Health Insurance—Making A Choice Following Loss of Employment
When you have lost your job, you may have also lost your health insurance. You have options to either
retain your current coverage or to obtain new coverage. The following information may be of
assistance to you as consider what is best for you.
Federal Marketplace
You can purchase health insurance for yourself or for you and your family on the federal marketplace if
you lose coverage due to the loss of your job. This is called a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). You
will have sixty days to enroll after you lose coverage OR if you expect to lose your coverage in the next
60 days.
Depending upon your income, you may be eligible for a subsidy to help you pay your premium.
Additional nancial assistance to pay for co-payments for your medications or doctor visits may also
be available if you qualify due to your income. To see if you potentially qualify for a subsidy prior to the
purchase of a plan, the Department recommends you visit the Kaiser Family Foundation website.
Please note that this website is for informational purposes only.
To sign up for a plan, you will need to:
Work with a licensed insurance agent;
Visit to directly sign up for a plan with the federal marketplace; or
Call 1-800-318-2596.
When you look at the price of the plan, you should also factor in the cost of the deductible and
out-of-pocket expenses. You will also want to make sure that your medical providers are in the plan
you select.
If you purchase through the federal marketplace, you will be asked to ll out an application. You may
also be asked for additional information regarding the loss of your previous health insurance
coverage. Once you ll out the application, youll nd out if you qualify for a subsidy to help you pay
for your premium and your out-of-pocket health care costs. You might also discover that you, or
members of your family, may be eligible for Medicaid or the Childrens Health Insurance Program
(CHIP). If you purchase coverage through the federal marketplace, your coverage date is based upon
when you pick a plan. Typically, the coverage will start on the rst day of the month after you pay your
premium for the plan you pick.
There are two companies currently offering coverage on the marketplace in 2020 in Nebraska—Bright
Health and Medica.
For more information on a marketplace special enrollment period and if you potentially qualify, please
click here.
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If you had coverage through your employer, and your employer had more than 20 employees, you
may be eligible for continuation of your health insurance coverage through your employer
plan. The coverage can continue for up to 18 months. Some may choose this option if they have
already had signicant medical expenses, and have met their deductibles or out-of-pocket
expenses under their plan.
Carefully research your options before making a decision. The cost may be more expensive
than a plan on the marketplace. Youll need to consider that you will pay the full premium costs,
without any contribution by your former employer or the government, plus you will pay an
additional administrative fee. To nd out more about those costs, contact the human resources
division of your former employer.
If you opt for COBRA coverage, your ability to obtain a marketplace plan may be limited until the
next marketplace open enrollment period. An open enrollment period typically runs from
November 1 through December 15. If you are outside of the open enrollment timeframe, the only
way to get into a marketplace plan is through a Special Enrollment Period, during the next open
enrollment period, or if your costs of the COBRA coverage change. You may be in locked into
your COBRA plan for some time until one of those events occur resulting in signicant cost to
you. More information on that situation can be found here.
The Nebraska Health Insurance Continuation of Coverage Act, or mini-COBRA, is a state law
that allows for the continuation of your employer-sponsored health insurance coverage and
applies to employers with 20 or less employees. If you are involuntarily terminated, for reasons
other than misconduct, mini-COBRA allows you to keep your coverage on a monthly basis until
one of the following events happen:
The date of expiration of a period of six months following the date the coverage of the
terminated employee would otherwise be terminated, or
The date of the terminated employee becomes eligible for other group coverage or becomes
eligible for Medicare, or
The date of expiration of the monthly period for which premiums were paid in the event of a
non-payment of premium, or
The date the terminated employee exercised the privilege provide under the group policy to
convert to an individual or family plan, or
The date on which the group plan or HMO agreement is terminated or the employer
terminates participation under the group plan or HMO.
If you opt for Mini-COBRA coverage, please keep in mind that you will pay the total cost of the
plan plus an administrative fee of 2%. The cost of the plan can be very expensive. Your former
employer does not contribute to the payment of the plan and there is no subsidy available from
the government to assist in payment. If you fail to make the premium payments, you will be
terminated from the plan.
Any questions concerning the Federal Marketplace, COBRA, or mini-COBRA may be directed to
Martin Swanson at or Laura Arp at
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