25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025
Accommodation Guide
March 2024
0. Contents
1. Introduction …Page 2
(1) Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Official Travel Agency
(2) Accommodation Reservation Management
(3) Accommodation Arrangement Timeline
2. Accommodation Arrangement Service Basic Policy …Page 5
(1) Guaranteed Accommodation Provision Period
(2) Accommodation Facility Categories
(3) Room Types
(4) Items Included in the Accommodation Fees
(5) Items Not Included in the Accommodation Fees
(6) Payment of the Accommodation Fees
(7) Cancellation Policy
3.Accommodation Allocation Process ・・・Page 10
(1) Accommodation Reservation Request
(2) Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Accommodation Allocation Policy
(3) Accommodation Allocation and Tour Contract
(4) Reservation Changes and Final Notification
(5) Reservation Change After the Final Accommodation Allocation Notification
(6) Cancellation Policy from April 1, 2025
(7) Accommodation Arrangement Not Made by JTB (Official Travel Agency)
4.Transportation Service ・・・Page 14
(1) Transportation Service Period
(2) Conditions for Use
(3) Official Airports
(4) Specifications for Arrival and/or Departure Dates
(5) Transportation Services (Plan)
5.Other Precautions ・・・Page 16
(1) Luggage Transportation
6.Attachments ・・・Page 17
Appendix A Main Accommodation Facilities by Category Information Sheet
Appendix B Accommodation Arrangement Schedule
Appendix C Cancellation Policy from April 1, 2025
Appendix D National Olympics Memorial Youth Center Guide Map
Appendix E Competition Schedule
Appendix F Completion Venue Map
Dear NDSFs,
It is our pleasure to welcome all NDSFs from around the world to Tokyo for the
25th Summer Deaflympics Tokyo 2025 to be held from November 15, 2025 to
November 26, 2025.
The Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics has selected accommodation facilities within a one-
hour commute of event venues to allow athletes to focus on their events. This
Accommodation Guide was created to provide necessary information for reserving
accommodation during the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics. Reservations will be open from
April 25, 2024 to September 30, 2024. Please read this Guide carefully and use it in
preparation for your visit.
Services and operations during the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics not contained in this
Accommodation Guide will be announced when the details are decided.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything unclear in this
Accommodation Guide.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics.
Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation
Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office
Games Service Division
(1) Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Official Travel Agency
Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Accommodation & Transportation Center, JTB Corp.
(hereinafter, “JTB”)
Address : Nishi-Shinjuku MK Building 1F, 4-16-3 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
(2) Accommodation Reservation Management
<1> Accommodation Management System (AMARYS)
The accommodation reservation management for the Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics will
be conducted using the system, AMARYS.
The following items are available by using AMARYS.
*AMARYS is a different system from OMS (ICSD Online Management System).
[Functions of AMARYS]
Confirmation of accommodation reservations
Submission of various documents and data
- Accommodation Request Forms
- Tour contracts
Communication with JTB
- Inquiries regarding accommodation requests
- Inquiries regarding tour contracts
- Inquiries regarding changes to accommodation reservations
- Inquiries regarding invoices and payments
- Other inquiries related to accommodation or transportation
Invoice receipts and confirmation of payments
<2> AMARYS ID Registration
One AMARYS ID is assigned to each NDSF. Therefore, each NDSF is asked to
select a representative to manage their accommodation reservations. The
representative is requested to log in to AMARYS as the AMARYS administrator
and register various information.
To ensure the authenticity of the IDs, notification will be sent to each NDSF from
the ICSD along with the URL for accessing to AMARYS.
<3> Operation Method of AMARYS
The AMARYS operation manual will be distributed together with the ID notification.
