14 Jun 2022
NORFOLK VA 23551-4615
14 Jun 2022
From: Commander, Navy Reserve Force
Ref: See appendix A.
1. Purpose. To revise policy and outline administrative procedures for processing Annual Training
(AT), Active Duty for Training (ADT), Inactive Duty Training Travel (IDTT) orders, and related
travel arrangements for Reserve personnel. This instruction cannot cover each unique travel and
orders circumstances. Instances not covered by this document must be adjudicated through
Commander, Navy Reserve Force (COMNAVRESFOR) Travel and Orders (N33).
2. Cancellation. COMNAVRESFORINST 4650.1B
3. Scope and Applicability. This instruction applies to all Navy Reserve Activities and supporting
personnel using the Navy Reserve Order Writing System (NROWS) and the Defense Travel System
(DTS). Throughout this instruction, the terms “selected reservists” (SELRES) and reservistsrefers
to Sailors in the Navy Reserve who earn retirement points for monthly drills and active duty periods.
4. Administration and Maintenance. COMNAVRESFOR is responsible for administering and
maintaining this instruction. Submit recommended changes with supporting data to
COMNAVRESFOR Force Travel (N33) via the chain of command.
5. Action. Addressees shall ensure widest distribution of and compliance with, the provisions of
this instruction. Sections of this instruction are designed to be duplicated and distributed to
reservists for use as guides or checklists in the execution of travel.
6. Records Management. Records created as a result of this instruction, regardless of media and
format, shall be managed per Secretary of the Navy Manual 5210.1 of January 2012.
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1. General 1-1
2. Navy Reserve Activity and Unit Leadership 1-1
3. Helping Verbs 1-1
4. Annual Training (AT) 1-1
5. Active Duty for Training (ADT) 1-2
6. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Policy 1-2
7. Annual Training/Active Duty Training Outside the Continental U.S. 1-3
8. Leave While Executing Annual Training/Active Duty for Training Orders 1-4
9. Inactive Duty for Training Travel (IDTT) (General Information) 1-4
10. IDTT is not Authorized at Permanent IDT Site 1-5
11. IDTT with AT or ADT 1-5
12. Funding Limitations for IDTT Orders 1-5
13. Permissive (No Cost) IDTT Orders 1-7
14. Orders for Further Assignment 1-7
15. Successive Orders 1-7
1. General Description 2-1
2. Regular Review, Assignment, and Updating of NROWS Roles 2-1
3. NROWS User Roles 2-5
4. Segregation of Duties 2-13
5. Order Cancellation 2-14
6. ETMS-2 Use for Records Retention 2-14
1. General 3-1
2. Financial Roles within NROWS 3-1
3. Distribution of Funding 3-2
4. Annual Training/Active Duty Training Funding Responsibility 3-2
5. Execution Requirements 3-3
6. Financial Management Oversight 3-4
1. Order Processing 4-1
2. Confirmation Orders 4-2
3. COMNAVRESFOR Departmental Responsibilities 4-3
4. NROWS Process Responsibilities 4-5
5. NROWS Failure Procedures 4-7
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Chapter 5 TRAVEL
1. General 5-1
2. Travel Arrangement Policy 5-1
3. Temporary Additional Duty while on Call-to-Duty Orders 5-1
4. Travel Days 5-1
5. Air Travel General 5-2
6. Scheduling Travel 5-2
7. Short-Lead Time Travel 5-4
8. Emergency Travel 5-4
9. Premium (First/Business) Class Travel 5-6
10. Economy Plus/Coach Elite Seating 5-6
11. Travel to/from Home/Primary Residence to Include location other than home (LOTH)
in NROWS for AT/ADT/IDTT 5-6
12. Ticket Types 5-7
13. Unused Tickets/Cancellations 5-7
14. Rental Cars 5-7
15. Privately Owned Vehicles 5-8
16. Commercial Chartered Buses 5-9
17. Submitting Reimbursement Packages 5-9
1. Quota and Course Pre-Requisite Responsibility 6-1
2. Obtaining Quotas 6-1
3. School Request Funding 6-2
4. Tuition and Related Fees 6-2
5. Cancelling Orders and School Quotas 6-2
Chapter 7 TRAINING
1 Formal Training 7-1
2. DTS Online Training 7-1
Chapter 8 DTS
1. General Description 8-1
2. DTS Requirements 8-1
3. DTS Roles and Responsibilities 8-2
4. First Time DTS User Responsibilities 8-6
5. Import/Export Rejects 8-7
6. DTS Travel Authorization 8-7
7. Lodging/Messing 8-8
8. Rental Cars 8-10
9. Short Term and Last Minute Travel 8-11
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10. Changes to Travel Reservations 8-11
11. Cancellation of Travel 8-11
12. Unused Tickets 8-12
13. Emergency or Enroute Travel Assistance 8-12
14. Travel Advances 8-12
15. Scheduled Partial Payments 8-12
16. Travel Claim/Voucher 8-12
17. EFT and Split Disbursements 8-14
18. For Further Assignment Orders 8-14
19. DTS Reports 8-14
20. Travel That Will Not Be Sent Through DTS 8-15
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1. General. AT, ADT, and IDTT policy details are included in references (a) through (c).
Additional guidance is provided below.
2. Navy Reserve Activity and Unit Leadership. Where unit Commanding Officers (CO) are
listed as having responsibility, unit Officers-in-Charge (OIC) and those members acting in their
place are also responsible. Where Navy Reserve Activity (NRA) COs are listed as having
responsibility, COs and OICs of other activities serving equivalent reserve administrative support
functions, such as those assigned to the information warfare community, are also responsible.
3. Helping Verbs. Reference (a) rules defines the following as:
a. Must: Action is mandatory.
b. Should: Action is recommended.
c. May: Action is discretionary.
d. Will: Action is required in the future.
4. AT. Per references (b) and (d), SELRES are required to complete AT each Fiscal Year (FY)
as scheduled by the supported or sponsoring command and per reference (c). The following
additional guidance is provided:
a. Waivers. Policy is addressed in the annual COMNAVRESFORNOTE 1001.
b. Substitutions for AT. ADT or any other Active Duty periods totaling the current
COMNAVRESFORNOTE 1001 requirement will satisfy the AT requirement for a satisfactory
year. IDTT by definition is not Active Duty.
c. Exceptional AT (E-AT). COMNAVRESFOR Force Operations (N31) is responsible for
setting E-AT policy. Unit COs are responsible for coordinating with their NROWS Fund
Approver (FA) to ensure all members of their unit are offered the required AT entitlement before
approving E-AT requests for other personnel.
d. Scheduling Responsibilities. Supported commands in coordination with NRU COs/OICs
are responsible for scheduling AT for their units and for advance liaison with all echelons
involved with the AT event. The NRA CO must assist the NRU CO/OIC as necessary. Individual
SELRES are responsible for informing their employers of their AT schedule.
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e. Split or Segmented AT Periods. COMNAVRESFOR N31 is responsible for setting
split/segmented AT period policy. Current policy is addressed in COMNAVRESFORNOTE
5. ADT. ADT is used for additional active duty training periods funded by a discretionary
account. It is performed voluntarily and not an entitlement. ADT funds are distributed by
supported commands or COMNAVRESFOR. All orders will be approved based on available
funding and mission priorities as prioritized by the Fund Manager (FM) and FAs.
6. Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Policy. Per reference (a), ADT orders to the same
geographic location (either in isolation or succession) of 140 or more days are PCS orders,
including local orders. All PCS orders will route as non-DTS orders. Except for days in transit to
and from the duty location, there is no per diem entitlement for PCS travel. However, there are
other entitlements per reference (a), chapter 5. Consecutive ADT orders or modifications which
combine to or exceed 140 days in the same geographic location should not be authorized unless
routed as PCS. All PCS order requests for less than 140 days will be disapproved at Headquarters
(HQ) waivers unless proper justification is provided (for instance, orders that will be modified
beyond 139 days once additional funding is available).
Note 1: There is a PCS threshold exception for formal courses of instruction. Per reference (a),
incidental time such as holiday stand downs, gaps of more than one weekend between successive
courses, or required pre-course quarantine periods do not count against the 139-day limit for
determining the PCS/non-PCS threshold (though routine weekends do). For example, should a
course duration be 132 days exclusive of a 16-day holiday stand down, the application may be
approved as a non-PCS order even though its total duration is 148 days. Applicants must
specifically identify periods of incidental time in the order justification comments so that
Headquarters Waivers clerks can properly adjudicate the application. Members retain per diem
entitlements during periods of incidental time, unless they take authorized leave in which case
lodging must be vacated and per diem amounts zeroed out in the DTS voucher for authorized
leave days.
Note 2: To support the credence of two separate and distinct orders for entitlement purposes, there
must be a break of at least seven calendar days between orders in the same geographic location.
The following scenarios are provided for clarification on how to handle PCS-related order
Scenario 1: Member has approved non-PCS orders for 90 days, then gets extended for 50 days
totaling 140 days of consecutive ADT. Outcome: The non-PCS orders should be modified to end
soon after the intent to extend the orders is known and a new set of PCS orders should be created
to start the day following the end date of the non-PCS orders.
Scenario 2: Member is approved for 90 days of ADT, but is going to take a seven day break
before starting another set of 90 day ADT orders. Outcome: Both sets will route as non-PCS due
to the seven day break.
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Note 3: This will not be used to circumvent PCS policy for per diem entitlements.
Scenario 3: The fund approver only has enough funds to approve up to 90 days of ADT, but
intends to keep the member on orders beyond 139 days. Outcome: Route the first set of orders as
PCS and provide the justification that the command intends to keep the member beyond 139 days
once funds are available. Once the funds are available, the orders can be modified to extend the
end date as required.
Scenario 4: PCS orders greater than 140 days are modified to less than 139 days. Outcome:
Orders will remain PCS orders.
Note 4: If the order crosses funding account quarters or FYs with the intent for the member to
remain in the same location for 140 days or more, the funding activity needs to request additional
funding via their NROWS funding chain (FA to FM) to receive additional funds to extend the
order if required. If the order type is ADT Special (ADT-SPEC), the FM needs to coordinate with
COMNAVRESFOR N31. For ADT school orders, the traveler must coordinate with
Note 5: Successive ADT orders split by funding codes (two sets of orders) that combine to exceed
139 days in the same geographic location will each be submitted as PCS, even though one or more
of the separate orders may be less than 140 days. Provide justification comments for each order.
7. AT/ADT Outside the Continental U.S.
a. Per reference (e), subparagraph 5a of enclosure (3), reservists must complete the basic
military training requirements of their Military Service prior to assignment on land outside the
U.S., its territories, or possessions. OCONUS Reservists cannot perform AT in or near their
hometown for personal convenience.
b. Reservists residing outside of the U.S. and its territories will not perform AT/ADT in
CONUS if international travel costs are involved, with the following exceptions:
(1) To attend training that is required for mobilization readiness.
(2) As a key participant in a military exercise.
(3) As authorized by COMNAVRESFOR Travel and Orders (N33), on a case-by-case
basis, upon request of the cognizant RPD.
Note: Proper justification for travel from outside of the U.S. and its territories to CONUS must be
clearly stated in the requirement and NROWS application. AT or ADT as the sole justification is
not an acceptable reason for OCONUS to CONUS travel, and will be disapproved at
COMNAVRESFOR N33 travel authorizations.
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8. Leave While Executing AT/ADT Orders. Reserve members accrue leave while executing
ADT orders exceeding 30 days, in accordance with reference (f), paragraph 010401. Members
may elect to either sell back leave at the end of ADT orders or carry over the accumulated leave
for use during future ADT orders (at the discretion of the gaining command).
a. AT Orders. Leave is not authorized during the execution of AT orders.
b. ADT Orders. Leave may be authorized while executing ADT orders 30 days or longer in
duration at the discretion of the gaining commands CO (requests must be made in Salesforce via
legacy form NAVCOMPT 3065), and it must be completed prior to the end date of the NROWS
ADT orders. Travel in DTS must still match NROWS orders per chapter 8 paragraph 6.a., and per
diem (Lodging plus MandIE) cannot be claimed for approved leave or permissive TDY days.
Members that choose to stay in place after the end date of the orders will be required to use
location other than home (LOTH) to end the orders in place and will be responsible for all travel
expenses to return to their primary residence (PR). DTS reservations and Transportation
Management Company (TMC) booked travel will not be adjusted without a NROWS order
modification reflecting the same end date.
9. IDTT (General Information). IDTT orders are a travel authorization in support of IDT (or
any of its derivatives such as ATPs, AFTPs, and RMPs) performed at a location other than the
member’s permanent drill site. IDT must be scheduled in EDM prior to NROWS IDTT orders
being fund approved. Authorized IDTT can be used to support both readiness training and
operational support missions. IDTT travel and transportation allowances may not be fully
reimbursable. Refer to reference (a) and paragraph 12 of this chapter for travel and transportation
allowance authorizations and reimbursement limitations.
a. Personnel may use IDTT to travel to any country to perform IDT provided the host country
has a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the U.S. that provides protection for reservists on
IDT or IDTT orders. Per reference (e), subparagraph 2a(1)(d) of enclosure (3), personnel may not
perform IDT or IDTT in overseas locations designated as imminent danger areas. It is the
responsibility of the member and command to ensure all SOFA requirements are met.
b. If an overseas resident is assigned to drill in a host nation, travel associated with
commuting to the designated permanent drill site to perform IDT is at the member’s personal
expense. Overseas residents may be issued permissive “no cost” IDTT orders to assist in boarding
space-available flights. All travel and area clearance requirements necessary for AT/ADT also
apply to IDTT.
c. Funded IDTT is authorized for travel to CONUS for Reservists residing outside of the U.S.
and its territories, provided that the FM has IDTT funds and the travel is not to the permanent drill
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10. IDTT is not authorized at Permanent IDT Site. With the exception of members approved for
the IDT-Reimbursable (IDT-R) program, reservists, regardless of pay grade, will not be paid to
travel to their permanent drill site as defined in their IDT orders. Per reference (b), a Reserve
member commits an obligation to participate in a specific number of scheduled training periods
annually. Inherent to this obligation is the travel between the member’s home and the location at
which the member normally performs drills. IDT-R notwithstanding, the member receives no
reimbursement for that travel.
a. IDTT is not authorized for IDT executed at a different command located in the same local
area as the permanent drill site (such as to perform IDTT at a squadron located at the same air
station where member normally performs IDT).
b. If the Reserve member’s IDT orders indicate the NRA (administrative) is not the normal
drill location (permanent), then travel and transportation allowances to the NRA (administrative)
are authorized, provided the administrative and permanent drill locations are not in the same local
11. IDTT with AT/ADT. IDTT may be authorized in conjunction with AT or ADT as successive
orders as long as the IDT is not at the permanent drill site. Members must file separate travel
claims for AT, ADT, and IDTT orders. Travel claims will be liquidated per the travel system
determined by NROWS (DTS or non-DTS).
Note: A member cannot perform IDT or any of its derivatives (ATPs, AFTPs, and RMPs) at their
permanent drill site preceding or following AT or ADT if travel entitlements are authorized. If a
member travels to their permanent drill location to perform AT or ADT and schedules IDT or
additional drills preceding or following this set of orders, the member must execute LOTH to start
or end in place, respectively. The member forfeits the travel allowance for that segment.
12. Funding Limitations for IDTT Orders. Reserve members performing IDT ordinarily receive
no travel or transportation allowances. When authorized, per reference (a), funded IDTT orders
are only authorized for personnel who are eligible and scheduled for inactive duty for the duration
of the IDTT order. Personnel who are not scheduled for inactive duty are not eligible for
reimbursement of travel expenses associated with IDTT.
a. Reference (a), table 3-8 strictly prohibits reimbursement of expenses for travel between the
member’s home and permanent IDT site.
b. For IDT performed at an alternate drill site, IDTT travel allowances are based on the
member’s permanent drilling location, as opposed to AT/ADT travel allowances which are based
on the location of member’s primary residence.
c. IDTT allowance limitation examples:
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(1) IDTT in Local Commuting Area. When the member travels between permanent
residence (PR) or LOTH and an alternate drill site to perform IDT, TDY mileage is limited in
accordance with Table 3-8 of reference (a).
Scenario 1: IDTT in local commuting area - PR to an alternate drill site in the local commuting
area (i.e. PR is not in the same corporate city limits as the alternate drill site). In this case, TDY
mileage is authorized only for the distance that exceeds the distance between the PR and the
permanent drill site. Example:
Mileage from PR to alternate drill site: 70 miles (based on Defense Table of Official Distances
Mileage from PR to the permanent drill site: 45 miles (based on DTOD)
Reimbursable mileage: 25 miles (70 miles - 45 miles). Note that if the difference were to be
negative, TDY mileage would not be authorized.
Scenario 2: IDTT in local commuting area - LOTH or permanent drill site to an alternate drill site
in the local commuting area (i.e. LOTH or permanent drill site is not in the same corporate city
limits as the alternate drill site). In this case, TDY mileage is limited to the distance from the
permanent drill site to the alternate drill site less the distance from the PR to the permanent drill
site. Example:
Mileage from LOTH location to alternate drill site: 150 miles (based on DTOD)
Mileage from permanent drill site to the alternate drill site: 40 miles (based on DTOD)
Mileage from PR to the permanent drill site: 30 miles (based on DTOD)
Reimbursable mileage: 10 miles (40 miles - 30 miles)
(2) IDTT outside the local commuting area. When the member travels between PR/LOTH
and an alternate drill site not in the local commuting area to perform IDT, transportation
reimbursement is limited to the cost of travel from the permanent drill site to the alternate drill site
or the actual cost of travel, whichever is less.
Scenario 1: Permanent Residence. The Reserve member lives in Austin, Texas, and is assigned to
drill at Joint Reserve Base (JRB) New Orleans. The member needs to complete IDT in Norfolk,
Virginia. Example:
Cost to fly from JRB New Orleans to Norfolk, Virginia (city pair): $400
Cost to fly from Austin, Texas to Norfolk, Virginia (city pair): $650
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Reimbursable amount: $400 (member responsible for $250 difference)
Scenario 2: Location Other Than Home. The Reserve member lives in Austin, TX and is
assigned to drill at JRB New Orleans. The member needs to complete IDT in Norfolk, VA. The
member is in Washington, D.C. and will travel directly to Norfolk, VA from D.C. to start orders in
Norfolk, VA. Example:
Cost to fly from JRB New Orleans to Norfolk, Virginia (city pair): $400
Cost to fly from Washington, D.C. to Norfolk, Virginia (city pair): $250
Reimbursable amount: $250
13. Permissive (No Cost) IDTT Orders. Permissive (no cost) IDTT orders authorize travel at no
expense to the Government. All permissive IDTT orders must contain the following statement:
You will not receive reimbursement for travel, transportation, per diem, or miscellaneous
expenses while traveling on these orders. If you do not desire to bear these expenses personally,
you may choose not to execute this permissive travel authorization. Failure to execute this
permissive travel authorization results in cancellation.
