Center for the Study of Higher Education
Department of Educational Policy Studies and Practice
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0069
(520) 621-0954
Higher Education and Organizational Change
University of California, Los Angeles
Dissertation: The Shaping of the Departmental Culture:
Measuring the Relative Influences of the Institution
and Discipline, chaired by Dr. Alexander Astin
Higher Education and Organizational Change
University of California, Los Angeles
Social Ecology, with African American Studies Minor
University of California, Irvine
University of Arizona
2023-present. Interim Vice President of Arizona International, Dean of International
Education, and CEO of University of Arizona Global Operations
2015-2023. Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education
2021-2024. Dean’s Fellow for Internationalization
2009-2015. Associate Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education
2009-2011. Director, Center for the Study of Higher Education
2003-2009. Assistant Professor, Center for the Study of Higher Education
University of California, Los Angeles
2003-2004. Affiliate Assistant Professor, Higher Education Research Institute
2002-2003. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Higher Education Research Institute
2001-2002. Research Analyst, Transfer and Retention for Urban Community College
Students (TRUCCS) Project
2000-2002. Research Analyst, Higher Education Research Institute
1998-2000. Research Analyst, Education Department
University of California, Irvine
1995-1998. Academic Counselor, Division of Undergraduate Education
Lee, Jenny J. (Ed.). (2021). U.S. Power in International Higher Education. New Jersey:
Rutgers University Press. (Book is winner of the 2021 ASHE CIHE Award for Significant
Research on International Higher Education & 2023 CIES HEISIG Best Book Award)
Sehoole, Chika & Jenny J. Lee. [Eds.] (2021). Intra-Africa Student Mobility in Higher
Education: Challenges, Strengths and Prospects. Springer International Publishing.
Refereed Journal Manuscripts
Haupt, J. & Lee, Jenny J. (2023). Scientific Collaboration Formation: Network
Mechanisms, Bonding Social Capital, and Particularized Trust in US and China
Collaboration on COVID-19. Higher Education.
Lee, Jenny J. & Li, Xiaojie (2023). Neo-racism, Neo-nationalism, and the Costs for
Scientific Competitiveness: The China Initiative in the United States. Review of Higher
Education, 46, 3, 285-309.
National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2023). Foreign-Funded
Language and Culture Institutes at U.S. Institutions of Higher Education. Washington,
DC: The National Academies Press.
National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2023).
Confucius Institutes at US Institutions of Higher Education. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press.
Ghosh, S., Haupt, J., & Lee, Jenny J. (2021). Understanding the Attraction of the
Microcampus: A Quantitative Investigation of Students’ Motivations to Enroll in
Transnational Education. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 13,
5, 53-71.
Li, Xiaojie, Haupt, J., & Lee, Jenny J. (2021). Student mobility choices in transnational
education: Impact of macro-, meso- and micro-level factors. Journal of Higher Education
Policy and Management, 43, 6, 639-653.
Lee, Jenny J. & Stensaker, B. (2021). Research on internationalization and globalization
in higher education: Reflections on historical paths, current perspectives and future
possibilities. European Journal of Education.
Lee, Jenny J. & Haupt, John P. (2021). Scientific Collaboration on COVID-19 Amidst
Geopolitical Tensions between the US and China. Journal of Higher Education, 92, 2, 303-
Lee, Jenny J. & Haupt, John P. (2021). Scientific Globalism During A Global Crisis:
Research Collaboration and Open Access Publications on COVID-19. Higher Education,
81, 949966.
Sehoole, Chika & Jenny J. Lee (2020). South Africa as a Geopolitical Hub for Migration
and International Student Mobility. Higher Education Governance and Policy, 1(2): 99-
Calikoglu, Alper, Lee, Jenny J., & Arslan, Hasan. (2020). Faculty international
engagement: Examining rationales, strategies, and barriers in institutional settings.
Journal of Studies in International Education.
Lee, Jenny J., Hillary Vance, Bjorn Stensaker, & Sowmya Ghosh. (2020). Global Rankings
at a Local Cost? The Strategic Pursuit of Status and Third Mission. Comparative
Education 56:2, 236-256.
Lee, Jenny J. & Sehoole, Chika (2020). International Students Seeking Political Stability
and Safety in South Africa. Higher Education Policy, 33: 305-322.
Lee, Jenny J. & Haupt, John P. (2020). Winners and Losers in US-China Scientific
Research Collaborations. Higher Education, 80:57-74. (CIES Higher Education SIG's Best
Article Award, Honorable Mention)
Rhoades, Gary, Castiello, Santiago, Lee, Jenny J., O’Toole, Leslie, Marei, Mahmoud (2019).
Marketing to international students: Presentation of university self in geopolitical
space. The Review of Higher Education, 43(2): 519-551.
Olave-Torres, Blanca. & Jenny J. Lee (2019). Shifting Positionalities Across International
Locations: Embodied Knowledge, Time-Geography, and the Polyvalence of Privilege.
Higher Education Quarterly, 74: 136 148.
Stensaker, B., Lee, J., Rhoades, G., Ghosh, S., Castiello, S., Vance, H., Calikoglu, A., Kramer,
V., Lu, S., Marei, M., O'Toole, L, Pavluytkin, I., & Peel, C. (2019). Stratified University
Strategies: The Shaping of Institutional Legitimacy in a Global Perspective. The Journal
of Higher Education, 90: 539-562
Glass, Christopher & Jenny J. Lee (2018). When Internationalization Funding Feels
Tight: Satisfaction with Funding and Campus Internationalization Strategies. Journal of
Studies in International Education, 22 (4): 302-316.
Lee, Jenny J., Kopgang Paulidor, & Mann Axel Mpaga. (2018). Sliding Doors: Strategic
Ambiguity in Study Visas to South Africa. Studies in Higher Education, 43(11): 1979-
Cantwell, Brendan, Jenny J. Lee, & Yeukai Mlambo (2018). International graduate student
labor as mergers and acquisitions. International Student Journal, 8 (4): 14831498.
Li, Xiaojie & Jenny J. Lee (2018). Acquisitions or Mergers? International Students’
Satisfaction with Work Availability. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice,
55(1), 91-104.
Lee, Jenny J., Lydia F. Bell, & Stephanie Levitt Shaulsky (2017). Exploring mentor’s
perceptions of mentees and the mentoring relationship in a multicultural service-
learning context. Active Learning in Higher Education, 18(3): 243-256
Lee, Jenny J. (2017). Neo-nationalism in higher education: Case of South Africa. Studies in
Higher Education, 42(5), 869-886.
Kollasch, Aurelia, Jenny J. Lee, & Michael Solem (2017). Developing Workplace Skills
and Competencies in Geography Graduate Programs. Research in Geographic Education,
Lee, Jenny J., Jae E. Jon, & Kiyong Byun (2017). Neo-Racism and neo-nationalism within
Asia: the experiences of international students in South Korea. Journal of Studies in
International Education, 21(2), 136-155. (European Association for International
Education “Top Reads of 2017”)
Lee, Jenny J. & Chika Sehoole (2015). Regional, continental, and global mobility to an
emerging economy: The case of South Africa. Higher Education, 70(5), 827-843.
Deschamps, Eric & Jenny J. Lee (2015). Internationalization as mergers and
acquisitions: senior international officers’ entrepreneurial strategies and activities in
public universities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 19,122-139.
Jon, Jae E., Jenny J. Lee & Kiyong Byun (2014). The emergence of a regional hub:
Comparing international student choices and experiences in South Korea. Higher
Education, 67(5), 691-710.
Hensley, Martin B., Mika Galilee-Belfer, & Jenny J. Lee (2013). The greater good:
Framing the role of higher education in the new economy. Journal of Higher Education
Policy and Management, 35(5), 553-567.
Lee, Jenny J. & Helm, Matthew (2013). Student affairs capitalism. Journal of Student
Affairs Research and Practice, 50(3), 233-354.
Solem, Michael, Aurelia Kollasch, & Jenny J. Lee (2012). Career goals, pathways, and
competencies of geography graduate students in the United States. Journal of Geography
in Higher Education, 37(1), 92-116.
Kiyama, Judy, Jenny J. Lee, & Gary Rhoades. (2012). A critical agency network model for
building an integrated outreach program. Journal of Higher Education, 83(2), 276-303.
Espino, Michelle & Jenny J. Lee (2011). Understanding resistance: Reflections of race
and privilege through service-learning. Equity and Excellence in Education, 44(2), 136-
Lee, Jenny J. & Thomas Opio (2011). Coming to America: Challenges and difficulties
faced by African international student athletes. Sport, Education and Society, 16(5), 629-
644. (Featured in Runners World, January 2014)
Solem, Michael, Jenny Lee, & Beth Schlemper (2011). Departmental climate and student
experiences in graduate geography programs: Research for Enhancing Departments
and Graduate Education. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 35(1), 5-9.
Lee, Jenny J. & Michelle Espino (2010). Critical community service: Beyond individual
gains and towards social change. College Student Affairs Journal, 29(1), 1-16.
Cantwell, Brendan & Jenny J. Lee (2010). Unseen workers in the academic factory:
Perceptions of neo-racism among international postdocs in the US and UK. Harvard
Education Review, 80(4), 490-517.
Burchell, Jill, Jenny J. Lee, & Sara Olson (2010). Student affairs staff and their spiritual
discussions with students. Religion and Education, 37(2), 114128.
--Reprinted as: Burchell, Jill, Jenny J. Lee, & Sara Olson (2011). Student affairs staff and
their spiritual discussions with students. In M. Waggoner (Ed), Sacred and Secular
Tensions in Higher Education: Connecting Parallel Universities. New York: Routledge.
Lee, Jenny J. (2010). International students’ experiences and attitudes at a US host
institution: Self-reports and future recommendations. Journal of Research in
International Education, 9(1), 66-84.
Kim, Karen, Linda Sax, Jenny J. Lee, & Linda Hagedorn (2010). Redefining
‘nontraditional’ students: exploring the self-perceptions of community college students.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 34(5), 402-422.
Lee, Jenny J. & Dongbin Kim (2010). Brain gain or brain circulation? U.S. doctoral
recipients returning to South Korea. Higher Education, 59(5), 627-643.
Solem, Michael, Jenny Lee, & Beth Schlemper (2009). Departmental climate and student
experiences in graduate geography programs. Research in Higher Education, 50(3), 268-
292. (Awarded Journal of Geography in Higher Education Biennial Award for Promoting
Excellence in Teaching and Learning, 2011)
Cantwell, Brendan, Sandra Luca & Jenny J. Lee (2009). Exploring the orientations of
international students in Mexico: Differences by geographic region of origin. Higher
Education, 57(3), 335-354.
Lee, Jenny J. (2008). Beyond borders: international student pathways to the U.S.
Journal of Studies in International Education, 12(3), 308-327.
Sax, Linda, J. Shannon Gilmartin, Jenny J. Lee, Linda S. Hagedorn. (2008). Using web
surveys to reach college students: an analysis of response rates and response bias.
Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 32(9), 712-729.
Schulz, Scott, Jenny J. Lee, Brendan Cantwell, George McClellan, & Doug Woodard.
(2007). Moving toward a global community: An analysis of the internationalization of
student affairs graduate preparation programs. Journal of Student Affairs Research and
Practice, 44(3), 610-632.
Lee, Jenny J. (2007). The shaping of the departmental culture: Measuring the relative
influences of the institution and discipline. Journal of Higher Education Policy and
Management, 29(1), 41-55. (Reprint in International Handbook of Higher Education)
Lee, Jenny J. & Charles Rice. (2007). Welcome to America? International student
perceptions of discrimination and neo-racism. Higher Education, 53(3), 381-409. (Most
highly cited paper in Higher Education in 2007)
Lee, Jenny J. (2005). Home away from home or foreign territory? How social class
mediates service-learning experiences. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice,
42(3), 310-325.
Lee, Jenny J. & Robert A. Rhoads. (2004). Faculty entrepreneurialism and the challenge
to undergraduate education. Research in Higher Education, 45(7), 739-760.
Lee, Jenny J. (2004). Comparing institutional relationships with academic departments:
A study of five academic fields. Research in Higher Education, 45(6), 603-624.
Lee, Jenny J, Linda J. Sax, Karen Kim, & Linda S. Hagedorn. (2004). Understanding
Students' Parental Education Beyond First-Generation Status. Community College
Review, 32(1), 1-20.
Lee, Jenny J., Leticia Oseguera, Karen Kim, Amy Fann, Tracy Davis, & Robert A. Rhoads.
(2004). Tangles in the tapestry: Barriers to graduate student unionization. Journal of
Higher Education, 75(3), 340-361.
Astin, Alexander W. & Jenny J. Lee. (2003). How risky are one-shot cross-sectional
assessments of undergraduate students? Research in Higher Education, 44(6), 657-672.
Rhoads, Robert A., Jenny J. Lee, & Motoe Yamada. (2002). Panethnicity and collective
action among Asian American college students. Journal of College Student Development
43(6), 876-891.
Lee, Jenny J. (2002). Religion and college attendance: Change among students. Review of
Higher Education, 25(4), 369-384.
Lee, Jenny J. (2002). Changing worlds, changing selves: The experience of the religious
self among Catholic collegians. Journal of College Student Development, 43(3), 341- 355.
Publications for Wider Audiences
Morris Hsin-Mu Chen, John P. Haupt, Die Hu, Wen Wen, & Jenny J. Lee. (Summer 2023).
The Benefits and Limits of Guanxi in US-China Research Collaborations. International
Higher Education, No. 115.
Lundemo, Ola, Whitney Mohr, & Jenny J. Lee (2023, April 29). How ableism is working
against students with disabilities. University World News.
Haupt, John P., Jenny J. Lee, Wen Wen, Die Hu, & Morris Hsin-Mu Chen. (2023, February
4). Why connections between scientists are good for everyone. University World News.
Pizzolato, Jane & Lee, Jenny J. (2023). Beyond the Numbers: How Focusing on
Compositional Diversity Downplays Anti-Asian Racism. Change: The Magazine of Higher
Learning, 55:1, 47-53.
Lee, Jenny J. (2022, July 19). How ChinaUS collaborations still happen, despite politics.
Li, Xiaojie & Lee, Jenny J. (2022, April 16). When geopolitical tensions interrupt the
academic project. University World News [Reprint from International Higher Education,
No. 110]
Li, Xiaojie & Lee, Jenny J. (2022, Spring). USChina Geopolitical Tensions: Implications
for Universities and Science. International Higher Education, No. 110. [Republished in
Journal of International Higher Education (in Chinese)}
Lee, Jenny J. & Lundemo, Ola (2021, June 5). Why sustainability is not enough in
international education. University World News. [Republished in Mother Pelican Journal,
AppliedHE Xtra! Xtra!, & FUTURE.)
Lee, Jenny J. (2021). Foreword. In Impacts of COVID-19 on International Students and the
Future of Student Mobility, Bista, K., Allen, R.M., Chan, R. (Eds). Routledge.
Pillsbury, D., Lee, Jenny J., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (2020). Where the rubber hits the road
and how not to hit a brick wall. Professionals in International Education (PIE) News.
Pillsbury, D., Lee, Jenny J., Vance, H., & Trifiro, F. (2020). All you ever wanted to know
about TNE, but were afraid to ask. Professionals in International Education (PIE) News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2020). Neo-racism and the Criminalization of China. Journal of
International Students, 10(4), i-vi.
Haupt, John P. & Jenny J. Lee (2020). USChina scientific cooperation faces an uncertain
future. East Asia Forum.
Cantwell, Brendan. & Jenny J. Lee (2020, July 25). The impossibility of a nationalist
university. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2020, July 8). International students shouldn’t be political pawns. Inside
Higher Ed.
Lee, Jenny J. & John P. Haupt. (2020, June 22). Scientists in the US and China
Collaborating on COVID-19. The Scientist.
White, Brent & Jenny J. Lee (2020, April 19). The Future of International Higher
Education in a Post-Mobility World. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. & John P. Haupt. (2020, January 7). The “China threat” and the future of
global science. Scientific American.
Lee, Jenny J. (2019, November 9). Universities, neo-nationalism and the ‘China threat.’
University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2019, October 20). Fighting back against a future determined by rankings.
University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2019). The “China Threat” in US universities. NAFSA Senior Fellows 2019
Report. NAFSA: Washington DC. (Reprinted in University World News)
Lee, Jenny J. (2018, March). Beyond Trumpism: The Underlying U.S. Political Climate for
International Students and Scholars. Trends and Insights, A Special Edition by the 2018-
19 NAFSA Senior Scholars.
Lee, Jenny J. (2018, Nov 27). How to Be a Chinese Scientist without Being China’s
Scientist. China File. [Contributing Writer]
Maldonaldo-Maldonado, Alma & Jenny J. Lee (2018, Winter). Knowledge production for
all. International Higher Education, 96.
Lee, Jenny J. & Alma Maldonado-Maldonado (2018, September 30). The dangers of
limiting research to elite universities. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. & Alma Maldonado-Maldonado (2018, September 14). Not enough diverse
academic research is being published. University World News.
Sehoole, Chika & Jenny J. Lee (2018, June 17). African student flows Challenging
prevailing paradigms. University World News.
Freeman, Laura & Jenny J. Lee (2018, March 20) You better go back! Xenophobia at
South Africa’s universities. Daily Maverick.
Lee, Jenny J. (2018, January 8) The not-so-secret guide to dissertating. The Chronicle of
Higher Education.
Lee, Jenny J. (2017, November). Crisis or Opportunity: Re-humanizing
Internationalization. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J., Amy Metcalfe, & Tatiana Suspitsnya. (2017). Introduction to the Special
Issue. The Review of Higher Education, 41 (1), 1-2.
Lee, Jenny J. (2017, April 7). Who is the “Public” in Higher Education Today? Inside
Higher Education.
Lee, Jenny J. (2017, January). Removing the Blinders: Neo-Racism and International
Students. Trends and Insights: NAFSA.
Hudzik, John, K., Harvey Charles, Madeleine Green, Kevin Kinser, Jenny J. Lee, Kris Olds,
Alan Ruby, & Hanneke Teekens. (2016, September). Brexit and Its Implications for
Higher Education Internationalization: A Virtual Symposium of the NAFSA Senior
Fellows for Internationalization. Trends and Insights: NAFSA.
Lee, Jenny J. (2016, July). Sliding doors: Securing study visas to South Africa. University
World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2016, Winter). New nationalism in regional hubs: Challenges for
international students in two emerging economies. International Higher Education, 84.
Lee, Jenny J. & Chika Sehoole (2015, April). An emergent and regional destination in
student mobility: South Africa. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2014, December). Tides shifting in global soft power influence.
International higher education as a form of soft power. University World News.
Lee, Jenny J. (2014, Winter). Neo-racism and international students. European
Association for International Education (EAIE) Forum, Winter, 13-15.
Lee, Jenny J. (2014, Spring). Internationalization as acquisitions, mergers, and synergy.
Institute for International Education Networker Magazine, 25-27.
Lee, Jenny J. (2013, July 7). Find on-campus support for international students. US
News and World Report.
Lee, Jenny J. (2013). The false halo of internationalization. International Higher
Education, 72, 5-7.
--Reprinted as: Lee, Jenny J. (2013). The false halo of internationalization. EduTech
magazine, 1(1).
--Translated and Reprinted as: Lee, Jenny J. (2013). A falsa aura da internacionalização.
Revista de Ensino Superior Unicamp, 71, 85-87.
Lee, Jenny J. (2012). Teaching mindfulness at a public research university. Journal of
College and Character, 12(2), 1-6.
Lee, Jenny J. (2007). Neo-racism toward international students: A critical need for
change. About Campus, 11(6), 28-30.
Lee, Jenny J. (2006). International student experiences: Neo-racism and discrimination.
International Higher Education, 44, 3-5.
Lee, Jenny J. (2006). Global citizenship: Extending students’ interests and action to the
global context. Journal of College and Character, Special Issue 7(1).
Lee, Jenny J. (2005). Going global: Internationalizing student affairs programs across
the U.S. NASPA Leadership Exchange, 3(3), 22-23.
Lee, Jenny J., Aurora Matzkin, & Sara Arthur. (2004). Understanding students' religious
and spiritual pursuits: A case study at New York University. Journal of College and
Character, 2.
Lee, Jenny J. (2002). A social outcast: The social construction and deconstruction of
religion in the curriculum. Journal of College and Character, 2.
Lee, Jenny J. (2002). University reference group identification among community
college faculty. In Community College Faculty: Characteristics, Practices and Challenges.
New Directions for Community Colleges, 118, 21-28.
Lee, Jenny J. (1999). Values and ethics education in the two-year colleges. ERIC
Clearinghouse for Community Colleges.
Book/Encyclopedia Chapters
Lee, Jenny J. (2023). Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting Mental Health
and Promoting the Well-being of International Graduate Students. In Nyunt, G., Koo, K.,
Witkowsky, P., & Andino, M. (Eds.) International Student Identities and Mental Well-
Being: Beyond the Single Story. STAR Scholar Academic Book Series.
Nyunt, Gudrun & Jenny J. Lee (2023). A Campus-Wide Approach: Promising Practices
for Proactively Fostering International Students’ Mental Well-Being. In Nyunt, G., Koo,
K., Witkowsky, P., & Andino, M. (Eds.) International Student Identities and Mental Well-
Being: Beyond the Single Story. STAR Scholar Academic Book Series.
