Health & Wellbeing
Money Life & Family
Medical beneits
Dental beneits
Vision beneits
Supplemental health
protection plans
Wellbeing resources
Retirement beneits
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Flexible spending accounts
Life and disability beneits
Financial wellbeing resources
Time Away From
Work Program
Education assistance
Family-focused beneits
CorePlus voluntary beneits
HCA Healthcare
2021 Total Rewards
HCA Healthcare oers a wide range of fair, smart and competitive beneits
that support all aspects of your wellbeing.
Look inside to learn more.
Wherever you work,
whatever your role, you are
part of HCA Healthcare —
where we improve more
lives in more ways.
About HCA Healthcare
HCA Healthcare is a collaborative healthcare
network, driven by physicians, nurses and
colleagues helping one another champion the
practice of medicine to give people a healthier
tomorrow. With a comprehensive network of more
than 270,000 people across 1,800 care facilities,
our scale enables us to deliver great outcomes for
our patients, provide superior nursing care and
be a preferred place for physicians to practice
medicine. We never stop in our pursuit of insights
and care advances based on the knowledge and
data we gain from an unparalleled 31.2 million
patient encounters a year. Every day, we raise the
bar to improve the way healthcare is delivered,
not just in our facilities, but everywhere. We’re
committed to improving more lives in more ways,
and above all else, we are committed to the care
and improvement of human life.
Keeping you informed
As an HCA Healthcare colleague, you’ll
have access to resources that keep you
up to date with the information
about your rewards.
These resources include:
Take care
HCA Healthcare takes care of our colleagues
through a competitive total rewards package
that provides valuable support for your health,
inances, life and family.
HCA Rewards package includes:
Comprehensive medical plans that cover
many common services at no cost or for
a low copay
A 401(k) Plan with a 100% annual match — one
of the most generous in the healthcare industry
Education assistance programs including:
Tuition reimbursement and clinical
certifications support to help you continue
your education
Student loan assistance to help you repay
loans for education you’ve completed
Paid family leave, which oers up to
14 calendar days of paid time o to
eligible colleagues
Free support for all areas of life, including
mental, emotional and financial wellbeing
The HCA Healthcare Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, which allows you to
purchase company stock at a discount
And, that’s just the highlights. The HCA Rewards
package also includes dental, vision, supplemental
health protection plans, identity the protection,
adoption assistance and so much more. HCA Rewards
Quarterly Newsletter
Got a minute?
Sometimes just a few simple steps can help you save money, save time, stay informed and plan for your future. Here are
some tips to get you started. (Look inside for more!)
Enroll in 2021 benefits by Nov. 20, 2020
The annual enrollment period for 2021 benets ends
Nov. 20! If you haven’t already, go to,
click HCA Rewards and select Benets Enrollment Center
to view your options and make your selections.
Get a $650 discount
on HCA Healthcare
medical coverage
You can save $650 on HCA Healthcare medical
plan coverage if you do not use nicotine and you
complete the Nicotine-Use Adavit. You must
complete the adavit during annual benets
enrollment (Nov. 2-20) to get the discount in 2021
— even if you got the discount in 2020.
If you are a nicotine user, you can still earn the
discount if you complete the adavit during
annual benets enrollment and complete the
Quit for Life Program by June 30, 2021.
(Registration opens Nov. 30, 2020.)
Note: The nicotine-free discount is not available for all locations.
Too busy to call?
Account security
Get paid for school work
Support for real life
You must complete the dependent
verication process whenever you
add dependents to healthcare coverage.
BConnected will mail you a notice about
the required documentation, and you can upload the
documents online ( > HCA Rewards
> BConnected). Your dependent(s) will not have benets
coverage if you do not submit the required documents.
Use tools to
simplify your
benefits life
Download the HCA Rewards
app from
to learn about your benets,
check costs for care and
nd providers.
Taking time o? Go to, click
HCA Rewards and select
Time Away From Work to
use the TAFW Planner.
Remember to verify
dependent eligibility
If you participate in the 401(k) Plan and you are
eligible for a distribution from your previous employer’s
retirement plan or qualied IRA, you may be paying
unnecessary administration fees for multiple accounts.
HCA Healthcare partners with Retirement Clearinghouse
to help you consolidate your money. Call (866) 340-3252 or
go to, click HCA Rewards and search
Retirement Clearinghouse.
