django-angular Documentation
Release 2.2
Jacob Rief
Dec 16, 2018
1 Project’s home 3
2 Contents 5
2.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Integrate AngularJS with Django . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Running the demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Integrate a Django form with an AngularJS model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Validate Django forms using AngularJS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Forms Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.7 Tutorial: Django Forms with AngularJS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.8 Upload Files and images Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.9 Perform basic CRUD operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.10 Remote Method Invocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.11 Cross Site Request Forgery protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.12 Share a template between Django and AngularJS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.13 Manage Django URLs for AngularJS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.14 Resolve Angular Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
2.15 Three-way data-binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.16 Release History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3 Indices and tables 47
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Django-Angular is a collection of utilities, which aim to ease the integration of Django with AngularJS by providing
reusable components.
Contents 1
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2 Contents
Project’s home
Check for the latest release of this project on Github.
Please report bugs or ask questions using the Issue Tracker.
For a quick impression, visit the demo site for this project.
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
4 Chapter 1. Project’s home
2.1 Installation
Install django-angular. The latest stable release can be found on PyPI
pip install django-angular
Change to the root directory of your project and install Node dependencies:
npm init
npm install angular --save
2.1.1 Dependencies
django-angular has no dependencies to any other Django app, except easy-thumbnails and Pillow if using
the image upload feature. AngularJS may be installed through other then npm. However pip isn’t valid in any case.
Add 'djng' to the list of INSTALLED_APPS in your project’s file
'easy_thumbnails', # optional, if ImageField is used
Don’t forget to define your STATIC_ROOT and STATIC_URL properly. Since we load JavaScript and CSS files
directly from our Node dependencies, add that directory to the static files search path:
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
('node_modules', os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'node_modules')),
From the project’s templates, you may refer the AngularJS files as:
<script src="{% static 'node_modules/angular/angular.js' %}" type="text/javascript">
2.1.2 Django-1.11
Django, since version 1.11, is shipped with an exchangeable widget rendering engine. This is a great improvement for
django-angular, since it doensn’t have to override the widgets and its renderers. Instead, your projects settings.
py, please use this configuration directive:
FORM_RENDERER = 'djng.forms.renderers.DjangoAngularBootstrap3Templates'
if templates shall be rendered with a Bootstrap3 grid, otherwise use:
FORM_RENDERER = 'djng.forms.renderers.DjangoAngularTemplates'
Note: django-angular does not define any database models. It can therefore easily be installed without any database
2.2 Integrate AngularJS with Django
2.2.1 XMLHttpRequest
As a convention in web applications, Ajax requests shall send the HTTP-Header:
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
while invoking POST-requests. In AngularJS versions 1.0.x this was the default behavior, but in versions 1.1.x this
support has been dropped. Strictly speaking, Django applications do not require this header, but if it is missing, all
invocations to:
would return False, even for perfectly valid Ajax requests. Thus, if you use AngularJS version 1.1.x or later, add the
following statement during module instantiation:
var my_app = angular.module('MyApp').config(function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
2.2.2 Template tags
Django and AngularJS share the same token for variable substitution in templates, ie. {{ variable_name }}.
This should not be a big problem, since you are discouraged to mix Django template code with AngularJS template
code. However, this recommendation is not viable in all situations. Sometime there might be the need to mix both
6 Chapter 2. Contents
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template languages, one which is expanded by Django on the server, and one which is expanded by AngularJS in the
The cleanest solution to circumvent this, is by using the verbatim tag, which became available in Django-1.5.
Another approach is to use the AngularJS mustaches inside a templatetag, for instance:
<h2>{% trans "The value you were looking for is: {{ my_data.my_value }}" %}</h2>
It is strongly discouraged to change the syntax of the AngularJS template tags, because it breaks the compatibility to
all third party AngularJS directives, which are shipped with their own templates.
In AngularJS, when used together with external templates, static HTML code often is loaded by a $templateCache.
These so named partials can be placed in their own sub-directory below STATIC_ROOT.
If, for some reason you need mixed template code, ie. one which first is expanded by Django and later is parsed by
AngularJS, then add a view such as
class PartialGroupView(TemplateView):
def get_context_data(self,
context = super(PartialGroupView, self).get_context_data(
# update the context
return context
Resolve this view in
partial_patterns = [
url(r'^partial-template1.html$', PartialGroupView.as_view(template_name='partial-
˓template1.html'), name='partial_template1'),
# ... more partials ...,
urlpatterns = [
# ...
url(r'^partials/', include(partial_patterns, namespace='partials')),
# ...
By using the utility function
from djng.core.urlresolvers import urls_by_namespace
my_partials = urls_by_namespace('partials')
the caller obtains a list of all partials defined for the given namespace. This list can be used when creating a Javascript
array of URLs to be injected into controllers or directives.
Inlining Partials
An alternative method for handling AngularJS’s partial code, is to use the special script type text/ng-template
and mixing it into existing HTML code. Say, an AngularJS directive refers to a partial using templateUrl:
'template/mixed-ng-snipped.html' during the link phase, then that partial may be embedded inside a
normal Django template using
2.2. Integrate AngularJS with Django 7
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<script id="template/mixed-ng-snipped.html" type="text/ng-template">
<div>{{ resolved_by_django }}</div>
<div>{% verbatim %}{{ resolved_by_angular }}{% endverbatim %}</div>
or if the $interpolateProvider is used to replace the AngularJS template tags
<script id="template/mixed-ng-snipped.html" type="text/ng-template">
<div>{{ resolved_by_django }}</div>
<div>{$ resolved_by_angular $}</div>
Dynamically generated Javascript code
There might be good reasons to mix Django template with AngularJS template code. Consider a multilingual applica-
tion, where text shall be translated, using the Django translation engine.
Also, sometimes your application must pass configuration settings, which are created by Django during runtime,
such as reversing a URL. These are the use cases when to mix Django template with AngularJS template code.
Remember, when adding dynamically generated Javascript code, to keep these sections small and mainly for the
purpose of configuring your AngularJS module. All other Javascript code must go into separate static files!
Warning: Never use Django template code to dynamically generate AngularJS controllers or directives. This will
make it very hard to debug and impossible to add Jasmine unit tests to your code. Always do a clear separation
between the configuration of your AngularJS module, which is part of your application, and the client side logic,
which always shall be independently testable without the need of a running Django server.
2.2.3 Bound Forms
AngularJS’s does not consider bound forms, rather in their mindset data models shall be bound to the form’s input
fields by a controller function. This, for Django developers may be unfamiliar with their way of thinking. Hence,
if bound forms shall be rendered by Django, the behavior of AngularJS on forms must be adopted using a special
directive which overrides the built-in form directive.
To override the built-in behavior, refer to the Javascript file django-angular.js somewhere on your page
<script src="{% static 'djng/js/django-angular.min.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></
and add the module dependency to your application initialization
var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/
other dependencies
/, 'djng.forms']);
2.3 Running the demos
Shipped with this project, there are four demo pages, showing how to use the AngularJS validation and data-binding
mechanisms in combination with Django forms. Use them as a starting point for your own application using django-
To run the demos, change into the directory examples and start the development server:
8 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
pip install -r requirements.txt
./ runserver
You can also run unit tests:
or, even better
Now, point a browser onto one of
2.3.1 Classic Form
Classic Subscribe Form with no data validation.
2.3.2 Form Validation
The Form Validation demo shows how to implement a Django form with enriched functionality to add AngularJS’s
form validation in a DRY manner. This demo combines the classes NgFormValidationMixin with Django’s
forms.Form . This demo works without an AngularJS controller.
2.3.3 Model Form
The Model Form demo shows how to combine a Django form with NgFormValidationMixin, which creates an
AngularJS model on the client in a DRY manner. This model, a Plain Old Javascript Object, then can be used inside
an AngularJS controller for all kind of purposes. Using an XMLHttpRequest, this object can also be sent back to the
server and bound to the same form is was created from.
2.3.4 Model Form Validation
The Model Form Validation shows how to combined both techniques from above, to create an AngularJS model which
additionally is validated on the client.
2.3.5 Three-Way Data-Binding
Three-Way Data-Binding shows how to combine a Django form with NgFormValidationMixin, so that the form
is synchronized by the server on all browsers accessing the same URL.
This demo is only available, if the external dependency Websocket for Redis has been installed.
2.3. Running the demos 9
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2.3.6 Artificial form constraints
These demos are all based on the same form containing seven different input fields: CharField, RegexField (twice),
EmailField, DateField, IntegerField and FloadField. Each of those fields has a different constraint:
First name requires at least 3 characters.
Last name must start with a capital letter.
E-Mail must be a valid address.
Phone number can start with + and may contain only digits, spaces and dashes.
Birth date must be a vaild date.
Weight must be an integer between 42 and 95.
Height must be a float value between 1.48 and 1.95.
Additionally there are two artificial constraints defined by the server side validation, which for obvious reasons require
a HTTP round trip in order to fail. These are:
The full name may not be “John Doe”
The email address may not end in “”, “” or similar.
If the client bypasses client-side validation by deactivating JavaScript, the server validation still rejects these error.
Using form validation this way, incorrect form values always are rejected by the server.
2.4 Integrate a Django form with an AngularJS model
When deriving from Django’s forms.Form class in an AngularJS environment, it can be useful to enrich the rendered
form input fields with an AngularJS HTML tag, such as ng-model="my_field", where my_field corresponds to
the named field from the declared form class.
