DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 1
The DD Form 1172-2 shall be used to apply for issuance of a DD Form 2 (Reserve, Retired, and
Reserve Retired), a DD Form 1173, a DD Form 1173-1, a DD Form 2764, a DD Form 2765, and
a Common Access Card (CAC) for eligible individuals who are not enrolled in the Defense
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). The DD Form 1172-2 shall also be used to
enroll eligible individuals in DEERS or to update an eligible individual’s DEERS record by
submitting the form to a Verifying Official (VO) at any Real-time Automated Personnel
Identification System (RAPIDS) Site. Retention and disposition of the DD Form 1172-2 shall be
in accordance with uniformed services' regulatory instructions.
DoD sponsors enrolling their dependents in DEERS should complete Sections I, II, and V.
o For dependents already enrolled in DEERS, CAC-enabled sponsors may logon to the
RAPIDS Self-Service (RSS) Portal to verify their dependents online and digitally create
and sign DD Form 1172-2. Once the CAC-enabled sponsor verifies the dependent via
RSS portal, the DD Form 1172-2 is saved under the dependent’s DEERS record, and
must be printed and submitted to a VO at a RAPIDS Site to support card issuance.
DoD sponsors updating their own status or adding a personnel condition impacting benefits
(e.g., overseas assignment) should complete Sections I and II.
Eligible employees applying for a CAC should complete Sections I and II (and Section IV if
a Foreign Affiliate on orders to the U.S. with authorized dependents). The DD Form 1172-2
should then be provided to a DoD sponsor for authorization and completion of Section III.
DoD personnel sponsoring an eligible individual for a CAC should complete Section III.
For certain populations, a paper form will not be required (e.g., populations entered into
RAPIDS via the Trusted Associate Sponsorship System (TASS)).
A DD Form 577 (signature card) for DoD personnel completing Section III must be on file at
the issuing site for CAC applicants using the DD Form 1172-2 for enrollment. The DD Form
577 may be completed with either a wet or digital signature, selecting the format which will
be used to sign the DD Form 1172-2. If both signature formats will be used, a DD Form 577
for each format must be completed and on file at the issuing site.
Block 1. Name. Enter the sponsor/employee’s LAST name first, enter the FIRST name, and
then enter the MIDDLE initial or the full MIDDLE name. Use no more than 51 characters.
The name field can include a designation of JR, SR, ESQ, or the Roman numerals I
through X. To include that designation, enter the appropriate data after the middle initial.
The name cannot contain any special characters nor is any punctuation permitted.
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 2
Block 2. Gender. Enter the sponsor/employee’s gender from the valid codes listed in Table
1. Use one character.
Table 1. Gender Abbreviations
M Male
F Female
Block 3. Social Security Number (SSN) or DoD Identification (ID) Number. Enter the
sponsor/employee’s SSN or DoD ID Number.
In cases where an employee has not been issued an SSN or DoD ID Number, an ITIN or
Foreign National Identification Number (FNIN) can be provided.
If neither number is available, a Foreign Identification Number (FIN) will be generated
by the system. A FIN (assigned as 900-00-0000F and up) will be assigned and
automatically generated for eligible foreign nationals who do not have an SSN.
An SSN or ITIN is the preferred identifier for initial enrollment. Only in cases where
neither is available should an alternate be used.
For Verifying Officials (VOs): If an SSN or DoD ID Number is already registered in
DEERS for another individual, STOP processing and verify the number. If
verification confirms duplication of the SSN by the Social Security Administration,
continue processing and the system shall automatically generate a duplicate control
number for the additional sponsor/employee.
Block 4. Status. Enter the sponsor/employee’s status from the valid codes listed in Table 2.
If unsure of status, leave blank. Use no more than six characters.
