Medical Board of California State of California | Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency | Department of Consumer Affairs PTL App Info (Rev 07/24)
Medical Board of California
Application for a Postgraduate Training
License Information & Checklist
Licensing Program
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815-
Phone: (916) 263-
A Postgraduate Training License (PTL) must be obtained from the Medical
Board of California (Board) within
180 days after beginning an Accreditation Committee for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited
postgraduate training program in California. If a PTL is not issued within 180 days of beginning Board-
duate training in California, all clinical activities must cease until the license is issued. Training beyond
the180 days is considered unlicensed practice of medicine, and you can be subject to disciplinary action. The
PTL will be issued for 36 months, af
ter which a full and unrestricted Physician’s and Surgeon’s License must be
obtained in order to continue practicing medicine in California.
If you have received 12 (U.S. or Canadian medical school graduates) or 24 (international medical school
graduates) months credit of Board-
approved postgraduate training outside of California or in Canada, cancel
this application and complete the Applicatio
n for a Physician's and Surgeon's License. For minimum
requirements, information, instructions, and forms, please see the
Physician's and Surgeon's License application
page on the Board's website.
You must submit your PTL application online using the BreEZe Online Services.
The online application requires
you to provide detailed information. Each page of the online application will time out after approximately 15
minutes. To help with the completion of the application, review the “Application Preparation” section to complete
each page within the 15-minute time limit, otherwise the system will time out.
To allow sufficient time for processing and remediating deficiencies, the Board strongly encourages you to submit
your online Application for a Postgraduate Training License, utilizing BreEZe Online Services, once you receive
final confirmation of enrollment in a California Board-approved postgraduate training program.
To be eligible for a PTL, the applicant must be enrolled in an ACGME
postgraduate training
program in California.
must have received all your medical school education from and graduated from a:
U.S. or Canadian medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME), or
the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools
, as applicable.
- OR -
An international medical school, which has been evaluated by the Educational Commission for Foreign
Medical Graduates (ECFMG) or one of the ECFMG authorized
medical school accreditation
agencies and deemed to meet the minimum requirements substantially equivalent to the requirements
of medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the Committee on
Accreditation of Canadian Medical
Schools, or the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation.
medical school is listed on the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and
the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER) World
Directory of Medical Schools joint directory, or the World Directory of Medical
- OR -
n international medical school that has been approved by the Board.
Disclosure of a United States Social Security Number (SSN) or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
(ITIN) is mandatory prior to the issuance of a PTL.
Section 30 of the BPC
authorizes collection of an SSN or
Section 31(e) of the BPC
allows the State Board of Equalization and the Franchise Tax Board to share
taxpayer information with the Board.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 2
To meet the minimum examination requirement for a PTL, you must have taken and passed Steps 1 and
2CK of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or
art I of the Licentiate of the Medical
Council of Canada (LMCC) examination per
Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations section 1328.
Certification by the Educational Co
for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) is required if the
applicant graduated from a
n international
medical school. To obtain further information regarding ECFMG
Certification, refer to
the ECFMG website at:
As an applicant, you are personally responsible for all information disclosed on the application,
including any responses that may have been completed on your behalf or information provided to
you by others. The Board may deny your application based upon omission, falsification or
misrepresentation of any item or response on the application or any attachment. The Board considers
violations of an ethical nature to be a serious breach of professional conduct.
Fingerprints: Applicants who reside in California must complete the electronic Live Scan fingerprint
process. The
Request for Live Scan Service
form may be obtained from the Board’s website. Please refer
to the following website for Live Scan facilities in California:
Applicants residing outside of California must submit two completed fingerprint cards or, if visiting California,
may have their fingerprints completed electronically at a California Live Scan facility.
The Board must receive
Criminal Records Check from both the
California Department of Justice and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation prior to the issuance of a PTL.
