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(b) OPNAVINST 1100.4C
(c) SECNAVINST 1770.3D
(d) RESPERS M-1001.5 Navy Reserve Military
Personnel Manual
1. Purpose. This article, along with references (a) through
(c), provides policy and guidance for the management of the
Prior Service Re-enlistment Eligibility Reserve (PRISE-R)
2. Background. The PRISE-R Program is a Reserve accession
program that allows Navy veterans (NAVET) and other service
veterans (OSVET) to affiliate and enlist with the Selected
Reserve (SELRES) into available ratings as set forth by Naval
Education and Training Command (NETC) fiscal year (FY)
recruiting goals, policies, training guidance, and revisions (as
applicable). Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS), Reserve
Enlisted Community Management Branch (BUPERS-352) administers
PRISE-R availability based on community and rating health, and
coordinates PRISE-R “A” and “C” school training with NETC,
Supply Chain Operations (N3).
a. Individuals will be accessioned into the Navy Reserve by
Navy Recruiting Command (NAVCRUITCOM), in coordination with
BUPERS-352, and counted against Reserve Component end-strength.
This program is funded under the Reserve Personnel, Navy
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b. Definitions
(1) NAVET. Per reference (a), NAVETs are applicants
whose last tour of active duty or active duty for training (ADT)
was in the U.S. Navy or Navy Reserve, have been discharged or
released for more than 24 hours, and who completed a minimum of
12 consecutive weeks of active duty or ADT.
(2) OSVET. Per references (a) and (b), OSVETs are prior
service veterans whose last tour of active duty or ADT was in a
military branch of service other than the U.S. Navy or Navy
Reserve, and who completed a minimum of 12 weeks of active duty
or ADT.
(3) Entry Rating. For the purpose of this instruction,
the entry rating is defined as the rating and rate that the
NAVET previously held at discharge, as reflected in Navy
personnel systems. OSVETs do not have an entry rating so they
will enter as a non-rated seaman (SN), regardless of military
occupational specialty.
(4) Temporary Rating. For the purpose of this article,
the temporary rating is defined as the rating to which the NAVET
or OSVET is requesting to convert upon accession.
(5) Permanent Rating. For the purpose of this article,
the temporary rating becomes the permanent rating when the NAVET
or OSVET successfully completes all requirements for conversion.
3. Program Requirements. Applicants must meet basic enlistment
eligibility and rating-specific requirements, as well as program
requirements listed in reference (a), which include the
a. must be in pay grades E-3 through E-6, and within the
following time in service (TIS) criteria as calculated from
their adjusted pay entry base date upon enlistment:
Pay Grade
Designated E-3
Fewer than 8 years
Fewer than 10 years
E-5 & E-6
Fewer than 16 years
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b. have no previous nonjudicial punishment or convictions
in civilian or military courts within the previous 48 months.
c. break in service cannot exceed 10 years.
d. NAVETs and OSVETs may apply for any temporary rating
with an available PRISE-R affiliation quota as determined by
BUPERS-352 and coordinated with NAVCRUITCOM.
e. NAVETs or OSVETs who previously enlisted under PRISE-R
and failed to make their temporary rating their permanent rating
will only be considered on a case-by-case basis based upon the
needs of the Navy, as determined by BUPERS-352.
f. NAVETs who did not serve a minimum of 24 months in their
permanent rating will only be considered on a case-by-case basis
based upon the needs of the Navy, as determined by BUPERS-352.
4. Program Obligation. All Service members must obligate in
the SELRES (drill pay status) for a minimum of 4 years from the
date of enlistment or affiliation, unless waived by BUPERS-352,
based upon the needs of the Navy. If the Service member accepts
an authorized bonus for the requested conversion rating, the
Service member must be able to obligate in the SELRES (drill pay
status) for a minimum of 6 years from the date of enlistment or
affiliation. Conversion to another rating will only be
considered after a PRISE-R Sailor has served a minimum of 24
months in the Sailor’s permanent rating, and is solely based
upon the needs of the Navy.
5. Training Requirements. PRISE-R Program requirements will be
outlined on NAVPERS 1070/613 Administrative Remarks
per enlistment contract annexes. Service members will be
required to complete an “A” school or “A” and “C” school (as
applicable), or participate in the Navy-wide advancement
examination and achieve a passing score to make the new rating
a. Service School Requirements
(1) For ratings that require service school training,
PRISE-R accessions will receive ADT orders for either “A” and or
“C” school per contract annexes.