14. Orders for Further Assignment (FFA). When a member is required to perform duty while in
an AT or ADT status at a location other than the initial reporting Unit Identification Code (UIC), a
complete entry must be annotated, specifying the details and location, in the FFA section in
NROWS. FFAs do not apply when personnel travel from PR to duty site and back to PR. FFAs
are applicable for personnel traveling from PR to duty site, to another duty site(s), and back to PR
funded by the same source. AT/ADT orders should be used when FFA is required.
Note: LOTH is not compatible with FFA, so a succession of LOTH orders rather than an FFA
sequence would be necessary for travel to/from a location other than home. Contact N33 for
assistance in complex scenarios such as these.
15. Successive Orders. Successive orders consist of two or more separate orders written to be
performed consecutively. Successive orders can be any combination of AT/ADT/IDTT. The
second/remaining set of orders starts immediately at 0001 the day after the first set expires. If the
member will be on a combination of AT/ADT orders that combine to greater than 139 days at the
same geographic location, each order will be written as a PCS order. Refer to chapter 1 paragraph
6 for more information.
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1. General Description. Navy Reserve Order Writing System (NROWS) electronically processes
each AT, ADT, or IDTT mission requirement from initial application entry through verification,
travel arrangement, and fund approval. This chapter delineates the NROWS user roles involved in
the order writing process including the Key Supporting Documentation (KSD) required for
assignment and the responsibilities for management of these roles. Those who assign these roles
will thoroughly and regularly update assignments per chapter 2 paragraph 2.
2. Regular Review, Assignment, and Updating of NROWS Roles
a. Responsibility. NROWS is an information system that allows access to financial and
personally identifiable information, and all access must be managed within DoD-mandated FIAR
standards. Every user who is capable of assigning roles to other users in NROWS is responsible
to their chain of command for properly limiting and maintaining user access within their hierarchy
as described in this section. NROWS roles must not be assigned without visually sighting and
uploading the required KSDs for that user into Department of the Navy Tasking, Records and
Consolidated Knowledge Enterprise Repository (ETMS-2) for the appointments as outlined in the
following sections (see also Appendix K). Only user roles with admin authority will be authorized
to grant roles to other users. Appendix O lists all user roles and who can assign them. Members
that are assigned user roles cannot fund approve their own application. NROWS has a “lock” in
place to prohibit a set of orders from being created and stamped approved by the same user.
b. Appointments by System Authorization Access Request Navy. The following NROWS
user roles require an OPNAV 5239/14 System Authorization Access Request Navy (SAAR-N)
form to be completed, digitally signed/approved, and uploaded to ETMS-2 prior to gaining
NROWS access. The SAAR-N must be retained for 10 years from termination for audit purposes
in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6. Appendix C provides a matrix for signature and
(1) Super System Administrator (SSA) (HQ level access granted by COMNAVRESFOR
(N33)/Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic (NIWC))
(2) System Administrator (SA) (HQ level access granted by COMNAVRESFOR
(3) Region helpdesk (access granted upon request by COMNAVRESFOR N33)
(4) HQ Suite (HQ level access granted by COMNAVRESFOR (N33))
(a) HQ Waivers
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(b) DTS Admin
(c) Helpdesk
(d) Travel
(e) Travel Supervisor
(5) Mission/Event (M/E) planner (access granted by COMNAVRESFOR (N31))
(6) Requirement owner (access granted by COMNAVRESFOR (N31))
(7) Resource owner (access granted by COMNAVRESFOR (N31))
c. Appointment/Termination Record Form Authorized Signature. The following NROWS
roles require a DD Form 577 Appointment/Termination Record Form Authorized Signature to
be completed, digitally signed/approved, and uploaded to ETMS-2 prior to gaining NROWS
access. The DD Form 577 must be retained for 10 years from termination for audit purposes in
accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6. Appendix C provides a matrix for signature and approval.
(1) Fund Approver (FA) (provided by COMNAVRESFOR N31)
(2) Fund Manager (FM) (provided by COMNAVRESFOR N31)
d. Echelon 4 Appointments by Designation of Authority (DOA) letter. The Order Writing
Authority (OWA) role requires a DOA letter to be issued by the echelon 4 NRA Commander,
Deputy Commander, Chief Staff Officer, or Executive Officer prior to NROWS access. This
cannot be delegated further and “by direction” signatures are not authorized. This letter is
required to be retained for 10 years from termination for audit purposes in accordance with chapter
2 paragraph 6.
e. Echelon 5 Appointments by Designation of Authority (DOA) letter. The following roles
require a DOA letter to be issued by the echelon 5 NRA CO prior to NROWS access. This letter
is required to be retained for 10 years from termination for audit purposes in accordance with
chapter 2 paragraph 6.
(1) Agency Program Coordinator (APC) lock
(2) Assistant Order Writing Authority (AOWA)
(3) Hard holds
(4) Orders Specialist (OS)
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(5) Security
(6) Unit Approver (UA)
(7) Unit Reviewer (UR)
f. Periodicity of Review. NROWS access must be controlled and actively managed to
prevent errors and fraud. Echelon 4/5 commanders are responsible to review ETMS-2 to ensure
subordinate commands are actively reviewing, documenting, and storing results of NROWS user
role access in ETMS-2 as follows:
(1) Review for Navy Reserve Major Staffs. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will coordinate
NROWS role assignment reviews for the Office of the Chief of Navy Reserve,
COMNAVRESFOR, Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve (COMNAVAIRFORES), and
Commander, Naval Information Force Reserve (COMNAVIFORES).
(a) COMNAVRESFOR (N31) will conduct a monthly audit of DD Form 577s for all
FM/FA roles. These audits will be retained for 10 years for audit purposes in accordance with
chapter 2 paragraph 6.
(b) COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will conduct an annual audit of SAAR-N forms for
SSA, SA, helpdesk, and regional helpdesk. These audits will be retained for 10 years from
termination for audit purposes in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6.
(c) COMNAVRESFOR (N31) will conduct an annual audit of SAAR-N forms for M/E
planner, requirement owner, and resource owner. These audits will be retained for 10 years from
termination for audit purposes in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6.
(2) Monthly User Roles Review. The echelon 4/5 command must conduct a monthly user
roles review with action to be completed by the first day of the following month as follows:
(a) Prior to the last day of the month, download the NROWS user roles report.
(b) The NROWS user roles report will be compared to all written designations for
access (SAAR-N, DD Form 577, or DOA letter) uploaded in ETMS-2. Any users with accesses
that are not substantiated by written designation in ETMS-2 must be removed from NROWS and
listed on the compliance report (appendix D).
(c) The NROWS user roles report will be reviewed for user profiles and/or roles
assigned to personnel who are no longer attached to the echelon 4/5 command or no longer require
continued access. Any NROWS user profiles and/or roles for personnel no longer assigned to the
command must be removed from NROWS and listed on the compliance report (Appendix D).
(d) The NROWS user role monthly review compliance report memorandum (Appendix
D) must be digitally signed and dated by the CO (or by direction authority).
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(e) The signed/dated NROWS user role monthly review compliance report
memorandum (Appendix D) and the current NROWS user role report must be uploaded to the
appropriate command’s ETMS-2 folder (NROWS monthly user report) and retained in accordance
with chapter 2 paragraph 6.
(3) Quarterly User Roles Review. By the fifth working day of each quarter (October,
January, April, and July) the echelon 4 command must complete a spot check of their echelon 4/5
monthly user report ETMS-2 folders, confirming compliance or correcting non-compliance with
the steps outlined in chapter 2 subparagraphs 2f(1)(a) through 2f(1)(e). No written documentation
is required for this review.
(4) Annual Reports through Navy Reserve Chain of Command. All echelon 5 commands
will report user role review compliance to their echelon 4 commander upon completion of their
final monthly review of the FY using NROWS user role annual review compliance report
(Appendix E). This must be completed by the first drill weekend of the new FY. The echelon 4
commander will notify COMNAVRESFOR (N33) in writing (Appendix F) of completion of this
review for their command and their subordinate NRAs no later than 15 November. All annual
reports must be uploaded into ETMS-2 in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6 and Appendix Q.
(4) The user role KSDs (SAAR-N, DD Form 577 or DOA letter), monthly reviews by the
echelon 4/5 command and the annual review compliance report will be inspectable items and may
be requested at any time by COMNAVRESFOR due to Navy audit requirements.
g. Check-In and Check-Out Review. NROWS role assignments for personnel will be verified
(by the OWA for echelon 4 and below, and COMNAVRESFOR (N31/N33/N82) for staff) and
updated in NROWS as users check-in and check-out of the command as part of Permanent Change
of Station (PCS) transfers for Training and Administration of the Reserves (TAR) and Active
Duty personnel, IDT transfers for Reservists, and reassignment of civilian personnel. Termination
of NROWS access will be conducted within 24 hours of transfer from the command to include
SELRES demobilizing.
h. Password Resets. NROWS requires user account access (Reservists/Active Duty/Civilian)
to be disabled after the account has been inactive for 30 days. After 45 days all user roles will be
removed (with the exception of the web profile role for Reservists). If an NROWS user account
has been disabled, the user must contact:
(1) For reservists, the self-service password reset module within NROWS must be used.
Note: Newly created passwords must be sent via encrypted e-mail to a .mil or .gov address.
(2) For Active Duty or TAR mobilization/recall accounts, contact the echelon 4 NROWS
Note: The OWA must send newly created passwords via encrypted e-mail to a .mil or .gov
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3. NROWS User Roles. In this section, the term “role” is used to describe a function performed
within the NROWS application, not necessarily the person who fills that role. At least one
alternate user must be assigned for each role, except for the SSA/SA. Refer to Appendix G for a
synopsis of NROWS roles and responsibilities and the recommended number of personnel
assigned to each role.
a. Agency Program Coordinator Lock. APC will lock NROWS accounts of members with
delinquent Government Travel Credit Cards (GTCC) by completing the following steps:
(1) The APC will login to NROWS and add or update status to delinquent or not
(2) Once the APC has put a member in a delinquent status, the member will not be able to
complete the NROWS application. When the member attempts to access the application, this
message will display:
“Sailor is currently on the GTCC delinquency list. Please contact your APC.ˮ
Note: If the OS attempts to input orders for a member, they will get the same message after
entering the member’s SSN.
(3) The APC will remove the member from a delinquent status upon verification that the
GTCC is in good standing (paid to date). The APC user guide is located in NROWS under the
user guide tab.
(4) APC Lock must only be used for actual GTCC delinquencies. The APC Lock is not to
be used as a master hard hold.
b. Billing. The COMNAVRESFOR (N33) and NAVPTO Pensacola SA assign this role to
the NAVPTO which is used for billing of NAVPTO CBA.
c. Comptroller. The COMNAVRESFOR RPN Director (N82) SA assigns this role. The
comptroller controls funding at the highest level and works directly with FMs regarding
distribution, reconciliation, and any RPN financial matters. The comptroller distributes funds to
each FM.
d. DTS Administrator. The SA assigns this role to COMNAVRESFOR (N33). NROWS
orders that have been imported into DTS and have been rejected are placed in this box. The
Extensible Markup Language (XML) error clerk can resubmit certain DTS import errors (i.e. 45,
46, 210, and 220) into DTS.
e. Fund Approver. The FM at the echelon 3/4 command assigns a primary and alternate for
this role at echelon 5. COMNAVRESFOR (N31) will assign the FA role for all EXCOM RPDs.
14 June 2022
This is normally the official order approval authority. The FA is responsible for approving orders
based on available funding, mission requirements, and member entitlements. Typically this role
will be filled by the NRA CO and additional personnel designated by that CO. In order to prevent
fraud or a conflict of interest, FAs will not be assigned OS roles. However, should this be
necessary due to manning, the echelon 4 commander must approve the dual roles. NROWS
interlock prevents FA of orders created in the OS role. FAs are required to complete a DD Form
577 prior to assignment
Note: Within two weeks of appointment, and before approving any documents, a training course
as defined in COL Public Law 104-106 must be completed. A certificate of the course completion
must be provided to COMNAVRESFOR (N31).
f. Fund Manager. The applicable comptroller assigns this role. The FM role is typically
used by the REDCOM comptroller, but other ADT/IDTT distributors such as RPDs may use it as
well. The FM is required to complete a DD Form 577 prior to assignment. The FM is responsible
for RPN funds received from COMNAVRESFOR. The FM will use NROWS to sub-allocate
funds to a lower level where applicable. These funds will be sub-allocated by FY quarters along
with a total annual planning figure. The FM will act as a comptroller over these funds, which will
include the following responsibilities:
(1) Ensure accurate tracking of funds that were sub-allocated to a lower level.
(2) Follow up with the OS on unliquidated orders.
(3) Follow up with the OS on cancelled orders to ensure all airline tickets are returned to
NAVPTO for refund. Refunds will be processed through the system once the duty date has passed
and the ticket is unused. Refunds may take 60 to 90 days to be completed.
(4) Review expenditure data throughout the FY ensuring accuracy of cost.
(5) Identify problem disbursements through an assigned budget analyst/technician within
g. Hard Holds. The OWA assigns a primary and alternate for this role at the echelon 4/5.
Orders will not proceed to any other routing stage until hard holds have been cleared. The OWA
will ensure that hard holds are adjudicated within 3 working days of submission. A list of hard
holds automatically generated by NROWS and procedures for clearing them are as follows:
(1) Age. Any Reservist who will reach age 60 before the end date of the orders will need
to obtain an age waiver from Navy Personnel Command (PERS-913) per reference (b).
(2) Expired Human Immunodeficiency Virus Test. Any Reservist whose HIV test will
expire before the end date of the orders will validate with the medical facility that maintains the
14 June 2022
member’s record before order approval. Verification of test completion before the start date of the
orders is acceptable. Member does not need to wait for the test results. Failure to obtain the test
must result in the cancellation of the orders. It is the responsibility of the person assigned the hard
hold role to track this requirement.
(3) Expired Physical Exam. Any Reservist who has an expired physical exam must
validate with the medical facility that maintains the member’s record before approval.
Verification of exam completion before the start date of the orders is acceptable. Member does
not need to wait for exam results. Failure to obtain an exam must result in orders cancellation. It
is the responsibility of the person assigned the hard hold role to track this requirement.
(4) Expired End of Obligated Service. Any Reservist who has an expired End of Obligated
Service (EOS) on or before the end date of the orders will require validation of EOS from the
organization that maintains the member’s service record. Failure to reenlist or extend EOS before
the start of orders must result in the orders being cancelled. It is the responsibility of the person
assigned the hard hold role to track this requirement.
(5) Permanent Mailing Address. This hard hold is now obsolete due to the NROWS Build
43.0 change that removed the Primary Residence (PR) edit feature owing to the MILPERSMAN
1000-140 requirement that addresses be managed solely in the Navy Standard Integrated
Personnel System (NSIPS).
(6) Passport. A passport may be required if any leg of travel occurs OCONUS. Validate
that the member has a valid passport if one is required. A list of countries requiring passports can
be found in reference (g) via Web site,
(7) Force Protection. This hard hold is generated when a member is performing duty
OCONUS and selects “NO” to the question “Has anti-terrorism/force protection training and
certification been completed? DoD anti-terrorism standards require all personnel to receive
mandatory antiterrorism awareness level I training annually. Validation through Fleet Training
Management Planning System (FLTMPS) that level I training has been completed for the FY at
the time of application submission is required prior to approval.
(8) Unliquidated Orders Greater than 5 Days. To clear this hard hold, the echelon 4/5 must
verify the member has submitted all outstanding travel claims and DTS vouchers. Take the
following action:
(a) For non-DTS NROWS travel, echelon 4 and 5 commands must verify through
SalesForce that all DD Form 1351-2 travel vouchers have been submitted and accepted by the
servicing PSD/TSC for payment.
(b) For NROWS to DTS travel, echelon 4/5 commands must verify all DTS vouchers
have been submitted for approval and routed to the AO for DTS, or that all rejected vouchers
and/or pay errors are being properly handled.
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Note: A returned DTS voucher is not an approved DTS voucher.
(c) If a travel claim has not been submitted to PSD/TSC or the DTS voucher has not
been submitted in DTS, the application must be returned to the member with specific instructions
on why it has been returned and how to rectify the issue. The member will not travel until the
hard hold is cleared. Echelon 4/5 commanders are accountable to COMNAVRESFOR for all hard
holds cleared that do not meet the above criteria.
(9) 29-Day Outstanding Travel Advances. To clear this hard hold, the echelon 4/5
command must verify that the Reservist has submitted all outstanding travel claims/DTS vouchers.
Take the following action:
(a) For non-DTS NROWS travel, echelon 4/5 commands must verify through
SalesForce that all DD Form 1351-2 travel claims have been submitted and accepted by the
servicing PSD/TSC for payment.
(b) For NROWS to DTS travel, echelon 4/5 commands must verify all DTS vouchers
have been approved by the DTS AO.
Note: A returned DTS voucher is not an approved DTS voucher.
(c) If travel claims or DTS vouchers have not been submitted by the member as
required, the application must be returned to the member and the member will not travel until the
hard hold has been cleared. Echelon 4/5 commanders are accountable to COMNAVRESFOR for
all hard holds cleared that do not meet the above criteria.
(10) Location Other Than Home Travel. This requires annotation in the application that
the NRA has verified that the Reserve traveler is aware of the limited reimbursement for travel
costs with this option.
h. Headquarters Waivers. The COMNAVRESFOR (N33) SA assigns this role to
COMNAVRESFOR (N1/N31/N33/N7). Orders will not proceed to any other routing stage until
HQ waivers have been cleared. COMNAVRESFOR will ensure HQ waivers are processed within
14 days of travel.
