04/1938:1
Westgate, P.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Westgate, Pauline
Member of Pro Merito Society (p), 06/18/1937:7
Westgate, R.
High school basketball team makes best showing in years (p) (t),
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Westgate, Robert
Member of high school freshman football team (p), 11/13/1936:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Westgate, Thelma
Wedding described, 11/25/1938:8
Westgate, William
Moves to Acushnet, 10/07/1938:8
Westgate, William C., Jr.
Rear-ended by Framingham driver at Grove and South Main St,
Westgate, Zelda
Wedding described, 08/25/1939:2
Westgate, Zelda M.
Elias Tripp, Jr., 08/25/1939:5
Weston, C. Lawrence
Moves from County St to Highland Rd, 05/05/1939:3
Weston, Chester
Completes ERA work of compiling town vital statistics; short story
covers 1667 to 1853, 10/18/1935:11
Weston, Chester E.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Trees on high school lot to commemorate Peirce children (l),
Weston, Dura T.
GAR member celebrates 95th birthday, 06/05/1936:2
Grand Army man succumbs, obituary, 03/25/1938:1
Flag at high school at half mast, 03/25/1938:2
Brockton man dies at age 96, 03/25/1938:7
Petition to sell real estate, 05/05/1939:5
Administrator petitions to adjust demands against estate, 10/20/1939:5
Weston, Esther
Wed to Arnold J. Moxson, 09/04/1936:8
Weston, Fred
Tax collector's sale, 06/05/1936:7
Weston, Frederick S.
Mutual insurance service (ad), 03/22/1935:5
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 05/07/1937:4
District Deputy Grand Master of Taunton Masonic District,
To meet old railroad-building jungle gang (p), 08/25/1939:1
Auto strikes pole after tire blows, 09/22/1939:6
Weston, Homer
Daughter born, 11/20/1936:2, 11/27/1936:2
Weston, Jacqueline
Born to Homer, 11/20/1936:2
Weston, James A.
Obituary, 01/28/1938:1
Weston, Myron
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Weston, Roger
Member of Fraternal League champion Knights of Columbus (p),
Weston, Roger V.
Wedding described, 11/15/1935:11
Weston, Thomas
Honolulu, Hawaii library requests copy of Weston's Town of
Middleboro, 12/08/1939:12
Weston, Winston
Daughter born, 03/17/1939:7
Member of Farrar's winning Fraternal Basketball League team (p),
Westwell, A.E.
Daughter born, 03/05/1937:11
Westwell, Arthur E.
Daughter born, 10/07/1938:8
Westwell, Hilda Shurtleff
Resides in Belchertown, 03/25/1938:2
Westwell, Mrs Arthur E. (Shurtleff)
Daughter born, 10/07/1938:8
Wetherbee, Cora H.
Beneficiary of Ebenezer Pickens' will, 08/11/1939:1
Wetzel, Mrs Russell
Resides in Scranton, 01/18/1935:1
Whalen, Thomas F.
Notice of unpaid land taxes, 06/09/1939:6
Wheeler (Mr)
Lets Center St apartment to Alfred Shurtleff, 08/14/1936:2
Wheeler (Mrs)
Lets Center St apartment to Weston Eayrs, 04/03/1936:1
Wheeler, Francis
Resides in Detroit, MI, 06/16/1939:9
Wheeler, George E.
Daughter born, 09/25/1936:7
Son born, 07/21/1939:5
Wheeler, Mildred
Purchases former nurses' home from St. Luke's, moves building to her
property, 08/19/1938:7
Summer cottage destroyed in hurricane, 09/23/1938:1
Wheeler, Mrs Ralph
Resides in Waltham, 03/01/1935:6
Wheeler, Sarah B.
Obituary, 06/16/1939:4
Dies at age 84, 06/16/1939:5
Wheeler, William
Package store license granted, 12/18/1936:1
Wheeler, William W.
Application for renewal of liquor license, 12/04/1936:6
Wherle, Joseph
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Whitcomb, Joseph
Daughter born, 01/18/1935:4
Whitcomb, William
Resides in Mansfield, 02/18/1938:1
White, Alfred
Stationed at U.S. Army base in Burlington, VT, 10/21/1938:6
On furlough from Fort Ethan Allen, 12/30/1938:6
Plympton man stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, 10/06/1939:11
Wedding described, 10/20/1939:1
Wed to Avis L. Johnson, 10/20/1939:5
Returns to Fort Ethan Allen, 11/17/1939:7
White, Arthur
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 09/02/1938:1
White, Arthur Wallace
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:11
White, Atlee
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Attends Greenwich Academy in Rhode Island, 03/25/1938:5
White, Beatrice L.
Engaged to John F. Texeira, 10/14/1938:7
White, Belle Shurtleff
Funeral held in Watertown, 09/11/1936:8
White, Bertram
Case of unlicensed dog continued, 02/26/1937:2
Guilty of having unlicensed dog, 03/26/1937:2
White, Bessie M. Keene
Obituary, 10/30/1936:6
White, Carleton
U.S. Marine stationed at Quantico, VA, 03/22/1935:1
White, Carlton
Alonzo Ryder credits White with saving life in hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Daughter born, 04/14/1939:7
White, Carolyn
Supervisor of nurses at sanatorium, 10/27/1939:6
White, Charles F.
Collides with Oscar Westgate on Wareham St, 03/04/1938:1
White, Charles O.
Officer at State Farm, 11/29/1935:8
White, Chester
Resides in New Jersey, 06/05/1936:5
Resides in Bloomfield, NJ, 08/06/1937:5
White, Frederick J.
Wedding described, 06/16/1939:4
White, George
Carver couple married 20 years, 03/19/1937:11
White, George E.
Carver couple married 21 years, 03/18/1938:11
Obituary, 12/29/1939:4
White, George Erving
East Carver man dies at age 77, 12/29/1939:5
White, Harold
Son born, 05/17/1935:4
White, Harriett E.
Obituary, 05/01/1936:1
Dies at age 83, 05/01/1936:7
White, Hattie
Dies at age 68, 01/07/1938:7
Obituary, 01/14/1938:1
White, Herbert
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/28/1936:2
White, Howard
Engaged to Clara Stevens Clark, 10/29/1937:11
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Son born, 10/28/1938:6
White, Howard Otis
Wedding described, 12/03/1937:11
White, Josephine E.
Obituary, 04/01/1938:1
Wife of Nye dies at age 48, 04/01/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 08/12/1938:8
White, Lillian
Closes Polly Pine Tea Room for winter, 11/29/1935:8
Closes Polly Pine Inn for season, 01/22/1937:6
White, Mabel
A word of appreciation (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 01/17/1936:5
Obituary, 01/17/1936:8
White, Mabelle A.
Obituary, 01/17/1936:1
Dies at age 66, 01/17/1936:6
White, Mary
Wed to Donald Amerault, 09/24/1937:11
White, Nye A.
Moves to Florida, 06/24/1938:1
White, Preston
Resides in North Dartmouth, 02/21/1936:5
Resides in Fairhaven, 10/15/1937:11
Resides in Brockton, 02/10/1939:2
White, R.
Member of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Member of successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
White, Richard
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:5
Wed to Gertrude Dupre, 08/06/1937:7
Occupies tenement on Plymouth St, 10/08/1937:11
Daughter born, 03/25/1938:7, 03/25/1938:11, 04/08/1938:11
Employed in Boston, 05/26/1939:5
White, Suzanne Marie
Born to Richard, 04/08/1938:11
White, Thomas F.
Obituary, 03/10/1939:1
Dies at age 57, 03/10/1939:7
White Shoe Store
History and profile of Middleboro business, 01/04/1935:1
374 Centre St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
Anniversary sale (ad), 11/05/1937:2
Whiteside, Alexander
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc. files articles of incorporation, 09/10/1937:1
Whiteside, Thomas
The Cape Cod Cooks, Inc. files articles of incorporation, 09/10/1937:1
Whiting, Elizabeth M.
Engaged to Howard Hanelt, 04/22/1938:5
Whiting, Elizabeth Mason
Engaged to Howard Max Hanelt, 06/10/1938:11
Wedding described, 07/01/1938:8
Whiting, Francis C.
Wed to Pearl E. Hatfield, 11/15/1935:6
Whiting, Francis Coomer
Wed to Pearl Ernestine Hatfield, 11/15/1935:6
Whitman, Althea May
Daughter of Donald christened, 03/18/1938:11
Whitman, Donald
Wed to Mary Nyland, 03/12/1937:11
Daughter Althea May christened, 03/18/1938:11
Whitman, Jeannette M.
Engaged to Raymond H. MacNeill, 04/16/1937:7
Wed to Raymond H. MacNeill, 05/28/1937:7
Wed to Raymond MacNeill, 06/11/1937:5
Whitman, Miriam B.
