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Summative Designation Requirements and
Business Rules
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Version Control
Version 1.0
Content Review
Business Rule(s)
Aggregation Levels
Data Owner(s) Approval
Director of Accountability approval by Rae Clementz on [9/29/2022]
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Metric Name
Summative Determination
Summative Designation - Reason(s)
Summative Designation is the annual accountability designation assigned to each school pursuant to
ESSA. The summative designation for all public schools receiving a designation is located on the Illinois
Report Card.
Summative Designations are annual designations that meaningfully differentiate school performance
based on all elements of a state’s accountability system. The system must differentiate between the
performance of all students in a school, and the performance of particular student demographic groups.
In 2022, the accountability system was amended in order to address technical, alignment, or impact issues
related to the waivers previously offered in 2020 and 2021. The business rules that follow reflect the
changes approved in that amendment.
In 2021, due to the continued national health crisis, ED communicated its intent to make waivers available
for accountability but not for assessments. The accountability waiver allowed states to waive two sets of
requirements -- accountability calculations and the reporting of those calculations. ISBE submitted its
waiver request on April 1, 2021, and the request was approved by ED on April 6, 2021. As such, an annual
summative designation will not be calculated or reported for 2021. Schools who were previously
identified as needing either Targeted or Comprehensive Support will maintain that support status, which
is separate from the annual summative designation.
In 2020, also due to a national health crisis, schools were closed nationwide and the US Department of
Education offered an unprecedented waiver of assessment and accountability requirements under ESSA.
The approved IL waiver is linked below in the Guidance Citation section. To meet the requirements of the
2020 waiver, ISBE reissued all schools their 2019 designation as their 2020 designation.
The rules as follows are the rules used to calculate the 2022 summative designation.
Additional information for Summative Designations can be found on ISBE’s website at:
There are two accountability bands:
o (1) Elementary and Middle School (ES) (currently schools serving grades 1-8)
o (2) High School band (HS) (currently schools serving grades 9-12)
Within each band there are two categories of indicators, with a total of eight similar but distinct
indicators with associated weights:
o (1) Academic
Elementary/Middle (ES)
High School (HS)
ELA Proficiency (7.5%)
ELA Proficiency (7.5%)
Math Proficiency (7.5%)
Math Proficiency (7.5%)
ELA Growth (25%)
Graduation Rate (50%)
Math Growth (25%)
Science Proficiency (5%)
Science Proficiency (5%)
ELPtP (5%)
ELPtP (5%)
o (2) Student Success and School Quality (SSSQ)
Elementary/Middle (ES)
High School (HS)
Chronic Absenteeism (20%)
Chronic Absenteeism (10%)
Climate survey (5%)
Climate Survey (6.67%)
Grade on Track (8.33%)
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The designation student demographic groups are:
o All Students
o White
o Black
o Hispanic
o Two or More Races
o Asian
o Native Hawaiianor Other Pacific Islander
o American Indian or Native American
o English Learners
Students who are currently classified as English Learners, who have not yet
reached proficiency
o Former English Learners
Includes English Learners who met the state reclassification criteria on ACCESS
through high school graduation.
o Children With Disabilities
Includes students who were identified as having a disability through formal
evaluations and met specific criteria as stated under the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to be eligible for special education and related
services by a team of individuals who developed an Individualized Education
Program (IEP). Students with a 504 Plan are also identified as students with a
disability who have met specific criteria as stated under the Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and are eligible to receive accommodations and related
services in a general education setting.
o Low Income
Additionally, a flag has been created for a category of Children Formerly With Disabilities” (CFWD). In 2022 ISBE
was informed that this group was not permissible, as the regulations that permitted the group had been repealed.
As such, all references to CFWD have been removed from the ESSA state plan. The group will not be calculated or
reported on, but the coding to denote students as a part of this group will be retained so that if in the future this
group is permitted or of interest, historical analyses may be conducted.
There are four Summative Designation levels:
Exemplary: A school in which no student demographic groups performing at or below the level of
the “all students” group in the lowest 5 percent of all schools, a graduation rate greater than 67
percent, and whose performance is in the top 10 percent of schools statewide as measured by the
multi-measures accountability index.
