Section V: Get Ready to Talk Cold Calls and Interview Preparation
Sections I IV helped you gather the information and tools for a successful search for work
experience. Key tools/topics reviewed included:
Self-assessment to understand your strengths and skills. Also feedback, referrals and
suggestions from friends, relatives and other adults about potential work experience
An update of your personal data form so it is ready to use. (Make sure that you have 3
references with contact information who are ready to speak about you)
A nice-looking resume
Appropriate working papers issued by your school district (if you are under 18).
Having forms ready to use that will help you keep track of what agencies/ employers
you contact, where you submit an application, and what username and password you
use for an online application. Be organized!
Now it’s time to use these tools to contact and pursue work experience opportunities in a live
setting it’s time to talk!
1) Cold calls: Sometimes there are opportunities available that are “hidden - the employer
has not advertised an available position. Cold calling is when you contact an agency or
business directly to ask if they have any jobs available. You can make a cold call in person by
going to the location and asking to speak to the manager. You can also make a cold call by
phone. Either way, make sure that you have prepared to introduce yourself and explain that
you are looking for work experience. See the Sample Cold Call Scripts on the next page.
Before you make any cold call, take some time to learn something about the agency or
business you want to contact. Visit a business to observe the types of services that
employees perform. You can also reach out to current employees who work there to ask
what their workplace is like. Finally, look at the About Us section on companys website to
understand the company’s values and mission. All these steps will help you to make a good
impression when you make that cold call.
If you decide to make cold calls by visiting locations, make sure that you are dressed for the
occasion dont wear clothing like jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, etc. Also, bring a folder that has
copies of your resume and personal data form (in case you are asked to fill out an
application). Bring a copy of Record of Contacts Made and Record of Applications Completed
so you can keep track of your visits.
If you decide to make cold calls by phone, make sure you are in a location that is quiet and
without distractions. Make sure to have a copy of Record of Contacts Made handy so you can
keep track of your calls.
2) Interviews: After you have made cold calls, or after you have submitted written or online
job applications, you may be invited to an interview. Make sure that you prepare yourself
before you go! Make sure to:
Learn as much as you can about the company
Prepare for common questions asked in an interview
Look good!
Bring copies of your resume and personal data form
Read the Job Interview Tips and develop answers to the Sample Job Interview Questions
included on the next pages.
Forms included in this section:
Sample Cold Call Scripts
Job Interview Tips
Sample Job Interview Questions
Sample Cold Call Scripts
Here are two samples of basic cold call scripts to use in person or by phone.
Sample 1:
Good afternoon. My name is ______________________. May I please
speak with someone about work experience opportunities here at
____________________ (name of business/company/
agency/organization) and how to apply.
Sample 2:
Good afternoon. My name is _________________________. I'm a student
at Peekskill High School. I’d like to speak with the appropriate person
please to discuss the possibility of my having a work experience with your
____________________ (business/company/agency/organization) this
If you are making a cold call based on a referral and you know to whom you want to
speak), start your call like this:
Good afternoon. May I speak to __________________________ (John Doe), please.
If asked the reason why you are calling or have stopped by, you can say:
I am looking for work experience. It was suggested that I speak with
_____________ (use person’s name, i.e. Mr. Doe) to learn about available
opportunities for high school students in your ________________
(business/company/ agency/ organization).
Job Interview Tips
Don’t Be Late!
The very most important thing is to be on time! If you are late, no matter how prepared you are-
you will have already left a bad impression with the employer. Aim to arrive 10 to 15 minutes
before your appointment.
Make sure you know how to get to the location. Try to go there a few days earlier, at the same
time as your appointment. This will help to ensure you are able to arrive on time on the interview
Be Prepared
Learn about the company. If you are applying for a specific position, understand the job
description. This will help you answer interview questions, such as,Why do you want to work
here?” Why do you want this position?”
Anticipate questions, prepare answers, and practice answering questions.
Dress appropriately for the interview. Select your outfit to look your best. Do NOT wear clothing
like jeans, t-shirts, tank tops, miniskirts, etc.
Bring your completed Personal Data Form, Make sure that you have accurate information
about your 3 references.
Make sure you bring a copy of your resume.
Be Confident But Not Overconfident
Silence your mobile phone.
Don’t chew gum or candy.
Listen carefully to the interview questions, think before answering. Answer questions
honestly, completely and, where possible, in full sentences.
Be prepared to speak about and to give examples of your experiences, skills, strengths and
talents, which support your being a good candidate for a position. Examples could include
babysitting, lawn mowing, volunteering, school projects, extracurricular activities, etc.
Be Professional
Shake hands firmly.
Speak formally and make eye contact.
Be prepared to ask a few questions about the position. Inquire about the next steps in your
being considered to be hired.
Thank the person for the interview.
Good Luck!!
Sample Job Interview Questions
Job Interview Questions I May Be Asked
Tell me about yourself?
What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?
Why are you interested in this job? This company?