16 JANUARY 2020
03 AUGUST 2020
29 March 2021
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading or ordering on the
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RELEASABILITY: There are no releasability restrictions on this publication.
Supersedes: AFI 21-101, 01 May 2015;
AFI 21-110, 16 Jun 2016;
AFI 21-123, 03 Feb 2017;
AFI 21-124, 12 Jan 2017; and
AFI 21-136, 03 Feb 2017
Certified by: SAF/AQD
(Ms. Angela L. Tymofichuk)
Pages: 439
Supersedes: AFI21-101_AMCSUP,
09 February 2016;
25 April 2019
Certified by: AMC/A4M
(Lieutenant Colonel Jeffery D. Johns)
Pages: 89
Certified by: 305 MXG/CC
(Colonel Mary R. Teeter)
Supersedes: AFI21-01_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP,
18 January 2018
Pages: 28
This publication implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 21-1, Maintenance of Military
Materiel. It is the basic Air Force Instruction (AFI) for all weapon system and support equipment
maintenance management guidance. It provides the minimum essential guidance and procedures
to safely and effectively maintain, service, and repair weapon systems and support equipment.
This publication applies to all military and civilian members of the Regular Air Force (RegAF),
Air Force Reserve (AFR) and Air National Guard (ANG) and those with contractual obligation to
comply with Air Force publications. Supplements and addendums are written in accordance with
(IAW) AFI 33-360, Publication and Forms Management. Supplements must identify and
document Major Command (MAJCOM), AFR, and ANG required deviations (applicability,
variance, exception and differences in organizational placement of responsibilities/processes) in
their supplement and addendums with the abbreviation “(DEV)”. Place the “DEV” entry after the
Paragraph number and directly preceding the affected text, such as (AMC) (DEV) Use the... or
(ADDED-AMC) (DEV) Use the...). All supplements and addendums are submitted to the Air
Force Maintenance Division (AF/A4LM) @ for approval and are published in the e-Publishing website. The authorities to
waive wing and unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a Tier (“T-0, T-1, T-
2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360 for a description of the
authorities associated with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of
command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestor’s
commander for non-tiered compliance items. For questions on interpreting this instruction, first
contact your MAJCOM maintenance functional activity. Refer recommended changes and
questions about this publication through your MAJCOM, AFR or ANG, to the Office of Primary
Responsibility (OPR) using the Air Force (AF) Form 847, Recommendation for Change of
Publication; route AF Forms 847 from the field through the appropriate functional chain of
command. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are
maintained in accordance with Air Force Manual 33-363, Management of Records, and disposed
of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition Schedule located in the Air Force Records
Information Management System. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer,
commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the
(AMC) This supplement implements and extends the guidance of AFI 21-101, Aircraft and
Equipment Maintenance Management. This publication implements major command (MAJCOM)
policy by supplementing specific processes and procedures that are unique to Air Mobility
Command (AMC). This publication is applicable to all AMC units and Air Force Reserve
Command (AFRC) and Air National Guard (ANG) upon mobilization and/or AMC-led classic
AFRC and ANG associations. This publication may be supplemented at any level, but all direct
Supplements are not required to be sent to the OPR for review unless they have deviations. The
authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a tier (“T-
0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See AFI 33-360, Publication and
Forms Management, for a description of the authorities associated with the tier numbers. Submit
requests for T-0, T-1, T-2, and non-tiered waivers through the chain of command to the appropriate
Tier waiver approval authority through HQ AMC/A4MP, ORG.AMCA4[email protected]. Refer
recommended changes and questions about this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility
(OPR) using Air Force Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication; route AF Form
847s from the field through the appropriate functional’s chain of command. Ensure that all records
created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained in accordance with
0AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, and disposed in
accordance with Air Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is located in the Air Force
Records Information Management System. The use of the name or mark of any specific
manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or service in this publication does not imply
endorsement by the Air Force.
(JBMDL) Air Force Instruction (AFI) 21-101 Air Mobility Command (AMC) Supplement (SUP),
Aircraft and Equipment Maintenance Management, 03 August 2020, is supplemented as follows:
This instruction supplements AFI 21-101, (16 January 2020) and AFI 21-101 AMCSUP,
(03 August 2020), and supersedes AFI 21-101 AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP (18 January 2018). It is the
basic Air Force directive for aircraft and equipment maintenance management. It provides the
extended guidance and procedures for safely and effectively maintaining, servicing, and repairing
aircraft and support equipment. It acknowledges the foundational contributions made to Agile
Combat Support (ACS) capabilities of Generating the Mission, and Supporting and Sustaining the
Mission, Forces, and Infrastructure. It applies to all agencies under the direction of the 305th Air
Mobility Wing (AMW), and the 514th Air Mobility Wing (AMW) along with their subordinates.
Ensure that all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this publication are maintained
In accordance with (IAW) Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 33-363, Management of Records, and
disposed of IAW Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) Records
Disposition Schedule (RDS). Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to
the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) using the Air Force (AF) Form 847, Recommendation
for Change of Publication; route AF Form 847s from the field through the appropriate functional’s
chain of command.
This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed in its entirety.
Significant changes include the addition of Maintenance Cyber Discipline requirements,
Decentralized Materiel Support, incorporation of four AFIs superseded above and establishes a
Wing Avionics Manager Position requirement. Additionally, eTool and World Wide Identification
(WWID) management procedures were expanded to provide standardized enterprise requirements.
MAJCOMs/ANG designated to establish Special Certification Roster (SCR) prerequisites to
optimize workforce alignment to mission requirements.
(AMC) This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. The
major changes in the supplement are as follows: En Route reorganization, flying crew chief duty
day guidance, hangar queen, MAJCOM prerequisites for special certification roster, ramp
inspection, AFREP, aircraft ground deice, maintenance scheduling effectiveness, and maintenance
human factors.
(JBMDL) This publication has been substantially revised and must be completely reviewed. The
major change in this supplement pertains to the incorporation of the JBMDL/305 AMW FOD
Walk/Prevention policy.
1.1. Introduction. ........................................................................................................... 15
1.2. Organization. .......................................................................................................... 15
1.3. Maintenance Concept. ........................................................................................... 15
1.4. Aircraft Maintenance Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP). ....................... 16
1.5. Aircraft and Equipment Readiness. ....................................................................... 16
1.6. Maintenance Discipline. ........................................................................................ 17
1.6. (AMC) Maintenance Discipline. ............................................................................ 17
Communications Security (COMSEC)/Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI)
Accountability. ........................................................................................................
Table 1.1. Tiered Interface Examples. ..................................................................................... 19
1.8. Environmental Compliance. .................................................................................. 22
1.9. Publications. ........................................................................................................... 23
1.10. Maintenance Training. ........................................................................................... 23
1.10. (AMC) Maintenance Training. .............................................................................. 23
1.11. Modification Management. .................................................................................... 23
1.12. Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). ............................................................. 23
(AMC) Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). ................................................
General Safety Guidance. ......................................................................................
1.14. Duty Shifts and Rest Periods. ................................................................................ 24
1.15. Communications. ................................................................................................... 25
1.16. Maintenance Repair Priorities. ............................................................................... 26
Table 1.2.
Maintenance Repair Priority Designators. ..............................................................
1.17. Associate Unit Program/Total Force Integration (TFI). ........................................ 28
1.18. Performance-Based Activities. .............................................................................. 28
1.19. Changes to Technical Orders. ................................................................................ 29
General. ..................................................................................................................
2.2. Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities. ...................................................... 30
2.2. (AMC) Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities. ......................................... 30
2.3. Wing Vice Commander (WG/CV) Responsibilities. ............................................. 32
2.4. Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities. ............................ 32
2.4. (AMC) [DEV] Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities. ... 32
2.5. Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD). .......................................... 40
2.5. (AMC) Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD) will: ...................... 40
2.6. MXG Superintendent Responsibilities. ................................................................. 41
2.6. (AMC) MXG Superintendent Responsibilities. ..................................................... 41
2.7. Wing Weapons Manager (WWM). ........................................................................ 42
2.8. Squadron Commander (SQ/CC) Responsibilities. ................................................. 46
2.9. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. ........................................................... 47
2.9. (AMC) Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. ............................................... 47
2.10. Flight Supervision. ................................................................................................. 50
2.11. Production Superintendent (Pro Super). ................................................................ 53
2.12. Section NCOIC/Chief. ........................................................................................... 53
Table 2.1. Military Grades and Non-ART Civil Service Grade Equivalents........................... 56
AFSC Levels and Non-ART Civil Service AFSC Level Equivalents. ...................
General. ..................................................................................................................
3.1. (AMC) General. ..................................................................................................... 57
3.2. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. ........................................................... 57
3.3. Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU). ....................................................................... 57
3.4. AMU OIC/SUPT Responsibilities. ........................................................................ 57
3.5. Production Superintendent (Pro Super). ................................................................ 58
3.6. Flightline Expediter. .............................................................................................. 59
3.7. Aircrew and Maintenance Debrief Section. ........................................................... 60
3.7. (AMC) Aircrew and Maintenance Debrief Section. .............................................. 60
Table 3.1. Landing Status Codes. ............................................................................................ 62
Table 3.2. System Capability Codes ........................................................................................ 63
Table 3.3. Deviation Cause Codes ........................................................................................... 64
Table 3.4. Function With Primary Responsibility for Loading WWNDB and
TAWS/EGPWS. ......................................................................................................
3.8. Aircraft Section. ..................................................................................................... 65
3.9. Specialist Section. .................................................................................................. 66
3.9. (AMC) Specialist Section. ..................................................................................... 66
3.10. Weapons Section. ................................................................................................... 67
3.11. Support Section. ..................................................................................................... 74
3.12. AMU Decentralized Materiel Support (DMS). ...................................................... 74
3.12. (AMC) AMU Decentralized Materiel Support (DMS). ......................................... 74
3.13. En Route Operations. .............................................................................................. 75
Contingency Response Wing (CRW) Maintenance Operations. ............................
4.1. General. .................................................................................................................. 80
4.2. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. ........................................................... 80
4.3. MXS Production Superintendent (Pro Super). ....................................................... 80
4.4. Accessories Flight. ................................................................................................. 81
4.5. Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Flight. ....................................................... 86
4.6. Armament Flight. ................................................................................................... 89
4.7. Avionics Flight. ..................................................................................................... 90
4.8. Fabrication Flight. .................................................................................................. 93
4.9. Maintenance Flight. ............................................................................................... 96
4.10. Munitions Flight. ................................................................................................... 99
4.11. Propulsion Flight. ................................................................................................... 100
4.12. Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Flight. .......................... 107
General. ..................................................................................................................
5.1. (AMC) [DEV] General. .......................................................................................... 110
5.2. Maintenance Operations. ....................................................................................... 110
Table 5.1. AMC Definitions and Formulas if not identified in Chapter 5 (T-2)...................... 126
5.3. Maintenance Training (MT). .................................................................................. 131
5.3. (AMC) Maintenance Training (MT) ...................................................................... 131
Programs and Resources (P&R). ...........................................................................
6.1. General. .................................................................................................................. 133
6.1. (AMC) General. ..................................................................................................... 133
6.2. Responsibilities. ..................................................................................................... 133
6.2. (AMC) Responsibilities. ........................................................................................ 133
6.3. QA Superintendent (QA SUPT) Responsibilities. ................................................. 135
6.4. Chief Inspector Responsibilities. ........................................................................... 137
6.5. Quality Assurance Inspector Responsibilities. ....................................................... 139
6.6. Quality Assurance Inspector Training. .................................................................. 139
6.7. Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (MSEP). .......................... 140
6.8. LEAP QA Database. .............................................................................................. 153
6.9. QA Product Improvement Programs (PIP). ........................................................... 155
6.10. Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO). ...................................................... 156
One-Time Inspections (OTI) program. ...................................................................
Functional Check Flights (FCFs) to include Operational Check Flights (OCFs)... 159
Inflight Operational Checks. ................................................................................... 161
High Speed Taxi Checks......................................................................................... 162
Weight and Balance (W&B) Program. ................................................................... 162
(AMC) Weight and Balance (W&B) Program. ..................................................... 162
Chapter 7—
7.1. Aircraft and Equipment Impoundment. ................................................................. 164
7.2. Specific Guidance. ................................................................................................. 164
7.3. Impoundment Authorities. ..................................................................................... 165
7.4. Impoundment Official Responsibilities. ................................................................ 165
7.5. Mandatory Impoundments. ..................................................................................... 165
7.6. Impoundment Procedures. ...................................................................................... 166
7.7. Rules of Impoundment Specifically for Explosive-Related Events/Mishaps. ........ 168
Chapter 8—
8.1. Tool and Equipment Management........................................................................... 170
8.2. Guidelines for Program Management. .................................................................... 170
8.2. (AMC) Guidelines for Program Management. ....................................................... 170
8.3. General Program Guidelines................................................................................... 172
8.4. TMDE Management Guidelines. ............................................................................ 175
8.5. Tool Accountability. ............................................................................................... 176
8.6. Tool and Equipment Marking and Identification. .................................................. 178
Table 8.1. JBMDL WWID Listing. ......................................................................................... 180
8.7. Locally Manufactured, Developed, or Modified Tools and Equipment ................ 181
8.8. Tool Room Operations and Security. ..................................................................... 182
Lost Item/Tool Procedures. ....................................................................................
General. ...................................................................................................................
9.2. Decentralized Materiel Support. ............................................................................. 185
9.3. Supply Discipline.................................................................................................... 186
9.4. Readiness Spares Package Review. ....................................................................... 186
9.5. Bench Stock. .......................................................................................................... 186
9.6. Consumable Readiness Spares Package. ................................................................ 186
9.7. Shop Stock. ............................................................................................................ 187
9.8. Operating Stock. ..................................................................................................... 187
9.9. Work Order Residue................................................................................................ 187
9.10. Adjusted Stock Levels. .......................................................................................... 187
9.11. Shelf Life Items. .................................................................................................... 187
9.12. Equipment Items. ................................................................................................... 188
Special Purpose Recoverable Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM). ...................... 188
Supply Assets Requiring Functional Check, Calibration, or Operational Flight
Programming ................................................................................................................. 188
Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) Kit Procedures. ................................. 188
9.16. Supply Points. ........................................................................................................ 188
9.17. Local Manufacture. ................................................................................................. 189
9.18. DIFM Management................................................................................................. 189
9.19. Tail Number Bins (TNB). ....................................................................................... 191
9.20. CANN Actions. ....................................................................................................... 191
9.21. Bench Check and Repair Policy. ............................................................................ 191
9.21. (AMC Bench Check and Repair Policy. ................................................................ 192
9.22. Maintenance Turn-Around Record Update Processing. ......................................... 192
9.22. (AMC) Maintenance Turn-Around (TRN) Record Update Processing. ................ 192
9.23. Buildup Items. ........................................................................................................ 192
9.23. (AMC) Buildup Items. ........................................................................................... 192
9.24. DR Exhibits. ........................................................................................................... 192
9.25. Destruction of TOP SECRET Material. ................................................................ 192
9.26. Certifying Items Associated With Explosives ...................................................... 193
10.1. AF Munitions Policy. ................................... ........................................................ 194
Unit Committed Munitions List (UCML), Test/Training Munitions List
(TTML). ..................................................................................................................
10.3. Weapons Load Crew Training Program (WLCTP). .............................................. 195
10.4. Loading Standardization Crew (LSC). .................................................................. 197
10.5. Weapons Academic Instructor. .............................................................................. 198
10.6. Squadron Lead Crews. ........................................................................................... 198
10.7. Training Facilities/Aircraft. .................................................................................... 198
10.8. Weapons Academics. .............................................................................................. 199
10.9. Practical Training. .................................................................................................. 200
10.10. Task Assignment List. ........................................................................................... 200
10.11. Munitions Aircraft Loading Certification/Decertification. ..................................... 201
10.12. Proficiency Review Period. ................................................................................... 204
10.13. Minimum Required Proficiency Load. .................................................................. 204
10.14. Load Crew Semi-Annual Evaluations (SAE). ....................................................... 204
10.15. Documenting Load Crew Certification/Decertification/Qualification.................... 205
10.16. Weapons Task Qualification. ................................................................................. 206
10.17. Munitions Load Time Standards. ........................................................................... 207
Table 10.1.
Fighter Aircraft Munitions Family Group and Munition Load Time Standards (in
minutes). ..................................................................................................................
Table 10.2. Bomber Aircraft Munitions Family Group and Munition Load Time Standards. .. 210
Table 10.3.
Remote Piloted/Special Mission Aircraft Munitions Family Group and Munition
Load Time Standards ...............................................................................................
11.1. Facility Housekeeping and Contamination Control. .............................................. 213
11.2. Personal Wireless Communications Systems Management. .................................. 213
11.3. MAJCOM/ANG Special Certification Rosters (SCR). .......................................... 213
11.3. (AMC) Special Certification Roster (SCR). .......................................................... 213
Table 11.1. Mandatory Special Certification Roster and Prerequisites. .................................... 216
Table 11.1. (AMC) Mandatory Special Certification Roster and Prerequisites. ....................... 218
Aircrat Grounding. ................................................................................................
11.5. Ramp Inspection Program. ..................................................................................... 224
11.6. Red Ball Maintenance. ........................................................................................... 228
11.7. Maintenance Recovery Team: ............................................................................... 228
11.7. (AMC) Maintenance Recovery Team (MRT): ...................................................... 228
11.8 Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program. ........................................... 228
11.9. Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Program. ........................................................ 238
11.9. (AMC) Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Program. ........................................... 238
11.10. Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP). ....................................................... 240
11.11. Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Program. ........................................................... 241
Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning Testing .............................................. 241
Cannibalization Program ................................................................................................ 242
11.14. Hangar Queen Aircraft.............................................................................................. 243
11.15. Ground Instructional Trainer Aircraft (GITA). ........................................................ 245
11.16. Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust Certification. ............................................................ 248
11.17. Engine Run Training and Certification Program. ................................................... 248
Engine Blade Blending Training and Certification Program. ................................ 257
Engine Flexible Borescope Inspection Training and Certification Program. .......... 258
11.20. Flying Crew Chief (FCC) Program. ....................................................................... 259
11.21. Maintenance of Flash Blindness Protective Devices. ............................................. 271
11.22. WRM External Nestable Fuel Tank Build-Up. ...................................................... 271
11.23. Protective Aircraft Shelters (PAS). ........................................................................ 272
11.24. Combat Sortie Generation. ..................................................................................... 272
11.25. Hot Refueling Procedures. ..................................................................................... 273
11.26. Aircraft Rapid/Hot Defueling. ................................................................................ 277
406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter Systems Program. .............................. 277
Crashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) Program. .............. 278
11.29. 11.29. Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR). .................................................. 281
11.30. 11.30. Egress/Cockpit Familiarization Training. .................................................. 283
11.31. 11.31. Aircraft Defensive Systems Loading Program. .......................................... 284
11.32. Aircraft and Equipment Decontamination. ............................................................. 289
11.33. End-of-Runway (EOR) Inspection. ........................................................................ 289
11.34. Wing Avionics Manager (WAM). .......................................................................... 290
11.35. Fire Extinguisher Requirements. ............................................................................. 291
11.36. Air Force Repair Enhancement Program (AFREP). ............................................... 291
11.37. Calibration Limitation Approval Certification Program......................................... 297 11.38.
Oil Analysis Program (OAP). ................................................................................. 298
11.39. Air Force Engineering and Technical Services (AFETS)....................................... 303 11.40.
Senior Leader Mission Generation (SLMG) Course. ............................................. 308 11.41.
(AMC) KC-135 MPRS Manager. .......................................................................... 309
11.42. (AMC) Mobile Crane Operation Training and Qualification Program. ................. 309
11.43. (AMC) Tow Team Supervisor Certification Program. ............................................ 310
11.44. (AMC) Graduate Assessment Program. .................................................................. 310
11.45. (AMC) Aircraft Ground Deice ....................................................................................... 311
12.1. Background Information, Objective and Roles and Responsibilities. ................... 313
12.2. AF/A4L will:........................................................................................................... 313
12.3. The Program Manager (PM) will:...........................................................................
12.4. Lead Commands will: ............................................................................................. 314
12.5. Units will: ............................................................................................................... 314
12.6. Maintenance Personnel Requirements. .................................................................. 315
12.7. Deviations/Changes to Inspection Requirements, Time Change Intervals, and
Component/Aircraft Overhaul. ............................................................................... 315
12.8. Air Force Modifications to CDA and Components. .............................................. 315
12.9. Certification Basis for CDA. .................................................................................. 315
13.1. Introduction. ........................................................................................................... 316
13.2. Organization. .......................................................................................................... 316
13.3. CRF Production Requirements. ............................................................................. 316
13.4. MGN Support. ........................................................................................................
13.5. CRF Enterprise Information Management. ............................................................ 317
13.6. Documentation. ...................................................................................................... 317
13.7. Metrics. .................................................................................................................. 317
14.1. Responsibilities:...................................................................................................... 318
14.2. Data Documentation. .............................................................................................. 321
14.3. Configuration, TCTO, SI and TCI Management. ................................................... 330
14.4. ENGINE MANAGEMENT (EM). ......................................................................... 344
14.5. Maintenance and FHP Planning Cycle. .................................................................. 352
Table 14.1. (AMC) Scheduled Look Phase Times. ................................................................... 362
Table 14.2. (AMC) Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness Computation................................ 363
14.6. Contingency and Expeditionary Responsibilities. .................................................. 364
14.7. Aircraft Schedule Effectiveness (ASE) Computation............................................. 366
Table 14.3. (AMC) Deviation Type Codes................................................................................ 367
Table 14.4. (AMC) Deviations Type Codes Not Included in ASE............................................ 369
Table 14.5. (AMC) AMC Approved Deviation Cause Codes. .................................................. 369
Table 14.6. (AMC) AMC Definitions and Formulas if not identified in Chapter 14. ............... 371
15.1. Purpose: ................................................................................................................. 373
15.2. Scope: ..................................................................................................................... 373
15.3. Definitions. ............................................................................................................. 373
15.4. Headquarters Air Force........................................................................................... 374
15.5. MAJCOM A4s will:................................................................................................ 374
15.6. Owning Organization.............................................................................................. 375
15.7. New Procurements. ................................................................................................. 375
15.8. Design Criteria/Standards of New or Replacement Aircraft Sun Shades............... 378
15.9. Current Aircraft SunShades. ..................................................................................
15.10. Sustainment and Accountability. ........................................................................... 381
15.11. Allied Support (Electricity, Water, Communications, Lighting)............................ 382
15.12. Crew Shelters and Portable/Inflatable Shelters....................................................... 383
16.1. Maintenance Human Factors. ................................................................................ 385
16.2. Program Requirements. ......................................................................................... 385
16.3. Responsibilities. ..................................................................................................... 386
Attachment 4—ANNUAL FCC REPORT 426
Attachment 5—FCC SDAP REQUEST 427
Attachment 10—FCC ORM WORKSHEET 434
Chapter 1
1.1. Introduction. This instruction prescribes basic aircraft and equipment maintenance
management policy implementation and procedures used throughout the United States Air Force
(USAF) to perform Mission Generation (MG) functions.
1.2. Organization. AF organizations are structured according to AFI 38-101, Air Force
Organization, or as authorized by the Director of Manpower, Organization & Resources
(AF/A1M). Contracted maintenance functions are not required to organize IAW AFI 38-101, but
will implement the organization as outlined in their proposal as accepted by the government. For
the definition of “Lead Command” see AFPD 10-9, Lead Command Designation and
Responsibilities for Weapon Systems.
1.3. Maintenance Concept. Per AFPD 21-1, organizational, intermediate and depot maintenance
capabilities for operational readiness shall be maintained to ensure effective and timely response
to peacetime operations, mobilizations, national defense contingencies and other emergencies.
Note: Guidance for the use of Additive Manufacturing to build replacement parts is prescribed in
AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management.
1.3.1. As a minimum each capability will be able to: Organizational: launch and recover sorties, maintain and repair materiel coded for
organizational level repair. Intermediate: repair materiel coded for organizational and intermediate level
repair in back shops, centralized repair facilities, or both. Depot-level Maintenance: Provides the capability to maintain materiel coded for
organizational, intermediate and depot levels of maintenance. Includes maintenance
requiring the overhaul, upgrading, or rebuilding of parts, assemblies, or subassemblies, and
the testing and reclamation of equipment as necessary.
1.3.2. Organizational and intermediate-level maintenance is organized into two mutually
exclusive networks, the Mission Generation Network (MGN) and the Repair Network (RN).
The MGN is optimized for mission generation at the wing level and consists of authorized “on-
equipment” and “off-equipment” maintenance capabilities required to launch, recover,
configure, inspect and repair AF systems and equipment. The RN supports the MGN by
providing the maintenance required to fulfill operational needs outside the capability or
capacity of MGN activities. The interface between the two networks takes place when the
MGN activity relinquishes control of reparable assets to the RN activity (such as, supply
counter turn-in) or changing an end item Purpose Identifier Code (PIC) from an operational
activity to a repair network activity (such as, depot maintenance). Most MGN units possess a complement of equipment and supplies necessary to
perform on-equipment and off-equipment maintenance. RN units may reside at bases that perform mission generation. RN requirements
and processes are identified in AFI 20-117, Repair Network Management.
1.3.3. MAJCOMs assigned combat coded fighter aircraft will coordinate with Mission Design
Series (MDS) lead and using commands and the MAJCOM Operations Directorate
(MAJCOM/A3) to develop and document standardized MDS and Primary Aerospace Vehicle
(Aircraft) Authorized (PAA) specific utilization rate standards in their supplements to this
instruction. At a minimum the rates will: Consider aggregated and analyzed unit generation capability data to identify and
document standard MDS turn patterns by PAA in their supplements to Chapter 14. Account for standard avionics and weapons training configurations. Account for standard Technical Order (TO) driven turn time inspections and
Average Sortie Duration. Include a process for supporting units in assessing shortfalls and developing action
1.3.4. Requests for Assistance. If a maintenance activity requires assistance for evaluation,
repair, or both, beyond unit capability, requests are made IAW AFI 21-103, Equipment
Inventory, Status and Utilization Reporting; TO 00-25-107, Maintenance Assistance; and TO
00-20-14, AF Metrology and Calibration Program, or automated process as approved by the
MDS Program Manager (PM) (for example, C-130 Automated Inspection, Repair, Corrosion
and Aircraft Tracking (AIRCAT), F-16 Technical Assistance Request). All requests for
assistance must be coordinated through the originating MAJCOM and Lead Command as
applicable. (T-2).
1.4. Aircraft Maintenance Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP). TTPs are developed
from lessons learned and best practices that provide valuable reference documents to improve
maintenance processes and procedures. Maintenance leaders should utilize the maintenance
fundamentals TTP volumes (Aircraft, Munitions and Missile) to effectively and efficiently support
mission generation. Maintainers who attend the USAF Advanced Maintenance and Munitions
Operations School are trained in advanced operational, expeditionary and tactical maintenance
management concepts stemming from the alumni’s development and formalization of TTPs.
Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) should identify their Advanced Maintenance and
Munitions Operations School graduates and utilize them as advisors and instructors to enhance
mission capability. AFTTP 3-4.21V1, Aircraft Maintenance, can be found at: For additional
information on Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School and TTP development
see Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 21-111, Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations
1.5. Aircraft and Equipment Readiness. Aircraft and equipment readiness is the maintenance
mission. The maintenance function ensures assigned aircraft and equipment are safe, serviceable,
and properly configured to meet mission needs. Maintenance actions include, but are not limited
to, inspection, repair, overhaul, modification, preservation, refurbishment, troubleshooting,
testing, analyzing condition, performance and maintenance documentation. All levels of
supervision need to place emphasis on safety, quality, and timeliness in the performance of
maintenance. The concept of quality maintenance must be fostered by each supervisor and
technician to ensure the integrity and skill of each maintainer is not degraded. To the greatest extent
possible, maintenance is accomplished on a preplanned scheduled basis. Planningprovides
the most effective and efficient use of people, facilities, and equipment, reduces unscheduled
maintenance, and allows for progressive actions toward maintaining and returning aircraft and
equipment to safe operating condition. Exploiting repair network capability and maintaining
visibility of repair cycle assets throughout the maintenance cycle are also critical elements of the
equipment maintenance program.
1.5.1. Preventive Maintenance. AF units implement and manage the tasks specified in the
scheduled recurring maintenance program for their assigned aircraft and associated support
equipment (SE). Preventive maintenance is achieved through the inspection requirement
concepts described in TO 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Inspection,
Documentation, Policy, and Procedures, and applicable weapon system -6 TO
1.5.2. MAJCOMs that conduct Mission Generation Assessments or similar weapon system
logistic evaluations in order to validate unit readiness will: Provide units a standardized assessment report containing, at a minimum, positive,
negative and areas for improvement feedback to facilitate crosstell to like units. Analyze unit generation processes to capture and communicate best
practices. Analyze unit generation performance to identify and communicate
noteworthy trends. Directorates of Logistics, Engineering & Force Protection (MAJCOMs A4s) will
semi-annually report their top three trends and causal factors to the Logistics Board to
facilitate debate to identify and mitigate potential limiting factors. Submit MAJCOM top
three trends to the AF/A4LX workflow no later than 30 days prior to each Logistics Board
meeting for consolidation at:[email protected]il.
1.6. Maintenance Discipline. It is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel to comply with
all written guidance to ensure required repairs, inspections, and documentation are completed in a
compliant, safe, timely, and effective manner. Supervisors are responsible for enforcing and
establishing a climate that promotes maintenance and supply discipline. Unless expressly stated
otherwise in a particular instruction, waiver, or deviation in this AFI granted by the appropriate
authority, all Airmen must follow AFIs. (T-1). AFIs do not provide optional guidance, and failure
to comply with AFIs can result in disciplinary action as described in AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards.
Civilian personnel who violate punitive publications may also be subject to disciplinary action. See
AFI 33-360 for more detailed information on the use of punitive language in publications.
1.6. (AMC) Maintenance Discipline. HQ AMC/A4 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) will, in
conjunction with AMC/IG and in accordance with AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System,
verify and validate compliance through continual evaluation using tools such as, but not limited
to, Management Internal Control Toolset (MICT), metrics, Maintenance Information Systems
(MIS), Training Business Area (TBA), Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program
(MSEP) data, and site visits within the Air Force Inspection System (AFIS) construct.
1.6.1. Compliance Terminology. For the purposes of this instruction, the following definitions
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Shall, Must, Will - Indicates mandatory requirements. Note: “Will” is also used
to express a declaration of purpose for a future event. Should - Indicates a preferred method of accomplishment. May - Indicates an acceptable or suggested means of accomplishment.
1.6.2. Use of TOs and TO Supplements. All personnel will enforce compliance with technical
data. (T-1). Use of prescribed technical data to maintain aircraft and equipment is mandatory
and will be conducted and managed IAW TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System. (T-
1.6.3. AFTO Form 492, Maintenance Warning Tag. The Air Force Technical Order (AFTO)
Form 492, Maintenance Warning Tag, is used as prescribed in technical data, local procedures,
or both, to flag a condition that could cause damage or injury if ignored. Refer to TO 00-20-1
for additional guidance. Note: The AFTO Form 492 is replacing the AF Form 1492, Warning
Tag referenced in AFMAN 91-203, Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards.
Use of the AF Form 1492 is authorized until supplies are exhausted.
1.7. Communications Security (COMSEC)/Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI)
Accountability. The Air Force COMSEC/Central CCI Authority is the Cryptologic and Cyber
Systems Division, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.
1.7.1. Installed COMSEC/CCI accountability will be accomplished IAW AFMAN 17-1302-
O, Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations and AFI 23-101, Air Force Material
Management. (T-1). Ensure all serially controlled and serially tracked COMSEC/CCI
information is entered into the Maintenance Information System (MIS) IAW TO 00-20-2,
Maintenance Data Documentation. (T-1). Maintain serial number inventory accountability for all COMSEC/CCI issued or
removed to Facilitate Other Maintenance (FOM) in Tail Number Bin (TNB) IAW
Paragraph 9.19. Tail Number Bins. Questions concerning COMSEC/CCI accountability can be directed to the
Cryptologic and Cyber Systems Division’s COMSEC Policy Office Air Force Life Cycle
Management Center (AFLCMC/HNCLS).
1.7.2. Maintenance Cybersecurity Discipline. Maintaining positive maintenance cyber discipline practices of Department of
Defense (DoD) Information Technology (IT) is critical to sustaining the mission.
Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8500.01, Cybersecurity, definesboth hardware
and software that is physically part of, dedicated to, or essential in real-time to the mission
assurance of special purpose weapon systems. DoD IT is the most common IT encountered
in flightline environments, and includes (but is not limited to) electronic tools (eTools),
aircraft and associated support equipment. The culture of positive cybersecurity awareness
and actions necessary to sustain cyber resiliency is required by all maintenance personnel
to mitigate allusive cyber threats and optimize enduring mission generation capabilities. All users perform an integral role in prevention, detection, and reporting
suspected corrupted software of DoD IT which includes Information Systems (IS) and
Platform Information Technology (PIT), which is an electronic platform with
information technology for a specific function. See Table 1.1
Table 1.1. Tiered Interface Examples.
Type of Interface
Applicable TOs
EC-130, XX-135, E-3, E-8
Device TO
Directly Connected
F-22 PMA, F-35 PMA, Viper
Device TO
Indirectly Connected
Test Eqpt., Support Eqpt., ATS,
TO 33-1-38
Not Connected
TO 00-5-1 All users must consult airframe Security Classification Guides, TO 33-
1-38, Cybersecurity for Automatic Test Equipment and Support Test Equipment
(ATE/STE). TO 33-1-38 provides guidance for Cybersecurity Incident Reporting
and refers users to applicable technical manuals, instructions and publications when
determining the classification of cybersecurity incidents and vulnerability
documents. (T-1). Authorized and unauthorized uses of IT and PIT. All users must have the
ability to distinguish between authorized and unauthorized uses. (T-1). Authorized uses must be vetted through a formal cybersecurity
assessment process and be directed in specific TO guidance. (T-1). The governing
TOs or equivalent publications specifically define authorized uses. Unauthorized uses include: connecting any hardware, uploading or
downloading software, or media not explicitly defined by TOs. This includes but is
not limited to: personal devices, phones, tablets, computers, Universal Serial Bus
drives, and similar devices. DoD IT, derivative AF Publications, and TOs provide users guidance
on Automated Computer Program Identification Number System devices acquired
from local Communications Squadrons and media obtained from DoDcontractors. All users will follow the applicable TO when directly or indirectly
connecting computers and equipment to the aircraft or support equipment, and
when uploading or downloading data. (T-1). All users will immediately discontinue use, report, and turn into the
appropriate functional authority IT and PIT (WAM, Wing Cybersecurity Office,
and the Mission Defense Teams/Cyber Squadron, if assigned) that are suspect for
containing malicious software, malicious code, software bugs or unauthorized use.
(T-1). All users will complete Maintenance Cyber Discipline Training
annually in Advanced Distributed Learning Service (ADLS) or equivalent training
method. (T-1). MDS Lead Commands in coordination with the applicable PM will develop
MDS and Support Equipment (SE) cyber threat mitigation methods and procedures for
Organizational and Intermediate level maintenance activities. The methods and
procedures must detect malicious code, report cyber incidence and issues, and
remediate the incidence and issue affecting the MDS or SE. Note: Mitigation plan
should be developed per DoDI 8500.01; TO 33-1-38, DoD 8570.01M, Information
Assurance Workforce Improvement Program; Military Standard (MIL-STD)-38784A,
General Style and Format Requirements For Technical Manuals; 17- series AFIs. The cyber threat mitigation methods must include MDS and SE
specific training requirements. (T-1). Note: Training requirements could include
training aids, for example, computer-based training on how the flightline
maintainer should scan support equipment for malicious software. Lead Commands must ensure current MDS and SE specific malicious
code definitions are available to ensure positive cyber threat mitigation management
support is available. (T-1). MAJCOM and ANG will report system-specific cyber incidents
to the applicable MDS Lead Command. MAJCOM and ANG will follow airframe Security Classification
Guides, TOs, and applicable technical manuals when providing “cross tell” to
inform their subordinate units about system-specific cyber incidents, threats,
and issues.
1.7.3. eTools. eTools are portable electronic devices (such as laptop computer, handheld device)
that operate in a disconnected mode and, are certified to inter-operate on AF networks.
eTools are mission critical; the primary purpose is for viewing electronic technical
publications and in some cases are used to exchange maintenance data with approved MIS
at the point of maintenance. eTools are procured IAW AFMAN 17-1203, Information
Technology (IT) Asset Management (ITAM). Note: eTools do not include electronic
devices and test equipment issued and configuration managed by a system PM (aircraft test
and support equipment). MAJCOM/ANG A4s, will develop and implement standardized guidance on the
management, use, storage, configuration, content update, security and cyber hygiene
processes necessary to support the approved use of all assigned eTools consistent and IAW
the weapon system MDS specific technical orders and threat specific Air Force and DoD
cyber publications. The MAJCOM/ANG A4 guidance will include any assigned command-wide
cyber threat awareness and mitigation strategies with reference to supporting publications,
technical orders, and MAJCOM eTool OPR contact information in their supplement or
addendum to this AFI. (Added-AMC) eTools are procured by AMC/A4PI and sustained under the AMC
Logistics Network (LOGNET) contract. (Added-AMC) eTools are used for official purposes to view TOs, and connect to
services on the Air Force network (e.g. Global Reach, email, etc.).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) eTools are configured as standard desktop configuration (SDC)
devices by the LOGNET contractor to meet security requirements in accordance with 17-
series instructions. (Added-AMC) eTools are to be able to connect to the DoD network. (Added-AMC) Exceptions to use non-SDC devices as eTools will be
coordinated/approved by HQ AMC/A4 (T-2). (Added-AMC) eTool TO Library management will be performed by TODO in
accordance with Chapter 6 (T-3). (Added-AMC) Coordinate with local government LOGNET POC to determine
AMC eTool storage requirements. (Added-AMC) Refresh cycle. (Added-AMC) Remove eTools from service 12 months after warranty
expiration date (T-2). Note: This reduces cyber threats. (Added-AMC) The eTool(s) will be removed from TCMax
accountability and the ETOV OU and ETOV_ETOOLS security groups (T-2). (Added-AMC) Devices one year outside the warranty period
typically reach obsolescence due to advanced hardware and outdated software
applications. (Added-AMC) AMC/A4PI will refresh AMC eTools annually based on
warranty expiration to maintain readiness and technology updates (T-2). (Added-AMC) All eTools utilized in aircraft classified processing areas (CPAs)
and classified storage areas (CSAs) must have wireless capability (e.g. Wi-Fi, cellular,
Bluetooth, etc.), camera, microphone, and recording capabilities administratively disabled
(T-2). The eTool must also be marked to be readily identified as disabled (T-2). (Added-AMC) The Communication Squadron Cyber Security Liaison and
the aircraft CPA/CSA owner must grant approval for the administratively disabled
device to be utilized in the CPA/CSA (T-2). (Added-AMC) Prior to operating in disconnected mode/bare-base
environments, personnel must log into eTools while connected to the AF Network to ensure
functionality. (Added-AMC) AMC eTools cache the last 50 personnel who have logged
into the device. (Added-AMC) Follow deployed eTool technical order update
requirements outlined in TO 00-5-1. (Added-AMC) Logistics Network (LOGNET). (Added-AMC) LOGNET is a HQ AMC/A4PI managed contract to sustain
eTools and logistics IT infrastructure in accordance with 17 series AFIs. (Added-AMC) Contact your local LOGNET POC or HQ AMC/A4PI
at or DSN 779-2633 for assistancewith
LOGNET matters. (Added-AMC) LOGNET provides services that include: coordinating with
the MXG/CC and HQ AMC/A4PI for wireless LAN (WLAN) and eTool
requirements/funding, coordinating with local Communication Squadron for
hardware/software requirements, processing eTools received during initial purchase or
technical refresh into Automated Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) accounts, and
managing hardware/software warranties. (Added-AMC) The MXG/AMOW will appoint a LOGNET POC
who will serve as a government liaison between assigned LOGNET contractors and
other government entities (T-2). (Added-AMC) The MXG/AMOW will provide via
memorandum for record the LOGNET POCs name to the HQ AMC/A4PI
organizational email address (T-2). (Added-AMC) Tenant units that do not have LOGNET contract
personnel assigned, the LOGNET POC will coordinate with host base network
managers and small computer managers to provide and maintain LOGNET service
support capabilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) All eTool software and hardware failures will be reported
to LOGNET (T-2). (Added-AMC) Non-computer support personnel will not repair,
rebuild, or update any eTool software or hardware (with the exception of electronic
TO updates) (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units must receive approval from HQ AMC/A4PI before
purchasing any information technology infrastructure equipment (T-2). (Added-AMC) The wireless WLAN provides user an extension of the AF
Network by providing access to aircraft maintenance information systems (e.g., G081,
SBSS). (Added-AMC) Units will use the WLAN where available and
authorized to enhance mission accomplishment (T-3). (Added-AMC) LOGNET is contracted to ensure wireless eTools are
available for maintenance technician use and assist WLAN users on proper use and
procedures. (Added-AMC) LOGNET is the only approved office for
installing/maintaining current version of TCMax® software as approved by HQ
1.8. Environmental Compliance. It is the responsibility of all maintenance personnel to comply
with all written guidance to ensure compliance with hazardous material, hazardous waste
management and air emissions record keeping as required for environmental compliance IAW AFI
90-821, Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Program, installation Environment, Safety, and
Occupational Health Management System/Environment Management System (ESOHMS/EMS)
policy/guidance and applicable environmental requirements and guidance. (T-1).
1.9. Publications. Units may tailor procedures to the unique aspects of their own maintenance
operation and publish directives, instructions, supplements, addendums, and, for functional areas,
Operating Instructions (OI) IAW AFI 33-360.
1.9.1. Develop, control, and maintain functional and emergency action checklists. At a
minimum, each checklist is titled, dated and coordinated with the wing safety office. Functional
checklists are not to be used in place of or to circumvent technical data for operation, servicing,
inspection or maintenance of aircraft, aircraft systems, munitions, and all other equipment
supporting aircraft and munitions maintenance.
1.9.2. Methods and Procedures Technical Orders (MPTOs): Due to the close relationship
between MPTOs and this AFI, all changes and revisions to the MPTOs cited in Attachment
1, will be routed from Air Force Material Command (AFMC) to AF/A4LM for content review
for conflicts and policy gaps identification and mitigation prior to submission for publication.
1.10. Maintenance Training. Maintenance training provides initial, recurring and advanced
proficiency, qualification, or certification skills needed by a technician to perform duties in their
primary Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), Civilian Job Series, or equivalent. Maintenance
training includes combat and sortie generation skills not normally integrated into peacetime
operations (such as, munitions handling, and external fuel tank build-up, hot refueling).
Maintenance training carries an equal priority with the operational training mission. For
maintenance training policy and guidance, refer to AFI 36-2650, Maintenance Training and
MAJCOM supplements.
1.10. (AMC) Maintenance Training. ARC maintenance personnel in associate units should refer
to their MAJCOM supplements as required for training guidance.
1.11. Modification Management. A modification proposal is a recommendation to change the
operation, use, or appearance of AF equipment. Modifications (temporary, permanent, or safety)
to AF aircraft or equipment are expressly prohibited without PM approval. Note: PM is used in
this publication as defined in AFPD 63-1, Integrated Life Cycle Management. Refer to AFI 63-
101/20-101, for modification management procedures.
1.11.1. Modifications to Munitions. All proposed modifications to aircraft-carried munitions
include AFI 63-101/20-101 and SEEK EAGLE certification IAW AFI 63-101/20-101and Air
Force Pamphlet (AFPAM) 63-129, Air System Development Process and Procedures. All
modifications to AF nuclear munitions or their associated support and training equipment are
nuclear certified IAW AFI 91-103, Air Force Nuclear Safety Design Certification Program and
AFI 63-125, Nuclear Certification Program. All modifications to AF conventional munitions
or their associated support and training equipment are certified IAW AFI 91-205, Non-Nuclear
Munitions Safety Board.
1.12. Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). MIS refers to automated maintenance
information systems that support and enable maintenance business processes. MIS is used to
document maintenance actions and track fleet health. The information entered into the MIS is
accomplished IAW TO 00-20-2 and matches the content of the aircraft forms. MIS data entries do
not have to be accomplished by the same individual who documented the aircraft forms, but
employee numbers, man numbers, and User IDs of individuals accomplishing the actual work are
entered into the MIS. Red Ball maintenance is documented IAW Chapter 11. Data integrity is the
responsibility of every member of the unit. All personnel are responsible for ensuring accuracy
and completeness.
1.12. (AMC) Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). Abbreviations may be used as long as
it does not alter the content.
1.12.1. Units use the approved MIS for their assigned weapon system.
1.12.2. Serial numbers will be documented in the MIS for all serially-controlled and tracked
assemblies that are identified by an asterisk in the Work Unit Code (WUC) or Logistics Control
Number (LCN) manual IAW TO 00-20-2.
1.13. General Safety Guidance. Maintenance personnel are exposed to a large variety of
hazardous situations, machinery, equipment, and chemicals. Most hazardous situations can be
avoided by following approved procedures, asking for assistance when needed, and using all
required personal protective equipment (PPE).
1.13.1. Safety “Knock It Off” and Risk Management. Due to the inherent danger to life, limb,
and property associated with maintenance operations, personnel are empowered to terminate
an operation or situation which they perceive is unsafe or too dangerous. When supervisors or
crew leaders become task-focused, junior personnel are often better able to assess the danger;
however, deferring to the experience and judgment of the supervisor or crew leader, they may
choose to remain silent, missing an opportunity to break the mishap sequence chain.
Maintenance commanders and supervisors are responsible for fostering a culture in their units
so that a simple, but recognizable “audible” from anyone can prevent a potential mishap. Note:
See AFI 90-802, Risk Management, and AFPAM 90-803, Risk Management (RM) Guidelines
and Tools for additional information.
1.13.2. Visitors. Unit Commanders shall not permit visitors to operate any AF equipment
unless they are qualified to operate such equipment and are doing so in the performance of
their assigned official duties. (T-1). Visitors will not be allowed in the flightline area if
munitions operations are present IAW AFMAN 91-201, Explosive Safety Standards. (T-1).
1.14. Duty Shifts and Rest Periods. MXG/CC or equivalent will establish minimum
requirements that ensure units (home station or deployed) maintain an equitable distribution of
supervision (Officer and Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO)) across all on-duty shifts in
their supplement to this AFI. (T-2).
1.14.1. During normal operations, maintenance personnel are scheduled for duty based on a
40-hour work week. Maintenance personnel duty hours are aligned to provide optimal mission
1.14.2. Personnel will not be scheduled for more than 12 hours of continuous duty time. (T-
1). Duty time begins when personnel report for duty and ends when their supervisor releases
them. Time spent in exercise or contingency deployment processing lines and in-transit counts
toward the total duty day. Exception: MXG/CCs are the final approval authority for duty time
extensions exceeding the 12-hour limit up to a maximum of 16 hours. Note: Aircraft or
detachment commanders assume this responsibility in Temporary Duty (TDY)/travel status.
1.14.2. (AMC) CRG/CC is the approval authority for duty time extensions exceeding 12- hour
limit up to maximum of 16 hours. CRE commanders may assume this responsibility while
1.14.3. Commanders and supervisors will provide a rest period after each shift. (T-1). A rest
period is a block of time that gives a person the opportunity for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep
in a 24-hour period. Note: This rest period also applies during exercises or inspections.
1.14.4. Personnel will not handle, load or perform maintenance on nuclear weapons,
conventional munitions, or egress explosives beyond a 12-hour continuous duty period. (T-1).
This requirement may not be waived for exercises or inspections; however, the 12-hour
continuous duty period may be exceeded for shift turnover or administrative actions only and
will be avoided to the maximum extent possible. The MXG/CC or equivalent may waive this
requirement during advance defense readiness conditions, actual emergencies as defined in
DoD Directive 3150.02, Department of Defense Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, or to
resolve an unexpected event (such as disabled vehicle, Weapons Storage and Security System
fault, hoist failure).
1.14.5. In alert force or standby duty situations where facilities are available for resting,
established norms may be exceeded. Adjust rest periods to allow for 8 hours of uninterrupted
1.14.6. Commanders and supervisors will ensure individuals are afforded adequate duty rest
periods and breaks to prevent fatigue or thermal injury. (T-1). Stop anyone if fatigue may
jeopardize safety. In all cases, aircraft commanders or supervisors ensure aircraft maintenance
personnel are not required to perform duty when they have reached the point of physical or
mental fatigue rendering them incapable of performing their assigned duties safely and reliably.
1.14.7. MAJCOM Commanders will assume the risk for any Flying Crew Chief (FCC)
deviations from normal duty shifts, rest periods, and exceedance of the 16-hour maximum duty
day. MAJCOM Commanders will publish risk-mitigation procedures in order to meet critical
mission requirements. (Added-AMC) FCC duty day will be managed in accordance with detailed
guidance in Chapter 11 (T-2).
1.15. Communications. Commanders shall develop communication plans according to AF
mission requirements. (T-2). See Chapter 11 for detailed communication requirements.
1.15.1. Effective maintenance accomplishment requires the ability to efficiently and
effectively communicate across all facets of the maintenance operation. Communication
technology (government issued Portable Electronic Devices (PED), Portable Maintenance Aid
(PMA), radios, cell phones, computers, wireless internet) must be available to expedite
personnel, equipment, material, and maintenance data throughout the maintenance complex.
1.15.2. MAJCOMs will publish guidance for the use and control of personalcommunications
devices (personal cell phones, tablets and computers) on the flightline, in munitions areas,
hangars, and other industrial work areas as required to mitigate cyber risk and ensure
compliance with cyber and communication AFI requirements relevant to their operational
environments. (Added-AMC) Personal (non-government issued) electronic and
communication devices (e.g., smart phones, cell phones, tablets, laptops, personal fitness
devices, portable music/video players, electronic games) possessed on the flight line,
munitions maintenance areas, hangars, and (or) other industrial work areas will only be
used for official/authorized business. Personal electronic and communication devices will
not be used while actively performing maintenance or as eTools (T-2). This restriction does
not apply to personnel performing maintenance management duties (e.g., Pro Super,
Expediter), or official duties while TDY. (Added-AMC) Personnel will also comply with restrictions in TO 00-25-172,
AFMAN 91-201, AFI 91-207, AFI 31-218, AFMAN 33-282, and aircraft and equipment
TOs (T-2). Base instructions may dictate additional restrictions. (JBMDL) Use of personal communication devices while driving on the airfield
is strictly prohibited.
1.15.3. Unit Commanders will enforce procedures that prohibit the introduction of
government or personal cellular, personal communications system, Radio Frequency (RF),
Infrared (IR) wireless devices, and other devices such as cell phones and tablets, and devices
that have photographic or audio recording capabilities into areas (for example, rooms, offices)
where classified information is stored, processed, or discussed IAW AFMAN 17-1301,
Computer Security (COMPUSEC). (T-1). Coordinate waiver requests with the applicable
Approving Official (AO), and ensure adherence to Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority
(CTTA) requirements IAW Department of Defense Directive (DoDD) 8100.02, Use of
Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the DoD Global Information
Grid (GIG) written approval by the AF CTTA IAW AFI 16-1404, Air Force Information
Security Program, NIST SP 800-53A Revision 4, Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in
Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Building Effective Security Assessment
loans, and the Enterprise Authorizing Official (AO) IAW AFI 31-101, Integrated Defense (ID)
and AFMAN 17-1301. (T-1).
1.16. Maintenance Repair Priorities. Maintenance repair priorities are listed in Table 1.2 This
does not prohibit the Production Superintendent (Pro Super), in coordination with the Maintenance
Operations Center (MOC), from changing the maintenance repair priority when warranted. During
tasked Operational Plan (OPLAN) or operational exercise, the pre-planned maintenance flow
determines the job sequence. The maintenance repair priority and the Logistics Readiness
Squadron (LRS) delivery priorities (listed in Air Force Handbook (AFH 23-123V, Materiel
Management Reference Information) are normally identical. Raising or lowering maintenance
repair priorities does not necessarily require a corresponding change in the LRS delivery priority.
However, the Pro Super may authorize the use of a less responsive LRS delivery priority.
Table 1.2. Maintenance Repair Priority Designators.
1 Aircraft on alert status, war plan or national emergency missions, including
related Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE), munitions and Munitions
Support Equipment.
2 Primary mission aircraft, related AGE, munitions, and munitions support
equipment, for the first 8 work hours after landing or start of recovery or
within 6 work hours of a scheduled launch, alert or test flight and during
simulated generation or Operational Readiness Exercises (ORE).
Air evacuation, rescue, weather (WX) mission aircraft, related AGE,
munitions, and munitions support equipment.
All transient support, and FAA aircraft. Flight or missile crew training
simulator, other training equipment or related AGE required repair, which is
impacting the mission by preventing or delaying student training.
3 Primary mission aircraft, engines, air launched missiles and related AGE,
munitions and munitions equipment, and equipment undergoing scheduled
or unscheduled maintenance, if not performed or repaired will prevent or
delay mission accomplishment. Transient air vehicles not otherwise listed.
Administrative aircraft within 8 hours of scheduled flight or on alert status
with standby crews.
Time change requirements for nuclear weapons.
Repair cycle assets to satisfy a Mission Capable (MICAP) condition.
Spares not available in supply.
Critical end items and spares not available in supply.
Routine maintenance of aircrew or missile-training simulator, or other
training devices or related AGE or sites and aircraft or equipment used for
maintenance training.
Avionics shop electronic AGE and automated test stations.
4 Routine or extensive repair of primary air mission and related AGE and
repair cycle assets.
Administrative aircraft undergoing scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.
Routine maintenance of AGE, not otherwise listed above.
War Reserve Materiel (WRM) items due maintenance or inspection.
Inspection, maintenance, and Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO)
compliance of Mission Support Kit or Mobility Readiness Spares Package
(MRSP) materiel.
Extensive repair of aircrew or missile training simulators, other training
devices, or related AGE.
Inspection, maintenance, and TCTO compliance of munitions and munitions
equipment, excluding spares excess to base requirements not listed above.
Scheduled calibration and unscheduled repairs on Precision Measurement
Equipment (PME) not listed above.
Scheduled maintenance to include periodic inspections, routine TCTO,
Master Configuration Lists (MCL) Grounding, and Time Change Items
Primary mission Comprehensive Engine Management System (CEMS) or
equipment including associated AGE undergoing extensive repair or
Non-tactical or non-primary-mission aircraft undergoing extensive repair.
Fabrication and repair of aeronautical items not carrying a higher priority.
Bench stock requirements.
Extensive repair of aircrew training devices.
Time change requirements not listed above.
Routine repair of AGE and repair cycle assets.
Alternate and other CEMS or equipment, including associated AGE
undergoing extensive repair or modification.
Clearing routine delayed discrepancies on training equipment or AGE, and
routine maintenance which will not impair or affect mission
Equipment requirements.
6 Fabrication and repair of non-aeronautical items.
Repair cycle asset shortages required to fill a peacetime operating stock
7 Spares/repair cycle assets excess to base requirements.
1.17. Associate Unit Program/Total Force Integration (TFI). The USAF employs the
Associate Unit/TFI program in some locations where RegAF and Air Reserve Component (ARC)
units are collocated and share aircraft, equipment, facilities, and other resources IAW AFI 90-
1001, Planning Total Force Associations (TFAS), and MAJCOM supplements. For the purpose of
this instruction, in an Active Association, the ANG or AFR owns the aircraft, and RegAF personnel
will follow ANG or AFR maintenance policy. (T-1). In an ARC association, AFR owns the
aircraft, and ANG personnel will follow AFR guidance, or vice versa. (T-1). In a classic
association, RegAF owns the aircraft, and ANG or AFR personnel will follow RegAF maintenance
policy. (T-1). Type of association is determined by the Program of Record for the associated unit.
1.18. Performance-Based Activities. MAJCOMs may publish the basic responsibilities for
managing performance-based activities.
1.18.1. If published MAJCOMs will:
1.18.1. (AMC) HQ AMC focal points are: HQ AMC/A4Q for weapon system specific
contracts, HQ AMC/A4MR for Engine Management (EM) and PMEL, HQ AMC/A4MP for
transient alert, and HQ AMC/A4MM for maintenance training. Designate focal points for organizational, functional, and technical questions
pertaining to each performance-based activity program. Specify measurement areas and performance levels required for aircraft,
systems, and equipment operated or maintained by performance-based activities. Specify the forms, methods of documentation, and frequency of reporting used
to assess performance-based activities and ensures these requirements are included in the
Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). Ensure units with assigned Contracting Officer Representative personnel meet
requirements in AFI 63-138, Acquisition of Services. Ensure aircraft depot maintenance contracts, Statements of Work (SOW), and
Performance Work Statements (PWS) are coordinated with the applicable MAJCOM
Functional, to include Munitions.
1.18.2. Unit Commanders will: Designate a focal point for all functional, technical, and contracting officer
representative matters pertaining to performance-based activities. (T-1). In coordination with the contracting officer and the Program Manager of
Functional Services Manager, provide specific guidance to the performance-based activity
to ensure proper maintenance discipline and flight worthiness of aircraft and subsystems.
(T-2). Develop and publish contingency procedures for support of continuing
operations in the event of disruption, termination, or default of contracts. (T-1).
1.19. Changes to Technical Orders. Official TO updates are the only valid authority for
maintaining TO accuracy and currency. To maintain this currency, the AF has instituted an
enterprise electronic TO Recommended Change (RC) process.
1.19.1. The Enhanced Technical Information Management System (ETIMS) is the required
system for Recommended Change management and this process replaces the AFTO Form 22,
Technical Manual (TM) Change Recommendation and Reply, AFTO Form 252, Technical
Order Publications Change Request and the AF Form 847.
1.19.2. There are specific organizations that may require the deviations or exceptions for those
who do not have access to ETIMS. Refer to TO 00-5-1 for specific guidance on the RC process.
Chapter 2
2.1. General. This Chapter outlines responsibilities for commanders and keyleaders involved in
maintenance activities. Compliance of this instruction, in units where there is not a military
commander responsible for maintenance, the applicable civilian Director of Maintenance (DOM)
will ensure compliance with all responsibilities in this instruction. (T-1). For organizations without
all commanders and key leaders assigned, MAJCOMs will identify equivalent positions of
authority commensurate with the responsibilities of the leadership positions identified in this
Chapter in a MAJCOM supplement to this instruction.
2.1.1. For the purpose of this instruction, contractor equivalents are as follows: A1Caircraft
servicer or apprentice/journeyman; SrA (1-year time-in-grade)aircraft worker or field
maintenance worker or higher; SSgtaircraft mechanic or field maintenance mechanic or
higher; TSgt—senior mechanic or craftsman; MSgt—lead mechanic;
SMSgt/CMSgt/maintenance officerforeman, branch chief or higher. MAJCOMs may
determine grade and skill level equivalents for civilians.
2.1.2. The functional authority to determine the need and design for civilian uniforms, under
the purview of maintenance is delegated to the MAJCOMs/ANG. As such, all functional
authority requirements set forth in AFI 36-128, Pay Settings and Allowances will also reside
at the respective MAJCOM. The routing requirements for final approval of uniform requests
and the establishment of uniform allowances will be in accordance with AFI 36-128.
2.1.3. (Added-AMC) For the purpose of this supplement only, the following equivalencies in
Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 are used by civilian personnel assigned to the MXG. Note: Air
Reserve Technician (ART) members default to the military grade requirements as outlined in
this instruction regardless of their civilian grade.
2.2. Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities. The WG/CC allocates resources to meet all
mission requirements. The WG/CC will:
2.2. (AMC) Wing Commander (WG/CC) Responsibilities. The 43 AMOG/CC will perform
the WG/CC responsibilities (T-2).
2.2.1. Ensure that maintenance organizations are not overtasked with augmentation duties
outside maintenance functional areas. (T-1).
2.2.2. Conduct a daily "Wing Standup" meeting. (T-1). The meeting will include, at a
minimum, a review of previous, current, and future activities, focused on identifying and
resolving issues with executing the established flying and maintenance schedule. (T-2).
2.2.2. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for Air Mobility Operation Wing (AMOW)/CC, Contingency
Response Wing (CRW)/CC and 43 AMOG/CC. (Added-AMC) Meetings may be accomplished via electronic communication as
long as the minimum requirements are met.
2.2.3. Ensure a coordinated wing or base instruction is developed that implements procedures
to control tools, equipment, electronic devices, and establishes cyber discipline and reporting
requirements that provide operational guidance across all wing or base agencies dispatching to
aircraft runway, taxiways, parking and maintenance areas. (T-1).
2.2.3. (AMC) En Route units, CRW and other AMC tenant units will follow host unit
instruction, as applicable. (T-2). If AF is not the host unit, tenant units will develop procedures
and coordinate with the host unit. (T-2). CRW will develop an instruction for deployed
operations (T-2). Ensure home station Base Support Plans (BSP) include contingency eTools bare
base, comm-out and cyber-out operating procedures based on worst-case deployment
requirements. Periodically exercise operations (as part of scheduled local exercises) in this
simulated deployed environment to validate equipment, personnel and processes provide
the required mission generation capability. (T-1). Develop and maintain local cyber abatement and status reporting procedures
that optimize cyber resiliency and the ability to mitigate and recover from cyber threats
affecting assigned mission or sortie generation operations. (T-1). Ensure maintenance and communications organizations have procedures in
place to effectively collaborate and expeditiously respond to cybersecurity incidents
for maintenance Platform Information Technology (PIT) and report in accordance with
TO 33-1-38 or equivalent publication. (T-1).
2.2.4. Ensure maintenance and operations develop a joint annual maintenance and Flying
Hour Program (FHP) that establishes a balance between the requirement for sorties and
maintenance capability. (T-1). The WG/CC will:
2.2.4. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOW/CC, CRW/CC and units not possessing aircraft. Establish a joint MXG and OG planning and scheduling cycle to ensure the best
use of aircraft, equipment, and personnel to accomplish short-term sortie production and
long-term fleet health. (T-1). Approve the weekly; monthly, quarterly, and annual flying or test schedules IAW
Chapter 14. (T-1). Direct the use of the Maintenance Capability and Capacity (MxCAP2) model or
equivalent, if available, for the assigned MDS. (T-1). The MxCAP2 model provides the
ability to forecast and evaluate the impact of changing requirements (such as, deployments,
changes in aircraft availability, maintenance AFSC shortages, or locally developed
scenarios) on a maintenance unit’s sortie generation capacity. (AMC) [DEV] AMC units use Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) (T-
2.2.5. Vector future leaders to attend the Senior Leader Mission Generation (SLMG) Course
following the course description and criteria listed in Chapter 11. (T-1).
2.2.6. Sustain a Crashed, Damaged, or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) capability for
assigned active airfields and runways IAW Chapter 11 and develop a wing publication IAW
AFI 33-360 containing specific responsibilities for all applicable base support agencies. (T-1).
2.2.6. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for CRW. AMOW/CC, 317 AW/CC, and 43 AMOG/CC will
ensure support agreements are captured in host unit directive, instruction, supplement, or
memorandum of agreement/understanding (MOA/MOU) outlining CDDAR requirements for
each location (T-2).
2.2.7. Identify specific responsibilities and outline unique materiel management support
requirements necessary to optimize wing level maintenance and mission generation operations.
Establish processes and responsibilities for maintenance units and work centers without
material management support in a local publication. (T-1).
2.2.8. (Added-AMC) AMOW/CC will ensure that a government AMC Logistics Network
(LOGNET) POC is designated if LOGNET contractors are assigned (T-2). See Chapter 8 for
LOGNET POC responsibilities.
2.3. Wing Vice Commander (WG/CV) Responsibilities. The WG/CV (or equivalent) will:
2.3.1. Manage the Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and Dropped Object Prevention (DOP)
Programs. (T-1). The WG/CV is the FOD/DOP Prevention Program Manager and will appoint
a qualified technical sergeant (or above), civilian equivalent, or contractor, if designated by
performance work statement, as the FOD/DOP Prevention Monitor(s) IAW Chapter 11 (T-
2.3.1. (AMC) [DEV] En Route, CRW and other AMC tenant units will participate in the host
base FOD program in accordance with Chapter 11 (T-2). The AMS/CC, En Route AMXS/CC
and CRG/CC will appoint a unit DOP program monitor in accordance with Chapter 11.
2.3.2. Ensure the wing safety office, base operations, and emergency services actively
participates in development and coordination of base functional and emergency action
checklists. (T-2). Ensure content includes and complies with all required safety standards,
evacuation distances and MDS specific hazards (such as, egress systems, Hydrazine). (T-1).
Ensure checklists address all known hazards associated in responding to mishaps, adverse
weather, natural disaster, and other emergency responses. (T-2). Note: Review, update and
coordinate functional and emergency action checklist with using units every two years IAW
Paragraph 6.3.4.
2.4. Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities. In addition to the
responsibilities listed below, the MXG/CC or equivalent must ensure compliance with the
maintenance requirements and programs in Chapter 11 (T-1). Approved variations in the MXG
organization does not relieve the MXG/CC of compliance with all the requirements (T-1). The
MXG/CC (or equivalent) will:
2.4. (AMC) [DEV] Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CC) Responsibilities. For En
Route units, the AMOG/CC will comply with the MXG/CC responsibilities (T-2).
2.4.1. Establish a radiation protection program IAW AFI 48-109, Electromagnetic Field
Radiation Occupational & Environmental Health Program, when applicable. (T-1).
2.4.2. Appoint an MXG Environmental Coordinator IAW AFI 32-7001, Environmental
Management. (T-1). Refer to AFI 90-821, installation ESOHMS/EMS policy, guidance and
applicable environmental requirements and guidance, AFMAN 91-203, AFI 32-7086,
Hazardous Materials Management, and AFI 32-7042, Waste Management, for additional
2.4.2. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will appoint an Environmental
Coordinator (T-1).
2.4.3. Ensure maintenance is only performed by personnel who are trained, qualified, and
certified, unless under the direct supervision of a trainer or certifier. (T-1).
2.4.4. Ensure standardization of maintenance discipline, procedures, organizational structures,
compliance, and management philosophy. (T-1).
2.4.5. Coordinate functional and emergency action checklist with Fire Emergency Services,
Wing Safety, and the Airfield Operations Flight in developing adverse weather procedures for
protecting aircraft and equipment IAW AFMAN 91-203, AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency
Management Program, and MDS-specific technical data. (T-1).
2.4.5. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will perform coordination with host
wing (T-1).
2.4.6. Establish and support a Data Integrity Team (DIT), refer to Chapter 5 (T-1).
2.4.6. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will ensure accuracy of the MIS
2.4.7. Approve and publish In Process Inspection (IPI) listings every two years IAW Chapter
6 (T-1).
2.4.7. (AMC) [DEV] Follow TO directed IPIs and augment with additional local IPIs if MSEP
trend indicates need (T-1).
2.4.8. Ensure the Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (MSEP) requirements
are implemented IAW Chapter 6 (T-1).
2.4.9. Ensure effective management of the MXG’s total maintenance training program IAW
AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program and AFI 36-2650. (T-1). Note: The MXG/CC may
authorize the Munitions Squadron, Flight Commander, or Chief to chair the munitions
scheduling and training meetings and publish schedules. The MXG/CC will: Ensure Master Training Plans (MTPs) are developed IAW AFI 36-2651 and
training is accomplished according AFI 36-2650. (T-1). Assign and manage Special Experience Identifier (SEI) referenced in the Air
Force Enlisted Classification Directory at:
A9 in the AF Portal. Support the maintenance training program by allocating aircraft, personnel,
facilities and equipment. (T-1).
2.4.10. Approve requests for assistance IAW Chapter 1 after they are coordinated with Plans,
Scheduling, and Documentation (PS&D), Quality Assurance (QA), and all applicable
maintenance organizations. (T-1).
2.4.10. (AMC) Requests for assistance at En Route locations will be routed to the owning
MXG/CC for approval and applicable AMOG/CC will be notified (T-2).
2.4.11. Designate a focal point for all functional, technical, and COR matters pertaining to
performance-based activities. (T-1). Refer to Chapter 1.
2.4.12. Review the weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual flying or test schedules IAW Chapter
5 and Chapter 14 (T-1).
2.4.12. (AMC) AMOG and CRW will review Global Decision Support System (GDSS) for
inbound workload as applicable (T-2).
2.4.13. Ensure munitions are accounted for IAW AFMAN 21-201, Munitions Management,
AFMAN 21-200, Munitions and Missile Maintenance Management, AFI 21-203, Nuclear
Accountability, and AFI 20-110, Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Management. (T-1).
2.4.14. Establish measures that ensure all maintenance personnel are assigned IAW the Duty
Title Tool, are available, and utilized to accomplish critical maintenance tasks necessary to
integrate maintenance capabilities that optimize Aircraft Availability (AA). (T-1). Maximize
utilization of 7-skill level maintenance personnel in the grade of E-5 to E-7 in direct mission
generation roles and minimize their use in staff positions or non-maintenance duties. (T-1).
Note: Consider utilization of Civil Service MXG/SQ Unit Program Coordinators to
consolidate programs to maximize availability of sortie generation maintainers (NCOs) on the
flightline to maximize AA.
2.4.14. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will accomplish this responsibility
2.4.15. Establish Minimum Equipment Levels (MELs) for essential maintenance assets to
include engines, pods, AGE, vehicles, advocate and reconcile authorized shortfalls and
overages. (T-1). Coordinate with the applicable MAJCOM functional to advocate with the
respective Program Manager to address any requests to change authorized quantities. (T-1).
2.4.16. Implement an effective Corrosion Prevention and Control Program IAW TO 1-1-8,
Application and Removal of Organic Coatings, Aerospace and Non-Aerospace Equipment; TO
35-1-3, Corrosion Prevention and Control, Cleaning, Painting, and Marking of USAF Support
Equipment; TO 1-1-691 Cleaning and Corrosion Prevention and Control, Aerospace and Non-
Aerospace Equipment. (T-1).
2.4.16. (AMC) En Route units that own AGE will ensure a program is implemented (T-2). Appoint a WG Corrosion Manager (2A7X3, 2A7X5) to implement local
requirements, ensure implementation of MAJCOM directed requirements and act as the
focal point for communicating with external stakeholders. (T-1).
2.4.17. Ensure a nuclear surety program is implemented (if applicable) IAW AFI 91-101, Air
Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, and nuclear munitions are maintained, handled and
accounted for IAW AFMAN 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance, AFI 21-203. (T-1). For units possessing Nuclear Certified Equipment (NCE), the MXG/CC will
ensure personnel are trained in the proper use of nuclear flagwords, mishap and deficiency
reporting instructions IAW AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and Reports
and AFI 91-204, Safety Investigation and Reports. (T-1).
2.4.18. Ensure effective management of the Engine Trending and Diagnostic (ET&D)
program IAW AFMAN 20-116, Propulsion Life Cycle Management for Aerial Vehicles. (T-
2.4.18. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.19. Establish CDDAR capability IAW Chapter 11 and applicable MDS technical data.
(T-1). The MXG/CC will ensure resources and trained personnel are available to perform
responsibilities of the CDDAR Program. (T-1).
2.4.19. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for CRW. AMOG/CC, 317 AW/CD and 43 AMOG/CD will
ensure support agreements are captured in host wing directive, instruction, supplement, or
MOA/MOU outlining CDDAR requirements for each location (T-2).
2.4.20. Develop a 10-year facility plan specifying maintenance, upgrade, and replacement
projections for the group’s facilities. (T-1). The MXG/CC will:
2.4.20. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will develop facility plan (T-1). Coordinate plan updates with the installation Civil Engineer (CE) annually. (T-
1). (AMC) AMC units tenant to non-AF host bases will coordinate with CE
equivalent as applicable (T-1). Coordinate and prioritize group maintenance facility work orders monthly. (T-
2). (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will prioritize maintenance
facility work orders (T-1).
2.4.21. Ensure adequate government issued Personal Wireless Communications Systems are
available to support mission requirements. (T-1). Refer to Chapter 11 for further information
on Personal Wireless Communications Systems requirements.
2.4.22. Ensure repair cost evaluations are performed and appropriate levels of review and
repair authorization are established in squadrons, flights, and repair sections IAW TO 00-20-
3, Maintenance Processing of Repairable Property and The Repair Cycle Asset Control
System, TO 00-25-240, Uniform Repair/Replacement Criteria for Selected USAF Support
Equipment (SE) and TO 35-1-24, Air Force Economic Repair/Replacement Criteria For
Selected Warner Robins Logistics Complex (ALC) Managed Support Equipment (SE). (T-1).
2.4.23. Ensure effective use of the assigned AF Engineering and Technical Services (AFETS),
Contractor Engineering and Technical Services (CETS), and contracted Field Service
Representatives (FSRs) IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.24. Establish the group maintenance awards and recognition program to meet AF and
MAJCOM requirements refer to
2.4.25. Ensure procedures are followed to properly turn in recoverable and consumable items
IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1).
2.4.26. Ensure the applicable section “safes” all static display aircraft/systems IAW the
applicable 00-80-series and weapon system-specific TOs. (T-1).
2.4.27. Approve MXG Key Task List (KTL) and Routine Inspection Lists (RIL). (T-1).
2.4.28. Ensure an orientation program is developed and conducted for all personnel newly
assigned to MXG maintenance or equivalent maintenance activities IAW AFI36-2650. (T-1).
2.4.29. Implement MAJCOM Lead the Fleet (Pacer) Program for engine type IAW AFMAN
20-116. (T-2).
2.4.29. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.30. Establish and document MXG local manufacture procedures and controls in a
supplement to this instruction. (T-1).
2.4.30. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC, En Route AMXS/CC and CRW will utilize host instructions
when available (T-1).
2.4.31. Ensure the MXG Oil Analysis Program (OAP) complies with Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.32. Appoint a Stock Record Account Number (SRAN) Engine Manager (EM) or a Unit
Engine Manager (UEM) to accomplish duties outlined in TO 00-25-254-1, Comprehensive
Engine Management System (CEMS) (D042) Engine Status, Configuration, and TCTO
Reporting Procedures. (T-1).
2.4.32. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.33. Ensure Engine Health Management Plus (EHM+) duties are performed IAW AFMAN
20-116 for EHM products managed by Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFLCMC/LP. If EHM data is not managed by AFLCMC/LP, ensure Contractor Logistics
Support (CLS) provided EHM products are managed according to respective contract. (T-1).
2.4.33. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.34. Ensure the Aero Club is operated IAW AFI 34-101, Air Force Morale, Welfare, and
Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility, when assigned. (T-1).
2.4.35. Appoint a hot refueling/hot defueling OPR for the Wing (WG) and designate an OPR
for hot refuel training (if applicable) IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.36. Ensure maintenance requirements (such as, aircraft turnaround, alternate fuel cell, hot
refueling, end-of-runway (EOR) check area, engine run spots, explosive load (cargo) areas)
are included in the base parking plan. (T-1).
2.4.36. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will coordinate with host unit, as
applicable (T-1).
2.4.37. Ensure unit personnel collect and report Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP)
data IAW AFI 63-140, Aircraft Structural Integrity Program and Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.37. (AMC) Appoint an ASIP monitor and publish ASIP instruction (T-2). AMOG, CRW
and units that do not possess aircraft are not required to have an ASIP program.
2.4.38. Ensure aircraft shelters at bases with permanently assigned aircraft are maintained,
unless otherwise stipulated in contracting arrangements, IAW Chapter 11 (T-1). Note: If an
aircraft shelter is used for other than its designed purpose, the using activity will maintain it.
2.4.39. Ensure aircraft and equipment sun shades are maintained IAW Chapter 15 (T-1).
2.4.40. Ensure management of the Weight and Balance (W&B) program IAW Chapter 6 (T-
2.4.40. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.41. Coordinate with the Operations Group (OG) and establish Functional Check Flight
(FCF), Operational Check Flight (OCF), and High Speed Taxi Check programs. (T-1).
2.4.41. (AMC) En Routes and CRW are not required to have a program, but will coordinate
FCF/OCF/high speed taxi checks only by exception and will contact 618 AOC/GADM (DSN,
779-0363, commercial 1-800-AIR-MOBL, options 2, then 1, or TACC[email protected].mil)
and the owning aircraft QA office to resolve issues (T-2). The owning aircraft QA is
responsible for ensuring the En Route or CRW has everything they require to ensure proper
FCF/OCF/high speed taxi checks are conducted.
2.4.42. Implement the Hangar Queen Program IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.42. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW.
2.4.43. Develop a MXG Impoundment Program and ensure compliance with the procedures
IAW Chapter 7 (T-1).
2.4.44. Establish written procedures to review and clear “repeat”, “recur”, and “cannot
duplicate” (CND) discrepancies. (T-1).
2.4.44. (AMC) Only 7-level and higher and civilian equivalent personnel will sign off a repeat
or recurring discrepancy (T-3).
2.4.45. Ensure compliance with Identification Friend or Foe Program or equivalent IAW
Chapter 11 (if equipped). (T-1).
2.4.46. Provide Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support for the development of the wing or
installation instruction to control tools, equipment, and electronic devices from all wing
agencies dispatching to aircraft parking, runway, taxi areas and aircraft maintenance areas IAW
Paragraph 2.2.3 and Chapter 8 (T-1).
2.4.46. (AMC) [DEV] AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC will develop procedures unless
host wing guidance is available (T-1).
2.4.47. Establish written guidance on individual responsibilities and specific procedures for
Cannibalization (CANN) actions IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.47. (AMC) AMOGs with assigned equipment/items, including prepositioned engines, as
defined in paragraph 11.13.2 will establish written guidance (T-2). Ensure aircraft possessed by AFMC for depot maintenance are not cannibalized
without coordination through the MAJCOM functional manager who will then request
approval from the applicable Air Logistics Complex (ALC) Maintenance Group
Commander/Director and Program Manager. (T-1).
2.4.48. Establish local procedures for management and maintenance of assigned Ground
Instructional Training Aircraft (GITA) and Training Aircraft Aids (TAA) to ensure they remain
useful and safe within guidelines stated in Chapter 11, AFI 84-103, U.S. Air Force Heritage
Program, AFI 21-103, and 23-series publications. (T-1).
2.4.49. Sustain a Transient Alert (TA) function (if required). (T-1). The MXG/CC will
establish procedures and furnish necessary personnel and facilities for handling transient
aerospace vehicles to ensure that servicing, inspection, and maintenance are consistent with
the mission of each transient aerospace vehicle. (T-1). Special consideration should be given
to medical or air evacuation aerospace vehicle, emergency missions, and special missions.
2.4.50. Ensure Air Force Repair and Enhancement Program (AFREP) is managed IAW
Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.51. Ensure unit FCC program(s) are established IAW Chapter 11, if applicable. (T-1).
2.4.52. Establish procedures to ensure assigned units have sufficient eTools availability for
technical order viewing. (T-1).
2.4.53. Develop procedures and assign responsibilities to ensure aircraft, aircraft system
forms, equipment forms, and MIS documentation are complete, accurate, and a thorough
review is accomplished for each shift. (T-1). Documented procedures as a minimum will
include: The process to ensure aircraft, aircraft systems and equipment status is correctly
reflected in maintenance forms and the MIS IAW TO 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment
Maintenance, Inspection, Documentation, Policies and Procedures, TO 00-20-2, AFI 21-
103 and Chapter 1 (T-1). The process for recovering aircraft, aircraft systems from extensive maintenance
events and down time (CANN, local depot maintenance (MX)) include independent
screening and validation that all maintenance actions (IPIs, operational checks,
configuration management, W&B, serial number (S/N) tracking (COMSEC/CCI and other
significant items as designated by an asterisk in the applicable WUC/LCN Manual), AFTO
Form 95, Significant Historical Data) have been accurately documented in the forms, MIS,
or both before being scheduled for a sortie or mission. (T-1). The process for determining if an OCF or FCF is required. (T-1).
2.4.54. Ensure that when no 2W1X1 weapons AFSCs are assigned and units are required to
install/remove chaff/flare on unique mission aircraft, train and qualify personnel to perform
these tasks IAW procedures outlined in AFMAN 21-201 and Chapter 11 (T-1). As a minimum,
the program will include academic, explosive safety, load and unload training. (T- 1).
2.4.55. Appoint a Wing Avionics Manager (WAM) or designated representative to act as the
maintenance focal point for wing avionics related programs. (T-1). Note: See Chapter 11 for
WAM responsibilities. Designate individuals to be primary responders and facilitators for maintenance
cybersecurity incident reporting (typically the Wing Avionics Manager). (T-2). (Added-AMC) CRW and AMOW may consolidate this position at the wing
level via appointment letter signed by the WG/CC.
2.4.56. Ensure storage, physical security, corrupt systems quarantine procedures, and cyber
threat mitigation management of MXG assigned PIT and eTools is supported and sustained.
2.4.57. Establish a read file or equivalent for distributing maintenance cross-talk messages,
QA newsletters, Higher Headquarters (HHQ) and local policy announcements, technical
notifications, and other important maintenance information to all assigned airman. (T-1).
2.4.57. (AMC) Provide maintenance cross-tell information in accordance with Chapter 6 (T-
2.4.58. Ensure personnel are trained and appointed as Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluators IAW
Chapter 11 (T-1).
2.4.58. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG.
2.4.59. (Added-AMC) Submit executive level Health of Fleet (HOF) narrative on unit aircraft
as required/directed by HQ AMC/A4 (T-2). Submit narratives to HQ AMC/A4 (T-2). The
interval and requirements for required comments as determined by HQ AMC/A4 are provided
to units via e-mail message. Comments and narratives are due no later than the 15th of the
month due (T-2). Data should be pulled from the database on the 6th day of the month (T-2).
If an extension is needed contact A4QF branch for further guidance. (Added-AMC) Ensure AMOGs (through their respective AMOWs) submit an
executive level Health of Fleet (HOF) narrative on unit aircraft as required/directed by HQ
AMC/A4 (T-2). The interval and requirements for required comments as determined by
HQ AMC/A4 are provided to units via e-mail message.
2.4.60. (Added-AMC) Limit enlisted maintenance staff tours (e.g. unit/group safety NCO,
MOC, QA, Mobility) to no more than 3 years (T-3). The maximum time requirement does not
apply to ARC associate personnel or COR positions. Exception: MXG/CCs may extend MQTP
instructors to 4 years. (Added-AMC) Ensure personnel do not transition from one staff position to
another staff position, except under exceptional circumstances as determined and approved
by the MXG/CC or equivalent (T-3). (Added-AMC) Ensure the CRW develops a rotation plan that ensures personnel
do not to exceed 4 years in the CRW, with host MXG/Superintendent (T-3).
2.4.61. (Added-AMC) Consider the need to establish a Line Chief position, within earned
manpower requirements, when there is more than one MDS/AMXS.
2.4.62. (Added-AMC) Ensure an effective Flash Blindness Protective Device Maintenance
Program is accomplished in accordance with Chapter 11, if applicable (T-2).
2.4.63. (Added-AMC) Appoint Multi Point Refueling System (MPRS) program manager for
units that possess KC-135 MPRS aircraft. See Chapter 11 for MPRS program manager duties
2.4.64. (Added-AMC) Establish a Ramp Inspection program in QA and designate a Ramp
Inspection Program Manager, if applicable (T-2). See Chapter 11 for Ramp Inspection
2.4.65. (Added-AMC) Ensure that a Government LOGNET POC is designated if LOGNET
contractors are assigned. See Chapter 1 for LOGNET POC responsibilities (T-2).
2.4.66. (Added-AMC) Ensure Maintenance Human Factor (MxHF) program is established.
See Chapter 16 (T-2).
2.4.67. (Added-AMC) Ensure C-17 units appoint a representative to participate in the Crisis
Management Team (CMT) (T-2).
2.4.68. (Added-AMC) Ensure maintenance functions do not develop unique automated
information technology systems, or applications without approval of HQ AMC/A4 (T-2).
Locally developed Microsoft Office® software products are exempt from this requirement. (Added-AMC) Forward requests for unique automated information systems that
are not already included as part of a standard AF or AMC system to HQ AMC/A4MP.
2.4.69. (Added-AMC) In associate units, coordinate with the ARC MXG/CC on publications,
instructions, and/or supplements (T-2).
2.4.70. (Added-AMC) Ensure units assign a proportional amount of senior maintenance
leadership (officers, Chief Master Sergeants, and/or Senior Master Sergeants) to all shifts (T-
2.4.71. (Added-AMC) Ensure Quality Assurance Chief Inspectors and Quality Assurance
Superintendents attend AMC Quality Assurance Supervision Course (QASC) prior to, but no
later than three months after assuming Quality Assurance responsibilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) Attendance will be unit funded (T-2). (Added-AMC) Course completion will be documented in MilPDS (T-2).
2.4.72. (Added-AMC) Establish a Propulsion Element within the Maintenance Group if there
is no Propulsion Flight assigned to perform the duties under paragraph 4.11 (T-2). Optional
for AMOG.
2.4.73. (Added-AMC) Ensure Air Transportability Galley Lavatory (ATGL) and Passenger
Pallet Assembly System (PPAS) maintenance is accomplished in accordance with AFI 21-
103_AMCSUP. (T-2).
2.4.74. (Added-AMC) If no PS&D personal are assigned to group, appoint a point of contact
to comply with paragraph (T-2).
2.5. Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD). The MXG/CD will:
2.5. (AMC) Deputy Maintenance Group Commander (MXG/CD) will: For En Route units,
the AMOG/CD, or equivalent, will comply with the MXG/CD responsibilities (T-2).
2.5.1. Chair and designate mandatory attendees for the daily maintenance
production/scheduling meeting. (T-1). The purpose of this meeting is to verify aircraft and
equipment utilization, scheduled maintenance requirements, establish work priorities, and
coordinate schedule changes for the next day. Topics reviewed will include as a minimum:
2.5.1. (AMC) AMOG/CD will perform meeting requirements as applicable (T-2). Aircraft and aircraft system status. (T-1). MICAP and repair cycle status. (T-1). AF Form 2407s, Weekly/Daily Flying Schedule Coordination. (T-1). Current-day flying and maintenance schedule execution. (T-1). Remaining portion of the current day’s schedule. (T-1). Previous week/day’s flying and maintenance schedule deviations to the published
schedule. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Prioritizing aircraft requiring/competing for shared resources. (T-1). Special inspections (SIs). (T-1). Time Change Items (TCIs). (T-1). Time Change Technical Orders (TCTOs). (T-1). Depot Field Team (DFT)/Contract Field Team (CFT) schedules. (T-1). Due In From Maintenance (DIFMs) to ensure no overdue DIFM assets exist. (T-
1). Condition Based Maintenance (CBM+) component status to ensure proactive
aircraft maintenance practices. (Added-AMC) Review the status of TNB items held over 30 days (T-2).
2.5.2. (Added-AMC) Chair and designate mandatory attendees for the Shared Resources
meeting at least monthly (T-2). The purpose of this meeting is to deconflict facility and aircraft
requirements for the current and next two months. (i.e. FTD, CANN, static display, etc).
2.6. MXG Superintendent Responsibilities. In addition to the Group Superintendent
responsibilities outlined in Air Force Handbook (AFH) 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, the
MXG Superintendent is responsible to the MXG/CC and shall advise and assist the MXG/CC on
their responsibilities as outlined in this Chapter. The MXG Superintendent will:
2.6. (AMC) MXG Superintendent Responsibilities. The AMOG superintendent will perform
MXG Superintendent responsibilities (T-2).
2.6.1. Conduct a quarterly manning meeting with Squadron Superintendents and Wing
Weapons Manager (WWM) to review MXG manning status, Duty Title Tool usage, and ensure
manning resources are strategically distributed to provide the greatest possibility for mission
success. (T-1). The MXG Superintendent is the focal point for ensuring squadron
superintendents receive adequate manpower management training. Meeting will consist of a review and evaluation of the impact on the MXG of
personnel actions such as: work center/organizational manpower Authorization Change
Requests (ACR), AFSC changes, re-training, special duty requests, special assignment
actions (SWAP, Palace Chase), SEI balance, overseas Date Eligible for Return from
Overseas extensions/In Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT) requests, physical
profile changes and personnel rotation plans as applicable to enhance mission effectiveness.
(T-1). MXG Superintendent will provide the MXG/CC coordinated manning
recommendations that develop enlisted individual experience and knowledge for
consideration. (T-1). (Added-AMC) AMOG Superintendent will: (Added-AMC) Monitor the 50 percent SEI match and report status
semiannually through their respective AMOWs and 43 AMOG to HQ AMC/A4MM
NLT 15 Mar and 15 Sep (T-2). Note: Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) recognizes
En Route units with authorized enlisted maintenance personnel as approximately 100
percent manning points. AFPC selectively assigns personnel to meet a 50 percent
Special Experience Identifier (SEI) match per AFSC per assignment cycle. (Added-AMC) Ensure all organizational change requests (OCRs) and
authorization change requests (ACRs) used to adjust unit manpower documents (UMD)
are routed through the AMOW or 43 AMOG prior to submission to HQ AMC (T-2).
2.6.2. Ensure all AFSC 2A and 2W maintenance personnel are only assigned authorized duty
titles. (T-1). Reference the Duty Title Tool:, and the AFSC
2W1 Standardized Duty Titles located at
ems.aspx for all assigned AFSC 2W1X1 and 2W100 positions.
2.7. Wing Weapons Manager (WWM). The WWM is the wing's focal point for all weapons
loading and armament systems related matters and serves as the functional manager for all assigned
2W1X1’s. The WWM's primary efforts focus on compliance, continuity, and standardization. The
WWM will be a 2W100 CMSgt assigned directly to the MXG/CC. (T-1). In units where 2W1
personnel are assigned but no 2W100 authorization exists, the MXG/CC will appoint the most
qualified 2W1 to fulfill WWM responsibilities outlined in this Chapter (T-1). Weapons activities
required to support the generation of peacetime training sorties generally do not reinforce primary
combat skills. Therefore, the WWM plays a key role in ensuring that the unit is able to produce
combat loaded aircraft. The WWM is charged with providing technical and managerial advice to
senior leaders in matters of weapons loading and armament systems. The WWM coordinates with
the Aircraft Maintenance Squadrons, Weapons Sections, Armament Flight, Wing Safety, Wing
Weapons and Tactics Officer, the Munitions Squadron/Flight, and other unit agencies on weapons
related matters. The WWM is a certifying official and evaluator for weapons loading task
certifications and qualifications. WWM will coordinate on support agreements and provide support
for geographically separated units (GSU). (T-1). Exception: Unless outlined under additional TFI
guidance. The WWM is the wing Point of Contact (POC) for all 2W1XX manpower issues to
include coordination on all manning (AFSC, grade and skill-level) changes, work center and
organizational changes. The WWM will:
2.7.1. Review and coordinate on the Unit Manpower Document(s) (UMD). (T-1). The WWM
will ensure assignment of position numbers to new arrivals, and existing 2W1 personnel are
properly assigned on the UMD to balance 2W1XX grades, experience and skill-levels between
all 2W1XX work centers across the wing. (T-1). The WWM will coordinate on all 2W1
personnel position change requests. (T-1).
2.7.2. Ensure sufficient quantities of serviceable load crew training munitions are available to
support both load crew and Dual Loading Operations training programs. (T-1).
2.7.3. Ensure all wing 2W1X1 personnel regardless of duty position receive initial and
recurring weapons academics. (T-1). The WWM will ensure introductory training is provided
to newly assigned personnel on aircraft familiarization, safe for maintenance, explosive safety,
weapons release and gun system safety prior to performing duties (as applicable to work
center). (T-1).
2.7.4. Designate the Weapons Standardization (WS) Superintendent (SUPT), Loading
Standardization Crew (LSC), lead crews as WS certifying officials and the primary weapons
academic instructor. (T-1). The WWM may designate the weapons section Non-
Commissioned Officer in Charge (NCOIC) to perform WS functions of academics and
weapons task qualification in HH-60/CV-22 units.
2.7.5. Determine the number of load crews (based on unit taskings), other than the LSC and
lead crews, to be certified on support or limited use munitions. (T-1). In nuclear-tasked units,
the WWM will determine the number of load crews required to be certified on applicable
nuclear weapons in support of OPLANs when the OPLANs’ Designed Operational Capability
(DOC) statement does not dictate load crew requirements. (T-1). Note: The WWM coordinates
with the MXG/CC in determining the number of load crews to be certified on support or limited
use munitions. Determine need for cross-loading program in coordination with wing safety and
approved by MXG/CC. WWM will establish procedures and a training program, as a
minimum will include: checklist documentation, restrictions, inherent safety and list of
authorized conventional munitions. (T-1). If required, a training program and procedures
will be established per Paragraph 10.16.9.
2.7.6. Use the Weapons Load Crew Management Tool (WLCMT) or MAJCOM-equivalent
automated database to track load crew certification and qualification status. (T-1).
2.7.7. Monitor overall load crew status and advise the MXG/CC when the number of fully
certified load crews fall below the Unit Committed Munitions List (UCML) or Test/Training
Munitions List (TTML) minimum requirements. (T-2). If this occurs and cannot be corrected
within 30 days, a secure message will be sent via Secret Internet Protocol Router (SIPR),
through the MXG/CC, to the appropriate MAJCOM 2W1XX functional manager. (T-1). Note:
All 2W1X1s working outside their respective work center or Duty AFSC will be qualified and
certified if possible to fill load crew shortfalls before sending a message to the MAJCOM. (T-
2). The MAJCOM will send the message via SIPR to AF/A4LW at The message will include: Number of 2W1X1 personnel authorized and assigned by work center, skill level
(primary AFSC) and grade for the entire wing. Include all work centers to which 2W1X1
personnel are assigned. Number of 2W1X1 personnel working outside the AFSC/work center. Number of 2W1X1s not able to perform primary duties and the reason. Number of fully certified crews. Include corrective action, get well date, and
30/60-day load crew status projection. If the standard cannot be reached in 60 days, provide
the reason. Remarks: List limiting factors, equipment shortages, availability of training
2.7.8. Annually review DOC Statements, OPLANs, Syllabus, Ready Aircrew Program tasking
memorandum, UCML/TTMLs, unit-tasked Unit Type Code (UTC) requirements (for
equipment and personnel) and UMD to identify any disconnects or problems for weapons. (T-
2). The WWM will coordinate changes and appendices with the Wing Weapons and Tactics
Officer and the Munitions Squadron/Flight and report any findings to the MAJCOM. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 In taskings that involve 2W1’s, the WWM ensures no shortfalls exist by aligning
required skill level, grade, line remarks and Career Field Education and Training Plan
(CFETP) qualifications against tasked UTCs to include Aerospace Expeditionary Force
taskings for all assigned 2W1XX personnel. The WWM will start a training program to
eliminate any identified shortfalls. (T-1).
2.7.9. Resolve scheduling conflicts affecting weapons loading and Dual Loading Operation
training programs. (T-3).
2.7.10. Provide input during development of local exercises involving weapons loading and
armament functions and serve as an advisor/evaluator to the Wing Inspection Team (WIT). (T-
2.7.11. Ensure a recognition program for weapons and armament personnel is established. (T-
2.7.12. Ensure standardization of load crew Composite Tool Kit (CTK) by aircraft MDS to
the maximum extent possible to provide interoperability of load crews; and, in coordination
with the Weapons Section NCOIC and WS Superintendent, determine the number of CTKs
required. (T-2). Load crew CTK contents will be approved by the WWM. (T-2).
2.7.13. In coordination with Wing Safety, Airfield Operations Flight, and Quality Assurance,
develop an installation publication or supplement to this AFI for parking, launch and recovery
of explosives-loaded aircraft, end-of-runway procedures, hung stores/jammed gun system
safing and to outline situations warranting impoundment of aircraft with hung ordnance,
delayed release or jammed gun systems. (T-1).
2.7.14. The WWM will ensure arm/de-arm of munitions loaded aircraft is accomplished in
approved areas. (T-1). Immediately-prior-to-launch and "safing" procedures may be performed
in the aircraft parking area for contingencies, unit exercises, and daily training missions as
quantity distance clearance allows with the approval of Wing Safety, Airfield Operations
Flight, and the MXG/CC.
2.7.15. Inform the MAJCOM, within 24 hours, of any significant weapons or armament
related issues such as dropped/hung munitions, equipment and aircraft release reliability or
deficiency problems, and weapons safety or mishap issues. (T-2). Note: Units follow
MAJCOM and local reporting instructions. If a unit has an incident, it is important to preserve the evidence to the maximum
extent allowable by operational requirements and safety. An example would be segregating
an aircraft gun versus destroying it if it poses no immediate danger. This allows for
evaluation of all the evidence and the ability to recreate the mishap conditions.
2.7.16. Monitor weapons release/gun fire-out rates, malfunctions and corrective actions to
assess weapons and armament systems reliability. (T-1). Weapons release reliability rates are calculated by dividing the number of
successful releases by the number of attempts.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The gun fire-out rate is calculated by dividing the number of successful bursts
by the number attempted. Once a malfunction occurs, any further attempts for thepurpose
of clearing the malfunction should not be counted as attempts.
2.7.17. Ensure compliance with local accountability procedures IAW AFI 11-212, Munitions
Requirements for Aircrew Training, and AFMAN 21-201. (T-1). In conjunction with the
Weapons Section(s) and Munitions Flight, the WWM will develop a standard local format for
the AF Form 2434, Munitions Configuration and Expenditure Document. (T-2). A computer-
generated product may be used if it contains all required information.
2.7.18. Coordinate with Maintenance Supervision, Munitions Squadron/Flight, Operations
Support Squadron (OSS) Operations Plans, and Wing Safety in developing nuclear weapons
operations procedures (such as, convoy, custody transfer, no-lone-zone), if applicable. (T-3).
2.7.19. Conduct a quarterly meeting with representatives from Weapons Standardization,
Wing Safety, Quality Assurance, Munitions Squadron/Flight, Armament Flight, and Weapons
Section(s) to discuss and resolve any weapons-related issues, concerns or problems. (T-1).
Weapons AFETS are encouraged to attend.
2.7.20. Ensure enroute training requirements for inbound 2W1X1 personnel are identified and
requested through the MAJCOM, as applicable. (T-2).
2.7.21. Monitor WRM Rack, Adapter, Pylons and guns/components status to ensure required
assets are available to support OPLAN taskings. (T-1).
2.7.22. Provide monthly load crew, weapons release and gun reliability rates, equipment, and
tester status (9405 report, or equivalent) to MAJCOM No Later Than (NLT) the 5th of each
month. (T-2). The WWM will monitor the status of critical armament and weapons systems
support equipment and testers for serviceability, accountability and status of TCTO
modifications. (T-2). The WWM will provide a valid document number and off-base requisition
number for all items listed in Awaiting Parts (AWP) status in the remarks column of the
report if the item is procured through USAF supply channels. (T-2). If parts are obtained
from commercial sources, and purchased using Government Purchase Card, provide source,
date ordered, and status in the remarks column.
2.7.23. Utilize and involve assigned AFETS and/or contractors in weapons and armament
related issues and meetings IAW Chapter 11 (T-2).
2.7.24. Ensure at least two certified WS personnel are included on TDY where live munitions
will be expended and on deployments exceeding 30 days to provide Minimum Required
Proficiency Load (MRPL) and recertification capability. (T-3). The WWM is the approval
authority for exceptions.
2.7.25. Perform an annual assessment to evaluate programs and technical proficiency of
personnel assigned to Weapons Sections, Armament Flights, and AFSC 2W1 personnel
assigned to QA. (T-1). The WWM will ensure the assessment incorporates a process to
document findings, track corrective actions and store data. (T-2).
2.7.26. Determine when Armament Flight personnel are required to perform load crew duties
or related certifiable tasks and gain concurrence from MXG/CC. (T-3).
2.7.27. Determine need for a formal supervisory postload program. (T-3). If negative
performance metrics, special missions, warrant a supervisory postload program, WWM will
establish procedures and a training program to ensure standardization between units. (T-3).
Supervisors (7-skill level minimum, expediters, shift supervisors, section NCOICs) performing
such inspections require initial and recurring (not exceeding 15 months interval) qualification
training by WS. Training will be documented in either the WLCMT (or equivalent) or MIS,
not on Special Certification Roster (SCR). (T-1). Document Supervisory Postload on AF Form
2430, Specialist Dispatch Control Log (or equivalent). (T-3).
2.7.28. Ensure requirements for submitting AFTO Form 375, Selected Support Equipment
Repair Cost Estimate, on all weapons support equipment identified in TO 35-1-24, are
accomplished. (T-1). This process provides vital information and source documentation for
ALCs to adequately reflect equipment sustainment costs, attrition rates, and to enable timely
forecasting for replacement funding.
2.8. Squadron Commander (SQ/CC) Responsibilities. The SQ/CC will:
2.8.1. Ensure compliance with AFI 90-821, AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention
Program, AFMAN 91-203, Fire and Health Standards and other publications necessary to
perform the commander functions assigned to the squadron. (T-1).
2.8.2. Establish and administer squadron training programs IAW AFI 36-2650 and AFI 36-
2651; monitor upgrade training, Personnel Reliability Program (PRP) status, and qualifications
of assigned work center personnel; and, ensure MAJCOM Mandatory Course List
requirements are met (if applicable). (T-1).
2.8.3. Ensure upgrade training and maintenance qualification programs emphasize quality and
are not primarily focused on meeting minimum upgrade time frames. (T-1). Ensure all maintenance personnel who utilize DoD Information Technology have
received appropriate Maintenance Cyber Discipline Training. (T-1).
2.8.4. Monitor all personnel working outside of their primary AFSC to ensure that it does not
degrade mission accomplishment. (T-3).
2.8.5. Establish a squadron Vehicle Control Program IAW AFI 24-302, Vehicle Management.
2.8.6. Establish and manage squadron FCC program IAW Chapter 11 (if applicable). (T-1).
2.8.7. Protect and secure munitions as outlined in AFI 31-101. (T-1). The SQ/CC will ensure
Intrusion Detection Systems requirements are identified when required to store munitions. (T-
2.8.8. Appoint equipment custodians to manage the Custodian Authorization/Custody Receipt
Listing (CA/ CRL) (R14) of assigned equipment IAW AFI 23-101 and AFMAN 23-122,
Materiel Management Procedures. (T-1).
2.8.9. Ensure personnel and equipment are identified and prepared to deploy for taskings IAW
AFI 23-101, AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, AFI 36-3802, Force Support
Readiness Programs, and AFMAN 10-409-O, Support to Adaptive Planning. (T-1).
2.8.10. Recommend personnel for QA duty positions. (T-1).
2.8.11. Designate Flight CC/Chiefs. (T-1).
2.8.12. Ensure the UMD is consistent with the approved organizational structure. (T-1).
2.8.13. Coordinate support from the local communication squadron or equivalent functional
entity to ensure proper eTools configuration (operating system, virus checkers) are maintained.
(T-1). The SQ/CC will coordinate with lead TODO/Functional System Administrator to
resolve TO requirements that are not being satisfied. (T-1). Ensure licenses, certification, maintenance and security of eTools (hardware and
software) is conducted IAW 33/17-series AFIs, TO 31S5-4-ETOOL-1, and Chapter 8 (T-
2.8.14. Ensure members assigned to the DIT are qualified to accurately assess the
Maintenance Data Documentation. (T-1).
2.8.15. (Added-AMC) Ensure maintenance officers attend the Mobility Air Forces (MAF)
Maintenance Officer Course (T-2). (Added-AMC) Attendance will be unit funded (T-2). (Added-AMC) Officers with at least 6 months field experience and successful
completion of the Aircraft Maintenance Officer Course (AMOC) must attend the course
within 18 months of being assigned to their unit (T-2). (Added-AMC) Course completion will be documented in the MIS using course
code INSP 000029 (T-2).
2.8.16. (Added-AMC) Consider establishing a Supervision Through Recurring Involvement
and Personnel Engagement (STRIPE)s On-The-Line program. (Added-AMC) The program is intended to enhance mission execution by
expanding communication, oversight and engagement by personnel in leadership positions
from Maintenance Supervision through Section Chief. (Added-AMC) STRIPEs visit are not intended to be additional performance
evaluations, but an opportunity to establish consistent leadership presence in all work
2.9. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. Maintenance Supervision consists of the
Operations Officer and Maintenance Superintendent (MX SUPT). Maintenance Supervision
advises the SQ/CC on technical matters, leads a mission-focused maintenance effort, and manages
resources necessary to accomplish the mission. They provide necessary administration to manage
assigned responsibilities and control maintenance through Pro Supers, Flight CC/SUPT, and
Section NCOICs/Chiefs. The MX SUPT is responsible to the Operations Officer. Maintenance
Supervision will:
2.9. (AMC) Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. For En Routes, these responsibilities
will be performed by the senior commissioned and enlisted maintenance personnel (T-2).
2.9.1. Ensure adequate levels of supervision and manning are balanced across all shifts to
safely and efficiently accomplish the mission. (T-1).
2.9.2. Ensure timely and accurate engine data is provided to the EM element for all engines
IAW Chapter 14 (T-3).
2.9.2. (AMC) For En Route units possessing prepositioned engines, designate an engine
monitor to track and coordinate engine data with the primary support base (PSB) Engine
Manager (T-2). (Added-AMC) Notify HQ AMC/A4MR and the PSB Engine Manager in message
format that provides the engine monitor’s name, rank, organization, functional address
symbol, and DSN telephone number (T-2). Send updates semiannually (March/September)
or as changes occur (T-2).
2.9.3. Enforce procedures to prevent FOD and dropped objects IAW Chapter 11 (T-3).
2.9.4. Monitor and recommend updates to local IPI requirements and recommendations to QA
IAW Chapter 6 (T-3).
2.9.5. Ensure a sufficient number of personnel are qualified to perform mission critical tasks
listed on the SCR Table 11.1 in Chapter 11 (T-3). Review and/or recommend individuals for
addition to the SCR. (T-3). Approve individuals for addition to the SCR. (T-3). Review and
approve individuals for addition to the SCR. (T-3).
2.9.6. Ensure aircraft systems and equipment are available to support unit trainingobjectives.
2.9.6. (AMC) See paragraph for guidance on En Route ground trainers.
2.9.7. Ensure distribution of maintenance cross-tell messages, QA newsletters, policy
announcements, technical notifications, and other important maintenance information to all
members of the organization. (T-3).
2.9.8. Review and evaluate management and production effectiveness. (T-3). Maintenance
Supervision will analyze personnel and equipment performance history. (T-3). Initiate
management actions to meet new workloads or correct reported/perceived deficiencies. (T-3).
2.9.9. Ensure an annual maintenance plan is developed and reconciled with the flying schedule
and flying requirements to ensure maintenance can support the annual flying hour/test
program. (T-3).
2.9.9. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMOG and CRW. Participate in the maintenance planning cycle. (T-3). Utilize the MxCAP2 model or equivalent for the assigned MDS (if available). (T-
2.9.10. Ensure a squadron SERENE BYTE or PACER WARE response capability is available
to support reprogramming requirements IAW AFI 10-703, Electronic Warfare Integrated
Reprogramming (if applicable). (T-1). (Added-AMC) Ensure appointed electronic warfare maintainers have SIPR
access and SIPR Burn Rights to ensure compliance with AFI 10-703, Electronic Warfare
Integrated Reprogramming (T-2).
2.9.11. Ensure a squadron Corrosion Control Program is implemented and managed IAW TO
1-1-8, TO 35-1-3, TO 1-1-691, MDS-specific TOs and MAJCOM instructions. (T-1).
2.9.11. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMS, unless Aerospace Ground Equipment is owned.
2.9.12. Ensure squadron ASIP responsibilities are accomplished IAW Chapter 11 and AFI
63-140. (T-1).
2.9.12. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMS.
2.9.13. Develop written procedures in coordination with the WWM, Weapons Safety
Manager, and Airfield Management to establish EOR inspection procedures as required by
aircraft specific -6 TO, MAJCOM directed requirements and Chapter 11 (T-1). Ensures sufficient personnel, equipment, and facilities are assigned, maintained,
and available to properly perform EOR inspections IAW Chapter 11. Ensure EOR procedures for transient aircraft are developed IAW TO 00-20-1
and MAJCOM directives. (T-2).
2.9.14. Review and support the monthly Weapons Load Training (WLT) schedule. (T-3).
2.9.14. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for AMS who do not perform weapon loading.
2.9.15. Ensure deferred maintenance, Pilot Reported Discrepancy, and back-ordered partsare
properly managed. (T-1).
2.9.16. Review supply products to monitor supply discipline. (T-2). Maintenance Supervision will manage DIFMs IAW AFI 23-101. (T-2). Monitor and reconcile changes in base-level repair capabilities under their
supervision as they occur with the LRS/Material Management activities IAW AFI 23-101.
2.9.17. Ensure lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen government assets are dispositioned IAW
DoD 7000.14-R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, Vol 12, Chapter 7, Financial
Liability for Government Property Lost, Damaged or Destroyed (Formerly Report of Survey).
2.9.18. Ensure Special Purpose Recoverable Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM) accounts are
established IAW AFI 21-103, Chapter 9, and maintained IAW AFI 23-101. (T-2).
2.9.19. Ensure reporting of materiel deficiencies IAW TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency
Reporting, Investigating, and Resolution. (T-1).
2.9.20. Monitor requirements for CTK, special tools, and SE and take necessary action to
ensure availability, as required IAW Chapter 8 (T-1).
2.9.21. (Added-AMC) Review applicable support agreements to assess limits of internal unit
capabilities and coordinate with the host unit to alleviate/mitigate equipment/mission support
shortfalls (T-3).
2.9.22. (Added-AMC) Ensure production superintendents attend the MAF Maintenance
Supervision and Production Course (MSPC). Note: Recommended attendance is prior to
assuming Pro Super, Expediter, or Section Chief responsibilities. (Added-AMC) The MSPC is mandatory within one year after assuming Pro
Super responsibilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) Expediters and section chiefs are encouraged to attend.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Attendance will be unit funded (T-2). (Added-AMC) Course completion will be documented in the MIS using course
code INSP 000028 (T-2).
2.10. Flight Supervision. Flight Supervision consists of the Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU)
Officer in Charge (OIC)/Superintendent and Flight Commander/Flight Superintendent (Flight
CC/Chief). Flight Supervision will:
2.10.1. Provide management and oversight and ensure each section is adequately resourced to
efficiently execute their mission. (T-1).
2.10.2. Manage, distribute and adjust the flight’s manning to support the maintenance plan
across all shifts. (T-1). Distribute all levels of supervision based on manning and workload to supervise
all duty periods. (T-1). Identify imbalances between authorizations and the number of personnel
assigned, or between authorized and assigned skill levels or grades to SQ/CC and
Maintenance Supervision. (T-1). Review unit DOC Statements, OPLANs, unit-tasked UTC requirements for
personnel and equipment then compare requirements to UMD to identify existing
shortfalls. Scrutinize critical AFSCs qualifications and equipment based on their impact
on mission generation. Document and report personal and equipment deficiencies
through the chain of command and monitor until resolved. (T-2). Manage additional duties, leaves, ancillary training, and rotate/assign manning
across shifts to balance the workload and minimize negative impacts on the workforce. (T-
2.10.3. Execute the squadron's Mishap Prevention Program for the flight/work center IAW
AFI 91-202 and Chapter 1 (T-1). Ensure all personnel obtain the required safety training, and document it on the
AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record, or equivalent IAW AFI 91-202. (T-1).
2.10.4. Coordinate occupational and environmental health risk assessments with
Bioenvironmental Engineering IAW AFMAN 48-146, Occupational & Environmental Health
Program Management, to identify, assess and evaluate process hazards in the workplace and
identify controls. (T-1). Monitor and ensure environmental and applicable health requirements, physicals
and respirator training, initial and recurring requirements are accomplished when required
for assigned personnel IAW AFMAN 48-146; AFI 48-137, Respiratory Protection
Program; and AFI 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing Conservation Program. (T-1).
2.10.5. Ensure organizational compliance IAW the installation ESOHMS/EMS Program. (T-
2.10.6. Advocate use of the TO improvement program, and ensure work center TO files are
maintained IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1).
2.10.7. Ensure Materiel Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard requirements in AFMAN
21-201 and TO 11A-1-60, General Instructions Inspection of Reusable Munitions Containers
and Scrap Material Generated from Items Exposed to or Containing Explosives, are complied
with when certifying items associated with explosives such as: Multiple Ejector Rack, Triple
Ejector Rack, pylons, launchers, rafts, bomb racks, ejection seats, fire suppression bottles, and
gun systems and components. (T-1). Ensure associated items are explosive free prior to being turned in to LRS orthe
Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services (DLADS). (T-1).
2.10.8. Review deferred maintenance in the MIS and coordinate with the Pro Super to
schedule and/or validate task accomplishment. (T-1).
2.10.9. Ensure operator inspections and user servicing requirements are accomplished on all
assigned support equipment IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1).
2.10.10. Ensure records of inspection, lubrication, and maintenance of industrial equipment
are maintained IAW TO 00-20-1, TO 34-1-3, Machinery and Shop Equipment, to include
documentation of records maintained in a MIS. (T-1).
2.10.11. Ensure proper calibration, use, care, handling and transportation of Test
Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) IAW TO 00-20-14 and AFMAN 21-113,
Air Force Metrology and Calibration (AFMETCAL) Program Management, and applicable
Calibration Measurement Summaries. (T-1).
2.10.12. Evaluate maintenance quality, personnel qualifications, and training of assigned
personnel. (T-1).
2.10.13. Review/update flight IPI requirements listing every two years and route through
Maintenance Supervision. (T-1).
2.10.14. Ensure only designated personnel identified in the MIS verify MICAPs/Urgency of
Need Designator 1A and JA requirements. (T-1).
2.10.15. Select personnel to perform special certification tasks IAW Chapter 11 and Table
11.1 and forward names to Maintenance Supervision for approval and addition to the SCR. (T-
2.10.16. Ensure training requirements are executed to support established training plan and
individual AFSC Career Field Education and Training Plans (CFETP) IAW AFI 36-2651 and
AFI 36-2650. (T-1).
2.10.17. Ensure Cross Utilization Training requirements are identified as required by the unit
mission IAW AFI 36-2650. (T-1). Ensure Cross Utilization Training does not interfere withupgrade/qualification
training. (T-1).
2.10.18. Review Maintenance Management Analysis (MMA), QA, and other management
reports to determine appropriate management actions to meet new workloads, target
deficiencies, and identify and correct root causes. (T-1).
2.10.19. Develops maintenance and flying schedules, and execute scheduled maintenance
plans. (T-1).
2.10.20. Establish flight/AMU-specific emergency action procedures to respond to disaster
control and severe weather and forward to MOC. (T-1). Review unit responsibilities pertaining to aircraft/SE movement and personnel
evacuation IAW AFI 10-2501. (T-1).
2.10.21. Manage the flight/AMU’s participation in the FOD and DOP program IAW Chapter
11 (T-1).