(3) Accommodation Arrangement Timeline
Day of
April 24
AMARYS accommodation
management system operation starts
ICSD distributes an AMARYS login ID
and initial password to each NDSF
April 25
JTB sends out the Accommodation
Request Form through AMARYS
[See 3(1)<1>]
By September 30
By October 31
Initial allocation notification to each
NDSF through AMARYS [Initial
Accommodation Allocation
Notification] [See 3(3)<1>]
Issuance of the first invoice for
accommodation fees to each NDSF
November 17 to
November 21
Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Chef de Mission Seminar
By November 29
By February 28
By March 31
Final allocation notification to each
NDSF through AMARYS [Final
Accommodation Allocation
Notification] [See 3(4)<2>]
Issuance of the second invoice for
accommodation fees to each NDSF
From April 1
Cancellation charge will be charged depending on the number of
rooms canceled [See 2(7)]
By April 30
By June 13
By June 16
Issuance of the final invoice for
accommodation fees to each NDSF
By July 15
By August 29
Within October
*All dates above are Japan Standard Time (JST).
2. Accommodation Arrangement Service Basic Policy
(1) Guaranteed Accommodation Provision Period
Rooms are held from four days before the opening ceremony to two days after the
closing ceremony.
From November 11, 2025 (Tuesday) to checkout on November 28 (Friday)
*There is no minimum necessary number of nights.
*Please contact us if additional accommodation is required before or after the above
room guarantee period.
(2) Accommodation Facility Categories
Accommodation facilities can be selected from the four categories described below,
depending on the accommodation fees per night and per guest.
The facilities and available services in each category below are examples, and there is
no guarantee that all items listed below will be provided.
*Prices listed below in USD are based on currency exchange rates as of
March 1, 2024 and are shown for reference purposes only. Payment of
accommodation fees is accepted in Japanese yen.
Category A: From 30,000 yen (200 USD or so) per night per person
Wi-Fi, parking, business support tools, function room, laundry service or
coin laundry, safe (guest room or front desk), adequate toiletries and
other room amenities, eating and drinking facility, buffet style breakfast,
associated facilities (entertainment facility, relaxation facility, shops),
vending machines, etc.
Category B: From 20,000 yen (133 USD or so) per night per person
Wi-Fi, parking, laundry service or coin laundry, standard toiletries and
other room amenities, eating and drinking facility, buffet style or light
breakfast, vending machines, etc.
Category C: From 15,000 yen (100 USD or so) per night per person
Wi-Fi, coin laundry, minimum toiletries and other room amenities, eating
and drinking facility, light breakfast, vending machines, etc.
Category D: Up to 10,000 yen (67 USD or so) per night per person
Wi-Fi, coin laundry, minimum toiletries and other room amenities, eating
and drinking facility, light breakfast, vending machines, etc.
Category D: National Olympics Memorial Youth Center
The National Olympics Memorial Youth Center is the only Category D
accommodation facility in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
Rooms are available at affordable rates. However, please note that room setups
and provided services are not the same as those at regular accommodation
facilities and guests are required to follow the facility’s rules as the Youth
Center is an educational facility designed primarily for training and international
youth exchanges.
Room size: 6.85 m
to 12.85 m
Room type: Single room only
Bathing facility and toilets: Common (Bathing facility is only open for a set
period of time)
Room amenities: None
Linen replacement service: None *Guests can replace linens on their own
Eating and drinking in rooms is not permitted
No room cleaning service
Leaving the facility early in the morning or late at night is restricted
Floors on the lodging building are separated by gender,
and so on.
Please carefully read the services provided
URL https://nyc.niye.go.jp/wp/en/
before making a request.
Please also note that we may not be able to book the National Olympics Memorial
Youth Center due to very limited availability if we receive too many requests for the
(3) Room Types
The available room types are as follows. Note that available room types may differ
depending on the accommodation facility.
- Single room
- Double room
- Triple room
- Quadruple room
- Quintuple room
- Japanese style room
- Japanese and western style combination room
Japanese style rooms for up to six guests are available at accommodation facilities in
the Fukushima area, site of the football event, and the Izu area, site of the cycling and
mountain biking venue.
*Accommodation fees listed in each category are the rates for one person when the
room is used by the set number of guests.