Haupt, John P. & Jenny J. Lee (2023). US-China Collaboration in Science for the Common
Good. In Marginson, S., Cantwell B., Platonova, D., & Smolentseva, A. (Eds.), Assessing
the Contributions of Higher Education: Knowledge in a Disordered World. Edgar
Lee, Jenny J. (2020). Neo-racism, Neo-nationalism, and Unknown Higher Education. In
Ursin, J. & Muhonen, R. Tuntematon (Eds.), Tuntematon Korkeakoulutus.
Artikkelikokoelma Korkeakoulututkimuksen XIII Kansallisesta Symposiumista 31.8.-
1.9.2017. [Unknown higher education. Collection of Articles of the Xiii National
Symposium of Higher Education Research] [In Finnish]
Lee, Jenny J. & Santiago Castiello-Gutierre (2019). Engaging international students. In S.
Harper, S. Quaye, & S. Pendakur (Eds.), Student Engagement in Higher Education:
Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for Diverse Populations (3
Ed.). New
York: Routledge.
Lee, Jenny J., Hillary Vance, & Bjørn Stensaker. (2018). Examining rankings and strategic
planning: Variations in local commitments. In Y. Wu, Q. Wang, & N. C. Liu (Eds.), World-
Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and
Institutional Contributions. Rotterdam: Sense Publisher. [In English and Chinese]
Castiello, Santiago & Jenny J. Lee (2018). Academic Mobility, Inequities in Opportunity
and Experience. In J.C. Shin & P. Teixeira (Eds.), Encyclopedia of International Higher
Education Systems and Institutions. The Netherlands: Springer
Lee, Jenny J. (2017). Global Neo-nationalism: Challenges for international students. In G.
Mihut, P.G. Albach, & H. de Wit (Eds.), Understanding Higher Education: Insights from
Key Global Publications. Boston: Sense Publishers.
Torres-Olave, Blanca, Aurelia Kollasch, Jenny Lee, Gary Rhoades (2016). Exploring
social network ties of U.S. academics: The importance of employee status, institutional
type, discipline, and geography In J. Välimaa & D. Hoffman (Eds.), Re-becoming
Universities? Higher Education Institutions in Networked Knowledge Societies. The
Netherlands: Springer. (Book is winner of the 2016 Council on International Higher
Education, of the Association of the Study of Higher Education research excellence
Lee, Jenny J. (2014). Engaging international students: Beyond U.S.-centrism and
towards international consciousness. In S. Harper and S. Quaye (Eds.), Student
Engagement in Higher Education: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Approaches for
Diverse Populations (2
Ed.). New York: Routledge.
Lee, Jenny J., Blanca Torres, Aurelia Kollasch, & Gary Rhoades. (2014). Conceptions and
enactments of university service in the new knowledge economy: Case studies from
STEM faculty in the US. In J.C. Shin and U. Teichler (Eds.), The Future of the Post-
Massified University at the Crossroads: Restructuring Systems and Functions. The
Netherlands: Springer.
Lee, Jenny J. (2013). Educating students for life in a locally and globally diverse future.
In G. Rhoades and J. Lee (Eds.), Is Higher Education Ready for Arizona’s Future? Phoenix,
AZ: Arizona Town Hall.
Lee, Jenny J. & Brendan Cantwell. (2012). The Global Sorting Machine: An Examination
of Neo-racism among International Students and Postdocs. In B. Pusser, K. Kempner, S.
Marginson, & I. Ordorika (Eds.), Universities and the Public Sphere: Knowledge Creation
and State Building in the Era Of Globalization. New York: Routledge, Taylor, and Francis.
Lee, Jenny J. (2010). Faculty Diversity: Current Trends, Issues, and Practices. In Harper,
S.R. & Davis, R. (Eds.), ASHE Reader on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education
Ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing.
Lee, Jenny J. (2009). The shaping of the departmental culture. In M. Tight, K.H. Mok, J.
Huisman, & C. Morphew (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Higher
Education (pp.357-3680. New York: Routledge.
Lee, Jenny J. (2007). Student mentoring: Creating university partnerships and
opportunities for college access and success. In D. Garcia & R. Marx, (Eds.), The Space
Between: Why the Middle Years Matter. Phoenix, AZ: Helios Foundation.
Lee, Jenny J., Gary, Rhoades & Alma Maldonado-Maldonado. (2006). The political
economy of international student flows: Patterns, ideas, and propositions. In J. Smart,
(Ed.), Vol. XXI. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (pp. 545-590).
Dordecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
Lee, Jenny J., John Cheslock, Alma Maldonado-Maldonado & Gary Rhoades. (2005).
Professors as knowledge workers in the new, global economy. In J. Smart, (Ed.), Vol. XX.
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research (pp. 55-132). Dordecht, The
Netherlands: Kluwer.
Lee, Jenny J. & Xiaojie Li (2021). Racial Profiling among Scientists of Chinese Descent
and Consequences for the U.S. Scientific Community. Committee of 100.
Lee, Jenny J. (2021). Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting Mental Health
and Promoting the Well-Being of International Graduate Students. Council of Graduate
Rhoades, Gary and Jenny J. Lee (Eds.) (2013). Is Higher Education Ready of Arizona’s
Future? Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Town Hall.
Lee, Jenny J. and Alexander W. Astin. (2003). Comparing Institutional Effects on
Academic Departments. University of California Berkeley, CA: Center for the Study of
Higher Education.
Lee, Jenny J. (2001). Education as Transformation in New York University:
Understanding NYU Students’ Religious/Spiritual Beliefs and Practices. New York, NY:
Office of Student Life, New York University.
Appleby, Joyce, Marc Levis, and Jenny J. Lee. (2000). Departmental Honors Programs in
The College Of Letters And Sciences. Los Angeles, CA: Office of Undergraduate Research
and Evaluation, UCLA.
Book Reviews
Potter, Russell & Jenny J. Lee (2012) [Review of International Student Security]. Higher
Education, 1, 135-137.
Lee, Jenny J. (2010). [Review of Higher Education and International Student Mobility in
the Global Knowledge Economy]. Comparative Education Review, 54(1), 140-142.
Lee, Jenny J. (2009). [Review of Cultural Perspectives on Higher Education]. Higher
Education, 58(5), 723-724.
Lee, Jenny J. (2007). [Review of Strangers in the Academy: Asian Women Scholars in
Higher Education]. Journal of College Student Development, 48(2), 8-10.
Kim, Dongbin & Jenny J. Lee. (2006). [Review of Refinancing the College Dream: Access,
Equal Opportunity, and Justice for Taxpayers]. Journal of College Student Development,
47(1), 130-132.
Lee, Jenny J. (2005). [Review of Exploring Spirituality and Culture in Adult and Higher
Education]. Review of Higher Education, 28(3), 440-441.
Lee, Jenny J. (2004). [Review of Religions in Asian America: Building Faith
Communities]. Amerasia Journal, 29(3), 145-148.
Lee, Jenny J. (2002). [Review of Helping Students Adapt to Graduate School ]. Journal of
College Student Development, 43(5), 763-767.
Lee, Jenny J., and Robert A. Rhoads. (2002). [Review of The Conscience of the Campus:
Case Studies in Moral Reasoning Among Today s College Students]. Journal of College
Student Development, 43(1), 150-153.
Lee, Jenny J. (2001). [Review of Readings in Diversity and Social Justice ]. Journal of
College Student Development, 42(6), 634-636.
Invited Presentations
Lee, Jenny J. University Engagement with China: Strategies, Challenges, and Prospects.
Panelist. Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). November 2, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J. Regenerative International Higher Education: Realities, Challenges, and
Strategies Toward a Better World. Invited Keynote Speaker. Univeristy of Arizona
Microcampus Conference. June 30, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J. Regenerative International Higher Education: Realities, Challenges, and
Strategies Toward the SDGs. Invited Keynote Speaker. University of Guanajuato. May 16,
Lee, Jenny J. Breaking Bias: Geopolitics of Scientific Labor in the Academy. University of
Massachusetts Chan Postdoctoral Association. May 10, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J. APASA Commencement Keynote Speaker. Univeristy of Arizona. May 5, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J. Foreign Interference on Higher Education. Invited Commenter and Panelist.
Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education Webinar. April 19, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J. Navigating Transitions In Your Career. Plenary Panelist. Association for the
Study of Higher Education-Comparative and International Higher Education (ASHE-CIHE).
April 6, 2023.
Haupt, John & Jenny J. Lee. The Contributions of Higher Education: To Government and to
Global Science. Center for Global Higher Education, Univeristy of Oxford. March 16, 2023
Lee, Jenny J. Revisiting the Ideals of Higher Education. Invited Discussant. 2022 Tsinghua
Higher Education Forum. November 29, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Restrictions and Challenges on Higher Education Scholarship: Perspectives
from ASHE Councils. Invited Panelist. Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE), Las Vegas, NV. November 16, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Navigating global research collaborations in a world of political upheaval.
Invited panelist. Research Professional News. October 25, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Neo-Racism, Neo-Nationalism against International APIMEDA students. Invited
speaker, University of California, San Diego. June 5, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Geopolitics of Higher Education. Invited panelist. Academic Board of
Metropolitan College (MC) of Greece. April 7, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. International Research Cooperation in a New Geopolitical Context. Invited
panelist. International Association of Universities (IAU). March 15, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Countering Anti-Asian Racism. Invited presenter. Campaign for Peace,
Disarmament, & Common Security. February 28, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. & Xiaojie Li. Neo-racism Against Chinese Scientists and Consequences for the
Scientific Enterprise. Invited presenter. York Centre for Asian Research. February 24, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. US Power in Higher Education. Invited Panelist. ASHE-CIHE Research Award
Webinar. February 9, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Racism and Nationalism in International Higher Education. Invited Instructor.
Critical International Studies Masterclass. January 19, 2022.
Lee, Jenny J. Racial Profiling of Chinese Scientists. Invited Presenter. Committee of 100.
October 28, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. & John Haupt. US-China collaboration in Science for the Global Common Good.
Invited Presenter. XII International Russian Higher Education Conference (RHEC). October
15, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. Internationalization for Education. Invited Presenter. College of Education,
University of Arizona. October 6, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. Does (International) Higher Education Contribute to the World’s Sustainable
Development Agenda? Invited Panelist. Applied Higher Education Fireside Chat in
Singapore. June 9, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. Emerging Threats and Responses. Invited Panelist. Conference on Academic
Freedom in a Plural World: Global Critical Perspectives. Centre for Human Rights and Legal
Pluralism, McGill University in Canada. June 9, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. Emerging Internationalization Research and Practice in US Higher Education.
Invited Keynote for the 10th Annual Tsinghua University Institute of Education Doctoral
Student Forum in Beijing, China. May 21, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. TNE 4.0 the biggest higher education activity around the world? Invited
panelist for the Universities United Kingdom (UUK) International Higher Education Forum.
April 13, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. GSC Invited Speaker Session: International Student Experience During COVID.
Panelist for the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. April
12, 2021.