2.10.22. Oversee the flight/AMU’s FCC/Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) Program (if
applicable). (T-1).
2.10.23. Establish and enforce a flight/AMU Precious Metals Recovery Program, as
applicable, IAW AFI 23-101 and TO 00-25-113, Conservation and Segregation of Critical
Alloy and Precious Metal Bearing Parts and Scrap. (T-1).
2.10.24. Assign section supervisors IAW this instruction and the UMD. (T-1).
2.10.25. Ensure proper asset management by reviewing MIS data records, the Repair Cycle
Asset Management Listing (D23) and other pertinent products to minimize shortfalls. (T-1). When applicable, ensure warranty items are loaded in MIS according to
applicable directives. (T-1). Ensure Deficiency Reports (DR) are accomplished IAW TO 00-35D-54. (T-1).
2.10.26. Ensure repairable/non-repairable parts are promptly processed through repair
channels within the required time frame IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1). Team with Decentralized Materiel Support (DMS) Flight Service Center to
conduct a quarterly reconciliation of all DIFM assets and follow up on delinquent DIFMs
and document action taken to correct identified discrepancies. (T-1). Immediately identify lost, damaged, destroyed or stolen assets that require a
financial liability investigation IAW DoD 7000.14-R, Vol 12, Chapter 7, Financial
Liability for Government Property Lost, Damaged or Destroyed (Formerly Report of
Survey) and forward to Maintenance Supervision for review and processing. (T-1).
2.10.27. Approve requirements for bench stocks IAW qualification criteria in AFMAN 23-
122. (T-1). (Added-AMC) The AMS Aircraft Support Flight (ASF), or Forward Supply
Location (FSL) when assigned, will manage bench stock with technical inputs from
maintenance on selecting items to be stocked (T-2).
2.10.28. Consolidate lists of items received in supply requiring functional check, operational
programming, user calibration or corrosion control/painting. (T-1). Submit listing to the LRS Materiel Management Flight IAW TO 00-20-3. (T-
1). Note: Does not include TMDE IAW TO 00-20-14.
2.10.29. Coordinate all AGE requirements through the AGE Flight Chief to ensure support
capability and eliminate unnecessary duplication of equipment. (T-1).
2.10.30. Report cyber threats, incidences, and issues per Wing cyber status reporting
procedures. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Consult airframe Security Classification Guides, TOs, and/or applicable
technical manuals, instruction and publication when addressing or reporting cybersecurity
threats, incidents and issues. (T-1).
2.10.31. Ensure Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel (NWRM) is controlled IAW AFI 20-110.
2.11. Production Superintendent (Pro Super). Senior NCO responsible for squadron
maintenance production. The Pro Super directs the overall maintenance effort of their unit. The
Pro Super will be a SNCO or civilian equivalent. (T-1). Squadron specific Pro Super
responsibilities are outlined in Paragraph 3.5.
2.12. Section NCOIC/Chief. The Section NCOIC/Chief is responsible to the Flight CC/SUPT or
AMU OIC/Chief for the leadership, supervision, and training of assigned personnel. The Section
NCOIC/Chief is a first-line manager and supervisor of maintenance production and is the technical
authority and advisor in that area. When sections are subdivided, element leaders perform the
appropriate functional responsibilities. The Section NCOIC/Chief will:
2.12.1. Establish a Work Center Safety Program IAW AFI 91-202, AFMAN 91-203 and
include any locally prescribed safety requirements (if applicable). (T-1).
2.12.2. Monitor, track, and ensure occupational safety, fire prevention, occupational and
environmental health requirements are accomplished for assigned personnel. (T-1). Ensure Job Safety Training is documented IAW AFI 91-202 (AF Form 55 or
equivalent) for each assigned individual. (T-1).
2.12.3. Ensure maintenance is performed by personnel who are trained, qualified, and
certified, unless under the direct supervision of a trainer or certifier. (T-1).
2.12.4. Advocate use of the TO improvement program and ensure work center TO files are
maintained according to TO 00-5-1. (T-1).
2.12.5. Establish procedures and ensure configuration control for all applicable software
required for the sections assigned systems. (T-1). Section NCOIC/Chief will: Access Computer Program Identification Number System (CPINS) in ETIMS or
equivalent system. (T-2). Ensure technicians check ETIMS/equivalent system for software updates for
assigned systems. (T-2). Ensure software configuration control is maintained IAW TO 00-5-16,
Management of Computer Program Identification Number System (CPINS) and equivalent
systems are maintained by use of AF approved and authorized publications. (T-1).
2.12.6. Perform production and supervisory inspections. (T-1).
2.12.7. Validate classified parts/materiel are managed IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1).
2.12.8. On a daily basis, review, monitor and correct, as needed, the work center's scheduled
and deferred events in the MIS. (T-1).
2.12.8. (AMC) Use G081 screen 9154 (Supervisor MDC Review / Error Correction) using the
‘SUPERVISOR’ role. All data will be checked, errors flagged and corrections madeusing
this process (T-2). Note: Errors flagged/corrected using the Supervisor role are not calculated
as part of the Data Integrity Team (DIT) error rates. In deployed environment supervisors need
to filter by their workcenter on the 9154 and check all jobs for all MDS’s in their work center
(T-2). Close, reschedule, or defer all events beyond their scheduled start date and time
(Integrated Maintenance Data System (IMDS)-CDB screen #100/380 and G081 Screen
#8035/8069/67150). (T-1).
2.12.9. Review transcribed AFTO Form 781-series forms, work center MIS data entries for
the previous day, and all preceding non-duty days, for job accuracy and completeness (IMDS-
CDB Screen #100 and G081 Screen #9154). (T-1).
2.12.10. Validate scheduled aircraft document reviews using applicable MIS/records check
package and automated aircraft forms IAW Chapter 14 (T-1).
2.12.11. Develop and manage the Work Center Training Program. (T-1). Evaluate the quality of maintenance, training, and personnel qualifications,
track training requirements and ensure training documentation is complete and accurate.
(T-1). (Added-AMC) Review QA PE reports (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure “Pass” PE reports are updated in G081 with
proper completion date (T-2). Conduct On-the-Job training (OJT)/certifying as required. (T-1).
2.12.12. Review and recommend changes for maintenance tasks requiring IPIs to the Flight
Supervision. (T-1).
2.12.13. Review, evaluate, and take corrective action based on QA and other inspection
reports. (T-1).
2.12.14. Ensure all required work center publications necessary for the work center to meet
its functional requirements are current and available for use. (T-1).
2.12.15. Ensure section personnel coordinate all flightline maintenance with the Flightline
Expediter. (T-1).
2.12.16. Manage CTK and supply programs (such as, bench stocks, and operating stocks)
IAW Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 (T-1). Section NCOIC/Chief will: Ensure sections are organized with tools, equipment and materiel as close to the
Point of Maintenance as possible, as approved by the Flight Supervision, without
jeopardizing accountability and control procedures. (T-1). Ensure the Bench Stock Review Listing (M04) is reviewed monthly and all
recommendations are adjudicated to most efficiently meet mission needs. (T-1).
2.12.17. Ensure custodial responsibilities are accomplished on all assigned equipment IAW
AFI 23-101, AFI 23-111, Management of Government Property in the Possession of the Air
Force and AFMAN 23-122. (T-1).
2.12.18. Manage the section’s Repair Cycle Program. (T-1). The Section NCOIC/Chief will
review the D23 and other pertinent supply products to ensure proper supply discipline daily.
2.12.19. Establish procedures to control, store, and manage Alternate Mission Equipment
(AME); Maintenance, Safety, and Protective Equipment; and -21 equipment IAW AFI 21-103.
2.12.20. Identify items requiring calibration (does not include TMDE calibrated by the
Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL)) or operational check before
installation and provide a list of these items to the Flight Supervision. (T-1).
2.12.21. Recommend individuals for addition to the SCR to the Flight Supervision. (T-1).
2.12.22. Participate in and enforce the Bad Actor Program IAW TO 00-35D-54. (T-1).
2.12.23. Manage Hazardous Materiel (HAZMAT) and Environment Safety and Occupational
Health (ESOH) items IAW AFI 32-70XX-series instructions, and AFI 90-821. (T-1). Ensure HAZMATs are used IAW TOs and conform to indicated Military
Specifications (MIL-Spec) and monitor the Qualified Products List/Qualified Product
Database for changes to specified HAZMAT. (T-1).
2.12.24. Ensure assigned NCE (applies to both nuclear and non-nuclear tasked units) comply
with requirements outlined in AFI 63-125 and associated MAJCOM supplements. (T-1).
2.12.25. Ensure Dull Sword reports are submitted for nuclear deficiencies IAW AFMAN 91-
221, and AFI 91-204. (T-1).
2.12.26. Ensure aircraft -6 TO system, inspections, TCTOs and aircraft functional checks
(except Isochronal (ISO), Phase (PH)/ Hourly Post-flight (HPO)) are accomplished as required
to prevent overdue or over flight of equipment. (T-1).
2.12.27. Comply with TCTO performing work center requirements below: Report all deficiencies in technical instructions and applicability to the TCTO
managing agency and QA. (T-1). Attend TCTO planning meetings. (T-1). Review the TCTO prior to the meeting
and request clarification of any requirements from QA and the appropriate TCTO
managing agency during the meeting. Inventory TCTO kits for completeness prior to starting work. (T-3). If a
discrepancy exists, contact the TCTO managing agency to resolve shortages. Perform the inspection or modification procedures outlined in the TCTO and
document results or findings in the MIS. (T-1). If an inspection TCTO generates a requirement for parts, the performing
workcenter will create a new Job Control Number (JCN) and enter the discrepancy in the
AFTO Form 781A, Maintenance Discrepancy and Work Document, or applicable
equipment record and order the required parts. (T-3). Inspection TCTOs are complete when
the inspection is finished.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Order and maintain all HAZMAT required to comply with TCTOs and provide
document numbers to the TCTO managing agency and supply TCTO monitor. (T-3). Validate technical instructions and data on AFTO Form 82, TCTO Verification
Certificate, when performing TCTO kit proofing IAW TO 00-5-15, Air Force Time
Compliance Technical Order Process. (T-1).
2.12.28. (Added-AMC) Provide MMA primary and alternate functional area managers
(FAM)s for applicable sections to provide G081 support for their functional area in accordance
with paragraph (T-3).
Table 2.1. (Added-AMC) Military Grades and Non-ART Civil Service Grade Equivalents.
Military Grade
Non-ART Civil Service Grade Equivalents
SrA through TSgt
WG-8 or higher
GS-9, WS-8, WG-9 or higher
CMSgt/Maintenance Officer
GS-11, WS-10 or higher
Table 2.2. (Added-AMC) AFSC Levels and Non-ART Civil Service AFSC Level
AFSC Level
Non-ART Civil Service AFSC Level
5-Skill Level
WG-8 or higher
7-Skill Level
GS-9, WS-8, WG-9 or higher
9-Skill Level
GS-11, WS-10 or higher
Chapter 3
3.1. General. The AMXS provides direct MGN support by consolidating and executing on-
equipment activities necessary to produce properly configured, mission ready weapon systems to
meet contingency or training mission requirements. AMXS personnel service, inspect, maintain,
launch, and recover assigned/transient aircraft (if applicable).
3.1. (AMC) General. Fixed AMC En Route squadrons (under AMOWs) are organizationally
structured closest to the AMXS organizational structure, and will follow the guidance below unless
otherwise noted (T-2).
3.2. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. In addition to common responsibilities outlined
in Chapter 2, Maintenance Supervision will:
3.2.1. Ensure standardized procedures and organizations among AMUs as applicable to
optimize effectiveness. (T-3).
3.2.2. Establish hot brake response procedures in coordination with base support agencies, for
example, Fire Emergency Services and CDDAR Team. (T-1).
3.2.3. Monitor the squadron FCC program, if applicable. (T-1).
3.2.4. Ensure personnel use and understand the purpose of the AF Form 2408, Generation
Maintenance Plan, and the AF Form 2409, Generation Sequence Action Schedule, or electronic
equivalent. (T-3).
3.2.5. Ensure an explosive safety and chaff/flare academics and loading program is established
for units without a 2W1 AFSC assigned (when applicable). (T-1).
3.2.6. Publish procedures covering the storage, control, and handling of starter cartridges (if
applicable). (T-1).
3.2.7. Provide input to MMA for the monthly metrics report to MAJCOM. (T-2).
3.2.8. Develops the annual maintenance plan IAW Chapter 14 (T-1).
3.2.8. (AMC) N/A En Route squadrons.
3.3. Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU). AMUs may include the following sections: Aircraft,
Specialist, Weapons, Debrief, Supply and Support. MAJCOMs may approve additional sections
and AFSC make up within existing sections to efficiently meet unique weapon system maintenance
support requirements. Note: Organization modifications must be approved IAW AFI 38-101.
3.4. AMU OIC/SUPT Responsibilities. Allocates personnel and resources to the production
effort. In addition to the common responsibilities in Chapter 2, the AMU OIC/Chief will:
3.4.1. Review Pilot Reported Discrepancies daily and ensure proper maintenance actions are
taken. (T-1).
3.4.2. Review all aborts and ensure proper maintenance actions are taken. (T-1).
3.4.3. Monitor aircraft PH/ISO/Periodic (PE)/Home Station Check (HSC) flow. (T-1).
3.4.3. (AMC) N/A for En Route units.
3.4.4. Ensure a sufficient number of personnel are engine run qualified to meet maintenance
requirements IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
3.4.5. (Added-AMC) Ensure a sufficient number of personnel are assigned to the Special
Certification Roster to meet maintenance requirements in accordance with Chapter 11 (T-3).
3.5. Production Superintendent (Pro Super). In squadrons with eight or fewer assigned aircraft,
Pro Super and Flightline Expediter duties may be combined. The Pro Super will:
3.5.1. Make the final determination on aircraft status after reviewing aircraft forms. (T-1).
Additionally, the Pro Super will review the forms after aircrew debrief. (T-1).
3.5.2. Sign the Exceptional Release (ER) IAW TO 00-20-1 when authorized by the MXG/CC
IAW Chapter 11 and Table 11.1 (T-1).
3.5.3. Participate in developing and executing the monthly and weekly flying and maintenance
schedules/plans. (T-1).
3.5.4. Manage the maintenance production effort by assigning priorities to meet the flying and
maintenance schedules. (T-1).
3.5.5. Fully understand actions required by the squadron under OPLAN 8010 or contingency
plans. (T-1). Develop, ensure currency of, and direct the aircraft generation sequence. (T-1).
3.5.6. Fully understand and be prepared to implement specific disaster control duties and
squadron responsibilities pertaining to aircraft/SE movement and personnel evacuation
procedures developed IAW AFI 10-2501. (T-1). Pro Super will maintain a current copy of the on-base disaster map with cordon
overlay and appropriate functional checklists outlining duties during disaster scenarios. (T-
3.5.7. Determine, track, and report aircraft/systems status IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1).
3.5.8. Establish and track Estimated Time In Commission (ETIC). (T-1).
3.5.8. (AMC) Identify to MOC if an ETIC is for troubleshooting or repair (T-2).
3.5.9. Monitor unit CDDAR Program activities and local procedures designed to protect
personnel and prevent further damage to aircraft, equipment, and other resources. (T-1).
3.5.10. Inform MOC of the maintenance effort and coordinate with MOC, Flightline
Expediter, and other squadrons for support. (T-1). Pro Super will provide MOC with aircraft/systems status updates as required. (T-
3.5.11. Verify aircraft/system is in an authorized status IAW MDS-specific Minimum
Essential Subsystem List (MESL) or MDS equivalent and AFI 21-103 prior to verifying
MICAP conditions. (T-1).
3.5.12. Verify aircraft weapons/load configurations are authorized IAW AFI 63-104. (T-1).
3.6. Flightline Expediter. The Flightline Expediter ensures maintenance is accomplished and
coordinates on all aircraft maintenance actions. Flightline Expediters manage, control and direct
resources to accomplish maintenance. Flightline Expediters or equivalent will:
3.6.1. Remain on the flightline when maintenance personnel are performing flightline
maintenance and launching/recovering aircraft. (T-1). Flightline Expediters engage in direct
sortie generation activities and work directly for the production superintendent. (T-1). Not perform production inspections (such as, sign off “Red Xs” and perform IPIs)
unless waived to do so by the MXG. (T-3).
3.6.2. Coordinate with the Weapons Expediter, ensure requirements in AFMAN 21-201 for
flightline munitions accountability are strictly followed. (T-1).
3.6.3. Develop and implement disaster control duties and squadron responsibilitiespertaining
to aircraft/SE movement and personnel evacuation IAW AFI 10-2501. (T-1).
3.6.4. Maintain and have available for immediate use copies of the following as a minimum:
flying schedule, emergency action and functional checklists, base grid map with cordon
overlay, IPI listings, MESL, Quick Reference List (QRL) (if developed), WUC manual, and
tracking device for aircraft status. (T-1).
3.6.4. (AMC) Electronic versions are acceptable. Track, as a minimum, the following aircraft status information: aircraft serial
number, location, priority, status and ETIC, configuration, OAP condition codes, fuel load,
munitions load, and remarks. Show all limitations against the Full Systems List (FSL) and
Basic System List (BSL) column as itemized on the MESL or MDS equivalent. (T-1).
Ensure devices depicting aircraft status comply with program security requirements. (T-
3.6.5. Follow established CANN procedures and ensure all CANNs are accurately
documented in the aircraft/system forms and MIS as described in Chapter 11 (T-1).
3.6.6. Ensure aircraft OAP sampling is completed IAW Chapter 11 and applicable technical
data. (T-1).
3.6.7. Ensure parts are ordered with appropriate priorities and relay document numbers to the
Pro Super, MOC, and appropriate technicians. (T-1). Ensure timely turn in of DIFM items are returned to DMS/supply IAW AFI 23-
101. (T-1).
3.6.8. Request support beyond AMU capability to the MOC. (T-1).
3.6.9. Direct AGE drivers to position AGE as required and notify the driver of AGE on the
flightline or sub-pools that require maintenance. (T-1).
3.6.10. Ensure timely and accurate aircraft status (for example, discrepancies, WUC/LCN,
ETIC, job completion) and configuration status is reported IAW AFI 21-103 to the Pro Super
and MOC. (T-1).
3.6.11. Ensure completed aircraft forms are provided to the debrief function by the end ofthe
flying day if debriefs have been suspended due to surges. (T-1).
3.7. Aircrew and Maintenance Debrief Section. Debrief is conducted at the termination of each
sortie/mission or when a sortie/mission is aborted. Aircraft scheduled for turn-around
sorties/missions need not be debriefed if returned in landing status Code 1 or 2. However,
debriefing is required, regardless of landing status, after the last flight of the day for each aircrew.
MAJCOMs operating RPAs will develop and publish debrief procedures for Remote Split
Operations in their supplements or addendum for both aircraft and ground control stations to
adequately capture all maintenance discrepancies. The Debrief Section will:
3.7. (AMC) Aircrew and Maintenance Debrief Section. For En Route units, terminating legs
of supported aircraft will be considered the last flight of the day (i.e. when aircrew goes into crew
rest) (T-2).
3.7.1. Use aircraft fault reporting manuals and include fault codes when documenting
discrepancies in the aircraft forms. (T-1). Debrief Section will use automated debrief tools
such as the Computerized Fault Reporting System. (T-2). Debrief Section will develop local aircrew debriefing guides when not provided
and managed by the Weapon System PM. (T-1). QA will review and approve local aircrew
debriefing guides every two years. (T-1). (AMC) Weapon system specific debriefing checklists will be used to perform
debriefs for the following MDSs: C-130, C-5, C-17, KC-135, KC-10, and KC-46 (T-2). (Added-AMC) The checklist may be supplemented. (Added-AMC) The weapon system specific checklists are located on the
AF Portal at
brief/hello.html. (Added-AMC) Aircraft with full Contractor Logistic Support (CLS) will debrief
in accordance with Contractor Statement of Work (CSOW), Performance Work Statement
(PWS) or as directed by the Primary Contracting Officer (PCO) or Alternate Contracting
Officer (ACO) (T-3). (Added-AMC) Unit specific information may be added to the AMC weapon
system debrief checklist as necessary. (Added-AMC) The AMC Form 278, or locally developed debrief form, will be
used when debriefs are conducted when the MIS is unavailable (T-2). (Added-AMC) The completed AMC Form 278, or locally developed
debrief form, will remain with the aircraft forms until the MIS is updated, then will be
destroyed (T-2). (Added-AMC) When TDY, the form must be kept with the aircraft until the
aircraft returns to home station to ensure accurate data is maintained (T-2).
3.7.2. Implement procedures for reporting dropped objects, aborts, code 3 flight control
malfunctions and engine malfunctions. (T-1).
3.7.3. Use operational utilization update screens in MIS to enter flying time information. (T-
1). Debrief Section will ensure flying times and installed engine Event History Recorder (EHR)
readings, for both home station and deployed sorties/missions, are updated no later than the
next duty day after occurrence. (T-1).
3.7.3. (AMC) Update all sorties and flying hours in the MIS upon aircraft return from Depot
or Contractor maintenance (T-2). Debrief deployed arrival sortie(s) in the AOR before
deploying the aircraft in G081 (T-2).
3.7.4. Check AFTO Form 781H, Aerospace Vehicle Flight Status and Maintenance, to ensure
updates to airframe time and applicable servicing data (in-flight/hot pit refueling) are entered
on the AFTO Form 781H or equivalent and/or applicable debrief system during the
pilot/aircrew debrief. (T-1).
3.7.5. Input discrepancy verbatim and deviation information, utilization, and applicableflight
data (to include landing status, system capability IAW AFI 21-103 and other applicable cause
codes) into the MIS. (T-1). Unless using an automated 781 process, do not send AFTO Form
781-series forms to Operations Squadron(s) or to Aviation Resource Management before MIS
updates. Use local backup procedures for recording data when the MIS is unavailable.
3.7.5. (AMC) MOC will be responsible for all mission generation and execution deviations.
(T-2). Debrief will be responsible for flying hour input, landing status, and air aborts (T-2). (Added-AMC) For En Route units: (Added-AMC) Load sortie information from all flights, prior to the
aircraft's departure, into G081 (T-2). (Added-AMC) The AFTO Form 781, ARMS Aircrew/Mission Flight Data
Document, will remain in the aircraft forms binder until the aircraft returns to home
station (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure the aircraft commander annotates debriefed
discrepancies as either mission contributing (MC) or mission essential (ME) per the
applicable MDS specific operations procedures AFI (i.e. AFMAN 11-2C-17V3, C-17
Operations Procedures) in the appropriate AFTO Form 781A discrepancy blocks in
accordance with the applicable weapon system minimum equipment list (MEL) (T-2).
3.7.6. Utilize MIS to identify and research discrepancies for repeat/recur trends and document
them accordingly on the AFTO Form 781A. (T-1). Debrief Section will ensure previously
documented discrepancies are reviewed and identified as repeat/recurs. (T-1). Debrief Section will identify repeat/recurs on automated debriefing sortie recaps
and on the AFTO Form 781A. (T-1). (AMC) The last four AMC Form 278, locally developed form, or MIS generated
report will remain with the AFTO Forms 781 binder to allow for repeat/recur discrepancy
identification in the event the aircraft recovers away from home station (T-2).
3.7.7. Use the appropriate landing status code (Table 3.1) and the appropriate system
capability code (Table 3.2) for the completion of a sortie/mission. (T-1).
3.7.8. Provide the MOC with aircraft identification numbers and system WUCs for each
aircraft debriefed with a landing status Code-3 IAW Table 3.1 using the approved MESL or
MDS equivalent IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1).
3.7.9. Enter one of the deviation cause codes (Table 3.3) into the MIS. (T-1). Indicate the
reason for the deviation and the agency that caused a deviation as referenced in Air Force
Computer Systems Manual (AFCSM) 21-574, Automated Debriefing or equivalent applicable MIS
3.7.9. (AMC) [DEV] AMC MOC units enter one of the deviation cause codes (Table 14.5
and Table 14.6) into the MIS. Indicate the reason for the deviation and the agency that caused
a deviation (T-2).
3.7.10. Collect and submit ASIP aircraft usage data IAW the MDS specific TOs, AFI 63-140,
and Chapter 11 (T-1).
3.7.11. If MIS is not available, use blank printouts as manual documentation method. (T-2).
If deployed, send documents to home station for data transcribing by the most expeditious
means available. Debrief Section will turn in, validate and reconcile all documents with the
MIS when it becomes available. (T-1).
3.7.12. (Added-AMC) Accept MDS specific electronic flight data records and forward to the
appropriate agency (T-2).
3.7.13. (Added-AMC) Remove and store the AF Form 664 until picked up by Wing Refueling
Document Control Officer (WRDCO) (T-3). N/A for En Routes.
3.7.14. (Added-AMC) Use the MIS for all debriefed aircraft data, if available (T-2). (Added-AMC) Enter off station closed discrepancies not previously entered in
the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Document engine shutdown data in the MIS unless data is
provided by aircraft data systems (T-2). (Added-AMC) Review all flying time inputs for the previous day, if applicable.
Ensure flying times are accurate and correct errors when necessary (T-2).
Table 3.1. Landing Status Codes.
Code 0 Ground Abort
Code 1 Aircraft Mission Capable (MC) with no additional discrepancies
Code 2 Aircraft or system has minor discrepancies but is capable of further
mission assignment.
Code 3 Aircraft or system has major discrepancies in mission essential equipment that
may require extensive repair or replacement prior to further mission assignment.
The discrepancy may not affect safety-of-flight and the aircraft may be Non-
Mission Capable (NMC) flyable.
Code 4 Aircraft or system has suspected or known radiological, chemical, or biological
Code 5 Aircraft or system has suspected or known battle damage.
Note: Debrief will enter code “8” in MIS for aircraft debriefed as code “4” or “5”. MESL or
MDS equivalent requirements determine if aircraft status is NMC or Partially Mission Capable
Table 3.2. System Capability Codes
Code 0 System flown with a known discrepancy, no additional discrepancies noted. System
can be used.
Code 1 System used and performed satisfactorily. No maintenance required.
Code 2 System used and performed satisfactorily. A minor malfunction exists, but system
is capable of further mission assignment.
Code 3 System performance was unsatisfactory. This system did not cause an abort.
Code 4 System performance was unsatisfactory. This system caused or contributed to an
Code 5 System out-of-commission prior to takeoff.
Code 6 System installed but not used.
Code 7 System not installed.
Code 8 Aircraft or system has suspected or known radiological/biological contamination.
Table 3.3. Deviation Cause Codes
ATx Air Traffic
GAA Ground Abort, before engine start, maintenance
GAB Ground Abort, after engine start, before taxi, maintenance
GAC Ground Abort, after taxi, maintenance
HQT Higher Headquarters
HQN Higher Headquarters, NAF
HQP Higher Headquarters, other
MTx Maintenance
OPx Operations
SUx Supply
SYx Sympathy
WXx Weather
OTx Other
Xxx MAJCOM/local use
Note: Use x for any character for MAJCOM/local use.
Table 3.4. (Added-AMC) Function With Primary Responsibility for Loading WWNDB
3.8. Aircraft Section. The Aircraft Section is the primary work center responsible for maintaining
assigned aircraft. This section performs tasks to include servicing, scheduled and unscheduled
maintenance, pre-flights, thru-flights, basic post-flights, home station checks, special inspections,
corrosion control, cleaning, ground handling, launch/recovery of aircraft, troubleshooting and
adjustment, on-equipment repairs and component removal/replacement, documenting
maintenance actions, and managing aircraft forms. AMUs with 18 or more Primary Aerospace
Vehicle (Aircraft) Inventory (PAI) aircraft may have two Aircraft Sections. The Aircraft Section
consists of Aircraft Technicians. Refer to Chapter 11 for FCC responsibilities.
3.8.1. Aircraft Technician Responsibilities. Aircraft Technicians manage and maintain
assigned aircraft. Aircraft Technicians will: Perform ground handling, servicing, -6 inspections, alert duties, maintenance
ground tests, corrosion control, lubrication and maintenance and modification preparations,
as applicable, on the assigned aircraft/system. (T-1). Inventory on-aircraft -21 equipment when this responsibility is not assigned to
another function. (T-1). Perform engine operation when qualified and certified. (T-1).
3.8.2. Dedicated Crew Chief (DCC) Program. The DCC program is optional with MXG/CC
approval. The objective of a DCC program is to directly assign a maintenance person to each
aircraft to provide continuity/accuracy of aircraft forms, aircraft status, scheduled maintenance,
and improve aircraft appearance. DCCs manage and supervise maintenance on their aircraft.
DCCs are selected on the basis of initiative, management and leadership ability, and technical
knowledge. When authorized, ensure the DCC's and Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief name and
rank is stenciled or painted on their assigned aircraft. Use only authorized wing paint scheme
and marking procedures in TO 1-1-8. In addition to Aircraft Technician responsibilities, DCCs,
if assigned, should: Accompany their aircraft through scheduled inspections and assist the Inspection
Section NCOIC/Chief as needed. Attend pre- and post-dock meetings. Assist the Inspection Section NCOIC/Chief with completing the required
document review and validation at the end of the inspection. Coordinate with Pro Supers and expediters for downtime to accomplish scheduled
and unscheduled maintenance. Manage deferred discrepancies.
3.8.3. (Added-AMC) Maintenance Special Operations (MASOP) Section: MASOP personnel
work for the AMXS AMU. Depending on the weapon system, personnel consist of
crew chiefs, hydraulic, propulsion, electro/environmental, and avionics technicians whose
responsibility is for maintenance support of special operations mission tasked aircraft. MASOP
personnel must be fully qualified in their primary AFSC (T-3). (Added-AMC) MASOP personnel are part of the contingency Alert Force,
classified as MEP and are responsible to the aircraft commander. (Added-AMC) Alert Force MASOP personnel will be night vision goggle (NVG)
qualified (T-3). (Added-AMC) Alert Force MASOP personnel may be authorized the following
training: (Added-AMC) Altitude chamber. (Added-AMC) Evasion, Conduct After Capture (ECAC). (Added-AMC) Survival/combat training or as required by AFI 16-1301,
Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Program. (Added-AMC) MASOP personnel will be assigned to alert duty for no more than
eight days at a time (T-3). (Added-AMC) If actively performing alert duty, MASOP personnel are
authorized maintenance crew rest and recovery (MCRR) following a period of alert duty
(T-3). MCRR is equal to 50 percent of the total time spent on alert not to exceed 72 hours;
however, it does not apply during unit exercises, contingencies, emergencies, or higher
states of readiness (T-3).
3.9. Specialist Section. The Specialist Section is responsible for aircraft systems troubleshooting,
on-equipment repairs, component removal and replacement, aircraft avionics systems, classified
item management, aircraft ground handling, servicing, and cleaning. The section may include
avionics, propulsion, hydraulic, and electro/environmental technicians and other specialties
approved through higher headquarters. When used, the Specialist Section Expediter coordinates
maintenance priorities with the Pro Supers and Flightline Expediters.
3.9. (AMC) Specialist Section. AMS and En Route AMXS performs the below functions except
where noted (T-2).
3.9.1. In addition to the common responsibilities in Chapter 2, the Specialist Section Chief
will: Ensure accurate and timely pod and support equipment status is updated or
verified daily in Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, for Pods IAW AFI 21-103 for
pods under the control of the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. (T-1).
3.9.2. Avionics Specialists will: Perform PACER WARE, SERENE BYTE message, or TCTO reprogramming of
avionics systems. (T-1). (AMC) Due to the various methodologies used for loading the World Wide
Navigation Database (WWNDB) and Terrain Awareness and Warning System/Enhanced
Ground Proximity Warning System (TAWS/EGPWS), Table 3.4 will be used to determine
the function primarily responsible for performing database updates (T-2).
3.9.3. Electronic Warfare (EW) specialist functions may be combined with the avionics
specialists. EW Specialists will: Maintain inventory control of all installed Electronic Counter Measure (ECM)
AME and ECM pods. (T-1). Perform reprogramming of avionics/electronic warfare systems (to include
electronic attack pods) IAW applicable mission directives, PACER WARE/SERENE
BYTE messages, or TCTO requirements. (T-1). Load contingency and training configuration settings in ECM pods, infrared
countermeasures systems, and Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning systems,
unless the equipment is assigned to another section. (T-1).
3.9.4. Propulsion Specialists will: Troubleshoot, repair, and replace aircraft propulsion systems and components. (T-
1). Perform engine flightline blade blending. (T-1). Perform flightline engine borescope inspections. (T-1).
3.9.5. Electrical & Environmental (E&E) Specialists will: Troubleshoot, repair and replace aircraft E&E system components including
aircraft environmental control, bleed air, vacuum, pneumatic, installed fire extinguishing
and suppressant systems, Liquid Oxygen (LOX) and Gaseous Oxygen (GOX) systems, and
On-Board Oxygen Generating Systems (OBOGS), On-Board Inert Gas Generation
Systems (OBIGGS) and components. (T-1). Remove and install In Flight Refueling (IFR) carts and fire bottle squibs. (T-1).
Note: Ensure only approved temporary storage locations are used for these components.
3.9.6. Hydraulic Specialists will maintain authorized on-equipment/off-equipment pneumatic
and hydraulic systems and components. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Has primary responsibility to inspect and repair KC-135 and KC-
10 in-flight refueling (IFR) systems to include but not limited to boom, Multipoint
Refueling Pod (MPRS) or Wing Aerial Refueling Pod (WARP), in-flight refueling
receptacle, and other associated IFR components (T-3).
3.10. Weapons Section. The Weapons Section is responsible for supporting flightline munitions
loading/unloading and weapon maintenance operations. The Weapons Section may consist of two
elements: Weapons Loading and Weapons Maintenance. Weapons Section personnel are trained
and utilized in both functions as needed to maximize both mission capability and develop
individual functional expertise. The Weapons Section may be comprised of a Weapons Section
NCOIC/Chief, Weapons Expediters, an NCOIC for Weapons Loading, Load Crew personnel and
a NCOIC for Weapons Maintenance and Weapons Maintenance personnel. When units are
deployed where no AFSC 2W100 is assigned, the senior ranking 2W1 is the WWM. MAJCOMs
will determine applicable portions of the Weapons Section responsibilities for contract
organizations. Contract units are organized according to their respective contract. Exception: See
AFI 21-101 ANG Supplement for details on the Weapons Section organizational structure within
3.10.1. Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief. In addition to the common section NCOIC
responsibilities in Chapter 2, the Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief will: Assist the WWM in recommending distribution of wing 2W1X1 personnel. (T-
3). Review status of weapons Section 2W1’s positions on Unit Personnel
Management Roster (UPMR) and advise WWM and AMU leadership on personnel
concerns. (T-3). Monitor load crew and PRP status (if applicable) and equipment and tester
availability. (T-2). The Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief will advise the AMU OIC/Chief
and WWM regarding factors which affect training, weapons loading or maintenance
capabilities, personnel actions impacting affecting manning levels (special duty,
reassignment) or other key weapons related issues. (T-2). In coordination with the WS Superintendent, identify and select the best qualified
personnel to be loading standardization and lead crew members. (T-2). Ensure the minimum UCML/TTML number of load crews are formed, trained
and certified to perform the mission. (T-1). Maintain load crew integrity during training
and evaluations to the maximum extent possible. Ensure personnel receive a documented supervisory review and complete
required prerequisite training before entering initial load crew certification or performing
flightline operations (cockpit familiarization, firefighting, AGE). (T-2). Annually review UCML/TTMLs and the unit tasked UTCs (for equipment and
personnel) and UMD to identify any disconnects or problems. (T-1). Maintain a visual aid or automated product depicting the current status of
assigned load crews and members. (T-1). Printed products are not required if computer
systems are networked or modem-interfaced with the WS load crew management system
for on-line updates. Ensure weapons load training aircraft requirements in coordination with the WS
Superintendent, are developed and included in the weekly and monthly maintenance plans.
(T-2). Review and apply the Weapons Standardization Program, integrated loading
procedures, cross-loading procedures, dual loading procedures (if applicable), and be
familiar with local munition loading/maintenance areas. (T-1). Utilize the WLCMT. (T-
2). Review all AF Form 2419, Routing and Review of Quality Control Reports,
load crew training, certifications, and decertification documentation. (T-2). Ensure overall quantity of load crew CTKs are no less than the minimum
number of required load crews, including lead crews, listed on the UCML. (T-1). For
bomber units and those that support operational test and evaluations, Remotely Piloted
Aircraft (RPA) units, or training operations, coordinate with the WWM in determining the
number of required load crew CTKs.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure a checklist for each UCML/TTML munition is on hand for each assigned
load crew CTK. (T-1). Exception: Not applicable in units using electronic media devices
(such as, F-22 PMA, F-35); test units are authorized reduced quantities. Review all TO RCs, or Technical Order Data Change Requests (TODCR) prior
to submission. (T-1). The Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief will route all weapons loading
related requests, for example, -16, -33 TOs, and F-22 TOD to WS and WWM for review.
(T-2). Ensure Locally Manufactured Equipment (LME) and Munitions Materiel
Handling Equipment (MMHE) meet requirements outlined in Chapter 8 (T-1). Ensure Tamper Detection Indicators for nuclear applications are controlled
IAW AFI 91-104, Nuclear Surety Tamper Control and Detection Programs. (T-1). Track all assigned AME and Normally Installed Equipment (NIE). (T-1). If
installed, track in MIS by aircraft tail number and position. Track uninstalled equipment in
either the MIS or another equivalent means approved by the WWM. Ensure positive control/accountability/serviceability for suspension equipment
accessories (cables, fittings, adapters). (T-1). Coordinate with WS Superintendent to ensure MRPL and recertification
capability exists on TDYs where live munitions will be expended and on deployments
exceeding 30 days. (T-1). Exceptions must be approved by the WWM. (T-3). Establish a munitions custody account for dummy test rounds (as applicable, if
not tracked by Armament Flight). (T-3). Ensure prior to loading live and inert munitions that all requirements in
Chapter 10 have been met and the WWM is aware of any changes that affect the munitions
policy requirements. (T-1). Notify squadron leadership and the WWM within 24 hours of any significant
issues such as dropped/hung munitions, aircraft armament system or equipment
malfunctions and mishaps. (T-3). Take appropriate follow up actions and provide updates
until all corrective actions have been taken. Monitor actions taken by supporting agencies
on dispensers, suspension equipment, training munitions, which were involved with
specific system malfunctions. Report weapons release reliability and gun fire-out rates; along with corrective
actions, if required, to the WWM by the first of each month for the previous month. (T-3). Provide WWM status on authorized/on-hand quantities and serviceability of
AME/NIE/WRM, armament testers, support equipment, and personnel assigned (to include
physical profiles/security status, and mal-assigned if applicable) by the first of each month.
(T-3). Ensure requirements for submitting AFTO Form 375 on all weapons support
equipment identified in TO 35-1-24, are accomplished. (T-3). Establish, monitor, and verify supervisory inspections on elements assigned
with equipment and CTK’s are completed. (T-3).
3.10.2. Weapons Expediter. The Weapons Expediter reports to the Weapons Section
NCOIC/Chief and is responsible for managing all munitions loading and armament systems
maintenance operations. The Weapons Expediter must be, as a minimum, a 2W171,
knowledgeable of the assigned MDS maintenance and loading tasks and has completed the
Weapons Expediter Course provided by WS. (T-1). The Weapons Expediter coordinates
maintenance priorities with the Pro Super and Flightline Expediters. The Weapons Expediter
will: Remain on the flightline during all munitions loading/unloading. (T-3). Remain on the flightline to the maximum extent possible, when maintenance
operations are being performed and during launch and recovery of aircraft. (T-3). The
Weapons Expediter will: Monitor the safety of flightline weapons operations. (T-1). Supervise and provide technical guidance to individuals during weapons
release system fault isolation, troubleshooting, and maintenance actions as needed. (T-
3). Conduct weapons production and supervisory inspections. (T-2). Maintain copies of the following items in the Weapons Expediter’s vehicle (if
assigned): flying schedule, emergency action checklists, base grid map with cordon overlay
identifying flightline Live Ordnance Loading Area, IPI listings, MESL or MDS equivalent,
QRL (if developed) and/or WUC manual. (T-3). Track status and configuration of aircraft, suspension equipment, and weapons.
(T-1). Ensure 100 percent documented accountability of in use AME/NIE by location and
status, whether installed or stored. Maintain a separate daily AF Form 2430, or locally produced standardized form
with WWM approval, for each shift. (T-1). The Weapons Expediter will ensure all required
documentation is complete and accurate. (T-1). As a minimum, the following fields of the
AF Form 2430 will be completed: “AS OF” (date), “JOB CONTROL” (filled out for
maintenance actions that have a JCN, such as, 18-month inspections, Pilot Reported
Discrepancies), not required for weapons loading tasks, Aircraft
“(ACFT)/TRAINER”(MDS), “SERIAL” (tail number/serial number of component),
“TIME” ((“Required” = start time, “Dispatched” = time completed, “Completed” = status
code, (C/W, C/F, CANX)), “SPECIALIST(S) DISPATCHED” (load/maintenance crew
number/ name), “DISCREPANCY & REMARKS(discrepancy/task performed). (T-1).
Transcribe any actions not complied with or cancelled to the next shift’s AF Form 2430. Units may maintain one single AF Form 2430 (or equivalent) for weekly
scheduled maintenance, in addition to the daily shift AF Form 2430 (or equivalent).
Transcribe any actions not complied with or cancelled to the next week’s scheduled
maintenance AF Form 2430 (or equivalent). Manage munitions assets expenditures as follows: Fill out an AF Form 2434, Munitions Configuration and Expenditure
Document, or locally produced form, on all aircraft configured with munitions
(includes impulse cartridges and chaff/flare). (T-1). Record by serial number and
location or position all armament related AME, NIE, or support equipment from which
munitions items are expended. Note: Record NIE serial numbers only when munitions
are loaded directly on the NIE versus the AME. Exception: Nuclear units are not
required to fill out AF Form 2434 during nuclear generations. Comply with flightline munitions accountability requirements outlined in
AFMAN 21-201. (T-1). The Weapons Expediter will provide copies of final
expenditure documents to PS&D, the Munitions Flight and Armament Flight. (T-1). Coordinate with the MOC or Munitions Control for the delivery and pick-up of
munitions items. (T-3). Inspect at least 25 percent of conventional loaded aircraft to meet scheduled
front-lines (and spares) to validate safety/security of aircraft prior to flight; document
inspection on AF Form 2430 (or equivalent). (T-1). If negative trends are apparent, identify
the trend and inspect remaining flyers prior to flight. Inform Weapons Section
NCOIC/Chief on the negative trend that is identified during inspection. Ensure inspection requirements are carried forward/documented for all items that
have specific periodic inspections (such as, Electronic Control Units, Gun System Control
Panel). (T-1). Inform PS&D when actions affect the aircraft inspection schedule. Ensure aircraft and equipment forms and MIS documentation is complete,
accurate and accomplished. (T-1). Coordinate accomplishment of all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance and
inspections with the Pro Super/Expediter. (T-3). Inform the Pro Super/Expediter of all start
and stop times, status changes, delays and extensions. Ensure all mission specific safing gear is controlled and accounted for to
preclude loss and potential FOD. (T-1). Ensure Captive Air Training Munitions missile devices are managed IAW the
munitions policy requirements outlined in Chapter 10 (if applicable). (T-1). Track acceleration monitor assemblies by serial number, showing aircraft tail
number and installed position. (T-3).
3.10.3. Weapons Loading Element. The Weapons Loading Element is responsible for
munitions loading and unloading during daily aircraft training, operational test and evaluations,
and contingency operations. If a Weapons Maintenance Element is not formed, the Weapons
Loading Element is responsible to perform all on-equipment armament system maintenance.
The Weapons Loading Element consists of an NCOIC and Weapons Load Crews, (Weapons
Load Team Chief and load crew members). Weapons Loading Element NCOIC. The Weapons Loading Element NCOIC is
responsible to the Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief. If an NCOIC of loading is not
designated, the requirements below will be the responsibility of the Weapons Section
NCOIC/Chief. The Weapons Loading Element NCOIC will: Advise Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief on load crew status and load crew
member concerns and issues related, but not limited to training, certification,
qualification, and load crew personnel issues. (T-3).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Review and become familiarized with the Weapons Standardization
Program, integrated loading procedures, cross-loading procedures, dual loading
procedures (if applicable), and local munition loading and maintenance areas. (T-3). Review AF Form 2419 on load crew training, certifications, and
decertification documents. (T-3). For nuclear tasked units, ensure all loading supervisors and load crew
members are trained to perform weapon system fault isolations and troubleshooting
IAW AFI 91-107, Design, Evaluation, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance Criteria for
Nuclear Weapon Systems. (T-1). Weapons Load Team Chief. The Weapons Load Team Chief is responsible to
the Weapons Expediter for munitions loading and armament systems maintenance (if
applicable). Weapons Load Team Chiefs are typically NCOs; however, Senior Airmen may
perform conventional munition load team chief duties with concurrence of the WWM in
writing. (T-1). The Weapons Load Team Chief will: Supervise the loading and/or unloading of only one aircraft at a time. (T-
1). Exception: unless operating within an approved cross-loading program. Control all actions during the munitions load/unload operations
environment and ensure the number of personnel in the area during explosives handling
operations are kept to a minimum. (T-1). The Weapons Load Team Chief may authorize
other individuals to work on the aircraft provided they are briefed on emergency
procedures, perform no maintenance or inspections which may jeopardize safety,
hamper munition loading operations, or violate technical data. Access to the cockpit
and/or applying power to the aircraft by other than the load crew during loading
operations is prohibited unless coordinated through and approved by the Weapons Load
Team Chief. Exception: During simultaneous loading/unloading and refueling during
Concurrent Servicing Operations (CSOs), the Concurrent Servicing Supervisor is in
charge and should still coordinate any aircraft activity with the Weapons Load Team
Chief (See Chapter 11 for Concurrent Servicing Operations guidance). Ensure compliance with AFI 91-101 and AFI 91-107 when responding to
maintenance actions on nuclear loaded aircraft. (T-1). Certified weapons loading personnel will load and unload munitions in support
of aircraft operations. (T-1). Certified weapons loading personnel may be task qualified to perform on-
equipment armament maintenance, per direction of Weapons Section Chief.
3.10.4. Weapons Maintenance Element. The Weapons Maintenance Element is responsible
for all on-equipment weapons maintenance, to include fault isolation and troubleshooting. The
Weapons Maintenance Element may be required to perform munition loading/unloading
operations as determined by Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief. Note: If the Weapons
Maintenance Element is not formed, these tasks are performed by loading personnel. Weapons Maintenance Element NCOIC. The Weapons Maintenance Element
NCOIC is responsible to the Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief. The Weapons Maintenance
Element NCOIC will:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Advise Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief on all maintenance personnel
issues (training, certification, qualification, and personal). (T-3). Weapons maintenance personnel are responsible to the Weapons Expediter for
all armament systems maintenance and munition loading (if applicable). Note: Weapons
maintenance personnel may be certified as load crew members, per direction of Weapons
Section NCOIC/Chief. Weapons maintenance personnel will: Install and remove armament related suspension equipment, launchers,
adapters, on assigned aircraft to support configuration requirements for daily and
contingency operations. (T-1). Install and remove all armament AME and NIE to FOM or for repair action.
(T-3). Maintain equipment historical records (AFTO Form 95) for AME, and
weapons system NIE, if equipment is not assigned to Armament Flight. (T-3).
3.10.5. Non-Standard Weapons Sections. (For example, F-35, CV-22/Helicopter/RPAs). Non-
standard units will organize into a consolidated Weapons Section, which will be a composite
of both the Weapons Section and Armament Flight. (T-3). Contract units are organized
according to their respective contract. The Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief must also comply
with the applicable requirements of the section chief responsibilities of Chapter 2, to include
Paragraph 3.10 Weapons Section and Paragraph 4.6 Armament Flight responsibilities. (T-
3). Note: When no WWM or WS Superintendent is assigned, the Weapons Section
NCOIC/Chief will perform the duties of the WWM and WS Superintendent. Personnel will be formed into maintenance/load crews and will be qualified to
perform on/off equipment maintenance. (T-1). Coordinate with WWM to ensure sufficient quantities of qualified WS personnel
are included on TDYs where live munitions will be expended and on deployments
exceeding 30 days to provide qualification capability. When Weapon Expediter manpower authorizations do not exist, the WWM will
coordinate with the Squadron or equivalent to select and appoint a 2W171 individual(s) to
perform weapons expediter duties within Paragraph 3.10.2 (T-3). Weapons Section personnel will be qualified to perform on/off- equipment
maintenance and munitions loading. (T-3). Personnel may perform rescue/guillotine hoist arm and de-arm procedures. Weapons Section will track and issue small arms for armory security,
maintenance security and courier operations for assigned and qualified weapons personnel
only when required by unit commander authorization. (T-2). Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief will ensure personnel are trained to
perform required security of high risk weapons at home station and deployed locations.
(T-3). Training will as a minimum include armory, anti-robbery, theft, recovery and
resource protection procedures IAW AFI 31-101. (T-3). Weapons Section does not repair, maintain, or issue aircrew/mobility small arms
weapons, for example, M9 and M16. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Personnel will not load ammunition on weapons systems where the flight
engineer or aerial gunner performs this task (such as, CV-22 and Helicopters). (T-3). Geographically-Separated Weapons Sections. If a Weapons Section is
geographically separated (determined locally) from the squadron support section, then
items listed in Paragraph 4.6.4 (Armament Support Section) must be available tosupport
the geographically separated Weapons Section. (T-3).
3.11. Support Section. The Support Section may include the following elements/functions to
support AMU flightline maintenance activities; support (CTKs/special tools, eTools, test
equipment, TOs, bench stock), -21 equipment, AME, mobility equipment and DMS. Personnel
will be assigned to the Support Section for a minimum of 12 months. (T-3). 2W1X1 personnel
may be required to maintain task qualification and certification. Support Sections must standardize
procedures across the AMXS for security, control, and accountability of equipment. (T-1). Materiel
support procedures in this section do not apply to aircraft supported by Contractor Operated and
Maintained Base Supply. The Support Section will:
3.11.1. Maintain TOs IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1).
3.11.2. Maintain bench, shop and operating stocks IAW AFI 23-101, and Chapter 9 (T-1).
3.11.2. (AMC) FSL, when assigned within an En Route, will perform this function (T-3).
3.11.3. Ensure maintenance, control and storage of assigned AME, -21 equipment, and
Maintenance, Safety, and Protective Equipment IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1). Support Section will develop local procedures to control and store other
equipment not identified as -21 equipment (such as, aircraft galley items, U-2 pod panels,
aircraft pylon attachment cover panels, aircraft covers/plugs) using AFI 21-103 guidelines.
3.11.4. Ensure proper calibration, use, care, handling and transportation of TMDE IAW TO
00-20-14, AFMAN 21-113, and applicable Calibration Measurement Summaries. (T-1).
3.11.5. Maintain and manage squadron Land Mobile Radio (LMR) IAW Chapter 11 (as
applicable). (T-1).
3.11.6. Monitor the status of critical support equipment and testers for serviceability,
accountability and status of TCTO modifications. (T-1). Support Section will provide monthly
critical support equipment status update to Maintenance Supervision. (T-3).
3.11.7. Maintain tools/CTKs IAW Chapter 8 (T-1).
3.12. AMU Decentralized Materiel Support (DMS). In addition to the responsibilities in
Chapter 9 for DMS procedures, AMU DMS personnel will:
3.12. (AMC) AMU Decentralized Materiel Support (DMS). AMC units, with the exception of
725 AMS and 734 AMS, do not have UMD authorized DMS personnel. Maintenance units will
ensure the following requirements are complied with as applicable (T-3).
3.12.1. Requisition parts and use supply management products. Initiate follow-up action when
necessary. (T-1). (Added-AMC) For units using G081, the Aircraft Parts Store or AMU supply
support function (at non-AMC locations) will process G081 interface reconciliationreport
67022 monthly and correct conflicting information between G081 and SBSS in accordance
with AFI 23-101_AMCSUP, Air Force Material Management (T-2).
3.12.2. Notify the Flightline Expediter of all back-ordered parts. (T-1).
3.12.3. Develop and maintain a QRL as needed and provide it to technicians. (T-2).
3.12.4. Track and process DIFM assets, to include warranty parts IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1). AMU DMS personnel will notify AMU leadership when DIFM asset turn-in
times exceed requirements outlined in AFI 23-101. (T-1).
3.12.5. Manage reusable containers IAW AFI 24-602V2, Cargo Movement, and TO 00-20-3.
3.12.6. Control and manage aircraft TNB if stored within the Support Section. (T-1). When
FOM assets are collocated with TNB, the items must be similarly controlled and managed. (T-
3.12.7. Coordinate with the Pro Super and Flightline Expediter(s) for “mark for changes. (T-
3.12.8. Manage the AMU’s CANN program supply transactions and the associated
documentation. (T-1).
3.13. (Added-AMC) En Route Operations.
3.13.1. (Added-AMC) En Routes service, inspect, and maintain 618 AOC tasked aircraft in
which they are qualified. Additionally, En Routes launch, recover, and provide logistics C2 for
all aircraft on 618 AOC tasked missions. Refer to Command to Command Agreements
(CCAs), support agreements, MOAs, and MOUs as applicable.
3.13.2. (Added-AMC) The En Routes primarily use their own maintenance resources or
resources from the host unit to achieve their mission. En Routes are supplemented by aircraft
maintenance recovery teams (MRTs) and flying crew chiefs (FCCs) or mission essential
personnel (MEP) as required. Additionally, in times of higher ops tempo and contingency
operations, the En Routes are augmented within AMOW units. 618 AOC/GADM and
AMC/A4 coordinates augmentation outside of the AMOW.
3.13.3. (Added-AMC) The fixed En Route organizational structure is comprised of
AMS/AMXS units that are overseen by AMOGs, which fall under AMOWs. The AMOWs
and 43 AMOG are administratively aligned under the USAF EC. (Added-AMC) During times of increased ops tempo, detachments may be
augmented by AEF tasked personnel to stand up an Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron
(EAMS) to support increased ops tempo.
3.13.4. (Added-AMC) Maintenance Function. (Added-AMC) En Route aircraft maintenance personnel should be experienced
technicians who hold at least a 5-skill level in their respective specialty.
3.13.5. (Added-AMC) MRT Support. See AMCI 21-108, Logistics Support Operations. (Added-AMC) En Route Maintenance Supervision will validate MRT support
requests for primary airlift aircraft prior to coordinating with 618 AOC/GADM (T-2).
3.13.6. (Added-AMC) En Route training. (Added-AMC) Personnel PCSing to an AMC En Route who require AETC
training are scheduled by HQ AMC/A4MM and will have a higher scheduling priority for
a class than local host wing FTD requirements. Normally, these are FTD transition courses
but are not limited to them. (Added-AMC) En Route personnel should be qualified on either C-5 or C-17
aircraft prior to PCSing to the En Route. If the individual is not qualified on one of these
weapon systems (C-5 or C-17) prior to PCS, the gaining unit will work with HQ
AMC/A4MM to determine which AETC transition course the member will attend (T-3).
Exception: Training en route is not authorized during intra-theater assignments. (Added-AMC) AMS personnel will complete all Production Team Maintenance
(PTM) training tasks identified in AFI 36-2650_AMCSUP, Maintenance Training, at their
assigned En Route location via on- the-job training for applicable aircraft (T-2). (Added-AMC) The regional training center (RTC) ensures aircraft maintenance
training courses are available to meet the needs of En Route commanders by working
closely with HQ AMC/A4MM in accordance with AFI 36-2650_AMCSUP. (Added-AMC) Maintenance opportune training is also authorized on all aircraft
in the En Route system on AMC missions. See the MDS specific operations procedures
(i.e. AFMAN 11-2C-5V3, C-5 Operations Procedures, AFMAN 11-2C-17V3, C-17
Operations Procedures, AFMAN 11-2C-130JV3, C-130J Operations Procedures, etc.) for
detailed guidance. (Added-AMC) When available, qualification and proficiency requirements can
be achieved through the use of ground trainers. (Added-AMC) AMS Maintenance Leadership and AMOW Leadership
will coordinate for ground trainers quarterly (when requested) through their respective
chain of command to HQ AMC/A4MX (T-2). (Added-AMC) AMS and AMOWs should utilize the ground trainer
request form located on the HQ AMC/A4MX SharePoint site (T-2). (Added-AMC) HQ AMC/A4MX will coordinate ground trainers
with 618 AOC/XOB (T-2). (Added-AMC) The En Route scheduled ground trainer program provides
one C-5M and one C-17 to both the Pacific and European theaters quarterly to facilitate
recurring and qualification training. (Added-AMC) AMOWs will provide quarterly training reports to HQ
AMC/A4MX [email protected] and HQ AMC/A4MM
[email protected] via email no later than seven duty days prior to the end
of each quarter (T-2). (Added-AMC) This report will include ground trainers requested,
ground trainers received/utilized, and training conducted on each ground trainer (T-
3.13.7. (Added-AMC) Support Equipment. (Added-AMC) Specific authorizations for En Route support equipment are
listed in the En Route and Recovery Maintenance Allowance Standard (AS) 751.
3.13.8. (Added-AMC) Supply. See AMCI 21-108 for specific supply support details.
3.14. (Added-AMC) Contingency Response Wing (CRW) Maintenance Operations.
3.14.1. (Added-AMC) CRW maintenance technicians form a deployable trained aircraft
maintenance core who rapidly integrate with, and augment an existing AMC maintenance
presence or establish a maintenance presence where none exists.
3.14.2. (Added-AMC) CRW leadership will ensure units develop and maintain the capability
to rapidly deploy C-5/C-17 maintenance personnel in support of contingency operations (T-
2). All CRW maintenance personnel must be dual-qualified on C-5/C-17 (T-3). If training is
required for dual qualification, it will be unit funded (T-3). (Added-AMC) The minimum criteria for dual qualification are defined as all
capabilities required for quick-turn maintenance (quick-turn maintenance includes
qualifications required to support minimum MDS ground times). Personnel must upgrade
in their primary weapon system prior to start of dual qualification at the same level (T-2).
CRW personnel are encouraged to receive C-130 training for quick turn maintenance, after
C-5/C-17 dual qualification requirements are met. CRW personnel must meet additional
CRW specific training per AFI 10-202, Contingency Response Forces (T-2).
3.14.3. (Added-AMC) Garrison operations. (Added-AMC) CRW aircraft maintenance personnel achieve and maintain
weapon system skill qualifications through participation in the host wing aircraft
Maintenance Qualification Program (MQP), Training Detachment or TDY to locations
with available MDS. Training will be unit funded (T-2). (Added-AMC) The CRW commander will ensure a training plan is
implemented to ensure all training and proficiency requirements are met (T-3). (Added-AMC) When in-garrison, CRW maintenance personnel will
maintain proficiency on their assigned weapon system by integrating with the host unit
maintenance training and production organization for the daily launch, recovery,
servicing, inspection, and repair of aircraft (T-3). (Added-AMC) CRW maintenance leadership will dispatch personnel to the host
unit (T-3). These personnel integrate with the host unit, work with the host unit production
managers, participate in daily aircraft generation, training activities and tasks to maintain
and enhance their skills to the maximum extent possible. (Added-AMC) CRW maintenance personnel will participate in local (i.e. host
wing, 305 AMW, 60 AMW, etc.) surge exercises and mobility training to the greatest
extent possible to facilitate maintaining weapon system proficiency (T-3). In addition,
CRW maintenance personnel complete deployment training requirements per AFI 10-403,
Deployment Planning and Execution. (Added-AMC) CRW personnel do not normally perform MRT recovery duties,
but are not prohibited from doing so if tasked by 618 AOC/GADM.
3.14.4. (Added-AMC) Deployed operations. (Added-AMC) CRW maintenance personnel deploy with personal equipment,
CTKs, mobility bags, etc. CRW maintenance personnel deploy as teams defined by tasked
UTCs to expand, integrate with, and augment the existing En Route System (ERS). They
form the operating core in the expansion of the ERS. (Added-AMC) The En Route mission, for aircraft maintenance, is the in-
place inspection, servicing, and generation of C-17/C-5 aircraft and repair capability
when augmented by MDS specific specialist UTCs. At an existing En Route location,
CRW and specialist support team personnel integrate with the existing structure. (Added-AMC) To incorporate team integrity to the greatest extent
possible, CRW maintenance personnel will deploy and redeploy as a team (T-3). (Added-AMC) CRW personnel establish forward operating locations and
expand global reach capabilities including bare base operations. (Added-AMC) Taskings for aircraft support equipment for deployed personnel
is provided in accordance with AFI 10-401. (Added-AMC) Specialists Augmentation from the wings forms a readily
deployable capability to augment CRW maintenance personnel at deployed locations.
3.14.5. (Added-AMC) Wing Specialist Support. (Added-AMC) Wing specialists tasked to deploy in CRW support UTCs must
meet all airframe specific skill level requirements and all Production Team Maintenance
task qualifications as specified in AFI 36-2650_AMCSUP (T-3). (Added-AMC) Specialists filling CRW support UTCs must meet standard
mobility qualifications per AFI 10-403 and AFI 10-202 (T-3). (Added-AMC) Specialists will not be qualified on multiple weapon
systems for the purpose of meeting CRW UTC taskings (T-3). (Added-AMC) Units ensure sufficient numbers of personnel obtain both civilian
and military passports at government expense to fill all UTC requirements. (Added-AMC) For wings tasked with CRW specialist support UTCs, the MO
Programs and Resources section will be the MXG liaison to coordinate CRW specific
issues between the wing and the CRW (T-3). Programs and Resources section will in-turn
coordinate CRW specific issues between the wing and the CRW (T-3). (Added-AMC) CRW and host wings will establish MOAs to meet
additional home station maintenance requirements not inherent within established
CRW resources (T-2).
3.14.6. (Added-AMC) CRW Manpower: (Added-AMC) The CRW authorization breakout is based on UTC requirements
dictated by the Designed Operational Capability (DOC) statement. The CRW manpower
authorizations match all tasked UTC requirements.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) The CRW manning levels must build to a level to support 4 out
of 5 UTC packages (T-2). Host wings must maintain a ready pool of aircraft maintenance
specialist who meet all requirements to deploy in CRW support UTC packages (T-2). (Added-AMC) The CRW/CC and host wing MXG/CC must ensure an adequate
fill of CRW maintenance officer billets (T-2). The CRW maintenance officer manning
level must support all UTC packages filled by assigned enlisted personnel (T-2). (Added-AMC) CRW/CC and MXG/CC will develop rotation plans to
facilitate equivalent exposure between host wing and the CRW (T-2). (Added-AMC) 021AX officers may upgrade to Contingency Response
Element (CRE) Operations Officer or CRE Commander. They may deploy to fill these
positions in the 7EXXX C2 elements as career broadening opportunities. However,
CRW/CC may not use 021AX officers for the sole purpose of backfilling shortfalls in
other officer AFSCs. (Added-AMC) CRW will not shortfall any HMHC2 UTC taskings for
021AX officers while these officers are deployed supporting 7EXXX taskings (T-2).
The CRW will not posture a 21AX in a 7EXXX leadership for readiness reporting (T-
Chapter 4
4.1. General. The MXS supports MGN operations by providing centralized back shop support to
perform on and off equipment maintenance tasks that are assigned to a specific back shop function.
The MXS provides both organizational and intermediate level maintenance described in the
"Maintenance Concept" section in Chapter 1. Bases with permanently assigned Centralized
Repair Facilities (CRF), which support enterprise RN functions, will develop and document the
division of responsibilities between the MGN and RN, as outlined in Chapter 13, to ensure both
local and enterprise mission requirements are met. (T-1). IAW AFI 38-101, the MXS may consist
of personnel from various AFSCs organized into flights: Propulsion Flight, Avionics Flight,
TMDE Flight, Accessories Flight, AGE Flight, Fabrication Flight, Armament Flight, Maintenance
Flight, and Munitions Flight. The MXS maintains AGE, munitions, off-equipment aircraft and
support equipment components; performs on-equipment maintenance of aircraft and fabrication of
parts; and provides repair and calibration of TMDE. Note: For purpose of this instruction, MXS
represents MXS, Equipment Maintenance Squadron (EMS), and Component Maintenance
Squadron (CMS).
4.2. Maintenance Supervision Responsibilities. Maintenance Supervision may consist of an
Operations Officer and Superintendent and is responsible to the SQ/CC for maintenance
production. Maintenance Supervision manages the resources to accomplish the workload. In
addition to general responsibilities in Chapter 2, Maintenance Supervision will:
4.2.1. Review and consolidate monthly maintenance plan inputs from flights/sections and
forward to Maintenance Operations PS&D. (T-1).
4.2.2. Optimize local repair capability by ensuring base level repair constraints (for example,
lack of equipment, manpower, parts) are elevated to the Repair Network Manager (RNM) and
applicable stakeholder(s) in accordance with AFI 20-117, TO 00-20-3, and Paragraph 1.3.2,
and MAJCOM supplements to keep repair at the lowest level. (T-1).
4.2.3. Ensure EOR procedures for transient aircraft are developed IAW TO 00-20-1 and
MAJCOM supplements. (T-1).
4.2.4. Ensure the MXS and WS develop procedures for required weapons loading actions on
transient aircraft, storage of transient aircraft impulse cartridges, and requisition and
maintenance of weapons safing equipment for common transient types of aircraft. (T-1).
4.2.5. Ensure local manufacture capability and fabrication process is controlled IAW this
instruction. (T-1).
4.2.6. Ensure MXS personnel utilize Engineering Technical Service (ETS) personnel and the
Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System (JEDMICS) to obtain information and specifications when
the information in TOs does not provide enough detail. (T-1). Note: For drawings not available
electronically, contact the appropriate JEDMICS help desk.
4.2.7. Appoint in writing MXS Pro Super(s) (if applicable). (T-2).
4.3. MXS Production Superintendent (Pro Super). The MXS Pro Super will:
4.3.1. Monitor backshop production and flightline operations and coordinate support and
priority with other squadron Pro Supers and MOC. (T-1). MXS Pro Super will focus overall
maintenance efforts toward MXG maintenance priorities. (T-1).
4.3.2. Identify production requirements and shortfalls to Maintenance Supervision. (T-1).
4.4. Accessories Flight. The Accessories Flight normally consists of four sections; Electrical and
Environmental (E&E), Egress, Fuels, and Hydraulics and is responsible for performing on/off-
equipment maintenance of systems and equipment.
4.4.1. Accessories Flight CC/Chief Responsibilities. In addition to the common
responsibilities in Chapter 2, the Accessories Flight CC/Chief will: Ensure an egress training program is established IAW this instruction. (T-1). Coordinate with squadron superintendents to ensure E&E and hydro personnel
rotation plans are established to comply with core task upgrade requirements. (T-1). (AMC) A rotation plan for E&E and Hydraulic is not required if core tasks have
been completed in MQTP Level II courses to comply with upgrade requirements. Ensure explosives are controlled and stored in approved storage areas/containers.
4.4.2. Electrical and Environmental (E&E) Section. The E&E Section performs authorized
local manufacture, repair, overhaul, testing, modification, and inspection of aircraft and SE
electrical components, wiring harnesses, batteries, and charging units. The E&E Section will: Ensure battery disposal procedures meet applicable environmental standards and
batteries are controlled for accountability purposes. (T-0). Perform on/off-equipment maintenance on aircraft electrical and environmental
systems and components. (T-1). Repair LOX/GOX/Liquid Nitrogen servicing units/carts. (T-1). Note: AGE
performs chassis, enclosure, and trailer maintenance on gaseous and cryogenic servicing
units and all maintenance on Self-Generating Nitrogen Servicing Carts. Perform off-equipment maintenance for aircraft and aircrew Carbon Dioxide
cylinders. (T-1). Perform off-equipment maintenance on type MA-1 portable breathing oxygen
cylinders (portable walk around bottles) and regulators, to include removing/replacing the
regulator and purging the bottle. (T-1). Note: Ownership and storage of these cylinders
remain with the appropriate support section. (AMC) MA-1 portable breathing oxygen cylinders (portable walk around bottles)
may be stored in E&E or -21 shops. (Added-AMC) E&E backshops at locations with Portable High Altitude High
Pressure Oxygen System (HPOS) will be responsible for servicing, regulatorreplacement,
and purging of the HPOS (T-2). (Added-AMC) AFE is the owning shop for HPOS bottles and performs
repairs on quick release straps, harness and webbing (T-2).
4.4.3. Egress Section. The Egress Section maintains aircraft egress systems, components, and
trainers (such as, aircraft ejection seats, extraction and escape systems, egress components of
jettisonable canopies, explosive components of escape hatches/doors) and stores egress
explosive components that are removed to FOM. Wings will identify the base level
organization responsible for locating inadvertent beacon activations on the flightline and
configuring survival kit personnel locator beacons (on-aircraft). (T-1). The Egress Section will: Perform all off-equipment ejection seat maintenance in the egress
maintenance facility. (T-1). Ensure all personnel use the Demand Response Team during any task
requiring the removal/installation of explosive components, and during egress final
inspections. (T-1). Demand Response Teams will be comprised of
individuals who are certified to perform egress maintenance. (T-1). At least one team
member must be a certified egress journeyman. (T-1). Coordinate with PS&D and monitor the weekly maintenance schedule to
identify egress items requiring removal for scheduled time changes/maintenance. (T-
1). Utilize a facility that meets the requirements of AFMAN 32-1084, Facility
Requirements. (T-1). Locations are established IAW AFMAN 91-201 to store
explosive components and ensure they are properly licensed. Egress Section will ensure licensed explosive area will not exceed the
licensed Net Explosive Weight capacity for each Hazard Class Division (HC/D)
without approval from Wing Safety. (T-1). See AFMAN 91-201 for additional
restrictions. The Egress Section NCOIC/Chief will: Ensure ejection systems are “safed” IAW with 00-80G-series technical
orders and AFMAN 91-201 prior to an aircraft being placed on static display. (T-1). Ensure egress systems on training aircraft are de-armed/“safed” IAW MDS
specific TOs when an aircraft is used for Fire Emergency Services and/or aircrew
extraction training. (T-1). Ensure aircraft (to include GITA) are "safed” IAW 00-80-series TOs. (T-1). Ensure all permanently decommissioned static display aircraft explosive
devices are removed and turned in to munitions inspections IAW AFMAN 21-201. (T-
1). Egress Section will sign the appropriate block on the AF Form 3580, USAF Heritage
Program Aerospace Vehicle Static Display Egress and Safety Certificate, which is
retained by the Historical Property Custodian(s). (T-1). Request assistance from Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) when egress
explosive devices are damaged or suspected to be unsafe. (T-1). Establish egress training program requirements and conduct reviews IAW
AFI 36-2650. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 As a minimum, the program will include: a master training plan,
explosive safety certification requirements, and MIS time change documentation
qualification minimums. (T-1). Certification requirements: Egress personnel must successfully complete an Air Education
and Training Command (AETC) Egress Technician Course for the specific
aircraft to be maintained. (T-1). Exception: ACES II-trained and certified
egress SSgt 5-levels and above being reassigned to another base or unit
maintaining ACES II-equipped aircraft are not required to complete the
Organizational Maintenance (on-equipment) egress technician course unless
required by the Egress Section NCOIC/Chief. Decertification requirements: Decertify egress personnel after not having performed egress
maintenance for more than 18 months. (T-1). Instructing and inspecting egress
maintenance is not considered performing maintenance. Document decertification in accordance with AFI 36-2651. (T-
1). Recertification requirements: Recertify egress personnel who have not performed egress
maintenance for 18 months. (T-1). Recertification must be accomplished by a 2A673 trainer and
certifier. (T-1). Review and validate all egress familiarization training documents at least
every 24 months. (T-1). Ensure the egress Time Change Item (TCI) data in the MIS is accurate. (T-
1). Ensure automated data products will be updated whenever an egress
item is replaced to ensure the annual TCI forecast is correct. (T-1). Ensure separate databases are not used to manage the egress TCI
program. (T-1). Ensure component background information is provided to PS&D to
include a list of all components having multiple part numbers with a different
service life. (T-1). Reconcile and verify each aircraft’s egress data annually with PS&D. (T-1). Document the annual verification on the AF Form 2411, Inspection
Document maintained in the aircraft jacket file. (T-1). Establish egress systems inspection and documentation requirements. (T-
1). Egress Section will maintain an egress tail number binder for each
assigned aircraft. (T-1). Note: This binder should not to be confused with the
aircraft jacket file of historical records maintained by PS&D, but serves to
standardize the format for maintaining egress documentation requirements across
AF egress shops. As a minimum the binder will include: Binder Spine - Aircraft assigned Serial Number. (T-2). Front Cover - Delayed Discrepancies. (T-2). Tab A - PRA or 5th Gen equivalent (Cross reference sheet
stating digital location of data). (T-2). Tab B - Completed In-Shop Maintenance Flow Sheet(s). (T-2). Tab C - Completed Major Inspection Flow sheet(s) (for
example, 36 month), or equivalent (if Mission Design Series applicable). (T-2). Annotate pull check/inspection results on the flow sheet. (T-
2). Tab D - Egress Configuration Screen (IMDS 257 or 5th
Generation equivalent), current manual Cartridge Actuated Device/Propellant
Actuated Device (CAD/PAD) collection sheets. (T-2). Tab E -Completed Time Change Item Replacement Sheets, for
example, locally generated or equivalent. (T-2). Tab F - Significant Historical Data (AFTO 95 or equivalent
(cross reference to MIS maybe used), Depot/Program Depot Maintenance
(PDM) package, -107 Technical Assistance Request or Engineering Assistance
Request Responses). (T-2). Tab G - Misc. (example, PAIR, Extension Letters). (T-2). Tab H AF Form 2411, Inspection Document. (T-2). A certified egress production inspector (for example, Red X, IPI certified
and tracked on the SCR IAW Table 11.1) will inspect any integral part of the egress
system when any maintenance other than a visual inspection is performed. (T-1). The inspection must be an egress final inspection unless another
inspection is prescribed by technical data. (T-1). Egress personnel will conduct an egress final every 30 days on
ejection seats that have integrated personnel/recovery parachutes and/or survival
kits as part of the seat. (T-1). Egress Sections may store spare parachutes and survival kits for use in
responding to Red Ball and unscheduled maintenance events.
4.4.4. Fuel Systems Section. The Fuel Systems Section repairs, functionally checks, and
inspects aircraft fuel systems, fuel tanks, hydrazine systems, in-flight refueling receptacle
systems, and related components. This section also performs maintenance on AME external
fuel tanks, Conformal Fuel Tanks, and Weapons Bay Tanks and provides temporary storage
for Conformal Fuel Tanks, and Weapons Bay Tanks.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The Fuels Systems Section will: Maintain serial number inventory accountability for all removable external
fuel tanks IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1). Purge and preserve fuel tanks for storage and shipment. (T-1). Note: LRS is
responsible for the storage, delivery, and shipment of fuel tanks in their possession. Establish a local Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) (MXS with AMXS or equivalents) governing the storage, issue,
receipt, and inventory control of in-use removable external fuel tanks. (T-1). Perform all maintenance and inspections on WRM fuel tanks. (T-1). Meet quarterly with installation War Reserve Materiel Officer/WRM
Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) and LRS representatives to review inspection
criteria for stored WRM tanks, schedule tank inspections and maintenance, and
report discrepancies identified during WRM monthly walk-through inspections. (T-
1). (Added-AMC) Have primary responsibility for maintenance on C-5 and C-
17 in-flight refueling receptacle systems (T-3). In addition to the common responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the Fuel Systems
Section NCOIC/Chief will: Establish controls to prevent unauthorized entry into fuel cell and hydrazine
repair areas. (T-1). Provide required qualification training to all personnel who enter aircraft
fuel tanks and/or open fuel tank areas to perform maintenance or to provide assistance.
(T-1). When required, ensure Hydrazine Response Teams are formed with only
team members/supervisors possessing AFSC 2A6X4. (T-1). Refer to TO 00-25-172,
Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, TO 00-105E-9,
Aerospace Emergency Rescue and Mishap Response Information, TO 42B1-1-18,
General Procedures for Handling of H-70, and review MDS-specific TOs and
MAJCOM/Lead Command directives for additional information on hydrazine hazards
and management. For Air Demonstration Squadron (Thunderbirds) only the Hydrazine
Response Team Supervisor must possess AFSC 2A6X4. (T-1). Ensure initial and refresher hydrazine safety training is completed for
all hydrazine response team members IAW TO 42B1-1-18. (T-1). Integrate Hydrazine Response Team responsibilities into the CDDAR
Program and local In-Flight Emergency (IFE) functional checklists (as applicable).
(T-1). Perform safety inspections on facilities to ensure open tank repair areas, and
equipment used for open fuel tank or hydrazine maintenance meet MDS-specific TOs,
TO 42B1-1-18 and TO 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel
Cells requirements. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Establish a Confined Space Entry Program IAW TO 1-1-3 and AFMAN 91-
203. (T-1). Establish a Respiratory Protection Program IAW AFI 48-137. (T-1). All respiratory training requirements are documented on AF Form 55
or equivalent IAW AFI 91-202.
4.4.5. Hydraulic Section. The Hydraulic Section performs on- and off-equipment maintenance
on pneumatic and hydraulic systems, components (except environmental and egress systems)
and provides maintenance support for SE and test equipment. The Hydraulic Section also
maintains hydraulic test stands, pumping units, and associated components. The Hydraulic Section will: Perform maintenance on munitions loading and handling equipment with
discrepancies that exceed the munitions flight repair capabilities. (T-1). Maintain and inspect refueling drogues, booms, and refueling receptacle
systems for large aircraft. (T-1). (AMC) The Hydraulic Section has primary responsibility to inspect and
repair KC-135 and KC-10 in-flight refueling (IFR) systems to include but not limited
to boom, Multipoint Refueling Pod (MPRS) or Wing Aerial Refueling Pod (WARP),
in-flight refueling receptacle, and other associated IFR components (T-3). Repairs, overhauls, and bench checks flight control, landing gear, and
hydraulic power system components (such as, brakes, struts, accumulators, reservoirs,
actuators). (T-1).
4.5. Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) Flight. The AGE Flight is normally organized as a
consolidated maintenance unit (repair, inspection, and servicing sections) or, at MAJCOM
discretion, may be organized into teams for concentrated support efforts. The AGE Flight is
responsible for providing powered and Non-Powered AGE (NPA) as defined in TO 00-20-1 to
support both aircraft and non-aircraft weapon systems.
4.5.1. The AGE Flight will: Maintain and inspect AGE, IAW TO 00-20-1, and equipment specific TOs in
support of sortie production and back shop maintenance activities. (T-1). Pick up, service, deliver, repair, and perform approved modifications, TCTOs,
inspect assigned AGE and perform corrosion control tasks. (T-1). Utilize AF Form 864, Daily Requirement and Dispatch Record, or MAJCOM-
approved electronic product to record all equipment pickup and delivery. (T-1). Perform chassis, enclosure, and trailer maintenance on gaseous and cryogenic
servicing units. (T-1). Manage maintenance and inspection scheduling activities for flight maintained
equipment. (T-1). Note: Maintain oversight of additional requirements for assigned
Nuclear Certified Equipment IAW AFI 63-125.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Safeguard any Item Unique Identification (IUID) marks during maintenance
activities to the extent possible. (T-1). In the event the Unique Item Identifier (UII) is
damaged during maintenance activities, the AGE Flight will notify the responsible
Equipment Custodian and/or Equipment Accountability Element (EAE) to replace the
mark with the same UII. (T-1).
4.5.2. AGE Flight Chief Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable Flight CC/Chief
responsibilities in Chapter 2, the AGE Flight Chief will: Review and coordinate the AGE MEL annually with applicable Maintenance
Supervision. (T-1). The MXG/CC approves the identified types and quantities of AGEfor
the MEL. AGE Flight Chief will provide copies of the approved MEL to the MOC.
(T-1). Ensure AGE status/scheduling is tracked daily using the MIS. (T-1). Provide status and ETIC information to the MOC when it falls below MEL.
(T-1). (AMC) En Route units will obtain the daily status report from the host (T-
3). (Added-AMC) All CONUS based AMC units and En Routes will
provide status to HQ AMC/A4MR whenever equipment falls below the MEL and
whenever SE deficiencies directly impact aircraft maintenance repair capability (T-
2). Ensure newly assigned AGE receives acceptance inspections IAW TO 00-20-1.
(T-1). Control fuel dispensed from issue tanks IAW AFI 23-204, Organizational Fuel
Tanks. (T-1). Ensure the Uniform Repair and Replacement Criteria Program is implemented
IAW TO 00-25-240 and TO 35-1-24. (T-1). Coordinate welding requirements with the Fabrication Flight Chief. (T-1). Manage AGE CANN actions IAW Chapter 9 and Chapter 11 (T-1). Establish and monitor the AGE Operator Training Program and assist in the
development of course control documents in conjunction with Maintenance Training (MT)
(T-1). (AMC) AGE Operator/familiarization training will be conducted by a qualified
2A6X2 instructor, refer to AFI 36-2650_AMCSUP. N/A for AMS and CRW (T-2). Ensure an AGE Corrosion Control and Prevention Program is maintained and a
field number system is established IAW TO 35-1-3, TO 1-1-8, TO 1-1-691, MAJCOM
instructions, and equipment specific TOs. (T-1). Develop and implement a tracking system to prioritize complete repainting for
AGE equipment based on a “worst is first” principle. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 AGE Flight Chief will coordinate with Fabrication Flight Chief for work
beyond the AGE work center capability. (T-1). Ensure equipment is prepared for storage or shipment IAW TO 35-1-4,
Processing and Inspection of Support Equipment for Storage and Shipment, and applicable
end item TOs. (T-1). Ensure annual transient aircraft landing data is submitted to the respective
MAJCOM AGE functional manager by 1 February. (T-1). Data will reflect previous year's
TA aircraft landings by aircraft MDS and is obtained from local Transient Alert managing
office. (T-1). Establish AGE sub-pools, as needed, in coordination with OSS’s Airfield
Operations Flight. (T-1). Ensure AGE tow vehicles are two-way radio equipped, permanent or hand-held,
to expedite AGE deliveries. (T-1). AGE Flight Chief will ensure any permanent installation
of radios are accomplished IAW AFI 24-302. (T-1). (Added-AMC) The AGE Flight Chief will review all Dull Sword reports for
AGE Flight-maintained MMHE at website: (T-3). (Added-AMC) AMC units will send quarterly equipment inventory listings to
HQ AMC/A4MR by the 15th day following the closeout of each quarter (e.g. 15 Apr, 15
Jul) (T-2).
4.5.3. AGE Pro Super Responsibilities (if not assigned, the AGE Flight Chief will fulfill these
responsibilities). The AGE Pro Super will: Monitor the production of AGE Flight and recommend equipment/personnel
adjustments to the AGE Flight Chief as required. (T-1). Monitor adherence to AGE Flight’s safety, training, and CTK programs. (T-1). Monitor serviceability status of equipment parked in sub-pools. (T-1). Monitor distribution, control, and condition of AGE Flight’s assigned vehicles.
(T-1). Monitor shop equipment for condition and documentation. (T-1).
4.5.4. AGE Production Support Section. The AGE Production Support Section provides
administration and ancillary services for TO file maintenance, supply support, and fuels
management. A full-time Materiel Management Journeyman/craftsman (AFSC 2S0X1) will
be assigned to the AGE Production Support Section when the workload warrants. (T-1). In
addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the
AGE Production Support Section NCOIC/Chief will: Manage the AGE Flight’s TO libraries IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1). Manage the AGE Flight’s tool storage and issue areas IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). Manage the AGE Flight’s TMDE program IAW TO 00-20-14 and AFMAN 21-
113. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Manage the AGE Flight’s materiel management function IAW Chapter 9 and
AFI 23-101. Pre-assembled part kits are authorized; if required, assemble from bench
stock in minimum quantities necessary to support workload requirements. Coordinate the AGE Flight’s scheduling function with PS&D. (T-1). The AGE
Production Support Section NCOIC/Chief will: Maintain AGE historical records. (T-1). Prepare an AGE scheduled maintenance plan and maintain a current
equipment scheduling report for all assigned equipment. (T-1). Manage the AGE Flight’s organizational fuel tank(s) IAW AFI 23-204. (T-1). Manage the AGE Flight’s HAZMAT/ESOH programs IAW AFI 90-8XX series
ESOH instructions and the AFI 32-70XX series environmental instructions. (T-1).
4.6. Armament Flight. The Armament Flight, when formed, will be part of either MXS, EMS or
Munitions Squadron (MUNS), and performs off-equipment maintenance for assigned aircraft
armament systems, guns, pylons, racks, launchers and adapters. (T-1). An AFSC 2S0X1 Materiel
Management journeyman/craftsman may be assigned to the flight if mission dictates and
respective SQ/CC and MXG/CC concurs. The Armament Flight normally consists of three
sections: Armament Maintenance Section, AME Section, and Support Section. The WWM, with
MXG/CC concurrence, determines when armament systems personnel are required to perform load
crew duties or related certifiable tasks.
4.6.1. Armament Flight Chief Responsibilities. In addition to common Flight CC/Chief
responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the Armament Flight Chief will: Assist the WWM in recommending distribution of AFSC 2W1X1 personnel to
satisfy on-and off-equipment weapons release and gun system maintenance. (T-1). Advise the Operations Officer/MX SUPT and the WWM regarding factorswhich
affect training, or maintenance capabilities, personnel actions affecting manning levels
(cross-training, special duty, reassignment) equipment shortfalls and other key weapons
related issues. (T-1). Establish and monitor gunroom security IAW AFI 31-101. (T-1). Ensure AME and SPRAM accountability and control requirements are met IAW
AFI 21-103. (T-1). If applicable, support WRM rack, adapter, pylon, launcher and gun maintenance
requirements IAW AFI 25-101, Air Force War Reserve Materiel (WRM). (T-1). Provide the WWM monthly status on authorized/on-hand quantities and
serviceability of AME/NIE/WRM, critical armament testers, and support equipment by the
first of each month, for the previous month. (T-3). Ensure requirements for submitting AFTO Form 375 on all weapons support
equipment identified in TO 35-1-24, are accomplished. (T-1). This process provides vital
information and source documentation for the Product Group Manager to adequately
reflect equipment sustainment costs, attrition rates, and to enable timely forecasting for
replacement funding. Establish procedures to ensure items requiring explosive-free certification IAW
TO 11A-1-60 are properly inspected, marked and certified prior to shipment. (T-1).
4.6.2. Armament Maintenance Section: The Armament Maintenance Section performs
TCTOs, inspections and maintenance on assigned armament systems, guns, pylons, racks,
launchers, and adapters. In addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities
outlined in Chapter 2, the Armament Maintenance Section NCOIC/Chief will: In coordination with PS&D, ensure all inspections, TCTOs, time changes,
maintenance and repair actions for aircraft armament systems suspension and release
components and AME, including AME items preloaded with munitions for contingencies
are scheduled and performed. (T-3). Ensure the off-equipment portion of major inspections is performed. (T-1). In
bomber and special mission aircraft units, the AME Section NCOIC/Chief will facilitate
assistance with the on-equipment portion of major aircraft inspections that pertain to the
armament system. (T-1). Ensure WRM assets are maintained (if applicable). (T-1). Ensure equipment historical records (AFTO Form 95) for AME, aircraft guns and
weapons system NIE are maintained. (T-1). Ensure ammunition loading assemblies and systems are maintained and inspected.
(T-1). Note: The Munitions Flight maintains the chassis portion.
4.6.3. Alternate Mission Equipment (AME) Section. The AME Section accounts for, stores
and controls AME. If not formed, the responsibilities detailed in this section will be
accomplished by the Armament Maintenance Section. (T-2). In addition to the applicable
Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the AME Section NCOIC/Chief
will: Develop procedures governing accountability and control of AME, in
coordination with Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief and WWM. (T-1). Ensure all weapons assigned, non-load box/tester-configured (bomber aircraft), F-
2/utility type trailers are maintained. (T-1). Ensure SPRAM accounts are maintained IAW AFI 21-103 and AFI 23-101. (T-
4.6.4. Support Section: The Support Section stores and maintains tools/equipment and
manages the supply and bench stock functions for Armament Flight. The Support Section will: Ensure tools and equipment are managed IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). Ensure maintenance materiel management support is managed IAW Chapter 9
4.7. Avionics Flight. The Avionics Flight normally consists of some combination of; a
Communication-Navigation Section, an Radio Frequency (RF) Multiplexing Section, an
Instrument and Flight Control Systems (IFCS) section, a Weapons Control System Section, a
Sensors Section, an Electronic Warfare System (EWS) Section, an Avionics Intermediate Section,
a Computer Section, a Surveillance Radar Section, a Combat Systems Section, a Cryptographic
Section, an Offensive Avionics Section, and a Cyber/Information Security Section. Note: Do not
authorize additional manpower positions to form sections resulting from local management
4.7.1. Sections within the Flight are responsible for maintaining avionics systems and
components and the associated test/support equipment. They perform authorized equipment
repairs, TCTOs, component programming/reprogramming, troubleshooting, CND/BCS
screening of line replaceable units (LRUs), sub-component removal and replacement,
management, programming and status reporting for assigned pods and SE, and in-work
classified avionics systems component management. They are authorized to perform the
following maintenance actions if the required support equipment is authorized and on-hand.
Repairs above and beyond those listed require approval from the appropriate approval authority
(Lead Command, depot). MAJCOMs will identify any additional mission support
requirements in their supplements and addendums.
4.7.2. Avionics Flight CC/Chief Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable Flight
CC/Chief responsibilities listed in Chapter 2, the Avionics Flight CC/Chief will: Support Wing EW system programming. (T-1). Ensure control and storage of assigned AME IAW AFI 21-103. Develop local
procedures for control and storage of items not specified in -21 TOs. (T-1). Ensure accurate and timely pod and SE status is updated or verified daily in
RAMPOD IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1). Ensure personnel do not make unauthorized or false transmissions on international
distress frequencies IAW TO 31R2-1-251, General Instructions-Transmission of False
Distress Signals on Emergency Frequencies. (T-1). Ensure cryptography components are controlled and maintained IAW National
Security Agency publications and directive for the functions preformed. (T-1). When applicable, determine maintenance responsibility for aircraft adaptergroup
equipment. (T-2).
4.7.3. Section NCOICs will maintain AFTO Form 95, Significant Historical Data or
equivalent on selected, significantly repairable, serialized components for which historical
failure data will enhance repair. (T-1). Historical records are mandatory for SPRAM LRUs,
and items asterisked in weapons system -6 TOs. Historical records will be maintained IAW
TO 00-20-1. (T-1). The record will remain with the component anytime it is undergoing maintenance.
(T-1). Note: Data is provided from these records, upon request, to the analysis function to
aid in defining avionics maintenance problems and recommended solutions.
4.7.4. Avionics Flight's within established Repair Networks shall collaborate with the Repair
Network Manager (RNM) for maintenance constraint resolution. If the SMR code in the 4th
position is "F" (I-Level Repair) will require RNM and all applicable stakeholders to determine
next step or appropriate Action Taken Code to use when resolving the maintenance constraint.
4.7.5. Implement the “Bad Actor” program IAW TO 00-35D-54. (T-1). The purpose of the
Air Force Bad Actor Program is to identify serial-numbered items that enter the repair cycle at
an abnormally high rate when compared to the total population of like assets and to repair them
or remove them from the exhibit holding activity.
4.7.6. Repair Monitor Responsibilities. Monitors the status of items processed into the section
for repair. Each shift may have a repair monitor assigned. Maintain records used by the repair
monitor according to AFMAN 33-363. Each Repair Monitor will: Process items into and out of the section, ensuring all documentation is accurate
and complete. (T-2). Advise the section NCOICs and Pro Supers of item status. (T-2). Assist the section NCOICs in managing the DIFM program by complying with
MAJCOM instructions to ensure ordered and received parts are documented; and uses,
maintains and files, management and computer records. (T-1). Repair Monitors will
maintain and update a working copy of the D-23, Repair Cycle Asset Management Listing,
sorted by location and detail number. (T-1). Designate and maintain an AWP area, ensure accurate documentation, and submit
supply assistance requests, as required. (T-1). Track and monitor MICAP status for all assigned DIFM and parts affecting
section repair capabilities using automated Integrated Logistics System -Supply (ILS-S)
reports. (T-1). Ensure the MIS is updated with current supply data, location changes and DIFM
status changes. (T-1).
4.7.7. (Added-AMC) The following sections may perform on-equipment and/or off-
equipment maintenance. (Added-AMC) The Communication-Navigation Section will: (Added-AMC) Perform maintenance on aircraft Communication-
Navigation and Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS) and components, including
assigned SE when not maintained by the TMDE function (T-3). (Added-AMC) Be responsible for proper pin configuration on
countermeasure retaining plates (T-3). (Added-AMC) Maintain inventory control of EWS AME and load proper
contingency and training configuration settings in infrared countermeasures systems
and RWR unless equipment/responsibility is assigned to another repair section (T-3). (Added-AMC) Develop an EWS assessment program to verify system
operation in accordance with applicable aircraft and system TOs (T-3). (Added-AMC) Maintain aircraft adapter group equipment when directed
(T-3). (Added-AMC) Load proper contingency and training software in
reprogrammable EWS in accordance with applicable system TOs and AFI 10-703,
Electronic Warfare (EW) Integrated Reprogramming (T-3).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Perform avionics/electronic warfare systems reprogramming
as required by applicable mission directives, PACER WARE/SERENE BYTE
messages, or TCTO requirements (T-3). (Added-AMC) Instrument and Flight Control Systems (IFCS) Section will: (Added-AMC) Perform maintenance on guidance and control systems, to
include automatic flight control systems, mission computing systems, fuel quantity,
integrated display systems, engine and hydraulic computing/controlling systems and
associated SE not maintained by TMDE (T-3). (Added-AMC) Maintain components including automatic flight control
computer, mission computing, integrated and Heads Up displays, engine and fuels
computers, fuel/liquid pressure & quantity displays, flight management computers,
hydraulic system controllers and other associated data-bus management system
components (T-3). (Added-AMC) Avionics Intermediate Section will: (Added-AMC) Maintain, repairs, calibrates, certifies and performs TCTOs
on assigned SE when not maintained by the TMDE function (T-3). (Added-AMC) Perform off-equipment maintenance and loads Operational
Flight Program (OFP), aligns and inspects/maintains/calibrates aircraft avionics
systems components (T-3).
4.8. Fabrication Flight. The Fabrication Flight may consists of four sections; Aircraft Structural
Maintenance (ASM), Metals Technology, Nondestructive Inspection (NDI), and Low Observable
Aircraft Structural Maintenance (LOASM) and is responsible for performing on/off-equipment
maintenance of systems and equipment.
4.8.1. Fabrication Flight CC/Chief Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable Flight
CC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the Fabrication Flight CC/Chief will: Provide local manufacture capability to meet mission requirements and monitor
all local manufacture work order requests. (T-1). Coordinate AGE welding requirements with the AGE Flight Chief. (T-1). Ensure corrosion prevention and control requirements, wash rack procedures, and
established paint schemes are accomplished IAW TO 1-1-691, TO 1-1-8, TO 35-1-3,
MAJCOM/Lead Command instructions, and MDS-specific TOs. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Be familiar with AMCI 21-105, Fabrication Program (T-2). (Added-AMC) Contact HQ AMC/A4R Fabrication MFM prior to procuring
additive manufacturing equipment (T-2).
4.8.2. Aircraft Structural Maintenance (ASM) Section. Manages structural repair, corrosion
control, Low Observable, inspection, damage evaluation, repair, manufacture, and/or
modification of metallic, composite, fiberglass, plastic components, and related hardware
associated with aircraft and SE. In addition to applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities
in Chapter 2, the ASM Section NCOIC/Chief will:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure appropriate resources are available to all personnel to chemically or
mechanically inspect, remove, and treat corrosion on aircraft, engines, AGE, and
components. (T-1). Monitor the aircraft wash and corrosion inspection schedule in the weekly and
monthly maintenance plans. (T-1). Provide training and assistance to sections managing their own corrosion
programs to include cleaning operations, corrosion prevention, inspection, removal and
treatment techniques. (T-1). Develop maintenance procedures IAW Chapter 11, AFMAN 91-203, andensure
assigned ASM personnel are trained and qualified on aircraft intake maintenance. (T-1). Review the Qualified Product List/Qualified Product Database for changes to
cleaners that must conform to a MIL-Spec as specified in applicable TOs for aircraftwash
rack. (T-1). Stock supplies and equipment necessary to support aircraft and equipment
washing, inspection, and treatment. (T-1).
4.8.3. Metals Technology Section. Inspects, repairs, services, manufactures, fabricates,
performs heat treating, cleans, welds, and tests aircraft and equipment, components, and tools.
In addition to responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the metals technology section NCOIC
will: Ensure assigned welders are certified in all base metal groups prescribed by the
MAJCOM Fabrication functional manager (or equivalent) IAW TO 00-25-252,
Aeronautical Equipment Welding. (T-1). Ensure assigned welders conducting Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Gas Metal
Arc Welding, or Shielded Metal Arc Welding repairs on support equipment are certified
IAW TO 00-25-252. (T-1). Ensure welding proficiency is documented IAW TO 00-25-252. (T-1). Provide safety briefings stressing Arc radiation hazards. (T-1). Ensure special tools, jigs, and fixtures are designed, fabricated, protected and
properly stored. (T-1).
4.8.4. Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) Section. Performs NDI of aircraft, engines, AGE,
other equipment and manages the Oil Analysis Program (OAP). Inspection findings are limited
to a description of the size, location, and type of any defect discovered. NDI personnel do not
make serviceability determinations except for “inspect only” TCTOs and if NDI actions
constitute a completed maintenance action. In addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief
responsibilities in Chapter 2, the NDI Section NCOIC/Chief will: Ensure OAP requirements are accomplished (if applicable to assigned MDS) IAW
AFI 21-131, Joint Oil Analysis Program and Chapter 11 (T-1). If the NDI laboratory providing OAP support is not located on the same base
as the supported unit, or the supported unit does not have NDI/OAP personnel assigned,
assign the OAP responsibilities to the owning organization IAW TO 33-1-37-1, Joint
Oil Analysis Program Volume II and TO 33-1-37-3, Joint Oil Analysis Program
Laboratory Manual, Volume III, TO 33-1-37-4, Joint Analysis Program Manual,
Volume IV. The owning organization provides samples in an expeditious manner to
the supporting OAP laboratory. The owning organization will establish collection points and
procedures to receive and forward OAP samples to the supporting laboratory,
monitor sample collection, assign control numbers, and provide blocks of sample
control numbers for use in other squadrons. (T-1). Advise Maintenance Supervision, MOC and the owning work center of abnormal
OAP trends. (T-1). Ensure capability exists to perform optical, dye-penetrant, magnetic particle,
ultrasonic, eddy current, radiographic and special inspections as required. (T-1). Ensure process control procedures IAW TO 33B-1-2, Nondestructive Inspection
General Procedures and Process Controls are completed at the required or established
frequency. (T-1). Establish technique files using AFTO Form 242, Nondestructive Inspection Data,
and TO 33B-1-1, Nondestructive Inspection Methods Basic Theory. (T-1). Note: Locally
developed inspection techniques for use on aircraft and their components will be approved
by the responsible ALC NDI manager prior to use. (T-1). All other non-aircraft related
AFTO Form 242 established techniques may be approved by the lab Chief. Maintain coordination with the base medical service that provides occupational
physicals, emergency treatments, film badge services, and acts as radiographic advisors
IAW AFMAN 48-125, Personnel Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry, and TO 33B-1-1. (T-1). Ensure a Radiation Safety Program is established IAW TO 33B-1-1. (T-1). Control and dispose of radiographic silver-bearing materiel IAW AFI 23-101. (T-
1). Ensure radiographic film files and computed radiography files contain, as a
minimum: The last complete set of radiographs taken by owning organization, for each
assigned aircraft and engine by serial number or identification number. (T-1). The name of the person who interpreted the radiography. (T-1). Note:
Radiography identification procedures will be followed IAW TO 33B-1-1. (T-1). Ensure the person interpreting the film also initials the set of
radiographs or a locally developed interpretation worksheet, as applicable. (T-1). All NDI radiographic film exposures, to include paper, will be filed and
maintained for all One Time Inspection (OTI), TCTO, -6 TO, -9 TO, and -36 TO
inspection requirements. (T-1). The NDI Section NCOIC/Chief will ensure disposition
of radiographic film IAW Air Force Records Disposition Schedule located at (T-1). Ensure all NDI technicians are certified IAW TO 33B-1-1. (T-1).
4.8.5. Low Observable (LO) Aircraft Structural Maintenance Section. LO ASM Section
manages structural repair, corrosion control, composite repair, LO coatings. Note: The
Fabrication Flight CC/Chief will determine which tasks listed in Paragraph 4.8.2 (ASM
Section) will be applicable to this section based on flight configuration. In addition to
applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities in Chapter 2, the LO ASM Section
NCOIC/Chief will: Provide inspection, damage evaluation, repair, manufacture, and/or modification
of LO components, and related hardware associated with aircraft. (T-1). Ensure appropriate resources are available to perform all LO related tasks. (T-1). Stock supplies and equipment necessary to support aircraft inspection, and
treatment. (T-1). Monitor the inspection schedule in the weekly and monthly maintenance plans.
(T-1). Ensure protective/LO coatings are applied to aircraft, AGE, applicable munitions,
and components IAW applicable TOs. (T-1). Ensure protective/LO coatings are applied
IAW local, state and federal environmental directives. (T-0). Provide training and assistance to sections managing their own LO programs.(T-
4.9. Maintenance Flight. May consist of Repair and Reclamation, Wheel and Tire, Inspection,
and TA Sections.
4.9.1. The Maintenance Flight CC/Chief will comply with the common Flight CC/Chief
responsibilities in Chapter 2 and locally established management requirements. (T-1).
4.9.1. (AMC) Maintenance Flight will ensure compliance with CDDAR program
responsibilities in accordance with Chapter 11 (T-2).
4.9.2. Repair and Reclamation Section. When established, removes, replaces, and rigs flight
control surfaces/systems on assigned aircraft. Troubleshoots, rigs, and replaces landing gears,
actuated doors, canopies and associated equipment requiring component maintenance beyond
the capability of other activities. MAJCOM or MXG/CC may identify delineation of complex
tasks to optimize maintenance capability in supplements or addendums to this AFI as required. Repair and Reclamation Section, when established, will remove, install, and repair
towed-targets and airborne reel pods. (T-1).
4.9.3. Wheel and Tire Section. Manages the build-up, repair, test, and storage of wheel and
tire assemblies and components. Wheel and Tire Section will: Degrease and disassemble wheel components for NDI inspection IAW TO 4W-1-
61, Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction - All Types Aircraft Wheels, prior to processing
through the ASM and NDI Sections. (T-1). Clean, inspect, and properly store (do not co-mingle) wheel bearings. (T-1).
4.9.4. Aircraft Inspection Section. Performs aircraft PH, PE, ISO or letter check inspections.
Note: Section may be divided into separate elements for each type aircraft maintained. In
addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities in Chapter 2, the Inspection
Section NCOIC/Chief will:
4.9.4. (AMC) For regionalized or multi-command support; it is permissible to assign
specialists and 2SXXX supply personnel to the inspection section. Ensure assigned non-powered SE (such as, dock stands) is maintained. (T-1). Review inspection schedules and ensure dock teams are available to meet
inspection needs. (T-1). Develop standardized inspection flow plan to aid in managing the inspection
progress and to control dock personnel and support specialists. (T-1). Units may use an Automated Data System instead of the inspection flow
plan to request specialist support. Inspection Section NCOIC/Chief will ensure flow plan data remains current
with -6 TO requirements. (T-1). Inform the MOC and owning agency of all MICAP parts. (T-1). Provide PS&D with an inspection document record upon completion of the
inspection. (T-1). Ensure components are tagged with an AFTO Form 350, Reparable Item
Processing Tag, IAW TO 00-20-2. (T-1). Ensure serially-controlled components are reinstalled on the same aircraft
and position from which they were removed. (T-1). Exception: If it is absolutely
necessary to install serially-controlled components in a different position, the
Inspection Section NCOIC/Chief will notify PS&D to update the records. (T-2).
4.9.5. Transient Aircraft (TA) Section. Recovers, services, inspects, maintains, and launches
transient aircraft. Transient aircraft are those aircraft not assigned to a base that are enroute
from one location to another that may require routine servicing. Aircraft are not considered
transient aircraft when deploying to, staging from or departing from any location for the
purpose of flying sorties or conducting training, either with or without the necessary
maintenance support from the aircraft’s home base. MOC coordinates specialist support for
transient aircraft through appropriate squadrons. For off-station recovery procedures refer to
owning MAJCOM instructions and command-to-command agreements. In addition to the
applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the TA Section
NCOIC/Chief will: Recover and deliver all deceleration chutes for assigned, transient, and tenant
aircraft to the AFE. (T-1). Complete reimbursement documentation. (T-1). AFTO Form 726, Transient Aircraft Service Record, may be used for
documenting maintenance servicing requirements and necessary billing information
and is prescribe in TO 00-20-1.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Record arrivals and departures of transient aircraft on AF Form 861,
Base/Transient Job Control Number Register or locally-approved form if it captures all AF
Form 861 fields. (T-1). TA Section NCOIC/Chief (or equivalent) will: Assign each aircraft a single Event Identification Description (EID) for all
support general work performed by TA. (T-3). Enter, as a minimum, “P” for park, “I” for inspect, “S” for service, “L” for
launch, and “E” for EOR in the job description/remarks block. (T-1). Forward completed AF Form 861 for contracted TA activities to the COR
monthly. (T-2). The COR forwards completed forms to the applicable contracting
officer managing the TA contract for inclusion in the contract file. Route the AF Form 861 for non-contracted TA activities to the Maintenance
Flight CC/Chief for review. (T-1). After review, the TA Section NCOIC/Chief will file AF Form 861 for
a minimum of 1 year. (T-2). AF Form 861 may be used as a reference to quantify tasked performed
to validate manpower and equipment requirements against current AF standards. Close out support general EIDs daily. (T-1). Use the same last four digits on subsequent days for the same aircraft. Use a separate EID for each discrepancy that is not support general. Ensure that when a FCF is required on transient aircraft, QA at the transient base
serves as the focal point and ensures all FCF requirements are completed. (T-1). The TA Section NCOIC/Chief will coordinate all required FCF
requirements through owning MXG/CC, off-station TA and off-station QA sections.
(T-1). If no off-station agencies exist, owning MXG/CC and owning OG/CC will
issue guidance directly to the aircraft commander and off-station maintenance
personnel. (T-1). Supervise maintenance performed by assigned personnel on transient aircraft. (T-
1). Maintain the appropriate TOs for aircraft that can be expected to transit the
function on a regular basis. (T-1). Ensure personnel are trained and strictly adhere to oil sample requirements
specified in the respective -6 TO. (T-1). Ensure personnel authorized to run engines are qualified IAW Chapter 11 (T-1). Request the aircrew to run engines if TA or maintenance personnel are not
authorized. If qualified aircrew members are not available, contact MOC to request
assistance from the home station.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure transient aircraft status changes are reported to MOC. (T-1). If support is
required, the MOC notifies the home station for support. (AMC) For aircraft on 618 AOC tasked missions, the MOC will contact 618
AOC/GADM in accordance with AMCI 21-108 (T-2). Contact the 89 MXG MOC for 89
AW assigned aircraft. Ensure EOR procedures for transient aircraft are developed IAW TO 00-20-1.
(T-1). Ensure procedures exist for required weapons loading actions on transient
aircraft, transient aircraft impulse cartridge tracking and storage, and weapons “safing”
equipment requisition and maintenance for frequently transiting aircraft. (T-1). Arming, de-arming and munitions unloading/loading operations on
transient aircraft will be performed by a weapons load crew certified/qualified on the
munitions and aircraft. (T-1). The MXG/CC may direct the WS Personnel to arm, de-arm, and unload an
aircraft on which they are not certified and/or qualified, if appropriate technical data
and support equipment is available. In such cases, the aircrew shall be available for consultation on
aircraft peculiarities. (T-2). If these criteria cannot be met, request assistance from higher
headquarters. Ensure checklists exist to ask pilots about explosive egress systems pertaining to
unfamiliar aircraft that do not normally transit their base. (T-1). Aircrew members remove and install flight status safety pins on aircraft
when transient maintenance personnel are not qualified. The host MXG/CC or authorized representative may delegate this
responsibilityto the transient aircraft commander/pilot if the aerospace vehicle is a
new or experimental aerospace vehicle with which base maintenance personnel are
not familiar, or when personnel qualified to provide the required services
accompany the aerospace vehicle. In such cases, the host unit will provide
assistance within their capability. (T-3). If TA cannot accomplish the required inspections, servicing, or
repairs because of a lack of qualified personnel, facilities, or materiel (or there is
no TA support available), and the transient aircraft commander does not wish to
continue the flight without accomplishment of these items, the transient aircraft
commander is responsible for requesting assistance through the appropriate
external organizations.
4.10. Munitions Flight. Controls, accounts for, stores, ships, receives, inspects, maintains,
assembles, and delivers conventional, precision guided and nuclear munitions. Manages and
maintains all assigned tools, test and munitions handling equipment. Refer to AFI 21-2XX series
instructions for specific guidance. Note: Munitions may be part of the MXS or established in a
Munitions Squadron IAW AFMAN 21-200.
4.11. Propulsion Flight. Maintains aircraft engine propulsion units, propulsion components, and
propellers. Performs engine/module/accessory disassembly, inspection, assembly, test, and repair.
Responsible for Jet Engine Intermediate Maintenance (JEIM); Engine Test Stands (ETS) and
Noise Suppression Systems (NSS); accessory and Quick Engine Change (QEC) repair; small gas
turbine; module/accessory repair section; support equipment; and turbo-prop/turbo-shaft repair,
engine PH/ISO inspections, as required. Sections may be combined or grouped at the discretion of
the squadron commander. When an engine CRF is co-located with an operational wing, a MOA or
MOU may be developed to clarify mutual support responsibilities. In addition, the flight will be the
focal point for common propulsion support equipment, for example, flexible borescopes, engine
trailers and download equipment.
4.11.1. In addition to the applicable Flight CC/Chief responsibilities in Chapter 2, the
Propulsion Flight CC/Chief will: Perform as the wing focal point for propulsion maintenance programs, focusing
on continuity, compliance and standardization, provide advice to wing leadership on
propulsion issues and monitor all aspects of wing propulsion maintenance program. (T-1). Act as the wing 2A6X1 AFSC functional manager and provide technical
guidance to maintain propulsion systems to support the wing mission. (T-2). Coordinate with Engine Manager (EM) and organization leadership to support
War Readiness Engine (WRE) requirements. (T-1). Propulsion Flight CC/Chief will track the status of ready spare engines
using a visual display or automated product showing: serial number, configuration
(type and position, if applicable), time remaining until next scheduled engine removal,
overhaul or reconditioning, preservation date, type accomplished, re-preservation due
date, OAP code (if applicable), and remarks. (T-1). Review production data to ensure propulsion units and components processed
through the flight are repaired and functionally checked IAW TO 2-1-18, Aircraft Engine
Operating Limits and Factors, including QEC configuration when applicable. (T-1). Coordinate with the EM to ensure accurate engine and equipment status reporting
IAW AFI 21-103, AFMAN 20-116, AFPAM 63-129 and TO 00-25-254-1 and Chapter 14
(T-1). Develop guidelines to comply with AF and wing OAP requirements IAW 33-
series TOs and Chapter 11 (T-1). Review/analyze all unscheduled engine or module removals and ETS rejects. (T-
1). Review/analyze major component failure trends. (T-1). Ensure in-shop CANN actions are accomplished IAW local procedures, Chapter
9 and Chapter 11 and TO 00-20-2. (T-1). Ensure local procedures are coordinated with Engine Management (EM) to
ensure sufficient time remains on TCIs prior to CANN action approval. (T-1). Coordinate with base civil engineering to provide maintenance on NSS and ETS
supporting structures that are categorized as real property. (T-1). If the wing or squadron
is a tenant, incorporate this maintenance requirement into the host-tenant support
agreement. (T-1). Ensure NSS and/or ETS repair discrepancies that exceed the base repair
capability are reported in Web Applications Software Product (WASP). (T-1). Note:
Entering repair requirements into WASP establishes official repair request and ensures
visibility to MAJCOM and SE Product Group Manager at WR-ALC. Ensure an uninstalled engine run qualification and certification program is
established IAW Chapter 11 (T-1). Ensure specialized and long life shipping devices and containers are accounted
for and maintained in a serviceable condition IAW AFI 23-101 and TO 00-85-20, Engine
Shipping Instructions. (T-1). Ensure engines and engine components removed from crash damaged aircraft
are correctly dispositioned for termination IAW 21-103 and disposed of IAW AFI 23-101.
(T-1). Ensure an engine flexible borescope certification and blade-blending
certification program, for each Type, Model, Series (TMS) possessed, is established IAW
Chapter 11 (T-1). Monitor scheduled and unscheduled engine removals to balance Propulsion
Flight workload with production capability and coordinate with EM section to program
engine removals for the weekly and monthly maintenance plans. (T-1). Coordinate with EM to develop a 6-month plan to smooth surges in the
engine maintenance workload. (T-1). Use automated methods to develop the 6-month plan and include
scheduled engine removals for TCIs, PE, TCTOs and a projected unscheduled
removals factor. Ensure Reliability-Centered Maintenance principles IAW AFMAN
20-116 are followed. (T-1). Ensure Engine Automated Work Package (EAWP) user permissions mirror
current training and certification authorizations. (T-1). Ensure EAWP users use the EAWP program in lieu of a work folder to
meet minimum requirements. Coordinate with the OAP laboratory to obtain maximum benefits from OAP
data when abnormal wear-metal trends are indicated. (T-1). Ensure all OAP responsibilities are performed IAW Chapter 11 (T-1). Establish procedures to monitor OAP trends. (T-1). Ensure personnel are trained to identify and respond to wear metal limits
for assigned and maintained engines and are trained to perform sampling procedures
IAW TO 33-1-37-2. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure oil samples taken at the ETS are promptly delivered to the OAP
laboratory. (T-1). Act as a central point-of-contact for all abnormal OAP laboratory results.
(T-1). Forward information to the OAP laboratory concerning actions taken as a
result of OAP recommendations. (T-1). Review OAP response time (from sampling to receipt at the laboratory
and return to the unit) to ensure processing time meets mission needs. (T-1).