* When less than the set number of guests per room occupy a room,
accommodation fees for the set number of the guests for the room will be
E.g.) One person stays in a room for two guests in a Category B
accommodation facility for six nights
20,000 yen/night × two persons × 6 nights=240,000 yen will be the total amount
of accommodation fees.
(4) Items Included in the Accommodation Fees
In principle, the accommodation fees include the following:
- Breakfast per night for the set number of guests for the room
- Internet connection fees
- Service charge
- Various taxes including hotel tax
*Breakfast or other services that are not used are not subject to reimbursement.
(5) Items Not Included in the Accommodation Fees
<1> Meals
Lunches and dinners are NOT included in accommodation fees.
* Dinners can be arranged (separate fee necessary) or information for dinners can
be provided based on request.
<2> Laundry Service
Laundry fees are NOT included in accommodation fees.
Please use the laundry services at the accommodation facilities (coin laundry, etc.).
If the accommodation facility does not offer a laundry service, please contact us for
a referral to a laundry service provider or arrangement of a laundry service
(separate fee required for the laundry service arrangement).
When a large amount of laundry is expected due to a team event or other reasons,
please contact us for a referral to a laundry service provider or arrangement of a
laundry service (separate fee required for the laundry service arrangement).
*Please contact us for meal and laundry service requests in AMARYS.
<3> Incidental Charges
Incidental charges (e.g., laundry fees, phone charges, additional drinking or eating
costs, and service charges and taxes charged on the above-mentioned fees,
charges, and costs) are NOT included in the accommodation fees. Please pay
the accommodation facility directly for any incidental charges.
<4> Function Room, Parking
To request additional space in an accommodation facility such as a function room
(banquet rooms, conference rooms, etc.) and parking, please contact the
accommodation facility directly and conclude an agreement.
(6) Payment of the Accommodation Fees
<1> Currency: Japanese yen
<2> Payment Method: Money transfer to the specified bank account or by credit card
<3> Payment Schedule: Three installments (as shown in the table below)
* In principle, invoices are scheduled to be issued around 30 days before each payment
due date.
* When additional rooms are arranged after issuance of the second invoice, the
payment due date will be set according to the conditions from the accommodation
* In case of reimbursement, the amount will be reimbursed in a lump sum when the
final invoice is issued.
* Handling charges and other fees required for money transfers shall be
incurred by those making the payment.
* Payment due dates refer to the date when JTB receives payment.
Payment Amount
Payment Due Date
10% of the total accommodation fees in the Initial
Accommodation Allocation Notification
*Full amount may be paid
November 29, 2024
80% of the remaining total accommodation fees in the
Final Accommodation Allocation Notification
(after deducting the first installment)
* Full amount may be paid
April 30, 2025
The remaining total accommodation fees after deducting
the first and second installments as of June 16, 2025
July 15, 2025
(7) Cancellation Policy
Room cancellation fees will apply for the cancellation of booked rooms according to
the following policy.
* JST: Japan Standard Time
* Deadline dates and times refer to the dates and times when notification for the
cancellation request is received in AMARYS.
* In consideration of the schedule for preliminary events to qualify for the
Deaflympics, a separate cancellation policy for delegates in the basketball,
volleyball, handball, and football events is under examination and will be notified at
a later date through AMARYS.
* For the schedule, please refer to Appendix B as well.
* For the cancellation policy for cancellations in April 2025 or later, a specific
example is provided in Appendix C.