Consider consolidating your
retirement savings
HCA Rewards
mobile app
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 1
Medical benefits
HCA Healthcare oers the following medical plan options, so you can select the plan
that works best for your needs:
Essential Plan
Well Care Level 1 or Level A Plan
Well Care Level 2 or Level B Plan
Well Care Level 3 or Level C Plan
(available in some locations)
Local HMO or POS Plan (available
in some locations)
Telemedicine through Doctor
On Demand® (if available)
Primary care physician oce visits
Urgent care or walk-in clinic (if available)
Outpatient & inpatient hospital services
(facility charges only)
Emergency services (facility charges only)
Non-preferred generic prescription drugs
All Well Care plans cover oce visits, inpatient and outpatient care and prescriptions.
They dier in the amount you pay for coverage, your cost when you receive care and
how care is covered (e.g., in-network versus out-of-network).
Free healthcare & preferred generic drugs
If you enroll in a Well Care Plan, you get the following care for FREE:
In-network, oce-based preventive care (like mammograms and wellness check-ups)
Preferred generic prescription drugs
AirMed Medical Transport to an HCA Healthcare facility if you or your covered dependent
is hospitalized more than 150 miles from home
Low copays for common services
You’ll have access to these healthcare services for a copay (a low, ixed price) when you use
HCA Healthcare facilities and in-network providers:
For other healthcare services, you pay the full allowable amount until you reach your
deductible. Then, you pay coinsurance (a percentage of the allowable amount), and the
plan pays the rest.
We believe everyone should have access to quality healthcare
No-cost healthcare premiums
HCA Healthcare oers the Employee Health Assistance Fund to provide no-cost healthcare premiums to help colleagues
who qualify.
Low-cost insulin medication and diabetic supplies
Insulin expenses have increased signiicantly, and there are no generics available. That’s why HCA Rewards oers low
copays to help. And, you don’t have to meet your deductible — all you pay is the copay for both medication and supplies.
30-day supply: $25 copay
90-day supply: $60 copay
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Comparing the medical plan options
Essential Plan Level 1/A Plan Level 2/B Plan Level 3/C Plan
Your monthly
Lowest Lower Mid-range Highest
In-network services Copays for many
common services
40% coinsurance
(plan pays 60%)
Copays for many
common services
30% coinsurance
(plan pays 70%)
Copays for many
common services
25% coinsurance
(plan pays 75%)
Copays for many
common services
20% coinsurance
(plan pays 80%)
applies to services
with coinsurance,
such as specialist
oce visits and
out-of-network care)
You’re getting a good deal
When you compare HCA Healthcares overall medical plan costs with what other hospitals oer,
you’ll see you’re getting a good deal.
In fact, from 2017 to 2020, our colleagues’ overall medical plan costs (including copays and
coinsurance) have decreased — due in part to plan changes like primary care physician and
behavioral health copays and updates to prescription drug coverage.
And, during that same time period, paycheck deductions have increased much less than
the national trend.
Hospital Employers Benchmark – Mercer National Survey of
Employer Sponsored Health Plans 20172020
Healthcare Employers Benchmark – Aon SpecSelect, Healthcare
Industry Employer Healthcare Cost Increase Review 2020
Overall Employee Medical
Plan Costs
Other hospital systems
HCA Healthcare
Paycheck Deduction
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 3
Dental benefits
All colleagues at HCA Healthcare facilities are eligible to enroll in the MetLife Dental PPO Plan.
At some facilities, you may also have a Dental HMO option.
MetLife Dental PPO Plan
Under the PPO plans, you may choose any dentist you like, but you receive provider discounts
when you use a MetLife PDP Plus network dentist.
Basic Plan Premium Plan*
$75 / $150 $50 / $100
Preventive services You pay $0 You pay $0
Basic services (illings,
root canals)
You pay 20% You pay 20%
Major services (crowns,
dentures, bridgework)
You pay 50% You pay 50%
Orthodontia You pay 50% (up to $1,500
lifetime maximum)
You pay 50% (up to $2,500
lifetime maximum)
Annual maximum beneit $1,200 $2,000
Waiting period for major
services and orthodontics
None None
* Premium Plan not available in all locations or to certain employed physicians.
