Revised: 2/28/22
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Laboratory Animal Resources Guidelines
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
I. Purpose- Researchers must consider all sources of DNA to perform genotype analysis, including
alternatives to invasive procedures such as tail biopsy. As with any procedure, the specific method
of tissue collection must be detailed in the approved IACUC protocol. This document serves to
describe examples of procedures that could be used to safely and appropriately collect samples to
genotype rodents used in laboratory animal research at Indiana University Bloomington.
II. Definitions:
Genotyping- The process through which an animal’s genetic make-up is determined using a tissue
Identification- The process of uniquely marking an animal so it can be differentiated from other
animals within a group.
III. Responsibility:
The laboratory staff is responsible for implementing the IACUC approved genotyping methods
with oversight and assistance from LAR staff, as needed.
The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring that all methods of animal genetic
sampling are explicitly listed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(IACUC) in the applicable animal use protocol and that laboratory staff are trained to perform these
IV. Acceptable Sources of Animal Genetic Material for Genotyping
Determining the genotype in a rodent litter that has been genetically engineered is critically
important. The genotype is most often determined by analysis of DNA extracted from tissues of
young rodents. Analysis by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) requires the least amount of
DNA. Small amounts of DNA can be obtained from ear punches, tail biopsies, or various non-
invasive alternatives. Larger amounts of DNA required for determination of genotype by Southern
Blot are usually obtained from tail biopsies. Depending on the requirements of the study,
investigators are urged to consider noninvasive alternatives such as hair, fecal or oral samples.
1. Ear Punching/Notching- application of a specific combination of small hole punches or
notches to the outside edges of a rodent’s ear (see Fig. 1a).
a. Ear notching/punching can provide tissue for genotyping and as a means of permanent
b. The procedure should be performed after 14 days of age which is when the pinnae
(ears) are generally large enough to punch/notch.
c. Ear punch or notching instruments are disinfected with alcohol or a hot bead sterilizer
between animals to avoid sample contamination.
d. Ear punches should be no larger than 2 mm.
e. Mouse Ear-punching (see Figure 1a)
i. The mouse is restrained by the scruff (see Fig. 1b) and an ear puncher (see Fig. 1c)
is used to make holes and/or notches in the ears following an identification chart.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
ii. A small amount of bleeding is expected and can be controlled by gentle, constant
pressure. Animals should be checked several hours post-procedure to ensure proper
Fig. 1a Mouse ear punch Fig. 1b Mouse restraint Fig. 1c Mouse ear punches
f. Rat Ear-punching (see Fig. 2)
i. Firmly restrain the animal. Restraint methods that can be used include:
The two-handed technique: first place the rat on your arm, holding the base of
the tail with your hand. Hug the rat at the shoulders and push in gently at the
elbows to cross the front legs. Still maintaining your hold at the base of the tail,
stretch out the abdomen. Grasp the rear legs and immobilize (see Fig. 2a).
If more restraint is needed, the rat may need to be scruffed by grasping the
loose skin behind the neck.
A restraining device, which allows access to the head while still immobilizing the
animal, may also be used. An ear puncher is then used to make holes and/or
notches in the ears (a second person will be needed to do this).
ii. Ear puncher (see Fig. 2b) is used to make holes and/or notches in the ears following
an identification chart. (Fig. 2c)
iii. Hemostasis of the ear notch/punch site can be achieved by compression.
Fig. 2a Rat restraint Fig. 2b Collecting punch Fig. 2c Rat ear punches
2. Tail Biopsy
a. The tail clip or biopsy procedure is momentary, but involves bone or cartilage, blood
vessels, nervous tissue and skin. There is potential for pain from this procedure. Analgesics
may be used if prolonged pain is anticipated. The smallest possible section of tail is removed
and adequate hemostasis is achieved. Current literature shows that 5mm is sufficient tissue
to extract DNA for genotyping procedures. No more than 5 mm can be removed at one
time without first securing IACUC approval.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
b. In the mouse, the distal tail is completely ossified and innervated between 17-21 days of
age. Thus, tail sampling is recommended in mice and rats less than 3 weeks of age to avoid
undue stress and discomfort to the animals. The optimum age at which to perform
biopsy is between 12-17 days, before the distal tail completely ossifies.
1) Tail snips in animals < 17 days of age, 2-5 mm tail tip sample is obtained
without the need for anesthetics or analgesics.
2) Tail snips in animals 18-21 days of age, 2-5 mm tail tip sample is obtained
with local and systemic analgesics
. For local analgesia, use
Bupivacaine 0.75% and immerse the tail in the bupivacaine for 10 sec. after
biopsy. Systemic analgesic agents such as Meloxicam or Buprenorphine are
but not required.