Obituary, 05/12/1939:1
Widow of Fred N. dies at age 76, 05/12/1939:5
Petition for probate of will, 05/12/1939:9
Whitmarsh, Cora
Lets tenement on Plymouth St to Richard White, 10/08/1937:11
Sister dies in Bridgewater, 04/08/1938:11
Whitmarsh, James
Dies in Neponsett, 02/07/1936:8
Obituary, 02/07/1936:8
Whitney (Mr)
Lets Bedford St apartment to Raymond Borden, 02/05/1937:8
Russell Caldwell drives school bus for Whitney, 09/10/1937:11
Whitney, C.C.
Whitney's Tire Service, 158 Center St (ad), 06/11/1937:8
Whitney, Charles
Trick pianist appears on radio program, 05/22/1936:1
Whitney, Charles C.
Opens tire service station at 158 Centre St, 06/04/1937:2
Fall River man gets 30 days for larceny from Lakeville store,
Whitney, Earl D.
Wed to M. Agnes Mitchell, 05/08/1936:1
Whitney, Esther J.
Petition for administration of estate, 01/15/1937:11
Whitney, Esther Jane
Obituary, 11/27/1936:1
Quincy woman dies at age 65, 11/27/1936:7
Whitney, Frank C.
Obituary, 03/27/1936:1
Dies at age 65, 03/27/1936:6
In Memoriam, 03/27/1936:6
Whitney, Frank Christie
Petition for probate of will, 04/24/1936:7
Whitney, Melvin M.
Obituary, 02/11/1938:1
Whitney, Mrs Frank
Returns from Trinidad, 01/20/1939:1
Whitney, Mrs Frank C.
Sails for Honolulu, 12/10/1937:5
Whitney, Myrtle B.
Assawompsett House opens in Lakeville, managed by Myrtle Whitney
and Sarah Erwin (ad), 06/17/1938:7
Assawompsett House, Rte 18, Lakeville (ad), 10/14/1938:12
Whitney's Tire Service
Opens at 158 Center St (ad), 06/04/1937:8
C.C. Whitney proprietor, 158 Center St (ad), 06/11/1937:8
Moves from 158 Center St to 4 South Main St (ad), 12/24/1937:7
Whitte, William D.
Strikes parked car on Center Ave, charged with drunk driving,
Whittemore, Amy
Flaws in the Townsend plan (l), 02/15/1935:7
Potter joins Plymouth Pottery Guild, 10/20/1939:10
Whittemore, Byron
Resigns from work with Lewis Shaw, 03/20/1936:11
Whittemore, Kenneth
Daughter born, 06/10/1938:7
Whittemore, Laura
Named custodian of Maria L.H. Peirce Fund, 03/29/1935:1
The truth about the Welfare Department (l), 04/03/1936:2
Whittemore, Laura B.
Supports Elks' Christmas charity fund (l), 11/22/1935:2
Bespeaks support of Christmas fund (l), 12/02/1938:5
To be summoned regarding statements made about candidate Millette,
The Spectator comments on situation with Whittemmore (l),
Old Age Bureau writes to selectmen (l), 06/02/1939:1
Will not answer summons by selectmen (l), 06/02/1939:1
Understanding reached with Board of Selectmen, 06/09/1939:1
Surprised at appearance at selectmen's meeting (l) (The Spectator),
Resigns after seven years as Old Age visitor, 09/22/1939:1
Whitten, Mrs Arthur
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Resides in Foxboro, 11/13/1936:6
Whittier, Dorothea
Wedding described, 09/29/1939:9
Whitty, C.
Coach of MHS girls hockey team (p), 11/27/1936:6
Whitty, Evelyn
Coaches successful high school girls basketball team (p) (t),
Undefeated girls' hoop squad (p), 04/01/1938:1
Whitty, Evelyn F.
Appointed to post at high school (p), 08/21/1936:1
Whitty, William E.
Couple married 25 years, 08/13/1937:1
Whitty, William E., Jr.
Obituary, 01/24/1936:1
Dies at age 8, 01/24/1936:6
Funeral services held at Sacred Heart, 01/31/1936:12
Wholan, John P.
Engaged to Dorothy C. Stanwood, 12/10/1937:7
Wedding described, 12/17/1937:1
Wed to Dorothy C. Stanwood, 12/17/1937:7
Wholan, John Peter
John Peter Sidlevicz petitions for name change, 11/26/1937:5
Wholan, Peter C.
Sears Lumber Co. truck collides with Taunton car at North Main and
Montello St, 11/08/1935:6
Wholey, John T.
Son born, 02/28/1936:7
Wholey, Mary Boucher
Son born, 02/28/1936:7
Wholey, Mrs John
Resides in Dorchester, 01/04/1935:1
Wiggin, Harry F.
Purchases three parcels in land auction, 05/28/1937:1
Wiggin, Robert
Son born, 05/01/1936:7
Wiksten, Johan
Granted gasoline permit, 01/24/1936:1
Wiksten, Johan O.
Application for gasoline license, 01/10/1936:7
John Wiksten case continued, 07/08/1938:5
Wiksten, John
Trespassing case continued again, 06/04/1937:2
Wiksten, John E.
Case of criminal trespass continued, 04/30/1937:2
Trespassing case continued again, 05/21/1937:2
Criminal trespass case dismissed, 07/16/1937:2
Larceny case continued, 07/08/1938:5
Guilty of larceny from John O. Wiksten, 08/05/1938:11
Wiksten, John O.
John E. Wiksten guilty of larceny from John O. Wiksten, 08/05/1938:11
Wiksten Bros. Dairy
76 Cedar St (ad), 12/20/1935:5
Makes sales record after only 3 years in business, 12/20/1935:11
Wilber, Herbert
South Middleboro couple married 25 years, 07/07/1939:9
Wilber, Herbert L.
Pastor at Precinct Church, 02/10/1939:11
Wilber, Lloyd
Moves to Bridgeport, CT, 12/22/1939:9
Wilber, Lydia M.
Obituary, 09/27/1935:1
Wilber, Philip
Completes practice teaching at high school, 11/20/1936:11
Resigns as superintendent of South Middleboro ME Church,
Employed at sanatorium, 04/28/1939:9
Wilber, Ralph G.
Enters Franklin Institute in Boston, 10/27/1939:8
Wilber, William James, Jr.
Wedding described, 07/07/1939:2
Wilbur (Mr)
Chimney fire on Marion Rd, 12/17/1937:1
Wilbur, A. Clarence
Couple married 50 years, 09/11/1936:2
Couple celebrates 50th anniversary, 09/18/1936:8
South Middleboro couple married 52 years, 09/16/1938:3
Wilbur, Alden
Chimney fire on Wareham St, 12/02/1938:1
Wilbur, Alden D.
Commends fire department (l), 12/09/1938:1
Goat gives birth to three sons and a daughter, 04/07/1939:9
Wilbur, Allerton
Two cows struck by Cape train, 07/23/1937:1
Wilbur, Allerton B.
Stormy weather causes auto crash on Centre St, 01/03/1936:1
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 12/18/1936:7
Wilbur, Anna
Presents family Bible to church, 06/21/1935:11
Wilbur, Annie H.
Resumes teaching in Brockton, 09/06/1935:8
Donates money for new electric light fixtures in South Middleboro ME
Church auditorium, 12/04/1936:5
Wilbur, Caroline
Obituary, 04/03/1936:5
Wilbur, Catherine O.
Wife of William E. dies at age 69, 03/13/1936:6
Wilbur, Charles S.
Wed to Frances W. Smith, 03/05/1937:11
Wilbur, Clarence C.
Non-support case continued, 12/27/1935:2
Acquitted on non-support charge, 01/03/1936:2
Wilbur, Clarence E.
Guilty of non-support, 06/12/1936:5
Wilbur, Edgar
Strikes Ashmont car in attempt to avoid collision with another,
Hurt while unloading autos at freight yard, 08/16/1935:1
Wilbur, Eustace
Bridgewater couple married 50 years, 01/14/1938:11
Wilbur, Florence
Donates Victrola to South Middleboro School, 11/27/1936:5
Wilbur, George H.
Pedestrian struck by Richard Benson's auto on Plymouth St,
Resides in Leominster, NH, 11/15/1935:11
Resides in New Hampshire, 08/27/1937:11
Lempster, NH man dies at age 74, 11/12/1937:7
Obituary, 11/12/1937:12
Wilbur, Grace M.
Wife of Jesse C. dies at age 59, 11/11/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 11/25/1938:7
Wilbur, Grace W.
Obituary, 11/11/1938:1
Wilbur, Herman
Daughter born, 10/13/1939:5, 10/13/1939:9
Moves to Myricks, 11/10/1939:6
Wilbur, Horace
Daughter born, 04/02/1937:11
Two cows struck by Cape train, 07/23/1937:1
Wilbur, Joseph W.