4.11.2. Support Section. The Support Section manages the flight’s HAZMAT program and
operates tool storage areas. DMS or designated personnel process supply requests to facilitate
the issue request, tracks MICAP due-outs, monitors bench stock, conducts bench stock/adjusted
stock level reviews IAW AFMAN 23-122. (T-1). In addition to the applicable Section
NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the Support Section NCOIC/Chief will: Ensure a flight due-out release point and holding bins are established, and
Urgency of Need Designator “A” and Urgency Justification Code BQ requirements are
verified. (T-1).
4.11.3. Jet, Turboprop, Turbo-shaft Engine Intermediate Maintenance (JEIM) section. Stores,
builds up, tears down, inspects, modifies, and repairs engines, QEC kits, and tests components.
In addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities in Chapter 2, the JEIM
Section NCOIC/Chief will: Plan and monitor the progress of propulsion system maintenance production,
ensuring maintenance schedules are met by anticipating materiel required and managing
delays to prevent schedule disruptions to support operational requirements and maintain
required WRE levels. (T-1). Report production to Propulsion Flight CC/Chief and immediately inform
EM of engine status changes. Ensure personnel prepare propulsion units and components for shipment and
properly identify units to be returned to depot. (T-1). Attach CEMS and/or MIS paper products to life-limited components IAW
00-20-series TOs if required by the source of repair. (T-1). Ensure documentation of TCTO compliance IAW 00-20-series TOs. (T-1). Ensure CEMS and/or MIS products obtained from EM are used for all assigned
engines. (T-1). CEMS and/or MIS products will list all parts and serial numbers installed
on the engine. (T-1). Establish procedures to ensure all parts and serial numbers are inventoriedwhen
an engine is received or released by the section. (T-1). The JEIM Section NCOIC will notify EM when a different serial numbered
part is installed or changed so the automated record is updated. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 EAE is the change correction authority on Part Number/Serial Number
Record updates in EAWP. (T-1). Ensure an engine work folder is established for each engine during PE,
reconditioning, or other maintenance. (T-1). One work order is initiated in MIS for an entire job. MIS work orders are completed during inspection, reconditioning or
maintenance. Separate JCN/Work Center Event (WCE)/Work Event Separator are
initiated for discrepancies found during the look phase of an inspection, subsequent
to repair or when maintenance is required beyond the scope of the JEIM induction
JCN. Establish engine work folders on all possessed engines and EM or JEIM
will maintain the folders until the engine is transferred. (T-1). As a minimum, engine
work folders will contain the following: List of all parts, TCTOs and TCI requirements for the engine. (T-1). Engine/Module/Accessories Information Worksheet. (T-1). This
document is used to provide a quick synopsis of maintenance accomplished.
Minimum requirements will include: engine serial number, type, position (if
applicable), engine operating time, date started work, date turned serviceable, job
control number, maintenance required, reason for removal, list of time change and
TCTO requirements. (T-1). A supervisory review of signature blocks (Crew Chief, Support
Section, EM Section) to verify all repair requirements have been accomplished
and are correctly documented in the work folder. (T-1). Validation that a JCN was created by the
JEIM/Module/Accessories Section or EM section and used to account for
maintenance events completed in the process of repairing the engine and
modules. (T-1). This procedure ensures all maintenance data is documented
against one JCN and engine failure information is connected to the in-shop
action. Receiving Inspection Worksheet. (T-1). The worksheet is used for
documenting items to be accomplished by JEIM prior to engine repair. Minimum
requirements will include: FOD check of engine inlet and exhaust, inspection of
engine for general condition and fluid leakage, EHR/Turbine Engine Monitoring
System data (if applicable), ET&D (if applicable), borescope inspection (if
applicable), a check with OAP lab for possible problems, and a list of unique or
problem areas to be checked prior to engine disassembly or maintenance. (T-1). Serially-Controlled/Time-Tracked Item Replacement Record. (T-1).
This document shows a list of components replaced by nomenclature, old and new
part number (if applicable), and serial number. Daily Summary Record. (T-1). This document provides a synopsis of
maintenance performed during each shift. Each entry in the Daily Summary Record includes the
Employee Number of the person who accomplished the maintenance action.
For EAWP users, this process may be automated. Include a sufficient reference in the summary block (such as,
work package, TO) used to perform the task or determine the work performed
(subordinate work packages are not required to be listed if the work package
for the primary task identifies all required work packages for the task). At the end of each shift, the crew chief who verified the entries
listed in the Daily Summary Record will annotate their shift, rank, last name,
and employee number. (T-1). Units may use a general purpose or
MAJCOM/locally approved form. IPI Worksheet. (T-1). This form includes the WUC, nomenclature,
specific step required for the IPI, and space for employee numbers and signatures
of technicians and inspectors performing maintenance. Note: Organizations using
digital systems may file a printed report in lieu of signatures (such as, Interactive
Electronic Technical Manual (IETM)). Parts Requisition Record. (T-1). This document is used to list all parts
(including TCIs) on order. As a minimum, this document will include the following
headings: Engine/ Module/Accessory, TMS, Engine/Module/Accessory Serial
Number, Nomenclature, Part Number, National Stock Number (NSN), Requisition
Number, Priority, Status, and DIFM Clear with “Yes” and “No” sections. (T-1). JEIM ETS Preparation Worksheet. (T-1). This worksheet contains a
list of items/tasks to be accomplished by JEIM prior to sending an engine to the
ETS. As a minimum, document the following: Inlet and exhaust FOD inspection; any pre-run servicing
required (such as, cap open lines, cannon plugs, engine intake and exhaust
inspection). (T-1). A thorough tool inventory and an inspection for loose hardware.
(T-1). The section supervisor will document a review of the work
folder to ensure maintenance performed or required actions are documented.
(T-1). ETS Pre-run Worksheet. (T-1). ETS personnel will complete this
document prior to an engine run. (T-1). As a minimum, this document will include the following
headings: Engine TMS; Engine Serial Number; Engine Operating Time
(EOT)/Cycles; JCN; Remarks; Pre-run Emergency Briefing Accomplished with
run Supervisor’s Name, Signature and Date sections; and Inspection with Area,
Employee Number, and Date sections. (T-1). As a minimum, area inspections will include: Inlet
FOD/Foreign Object (FO); Exhaust FOD/FO; Engine Exterior and FO; General
Engine Serviceability; Test Stand/Thrust Bed/Test Equipment for FO; CTK
Inventory Complied With (C/W); Engine Servicing Check; all preliminary
engine installation and run requirements C/W; and, serviceable fire extinguisher
on hand. (T-1). Each area inspection will have the performing technician’s
employee number and date accomplished annotated. (T-1). ETS Post Run Worksheet. (T-1). This document is used to document
items/tasks accomplished by ETS personnel after engine run. As a minimum, this document will include the following
headings: Engine TMS; Engine Serial Number; EOT/Cycles; JCN;
Maintenance Actions Performed; ETS Supervisors Post-run Review with
Name, Signature and Date; and Area Inspections, Employee Number and Date.
(T-1). As a minimum, area inspection will include: Inlet FOD/FO;
Exhaust FOD/ FO; CTK Inventory C/W; Post-Run OAP Samples C/W (if
applicable); AFTO Form 350 or AFTO Form 20, Caution and Inspection
Record, annotate: Engine Preservation Type and Date; Throttle Secured to Off
Position (if applicable) and Tagged; Cap Open Lines/Cannon Plugs; Install
Intake/Exhaust Covers; Servicing Amount; ETS Discrepancies Cleared; 7-
Level Inspection of Components Replaced or Disconnected; and Final Leak
Check. (T-1). ETS personnel will leak-check items not accessible with the
engine installed in or on the aircraft prior to leaving ETS. (T-1). Each area inspection will have the performing technician’s
employee number and date accomplished annotated. (T-1). Final Inspection Worksheet. (T-1). This document is used to
document JEIM requirements after repair or testing has been completed. As a minimum, this worksheet will include: FOD inspection
of intake, exhaust, and external engine; borescope engine (if applicable);
ensuring throttle is secured and tagged to “off” position (if applicable); capping,
plugging and covering fittings and lines; attaching AFTO Form 350 to lines,
fittings or plugs that require “leak check” when installed in aircraft (items not
accessible in aircraft must be leak checked on ETS); attaching AFTO Form 350
and/or serviceable tag to engine, ensure supply accounts and MIS entries have
been cleared. (T-1). Borescope Worksheets. (T-1). Borescope inspection worksheets will
be used for engines requiring borescope documentation. (T-1). Uninstalled Engine/Module Blade Blending/FOD Damage
Worksheet. (T-1). This worksheet is used to document blade blending/FOD
damage for uninstalled engines/modules. As a minimum, this worksheet will
include: Engine/Module Serial Number, Date, Discrepancy, Stage and Corrective
Action including number of blades blended, depth of damage before and after
blend, area of damage and Employee Number. (T-1). Reliability Centered Maintenance Worksheets (if applicable). (T-2). For JEIM engine builds, a copy of the “Reliability Centered
Maintenance Build Options” and Reliability Centered Maintenance Calculator
Summary” worksheets are maintained in the engine work folder or EAWP for
documenting life-limited component engine build recommendations. Utilize Reliability Centered Maintenance calculator
software accessed through CEMS prior to engine build. The sheets are required only if life-limited components
(excluding LRU) are removed and replaced during the JEIM engine build and
the TMS engine is available in the Reliability Centered Maintenance
Calculator. The calculator is not used for engines which do not have the
calculator developed. Worksheets that document engine historical information, critical
maintenance management stages, and employee numbers of technicians and
supervisors completing maintenance and inspections. Supplement work folders and worksheets to fit unit needs. Flights may use computer-generated products, provided they
include all required information. If TMS has an established EAWP, it will be
utilized. (T-1). EAWP users will ensure all maintenance discrepancies are
documented in the system’s appropriate discrepancy block. (T-1). Ensure MICAPs are processed in Enterprise Solution-Supply; ensure all
pertinent data is included. (T-1). Upgrade, downgrade and cancel MICAP requirements. (T-1).
4.11.4. Noise Suppression Systems (NSS) and Engine Test Stands (ETS) Section. Tests
engines to evaluate the quality of maintenance, engine performance, and accomplish engine
preservation including engines installed on aircraft in coordination with owning squadron. In
addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter 2, the
NSS and ETS Section NCOIC/Chief will: Assign primary and alternate WASP custodians to perform -107 engineering
support request and status updates in WASP for WR-ALC-managed NSSs and ETSs. (T-
1). Monitor repair activity and ensure reporting and status updates are timely,
accurate and kept current in WASP. (T-1). Ensure NSS and ETS personnel accomplish minor maintenance, make
adjustments to engines, and document engine condition. (T-1). Ensures ETS components are calibrated on site, if practical. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Brief maintenance personnel on NSS/ETS operating/emergency procedures. (T-
1). Handle and report halon releases IAW AFI 32-7086. (T-1).
4.11.5. Module/Accessory Repair Section. Repairs, stores, and maintains fuel nozzles, fuel
manifolds, oil pumps, accessory housings, afterburners, thrust reversers, augmentors, engine
components, time change modules, and shop replaceable units. Operates and maintains the
bearing room IAW TO 44B-1-15, General Instructions - Jet Engine Anti-friction Bearing
Handling, Removal, Cleaning, Inspecting, and Installation at Jet Engine Base Maintenance
Facilities (if applicable).
4.11.6. Small Gas Turbine Engine Section. Repairs and maintains small gas turbines used in
aircraft. In addition to applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in Chapter
2, the Small Gas Turbine Engine Section NCOIC/Chief will ensure personnel are qualified to
operate small gas turbine engines and test stands. (T-1).
4.11.7. Engine Equipment Maintenance Section. Maintains, manages, and stores engine
support and removal/installation/transportation equipment and trailers. The Engine Equipment
Maintenance Section NCOIC/Chief will: Ensure engine removal/installation/transportation trailers and adapters status is
properly reported IAW AFI 21-103 and MAJCOM supplements. (T-1). Track and schedule all inspections and
maintenance/removal/installation/transportation trailers and adapters in the MIS. (T-1). Ensure equipment forms and MIS documentation are complete, accurate, and
accomplished for all maintenance and scheduled inspections. (T-1). Ensure status is accurately reflected in both the maintenance forms and the MIS.
4.11.8. Propeller Section. Repairs, builds up, tears down, inspects, tests, and modifies
propellers, valve housings, pump housings, and associated components.
4.11.9. Quick Engine Change (QEC) Kit Management. QEC kit removals and installations are
coordinated with the SRAN EM and loaded in MIS as a part number-serial number item,
reflecting where the kit is installed or spared. In addition to repair cycle procedures outlined in Chapter 9 in this instruction,
the technician removing a QEC kit item from an engine will complete an AFTO Form 350,
enters the reason for removal in Block 14, and annotates the QEC kit inventory for each
repairable item. (T-1). Technicians will complete the AF Form 596, Quick Engine Change Kit
Inventory for on repair cycle items and QEC kit unique items, when an engine enters the
section for tear down. (T-1). If TO requirements restrict reuse of items, the technician will mark the AF
Form 596 with an asterisk to show a demand has been placed on supply. (T-1).
4.12. Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Flight. Maintains, calibrates,
and certifies TMDE, traceable through the AF Primary Standards Laboratory (AFPSL) to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), or other AF Metrology and Calibration
(AFMETCAL)-approved source. Provides base-level support of aircraft, precision-guided
munitions, ground systems, and other equipment assigned to the base or GSU. TMDE Flight
ensures Calibration, certification and maintenance of TMDE is accomplished IAW AFMAN 21-
113, TO 00-20-14, TO 33K-1-100-1, Calibration Procedure for Maintenance Data Collection
Codes and Calibration Measurement Summaries. A Rapid Assistance Support for Calibration may
also be assigned.
4.12.1. In addition to applicable Flight CC/Chief responsibilities in Chapter 2, the TMDE
Flight Chief (referred to as “PMEL Manager” in AFMAN 21-113 and TO 00-20-14) will: Establish a PMEL Quality Assurance Section IAW AFMAN 21-113 and TO 00-
20-14. (T-1). Publish a monthly PMEL Activity Summary and route it through the Operations
Officer/MX SUPT to the SQ/CC (or organizational equivalent). (T-2). The report format shall comply with TO 00-20-14 and meet local
requirements. (T-2). Ensure all Groups with TMDE Flights assigned include the TMDE Quality
Program Activity Summary in the QA monthly summary IAW Chapter 6 (T-2).
4.12.2. Establish a Production Control Section IAW AFMAN 21-113. (T-1). The Production
Control Section will: Ensure TMDE monitors are properly trained and maintain a database or log to
track training events (dates, names, organizations). (T-3). TMDE will be scheduled using one of the three following categories: EMERGENCY Calibration or Repair: TMDE that is inoperable or due
calibration and for which a critical job is at a work stoppage. A letter of justification signed by the Owning Work Center (OWC)
Maintenance Operations Officer /Maintenance Superintendent must accompany the
TMDE. (T-3). The letter may be handwritten to prevent delay. Telephone
verification between the OWC and PMEL is encouraged. PMEL must accept emergency TMDE at any time. (T-2). Immediate
and continuous repair action is required until repair/calibration is completed or
status of the item changes (such as, AWP, deferred for lack of standards or technical
data). MISSION ESSENTIAL Calibration or Repair: TMDE that is part of a
unit’s deployment package, is critical to daily peacetime operations, or TMDE assets
falling below critical availability levels. A letter of justification signed by the OWC Flight CC/Chief or
equivalent will accompany the TMDE unless pre-identified by OWC Flight
CC/Chief and approved by TMDE Flight Chief or delegated approval authority. (T-
3). PMEL must accept mission essential TMDE any time during duty
hours and schedule it with sufficient priority to ensure the calibration/repair is
complete by the date and time specified by the customer. (T-3). Routine Calibration or Repair: TMDE not categorized as emergency or
mission essential. PMEL must accept routine TMDE during normal turn-in and pick-
up hours. (T-3).
Chapter 5
5.1. General. MXO is directly responsible to the MXG/CC for the administration, analysis,
training management of assigned personnel, and programs and resources necessary to support the
group’s production effort. MXO is comprised of the following sections: EM, PS&D, MMA, MOC,
MT, and Programs and Resources (P&R). In missile organizations, MXO will be organized as a
Maintenance Operations Squadron, as applicable. For the purposes of this instruction, the term
MXO is equivalent with Maintenance Operations Flight for ANG units.
5.1. (AMC) [DEV] General. For En Route units, Maintenance Operations (MO) is directly
responsible to the AMS/CC and En Route AMXS/CC to support the production effort. En Route
units will perform MO functions based on UMD authorizations (T-2). The AMS/CC and En Route
AMXS/CC will also determine which level each function is directly responsible to (i.e. squadron,
flight, etc.) (T-2).
5.2. Maintenance Operations. MXO is the central agency for monitoring and developing long-
range strategies of fleet management to sustain the health of the fleet. Fleet management is defined
as the effective utilization of available resources to accomplish the aircraft support cycle from
planned maintenance events to operations schedule execution. It is a disciplined and prioritized
scheduling effort that optimizes support to aircraft requirements such as flying/operational events,
ground training events, scheduled maintenance inspections, aircraft/system configuration control,
aircraft/system modification schedules and aircraft/system recovery maintenance. Effective fleet
management results in consistent availability of quality aircraft/systems to meet operational
requirements. The Maintenance Operations Superintendent position will be filled by SNCO
2RXXX personnel. (T-2).
5.2.1. Maintenance Operations Officer-in-Charge/Superintendent (OIC/SUPT). In additionto
the applicable Flight CC/SUPT responsibilities in Chapter 2, the MXO OIC/SUPT will: Develop and publish the wing operations/maintenance schedule in coordination
with other squadrons and submit to both the OG/CC and MXG/CC for approval. (T-1). Determine long-range fleet health maintenance priorities. (T-1). Manage the data collection process, review data and verify analysis for
maintenance data collection requirements. (T-1). Evaluate and provide trend analysis information to the MXG/CC and SQ/CCs. (T-
1). Ensure aircraft status is properly reported and maintained IAW AFI 21-103. (T-
1). Coordinate with the PS&D Aerospace Vehicle Distribution Officer (AVDO)
to ensure all assignment and possession changes are accurately reported to the
MAJCOM AVDO IAW AFI 21-103 and AFI 16-402, Aerospace Vehicle
Programming, Assignment, Distribution, Accounting, and Termination. (T-1). Initiate, review, and validate special analysis studies. (T-1). MXO OIC/SUPT
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Determine planning factors for the next year’s flying hour program. (T-1). Ensure the MxCAP2 model is utilized for the assigned MDS, if available.
(T-1). (AMC) [DEV] AMC units will use RDAP (T-2). Develop procedures to update Geographical Location (GEOLOC) codes for all on
and off-station possessed aircraft and ensure GEOLOC codes are updated/correct in the
MIS Location Subsystem” (G081 units are exempt as long as a HHQ agency accomplishes
this requirement). (T-1). IMDS units will use code “XXXX,” and G081 units will use “CCCC” for
classified locations. (T-1). The MXO OIC/SUPT will ensure any deploying unit loads all equipment
into the IMDS-CDB Aerospace Expeditionary Force subsystem (G081 units are
exempt). (T-1). Host DFTs/CFTs, provide in-briefs on unit-specific maintenance and tool-control
requirements, review plans, coordinate/monitor status of aircraft and progress of repair
work. (T-1). Participate in the review of base level repair capability IAW TO 00-20-3, AFREP
in Chapter 11, and supplements. (T-1). Publish wing notification requirements for munitions-loaded or unloaded
aircraft. (T-2). Establish/sustain local radio call signs for maintenance LMR networks IAW AFI
17-210, Radio Management. (T-1). Develop a training plan for individuals assigned to QA that will inspect MXO
functions. Minimum training requirements will include, MIS (G081/IMDS/or equivalent)
online and background products for inspections, time changes, TCTOs, and aircraft
configuration management. (T-1). For units with IMDS, the QA inspector will be trained
on the use of DS Maintenance Scheduling Module (MSM) to provide the capability for a
qualified QA inspectors to evaluate and report PS&D compliance with functional
requirements. (T-2). The senior 2R in the MOC will provide assistance to the inspector as
required. (T-2). Ensure MAJCOM Master Course Listing includes 2R weapon system
familiarization courses requirements. (T-1). As a minimum, the course will include weapon system/communications
electronics familiarization, flightline and shop operations, organizational structure and
roles of each group, squadron, and flight. (T-1). Analysts will attend the course within 6 months of assignment to the unit.
(T-1). For remote assignments, analysts will attend within 1 month of assignment.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 For ARC, analysts will attend the course within 6 months of assignmentto
the unit. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Ensure Analysis, Scheduling, and Engine Management review
AF TTP 3-3 and AMC posted Special Inspection, Time Change and TCTO program
management documents located at A4Q SharePoint site at least annually to incorporate
into training programs as needed (T-3).
5.2.2. Maintenance Operations Center (MOC). The MOC monitors and coordinates sortie
generation, maintenance production, and execution of the operations and maintenance
schedules while maintaining visibility of fleet health indicators. Through coordination with
maintenance units, the MOC communicates priorities for competing limited resources (such
as, fuel or calibration docks, wash racks, and dispatched specialists from the maintenance
squadron(s) (for example, egress)) based on daily operations schedule and maintenance
priorities. The exchange of information between squadrons and the MOC must be in sufficient
detail to allow the MOC to comply with reporting requirements and to identify potential
problems. (T-1).
5.2.2. (AMC) Maintenance Operations Center (MOC). En Route MOC personnel will be
assigned to Maintenance Supervision (T-3). The MOC will: Monitor the status of aircraft/systems, as directed, (through the use of
electronic or manual visual aids) including ETIC, progress of FCFs, and location of
each aircraft on station. (T-1). (AMC) [DEV] FCF monitoring is N/A for En Routes. Track contingency and exercise aircraft generation activities. (T-1). Maintain and update aircraft generation line up and display aircraft
status using AF Form 2408, Generation Maintenance Plan and AF Form 2409,
Generation Sequence Action Schedule or locally computer generated equivalents.
(T-2). Note: If the tail number, mission number or specifically tasked no-later-than
times are linked, this form becomes classified. See AFI 16-1404. Monitor and report aircraft generation progress with a minimum of the
following information: ETIC, location of each aircraft, status of generation actions,
progress against timeline necessary to meet mission requirements. (T-2). Note: The
display format should be compatible with OPLANS and command post displays. (Added-AMC) Develop, coordinate, and prepare all aircraft
maintenance flow plans in conjunction with PS&D, AMXS, and MXS personnel at
a minimum. (Added-AMC) Prepare the Generation Sequence Action Schedule
(GSAS) in sufficient detail to satisfy all generation actions. (Added-AMC) Each plan must not exceed unit resources (i.e.,
load crews, equipment, convoys per hour, supervision, etc.). (Added-AMC) Ensure affected units receive the Generation Sequence
Action Schedule (GSAS) at the beginning of the generation sequence.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Compare Generation Sequence Action Schedule
(GSAS) plans semi-annually with the unit DOC statement to ensure mission
compatibility. (Added-AMC) Attend post exercise/contingency “hot wash
meetings to evaluate flow plans for changes or improvements. Utilize the Enhanced Maintenance Operations Center. (T-1). (AMC) [DEV] For units using G081, the use of Enhanced Maintenance
Operations Center is optional. Track aircraft maintained or supported by the unit but not on station.
(Aircraft cross-country). (T-1). (Added-AMC) For aircraft broken off station where no MIS capability
exists, the home station MOC will input discrepancies in the MIS and close them
out when the aircraft returns to mission capable status (T-2). Coordinate maintenance on the alert force, if applicable. (T-1). Ensure status boards depict aircraft status and location comply with Security
Program guidelines. (T-1). Monitor the status and ETIC of MEL-designated AGE if it falls below
critical levels. (T-1). Monitor the status of ECM and sensor pods IAW AFI 10-201, Force
Readiness Reporting. (T-1). When MC pod availability falls below requirements per the DOC or
OPLAN, the MOC will track/monitor the following information: pod serial
number, status (AWP/Awaiting Maintenance (AWM)), MICAP NSN, off-base
requisition numbers, and ETIC. (T-1). Classify information IAW AFI 17-130, Cybersecurity Program
Management. Verify aircraft status and ETICs with the Pro Super(s) and ensure they are
properly documented in the MIS IAW AFI 21-103, (T-1). Reference AFCSM, 21-564,
Vol 2, Status and Inventory Reporting Software User Manual or equivalent MIS
guidance. When the Production Superintendent (Pro-Super) or equivalent
notifies the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC) that an aircraft is “Crew Ready”
the MOC will review the Maintenance Information Systems (MIS) for each Crew
Ready aircraft to ensure there are no open Red Xs. (T-1). If open Red X(s) are
present in the MIS, the MOC will notify the Pro-super or equivalent for action. (T-
1). The MOC will verify aircraft status using the MIS and ETIC before
reporting it. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Update ETICs in the MIS (T-2). Identify
troubleshooting ETICs using Aircraft Arrival & Departure Update Input (G081
screen 9018) by using a T” identifier in the “Type” field. Inform affected activities of changes in priorities, plans, and schedules. (T-
1). Coordinate on changes to the operations schedule with applicable agencies
by use of AF Form 2407. (T-1). (AMC) [DEV] N/A for En Route units and CRW. Ensure all deviations to the daily operations schedule are reviewed and
accurately reported. (T-1). Forward a copy of each AF Form 2407 and the daily flying schedule,
with all annotated deviations, to MMA. (T-1). (Added-AMC) MOC is responsible for tracking Sequence Of Events
(SOE) for those events which apply to maintenance (T-3). The MXG/CC, or
equivalent, will approve SOE requirements for maintenance (T-2). Request support services outside the scope of the MXG (such as, standby
firefighting capability, aircraft water, snow removal, fueling and defueling service, civil
engineer support, or control tower clearances for ground movement of aircraft and
equipment). (T-1). Coordinate on all aircraft engine runs and all aircraft ground
movements conducted by maintenance personnel prior to execution. (T-1). Develop, coordinate, implement, and maintain functional and emergency
action checklists. (T-1). (AMC) MOC will coordinate with functional areas to develop checklists
in accordance with local requirements (T-3). Functional checklists are required for use during actions such as
nuclear mass loads, Broken Arrow, Dull Swords, Bent Spear, aircraft
crash/mishap/incident, aircraft FOD, aircraft damage, flightline fire, severe weather
warning or evacuation, runway closure, hazardous chemical release (example,
Hydrazine, Broken Pod Glass release of Thorium Fluoride or Americium), Quick
Reaction Checklists, injuries resulting from aircraft maintenance and any other
unusual circumstances deemed necessary. For OPLAN 8010 notification, use the plan implementation
checklists. Use unit OPLANs as a guide in developing these checklists. Checklists contain those actions required to be taken by functional
area(s). The MOC will maintain checklists that implement all approved
MAJCOM and local requirements. (T-2). Establish a command/contingency focal point to coordinate ABDR
and or Joint Combat Assessment Team (JCAT) response requests with AFMC. (T-
1). Note: If data collection forms are required forms will be forwarded to the
Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR) Technical Support Office (TSO) and
JCAT. (T-1). For ABDR TSO, CLASSIFIED messages must be sent to: and
UNCLASSIFIED messages must be sent to NIPR: [email protected]
for filing in the historical archives. For JCAT, CLASSIFIED data must be
submitted via the Intellopedia Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET)
ment_Team. UNCLASSIFIED data can sent to: JCAT ([email protected]). (Added-AMC) MOC will notify the MXG/CC, SQ/CC, and
applicable Maintenance Supervision for all maintenance duty-related incidents (T-
2). (Added-AMC) MOC will notify appropriate agencies (e.g., Pro
Super, flightline expediters, fuel cell maintenance, munitions control, hush
house/test cell, etc.) of severe weather warnings (T-2). (Added-AMC) MOC will notify the wing safety office, QA, and
wing FOD monitor of mishaps involving aircraft FOD, aircraft damage, or injuries
resulting from aircraft maintenance (T-2). Coordinate munitions delivery priorities with flying units and munitions
maintenance activities, and control when tasked. (T-1). Maintain a contact list and notify the base Fire Emergency Services
and all applicable agencies that require notification of munitions-loaded or
unloaded aircraft. (T-2). The MOC will provide agencies with the aircraft type, tail
number, location, type of explosives, and arming status. (T-1). Upon notification of deployments, ensure all deploying equipment is
identified and loaded into the IMDS-CDB, Aerospace Expeditionary Force subsystem
or designated MIS equivalent for the duration of the deployment. (T-1). (AMC) The deployed MOC will deploy the aircraft once debrief section
has debriefed the sortie(s) from home station to the deployed location (T-2). Ensure
deploy indicator is updated using G081 screen 9141 when aircraft are attached/staged
to theatre direct delivery or deployed (T-3). Monitor and manage reporting of Hangar Queen aircraft/systems IAW
Chapter 11 (T-1). Notify Flightline Expediters of OAP code “C” and “E” conditions. (T-1). Ensure facilities and visual aids meet the following minimum standards: (AMC) Not applicable to units with no DOC statement. A completely enclosed room with air conditioning and heating. (T-
1). An observation room is permitted.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Doors to the MOC and the observation room will be either
mechanically or electrically locked to control access. (T-1). Isolate MOC electrical power circuits and provide a standby power
source and emergency lighting. (T-1). The MOC will establish procedures to operate standby power
sources. (T-1). Maintain the status and location of all transient aircraft. (T-1). Post the priority of each transient aircraft on the status board, based
on the maintenance priorities listed in Table 1.2 (T-1). Coordinate with the appropriate agency for aircraft maintenance
support. (T-1). Contact WS for arming or de-arming of transient aircraft IAW
Chapter 11 (T-1). (Added-AMC) Input into the MIS all mission generation and execution
deviations (T-2). See Table 14.5. (Added-AMC) Ensure all deviation to the daily operations schedule are
reviewed and accurately reported (T-2). (Added-AMC) All deviations to the finalized schedule will be
accurately documented in the MIS when the mission is debriefed (T-2). MOC Maintenance Communications. Reliable, redundant and effective
communications systems are essential for efficient operation. Communications equipment
will be operated and managed IAW AFI 17-210, AFI 17-220, Spectrum Management, and
AFI 17-130. The MOC NCOIC/SUPT will: Establish a procedure to process requests for specific radio equipment to
support MXG maintenance activities IAW AFMAN 23-122. (T-1). Specific radio allowances are stated in Allowance Standard 660 at Ensure a Very High Frequency (VHF)/Ultra High Frequency (UHF)/ High
Frequency (HF) radio is authorized and available to provide communications between
aircraft and maintenance. (T-1). Ensure the MOC has a hotline on the secondary crash phone net. (T-1). When required, direct communications lines will be provided to QA,
Munitions Control, EOD, airfield operations, base fire department, NDI, control
tower and the central security control. (T-1). Develop and exercise comm-out procedures to include loss of radios, Local
Area Network (LAN) and phone. (T-2). Ensure MOC personnel receive initial radio operating training before
assuming duties involving radio operations IAW AFI 17-210 and Chapter 11 (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) The MOC will input and review MIS data and track
accomplishment of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance (T-2). MOC and En Route
MOC will: (Added-AMC) Create all CANN jobs in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Notify Command Post with updated status if Global
Decision Support System (GDSS) is not updating through the G081-GDSS broker
interface (T-2). (Added-AMC) If GDSS does not update G081, manually enter aircraft
arrival and departure data in G081 until issue is resolved (T-2). (Added-AMC) Open and close work orders, to include assigning JCNs. This
responsibility may be performed by other agencies as determined by the MXG/CC or
equivalent (T-2). Exception: When an aircraft is in virtual forms and/or undergoing a
scheduled inspection or fuel cell repair, the appropriate agency will clear discrepancies
in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Lock/unlock aircraft records in the MIS, when required, in
the absence of Database Manager (DBM) and PS&D personnel. (Added-AMC) Make applicable updates in G081 when notified by 618
AOC/GADM of an aircraft status change at a non-G081 capable location (T-2). (Added-AMC) Update status of aircraft on 618 AOC tasked missions in
G081 (T-2). G081 automatically updates GDSS. (Added-AMC) Act as POC and coordinate with squadrons for MRT support
and off-station RFAs in accordance with AMCI 21-108 and 618 AOC/GADM recovery
actions (T-2). (Added-AMC) For home station MOC, make all necessary entries in
G081 to reflect their aircraft broken off-station at locations without G081 capability
(T-2). (Added-AMC) For 618 AOC tasked missions, report location, MDS, tail
number and status for all maintenance diverts or aircraft that cannot continue the
mission due to a maintenance related issue to 618 AOC/GADM (T-2). (Added-AMC) Inform Command Post of C2 data, (e.g. aircraft status,
ETIC, servicing data, parking location) and discrepancies that affect the status of the
aircraft when G081 cannot be updated in a timely manner or G081 is unavailable (T-
2). Once G081 becomes available, the MOC will check G081 to ensure it was updated
through the GDSS/G081 broker interface (T-2). (Added-AMC) Monitor all activity associated with ramp and parkingarea
construction (T-3). (Added-AMC) Provide communications support to ramp inspectors and
program managers as required (e.g., notifying down range MOC of missed ramp
inspection) (T-2).
5.2.3. Engine Management. EM manages unit efforts to maintain adequate engine supportfor
mission requirements by monitoring engine removals and replacements, component tracking,
engine TCTOs and TCIs, engine records in the MIS and CEMS; and perform Engine Manager
duties. Functions supporting EM shall be combined within the wing and physically co-locate
with the Propulsion Flight. (T-2). The SRAN Engine Manager works and is co-located with
the EM section. (T-2). Specific EM responsibilities are detailed AFMAN 20-116, AFPAM 63-129, TO
00-25-254-1, -2 and Chapter 14.
5.2.4. Plans, Scheduling, and Documentation (PS&D). PS&D is responsible for coordinating
aircraft maintenance requirements and utilization scheduling between maintenance,
operations, and external agencies. PS&D oversees the entire maintenance scheduling effort
throughout the wing and notifies applicable senior managers of scheduling process
discrepancies and recommended courses of action. Specific PS&D responsibilities are detailed in Chapter 14.
5.2.5. Maintenance Management Analysis (MMA). MMA tracks, analyzes, and presents
information to help senior leadership assess the health of the units' weapon systems and
equipment. MMA acts as the group POC for MIS issues and performs analyses to assess and
improve unit performance (such as, effectiveness and efficiency of unit resources and logistical
support processes). The MIS provides the main source of information used by analysts to assess
unit performance and capability.
5.2.5. (AMC) Maintenance Management Analysis (MMA). For AMS, the analysis individual
(if assigned) will accomplish the following duties except where noted (T-2). MMA will: Be centrally organized but may locate analysts in the squadron to enable
maximum responsiveness and effectiveness. (T-2). When analysts are located in the squadron, they will still work directly
for the MMA Section NCOIC/Chief who will provide their training and monitor
the quality/relevancy of their workload. (T-2). Provide information on analysis services and capabilities to units and
supervision. (T-1). Work with MTS and/or FTD for opportunities to provide training on
analysis services and capabilities (example, Mx Orientation, DCC Course). (T-2). Conduct and document quarterly visits to maintenance work centers
and provide information on analysis services and capabilities IAW MAJCOM
guidance. (T-2). (Added-AMC) At a minimum, Analysis will discuss MIS screen
changes, on going special studies, and trends (T-3). (Added-AMC) MMA, including MMA at En Routes, will monitor and
report unit Logistics Departure Reliability (LDR) to unit commanders using the
business rules based on AMCI 10-2102V6, Mission Reliability Reporting System,
located at:
ss_selector in the Situational Awareness help document (T-2). (Added-AMC) MMA will perform monthly reviews of repeat, recur
and CND to identify any possible trends (T-2). Calculate maintenance metrics and compare unit performance against
MAJCOM and locally developed goals (if applicable). (T-1). Develop products to track, monitor and identify seasonal and cyclical trends
at the group, squadron and AMU/HMU level for: MAJCOM reportable leading and lagging indicators. (T-2). MAJCOM reportable indicators at the WUC/LCN system level (such
as, break rate for landing gear system). (T-2). Review data for anomalies, variations and trends to identify areas requiring
further study. (T-1). When significant seasonal or cyclical trends are identified in leading
or lagging indicators or their systems, accomplish and document further analysis.
(T-2). Provide presentations, reports, studies/analyses and briefings as
requested or deemed appropriate. (T-2). Units with AMU/HMUs that have like MDSs will compare and
contrast metrics to identify significant variation. (T-2). When significant variation is identified, accomplish and
document further analysis. (T-2). Provide presentations, reports, studies, analyses and briefings as
requested or deemed appropriate. (T-2). Monitor wing, group, squadron, and AMU/HMU utilization rates. (T-2). (AMC) N/A for AMOW. When operational requirements are not achieved, perform and
document an investigation to determine if assignable causes are present.
Recommend corrective actions or measures when necessary. (T-2). Assist unit leaders with the application and interpretation of maintenance
data. (T-1). Coordinate with PS&D and unit’s Maintenance Supervision to provide
monthly airframe, facility and personnel capabilities (as required), attrition, and spare
factors for use in planning the annual FHP. (T-1). (AMC) [DEV] N/A, G081 currently does not support. Attrition and spare
factors data will be collected once the ASE capabilities are in G081for use in planning
the annual FHP (T-2). MAJCOMs will publish attrition and spare factors computations in a
supplement to this instruction reference TO 00-20-2.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 MMA will use MAJCOM supplement guidance to calculate
attrition and spare factor computations. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Attrition computation: MX CANCEL (to
include unspared ground aborts) + OPS CANCEL + SUPPLY CANCEL +
DELETION and CANCELLATIONS / FIRST SORTIE (T-2). MMA will provide required data to populate the MxCAP2 model,
when used. (T-1). (AMC) MMA will provide required data for RDAP (T-2). (Added-AMC) MMA will run a report to determine spare factor and
attrition (T-2). MMA will provide scheduling this data NLT three weeks prior to
the associated RDAP semiannual plan. (T-2). Analyze equipment performance trends to identify problems affecting the
unit mission and, whenever possible, provide predictive analytical information with
recommendations to unit’s Maintenance Supervision. (T-1). (Added-AMC) En Route maintenance analysts will analyze trends to
identify problems affecting the unit mission and, whenever possible, provide
predictive analytical information with recommendations to unit leaders for LDR at
a minimum (T-2). Verify accuracy of Job Data Documentation (JDD), flying schedule
deviations, aircraft status and utilization within the MIS. (T-2). Validate data entered into the MIS as part of daily analysis duties and
inform affected agencies of discrepancies. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Review or run the Error Reports in the Core
Reports section in Global Reach or sent out from AMC/A4PI. (Added-AMC) Ensure errors are corrected by the responsible
agency. (Added-AMC) Maintain copies of error reports until
corrected. Identify erroneous or missing data to the responsible agency for
correction or completion. (T-1). (AMC) Establish a five-day suspense for error correction and track
to completion. If errors are not corrected, elevate to leadership for resolution. (Added-AMC) Guidance for G081 units can be located at the AMC
Global Reach page at: or
contact your local G081/analysis office. Control the assignment of unit work center and mnemonic codes. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Coordinate with P&R, MTS or responsible agency on the assignment
of alphanumeric and work center codes. (T-1). Publish written guidance to control these codes when not provided by
higher headquarters. Multiple mnemonic codes may be used within a work center
code to accommodate different AFSCs assigned. (T-1). (AMC) For G081 units, standard work center and mnemonic codes
are established by HQ AMC/A4. Published work center and mnemonic list can be
found on the WebG081 SharePoint Coordinate new or revised mnemonic codes with affected activities
for planning purposes. (T-1). Be responsible for MIS database management. (T-1). Assists MIS users in developing procedures for collecting information from
deployments and exercises where the MIS is not available. (T-1). (AMC) MMA on Deployment. When maintenance analysts are not
deployed, deployed commanders will designate an individual or activity to ensure
aircraft status and discrepancy data is entered at the deployed location (T-2). (Added-AMC) Deployed analysis personnel will provide statistical
analysis and ensure maintenance and flying data is captured during the unit
deployment (T-2). N/A for En Route including subparagraphs. Global Reach Back
Kits are now monitored by HQ AMC/A4PI. (Added-AMC) Deployed analysts/G081 managers need to have the
capability to reset passwords, change L-terms, and perform routine administrative
functions (T-2). This capability is necessary to ensure proper support to deployed
maintenance personnel. The on-site G081 Manager must annotate and resolve all
G081 system problems pertaining to aircraft status reporting and MDC reporting.
G081 manager will need to have the capability to create, modify, and run Info Assist
report (T-2). Problems beyond their capabilities will be reported to home station
and Functional Assistance Office (FAO) (T-2). In addition to the applicable Section NCOIC/Chief responsibilities outlined in
Chapter 2, the MMA Section NCOIC/Supervisor will: (AMC) For En Route units, Maintenance Supervision will: Ensure growth of analysis personnel by developing and maintaining a plan
to rotate personnel through different sections within MMA. Allow sufficient time for
them to become proficient and provide continuity. (T-2). Define the daily, weekly, monthly and annual roles and responsibilities for
each function within MMA. Can be delegated to the function NCOIC. (T-2). Ensure the CFM approved AFSC duty titles are utilized for all MMA
personnel. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Maintenance Information Systems (MIS). For management of IMDS-CDB, G081,
and Reliability and Maintainability Information System (REMIS), follow AFCSM 21-556,
Vol 2, Intro to IMDS CDB, MAJCOM/Lead Command guidance, unit procedures, and
REMIS user manuals. Personal computers and software used as "stand-alone" systems are
not considered MIS. (AMC) G081 Manager’s User’s Manual is available on Global Reach under
“G081 Training Manuals at Request to modify/create new functionality within IMDS-CDB IAW
AFCSM 21-556V2. (T-1). G081 units will submit a System Change Request for any
new requirements or corrections to existing features. (T-1). Database Manager (DBM) will identify functions that require subsystem
monitors and provide applicable training to those responsible for ensuring the
accuracy/sustainment of their subsystem. (T-2). Subsystem monitors will be appointed by the Section Chief of
subsystem functions (such as, PS&D Section Chief appoints and signs appointment
letter for configuration management). (T-2). MMA is responsible for the overall management of the JDD
subsystem. (T-2). MAJCOMs will provide guidance describing the management of the MIS
assigned to wings within their command. (T-1). At a minimum, the MMA MIS/Host DBM will ensure: MAJCOM coordination occurs when problems exist that are beyond
the scope of responsibilities of Host DBMs. (T-2). IMDS-CDB/G081 security is maintained IAW AFI 17-130 and AFGM
2018-17-02, Air Force Enterprise Information Technology Management. (T-2). MMA personnel coordinate MIS access permission requirements
to enable MDD on non-possessed aircraft. (T-2).
MMA personnel
provide expertise
on IMDS-CDB/G081 for resolution
of problems beyond the work center and sub-system monitors’ control. (T-2). (AMC) Coordinate with Section/NCOIC Chief(s) to establish FAMs
for applicable sections (e.g. PS&D, Engine Management, MOC, Maintenance
Training, Debrief, AGE, QA, etc.) (T-3). (Added-AMC) FAMs are knowledgeable in the G081 screens
they utilize and provide assistance with discrepancies that relate to their
functional area. (Added-AMC) G081 access requests are coordinated through
FAMs to validate screen permissions. Support is provided to tenant organizations and users. (T-2). (AMC) G081 Managers will provide support to G081/IMDS tenant
units and coordinate with the Functional Assistance Office (FAO) for G081 issues
and the Field Assistance Service (FAS) for IMDS issues (T-2). Coordination with the Defense Enterprise Computing Center or AF
Network Control Center on all matters concerning IMDS-CDB. (T-2). (AMC) G081 Manager will coordinate with the FAO on all G081 and
Global Reach issues beyond their control (T-2). G081 users must contact their base
G081 manager and provide full screen shots, with as much detailed explanation of
the problem for resolution (T-3). The Defense Enterprise Computing Center supports all requirements
concerning the operation and maintenance of IMDS-CDB. (T-2). Scheduled MIS downtime is published for users. (T-2). (AMC) HQ AMC/A4PI will notify MMA of scheduled G081
downtime via email message. MMA personnel control and monitor submissions of IMDS-CDB
Difficulty Report(s). (T-2). (AMC) All G081 users can submit system change requests (SCRs) via
JIRA. MMA will review the daily system change requests input in JIRA to
determine validity, request clarification, search for duplicates prior to submitting to
HQ AMC/A4 (T-2). (Added-AMC) MMA will be responsible for system change
request database (SCR) access, role, and responsibilities (T-2). Coordination occurs on matters pertaining to the interface of other
automated systems with IMDS-CDB. (T-2). (AMC) HQ AMC/A4PI will coordinate on matters pertaining to the
interface of other automated systems with G081 (T-2). Development of a functional checklist to establish timelines and MIS
data capture requirements for use in the event of a weapon system mishap. (T-2). The checklist must require immediate capture and isolation of
the historical data for the mishap weapon system regardless of the time or day
of week. (T-2). Contact the Host DBM to immediately put the IMDS-CDB in
File Update Mode (when required) until the functional checklist can be
completed. G081 equipment records will be locked using screen 9012
(Lock/Unlock Aircraft/Data Records). (T-2). (AMC) If DBM and PS&D are not available, MOC will lock the
records (T-2). Support of the Communications-Electronics maintenance community
referring to AFI 21-103 and TO 00-33A-1001, General Cyberspace Support
Activities Management Procedures and Practice Requirements for maintenance
analysis and host DBM responsibilities. (T-2). (AMC) N/A for En Route units as this is a host base DBMfunction.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Control of access to specific IMDS-CDB programs and subsystems
by utilizing Transaction Identification Codes (TRICs) security profiles or screen
9057 (program access) for G081. (T-2). (AMC) G081 Managers will control access to specific G081
programs by loading correct L-Terms to each user ID when created (T-2). Audit permissions to IMDS security profiles and G081 access
keys annually. Take appropriate measures when a compromise is suspected or
reported. (T-2). Semi-annually audit IMDS ELC access. (T-2). (Added-AMC) G081 Managers will maintain access letters
from subsystem POCs (e.g. Training, MOC, etc.) (T-2). IMDS-CDB subsystem managers are informed of the status of
applicable TRICs prior to turning the TRIC on or off. (T-2). (Added-AMC) G081 managers will issue InfoAssist permissions and
troubleshoot all G081 message center issues and InfoAssist+ issues. (T-2).
Coordinate issues beyond MMAs control with Field Assistance Service (FAS) (T-
2). MMA provides overall management and control of the maintenance deferred
code listing. (T-1). Changes to the table will be coordinated with PS&D. (T-1). Data Integrity. MMA is the OPR for the Data Integrity Team (DIT). All
maintenance units will participate in the DIT program. (T-1). The purposes of the DIT include: (1) ensuring the unit has complete
and accurate data in the MIS and aircraft forms, (2) identifying and quantifying
problems within the unit preventing complete and accurate documentation, and (3)
identifying and correcting the root causes for poor data integrity. The DIT is
established to evaluate/isolate/eliminate documentation problems in IMDS-
CDB/G081. MMA will ensure that all assigned DIT members are trained in the use
of MIS applicable programs for the data integrity review/correction process. (T-2).
Errors identified by the DIT team will be reconciled IAW Paragraph
(T-1). The DIT will include, at a minimum, one representative from each
squadron under the MXG. It will include participation from PS&D, MOC, DMS,
EM, Debrief Section, and QA as determined by MMA. (T-2). (Added-AMC) DIT representatives will ensure
squadron/workcenter members are made aware of commonly seen errors and
instructed on proper MDC documentation (T-3). MAJCOMs will determine the frequency of DIT meetings. (AMC) DIT meetings are required to be conducted monthly. (T-2).
DIT meetings are required to be conducted quarterly for En Route locations (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Representatives will be at least a SrA that possesses a 5-skill level and
is familiar with the unit’s assigned weapon system(s). (T-2). As a minimum, the following functions will be performed by the DIT: Educate group, squadron and AMU leadership on the importance
of data integrity including the impacts of erroneous data. Ensure MIS accurately reflects AFTO Form 781-series forms
entries. Run maintenance action review background reports for all work
accomplished by squadrons and work centers. (AMC) Units using G081 will utilize screen 9153 (DIT
MDC/Error Correction) to review documented MDC and identify errors by
users (T-2). Units will not use or develop local automated programs to
accomplish this process (T-2). For deployed locations: if the 9153/9153 is not
sufficient, MAA will contact HQ AMC/A4QF (T-2). Audit the report by JCN/WCE (Work Event Separator for
G081) to identify suspected errors. (AMC) Workcenter DIT representatives will run a Global
Reach "Status vs MDC WUC/REFDES Mismatch Report" for their respective
unit on the first duty day of each week (T-2). All mismatches will be validated
with the AMXS Pro Super, and if required the MXS Pro Super (T-2).
Deployed and En Route locations are exempt. (Added-AMC) Once validated, the DIT will notify the
MOC of any required aircraft status history changes (T-2). If the wrong
WUC is utilized on the MDC record, the owning workcenter will correct
the discrepancy (T-2). Responsibility for correcting errors belongs to the performing
work center. The use of general WUCs/LCNs when a component
level WUC/LCN exists will be counted as an error. (T-2). Use of automated processes is authorized. (Added-AMC) Identify suspected errors using G081 DIT
MDC/Error Correction (G081 screen 9153). All data will be checked, errors
flagged and corrections made using this process (T-2). (Added-AMC) Errors identified using G081 screen
9153 will have 5 calendar day suspense set in the MIS for the users to
correct errors (T-2). Errors not corrected in this timeframe will be counted
in Data Integrity Adjusted Error Rate that is reported to unit leadership
and HQ AMC (T-2). (Added-AMC) Tracking and report capabilities are provided
using the Supervisor/DIT Selector reports on Global Reach.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Errors flagged by DIT members will be
corrected by the user who made the error whenever possible (T-2). This
will be done using the ‘USER’ role on G081 screen 9154 (Supervisor
MDC Review/Error Correction). (Added-AMC) Digitally signed discrepancies
can only be fixed by the individual that entered the data in order to
maintain the integrity of the digital signature. Outstanding errors
can be tracked via Global Reach Supervisor Review/DIT Report
Selector and corrected as necessary (Added-AMC) MDC entries reviewed, errors
identified and corrected using G081 DIT MDC/Error Correction (G081
screen 9153) and Supervisor MDC Review/Error Correction (G081
screen 9154) will be stored on the mainframe and readily available via
Global Reach Data Integrity reports for data analysis and monthly
tracking of required statistics by the units and HQ AMC (T-2). (Added-AMC) For repeat MDC errors, ensure
squadron/work center members are made aware of TO 00-20-2 rules for
proper MDC documentation (T-3).
Table 5.1. (Added-AMC) AMC Definitions and Formulas if not identified in Chapter 5 (T-
Adjusted Average Possessed Aircraft
(Average number of possessed aircraft,
excluding those aircraft deducted for each
ISO and refurbishment, when the samples
were taken. Adjusted average possessed
aircraft will be used for delayed discrepancy
calculations and are not the same as the
average possessed aircraft used for
commitment calculations).
Possessed Aircraft minus (ISO and refurb)
Logistics Air Abort Rate. Percent of sorties
that abort during flight. A Logistics Air Abort
is defined as an unscheduled return and/or
incomplete mission due to a system
malfunction. This applies to training sorties
where an aircraft returns with any less than
100% training complete due to a system
[Number of Air Aborts / Number of
Sorties from G081] x 100
Attrition (used for inventory or assignment
purposes only.) Aircraft that are required to
replace primary aircraft inventory losses in a
given year.
N/A for AMC Units
Attrition Factor. Missions or sorties lost
due to weather or other uncontrollable
Total number of sorties required / (1 –
attrition factor)
Mx + Ops + Wx + Supply Cancel = .04
Sorties required = 1000
1000 / (1 - .04) = 1041.66
Rounded up = 1042 sorties required
Average Mission Length. The average
flying time for a mission from the first sortie
to mission completion.
Total Flying Time / Total Missions
Average Possessed Aircraft. Average
number of aircraft possessed per day by unit
for a specified period.
Total possessed hours / [Number of days in
the period x 24]
Average Sortie Duration. Average length
of a sortie expressed as an average flying
hours per sortie.
Total hours flown / Total sorties
Commitment. Assigning and designating
aircraft to headquarters missions; alerts and
spares; local missions; operations and
maintenance, FTD ground training, and static
Commitment Rate. Percent of possessed
aircraft scheduled and designated for
headquarters (618AOC) tasked missions,
spares, and alerts, and local missions (not
local spares), operations and maintenance
ground trainers, FTD trainers, and static
[Total aircraft committed to directed
missions (including cross country mission
aircraft still possessed), spares and alerts (not
local spares and alerts), local and training
missions, operations, and maintenance ground
trainers, static displays, FTD / Cumulative
possessed aircraft] x 100
Data Integrity Initial Error Rate. Percent of
records that had discrepancies found within
the MIS that were in error. Count only the
number of records that had errors not the
errors in each record.
[Jobs documented with errors / Number of
Jobs Reviewed] x 100
Data Integrity Adjusted Error Rate.
Percent of records that had discrepancies not
corrected within five days in the MIS. Count
only the number of records that had errors not
[Jobs remaining with errors / Number of
Jobs Reviewed] x 100
the errors in each record.
Delayed Discrepancy. Any non-grounding
discrepancy that has been delayed or deferred
and has not be worked within 5 days from the
time the discrepancy was found. Usually
those discrepancies are transferred from
AFTO Form 781A to 781K. Preplanned time
changes and TCTOs that require parts are not
considered delayed until the scheduled day
for completion is past and action is not
Delayed Discrepancy Average, AWM.
Average number of delayed discrepancies per
aircraft awaiting maintenance. Do not count
discrepancies for aircraft in ISO, periodic,
phase, HSC, refurb, discrepancies awaiting
depot, or -6 Inspection when the sample is
taken. All jobs over 5 days old (excluding
exceptions above and Red-Xs) are counted as
Total discrepancies delayed for
maintenance / Adjusted average possessed
Delayed Discrepancy Average, AWP.
Average number of delayed discrepancies per
aircraft awaiting parts. Do not count
discrepancies for aircraft in ISO, periodic,
phase, HSC or refurb and discrepancies
awaiting depot when the sample is taken.
Total discrepancies delayed for parts /
Adjusted average possessed aircraft
Delayed Discrepancy Average. Average
number of delayed discrepancies per
possessed aircraft. When calculating the
average for 1 month, use no less than 4
samples per month (approximately one
sample per week.) Add the sample together
and divide by number of samples taken. Do
not include discrepancies awaiting depot or
on aircraft in ISO, periodic, phase, HSC or
refurbishment when sample is taken.
Calculate adjusted average possessed aircraft
during each sample ensuring more accurate
correlation between average delayed
discrepancies and possessed aircraft.
Total delayed discrepancies (AWM +
AWP) / Adjusted average possessed aircraft
Departure. AMC departures are considered
home-station, En Route or world-wide.
Departure Reliability, Logistics. Percent of
[(Total departures - logistics delays) /
total departures that did not have a delay
caused by logistics. Delayed codes listed in
all corresponding tables from AMCI 10-
2102V6, Chapter 6 with an A4(x) OPR are
logistics delays and will be included except
those which are customer driven.
Total departures] x 100
Departure Reliability, Raw (Overall).
Percent of total departures that did not have a
delay for any reason. See AMCI 10-2102V6
for criteria.
[(Total departures - total delays) / Total
departures] x 100
Deviation Accountability Rate (DAR).
Measures delayed departures by location
using only accountable deviations in the
formula. See AMCI 10-2102V6 for criteria.
[Number of accountable deviations / Total
number of departures] x 100
Dropped Object Rate. Rate of dropped
objects per 1,000 sorties.
[Number of dropped object incidents /
Total Sorties] x 1,000
Fenced Trainers. The minimum allowable
number of flying and ground trainers set forth
in AMCI 10-2102V6, Chapter 10.
Note: Used by execution agencies to
determine commitment levels when
considering a 505 or 516 delay code
assignment. Not used during war or national
J-Divert Rate. A J-divert is a diversion or
air abort from the mission schedule (e.g.
landed somewhere other than its next
scheduled location) due to an aircraft system
malfunction. Acts of nature e.g. bird and
lightning strikes, will not be coded as a J-
Divert unless the aircraft returns with a
confirmed malfunction/damage, or suspected
damage and/or associated system malfunction
and then subsequently confirmed. (Source
[Number of J-Diverts / Number of
Departures] x 100
Labor Hours Documented. Total direct
labor hours documented by maintenance
personnel for specific MDS. Includes hours
documented to aircraft engine and excludes
transient maintenance labor hours (type
maintenance Y).
Labor Hours Per Cannibalization. Average
amount of hours expended for CANN
removal (T action) and installation after issue
of part (U action).
[Total labor hours expended on
cannibalizations (T&U)] / Total number of
Labor Hours Per Flying Hour. Average
labor hours expended per aircraft flying hour.
[Total labor hours documented (aircraft
and engines only excluding Y type
maintenance)] / Total flying hours
Direct Labor Hour Productivity. Percent
of total labor hours assigned consumed by
direct productive labor hours. Assigned Labor
Hours: The sum of active duty personnel
assigned times 8 for each day plus the sum of
reserve personnel assigned times 16 for each
[Total direct hours expended / Assigned
labor hours] x 100
Labor Hour Utilization. Percentage of
total hours assigned documented for total
labor hours expended.
[Total labor hours documented / (Total
labor hours assigned + overtime
documented)] x 100
Maintenance Delivery Reliability. Percent
of time the aircraft is mission capable at
scheduled or actual crew show time
(whichever is sooner) and aircraft is capable
of flight and will be accepted by aircrew.
[Total scheduled sorties minus number of
aircraft broke at scheduled or actual crew
show time (whichever is sooner) / Total
scheduled sorties] x 100
Recur Rate. See parent AFI 21-101 for
definition of a recur discrepancy.
[Number of recur discrepancies / Total
Pilot Reported Discrepancies (PRD)] x 100
Repeat Rate
[Number of repeat discrepancies / Total
Pilot Reported Discrepancies (PRD)] x 100
Use Rate, Daily (Hourly Use). Average
number of flying hours per average possessed
aircraft per day.
Total hours flown / Average possessed
aircraft days in the month
Use Rate, Monthly (Hourly Use). Average
number of flying hours per average possessed
aircraft per month.
Total hours flown / Average possessed
Use Rate, Monthly (Sortie Use). Average
number of departures or sorties flown per
average possessed aircraft for a month.
Total sorties / Average possessed aircraft
Utilization Rate, Daily (Hourly UTE).
Average number of flying hours per primary
aircraft inventory (PAI) per day.
Total hours flown / PAI days in the month
Utilization Rate, Monthly (Hourly UTE).
Average number of flying hours per (PAI) per
Total hours flown / PAI
Utilization Rate, Programmed Monthly
(Hourly UTE). Average number of
programmed flying hours per PAI for a
Total hours programmed / PAI
Utilization Rate, Monthly (Sortie UTE).
Average number of departures or sorties
flown per PAI aircraft for a month.
Total sorties / PAI Audit for Weapons System status, flying schedule deviation and
utilization errors. (T-2). The use of general WUCs/LCNs when a component level
WUC/LCN exists will be counted as an error. (T-2). Develop a system to track, measure and report data integrity
errors by work center, AMU and squadron. (T-2). Implement training programs that are geared toward correcting
data integrity trends. (T-2).
5.3. Maintenance Training (MT). MT consists of the Training Management Element and the
Development and Instructor Element. Maintenance Training assists SQ/CCs by providing Unit
Training Managers (UTM) to manage the enlisted specialty training program. MT will:
5.3. (AMC) Maintenance Training (MT). N/A for AMOG since Maintenance Training resides
at the AMOW.
5.3.1. Provide initial, recurring and advanced proficiency, qualification, or certification
training needed by a technician to perform duties in their primary AFSC and manage course
codes to track training IAW AFI 36-2650 and AFI 36-2651. (T-1).
5.3.2. Serve as the single point of contact for all training matters affecting maintenance. (T-
5.3.3. The MT Superintendent/NCOIC will maintain administrative responsibility for UTMs
whether UTMs are centralized or decentralized. (T-1).
5.3.4. Develop and administer appropriate Maintenance Cyber Discipline training. Training
shall be tailored to DoD Information Technology used locally and shall emphasize authorized,
and unauthorized uses, prevention, detection, remediation, and provide an overview of recent
negative trends and effective mitigation techniques. (T-1). Coordinate with Quality Assurance, MXG/CC designated responders, and
facilitators for action when discovery that DoD Information Technology lacks the
capability to perform a mission function. (T-1). Example: Enhanced Technical Information
Management System containing software for a TO task that does not have a hardware TO
approving its installation or use.
5.3.5. (Added-AMC) Unit Training Managers (or designated member) are responsible for
assigning, transferring, deploying, and deleting members’ employee numbers from the MIS
5.4. Programs and Resources (P&R). P&R serves as the MXG focal point for interaction with
external functional support activities to ensure critical mission generations support, infrastructure
personnel management and resources are configured to maximize mission capability/AA. P&R
program configurations may vary based on mission but generally P&R coordinates with functional
base OPRs to interact on Facility Management (FM), Vehicle Control (VCO), Support
Agreements, Unit Safety, Security, Resources, Manpower, Environment, Deployment and
Maintenance Information System programs as applicable. Units will maximize consolidation of
personnel assigned in P&R as described in Paragraph 2.4.14 P&R will:
5.4.1. Develop, maintain, and coordinate all applicable AFI-directed programs and plans
affecting maintenance. (T-1).
5.4.2. Act as the resource advisor to the MXG/CC. (T-2).
5.4.3. Coordinate with the MXG/Squadron SUPTs to manage manpower authorizations for
the MXG. (T-2).
5.4.4. Serve as the focal point within the MXG for management of facilities. (T-2). Ensure fire detection and foam suppression training is included in unit facility
manager/ occupant training briefings. (T-2).
5.4.5. Serve as the Environmental Coordinator focal point within the MXG. (T-1).
5.4.6. Serve as the focal point for MXG deployment planning and execution actions. (T-1). If
designated as a UTC pilot unit IAW AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and
Execution, P&R will: Coordinate with other UTC tasked units on cargo and equipment
authorizations/requirements to develop and maintain a standardized package to meet
specific mission capability requirements. (T-1). Coordinate with the unit equipment custodian(s) to review equipment changes and
new equipment requirements driven by changes to UTCs and/or Allowance Standards
(AS). (T-1). Assist with coordination of site surveys for deployment locations and maintain
copies of the Expeditionary Site Plan (ESP) Part I for deployment locations IAW AFI 10-
404, Base Support and Expeditionary (BAS&E) Site Planning. (T-1). Coordinate with QA biennially to verify aircraft MDS Hot Pit refueling
capabilities are current and accurate in Base Support and Expeditionary and ensure
applicable ESP/BSP Parts I and II accurately reflect unit capabilities IAW AFI 10-404,if
applicable. (T-1).
5.4.7. Oversee local, functional or host country unique support agreements applicable to the
MXG IAW AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements
Procedures. (T-2).
5.4.8. Develop and coordinate MXG commercial contracts as directed by the MXG/CC. (T-
5.4.9. Manage readiness reporting for the MXG IAW AFI 10-201. (T-1).
5.4.10. Coordinate with LRS Deployment & Distribution Flight to obtain unit assistance in
interpreting guidance for marking, packing and marshaling of tasked equipment IAW AFMAN
24-204, Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments; AFI 10-401 and AFMAN
91-201. (T-1).
Chapter 6
6.1. General. Maintenance quality and equipment reliability is the responsibility of all
maintenance personnel. The combined efforts of QA personnel, maintenance leaders, and
technicians are necessary to ensure high quality maintenance production and equipment reliability.
The QA staff evaluates the quality of maintenance accomplished and performs necessary functions
to manage the MSEP. Personnel assigned to QA are not an extension of the work force and shall
not be tasked to perform sortie production inspections (such as, clear “Red X” symbols and
perform IPIs). (T-1). QA serves as the primary technical advisory agency in the maintenance
organization, assisting maintenance supervision at all levels to identify, validate and/or resolve
quality, proficiency and/or compliance issues impacting mission generation. The evaluation and
analysis of deficiencies and problem areas identified are key functions of QA that highlight and
reveal underlying causes of poor quality in the maintenance production effort. Aircraft and
equipment condition and personnel proficiency are validated through the MSEP and shall be
recorded using the Logistics Evaluation Assurance Program (LEAP) QA database. (T-1). Civil
service and contracted personnel are to follow requirements established in their respective civilian
position description/contract and accepted quality assessment system.
6.1. (AMC) General. En Route QA will be structured as follows: the QA Superintendent will be
assigned to the AMOG, the Product Improvement Manager (PIM) and Ramp Inspection Program
Manager can be geographically located on the same installation as the AMOG or geographically
separated. The Chief Inspector will be geographically located at each En Route squadron.
Exception: Assignment of Chief Inspector roles for Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadrons
(EAMS) will be determined by the AMOG QA Superintendent (T-2). QA inspectors will be
geographically located at each En Route squadron (T-2).
6.2. Responsibilities. QA is responsible to the MXG/CC or equivalent to perform as the primary
technical advisory agency for maintenance actions and to assist work center supervisors in
reviewing tasks involved in supporting the maintenance effort. MXG QA Inspectors have the
authority to observe, correct and document applicable maintenance activities performed within the
MXG. QA will:
6.2. (AMC) Responsibilities. For En Route units, the AMOG/CC has overall QA program
responsibility and will ensure maintenance QA personnel are primarily utilized to perform their
responsibilities as outlined in this instruction (T-2). For the CRW, QA will be aligned under each
GP/CC (T-2). The 375 AMW QA will be aligned under the OG/CC (T-2). Note: Contractor and
civil service maintenance functions follow QA guidelines as outlined in their applicable statement
of work.
6.2.1. Implement and administer the MSEP and other programs as applicable to include: Product Improvement Program (PIP). (T-1). DR. (T-1). Product improvement inputs. (T-1). Aircraft and equipment impoundment procedures IAW Chapter 7 (T-1). Functional Check Flight (FCF) program IAW this Chapter. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) En Routes and CRW are not required to have a program, but will
coordinate FCF/OCF/high speed taxi checks only by exception and will contact 618
AOC/GADM and the owning aircraft QA office to resolve issues (T-2). The owning
aircraft QA is responsible for ensuring the En Route or CRW has everything they require
to ensure proper FCF/OCF/high speed taxi checks are conducted. W&B Program IAW this Chapter. (T-1). (AMC) En Routes and CRW will contact 618 AOC/GADM and the owning
aircraft QA office to resolve issues on W&B requirements/problems. The owning aircraft’s
QA is responsible for ensuring the En Route has everything they require to ensure proper
aircraft W&B problems are resolved (T-2). Hot Refuel/Defuel and Aircraft-to-Aircraft Refuel Programs if applicable. (T-1).
6.2.2. Review and analyze aircraft aborts, IFEs, and incidents involving damage to equipment
or injury of personnel to determine if trend analysis, cross-tell or MSEP focus is warranted.
6.2.3. Comply with the configuration management program requirements IAW Chapter 14
6.2.3. (AMC) N/A for En Route and CRW.
6.2.4. In coordination with PS&D, comply with TCTO Program requirements IAW Chapter
14, TO 00-5-1 and TO 00-5-15. (T-1).
6.2.4. (AMC) En Routes and CRW will ensure TCTOs are managed, as applicable, for
equipment they own. (T-2).
6.2.5. In conjunction with PS&D, develop a local Job Standard (JST) for both gaining and
losing aircraft and equipment transfer inspection IAW Chapter 14 (T-1). Note: For the
purpose of this instruction JST is an alpha code identifying the type job represented in a job
standard (defined in IMDS User’s Manual AFSM 21-566, Volume 2).
6.2.6. Coordinate with PS&D on all AFTO Form 103s. (T-1).
6.2.7. Manage OTIs. (T-1).
6.2.8. Augment evaluations at the request of the WS. (T-1). Flightline weapons loading
inspections/evaluations are the responsibility of WS evaluators.
6.2.9. Evaluate unit maintenance management procedures, including locally developed forms,
publications, OIs, checklists, for accuracy, intent, and necessity as referenced in this AFI. (T-
6.2.10. Continuously evaluate cyber hygiene and discipline practices and cyber incident
reporting per applicable TO, wing directive, and this instruction for compliance or deficiencies.
(T-1). Report weapons system and support equipment cyber related deficiencies to the
applicable Program Manager in accordance with T.O. 00-35D-54. (T-1). Elevate resolution of deficient cyber-requirements or issue via an AF Form
1067, Modification Proposal in accordance with AFI 63-101/20-101, and/or
maintenance assistance request (such as, Technical Assistance Request) in accordance
with TO 00-25-107 Maintenance Assistance. (T-1).
6.2.11. (Added-AMC) QA is the OPR for the Ramp Inspection Program and may delegate
ramp inspection taskings to qualified technicians (T-2).
6.2.12. (Added-AMC) Weapon System Lead (WSL) MXG QA will coordinate with like
MDS units in developing and updating applicable MDS Routine Inspection Lists (RILs) and
corresponding Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLs) annually (T-2). One En Route unit will be
designated as the En Route Lead QA who will coordinate with other En Route units to update
the RIL and AQLs annually (T-2). (Added-AMC) WSL QA and En Route Lead QA are identified on the QA point
of contact (POC) list located on the HQ AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint at
6.2.13. (Added-AMC) Evaluate the Mobility Aircraft Defensive Systems Loading program,
if applicable (T-2).
6.2.14. (Added-AMC) Evaluate FCCs/MEPs at En Route locations as required (T-2). (Added-AMC) QAs will forward reports back to the FCC’s/MEP’s home station
QA or upload to LEAP (T-2). (Added-AMC) The report will be loaded in the home station LEAP site and will
be included as a separate item in the MSEP summary (T-2).
6.2.15. (Added-AMC) Execute the graduate assessment program in accordance with
Chapter 11 (T-2).
6.3. QA Superintendent (QA SUPT) Responsibilities. In addition to the applicable Flight
CC/SUPT duties in Chapter 2 the QA SUPT will:
6.3.1. Develop and maintain a master training plan to train all QA Inspectors, and include
augmentees, if applicable. (T-1). Note: See Paragraph for minimum MAJCOM
training requirements for inspectors inspecting MXO function.
6.3.2. Develop and monitor the MSEP using the LEAP QA database and provide supervisors
access to MSEP data. (T-1).
6.3.3. Notify the appropriate agencies when deficiencies are found in (AF, MAJCOM/Lead
Command, WG, Group (GP)) instructions. (T-1).
6.3.4. Review maintenance-related instructions, supplements, operating instructions, forms
and local/functional and emergency action checklists every two years or when source data
changes for accuracy, intent, and necessity. (T-1). The QA SUPT will document the review once complete. (T-1).
6.3.5. Review JSTs annually or when source data changes for accuracy, intent and necessity.
(T-1). The QA SUPT will document the review once complete. (T-1).
6.3.6. Ensure management and special inspections are performed (when required). (T-1).
6.3.7. Ensure the GP portion of the FOD Prevention Program is conducted IAW Chapter 11
6.3.8. Oversee and implement the GP Impoundment Procedures IAW Chapter 7 (T-1).
6.3.9. Coordinate on all requests for locally manufactured, developed, and modified tools and
equipment, and maintain records for approved requests. (T-1). This includes pictures or drawings and a description of the use for each item. If applicable technical data contains the option for use of these tools and
equipment, QA does not need to coordinate or maintain the records on these items. Locally manufactured, developed or modified equipment for weapons
loading, maintenance and the armament systems flight must be coordinated through the
WWM before routing to QA. (T-1).
6.3.10. Verify IPI requirements from MAJCOM and sources outlined in TO 00-20-1 and
publish combined MXG IPI listing every 2 years as a minimum or when source data changes.
6.3.11. Develop KTL/RIL to supplement MAJCOM listings in conjunction with the
Operations Officer/MX SUPT (if required). (T-1). Provide copies of approved KTL/RIL to all affected organizations. (T-1).
6.3.12. Ensure Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) Standards are developed for all tasks
including key tasks and routine inspections not included on the MAJCOM AQL. (T-1).
6.3.13. Ensure agendas and presentations are compiled for the MSEP summary. (T-1).
6.3.14. Review wing requests for assistance IAW Chapter 1 and Chapter 14 (T-1).
6.3.14. (AMC) Provide assistance in accordance with AMCI 21-108 to ensure request for
assistance(s) are submitted for aircraft off-station.
6.3.15. Designate a Chief Inspector. (T-1).
6.3.16. Designate individuals to be the Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO) and
Product Improvement Manager (PIM). (T-1).
6.3.16. (AMC) For AMOGs with geographically separated units, a TODO will be assigned to
each location. Exception: Deployed AMOG units can use a regional TODO (T-2).
6.3.17. Designate individuals to be the W&B and FCF Program managers. (T-1).
6.3.17. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for En Route and CRW.
6.3.18. Monitor the ASIP IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
6.3.18. (AMC) [DEV] En Routes and CRW are not required to appoint a monitor, but will
follow MDS specific TOs for collection and reporting of ASIP data. (T-2).
6.3.19. Maintain DOP program oversight IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
6.3.20. When hot refueling is performed by maintenance personnel, ensure Hot Refueling
Program is accomplished IAW TO 00-25-172 and this AFI. (T-1).
6.3.21. Ensure non-resident organizations hot refueling aircraft at an AF certified hot pit
coordinate site/personnel certification, utilization and documentation requirements with the
supporting QA and Airfield Management/Operations. (T-1). Using units are responsible for maintaining currency/reporting requirements. (T-
6.3.22. Ensure designated Responders/facilitators respond to DoD IT incidents that lack the
capability to perform a mission function. (T-1). Consolidate and report incidents in coordination with the WAM or designated
official. (T-1). Example: ETIMS containing software for a TO task that does not have a
hardware TO approving its installation or use.
6.3.23. (Added-AMC) Maintain Ramp Inspection Program in accordance with Chapter 11,
if tasked. (T-2).
6.4. Chief Inspector Responsibilities. The Chief Inspector is responsible to the QA SUPT for
ensuring functions listed below are performed and is responsible for applicable Section
NCOIC/Chief duties in Chapter 2. The Chief Inspector will:
6.4.1. Use assigned inspectors/augmentees to provide on-the-spot assistance to correct
problems. (T-1).
6.4.2. Spot-check TOs, inspection work cards, checklists, job guides and WUC manuals
during evaluations and inspections for currency and serviceability. (T-1).
6.4.3. Assist MMA with investigations and studies. (T-1).
6.4.4. Review QA LEAP MSEP inspection summary inputs for accuracy and content. (T-1).
6.4.4. (AMC) For AMOGs with geographically separated units, this responsibility will be
performed by the QA Superintendent (T-2).
6.4.5. Initiate actions when additional attention is required to resolve adverse maintenance
trends or training problems. (T-1).
6.4.5. (AMC) For AMOGs with geographically separated units, this responsibility will be
performed by the QA Superintendent (T-2). Actions include preparing cross-tell information bulletins and messages for
MXG/CC release to other similarly-equipped units and higher headquarters. (Added-AMC) Post any locally generated fleet cross-tell information beneficial
to MAJCOM and similarly equipped units to the AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint (T-2). (Added-AMC) Maintenance Cross-tell messages may be released to the field
from HQ AMC/A4 and will be posted on the HQ AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint
listed in supplement paragraph (T-2).
6.4.6. Review and compile inputs for updating the IPI listing. (T-1). Maintain a copy of the MXG/CC or equivalent approved IPI listing with the
signature and date of review and certification. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) TO directed IPIs are not required to be included in the MXG/CC
consolidated IPI listing.
6.4.7. Review Category II major discrepancies for trends quarterly. (T-1).
6.4.7. (AMC) For AMOGs with geographically separated units, this responsibility will be
performed by the QA Superintendent (T-2). If frequency or severity of identified discrepancies warrant inclusion of that item
into a specific TO governing an action or inspection, the QA Chief Inspector must submit
an RC or develop a local work card, local page supplement or checklist IAW TO 00-5-1.
6.4.8. Establish procedures for QA Inspectors to document completed inspections. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Established procedures must include using LEAP Finding Codes
and other standardized data points in accordance with the guidance located at
o.html (T-2).
6.4.9. Perform inspections on GITA IAW Chapter 11 (T-1).
6.4.10. Construct and maintain a master standardized AFTO Form 781-series forms binder
IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1).
6.4.10. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for En Route and CRW.
6.4.11. Develop an aircrew briefing checklist specifically for high-speed taxi checks (see
Paragraph 6.14) (T-1).
6.4.11. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for En Route and CRW.
6.4.12. Review MSEP data monthly to identify high-missed carded items from Personnel
Evaluations and Quality Verification Inspections (QVI). (T-1). A high-missed carded item is
defined as any work card item missed at least three times during a one-month period.
6.4.12. (AMC) For AMOGs with geographically separated units, this responsibility will be
performed by the QA Superintendent (T-2). Coordinate with MMA to identify any relationships with repeat, recur and CND
trends. (T-1). Include this data in the monthly MSEP summary. (T-1).
6.4.13. Conduct Evaluator Proficiency Evaluations on each inspector. (T-1).
6.4.13. (AMC) The QA SUPT may conduct EPEs when Chief Inspector is unavailable. Evaluators Proficiency Evaluation (EPEs) will be conducted while the Chief
Inspector assesses one Personnel Evaluation (PE) and one technical inspection
(QVI/Special Inspection (SI)). (T-1). Each QA Inspector, permanent or augmentee, must pass both EPEs prior to
performing unsupervised evaluations and inspections. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) To remain current, EPE’s will be conducted while the inspector assesses
one PE and one technical inspection every 18 months (annually for augmentees). The
results will be documented in the MIS and LEAP. Use G081 course code: INSP 000301
for assigned inspectors and INSP 000306 for augmentees (T-2).
6.4.14. Document QA Inspector training in the Training Business Area (TBA). (T-1).
6.4.15. (Added-AMC) Ensure each discrepancy/finding within rated inspection and
evaluation and reports have been assigned both a Category (CAT I or CAT II) and a Finding
Severity (Maj or Min) (T-2).
6.5. Quality Assurance Inspector Responsibilities. QA Inspectors will:
6.5.1. Evaluate flightline and back shop maintenance tasks/inspections and MXO functions to
include items identified by the KTL/RIL. (T-1).
6.5.2. Enter inspection and evaluation reports into the LEAP QA database. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Assign each discrepancy/finding with both a Category (CAT I or
CAT II) and Finding Severity (Maj or Min) (T-2).
6.5.3. Perform QA review of Dull Swords, TCTOs, OTIs, modification proposals, DRs, RCs,
instructions and supplements. (T-1).
6.5.4. Provide training/instruction as applicable to address deficiencies identified during
evaluations/inspections. (T-1).
6.5.5. Evaluate forms and MIS documentation to evaluate compliance IAW MXG written
procedures described in Chapter 2 (T-1).
6.5.6. Evaluate maintenance TO files that are kept on the aircraft (G files). (T-1).
6.6. Quality Assurance Inspector Training. As a minimum, the local QA Inspector Training
Plan will include the applicable items listed below to ensure QA program standardization. (T-1).
6.6.1. Training must cover inspection and evaluation techniques, documenting inspection
worksheets and actions to prevent injury to personnel or property/equipment damage. (T-1).
6.6.2. All EPEs must be tracked in the MIS and/or the LEAP QA database. (T-1). Note:
Additional requirements for Nuclear Weapons Certifying Officials are located in AFI 21-204.
6.6.3. QA Inspectors inspecting outside of their AFSC will be task qualified on a Work Center
Job Qualification Standard (WJQS) in TBA for the KTL requirements they evaluate. (T-1). Chief Inspectors will identify other critical tasks requiring AF Form 797
qualification (QA WJQS) within TBA as required. (T-1). For all other tasks, QA Inspectors must be familiar with the
requirements/procedures of tasks they evaluate. (T-1). Cross Utilization Training for QA Inspector is not allowed for 2W1/2W0
maintenance tasks. Only 2W1/2W0 personnel will perform these inspections. (T-1). (AMC) QA inspectors may evaluate chaff/flare loading/unloading
procedures. QA inspectors evaluating Scheduling and Analysis functions must be
trained and qualified. (T-1). Note: See Paragraph for additional
6.6.4. All QA Inspectors will complete egress certification IAW Chapter 4 before evaluating
egress tasks (if applicable). (T-1).
6.6.5. QA Inspectors may evaluate welding operations and processes. However, QA
Inspectors will not evaluate completed welds unless certified IAW TO 00-25-252. (T-1).
6.6.6. MAJCOMs will determine if QA personnel who conduct engine run evaluations are
required to maintain the engine run proficiency requirements outlined in Chapter 11 and
document requirements in their supplement to this AFI. (T-2). (Added-AMC) QA is exempt from paragraph 11.17.8 of the Engine Run Training
and Certification Program.
6.6.7. Inspectors evaluating Low Observables (LO) maintenance must complete applicable
LO TD courses and be certified in core training tasks contained in Attachment 3 of the 2A7X5
CFETP. (T-1).
6.6.8. QA Inspectors must be trained on all associated safety requirements prior to performing
inspections on fuel systems or fuel systems repair facilities IAW TO 1-1-3. (T-1).
6.6.9. QA Inspectors evaluating NDI technicians during PEs must be a trained and qualified
2A7X2 (or civilian equivalent) on the method being evaluated. (T-1).
6.6.10. PMEL quality assurance program requirements are defined in AFMAN 21-113 and
TO 00-20-14. PEs, QVIs and EPEs will only be performed by PMEL trained and qualified
2P0X1 personnel or equivalent. (T-1). MSEP related inspection (PEs and QVIs) may be performed on other
logistics/maintenance actions within the PMEL to include, but not limited to, production
control, maintenance supply actions, and QA functions not associated with
calibration/certification tasks.
6.6.11. (Added-AMC) Quality Assurance Augmentation. If a functional area does not warrant
a full time position in QA, but specialized expertise is required, the QA Superintendent will
select qualified technicians to augment QA in coordination with the affected unit Maintenance
Supervision (T-2). (Added-AMC) The QA Superintendent will maintain a current listing of
augmentees (T-2). (Added-AMC) The QA Superintendent will establish the duties of the
augmentee (T-2). (Added-AMC) QA augmentees require the same training and EPE
requirements of other QA inspectors (T-2).
6.7. Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation Program (MSEP). The purpose of the
MSEP is to provide units with a method of evaluating technical compliance and measure how well
they comply with established standards.
6.7.1. Units will develop a MSEP and conduct local inspections to ensure their programs,
processes, maintenance technician proficiency, equipment condition and other focus areas are
in compliance with AF, MAJCOM and local directives. (T-1). The unit level MSEP is not
applicable to contract maintenance activities unless required by the contract SOW or PWS. The MSEP will be developed in conjunction with inputs from assigned squadron
Operations Officers/Superintendents and Group Leadership and will be executed by QA.
(T-1). The MXG/CC will focus the unit program on problem areas where improvements
are needed. (T-1). The following types of evaluations, inspections and observations support the
MSEP: PEs, QVIs, SIs, Management Inspection (MI)s, Detected Safety Violation (DSV)s,
Technical Data Violation (TDV)s, Unsatisfactory Condition Report (UCR)s, and when
directed, other inspections. These inspection terms may differ in the LEAP QA database however,
MAJCOMs must provide non-standard terms and definitions in their supplement to this
AFI when used. Develop the monthly MSEP on the minimum personnel evaluations,
inspections or observation requirements as depicted in Air Force Manpower Standard
21QX Quality Assurance Attachment 4, located on the Air Force Manpower Analysis
Agency SharePoint site:
6.7.2. Unit MSEP Focus Areas. QA shall assess how units are meeting compliance goals and
will identify areas of opportunity for improvement. (T-1). A unit’s MSEP will focus on: Compliance with and currency of TOs and directives. (T-1). Ensure personnel at all levels are responsible and accountable for enforcing
mandatory standards and ensuring all applicable TOs and directives are complete,
current and used. Aircraft, systems and equipment forms documentation. (T-1). Ensure forms used to document any maintenance related action for aircraft,
systems or equipment are documented IAW 00-20 series TOs, specific equipment TO
requirements, and other applicable directives and supplements. (T-1). MSEP will validate compliance with the MXG’s or equivalents’ written
procedures to ensure aircraft/system forms, equipment forms and MIS documentation
are complete, accurate, and accomplished for each shift as referenced in Paragraph
2.4.53 (T-1). Aircraft, Systems and Equipment Inspections. (T-1). Ensure aircraft and equipment, including munitions, are inspected IAW TOs
and directives. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Compliance and Management of Occupational Safety and Health, Environmental,
Bioenvironmental, Housekeeping, and FOD Programs. (T-1). Personnel at all levels are responsible for minimizing risk to equipment,
personnel and the environment. (T-1). Training. (T-1). Verify training is correctly documented and ensure individuals are
qualified/certified to perform evaluated tasks. (T-1). Unit-Directed Programs. (T-1). Verify units’ programs are in compliance with local directives. (T-1). Key Task List (KTL). (T-1). The KTL is an AF, MAJCOM or unit developedlist
of required inspections that cover tasks that are complex and tasks affecting safety of flight. MAJCOMs will identify minimum KTLs for each MDS. (AMC) As a minimum, KTL includes all tasks that would require an FCF
as specified in the applicable MDS technical data. Key tasks will be identified on the
RIL for each MDS (T-2). All maintenance actions/functions listed on the KTL require mandatory call-
in to QA each time the maintenance action/function is accomplished. (T-1). QA evaluators will respond and perform an evaluation. (T-1). The MXG/CC may waive the inspection or designate authorized
a representative(s) to waive the inspection. QA will track all KTLs called in, waived or completed and
maintain a list of MXG-designated KTL waiver authorities. (T-1). QA will review and update the KTL list at least every 2 years to ensure it
encompasses those maintenance actions/functions directly affecting quality of
maintenance. (T-1). Routine Inspection List (RIL). (T-1). The RIL is an AF, MAJCOM, or unit
developed list of routine inspections that must be performed. Frequency is determined by
the MXG/CC or equivalent if not mandated by the MAJCOM. (T-1). QA shall consolidate Operations Officer/MX SUPT inputs and suggested
changes to the RIL and obtain MXG/CC approval. (T-1). (AMC) Units will use the AMC weapon system, En Route, general, AGE,
Ammo, and FAB RILs, as applicable, located at
hello.html (T-2). Units may add to the standardized RILs as necessary to develop a
local inspection plan for their unit. (Added-AMC) Each WSL QA and the En Route lead QA will build
and coordinate AMC RILs with like MDS/En Route units (T-2). Note: HQ
AMC/A4M AGE Functional, Ammo Functional, FAB Functional, and Quality
Assurance Functional maintain the AGE, AMMO, FAB, and General RILs.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Coordinated RILs will be emailed to HQ AMC/A4MX
at by 1 October of each year (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Out of cycle updates to AMC RIL/AQL willuse
the coordination process in paragraph (T-2). Additional RIL requirements, for nuclear capable units, are located in
AFMAN 21-200. Tasks will not be removed from the RIL without issuing authorities’
approval (such as, AF, MAJCOM, MXG/CC). (T-1). The RIL must contain the following if applicable to the unit: Pre-flight. (T-1). Thru-flight. (T-1). Basic post-flight. (T-1). HSC/HPO inspections. (T-1). Aircraft forms/MIS documentation. (T-1). Equipment forms/MIS documentation. (T-1). Aircraft and munitions flightline accountability/accountable property
system of record (APSR). (T-1). Aircraft ground handling. (T-1). Launch and recovery. (T-1). Servicing tasks. (T-1). Technical data. (T-1). CTK Program. (T-1). TMDE calibrations when the performing work center is not a PMEL
IAW TO 00-20-14. (T-1). AGE maintenance. (T-1). AGE flightline use. (T-1). Housekeeping. (T-1). Vehicles. (T-1). Aircraft washes/aircraft corrosion inspections. (T-1). Supply discipline (example, TNB, DIFM management & coding). (T-
1). Equipment washes/ equipment corrosion inspections. (T-1). Environmental compliance. (T-1). NWRM accountability and forms documentation. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 TCTO Program. (T-1). Time-Change Program. (T-1). FHP management. (T-1). Maintenance Cyber Discipline. (T-1). Upload and download of software and data. (T-1). Malicious code detection and reporting. (T-1). (Added-AMC) WSL QA and the En Route lead QA may use the
following categories as the basis for building RILs, as applicable. Unit RILs must
not duplicate evaluation areas already identified on MAJCOM RILs (T-2). (Added-AMC) Category 1: Aircraft Generation. Subcategories
include: Launch/Recovery, Ground Handling, and Servicing. (Added-AMC) Category 2: Major Aircraft Inspections.
Subcategories include: HSC, ISO, Letter Check, and Refurbishment, as
applicable. (Added-AMC) Category 3: Aircraft Maintenance.
Subcategories include: Airframe General, Landing Gear, Fuels, Engines,
Hydraulic Systems, Environmental Systems, Electrical Systems, Flight
Controls, Comm/Nav Systems, and Guidance and Control. (Added-AMC) Category 4: Off Equipment. Subcategories
include: Component Repair/Support General off Equipment and Support
General On/Off Equipment. QA will coordinate with the Munitions Activity (Munitions Flight CC/SUPT; or
Operations Officer/MX SUPT in the MUNS) and will develop quarterly standards (such
as, number of inspections and frequency) for the following areas: Munitions accountability. (T-1). Munitions storage practices, security and safety. (T-1). Munitions inspections. (T-1). Munitions materiel handling and test equipment. (T-1). Munitions stockpile management. (T-1). Tactical missile reporting system. (T-1). Munitions infrastructure (such as, adequacy of lightning protection and
grounding systems, bonding of facility doors, adequate power conversion equipment).
(T-1). Munitions training programs. (T-1). Maintenance Cyber Discipline. (T-1).
6.7.3. Unit MSEP Evaluation and Inspection (E&I) Plan. QA will develop an E&I Plan
specifying numbers of approved areas and types (PE, QVI, SI, MI) of inspections and
evaluations to complete during the month. Types of inspections must be separated and shall
not be combined (such as, PE/QVI). (T-1).
6.7.3. (AMC) Inspections that are not scheduled or occur on a regular basis can be tracked on
quarterly and annual E&I plans. The E&I Plan, and changes to it, will be coordinated through each squadron
Operations Officer/MX SUPT and approved by the MXG/CC. (T-1). The E&I Plan will be reviewed and updated monthly based on trends in the
maintenance complex and will be adjusted to meet the MXG/CC’s focus areas. (T-2). (AMC) The E&I Plan will be reviewed and updated quarterly (T-2). (Added-AMC) The quarterly plan must show inspections accomplished
during each month within the quarter (T-2). When developing the E&I Plan, the QA SUPT will: Address areas of concern identified by maintenance managers and the
WWM. (T-1). Tailor the plan for each squadron, flight and section. (T-1). Coordinate and distribute the E&I Plan. (T-1).
6.7.4. Evaluation Criteria. Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL). AQLs denotes the maximum allowable
number of minor findings that a process or product may be charged for the task to be rated
“Pass” and are used to minimize subjectivity in assessing tasks identified by the MSEP. MAJCOMs may develop standardized AQLs by weapon system and
establish procedures to review at least annually. (AMC) The WSL QA and the En Route lead QA will review AQL data
during annual RIL coordination and adjust command standard AQLs accordingly (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Local RIL AQLs will not be less stringent than AMC
RIL AQLs (T-2). MXG/CCs will establish AQLs for tasks/inspections not included on the
MAJCOM AQL listing. (T-2). AQLs need to be derived/revised from QA performance-based data. AQLs/baselines for nuclear maintenance, cruise missile maintenance and
nuclear weapons handling tasks are defined in AFMAN 21-200. Discrepancy Categories. Category I (CAT I). A required inspection/TO/AFI procedural item missed
or improperly completed. This category is a specific AFI requirement, work card item
or TO step, warning, caution, or note for a specific condition or action. Use sub-
classifications of major or minor to indicate the discrepancy’s relative severity. (Added-AMC) Category I discrepancies/findings may be used to
identify requirements that are specific to the evaluated task, process, or program
and are found in the guidance required to be present and used in order to complete
the task. Category II (CAT II). An obvious defect, which could have been readily
detected by a technician or supervisor, but is not a specific AFI requirement, work card
item or TO step, warning, caution, or note for that specific evaluated task. Use sub-
classification of major or minor to indicate the discrepancy’s relative severity. (Added-AMC) Discrepancies/findings identified during zonal
inspections will be CAT II (T-2). (Added-AMC) Category II discrepancies/findings may be used to
identify requirements that are general guidance and may apply to multiple tasks,
processes, and programs. Findings. A major finding is defined as a condition that may endanger personnel,
jeopardize equipment or system reliability, impact safety of flight or warrant
discontinuing the process or equipment operation. Any major discrepancy will result in an automatic inspection failure. (T-1). The QA Inspector will intercede and declare a major finding when one
additional action will result in one of the following; endanger personnel, jeopardize
equipment or system reliability, impact safety of flight or warrant discontinuing the
process or equipment operation. (T-1). The QA Inspector will write up the major finding even though the
jeopardizing action was never taken due to their intercession. (T-1). A minor finding is defined as an unsatisfactory condition that requires repair or
correction, but does not endanger personnel, impact safety of flight, jeopardize equipment
reliability or warrant discontinuing a process or equipment operation. CAT II minors shall be documented for trends, but must not be counted
against the AQL. (T-1). Soft FO contained in tool kits or found in cargo areas of aircraft which pose
no FOD threat are classified as a minor finding since it will require more than one
additional action to meet the definition of a major finding.
6.7.5. Observations. This category represents observed events or conditions with safety
implications or technical violations not related to an evaluation or inspection, are considered
unsafe, in violation of established procedures, or in the case of equipment, unfit for operations.
Observations include: DSVs, TDVs and UCRs. The LEAP QA database is used to document
any of the following conditions: DSV. An observed unsafe act by an individual. The QA Inspector must stop the unsafe act immediately. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The QA Inspector will not document a separate DSV on an individual
undergoing a PE since the unsafe act automatically results in a "Fail" rating on the PE.
(T-1). The QA Inspector will use DSV verbiage in the PE summary when a
safety violation is committed during a PE. (T-1). TDV. An observation of any person performing maintenance without the proper
technical data available, available but not in use or not following the correct sequence of
steps (if directed). The technician must have knowledge of all general directives associated
with the job prior to performing the task. (T-1). However, those general directives need
not be present at the job site. Do not document a separate TDV on an individual undergoing a PE, but use
TDV verbiage in the PE summary since failure to use technical data automatically
results in a "Fail" rating. UCR. An unsafe or unsatisfactory condition, other than a DSV, chargeable to the
work center supervisor. UCRs will be documented even when it is not possible to determine who
created the condition. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Only document a UCR for unsafe or unsatisfactory
conditions that would meet the definition criteria of a major finding (T-3).
6.7.6. Evaluations. An evaluation represents the direct evaluation of a logistics action,
inspection, or training conducted/performed by an individual or team. Evaluations are used to
evaluate job proficiency, degree of training, and compliance with technical data or instructions. PE. A PE is an over-the-shoulder (direct) evaluation of a maintenance action,
inspection, or internal MXG support process (such as, PS&D, Analysis, MOC). Individuals
performing, supervising or evaluating tasks are subject to a PE. PEs may be performed on
individuals working alone or as part of a team. Rate PEs “Pass or Fail” based on established AQLs/standards. (T-1). Document the PE in the LEAP QA database. (T-1). PEs will be accomplished on all technicians who perform maintenance. (T-
1). MAJCOMs will “established” the frequency. (T-2). (AMC) A PE will be accomplished at least once every 18 months on all
active duty and civilian technicians (T-2). In associate units, PEs will be performed on
Air Reserve Technicians at least once every 18 months and Traditional ARCmembers
at least once every 36 months (T-2). (Added-AMC) All PEs will be tracked in G081 using course code
ACFT 000001 for active duty and civilian technicians (T-2). In associate units, Air
Reserve Technicians will be tracked using G081 course code ACFT 000012 and
Traditional ARC members will use ACFT 0000010 (T-2). (Added-AMC) G081 will only be updated after one or more of
the following documents (digital or hardcopy) are provided to the applicable
Section Chief (T-2): (Added-AMC) AF Form 2426 signed by a QA inspector. (Added-AMC) Individual evaluation report from the QA
database. (Added-AMC) A consolidated PE list from the QA database. (Added-AMC) QA will perform an initial and recurring (18 month)
PE on MQTP/RTC instructors that will include task(s) from any level I, II or III
course the instructor is qualified to teach (T-2). QA will document strengths,
weakness, and areas that need improvement within the evaluation (T-2). A copy of
the results will be routed through the MT Chief (T-2). Note: PE will not be
performed on classroom instruction. (Added-AMC) Newly assigned personnel PE start date is a previous
PE date or date personnel arrived on station (T-3). Personnel in any AFSC certified to perform nuclear maintenance or logistics
operations (example, limited general maintenance, transfer, transport) will also comply
with applicable PE requirements in AFMAN 21-200. (T-1). Types of PEs. Individual Evaluations. This is a QA over-the-shoulder (direct)
evaluation of a technician or supervisor performing a job. Team Evaluations. This is a QA over-the-shoulder (direct) evaluation
of technicians and supervisors performing a team task. (AMC) Team evaluations will be documented as one evaluation
chargeable to the team supervisor (T-2). A team task is one requiring more than one person to complete
the task (for example, refueling, ECM pod up/down loading, bomb build-up,
towing, weapons maintenance, pylon installation). Team evaluations must accurately assess the proficiency of each
individual under evaluation. (T-1). Refer to AFMAN 21-200 for nuclear weapons maintenance and
handling evaluations. (Added-AMC) Graduate Assessment. This is a QA over-the-shoulder
evaluation of a technician and, at a minimum, will be conducted on students who
graduate from the courses listed in paragraph 11.44. QA Inspectors will conduct PE’s on each NDI technician, for each NDI
method annually (every 2 years for the ARC) to ensure effective trending on NDI
methods. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Performing a PE. When performing a PE, the QA Inspector will brief the
individual or team on the evaluation and how it will be rated. (T-1). The QA inspector will determine what task will be evaluated. (T-1). The PE will include an evaluation of: the individual’s training records, SCR
(if task requires), tools, equipment, TMDE (use/impact of certification label limitation
on maintenance being performed), and TOs used to perform the task. (T-1). (AMC) PEs will include evaluation of forms documentation pertaining to
the task performed. (T-2). The evaluation starts when the individual or team begins the task, or portion
of the task to be evaluated, and is completed when the task or previously determined
portion of the task is finished. (T-1). Provide feedback to the individual or team and supervision upon completion.
(T-1). Rating PEs. QA Inspectors rate each evaluation based on AQLs/standards. The
rating applies only to the specific task evaluated and not to other tasks that a technician or
supervisor is qualified to perform. Upon completion of a failed evaluation, the QA Inspector
must provide on-the-spot feedback. (T-1). Determine ratings as follows: Pass: Number of discrepancies does not exceed AQL/standards. Fail: An evaluation that results in any of the following: Number of discrepancies exceeds the established AQL/standards. A technician fails to detect a major discrepancy while complying with
an inspection or TO requirement. A technician fails to comply with a technical data step that could affect
the performance of the equipment involved or cause injury to personnel. QA Inspectors will notify individuals immediately during the PE
that a TDV was committed. (T-1). Do not document a separate TDV on an individual undergoing a
PE, since failure to use technical data automatically results in a “Fail” rating. A technician demonstrates a lack of technical proficiency, system
knowledge or demonstrated knowledge commensurate with skill grade. Training and certification not documented. A technician commits a safety violation. Use the word “Safety” when a safety violation is committed
during a PE. Do not document a separate DSV on an individual undergoing a
PE since the unsafe act automatically results in a “Fail” rating on the PE. A technician fails to document maintenance actions in appropriate
equipment records.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 For nuclear weapons maintenance, an unsatisfactory rating must be
given when any deficiencies or applicable unsatisfactory conditions exist IAW
AFMAN 21-200. (T-1).
6.7.7. Inspections: An inspection represents inspections of equipment, programs and
processes to ensure compliance with established standards. Inspections are rated as “Pass” or
“Fail”. Inspections include:
6.7.7. (AMC) The QA inspector must utilize a TO as a reference while performing inspections
(T-2). QVIs. A QVI is an inspection of equipment condition, or a maintenance process,
an assessment following a maintenance inspection, servicing or repair action, or
verification that a technician or supervisor properly completed an inspection or repair
action. (AMC) QVIs will include evaluation of forms documentation pertaining to the
inspection, assessment, or verification performed (T-2). QVIs shall not be conducted after equipment operation when such operation
could invalidate indications of proper job accomplishment. Limit QVIs to the same inspection card deck or technical data required for
the job. This inspection does not require disassembling parts, removing stress panels or
like actions. A QVI required for -6 TO inspections may be accomplished by checking a
portion of the required card or area. The QVI report should reflect deficiencies by the individual who
accomplished the task and identify specific discrepancies. Document these discrepancies in active equipment records and forms, for
example AFTO Form 781A, AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support Equipment Record. Rate QVIs “Pass” or “Fail” by comparing the number of discrepancies with
the established AQLs/standards. Pass: Number of discrepancies does not exceed established
AQL/standard. Fail: An inspection that results in any of the following: A technician fails to detect a major discrepancy while complying
with an inspection or TO requirement. Number of CAT I minor discrepancies exceeds the established
AQL/standard. A technician is not signed off in training records as task qualified. Document the QVI in the LEAP QA database. Each QVI is chargeable to the technician or supervisor who
signed off/cleared the “corrected by” block or “inspected by” block of the
applicable maintenance form or equipment record.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 When evaluating the technician who signed off the “inspected
by” block, evaluate only the items normally verified by signing off the “Red-
X”. Only one evaluation is scored for each inspection. Management Inspection (MI). Perform these inspections to follow-up on trends,
conduct investigations or conduct research to get to the root cause of problems. MXG/CCs,
SQ/CCs or work center supervisors may request MIs. MIs may encompass PE/QVI trends
and other inspection data, NMC causes, aborts and trends, IFE trends, high component or
system failure rates, suspected training deficiencies, and tasks outlined in aircraft -6 TOs.
MI results are reported to the requester. MIs can be non-rated and may be counted in QA
trends. The LEAP QA database will be used to document MIs. (T-1). Special Inspections (SIs) are inspections not covered by QVIs, PEs or MIs. SIs
may include, but are not limited to, aircraft and equipment forms inspections, document
file inspections, CTKs, TO files, vehicle inspections, housekeeping, safety practices, FOD
Program, SIs may be condition, procedural or compliance oriented. The LEAP QA database will be used to document special inspections. (T-
1). SIs will be rated as “Pass” or “Fail” based on established AQLs/standards.
6.7.8. Discrepancy Reporting. Report all discrepancies to the applicable work centers. (T-2). QA will provide an authoritative, validated source reference for all reported
discrepancies (such as, work cards, job guides, WUC manuals, checklists, occupational
safety requirements, TOs, and other applicable references). (T-1).
6.7.9. Units will grade their MSEP evaluations using objective ratings based on the following
five-tier rating system: Outstanding: 95-100% (T-1). Excellent: 90-94.99% (T-1). Satisfactory: 80-89.99% (T-1). Marginal: 70-79.99% (T-1). Unsatisfactory: 0-69.99% (T-1). Inspections and evaluations performed (such as, PE, SI, QVI) are rated
“Pass/Fail”. Exception: Unless otherwise directed by AFMAN 21-200 and AFI 21-204 for
Nuclear Weapons PEs and Certification Program. Ratings are calculated by dividing the total number of inspections passed by total
completed. For example, QA inspects 10 aircraft preflights with the following results: 9
“passes” and 1 “failure”. Divide the total “passes” by the total inspections (9/10=0.90) 90
percent for an “Excellent rating. Deduct 0.5 percentage points from overall percentage grade for each TDV,
DSV, and UCR. For example, a squadron earns an overall rating of 90 percent,
“Excellent”, however, QA observed 4 TDVs and 3 DSVs. Multiply the sum (7) by 0.5
and subtract the product (3.5) from the original 90 percent. The adjusted total is 86.5
percent; therefore, the squadron is rated “Satisfactory”.
6.7.10. A cumulative MXG score will be determined by dividing the Group’s total number of
inspections and evaluations passed by the total inspections and evaluations completed. (T-1). Deduct 0.5 percentage points for each TDV, DSV, and UCR from the overall
percentage grade, using same formula in Paragraph
6.7.11. Monthly Summary. QA shall publish and distribute the monthly summary to the
MXG/CC or equivalent and inspected organizations. (T-1). For security purposes, classified portions of the MSEP will be published
separately from the main summary. (T-1). QA will compile the summary from inspection data and attach the load crew
evaluation statistics provided by WS. (T-2). The MSEP summary should include visual information, graphs, narratives,
quality trends identified through inspections and evaluations, discussion of common
problem areas and descriptions of successful programs or initiatives. The following areas must be addressed in the summary: Compliance with and currency of TOs and directives to include unit. (T-
1). Aircraft and equipment forms documentation. (T-1). Compliance and management of Safety, Environmental, Housekeeping,
cyber discipline/Hygiene and FOD Programs. (T-1). Training Program. (T-1). Key Task List (KTL). (T-1). Routine Inspection List (RIL). (T-1). TDVs, DSVs, and UCRs. (T-1). Munitions Program. (T-1). TMDE PMEL Activity Summary (if TMDE lab assigned). (T-1). High-missed carded items. (T-1). A high-missed carded item is defined as any work card itemmissed
at least three times during a one-month period. Units should use the high-missed carded items to enhance
maintenance training programs, detect trends and improve the quality of
maintenance. MMA will review items to identify any relationships with repeat,
recur and CND trends. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Narrative Report: The monthly narrative report must contain an analysis
of the MSEP results, a summary of significant CAT I and II discrepancies, technical
inspections and recommendations for improvement. (T-1). Prior to preparing the narrative report, QA will conduct a study of
trends. (T-1). Trend Analysis. QA will review previous reports to determine if inspected
areas have improved or declined. (T-1). (AMC) Review will include the previous 24 months (T-2). Consistent high scores in any category may indicate the programs
emphasis is not focused on the unit’s actual problem areas. Low scoring areasmay
require a reassessment of the corrective actions taken by management. Continuous
communication between MMA, unit leadership, maintenance supervision, and QA
personnel is essential. Highlight trends and root causes in the summary. (Added-AMC) Highlight corrective action plans and get well dates.
6.7.12. MSEP Meetings. The MXG or equivalent will conduct quarterly meetingsto review a
summary of the last three months of MSEP data. (T-1). The MXG/CC or equivalent shall chair the meeting. (T-1). (AMC) For En Routes, AMOG/CC will chair the quarterly meeting (T-2). Attendees must include, as a minimum, SQ/CCs, Operations Officers/MX
SUPTs, WWMs, Chief Inspector, senior analysts, or their designated representative. (T-1). (AMC) QA SUPT and Maintenance Training leadership will also attend (T-2).
6.7.13. (Added-AMC) Root Cause Analysis. (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC will publish guidance to define root cause
analysis process for inspected units. (T-2). The guidance will contain: (Added-AMC) Who is responsible to provide root cause and corrective
action determination to Quality Assurance Supervision (T-2). (Added-AMC) Who is responsible to provide a corrective action plan and
get well date (T-2).
6.8. LEAP QA Database. Units will use the LEAP QA database to capture MSEP data. (T-1).
The LEAP User’s Manual provides information on registration, site management, and
evaluation/inspection input and can be found at:
6.8.1. LEAP QA Database Roles and Responsibilities. Roles in LEAP are assigned based on
each user’s authorized level of control needed. The roles themselves operate in a hierarchical
manner with each successively higher role possessing all of the rights of the subordinate roles.
Only one role will be assigned to a LEAP user at any given time.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Application Administrator. This role is limited to Defense Information System
Administration (DISA) programming staff and Program Management Office (PMO)
personnel only. They perform Department of the AF-wide database management and
modification. LEAP Application Administrator will: Host a quarterly (virtual) Functional Review Board (FRB) and an annual
(Physical or Virtual) Functional Review Board. (T-1). Attendees shall include: DISA Programming staff, PMO, AF/A4LM
LEAP representative, Functional Administrators, and when possible, Site
Managers. (T-1). Provide initial training to Functional Administrators and Site Managers as
necessary. (T-1). Update the LEAP User’s Manual as necessary. (T-1). Provide a monthly status of all System Change Requests (SCRs). (T-1).
6.8.2. Functional Administrator. LEAP Functional Administrators provide overall database
management and typically operate at the MAJCOM level. Usually assigned to a MAJCOM’s
policy section, they ensure proper use and alignment of the database with current policy
guidelines. They also operate as the primary focal point for all LEAP-related issues within their
MAJCOM and coordinate directly with the LEAP PMO. LEAP Functional Administrators
will: Manage access to LEAP either directly or through local site offices that have the
capability for delegation for Site Managers only, for example, G081 Manager on site. (T-
1). Develop and assign LEAP Finding Codes IAW MAJCOM directives. (T-1). Create, modify, and manage sites within the LEAP Database for their MAJCOM.
(T-1). Transcribe and manage Command Task Lists (CTL) in LEAP IAW MAJCOM
directives (example, RILs). Assist local Site Managers with day-to-day operations in LEAP to include
troubleshooting and reporting SCRs to the PMO. (T-1).
6.8.3. Site Manager. LEAP Site Managers provide local oversight for their respective Group
(or equivalent). Possessing “base level” control, they are able to approve and modify LEAP
Users and assign roles up to and including other Site Managers. While there is no limitation to
how many Site Managers can be assigned per site, the level of control available should warrant
assignment based on appropriate rank/position (typically, QA Superintendent and Chief
Inspector). LEAP Site Managers will: Manage access to LEAP by coordinating new user documentation with their
assigned G081 Manager and approving accounts in LEAP after user registration. (T-1). Modify user accounts according to need. (T-1). Ensure LEAP users are deactivated or downgraded in LEAP when out-processing
the QA office. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Create Flights and Sections in LEAP to which evaluations will be assigned. (T-
1). Assign RILs (Command Task Lists/Site Task Lists) within the LEAP application
to Organizational Sites in order to facilitate entry of the MXG’s Evaluation and Inspection
Plan. (T-1). Build and manage the E&I Plan (if used) in LEAP and ensure it incorporates all
MAJCOM specific requirements. (T-1).
6.8.4. Read-Only Guest. LEAP Read-Only Guests are intended to be supervisory personnel
and unit leadership who require regular access to LEAP Reports and Evaluation
6.9. QA Product Improvement Programs (PIP). QA runs PIP for the maintenance complex.
Combined with daily maintenance data reporting, the PIP monitors and reviews maintenancedata
to identify opportunities to improve aircraft and equipment. PIP includes the following programs:
6.9.1. DR Reporting.
6.9.2. TO RC requests.
6.9.3. SMR code change request(s).
6.9.4. Configuration Management (CM) and Modification Management Program; AF Form
1067, Modification Proposal; and TCTOs.
6.9.4. (AMC) N/A for units not possessing aircraft. QA is responsible for CM and Modification Management. This includes
reviewing, submitting and tracking unit modification proposals being worked by
MAJCOMs/Lead Commands and ensuring proper implementation of approved
modification instructions or TCTOs. QA will manage/document modifications IAW Chapter 14, AFI 63-101/20-101,
TO 00-20-2 and TO 00-5-15. (T-1). QA will establish a process for updating the weapon systems MIS that require
manual updates for TCTO configuration. (T-1).
6.9.5. Product Improvement Manager (PIM). The MXG/CC or equivalent will assign a PIM
within their organization with responsibilities as specified in this Chapter. (T-1). The PIM
promotes deficiency reporting and provides a sound PIP based on inputs from maintenance
activities. The PIM interacts with assigned AFETS personnel, FSR and MAJCOM/Lead
Command as applicable to remain cognizant of ongoing and new improvement initiatives. The
PIM emphasizes and promotes product improvement initiatives and ensures maintenance
personnel are familiar with them by circulating flyers/newsletters, visiting commander’s calls,
presenting the program at maintenance orientation briefings and making routine visits to
maintenance areas. Deficiency Reporting. DR is the process of reporting prescribed by TO 00-35D-
54. Maintenance processing of warranty items is located in TO 00-20-3. The PIM’s will: Monitor the DR process to ensure items are properly loaded in the MIS
database. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure compliance with acceptance inspection reporting requirements on
DRs for aircraft returning from depot or contractor maintenance. (T-1). Ensure DRs are submitted using Joint Deficiency Reporting System (JDRS)
at (T-1). Review the DR prior to releasing to the ALC or AFMC Maintenance Wings
IAW TO 00-35D-54. (T-1). Verify each report against pertinent publications and assign the appropriate
precedence and category. (T-1). Screen reported deficiencies for possible unit-unique contributing factors
and initiate management action on unsatisfactory conditions resulting from local
procedures or a lack of technical capability. (T-1). Perform/coordinate a technical review of DRs returned to the unit without
an adequate response to determine whether resubmitting with additional information is
warranted. (T-1). Perform exhibit-processing oversight by coordinating with the ALC andthe
LRS to ensure proper exhibit control and handling. (T-1). RC Process. The PIM will review and route RCs IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1). SMR code change request. Submit an SMR code change request IAW TO. 00-25-
195, AF Technical Order System Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Coding of Air
Force Weapons, Systems, and Equipment. The PIM will: Track the status of SMR change requests. (T-1). Conduct a technical review of SMR change requests returned from depots
and item managers with an unsatisfactory answer to determine whether to resubmit
with additional information. (T-1). Coordinate repair evaluation meetings when approved SMR change requests
affect several agencies. (T-1). Ensure units with active AFREP coordinate SMR code
changes through the PIM prior to submission to the MAJCOM AFREP Manager. (T-
1). Serve as focal point for base-level repair and manufacturing capability. (T-
6.10. Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO). The TODO ensures TOs and CPINS are
managed IAW AFI 63-101/20-101, TO 00-5-1, TO 00-5-15 and TO 00-5-16. TO 00-5-1 provides
criteria for establishing levels of TO distribution activities. Additionally, TODOs shall control
electronic technical data configuration IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). Establish the PMEL TODO under
the control of the TMDE Flight. (T-1). The TODO will:
6.10.1. Coordinate with QA SME for each incoming TCTO to determine applicability. (T-1). All TCTOs received from outside agencies need to be routed through QA for the
review process.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 TCTO applicability is determined by aircraft serial number for aircraft, engine
serial number for engines, and by part number or other specific criteria for commodities. TCTOs need to be manually or electronically date stamped to reflect the date the
electronic or hard copy is received. Date stamping all TCTOs with the date received indicates QA has reviewed
the TCTO and that applicability has been determined. TCTO electronic date stamping can be accomplished by either (1) utilizing
a locally-developed spreadsheet containing the minimum following information:
TCTO number, MDS, receiving TODO name, applicabilitydetermination and the date
received, all of which must be associated with the corresponding TCTO or (2) inserting
the receipt date on the TCTO utilizing the Adobe Tools feature. For either option, the
date received will be entered by the QA TODO responsible for tracking TCTOs. (T-1). If used, the TCTO tracking spreadsheet or Adobe-inserted date
stamped TCTOs will be electronically secured and controlled by the receiving QA
office. (T-1). Only date-stamped TCTOs are authorized for use. (T-1). “Immediate” action TCTOs must be implemented upon receipt, and
“Urgent Action” TCTOs, safety supplements and interim supplements must be
brought to the attention of local maintenance supervision within 24 hours of receipt.