Cancellation Date
Cancellation Conditions
Cancellation Fee
March 31, 2025
(JST 23:59) or earlier
From April 1, 2025
(JST 00:00) to April 30,
2025 (JST 23:59)
The number of room
cancellations in an
facility as of April 1,
2025 (JST 0:00)
For cancellations of up to
20% of the total number
of rooms booked in the
same accommodation
For cancellations
exceeding 20% of the
total number of rooms
booked in the same
accommodation facility
100% of the
accommodation fees for
the cancelled rooms
From May 1, 2025
(JST 0:00) to June 13,
2025 (JST 23:59)
The number of room
cancellations in an
facility as of May 1,
2025 (JST 0:00)
For cancellations of up to
10% of the total number
of rooms booked in the
same accommodation
For cancellations
exceeding 10% of the
total number of rooms
booked in the same
accommodation facility
100% of the
accommodation fees for
the cancelled rooms
June 14, 2025 (JST 0:00)
or later
100% of the
accommodation fees for
the cancelled rooms
3. Accommodation Allocation Process
(1) Accommodation Reservation Request
<1> Accommodation Reservation Request Schedule
- April 24, 2024 (Wed): Receipt of the URL and login ID for AMARYS
- April 25, 2024 (Thu): Receipt of the Accommodation Request Form in AMARYS
- By April 30, 2024 (Tue): Login to AMARYS and registration of the representative’s
- By September 30, 2024 (Mon): Submission of the Accommodation Request Form
<2> Requested Actions
- Agreement regarding various conditions related to accommodation provision and
the personal information handling policy
- Entry of the necessary number of rooms for each day during the room guarantee
period in the Accommodation Request Form.
* Please note that reservation requests will not be accepted under the
currently set categories if they are not made by the deadline.
Currently, due to an increase in demand for domestic travel in Japan and
surge in popularity of Japan as a tourism destination, securing rooms is
difficult and accommodation fees are rising sharply. If a request is not made
by the deadline (September 30, 2024), the accommodation fees may increase
or the rooms may be unavailable.
The AMARYS operation method and information regarding the
Accommodation Request Form will be provided later.
(2) Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics Accommodation Allocation Policy
JTB will arrange a suitable accommodation facility in the requested accommodation
category according to the accommodation allocation policy below.
<1> For competition venues far from Tokyo metropolitan area or that have legal
restrictions, JTB will arrange accommodation facilities near the venues. This
policy may apply to other sports as well later.
- Badminton Wrestling Bowling Shooting Golf Beach volleyball
<2> For team sports, one accommodation facility will be arranged for each
national team.
- Basketball Volleyball Handball
<3> Accommodations will be arranged near each venue for the following sports
since travel to Tokyo requires an overnight stay.
- Orienteering (Izu Oshima) Football (Fukushima Prefecture)
Cycling Road and Mountain Bike (Izu City and neighboring cities, Shizuoka
For sports listed in <1> to <3> above, JTB will arrange accommodations based on the
above policy in consideration of the locations of the venues, required travel time,
characteristics of the sports, start and end time of the events, legal regulations related to
the events, and other factors, in order to reduce the burden on athletes and related
personnel and to increase convenience and efficiency of transportation.
When different arrangements from those based on the above policy are requested, the
transportation service may be affected (Longer travel time required from the
accommodation facility to the venue) and some planned services at the accommodation
facilities may not be available.
JTB will make the utmost effort to meet all requests, including accommodation facility
categories, however, JTB may not be able to meet all requests due to limited room
availability. Thank you very much for your understanding.
(3) Accommodation Allocation and Tour Contract
<1> Initial Accommodation Allocation Notification (provision by October 31, 2024)
- JTB will provide notification of the initial accommodation allocations through
<2> First Installment Payment Due Date (by November 29, 2024)
- Please pay the first installment according to the first invoice so JTB receives the
payment by November 29, 2024.
<3> Tour Contract
- According to the Travel Agency Act of Japan, tour contracts must be concluded.
Tour Terms & Conditions, which serve as tour contracts, and statements that
outline the reservation details will be sent through AMARYS.
- The first invoice will be issued following the conclusion of the contract.
<4> Reservation Change Request
- Accommodation allocations will be confirmed when payment for the first invoice is
- Reservation change requests can be made afterward.
*If a contract is not concluded or we do not receive payment by the due
date, the accommodation reservation will be cancelled.