Wed to Dorothy I. Johnson, 06/23/1939:5
Wilbur, Kenneth
Attempted rescue prompts interview on WNAC, 12/17/1937:1
Rev Dunn goes through ice attempting to rescue Corson, saved by
Scouts, 12/17/1937:1
Rescue attempt fails, Bobby Travalini drowns, 12/17/1937:4
Wilbur, Lawrence
Daughter born, 03/27/1936:6, 03/27/1936:8
Alumnus of MA State College in Amherst, 10/20/1939:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Describes life of Far East at Lions Club meeting, 10/27/1939:1
Wilbur, Madeline
Engaged to Elbert Dill, 08/18/1939:5
Wilbur, Mary Madeline
Engaged to Elbert E. Dill, 09/02/1938:1
Engaged to Edwin Elbert Dill, 09/01/1939:5
Wed to Elbert Edwin Dill, 09/15/1939:5
Wedding described, 09/15/1939:5
Wilbur, Mrs Alden D.
Father dies in Charlestown, 02/22/1935:6
Wilbur, Mrs Lawrence
Brother dies in Boston, 03/20/1936:11
Wilbur, Philip
Student at Bridgewater Teachers College, 02/22/1935:6
Graduates from Bridgewater State College, 06/25/1937:11
Wilbur, Phillip
Student at Bridgewater State College, 03/01/1935:6
Wilbur, Phyllis
Bicyclist struck by Walter Burgess' auto on Wareham St, 05/19/1939:5
Wilbur, Ralph W.
Resumes teaching in Southboro, 09/06/1935:8
Resides in Southboro, 02/14/1936:11
Resides in Worcester, 04/28/1939:9
Wilbur, Robert
Employed at sanatorium dairy, 06/09/1939:9
Wilbur, Rose
East Taunton woman dies at age 46, 10/20/1939:5
Wilbur, Rose Bissonnette
Obituary, 10/20/1939:10
Wilbur, Seth L.
Obituary, 10/21/1938:6
Wilbur, Shirley Louise
Born to Herman, 10/13/1939:5
Wilbur, Wallace
Not guilty of leaving scene of accident, fined $25 for reckless driving,
Negligent driving case filed, 02/24/1939:3
Wilbur, Wallace J.
Four-year-old Allan Foster victim of hit-and-run, 11/25/1938:1
Probation continued, 02/03/1939:5
Wilcox, Henry H.
Obituary, 02/25/1938:1, 02/25/1938:11
Wilcox, Henry Harrison
Dies at age 69, 02/25/1938:7
Wilcox, Mary J.
Obituary, 04/15/1938:11
Wilcox, William G.
On the job once again, 05/03/1935:7
Counts 8,228 cars between 9 a.m. and 10 p.m., 05/17/1935:2
Counts 7,616 cars between 9 a.m. and 8:30 p.m., 05/24/1935:2
Total of 10,045 cars pass South Middleboro School, 06/07/1935:8
Cape traffic on the increase, 06/21/1935:12
Record traffic on Cape road, 18,074, 07/05/1935:2
Counter shows 19,112 cars through South Middleboro, 07/19/1935:1
Traffic considerably ahead of last year, 08/02/1935:2
Traffic figures increase to nearly 19,000, 08/09/1935:2
Two year comparison shows slight improvement, 08/16/1935:2
Counts 17,837 cars between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m., 08/23/1935:6
Labor Day traffic surpasses last year, 09/06/1935:8
Cape traffic double that of last year, 09/27/1935:2
Sunday traffic figure 7,639 cars, 10/04/1935:2
Begins seasonal count, 05/29/1936:2
Figures for holiday weekend, 06/05/1936:2
Sunday cars number 13,753, 06/12/1936:2
Tabulates 15,229 on Sunday, 06/26/1936:2
Traffic numbers at 15,339 last Sunday, 07/03/1936:6
Sunday traffic heaviest for several years, 07/10/1936:5
Count shows predicted increase, 07/17/1936:1
Tabulates 17,410 on Cape road, 07/17/1936:6
South Middleboro sees 19,862 autos, 07/24/1936:2
Sunday figure at 19,868, 08/14/1936:5
Traffic numbers still high at 19,350, 08/21/1936:1
Weather brings number down to 14,767, 08/28/1936:12
Tabulates 13,380 autos on Sunday, 09/04/1936:2
Counts 2,206 on Sunday March 14th, 03/19/1937:11
Counts 2,404 autos, 03/26/1937:12
Official car-counter compiles weekly figures, 04/02/1937:1
Traffic total for Sunday is 4,784, 04/09/1937:1
Sunday total 5,070, 04/16/1937:6
Total up to 6,170 cars, 04/23/1937:6
Figure stands at 7,791 for Sunday, 04/30/1937:6
Counts 7,568 cars Sunday, 05/14/1937:1
Total of 9,309 autos through South Middleboro, 05/21/1937:8
Counts 9,384 cars through South Middleboro, 05/28/1937:1
Car totals up to 11,219, 06/04/1937:12
Auto total for Sunday 12,465, 06/11/1937:5
Cape traffic Sunday totals 14,188 cars, 06/18/1937:1
Sunday car total 14,774, 06/25/1937:1
Counts 12,849 cars Sunday, 07/02/1937:12
Fourth of July Sunday brings 41,864 cars, 07/09/1937:1
Traffic sets new record, 20,596 cars, 07/16/1937:1
Another record set, 21,906 cars, 07/23/1937:1
Traffic total for Sunday 21,689, 07/30/1937:2
Traffic figures drop, 19,464 cars on Sunday, 08/06/1937:1
Figures go up again, 21,279 cars, 08/13/1937:1
Sunday figures total 21,384, 08/20/1937:2
Counts 12,351 on rainy Sunday, 08/27/1937:2
Car count 18,271, 09/03/1937:8
Numbers drop due to weather, 09/10/1937:1
Traffic total down to 10,106, 09/17/1937:1
Total drops to 7,965, 09/24/1937:1
Fine weather brings figure up to 9,864, 10/01/1937:7
Traffic total only 6,100 cars, 10/08/1937:2
Total drops to 5,013, 10/22/1937:1
Sunday total 4.762 cars, 10/29/1937:2
Traffic total drops to 3,955, 11/12/1937:7
Traffic recorder opens season, 05/06/1938:8
Holiday traffic figures total 12,083, 06/03/1938:1
Sunday figures total 11,989, 06/17/1938:1
Sunday figures top 12,000, 07/01/1938:1
Heaviest traffic of season so far, 07/15/1938:1
Traffic record broken, 23,945, 07/22/1938:1
Counts 22,945 cars Sunday, 08/05/1938:1
Sunday auto total 20,517, 08/12/1938:1
Counts 21,119 cars Sunday, 08/19/1938:1
Sunday total 18,052, 09/02/1938:1
Resides in Sandwich, 09/08/1939:7
Wilcox, William J.
Car counter back on the job, 04/14/1939:1
Tabulates 6,742 autos on Sunday, 04/21/1939:1
Less traffic this week, 05/05/1939:6
Wild, Martin
Trustees present account of estate, 10/13/1939:3
Wilde, Albert
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Wilde, Mrs Ralph
Resides in Rhode Island, 12/11/1936:5
Wilding, Gilbert
Moves from Pawtucket, RI to Rock, 07/29/1938:11
Moves to Stoughton, 09/15/1939:2
see also Deer; Turtles
Large muskrat trapped in drainage well adjacent to post office,
John Coolidge gets mother skunk and seven little ones with 3 shoots,
Howard Bryant has close encounter with skunk, 12/15/1939:9
Wiley, Carol J.
Wed to George N. Duncklee, 07/16/1937:7
Wilkie, Barbara Ann
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Born to Wallace, 04/15/1938:8
Wilkie, Leroy
Elmer Rhodes makes restitution to Lakeville man, 11/26/1937:8
Case against Rhodes dismissed, 12/03/1937:2
Wilkie, Leroy G.
Purchases Bowen property in Lakeville, 04/19/1935:1
Wilkie, Wallace
Daughter born, 05/15/1936:7
Moves from Main St to Crooked La, 10/22/1937:11
Daughter born, 03/25/1938:7, 04/15/1938:8
Wilkins, Lewis
Resides in Danvers, 05/20/1938:11
Willard, Alice Anderson Heath
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:7
Willard, Ann Brockstone
Born to L.L. and Alice Anderson Heath, 07/21/1939:7
Willard, Anne
Born to Lawrence L., 08/11/1939:5
Willard, Lawrence L.
Daughter born, 08/11/1939:5
Willard, L.L.
Daughter born, 07/21/1939:7
Willett, Carrie
Obituary, 05/06/1938:11
Willett, Eva Louise
Wedding described, 11/05/1937:8
Willette, Arthur
Wheelbarrow struck by auto driven by William Thomas, 07/15/1938:5
Willette, Edward
Honored by NE Ice Association, 12/15/1939:1
Willette, Eva L.
