Controlled Unclassified Information
September 3, 2020
Information Security
Markings are for training purposes only
For Open Publication
Department of Defense
Sep 15, 2020
Table of Contents
Markings are for training purposes only
Process for CUI Determination 3
Marking Guidelines for Unclassified Documents Containing CUI 4
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents 5
Marking Guidelines for Classified Documents Containing CUI 11
CUI Markings for Classified Documents 12
CUI Designation Indicator 15
Limited Dissemination Controls 16
Distribution Statements 17
Use of NOFORN Marking with CUI 18
Use of REL TO Markings with CUI 19
Cover Sheet and Label 20
Decontrol 21
CUI Registry 21
Process for CUI Determination
Markings are for training purposes only
Does the
information meet
the standards for
classification in
accordance with
DoDI 5200.01?
Does the
information fall
within a law,
regulation, or
Identify the category(ies)
the information falls within.
Go to DoDI 5200.01 for
guidance on processing
classified information.
DoD CUI Registry
This information
cannot be marked as
To determine if unclassified information in your document is CUI, check the information against
the CUI Registry. Does it potentially fit within a broad category of CUI? Examples of some
common categories would be Privacy, Legal, Budget.
At a minimum, CUI markings for unclassified documents will include:
acronym “CUI” at the top and bottom of each page
CUI designation indicator.
Do not add “UNCLASSIFIED” before ”CUI.”
Do not add the CUI category to the top and bottom of the page. The category is listed in the CUI
designation indicator block.
Portion markings are optional on unclassified documents. However, if annotated, they must be
applied to all portions, to include subjects, titles, paragraphs, subparagraphs, bullet points,
figures, charts, tables, etc. Do not apply portion markings to the CUI designation indicator.
The CUI designation indicator must be annotated on the first page or cover of all documents
containing CUI.
Line 1: the name of the DoD Component (not required if identified in the letterhead)
Line 2: identification of the office creating the document
Line 3: identification of the categories contained in the document
Line 4: applicable distribution statement or limited dissemination control (LDC)
Line 5: name and phone number or email of POC
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Marking Guidelines for Unclassified Documents Containing CUI
Markings are for training purposes only
Markings are for training purposes only
Example of markings on a CUI document without portion markings.
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
Example of markings on a CUI document with portion markings.
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
If all the sub-paragraphs or sub-
bullet points carry the same
classification as the main
paragraph or bullet point,
portion marking is not required
for the sub-paragraphs or sub-
bullet points.
However, if any of the sub-
paragraphs or sub-bullet
points carry different
classifications from the main
paragraph or bullet point,
portion marking is required
for all the sub-paragraphs or
sub-bullet points as
demonstrated here.
Portions include subjects,
titles, paragraphs and sub-
paragraphs, bullet points and
sub-bullet points, headings,
pictures, graphs, charts,
maps, reference list, etc.
The CUI designation indicator
block does not require a
portion mark.
Portion marks
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
First impressions matter!
There’s no point doing work if others don’t know about it or
can’t understand what you did.
Good practice for any career!
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
Example of markings on a CUI slide presentation without portion markings.
Pow erPoint
Present at ion Tips
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): PRVCY
Limited Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
Example of markings on a CUI slide presentation with portion markings.
(U) Pow erPoint
Present at ion Tips
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): PRVCY
Limited Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
(U) First impressions matter!
(CUI) There’s no point doing work if others don’t know about
it or can’t understand what you did.
(U) Good practice for any career!
Minimum markings
Portion markings included
Banner line
CUI Designation Indicator
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
Banner line
CUI Designation Indicator
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
Minimum markings
Portion markings included
Banner line
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
Banner line
CUI Markings for Unclassified Documents
The CUI designation indicator block does not need to be placed on an unclassified e-mail that serves as
a transmittal document for a CUI document. As an option, the banner and footer lines can read:
CUI (with attachment)
Documents containing classified information will be marked in accordance with DoDM
5200.01, Volume 2. All documents will be portion marked, contain the overall classification,
and include the classification authority block.