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(2) Sailors guaranteed “A” and or “C” school must report
to the required school within 18 months from the date of
affiliation. Coordination is required by the Sailor, the Navy
Reserve activity (NRA), and Commander, Navy Reserve Forces
Command (COMNAVRESFORCOM), Training Department (N7) to ensure
sufficient “A” and “C” school seats are available to meet the
demand and to ensure the Sailor is actively pursuing PRISE-R
Program requirements.
(3) Changes to Course Convene Dates within 18 Months
(a) In cases where the Sailor is unable to attend
the scheduled convene date, the Sailor must initiate convene
date change request per COMNAVRESFORCOM guidance.
(b) Changes to course convene dates may be requested
by the Sailor and submitted for approval to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7)
on a case-by-case basis. COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) will ensure that
changes to course convene dates are closely coordinated with
NETC (N3) and BUPERS-352 (as necessary). The NRA must submit
Sailors’ requests for changes no less than 30 calendar days
prior to the course convene date. Requests made less than 30
calendar days will only be considered under extenuating
(c) In cases where a scheduled convene date is
changed, other than requested by the Sailor, the NRA must inform
the Sailor of the convene date change.
(4) “A” or “C” School Extensions Beyond 18 Months
(a) An extension may be granted by COMNAVRESFORCOM
(N7) on a case-by-case basis if a Sailor is not able to report
to the required “A” and or “C” school within 18 months of
affiliation. Requests from the Sailor must be submitted via the
NRA to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) no later than 60 days prior to
program expiration.
(b) Extension Request Package. Sailors must
initiate extension requests through their NRA to COMNAVRESFORCOM
via PRISE-R portal accessible through the Navy Reserve Homeport.
(5) If accelerated advancement at “A” and or “C” school
applies, see MILPERSMAN 1430-010.
(6) Failure to Complete Pipeline Training
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(a) Sailors in “A” and or “C” school who fail to
attend within the first 18 months, fail to complete or fail for
academic or administrative reasons will either be force-
converted, or reverted to their entry rating, as determined by
BUPERS-352, based upon the needs of the Navy. NRAs will
transfer Service members who are not force-converted or who do
not continue service in the SELRES to the Individual Ready
Reserve (IRR) not recommended for re-affiliation within 30
calendar days of failure in their entry rating. Refer to
paragraph 6 of this article for additional guidance.
(b) Sailors who fail to complete “A” and or “C”
school for disciplinary reasons will be processed for
administrative separation per MILPERSMAN 1910 articles. Sailors
involved in incidents requiring disciplinary actions while at
“A” or” C” school will be adjudicated at the training command.
(c) Sailors failing to complete “A” and or “C”
school due to an injury, illness, or disease will follow
guidelines established in reference (c) for requesting medical
hold (MEDHOLD) orders or line of duty (LOD) benefits. The NRA
medical department representative (MDR) will be notified of the
Sailor’s medical status while on orders (as applicable); medical
department representative will follow up on or initiate the LOD
process upon the Sailor’s return from “A” or “C” school. Navy
Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM), MEDHOLD, LOD, and Medical
Retention Review Division (PERS-95) will determine whether the
Service member will receive medical care while on active duty
under MEDHOLD orders, or be released from orders and receive
care under the LOD Program. Future PRISE-R status will depend
upon final medical determination.
(d) PRISE-R Sailors who successfully complete “A”
school but fail to complete a required follow-on “C” school will
lose their original bonus eligibility, if at the time of
affiliation, the bonus was contingent upon successful completion
of “C” school.
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b. Non-Service School Requirements
(1) Personnel accepted into a rating that does not
require “A” or “C” school must complete lateral conversion
(e.g., boatswain's mate third class (BM3) to logistics
specialist third class (LS3)) prerequisites, as described in
paragraph 5b(2) below, within 18 months from date of enlistment
or affiliation, unless modified by waiver from COMNAVRESFORCOM,
Manpower and Personnel (N1).
