1. Answer the questions with your significant other. (Not buying together? Skip to #3.)
2. Discuss, deliberate, have a brief existential crisis, question your place in the world and everything, then calmly come to an
agreement. No seriously: You’re going to disagree about some things. This worksheet is a chance to talk those differences out.
3. Take these answers to your real estate agent, who will be overjoyed you aren’t a hot mess!
Remember: There are no right answers. Only your answers.
Section #1 | Hopes and Dreams
Objective: Acknowledge your underlying reasons for wanting to buy a home.
“I Wanna Buy A House!”
Why are you buying a home?
Check all that apply. If there’s one reason you feel speaks especially to you, circle it with some hearts. Y’know. If you want.
Any other reasons?
In your own words, what’s the most important thing to you about owning a home?
The feeling of accomplishment? The yard? Entertaining? The garage? The extra bedroom for the in-laws?
How would you describe the right neighborhood for you right now?
Quiet? Bustling? Filled with lots of same-age families?
Because I’ve always
wanted to own a home
For the tax benefits
Sick of my rent going up
Because I’m getting married /
we want a place to raise a family
To get into a good school district
To build a nest egg for retirement
Because we need a bigger place
To rent it out / extra income
For the ability to update /
design how I wish
@HouseLogic @HouseLogic
Section #2 | Your Support Network
Objective: Set your expectations for your friends, family, and any expert partners (agents, lawyers, etc.) you may work
with along the way.
Section #3 | The Property
Objective: Get a handle on your knowledge and assumptions about what you want in a home.
Name specific friends, family, and expert partners who will fill these roles.
Which of these most closely resembles the house you’re looking for?
Craftsman Modern Victorian Townhouse/condo Split level
Colonial Tudor Cape Cod Ranch Other?
Describe the ideal house you want to buy.
Someplace with a two-car garage? Someplace that will increase in value quickly?
Will anybody be buying or
co-signing with you? Your
significant other? Your parents?
Who will be guiding you along the way?
Who will be helping you pick
the right place?
Emotional/Texting Support
Who will always be there when you
need them?
@HouseLogic @HouseLogic
Number of Bedrooms:
Number of Bathrooms:
Approximate Square Footage:
Dedicated parking or garage
Central air
Fenced-in yard
Hardwood floors
Open concept
Stone countertops
Lots of storage space
Walkable neighborhood
Close to parks
Close to pool
Close to public transportation
Which neighborhoods are you interested in?
Rank in order of preference.
Which of the following features do you want?
Indicate your preference for each feature below.
Do you have any must-haves?
Rank in order of preference.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Want Need Not important
@HouseLogic @HouseLogic
Very Good
740 to 799
670 to 739
Below Average
580 to 669
579 and lower
All of it. No,
seriously. All of it.
Most of it. As long as I have
money left over for
vacations and Netflix.
Some of it. My home
isn’t the end-all-be-all
of my life.
A little of it. It’s just
a place to sleep.
Yes, I have been pre-approved. No, I haven’t been pre-approved. I need some help understanding pre-approval.
Most important room or specialty room?
Rec room? Formal dining room? Work out room?
How much do you currently spend on housing each month? How much more or less do you want to spend once you buy?
How’s your credit?
Better credit is better for you. But don’t worry − there are options even if your credit isn’t perfect.
How much of your monthly income are you planning to spend on your home?
Slightly important question.
Have you been pre-approved for a mortgage yet?
Pre-approval shows your agent and the home sellers that you’re serious!
Anything else?
Section #4 | Finances
Objective: Get a handle on your financial situation.
@HouseLogic @HouseLogic
Section #5 | Your Outlook
Objective: Help your agent know how you’re feeling, what you’re confident about, and where you could use a little bit of
And we’re done!
Now that you have a handle on what you’re
looking for and what you expect, it’s time to
interview and select a real estate agent who will
help you get the home you want. Find out how
Which parts of the buying process are you particularly excited or nervous about?
Only the unbalanced are excited about the mortgage process. Just sayin’.
Working with an agent
Shopping online for homes
Getting a loan
Open houses
Making an offer
Moving in
Nervous Neutral Excited
@HouseLogic @HouseLogic