CUI markings in classified documents will appear in portions known to contain only CUI and
will be marked as “(CUI).” If possible, segregate CUI from classified portions. If this is not
possible, the portion marking will reflect the highest classification level in the portion.
“CUI” will not appear in the banner line.
Classified documents containing CUI will include both the CUI designation indicator and the
classification authority block.
A warning statement will be placed at the bottom of the first page of multi-page documents
alerting readers to the presence of CUI in a classified DoD document:
This content is classified at the [insert highest classification level of the source data] level and may
contain elements of controlled unclassified information (CUI), unclassified, or information classified
at a lower level than the overall classification displayed. This content shall not be used as a source
of derivative classification; refer instead to [cite specific reference, where possible, or state
the applicable classification guide(s)]. It must be reviewed for both Classified National
Security Information (CNSI) and CUI in accordance with DoDI 5230.09 prior to public release.
[Add a point of contact when needed.]
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
Marking Guidelines for Classified Documents Containing CUI
Check the unclassified information in your document against the CUI Registry. Does it
potentially fit within a broad category of CUI? Examples of some common categories
would be Privacy, Legal, Budget.
Apply portion marks to entire document.
Add overall classification to top and bottom of the document. The overall classification is
determined by the portion markings. Do not include CUI in the overall classification.
Add the classification authority block.
Add the CUI designation indicator.
If all the sub-paragraphs or sub-bullet
points carry the same classification as
the main paragraph or bullet point,
portion marking is not required for the
sub-paragraphs or sub-bullet points.
However, if any of the sub-paragraphs or sub-
bullet points carry different classifications from
the main paragraph or bullet point, portion
marking is required for the sub-paragraphs or
sub-bullet points.
CUI Markings for Classified Documents
References: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
DoDM 5200.01, Volume 2, DoD Information Security Program: Marking of Information, Enclosure 3
statement: placed
on the first page
of multi-page
containing CUI
”CUI” is not
placed in banner
All portions,
including the CUI
portions, are
Portion marking is
mandatory on
classified documents.
Portions include
titles, subjects,
paragraphs and sub-
paragraphs, bullet
points, charts, etc.
The categories
and dissemination
controls are not
carried forward to
the banner line.
Markings are for training purposes only
Both the classification
authority block and
CUI designation
indicator are placed
at the bottom of the
first page.
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4
Markings are for training purposes only
Example of markings on a classified slide presentation including CUI.
(U) First impressions matter!
(CUI) There’s no point doing work if others don’t know about
it or can’t understand what you did.
(U) Good practice for any career!
CUI Markings for Classified Documents
(U) Pow erPoint
Present at ion Tips
Classified By: Scott Smith, Program Analyst
Derived From: DGW Memo, dtd June 5, 2015,
same subject
Declassify On: 20250605
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): PRVCY
Limited Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Markings are for training purposes only
Step 1: Apply portion marks.
Step 2: Add overall classification to top and bottom of the document.
The overall classification is determined by the portion markings. Do not
include CUI in the overall classification.
Step 3: Add CUI warning statement.
Step 4: Add the classification authority block.
Step 5: Add the CUI designation indicator.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
CUI Markings for Classified Documents
CUI Designation Indicator
Controlled by: insert the name of the DoD component if not otherwise identified in the letterhead
Controlled by: insert the name of the office creating the document and making the CUI determination
CUI Category: identify all types of CUI contained in the document
Distribution/Limited Dissemination Control: insert applicable distribution statement or LDC*
POC: include the name and phone number or office mailbox for the originating DoD component or authorized CUI holder
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): NNPI
Distribution/Limited Dissemination Control: NOFORN
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4(f)
The CUI designation indicator must be readily apparent and shall appear only on the first page or cover. It is placed at
the bottom right side of all documents containing CUI, including classified documents.
The CUI designation indicator is comparable to the classification authority block used for classified documents.
However, it is not carried over from a source document to a newly created document. The CUI designation indicator
will be individualized for each document containing CUI.
Do not confuse the CUI LDC with the dissemination controls that are authorized for use on
classified documents. While there may be similarities, for the most part, the CUI LDCs are not
carried forward to the banner line. The CUI LDCs apply to the document. Dissemination
controls on classified documents apply to specific information and are annotated in the
portion markings and carried forward to the banner line.