Table 2. Status Codes
ACADMY Academy or Navy Officer Candidate School (OCS) Student
AD Active duty (excluding Guard and Reserve on extended active duty for more than 30 days)
AD-DEC Active duty deceased
CIV Civilian
CONTR Contractor
DAVDEC 100-percent disabled veteran deceased (either temporary (TMP) or permanent (PRM)
DAVPRM 100-percent disabled veteran, permanent disability
DAVTMP 100-percent disabled veteran, temporary disability
FP Foreign military personnel
Former member who is in receipt of retired pay for non-regular service but who has been
discharged from the Service and maintains no military affiliation
A former member who qualified for retired pay for non-regular service at his or her sixtieth
birthday, before his or her discharge from the Service, but died while in receipt of retired pay
GRD National Guard (all categories)
GRDDEC National Guard deceased
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 3
GRD-AD Guard on extended active duty for more than 30 days
MH Medal of Honor recipient
MH-DEC Medal of Honor recipient deceased
Non-DoD eligible beneficiaries (including credit union employees, and other civilians employed in
support of U.S. forces overseas, who are authorized benefits and privileges)
PDRL Retired member, on the Permanent Disability Retired List (PDRL)
PR-APL Prisoner or Appellate leave
RCL-AD Recalled to active duty
RES Reserve (all categories)
RES-AD Reserve members on extended active duty for more than 30 days
RESDEC Reserve deceased
RESRET National Guard and Reserve members who retire, but are not entitled to retired pay until age 60
RET Retired member entitled to retired pay
Deceased retired member entitled to retired pay. Code applies to active duty retired, Retired
Reserve beginning on their 60th birthday, the TDRL, and the PDRL.
Special Separation Benefits (SSB) recipient member with 120 days medical benefits
TDRL Retired member, on the TDRL
TA-RES Selected Reserve Transition Assistance Management Program members and their eligible
TA-30 Involuntarily separated member of Reserve or Guard Component entitled to 30 days medical
benefits (CHAMPUS/TRICARE and MTF)
TA-60 Involuntarily separated member with 60 days medical benefits (CHAMPUS/TRICARE and MTF)
TA-120 Involuntarily separated member with 120 days medical benefits (CHAMPUS/TRICARE and MTF)
TA-180 Involuntarily separated member with 180 days medical benefits (CHAMPUS/TRICARE and MTF).
VSI Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) recipient with 120 days medical benefits
Block 5. Organization. Enter the sponsor/employee’s organization, branch, or service from
the valid codes listed in Table 3. Use no more than five characters.
Table 3. Organization/Branch/Service Codes
USA U.S. Army
USAF U.S. Air Force
USN U.S. Navy
USMC U.S. Marine Corps
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
USPHS U.S. Public Health Service
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric
DoD Department of Defense
FED Employee of an Agency other than DoD
OTHER Used when the sponsor/employee is not
affiliated with one of the uniformed services
listed above
Block 6. Pay Grade. Enter the sponsor/employee’s pay grade from the valid codes listed in
Table 4. Use no more than four characters.
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 4
Table 4. Pay Grade Codes
El-E9 Enlisted pay grades 1 through 9
W1-W5 Warrant officer pay grades 1 through 5
STDT Academy and/or Navy OCS student (ENTER PAY GRADE IF
001-011 Officer pay grades 1 through 11 (011 is reserved)
GS01-GS18 Federal employees with General Schedule pay grades
NF1-NF6 Federal employees with Nonappropriated Fund pay grades
OTHER Other (non-uniformed service) pay grades not defined above,
to include all contractors
N/A Not applicable. Use this code with the Block 4 status codes of
Block 7. GEN. CAT (Geneva Convention Category). Leave this block blank. This block is
automatically generated by DEERS/RAPIDS with the valid codes listed in Table 5.
Table 5. GEN CAT
I Category I (pay grades E1 through E4)
II Category II (pay grades E5 through E9)
III Category III (pay grades W1 through 003 and/or
Cadets and/or Midshipmen)
IV Category IV (pay grades 004 through 006)
V Category V (pay grades 007 through 011)
N/A Not applicable (non-protected personnel)
Block 8. Citizenship. Enter the sponsor/employee's appropriate country of citizenship from
the valid codes listed in Table 6. Use three characters.