Information Privacy Act
The Licensing Program of the Medical Board of California requests this
information to determine your eligibility for a
The Board may reject your application as incomplete if you
fail to provide the requested information
The Board will use the information you provide to verify your identity
and determine your qualifications for licensure per sections 2064.5 and 2080 of the California Business and
Professions Code (BPC), which authorizes the collection of this information.
The Board may transfer the provided information on your application to other medical licensing authorities,
the Federation of State Medical Boards, or other governmental law enforcement agencies.
Custodian Of Records
The Licensing Program Chief is the custodian of records. Access to records by the
individual to whom they pertain may be obtained under the Information Practices Act, Civil Code section
1798.17, by
contacting the Board.
Grounds for Denial:
Each applicant’s credentials for licensure in California are reviewed on an individual
basis. The Board has the authority to deny licensure based upon an applicant’s act of dishonesty,
unprofessional conduct, conviction of a crime, discipline
by a licensing board in or outside of California
, or
inability to practice medicine safely.
See BPC sections 480, 2221, and 2234 for further information.
Priority Review and Expedited Licensure:
Review the additional requirements on qualifying for
Review and Expedited Licensure
as outlined below. The Board will NOT expedite review of your application
nor the licensure process if any of the required documents are missing or do not meet the requirements
Beginning July 1, 2024, the Board shall expedite the initial licensure process for an applicant who is an
duty member of the US Armed Forces and enrolled in the US Department of Defense SkillBridge
program. (BPC section 115.4)
To expedite review of your application, you must attach a copy of the following documentation on the
attachments page of the online application:
Proof of enrollment in the US Department of Defense SkillBridge program, such as a letter signed
by your commanding officer.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 3
Priority Review and Expedited Licensure:
Honorably Discharged Veterans of the United States Armed Forces
The Board is required to expedite the application review and
licensure process for applicants who have
served as active-duty members of the United States Armed Forces and were honorably discharged.
(BPC section 115.4)
To expedite the review of your application, attach a copy of the following documentation on the
attachments page of the online application:
Official orders issued by the United States Armed Forces verifying that you
have been, or will be,
honorably discharged.
Provide Abortions Within the Scope of Practice of Their Medical License
An applicant who demonstrates they intend to provide abortions within the scope of practice of their license
may qualify for expedited application processing, if they provide the B
oard with the documentation identified
below. An “abortion” is any
medical treatment intended to induce the termination of a pregnancy except for
the purpose of producing a live birth.
To expedite the review of your application, you must attach the following documentation with your application:
A letter
declaring your intent to provide abortions; and,
A letter from an employer or health care entity indicating that you have accepted employment or entered into
a contract to provide abortions. This letter must include:
The starting date;
The location where you will be providing abortions; and,
That you will be providing abortions within the scope of practice of your applicable license, in
accordance with BPC sections 2253, 2725.4, and 3502.4.
Spouse or Domestic Partner of an Active-Duty Member of the United States Armed Forces
The Board is required to expedite review of your application and the licensure process
and waive the
application and initial license fee if you are a spouse of, or in a domestic partnership or
other legal union
with, an active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces who is
assigned to a duty station in
California under official active-duty military orders. (BPC section 115.5)
To expedite the review of your application, you must
attach a copy of the following documentation on the
attachments page of the online application.
Evidence that you are married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active
duty member of the United States Armed Forces who is assigned to a duty station in California
under official active-duty military orders,
Evidence of your spouse’s or domestic partner’s official assignment to a duty station in California, and
Evidence that you hold a current, active, and unrestricted medical license in another state, district
or territory of the United States.