Lee, Jenny J. What is the future of US-China research collaborations? Keynote Panelist for
the University of Manchester #ChinaHE20 Conference. December 9, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Securitization of the Academy during COVID-19. Featured Speaker for the
Critical Internationalization Studies Network. September 18, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Why engage in TNE? Myths and realities of operating offshore explored. The
Professionals in International Education. September 2, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Neo-racism and Neo-nationalism and International students. Featured Speaker
for the American Council of Education. August, 21, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Scientific Collaboration in the Age of US-China Tensions. Featured Speaker for
the Committee of 100. August 11, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Forging a new future for TNE: Where to from COVID-19? Keynote panelist for
the International Education Association of Australia (IEAA) Forum. August 6, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Covid-19 and the post-mobility world. Invited speaker for Japan Educational
Research Association (JERA), Pandemic and Education. July 31, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. The global geopolitics of science. Invited panelist for the Center for Global
Higher Education, Oxford, University. July 21, 2020.
Stensaker, B. & Lee, Jenny J. A reflective note on theoretical perspectives and possibilities.
Invited presenter for Special Issue in European Journal of Education workshop, Expansion
and retrenchment of Internationalisation in Higher Education: Theories, Methods and Data.
May 6, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Supporting Mental Health and
Promoting the Well-being of International Graduate Students. Invited presenter for the
Council of Graduate Schools Advisory Meeting. Washington, DC. May 5, 2020.
Lee, Jenny J. Managing Risk - Assessing Hidden Risks in Transnational Education
Operations. Invited panelist for the Universities UK International Forum. April 22, 2020
Lee, Jenny J. Connecting India to the World. Invited panelist for the College Board India
Global Alliance Forum. New Delhi, India. October 2019.
Lee, Jenny J. International Students in Higher Education. Invited panelist for the National
Science Foundation Workshop on the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education.
Washington, DC. September 2019.
Lee, Jenny J. The “China Effect.”’ Invited panelist for the NAFSA Senior Fellows panel,
“Rethinking the Issues: The Disruption of International Higher Education” at the NAFSA
annual conference. Washington, DC. June 2019.
Lee, Jenny J. Are Universities a Catalyst or Consequence of Emerging Markets? Invited
panelist at the Times Higher Education Emerging Economies Summit. Doha, Qatar. January
Lee, Jenny J. African International Student Mobility Workshop. Co-convener and presenter.
Pretoria, South Africa. June 2018.
Lee, Jenny J. The Strategic Pursuit of Status and Third Mission. Invited presentation at the
Turkey-US Partnerships in the Field of Higher Education. Konya, Turkey. March 2018.
Lee, Jenny J. Examining Rankings and Strategic Planning: Variations in Local Commitments.
Invited presentation at 7th International Conference on World-Class Universities. Shanghai,
China, November 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. Global Roundtable Discussion on Best Practices for Entrepreneurship, Co-
Moderator (with Matthew Mars) in Social Impact Summit, TENWEST Festival, Tucson, AZ.
October 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. Neo-Racism, Neo-Nationalism, and the Uncertain Future of Higher Education
internationalization. Opening keynote address at the Consortium of Higher Education
Researchers in Finland (CHERIF) Conference. Jyväskylä, Finland, August 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. New Racism, Nationalism, and Border Tensions in Higher Education. Invited
presentation at Colloquium on Higher Education Policy and Social Justice. Sponsored by
the University of Cape Town and Azusa Pacific University. Cape Town, South Africa, June
Lee, Jenny J. Crisis to Opportunity: Re-Humanizing Internationalization. Invited Session at
the Annual Meeting of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, Los Angeles, CA May
Lee, Jenny J. Why Measure Exchange Students’ Experiences and Outcomes? Keynote
address at Open Forum and Experts Meeting on Exploring Evaluation Measures on the
Impact of Student Mobility Scheme of the AIMS Programme in Bangkok, Thailand, February
Lee, Jenny J. Issues and Challenges in Implementing a Survey in the Multi-national Context.
Invited panelist at Open Forum and Experts Meeting on Exploring Evaluation Measures on
the Impact of Student Mobility Scheme of the AIMS Programme in Bangkok, Thailand,
February 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. Reviewing the Draft Survey Instrument. Invited workshop chair at Experts
Meeting on Exploring Evaluation Measures on the Impact of Student Mobility Scheme of the
AIMS Program in Bangkok, Thailand, February 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. Higher Education and the Global Good: Charting Critical Research Agendas for
a Changing World. Invited Session Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Columbus, Ohio, November 2016.
Lee, Jenny J. Practitioner Perspectives and Research Agendas in International Education.
Invited Session at the Annual Meeting of NAFSA: Association of International Educators,
Denver, CO May 2016.
Lee, Jenny J. Border Crossings: Immigration Issues and Challenges for Higher Education.
Vice Presidential Session Panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Washington, DC, April 2016.
Lee, Jenny J. Bridging the International Higher Education Gap: Practitioner Perspectives
and Research Agendas. Presidential Session Panel at the Annual Meeting of the Association
for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Denver, Colorado, November 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Approaches and Challenges to Internationalizing Students. Presentation at
Pima Community College, Tucson, Arizona, November 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Conducting Survey and Interview Research on International Students.
Workshop at the African Network for the Internationalization of Education, Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania, October, 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Regional Higher Education Hubs: Cases of South Korea and South Africa.
Presentation at the Symposium on International Student Mobility in Guanajuato, Mexico,
September, 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Higher Education Internationalization and Reform. Keynote address for the
International Conference on Education in Nairobi, Kenya, May 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. The New Racism: Xenophobia in Higher Education. Presentation at the
Institute for Security Studies in Nairobi, Kenya, May 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Regional Higher Education Hubs: Opportunities and Challenges for
International Student Mobility. Presentation for the Center for Higher Education and
Development at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, May 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Conducting Culturally Sensitive Research in International/Comparative Higher
Education. Panel presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of
Higher Education (ASHE) in Washington, DC, November 2014.
Lee, Jenny J. Internationalization as Acquisitions, Mergers, and Synergy. Presentation at
the Higher Education Policy and Research Institute, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, August
Lee, Jenny J. Creating Connections for Meaningful Learning between International and
Domestic Students. Keynote address at ACPA colloquium, Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.
Lee, Jenny J. Critical Race Theory in a Global Society. Vice Presidential Panel at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, March 2014.
Lee, Jenny J. Existing Assessment Frameworks Applicable to Global Citizenship: What is
Missing? Invited Talk presented at the Economic and Social Research Council symposium,
Global Citizenship Curriculum in Higher Education: Evolving Policy and Practice and a
Future Research Agenda, Hong Kong, December 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. International Student Awards Banquet. Keynote Address at Cape Peninsula
University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa, October 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Power of Assessment: Exploring Data-Driven Approaches to Recruit and
Service International Students. Presentation at The African Network for the
Internationalization of Education, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Internationalization as Acquisitions, Mergers, and Synergy: Changing
Approaches to International Student Mobility. Presentation at the International Education
Association of South Africa, Bloemfontein, South Africa, August 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. The Future: Setting the International Education Agenda for Sustainability.
Invited presentation at Consortium of North American Higher Education Collaboration
(CONAHEC). Edmonton, Canada, May 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Today’s Chinese Student. International Student Affairs Workshop. Invited
panel presentation at the University of Arizona, March 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Beyond enrollment counts: Understanding and supporting international
students. Webinar for Diversity Abroad Network. March 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Conceptions and Enactments of University Service in the New Knowledge
Economy. Invited presentation at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, April
Lee, Jenny J. Current educational issues and challenges in the U.S. & Korea. Invited keynote
panel address for Korean AERA members at the American Educational Research
Association conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, April 2012.
Lee, Jenny J. Academic Sweatshops? Asian Graduate Students in the STEM Fields. Invited
Presentation at the American University Meets the Pacific Century conference. University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, March 2012.
Lee, Jenny J. End of Internationalization of Higher Education: Myth or Reality? Invited
panel presentation at the University of Arizona, Outreach and Global Initiatives, Feb 2012.
Lee, Jenny J. Theorizing International and Comparative Higher Education in the 21st
Century. Presidential Invited Session at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study
of Higher Education (ASHE) in Charlotte, NC, Nov 2011.
Lee, Jenny J. Student Affairs Capitalism. Invited presentation at the Higher Education
Policy Research Institute (HEPRI) Symposium in Korea University, Seoul, Korea, Dec 2010.
Lee, Jenny J. Neo-racism in Higher Education's Global Economy. Paper presented at Higher
Education Policy Research Institute (HEPRI) Symposium in Korea University, Seoul, Korea,
Nov 2010.
Lee, Jenny J. The pressure to publish: Demystifying the publication process from the
research project to the final article. Invited panel at the Annual Meeting of the Association
of the Study of Higher Education, Jacksonville, FL, November 2008.
Lee, Jenny J. Creating and maintaining community partnerships. Invited Panel at the
Annual Student Affairs Symposium at the University of Arizona, September 2008.
Lee, Jenny J. College going and Project SOAR. Keynote address at New Start Summer
Orientation, University of Arizona, June 2008.
Lee, Jenny J. Project SOAR: College outreach through service learning. Keynote address at
the Advisor In-Service at the University of Arizona, March 2008.
Lee, Jenny J. Departmental climate and student experiences in graduate geography
programs. Invited address at the University of Arizona, Geography Department, January
Refereed Presentations
Zha, Qiang, Xiaojie Li, & Jenny J. Lee. Is There Racial Profiling Among Canadian Univeristy
Professors of Chinese Descent? Panel Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE), Toronto, Canada, May 29, 2023.
Lee, Jenny J., Chrystal George Mwangi, Gerardo Blanco, Dale La Fleur, Christina Yao, &
Brendan Cantwell. International Higher Education and Geopolitical Power: Critical
Perspectives on University Activities in the United States. Symposium presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto,
Canada, April 2019.
Torres, Blanca & Jenny J. Lee. Shifting Positionalities Across International Locations:
Embodied Knowledge, Time-Geography, and the Polyvalence of Privilege. Symposium
paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE) in Tampa, Florida November 2018.
Castiello, Santiago, Sowmya Ghosh, & Jenny J. Lee. International micro-campus: An
evolution to transnational education models. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of
the Comparative International Education Society (CIES) in Mexico City, Mexico 2018.
Castiello, Santiago, Sowmya Ghosh, & Jenny J. Lee. Intra-regional homogenization of higher
education’s legitimacy building strategies. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
Comparative International Education Society (CIES) in Mexico City, Mexico 2018.
Lee, Jenny J. & Bjørn Stensaker. Stratified positioning: A comparative analysis of university
strategic plans. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Consortium of Higher
Education Researchers (CHER) in Jyväskylä, Finland 2017.
Lee, Jenny J. Where does comparative higher education research stand in globalized times?
Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher
Education (ASHE) in Columbus, Ohio, November 2016.
Li, Xioajie & Jenny J. Lee. International Student Employment Availability and Equality of
Treatment. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of
Higher Education (ASHE) in Columbus, Ohio, November 2016.
