"Good evening. I'm so happy to be here tonight. First, I want to wish my brother and his new wife a
wonderful life together. The two of you are great together, and today, your wedding, it was just
[Turn to the guests.]
"Many of you only know my brother as the cool, dashing, athletic, somewhat successful professional
[fill in type of career]. However, he wasn't always that way. I know. It's difficult to imagine, but he
was once just a little guy, my baby brother. And, even though we're adults, I'll always think of him as
my little brother."
[Look at your brother.]
"I spent our childhood looking out for you, Brother, and I'll always be your big sister and always look
out for you."
[Insert a story about how you protected your brother or encouraged him when he was a little boy and
was feeling discouraged or challenged.]
"What I've learned from being your big sister is unconditional love. I've always known that I love you
unconditionally, but I never knew that you loved me unconditionally. Not until…"
[Insert short story of how you discovered your brother's love was unconditional. When finished, turn
to the bride.]
"I know that you, Bride, have also discovered that same unconditional love. And, just as importantly,
I know that you love my brother the same way he loves, with your whole heart. Bride, I'm so grateful
that my little brother found the love of his life. Seeing the two of you together always makes me
smile. I can't help it. You are a perfect match for each other. You give each other permission to be
yourselves. You accept each other's imperfections. Most importantly, you support and encourage
each other, no matter what task or project you decide to tackle, like the time Brother decided to…"
[Insert a funny story of a project or task your brother undertook that turned out badly in a humorous
way. This can be anything from any time in his life.]
"Had you been by his side at the time he did that, I know you would have been right there with him,
helping him. And, knowing that, I can breathe a sigh of relief as Brother's big sister because I know
you will look out for him the same way I always have. I also know that he will always look out for
you, the same way he has always looked out for me."
[Turn back to the other guests.]
"Please join me in a toast to Bride and Brother. To a life filled with happiness and love. May you
build on the love and relationship you sealed today with your wedding vows and always have each
other's best interest as your number one priority in your marriage, with your combined unconditional
love guiding you."