How Does Political Instability Affect Economic
Ari Aisen and Francisco Jose Veiga
© 2010 International Monetary Fund WP/11/12
IMF Working Paper
Middle East and Central Asia Department
How Does Political Instability Affect Economic Growth?
Prepared by Ari Aisen and Francisco Jose Veiga
Authorized for distribution by Ana Lucía Coronel
January 2011
This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.
The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the
author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate.
The purpose of this paper is to empirically determine the effects of political instability on
economic growth. Using the syste
-GMM estimator for linear dynamic panel data models
n a sample covering up to 169 countries, and 5-year periods from 1960 to 2004, we find
hat higher degrees of political instability are associated with lower growth rates of GDP
er capita. Regarding the channels of transmission, we find that political instability
adversely affects growth by lowering the rates of productivity growth and, to a smaller
egree, physical and human capital accumulation. Finally, economic freedom and ethnic
omogeneity are beneficial to growth, while democracy may have a small negative effect.
JEL Classification Numbers: 043, 047
Keywords: Economic growth, political instability, growth accounting, productivity.
Author’s E-Mail Address: [email protected]; [email protected]
*Ari Aisen: International Monetary Fund ([email protected]
). Francisco Jose Veiga: Universidade do Minho
nd NIPE Escola de Economía e Gestão, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal (
**The authors wish to thank John H. McDermott, conference participants at the 2010 Meeting of the
uropean Public Choice Society and at the Fourth Conference of the Portuguese Economic Journal and
seminar participants at the University of Minho for useful comments. Finally, we thank Luísa Benta for
xcellent research assistance.
Contents Page
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................3
II. Data and the Empirical Model ..............................................................................................4
III. Empirical Results .................................................................................................................8
IV. Conclusions........................................................................................................................24
References ................................................................................................................................27
Political instability is regarded by economists as a serious malaise harmful to economic
performance. Political instability is likely to shorten policymakers’ horizons leading to sub-
optimal short term macroeconomic policies. It may also lead to a more frequent switch of
policies, creating volatility and thus, negatively affecting macroeconomic performance.
Considering its damaging repercussions on economic performance the extent at which political
instability is pervasive across countries and time is quite surprising. Political instability as
measured by Cabinet Changes, that is, the number of times in a year in which a new premier is
named and/or 50 percent or more of the cabinet posts are occupied by new ministers, is indeed
globally widespread displaying remarkable regional differences (see Figure 1).
The widespread phenomenon of political (and policy) instability in several countries
across time and its negative effects on their economic performance has arisen the interest of
several economists. As such, the profession produced an ample literature documenting the
negative effects of political instability on a wide range of macroeconomic variables including,
among others, GDP growth, private investment, and inflation. Alesina et al. (1996) use data on
113 countries from 1950 to 1982 to show that GDP growth is significantly lower in countries
and time periods with a high propensity of government collapse. In a more recent paper, Jong-a-
Pin (2009) also finds that higher degrees of political instability lead to lower economic growth.
As regards to private investment, Alesina and Perotti (1996) show that socio-political instability
generates an uncertain politico-economic environment, raising risks and reducing investment.
Political instability also leads to higher inflation as shown in Aisen and Veiga (2006). Quite
interestingly, the mechanisms at work to explain inflation in their paper resemble those affecting
economic growth; namely that political instability shortens the horizons of governments,
disrupting long term economic policies conducive to a better economic performance.
This paper revisits the relationship between political instability and GDP growth. This is
because we believe that, so far, the profession was unable to tackle some fundamental questions
behind the negative relationship between political instability and GDP growth. What are the
main transmission channels from political instability to economic growth? How quantitatively
important are the effects of political instability on the main drivers of growth, namely, total
factor productivity and physical and human capital accumulation? This paper addresses these
A dissenting view is presented by Campos and Nugent (2002), who find no evidence of a causal and negative
long-run relation between political instability and economic growth. They only find evidence of a short-run effect.
Perotti (1996) also finds that socio-political instability adversely affects growth and investment. For a theoretical
model linking political instability and investment, see Rodrik (1991).
important questions providing estimates from panel data regressions using system-GMM
on a
dataset of up to 169 countries for the period 1960 to 2004. Our results are strikingly conclusive:
in line with results previously documented, political instability reduces GDP growth rates
significantly. An additional cabinet change (a new premier is named and/or 50 percent of
cabinet posts are occupied by new ministers) reduces the annual real GDP per capita growth rate
by 2.39 percentage points. This reduction is mainly due to the negative effects of political
instability on total factor productivity growth, which account for more than half of the effects on
GDP growth. Political instability also affects growth through physical and human capital
accumulation, with the former having a slightly larger effect than the latter. These results go a
long way to clearly understand why political instability is harmful to economic growth. It
suggests that countries need to address political instability, dealing with its root causes and
attempting to mitigate its effects on the quality and sustainability of economic policies
engendering economic growth.
The paper continues as follows: section II describes the dataset and presents the
empirical methodology, section III discusses the empirical results, and section IV concludes the
Annual data on economic, political and institutional variables, from 1960 to 2004 were
gathered for 209 countries, but missing values for several variables reduce the number of
countries in the estimations to at most 169. The sources of economic data were the Penn World
Table Version 6.2 – PWT (Heston et al., 2006), the World Bank’s World Development
Indicators (WDI) and Global Development Network Growth Database (GDN), and the
International Monetary Fund’s International Financial Statistics (IFS). Political and
institutional data were obtained from the Cross National Time Series Data Archive – CNTS
(Databanks International, 2007), the Polity IV Database (Marshall and Jaggers, 2005), the State
Failure Task Force database (SFTF), and Gwartney and Lawson (2007).
The hypothesis that political instability and other political and institutional variables
affect economic growth is tested by estimating dynamic panel data models for GDP per capita
growth (taken from the PWT) for consecutive, nonoverlapping, five-year periods, from 1960 to
Our baseline model includes the following explanatory variables (all except Initial GDP
per capita are averaged over each five-year period):
System-GMM is a useful methodology to estimate the effects of political instability on growth since it proposes a
clear-cut solution to the endogeneity problem involving these two variables. Using natural instruments for
contemporaneous political instability, this econometric method allows for the calculation of the causal effect of
political instability on growth independent of the feedback effect of growth on political instability.