Dental HMO Plan
Dental HMOs have fewer out-of-pocket expenses, but you must use providers in the
network to receive any plan beneits. The Dental HMOs oered to HCA Healthcare
colleagues vary by location.
Vision benefits
The EyeMed Vision Plan covers expenses for regular eye exams, lenses, frames and contacts.
When you use an EyeMed provider, you pay a copay or receive an allowance for most covered
services and materials. You can also use a non-EyeMed provider and receive reduced beneits.
The plan:
Covers exams, standard plastic lenses and
contact lenses once every 12 months
and frames once every 24 months
Save up to 40% on your eyewear needs
Oers discounts on laser correction surgery
Coverage varies by location.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Wellbeing resources
HCA Healthcare oers a variety of resources to help you take care of yourself and be at your best.
Overall health & wellbeing
Free preventive care: HCA Healthcare medical plans
include free in-network, oce-based preventive
care benefits. Preventive care, such as wellness
visits and screenings, can show your health is on
track or indicate an issue you should discuss with
your physician.
Healthy living support: Colleagues have free access
to the Motivation Alliance platform, which helps you
set realistic, achievable goals for your physical and
mental health. You can sync your fitness tracker,
try healthy recipes and learn through interactive
tools to help you reach your goals.
Discounts for staying nicotine free: Nicotine is linked
to many harmful health conditions. That’s why we
oer a $650 discount on premiums for most medical
plans to those who are nicotine-free. If you use
nicotine, you can participate in the Quit for Life
Tobacco Cessation Program to earn the discount
and get the help you need to overcome the habit.
Emotional wellbeing
You and your family members have access to conidential
counseling and referral services to:
Talk to a licensed counselor
Get referrals for legal, financial and personal services
Explore resources on topics ranging from parenting to
stress to depression
These resources are free and available 24/7.
Financial education and support
See page 6
Education assistance
See page 11
Family and household help
See page 12
Supplemental health
protection plans
As an HCA Healthcare colleague, you’ll have access to supplemental health protection plans.
Although the HCA Healthcare medical plans oer comprehensive coverage, some participants
may still have some out-of-pocket expenses, including copays, coinsurance and deductibles.
They may also have non-medical expenses, like childcare and transportation. Eligible colleagues
will have the following plans available:
Accident Insurance (Options: Low Plan, High Plan)
Critical Illness Insurance (Options: $15,000 or $30,000)
Hospital Indemnity Insurance (Options: Low Plan, High Plan)
If you participate, you will pay the full cost of coverage deducted from your paycheck on an
aer-tax basis. When you have an eligible claim, you will get a cash beneit — and you choose
how to spend the money. These plans also provide an extra 25% cash beneit for certain
services from HCA Healthcare-aliated providers.
We’re taking care
of all of you.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 5
HCA Healthcare regularly reviews our compensation program to ensure it’s competitive
and fair.
Competitive: We continually review our base pay ranges to ensure they are competitive
within local markets and the healthcare industry.
Fair: During the annual performance review process, your level of expertise, experience
and/or job performance is evaluated, and your pay is based on the results.
Financial wellbeing
As an HCA Healthcare colleague, you will have access to free inancial education and
retirement readiness resources that help you take control, save money and plan for
the future. In 2021, we will introduce a new program that will allow you to:
Speak with a financial coach about your 401(k) plan and retirement planning
Create a customizable financial profile
See how your current financial strategy aligns with a recommendation model
Review your personalized retirement readiness score
Monitor your monthly income projection
Estimate your Social Security for retirement
Access your individual Total Wealth projection
Create a personalized savings plan
You will also have access to free inancial tools and resources that can help you plan
for the future or recover when setbacks happen. The program gives you access to
independent investment strategies, budgeting, goal setting, emergency inancial
guidance and more.
6 HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Flexible Spending
Accounts (FSAs)
FSAs make it possible to put aside money to pay for or reimburse yourself for eligible
healthcare and dependent care out-of-pocket expenses. The money you contribute to
an FSA comes out of your paycheck before taxes, which reduces your taxable income.
HCA Healthcare
oers a Health
Care FSA and a
Day Care FSA.
Note: See back cover for more details.