(4) Reservation Changes and Final Notification
<1> Reservation Change Period (by February 28, 2025)
- Please submit the reservation change request in AMARYS.
- Reservation change requests can be made after conclusion of the tour contract
and confirmation that payment was received.
<2> Notification of Final Accommodation Arrangement Notification (by March 31,
- JTB will provide notification of the final accommodation reservation in AMARYS.
<3> Second Installment Due Date (by April 30, 2025)
- Please pay the second accommodation fee installment according to the second
invoice so JTB receives the payment by April 30, 2025.
(5) Reservation Change After the Final Accommodation
Allocation Notification
<1> Reservation Change Period (after notification of the Final Accommodation
Allocation Notification and until August 29, 2025 )
- Reserved rooms can be cancelled according to [2. Accommodation Arrangement
Service Basic Policy (7) Cancellation Policy]
- Requests for additional rooms can be made anytime (The applicable
accommodation fee will no longer be based on the accommodation facility
<2> Reservation Change Request
- Reservation change requests for a final notification can be made after
confirmation of payment for the second invoice.
*If payment is not received by the due date, the accommodation reservation
will be cancelled for the number of rooms not covered by the first
*For reserving additional rooms after notification of the Final
Accommodation Allocation Notification, the accommodation fee rates when
the request for additional rooms is received will apply. The prices and
conditions will not be based on the accommodation facility category.
*For an additional room request after issuance of the second invoice, the payment
due date will be set according to the conditions for room provision by the
accommodation facility. Please make the payments accordingly.
<3> Additional Room Request
- Request for additional rooms can be made after confirmation that payment
for the final invoice is received.
* If JTB cannot confirm payment receipt by the due date, the
accommodation reservation will be cancelled for the number of rooms not
covered by the first and second installments.
(6) Cancellation Policy from April 1, 2025
Room changes from April 1, 2025 or later are treated as a cancellation and
For example, when a room type is changed from a single room to a twin room in
the same accommodation facility, the booked single room will be treated as
cancelled even if there is no change in the total number of booked rooms in the
accommodation facility. For details, please refer to Appendix C.
(7) Accommodation Arrangement Not Made by JTB (Official Travel
When an accommodation reservation is not made through JTB, which is the
official travel agency, all transportation services to be described later in [4.
Transportation Service] will not be provided.
When a NDSF does not make an accommodation arrangement with JTB, the
NDSF shall be responsible for all transportation during the Tokyo 2025
Deaflympics at its own cost.
Even when the NDSF arranges accommodations on its own, the NDSF is
requested to log in to AMARYS and contact JTB through AMARYS.
Otherwise, the NDSF may not be able to use the pick-up/drop-off area or
parking at the venue.
4. Transportation Service
When the NDSF makes accommodation reservations through JTB (official travel agency),
the NDSF will be able to use the following transportation services provided by JTB.
(1) Transportation Service Period
Four days before the opening ceremony to two days after the closing ceremony
November 11, 2025 (Tuesday) to November 28, 2025 (Friday)
(2) Conditions for Use
Transportation services are available only to NDSFs making accommodation
reservations through JTB (official travel agency).
(3) Official Airports
The official airports of Tokyo 2025 Deaflympics are as follows:
<1> Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) Terminal 2 and Terminal 3
<2> Narita International Airport (Narita Airport) Terminal 1 and Terminal 2
*There will be no transportation service from other airports.
(4) Specifications for Arrival and/or Departure Dates
For sports requiring special transportation services, JTB will specify the arrival and/or
departure dates and airports.
For applicable sports, JTB will provide notification through AMARYS at a later date.
(5) Transportation Services (Plan)
<1> Transportation from the Airport upon Arrival to Japan
- Transportation from official airports will be provided to the ID Center.
- From the ID center, transportation to specified drop-off locations will be provided.
<2> Opening and Closing Ceremonies Transportation
- Transportation between specified pick-up/drop-off locations and the Opening and
Closing Ceremony venue will be provided.