The periods are: 1960–64, 1965–69, 1970–74, 1975–79, 1980–84, 1985–89, 1990–94, 1995–99, and 2000–04.
Initial GDP per capita (log) (PWT): log of real GDP per capita lagged by one five-year
period. A negative coefficient is expected, indicating the existence of conditional
convergence among countries.
Investment (percent of GDP) (PWT). A positive coefficient is expected, as greater
investment shares have been shown to be positively related with economic growth (Mankiw
et al., 1992).
Primary school enrollment (WDI). Greater enrollment ratios lead to greater human capital,
which should be positively related to economic growth. A positive coefficient is expected.
Population growth (PWT). All else remaining the same, greater population growth leads to
lower GDP per capita growth. Thus, a negative coefficient is expected.
Trade openness (PWT). Assuming that openness to international trade is beneficial to
economic growth, a positive coefficient is expected.
Cabinet changes (CNTS). Number of times in a year in which a new premier is named
and/or 50 percent of the cabinet posts are occupied by new ministers. This variable is our
main proxy of political instability. It is essentially an indicator of regime instability, which
has been found to be associated with lower economic growth (Jong-a-Pin, 2009). A negative
coefficient is expected, as greater political (regime) instability leads to greater uncertainty
concerning future economic policies and, consequently, to lower economic growth.
In order to account for the effects of macroeconomic stability on economic growth, two
additional variables will be added to the model:
Inflation rate (IFS).
A negative coefficient is expected, as high inflation has been found to
negatively affect growth. See, among others, Edison et al. (2002) and Elder (2004).
Government (percent of GDP) (PWT). An excessively large government is expected to
crowd out resources from the private sector and be harmful to economic growth. Thus, a
negative coefficient is expected.
The extended model will also include the following institutional variables:
Index of Economic Freedom (Gwartney and Lawson, 2007). Higher indexes are associated
with smaller governments (Area 1), stronger legal structure and security of property rights
(Area 2), access to sound money (Area 3), greater freedom to exchange with foreigners
Here, we follow Levine et al. (2000), who accounted for macroeconomic stability in a growth regression by
including the inflation rate and the size of government.
In order to avoid heteroskedasticity problems resulting from the high variability of inflation rates, Inflation was
defined as log(1+Inf/100).
There is an extensive literature on the effects of institutions on economic growth. See, among others, Acemoglu et
al. (2001), Acemoglu et al. (2003), de Hann (2007), Glaeser et al. (2004), and Mauro (1995).
(Area 4), and more flexible regulations of credit, labor, and business (Area 5). Since all of
these are favorable to economic growth, a positive coefficient is expected.
Ethnic Homogeneity Index (SFTF): ranges from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating ethnic
homogeneity, and equals the sum of the squared population fractions of the seven largest
ethnic groups in a country. For each period, it takes the value of the index in the beginning
of the respective decade. According to Easterly, et al. (2006), “social cohesion” determines
the quality of institutions, which has important impacts on whether pro-growth policies are
implemented or not. Since higher ethnic homogeneity implies greater social cohesion,
which should result in good institutions and pro-growth policies, a positive coefficient is
Polity Scale (Polity IV): from strongly autocratic (-10) to strongly democratic (10). This
variable is our proxy for democracy. According to Barro (1996) and Tavares and Wacziarg
(2001), a negative coefficient is expected.
Descriptive statistics of the variables included in the tables of results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Variable Obs. Mean St. Dev. Min. Max. Source
Growth of GDP per capita
1098 0.016 0.037 -0.344 0.347 PWT
GDP per capita (log)
1197 8.315 1.158 5.144 11.346 PWT
Growth of Physical Capital
1082 0.028 0.042 -0.122 0.463 PWT
Physical Capital per capita (log)
1174 8.563 1.627 4.244 11.718 PWT
Growth of TFP
703 0.000 0.048 -0.509 0.292 PWT, BL
TFP (log)
808 8.632 0.763 5.010 12.074 PWT, BL
Growth of Human Capital
707 0.012 0.012 -0.027 0.080 BL
Human Capital per capita (log)
812 -0.308 0.393 -1.253 0.597 BL
Investment (percent of GDP)
1287 14.474 8.948 1.024 91.964 PWT
Primary School Enrollment
1286 88.509 27.794 3.000 149.240 WDI-WB
Population Growth
1521 0.097 0.071 -0.281 0.732 PWT
Trade (percent of GDP)
1287 72.527 45.269 2.015 387.423 PWT
Government (percent of GDP)
1287 22.164 10.522 2.552 79.566 PWT
Inflation [=ln(1+Inf/100)]
1080 0.156 0.363 -0.056 4.178 IFS-IMF
Cabinet Changes
1322 0.044 0.358 0.000 2.750 CNTS
Regime Instability Index 1
1302 -0.033 0.879 -0.894 8.018 CNTS-PCA
Regime Instability Index 2
1287 -0.014 0.892 -1.058 7.806 CNTS-PCA
See Benhabib and Rusticini (1996) for a theoretical model relating social conflict and growth.
On the relationship between democracy and growth, see also Acemoglu, et al. (2008).
Regime Instability Index 3
1322 -0.038 0.684 -0.813 6.040 CNTS-PCA
Violence Index
1306 -0.004 0.786 -0.435 4.712 CNTS-PCA
Political Instability Index
1302 -0.004 0.887 -0.777 6.557 CNTS-PCA
Index of Economic Freedom
679 5.682 1.208 2.004 8.714 EFW
Area 2:Legal Structure and
Security of Property Rights
646 5.424 1.846 1.271 9.363 EFW
Polity Scale
1194 0.239 7.391 -10.000 10.000 Polity IV
Ethnic Homogeneity Index
1129 0.583 0.277 0.150 1.000 SFTF
BL: Updated version of Barro and Lee (2001).
CNTS: Cross-National Time Series database (Databanks International, 2007).
CNTS-PCA: Data generated by Principal Components Analysis using variables from CNTS.
EFW: Economic Freedom of the World (Gwartney and Lawson, 2007).
IFS-IMF: International Financial Statistics - International Monetary Fund.