Castiello, Santiago, Jenny J. Lee, Mahmoud Marei, Leslie O’Toole, & Gary Rhoades. Marketing
to International Students: Presentation of University Self in a Geopolitical Space. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE) in Columbus, Ohio, November 2016.
Lee, Jenny J. Micro-decisions and Macro-purposes: Identifying the Monsters and Weapons
in Achieving Tribal Sovereignty and Transformation in the Academy. Symposium
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education,
Denver, CO, November 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Emerging Issues in International Student Mobility. Symposium presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Denver, CO,
November 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. & Chika Sehoole. Internationalization in South Africa. Symposium presented
at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April
Lee, Jenny J. & Chika Sehoole. Mobility to South Africa: Institutional Differences and
Impact. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, Chicago, IL, April 2015.
Lee, Jenny J. Critical Intersections of Diversity and Internationalization. Symposium
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE) in Washington D.C., November 2014.
Lee, Jenny J. Higher Education and Soft Power in the United States: Implications for Policy,
Practice and International Engagement. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Washington D.C., November
Lee, Jenny J. & Chika Sehoole. Mobility to South Africa: International Students’ Motivations
and Aspirations. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Education
Association of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2014.
Lee, Jenny J. & Kopgang Paulidor. Challenges and Opportunities for Change: International
Students' Experiences in South Africa. Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the
International Education Association of South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa, August
Lee, Jenny J. & Eric Deschamps. Internationalization as Mergers and Acquisitions: Senior
International Officers' Entrepreneurial Strategies and Activities in Public Universities.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE) in St. Louis, Missouri, November 2013.
Lee, Jenny J. Domestic Insights and Comparative Constructs: From Clark's Triangle to New
Heuristics. Panelist at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher
Education (ASHE) in St. Louis, Missouri, November 2013.
Lee, Jenny J, Jae Eun Jon & Kiyong Byun. Neo-Racism within East Asia: The Experiences of
Chinese International Students in South Korea. Paper presented at World Council of
Comparative Education Societies, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 2013.
Miner, Danielle, Jenny J. Lee & Raji Rhys. Mixed Signals: University Mission Statements and
Strategic Plans in Hiring Diverse Faculty. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Charlotte, NC, Nov 2011.
Jon, Jae-Eun, Jenny J. Lee, & Kiyong Byun. The Political Economy and International Student
Mobility to South Korea. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Charlotte, NC, Nov 2011.
Torres-Olave, Blanca, Aurelia Kollasch, Jenny J. Lee, Cecilia Rios-Aguilar, & Regina Deil-
Amen. ”World-class” Universities? A Social Network Analysis of Regional and Global
Institutional Partnerships in the U.S. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Consortium of Higher Education Researchers (CHER) in Reykjavik, Iceland, June 2011.
Everett-Haynes, La Monica, Stefanie Basij, Mary Venezia & Jenny Lee. It's Like a Game of
Telephone: Communication in Organizational Change. Roundtable presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Indianapolis, IN,
Nov 2010.
Helm, Matt & Jenny Lee. Holistic Capitalism and Early Student Affairs Professionals. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education
(ASHE) in Indianapolis, IN, Nov 2010.
Youngbull, Natalie, Christine Nelson, & Jenny Lee. American Indian Mentoring:
Intersections Between Tribal Critical Theory and University Service. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in
Indianapolis, IN, Nov 2010.
Cantwell, Brendan & Jenny Lee. Intellectuals or Knowledge Workers? Neo-racism in the
Globalized Knowledge Economy. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association
for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) in Indianapolis, IN, Nov 2010.
Lee, Jenny & Brendan Cantwell. International Postdocs and Varying Structures of
Opportunity in the US and UK. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Consortium of
Higher Education Researchers (CHER) in Oslo, Norway, June 2010.
Levitt, Stephanie, Pauline Glenn, Tharini Wijeweera, & Jenny J. Lee. Role of Multiple
Institutional Identities in Times of Transformation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, May 2009.
Levitt, Stephanie, Lydia Bell, & Jenny J. Lee. Helping or Hurting? Exploring the Hidden
Perceptions in Service-Learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association
for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 2009.
Johnston, Marc, Amanda Tachine, & Jenny J. Lee. Mixed Messages: Examining Faculty & Staff
Perceptions of Diversity during University Change. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November
Lee, Jenny J. Exploring the Challenges of Transnational Inquiry: The Complexities of
Language, Culture, and Power. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, BC, Canada, November 2009.
Lee, Jenny J. & Dongbin Kim. Brain Gain? U.S. doctoral recipients returning to South Korea.
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher
Education, Jacksonville, FL, November 2008.
Lee, Jenny J. & Thomas Opio. Coming to America: Challenges and difficulties faced by
African international student-athletes. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, March 2008.
Cantwell, Brendan, Sandra Luca, & Jenny J. Lee. Exploring the orientations of international
students in Mexico: Differences by geographical region of origin. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, KY,
November 2007.
Sandra Luca, Matthew Birnbaum, & Jenny J. Lee. Perceptions and ideas about college: what
do middle school students have to say? Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, KY, November 2007.
Espino, Michelle & Jenny J. Lee. Understanding resistance: Reflections of race and privilege
through service-learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Study of Higher Education, Louisville, KY, November 2007.
Lee, Jenny J. Reconceptualizing international students: Exploring identities and roles from
alternating perspectives. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association
for the Study of Higher Education, Louisville, KY, November 2007.
Espino, Michelle & Jenny J. Lee. Diversity and service-learning: Extending the discourse
towards action. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of
Higher Education, Anaheim, CA, November 2006.
Lee, Jenny J. & Alma Maldonado-Maldonado. NAFTA and higher education markets: The
invisible hand revealed. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for
the Study of Higher Education, Anaheim, CA, November 2006.
Brendan Cantwell, Jenny Lee, & Sandra Guillen. Globalization and crossborder higher
education: Beyond the monolithic and inevitable myth. Symposium presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Anaheim, CA,
November 2006.
Kiyama, Judy & Jenny J. Lee. Faculty agency and community engagement through college
outreach. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, San
Francisco, CA, April 2006.
Lee, Jenny J. Beyond borders: International student pathways to the U.S. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA,
November 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. The changing nature of faculty work in the post-industrial, global economy.
Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher
Education, Philadelphia, PA, November 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. Post-9/11 federal policy changes and the effects on higher education
institutions and international students. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Association of the Study of Higher Education, Philadelphia, PA, November 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. International students in Mexico. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of
the Consortium on North American Higher Education Collaboration, San Juan, Puerto Rico,
October, 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. Experiences and satisfaction among international students in the U.S. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of that American Educational Research Association,
Montreal, Canada, April, 2005.
Kiyama, Judy & Jenny J. Lee. Bridging multiple departments: A campuswide approach
towards increasing college access. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of that American
Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April, 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. Service learning and diverse communities. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Nashville, TN, April 2005.
Lee, Jenny J., Karen Englesen, Doug Woodard & George McClellan. Preparing student affairs
practitioners for the global community. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American College Personnel Association, Nashville, TN, April, 2005.
Becskehazy, Peter & Jenny J. Lee. Understanding international student attitudes about
SEVIS and VISA procedures after 9/11. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American College Personnel Association, Nashville, TN, April, 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. International student access and experiences from U.S. perspectives.
Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Student
Personnel and Administrators International Symposium on Student Services and Student
Affairs, Tampa, FL, March, 2005.
George McClellan, Jenny J. Lee, Scott Schulz, & Doug Woodard. After all, it’s a small world:
Exploring graduate preparation program globalization. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the National Association of Student Personnel and Administrators, Tampa, FL,
March, 2005.
Lee, Jenny J. & Charles Rice. International student experiences in the U.S. Paper presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher Education, Kansas City, KS,
November 2004.
Lee, Jenny J. Access to international education: Issues and implications for students.
Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher
Education, Kansas City, KS, November 2004.
Lee, Jenny J. Challenges and opportunities in quantitative methods. Symposium presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher Education, Kansas City, KS,
November 2004.
Lee, Jenny J. The 'learning' in service learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 2004.
Lee, Jenny J. Quantitative measures in understanding the education field. Poster presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association of the Study of Higher Education, Portland, OR,
November 2003.
Lee, Jenny J. Moving beyond trends and snapshots: Using your freshman 'input' data in
innovative ways. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of
Institutional Research, Tampa, FL, May 2003.
Lee, Jenny J. Comparing institutional effects on academic departments. Paper presented at
the Research Symposium of the Center for the Study of Higher Education, Berkeley, CA,
April 2003.
Lee, Jenny J. Comparing institutional effects on academic departments: A study of five
academic fields. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 2003.
Lee, Jenny J. & Robert A. Rhoads. Entrepreneurial influences on faculty work: The challenge
of the public research university. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American
Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 2003.
Lee, Jenny J, Linda Sax, Karen Kim, & Linda Hagedorn. Understanding differences among
students across multiple levels of parental education. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 2003.
Kim, Karen A., Linda Sax, Jenny J. Lee, and Linda S. Hagedorn. Redefining 'nontraditional'
students: Exploring students' self-perceptions in Los Angeles community colleges. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the California Association for Institutional Research,
Lee, Jenny J. Shaping the academic department: Cultural influences of the discipline and the
institution. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2002.
Lee, Jenny J. Initiative in authenticity and spirituality in higher education: Comments and
reflections. Panel presented at the Association of American Colleges and Universities, San
Francisco, California, April 2002.
Lee, Jenny J. The impact of peers on religious/spiritual exploration. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American College Personnel Association, Long Beach, California,
March, 2002.
Lee, Jenny J. & Sara Arthur. A model for research: Promoting students' religious/spiritual
pursuits at New York university. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National
Association for Student Personnel and Administrators, Boston, Massachusetts, March 2002.
Lee, Jenny J. Comparing faculty culture across academic disciplines. Poster presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond, Virginia,
November 2001.
Davis, Tracy, Amy Fann, Karen Kim, Jenny J. Lee , Leticia Oseguera, & Robert A. Rhoads.
Tangles in the tapestry: Barriers to graduate student unionization. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond, Virginia,
November 2001
Rhoads, Robert A. & Jenny J. Lee. Student and faculty activism. Focused dialogue presented
at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, Richmond,
Virginia, November 2001.
Lee, Jenny J. Changing worlds, changing selves: The experience of the religious self among
catholic collegians. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Seattle, Washington, April 2001.
Lee, Jenny J. Changing religious beliefs among college students. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana,
April 2000.
Media Guest Interviews
China Global Television Network (CGTN) (2022, September 13). Controversial Trump-era
policy exacerbates U.S.-China tensions in academia.
Deutschlandradio (2022, May). “China Initiativesoll USA vor Wissenschaftsspionage
schützen. [Germany]
National Public Radio (NPR)-KJZZ (2021, December). Study shows a Trump-era initiative
led to the racial profiling of Chinese American scientists.