Admitted to the United States as a Refugee, Granted Asylum, or Have a Special Immigrant Visa Status
The Board is required to expedite the review of your application and
licensure process for certain
applicants described below. (BPC section 135.4) To have your
application expedited, one of the following
statements must apply to you:
You were
admitted to the United States as a refugee pursuant to section 1157 of title 8 of the
United States Code,
You were
granted asylum by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the United States Attorney
General pursuant to section 1158 of title 8 of the United States Code, or
You have a special immigrant visa and were granted this
status pursuant to section 1244 of Public
Law 110-181, Public Law 109-163, or section 602(b) of title VI of division F of Public Law 111-
relating to Iraqi and Afghan translators/interpreters or those who worked for or on behalf of the
United States government.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 4
Priority Review and
Expedited Licensure: (Continued)
Admitted to the United States as a Refugee, Granted Asylum, or Have a Special Immigrant Visa Status
To expedite the review of your application, you must attach a copy of one of the following documents
your online application:
Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record, with an admission class code,
such as “RE” (Refugee) or
“AY” (Asylee) or other information designating the person a refugee or asylee.
Special immigrant visa that includes the “SI” or “SQ.”
Permanent Resident Card (Form I-
551), commonly known as a “Green Card,” with a category
designation indicating that the person was admitted as a refugee or asylee.
An order from a court of competent jurisdiction or other documentary evidence that provides reasonable
assurance that the applicant qualifies for expedited licensure.
Temporary License for Spouses of Active-Duty Member of the U.S. Armed Forces:
The Board may issue a temporary Postgraduate Training License if you are married to, or in a domestic
partnership or other legal union with, an active-
duty member of the United States Armed Forces who is
assigned to a duty station in California under official active-duty military orders.
A temporary license is valid for a period of 12 months, allowing an applicant to complete the application
process for a PTL. Upon issuance of the temporary license, the licensee will receive a wall certificate and
their temporary license profile will be available on the Board's website License Verification
page, once
You must hold a current, active, and unrestricted medical license in another state, district, or territory of
the United States. You must attach a copy of the following documentation on the attachments page of
your online application:
Evidence that you are married to, or in a domestic partnership or other legal union with, an active
duty member of the United States Armed Forces who is assigned to a duty station in California under
official active-duty military orders,
Evidence of your spouse’s or domestic partner’s official assignment to a duty station in California,
Evidence that you hold a current, active, and unrestricted medical license in another state, district, or
territory of the United States.
For minimum requirements, information, instructions, and forms, please visit the
Physician’s and
Surgeon’s Temporary License page on the Board’s website.
Third Party Services: You may use electronic services to assist in completing your application for licensure.
The Board does not mandate any of the electronic commercial services. For additional information, visit the
Board’s website. The Board is providing this information as a convenience to its applicants.
Third Party Authorization: You can authorize an individual to receive information about the status of your
license application from the Medical Board of California (Board) and/or to authorize an individual to submit
documentation on your behalf to the Board as part of the license application by providing the individual’s name
and email address when completing the online licensing application. If you wish to add an authorized individual
after submitting your license application, you can email the name and email address of the individual(s) to
[email protected], from the email address on file with the Board, or to your reviewer. If you wish
to later rescind your authorization of authorized individual(s), you must notify the Board in writing.
Authorized Representative: You have the option of adding an Authorized Representative to your account
after you register with BreEZe. An authorized representative can perform the following functions for the
physician: make payments, apply for renewals, and maintain license information. To add an Authorized
Representative to your account, the person you want to add must first register with BreEZe and you must
know the Authorized Representative’s BreEZe User ID. You can reference the Adding an Authorized
Representative user guide for a step-by-step tutorial.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 5
Application Preparation:
The online application requires you to provide detailed information. Each page
of the online
application will time out after approximately 15 minutes.
Gather the following information before
starting your online application to avoid your application
from timing out.
Your full legal name and either your Social Security Number or ITIN.
Address of Record, which the Board uses
to contact you and will become public information once
All examinations for licensure you have taken, and date passed (USMLE or LMCC).
Medical school(s) name, mailing address, attendance start and end dates, title of
degree awarded,
and date degree was awarded.