Polity IV: Polity IV database (Marshall and Jaggers, 2005).
PWT: Penn World Table Version 6.2 (Heston et al., 2006).
SFTF: State Failure Task Force database.
WDI-WB: World Development Indicators–World Bank.
Notes: Sample of consecutive, non-overlapping, five-year periods from 1960 to 2004, comprising the
169 countries considered in the baseline regression, whose results are shown in column 1 of Table 2.
The empirical model for economic growth can be summarized as follows:
WλXβ ''lnlnln
TtNi ,...,1,...,1 (1)
where Y
stands for the GDP per capita of country i at the end of period t, X
for a vector of
economic determinants of economic growth, PI
for a proxy of political instability, and W
for a
vector of political and institutional determinants of economic growth; α, β, δ, and λ are the
parameters and vectors of parameters to be estimated,
are country-specific effects,
period specific effects, and,
is the error term. With
, equation (1) becomes:
WλXβ ''lnln
TtNi ,...,1,...,1 (2)
One problem of estimating this dynamic model using OLS is that Y
(the lagged
dependent variable) is endogenous to the fixed effects (ν
), which gives rise to “dynamic panel
bias”. Thus, OLS estimates of this baseline model will be inconsistent, even in the fixed or
random effects settings, because Y
would be correlated with the error term,
, even if the
latter is not serially correlated.
If the number of time periods available (T) were large, the bias
would become very small and the problem would disappear. But, since our sample has only nine
non-overlapping five-year periods, the bias may still be important.
First-differencing Equation
(2) removes the individual effects (
) and thus eliminates a potential source of bias:
WλXβ ''.
TtNi ,...,1 ,...,1 (3)
But, when variables that are not strictly exogenous are first-differenced, they become
endogenous, since the first difference will be correlated with the error term. Following
Holtz-Eakin, Newey and Rosen (1988), Arellano and Bond (1991) developed a Generalized
Method of Moments (GMM) estimator for linear dynamic panel data models that solves this
problem by instrumenting the differenced predetermined and endogenous variables with their
available lags in levels: levels of the dependent and endogenous variables, lagged two or more
periods; levels of the predetermined variables, lagged one or more periods. The exogenous
variables can be used as their own instruments.
A problem of this difference-GMM estimator is that lagged levels are weak instruments
for first-differences if the series are very persistent (see Blundell and Bond, 1998). According to
Arellano and Bover (1995), efficiency can be increased by adding the original equation in levels
to the system, that is, by using the system-GMM estimator. If the first-differences of an
explanatory variable are not correlated with the individual effects, lagged values of the
first-differences can be used as instruments in the equation in levels. Lagged differences of the
dependent variable may also be valid instruments for the levels equations.
The estimation of growth models using the difference-GMM estimator for linear panel
data was introduced by Caselli et al. (1996). Then, Levine et al. (2000) used the system-GMM
, which is now common practice in the literature (see Durlauf, et al., 2005, and Beck,
2008). Although several period lengths have been used, most studies work with nonoverlapping
five-year periods.
The empirical analysis is divided into two parts. First, we test the hypothesis that
political instability has negative effects on economic growth, by estimating regressions for GDP
per capita growth. As described above, the effects of institutional variables will also be
See Arellano and Bond (1991) and Baltagi (2008).
According to the simulations performed by Judson and Owen (1999), there is still a bias of 20 percent in the
coefficient of interest for T=30.
For a detailed discussion on the conditions under which GMM is suitable for estimating growth regressions, see
Bond et al. (2001).
analyzed. Then, the second part of the empirical analysis studies the channels of transmission.
Concretely, we test the hypothesis that political instability adversely affects output growth by
reducing the rates of productivity growth and of physical and human capital accumulation.
3.1. Political Instability and Economic Growth
The results of system-GMM estimations on real GDP per capita growth using a sample
comprising 169 countries, and nine consecutive and non-overlapping five-year periods from
1960 to 2004 are shown in Table 2. Since low economic growth may increase government
instability (Alesina et al., 1996), our proxy for political instability, Cabinet changes, will be
treated as endogenous. In fact, most of the other explanatory variables can also be affected by
economic growth. Thus, it is more appropriate to treat all right-hand side variables as
The results of the estimation of the baseline model are presented in column 1. The
hypothesis that political instability negatively affects economic growth receives clear empirical
support. Cabinet Changes is highly statistically significant and has the expected negative sign.
The estimated coefficient implies that when there is an additional cabinet change per year, the
annual growth rate decreases by 2.39 percentage points. Most of the results regarding the other
explanatory variables also conform to our expectations. Initial GDP per capita has a negative
coefficient, which is consistent with conditional income convergence across countries.
Investment and enrollment ratios
have positive and statistically significant coefficients,
indicating that greater investment and education promote growth. Finally, population growth has
the expected negative coefficient, and Trade (percent of GDP) has the expected sign, but is not
statistically significant.
Table 2. Political Instability and Economic Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
nitial GDP per capita (log)
-0.0087** -0.0125*** -0.0177*** -0.0181*** -0.0157***
(-2.513) (-3.738) (-4.043) (-4.110) (-4.307)
nvestment (percent of GDP)
0.0009** 0.0008*** 0.0007** 0.0012*** 0.0014***
(2.185) (2.649) (2.141) (2.908) (3.898)
rimary School Enrollment
0.0003*** 0.0002* 0.0003 0.0001 0.0001
(3.097) (1.743) (1.616) (1.134) (0.756)
opulation Growth
-0.184*** -0.273*** -0.232*** -0.271*** -0.245***
(-3.412) (-5.048) (-4.123) (-5.266) (-5.056)
Trade (percent of GDP)
6.70e-05 0.0001** 2.63e-05 -0.00003
Their twice lagged values were used as instruments in the first-differenced equations and their once-lagged first-
differences were used in the levels equation.
The results are virtually the same when secondary enrollment is used instead of primary enrollment. Since we
have more observations for the latter, we opted to include it in the estimations reported in this paper.