(T-1). Note: Communication of a grounding, or potential grounding event (TCTO,
OTI, PM event) to weapon systems operating in a deployed environment and/or
under the authority of an operational command must follow the grounding
procedures outlined in AFI 11-401, Aviation Management and 63-101/20-101.
Units will not directly communicate home station requirements to its deployed
forces but provide communication through their respective MAJCOM. (T-1). Post TCTO file copies IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1). TCTO file copies may be posted and distributed in electronic format
provide all requirements of TO 00-5-1 and AFMAN 33-363 are sustained. Electronic
TCTO distribution is automated for ETIMS/IETM. For hard copy TCTOs, provide a file copy of the TCTO to PS&D. (T-1). Ensure personnel assigned as TODO/Technical Order Distribution Account
(TODA) managers meet requirements set forth in TO 00-5-1 and AFI 63-101/20-101. (T-
6.10.2. Manage the QA Central TO File. (T-1). As a minimum, the QA Central TO File must contain copies of general and
procedural TOs and copies of all TCTOs pertaining to the assigned aircraft and equipment
owned, operated or maintained. (Paper copies for paper TOs or local access for digital TOs)
(T-1). The file is kept to meet QA requirements, not to duplicate TOs held by
maintenance work centers.
6.10.3. Manage TO accounts using ETIMS IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1).
6.10.4. Limit use of Local Work Cards, Local Job Guides, Local Page Supplements or Local
Checklists to accomplish maintenance on AF equipment. (T-1). Locally prepared technical
instructions will not be used to circumvent approved technical data (see TO 00-5-1). (T-1). The TODO will review and manage all locally developed products IAW TO 00-
5-1 and MAJCOM supplements for safety and adequacy of procedures. (T-1). (AMC) TODO will coordinate with Maintenance Supervision for review, before
requesting the MXG/CC, or equivalent, approval for publishing (T-3). Local Work Cards, Local Job Guides, Local Page Supplements and Local
Checklists need to be reviewed for currency when source reference data changes. (AMC) Establish procedures to ensure checklists are reviewed for currency
when source reference data changes (T-2). TODO will develop local publications IAW AFI 33-360 to ensure compliance
with these policies. (T-1).
6.10.5. Prepare a list of all changes and revisions to indexes, TOs, inspection work cards and
checklists. (T-1). This list will include TO number and date received. (T-1). The TODO will date stamp the cover page of all paper TOs, changes,
supplements, Local Work Cards, Local Job Guides, Local Checklists and CPINS to reflect
the date the hard copy is received. (T-1). This list will be included in the wing’s weekly maintenance plan and flying
schedule or electronically linked. (T-1). (AMC) For units where a maintenance plan or flying schedule is not
required, this list will be sent out electronically to all affected agencies weekly (T-2). Supervisors need to review the list of changes and ensure all personnel are
aware a change or revision has been received. “Immediate” action TCTOs must be implemented upon receipt, and “Urgent
Action” TCTOs, safety supplements and interim supplements must be brought to the
attention of local maintenance supervision within 24 hours of receipt. (T-1). Note:
Communication of a grounding, or potential grounding event (TCTO, OTI, PM event) to
weapon systems operating in a deployed environment and/or under the authority of an
operational command must follow the grounding procedures outlined in AFI 11-401,
Aviation Management and 63-101/20-101. Units will not directly communicate home
station requirements to its deployed forces but provide communication through their
respective MAJCOM. (T-1).
6.10.6. Ensure all authorized technical data variances are kept with aircraft and equipment
historical records IAW Chapter 14 (T-1).
6.10.7. If designated as Lead TODO (primary as designated in block 5 of the AFTO Form 43
per TO 00-5-1), will conduct a management inspection on other maintenance TODOs/TODAs
in the maintenance complex at least annually along with performing spot checks of TO files.
(T-1). As part of this inspection, the TODO will confirm TODO/TODA personnel and
Library Custodian have completed the mandatory minimum requirements of TO System
training. (T-1). The Lead TODO(s) will coordinate with other TODOs and TODAs, and local
Client Support Administrators, Functional Systems Administrators, and applicable
functional OPRs to ensure eTools are configured with current and only authorized software
to support TO and maintenance documentation. (T-1). Note: Coordination with the local
Communications Squadron to verify network configuration requirements for eTools are
available and sustained to meet the requirements listed in TO 31S5-4-ETOOL-1-WA-1.
Additional user support available through the Air Force Technical Order Functional
Support Team, af[email protected] or DSN 872-9300.
6.10.8. Control the electronic data configuration on applicable eTools IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). TODO/ Functional Systems Administrators will develop local procedures to
quarantine eTools and eTool update history in the event of a mishap. (T-1).
6.10.9. Maintain records of ETIMS IAW TO 00-5-1. (T-1). TODOs shall set up software sub-accounts with each appropriate shop/section
and ensure each shop/section has the most current software on hand. (T-1). TODOs will include ETIMS or equivalent system in the routine and annual
checks required by TO 00-5-1. (T-1).
6.11. One-Time Inspections (OTI) program. The OTI program is managed by the MXG IAW
TO 00-20-1. OTIs are normally look-only actions to verify the existence of suspected equipment
conditions or malfunctions.
6.12. Functional Check Flights (FCFs) to include Operational Check Flights (OCFs).
6.12.1. Check Flights are performed to ensure an aircraft is airworthy and/or capable of
accomplishing its mission. Additional guidance may be found in AFI 11-401, Aviation
Management; AFI 11-202 V3, General Flight Rules; AFI 13-201, AF Airspace Management;
TO 1-1-300, Maintenance Operational Checks and Check Flights; TO 00-20-1; and applicable
-6 TOs and -1 Flight Manuals.
6.12.1. (AMC) For CLS aircraft (C-20, C-21, C-32, C-37, and C-40), follow FCF guidance
contained in the Contract Statement of Work, and any other applicable publications. OCF shall be kept to a minimum and are not used to replace TO 1-1-300,
Maintenance Operational Checks and Check Flights or MDS specific -6 TO Functional
Check Flight (FCF) requirements. OCFs must be flown by experienced aircrews (not
required to be an FCF qualified aircrew), must be briefed by QA for aircraft condition, and
accomplished following the same maintenance criteria as FCFs. (T-1).
6.12.2. The QA FCF Program Manager will:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Establish local FCF procedures IAW TO 1-1-300 and checklists for anyspecific
local aircraft requirements to include configuration, administration, control, and
documentation of the FCF Program. (T-1). Coordinate these procedures with OG Standardization/Evaluation and
publish them in a wing publication/supplement IAW AFI 33-360. (T-1). Coordinate with the appropriate squadron for an FCF pilot/aircrew and provide
squadron operations with the aircraft tail number, reason for the FCF and anticipated
takeoff time. (T-1). Maintain an information file for briefing aircrews. (T-1). As a minimum, this file must contain unit directives concerning FCF
procedures and an FCF checklist for each MDS assigned. (T-1). An FCF checklist will be used for each FCF. (T-1). Ensure all FCFs are debriefed with the appropriate debrief function. (T-1). During debriefing, the FCF checklist and aircraft forms will be reviewed to
determine if all requirements have been accomplished. (T-1). After completing the review, the FCF checklist will be sent to PS&D for
inclusion in the aircraft jacket file. (T-1). Maintain a copy of the AF Form 2400, Functional Check Flight Log, or
equivalent automated product for deficiency and trend analysis. (T-1). (Added-JBMDL) Establish a point of contact (POC) for each section:
Operations Group Standardization/Evaluation Functional Check Flight Officer in Charge
and Quality Assurance Functional Check Flight (FCF)/Operational Check Flight (OCF)
6.12.3. FCF-qualified QA Inspectors will: Ensure the FCF aircrew is briefed on the purpose and extent of the flight,
previous maintenance problems and discrepancies recorded on the aircraft or engines
related to the FCF. (T-1). (JBMDL) Plans, Scheduling and Documentation (PS&D) will schedule the date,
time, and location for FCF/OCF briefings. Attendees include: Quality Assurance (QA),
Weight and Balance personnel, PS&D, qualified Mission Design Series (MDS) system
specialists for affected systems, applicable Productions Superintendent, and aircrew.
Complete and maintain a copy of IMT Form 2400, FCF/OCF/High Speed Taxi Briefing.
(Attachment 2) Coordinate the scheduling of the FCF/OCF with maintenance and
applicable aircrew and post information to the weekly and monthly flying schedules on the
Maintenance Group (MXG) database. File all aircraft forms and pertinent FCF/OCF
documents in the aircraft jacket file. Ensure aircraft W&B documents are reviewed. (T-1). Ensure AF Form 2400 or an equivalent automated product is maintained to
provide information for evaluation and analysis. (T-1). Include the date and time of the FCF, aircraft serial number, reason for
FCF, name of debriefer and name of aircraft commander. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The AF Form 2400 or equivalent automated product will also indicate if the
aircraft was released for flight, reasons for any non-release, action taken and date
completed and the date maintenance documents were forwarded to PS&D or records
section. (T-1).Ensure all maintenance actions are completed and all AFTO Form 781-series
forms are documented IAW MDS specific -6 TO and TO 00-20-1 or electronic equivalent.
(T-1). All maintenance actions on transient aircraft requiring FCF must be reviewed by
QA prior to FCF. (T-1). If the aircraft MDS/type is not assigned at the transient base, then the
owning unit must provide a qualified FCF pilot/crew and maintenance as required.(T-
1). (Added-JBMDL) Maintenance supervision in the Aircraft Maintenance
Squadron or Maintenance Squadron will notify QA when aircraft require an FCF or OCF.
6.12.4. Flight Requirements. The mandatory requirements for FCF are outlined in TO 1-1-300
and the applicable -6 TO. FCF profiles are determined by the maintenance requirement causing
the FCF. The decision to fly a full profile FCF is the decision of the MXG/CC. The FCF profile
will be tailored for the discrepancy causing the FCF by applying the following guidance: Require a clean configuration whenever FCFs are flown for flight controls, fuel
controls or engine changes. (T-1). Do not remove fixed wing pylons, fixed wing tip tanks and fixed external stores
unless they interfere with fuel scheduling, aerodynamic reaction, air loading, signal
propagation. (T-1). Do not fly FCFs in conjunction with other missions or training requirements,
unless authorized in TO 1-1-300. (T-1).
6.12.5. FCF Release. An FCF release occurs upon the successful completion of all
requirements as determined by the FCF aircrew. The final decision to release rests solelywith
the aircraft commander. An aircraft may be released for flight if a malfunction occurs during
an FCF, which is not related to the condition generating the FCF and the original condition
checks good. An FCF conditional release may occur when the aircraft does not successfully
complete FCF requirements due to a specific system malfunction. The FCF aircrew, in
coordination with maintenance, determines a FCF conditional release if the malfunction
may be corrected without generating another FCF. If upon review of the corrective action,
the FCF aircrew accepts the maintenance action as a satisfactory repair of the malfunction,
they may release the aircraft from FCF.
6.12.6. MAJCOMs will determine the process and level of command that will issue
instructions for FCF procedures away from home station in their supplements to this AFI.
6.12.6. (AMC) The home station QA will coordinate with the on-scene QA office for all off-
station FCF, OCF and high speed taxi checks (T-2). The owning aircraft QA is responsible for
ensuring the off-station QA, En Route or CRW has everything required to ensure proper
FCF/OCF/high speed taxi checks are conducted.
6.13. Inflight Operational Checks. Inflight operational checks (as applicable) will be
accomplished IAW TO 1-1-300, TO 00-20-1 and applicable -6 and -1 TOs. (T-1).
6.13.1. Document inflight operational checks IAW TO 00-20-1.
6.14. High Speed Taxi Checks. The MXG/CC and OG/CC may authorize high speed taxi checks
when a maintenance ground operational check requires aircraft movement at higher than normal
taxi speeds (with qualified FCF aircrews) to operationally check completed maintenance.
6.14.1. High speed taxi checks (as applicable) will be accomplished IAW TO 1-1-300 instead
of FCFs. (T-1). Process aircraft forms through QA using FCF procedures. (T-1). QA will develop an aircrew briefing checklist specifically for high speed taxi
checks, to include the required FCF briefing items and pertinent warnings, cautions. (T-1).
6.14.2. Configure aircraft with the minimum -1 operational fuel requirements. (T-1).
6.14.3. Ensure aircraft is prepared for flight and the Exceptional/Conditional Release is signed
off prior to conducting high speed taxi checks. (T-1).
6.15. Weight and Balance (W&B) Program. QA will maintain the W&B Program IAW TO 1-
1B-50, Basic Technical Order for USAF Aircraft Weight and Balance. (T-1).
6.15. (AMC) Weight and Balance (W&B) Program. Units will develop a local W&B
instruction (T-2). N/A for En Route/CRW. As a minimum, the local instruction will address:
procedures for routing completed TCTO and modification information for aircraft W&B changes
and procedures for notifying QA W&B program manager when an aircraft’s weight changes (T-
2). It will also address the standardized physical location of the supplemental W&B Handbookon
assigned aircraft (T-2).
6.15.1. W&B manuals for Class I and II aircraft are maintained in a central file. (T-1). The Lead Command will standardize the method of supplemental handbook
storage and physical location for like-MDS aircraft. (T-2).
6.15.2. QA will manage W&B on commercial derivative aircraft IAW Chapter 6 (T-1). Note:
The contractor is responsible for managing W&B programs on contract logistics supported
6.15.3. The W&B Program Manager will ensure:
6.15.3. (AMC) En Route/CRW and deployed location QAs will contact 618 AOC/GADM
and the owning aircraft QA office to resolve W&B issues (T-2). Sufficient personnel are qualified on assigned aircraft IAW TO 1-1B-50. (T-1). (AMC) The J6ANW2AXXX 0W1A Weight and Balance computer based
training (CBT) is the AMC Approved AWBS familiarization course (T-2). All assigned aircraft are weighed IAW prescribe MDS specific publications and
directives. (T-1). The W&B Program Manager will: Keep W&B documents required by TO 1-1B-50 for each assigned aircraft.
(T-1). Use the Automated Weight and Balance System, and maintain a back-up
copy of all W&B documents. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Verify weight and moment calculations on all newly assigned
aircraft before the first flight (T-2). In addition, verify weight and moment calculations
on aircraft that return from repairs at a depot/contractor facility before the first flight
(T-2). Procedures are established for routing completed TCTO and modification
information for W&B changes. (T-1). (AMC) Organizational and intermediate level TCTOs, and permanent or
temporary modifications may affect the basic aircraft weight and moment. (Added-AMC) Inspect W&B documents before the first flight, review
computations for accuracy, and ensure applicable W&B records are properly
documented (T-2). Essential W&B data and changes to the basic weight and moment are available
for appropriate mission planning (such as, Standard Configuration Loads, updates to
supplemental handbook). (T-1). Periodic serviceability inspections are accomplished on unit-stored and
maintained W&B equipment (as applicable). (T-1). (AMC) Centralized Automated Weight and Balance System (AWBS) database
is kept current by using the “upload to central server” feature in AWBS (T-2). Coordination with Operations Officer/MX SUPT in developing a W&B
Preparation Checklist if the aircraft -5 TO is not comprehensive enough for the task. (T-
1). The SCR reflects W&B certification. (T-1).
6.15.4. W&B Qualified QA Inspector Responsibilities. The W&B Qualified QA Inspector
will: Verify scale readings and accomplish/oversee the actual computations. (T-1). Supervise the preparation, leveling and weighing of the aircraft IAW MDS
specific –2 and –5 series TOs and TO 1-1B-50. (T-1). Inspect W&B documents before flight when locally-accomplished modifications
affect the basic aircraft weight and moment. (T-1). Review computations for accuracy. (T-1).
Chapter 7
7.1. Aircraft and Equipment Impoundment. Aircraft or equipment is impounded when
intensified management is warranted due to system or component malfunction or failure of a
serious or chronic nature. Refer to AFI 91-204 for aircraft and equipment involved in accidents,
mishaps or incidents. Impounding aircraft and equipment enables investigative efforts to
systematically proceed with minimal risk relative to intentional/unintentional actions and
subsequent loss of evidence.
7.2. Specific Guidance. MXG/CCs, or equivalent, will develop and implement a standardized
Impound Official training course. The course will include review of applicable AFIs, TOs,
impoundment clearing procedures, and leverage FSR and AFETS expertise to ensure Impound
Official is prepared to assume all duties and responsibilities of an impoundment official.
7.2.1. MXG/CCs, or equivalent, will ensure compliance with the procedures in this Chapter
and will develop a local Impoundment Program. (T-1). Local program procedures,
requirements and responsibilities will be captured in a local supplement to this instruction. (T-
1). QA is the OPR for the Impoundment Program and will develop local
impoundment checklists. (T-1). (AMC) QA will not be tasked to perform impoundment official duties (T-3). QA
will be a technical advisor, if necessary, to the impoundment official. QA in coordination with MT will serve as the OPR and focal point for the
management of the Impound Official training course. The course completion is mandatory
prior to being assigned as an Impound Official. (T-1).
7.2.2. The MXG/CC and MXG/CD or equivalents are the Impoundment Release Authorities.
7.2.2. (AMC) The home-station MXG/CC and MXG/CD or equivalents are Impoundment
Release Authorities (T-2). In the event of a dual MXG/CC and CD absence, the MXG/CC or CD will appoint
an individual as the designated Impoundment Release Authority for the period of the dual
absence. (T-1). (Added-AMC) The EMXG/CC is the impoundment release authority for all AMC
aircraft at deployed location(s) under their control (T-2). The homestation MXG/CC,
MXG/CD, or equivalent, is the impoundment release authority for aircraft deployed to
locations without an assigned EMXG/CC or transiting en route locations (T-2). (Added-AMC) The AMOG/CC will be responsible for all impoundment events
except for impoundment release authority (T-2). En Route units will contact the home-
station MXG/CC for release authority and notify 618 AOC/GADM (T-2).
7.2.3. The Impoundment Release Authority determines the need for a one-time flight and will
coordinate appropriate authorization IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1). Note: If the aircraft/equipment
were impounded for a mishap, coordinate with the safety office prior to releasing the
aircraft/equipment from impound. (T-1).
7.2.4. MAJCOMs will determine the amount of time unit QAs will maintain copies of finalized
Impoundment reports in their supplement to this AFI. Note: See Air Force Records
Information Management System (AFRIMS) Reference. (Added-AMC) Keep reports for three years in accordance with Table 6.1 Item 13
in AFI 33-322 (T-3).
7.2.5. (Added-AMC) Units will ensure procedures are developed to address the following
impoundment program requirements: (Added-AMC) En Routes/CRW will ensure procedures are developed for aircraft
impounded away from home-station to include notifying and providing investigation status
updates to 618 AOC/GADM and the home-station MXG/CC (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units will ensure procedures are developed to safeguard
CVR/FDR data upon aircraft impoundment for potential safety related incidents (T-2).
7.3. Impoundment Authorities.
7.3.1. Impoundment Authorities are designated by the MXG/CC or equivalent and will be
tracked on the SCR. (T-1). Impoundment Authorities will:
7.3.1. (AMC) For En Route units and the CRW, the AMOG/CC and CRG/CC will designate
impoundment authorities (T-1). Select the Impoundment Official. (T-2). Determine if impoundment is warranted when: An aircraft landing gear fails to extend or retract due to an unknown
condition. (T-1). The aircraft has been confirmed as being contaminated with chemical,
biological, or radiological materials. (T-1). An aircraft sustains FO damage from an unknown cause. (T-1).
7.4. Impoundment Official Responsibilities. The Impoundment Official is designated as the
single POC for impounded aircraft or equipment and will hold the minimum rank of MSgt and
will be tracked on the SCR. (T-1). The Impoundment Official will:
7.4.1. Be responsible for controlling and monitoring the investigation of impounded aircraft
or equipment. (T-1).
7.4.2. Use established checklists to guide the sequence of actions. (T-1).
7.4.3. Control and track access of personnel to impounded aircraft or equipment. (T-1).
7.5. Mandatory Impoundments. Aircraft and/or equipment will be impounded:
7.5.1. When the Impoundment Authority determines extraordinary measures are required to
address any degradation of aircraft airworthiness or serious aircraft/equipment anomaly. (T-
7.5.2. Following an aircraft mishap as defined in AFI 91-204 and AFMAN 91-223, Aviation
Safety Investigations and Reports. (T-1).
7.5.3. When support equipment is known or suspected to have been a factor in a mishap or
may have contributed to injuries. (T-1).
7.5.4. Following an un-commanded flight control movement. (T-1). The MXG/CC and
OG/CC will determine the need for an FCF for uncommanded flight control movement. (T-1).
7.5.4. (AMC) Lack of flight control movement following a commanded input also meets
criteria requiring impound (T-2).
7.5.5. Following an inadvertent ordnance release or explosive mishap. (T-1).
7.5.6. When authorized procedures are not adequate or the unit is unable to identify or repair
loaded nuclear weapons system malfunctions within the criteria of AFI 91-107. (T-1).
7.5.7. Following aircraft engine anomalies to include but not limited to: Unselected propeller reversal. (T-1). Flameout/stagnation (for single engine aircraft). (T-1). Unselected power reversal. (T-1). Engine case penetrations, ruptures, or burn-through from an internal engine
component. (T-1). When an aircraft experiences a loss of thrust sufficient to prevent maintaining
level flight at a safe altitude. (T-1). This includes all cases of multiple engine power loss
or roll back. Engine damage due to a foreign object and source of FO is determined to be
internal to the engine. (T-1). For Propeller driven aircraft, both the propeller and engine
will be impounded as a single unit when the engine has confirmed internal damage due to
a foreign object. (T-1). Engine damage which occurs during transport. (T-1).
7.5.8. Following an in-flight fire. (T-1).
7.5.9. When an aircraft experiences an in-flight loss of all pitot-static system instruments or
all gyro stabilized attitude or direction indicators. (T-1).
7.5.10. When there is evidence of intentional damage, tampering, or sabotage. (T-1).
7.5.11. When physiological incidents attributable to aircraft systems or cargo occurs. (T-1).
7.5.12. (Added-AMC) When the aerial refueling boom has exceeded the structural limits.
7.6. Impoundment Procedures.
7.6.1. When the Impoundment Authority directs impoundment, a Red X symbol will be placed
in the applicable AFTO Form 781A for aircraft, applicable engine work packages for
uninstalled engines or AFTO Form 244 for equipment (or electronic form equivalents) with a
statement indicating the reason for impoundment and the name of the assigned Impoundment
Official. (T-1).
7.6.2. The MOC will be notified when an impoundment decision has been made. (T-1).
7.6.2. (AMC) MOC/PS&D will track impounded aircraft by JCN using the Julian date
followed by 5326-5330 and WUC 04199 (T-2). Note: The aircraft is statused against the
impound reason JCN.
7.6.3. Aircraft or equipment records will be controlled at the discretion of the Impoundment
Official. (T-1). When required, the Impoundment Official will: Obtain and secure the current aircraft forms and the aircraft jacket file for aircraft,
applicable engine work packages for uninstalled engines, or the AFTO Form 244 for
equipment (or electronic form equivalents). (T-1). Notify the MIS DBM administrator to isolate the aircraft or equipment serial
number in order to prevent any changes and maintain the integrity of the historical data
until the aircraft or equipment is released. (T-1). Request and collect any training records, required to complete the impoundment
investigation. (T-1). On aircraft impounded for potential safety related incidents, ensure the Cockpit
Voice Recorder/Flight Data Recorder circuit breakers are pulled immediately after engine
shutdown or before applying external power to safeguard Cockpit Voice Recorder/Flight
Data Recorder data, if equipped. (T-1). Ensure impounded aircraft/equipment is identified by cordon with cones, ropes or
placards indicating impound condition and aircraft location. (T-1).
7.6.4. Impoundment Official will limit maintenance actions on impounded aircraft or
equipment until the cause is determined. (T-1). The Impoundment Official will determine what maintenance can be performedin
conjunction with the maintenance required to release the aircraft or equipment from
impoundment. (T-1). Impoundment Official will validate aircraft disposition with Wing Safety to
determine if a safety investigation is ongoing. (T-1). Parts removed from impounded aircraft or equipment will be carefully controlled.
(T-2). This is to ensure that parts, once confirmed as the cause for impoundment, are
available to be processed as DR exhibits.
7.6.5. The Impoundment Official will select a team of qualified technicians dedicated to
determine the cause of the problem that led to the impoundment. (T-1). Impoundment team members will be relieved of all other duties until released by
the Impoundment Official. (T-2).
7.6.6. Once the cause of the malfunction or failure has been positively determined, the
Impoundment Official will brief the Impoundment Release Authority on findings, corrective
actions, and requests release of the aircraft or equipment from impoundment. (T-1).
7.6.7. If the cause of the discrepancy could potentially affect other aircraft or equipment in the
fleet, QA will provide cross-tell information for up-channeling to the MAJCOM and the
designated Lead Command IAW AFPD 10-9. (T-1).
7.6.8. Clear impoundments from forms/MIS IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1).
7.6.9. If the cause of a reported malfunction cannot be determined or a positive corrective
action cannot be confirmed, the Impoundment Release Authority will determine if further
actions are required (such as, requesting depot assistance, further troubleshooting, FCF/OCF).
7.6.10. MAJCOMs will publish guidance outlining impoundment and release procedures for
transient aircraft. At locations where no MXG/CC or designated representative is available, the
aircraft assigned MXG/CC may temporarily delegate Impoundment and Release Authority. (Added-AMC) If an AMC En Route unit impounds an aircraft on an AMC
mission, contact 618 AOC/GADM with details of the impoundment event. The AMC En
Route leadership will keep 618 AOC/GADM and the home-station MXG/CC, or
equivalent, informed of investigation status (T-2).
7.7. Rules of Impoundment Specifically for Explosive-Related Events/Mishaps. When an
inadvertent release or an explosive mishap is reported, the following procedures will apply:
7.7.1. In-flight: When the involved aircraft returns to the de-arm or parking area, the aircraft will
be impounded. (T-1). Limit maintenance actions to those required to make the aircraft safe. The MXG/CC, MOC, Munitions Control, WWM, QA and Wing Safety will be
notified of the impoundment action. (T-1). The aircraft with unsafe munitions will be parked and isolated in an area approved
by the weapons safety office and airfield management. (T-1). Investigate and report the incident IAW AFI 91-204. (T-1).
7.7.2. Ground: The senior ground crew member will be in charge of the aircraft or equipment
until relieved and will ensure involved persons remain at the scene. (T-2). Protect other aircraft or equipment located near the incident if an explosive hazard
exists. (T-1). Do not change the position of any switches except as needed for safety. (T-1). Limit maintenance actions to those actions required to make the aircraft or
equipment safe. (T-1).
7.7.3. Preserve mishap evidence to the maximum extent possible. (T-1). An example would
be segregating an aircraft gun versus destroying it if it poses no immediate danger. This allows
for evaluation of all the evidence and the ability to recreate the mishap conditions.
7.7.4. If an incident, malfunction, or mishap is suspected to have occurred or caused by in-
use, installed, or otherwise configured munition (live or inert), or a 20 or 30MM gun system
jam creating a safety condition, notify the Global Ammunition Control Point Air Force Life
Cycle Management Center, Munition Division (AFLCMC/EBH) Munitions Rapid Response
Team: DSN: 312-777-2666; COMM: (801) 775-2666, and the MAJCOM munitions staff. (T-
1). Refer to AFI 91-202 for additional information about the Munitions Rapid
Response Team. Note: The Munitions Rapid Response Team can also provide units
technical assistance in resolving recurring 20 or 30MM gun system jams and malfunction
7.7.5. For impoundments involving nuclear loaded weapon systems (see Paragraph 7.5.6)
also follow applicable requirements/criteria outlined in AFI 91-107. (T-1).
Chapter 8
8.1. Tool and Equipment Management. The objectives of the Tool and Equipment Management
Program are to prevent and eliminate FOD to aircraft, engines, missiles, training and support
equipment, and to reduce costs through strict effective control and accountability of assets. To
ensure standardization among maintenance units, commanders and key leaders are responsible for
executing an effective tool program. MAJCOMs will identify small unique unit tool and equipment
management requirements in a supplement, addendum or deviation as described in the purpose
statement. DFT/CFT will adhere to local tool control policies and procedures provided in the
MXG/MXO in-brief (see Paragraph when working on aerospace equipment possessed
by the unit. The AF enterprise Tool Accountability System is TCMax®. (T-1).
8.2. Guidelines for Program Management. Wings will document procedures for the control and
management of all tools/equipment used for aircraft/aerospace equipment maintenance or which
enter the flightline or aerospace equipment maintenance industrial areas, to include all wing
organization’s (Hospital, CE, vehicle Mx, Security Forces), to provide mission support in a wing
level publication IAW AFI 33-360. (T-1). The MXG/CC, or equivalent, is the OPR for
development of this publication and will coordinate with all wing organizations that work in, or
enter, the above mentioned areas to ensure they have established tool/equipment control
procedures documented in the wing publication. (T-1). As a minimum, guidance will address the
8.2. (AMC) Guidelines for Program Management. AMC tenant units will follow host unit
instruction, as applicable (T-2). If AF is not the host unit, tenant units will develop procedures and
coordinate with the host unit (T-2). CRW will utilize host CTKs while at home station (T-2). CRW
will comply with the following for deployed CTKs (T-2).
8.2.1. Standardized procedures for security, control, and accountability of tools and
equipment. (T-1). Chits are not authorized.
8.2.2. Inventory requirements. (T-1). As a minimum, units will conduct and document an
annual inventory of all tools and equipment. (T-1).
8.2.3. Procedures for warranted tool management. (T-1). Procedures to tag/segregate unserviceable warranty tools. (T-1).
8.2.4. Procedures for control and management of replacement, expendable and consumable
hand tools, HAZMATs, and other items contained in CTKs. (T-1).
8.2.5. Procedures for transfer of tools/CTKs at the job site (on-site transfers). (T-1). Ensure tool accountability and control is maintained when transfer occurs between
the individuals. As a minimum the individuals involved in the transfer will accomplish a
joint inventory and document accordingly. (T-1).
8.2.6. Procedures for lost or missing tools. (T-1).
8.2.6. (AMC) Procedures will include tools suspected of being onboard aircraft that have
already taxied or are currently flying (T-2).
8.2.7. Assignment of Equipment Identification Designators (EID) for CTKs, non-CA/CRL
equipment, and assignment of CTK numbers for tools. (T-1).
8.2.8. Procedures for issue, marking, and control of PPE, tools or equipment (such as, hearing
protectors, reflective belts, headsets) assigned/issued to individuals. (T-1).
8.2.8. (AMC) Units will identify personal issue equipment (e.g., ear defenders, reflective
belts, etc.) with minimum first initial, last name, and the individual’s employee number (T-2). (Added-AMC) The Social Security Number (SSN) in any form is considered
personally identifiable information (PII) and will not be used to mark newly issued personal
equipment (T-0).
8.2.8. (JBMDL) Personnel who are issued equipment that is not maintained by a CTK (i.e.
ear defenders, reflective belts, etc.) are responsible for marking that equipment IAW AFI 21-
10 l_AMCSUP Paragraph 8.2.8. (Added-AMC) Equipment previously marked with other identifying methods do
not need to be re-marked/replaced solely to comply with this marking requirement.
8.2.9. Procedures to ensure positive accountability and control of rags. (T-1).
8.2.9. (JBMDL) Issue all rags used by maintenance personnel from CTK and document in
TCMax. Maintenance personnel control and account for all rags from the time of their issue to
turn-in. The CTK Monitor will ensure all rags are accounted for and will dispose of soiled rags
in an approved HAZMAT container. To ensure positive control and accountability, CTK
monitors will control access to bulk storage and HAZMAT disposal of rags and disposable
absorbent cloths. A rag is defined as a remnant of cloth purchased in bulk or a standardized,
commercial quality, vendor-supplied shop cloth used in general industrial, shop, and
flightline operations. Cheesecloth is considered a rag; however, paper products/paper towels are
not considered rags. Rags should be uniform in size and color. Marking or identifying each shop rag with a CTK number is not necessary.
8.2.10. Procedures to limit numbers of personnel authorized to procure tools. (T-1).
8.2.10. (JBMDL) Squadron Commanders will appoint, in writing, personnel authorized to procure
tools. A copy of the appointment letter will be maintained in the work center responsible for
operating the tool room/CTK.
8.2.11. Procedures for control of locally manufactured or developed tools andequipment. (T-
8.2.12. Procedures for FSRs/DFTs/CFTs when working on equipment within the unit. (T-1).
8.2.13. Standardized procedures and responsibilities for decentralizing CTKs, tools, and
equipment outside tool room/support section to meet mission requirements. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Inventory and accountability requirements described in this AFI apply equally to
all decentralized CTKs tools, and equipment. (T-1).
8.2.14. Procedures for control of response equipment permanently stored/located in trailers
or vehicles. (T-1).
8.2.14. (AMC) CDDAR trailer/vehicle and contents will be tracked in TCMax® (T-2).
8.2.14. (JBMDL) Crash Recovery/Spill Response Trailers will have an inventory of contents
and will be parked in a designated location determined by the owning organization. Tools and
equipment maintained on the trailers will be marked or etched with the unit's applicable nine-
character worldwide EID. The trailers will be secured and sealed (i.e. breakable metal seal).
8.2.15. Procedures for requiring a second party or on-duty supervisor inspection of CTKs
when conditions warrant a single person shift. (T-1). The same individual that signs out a CTK cannot sign it back in. (T-1).
8.2.16. Procedures for controlled access to tool rooms. (T-1).
8.3. General Program Guidelines.
8.3.1. The Flight CC/SUPT will designate CTK custodians. (T-1). CTK custodians are responsible for tool, HAZMAT, and consumable asset
accountability and control. Exception: A separate person may be designated as the
HAZMAT monitor. (JBMDL) A lost or missing consumable item is considered an individual
lost/missing tool. Comply with lost/missing tool requirements of this instruction.
8.3.2. Flight CC/SUPT and/or Section NCOICs/Chiefs (or equivalents) will determine the
type, size, contents and number of CTKs required for their work centers. (T-1). The WWM will make this determination for load crew CTKs, when assigned. (T-
8.3.3. Design CTKs to provide for quick inventory and accountability of tools. CTKs and tools
will be clearly marked with the Equipment Identification Designator (EID) (follow guidance
below). (T-1).
8.3.4. CTK contents will be standardized to the maximum extent possible within functional
elements of a squadron that have similar missions (such as, aircraft flights/sections and Combat
Armament Support Team). (T-1). Each tool, item of equipment, or consumable contained in a
CTK will have an assigned location identified either by inlay cuts in the shape of the item,
shadowed layout, label, or silhouette. (T-1).
8.3.5. (AMC) Inlay cuts or shadowed layouts are not mandatory for containers when material,
shape, size, etc. prevent feasible utilization. (e.g. marshalling kits, recovery kits, etc.). No more than one item will be stored in a cutout, shadow, or silhouette except for
tools too small to be etched individually may be place in CTKs as a set (such as, drill bits,
allen wrenches, apexes, or paired items like gloves, booties). (T-1).
8.3.6. A Master Inventory List (MIL) will be required for each CTK or series of identical
CTKs. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The WWM will approve/sign a single MIL to be used as the standard for all Load
Crew CTKs on like mission-design-series aircraft; a copy will be maintained in each
support section. (T-1). When items such as dispatchable support equipment or dispatchable special tools
are issued separately (not contained in a CTK) and contain multiple parts that are required
for its use (such as, cartridges containing consumables, cables, hoses, adapters), a MIL of
all the items will be provided with the support equipment or special tools to facilitate
positive accountability of all items during checkout, transfer, and check in. (T-1). The MIL resides in the TCMax®, but a hard copy of the signed MIL must reside
with each dispatchable CTK to provide the ability to verify the inventory regardless of
location. (T-1). (AMC) CTK item information will be loaded into TCMax® to create a MIL. Items
on the MIL will be identified by type and listed by section (e.g. by drawer, pallet, tray,
etc.), to include the total number of items in the section and the total overall number of
items in the CTK (T-2). If items such as identification tags or dust caps are attached to tools/equipment,
they will be secured in a manner that will minimize any possibility of FOD. (T-1). Items not permanently attached, will be marked/etched with the appropriate
CTK number. (T-1). All items will be listed on the MIL. (T-1). Consumables may be placed in CTKs. If so, they will be identified on the MILas
consumables. (T-1). Examples of consumables include; safety wire, adhesive, wire bundle
lacing, solder. Do not include common hardware items such as bolts, nuts, and/or screws
unless they are required for the tool to perform its intended function. Cartridges or
equivalents containing consumable items whether disposable or not will be accounted
for to mitigate FOD hazards. (T-1). Tool sets placed within a CTK will be identified on the CTK MIL by total number
of items in the set (such as, allen wrench set - 9 each allen wrenches + container for a total
of 10). (T-1). Items identified as too small to be marked, etched, or stamped, as approved
by QA, will be annotated with a description of the individual items contained within
the set on the CTK/MIL (such as, the variation in the size of the items contained within
the set, Apex, file, drill bit, size). (T-1). Missing, removed and/or broken tools/items will be documented in the TCMax®
if they cannot be replaced immediately. (T-1). In addition, for dispatchable CTKs, dispatchable support equipment, and
dispatchable special tools containing multiple parts, missing, removed and/or broken
tools/items will be documented on a MAJCOM/locally generated form, or on the hard
copy MIL. (T-1). If a MAJCOM/locally generated form is used, the form will be kept
with each dispatchable CTK, dispatchable support equipment and dispatchable
special tools. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Pencil/pen may be used for hard copy MIL documentation and
erased/lined through when cleared. The EID will be removed from any permanently removed item/tool. (T-1). A permanently removed (without planned replacement) item/tool constitutes
a change to the inventory and requires a new MIL. The CTK custodian has the authority to interchange "like" (form, fit,
function) items. Equipment and accessories that do not present a FOD potential and will not leave
the work center, support section, or tool room, need not be included in a CTK;
however, this equipment must have designated storage locations established. (T-
1). Designated locations may be work areas or stations.
8.3.7. The CTK Custodian will establish designated locations for test equipment and common
accessories (such as, waveguides, attenuators, fittings, cables, adapters) that are not part of a
CTK. (T-1). As a minimum, designated locations will be labeled to identify the contents. (T-
1). Industrial shop machinery accessories/attachments (example, blades, arbors,
chucks, gears) need not be controlled as tools; however, these items will be maintained in
designated storage locations for accountability. (T-1). As a minimum, storage cabinets/drawers will be labeled to identify the
contents. (T-1).
8.3.8. Tools/expendable items used for titanium engine blade blending or oxygen system
maintenance will be kept in special purpose kits separate from other tools. (T-1). In addition to normal CTK identification, the titanium engine blade blending kits
will be marked “For Titanium Engine Blade Blending Only”. (T-1). In addition to normal CTK identification, oxygen system maintenance kits will be
marked “For Oxygen System Use Only”. (T-1). Discard removable (slide on) pocket clips and spare parts from tools when
possible (flashlights, continuity testers, small screwdrivers) prior to placement in tool kits.
(T-1). Do not disassemble or damage tools for sole purpose of removing clips (example, tape
measures, rubber switch guards).
8.3.9. Tools not controlled through CTK procedures are NOT authorized on the flightline, or
in any maintenance area (for example, personal Mini Maglite® flashlights, Leatherman®,
Buck Knives®). (T-1). Units will mark and control equipment that a workcenter assigns/issues to an
individual IAW MAJCOM supplements. (T-1). Personally-purchased tools are not authorized. (T-1).
8.3.10. Flashlights, lanterns, portable lighting devices and light sources will conform to the
requirements of TO 00-25-172 when used during servicing operations; TO 1-1-3 when used
during fuel cell maintenance; and AFMAN 91-201 when used in explosive environments. (T-
1). Note: Aircraft and equipment TOs may dictate additional restrictions.
8.3.11. (Added-JBMDL) Mark or etch warranted tools with the nine-character
Equipment Identification Designator (EID) and control issue using Tool Control Max
(TCMax). Some warranted tools are marked with a manufacturer's or vendor's part number/
identification code which is used to facilitate replacement; tools containing this part number/ID
code does not constitute double-etching. Maintain a minimum number of replacement
warranted tools. If extra tools are maintained, maintain an inventory and store in a controlled,
secure location. Maintain an inventory of all damaged or broken warranted tools removed from
service until replaced by the contractor. Documentation should include, as a minimum: tool
name, Composite Tool Kit (CTK) number the tool was removed from, date turned in for
warranty, and date replaced by contractor. All tools removed from CTKs will have the nine-
character EID etching removed, unless the tool is repairable and will be returned to the CTK
once repaired. Do not store serviceable and unserviceable warranted tools together. Maintain
a separate log for repairable warranted tools and store them separately from unserviceable
8.4. TMDE Management Guidelines. Support Sections will designate a TMDE Monitor who
will act as the focal point with the designated servicing PMEL (whether on-base or off-base) for
managing the TMDE calibrations requirements for the owning work center. (T-1). The TMDE
Monitor will:
8.4.1. Establish procedures for turn-in and pick-up of TMDE requiring calibration. (T-3).
8.4.2. Coordinate emergency calibration requirements. (T-3).
8.4.3. Review quarterly TMDE schedules and annual master identification (ID) lists within 5
duty days of receipt from servicing PMEL. (T-3). Forward any corrections to the servicing PMEL within 3 duty days to have the
PMEL Automated Management System/MIS updated. (T-3).
8.4.4. Take necessary actions to minimize the late delivery of TMDE for scheduled
calibration. (T-3). Servicing PMEL will notify OWC of overdue TMDE under established
procedures. (T-3).
8.4.5. Use PMEL Automated Management System or equivalent MIS (as coordinated with
supporting PMEL) to control TMDE processed for maintenance. (T-3).
8.4.6. Ensure TMDE submitted for calibration has all required documentation complete, the
AFTO Form 350 (as applicable) provides adequate malfunction description and accessories/
items required for calibration accompany the TMDE to include batteries (as applicable). (T-
8.4.7. Ensure classified TMDE is protected IAW AFI 16-1404. (T-1).
8.4.8. Ensure TMDE shipped off base for calibration or repair and return is shipped by
traceable means and IAW AFI 24-602V2. (T-1). The TMDE Monitor will maintain a file consisting of all supporting
documentation for each type of shipment. (T-1). Safeguard any IUID marks during calibration/TMDE activities to the extent
possible. In the event the UII is damaged during calibration activities, the TMDE Monitor
will notify the responsible Equipment Custodian and/or EAE to replace the mark with the
same UII. (T-1).
8.4.9. For deployment purposes, ensure equipment, tools, and HAZMAT items are properly
identified, prepared, and documented IAW AFI 10-403. (T-1).
8.5. Tool Accountability. Flight CC/SUPT and Section NCOICs/Chiefs, through CTK
Custodians, are responsible for tool and equipment accountability and control (knowing where
tools are and who has responsibility for them). When a person signs for a tool or piece of
equipment, they are considered the user and accountable for the item until it is returned to the tool
room and accountability transfers back to the CTK Custodian (through a representative or tool
room employee).
8.5.1. All units must use TCMax® for accountability and control of tools and equipment. (T-
1). Contractors and MEOs are not required to use TCMax® unless specified in the Performance
Work Statement/Statement of Work.
8.5.1. (AMC) AMC units will utilize TCMax® (home station and deployed) (T-2). Approval
requests for TCMax® software licenses will be sent to HQ AMC/A4MP by emailing
ORG.AMCA4[email protected] (T-2). Contacting the software manufacturer, other than for
system training/help, is not authorized. Note: LOGNET installs/maintains TCMax®. See
paragraph Units are required to electronically back up TCMax® at least once a month. (T-
1). This backup must be kept physically and electrically separate from the
computer that houses the tool control database. (T-1). Units will use TCMax® to: Track the issuance and receipt of all assigned tools, equipment, tool kits,
HAZMAT items, TOs (does not apply to TOs, equipment and HAZMAT kept in a shop
and not dispatched). (T-1). HAZMAT items issued for one time use (oil cans, hydraulic cans,
mixing compounds) are supply items and do not have to be tracked in TCMax®.
However, HAZMAT and supply procedures will be followed. (T-1). (JBMDL) Return all unused portions or extinguished containers of
Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) items, such as dyes, lubricants, sealants, and cleaning
agents to the unit’s HAZMAT Custodian or CTK Monitor for proper storage,
documentation, and replenishment. Track authorizations/restrictions for special tools/equipment (by individual).
(T-1). Track CTK and Support Section inspections. (T-1). Track spare, lost, damaged, and/or removed tools. (T-1). (JBMDL) Work center supervisors responsible for operating the CTK will
determine spare tool levels. Spare tools will be inventoried and access to them controlled
to prevent pilferage. The spare tool inventory will be maintained by the work center
supervisor or CTK monitor. Develop and manage tool/equipment inventories. (T-1). Develop and manage deployment kits (import/export). (T-1). (Added-AMC) Units may use MIS to aid in tracking TMDE inspections.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 If TCMax® is not available (such as at a deployed location), units will use the AF
Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt, a MAJCOM, or locally approved form for
accountability and control of CTKs, equipment, and tools. (T-1).
8.5.2. The CTK Shift Supervisor will account for all dispatchable/decentralized CTKs, tools,
and equipment at the beginning and end of each shift. (T-1). Shift inventories must be documented by both outgoing and incoming personnel.
(T-1). CTKs present during tool room shift inventories do not need to be opened for
8.5.3. At least annually or when the CTK Custodian changes, conduct a comprehensive
inventory of all dispatchable/decentralized tools, non-Custodian Authorization/Custody
Receipt Listing (CA/CRL) equipment, and CTKs. (T-1). The purpose of this inventory is to perform an extensive inspection of all tools and
non-CA/CRL equipment, to include condition, identification markings, and accuracy of the
MIL/CRL Supplemental Listing. CTK Custodians will ensure all tools are inspected for serviceability IAW TO 32-
1-101, Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools. (T-1). CTK Custodians will document these inventories and maintain the most current
inventory. (T-1).
8.5.4. Users will perform a visual inventory of all dispatchable/decentralized CTKs when
issued for use, at the completion of each job or tasks, and when returned to the tool storage
facility. (T-1). Users will accomplish a CTK inventory prior to operation of any aircraft or
equipment when maintenance actions are performed (such as, engine run, landing gear
retraction, flight control operational checks). (T-1). (Added-JBMDL) The user accepting custodial responsibility of the CTK tool at
the job site will obtain a blank AF Form 1297, Temporary issue Receipt, from CTK
personnel prior to arriving at the job site. At the job site, the user relinquishing
responsibility and the new user will perform a joint inspection of the contents, ensuring all
tools/equipment are accounted for and serviceable. Document the AF Form 1297
accordingly and promptly return the form to the CTK Monitor. The CTK Monitor will
annotate the new information (name, date, and time) in TCMax(T-1). (Added-JBMDL) Personnel transferring Contractor Operated and Maintained
Base Supply (COMBS) maintained tools at the job-site will comply with with Paragraph
8.5.3.; however, the individual will report the tool transfer to the COMBS counter personnel
and retain the AF Form 1297 for proof of transfer.8.6. (Added) World Wide Identification
(WWID). Users will perform an immediate and complete inventory of all CTKs when
returning to the work area after sheltering for real-world/exercise events. (T-1). Users will ensure dispatchable tools, equipment, eTools and CTKs are locked
and/or secured when left unattended. (T-1).
8.5.5. eTools: Units will use the following procedure to maintain positive control of assigned
eTools: Manage eTools IAW TO 00-5-1, and this instruction. (T-1). Track dispatchable eTools in TCMax®. (T-1). Ensure only serviceable eTools with current technical data are available for
checkout, and any missing plugs/covers/doors are documented IAW Paragraph
(T-1). Make maximum use of eTool warranties. (T-1). Ensure eTools are used for official and authorized purposes IAW TO 31S5-4-
etool, 17 & 33 Series instructions, MAJCOM guidance, and this AFI. (T-1). Not install unauthorized files or software (such as, games, mp3s). (T-1). Not use unauthorized external media devices to retrieve data from
removable hard drives. (T-1). Coordinate with the local Cybersecurity Liaison and/or Information System
Security Managers to identify publish local guidance on restrictions for the use of
eTools/PEDs in classified processing areas. (T-1). Establish procedures for shipping TOs, eTools, and required support equipment
needed to ensure eTools availability to support mobility and deployed operational
requirements. (T-1). If applicable, units will update Defense Integration and Management
of Nuclear Data Services (DIAMONDS) hardware and status IAW TO 11N-3150-8-1,
USAF DIAMONDS Policy and Procedures. (T-1). For accountability, DIAMONDS laptops and hardware must be managed and
tracked in TCMax®, but do not require placement on unit equipment account IAW TO
11N-3150-8-1. (T-1).
8.6. Tool and Equipment Marking and Identification.
8.6.1. To ensure tool rooms have unique identifiers, wings (or equivalent) must ensure other
units within the same wing or Personnel Assignment Symbol (PAS) code do not duplicate the
WWID. (T-1). MAJCOMs/ANG will develop, sustain, and review annually a complete listing
of all the WWID utilized within their MAJCOM/ANG. MAJCOMs will update AF/A4LM
with WWID changes as they occur. Reference the AF/A4LM SharePoint® site: https://haf-
me.aspx. All units must permanently mark their tools and equipment with the standard EID.
(T-1). GSU may use the parent wing EID. Replacement spare tools stored in the tool room
do not need to be etched until placement in a specific CTK. The EID will consist of nine characters (numbers/letters) of which the first four
characters will be a unique WWID code. (T-1). The WWID identifies the base (first and second character), unit (third
character), and shop (fourth character). The remaining five characters are available for
tool/CTK equipment numbering.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The first two characters of the WWID in the EID are based on the
wing/unit PAS base code. Multiple wings (or equivalent) at the same base
(example, ANG, AFR, and RegAF) must have different WWID codes. (T-1). The third and fourth characters designate the unit and shop by using
unique/distinguishable characters. To ensure tool rooms have unique identifiers,
wings (or equivalent) must ensure other units within the same wing or PAS code
do not duplicate the first 4 characters of the EID. (T-1). Request additional “base” code information from AF/A4LM at:[email protected]il, DSN 222-
2345/2346. The unit will establish the remaining five characters (any combination of
numbers/letters) for CTKs, tools, and dispatchable equipment identification. (T-1). (AMC) QA will be the collector and organizer for each unit’s EID (T-2). Tenant
units will coordinate with their host unit as applicable (T-2). Units must place the 9-digit EID on all CTKs, tools not assigned to a box, and
dispatchable equipment that is of sufficient size. (T-1). The 9-digit EID must be placed on the outside of dispatchable CTKs. (T-1).
Tools located inside the tool box may be marked with less than 9-digits but must
contain the 4-digit WWID and will have identifying character(s) that ties the tool back
to the CTK. (T-1). For example, tools inside an assigned dispatchable CTK
“U6JG00001” may be marked “U6JG1.” Units may affix non-metallic barcode labels
on tools to prevent re-etching as long as the use of the tool and its work environment
does not normally result in excessive damage to the label making it unreadable. (Added-JBMDL) Refer to Table 8.1 for JBMDL WWID Listing. Tools will be marked with the most current EID. (T-1). All previous CTK identifiers will either be removed or marked out (this does
not include PMEL markings). (T-1). Small tool sets and/or items that cannot be marked as described in
Paragraph above (such as drill bits, allen wrenches in sets, apexes) will be
maintained in a container marked with the EID and an identifying character(s) that ties
the tool back to the CTK along with the number of tools contained. (T-1). The container is counted as one of the items. MXG/CCs may require use of the EID in addition to AFTO Form 66, TMDEBar
Codes (Polyester Film), for TMDE routinely (example, once per week) dispatched from a
work center or use of the AFTO Form 66 alone. For items that physically or mechanically check tolerances that require calibration,
do not etch, or stamp an EID in any manner that will affect calibration or the ability to
calibrate. (T-1). If marking is in question consult TO 00-20-14 and/or PMEL to validate
applicable marking criteria.
Table 8.1. (JBMDL) JBMDL WWID Listing
305 Maintenance Group
305 MXO
Quality Assurance
Transient Alert
Wash Rack
305 AMXS
Support Section (CTK)
605 AMXS
Support Section (CTK)
305 MXS
Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)
Inspection Dock
Wheel and Tire
Nondestructive Inspection
Fuel System
Metals Tech
Sheet Metal
TMDE Flight
305 Operations Group
Aircrew Flight
87th Air Base Wing/87th Mission Support Group
Logistics Readiness Sq
Communication Sq
373rd Training Squadron
373 TRS Det 1
621st Contingency Response Wing
321 Contingency Response Sq
Maintenance Flight
621 Contingency Response Support Sq
Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE)
Maintenance Flight
8.6.2. Permanently mark (by etching or other means) grease guns, dispensing cans, spray
bottles, pump oilers, and similar containers with the type of grease, fluid, or other liquids and
Military Specification (MILSPEC) of the contents. (T-1). If the MILSPEC is subdivided into
Grades, Classes, or Types, include that info on the permanent marking. (T-1). If no MILSPEC exists, the item will be marked with the manufacturer’s name,
part number/NSN from the applicable Safety Data Sheet. (T-1). Keep hoses and fittings separate for each type of grease. (T-1).
8.6.3. If containers are used to hold or apply substances classified as hazardous materials,
ensure labeling requirements are IAW AFI 90-821, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations
1910.1200(f), Occupational Safety and Health Standards, Toxic and Hazardous Substances.
(T-0). Prior to etching tools and equipment, consult applicable technical order to ensure no
special circumstances apply for the item being etched (such as, fiberglass handled hammers
are etched IAW TO 32-1-101 and safety glasses. (T-1).
8.6.4. CTKs, tools, and dispatchable equipment that may possess a unique serial/tracking
number must be marked with an EID number. (T-1). If the item cannot be marked, etched, or stamped, annotate the additional
designator on the CTK contents list. (T-1).
8.6.5. Items that are assembled and are not intended to be disassembled during use, require
only one mark/etch/stamp and one entry in the MIL (such as, scribes, flashlights, grease guns,
feeler gauges). (T-1).
8.6.6. Remove the EID from unserviceable tools and tools removed from the CTK (with the
exception of warranty tools where removal of EID may void the tool warranty) and update
TCMax® and the MAJCOM/locally generated form or hard copy MIL accordingly. (T-1).
8.6.7. Ensure all tools which are accountable on a CA/CRL must be marked with a UII. (T-
1). Units need to safeguard any IUID marks. In the event the UII is damaged, notify the
responsible Equipment Custodian and/or EAE to replace the mark with the same UII.
8.7. Locally Manufactured, Developed, or Modified Tools and Equipment. All locally
manufactured, developed, or modified tools and equipment used on aerospace equipment must be
approved by the MXG/CC, their equivalent, or a designated representative and meet the
requirements described in Chapter 9 (T-1).
8.7.1. This procedure does not apply to tools and equipment authorized for local manufacture
in MDS specific technical data or equivalent engineering approved document. QA will
coordinate on all requests for approval and use of locally manufactured, developed, or modified
tools or equipment. (T-1).
8.7.2. Work centers will review items and requirements every two years for applicability and
current configuration. (T-1). See Chapter 6 and Chapter 9 for additional guidance.
8.7.3. Weapons loading, maintenance and armament systems locally-designed equipment
must be coordinated through the WWM. (T-1). Weapons loading, maintenance andarmament
systems locally-designed equipment must meet the following requirements: In the event munitions/armament LME, is not included in technical data or listed
the MMHE
Focal Point web site, contact the MMHE Focal Point
AFLCMC/EBDW, 615 Apalachicola Road, Suite 101, Eglin AFB, FL 32542-6845 to
establish/validate LME disposition.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Units must use MMHE Focal Point-designed munitions/armament LME for
new procurements if a design exists and fills the requirement. (T-1). Munitions/armament LME is specialized equipment designed to
interface with or support munitions or armament suspension equipment (such as,
tools, handling dollies, storage racks, maintenance stands, transport adapters). All
munitions/armament LME contained on the MMHE Focal Point web site meets
applicable AFMAN 91-203, occupational safety, explosive safety, and USAF
standards, and is approved for local manufacture and use at unit level AF-wide.
Drawing packages for these items are available to the unit via the MMHE Focal
Point website. Munitions/armament LME specifically designed to interface with or
support munitions that are not contained in technical data or on the MMHE Focal
Point website (such as, hardened/protective aircraft shelter missile racks, Y-stands,
munitions chocks, specialized tools) must be coordinated at unit level and
forwarded to the MAJCOM Functional Manager for coordination, evaluation or
both. (T-1). If the MAJCOM Functional Manager determines the item has AF
utility, the drawings shall be forwarded to ACC/A4WC for review and addition
to the MMHE Focal Point Master Project List that results in formal
development and placement onto the MMHE Focal Point website. Munitions/armament LME not designed to interface with or support
munitions that are not contained in technical data or on the MMHE Focal Point web
site must be approved by QA. (T-1). Units are encouraged to forward any such approved LME for
possible inclusion on MMHE Focal Point web site by sending an approved
drawing package to the MAJCOM Functional Manager for
coordination/evaluation. All LME must meet applicable AFMAN 91-203, occupational safety,
explosive safety, and USAF standards. (T-1). All equipment designated for use with nuclear weapons test and handling
must meet requirements in AFI 91-103. (T-1). All weapons loading, maintenance and armament systems LME must be
maintained and inspected for serviceability on a regular basis IAW applicable TO 00-
20-series, TO 35D-1-2, Maintenance Instructions WIPB-Miscellaneous Munitions
Handling and Support (Munitions Related), and TO 35D-2-2 Munitions Materiel
Handling equipment Miscellaneous And Locally Manufactured Armament Related.
(T-1). AFTO Form 244, or equivalent, must be maintained for all LME items
(racks, stands, adapters) except hand tools. (T-1). Equipment without technical data must, as a minimum, be inspected
every 180 days for corrosion, physical defect, and lubrication as required. (T-1).
8.8. Tool Room Operations and Security.
8.8.1. Operations. Tool rooms will be set up to ensure accountability. (T-1). Procedures will be established to ensure custodial control. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Tools will not be issued individually from dispatchable CTKs. (T-1). When a recurring need exists for common tools to be issued individually,
(such as, hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, drills, wrenches) individual issue bins/drawers
may be established as a CTK within the tool room. (T-2). Process reports for tools that are lost, damaged, or destroyed, due to neglect IAW
AFI 23-101. (T-1). Security. The tool room must be capable of being locked and afford protective
measures such as monitoring, 24-hour coverage, or controlled key access. (T-1). When all CTKs are not capable of being secured in the tool room, the Section
NCOIC/Chief will design a process to prevent the unauthorized use or access to tools
and equipment. (T-1). Due to space and facility limitations, it may not be possible to store oversized
tool kits in the tool room. Locks will be used on tool kits stored outside the CTK to provide a physical barrier
to opening the container lid, drawer or door and prevent the unauthorized removal of tools.
(T-1). Locks are not required on tools and equipment that are stored within secured
tool rooms or work centers. Tools and equipment will never be secured (locked) to the exterior of an
aircraft. (T-1). (AMC) Dispatchable tools, equipment, and CTKs/TKs are not considered
unattended and not required to be locked and/or secured while maintenance personnel
with responsibility of the tools, equipment, and CTKs/TKs are present and located
within the aircraft parking spot or vehicle. Tool kits located within high traffic, controlled movement areas or that could
limit aircraft movement or be exposed to jet blast are required to be locked when
unattended/not in use and moved to un-obstructive/exposed location but do not need to
be secured to another object if none are readily available. (T-1). Alert Aircraft in Protection Level Areas 1, 2 and Alert Status Aircraft
in Protection Level Area 3. CTKs in these areas that are directly supporting alert
status aircraft do not have to be locked when unattended and not in use as long as
they are inventoried at the beginning of each shift, after each maintenance task, and
at the end of each shift.
8.9. Lost Item/Tool Procedures.
8.9.1. Limit authorization to clear Red X’s when an item/tool cannot be located to no lower
than Operations Officer/MX SUPT. (T-1).
8.9.2. Supervisors need to ensure all assigned personnel are familiar with lost item/tool
procedures. If an item/tool or a portion of a broken item/tool is discovered missing, the
following procedures apply: The person identifying the missing item/tool will search the immediate workarea
for the item/tool. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 If not found, after completing an initial search the individual will notify the
expediter/Pro Super or equivalent. (T-1). Place a Red X in the aircraft or equipment forms of all affected aircraft or
equipment with a description of the item/tool and a specific, last known, location of the
item/tool. (T-1). Expediter/Pro Super or equivalent will immediately notify the Flight
CC/SUPT, Support Section, MOC, and QA. (T-1). Initiate a thorough search
for the item/tool. (T-1). Initiate the lost tool report if tool is not located during initial search. (T-1). If it is suspected that the item/tool has fallen into an inaccessible or unobservable
aircraft area, perform a NDI or use borescope equipment to locate the lost item/tool. (T-1). If the item/tool is in an inaccessible area that poses no FOD threat and the
action is to leave the item/tool in place, the x-ray (or equivalent) with the identification
of the exact item/tool location and copies of all information concerning the lost
item/tool are maintained in the aircraft historical file until the item/tool is recovered.
(T-1). If at any time during the investigation the item/tool is found, notify the Flight
CC/SUPT, Support Section, MOC, QA, expediter, Pro Super or equivalent, and the owning
work center. (T-1). If the item/tool is found, but is inaccessible, the Operations Officer/MX
SUPT may explore other possible actions to include having the unit or a DFT
disassemble the aircraft to remove the item/tool. If the aircraft MDS is one that has a PDM or is scheduled for depot
modification, any inaccessible lost item/tool will be listed with location on the
AFTO Form 345, Aerospace Vehicle Transfer Inspection Checklist and
Certification, for removal by the depot. (T-1). The Operations Officer/MX SUPT will determine when the search for the lost
item/tool may be discontinued. (T-1). If the item/tool is not found: Notify the MOC and the MXG/CC when the search for the lost item/tool has
been discontinued. (T-1). Ensure lost item/tool report is completed IAW locally established
procedures. (T-1). If applicable, ensure the TCMax® is documented IAW Paragraph
Chapter 9
9.1. General. Material management plays a critical role in optimizing mission generation
capabilities. Although assigned to LRS, all DMS personnel must be integrated into daily mission
generation operations both at home station and deployed. The critical nature of direct interaction
between maintenance and materiel management activities at the point of maintenance provides
units direct access to materiel management SMEs to accurately identify, communicate, acquire or
disposition materiel management support necessary to maximize combat capability. MXG/CC and
MSG/CC will coordinate to ensure direct mission generations support focuses on readiness and
the unit’s ability to execute daily and deployed flying operations simultaneously. (T-1). This
Chapter, coupled with AFI 23-101, provides the minimum materiel management support
requirements necessary to provide the best possible opportunity for success in meeting mission
generation requirements. The AF has consolidated materiel management support under the AF
Sustainment Center. The AF Sustainment Center provides fleet-wide supply support to all AF
weapon systems and leverages consolidated repair facilities and ALCs capability to optimize
weapon system availability.
9.2. Decentralized Materiel Support. Decentralized Materiel Support personnel coordinate
maintenance and materiel management actions and manage supply transactions for the MXG. The
duty location for DMS personnel is the applicable maintenance unit as agreed upon by the MXG
and MSG Superintendent. Personnel rotations, as determined by the MSG Superintendent, will be
accomplished with consideration of operational, career development, and training requirements.
9.2.1. In units with Decentralized Materiel Support personnel, the LRS Superintendent
exercises control and career-field development opportunities for Decentralized Materiel
Support (2S0XX) personnel. (T-1).
9.2.2. In units/work centers directly supported by Decentralized Materiel Support personnel,
the Logistics Readiness Squadron Materiel Management Flight is responsible for ensuring
materiel management support roles and responsibilities listed are completed IAW 23-series
9.2.2. (AMC) AMC units, with the exception of 725 AMS, do not have UMD authorized DMS
personnel. AMS FSL personnel will perform DMS responsibilities outlined in AFI 23- 101 (T-
9.2.3. LRS Superintendent will ensure complete DMS coverage of MXG duty periods, to
include weekend duty. (T-1).
9.2.4. At a minimum, DMS personnel will provide the following support functions to the
maintenance unit: monitor and track assets in the repair cycle, resolve supply support problems,
and report aircraft parts status and changes in base level repair capability to maintenance
supervision. (T-1). Decentralized Materiel Support personnel also support maintenance in processing
issue requests, researching sources of supply, entering manual requisitions (part number
only), updating exception code lists, and resolving other peculiar maintenance supply
problems. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 DMS personnel will manage processes, in addition to those previously described,
such as parts ordering, backorder review and validation, Readiness Spares Packages, and
TNB. (T-1).
9.3. Supply Discipline. Supply discipline is the responsibility of all military and civilian
personnel regardless of grade or position. Personnel at all levels need to ensure the practice of
good supply discipline IAW AFI 23-111.
9.4. Readiness Spares Package Review. Maintainers play a critical role in the annual Readiness
Spares Package review process. This role includes active maintenance participation in the base
level validation process conducted by the LRS and their MAJCOM during the annual Readiness
Spares Package pre-review process in preparation for the Weapon System Program Manager final
review. Close maintenance-materiel management collaboration is essential to ensure RSPs are
properly sized to support contingency maintenance requirements. See AFMAN 23-122 for further
9.5. Bench Stock. Flight CCs/SUPT and/or Section NCOICs/Chiefs will determine the contents
of their bench stock IAW qualification criteria in AFMAN 23-122. (T-1). Examples of bench stock
items include: nuts, bolts, cotter keys, washers, resistors, capacitors, light bulbs, sealants and
batteries. Bench stock levels are managed and based predominantly on consumption. Monthly and
semi-annual bench stock listings are provided by the LRS/DMS. A thorough review of these
listings is extremely important to ensure that bench stock supports the mission efficiently and
9.5.1. Bench stock assets are organizationally purchased and therefore organizationally
owned. Appointment of DMS personnel as bench stock monitors must be agreed upon by the
applicable Squadron Superintendents.
9.5.2. Mark bins containing 50 percent or less of the authorized quantity to facilitate monthly
inventories. (T-1). Do not include items coded TCTO, unacceptable for AF use and critical in
bench stock. Controlled Item Code S and C may be in bench stock with MAJCOM approval.
Other controlled Item Codes are authorized with written approval from Unit Commander. See
AFMAN 23-122 for additional information.
9.5.3. Work center supervisors will: Semi-annually complete a bench stock joint review with the Customer Support
Liaison Element, Materiel Control. (T-1). During these reviews, special emphasis needs to be given to items with no
demands in the past year and items with excessive quantities not supported by demands.
The continuance of stocking such items is the exception and not the normative process.
See AFMAN 23-122 for further details.
9.6. Consumable Readiness Spares Package. The Consumable Readiness Spares Package
process provides requirement and asset visibility, has automated transfer and deployment
procedures, has the capability to provide the correct priority and project-coded replenishment
requisitions, and eliminates redundant requirements. Additionally, Consumable Readiness Spares
Package procedures provide MAJCOMs with a standard process to support consumable item
requirements during contingency operations. Refer to AFMAN 23-122 for Consumable Readiness
Spares Package procedures and options.
9.7. Shop Stock. Shop stock includes gas cylinders, random length bar stock, sheet metal, plastic,
fabric, electrical wire, and similar items not normally included in bench stocks. Maintain shop
stock for day-to-day operations. Monitor shop stock to prevent materiel from becoming excessive
or outdated. Shop stock should not normally exceed 90-days usage, or the unit of issue or unit
pack, whichever is greater. Store shop stock near/adjacent to bench stock items, if practical, but do
not mix them together. Clearly identify materiel as “Shop Stock” and label them with noun,
national stock number or part number, unit of issue, and shelf-life, if applicable.
9.8. Operating Stock. Operating stock includes connector dust covers, hydraulic line caps/plugs,
and similar items that are normally recovered after use and re-used. Store operating stock
near/adjacent to bench stock items, if practical, but do not mix them together. Monitor operating
stock to prevent it from becoming excessive or outdated. Retain partially used bench stock items
in bench stock and not in operating stock. Identify, tag, and turn in items with no forecasted use
IAW AFI 23-101. Clearly identify items as “Operating Stock” and label them with noun, national
stock number or part number, unit of issue, and shelf-life as applicable.
9.9. Work Order Residue. Work order residue includes expendable bit/piece items left over from
maintenance work orders or bench stock deletions. Store work order residue near/adjacent to bench
stock items, if practical, but do not mix them together. Ensure excesses are consolidated for turn-
in to LRS at least annually. Clearly identify items as “Work Order Residue” and label them with
noun, national stock number or part number, unit of issue, and shelf-life as applicable. Control all
work order residues used on or around aircraft, uninstalled engines, and AGE.
9.10. Adjusted Stock Levels. Adjusted stock levels are used when the demand level or
consumption is inadequate to support the requirement. A single occurrence of a mission limiting
status is not sufficient reason to establish an adjusted stock level but should result in a LRS/materiel
management activity review of demand data for accuracy. The using work center, with assistance
from LRS/materiel management activity, will prepare the request IAW AFMAN 23-122 and
provide adequate justification (such as, seasonal materiel requirements, long lead-time items,
infrequent use components that cause an NMC condition and result in a new procurement or
excessive lead-time to restock). Route the request through the applicable Squadron Operations
Officer/MX SUPT for approval prior to submitting to LRS/materiel management activity. Using
work centers will maintain a master file of approved adjusted stock level items and follow-up on
all requests until completed. (T-1).
9.11. Shelf-life Items. Using work centers will control the quantity and inspect (Type I and Type
II) shelf-life items kept in unit bench stock, operating/shop stock and work order residue IAW
AFMAN 23-122. (T-1). Personnel managing bench, shop, or operating stocks will:
9.11.1. Identify serviceable shelf-life items/locations with a colored and/or highlighted label
that clearly states the items expiration date. (T-2).
9.11.2. Check expiration dates on issued items and do not accept outdated items. (T-2). Refer
to AFMAN 23-122 for outdated and/or unserviceable shelf-life items.
9.11.3. Not open shelf-life containers until needed and use the oldest items first. (T-2).
9.11.4. Ensure shelf-life material stored in other than original containers are marked with
original shelf-life expiration codes. (T-2).
9.11.5. Recycle, reclaim, or turn-in for disposal, shelf-life items which are loose in the bin and
expiration dates cannot be determined. (T-2).
9.12. Equipment Items. Flight CCs/SUPTs and/or Section NCOICs/Chiefs will review
equipment items needed for mission accomplishment IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1).
9.12.1. Equipment Custodians will contact the EAE for assistance in researching and
preparing documents for gaining authorizations and ordering equipment items IAW AFI 23-
101. (T-2). Refer to AFMAN 23-122, for the required procedures to order and deploy
equipment items.
9.13. Special Purpose Recoverable Authorized Maintenance (SPRAM). SPRAM assets are
fault isolation spares, shop standard spares, training spares, -21 TO spares (AME), test station
spares, and stand-alone spares. These assets are Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code
(ERRC) XD/XF items, which are controlled and managed as in-use supplies.
9.13.1. Flight CCs/SUPTs and/or Section NCOICs/Chiefs will review all SPRAM
authorizations annually and certify as valid IAW AFI 23-101, AFMAN 23-122, and AFI 21-
103. (T-1).
9.14. Supply Assets Requiring Functional Check, Calibration, or Operational Flight
Programming. Maintenance sections must identify items requiring functional checks, calibration,
or operational flight programming prior to use. (T-3).
9.14.1. Maintenance sections will prepare a list of items, (including the repair section's
organization and shop code) for items requiring functional checks, calibration, or operational
flight programming. (T-3). The list will be routed through the Operations Officer/MX SUPT to the LRS. (T-
3). This list shall be updated/validated IAW AFMAN 23-122. (T-3).
9.14.2. The LRS/management materiel activity issues the items to repair sections when assets
are initially received on station, when functional checks, calibration, or programming is due or
when serviceability is doubtful.
9.14.3. If a Part issues requiring a functional check, ensure it is not restricted in the weapon
system -6 TO. Refer to TO 00-20-3 for functional check and frequency requirements.
9.15. Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) Kit Procedures. TCTO kit management is
a shared responsibility between maintenance and supply IAW TO 00-5-15 and AFI 23-101.
9.15.1. Initiate requests for kits, parts and special tool requirements through LRS as outlined
in Chapter 14.
9.15.2. Transfer TCTO kits with aircraft or equipment. AFMAN 23-122, TO 00-5-15, and TO
00-5-1 contain detailed guidance for the transfer of TCTO kits.
9.15.3. Retain TCTO kits for aircraft returning to the unit for TCTO compliance.
9.16. Supply Points. Supply points may be established within individual work centers when time
or resources required to move items dictates the need to do so.
9.16.1. Storage space for the supply points is provided by the supported work center.
9.16.2. Management of the supply point processes will be agreed to and documented by
participating group commanders. (T-1). Participating group commanders will require
appointment of supply point monitors to manage and account for supply point assets as part of
their agreement. (T-1). LRS Materiel Management Activities will maintain overall
accountability and control of supply point assets. (T-1).
9.16.3. Supply points must be reconciled semi-annually by the Supply Point Monitor. (T-1). One of the semiannual reconciliations will be done at the same time as the annual
supply point inventory IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1).
9.17. Local Manufacture. Local manufacturing is an essential part of maintenance unit support.
The applicable end-item TOs identify items subject to local manufacture and specific procedures
for processing are in AFMAN 23-122.
9.17.1. MXG/CCs will publish directives outlining procedures covering the manufacture of
items source coded local manufacture IAW Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 8 (T-1).
9.17.1. (AMC) AMS/CC, En Route AMXS/CC and CRW will utilize host local manufacture
program instructions when available or develop local procedures and controls if the host unit
has no local manufacture program (T-2).
9.17.2. MXG directives as a minimum will include: Procedures that prevent abuses and specify coordination requirements as a
minimum coordination will include: QA, EAE, office Wing/Base Safety and indorsement
by the approval authority. (T-1). Identifying the approval authority for local manufacture requests. (T-1). Identifying drawing, sample, technical data and DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single
Line Item Requisition System Document, source requirements as required. (T-1). Ensure guidance identifies that drawings are obtained from the appropriate
repository (such as, Engineering Data Service Center or JEDMICS). Establishing coordination process for all the appropriate fabricating sections to
determine the bits and pieces required to manufacture the item. (T-1). Coordinating bit and piece parts requirements and availability with the
LRS/DMS. Identifying all work centers that have action on the AFTO Form 350 for items
requiring multiple section processing. (T-1).
9.18. DIFM Management.
9.18.1. DIFM inputs are critical to recording and getting credit for proper repair cycle times.
9.18.2. DIFM status codes are broken down into three categories; delayed maintenance time,
repair time, and AWP time. Repair time is the only time recorded and used to determine the
number of assets that should be stocked. Not using the proper codes when they change reduces
the number of assets on base.
9.18.3. The roles and responsibilities for DIFM management are identified in AFI 23-101. The
LRS/DMS provides the D23 or equivalent to assist each repair section in DIFMManagement.
The D23 is provided in both maintenance location and stock number sequence. Repair sections
use the D23 to manage the flow of serviceable and unserviceable DIFM assets in the repair
cycle and to ensure the DIFM status and location is updated. If a parts request is backordered and the removal of the unserviceable DIFM item
does not further limit or restrict the operational capability of the end item, it will be
removed and sent to the applicable support section for either repair, NRTS approval, or
condemnation with a subsequent turn-in to LRS/materiel management activity (as a credit
DIFM) IAW TO 00-20-3. (T-1). Repair assets to the fullest extent authorized. Repairable components will be processed, repaired, and returned to the FSC
within the required time frame IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1). The D23 will not be used to manage serviceable assets.
9.18.4. Repair Cycle Throughput. Throughput is the average time it takes to move individual
items through the repair cycle. Timelines for turn-in are outlined in AFI 23-101.
9.18.5. Units will establish local procedures for the control of repair cycle assets throughout
the maintenance repair cycle IAW AFI 23-101 and AFMAN 23-122. (T-1). Procedures will include methods of accounting for all components and
accessories, procedures for control of assets in AWP or AWM status, and procedures and
responsibilities for cross CANN, removal of bits and pieces, and scheduling and control of
repair cycle assets. (T-2).
9.18.6. AWP and cross-CANN assets will be controlled and managed IAW AFMAN 23-122.
(T-1). Maintenance activities will closely control reparable assets in AWP status. (T-
9.18.7. Maintenance Turn-In to Supply. Maintenance is responsible for DIFM items until the
item is returned to LRS/DMS. Work centers must properly tag and secure repair cycle assets and place items in
a leak–proof containment liner (no leaks/stains/tears/punctures), as required. (T-1). To prevent spillage, any item containing any type of residual fluid,
regardless of hazard classification, will be drained, purged, preserved, capped, plugged
and placed in a leak-proof containment liner before placement into a serviceable
reusable container for storage or shipment. (T-1). The work center must comply with packaging, environmental control, inert
certification, purge and preservation requirements as specified in applicable TOs, AFI
24-602V2, AFMAN 24-204, and place sufficient copy(s) of the technical document(s)
for handling, storage, shipping and distribution of copies inside the container. (T-1). Include AFTO Form 350, Parts I and II, and a condition tag or label with all
items turned into supply IAW TO 00-20-3. (T-1). Note: Some DIFM assets may require
additional tags. Enter the correct action taken code on AFTO Form 350, Part II.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Accomplish proper reclamation and demilitarization actions on condemned
repair cycle assets IAW AFMAN 23-122 and AFH 23-123, Vol. 2, Part I, Sec. 6C. DIFM items (serviceable or unserviceable) will be processed and turned in to
LRS IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1).
9.19. Tail Number Bins (TNB).
9.19.1. Establishment and management of TNBs is a shared responsibility between
maintenance and supply. TNBs are storage locations established and controlled to store issued
parts awaiting installation and parts removed to FOM. TNBs are set up by tail number, serial
number, or identification number.
9.19.1. (AMC) Units that possess aircraft will appoint a TNB monitor to ensure
accountability, visibility and tracking of all assets in TNB storage (T-2).
9.19.2. TNB items used to satisfy MICAP conditions are not CANNs. If a TNB asset is issued
to satisfy a part request, maintenance personnel will: Reorder the item and notify the expediter of the new document number. (T-3). Update the aircraft forms and the MIS. (T-3). If a due-out is created prior to transfer of these items, notify the LRS/materiel
management activity to change the "mark-for" field on the due-out detail. (T-3).
9.19.3. Seal and store partially completed TCTO kits and parts in the TNB and mark the
container or package with the tail number, serial number, or equipment identification number
and TCTO number. (T-1).
9.19.4. Maintain security and control of TNB assets. (T-1).
9.19.5. Track property placed in the TNB by tail number, serial number, or equipment
identification number. Each entry will indicate: Date received. (T-2). Noun/nomenclature. (T-2). Document number. (T-2). Status (FOM, Issue/Due-Out Release (ISU/DOR), TCTO). (T-2). Removal information (date, time, signature, and employee number of the person
who picked up the property). (T-2). Remarks. (T-2). Enter NONE” if no remarks are necessary. Current JCN. (T-2).
9.19.6. (Added-AMC) Use G081 screens 9006, 8044 and 8057 to update and query TNB data.
9.20. CANN Actions. See Chapter 11 for CANN procedures and responsibilities.
9.21. Bench Check and Repair Policy. Maintenance sections bench check items as part of the
off-equipment troubleshooting process. When workload requires, the Section NCOIC/Chief
determines the priority for bench check actions. Specific procedures for bench check and repair
policy are provided in TO 00-20-3. The following general guidelines apply:
9.21. (AMC) Bench Check and Repair Policy. N/A for En Route units and CRW.
9.21.1. Order required parts “fill or kill.” If the part is not in stock and a MICAP condition exists, backorder the new
request. Determine local repair capability before requisitioning off-base support or going
lateral support.
9.21.2. Remove the suspected item, fill out the AFTO Form 350, and annotate it as repair and
return. Attach AFTO Form 350 to the item; place the item in the repair cycle; and annotate the
name of the repair section on the form.
9.21.3. Bench-check, repair, take NRTS action, or condemn the item. If the item is repaired or otherwise determined to be serviceable, the repair
section informs the Support Section the item is available for pick-up so on-equipment
maintenance action may resume. If the item cannot be repaired, the repair section informs the Support Section to
initiate a backordered request and takes appropriate NRTS and condemnation action on the
unserviceable asset.
9.22. Maintenance Turn-Around Record Update Processing. Work centers processing TRNs
will coordinate with LRS/DMS and follow requirements outlined in AFI 23-101, AFMAN 23-122,
and AFH 23-123. (T-1).
9.22. (AMC) Maintenance Turn-Around (TRN) Record Update Processing. N/A for En
Route units and CRW.
9.23. Buildup Items. Maintain items requiring build-up prior to use (such as, wheels and tires) in
supply points in a built-up configuration.
9.23. (AMC) Buildup Items. Note: Any buildup assets accounted for on a supply point will be
in serviceable, built up and ready for use configuration. N/A for AMC En Route units and CRW.
9.23.1. Send items to appropriate work centers for build-up and return them to the supply point
for re-issue. Use AF Form 1297 or control log to control assets sent for build-up when the
supply point is operated by other than maintenance personnel. Validate AF Form 1297 daily if over 10 days old.
9.23.2. Local procedures will be established to control assets when maintenance operates the
supply point and assets are sent to another organization for build-up. (T-1).
9.24. DR Exhibits. DR exhibit procedures for issue, turn-in, and storage are contained in TO 00-
35D-54 and AFI 23-101. DRs shall be inputted into the JDRS at (T-0).
9.25. Destruction of TOP SECRET Material. Destruction of TOP SECRET material requires a
receipt according to DODM 5200.01, Vol 3, DOD Information Security Program: Protection of
Classified Information and AFI 16-1404. A copy of the destruction certificate will be included
with the turn-in documentation. (T-0).
9.25.1. Provide sensitive instruments interior container protection. (T-1).
9.25.2. Ensure a copy of the LRU/SRU historical record accompanies turn-in of all items. (T-
9.26. Certifying Items Associated With Explosives. Ensure items such as MERS, TERS, pylons,
launchers, rafts, bomb racks, ejection seats, fire suppression bottles, gun systems and components
are certified explosive-free prior to turn-in to LRS and/or Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
Disposition Services. (T-1). Refer to TO 11A-1-60 and AFMAN 21-201 for specific certification
Chapter 10
10.1. AF Munitions Policy. AF munitions policies are contained in AFMAN 21-200 and
AFMAN 21-201. AF nuclear munitions policy is contained in AFI 21-204.
10.1.1. Live and inert missiles (or electrical simulators) of the same type, for example Captive
Air Training Munitions with Air to Air must not be loaded or flown together on an aircraft for
any purpose. (T-2). Live and inert (to include training or practice) bombs must not be loaded
in/on the same dispenser/rack or flown on an aircraft load together. (T-2). Any request to
deviate from or waiver to this policy must be coordinated through the WWM, and must be
submitted via official message to the MAJCOM Munitions Division, Weapons Safety, and
Operations Weapons and Tactics/Training Divisions. (T-2). Note: Units that fly rocket pods
will not fly TP rockets with any combination of live rockets. Note: With Program Office/Seek
Eagle approval, configurations with inert Air-to-Ground Missiles (AGM) can be flown with
all types of bombs and rockets. The MAJCOM Munitions Division is the sole approval
authority for these deviations/waivers. Test organizations may load and fly live and inert
munitions on the same aircraft for test missions only, as long as the flight profile is IAW an
approved test directive that has been through a Safety Review Board process and flight
clearance through the applicable Program Office/Seek Eagle office has been properly obtained.
10.1.2. Request for waiver of, or deviation to, this policy will include as a minimum: (1), an
Operational Risk Assessment report and proposed controls to mitigate or eliminate hazards to
personnel, damage to aircraft and support equipment or inadvertent employment of live
ordnance, and (2), a signed copy of the Test Requirement Plan, Test Plan, or Concept
Employment Plan. (T-2). Approved requests will remain valid only for the event requested and
will not exceed 60 days. (T-2).
10.1.3. Captive Air Training Munitions. Safety pins/streamers for arming keys/safe-arm
handles on Captive Air Training Munitions may be removed for daily training/flying
operations provided positive control and accountability is maintained for these items. Captive Air Training Munitions AIM-9M arming handles will be permanently
removed. (T-1). These components are only removed for foreign or dropped object
prevention. Any Captive Air Training Munitions missile used for exercises, Load Crew
Training and inspections should be configured to the maximum extent possible with all
safety devices and components to mirror the parent tactical munitions.
10.2. Unit Committed Munitions List (UCML), Test/Training Munitions List (TTML).
Operational units will use UCMLs. (T-1). Test/Training units will use TTMLs unless they require
a UCML, for example North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Committed. (T-
1). The UCML/TTML is a list of Primary Munitions (PM), Support Munitions (SM), and Limited-
use Munitions (LM) necessary to meet unit operational/test/training requirements and is published
IAW this instruction. The list of PM will not include more than 10 individual munitions or
Munitions Family Groups (MFG) combined per mission, design, and series (MDS) aircraft
assigned. (T-2). The UCML/TTML also specifies the minimum certified
load crews required to meet unit requirements. MAJCOMS may supplement UCML/TTML
processing, coordination and appendix requirements.
10.2.1. As a minimum, UCML/TTML’s will be updated annually to identify all munitions
tasked and/or required to support test/training or OPLANs, DOC statements, and Ready
Aircrew Program tasking memorandum. (T-1). Additional munitions may be included on the
UCML/TTML as SM or LM munitions if required by the unit or designated by the MAJCOM
(A4M performs this in the ANG) to support test, training, or deployment. The UCML/TTML
is the base document for aircrew and load crew training munitions forecasts, authorizations
and operations. Units will start their UCML/TTML validation in July, and have a coordinated
input to the MAJCOM Munitions Division in August. (T-2). MAJCOMs will supply approved
UCML/TTML to the units in September.
10.2.2. Unit changes to the UCML/TTML will be justified by Wing Weapons and Tactics,
coordinated and processed through the WWM, Munitions Squadron/Flight, MXG/CC and
OG/CC before sending it to higher headquarters and MAJCOM. (T-2).
10.2.3. Standard Conventional Load lists are not part of the UCML/TTML. They are stand-
alone documents.
10.2.4. The WWM determines the minimum number of certified load crews depicted on the
UCML and recommends approval to the MXG/CC. The minimum number should be based on
supporting the initial/lead UTC requirements. Additionally, follow-on UTCs tasked
simultaneously with the initial/lead UTC will be considered to determine minimum load crew
requirements. The WWM determines the number of load crews depicted on the TTML as
required to meet training unit syllabus and/or test unit mission requirements. Note: WWM will
specify in writing the minimum number of load crews required in aggressor units when no
UCML/TTML exists. (T-1).
10.3. Weapons Load Crew Training Program (WLCTP). The USAF WLCTP ensures all
weapons load crew members obtain and maintain the certification/qualification and proficiency
needed to effectively meet safe, secure, and efficient munitions loading/unloading operations
supporting their unit’s mission. The objective of the WLCTP is to develop and maintain a high
state of mission readiness for immediate and effective generation/employment of munitions loaded
aircraft. WLCTP provides the basis for accomplishing peacetime missions while maintaining
critical wartime capability. The WLCTP is managed by Weapons Standardization.
10.3.1. Weapons Standardization (WS). WS plans and conducts nuclear and conventional
weapons load certification and training requirements to support unit tasking and operational
plans. WS is comprised of the superintendent, the LSC, lead crews and an academic instructor.
WS will manage and govern the Weapons Standardization Program. (T-1). In TFI-associated
units, the WWM will ensure AFR/RegAF LSC (minimum of two certifying officials) are
available to cover weekend loading evaluations. (T-2). This arrangement must be in writing
(grade, names) and reviewed on an annual basis. (T-2). Training, certification, proficiency
evaluations and qualifications required to load munitions on aircraft are the sole responsibility
of Weapons Standardization.
10.3.2. Weapons Standardization Program. The Weapons Standardization Program is
established to ensure munitions loading standardized training, procedures, and policies, are in
place to support mission requirements. The Weapons Standardization Program is made up of
the WS personnel, weapons academic training, practical training, munitions loading
certification, weapons task qualification, and proficiency evaluations. These core elements are
managed and governed by the WS. WS will establish and manage a program to train, certify
and maintain proficiency for each load crew based on the munitions designated by the
UCML/TTML and/or those munitions designated by the WWM for SM’s and LM’s. (T-1).
10.3.3. WS Superintendent (SUPT) Responsibilities. The WS SUPT is responsible to the
WWM, and performs Section NCOIC/Chief duties outlined in Paragraph 3.10. The WS SUPT
develops and oversees the Weapons Standardization Program, sets standards, develops local
policies and procedures, and interprets all technical data and directives governing the Weapons
Standardization Program. Note: ARC & Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
WS SUPT responsibilities may be performed by the LSC Team Chief. The WS SUPT will: Manage WLT training munitions, components, and accessories. (T-1). Ensure load crew training munitions are maintained to the same standard
and are representative of the parent munitions to the maximum extent possible. (T-1). If defects exist that preclude the use of training munitions for WLT/ Dual
Loading Operation, they will be turned in to the Munitions Flight/Squadron for
maintenance or replacement IAW AFMAN 21-201. (T-1). Ensure training munitions and munitions items meet unit needs. (T-1). The
UCML/ TTML will be the source document for WLT munitions requirements and
authorizations and the WS SUPT must ensure correct munition variants are requested to
support unit taskings. (T-2). The WS SUPT will ensure sufficient quantities of load crew training
munitions are forecasted for IAW AFMAN 21-201 and issued assets are serviceable to
support both load crew and Dual Loading Operation training programs. (T-1). If sufficient training munitions are not available to support Dual
Loading Operation training, coordinate use of assigned items from WS supply point
for management flexibility. The WS SUPT will review and validate all munitions forecasts submitted
by WS and the Armament Flight prior to submission to MAJCOM. (T-1). Refer to
AFMAN 21-201 for guidance on submitting the annual non-expendable air-munitions
training forecast to the MAJCOM. Training munitions. Authorized quantities of training munitions can be
referenced in the “Air Force Standard for Non-Expendable Air-Munitions Training”
located on the Air Force Conventional Munitions SharePoint site at: These numbers reflect the
maximum munitions required exclusively for weapons load crew certification and
recurring training. These munitions are forecasted by and assigned to weapons load
training (W1) accounts. Units may request and justify additional quantities of munitions than
specified on these tables but may not be allocated munitions unless sufficient
quantities are available and approved.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Units with multiple MDS will use the authorization for the MDS that
provides the greater quantity per item; these authorizations are not cumulative. (T-1).
For example, if a base has both F-15E and F-16 aircraft assigned and both MDS are
tasked on the UCML/TTML for Guided Bomb Unit (GBU)-12 then only two, not four,
GBU-12s will be allocated to support both MDS. If a situation exists where the WLT facilities are physically separated
and the WWM determines it negatively impacts load crew training to move
munitions from one to the other, then each facility will be authorized the minimum
number of tasked training munitions. (T-2). Ensure load crews demonstrate proficiency on each type aircraft racks and
stations prior to certification on that munition. (T-1). For conventional munitions capable of multiple carriage, both aircraft
parent station and multiple carriage loading are required. For nuclear weapons, only the aircraft stations that are maintained in
nuclear certified status are loaded. Develop an annual load crew proficiency schedule to ensure one third of
the required munitions will be loaded bi-monthly (monthly for short tour locations) to
demonstrate crew proficiency. Additionally, WS SUPT will ensure munitions with
multiple configurations such as JDAM MFG, AIM-9 L/M/X are loaded in different
months to provide adequate munitions coverage during the year. (T-1). Ensure load crews are familiar with fuse inspection, installation and wiring IAW
MDS-33 series TO procedures or TO 11A-1-63, Munitions Assembly Procedures—
Inspection and Assembly of Conventional Munitions. (T-1). Conduct this training during initial certification. Ensure EPEs are performed on each LSC/Lead Crew member at least semi-
annually to validate standardization of the weapons load training program. (T-1). Results will be documented on the AF Form 2419 and will be maintained
within the WLCMT or MAJCOM approved equivalent. (T-1). WWM and/or WS SUPT will perform EPEs on LSC members during load
crew evaluations. (T-1). Exception: For the 354th Fighter Wing EPEs will be
accomplished during weapons task qualification training. (T-1). LSC members perform EPEs on Lead Crew members during load crew
evaluations. (T-1).
10.4. Loading Standardization Crew (LSC). The LSC is assigned to WS and reports to the WS
SUPT. The LSC administers the Weapons Standardization Program and the WWM and/or WS
SUPT evaluate and certify the LSC according to criteria in this AFI.
10.4.1. The LSC Team Chief must be at least a TSgt 2W171. (T-1).
10.4.2. The LSC trains, evaluates, and certifies the lead crews and load crews.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The LSC will perform semi-annual evaluations, (quarterly at short tour
locations), on all certified load crews on at least one of the unit’s PM. (T-1). Lead crew
members may assist; however, at least one member of the LSC must be present. (T-1).
10.5. Weapons Academic Instructor. A WS member is designated to oversee and manage the
Weapons Academic Training Program.
10.5.1. The WWM will designate WS members (minimum 7-skill level) as primary (primary
instructor will be a permanently assigned individual to WS, minimum grade of TSgt) and
alternates, to conduct initial and recurring weapons academic training for all wing 2W1XXs
(or equivalent contractor personnel). (T-1). The instructors will have a SEI for at least one of the assigned MDS weapons
system and familiarized with all UCML/TTML items. (T-1).
10.5.2. The primary academic instructor will manage the Weapons Academics Training
Program and associated materiel. (T-1).
10.5.3. The primary weapons academic instructor will review the Weapons Academics
Training Program annually IAW AFI 36-2650. (T-1). The weapons academics instructor is not considered a maintenance instructor.
10.6. Squadron Lead Crews. The lead crews are assigned to the WS and assist the LSC in
training, evaluating and certifying unit load crews in safe and reliable munitions loading
10.6.1. For contingency operations or deployed locations a lead crew should deploy to perform
WS functions.
10.6.2. If a lead crew is not deployed, the senior 2W1X1 weapons loading person (with WWM
coordination) on location will have WS authority. (T-1). For example, a new munition or load
configuration is required to support operations and crews need to be trained on location
(provided Seek Eagle approval has been granted and verified technical data/procedures are
10.7. Training Facilities/Aircraft.
10.7.1. Practical training will be conducted in a facility dedicated to load crew training thatis
of sufficient size to accommodate required aircraft, training munitions and associated support
equipment. (T-1). Adequate office space and classroom with appropriate heating and cooling are
required in the academic and practical training area. See AFMAN 32-1084 for facility
10.7.2. Aircraft will have a fully configured and operational (electrical and mechanical)
weapons system for load training purposes. (T-1). If a permanent load trainer for example, Armament Systems Trainer and/or
GITA) is assigned, it also will have a fully configured and operational weapons system.
(T-2). In addition, WS will develop a schedule for periodic maintenance to weapons
system components. (T-1).
10.8. Weapons Academics. All 2W1X1s (and civilian equivalents performing in 2W1 capacity)
assigned to a wing regardless of duty position, and non-2W1X1 personnel who maintain specific
weapons task qualification will complete initial and recurring (not exceeding a 15-month interval)
weapons academic training. (T-1).
10.8.1. Complete initial academic training before the start of any practical training. (T-1). Recurring academic training may also be part of training and recertification for
failed loads. Initial and recurring course outlines may be combined. A minimum score of 80 percent must be attained to receive credit for academic
testing. (T-1).
10.8.2. Coordinate training requirements and course control documents annually through
Wing Safety or the safety officer and MT. (T-1). Wing Safety will approve all nuclear surety training lesson plans. (T-1). The WWM is the final approval authority for course documents. (T-1).
10.8.3. Weapons academic training may fulfill the requirements for explosive safety and
nuclear surety training if requirements of AFI 91-101 and AFMAN 91-201 are met. Course
control documents are tailored to unit and contingency needs and, as a minimum, will include
the following items: Local publications that prescribe weapons related operating procedures or
directives. (T-1). Safety (occupational and explosive) and security. (T-1). Aircraft, munitions, AGE, SE, TMDE, and munitions trailer familiarization. (T-
1). Testers, handling equipment and special tools. (T-1). Operations in revetments/protective aircraft shelters. (T-1). Weapons storage and security system vaults (tasked units). (T-1). Applicable command unique training requirements in 36-26XX supplements.
(T-1). Hazards inherent during Concurrent Servicing Operations. (T-1). Task Assignment List and applicable -16/-33 TOs (initial academics/ load crew
personnel only). (T-1). Explain Master Nuclear Certification List, Dull Sword definition and reporting
procedures IAW AFMAN 91-221 and other related directives (applies to all units with
nuclear certified equipment regardless of mission). (T-1). Nuclear weapons systems fault isolation and troubleshooting procedures (if
applicable). (T-1). Explain procedures for operations involving nuclear weapons, to include safety
wiring and sealing, use of Tamper Detection Indicators, two-person concept, no-lone zone,
PRP, and AF Form 504, Weapons Custody Transfer Document, custody transfer
procedures (if applicable). (T-1). Discuss accident, incident and deficiency reporting. Include in this training:
NUCFLASH, EMPTY QUIVER, Weapons Custody and Control Procedures and
Command Disablement Systems (if applicable). (T-1).
10.8.4. Weapons Expediter training. Weapons Expediter training will be instructed by the
Weapons Academic Instructor. (T-1). Initial training is required prior to assuming duties as a Weapons Expediter. (T-
1). Expediter training will address the following subject areas: Basic Expediter duties within this AFI. (T-1). AF Forms 2430 and AF Form 2434 documentation. (T-1). Munitions flightline accountability. (T-1). Emergency procedures. (T-1). NET Explosive Weight/Explosive Site Planning. (T-1). Review and monitor JSTs (screen 469, 100, and 122 as a minimum). (T-1). Aircraft MESLs (as applicable). (T-1). Maintenance on conventional and nuclear explosives loaded aircraft. (T-
1). MNCL items (as required) and nuclear policies pertaining to flightline
activity. (T-1).
10.9. Practical Training. Practical training starts when academic training is complete. Practical
training is the initial hands-on procedural training given to load crew members. The LSC or lead
crews administer practical training to each load crew member on required munitions and aircraft.
They ensure practical training duplicates operational conditions to the maximum extent possible
and stress requirements such as loading/unloading on/off various types of munitions trailers (with
applicable accessories), DLOs, two-person concept, safety wiring and sealing/roto sealing,
controlled access and weapon custody receipt and transfer procedures, as required.
10.10. Task Assignment List. A Task Assignment List is a functional grouping of procedural
steps from applicable -16/-33 series TOs, by crew position, to be accomplished in sequence by
each crew member during a loading operation. Task Assignment Lists are used during training for
all loading operations except those for which job oriented procedures have been published (B-2
rotary launcher conventional munitions, and B-52H Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missile
pylon and Conventional Stores Rotary Launcher loading/unloading is accomplished procedurally
parallel to the -16 procedures). Task Assignment Lists are not a replacement for TO procedures,
but are used to standardize procedures and facilitate the training of unit load crews.
10.10.1. Task Assignment Lists will include single, dual loading operation, cross-loadingand
integrated munitions loading procedures (including gun and chaff/flare loading) as applicable.
10.10.2. Units may develop task assignment lists for aircraft armament electrical functional
checks (at unit's discretion).
10.10.3. Separate Task Assignment Lists will be developed for weapons qualification tasks
performed by non-2W1X1 personnel. (T-1).
10.10.4. MRPLs and semi-annual evaluations are not considered training operations.
10.10.5. Minimum responsibilities of each load crew position (MAJCOMs may develop more
detailed Task Assignment Lists). Two member load crews (CV-22, MC-130J/H/P, and HH-60). Crew member number one will be the load crew chief and is in charge of
the loading operation. (T-1). Crew member number two will assist crew member number one in
performing the aircraft preparation and loading munitions. (T-1). Three member load crews. (AC-130U/W/J, A/OA10, F15, F16, F-22, F-35
and MQ-9). Crew member number one will be the load crew chief and is in charge of
the loading operation. (T-1). Crew member number two will perform aircraft preparation, load
munitions, and assist as required. (T-1). Crew member number three will perform munitions preparation, operate
the bomb lift truck, and assist as required. (T-1). Four member load crews. (B–1, B–2, and B–52). Crew member number one will be the load crew chief and is in charge of
the loading operation. (T-1). Crew member number two will perform the aircraft preparation and assist
as required. (T-1). Crew member number three will perform munitions preparation and assist
as required. (T-1). Crew member number four will operate the bomb lift truck and assist as
required. (T-1).
10.11. Munitions Aircraft Loading Certification/Decertification.
10.11.1. Certification. These guidelines are used to establish the weapons standardization
program. A minimum of one certifying official is required for two-person load crews. (T-1).
A minimum of two certifying officials are required to evaluate three and four-member load
crews. (T-1). Certification and training requirements are as follows: LSC, lead crew and load crew personnel will be certified by position. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Personnel must be certified before loading live conventional munitions, unless
loading under the direct supervision of a minimum of two certifying officials. (T-1). Personnel must be certified before loading war reserve nuclear weapons. (T-0). Certified load crews may be evaluated by using war reserve weapons if
the weapons are scheduled for loading or movement. LSC, lead crews, and load crews will be certified on all PMs. (T-1). Exception:
AFGSC units follow Paragraph 2.7.5 for nuclear PM requirements. The LSC and lead crews are certified on all SMs to provide the cadre for
future certification of unit load crews. (T-1). The LSC is certified (or qualified for items so identified by unit tasking)
on unit LMs. (T-1). Load crews can only be certified on up to 15 total MFGs (primary, support,
limited). (T-1). Dual position (LSC and lead crews) or multiple MDS (LSC, F-15C/D/E lead
crews, Test Wing personnel, 174 ATKW Det 1, and AFSOC only) certification is
authorized; however, personnel will not be certified on more than 15 UCML/TTML
primary MFGs. (T-1). Proficiency requirements are accomplished on all aircraft IAW this
Chapter. Personnel who are dual position certified will ensure they comply with
MRPL and SAE requirements in both positions for which they are certified; they will
not alternate between the two. (T-1). In the dual or secondary position, personnel will only load munitions for
which they are certified, and will comply with requirements stated above. (T-1). Only dual certify in the MFGs required to meet mission requirements. (T-
1). Note: MQ-1/MQ-9 personnel are exempt from the dual MDS/position restrictions
imposed by this Paragraph; crews may be certified on both MDS, and #2 and #3
members may be certified in both positions. Load crew member certification is valid worldwide with gaining WWMs
concurrence. Reassignment does not necessarily require recertification by the gaining unit
if the individual is certified on the same munitions, aircraft, and load crew position; and if
MRPL or SAE requirements are current. Units will develop procedures to ensure load crew certification status is
provided to the individual prior to Permanent Change of Station (PCS) departure. (T-
3). Units will alternate loading operations on different AME configurations for
same munitions. (T-2). Units with GBU-39 on UCML/TTML will train Bomb Rack Unit-61
asymmetrical or unbalanced center of gravity loadouts, for example, with 1-3 GBU-
39/53s loaded. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Personnel certified to load nuclear weapons on aircraft, will perform weapons
transfer and tie-down procedures to and from trailers, Weapons Storage and Security
System vaults, and support stands for which load standardization training has been
established and conducted IAW this instruction. (T-2). These actions are not required as
separate certification items.
10.11.2. Decertification. Document decertification and/or disqualification actions in the
WLCMT or MAJCOM-approved equivalent. (T-1). Decertify and disqualify individual load
crew members if they: Fail to complete a required evaluation (SAE, MRPL, Qualification). (T-1). If a load crew member is on TDY, emergency leave, incapacitated, or
involved in an unannounced local or higher headquarters exercise/contingency
operation, do not decertify or disqualify the member providing the current
SAE/MRPL/Qualification requirements (plus all past-due evaluations) are completed
within one month of returning to duty. Fail to accomplish recurring academic training. (T-1). All personnel exceeding the 15-month interval will not operate, handle,
transport, maintain, or load munitions until academic training is accomplished. (T-1). Fail an evaluation due to the following criteria: Safety Error. (T-1). A violation of safety publications, TO warnings, any
unsafe act (personal injury or death). Evaluators will immediately intervene to prevent
such acts. (T-1). Reliability Error. (T-1). A violation of TO requirements that could
reasonably lead to damage/premature failure of equipment, prevent safe reliable
operation of weapons system or weapon release, or intervention by the evaluator to
prevent such violations. Lack of technical proficiency. (T-1). Any load crew member failing to
demonstrate technical proficiency results in a failed rating. A crew member exceeding three technical order errors results in a
fail rating for lack of technical proficiency. Time standard. (T-1). Exceeded time standard results in a failed rating for
the load crew chief. If the time standard is exceeded for other load crew member’s lack
of technical proficiency, the Load Team Chief does not need to be decertified. Time
standard will not be applied to flightline evaluations. (T-1). When a member is decertified on a munition, the member will be decertified on
all items within the MFG. (T-1). Personnel may recertify on any MFG item. Note: Bomber
units may certify by loading methods for nuclear munitions. This will be accomplished by
documenting the munition method in block seven of the AF Form 2435. EXAMPLE,
AGM-86/B Pylon, AGM-86/B Conventional Stores Rotary Launcher, B-61/83 Rotary
Launcher Assembly, B-61/83 S/B.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 For integrated loads, the evaluator may decertify on all munitions or a
specific munition loaded. When the same rating is not applied to all munitions loaded
during an integrated load, the load crew records will be annotated accordingly. (T-2). A failure for safety or reliability does not result in complete
retraining/recertification for the loading task. At the discretion of the evaluator, sub-
task retraining or thorough critique may be used to satisfy retraining/recertification
10.12. Proficiency Review Period. Immediately following initial certification, crews will load
one-third of all munitions monthly for a minimum of three months, after which the LSC or lead
crew will recommend to the WS SUPT to place them in the normal bi-monthly evaluation cycle
(NA for short tour locations). (T-1).
10.13. Minimum Required Proficiency Load. All certified load crews will perform proficiency
loads and be evaluated by the LSC or a lead crew. (T-1).
10.13.1. Each munition an individual is certified to load, regardless if it is a primary, support
or limited use munition, will be loaded at least once within a six month period (three month
period for short tour locations). (T-1). One third of the required munitions will be loaded bi-monthly (monthly for
short tour locations) to demonstrate crew proficiency. (T-1).
10.13.2. MRPL credit may be given during any certified loading operations on the flightline
provided complete MRPL requirements are performed and evaluated by WS personnel. MRPL
credit during flightline evaluations is only authorized when loading live munitions, Dummy
Air Training Missiles, or D-2 type inert munitions.
10.13.3. In units where no munition training assets exist (Cluster Bomb Unit CBU-105, M129)
difference training will be provided prior to initial certification and during recurring academics
training. (T-1).
10.13.4. Load crews in air defense/air superiority units perform proficiency loads bi-monthly
using all committed primary munitions. (T-1).
10.13.5. Nuclear-tasked units. LSC, lead crews, and load crews will load nuclear PMs
monthly. (T-1). Only one type of munition within a MFG requires loading each month.
10.13.6. Load crew integrity must be used to the maximum extent possible. (T-3).
10.13.7. Load crews will annually perform an evaluated load while wearing the ground crew
Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment using 33-1-2/33-2-1 procedures as determined by the
WWM. (T-3). Credit may be given during exercises provided operations are evaluated by WS
personnel. (T-2).
10.14. Load Crew Semi-Annual Evaluations (SAE). The LSC evaluates each load crew once
semi-annually on at least one of the unit PMs (SM or LM if no PM listed); all unit PMs will be
used on a rotating basis. (T-1).
10.14.1. SAE’s are not required for lead crews.
10.14.2. Load crews failing to accomplish semi-annual evaluations on all munitions will be
decertified unless exempted IAW provisions in this Chapter. (T-1).
10.14.3. If an integrated load is accomplished as the SAE (such as, AIM-9, -120), document
the SAE accordingly.
10.14.4. There is no need to document both SAE and MRPL.
10.14.5. Certified Load Team Chiefs may perform SAEs in any position provided they load
under the supervision of LSC or lead crew using inert conventional training munitions only.
This requirement applies at home station only.
10.14.6. No SAE credit will be given to those individuals during evaluations unless loading in
the position for which they are certified. (T-1). This enables units the flexibility to evaluate
remaining crew members when a member may not be available to form a full crew and will
only be used as necessary.
10.14.7. The letter "E" will be placed after the date for the semi-annual evaluation regardless
of rating. (T-1).
10.15. Documenting Load Crew Certification/Decertification/Qualification.
10.15.1. The LSC will manage load crew certifications, qualifications, SAEs (quarterly
evaluation (QE) for short tour locations), and MRPLs by means of the WLCMT or MAJCOM
approved equivalent. (T-1). All decertification and subsequent recertification actions must be documented
on AF Form 2435 via WLCMT or MAJCOM approved equivalent process. (T-1). Aircraft parent station, multiple carriage, difference training and asymmetrical
loads will be documented on AF Form 2419, AF Form 2435, or MAJCOM approved
equivalent. (T-1).
10.15.2. Enter one of the following codes in the month column, as applicable, if required loads
are not completed and provisions of this Chapter apply: Temporary Duty (TD), Emergency
Leave (LV), Incapacitated (ED), Exercises/Contingency (EX), or Weather (WX). (T-1). Code outs will not be used as a substitute for ineffective scheduling. (T-1).
WWM has final decision authority on coding disputes. RPA contractor personnel who deploy immediately after weapons load
certification are not required to be coded out monthly.
10.15.3. Route AF Form 2419 after semi-annual evaluations (quarterly for short tour
locations) to the Weapons Section NCOIC/Chief, Operations Officer/MX SUPT, WWM, and
the WS SUPT. (T-1).
10.15.4. When internet connectivity will not be present, send printouts from the WLCMT or
MAJCOM-approved equivalent product with the crew to deployed/TDY locations if loading
tasks are to be performed. (T-1). The following statement will be added after the last entry on each product: "AF
Form 2435 reviewed; the member is certified/qualified on the items listed on this product.”
(T-1). This statement is followed by the signature and date of a WS certifying official.
10.15.5. Academic and practical training will be tracked and documented in a MIS, however
the WLCMT or MAJCOM-approved equivalent may be used for this purpose. (T-2).
10.16. Weapons Task Qualification. A weapons task qualification is a munitions-related task
that does not require certification to include inert/training munitions. Individuals require both
initial/recurring weapons academics and initial/annual practical qualification training for these
10.16.1. All individuals will receive full task qualification training to include use of the
checklist. (T-1).
10.16.2. Recurring practical training should be conducted during normal flightline operations
to the maximum extent possible.
10.16.3. Training is provided, documented and tracked by WS.
10.16.4. Checklist Qualification. Indicates that the person with the checklist is trained,
knowledgeable and in-charge of the overall operation or task. Members must possess a minimum 5-skill level to be checklist qualified. (T-1).
10.16.5. Full scale inert/training munitions (such as, BDU-50/TGM-65/Captive Air Training
Munitions -120/M129). If load crew personnel are certified on a munition, they are considered
qualified (by position certified, except #1 position) on its inert version.
10.16.6. Two or more qualified personnel in AFSC 2W1X1 (or civilian equivalent) shall be
required to perform the following tasks: Practice Bombs: load and unload BDU-33, BDU-48 and MK-106. (T-2). Load and unload ammunition in internal and external gun systems (the GAU-8
requires three people). (T-2). Exception: Personnel do not load GAU-2, GAU-18, GAU-
21, or M240 machine guns and are authorized to unload ammunition only during Hot Gun
emergency or gun jams that require safing prior to maintenance actions. Load and unload single 2.75 rockets. (T-2). Load and unload Miniature Air Launched Decoy (three person minimum). (T-
2). Load and unload captive AGM-114 missiles (M36). (T-2).
10.16.7. Two or more qualified personnel in any aircraft maintenance AFSC shall be required
to perform the following tasks (members must be qualified in all aspects of task to be
performed; for example, aircraft prep, rack/launcher prep, munitions prep. Install and remove impulse cartridges if the task is not accomplished as a part
of a loading operation. (T-2). Load/unload pyrotechnics. (T-2). Install and remove chaff and flare magazines and other defensive
countermeasures. (T-2). Perform portions of the conventional loading checklist pertaining to delayed-
flight or alert, and Immediate Prior to Launch/Safing procedures. (T-2). Note: Removal of
dome/Target Designator cover(s) is not considered Immediate Prior to Launch and does
not require initial/recurring academics. Perform munitions/missile isolation procedures to facilitate other maintenance
on conventional loaded aircraft only. (T-2). Install and remove Captive Air Training Munitions/ Dummy Air Training -9
missiles (must have three personnel minimum and one person must be checklist qualified).
(T-1). Install and remove Acceleration Monitor Assemblies and Airborne
Instrumentation System pods. Academics are not required for Acceleration Monitor
Assemblies and Airborne Instrumentation System pods. (Minimum crew size per TO
directives). Acceleration Monitor Assemblies and Airborne Instrumentation System
qualification training is a one-time trained item that will be entered on an AF Form 797.
10.16.8. A Load Team Chief may perform in any crew member position when loading
inert/training munitions if certified on the parent munition. (T-1). The two and three members can only perform those positions for which they
are certified or qualified. (T-1).
10.16.9. Cross-loading Operations will be trained and documented as a Qualification. Cross-
loading operations are only applicable to conventional loading operations and are only
authorized upon MXG/CC approval and WS program implementation. The following minimum conditions will be included in the Cross-loading
training plan (if implemented) (T-2). Procedures for clearly identifying aircraft involved in cross-loading
operations. A list of MXG/CC authorized munitions eligible for cross-loading
operations. Local procedures, restrictions and safety requirements as determined by
the WWM and MXG/CC. Procedures for annotating loading checklist within the cross-loading
program to ensure compliance, for example, emergency data page info, when to check
10.17. Munitions Load Time Standards. All munitions listed in a single block comprise a MFG
for the respective aircraft mission type. The load time standards apply to all operational users of
the munitions or aircraft listed and are the minimum proficiency requirements for weapons load
10.17.1. Units may establish more restrictive standards for local use.
10.17.2. Unless otherwise noted in Table 10.1., Table 10.2., or Table 10.3., the WS SUPT
shall determine and set load time standards for qualification items, for integrated loads
(including nuclear, if tasked), and for loads performed wearing the Chemical Warfare Defense
Equipment (T-3).