Commendable: A school in which no student demographic groups performing at or below the
level of the “all students” group in the lowest 5 percent of all schools, a graduation rate greater
than 67 percent, and whose performance is not in the top 10 percent of schools statewide as
measured by the multi-measures accountability index.
Targeted: A school in which one or more student demographic group performing at or below the
level of the “all students” group in the lowest 5 percent of all schools (determined by comparing a
particular demographic group's multi-measures accountability index score to the "all student"
multi-measures index score of schools needing Comprehensive Support). Schools that receive
an “Targeted Support School” designation will receive “targeted” support and enter a 4-year cycle
of continuous improvement A school remains in support status for the full four years even if
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subsequent designations are commendable or exemplary, so that improvements can be
Comprehensive: A school that is in the lowest-performing 5 percent of Title I-eligible schools in
Illinois, as measured by the multi-measures accountability index, and any high schools that have a
graduation rate of 67 percent or less. Schools identified as “Comprehensive Support” receive
“comprehensive” supports through collaboration with ISBE and partners to build on their
strengths and address their individual challenges in serving all students fully and equitably. These
schools develop a work plan with timelines and targets approved by ISBE and receive funding to
access services through IL-EMPOWER and enter a 4-year cycle of continuous improvement A
school remains in support status for the full four years even if subsequent designations are
commendable or exemplary, so that improvements can be sustained.
o Schools Eligible for Early Exit (E
) from Status. A combination of permanent and
temporary changes were made to the calculation of summative designation indicators in
2022 to address technical, alignment, or impact considerations resulting from the waivers
of assessment and accountability in 2020 and 2021. The summative designation
calculations are relational, so missing or less representative data in one school has the
potential to impact all schools. Therefore, a subset of schools newly identified
comprehensive or targeted support in 2022 are eligible for early release from the 4-year
improvement cycle. Schools automatically exited from support status:
Schools with assessment rates for all or one or more student demographic groups
below 70% in 2021. Note this includes all schools with back-mapped grades in
Exited if 2023 rates of participation are ≥95% and the 2023 designation is
commendable or exemplary, else they remain in status
Newly identified schools whose 2019 index score was ≥70.5 if an elementary
school, ≥74.5 if a high school (e.g., schools in the top 30% of the state).
Exited if 2023 designation is commendable or exemplary, else they
remain in status.
Schools that had a 30% or more change to the enrollments of the all student or
one or more student demographic groups from 2019 (e.g., 2019 enrollment ±
2019 enrollment*.3).
Exited if changes to enrollments from 2022-23 are within the 30% margin
and the 2023 designation is commendable or exemplary, else they remain
in status.
Support Cohort
2022 Designation
Schools who were previously identified in 2018 or 2019 for either comprehensive or targeted support are still in their
original continuous improvement support cycle and are therefore being supported at those level. Schools newly identified for
a higher level of support (i.e., schools who were targeted in 2018 or 2019 newly identified as comprehensive in 2022) would
also be eligible for exit from that higher level of support status.
A school is supported at the highest level of support it qualifies for. So, a school who is originally identified for
comprehensive support remains supported at the comprehensive level even if future designations are targeted,
commendable, or exemplary.
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Any designation
Exits support status entirely
Any designation
Enters a new 4-year cycle of
improvement at the targeted support
Any designation
Intensified support for schools who
have completed an improvement cycle
but not met exit criteria
2018 Targeted
Any designation
Exits support status entirely
Exemplary, Commendable
or Targeted
Enters a new 4-year cycle of
improvement at the comprehensive
support level
Remains in the 4-year cycle of
improvement at the comprehensive
level that began in 2022
Any designation
Remains in comprehensive support
status until 2024 when the initial
continuous improvement cycle is
2019 Targeted
Exemplary, Commendable
or Targeted
Remains in comprehensive support
status until 2024 when the initial
continuous improvement cycle is
Remains in the 4-year cycle of
improvement at the comprehensive
level that began in 2022
commendable or
exemplary and
eligible for early
Exited from support status if other E
criteria met
Remains in the 4-year cycle of
improvement at the targeted level that
began in 2022
Enters a new 4-year cycle of
improvement at the comprehensive
support level
Exited from support status if other E
criteria met
Remains in the 4-year cycle of
improvement at the comprehensive
level that began in 2022
If meeting statewide exit criteria
Schools identified for targeted support in 2018 are eligible to exit support status in 2023. If they do not meet statewide exit
criteria, they are required by law to be escalated to comprehensive support.