(0.957) (2.344) (0.414) (-0.683)
-0.0091*** -0.0027 -0.0081**
(-2.837) (-0.620) (-2.282)
Government (percent of GDP)
-8.22e-05 9.72e-06 -0.0004
(-0.229) (0.0302) (-1.366)
Cabinet Changes
-0.0239*** -0.0164** -0.0200** -0.0244*** -0.0158**
(-3.698) (-2.338) (-2.523) (-2.645) (-2.185)
ndex of Economic Freedom
0.0109*** 0.0083**
(2.824) (2.313)
rea2: Legal structure and
security of property rights
umber of Observations 990 851 560 588 527
umber of Countries 169 152 116 120 117
Hansen test (p-value) 0.229 0.396 0.366 0.128 0.629
AR1 test (p-value) 1.15e-06 9.73e-05 1.64e-05 2.71e-06 0.00002
AR2 test (p-value) 0.500 0.365 0.665 0.745 0.491
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using Windmeijer’s,
2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
The results of an extended model which includes proxies for macroeconomic stability
are reported in column 2 of Table 2. Most of the results are similar to those of column 1. The
main difference is that Trade (percent of GDP) is now statistically significant, which is
consistent with a positive effect of trade openness on growth. Regarding macroeconomic
stability, inflation and government size have the expected signs, but only the first is statistically
The Index of Economic Freedom
is included in the model of column 3 in order to
account for favorable economic institutions. It is statistically significant and has a positive sign,
as expected. A one-point increase in that index increases annual economic growth by one
percentage point. Trade (percent of GDP) and Inflation are no longer statistically significant.
This is not surprising because the Index of Economic Freedom is composed of five areas, some
of which are related to explanatory variables included in the model: size of government (Area
1), access to sound money (Area 3), and greater freedom to exchange with foreigners (Area 4).
In order to avoid potential collinearity problems, the variables Trade (percent of GDP),
Since data for the Index of Economic Freedom is available only from 1970 onwards, the sample is restricted to
1970 to 2004 when this variable is included in the model.
Inflation, and Government (percent of GDP) are not included in the estimation of column 4. The
results regarding the Index of Economic Freedom and Cabinet Changes remain essentially the
An efficient legal structure and secure property rights have been emphasized in the
literature as crucial factors for encouraging investment and growth (Glaeser, et al., 2004; Hall
and Jones, 1999; La-Porta, et al., 1997). The results shown in column 5, where the Index of
Economic Freedom is replaced by its Area 2, Legal structure and security of property rights, are
consistent with the findings of previous studies.
In the estimations whose results are reported in Table 3, we also account for the effects of
democracy and social cohesion, by including the Polity Scale and the Ethnic Homogeneity Index
in the model. There is weak evidence that democracy has small adverse effects on growth, as the
Polity Scale has a negative coefficient, small in absolute value, which is statistically significant
only in the estimations of columns 1 and 3. These results are consistent with those of Barro
(1996) and Tavares and Wacziarg (2001)
. As expected, higher ethnic homogeneity (social
cohesion) is favorable to economic growth, although the index is not statistically significant in
column 4. The results regarding the effects of political instability, economic freedom, and
security of property rights are similar to those found in the estimations of Table 2. The most
important conclusion that we can withdraw from these results is that the evidence regarding the
negative effects of political instability on growth are robust to the inclusion of institutional
Considering that political instability is a multi-dimensional phenomenon, eventually not
well captured by just one variable (Cabinet Changes), we constructed five alternative indexes of
political instability by applying principal components analysis.
Since Investment (percent of GDP) is included as an explanatory variable, the Area 2 will also affect GDP
growth through it. Thus, the coefficient reported for Area 2 should be interpreted as the direct effect on growth,
when controlling for the indirect effect through investment. This direct effect could operate through channels such
as total factor productivity and human capital accumulation.
Tavares and Wacziarg (2001) justify the negative effect of democracy on growth as the net contribution of
democracy to lowering income inequality and expanding access of education to the poor (positive) at the expense
of physical capital accumulation (negative).
This technique for data reduction describes linear combinations of the variables that contain most of the
information. It analyses the correlation matrix, and the variables are standardized to have mean zero and standard
deviation of 1 at the outset. Then, for each of the five groups of variables, the first component identified, the linear
combination with greater explanatory power, was used as the political instability index.
Table 3. Political Instability, Institutions, and Economic Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4)
nitial GDP per capita (log)
-0.0216*** -0.0237*** -0.0188*** -0.0182***
(-4.984) (-5.408) (-4.820) (-3.937)
nvestment (percent of GDP)
0.0011*** 0.0006* 0.0018*** 0.0014***
(3.082) (1.773) (5.092) (5.369)
rimary School Enrollment
0.0003** 0.0003** 0.0002* 0.0001
(2.106) (2.361) (1.784) (0.853)
opulation Growth
-0.255*** -0.195*** -0.228*** -0.215***
(-5.046) (-3.527) (-4.286) (-3.494)
Trade (percent of GDP)
-5.94e-05 1.63e-05 -8.00e-05 -4.16e-05
(-1.020) (0.241) (-1.219) (-0.771)
-0.0018 -0.0087***
(-0.373) (-2.653)
Government (percent of GDP)
-0.0002 -0.0004*
(-0.984) (-1.655)
Cabinet Changes
-0.0321*** -0.0279*** -0.0302*** -0.0217***
(-3.942) (-3.457) (-4.148) (-3.428)
ndex of Economic Freedom
0.0085** 0.0080**
(2.490) (2.255)
rea2: Legal structure and security of
property rights
0.0040** 0.0033*
(2.297) (1.895)
olity Scale
-0.0006* -4.22e-05 -0.0009* 7.60e-06
(-1.906) (-0.105) (-1.864) (0.0202)
thnic Homogeneity Index
0.0449** 0.0560*** 0.0301* 0.0201
(2.316) (3.728) (1.671) (1.323)
umber of Observations 547 520 517 494
umber of Countries 112 108 113 109
Hansen test (p-value) 0.684 0.998 0.651 0.992
AR1 test (p-value) 3.81e-06 2.56e-05 1.10e-05 4.38e-05
AR2 test (p-value) 0.746 0.618 0.492 0.456
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
The first three indexes include variables that are associated with regime instability, the fourth
has violence indicators, and the fifth combines regime instability and violence indicators. The
variables (all from the CNTS) used to define each index were:
o Regime Instability Index 1: Cabinet Changes and Executive Changes.
o Regime Instability Index 2: Cabinet Changes, Constitutional Changes, Coups,
Executive Changes, and Government Crises.
o Regime Instability Index 3: Cabinet Changes, Constitutional Changes, Coups,
Executive Changes, Government Crises, Number of Legislative Elections, and
Fragmentation Index.
o Violence Index: Assassinations, Coups, and Revolutions.
o Political Instability Index: Assassinations, Cabinet Changes, Constitutional Changes,
Coups, and Revolutions.