Table 6. Country Abbreviations
Afghanistan AFG
Akrotiri XQZ
Albania ALB
Algeria DZA
American Samoa ASM
Andorra AND
Angola AGO
Anguilla AIA
Antarctica ATA
Antigua and Barbuda ATG
Argentina ARG
Armenia ARM
Aruba ABW
Ashmore and Cartier
Australia AUS
Austria AUT
Azerbaijan AZE
Bahamas, The BHS
Bahrain BHR
Baker Island XBK
Bangladesh BGD
Barbados BRB
Bassas da India XBI
Belarus BLR
Belgium BEL
Belize BLZ
Benin BEN
Bermuda BMU
Bhutan BTN
Bolivia BOL
Bonaire, Sint
Eustatius, and Saba
Bosnia and
Botswana BWA
Bouvet Island BVT
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 5
Brazil BRA
British Indian Ocean
Brunei BRN
Bulgaria BGR
Burkina Faso BFA
Burma MMR
Burundi BDI
Cambodia KHM
Cameroon CMR
Canada CAN
Cape Verde CPV
Cayman Islands CYM
Central African
Chad TCD
Chile CHL
China CHN
Christmas Island CXR
Clipperton Island CPT
Cocos (Keeling)
Colombia COL
Comoros COM
Congo (Brazzaville) COG
Congo (Kinshasa) COD
Cook Islands COK
Coral Sea Islands XCS
Costa Rica CRI
Cote DIvoire CIV
Croatia HRV
Cuba CUB
Curacao CUW
Cyprus CYP
Czech Republic CZE
Denmark DNK
Dhekelia XXD
Diego Garcia DGA
Djibouti DJI
Dominica DMA
Dominican Republic DOM
Ecuador ECU
Egypt EGY
El Salvador SLV
Equatorial Guinea GNQ
Eritrea ERI
Estonia EST
Ethiopia ETH
Etorofu Habomai
Kunashiri and
Shikotan Islands
Europa Island XEU
Falkland Islands (Islas
Faroe Islands FRO
Fiji FJI
Finland FIN
France FRA
French Guiana GUF
French Polynesia PYF
French Southern and
Antarctic Lands
Gabon GAB
Gambia The GMB
Gaza Strip XGZ
Georgia GEO
Germany DEU
Ghana GHA
Gibraltar GIB
Glorioso Islands XGL
Greece GRC
Greenland GRL
Grenada GRD
Guadeloupe GLP
Guam GUM
Guantanamo Bay
Naval Base
Guatemala GTM
Guernsey GGY
Guinea GIN
Guinea-Bissau GNB
Guyana GUY
Haiti HTI
Heard Island and
McDonald Islands
Honduras HND
Hong Kong HKG
Howland Island XHO
Hungary HUN
Iceland ISL
India IND
Indonesia IDN
Iran IRN
Iraq IRQ
Ireland IRL
Isle of Man IMN
Israel ISR
Italy ITA
Jamaica JAM
Jan Mayen XJM
Japan JPN
Jarvis Island XJV
Jersey JEY
Johnston Atoll XJA
Jordan JOR
Juan de Nova Island XJN
Kazakhstan KAZ
Kenya KEN
Kingman Reef XKR
Kiribati KIR
Korea, North PRK
Korea, South KOR
Kosovo XKS
Kuwait KWT
Kyrgyzstan KGZ
Laos LAO
Latvia LVA
Lebanon LBN
Lesotho LSO
Liberia LBR
Libya LBY
Liechtenstein LIE
Lithuania LTU
Luxembourg LUX
Macau MAC
Macedonia MKD
Madagascar MDG
Malawi MWI
Malaysia MYS
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 6
Maldives MDV
Mali MLI
Malta MLT
Marshall Islands MHL
Martinique MTQ
Mauritania MRT
Mauritius MUS
Mayotte MYT
Mexico MEX
Micronesia, Federated
States of
Midway Islands XMW
Moldova MDA
Monaco MCO
Mongolia MNG
Montenegro MNE
Montserrat MSR
Morocco MAR
Mozambique MOZ
Namibia NAM
Nauru NRU
Navassa Island XNV
Nepal NPL
Netherlands NLD
New Caledonia NCL
New Zealand NZL
Nicaragua NIC
Niger NER
Nigeria NGA
Niue NIU
Norfolk Island NFK
Northern Mariana
Norway NOR
Oman OMN
Pakistan PAK
Palau PLW
Palestinian Territory PSE
Palmyra Atoll XPL
Panama PAN
Papua New Guinea PNG
Paracel Islands XPR
Paraguay PRY
Peru PER
Philippines PHL
Pitcairn Islands PCN
Poland POL
Portugal PRT
Puerto Rico PRI
Qatar QAT
Reunion REU
Romania ROU
Russia RUS
Rwanda RWA
Saint Barthelemy BLM
Saint Helena,
Ascension, and Tristan
da Cunha
Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA
Saint Lucia LCA
Saint Martin MAF
Saint Pierre and
Saint Vincent and the
Samoa WSM
San Marino SMR
Sao Tome and
Saudi Arabia SAU
Senegal SEN
Serbia SRB
Seychelles SYC
Sierra Leone SLE
Singapore SGP
Sint Maarten SXM
Slovakia SVK
Slovenia SVN
Solomon Islands SLB
Somalia SOM
South Africa ZAF
South Georgia and