10.17.3. All items require certification IAW this Chapter, unless otherwise indicated.
10.17.4. The standard load times, from the MFG Table 10.1., Table 10.2., and Table 10.3.
are standard load times for initial and recurring training and evaluations for the respective
single store (including full munitions preparation) and installation of impulse cartridges, if
required. Except for Bomb Rack Unit-57, an additional 10 minutes is allowed for each
added aircraft station check on fighter aircraft, if performed as part of an evaluated load. An additional 7 minutes is allowed for each like store added to fighter aircraft
loads. Load times are additive when more than one type of munition is loaded on
fighter aircraft. For example, if an F-16 is to be loaded with two AIM-9s and a MK-82, the
load crew shall be allowed 20 minutes for the first AIM- 9, 7 minutes for the second AIM-
9, and 25 minutes for the MK-82, for a total of 52 minutes. Units may develop optimum time standards for integrated loads (including
nuclear, if tasked).
Table 10.1. Fighter Aircraft Munitions Family Group and Munition Load Time Standards
(in minutes).
AIM-9 L/M/X 20 20 20 30 20 Note 6
25 25 40 25 Note 6
AGM-65 25 25 25
Note 1, 2, 6
Note 6
AGM-154 (JSOW)
25 25
Note 1, 5, 6
25 25
Note 1, 6, 8
90 90
Note 3
CBU-87/89 25 25 25
Note 6
CBU-103/104/105/107 (WCMD) 25 25 25
Note 5, 6
GBU-10/12/51 25 25 25
30 Note 1, 6
GBU-24/27, EGBU-24/27
30 25
Note 1, 6
GBU-28, EGBU-28
Note 1, 6, 8
GBU-31/32/38/54/56 (JDAM) 25 25 25 35 25 Note 5, 6
GBU-39/53 (SDB)
25 25 40 25 Note 6, 7
MK81/82/83/84/110 Low Drag
25 25 25 25
Note 4, 6
MK82/MK84 High Drag (HD) 25 25 25
Note 4, 6
ROCKETS (2.75)
1. Add 15 minutes for each additional store or LAU-117.
2. Time is for one LAU-117. The time for loading one pre-loaded LAU-88 is 45 minutes; two
LAU-88s, 60 minutes; single missile out of container, 35 minutes; for a single missile that must
be transferred out of the container, 50 minutes; for three missiles out of the container, 60
minutes; for three missiles in their containers, 90 minutes.
3. Includes a short flight circuit test, such as F-16, 75060/W-11; or F-15E, A/E24T-199 check.
When a long flight circuit test is to be included in a loading operation, add the time standard
listed in the applicable -6 tech order to the time standard.
4. Add 5 minutes for each fuse extender used.
Table 10.2. Bomber Aircraft Munitions Family Group and Munition Load Time
85 95 Note 1, 2, 5
AGM-158 50 50 50 50 Note 1, 4, 7
Note 1, 2, 6
CBU-87/89 40
40 40 Note 1, 3, 7
CBU-103/104/105/107 (WCMD) 40
40 Note 1, 4, 7
40 Note 3, 7
40 Note 3, 4, 7
GBU-31/38/54 (JDAM) 40 40 45 45 Note1, 4, 7
GBU-57 (MOP)
Note 4, 7
MK-56/60/62/63/65 (Mines) 40 40 25 40 Note 1, 3, 7
109/110 (GP LD)
40 40 25 40 Note 1, 3, 7
MK82A, MK84A (GP HD) 40 40
40 Note 1, 3, 7
5. F-16 add 35 minutes if BRU-57 functional check is performed as part of the load.
6. Add 10 minutes if functional check is to be accomplished as part of the load evaluation.
7. Time standard for a preloaded carriage system is 40 minutes.
8. Add 5 additional minutes when loading AGM-158/GBU-28 on F-15E Station 5
1. Pre-load; time standard 40 minutes for preloaded B-1 CBM+, MRPL and SECBM. B-52/B-2
add 40 minutes for each additional preload Conventional Stores Rotary Launcher//Rotary
Launcher Assembly or Pylon on the B-52.
2. B-52 post-load for one missile: Add 50 minutes for AGM-86B, 60 minutes for AGM-86D,
and 70 minutes for AGM-86C. Add 5 minutes for each additional missile. B-2 post-load check
add 20 minutes if accomplished as part of the load.
3. Add 3 minutes for each additional store Non MIL-STD-1760E capable store. Exception: Add
10 minutes per store for GBU/EGBU 10/12/28.
4. MIL-STD-1760E; Add 5 minutes per additional store. Exception: B-52 add an additional 5
minutes per store if MIL-STD-1760E cable installation is required. B-52 (internal) for AGM-
158 load add 20 minutes per additional store. The LSC will develop a local time standard for the
8th weapon. B-52 add an additional 10 minutes per additional store for CRL loading. B-1 and B-
52 (external), for AGM-158 load, add 20 minutes per additional store. B-2, for the AGM-158
load, the first store is 50 minutes; add 20 minutes per additional store. The LSC will develop a
local time standard for the 8th weapon.
5. Time for single missile loading is 70 minutes per store.
6. Time for single bomb is 40 minutes, add additional 15 minutes per store; B-2 add 20 minutes
if post-load check is performed as part of the load.
7. B-2 add 20 minutes if post load checks are performed part of the load. B-1 add 45 minutes if
status checks are performed as part of the load. N/A for B-52.
Table 10.3. Remote Piloted/Special Mission Aircraft Munitions Family Group and
Munition Load Time Standards
W, and J
AGM-114 20 20
Note 1, 2
Note 1, 2
Note 1, 2
W, and J
1. Add 15 minutes for each additional store or M299.
2. Add 10 minutes if functional check is to be
accomplished as part of the load evaluation.
Chapter 11
11.1. Facility Housekeeping and Contamination Control. Units will publish housekeeping and
contamination procedures which protect the health of workers and maintain areas as free as
practical from surface contamination. (T-1). Units will:
11.1.1. Ensure Bioenvironmental Engineering approved workplace-housekeeping procedures
are employed to prevent the spread of contamination within a work center. (T-1).
11.1.2. Emphasize controlling the source of the contamination and ensure workplace
personnel follow proper work procedures, PPE use, and hygiene practices. (T-1).
11.1.3. Ensure housekeeping procedures will account for the dangers and hazard exposures
found in the work center and will be consistent with mitigation methods outlined in AFMAN
91-203. (T-1).
11.2. Personal Wireless Communications Systems Management.
11.2.1. Maintenance Communications. The MXG/CC has the overall responsibility to ensure
Personal Wireless Communications Systems communication resources are available to support
mission requirements. Reliable, redundant, cyber resilient, and effective communications
systems are essential for efficient maintenance operations. These systems shall provide
accurate, timely, secure, programmable frequency and jam resistant communications needed
to securely accomplish the maintenance mission in a fully deployed and isolated mode.
11.2.2. Commanders or designated representative will coordinate base Communication
Squadron or equivalent to ensure compliance with Personal Wireless Communications
Systems management requirements IAW AFI 17-210, AFI 17-220, Spectrum Management,
AFI 17-130, and AFMAN 17-1203. (T-1). The following general guidelines apply: Allowance for specific radios is shown in AS 660, Equipment Allowances for
Non-Weapon Systems Communications Requirements, Repair Cycle Data Listing. Process
requests for specific radio equipment to support maintenance activities IAW AFI 23-101,
AFI 17-210, AFI 17-220, AFI 17-130, and AFH 23-123 V3, Air Force Equipment
11.2.3. A VHF/UHF radio is authorized for use in maintenance operations to facilitate
communications between aircraft and maintenance personnel. Additionally, aircrews may
relay advance aircraft status information to maintenance personnel using VHF/UHF channels. Maintenance Operations will coordinate procedures for use of these radio
communications with operations and other essential wing organizations. (T-1). For effective flightline operations, more than one non-tactical radio nets are
authorized when large numbers or different types of weapon systems are assigned or when
Allowance Standards specify.
11.3. MAJCOM/ANG Special Certification Rosters (SCR). The SCR is a management tool
providing supervisors a clear and concise listing of personnel who have been appointed to perform,
evaluate, and/or inspect work of a critical nature. Normally, only maintenance requirements that
have a definite potential for personal injury or damage to equipment will be included in the SCR.
Other tasks requiring special training or qualifications may be managed on the SCR. The SCR is
used to build personnel rosters for deployments, shift schedules, and assess workforce capability.
AF/A4LM establishes mandatory SCR Item Titles in Column A of Table 11.1 (T-1). Based on the
evolving complexity of weapon systems and the associated task diversity the process ofassigning
prerequisite to SCR tasks are assigned to using MAJCOMs/ANG as follows: MAJCOMs/ANG
A4s will coordinate with their applicable Lead Commands to develop and document SCR item
“Prerequisite” criteria in Column B of Table 11.1 based on task complexity of their assigned
weapons systems. MAJCOMs/ANG may add additional items and remove non-applicable Items
on their SCR using the standardized Table 11.1 format provided. MAJCOM/ANG Supplements
must include their complete SCR table when coordinating supplement approval with AF/A4LM
as described in the opening Paragraph. Special Certification approval authority will be
accomplished IAW notes at the bottom of the SCR. (T-1). The MXG/CC and CD are not required
to be on the SCR by virtue of their position as the SCR approval authority.
11.3. (AMC) Special Certification Roster (SCR). In associate units, MXG/CC will ensure
procedures are established between host and associated unit for placement of ARC personnel on
SCR (T-2).
11.3.1. MXG/CC will approve items identified in Table 11.1, Note 1. (T-1). The MXG/CC at
their discretion, may delegate approval authority to MXG Squadron Commanders.
11.3.1. (AMC) For En Route units and CRW, AMOG/CC and CRG/CC will approve items
in Table 11.1 Note 1 (T-2). The AMOG/CC and CRG/CC at their discretion, may delegate
approval authority to AMOG/CRG Squadron Commanders. The Squadron Operations Officer/MX SUPT approves individuals in their
primary 2A AFSC based on their experience and technical expertise regardless of their
assigned skill or position. 7-skill level personnel may be certified outside their primary 2A
AFSC only when specific Cross Utilization Training task qualification is documented in
their training records. MXG/SUPT will review and sign SCR actions for those individuals
administratively assigned to MXO (QA, AFREP). (T-1). MXG/SUPT will coordinate with the Field Training Detachment (TD)
CC/SUPT to validate currency of Field TD personnel on the SCR. (T-1). WWM will review and sign WS SCRs. (T-1). (AMC) The semi-annual review will include; checking for overdues, validating
listed personnel are accurate and validating/updating all SCR information (i.e. rank, skill
level, qual/waiver, etc.). (T-2).
11.3.2. TFI units will establish a process for approving SCR additions in a MOA/MOU to
provide visibility across participating organizations. (T-1).
11.3.3. The MXG/CC may waive selected 5-skill level personnel, in the rank of SrA or higher,
for tasks normally requiring a 7-skill level requirement to facilitate the production effort.
Waived 5-skill level personnel should be closely monitored and kept to the minimum required
to accomplish mission generation. Operations Officer/MX SUPT or equivalent will retain file copies of approved
waivers. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Approved waiver file copies may be discarded if SCR specifically
identifies task as waived in the Maintenance Information System. (AMC) All SCR waivers will be reflected in the MIS (T-2). Certified weapons load crew chiefs (load crew member position number 1) by
virtue of their task certification and position, serve as inspectors for weapons loading tasks
only and do not require a waiver. Note: 2W0XX certified munitions inspectors are exempt
from these requirements.
11.3.4. MAJCOM Waiver Policy. If local conditions require assignment of other than
MAJCOM approved mandatory SCR grade (to include civilian equivalents) and skill level
prerequisite requirements, and cannot be fulfilled using the MXG/CC authority stated in
Paragraph 11.3.3 then the MXG/CC (or equivalent) must request a waiver from the
MAJCOM. (T-2).
11.3.5. MAJCOMs may add additional mandatory critical tasks or inspections they deem
necessary. Identify each task on the SCR by a specific course code.
11.3.6. SCR Documentation. Flight CCs/SUPTs and Section NCOICs/Chiefs will review each
individual’s qualifications prior to recommending approval to perform SCR tasks to the
appropriate approval level. (T-1). AF Form 2426, Training Request and Completion or MAJCOM-approved (ANG
locally approved) form is used by the work center supervisor to add or remove an individual
to the SCR. Additionally, removal from the SCR may be accomplished by lining through
the task on the SCR and notifying the training section to update the MIS. (AMC) Units will use the AMC Form 64, Request for Special Certification, to
appoint an individual to the SCR (AMC Form 64 is not needed for recurring re-
certification) (T-2). Exception: The MXG/CC may approve a locally developed
product/system in lieu of the AMC Form 64 that, at a minimum, includes the special task(s)
to be approved, approval authority, justification for waiver approval, and waiver approval
authority. (Added-AMC) Newly assigned personnel will have previous SCR
authorizations validated and be appointed to new SCR by gaining supervision (T-2). The appropriate level of authority approves the individual for addition to the SCR
as listed in Table 11.1 On approval, the UTM IAW AFI 36-2650, loads the approved name into the
Maintenance Information System. Flight CCs/SUPTs and Section NCOICs/Chiefs will retain their copy of AF
Form 2426 or MAJCOM-approved form until they verify proper loading. (T-1). Appointment letters are not required if loaded in the MIS. Work center supervisor, AMU/Flight supervision, Operations Officer/MX
SUPT, SQ/ CC, or MXG/CC may decertify individuals at any time and remove them from
the SCR.
11.3.7. Units will ensure a current copy of the SCR is taken on all deployments. (T-2).
11.3.7. (AMC) Current SCR can be obtained from Global Reach.
Table 11.1. Mandatory Special Certification Roster and Prerequisites.
Mandatory SCR Item Titles
MAJCOM/ANG Prerequisites
All Systems “Red-X” (no egress, welding,
munitions, fuel cell (in-tank work)) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Exceptional Release (ER) (Note 1)
“Red-X” Downgrade (Note 1)
All Systems In Process Inspection (no
egress, welding, munitions, fuel cell in-tank
work) (Note 1)
Installed Engine Run Certifying Officials
(Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust Certifying
Officials (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Flexible Borescope Certifying Officials
(Note 1)
Engine Blade Blending Certifying Officials
(Note 1)
“Red-X” by Primary AFSC (PAFSC) and
Mission Design Series (For multiple
Mission Design Series, list separately)
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
IPI by PAFSC and Mission Design Series
(For multiple Mission Design Series, list
separately) (Note 2)
“Red-X” and/or In Process Inspection -
Limited (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
“Red-X” and/or In Process Inspection -
Cross Utilization Training (For multiple
MDSs, list separately), for tasks outside
PAFSC (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
NWRM packaging (Notes 4 and 5)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Installed Engine Run by Mission Design
Series (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Engine Blade Blending Certifying Officials
(Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
QA hot pit certifying officials and QA hot
pit certifier augmentees (squadron certifying
officials) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Hot Refueling PAD Supervisor/"A"
Member (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Hot Refueling Team Member (“B” or “D”
member) (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Aircraft to Aircraft Refueling Supervisor
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Uninstalled Engine Operations (Test Stand
and ETS) Run by TMS (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Uninstalled Engine Run Certifying Officials
by TMS (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust
Inspection/Certification (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Engine Flexible Borescope Inspections
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Chief Servicing Supervisor (Heavy
Aircraft/Commercial Derivative Aircraft)
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Concurrent Servicing Supervisor (Fighter
Aircraft) (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
W&B Certified/Clear Red X (refer to TO 1-
1B-50) (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Impoundment Official (refer to Chapter 7)
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Impoundment Authority (refer to Chapter
7) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
CANN Authority (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Operation (In
Cockpit) (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Calibration Limitation Approval (refer to
TO 00-20-14) (Notes 2 and 3)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
CDDAR Team Chief (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Weapons Task Qualification Manager
(WTQM) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Weapons Task Qualification Crew (WTQC)
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
NSS and T-9/T-10/T-11/T-12/T-20 sound
suppressor Fire Control Panel (Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Aircraft Rapid/Hot Defueling Supervisor
(Note 2)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Clear Red X when a lost item/tool cannot be
located (refer to Chapter 8) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
Aircraft APU Run Certifying Officials (In
Cockpit) (Note 1)
Refer to MAJCOM Supplement
1. Approved by MXG/CC or equivalent may be delegated IAW Paragraph 11.3.1.
2. Approved by Operations Officer/MX SUPT or equivalents.
3. Operations Officer/MX SUPT may delegate approval authority to the AMU OIC/SUPT or
Flight CC/SUPT.
4. Munitions inspectors who are trained and certified may annotate serviceability tags for
munitions items (TO 11A-1-10).
5. Appointed by the unit commander (or equivalent) of units possessing NWRM.
Table 11.1. (AMC) Mandatory Special Certification Roster and Prerequisites.
Mandatory SCR Item Titles
Minimum MAJCOM/ANG Prerequisites
All Systems “Red-X” (no egress,
welding, munitions, fuel cell (in-tank
work)) (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
Exceptional Release (ER) (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
“Red-X” Downgrade (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
All Systems In Progress Inspection (no
egress, welding, munitions, fuel cell
in-tank work) (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
Installed Engine Run Certifying
Officials (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent), a fully
qualified/certified contractor, AFETS, or
CETS representative.
One year engine-run experience on applicable
MDS (not applicable at short tour locations).
MXG/CC may waive qualified TSgts.
Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust
Certifying Officials (Note 1)
Program N/A to AMC.
Flexible Borescope Certifying
Officials (Note 1)
Task qualified/certified.
7 skill level (or civilian equivalent), a fully
qualified/certified contractor, AFETS, or
CETS representative.
One year minimum experience on applicable
MDS/TMS (not applicable to short tour
Engine Blade Blending Certifying
Officials (Note 1)
Task qualified/certified.
7 skill level (or civilian equivalent), a fully
qualified/certified contractor, AFETS, or
CETS representative.
One year minimum experience on applicable
MDS/TMS (not applicable to short tour
“Red-X” by Primary AFSC (PAFSC)
and Mission Design Series (For
multiple Mission Design Series, list
separately) (Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
(includes MXG/CC appointed exceptional SrA
per paragraph 11.3.3).
In Process Inspection by PAFSC and
Mission Design Series (For multiple
Mission Design Series, list separately)
(Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
(includes MXG/CC appointed exceptional SrA
per paragraph 11.3.3).
“Red-X” and/or In Process inspection -
Limited (Note 2)
5-skill level personnel certified on limited.
tasks as determined by the unit.
5-level Certified Weapons Load Crew Chiefs
on loading task only.
“Red-X” and/or In Process Inspection
- Cross Utilization Training (For
multiple MDSs, list separately), for
tasks outside PAFSC (Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
Use for personnel certified on tasks in other
AFSCs through CUT training.
NWRM packaging (Notes 4 and 5)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
Must have sufficient subject matter expertise
of packaged item to identify asset, must be
tasked qualified on accompanying
documentation and must have appropriate
security clearance and background
investigation for asset.
Installed Engine Run by Mission
Design Series (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SrA (or civilian equivalent).
6 consecutive months experience on MDS for
which engine run training is required.
(Experience must have occurred immediately
prior to course enrollment).
The MXG/CC may waive the MDS
MXG/CCs may waive qualified 5-skill level
A1C for critical manpower shortages.
Engine Blade Blending (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
QA hot pit certifying officials and QA
hot pit certifier augmentees (squadron
certifying officials) (Note 1)
Maintenance member with AFSC 2AXXX
Hot Refueling PAD Supervisor/"A"
Member (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent) in an
aircraft maintenance AFSC.
Hot refueling supervisor "A" member
Hot Refueling Team Member (“B or
“D” member) (Note 2)
Task qualified.
Possess a flightline maintenance AFSC.
1 year of flightline maintenance experience.
Aircraft to Aircraft Refueling
Supervisor (Note 2)
Task qualified
Uninstalled Engine Operations (Test
Stand and ETS) Run by TMS (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SrA (or civilian equivalent).
6 months current experience on each
applicable TMS, unless previously qualified
(N/A to short tour assignments).
If previously qualified on a different TMS, the
6-month experience requirement may also be
MXG/CC may waive 5-skill level A1C with
minimum of 6 months’ time on applicable
Uninstalled Engine Run Certifying
Officials by TMS (Note 1)
Task qualified/certified.
TSgt (or civilian equivalent), contractor,
AFETS, or CETS personnel.
1 year engine run experience on the applicable
TMS. (One year run experience not applicable
to short tour assignments).
MXG/CC may waive qualified SSgts and may
authorize MT uninstalled engine run
instructors as certifying officials.
Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust
Inspection/Certification (Note 2)
Program N/A to AMC
Engine Flexible Borescope Inspections
(Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
Chief Servicing Supervisor
(Heavy Aircraft/Commercial
Derivative Aircraft) (Note 2)
5-skill level.
1 year MDS experience.
MXG/CC may wave time requirement in short
tour/en route locations.
Concurrent Servicing Supervisor
(Fighter Aircraft) (Note 2)
7-skill level.
1 year MDS experience.
MXG/CC may waive time requirement in short
tour locations.
W&B Certified/Clear Red X
(refer to TO 1–1B-50) (Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
1 year time on MDS.
MXG/CC may waive time requirement.
Impoundment Official (refer to
Chapter 7 of this instruction) (Note 2)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
Impoundment Authority (refer to
Chapter 7) (Note 1)
No MAJCOM Prerequisites
CANN Authority (Note 1)
MSgt (civilian equivalent).
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
Operation (In Cockpit) (Note 2)
3-skill level (or civilian equivalent) in
maintenance AFSC.
Calibration Limitation Approval (refer
to TO 00-20-14) (Notes 2 and 3)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
CDDAR Team Chief (Note 1)
MSgt (or civilian equivalent).
MXG/CC may waive grade requirement.
Weapons Task Qualification Manager
(WTQM) (Note 1)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
Maintenace 2AX7X AFSC (or civilian
Weapons Task Qualification Crew
(WTQC) (Note 2)
Lead WTQC Member: SrA with 5-skill level
(or civilian equivalent).
Other Crew Member: 5-skill level (or civilian
NSS and T-9/T-10/T-11 /T-12/T-20
sound suppressor Fire Control Panel
(Note 2)
SrA (or civilian equivalent).
6 months experience.
Aircraft Rapid/Hot Defueling
Supervisor (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
1 year flightline experience.
6 months MDS experience.
Clear Red-X when a lost item/tool
cannot be located
(refer to Chapter 8 of this instruction)
(Note 1)
Operations Officer/MX SUPT
Aircraft APU Run Certifying Officials
(In Cockpit) (Note 1)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent), or a fully
qualified/certified contractor, AFETS, or
CETS representative.
MXG/CCs may also waive qualified 5-skill
level SSgts.
Jacking Supervisor (Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
6 months MDS experience.
Landing Gear Retraction Supervisor
(Note 2)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
6 months MDS experience.
Jacking Manifold Operator (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
6 months MDS experience.
Night Vision Goggle (NVG) Ground
Operations Trainer/Certifier
CRW/MASOP (Only if UTC requirement).
(marshalling and driving) (Note 2)
Special Purpose Vehicle Operator
(Crane Vehicle) (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SrA (or civilian equivalent).
Integral Jacking Supervisor (C-17)
(Note 2)
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
6 months C-17 experience
MXG/CC may waive selected SrA FCCs
Tow Team Supervisor Certifying
Officials (Note 1)
7-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
TSgt (or civilian equivalent).
1year Tow Team Supervisor experience on
applicable MDS.
MXG/CC may waive qualified SSgts.
For short tour locations, MXG/CC may waive
qualified SSgts or higher with 6 months Tow
Team Supervisor experience on applicable
Tow Team Supervisor (Note 2)
5-skill level (or civilian equivalent).
SSgt (or civilian equivalent).
(includes MXG/CC appointed exceptional SrA
per paragraph 11.3.3).
6 months experience as tow vehicle and tow
brake operator on applicable MDS (MXG/CC
may waive tow vehicle qualification)
1. Approved by MXG/CC or equivalent
2. Approved by Operations Officer/MX Supt or equivalents
3. Operations Officer/MX Supt may delegate approval authority to the AMU OIC/Chief or Flight
4. Munitions inspectors who are trained and certified may annotate serviceability tags for
munitions items (TO 11A-1-10).
5. Appointed by the Unit Commander (or equivalent) of units possessing NWRM.
11.4. Aircraft Grounding.
11.4.1. Definition. Aircraft grounding is an administrative action taken to prohibit aircraft
from flying because of a specific condition related to the aircraft or based on requirements of
a directive. Implemented from a higher echelon of command (MAJCOM/CC) when conditions
in multiple aircraft, engines, missiles, munitions, or related installed flight equipment create a
sufficient risk to personal injury or equipment damage which warrant fleet grounding until the
matter can be properly investigated and resolved. Communication of a grounding, or a potential grounding event (TCTO, OTI, PM
event) to weapon systems operating in a deployed environment and/or under the authority
of an operational command must follow the grounding procedures outlined in AFI 11-401
and 63-101/20-101. (T-1). Units must not directly communicate home station requirements to its
deployed forces but provide communication through their respective MAJCOM. (T-1).
Note: This section does not apply to conditions which are clearly limited to the affected
unit/base (such as, lost tool, fluid contamination, aircraft and equipment damage of
known origin, or other strictly local event). In these circumstances, the affected unit
follows the impoundment procedures specified in Chapter 7.
11.4.2. Initial Investigation. The owning MXG/CC or equivalent will direct QA to develop a
local OTI IAW TO 00-20-1 and this instruction. (T-1). The OTI will require an inspection of a representative number of systems or units
(aircraft, engines, missiles, or munitions) of the same mission and design to determine if
the condition exists on other aerospace equipment within the wing’s assigned
aircraft/systems or equipment. (T-1). If initial sampling indicates the discrepancy is widespread and has the
potential for personal injury and/or further equipment damage, the MXG/CC will
discuss aircraft grounding with the WG/CC and forward a recommendation to the
MAJCOM. (T-1). If there is no repair or corrective action specified in technical data, QA will also
submit a technical assistance request through the MAJCOM to the appropriate weapon
system program manager IAW TO 00-25-107 or equivalent process. (T-1).
11.4.3. Grounding Authority. The approved procedures for grounding aircraft or stand-down
for operational reasons are determined and executed IAW AFI 11-401 and AFI 63-101/20-101.
(T-1). Notification and final reporting for grounding and release status will be
accomplished IAW AFMAN 10-206, Operational Reporting. (T-1). Annotate aircraft grounding in the aircraft forms IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1).
11.5. Ramp Inspection Program. Public Law 99-661 requires a pre-flight safety inspection of
all internationally scheduled charter missions for the transportation of members of the Armed
Forces departing the United States. (T-0).
11.5.1. Air Mobility Command (AMC) is lead for the DoD in the management and
administration of the Ramp Inspection Program.
11.5.1. (AMC) HQ AMC/A4M is the MAJCOM OPR for the Ramp Inspection Program. AMC will publish specific guidance for this Program in a
supplement/addendum/or equivalent publication IAW AFI 33-360 to communicate
requirements and processes necessary for MAJCOMS to effectively comply with public
law requirements in all using commands. AMC will coordinate with other MAJCOMs as required to accomplish ramp
inspections to ensure the maximum efficiency and utilization of resources. When requested by AMC, MAJCOMs if able should provide support to reduce
the TDY and manpower impact associated with the execution of this program. (Added-AMC) To ensure program integrity and standardization of
process, any supporting commands and/or units will follow the guidance within this
supplement to accomplish ramp inspections. (Added-AMC) To perform Ramp Inspection actions within GDSS the user must
have the LG-Ramp Inspections Required and/or LG-Ramp Inspection Completed role
assigned to their GDSS account. (Added-AMC) This role assignment can be accomplished by the GDSS
Unit Program Account Manager (UPAM); contact the GDSS Help Desk for assistance
as required.
11.5.2. (Added-AMC) Ramp Inspections. Ramp inspections are generalized safety
inspections conducted prior to flight for contracted missions carrying passengers or passengers
and cargo. HQ AMC/A4M will direct exceptions to this policy if requested by the unit Ramp
Inspection Program Manager. (Added-AMC) Should not be conducted more than 72 hours before scheduled
take off.
11.5.3. (Added-AMC) Funding. Ramp inspections are unit funded. Ensure unit Ramp
Inspection Program Manager forecasts adequate funds (travel, per diem, airline tickets, rental
car, security credentials, etc.).
11.5.4. (Added-AMC) Program responsibilities: (Added-AMC) HQ AMC/A4M will: (Added-AMC) Establish policy and provide guidance for administering
the Ramp Inspection Program to ensure compliance with PL 99-661 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Coordinate with Unit Ramp Inspection Program Manager
to resolve problems in meeting program objectives (T-2). (Added-AMC) Determine locations required to have a ramp inspection
program (T-2). HQ AMC will provide sufficient time to allow for personnel to be
trained in the event the program is required. (Added-AMC) A list of units required to have a ramp inspection
program and assigned ICAO locations will be listed in the Ramp Inspection ICAO
List posted on the AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint at: (T-2). (Added-AMC) HQ AMC/A3BS will:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Identify and annotate missions in GDSS that require ramp
inspections (T-2). (Added-AMC) The Unit Ramp Inspection Program Manager will: (Added-AMC) Utilize Ramp Inspection ICAO List and other resources
posted on the AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint (T-2). (Added-AMC) Identify missions that require ramp inspections using the
GDSS Station Workload or Mission Dashboard displays (T-2). Note: Required
missions will be identified in GDSS with an “R” (Required) or “M” (Missed) in the
“Ramp Inspection” column (T-2). Reference GDSS Training Site (GTS) Aircraft
Management User Manual for additional assistance: (Added-AMC) Ensure inspection and GDSS documentation (“M” or
“C” (Completed)) accomplishment on missions identified in paragraph (T-2). GDSS documentation will be completed within 3 hours of
departure (T-2). (Added-AMC) Maintain close coordination with the appropriate
passenger service representatives in order to obtain timely mission changes (T-2). (Added-AMC) Qualify an adequate number of ramp inspectors to meet
inspection requirements and ensure timely assignment of inspections to qualified
inspectors (T-2). Note: Ramp inspectors are not required to be assigned to QA. (Added-AMC) Ensure personnel receive on-the-job inspection
training, program familiarization, and a comprehensive understanding of the ramp
inspection checklist before performing ramp inspections (T-2). There is no FAA
certification requirement for the Ramp Inspection program. (Added-AMC) Although not required, personnel conducting ramp
inspections are highly encouraged to view the video “Enroute for Safety: Preflight
Inspection,” which can be obtained upon request from HQ AMC/A4M. (Added-AMC) Provide a detailed sequence of events message to HQ
AMC/A4M by close of business the next duty day if a ramp inspection is missed (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Provide inspector with this instruction, AMC Form 234,
AMC Ramp Inspection Checklist, point of contact list, and other items as required (e.g.
reflective vest/belt, flashlight, extra batteries, clip board, inspection mirror, local
restricted area credentials, etc.) (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure problems encountered by inspectors are properly
elevated for resolution. See paragraph (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure Inspectors will input inspection information
directly into Air Carrier Analysis Support System or ensure a legible, properly filled
out AMC Form 234 is emailed to and
ORG.AMCA4[email protected] within 3 duty days or upon returning from TDY (T-2).
ACAS will be the primary method for reporting and the 234 should be used as a backup
(i.e. system outages, account/permission issues, etc…). (Added-AMC) Ensure points of contact are established at civilianairports
far enough in advance to gain access to aircraft to be inspected (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ramp Inspectors will: (Added-AMC) Be a 5-skill level, as a minimum, of any logistics AFSC
(2AXXX is preferred). (Added-AMC) Ensure they receive the proper training, and document the
training in TBA or in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ramp Inspection Guide that provides instructions on
how to perform the inspection and document the AMC Form 234 is located on the
AMC Maintenance Policy SharePoint at: (Added-AMC) Input inspection information directly into Air Carrier
Analysis Support System (ACAS) or ensure a legible, properly filled out AMC Form
234 is emailed to
ORG.AMCA4[email protected] within 3 duty days or upon returning from TDY (T-2).
ACAS will be the primary method for reporting and the 234 should be used as a backup
(i.e. system outages, account/permission issues, etc…). (Added-AMC) Direct any requests for a copy of AMC Form 234 to
HQ AMC/A4M or HQ AMC/A3BS. (Added-AMC) In all cases in which serious deficiencies are noted, only
the FAA representative has the authority to ground the aircraft in question. When FAA
assistance is needed, use the following procedures in sequence: (Added-AMC) Call the FAA Operations Center (Commercial 202-
267-3333) and request contact with the designated safety inspector on call for the
Certificate Holding District Office (CHDO) responsible for the particular air carrier
in question. The on-call safety inspector could be either an operations or
maintenance specialist. In any event, they will answer the question or arrange for
the appropriate maintenance inspector to return the call. (Added-AMC) If the ramp inspector believes a serious deficiency
exists which cannot be resolved, their responsibility is to brief the on-site local
AMC commander, senior AMC representative, or senior military official onboard
a DOD chartered aircraft. The senior military member onboard aircraft has the
authority to order members of the Armed Forces to leave the aircraft if that authority
determines a condition exists on the aircraft which may endanger the safety of the
members, even though the FAA representative does not ground the aircraft. HQ
AMC/A4M and HQ AMC/A3BS will be promptly notified of any such action
through appropriate channels. (Added-AMC) If a serious problem is discovered during a ramp inspection
at a station where there is a COR, inform the COR of the problem. A
completed copy of the AMC Form 234, AMC Ramp Inspection Checklist, will be
provided to the COR upon their request
11.6. Red Ball Maintenance. The term “Red Ball” is a traditional descriptor, recognized
throughout aircraft maintenance, and defines a situation requiring a sense of urgency and priority
actions. Red Ball maintenance normally occurs two hours prior to launch and until aircrew have
released the aircraft back to maintenance. The Red Ball maintenance concept is intended to prevent
late takeoffs and aborts by having qualified maintenance personnel available (such as, in a truck
or standby in the shop) during launch and recovery operations to troubleshoot, isolate, and repair
system malfunctions. Red Ball maintenance does not authorize technicians to take shortcuts or
deviate from TOs, disregard personnel safety requirements or fail to properly document the aircraft
forms and the MIS for all completed repair actions.
11.6.1. Units will ensure all maintenance repair actions (does not apply to incorrect switch
settings due to operator error) are documented in the aircraft forms and MIS during Red Ball,
launch, or EOR operations and cleared from the aircraft forms prior to flight. (T-1).
11.6.2. Maintenance repair actions must be cleared in the MIS as soon as possible. (T-1). It is
imperative that maintenance documentation is performed regardless of the timing of the action
in the generation and launching of the aircraft.
11.6.3. All grounding inputs must be cleared from the forms prior to flight. (T-1).
11.6.4. If aircraft status changes, an ER must be re-accomplished by a certified individual
upon completion of maintenance and before the aircraft is released for flight IAW TO 00-20-
1. (T-1).
11.6.5. Units will develop written procedures to capture, document, and clear Red Ball
maintenance actions in the event the MIS is down. (T-1).
11.6.5. (AMC) MOC will close out MIS entries before flight, not to include MDC (T-2). N/A
for aircraft in virtual forms. Procedures must require MIS entry of Red Ball maintenance actions as soon as
the MIS becomes operable. (T-1).
11.7. Maintenance Recovery Team: MAJCOMs will publish standardized procedures to recover
assigned aircraft at remote locations.
11.7. (AMC) Maintenance Recovery Team (MRT): Refer to guidance in AMCI 21-108.
11.7.1. Procedures at a minimum will identify how resources, including personnel, supplies,
and equipment will be made available to support transient aircraft recovery.
11.7.2. If required, establish multiple command MOUs/MOAs/collaboration necessary to
achieve efficient aircraft recovery and MIS documentation.
11.8. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Prevention Program. All personnel (military, civilian,
and contractors) working in, on, around, or traveling through areas near aircraft, flightline
munitions, AGE, engines, or components thereof will comply with FOD prevention. (T-1). FOD
prevention training requirements are outlined in AFI 36-2650. This section establishes minimum
requirements for a FOD Prevention Program.
11.8.1. The WG/CV is responsible for ensuring an effective FOD prevention program is
11.8.2. Definition. FOD: Any damage to an aircraft, engine, aircraft system, component, tire,
munitions, or SE caused by a foreign object(s) (FO) which may or may not degrade the required
safety and/or operational characteristics of the aforementioned items.
11.8.3. FOD Prevention. On aircraft, uninstalled engines, LRUs and AGE. Openings, ports, lines, hoses,
electrical connections, and ducts will be properly plugged or capped to prevent FO from
entering the systems. (T-1). Note: Do NOT place items (such as, trash bags, rags, cloths)
inside open cavities or ducts. When no approved manufactured coverings and/or caps are
available for use, securely cover open ducts and/or cavities externally to prevent foreign
objects from being introduced. Prior to installation, inspect openings, cavities and ducts for
FO. Items that are actively being disconnected, installed, and/or removed will
be capped IAW technical data or at completion of the task. (T-1). At no time will items, (such as, aircraft forms binders, video tape recorder
tapes, checklists, tools.), be placed in or on engine intakes. (T-1). Note: Does not apply
to technicians performing inlet maintenance, inspections and blade blending requiring
lights, files, or other tools inside aircraft inlets. Inventory all items IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). MAJCOMs in coordination with Safety, applicable MDS Lead Commands and
Weapon System Teams will review FOD, Incident, and Mishap reports to determine if
MAJCOM directed IPI or KTL additions are needed to mitigate identified FOD trends. Units will establish MDS specific procedures that ensure pre-launch
removal and post-recovery installation of intake/inlet plugs and covers (such as, pitot
tubes to include ejection seats as required) remain installed on aircraft as close tocrew
show as possible to prevent FOD, as determined by MXG/CC guidance. (T-3). Units will establish MDS specific FOD prevention guidance that
standardizes mitigation procedures when performing high FOD risk maintenance task
(use of plugs/barrier paper, tape, inlet/intake/ECS maintenance or equivalent tasks).
(T-2). Technicians will ensure engine inlet run-up screens and anti-personnel
guards are used IAW applicable weapon system TOs. (T-1). Covers (such as, engine, pitot tube(s) to include ejection seat) need to remain
installed on aircraft as close to crew show as possible to prevent FOD, as determined by
MDS/local MXG/CC guidance. Technicians should use a light source of sufficient illumination to inspect the
aircraft intakes and exhaust for FO/FOD. Whenever physical entry into an aircraft intake or exhaust is required technicians
will wear a pocket-less, zipper-less, button-less, bunny-suit marked "Intakes Only" and
cloth over-booties or stocking feet, (Boots may be worn if not restricted for use by
TO/MAJCOM and are authorized by the MXG or equivalent), boots if worn must be
inspected and FOD removed from boots prior to installing cloth over-booties. (T-2). When performing intake inspections while wearing a Chemical Warfare
Defense Equipment, pockets will be emptied and all accessories removed. (T-1). During exercises/inspections, the Chemical Warfare Defense
Equipment will be removed and the bunny-suit will be utilized. (T-1). Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment will only be worn during “real
world” situations. (T-1). To minimize the potential for FOD and intake damage
where Chemical Warfare Defense Equipment zippers are exposed, cover them with
any type of tape and account for the tape upon completion of the inspection. (T-1). Each base will develop a local flightline clothing policy that addresses wearing
of hats, badges, and passes aimed at FOD prevention while considering climate and safety.
(T-1). As a minimum, it will include the following requirements: Restricted area badges will be secured with a subdued non-metallic cord or
plastic armband when worn on the flightline. (T-1). Restricted area badges will be removed when performing
intake/inlet/exhaust inspections if personnel physically enter these areas. (T-1). Metal insignias/badges will not be worn on the flightline. (T-1). Wigs, hairpieces, metal hair fasteners, earrings, or any other jewelry/loose
items that may fall off without notice, are not authorized on the aircraft and industrial
work areas. (T-1). Escorts of visiting personnel will ensure FOD prevention measures are
taken. (T-1). All maintenance production areas must have FO containers readily accessible.
(T-1). All vehicles driven primarily on the flightline for direct aircraft
maintenance support activities must be equipped with secured and lidded FO
containers. (T-1). Note: Permanently affixed FO containers must be approved by
Vehicle Management prior to installation IAW AFI 24-302. Control all work order residue used on or around aircraft, uninstalled engines,
and AGE. (T-1). Rags will be controlled and accounted for IAW Chapter 8 (T-1). Rag control applies to all organizations and personnel performing aircraft,
missile, munitions, and equipment maintenance. FOD walks are mandatory to remove FO from ramps, runways, maintenance
areas and access roads. In addition, mechanical/vacuum sweepers, magnetic bars or sweeping by
hand are highly encouraged to supplement FOD walks. When FOD is discovered on a transient aircraft, depot input/output or CRF
engine, the host FOD monitor or aircrew must notify the owning organization within 24
hours. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Units will conduct a minimum of one FOD walk per week (T-3). Tenant
units will participate in the host base FOD program and will implement the tenant unit FOD
program in accordance with host MAJCOM instructions. (T-2). (JBMDL) Additional JBMDL/305 AMW FOD prevention/FOD walk policy
guidance is included in this supplement as Attachment 11. An informational copy of the FOD report must be provided to the owning
organization’s safety office/FOD monitor to ensure compliance with AFI 91-204. (T-
1). For depot input/output or CRF engine. If the FOD is found during the
receiving inspection at one of the aforementioned locations, it will be tracked/charged
(if necessary) to the owning MAJCOM unit. (T-1). If discovered any other timeat one
of the aforementioned locations, it will be tracked/charged to the ALC or CRF. (T-1). (AMC) The wing FOD monitor will develop a FOD walk plan that
includes unit areas of responsibility. (T-2). Airfield managers are responsible for
controlled movement area (CMA) FOD inspections. Ensure local FOD Prevention Program addresses the elimination of FOs to
include aircraft cockpits and flight decks before and after flight. (T-1). When an item is lost on or in the vicinity of aircraft or equipment, lost
item/tool procedures in Chapter 8 will be followed. (T-1). The MXG/CC will coordinate with the OG/CC to develop procedures to
ensure pilots and aircrew members account for all equipment and personal items after
each flight and ensure any items that become lost during flight are documented in the
aircraft AFTO Form 781A. (T-1). These procedures will be documented in the wing tool/equipment
management publication referenced in Paragraph 8.2 (T-1). Use extreme care during engine ground runs. Jet blast and helicopter hover
power check areas need to be free of debris that could cause FOD. Special emphasis is required for items such as: remove before flight streamer
attachment, safing pin condition, hinge pin security, dust and FO prevention cover
condition/security, and aircraft forms binder condition. Periodically check these types of
items for FO prevention compliance. Units will account for -21 equipment and covers IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1). Weapons Expediters must ensure all mission specific safing gear is
controlled and accounted for to preclude loss and potential FOD. (T-1). Vehicle operators will stop and perform a visual FOD inspection on all
equipment and tires prior to entering the flightline areas. (T-3). Note: Wing CVs are the
waiver authority for this requirement. Grounding wires/points: Two allen head screws, or equivalent, will be utilized to secure cable to
grounding clip. (T-1). Screw heads will be coated with sealant or screws will be staked in
order to prevent screws from backing out. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Unused screws will be removed. (T-1). All grounding points will be kept clean of debris at all times and shall be
a high interest item for FOD walks. (T-1). Use of magnetic bars on the flightline is optional. If used, the magnetic bars
will be towed by, or attached to vehicles primarily used on the flightline and will be
inspected and made FOD free daily. (T-2). A locally manufactured tool for removing debris from tire treads is authorized
for use and will be identified to the vehicle by using the vehicle ID number. (T-2). (JBMDL) A tool to help remove FO from vehicle must be available. If this tool
is assigned to a vehicle, it must be etched or stamped with the vehicle ID number on the
handle of the tool. The tool will remain secured with the vehicle keys or in the vehicle in
either the glove box or center console, and will be annotated on the vehicles AF Form 1800
Operator's Inspection Guide and Trouble Report for accountability. If a magnetic bar is
installed on a vehicle it will be checked and cleaned at the beginning of each shift. Remove metal identification bands from all tubing (except aircraft installed
egress system components) and cables on the aircraft. With the exception of factory-installed ID tags attached to cargo
chains/devices to identify the type being used, remove metal identification bands from
cargo tie-down chains/devices prior to use around aircraft. Do not remove manufacturer installed metal identification bands from
hydraulic hoses. Mark hydraulic lines IAW TO 42E1-1-1, Aviation Hose and Tube
Manual. Use X-ray, borescope, and other equipment to locate FO in inaccessible areas.
11.8.4. FOD Prevention Responsibilities. The WG/CV will be assigned as the FOD Prevention Program Manager and will
appoint a qualified maintenance AFSC, civilian equivalent or contractor if designated by
SOW or PWS, to the position of FOD Monitor. (T-1). The appointed individuals name will be posted in a prominent place within the
unit on a locally-developed visual aid which also provides contact information.
(T- 1). The WG/CV will: Ensure all personnel actively support the FOD Prevention Program. (T-1). Provide local guidance to ensure each FOD mishap is investigated and
action taken to solve any underlying problems. (T-1). Review all unit FOD mishap reports and analyze the reports and other data
for trends identifying areas requiring management action. (T-1). Coordinate FOD prevention needs with the airfield manager and other
agencies when construction is in progress on or near the flightline, or other areas where
FOD incidents could occur. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure FOD prevention is part of QA inspections. (T-1). Coordinate with the airfield manager to identify and properly mark FOD
checkpoints. (T-1). Tenant Unit FOD Prevention Responsibilities. The host base FOD Prevention
Program Manager will incorporate tenant units in the host unit program. (T-1). Tenant units shall establish their own FOD Prevention Program, but will
still participate in the host program and comply with host program requirements. (T-
1). (AMC) En Route, CRW and other AMC tenant units will participate in the
host base FOD program. (T-2). If host base does not have a FOD program, AMC tenant
units will establish a program (T-2).
11.8.5. FOD Monitor. The Wing FOD Monitor’s office shall be located within QA or at the
discretion of the WG/CV. (T-3). The Wing FOD Monitor, at a minimum, will: Inform all wing agencies of FOD hazards. (T-1). Develop wing procedures to document and perform spot checks of selected areas
weekly. (T-1). (Added-JBMDL) The Wing FOD Monitor and QA Inspectors perform
periodic FOD Prevention inspections of the aircraft parking ramp, taxiway, engine run-
up areas, and aircraft hangar work centers as part of their normal duties. (Added-JBMDL) FOD Inspection results will be documented in the
MAJCOM approved database. In addition, Wing FOD Monitors will accomplish a
minimum of six FOD assessments per month. Two inspections will be completed on the
KC-10 ramp to include in and around Building 1837. Two inspections will be completed
on the C-17 ramp, to include the high-line dock area of APS. Two inspections will be
performed in and around Buildings 2201, and 2211. Results will be annotated in the
continuity log book. FOD assessment examples include: FOD Walk follow-ups,
inspections of aircraft interiors, work areas, inspections of hangars, and inspections of
support equipment, inspections of toolboxes and inspections of vehicles to include
magnetic bars when applicable. (Added-JBMDL) FOD inspections will be classified as inspections
within the rectangular safety zone of the aircraft. This rectangular zone will apply to
aircraft inside hangars and flight line parking locations. All items located inside the
rectangular safety zone will be identified as a major finding. (Added-JBMDL) Housekeeping inspections areas are defined as the
entire hangar or flight line parking location when there is no aircraft present. When
there is an aircraft inside the hangar or on the flight line, objects discovered outside
the rectangular safety zone will be classified as a minor finding. Maintenance shops
in support of aircraft maintenance will fall under housekeeping inspections. (Added-JBMDL) All building custodians are responsible for the
immediate areas around their buildings to include smoking areas, access roads, and
parking lots. Be involved in each FOD investigation and help ensure corrective actions are
sound. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Monitor and recommend changes to FOD prevention training. (T-1). (JBMDL) Ensure all personnel in their respective groups that traverse the flight
line receive annual FOD training. Those units having several types of aircraft assigned will have their FOD
prevention training incorporated into one wing/center training program. (T-1). (JBMDL) Ensure training is accomplished annually by viewing the
video/briefing provided by the squadron FOD Monitor. The 305th Operations Group
(OG) is briefed at monthly fly safe meetings. The 305 MXG will update training in
G081. The remaining individuals will develop a means of tracking training and provide
updates to the Wing FOD Program Monitor. Units will ensure an initial FOD awareness and responsibilities briefing is
given to all newly assigned personnel. (T-1). (Added-JBMDL) Airfield Management, Civil Engineering, Unit Airfield
Driving Program Manager (UADPM) and/or the Wing Airfield Driving Program
Manager (WADPM) will ensure all primary contractors have received training on FOD
awareness IAW 305AMWI 13-213 Attachment 5 checklist line 8. Periodically inspect and report damaged pavement, flightline construction, or
other hazards in or near aircraft parking ramps or taxiways to the airfield manager and
monitor status to ensure timely repairs. (T-1). (Added-JBMDL) All FOD incidents are reported to the Wing FOD Monitor,
either through the MOC (754-4044), Command Post (754-3935), or 305/514 MXG/MXQ
(754-6991). (Added-JBMDL) The Wing FOD Monitor will establish unit FOD control
numbers as follows: unit designator, fiscal year, and a three-digit number. Each wing
FOD Monitor will maintain monthly FOD data and submit a semiannual and annual
Foreign Object Damage (FOD) report to HQAMC/A44J P by message or e-mail NLT
18 April for semi-annual and 6 October for annual. (Added-JBMDL) Squadron Commanders will appoint primary and alternate
FOD Monitors. (Added-JBMDL) Squadrons will generate appointment letters containing
the member's name, grade, office symbol, duty extension, fax number, and electronic
mail address. Ensure appointment letters are sent to the 305/514 AMW FOD Prevention
Program Monitor (305 MXG/MXQ). Appointment letters will be kept on file in the
squadron FOD Monitor Continuity Book, and in the Wing FOD Monitor Continuity
Book. Squadrons will update appointment letters annually or when members are
replaced, separated, retired, or depart for Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) or
Permanent Change of Station (PCS). (Added-JBMDL) Squadron FOD Program Monitors will perform weekly
spot inspections in at least one of the following areas: Hangars, ramps (to include Roger
and Victor Rows), and flight line entry points (Refer to Table A11.1 and Attachment
12 for designated areas). Documentation of these inspections will be forwarded to the
Wing FOD Monitor who will in tum annotate the inspection on the Weekly FOD
Inspection Log located in the FOD Continuity Binder.
11.8.6. FOD Investigation and Reporting. When suspected or confirmed FOD is discovered, the MOC will be notified
immediately. (T-1). Upon notification, the MOC will immediately notify the Wing FOD
Monitor, and Wing Safety as required, IAW AFMAN 91-223. (T-1). Units must make every attempt to determine the root cause of FOD-related
mishaps before returning engines and modules to the depot for investigation. (T-1). If engines/modules are returned to the depot, an information DR will be
completed and forwarded IAW procedures outlined in AFI 91-204 and TO 00-35D-54.
(T-1). All FOD-mishap engines and modules returned to the depot must be
properly marked on the outside of the packaging as a FOD-mishap asset. (T-1). Mark container or package in red with the following statement, “FOD
mishap investigation required.” (T-1). FOD incidents are classified as preventable and non-preventable. Only
preventable FOD over $50K (parts and labor) are to be chargeable to the FOD rate. FOD
is considered preventable except when the damaged can be attributed to the following: Caused by natural environment or wildlife. This includes hail, ice, animals,
insects, sand, and birds. Report this type of damage IAW AFI 91-204. Do not include
these in the FOD rates. From internal engine materiel failure, as long as damage is confined to the
engine. Caused by materiel failure of an aircraft component if the component
failure is reported as a DR using the combined mishap DR reporting procedures of AFI
91-204 and TO 00-35D-54. Found during depot overhaul for maximum operating time. Additionally, the following apply: Engine damage caused by improper anti-ice/de-ice procedures by either
flight or ground crews are considered preventable. Engine or airframe damage caused by gunnery or rocket mission ricochets
are considered non-preventable provided mission parameters were not exceeded and
range cleaning was sufficient. Engine and propeller damage caused by rocks, stones, wood, or other
objects ingested during low hover operations or unimproved runway landings are
considered non-preventable, provided mission parameters were not exceeded. MAJCOMs will determine reporting criteria for FOD incidents that result
in a blade blending requirement IAW applicable tech-data. (Added-AMC) Individuals discovering FOD will notify the
Wing/Center FOD Monitor prior to blade blending anytime FOD is identified, other
than for minor sand nicks or scratches (i.e. blending with emery cloth) (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Individual repairing FOD will fill out Blade
Blending/FOD Damage worksheet or applicable form with the following
information; engine serial number, stage number, number of blades blended, depth
of damage before and after blend, area of damage, employee number/stamp, and
number of maintenance personnel (T-2). (Added-AMC) For En Routes, maintenance personnel will document
the AFTO Form 781A with a separate info note entry to record blade blending
events that require an AFTO Form 95 action (T-2). (Added-AMC) Notify EM section and forward Blade Blending/FOD
Damage worksheet or applicable form to EM section for filing (T- 2). Preventable FOD over $50K incurred at ETS or on trim pad will be chargeable.
(T-1). Appropriate MAJCOM offices will assist in resolving any questionable FOD
issues, preventable or non-preventable. The Wing FOD Monitor will provide an initial report of all FOD incidents to the
MAJCOM FOD monitor within 24 hours of occurrence. (T-1). A follow-up report will be required every 45 days until closeout. (T-2). Use
the FOD report format as listed in Attachment 6. MAJCOMs will determine FOD standards, MDS specific flying hour
source data, period of time for calculation, reporting procedures, and meeting frequency
for units that exceed standards in their supplement to this AFI. (AMC) The AMC FOD standard is 3.0 (T-2). (Added-AMC) MDS specific flying hour source data is defined as
the flying hours flown in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Period of time for calculation will be the previous
month (T-2). (Added-AMC) Reporting Procedures. Wing or equivalent activity FOD
monitors will ensure the following information is sent to the owning organizationwith
an info addressed to HQ AMC/A4MR at [email protected] (T-2). (JBMDL) The Wing FOD Monitor will develop the slides for the
Quarterly FOD/Dropped object Program (DOP) meeting. (Added-AMC) Organization, location, and date of occurrence (T- 2). (Added-AMC) Aircraft type and tail number (T-2). (Added-AMC) Item damaged. If the item is an engine, provide type,
model and series; installed position number; time since overhaul (TSO), and time
since new (TSN) (T-2). (Added-AMC) Brief description of the incident (T-2). (Added-AMC) Disposition of damaged items (T-2). Added-AMC) Total repair cost. Identify cost for replaced parts, repaired
parts, and man hour expenditures (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (FOD rates are computed by MDS as follows: Number of Preventable FODs
(damage exceeding $50K) ÷ Aircraft Flying Hours X 10,000 = FOD Rate. Note: ALCs
compute FOD rates as follows: Number of Preventable FODs (damage exceeding $50K)
÷ Aircraft Flying Hours X 1,000 = FOD Rate. ALCs compute aircraft flying hours by using
acceptance flights, functional check flights, ground runs, and the number of un-installed
ETS starts.
11.8.7. FOD Prevention Committee Meeting. This meeting is mandatory for units that exceed
the MAJCOM-established standard. (T-1).
11.8.7. (AMC) The FOD meeting may be combined with other meetings. The WG/CV will chair the meeting, if required, and will determine minimum
required attendees. (T-1). The purpose of this meeting is to identify negative trends and
develop and execute action plans to resolve them. (AMC) Associate Units will be part of the host program and will not establish an
independent FOD program (T-3). (JBMDL) These members are required to attend the quarterly FOD Prevention
Committee meeting: the FOD Monitors from the 605 AMXS, 305 AMXS, 305 MXS, 6
AS, 2 ARS, 32 ARS, 305 APS, and 87 LRS. The 108 ARW (New Jersey ANG), and the
621 CRW are represented by their respective FOD Prevention Program Monitors. The MXG/CC (or equivalent) will chair the meeting in the absence of the
WG/CV. (T-2). Meeting agenda items should include issues that resulted in the wing exceeding
the FOD standard, such as: Total number of airframe, engine, and tire FOD incidents during the
reporting period. Indicate quantity and cause. Current status of all other pending
incidents will be discussed. Mechanical/vacuum sweeper status. Review and refinement of the existing FOD prevention program. New directives/actions established to minimize FOD. Status and condition of engine run-up screens as applicable. Results of X-rays for FOs during engine bay inspections, acceptance
inspections, and PH inspections. Maintenance trends should be discussed when an
increase in FO is discovered during these X-rays. Identification of potential FOD sources. Lost tools/items. Increased potential for FOD within the next 30-60 days. Dropped objects. Pay particular attention to those that result in
downstream FOD. Breakdown of FOD inspections/assessments.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Cockpit FO incidents. Recognition of personnel making significant contributions to FOD
prevention (such as, golden bolt program, FOD poster contests, or other FOD
recognition programs locally-developed at each unit).
11.8.8. Bird Strikes. Consult TO 1-1-691 for bird strike clean-up procedures and AFMAN 91-
223 for bird strike reporting procedures.
11.8.8. (JBMDL) In the event that the FOD rate exceeds the AMC established standard, the
Wing CV will establish the FOD prevention working group. If required, the FOD prevention
working group will meet on a monthly basis. The Wing FOD Monitor will serve as Chairperson
and organizer of the monthly FOD prevention working group. Monthly FOD prevention
working group team meetings will consist of the Wing FOD Program Monitor as Chairperson,
Airfield Management, Wing Safety, Civil Engineering, and all appointed squadron FOD
Representatives. Attendance will be shown at the quarterly FOD/DOP Prevention Committee
11.8.9. (Added-JBMDL) Group Commanders are responsible to ensure that their commanders
and supervisors promote a FOD free atmosphere in all aspects of their duties. The FOD
Prevention Program's goal is a proactive approach toward FOD prevention and instills a “zero
tolerance” attitude toward FOD down to the lowest level in the Wing.
11.9. Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Program. A dropped object is any aircraft part,
component, surface, LO coating exceeding 8 inches in any dimension or other item lost during
aircrew operations (unless intentionally jettisoned) from engine start to engine shutdown.
Inadvertently released munitions are not considered dropped objects and will be reported IAW
AFI 91-204. Note: Missing Chaff/Flare/Decoy end-caps are not reportable dropped objects.
11.9. (AMC) Dropped Object Prevention (DOP) Program. The plastic portion of a static
eliminator is not considered a dropped object unless the entire static eliminator is missing. If any
portion of the base (non-plastic portion, or any metal piece) of the static eliminator is missing, a
report must be completed (T-2).
11.9.1. Responsibilities. All units, which fly, service, or maintain aircraft, will develop a DOP
Program with the following provisions: (T-1). MAJCOM DOP monitors or aircraft functional managers will act as OPR forall
dropped object inquiries IAW MAJCOM established standards. The WG/CV serves as the Wing DOP Program Manager and will appoint a Wing
DOP Monitor. (T-1). (Added-AMC) HQ AMC/A4QF is the MAJCOM OPR for the DOP Program. (Added-AMC) The wing DOP monitor will be assigned to QA (T-2). (Added-AMC) The AMS/CC, En Route AMXS/CC and CRS/CC will appoint a
unit DOP program monitor (T-2). (Added-AMC) Conduct quarterly DOP program meetings chaired by the
WG/CV. Meeting may be conducted electronically. AMOG/CC and CRG/CC will review
DOP quarterly via MSEP (T-3). The DOP program meeting may be combined with other
quarterly meetings (e.g., FOD).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) The meeting will include review of previous dropped
objects for corrective actions and future prevention and will develop opportunities for
product improvement (T-2). (Added-AMC) The meeting will also include a review of like-MDS
dropped objects from across the command (T-2). N/A to units that use IMDS MIS. (Added-AMC) The AMC DOP database, provides units the required
information to download for their monthly summaries and quarterly meetings.
11.9.2. Investigation. The DOP Monitor will investigate each dropped object incident. (T-1). Every effort needs to be made to determine the precise cause to ensure positive
corrective action is accomplished. Anytime a materiel or design deficiency is the cause, or
suspected cause, a DR will be submitted IAW TO 00-35D-54, even when an exhibit isnot
available. (T-1). Investigation results will be distributed to each appropriate work center
for inclusion in personnel training and education programs. (T-1).
11.9.3. Reporting. Units will follow MAJCOM DOP Program reporting procedures. (T-2). Transient Aircraft. The host Wing DOP Monitor will be responsible to
investigate dropped objects from a transient aircraft. (T-1). The host Wing DOP Monitor will provide the home station Wing DOP
Monitor with sufficient data to generate a report for trending and tracking purposes.
11.9.4. (Added-AMC) Initial dropped object reports will be reported within 24 hours and in
accordance with AFI 10-206 if applicable. (T-2). The final report will use the format of
Attachment 8, be submitted within 3 duty days and be approved by the MXG/CC, AMS/CC,
or En Route AMXS/CC prior to being sent. (T-2).
11.9.5. (Added-AMC) DOP program monitors will report dropped objects using the AMC
automated web-based tool (T-2). Request for access and to input reports will be made at Once report is generated by the web-
based tool, the DOP program monitor will email a copy to HQ AMC/A4QF at ORG.AMCA4-
11.9.6. (Added-AMC) The DOP program monitor will use the database to provide DOP
cross-tell information to their unit (T-2).
11.9.7. (Added-AMC) The report will include: (Added-AMC) Material, Personnel, or Non-Preventable as type of failure (T-
2). Non preventable is defined as a natural act such as a bird strike, weather, etc. (Added-AMC) Labor costs (T-2). Calculate using AFI 65-503, US Air Force
Cost and Planning Factors (current FY and total average). (Added-AMC) Specific actions taken to prevent recurrence (T-2).
11.9.8. (Added-AMC) DOP investigations will include notifying the previous departure
location if possible (T-2).
11.9.9. (Added-AMC) Anytime a materiel or design deficiency is the cause, or suspected
cause, maintenance will submit a DR in accordance with TO 00-35D-54, even when an exhibit
is not available. (T-2).
11.9.10. (Added-AMC) DOP reports originating in an AOR will be accomplished using the
following procedures: (Added-AMC) For DOP within AFCENT AOR, the unit discovering the DOP
will notify deployed leadership, CAOC LRC ([email protected]),
CENTAF MAIN (A4chi[email protected]) (T-2). (Added-AMC) The unit discovering the DOP will ensure completeness of the
report (T-2). The home station will coordinate MXG/CC review/approval and forward
approved reports to HQ AMC/A4MP (T-2). (Added-AMC) Once the reports are released by HQ AMC/A4QF, the home
station DOP monitor will update the DOP database website (T-2).
11.10. Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP). The ASIP includes requirements for
collection and evaluation of aircraft usage data to update or confirm the original design or baseline
spectrum and to adjust maintenance intervals on an individual aircraft basis. The
Loads/Environment Spectra Survey data is collected via flight data recorders of instrumented
aircraft to evaluate the loads spectrum. The Individual Aircraft Tracking data is collected via flight
data recorders or manual forms such as “bubble sheets” and the data is used to make
maintenance/inspection/force structure decisions. Both the Loads/Environment Spectra Survey
and Individual Aircraft Tracking usage data programs are established by applicable MDS-specific
TOs and AFI 63-140 and require coordinated action by a number of base-level maintenance
activities to achieve the required data capture rates. An effective ASIP aircraft usage data
collection program is essential to establish, assess and support inspections, maintenance activities, repairs
and required modification/replacement actions. MAJCOMs will:
11.10.1. Publish ASIP roles and responsibilities for each assigned weapon system IAW AFI
11.10.2. Ensure operational units continuously meet authorized reporting requirements
established by Program Offices.
11.10.3. Document causes and corrective actions for units that fail to meet reporting
requirements and retain until resolved or relief of the reporting requirement is granted from the
Program Office in writing.
11.10.4. (Added-AMC) 89 MXG, En Routes and CRW are not required to have an instruction
or appoint a monitor, but will follow MDS specific TOs for collection and reporting of ASIP
data. MXG/CC will publish an instruction that will address the following as a minimum (T-2): (Added-AMC) Identification of maintenance activities responsible for
collection and submittal of ASIP aircraft usage data (T-2). (Added-AMC) Identification of debrief section responsibilities (if applicable)
(T-2). (Added-AMC) Procedures to collect and submit ASIP aircraft usage data (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Procedures to collect and submit ASIP aircraft usage data at
deployed locations (T-2). (Added-AMC) Documentation requirements for ASIP aircraft usage data
collection and submittal (T-2). (Added-AMC) Training requirements for personnel responsible for ASIP
aircraft usage data collection and submittal (T-2).
11.10.5. (Added-AMC) ASIP monitor will coordinate with the MAJCOM ASIP OPR, as
applicable, to obtain feedback on data capture rates and to implement corrective actions as
needed (T-2).
11.11. Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Program.
11.11.1. MAJCOMs will establish an Identification Friend or Foe Program for aircraft in their
command (if equipped). (AMC) There are no additional IFF program requirements. Follow
established procedures as outlined in each weapons system -6 technical order (T-2).
MAJCOM programs will identify additional requirements necessary to ensure status of
Identification Friend or Foe systems meets mission requirements.
11.11.2. The MXG/CC will appoint an Identification Friend or Foe Program Manager for
Identification Friend or Foe systems cryptographically keyed by MXG personnel (if equipped,
see Paragraph (T-2).
11.11.3. Equipped aircraft will be checked prior to its first sortie of the day during contingency
operations. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Maintenance personnel will validate that the correct Mode 4/5
codes have been loaded by performing an interrogation/reply check using IFF test set
equipment as outlined in the applicable MDS technical order (T-2).
11.12. Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning Testing.
11.12.1. MAJCOMs will identify weapon systems with enhanced on-board diagnostics and
internal testing capabilities which do not require external testing in their supplement to this
instruction (if equipped). MAJCOMs will determine non-contingency system functional check
requirements necessary to ensure Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning systems
are maintained operationally ready to meet mission requirements IAW the MESL or MDS
equivalent. (AMC) Follow established procedures as outlined in each weapons system -6
technical order (T-2).
11.12.2. The MXG/CC will designate a Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning
Manager (if equipped as required). (T-2).
11.12.2. (AMC) [DEV] N/A for En Route and CRW. The Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning Manager if assigned, will
coordinate test procedures with the Wing Electronic Warfare Officer and the MXS, if
applicable. (T-2). The Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning Manager if assigned will
ensure each unit accomplishes the required minimum number of checks as defined below.
(T-2). For contingency missions, the Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat
Warning Manager will coordinate with the Electronic Warfare Officer/Electronic
Combat Officer who will determine system check requirements and specific threats to
be simulated. (T-3).
11.12.3. When an aircraft is found to have a malfunctioning Radar Warning Receiver/Radar
Threat Warning system prior to flight, the Aircraft Commander (AC) determines the course of
action based on operational needs and requirements.
11.13. Cannibalization Program.
11.13.1. General. CANN actions may be necessary when a condition prevents the
accomplishment of a mission and the required assets are not immediately available from
supply. Prior to performing a CANN action, verify the required component cannot be sourced
from LRS, TNB or back shop. When authorizing a CANN, the expenditure of man-hours and
potential damage to equipment need to be weighed against the expected benefit. High risk
CANNs should not be performed unless priority aircraft are involved or lack of ready
equipment will impede mission accomplishment. See Table 1.2 (Reference AFTTP 3-4.21V1).
11.13.2. Definition. CANN is the authorized removal of a specific assembly, subassembly, or
part from one weapon system, system, support system, or equipment end item for installation
on another end item to satisfy an existing supply requisition and to meet priority mission
requirements with an obligation to replace the removed item. Weapon systems, support
systems, or equipment include: aircraft, missiles, drones, RPA, uninstalled engines, uninstalled
engine modules, aircrew and/or launch crew training devices, Communications-Electronics
equipment, AGE, TMDE, serviceable uninstalled pods, and guns.
11.13.3. Responsibilities. CANN Authorities (CA) will be approved by the MXG/CC or
equivalent and tracked in the MIS and SCR (see Table 11.1 (T-1). CA will be SNCOs, officers or civilian equivalents. (T-1). These personnel are
typically Pro Supers. Those who are authorized to approve CANNs will not further delegate their
responsibility. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Refer to AMCI 21-108 for guidance on CANNs for AMC and
AMC-gained aircraft away from home station under 618 AOC control (T-2). (Added-AMC) CA will coordinate with the MXS Pro Super (if applicable)
when they determine the need to CANN a part from an aircraft undergoing MXS managed
maintenance (T-2). (Added-AMC) MXG/CC, MXG/CD or MXG Superintendent will be the
approval authority for all CANN requests originating from an AOR (T-2).
11.13.4. If an assembly is cannibalized to satisfy a condition caused by lack of bits and pieces
(such as, washers, nuts, and bolts), the assembly is counted as a CANN and the bits and pieces
are considered transfer actions. Bits and pieces removed from an end item (without removing
the assembly) for installation on another end item are considered individual CANN
actions.When a required part cannot be delivered and installed on time, the CA may approve
the CANN of parts before the initiation of CANN documentation (such as, Red Ball
maintenance). The CA will give this approval only after confirming the part is not readily
available in LRS, TNB, forward supply points, or back shops. (T-1). The CA will notify the appropriate supply activity to change the “mark-for”
components in the document number. (T-1). The CA will also ensure complete documentation is accomplished for each
CANN action. (T-1).
11.13.5. When TCIs, serially-controlled items, items affecting compliance of a TCTO, or
other components with inspection requirements that align to specific hourly, calendar, or event
limits are considered for CANN, the CA will coordinate with PS&D or EM to ensure adequate
time remains on the item to justify the CANN and to ensure appropriate records are updated.
(T-1). If the CANN action takes place, the performing work center will update the
MIS and notify PS&D or EM. (T-1).
11.13.6. Installed engines are not end items; installed engines are considered a LRU (similar
to a radar component, gun, seat, canopy, radio, multifunction display unit). If a functional LRU is removed from one end item to put on another end item
to fill a “hole” which was caused by a supply requisition, (the requisition could be against
the LRU), then this is considered a CANN.
11.13.7. Restrictions. Egress system component CAD/PAD cannibalization actions are considered
"High-Risk" and should not be performed unless priority aircraft are involved (example,
higher headquarters/alert status), or lack of ready equipment will impede mission
accomplishment. To ensure system integrity and validation of the explosive CAD/PAD
listing, cannibalization of egress explosive components and/or seats will not be
accomplished without the approval of the MXG/CC or MXG/CD. (T-3). After cannibalization actions, Egress Red X discrepancies in the aircraft
AFTO Form 781As will not be cleared until verification that CAD/PAD S/N content
matches the S/N content entries in the MIS. (T-1). Only (2A6X3) Egress personnel will accomplish this action. (T-1). CANN actions involving parts from ABDR aircraft, AF Museum Aircraft,
Maintenance Training Devices, GITA, TAA, or DLADS will not be accomplished without
authorization from the Program Office. (T-1). Parts will not be removed from static display/AF Museum Aircraft except
as authorized by AFI 84-103. (T-1). If the part is approved for CANN, it must not be put into service until all
necessary inspections (such as, NDI, pressure checks, operational checks, TCTOs)
have been accomplished using specific guidance from the item manager to ensure
proper serviceability. (T-1). Units will not CANN parts from aircraft possessed by AFMC (B or D PIC)
without first coordinating through the MAJCOM functional manager who will request
approval from the applicable PM. (T-1). An aircraft that has been extensively cannibalized will not be launched on an
overseas or cross-country sortie/mission on the first flight following CANN rebuild without
the owning MXG/CC approval. (T-2).
11.14. Hangar Queen Aircraft.
11.14.1. General. The objective of this program is to ensure the entire fleet remains healthy
and all possible management actions are carried out to ensure aircraft do not remain inoperative
for extended periods. MAJCOMs will establish a Hangar Queen Management Program.
Definitions. A “Hangar Queen” is a unit-possessed aircraft that has not flown for at least 30
calendar days. Aircraft are exempt from accruing Hangar Queen time for up to 10 days
immediately following DFT/CFT repair or maintenance; however, if an aircraft is not flown
after the 10th day, the 10 days are included in the total number of days since last fly date to
determine the Hangar Queen category computation. Hangar Queen aircraft will be further
defined by the following three categories:
11.14.2. (AMC) Aircraft undergoing major scheduled maintenance (ex: C-5 Major Isochronal,
C-17 HSC, C-130 letter check, etc) follow DFT/CFT exemption and is treated as depot
possession in calculating Hangar Queen Category. Category 1: Aircraft that have not flown for 30 to 59 calendar days. (T-1). (Added-AMC) When an aircraft becomes a Category 1 Hangar Queen,
maintenance supervision will establish a maintenance recovery plan that outlines
actions required, and timeline, to get the aircraft airborne (T-2). (Added-AMC) Assign a SNCO or officer (or civilian equivalent) Hangar
Queen manager to implement the plan (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure strict management, control, and documentation of
all CANNs, transfer, and diversion actions from the Hangar Queen aircraft (T-2). (Added-AMC) Brief aircraft maintenance and supply status to the
MXG/CC weekly (T-2). Category 2: Aircraft that have not flown for 60 to 89 calendar days. (T-1). (Added-AMC) When an aircraft becomes a Category 2 Hangar Queen,
units will report aircraft entering Category 2 status to HQ AMC/A4Q on day 60. This
report will include a copy of the recovery plan (T-2). (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC or designated representative mustapprove
any further CANNs, transfer, and diversion actions from the Hangar Queen aircraft (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Brief aircraft maintenance and supply status at the daily
wing standup meeting (T-2). Category 3: Aircraft that have not flown for 90 or more calendar days. (T-1). (Added-AMC) When an aircraft becomes a Category 3 Hangar Queen,
units will report aircraft entering Category 3 status, including an update on the recovery
plan, to HQ AMC/A4Q on day 90 (T-2).
11.14.3. All aircraft placed on higher HHQ alert status are exempt from the Hangar Queen
Management Program and reporting throughout the duration of alert status/posturing.
11.14.4. An aircraft is released from Hangar Queen status after the first flight. The following
examples are provided to clarify when an aircraft becomes a Hangar Queen: A unit-possessed aircraft has not flown for 20 calendar days, enters depot status
for 5 more calendar days, and then returns to unit possession on the 26th non-fly day; the
unit has up to 10 calendar days to fly the aircraft to avoid Hangar Queen status. If this
aircraft does not fly on the 10th calendar day (35th non-fly day), the aircraft will become
36-day Category 1 Hangar Queen on the next day. A unit-possessed aircraft has not flown
for 2 calendar days, then enters depot status for 1 calendar day and is returned to unit
possession, the unit must fly the aircraft in the next 27 calendar days to avoid becoming a
Category 1 Hangar Queen.
11.14.5. (Added-AMC) MXG/CC will determine the need for an FCF/OCF (if not otherwise
required by the aircraft specific TO) (T-3).
11.14.6. (Added-AMC) Before releasing for flight, QA will perform a review of maintenance
actions in the MIS since the last flight prior to entering Hangar Queen status (T- 2).
11.15. Ground Instructional Trainer Aircraft (GITA). GITA are permanently grounded
aircraft declared excess to future operations or flying requirements by higher headquarters and will
be re-designated by the addition of the prefix “G” to the basic MDS. (T-1). GITA are not
maintained in a flyable condition but maintain system/subsystem operational condition for
purposes of maintenance training and will be carried in assignment/PIC outlined in AFI 21-103
and AFI 16-402. (T-1). This section does not apply to ABDR training aircraft. ABDR training
aircraft are managed by AFSC/LGPM (ABDR Program Office (PO)). This Chapter does not apply
to training equipment maintained by Contract Logistics Support contracts administered by
commands other than AETC.
11.15.1. Only those items requested by the PM are considered for removal. If the item does
not affect training and if approved by MXG/CC, the part will be removed and turned in as per
the ALC MXG/CC’s (or equivalent) instructions. (T-2). Units are responsible for storing uninstalled or removed equipment that is not
required for training. (T-1).
11.15.2. Training Aid Aircraft (TAA). TAA are permanently grounded aircraft that, at a
minimum, require an aircraft fuselage that was previously in the AF inventory as an aircraft. Assigned TAA are not maintained in airworthy condition, and only the
system/subsystem required for the specific training requirements will be maintained in
operational condition for purposes of required maintenance/organizational training. (T-2). TAA used for training are not terminated from the AF inventory IAW AFI 16-
402. TAA requests for use by non-maintenance AFSCs require coordination through
AFMC/LCMC and the PM prior to approval of assignment via an AF Form 913. (T-1). Questions about the designation of an aircraft used for training should be
directed to the MAJCOM AVDO. Permanently grounded missiles retain their original MDS without a prefix. Upon assignment of a permanently grounded GITA/TAA, the MXG/CC or
equivalent will contact the applicable MAJCOM to coordinate "save list" requirements
identified by the applicable PM. (T-2). “Save list” items removed will be turned into LRS for shipment. (T-2). If an item on the “save list” is not removed, the reason for not removing
it will be annotated and coordinated with the applicable MAJCOM. (T-2). If items on the “save list” are required for training and an unserviceable
item will suffice, units will coordinate with the applicable MAJCOM for receipt ofthe
unserviceable item(s). (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 All unserviceable items furnished by ALC will be marked/identified as
“unserviceable in a conspicuous manner (such as, Red X or Red dot system). (T-2).
11.15.3. MAJCOM Responsibilities. MAJCOMs will determine use of MIS for permanently
grounded GITA records management. MAJCOMs will coordinate “save list” requirements/changes with the
applicable PMs.
11.15.4. MXG/CC Responsibilities. MXG/CC or equivalent will: Develop an installation publication or supplement to define the scope of training
functions for GITA/TAA use, functional responsibility for funding, operations,
maintenance, and records management. (T-1). Ensure maintenance support of GITA/TAA used for training. (T-1). Units that
do not have organic maintenance capability will establish a Support Agreement or MOA
assigning maintenance responsibility for GITA/TAA training use. (T-1). GITA maintenance includes on- and off-equipment maintenance of active
systems and subsystems and necessary actions to maintain the aircraft in a safe and
presentable condition. TAA require minimal maintenance on systems/subsystems used to meet
training requirements and should be maintained in a safe and presentable condition. Determine which system and subsystem are required to support the
training. Consider present, future, and cross-utilization of systems when making
determinations. These systems will be maintained in the same configuration as
operational equipment. (T-1). Ensure explosive components are removed that are not required to support
training requirements. Place retained systems and subsystems not currently being used for
training into extended storage IAW applicable technical data. Ensure standard maintenance practices regarding inspection appearance,
cleanliness, ground safety, and prevention of corrosion are met. Corrosion control
procedures are outlined in TO 1-1-691. Develop and prepare inspection technical data check lists for use in
inspecting the condition and safety of equipment before use and ensure inspections are
performed. Prior-to-use inspections will be conducted by the using organization
employing a tailored weapon system pre-/post-dock checklist. (T-1). Conduct periodic maintenance inspections using a tailored work
deck. (T-1). Prepare a separate memorandum for each GITA/TAA, addressed to the
appropriate PM for the aircraft and inform them of the systems and subsystems that
will be maintained in operational configuration. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 When changes in requirements occur, initiate a new memorandum. Ensures copies of all GITA/TAA memorandums to the MAJCOM
AVDO. (T-1). Air and space vehicle inventory will be reported IAW AFI 21-103 as
required for ground trainers. (T-1). Aircraft used for ground trainers are exempt from
status and utilization reporting. Maintenance actions will be documented IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1). Owning units not having maintenance capability will establish
MOAs or MOUs with organizations which can provide maintenance support. (T-
1). Ensure timely completion of TCTOs on systems designated for
configuration management and proper configuration status accounting is maintained. Accomplish TCTOs on systems not designated for configuration
management as required to ensure safety of operation or as directed by the PM. TCTOs are not maintained on TAA. Ensure proper coordination and documentation of parts removed from
training aircraft are accomplished as follows: When an item is removed or replaced, supervisors will ensure this
action is documented in the aircraft forms. (T-1). Include the authority for removal
(such as, message number, telecon, letters, and dates) and condition of
installed/replacement items. When the limited save list actions have been done, a copy of the
completed list will be forwarded to the appropriate PM and the local documentation
function which will be added to the TAA historical record. (T-1). W&B handbook requirements will be maintained IAW TO 1-1B-
50 and applicable -5 series TOs. (T-1). Operating and maintenance technical data will be readily accessible
whenever the GITA/TAA is in use or undergoing inspection. (T-1). MXG/CC will designate a GITA/TAA Manager as an additional
duty. (T-1). The GITA/TAA Manager must be qualified to operate
GITA/TAA systems and appropriate support equipment to conduct GITA/TAA
maintenance. (T-1). The GITA/TAA Manager will accomplish and/or coordinate
maintenance actions for the GITA/TAA and ensure GITA/TAA documentation
is accurate and complete. (T-1). For equipment designated as trainers, only the systems required for
technical training (or those required to ensure safety or system integrity) need to be
maintained. Note: This does not apply to "temporarily" grounded aircraft or operational
equipment or systems on loan from MAJCOMs or ALCs.
11.15.5. Technical Data Applicability. Operational systems on GITA/TAA are maintained IAW applicable technical
data. The specific policy governing the use and modification of technical data is contained
in TO 00-5-1. Some systems may be operated and maintained with original contractor
data because formal technical data was never developed and/or the contractor data was
never assigned a TO number. Inspection and lubrication requirements may be adjusted to correspond with
training requirements and equipment usage and to prevent over or under inspection. When significant savings may be achieved, the commander or contract project
manager must request deviations or changes to technical data requirements, including
substitution of materiel from the weapon system program manager. If deviations are approved, the unit will retain approved
deviations/changes in the GITA historical records. (T-1). In all cases, safety or design
function must not be compromised. TCTOs. The QA function or other designated agency will be responsible for
determining applicability of TCTOs for GITAs. (T-1). TCTO upgrades are not required on
11.16. Aircraft Inlet/Intake/Exhaust Certification.
11.16.1. MAJCOMs will determine the requirement to implement an Aircraft
Inlet/Intake/Exhaust Certification program and certification frequency requirements.
11.16.1. (AMC) This certification program is N/A. Aircraft inlet/intake and exhaust
inspections will be performed as required by the MDS specific technical data (T-2). Note: Do
not confuse this certification program with ground maintenance FO inspections.
11.16.2. Units will track these programs on the SCR when implemented. (T-1).
11.17. Engine Run Training and Certification Program.
11.17.1. A comprehensive engine run certification program will be developed and strictly
enforced to prevent safety mishaps and potential loss of life. (T-1). The MXG/CC is responsible for ensuring the MT develops and manages an
effective engine run certification program. (T-1). All maintenance personnel authorized to start and operate aircraft engines,
APUs, and uninstalled engines and APUs will be trained and certified to operate engines
at TO determined power settings. (T-1). Aircraft engine motoring will only be performed by qualified engine run
personnel. (T-1). Exception: Rotary wing maintenance personnel qualified through OJT
may motor engines IAW prescribed TO.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The following minimum requirements will be used to certify engine run
personnel: The MT will serve as the OPR and focal point for the management and
development of the engine run certification program, engine run certification test
question bank, and written tests for their respective weapon system. (T-1). Pre-run training will be conducted in the trainee's work center through
OJT. (T-1). Pre-run training is designed to prepare the trainee for successful completion
of initial engine-run training. As a minimum, pre-run training will include: An evaluation by immediate supervisor or NCOIC/Flight Chief to
determine the individual’s level of maturity and experience prior to being selected
for engine-run training. (T-1). The trainee will review and become familiar with engine-run
operations to include emergency procedures IAW the applicable aircraft general
system type TO and engine run checklist. (T-1). MTs may develop a handout to facilitate learning engine-run
procedures, engine limitations, and emergency procedures.
11.17.2. Certifying Officials. Certifying official certification requirements are listed in Table
11.1. Instructor Pilots (IP) can also be used as certifying officials during the practical
engine-run demonstration. (AMC) N/A to C-5 and KC-10 aircraft (T-2). Certifying officials must maintain proficiency in the same manner as other
technicians; certifying officials must recertify each other. (T-1).
11.17.3. Instructors. Individuals selected as instructors will hold the rank of SSgt or above and
possess a 7-skill level in one of the following AFSCs: 2A3X3/7/8, 2A5X1/2/4, 2A6X1 or
civilian equivalent, a qualified contractor, or AFETS/CETS personnel. (T-1). AFI 11-218, Aircraft Operations and Movement on the Ground, aircraft and
engine TOs, commercial aircraft/engine operating procedures, and special test project
engineering procedures will be used to develop engine run certification trainingprograms.
11.17.4. Installed Engine Run Personnel. Prior to entering engine run training, personnel will
meet the following requirements: Personnel will be selected IAW criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-1).
MXG/CCs may designate contractors in writing to run aircraft engines. Qualified to operate the aircraft APU as applicable. (T-1). Qualified as a brake operator. (T-1). Qualified in basic radio and interphone systems operation. (T-1). Qualified on marshalling signals. (T-1).
11.17.5. The initial engine run certification program will consist of following three phases,
each of which will be successfully completed before progressing to the next phase: Phase 1. (T-1). Phase 1 is formal classroom training. Classroom instruction will
include: General aircraft familiarization to include, as a minimum, basic MDS
airframe characteristics, aircraft safe-for-maintenance procedures, cockpit
configuration and systems, throttles and aircraft controls, egress, normal and
emergency braking systems, and aircraft system/subsystems related to safe engine
operation. (T-1). A thorough review of TO procedures with emphasis on and notes,
cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Engine/APU operation, to include normal operational parameters and
limitations. (T-1). Ensuring aircraft, engine, and APU emergency procedures are
memorized. (T-1). UHF/VHF radio operation, Air Traffic Control tower procedures, and
emergency radio transmissions. (T-1). A two-part closed book examination (students will successfully complete
Part I before taking Part II). (T-1). The examination will consist of the following: Part I - Students will be given a written/computer-based
examination on all boldface emergency procedures or all emergency
procedures identified in applicable technical data requiring a passing scoreof
100 percent. (T-1). Part II - Students will be given a written examination covering
normal engine run procedures and limitations requiring a minimum passing
score of 90 percent, corrected to 100 percent. (T-1). Personnel failing the written/computer-based examination will receive
additional instruction before being re-tested. (T-1). Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing efforts.
(T-1). After a second failure of the two part closed book examination, the SQ/CC
(or equivalent) will determine if personnel may retest and continue with the program.
(T-1). Phase 2. (T-1). Phase 2 is simulator training. All maintenance personnel
requiring engine run certification will receive simulator training on each specific aircraft
MDS and APU. (T-1). Training will be accomplished in an Aircrew Training Device, Cockpit
Trainer, simulator, Maintenance Training Device or approved Technology
Development Trainer. (T-2). Note: If any of the above are not available, a similar
MD(S) simulator may be used if the procedures are the same or “dry run” procedures
will be accomplished in an aircraft to ensure procedural knowledge. As a minimum, students will demonstrate knowledge and proficiency in
the following areas: Proper run clearance procedures. (T-1). UHF/VHF radio operation, Air Traffic Control tower procedures,
and emergency radio transmissions. (T-1). Normal APU, engine start, run, and shutdown procedures. (T-1). Augmentor or thrust reverser operation (as applicable). (T-1). Applicable aircraft systems/subsystems normal operating
parameters. (T-1). Ensure TO emergency bold face items are memorized. (T-1). Instructors will evaluate the student on response time and
ability to handle emergency situations to include egress procedures. (T-1). Phase 3. (T-1). Phase 3 is practical demonstration. Each individual will receive
a practical engine run evaluation after successful completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2
training. (T-1). For fighter-type aircraft, it is preferable to conduct the evaluation in a NSS,
or on a trim pad. As a minimum, the student will demonstrate successful completion of the
following areas without any discrepancies based on a go/no-go standard: Run clearance procedures. (T-1). UHF/VHF radio operation, Air Traffic Control tower procedures, and
emergency radio transmissions. (T-1). Normal APU, engine start, run, and shutdown procedures, including
notes, cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Augmentor or thrust reverser operation as applicable, including notes,
cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Applicable aircraft systems/subsystems normal operating parameters,
including notes, cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Ensure TO emergency bold face items are memorized. (T-1). Instructors
will evaluate the student on response time and ability to handle emergency situations.
(T-1). Egress procedures. (T-1). MAJCOM/Lead Command, TO, and checklist
procedures for the applicable MDS will be demonstrated without error. (T-1).
11.17.6. Annual recertification for certifying officials and engine run certified personnel will
be accomplished by successfully completing the written test (Part I and Part II) administered
by the MT and demonstrating knowledge of normal and emergency procedures to a certifying
official by operating one of the following: Aircrew Training Device, Cockpit Trainer,
authorized Technology Development Trainer (if assigned or available), or aircraft as
appropriate. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Personnel failing the written examination will receive additional instruction
before being re-tested. (T-1). Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing efforts. (T-1). After a second failure of the two-part closed book examination, the individual
will be decertified. (T-1). The SQ/CC (or equivalent) will determine if personnel may retest and
continue with the program, and whether they must attend all three phases of initial
training prior to being recertified. (T-1). Certified individuals who PCS to the same MDS, and engine type and model
must be approved by the SQ/CC (or equivalent) and complete an initial evaluation by a
certifying official prior to becoming run qualified at the gaining base. (T-1). Note:
MAJCOMs will determine if additional training is required for the specific engine series. The evaluation will include, as a minimum, familiarization of local
procedures and requirements. (T-1). Carry over the date of original class completion from previous
documentation (certificate, training record, MIS printout).
11.17.7. Documentation. Qualifications of installed engine run certifying officials andengine
run certified personnel, will be documented in the MIS and entered on the SCR. (T-1).
11.17.8. Proficiency. MAJCOMs will determine proficiency requirements for maintenance
personnel authorized to operate installed engines.
11.17.8. (AMC) Engine run certified personnel will perform at least one engine run during a
120-day period (T-2). Proficiency should be accomplished using opportune maintenance
engine runs, Aircrew Training Device (ATD), Crew Procedures Trainer (CPT), or other
authorized trainer if assigned or available. For En Route units, the AMOG/CC may waive the
120 day proficiency requirement to 180 days. When deployed, proficiency training can be
waived by EMXG/MXG/CC. Units will track run proficiency requirements in the MIS. (T-1). Supervisors will ensure individuals who fail to maintain proficiency are
decertified. (T-1). Decertified individuals will recertify IAW Paragraph 11.17.6 (T-1).
11.17.9. Engine run certification tests are controlled items and will be handled IAW AFI 36-
2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System, and administered only by MT personnel.
11.17.10. Aircraft APU Installed Operation Training. The following requirements and
standards will apply to qualifying maintenance personnel on operating the aircraft APU:
11.17.10. (AMC) This portion applies to personnel requiring APU training only. Engine run
certified personnel will receive APU training as part of the Engine Run Training and
Certification Program (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 When conducting initial operator qualification training for APU, use the
applicable video or other training program. (T-2). A two-part closed book examination consisting of the following: Note:
MAJCOMs will determine examination applicability requirements for PMA only APU
operations in their supplement/addendum to this AFI. Part I - Students will be given a written/computer-based
examination on all boldface emergency procedures or all emergency procedures
identified in applicable technical data requiring a passing score of 100 percent.
(T-1). Students will successfully complete Part I before taking Part II. (T-1). Part II - Students will be given a written/computer-based
examination covering normal APU run procedures and limitations requiring a
minimum passing score of 90 percent, corrected to 100 percent. (T-1). Personnel failing the examination will receive additional instruction before
being re-tested. (T-2). Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing efforts. (T-
2). After a second failure of the two-part closed book examination, the individual
will be decertified. (T-2). The SQ/CC (or equivalent) will determine if personnel may retest and
continue with the program prior to being recertified. (T-2). Individuals must attend all three phases of initial training prior to being
recertified. (T-1). Part III. Personnel must then accomplish an on-equipment practical
evaluation for certification completion. (T-2). (AMC) For C-17 units, the ATD or Training Evaluation Performance Aircraft
Training Set (TEPATS) maintenance training device (MTD) may be used for practical
evaluation and certification. Personnel will be recertified annually using the initial certification procedures.
The practical evaluation portion will be accomplished by operating one of the following:
Aircrew Training Device, Cockpit Trainer, authorized Technology Development Trainer
(if assigned or available), or aircraft as appropriate (or as determined by the certifying
official). (T-1). Note: Recertification is not required if the individual is engine run certified
and has maintained annual engine-run certification requirements.
11.17.11. Documentation. Qualifications of APU run certifying officials and APU run
certified personnel, will be documented in the MIS and entered on the SCR. (T-1). If applicable, MAJCOMs will define SCR applicability requirements for PMA
only APU operations in their supplement/addendum to this instruction.
11.17.12. Proficiency. MAJCOMs will determine proficiency requirements for maintenance
personnel authorized to operate APUs.
11.17.12. (AMC) There is no proficiency requirement for APU operation, however
recertification requirements do apply. See paragraph Units will track run proficiency requirements in the MIS. (T-1). Supervisors will ensure individuals who fail to maintain proficiency are
decertified. (T-1).
11.17.13. Certification tests are controlled items and will be handled IAW AFI 36-2605 and
administered only by MT personnel. (T-1).
11.17.14. Uninstalled Engine Operation on Test Stands and Cells (includes Jet Fuel Starter
/APU uninstalled operations). All personnel identified for uninstalled engine run qualification
will complete an uninstalled engine run training program prior to certification. (T-1). The
following minimum requirements will apply: Certification Requirements. Individuals will be certified for each specific
engine TMS authorized to run IAW criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-1). Certifying Officials. The MXG/CC will designate qualified TSgts or higher or
civilian equivalent or fully qualified/certified contractors or AFETS/CETS personnel, to
serve as certifying officials IAW criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-1). Instructors. Individuals selected as instructors will be 7-skill level SSgts or
above or civilian equivalent, a qualified contractor, or an AFETS/CETS representative, and
be run certified on each TMS (if they are to be certifying officials). (T-1). Training. Uninstalled engine run training will consist of the following three
phases: Phase 1. (T-1). Phase 1 is formal training. Instruction will include, as a
minimum, the following areas: General engine familiarization to include, as a minimum, basic
engine description, component location, and functions. (T-1). Thorough familiarization of control cabs, NSSs, ETSs, and T-9 fire
suppression control panels (if applicable). (T-1). Thorough review of TO procedures with emphasis on notes,
cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Uninstalled engine operation to include normal operating
parameters and limitations. (T-1). Ensuring uninstalled engine emergency procedures are
memorized. (T-1). Local communication procedures. (T-1). A two-part closed book examination (students will successfully
complete Part I before taking Part II) consisting of the following: Part I - Students will be given a written/computer-based
examination on all boldface emergency procedures or all emergency
procedures identified in applicable technical data requiring a passing score
of 100 percent. (T-1). Part II - Students will be given awritten/computer-based
examination covering normal engine run procedures and limitations
requiring a minimum passing score of 90 percent, corrected to 100 percent.
(T-1). Personnel failing the examination will receive additional
instruction before being re-tested. (T-1). Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing
efforts. (T-1). After a second failure of the two part closed book examination,
the individual will be decertified. (T-1). The SQ/CC (or equivalent) will determine if personnelmay
retest and continue with the program prior to being recertified or be removed
from program. (T-1). Individuals must attend all three phases of initial
training prior to being recertified. (T-1). Phase 2. (T-1). Phase 2 is the control cab evaluation. After successful
completion of formal training, students will properly demonstrate the following
minimum requirements to a certifying official without discrepancies using the go/no-
go standard: Proper uninstalled engine start, run, and shutdown procedures,
including notes, cautions, and warnings (engine not operating). (T-1). Proper uninstalled engine boldface emergency procedures,
including notes, cautions, and warnings (engine not operating). (T-1). Knowledge of normal uninstalled engine operating limits,
including notes, cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Augmentor or thrust reverser operation (as applicable), including
notes, cautions, warnings and emergency procedures. (T-1). Phase 3. (T-1). Phase 3 is the practical evaluation. Each individual will
receive a practical uninstalled engine run evaluation after successful completion of
classroom training and control cab evaluation from a certifier. (T-1). As a minimum,
the student will demonstrate successful completion of the following areas without
discrepancies based on a go/no-go standard: Run clearance procedures. (T-1). Emergency communication procedures. (T-1). Normal uninstalled engine start, run, and shutdown procedures,
including notes, cautions, and warnings. (T-1). Augmentor or thrust reverser operation (as applicable), including
notes, cautions, and warnings. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Proper emergency procedure corrective actions during all bold face
uninstalled engine emergency conditions. (T-1). Recertification. Recertification for certifying officials and uninstalled engine
run qualified personnel will be accomplished annually. (T-1). The following three requirements must be met to obtain recertification: Successfully completing the written test (Part I and Part II)
administered by the MT. (T-1). Passing a control cab evaluation demonstrating knowledge of
normal and emergency procedures to a certifying official. (T-1). Completing a practical engine run demonstration. (T-1). Personnel failing the written examination will receive additional
instruction before being re-tested. (T-1). Students will not be given the same Part II test during re-testing efforts.
(T-1). After a second failure of the two part closed book examination, the
individual will be decertified. (T-1). The SQ/CC (or equivalent) will determine if personnel may retest
and continue with the program prior to being recertified. (T-1). Individuals must attend all three phases of initial training prior to
being recertified. (T-1). Proficiency. MAJCOMs will determine proficiency requirements. (AMC) Test Cell proficiency requirement is 120 days (T-2). Supervisors will ensure individuals who fail to maintain proficiency are
decertified. (T-1). Decertified individuals will recertify IAW Paragraph
11.17.15. Fire Control Panel Operation in NSS. This section applies to all NSS designed for
enclosed aircraft and uninstalled engine operation (such as, T-9, T-10, T-11, T-12, and T-20)
with fire suppression systems. Only qualified personnel will be certified to use the NSS Fire
Suppression Systems. (T-1). The following certification requirements will apply: Meet criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-1). Training will consist of formal training using TOs and hands on
familiarization and will include the following minimum requirements: NSS Fire Suppression System familiarization and operation. (T-1). Emergency procedures, including local notification procedures. (T-1). NSS supervisor, contractor, AFETS/CETS personnel or individual designated
by the NSS supervisor will serve as certifying official(s). (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Annual recertification of NSS Fire Suppression System certified personnel
will be accomplished utilizing the same criteria as initial certification. (T-1).
11.18. Engine Blade Blending Training and Certification Program.
11.18.1. General. All units will have a comprehensive training program to ensure technical
standards are met, and proficiency is maintained. (T-1). The number ofindividuals authorized
to inspect and repair blades should be sufficient to meet mission requirements and production
needs. Personnel will be certified IAW criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-1). MXG/CCs
may designate contractors in writing to complete blade blending certification.
11.18.1. (AMC) [DEV] If unit is not authorized to perform engine blade blend, the unit is not
required to maintain training and certification program.
11.18.2. Responsibilities and Management. The MT or TD will be responsible for
management and development of the blade blending training program. (T-2). As a minimum, the course will include care and handling of equipment,
applicable technical data, fault isolation/damage assessment/defect size determination,
techniques required to correctly inspect and repair blades and performance of an engine
blade blend. (T-1). Prior to placement on the SCR, the formal blade blending training (MT or TD
course) and initial engine blade blending certification will be mandatory. (T-1).
11.18.3. MXG/CCs will appoint in writing maintenance, TD, or AFETS/CETS personnel as
instructors and ensure the following certification and proficiency requirements are tracked in
the MIS by course code: Formal training, engine blade blending course. (T-1). Annual engine blade blending recertification. (T-1). 180-day engine blade blending proficiency. (T-1).
11.18.4. Certification Criteria. Certifying officials will be selected IAW criteria established in
Table 11.1 (T-1).
11.18.5. (Added-AMC) Certifying officials will maintain proficiency in the same manner as
other technicians (T-2). Certifying officials will recertify each other (T-2). Note: If applicable,
assigned AFETS/CETS should be used to certify other certifying officials.
11.18.6. (Added-AMC) Certified individuals who PCS to the same MDS and engine TMSM
may bypass formal training course. These individuals will be re-certified by a certifier prior to
being added to the SCR (T-3). Carry over date of original class completion from previous
documentation (certificate, training record, MIS printout).
11.18.7. (Added-AMC) Upon completion of the formal training, individuals will be task
evaluated by the certifying official (an individual other than the instructor who administered
the course), and upon successful completion of certification, placed on the SCR (T-2).
11.18.8. (Added-AMC) Annual Recertification. Recertification will be accomplished by
having the technician demonstrate they can perform the task(s) in accordance with the
applicable technical order(s) (T-2). A QA PE may be used to satisfy this requirement if the QA
evaluator is a certifying official.
11.19. Engine Flexible Borescope Inspection Training and Certification Program. The
purpose of this program is to ensure individual knowledge and proficiency levels; proper care and
use of equipment; and standardization of program requirements.
11.19.1. All units maintaining engines using flexible borescopes will establish a
comprehensive training program. (T-1). Certification procedures described here are only for
engine borescope certification. Training will be annotated in training records. (T-1).
11.19.2. MAJCOMs will: Ensure an engine flexible borescope formal training course is developed,
tracked and managed by MT/TD. (AMC) The MT will ensure proper SCR documentation for AETC TD
maintenance instructors using the MIS (T-2). As a minimum, courses will include care and
handling of the equipment, all borescope port locations to include all inspection
requirements and procedures, all applicable technical data, fault isolation/damage
assessment/defect size determination, and performance of an actual engine borescope (T-
2). (Added-AMC) After completing formal training, the instructor signs off
the individual training plan (ITP) within TBA. Upon certification, personnel will be
placed and tracked on the SCR (T-2). Maintenance personnel will ensure that all
borescope inspections are loaded against the engine and not the aircraft (T-2). (Added-AMC) Annual Recertification. Each borescope-qualified
technician will be recertified by a certifying official (T-2). This is accomplished by
having technicians demonstrate proper inspection procedures, as well as, use and care
of equipment in accordance with the applicable technical order(s). Ensure engine flexible borescope proficiency and annual recertification (by a
certifying official) requirements are established by course code. (AMC) MT will ensure the following course codes are tracked in the MIS: (Added-AMC) Formal training borescope course, proficiency
requirement, and annual recertification (T-2). (Added-AMC) Minimum proficiency requirement is 12 months. Ensure time, training and documentation currency requirements are established
for engine flexible borescope certified personnel who PCS to the same MDS/engine. (AMC) Certified individuals who PCS to the same MDS and engine Type
Model Series Modification (TMSM) may bypass the formal training course. These
individuals must be re-certified by a certifier prior to being added to the SCR (T-2). Carry
over the date of original class completion from previous documentation (certificate, training
record, MIS printout). Note: If applicable, assigned AFETS/CETS should be used to certify
other certifying officials.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Determine training requirements for personnel using borescopes for non-engine
type inspections (such as, behind ejection seats, wing boxes) to include, as a minimum,
proper use and care of borescopes. (AMC) Personnel using borescopes for non-engine type inspections (behind
ejection seats, wing boxes, etc.) are not required to follow Engine Flexible Borescope
Inspection Training and Certification Program procedures, but must be trained at a
minimum on the proper use, handling and care of borescopes. Training must be annotated
in training records (T-2).
11.20. Flying Crew Chief (FCC) Program. The purpose of the FCC Program is to enhance
mission effectiveness by providing qualified maintenance support for aircraft at locations other
than home station. The FCC flies in Mission Essential Personnel status. FCC’s typically fly with
the aircraft for the purpose of accomplishing ground maintenance at the TDY location. The duty
period typically starts when the FCC shows at the aircraft prior to departure. FCCs are qualified in
their duty AFSC and are required to obtain, maintain, and apply basic knowledge in several other
aircraft maintenance AFSCs. They are responsible for launch, recovery, inspection, servicing,
generation, and maintenance of aircraft in austere locations and locations where specific MDS
maintenance capability may not be available.
11.20.1. MAJCOMs may authorize/develop a FCC Program under the direction of AF/A4LM
for maintainers who are required to regularly fly and maintain aircraft. FCCs will be selected per mission requirements as directed by MAJCOMs and
qualify for Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) IAW AFI 36-3017, Assignment
Incentive Pay and Special Duty Assignment Pay. (T-1).
11.20.2. The FCC program only applies to personnel assigned to positions on the Unit
Manning Document with a “C” prefix for the Duty AFSC.
11.20.2. (AMC) MASOP personnel will receive a “C” code prefix in accordance with AFI
36-3017 for reporting and tracking purposes. (T-3).
11.20.3. The following situations will not qualify the FCC for SDAP: Occasional flights where the aircraft is used as transportation in lieu of
commercial air. Incentive or indoctrination flights. Deployments where additional maintenance personnel are required at the
designated location to supplement assigned maintainers.
11.20.4. Qualifying missions. A mission consists of one or more sorties with a mission number
as entered on the AFTO Form 781, Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Document. The mission must
meet the following criteria to qualify for this program: The FCC is required to accomplish maintenance at locations other than home
station to prepare the aircraft for its next departure. (T-1).
11.20.5. FCC Program responsibilities. AF/A1PA oversees the overall SDAP and provides guidance in AFI 36-3017. AF/A4LM is the SDAP functional manager for FCCs.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 AF/A4LM sets criteria for FCCs, validates MAJCOM FCC reports, and
forecasts FCC SDAP budget needs. AF/A4LM approves/disapproves FCC position increases/decreases in
coordination with AF/A1PA. MAJCOMs implement the FCC Program and will appoint in writing a FCC
Program Manager to enforce standards and prepare the annual report. (AMC) HQ AMC/A4Q manages the AMC FCC program. Associate unit ARC
personnel must contact their parent MAJCOM for guidance. MAJCOM FCC Program Managers will determine which squadrons will
participate in the FCC Program and will: Validate and forward squadron FCC SDAP requests (Attachment 5) to
AF/A4LM and AF/A1PA. Annually validate FCC SDAP positions. Assign FCC SDAP positions with an AFSC prefix of "C" and an
appropriate SEI on command manpower documents. Establish command unique training requirements and set additional
qualification standards for their FCCs as needed. Maintain quarterly and annual FCC reports (Attachment 3 and
Attachment 4). Prepare and submit the command annual FCC report to AF/A4LM at
[email protected] and AF/A1PA by 15 August
each year. Submit the biennial FCC report to AF/A1PA upon request. Review and approve/disapprove ACR for changes of the “C” prefix to an
AFSC on the UMD. Review and recommend approval/disapproval of ACRs for additions,
deletions of the “C” prefix to an AFSC on the UMD. MAJCOM (A1M) Command Manpower and Organization Responsibilities.
A1M will: Coordinate and obtain approval/disapproval from MAJCOM for
Installation Manpower and Organization Office ACRs pertaining to validation of “C”
prefix to AFSCs on the UMD. Assign the “C” prefix to AFSCs upon approval from MAJCOM FCC
Program Manager. This provides MAJCOM functional managers and unit senior
maintenance managers the visibility of squadron FCC SDAP positions. Note: FCC
SDAP positions do not effect a unit’s manpower authorizations. SQ/CC’s will: Administer the squadron FCC Program IAW AFI 36-3017, AFI 36-2101,
Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), and this instruction. (T-1). Ensure FCCs fly only when required for the mission. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Requests for FCC support on operational missions will be
requested from the Wing Current Operations office (T-3). FCC support decisions will
be based on mission priority and FCC manning (T-3). The SQ/CC, after coordination
with the Operations Squadron/CC, is the final approval authority for missions when
FCCs are requested (T-3). (Added-AMC) FCCs should accompany all AMC aircraft, (not
including CLS aircraft), to locations away from home station, where MDS qualified
maintenance does not exist, if the aircraft is expected to remain off station
overnight. (Added-AMC) When there are no FCCs available, commanders
may send qualified maintenance personnel in MEP status to accomplish ground
duties in order to meet mandatory aircraft support requirements. Appoint and remove personnel from the FCC Program IAW AFI 36-2101.
(T-1). Assign FCCs for a minimum of one year, unless removed for cause.
(T-1). Ensure only qualified FCCs and assistant FCCs who meet minimum
requirements IAW AFI 36-3017 receive SDAP and fly a minimum of three qualifying
missions per quarter. (T-1). An indicator of having too many FCCs may be reflected in
a unit whose FCCs routinely do not meet minimum quarterly requirements. (AMC) MASOP personnel are entitled SDAP provided they performone
JCS alert commitment each quarter (T-2). Assign no more than two FCCs per aircraft (an FCC and assistant FCC)
to each qualifying mission unless otherwise approved by MAJCOM. (T-2). Exception:
SQ/CC may assign the minimum number of additional FCCs when required to maintain
proper work-rest cycles or to meet TO requirements. (AMC) FCCs are not required for C-21 and C-37 aircraft. (Added-AMC) An augmented FCC crew is a minimum of two
FCCs (an FCC and assistant FCC) (T-2). (Added-AMC) When the aircraft is tasked with a mission that
requires augmented aircrew the FCC crew will be augmented (T-2). Note: Consider
adding third FCC for scenarios that require an augmented aircrew and FCC crew. Appoint in writing a Unit FCC Program Manager. (T-1). Unit FCC Program Managers will: Track status and prepare unit reports. (T-1). Ensure personnel possess the appropriate SEI for their MDS aircraft. (T-
1). Provide a letter to their Installation Manpower and Organization Office
and an information copy to the MAJCOM FCC Program Manager to change, add, or
delete a “C prefix to the AFSC on the UMD. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The letter will contain the unit designation, function account code,
AFSC, position number, and a POC. (T-1). Ensure FCCs and assistant FCCs are aligned in a duty position with a "C"
prefix by initiating an AF Form 2096, Classification/On-the-Job Training Action, or
special order. (T-1). (AMC) Units will break down C-coded authorizations to reflect how
many FCCs are in each AFSC (T-2). Counsel FCCs and assistant FCCs on SDAP termination (AFI 36-3017,
Table 3 lists reasons for termination). (T-1). SDAP stops on the dates listed in this table. As long as a “C” prefix
is attached to an AFSC the member shall receive SDAP. (T-1). Review, update, and authenticate the monthly SDAP roster. (T-1). The
SDAP roster is the only administrative tool used to start, stop or continue the FCCpay
entitlement. If changes are made on the monthly SDAP roster, an AF Form 2096
or special order must be submitted to the Military Personnel Section(MPS). (T-1). Authentication of the monthly SDAP roster validates that each FCC
is meeting the full intent of the program. Note: AFI 36-3017 provides commanders
conditions concerning pay entitlements. Submit SDAP position increase/decrease requests to MAJCOM FCC
Program Manager by message, e-mail, or letter stating the number of positions to be
increased/decreased with a brief justification. (T-1). MAJCOMs will forward requests to AF/A4LM for final approval. Provide information for processing DD Form 1610, Request and
Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel, for FCCs. (T-3). Ensure TDY orders authorize FCCs to travel in Mission Essential
Personnel status. (T-1). Note: Aeronautical orders do not apply to this program, as
FCCs are not aircrew members. (AMC) Units will process orders as outlined in AFI 65-103, Temporary
Duty Orders (T-2). Ensure FCC TDY orders specify the following: (Added-AMC) FCC(s) will be authorized billeting/quarters with
aircrew (T-2). FCC(s) will not share a room with aircrew members as they are
subject to calls from local maintenance managers and 618 AOC/GADM (T-2). This
will ensure aircrew and FCC(s) receive their required rest. (Added-AMC) State “Variations Authorized” in itinerary, except
when blanket orders are used (refer to AFI 65-103) (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure MEP approval authority statement is
annotated on travel orders (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Monitor training qualifications and currency to ensure only qualified
FCCs are scheduled for missions. (T-1). As a minimum, maintain a folder for each FCC containing training
qualifications, immunizations, military passport information, appointment letters,
and FCC Mission Reports. (T-1). If the unit mobility section already maintains
these source documents, either electronic or paper copies may be maintained. Coordinate scheduling of FCCs through Flight CC/Chiefs and operations
schedulers. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Follow guidance in paragraph for Pre
Mission ORM Responsibilities (T-2). Maintain a Unit FCC Program Manager’s Continuity Book. (T-1). As a
minimum the continuity book will include: Lists of required instructions with web addresses (including AFI
36-3017, AFMAN 36-2108 and this instruction). (T-1). Unit FCC Program Manager appointment letter, AF Form 2096 or
special orders. (T-1). Manpower correspondence assigning “C” prefix AFSC. (T-1). Quarterly and annual FCC status reports, SDAP position requests
and miscellaneous FCC and SDAP correspondence. (T-1). Report program status by Fiscal Year (FY) quarters to MAJCOM FCC
Program Manager NLT the 15th day of the month following each FY quarter and report
FY annual program status to the MAJCOM NLT 15 July each year. (T-1). Annual report will consist of the previous FY 4th quarter and
current FY 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters (1 Jul - 30 Jun). (T-1). Submit funding requests for flight clothing, per diem, and other related
expenses for the annual budget (for safety during flight, flight clothing is mandatory
for FCCs and Assistant FCCs). (T-1). Installation Manpower and Quality Office will: Forward ACR to MAJCOM to add, delete, or change “C” prefixes on
AFSCs existing on the UMD. (T-1). Enroute supervisors will: (AMC) Note: For AMOG En Route FCC stage managers will comply with En
Route supervisor responsibilities and are exempt from Unit FCC Program Manager
requirements. Not assign FCCs to work other enroute aircraft. (T-2). However, FCCs
left at an enroute location and awaiting transportation may be assigned to work other
enroute aircraft.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) En Route Maintenance Supervision will determine if FCCs
awaiting transportation/staged are required for maintenance and will ensure an
appropriate duty schedule is established (T-2). (Added-AMC) The FCC’s mission requirements, aircraft status,
mission departure time, and the established work/rest plan will determine when the
FCC is released for required rest (T-2). (Added-AMC) For FCCs awaiting transportation and not assigned
to a stage, En Route Maintenance Supervision will contact the FCC’s home station
Maintenance Supervision to inform them of FCC utilization (T-2). Brief FCCs on local safety precautions, maintenance practices, and
limitations. (T-2). Coordinate with the Pilot In Charge (PIC) and FCC to obtain
transportation to/from quarters. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Coordinate with the Pilot in Charge and FCC to ensure
crew integrity for quarters is maintained (T-2). (Added-AMC) Determine FCC’s ability to safely and effectively perform
duties (T-2). Note: The FCC’s primary job is preparing the aircraft (e.g., inspect,
service, aircraft forms maintenance) for the next mission. (Added-AMC) Notify TACC/Logistic Cell of planned crew rest periods
and establish an alternate point of contact during scheduled rest periods to minimize
rest cycle interruptions (T-2). (Added-AMC) Provide feedback, as required, on the FCC using
supplement Attachment 9 and return it to the squadron FCC Program Manager upon
return to home station. (Added-AMC) If assigned, En Route FCC stage manager will: (T-2). (Added-AMC) Report FCC En Route utilization by Fiscal Year
(FY) quarters to MAJCOM FCC Program Manager NLT the 15th day of the month
following each FY quarter and report FY annual program status to the MAJCOM
NLT 15 July each year. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Annual report will consist of the previous FY
4th quarter and current FY 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters (1 Jul - 30 Jun) (T-2). The FCC will: Establish duty shifts and rest periods with the PIC and enroute supervisor
based on maintenance and mission requirements. (T-2). Note: Consider the duration of
the flight, the ability to rest during the flight, and the quality of the rest during the flight.