2.4.1 Sample code
Assume we have a simple Django form class with a single input field. Enrich its functionality by mixing in the djng
class NgModelFormMixin
Note: Here the names NgModelForm. . . do not interrelate with Django’s forms.ModelForm. Instead that name
reflects the HTML attribute ng-model as used in <form>-elements under control of AngularJS.
from django import forms
from django.utils import six
from djng.forms import fields, NgDeclarativeFieldsMetaclass, NgModelFormMixin
class ContactForm(six.with_metaclass(NgDeclarativeFieldsMetaclass, NgModelFormMixin,
subject = fields.CharField()
# more fields ...
Note: Since django-angular-1.1, you must use the adopted field classes provided by django-angular, instead of
Django’s own fields module.
10 Chapter 2. Contents
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In the majority of cases, the Form inherits from Django’s forms.Form, so the above example can be rewritten in a
simpler way, by using the convenience class NgForm as a replacement:
from djng.forms import NgModelFormMixin, NgForm
class ContactForm(NgModelFormMixin, NgForm):
# members as above
If the Form shall inherit from Django’s forms.ModelForm, use the convenience class NgModelForm:
from djng.forms import NgModelFormMixin, NgModelForm
class ContactForm(NgModelFormMixin, NgModelForm):
class Meta:
model = ContactModel
# fields as usual
Now, each form field rendered by Django, gets an additional attribute ng-model containing the field’s name. For
example, the input field named subject now will be rendered as:
<input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" ng-model="subject" />
This means, that to a surrounding Angular controller, the field’s value is immediately added to its $scope. Since we
do not want to pollute the AngularJS’s scope with various field names, we pack them into one single JavaScript object,
named according to the scope_prefix attribute in our Form class. The above field, then would be rendered as:
<input id="id_subject" type="text" name="subject" ng-model="my_prefix['subject']" />
2.4.2 Full working example
This demonstrates how to submit form data using django-angulars built-in form controller via Ajax. The Django
view handling this unbound contact form class may look like
import json
from django.http import JsonResponse
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.views.generic import FormView
from djng.forms import NgModelFormMixin, NgForm
class ContactForm(NgModelFormMixin, NgForm):
form_name = 'contact_form'
scope_prefix = 'contact_data'
subject = fields.CharField()
class ContactFormView(FormView):
template = 'contact.html'
form_class = ContactForm
success_url = reverse_lazy('success-page')
def post(self, request,
assert request.is_ajax()
request_data = json.loads(request.body)
form = self.form_class(data=request_data[self.form_class.scope_prefix])
if form.is_valid():
return JsonResponse({'success_url': force_text(self.success_url)})
(continues on next page)
2.4. Integrate a Django form with an AngularJS model 11
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(continued from previous page)
response_data = {form.form_name: form.errors}
return JsonResponse(response_data, status=422)
with a template named contact.html:
<form djng-endpoint="/path/to/contact-form-view" name="contact_form">
{{ contact_form }}
<button ng-click="do(update()).then(redirectTo())">Submit</button>
Note that the <form> tag does not require any method or action attribute. This is because the form submission is
not initiated by the form’s submit handler, but rather by the button’s click event handler. Inside this click handler, we
first submit the form data using the update() function which itself returns a promise. On success, our click handler
invokes the function inside the following .then(...) handler. Since it receives the HTTP response object from the
previous submission, we use this inside the redirectTo() function. Therefore, we can pass our success_url
from the server, down to our submit button, so that this can trigger a page redirection action.
In case the form was not validated by the server, a response with an error code 422 (Unprocessable Entity) is returned.
In such a case, the error handler of our form submission function uses the returned data to fill the normally invisible
error message placeholders located nearby each of our form fields.
Note: In real code, do not hard code the URL of the endpoint as shown in this example. Instead use the templatetag
{% url ... %}.
Working with nested forms
NgModelFormMixin is able to handle nested forms as well. Just remember to add the attribute
prefix='subform_name' with the name of the sub-form, during the instantiation of your main form. Now
your associated AngularJS controller adds this additional model to the object $scope.my_prefix, keeping the
whole form self-contained and accessible through one Javascript object, aka $scope.my_prefix.
Nested forms must use the AngularJS directive <ng-form ...> rather than <form ...>.
Note: Django, internally, handles the field names of nested forms by concatenating the prefix with the field name
using a dash -’. This behavior has been overridden in order to use a dot ‘.’, since this is the natural separator between
Javascript objects.
Form with FileField or ImageField
If you have a FileField or an ImageField within your form, you need to provide a file upload handler. Please
refer to the section Upload Files and images Images for details.
2.5 Validate Django forms using AngularJS
Django’s forms.Form class offers many possibilities to validate a given form. This, for obvious reasons is done on the
server. However, customers may not always accept to submit a form, just to find out that they missed to input some
correct data into a field. Therefore, adding client side form validation is a good idea and very common. But since
12 Chapter 2. Contents
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client side validation easily can be bypassed, the same validation has to occur a second time, when the server accepts
the forms data for final processing.
This leads to code duplication and generally violates the DRY principle!
2.5.1 NgFormValidationMixin
A workaround to this problem is to use Django’s form declaration to automatically generate client side validation code,
suitable for AngularJS. By adding a special mixin class to the form class, this can be achieved automatically and on
the fly
from django import forms
from django.utils import six
from djng.forms import fields, NgDeclarativeFieldsMetaclass, NgFormValidationMixin
class MyValidatedForm(six.with_metaclass(NgDeclarativeFieldsMetaclass,
˓NgFormValidationMixin, forms.Form)):
form_name = 'my_valid_form'
surname = fields.CharField(label='Surname', min_length=3, max_length=20)
age = fields.DecimalField(min_value=18, max_value=99)
Note: Since django-angular-1.1, you must use the adopted field classes, instead of Django’s own fields.
In the majority of cases, the Form is derived from Django’s forms.Form, so the above example can be rewritten in
a simpler way, by using the convenience class NgForm as a replacement:
from djng.forms import NgFormValidationMixin, NgForm
class MyValidatedForm(NgFormValidationMixin, NgForm):
# members as above
If the Form shall inherit from Django’s forms.ModelForm, use the convenience class NgModelForm:
from djng.forms import NgFormValidationMixin, NgModelForm
class MyValidatedForm(NgFormValidationMixin, NgModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Article
# fields as usual
Each page under control of AngularJS requires a unique form name, otherwise the AngularJS’s form validation engine
shows undefined behavior. Therefore you must name each form inheriting from NgFormValidationMixin. If a
form is used only once per page, the form’s name can be added to the class declaration, as shown above. If no form
name is specified, it defaults to form, limiting the number of validated forms per page to one.
If a form inheriting from NgFormValidationMixin shall be instantiated more than once per page, each instance
of that form must be instantiated with a different name. This then must be done in the constructor of the form, by
passing in the argument form_name='my_form'.
In the view class, add the created form to the rendering context:
def get_context_data(self,
context = super(MyRenderingView, self).get_context_data(
return context
2.5. Validate Django forms using AngularJS 13
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or if the same form declaration shall be used more than once:
def get_context_data(self,
context = super(MyRenderingView, self).get_context_data(
return context
Note: Do not use an empty label when declaring a form field, otherwise the class NgFormValidationMixin
won’t be able to render AngularJS’s validation error elements. This also applies to auto_id, which if False, will not
include <label> tags while rendering the form.
Render this form in a template
<form name="{{ form.form_name }}" novalidate>
{{ form }}
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Remember to add the entry name="{{ form.form_name }}" to the form element, otherwise AngularJS’s
validation engine won’t work. Use the directive novalidate to disable the browser’s native form validation. If you
just need AngularJS’s built in form validation mechanisms without customized checks on the forms data, there is no
need to add an ng-controller onto a wrapping HTML element. The only measure to take, is to give each form
on a unique name, otherwise the AngularJS form validation engine shows undefined behavior.
Forms which do not validate on the client, probably shall not be posted. This can simply be disabled by replacing the
submit button with the following HTML code:
<input type="submit" class="btn" ng-disabled="{{ form.form_name }}.$invalid" value=
More granular output
If the form fields shall be explicitly rendered, the potential field validation errors can be rendered in templates using a
special field tag. Say, the form contains
from django import forms
from djng.forms import fields, NgFormValidationMixin
class MyValidatedForm(NgFormValidationMixin, forms.Form):
email = fields.EmailField(label='Email')
then access the potential validation errors in templates using {{ }}. This renders the form
with an unsorted list of potential errors, which may occur during client side validation.
<ul class="djng-form-errors" ng-hide="$pristine">
<li ng-show="$error.required" class="ng-hide">This field is
<li ng-show="$" class="">Enter a valid email
14 Chapter 2. Contents
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The AngularJS form validation engine, normally hides these potential errors. They only become visible, if the user
enters an invalid email address.
Bound forms
If the form is bound and rendered, then errors detected by the server side’s validation code are rendered as unsorted
list in addition to the list of potential errors. Both of these error lists are rendered using their own <ul> elements. The
behavior for potential errors remains the same, but detected errors are hidden the moment, the user sets the form into
a dirty state.
Note: AngularJS normally hides the content of bound forms, which means that <input> fields seem empty, even if
their value attribute is set. In order to restore the content of those input fields to their default value, initialize your
AngularJS application with angular.module('MyApp', ['djng.forms']);.