<3> Transportation During Sports Events
- Transportation between specified pick-up/drop-off locations and competition
venues will be provided via a transportation site.
- For some sport competitions, transportation between specified pick-up/drop-off
locations and the competition venues will be provided.
<4> Transportation to the Airport for Departure from Japan
- Transportation from specified pick-up locations will be provided to official
* Travel between accommodation facilities and specified pick-up/drop-off locations
will be on foot.
Official airport
ID Center
Specified pick-up/drop-off location
Opening and Closing Ceremonies Venue
Transportation hub
Specified pick-up/drop-off location
Specified drop-off location
Official airport
Specified pick-up location
Specified pick-up/drop-off location
5. Other Precautions
(1) Luggage Transportation
Basically, JTB’s transportation service includes the complimentary transport of one
suitcase (total size (length, width, height) up to 62" / 158cm). Due to limited space and
capacity on the bus, there will be a fee for transporting other luggage.
Transport costs for other luggage will be notified at a later date. Please contact us
through AMARYS to arrange luggage transport.
E.g.) Second suitcases, bicycles, pole vault poles, javelins, large-size team luggage,
bowling balls, and so on
Appendix A Main Accommodation Facilities by Category Information Sheet
Appendix A Main Accommodation Facilities by Category Information Sheet
Appendix B Accommodation Arrangement Schedule
Appendix C Cancellation Policy from April 1,2025
In case Country A has the following reservation as of April 1, 2025
Hotel X
100 single
Hotel X
100 twin
Reservation for 200 rooms in Hotel X
Number of rooms that can be cancelled free of charge as of April 1, 2025
100 single rooms 100 twin rooms × 20% 40 rooms
Case 1 In case of cancelling 50 single rooms in Hotel X on
April 1, 2025
Hotel X
100 twin
Up to 40 rooms can be cancelled in Hotel X free of charge.
100% of the room price will be charged for cancelling10 rooms .
*Since 100% of the room price will be charged for a cancellation, it is possible to keep
the reservation instead of cancelling the reservation for10 rooms.
50 single
rooms in
Hotel X
Case 2 In case of cancelling 20 single rooms and booking an
additional 20 twin rooms in Hotel X on April 1, 2025
80 single
rooms in
Hotel X
Hotel X
100 twin
Since up to 40 rooms can be cancelled free of charge in Hotel X, there will be no
charge for the cancellation of 20 single rooms. The additional 20 twin rooms are
treated as a new booking. Consequently, 20 rooms can still be cancelled in Hotel X
free of charge in April.
Even if the booking for one type of room decreases and additional rooms of another
type are booked in the same hotel, the number of rooms will not be offset.
20 twin rooms
Case 3 In case of cancelling 50 single rooms and booking an
additional 30 twin rooms in Hotel X on April 1, 2025
Hotel X
100 twin
30 twin rooms
Free of charge
cancellation 40 rooms
Cancellation fees
for 10 rooms
Free of charge
cancellation 20 rooms
50 single
rooms in
Hotel X
Free of charge
cancellation 40 rooms
Cancellation fees
for 10 rooms
Up to 40 rooms can be cancelled in Hotel X free of charge. 100% of the room
price will be charged for cancelling 10 rooms. The additional 30 rooms are treated
as a new booking. After cancelling 40 rooms free of charge, no more rooms can
be cancelled free of charge in April in Hotel X.
Even if the booking for one type of room decreases and the number for another
type of room increases in the same hotel, the number of rooms will not be offset
when the room type is different.
*Since 100% of the room price will be charged for a cancellation, it is possible to keep the
reservation instead of cancelling the reservation for 10 rooms.
Appendix D National Olympics Memorial Youth Center Guide Map
Lodge Bldg ASingle Room Type
Lodge Bldg DSingle Room Type
*Sample of the Guest Room
*Sample of the Guest Room
Appendix E Competition Schedule
to be announced
Appendix F Completion Venue Map