Average Monthly Operating Cost for
Urban and Lantau Taxis
Urban Taxis
Rentee-Driver (for one shift)
For a rentee-driver, the cost of operating taxi service comprises
mainly taxi rental and fuel cost. The average monthly operating costs for
an urban rentee-driver (for one shift) over the past ten years are set out
Average Monthly Operating Cost
1998 2004
(Jan. - Mar.)
Rental $7,658 $8,559 $9,009
Fuel $3,735 $1,829 $2,948
Total $11,393 $10,388 $11,957
(table 1)
Taxi Owner (for one taxi)
2. The operating cost borne by a taxi owner includes parking,
maintenance, insurance and other miscellaneous costs. The average monthly
operating costs for an urban taxi borne by the owner over the past ten years
are set out below.
Average Monthly Operating Cost
1998 2004
(Jan. - Mar.)
Maintenance cost $3,417 $1,932 $2,119
Parking, insurance
and other
miscellaneous costs
$4,643 $4,924 $4,817
Total $8,060 $6,856 $6,936
(table 2)
LC Paper No. CB(1)157/08-09(03)
3. While the actual amount of cost borne by each individual owner
may vary from one to another depending on the actual circumstances such as
the way of financing the purchase of taxi licence, the total cost should have
been indirectly reflected in the taxi rental paid by the rentee-drivers as
shown in table 1 above.
Lantau Taxis
Rentee-Driver (for one shift)
4. For a rentee-driver, the cost of operating taxi service comprises
mainly taxi rental and fuel cost. The average monthly operating costs for a
Lantau rentee-driver (for one shift) over the past ten years are set out below.
Average Monthly Operating Cost
1998 2004
(Jan. - Mar.)
Rental $9,509 $14,127 $15,300
Fuel $5,859 $3,213 $7,650
Total $15,368 $17,340 $22,950
(table 3)
Taxi Owner (for one taxi)
5. The operating cost borne by a taxi owner includes parking,
maintenance, insurance and other miscellaneous costs. The average monthly
operating costs for a Lantau taxi borne by the owner over the past ten years
are set out below.
Average Monthly Operating Cost
1998 2004
(Jan. - Mar.)
Maintenance cost $2,910 $2,676 $3,396
Parking, insurance
and other
miscellaneous costs
$3,810 $4,939 $5,347
Total $6,720 $7,615 $8,743
(table 4)
6. While the actual amount of cost borne by each individual owner
may vary from one to another depending on the actual circumstances such as
the way of financing the purchase of taxi licence, the total cost should have
been indirectly reflected in the taxi rental paid by the rentee-drivers as
shown in table 3 above.
Transport and Housing Bureau
Transport Department
November 2008