For unclassified documents containing CUI, only those dissemination controls specified and
required by law, regulation, or government-wide policy will be annotated in the banner line.
Markings are for training purposes only
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): PRVCY, OPSEC
Distribution/Limited Dissemination Control: FEDCON
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Note: FEDCON will not be placed in the
banner line.
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): PRVCY, OPSEC
Distribution Statement: C
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Note: The distribution statement will not
be placed in the banner line.
Note: Because NNPI must be marked
NOFORN, any portions containing NNPI will
be portion marked (CUI//NF). Because NF
is in the portion marking, NOFORN will be
placed in the banner line.
Limited Dissemination Controls
LDCs are CUI executive agent-approved controls agencies may use to limit or specify CUI dissemination.
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 4.2
Access to CUI should be encouraged and permitted to the extent that access or determination:
Abides by the laws, regulations, or Government-wide policies that established the information as CUI.
Furthers a lawful government purpose.
Is not restricted by an authorized limited dissemination control established by the CUI executive agent.
Is not otherwise prohibited by law.
Agencies may place limits on disseminating CUI for a lawful government purpose only using the dissemination
controls listed in Table 2 of DoDI 5200.48 or methods authorized by a specific law, regulation, or government-wide
LDCs or distribution statements cannot unnecessarily restrict CUI access.
Markings are for training purposes only
Distribution Statements
The distribution statement will be reflected in the CUI designation indicator and will be annotated
in full on the first page or cover of the document.
Distribution Statements
Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
Distribution Statement B: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only [fill in reason
and date of determination]. Other requests for this document shall be referred to [insert controlling
DoD office].
Distribution Statement C: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors
[fill in reason and date of determination]. Other requests for this document shall be referred to
[insert controlling DoD office].
Distribution Statement D: Distribution authorized to Department of Defense and U.S. DoD
contractors only [insert reason and date of determination]. Other requests for this document shall
be referred to [insert controlling DoD office].
Distribution Statement E: Distribution authorized to DoD Components only [fill in reason and date of
determination]. Other requests shall be referred to [insert controlling DoD office].
Distribution Statement F: Further dissemination only as directed by [insert controlling DoD office and
date of determination] or higher DoD authority.
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)/DDI(CL&S)
CUI Category: CTI
Distribution Statement B
POC: James Smith, 703-555-0123
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.7.c.(1)
Markings are for training purposes only
Distribution statements will be used with:
CUI export-controlled information
Other scientific, technical, and engineering information
Controlled technical information
Export controlled information must also be marked with an export control warning as directed
in DoDI 5230.24, DoDD 5230.25, and Part 250 of Title 32, CFR.
WARNING - This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms
Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C., Sec 2751, et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979
(Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 et seq.), as amended. Violations of these export laws are subject to
severe criminal penalties. Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.
Use of NOFORN Marking with CUI
Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals (NOFORN) is an explicit foreign release marking used to indicate intelligence
information that may not be released in any form to foreign governments, foreign nationals, foreign organizations, or non-
U.S. citizens. It can also be applied to controlled unclassified intelligence information properly characterized as CUI.
DoD exceptions to use of NOFORN. DoD allows the following types of non-intelligence information (classified and
unclassified) to be marked as NOFORN:
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Information (NNPI).
Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI).
National Disclosure Policy (NDP-1).
Cover and cover support information.
Can be applied to unclassified information properly categorized as CUI having a licensing or export control
NOFORN is always carried forward to the banner line.
Marking Requirements for CUI
Portion markings.
o Portion markings are optional. However, if portion
markings are annotated, they must be applied to all
portions, to include subjects, titles, headings, paragraphs,
subparagraphs, bullet points, etc.
o Portions containing CUI NOFORN information will be
annotated “(CUI//NF).”
Banner line.
o At a minimum, CUI markings for unclassified documents
will include the acronym “CUI” at the top and bottom of
each page.
o If there is NOFORN information in the document, this will
be reflected in the banner line as shown in this example.