Freshed Podcast (2021, November 21). Power and Internationalization of US Higher
National Public Radio (NPR) (2021, November 4). DOJ's China Initiative aims to counter
theft of U.S. secrets and technology.
CANIE Climate Dialogues (2021, November 7). Sustainability is not enough, enter
Committee of 100. (2021, July 16). Q&A: Race & Ethnicity in Science Research A
Conversation With Professor Jenny Lee.
Channel News Asia (CAN). (2020, August 3). Education, The COVID Conundrum.
The Professionals in International Education (PIE) News. (2020, July 16). Jenny J. Lee,
University of Arizona, US.
NAFSA. (2020, January 22). The China Threat to U.S. Higher Education - NAFSA Worldview
with Jenny Lee.
Proto. (2019, September 19). Podcast: The Important, Impossible Role of the Chinese
Graduate Researcher. Proto: Massachusetts General Hospital.
Freshed Podcast. (2019, March 11). International students in Trump’s America. Freshed
Podcast with William Brehm. Featured Guest.
Media Coverage (Quoted and/or research cited)
The Economist (2023, October 11). American and Chinese scientists are decoupling, too.
The China Project (2023, September 22). Leading Chinese university nixes English
requirement, igniting nationalistic fervor.
Science Business Network (2023, August 30). US extends science and technology
agreement with China, buying time to renegotiate the deal.
Nature. (2023, August 25). US seeks to extend science pact with China: what it means for
South China Morning Post. (2023, July 21). Axed China Initiative’s racial profiling legacy
haunts scientists in US.
Foreign Policy (2023, July 13). Chinese Scientists are Leaving the United States
NBC News (2023, May 25). After being wrongfully accused of spying for China, professor
wins appeal to sue the government.
Times Higher Education (2023, May 2). What next for US-China research ties post-Lieber
University World News (2023, April 28). Harvard professor spared jail for China non-
Nature (2023, April 26). Chemist Charles Lieber avoids further prison time for lying about
China ties.
Inside Higher Ed (2023, April 10). How gun violence affects international student
Chronicle of Higher Education (2023, April 6). Can U.S. Research Recover From the China
Foreign Policy (2023, March 15). Lost in Translation: What happens when academic
exchanges between the world’s biggest superpowers collapse?
Nature (2023, February 24). China Initiative’s shadow looms large for US scientists.
Inside Higher Education (2023, February 10). China Bans Overseas Online Colleges.
Nature (2022, January 19). US chemical engineer avoids prison after conviction for hiding
ties to China.
Nature (2022, December 12). International students are returning to the United States, but
will it last?
Rabble (2022, December 2). Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy’: From UN Peacekeeper to U.S.
Sentinel State.
University World News (2022, November 13). Return of the native’ hype spotlights top
talent rivalry.
Research Professional News (2022, October 26). Sweeping national boycotts ‘damaging’ for
South China Morning Post (2022, October 25). At least 1,400 US-based ethnic Chinese
scientists exited American institutions for mainland China, study reveals.
Wall Street Journal (2022, September 22). U.S.-China Tensions Fuel Outflow of Chinese
Scientists From U.S. Universities.
Nature (2022, September 22). Convictions reversed for US chemical engineer accused of
hiding China ties.
Just Security (2022, September 6). Anti-Asian Prejudice Undermines U.S. National Security.
Nature (2022, August 11). Bullied abroad: how foreign researchers can fight back.
South China Morning Post (2022, July 21). US scientists keep ties with Chinese peers
despite crackdown.
Nature (2022, May 30). The number of researchers with dual USChina affiliations is
Chronicle of Higher Education (2022, April 19). Is Geopolitics Closing the Door on Open
New Yorker (2022, April 13). An Uncertain Future for a Chinese Scientist Accused of
Mother Jones (2022, April 11). The DOJ’s China Initiative Dragnet Is Over. But the
Aftereffects Will Be Felt for Years.
Nature (2022, April 8). Jury finds University of Kansas chemical engineer guilty of hiding
ties to China.
The Wire China (2022, April 3). The China Initiative is Over Now What.
Chronicle of Higher Education (2022, March 23). The future of the China Initiative.
Nature (2022, March 22). High-profile trial begins for chemical engineer accused of hiding
China ties.
WebMD (2022, March 9). Arrests, Cries of Racial Profiling End Feds' China Initiative
Lawfare (2022, March 4). U.S. Justice Department Puts an End to Controversial China
China Daily (2022, March 3). 'China Initiative' hurt US tech, Nobel laureate says
Latitudes (2022, February 28). Goodbye, China Initiative edition.
Nature (2022, February 24). The controversial China Initiative is ending researchers are
China Daily (2022, February 24). US to cease controversial China Initiative.
MIT Technology Review (2022, February 23). The US government is ending the China
Initiative. Now what?
Stanford Daily (2022, February 23). Stanford’s Chinese international students at risk of FBI
investigation, attorneys say.
The Diplomat (2022, February 23). It’s Time to Put the DOJ’s China Initiative on Trial.
Chronicle of Higher Education (2022, February 23). U.S. Department of Justice Ends
Controversial Probe of Researchers’ China Ties
Reuters (2022, February 15). Trump's targeting of Chinese academics likely will not last
after DOJ review.
China Times (2022, February 10). Gu’s win inspires Chinese descents in US to break racial
Science (2022, February 8). A Beijing think tank offered a frank review of China’s
technological weaknesses. Then the report disappeared.
Chemistry World (2022, January 27), Unbend the spirit of Science.
NBC News (2021, December 29). Asian American groups call on Biden to end controversial
China Initiative.
Chronicle of Higher Education (2021, December 27). What the Lieber Verdict Says, and
Doesn’t Say, About Future Probes of Scholars’ Ties to China
The Atlantic (2021, December 18). China Hawks Don’t Understand How Science Advances
China Daily (2021, December 18). Anti-China probes back in public gaze.
SupChina (2021, December 14). Another trial begins for the DOJ’s troubled China Initative.
New York Times (2021, November 28). As U.S. Hunts for Chinese Spies, University
Scientists Warn of Backlash.
ScienceBlog (2021, November 23). Stanford Researchers Decry Racial Profiling Of
Scientists Of Chinese Descent.
Stanford News (2021, November 18). Stanford community members participate in event
decrying the racial profiling of scientists of Chinese descent.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education. (2021, November 17). What Lies Ahead for U.S.-Asia
Higher Education Partnerships?
Education Dive (2021, November 15). 5 charts breaking down the decline in international
Diverse Issues (2021, November 10). Stakeholders Work To Boost Higher Education
Attainment Rates Among Native Americans.
Science (2021, November 5). China Initiative Spans Distrust-and Activism [Print, Vol 374,
Issue 6568, p. 673]
Chinese Intelligence (2021, November 4). Pressure on China seen as research threat
Nature (2021, November 3). News Round-Up: Africa accelerator, racial-bias fears and UK
science budget.
Latitudes (2021, November 1). Divergent Edition.
SupChina (2021, November 4). Racial profiling of Chinese scientists in the U.S.
ChinaNews (2021, October 30). US racial profiling among scientists dents innovation,
Nature. (2021, October 29). Scientists’ Fears of Racial Bias Surge Amid U.S. Crackdown on
China Ties.
South China Morning Post (2021, October 29). US ‘China Initiative’ racially profiled
scientists, ruined careers
Inside Higher Ed (2021, October 29). A Retreat From China Collaboration in the Face of U.S.
AsAmNews (2021, October 29). Chinese Scientists in U.S. Express Fears of Racial Profiling.
Science (2021, October 28). Two surveys document harmful impact of China Initiative on
University World News (2021, October 29). Racial Profiling of Chinese Scientists is
Spreading Fear.
Times Higher Education (2021, October 28). Ethnic Chinese Scientists Fear Heavy U.S.
Diverse Issues. (2021, October 28). Study Finds Racial Profiling of Scientists of Chinese
Chronicle of Higher Education (2021, October 28). Chinese Scientists Feel a Chill Under U.S.
Investigation of Higher Ed’s China Ties, a New Survey Shows.
Chronicle of Higher Education (2021, October 28). When a Scholar is Accused of Being a
Times Higher Education (2021, September 2). World University Rankings 2022: results
Chronicle of Higher Education (2021, August 11). Has the hunt for Chinese spies become a
witch hunt?
The Indian Express (2021, July 28). Enabling people with information.
Times Higher Education (2021, July 5). US academics tally damage of China crackdown as
backlash grows.
China News. (2021, June 24). The Committee of 100 and the University of Arizona launch a
research project focusing on the situation of Chinese scientists.
World Journal Report (2021, June 23). Research by Chinese American organization will
shed light on race and ethnicity in science and research, as racial profiling restrict the
scientific competitiveness of America.
The Chronicle of Higher Education (2021, June 22). Do Colleges Need a Foreign Policy?
Wisconsin State Journal (2021, June 20). Stranded overseas, UW-Madison international
students scramble to get here in time for classes.
Nature (2021, June 16). How the COVID pandemic is changing global science collaborations.
Nature (2021, May 26). Protect precious scientific collaboration from geopolitics.
Times Higher Education (2021, May 19). China citations boost from Covid research ‘closes
gap with US.’
Times Higher Education (2021, April 15). Has the pandemic changed research culture and
is it for the better?
University World News (2021, February 15). International student strategies must change,
says ACE.
SupChina. (2021, January 21). U.S.-China: An argument for renewed engagement.
Education Dive (2021, January 19). How Biden's immigration plan would affect colleges.
Times Higher Education (2021, January 15). Higher education and the pandemic: key
trends to watch in 2021.
Science (2021, January 14). Pandemic could mark ‘turning point’ for Chinese science.
Wisconsin State Journal (2020, November 26). A lot of relief': UW-Madison international
students see hope, reset in Biden administration.
Study International News (2020, November 4). The US issued 99% fewer student visas to
applicants from China this year here’s why.
University World News (2020, October 31). University leaders need to step up geopolitical
Education Dive (2020, October, 30). How would Biden's immigration proposals affect
international students?
University World News (2020, October 30). Cross-border research collaboration rose
during pandemic.
South China Morning Post (2020, October 21). Chinese, US scientists still working together
despite Donald Trump’s hostility.
Nature (2020, October 10). US civil-rights group offers support to researchers facing China
Education Dive (2020, October 8). How the Trump administration's H-1B visa changes
could affect colleges.
China Daily (2020, August 27). Virus collaborations rise despite tensions.
Times Higher Ed (2020, August 3). How Covid-19 is reshaping international research
China Global Television Network (2020, August 1). How can China and U.S. unite to combat
Inside Higher Ed (2020, July 27). New International Students Barred From All-Online
Latin Times. (2020, July 24). Scientific Collaboration Between US And China Has Grown
Despite Sour Relations.
South China Morning Post. (2020, July 23). Coronavirus trumps poor US-China relations as
scientific collaboration spikes, study shows.
Education Dive. (2020, July 24). New international students taking all online classes can't
enter US, ICE says.