(1) AT Days. AT orders routed to HQ waivers will be reviewed by COMNAVRESFOR
(N31) to ensure no member exceeds 29 days of AT per FY and that funding is available
(determined by quarter). Orders will be processed no more than 45 days prior to the start day or as
determined by COMNAVRESFOR (N31).
(2) Successive Orders Over 139 Days. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will disapprove any
ADT orders or combination of ADT orders exceeding a total of 139 days to the same geographic
location without a 7-day break between the order sets.
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(3) Confirmation Order. Confirmation (verbal) orders must only be used in emergency
mission essential situations when both the traveler and traveler’s chain of command are unable to
fund approve a NROWS application prior to midnight of the day the orders start. Refer to chapter
4 paragraph 2 for details on confirmation orders. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will adjudicate all
confirmation order hard holds.
(4) Manpower Availability Status (MAS) and Individual Medical Status (IMS) Codes
(a) The following MAS/IMS codes will route to HQ waivers and will be reviewed by
1. MAS Codes: AKE, AUP, BCG, OWS, SAD, VS1.
2. IMS Codes: D3G, D3P, D6G, D6P, D7G, DJP, DMT, EAC, EAD, EAE, EAK,
RC3, RDD, RM1, RM2, RM3, RM4, RM5, RM6, RM7, RM8, RM9, RMD, RML, RMP, RMR,
Note 1: The underlined MAS/IMS codes will not be approved in HQ waivers until the MAS/IMS
code has been updated in NSIPS and the member’s Duty Status Code (DSC) is confirmed to be
200 (exception: MAS code BCG, which must only be removed by NAVPERSCOM 8/9).
(b) If the MAS/IMS code is accurate in NSIPS and is not underlined above (exception:
SAD MAS code, see subparagraph (7) below):
1. Member (or the NRA on the member’s behalf) will fill out a NAVPERS
1336/3. Block 12 will include the IMS code, NROWS order tracking number, start and end dates
for orders (example for block 12 is as follows: Respectfully request to go on ADT orders
#1234567 from 19Jan18 to 31Jan18 with a DMT IMS code.).
Note 2: Do not put medical information in the request. Including medical information is a
HIPAA violation.
2. The NAVPERS 1336/3 will need to be signed by the NRA CO stating the CO is
aware of the member’s situation and approves the member to go on orders.
Note 3: It is recommended the NAVPERS 1336/3 be routed through the NRA medical
department. Members in a MEDHOLD status do not require a request chit.
Note 4: If the NRA CO manually signs block 21 of the NAVPERS 1336/3 Special
Request/Authorization, they will also need to print their name and annotate after their signature
that they are the NRA CO.
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3. E-mail the completed NAVPERS 1336/3 (unencrypted) to
[email protected]. The subject line of the e-mail and attachment must be named as
4. All signatures and requested authority will be verified by COMNAVRESFOR
(N33) upon receipt before orders will be approved.
(c) If the MAS/IMS code is inaccurate in NSIPS:
1. Update the code in NSIPS.
2. Once the MAS/IMS code is updated in NSIPS the NRA can e-mail
(unencrypted) a screen shot of the updated IMS code to [email protected], as there
can be a 48-hour delay in NSIPS updating NROWS.
(i.e. SAILOR, JANE_RM1_1234567)
(5) Direct Commissioned Officer (DCO) Waiver. All DCO MAS codes will route to HQ
waivers for review by either COMNAVRESFOR (N1) or COMNAVIFORES (N7).
(6) Permanent Change of Station or More than 139 Days Authorized. All ADT orders over
139 days or orders less than 139 days marked as PCS will route to HQ waivers for review by
(a) Orders over 139 days will be reviewed to ensure the NROWS orders state PCS in
the subject line of the order.
(b) Orders less than 139 days routed as PCS will be reviewed for proper justification.
For example, the fund approver intends to extend the orders beyond 139 days once additional
funding is available or the member is on successive orders to the same geographic location
exceeding 139 days without a 7-day break.
(7) Regular Retirement Risk. Per reference (h), Reserve personnel with greater than 17
years 6 months of Total Active Duty Service (TOTAS) will not be permitted to execute more than
29 days of cumulative AT/ADT orders per fiscal year without permission from Chief of Naval
Operations (N13). All Active Duty orders are included in the TOTAS calculation. Prior to
execution of orders, all Reserve personnel subject to screening controls will review, verify, and
acknowledge in writing the accuracy of their TOTAS using enclosure (5) of reference (h).
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will review but not withhold AT/ADT orders for members who carry
the SAD MAS code but have less than 17 years 6 months TOTAS.
(8) Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. Per reference (i),
orders that qualify for an exemption from the 5-year cumulative service limit established in the
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USERRA must include a statement reflecting the exemption status from the 5-year limit and the
statutory authority under which the service is exempt. All Reserve orders must provide contact
information for either the members home unit commander or a unit point of contact designated to
address employer concerns regarding the period of service. Some AT/ADT/IDTT orders are
exempt from the 5-year cumulative service limit. Refer to reference (i) for further information on
approved USERRA exemptions.
(a) N31 USERRA Approved Mission. COMNAVRESFOR (N31) is responsible to
verify whether ADT orders are in support of a SECNAV approved critical mission of the
uniformed services qualifying the member for the 5-year service limitation exemption.
(b) N7 USERRA Schools. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) is responsible to verify ADT
schools orders are in support of entry-level training or SECNAV exempted training.
i. Helpdesk and Regional Helpdesk. Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic
(New Orleans office) and the COMNAVRESFOR (N33) Director/Deputy assign the helpdesk
role. Helpdesk role is limited to COMNAVRESFOR and NIWC Atlantic (New Orleans office)
and as required on a case-by-case basis when approved by the COMNAVRESFOR (N33)
Director/Deputy. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) assigns the regional helpdesk role to REDCOM
N3/N7 or equivalent personnel only.
j. Mission/Event Planner. Role assigned by COMNAVRESFOR (N31) to the RPDs and
echelon 4/5 commands. Can create, modify, and cancel M/E. This will be at the work center
level. This role will also validate requirements entered against each M/E owned.
k. Order Specialist. The OWA assigns a primary and alternate for this role. The OS is the
approval authority for the following: Non-paid orders, order modifications that do not involve the
obligation of funds, order cancellations, or orders funded using “other” appropriation. In order to
prevent fraud or a conflict of interest, OSs should not be assigned both OS and FA roles.
However, should this be necessary due to manning, the echelon 4 commander must approve the
dual roles. NROWS interlock prevents FA of orders created in the OS role. The OS is
responsible for the following:
(1) Enter NROWS order applications approved by the Unit Approver (UA).
(2) Process all order requests, modifications, and cancellations for members under their
administrative control within three business days of receipt. If travel is expected within 72 hours
of receipt, the OS must process requests, modifications, and cancellations within 24 hours.
(3) Validate and/or complete all applications based on Sailor and UA/UR role comments.
(4) Ensure personnel flagged with the SAD MAS code provide the OS with a copy of their
annual statement of service history to ensure the member is not approaching the 17 years 6 months
TOTAS threshold discussed in subparagraph 3h(7) of this chapter. Members with 16 years of
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TOTAS will have their orders flagged in NROWS. SAD MAS codes will route through HQ
(5) Order Writing Authority (OWA). The echelon 4 NRA Commander, Deputy
Commander, Chief Staff Officer, or Executive Officer assigns this role by DOA. The OWA role
should be limited to a primary and an assistant. The primary OWA should be assigned to the
echelon 5 NRA CO. The assistant OWA should be assigned to an E-7 or above assigned to the
echelon 5 staff. The OWA role is responsible for assigning personnel to fill the roles of OS, FA,
security, hard holds, and UA/UR in NROWS for their area of responsibility.
(6) OWA Limitations. Each echelon 4/5 command is limited to four OWAs, to include the
CO, in accordance with Appendix G.
(7) Reporting Requirements. Each echelon 5 command is required to verify their OWAs
monthly and report to their echelon 4 ISIC quarterly.
l. N35 Lock. The COMNAVRESFOR (N33) SA assigns this role to the COMNAVRESFOR
(N35) mobilization division, who will lock NROWS accounts for 30 days of members who have
done 5 years of consecutive Active Duty.
m. Resource Owner. Role assigned by COMNAVRESFOR (N31) to the RPD/echelon 4 who
will validate their members assigned to a requirement. The RPD who owns the billet (defined by
AUIC) is the resource owner.
n. Requirement Owner. Role assigned by the M/E planner and managed by
COMNAVRESFOR (N31). This role can create, modify, and cancel requirements attached to
missions, and make selections. This role will be at the work center level and is defined using the
existing role assignment process in NROWS, modified to include the sub management code to
AUIC structure.
o. SA. Director/Deputy COMNAVRESFOR (N33) assigns this role to COMNAVRESFOR
staff and NIWC Atlantic (New Orleans office) assigns this role to its staff. The SA has oversight
of the entire system. The SA is responsible for assignment of HQ level and NIWC roles within
p. Sailor. This role is not assigned and it is available to every Reservist in NSIPS with
personnel data information. The individual member is responsible for submitting order
applications. The member can track their application throughout the order routing process,
including the printing of draft/official orders. Sailors assigned additional roles will not fund
approve their own orders in NROWS.
q. School Quotas. The COMNAVRESFOR (N33) SA assigns this role. This role is
responsible for validating all school quotas (refer to chapter 6).
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r. Security. The OWA assigns a primary and alternate for this role. The security role
validates that the member holds the required clearance for a set of orders before approval. NRAs
must certify the member’s clearance to the member’s supported command.
s. SSA. Technology Service Organization (TSO) Indianapolis, with the approval of
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) and NIWC Atlantic (New Orleans office) assigns this role via a
NROWS script. The SSA has oversight of the entire system and maintenance tables.
t. Travel. The SA assigns this role to COMNAVRESFOR (N33)/Navy Passenger
Transportation Office (NAVPTO) Pensacola. Orders will not proceed to any other routing stage
until travel (verification) has been cleared. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) works to ensure that travel
(verification) is adjudicated within 14 days of travel.
u. Travel Supervisor. The SA assigns this role to COMNAVRESFOR (N33) and NAVPTO
Pensacola. The travel supervisor validates joint travel regulation (JTR) entitlements and
regulations, fills all commercial travel requests, fills module test and repairs (MTR), and
reconciles billing.
v. Unit Approver/Unit Reviewer. The OWA assigns these roles to unit COs and personnel
designated by unit COs. UAs/URs review all requests and either approve or disapprove each
request based on mission requirements. Approval only validates the application for orders. Order
applications do not become official orders until approved by the FA. Disapproval of orders
returns the application to the member who submitted it.
Note: Order applications submitted by non-locally assigned Sailors will be routed to their non-
locally assigned-in UA/URs. Non-locally assigned UA/URs are associated with the unit
mobilization UIC on the Reserve Unit Assignment Document. See Appendix P for an example of
non-locally assigned orders routing process.
w. Voucher Support. The SA assigns this role to the NAVPTO Pensacola. This role is used
in conjunction with the travel supervisor and billing for the payment of NAVPTO CBAs.
4. Segregation of Duties
a. Key duties and responsibilities need to be divided or separated among different people to
reduce the risk of error or fraud. No one individual shall control all key aspects of a transaction or
event. COMNAVRESFOR understands and accepts the inherent risk of personnel having multiple
accesses to NROWS in order to successfully administer travel and/or funding to move the Force.
b. COMNAVRESFOR/COMNAVAIRES functional users and NIWC/TSO programmers
assigned SSA and/or SA roles are required to complete a SAAR-N form to be filed in ETMS-2 by
COMNAVRESFOR. Personnel assigned a SSA/SA role will not create any new roles for
themselves in their profile. Personnel assigned the SSA and/or SA roles cannot be assigned user
roles of FA and/or OWA/AOWA, except to troubleshoot an NROWS problem in the field.
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Once the issue is resolved, the access will be removed immediately. Separation of duty (SOD)
waiver permission level changes may only be authorized by the COMNAVRESFOR (N33)
Director/Deputy Director or DCOS. For personnel assigned to COMNAVRESFOR (N8), changes
can only be authorized by the RPN Deputy/Assistant Deputy. At least monthly, the
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) Director/Deputy will conduct a SOD audit for SSA/SA with other
roles, digitally sign showing approval, and place in ETMS-2 for record retention.
5. Order Cancellation. The member or the order specialist (OS) must cancel all unexecuted
NROWS orders within five days after the start date. It is the member’s responsibility to notify the
NRA of orders that will be or have not been executed. Failure to do so will result in funds not
being properly credited back to the NROWS checkbook.
6. ETMS-2 Use for Records Retention. All COMNAVRESFOR echelon 4/5 commands will use
ETMS-2 as the sole repository for all Force travel KSDs (NROWS/DTS): DD Form 577s,
Delegation of Authority (DOA) letters, DTS required training certificates, user role audits, and any
other data required by COMNAVRESFOR (N33). The purpose of ETMS-2 is to provide a
redundant electronic storage database that will allow commands and COMNAVRESFOR to easily
locate documents and minimize the amount of required physical storage space. ETMS-2 satisfies
financial improvement and audit remediation (FIAR) and other document retention requirements,
and will assist COMNAVRESFOR in achieving full audit readiness.
a. COMNAVRESFOR N33’s ETMS-2 standard operating procedures (SOP) is located on the
N33 SharePoint page,
b. The required ETMS-2 repository must be created and maintained as follows (see the SOP
and Appendix Q for further guidance):
(1) Create a command N3 or N7 (as applicable) “site” within ETMS-2, and establish a
folder titled “N33”.
(2) Under the folder titled “N33”, create a sub-folder (e.g. DTS AO 577, NROWS OWA
577) for each item listed on Appendix Q.
(3) Under each sub-folder, create a “sub-sub-folder (e.g. DTS AO 577-ASSIGNMENT;
NROWS OWA 577-ASSIGNMENT) for each item listed in appendix Q.
(4) Under each “sub-sub-folder, place the document/file required in the naming
convention provided in Appendix Q (e.g., NAVRESCEN Norfolk, Smith, John A-DD FORM 577
DTS AO-11NOV16 Assignment; VP-69, Pierce, Franklin E-DD FORM 577 NROWS OWA-
15OCT16 Assignment).
(5) Copy the correctly named required document from your computer and save in the
appropriate “sub-sub-folder”. Retain all documentation for 10 years.
14 Jun 2022
1. General. COMNAVRESFOR is allocated RPN funding which includes funding for pay and
allowances, travel and per diem, clothing, subsistence, and other related entitlements for
a. Once an appropriation act is signed, COMNAVRESFOR will receive an allocation from
Navy FMB, fiscal management division. Allocations will be distributed by FY quarters based
upon phasing plans submitted from the BSO to FMB. RPN funding is an annual appropriation,
meaning all funds need to be obligated by 30 September.
b. Allocations address statutory limitations on the obligation and expenditure of
appropriated funds, which are imposed by law. Many of these limitations are specifically
addressed within the National Defense Appropriation Act public law. Title 31 U.S.C. §1301(a)
and 1517 establish statutory limitations concerning expenditure of appropriated funds as
included in the DoD FMR.
2. Financial Roles within NROWS
a. Fund Manager. Upon receipt of an allocation from COMNAVRESFOR (N82), the FM is
responsible for distribution of these funds to either an OWA for AT or a subordinate work center
for ADT/IDTT. The OWA for AT will establish who the FA will be for each program. The FM
for ADT/IDTT will identify the appropriate FA for the subordinate work centers and request the
individuals submit a DD Form 577 to COMNAVRESFOR (N31) for creation of the FA role. An
activity may have more than one FA, with the understanding that if multiple FAs are assigned,
the same status of funds report will be reviewed. In other words, if a Funding Source Code
(FSC) has multiple FAs, all FAs will take action on the same funding source. The FM will
compare unliquidated orders (orders without expenditures) against the order estimate and notify
COMNAVRESFOR (N82) of any expenditures that appear to be erroneous. The FMs will
ensure credits are returned for cancelled orders with airline tickets. If a cancelled order with
ticket charges is older than three months, the FM will conduct research to ensure NAVPTO
requested a credit on the electronic ticket (e-ticket). The FA will research orders and alert
COMNAVRESFOR (N82) via the FM of any cancelled orders that have expenditures (except
airline tickets) against them.
b. Fund Approver. The FA is responsible for managing the funds allocated to them. The
FA will be assigned by the echelon 3/4 FM. In order to prevent fraud or a conflict of interest,
FAs will not be assigned OS roles. FAs will review and become familiar with order types,
obligation rules, AT authorizations, and order writing/FY policy from COMNAVRESFOR. FAs
will ensure unused airline tickets are returned and cancelled orders are processed through the
system to recoup funding. The primary or alternate FA will not approve their own orders. The
NRA CO will fund approve the primary or alternate FA’s AT, ADT, and IDTT orders.
14 Jun 2022
3. Distribution of Funding. COMNAVRESFOR will allocate RPN funds to NROWS via the
FSC. Funds will be allocated for the FY with quarterly controls. FSC consists of data fields that
make up the distribution of funds to the FM.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
a. FY (i.e. 2019).
b. Bureau control number (UIC which has 1517 authority) (i.e., 000721 for
c. Activity code/description: Identifies the FM who is receiving the distribution of funds.
(1) The FM will sub-allocate funds to an OWA. The OWA role must assign a user(s) as
the FA role to approve orders.
(2) When an order application is entered for AT, the FSC will default to NRA FSC based
on the assigned UIC.
(3) The OS role must select a different FSC if another command is paying for the orders;
the Sailor does not have this option, as it is defaulted. For special and school training, the Sailor
or OS must select the FSC to route the application for approval. For IDTT, the system will
attempt to default the IDTT FSC, but either the Sailor or an OS may select a different IDTT FSC
if desired.
d. The FAs are responsible for ensuring they only approve orders against their own
allocations. If an order is approved under the wrong FSC, the order must be cancelled and
reentered using the correct code; the FSC cannot be modified after approval.
4. Annual Training/Active Duty for Training Funding Responsibility
a. Annual Training. To meet satisfactory performance requirements, Reservists must
perform at least 12 days of active duty each year, unless waived by a cognizant authority. AT is
the primary resource for meeting this requirement. Throughout the execution year, FMs may
redistribute funds between NRAs as necessary. This will allow the FM to shift funds from
NRAs that have excess funds to NRAs where AT requirements exceed funding. If funding is not
available at a certain echelon, ask the next higher echelon for funding.
b. Discretionary Reserve Personnel, Navy RPN Funds (IDTT/Additional Drills/ADT).