Lets see how it works
Sample stock price: $147.68 per share
You pay: $132.91 per share (90% of $147.68)
Potential proit: $14.77 per share
The discount received on the purchase of stock through the ESPP is recorded as ordinary income on your paycheck, and the appropriate
taxes will be withheld.
He contributes $1,000 to his
Health Care Flexible Spending
Account before taxes are
deducted  which means he
doesn’t pay taxes on this money.
Money comes out of his
paychecks evenly throughout
the year, so he doesn’t have to
contribute all $1,000 at once.
Larry has an unexpected
medical bill in February
and can use the full
$1,000 to pay the bill.
Larry expects
healthcare expenses
for contact lenses,
doctor visits and
medications in 2021.
Medical Copays
7 HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
The Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
allows you to:
Get a 10% discount on HCA Healthcare stock
Save money for the future
Take ownership in HCA Healthcare
You have four opportunities each year to buy
shares of HCA Healthcare stock at a discount
through convenient paycheck deductions.
Retirement benefits
The 401(k) Plan
The 401(k) Plan combines contributions from your facility with your own contributions
to help you save for the future. Your facility provides a 100% annual match on your
contribution (from 3% to 9% of pay). That means for every $1 you contribute, your facility
contributes $1 (up to your matching level). To receive the annual match, you must be
employed by an HCA Healthcare facility on Dec. 31 and receive pay for at least 1,000 hours
of service during the plan year.
You may contribute from 1% to 50% of your before-tax pay through payroll deductions,
up to the IRS maximum. You can choose how you invest the money in your account based
on your tolerance for risk and how involved you want to be in managing your account.
Vesting refers to when you own the rights to money in your account. You are always 100%
vested in your personal contributions to the Plan. You vest 20% in matching contributions
aer two years of service then vest an additional 20% for every subsequent year of
service. You are 100% vested in matching contributions aer six years.
Years of Vesting Service 401(k) Plan Match
0-4 100% of 3% of pay
5-9 100% of 4% of pay
10-14 100% of 6% of pay
15-19 100% of 7% of pay
20-24 100% of 8% of pay
25+ 100% of 9% of pay
HCA Healthcare cares
HCA Healthcare oers the Employee
Retirement Assistance Contribution (ERAC)
to help colleagues who meet income-based
eligibility criteria save for the future. ERAC
provides a contribution that generally equals
the maximum match, regardless of actual
voluntary contibutions.
Automatic 401(k) Plan enrollment
If you are a newly eligible colleague, you will be automatically
enrolled in the 401(k) Plan on the irst day following two
months of service. Your contribution amount will begin
at 3% of pay, and your facility will match 100% of your
automatic contribution. Your account balance will be
invested in the Pre-Mixed 25-To-Go Fund. Each January,
your contribution rate will automatically increase by 1%,
unless you opt out of this feature. It’s a great way to
increase your savings gradually, which can have a big
impact on your retirement income. See more about
HCA Healthcare’s competitive 401(k) Plan on page 9.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 8
How other companies compare*
So, is the 401(k) Plan competitive?
It is one of the most generous plans oered
by any healthcare company or large employer.
* According to the 2020 Aon Hewitt Beneit SpecSelect
database, which includes 1,819 total employers and
68 healthcare companies.
Only 22% of Fortune 500 Companies oer a maximum match of 9% or higher
Maximum 401(k) match
<4% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9%+
Fortune 500 Companies
of organizations
with this match
HCA Healthcare
Retirement Clearinghouse
If you are eligible for a distribution from your previous employer’s retirement plan or qualiied IRA, you may
want to consider rolling over your assets into the 401(k) Plan or an IRA. Contributing rollover assets into your
retirement plan account is optional. However, there are several beneits of consolidating your retirement holdings
into a single account, including better transparency of investments in your retirement portfolio and decreased
time and expenses required to manage multiple accounts with dierent companies.
HCA Healthcare colleagues are eligible for the Retirement Clearinghouse program, which oers education and
savings tools. Licensed Retirement Clearinghouse counselors can explain your rollover options, help you make an
informed decision and complete any paperwork.
Healthcare Industry
of organizations
with this match
HCA Healthcare
<3% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8%+
Maximum 401(k) match
HCA Healthcare’s 9% match is one of the most generous in the healthcare industry.