California ACGME-
accredited postgraduate facility name, anticipated attendance dates, and
Previously attended ACGME, RCPSC, or CFPC-
accredited postgraduate training facility name, dates
of attendance, and specialty.
Medical license(s) ever held, issuing U.S. State, Territory, or Canadian Province, including
, but not
limited to, temporary, provisional, or training license(s) regardless of license status.
If applying for priority review and expedited licensure, all documents required to verify you meet the
requirements, as indicated in the “Priority Review and Expedited Licensure” section above.
As indicated below, you may attach some required documents to the Attachments screen of your online
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 6
Listed below are the minimum application materials and supporting documentation required for a
medical school graduate to obtain a PTL. This list is not all-inclusive as additional items may be necessary
based on responses provided on the application or information obtained from other entities.
You are required to submit the following items:
Application, Fees, Fingerprints, Explanations and Timeline of Activities
Postgraduate Training License Application
All items in this application are mandatory. You must submit your application online using the BreEZe
Online Services. Each page of the online application will time out after approximately 15 minutes. This
application requires you to provide detailed information. To help with the completion of the application,
review the “Application Preparation” section of this document to complete each page within the 15-minute
time limit, otherwise the system will time out.
Application Fee - $674.00
You must pay the required application fee for the Board to review your application. The Board will
determine the application received date based on the receipt of both the application and fees.
The application fee includes the required $49 fingerprint-processing fee. These fees are non-refundable.
The application fee of $625 may be waived if you are applying as a spouse of, or in a domestic relationship
or other legal union with, an active-duty member of the United States military. However, you will still be
required to pay the $49 fingerprint-processing fee. To qualify for the fee waiver, you must submit the
required supporting documents listed under “Priority Review and Expedited Licensure.”
Fingerprints: Live Scan Form (CA Only) - OR - Two (2) Fingerprint Cards
If you reside in California, you must complete the electronic Live Scan fingerprint process. You will need
to download the Request for Live Scan Service form from th
e Board’s website. You may upload a copy of
the completed form to your online application.
If you reside outside of California, you must submit two completed fingerprint cards or have your electronic
ints completed at a California Live Scan facility. The Board will mail fingerprint cards to you once
the Board receives your application and the required fees. You must complete all personal data on the
fingerprint cards, or the Board will return the cards to you for completion.
The Board must receive the Criminal Records Check from both the California Department of Justice and
the Federal Bureau of Investigation prior to the issuance of a PTL.
Explanation For Application Question, Form EXP
(If applicable)
You may use this form to provide a detailed written explanation for a “Yes” response to a question on the
Board’s application. A separate Form EXP is required for each question.
Timeline of Activities, Form TOA (If applicable)
Provide the Board with a written chronological description of all professional and non-professional
activities, from the date of graduation, with no gap greater than three months.
If you have completed any externships, observerships, or volunteer activities in California, please include
a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities along with the location and name of the supervising
You must attach the signed and dated Timeline of Activities form to the Attachments screen of your online
application. Once you submit your online application in BreEZe, you cannot go back and submit additional
documents to the Board through BreEZe.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 7
You must contact the appropriate entity to request they submit the documents below directly to the Board.
The Board will NOT accept the following documents if they are submitted by the applicant.
Examination Documentation
ECFMG Certification Status Report:
(International Medical School Graduates Only)
A Certification Status Report from the ECFMG is required to verify the certification is valid. To obtain
further information, visit the ECFMG website at
The Board will only accept an
electronic submission of the Certification Status Report directly from ECFMG or if primary source
verified in the Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) profile.
Official Examination Scores from the appropriate examination entity:
Each examination agency must submit an official examination history report directly to the Board
to be acceptable or if primary source verified in the Federation Credentials Verification Service
(FCVS) profile.
You must request the examination report from the appropriate examination agency’s
website listed below:
USMLE Step 1 and Step 2CK -
LMCC Part I -
Medical Education Documentation
Certificate of Medical Education, Form MED
A Certificate of Medical Education (Form MED) is required from each medical school attended. Complete
the applicant information at the top of the form and send it to the medical school. A medical school official
must complete, sign and date Form MED. Any fields or questions left unanswered will require completion
of a new form.