COMNAVRESFOR (N31) will distribute discretionary funds based on readiness management
plan requirements. COMNAVRESFOR (N82) will distribute funds in NROWS based on this
distribution plan. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) is the FM for ADT (schools).
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5. Execution Requirements
a. Obligations. When a FA reviews the order costing, the following obligation posting logic
(1) Pay and allowances are obligated to the quarter containing the duty report date. If
duty is less than 30 days, the full cost is charged. If duty is greater than 30 days, the pay and
allowances obligations are charged based on the duty days in each quarter.
(2) Travel and per diem costs are obligated against the quarter in which the order is
approved. For example, when an FA approves an order in February for duty in July, the pay and
allowances will obligate in the fourth quarter, and the travel and per diem will obligate in the
second quarter.
(3) When approving orders for the next FY, the obligation logic for pay and allowances
will be the same. However, the travel and per diem will post in the first quarter of the next FY.
The FA must ensure funds are available for the next FY. NROWS will automatically obligate
funding to the proper quarter. The FA must ensure funding is available for the specific quarter.
Once the application is approved, the funds are subtracted from the FA’s FSC, giving the
available balance for the quarter/year.
b. Cancelled Orders. OS/FA/FM will take prompt action using NROWS reports (discussed
in detail in chapter 3 paragraph 6), to ensure unexecuted orders are cancelled immediately in
NROWS and DTS. In cases where tickets have been issued, OS/FA/FM will ensure those tickets
are immediately returned to the TMC to recoup airline obligations/expenditures.
c. Travel Advances. When travel advances are authorized and issued, authorizing officials
for NROWS assigned at the echelon 4/5 will ensure the advance is identified on the travel claim
before forwarding to the PSD/TSC for settlement.
d. Travel Vouchers
(1) NROWS/DTS Import/Export. Per reference (k), travelers must submit a travel
claim/voucher within 5 working days of completion of their travel. In the case of extended ADT
of 45 days or more, the traveler must request SPPs via their DTS authorization. Members who
have not submitted a travel claim/voucher within five working days from the date the duty ended
will not perform additional AT/ADT/IDTT until the travel claim/voucher is submitted.
(2) Non-DTS NROWS. Per reference (a), SELRES must submit a travel claim through
their echelon 5 command within five days of completing their travel. In the case of extended
ADT, the Reservist must submit a travel claim through the servicing PSD/TSC for each 30-day
period. That claim must be submitted within five days after each 30-day period or the member
will not perform additional AT/ADT/IDTT orders.
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Note: In both cases, the AO (for NROWS/DTS import/export) and the CPPA must ensure that
SPPs and travel advances are identified on the travel claim and be mindful of any overpayments
they may have caused that result in traveler debt.
e. Unliquidated Orders. FMs will ensure thorough reviews by FAs are conducted every 30
days to ensure that:
(1) A cancellation is processed if orders were not executed.
(2) A travel claim is submitted if orders were executed.
6. Financial Management Oversight. Every NROWS user role must provide good stewardship
of resources assigned to their organization. The comptroller, in partnership with FMs, the AO
for NROWS, and FAs should use the following reports to meet their periodic requirements of
fund management.
a. Execution of Funds Report. This report shows the FSC status of funds that reflect both
obligations and commitments by quarter. The variance portion of the status of funds reflects the
difference between the initial obligation and expenditure received in total (negative variances are
healthy and reflect portions of obligations being returned to the account, while positive variances
are unhealthy and caused by travel expenses that exceed estimated costs). This report provides
overall fund status visibility for each sub-allocation.
b. Liquidated Report. This report shows orders with all cost lines fully liquidated.
c. Unliquidated Report. This report identifies orders that have not been fully liquidated.
d. 30/60/90-Day Unliquidated Report. This report lists the unliquidated orders that are
30/60/90 days past the end date of the order. This report is very useful to identify orders that:
(1) Have not been executed and should be cancelled by the unit/NRA.
(2) Were executed and require a travel claim or voucher from the member to liquidate.
(3) Were executed but pay and allowances were not processed by the servicing TSC/PSD.
(4) Were executed but financial system did not update.
e. Order Specialist Order Writing Authority Document Report. Similar to the liquidated
and unliquidated report, this report shows all orders regardless of funding source (AT, IDTT,
ADT-Special, ADT-Mob Prep (for SSOP), ADT-Schools, and ADT-Reimbursable). This report
can only be seen by the OS or OWA.
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f. Variance Report. This report identifies potential erroneous expenditures or estimating
problems with orders where expenditures exceed obligations. When an erroneous expenditure
has posted against a document, submit documentation to COMNAVRESFOR (N82) through the
FM. Occasionally, PSDs/TSCs may disburse against incorrect lines of accounting causing
unmatched disbursements. Identifying these orders to COMNAVRESFOR (N82) for cost
transfer will correct the problem. A date range selection criteria has been added for the user to
run and review the report on a monthly basis for FIAR.
g. Cancellation Report. This report shows all orders that have been cancelled and have an
expenditure against them (i.e. some portion was liquidated). This report also helps identify
replacement orders that were liquidated against the original (but cancelled) order, as well as
erroneously cancelled orders. If an order included commercial travel, this report should be used
to ensure that credits are returned. If an e-ticket was issued and either partially used or changed,
the member must notify the travel management company (TMC) to initiate the refund process. If
an e-ticket was issued but not used, the ticket will automatically cancel after the last date of
travel on the ticket; however, if a ticket was issued, the ticket needs to be returned by the TMC to
process ticket credit.
h. Confirmation Orders Report. This report will show all confirmation orders approved,
providing each activity the ability to monitor the number and frequency of confirmation orders
issued and manual travel vouchers required for reimbursement.
i. Commitment Report. This report shows the tracking number and cost lines for each
order application that makes up the commitment amount on the execution of funds report or the
commitments on the allocation screen view.
j. Order Completion Report. This report allows the FM, OWA, and FA to review
unliquidated cost lines based on a threshold for the number of days past the duty end date.
k. Paid non-Travel Report. This report shows all paid non-travel orders for the NRA to
ensure the orders are endorsed with arrival and departing dates required for audit.
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1. Order Processing. The purpose of the NROWS travel process is to assist members in
arranging travel to and from assignments, and to minimize errors when using the DTS or
NAVPTO. The goal is to ensure the member reaches and returns from the assigned duty station
with a minimum of processing errors or delays.
Note: All NROWS users should review the various order processing timelines below.
a. Duty Location in NROWS/DTS. Members reporting for duty on a military installation
must use the military installation as the duty location in NROWS and DTS vice the city and state
to ensure the correct lodging options are selected in DTS. Requirement Owners are primarily
responsible for ensuring the correct per diem location is written into the requirement. However,
AOs (for DTS) are equally responsible for verifying this, as the utility of government or DoD
preferred messing and berthing, when available, is decidedly advantageous to the government.
When government or DoD preferred berthing is not available, the automatic issuance of a CNA
by DTS is likewise predicated on the use of the military installation, rather than simply the city
and state, as the duty location.
b. Travel Advance. Reservists who are non-GTCC holders and require a travel advance
should enter an application early enough to account for processing time by their supporting
TSCs/PSDs or through DTS. TSCs/PSDs generally require 10-14 days to process an advance by
EFT. Members should not start travel prior to receiving the travel advance.
c. Country Clearance Requirements. Most country clearance messages require a copy of
the traveler’s itinerary. Orders for travelers requiring country clearances should be entered in
sufficient time for NAVPTO/TMC to provide an itinerary prior to country clearance request
deadlines. In extreme cases, the host country may require up to 60 days advance notice of the
Reservists arrival. Reference (g) will provide up-to-date country clearance requirements.
d. Airline Seat Availability. Normally there are a limited number of airline seats available
at the government fare. As flights are filled, seating on a particular flight may no longer be
available at the government fare, requiring either alternate flight arrangements or costlier
ticketing. Timely submission of applications will help ensure desired flights are obtained at the
best fare.
e. Order Endorsement. In order to confirm the training or duty was performed as ordered,
the completed orders must be endorsed by the gaining command either via the NSIPS electronic
muster (e-Muster), or in the endorsement stamp block on the last page of the NROWS orders.
Orders must be endorsed on check-in and departure. In the absence of an endorsement, the
Reservist must contact the gaining command to receive an “after the fact” endorsement.
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Note: Neither the traveler, unit, nor the NRA are authorized to endorse orders. The exception is
that the NRA may endorse orders if the NRA is the gaining command.
2. Confirmation Orders. Confirmation orders are NROWS orders, with or without associated
travel, that are approved for funding after 2359 of the order start date. An unusual situation, such
as a regional or national emergency, may require that official duty begin or be performed before
a written order can be issued. However, these cases are extremely rare and every effort must be
made to avoid issuing a confirmation order. For emergency travel, see chapter 5 paragraph 8 for
orders requiring immediate processing. If official duty is required to start prior to the completion
of a formal NROWS order, a verbal order must be obtained from a competent authority.
Requests for confirmation orders that do not meet the aforementioned regional/national
emergency criteria must be submitted to the Deputy Commander, COMNAVRESFOR for
approval/disapproval. Provide COMNAVRESFOR a formal written request for approval,
following Appendix M. Letters, endorsed by the echelon 4 commander, must be submitted via e-
mail (unencrypted) to the COMNAVRESFOR (N33) customer service inbox
([email protected]). The subject line of the e-mail must be “CONFIRMATION
Note 1: Delays in the normal order-issuing process are not grounds for confirmation orders.
Note 2: Failure to approve orders in a timely manner or a Navy Reservist failing to get approved
orders properly endorsed by the gaining command may result in the member not receiving
financial reimbursement. If it is discovered that a Reserve member is performing official duty
without approved and endorsed orders, the member should cease work until orders are properly
submitted and approved.
a. In addition to meeting the circumstances in chapter 4 paragraph 2, a verbal order must
meet the following criteria:
(1) Given in advance of travel. Every attempt must be made to utilize the TMC for travel
arrangements prior to confirmatory travel. See reference (a), paragraph 010206, for
confirmatory travel order procedures and allowances.
(2) Approved by competent authority. Competent authority is the senior military member
assigned to the command with the authority to obligate the funds.
(3) The command authority issuing the verbal order must notify COMNAVRESFOR
(N33) immediately of the situation and intent to provide confirmation orders/confirmatory travel
(via the NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk if after hours).
(4) Written NROWS orders processed within five days of the start date, which includes
the date of the verbal order.
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b. There are several impacts that must be considered before issuing confirmation orders:
(1) There is inherent risk in a verbal order for a Reserve Sailor because, if not from a
competent authority, the Sailor would not be in a duty status and therefore not covered in the
event of injury, illness, or death, nor subject to the UCMJ or covered by a SOFA. Conversely,
NROWS orders are always from a competent authority and ensure that all requirements for duty
status are met (i.e. mission operationally required, individual is administratively eligible, and
fiscal authority to expend available funds exists). Furthermore, without written orders, civilian
officials and military personnel may question or delay a Reservist in their mission. Due to these
risks, orders that involve putting a Reservist into a duty status after the fact require approval by
(2) Obligation of Funds. The commanding officer issuing the confirmation order must
ensure sufficient funds are available prior to issuing the oral order.
(3) Reimbursement of travel charges resulting from confirmation orders, unless
specifically ordered by competent authority to be procured via personal funds, will not exceed
the cost that would have been incurred had the travel been procured by the TMC.
(4) Expenses incurred before receipt of a written/verbal order are not reimbursable.
c. Aviation squadrons sometimes encounter unique situations while executing IDT or
additional drills where pilots and aircrew members are in flight for longer than 12 hours. NRAs
need to plan as best as possible. However, in the rare instance members need to be placed on
IDTT orders after the fact, complete the following:
(1) The NRA will notify the echelon 4 command within 24 hours (including after hours).
(2) The NRA will provide a copy of the members EDM drills and an explanation of what
occurred within 72 hours via e-mail (unencrypted) to [email protected] for
determination by Director COMNAVRESFOR (N33). The echelon 4 command will be included
on all e-mail correspondence for situational awareness.
3. COMNAVRESFOR Departmental Responsibilities
a. OWA Delegation. The delegated order issuing official for the Navy Reserve who has the
authority to write orders and to obligate funding in conjunction with orders, and further delegates
order writing authority to the NRA.
b. COMNAVRESFOR (N1). Tracks NSIPS Tier 1 and 2 trouble tickets submitted by the
NRAs to ensure actions are completed and tickets are resolved in a timely manner. Serves as a
liaison between NIWC and customer service center. Directs NRAs on all policies and
procedures for accession gains.
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c. COMNAVRESFOR (N31). Provides funds management, approval, and execution of
COMNAVRESFOR discretionary RPN and AT accounts. Primary COMNAVRESFOR liaison
to Fleet RPDs and subordinate echelon 4 commands for RPN funds, execution, coordination, and
support. Oversight of NROWS RPD planner profiles and FA roles, and maintains required
documentation in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 2.
c. COMNAVRESFOR (N33). Responsible for oversight and management of the order
writing process. Responsible for overall system administration and liaison with NIWC,
Customer Service Center New Orleans, NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk, DTS Travel
Assistance Center, TSO Indianapolis, NAVPTO, and TMC. Provide customer service support
for all order writing issues to echelon 4/5 commands.
d. COMNAVRESFOR (N7). Responsible for managing and processing all school quota
requests. For specific amplifying information, see chapter 6.
e. Navy Reserve Activity. Authority to write orders and obligate funding in conjunction
with orders is delegated from COMNAVRESFOR to the OWA.
f. Navy Reserve Activity Commanding Officer. Responsible for the following:
(1) Ensuring all Reservists are afforded an appropriate AT authorization per the annual
COMNAVRESFOR 1001 force execution guidance notice.
(2) Providing 24/7 access for Reserve travel assistance.
(3) Ensuring all administrative and technical requirements for supporting the order
writing processes at their command are met to include assignment and termination of NROWS
user roles.
(4) The delegation of authority under their command and by direction authority, which
must be delegated in writing and maintained by the CO. The CO cannot delegate hard hold
approval. This does not imply that the CO must fill the hard hold role, only that the comments
must reflect the COs approval.
(5) AT and any additional funding sub-allocated to the NRA for assigned units.
(6) The order writing process at their NRA, to include reviewing proper endorsements to
NROWS orders in accordance with chapter 4 paragraph 1.
(7) Ensure all assigned personnel receive training on NROWS/DTS policies and
g. Unit CO/OIC/AOIC. Responsible for ensuring all assigned Reservists complete their AT
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4. NROWS Process Responsibilities
a. Traveler
(1) After being assigned a requirement, the traveler applies for Active Duty orders or a
travel authorization incident to IDT (AT/ADT/IDTT).
(2) The traveler receives e-mails from NROWS and DTS giving status updates to
application and authorization.
(3) If a traveler has a hard hold that cannot be immediately cleared, the traveler must
reapply for travel after clearing the hard hold by completing the required qualifying actions. If
disapproved, the traveler determines whether to reapply for travel. If the traveler does not
reapply, the process ends.
(4) If fund approved, the traveler accesses DTS (when applicable) and processes the DTS
authorization, travels to the duty assignment, returns, and the process ends. The traveler is
responsible for filing the travel voucher within five business days of the completion of travel.
b. Unit Approver
(1) RUIC UA reviews the application. If the traveler is non-locally assigned, the non-
locally assogned UMUIC UA will review the application.
(2) UA determines whether the application should be routed for approval. If
disapproved, NROWS notifies the traveler, who will determine whether to reapply.
c. NRA Orders Specialist
(1) If there are any hard holds/security holds, the NRA determines whether to clear them
or return the application to the applicant.
(2) If a school quota or funds are not available, NRA reviews the application for further
action and returns it to the Reservist.
(3) If a HQ waiver is disapproved, the NRA reviews the application and takes corrective
action, if able.
(4) If the travel arrangements are not acceptable, NRA determines whether to modify the
request. If the NRA decides to modify the request, NRA determines if there are any pending
hard holds and the request re-enters the travel review process. If travel is disapproved by
COMNAVRESFOR (N33), the NRA reviews the application and takes corrective action, if able.
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(5) If NRA decides not to modify the travel request, but to begin the deletion process, the
NRA should notify the traveler of disapproval via e-mail.
(6) Provide assistance to SELRES in locating proper non-locally assigned point of
contact for NROWS orders routing.
(7) If the request is not for a school, the action is routed to COMNAVRESFOR (N33) for
d. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) Schools
(1) If the request involves schools, COMNAVRESFOR (N7) reviews the request and
determines quota/funds availability. The following will take place:
(a) If a school quota is no longer available, the request is returned to the NRA for
further action.
(b) If a school quota is available, the request is approved and routed forward in
(1) HQ Waivers. After COMNAVRESFOR (N33) (COMNAVRESFOR (N31) for E-AT
and USERRA) reviews the HQ waiver (chapter 2 paragraph 3), the following takes place:
(a) If disapproved, the request is returned to the NRA for further action.
(b) If approved, the request will be routed forward in NROWS.
(2) Travel verification
(a) A review of the mode of travel is conducted to ensure compliance with reference
(b) All compliant applications will be routed forward for fund approval.
(c) All incorrect applications will be returned to the NRA.
(3) Travel Arrangements for Non-DTS Orders. Travel arrangements for non-DTS are not
booked through DTS. NAVPTO Pensacola verifies the travel request and enters required travel
information into the Sabre Travel Network and transmits the travel request to the TMC for
reservations and ticketing.
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f. Fund Approver (Authentication)
(1) If the travel arrangements are acceptable, fund approval determines whether funds are
available to support the travel. If sufficient funds are available for the requested travel, the
request is pushed to DTS or NAVPTO Pensacola for verification.
(2) If funds are not available for the requested travel, the request is returned to the NRA
with a request to modify the arrangements.
5. NROWS Failure Procedure. A list of potential failures, their associated impacts, and
corrective actions are as follows:
a. Casualty. NROWS web entry failure/casualty (non-NMCI related): Contact the
NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk.
(1) Impact. The Sailor and UA/UR roles will not be able to perform their roles in
(2) Action
(a) Contact NRA OS to submit order request in NROWS.