FCCs do not automatically enter crew rest with the aircrew upon arrival at an
enroute/transient location unless the duty day was exceeded. (AMC) See paragraph 11.20.7 for duty day and rest period guidance. If the FCC's safety is jeopardized by fatigue, the FCC's duty day
must end. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Upon arrival at enroute locations, determine their ability to safely and
effectively perform duties. (T-2). Note: The FCC’s primary job is preparing the aircraft
(inspect, service, aircraft forms maintenance) for the next mission. Notify Tanker Airlift Control Center/Logistics Cell of planned
crew rest periods and or establish an alternate point of contact during scheduled rest
periods to minimize rest cycle interpretations. (T-2). Coordinate with the PIC to ensure crew integrity for quarters is
maintained. (T-2). Coordinate with the PIC to ensure the FCC Performance Feedback Form
in Attachment 2 is completed by the PIC and provided the Unit FCC Program Manager
upon return to home station. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Aircraft Commander (AC) will: (Added-AMC) Establish with the FCC and En Route/transient
supervisor a work/rest plan based on maintenance and mission requirements (T-2).
Note: Utilize FCC ORM Worksheet (Attachment 10) and consider the duration of the
flight, the ability to rest during the flight, and the quality of the rest during the flight.
FCCs do not automatically enter crew rest with the aircrew upon arrival at an En
Route/transient location. (Added-AMC) If the FCC's safety is jeopardized by fatigue, the
FCC's duty day must end (T-2). (Added-AMC) Coordinate with the FCC and En Route/transient
supervision to ensure crew integrity for quarters is maintained (T-2).
11.20.6. FCC qualifications and responsibilities.
11.20.6. (AMC) FCC training requirements. FCCs will be a 2AX AFSC SSgt or TSgt 5- or 7-skill level. (T-1). As a minimum, the FCC must be qualified and certified on the following MDS
applicable items: Possess a SEI of the aircraft assigned to the FCC. (T-2). Refuel/defuel member and supervisor; concurrent servicing supervisor (as
applicable). (T-2). (AMC) Includes qualified to transfer fuel if applicable (T-2). Tow member, tow supervisor, and tow brake operator. (T-2). LOX/GOX servicing, nitrogen and tire servicing. (T-2). Tire and brake change; launch; recovery; marshalling; pre-flight, thru-
flight and post-flight inspection. (T-2). APU operation/quick air start system. (T-2). Engine run. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Kneeling operation and cargo door/ramp/visor operation on applicable
MDS. (T-2). (AMC) Includes auto and manual modes of operation for cargo doors (T-
2). All applicable powered/non-powered AGE. (T-2). Qualified to operate, troubleshoot, service, and perform maintenance on
their aircraft’s critical systems as required by the MAJCOM. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Chaff/flare qualified, if applicable (T-3). (Added-AMC) Thrust reverse deactivation, if applicable (T-3). (Added-AMC) High Risk Capture (HRC) training, as required
(T-3). Assistant FCC qualifications and responsibilities. Assistant FCCs must be a 5-level A1C or above with at least a SEI on
their assigned aircraft, and must accompany a fully qualified FCC. (T-2). As a minimum, the Assistant FCC will be qualified and certified on the
following MDS applicable items: Refuel/defuel member. (T-2). (AMC) Includes qualified to transfer fuel if applicable (T-2). Tow member and tow brake operator. (T-2). LOX/GOX servicing, nitrogen and tire servicing. (T-2). Tire and brake change; launch; recovery; marshalling; pre-flight,
thru-flight and post-flight inspection. (T-2). APU operation/quick air start system. (T-2). Cargo door/ramp/visor operation on applicable MDS. (T-2). (AMC) Includes auto and manual modes of operation for cargo
doors (T-2). All applicable powered/non-powered AGE. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Chaff/flare qualified, if applicable (T-3). (Added-AMC) Thrust reverse deactivation, if applicable (T-3). (Added-AMC) High Rik Capture (HRC) training, as required
(T-3). (Added-AMC) FCC and Assistant FCC responsibilities and training. The
FCC/Assistant FCC will: (Added-AMC) Ensure a Dash 6 preflight; thru flight or preflight/basic
post-flight inspection is completed before crew show, as applicable (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Maintain aircraft forms in accordance with TO 00-20-1
(T-2). (Added-AMC) Transcribe forms when necessary (T-2). (Added-AMC) Transcribed forms will remain with the aircraft until
they can be turned in to the home station PS&D or Debrief if option to keep pulled
forms in Debrief is being utilized (T-2). (Added-AMC) Accompany their aircraft for the entire mission, unless
specific guidance is received from 618 AOC/GADM, responsible C2 element, or the
unit commander (T-2). (Added-AMC) Coordinate travel and provide the appropriate flying
squadron current operations office with FCC information to be listed on the aircrew
flight authorization if applicable (T-2). Note: Annotating FCCs on the flight
authorization allows the aircraft commander to secure billeting for them. (Added-AMC) If the FCC assigned aircraft has a crew change, the
FCC will need to obtain billeting using normal TDY orders (DD Form 1610). (Added-AMC) Provide DD Form 1610 travel orders to the AC or
appropriate AMC command and control agency to facilitate billeting, clearances, etc
(T-2). (Added-AMC) For aircraft executing 618 AOC tasked missions, the
FCC(s) will coordinate with AMC En Route maintenance for logistics C2 support (T-
2). At locations without AMC En Route maintenance, FCC will coordinate with
transient alert and 618 AOC/GADM (T-2). See AMCI 21-108 for additional guidance. (Added-AMC) Complete a unit mission report following mission
completion utilizing the AMC Form 170, Flying Crew Chief Mission Report, or a
locally developed product (T-3). (Added-AMC) Human Factors Training (T-2). (Added-AMC) Annual Fatigue Management Training: (T-2). (Added-AMC) Certified MxHF facilitators will provide
training to FCCs (T-2). (Added-AMC) AMC/A4M/Q with assistance provided by
AMC/SGP will develop and manage curriculum (T-2). (Added-AMC) Base Flight Surgeons and/or Aerospace
Physiology personnel: (Added-AMC) will assist in providing guidance or
education for certified MxHF facilitators (T-2). (Added-AMC) are encouraged to participate as guest
speakers for part of the curriculum. (Added-AMC) Knock-it-Off Training developed at the unit level
utilizing guidance in paragraph 1.13.1 and AFI 90-802.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Notify TACC/Logistic Cell of planned crew rest periods
and or establish an alternate point of contact during scheduled rest periods to minimize
rest cycle interruptions (T-2).
11.20.7. Work/rest plan (see Chapter 1).
11.20.7. (AMC) [Dev] FCC Duty Day and Rest Periods. (Added-AMC) FCCs typically fly with the aircraft for the purpose of
accomplishing post flight duties and ground maintenance duties at the en route/TDY
location(s). This guidance takes into consideration the multidimensional requirements
FCCs face in the execution of their duties. The following expectations are meant to ensure
FCCs, while applying lessons learned in Fatigue Management Training and following
applicable risk mitigation guidance, have the latitude in duty day to safely and effectively
accomplish their part of the mission. This guidance is not an opening to work an FCC for
24 hours every day, but to allow for a long duty day if the current mission requires it and
the application of the FCC ORM Worksheet safely allows it. All FCC’s duty days and rest
periods are covered by guidance below in FCC Duty Day, Post-Flight Duties (PFD), and
Ground Maintenance Duties (GMD). The FCC flies in MEP status. (Added-AMC) FCCs must be afforded adequate rest following each PFD
and/or GMD. See, paragraph, FCC Rest Period. (Added-AMC) If the FCC is to perform Ground Maintenance Duties without
an in-flight rest period, the duty shifts and rest periods guidance in paragraph 1.14. (Added-AMC) Section NCOICs will grant Compensatory Time Off (CTO) to
FCCs dependent on length and conditions of missions (T-3). (Added-AMC) Pre Mission ORM Responsibilities. (Added-AMC) FCC Managers will: (Added-AMC) Review mission itineraries for duty days in excess
of 16 hours (T-2). (Added-AMC) Develop and coordinate extended duty day plan
through MOCC to MXG/CC or designated representative for approval (T-2). (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC or designated representative will: (Added-AMC) Utilize the FCC ORM Worksheet to assess and
mitigate known risk factors. (Added-AMC) Approve extended duty hours prior to mission
departures. (Added-AMC) MOCC will: (Added-AMC) Document date, time and approval authority of
extended duty day plan. (Added-AMC) FCC Duty Day. To align the FCC’s duty day with the aircrew’s
duty day, the maximum FCC duty day is 20 hours when flying with a basic FCC crew, and
28 hours when flying with an augmented FCC crew in accordance with paragraph
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (T-2). The FCC duty day is highly dependent on the FCC’s ability to rest
during flight and will be considered by the aircraft commander upon landing (T-2). (Added-AMC) An FCC’s duty day includes the following periods: (Added-AMC) Before flight, starting when an FCC reports for a
mission, briefing, or other official duty. (Added-AMC) Aircraft flight time. (Added-AMC) Post flight duty’s (PFD). (Added-AMC) The same provisions in AFI 11-202V3 and AFI 11-
2VIPV3 that allow augmented aircrews to perform extended duty days will be provided
to FCCs (T-2). (Added-AMC) FCCs should not be disturbed while resting in flight
except by the aircraft commander to address an emergency per AFI 11-202V3. (Added-AMC) If disturbed, the aircraft commander will assess the
FCC’s ability to continue working within the applicable FCC Duty Day and/or
GMD. (Added-AMC) FCC Duty Day begins when an FCC reports for a mission,
briefing, or other official duty and ends when PFDs are completed. (Added-AMC) Post-Flight Duties (PFD). Post-flight duties include those
routine tasks required to close up an aircraft and/or prepare it for its next flight. Examples
of those tasks are installation of plugs and covers, servicing, and inspections required
before the next flight. (Added-AMC) Official post-flight duties will not exceed 4 hours (T-2). (Added-AMC) Exception: If FCC’s total duty day has not reached
16 hours, official post-flight duties can exceed 4 hours. (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC or designated representative will be the
waiver authority for situations that extend FCC(s) post flight duties over 4 hours with
duty day over 16 hours (T-2). (Added-AMC) The waiver authority will use the FCC ORM
Worksheet (Attachment 10) to assist in making decisions (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ground Maintenance Duties (GMD). This duty covers those
times when maintenance tasks outside of FCC’s duty days are required. (Added-AMC) During these periods FCC(s) will follow the guidance in
paragraph 1.14 Duty Shifts and Rest Periods. (Added-AMC) In cases, during FCC’s duty day and ground
maintenance duties, where an FCC’s ground maintenance duty hours will take them
beyond 16 hours the MXG/CC or designated representative will use the FCC ORM
Worksheet (Attachment 10) to assist in making that decision (T-2). (Added-AMC) When aircrew alert upon completion of an FCC’s GMD
the FCC’s GMD time will be considered part of FCC’s duty day for that mission; the
MXG/CC or designated representative will be notified per the FCC ORM Worksheet
(Attachment 10) if the GMD and duty day for this mission is longer than 16 hours (T-
2). (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC or designated representative will be
the waiver approval authority for the extended FCC duty day in this scenario (T-
2). (Added-AMC) FCC Rest Period. FCC(s) will be afforded adequate rest
following each PFD and/or GMD period (T-3). Rest is defined as the condition which
allows an individual the opportunity for a minimum of 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Any
interruption should be made only under the most exceptional circumstances. (Added-AMC) Logistics Readiness Controllers should be aware of and
consider the FCC’s rest period before calling them as interrupting their rest could delay
repair of their aircraft. (Added-AMC) Rest does not include time for meals and transportation to
and from sleeping quarters and therefore will be considered when planning the FCC’s
rest period. (Added-AMC) The MXG/CC or designated representative will be the
waiver approval authority for rest (T-2). (Added) FCCs in coordination with the AC are responsible to ensure they
obtain sufficient rest during rest periods.
11.20.8. MAJCOM FCC Program reporting. MAJCOMs will forward a yearly report to AF/A4LM by 15 August. Use previous FY 4th quarter; and current FY 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters. Late
reports may postpone FCC waiver requests. Refer to Attachment 3 and Attachment 4 for
reporting criteria.
11.20.9. Waivers. Forward unit waiver requests to the MAJCOM FCC Program Manager, who
will either disapprove/return to unit, or recommend approval/forward to AF/A4LM for
final approval IAW AFI 33-360. (T-1). All approved waivers are reviewed annually as part of the annual report
unless otherwise stipulated by the approval authority. Waiver renewals. Submit a brief justification for waivers requiring
11.20.10. (Added-AMC) Wartime and Contingency Operations: (Added-AMC) FCCs are classified as MEP and may be authorized altitude
chamber training, or survival/combat training. FCCs may be authorized Aircrew Flight
Equipment (AFE) and AFE training, to include Aircrew Chemical, Biological,
Radiological, Nuclear (ACBRN) equipment as prescribed in AFI 11-301V2 and AFI 11-
301V2_AMCSUP, Management and Configuration Requirements for Aircrew Flight
Equipment (AFE), with a validated mission requirement. Any mobility equipment, if
required, (e.g., flak vests, Kevlar helmets) may be obtained from the unit mobility section. (Added-AMC) Units will authorize FCCs M-9 qualification to minimize
weapons storage onboard aircraft when accompanying aircraft into theater of operations
unless mission taskings require M-4s (T-3).
11.20.11. (Added-AMC) Alert FCC Program (Tanker units only). Refer to AMCI 13-520-S,
Support of Nuclear Planning and Operations, Chapter 13 and/or contact AMC/A3N at DSN
11.20.12. (Added-AMC) Wing Current Operations is the wing’s single point office to validate
FCC support needs for the Wing’s operational missions. Wing Current Operations Office will: (Added-AMC) Provide the FCC program manager the FRAG 72 hours before
mission departure (T-2). When mission requirement is less than 72 hours or the FRAG is
unavailable, notify the FCC program manager as soon as possible (T-2). Include on each
mission FRAG, FCC support tasking requirements (T-2). (Added-AMC) Classify FCC support tasking in three categories: Required,
Requested, and Not Required (T-2). (Added-AMC) Required will be used when FCC requirement is from
the 618 AOC and will be supported unless waived by the tasking authority (T-2). (Added-AMC) Not Required will be used when FCC support is not
required for the mission (T-2). (Added-AMC) Notify the Flying Squadron Duty Officer and FCC program
manager with final decisions/waivers on FCC mission support as soon as possible (T-2).
11.21. Maintenance of Flash Blindness Protective Devices.
11.21.1. MAJCOMs will define responsibilities across maintenance for sustainment of flash
blindness protective devices for assigned aircraft in a supplement to this instruction. As a
minimum, MAJCOM supplements will assign responsibilities that ensure:
11.21.1. (AMC) MXG/CC will ensure units maintain flash blindness protective devices in
accordance with aircraft and equipment TOs and AFI 11-301V1. (T-2). Units maintain aircraft thermal protective devices, shields, and associated
hardware IAW aircraft TOs. Units will establish a training program to qualify individuals to install, inspect,
and when required, seal aircraft thermal protective devices and shields. (T-2).
11.22. WRM External Nestable Fuel Tank Build-Up. MAJCOMs will ensure units sustain the
capability to support assigned wartime taskings. External Nestable Fuel Tank Build-Up is a
wartime capability, supported/tasked through a UTC to provide a critical wartime skill that
compensates for the expenditure of aircraft fuel tanks (refer to Chapter 4). With exception of the
core 2A6X4 personnel, augmentees may come from any group or squadron within the wing.
MAJCOMs, as applicable, will:
11.22.1. Ensure units adhere to the direction outlined in their particular Mission Capability
statement and DOC statement IAW AFI 10-401, governing the quantity, size, and composition
of fuel tank build-up teams.
11.22.2. Provide guidance for UDMs to ensure personnel tasked/selected for WRM Nestable
Fuel Tank Build-Up team augmentees are not tasked for other wartime UTCs. MAJCOMs must ensure UDMs responsible for deploying 2A6X4 personnel are
designated as the focal point for WRM Nestable Fuel Tank Build-Up team assembly and
are required to develop/maintain a written plan. The plan must be kept current, reviewed
annually and contain the following: Specific manning positions across the wing to be tasked as Nestable Fuel
Tank Build-Up team augmentees. Note: The applicable independent Nestable Fuel
Tank Build-Up UTC Manpower Force Packaging System will be used as a guide to
construct the teams. Guidelines for activation of the tank build-up teams are established.
11.23. Protective Aircraft Shelters (PAS). MAJCOMs that possess PAS will publish guidance
for aircraft maintenance operations in a PAS environment. At a minimum, MAJCOM guidance
and procedures will address:
11.23.1. PAS marking and floor plans.
11.23.2. Electrical Requirements.
11.23.3. Refueling/Defueling Operations.
11.23.4. Shelter Door Operations.
11.23.5. Aircraft Engine Operation.
11.23.6. Aircraft Positioning inside the PAS.
11.23.7. Aircraft Winching (Hot/Cold).
11.23.8. Placement and Storage of Munitions in the PAS.
11.23.9. Collocating Nuclear and Conventional Munitions (AF Munitions).
11.23.10. External Fuel Tank storage.
11.23.11. PAS maintenance and Inspection requirements not covered by existing publications
(such as, grounding and ventilation, mods).
11.24. Combat Sortie Generation. Combat sortie generation is a process by which mission
capable aircraft are generated in a minimum amount of time, during peacetime or wartime, through
separate 2AXXX and 2WXXX tasks or by Concurrent Servicing Operations. Combat sortie
generation may include fueling, munitions/ammunition loading/unloading, aircraft
reconfiguration, -6 TO inspections, and other servicing requirements, IAW applicable MDS TOs,
Technical Order Data (TOD), IETM, TO 11A-1-33, Handling and Maintenance of Explosives-
Loaded Aircraft, TO 00-25-172 and other applicable directives. Procedures can be compressed
through pre-positioning resources and concurrent performance of tasks.
11.24.1. Wings will define when to exercise combat sortie generationprocedures. Procedures
may be used during actual contingencies, scheduled exercises, and daily flying operations.
11.25. Hot Refueling Procedures. For the purpose of this instruction hot refueling is the transfer
of fuel into an aircraft having one or more engines running and is conducted by certified AF
maintenance and fuels personnel IAW this instruction. The purpose of hot refueling is to reduce
aircraft ground time, personnel and equipment support requirements and increase system reliability
by eliminating system shut down and subsequent restart. Refer to the following sources for
additional guidance: TO 00-25-172, TO 00-25-172 CL-4, Checklist -- Aircraft Fuel Servicing with
R-9, R-11 and Commercial Fuel Servicing Trucks and with Fuels Operational Readiness
Capability Equipment (FORCE), TO 37A9-3-11-lCL-l, Checklist, Operational and Organizational
Maintenance Hot Refueling and Hot Integrated Combat Turnaround Procedures, Aircraft Fuel
Servicing Unit Type GRU 17/E Pantograph PACAF Type IV Hydrant Servicing, and AFMAN 91-
203. Exception: NA for MAJCOMs/Mx units not tasked to maintain hot pit refuelingcapabilities.
11.25.1. Maintenance personnel will not perform hot refueling operations until the location,
equipment requirements, and personnel qualifications are certified IAW this instruction and
TO 00-25-172. (T-1). Site Certification. MAJCOMs will develop hot pit refueling site certification
requirements which as a minimum will include: (AMC) There are no additional requirements for AMC hot refueling site
certification beyond the parent AFI requirements. Field grade maintenance operations officer as the site certifying official. (AMC) [Dev] Units with no assigned field grade maintenance operations
officers, the officer executing responsibilities outlined in paragraph 2.4 can assign a
non-maintenance field grade officer as the site certifying official. Representative from OSS’s Airfield Operations Flight, knowledgeable of
aircraft taxiways, parking ramp, and hot refuel safe distance requirements. Maintenance member with AFSC 2AXXX from MXG/QA. Wing Occupational Safety member, minimum SSgt with AFSC 1S071 or
civilian equivalent, task qualified in site certification and knowledgeable of hot
refueling operations. AFSC 2F071 Fuels Management Flight Member or civilian equivalent. Civil engineering member with AFSC 3E271 or civilian equivalent
familiar with aircraft ramp requirements for hot refueling. Fire protection member with a minimum AFSC 3E771 or civilian
equivalent familiar with fire protection standby requirements in TO 00-25-172 for hot
refueling. The following questions will be addressed as part of the sitecertification: Has the aircraft been approved by System Safety Engineering
Analysis (SSEA) for hot pit refueling? Is adequate area provided to position the aircraft safely (evaluate
ability to reposition due to wind direction)? Is the ramp level to prevent drainage that could cause environmental
impact? Request the fire department dump water to verify flow, if questionable. Is the location adequate for the number of aircraft to be serviced? Has a hot brake holding area been established? Is there proper clearance between the hot pit area and hot brake
holding area to prevent conflict? Is there proper clearance between the hot pit and Explosive Clear
Zone/Hot Cargo Pad/Airfield Clearance Zones to prevent violations of any
area/zone? Is the hot pit adequately clear of the aircraft/vehicle traffic area? Is the hot pit and cursory check area of the ramp clear of FOD
potential? Does the location provide for rapid access of emergency equipment
and egress of aircraft/equipment? Are adequate grounding points available? QA or responsible unit will maintain site certification documentation and
a master listing of hot pit refueling sites administered by the MXG. QA or responsible unit will coordinate with P&R to ensure hot pit
site certification listing is updated any time sites are added, changed, or deleted. (T-
1). Reference Each unit hot refueling site will be certified by a unit certification team,
and approved by Installation Commander, when one of the following occurs: Construction of new hot refueling sites. (T-1). Change in the unit MDS, or when an additional MDS is acquired.
(T-1). Change in refueling equipment. (T-1). Changes in the certified site areas which affect/change the previous
certification. (T-1). (Added-AMC) AMC has no additional certification requirements.
11.25.2. Hot pit site master listing. (T-1). This listing must contain the following information
for all hot pit sites established and/or sustained by an AF installation or equivalent: All sites must be identified by coordinates on a map. (T-1). Each facility within the distance identified in TO 00-25-172, must be
identified as to its use/contents and its distance in feet from the refueling site/operation.
(T-1). Other refueling sites, aircraft parking areas, also need to be identified and
all distances must be shown even if a violation exists. (T-1). The request cover letter will state if there are no violations. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Procedures such as aircraft taxi routes should also be shown. Use arrows
or dotted lines to show taxi directions, both entry and exit. Address any restrictions to normal operations and actions required IAW
TO 00-25-172. State the type of equipment used for hot refueling at each site, (such as, hose
carts, truck). (T-1). Show the location of any fixed fuel pits and usual location of cart or truck
if used. (T-1). Unit-approved sites will be identified on the aircraft parking plan. (T-1). OSS, CE and QA and will maintain copies of hot refueling sites on file.
(T-1). State whether or not all hot refueling areas comply with the quantity-distance
separation requirements of AFMAN 91-201 in relation to surrounding exposed
sites/potential explosion sites.
11.25.3. Hot refueling requires detailed procedures be published in appropriate TOs andunit-
developed Local Checklists. Unit Local Checklists will be developed IAW Chapter 6 and
include detailed procedures, normal and emergency, to meet requirements of the local
environment. (T-1). Units will forward Local Checklists to their respective QA office for approval.
11.25.4. Units will publish procedures to supplement this section and outline local
requirements and additional precautions as necessary for hot refueling, including hot refueling
with ordnance, when authorized, IAW TO 00-25-172. (T-1).
11.25.5. AMXS tasked to perform hot refueling operations will ensure hot refueling crews are
available to meet mission requirements. (T-1). MXS maintenance personnel may be utilized.
11.25.6. Hot Refueling Team Members and Duties. Pad Supervisor. Responsible for overall supervision of hot refueling operations
when two or more aircraft are simultaneously hot refueled on the same pad (multiple hot
refueling). Individual will possess a 5-skill level or higher qualification in an aircraft
maintenance AFSC and be hot refueling supervisor "A" member qualified. (T-2). Supervisors must have full view and control of multiple hot refueling
operations. (T-1). Refuel supervisor "A" member. Individual will be refuel task qualified, capable
of supervising hot refuel crew, possess an aircraft maintenance AFSC 5-skill level
qualification and 1 year of flightline aircraft maintenance experience. (T-2). Refuel crew "B" member. Individual will be task qualified, possess a flightline
maintenance AFSC, and 1 year of flightline maintenance experience. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Fuels specialist with 2F0X1 AFSC, "C" member. Individual will be refuel task
certified on the specific facility/equipment, and task qualified for aircraft hot refueling. (T-
2). Additional refuel crew “D” member. Individual will be task qualified, possess
a flightline maintenance AFSC, and have at least 1 year of flightline maintenance
experience. (T-2). Use “D” members as required by applicable aircraft technical data.
11.25.7. Hot refueling team members and QA certifying officials/evaluators may be multi-
MDS qualified when more than one weapons system is permanently assigned to a squadron. After initial certification on each MDS, personnel must update their hot
refueling currency by performing hot refueling on any assigned weapon system. (T-1). Section NCOICs/Chiefs will ensure personnel maintain proficiency on each
assigned MDS. (T-1).
11.25.8. Conducting Hot Refueling Training, Certification and Documentation. [For
additional information, refer to AFI 11-235, Specialized Refueling Operations]. Qualification
training of hot refueling personnel will be conducted in three distinct phases. (T-1). The three
hot refueling qualification training phases are as follows: Phase 1. “Familiarization” phase. Designated instructors familiarize trainees
with applicable technical data, procedures and guidance for hot refueling. Place special
emphasis on procedures for hot refueling with ordinance loaded, when authorized. Phase 2. “Hands-on” phase. Apply information learned in Phase 1 to develop
in-depth knowledge and proficiency in all facets of hot refueling. Training will include
proper operation, preventive maintenance, use of hand signals and emergency procedures.
(T-1). Simulate hot refueling by performing all hot refueling tasks without aircraft engines
running (cold pit). Designated instructors will demonstrate tasks then require trainees to
perform tasks, practice emergency procedures, critique performance and provide additional
training as required. (T-1). Phase 3. “Demonstration/Certification” phase. Trainees will demonstrate hot
refueling under the supervision of designated certifying officials with aircraft engine(s)
running. (T-1). The Squadron Certifying Officials will certify individuals upon successful
demonstration of hot refueling. (T-1). If Phase 3 training has not been completed within 30
days of Phase 2 training, Phase 2 training must be repeated. (T-1). Qualification training will: Stress safety requirements, emergency procedures and equipment
inspection in all three phases of training. (T-1). Ensure procedures in TO 37A9-3-11-1CL-1, TO 00-25-172, and TO 00-
25-172CL-4 are taught to all team supervisors and members. (T-1). Allow Phase 2 and Phase 3 training to be conducted utilizing joint sessions
including 2F0X1 AFSC personnel and all maintenance AFSCs. (T-1). Utilize both fuels (2F0X1) and maintenance AFSC instructors for joint
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Be conducted by MT (QA if MT not available). (T-1). QA hot pit certifying officials and QA hot pit certifier augmentees (squadron
certifying officials) will train, evaluate, and certify unit personnel. (T-1). QA hot pit certifying officials will ensure augmentees conduct evaluations
using procedures outlined in this instruction, applicable aircraft TOs and local
procedures. (T-1). Hot pit certifying officials will be approved by the MXG/CC and tracked on the
SCR. (T-1).
11.25.9. Document training for personnel performing, evaluating, supervising or instructing
hot refuel operations as follows: Document all aircraft maintenance and 2F0X1 AFSC personnel Phases 1, 2,
and 3 initial training in the TBA. (T-1). For AFSCs where “refuel aircraft with engines operating” is not contained
in the TBA, use AF Form 797/MIS to document initial hot refuel training. (T-1). Track recurring hot refueling certification in the MIS (initial and annual)
IAW 00-25-172 and this AFI. (T-1). 2F0X1 AFSC personnel will use the TBA/AF Form 1098, Special Tasks
Certification and Recurring Training, to document Phases 1, 2, and 3 initial/recurring hot
refuel training. (T-1). Note: Fuels (2F0X1) certifying officials will be appointed by the
LRS/CC IAW AFI 36-2651.
11.25.10. Track hot refueling members, by position, on the SCR. (T-1).
11.25.11. Unique proficiency, certifying, and decertifying actions for hot refuel team
members will be outlined in MAJCOM supplements/addendums to this AFI. (T-1).
11.25.11. (AMC) AMC has no unique proficiency, certifying, and decertifying for aircraft
maintenance personnel.
11.26. Aircraft Rapid/Hot Defueling.
11.26.1. Rapid defueling presents hazards which are not normally encountered in normal
defueling operations. Owning MAJCOMs will develop and sustain a rapid defueling capability
to meet routine and contingency mission requirements IAW TO 00-25-172 and MDS-specific
TOs. Rapid defueling operations are considered hot defueling operations whenever
the provider/source aircraft has an engine running.
11.27. 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter Systems Program.
11.27.1. Units will ensure procedures are established to update the Emergency Locator
Transmitter registration database whenever 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter
equipped aircraft are transferred to other commands/wings, Emergency Locator Transmitter
that are taken out of service, removed for maintenance or destroyed. (T-0). Note: Emergency
Locator Transmitter systems are not authorized for use in unmanned AF systems.
11.27.2. Aircraft maintenance functions must register and track status of fixed-mounted
aircraft 406 MHz Emergency Locator Transmitter systems. (T-0).
11.27.3. In accordance with DoDI 3002.02, Personnel Recovery and 406 MHZ Search and
Rescue (SAR) Emergency Beacons in the Department of Defense, USAF 406 MHz Emergency
Locator Transmitter systems must be registered in the DoD Joint Search and Rescue Satellite
Aided Tracking Electronic Tracking System database. (T-0). The POC for JSETS registration is the Personnel Recovery Mission Software
Help Desk at The governing agencies are the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency and the
Electronic Services Command at Hanscom AFB, MA. Refer to AFMAN 10-207,
Command Posts, for Command Post or C2 function responsibilities regarding 406 MHz
Emergency Locator Transmitter and Personal Locator Beacon systems.
11.28. Crashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR) Program.
11.28.1. Installation/WG/CCs responsible for active airfields/runways, and flying missions
will implement a CDDAR Program IAW TO 00-80C-1, Crashed, Damaged, Disabled Aircraft
Recovery Manual. (T-1). The program must be designed to provide a response and/or recovery
capability of assigned host, tenant, and consider transient aircraft consistent with the following
considerations: (1) urgency to open the runway for operational use; (2) prevention of secondary
damage to the aircraft; and (3) preservation of evidence for mishap or accident investigations
IAW AFI 91-202 and AFI 91-204. (T-1).
11.28.2. Responsibilities: MAJCOMs will: Ensure flying units maintain a CDDAR capability IAW 00-80C-1. Designate a MAJCOM CDDAR OPR. As a minimum, the CDDAR OPR
will: (AMC) HQ AMC/A4Q is the MAJCOM POC for CDDAR. Standardize CDDAR equipment inventory accountability and
reporting requirements by MDS for all on hand CDDAR equipment prescribed by
TO 00-80C-1, allowance standard and applicable weapons system TOs across
assigned units with active airfields/runways. Review unit’s annual CDDAR equipment inventories to
identify and document equipment shortfalls. Coordinate AS change request with the applicable AFMC AS
activity IAW AFI 23-101. Ensure excess CDDAR equipment is redistributed to fill
internal shortfalls prior to units turning equipment into supply/DLADS as
excess. AETC will: Develop, sustain, and administer the CDDAR training program.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 AFMC will: Provide approved tech-data outlining equipment procedures to safely
respond and/or recover aircraft from a CDDAR event. Provide timely engineering support to facilitate resolution of unique
CDDAR events which cannot be resolved by existing tech-data. Develop, manage, and maintain AS needed to sustain a weapon systems
for peacetime and wartime operations IAW AFI 23-101. WG/CCs responsible for active airfields/runways will: Collaborate to develop a publication IAW AFI 33-360, that assigns
specific responsibilities and procedures to implement a CDDAR program IAW TO 00-
80C-1. (T-1). The following additional references are to be used in developing the
publication: AFI 10-2501, AFI 21-103, AFMAN 10-206, AFMAN 91-203, TO 00-
105E-9, Aerospace Emergency Rescue and Mishap Response Information and this
instruction. (AMC) Publication will also address: (Added-AMC) Personnel positions required for CDDAR
operations including communications procedures for initial response (T-2). (Added-AMC) Procedures for procurement of equipment
(e.g., cranes, dollies, jacks, tow vehicles) through lateral or contract sources
(e.g., host support, local heavy equipment operators) if not organically
possessed (T-2). (Added-AMC) For En Routes and other tenant units, ensure the
support agreement (SA) assigns responsibilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) Review SAs (if applicable) to help assess
limits of internal unit capabilities and coordinate with the host for resources
over and above that possessed (T-2). Maintenance Supervision will ensure
personnel are prepared to assist and provide expertise in CDDAR situations (T-
2). As a minimum, ensure personnel are trained on procedures for responding
to more common incidents that would require CDDAR, e.g. blown/flat tires,
aircraft departing prepared surfaces, and major fuel spills (T-2). Ensure CDDAR responsibilities and procedures are coordinated with Fire
Emergency Services, Wing Safety, CES, LRS, SFS, MDS, OSS, and other on-/off-base
agencies, as applicable. (T-1). Ensure wings with GSU/auxiliary fields outline support requirements in
their publication. (T-1). (AMC) En Route locations are not required to maintain a full CDDAR
capability for all transient aircraft at their location. Main Operating Bases (MOBs) will
be prepared to rapidly deploy crash recovery equipment and personnel for their MDS
as directed by 618 AOC/GADM in order to recover assets, in accordance with AMCI
21-108 (T-2). MXG/CC or equivalent will: Ensure CDDAR mobility UTC equipment requirements are available to
deploy and accounted for on an AS (if applicable). (T-1). In coordination with the MSG/CC, determine unit vehicle/equipment
requirements beyond those authorized in the AS(s) to provide 24/7 CDDAR
response/runway clearing capability. (T-1). Units must identify vehicles and SE
designated to support CDDAR recovery in a local publication to ensure 24-hour
availability. (T-2). Ensure as a minimum, units with a CDDAR requirement possess
sufficient equipment to accomplish a recovery of the assigned MDS aircraft. (T-1). Establish an IFE response capability. (T-1). Participate in CDDAR training exercises. (T-1). Manage base level CDDAR equipment to minimize duplication of
resources. (T-1). Ensure an annual CDDAR equipment inventory is completed and an
inventory report containing CACRL inventory of CDDAR equipment that indicates
excess or shortage items is completed, signed by MXG/CC or equivalent and sent to
the MAJCOM CDDAR OPR, NLT 30 Sep. (T-1). CDDAR Team Chief and alternate will: Be designated as the unit’s subject matter expert on aircraft recovery
operations and equipment and will be thoroughly familiar with and perform their Team
Chief duties IAW TO 00-80C-1. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Provide initial and recurring annual training to CDDAR
team members (T-2). (Added-AMC) Develop, in coordination with MT, course control
documents for CDDAR initial and annual training (T-2). Develop, in accordance
with TO 00-80C-1, a local training plan and Job Qualification Standard (JQS) that
addresses technical order requirements, local conditions, and training/certification
requirements for each CDDAR team position (T-2). (Added-AMC) CDDAR Training. (Added-AMC) CDDAR Team Chiefs will attend the AETC training
course (T-2). Additional team members may attend the AETC course based on
availability. (Added-AMC) Personnel previously qualified as CDDAR team members
who are being reassigned to these responsibilities must complete unit training within 6
months of being assigned (T-2).
11.28.3. (Added-JBMDL) Aircraft initial mishap response procedures:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-JBMDL) MOC will notify emergency response series to include Fire
Department, Wing Safety, Security Forces, Medical Response Teams, Explosive Ordnance
Disposal (EOD), and Transient Alert (TA) at the request of the onsite Commander. Ensure
radio traffic is held to essential transmissions and enforce radio discipline. (Added-JBMDL) MOC will notify the 87th Logistics Readiness Squadron
(LRS), and Fuels Management (if applicable) to impound any fuel trucks used during
ground refueling operations (of the aircraft involved in the mishap) at JBMDL. Fuel trucks
will remain impounded until the Impound Authority releases the vehicles. (Added-JBMDL) Establish response capability: units will adhere to and be
familiar with CRASH DAMAGED OR DISABLED AIRCRAFT RECOVERY PLAN. (Added-JBMDL) 305 MXS CDDAR team will be provided a 6 passenger, 4-
wheel drive pickup truck/tractor with land/mobile radio to respond to emergencies.
11.29. Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR). ABDR is an effective force multiplier
contributing to wartime sortie production by assessing and repairing battle damaged aircraft
rapidly to support flying operations. ABDR repairs will be accomplished during contingency or
wartime only. However, weapons system program managers may approve ABDR repairs during
peacetime on a case-by-case basis using trained ABDR Technicians.
11.29.1. Responsibilities: The Directorate of Logistics (AF/A4L) will provide overall policy and guidance
for the USAF ABDR Program. AFMC will: Assume management responsibility for USAF ABDR Programs. Publish a MAJCOM instruction to implement the ABDR requirements
contained in this instruction. Develop and manage ABDR policy for pre-positioning of tools, materiel
kits, related SE, and management of ABDR training aircraft. Support development and publication of ABDR TOs for new weapon
systems. Maintain ABDR UTCs for AFMC organizations. Plan for and develop capability to repair battle/crash damaged aircraft. Ensure plans include procedures to add additional repair capabilities
into operating locations and provide aircraft evacuation alternatives. Plan, program, and submit ABDR funding requests. Maintain an ABDR Technical Support Office to advocate and provide
day-to-day management of tasks associated with development, implementation,
maintenance, and support needed to enhance the USAF ABDR capability. Provide support in determining technical requirements, repair techniques,
repair materials, assessment aids and Research & Development (R&D) efforts. Manage TO 1-1H-39, Aircraft Battle Damage Repair General Technical
Manual, and the engineering handbook for ABDR engineers and support initiatives to
develop, publish, and maintain weapon system-specific –39 TOs.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure the status of aircraft permanently grounded for ABDR training is
reported IAW AFI 21-103. Establish Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator training program, manage
course documentation and provide training to MT Instructors as required. (T-1). MAJCOMs will: Establish a command focal point to work ABDR issues with AFMC. (AMC) HQ AMC/A4MR is the POC for ABDR. In conjunction with AFMC, develop a command ABDR Concept of
Operations and ensure Concept of Operations covers unit plans for repair of battle/crash
damaged aircraft during combat operations. Address ABDR in mission need statements for new weapon systems that
support or engage in combat operations. (T-1). Incorporate ABDR in command war planning documents. Task AFMC ABDR UTCs to support OPLANs. (T-1). Develop plans for the reception and employment of AFMC ABDRteams
at the onset of hostilities. (T-1). Formalize integration and bed down requirements in applicable BSP IAW
AFI 10-404. USAFE and Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) will store and maintain
serviceability, accountability and status reporting to include Financial Improvement
and Audit Readiness reporting of AFMC owned and provided WRM ABDR trailers
IAW established procedures. (T-1). Provide unit level weapon-system-specific tools (other than common
hand tools) and equipment needed to repair battle/crash damaged aircraft. Provide technical support to the ABDR Technical Support Office for live
fire or similar testing. Unit Responsibilities. Units will: Utilize trained Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluators to evaluate aircraft
battle damage and mishap damage sustained during combat or contingency operations.
(T-3). Ensure shelf life items listed in TO 1-1H-39 and weapon system-specific
–39 TOs are maintained at required levels to support ABDR requirements. (T-3). Ensure aircraft battle damage is documented on an AFTO Form 97,
Aerospace Vehicle Battle Damage Incident Debrief/Assessment/Repair Record or
AFTO Form 97B, Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator Checklist as required IAW TO 1-
1H-39. (T-1). Completed forms will be forwarded to the Aircraft Battle Damage Repair
Program Office. (T-1). CLASSIFIED messages must be sent to SIPR: usafsaf.wright-
patt.afsc-lg.mbx.afsc-lgpm-abdr-[email protected] and UNCLASSIFIED messages
must be sent to NIPR: [email protected] for filing in the historical
archives. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator/Training: Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator training provides MXG/CC’s with
ABDR knowledgeable forces and prepares units to execute Air Tasking Orders in a
denied airspace with potential heavy losses. Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator roles
and responsibilities are outlined in TO 1-1H-39. Maintenance Supervision will determine the proper mixture of personnel
to attend Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator training from: 2A3, 2A5, 2A6, 2A773, QA
and Production personnel. (T-3). Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator formal training will be IAW the
approved ABDR course control documents. (T-1). Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluators will complete refresher training every
24 months. (T-1). Course documents and instructor training is provided by the ABDR
Technical Support Office NIPR, and can be requested at:
11.30. Egress/Cockpit Familiarization Training.
11.30.1. All non-egress personnel who access aircraft cockpits with egress systems maintained
and managed by 2A6X3 Egress Systems personnel must complete initial and refresher
familiarization training. (T-1). As a minimum, initial and refresher egress/cockpit familiarization training will
include location and installation procedures of egress system safety devices, cockpit
entry/exit procedures, procedures for determining whether or not an egress component is
expended, emergency procedures associated with an expended egress component, and local
maintenance concerns identified by the egress work center supervisor. (T-2). New personnel to the unit must receive initial familiarization training prior to
accessing cockpits unless last duty position involved same mission design aircraft as
current duty position. (T-1). Personnel not requiring initial training will attend refresher training when they
become due. (T-1). Initial egress familiarization training will be hands-on using an aircraft. (T-1). Units desiring to use an aircraft maintenance trainer instead of an aircraft
must submit a request through the MXG/CC to the MAJCOM/Lead Command for
approval/disapproval. (T-2). Refresher familiarization training will be conducted annually using an aircraft,
maintenance trainer or media, which is approved and designated by the egress work center
supervisor. (T-1). Non-egress personnel may administer training media (slideshow/video)
during refresher familiarization training. Direct students to the egress section if technical assistance is required
and/or questions are raised concerning course subject matter.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Only egress personnel, certified on assigned egress system(s), will conduct
initial egress familiarization training. (T-1). Exception: MT personnel may conduct this
training provided they are currently certified to perform egress maintenance. Training media must meet approval of the 2A6X3 AFSC MAJCOM Functional
Manager (MFM) or current media produced by the 367 Training Support Squadron listed
on the Defense Imagery at (T-1). Individuals overdue for annual egress familiarization training will not access
aircraft cockpits until they complete familiarization training. (T-1). Units with unique, experimental, or test aircraft requirements. If training courses are not available through AETC, units must use
interagency training before considering non-government training sources. (T-1). If courses in both of these sources are not available, units will
establish a documented training program that meets the intent (T-1). Training will be conducted by the most qualified personnel and must
be approved by the MFM prior to implementation. (T-1).
11.30.2. MAJCOMs in coordination with the applicable lead command will identify
emergency aircraft egress/evacuation training and frequency requirements in their supplement
to this AFI for personnel assigned to weapon systems that do not have aircraft egress systems
maintained and managed by 2A6X3 personnel.
11.30.2. (AMC) Egress training for AMC aircraft is a one-time requirement that will be
completed during MQTP Phase I training, TD transition course, or OJT documented in TBA
for newly assigned personnel without experience on the assigned aircraft (T-2).
11.31. Aircraft Defensive Systems Loading Program.
11.31.1. Aircraft Defensive Systems Loading Program provides instruction required to
install/remove chaff/flare on unique mission aircraft in units where there are no 2W1 AFSC
authorizations assigned.
11.31.2. Authorized units will establish a program to train and qualify personnel to perform
these tasks IAW procedures outlined in AFMAN 21-201 and this Chapter. (T-1).
11.31.2. (AMC) All AMC units are authorized meeting the requirements of paragraph
11.31.3. Units will work with the installation Weapon System Manager (WSM) and Airfield
Operations Flight to develop written instructions for handling chaff/flare-loaded aircraft IAW
AFMAN 91-201 and AFI 91-202. (T-1). As a minimum, written instructions will include procedures for
launch/recovery/parking of chaff/flare-loaded aircraft; chaff/flare storage and
transportation; and partially ejected flares and minimum requirements outlined in AFMAN
91-201. (T-1).
11.31.4. The MXG/CC will appoint 7-skill or 9-skill level individual with maintenance AFSC
as the Weapons Task Qualification Manager (WTQM). (T-1). Note: Units with 2W1 AFSCs
assigned will comply with training/qualification requirements in Chapter 10 (T-1).
11.31.5. WTQM and Weapons Task Qualification Crew (WTQC) responsibilities. The
WTQM/WTQC provide oversight of chaff/flare loading operations to ensure they are
conducted safely by providing initial and recurring load training, serving as the focal point for
all chaff/flare loading issues, and observing loading operations during training. The WTQM and WTQC
will not participate in load operations during training. (T-1). WTQM. The WTQM typically holds a 2A871X AFSC; however, other
flightline personnel with the 2AX7X AFSC may perform this function. The WTQM
develops and oversees the chaff/flare loading standardization program, sets standards, and
develops local policies and procedures. The WTQM will be tracked on the SCR. (T-1).
The WTQM will: Receive initial and recurring load qualification training from a WTQC and
maintain currency on chaff/flare loading tasks. (T-1). Once trained and qualified, the WTQM will develop and administer the
unit’s chaff/ flare load training program and train/qualify home station WTQC
personnel. (T-1). Note: In the event a unit is initially tasked and has no qualified
instructors, it will be necessary for the WTQM to become certified at a unit with
qualified trainers. The WTQM will: Ensure sufficient numbers of personnel are qualified to load
chaff/flare to support the unit’s mission requirements. (T-1). A course code will be loaded in the MIS to identify trained
personnel and qualification status. (T-1). Establish time standards for initial and recurring loading tasks. (T-
1). Lead wings will develop time standards for each MDS for
qualification purposes. (T-1). The senior evaluator has the discretion to add to the time
standard if inclement weather or equipment failure is the cause for exceeding
the time standard. As a minimum, the WTQM will identify the number of qualified
personnel, names and employee numbers, MDS qualification, Defensive Systems,
equipment type, qualification date, and date(s) recurring training is due. (T-1). The WTQM will select, train, evaluate, and qualify a minimum of
two personnel as the WTQC on safe and reliable munitions loading procedures. (T-
1). The WTQM will evaluate and re-certify WTQC members
annually. (T-1). WTQC members will be tracked on the SCR. (T-1). Review and approve/disapprove RCs that pertain to chaff/flare loading
technical data. (T-2). Develop a local Task Assignment List by utilizing lead wing-developed
MDS-specific Task Assignment Lists for use during training for all chaff/flareloading
operations. (T-1). A Task Assignment List is derived from applicable MDS munitions
load checklist (TO 33-1-20-series) and identifies the load crew members’
responsibilities by step.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Ensure chaff/flare loading CTKs are standardized to the maximumextent
possible. (T-1). Chaff/flare loading CTKs must include all tools and equipment
necessary to support applicable MDSs and AME configurations. (T-1). Coordinate the scheduling of personnel for chaff/flare load training. (T-
1). The WTQM may delegate this duty to the WTQC. Coordinate with PS&D, or the Regional Training Center, if applicable, to
obtain chaff/flare dispensing system-equipped aircraft for training purposes. (T-1). Ensure training magazines match the characteristics and “feel” of live
magazines (such as, weight, dimensions). (T-2). WTQC. The WTQC assists the WTQM in managing the chaff/flare loading
standardization program. The WTQC’s primary purpose is to train and qualify personnel
to load chaff/flares, but may also perform chaff/flare load duties. The lead WTQC member
is typically a 7-skill level technician with the 2AX7X AFSC. Initial training will be
conducted using inert munitions. (T-1). The number of trained WTQC members should be
based on current/anticipated workloads and their ability to maintain proficiency on all
applicable MDSs. WTQC members are qualified by the WTQM. The WTQC members
will: Provide personnel with initial and recurring load qualification training.
(T-1). One WTQC member will be required to conduct practical training. (T-1). Monitor personnel qualifications to ensure required academic and
practical training is complete. (T-1). Disqualify individuals if recurring requirements are not met. (T-1). Spot-check personnel to evaluate proficiency. (T-1). The WTQC will disqualify personnel who violate safety, technical
data, and reliability procedures, or fail to demonstrate proficiency. (T-1). Develop/coordinate training schedules and provide to PS&D for inclusion
in the appropriate schedule (monthly, weekly). (T-1). Note: Enroute WTQMs forward
training requirements to the UTM, who coordinates for ground training aircraft with
the Regional Training Center.
11.31.6. Training Requirements. Personnel are considered qualified upon successful
completion of training provided by a qualified WTQC. Initial qualification will be conducted using inert munitions. (T-1). Live munitions may be used during annual qualification to maintain currency.
Load qualification training consists of academic and practical training. Document the initial and recurring load qualification training requirements in
the TBA. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Academic and practical training must be provided during initial and recurring
load qualification training. (T-1). Academic training is required before practical training is accomplished.
(T-1). Initial practical training must be completed within 14 days of successfully
completing initial academic training. (T-1). Practical training should duplicate operational conditions as closely
as possible. Recurring practical task qualification is administered at least annually. (T-
1). As a minimum, practical training will include chaff/flare module
serviceability criteria, actual chaff/flare loading, and operation of support
equipment/AGE used during loading operations. (T-1). Note: Weapons task
qualification academic training may fulfill the requirements for explosive safety
training if the requirements of AFI 91-202 are included. Academic training is administered every 12 months. (T-1). As a minimum,
academic training will include: Familiarization with chaff/flare loading publications, including TO 11A-
1-33, MAJCOM and local procedures. (T-1). Aircraft and munitions familiarization. (T-1). Safety, security, and emergency procedures. (T-1). Support, test, handling equipment, and special tools familiarization. (T-
1). Task Assignment Lists and aircraft specific 33-1-2 series TOs must be
available at the load-training site. (T-1). Note: Training course control documentswill
be coordinated annually through the Wing Safety and MT. (T-1). Personnel qualified on a specific task on a specific MDS are considered
qualified to perform that task on all series of that MDS; however, the member must be
familiar with differences within the MDS (such as, cockpit switch locations). (T-1). The WTQM or WTQC will provide practical, on-aircraft training on these
differences and document these qualifications for each dispensing system in the
qualification status or equivalent system. (T-1).
11.31.7. Disqualifying Chaff/Flare Load Personnel. Disqualification will be documented in
the TBA and the qualification status system. (T-1). Although not all-inclusive, the following criteria constitute grounds for
disqualifying personnel from chaff/flare loading duties: Failing to complete recurring training. Committing a safety or reliability error. Lack of proficiency.
11.31.8. Transient Aircraft. Apply the following when working transient aircraft: Under no circumstances will personnel attempt chaff/flare load operations
without current technical data. (T-1). If current technical data is available, then qualified personnel may
perform chaff/flare load operations. (T-1). If current technical data is available but no one is qualified on the transient
aircraft type, then the MXG/CC (or Air Mobility Squadron (AMS)/CC at enroute
locations) may authorize the WTQC or WTQM to de-arm and/or unload the aircraft. The WTQM will submit a written request to the MXG/CC (or
AMS/CC at enroute locations) identifying personnel selected to perform the task,
aircraft type and (if applicable) number of aircraft to be de-armed and unloaded.
(T-1). Approved requests will be maintained for 90 days. (T-2).
Note: This is a temporary, one-time authorization to facilitate required
maintenance when qualified personnel are not available.
11.31.9. Identification of Chaff/Flare-Loaded Aircraft. Verify chaff/flare load status of aircraft
by checking AFTO Form 781A/C before performing any maintenance. Explosive placards are not required on AMC aircraft. If an aircraft is loaded with chaff/flare, it will be safed IAW applicable technical
data prior to performing any maintenance. (T-1). Before loading chaff/flares, review the AFTO Form 781C, Avionics
Configuration and Load Status Document, for defensive systems inspection status. (T-1). If chaff/flare is loaded on aircraft, ensure/verify applicable MIS
documentation requirements are completed. Note: Do not load chaff/flares if the
aircraft is overdue a scheduled DS inspection.
11.31.10. Tracking and Reconciliation of Chaff/Flare-Loaded Aircraft. Expenditure tracking and processing will be handled by Munitions Personnel
(2W0X1) IAW AFMAN 21-201, Chapter 7. (T-1). Munitions personnel will not use the direct input method to process flightline
chaff/flare expenditures; all chaff/flare expenditures will be returned to the Munitions
Storage Area (MSA) for verification by munitions personnel before processing
expenditures in Combat Ammunition System. (T-1).
11.31.11. Additional Requirements (as applicable). Document DS software version data and aircraft inspections (such as, 90-,
120-, or 180-day checks) on AFTO Form 781C. (T-1). For software version data, enter the following information in the remarks
section for each reprogrammable system: type system; installed Operational Flight
Program (OFP) version; and/or Mission Data File (MDF) version (such as, ALE-47, OFP
XXXX, MDF XXXX). If a system contains multiple OFPs, list all applicable versions (such as,
ALE-47, Programmer OFP XXXX, Sequencer OFP XXXX, MDF XXXX).
11.31.12. Chaff/Flare Build-up. Chaff/flare magazine build-up will only be accomplished by
personnel with 2W0 AFSC or qualified contractors. (T-1). Units will only perform chaff/flare build-up in facilities/locations approved by
the installation WSM IAW AFMAN 91-201. (T-1). Units must have an approved explosive site plan or explosives facility license
on file with Wing Safety prior to initiating chaff/flare build-up or storage operations. (T-
11.32. Aircraft and Equipment Decontamination.
11.32.1. Maintenance organizations need to have the Ability to Survive and Operate in a
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosives (CBRNE)
environment and have the capability to decontaminate operational aircraft, vehicle, and SE.
11.32.2. Units will employ AF and locally-developed TTPs IAW AFMAN 10-2503,
Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive
(CBRNE) Environment. (T-1). TTPs provide the fundamental counter-chemical warfare (CCW) tools to
survive to operate and maximize combat sortie generation capabilities in a CBRNE
11.32.3. The following references in addition to MDS-specific technical data should be
utilized when developing unit decontamination programs: AFMAN 91-203, AFI 10-
2501,AFTTP 3-4, Airman’s Manual, TO 00-110A-1, Guidelines for Identification and
Handling of Aircraft and Material Contaminated with Radioactive Debris, TO 00-20-1, TO
11C15-1-3, Chemical Warfare Decontamination, Detection and Disposal of Decontamination
Agents, TO 11D1-3-8-1, Decontamination Apparatus, Power Driven, Portable Type A/E32U-
8, (Engineered Air).
11.33. End-of-Runway (EOR) Inspection.
11.33.1. EOR is MDS specific, PM directed inspection of aircraft systems identified in the
Dash 6 TO or equivalent and published in Dash 6 work cards IAW TO 00-20-1. (N/A to aircraft
that do not have an EOR -6 TO requirement).
11.33.2. If local requirements dictate, publish additional guidance to TOs for EOR inspections
IAW TO 00-20-1, and TO 00-5-1. Note: Safing, arming, and de-arming of live munitions will
be accomplished by personnel qualified IAW Chapter 4, 5, and 10.
11.33.3. The EOR team chief (identified by a reflective vest) will carry an EOR checklist and
ensures each item is inspected as required. (T-1). On aircraft with a ground intercom system,
units are only required to establish verbal communications with the pilot when communication
beyond the standard EOR marshalling hand signals is required unless otherwise directed by
MDS specific technical data.
11.34. Wing Avionics Manager (WAM).
11.34.1. WAM Duties and Responsibilities. The WAM will: Be in the minimum grade of MSGT, 7 Level or equivalent and 2A Avionics
AFSC. (T-3). Act As the Wing Avionics Functional Manager. (T-1). Serve as the maintenance group focal point for all avionics related interactions
between PMs, MAJCOMs, Lead Commands, Wings, Operations and Maintenance or
equivalent activities to discern and implement changes in avionics configuration
requirements. (T-2). Ensure RAMPOD updates are completed daily IAW AFI 21-103. (T-1). Ensure classified pods/components and equipment are stored in authorized
areas IAW AFI 16-1404. (T-1). Ensure classified aircraft/Support/Test equipment are stored in authorized areas
IAW AFI 16-1404. (T-1). Meet quarterly with MXG Superintendent to review avionics manning status
and ensure manning resources are strategically distributed to provide the greatest
possibility for mission success. (T-2). Serve as the MXG Identify Friend or Foe Program Manager IAW Paragraph
11.11 of this publication. (T-2). Serve as the MXG Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning program
manager IAW Paragraph 11.12 of this publication. (T-2). Serve as the MXG EW program manager and EW Integrated Reprogramming
focal point. (T-2). Serve as MXG focal point for external organizations 406 MHz Emergency
Locator Transmitter Systems Program. (T-2). Coordinate with the wing EW POC to ensure compliance with AFI 10-703,
Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Coordinate with Maintenance Supervision to ensure
compliance of Paragraph 2.9.10. Track wing assigned ECM, electronic attack and sensor pods, and associated
support equipment. (T-2). Coordinate all pod shipments as directed by MAJCOM to/from base or
operating location. (T-2). Track all incoming and outgoing pod parts and SE until received or arrived at
destination. (T-2). Coordinate with Electronic Combat Pilot/Electronic Warfare Officer to ensure
most current MDF to configure Radar Warning Receiver/Radar Threat Warning to meet
mission requirements. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Serve as the MXG focal point for external organizations on all cybersecurity
matters pertaining to aircraft interface equipment. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Obtain SIPR access and SIPR burn rights to ensure
compliance with AFI 10-703, Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming (T-2).
11.35. Fire Extinguisher Requirements.
11.35.1. Coordinate with Fire Emergency Services Flight and Airfield Operations Flight to
ensure required number of portable fire extinguishers are available for on and off installation
operational requirements. Refer to AFMAN 91-203, TO 00-25-172, Ground Servicing of
Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding.
11.36. Air Force Repair Enhancement Program (AFREP).
11.36.1. The AFREP optimizes AF resources and repair capability of aerospace parts and
equipment by increasing the wing-level (referred also as field-level) participation with the
appropriate Program Office. This is accomplished by field-level identification and
recommendation of candidates for reparability consideration by the appropriate PO. The AFREP is an optional program. Maintenance personnel performing
AFREP repairs, will perform the repair action only as an additional duty or as part of
normal maintenance workload. Unit leadership must verify mission benefit outweighs the cost and obtain
MAJCOM AFREP Manager Approval prior to program implementation.
11.36.2. AFREP is repairing consumable/expendable items (XF3 and XB3). Repair Network
is repairing XD2 (recoverable) and XF3 (field level/condemnable). The concept is to make
recommendations to the PM of consumable/expendable items which the field-level has
identified as desirable candidates to be considered for conversion to field-level repair, limited
repair or even full depot-level repair, contract or organic as directed by the Depot Source of
Repair process in AFI 63-101/20-101, in addition, ensure repair cost/benefit analysis takes into
consideration the total costs to the AF as outlined in Air Force TO 00-20-3, Maintenance
Processing of Reparable Property and Repair Cycle Asset Control System. The approval authority to change the SMR/ERRC codes, or select, use, arrange
for, contract with, qualify sources of repair, or authorize the initiation of any local or other
repair action rests solely with the PM. Repair Approval. The MXG/CC or equivalent will ensure all items being
repaired by AFREP have been approved by the appropriate repair authority (such as,
Program Manager or Program Office). (T-1). IAW AFI 63-101/20-101, personnel must
coordinate any operational change to the system, end item, modified configuration or
maintenance procedure prior to implementation. For example, additional base-level repair
or contract repair of any item beyond the provisions which already exist in field-level TOs.
(T-1). Field-level personnel, including AFREP work centers, shall not contract out or
arrange for repair services without prior written authorization by the PM and approval by
the MAJCOM AFREP Manager. (T-1). The PM responsible for the system or end item
shall retain responsibility for making any decision stemming from such a recommendation.
Field-level TOs do not give permission for local contract or off-base repair of any item,
only on-base repair to the extent specified by the SMR code for a given item.
11.36.3. Operational Safety, Suitability & Effectiveness (OSS&E). OSS&E is an outcome of
properly planned and applied systems engineering. Organizations responsible for preserving OSS&E of AF systems or end items
must ensure that operational use, configuration changes, maintenance repairs, aging, part
substitutions, and similar activities and events do not degrade baselined characteristics of
systems or end items over their operational life. OSS&E is an integrated effort to ensure items are not allowed to degrade as a
result of maintenance, repairs, parts substitutions, and similar activities. The program manager is responsible for the assurance of OSS&E
throughout the life cycle of each configuration of each component of each system. Only
the PM may convert an item from non-repairable to reparable.
11.36.4. Requirements. Given authorized repair of a consumable/expendable item, the PM
will determine the SMR/ERRC code validity. All resulting changes are linked with Supply
Chain Manager Consideration for that item. Supply Chain Management issues must be considered as a matter of law, given
these issues affect Congressionally Authorized budget authority and funds allocated to
accomplish specifically different supply chain functions (spares buys versus repairs). Any personnel, organization or AFREP work center may request
SMR/ERRC code changes IAW TO 00-25-195 and AFH 23-123, Volume 2, Part 2,
Integrated Logistics System-Supply (ILS-S), Standard Base Supply System
Operations, Chapter 8. Non-repairable (XB3) assets submitted to PM for repair approval will contain
RC (SMR/ERRC change) IAW TO 00-25-195 and a MAJCOM published form for the
AFREP Vendor Repair Approval that will include all supply data, full justification and
test/repair procedures. This document will be reviewed by the MAJCOM AFREP Manager
IAW Paragraph 11.36.8 (T-2). Repairable (XF3) assets submitted to PM for vendor repair approval will be
submitted on MAJCOM published form. The form must contain all current vendor
certifications and governing technical procedures utilized for test/repair by vendor. This
document will be reviewed by MAJCOM AFREP Manager and signed off.
11.36.5. Asset Turn-In. Items repaired IAW technical data will be turned in to the supply
system following guidance in AFMAN 23-122 and TO 00-20-3. (T-1).
11.36.6. AFREP Reporting Instructions: Wing AFREP Managers will provide quarterly
updates to the MAJCOM AFREP Manager. (T-1). MAJCOM AFREP Managers will report yearly activity updates from October
1 to September 30 and file their yearly report with AF/A4LM by 15 October. The quarterly/yearly updates will include at a minimum the nomenclature
of items repaired, total cost, and total amount saved for each item.
11.36.7. AF/A4L Roles and Responsibilities. Prepares, publishes and reviews AF-level policy and guidance for AFREP. Perform annual program analysis to verify mission benefits outweigh costs.
11.36.8. MAJCOM AFREP Manager Responsibilities. Administer/manage the MAJCOM AFREP in coordination with the applicable
Program Office. Perform annual analysis on program viability. Mandate use of Program Office/selection authority criteria guidance and
recommendations related to maintenance, supply, and repair sources. Designate a focal point within the applicable Program Office for the MAJCOM
and end users to contact regarding AFREP recommendations and OSS&E issues. Establish a process to identify candidate items for submission to Program Office
for consideration. At a minimum, process will ensure base AFREP certifies the candidate
item is beyond repair from all applicable on-base organic maintenance work
centers/back shops. Certification must be documented (email, log book). Parts coded
direct NRTS are exempt from this requirement. (T-2). Establish and maintain an AFREP Program Office submission and status
tracking web-site. Compile annual program cost benefit analysis information and forward to
AF/A4L. Provide Program Office repair recommendations for evaluation and track their
status (Part Identification, initiation date, submittal date, closure date). Maintain, update and distribute a list of Wing/Unit AFREP POCs to include
representatives from other agencies (such as, DLA, ALCs, MAJCOMs). Review/Validate Wing/Unit SMR/ERCC requests IAW TO 00-25-195 and
TO 00-20-3 prior to submission to the applicable Program Office for evaluation/approval. Validate items are approved for contract repair for strategic sourcing
opportunities. Initiate the opportunity assessment of strategic sourcing candidates when
deemed appropriate or when requested by the Program Office. Provide quarterly MAJCOM cross-tell of AFREP repairs to Base/Center
AFREP managers. The minimum data will include nomenclature, total cost, and total
amount saved for each item across the MAJCOM.
11.36.9. Wing/Unit Responsibilities: Participate in AFREP when approved by the MAJCOM AFREP Manager. (T-
1). MXG/CC or equivalent will assign a unit AFREP Manager. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 MXG Superintendent will ensure AFREP Manning Positions are
categorized as an additional duty and not listed as positions on the MXG UMD. (T-1).
11.36.10. Wing/Unit AFREP Manager Responsibilities: Submit SMR/ERRC change recommendations to the MAJCOM AFREP
Manager for Program Office coordination. See TO 00-25-195, and this AFI. (T-1). Note:
Field-level TOs do not give authorization for local contract repair of any item, only on-
base repair to the extent specified by the SMR code for a given item. AFREP or any other
field level personnel will not perform repairs not authorized by technical data. (T-1). Workcenters participating in AFREP repairs will submit Critical
Application Items (CAI) and Critical Safety Items (CSI) repair recommendations to the
MAJCOM AFREP Manager for screening to determine appropriate PM for submission.
(T-1). Note: CAIs, CSIs, or elements of a system which the PM has designated as a
CAI system or a CSI system are prohibited from consideration under the AFREP
program unless otherwise approved by an authorized engineering authority. All Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems are CAI-designated systems.
Verify CAI and CSI items on the Joint Services Critical Item Data Viewer, located
at: See Attachment 2, CAI & CSI
for additional information. Contractor repairs of any item are not allowed without prior written
authorization from the PM and approval by the MAJCOM AFREP Manager. (T-1).
Note: AFREP work centers are prohibited from entering into repair source
contractual/obligation relationships with contractors. DoD regulations exist to assign
such actions (finding and qualifying repair sources) to the authorized engineering
authority. If contract repairs are authorized, contracts will be established
IAW local contracting procedures. (T-1). The Wing/Unit AFREP Manager will ensure the SOW includes, as a
minimum, the following items for contracted repairs: Requirement for the contractor to perform/document receiving
inspections. (T-1). Requirement for the contractor to inspect/test the item following
repair. (T-1). Requirement for the contractor to provide a record of the repair and
test results to the AFREP office and made available for the Government Inspector
(such as, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)). (T-1). Contract will specify expected shipping, transportation and repair-
estimate completion dates. (T-1). Repair items in accordance with Technical Data. (T-1). Note:
Restricted use of systems will result from use of components which have been
repaired as described immediately above, without prior written authorization from
the program manager.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Enter data into the AFREP Recommendation Submittal site:
spx#/SitePages/Home.aspx. The minimum data consists of a roll up AFREP repair
total cost and will include: Time expended coordinating PM approval for AFREP repair
authorization. (T-1). Man hours to complete repair “labor hours”. (T-1). Nomenclature/Stock Number of part being repaired. (T-1). Total cost of item if sourced from the supply chain. (T-1). Total cost of tangible resources expended to complete
AFREP repair (such as, wiring/consumables). (T-1). Assist technicians by interfacing with engineering, Equipment
Specialists (ES), QA, Air Force Engineering Technical Services, and other field-
level agencies. (T-1). Accumulate and forward data requested by MAJCOMs concerning
AFREP. (T-1). Provides repair authorizations to the MXG QA PIM IAW AFI 21-
101. (T-1). Ensure individuals assigned AFREP extra duties are trained,
qualified and maintains a minimum five-skill level in their AFSC IAW AFI 36-
2651. (T-1). Submit and monitors DR for deficiencies discovered during a
Wing/Unit AFREP initiative, IAW TO 00-35D-54 or equivalent PM approved DR
process. (T-1). Review daily Awaiting Parts (AWP) and MICAP lists from
maintenance activities to determine if the AFREP office can recommend to the
appropriate PO, items from those lists. (T-1). Provided quarterly AFREP repair updates to MXG/CC. The
repair updates at a minimum will include nomenclature, total cost, and total amount
saved for each item. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Wing/Unit AFREP Managers will provide
quarterly updates and End of Fiscal Year Reports (T-2). (Added-AMC) Quarterly updates will be sent by Jan 1,
Apr 1, July 1 and Oct 1 to the AFREP organizational email box:
[email protected] (T-2). See sample AFREP Quarterly
Update/End of Fiscal Year Report at AMC’s SharePoint® established for
tracking recommendations is:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Establish collection points within unit supply sections for
consumable/expendable items coded with ERRC XB3 to determine reparability of
assets prior to permanent disposal. (Added-AMC) AMC Form 45, AFREP Source of
Approved Repair Request Reply, will be used to request repair authorizations
(T-2). (Added-AMC) AMC Form 45 will be used to email the AMC AFREP
Manager organizational email: AMC[email protected] (T-2). (Added-AMC) Approved written authorization(s) will be maintained by the
Wing/Unit AFREP Manager as Source(s) of Approved Repair (SAR) AMC’s SharePoint®
established for tracking recommendations is:
11.36.11. (Added-AMC) Internal AFREP Repair and Fabrication: (Added-AMC) AFREP personnel assigned CCR duties will maintain
soldering certification to Miniature, Micro-Miniature (2M) standards of electronic re-work
(T-2). (Added-AMC) AFREP personnel assigned LRU testing duties for
components requiring testing per program office/item manager instruction, shall attend
standardized Module Test and Repair (MTR) users development training course. (Added-AMC) All 3D Printers will be registered in with Metals Tech Office
SharePoint® site (T-2). (Added-AMC) If purchasing a 3D printing machine over $100,000,
Unit/Wing AFREP manager will coordinate with AMC AFREP manager for
purchasing guidelines (T-2). (Added-AMC) AFREP personnel performing 3D printing will use AM
tracking database
0Data/overview.aspx) for all printed components fabricated tooling, fixtures, forming
blocks, aircraft parts, prototype components, or other end items (T-2). (Added-AMC) All AFREP AM users will obtain authorized technical data,
equipment, parts and approval from of the cognizant engineering (typically in MDS
program offices and/or supply chain management organizations) authority before
producing any organic 3D-printed parts for use on weapons systems, equipment, certain
facilities capabilities, or other end items (T-2). (Added-AMC) Initial certification for technicians will be awarded upon
successful completion of CCR Miniature/2M/Module Test & Repair (MTR) Test
Equipment training from either AETC courses - J4AMP30000 AS1A, J4AMP30000 AS2A,
J4AMP30000 AS3A, Micro-Miniature Electronics Repair course or US Navy equivalent
courses. AETC courses will be scheduled through Field Training Scheduling System
(FTSS) (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Technicians certified in the minimum requirements for
CCR are authorized to repair single and double-sided Circuit Card Assemblies (CCAs)
and other electronic assemblies, up to and including the removal and installation of
discrete and multi-lead components. (Added-AMC) Authorized repairs include surface repair of CCA
laminate, removal and application of conformal coatings, removal and replacement
of damaged conductors and installation of wires to terminals. (Added-AMC) Technicians certified as 2M technicians are
authorized to repair high-density component packaging, multilayer conductor
repair, flex print repair and edge lighted panel repair and removal/replacement of
surface mount devices. (Added-AMC) Technician certification: (Added-AMC) Technicians must complete all tasks to the satisfaction
of the certifying official (T-2). (Added-AMC) Technicians must re-certify every 18 months from last
training/completion date (T-2). (Added-AMC) Technicians ensure the 372 TRS/DET 11 (at Davis-
Monthan AFB) updates the certification tracking database (T-2). (Added-AMC) The certification/recertification will also be tracked
using G081 Personnel Training (T-2). (Added-AMC) 2M technicians can be downgraded to miniature
certification if recertification at 2M level is unsatisfactory and technician completes
miniature recertification requirements.
11.37. Calibration Limitation Approval Certification Program.
11.37.1. General. A limited TMDE calibration could seriously impact mission capability of
weapon systems. All units will have a comprehensive training program to ensure authorized
personnel can interpret TMDE calibration limitations to the specified requirement of the
applicable weapon system. (T-1). Personnel will be certified IAW criteria established in Table
11.1 (T-1). MXG/CCs may designate contractors in writing to authorize calibration limitations.
11.37.2. Responsibilities and Management. The MT or TD will be responsible for
management and development of the calibration limitation approval training program. (T-2). As a minimum, the course will include when to consider a limited calibration,
impact of using improperly calibrated equipment, and how to apply calibration
specifications to weapon system requirements. (T-1). Prior to placement on the SCR, the calibration limitation approval training (MT
or TD course) will be mandatory. (T-1).
11.37.3. MXG/CCs will appoint maintenance, TD, or PMEL personnel as instructors and
ensure the following certification and proficiency requirements are tracked in the MIS by
course code: Formal training, calibration limitation approval course. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Annual calibration limitation approval recertification. (T-1).
11.37.4. Certification Criteria. Certifying officials will be selected IAW criteria established in
Table 11.1 (T-1).
11.38. Oil Analysis Program (OAP).
11.38.1. Program. Oil Analysis is the process of analyzing oil and other fluids used to lubricate
or operate mechanical equipment, evaluating the condition of the fluid or the equipment from
which the fluid originated, and recommending maintenance actions to the equipment operating
activity. An OAP ensures timely and accurate oil analysis support through the strategic location
of oil analysis laboratories and the standardization of procedures, data elements, analytical
instrumentation and diagnostic techniques. The Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP) is a
combined effort of the Army, Navy and AF to set-up and maintain a standard program. Oil
analysis requires a centrally-managed program and the integration of AF OAP and JOAP plans.
11.38.2. Objectives. The overall objective of the AF OAP is to detect oil-wetted air and space
equipment failures before serious malfunction or secondary damage occurs. The specific
objectives of the AF OAP and JOAP programs are as follows: Improve the operational safety, readiness and economy of military equipment
through the use of on-board and off-board oil analysis, a condition-monitoring concept that
relies on the detection and measurement of wear-metals in the fluid. Collect and analyze oil analysis data in order to increase the effectiveness of oil
analysis techniques in the diagnosis of potential equipment failures and lubricant condition;
to provide wear metal and lubricant physical property data to the various weapons system
managers and others, as required. Ensure oil analysis plans and operations are integrated (where practical) to
provide: Standard laboratory techniques, procedures, data, calibration standards,
and analytical instruments. Inter-service oil analysis support to all military departments. The most costeffective means of determining the condition of lubricants,
fluids, and mechanical system through the use of various analytical techniques.
11.38.3. Guidance. The OAP helps aircraft technicians and supervisors to make informed,
condition-based, preventive maintenance decisions, and can reduce equipment costs, increase
equipment availability, and reduce in-flight risk. This is primarily achieved by monitoring the
concentration of wear metals in fluids used to lubricate or power mechanical systems. To monitor engine health, the OAP uses a variety of testing mechanisms. These
include: Atomic Emission spectrometric wear metal analysis. Magnetic Chip Detectors/Magnetic Chip Detectors with on-board
sensors. Scanning Electron Microscope/Energy Dispersive X-ray system
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 To the extent deemed cost effective, EOT shall be used as the standard time
interval between oil analysis sampling when in-service engines are equipped with an
Engine Monitoring System or other operating time recorders. For engines without Engine Monitoring System or other operating time
recorders, oil analysis trending intervals will be standardized based upon Engine Flying
Hours. Analyze oil samples from transient aircraft IAW applicable technical data and
owning activity requirements. For transient aircraft with an EMS, at bases without the capability to
download EOT data, Engine Flight Hours shall be used to continue oil analysis
trending. Responsible activities must ensure the resultant data is accurate and given
promptly to all customers so they can effectively monitor the condition of their equipment. AF OAP laboratories will evaluate response times to optimize support of
the customer. (T-2). Evaluation frequency is established by MAJCOM supplemental
guidance. Laboratory operation. Each OAP laboratory must be certified IAW TOs 33-1-37-1/-2. (T-1). Seek to maximize inter-service use of existing laboratories through
laboratory consolidation, workload sharing, and use of standardized instrumentation,
techniques and procedures. (T-1). AF OAP laboratories must provide oil analysis services at no charge for
all US Government, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and friendly Foreign
Military Sales aircraft.
11.38.4. These services include analyzing oil samples from transient aircraft IAW applicable
technical data within the AF OAP laboratory capabilities. (T-1).
11.38.5. Roles and Responsibilities. AF/A4L is the chief Air Staff agency with policy responsibility for the
maintenance of air and space equipment. Guidance. Prepares, publishes and reviews AF-level policy and guidance
for the AF OAP. Coordinates with MAJCOMs to review and resolve guidance-
related issues. Management. Designates a POC for AF OAP. The representative shall
manage this publication while closely coordinating with functional experts. Works with AF representative to the JOAP-Coordinating Group
(CG) on policy issues. Major Command. Each MAJCOM establishes a headquarters POC for
complying with MAJCOM OAP responsibilities.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) HQ AMC/A4MR is the POC for OAP. Establishes or relocates OAP laboratories to support MAJCOM mission.
Coordinates establishment or relocation with the AF OAP Manager. Ensures quality deficiency reports are submitted to the unit Product
Improvement Manager IAW TO 00-35D-54. DRs must be submitted to engine program
offices on all equipment requiring tear down or overhaul due to an OAP laboratory
maintenance recommendation and on all oil-wetted component failures where no OAP
laboratory maintenance recommendation was made. Ensures laboratories provide the depot a computer-generated
printout/record, for each engine undergoing scheduled maintenance or overhaul. Ensures laboratories process and evaluate samples IAW TO 33-1-37-1/-
2. Ensures proper training of AF OAP laboratory technicians. This includes
identifying training requirements to the AETC. Ensures assigned shop instrumentation and equipment is not modified or
used for non-OAP applications without AF OAP Office approval. Provides guidance necessary to execute the AF OAP and ensures all
subordinate organizations understand and properly execute AF OAP and JOAP
responsibilities. MAJCOMs/ANG may provide additional guidance in their
supplements or addendums to this AFI as required. Ensures AF OAP and JOAP requirements are included in planning,
programming and budgeting process. This includes providing needed funds, personnel,
facilities and other resources to maintain an effective program. Supports equipment evaluations and field surveys for the AF OAP Office. Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). AFMC is the lead MAJCOM for the
AF OAP and AF participation in the JOAP. AFMC is also responsible for oil analysis
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E). The Directorate of Logistics,
Civil Engineering, Force Protection, and Nuclear Integration (AFMC/A4/10) is the
headquarters office of primary responsibility for AF OAP guidance coordination and
implementation within AFMC. Propulsion Directorate. Sustainment Chief Engineer represents the AF on the JOAP-
Executive Committee. Establishes, funds, staffs and directs the AF OAP Office. The Development Program Manager ensures specification guidance
for oil analysis sampling provisions or other appropriate measures to detect oil-
wetted failures, where applicable, are included during the design phase. AF OAP Office, AFLCMC/LP. The AF OAP Office manages the
AF OAP, and in coordination with the MAJCOMs and propulsion community,
leads AF participation in the JOAP.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Certifies/decertifies AF OAP laboratories for participation in
the JOAP. Maintains a list of AF OAP laboratories, equipment and
customers. Assists MAJCOM/Center managers in program execution.
This includes recommending the establishment, location, and relocation of AF
OAP laboratories. Communicates AF OAP objectives, policies and
procedures to the Director of Propulsion, Engine OAP Managers, equipment
specialists and program managers. Evaluates the need for and performs special studies, as
requested by the MAJCOMs or depots. The AF OAP Office should periodically conduct
laboratory assistance/assessments to determine adequacy and effectiveness of
the AF OAP. Identifies problems and recommends solutions. Establishes and manages a data system, meeting tri-service
requirements, to evaluate AF OAP participation and effectiveness and to
provide engine program offices with historical data on oil sample analysis
results. Coordinates and consolidates AF/MAJCOM requirements
with Army/Navy to ensure, where practical, the procurement of common OAP
equipment. Represents the AF on the JOAP-CG. Develops a comprehensive OAP laboratory certification and
quality control program. Maintains and provides AF inputs to TOs 33-1-37-1/-2/-3/-4,
JOAP Manual. Reviews and evaluates the JOAP school curriculum. Assists the Engine OAP Manager and serves as an advisor
for the engine Maintenance Planning Working Group (MPWG) for OAP issues. Director of Propulsion (DOP). The DOP AFLCMC/LP in conjunction
with Engine Single Managers at AFLCMC/LPS, AFLCMC/LPA and the AF OAP
Office assess existing/potential oil analysis technologies. The DOP also ensures wear
metal debris and oil analysis is an integral part of the Engine Health Management
Program. The DOP appoints Engine OAP Managers for each AF managed engines. Engine OAP Managers. The Engine OAP Manager is the engineer
in charge of a particular engine and is solely responsible for the OAP-related issues
on that particular engine. Serves as the focal point for the engine MPWG for OAP
issues, provides the guidance necessary to accomplish engine-specific oil
analysis. Ensures expeditious handling of equipment returned for tear
down or overhaul because of an OAP laboratory maintenancerecommendation
or where oil analysis results indicated a potential problem. Provides guidance necessary to accomplish engine-specific oil
analysis. Provides updates for TOs 33-1-37-1/-2/-3/-4 to the OAP Office. Provides accurate and timely feedback to the MPWG and field
units on OAP-monitored equipment. This includes maintenance findings on
equipment in for tear down or overhaul as a result of an OAP laboratory
maintenance recommendation. It also includes failure reports and related wear
metal and oil analysis data on oil-wetted components where no OAP laboratory
maintenance recommendation was made. Works with the MPWG to establish and maintain wear metal
limits, diagnostic criteria and other oil analysis parameters. This is based on a
review of data from equipment tear-down and overhaul findings. Maintains metrics on hits, misses and escapes. Once oil
analysis data is included in the Engine Health Management AF Enterprise
Center with software capability to perform metric monitoring, the AF OAP will
concurrently monitor metrics with the Engine OAP managers. Works with the MPWG, MAJCOM customers and the AF
OAP Office to establish engine-specific technical and performance
requirements for all wear metal debris and oil analysis equipment. Utilizes the Component Improvement Program as needed to
evaluate the cost effectiveness of existing and potential wear metal debris and
oil analysis applications, establish test programs and implement the most cost
effective method(s). Sends updates of specific oil sampling intervals and wear
metal limits (evaluate for new engines during the design phase; reconsider for
existing engines when oil-wetted parts undergo any material or strength
changes) to the MPWG. SE and Vehicles Division (AFLCMC/WNZ) procures oil analysis
equipment at the request of the AF OAP Office. Maintains a contract for procurement of JOAP AE spectrometers
used by the Army, Navy, and AF laboratories. Provides technical order provisioning and support. Establishes inter-service logistics support. This includes spare parts
support, instrument repair and overhaul, procurement of common JOAP laboratory
equipment and supplies, item management and equipment specialist activities, and
funding status of existing contracts.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Air Force Research Laboratory. The Air Force Research Laboratory
accomplishes RDT&E to improve wear metal and oil analysis instruments, materials
and techniques. (T-1) Supports the AF OAP charter to conduct test and evaluation for the
oil analysis programs, including the JOAP and the AF OAP, as applicable. (T-1). Coordinates RDT&E activities with the MAJCOMs, DOP, and AF
OAP Office as applicable. (T-1). AETC. Provides initial oil analysis training for AFSC 2A7X2 through the
Nondestructive Inspection course. The AF OAP Management Office and MAJCOMs may
request additional training, as required. Coordinates course material changes with the AF OAP Office and the
11.38.7. Reporting and Measurement. All MAJCOMs and laboratories must collect and report
metrics to the AF OAP Manager IAW TOs 33-1-37-1/-2/-3/-4. All laboratories must collect and report hits, misses and escapes as a minimum.
11.39. Air Force Engineering and Technical Services (AFETS).
11.39.1. General. The AF must maintain its weapons systems and equipment to meet
worldwide mission requirements and operational needs at a reasonable cost. To accomplish
this, units need the capability to quickly resolve complex or unusual technical problems and
provide enhanced system-specific technical training to AF technicians, contractors and
operators. Engineering and Technical Services (ETS) provides this expeditionary resource and
is prepared to deploy AFETS and CETS as needed. AFETS personnel are the primary source of Engineering and Technical
Services support in the AF. AFETS field engineers are Emergency Essential DoD civilian
employees, highly experienced and thoroughly trained technical specialists. CETS can be an important element in developing an independent AF capability
on new systems; however, units must develop their own organic capability and/or request
AFETS support. (T-2). Organizations should normally terminate CETS within 12 months
after obtaining self-sufficiency.
11.39.2. AFETS are DoD civilians who provide advantages of long-term continuity and
decreased retraining costs provided by a civilian work force. AFETS field technicians shall be
used and retrained as necessary to meet technical needs and changing mission requirements.
(T-1). AFETS can design special test equipment, develop special maintenance
procedures, develop and conduct technical training for unit maintainers and operators,and
recommend changes to maintenance processes. AFETS also serve as the unit technical liaison and work with MAJCOM
functional managers, depot technicians, engineers, item managers, and equipment
manufacturers to resolve complex equipment problems.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 AFETS will certify tasks IAW AFI 36- 2651 and AFI 36-2650 in USAF
personnel training records when training is provided to the go/no-go level. (T-1).
11.39.3. AFETS personnel should be functionally aligned under the local ETS OPR (typically
the MXG/CC or equivalent commander) and reside within the assigned organizations
maintenance complex. AFETS will not be authorized to overcome manning shortfalls or to perform
duties considered organic to the unit’s manning. (T-1). When AFETS and contracted engineering support (example, CETS, Field
Service Engineer or FSR) are assigned to a unit every effort shall be made to co-locate
these resources to maximize effectiveness of technical support within the organization. (T-
11.39.4. The AF may utilize CETS to provide on-site proficiency training, technical advice,
and technical assistance for initial system bed-down or major modifications when AFETS are
unavailable. Units desiring services of strategically assigned CETS will direct their requests to
their MAJCOM OPR. (T-2). When CETS and AFETS are assigned to the same unit, CETS will support and
train AFETS personnel as required. (T-1). CETS will certify tasks IAW AFI 36-2651, and AFI 36-2650, in USAF
personnel training records when training is provided to the go/no-go level. (T-1).
11.39.5. Exclusions. ETS covered in this AFI excludes: Engineering review and resolution of service-revealed deficiencies reported
through normal maintenance information systems. Material DR covered in TO 00-35D-54. The engineering determination of material integrity. The engineering or technical services used in 61-series instructions.
11.39.6. Limits: CETS are restricted to the duties and responsibilities outlined in this AFI and
specific tasks listed in the Task Work Specification. MAJCOM OPRs (with approval by the
applicable MAJCOM Directorate) may grant exceptions to these limits only on a case-by-case
basis based on mission need. Do not use CETS to avoid manpower ceilings or other personnel
rules and regulations. CETS will not: Perform non-ETS duties or normal unit duties. (T-3). Make policy or represent the using activity at meetings or conferences.
(T-3). Supervise or control AF personnel or personnel of other contractors. (T-
3). Hold engineering decision-making positions. (T-3). Perform direct maintenance except in emergency situations. (T-3).
11.39.7. MAJCOM Responsibilities. MAJCOMs will: Supplement this document as necessary to ensure standardization among
subordinate units. Designate a Lead ETS Program Office in a single MAJCOM to administer the
activities of the member MAJCOMs merged by MOA/MOU. Designate an ETS OPR in the appropriate Headquarters Directorate or Field
Operating Unit (FOA) to serve as the MAJCOM ETS OPR for member MAJCOMs merged
by MOA/MOU. Ensure all applicable requirements of this AFI are met by units authorized to
decentralize management of their ETS programs to the using activities. Program and defend MAJCOM ETS funds and manpower requirements over
the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) consistent with AF mission requirements. Budget and fund AFETS PCS, TDY, and Developmental Training costs to
support their MAJCOM requirements and submit Program Objective Memorandum
(POM) for all ETS requirements. Identify and ensure mobility statements are in AFETS Standard Core Personnel
Document and designate positions as Emergency-Essential. Refer to AFI 36-202, Civilian
Mobility. Ensure general personnel management records are maintained at the unit of
assignment on all ETS personnel to assure proper management and administration of ETS
resources. Ensure training for AFETS receive proper priority in AF training plans. Redistribute ETS resources between major activities when mission changes
dictate such realignment. All redistribution efforts will be coordinated with losing and
gaining organizations. Provide government property support to CETS IAW Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR), Subpart 45.3, Authorizing the Use and Rental of Government Property. Coordinate CETS contract questions with the AFLCMC/Enterprise
Acquisition Division (PZIEB) who performs all central acquisition contracting functions
for CETS.
11.39.8. Lead ETS Program Office/Decentralized Management Activities Responsibilities (as
applicable). Lead ETS Program Office/Decentralized Management Activities will: Develop Task Work Specification and initiate procurement packages for each
approved CETS requirement using appropriate Advisory & Assistance Service policies and
procedures IAW FAR Subpart 37.2, Advisory and Assistance Services. Oversee Contract Officer Representative (COR) activities. Establish procedures to notify subordinate activities of CETS termination. Develop and utilize assessment criteria to effectively manage, administer, and
control ETS activities.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Conduct annual assessments of ETS Team performance at each field unit. Validate manpower requirements at least every 24 months. Validation should
be accomplished with inputs and recommendations from unit leadership and MAJCOM
ETS OPR. Realign AFETS manpower as needed when the mission, system, or equipment
changes dictate. Coordinate AFETS placement and Standard Core Personnel Documents with
manpower and civilian personnel offices. Maintain the knowledge, training abilities and skills of the AFETS workforce. Update/train AFETS on new weapon systems, equipment conversions and
major system modifications. Coordinate with weapon system and equipment managers to program AETC
Type I Training and other types of training for AFETS on a priority basis for current and
new systems. Provide AFETS instructor training. Verify need for CETS personnel security clearances and take action to
maintain access at the minimum level required IAW AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force
Personnel Security Program. Include Personnel Reliability Program guidance in the Task Work
Specification of contractors whose duties involve nuclear weapons. Consolidate subordinate units’ requirements and establish a validation process
through the MAJCOM, FOA, or Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) ETS OPR (as applicable). Establish, maintain and manage MAJCOM ETS TDY and training budget to
include planning and execution of funds.
11.39.9. Using Activity will: Employ ETS resources effectively and efficiently to enhance mission capability
IAW AF and MAJCOM guidance. (T-1). Provide specific direction and guidance on maintenance activities requiring
focused AFETS attention and/or technical support. (T-2). Ensure AFETS personnel attend and participate in Group, Squadron, and unit
maintenance meetings, as required. (T-2). Ensure AFETS personnel are providing desired coverage on all shifts, as
required, with a focus on shifts where the significant maintenance and repair activities are
ongoing. (T-3). Provide local access and oversight of Time and Attendance actions for assigned
AFETS personnel. AFETS assigned as tenants will be afforded command/base support by the host
commensurate with other assigned DoD civilians to include eligibility for local awards,
security clearance processing, annual physicals, passport/visa processing. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Fund AFETS to attend conferences, Technical Interchange Meetings (TIM),
and deployments as required. (T-3). In addition, fund training requirements to ensure
AFETS remain current on assigned and emerging systems. (T-3). Provide office supplies, special Information Technology (IT) equipment as
necessary to support the unit's mission. (T-3). Adhere to AF and ETS TDY/Deployment Policies and regulations. (T-1). Units
are authorized and encouraged to deploy AFETS to support mission requirements
worldwide. AFETS employees must be assigned UTC positions in mobility tasked units on
the Deployment Manning Document (DMD) as required. (T-1). CETS representatives are
typically not deployed, but may be deployed on specific approval of the MAJCOM OPR if
AFETS personnel are not available, subject to contract provisions and funding availability. UDM/deployment functions/processes are the responsibility of assigned unit
for AFETS personnel. Adhere to Adverse Action, Appeal and Grievance Procedures. (T-1). Referto
AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Action of Civilian Employees, issue based 36-Series
AFIs, and Negotiated Labor Management (Union) Agreement as applicable, before
proceeding. Provide support through the local security manager to process AFETS
personnel security periodic reviews and updates. Provide AF Certifying Officer Support. (T-1). The using activity OPR will
serve as or designate AF Certifying Officers for CETS personnel and provide the name,
office symbol, signature, and telephone number of the Air Force Certifying Officer to the
Administrative Contracting Officer, with a copy to the MAJCOM OPR, no later than 30
days after the CETS assignment or within five workdays of any AF Certifying Officer
change. (T-2). The CETS contract line items assigned to each certifying officer will be
clearly identified in this designation. The AF Certifying Officer is responsible for certifying the monthly
Certificate of Service. It is recommended that the using activity delegate the AF
Certifying Officer responsibilities to the Operations Officer of the squadron primarily
using the individual CETS employee’s services. The designated certifying officer will be a commissioned officer.
(T-2). When it is impractical to designate a commissioned officer or one is not
available, requests for approval to appoint a senior NCO or AF civilian (GS-11 or
above) as AF Certifying Officer will be submitted by the using activity OPR in
writing to the MAJCOM OPR. Each request will be evaluated on an individual
11.39.10. AFETS Responsibilities. AFETS personnel will: Provide field service engineering, technical advice; and assistance to resolve
system anomalies and equipment failures. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Develop and teach specific technical training for maintaining and operating
unit equipment and assigned weapons systems. (T-1). Investigate equipment failures and mishaps and train personnel to help prevent
recurrence. (T-1). Develop contacts with contractor, depot, and AFLCMC engineers,
technicians, and item managers to resolve maintenance problems, design deficiencies, and
supply problems. (T-1). Develop special test equipment and maintenance procedures to resolve
complex system problems. (T-1). Perform emergency maintenance (direct assistance) on equipment when
temporary skill or manning shortages prevent accomplishment by other assigned
personnel. (T-1). Advise the ETS OPR on the best utilization and management of CETS. (T-1). Document technical activates and provide stakeholders a written account of
maintenance activities by the end of each month. (T-2). Maintain mobility readiness and accomplish unit required ancillary training.
Training must be kept current. (T-1).
11.39.11. CETS Contractor Responsibilities. CETS contractor will: Provide ETS through CETS employees to perform the duties described in the
Task Work Specification. (T-1). Select, supervise, and exercise sole and autonomous control and direction over
CETS employees. (T-1). Comply with the administrative and security regulations of the using activities.
(T-1). Provide copies of the Task Work Specification to CETS employees. (T-1). Provide CETS security clearance certification to the unit security office. (T-
11.40. Senior Leader Mission Generation (SLMG) Course.
11.40.1. The Senior Leader Mission Generation (SLMG) Course was developed in 2013 and
focused on wing leadership teaming between maintenance, operations, and logistics support to
achieve safe and effective mission generation. SLMG objectives are to: 1) comprehend the
organizational dynamics and responsibilities of operational, maintenance, logistics support,
and medical functions for aircraft mission generation; 2) comprehend the necessary integration
and teamwork between operational, maintenance, logistics support, and medical functions for
aircraft mission generation.
11.40.2. Only Wing CCs/CVs, Operations Group Commander (OG/CCs), MXG/CCs,
Mission Support Group (MSG/CCs), MDG/CCs and their equivalent to be stationed at wings
with a flying or nuclear mission are required for attendance. Officers in Space, Cyber, Intel,
Air Base Wings or other "non-traditional" wings are not mandated to attend. If an officer in
any of the aforementioned wings desires to attend, he/she can contact their Senior Leader
Management Office and be added to a course. Registration for SLMG will be accomplished
during registration for Pre-Command Training. Note, the SLMG course is a unit funded TDY.
11.41. (Added-AMC) KC-135 MPRS Manager. A MPRS Manager will be appointed within
earned manpower requirements at units that possess KC-135 MPRS aircraft (T-2). The MPRS
Manager keeps the MXG/CC informed of the health of assigned MPRS aircraft and equipment and
serves as liaison to the WSM and other agencies as required. Additionally, the MPRS Manager
11.41.1. (Added-AMC) Coordinate with the AMU and P&S to plan and schedule MPRS
pods/pylons maintenance, TCIs, SIs, TCTOs and modifications (T-3).
11.41.2. (Added-AMC) Communicate with the WSM, QA, and other MPRS Managers to
identify trends and resolve MPRS deficiencies (T-2).
11.41.3. (Added-AMC) Coordinate with support elements to ensure sufficient support
equipment is available at home station and ensure support equipment scheduled maintenance
is performed and properly documented (T-3).
11.41.4. (Added-AMC) Prepare and submit MPRS Engineering and Technical Assistance
Requests through QA (T-3). Maintain records of approved requests with pod/pylon historical
records (T-3).
11.41.5. (Added-AMC) Ensure deployed MPRS monitors are identified and trained to
perform duties while deployed (T-3). (Added-AMC) Ensure procedures are developed for documenting pod/pylon
removal/installation and reporting procedures for CANNs (T-3). (Added-AMC) Ensure all deployed maintenance is accurately input into the
MIS and reported weekly to home station for inclusion in reports to the MXG/CC and the
WSM (T-3).
11.41.6. (Added-AMC) Conduct record reviews to ensure all pod/pylon information and
historical data loaded in G081 is accurate after installation, major inspections, prior to aircraft
deployment and prior to aircraft transfer (T-3). (Added-AMC) Ensure AFTO Form 95 and AFTO Form 781D information is
accurate and current (T-3).
11.41.7. (Added-AMC) Provide annual MPRS support equipment inventory to HQ
AMC/A4QT (T-2).
11.42. (Added-AMC) Mobile Crane Operation Training and Qualification Program.
11.42.1. (Added-AMC) Personnel must be minimum SrA or civilian equivalent with
minimum five-skill level (T-2).
11.42.2. (Added-AMC) Trainers will hold the rank of at least SSgt or civilian equivalentand
have a minimum one year mobile crane operator experience or attain familiarization training
from either vendor or lending unit (T-2).
11.42.3. (Added-AMC) All maintenance personnel must be re-qualified every 24 months,
documented in the MIS, and entered on the SCR to be authorized to operate mobile cranes (T-
11.43. (Added-AMC) Tow Team Supervisor Certification Program.
11.43.1. (Added-AMC) Due to the critical nature of aircraft towing, a tow team supervisor
certification program will be executed (T-2). Note: Ensure program also meets requirements
outlined in AFMAN 91-203.
11.43.2. (Added-AMC) Tow team supervisors will be selected in accordance with criteria
established in Table 11.1 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Individuals will be documented as qualified in TBA, pass the
applicable MDS tow team supervisor test administered by an MT appointed test proctor
(who is not required to take the tests) and be certified by a tow team supervisor certifier
prior to SCR appointment (T-2). Note: Tow team supervisor test will include tow brake
and tow vehicle operator applicable material (T-2).
11.43.3. (Added-AMC) Tow team supervisor certifying officials will be certified as a tow
team supervisor and will be appointed to the Special Certification Roster in accordance with
criteria established in Table 11.1 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Certifying officials must remain current and certified as tow
team supervisors (T-2). Certifying officials who are overdue tow team supervisor will not
certify other members (T-2).
11.43.4. (Added-AMC) Initial certification. (Added-AMC) Certifying officials will ensure personnel are documented as
qualified in TBA and pass the applicable MDS tow team supervisor test prior to
certification (T-2). (Added-AMC) Certification of a tow team supervisor will consist of an
evaluation of the candidate supervising an aircraft tow operation (T-2).
11.43.5. (Added-AMC) Annual recertification. (Added-AMC) Certifying officials will ensure personnel pass the applicable
MDS tow team supervisor test and evaluate the individual supervising an aircraft tow
operation (T-2).
11.44. (Added-AMC) Graduate Assessment Program. This program is intended to provide
feedback to the MXG/CC on the training being provided during MQTP Level I and II.
11.44.1. (Added-AMC) This program will be executed to ensure adequate feedback is
provided to MT and the RTC (T-2). QA, at a minimum, will conduct graduate assessmentson
students who graduate from the courses listed in paragraph 11.43 (T-2). Note: This program
is optional for En Route locations. (Added-AMC) The Development and Instruction (D&I) NCOIC will provide
QA with a list of students attending applicable MQTP courses including the applicable
course’s performance based objectives to assess (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) MXG/CC may elect to specify what tasks completed
within the previously identified courses will be evaluated to ensure proper focus on
trending areas or tasks that are deemed more critical.
11.44.2. (Added-AMC) The number of evaluations will be no less than 25 percent of the class
size and should be targeted to complete the Graduate Assessment PEs within 30 days of
graduation, but will not exceed 90 days. Exception: AMOG/CC may waive assessment period
to 120 days (T-2). (Added-AMC) QA will establish a method of tracking the Graduate
Assessments performed and what percentage is completed on each class (T-2).
11.44.3. (Added-AMC) QA will document the Evaluations within LEAP (T-2). (Added-AMC) Graduate Assessments will be documented against the
individual not the instructor (T-2). (Added-AMC) Within the remarks section of the evaluation, QA will discuss
strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement, and identify the instructor (T-2).
11.44.4. (Added-AMC) Assessments will be routed through the applicable squadron
leadership as well as the MT Chief (T-2).
11.44.5. (Added-AMC) If a trainee fails an assessment the supervisor will decertify them on
the task, enter the trainee in remedial training, and re-evaluate within 30 days (T-2). Reference
AFI 36-2651 for decertification/recertification process.
11.45. (Added-AMC) Aircraft Ground Deice. Aircraft Ground Deice operations are a critical
component of flightline operations during winter weather events. This policy gives the MXG/CC
and MXG program manager a foundation to build an adaptable program. Deice programs will be
developed by all units that perform aircraft deicing on a routine basis through several seasons (T-
11.45.1. (Added-AMC) Responsibilities. (Added-AMC) MXG/CCs will: (Added-AMC) Identify which months are high risk for winter weather
based on their location and historical weather data (T-3). (Added-AMC) Appoint a CGO/SNCO or Civilian equivalent as Deice
Program Manager during this timeframe as well as an alternate to serve in times of
absence (T-3). (Added-AMC) Invite OG representatives to deice planning meetings (T-
3). (Added-AMC) Ensure QA is involved in planning (T-3). (Added-AMC) Identify POC for collect the following data points
monthly during deice season (T-2). (Added-AMC) Quantity (in gallons) of deice/anti-ice fluid used
(T-2). (Added-AMC) AirPlus system usage (in units of meter) for each
deice vehicle (meter is installed in vehicle) (T-2). (Added-AMC) POC will send report monthly to AMC/A4MP
(ORG.AMCA4[email protected].mil) during deice season (T-2). (Added-AMC) Develop MOAs at joint locations or when providing
services outside of the unit’s assigned aircraft (T-3). (Added-AMC) The MOA should clearly identify what services will
be performed, what missions have priority, any additional personnel required, etc. (Added-AMC) Identify what organizations will provide manpower
support to the deice program (T-3). (Added-AMC) MXG Deice Program Manager will: (Added-AMC) Be familiar with T.O. 42C-1-2, deice vehicle operator’s
manuals, locally developed guidance, and airframe specific technical orders (T-3). (Added-AMC) Coordinate MXG deice efforts with all applicable Wing
support agencies needed (ex: LRS, Bio/Environmental, AMXS/MXS leadership,
VNCOs, etc.) (T-3). (Added-AMC) Oversee training, qualification, and currency for assigned
deice team members (T-3). (Added-AMC) Consider coordination with QA and local deice
training programs to ensure comprehensive program development and execution. (Added-AMC) Provide manpower requirements from paragraph to organizations (T-3). (Added-AMC) Verify vehicles have been prepared for the weather
season in accordance with vehicle manufactures instructions (T-3). (Added-AMC) Report any vehicle maintenance issues with chain
of command and the local Vehicle Maintenance organization (T-3).
Chapter 12
12.1. Background Information, Objective and Roles and Responsibilities. The USAF
procures CDA for various missions. These aircraft are originally type certificated to Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations/orders and have FAA-approved aircraft maintenance
manuals. If the aircraft are civil registered (N number displayed) in lieu of military registration and
military tail number, it may carry an FAA standard airworthiness certificate if operated and
maintained in full compliance with civil regulations.
12.1.1. Civil registered aircraft owned and operated by the USAF in accordance with Title10
U.S. Code are public use aircraft. When these aircraft are engaged in civil aircraft operations,
such operations must be conducted in accordance with FAA and civil. When these aircraft are
engaged in public aircraft operations, they are exempt from civil regulations and FAA
oversight. Civil registered aircraft owned and operated by the USAF may be declared public
use at any time, and are then exempt from civil regulations and FAA oversight. If the aircraft
are civil registered but do not have a civil airworthiness certificate, or are operated by the
USAF under a military registration and tail number, the aircraft are for public use and operate
entirely under the authority of the USAF military technical airworthiness authority.
12.1.2. All USAF-managed aircraft, and associated modifications, must meet the requirements
of AFI 62-601, USAF Airworthiness, and AFI 63-101/20-101. (T-1). PMs are ultimately
responsible for maintaining configuration control and ensuring flight safety of systems within
their portfolio. When a military mission is compatible with a certified civil usage, the USAF
will utilize FAA-type certified CDA to the maximum extent practicable. (T-1). To ensure
safety and support, all modifications performed on CDA type certificated components or
systems shall be FAA certified (example, supplemental type certificate). Modifications to CDA
military type certificated components or systems require approval of AF chief engineer, or
delegated authority.
12.1.3. For maintenance and operations of CDA the AF will use AF-managed TOs or FAA-
approved aircraft and component maintenance manuals and FAA regulations called out in Title
14 Code of Federal Regulation Parts 43, 91, 121, and 145 as a guide. (T-0). FAA Advisory
Circulars, Notices to Airmen, and other FAA information sources may also be used to satisfy
all requirements of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 43, 91, 121, and 145.
12.2. AF/A4L will:
12.2.1. Coordinate relevant policies and procedures with SAF/AQ and the FAA.
12.3. The Program Manager (PM) will:
12.3.1. Be responsible for all elements of life cycle management IAW AFI 63-101/20-101.
12.3.2. When FAA manuals are used, issue technical data for configuration items and
inspection requirements that are not approved by the FAA or supplied by the Original
Equipment Manufacturer. (T-1).
12.3.3. Review evaluations from the Lead Commands concerning Airworthiness Directives
(AD), Service Bulletins (SB), Customer Bulletins (CB), All Operator Letters, and Aircraft
Service Changes (ASC) and will determine extensions for each, if required. (T-1).
12.3.4. For CDA which maintain an FAA Type Certified, ensure that the MAJCOM performs
overhauls, rebuilding, major repairs, major alterations, minor repairs, and minor alterations in
FAA-authorized repair facilities with appropriate ratings and authorizations or an AF-approved
AFSC Military Repair Station depot facility, as directed by the PM. (T-1).
12.3.5. Establish a maintenance plan and Service Action Review process with the Lead
Command for aircraft originally Type Certified by the FAA. (T-1).
12.3.6. Follow AFI 63-101/20-101 for modification requests and approvals. (T-1).
12.3.7. Obtain airworthiness approvals IAW AFI 62-601. (T-1).
12.3.8. Coordinate with the FAA Military Certification Office for approval of modifications
that affect commercial derivative aircraft configuration IAW USDOT/FAA Order 8110.101,
Type Certification Procedures for Military Commercial Derivative Aircraft. (T-0).
12.3.9. Ensure FAA ADs and SBs are utilized in place of TCTOs and commercial
maintenance manuals are utilized in lieu of AF TOs to the greatest extent possible. (T-1).
12.3.10. For units possessing CDA that strictly utilize commercial manuals, may issue original
FAA SBs, ADs or other FAA-approved modifications in-place of TCTOs. (T-1).
12.3.11. For units possessing CDA that strictly utilize USAF managed T.O.s, in order to
implement ADs, SBs or other FAA-approved modifications, issue TCTOs IAW TO 00-5-1 and
TO 00-5-15. (T-1). Reference one of the following in each TCTO: The AD and/or SB involved. The Supplemental Type Certificate number. Other FAA approval.
12.3.12. Ensure maintenance planning data is supplied to units or contractors in order to
appropriately track TCIs and inspections.
12.4. Lead Commands will:
12.4.1. Ensure any new or modified configurations or maintenance conditions are coordinated
with, and approved by, the designated Lead Command IAW AFPD 10-9 and the PM or
equivalent responsible for the reliability, maintainability and availability of the systems and
end-items prior to implementation. (T-1).
12.4.2. Assist ALC in determining additional inspection and component time-change
requirements, intervals, documentation and publication update requirements. (T-1).
12.4.3. Review evaluations from their field units on ADs, SBs, CBs, All Operator Letters, or
ASCs and make recommendations to the aircraft's PM. (T-1).
12.4.4. Ensure depot and contractor maintenance providers are furnished with lead command
maintenance program and they meet AF approved FAA equivalent requirements or are a FAA
approved repair station, as applicable. (T-1).
12.5. Units will:
12.5.1. Participate in the Service Action review process established by the PM. (T-1).
12.5.2. Assist Lead Commands and the PM to determine additional inspection intervals and
requirements. (T-1).
12.5.3. Comply with FAA ADs as directed by the Chief Engineer or delegated authority. (T-
12.6. Maintenance Personnel Requirements. For AF-managed aircraft that maintain an FAA
TC, maintenance personnel shall meet the PM established requirements and procedures to maintain
airworthiness. (T-1). AF maintenance technicians performing organic depot maintenance follow
Air Force Sustainment Center Instruction (AFSCI) 62-100, Military Repair Station Program.
12.6.1. For CDA that do not maintain a civil airworthiness certificate, maintenance is not
required to be completed by an FAA-certificated mechanic. However, a maintenance plan
detailing the maintenance personnel requirements shall be established between the PM and the
Lead Command. (T-1). The plan shall address as a minimum the training requirements, the level of effort
allowed (such as, specific maintenance tasks as identified in the Original Equipment
Manufacturer maintenance manuals), and tasks that shall be performed by FAA-certified
mechanics, repair stations, AFSC Military Repair Stations, or the Original Equipment
Manufacturer. (T-1). The maintenance plan will be approved by the PM with coordination by the FAA
Military Certification Office or Military Repair Station/Flight Standards Management
Office as appropriate. (T-1).
12.7. Deviations/Changes to Inspection Requirements, Time Change Intervals, and
Component/Aircraft Overhaul. Commercial derivative aircraft inspection requirements, time
change, component and aircraft overhaul intervals are established and controlled by the Original
Equipment Manufacturer and approved by the FAA. When deviation from the Original Equipment
Manufacturer established maintenance standards/configuration is needed to meet AF mission
requirements, units will send proposed changes to the PM through MAJCOM and for evaluation.
12.8. Air Force Modifications to CDA and Components. AF modifications to CDA and
components are developed following procedures outlined in AFI 63-101/20-101. All AF
modification requests require coordination with the Chief Engineer or delegated authority who will
provide assistance in determining applicable requirements, forms and coordination necessary to
correctly disposition aircraft and component modification requests. (T-1).
12.9. Certification Basis for CDA. Elements of the certification basis for any CDA which are
not met via FAA certification are satisfied by compliance with approved military airworthiness
requirements derived from MIL-HDBK-516C, DoD Handbook, Airworthiness Certification
Criteria. CDA whose primary mission is the transport of passengers are FAA Type Certified; FAA
certification of these CDA passenger carrying aircraft are maintained for the life of the air system.
Chapter 13
13.1. Introduction. CRFs consolidate off-equipment intermediate-level, and in some instances,
depot-level tasks for commodities such as aircraft engines, electronic warfare pods, avionics line
replaceable units, wheel and tire assemblies, and other aircraft components. CRFs focus on
efficiently providing maintenance, repair, and/or overhaul capabilities, support RN efficiencies
and will be fully integrated into the AF Supply Chain. CRFs are considered part of the repair
network and exist to ensure responsiveness to MGN requirements to sustain operations both at
home station and/or when deployed. Management and control procedures are outlined in AFI 20-
13.2. Organization. CRFs will be established within existing maintenance organizations (EMS,
CMS, MXS), minimizing requirements for overhead and support. (T-1). Production oversight and
monitoring of repair operations is the responsibility of the owning maintenance organization in
which the CRF is established. Commanders with CRFs will manage the personnel, facilities, and
processes for the CRF following the policies and procedures in this AFI and AFI 20-117. (T-1).
13.3. CRF Production Requirements. Maintenance Squadron (EMS, CMS, MXS) Operations
Officer/MX SUPT will:
13.3.1. Ensure the Node Manager (NM) executes enterprise production duties as outlined in
AFI 20-117. (T-1).
13.3.2. Ensure the NM identifies and up-channels repair constraints that affect CRF repair/RN
CAP2 to the MFM and RNM as prescribed in AFI 20-117. (T-1).
13.3.3. Ensure the NM utilizes information management systems and participates in RNM
collaboration calls to provide timely status reports, resolve repair constraints, and receive
revised repair requirements/RN changes. (T-1).
13.3.4. Identify systemic distribution, transportation, and supply difficulties and coordinate
with base LRS leadership and/or up-channel concerns to the RNM and MFM for resolution.
13.3.5. Follow established procedures to ensure the rapid movement of retrograde and
sustainment assets to support enterprise requirements.
13.4. MGN Support. Units supported by CRFs will maintain the level of intermediate-level repair
capability necessary to sustain MGN operations. MAJCOMs must identify intermediate- level
tasks and resources required to perform MGN maintenance tasks for assigned weapon systems (for
example, repair of XF3 assets, hose/tube testing, functional checks, NRTS screening).