3) Tail snips in animals > 21 days old, 2-5 mm tail tip sample is obtained using
the required local analgesic bupivacaine 0.75% and immersing the tail in
the bupivacaine for 10 sec. after biopsy. Tail biopsy must be performed with
general anesthesia (i.e. Isoflurane) followed by analgesic such as
Meloxicam or Buprenorphine (see LAR
Guidelines for Anesthesia and
Analgesia in Mice or Rats
for recommendations). Any situation where general
anesthesia cannot be used for tail biopsies in mice or rats over 21 days of age
must be scientifically justified in the animal use protocol and approved by IACUC.
4) If multiple tail biopsies must be performed because of inconclusive PCR or lost
samples, local analgesia with bupivacaine 0.75% is recommended as long as 2-5
mm tail sample is taken and the animal is <21 days old. If animals are >21 days,
2-5 mm tail tip sample is obtained while the animal is under isoflurane
anesthesia using bupivacaine as a local analgesic and Meloxicam or
Buprenorphine as systemic analgesics.
c. Mouse Procedure:
Gently but securely restrain the rodent. (Fig. 3a)
Swab the tail with alcohol (povidone iodine or chlorhexidine may interfere with the DNA
identification tests).
Sterile tools for this procedure are recommended. Disposable scalpel blades or razor
blades can be used as a sterile method as long as a new, sterile blade is used for each
mouse or rat. Alternatively, scissors can be sterilized using a hot bead sterilizer between
animals. Reuse of a scalpel blade or not sterilizing scissors can lead to contamination of
samples and invalidation of results.
Snip the skin sample that is < 5 mm and place in sample container with label. (Fig. 3b)
Hemostasis of the tail biopsy site can be achieved using compression of the tail,
application of silver nitrate or styptic pencils or cautery, and possibly the use of tissue
adhesives (e.g. Nexaband
) to close the wound if needed. (Fig. 3c)
Observe rodent for bleeding or abnormal behavior; check daily to ensure tip is healing.
d. If the mouse or rat is anesthetized using general anesthesia, the animal is then recovered
individually in a clean cage after the biopsy is completed. The mouse or rat must be fully
ambulatory before it is returned to the original cage or co-housed with other rodents.
e. ALL animals (regardless of age) must be monitored for 5 minutes after
returning to their cage for any signs of bleeding from the site.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
Fig. 3a Measure tail Fig. 3b Cut tail Fig. 3c Hemostasis materials
3. Toe Amputation/Toe Clipping
a. Toetip clipping (toe amputation) involves the removal of the toe at the most distal
joint. According to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (
“toe clipping should be used only when no other individual identification method is
feasible. It may be the preferred method for neonatal mice up to 7 days of age as it
appears to have few adverse effects on behavior and well-being at this
age…especially if toe clipping and genotyping can be combined”.
b. Toe clipping in rodents greater than 7 days old is a stressful procedure that should
only be performed if no other identification and genotyping options are feasible. If
toe clipping is requested, it should be used for genotyping and identification
c. Conditions for Approval: Toe clipping will only be permitted when the following
conditions are met:
1. The Principal Investigator (PI) provides a scientific justification with
documentation to the IACUC explaining why each of the alternative identification
methods listed in the
Policy for Identification of Mice and Rats
are not feasible.
Cost alone is NOT considered an adequate justification.
2. Once the procedure is approved, all laboratory personnel designated to perform
the procedure must undergo training and/or demonstrate proficiency to the PI or
LAR trainer.
3. Toe clipping can only be performed on animals thirteen (13) days of age
or younger. Neonatal mice 5-7 days of age may be toe clipped for
genotyping and identification purposes without the use of anesthesia.
4. Mice 8-13 days of age at the time of the procedure may be toe clipped ONLY if
the toe tissue is also used for genetic analysis. This would be considered a
refinement by making it unnecessary to perform tail biopsies for tissue sampling.
Topical anesthesia is required and can be accomplished by immersing the toe in
bupivacaine 0.75% for 10 sec. immediately after biopsy.
5. The numbering system should be designed to minimize the total number of toes
clipped per animal. Similarly, a given foot should have as few toes clipped as
6. The following must be followed:
No more than two toes are amputated per foot, and two feet per animal may
be clipped.
Avoid clipping toes on forepaws, if possible.
DO NOT clip the 1
digit (i.e. thumb) on either forepaw.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
Remove the 3
phalanx (i.e. toe-nail bearing, last bone of digit); cutting the
very distal portion of the 2
phalanx to remove the complete nail bed.
7. If animal genotyping is required, the tissue yielded from toe clipping is used. A
second method of tissue collection (e.g. tail biopsy) will only be accepted if tissue
is lost or a second genotyping is required.
d. Appropriate Method for Toe Clipping
1. Instrument preparation- instrument must be disinfected between animals.
Instruments should be sharpened regularly to ensure minimization of tissue
2. Skin preparation- Gross debris, if present, will be cleaned from the foot. Alcohol
may be used to wipe down the foot and digits prior to the amputation.
