Online Master of Science
in Analytics
Advisor Q&A Session
Welcome: Meet the team
Did you know?
OMS Analytics curriculum & prerequisite knowledge
GPA & grade requirements: academic standing
Withdrawal & readmission
Graduation & Commencement
Student resources
Q&A and feedback
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Withdrawal vs. drop
Welcome: Meet the team
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Jennifer Wooley
Director, Academic Programs &
Student Services
Professional Education
Justin LaFantano
Academic Advisor
Heather Paige
Academic Advisor
Tiara Anderson
Academic Advisor
Robyn Presley
Academic Advisor
Katie Beccue
Academic Advisor
Meet the team
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Yvonne McKinnon
Academic Program
Did you know?
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Did you know?
Online Master of Science in Analytics
One-on-one advising sessions. OMS Analytics Advisors are available for personal,
customized advising appointments. Simply contact us and provide several days and times
you're available. One of our advisors will send you a calendar invitation with the day that
aligns with his/her schedule.
Meet-Up events at the end of each term. Connect with peers and the OMS
Analytics faculty and program director. Each event starts as a large group. Then, we
divide into smaller groups for more focused conversations. You pick which breakout
discussion to join:
Analytical Tools track
Business Analytics track
Computational Data track
Course tips
Hang out
New students
Did you know?
Online Master of Science in Analytics
We provide answers to all POPin questions. Sometimes questions are very dynamic or
specific to you the individual; other times, the topic also would be useful to peers. You can
see how they have been incorporated into this presentation.
We send out monthly emails with a lot of relevant information including important dates
and deadlines. These emails are useful to keep you on track for action items such as:
registration, opt-out and advanced-standing petitions, practicum, Meet-Ups, and advisor
Q&A session input.
Registration is in priority order by the number of earned credits you have. This is why we
strongly encourage students to register in Phase I.
OMS Analytics curriculum & prerequisite knowledge
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Interdisciplinary Core
CSE 6040: Computing for Data Analysis
MGT 8803/6754: Business Fundamentals for Analytics
ISYE 6501: Intro to Analytics Modeling
CSE 6242: Data and Visual Analytics MGT 6203: Data Analytics in Business
ELECTIVES: 2 Statistics,
1 Operations Research
Analytical Tools Electives Business Analytics Electives Computational Data Analytics Electives
Tracks and Electives
Analytical Tools
Business Analytics
Computational Data Analytics
ISYE 6420: Bayesian Statistics
ISYE 6740: Computational Data Analysis
(Machine Learning)
ISYE 6669: Deterministic Optimization
ISYE 6414: Regression Analysis
ISYE 6644: Simulation
ISYE 6402: Time Series Analysis
ISYE 7406: Data Mining and Statistical Learning
ISYE 8803: High-Dimensional Data Analytics
MGT 8823: Data Analysis for Continuous Improvement
MGT 6311: Digital Marketing
MGT 8813: Financial Modeling
MGT 8833: Privacy for Professionals
CSE 6250: Big Data in Healthcare
ISYE 6740: Computational Data Analysis (Machine
CS 6400: Database Systems
CS 6601: Artificial Intelligence
CS 6750: Human Computer Interaction
CS 7637: Knowledge-Based AI
CS 7642: Reinforcement Learning
CS 7643: Deep Learning
CS 7646: Machine Learning for Trading
ISYE/MGT/CSE 6748: Applied Analytics Practicum
Courses are subject to change.