(b) The OS delivers official orders and itinerary to the member via e-mail.
b. Casualty. NROWS client-server partial (geographic) failure.
(1) Impact. Loss of the ability of an OWA to use NROWS.
(2) Action
(a) Notify ISIC and determine if ISIC can assume the appropriate roles until the
failure is corrected.
(b) ISIC assumes roles until the failure is corrected, if possible. Resolve hard holds
with the OWA of the affected NRA.
(c) If the ISIC is unable to assume the roles of the OWA, follow the catastrophic
procedures below.
c. Casualty. NROWS catastrophic failure.
(1) Impact. Loss of ability to process orders via NROWS, including all interfaces.
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(2) Action
(a) Limit order writing to mission-critical orders processing.
(b) COMNAVRESFOR (N33) activates NROWS COTS.
(c) Refer to appendix I for NROWS COTS procedures.
d. Casualty. COMNAVRESFOR support failure (e.g. hurricane evacuation or major power
(1) Impact. Loss of COMNAVRESFOR order support, coordination of travel in support
of exercise and operations, school quota verification, automated travel processing, and
comptroller oversight.
(2) Action.
(a) Limit order writing for affected orders to those that are mission critical.
(b) School quota verification reverts to alternate approval authority.
(c) COMNAVRESFOR issues immediate contingency operations policy guidance for
the processing of all orders impacted by the failure.
14 Jun 2022
1. General. The decentralized nature of NROWS allows OWAs to make decisions concerning
official travel. It is imperative that all personnel assigned a role in NROWS have a full
understanding of the entitlements authorized in each situation. This chapter is not meant to be a
reiteration of reference (a) or any other instruction that governs entitlements; rather, it delineates
policies regarding official travel specific to the Navy Reserve.
2. Travel Arrangement Policy. Per reference (a), the Navy is contractually obligated to use a
TMC to make travel arrangements for all U.S. Navy personnel. COMNAVRESFOR is required
to use NAVPTO and the TMC to arrange all Navy Reserve travel for AT/ADT/IDTT orders.
TMCs other than SATO New Orleans will not be used to arrange travel that is charged to RPN
funds. The primary method of arranging travel is when orders are routed through NROWS via
DTS for the procurement of travel. The traveler will inform the NRA of any changes to travel
arrangements and complete an order modification in NROWS when dates/locations of travel
change. Reimbursement for a personal purchase without prior authorization constitutes an
unauthorized obligation and may not be reimbursable (see chapter 5 paragraph 17 for guidance
on the submission of reimbursement packages).
3. Temporary Additional Duty while on Call-to-Duty Orders. While on AT/ADT orders, a
Reservist may conduct TAD away from the gaining command using the gaining command’s
accounting data via the active duty profile in DTS. Call-to-duty orders are processed through
NROWS for getting the Reservist to/from the gaining command and are the official mechanism
for placing a Reservist on or off Active Duty status. TAD orders from a gaining command do
not place an individual in a duty status. If a member is performing AT/ADT away from their PR
at a per diem location using the gaining commands accounting data via DTS, the member
cannot receive per diem for both locations. The member must submit a copy of the travel
claim/voucher to the NRA travel office, verifying that they did not receive per diem from the
AT/ADT orders for the period they also received per diem on TAD.
4. Travel Days
a. CONUS/OCONUS Air Travel. The travel day is also known as the start date in
NROWS. This date is not the report date. Travel days are only authorized at the beginning of
the orders. The determination of travel days allowed for CONUS/OCONUS travel is made per
reference (a). Travelers are authorized up to two travel days for OCONUS locations, but some
OCONUS locations may only require one travel day.
b. Constructive Travel Days. NAVPTO and TMC are required to make travel arrangements
based on the member’s report and end date.
(1) In some cases, flight availability may increase the travel time required. A member
must include the actual itinerary with the travel claim.
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(2) In some cases, due to flight availability (e.g., if a member requires a late flight), the
TMC may be required to book the flight the next day. The member is entitled to per diem and
pay/allowances if travel continues after the end date. The member must modify their NROWS
orders to reflect returning after original end date for pay and allowance purposes.
c. Travel Time. The formula for computing travel time is as follows:
(1) Airline reservations are made in compliance with the reporting time. If the report
time on the orders does not allow for same day travel, the member will travel the day before and
is entitled to travel allowances per reference (a). It is imperative to include the travel itinerary
with travel claim/voucher for future audit validation. If a member cannot report prior to 0900,
the member is required to have a travel day unless authorized by COMNAVRESFOR (N33).
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will make this determination on a case-by-case basis, based on the
justification provided in the NROWS application.
(2) Per reference (a), if a Sailor cannot complete return travel before 2359, they may
complete travel the following day. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) authorizes local disbursing
offices to pay this travel day (per diem) without an order modification under circumstances
where a travel delay was unforeseen. However, the member must modify orders to reflect the
correct end date for pay and allowances. If the member’s travel was booked by the TMC for the
day following the last day of the orders, then per reference (f) and chapter 5 subparagraph 4b(2),
the member is entitled to pay and allowances until travel is complete.
5. Air Travel General. NAVPTO/TMC will endeavor to accommodate specific travel requests
while adhering to reference (a) and other governing instructions. There are limited government
contract seats on any given contracted flight. The timeliness of a request is essential to book a
desired flight at the government contract fare.
6. Scheduling Travel
a. It is the responsibility of the DTS AO to ensure travel for orders is performed in
accordance with reference (a). Specifically, AO (for DTS) must compare the DTS authorization
to the NROWS orders to ensure travel was scheduled following reference (a), paragraph 020202
“scheduling travel.” The AO (for DTS) will verify that travel departure and arrival times
coincide as nearly as possible with those needed to carry out the mission. In validating the DTS
authorization, the AO (for DTS) will consider JTR factors including:
(1) Duty hours (standard 0700-1630)
(2) Duty requirements
(3) The traveler’s comfort and well-being
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(4) The traveler not being scheduled for departures and arrivals between 2400 and 0600
unless travel between 2400 and 0600 is required by the mission.
(5) Arranging air travel so that the traveler is scheduled to arrive the day before the report
date (except when, per chapter 5 paragraph 4, the member can travel and report on the same date
and this is justified in the NROWS application).
b. Every day of AT/ADT/IDTT orders incurs pay and allowances and/or full or partial per
diem for a member. It is the responsibility of both the member and the AO (for DTS) to ensure
no additional days are scheduled before or after the dates required to perform the mission. It is
the NRAs responsibility to validate that the DTS travel authorization requested by the member
is fiscally responsible and auditable.
c. These examples are provided to assist the AO (for DTS) in validating DTS
(1) Early Travel on First Day of Period of Duty - Not Reasonable. Member’s NROWS
orders state the member has a report for duty no later than 0730 on 4 February YYYY.
Member’s period of duty is 3 February YYYY to 15 February YYYY. Member submits a DTS
itinerary for a flight on 1 February YYYY. The AO (for DTS) disapproves the DTS travel
authorization because the travel for the orders must occur on 3 February for a report time of 0730
on 4 February YYYY.
(2) Early Travel on Last Day of Period of Duty - Not Reasonable. Member has
scheduled a 0800 flight on the last day of the period of duty. The AO (for DTS) examines the
NROWS orders to see if they explain why the member is departing during standard duty hours
(0700-1630). If necessary, the NRA should contact the member to understand why the member
is not traveling after duty hours. If the member has no justification, the AO (for DTS) should not
approve the authorization until the member has scheduled a flight in accordance with duty hours.
(3) Early Travel on Last Day of Period of Duty - Reasonable. Member has scheduled a
1400 flight on the last day of the period of duty. The AO (for DTS) contacts the member who
justifies the early departure time based on the availability of flights and other travel computations
that are necessary for the member to complete return travel by 2359. Since it is fiscally
responsible to return the member before 2359 (when the member incurs another day of pay and
allowances and partial per diem), the AO (for DTS) should approve the authorization.
(4) Return Travel Requiring Extra Day. Return travel from west to east and/or from
austere OCONUS locations can present unique challenges and may require an additional day to
complete travel. Reference (a) requires travel to begin on the final day of orders. Same-day
return travel is possible from most locations, including those that require travel over large
distances. However, in some cases of west-to-east travel or where flight options are limited,
travel may extend into a second day. For NROWS/DTS order processing, complete the
following steps if travel extends into the next day:
14 Jun 2022
(a) Step 1. Route and fund approve NROWS orders to end on last day of duty.
(b) Step 2. Book return travel (via DTS or as reserved by SATO) for departure as
soon as practicable after duty is complete.
(c) Step 3. Once travel is authorized, but before the orders begin, modify the
NROWS orders to reflect the day the travel ends to account for the extra day of pay authorized
during return travel. This modification will import into DTS and the member will simply accept
the modification in DTS, leave the authorization as it is, and re-sign and route the authorization
for re-approval.
7. Short-Lead-Time Travel. Orders fund approved inside of 14 days for CONUS travel and 30
days for OCONUS travel are considered short lead-time orders and may require a justification
statement from the unit CO. Timely routing of orders is essential. After fund approval, orders
will import from NROWS to DTS. Travel arrangements must be selected, booked, authorized,
and ticketed in DTS. Orders not submitted in a timely manner cannot be guaranteed travel
8. Emergency Travel. When an emergent requirement arises (Red Cross message, natural
disasters, mission critical, etc.) that requires COMNAVRESFOR (N33) after hours travel support
for orders and travel beginning within 24 hours or between 1300 ET Friday and 1200 ET
Monday, the designated authority must contact the NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk to
initiate emergent travel support. AT and ADT schools are not normally considered mission
a. The following are considered emergencies and will receive immediate priority:
(1) Red Cross (AMCROS) messages (death or serious injury/illness of an immediate
family member). A copy of the Red Cross message must be provided to the NROWS/DTS
Enterprise Service Desk. The Reservist will be returned to their PR. The NRA will be instructed
to create an order modification to reflect the change in order dates, returning the member only to
their PR. Modifications are not required prior to member traveling.
(2) Movement of required personnel in time of natural disaster.
(3) Movement of personnel required with special skills for search and rescue.
(4) Emergent travel for operational requirements that require travel within 24 hours or
travel between 1300 ET Friday - 1200 ET Monday.
b. The following are designated authorities who can initiate mission critical travel:
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(1) The Navy Reserve echelon 4 commander or their designated representative. The
echelon 4s are:
(2) The Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (NEPLO) program manager and
assistant program manager (for NEPLO emergency responses only).
(3) The Joint Enabling Capabilities Command (JECC) RPD and assistant (for JECC
mission critical requirements only).
(4) The Submarine Force Atlantic RPD; Submarine Force U.S. Pacific RPD;
Commander, Submarine Squadron Eleven (CSS-11) RPD, Undersea Rescue Command CO, XO,
or duty officer (for emergent submarine rescue missions only).
(5) The flag matters RPD (for Reserve flag officer emergent mission critical requirements
c. General procedures that will be followed:
(1) The designated authority will contact COMNAVRESFOR (N33) during normal
business hours and the NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk after hours at (800) 537-4617;
select “travel within 24 hours/emergency travel for the call to be placed at the top of the queue
for the next available service desk technician.
(2) When the NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk technician answers the call, the
designated authority will identify themselves and their command and state that they have mission
critical travel. If the designated authority e-mailed authorization to the NROWS/DTS Enterprise
Service Desk, the caller will reference that e-mail authorization.
(3) The NROWS/DTS Enterprise Service Desk will contact the COMNAVRESFOR
(N33) duty officer for travel authorization.
(4) If required, the COMNAVRESFOR (N33) duty officer will contact the NRA/FA to
expedite order processing.
(5) For DTS arranged travel, once the NROWS order is fund approved:
(a) Step 1. The traveler or NDEA will complete the DTS travel authorization.
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(b) Step 2. The TMC will book the transportation. If expedited processing is
required after hours, COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will contact the TMC.
(c) Step 3. The traveler’s AO (for DTS) must approve the DTS authorization.
(d) Step 4. TMC will ticket the transportation. If expedited processing is required
after hours, COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will contact the TMC.
(6) For non-DTS orders, once the NROWS order is fund approved the
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will contact NAVPTO Pensacola to ticket transportation. NAVPTO
Pensacola does not have after-hours support, so ticketing approval for emergent non-DTS orders
may not be possible until the next business day.
9. Premium (First/Business) Class Travel. The DoD mandates that coach (economy) class
travel accommodations must be used for all transportation modes for all official government
travel. A request for premium (first/business) class travel accommodations must be routed
through the traveler’s chain of command and forwarded to COMNAVRESFOR (N33) for further
routing through the secretarial process. No other delegation is authorized. Members shall not
travel prior to written authorization.
10. Economy Plus/Coach Elite Seating. This includes accommodations for any seating in
economy or coach class provided to the general public for an additional fee. Economy
plus/coach elite seating services may vary from airline to airline and use various names.
Economy/coach cabin should not be confused with premium class travel. In addition to any
designated economy-plus seating areas, aisle, window, exit row, or bulkhead seats in the
economy/coach cabin may also have additional costs depending on the airline.
COMNAVRESFOR will not authorize the reimbursement of such upgrades.
11. Travel to/from Home/Primary Residence to Include LOTH in NROWS for AT/ADT/IDTT
a. Travel on AT/ADT orders may originate and/or terminate at the following locations:
(1) From/to primary residence (PR)/PR.
(2) From/to LOTH/PR, PR/LOTH, or LOTH/LOTH.
(a) Travel reimbursement is limited to the cost of a government ticket (city pair flight)
from/to the member’s PR. All members utilizing LOTH are required to provide the completed
LOTH CTW (appendix H) in the DTS authorization and voucher.
Scenario: If member travels from PR to AT/ADT/IDTT location and utilizes LOTH to remain in
place at AT/ADT/IDTT location at the end of the orders, then the member is not authorized
reimbursement for travel to return to the PR.
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(b) For travel originating/ending at the duty station, travel is not authorized but per
diem is payable at the duty location through the last day of the orders.
Note: All travel from/to a LOTH must be placed (charged) on the member’s GTCC. If the
traveler does not have a GTCC then LOTH travel is not authorized. PR address changes must be
effected in NSIPS and will not reflect in NROWS until approximately 0700 ET the following
day. An address change is not authorized for personal/business reasons. Changing the PR for
unauthorized or fraudulent purposes will be considered a violation of the UCMJ and may result
in disciplinary action against the offending member.
12. Ticket Types. The traveler will receive an e-mail itinerary (e-ticket receipt) once travel is
ticketed by the TMC, usually three working days prior to travel. A valid e-mail address must be
provided in NROWS and DTS to receive the e-mail. Changes to travel requirements that
increase the ticket cost after final ticketing are not authorized unless an amendment is approved
in DTS. If the travel date changes, the TMC is not authorized to make changes to the ticketed
reservation unless the NROWS order is modified and the corresponding DTS authorization
amendment has subsequently been approved. Emergent changes that require approval outside of
DTS must be approved by COMNAVRESFOR (N33) via the echelon 4 command. This process
ensures that a members travel supports the NROWS order data.
13. Unused Tickets/Cancellations. The TMC will automatically credit/refund an unused ticket
back to the line of accounting charged, which is then processed though Reserve Integration
Management System FM and passes the credit to NROWS. Credits for unused e-tickets and e-
ticket cancellations will occur without intervention. The member may follow the steps in
COMNAVRESFOR (N33) SOP 006 to obtain a ticketed SATO invoice. If the refund is not
reflecting in the SATO invoice, the member may contact the TMC during normal working hours
for assistance with reimbursement (in some cases, the TMC may direct the traveler to the
14. Rental Cars. When a rental car is authorized in the NROWS orders either during the initial
routing or modification, the TMC will reserve a rental car for the traveler. The default location
for rental car pick-up and drop-off is at the airport of arrival, but a different location may be
entered via NROWS and/or DTS.
a. If a rental car other than a compact car is required for the mission, provide justification in
the “special instructions for travel” box, and add a non-standard paragraph authorizing the use of
required vehicle.
b. The following reimbursements are not authorized:
(1) Pre-paid fuel service, including EZ fuel, and fuel service charges and options
(2) Global Positioning Satellite devices and charges
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(3) Collision damage waiver for CONUS orders
(4) Frequent flyer miles program charges
(5) Pre-paid and/or flat-rate electronic tolling charges
15. Privately Owned Vehicles. Per reference (a), privately owned vehicle (POV) travel is
classified as either advantageous or not advantageous to the Government based on one-way
mileage. POV travel is not advantageous if the one-way travel is greater than 400 miles or 800
miles round trip, as determined by the Defense Table of Official Distances, (account registration required). Before approving POV travel,
consider the following:
a. Advantageous (One-Way Travel Not to Exceed 400 Miles). While the OS may authorize
this category of travel, it cannot be directed in lieu of other forms of government-sponsored
travel. If the AO (for DTS) authorizes POV travel, the member will only receive one day of
travel entitlements to and from the duty location, not to exceed 400 miles one way or 800 miles
round trip.
Note: Members who commute daily from outside the corporate city limits of their duty location
are only authorized one total round trip’s worth of TDY mileage per duty period, regardless of
the duration of duty. Mileage reimbursements for “authorized returns” in accordance with
reference (a) are not permitted for RC members executing AT, ADT, or IDTT. RC members
must not be provided commuting mileage except for the single round trip amount mentioned
above. Additionally, per diem is never authorized when a member commutes.
b. Not Advantageous (One-Way Travel That Is Greater Than 400 Miles). While this mode
of travel may be authorized for the convenience or preference of the member, it is strongly
discouraged. The NROWS OS must inform the member they are entitled to only one travel day
for the purposes of pay and allowances, regardless of the duration of travel. One-way mileage
will only be reimbursed not to exceed the cost the government would have incurred if travel was
used by the authorized mode. A constructed travel worksheet is required. Only costs associated
with the authorized transportation mode can be included (i.e., airfare or transportation to/from
airport). No other costs are added to the computation, including rental car costs, parking, tolls,
etc. Moreover, no reimbursements are authorized for costs that the traveler would not have
incurred had the authorized mode been used. Due diligence should be exercised by the OS when
authorizing this category of travel.
Note: Individuals injured in an accident that occurs enroute to duty before the travel day (i.e.,
before the traveler is in an official travel status) may not be eligible for benefits and medical care
normally available in a duty status. However, return travel must be completed before the last day
of the orders. Per reference (a), POV travel, if possible, is always considered the most
advantageous mode of transportation on PCS orders.