Engaged to John F. Gilligan, Jr., 01/24/1936:1
Willette, Eva Louise
Engaged to John Francis Gilligan, 10/22/1937:11
Willette, Warren
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Willhauck (Mr and Mrs)
Son born, 02/12/1937:6
William Egger Co.
Egger incorporates business of 25 years, 12/22/1939:1
William Fickert & Son
Dairy supplies milk to flood victims, 03/27/1936:12
Install new bottle washing and sterilizing machine, 04/17/1936:11
Best in family milk (ad), 04/24/1936:2
Milk truck in collision with Lutaut's auto on Plymouth St, 07/22/1938:1
William R. Begley & Sons
Market closes doors after 38 years in business, 05/06/1938:1
Closing business May 1st (ad), 05/06/1938:12
Williams, Arthur J.
Wed to Bettie Dunham, 10/20/1939:10
Williams, C.H.
Announces re-opening of The Lyric theatre, 11/26/1937:1
Williams, Clara
Case of misuse of electricity filed, 10/25/1935:5
Williams, Elizabeth
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
North Carver folks attend funeral in East Bridgewater, 09/30/1938:5
Williams, Ellen
Obituary, 05/13/1938:1
Plymouth woman dies at age 74, 05/13/1938:7
Awarded scholarship to Bryant College in Providence, RI, 06/17/1938:1
Williams, Ellen M.
Enters senior year at Bryant College, participates in numerous activities,
Williams, Ellen Mae
On Bryant College honor roll, 06/16/1939:1
Williams, Ellen Marie
Enters Bryant College of Business Administration, 09/30/1938:1
Williams, Frank
Employed at Reynolds farm on Highland Rd, 09/10/1937:11
Wedding described, 09/24/1937:11
Employed at sanatorium, 06/09/1939:1
Wed to Doris Delano, 07/07/1939:6
Williams, Frank B.
Elected to 8th term as Lakeville selectman, 03/06/1936:1
Serves 21 years as Lakeville selectman, 03/06/1936:1
Shaw Reynolds purchases grocery business of late Williams,
Williams, Frank E.
Engaged to Louise R. Meslick, 09/03/1937:5
Williams, George
Chimney fire at Old Center and Taunton St, 12/18/1936:1
Obituary, 01/13/1939:1
Abington man dies at age 72, 01/13/1939:7
Williams, Harold
Moves from Middleboro to South Middleboro, 09/08/1939:7
Williams, Herbert D.
Injured when car strikes pole on Bedford St, 06/24/1938:1
Williams, Hilma
Wed to Richard Alger, 01/08/1937:6, 01/08/1937:8
Williams, Hilma C.
Engaged to Richard E. Alger, 05/22/1936:1
Williams, Ida
North Carver folks attend funeral in East Bridgewater, 09/30/1938:5
Williams, Ida F.
Former Middleboro resident killed by tidal wave, 09/30/1938:1
Williams, Irene
Engaged to Edward A. Siller, 05/28/1937:7
Wed to Edward A. Siller, 06/11/1937:7
Williams, Janice Olive
Born to Roger, 02/22/1935:6
Williams, Marie C.
Commits suicide in Nemasket River, 05/26/1939:1
Dies at age 50, 05/26/1939:5
Williams, Paul
Wed to Miss Balboni, 03/25/1938:3
Daughter born, 06/17/1938:7, 06/17/1938:11, 07/08/1938:11
Williams, Richard Morgan
Wedding described, 08/06/1937:8
Williams, Robert
Son born, 02/08/1935:7, 02/15/1935:7, 06/14/1935:8, 03/19/1937:11,
10/27/1939:3, 10/27/1939:5
Williams, Robert Charles
Born to Robert, 02/15/1935:7, 06/14/1935:8
Williams, Roger
Daughter born, 02/15/1935:7
Names new daughter Janice Olive, 02/22/1935:6
Williams, Roger, 1604-1683
Representative Kendrick Washburn renews efforts to lift banishment
decree, 01/03/1936:1
Rep. Washburn wins first step in lifting decree, 01/24/1936:1
Lions Club adopts resolution to revoke banishment decree, 01/31/1936:7
Banishment decree withdrawn, 05/08/1936:1
Kendrick Washburn succeeds in lifting Williams ban (p), 05/08/1936:1
Williams, Shirley Ann
Born to Paul, 07/08/1938:11
Williams, Shirley Anne
Daughter of Paul baptized, 07/07/1939:9
Williams, Theodore
Born to Robert, 10/27/1939:3
Williams Frank B.
Obituary, 12/08/1939:5
Dies at age 72, 12/08/1939:7
Williamson, Esther
Engaged to H. Emerson Cobb, 08/27/1937:11
Williamson, Olivia
Valedictorian at Bates School, 04/17/1936:8
Resides in Lancaster, 10/21/1938:11
Attends school in Lancaster, 09/08/1939:7
Willis, Elsie Wells
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Son born, 03/08/1935:1
Willis, Everett
Mattapoisett cottage miraculously untouched in hurricane, 09/30/1938:1
Willis, Everett M.
Elected second vice-president of Brockton Morris Plan Co.,
Injures spine in fall down stairs, 08/18/1939:8
Willis, John
Resides in Brockton, 01/15/1937:7, 04/07/1939:1
Willis, John B.
Son born, 03/08/1935:1
Willis, John B., 2nd
Born to John B. and Elsie Wells, 03/08/1935:1
Willis, Mrs Josephine
Collides with East Bridgewater driver on Oak St, 12/29/1939:4
Willis, Stewart
Resides in Brockton, 10/14/1938:1
Willoughby, James H.
Principal of high school in 1884, 02/24/1939:11
Wills, Evelyn Arline
Wed to Earle Diman Benson, 12/01/1939:5
Wilmot, Alfred
Daughter born, 11/05/1937:7
Gets 10 days for drunkenness, 07/22/1938:11, 07/14/1939:3
Wilmot, Alfred W.
Discharged from probation, 12/08/1939:8
Wilmot, Beulah L.
Engaged to William Maxwell, 05/24/1935:4
Wed to William S. Maxwell, 06/14/1935:6
Wilmot, Charles W.
Obituary, 11/22/1935:1, 11/22/1935:5
Dies at age 86, 11/22/1935:6
Wilmot, James
House painting and paper hanging (ad), 01/04/1935:3
Aunt dies in Somerville, 03/06/1936:8
Relatives die in Foxboro, 05/20/1938:11
Daughter born, 12/02/1938:7
Wilmot, James J.
Awarded contract to paint new court house, 01/24/1936:11
Eight-room house for sale (ad), 09/25/1936:2
Wilmot, Phyllis
Enrolls in Katherine Gibbs school of Boston, 09/23/1938:11
Completes studies at Katherine Gibbs School, 06/02/1939:9
Wilmot, R.
Member of high school basketball team (p), 04/07/1939:4
Wilmot, Woodbury
Obituary, 10/18/1935:1
Dies at age 80, 10/18/1935:6
Wilson, Addie
Obituary, 07/10/1936:5
Wilson, Carrier
Resides in Arizona, 10/30/1936:12
Wilson, Ellen M.
Obituary, 12/29/1939:3
Widow of Charles dies at age 96, 12/29/1939:5
Wilson, Ellen Millard
Celebrates 96th birthday, brief biography, 02/24/1939:1
Wilson, George
Son born, 11/18/1938:7
Daughter born, 10/13/1939:5
Wilson, Marion
Engaged to Francis J. Huxley, 11/18/1938:7
Wed to Francis J. Huxley, 12/02/1938:7
Winberg, Bernard, Jr.
Carver man dies at age 37, 02/21/1936:6
Winberg, John
Obituary, 12/17/1937:11
Winberg, John A.
Obituary, 12/17/1937:1
South Carver man dies at age 88, 12/17/1937:7
Winberg, N. Bernard, Jr.
Obituary, 02/28/1936:1
Winberg, William
Breaks toe at Maxim Motor Co., 05/28/1937:1
Wind Innersole Co.
Plans unchanged for new concern, 02/21/1936:1
To start operations here within a few weeks, 04/10/1936:1
Pilgrim Window Cleaning Service (ad), 05/19/1939:10
Wing, Alfred R.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Wingate, Claire
Resides in Akron, OH, 09/25/1936:5
Wingate, Claire Isabelle
Wed to Donald D. Davidson, 06/03/1938:11
Wingate, Raymond A.
Obituary, 06/14/1935:1
Fall River man dies at age 35, 06/14/1935:6
Winnell, Ella D.