OMS Analytics Curriculum: Electives
Online Master of Science in Analytics
*Electives not offered in Summer
**No longer in OMS Analytics curriculum; replaced with ISYE 6740
Statistics Electives Operations Research Electives
CS 7641: Machine Learning**
ISYE 6402: Time Series Analysis*
ISYE 6414: Regression Analysis
ISYE 6420: Bayesian Statistics*
ISYE 6740: Computational Data Analytics
ISYE 7406: Data Mining and Statistical Learning
ISYE 8803: Topics on High Dimensional Data Analytics
ISYE 6644: Simulation
ISYE 6669: Deterministic Optimization*
OMS Analytics Recommended Prerequisites
Online Master of Science in Analytics
CSE 6040: Computing for Data Analysis Python
ISYE 6501: Introduction to Analytics Modeling R
MGT 8803: Business Fundamentals for Analytics Accounting and Finance
CSE 6242: Data and Visual Analytics CSE 6040
MGT 6203: Data Analytics in Business ISYE 6501
OMS Analytics Recommended Prerequisites
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Probability and Statistics - NEW (topics as covered in ISYE 6739)
Probability and Statistics I: A Gentle Introduction to Probability
Probability and Statistics II: Random Variables
Probability and Statistics III: A Gentle Introduction to Statistics
Probability and Statistics IV: Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Tests
Basic Linear Algebra - NEW (topics as covered in Math 1553)
Linear Algebra I: Linear Equations
Linear Algebra II: Matrix Algebra
Linear Algebra III: Determinants and Eigenvalues
Linear Algebra IV: Orthogonality & Symmetric Matrices and the SVD
OMS Analytics Recommended Prerequisites
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Computer Programming topics as covered in Intro to Computing CS 1301
Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming
Python II: Control Structures
Python III: Data Structures
Python IV: Objects & Algorithms
We also recommend using edX to find a comparable course for:
Calculus (to include topics covered in MATH 1712 Survey of Calculus)
R Basics for Data Science
Sample Programs (
yours can vary
Online Master of Science in Analytics
One course per semester, Fall
Fall ISYE 6501
Spring CSE 6040*
Summer MGT 8803
Fall CSE 6242*
Spring MGT 6203
Summer Elective
Fall Elective
Spring Elective
Summer Elective
Fall Elective
Two courses per semester,
Spring start
Spring ISYE 6501
CSE 6040*
Summer MGT 8803
Fall CSE 6242*
MGT 6203
Spring Elective
Summer Elective
Fall Elective
Spring Practicum**
Two courses per semester, Fall
Fall ISYE 6501
CSE 6040*
Spring MGT 8803
CSE 6242*
Summer MGT 6203
Fall Elective
Spring Elective
Summer Elective
One course per semester, Spring
Spring CSE 6040*
Summer ISYE 6501
Fall MGT 8803
Spring CSE 6242*
Summer MGT 6203
Fall Elective
Spring Elective
Summer Elective
Fall Elective
Spring Elective
* CSE 6040 and CSE 6242 are not offered in Summer
** Can be taken with up to two courses
Courses can be taken out of order if you are proficient in math and programming
Courses Not Offered in the Summer
Online Master of Science in Analytics
CS 6601: Artificial Intelligence
CS 7637: Knowledge-Based AI
CSE 6040: Computing for Data Analysis
CSE 6242: Data and Visual Analytics
CSE 6250: Big Data Analytics in Healthcare
ISYE 6402: Time Series Analysis
ISYE 6420: Bayesian Statistics
ISYE 6669: Deterministic Optimization
ISYE 7406: Data Mining and Statistical Learning
Six-hour Practicum
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Complete at least eight courses, including CSE 6242 and MGT 6203, prior to (and not
concurrent with) the practicum.
Must use the knowledge you've gained in the program to produce the desired outcome.
Different for everyone because students are employed in every imaginable industry and
have varying amounts of data to report.
Can complete your practicum project with your current employer, internship or sponsor.
You are responsible for finding your own internship.
Six-hour Practicum
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Proposal should include a problem you want to solve (e.g., an approach to identify
credit card holders' default patterns, an algorithm that captures something specific).
If you work with your employer, you can redact sensitive information.
If you work with a Georgia Tech-sponsored project, you may be required to work in
teams of 2-3 students.
Two deliverables:
mid-term presentation
final, written report
Six-hour Practicum
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Course objectives:
Properly define and scope an analytics project to fit the needs of an organization.
Apply appropriate analytics ideas, methodologies and tools.
Create value, insight and knowledge using analytics skills and principles.
Manage a project.
Present results professionally in writing.
Six-hour Practicum
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Each preceding semester, advisors send an email to eligible students (February for
Summer term, May for Fall term, September for Spring term); students complete survey
mentioned in email.
Can't register for practicum course without a permit
Permit not issued until all steps complete:
Employer projects project must be approved by faculty.
GT-sponsored projects make project selection, sign and return NDA (if
GPA & grade requirements: academic standing
Online Master of Science in Analytics
GPA and Grade Requirements: Academic Standing
Online Master of Science in Analytics
The Institutes academic standing is based on both the term (semester) grade point average and the
cumulative average of the students' performance.
The minimum term and overall grade point averages for a student to be designated as having Good
Standing is 2.7.
A grade of "D" can be earned in any course; however, it will impact and reduce the GPA.