Professionals in International Education (PIE) News (2020, July 17). US: China Fulbright
restrictions a new blow for student mobility.
ABC News. (2020, July 14). Loss of international students could damage US economy,
experts say.
Yahoo! Finance. (2020, July 14). Trump administration reverses new visa guidelines for
international students.
Al Jazeera. (2020, July 10). New US visa rule leaves Indian, Chinese students in panic
TRT World. (2020, July 10). How international students are countering Trump's planned
CCN. (2020, July 7). Here’s How Students are Reacting to Trump’s Defacto Student Ban.
Refinery 29. (2020, July 7). ICE To Force International Students Out Of U.S. If Campuses
Remain Closed.
Latitudes. (2020, July 6). Talking about race edition.
Nature. (2020, June 1). Universities will never be the same after the coronavirus crisis.
International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI). (2020, May 29). White House
considers expelling Chinese graduate students and researchers.
Bloomberg. (2020, May 28). Banning Chinese STEM Students Would Backfire on U.S.
The Scientist. (2020, May 28). US Looks to Block Chinese Grad Students’ and Researchers’
Halpin Partnership. (2020, May 5). Reinventing international higher education.
Research Professional News. (2020, April 29). Home learning ‘could be the new normal’.
Axios. (2020, April 30). As U.S. and China fight, their scientists collaborate.
University World News. (2020, April 24). It’s time to put TNE in the mainstream, IHE forum
The Professionals in International Education (PIE) News. (2020, April 23). Harness TNE to
prepare for post-coronavirus landscape. The PIE News.
Research Professional News. (2020, April 23). In-country teaching no longer ‘little sister’ of
student recruitment.
The Professionals in International Education (PIE) News. (2020, February 7). Trump travel
ban extension raises concern. The PIE (Professionals in International Education) News.
Legal Reader. (2020, January 24). Scientists in China may be experimenting with DNA for
the wrong reasons.
Diverse Issues in Higher Education (2020, January 23). Where are they now? A look at past
Emerging Scholars. Vol. 36, Issue 24.
Re$earch Money. (2020, January 22). Sharp focus on US-China research collaborations has
implications for Canada.
Times Higher Education. (2019, November 17). US research growth has relied on China
Science (2019, November 15). News at a glance. Science. 366 (6467): 778-780
The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2019, November 14). The real threat from China?
Inside Higher Ed. (2019, November 11). Study quantifies benefits of U.S.-China scientific
University World News. (2019, October 31). Tapping into the benefits of
University World News. (2019, October 19). Isolationism is a loser’s game and devastating
for HE.
Latitudes. (2019, September 15). Unimpressed edition: U.S. News ranked colleges for study
Inside Higher Ed. (2019, July). A welcome message, or a warning?
Freshed Podcast. (2019, June 24). International students; Reimagining the dream.
China Daily Global. (2019, June 12). Student exchanges burdened by U.S.-China tensions.
Inside Higher Ed. (2019, June 11). We must support Chinese international students.
The Scientist. (2019, June 7). US-China tensions leave some researchers on edge.
Latitudes. (2019, March 31). End of an era edition: Tarnish on a golden age.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2019, March 29). How international education’s golden
age lost its sheen.
The Scientist. (2019, March 22). Chinese-American scientist societies fear racial profiling.
Inside Higher Ed. (2019, February 19). Not an isolated incident: Weighing in on Duke case,
experts discuss discrimination against international students and pressures to assimilate.
Social Justice News Nexus. (2018, December 3). Ban on Chinese students could cost Chicago
millions of dollars.
University World News. (2018, September 18). The problem is the publishing system, not
the scholars.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2018, August 16). Why does publishing higher-ed
research take so long?
The New York Times. (2018, July 25). Visa restrictions for Chinese students alarm
Inside Higher Ed. (2018, February 15). The Chinese student threat?: FBI director testifies
on Chinese students and intelligence Threats.
Arizona K12 Center. (2018, January 24). Follow that teacher: Social media accounts we
UA News. (2017, June 5). UA launching Upward Bound program with DOE grant.
University World News. (2017, May 26). Are micro-campuses the new model for
international HE?
Inside Higher Ed. (2017, May 23). Going big into ‘microcampuses’: Arizona embarks on a
plan to develop 25 global microcampuses.
South China Morning Post. (2017, April 12). How Chinese student boom has kept US public
universities afloat, and why Trump’s America First stance might affect that.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2017, January 29). Shock, despair, and outrage:
academics condemn Trump’s immigration crackdown.
University World News. (2016, August 26). Will the new African passport improve
academic mobility?
UA News. (2016, June 1). Project SOAR to see new collaborations in the fall.
Mail and Guardian. (2015, July 3). The bleak side of studying in South Africa.
EAIE Blog. (2014, December 8). International students: humans without rights?
The Professionals in International Education (PIE) News. (2014, September 8).
Affordability, reputation draw students to South Africa.
University World News. (2014, September 6). Major survey of international students in
South Africa.
Inside Higher Ed. (2012, October 16). ‘I’m not racist, but’: Tensions simmer between
American and international students.
Inside Higher Ed. (2012, October 26). Foreign students and tolerance II.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2004, May 24). Cultural sources of resistance to
graduate-student unions.
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, “Confronting Racial Barriers to
Asian American Participation and Contributions to US Scientific” Being Prepared for
Resubmission, $4,085,651.
Co-Principal Investigator (with John Haupt), National Science Foundation, “Science and
Security: Understanding How International Collaborations Support or Impede
International Collaborations.” Under Review, $1,719,593.
Principal Investigator, University of Arizona, “Geopolitics and International University
Alliances Across the World” International Research Grant, $49,936, January 1, 2022-
December 31, 2023.
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, “RAPID International Type I:
Understanding the Nature of US-China Research Collaborations on COVID-19” Award
#2129476, $199,999 May 15, 2021-June 30, 2023.
Co-Principal Investigator (with Santiago Castiello, Amanda Cheromiah, and Jameson
Lopez), Univeristy of Arizona, “Indigenous Communities in The Americas: Learning and
Thriving Together Through Higher Education” Faculty Seed Grant, $14,965 for 2021-2022.
Principal Investigator, US Department of Education, “Urban Native American Access and
Success,Award # P047A171155, $1,287,500 for September 2017-August 2022. (Awardee
and PI for early Year 1)
Principal Investigator. HELIOS Foundation Grant, “Native SOAR,” $667,000 for August
2013-July 2017.
Principal Investigator, Small-Grants for Academic Collaboration in the Americas (SACA),
University of Arizona, “International Students in Mexico.” $1,500 for May 2012-June 2013.
Project Leader, Online Education Program Award, University of Arizona. $10,000 for
January-June 2013.
Co-principal investigator (with Gary Rhoades, Regina Deil-Amen, and Cecilia Rios-
Aguilar), NSF Grant, “[CINHEKS] What ever happened to the faculty? Knowledge transfer
and the academic workforce in the U.S.” Award #DGE-0952371, $244,928 for September
2009 to August 2012.
Director, Project SOAR (and Native SOAR), Student Outreach, Access, and Resiliency,
outreach program and research. HELIOS Foundation Grant of $347,521 for August 2007 to
June 2010.
Director, Project SOAR (and Native SOAR), Student Outreach, Access, and Resiliency,
outreach program. College of Education, $69,605 for August 2007 to June 2010.
University of Arizona, Center for the Study of Higher Education. 2003-2023.
“Global Migration and Human Rights” / “International Higher Education and Development”
graduate seminar
Introduction to Comparative Higher Education”/ “Higher Education Around the World”
graduate seminar
“International and Comparative Research” graduate seminar
“Higher Education and the New Economy” graduate seminar
“The College Student” graduate seminar
“Student Affairs Internship” graduate seminar
“Introduction to Student Affairs” graduate seminar
“College Access and (In)equity” graduate seminar
“Service Learning for Project SOAR undergraduate and graduate service-learning course
College Access in a Global Society graduate seminar
Research Design”/ “Academic Writing” graduate core course
Values, Consciousness, and Professional Practice undergraduate and graduate seminar
“Foundations of Leadership” undergraduate core course (online)
Seoul National University, Department of Education. April 2021
“Higher Education Policy” guest lecturer
University of Pretoria, Department of Education Management and Policy Studies. 2012.
“Education, Organization, and Development” guest lecturer
Korea University, Higher Education Policy Research Institute. Fall 2010; Spring 2016.
“Organization and Administration in Higher Education Institutions” graduate seminar
University of Virginia, Institute for Shipboard Education. Summer 2009.
Global Access to Education” undergraduate upper-division course
Social Justice and Educational Theories” undergraduate upper-division course
University of California, Los Angeles, Higher Education and Organizational Change
Program. 1998-2003.
“Career-Based Outreach Program” undergraduate upper-division service-learning course
Theoretical Frameworks of Higher Education” graduate core course (Teaching Assistant)
Spirituality and Higher Education graduate course (Teaching Assistant)
High School Advising Program undergraduate upper-division service-learning course
Social Psychology of Higher Education" undergraduate upper-division course
Teaching Practicum Social Psychology of Higher Education" undergraduate upper-
division course
University of California, Irvine, Division of Undergraduate Education. 1993-1998.
Issues and Options for Undecided Students lower-division freshman course
Jackson, Duan
The Diversity of Emerging Adult Learners and Their
Successful Persistence Toward Graduation
Hessenflow, Rachael
Preparing for Reverse Culture Shock: The American Student
Baruch, Zazil-ha
Brain-Waste Among Highly-Skilled Mexpatriates:
The Underemployment Experiences of Tertiary-Educated
Mexicans in the United States
Emily, McFadden
Relearning to Lead: Culturally Responsive Leadership in
Changing Suburban Schools
Collins, Elizabeth
Navigating Challenges within Academic Advising:
A Tempered Radicals Approach
Baker, Megan
Students' Perspectives on the Experienced Curriculum and
Pedagogies Supporting Interdisciplinary Learning
Haupt, John
Global Hierarchies in Science: An Examination of USAID’s
Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research program
Cheromiah, Amanda
The Indigenous Revolt in Education: Indigenous Feat - A
Scholar's Pace
Vance, Hillary
US Transnational Higher Education in Cambodia: Soft Power
and Orientalism in Context
Burchell, Jill
Understanding Disability-Related Professional Development
in Student Affairs
Davi, Lysette
Transnational Education Student Learning and Sense of
Belonging through a Flipped Classroom Model in Southeast
Hensley, Martin
Academic Capitalism and Isomorphism in MOOC Course
Arroyo Perez, Adrian
Money for Prestige: A Geopolitical Transaction
LaFleur, Dale
Transnational Partnerships and Dual Degrees:
Entrepreneurial Strategies for Internationalization
Youngbull, Natalie
Experiencing Divergence: The (Un)Success of American
Indian Gates Millennium Scholars Within Institutions of
Higher Education
Tachine, Amanda
Monsters and Weapons: Navajo students' stories on their
journeys to college
Sedig, Sheila Marie
Public Health Perspectives of Cultural Competence
Bhatia, Annette
The Cosmopolitan Guru: Non-native Indian Faculty Career
Trajectory in Western Countries.