13.4.1. Rotable Pools. Customer Wait Time and transportation constraints may drive the
establishment of a Centralized Rotable Pool for Class VII end items such as engines and pods
to meet established weapons system availability goals. Use of a Centralized Rotable Pool can
enhance mission capability by placing serviceable assets closer to the user when the repair
capability is off installation. Centralized Rotable Pool size, compared to support unit spare
levels, will be determined during deliberate planning between the appropriate RNM and
13.4.2. Cannibalization at supported units. When commodity LRU local retail stocks fall
below mission requirements, retention of CRF-repaired end items as “CANN assets” may be
necessary. However, this shall be by exception, and must be approved by the appropriate RNM
in coordination with the supporting MAJCOM CRF Manager. (T-2). CRFs will document their
cannibalization process and notify supporting unit of approval to retain CANN assets. (T-1).
13.4.3. Provide CRF node performance, CAP2, and commodity status reports and metrics as
defined in AFI 20-117. (T-1).
13.4.4. Ensure the NM utilizes information management systems to provide timely status
reports and receive workload requirements/ changes for commodity group repairs supported
by the CRF IAW with AFI 20-117. (T-1).
13.5. CRF Enterprise Information Management. Managers require accurate, timely, and
enterprise repair data to make CRF command and control and production decisions. To facilitate
this requirement, NMs will utilize systems, processes, and business rules prescribed by AFI 20-
117 to provide repair data and ensure enterprise visibility. (T-1).
13.6. Documentation. The CRF and supported units will maintain all required status, inventory,
and historical record documentation on CRF-repaired assets, IAW TO 00-20-1 and AFI 21-103.
13.7. Metrics. CRFs will report performance against metrics IAW AFI 20-117. (T-1).
Chapter 14
14.1. Responsibilities:
14.1.1. AF/A4L will: Prioritize development and distribute MxCAP2 models and supporting guidance
as available. Note: The MxCAP2 Model or equivalent is intended to establish a
standardized and empirically supported process for projecting MDS-specific, wing-level
maintenance capability and capacity. It provides maintenance units the ability to accurately
develop and support flying hour projections and accommodate FHP reflows. Reference
MxCAP2 model support files located at:
s.aspx. For additional information on the MxCAP2 model contact:
[email protected] or AF/A4LM at DSN 223-7803, Comm: (703) 693-
7803. For technical support contact: Mon-Fri, 0900-1700 EST, DSN: 224-8314, Comm:
(703) 614-8314.
14.1.2. MAJCOMs will: Supplement this instruction to establish minimum requirements for the
following: TCTO folders and monthly/weekly utilization and maintenance schedules. (Added-AMC) Units will follow paragraph for
standardized folder contents to include TCTO status documents (T-2). Publish MAJCOM procedures for verification of configuration items. (Added-AMC) Units will follow paragraphs 14.3.2 through (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units will verify configuration items during
scheduled inspections, i.e. ISOs, HSCs, Pes, and letter checks (T-2). (Added-AMC) Document serially controlled items in G081
and coordinate with PS&D (T-2). Determine whether to ship removed engines to depot or induct into CRF
repair. (Added-AMC) Units will follow paragraph (T-2). Determine routing and approval for AF Form 2407. (Added-AMC) Units will follow paragraphs through (T-2).
14.1.3. PS&D will: Maintain historical documents and maintenance data essential for the
development of wing plans, schedules and analysis of historical maintenance events. (T-
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Maintain historical maintenance data within the MIS. (T-1). Develop wing maintenance plans using MIS aircraft/system historical datainput
by all maintenance personnel. (T-1).
14.1.4. The PS&D Section NCOIC/Chief (or equivalent) will: Act as the wing 2R1XX functional manager. (T-2). Establish and coordinate plans for rotating 2R1XX personnel through various
duty positions to increase field knowledge and experience every 24 months, not to exceed
36 months. (T-2). This rotation plan applies to TSgts and below as well as 3- or 5-skill level
personnel of any rank. (T-3). (Added-AMC) Collect data quarterly for assigned, inbound and outbound
personnel to ensure equitable distribution of personnel in each scheduling function (T-
2). Evaluate quarterly the performance of workcenters performing scheduling
functions to include TCTO, SI, and Job Standard Master Listing (JML) management (such
as, AGE, Armament, Egress, Fuels, MXO, PS&D). (T-2). (AMC) [DEV] AMC PS&D personnel may be physically located in the AMU,
however administrative control will remain with MO (T-2). On a semiannual basis, the
PS&D Chief/NCOIC will conduct and record visits on sections outside of MOperforming
PS&D functions (T-2). During the visit, ensure historical documents are properly maintained and
review and discuss the 2R1X1 training and rotation plan with each section NCOIC that
have 2R1s assigned. (T-2). Provide formal written reports of deficiencies found during the visits to the
MXO OIC/SUPT and applicable section NCOIC. (T-2). Deficiencies will not be closed until validated by the MXO
OIC/SUPT. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure personnel performing scheduling functions in
sections where 2R1X1 personnel are not assigned either permanently or temporarily
(e.g., armament, munitions, AGE) are trained in day-to-day scheduling tasks. Ensurea
workcenter job qualification standard (WJQS) for each required area is developed and
ensure training is provided and documented. The NCOIC/Section Chief will establish
training procedures and ensure coordination is accomplished with the maintenance
complex (T-2). (Added-AMC) Evaluate sections with personnel executing
scheduling duties in AGE, Engine Management and all other applicable agencies
(T-2). (Added-AMC) Evaluate the TCTO, TCI, SI, Scheduled Maintenance
Plan, Configuration programs, historical records (AFTO 95, AFTO 244), and
Engine Manager duties (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Evaluate the following MO/AMU PS&D functions
semi-annually (T-2): (Added-AMC) TCTO, TCI, SI, Configuration, and AVDO (T-
2). (Added-AMC) Annual Plan, Long Range, Quarterly, Monthly,
Weekly and Daily scheduling (T-2). Develop and sustain the PS&D Master Training Plan IAW AFI 36-2651 and AFI
36-2650. (T-1). Document familiarization training in the individual’s TBA. (T-1). Ensure civil service training is conducted IAW applicable localbargaining
agreements and contractor maintenance organizations comply with training plans
established in the PWS, SOW, or Performance Requirements Statement (PRS). (T-1). Provide SME on all maintenance scheduling issues and equipment historical
document AFTO Form 95, Significant Historical Data) management to Quality Assurance
(QA) during inspection/evaluations. (T-1). Designate the MSM administrator from within PS&D (for units utilizing IMDS
only). (T-1).
14.1.5. The Wing AVDO will: Complete AVDO duties IAW AFI 21-103 and maintain the inventory and
utilization portion of the MIS Inventory, status and utilization subsystem. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Forward copies of all depot and modification schedules
and changes to the MAJCOM-AVDO monthly (T-2). Maintain a PDM schedule by tail/serial number for all assigned aircraft and
equipment in support of AFMC and Lead Command plans and requirements. (T-1).
14.1.6. AMXS/AMU Dedicated Scheduler will: Provide dedicated support to AMXS/AMU. (T-2). Attend and actively participate in daily, weekly, and monthly scheduling, and
quarterly and yearly planning programs and meetings. (T-2). Inform AMXS/AMU supervision of maintenance capabilities or limiting
factors that could affect maintenance production. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Attend the daily AMU/HMU Production meeting (T-2).
Brief overdue SIs, TCIs and TCTOs and status of current and next duty day's scheduled
maintenance (T-2). Coordinate with AMXS/AMU supervision and Operational Squadron (OS)
operations schedulers when scheduling AMU aircraft to meet flying requirements. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Coordinate the scheduled use of shared resources. Changes
during the affected week will be documented on an AF Form 2407 (T-2). Provide a listing of JCNs for following week’s scheduled maintenance. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 This list will be used to track Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness
(MSE). (T-1). (Added-AMC) See paragraph for MSE procedures (T-2). PS&D will determine causes of missed maintenance for reporting MSE.
(T-1). Manage TCTOs, TCIs, and SIs (including installed engine inspections) for
aircraft assigned to their appointed AMXS/AMU. (T-1). Generate AFTO Form 103, Aircraft/Missile Condition Data, to record certified
maintenance needs for PDM aircraft IAW TO 00-25-4, Depot Maintenance of Aerospace
Vehicles and Training Equipment, coordinate it with PS&D, QA, and AMXS maintenance
supervision. (T-1).
14.2. Data Documentation.
14.2.1. Maintenance Historical Documentation. Maintenance historical documentation will be accomplished in accordance with
TO 00-20-1 which outlines the requirements to capture and record the significant
maintenance actions on aerospace vehicles and equipment. (T-1). Historical documentation will be entered and tracked in the authorized MDS
MIS. (T-1). When the MIS is not available, historical documentation will be documented
and tracked on the AFTO Form 95, or equivalent. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Units will automate new AFTO Form 95s and maintain
them in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) If current AFTO Form 95 documents are partially
automated, then complete automation is highly encouraged. (Added-AMC) When the AFTO Forms are completely automated
and reconciled for 100% accuracy, destroy the duplicate hard copies. (Added-AMC) Units choosing to maintain the original hard copies
will annotate “History automated as of this date and maintained in the MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) The first entry of the continuation/automated AFTO
Form 95 will be “Previous history as of this date maintained in the aircraft jacket
file or decentralized file” (T-2). MAJCOMs should develop supplements to this instruction to identify aerospace
vehicle and support equipment historical file content and retention requirements needed
beyond the minimum requirements outlined in this instruction and TO 00-20-1. (Added-AMC) Initiate new historical forms in accordance with TO 00- 20-
1, applicable -6, or component T.O.(s) when a system or component is received (T- 2).
14.2.2. Aircraft jacket files. Units will develop and maintain a standardized master aircraft
jacket file for use throughout the wing following the requirements listed in this instruction, TO
00-20-1 and AFMAN 33-363. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 MAJCOMs will standardize MDS-specific requirements not captured in this
instruction in supplements and addendums to this instruction. (Added-AMC) Standardize MDS-specific aircraft jacket files in
accordance with TO 00-20-1, AFMAN 33-322, and AFI 21-101 AMCSUPparagraphs through (T-2). Aircraft jacket files will be maintained in PS&D and standardized IAW the
master aircraft historical file developed by the PS&D NCOIC. (T-1). (AMC) If PS&D is decentralized, aircraft jacket files will be maintained in the
AMU PS&D section and standardized in accordance with the master aircraft historical file
developed by MO PS&D NCOIC. (T-2). Off-equipment maintenance documents may be decentralized to sections
maintaining installed-on equipment assets (examples include fuel cell records at fuel
systems section, landing gear strut records at hydraulics section). Decentralized records are filed by and are the responsibility of the
owning work center. PS&D will list all historical records, including those decentralized in their
file plan or office of record. (T-1). The DD Form 2861, Cross-Reference, will be used to cross-reference
documents decentralized from PS&D to other sections and will be filed to cross
reference AFTO Form 95 records that are maintained in the MIS. (T-1). Wing-assigned aircraft jacket files may be maintained electronically,
however, they must mirror the standardized master aircraft jacket file in organization
and appearance. (T-1). Note: Slight variations in composition are allowed between
different MDS weapons systems located within the same wing. MXG/CC may identify additional local items for inclusion in aircraft jacket files.
Aircraft jacket files as a minimum will include: Packages for one complete inspection cycle. (T-1). Units may download
paperless inspections to automated storage media from MIS for filing in aircraftjacket
files. Last FCF documentation (such as, FCF certification letter/FCF checklist).
(T-1). Last depot package. (T-1). Transfer packages. (T-1). Applicable weapon system -6 TO AFTO Form 95s. (T-1). W&B records. (T-1). Engine Records. (T-1). Document review records/checklists. (T-1). NDI records. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 AF Form 2411, Inspection Document (or equivalent). (T-1). Annual aircraft jacket file review checklist. (T-1). Authorized TO variances. (T-1). Requests for assistance meeting the requirements for retention as
historical records IAW TO 00-25-107, or equivalent/like MDS specific requirements
for retention of documents as historical records. (T-1). Note: Contact the Lead
Command as identified in AFPD 10-9 for guidance for meeting retention as historical
records requirements outside the scope of TO 00-25-107. Pulled AFTO Form 781-series aircraft forms. (T-1). (AMC) May be decentralized (T-2). Pulled paper forms retained as part of the jacket file will be
destroyed after 3 months if they do not contain historical information IAW
AFRIMS. (T-1). Fusing fully automated forms will maintain the last 7 copies of the
pulled aircraft forms and destroythe earliest record when the 8th report is received
IAW AFRIMS. (T-1). Units not required to use a MIS will use aircraft forms and maintain
the current and the last 3 months’ worth of pulled aircraft forms. (T-1). Pulled 781 forms will be filed in order by sets identified by the
“From and To” date at the top of each 781-series form (see TO 00-20-1). (T-1). Sets of forms may or may not include an AFTO Form 781J,
Aerospace Vehicle - Engine Flight Document and AFTO Form 781K, Aerospace
Vehicle Inspection, Engine Data, Calendar Inspection and Delayed Discrepancy
Document. AFTO Forms 781J and K will be included in the set of forms they were
pulled with and retained for the same period of time. (T-1). When PS&D discovers the AFTO Form 781-series missing during
a jacket file inspection, a missing-forms letter will be sent to the appropriate
Operations Officer/MX SUPT of the maintenance unit responsible for pulling the
forms with a 5 duty-day suspense. (T-2). If a response is not returned within 5 duty days, notify the
applicable maintenance unit supervision. (T-2). If the forms cannot be located, file the missing forms letter,
endorsed by the Operations Officer/MX SUPT in place of the missing forms.
(T-2). See TO 00-20-1 for missing form procedures and AFMAN 33-363 for
records management and disposition instructions. (Added-AMC) When Virtual Forms documentation is used,
annotate the date range and state “Virtual Form Documentation in use during this
period.” File in place of forms or use digital form to track by aircraft. Follow all
other pulled forms procedures as stated (T-2). (Added-AMC) When Virtual Forms is fully implemented, pulled
AFTO Form 781-series aircraft forms procedures will be removed (T-2). DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report or equivalent. Annual jacket file review. Review aircraft jacket files annually using a locally-
developed PS&D checklist. (T-1). The last completed checklist will be kept on file in each aircraft jacket file.
(T-1). (Added-AMC) Annual jacket file completion will be documented on AF
Form 2411 (T-2).
14.2.3. Aircraft Document Reviews (ADR). ADRs validate and correct any errors on airframe
and engine operating times and cycles, TCTO documentation, TCI component operating times,
time remaining to the next inspection, backordered supply document numbers and open
deferred discrepancies. The aircraft AFTO Form 781-series for possessed aircraft are reviewed
by aircraft crew chiefs, flightline maintenance functions, PS&D, Engine Management (EM)
and LRS personnel to ensure the accuracy and validity of entries. MAJCOMs will standardize the MIS/on-line products used to perform ADR on
like-MDS weapons systems. (AMC) The recommended medium for completion of ADRs on AMC aircraft is
use of the command’s automated, online ADR tool. The link for this tool is located under
the Plans and Scheduling section of the Global Reach Logistics/A4 Information home page
at Units using MDS-specific laptop forms (for example Integrated
Maintenance Information System (IMIS), Autonomic Logistics Information System
(ALIS)) must develop procedures to ensure intent of ADRs is implemented. (T-1). An ADR will be accomplished at least every 60 days for units using the fully
automated AFTO Form 781-series (AFTO Form 781A, AFTO Form 781J, Aerospace
Vehicle - Engine Flight Document, AFTO Form 781K, Aerospace Vehicle Inspection,
Engine Data, Calendar Inspection, and Delayed Discrepancy Document. (T-1). Units without access to a MIS and authorized to use manual AFTO Form
781-series, must accomplish an ADR at least every 30 days. (T-1). ADRs will also be accomplished when an aircraft is transferred, before and
after scheduled inspections (PH or ISO), before and after storage and after fatigue tests.
(T-1). (Added-AMC) ADRs will be accomplished during aircraft
acceptance, all post docks, prior to and upon return of deployments (T-2). For CANN aircraft, conduct ADRs at least every 30 days. (T-2). Units will develop and publish an ADR checklist for use by home station and
deployed units. (T-1). (AMC) ADR checklist will be developed and published by MO PS&D (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 This checklist will identify who initiates the ADR, reviewing agencies (to
include the OAP lab), AFTO Form 781-series entry requirements, agency responsible
for completing the AFTO Form 781-series/MIS entry, and outline any configuration
verification requirements. (T-1). ADR Procedures. PS&D will create a JST for ADRs on a red dash symbol and ensure it is
loaded against all assigned aircraft. (T-3). ADRs will be scheduled and added to the appropriate maintenance plan.
(T-2). An ADR is a scheduled maintenance action and will be included in MSE
computations. (T-1). PS&D and EM will validate applicable inspection, TCI, TCTO data for
correct due dates/time or expiration dates, airframe and engine operating times (or
flight times if applicable) and appropriate symbol entry IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-2). Units will coordinate with LRS to run a tail number inquiry to validate
backorders and correct any discrepancies discovered. (T-2). Maintenance personnel will correct all discrepancies discovered during the
ADR, prior to signing off the ADR JCN. (T-1). If an ADR discrepancy cannot be corrected immediately, document
the ADR discrepancy in the AFTO Form 781A with a JCN and applicable symbol
and retain it in the AFTO Form 781-series forms until corrected and signed off. (T-
1). Once all the uncorrected discrepancies are documented in the AFTO Form 781-
series the ADR can be signed off as complete. (Added-AMC) If an aircraft has been in Virtual Forms the entire period,
validate aircraft and engine operating times, delayed discrepancies, and document
numbers (T-2).
14.2.4. Pre-Dock Meetings. PS&D personnel will: Review planned aircraft inspection schedules and initiate an AF Form 2410,
Inspection/TCTO Planning Checklist, or locally-developed product for each aircraft prior
to the pre-inspection meeting. (T-2). MAJCOMs may determine if the pre/post dock requirement for inspections
with less than a 200-hourly or 200-calendar day cycle is required. If it is determined
that a pre/post dock meeting is not required, initiation of an AF Form 2410 is not
necessary. (AMC) Pre/post docks are required (T-2). Host meetings and notify the appropriate Operations Officer/MX SUPT and
flight supervisors of any recurring problems with attendance. (T-2). Prior to the pre-dock
meeting, PS&D will: Determine pre-dock meeting attendees. (T-2). The following personnel will attend the meeting as a minimum:
PS&D, Pro Super, Inspection Dock NCOIC, aircraft crew chief, DMS, and EM
representative. (T-2). Include other agencies as required for performance of the work
package. Review and list all known aircraft and equipment TCTOs, TCIs, SIs and
other major requirements to be accomplished during the inspection on the AF Form
2410, or locally-developed product. (T-2). Identify requirements for kits or parts. (T-2). List all Delayed Discrepancies to be accomplished during the inspection on
the AF Form 2410 keeping the original JCN. (T-2). Incorporate all requirements against the aircraft into a work package. (T-
2). List specialist tasks required in addition to normal inspection needs. (T-2). Develop a list of items identified as out-of-configuration for
verification/correction during the inspection. (T-2). For non-configuration tracked aircraft, compile a list of missing
serially-controlled items and coordinate/forward them to Inspection Dock NCOIC
for verification. (T-2). At the pre-dock meeting, PS&D will brief representatives of the inspection
schedule and scope, including TCTOs, TCIs, SIs, DDs and special requirements to be
accomplished. (T-2). Agency representatives will inform PS&D of limiting factors that might
affect the schedule. (T-2). PS&D will discuss aircraft configuration during all aircraft pre-dock
meetings. (T-2). Wings will use the AF Form 2410, or locally-developed product to record
additional information discussed during the pre-dock meeting. (T-2). Maintain the original AF Form 2410, or locally-developed product on
file in the aircraft jacket file for use as a guide when conducting the post-dock
meeting. (T-2). Provide a copy to the Inspection Dock NCOIC or equivalent for use
during the post-dock meeting. (T-2). PS&D will provide a copy of the applicable “out of configuration” MIS
products (such as, IMDS screen 810 and 990; G081, screen 8110; serial number
checklists) to Inspection Dock NCOIC in pre-dock package for verification/correction.
(T-2). The responsible work center will correct verified erroneous data and
“out of configurations” in the MIS prior to post-dock. (T-2). As a minimum, the following will also be discussed at the pre-dock
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The type and number (if applicable) of the inspection to be
performed. (T-2). Validation of current aircraft and engine operating times. (T-2). Parts in the TNB that require aircraft installation. (T-2). Any known post inspection fuel cell work required. (T-2). Date the aircraft is to be ready for the flightline to accept back. (T-2). All known engines requiring replacement. (T-2). Review of the aircraft forms open discrepancies including Delayed
Discrepancies and develop a joint plan to work as many discrepancies as
feasible/applicable. (T-2). Any inspections that will require maintenance personnel to stop work
(such as, NDI shop requirements) and when the maintenance dock needs to be clear
of personnel to perform the inspections. (T-2). (AMC) PS&D will provide the inspection dock chief with a serial
number verification worksheet that includes AFTO Form 95 items and serially
controlled components from the applicable -06 as a minimum (T-2). The worksheet
is a tool to verify the serial numbers of installed serially controlled items that are
accessible during the inspection. (Added-AMC) Units will accomplish configuration items
part/serial number verification during scheduled inspections (i.e. ISOs, HSCs,
PEs, and letter checks) as well as newly accepted aircraft at ISO, HSC and letter
check inspections as well as newly accepted aircraft (T-2). (Added-AMC) The workcenter is responsible for correcting
information in the MIS. (T-3). All meeting attendees will sign the AF Form 2410. (T-2).
14.2.5. Post-Dock Meetings. Units will hold a post-dock meeting as soon as possible after the
inspection but no later than before the FCF or first flight. (T-2). PS&D will:
14.2.5. (AMC) Post-Dock Meetings. The purpose of the post dock meeting is to verify that
those maintenance actions, listed on the AF Form 2410 and agreed upon at the pre dock
meeting, were completed and documented correctly. If maintenance actions were not
completed, an agreed upon plan-of-action will be developed to complete these maintenance
actions and documented on the AF Form 2410 (T-2). Lead a post-dock meeting for all inspections that required a pre-dock meeting.
(T-2). As a minimum, discuss and validate the following information at the post-dock
meeting: PS&D, Pro Super, Inspection Dock NCOIC, Aircraft Section
representative/crew chief and other locally-determined attendees will discuss open
discrepancies, review any significant inspection events and identify any problems that
may adversely affect future scheduling. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Unresolved Aircraft Configuration Management
issues/Time Change items with established life limits/TCTO items will be briefed
to Squadron Superintendent for immediate resolution (T-2). The Inspection Dock NCOIC will provide the completed inspection work
package to PS&D for filing until it is replaced by the next similar inspection work
package. (T-2). For example, an HPO1 will be replaced by the next HPO1 and the
HPO2 will be replaced with the next HPO2. The Inspection Dock NCOIC will return the completed serial number
verification sheet to the PS&D representative. (T-2). (Added-AMC) PS&D will verify aircraft configuration changes
and/or corrections were made using the completed serial number verification sheet
and serially controlled items sheet (T-2). The Inspection Dock NCOIC or designated representative and the aircraft
crew chief or equivalent will perform an aircraft documents review. (T-2). PS&D personnel will validate TCTOs, TCIs, and SIs scheduled during the
inspection were completed and signed off in the MIS prior to the post dock meeting.
(T-2). Any action that was scheduled but not complied with will be
annotated on the AF Form 2410 (used at the pre dock meeting) with the reason why
it was not performed. (T-2). Validate that any TCTO/TCI/SI not complied with will not ground
the aircraft before releasing the aircraft back to flightline maintenance personnel.
(T-2). Verify all parts placed on order during the inspection but not received have
valid document numbers. The Inspection Dock NCOIC and flightline maintenance supervisor (Pro
Super or above) agree that all inspection requirements are completed and theflightline
supervisor agrees to accept or “buy back” the aircraft. (T-1). If maintenance actions previously identified for completion were not
accomplished, establish agreements as to how these inspection requirements will
be completed and documented on the AF Form 2410 or locally-developed product.
(T-1). PS&D will file the completed AF 2410, or locally-developed product, and
completed/verified copies of the output products in the aircraft jacket file (PS&D
retains completed package until the next scheduled PH/ISO inspection for that aircraft).
(T-1). Electronic versions may be saved to digital media.
14.2.6. MIS (G081/IMDS) extended downtime (more than 48 hours). If the MIS is not available for more than 48 hours, maintenance organizations
will use the most current data contained in MSM for IMDS units and “Global Reach”
system products for G081 units. The MSM database will be refreshed with new MIS
products daily. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 MSM usage may continue in a digital format as long as updates can be
made and retained. If data cannot be retained by MSM or Global Reach, the use of AFTO Form 349,
Maintenance Data Collection Record, or will be initiated for use in data
collection/completion. (T-2). The most current paper or electronic version of MIS products will be used
once AFTO Form 349 or electronic equivalent usage is initiated. (T-2). The AFTO Form 349 or electronic equivalent, will be used to update
applicable MIS products once brought back online. (T-2). The AFTO Form 349 or electronic equivalent, will be maintained until the
data listed on it has been verified as captured/loaded in the MIS. (T-2). After all changes have been verified in the MIS, destroy the AFTO Form
349 or electronic equivalent. If an aircraft is temporarily moved to an operating location away from the unit
of assignment and connectivity to the MIS is unavailable, units will send only those
documents necessary to ensure safety of flight and current aircraft status. (T-2). (AMC) When pertinent documents are not sent with the aircraft, the deployed
maintenance supervisor will ensure accumulated airframe hours, TCTO status, TCI status
data on installed engines and critical components are sent from the operating location to
the parent unit daily, using available electronic means (T-2).
14.2.7. Aerospace Vehicle and Equipment Mishap Response Procedures: PS&D will coordinate with MMA or equivalent to ensure MIS lock out
procedures to prevent further manipulation of data concerning the aerospace vehicle and/or
equipment used during maintenance prior to the mishap event are completed IAW Chapter
5 (T-1). At a minimum, produce, consolidate and impound the following products:
aircraft jacket file, aircraft AFTO Form 95s, TCTO history, debriefing records, pulled
AFTO Form 781-series forms, SI/TCI data, maintenance history, automated records check.
(T-1). Include any additional significant historical data, and other decentralized records.
(T-2). EM will download and impound engine records from the applicable MIS and
CEMS. (T-1).
14.2.8. (Added-AMC) Aircraft Generation Planning. PS&D will use the AF Form 2408,
Generation Maintenance Plan; AF Form 2409, Generation Sequence Action Schedule,
(GSAS); or automated equivalents to manage aircraft generation sequence actions for various
unit taskings. The AF Form 2408 reflects the hour sequence of all actions necessary to launch
aircraft and contains a locally established legend indicating the type aircraft and tasked
mission. The AF Form 2409 shows the actions necessary to generate a specific line number.
Use locally established codes for maintenance shown in the action column blocks and to report
maintenance actions during generation. This may be decentralized to MOC and is not
applicable to units with no DOC statement. PS&D personnel will:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Develop, coordinate and prepare all aircraft maintenance flow
plans in conjunction with Maintenance Operations, AMXS and MXS personnel. (Added-AMC) Prepare the GSAS in sufficient detail to satisfy all generation
actions. A completed GSAS requires only the aircraft serial number assignment and the
24-hour clock time annotation. Each plan must not exceed unit resources (i.e., load crews,
equipment, convoys per hour, supervision, etc.). (Added-AMC) Forward the completed GSAS form to affected activities at the
beginning of the generation sequence. (Added-AMC) Compare GSAS plans semi-annually with the unit DOC
statement to ensure compatibility with the mission. (Added-AMC) Attend post exercise/contingency “hot wash” meetings to
evaluate flow plans for changes or improvements. (Added-AMC) Classification Guidance. If classified data is used to populate the
2408/2409s, classify the 2408/2409 in accordance with the guidance of the originating
document (i.e. Warning Order, ATO, etc.). In general, using real world/exercise mission
numbers, take-off times, and tail numbers may lead to conditions where the 2408/2409
contains classified information.
14.3. Configuration, TCTO, SI and TCI Management.
14.3.1. Responsibilities. MAJCOMs will establish PS&D requirements and responsibilities to
support work centers who’s AFSCs require scheduling functions for the equipment they
maintain (such as, Egress, Armament, and Aerospace Ground Equipment, Fuels) in a
supplement to this instruction.
14.3.1. (AMC) See paragraphs through and through (T-2). PS&D will provide work centers who’s AFSCs require scheduling functions
(such as, Egress, Armament, and Aerospace Ground Equipment, Fuels) SME training
support and oversight of scheduling products necessary to ensure configuration data
integrity is maintained. (T-1). PS&D will: Outline procedures for ordering hazardous materials for TCIs and TCTOs
(such as, batteries). (T-2). Units using a MIS will not delegate suspense validation processing for
TCIs installed on aircraft to the performing work center unless the written procedures
include the following: a list of work centers and specific technicians authorized to
process suspenses; a list of the specific suspenses authorized to be cleared; and the
method for notifying PS&D of the work completed (an audit trail) (IMDS units only).
(T-2). Ensure EM processes all IMDS suspense validations for engines and
engine components. (T-2). Validate that data errors are corrected with appropriate personnel and
updated in the MIS weekly. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Submit MSM trouble tickets at, call the
Field Assistance Branch at DSN 596-5771, or e-mail [email protected] to correct
program deficiencies. (T-1).
14.3.2. Configuration Management. Configuration management provides unit managers the
capability to determine the actual versus approved configuration of an aircraft or equipment.
The intent of configuration management is to ensure selected serially-controlled and/or TCIs
are properly loaded to the MIS database. Of major concern are accurate, approved part
numbers, Quantity per Assembly and Next Higher Assembly items by WUC/LCN. PS&D has
overall responsibility for the Equipment Configuration Management or Aircraft Configuration
Management subsystem of the MIS and will provide assistance to maintenance personnel. (T-
1). The performing work center supervisor and PS&D conduct supervisory reviews of
configuration change, TCTO, SI and TCI events using MIS on-line capabilities. (T-1).
Individual work centers accomplishing TCIs are responsible for changing configuration
information in MIS. Unless otherwise specified in local procedures, schedulers will process all
removal, installation, TCI, SI and TCTO compliance updates for aircraft and equipment in the
applicable MIS and EM will process engines and engine components in applicable engine
information system. (T-1). Lead Commands will ensure procedures exist and are executed to provide system
configuration tables which are updated, validated, and provided to field maintenance
personnel as configurations change. (T-1). Items not accessed or visible during field-level maintenance shall be
identified to Lead Command and AFSC managers for disposition. (T-1). Maintenance personnel discovering an item with a missing data plate, or one
which does not have a serial number, will contact PS&D who will coordinate with the Lead
Command system functional manager and/or AFSC item manager for disposition. (T-1). For those aircraft that do not currently have an established configuration table,
the Lead Command will develop procedures to identify, track and validate installed
configuration managed items against the data in the MIS. (Added-AMC) PS&D will, at a minimum, use applicable MDS -6, AFTO
Form 95 requirements, -06 serially controlled items, and TCI requirements to build a
serial number checklist for configuration management (T-2). (Added-AMC) See paragraphs,, and (T-2). (Added-AMC) Implement CBM+ component tracking as directed by
AMC/A4QI (T-2). PS&D will coordinate the daily resolution of IMDS configuration management
notices with the appropriate maintenance section utilizing the applicable MIS screen. (T-
1). Uncorrected discrepancies will be briefed weekly at the daily
production/scheduling meeting and forwarded to the appropriate maintenance
supervision for corrective action. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 When out of configuration items or missing serially-tracked items are
discovered, establish a single DD for the “out-of-configuration” condition. (T-2). (AMC) Tracked items with an established service life limit will be highlighted
to the MXG/CD for action if the issue cannot be resolved immediately. If decentralized,
AMU PS&D will perform this function (T-2). Additionally, add a MIS WCE for each WUC/LCN and part/serial number
item requiring verification to the single DD. (T-2).
14.3.3. TCTO Management. TCTOs are AF, MAJCOM/Lead Command or Numbered Air
Force (NAF) directed modifications and inspections that provide units with instructions for
doing a one-time change, modification, or inspection of equipment, (includes applicable FAA
Airworthiness Directives, original equipment manufacturer service bulletins and service
instructions, after concurrence by Lead Command). Lead Command, NAF and local
inspections are considered OTIs. Use the MIS to process Lead Command and NAF OTIs or
modifications in the same manner as TCTOs with compliance periods, remove from service
dates and rescission dates IAW TO 00-5-15. TCTOs, with the exception of immediate and
urgent action, are considered scheduled maintenance and integrated into maintenance planning
cycles. (T-1). Consider concurrent accomplishment of TCTO work with other unscheduled or
scheduled maintenance (such as, PH, ISO, HSC, HPO). Manage TCTOs using the MIS, TO
00-5-15 and specific MAJCOM instructions. Note: Communication of a grounding, or
potential grounding event (TCTO, OTI, PM event) to weapon systems operating in a deployed
environment and/or under the authority of an operational command must follow the grounding
procedures outlined in AFI 11-401 and 63-101/20-101. Units must not directly communicate
home station requirements to its deployed forces but provide communication through their
respective MAJCOM. (T-1). PS&D is responsible for managing all assigned weapon system TCTO programs
and will monitor/provide oversight of all AF owned aircraft, weapon system, AGE and
commodity TCTOs to ensure all compliance requirements are met. (T-1). (AMC) MO PS&D will determine TCTO responsibilities, if decentralized, by
supplementing this instruction (T-3). The MXC/CC will determine TCTO management
responsibilities when no PS&D are assigned (T-2). Munitions-related TCTOs will be managed by the munitions scheduler (if
assigned) and engine-related TCTOs will be managed by EM schedulers. (T-1). PMEL TCTOs will be managed by the owning agency with PS&D
oversight. (T-1). The parent technical training center manages and schedules all TCTOs for
training equipment assigned to a TD or Mobile Training Team. PS&D will review MIS products weekly to ensure proper documentation and
management by owning and managing TCTO agencies. (T-1). When an error is detected, PS&D will inform affected work centers and
provide assistance to correct the discrepancy IAW TO 00-20-2. (T-1). Units will complete an annual TCTO status review between MIS and
REMIS or equivalent systems. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Validate MIS status and header information with REMIS for each
active TCTO (T-2). Units will reconcile rescinded TCTOs using a REMIS Master TCTO
report or equivalent annually (NLT 30 Sep) and before deleting/retiring TCTO
records from the appropriate MIS. (T-1). If REMIS or equivalent access is not available, request a REMIS
Master TCTO report or equivalent from the MAJCOM MDS Weapon Systems
Team/Program Office identified in the subject TCTO. If TCTO status conflicts are
identified, units will contact the applicable Lead Command to establish the process
for resolving conflicts and facilitating status correction in REMIS or equivalent
system. (T-2). (AMC) Units will ensure, at a minimum, the TCTO monitor has
REMIS access to perform verifications. If status corrections are identified, contact
the TCTO author for correction in REMIS prior to contacting AMC/A4QF for
conflict resolution (T-2). Once all status errors are corrected, and reconciliation is complete
and verified, IMDS units can delete the TCTO from the MIS. G081 automatically
retires TCTOs 60 days after rescission, and all equipment shows as complete. Document completion on AF Form 2411. (T-1). PS&D will brief the MXG/CC (or equivalent) weekly on unaccomplished
TCTOs that are within 60 days of grounding. (T-1). (AMC) The brief will include depot level and commodity TCTOs (T-3). Significant problems or potential delays in TCTO accomplishment
will be brought to the immediate attention of the MXO OIC/SUPT and MXG/CC
(or equivalent). (T-2). PS&D will chair a TCTO review meeting attended by all TCTO owning
and managing agencies after the monthly supply TCTO reconciliation meeting. (T-1).
These meetings may be combined. PS&D will discuss the supply reconciliation, supply status,
scheduling factors, current TCTO status and anticipated problems for all active
TCTOs. (T-2). PS&D will produce meeting minutes on the AF Form 2410 and
distribute to all affected agencies. (T-3). Depot-level TCTOs, excluding commodities, will be loaded and tracked in
the MIS for auditing compliance and applicability. (T-1). Depot-level engine TCTOs will be loaded in CEMS only. (T-1). Units shall ensure dual reporting of completed depot-level TCTOs is
prevented. (T-1). All field-level companion TCTOs for commodities must be loaded in
the MIS. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 PS&D will monitor, track, and administer all applicable CPINS as
commodity TCTOs for configuration management purposes IAW TO 00-5-15 and TO
00-5-16. (T-1). PS&D will coordinate reprogramming of all passive/active aircraft
internal and external electronic warfare systems and equipment with the wing
Electronic Warfare Officer or equivalent before implementing any CPIN changes.
(T-1). PS&D will coordinate with EM before issuing NSS/ETS CPINS. (T-
1). When TCTOs are directed for items without serial numbers, assign
permanent serial numbers IAW TO 00-20-2 and AFI 23-101. (T-1). For serial numbers that cannot be created IAW TO 00-20-2 or AFI
23-101, use the associated equipment serial number the item is assigned to (for
example, an aircraft chock serial number would be 0000AXXXC1). Control and Transfer of TCTO Kits. Units will transfer aircraft or
equipment, with any TCTOs still pending completion, with their applicable TCTO kits.
(T-1). Retain engine TCTO kits for engines installed on aircraft at depot
locations if the aircraft is returning to that unit for TCTO compliance. (T-2). Transfer TCTO kits IAW AFI 23-101, TO 00-5-15 and TO 00-5-1.
(T-1). Specific TCTO Responsibilities. QA personnel will: Review all new and revised technical data and TCTO’s for
completeness, accuracy and applicability. (T-1). Inform applicable work centers of
changes and up channel any problems discovered during this review. (T-1). Determine if the TCTO impacts W&B. (T-1). Distribute copies of TCTOs to the managing agency, performing
work centers, and LRS. (T-2). Provide a supply cover letter requesting the number of items in supply
(including WRM) affected by the TCTO. (T-2). Report all deficiencies in technical instructions and kit-proofing to
the appropriate TCTO Manager IAW TOs 00-5-1 and 00-5-15. (T-1). Attend TCTO planning meetings. (T-2). Provide technical support to performing work centers. (T-3). PS&D personnel will: Determine the total number of end items applicable to the TCTO. (T-
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Items that are assigned with the same Mission Design Series,
WUC, Part Number, but are not applicable to the TCTO will be loaded in "22"
status. (T-1). This ensures accurate accountability that all equipment has been
verified as being affected or not applicable to TCTO. Chair a TCTO planning meeting with attendees from QA, owning and
performing work centers and Flight Service Center/LRS IAW AFI 23-101,
Chapter 4. (T-1). Record meeting minutes on AF Form 2410, or locally-
developed product and provide an overall plan to implement the TCTO. (T-2). (AMC) Annotate the QA stamp date on the AF Form 2410 (T-
2). This is the start date of the TCTO (T-2). Minutes will include TCTO applicability by ID number (or
applicable part number or serial number for commodity TCTOs), purpose of the
inspection/modification and clearly identify and document the performing work
centers, training requirements, scheduling parameters, remove from service
date, a review of the TCTO procedures, form entries and supply requirements
prior to scheduling the TCTO for completion. (T-2). (AMC) Annotate on AF Form 2410 the prime work center (T-
2). All attendees sign the AF Form 2410, or locally developed
product, at the conclusion of the planning meeting indicating agreement with
the conditions. (T-1). Establish and maintain a TCTO folder for each active TCTO. (T-1). TCTO folders will be standardized and include the basic TCTO
and any supplements, completed AF Form 2410, or locally developed product,
AF Form 2001, Notification of TCTO Kit Requirements (if required), messages
and the supply cover letter from QA (if required). (T-2). (AMC) Units may use standardized digitized TCTO folders. Once the TCTO has reached its rescission date, print a MIS
product showing the current status of equipment and place it in the TCTO
folder. (T-1). Move the folder to an inactive TCTO file. (T-1). The TCTO managing agency will maintain the folder until
the TCTO is rescinded in the applicable MIS IAW TO 00-5-15. MIS TCTO
records will be deleted (scheduled to retire for G081 users) at that time. (T-
1). TCTOs will not be deleted from the MIS prior to the rescission
date. (T-1). Validate in REMIS that no additional requirements have been
submitted or extensions applied. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 If an initial TCTO load is not received from REMIS or equivalent,
notify the single manager and/or equipment specialist IAW TO 00-5-15. (T-1). (AMC) If not resolved within three days, notify HQ AMC schedulers
for assistance (T-3). Use the ILS-S to order required kits/parts/tools IAW MIS manuals.
(T-1). Kits, parts, tools, and software will be ordered within 24 hours of the TCTO
meeting and document numbers input on the AF Form 2001. (T-2). Locally
manufactured and obtained parts will be documented on the AF 2001. (T-2). When ILS-S is not available, initiate three copies of the AF
Form 2001 and forward two copies of the Form with a copy of the TCTO to the
supply TCTO monitor. (T-2). For locally obtained parts, prepare an AF Form 2001 listing
each item by NSN, noun and quantity required. (T-2). Assign ID numbers to kits as they are received. (T-1). Use Part II of the AF Form 2001 to manage kit/part assignment
and track individual end items, date issued, document numbers and the number
of kits remaining. (T-1). The LRS/Flight Service Center TCTO monitor will ensure kits
and/or parts are assembled prior to release. (T-1). Control and release TCTO kits from LRS. (T-1). Notify appropriate MAJCOM, by message, when local managers
anticipate a problem with TCTO compliance within prescribed time limits. (T-1). The message should include the TCTO number and narrative,
total units affected, total units complete, kits on hand, kits on order, estimated
delivery date, requisition number and a narrative of the problem. The message will be endorsed by MXG/CC (or equivalent)
prior to submission to MAJCOM. (T-2). Report status of TCTOs that cannot be reported under “HOW MAL”
codes 793, 797, 798, 801, 802, or 911 IAW the MIS, and 00-20 series TOs. (T-1). Schedule, track and monitor TCTO accomplishment. (T-1). Prepare a work order in the MIS for each affected end-item,
including spares. Agencies owning installed on-equipment TCTOs will
coordinate with PS&D prior to scheduling on-aircraft TCTOs. (T-3). Review suspense validation or equivalent inputs prior to processing
TCTO suspenses and updating the MIS. (T-1). Annotate back-up MIS products as changes occur. (T-1). Ensure TCTOs are scheduled for completion prior to expiration or
grounding date whichever comes first. (T-1). Schedule all workable TCTOs for accomplishment prior to
permanent equipment transfer or storage input. (T-2). For TCTOs with compliance periods calculated in operating time
(hours, cycles, starts, landings, or rounds) create a local JST and load the JST to the
equipment; schedule for completion prior to expiration of the compliance period
operating time. (T-2). Note: Once compliance period operating time has been
reached remove equipment from service until the TCTO has been completed. (T-
2). Document the JST number in the TCTO notes.
14.3.4. SI and TCI Management: Job Standard Master Listing (JML) Management. PS&D will maintain (load, change, and delete) the JML for all inspections
and time changes listed in the applicable aircraft/system -6 TO and commodity TOs.
(T-1). (Added-AMC) Units will use the AMC produced work package for
KC-46 A-check inspections (T-2). (Added-AMC) Schedulers will monitor applicable -6 technical data
and associated technical orders to ensure time change/inspection frequencies align
and support the maintenance concept of the weapon system (T-2). (Added-AMC) Scheduled maintenance requirements that do
not align with the established maintenance concept and affect aircraft
availability will be identified and forwarded to the System Program Manager
for consideration and/or resolution (T-2). (Added-AMC) QA Supt/Chief Inspector or MMA will perform this
function for En Route AMS JSTs (T-3). Develop a matrix/chart depicting the total number of SIs and TCIs to be loaded
in the MIS for each assigned aircraft/system. (T-1). Maintain JMLs for off-equipment items in the OWC. PS&D will provide
written guidance and training for JML management of off-equipment JSTs when PS&D
authorizes OWCs to maintain it. (T-3). For units using G081, Lead Commands must maintain master inspection
and time change requirements. (Added-AMC) PS&D will load locally tracked items in G081 (T-3). (Added-AMC) HQ AMC schedulers will maintain the 9088 (T-2). Once Master Job Standard Numbers are fielded for a weapon system, local
PS&D will review TO 00-20-2 for Master Job Standard Numbers procedures. (T-1). PS&D will load, change and delete JSTs in the MIS as soon as possible
after receipt of any -6 TOs, or other TO, TCI or inspection change and will promptly
notify all affected PS&D sections for action. (T-1). PS&D will: Load separate JSTs for all aircraft/systems -6 TOs special/scheduled
inspections with frequencies greater than 30 days or 50 hours in the MIS. (T-1). Load PE, PH, engine changes and other event type inspections
(such as, hard landing) as a JST in the MIS as they occur. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Units will create event type inspection
packages (T-2). Provide training for maintaining JSTs as necessary. (T-2). (Added-AMC) HQ AMC schedulers will maintain the JML for
master -6 requirements in G081, including CBM+ eRCM components (T- 2). (Added-AMC) Unit schedulers will load applicable aircraft and
required frequencies (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units have the option to load JSTs with
frequencies less than 30 days/50 hours. (Added-AMC) PS&D and the production superintendent
must agree on the most efficient method to track and complete these repetitive
inspections and Job Data Documentation (JDD) is paramount (T-3). (Added-AMC) It may be more efficient to track these
repetitive tasks on the AFTO Form 781-series forms and allow the
production superintendent to coordinate inspection compliance. Perform a semi-annual review of the JML and all JSTs for accuracy
and currency to include off-equipment and decentralized activities. (T-1). (AMC) Perform a review of the JML and all JSTs for accuracy and
currency when new -6 is released. MO PS&D will ensure delegated OWCs perform
JML reviews semi-annually and document findings to MO Supt (T-2). QA
Supt/Chief Inspector or MMA will perform this for En Route AMS JSTs (T-3). Review matrix/chart depicting the total number of SIs and TCI
requirements to be loaded in the MIS for each assigned aircraft/system. (T-1). Reconcile TCI and SI JSTs with the aircraft/systems -6 TOs and
applicable commodity TOs and document the semi-annual review on AF Form
2411. (T-1). (AMC) Correct any discrepancies found in workcenters,
Reference Designator (REFDES), WUC, frequency, logic code, lot number,
date of manufacture, local inspections, local time change items, and part/serial
number installation. Units may create JSTs in the MIS to automate required
documentation of repetitive or complex tasks (such as engine change, tire
change, phase inspection, flight control maintenance). Monitor the inspection and time change subsystems in the MIS. (T-
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Unit PS&D will assist with loading work packages as
required (T-3). Computer generated jobs, such as -6 and TCTO packages do not
require a name nor employee number entry in the 781 form. G081 will insert its
own info in this field. Perform a monthly review of all inspections, SIs and TCI JSTs
for each assigned aircraft. (T-1). Look for missing and/or excess inspections and TCIs loaded to
the aircraft and ensure the accuracy of all due dates/times for TCIs and verify
the Date of Manufacture (DOM) and Date of Installation (DOI). (T-1). TCIs will be loaded in the MIS with a part number and serial
number. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Verify hours, starts, or cycles are
accumulating time/events accurately for all inspection and TCI components
(T-2). (Added-AMC) Discern by referencing the Date of
Installation (DOI) and current hours, starts, or cycles if time/events are
being recorded against the part. For example, if a PTO Shaft has been
installed for 60 days and the aircraft has flown 40 hours there should be
40 hours used of the interval (not including any previous operating time
on the part, if any) (T-2). (Added-AMC) Verify data monthly and keep files
showing the last 6 months of checks. If time/events on the component has
not changed validate the reason and correct any errors (e.g. CANN, Depot,
modification, etc.) (T-2). Document the review and ensure corrections are made to the
MIS. (T-2). Maintain the report on file with corrective actions until the next
review. (T-2). The use of automated verification tools is encouraged provided
MIS data is the source for verification. PS&D will manage the assigned weapon systems TCI program. (T-1). PS&D
Personnel will: (AMC) If decentralized, MO PS&D has over-arching responsibility for the wing
TCI program. EM is responsible for monitoring, projecting and including engine life
limited component TCI requirements into aircraft maintenance plans (T-2). At least annually, meet with Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment
activities to verify each aircraft’s egress data. (T-1). Note: MAJCOM/Units may direct
more frequent verification of Egress and Aircrew Flight Equipment as required to
maintain system integrity. (AMC) Units will verify life sustaining and Cartridge Activated Device
(CAD)/ Propellant Activated Devices (PAD) items data quarterly with applicable
workcenter (T-3).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Document all verification of aircraft’s egress data on the AF Form
2411 maintained in the aircraft jacket file. (T-1). Identify, monitor, forecast and schedule only those selected items
specifically identified in TO 00-20-9, Forecasting Replacement Requirements for
Selected Calendar and Hourly Time Change Items; applicable commodity TOs; the
aircraft -6 TO, AFMAN 21-201 or identified as Federal Supply Group 13 and Materiel
Management Code AQ Items. (T-1). TCIs will be loaded in the MIS with a part number and serial number.
(T-1). Establish a JST for both the DOM and DOI for Cartridge-Actuated Devices
(CAD), Propellant Actuated Devices (PAD), life sustaining, and other TCI items listed
in the aircraft -6 TO and applicable commodity TOs. (T-1). Load only the DOI or DOM JST that comes due first, in the MIS
against a specific part or serial number. (T-1). As a minimum, when the DOI and DOM frequencies are identical,
maintain the JST for the DOM. (T-1). (N/A for G081 units). Ensure component background information is provided by Egress to
include a list of all components having multiple part numbers with a different
service life. (T-1). Forecasting of CAD/PAD items for long-term CAD/PAD spare
requirements will be accomplished by Ogden Air Logistics Complex through
use of the Requirements Determination Module to extract installation and due
dates from REMIS. (T-1). When CAD/PAD items or forecast requirements are not visible
within the maintenance data system (for example, Contract Logistics Support
managed components), units will forecast for TCIs IAW TO 00-20-9 and
AFMAN 21-201. (T-1). Validate and consolidate TCI forecasts for items listed in TO
00-20-9, commodity TOs, and aircraft specific -6 TOs. (T-1). Submit consolidated forecasts to the appropriate Lead
Command representative with an info copy to munitions operations. (T-2). Forward any quarterly updated forecasts to munitions
operations. (T-2). Initiate, validate, and submit TCI extension requests to the Air Force
Sustainment Center item manager with an info copy to munitions operations. (T-1). Ensure a copy of approved extension are placed in the affected
aircraft’s forms and removed when no longer required. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Original Due dates in the MIS will not be
changed to reflect the extension due date. Frequencies in the MIS will not be
changed to reflect the extension due date (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Maintain and monitor a suspense copy of the extension request and
follow up prior to the grounding date of the TCI. (T-1). Refer to TO 00-20-1 and 00-20-9 for additional guidance on TCI
extensions and maintain a copy of the Air Force Sustainment Center/System
Program Director approved message until the item is replaced. (T-1). EM will generate engine TCI extension requests and coordinate
through the Command Engine Manager to the appropriate Engine Program Office
in AFLCMC. (T-1). Perform monthly reconciliation of all TCIs with LRS. (T-2). The reconciliation will consist of 100 percent validation of existing
due-outs. (T-2). Inform FSC of any "mark for" changes or items no longer required.
(T-2). (Added-AMC) The reconciliation meeting can be combined with the
TCTO Reconciliation meeting. Document meeting minutes on an AF Form 2410,
Inspection/TCTO Planning Checklist, or electronic equivalent (T-2). Monitor and requisition TCI requirements based on projected equipment
utilization. (T-1). Order parts using MIS or coordinate with LRS/DMS to order parts
using AF Form 2005, unless otherwise specified in -11, -14 and -6 TOs. (T-1). TCIs are considered due for replacement at the HPO, PH, PE, HSC
or ISO inspection nearest to the replacement due date IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1).
Note: Life sustaining or CAD/PAD TCIs cannot exceed replacement interval in
applicable -6 and commodity TOs without an approved extension/waiver from the
Program Office/appropriate item manager. Notify the Munitions Flight of the need to order munitions items IAW
TO 00-20-9 and AFMAN 21-201. (T-1). Serviceable CAD/PAD TCIs components will not be turned into
munitions operations until the remaining service life reaches 9-months or less.
(T-1). Serviceable CAD/PAD TCIs components with less than 9-months
service life remaining will not be reissued. (T-1). Maintenance plans must reflect replacement dates to coincide
within the 9-month parameter. (T-2). Order non-CAD/PAD or engine TCIs IAW AFI 23-101. (T-1). Schedule the time change in the MIS and incorporate it in the
monthly/weekly/ quarterly maintenance schedule. (T-2). Review the data (DOM, DOI, LOT number, JST, and Due Date) entered
by the performing work center. Ensure the suspense validation is updated in the MIS
when the time change is completed (Suspense validation N/A for G081). (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Coordinate management of respective TCIs with applicable maintenance
and operation work centers. (T-1). Schedule drogue chute TCIs, except chute harnesses, for replacement
during the drogue chute repack before the expiration of the component service or shelf
life. (T-2). These components will not be over flown without an approved
extension from the appropriate item manager. (T-2). A copy of approved extensions must be maintained in the
affected aircraft’s forms and removed when no longer required. (T-1). Prepare TCI forecasts IAW TO 00-20-9. (T-1). (AMC) Units will forecast for CBM+ components identified by SPO and
AMC/A4QI (T-2). Provide squadron Operations Officers/MX SUPTs a forecast for
non-munitions items for their supply section. (T-2). To facilitate quarterly requisitioning, P&S will submit the quarterly
validated time-change AFTO Form 223, Spreadsheet, or IMDS/G081 generated
forecast to the Munitions Accountable System Officer. (T-1). This must be submitted
between 45 and 60 calendar days Continental United States (CONUS) or between 90
and 120 calendar days Outside Continental United States (OCONUS) before the next
calendar year quarter IAW Table 7.3, OCONUS and CONUS Time Change
Requisitioning Schedule IAW AFMAN 21-201. (T-2). If aircraft is scheduled to be in
depot when time change will be required home station P&S will coordinate with depot
P&S to facilitate requisition of required assets by the depot munitions function IAW
AFMAN 21-201 Table 7.3. time frames. (T-1). Validate current requirements against the annual forecast and make
corrections based on aircraft utilization. (T-2). (AMC) Monthly time change coordination and/or meeting will be
held with the units and Munitions Accountable System Officer (MASO) to discuss
and validate requirements (T-2).
14.3.5. Major Maintenance Work Processing. PS&D will: Coordinate on all TO 00-25-107 requests for AFI 21-103 reporting. (T-2). The work center discovering the discrepancy is responsible for drafting the
TO 00-25-107 request and forwarding the request to QA for coordination and release. PS&D will make the appropriate PIC changes in the MIS when the 00-25-
107 request has been submitted and/or received. (T-1). Depot-level assistance provided by contractor support will be
accomplished IAW contract specifications. (T-1). Develop procedures in conjunction with QA for routing all major maintenance
requests to ensure all affected parties are informed. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Conduct an initial meeting upon arrival of a DFT to validate maintenance support
requirements are in place. (T-2). The meeting will be documented on an AF Form 2410, or locally-
developed product. (T-2). PS&D will initiate/accomplish all PIC changes in the MIS. (T-1). Once work is completed, PS&D will ensure appropriate PIC are changed
and a completed copy of the work package is placed in the aircraft jacket file. (T-1). PS&D will document significant historical data on the appropriate
AFTO Form 95 IAW 00-20 series TOs. (T-1).
14.3.6. Transfer Inspections. Units will perform gaining/losing transfer inspections IAW TO 00-20-1,
MAJCOM guidance and this instruction. (T-1). In conjunction with QA, develop a local JST for both gaining and losing
aircraft and equipment transfer. (T-2). This JST must meet all TO 00-20-1, 2J-1-18, Preparation for
Shipment and Storage of Gas Turbine Engines, applicable aircraft -6 and -21 TOs,
as well as AFI 21-103 and MAJCOM specific transfer requirements. (T-2). Include all historical records (example, NDI records, Egress records,
W&B records, OAP records, strut records) and other applicable items. (T-2). Losing PS&D ensures all actions are completed in the MIS prior to
permanently transferring an aircraft to another unit. (T-2). Losing PS&D conducts a transfer pre-dock meeting one duty day prior to
start of the aircraft transfer. (T-2). All items to be accomplished during the transfer inspection will be
documented on an AF Form 2410, or locally-developed product, and scheduled in the
MIS. (T-2). Losing PS&D will complete a total verification of all TCIs installed on the
transferring aircraft. (T-2). Verify the correct computation of all due dates/hour/cycles based on DOM,
DOI, installed times, or equivalent factors. (T-2). For IMDS units only: Ensure the IMDS-REMIS synchronization programs are processed
and errors are corrected prior to transfer. (T-2). Ensure an up-to-date Transfer of Equipment report and an AFTO
Form 95 with current engine trend and performance data are placed in the aircraft
jacket file. (T-2). Ensure a backup copy is maintained until receipt is verified by the
gaining unit. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Losing PS&D will ensure an ADR is performed and conduct a transfer post dock
meeting to ensure all required actions have been completed, all forms are current/accurate,
and the MXG/CC (or equivalent) has certified each aircraft ready to transfer aircraft IAW
TO 00-20-1, AFI 16-402 and AFI 21-103. (T-1).
14.3.7. Acceptance Inspections. Units perform acceptance inspections IAW TO 00-20-1,
MAJCOM guidance and this instruction.
14.4.1. Engine Management (EM). EM manages unit efforts to maintain adequate engine
support for mission requirements. EM monitors engine removals and replacements, component
tracking, engine TCTOs and TCIs, engine records in the MIS and CEMS and performs engine
manager duties.
14.4.1. (AMC) All AMC units that possess aircraft will establish an Engine Management
section (T-2). En Route units with prepositioned engines will designate an engine monitor to
track and coordinate engine data with PSB Engine Manager (T-2). The MXG/CC will: Ensure EM is the wing focal point for both the ET&D, Engine Health
Management (EHM+) and Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+) program when
applicable. (T-1). Appoint a qualified 2A6X1, minimum 7-skill level, (or civilian equivalent)
technician to manage the EHM+ and CBM+ program IAW AFMAN 20-116 for EHM
products managed by AFLCMC/LP. If EHM data is not managed by AFLCMC/LP,
ensure Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) provided EHM products are managed
according to respective contract. (T-1). EM will: Manage the MIS and CEMS by referencing applicable information in this
instruction, AFI 23-101, TO 00-25-254-1, TO 00-20-5-1-3, Instructions for Jet Engine
Parts Tracking of OC-ALC/LPA Managed Engines. (T-1). Reference AFCSM 21-558,
Comprehensive Engine Management System and applicable aircraft -6 TOs. Coordinate with Propulsion Flight CC/SUPT and organization leadership
to support WRE requirements. (T-2). Ensure plans, schedules, and maintenance actions are documented on
assigned engines. (T-1). Provide TCI information (cycles remaining, EOT) on serially-controlled
items to the Propulsion Flight and AMXS/AMU for engine and engine component
CANN actions. (T-1). (AMC) Cannibalization procedures for Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) items
from serviceable engine assets is outlined in Chapter 11. (Added-AMC) PSB Engine Management will monitor CANNs from
prepositioned engines to ensure rapid return of the engine to Ready for Installation
status (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Request like serviceable spare item from the PSB
supply activity through local supply channels (T-2). Ensure all engine SIs are loaded in MIS against the engine, not against the
aircraft. (T-1). Ensure all engine/module inspections/TCIs tracked by EOT, Calculated
Cycles (CCY), Total Accumulated Cycles (TAC), are loaded/tracked in the MIS and
CEMS databases. (T-1). Ensure serial numbers erroneously input into CEMS are followed by a
Possessor Change (6D) Transaction Condition Code (TCC). (T-1). After the TCC has successfully processed, notify the CEMS Program
Management Office help desk stipulating the serial number was erroneously input
and shall be deleted from CEMS, [email protected]. (T-1). Create a JCN for engine, module or component data plate changes,
modifications, re-identifications and new etchings and document changes in CEMS
automated history. (T-1). A matrix by engine type shall be developed to depict specific
inspection and TCI quantities for each TMS. Inspections tracked by flight hours
must be loaded in the MIS. (T-1). Items that are assigned with the same TMS, WUC, Part Number, but are
not applicable to the TCTO will be loaded in "22" status (refer to TO 00-20-2). (T-1).
This ensures accurate accountability that all equipment has been verified as being
affected or not applicable to TCTO. Comply with TCTO duties and responsibilities for engine items IAW
this Chapter. (T-1). Manage TCTOs on all assigned engines and engine components, installed
and uninstalled, as well as, manage TCTOs for support equipment to include engine
trailers. (T-1). Accomplish quarterly TCTO status reviews and reconciliations IAW TO
00-25-254-1. (T-1). Maintain records on TCTO kits and status for all engines installed on
aircraft sent to depot. (T-2). Manage time changes on all engines and engine components. (T-1). EM will forecast parts requests and ensure requests are submitted to
LRS up to 60 days (but not less than 10 days) prior to the need date of the scheduled
time change or JEIM/CRF induction (see sections 14.2. and 14.3) (T-1). Reconcile all TCIs during the monthly TCI meeting with PS&D and LRS.
(T-2). Reconciliation will consist of 100 percent validation of existing due-
outs and a complete physical inventory of all issued TCIs. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Inform FSC of any “mark for” changes or items no longer required.
(T-2). Maintain and update historical documents for all assigned engines,
modules, and major assemblies that are not managed by a Performance Based Logistics
or contractually by a Contract Logistics Support contract. (T-1). (AMC) Maintain historical records for assigned engines, either installed
or removed (T-2). (Added-AMC) Conduct a semi-annual engine records review to
ensure that all engine/component information and pertinent historical data loaded
in G081 and CEMS agree and is accurate (T-2). (Added-AMC) Engine record reviews are required for all engine
removals and installations, any major repair, any type of aircraft
isochronal/phase/periodic inspections, before aircraft deployments, and whenever
aircraft are being transferred from one base to another (T-2). Check life-limited components forecast for additional component
changes, TCTOs and SIs on all removed engines. (T-1). Coordinate with the propulsion Flight CC/SUPT to develop a detailed 6-
month engine and module TCI removal forecast and publish the forecast in the monthly
flying and maintenance schedule. (T-2). This 6-month forecast must be accomplished monthly using CEMS
product E373/MIS products and the projected unscheduled removals based on the
Unscheduled Removal Rate. (T-2). Removal rate formula (total number of unscheduled removals
divided by flying hours, multiplied by 1000). Provide a copy of the forecast to
maintenance leaders, PS&D, AMU and the MAJCOM engine manager. (T-2). Publish scheduled engine changes in the weekly and monthly
maintenance schedule. (T-2). Verify engine total time versus aircraft total time, flying hours and manual
cycles with PS&D during aircraft document reviews. (T-1). Maintain the portion of the JML for engine inspections and time changes.
(T-1). Maintain (load, delete, and change) and conduct a semi-annual
review of the JML for engine inspections and time changes listed in the aircraft -6
TO. (T-2). (AMC) Weapon System Managers maintain Dash-6 TO
requirements in G081 to be reviewed by Engine Managers. Establish a CEMS and MIS contingency plan for when either or both
systems are down for more than 48 hours. (T-1). The plan will include procedures for retaining data in date-time
order for input when MIS/CEMS operation resumes. (T-1). The plan will also
address both home station and deployed procedures. (T-1). Develop local engine tracking procedures and documentation methods to
be used at deployed locations. (T-1). (AMC) A copy of these requirements will be included in the unit
deployment package (T-2). Procedures must include the method of communication (message, e-
mail or FAX), documentation and shipping responsibilities with SRAN addresses,
and reporting procedures for CANNs and engine removals. (T-1). Procedures will ensure units take immediate action to correct all
reporting errors between the base MIS and CEMS using the engine manager’s data
list. (T-1). (Added-AMC) Ensure transfer of ownership occurs for
prepositioned engines at all applicable En Route locations in G081 (T-2). Accomplish UEM duties IAW, AFI 23-101, AFPAM 63-129, TOs 00-25-
254-1, 00-20-5-1-3, AFCSM 21-558, applicable aircraft -6 TOs and this instruction.
(T-1). Act as liaison to the SRAN engine manager when part of a tenant
unit is supported by the host base engine manager. (T-1). Provide the primary SRAN engine manager all quarterly reporting
information required for submission to higher headquarters. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Track and report any maintenance associated with
third party tracking (ex: the Engine Watch List (KC-10), Customer Notification
Report (CNR) (C-5M/KC-135) to SRAN engine manager and Engine Field Service
Representative or per notification instructions (T-2). SRAN Engine Manager. The MXG/CC (or equivalent), will appoint a SRAN
engine manager (if a host), or a UEM (if a tenant) to accomplish the duties IAW TO 00-
25-254-1 and this instruction. (T-1). The SRAN engine manager will: Be selected from AFSC 2A or 2R, minimum 7-skill level (or civilian
equivalent). (T-1). The assistant will be a minimum 5-skill level from the same AFSCs
or civilian equivalent. (T-2). Both individuals will be aligned under EM. (T-1). (AMC) If unit EM section is under AMC EM contract, SRAN
Engine Manager and assistant will be designated in writing by the contractor (T-2). Advise CMS or MXS/CC and MXG/CC (or equivalent), onadministration
of the base EM Program, engine maintenance concepts, principles, policies, procedures
and techniques. (T-1). Act as the single point of contact between the unit, MAJCOM and MMA
for EM questions. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Establish written procedures to support EM responsibilities IAW TO 00-
25-254-1 and this instruction. (T-1). Unit procedures must: Specify responsibilities of affected work centers for accurate and
timely MIS/CEMS reporting of TCTO, SI, TCI, and other documentation
requirements (such as, borescope inspections, blade blending, CANN actions). (T-
1). Ensure engine, module, and component data is reported to EM no
later than close of business the first duty day after the event (for example, part
removal, installation, time update, TCTO status change). (T-1). Address tenant, transportation, maintenance, aircraft distribution,
supply, and support personnel requirements and be coordinated with the MAJCOM
EM prior to publication. (T-2). Request Initialization Decks (I-Deck) for engines and major modules
(cores, High Pressure Turbine (HPT), Low Pressure Turbine (LPT), fans), to include
embedded parts, part number, serial number, EOT, inspections, active TCTOs and
TCIs, from CEMS Central Database (CDB) and ensure data in the MIS matches the
CEMS CDB. (T-1). Ensure deployed engine monitors are identified and trained to perform
duties while deployed. (T-1). Designated engine monitors will ensure all deployed spare engines
have a copy (paper or electronic) of CEMS product E407, option 1 and 4,included
in the deployment package. (T-2). Perform engine manager duties for shipment and receipt of all assigned
engines. (T-1). Perform periodic quality audits to monitor accuracy and timeliness of
reporting. (T-1). Perform annual EM training for all affected personnel (back shop, test cell,
flightline, aircraft maintenance scheduler) who report engine status or are responsible
for engine documentation and scheduling IAW AFCSM 21-558, TOs 00-25-254-1 and
00-20-1/-2. (T-1). Maintain a jacket file of engine shipping documents and receipts. (T-1). Obtain MAJCOM EM approval prior to returning engines to
CRF/depot. (T-2). (AMC) Coordinate with HQ AMC/A4MR for approval before
returning engines, modules, or gearboxes to depot for overhaul or repair (T-2). Perform duties and requirements for engine shipments IAW TOs 00-25-
254-1, 00-85-20, 2J-1-18, and 2-1-18. (T-1). Engines requiring off-base shipment must be delivered to
transportation within 24 hours of notification/decision to ship the engine and/or the
engine change is complete. (T-2). Notify MAJCOM EM and the owning SRAN
EM if this time frame cannot be met. The work folder will transfer with the engine. (T-1). A copy will be maintained by the losing organization until
verification of receipt by gaining unit. (T-1). Gaining units will maintain the work folders and ship the documents
with the engine to depot when appropriate. (T-1). Gaining units will retrieve a copy of the previous EAWP from
the Data Repository Center or equivalent data in the applicable MIS upon
receipt of the engine. (T-1). EAWP users are required to send completed EAWP files to the
Data Repository Center or MIS equivalent within 3 duty days of EAWP close-
out. (T-1). The SRAN EM will report the following in CEMS: Receipt transactions for engines as of the date and time engines are
delivered from the transportation hold area and accepted at the JEIM facility. (T-
1). Shipment transactions with the “as of” date and time the engine(s)
physically leave the base. (T-1). Once engine is received at gaining unit, ensure trailer and
adapter are transferred in MIS. (T-1). All engine and tracked item removals, installations, and engine
status changes. (T-1). All engine status transaction removals, installations, gains, Engine-
Not-Mission Capable for Supply (ENMCS), work completed, test cell rejects, work
stopped, work started, change in level of maintenance, awaiting disposition, intra-
AF receipt and intra-AF shipments, transfer, and HOW MAL codes IAW TO 00-
25-254-1. (T-1). Verify all update transactions (such as, times, TCTO, part removal and
installations) are input before reporting an engine removal or installation. (T-2).
14.4.2. (Added-AMC) For AMC engine assets deployed or prepositioned at forward locations
that do not have CEMS reporting capability, the activity deploying or prepositioning the
engines will retain accountability and CEMS reporting responsibilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units deploying with engines/engine-installed assemblies will
report any change in engine status while deployed to the owning home station engine
management activity (T-2). (Added-AMC) Units will identify an individual deploying with the aircraft to be
the Unit UEM before the unit deploys (T-2). This individual is responsible for relaying
required CEMS data to the owning home station engine management activity. The UEM
will be the focal point for all engine related information for the deployed unit and assumes
accountability for all deployed engines (installed and spares) (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Designated prepositioned engines are for transient AMC aircraft
support at forward operating locations (FOL). UEMs will report changes in status or
condition of their prepositioned engines to the prepositioning SRAN engine manager (T-
2). (Added-AMC) FOL UEMs will accomplish all reporting of prepositioned
engines via electronic message or by phone (T-2). (Added-AMC) Submit by message all data required by TO 00-25-254-1
for engine status changes, and provide information copies of these messages to HQ
AMC/A4MR (T-2). (Added-AMC) Only SRAN engine managers at designated prepositioning
bases and owning home station engine management will input status changes into
CEMS (T-2). (Added-AMC) UEMs will submit all messages regarding engine status changes,
including removals, installations, and shipments, within 4 hours of the change in status (if
unit EM section is under AMC EM contract, within 4 hours of the beginning of the first
duty day) (T-2). (Added-AMC) UEMs will identify and report to the owning aircraft home
station any transient aircraft serially tracked parts changes for MIS (G081/CEMS) update
and or action (T-2). (Added-AMC) The deployed engine monitor (or UEM at FOLs) will report the
following actions for engines in their possession: (Added-AMC) Engine Receipt (T/CC RB/RF) (T-2). The owning SRAN
engine manager will be notified of receipt of the engine within 4 hours of delivery, and
acceptance inspection results within 48 hours (T-2). Include information regarding
discrepancies found during the acceptance inspection in the remarks area of the message
(T-2). (Added-AMC) On receipt of a prepositioned engine coordinate with the
maintenance activity to verify serviceability (T-2). (Added-AMC) Engine Shipment (T/CC SB/SF) (T-2). Include applicable
transportation control number or government bill of lading and destination SRAN (T-
2). Include information regarding missing components (T-2). (Added-AMC) ENMCS Conditions (T/CC EB/EF) resulting from CANN
actions (T-2). Include the national stock number, nomenclature, and document
number(s) of cannibalized item(s). Annotate all CANN action component removals and
installations on the AFTO Form 95 (T-2). Attach AFTO Form 350 tags to all parts after
CANN action is completed (T-2). (Added-AMC) Notify PSB engine management and HQ
AMC/A4MR, Command Engine Management, of all CANNs on prepositioned
engines (T-2). (Added-AMC) Completed Work Type Condition Code (TCC FB)
resulting from receipt/reinstallation of cannibalized engine parts (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Transient Aircraft Engine Removal (T/CC LF/KF) (T-2).
Include MDS, aircraft tail number, updated engine and aircraft times at removal,
position number, applicable How Mal code, and reason for removal (T-2). Include the
aircraft home station SRAN engine manager as an information addressee on the
message (T-2). (Added-AMC) Transient Aircraft Engine Installation (T/CC UA) (T-2).
On the installation of an engine include; MDS, aircraft tail number, current time,
position number, and aircraft time at installation (T-2). Include the aircraft home station
SRAN engine manager as an information addressee (T-2). (Added-AMC) UEMs will ensure all available engine records and
necessary documentation accompanies engines to the applicable repair facilities (T-2). (Added-AMC) Each transaction reported for pre positioned engines will
identify the engine by TMSM, serial number, transaction date, and reporting activity
14.4.3. (Added-AMC) EM training will consist of the following: (Added-AMC) The engine management section will monitor and update
G081/CEMS transactions to ensure content and timely submission to the CEMS central
databank that tracks engines, modules, tracked components, and TCTO compliance (T-2). (Added-AMC) Verify serial number, serviceability status, and station of
possession using G081 screen 9021 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Verify 100% required engine component installation using
program 8050 (T-2). For not installed components on the engine, process program 9102 to
install the components on the next higher assembly. (Added-AMC) Manage the identification (ID) numbers for all engines, using
batch report 67191, which lists engine ID numbers assigned to the propulsion branch (T-
2). Input, delete, or transfer engine master ID numbers as necessary using programs 9014
and 9112. (Added-AMC) Monitor MICAP requirements for engines and support
equipment, by using the support equipment material control report (67051), to verify all
changes to MICAP status are documented and updated (T-2). (Added-AMC) The engine cannibalization log will be maintained, ensuring all
engine cannibalizations are entered and updated in G081 using screen 9111 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Ensure that inspection, time changes, and TCTOs for assigned
engines, modules, and spares are loaded and updated in G081 (T-2). (Added-AMC) Conduct an engine records review to ensure that the
engine/component hours and cycles loaded in G081 mirrors the CEMS MIS (T-2). (Added-AMC) Review/analyze engine records and major component failures to
identify anomalies/trends (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) Home station will be responsible for placing a serviceable
replacement engine in airfreight, within 24 hours of notification that an engine change
occurred at a prepositioned location (T-2).
14.5. Maintenance and FHP Planning Cycle.
14.5.1. Responsibilities. MAJCOMs will develop procedures to ensure the intent of the
maintenance and FHP planning cycle is met. The objective of the planning cycle is to execute
the wing FHP consistent with operational requirements and maintenance capabilities. The
maintenance and FHP planning cycle begins with the annual allocation of flying hours.
Maintenance and operations schedulers propose an annual flying plan that balances both
operational requirements and maintenance capabilities. Units should commit the fewest
number of aircraft possible to meet programmed Utilization (UTE) rate standards and goals.
14.5.1. (AMC) Airframe Capability and Scheduling. To ensure accurate projection of
operations and maintenance capacity, units will compute airframe capabilities using only the
number of Primary Aircraft Inventory (PAI) aircraft; do not include Backup Aircraft Inventory
(BAI) or Attrition Reserve aircraft (AR). Operational and training schedules will be based on
the capability of PAI aircraft to execute the schedule. The OG/CC and MXG/CC will ensure
BAI and AR aircraft are not computed when building the flying program (T-2). If applicable, MAJCOMs will develop scheduling procedures for units involved
in Operational Test and Evaluation, Developmental Test and Evaluation, or Initial
Operational Test and Evaluation to ensure the intent of the maintenance and FHP planning
cycle is met. AMC units tasked by the 618th Air and Space Operations Center will adhere to
Commander, Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) Apportionment and Allocation Process
(CAAP) policies and procedures. (AMC) [Dev] AMC units use Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) (T-
2). The annual plan, detailed by month, will evaluate the capability of maintenance
to support the annual FHP. (T-1). (AMC) Than annual plan will be aligned with Readiness Driven Allocation
Process (RDAP) with two semi-annual plans (T-2). When developing the annual plan, units will utilize the MDS specific MxCAP2
model, or equivalent, if available. (T-1). (AMC) See paragraph Maintenance PS&D. PS&D builds, coordinates, publishes and distributes an
integrated aircraft/system annual and quarterly plan & monthly and weekly schedule to
support maintenance and operational requirements. Plans will be developed, coordinated and consolidated jointly by the OSS’s
Current Operations Flight Scheduling, and PS&D. (T-1). The printed wing plan will include an assessment of the wing’s ability to
execute the FHP and will be coordinated with the OG/CC and MXG/CC before being
approved by the WG/CC. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Plans and schedules may be published via electronic means (such as, web
pages, SharePoint®, or e-mail) provided operations security is not compromised. Normal daily operations and training schedules are For Official Use Only
(FOUO) and shall not be restricted to classified systems. (T-2).
14.5.2. First Look Requirements. The First Look report is an internal wing document intended
to highlight potential maintenance-capacity and operational-requirement disconnects in the
upcoming year. Every year, NLT 15 March, PS&D will coordinate with MMA, AMXS and
MXS work centers to provide PS&D with historical attrition and projected manning
production. (T-2). This assessment will take into account personnel, facilities, and airfield
infrastructure for each aircraft maintenance organization. In wings operating aircraft supported by the MxCAP2 model, PS&D will
coordinate with the AMXS Operations Officer/MX SUPT to establish local requirements,
responsibilities and procedures for utilizing the MxCAP2 model to develop, sustain or
reflow FHP/contingency requirements. (T-2). The assessment will be provided to PS&D NLT the last workday of March. (T-
2). Note: AMC units tasked by the 618th Air and Space Operations Center will adhere to
the CAAP policies and procedures. (AMC) [Dev] AMC units use RDAP (T-2). PS&D will provide copies of the capability assessment to each OS scheduling
section and maintenance supervision. (T-1). The assessment will provide first look maintenance capability projections
in a monthly format IAW MAJCOM guidance. (T-2). The assessment will include operational requirements taking into
consideration historical data that determines the average number of aircrew not
available per month (DNIF, PME attendance, Leave, TDY, deployments), an
assessment of maintenance ability to support the monthly requirement and an overall
assessment of the unit’s maintenance capability to meet the annual FHP (N/A for AMC
units). (T-2). (AMC) Units will assess maintenance capability semi-annually (T-2). OS and maintenance responses are sent to PS&D and OSS’s Current Operations
Flight Scheduling and will be consolidated into a comprehensive package that includes a
breakdown of the following items by OS: Sortie UTE Rates (N/A to AMC units). (T-2). Compute UTE rates by
month for the entire FY for contracted (required) sorties and scheduled sorties using
the formula: (number of sorties per month) divided by (number of Primary Aerospace
Vehicle (Aircraft) Inventory (PAI) aircraft). Sorties contracted/scheduled per day (N/A to AMC units). (T-2). Compute
the number of sorties required per operations and maintenance (O&M) day to meet the
operational requirement using the following formula: (Number of Sorties Required)
divided by (Number of O&M days in a Given Month). Sorties per day need to be
computed by month for the entire FY.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Monthly scheduled sorties (N/A to AMC units). (T-2). Compute monthly
scheduled sortie requirements using the following formula: (Number of Sorties or
Hours Required) divided by (1 Minus the Attrition Factor). For example, (1,000 sorties
or hours required) divided by (1 minus 0.15) equals 1,177 sorties or hours to schedule.
Round any part to the next whole sortie or hour. (AMC) Refer to Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) for monthly
sorties. Inspection dock capability. (T-2). Compute the number of PH/ISO inspections to be accomplished for
each maintenance unit, by month, for the entire FY in order to meet operational
requirements. Compute dock capability using the following formula: (Number of
O&M Days) divided by (Number of PH/ISO Days) multiplied by (Inspection
Cycle) = Inspection Dock Capability. Inspection dock capability is provided at the
wing level and provided by the squadron performing inspections. Once compiled, first look packages will be presented to the OG and MXG/CCs
before being presented to the WG/CC. (T-1).
14.5.3. Annual Maintenance Planning Cycle. MAJCOMs will develop procedures to ensure the objectives of the annual
maintenance planning cycle are met. At a minimum, MAJCOM procedures will produce an annual flying and
maintenance plan that allocates sorties and hours into quarters, is approved by the
WG/CC, and published prior to the beginning of the FY. (AMC) The annual plan will be published one week prior to the execution
of Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) timelines (T-2). Due to the unpredictable nature of most future AMC mission requirements,
units tasked by 618th Air and Space Operations Center will prepare flying and
maintenance plans with focus on supporting local operational training requirements
based on historical data as well as all known future maintenance and operational
requirements. (AMC) Annual Planning Cycle will be completed in two semi-annual plans
to match Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) (T-2). Flying Hour Allocation. Using the MAJCOM Baseline Allocation message,
PS&D, the OS, and OSS’s Operations Scheduling will provide affected work centers the
following planning factors NLT 20 August each year, or within 10 working days after
receipt of the flying hour allocations: (AMC) Units will use Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) allocation
(T-2). PS&D will provide updated capabilities which are computed by MMA and
the PDM schedule. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 OSS will provide the: Required flying hours and estimated sorties and missions in monthly
increments. (T-2). Flying days in each month. (T-2).
Aircraft and aircrew alert requirements. (T-2). Known and projected TDYs and special mission requirements. (T-2). Configuration and munitions requirements. (T-2). NLT 1 September, or within 10 working days after receipt of the planning
factors, maintenance supervision will provide PS&D, SQ/CCs, and OSS’s Operations
Scheduling the following planning factors: Estimated number of aircraft available bymonth, taking into consideration
aircraft required for training. (T-2). A projected airframe capability statement. (T-2). Forecasted personnel capability, taking into consideration required training
for maintenance personnel. (T-2). (N/A to contract maintenance organizations). The number of supportable sorties for each month. (T-2). An estimated monthly attrition factor provided by MMA. (T-2). The factor combines operations, weather and materiel (maintenance
and supply) factors. Maintenance is responsible for adding the attrition factor to
operational requirements. A recommended block scheduling pattern. (T-2). A statement of limitations. (T-2).
14.5.4. Quarterly Maintenance and FHP Planning. Quarterly planning starts with the
operational requirement for flying hours, UTE rate, airframe availability, alert and other related
scheduling data. MAJCOMs will develop procedures to ensure the objectives of the Quarterly
Planning cycle are met. (AMC) Units will use Readiness Driven Allocation Process (RDAP) allocation
for the quarterly plan (T-2). The OS Operations Officer will provide these requirements to maintenance
supervision and PS&D NLT 25 days before the beginning of the quarter. (T-2). Maintenance supervision and the OS Operations Officer will discuss these
requirements at the scheduling meeting before the quarter being planned. (T-2). Schedulers will ensure quarterly plans are as detailed and accurate as possible.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Plans should include known special missions, PDM schedules, HHQ
commitments and lateral command support requirements. All maintenance requirements will be consolidated into a single, quarterly
plan using AF Form 2401, Equipment Utilization and Maintenance Schedule, or
computer-generated form. (T-1). Specific locally-developed codes will be used to identify inspections,
SI, TCI, and TCTO on the AF Form 2401. (T-2). As a minimum, the quarterly plan will show the next 3 months planned
sorties and known maintenance requirements. (T-1). Known maintenance requirements include all maintenance events that
impact aircraft availability and require management attention to ensure proper Time
Distributed Index flow. Consolidate as many scheduled maintenance events as practical, to
reduce individual aircraft downtime, increase Aircraft availability, and minimize
the number of times per month an aircraft is removed from the schedule due to
scheduled maintenance requirements. The intent is to reduce the number of times per month an aircraft
is removed from the schedule for scheduled maintenance, thus increasing
aircraft availability. Unit/Wing/MAJCOM requests to change the frequency of -6
TO requirements to increase bundling opportunities will be submitted through
the applicable Lead Command for consideration and/or resolution. (T-2). To prevent operational utilization for that day(s) flying schedule, the
quarterly plans will include, at a minimum, calendar inspections that hold an aircraft
down, calendar TCIs, TCTOs in workable status, PDM schedules, training aircraft,
cannibalization aircraft and aircraft ISO/PE/PH inspections. (T-2). Other maintenance requirements, such as engine changes, hourly
requirements, acceptance/transfer inspections, training aircraft and cannibalization
aircraft will be posted as they become known or planned. (T-2). Add AME inspections to the quarterly plan if the aircraft is scheduled
to stay in that configuration to ensure the inspections are included in the monthly
and weekly schedules. (T-2). Revise weekly schedule and monthly plan to meet the quarterly plan
objectives while staying within the maintenance capability. (T-2). Use the following priority to determine which objectives to support if a
lack of resources prevents meeting requirements: Alert commitments. (T-2). HHQ directed missions. (T-2). Training. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 The OG/CC and MXG/CC (or equivalent) chair a quarterly meeting NLT 14 days
before the next quarter. OSS’s Current Operations Flight Scheduling will compile, coordinate and
brief the unit’s quarterly plan and include operational requirements, support capability
and any difficulties expected. (T-2). Once an approved quarterly plan is established, OSS’s Current Operations
Flight, Scheduling will forward a copy to the OS, AMXS, OG/CC and MXG/CC along
with all scheduling agencies. (T-2). The plan will be posted so it may be viewed by both maintenance and
operations. (T-2). (AMC) The quarterly plan will be signed and posted no later than five days
prior to execution quarter (T-2).
14.5.5. Monthly Maintenance and FHP Planning. Wings will develop procedures to ensure the objectives of the monthly planning
cycle are met. (T-2). Include predictable maintenance factors based on historical data along with
other inputs, such as flow times for maintenance, turnaround times and parts
replacement schedules. MAJCOMs will develop maintenance scheduling effectiveness guidance in
their supplements to this AFI. (T-2). The monthly flying and maintenance plan schedule refines the quarterly plan by
combining all aspects of aircraft utilization and will include: A detailed monthly operations utilization calendar that specifies total
aircraft flying hours, total sorties and missions, alert requirements, scheduled sortie or
mission requirements and daily turn plans for each MDS by squadron, group or wing.
(T-2). Do not assign attrition sorties to a specific aircrew/mission for the
monthly planning process. (T-2). Monthly maintenance requirements (as required). (T-2). Transient work schedule, if applicable. (T-2). Scheduled inspections, TCTOs, engine changes, time changes, DDs,
contract or depot maintenance, washes, corrosion control, training aircraft and all other
known maintenance requirements. (T-2). SE scheduled inspections, contract or depot maintenance, TCTOs, time
changes, DDs, washes and corrosion control. (T-2). Avionics and other off-equipment maintenance scheduled inspections,
TCTOs, assembly or repair operations. (T-2). Engine/module 6-month removal forecast and in-shop inspection
requirements. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Munitions, photo, ECM and other mission loading or configuration
requirements, including ammunition changes. (T-2). Total ordnance requirements for aircraft support. (T-2). Tanks, Racks, Adapters and Pylons and WRM scheduled inspections,
TCTOs, assembly or repair operations. (T-2). Monthly training schedules, if not published separately. (T-2). Detailed support requirements (such as, Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants
servicing, supply, food service, fire department, security, civil engineer, and airfield
operations requirements). (T-2). All known operational events (such as, exercises, deployments, surges) to
determine maintenance capability to meet operational needs. (T-2). Monthly planning cycle requirements. NLT the first weekly scheduling meeting of the month, the OS Operations
Officer will provide maintenance supervision and PS&D with the estimated operational
needs for the following month in as much detail as possible. (T-2). To optimize aircraft and munitions support, CMS, EMS, MUNS,
MXS, AMXS, and OS will ensure the number of aircraft, and/or munitions
configurations, are minimized and standardized. (T-2). Include known takeoff times, landing times and flying hour windows.
(T-2). Note: Landing times are not required if the unit has an established and
constant average sortie duration. The OS Operations Officer and maintenance supervision will review their
applicable portion of the monthly maintenance plan and weekly schedule prior to
submission to PS&D. (T-2). NLT the second weekly scheduling meeting of the month, AMXS
maintenance supervision will notify the OS Operations Officer whether requirements
can be met or limitations exist and collectively make necessary adjustments to the
proposed schedule to satisfy maintenance and operational requirements. (T-2). MXG/CC and OG/CC will formalize the next month’s flying and
maintenance plan prior to presenting it to the WG/CC for approval NLT the third
scheduling meeting of the preceding month. (T-2). WG/CC’s monthly scheduling meeting. OS scheduling will outline past accomplishments, status of flying goals,
problems encountered and detailed needs for the next month. (T-2). PS&D will outline projected maintenance capability and
aircraft/equipment availability. (T-2). If conflicts arise between operational requirements and maintenance
capability, present alternatives and limitations, the MXG/CC (or equivalent), OG/CC
and WG/CC will decide what portion of the mission to support and to what degree. (T-
2). When the WG/CC approves/signs the proposed monthly flying plan, PS&D will
include it as a portion of the monthly flying and maintenance plan. (T-2). Monthly plans
may be published electronically provided local security requirements are met. (AMC) The monthly plan will be signed and posted no later than five days prior
to execution month (T-2).
14.5.6. Weekly Scheduling. The weekly schedule is the final refinement to the monthly plan
and results in the weekly flying and maintenance schedule. Wings will develop procedures to ensure the objectives of the weekly scheduling
process are met. (T-2). PS&D will review matrix/chart depicting the total number of SI and TCI
requirements to be loaded in the MIS for each assigned aircraft/system and verify
against the MIS totals weekly. (T-1). Overdue and uncorrected discrepancies will be
briefed weekly during a daily production/scheduling meeting chaired by the MXG/CD
(or equivalent). (T-2). NLT 2 workdays before the weekly scheduling meeting, the OS Operations
Officer will provide maintenance supervision the following information (as required for
missile units): Aircraft takeoff and landing times. (T-2). Configuration requirements. (T-2). Munitions requirements. (T-2). Fuel loads. (T-2). Special or peculiar mission support requirements. (T-2). Alert requirements. (T-2). Exercise vulnerability. (T-2). Deployments. (T-2). Off-base sorties. (T-2). On-equipment training requirements. (T-2). Other special requirements. (T-2). All mission unique requirements are annotated by OS Operations Officers
on the weekly and daily flying schedule. (T-2). Home and deployed units will publish a weekly schedule. (T-1). Include the
following in the weekly flying and maintenance schedule: Sortie sequence numbers, aircraft tail numbers (primary and spares),
scheduled takeoff and landing times, aircraft or equipment scheduled use times,
configurations, fuel loads, and special equipment requirements. (T-2). Units that fly a
published and constant average sortie duration need not publish land times.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Spare aircraft requirements. (T-2). Spare requirements are printed by day
for each maintenance unit. Generate only the absolute minimum of spare aircraft. (AMC) Spare aircraft are not mandated for local sorties in AMC. When
618 AOC spares are mandatory, they will be filled using RDAP taskable aircraft, unless
negotiated otherwise between maintenance and operations leadership (T-2). Scheduled maintenance actions, by aircraft and equipment serial number,
to include inspections, TCTOs, time changes, contract and depot inputs, engine
changes, washes or corrosion control, document reviews and DDs. (T-2). Required pre-inspection and other maintenance/scheduling meetings. (T-
2). Wash rack use. (T-2). On-equipment training requirements. (T-2). AGE inspections or maintenance schedule by type and ID number. (T-2). MAJCOMs will develop standardized procedures to record and coordinate
changes to the weekly schedule using an AF Form 2407 or electronic equivalent.
Include minimum approval levels for approving changes to the weekly schedule. (Added-AMC) 2407 coordination must include the location’s
munition activity (T-2). (Added-AMC) Locally produced products which contain all
information required by AF Form 2407 may be used in place of AF Form 2407.
Electronic versions of AF Form 2407 coordination via e-mail are authorized. Any change to the printed schedule will require an AF Form 2407 with the
following exceptions: a change to the original printed takeoff or landing time of 15
minutes or less; a change of aircrew names, ranges, or airspace; or a change arising
after the first crew ready time for the squadron’s current day’s scheduled flying
window. (T-2). (AMC) AF Form 2407 Approval Authority. All AF Form 2407 changes
that add aircraft and/or sorties or increase the flying window will require MXG
commander (or MXC/CC designated representative) approval (T-2). All other AF
Form 2407 changes will be approved by the affected squadron commander(s) (or
designated representative). The MOC will coordinate higher headquarters directed
taskings that require immediate execution (T-2). Electronic coordination is acceptable
provided receipt is acknowledged and the sender enters the name of the person notified
and the date/time on the AF Form 2407. Changes made during the daily scheduling meeting also require an
AF Form 2407. (T-2). (AMC) Changes made during the daily production meeting also
require an AF Form 2407 and coordinate it in accordance with MAJCOM
procedures (T-3). The agency requesting the change initiates the AF Form 2407 and
coordinates it IAW MAJCOM procedures. (T-2). (Added-AMC) Interchanges (tail swap). Interchanges will be used to
prevent reconfigurations and unnecessary expenditures of work hours when the
prime aircraft is not mission capable by its scheduled takeoff time. (Added-AMC) Aircraft interchanges will be made at the daily
production meeting the day before the aircraft scheduled flight and entered on
the AF Form 2407. Interchanges that are made after the daily production
meeting and before the unit’s first crew ready time the next day, require an AF
Form 2407 be coordinated through the required agencies. However, the MOC
must be notified of all interchanges. MOC will record all interchanges in G081
(T-2). Below are specific examples of interchanges: (Added-AMC) Changing aircraft in printed line numbers
with printed spare aircraft. (Added-AMC) Changing aircraft in printed line numbers to
different printed line numbers (tail number swap). (Added-AMC) Changing aircraft that have flown and are
not on the printed schedule (i.e. cross country/TDY return, aircraft that passed
FCF) with aircraft on the printed schedule. The OS Operations Officer and Maintenance Supervision will review and
coordinate on the proposed weekly flying and maintenance schedule with OS, AMXS,
MXS, CMS, and EMS prior to presenting it to the OG/CC and MXG/CC (or equivalent).
(T-1). The approved schedule will be submitted to PS&D for compilation and a
complete copy provided to the WG/CC. (T-3). At the weekly scheduling meeting wings will evaluate the past week's
accomplishments (to include flying and MSE) and negotiate/approve refinements to the
coming week's schedule. (T-2). The AF Form 2402, Weekly Equipment Utilization and Maintenance
Schedule, or locally developed product, will be used to summarize the upcoming
week’s schedule. (T-2). The AF Form 2403, Weekly Aircraft Utilization/Maintenance Schedule, or
locally-developed equivalent product that contains all requirements and creates a finite
depiction of aircraft utilization and maintenance. (T-2). Once the weekly schedule is reviewed and signed by the OG/CC, MXG/CC (or
equivalent), and WG/CC it becomes the final planning guide for both operations and
maintenance and the basis for deviation reporting. (T-1). The schedule will be followed as printed or as amended by coordinated
changes. (T-1). Coordinated changes do not negate reporting deviations IAW MAJCOM
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 PS&D will distribute the schedule to each appropriate activity and work center
NLT time determined in MAJCOM supplements to this AFI. (T-2). Weekly schedules may be published electronically provided local security
requirements are met. (Added-AMC) Weekly signed schedules will be posted no later than 1600
local time on Friday prior to execution week (T-3). (Added-AMC) Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness (MSE) Rate. MSE is a
leading indicator which provides a means to measure maintenance management
effectiveness as reflected in how well the maintenance schedule is accomplished. A low
MSE rate may indicate a unit is experiencing a high rate of turbulence on the flightline or
in the back shops. Maintenance efforts should be directed toward the timely
accomplishment of all scheduled maintenance actions. The MSE rate standard is 95%.
Measure MSE against the daily maintenance schedule. Any change from the daily
maintenance schedule after it is coordinated at the production meeting is a deviation. (Added-AMC) Computations: Scheduled maintenance events and
respective weighted factor points in Table 14.2 will be used to compute the MSE rate.
MSE Rate: FORMULA: Total points earned /total points possible X 100 =
Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness Rate. Credit is received for actions completed
on, or prior to, the scheduled date as printed in the weekly/daily flying and maintenance
schedule. G081 and the published weekly/daily schedule will be used to determine
whether or not the maintenance actions were completed on-time. For example, if a
maintenance event is scheduled in the weekly/daily flying and maintenance schedule
for Monday through Wednesday, G081 must show it completed before Thursday for
credit. For maintenance events extending into the next week, credit for completion is
based on the last day of the scheduled event. The ISO/Periodic Inspection (PE)
inspection will be measured against the scheduled completion date for the “look”
portion of the inspection only. This requires each ISO schedule to clearly identify
“Look” and “Fix” portions of the inspection when publishing the weekly/daily
schedule. Special inspections identified on an AF Form 2410 and scheduled for
completion during an Isochronal Inspection, Home Station Check or A-Check will not
be utilized in the MSE rate, only the ISO/HSC/A-check will count. This does not
eliminate the responsibility for PS&D to track the special inspections to ensure timely
completion during the ISO/HSC/A-check. (Added-AMC) Scheduled look phase times will be determined by
Weapon Systems Managers, if applicable, in Table 14.1. Look phase is defined for
status reporting only and does not indicate that all scheduled inspection items are
completed. Report maintenance status using the Reference Designator for the
normal pacing item upon completion of the look phase.
Table 14.1. (Added-AMC) Scheduled Look Phase Times.
Active Look Phase Hours
96 (Added-AMC) PS&D will develop written procedures for reviewing and
recording scheduled maintenance actions daily. (Added-AMC) MSE will not be computed during generations,
unannounced exercise/real world contingency, extended MIS outages, or a higher
headquarters tasking that significantly impacts the printed weekly maintenance
schedule. The MXG/CC may direct the maintenance plan be revised or reprinted to
incorporate missed affected actions, at which time, normal deviation reporting
procedures will be followed once the revised or reprinted plan is finalized. (Added-AMC) Maintenance Scheduling Deviation Categories: All missed
scheduled events will have a deviation code assigned to it. The deviation code will be
used as a tool to help identify areas causing turbulence in scheduled maintenance. (Added-AMC) Maintenance (MT). Actions canceled or not
completed as a result of adding aircraft to the flying schedule, mismanagement of
due dates, no MDC to report completion, or a lack of manpower or equipment. (Added-AMC) Operations (OP). Actions cancelled or not completed
on-time for operational considerations or as a result of adding aircraft to the flying
and maintenance schedule to meet operations requirements. This also includes
maintenance events not completed due to operations group actions. For example,
Aircrew Flight Equipment Section not completing scheduled maintenance as
coordinated and published in the wing weekly flying and maintenance schedule. (Added-AMC) Higher headquarters (HHQ). Actions canceled or not
completed due to higher headquarters tasking from outside of the wing. (Added-AMC) Weather (WX). Actions canceled or not completed
due to weather conditions. (Added-AMC) Supply (SU). Actions canceled or not completed as a
result of verified parts back order condition. (Added-AMC) Other (OT). Actions canceled or not completed due
to impounded aircraft (after the weekly schedule is published), major maintenance
found during inspection where technical data restrictions do not allow the scheduled
maintenance to be completed on time, or an aircraft is off-base and unable to return.
Table 14.2. (Added-AMC) Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness Computation.
(A * B)
(A * D)
PDM Input
nce Inspection
Contract Field
Team (CFT)
Engine Change
Time Change
Aircraft Wash
Document Review
Total Points Possible: Total Points Earned:
14.6. Contingency and Expeditionary Responsibilities.
14.6.1. Responsibilities of Contingency/Expeditionary (Cont/Exp) units, for example,
maintaining non-assigned aircraft. Note: This does not include AMC-established enroute
stations. Most planning and scheduling is the responsibility of units with assigned aircraft
and is provided through reachback support to home stations. Contingency units have fewer
responsibilities as described below. Commanders of expeditionary units will ensure the
intent of the guidance is met, when the dynamic nature of a Cont/Exp organization make
strict adherence impossible. (T-1). Cont/Exp PS&D will conduct the following programs as outlined below: ADR, pre- and post-dock meetings, acceptance inspections (from
DFT/CFTs) and the major work program. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Cont/Exp PS&D will use the procedures developed by the aircraft-
owning organizations. (T-1). If aircraft from multiple bases/units are supported, procedures do not
have to be standardized. Ensure discrepancies noted by the aircraft-owning PS&D for the Aircraft
Configuration Management, TCI and SI programs are corrected. (T-1). Cont/Exp PS&D
will not develop programs independent of the aircraft owning organization. (T-1). Develop local coordination procedures for contingency aircraft affected by
Immediate and Urgent Action (I/UA) TCTOs. (T-1). When notified by the aircraft-owning organization of an I/UA TCTO, the
Cont/Exp PS&D will host a TCTO meeting. (T-1). The purpose of the meeting is to determine if the Cont/Exp unit has the
maintenance capability to perform the TCTO. Invite AMU, QA and affected work centers. Cont/Exp will notify the
Expeditionary Maintenance Group Commander (EMXG/CC) of the unit’s
capability to perform the TCTO. (T-1). Develop and implement local tracking methodology to track TCTO
completion. (T-1). Update MIS when the aircraft-owning Cont/Exp PS&D loads the
requisite JST/JCNS. (T-1). If the Cont/Exp unit does not have the maintenance capability to
perform the TCTO, Cont/Exp PS&D will notify the owning organization of that
inability. (T-1). Cont/Exp PS&D will only maintain aircraft I/UA TCTO files while active.
(T-1). Once TCTOs are completed and loaded in MIS, records will be sent
to home station for filing. (T-1). A TCTO meeting is not necessary for Routine Action aircraft TCTOs. A full TCTO program IAW this Chapter is required for AGE and other
special equipment which is assigned to the contingency unit. (T-1). This is intendedto
cover equipment that does not rotate with aviation packages. Monthly and weekly maintenance planning. Cont/Exp PS&D will produce
maintenance plans detailing all known maintenance requirements for the upcoming
month/week. (T-1). This plan will detail by tail number, due date, JST and a description
of the scheduled maintenance required for the time period. (T-1). Use of the AF Form 2401 is not required. The list will be published 2-days prior to the covered time
period, coordinated through maintenance supervision, and approved by the
EMXG/CC. (T-3). The weekly schedule will additionally identify those actions which
will be deferred. (T-1). It will specifically identify if the action is deferred for mission
requirements or due to a lack of capability. (T-1). Actions which are not identified as “pre-deferred” are expected
to be accomplished during the upcoming week. MSE will not be calculated for Cont/Exp units. (T-2). It is anticipated
that Cont/Exp units require a great deal of flexibility to meet mission requirements. Cont/Exp organizations are not responsible for Aircraft Generation Planning,
Transfer Inspections, Flying/Maintenance Planning Cycle, First Look, Annual/Quarterly
Mx Planning, AVDO and 2R1 functional management responsibilities. Cont/Exp PS&D will develop procedures with home station AVDOs to
communicate and ensure AVDO responsibilities are performed. (T-1).
14.7. (Added-AMC) Aircraft Schedule Effectiveness (ASE) Computation.
14.7.1. (Added-AMC) Responsibilities. ASE is a cornerstone of a successful flying schedule
can lead to an understanding of how it was planned versus how it was executed. Deviations
between scheduled and executed events are only recorded in the execution phase of the
scheduling process and make up ASE. Deviation data recording and analysis is the beginning
of the ASE process that will improve unit flying operations. Deviations must be recorded so
that follow-up analysis can identify any appropriate corrective actions needed (T-2). Without
this deviation data, ASE analysis is impossible. The MOC section is responsible for
documenting deviations to the daily flying schedule prior to take off and determining the cause
for each deviation (T-2). The debrief section is responsible for recording all deviations after
takeoff. Deviations must be coordinated with the appropriate squadron/AMU, and command
post if necessary, before being assigned to a specific cause code (T-2). Schedule deviations
that result from a sequence of events will be assigned a primary type and cause code. A
determination of the primary cause will be made by the parties involved to arrive at a unit
position (T-2). The OS, AMXS OIC and MOO or senior enlisted leaders will monitor
deviations to ensure they meet the criteria written in Tables 14.3, 14.4, 14.5 (T-2). When
conflicts arise, unit leadership will resolve them at the lowest possible level (T-2). (Added-AMC) ASE rate reporting will apply to all scheduled home station
departures to include local training, MAJCOM OT&E, TACC first leg, etc (T-2). (Added-AMC) All deviation types regardless of cause will be recorded against
the Aircraft Schedule Effectiveness rate (T-2). Individual deviation rates (Table 14.6) are
provided to identify what is within unit control and what is beyond unit control. (Added-AMC) Deviations occurring on OCF/FCF, En Route, or ATO sorties
will be recorded in accordance with the guidance contained in Tables 14.3, 14.4 and 14.5
with the following exceptions: Deviations for OCF/FCF sorties will only be loaded for
deviation type codes AD, CX, AA, AI, GA, or IFE but will not be computed in either ASE
Calculated Deviations or ASE Total Sorties Scheduled (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (Added-AMC) FCF and OCF sorties whose primary purpose is to perform
maintenance checks are not to be counted as additions. FCF/OCF sorties and sorties
originating off-station without home-unit support will be considered “flown as scheduled
without recording deviations (T-2). Ground aborts on FCFs or OCFs will be recorded in
MIS, but not used when computing ASE (T-2). (Added-AMC) Air Tasking Order (ATO). The ATO can contain mission
numbers, on-status time/time on target and configurations. A daily schedule, including
aircraft tail numbers for the first lines and spared will be finalized and confirmed to
operations and the maintenance operations center not later than 2 hours prior to the first on
status/take-off time (T-2). The new published schedule derived from the ATO, is applicable
to all affected organizations and no AF Form 2407 is required to implement the new
schedule. All changes after the new schedule has been published, up to the first unit crew
show time, will be documented and coordinated on an AF Form 2407 (T-2). Unlike a
planned sortie surge, early and late take-offs are recorded on second and subsequent sorties,
unless an ops change is made to the ATO. Normal deviations will be recorded for all sorties
using the new published schedule derived for the ATO (T-2). (Added-AMC) PS&D will publish the daily flying schedule at the end of
scheduling/production meeting using screen 9074 (T-2). PS&D will provide MOC with the
approved post production meeting daily flying schedule for the next day’s flying (T- 2).
The signed weekly schedule will be the basis from which all deviations will be recorded (T-
2). (Added-AMC) MOC will record any changes from the approved daily schedule
using the provided ASE Tracking template and the deviation type and cause codes (T-2).
The tracking template and rules of engagement are posted on the AMC/A4QF SharePoint
site. (Added-AMC) All schedule deviations to the published flying and
maintenance schedule will require an AF Form 2407 (T-2). Multiple deviations against
a home station departure will not count towards ASE except for (a) additions that air or
ground abort, (b) additions that cancel, (c) and additions that take-off late. The Air
Traffic Control/Command Post time, is the official source for take-off and landing data.
For all deviations, the MOC/Debrief recording the deviations on the ASE Tracking
template will provide a detailed explanation in the remarks tab and a Job Control
Number in G081 for all maintenance events (T-2).
Table 14.3. (Added-AMC) Deviation Type Codes.
Deviation Type
Add (AD)
An aircraft (as a spare or tail interchange), mission, or sortie is added
to the schedule and not previously on the published daily flying schedule
and will be recorded against the agency requesting the additional aircraft,
sortie or mission. Sorties added to the schedule will be used in the Sorties
Flown when computing ASE. Aircraft added to the published daily flying
schedule as Spares, Ground Trainers, Alerts, Static Displays, etc. that do
not fly a sortie will not be added to the Total Sorties Flown; however, the
added aircraft will be captured in the ASE Calculated-Deviations
computation. Recut sorties that fall outside the daily schedule will be
recorded as additions
Cancel (CX)
An aircraft, mission, or sortie is removed from the published daily
flying schedule for any reason prior to crew show. For hard line sorties
(sorties supporting other defense customers), cancellations occur when it
is determined the originally scheduled mission cannot be executed,
slipped, or recut. For training sorties, if the sortie can launch and recover
during the daily flying window and perform its original mission, a
cancellation is not recorded. However, if the training sortie does not
launch within the late take-off criteria (but still launches during the same
day’s flying window), a late take-off will be recorded. Recut sorties and
slips that fall outside the daily schedule will be recorded as cancellations.
Early (ET
Early Takeoff/EL
Early Land)
An aircraft, mission, or sortie takes off or lands less than 14 minutes
prior to the scheduled time as set in the published daily flying schedule.
Exception: Do not record early take-off deviations for hot pit or engine
running crew change turn sorties. Additionally, do not include Early Land
in the ASE Deviations.
Slips/Late (LT
Late Land)
An aircraft, mission, or sortie takes off or lands more than 14 minutes
after the scheduled time as set in the published daily flying schedule. If
the printed tail number is a ground abort and is replaced with a spare that
takes off late, only the late take-off is computed in ASE. Another example
is if an aircraft landed late, after the published landing time, and
subsequently takes off late due to insufficient time to turn the aircraft, the
late take-off deviation is recorded to the original cause for the late
landing, such as, operations. Commanders must consider the impact when
a sortie takes off late and the aircraft is scheduled to turn to another sortie
that day. Additionally, do not include Late Land in ASE deviations. Slips
will be recorded as Late Takeoff and occur when any aircraft, mission, or
sortie does not depart during the flying hour window of the day it was
originally scheduled and no change in mission number has been made.
Slips only apply to hard line sorties/missions and must be approved by
618 AOC.
Ground Abort
An aircraft, mission, or sortie is canceled after crew show. A ground
abort by itself will not cause a flying schedule deviation. If a spare aircraft
is available to fly in the originally scheduled line, the ground abort will
not be added to ASE Calculated deviations computation. However, if no
spare aircraft is available to fly then the ground abort will be included in
ASE Calculated deviations computation. Likewise, if the sortie/mission
launches late or an aircraft not originally on the published daily schedule
is used to fly the sortie/mission the resulting deviation for these
circumstances will be included in ASE Calculated deviations
Table 14.4. (Added-AMC) Deviations Type Codes Not Included in ASE.
Spare (SP)
A spare is a designated aircraft on the printed schedule to be used in
case a scheduled primary aircraft cannot fly its scheduled sortie. Spare
aircraft can also include aircraft that are scheduled to fly in sorties later in
the day, have aborted from an earlier sortie, have flown earlier or released
after FCF/OCF.
Tail Swap
Occurs when a different aircraft (that is already on the published daily
flying schedule) is substituted for the originally scheduled aircraft in a
sortie or mission requirement. If the aircraft is not already on the daily
flying schedule, an add deviation will be included ASE Calculated
deviations computation.
Late Land
An aircraft, mission, or sortie lands more than 14 minutes after the
scheduled time as set in the published daily flying schedule.
Air Abort
An air abort is an aircraft/sortie that cannot complete its mission for
any reason (other than IFE). Air aborts are considered a sortie flown
against the flying hour program when reporting total sorties flown, but
may not be considered a successful sortie based on mission effectiveness
by operations to meet RAP/training/contingency requirements. Air aborts
will be coded to the agency or condition that caused the aborted mission.
Note: Effective mission decisions will be made by operations; however, a
non-effective mission decision by operations does not necessarily mean
an air abort occurred. For example, if one planned mission task out of a
planned five tasks is not completed or operations flies an alternate mission
(adversary, drone, etc..) and does not return the aircraft immediately to
maintenance, the sortie should not be coded as an air abort if operations
later determines, based on the original mission profile, the sortie was non-
effective. The Air Abort rate is a maintenance indicator and as a measure
of re-work (sorties reflown/relaunched to complete original mission
In Flight
Emergency (IE)
An aircraft/sortie with a situation resulting in an in-flight emergency
declared by the aircrew after the mission is accomplished.
Air Abort/IFE
An air aborted aircraft/sortie with a situation resulting in an in-flight
emergency declared by the aircrew.
Table 14.5. (Added-AMC) AMC Approved Deviation Cause Codes.
Air Traffic Control controllable. Deviations resulting from air
traffic control problems that can be controlled or are under the
direction of the local unit. (i.e. flight clearance delays, tower
communication failure, conflicting air traffic, etc.)
Air Traffic Control uncontrollable. Deviations resulting from
air traffic control problems beyond control/direction of the unit.
(i.e. DIP clearances)
Ground abort, before engine start, maintenance.
Ground abort, after engine start, before taxi, maintenance.
Ground abort, after taxi, maintenance.
Higher Headquarters MAJCOM
Higher Headquarters 618 AOC
Maintenance. Deviations resulting from aircraft discrepancies,
unscheduled maintenance, or for actions taken for maintenance
Operations. Deviations resulting from operations/aircrew
actions, mission changes causing an early/late take-off, or
cancellation including substitution/aircrew illness (including
short notice aircrew physical/mental disqualification), and over-
stressing the aircraft. OPX are also deviations resulting from unit
controlled operations factors including those caused by
mission/load planning, life support, intelligence, base operations,
range scheduling, and passengers.
Supply. Deviations resulting from a Partially Mission Capable
Supply or Not Mission Capable Supply condition or for late
Supply or POL delivery.
Aerial Port controllable. Deviations resulting from Aerial Port
problems within the control of the unit.
Aerial Port uncontrollable. Deviations resulting from Aerial
Port problems external to the control of the unit.
Sympathetic. Deviations occurring when a flight of two or
more aircraft, under the command of a flight leader or instructor
pilot are canceled, aborted, or late due to a cancellation, abort, or
delay of one of the aircraft in the flight or a supporting flight.
Sorties, which are to replace sympathy aborts or cancellations on
the same day, will be recorded as sympathy additions. Sorties lost
caused by the aircraft's scheduled mated tanker/receiver/mission
event will be recorded as sympathy. Examples of mission events
are: loss of receiver support, Minimum Interval Take-Off causing
take-off delay or cancellation, deviations caused by another unit’s
or command’s support should be coded as SYM deviations. Note:
Deviations caused by aircraft/missions earlier scheduled lines will
be assigned to the cause of the earlier deviation, not SYM.
Weather. Deviations resulting from weather conditions such as
sorties canceled because of severe weather conditions. For
example, if an aircraft taxied to the end of runway and the wing
commander cancels all flying due to weather, the deviation is a
weather abort. Sorties/Aircraft cancelled prior to crew show are
weather cancels.
OTH. Deviations resulting from unusual circumstances not
covered by other causes listed.
Table 14.6. (Added-AMC) AMC Definitions and Formulas if not identified in Chapter 14.
ASE Total Sorties Scheduled
Total sorties flown plus cancellations
minus additions (added sorties only) minus
sum of FCF/OCF, ATO, Enroute Sorties
**use only first leg sorties/deviations in
ASE Calculated-Deviations
Sum of all ASE deviations (including
aircraft adds for Spares, Ground Trainers,
Alerts, Static Displays, etc.) minus Sum of
ground aborts flown by spare aircraft,
deviations on FCF/OCF/ATO/Enroute sorties
Flying Schedule Effectiveness. Measures
the ability to execute the published daily
flying schedule.