A student can retake a course that they did not perform well in, but the GPA will still calculate all grades and
there is no grade replacement.
Students are not dismissed with their first instance of poor performance, but subsequent poor performance
can result in academic dismissal.
GPA and Grade Requirements: Academic Standing
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Academic Standing Description
Good Student is not on academic warning or probation; is maintaining satisfactory academic progress
Student’s most recent academic performance has been unsatisfactory, or the overall average is
below the minimum requirement. Academic warning is a subcategory of good academic standing,
differing only in the maximum allowable schedule load.
Student’s most recent academic performance has been extremely unsatisfactory, or the term
average has continued to be unsatisfactory, or the overall academic average has continued to be
below the minimum requirement.
Student who normally would be dropped from the rolls due to academic deficiencies but appears
from the record not to have completed the term. Student cannot be enrolled on Review status and
should contact their major school for further information.
Student has been dropped from enrollment due to academic deficiencies. Student may apply for
readmission after an absence of one term unless this is second Drop/Dismissal. Students on Drop
should seek advisement from their major school regarding future re-admission.
GPA and Grade Requirements: Academic Standing
Online Master of Science in Analytics
We highly recommend reading over these websites that outline the academic policies as well so you have
as much information as possible: and
It is recommended that students earn a "B" or better in their courses to show they have a solid grasp on the
material in the program.
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Use to:
View your curriculum requirements
View your grades
Use for employment verification
How to use it:
Enter your GTID
Hit enter
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Online Master of Science in Analytics
When you are granted a waiver, it doesn't "remove" the requirement, it
just allows us to "replace" the requirement with an elective
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Course Load
Online Master of Science in Analytics
By default all OMS Analytics students are set at a maximum of six credit hours
Students can register for as little as one course per semester
After your first semester, you are not required to register every semester, meaning you can take time off.
If you are out for two consecutive semesters, not counting a semester where you have a “W” mark,
you will need to complete a Readmission Form
Students have up to six-years from their first semester to complete the degree and graduation
Keep in mind each OMS Analytics course is just as rigorous, challenging, and time-consuming (average 15
hours per week/course) as its on campus equivalent
OSCAR and BuzzPort
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Public portal to access schedule of class, course catalog, institute calendars
BuzzPort is your student portal and gateway access to Oscar and DegreeWorks
Use OSCAR to:
Search the Course Catalog
View Financial Aid Information
Use Buzzport to:
Access Oscar
Register for Class
Access DegreeWorks your Degree Audit
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Log into Buzzport, Oscar, Registration - or
Add CRNs to Worksheet (versus course name)
OMS Analytics advises students to register as soon as they can to ensure they will secure a seat and
have access to their course on day one.
Fall 2022 Registration Phase II
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Time Tickets will be available on August 16, 2022 by 6:00 PM ET
Registration will open for Phase II on August 13, 2022
If you are on the waitlist and a seat becomes available an email will be sent to your
Georgia Tech student email and you have 12 hours to register or be dropped off the
Phase II closes at 4:00 p.m. EDT on August 26, 2022 No changes after that the
portal will close and the withdrawal period will open
August 26, 2022 (last day to "drop" a course without penalty)*
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Withdrawal vs. drop
Withdrawal Deadline: Drops vs. Withdrawals
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Course Withdrawal Deadline for Summer is July 2, 2022 and the Withdrawal Deadline for Fall is
October 29, 2022 at 4 p.m. EDT
What’s the difference between a drop and a withdrawal?
A drop can only occur during the add/drop period. After 4 p.m. on the Friday of the first week
of class, the registration window closes, and the withdrawal window opens the following
The add/drop period coincides with the registration “phases” Phase I and/or Phase II
(specific dates are in the academic calendar
If you drop a course during that time, it won’t appear on your transcript.
It also won’t be included on your final tuition bill. If you paid for a course in advance and drop
it during the "add/drop" period, you’ll receive a refund.
Withdrawal Deadline: Drops vs. Withdrawals
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Course Withdrawal Deadline for Summer is July 2, 2022 and the Withdrawal Deadline for Fall is
October 29, 2022 at 4 p.m. EDT
What’s the difference between a drop and a withdrawal?
A withdrawal occurs when you log into your student portal to remove yourself from a course
after the add/drop period ends.
When you withdraw from a course, a grade of “W” will appear on your transcript for that
course; the “W” has no impact on your GPA or standing with the degree program.