14 Jun 2022
16. Commercial Chartered Buses. Funding and approval for bus use is managed by
COMNAVRESFOR (N8) and does not affect local funds. The OS will use the MTR function in
NROWS to request buses using the instructions in COMNAVRESFOR (N33) SOP 018. Bus
requests will be submitted at least 30 days prior to travel to allow both sufficient processing time
and flexibility in making alternate travel arrangements, in case a bus is determined to be not
advantageous to the Government. MTRs are separate from the orders, so there will be no delay
in submission after the requirement is identified. The NRA CO is directly responsible for
contacting the charter company to ensure cancellation. Cancellation of buses must be completed
48 hours prior to pick-up date. Failure to do so will incur a cost to the government and a written
explanation will be required from the NRA CO concerning non-compliance (e-mail unencrypted
17. Submitting Reimbursement Packages. Per reference (a), it is a mandatory policy for all
uniformed Service members to use an available Defense Travel Management Office contracted
TMC for all official transportation requirements (air tickets and rental cars). If this does not
occur, reimbursement is limited to the amount the Government would have paid if the
arrangements had been made directly through the TMC. COMNAVRESFOR N33 is the
designated authority to determine “not to exceed” reimbursement amounts for personally
procured transportation when DTS is the travel system; DTS AOs are prohibited from making
this determination on their own. When DTS is not the travel system, N33 will provide a not to
exceed” reimbursement amount recommendation letter for Travel Processing Center (TPD)
Memphis to be submitted by the NRA CPPA with the DD Form 1351-2 travel claim. Regardless
of the travel system, reimbursement request packages must be submitted to CNRF N33 and
include the following (submit requests by emailing (unencrypted) all required documents to
a. Reimbursement cover letter (Appendix L).
b. A copy of the members endorsed orders (or unendorsed orders if accompanied by the
NSIPS generated AT or ADT orders signature page) along with all modifications to those orders
(if applicable). Black out the SSN on the orders due to the functional mailbox’s inability to
receive encrypted email.
c. Receipts for airfare and/or rental car expenses.
d. If the receipt is foreign and shows the amount in a currency other than U.S. dollars, the
NRA should include a currency converter sheet with the package.
Note: Per references (a) and (b), IDTT reimbursement is calculated differently than AT/ADT
orders. See reference (a), paragraph 032303 and Table 3-8 for authorized allowances, and
chapter 1 paragraph 12 of this instruction for examples.
14 Jun 2022
1. Quota and Course Pre-Requisite Responsibility. The requesting member’s NRA or unit CO
will ensure a valid quota reservation exists to support travel to any school. Unit COs must
ensure that applicants meet all course prerequisites as published in CANTRAC or other
applicable course catalogs. CANTRAC is available to all Navy military personnel.
Additionally, the requesting member’s command/NRA will verify security clearance information
via DISS if applicable.
2. Obtaining Quotas
a. “A” Schools and Navy Enlisted Classification Awarding “C” Schools.
COMNAVRESFOR (N7) coordinates enrollment in Navy “A” schools and NEC awarding “C”
schools for all Reservists. To obtain “A” school and NEC awarding “C” school dates, command
training officers must communicate with COMNAVRESFOR (N7) to request and receive
approval to enroll a member into a Navy “A” school or NEC awarding “C” school before
submitting an order request via NROWS. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) will ensure sufficient ADT
(school) funding is available and obtain the quota. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) school quota and
contact information can be found on the Navy Reserve SharePoint page under N7 and the
“N74 – New Accessions/RRL” tab. Requests for “A” school quotas can be e-mailed to
[email protected]. Requests for “C” school quotas can be e-mailed to
b. Other Than “A” School and NEC Awarding “C” Schools. For all schools other than “A”
schools and NEC awarding “C” schools, commands must obtain quotas directly from the quota
control authority at COMNAVRESFOR (N7). Echelon 4/5 commands should have access to
eNTRS to facilitate quota requests online. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) approves these orders to
confirm quota availability.
c. RRL BL1 Schools. Command RRL Training POCs must route BL1 quota requests to
COMNAVRESFOR (N7) via their respective echelon 3/4/5 commands. Requests should be e-
mailed to the COMNAVRESFOR (N7) POC via the N7 SharePoint page,
d. Naval Justice School. All Naval Justice School quotas are controlled by
COMNAVRESFOR (N00J). Quotas for Naval Justice School courses must be obtained directly
by a command by obtaining a course quota control number from COMNAVRESFOR (N00J).
Order applications without a course quota control number will not be approved.
e. Navy Chaplain School. Navy Chaplain School quotas are obtained following chapter 6
subparagraph 2b.
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f. Continuing Medical Education Schools. For Navy Continuing Medical Education
Schools, request a quota via the chain of command. Approved quotas will be funded by
BUMED (M10). Commands may coordinate with BUMED (M10) Education and Training via
e-mail, usn.ncr.bumedfchva.mbx.bumed---[email protected]. Order
applications without a course quota control number will not be approved.
3. School Request Funding. The NROWS software is designed to automatically route all order
applications with the correct FY mission number to COMNAVRESFOR (N7) school division for
verification and approval. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) will follow the guidance as defined in the
annual COMNAVRESFORNOTE 1001 when reviewing and validating requests for quotas and
when reviewing and fund approving orders applications.
4. Tuition and Related Fees. RPN funding must not be used to pay tuition, conference fees,
laboratory consumables or related training charges. These expenses must be paid from
Operational and Maintenance Navy Reserve (OMNR) accounts. Applications for courses
levying such charges will require a completed certification of training reimbursement agreement
with funding drawn from the applicable echelon 4 command. Examples include reimbursement
for enrollment in courses such as those taught by a state maritime academy, local community
colleges, civilian vocational schools, and other institutions certified by a computer network
designated local training authority.
5. Cancelling Orders and School Quotas. Cancelling a travel order and the associated school
quota are two distinct and different actions. NRA/unit COs must ensure that whenever orders to
a school are cancelled, the quota control authority for the school is also notified to prevent no-
shows and under-used school quotas. The command OS is responsible for cancelling the
member’s orders in NROWS and DTS if applicable, which allows obligated funds to be returned
to FAs for reallocation.
14 Jun 2022
1. Formal Training. The Navy Reserve Professional Development Center, New Orleans
provides formal training for NROWS OSs and DTS AOs. Refer to the annual
NAVRESPRODEVCEN 1500 notice for quota control procedures and convening dates. For
more information regarding courses, members may also login to
a. Reserve Component Defense Travel System Authorizing Official (CIN: R-510-5516).
The focus audience is DTS AOs (Active Duty/TAR and civilian personnel) who will perform
duties of an AO on Reserve DTS authorizations and vouchers. The objective of the RC DTS AO
course is to improve the performance of RC DTS AOs assigned to COMNAVRESFOR by
improving their knowledge of the JTR, Navy Travel Policy, COMNAVRESFOR travel
instructions and the DTS application. Students who complete the course will be designated as
RC DTS AOs. RC DTS AOs will be required to complete recertification as a RC DTS AO every
three years.
Note: Each command that approves RC travel in DTS will be required to have qualified AOs via
the NRPDC class. This will become inspectable (command assessments) effective 1 October
2022. FLTMPS will be the system of requirement/documentation.
b. Navy Reserve Order Writing System/Reserve Defense Travel System (CIN: R-510-5514).
The focus audience is NROWS OSs (Active Duty/TAR and civilian personnel) who will perform
duties of an OS on NROWS applications. The objective of the NROWS/Reserve DTS course is
to provide apprentice level training to USN/USNR and DoD civilian employees who process
and/or approve travel orders for travelers at Navy installations ashore and afloat under the
supervision of their OWA. This course awards the 862A NEC.
Note: Each command that processes NROWS applications will be required to have qualified
OSs via the NRPDC class. This will become inspectable (command assessments) effective 1
October 2022. FLTMPS will be the system of requirement/documentation.
2. DTS Online Training. The following web-based DTS courses are required for all DTS
positions from traveler up through ODTA. The CO of the NRA is responsible for ensuring all
required training is completed. These courses are mandated by reference (l) and reference (m)
and are available to complete online in DoD TRAX,
a. Travelers. Anyone who travels via the DTS.
(1) DTS (Basic) - About DTS
(2) DTS (Basic) - DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101)
14 Jun 2022
(3) Programs and Policies - Travel Policies
(4) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
b. AOs. Includes AOs and certifying officers. ROs are recommended, but not required, to
complete this training.
(1) COL/Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers (initial or refresher)
(2) DTS (Basic) - About DTS
(3) DTS (Basic) - DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101)
(4) Programs and Policies - Travel Policies
(5) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
(6) AO/RO - DTS Approval Process
c. Non-DTS Entry Agent
(1) DTS (Basic) - About DTS
(2) DTS (Basic) - DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101)
(3) Programs and Policies - Travel Policies
(4) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
(5) DTS (Basic) - Non-DTS Entry Agent
d. Financial Defense Travel Administrator
(1) COL/Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers
(2) DTA (Defense Travel Administrator) - DTA Maintenance Tool: An Overview
(3) DTA - Reports
(4) FDTA - Budgets/Lines of Accounting
(5) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
14 Jun 2022
e. Budget Defense Travel Administrator
(1) COL/Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers
(2) DTA Reports
(3) FDTA - Budgets/Lines of Accounting
(4) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
f. Debt Management Monitor
(1) COL/Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers (initial or refresher)
(2) DTS (Basic) - About DTS
(3) DTS (Basic) - DTS Travel Documents (DTS 101)
(4) FDTA - Debt Management Monitor
(5) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
g. Organization Defense Travel Administrator.
(1) COL/Training for Accountable Officials and Certifying Officers
(2) DTA - DTA Maintenance Tool: An Overview
(3) DTA - DTA Maintenance Tool classes:
(a) Groups
(b) Organizations
(c) Routing Lists
(d) People
(4) DTA - Reports
(5) Programs and Policies - Travel Card Program (Travel Card 101)
14 Jun 2022
1. General Description. DTS is a web-based end-to-end paperless electronic temporary duty
travel system that allows the member to request, construct, and liquidate travel online. DTS
provides the user with multiple choices for travel arrangements including transportation, hotel
rooms, and rental cars. In addition, a DTS traveler can complete the post-travel voucher online
and arrange GTCC reimbursement. The DoD has mandated the use of DTS and the use of
GTCC for all non-PCS travel. NROWS orders will be imported into DTS and the traveler will
receive notification via e-mail to make commercial air, rental car, and lodging reservations in
a. Traveler Ability
(1) Accept NROWS import and update DTS travel online.
(2) Include travel preferences in a personal profile.
(3) Modify authorization and digitally sign actual trip information.
(4) Review the status of a trip record at any time.
(5) Use actual trip information to prepare a voucher.
(6) Electronically attach receipts/substantiating documents to the trip record.
(7) Digitally sign and electronically route for approval.
(8) Create and digitally sign a supplemental voucher for travel that has previously been
(9) Receive travel reimbursements in a timely manner.
b. Command Ability
(1) Receive electronic trip records to improve the approving process.
(2) Verify compliance with travel policy.
(3) Increase productivity and record keeping capabilities.
2. DTS Requirements. Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) is required in DTS to digitally sign and
approve electronic travel documents. DBSign is a DoD enterprise licensed product on all Navy
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and Marine Corps Internet (NMCI) computers or can be downloaded from the DTS web site by
non-NMCI users. The Navy’s tools for PKI are:
a. Common Access Card. For NMCI users, the CAC will be the tool used to digitally sign
documents. The traveler is responsible for ensuring that they obtain a CAC in order to access
b. Common Access Card Reader. The traveler is responsible for ensuring that they obtain a
CAC reader from their NRA in order to access DTS on non-NMCI computers.
3. DTS Roles and Responsibilities. A DTS users role determines their responsibilities,
permissions, and access to DTS. The section below describes the roles and responsibilities
within DTS, and the permissions and access required for each role. Since individuals can
perform multiple roles within DTS, commands must ensure DTS roles, permissions, and access
are in compliance with reference (l) and Appendix N. Further instructions regarding Separation
of Duties (SoD) within DTS can be found in references (p) and (l), and the NAVSUP CCPMD
Web site,
Note: The NAVSUP CCPMD Web site requires all members to register an account. To find
reference (l), click on the DTS tab, then the policies tab.
a. Lead Defense Travel Administrator (Echelon 2 Only)
(1) Permissions. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
(2) Access. Organization access for the echelon 2, group access for the echelon 2, read
only access administrator at the MAJCOM level and management information systems reports.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). Manually entered transaction, NDEA (T-entered), DMM, and
self-AO approval.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 is required to be retained for 10 years from
termination for audit purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: Serves as the MAJCOM point of contact to NAVSUP Navy DTS Project Management
Office. The LDTA must not be part of any routing list and will not create, edit, or adjust any
traveler’s documents.
14 Jun 2022
b. Organization Defense Travel Administrator
(1) Permissions
(a) An echelon 3 or echelon 4 ODTA will be the primary ODTA for all DTS
organizations that fall under their hierarchy and must have DTS permission levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
(b) An echelon 5 ODTA for the Active or Reserve DTS organization must have DTS
permission levels 0, 1, 2, 5.
(2) Access. Organization access for the organization, group access, and read only access
(3) Profile Indicator(s). Manually entered transaction, NDEA (T-entered), DMM.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 is required to be retained for 10 years from
termination for audit purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: ODTA will have all permitted profile indicators selected only for the purposes of granting
it to other DTS users as required (note that the “Manually Entered Transaction” and “Debt
Management Monitor” profiles cannot be selected for echelon 5 ODTAs). The ODTA must not
be part of any routing list and will not create, edit, or adjust any traveler’s documents.
c. Financial Defense Travel Administrator (Echelon 4 and above Only)
(1) Permissions. 0, 1, 3, 5, 6.
(2) Access. Organization access and read only access for the top level organization of the
FDTA’s area of responsibility.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). Manually entered transaction.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 is required to be retained for 10 years from
termination for audit purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: FDTAs must never be part of any routing list and will not create, edit, or adjust any
traveler’s documents. In addition to finance and accounting functions, the FDTA may have
additional DTA responsibilities.
14 Jun 2022
d. Budget Defense Travel Administrator (Echelon 4 and above Only)
(1) Permissions. 0, 1, 3.
(2) Access. Organization access and read only access for the top-level organization of
the budget defense travel’s area of responsibility.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). Manually entered transaction.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 must be retained for 10 years from termination
for audit purposes in accordance with chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: Budget Defense Travel Administrators must never be part of any routing list and will not
create, edit, or adjust any traveler’s documents.
e. Debt Management Monitor (Echelon 4 and above Only)
(1) Permission. 0, 6.
(2) Access. Organization access, read only access for the top-level organization of the
area of responsibility.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). DMM.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 must be retained for 10 years from termination
for audit purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: Debt management is a requirement of the DoD FMR; one or multiple FDTAs within a
MAJCOM may perform the DMM role in DTS.
f. Reviewing Official
(1) Permissions. 0, 2.
(2) Access. Read only access for the top-level organization of the reviewing official’s
(RO) area of responsibility and should never have group access.
(3) Profile Indicators. None.
14 Jun 2022
Note: RO is an optional DTS role and does not require a DD Form 577. ROs will not be granted
group access to travelers documents. ROs will only have access to view and adjust documents
through the “route and review process/documents awaiting your approval” link and will only
apply the “reviewed” or “returned” stamps.
g. Authorizing Official
(1) Permissions. 0, 1, 2.
(2) Access. Organization access and read only access for the top-level organization of
the AO’s area of responsibility and should never have group access.
(3) Appointment Requirement. DD Form 577.
(4) Profile Indicator(s). None.
(5) Document Retention. DD Form 577 must be retained for 10 years from termination
for audit purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note: Within two weeks of appointment and before approving any documents, a COL Public
Law 104-106 training course must be completed. A printed certificate of the course completion
needs to be provided to the NRA CO. Training can be completed via TRAX, The AO for DTS must be appointed in writing
using the DD Form 577. When this appointment expires, the DD Form 577 is updated to
terminate the appointment and access to DTS, and the route and review module are reduced to
the lowest level required to perform any remaining duties.
h. Non-DTS Entry Agent
(1) Permissions. 0, 5.
(2) Access. Group access for the top level group in the NDEA area of responsibility and
should never have organization access.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). NDEA T-entered.
(4) Appointment Requirement. DOA letter signed by the NRA CO (see Appendix J).
(5) Document Retention. DOA must be retained for 10 years from termination for audit
purposes per chapter 2 paragraph 6.
14 Jun 2022
Note: A NDEA may be a military member, DoD employee, or a contractor responsible for
entering claims for reimbursement in DTS for travelers that do not have reasonable access to
DTS. The NDEA must not be part of any routing list.
i. Traveler
(1) Permissions. 0.
(2) Access. None.
(3) Profile Indicator(s). None.
(4) Appointment Requirement. None.
Note: Reserve profile (SSN + “R”) must not be detached from the DTS organization. When a
Reserve member transfers to another NRA, they are required to update NSIPS, which will update
NROWS with the new NRA. After NROWS reflects the updated NRA and the traveler submits
orders through NROWS, the new DTS organization will populate in DTS. If a member needs to
submit an IDT-R local voucher through the new NRA before they first apply for any NROWS
orders through that NRA, send a request to [email protected] requesting that the
LDTA manually move the reserve profile.
4. First Time DTS User Responsibilities. All first time DTS users must login to DTS and, when
prompted, enter a nine digit social security number and select the Reserve checkbox. If the
individual does not have a personal profile loaded in the system, the individual will be prompted
to self-register. Commands are directed to include DTS registration and/or DTS profile
validation on the local check-in/indoc procedures. Care shall be taken not to confuse the
member’s Active Duty profile with their Navy Reserve profile.
a. Self-Registration. The initial requirement of self-registration is to find the geographic
location and command with which the traveler will affiliate. Once location and command are
selected, the traveler will be prompted to complete registration. Prior to making the first travel
request in DTS, the traveler should update profiles with personal preferences for official business
travel and verify that all data is correct. At a minimum travelers should verify that the following
information has been loaded and is correct:
(1) Home address, work address, and phone numbers. Addresses must be physical
addresses. P.O. Box/FPO/APO addresses are not allowed.