Only 16% of healthcare organizations oer a match of 8% or higher.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 9
Life and disability benefits
Employee life insurance benefits
Basic Term Life – Covers you at 1x your base pay and is provided by your facility, at no cost to you.
Supplemental Term LifeAllows you to choose an additional amount of coverage, up to an
amount equal to 8x your base pay. The price you pay for this coverage depends on your age
and salary.
Time Away From Work
Program (TAFW)
Paid Family Leave
The HCA Healthcare TAFW Program includes paid family leave.
Eligible colleagues receive up to 14 calendar days of paid leave
at 100% of your base rate of pay to bond with a new child or care
for a qualifying family member. This family leave beneit can be used
to extend a maternity leave or allow a father two weeks of paid leave
to bond with a new child.
The TAFW Service Center helps manage your absence and makes sure all
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guidelines and other leave and state
laws are applied fairly and consistently to all HCA Healthcare colleagues.
This process ensures you have access to all the beneits available to you.
Note: TAFW beneits and PTO accrual rates may dier by location and may not apply to
certain employed physicians.
Short-term disability
Short-term disability beneits replace a percentage of your
base pay if you are away from work for more than seven
calendar days because of a personal, non-work related
illness or injury. Coverage varies by location and may not
apply to certain employed physicians.
Even when you love your job, you
need time o to recharge and recover.
HCA Healthcare oers paid time o,
paid family leave, disability coverage
and leaves of absence.
Paid Time Off (PTO)
of Service
Monthly Accrual
0-59 13.33 hours
60-119 16.67 hours
120+ 20.00 hours
Note: During your initial enrollment period, you will not be required to provide Evidence of Insurability (EOI) to receive this coverage. EOI, which may include
completing a questionnaire and/or a physical exam, may be required if you decide to add coverage at a later date.
Life and disability beneits entitlement will vary based on your employment status. This section provides a brief overview of certain beneits available to eligible
full-time employees.
Long-term disability
(LTD) benefits
LTD coverage provides income protection if you become
totally disabled and are unable to work for an extended
period of time. LTD pays monthly beneits (at 50% or 60%
of base pay, depending on your election) aer you have
been totally disabled for ive months. You are automatically
enrolled in the plan at the 60% coverage level unless you opt
out or drop to lower coverage level.
Dependent life insurance benefits
If you enroll in employee life insurance, you may also choose dependent life insurance for an
eligible spouse or partner and/or children.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Education assistance
Education unlocks possibilities. That’s why HCA Healthcare invests in your learning
and career development.
Tuition Reimbursement Reimburses up to $5,250 each calendar year for eligible
higher education expenses incurred for current courses
Student Loan
Oers a monthly beneit of $100 (full-time) or $50
(part-time) to help you repay your student loans for
degrees you have already completed
Clinical Certiication
Oers pre-paid vouchers, test fee reimbursements and
bonuses for achieving speciic, nationally recognized clinical
certiications beyond your current position’s requirements
Scholarships and college advising help you give opportunities to the people you love.
Scholarships for
Your Children
The HCA Healthcare Scholars Program, established and funded
by the HCA Healthcare Foundation, oers merit-based higher
education scholarships of up to $5,000 to dependent children
College Coach Provides free one-on-one sessions and webinars with
former college admissions and inance ocers, plus free
online resources to help you and your children plan, apply
and pay for college
Let HCA Healthcare pick up the bill
Galen College of Nursing and HCA Healthcare have worked together to help make nursing education more accessible
than ever. The HCA Healthcare-Galen Grant signiicantly reduces costs for those who wish to continue their nursing
education. Many colleagues may be eligible for the “direct bill” option that allows Galen College to bill HCA Healthcare
directly for tuition. This means you can go back to school without any out-of-pocket tuition expenses!
Get a coach
HCA Healthcare
also oers inancial
wellness coaching,
which provides free and
unlimited one-on-one
sessions with a inancial
wellness coach who
can help you evaluate
student loan repayment
and reinancing plans
and make the most of
the HCA Healthcare
Student Loan
Assistance beneit.
Eligibility for these education assistance benefits may vary by location.
The tuition reimbursement and student loan programs include a lifetime benefit cap.