You can still register for the course in a future term as needed.
If you’re registered for multiple courses but only withdraw from some, you won’t receive a
If you withdraw from all courses, Georgia Tech will prorate your refund, if you qualify for one.
If you are a registered for 12 credit hours and you withdrawal from all courses, you will be
required to complete a Petition to Faculty to return for the next semester.
Withdrawal Deadline: Drops vs. Withdrawals
Online Master of Science in Analytics
How do I know if I should withdraw from a class?
If you are struggling to manage and/or balance your time due to other obligations and your
coursework is impacted.
If you are currently struggling in a course (for example, if you are below a C letter grade) you
may want to consider withdrawing from a course, as you would rather have a W than a D or a
F on your transcript.
If your academic standing is already probation and you are at risk of academic dismissal.
If you are not sure, set up an appointment with one of our advisors.
Withdrawal & readmission
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Withdrawal and Readmission
Online Master of Science in Analytics
What represents two consecutive semesters?
a. Any semester without a registration record counts toward the "two"
b. Any semester with a "W" withdrawal does not count toward the "two"
Example: You registered for Summer 2022 but do not register for Fall 2022 or Spring 2023,
that is two consecutive semesters
Example: You registered for Summer 2022 and registered for Fall 2022 but withdrew before the
midpoint. Your transcript was marked with a "W" and you do not register for Spring 2023...
Spring 2023 would be your fist semester toward the "two." Therefore, if you do not register for
Summer 2023, you will need a Readmission Form on file to register for or maintain your Fall
2023 registration.
Withdrawal and Readmission
Online Master of Science in Analytics
What is readmission? Am I completing a new application?
Readmission is a simple application where you are updating your status from inactive student to active
It starts as a hyperlink to a webform where you answer a few simple questions.
Once you pay the $30 application fee, it will generate a new hyperlink that takes you to the actual form
to download, sign, and email as a PDF document to our team.
Readmission is not a full admission application there is no admission committee involved
The advising team reviews your degree audit and GPA
To date, no students have been denied unless they have issues our team is not aware of (example-
balance or OSI)
Graduation & Commencement
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Graduation and Commencement
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Graduation is the action and Commencement is the event
All students must apply to Graduate it is not an automatic process
Students can apply before their last semester ends up until the first week into their final
Commencement is held two times per year: Spring and Fall, there is no Summer
If you want to participate in a Commencement other than your term, you will need to
reach out to Institute Communications
Summer graduates by default participate in the Fall Commencement. To participate in
Spring, you must apply for your actual term of graduation and complete a separate
application to request permission from the Registrar's Office to "Early Walk." Depending
on space, this application may not be approved
Graduation and Commencement
Online Master of Science in Analytics
We can cancel your graduation application per your request if needed or it will be
cancelled if you do not meet the curriculum requirements to graduate for the term you
You can take additional courses before or after graduation. If you want to formally
graduate and return, there are two forms you must complete. Tuition rates are currently
the same
Your GPA will continue to calculate with any graduate level course you take before or
after graduation even after your "degree requirements" are met
No, there is no option to audit courses after graduation under the OMS Analytics student
The Summer 2022 graduation application closed
Your Degree Just Imagine your Name
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Student resources
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Career Resources
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Career Center: Career-advising appointments (on the phone, in person, via email)
Access to career fairs and workshops in person
The ability to self-register for the CareerBuzz job board
The Career, Research and Innovation Development conference organized in
collaboration with Graduate Student Government Association and GTPE
Other Campus Resources
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Alumni Career Services: Gives you access to JacketNet Jobs (another search site to
complement CareerBuzz).
Campus bookstore
: Located in the heart of Tech Square. Mostly for local students, but
also a great place to visit if you're in town.
Communication Center
: "Help desk" for graduate students who would like one-to-one
consultation re: a communication project (e.g., presentation, paper, proposal, resume).
Library and Information Center
: Georgia Tech Electronic Library (GTEL) has
databases, selected by library staff for the Georgia Tech community. It includes access
to periodicals with up-to-date information about many companies.
: The Center for Assessment, Referral and Education is committed to the health
and well-being of the campus community.
Q&A and feedback
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Our questions for you
Online Master of Science in Analytics
Please respond via meeting chat.
What additional questions do you have?
Are these online Q&A sessions helpful? Why or why not?
Is there anything about these Q&As that we should consider doing differently?