Wife of Harry J. dies at age 64, 07/26/1935:6
Obituary, 08/02/1935:1
Wife of Harry J. dies at age 64, 08/02/1935:6
Winsberg, David
Collides with Ralph Belrose at Everett and Arch St, 12/17/1937:5
Winslow, Arthur
Summer resident donates his own book to Rock Village Library,
Sails for Germany, 08/14/1936:2
Returns from European trip, 10/16/1936:5
Obituary, 04/01/1938:4
Winslow, Kenelm
A tribute to Rev William Goble (l), 07/05/1935:12
A word of appreciation for Mabel White (l), 01/17/1936:5
Last of Nemasket Indians (l), 05/08/1936:6
Corrects dates concerning Smith building recently demolished (l),
Come over to our side (l), 10/30/1936:8
Headstones for war veterans (l), 03/19/1937:2
To lot owners of the Central Cemetery (l), 11/19/1937:5
Central Cemetery trustees in trouble (l), 12/17/1937:7
A tribute to Ida Haskins (l), 05/06/1938:8
Explains Josephine Shaw Perkins legacy to Central Cemetery (l),
Winslow, Maria
Boyd Iseminger purchases Nemasket St estate, 12/03/1937:8
Winslow, Sarah H.
Wed to Charles E. Cotting, 07/28/1939:6
Winsor, Mark J.
Daughter born, 12/11/1936:11
Winterhalder, Henry R.
Obituary, 01/04/1935:1
Dies at age 69, 01/04/1935:4
Winterhalder, Henry Robert
Petition for administration of estate, 03/22/1935:8
Winterhalder, Mildred H.
Petition for sale of land and division of proceeds, 05/27/1938:11
Winterhalder, Rose C.
Petition for sale of land and division of proceeds, 05/27/1938:11
Winters, Lillian
Obituary, 02/25/1938:6
Winthrop-Atkins Co.
Plans expansion, 10/23/1936:1
Plant starts operations at new location, 02/05/1937:1
Theodora Mawhinney sustains minor injuries at work at
Winthrop-Atkins plant, 02/05/1937:1
Picture frame factory, 151 Peirce St (ad), 02/26/1937:6
Sprinkler system sounds alarm, no fire, 10/08/1937:1
George Harlow resigns from Morse's Drug Store, employed at
Winthrop-Atkins Co., 01/21/1938:1
Doing booming business after hurricane, 09/30/1938:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wiren, George
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Wiren, Georges
Tax collector's sale, 06/25/1937:5
Wiren, Sylvia T.
Lakeville tax collector's taking of real estate, 04/22/1938:8
Witbeck, Allan A.
To receive B.S. from Springfield College, 05/14/1937:1
Witbeck, Allen
Attends Springfield College, 02/22/1935:1
Witbeck, Allen A.
Rec director of Grand Rapids, MI church, 09/24/1937:6
Witbeck, Mertie
Speaks on "Libraries and Women's Clubs" at Hyannis State,
Librarian addresses Cabot Club, 02/10/1939:1
Witbeck, Mertie E.
Elected secretary of MA Library Club, 06/07/1935:1
Witbeck, Susie H.
Injured when Providence truck hits Waltham auto, 07/14/1939:2
Witham, Leon
Resides in Gardner, ME, 06/02/1939:9
Wixon, Clarence
Non-support case continued, 04/22/1938:5
Wixon, Clarence M.
Tomahawk wielding wife too much, files for divorce, 06/25/1937:1
Engaged to Theresa Rose Silva, 12/30/1938:7
Wed to Theresa R. Silva, 01/06/1939:7
Wixon, Lucretia
Husband files for divorce, 06/25/1937:1
Wm. F. Fickert & Son (see Nemasket Dairy)
Wolkins, Dorothy M.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/24/1939:7
Wolski, Celia
Attends Burdett College, 10/14/1938:1
Wolski, Frank
Collides with East Taunton driver on East Main St, 04/23/1937:2
Farmer crushed by tractor, 07/23/1937:1
Fire in truck's ignition system, 03/24/1939:1
Selectmen address discharge of women employees, 05/10/1935:1
Selectmen to give preference to single individuals over married females,
Women's Relief Corps
Presents flag to Townsend Club, 08/02/1935:5
Wood, Abiel
Last of Nemasket Indians (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 05/08/1936:6
Wood, Alfred
Math and English teacher in Longmeadow, 09/04/1936:8
Daughter born, 12/09/1938:7
Wood, Alfred L.
Daughter born, 01/17/1936:12
Resides in Littleton, 02/14/1936:1
Resides in Longmeadow, 04/22/1938:6, 08/26/1938:1
Wood, Andrew
The First Schools in Middleboro (essay), 11/20/1936:11
Valedictory essay, 06/17/1938:4
Wood, Andrew M.
Named valedictorian, 03/18/1938:1
Enrolls at Dartmouth College, 09/30/1938:1
Wood, Anne Francis
Born to Alfred, 12/09/1938:7
Wood, Arabelle
Obituary, 12/27/1935:1
Dies at age 83, 12/27/1935:6
Wood, Arthur N.
Dorothy Gingras injured when bicycle struck by Wood's auto,
Fined $5 for operating without a license, 04/23/1937:2
Wood, Bertha Gabriella Peterson
Obituary, 07/30/1937:1
Wood, Bertha G.P.
Dies at age 73, 07/30/1937:7
Wood, Beulah L.
Wed to Lewis C. Jennings, 07/26/1935:6
Wood, Cynthia
Born to Alfred L., 01/17/1936:12
Wood, Eugenia Griffith
Son born, 09/16/1938:11
Wood, Florence P.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/13/1936:5
Wood, George L.
Obituary, 02/07/1936:1
Dies at age 70, 02/07/1936:6
Wood, Grace
Resigns from sanatorium, accepts post in South Hanson, 12/15/1939:8
Wood, H.
Old Swimming Hole (poem), 06/25/1937:5
Wood, Harold
Boat motor stolen from camp, 06/14/1935:1
Employed at A.F. Ryder Co., 07/19/1935:1
Stolen motor discover in woods by hunters, 11/15/1935:1
Wood, Harold S.
Opens new Colonial type filling station, 09/18/1936:6
Storm scene at home at Oak and High St (p), 09/30/1938:1
Wood, Harry
Fire at Lakeside cottage, 05/01/1936:1
Wood, Harry A.
Tax collector's sale, 06/11/1937:3
Wood, Helen
Graduates from Bates College, 06/17/1938:2
Wood, Henry
Son born, 09/16/1938:7, 09/16/1938:11
Wood, Henry A.
Struck by Albert Guild's auto on Prospect St, 11/04/1938:1
Wood, Henry E.
Wedding described, 09/03/1937:1
Wood, Leonard
Elected leader of Northeastern University band, 05/05/1939:2
Wood, Leonard F.
Enrolls at Northeastern University, 09/25/1936:5
Accepted into trombone section at Northeastern University,
Commended for work with Northeastern University orchestra,
Member of trombone section of Northeastern University orchestra,
Wood, Leslie E.
Infant son of Virchel dies, 05/08/1936:1, 05/08/1936:7
Wood, Lorenzo
Candidate for School Committee, 12/20/1935:1
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/17/1936:5
Daughter born, 10/29/1937:7
Files nomination papers for position on School Committee,
The Spectator comments on upcoming election (l), 01/06/1939:2
Brief glimpse of candidate, 01/13/1939:5
Candidate for School Committee (ad) (p), 01/13/1939:11
Editor states policies of Middleboro Gazette (l), 01/20/1939:1
Candidate thanks voters (l), 01/20/1939:11
Wood, Lorenzo, Jr.
Co-operative Bank half a century old this year, officers pictured (p),
Wood, Louisa Burt
Teacher of singing (ad), 09/13/1935:12
Wood, Marion Laura
Wed to Hial Barney Sears, 10/25/1935:2
Wood, Mary Anna
Dies in Plymouth, 08/30/1935:11
Wood, Mrs George
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Twenty-six acre poultry farm for sale on Winter St (ad), 02/14/1936:12
Wood, Nellie M.
Obituary, 11/24/1939:10
Wood, Olive L.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 01/10/1936:7
Wood, Patience
Born to Lorenzo, 10/29/1937:7
Wood, Preston
Wed to Elsie Westgate, 11/24/1939:3
Wood, Silas
Last of Nemasket Indians (l) (Kenelm Winslow), 05/08/1936:6
Wood, Theodore N.
Congratulations on 50 years of service to Savings Bank, 04/26/1935:1
Treasurer at Savings Bank, 05/10/1935:1
Heads Middleboro/Carver District of Boy Scouts, 01/24/1936:8
Archery, a noble sport (l), 04/21/1939:3
Wood, T.N.