Combine NgFormValidationMixin with NgModelFormMixin
While it is possible to use NgFormValidationMixin on itself, it is perfectly legal to mix NgModelFormMixin
with NgFormValidationMixin. However, a few precautions have to be taken.
On class declaration inherit first from NgModelFormMixin and afterward from NgFormValidationMixin.
Valid example:
from django import forms
from djng.forms import NgFormValidationMixin, NgModelFormMixin
class MyValidatedForm(NgModelFormMixin, NgFormValidationMixin, forms.Form):
# custom form fields
but don’t do this
class MyValidatedForm(NgFormValidationMixin, NgModelFormMixin, forms.Form):
# custom form fields
Another precaution to take, is to use different names for the forms name and the scope_prefix. So, this is legal
form = MyValidatedForm(form_name='my_form', scope_prefix='my_model')
but this is not
form = MyValidatedForm(form_name='my_form', scope_prefix='my_form')
An implementation note
AngularJS names each input field to validate, by concatenating its forms name with its fields name. This object
member then contains an error object, named my_form.field_name.$error filled by the AngularJS validation
mechanism. The placeholder for the error object would clash with ng-model, if the form name is identical to the
scope prefix. Therefore, just remember to use different names.
2.5. Validate Django forms using AngularJS 15
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2.5.2 Customize detected and potential validation errors
If a form with AngularJS validation is rendered, each input field is prefixed with an unsorted list <ul> of potential
validation errors. For each possible constraint violation, a list item <li> containing a descriptive message is added to
that list.
If a client enters invalid data into that form, AngularJS unhides one of these prepared error messages, using ng-show.
The displayed message text is exactly the same as would be shown if the server side code complains about invalid data
during form validation. These prepared error messages can be customized during form field definition.
The default error list is rendered as <ul class="djng-form-errors">...</ul>. To each <li> of this er-
ror list, the attribute class="invalid" is added. The last list-item <li class="valid"></li> is somehow
special, as it is only visible if the corresponding input field contains valid data. By using special style sheets, one can
for instance add a green tick after a validated input field, to signal that everything is OK.
The styling of these validation elements must be done through CSS, for example with:
ul.djng-form-errors {
margin-left: 0;
display: inline-block;
list-style-type: none;
ul.djng-form-errors li.invalid {
color: #e9322d;
ul.djng-form-errors li.invalid:before {
content: "\2716\20"; /
adds a red cross before the error message
ul.djng-form-errors li.valid:before {
color: #00c900;
content: "\2714"; /
adds a green tick
If you desire an alternative CSS class or an alternative way of rendering the list of errors, then initialize the form
instance with
class MyErrorList(list):
# rendering methods go here
# during form instantiation
my_form = MyForm(error_class=MyErrorList)
Refer to TupleErrorList on how to implement an alternative error list renderer. Currently this error list renderer,
renders two <ul>-elements for each input field, one to be shown for pristine forms and one to be shown for dirty
Adding an AngularJS directive for validating form fields
Sometimes it can be useful to add a generic field validator on the client side, which can be controlled by the form’s
definition on the server. One such example is Django’s DateField:
from django import forms
class MyForm(forms.Form):
# other fields
date = forms.DateField(label='Date',
widget=forms.widgets.DateInput(attrs={'validate-date': '^(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d
(continues on next page)
16 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
Since AngularJS can not validate dates, such a field requires a customized directive, which with the above definition,
will be added as new attribute to the input element for date:
<input name="date" ng-model="my_form_data.birth_date" type="text" validate-date="^(\d
˓{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})$" />
If your AngularJS application has been initialized with
angular.module('MyApp', ['djng.forms']);
then this new attribute is detected by the AngularJS directive validateDate, which in turn checks the date for valid
input and shows the content of the errors fields, if not.
If you need to write a reusable component for customized form fields, refer to that directive as a starting point.
2.6 Forms Set
In component based web development, it is quite common to arrange more than one form on the same page. As
opposed to form submissions via application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data,
we can, thanks to Ajax, submit the content of more than one form using a single HTTP-request. This requires to
dispatch the submitted data on the server to each form class, but if we prefix them with unique identifiers, that’s a
2.6.1 Directive djng-forms-set
To achieve this, we can reuse the same Form mixin classes as we have used in the previous examples. The main
difference is that we must wrap the set of forms into the AngularJS directive, <djng-forms-set endpoint="/
some/endpoint">...</djng-forms-set>. Inside this directive, we render the forms as usual using {{
some_form.as_div }}.
Forms Submission
The submit button(s) can now be placed outside of the <form>...</form> element. This allows us to sub-
mit the content from multiple forms altogether. We now however must specify the common endpoint to accept
our form submissions; this is, as you might have expected, the attribute endpoint="/some/endpoint" in
our forms wrapping directive ``djng-forms-set. To send the forms content to the server, add
ng-click="do(update())" to the submission button. By itself however, this invocation of update() does
not execute any further action on the client. We have to start this expression with do(...), in order to emulate the
first promise, see below.
By itself, sending some data to the server does not cause any further action on the client. We therefore must tell our
directive, what we want to do next. For this, django-angulars button directive offers a few prepared targets, such
as reloadPage() or redirectTo(). They typically shall be executed asynchronouosly, after the server replied
to the update request.
Chaining Targets
Since form submission is asynchronous, here we extensively use the promises functions provided by AngularJS.
2.6. Forms Set 17
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
If we change the button element to <button ng-click="do(update()).then(reloadPage())">, then
after our successful Ajax submission, the current page is reloaded.
Another useful target is redirectTo('/path/to/view'), which, after a successful submission, redirects the
user to another page. If the response contains {data: {success_url: "/path/to/other/view"}},
then the URL provided to the redirectTo(...) function is overridden by success_url.
If we override the button directive in our own application, we can add as many alternative targets as we want. This
can be used to create execution chains as just demonstrated.
Forms Validation
All Forms wrapped inside our djng-forms-set directive, are validated. This can and shall be used to prevent
submitting data, if at least one of the forms does not validate. For this, just add ng-disabled="isDisabled()"
to the submission button.
Form Submission Methods
By using the update() function, django-angular submits the forms data with an HTTP-request using method PUT.
To submit the same data using HTTP method POST, use the provided function create(). To submit via HTTP
method DELETE, use the provided function delete().
Form Processing Delays
Sometimes processing form data can take additional time. To improve the user experience, we shall add some
feedback to the submission button. By changing the submit action to ng-click="do(disableButton()).
then(update()).then(redirectTo()).finally(reenableButton())" the submit button is deacti-
vated (disableButton) during the form submission and will be reactivated (reenableButton) as soon as the
server responded. Here we use finally, since we want to reactivate the button, regardless of the servers’s success
status. Remember, ...then(redirectTo()) is only invoked on success.
If the <button> element contains an <i> element, during the timeout period, the CSS classes are replaced by
glyphicon glyphicon-refresh djng-rotate-animate. This adds a rotating spinner wheel to the but-
ton until reenableButton() is executed.
Passing Extra Data
Sometimes we might want to use more than one submit button. In order to distinguish which of those buttons has
been pressed, add for instance ng-click="do(update({foo: 'bar'}))" to the corresponding <button>
element. That dictionary then is added to the submitted payload and can be extracted by the server’s view for further
Scroll to Rejected Field
Forms sometimes extend over more than one screen height. If a form validation fails, the message near a rejected
field may be outside the visible area. To improve the user experience, it therefore is good practice to point the user
to the field(s), which have been rejected. This can by achieved by adding a target such as ng-click="do(...).
then(...).catch(scrollToRejected()) to our promises chain. Now, whenever a form validation fails,
django-angular looks for the first rejected field and scrolls the page content, so that it shows up on top of the visible
18 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.7 Tutorial: Django Forms with AngularJS
Django offers an excellent Form framework which is responsible for rendering and validating HTML forms. Since
Django’s design philosophy is to be independent of the styling and JavaScript, this Form framework requires some
adoption in order to play well with AngularJS and optionally Bootstrap.
A common technique to adopt the styling of a Django Form, is to extend the template so that each Form field is
rendered by hand written HTML. This of course leads to code duplication and is a violation of the DRY principle.
An alternative technique is to add crispy-forms to your project and enrich the Django Forms with a helper class.
Unfortunately, crispy-form does not work very well with django-angular. In order to add the same functionality in a
“DRY” manner, a special Mixin class can be added to your forms, rather than having to work with helper-classes.