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Calculating summative designations and assigning levels of support is a 5-step process, with specific business rules
at each step.
To the greatest extent possible, the business rules that guide the allocation of points to schools for each
indicator were intended to follow these guidelines:
If a school Meet/Exceeds the statewide long term goal, interim target or other state defined
expectation for performance - assign full points (i.e., 100)
If a school does not meet annual expectation: Assign points representing the proportion of the
target achieved within the given year (1-99)
o Percent of interim target met (e.g., academic achievement)
o Proportion of points obtained within an “effective range” defined by a state specified
maximum and minimum value
In general, rules should be consistent in their logic and application.
In general, business rules should not penalize small decreases in performance for schools that are
performing well.
In general, business rules should incentivize and reward improvement in schools that are
performing both above and below expectations.
If a business rule adds complexity without adding meaningful differentiation, it should not be
applied unless absolutely necessary.
The 5 steps are:
(1) Assign each student to an accountable school and compile the relevant data
(2) Calculate School Performance Level from student performance data
(3) Convert the School Performance Level to an Indicator Score by Student Groups
(4) Weight and aggregate the Indicator Scores to create School Group Index Scores
(5) Convert Index Score to Summative Designation
They are further described in the below Business Rules section
In addition to these four designations, a fifth state designation not calculated can be assigned to a
school based on one of six reasons. The potential reasons for a designation not being calculated are
listed below.
1. Entity Not Eligible For Designation Schools eligible to receive a summative designation
include any public school that is Category 4 as the home school for 20 or more students in one
or more grades 1 through 12, with the exception of the following:
a. The following Serving schools will also receive a Report Card/Summative Designation:
i. Bismark-Henning-Rossville-Alvin Cooperative High School
ii. Paris Cooperative High School
b. This excludes programs that only serve students enrolled at other home schools like
alternative programs and schools serving Pre-K and Kindergarten grades only.
2. Entity Does Not Meet the Indicator Threshold
a. The inclusion rule for summative designation calculations is a count of at least 20
students per indicator.
b. All indicators with less than 20 records are suppressed. Schools with fewer than five
out of eight indicators, at least one of which must be an SSSQ indicator, do not
receive a designation.
c. These suppression and calculation rules differ from the Report Card suppression rule
of 10 because they serve different purposes. The summative designation suppression
limit represents a threshold for stability of accountability designations and was
approved in our Illinois ESSA Plan.
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3. Closed
a. Schools that close at the end of an academic year (e.g. school year 2020-21) do not
receive a designation for that academic year. The designation is used to trigger
funding and support the subsequent academic year (e.g. school year 2021-22) but
funding and support cannot be provided to a closed entity. Students from closed
entities are assigned to another accountable school.
4. Newly Opened
a. Schools that were newly opened during the current academic year in such a way that
they cannot be considered accountable for the academic achievement of their
enrolled students. In general this would only include schools who were opened in the
later half of the school year. An entity that is newly opened for the full school year,
but lacked sufficient grades to meet the indicator threshold would be categorized
under reason (2) Entity Does Not Meet the Indicator Threshold.
5. Accountability Requirements Waived
a. In rare cases, accountability requirements may be waived by the US Department of
6. Other
a. Circumstances not defined above, but which prevent the calculation of a summative
Guidance and Citation
ESSA (2015). Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-95 § 114 Stat. 1177 (2015-2016).
SEC. 1111.(b) Challenging State Academic Standards and Academic Assessments.
ESSA (2015). Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-95 § 114 Stat. 1177 (2015-2016).
SEC. 1111.(c) Statewide Accountability System.
ESSA (2015). Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, Pub. L. No. 114-95 § 114 Stat. 1177 (2015-2016).
SEC. 1111.(d) School Support and Improvement Activities.
2020: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/Assessment-Accountability-Waiver-Illinois.pdf
2021: https://www.isbe.net/Documents/IL20-21-Accountability-Waiver-Template.pdf
2022: Illinois amended its state plan to make changes to the accountability system to reflect the impact of
Amendment Executive Summary
Approval Letter
Approved Plan
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Source(s) of Data
Where does the data come from?