(ASE Total Sorties Scheduled minus ASE
Calculated Deviations) divided by (ASE Total
Sorties Scheduled) multiplied by 100
Controllable ASE Deviations
Sum of all ASE deviations (including
aircraft adds for Spares, Ground Trainers,
Alerts, Static Displays, etc.) with causes
identified as controllable in Table 15.5 minus
Sum of ground aborts flown by spare aircraft,
deviations on FCF/OCF/ATO/EnRoute
Uncontrollable ASE Deviations
Sum of all ASE deviations (including
aircraft adds for Spares, Ground Trainers,
Alerts, Static Displays, etc.) with causes
identified as uncontrollable in Table 15.5
minus Sum of ground aborts flown by spare
aircraft, deviations on
FCF/OCF/ATO/EnRoute sorties
Controllable ASE
(ASE Total Sorties Scheduled minus
Controllable ASE Deviations) divided by
(ASE Total Sorties Scheduled) multiplied by
Maintenance Deviation Rate. Percentage
of deviations caused by a maintenance cause
Maintenance Deviations
ASE Total Sorties Scheduled
Operations Deviations Rate. Percentage of
deviations caused by an operations cause
Operations Deviations
ASE Total Sorties Scheduled
Supply Deviation Rate. Percentage of
deviations caused by a supply cause code.
Supply Deviations
ASE Total Sorties Scheduled
Chapter 15
15.1. Purpose: This Chapter outlines overall management responsibilities for aircraft sun
shades, crew shelters and portable/inflatable shelters. Additionally, it provides guidance and a
standardized approach to procure and sustain these equipment items.
15.2. Scope: Applies to all AF units possessing or procuring these equipment items to support
logistics operations and flight line or maintenance areas. This includes conventional force logistics
units; nuclear and nuclear support units; cyber and space; special operations; wholesale-level
procurement, sustainment, and maintenance; aerial port squadrons; logistics readiness squadrons;
research, test, and development units. It does not include medical logistics, civil engineering
logistics, security forces units and communications units.
15.2.1. Aircraft sun shades and other shelter types as defined below and addressed in this
Chapter are considered equipment items for accountability purposes and will be tracked/
accounted for on appropriate documents on a CA/CRL and managed IAW AFMAN 23-122.
(T-1). These assets are not listed on unit authorized equipment tables of allowance
because they are not required support equipment for weapons systems. These assets are the
responsibility of the owning organization. Commanders will ensure all other applicable organizations with appropriate
subject matter expertise are involved in the procurement, installation, repair, sustainment,
and replacement of these assets. (T-1). Aircraft sun shades are not considered as temporary or relocatable facilities
associated with Military Construction (MILCON) projects. Procedures for temporary or
relocatable facilities associated with MILCON projects are contained in AFI 32-1021,
Planning and Programming Military Construction (MILCON) Projects. Relocatable
buildings are designed to be readily erected, disassembled, stored, moved, and reused to
meet a short-term requirement for facilities due to either transitory peak requirements or
urgent requirements pending approval, such as construction of facilities via normal military
construction programs. According to AFI 32-1021, Chapter 6, Relocatable and Temporary
Facilities, the terms temporary and relocatable are interchangeable. Furthermore, AFI 32-
1021 provides guidance on satisfying interim facility requirements using relocatable or
temporary facilities. Aircraft sun shades are not incident or interim to a MILCON project,
nor are they in place to meet a temporary requirement; therefore the terms temporary or
relocatable as used in AFI 32-1021 do not apply to aircraft sunshades. Aircraft sun shades are not intended to replace aircraft maintenance hangarsand
as such there is no requirement associated with aircraft specifications or square footage
allowances contained in AFI 32-1024, Standard Facility Requirements, or AFMAN 32-
15.3. Definitions.
15.3.1. Aircraft Sun Shades: Structure with the sole purpose of providing minimal protection
for personnel from the elements (sun, wind, rain, snow, excluding lightning) with a roof and a
maximum of two sides.
15.3.2. Crew Shelters: Any portable or prefabricated structure placed inside, under or erected
to support activities within an aircraft sun shade, hangar, hardened aircraft shelter or protective
aircraft shelter. These should not be confused with other shelters that are designed for personnel
protection only (such as, End-of-Runway shacks).
15.3.3. Portable/Inflatable shelters: A structure constructed using layers of membrane
connected together using pressurized air to produce a structure which covers limited areas
(such as, cargo aircraft engine, open fuel tanks) of an aircraft or equipment.
15.3.4. Allied support: Utilities (electrical, water, air, communications) provided up to a stub
at each aircraft sun shade. Utilities are real property assets. Installation of new utility services
carries a work classification of Construction. See Paragraph 15.11
15.4. Headquarters Air Force.
15.4.1. AF/A4L will: Develop, articulate, and clarify all AF aircraft sun shade policies.
15.4.2. The Directorate of Civil Engineers (AF/A4C) will: Provide input for development and clarification of aircraft sun shade policies. Determine appropriate A4C agencies responsible for procurement consultation
to the field. Develop allied support guidance in relation to aircraft sun shades.
15.5. MAJCOM A4s will:
15.5.1. Provide input to AF/A4L on AF aircraft sun shade policies.
15.5.2. Review all plans for procurement, installation and sustainment of aircraft sun shades
for initial procurement with assistance from MAJCOM/A3, A4, Safety, AF Installation and
Mission Support Center (AFIMSC) or Primary Subordinate Unit (PSU) Air Force Civil
Engineer Center (AFCEC) as outlined in Paragraphs and 15.8.
15.5.3. Develop weather event baseline criteria if not previously developed so an organization
can procure an acceptable aircraft sun shade suitable to its specific location. Consider annual
days of sun, average wet bulb globe temperature, annual rainfall, and annual snowfall, UV
index, snow load, snow removal capability, wind sustainment requirements and temperatures
that may affect work-rest cycles and overall productivity.
15.5.4. Review and coordinate all plans with MAJCOM/A3, A4, Safety, AFIMSC or PSU
AFCEC and the proper civilian airport authorities (when applicable) prior to approving the
procurement or installation of aircraft sun shades.
15.5.5. Approve/disapprove submitted request(s) based on information contained under the
owning organization responsibilities section of this Chapter.
15.5.6. Provide field operating and sustaining organizations direction on the specific types and
sizes of aircraft sun shades to use for each application.
15.6. Owning Organization.
15.6.1. The owning organization is the group level or equivalent organization responsible for
the planning, funding, procurement, installation, maintenance, and lifetime sustainment of the
aircraft sun shade including any installed utilities (lighting, obstructions in front of lighting,
electrical, communications included in the project scope as defined in Paragraphs 15.3.4 and
15.8.8. (T-1). Owning organizations may install aircraft sun shades, upon MAJCOM/A4
approval, to provide protection from the sun or other weather events such as: rain, sleet,
snow. (T-1).
15.6.2. Owning organizations are responsible for the aircraft sun shade grounding system
beginning at the single point service ground. Owning organizations shall test the aircraft sun
shade grounding system IAW AFI 32-1065, Grounding Systems. (T-1). Note: These
responsibilities can be contracted as outlined in Paragraph 15.8.8 Owning organizations will ensure that Base Civil Engineer accepts the Lightning
Protection Systems prior to accepting the facility, ensuring the lightning protection system
is compliant and that the facility is immediately usable IAW AFI 32-1065. (T-1).
15.6.3. The owning organization is responsible for maintaining and storing manufacturer
design drawings and specifications, and providing ready access to installation agencies as
necessary. (T-1).
15.6.4. For each procurement, and each aircraft sun shade related contracting effort (such as
inspection and sustainment contracts) referenced in Paragraph 15.10.3 of this publication, the
owning organization will provide and appoint a Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
who reports to the contracting officer on all aspects of implementation of the contract. (T-1). For these same procurements and contracting actions, the owning organization
will, in agreement with the local Civil Engineering organization request a Civil
Engineering representative to advise on technical requirements of the procurement. (T-1). The CE advisor will assist the COR in: Enforcing established engineering standards or inspection criteria as
defined and incorporated in the procurement/sustainment contract in order to address
safety and integrity of the structure. (T-1). Providing quality oversight authority for any technical/serviceability
inspections performed on the structure by the contractor. (T-1).
15.7. New Procurements.
15.7.1. The owning organization will: Develop plans for purchase, installation, acceptance and sustainment then submit
information to the MAJCOM/A4 for plan approval. (T-2). If the owning organization
intends to request allied support, the owning organization shall include these costs in the
forecast. If allied support is required, submit an AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work
Request, or service/work request to Civil Engineering Customer Service prior to
solicitations, purchases, or procurements. (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Refer to AFI 65-601, Volume 1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, and AFI 65-
601, Volume 2, Budget Management for Operations to determine correct appropriation for
procurement and installation of aircraft sun shades or crew shelters described in this
publication. Plan and fund current equipment sustainment IAW Paragraph 15.10 (T-1). Use strategic sourcing, if available, for standardization and to leverage buying
power from an enterprise perspective. (T-1). Ensure all facets of aircraft sun shade sustainment are considered; all applicable
installation functional areas (CE community planner, Airfield Management, Comm,
Safety, Medical) are involved in the siting and selection process, and is approved by the
installation’s facility board prior to solicitation and procurement. (T-1). If expertise is not available in the owning organization, contact the
appropriate MAJCOM representative for further guidance. All new sun shades will be
compliant with current applicable structural, environmental and safety standards. (T-
1). Ensure compliance with criteria and design as outlined in Paragraph 15.8 Submit planning materials to include drawings, dimensions, cost estimates and
statements of work, as well as ramp work striping and support equipment requirements to
their applicable MAJCOM/A4. (T-2). Note: This must be completed as early as possible
in the planning phase to facilitate a smooth execution phase. Ensure use of reflective markings on corner structural supports regardless of
lighting used. (T-2). Ensure use of retro reflective beads for all apron, taxiway and taxilanemarkings
near aircraft sun shades. (T-1). Reference Engineering Technical Letter 04-2, Standard
Airfield Pavement Marking Schemes and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications 32-17-
23, Pavement Markings and AFMAN 32-1040, Civil Engineering Airfield Infrastructure
Systems. Perform an evaluation of all proposed sun shade installation plans to ensure
requirements in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport Planning
and Design are met. If waivers are required, those waivers must be approved prior to
contract award of the sun shade. (T-1). Ensure waiver authorities do not undermine contract requirements or
federal regulations (example Federal Acquisition Regulation, Department of Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement). (T-0). Ensure aircraft sun shades that penetrate an airfield imaginary surface defined in
UFC 3-260-01 have obstruction lights installed IAW UFC 3-535-01, Visual Air Navigation
Facilities, and conform to requirements contained in AFI 32-1044, Visual Air Navigation
Systems. (T-1). Ensure compliance with fuel servicing safety requirements in accordance with
TO 00-25-172. (T-1). Address the following items and those in Paragraph 15.8 and below as a
minimum in installation plans submitted to applicable MAJCOM/A4 for approval. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Aircraft sun shade protection characteristics such as hail size, snow, ice
and water accumulation (weight and/or inches, consider water runoff, ice mitigation),
maximum winds (sustained and gusts), aircraft tie down and lightning/grounding
protection determined in conjunction with proper local authorities or AFIMSC/PSU
AFCEC. (T-1). Ensure Sun shades are designed in accordance with UFC 3-301-01,
Structural Engineering, and UFC 3-310-04, Seismic Design. (T-1). Note: Consider jet
blast potential in aircraft sun shade design and siting. Number of spots to be covered. Consider ramp space capacity for both
peacetime and contingency requirements (reception and bed down). (T-1). Number of parking spaces lost due to aircraft sun shade placement.
Consider ramp requirements, future mission changes, and impact on overall aircraft
parking plan. (T-1). Design life expectancy and warranty information. (T-1). Expected costs including procurement, installation, and projected annual
sustainment costs, to include inspection services. Ensure adequate resources are
established to maintain aircraft sun shade serviceability and mission accomplishment.
(T-1). Sustainment methodology (owning organization supported, manufacturer
supported, supplemental contractor). Ensure minimum requirements outlined in
Paragraph 15.10.3 are addressed. (T-1). Ensures the sustainment tail is covered and doesn’t need to survive
only on end of year fall out. (T-1). Foreign Object Damage (FOD) mitigation and prevention. (T-1). Planned storage of Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) and other related
support equipment in aircraft sun shades within the maintenance area. (T-1). Provisions for electrical power units or powered AGE placement and
protection from equipment exhaust and aircraft jet blast while operating in/near aircraft
sun shades. (T-1). Environmental impacts and mitigation plans. Ensure the host
Environmental Planning Function reviews proposals for installation of aircraft sun
shades and associated utilities as early in the planning process as possible. The
Environmental Planning Function is responsible for determining the level of
environmental impact analysis required. Environmental impact analysis must be
completed prior to contract award or implementation. (T-0). Conduct and include a Risk Management (RM) assessment IAW AFPD
90-8, Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management and Risk
Management, and AFI 90-802, to determine potential impact to personnel,
environmental, safety, occupational health and airfield operations before procurement
and installation activities begin. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Mitigate any issues affecting control tower visibility or security to
include security lighting and illumination and any issues affecting navigational aids.
(T-1). Mitigate obstructions to airspace and file FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of
Proposed Construction or Alteration, with the FAA for new construction. (T-0). Communications requirements. If communication (Local Area Network
(LAN), wireless communications) is placed in aircraft sun shades, provide explanation
of how communications will be procured, installed and sustained. Include in
procurement, installation, and sustainment cost estimates. (T-2). Mitigate any limitations on emergency and maintenance vehicle access
to aircraft. (T-1). Fall protection for personnel working above 4’ off the ground IAW
AFMAN 91-203. (T-1).
15.8. Design Criteria/Standards of New or Replacement Aircraft Sun Shades.
15.8.1. Type of material used. Select materials as appropriate for location, type of aircraft sun
shade, and the mission being served. The aircraft sun shade and side material shall be fabric,
reinforced aramid fiber, carbon fiber, galvanized steel or shop/factory painted steel. (T-2). The frame material will be galvanized steel or other suitable newly designed
building material with strength and durability characteristics that replicate or exceed that
of galvanized steel. (T-2). Current aircraft sun shades that don't meet these requirements of current design
standardization are authorized for use until time of replacement. If repairs become
significant or not cost effective, owning organizations shall consider replacement to the
new standard or removal of the aircraft sun shade. (T-2). To minimize diversity of types of aircraft sun shades across the enterprise and to
establish better efficiencies in procurement and long-term sustainment, use strategic
sourcing, if available. If strategic sourcing is not available, seek additional guidance from
MAJCOM A4 on aircraft sun shade standardization. (T-2).
15.8.2. Aircraft sun shade height and width. Aircraft sun shades must meet minimum
clearance requirements for interior aircraft movement, as well as, entrances and exit points
including taxi lanes or taxiways in close proximity to the exterior of the structure. Refer to
UFC 3-260-01, Chapters 6 and 8 for these dimensions. (T-1). Consider AGE transport and maintenance/emergency vehicle height
requirements. Also, consider exhaust blast from jet engines and auxiliary power units, and
future mission changes that may impact aircraft sun shade height and width requirements.
15.8.3. Wing tip and tail height clearances will meet the requirements outlined in AFMAN
91-203 and UFC 03- 260-01. (T-1).
15.8.4. Bird nesting/roosting mitigation. Ensure no bird roosting or nesting locations are
present, all holes in support structure and beneath roof must be covered or screened. (T-1). The metal structure should minimize potential nesting sites for birds.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Anti-perching devices shall be installed to deter birds from perching on or under
the structure. (T-1).
15.8.5. Airfield waivers. The owning organization will make every effort to prevent
submission of new airfield waivers. (T-1).
15.8.6. Ensure Terminal Instrument Procedures personnel evaluate plans for potential impacts
on aircraft approach/departure procedures. (T-1).
15.8.7. Lighting requirements. If lighting is placed in or on the aircraft sun shades, provide
explanation of how electricity will be provided to and within the aircraft sun shade. Ensure
lighting provides sufficient illumination for security, but does not interfere with flightline
visual references. The procurement of lighting, installation, maintenance and sustainment shall
be included in aircraft sun shade cost estimates. (T-1). Lighting designs and fixture specifications shall be IAW UFC 3-530-01, Interior
and Exterior Lighting Systems and Control. (T-1). Light mounts shall be designed to handle wind loads on the light fixtures without
damaging the lights and without compromising the structural integrity of the aircraft sun
shade. (T-1).
15.8.8. Electrical requirements. If electrical power is to be placed in aircraft sunshades,
provide explanation of how electricity will be provided to and within the aircraft sun shade.
Procurement, installation, maintenance and sustainment of electrical requirements on the load
side of the power supply point/stub shall be included in aircraft sun shade cost estimates. (T-
1). Electrical power system design shall be in accordance with AFI 32-1062, Electric
Systems, Power Plants and Generators, AFI 32-1065. (T-1). Reference UFC 3-501-01,
Electrical Engineering, UFC 3-520-01, Interior Electrical Systems, UFC 3-530-01, and
UFC 3-550-01, Exterior Electrical Power Distribution, UFC 3-600-01, Fire Protection
Engineering for Facilities, and Engineering Technical Letter 02-15, Fire Protection
Engineering Criteria - New Aircraft Facilities.
15.8.9. The cost of running power (such as, lighting and electrical) from prime or temporary
power sources to the sunshades shall be included in the cost estimate and will be borne by the
owning unit. (T-1).
15.8.10. In no case will the loss of parking spots resulting from the purchase or installation of
aircraft sun shades be a primary factor used to propose or construct additional aircraft parking
spots or upgrade existing pavements to support aircraft. Procedures on construction of
additional parking spots or pavement upgrades will be IAW AFI 32-1021 and AFI 32-1032,
Planning and Programming Appropriated Fund Maintenance, Repair, and Construction
Projects. Whenever possible, aircraft sun shades will be installed on existing pavement
without driving a requirement to expand or upgrade the underlying features. When the
addition of pavement is necessary to make the sunshade complete and usable, the cost of
the structure must be included with the cost to installation of the pavement for a total sun
shade construction project cost. (T-1).
15.8.11. Aircraft sun shades are airfield fixed-structure obstructions and will meet MIL-STD-
3007, Department of Defense Standard Practice for Unified Facilities Criteria and Unified
Facilities Guide Specifications and AF criteria included in referenced UFCs and AFIs, as well
as, local and national fire, safety, and electrical standards and codes as applicable. (T-1).
15.8.12. Consider location specific design requirements (snow load, maximum wind ratings).
In addition to the requirements in UFC 3-301-01, for adjacent sunshades which share bracing
frames, each fourth frame shall provide twice the required lateral bracing strength. (T-1). Particular attention shall be focused on the design of lateral bracing for wind
and jet blast loads, fatigue strength of steel lateral bracing members, and the design and
location of anchor bolts near joints in runway aprons. (T-1).
15.8.13. Aircraft sun shades must meet ventilation and exhaust air requirements referenced in
the International Mechanical Code. (T-0). Note: Achieve minimum exhaust and/or ventilation
air requirements utilizing either mechanical or natural systems.
15.9. Current Aircraft Sun Shades.
15.9.1. To replace currently installed aircraft sun shades, select materials as appropriate for
location, type of aircraft sun shade, and the mission being served. The aircraft sun shade and
side material shall be fabric, reinforced aramid fiber, carbon fiber, galvanized steel or
shop/factory painted steel. (T-2). The frame material will be galvanized steel or other suitable newly designed
building material with strength and durability characteristics that replicate or exceed that
of galvanized steel. (T-2). Current aircraft sun shades that don't meet these requirements of current design
standardization are authorized for use until time of replacement. (T-2). If repairs become significant or not cost effective, owning organizations shall
consider replacement to the new standard or removal of the aircraft sun shade. (T-2). To minimize diversity of types of aircraft sun shades across the enterprise and to
establish better efficiencies in procurement and long-term sustainment, use strategic
sourcing, if available. (T-1). If strategic sourcing is not available, seek guidance from higher headquarters on
aircraft sun shade standardization. (T-1).
15.9.2. Owning organizations will sustain aircraft sun shades and other shelter types described
in this publication IAW AFI 65-601, to ensure no degradation of safety to personnel or mission
accomplishment occurs. (T-1).
15.9.3. Owning organizations will conduct a risk management assessment IAW AFI 90-802
in conjunction with proper local authorities on current aircraft sun shades for FODmitigation,
markings, bird roosting mitigation, sustainability, safety, structural integrity, wind-load
capacity, snow-load capacity, and ability to withstand hail. (T-1). The owning organization is responsible for repairing any deficient areas
identified during the risk management assessment. (T-1).
15.9.4. There is no requirement to upgrade current aircraft sun shades to meet the full
requirements outlined in Paragraphs 15.7.1 through and 15.8.1 through 15.8.13
except where codes apply and are mandatory. However, any replacement or significant repair
of current aircraft sun shades will meet requirements as outlined in Paragraphs 15.7.1 through and 15.8.1 through 15.8.13 (T-1).
15.9.5. Alterations can significantly impact loading on the structure. Conduct a structural
analysis certified by a licensed professional engineer or government structural engineer to
ensure the alterations do not compromise the structural integrity of the sunshade structure. Sun
shades will not be altered to have more than two total walls or bay(s).
15.10. Sustainment and Accountability. Owning organization Group Commander or equivalent
15.10.1. Appoint a local aircraft sun shade manager and establish an aircraft sun shade user
and operations plan. Ensure assets are tracked as equipment items on the appropriate
documents on the CA/CRL IAW AFMAN 23-122.
15.10.2. Ensure appropriate authorities (Maintenance Group (MXG), Contracting, Comm,
CE, Safety) at the installation level accept installation of aircraft sun shades and allied support
IAW manufacturer specifications, contract specifications, and AFIs. (T-1).
15.10.3. Develop an organically supported or contractor supported replacement/sustainment
plan that will be included in the 10-year facility plan IAW this AFI. (T-1). Note: This statement
does not limit the plan from exceeding the minimum 10-year requirement. Sustainment plan at a minimum will address the following as appropriate: Certification and acceptance of installation as needed. (T-1). Routine maintenance/sustainment and inspection criteria/services which
meets manufacturer or qualified engineering authority (such as, personnel officially
trained to inspect or provide technical guidance on that specific Sunshade) guidance as
needed and appropriate. (T-1). Periodic and recurring in-depth inspections with prescribed
interval/frequency and items to be inspected to determine structural integrity as
appropriately defined for each type of structure by the manufacturer or qualified
engineering authority as needed and appropriate. (T-2). Non-routine maintenance/sustainment and inspection services as needed
and appropriate. (T-2).
15.10.4. Ensure development of local policy that establishes PE criteria as recommended by
original manufacturer (interval not to exceed 6 months) approved by a qualified engineering
authority for aircraft sun shades and document on AFTO Form 244, Industrial Support
Equipment Record or equivalent. (T-1). Inspection actions to include upcoming and completed inspections will be
tracked in the MIS. (T-2). As a minimum, the owning organization will ensure inspection of:
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Structural Supports for signs of corrosion, excessive movement, cracking
or damage; lateral bracing for signs of corrosion, loosening, cracking, missing
hardware, or fatigue damage, particularly at the connections; structural anchorage for
signs of loosening and cracking around anchorage points on apron. (T-1). Foreign Object, cleanliness and serviceability of installed safety markings.
(T-1). Lighting (if installed) for security and serviceability. (T-1). Electrical system equipment, including electrical panels, receptacles,
lighting systems, solar panels and conduit (if installed) for security and serviceability.
15.10.5. Any discrepancy identified during routine, non-routine maintenance or other visual
inspection will be documented on the AFTO Form 244 or equivalent; appropriate condition
symbol will be used IAW TO 00-20-1. (T-1). Additionally, all discrepancies will be annotated in the MIS. (T-1). If a discrepancy is discovered which could affect safety or structural integrity
this information will immediately be directed to the owning organization group commander
or equivalent. (T-1). The owning organization group commander or equivalent with advisement
from the qualified engineering authority and safety personnel will make a
determination/decision on whether the sun shade is in an acceptable condition to continue
performing its intended purpose or whether the sun shade shall be removed from service
and all assets and personnel vacated from the sun shade until repair is completed. (T-1).
15.10.6. Establish an emergency evacuation plan to protect both personnel and equipment
from inclement/severe weather that may compromise the integrity of the aircraft sun shade
roof or support structure. (T-1). During inclement/severe weather situations including but not limited to high
winds, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes or other adverse weather
warning situation, personnel will be evacuated from the aircraft sun shade, not to the
aircraft sun shade. (T-1). The aircraft sun shade is not intended to be used as a protective shelter in
these situations.
15.11. Allied Support (Electricity, Water, Communications, Lighting).
15.11.1. If elected, electrical power shall be provided to a connection point at the aircraft sun
shade in accordance with UFC 3-550-01, Exterior Electrical Power Distribution and will be
installed and maintained by Civil Engineering as real property IAW AFI 32-9005, Real
Property Accountability and Reporting. (T-1). Allied support funding requirements will be prioritized along with other facility
and infrastructure requirements through the Facilities Board process or applicable
installation facility project prioritization process. (T-1).
15.11.2. If elected, water lines can be installed to a stub at the aircraft sun shade site and will
be installed and maintained by Civil Engineering as real property IAW AFI 32-9005. (T-1).
Water stubs and/or connections must be appropriately protected from frost/freeze and other
environmental conditions. (T-1). These stubs and/or connections must be prominently marked to prevent hazards
and accidents. (T-1). Allied support funding requirements will be prioritized along with other facility
and infrastructure requirements through the facilities board process or applicable
installation facility project prioritization process. (T-1).
15.11.3. If elected, communications shall be provided to the aircraft sun shade in accordance
with UFC 3-580-01, Telecommunications Interior Infrastructure Planning and Design, and will
be installed and maintained by qualified communications personnel. (T-1). Allied support funding requirements for the communication real property
elements of a project (example, conduit, manholes, duct banks) will be prioritized along
with other facility and infrastructure requirements through the facilities board process or
applicable installation facility project prioritization process. (T-1).
15.11.4. Lighting installation will be considered during procurement and/or sustainment
phases and will be purchased and maintained by the owning organization from the light to the
power stub. (T-1). If lighting is to be included in an aircraft sun shade, the owning organization
shall include this in the procurement, installation, and sustainment plan. (T-1). Owning organizations shall use criteria and consultation as outlined in
Paragraphs 15.7 through 15.9 Energy efficient lighting will be considered where
allowable. (T-1).
15.11.5. Power receptacles will be considered during the procurement and/or sustainment
phases and will be purchased and maintained by the owning organization from the power
receptacles to the power stub. (T-1). If power is to be included, the owning organization shall include this in the
procurement, installation, and sustainment plan. (T-1). Owning organizations shall use
criteria and consultation as outlined in Paragraphs 15.7 through 15.9 (T-1).
15.12. Crew Shelters and Portable/Inflatable Shelters.
15.12.1. Owning organizations will address the following items as a minimum in installation
plans submitted to applicable MAJCOM/A4 for approval: Annual procurement and sustainment costs, including allied support
infrastructure costs. See Paragraph 15.11 for allied support procedures. (T-1). Ensure shelter meets all standards and codes as applicable. Crew shelters and
inflatable or fabric structures must comply with the minimum Antiterrorism Standard
requirements of UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings. (T-
0). Ensure a FOD mitigation plan is implemented. (T-1).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Warranty information. (T-1). Wing tip and tail height clearances will meet the requirements outlined in
AFMAN 91-203 and UFC 03-260-01. (T-0). Appoint a shelter manager and establish a shelter user and operations plan.
Ensure assets are tracked as equipment items on the appropriate documents on the CA/CRL
IAW AFMAN 23-122. (T-1).
15.12.2. Crew shelters will be configured to minimum ventilation standards referenced in the
International Mechanical Code when occupied. (T-0).
Chapter 16 (Added-AMC)
16.1. (AMC) Maintenance Human Factors. The goal of human factors is to identify and
optimize the factors that affect human performance and minimize human error. Used properly,
human factors policies, programs, and procedures will help aviation maintenance personnel
perform their jobs safely and with more efficiency, capability, and less stress. New aircraft contain
materials, power plants, and technologies that did not exist in earlier models, and the number of
older aircraft has increased. While the aircraft on which they work have evolved dramatically over
the last 50 years, maintenance workers still exhibit all of the capabilities, limitations, and
idiosyncrasies that are part of being human. The nature of aviation maintenance is such that
Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) and Aviation Maintenance Inspectors (AMIs) often
work under conditions that stresses their physical, cognitive, and perceptual limits. AMTs and
AMIs sometimes work in cramped, awkward, or space-limited locations, under intense time
pressure, on complex systems, indoors and outdoors, and at all hours of the day. Understanding
human performance and limitations is crucial to an organization’s ability to attain high levels of
human performance across all aspects of the aviation maintenance domain. This instruction
establishes policy, procedures, and responsibilities for incorporating and coordinating human
factors considerations in maintenance and inspection programs and activities to enhance aviation
safety, capability, efficiency, and productivity. To align with aviation industry standards and
terminology this program will be titled Maintenance Human Factors (MxHF).
16.1.1. (AMC) The maintenance system in place for an organization includes technical
manuals and procedures, proper support equipment, and various organizational factors. The
specific components of the maintenance system need to be examined to determine how these
factors affect an individual’s performance, as well as defining the roles and responsibilities of
the individual and the organization. MxHF can be utilized for error reduction efforts to improve
processes, decrease induced damage and on-the-job-injuries. These considerations are related
to vision, hearing, information processing, attention and perception, memory, fatigue, stress,
complacency, distractions and interruptions to name a few. Communication breakdowns are
common in every organization and can cause a wide range of incidents and accidents. MxHF
examines written, verbal and non-verbal communication avenues and how they relate to task
and shift turnovers between teams. Teamwork roles and supervisory interaction have been
examined to strengthen decision making and conflict resolution techniques. Integrating
technical skills with interpersonal skills and basic human factors knowledge along with risk
management will improve communication, effectiveness and safety in maintenance operations.
MxHF works in conjunction with other safety reporting programs such as the Airman Safety
Action Program (ASAP) which is a voluntary program to anonymously report close call or
near-miss events. More information on ASAP can be found in AFI 91-202, The US Air Force
Mishap Prevention Program.
16.2. (AMC) Program Requirements. To facilitate a common culture, AMC’s MxHF program
will consist of an initial, one-time course of instruction and a refresher course required every two
years after initial training. The initial course should be of sufficient length to effectively and
adequately facilitate all course materials and case studies in application of the materials. It must
be led by a certified MxHF facilitator utilizing MAJCOM approved course materials located on
the MxHF Enterprise Information System (EIS) SharePoint,
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 Facilitators previously certified as a Logistics
Resource Management (LRM) instructor will be considered qualified to facilitate MxHF training.
The MxHF refresher class will be of sufficient length to facilitate core Human Factors concepts
tailored to highlight local issues, work environment and local conditions. The overall Headquarters
(HQ) AMC OPR for MxHF is AMC/A4MP Command Maintenance Policy (T-2)
16.2.1. (AMC) MxHF initial and refresher training is required at all stateside and overseas
long-tour locations for active duty military and civilian personnel serving in Aircraft
Maintenance. Commanders may add or exempt specific AFSCs, workcenters, etc. based upon
the relevancy and value of the training to those populations (i.e. office staff, non-maintenance
activities, etc.). MxHF training for contractors will be included in their respective contracts.
AFRC or ANG personnel in associate units are encouraged, but not required, to participate.
Because of the challenges posed by manpower rotations, MxHF training is not required at
short-tour locations, but these units will advocate MxHF to the maximum extent possible in
order to strengthen the cultural changes MxHF seeks to instill (T-3).
16.2.2. (AMC) See Chapter 11 for Flying Crew Chief human factor requirements.
16.3. (AMC) Responsibilities. Responsibility for implementing this program resides at every
level. The requirements of this program must be carried out to make MxHF a seamless, organized
success. For the purpose of identifying the level of responsibility, the terms “wing” and “group”
are synonymous with “en route locations”. The following is a top-down outline of the
responsibilities for each level of program management.
16.3.1. (AMC) HQ AMC MxHF Program Manager will: (AMC) Manage the program as a maintenance program. (AMC) Ensure all facilitators utilize the approved program course materials
available on the MxHF EIS SharePoint. (AMC) Maintain and post the command wide facilitator listing on the MxHF
EIS SharePoint. (AMC) Report personnel as facilitators on the facilitator listing upon
receipt of the facilitator certification memorandum. (AMC) Ensure curriculum changes and updates are posted to the MxHF EIS
SharePoint and inform unit facilitators when updates are available. (AMC) Conduct course reviews every 24 months and update course materials as
required. (AMC) Conduct three to four unit course audits per quarter. (AMC) Course audits may be performed by reviewing course materials provided
by the Maintenance Group on the MxHF EIS SharePoint or via approved video
teleconference. (AMC) Audits will typically consist of a course content review and ensure
the course baseline is utilized to conduct training.
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Ensure facilitators are trained and certified in accordance with the AMC
MxHF Facilitator Syllabus prior to reporting personnel as facilitators on the AMC
Facilitator Listing.
16.3.2. (AMC) MXG/CCs and En Route equivalent commanders will: (AMC) Participate personally in each initial and recurring class as part of the
agenda, to the maximum extent possible (T-3). (AMC) Commanders should use this time to reinforce the purpose and
importance of the course material and reinforce leadership philosophy and expectations
(T-3). (AMC) Identify and appoint personnel to serve as MxHF Level 1 and 2
facilitators. (AMC) Level 1 facilitators are required to be proficient in basic MxHF
instruction. (AMC) Level 2 facilitators are required to possess above average MxHF
instructional skills and be proficient in the intermediate level of instruction as well as
certified to administer the command MxHF Facilitator Syllabus as a certifier of MxHF
facilitators (T-2). (AMC) Ensure that no more than two Level 2 facilitators are assigned to a
single location. Their primary function is to certify Level 1 facilitators for their
respective location (T-3). (AMC) Ensure that all facilitators conduct at least one class per quarterto
ensure proficiency is maintained (T-3). (AMC) If proficiency requirements are unable to be met because too
many facilitators are assigned, then the number of facilitators must be reduced to
maintain proficiency (T-3). (AMC) Personnel unable to maintain proficiency due to Temporary
Duty (TDY), deployments, leave or other issues not associated with the number of
facilitators are waived from this requirement until their return (T-3). (AMC) Ensure unit qualification level is maintained at 90% or above (T-2). (AMC) Personnel that have not attended a MxHF course must complete
initial MxHF training within 6 months of assignment, or assignment to a duty position
that requires MxHF training (T-3). (AMC) Ensure unit training managers and/or monitors document course
completion using G081 maintenance information system (MIS) course code ANCL
000040 for initial and ANCL 000041 for refresher (T-2). (AMC) Upon completion of initial MxHF training, utilize the same
completion date to populate the refresher completion date. (AMC) Maintain up-to-date qualification metrics in the event the data is
needed by the MAJCOM (T-2).
16.3.3. (AMC) Level 2 Facilitators will: (AMC) Ensure MxHF training is conducted per the course syllabus (T-2). (AMC) Determine the need to supplement or modify course content to ensure
the course meets the needs of the local mission and/or career field cultural awareness
requirements (T-3). (AMC) When supplementing the MxHF course, ensure content is
applicable to the audience/trainee area of expertise, but does not remove minimum
required course content provided on the MxHF EIS SharePoint and the MxHF course
syllabus (T-2). (AMC) Ensure the validity and consistency of the program across the MXG by
evaluating training of personnel, reviewing slides, and updating the program as needed to
reflect current trends and statistics (T-3). (AMC) Review the requirements and qualifications for advancement to higher
certification for new facilitators (T-2). (AMC) Re-evaluate previously certified facilitators who have not taught a class
in 6 months or more prior to allowing them to assume facilitator duties (T-3). (AMC) Ensure personnel undergoing training to become a facilitator are not
appointed level 2 status without having first served as a Level 1 facilitator. (AMC) Thorough MxHF material understanding and proficiency must first
be established to train new level 2 facilitators (T-2). (AMC) Evaluate annually all Level 1 facilitators under their supervision utilizing
the AMC MxHF Instruction Grade Sheet located in the AMC MxHF facilitator syllabus
(T-2). (AMC) Report any changes in facilitator appointments and/or status to the AMC
MxHF OPR (T-2). (AMC) Ensure MxHF facilitators are trained in accordance with the AMC
MxHF Facilitator Syllabus (T-2). (AMC) Ensure facilitators are certified by memorandum signed by a Level 2
facilitator and sent to the AMC Maintenance Policy e-mail org box at ORG.AMCA4- (AMC) Have adequate knowledge and understanding of the Airman Safety
Action Program (ASAP) and be able to coordinate/communicate with wing and unit safety
personnel on current accident/mishap trends to determine the need for additional course
16.3.4. (AMC) Level 1 Facilitators will: (AMC) Manage the Error/Threat program as required per course syllabus (T- 2). (AMC) Review student inputs and coordinate with the appropriate
agencies to ensure corrective measures are taken/in-place (T-2).
AFI21-101_AMCSUP_JBMDLSUP 29 MARCH 2021 (AMC) Maintain knowledge of installation safety statistics, high interest areas
and unit safety climate (T-3). (AMC) Have adequate knowledge and understanding of the Airman Safety
Action Program (ASAP) and be able to coordinate/communicate with wing and unit safety
personnel on current accident/mishap trends to determine the need for additional course
topics. (AMC) Encourage participation and attendance by other agencies and units
involved in the mission generation and mission enabling processes to expedite resolution
of MxHF related issues. (AMC) When practical, ensure optimal class mixture of Air Force Specialties
from across the MXG is selected based on their experience, skills, and rank to maximize
benefits of course discussions. (AMC) Update course content within 30 days of a program update notification
or at least annually if no command program updates were made (T-2). (AMC) Updates are to provide current materials and information
concerning local conditions.
LINDA S. HURRY, Brigadier General, USAF
Director of Logistics
DCS/Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection
Brigadier General, USAF
Director of Logistics, Engineering, and Force
Commander, 305
Air Mobility Wing
Attachment 1
(Added-AMC) AFMAN 11-2C-17V3, C-17 Operations Procedures, 29 July 2019
(Added-AMC) AFMAN 11-2C-5V3, C-5 Operations Procedures, 15 April 2019
(Added-AMC) AMCI 10-2102V6, Mission Reliability Reporting System, 22 January 2019
(Added-AMC) AMCI 21-108, Logistics Support Operations, 28 January 2019
(Added-AMC) AMCI 63-101, Aircraft Modification/Configuration Review Board Process, 5
March 2019
PUBLIC LAW 99-661, Sec 2638, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1987, 14
Nov 1986
PUBLIC LAW 108-136, Sec 802, Quality Control in Procurement of Aviation Critical Safety
Items and Related Services, 24 Nov 2003
FAA Order 8110.101A, Type Certification Procedures for Military Commercial Derivative
Aircraft, 25 Feb 2015
FAR Part 1.602-2(d), Part 42, Contract Administration and Audit Services, 16 Nov 2017
FAR Subpart 37.2, Advisory and Assistance Services, 16 May 2016
FAR, Subpart 45.3, Authorizing the Use and Rental of Government Property, 2 Apr 2012
Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation, Aeronautics and Space, 3 Jan 2019
Title 29 Code of Federal Regulation 1910.1200(f), Occupational Safety and Health Standards,
Toxic and Hazardous Substances, 26 Mar 2012
DoDI 3002.02, Personnel Recovery and 406 MHZ Search and Rescue (SAR) Emergency
Beacons in the Department of Defense, 25 Apr 2016
DoDD 3150.02, DoD Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 24 Apr 2013
DoD 7000.14-R, DoD Financial Management Regulation, Vol 12, Chapter 7, Financial liability
for Government Property Lost, Damaged, Destroyed or Stolen, Mar 2019
DoDD 8100.02, Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in the
Department of Defense (DoD) Global Information Grid (GIG), 14 Apr 2004
DoDI 8500.01, Cybersecurity, 14 Mar 2014
DoDM 5200.01 – V3, DoD Information Security Program; Protection of Classified Information,
24 Feb 2012
DoD 8570, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, 19 Dec 2005
Engineering Technical Letter 02-15, Fire Protection Engineering Criteria - New Aircraft
Facilities, 3 Dec 2002
Engineering Technical Letter 04-2, Standard Airfield Pavement Marking Schemes, 19 Jul 2004
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-260-01, Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design, 4 Feb 2019
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-301-01, Structural Engineering, 1 Jun 2013
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-310-04, Seismic Design, 1 Jun 2013
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-501-01, Electrical Engineering, 6 Oct 2015
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-520-01, Interior Electrical Systems, 6 Oct 2015
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-530-01, Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and Controls, 1 Apr
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-535-01, Visual Air Navigation Facilities, 11 Apr 2017
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-550-01, Exterior Electrical Power Distribution, 1 Sep 2016
Unified Facilities Criteria 3-600-01, Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, 8 Aug 2016
Unified Facilities Criteria 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, 12
Dec 2018
Unified Facilities Guide Specifications 32-17-23, Pavement Markings, 26 Aug 2016
Unified Facilities Guide Specifications 3-580-01, Telecommunications Interior Infrastructure
Planning and Design, 1 Jun 2016
JP 1-02, Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, 15 Feb 2016
NIST SP 800-53A Revision 4, Assessing Security and Privacy Controls in Federal Information
Systems and Organizations: Building Effective Security Assessment Plans, 18 Dec 2014
ODM 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management V1-V10, 10 Feb 2014
AFH 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, 16 Oct 2018
(Added-AMC) AFI 10-202, Contingency Response Forces, 14 July 2015
(Added-AMC) AFI 11-301V1, Aircrew Flight Equipment (AFE) Program, 9 October 2017
(Added-AMC) AFI 11-301V2, Management and Configuration Requirements for Aircrew
Flight Equipment (AFE), 19 December 2013
(Added-AMC) AFI 16-1301, Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) Program, 2
August 2017
(Added-AMC) AFI 23-101_AMCSUP, Air Force Material Management, 20 December 2018
(Added-AMC) AFI 36-2650_AMCSUP, Maintenance Training, 16 October 2019
(Added-AMC) AFI 65-103, Temporary Duty/Special Orders, 14 August 2019
(Added-AMC) AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, 12 July 2018
(Added-AMC) AFI 90-201, The Air Force Inspection System, 19 April 2018
AFPD 10-9, Lead Command Designation and Responsibilities for Weapon Systems, 8 Mar 2007
AFPD 21-1, Maintenance of Military Materiel, 1 Aug 2018
AFPD 24-2, Preparation and Movement of Air Force Materiel, 27 Apr 2013
AFPD 90-8, Environment, Safety, Occupational Health Management and Risk Management, 14
Mar 2017
AFECD, The Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory, 31 Oct 2018
AFSCI 62-100, Military Repair Station Program, 26 Jan 2018
AFGM 2018-17-02, Air Force Enterprise Information Technology Management, 31 May 2018
AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards, 7 Aug 2012
AFI 10-201, Force Readiness Reporting, 3 Mar 2016
AFI 10-401, Air Force Operations Planning and Execution, 7 Dec 2006
AFI 10-403, Deployment Planning and Execution, 20 Sep 2012
AFI 10-404, Base Support and Expeditionary (BAS&E) Site Planning, 27 Aug 2015
AFI 10-703, Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming, 4 Jun 2014
AFI 10-2501, Air Force Emergency Management Program, 19 Apr 2016
AFI 11-202 V3, General Flight Rules, 10 Aug 2016
AFI 11-212, Munitions Requirements for Aircrew Training, 23 Aug 2013
AFI 11-218, Aircraft Operations and Movement on the Ground, 28 Oct 2011
AFI 11-235, Specialized Refueling Operations, 8 Apr 2015
AFI 11-401, Aviation Management, 20 Dec 2010
AFI 13-201, Airspace Management, 21 Aug 2012
AFI 16-402, Aerospace Vehicle Programming, Assignment, Distribution, Accounting, and
Termination, 30 May 2013
AFI 16-1404, Air Force Information Security Program, 29 May 2015
AFI 17-130, Cybersecurity Program Management, 19 Mar 2018
AFI 17-210, Radio Management, 26 May 2016
AFI 17-220, Spectrum Management, 16 Mar 2017
AFI 20-106 IP, Management of Aviation Critical Safety Items, 25 Jan 2006
AFI 20-110, Nuclear Weapons-Related Materiel Management, 4 Jun 2018
AFI 20-117, Repair Network Management, 22 Aug 2018
AFI 21-103, Equipment Inventory, Status, and Utilization Reporting, 16 Dec 2016
AFMAN 21-113, Air Force Metrology and Calibration (AFMETCAL) Program Management, 3
Jun 2016
AFI 21-131, Joint Oil Analysis Program, 26 Mar 2014
AFI 21-203, Nuclear Accountability, 12 May 2016
AFI 21-204, Nuclear Weapons Maintenance, 17 Dec 2015
AFI 23-101, Air Force Materiel Management, 12 Dec 2016
AFI 23-111, Management of Government Property in Possession of the Air Force, 19 Nov 2018
AFI 23-204, Organizational Fuel Tanks, 24 Jul 2012
AFI 24-302, Vehicle Management, 26 Jun 2012
AFI 24-602V2, Preparation and Movement of Air Force Cargo, 13 Jul 2017
AFI 25-101, Air Force War Reserve Materiel (WRM) Guidance and Procedures, 14 Jan 2015
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures, 18
Oct 2013
AFI 31-101, Integrated Defense (FOUO), 5 Jul 2017
AFI 32-1021, Planning and Programming Military Construction (MILCON) Projects, 25 Feb
AFI 32-1024, Standard Facility Requirements, 14 Jul 2011
AFI 32-1032, Planning and Programming Appropriated Fund Maintenance, Repair, and
Construction Projects, 24 Sep 2015
AFI 32-1044, Visual Air Navigation Systems, 24 Dec 2014
AFI 32-1062, Electric Systems, Power Plants and Generators, 15 Jan 2015
AFI 32-1065, Grounding Systems, 14 Jun 2017
AFI 32-7001, Environmental Management, 16 Apr 2015
AFI 32-7042, Waste Management, 7 Nov 2014
AFI 32-7086, Hazardous Materials Management, 4 Feb 2015
AFI 32-9005, Real Property Accountability and Reporting, 16 Apr 2019
AFI 33-360, Publication and Forms Management, 1 Dec 2015
AFI 34-101, Air Force Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs and Use Eligibility,
16 Apr 2019
AFI 36-128, Pay Settings and Allowances, 17 May 2019
AFI 36-202, Civilian Mobility, 19 Apr 2019
AFI 36-2101, Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted), 25 Jun 2013
AFI 36-2605, Air Force Military Personnel Testing System, 24 Sep 2008
AFI 36-2650, Maintenance Training, 20 May 2014
AFI 36-2651, Air Force Training Program, 3 Jan 2019
AFI 36-3017, Assignment Incentive Pay and Special Duty Assignment Pay, 20 Sep 2018
AFI 36-3802, Force Support Readiness Programs, 9 Jan 2019
AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Action of Civilian Employees, 3 Jul 2018
AFI 38-101, Air Force Organization, 31 Jan 2017
AFI 48-109, Electromagnetic Field Radiation Occupational & Environmental Health Program, 1
Aug 14
AFI 48-127, Occupational Noise and Hearing Conservation Program, 26 Feb 2016
AFI 48-137, Respiratory Protection Program, 12 Sep 2018
AFI 62-601, USAF Airworthiness, 11 Jun 2010
AFI 63-101/20-101, Integrated Life Cycle Management, 9 May 2017
AFI 63-104, The SEEK EAGLE Program, 21 Jan 2005
AFI 63-125, Nuclear Certification Program, 24 Jul 2017
AFI 63-138, Acquisition of Services, 11 May 2017
AFI 63-140, Aircraft Structural Integrity Program, 7 Apr 2014
AFI 65-601V1, Budget Guidance and Procedures, 24 Oct 2018
AFI 65-601V2, Budget Management for Operations, 14 Jul 2017
AFI 84-103, U.S. Air Force Heritage Program, 22 May 2015
AFI 90-802, Risk Management, 11 Feb 2013
AFI 90-821, Hazard Communication (HAZCOM) Program, 27 Jan 2014
AFI 90-1001, Planning Total Force Associations (TFAs), 9 Jan 2017
AFI 91-101, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Surety Program, 15 Aug 2014
AFI 91-103, Air Force Nuclear Safety Design Certification Program, 24 Mar 2016
AFI 91-104, Nuclear Surety Tamper Control and Detection Programs, 23 Apr 2013
AFI 91-107, Design, Evaluation, Troubleshooting, and Maintenance Criteria for Nuclear
Weapon Systems, 11 Dec 2012
AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 25 Jun 2015
AFI 91-204, Safety Investigation and Hazard Reporting, 27 Apr 2018
AFI 91-205, Non-Nuclear Munitions Safety Board, 23 May 2018
AFCSM 21-556 V2, Intro to IMDS CDB, 1 Aug 2019
AFCSM 21-558, Comprehensive Engine Management System, 1 Jun 2019
AFCSM 21-564 V2, Status and Inventory Reporting Software User Manual, 25 Feb 2019
AFCSM 21-574 V2, Automated Debriefing, 25 Feb 2019
AFPAM 90-803, Risk Management Guidelines and Tools, 11 Feb 2013
AFMAN 10-206, Operational Reporting, 10 Jun 2018
AFMAN 10-207, Command Posts, 11 Apr 2018
AFMAN 10-409-O, Support to Adaptive Planning, 19 Apr 2016
AFMAN 10-2503, Operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield
Explosive (CBRNE) Environment, 7 Jul 2011
AFMAN 16-1405, Air Force Personnel Security Program, 1 Aug 2018
AFMAN 17-1203, Information Technology (IT) Asset Management (ITAM), 18 May 2018
AFMAN 17-1301, Computer Security (COMPUSEC), 10 Feb 2017
AFMAN 17-1302-O, Communications Security (COMSEC) Operations, 3 Feb 2017
AFMAN 20-116, Propulsion Life Cycle Management for Aerial Vehicles, 28 Aug 2017
AFMAN 21-111, Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School, 9 Mar 2019
AFMAN 21-200, Munitions and Missile Maintenance Management, 9 Aug 2018
AFMAN 21-201, Munitions Management, 26 Mar 2019
AFMAN 23-122, Materiel Management Procedures, 14 Dec 2016
AFMAN 24-204, Preparing Hazardous Materials for Military Air Shipments, 13 Jul 2017
AFMAN 32-1040, Civil Engineering Airfield Infrastructure Systems, 23 Aug 2019
AFMAN 32-1084, Facility Requirements, 26 Feb 2016
AFMAN 33-363 Management of Records, 1 Mar 2008
AFMAN 48-125, Personnel Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry, 9 Jan 2019
AFMAN 91-201, Explosives Safety Standards, 21 Mar 2017
AFMAN 91-203, Air Force Occupational Safety, Fire, and Health Standards, 11 Dec 2018
AFMAN 91-221, Weapons Safety Investigations and Reports, 21 Aug 2015
AFMAN 91-223, Aviation Safety Investigations and Reports, 14 Sep 2018
AFH 23-123V1, Materiel Management Reference Information, 8 Aug 2013
AFH 23-123V2PT2, Integrated Logistics System-Supply (ILS-S), Standard Base Supply System
Operations, 8 Aug 2013
AFH 23-123V3, Air Force Equipment Management, 8 Aug 2013
AFTTP 3-4, Airman’s Manual, 11 Jan 2019
AFTTP 3-4.21V1, Aircraft Maintenance, 26 Nov 2018
MIL-STD-1760E, DoD Interface Standard, Aircraft/Store Electrical Interconnection System, 24
Oct 2007
MIL-STD-3007, Department of Defense Standard Practice for Unified Facilities Criteria, 13 Dec
MIL-HDBK-516C, DoD Handbook, Airworthiness Certification Criteria, 12 Dec 2014
TO 00-5-1, AF Technical Order System, 15 Feb 2019
TO 00-20-5-1-3, Instructions for Jet Engine Parts Tracking of OC-ALC/LPA Managed Engines,
1 Mar 2007
TO 00-5-15, Air Force Time Compliance Technical Order Process, 29 Sep 2017
TO 00-5-16, Computer Program Identification Number (CPIN) Management, 1 Apr 2019
TO 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment Maintenance Inspection, Documentation, Policies, and
Procedures, 6 Sep 2019
TO 00-20-2, Maintenance Data Documentation, 5 Sep 2019
TO 00-20-3, Maintenance Processing of Reparable Property and the Repair Cycle Asset Control
System, 10 Jul 2017
TO 00-20-9, Forecasting Replacement Requirements for Selected Calendar and Hourly Time
Change Items, 15 Jan 2014
TO 00-25-4, Depot Maintenance of Aerospace Vehicles and Training Equipment, 15 Jan 2018
TO 00-20-14, AF Metrology and Calibration Program, 30 Sep 2017
TO 00-25-107, Maintenance Assistance, 1 Oct 2015
TO 00-25-113, Conservation and Segregation of Critical Alloy and Precious Metal Bearing Parts
and Scrap, 15 Sep 2013
TO 00-25-172, Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding, 9 Aug 2013
TO 00-25-172CL-4, Checklist -- Aircraft Fuel Servicing with R-9, R-11 and Commercial Fuel
Servicing Trucks and with Fuels Operational Readiness Capability Equipment (FORCE), 16 Mar
TO 00-25-195, AF Technical Order System Source, Maintenance and Recoverability Coding of
Air Force Weapons Systems, and Equipment, 1 Oct 2012
TO 00-25-240, Uniform Repair/Replacement Criteria for USAF Support Equipment (SE), 1 Aug
TO 00-25-252, Intermediate Maintenance and Depot Level Maintenance instructions-
Aeronautical Welding, 1 Oct 2016
TO 00-25-254-1, Comprehensive Engine Management System (CEMS) (D042) Engine Status,
Configuration, and TCTO Reporting Procedures, 15 Aug 2018
TO 00-33A-1001, General Cyberspace Support Activities Management Procedures and Practice
Requirements, 2 Jul 2018
TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting, Investigation and Resolution, 1 Sep 2015
TO 00-80C-1, Crash, Damaged, Disabled Aircraft Recovery Manual, 20 Mar 2015
TO 00-85-20, Engine Shipping Instructions, 1 Feb 2018
TO 00-105E-9, Aerospace Emergency Rescue and Mishap Response Information, 16 Apr 2018
TO 00-110A-1 Guidelines for Identification and Handling of Aircraft and Material Contaminated
with Radioactive Debris, 15 Aug 2015
TO 1-1-3, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Integral Tanks and Fuel Cells, 1 Feb 2019
TO 1-1-8, Application and Removal of Organic Coatings, Aerospace and Non-Aerospace
Equipment, 12 Jan 2010
TO 1-1B-50, Basic Technical Order for USAF Aircraft Weight and Balance, 1 Aug 2015
TO 1-1H-39, Aircraft Battle Damage Repair General Technical Manual, 1 Dec 2018
TO 1-1-300, Maintenance Operational Checks and Check Flights, 15 Mar 2012
TO 1-1-691, Cleaning and Corrosion Prevention and Control, Aerospace and Non-Aerospace
Equipment, 29 Sep 2018
TO 1-1-700, Corrosion Prevention and Control for Ground Communication, Electronics and
Meteorological (C-E-M) Equipment and its Protective Shelters, Vans, and Radomes, 31 Jan 2017
TO 2-1-18, Aircraft Engine Operating Limits and Factors, 1 May 2018
TO 2J-1-18, Preparation for Shipment and Storage of Gas Turbine Engines, 15 Oct 2018
TO 4W-1-61, Maintenance and Overhaul Instruction - All Types Aircraft Wheels, 20 Aug 2018
TO 11A-1-33, Handling and Maintenance of Explosives-Loaded Aircraft, 25 Feb 2019
TO 11A-1-10, Air Force Munitions Surveillance Program and Serviceability Procedures, 21 Jul
TO 11A-1-60, General Instructions Inspection of Reusable Munitions Containers and Scrap
Material Generated from Items Exposed to or Containing Explosives, 15 May 2014
TO 11A-1-63, Munitions Assembly ProceduresInspection and Assembly of Conventional
Munitions, 28 Aug 2018
TO 11C15-1-3, Chemical Warfare Decontamination Detection and Disposal of Decontamination
Agents, 28 Feb 04
TO 11D1-3-8-1, Decontamination Apparatus, Power Driven, Portable Type A/E32U-8,
(Engineered Air), 15 May 2013
TO 11N-3150-8-1, USAF DIAMONDS Policy and Procedures, 31 May 2013
TO 31R2-1-251, General Instructions Transmission of False Distress Signals on Emergency
Frequencies, 11 Sept 05
TO 15X-1-102, General Care and Cleaning of Oxygen Gauges and Oxygen Device Related Test
Equipment, 22 Jul 2017
TO 31S5-4-ETOOL-1, eTool Set Up and Management, 18 Jan 2019
TO 32-1-101, Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools, 26 Apr 2017
TO 33-1-37-1, Joint Oil Analysis Program Laboratory Manual, Volume I, 15 Sep 2014
TO 33-1-37-2, Joint Oil Analysis Program Laboratory Manual, Volume II, 01 Jun 2015
TO 33-1-37-3, Joint Oil Analysis Program Laboratory Manual, Volume III, 30 Apr 2018
TO 33-1-37-4, Joint Analysis Program Manual, Volume IV, 30 Aug 2013
TO 33-1-38, Cybersecurity for Automatic Test Systems and Automatic Test Equipment in FSC,
28 Apr 2018
TO 33B-1-1, Nondestructive Inspection Methods Basic Theory, 15 Oct 2016
TO 33B-1-2, Nondestructive Inspection General Procedures and Process Controls, 1 Mar 2018
TO 33K-1-100-2-CD-1, TMDE Calibration Interval Technical Order and Work Unit Code
Reference Guide, 30 Nov 2018
TO 34-1-3, Machinery and Shop Equipment, 21 Dec 2017
TO 35-1-3, Corrosion Prevention and Control, Cleaning, Painting, and Marking of USAF
Support Equipment, 20 Dec 2018
TO 35-1-4, Processing and Inspection of Support Equipment for Storage and Shipment, 8 Jun
TO 35-1-24, Air Force Economic Repair/Replacement Criteria for Selected Warner Robins
Logistics Complex (ALC) Managed Support Equipment (SE), 27 Oct 2017
TO 35D-1-2, Technical Manual –Munitions Materiel Handling Equipment Miscellaneous and
Locally Manufactured (Munitions Related), 7 Sep 2018
TO 35D-2-2, Munitions Materiel Handling Equipment Miscellaneous and Locally Manufactured
Armament Related, 7 Sep 2018
TO 37A9-3-11-lCL-l, Checklist, Operational and Organizational Maintenance Hot Refueling and
Hot Integrated Combat Turn-Around Procedures, Aircraft Fuel Servicing Unit Type GRU 17/E
Pantograph PACAF Type IV Hydrant Servicing, 15 Apr 2017
TO 42B1-1-18, General Procedures, Handling of H-70 (Hydrazine – Water Fuel), 18 Nov 2014
TO 44B-1-15, General Instructions - Jet Engine Anti-friction Bearing Handling, Removal,
Cleaning, Inspecting, and Installation at Jet Engine Base Maintenance Facilities, 28 Jul 2018
TO 42E1-1-1, Aviation Hose and Tube Manual, 1 Jul 2013
Prescribed Forms
AF Form 596, Quick Engine Change Kit Inventory
AF Form 861, Base/Transient Job Control Number Register
AF Form 864, Daily Requirement and Dispatch Record
AF Form 2001, Notification of TCTO Kit Requirements
AF Form 2400, Functional Check Flight Log
AF Form 2401, Equipment Utilization and Maintenance Schedule
AF Form 2402, Weekly Equipment Utilization and Maintenance Schedule
AF Form 2403, Weekly Aircraft Utilization/Maintenance Schedule
AF Form 2407, Weekly/Daily Flying Schedule Coordination
AF Form 2410, Inspection/TCTO Planning Checklist
AF Form 2411, Inspection Document
AF Form 2419, Routing and Review of Quality Control Reports
AF Form 2426, Training Request and Completion
AF Form 2430, Specialist Dispatch Control Log
AF Form 2434, Munitions Configuration and Expenditure Document
(Added-AMC) AMC Form 170, Flying Crew Chief Mission Report
(Added-AMC) AMC Form 234, AMC Ramp Inspection Checklist
(Added-AMC) AMC Form 278, Debriefing and Recovery Plan
AF IMT 2408, Generation Maintenance Plan
(Added-AMC) AMC Form 45, AFREP Source of Approved Repair Request & Reply
(Added-AMC) AMC Form 64, Request for Special Certification
AF IMT 2409, Generation Sequence Action Schedule
Adopted Forms
(Added-AMC) AF Form 2426, Training Request and Completion Notification
AF Form 55, Employee Safety and Health Record
AF Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request
AF Form 504, Weapons Custody Transfer Document
AF Form 623, Individual Training Record
(Added-AMC) AF Form 664, Aircraft Fuels Documentation Log
AF Form 726, Transient Aircraft Service Record
AF Form 797, Job Qualification Standard Continuation
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 1067, Modification Proposal
AF Form 1098, Special Tasks Certification and Recurring Training
AF Form 1297, Temporary Issue Receipt
AF Form 1492, Warning Tag
AF Form 2005, Issue/Turn-In Request
AF Form 2096, Classification/On the Job Training Action
AF Form 3580, USAF Museum Aerospace Vehicle Static Display Egress and Safety Certificate
AFTO Form 20, Caution and Inspection Record
AFTO Form 66, TMDE Bar Codes (Polyester Film)
AFTO Form 82, TCTO Verification Certificate
AFTO Form 95, Significant Historical Data
AFTO Form 97, Aerospace Vehicle Battle Damage Incident Debrief/Assessment/Repair Record
AFTO Form 97B, Aircraft Battle Damage Evaluator Checklist
AFTO Form 103, Aircraft/Missile Condition Data
AFTO Form 242, Nondestructive Inspection Data
AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support Equipment Record
AFTO Form 252, Technical Order Publications Change Request
AFTO Form 345, Aerospace Vehicle Transfer Inspection Checklist and Certification
AFTO Form 349, Maintenance Data Collection Record
AFTO Form 375, Selected Support Equipment Repair Cost Estimate
AFTO Form 492, Maintenance Warning Tag
AFTO Form 781, Arms Aircrew/Mission Flight Data Document
AFTO Form 781A, Maintenance Discrepancy and Work Document
AFTO Form 781C, Avionics Configuration and Load Status Document
AFTO Form 781H, Aerospace Vehicle Flight Status and Maintenance
AFTO Form 781J, Aerospace Vehicle - Engine Flight Document
AFTO Form 781K, Aerospace Vehicle Inspection, Engine Data, Calendar Inspection and
Delayed Discrepancy Document
DD Form 250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report
DD Form 1348-6, DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document
DD Form 1610, Request and Authorization for TDY Travel of DoD Personnel
DD Form 2861, Cross-Reference
FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration
Abbreviations and Acronyms ABDR
Aircraft Battle Damage Repair AC
Aircraft Commander
ACCAir Combat Command
ACR—Authorization Change Requests
AD—Airworthiness Directives
ADRAircraft Document Review
AETC—Air Education and Training Command
AFCSMAir Force Computer Systems Manual
AFETSAir Force Engineering and Technical Service
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFLCMCAir Force Life Cycle Management Center
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFPAMAir Force Pamphlet
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFRAir Force Reserve Command
AFREPAir Force Repair and Enhancement Program
AFRIMSAir Force Records Information Management System
AFSCAir Force Specialty Code
AFSCIAir Force Sustainment Center Instruction
AFSOCAir Force Special Operations Command
AFTOAir Force Technical Order AGE
Aerospace Ground Equipment
AGMAir-to-Ground Missile
AIRCATAutomated Inspection, Repair, Corrosion, and Aircraft Tracking
ALCAir Logistics Complex ALIS
Autonomic Logistics Information System
AMCAir Mobility Command
AMEAlternate Mission Equipment
(Added-AMC) AMOWAir Mobility Operations Wing
AMUAircraft Maintenance Unit
AMSAir Mobility Squadron
AMXSAircraft Maintenance Squadron
ANGAir National Guard
APUAuxiliary Power Unit
AQLAcceptable Quality Level
(Added-AMC) ARAttrition Reserve
ARCAir Reserve Component
ASAllowance Standard ASC
Aircraft Service Changes
(Added-AMC) ASEAircraft Schedule Effectiveness
(Added-AMC) ASF—Aircraft Support Flight
ASIPAircraft Structural Integrity Program
ASMAircraft Structural Maintenance
(Added-AMC) ATOAir Tasking Order
AVDOAerospace Vehicle Distribution Office
AWMAwaiting Maintenance
AWPAwaiting Parts
(Added-AMC) BAIBackup Aircraft Inventory
BCSBench Check Serviceable
BSLBasic Systems Listing
BSP—Base Support Plan
CACannibalization Authority
CAAP—COMAFFOR Apportionment and Allocation Process
CA/CRLCustodian Authorization/Custody Receipt Listing
CAD/PADCartridge Actuated Device/Propellant Actuated Device
CAICritical Application Items
CAT ICategory I
CAT IICategory II
CB—Customer Bulletins
CBM+—Condition-Based Maintenance Plus
CBRNEChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and high-yield Explosive
CBUCluster Bomb Unit
CCYCalculated Cycles
CDDeputy Commander (MXG/CD)
CDACommercial Derivative Aircraft
CDBCentral Database
CDDARCrashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery
CECivil Engineer
CEMS—Comprehensive Engine Management System
CETSContractor Engineering and Technical Services
CFETPCareer Field Education and Training Plan
CFT—Contract Field Team
CM—Configuration Management
CMS—Component Maintenance Squadron
CNDCan Not Duplicate
COMAFFORCommander, Air Force Forces
COMSEC—Communications Security
CONUS—Continental United States
CPINS—Computer Program Identification Numbering System
CRFCentralized Repair Facilities
(Added-AMC) CRW—Contingency Response Wing
CSICritical Safety Items
CTK—Composite Tool Kit
CCW—Counter Chemical Warfare
DBMDatabase Manager
DCADesign Control Activity
DCCDedicated Crew Chief
DCMADefense Contract Management Agency
DDRDaily Demand Rate
DFT—Depot Field Team
DIAMONDSDefense Integration and Management of Nuclear Data Services
DIFMDue-in From Maintenance
DISADefense Information System Agency
DITData Integrity Team DLA
Defense Logistics Agency DMS
Decentralized Materiel Support
D23Repair Cycle Asset Management Listing
DOCDesigned Operational Capability
DoD—Department of Defense DoDI
Department of Defense Instruction DoDD
Department of Defense Directive
DOIDate of Installation
DOMDate of Manufacture / Director of Maintenance
DOP—Dropped Object Prevention / Director of Propulsion
DRDeficiency Report
DLADSDefense Logistics Agency Disposition Service
DRUDirect Report Unit
DSVDetected Safety Violations
eToolsElectronic Tools
E&EElectrical & Environmental
EAWP—Engine Automated Work Package,
ECMElectronic Countermeasures ED
EHM+—Engine Health Management
EHR—Event History Recorder
E&I—Evaluation and Inspection
EID—Event Identification Description / Equipment Identification Designator
EMEngine Management/Emergency Management EMS
Equipment Maintenance Squadron EMXG/CC
Expeditionary Maintenance Group Commander ENMCS
Engine Not Mission Capable for Supply
EOD—Explosive Ordnance Disposal
EOR—End of Runway EOT
Engine Operating Time
EPE—Evaluator Proficiency Evaluation
ERExceptional Release
ERRC—Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability Code
ES—Equipment Specialist
ESOH—Environment Safety and Occupational Health
ESOHMS—Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health Management System
ESPExpeditionary Site Plan ESS
Environmental Stress Screening
ETICEstimated Time in Commission
ETIMSEnhanced Technical Information Management System
ET&D—Engine Trending and Diagnostics
ETSEngineering and Technical Services/Engine Test Stand
EWElectronic Warfare EWS
Electronic Warfare System EX
Exercises/Contingencies FAA
Federal Aviation Administration FAR
Federal Acquisition Regulation FCC
Flying Crew Chief FCF—Functional
Check Flight FHP—Flying Hour
Program FOForeign Object
FOAField Operating Unit FOD
Foreign Object Damage FOM
Facilitate Other Maintenance
FOUOFor Official Use Only
FSLFull Systems Listing
(Added-AMC) FSL—Forward Supply Location
FSRField Service Representatives FY
Fiscal Year
GBU—Guided Bomb Unit
GEOLOCGeographical Location
GITA—Ground Instructional Trainer Aircraft
GOXGaseous Oxygen
(Added-AMC) GSASGeneration Sequence Action Schedule
GSUGeographically Separated Units
HAFHeadquarters, US Air Force
HAZMATHazardous Material
HC/DHazard Class Division
HFHigh Frequency
HHQHigher Headquarters
(Added-AMC) HOFHealth of Fleet
HPO—Hourly Post-flight HPT
High Pressure Turbine HQ
HSCHome Station Check
IAWIn Accordance With ID
Identification / Integrated Defense I
DeckInitialization Deck
IETMInteractive Electronic Technical Manuals
IFCSInstrument and Flight Control Systems
IFEIn-Flight Emergency
IFRIn Flight Refueling
ILS-SIntegrated Logistics Systems-Supply
IMDSIntegrated Maintenance Data System
IMIS—Integrated Maintenance Information System
IP—Instructor Pilot
IPCOTIn-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour
IPIIn-Process Inspection
ISO—Isochronal Inspection
I/UAImmediate and Urgent Action
ISU/DORIssue/Due-Out Release
JCN—Job Control Number
JDD—Job Data Documentation
JDRS—Joint Deficiency Reporting System
JEDMICS—Joint Engineering Data Management Information and Control System
JEIMJet Engine Intermediate Maintenance
JML—Job Standard Master Listing
JOAP—Joint Oil Analysis Program
JST—Job Standard KTL
Key Task List LANLocal
Area Network
LCNLogistics Control Number
LEAPLogistics Evaluation Assurance Program
LMLimited-use Munition
LMELocally Manufactured Equipment
LMRLand Mobile Radio
LOLow Observable
(Added-AMC) LOGNETLogistics Network
LOX—Liquid Oxygen
LPTLow Pressure Turbine
LRSLogistics Readiness Squadron
LRULine Replaceable Unit
LSC—Load Standardization Crew
LVEmergency Leave
MAJCOMMajor Command
(Added-AMC) MASOPMaintenance Special Operations
MCMission Capable
(Added-AMC) MCMission Contributing
MDFMission Data File
MDSMission Design Series
(Added-AMC) MEMission Essential
MELMinimum Equipment Level
MESLMinimum Essential Subsystems List
MFG—Munitions Family Group
MFMMAJCOM Functional Manager
MGNMission Generation Networks
MIManagement Inspection
MICAP—Mission Capable
MILMaster Inventory List
MILSPECMilitary Specification
MIL-STDMilitary Standard
MISMaintenance Information Systems MMA
Maintenance Management Analysis MMHE
Munitions Materiel Handling Equipment
MOA—Memorandum of Agreement
MOCMaintenance Operations Center
MOU—Memorandum of Understanding
MPSMilitary Personnel Section
MRPLMinimum Required Proficiency Load
MRSPMobility Readiness Spares Package
MSA—Munitions Storage Area MSE
Maintenance Scheduling Effectiveness
MSEPMaintenance Standardization & Evaluation Program
MSGMission Support Group
MTMaintenance Training
MSMDS Maintenance Scheduling Module
MUNS—Munitions Squadron
MxCAP2Maintenance Capability and Capacity (model)
MXGMaintenance Group
MXG/CC—Maintenance Group Commander
MXG/CDMaintenance Group Deputy Commander
MXOMaintenance Operations
MXSMaintenance Squadron
MX SUPTMaintenance Superintendent
NAFNumbered Air Force
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCENuclear Certified Equipment
NCOICNon-Commissioned Officer in Charge
NDI—Nondestructive Inspection
NIENormally Installed Equipment
NLTNot Later Than
NMC—Non Mission Capable
NPANon-Powered AGE
NORADNorth American Aerospace Defense Command
NRTSNot Repairable This Station
NSNNational Stock Number
NSSNoise Suppression System
NWRMNuclear Weapons-Related Materiel
O&M—Operations and Maintenance
OAPOil Analysis Program
OBIGGSOn-Board Inert Gas Generating Systems
OBOGSOn-Board Oxygen Generating Systems
OCF—Operational Check Flight OCONUS
Outside Continental U.S. OFP—Operations Flight
OG—Operations Group OG/CC
Operations Group Commander OI
Operating Instruction OICOfficer in
OJTOn-the-Job Training OPLAN
Operational Plan OPROffice of
Primary Responsibility ORE
Operational Readiness Exercises OS
Operational Squadron OSS—Operations
Support Squadron
OSS&EOperational Safety Suitability and Effectiveness
OTIOne Time Inspection
OWCOwning Work Center
P&RPrograms and Resources
PAAPrimary Aerospace Vehicle (Aircraft) Authorized
PACAFPacific Air Forces
PAIPrimary Aerospace Vehicle (Aircraft) Inventory
PASProtective Aircraft Shelter / Personnel Assignment Symbol (Code)
PBRPercent of Base Repair PCS
Permanent Change of Station PDM
Programmed Depot Maintenance
PE—Personnel Evaluation/Periodic Inspection
PED—Portable Electronic Device
PIC—Purpose Identifier Code / Pilot In Charge
PIM—Product Improvement Manager
PIP—Product Improvement Program
PMPrimary Munition/Program Manager
PMA—Portable Maintenance Aids
PMCPartially Mission Capable
PME—Precision Measurement Equipment PMEL
Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory PMO
Program Management Office
POProgram Office
POC—Point of Contact PPE
Personal Protective Equipment PRP
Personnel Reliability Program
PRSPerformance Requirements Statement
PS&D—Plans, Scheduling, and Documentation
(Added-AMC) PSB—Primary Support Base
PWSPerformance Work Statement QA
Quality Assurance
QASPQuality Assurance Surveillance Plan
QEQuarterly Evaluation QEC
Quick Engine Change QRL—Quick
Reference List QVIQuality
Verification Inspections
RAMPODReliability, Availability, Maintainability for Pods
RCRecommended Change
(Added-AMC) RDAPReadiness Driven Allocation Process
RegAFRegular Air Force
REMISReliability and Maintainability Information System
RIL—Routine Inspection List
RNRepair Network RNM
Repair Network Manager RPA
Remotely Piloted Aircraft SB
Service Bulletins SCRSpecial
Certification Roster
SDAPSpecial Duty Assignment Pay
(Added-AMC) SDCStandard Desktop Configuration
SE—Support Equipment SEI
Special Experience Identifier SI
Special Inspection
SIPRNETSecret Internet Protocol Router Network
SM—Support Munitions
SMESubject Matter Expert
SMR—Source of Maintenance and Recoverability
SNCO—Senior Non-Commissioned Officer
SOWStatement of Work
SPRAMSpecial Purpose Recoverables Authorized Maintenance
SQ—Squadron SQ/CC
Squadron Commander
SRAN—Stock Record Account Number
SRU—Shop Replaceable Unit SUPT
Superintendent (Enlisted Duties) TA
Transient Alert
TAATraining Aid Aircraft
TACTotal Accumulated Cycles
TBA—Training Business Area
TCCTransaction Condition Code
(Added-AMC) TCC—Type Condition Code
TCITime Change Item
TCTOTime Compliance Technical Order
TDTraining Detachment TDV
Technical Data Violation
TDYTemporary Duty
TFITotal Force Integration
TMDETest Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment
TMSType Model Series
(Added-AMC) TMSMType Model Series Modification
TNBTail Number Bin
TOTechnical Order
TODATechnical Order Distribution Account
TODOTechnical Order Distribution Office
TTMLTest/Training Munitions List TTP
Tactics, Techniques & Procedures UCML
Unit Committed Munitions List UCR
Unsatisfactory Condition Report UEMUnit
Engine Manager
UFCUnified Facilities Criteria
UHFUltra High Frequency
UIIUnique Item Identifier
UMDUnit Manpower Document
UPMR—Unit Personnel Management Roster
USAFUnited States Air Force USAFE
United States Air Forces in Europe UTC
Unit Type Code
UTEUtilization (rate)
UTMUnit Training Manager
VHFVery High Frequency
W&BWeight and Balance
WASPWeb Applications Software Product
WCE—Work Center Event
Wing Commander
WG/CVVice Wing Commander
WJQSWork Center Job Qualification Standard
WLCMTWeapons Load Crew Management Tool
WLCTP—Weapons Load Crew Training Program
WLT—Weapons Load Training
WREWar Readiness Engine WRM
War Reserve Materiel WS—Weapons
Standardization WSMWeapon System
Manager WTQC—Weapons Task
Qualification Crew
WTQMWeapons Task Qualification Training Manager
WWID—Worldwide Identification (code for TCMax®)
WWM—Wing Weapons Manager
WXWeather WUC
Work Unit Code
Aircraft and Equipment Impoundment—Isolation of an aircraft or equipment due to an
unknown malfunction or condition making it unsafe for use or flight.
Automated Inspection, Repair, Corrosion, and Aircraft Tracking (AIRCAT)—is the Individual
Aircraft Tracking Program (IATP) of record for the C-130 as mandated by the USAF Aircraft
Structural Integrity Program (ASIP). This effort includes development and maintenance of an
extensive Oracle database and a wide variety of both client, server and web-based applications to
provide data entry, reporting, and analysis.
Aircraft Purpose Identifier Codes (PIC)—specified in AFI 21-103, PIC are applied to assigned
aerospace vehicles to facilitate standardization of reporting. Examples of PIC are: CC=Combat,
BQ=major maintenance awaiting AFMC decision or action; DJ=awaiting depot level
maintenance work. Refer to AFI 21-103 for a listing of all specific PIC.
Air Reserve Component—The Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve together form the
Allowance Standard (AS)—Authorized document that identifies the amount and type of
equipment for an organization.
Alternate Mission Equipment (AME)—Equipment identified to a higher end-item, not listed in
the table of allowance. Normally, -21 equipment.
Awaiting Maintenance (AWM)Designation for a deferred discrepancy on an aircraft awaiting
Awaiting Parts (AWP)Designation for a deferred discrepancy on an aircraft awaiting parts.
Bench Stocks—Stores of expendability, recoverability, reparability coded (ERRC) XB3 items
kept on-hand in a work center to enhance maintenance productivity.
Cannibalization—Authorized removals of a specific assembly, subassembly, or part from one
weapons system, system, support system, or equipment end-item for installation on another end-
item to meet priority mission requirements with an obligation to replace the removed item.
Certified Load Crew Member—A load crew member trained and certified by position according
to Chapter 10.
Classified Processing Area (CPA)—Areas identified by the unit which have had an Emission
Security assessment and have been approved by the by the wing Information Assurance office to
be utilized to discuss or process classified information IAW AFI 16-1404.
Code 1, Code 2, Code 3, Code 4, Code 5—Landing status codes used by aircrew to inform
maintenance of their inbound aircraft’s condition. A Code 1 aircraft has no additional
discrepancies other than those it had when it last departed; a code 2 aircraft has minor
discrepancies, but is capable of further mission assignments; a code 3 aircraft has major
discrepancies in mission-essential equipment that may require repair or replacement prior to
further mission tasking; a code 4 indicates suspected or known nuclear, biological, or chemical
contamination; and a code 5 indicates battle damage. Codes 4 and 5 are entered into the MIS as
code 8.
Commercial Derivative Aircraft (CDA)Any fixed or rotary-wing aircraft procured as a
commercial Type Certified off-the-shelf aircraft, and whose serial number is listed on an FAA-
approved Type Certified Data Sheet.
Commodity Time Compliance Technical OrderTCTO concerning a designated item,
subsystem, or system that is not identified as a weapon or military system.
Composite Tool Kit (CTK)—A controlled area or container used to store tools or equipment and
maintain order, positive control, and ease of inventory. CTKs are assembled as a kit and
designed to provide quick, easy visual inventory and accountability of all tools and equipment.
CTKs may be in the form of a toolbox, a shadow board, shelves, system of drawers (Stanley
Vidmar®, Lista®), cabinets, or other similar areas or containers. The CTK contains tools and
equipment necessary to accomplish maintenance tasks, troubleshooting, and repair.
Condition-Based Maintenance PlusA set of maintenance processes and capabilities derived
from real-time assessment of weapon system condition obtained from embedded sensors,
external tests and measurements using portable equipment. The goal of CBM+ is to perform
maintenance only when internal and/or external sensors indicate the need instead of performing
maintenance on a periodic basis.
Consumable Items—Also known as “Consumption” or “Expendable” Items designated XB3.
Items which are consumed in use or which lose their original identity during periods of use by
incorporation into or attachments upon another assembly. Issued on an as required basis and
consist of such supplies as maintenance parts or office supplies.
Contracting Officer Representative (COR)—A COR is an individual designated in accordance
with Department of Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement subsection 201.602-2
and authorized in writing by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or
administrative functions.
Crashed, Damaged or Disabled Aircraft Recovery (CDDAR)The ability to move damaged or
disabled aircraft using specialized equipment.
Critical Application Item (CAI)An item that is essential to weapon system performance or
operation, or the preservation of life or safety of operating personnel, as determined by the
military services. The subset of CAI whose failure could have catastrophic or critical safety
consequences is called CSIs. Refer to Attachment 7.
Critical Safety Item (CSI)—A part, assembly, installation equipment, launch equipment,
recovery equipment, or support equipment for an aircraft or aviation weapons system that
contains a characteristic any failure, malfunction, or absence of which could cause a catastrophic
or critical failure resulting in the loss or serious damage to the aircraft or weapons system, an
unacceptable risk of personal injury or loss of life, or an un-commanded engine shutdown that
jeopardizes safety. Damage is considered serious or substantial when sufficient to cause a 'Class
A' mishap. The determining factor in CSIs is the consequence of failure, not the probability that
the failure or consequence may occur. For the purpose of this instruction "Critical Safety Item",
"Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Part", "Flight Safety Part", "Safety of Flight Item", and similar
terms are synonymous.
Cross-tellCross-tells are used to highlight trends, benchmarks or safety conditions relating to
maintenance equipment, personnel, training or processes. A cross-tell is initiated to assist other
maintenance or logistics personnel with similar equipment to do their jobs more safely and/or
efficiently. Typically a cross-tell will be initiated when a condition or trend is discovered
regarding, but not limited to, a weapon system or common components that should be shared
with other users or potential users. This information should be transmitted using signed and
encrypted e-mail to ensure widest dissemination and ensure it is brought to the attention of unit
commanders in order to prevent or mitigate mishaps, injury or damage to AF personnel,
equipment or property. Typically cross-tells will provide relevant background information and
history and can include such information as NSNs, part numbers, specific location of problem
Customer Wait TimeCustomer Wait Time for LRUs is the total elapsed time between the
issuance of a customer order and satisfaction of that order, regardless of source (immediate
issues or backorders), and can include issues from wholesale and/or retail stocks as well as
various other arrangements. Customer Wait Time for end items (engines and pods) includes time
for the retrograde and serviceable transportation legs.
DebriefingProgram designed to ensure malfunctions identified by aircrews are properly
reported and documented.
DecertificationThe removal of certification status from a person for a specific task
Dedicated Crew ChiefDCCs are first-level supervisors in the flightline management structure
who manage and supervise all maintenance on their aircraft, and are selected on the basis of
initiative, management and leadership ability, and technical knowledge.
Delayed or Deferred Discrepancies—Malfunctions or discrepancies not creating NMC or PMC
status that are not immediately corrected.
Delayed Release—Munition or store that fails to eject from an aircraft upon firing of impulse
cartridge, but releases sometime afterwards. Release times qualifying “delayed” bombs are
outlined in MDS-specific technical orders.
Demand Response TeamTwo-member team where one person reads technical order steps and
the other person performs the task and responds when each step is completed.
Depot Level Maintenance—Provides the capability to maintain materiel coded for
organizational, intermediate and depot levels of maintenance. Includes maintenance requiring the
overhaul, upgrading, or rebuilding of parts, assemblies, or subassemblies, and the testing and
reclamation of equipment as necessary IAW AFPD 21-1.
Dispatchable CTKCTK issued out and is designed to be used outside the work center.
Equipment Custodian—Individual responsible for all in-use equipment at the organizational
level whose duties include requisitioning, receiving, and controlling of all equipment assets.
Equipment Identification Designator (EID)A number assigned to a piece of shop equipment,
used to track status and accountability.
Equipment ItemsItem authorized in the allowance standard within an organization.
Evaluated LoadA loading task that is assessed according to Chapter 10.
Expendability, Recoverability, Reparability, Category (ERRC)—Used to categorize Air Force
inventory into various management groupings. The grouping determine the type of management
used throughout the logistics cycle, designates the process to be used in computing requirements
and are used in the correction and reporting of asset and usage data. (such as, XB3, XF3, XD2,
NF2, NF4).
Flight ChiefNCO responsible to the maintenance officer or superintendent for management,
supervision, and training of assigned personnel.
FK or FV—Prefix used to identify the munitions supply account. FV denotes units utilizing the
Combat Ammunition System and FK denotes units utilizing ILS-S or manual records supply
point within a munitions’’ operations unit for conventional munitions.
Functional Checklist—locally developed checklists used to identify the steps required to react to
specific events. Functional checklists are required for use by functional area(s) during actions
such as aircraft crash, mass loads, severe weather warning or evacuation, self-inspections.
Hung Ordnance—Any item attached to the aircraft for the purpose of dropping or firing which
has malfunctioned or failed to release. In addition, hung ordnance includes the following items:
External fuel tanks after unsuccessful jettison attempt; (2) Remaining ordnance after an
inadvertent release; (3) 20/30 mm ammunition after a gun malfunction (no fire, unplanned cease
fire, runaway gun, or gun unsafe indication); (4) Any stores determined to be in an unsafe
Integrated Logistics System-Supply (ILS-S)—is the overarching term used to describe the
system(s) used by base retail materiel management operations. ILS-S is comprised of the
Enterprise Solution–Supply. In many cases the term ILS-S is used to identify system related
functions and/or references.
In Process Inspection (IPI)—Inspection performed during the assembly or reassembly of
systems, subsystems, or components with applicable technical orders. An IPI is accomplished
and documented by an authorized IPI inspector other than the technician performing the specific
step of a task that requires the IPI.
Inadvertent Release—Uncommanded launch or release of a store or ordnance, or launch or
release of a store or ordnance other than those selected when a launch or release command was
generated (system malfunction); does not include an unintentional release. If commanding a
single release, do not consider a double bomb release as an inadvertent release if the releases
occur from a practice bomb dispenser.
Individual Tools and Equipment—Tools and equipment that are available for individual sign-out
but stored in the tool room in storage bins, cabinets, shelves with every item having an assigned
location (example, flashlights, ladders).
Intermediate-Level Maintenance—Maintenance consisting of those off-equipment tasks
normally performed using the resources of the operating command at an operating location or at
a centralized intermediate repair facility.
“Knock It Off”—“Knock it Off” empowers all Airman regardless of rank to terminate an
operation or situation which they perceive is unsafe or too dangerous. “Knock it Off” includes
using a recognizable “audible” (capable of being heard) from anyone in an effort to prevent a
potential mishap.
Lead Crews—A load crew certified by the load standardization crew (LSC), which is assigned to
WS to assist in conducting the weapons standardization program.
Levels—Computed and authorized requirements for a quantity of assets.
Loading Standardization Crew (LSC)—A load crew designated by the WWM and the WS
superintendent to administer the weapons standardization program. LSC members have
certification and decertification authority.
Loading TaskThe actions required by one crew member, in a designated position, to
accomplish a munitions load.
Local Commander—The group commander with responsibility for maintenance (as applicable to
loading technical data).
Maintenance Capability—Unit's ability to generate and sustain weapon systems to support the
mission. It is composed of personnel, capacity (facilities, support equipment, and parts), and
weapons systems and is affected by policies and business practices.
Maintenance Cyber DisciplineA focus on daily cyber hygiene activities which requires
continuous attention in order to mitigate daily threats by creating a culture of cyber awareness,
discipline, and strict compliance.
Maintenance TrainingAny proficiency, qualification, or certification tasking required by a
technician to perform duties in their primary AFSC.
Master Inventory List (MIL)Primary source document for inventory of CTKs. The MIL
indicates the total number of items in each drawer or section of the tool kit. MIL may be
Mission Design Series (MDS)—Alpha and numeric characters denoting primary mission and
model of a military weapons system.
Mission Generation Network—The MGN supports all Organizational-level, on-equipment and
off-equipment maintenance and is optimized at the Wing-level across the USAF. MGN consists
of the cumulative effort required to generate, and sustain sortie and mission production to meet
assigned mission requirements.
Minimum Required Proficiency Load (MRPL)Recurring loading of munitions for which a
person is certified.
Munitions Decertification—Removal of the certification status of a person that precludes them
from loading a specific type munitions or MFG.
Normally Installed Equipment (NIE)—launchers, and pylons normally installed on an aircraft.
No-Lone ZoneArea where the two-person concept must be enforced because it contains
nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons systems, or certified critical components.
Non—Consumable ItemAlso referred to as a “non-expendable” or “equipment” item. Durable
items that are capable of continuing or repetitive use by an individual or organization.
Non-ReleaseSystem malfunction in which a weapon does not release from the delivery
Off-Equipment MaintenanceMaintenance tasks that are not or cannot be effectively
accomplished on or at the weapon system or end-item of equipment, but require the removal of
the component to a shop or facility for repair.
On-Equipment MaintenanceMaintenance tasks that are or can be effectively performed on or
at the weapon system or end-item of equipment.
Operating StockThe bits and pieces needed to support a maintenance work center that does not
meet the criteria of bench stock. It includes reusable items such as dust covers, hydraulic line
covers, caps, items leftover from work orders, TCTOs. Items deleted from bench stock that are
less than a full Unit of Issue (UI) are not considered operating stock but may be retained as work
order residue.
Organizational Level Maintenance—Maintenance consisting of those on-equipment tasks
normally performed using the resources of an operating command at an operating location.
Operational Safety, Suitability & Effectiveness (OSS&E)—OSS&E is an outcome of properly
applied systems engineering principles, processes, and practices. Well-integrated configuration
management and control, deficiency reporting and response, reliability, maintainability, integrity,
and other engineering practices ensure that base-lined engineering characteristics of systems and
end items are not allowed to degrade as a result of maintenance, repairs, parts substitutions, and
similar activities. The PM is responsible for the assurance OSS&E throughout the life cycle of
each configuration of each component of each system.
PACER WAREis the unclassified term for an actual change or notification of a deficiency to
an Electronic Warfare system.
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)—Equipment required to do a job or task in a safe
Plan—A forecasted scheme of sequenced and timed events for accomplishing broad objectives.
The plan is the product of annual, quarterly, and monthly planning of scalable operations and
maintenance activities necessary to achieve long term mission requirements.
Preload—A complete munition and suspension equipment package ready for loading.
Primary Aerospace Vehicle Authorization (PAA)The number of aircraft authorized to a unit
for performance of its operational mission. The primary authorization forms the basis for the
allocation of operating resources to include manpower, support equipment, and flying-hour
Primary Aerospace Vehicle Inventory (PAI)The aircraft assigned to meet the primary aircraft
authorization. Includes PMAI, PTAI, PDAI and POAI.
Program Manager (PM)—The designated individual with responsibility for and authority to
accomplish program objectives for development, production, and sustainment to meet the user's
operational needs. The PM shall be accountable for credible cost, schedule, and performance
reporting to the Milestone Decision Authority.
Production Superintendent (Pro Super)—Senior NCO responsible for squadron maintenance
production. Directs the maintenance repair effort.
Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM)Maintenance activities requiring skills, equipment, or
facilities not normally possessed by operating locations.
Project Funds Management Records—a record maintained in the material accounting system to
provide for control over that portion of each responsibility center manager operating budget
programmed for purchase of expense materials from the Defense Business Operations Funds
stock activity fund. It is used to record available expense authority, current month and fiscal
year-to-date sales, sales returns, and due-outs for both supplies and expense equipment.
Quality Assurance (QA)—Office or individual who monitors maintenance (organic or
contractor) on a daily basis.
Quarterly Evaluation (QE)Recurring calendar task evaluations required by munitions and
weapons personnel.
Queen Bee—A facility that performs engine repair for a specified region.
Quick Reference List (QRL)Listing of fast moving, high use items required for primary
mission aircraft. The basic purpose of the QRL is to provide maintenance personnel with a
speedy way to place a demand on the supply system.
Rag—A remnant of cloth purchased in bulk or a standardized, commercial quality, vendor-
supplied shop cloth (uniform size and color) or similar material used in general industrial, shop,
and flightline operations.
Reclama—A request to a duly constituted authority to re-consider its decision or its proposed
action (see JP 1-02).
Recoverability Code—A one position code assigned to end items and support items to indicate
the recoverability intention and the level of maintenance authorized disposition action on
unserviceable support items; and for reparable items, it is used to indicate the lowest
maintenance level responsible for repair, disposition or condemnation of the item.
Recurring Discrepancy—A recurring discrepancy is one that occurs on the second through fourth
sortie or attempted sortie after corrective action has been taken and the system or sub-system
indicates the same malfunction when operated.
Reliability-Centered MaintenanceA logical discipline for developing a scheduled-maintenance
program that will realize the inherent reliability levels of complex equipment at minimum cost.
Remote Split Operations—Occurs when the ground control stations, the Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle (UAV) launch and recovery functions, and the satellite uplink are geographically
Repair Cycle AssetAny recoverable item with an expendability, recoverability, reparability
code (ERRC) category of XD or XF.
Repair Recommendation—An idea or proposal to repair an item that is not currently repaired or
is beyond the capability of the work center. An AFREP initiative is generated when an asset has
a demand level of "greater than three" per calendar year. All new AFREP initiatives will be
staffed through the applicable organizations.
Repairable—Unserviceable items that can be economically repaired and restored to a serviceable
Repeat Discrepancy—A repeat discrepancy is a pilot reported discrepancy (PRD) occurring on
the same system or subsystem on the first sortie or sortie attempt after that PRD has been signed
RetrogradeReturning assets (particularly reparable assets) from the field to their source of
Schedule—Planned events that result in final review and agreement of how to execute a
proposed plan of sequenced and timed events. Results in a binding commitment captured in
writing and approved by signature between operations and maintenance to complete activities
required to accomplish agreed upon objectives. Refers to the execution phase of weekly and
daily operations and maintenance activities.
SEEK EAGLEThe Air Force certification program for determining safe carriage, employment
and jettison limits, safe escape, and ballistics accuracy, when applicable, for all stores in
specified loading configurations on USAF aircraft.
SERENE BYTEis the unclassified term for an exercise change or deficiency notification to an
Electronic Warfare system.
Shop CTK—Tool kits (not dispatched) used by work center personnel during a shift, provided a
single person is responsible for the tool kit.
Shop Stock—Includes items such as sheet metal, electrical wire, fabric, and metal stock, used
and stored within a maintenance work center to facilitate maintenance.
Source Code—Codes assigned to end items and support items to indicate the manner of
acquiring items for the maintenance, repair, or overhaul of end items.
Source, Maintenance, Recoverability (SMR) Code—A code assigned to parts and assemblies
that provides maintenance activities with repair level responsibilities, support method and
disposition instructions. The SMR codes are also input into the supply and maintenance
automated data system. The uniform SMR code is composed of three parts, consisting of a two
position source code, a two position maintenance code, and one position recoverability code.
SparesServiceable assets that are available for future use, and in the logistics pipeline. The
term spare carries the assumption that there are already enough assets in the AF inventory to
satisfy end item or quantity per aircraft requirements.
Special Certification Roster (SCR)—Management tool that provides supervisors a listing of
personnel authorized to perform, evaluate, and inspect critical work.
Special Purpose CTKSmall individually issued tool kits that because of the nature of contents
or type of container could preclude shadowing or silhouetting (example, launch kits, recovery
kits, cartridge cleaning kits, oxygen servicing kits).
SubcrewTwo or more certified and/or qualified personnel who may perform specific tasks.
Supply Point—Forward warehouse located within or near the maintenance work center.
Supply Reports—There are many examples of “Supply Reports” used to record supply
transactions. The Daily Document Register (D04) provides a means for organizations to review
all document numbers processed during the day by the SBSS. The Project Funds Management
Records and Organization Cost Center Record Update and Reconciliation (D11) show the
current status and internal balance of the Project Funds Management Record by supplies and
equipment. The Repair Cycle Asset Management Listing (D23) is used to monitor repair cycle
assets and as a management product to monitor the stock position and repair cycle status of
repairable (DIFM) assets. It may be produced in several sequences and is provided to the
customer daily.
Sub-Pool—A parking area designated by the Airfield Operations Flight that provides authorized
pooling of serviceable AGE to enhance close proximity support to using organizations.
Tactical/Theater Airborne Reconnaissance System (TARS)is a sensor package offers
improved timeliness, reduced support costs, and improved operational capability over film
systems. Once fielded, this system will provide the tactical commander with an organic system
capable of responding in Near Real-Time (NRT) (in time) to battlefield requirements.
Tail Number Bins (TNB)—Locations established and controlled to store issued parts awaiting
installation and parts removed to FOM. Holding bins are set up by tail number, serial number, or
identification number.
Task Assignment List—Functional grouping of procedural steps from applicable -33 series TOs,
by crew position, to be accomplished in sequence by each crew member during an operation.
Technical Administrative Function—Function responsible for ordering and posting instructions,
processing all orders, enlisted performance ratings, and general administrative tasks for the
Technical DataInformation (regardless of the form or method of the recording) of a scientific
or technical nature, including computer software documentation. As applied in this publication,
it includes information required for the design, development, production, manufacture, assembly,
operation, training, testing, repair, maintenance, or modification of defense articles.
Technical Order Distribution Office (TODO)—Function required to maintain records on TOs
received and distributed.
Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO)—Authorized method of directing and providing
instructions for modifying equipment, and performing or initially establishing one-time
Tool Storage Facility/Tool Room—A controlled area within a work center designated for storage
and issue of tools and equipment.
Total Asset Visibility—The capability to provide users with timely and accurate information on
the location, movement, status, and identity of units, personnel, equipment, materiel, and
supplies. It also includes the capability to act upon that information to improve overall
performance of the Department of Defense’s logistic practices.
Unintentional ReleaseStore or ordnance launched or released through pilot error.
Unique Item Identifier (UII)The set of data elements marked on items that are globally unique,
unambiguous, and robust enough to ensure data information quality throughout life, and to
support multi-faceted business applications and users.
Unit Committed Munitions List (UCML)/Test/Training Munitions List (TTML)The
UCML/TTML is a list of primary munitions (PM), support munitions (SM), and limited-use
munitions (LM) necessary to meet unit operational and training requirements.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)An unmanned aircraft that is either remotely piloted (such
as, Predator) or programmed (such as, Global Hawk).
Urgency Justification Code—Two-digit code used to reflect the impact and type of need. The
Urgency of Need Designator fills the first position of the Urgency Justification Code. Use of
Urgency of Need Designator 1, A and J is restricted and is verified by designated personnel.
Utilization Rate (UTE Rate)Average number of sorties or hours flown per primary assigned
aircraft per period. Usually time period is based on a monthly rate.
War Readiness Engine (WRE) LevelsThe quantity of net serviceable engines required to
support the Air Force war tasking and to sustain operational units’ war efforts until pipelines are
filled and repair capabilities are available. These engines are to be available to support a weapon
system from the start of the war until re-supply (via base, intermediate, CRF or depot repair) is
War Reserve Materiel (WRM)—Consists of enterprise managed, dynamically positioned
equipment and consumables that contribute to initial operations and provide initial support cross
the full range of military operations. It enhances Agile Combat Support capability to reduce the
time required to achieve an operational capability and/or produce an operational effect.
Weapons CertificationThe act of verifying and documenting a person’s ability to load a
particular type of aircraft, and munition or MFG within established standards.
Weapons Locally-Manufactured Equipment (LME)—All equipment that measures, tests, or
verifies system, subsystem, component, or item integrity. It also includes equipment such as
handling dollies, storage racks (except storage shelves), maintenance stands, or transport
adapters. It does not include simple adapter cables and plugs constructed as troubleshooting aids
to replace pin-to-pin jumper wires specified in TOs.
Weapons Standardization (WS)—Organization comprised of the WWM, a Superintendent, the
Load Standardization Crew, an academic instructor, and lead crews.
Weapons Task Qualification—A munitions related task not requiring certification.
Weight and Balance (W&B) ProgramProgram used in calculating, verifying, updating, and
computing weight and balance on a weapon system.
(Added-AMC) G081/MAF Log C2(formerly CAMS-FM) is the maintenance information
system of record for cargo (tactical and strategic) and aerial refueling weapon systems. G081
provides enterprise logistics command and control (C2) of the mobility fleet (e.g., status, location,
availability, & capability) needed by decision makers at USTRANSCOM, HQ AMC, 618 AOC,
and 18 AF.
(Added-AMC) Mission Contributing (MC)The Pilot in command (PIC) will designate an
item, system or subsystem component, which is not currently essential for safe aircraft operation
as MC. These discrepancies should be cleared at the earliest opportunity. MC discrepancies may
be redesignated to ME discrepancies by the PIC if circumstances change or mission safety could
be compromised.
(Added-AMC) Mission Essential (ME)The PIC will designate an item, system, or subsystem
component essential for safe aircraft operation as ME.
(Added-AMC) Ramp InspectionAlso synonymous with “Preflight Safety Inspection”, is a
visual inspection of a civilian aircraft for obvious defects that may indicate the aircraft is unsafe.
This inspection does not in any way overrule or duplicate FAA airworthiness certification or the
civilian aircraft technical manual requirements. This inspection is not an airworthiness inspection
but is meant to serve as a check for obvious safety defects before departure.
Attachment 2
Figure A2.1. Aircraft Commander Feedback on FCC.
Attachment 3
Figure A3.1. Quarterly FCC Report Format
Attachment 4
Figure A4.1. Annual FCC Report
Attachment 5
Figure A5.1. FCC SDAP Request
Attachment 6
Figure A6.1. Foreign Object Damage (FOD) Report
Attachment 7
A7.1. CRITICAL APPLICATION ITEMS (CAIs). For the purpose of this instruction, it is an
item that is essential to weapon system performance or operation, or the operating personnel as
determined by AFI 20-106IP, Management of Aviation Critical Safety Items.
A7.1.1. Includes flight safety items, life support, critical safety items (CSI), and nuclear
hardened items. For systems including radar, avionics, munitions, contact the PO for the
system to obtain the CAI designation.
A7.1.2. The management of CAIs (contains unique repair and manufacturing qualifications;
material and manufacturing process requirements; and extensive testing requirements after
repair) is a complex process. These specified procedures rest with the program manager.
A7.1.3. Other than TO and PO approved repairs, Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems are Critical
Application Items and prohibited from consideration under the AFREP program. Performing
repairs on EW system components may render the entire EW system degraded. Environmental
Stress Screening (ESS) of repaired EW components is mandatory. Many EW components
cannot be repaired due to electrical characteristics that are not visible or evident without special
test facilities and procedures, none of which are available to field personnel or unqualified
A7.2. CRITICAL SAFETY ITEMS (CSIs). For the purpose of this instruction, CSIs are items
whose failure may cause loss of life, permanent physical disability or major injury, loss of a
system, or significant damage to equipment.
A7.2.1. Special attention is placed on CSIs due to potential catastrophic or critical
consequences of failure; Public Law 108-136, sec 802, Quality Control in Procurement of
Aviation Critical Safety Items and Related Services, was enacted to address aviation CSIs. The
public law addresses three concerns:
A7.2.1.1. The Design Control Activity (DCA) is responsible for processes related to
identification and management of CSIs used in procurement, modification, repair, and
overhaul of aviation systems. The DCA is defined as the systems command of a military
Service responsible for the airworthiness certification of the system in which a CSI is used.
A7.2.1.2. For contracts involving CSIs, DoD is restricted to DCA approved sources.
A7.2.1.3. The law requires that CSI deliveries and services meet the technical and quality
requirements established by the DCA.
A7.2.2. ODM 4140.01, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures, establishes
procedures for the management of aviation CSIs. AFI 20-106IP, Management of Aviation
Critical Safety Items, addresses requirements for identification, acquisition, quality assurance,
management, repair, and disposition of aviation CSIs.
Attachment 8 (Added-AMC)
Table A8.1. (AMC) Dropped Object Program (DOP) Reporting Format.
FROM: <Unit Designation/Office Symbol> <Street> <Base and Zip Code>
SUBJECT: <Dropped Object Report> DOP program report number (unit, year and
month, followed by sequence number --example 301FW-060501).
1. DOP program report number (unit, year, and month, followed by sequence number --
example, 301FW-060501).
2. MDS.
3. Type mission and mission profile.
4. Aircraft tail number.
5. Owning organization and base
6. Origin of sortie.
7. Date of incident and discovery location (if different than origin of sortie).
8. Geographical location of object, if known.
9. Item, noun, and description (use information from the applicable aircraft -4 series TOs).
10. TO, Figure and Index.
11. Part number.
12. Correct WUC (full five-digit) or Logistics/Maintenance Control Number (full seven-digit).
13. Last PH, PE, PDM, HSC, or ISO inspection.
14. Last maintenance performed in the area and date.
15. Investigation findings (cause).
16. Costs in dollars to repair or replace dropped object and any collateral aircraft damage as
appropriate and cost in man-hours to repair.
17. Actions to prevent recurrence.
18. DR Control Number (if submitted).
19. Unit POC information.
20. Other pertinent information.
DOP Monitor, <Unit Designation>
Attachment 9 (Added-AMC)
A9.1. (AMC) Use the below format for En Route/transient supervisor feedback of FCC.
Table A9.1. (AMC) FCC Performance Feedback Form for En Route/Transient.
MEMORANDUM FOR <Unit Designation/Office Symbol>
<Base, State and Zip Code>
FROM: <En Route/Transient Supervisor>
<Base, State and Zip Code>
SUBJECT: En Route/Transient Supervisor’s Feedback of the Flying Crew Chief (FCC)
1. Mission Number . Aircraft Type and Tail Number
(circle the response)
2. Did the FCC participate in the aircraft debrief?
Did the FCC brief specialists on past repeat/recurring discrepancies?
Did the FCC request the required specialists (if applicable)?
Was the FCC involved with the servicing of the aircraft?
Did the FCC provide maintenance support for the aircraft?
Did the FCC provide MOC a billeting building and room number,
and a phone number after check in?
Was the FCC allowed the opportunity for a minimum of 8 hours
of rest in a 24-hour period?
9. Rate the FCCs overall performance
10. Remarks:
Good Fair Poor
En Route/Transient Supervisor, <Unit Designation>
Attachment 10 (Added-AMC)
A10.1. (AMC) The FCC ORM Worksheet is used to assist in determining the level of risk of an
FCC operation.
Table A10.1. (AMC) FCC ORM Worksheet.
Risk Assessment Matrix
(Mx Task Complexity
vs. FCC Duty Hours)
Mx Task Complexity
Major Repair
Significant Repair
Ground Handling
LRU Replacement/
Basic Troubleshooting
Post Flight Duties
Minor Task
Approving Official
Risk Level
Pilot in Command <16 Hours Duty
MXG/CC >16 Hours Duty Day
Note: Tasks Listed Below Are Representative in Nature and Not All Inclusive for Each
Major Repair
Significant Repair
Ground Handling
LRU / Inspection
Flight Control
Tire Change
Power Engine Run
Generator Change
Idle Engine Run
BPO / Pre Flight Insp
Minor Repair
BIT Check
Fuel, Oil, Hyd
Replace Interior Bulb
Visual Wiring
Decision Factors to Consider
Personal Health Factors (hydration, nutrition, illness/injury, etc)
Personal/Family Stress (health, finance, relationship, etc.)
Work/Career Stress
Perceived Mission Pressure (external & internal)
How many 16+ hr Work/Duty Days Past Week
Combined Prior Sleep (past 72 hrs/3 days)
Combined Prior Wakefulness (past 36 hrs/1.5 days)
Sleep in Last 12 hrs
Sleep Quality
Net Time Zone Crossings Last Duty Day (jet lag)
Number of days away from home
Experience level
Qualified and proficient to do the task
How long will it take to complete the maintenance
Are parts and/or tools available
Enroute Location Support availability
Perceived terrorism/AAA/SAM threat
Time of day
Aircraft Maintenance Status
Taking any medications
Down time before next mission leg
How many mission legs remain
Environmental conditions
Previous rest period less than 8 hours: Consider the ability to rest on board during the next
Attachment 11 (Added-JBMDL)
A11.1. (JBMDL). Group Commanders are responsible to ensure that their commanders and
supervisors promote a FOD free atmosphere in all aspects of their duties. The FOD Prevention
Program's goal is a proactive approach toward FOD prevention and instills a “zero tolerance”
attitude toward FOD down to the lowest level in the Wing. For additional guidance, refer to
paragraph 11.8.
A11.2. (JBMDL). FOD prevention walks will be conducted by individual units once per week
(Monday-Sunday). Each area of responsibility will have a primary unit from the 305th
Maintenance Group in charge of facilitating weekly FOD prevention walks, as well as a supporting
unit from either the 305th Operations Group or 305th Maintenance Group as specified. Areas of
responsibility are as listed in Table A11.1 (supporting unit(s) in parenthesis) and as depicted in
Attachment 12.
F-H Rows
605 AMXS (32 ARS/2 ARS)
I-K Rows
305 APS
L-N Rows
305 AMXS (6 AS)
Romeo Row
305 MXS (305 OSS/305 MXO)
Victor Row
305 MXG/QA
A11.2.1. (JBMDL). The FOD prevention walks will cover 100% of the area of responsibility,
regardless of attendance numbers. FOD walk supervisors will ensure personnel are spread out
evenly. FOD walk supervisors will employ two persons per block as a minimum to ensure full
A11.2.2. (JBMDL). FOD monitors or Safety Representatives from the primary unit of
responsibility will be designated as primary FOD walk supervisors. FOD monitors may
designate in writing additional FOD walk supervisors in the rank of TSgt or above. FOD walk
supervisors will ensure weekly compliance with FOD walk requirements.
A11.2.2.1. (JBMDL) The 305th Operations Group and subordinate units are relieved of
the responsibility to maintain FOD monitors.
A11.2.2.2. (JBMDL) The 87th Air Base Wing and subordinate units are relieved of the
responsibility to directly participate in FOD walks.
A11. (JBMDL) The 87th Logistics Readiness Squadron is expected to provide
transportation support as requested.
A11.2.3. (JBMDL). Unit FOD monitors will coordinate weekly FOD walk schedules with
Wing FOD monitors/QA.
A11.2.3.1. (JBMDL) FOD monitors will publish a standardized FOD walk schedule (day
of the week and time) and give the schedule to the Wing FOD monitors/QA.
A11.2.3.2. (JBMDL) Deviations from the standardized schedule will be published and
presented to the Wing FOD monitors/QA and the supporting unit the Thursday prior to the
week of execution, but no later than 48 hours prior to the date change.
A11.2.3.3. (JBMDL) Supporting units will make every attempt to support changes inside
of the Thursday prior to the new date, but will not be held accountable for an inability to
A11.2.4. (JBMDL). Supporting units are responsible for participating in FOD walks. Primary
units will coordinate FOD walk scheduling and personnel attendance with the supporting unit
operations officer. Unit FOD monitors will communicate the standardized schedule and any
changes with the supporting unit no later than the Thursday prior to the week of execution, but
no later than 48 hours prior to the date change.
A11.2.4.1 (JBMDL) Supporting units will make every attempt to support changes inside
of the Thursday prior to the new date, but will not be held accountable for an inability to
A11.2.5. (JBMDL). FOD walks may be rescheduled due to inclement weather or mission
requirements. The Wing FOD monitor/QA will be notified in writing or via digitally signed
email with read receipt as soon as a FOD walk has been cancelled and of the new date and
time the FOD walk will be performed.
A11.2.6. (JBMDL). FOD walk supervisors will notify the Wing FOD/DOP monitor/QA of
overall attendance and the weight of FOD collected in writing or via digitally signed email
with read receipt no later than two hours following the completion of the FOD walk.
A11.2.6.1 (JBMDL) Wing FOD/DOP monitor/QA may perform a post FOD walk
inspection within 30 minutes of FOD walk completion. Hard FOD found will result in a
failed inspection.
A11.3. (JBMDL). 87 CES sweepers will perform scheduled daily sweeper operations in all areas
on the flight line past the FOD removal signs (posted signs). All ramp sweeper operations are
controlled by Airfield Management (AM).
A11.3.1. (JBMDL). Area 1: Main Ramp (the C-17A and KC-10A aircraft parking ramp and
run up areas). Romeo row to Foxtrot row inclusive, Alpha row and Victor/X-Ray rows will be
swept daily Monday - Friday.
A11.3.2. (JBMDL). Area 2: all runways and taxiways. Aircraft runways, overruns, and
taxiways take priority over other flight line sweeper operations. Taxiways are swept daily on
an as needed basis, and runways will be swept the first and third Friday of every month.
A11.3.3. (JBMDL). Area 3: apron around buildings 3209 and 1837, Grissom Road, and its
access roads connecting to the flight line and Entry Control Points (ECP) from November to
Juliet, and the area between Buildings 2253 and 2251. The horseshoe shaped access road
around maintenance hangar 2201 and the apron area in front of the hangar doors. The apron
area on the flight line side of Building 1757 the loading dock area for supply and the APS
marshalling yard. All areas will be swept Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
A11.3.5. (JBMDL). Area 4: Bravo Row (transient parking ramp) and area around Building
1817 will be swept on Tuesday and Thursday.
A11.3.6. (JBMDL). If a sweeper is required outside of the normal operations identified above,
notify the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC). MOC will coordinate any additional
requirements with Airfield Management (AM) and Civil Engineering (CE).
A11.3.7. (JBMDL). Unit FOD monitors will coordinate weekly FOD walk schedules with
Wing FOD monitors/QA.
A11.4. (JBMDL). 87 CES sweepers will perform scheduled daily sweeper operations in all areas
on the flight line past the FOD removal signs (posted signs). All ramp sweeper operations are
controlled by Airfield Management (AM).
A11.4.1. (JBMDL). If a sweeper is required outside of the normal operations identified above,
notify the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC). MOC will coordinate any additional
requirements with Airfield Management (AM) and Civil Engineering (CE).
A11.5. (JBMDL). 87 CES sweepers will perform scheduled daily sweeper operations in all areas
on the flight line past the FOD removal signs (posted signs). All ramp sweeper operations are
controlled by Airfield Management (AM).
A115.1. (JBMDL). If a sweeper is required outside of the normal operations identified above,
notify the Maintenance Operations Center (MOC). MOC will coordinate any additional
requirements with Airfield Management (AM) and Civil Engineering (CE).
Attachment 12 (Added-JBMDL)
I-K row
305 APS
F-H row
605 AMXS
32 ARS
L-N row
305 AMXS
6 AS
Victor row
305 MXG/QA
Romeo row
305 MXS
305 OSS
305 MXO