South Sandwich
South Sudan SSD
Spain ESP
Spratly Islands XSP
Sri Lanka LKA
Sudan SDN
Suriname SUR
Svalbard XSV
Swaziland SWZ
Sweden SWE
Switzerland CHE
Syria SYR
Taiwan TWN
Tajikistan TJK
Tanzania TZA
Thailand THA
Timor-Leste TLS
Togo TGO
Tokelau TKL
Tonga TON
Trinidad and Tobago TTO
Tromelin Island XTR
Tunisia TUN
Turkey TUR
Turkmenistan TKM
Turks and Caicos
Tuvalu TUV
Uganda UGA
Ukraine UKR
United Arab Emirates ARE
United Kingdom GBR
United States USA
Unknown AX1
Uruguay URY
Uzbekistan UZB
Vanuatu VUT
Vatican City VAT
Venezuela VEN
Vietnam VNM
Virgin Islands. British VGB
Virgin Islands, U.S. VIR
Wake Island XWK
Wallis and Futuna WLF
West Bank XWB
Western Sahara ESH
Yemen YEM
DD Form 1172-2 Instructions (September 2018) 7
Zambia ZMB
Zimbabwe ZWE
Block 9. Date of Birth. Enter the sponsor/employee's date of birth, four-digit year, three
alpha-character month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD). Use nine characters.
Block 10. Place of Birth. Enter the sponsor/employee's place of birth, including city, state,
and country, if outside the United States.
Enter the state of the sponsor/employee’s place of birth from the valid codes listed in
Table 7.
If place of birth is a foreign country, enter the country from the valid codes listed in Table
Table 7. State Abbreviations
Alabama AL
Alaska AK
American Samoa AS
Arizona AZ
Arkansas AR
California CA
Colorado CO
Connecticut CT
Delaware DE
District of Columbia DC
Florida FL
Georgia GA
Guam GU
Hawaii HI
Idaho ID
Illinois IL
Indiana IN
Iowa IA
Kansas KS
Kentucky KY
Louisiana LA
Maine ME
Maryland MD
Massachusetts MA
Michigan MI
Minnesota MN
Mississippi MS
Missouri MO
Montana MT
Nebraska NE
Nevada NV
New Hampshire NH
New Jersey NJ
New Mexico NM
New York NY
North Carolina NC
North Dakota ND
Ohio OH
Oklahoma OK
Oregon OR
Pennsylvania PA
Puerto Rico PR
Rhode Island RI
South Carolina SC
South Dakota SD
Tennessee TN
Texas TX
Utah UT
Vermont VT
Virginia VA
Virgin Islands VI
Washington WA
West Virginia WV
Wisconsin WI
Wyoming WY
Block 11. Current Home Address. Enter the number and street of the sponsor/employee's
current home address. Use no more than 27 characters.
If sponsor is deceased or if address is unknown, leave blank.
Block 12. City. Enter the sponsor/employee's current city of residence. Use no more than
18 characters.
If the sponsor/employee's address is an Army Post Office (APO) or a Fleet Post Office
(FPO), enter the designation APO or FPO.
If the sponsor is deceased or city is unknown, leave blank.
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Block 13. State. Enter the correct U.S. postal code for the state of the sponsor/employee’s
residence from the valid codes listed in Table 7. Use two characters.
If the sponsor/employee's address is an APO or FPO, enter the correct APO or FPO State.
If the sponsor/employee lives outside of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, or
one of the listed territories and possessions, leave blank.
If the sponsor is deceased or if the state is unknown, leave blank.
Block 14. ZIP Code. Enter the correct nine-digit ZIP code of the sponsor/employee's current
residence address in the following format: “123456789.” Use no more than nine characters.
If the last four digits are unknown, enter four zeros (0000); e.g., “123450000.”
If the sponsor/employee does not reside in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia,
or one of the territories or possessions, enter the applicable foreign ZIP code, or APO or
FPO number.
If the sponsor is deceased or if the ZIP code is unknown, leave blank.
