The upcoming TEKS featured will display removals and additions in bold to help build a better understanding of the
TEKS in Focus highlights key concepts and student expectations to assist educators in implementing the science
Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). The vertical progression of a concept within the science TEKS is
provided with a side-by-side view of the changes being implemented in 2024.
Focus: Vertical Alignment of Physical and Chemical Properties
Level of
Prior TEKS TEKS Implementing in 2024
K.5 Matter and energy. The student knows
that objects have properties and patterns.
The student is expected to:
K.5.A observe and record properties of
objects, including bigger or smaller, heavier
or lighter, shape, color, and texture; and
K.6 Matter and its properties. The student
knows that objects have physical properties
that determine how they are described and
classified. The student is expected to:
identify and record observable physical
properties of objects, including shape, color,
texture, and material, and generate ways to
classify objects.
Grade 1
1.5.A classify objects by observable
properties such as larger and smaller,
heavier and lighter, shape, color, and
1.6.A classify objects by observable physical
properties, including shape, color, and texture,
and attributes such as larger and smaller and
heavier and lighter;
Grade 2
2.5.A classify matter by physical properties,
including relative temperature, texture,
flexibility, and whether material is a solid or
2.6.A classify matter by observable physical
properties, including texture, flexibility, and
relative temperature, and identify whether a
material is a solid or liquid;
Grade 3
3.5.A measure test, and record physical
properties of matter, including temperature,
mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or
3.6.A measure, test, and record physical
properties of matter, including temperature,
mass, magnetism, and the ability to sink or float
in water;
Grade 4
4.5.A measure, compare, and contrast
physical properties of matter, including
mass, volume, states (solid, liquid, and gas),
temperature, magnetism, and the ability to
sink or float;
4.6.A classify and describe matter using
observable physical properties, including
temperature, mass, magnetism, relative
density (the ability to sink or float in water),
and physical state (solid, liquid, gas);
Grade 5
5.5.A classify matter based on measurable,
testable, and observable physical properties,
including mass, magnetism, physical state
(solid, liquid, and gas), relative density
(sinking and floating using water as a
reference point), solubility in water, and the
ability to conduct or insulate thermal energy
or electric energy;
5.6.A compare and contrast matter based on
measurable, testable, or observable physical
properties, including mass, magnetism, relative
density (sinking and floating using water as a
reference point), physical state (solid, liquid,
gas), volume, solubility in water, and the ability
to conduct or insulate thermal energy and
electric energy;
Key Changes in Physical Properties: Elementary
Kindergarten: addition of classification of properties
Grades 13: added specificity
Grade 4: added specificity and removed volume
Grade 5: added volume
The upcoming TEKS featured will display removals and additions in bold to help build a better understanding of the
Focus: Vertical Alignment of Physical and Chemical Properties
Middle School
Level of
Prior TEKS TEKS Implementing in 2024
Grade 6
6.6.A compare metals, nonmetals, and
metalloids using physical properties such as
luster, conductivity, or malleability;
6.6.B calculate density to identify an unknown
6.5 Matter and energy. The student knows the
differences between elements and
compounds. The student is expected to:
6.5.B recognize that a limited number of the
many known elements comprise the largest
portion of solid Earth, living matter, oceans,
and the atmosphere; and The elemental
composition of the Earth was deleted from
middle school.
6.6 Matter and energy. The student knows
matter has physical properties that can be
used for classification. The student is
expected to:
6.6.C test the physical properties of minerals,
including hardness, color, luster, and streak.
6.6.A compare solids, liquids, and gases in terms of
their structure, shape, volume, and kinetic energy of
atoms and molecules;
6.6.C identify elements on the periodic table as
metals, nonmetals, metalloids , and rare Earth
elements based on their physical properties and
importance to modern life;
6.6.D compare the density of substances relative to
various fluids; and
Grade 7
------------- -------------
Grade 8
8.6.C describe the properties of cohesion, adhesion,
and surface tension in water and relate to observable
phenomena such as the formation of droplets,
transport in plants, and insects walking on water;
8.6.D compare and contrast the properties of acids
and bases, including pH relative to water; and
Key Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties: Middle School
Grade 6: elements and compounds moved to grade 7. Classification by physical properties moved to
elementary. The properties of minerals and elemental composition of Earth were removed. A comparison
of states of matter with kinetic energy of atoms and molecules was added. Students are no longer
expected to calculate density, but rather, compare densities relative to various fluids.
Grade 8: properties of water (cohesion, adhesion, and surface tension) were added. The properties of
acids and bases were added.
The upcoming TEKS featured will display removals and additions in bold to help build a better understanding of the
Focus: Vertical Alignment of Physical and Chemical Properties
High School
Level of
Prior TEKS
TEKS Implementing in 2024
Chem.4.A differentiate between physical
and chemical changes and properties;
Chem.4.B identify extensive properties such
as mass and volume and intensive
properties such as density and melting
Chem.4.C compare solids, liquids, and gases
in terms of compressibility, structure,
shape, and volume; and
Chem.4.D classify matter as pure
substances or mixtures through
investigation of their properties.
Chem.5.B identify and explain the
properties of chemical families, including
alkali metals, alkaline earth metals,
halogens, noble gases, and transition metals,
using the Periodic Table; and
Chem.10.E distinguish among types of
solutions such as electrolytes and
nonelectrolytes; unsaturated, saturated,
and supersaturated solutions; and strong
and weak acids and bases;
Chem.10.G define acids and bases and
distinguish between Arrhenius and
Bronsted-Lowry definitions and predict
products in acid‐base reactions that form
water; and
Chem.10.H define pH and calculate the pH
of a solution using the hydrogen ion
Chem.5.B predict the properties of elements in
chemical families, including alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases,
and transition metals, based on valence
electrons patterns using the Periodic Table; and
Chem.6.B describe the structure of atoms and
ions, including the masses, electrical charges,
and locations of protons and neutrons in the
nucleus and electrons in the electron cloud;
Chem 12.C differentiate between strong and
weak acids and bases;
Chem.12.B define acids and bases and
distinguish between Arrhenius and Bronsted-
Lowry definitions;
Chem.12.E define pH and calculate the pH of a
solution using the hydrogen ion concentration.
Key Changes in Physical and Chemical Properties: Chemistry
Many of the concepts related to introducing physical and chemical properties to students have moved to
rades 38
asic atomic structure has moved from grade 8 to high school chemistry.
Defining acids and bases and predicting the products of reactions were split into two separate Student
The types of solutions and acids and bases were split into two separate Student Expectations.
TEKS in Focus spotlights concepts or student expectations to bolster TEKS alignment, rigor, and collective
understanding monthly. It does not suggest an order or timing but is designed to help educators comprehend TEKS
changes, serving as a guide when relevant to classroom instruction.