The results of the estimation of the model of column 1 of Table 3 using the
above-described indexes are reported in Table 4. While all indexes have the expected negative
signs, the Violence Index is not statistically significant.
Thus, we conclude that it is regime
instability that more adversely affects economic growth. Jong-a-Pin (2009) and Klomp and de
Haan (2009) reach a similar conclusion.
Table 4. Indexes of Political Instability and Economic Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
nitial GDP per capita (log)
-0.0211*** -0.0216*** -0.0221*** -0.0216*** -0.0216***
(-4.685) (-4.832) (-4.789) (-4.085) (-5.370)
nvestment (percent of GDP)
0.0012*** 0.0011*** 0.0011*** 0.0010*** 0.0011***
(3.006) (3.091) (2.778) (3.190) (3.126)
rimary School Enrollment
0.0003** 0.0002** 0.0002** 0.0004*** 0.0003**
(2.156) (1.964) (1.972) (2.597) (2.496)
opulation Growth
-0.245*** -0.214*** -0.221*** -0.226*** -0.220***
(-4.567) (-4.002) (-4.500) (-3.869) (-4.197)
Trade (percent of GDP)
-7.06e-05 -8.92e-05 -8.19e-05 -9.30e-05 -8.95e-05
(-1.058) (-1.391) (-1.268) (-1.109) (-1.392)
egime Instability Index 1
egime Instability Index 2
egime Instability Index 3
Violence Index
olitical Instability Index
ndex of Economic Freedom
0.0084** 0.0090** 0.0087** 0.0120*** 0.0112***
The results for these five indexes are essentially the same when we include them in other models of Table 3 or in
the models of Table 2. The same is true for indexes constructed using alternative combinations of the CNTS
variables. These results are not shown here, but are available from the authors upon request.
(2.251) (2.429) (2.251) (2.935) (3.324)
olity Scale
-0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0003 -0.0010** -0.0008**
(-1.356) (-1.311) (-0.833) (-2.296) (-2.060)
thnic Homogeneity Index
0.0497*** 0.0497*** 0.0530*** 0.0429* 0.0376**
(3.150) (3.094) (3.177) (1.832) (2.349)
umber of Observations 547 547 545 547 547
umber of Countries 112 112 111 112 112
Hansen test (p-value) 0.560 0.432 0.484 0.576 0.516
AR1 test (p-value) 3.82e-06 3.22e-06 3.60e-06 6.63e-06 3.80e-06
AR2 test (p-value) 0.667 0.291 0.437 0.280 0.233
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004;
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation;
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
Several robustness tests were performed in order to check if the empirical support found
for the adverse effects of political instability on economic growth remains when using restricted
samples or alternative period lengths. Table 5 reports the estimated coefficients and t-statistics
obtained for the proxies of political instability when the models of column 1 of Table 3 (for
Cabinet Changes) and of columns 1 to 3 of Table 4 (for the three regime instability indexes) are
estimated using seven alternative restricted samples.
The first restricted sample (column 1 of
Table 5) includes only developing countries, and the next four (columns 2 to 5) exclude one
continent at a time.
Finally, in the estimation of column 6, data for the 1960s and the 1970s is
excluded from the sample, while in column 7 the last five-year period (2000–04) is excluded.
Since Cabinet Changes and the three regime instability indexes are always statistically
significant, we conclude that the negative effects of political instability on real GDP per capita
growth are robust to sample restrictions.
The complete results of the 28 estimations of Table 5 and of the 16 estimations of Table 6 are available from the
authors upon request.
The proxies of political instability were interacted with regional dummy variables in order to test for regional
differences in the effects of political instability on growth. No evidence of such differences was found.
Table 5. Robustness Tests for Restricted Samples
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Latin America
the 1960s
and 1970s
the 2000s
-0.0282*** -0.0285*** -0.0342*** -0.0280*** -0.0282*** -0.0309*** -0.0326***
(-3.814) (-4.588) (-3.583) (-3.315) (-3.563) (-3.108) (-3.693)
ndex 1
-0.0191*** -0.0154*** -0.0198*** -0.0185*** -0.0167*** -0.0159*** -0.0136***
(-3.795) (-4.157) (-3.128) (-3.686) (-3.534) (-3.326) (-3.325)
ndex 2
-0.0161*** -0.0107*** -0.0141*** -0.0131*** -0.0117** -0.0160*** -0.0141***
(-3.299) (-3.905) (-3.717) (-3.112) (-2.553) (-3.292) (-3.540)
ndex 3
-0.0161*** -0.0118*** -0.0148*** -0.0145*** -0.0096*** -0.0165*** -0.0146***
(-3.686) (-3.459) (-3.563) (-3.369) (-2.760) (-3.633) (-3.587)
umber of
415 401 471 506 436 441 488
umber of
92 80 97 97 91 111 112
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- The dependent variable is the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
- Each coefficient shown comes from a separate regression. That is, this table
summarizes the results of 28 estimations. The complete results are available from
the authors upon request.
- The explanatory variables used, besides the proxy for political instability indicated
in each row, are those of the model of column 1 of Table 3 (for Cabinet Changes)
and columns 1 to 3 of Table 4 (for the regime instability indexes).
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two
periods were used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once
lagged first-differences were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is
rejected: ***, 1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
The results of robustness tests for alternative period lengths are reported in Table 6. The
models of column 1 of Table 3 (for Cabinet Changes) and of columns 1 to 3 of Table 4 (for the
three regime instability indexes) were estimated using consecutive, non-overlapping periods of
4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Again, all estimated coefficients are statistically significant, with a negative
sign, providing further empirical support for the hypothesis that political instability adversely
affects economic growth.