Block 15. Country. Enter the sponsor/employee’s correct country of residence from the
valid abbreviations listed in Table 6. Use three characters.
If the sponsor/employee’s address is an APO or FPO, the country must be “US.”
If country is unknown, enter AXI.
Block 16. Primary E-mail Address. Enter the sponsor/employee's home/personal e-mail
address as applicable.
This block may be left blank.
The “Permission to use for benefits notifications” checkbox can be checked to verify
permission for DoD to contact the included email address with DoD- and Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA)-related benefits notifications.
Block 17. Telephone Number. Enter the sponsor/employee's current residence, duty, or
business telephone number beginning with the area code. Use no more than 10 characters.
Do not use punctuation to separate area code, prefix, and basic number.
This block may be left blank.
Block 18. City of Duty Location. Enter the city of the sponsor/employee's duty location.
Block 19. State of Duty Location. Enter the correct U.S. postal code for the state of the
sponsor/employee’s duty location from the valid codes listed in Table 7. Use two characters.
If the sponsor/employee's address is an APO or FPO, enter the correct APO or FPO State.
If the sponsor/employee lives outside of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia, or
one of the listed trust territories, leave blank.
If the sponsor is deceased or if the state is unknown, leave blank.
Block 20. Country of Duty Location. Enter the correct country of the sponsor/employee’s
duty location from the valid codes listed in Table 6. Use three characters.
If the country is not listed, enter AXI.
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Block 21. Remarks. Enter the method of verification and further explanation of qualifying
Qualifying status may include SF 52, sponsoring agency, and period of DEERS
enrollment, or other appropriate comments, such as particular work assignment.
This section may be left blank, or prepopulated by the VO.
Block 22. Sponsor/Employee Signature. Block must contain the sponsor/employee’s
When the DD Form 1172-2 is not signed in the presence of the VO at the time of DEERS
enrollment, the signature must be notarized. The notary seal and signature should be
placed in the right margin of Block 21.
The following exceptions to this requirement are authorized:
1. Unremarried or unmarried former spouses shall sign for themselves.
2. When the sponsor is deceased, the survivors shall sign for themselves.
3. When the sponsor is unavailable for signature, the VO shall ensure that the
dependency between the sponsor and family member exists. The VO shall follow the
guidance provided in the applicable Uniformed Service regulation.
Block 23. Date Signed. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character month, and
two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), that the DD Form 1172-2 Block 22 was signed.
Block 24. Sponsoring Office Name. Enter the name of the organization the employee works
for or is assigned to.
The sponsoring official shall be a uniformed service member or civilian employee
working for the sponsoring organization.
Block 25. Contract Number. Enter the contract number for the purposes of entry into the
Block 26. Sponsoring Office Address. Enter the number and street, city, state, and zip code
of the employee's sponsoring office address. See Table 7 for state abbreviations.
Block 27. Sponsoring Office Telephone Number. Enter the sponsoring office telephone
number beginning with the area code. Use no more than 14 characters.
Do not use punctuation to separate area code, prefix, and basic number.
Block 28. Office Email Address. Enter the employee's office e-mail address, as applicable.
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Block 29. Overseas Assignment. Enter the employee’s country of assignment. See Table 6
for country codes.
Obtain this information from the employee’s Travel Authorization.
Block 30. Overseas Assignment Begin Date. Enter the employee’s effective begin date,
four-digit year, three alpha-character month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD),
for the overseas assignment.
Obtain this information from the employee’s Travel Authorization.
Block 31. Overseas Assignment End Date. Enter the employee’s effective end date, four-
digit year, three alpha-character month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), of the
overseas assignment.
The period of employment may be obtained from the employee’s Travel Authorization.
Block 32. Eligibility Effective Date. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character
month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), the employee’s qualifying status
Block 33. Eligibility Expiration Date. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character
month, and two-digit day format (YYYMMMDD), the employee’s qualifying status ends,
not to exceed three years.
Block 34. Sponsoring Official Name. Enter the name of the sponsoring official. Use no
more than 51 characters.
Block 35. Unit/Organization Name. Enter the unit and/or command name for the sponsoring
official. Use no more than 26 characters.
Block 36. Title. Enter the sponsoring official's title. Use no more than 24 characters.
Block 37. Pay Grade. Enter the sponsoring official’s pay grade. Use no more than four
Block 38. Signature. The sponsoring official must sign in that block.