(2) Emergency point of contact
(3) Bank account number and bank routing number
14 Jun 2022
(4) GTCC number and expiration date, if applicable
(5) Frequently accessed e-mail address (for DTS notifications)
b. GTCC. The traveler must ensure their GTCC is activated 10 days prior to travel by
contacting their NRA APC. When necessary, NRA APCs may activate the GTCC at the time of
DTS booking (even if greater than 10 days from travel) when the traveler must use a foreign air
carrier who may require ticketing to be completed within 24 hours of booking a reservation.
c. Non-locally Assigned Out. Non-locally assigned out SELRES should self-register for
DTS under their permanent unit (TRUIC), not the unit to which they are non-locally assigned.
5. Import/Export Rejects. When NROWS exports travel files to DTS, there are certain
conditions that may cause an import/export (I/E) reject, which will in turn cause the entire DTS
transaction to fail. A rejected NROWS export to DTS must be corrected or the traveler will not
be able to access their trip in DTS to make reservations, sign the DTS authorization, or receive
reimbursement for travel on the DTS voucher. Some I/E rejects are due to program
incompatibility, while most are caused by human error.
6. DTS Travel Authorization. After fund approval, NROWS sends an XML file with travel
data to DTS. DTS imports the data to complete certain parts of the authorization and e-mails the
traveler a notification titled “Authority to Travel,” indicating that the imported authorization is
awaiting completion in DTS. The member is responsible for amending the initial authorization
sent from NROWS to DTS. All order modifications must be initiated through NROWS and
accepted in DTS. Members must not initiate a travel voucher prior to ending their orders or
completing required modifications through NROWS. Once a voucher is started in DTS, even if
subsequently deleted, NROWS will no longer be able to export information to DTS. All
travelers are liable for any false or fraudulent written or oral statements under the False Claims
Act (18 U.S.C. § 287, 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and 31 U.S.C. § 3729).
Note: The ODTA must run the DTS departure report on Mondays and Thursdays at a minimum
to verify the status of each authorization for upcoming trips. Authorizations must be approved
for TMC to purchase the transportation tickets.
a. Air Transportation. All flight reservation requests must match NROWS orders.
Travelers on official orders are required to use the contract carrier (GSA City Pair). Should the
available contract carriers be incompatible with mission requirements, with proper justification
the DTS AO may approve non-contract carrier legs when necessary (every effort should be made
to avoid restricted fare flights unless no other option exists and the itinerary is so essential to the
mission that the AO is able to approve the authorization within 24 hours of booking and is
willing to make the government liable for the full cost of the flight should it go unused).
Choosing not to use the contract carrier because of personal preference, frequent flyer clubs, etc.,
is a violation of the contract and reference (a).
14 Jun 2022
Note: Foreign carriers may require ticketing within 24 hours of booking a reservation. In this
case, it is the traveler’s/NRAs responsibility to ensure the GTCC is activated so the traveler
does not lose the reservation.
b. Bus Travel. Travelers must make bus travel requests through DTS using TMC assistance
in the reservation module. Because DTS does not have direct connectivity to the various bus
lines, TMC assistance with booking must be requested. After TMC has booked the travel,
Travelers should confirm that reservations were made as requested.
Note: Individually Billed Account (IBA) required for bus travel.
c. Rail Travel. Travelers must make rail travel requests through DTS using TMC assistance
in the TMC reservation module. When requesting rail travel, users must be aware that current
rail schedules are not available in DTS. Instead, what is returned in the search results is a static
list of CONUS AMTRAK train schedules. The user should ensure that all applicable remarks for
rail travel are filled in the comments field prior to submitting the request. After the TMC has
booked travel, the traveler should confirm that reservations were made as requested. Because
AMTRAK issues tickets, the traveler is responsible for making arrangements with the TMC for
delivery of tickets. Foreign rail tickets cannot be reserved using the DTS and are often not
available through TMC.
Note: IBA is required for rail travel.
7. Lodging/Messing
a. Government Quarters. All government and DoD Preferred lodging should be arranged
through DTS, except when traveling to U.S. Marine Corps installations (see N33 Travelgram
21-038). Specific policy for lodging can be found in reference (a).
b. Government Messing
(1) Available. A government mess must be used to the maximum extent practicable by
travelers quartered on U.S. installations. A government dining facility/mess is available only if
government quarters on the same U.S. installation are available and the installation controlling
the dining facility/mess has made the dining facility/mess available to the traveler. The CO of
the installation who is responsible for the government dining facility/mess must make the
messing determination.
(2) Messing Not Available. A government dining facility/mess is considered not
(a) When government lodging on a U.S. installation is not available to a traveler
while on official travel.
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(b) On travel days
(c) When an AO (for DTS) determines:
1. The use of the dining facility/mess adversely affects mission performance.
2. There is excessive distance between the dining facility/mess and places of
duty and/or lodging.
3. Transportation is not reasonably available between the dining facility/mess
and places of duty and or lodging.
4. Duty hours and dining facility/mess operating hours are not compatible.
Note: Travelers are advised to obtain an explanatory letter from the installation or supported
command to assist the AO (for DTS) in making a decision when one or more of the four
conditions above are met. Such a letter should be on command letterhead and may be signed by
direction. DTS AOs should not capitulate to traveler requests for higher meal rates without
adequate supporting evidence.
(3) Government Meal Rate and Proportional Meal Rate Documentation. An
authorization/travel order must direct the government meal rate or proportional meal rate. If one
of these rates is directed, but the government mess is not available, the member must be
reimbursed at one of the following rates:
(a) The locality meals and incidentals expenses rate if all three meals were not
(b) The proportional meal rate if one or two meals were not available.
Note: The traveler is advised to provide an explanatory letter from the installation or supported
command and upload it as a substantiating document to justify payment for other than the GMR.
Such a letter should be on command letterhead and may be signed “by direction.” Alternatively,
an NROWS order modification can serve to document a meal rate change.
c. Commercial Lodging. DTS provides users with the ability to search for commercial
lodging using different search criteria: TDY location, hotel name, proximity to an airport,
proximity to a city, or proximity to a zip code. DTS returns hotels under different rate
categories: DoD Preferred Commercial Lodging, “Alternate Options,” and “Available
Options.” These hotel options may be sorted at traveler discretion by distance, rate range, or
hotel name. Travelers must go to the “per diem” page under the “expenses” menu and update the
lodging costswhich initially default to the maximum allowable rateto the daily lodging rate
of the booked lodging facility (this action prevents over-obligating funds and, for travel eligible
14 Jun 2022
for advances or scheduled partial payments, prevents overpayments that later result in debts). In
accordance with reference (a), all TDY lodging arrangements must be booked through the
contracted TMC if available. Exceptions are as follows:
(1) If a traveler attends a conference that requires staying at a particular hotel or lodging
facility, provide supporting documentation in the DTS authorization.
(2) If lodging is arranged by another service or organization, provide supporting
documentation in the DTS authorization.
Note 1: If government lodging is not available, obtaining DoD Preferred lodging in an area that
falls under the ILP is required in accordance with reference (a). Helpful ILP information can be
found at:
ILP Locations:
ILP Rates: (CAC Required)
ILP Fact Sheet:
Note 2: If cancelling reservations, travelers are responsible for confirming cancelled
reservations directly with the hotel after cancelling the travel in DTS.
Note 3: If a traveler does not have a GTCC, the TMC will require a personal credit card to hold
lodging reservations.
8. Rental Cars. Per reference (a), if a rental car is authorized in accordance with the exported
NROWS order information, the DTS default for rental cars is set for a compact car.
a. Traveler Requirements
(1) Select the least costly rental car at time of travel.
(2) Provide justification on the NROWS order if selecting a car size larger than compact
and/or not selecting the lowest priced rental car.
(3) The RO/AO for DTS must ensure travelers provides adequate justification for any
rental car upgrades from a compact.
(4) Travelers may receive a message that government rates are not available. In this case,
the traveler should request a rental car though TMC assistance. Travelers are encouraged to
request a rental car on the premises of the airport.
Note: Currently, only rental cars at airport locations are listed in DTS. If a traveler requires a
rental car at an off-airport location, the traveler should request such a reservation in the TMC
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assistance comments section, ensuring to annotate the specific location and time they would like
to reserve the rental car.
9. Short Term and Last Minute Travel. All reservations must be made in DTS. If confirmation
of ticketing is not received from the TMC in a reasonable time (normally three business days
prior to travel), travelers must contact their NRA for assistance.
Note: Only COMNAVRESFOR (N33) can authorize/grant permission to purchase an airline
ticket at the counter or without an approved DTS authorization. When creating the authorization,
travelers should not make reservations but must document actual costs before signing the
document. Because travel has been initiated, transportation cost data must be entered in the
“expenses > other expenses > ticketed expenses > airline ticket (IBA)” section on the
10. Changes to Travel Reservations
a. Prior to Ticketing. The TMC must not make changes to a travelers selected reservation
without authorization to do so from the traveler and/or AO (for DTS). Before ticketing, changes
should be made using DTS.
b. After Ticketing of Travel. All changes (either personal or official business) must be
made by modifying the NROWS application and/or DTS authorization.
c. Required Steps. Travelers are required to obtain approval from the AO (for DTS) before
making any changes to the approved travel authorization. If changes are necessary after tickets
are purchased by the TMC or while in an AT/ADT/IDTT status, travelers must contact the NRA
for assistance.
d. Cost of Changes. Changes could result in the traveler or COMNAVRESFOR initially
being charged by both airlines, with the credits not reflecting on the bill until the following
billing cycle. Travelers are responsible for tracking these changes and maintaining confirmation
numbers and receipts. Travelers will not be reimbursed for the cost of changes made for
personal convenience.
11. Cancellation of Travel. The NROWS order must be cancelled prior to the DTS
authorization being cancelled. Failure to follow this procedure will not de-obligate the funds and
will not send the funds back into NROWS.
Note: Travelers should cancel directly with the lodging facility to ensure no-show charges are
not applied to their account. Travelers should ensure that a cancellation number is received.
Any no-show charges or non-refundable charges applied to the traveler’s account are the sole
responsibility of the traveler. Travelers are responsible for any costs associated with negligence
in cancelling travel arrangements.
14 Jun 2022
12. Unused Tickets
a. Notification. Travelers must notify the TMC of any unused or partially unused tickets as
soon as possible. The TMC is able to process the credit rapidly if the unused ticket is reported
prior to a flight departure.
b. CBA. If the form of payment for the unused ticket was the CBA, travelers must amend
the DTS travel authorization and/or voucher, as this ensures the credit is applied to the CBA.
c. IBA. If the form of payment for the unused ticket was the IBA/GTCC, travelers need to
ensure that the credit is made to the IBA/GTCC and the travel authorization and/or voucher are
amended to document the unused/cancelled portion and the decreased reimbursement to the
13. Emergency or Enroute Travel Assistance. Travelers must contact their NRA for after-hours
or enroute assistance when making itinerary changes. Travelers are required to notify their unit
of any travel changes that would incur additional travel costs. The NRA will follow procedures
outlined in chapter 5 paragraph 8. Upon return, travelers must amend their NROWS orders as
required prior to submitting the DTS voucher.
14. Travel Advances. Travel advances must be added to the DTS authorization prior to approval
and must be approved only as required to perform the mission. An advance allows travelers to
obtain necessary funds before trip departure. Advances are limited to those travelers who do not
have a GTCC. The DTS AO/NRA CO must approve the request in the authorization before
electronic disbursement.
Note: Travelers should not travel if the advance is not received three days prior to the start of the
15. Scheduled Partial Payments. Must be added to the DTS authorization prior to approval and
allows a traveler to be reimbursed periodically for travel expenses. This function is only
available for trips lasting 45 days or more. When selected, a partial payment schedule is set up
to pay the traveler every 30 days. If changes are made to an authorization during the ADT,
future SPPs are adjusted accordingly. Adjustments will not be made to previously payments.
16. Travel Claim/Voucher
a. Instructions. For detailed instructions on processing travel vouchers, refer to chapter 4 of
reference (n).
b. Per reference (k), travelers are required to file their travel vouchers/claims within five
working days from the return date of the travel. All reimbursements will default to a split
electronic payment to the travel card vendor and the traveler’s personal bank account if the
14 Jun 2022
traveler has an issued GTCC. The commercial transportation, rental car, and lodging expense
reimbursements are forwarded to the government travel card vendor. Other expense
reimbursements are forwarded to the traveler’s personal bank account as indicated in the profile.
The traveler is responsible for changing the payment criteria as deemed necessary. Any funds
not forwarded directly to the travel card vendor are the responsibility of the traveler. Any major
changes in cost to the initial authorization must be justified and documented in the comments
section. Travelers who have not submitted a travel claim within five days from the date the duty
ended must not receive additional AT/ADT/IDTT orders until all outstanding travel claims are
Note: Tuition, course fees, conference fees, or registration fees cannot be paid through imported
DTS vouchers (DTS Reserve profiles). These fees are considered training expenses and should
be paid with a government purchase card. Follow guidelines established by the echelon 4
comptroller’s office.
c. The travelers will scan or fax all records for inclusion in the DTS substantiating records
tab as follows:
(1) NROWS original order and all modifications endorsed as follows:
(a) AT/ADT. Manually endorsed by the gaining command unless accompanied by
the NSIPS AT/ADT orders signature page from the member’s self-service record in NSIPS.
(b) IDTT. Manually endorsed by the gaining command.
(2) Final SATO invoice (e-ticket receipt that is emailed to the traveler by the TMC at
(3) All finalized lodging receipts (itemized daily).
(4) Rental car receipt.
(5) All original receipts for individual reimbursable expenses of $75 or more. Receipts
for expenses less than $75 may be requested at AO (for DTS) discretion.
(6) Foreign currency conversion rate for each charge.
(7) Travel from LOTH Constructed Travel Worksheet (if applicable).
d. Prepare itinerary amendments and the post-trip settlement voucher.
e. Provide justification to the AO (for DTS) in the comments field of the authorization,
amendment, or voucher for variations from policy and/or any substantial cost variances between
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the authorized “should cost” estimate from the authorization, and the actual claimed amount in
the voucher.
f. Electronically sign the completed travel voucher, which will then route to the AO (for
g. The RO (if used) and the AO (for DTS) must review the voucher for accuracy and make
note of any added expenses. If the traveler has included additional costs on the voucher, the RO
and the AO (for DTS) must ensure that proper justification is included on the voucher and that
all additional charges are for mission essential business only. The RO and the AO (for DTS)
must ensure that any unofficial costs are removed from the voucher. DTS authorizations and
DTS vouchers must be routed (reviewed, approved, or returned) within 5 working days of receipt
by the DTS RO/AO.
(1) DTS RO. In order to maintain SOD, if stamping a DTS authorization or voucher as
an RO, that individual will not apply other stamps to that document.
(2) DTS AO. In order to maintain SOD, if stamping a DTS authorization or voucher as
an AO (for DTS), that individual will not apply other stamps to that document.
17. EFT and Split Disbursements. DTS automatically computes travel entitlements and initiates
split disbursements via EFT to the travelers bank account and IBA/GTCC account. It is the
travelers responsibility to ensure that their bank account and GTCC number are correct. The
payment totals screen on the voucher breaks down the dollar value of each disbursement that is
to be made when a travel voucher is approved. NRA DTS ROs and AOs are not authorized to
change the split disbursement amount, but may return the voucher to the member for corrections
if the amounts are insufficient.
18. For Further Assignment Orders. When NROWS orders are written to include FFA duty
locations, the DTS voucher will be completed and updated to include all authorized/official stops
made by the traveler. It is the responsibility of the NRA to ensure that claims submitted by all
members who have FFA duty locations are accurate.
Note: DTS only allows up to 20 duty locations per authorization. Members requiring more than
20 FFA stops will require multiple sets of orders.
19. DTS Reports. Listed below are the key DTS reports and the frequency with which they are
required by Navy DTS-PMO and/or COMNAVRESFOR.
a. Unsubmitted Voucher Report
(1) Upon monthly receipt of the Navy DTS PMO provided unsubmitted voucher report
from the CNRF LDTA, the echelon 4/5 will review and adhere to the following:
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(a) Annotate the corrective actions taken by the echelon 4/5 to have travelers submit
travel vouchers or have trips properly cancelled.
(b) Echelon 5 will forward to echelon 4 ODTA for compilation.
(c) Echelon 4 forwards completed report (digitally signed and dated) to the
(2) The COMNAVRESFOR LDTA reviews and compiles all data received, then
forwards to Navy DTS-PMO and files in ETMS-2.
b. Routing Status Report. The routing status report identifies the status of documents
(authorizations/vouchers) that are in routing, the next stamp in each document's routing list, and
the number of days that have passed since the document was last stamped. This report must be
run on a monthly basis.
c. Depart Status Report. The depart status report must be run twice weekly (Monday and
Thursday) and provides information on trips that are due to begin (or began) within the selected
date range.
d. Approved Status Report. The monthly approved status report provides information about
documents that received any of the following status stamps within the selected date range:
approved, processed, CTO amendment, auto approved, cancelled, and rejected.
e. People report. The monthly people report is created to review users, their DTS
permissions in DTS, and to ensure that Active Duty/CIVPERS have been detached IAW
reference (l), subparagraph 6a.
f. Routing List List. The monthly routing list list shows key information about the routing
lists organizations own. The echelon 4/5 should ensure that DTS permissions match who is on
the routing lists for Active Duty and RC travel.
Note: This report is officially called “Routing List” by DoD.