This tutorial attempts to explain how to combine the Django Form framework in combination with AngularJS and
2.7.1 Basic Form Submission
Lets start with a very basic example, a functioning demo is available here:
Say, we have a simple but rather long Form definition, to subscribe a person wanting to visit us:
1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
2 from djng.forms import fields
3 class SubscribeForm(Bootstrap3Form):
4 use_required_attribute = False
6 CONTINENT_CHOICES = [('am', 'America'), ('eu', 'Europe'), ('as', 'Asia'), ('af',
7 ('au', 'Australia'), ('oc', 'Oceania'), ('an', 'Antartica')]
8 TRAVELLING_BY = [('foot', 'Foot'), ('bike', 'Bike'), ('mc', 'Motorcycle'), ('car',
˓ 'Car'),
9 ('public', 'Public Transportation'), ('train', 'Train'), ('air',
10 NOTIFY_BY = [('email', 'EMail'), ('phone', 'Phone'), ('sms', 'SMS'), ('postal',
12 first_name = fields.CharField(
13 label='First name',
14 min_length=3,
15 max_length=20)
17 last_name = fields.RegexField(
18 r'^[A-Z][a-z -]?',
19 label='Last name',
20 error_messages={'invalid': 'Last names shall start in upper case'})
22 sex = fields.ChoiceField(
23 choices=(('m', 'Male'), ('f', 'Female')),
24 widget=widgets.RadioSelect,
25 error_messages={'invalid_choice': 'Please select your sex'})
27 email = fields.EmailField(
28 label='E-Mail',
29 required=True,
30 help_text='Please enter a valid email address')
(continues on next page)
2.7. Tutorial: Django Forms with AngularJS 19
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(continued from previous page)
32 subscribe = fields.BooleanField(
33 label='Subscribe Newsletter',
34 initial=False, required=False)
36 phone = fields.RegexField(
37 r'^\+?[0-9 .-]{4,25}$',
Since we want to render this form in a DRY manner, our favorite template syntax is something such as:
<form name="{{ form.form_name }}" method="post" action=".">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form }}
<input type="submit" value="Subscribe">
In this example, the whole form is rendered in one pass including all HTML elements, such as <label>, <select>,
<option> and <input>. Additionally, bound forms are rendered with their preset values and a list of errors, if the
previous Form validation did not succeed.
The Django Form framework comes with three different rendering methods: as_p(), as_ul() and as_table()
(the default). Unfortunately, these three rendering methods are not suitable for nowadays needs, such as Bootstrap
styling and Ajax based Form validation.
In order to be more flexible without having to abandon the “DRY” principle, the above SubscriptionForm has
been enriched by the Mixin class Bootstrap3FormMixin. This class adds an additional method as_div(),
which is responsible for rendering the Form suitable for Bootstrap styling.
Additionally, this Mixin class wraps the list of validation errors occurred during the last Form validation into the
AngularJS directive ng-show, so that error messages disappear after the user starts typing, and thus puts the Form
into a “dirty”, or in other words “non-pristine”, state.
You can test this yourself, by leaving out some fields or entering invalid values and submitting the Form.
Bound Form in AngularJS
AngularJS does not take into account the concept of bound Forms. Therefore, input fields rendered with preset values,
are displayed as empty fields. To circumvent this, the django-angular Form directive re-enables the rendering of the
bound field values.
Dynamically Hiding Form Fields for Bootstrap
A common use case is to hide a form field based on the value of another. For example, to hide the phone field if the
user selects Female within SubscriptionForm, overwrite field_css_classes on SubscriptionForm:
field_css_classes = {
': 'form-group has-feedback',
'phone': "ng-class:{'ng-hide':sex==='f'}",
field_css_classes adds css classes to the wrapper div surrounding individual fields in bootstrap. In
the above example, '
' adds the classes form-group has-feedback to all fields within the form and
'ng-class:{"ng-hide":sex==="f"}' is added only to the phone field. Only Angular directives that can be
used as CSS classes are allowed within field_css_classes. Additionally, if specified as a string, the string may
20 Chapter 2. Contents
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not contain any spaces or double quotes. However, if specified as a list, spaces can be used, and the above example
can be rewritten as:
field_css_classes = {
': 'form-group has-feedback',
'phone': ["ng-class: {'ng-hide': sex==='f'};"],
By adding the keyword '__default__' to this list, the CSS classes for the default entry, ie. '
', are merged with
the CSS classes for the current field.
Adding an asterisk for required fields
An asterisk is often added after labels on required fields (like with django-crispy-forms for example). This can
be accomplished by using native Django and CSS. To do this, set the required_css_class attribute on
SubscriptionForm (see Django documentation).
required_css_class = 'djng-field-required'
Next, add the CSS:
label.djng-field-required::after {
content: "\00a0
2.7.2 Client-side Form validation
To enable client-side Form validation, simply add the mixin class NgFormValidationMixin to the
SubscriptionForm class:
class SubscriptionForm(NgFormValidationMixin, Bootstrap3FormMixin, forms.Form):
# form fields as usual
Here the rendered Form contains all the AngularJS directives as required for client side Form validation. If an entered
value does not match the criteria as defined by the definition of SubscriptionForm, AngularJS will notify the
user immediately
2.8 Upload Files and images Images
Django-Angular emphasizes the use of Ajax request-response cycles while handling form data. One disadvantage of
this approach is, that you can’t use it to upload files to the server, because browsers can not serialize file payload into
JSON. Instead, in order to upload files one must POST a <form> using enctype="multipart/form-data".
This approach nowadays is outdated. Moreover, it requires the use of an <input type="file"> field, which
doesn’t provide a good user experience either. A disfunctional example:
Instead, we nowadays are used to drag files directly into the browser window and drop them onto an input field,
which immediately displays the uploaded image. By adding two third party packages, django-angular provides such
a solution.
By replacing Django’s form fields FileField against djng.forms.fields.FileField and ImageField
against djng.forms.fields.ImageField, the corresponding form field is rendered as a rectangular area,
where one can drag a file or image onto, and drop it. It then is uploaded immediately to the server, which keeps
2.8. Upload Files and images Images 21
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
it in a temporary folder and returns a thumbail of that file/image together with a reference onto a temporary represen-
In the next step, when the user submits the form, only the reference to that temporary file is added to the post data.
Therefore the payload of such a form can be posted using JSON via Ajax. This gives a much smoother user experience,
rather than uploading the form together with the image payload using a full request-response cycle.
2.8.1 Installation
pip install easy-thumbnails
and add it to the project’s
Check that your MEDIA_ROOT points onto a writable directory. Use MEDIA_URL = '/media/' or whatever is
appropriate for your project.
Install additional Node dependencies:
npm install ng-file-upload --save
2.8.2 Usage in Forms
First, we must add an endpoint to our application which receives the uploaded images. To the of the project
from djng.views.upload import FileUploadView
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^upload/$', FileUploadView.as_view(), name='fileupload'),
By default files are uploaded into the directory <MEDIA_ROOT>/upload_temp. This location can be changed
using the settings variable DJNG_UPLOAD_TEMP.
In our form declaration, we replace Django’s ImageField by an alternative implementation provided by django-
angular. This class accepts two optional additional attributes:
fileupload_url: The URL pointing onto the view accepting the uploaded image. If omitted, it defaults to
the URL named fileupload.
area_label: This is the text rendered inside the draggable area. Don’t confuse this with the label, which is
rendered before that area.
An example:
22 Chapter 2. Contents
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from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from djng.forms import NgModelFormMixin
from djng.forms.fields import ImageField
from . import subscribe_form
class SubscribeForm(NgModelFormMixin, subscribe_form.SubscribeForm):
scope_prefix = 'my_data'
form_name = 'my_form'
photo = ImageField(
label='Photo of yourself',
area_label='Drop image here or click to upload',
The Django View responsible for accepting submissions from that form, works just as if Django’s internal django.
forms.fields.ImageField would have been used. The attribute cleaned_data['photo'] then contains
an object of type FieldFile after a form submission.
2.8.3 Usage in Models
Often you might use a model and rely on Django’s automatic form generation. django-angular does this out-of-the-
box, whenever the form implementing the model inherits form NgModelForm.
2.8.4 Usage in Templates
When using this file uploader, the Angular App requires an additional stylesheet and an external JavaScript module:
{% load static %}
<link href="{% static 'djng/css/fileupload.css' %}" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="{% static 'node_modules/ng-file-upload/dist/ng-file-upload.js' %}"
<script src="{% static 'djng/js/django-angular.min.js' %}" type="text/javascript">
additionally, the Angular App must be initialized such as:
angular.module('myApp', [..., 'djng.fileupload', 'djng.forms', ...])
.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRFToken'] = '{{ csrf_token }}';
2.8. Upload Files and images Images 23
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2.8.5 Caveats
When users upload images, but never submit the corresponding form, the folder holding these temporary images gets
filled up. Therefore you should add some kind of (cron)job which cleans up that folder from time to time.
Depending on your setup, also provide some security measure, so that for example, only logged in users have access
onto the view for uploading images. Otherwise the temporary folder might get filled with crap.
2.8.6 Security Measures
Altought the relative location of the uploaded files is returned to the client and visible in its browser, it almost is im-
possible to access images which have not been uploaded by the provided class djng.views.FileUploadView,
or rendered by the provided widget djng.forms.widgets.DropFileInput. This is because all file names are
cryptographically signed, so to harden them against tampering. Otherwise someone else could pilfer or delete images
uploaded to the temporary folder, provided that he’s able to guess the image name.
2.9 Perform basic CRUD operations
When using Angular’s $resource to build services, each service comes with free CRUD (create, read, update, delete)
{ 'get': {method:'GET'},
'save': {method:'POST'},
'query': {method:'GET', isArray:true},
'remove': {method:'DELETE'},
'delete': {method:'DELETE'}
Of course this need support on the server side. This can easily be done with django-angulars NgCRUDView.
Note: remove() and delete() do exactly the same thing. Usage of remove() is encouraged, since delete
is a reserved word in IE.