Table 6. Robustness Tests for Alternative Period Lengths
(1) (2) (3) (4)
roxy of Political Instability 4-Year
Cabinet Changes
-0.0298* -0.0229** -0.0121* -0.0231**
(-1.683) (-2.470) (-1.752) (-2.004)
egime Instability Index 1
-0.0081* -0.0121*** -0.0065* -0.0213**
(-1.744) (-2.842) (-1.840) (-2.553)
egime Instability Index 2
-0.0077** -0.0081** -0.0092** -0.0078***
(-2.451) (-2.291) (-2.170) (-2.590)
egime Instability Index 3
-0.0065** -0.0076** -0.0101** -0.0069**
(-2.150) (-2.217) (-2.462) (-2.133)
umber of Observations 737 488 390 506
umber of Countries 112 110 109 97
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- The dependent variable is the growth rate of real GDP per capita.
- Each coefficient shown comes from a separate regression. That is, this table summarizes
the results of 16 estimations. The complete results are available from the authors upon
- The explanatory variables used, besides the proxy for political instability indicated in
each row, are those of the model of column 1 of Table 3 (for Cabinet Changes) and
columns 1 to 3 of Table 4 (for the regime instability indexes).
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods
were used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-
differences were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected:
***, 1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
3.2. Channels of Transmission
In this section, we study the channels through which political instability affects
economic growth. Since political instability is associated with greater uncertainty regarding
future economic policy, it is likely to adversely affect investment and, consequently, physical
capital accumulation. In fact, several studies have identified a negative relation between
political instability and investment (Alesina and Perotti, 1996; Mauro, 1985; Özler and Rodrik,
1992; Perotti, 1996). Instead of estimating an investment equation, we will construct the series
on the stock of physical capital, using the perpetual inventory method, and estimate equations
for the growth of the capital stock. That is, we will analyze the effects of political instability and
institutions on physical capital accumulation.
It is also possible that political instability adversely affects productivity. By increasing
uncertainty about the future, it may lead to less efficient resource allocation. Additionally, it
may reduce research and development efforts by firms and governments, leading to slower
technological progress. Violence, civil unrest, and strikes, can also interfere with the normal
operation of firms and markets, reduce hours worked, and even lead to the destruction of some
installed productive capacity. Thus, we hypothesize that higher political instability is associated
with lower productivity growth. Finally, human capital accumulation may also be adversely
affected by political instability because uncertainty about the future may induce people to invest
less in education.
Construction of the series
The series were constructed following the Hall and Jones (1999) approach to the
decomposition of output. They assume that output, Y, is produced according to the following
production function:
where K denotes the stock of physical capital, A is a labor-augmenting measure of productivity,
and H is the amount of human capital-augmented labor used in production. Finally, the factor
share α is assumed to be constant across countries and equal to 1/3.
The series on the stock of physical capital, K, were constructed using the perpetual
inventory equation:
where I
is real aggregate investment in PPP at time t, and
is the depreciation rate (assumed to
be 6%). Following standard practice, the initial capital stock, K
, is given by:
where I
is the value of investment in 1950 (or in the first year available, if after 1950), and g is
the average geometric growth rate for the investment series between 1950 and 1960 (or during
the first 10 years of available data).
The amount of human capital-augmented labor used in production, H
, is given by:
where s
is average years of schooling in the population over 25 years old (taken from the most
recent update of Barro and Lee, 2001), and the function
) is piecewise linear with slope
0.134 for s
4, 0.101 for 4<s
8, and 0.068 for s
>8. L
is the number of workers (labor force in
With data on output, the physical capital stock, human capital-augmented labor used,
and the factor share, the series of total factor productivity (TFP), A
, can be easily constructed
using the production function (4).
As in Hsieh and Klenow (2010), after dividing equation (4)
by population N, and rearranging, we get a conventional expression for growth accounting.
This can also be expressed as:
where y is real GDP per capita, k denotes the stock of physical capital per capita, A is TFP, and
h is the amount of human capital per capita.
The individual contributions to GDP per capita growth from physical and human capital
accumulation and TFP growth can be computed by expressing equation (9) in rates of growth:
Empirical results
Table 7 reports the results of estimations in which the growth rate of physical capital per
capita is the dependent variable,
using a similar set of explanatory variables as for GDP per
See Caselli (2005) for a more detailed explanation of how the series are constructed. We also follow this study in
assuming that the depreciation rate of physical capital is 6 percent and that the factor share α is equal to 1/3. The
series of output, investment and labor are computed as follows (using data from the PWT 6.2):
Y = rgdpch*(pop*1000), I = (ki/100)*rgdpl*(pop*1000) , L = rgdpch*(pop*1000)/rgdpwok. Population is
multiplied by 1000 because the variable pop of PWT 6.2 is scaled in thousands.
A second lag of physical capital had to be included in the right hand-side in order to avoid second order
autocorrelation of the residuals. Although the coefficient for the first lag is positive, the second lag has a negative
coefficient, higher in absolute value. Thus, when we add up the two coefficients for the lags of physical capital, we
capita growth.
Again, Cabinet Changes and the three regime instability indexes are always
statistically significant, with a negative sign. Thus, we find strong support for the hypothesis
that political instability adversely affects physical capital accumulation. Since the accumulation
of capital is done through investment, our results are consistent with those of previous studies
which find that political instability adversely affects investment (Alesina and Perotti, 1996;
Özler and Rodrik, 1992). There is some evidence that economic freedom is favorable to capital
accumulation (column 2), but democracy and ethnic homogeneity do not seem to significantly
affect it.