Re-elected Scouts committee chairman, 12/25/1936:1
Wood, William Preston
Engaged to Elsie L. Westgate, 11/03/1939:4
Wed to Elsie L. Westgate, 11/24/1939:4
Wood as Fuel
G.M. Simmons (ad), 01/04/1935:3
L.O. Atwood, kindling wood (ad), 01/04/1935:8
Request for bids for schools (ad), 08/23/1935:12
H. Burnham, kindling wood (ad), 01/24/1936:12
Selectmen wish to dispose of wood at town barn, 05/29/1936:1
Request for bids for schools (ad), 08/07/1936:7
Leon DeMoranville, dry kindling wood (ad), 10/02/1936:12
Call for bids for schools (ad), 08/13/1937:7
All wood cut by WPA crews goes to Town Farm, 02/04/1938:8
Call for school wood bids (ad), 07/15/1938:8
Call for bids for schools (ad), 06/30/1939:10
Woodhead, Ellen F.
Obituary, 05/10/1935:1
Woodhead, Mrs Frank
Jamaica Plain woman dies at age 77, 05/10/1935:4
Burial in South Middleboro, 05/10/1935:7
South Middleboro NE Church receives altar cloth and hangings in
memory of Mrs Woodhead, 07/19/1935:2
Woodland, Mrs A.B.
Returns from several month sin South America, 05/01/1936:1
Woodland, Mrs John
Sails for trip to Europe, 05/28/1937:1
Sails for South Africa and East Indies, 12/10/1937:5
Woodman, Arthur
Staff correspondent for Gazette, 12/25/1936:1
Woods, Robert
Son born, 11/24/1939:5
Wood's Lake Improvement Association
Cottage owners at Wood's Pond organize, 07/21/1939:5
Improvements at summer colony listed, 08/04/1939:9
Cottagers want private way fixed, 08/04/1939:10
Woodward, James
Obituary, 02/10/1939:6
Woodward, Katharina L.
Notary public, public stenographer (ad), 11/11/1938:12
Woodward, Leslie M.
Selectmen wrangle over registrar, 10/21/1938:1
Notary public, public stenographer (ad), 11/11/1938:12
see also Rock Manufacturing Co.
Cabinetmaker Charles Endres uses cigar labels in work, 03/20/1936:1
Donald Fish completes 3-year construction of model Napoleonic coach,
Middleboro Tool and Machine Co., general repairs on metal and wood
(ad), 10/08/1937:12
Middleboro Tool and Machine Co., 22 West St (ad), 02/04/1938:12
Herbert H. Dunham, general repair work and cabinet making (ad),
Woodworth, Elvira
Dies in Somerville, 03/06/1936:8
Woolworth's (see F.W. Woolworth & Co.)
Wordell, Raymond
Struck by auto on Bedford St, 06/05/1936:6
Wordell, Susan E.
Lakeville tax collector's notice, 07/14/1939:3
Work, Addison
Resides in Fairhaven, 05/15/1936:11
Works Progress Administration
Explanation of local projects (l) (Chester Shaw), 08/23/1935:1
List of submitted projects, 09/13/1935:1
Lane St project approved, 11/08/1935:1, 11/08/1935:2
Shade tree project allotment $4,311, 11/22/1935:2
Review of the WPA problems, 11/22/1935:5
Report of planning engineer Russell Trufant (t), 11/22/1935:6
Town requests bids for three dump trucks (ad), 12/06/1935:12
Russell Trufant appointed WPA project engineer, 12/13/1935:1
Truck bids awarded, 12/20/1935:1
Relief workers receive pay checks before holiday, 12/27/1935:1
Alarm to signal when paymaster to arrive, 01/31/1936:1
J. Stearns Cushing sponsors new community recreation project,
Interests increases in recreation project, 03/20/1936:1
Local engineer Trufant in suit with town of Whitman, 07/03/1936:1
Music Club welcomes new members, 08/14/1936:2
School records compilation and sidewalk projects begin, 09/18/1936:1
Sewing unit moves from library to telephone building, 09/25/1936:1
Selectmen discuss removal of sewing unit from library, 10/02/1936:1
Workers install walk and curbing on Peirce St, 10/09/1936:1
Selectmen meet with Library Trustees about sewing unit, 10/16/1936:2
South Middleboro School grounds cleaned of stones, highway graded,
Registration of workers continues here, 11/27/1936:12
Sewing supervisor Mrs Joseph Peck praised, 04/02/1937:8
Selectmen draft plan for sidewalk project, 04/09/1937:1
View of WPA-built sidewalk on Wareham St (p), 05/14/1937:3
Selectmen discuss funds transfers to complete projects, 06/25/1937:1
New asphalt sidewalk improves Webster St (p), 06/25/1937:6
New walks and landscaping at police station and court house (p),
Nine aliens dropped from rolls, 07/16/1937:1
Sidewalk project approved, 07/16/1937:1
Two conduit lines under construction, 07/23/1937:1
Selectmen discuss local projects, 08/06/1937:1
Sixteen men added to rolls, 08/20/1937:1
Selectmen doom federal sewing project, 09/03/1937:1
Figures on sewing project, 09/10/1937:1
Selectmen do about-face concerning federal sewing project,
Sewing project to continue, 09/10/1937:1
Finance Committee explains small balance in WPA general fund,
Needs transfer to sewing project, 09/17/1937:1
Sewing project gets A plus rating, 09/17/1937:1
Sewing unit figures, 10/01/1937:1
Selectmen vote on funds transfers for projects, 11/19/1937:5
Selectmen transfer funds without Finance Committee approval,
Certifying Officer Charles Carver resigns, replaced by William
Boynton, 01/14/1938:1
Co-ordinator reports on employment figures, 01/14/1938:8
Selectmen receive quarterly bill from sewing project, 01/14/1938:8
Selectmen discuss funds transfer, 01/21/1938:5
Cost to transport workers discussed by selectmen, 01/28/1938:8
All wood cut goes to Town Farm, 02/04/1938:8
Proposed projects discussed by selectmen, 02/11/1938:3
Selectmen approve three projects, 02/18/1938:8
Selectmen discuss projects, 02/18/1938:8
Selectmen discuss projects at length, 03/04/1938:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Selectmen vote to purchase used trucks for projects, 03/11/1938:1
Cost to run town trucks (l) (Bertram L. Thomas), 03/11/1938:7
Selectmen continue discussion of projects, 03/18/1938:8
Selectmen vote fund share for Rochester, Halifax town line project,
Discussion of projects take selectmen some time, 04/15/1938:5
Announce opening of craft club here, 04/22/1938:8
In the olde town hall (l) (The Spectator), 04/22/1938:8
To rebuild bleachers at playground, 04/29/1938:1
Selectmen submit new projects, 05/13/1938:3
Allocation used for improvements at playground, 05/27/1938:5
Recreational Music Institute presents recital, 06/24/1938:8
In the olde Town Hall (l) (Spectator), 07/01/1938:2
Busy with sidewalk construction, 07/22/1938:1
Selectmen fail to act on investigation, 08/05/1938:1
Spectator comments on investigation (l), 08/05/1938:2
Whole heartedly endorse sidewalk project, 08/12/1938:1
Selectmen discuss warrant for special town meeting, 09/02/1938:8
Sewer projects to carry relief load, 09/09/1938:1
Selectmen call for special town meeting after lengthy, heated discussion,
Another special town meeting, this time for additional WPA work,
The Spectator discusses projects (l), 09/23/1938:5
Fund approved for $10,000, 09/30/1938:1
Selectmen make request for funds to repair hurricane damage,
Selectmen vote to borrow $10,000, six trucks required for proposed
projects, 10/07/1938:1
Selectmen discuss problems, 10/14/1938:1
John Bernier injured clearing storm-felled trees with WPA,
Selectmen discuss projects, 11/04/1938:8
Razing old Nemasket House could make way for large parking lot,
Will clear private woodlands (l) (E. Peterson), 11/11/1938:6
Russell Trufant ousted as coordinator, selectmen name George Finch,
The Spectator comments on dismissal of Trufant (l), 11/18/1938:11
Starts drama club, 11/18/1938:11
Praise for project to trim branches menacing power lines, 11/25/1938:1
Recommendations made for projects to improve schools (l) (The
Spectator), 12/02/1938:2
Selectmen receive new instructions, 12/09/1938:1
New recreational opportunities for adults, 12/16/1938:9
Community dramatic association forms, 12/23/1938:4
Selectmen submit proposal for stone wall construction at bridge
approaches, 01/13/1939:11
The Spectator discusses management of WPA funds (l), 02/24/1939:5
List of new sidewalk construction, 04/07/1939:1
Town loses 31 people as program reduced nation-wide, 04/07/1939:1
Funds appropriated for work in Lakeville, 04/21/1939:1
Selectmen discuss moth project and road project, 05/05/1939:2
Selectmen discuss current situation here, 05/26/1939:2
State-level inaction affects projects here, 06/23/1939:3
Street and Town Line Survey underway (l) (The Spectator),
No WPA strike in Middleboro, 07/14/1939:1
New relief law drops wages, 07/21/1939:1
Nine men removed from rolls, 07/28/1939:1
Drops 27 from Middleboro rolls, 08/04/1939:7
Dismissals due today, 08/11/1939:5
Selectmen approve new sewing project, 08/11/1939:6
Wage cuts due for workers, 08/18/1939:1
Net reduction of 10 on rolls, 09/08/1939:4
Selectmen approve project to survey underground structures,
The Spectator comments on underground survey (l), 10/06/1939:2
Selectmen approve first Nat'l Youth Administration project,
Revises rules for referral, 10/27/1939:1
Welfare Board to take over WPA referrals, 11/10/1939:1
Harding opposes agreement with Welfare Board, 11/10/1939:2
Bridge projects included, 12/15/1939:1
World War, 1914-1918
Veteran Fletcher Clark, Jr. receives medal and certificate from French
city, 01/10/1936:1
Text of letter written in 1916 by Simeon Nickerson, 04/09/1937:5
World War, 1939-1945
Invasion of Poland a fateful day in world history (l) (The Spectator),
She was neutral are you? (l) (Herbert H. Dunham), 09/22/1939:7
Nazi flag flown at high school as Halloween prank, 11/03/1939:1
Nazi propaganda coming into town, 12/01/1939:1
Gazette participates in Finland Relief Fund effort, 12/15/1939:1
Donations for Finnish Relief total $55.85 (t), 12/22/1939:1
Finnish Relief Fund totals $75.85 (t), 12/29/1939:1
Worman, George Edward
Obituary, 06/16/1939:4
Husband of Mabel Alden dies at age 69, 06/16/1939:5
First licensed show takes place here, 04/01/1938:6
Wright (Mrs)
Bates School teachers escape tidal wave at Swifts Beach, 09/23/1938:1
Wright, Doris
Photography, 20 School St (ad), 09/03/1937:12
Wright, Doris E.