2.9.1 Configuration
Subclass NgCRUDView and override model attribute:
from djng.views.crud import NgCRUDView
class MyCRUDView(NgCRUDView):
model = MyModel
Add urlconf entry pointing to the view:
url(r'^crud/mymodel/?$', MyCRUDView.as_view(), name='my_crud_view'),
Set up Angular service using $resource:
24 Chapter 2. Contents
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var myServices = angular.module('myServices', ['ngResource']);
myServices.factory('MyModel', ['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/crud/mymodel/', {'pk': '@pk'}, {
Note: Since there is a known bug with $resource not respecting trailing slash, the urls in Django urlconf used by
$resource must either not have trailing slash or it should be optional (preferred) - e.g. url/?. Adding the trailing
slash to the $resource configuration regardless (/crud/mymodel/) ensures future compatibility in case the bug gets
fixed and will then follow Django’s trailing slash convention. This has been fixed in AngularJS 1.3. More information
here trailingSlashBugFix
Another quick change is required to Angular app config, without this DELETE requests fail CSRF test:
var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/
other dependencies
/, 'ngCookies']).run(
function($http, $cookies) {
$['X-CSRFToken'] = $cookies.csrftoken;
// Add the following two lines
$http.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
$http.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
That’s it. Now you can use CRUD methods.
2.9.2 Optional attributes
The following options are currently available to subclasses of NgCRUDView:
Set this to a tuple or list of field names for only retrieving a subset of model fields during a get or query operation. Al-
ternatively, if this may vary (e.g. based on query parameters or between get and query) override the get_fields()
method instead.
With None (default), all model fields are returned. The object identifier (pk) is always provided, regardless of the
Set this to a specific form for your model to perform custom validation with it. Alternatively, if it may vary you can
override the get_form_class() method instead.
With None (default), a modelForm including all fields will be generated and used.
Similar to Django’s SingleObjectMixin, objects can be selected using an alternative key such as a title or a user name.
Especially when using the ngRoute module of AngularJS, this makes construction of descriptive URLs easier. Query
parameters can be extracted directly from $route or $routeParams and passed to the query.
2.9. Perform basic CRUD operations 25
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This attribute (default is 'slug') describes the field name in the model as well as the query parameter from the client.
For example, if it is set to 'name', perform a query using
var model = MyModel.get({name: "My name"});
Note: Although the view will not enforce it, it is strongly recommended that you only use unique fields for this
purpose. Otherwise this can lead to a MultipleObjectsReturned exception, which is not handled by this
Also note that you still need to pass the object identifier pk on update and delete operations. Whereas for save
operations, the check on pk makes the distinction between an update and a create operation, this restriction on deletes
is only for safety purposes.
By default, NgCRUDView maps the request to the corresponding django-angular method, e.g. a DELETE request
would call the ng_delete method.
allowed_methods is set by default to ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE']. If you need to prevent any method,
you can overrride the allowed_methods attributes. Alternatively, you can use the exclude_methods attributes.
To allow all methods by default, exclude_methods is set as an empty list. To exclude any method, you can override
this attribute to exclude the 'GET', 'POST' or 'DELETE'. See allowed_methods for more informations.
2.9.3 Usage example
myControllers.controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'MyModel', function ($scope, MyModel) {
// Query returns an array of objects, MyModel.objects.all() by default
$scope.models = MyModel.query();
// Getting a single object
var model = MyModel.get({pk: 1});
// We can crete new objects
var new_model = new MyModel({name: 'New name'});
// In callback we push our new object to the models array
// Updating objects = 'Test name';
// Deleting objects
// This deletes the object on server, but it still exists in the models array
// To delete it in frontend we have to remove it from the models array
(continues on next page)
26 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
Note: In real world applications you might want to restrict access to certain methods. This can be done using
decorators, such as @login_required. For additional functionality JSONResponseMixin and NgCRUDView can
be used together.
2.10 Remote Method Invocation
Wouldn’t it be nice to call a Django view method, directly from an AngularJS controller, similar to a Remote Procedure
Call or say better Remote Method Invocation?
2.10.1 Single Page Applications
By nature, Single Page Web Applications implemented in Django, require one single View. These kind of applications
can however not always be build around the four possible request methods GET, PUT, POST and DELETE. They rather
require many different entry points to fulfill the communication between the client and the server.
Normally, this is done by adding a key to the request data, which upon evaluation calls the appropriate method.
However, such an approach is cumbersome and error-prone.
Django-Angular offers some helper functions, which allows the client to call a Django’s View method, just as if it
would be a normal asynchronous JavaScript function. To achieve this, let the View’s class additionally inherit from
from django.views.generic import View
from djng.views.mixins import JSONResponseMixin, allow_remote_invocation
class MyJSONView(JSONResponseMixin, View):
# other view methods
def process_something(self, in_data):
# process in_data
out_data = {
'foo': 'bar',
'success': True,
return out_data
In this Django View, the method process_something is decorated with @allow_remote_invocation. It
now can be invoked directly from an AngularJS controller or directive. To handle this in an ubiquitous manner,
Django-Angular implements two special template tags, which exports all methods allowed for remote invocation to
the provided AngularJS service djangoRMI.
Template Tag djng_all_rmi
The AngularJS Provider djangoRMIProvider shall be configured during the initialization of the client side, such
2.10. Remote Method Invocation 27
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
{% load djng_tags %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var tags = {% djng_all_rmi %};
my_app.config(function(djangoRMIProvider) {
This makes available all methods allowed for remote invocation, from all View classes of your Django project.
Note: In order to have your methods working, the associated urls need to be named.
Template Tag djng_current_rmi
Alternatively, the AngularJS Provider djangoRMIProvider can be configured during the initialization of the client
side, such as:
{% load djng_tags %}
<script type="text/javascript">
var tags = {% djng_current_rmi %};
my_app.config(function(djangoRMIProvider) {
This makes available all methods allowed for remote invocation, from the current View class, ie. the one rendering the
current page.
Note: In order to have your methods working, the associated urls need to be named.
Let the client invoke an allowed method from a Django View
By injecting the service djangoRMI into an AngularJS controller, allowed methods from the Django View which
renders the current page, can be invoked directly from JavaScript. This example shows how to call the above Python
method process_something, when configured using the template tag djng_current_rmi:
my_app.controller("SinglePageCtlr", function($scope, djangoRMI) {
$scope.invoke = function() {
var in_data = { some: 'data' };
.success(function(out_data) {
// do something with out_data
If djangoRMIProvider is configured using the template tag djng_all_rmi, the allowed methods are grouped
into objects named by their url_name. If these URL patterns are part of a namespace, the above objects furthermore
are grouped into objects named by their namespace.
28 Chapter 2. Contents
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Note: djangoRMI is a simple wrapper around AngularJS’s built in $http service. However, it automatically determines
the correct URL and embeds the method name into the special HTTP-header DjNg-Remote-Method. In all other
aspects, it behaves like the $http service.
2.10.2 Dispatching Ajax requests using method GET
Sometimes you only have to retrieve some data from the server. If you prefer to fetch this data using an ordinary GET
request, ie. one without the special AngularJS provider djangoRMI, then it is possible to hard-code the method for
invocation into the urlpatterns inside the URL dispatcher.
class MyResponseView(JSONResponseMixin, View):
def get_some_data(self):
return {'foo': 'bar'}
def get_other_data(self):
return ['baz', 'cap']
urlpatterns = [
# ...
url(r'^fetch-some-data.json$', MyResponseView.as_view(), {'invoke_method': 'get_
url(r'^fetch-other-data.json$', MyResponseView.as_view(), {'invoke_method': 'get_
# ...
If a client calls the URL /fetch-some-data.json, the responding view dispatches incoming requests directly
onto the method get_some_data. This kind of invocation only works for GET requests. Here these methods do
not require the decorator @allow_remote_invocation, since now the server-side programmer is responsible
for choosing the correct method and thus a malicious client cannot bypass the intended behavior.
2.11 Cross Site Request Forgery protection
Ajax requests submitted using method POST are put to a similar risk for Cross Site Request Forgeries as HTTP forms.
This type of attack occurs when a malicious Web site is able to invoke an Ajax request onto your Web site. In Django,
one should always add the template tag csrf_token to render a hidden input field containing the token, inside each form
submitted by method POST.
When it comes to making an Ajax request, it normally is not possible to pass that token using a Javascript object, be-
cause scripts usually are static and no secret can be added dynamically. AngularJS natively supports CSRF protection,
only some minor configuration is required to work with Django.
2.11.1 Configure Angular for Django’s CSRF protection
Angular looks for XSRF-TOKEN cookie and submits it in X-XSRF-TOKEN http header, while Django sets
csrftoken cookie and expects X-CSRFToken http header. All we have to do is change the name of cookie
and header Angular uses. This is best done in config block:
2.11. Cross Site Request Forgery protection 29
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/
˓$httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
$httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
When using this approach, ensure that the CSRF cookie is not configured as HTTP_ONLY, otherwise for security
reasons that value can’t be accessed from JavaScript.
Alternatively, if the block used to configure the AngularJS application is rendered using a Django template, one can
add the value of the token directly to the request headers:
var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/
˓$httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRFToken'] = '{{ csrf_token }}';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';
2.12 Share a template between Django and AngularJS
Templates syntax for Django and AngularJS is very similar, and with some caveats it is possible to reuse a Django
template for rendering in AngularJS. The classical approach to embed AngularJS template code inside Django’s tem-
plate code, is to use the {% verbatim %} template tag. This tag however deactivates all Django’s template parsing,
so every block tag must be placed outside a {% verbatim %} . . . {% endverbatim %} section. This makes
mixed template coding quite messy.