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): NNPI
Limited Dissemination Controls: NOFORN
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
(U) Marking Requirements for CUI
(U) Portion markings.
o (CUI//NF) Portion markings are optional. However, if portion
markings are annotated, they must be applied to all portions,
to include subjects, titles, headings, paragraphs,
subparagraphs, bullet points, etc.
o (U) Portions containing CUI NOFORN information will be
annotated “(CUI//NF).”
(U) Banner line.
o (CUI) At a minimum, CUI markings for unclassified documents
will include the acronym “CUI” at the top and bottom of each
o (CUI//NF) If there is NOFORN information in the document,
this will be reflected in the banner line as shown in this
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): NNPI
Limited Dissemination Controls: NOFORN
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Minimum markings
Portion markings included
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4.d.
Markings are for training purposes only
Use of REL TO Markings with CUI
Authorized For Release To (REL TO) markings:
An explicit foreign disclosure and release marking to indicate the information has been predetermined by
the originator to be releasable to foreign countries or international organizations through established
foreign disclosure procedures and channels. Consult your Foreign Disclosure Office for specifics on CUI.
Can only be applied, when warranted and consistent with relevant law, regulation, government-wide policy,
or DoD policy, to information properly categorized as CUI with an export control or licensing requirement
with a foreign disclosure agreement in place.
Export-controlled CUI transfers to foreign persons must be in accordance with the Arms Export Control Act,
International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Export Control Reform Act, Export Administration Regulations, and
DoDI 2040.02. In accordance with DoDDs 5230.11 and 5230.20, a positive foreign disclosure decision must
be made before CUI is released to a foreign entity.
operational CUI not related to intelligence may be marked as REL TO.
Marking Requirements for CUI
Portion markings.
o Portion markings are optional. However, if portion
markings are annotated, they must be applied to all
portions, to include subjects, titles, headings, paragraphs,
subparagraphs, bullet points, etc.
o Portions containing CUI REL TO information will be
annotated “(CUI//REL TO).”
Banner line.
o At a minimum, CUI markings for unclassified documents
will include the acronym “CUI” at the top and bottom of
each page.
o If there is REL TO information in the document, this will
be reflected in the banner line as shown in this example.
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): NNPI
Limited Dissemination Control: REL TO USA, FVEY
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
(U) Marking Requirements for CUI
(U) Portion markings.
o (CUI//REL TO) Portion markings are optional. However, if
portion markings are annotated, they must be applied to all
portions, to include subjects, titles, headings, paragraphs,
subparagraphs, bullet points, etc.
o (U) Portions containing CUI REL TO information will be
annotated “(CUI//REL TO).”
(U) Banner line.
o (CUI) At a minimum, CUI markings for unclassified
documents will include the acronym “CUI” at the top and
bottom of each page.
o (CUI//REL TO) If there is REL TO information in the
document, this will be reflected in the banner line as shown
in this example.
Controlled by: OUSD(I&S)
Controlled by: CL&S INFOSEC
CUI Category(ies): NNPI
Limited Dissemination Control: REL TO USA, FVEY
POC: John Brown, 703-555-0123
Minimum markings
Portion markings included
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.4.d.(3)
Markings are for training purposes only
Note: “REL TO” is always carried forward to the banner line. However, if there are portions marked NF and
portions marked REL TO in the same document, NOFORN takes precedence and will be annotated in the banner
Cover Sheet and Label
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.3.d
Markings are for training purposes only
SF 901, CUI Cover Sheet
SF 902, CUI Label
Reference: DoDI 5200.48, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), para. 3.3.d
Markings are for training purposes only
There are no timelines to decontrol CUI unless specifically required in a law, regulation, or
government-wide policy.
Decontrol will occur when the CUI no longer requires safeguarding.
Agencies must decontrol CUI, unless doing so conflicts with the related law, regulation, or
government-wide policy.
Decontrolling CUI through the public release process relieves authorized holders from
CUI Registry
The DoD CUI Registry:
Provides an official list of the Indexes and Categories used to identify the various types of CUI used in
Mirrors the National CUI Registry
The registry is located on the NIPRNet Intelink Sharepoint site at:
Future state: the DoD CUI Registry will be located at