3. Neonatal mice are placed on a soft padding of some kind (e.g. blue diaper pad,
towel). Using gentle pressure, restrain the mouse and extend the leg. Rodents
are restrained only by hand for this procedure, and not by a restraint device.
Taking care to hold a mouse properly is the most important aspect of ensuring
its comfort and safety.
4. With a sharp pair of dissecting scissors or scalpel, remove the toe at the most
distal joint and into the distal tip of the 2
5. After removing the digit, apply a piece of gauze to the distal portion of the digit
with finger pressure to ensure hemostasis. ALL animals (regardless of age)
must be monitored for 5 minutes after returning to their cage for any signs
of bleeding from the site.
6. Place the pups that have been identified into a new cage to distinguish them
from their littermates. When all of the pups have been identified, return the pups
to their mother’s cage.
a. Day 5-7 and 8-13: No more than 2 toes per foot should be removed,
with a maximum of 4 total clipped toes per animal.
P3= phalanx 3
P2= phalanx 2
P1= phalanx 1
Line indicates where cut of digit should occur
4. Other
a. Blood- can be used for genotyping but not identification; noninvasive.
b. Hair follicles- noninvasive; used for genotyping, high risk of contamination
c. Colonic and Rectal cells- samples rectal swab or scrape or fecal pellets;
genotyping but not identification; feces collected within 24 hours.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
d. Cells from the Oral Mucosa- oral cavity scraped or swabbed; low amount of
DNA obtained.
Table 1. Methods for Genotyping Rodents
Additional Information
14 days or older
No anesthesia is required when
performed by trained personnel
Punch devices should be disinfected
between animals
Tissue can also be used for genotyping
Punched tissue may re-seal; must be
rechecked periodically and punching
may need to be repeated
after 2 weeks of age
Tail Biopsy
12-17 days
No anesthesia is required when
performed by trained personnel
2-5 mm tail can be biopsied
Restrain animal
Swab tail with alcohol
Use sterile scalpel blade, razor or sharp
scissors (clean with alcohol between or
hot bead sterilizer)
Hemostasis of tail by compression
Monitor for at least 5 min. after biopsy
18-21 days old
Local and systemic analgesia is
recommended but not required
>21 days old
General anesthesia (isoflurane)
Local analgesic Bupivicaine 10 sec.
Systemic analgesics (Meloxicam or
Buprenorphine) required
Rats from 5-7
days old
Mice from 5-13
days old
No anesthesia is required P 5-7
when performed by trained
Topical/local anesthesia is required
for P 8-13 animals
Equipment and site should be
disinfected prior to clipping to minimize
risk of infection
Ensure only distal bone (P3) and nail
bed are removed including distal portion
of P2
May impair grip strength
Tissue can also be used for genotyping
Day 5-7: no more than
2 toes/foot
to 4 toes total) can be removed
Day 8-13: No more than 2 toes total can
be removed.
Any age
Only for dying
Inexpensive but not permanent
Use nontoxic dyes or markers
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Castelhano-Carlos MJ, et. al. 2010. Identification methods in newborn C57BL/6 mice: a developmental and behavioral evaluation.
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Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
, National Research Council, 8
Edition, pp 120-123.
Laboratory Animal Resources
Guidelines for Genotyping Laboratory Mice and Rats
Revised: 2/28/22
Hankenson FC, et al. 2008. Evaluation of tail biopsy collection in laboratory mice (
Mus musculus
): vertebral ossification, DNA
quantity, and acute behavioral responses.
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Hankenson FC, Braden-Weiss GC, Blendy JA. Behavioral and Activity Assessment of Laboratory Mice (
Mus musculus
) After Tail
Biopsy Under Isoflurane Anesthesia.
Sept. 2011; 50(5): 686-694.
Jones CP, Carver S, Kendall LV. Evaluation of Common Anesthetic and Analgesic Techniques for Tail Biopsy in Mice.
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2012; 51(6): 808-814.
NIH “Guidelines for Toe Clipping of Rodents” [Internet]. May 2010. Available at
NIH “Guidelines of the Genotyping of Mice and Rats”. May 2010;
Norecopa “Supplementary Statement on Toe Clipping in Rodents”. March 19, 2010.
Paluch LR, Lieggie CC, Dumont M, Monette S, Riedel ER, Lipman NS. Developmental and Behavioral Effects of Toe clipping on
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Philbert RA, Zadorozhnyaya I, Beach SRH, Brody GH. A Comparison of the Genotyping Results Using DNA Obtained from Blood and
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Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 2002. Health Research Extension Act of 1985, Public
Law 99-158, Animals in Research, Principle V. Procedures with animals that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or
distress should be performed with appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia. Surgical or other painful procedures should not be
performed on unanesthetized animals paralyzed by chemical agents.
Schaefer DC, et al. 2010. Analysis of physiological and behavioral parameters in mice after toe clipping as newborns.
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University of Tennessee Mouse and Rat Toe Clipping.
University of Pennsylvania IACUC Guideline Rodent Identification.