Photography, 30 School St (ad), 04/02/1937:12
Wright, Eva Auger
Founder of Cheerio club movement honored by Springfield paper,
Wright, Fred
Chimney fire on School St, 03/11/1938:1
Wright, Jane Ann
Obituary, 01/22/1937:1
Dies at age 60, 01/22/1937:6
Wright, Jennie
Injured arm requires 24 stitches after fall, 08/26/1938:1
Wright, Jennie M.
Obituary, 05/19/1939:1
Widow of Nathan E. dies at age 75, 05/19/1939:5
Wright, John T.
Fails to pay $10 fine for peddling without license, 08/27/1937:2
Wright, Joseph
Barber, 5 School St (ad), 10/04/1935:11
William Wright takes over management of barber shop (ad),
Wedding described, 03/31/1939:1
Wright, Katherine L.
Proprietor of The Beauty Shoppe (ad), 01/11/1935:8
Wright, Lois R.
New teacher of Special Opportunity class, 07/01/1938:1
Wright, Thelma
Engaged to Raymond Craw, 03/19/1937:1
Engaged to Joseph Ruda, 05/07/1937:7
Wright, Willard
Wed to Irene Wentworth, 07/23/1937:7
Wright, William
Takes over management of Joseph Wright barber shop (ad),
Chimney fire on Plymouth St, 02/10/1939:1, 03/31/1939:1
Moves barbershop from School St to Center St, 05/26/1939:1
Wrightington, Abbie
Struck by auto driven by Marion Cummings, 12/16/1938:1
Wrightington, Andrew
Reaches 25-year service mark at Keith Shoe Co., 06/12/1936:1
Wrightington, Benjamin
Genealogy, 05/03/1935:3
Wrightington, Charles A.
Wed to Doris M. Ratcliffe, 01/17/1936:6
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Wrightington, Charles G.
Obituary, 04/21/1939:1
Dies at age 81, 04/21/1939:5
Wrightington, Chester G.
Engaged to Mildred P. Shaw, 12/30/1938:7
Wed to Mildred Shaw, 01/06/1939:7
Wrightington, Everett D.
Wed to Lois L. Westgate, 09/08/1939:5
Wrightington, George
William and Frederick Gomes arrested for assault on Wrightington,
Assault case continued, 01/21/1938:1
Frederick Gomes discharged, William Gomes fined $50, 01/28/1938:1
Wrightington, J.E.
Lawn mower service (ad), 05/05/1939:10
Wrightington, Mabel D.
Mortgagee's sale of real estate, 03/29/1935:5
Wrightington, Rufus C.
Biography, 02/08/1935:3
Wrightington, Thomas
Biography, 02/08/1935:3, 07/10/1936:8
Wrightington, William
Non-support case continued, 07/17/1936:2
Not guilty on non-support charge, 07/24/1936:5
Gets suspended sentence for larceny, 01/01/1937:1
Case filed at 4th District Court, 12/31/1937:2
Wrightington, William A.
Engaged to Margaret P. Gomes, 10/18/1935:6
Wed to Margaret P. Gomes, 11/15/1935:6
W.S. Andrews & Son
Footwear for the entire family (ad), 05/17/1935:8
Brown Realty Co. to renovate Center St block, 04/01/1938:1
Moves to new location during remodeling (ad), 04/15/1938:4
To move to renovated store at 52 Center St, 07/01/1938:1
Moves back to former location at 52 Center St, 07/08/1938:1
Employs Richard Rockwood, 07/14/1939:1
W.T. Grant Co.
59 Center St. (ad), 03/15/1935:2
29th anniversary sale (ad), 10/11/1935:11
Smoke and water damage store, 01/10/1936:1
Hinckley takes manager training in NY, Rockwood promoted,
Interior entirely refinished, 02/21/1936:12
Employs Louis Lepre, 07/03/1936:6
Employs Elizabeth Alger, 07/17/1936:12
Employs Helen Neilson, 08/28/1936:12
Institutes bonus system among saleswomen, 11/20/1936:2
Personnel transfers, 02/12/1937:12
Gladys Merrihew resigns, 03/26/1937:5
Warren Tufts manager, 08/06/1937:7
Three Boston persons arrested for helping themselves at local stores,
Three shoplifters sentenced, 12/24/1937:1
Manager J. Warren Tufts resigns, 02/11/1938:12
Two Greater Boston folks sentenced for shoplifting here, 07/01/1938:1
Employs Mildred Soule, 07/07/1939:4
Glenis Brown manager, 07/07/1939:4
Mildred Soule resigns from store to attend Burdett College,
Wyamn, Anne C.
An appeal to vote at recall election (l), 04/14/1939:3
Wyman, Anne C.
Rock Manufacturing Co. makes good start (l), 11/26/1937:8
Wyman, Charles F.
Dies at age 86, 10/20/1939:5
Obituary, 10/27/1939:4
Funeral held on Long Point Rd, 10/27/1939:6
Wyman, Dorothy E.
Engaged to Roger A. Tinkham, 06/17/1938:7
Wed to Roger A. Tinkham, 07/08/1938:7
Wyman, Dorothy Elizabeth
Wedding described, 07/08/1938:1
Wyman, Henry A.
Makes 63rd crossing to Europe, 08/23/1935:1
Dies on board SS Caledonia, 09/27/1935:1
Rock Library establishes permanent fund, 10/04/1935:8
Couple returns from trip to West Indies, 12/23/1938:4
Wyman, Mrs H.A.
Donates magazine subscriptions to Rock Village Library, 02/24/1939:11
Wyman, Mrs Henry A.
Recovers from influenza, 01/25/1935:2
Wynn, Adella Elizabeth
Obituary, 06/23/1939:1
Dies at age 79, 06/23/1939:5
Wytrwal, Zigmond
Engaged to Bertha Stoy, 04/08/1938:7
Wed to Bertha Stoy, 05/20/1938:7
Yablonsky, Alexander
Twin sons born on Lincoln's birthday, 02/18/1938:1
Twin sons born, 02/18/1938:7
Yablonsky, Alfred Lincoln
Twin sons born to Alexander, 02/18/1938:1
Born to Alexander, 02/18/1938:7
Yablonsky, Lawrence George
Twin sons born to Alexander, 02/18/1938:1
Born to Alexander, 02/18/1938:7
Yamoliwicz, John
Charged with assault on Leonard Chestnut, 08/06/1937:2
Assault case appealed, 08/13/1937:1
Yamoliwicz, John E.
Withdraws appeal, pays fine, 08/27/1937:2
Yanak, Ruth
Engaged to James Thomas, 09/15/1939:1
Wed to James Thomas, 10/27/1939:6
Yanak, Ruth C.