Table 7. Political Instability and Physical Capital Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
og Physical Capita
0.1000*** 0.0716*** 0.105*** 0.105*** 0.102***
per capita (-1)
(8.963) (6.065) (6.316) (7.139) (7.833)
og Physical Capita
-0.109*** -0.0846*** -0.106*** -0.106*** -0.103***
per capita (-2)
(-9.438) (-7.860) (-6.159) (-6.973) (-7.642)
rimary School Enrollment
0.0001 0.00003 -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.0001
(0.764) (0.292) (-0.855) (-0.997) (-1.189)
opulation Growth
-0.299*** -0.272*** -0.212** -0.216*** -0.192**
(-5.591) (-5.730) (-2.442) (-2.700) (-2.474)
Trade (percent of GDP)
0.0001** 0.00005 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002
(2.427) (1.169) (0.234) (0.230) (0.386)
Cabinet Changes
-0.0235*** -0.0195***
(-2.968) (-2.969)
egime Instability Index 1
egime Instability Index 2
egime Instability Index 3
ndex of Economic Freedom
0.0070** 0.0015 0.0010 0.0004
(2.473) (0.395) (0.282) (0.130)
olity Scale
-0.0001 -0.0005 -0.0005 -0.0004
get negative values whose magnitude is in line with those obtained for lagged GDP per capita in the previous
Since the variable Investment (percent of GDP) – variable ki from the PWT 6.2 - was used to construct the series
of the stock of physical capital, it was not included as an explanatory variable. Nevertheless, the results for political
instability do not change when the investment ratio is included.
In order to account for interactions among the three transmission channels, we included the growth rates of TFP
and of human capital as explanatory variables. None was statistically significant, regardless of the use of current or
lagged growth rates. In fact, the same happened in the estimations for the other channels. That is, the growth rate of
one transmission channel does not seem to be affected by the growth rates of the other two channels. These results
are not shown here in order to economize space, but they are available from the authors upon request.
(-0.414) (-1.117) (-1.151) (-0.940)
thnic Homogeneity Index
0.0343* 0.0010 0.0009 0.0019
(1.825) (0.0558) (0.0414) (0.0917)
umber of Observations 899 531 531 531 529
umber of Countries 155 108 108 108 107
Hansen test (p-value) 0.0535 0.553 0.195 0.426 0.213
AR1 test (p-value) 0.0000009 0.00002 0.0001 0.0002 0.00006
AR2 test (p-value) 0.182 0.905 0.987 0.987 0.928
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
The next step of the empirical analysis was to analyze another possible channel of
transmission, productivity growth. The results reported in Table 8 provide clear empirical
support for the hypothesis that political instability adversely affects productivity growth, as
Cabinet Changes is always statistically significant, with a negative sign.
Economic freedom,
which had positive effects on GDP growth, is also favorable to TFP growth. As can be seen in
columns 3 to 5, we find clear evidence that regime instability adversely affects TFP growth.
Thus, we can conclude that an additional channel through which political instability negatively
affects GDP growth is productivity growth.
Table 8. Political Instability and TFP Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
nitial TFP (log)
-0.0338*** -0.0344*** -0.0299*** -0.0308** -0.0301**
(-2.871) (-3.576) (-2.796) (-2.525) (-2.540)
opulation Growth
-0.298*** -0.149 -0.202* -0.189 -0.156
(-3.192) (-1.639) (-1.837) (-1.367) (-1.150)
Trade (percent of GDP)
0.00007 -0.0001 -0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002
(0.640) (-1.375) (-1.632) (-1.626) (-1.312)
Cabinet Changes
-0.0860*** -0.0243*
(-2.986) (-1.685)
Data on investment and human capital were used to construct the TFP series. Thus, the variables Investment
(percent of GDP) and Primary School Enrollment were not included as explanatory variables in the estimations for
TFP growth reported in Table 8. But, when they are included, the results for the other explanatory variables do not
change significantly.
egime Instability Index 1
egime Instability Index 2
egime Instability Index 3
ndex of Economic Freedom
0.0190*** 0.0225** 0.0225** 0.0197**
(2.794) (2.380) (2.399) (2.340)
olity Scale
-0.0005 -0.0008 -0.0008 -0.0004
(-1.062) (-1.354) (-1.099) (-0.592)
thnic Homogeneity Index
0.0385* 0.0126 0.0216 0.0237
(1.647) (0.513) (0.914) (1.101)
umber of Observations 700 502 502 502 498
umber of Countries 105 91 91 91 91
Hansen test (p-value) 0.501 0.614 0.472 0.253 0.242
AR1 test (p-value) 0.0064 0.00004 0.00004 0.00005 0.00005
AR2 test (p-value) 0.677 0.898 0.907 0.823 0.811
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
Finally, Table 9 reports the results obtained for human capital growth.
Again, Cabinet
Changes and the regime instability indexes are always statistically significant, with the expected
negative signs. Regarding the institutional variables, democracy seems to positively affect
human capital growth, as the Polity Scale is statistically significant, with a positive sign, in
columns 3 to 5. There is also weak evidence in column 4 that ethnic homogeneity is favorable to
human capital accumulation. Finally, openness to trade has positive effects on human capital
Table 9. Political Instability and Human Capital Growth
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Since data on education was used to construct the series of the stock of human capital, Primary School
Enrollment was not included as an explanatory variable in the estimations of Table 9. If included, it is statistically
significant, with a positive sign, and results regarding the effects of political instability remain practically
nitial Human Capital
per capita (log)
-0.00608 -0.0129** -0.0122** -0.0106 -0.0121
(-1.313) (-2.146) (-2.214) (-1.592) (-1.604)
nvestment (percent of GDP)
-0.0001 0.0002 0.000146 0.000190 0.0002
(-0.723) (1.093) (0.744) (0.876) (1.074)
opulation Growth
-0.0608*** -0.0369 -0.0280 -0.0160 -0.0271
(-2.772) (-1.640) (-1.161) (-0.676) (-1.210)
Trade (percent of GDP)
0.00009** 0.00006* 0.0000721**0.0000697** 0.00006*
(2.488) (1.868) (2.081) (1.976) (1.836)
Cabinet Changes
-0.0113** -0.00911**
(-1.976) (-2.035)
egime Instability Index 1
egime Instability Index 2
egime Instability Index 3
ndex of Economic Freedom
-0.0017 -0.0013 -0.0016 -0.0020
(-1.263) (-0.951) (-1.171) (-1.400)
olity Scale
0.0002 0.0004*** 0.0004*** 0.0005***
(1.490) (3.217) (3.198) (3.170)
thnic Homogeneity Index
0.0103 0.0098 0.00998* 0.0101
(1.638) (1.220) (1.675) (1.515)
umber of Observations 704 504 504 504 500
umber of Countries 105 91 91 91 91
Hansen test (p-value) 0.406 0.699 0.672 0.703 0.678
AR1 test (p-value) 0.0000001 0.00001 0.00001 0.00002 0.00003
AR2 test (p-value) 0.718 0.581 0.525 0.623 0.675
Sources: See Table 1.