Indicator Name
Data Source Location(s)
ELA Proficiency (ES & HS)
ES: IAR Assessment data from SIS
HS: SAT Assessment data from SIS
Math Proficiency (ES & HS)
ES: IAR Assessment data from SIS
HS: SAT Assessment data from SIS
ELA Growth (ES)
Math Growth (ES)
English Learner Progress to
Proficiency (ELPtP) (ES & HS)
ES: ACCESS Assessment data from SIS
HS: ACCESS Assessment data from SIS
Chronic Absenteeism (ES & HS)
ES: Attendance data from SIS
HS: Attendance data from SIS
Climate Survey (ES & HS)
ES: Participation from Survey Vendors (external
HS: Participation from Survey Vendors (external
Grade on Track (HS)
HS: Student Course data from SIS
Graduation Rate (HS)
HS: Graduation Cohort from SIS
Science Proficiency (ES & HS)
ES: ISA Assessment data from ISBE Services
HS: ISA Assessment data from ISBE Services
Grades 1 through 12.
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Business Rule(s)
Process 1: Assign Each Student to an Accountable School and Compile the Relevant Data
The accountable school is the home school of greatest and longest enrollment where the student has been
enrolled “at least half a school year.”
An accountable school can only be a category 4 or 8.
An accountable school cannot have a school code beginning with 3 (3000-code schools).
An accountable school must be an entity that is open in the school year when the summative designations
are issued (which is the school year following the school year from which the source data is taken).
The accountable school is manually adjusted for schools that were merged for the school year
when the summative designations are issued.
When two schools are merged, students are assigned to the school with the RCDTS that
remained “open.”
When a school is closed and its students are distributed to multiple schools throughout
the district, students are assigned to the school that they are enrolled at in the year the
designations are issued if that school is also within the originating district and it serve(d/s)
the applicable students’ grade.
When one or more schools are closed and a new entity is created, students will be
assigned to the new entity if it is practicable to do so (e.g., if a K-2, 3-4, and 5-6 building
were all closed, a new K-5 was created and the grade 6 was merged with an existing
junior high, the merged grade would follow the rules for merging, while the students from
the K-2, 3-4 buildings and grade 5 would be assigned to the new entity, following the rules
for when students are assigned to existing entities.
“At least half of a school year” is defined as 134 or more calendar days (non-consecutive) of total
enrollment. The number 134 was determined by taking the difference between the start date and end
date of all school and district calendars in the state, averaging their total number of calendar days, and
dividing the average in half.
1. Identify the source snapshot, which should be the same snapshot being used for that academic years’
report card. Save the snapshot ID and date of last refresh in code notes. The applicable academic year
shall hereafter be referred to as “summative year”.
2. Identify all enrollments and their associated enrollment id, state student ID, home school, serving
school, and FTE and use that information to begin building a state-level accounting table.
a. For students that have enrollments with differing grades throughout a single school year, find the
grade marked on the end of year enrollment. If the End of Year enrollment grade is higher than
the grade on the assessment record, treat all enrollments/data as if they were from the “End of
Year” grade value, else use the grade at the time of testing.
b. Exclude 3 categories of enrollments from the accounting table:
i. Enrollments with Private School Indicator.
ii. Enrollments lower than kindergarten.
iii. Enrollments marked erroneous.
3. Calculate enrollment length for each student at their home school (Number of days from Enrollment
Date to Enrollment Exit Date).
a. If student only has a single enrollment, this is simply the enrollment date and enrollment exit date
on the enrollment record. The home school from this enrollment is the accountable school.
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b. If student has multiple enrollments, calculate enrollment length for each student/home school
(e.g. if student exists in multiple home schools, calculate as separate enrollment lengths)
i. If a student has multiple overlapping enrollments (e.g. enrollment date from one
enrollment record falls between the enrollment data and enrollment exit date of a
separate enrollment record) at the same home school, calculate using the ‘gaps’ method.