(2) PRISE-R personnel accepted into a rating that does
not require “A” or “C” school have two Navy-wide advancement
examination cycles within their first 18 months of affiliation
to make their rating permanent by achieving a passing score for
the pay grade of their temporary rating (e.g., BM3 in the
temporary rate and rating of LS3 takes the LS3 examination, and
upon achieving a passing score makes LS3 the permanent rate and
rating). PRISE-R personnel whose entry pay grade is E-3, and
thus must participate in the E-4 advancement exam of their
temporary rating, and achieve a passing score, make the
temporary rating permanent (e.g., YNSN in the temporary pay
grade and rating of LSSN achieves a passing score on the LS3
examination, makes LSSN the permanent rating and pay grade).
However, if an E-3 passes the E-4 advancement exam and meets all
eligibility requirements for advancement to the next pay grade,
the Sailor’s temporary rating is made permanent at the next
higher pay grade (e.g., YNSN in the temporary rating and pay
grade of LSSN passes the LS3 exam and meets all eligibility
requirements for advancement to LS3 makes LS3 the permanent rate
and rating). All other personnel under the PRISE-R Program are
not eligible for advancement until their rating is made
permanent. Participants who fail to achieve a passing score by
the end of the second exam cycle must transfer to the IRR in
their entry rating.
(3) Failure to complete any of the program requirements
within the required timeframe or prior to reaching high year
tenure, whichever is earlier, must result in Service members
termination from the PRISE-R Program. NRAs will transfer
Service members to the IRR “not recommended for re-affiliation”
within 30 days of failure.
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6. Reversion Requests
a. All reversion requests for PRISE-R Sailors that fail to
make their temporary ratings permanent and desire to remain in a
pay status must be submitted by the Sailor via the NRA to
BUPERS-352 for adjudication. In cases where a Service member
failed to complete required training, the reversion request must
be submitted within 30 calendar days of failure date. Service
members may remain in a pay status pending BUPERS-352
adjudication of request.
b. Requests must contain (at a minimum) NAVPERS 1306/7
Electronic Personnel Action Request
supporting documentation (including the original accession
documentation), and NRA endorsement.
c. Disapproval from BUPERS-352 requires Service members to
be transferred to the IRR “not recommended for re-affiliation”
within 30 calendar days of BUPERS-352 disapproval notification.
7. SELRES Participation. The NRA will annotate the 4 or 6-year
drill obligation in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System
(NSIPS) with the appropriate mandatory drill code 4 and
military obligation designator 6. Per reference (d), article
1001-010, Sailors who fail to comply with satisfactory
participation requirements are subject to administrative
separation processing and prorated recoupment of the PRISE-R
bonus upon becoming an unsatisfactory participant. MILPERSMAN
1910-158 outlines administrative separation processing guidance
for unsatisfactory participants.
8. Incentives
a. PRISE-R Sailors may be eligible to receive an enlistment
bonus if enlisting for a period of 6 years in eligible ratings.
Bonus eligible ratings, amounts, and payment types are
promulgated via COMNAVRESFORCOM message.
b. Failure to complete the terms of the incentive
obligation, service obligation, or both will result in
termination of the bonus entitlement. Unless a waiver of
recoupment is approved by the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV),
Sailors whose bonus eligibility is terminated are responsible to
repay all or a portion of the bonus based on the amount of time
served in the SELRES. Waivers of recoupment, in whole or in
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part, will be submitted to SECNAV via COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1) for
9. Program Management. COMNAVRESFORCOM, Force Retention and
Career Resources (N15) will monitor PRISE-R Sailors from initial
SELRES gain date through completion of SELRES obligation.
Minimum tracking requirements include the following:
a. all PRISE-R Sailors categorized by assignment of
mandatory drill code “4,” military obligation designator “6,”
and mobilization assignment status code “TRP;
b. conversion Navy enlistment classification (NEC);
c. temporary rating assignment;
d. date of affiliation;
e. obligated service;
f. 18-month window for beginning “A” School;
g. date reservation made for “A” School;
h. “A” or “C” School class convening date;
i. “A” or “C” School completion date;
j. retention data; and
k. status of ability to attend training (i.e., Government
travel charge card and uniforms issuance) including mobilization
status code.