Engaged to James W. Thomas, 10/20/1939:5
Wed to James W. Thomas, 10/27/1939:5
Yarusites, Al
Member of varsity football club (p), 10/20/1939:1
Member of Varsity Football Club (p), 12/08/1939:11
Yarusites, Edmund
High school football squad posts six wins, three losses (p), 12/04/1936:1
Member of high school football team (p), 12/10/1937:1
Member of high school baseball team (p), 06/17/1938:6
Yarusites, Edward
Member of 1937 high school baseball team (p), 06/18/1937:6
High school football team letterman (p), 12/10/1937:5
Summary of boys' basketball season (p) (t), 04/15/1938:6
Yarusites, Felix
Member of high school football team (p), 12/23/1938:1
Roll of Memorial High School lettermen (p), 12/15/1939:11
Ye Olde Hitching Poste (see The Hitching Post)
Yeaton, Harry A.
Wed to Marion H. Titus, 08/21/1936:7
Young, Alice B.
Engaged to Lawrence Olson, 11/03/1939:6
Young, Bertha
Resides in Boston, 11/15/1935:5
Resides in Brookline, 02/12/1937:11
Wedding described, 09/30/1938:11
Young, Bertha M.
Wed to James W. Harrison, 09/30/1938:7
Young, Bertha N.
Engaged to James Harrison, 03/18/1938:1
Young, Cy (Denton True), 1867-1955
Hosted by Mr and Mrs John Lane on North Middleboro, 09/30/1938:2
Young, Elmer
Struck by auto on Wareham St, 02/25/1938:8
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Young, George
Engaged to Faith Margaret Atwood, 04/22/1938:6
Young, George E., Jr.
Wedding described, 10/06/1939:6
Wed to Faith M. Atwood, 10/06/1939:7
Young, Henry
Obituary, 06/10/1938:1
Dies at age 70, 06/10/1938:7
Young, Herman
Son born, 01/10/1936:8
Young, Jessie May
Wedding described, 07/03/1936:1
Young, Jessie M.
Engaged to Joseph W. Mello, 06/26/1936:7
Wed to Joseph W. Mello, 07/03/1936:7
Young, Neil
Resigns from sanatorium, takes over Alexander Heath, Jr.'s store in
Lakeville, 07/02/1937:5
Takes over Alexander Heath, Jr.'s store, 08/06/1937:8
Young, Neil W.
Arraigned on lottery charges, 10/28/1938:2
Young, Neil Warner
Wed to Helen Putnam Hardie, 07/01/1938:7
Young, Olive R.
Engaged to James H. Davis, Jr., 09/13/1935:6
Wedding described, 09/20/1935:5
Young, Richard
Youngster dies of leukemia, 05/19/1939:4
Young, Richard L.
Obituary, 05/19/1939:1
Dies at age 6, 05/19/1939:5
Young, Robert B.
Wed to Alice E. Buckley, 10/25/1935:6
Young, William
Member of 1936 MHS champion baseball team (p), 06/12/1936:1
Takes course at Diesel Engineering School in Boston, 01/14/1938:11
Young, William A.
Fined $10 for operating vehicle without windshield wiper, 09/10/1937:2
Young Men's Christian Association
Horace Atkins new president, 02/08/1935:1
Holds annual gym exhibition, 04/26/1935:2
Holds annual meeting (t), 05/03/1935:2
Maintenance Campaign report (t), 05/03/1935:4
Bowlers' banquet wraps up successful season (t), 05/03/1935:7
Maintenance Campaign goes over the top, 05/10/1935:1
L. Richard Tilden new physical director (p), 09/06/1935:1
Possibility of 8-team basketball league, 09/20/1935:1
Basketball teams chosen for Fraternal League, 10/11/1935:1
New Hi-Y club forms, 11/22/1935:5
Fraternal basketball league opens play (t), 11/29/1935:1
Harold Rogers named to Board of Directors, 01/03/1936:12
Holds annual meeting, 04/17/1936:1
Annual campaign raises $1,231 so far, 05/01/1936:1
Holds annual award night, 05/01/1936:6
Fund drive exceeds goal by more than $100, 05/08/1936:1
Horace Atkins re-elected president of YMCA, 05/22/1936:6
Bowling alleys to be reconditioned, 07/17/1936:6
Basketball tournament hosted at local YMCA outstanding, 03/26/1937:1
Gold Medal basketball tournament held here, 03/26/1937:1
Appreciates support of local fans, 03/26/1937:6
Opens annual maintenance campaign, 04/16/1937:1
Church Basketball League of YMCA holds banquet, 04/23/1937:8
Maintenance campaign raises $2,187, 04/30/1937:1
Holds annual meeting, 04/30/1937:2
Bowling season closes with annual banquet (t), 05/07/1937:1
Campaign surpasses goal, 05/07/1937:1
Board of Directors holds election, 05/28/1937:1
Organizes Junior Basketball League, 11/26/1937:6
Passes resolutions upon death of Charles Atwood, 03/04/1938:8
Fund campaign goes over the top, 05/06/1938:1
Holds first basketball drill, 11/04/1938:6
Final averages of bowling league (t), 05/05/1939:1
Fund drive exceeds quota, 05/05/1939:2
Physical director Tilden nominated for post at Marblehead,
L. Richard Tilden takes appointment at Marblehead YMCA,
Henry Walmsley new physical director, 10/27/1939:1
Fraternal League plans 6-team basketball schedule (t), 11/24/1939:9
Young's Garage
Boston truck hits gas station, 09/11/1936:2
Zablocki, Sophia
Wed to Ireton Bumpus, 05/05/1939:4
Zablocki, Sophie
Engaged to Iraton Bumpus, 02/17/1939:11
Zakarian, Peter
Court orders return of confiscated liquor, 03/15/1935:1
Night watchman at fireworks plant severely burned, 01/10/1936:1
Awarded $10,000 in fireworks plant suit, 11/27/1936:1
Small dog saves master's life in house fire, 08/27/1937:1
Fined $100 and a suspended sentence in wage case, 12/08/1939:5
Appeals wage law fines, 12/15/1939:2
Zayats, Nicholas
Petition for administration of estate, 12/29/1939:4
Zeiba, Edward
Son born, 04/19/1935:4
Zergas, Mrs Stephen
Class of dramatics, Lakeville (ad), 05/29/1936:12
Zervas, Angelo
see also Park Cafe
Applies for liquor license, 02/01/1935:1
Park Cafe owner granted liquor license, 02/22/1935:1
Zervas, Angelo L.
Petitions for liquor license, 02/01/1935:5
Application for renewal of liquor license, 11/29/1935:11, 11/27/1936:6
Zidialis, Mary
Petitions to build garage and store gasoline, 09/24/1937:5
Zieman, Irving
Wed to Dorothy Deatte, 02/14/1936:6
Zigman, Minnie
Wed to Isaac Gordon, 01/27/1939:7
Zilenski, John
Fires destroys Thompson St home, 05/05/1939:1
Zilonis, Anthony
Obituary, 10/23/1936:1
Taunton man dies at age 18, 10/23/1936:7
Zilonis, John
Obituary, 04/24/1936:1
Raynham man dies at age 27, 04/24/1936:7
Zilonis, Michael
Live and dressed turkeys, 4 Lovell St (ad), 11/20/1936:12
Zilonis, Stephen
Engaged to Wilma Caswell, 06/14/1935:6, 09/20/1935:11
Middleboro couple married one year, 09/25/1936:2
Liquor application placed on file, 02/17/1939:1
Son born, 10/20/1939:5, 10/27/1939:8
Zilonis, Stephen Francis
Born to Stephen, 10/20/1939:5
Born to Stephen and Wilma Caswell, 10/27/1939:8
Zilonis, Stephen M.
Wedding described, 09/27/1935:1
Zilonis, Walter
Member of Knights of Columbus championship baseball team (p),
Member of Ramblers of the Mayflower Baseball League (p),
Graduates from Burdett College, 06/30/1939:2
Zilonis, Walter A.
Middleboro Gazette Index 1935 through 1939
Engaged to Helen Frances Matheson, 12/29/1939:1
Zilonis, Wilma Caswell
Son born, 10/27/1939:8
Zion, Henry
In court for theft of auto radiator from Anderson, 01/18/1935:6
Zion, Henry E.
Wed to Louise Morini, 10/07/1938:7
Zion, Sophie
Bedford St home destroyed by fire, 09/20/1935:1
Fresco accepted for exhibition in New York City, 04/16/1937:1
Zion, Sophie T.
Engaged to Alexander Tassarini, 09/08/1939:5
Zmudin, Genevieve
Electric needle specialist (ad), 01/21/1938:12
Selectmen insert article in warrant for creation of ordinance,
Zutautas, Patras
Administrator petitions for distribution of estate, 07/14/1939:5
Zutautas, Peter
Obituary, 05/20/1938:1
Dies at age 55, 05/20/1938:7
Petition for administration of estate, 05/27/1938:7
Zwinglas, Anthony
Wedding described, 07/14/1939:1
Wed to Euphemia Grigalunas, 07/14/1939:5