A "Yes" response to any of the Unusual Circumstance questions on Form MED requires a signed and
dated letter of explanation, on medical school letterhead, from the current medical school official.
The medical school must submit the completed form and/or the letter of explanation directly to the
Board through the Board’s Direct Online Certification Submission DOCS portal if
the applicant has
an open application with the Board.
Official Medical School Transcript
An official medical school transcript and translation (if not in English) is required from each medical school
attended. The transcript must be prepared on the university letterhead affixed with the signature of the
dean or registrar and the medical school seal, documenting all the basic science and clinical courses
completed during the medical curriculum.
A transcript uploaded to the DOCS portal does not require a medical school seal.
The medical school must submit the transcript directly to the Board through the Board’s DOCS
portal if the applicant has an open application with the Board or a Board accepted
Third Party
Certified Copy of Medical School Diploma
international medical school graduates only, a certified copy of the medical school diploma and
translation (if not in English) is required. The certified copy must have the original signature of the dean or
registrar of the medical school affixed with the official medical school seal and include a statement attesting
that the copy is a true and correct copy of the original.
A diploma uploaded to the DOCS portal does not require a medical school seal.
The medical school must submit the certified copy of the diploma directly to the Board through the
Board’s DOCS portal if t
he applicant has an open application with the Board, or a Board accepted
Third Party Service to be acceptable.
Application Information for a Postgraduate Training License Page 8
You must contact the appropriate entity to request they submit the documents below directly to the Board.
The Board will NOT accept the following documents if they are submitted by the applicant.
Medical Education Documentation (Continued)
Certified English Translations
(if applicable)
Certified English translations are required for all academic documents that are not prepared in the English
language. Refer to the Translation of International Academic Credentials information sheet on the Board’s
website for details regarding acceptable English translations.
The translator/agency must mail the official certified translation
with a copy of the original
language document directly to the Board
or the medical school must submit the certified
translation through the Board’s DOCS portal to be acceptable.
Postgraduate Training Documentation
Certificate of Completion of ACGME/RCPSC/CFPC Postgraduate Training, Form PTA-PTB (If applicable)
This form is required to verify your participation in an ACGME, RCPSC, or CFPC-accredited
postgraduate training program(s) attended prior to your current enrollment in a California ACGME-
accredited postgraduate training program, regardless of whether you completed the program or
received partial credit or no credit. A Certificate of Completion of ACGME/RCPSC/CFPC Postgraduate
Training, Form PTA-PTB, is required to verify the number of months of credit received for Board-approved
postgraduate training. You
must submit a form to each postgraduate training program attended for
completion. Each program you attended must submit a PTA-PTB form to verify training.
The current program director or the designated institutional official (DIO) must provide all required information
and responses on the form and sign, and date the form. A program seal or notary is not required when
submitted through DOCS.
A "Yes" response to any of the Unusual Circumstances question(s) on Form PTA requires a signed and
dated letter of explanation, on facility letterhead, from the current program director or the DIO.
The program must submit the completed Form PTA-PTB and/or letter directly to the Board through
the Board’s DOCS portal if the resident has an open application with the Board to be acceptable.
Postgraduate Training License Enrollment Form, Form EF
Proof of enrollment in a California ACGME-accredited postgraduate training program is required. Complete
the applicant information and submit the form to the current training program for completion.
The current program director or the DIO must provide all required information and responses on the form.
The program must submit the completed Form EF through the Board’s DOCS portal if the resident
has an open application with the Board.
you move, transfer to another program, are
terminated, resign, or take a leave of absence resulting in a
change to
your anticipated program completion date, the program director or the DIO must submit a
Status Update/Change Form
, within 30 days of the change of status directly to the Board
by mail to be