10. Tracking and Reporting of PRISE-R with “A” School
Enlistments. “A” school seats are allocated in the training
requirements module application by BUPERS-352 in coordination
with NETC (N3) and COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7). Other vacancies are
limited in quantity and availability. It is, therefore,
NRAs, and the individual Sailor coordinate scheduling and
reservation efforts to ensure “A” school requirements are
identified as early as possible and all available seats are
scheduled and utilized. This ensures the Sailor receives the
required training and minimizes missed training opportunities
and extension requests.
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11. Mobilization Assignments. Once a rating has been made
permanent, the mobilization assignment status code TRP should
be removed and the Sailor may be mobilized to a billet requiring
their new permanent rating. Service members who have deferments
for involuntary mobilization under other Navy policies will
continue to be exempt under the guidelines of those policies.
12. Roles and Responsibilities
(1) closely coordinate PRISE-R accession planning with
NETC (N3) and BUPERS-352, providing a monthly list of PRISE-R
affiliations to BUPERS-352;
(2) identify and process qualified applicants for
accession into the PRISE-R Program per this article;
(3) document the following requirements of the PRISE-R
Program in reenlistment documents:
(a) assignment of a temporary pay grade in the
designated conversion rating (NAVET personnel with their entry
rating and subsequent (temporary) rating (e.g., MMFN (ITSN), MM3
(IT3)). OSVET personnel will be assigned the non-rate of SN
upon entry and a subsequent (temporary) rating (e.g., SN (IT3));
(b) obligated service;
(c) enlistment or affiliation bonus (if applicable);
(d) conditions for payment and recoupment;
(e) specification of PRISE-R as accession program;
(f) “A” and or “C” school guarantee (if applicable);
(g) “A” school requirements or “A” school waiver
provisions (if applicable); and
(h) PRISE-R applicants with guaranteed “A” and or
“C” school must be informed of their obligation to attend their
“A” school, “C” school, or both by signing NAVPERS 1070/613
stating their understanding of the requirement.
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(4) document PRISE-R Sailors acquisition codes.
NAVCRUITCOM will identify PRISE-R applicants in the Web-based
NAVCRUITCOM Accession Management System using unique identifier
fields and codes to differentiate PRISE-R applicants. For
tracking purposes, the Web based system will indicate the
conditions of the enlistment contract as “A” school, “C” school,
or both as guaranteed, not required, or waived by the enlisted
community manager; and
(5) ensure submission of a monthly report of all PRISE-R
accessions to BUPERS-352, COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1), and NETC (N3)
for program management.
b. BUPERS-352 will:
(1) input PRISE-R “A” and or “C” school requirements in
training requirements module based on the projected accession
goals through the future year defense plan. Closely coordinate
PRISE-R accession planning with NAVCRUITCOM, Operations
Department (N3), NETC (N3), and COMNAVRESFORCOM;
(2) adjudicate waiver and reversion requests within 10
working days of receipt; and
(3) provide NETC (N3) recommended FY PRISE-R quotas by
available ratings. Coordinate with NAVCRUITCOM available PRISE-
R quotas by rating, and update quota allocation as directed in
NETC’s FY recruiting goals, policies, and training guidance, and
any subsequent revisions.
c. NETC (N3) will:
(1) spread the “A” and or “C” school requirements for
PRISE-R applicants based on the approved student input plan, and
(as necessary) assist in obtaining additional quotas from unused
Active Component (AC) and Full Time Support (FTS) seats 30
calendar days prior to convening, providing this information to
COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7), BUPERS, Enlisted Community Management
Division (BUPERS-32), BUPERS-352 (FTS), and NAVCRUITCOM; and
(2) provide a monthly update of available school seats
with applicable convene dates to BUPERS-352 and COMNAVRESFORCOM.
d. COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) and (N1) will:
(1) coordinate “A” school assignments for PRISE-R
Sailors guaranteed “A” school (COMNAVRESFORCOM, (N7));
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(2) coordinate course convene date change requests with
NETC (N3) and NETC, Learning and Development Division (N7);
(3) provide adjudication for extension requests as
required within 10 working days (COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7));
(4) approve billet assignment for PRISE-R Sailors in
their temporary rating (COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1));
(5) initiate bonus payment (if eligible) upon
notification from the NRA (COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1));
(6) initiate bonus recoupment upon receipt of bonus
termination letter from NRA (COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1)); and
(7) track all Sailors currently in the PRISE-R Program
e. Reserve Component Command (RCC) will:
(1) assign a regional PRISE-R coordinator as liaison
(2) track all PRISE-R Sailors in the region and provide
(3) review all documentation from the NRA providing
endorsement and forward within 10 working days to
(4) ensure the NRA assigns the temporary rating,
temporary NEC, and mobilization assignment status code TRP
(5) ensure the NRA completes the PRISE-R checklist for
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f. Gaining NRA will:
(1) appoint (in writing) an AC/FTS Sailor to act as the
PRISE-R command sponsor. PRISE-R command sponsor will use
PRISE-R Gain Checklist to track and monitor each PRISE-R Sailor
at the NRA until program completion. PRISE-R command sponsor
will retain completed PRISE-R Gain Checklists on file for 24
months. PRISE-R command sponsor will report status updates to
regional PRISE-R coordinator monthly;
(2) ensure the NRA training department explains the
process for completing “A” and or “C” school;
(3) refer to reference (d), article 1100-050 for
strength gain guidance. PRISE-R Sailors must be gained in their
entry rating or as a non-rated as is the case with OSVETs who
are gained as an SN. Once gain is posted to NSIPS, the entry
rating or non-rate must be changed to the temporary rating;
(4) ensure electronic service record entries for NAVET
personnel are entered with their entry rating and subsequent
(temporary) rating (e.g., MMFN (ITSN), MM3 (IT3)). OSVET
personnel will be assigned the non-rate of SN upon entry, and a
subsequent (temporary) rating (e.g., SN (IT3));
(5) assign PRISE-R accessions the mandatory drill code
4, military obligation designator 6, and mobilization
assignment status code “TRP;”
(6) request conversion NEC via NAVPERS 1221/6 Navy
Enlisted Classification Change Request,
https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/Forms/NAVPERS/ from
NAVPERSCOM, Enlisted Placement Management Branch (PERS-4013).
Refer to reference (d), article 1221-010 for additional
(7) submit a request for ADT orders for PRISE-R Service
members with guaranteed “A” and or “C” school to attend the
assigned “A” and or “C” school to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) within 30
calendar days following the Service members first drill
weekend. Refer to the Catalog of Navy Training Courses for
required prerequisites and documentation. Request must be made
per COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) guidance;
(8) submit ADT orders to “A” and or “C” school via Navy
Reserve Order Writing System;
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(9) conduct a career development board for PRISE-R
Sailors within 60 calendar days of accession and again at 6
months after accession:
(a) address “A” and or “C” school scheduling with
individuals guaranteed “A” and or “C” school and
(b) 6 months after accession, the NRA will complete
written counseling for Sailors who have not attended “A” and or
“C” school, and begin “A” and or “C” school waiver or extension
submission (if applicable).
(10) track NEC removal requests. Submit NAVPERS 1221/6,
NEC request with supporting documentation (including accession
documentation) “A” and or “C” school completion certificates,
and enlisted qualifications history entry to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-
4013) with information copy to COMNAVRESFORCOM (N1). Request
removal of conversion NECs upon successful conversion or failure
to complete all requirements;
(11) notify COMNAVRESFORCOM (N15) and BUPERS-352 after
successful completion of all PRISE-R requirements;
(12) initiate inactive duty training (IDT) orders in IDT
Order Writer, assigning Sailor to local operation support unit
with a projected rotation date no greater than 6 months from
date of SELRES gain; and
(13) ensure Sailor is applying for a billet within
Sailor’s temporary rating utilizing MyNavy Assignment.
(14) During their first career development board, ensure
PRISE-R Program Sailors with guaranteed “A” and or “C” school
must document via NAVPERS 1070/613 their understanding of their
obligation to attend “A” and or “C” school on the date to be
coordinated with and assigned by COMNAVRESFORCOM (N7) within 18
months of affiliation.
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13. Adjudication Authority. The table below summarizes
adjudication authorities:
Overall Policy
Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations (OPNAV), Military
Personnel, Plans, and Policy
Approval authority for all PRISE-R
Recruiting issues and enlistment
Approval authority for
disenrollment requests, waivers,
needs of the Navy assignment,
conversion, and reversion rating
“A” school convene date
assignments and changes
SELRES Issues/procedures/personnel
“A” and “C” school seat quota