2.12.1 For this purpose use the template tag {% angularjs %}
The template tag {% angularjs %} . . . {% endangularjs %} delegates Django’s variable expansion to An-
gularJS, but continues to process the Django block tags, such as {% if ... %}, {% for ... %}, {% load
... %}, etc.
Conditionally activate variable expansion
The template tag {% angularjs <arg> %} takes one optional argument, which when it evaluates to true, it turns
on AngularJS’s variable expansion. Otherwise, if it evaluates to false, it turns on Django’s variable expansion. This
becomes handy when using include snippets which then can be used by both, the client and the server side template
rendering engines.
2.12.2 Example
A Django ListView produces a list of items and this list is serializable as JSON. For browsers without JavaScript and
for crawlers from search engines, these items shall be rendered through the Django’s template engine. Otherwise,
AngularJS shall iterate over this list and render these items.
Template used by the list view:
<div ng-if="!items">
{% for item in items %}
{% include "path/to/includes/item-detail.html" with ng=0 %}
(continues on next page)
30 Chapter 2. Contents
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(continued from previous page)
{% endfor %}
<div ng-if="items">
{% include "path/to/includes/item-detail.html" with ng=1 %}
Here the scope variable items is set by a surrounding ng-controller. As we can see, the template path/to/
includes/item-detail.html is included twice, once defining an additional context variable ng as true and
later, the same include with that variable as false.
Assume, this list view shall render a model, which contains the following fields:
class Item(models.Model):
title = CharField(max_length=50)
image = ImageField() # built-in or from a third party library
description = HTMLField() # from a third party library
def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse(...)
Now, the included template can be written as:
{% load djng_tags %}
{% angularjs ng %}
<div{% if ng %} ng-repeat="item in items"{% endif %}>
<h4><a ng-href="{{ item.absolute_url }}"{% if not ng %} href="{{ item.absolute_
˓url }}"{% endif %}>{{ }}</a></h4>
<img ng-src="{{ item.image.url }}"{% if not ng %} src="{{ item.image.url }}"{%
˓endif %} width="{{ item.image.width }}" height="{{ item.image.height }}" />
<div{% if ng %} ng-bind-html="item.description"{% endif %}>{% if not ng %}{{ item.
˓description }}{% endif %}</div>
{% endangularjs %}
A few things to note here:
The content between the template tags {% angularjs ng %} and {% endangularjs %} is rendered through
the Django template engine as usual, if the context variable ng evaluates to false. Otherwise all variable expansions,
ie. {{ varname }} or {{ varname|filter }} are kept as-is in HTML, while block tags are expanded by the
Django template engine.
The context data, as created by the list view, must be processed into a list serializable as JSON. This list then can be
used directly by the Django template renderer or transferred to the AngularJS engine, using a XMLHttpRequest or
other means.
This means that the default method get_context_data() must resolve all object fields into basic values, since
invocations to models methods, such as get_absolute_url(), now can not be done by the template engine,
during the iteration step, ie. {% for item in items %}. The same applies for image thumbnailing, etc.
In AngularJS references onto URLs and image sources must be done with <a ng-href="..."> and <img
ng-src="...">, rather than using <a href="..."> or <img src="..."> respectively. Therefore, while
rendering the Django template, these fields are added twice.
In AngularJS, text data containing HTML tags, must be rendered using ng-bind-html rather than using the mustache
syntax. This is to ensure, that unverified content from upstream sources is sanitized. We can assert this, since this text
content is coming from the database field description and thus is marked as safe string by Django.
2.12. Share a template between Django and AngularJS 31
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Python List / Javascript Arrays
The Django template engine accesses members of Python dictionaries using the dot notation. This is the same notation
as used by JavaScript to access members of objects. When accessing lists in Django templates or arrays in JavaScript,
this notation is not compatible any more. Therefore as convenience, always use the Django template notation, even
for JavaScript arrays. Say, in Python you have a list of objects:
somelist = [{'member': 'first'}, {'member': 'second'}, {'member': 'third'},]
To access the third member, Django’s template code shall be written as:
{{ somelist.2.member }}
when this block is resolved for AngularJS template rendering, the above code is expanded to:
{{ somelist[2].member }}
otherwise it would be impossible to reuse Python lists converted to JavaScript arrays inside the same template code.
Conditionally bind scope variables to an element with djng-bind-if
Sometimes it makes sense to bind the scope variable to an element if it exists. Otherwise render the same variable
from Django’s context. Example:
<span djng-bind-if="some_prefix.value">{{ some_prefix.value }}</span>
functionally, this is equivalent to:
<span ng-if=”some_prefix.value”>{% verbatim %}{{ some_prefix.value }}{% endverbatim %}</span>
<span ng-if=”!some_prefix.value”>{{ some_prefix.value }}</span>
but less verbose and easier to read.
2.13 Manage Django URLs for AngularJS
AngularJS controllers communicating with the Django application through Ajax, often require URLs, pointing to some
of the views of your application. Don’t fall into temptation to hard code such a URL into the client side controller
code. Even worse would be to create Javascript dynamically using a template engine. There is a clean and simple
solution to solve this problem.
This service is provided by djangoUrl.reverse(name, args_or_kwargs) method. It behaves exactly like
Django’s URL template tag.
2.13.1 Basic operation principle
django-angular encodes the parameters passed to djangoUrl.reverse() into a special URL starting with /
angular/reverse/.... This URL is used as a new entry point for the real HTTP invocation.
2.13.2 Installation
Include django-angular.js:
32 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
<script src="{% static 'djng/js/django-angular.js' %}"></script>
Add djng.urls as a dependency for you app:
var my_app = angular.module('MyApp', ['djng.urls', /
other dependencies
The djangoUrl service is now available through dependency injection to all directives and controllers.
Setting via Django Middleware
Add 'djng.middleware.AngularUrlMiddleware' to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your Django file:
# Other middlewares
Warning: This must be the first middleware included in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
Using this approach adds some magicness to your URL routing, because the AngularUrlMiddleware class by-
passes the HTTP request from normal URL resolving and calls the corresponding view function directly.
2.13.3 Usage
The reversing functionality is provided by:
djangoUrl.reverse(name, args_or_kwargs)
This method behaves exactly like Django’s URL template tag {% url 'named:resource' %}.
name: The URL name you wish to reverse, exactly the same as what you would use in {% url %} template
args_or_kwargs (optional): An array of arguments, e.g. ['article', 4] or an object of keyword
arguments, such as {'type': 'article', 'id': 4}.
A typical Angular Controller would use the service djangoUrl such as:
var myApp = angular.module('MyApp', ['djng.urls']);
myApp.controller('RemoteItemCtrl', function($scope, $http, $log, djangoUrl) {
var fetchItemURL = djangoUrl.reverse('namespace:fetch-item');
(continues on next page)
2.13. Manage Django URLs for AngularJS 33
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
(continued from previous page)
$http.get(fetchItemURL).success(function(item) {
$'Fetched item: ' + item);
}).error(function(msg) {
console.error('Unable to fetch item. Reason: ' + msg);
and with args:
$http.get(djangoUrl.reverse('api:articles', [1]))
or with kwargs:
$http.get(djangoUrl.reverse('api:articles', {'id': 1}))
Parametrized URLs
You can pass a “parametrized” arg or kwarg to djangoUrl.reverse() call to be used with $resource.
var url = djangoUrl.reverse('orders:order_buyer_detail', {id: ':id'});
// Returns '/angular/reverse/?djng_url_name=orders%3Aorder_buyer_detail&djng_url_
// $resource can than replace the ':id' part
var myRes = $resource(url);
myRes.query({id:2}); // Will call reverse('orders:order_buyer_detail', kwargs={'id':2}
˓) url
// If :param isn't set it will be ignored, e.g.
myRes.query(); // Will call reverse('orders:order_buyer_detail') url
// with @param $resource will autofill param if object has 'param' attribute
var CreditCard = $resource(djangoUrl.reverse('card', {id: ':id'}), {id: '@id'});
var card = CreditCard.get({id: 3}, function (success) {
card.holder = 'John Doe';
card.$save() // Will correctly POST to reverse('card', kwargs={'id':3})
Additional notes
If you want to override reverse url, e.g. if django app isn’t on top level or you want to call another server it can be set
in .config() stage:
myApp.config(function(djangoUrlProvider) {
Warning: The path of request you want to reverse must still remain /angular/reverse/ on django server,
so that middleware knows it should be reversed.
34 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2.14 Resolve Angular Dependencies
As with any application, we also must manage the client side files. They normally are not available from PyPI and
must be installed by other means than pip. This typically is the Node Packet Manager also known as npm. When
managing a Django project, I strongly recommend to keep external dependencies outside of any asset’s folder, such as
static. They never must be checked into your version control system! Instead change into to the root directory of
your project and run:
npm install npm install <pkg>@<version> --save
This command installs third party packages into the folder node_modules storing all dependencies inside the
file package.json. This file shall be added to revision control, whereas we explicitly ignore the folder
node_modules by adding it to .gitignore.
We then can restore our external dependencies at any time by running the command npm install. This step has to
be integrated into your project’s deployment scripts. It is the equivalent to pip install -r requirements.
