11th Grade
12th Grade
College Application Checklist
Having a list of important tasks to complete for each college application will make
the application process go smoothly and help you meet deadlines. Opting in to
the College Board Opportunity Scholarships at cb.org/opportunity can also
give you chances at earning scholarships for completing some of these steps.
To ll in all the blanks on the application form itself, you may have to dig up documents or get answers from your parents or
guardians. Most students use online applications, but paper applications are usually available too. There are also services that let
you complete one application online and submit it to several colleges like the Coalition Application, Common Application, and
Universal College Application.
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Get information/application forms
  
Make a note about regular application deadline
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Make a note about early application deadline
  
The record of the classes you’ve taken and your grades are important parts of your application. Your high school should send
your transcript, along with a school prole, directly to the colleges you’re applying to. Ask your school counselor or principal how
to arrange for this. And be sure to check the transcript for errors before it’s sent.
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Request high school transcript sent
  
Request midyear grade reports sent
  
Most colleges require or recommend that you send scores from tests such as the SAT®. Colleges accept scores only from the
testing organizations themselves. Visit bigfuture.org for more information and to learn more about the role of testing in
college admission.
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Send SAT scores
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Send SAT Subject Test scores
  
Send AP
  
Many colleges require letters of recommendation from teachers or other adults who know you well. Ask your references
well in advance of the deadlines to write you a recommendation. You may want to give them a short written summary of your
achievements to help them write about you.
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Request recommendation letters
  
Send thank-you notes
  
Your essays are a chance for you to give admission ocers a better idea of your character and strengths. Remember to
proofread your essays carefully before you send them in.
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Draft initial essay(s)
  
Proofread essay(s) for spelling and grammar
  
Have two people read essay(s)
  
Revise your essay(s)
  
Proofread your revision
  
Applying to college is a big job, but you can make it easier by breaking it down into a series of small steps.
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Complete college applications*
Use exact same name on all of your forms
Carefully review entire application
Have a family member or teacher review application
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  
  
  
College 4
*Visit cb.org/opportunity to check if you’re eligible for the $1,000 Apply to Colleges scholarship.
It’s a good idea to ask for an interview, even if it’s not required. It shows you’re serious and gives you a chance to connect with
someone in the admission oce. Even if a college is far away, you may be able to interview with a local alumnus. Read What to
Do Before and After Your College Interview to prepare.
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Interview at college
  
Look into an alumnus interview
  
Send thank-you note(s) to interviewer(s)
  
Once you’ve completed your application, follow these tips to make sure all the parts get to where they’re going.
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Make copies of all application materials
  
Apply online
  
Include application fee
  
Sign application
  
Conrm receipt of application materials
  
Send supplemental material, if needed
  
Mail your institutional aid form, if needed
  
Mail state aid form, if needed
  
College is usually more aordable than many families think, thanks to nancial aid. Below are key steps to navigating the
nancial aid process:
Make a note of priority nancial aid deadline
Make a note of regular nancial aid deadline
Submit FAFSA (Opens October1)*
Submit CSS Prole™, if needed (Opens October 1)
Submit college aid form, if needed
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*Visit cb.org/opportunity to check if you’re eligible for the $1,000 Complete the FAFSA scholarship.
You’ve received several college admission oers. Now comes the hard part: Which one do you choose? Find out how to make
the best decision for you.
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Receive admission letter
  
Receive nancial aid award letter
  
Get more information about each college
  
Ask questions about student resources and services
  
Compare college features and things you want
  
Compare nancial aid awards side by side
  
Make a decision
  
Respond to college you’re attending
  
Respond to colleges whose oers you’re declining
  
Send deposit
  
Send nal high school transcript
  
© 2019 The College Board.
Visit bigfuture.org for more information.