Block 39. Date Verified. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character month, and
two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), that the DD Form 1172-2 Block 38 was signed.
Block 40. Verifying Official Name (Last, First, Middle Initial). Enter the VO’s LAST name
first, enter the FIRST name, and then enter the MIDDLE initial or the full MIDDLE name.
Use no more than 51 characters.
Block 41. Site Identification. Enter the VO’s 6-digit site ID.
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Block 42. Telephone Number (Include Area Code/DSN). Enter the VO’s duty-station or
business telephone number beginning with the area code. Use no more than 10 characters.
Do not use punctuation to separate area code, prefix, and basic number.
Block 43. Signature. VO must sign in the block.
Section A (Blocks 40-51)
Block 44. Name. Enter the dependent’s LAST name first, enter the FIRST name, and then
enter the MIDDLE initial or the full MIDDLE name. Use no more than 51 characters.
The name field can include a designation of JR, SR, ESQ, or the Roman numerals I
through X. To include that designation, enter the appropriate data after the middle initial.
The name cannot contain any special characters nor is any punctuation permitted.
Block 45. Gender. Enter the dependent’s gender from the valid codes listed in Table 1. Use
one character.
Block 46. Date of Birth. Enter the dependent’s date of birth, four-digit year, three alpha
character month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD).
Block 47. Relationship. Enter the dependent’s relationship to the sponsor from the valid
abbreviations listed in Table 9.
Table 9. Relationship Codes
CH Child
DB DoD Beneficiary
FC Foster Child
PAR Parent
PL Parent-in-law
PACH Pre-adoptive Child
SP Spouse
SC Stepchild
STP Stepparent
SPL Stepparent-in-law
UMW Unmarried Widow(er)
URW Unremarried Widow(er)
Block 48. SSN or DoD ID Number. Enter the dependent’s SSN, DoD ID number, ITIN or
temporary identification number (TIN).
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A TIN will be automatically generated by RAPIDS and assigned for categories of
beneficiaries who do not yet have SSNs, such as newborns and foreign spouses, awaiting
an SSN, or for those who do not have and are not eligible for an SSN. Direct care at
military treatment facilities will be suspended if an SSN is not provided within 270 days.
For initial enrollment an SSN, ITIN or TIN is preferred, and an alternate should not be
used unless the SSN, ITIN or TIN is unavailable.
Block 49. Current Home Address. Enter the number and street of the dependent’s current
home address.
Block 50. Primary E-mail Address. Enter the dependent’s preferred e-mail address as
This block may be left blank.
For dependents aged 18 and older, check “Permission to use for benefits notifications (18
and above)” to verify permission for DoD to contact the included email address with
DoD- and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-related benefits notifications.
Block 51. Telephone Number. Enter the dependent’s primary telephone number beginning
with the area code. Use no more than 10 characters.
Do not use punctuation to separate area code, prefix, and basic number.
This block may be left blank.
Block 52. City. Enter the dependent’s current city of residence.
If the dependent's address is an APO or FPO, enter the designation APO or FPO.
Block 53. State. Enter the correct U.S. postal code for the state of the dependent’s residence
from the valid codes listed in Table 7. Use two characters.
Block 54. Zip Code. Enter the correct nine-digit ZIP Code of the dependent's current
residence address in the following format: “123456789.”
If the last four digits are unknown, enter four zeros (0000); e.g., “123450000.”
If the dependent does not reside in one of the 50 United States, the District of Columbia,
or one of the listed trust territories, enter the applicable foreign ZIP Code, or APO or FPO
Block 55. Country. Enter the dependent’s correct country of residence from the valid
abbreviations listed in Table 6. Use three characters.
If the dependent’s address is an APO or FPO, the country must be “US.”
If country is unknown, enter AXI.
Block 56. Eligibility Effective Date. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character
month, and two-digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), the when the dependent’s qualifying
status began.
Block 57. Eligibility Expiration Date. Leave blank.
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Sections B (Blocks 58-71). Enter information following the instructions in Section A.
Block 72. Signature. Card recipient must sign in the block. If the recipient is incapable of
signing, the condition must be indicated in that block.
Block 73. Date Issued. Enter the date, four-digit year, three alpha-character month, and two-
digit day format (YYYYMMMDD), the recipient acknowledged receipt of the ID card. Use
nine characters.