2.14.1 Accessing External Dependencies
Our external dependencies now are located outside of any static folder. We then have to tell Django where to find
them. By using these configuration variables in
BASE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Root directory for this Django project (may vary)
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.abspath(BASE_DIR, os.path.pardir)
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static'),
('node_modules', os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'node_modules')),
with this additional static files directory, we now can access external assets, such as
{% load static %}
<script src="{% static 'node_modules/angular/angular.min.js' %}" type="text/javascript
2.14.2 Sekizai
django-sekizai is an asset manager for any Django project. It helps the authors of projects to declare their assets in the
files where they are required. During the rendering phase, these declared assets are grouped together in central places.
django-sekizai is an optional dependency, only required if you want to use the postprocessor.
This helps us to separate concern. We include Stylesheets and JavaScript files only when and where we need them,
instead of add every dependency we ever might encounter.
Additionally, in AngularJS we must initialize and optionally configure the loaded modules. Since we do not want to
load and initialize every possible AngularJS module we ever might need in any sub-pages of our project, we need a way
to initialize and configure them where we need them. This can be achieved with two special Sekizai postprocessors.
2.14. Resolve Angular Dependencies 35
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
In the base template of our project we initialize AngularJS
Listing 1: my_project/base.html
{% load static sekizai_tags %}
<html ng-app="myProject">
{% render_block "css" postprocessor "compressor.contrib.sekizai.compress" %}
somewhere in this file, include the minimum set of Stylesheets and JavaScript files required by AngularJS
{% addtoblock "js" %}<script src="{% static 'node_modules/angular/angular.min.js' %}"
˓type="text/javascript"></script>{% endaddtoblock %}
{% addtoblock "js" %}<script src="{% static 'node_modules/angular-sanitize/angular-
˓sanitize.min.js' %}"></script>{% endaddtoblock %}
Before the closing </body>-tag, we then combine those includes and initialize the client side application
{% render_block "js" postprocessor "compressor.contrib.sekizai.compress" %}
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module('myProject', ['ngSanitize', {% with_data "ng-requires" as ng_requires
{% for module in ng_requires %}'{{ module }}'{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif
˓%}{% endfor %}
{% end_with_data %}])
{% with_data "ng-config" as ng_configs %}
{% for config in ng_configs %}.config({{ config }}){% endfor %};
{% end_with_data %}
Say, in one of the templates which extends our base template, we need the AngularJS animation functionality. Instead
of adding this dependency to the base template, and thus to every page of our project, we only add it to the template
which requires this functionality.
Listing 2: my_project/specialized.html
{% extends "my_project/base.html" %}
{% load static sekizai_tags %}
{% block any_inhertited_block_will_do %}
{% addtoblock "js" %}<script src="{% static 'node_modules/angular-animate/angular-
˓animate.min.js' %}"></script>{% endaddtoblock %}
{% add_data "ng-requires" "ngAnimate" %}
{% addtoblock "ng-config" %}['$animateProvider', function($animateProvider) {
// restrict animation to elements with the bi-animate css class with a regexp.
$animateProvider.classNameFilter(/bi-animate/); }]{% endaddtoblock %}
{% endblock %}
36 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Here addtoblock "js" adds the inclusion of the additional requirement to our list of external files to load.
The second line, add_data "ng-requires" "ngAnimate" adds ngAnimate to the list of Angular require-
ments. In our base template we use {% with_data "ng-requires" as ng_requires %} to iterate over
the list ng_requires, which itself creates the list of AngularJS dependencies.
The third line, addtoblock "ng-config" adds a configuration statement. In our base template this is executed
after our AngularJS application configured their dependencies.
By using this simple trick, we can delegate the dependency resolution and the configuration of our AngularJS appli-
cation to our extended templates. This also applies for HTML snippets included by an extended template.
This approach is a great way to separate concern to the realm it belongs to.
2.15 Three-way data-binding
One of AngularJS biggest selling propositions is its two-way data-binding. Two way data-binding is an automatic way
of updating the view whenever the model changes, as well as updating the model whenever the view changes.
With djng and the additional module django-websocket-redis, one can extend this feature to reflect all changes to a
model, back and forward with a corresponding object stored on the server. This means that the server “sees” whenever
the model on the client changes and can by itself, modify values on the client side at any time, without having the
client to poll for new messages. This is very useful, when the server wants to inform the client about asynchronous
events such as sport results, chat messages or multi-player game events.
2.15.1 Installation
If you want to use three-way data-binding with Django, the webbrowser must have support for websockets. Nowadays,
most modern browsers do so.
Install django-websocket-redis from PyPI:
pip install django-websocket-redis
and follow the configuration instructions.
2.15.2 Demo
In the examples directory there is a demo showing the capabilities. If ws4redis can be found in the Python search
path, this special demo should be available together with the other two examples. Run the demo server:
cd examples
./manage runserver
point a browser onto http://localhost:8000/threeway_databinding/ and fill the input fields. Point a second browser onto
the same URL. The fields content should be the same in all browsers. Change some data, the fields content should
update concurrently in all attached browsers.
2.15.3 Add three-way data-binding to an AngularJS application
Refer to the Javascript file django-angular.js somewhere on your page:
2.15. Three-way data-binding 37
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
{% load static %}
<script src="{% static 'djng/js/django-angular.min.js' %}" type="text/javascript"></
add the module dependency to your application initialization:
var my_app = angular.module('myApp', [/
other dependencies
/, 'djng.websocket']);
configure the websocket module with a URL prefix of your choice:
my_app.config(['djangoWebsocketProvider', function(djangoWebsocketProvider) {
// use WEBSOCKET_URI from django settings as the websocket's prefix
djangoWebsocketProvider.setURI('{{ WEBSOCKET_URI }}');
djangoWebsocketProvider.setHeartbeat({{ WS4REDIS_HEARTBEAT }});
// optionally inform about the connection status in the browser's console
If you want to bind the data model in one of your AngularJS controllers, you must inject the provider djangoWeb-
socket into this controller and then attach the websocket to the server.
my_app.controller('MyController', function($scope, djangoWebsocket) {
djangoWebsocket.connect($scope, 'my_collection', 'foobar', ['subscribe-broadcast',
˓ 'publish-broadcast']);
// use $scope.my_collection as root object for the data which shall be three-way
This creates a websocket attached to the server sides message queue via the module ws4redis. It then shallow watches
the properties of the object named 'my_collection', which contains the model data. It then fires whenever any
of the properties change (for arrays, this implies watching the array items; for object maps, this implies watching the
properties). If a change is detected, it is propagated up to the server. Changes made to the corresponding object on the
server side, are immediately send back to all clients listening on the named facility, referred here as foobar.
Note: This feature is new and experimental, but due to its big potential, it will be regarded as one of the key features
in future versions of django-angular.
2.16 Release History
2.16.1 2.2
If an HTML element <a> contains an <i>-element, then enriche the link element with a function to give
feedback using a tick symbol when clicked.
Add function acceptOrReject() which is invoked by the optional prepare()-function inside a submit
button. It will scroll to invalid form fields whenever a user tries to submit a non-validated form. This has a better
user experience rather than disabling submit buttons in non-validated forms.
38 Chapter 2. Contents
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2.16.2 2.1
Add provider djangoForm to make the button classes for showOK() , showFail() and
showSpinner() configurable.
2.16.3 2.0.4
AngularJS directive djng-forms-set now creates its own child scope, inheriting prototypically.
AngularJS directive button does not create its own child scope anymore, and now uses that of parent directives,
either djng-forms-set or djng-endpoint.
2.16.4 2.0.3
Fix #333: Automatically generated form names broken in Python 3.
2.16.5 2.0.2
Do not render empty $message` if Django’s validation rejected a field or the whole form.
Follow JavaScript best practices.
2.16.6 2.0.1
Prepared for Django-2.0 by changing imports for urlresolvers.
Changed scope function scrollToRejected() to scroll smoothly and to the center of a rejected element.
2.16.7 2.0
To be compliant with other frameworks, Ajax responses from invalid form submissions, now respond with
a HttpResponseBadRequest (status code 422) rather than with a HttpResponse (status 200). This
requires to adopt the form response views and the response handlers in JavaScript files, submitting the form
No more need to add a customized controller for uploading form data to the server. Instead add the directive
djng-endpoint="/path/to/endpoint" to a form and submit the form’s content using an action event.
New AngularJS directive djng-forms-set, usable to validate and submit more than one form.
AngularJS directive for the button-element, usable to create a chain of action promises for form submissions.
Add support for AngularJS version 1.6 by replacing deprecated occurrences of $http(...).success(..
.) against $http(...).then(...).
Sekizai’s postprocessor module_list and module_config are deprecated and will be removed, since it is
easier to fulfill the same result using Sekizai’s templatetag with_data.
Radio input fields do not require the DjNg directive validate-multiple-fields anymore.
2.16. Release History 39
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2.16.8 1.1.4
Fixed: broken <select>-element if used with ng-model.
Started to deprecate djng.sekizai_processors.module_list.
2.16.9 1.1.3
Fix #309: When using Meta to create forms, djng.fields.ModelChoiceField isn’t substituted for
Django’s ModelChoiceField.
2.16.10 1.1.2
Rather than checking if a field in a form that uses the NgMixins is in djng.forms.fields, check if the
field inherits from DefaultFieldMixin. Allows the use of custom form fields.
2.16.11 1.1.1
Added spinner to upload areas. Whenever one uploads a file, the wheel spins to improve the client’s user
2.16.12 1.1
Instead of adding extra functionality to Django’s form fields via inheritance magic, now one must use the
corresponding field classes from djng.forms.fields if its own form class inheritis from NgForm or
Added support to upload files and images via Ajax.