The value of the HCA Healthcare-Galen Grant may be taxable to recipients in some circumstances.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 11
Caring for the community
At HCA Healthcare, our top priority is taking excellent care of our patients. We improve more lives in
more ways — not only by delivering great care to our patients, but also by taking care of each other and
our communities.
When you donate money to a charity of your choice, HCA Healthcare will match qualifying donations starting
at just $25 (up to $500 each calendar year). HCA Healthcare will also match up to $500 of your contributions
to the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund, which supports colleagues in need. Unlock $200 more for your charity
of choice with every 10 hours of volunteer service you log, up to $1,000 each calendar year.
The HCA Healthcare Hope Fund is an employee-supported, employee-run non-proit that has helped
more than 40,000 HCA Healthcare colleagues and their immediate families in times of hardship,
including disaster, extended illness or injury, domestic violence, death of a loved one and other situations.
to the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund
$500 $1,000
to any 501(c)3 public charity
50 hours
of service
(and 50 hours of service)
($200 per 10 hours
of service)
$500 $1,000
12 HCA Healthcare Total Rewards
Benefits for your life
and family
Consumer discounts
Access to special oers and discounts at more than 200 of the world’s most popular
retailers through Abenity and Corporate Shopping.
Bright Horizons Care Advantage
Free membership for Bright Horizons Care Advantage, a service that helps you ind
caregivers like babysitters, dog walkers, housekeepers and elder care providers. Bright
Horizons also oers programs and resources to help families with special needs children.
Adoption assistance
Help paying for eligible expenses for each child you adopt, including placement fees,
attorney and court fees, and travel expenses to pick up a child.
voluntary benefits
These beneits are designed to complement and supplement the other rewards oered
through your HCA Healthcare facility. When you enroll in a CorePlus plan, the cost of
coverage is deducted from your paycheck on an aer-tax basis.
Pet insurance – Accident, illness and
preventive coverage options for most
types of pets for care received from any
licensed veterinarian
Auto and home insurance – Save up to
15% on auto and home insurance
Legal benefits – Access professional
legal consultation and representation at
special group rates
Voluntary life insurance with conversion
to long-term care option – Access to
up to $100,000 in permanent term life
insurance on a Guaranteed Issue Basis
Identity the protection – Uses
innovative monitoring technology and
alert tools to proactively safeguard
your credit and finances; you have two
coverage options: Benefit Elite Plan and
Ultimate Plan
Supplemental health protection plans
See page 5 for details
Moving assistance
Access discounts and cash back rewards when you need moving, mortgage or real estate
assistance through the SIRVA Home Beneits program.
Mortgage discounts – Shop for competitive
mortgage rates from multiple lenders
and receive a $750 closing cost credit on
purchases or refinances.*
Real estate rewards – Earn $50 cash back
for every $10,000 in home value when you
use a preferred real estate agent to buy or
sell your home.*
Moving services – Receive quality service,
competitive market-based pricing on
interstate (state-to-state) moves, a free
in-home estimate and double valuation
protection (for goods in transit) through
Allied & North American Van Lines.
* Some state restrictions apply. Terms and conditions apply.
HCA Healthcare Total Rewards 13
20-013 2021
HCA Healthcare refers to HCA Holdings, Inc. and its direct or indirect subsidiaries and aliated partnerships and companies,
unless otherwise stated. HCA is a holding company that has no employees. “Facility” means the subsidiaries and aliates
of HCA Healthcare. “Employee” and “colleague” mean employees of the subsidiaries and aliates of HCA Healthcare.
This document is intended to provide general information about the HCA Health and Welfare Beneits Plan and the HCA
Retirement Program. None of the information presented is intended to provide detailed plan speciications, imply eligibility
and/or rights or provide investment advice. In case of conlict, the terms of the relevant plan will govern.
If you are an employee at an HCA Healthcare facility where there is a collective bargaining agreement, not all of the information
contained in this document may apply to you or it may apply to you in a modiied manner.
Note about the ESPP: You should be aware there are risks involved in purchasing shares. HCA Healthcare is not making
a recommendation that you should participate in the ESPP or otherwise purchase shares. You should carefully review your
inancial objectives and other investments and consult with your inancial advisor before enrolling in the plan. In addition,
certain employed physicians, employees of a partnership and union employees may not be eligible for the ESPP based on
regulatory or current agreements.