Notes: - System-GMM estimations for dynamic panel-data models. Sample period: 1960–2004.
- All explanatory variables were treated as endogenous. Their lagged values two periods were
used as instruments in the first-difference equations and their once lagged first-differences
were used in the levels equation.
- Two-step results using robust standard errors corrected for finite samples (using
Windmeijer’s, 2005, correction).
- T-statistics are in parenthesis. Significance level at which the null hypothesis is rejected: ***,
1 percent; **, 5 percent, and *, 10 percent.
Effects of the three transmission channels
The last step of the empirical analysis was to compute the effects of political instability
on GDP per capita growth through each of the three transmission channels, using equation (10).
The results of this growth decomposition exercise are reported in Table 10, which shows, for
each proxy of political instability, the estimated coefficients,
the effects on GDP per capita
growth, and the percentage contributions to the total effects.
More than half of the total negative effects of political instability on real GDP per capita
growth seem to operate through its adverse effects on total factor productivity (TFP) growth, as
this channel is responsible for 52.13 percent to 58.40 percent of the total effects. Thus,
according to our results, TFP growth is the main transmission channel through which political
instability affects real GDP per capita growth. Regarding the other channels, physical capital
accumulation accounts for 22.59 percent to 28.71 percent of the total effect, while the growth of
human capital accounts for 17.08 percent to 21.11 percent. This distribution of the effects of
political instability on GDP growth through the three channels is not surprising. According to
the literature on growth accounting, human capital accounts for 10–30 percent of country
income differences, physical capital accounts for about 20 percent, and the residual TFP
accounts for 60–70 percent (see Hsieh and Klenow, 2010).
Table 10. Transmission Channels of Political Instability into GDP Growth
Channels of Transmission
Growth of
Capital pc
Growth of
Growth of
Capital pc
Total Effect of the 3
Channels on the
Growth of GDP pc
Coefficient -0.0195*** -0.0243* -0.00911**
Effect on GDP -0.0065 -0.0162 -0.0061 -0.0288
Percent of Total
22.59% 56.30% 21.11%
ndex 1
Coefficient -0.0108** -0.0129** -0.00379**
Effect on GDP -0.0036 -0.0086 -0.0025 -0.0147
Percent of Total
24.44% 58.40% 17.16%
ndex 2
Coefficient -0.00932** -0.00846* -0.00311**
Effect on GDP -0.0031 -0.0056 -0.0021 -0.0108
Percent of Total
28.71% 52.13% 19.16%
The coefficients for the proxies of political instability are those reported in columns 2 to 5 of Table 7 (Growth of
Physical Capital per capita), Table 8 (Growth of TFP), and Table 9 (Growth of Human Capital per capita).
ndex 3
Effect on GDP -0.0030 -0.0064 -0.0019 -0.0114
Percent of Total
26.51% 56.41% 17.08%
Sources: See Table 1
Notes: - The estimated coefficients were taken from: columns 2 to 5 of Table 7, for the
Growth of Physical Capital per capita; columns 2 to 5 of Table 8, for the Growth of
TFP; and, columns 2 to 5 of Table 9, for the Growth of Human Capital per capita.
- The effects of each channel on the growth of real GDP per capita are obtained by
multiplying: the coefficient obtained for the growth of Physical Capital per capita by
=1/3; the coefficient obtained for the growth of TFP by (1-)=2/3; and, the
coefficient obtained for the growth of Human Capital per capita by
(1-)=2/3. That is, we apply equation (10):
Although the total effects of political instability reported in the last column of Table
10 are somewhat smaller than those obtained for the proxies of political instability in the
estimations of column 1 of Table 3 (for Cabinet Changes) and of columns 1 to 3 of Table 4 (for
the three regime instability indexes), Wald tests never reject the hypothesis that the coefficient
estimated for GDP per capita growth is equal to the total effect reported in Table 10.
This paper analyzes the effects of political instability on growth. In line with the
literature, we find that political instability significantly reduces economic growth, both
statistically and economically. But, we go beyond the current state of the literature by
quantitatively determining the importance of the transmission channels of political instability to
economic growth. Using a dataset covering up to 169 countries in the period between 1960 and
2004, estimates from system-GMM regressions show that political instability is particularly
For example, the estimated coefficient for Cabinet Changes in column 1 of Table 3 is -0.0321, while the total
effect of the three channels reported in the last column of Table 10 is -0.0288. The results of the Wald tests were:
H0: Cabinet Changes (Table 3, Col. 1) = -0.0288 chi
(1) = 0.17 Prob>chi
= 0.6841
H0: Regime Inst. Index 1 (Table 4, Col. 1) = -0.0147 chi
(1) = 1.57 Prob>chi
= 0.2106
H0: Regime Inst. Index 2(Table 4, Col. 2) = -0.0108 chi
(1) = 0.40 Prob>chi
= 0.5289
H0: Regime Inst. Index 3 (Table 4, Col. 3) = -0.0114 chi
(1) = 0.71 Prob>chi
= 0.3973
harmful through its adverse effects on total factor productivity growth and, in a lesser scale, by
discouraging physical and human capital accumulation. By identifying and quantitatively
determining the main channels of transmission from political instability to economic growth,
this paper contributes to a better understanding on how politics affects economic performance.
Our results suggest that governments in politically fragmented countries with high
degrees of political instability need to address its root causes and try to mitigate its effects on the
design and implementation of economic policies. Only then, countries could have durable
economic policies that may engender higher economic growth.
Figure 1. Political Instability Across the World
Source: CNTS (Databanks International, 2007).
Notes: - Five-year averages of the variable Cabinet Changes computed using a sample of yearly data
for 209 countries.
- Cabinet Changes is defined as the number of times in a year in which a new premier is named
and/or 50 percent of the cabinet posts are occupied by new ministers.
1960-64 1965-69 1970-74 1975-79 1980-84 1985-89 1990-94 1995-99 2000-04
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