20. Travel That Will Not Be Sent Through DTS. The following travel types will not be sent to
a. No-cost or no per diem NROWS orders
b. PCS
c. Confirmatory travel (confirmation orders)
d. IRR travel (less VTU and SSOP)
14 Jun 2022
Ref: (a) DoD Joint Travel Regulations
(b) BUPERSINST 1001.39F
(d) SECNAVINST 1001.32C
(e) DoD Instruction 1215.06
(f) DoD 7000.14 - R Volume 7A, Financial Management Regulation: Military Pay
Policy - Active Duty and Reserve Pay
(g) Foreign Clearance Guide
(h) OPNAVINST 1001.27
(i) DoD Instruction 1205.12
(j) SECNAV Memo Reemployment Protections for Navy and Marine Corps Military
Personnel dated 11 December 2018
(k) DoD 7000.14 - R Volume 9, Financial Management Regulation: Travel Policy
(l) NAVSUPINST 4650.8
(m) Defense Travel System Regulations: Authorized by DoDI 5154.31, Volumes 1-3
(n) DTS Guides 1 -5 (
(o) Defense Travel Administrator's Manual of 01 March 2018
(p) The Navy Defense Travel System Business Rules Version 3.4, November 2021
(q) Financial Management Policy Letter 16-01: Delegation of Authority to Appoint
Accountable Officials (7200 ASN (FMandC)) 8 December 2015
14 Jun 2022
14 Jun 2022
14 Jun 2022
Encl: (1) MONTH YYYY NROWS User Role Report
1. Per reference (a), the monthly review of all NROWS user roles (enclosure (1)) for my command was
completed on (DD MONTH YYYY). The following information is provided:
a. Number of accounts reviewed: ______.
b. Number of NROWS users who transferred and continued to have NROWS user roles: ______.
c. Number and names of NROWS user roles deleted: ______.
Last Name
First Name
d. Number and names of NROWS user roles that did not have designation of authority (DOA) (i.e ,
SAAR-N, DD Form 577, or DOA letter) and were deleted: ______.
Last Name
First Name
User Role Deleted
Electronic Signature
By direction (if not signed by NRA CO)
14 Jun 2022
Letter Head
From: Commanding Officer, (echelon 5)
To: Commander, (echelon 4)
1. Per reference (a), I have reviewed the NROWS monthly user report folders and all monthly
reports and enclosures have been uploaded as required.
2. The following actions have been completed and verified:
a. All written designations for access to NROWS (SAAR-N, DD Form 577 or DOA letter)
have been compared with the current NROWS user roles report. Any accesses that were not
substantiated by written designation were removed from the system.
b. There are no NROWS user profiles and/or roles assigned to personnel who are no longer
attached to the command or require access.
3. The following discrepancies were noted and corrected:
Electronic Signature
By direction (if not signed by NRA CO)
14 Jun 2022
Letter Head
From: Commander, (echelon 4)
To: Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (N33)
1. Per reference (a), I have received the echelon 5 Navy Reserve Orders Writing System
(NROWS) user role annual review compliance reports from my echelon 4/5 commands and all
NROWS user roles for my command are verified to be current and accurate.
2. All commands have taken the following action:
a. All written designations for access to NROWS (SAAR-N, DD Form 577 or DOA letter)
have been compared with the current NROWS user roles report for each command. Any
accesses that were not substantiated by written designation were removed from the system.
b. There are no NROWS user profiles and or roles assigned to personnel who are no longer
attached to the echelon 4 or 5 commands or require access.
3. The following discrepancies are noted and corrected:
Electronic Signature
By direction (if not signed by Commander)
14 Jun 2022
# of Reservists per NRA
(Recommended # of personnel allowed roles)
2 - 3
3 - 4
3 - 4
2 - 3
3 - 4
3 - 4
Hard Holds
14 Jun 2022
Location Other than Home Constructed Travel Worksheet
14 Jun 2022
1. Purpose. To set forth guidance and responsibilities for issuing memorandum orders for
mission critical events due to catastrophic failure and/or extended unavailability of NROWS.
2. Action. RPDs and OPSOs will limit order writing to mission critical orders only. Without
NROWS, memorandum orders will be initiated by the supported command for review by the
NRA or squadron and approval by COMNAVRESFOR (N33).
3. Process for Requesting New Orders
a. Supported command (RPD/OPSO/Reserve unit action). The supported command
contacts COMNAVRESFOR (N31) for location of/download of the RPD memorandum order
request application (RPD-NROWS-COTS.accdb) from the N3 SharePoint Web site.
b. The supported command determines that the event is mission critical.
c. The supported command fills out and approves the order request using the RPD-
NROWS-COTS.accdb application. The RPD NROWS COTS user guide (located on
COMNAVRESFOR (N3) SharePoint) details the step-by-step process for filling out, approving,
and submitting the order request.
d. The RPD/OPSO or their designated representative submits the memorandum order
request file to the supporting NRA.
4. NRA Action
a. The NRA downloads the NRA memorandum order software from the N3 SharePoint
Web site, and the NRA NROWS COTS user guide details the step-by-step process for reviewing,
approving, and submitting the order request.
b. The NRA reviews the RPD memorandum order request. The NRA designated FA will
c. Verify the traveling service member’s primary residence, city, state, and zip code
matches the city, state, and zip code listed under the service members profile on the order
(1) Ensure there are no mandatory hard holds as listed in chapter 2 subparagraph 3g that
would prohibit the member from executing the order. All hard holds must be adjudicated prior
to routing the order.
14 Jun 2022
(2) The NRA approves the memorandum order and submits via e-mail to one of three
COMNAVRESFOR codes, depending on the type of orders:
(a) ADT Reimbursable Funded Orders. COMNAVRESFOR (N2) at CNRFC_N2_
(b) ADT Schools Funded Orders. COMNAVRESFOR (N7) at
CNRF_N7_ADT[email protected].
(c) All other orders. COMNAVRESFOR (N31) at [email protected].
5. COMNAVRESFOR Action. The headquarters NROWS COTS user guide details the step-
by-step process for reviewing, filling out, and generating the order.
a. COMNAVRESFOR (N2, N7, and N31) will review memorandum order requests.
b. Enter traveling members SSN and street address to the traveler’s profile.
c. For all school orders, validate that the member has met all prerequisites and has a quota
for the school.
d. Generate applicable lines of accounting.
e. Generate the memorandum order.
f. Post the memorandum order to the COMNAVRESFOR (N3) folder at
g. COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will process memorandum orders on a rolling 30 day prior to
start date for all non PCS orders.
(1) Build a DTS shell for the traveler to complete.
(2) Upload a copy of the memorandum order in the substantiating documents section of
the DTS authorization.
(3) E-mail the traveler and NRA informing the traveler that the traveler has action to take
in DTS.
(4) Move memorandum order to completed folder on N3 folder at
h. For All PCS Orders
14 Jun 2022
(1) Process memorandum orders on a rolling 30 day prior to start date.
(2) Contact NAVPTO Pensacola to arrange travel.
(3) Send the traveler their memorandum order via encrypted e-mail (“.mil”/”.gov”
addresses only).
(4) Move memorandum order to completed folder on N3 folder at
i. COMNAVRESFOR (N8) will provide status of funds report to each EXCOM pillar RPD
on a recurring basis.
4. Traveler Action
a. Complete DTS authorization if applicable.
b. Obtain a hard copy of the memorandum order from DTS.
c. Submit DTS travel voucher for all travel, except PCS orders, in which case submit a
legacy travel claim.
5. Process for Requesting Order Modification
a. Supported Command (RPD/OPSO/Reserve Unit Action). The supported command
RPD/OPSO or their designated representative notifies NRA of order modification.
b. NRA Action
(1) The NRA generates the modification memorandum order on the following page.
(2) The NRA e-mails the modification memorandum order to N31 at
(1) COMNAVRESFOR (N2, N7, and N31) will review memorandum order modification
(2) Enter traveling member’s SSN and street address to the traveler’s profile.
(3) For all school orders, validate that the member has met all prerequisites and has a
quota for the school.
14 Jun 2022
(4) Generate applicable lines of accounting.
(5) Generate the memorandum order modification.
(6) Post the memorandum order modification to the COMNAVRESFOR (N3) folder at
(7) COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will upload a copy of the memorandum order
modification in the substantiating documents section of the DTS authorization or encrypt e-mail
the traveler their PCS modification memorandum order.
(8) COMNAVRESFOR (N33) will contact NAVPTO Pensacola to adjust travel for PCS
(9) Upload memorandum order modification to completed folder in N3 folder,
d. Traveler Action. Obtain a hard copy of the memorandum order from DTS or e-mail, if
PCS orders. Submit DTS travel voucher for all travel except PCS orders, in which case submit a
legacy travel claim.
Note: For situations not covered above, contact COMNAVRESFOR (N31/N33) for guidance.
7. No travel for Reservists will commence without completion of the above steps. Catastrophic
failure or extended unavailability of NROWS is not a reason to issue confirmation orders.
14 Jun 2022
Sample Memorandum Order Modification Format (on Command Letter Head)
From: Commander, Navy Reserve Force
To: (Rank/rate, name, social security number, and permanent mailing address to be entered
by COMNAVRESFOR (N31) only)
Ref: (a) COMNAVRESFOR Standard Document Number
1. Per reference (a), this order has been modified as follows:
(State reason for modification).
2. Travelers current e-mail address: _________________________.
3. All other provisions of original orders remain the same. This modification becomes a part of
your original orders.
(No digital signature)
(Deputy CNRF)
14 Jun 2022
Note: The designation letter is a two-part process. First, the designation letter on letterhead is
created, and then the designated NDEA signs the acknowledgement of responsibilities (see page
Letter Head
From: Commanding Officer, (echelon 4/5)
Ref: (a) NAVSUPINST 4650.8
(b) NAVY DTS Business Rules v3.3 May 2020
(c) DoDI 5154.31, Vol. 3
(d) COMNAVRESFORINST 4650.1 (Series)
(e) Joint Travel Regulations
Encl: (1) Acknowledgement of Responsibilities
1. Per references (a) and (b), you are hereby designated as the Defense Travel System Non-Defense
Travel System Entry Agent (NDEA) for (INSERT COMMAND NAME HERE).
2. As an NDEA, you have been designated by the command authority to create (input) and digitally sign
authorizations and vouchers in DTS in lieu of the actual traveler.
3. You will familiarize yourself thoroughly with references (a) through (e) as it provides valuable
information regarding your duties and responsibilities.
4. This designation shall remain in effect until you transfer from this command or are properly relieved
of your duties.
Copy to:
Service Member
14 Jun 2022
Note: Letterhead is not required for this document.
To: Commanding Officer, (echelon 4/5)
1. By my signature hereon, I acknowledge my appointment as a Non DTS Entry Agent (NDEA). I have
read and understand my responsibilities and pecuniary liabilities as described in Volume 5, Chapter 33
and Volume 9, Chapter 2, of the DoD Financial Management Regulation. I understand that I have the
right to request relief of liability for any certification I supported that is determined to be an illegal,
improper, or incorrect payment. I further understand that this appointment will remain in effect until I am
transferred, separated for any reason, or retire from service.
2. Member’s point of contact information.
14 Jun 2022
Note 1: One SAAR-N (highest role) is required for COMNAVRESFOR NROWS roles, marked with
Note 2: All required appointment documentation must be uploaded to ETMS-2 in accordance with
chapter 2 paragraph 6.
Note 3: See appendices (b) and (c) for SAAR-N and DD Form 577 signature requirements.
14 Jun 2022
Letter Head
From: Commanding Officer, (echelon 5)
To: Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (N33)
Via: Commander, (echelon 4)
Ref: (a) Joint Travel Regulations
(b) COMNAVRESFORINST 4650.1 (series)
Encl: (1) Copy of endorsed NROWS orders
(2) Copy of personally procured airline ticket and/or personally procured rental car receipt
1. The member has been counseled in accordance with reference (a).
2. I am requesting a “not to exceed” reimbursement certification (for DTS) or recommendation (for non-DTS)
to submit with the traveler’s travel voucher.
3. The following information provided:
a. Rank:
b. First Name:
c. Last Name:
d. NROWS Tracking Number:
e. Date of Travel:
4. Point of contact information, including phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
Copy to:
14 Jun 2022
Command Letter Head
From: Commander Officer, (NRA or gaining command)
To: Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (N33) (or N7 for School Order) (or N2 for ADT-REIM)
Via: Commander, (echelon 4, if originator is echelon 5 or junior)
Ref: COMNAVRESFORINST 4650.1 (series)
1. A national/regional emergency/urgent mission required the issuance of an oral order. (Explain the
nature of the emergency/urgent mission (include operational name if known) and why a written order
could not be issued).
2. The following information is provided:
a. Date/time oral order issued:
b. Date/time travel began:
c. Date/time oral order confirmed in writing:
3. I certify that I had sufficient AT/ADT/IDTT funds available at the time of issuing the oral order.
(By direction is not authorized)
Copy to:
Echelon 5/NRA (if originating from gaining command)
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14 Jun 2022
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14 Jun 2022
O-4 Appendix O
14 Jun 2022
14 Jun 2022
14 Jun 2022
ADT Active Duty for Training
AFTP Additional Flight Training Period
AMTRAK Trademark for National Railroad Passenger Corporation
AOWA Assistant Order Writing Activity
AO (for DTS) Authorizing Official for DTS
AO (for NROWS) Approving Official for NROWS
APC Agency Program Coordinator
AT Annual Training
ATP Additional Training Period
AUIC Active Unit Identification Code
BL1 Block 1
BSO Budget Submitting Office
BUMED Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
CAC Common Access Card
CANTRAC Catalog of Navy Training Courses
CBA Centrally Billed Account
CBAS Centrally Billed Account Specialist
CCPMD Consolidated Card Program Management Division
CIVPERS Civilian Personnel
CNA Certificate of Non-Availability
CNRF Commander, Navy Reserve Force
CNRFC Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command
CO Commanding Officer
COL Certifying Officer Legislation (COL)
COMNAVAIRFORES Commander, Naval Air Force Reserve
COMNAVIFORES Commander, Naval Information Forces Reserve
COMNAVRESFOR Commander, Navy Reserve Force
COMNAVRESFORCOM Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command
CONUS Continental United States
COTS Contingency Orders Tracking Software
CPPA Command Pay and Personnel Administrator
CTO Commercial Travel Office
CTW Constructed Travel Worksheet
DBSign Digital Signature Software
DCOS Deputy Chief of Staff
DD Department of Defense Form
DISS Defense Information System for Security
DMM Debt Management Monitor
DOA Designation of Authority
DoD Department of Defense
14 Jun 2022
DoD FMR Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation
ETMS-2 Department of the Navy Tasking, Records and Consolidated
Knowledge Enterprise Repository
DSC Duty Status Code
DTA Defense Travel Administrator
DTOD Defense Table of Official Distances
DTS Defense Travel System
E-AT Exceptional Annual Training
EDM Enhanced Drill Management
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
eNTRS Enterprise Navy Training Reservation System
EOS End of Obligated Service
ET Eastern Time
E-Ticket Electronic Ticket
EXCOM Executive Committee
FA Fund Approver
FDTA Financial Defense Travel Administrator
FFA For Further Assignment
FIAR Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness
FLTMPS Fleet Training Management and Planning System
FM Fund Manager
FM Financial Manager (Chapter 4)
FMB Office of Budget
FSC Funding Source Code
FY Fiscal Year
GMR Government Meal Rate
GSA General Services Administration
GTCC Government Travel Charge Card
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HQ Headquarters
IBA Individual Billed Account
IDT Inactive Duty for Training
IDT-R Inactive Duty for Training (Reimbursable)
IDTT Inactive Duty for Training Travel
ILP Integrated Lodging Program
IMS Individual Mobilization Status
ISIC Immediate Superior in Command
ITEMPO Individual Tempo
JECC Joint Expeditionary Capabilities Command
JPAS Joint Personnel Adjudication System
JTR Joint Travel Regulations
KSD Key Supporting Document
14 Jun 2022
LDTA Lead Defense Travel Administrator
LOTH Location Other than Home
MAJCOM Major Command
MAS Manpower Availability Status
M/E Mission/Event
MandIE Meals and Incidental Expenses
MILPERSMAN Military Personnel Manual
MTR Mass Transportation Request
NAVPTO Navy Passenger Transportation Office
NAVRESCEN (also NRC) Navy Reserve Center (formerly NOSC)
NAVSUP Naval Supply Systems Command
NDEA Non-DTS Entry Agent
NEC Navy Enlisted Classification
NEPLO Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
NIWC Navy Information Warfare Command
NMCI Navy and Marine Corps Internet
NOSC [Obsolete] Navy Operational Support Center (now NAVRESCEN)
NR Navy Reserve
NRA Navy Reserve Activity
NROWS Navy Reserve Order Writing System
NRPDC Navy Reserve Professional Development Center
NRU Navy Reserve Unit
NSIPS Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
OCONUS Outside Continental United States
ODTA Organization Defense Travel Administrator
OIC Officer in Charge
OPSO Operations Officer
OS Orders Specialist
OWA Order Writing Authority
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PDS Permanent Duty Station
PKI Private Key Infrastructure
POV Privately Owned Vehicle
PR Permanent Residence
PSD Personnel Support Activity Detachment
RC Reserve Component
RCC [Obsolete] Reserve Component Command (now REDCOM)
REDCOM Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command
(formerly RCC)
RMP Readiness Management Period
RO Reviewing Official
RPD Reserve Program Director (formerly OSO)
RPN Reserve Personnel, Navy
14 Jun 2022
RRL Ready Relevant Learning
RUIC Reserve Unit Identification Code
SA System Administrator
SAAR-N System Authorization Access Request-Navy
SAD Sanctuary risk has 16 years or more of Active Duty
SATO Scheduled Airline Transportation Office
SECNAV Secretary of the Navy
SELRES Selected Reservist(s)
SoD (for DTS) Separation of Duties
SoD (for NROWS) Segregation of Duties
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SPP Scheduled Partial Payment
SSA Super System Administrator
SSN Social Security Number
SSOP Strategic Sealift Officer Program
TAD Temporary Additional Duty
TAR Training and Administration of the Reserves
TDY Temporary Duty
TMC Transportation Management Company
TOPS Transaction Online Processing System
TOTAS Total Active Duty Service
TRAX Travel Explorer
TRUIC Training Reserve Unit Identification Code
TSC Transaction Service Center
TSO Technology Services Office
UA Unit Approver
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UIC Unit Identification Code
UMIC Unit Mobilization Identification Code
UR Unit Reviewer
U.S. United States
USERRA Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act
VTU Volunteer Training Unit
XO Executive Officer
14 Jun 2022
To ensure this instruction is responsive to both the dynamics of the Navy Reserve program
requirements and the ongoing initiatives to streamline the administrative process,
recommendations are encouraged to improve its content. Submit comments/suggestions in the
following format:
From: (Command Requesting Change)
To: Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command (N33)
Via: (Complete Chain of Command)
1. The following recommendation concerning reference (a) is submitted for consideration.
a. Description of problem (with page number, if applicable).
b. Recommendation for change.
c. Unit identification code.
2. Command point of contact information.