© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Direct, secure, private connection to AWS
Cloud Connect:
eLynk to AWS
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
The purpose of this document provides an end-to-end walk through for setting up
Hosted Direct Connect for the first-time using Lumen Cloud Connect.
Information contained is provided to serve as a supplement to AWS documentation
linked throughout this document. Check the provided links to obtain the most up-to-date
information and for more details for AWS processes.
Disclaimer: The material in this guide is for informational purposes only and is taken from AWS material. All AWS related
configuration information is based on the AWS console configuration instructions from the Amazon.
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
1. Background information: what is Direct Connect?
2. Background information: getting started with AWS Direct Connect
3. Topology: Hosted Cloud Connect for AWS Direct Connect
4. Roles and responsibilities
5. Request Lumen Cloud Connect service
6. Lumen provisions Cloud Connect to AWS
7. Accept the AWS Hosted Connection
8. Access AWS Direct Connect resources
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Background information
What is AWS Direct Connect
AWS Direct Connect links your internal network
to an AWS Direct Connect location.
One end of the connection is connected to your
CPE at your premise location, the other to an
AWS Direct Connect router.
With this connection in place, you will have an
AWS Hosted Connection to the AWS cloud
service, bypassing the public Internet.
An AWS Direct Connect location provides access
to Amazon Web Services in the region it is
associated with, as well as access to other US
For example, you can provision a single
connection to any AWS Direct Connect location
in the US and use it to access public AWS
services in all US regions.
Lumen Equipment
Lumen Cage
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Background information, cont.
Getting Started with AWS Direct Connect: https://aws.amazon.com/directconnect/getting-started/
This document is for a Hosted Connection using AWS Direct Connect.
The supporting service ordered from Lumen is eLynk Cloud Connect service to AWS.
The 3rd option in the 3 scenarios below (screenshot from the AWS Direct Connect Getting Started
webpage) is applicable to this Lumen service type.
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Topology: Hosted Cloud Connect for AWS Direct Connect
Private VPC(s)
AWS Public Services
All IP addressing and BGP configurations are your sole responsibility as Lumen doesn’t participate at
layer-3 routing with this service type.
Any NAT configuration that is required due to the use of any AWS Public Services will be your
Direct Connect
AWS Data
Lumen PE
BGP Peers
AWS Compute
AWS Public Services
layer-3 device
VLANs across separate VLANs
on Lumen eLynk EVC(s)
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Roles and responsibilities
Setting up AWS Direct Connect connectivity End customer Lumen AWS
Set up connectivity to AWS Direct Connect location
Order lumen hosted cloud connect service(s) to AWS Direct Connect X
Decide on the type of VIF required (transit, public or private) X
Create virtual circuit to AWS and Hosted Connection within AWS X
Monitor virtual circuit to AWS X
Set up BGP peering between customer edge and AWS edge device
Configure BGP peering on your layer-3 device facing AWS
Configure BGP peering on AWS side via portal facing customer
Link services on AWS to the Hosted Connection
Accept the Hosted Connection via AWS console X
Create and link virtual interface, virtual private gateway, direct connect / transit gateway (as applicable)
using the AWS console
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Request Lumen Cloud Connect service
To order a Lumen Cloud Connect to AWS Direct Connect, contact your Lumen representative.
Information needed by Lumen to complete the connection:
AWS account ID
AWS service(s) you are connecting to
Virtual private cloud (VPC) / virtual interface (VIF) requirements virtual private cloud (VPC) / virtual
interface (VIF) requirements
Identify how many VPCs/VIFs you need connectivity to
Each VPC/VIF requires a separate logical connection with eLynk Cloud Connect from
Determine the amount of bandwidth needed on the eLynk EVC to AWS
Note: Maximum bandwidth per eLynk EVC is 3Gbps
Note: If you intend to use a transit gateway/transit VIF, AWS requires you to have a minimum
1Gbps Hosted Connection
Which AWS region and/or direct connect location do you require connectivity to
What contractual term length is desired (1 year, 3 years, 5 years, etc.)
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Lumen provisions Cloud Connect to AWS
Upon network order submission, Lumen provisions a layer-2 eLynk ethernet virtual
circuit (EVC) and supplies you with an AWS Hosted Connection within your AWS
account at the appropriate Direct Connect location / AWS region.
Lumen completes configuration, and provides you with the information you need to
document and complete the layer-2 and layer-3 turn-up on the AWS side using the AWS
Appropriate IP subnet(s)
Autonomous system number (ASN) info: AS number and BGP authorization key
You need to configure of all required IP addressing and BGP routing on your layer-3 device at your
location. You’re also responsible for NAT configurations required for AWS public services.
Lumen will create a Hosted Connection for you to accept within the AWS console. You will be
responsible for accepting the Hosted Connection within your AWS account upon order completion.
(see next page)
Upon provisioning completion by Lumen, you will receive the configuration information from Lumen
with instructions for order completion, activation scheduling, etc. as applicable to your order.
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Accept the AWS Hosted Connection
Learn how to accept the AWS Hosted Connection within the AWS Console
For issues or questions, reference the AWS user guide.
© 2021 Lumen Technologies. All Rights Reserved.
Access AWS Direct Connect resources
Overview https://aws.amazon.com/directconnect/
AWS user guide https://docs.aws.amazon.com/directconnect/latest/UserGuide/Welcome.html
VPC endpoints http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonVPC/latest/UserGuide/vpc-endpoints.html
Pricing https://aws.amazon.com/directconnect/pricing/
There are different price rates for traffic to the local AWS region and remote AWS regions
How to configure http://docs.aws.amazon.com/directconnect/latest/UserGuide/getstarted_sub1g_provider.html
AWS Direct Connect
Notes Traffic to/From AWS is rate limited to a maximum of 3 Gbps when using a hosted virtual interface. Higher bandwidths are
available from Lumen and AWS via Dedicated Cross Connect solutions. For more information, contact your Lumen
A Lumen eLynk Cloud Connect service supports a single Hosted Connection to a single virtual interface (VIF) / VPC or a single
Direct Connect gateway. To support additional VIFs/VPCs/Direct Connect gateways, please order additional Cloud Connect
eLynk EVC connections.