Nirh, Jenny
How Students Explain Engaging in Hazing Behaviors.
Deschamps, Eric
Entrepreneurialisms Influence on the International
Strategies and Activities of Public U.S. Universities
Tanisha (Co-Chair)
The Cinderella Syndrome: A Case Study of Two Medical
Galilee-Belfer, Mika
Ambiguity and Alignment in Academic Policies: Course
Substitutions, Learning Disabilities and Universal Design
Liu, Xin
The Roles, Employment Status and Time Allocation of
Foreign-Born Faculty in American Post-Secondary Education
Corella, Arezu K
Identifying College Student Success: The Role of First Year
Success Courses and Peer Mentoring
Irwin, Mary A
Towards Understanding the Negotiation and Decision-
Making Process of Withdrawal from College: A Qualitative
Luca, Sandra G
Formal Policy and Enacted Practices at Regional Public
Universities: The Orientation and Practices of Recruitment
Professionals at the California State University
Verst, Amy L
Outstanding Teachers and Learner-Centered Teaching
Practices at a Private Liberal Arts Institution
Kisang, Benjamin
The Role of Social Networks in the Adjustment and Academic
Success of International Students: A Case Study at a
University in the Southwest
Perry, Pamela
Behind the Curtain of the Beauty Pageant: An Investigation of
U.S. News Undergraduate Business Program Rankings
Williams, Glenn
A Digital Field of Dreams: The Social Construction of Distance
Education Programs at Public Universities
Conover, Aubrey
Development and Impact of Online Student Services within
Community Colleges
Espino, Michelle
Master Narratives and Counter-Narratives: An Analysis of
Mexican American Life Stories of Oppression and Resistance
Along the Pathways to the Doctorate
Siegel, James
The Role of Stress in the Persistence Intentions of
Nontraditional Community College Students
Birnbaum, Matthew
Taking Goffman on a Tour of Facebook: College Students and
the Presentation of Self in a Mediated Digital Environment
Olsen, Lynette
Comparison of the Influence of Various Information Sources
on the College Choice of Students Within A Variety of
Postsecondary Institutions
AERA Fellow. American Educational Research Association. 2023.
Outstanding Faculty/Staff Award, Asian Pacific American Student Affairs. Univeristy of
Arizona. 2023
Best Book Award for US Power in International Higher Education. Comparative
International Education Society Higher Education SIG, 2023.
Dissertation Chair, John P. Haupt. Recipient of the CIES-HESIG Dissertation of the Year
Award, 2023.
Award for Significant Research on International Higher Education (for US Power in
International Higher Education). Association for the Study of Higher Education, Council for
International Higher Education, 2021
Dean’s Fellow for Internationalization, College of Education, University of Arizona, 2021-
Award for Excellence in Global Education, University of Arizona, 2017.
NAFSA Senior Fellow for Internationalization, 2016-2020.
Global Professorship, Korea University, 2014-2017.
Fulbright Core Senior Scholar, South Africa, 2013-2015.
Visiting Scholar, University of Cape Town, 2014-2021.
Visiting Scholar, University of Pretoria, 2013-2015.
International Advisory Board, Center for Higher Education and Knowledge Studies, Seoul
National University, 2014.
Dissertation Chair, Amanda Tachine, Recipient of AERA Division J Dissertation of the
Year Award, 2016.
Emerging Scholar, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 2012.
Exemplary Project Award for Project SOAR, Association of Public and Land-grant
Universities, 2011
Journal of Geography in Higher Education Biennial Award for Promoting Excellence in
Teaching and Learning, 2011 (with Michael Solem and Beth Schlemper)
Peter W. Likins Inclusive Excellence AwardPresented to the Faculty of the Center for
the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona, October, 2010.
Honorary Visiting Scholar in the School of Arts and Social Sciences, City University in
London, England, 2010-2011.
Honorary Invited Professor in the Higher Education Policy Research Institute, Korea
University in Seoul, Korea, 2010.
Journal of Geography in Higher Education Biennial Publication Award, Association of
American Geographers, 2010.
Outstanding Faculty Award, Asian American Faculty, Staff & Alumni Association,
University of Arizona, 2009.
Dissertation Chair, Michelle Espino, Recipient of ASHE Dissertation of the Year Award,
Smith Junior Faculty Research Fund Recipient, College of Education, University of
Arizona, 2007.
Erasmus Circle Fellow Award Recipient, College of Education, University of Arizona,
Salzburg Seminar Fellow, 2004, 2005.
Emerging Scholar and Grant Recipient, American College Personnel Association, 2003.
Student Commencement Speaker, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies,
University of California, Los Angeles, 2002.
Honored by the Kellogg Forum on Higher Education for the Public Good as one of “16
outstanding emerging scholars in the field of Higher Education,” September, 2002.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles,
Grant Recipient, Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of California,
Berkeley, 2002.
Philip Neil Clark Memorial Award for academic excellence and outstanding service,
Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001.
Merit Scholarship, Department of Education, University of California, Los Angeles, 2001.
Research Fellowship Recipient, Graduate Division, University of California, Los Angeles,
Outstanding Contribution to the School of Social Ecology Award, University of California,
Irvine, 1994.
Editor and Editorial Board
Co-Editor. Studies of Global Higher Education book series. Palgrave. 2012-present.
Associate Editor. Review of Higher Education. 2016-2019.
Editor, Special Issue: Higher Education in the Global Society (2017). The Review of
Higher Education, 41(1).
Editorial Advisory Board. Higher Education. 2012-present.
Editorial Board. Journal of Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education. 2017-present.
Editorial Board. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Leadership Studies. 2019-
Editorial Board. Higher Education Governance and Policy (HEGP). 2020-present.
Book Review Editor, Editorial Board. Journal of Higher Education. 2011-2016.
Editorial Advisory Board. Higher Education Research book series. Bloomsbury. 2018-
Editorial Advisory Board. Encyclopedia of Higher Education. Sage Publications. 2015-
Editorial Board. Journal of Religion and Education. 2002-2020.
Editorial Board. Review of Higher Education. 2012-2015.
Editorial Board. Journal of College Student Development. 2003-2006.
Professional Associations
Vice President, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Division J. April
Committee Member, Foreign-Funded Language and culture Institutes at U.S. Institutions
of Higher Education. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. (2023)
Committee Member, Confucius Institutes at U.S. Institutions of Higher Education.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. (2022-23)
Advisory Board, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in
Transition. 2019-2023.
Advisory Board, Comparative and International Education Society
(CIES) SIG, Study Abroad and International Students. 2018-2020.
Member, European Association for International Education (EAIE) Knowledge
Development Task Force. 2015-2016.
Co-Chair, ASHE-NAFSA Connecting Research to Practice. Association for the Study of
Higher Education. 2014-2016.
Affiliated Researcher, Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration
(CONAHEC). 2014.
Board of Directors, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Member-at-
Large. 2011-2013.
Co-Chair, Internationalization Task Force. American Educational Research Association.
Member, Policy Task Force. Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2012-2013.
Member, Technology Task Force. Association for the Study of Higher Education, 2012-
Member, Awards Committee, Association for the Study of Higher Education, Council on
International Education, 2012.
Member, Dissertation Award Committee, American Educational Research Association
(AERA), Religion and Education SIG. 2012
Program Chair, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference,
Division J, 2012.
Program Co-Section Chair, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual
Conference, Division J, Society, Culture, and Change. 2011.
Chair, ASHE Council on International Higher Education. 2008-2009.
Vice Chair, ASHE Council on International Higher Education. 2007-2008.
Program Chair, Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) International
Forum. 2007.
Program Co-Section Chair, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual
Conference, Division J, Society and Culture. 2007-2008.
Program Co-Section Chair, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual
Conference, Division J, Faculty, Curriculum, and Research. 2005-2006.
Region Coordinator, NASPA International Education Knowledge Community. 2005-2006.
Member, Consortium on Spirituality in Higher Education (CSHE) (formerly: Initiative For
Authenticity and Spirituality in Higher Education) (IASHE). 2002-2009.
Research Consultant. Committee of 100. Race and Ethnicity in Science and Research,
with a Focus on Chinese American Scientists. 2021.
Research Consultant. Council of Graduate Schools. Supporting Mental Health and
Wellbeing of Graduate Students. 2020.
Research Partner and Consultant, AIMS Research Working Group, Korea University.
Longitudinal Analysis of the Learning Outcomes of the AIMS Participating Students. 2016-
Research Consultant, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, International Student Support
Project. 2013.
Research Consultant, Association of American Geographers, Washington D.C. 2005-2013.
Research Consultant, Office of Student Life, New York University. 2000-2001.
Chair, University of Arizona ‘Safety for All’ Committee, Faculty Senate, October 2022-
Faculty Senator Representative, University of Arizona, Senate Standing Committee on
Research Policy, August 2022-2023.
Faculty Senator, Univeristy of Arizona, College of Education Representative, June 2022-
May 2024.
Advisory Board Member, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Arizona. 2022-
Co-chair, Director of Native SOAR Search Committee, University of Arizona. 2022.
Member, College of Education Dean’s Search Committee. 2022.
Lead Researcher, University of Arizona Global, Microcampus Research, for 2017-2023.
Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Education, University of Arizona.
Chair, Global Education Minor Committee, College of Education, University of Arizona.
Member, Study Abroad Faculty Advisory Committee, University of Arizona. 2020-2021.
Member, Committee for Global Locations, University of Arizona. 2019-2021.
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Education, University of Arizona,
Program Faculty, Human Rights Practice Graduate Program, University of Arizona, 2018
Member, Global/Internationalization Review Steering Committee, University of Arizona,
Member, Global/Internationalization Strategy Group, University of Arizona. 2017.
Director, Center for the Study of Higher Education. 2009-2011.
Director, Project SOAR. 2004-2010.
Director, Native SOAR. 2005-2010
Faculty Advisor, Native SOAR. 2014-2019.
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Women's Studies, University of Arizona. 2004-2021.
Member, International Student Working Group, University of Arizona. 2013-2014.
Member, Diversity Coalition Strategic Planning Committee, University of Arizona. 2013.
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Education, University of Arizona.
Member, Global Initiatives Advisory Committee, University of Arizona, 2011-2012.
Member, Smith Prevention Initiatives Advisory Board, College of Education, University
of Arizona. 2007-2008.
Member, Academic Program Committee, College of Education, University of Arizona.
Member, Awards and Recognition Committee, College of Education, University of
Arizona. 2003-2007.
Faculty Coordinator, Masters in College Student Affairs Program, University of Arizona.
Faculty Advisor, Millennial Student Research Project, University of Arizona. 2004-2005.
Member, Awards Committee, Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, University
of Arizona. 2003-2004.
Founder and Coordinator, Asian Pacific Faculty and Student Mentorship Program, UCI.