2.16.13 1.0.2
Added templatetag djng_locale_script to include the proper AngularJS locale script.
2.16.14 1.0.1
Fixed #297 “Method get_context() on custom Widget is never called”: Added class NgWidgetMixin
which allows to override method get_context() in custom widgets.
Fixed #288 Incorrect <label for="..."> in widget RadioChoiceInput.
2.16.15 1.0.0
Added support for Django 1.10 and 1.11, tests & travis updated.
Drop support for Django 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9.
Removed templatetag {% csrf_value %}, since Django offers ab equivalent tag.
Fix file input css (remove the border) and add some documentation about common reported errors.
Remove support for bower in favor of npm.
40 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Fix exception while rendering Angular Form using as_ul.
2.16.16 0.8.4
Added two optional Sekiazai’s postprocessors for better dependency resolution of AngularJS imports and mod-
ule initialization.
2.16.17 0.8.3
Refactored client side test runner to use npm instead of Grunt.
Use tox to create the testing matrix.
Fix #261: ModelMultipleChoiceField and CheckboxSelectMultiple.
Deprecate {% csrf_value %} in favour of {{ csrf_token }}.
2.16.18 0.8.2
On the client side, validation of the email address is done using the same regular expression as is used by Django.
Until 0.8.1, the less restrictive Angular validation patterns were used.
Some widgets require more finegrained formatting capabilities.Added a slightly modified method
method:django.forms.utils.flatatt which can use its own context for formatting.
2.16.19 0.8.1
Fixed a bug in NgModelFormMixin.get_form_data(): Using and ... or ... as ternary operator can have
unwanted side effects. Also changed other occurrences.
2.16.20 0.8.0
djangular has been renamed to djng and ng.django-... has been renamed to djng-.... This was
required by many users since it: - caused a naming conflict with another django app named djangular and -
the identifier “djangular” by many users was seen as a bad choice. - violated the AngularJS principle that only
their modules shall be prefixed with “ng”. Please read for the
preceded discussion on this topic.
Support for ngMessages was removed again because - its code base was buggy and unmaintained - it does
not make much sense to reduce the amount of auto-generated HTML - it added an alternative form rendering
mixin, without any additional functionality
In the <select> element, the default <option selected="selected"> did not work anymore. This
regression was introduced in 0.7.16.
2.16.21 0.7.16
Ready for Django-1.9.
Fixed: Non-ascii characters were not being processed correctly by django.http.request.QueryDict.
In JavaScript, replaced console.log by $log.log.
2.16. Release History 41
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Use decimal base on invocation of parseInt.
Use square brackets to access scope members, which otherwise won’t support fields containing -.
templatetag load_djng_urls has been removed.
For CRUD, check if request method is allowed.
Fixed djngError directive, when using AngularJS-1.3.
Added support for ngMessages, as available with AngularJS-1.3.
2.16.22 0.7.15
Simplified middleware for reversing the URL.
Reversing url in djangoUrl service can now be overriden.
2.16.23 0.7.14
Supporting Django-1.8.
The widget bootstrap3.widgets.CheckboxInput got a keyword to set the choice label of a field. This
allows to style this kind of field individually in a Django Form.
2.16.24 0.7.13
Change for Forms inheriting from NgFormBaseMixin using field_css_classes as dict: CSS classes
specified as default now must explicitly be added the fields defining their own CSS classes. Before this was
Added AngularJS directive djng-bind-if. See docs for details.
Reverted fix for FireFox checkbox change sync issue (135) since it manipulated the DOM. Instead added
scope.$apply() which fixes the issue on FF.
In BS3 styling, added CheckboxFieldRenderer to CheckboxInlineFieldRenderer (the default),
so that forms with multiple checkbox input fields can be rendered as block items instead of inlines.
In BS3 styling, added RadioFieldRenderer to RadioInlineFieldRenderer (the default), so that
forms with multiple radio input fields can be rendered as block items instead of inlines.
Fixed ‘classic form’ issue whereby ngModel was not being added to select of textarea elements, so
returned errors where not displayed.
2.16.25 0.7.12
No functional changes.
2.16.26 0.7.11
Using field.html_name instead of Otherwise add_prefix() function on form objects
doesn’t work properly.
Fixed Firefox checkbox change sync issue caused by click and change firing in opposite order to other
browsers. Switched to ng-change to normalise behaviour.
42 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
Moved rejected error cleanup logic into field.clearRejected method, so that it can be removed from
anywhere that has access to the field.
Fixed issue in rejected error clean up loop.
Added missing subfield cleanup to rejected error cleanup loop.
Added AngularJS service djangoUrl to resolve URLs on the client in the same way as on the server.
2.16.27 0.7.10
Fixed inheritance problem (#122) caused by a metaclass conflicting with Django’s
DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass. This now should fix some issues when using forms.ModelForm.
This fix changed the API slightly.
Fixed expansion for templatetag {% angularjs %} (#117) when using lists in Python / arrays in JavaScript.
2.16.28 0.7.9
TupleErrorList has been adopted to fully support Django-1.7.
2.16.29 0.7.8
Fixed: ng-minlength and ng-maxlength are not set to None if unset.
Fixed: Concatenated latest version of django-angular.js.
2.16.30 0.7.7
Refactored the code base. It now is much easier to understand the code and to add custom Fields and Widgets.
Fixed the behaviour of all Widgets offered by Django. They now all validate independently of the method (Post
or Ajax) used to submit data to the server.
2.16.31 0.7.6
Fixed regression when using Bootstrap3FormMixin in combination with widgets.
2.16.32 0.7.5
Added: Template tag {% angularjs %} which allows to share templates between Django and AngularJS.
Fixed: Using {{ field.error }} returned unsafe text.
Fixed: Adjust the regular expression and run grunt build.
2.16. Release History 43
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2.16.33 0.7.4
Fixed: Error rendering while for hidden input fields.
Fixed: Bootstrap3 styling: label for field was rendered as lazy object instead of string.
Added: Url resolvers for angular controllers.
2.16.34 0.7.3
Added support to render a Django Form using a plugable style. Bootstrap3 styling has been implemented.
Added AngularJS directive for <input> fields: They now add a dummy ngModel to some input fields, so that
Forms using the NgFormBaseMixin honor the pristine state and display an error list from the bound form.
Replaced AngularJS directive for form by a directive for ngModel. This directive restores the values in bound
forms otherwise not vivible in the browser.
Fixed: Instead of adding attributes to Form Field Widgets, those additional attributes now are added on the fly
while rendering. This caused some problems, when Forms were reused in different contexts.
Fixed: Behavior for BooleanField and MultipleChoiceField has been fixed so AngularJS form validation.
2.16.35 0.7.2
Fixed: select fields, multiple select fields, radio and checkbox input fields and text areas are handled by the
built-in form directive to adopt Django’s bound forms for AngularJS.
2.16.36 0.7.1
For remote method invocation, replace keyword action against a private HTTP-header
DjNg-Remote-Method. Added template tags djng_all_rmi and djng_current_rmi which
return a list of methods to be used for remote invocation.
Experimental support for Python-3.3.
2.16.37 0.7.0
Refactored errors handling code for form validation. It now is much easier and more flexible for mixing in other
form based classes.
Added a date validator using an AngularJS directive. * Can be used as a starting point for other customized
Added another view, which can be used for NgModelMixin without NgValidationMixin.
Added new directory to handle client code. * Separated JS files for easier development. * Grunt now builds,
verifies and concatenates that code. * Karma and Jasmine run unit tests for client code. * A minified version of
django-angular.js is build by grunt and npm-uglify.
Rewritten the demo pages to give a good starting point for your own projects.
44 Chapter 2. Contents
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2.16.38 0.6.3
ADOPT YOUR SOURCES: The Javascript file /static/js/djng-websocket.js has been moved and
renamed to /static/djangular/js/django-angular.js
Internal error messages generated by server side validation, now are mixed with AngularJS’s validation errors.
A special list-item is added to the list of errors. It is shown if the input field contains valid data.
Input fields of bound forms, now display the content of the field, as expected. This requires the Angular module
2.16.39 0.6.2
Refactored NgFormValidationMixin, so that potential AngularJS errors do not interfere with Django’s
internal error list. This now allows to use the same form definition for bound and unbound forms.
2.16.40 0.6.1
Bug fix for CRUD view.
2.16.41 0.6.0
Support for basic CRUD view.
2.16.42 0.5.0
Added three way data binding.
2.16.43 0.4.0
Removed @csrf_exempt on dispatch method for Ajax requests.
2.16.44 0.3.0
Client side form validation for Django forms using AngularJS
2.16.45 0.2.2
Removed now useless directive ‘auto-label’. For backwards compatibility see
2.16.46 0.2.1
Set Cache-Control: no-cache for Ajax GET requests.
2.16. Release History 45
django-angular Documentation, Release 2.2
2.16.47 0.2.0
added handler to mixin class for ajax get requests.
moved unit tests into testing directory.
changed request.raw_post_data -> request.body.
added possibility to pass get and post requests through to inherited view class.
2.16.48 0.1.4
optimized CI process
2.16.49 0.1.3
added first documents
2.16.50 0.1.2
better packaging support
2.16.51 0.1.1
fixed initial data in NgModelFormMixin
2.16.52 0.1.0
initial revision
46 Chapter 2. Contents
Indices and tables