Functionally, this uses the earliest enrollment date and the latest enrollment exit date to
calculate enrollment length.
c. Sum enrollment length after processing multiples, grouping by student and home school. Single
records sum correctly because there is only one record. Multiple records, then sum together
correctly as well because overlapping enrollments do not double count overlap days and
segmented enrollments are added correctly as the discrete sums of the individual segments.
d. Once the enrollment length has been calculated select the longest length record for each student
4. Compare the final accountable list with the adjusted cohort graduation table. Add any students that show
up as ‘graduated’ in the cohort table that do not already exist in the accountable list. Note: Students that
are pulled in via the adjusted cohort graduation table may, if they have an exit code of graduated, also
have a graduating entity ID that is a 3000 code school. These are students who were graduated while in
an IDJJ school.
5. Apply the following codes for the final accountable list
a. 01 students that meet the length requirement ( 134 days). Students with this code are included
in all indicator calculations for which they have applicable data, unless otherwise excluded for
reasons specific to the indicator and defined below.
b. 02 students that are added through the adjusted graduation cohort table. Students with this
code are included in the graduation rate indicator calculation only. They are excluded from all
other indicator calculations.
c. 03 students that are in ‘Kindergarten. Students with this code are excluded from all indicator
calculations (but remain in the data set in case of future indicator modifications).
d. 04 students that do not meet the length requirement (< 134 days). Students with this code are
excluded from all indicator calculations (but remain in the data set so that schools can see which
students failed the “half a school” rule).
6. Associate applicable student demographic data according to the procedures outlined in the Report Card
Grouping: Student Groups Requirements and Business Rules. The relevant unit of aggregation is the
a. Each SSID will have associated with it (1) a race code, (2) grade (as taken from the enrollment that
was used to determine the accountable school, (except as defined in step 2.a.), and will have
either a yes, no, or null (which is interpreted as a no) for (3) CWD, (4) EL, (5) Former EL, and (7)
Low Income.
i. Logical check: No student can have a Yes for both EL and Former EL. If a student does
calculate as a Former EL, the Former EL “yes” supersedes the EL “yes.”
Applicable student groups are those listed in the definitions section of this document and are
limited to, All Students, White, Black, Hispanic, Two or More Races, Asian, Hawaiian/Pacific
Islander, Native American, English Learners, Students who are currently classified as English
Learners, who have not yet reached proficiency, Former English Learners, Children With
Disabilities, and Low Income.
b. Not applicable student groups include Gender, Homeless, Migrant, Youth In Care, and Military.
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7. Associate applicable student indicator data in tables including (a) student assessment, (b) attendance, (c)
survey participation data, (d) English Learner Progress to Proficiency, (e) 9
Grade OnTrack, and (f)
Composite 4-, 5-, and 6-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation rate.
a. For assessment data (inclusive of ELA proficiency, math proficiency, ELA growth, Math growth,
English Learner Progress to Proficiency, and science proficiency
i. ELA and math proficiency in the ES band are limited to grades 3 through 8. ELA and math
growth in the ES bands are limited to grades 4 through 8. ELA and math proficiency in the HS
band are limited to the SAT test, and the DLM in grades 11 and 12.
ii. If an SSID has a valid scale score associated with any enrollment, use the score.
iii. If an SSID has multiple valid scale scores, use the score from the enrollment that comes first
iv. If an SSID does not have a valid scale score, use the record from the school at the time of
testing, even if the accountable school is not the school at the time of testing.
1. Note: For English Learner Progress to Proficiency, students without a valid score
in their baseline year use a score of 100. This is true regardless of the RNVTA
associated with the record.
v. Associate the appropriate state-determined annual student growth percentile (SGP).
1. Beginning in 2022, two types of SGPs are calculated for all students a cohort-
referenced SGP (as calculated and used in 2018 & 2019, which compares a
student’s performance to their academic peers within the same academic year)
and a baseline-referenced SGP (as calculated but not used in 2021, which
compares a student’s performance to their academic peers from a prior academic
year). The cohort-referenced SGP is considered the default SGP.
2. Calculate a state average cohort-referenced SGP (crSGP) and baseline-referenced
SGP (brSGP) by summing all SGPs of the given type from all students in the state
and dividing by the number of scores.
3. In years where the state average crSGP ≥ brSGP, use the crSGP for each student.
Only in years where the state average brSGP > crSGP should the brSGP for each
student be used.
vi. Associate ELA and math assessment data for schools without assessed grades. Note: ELA
and math proficiency and growth indicators are the only indicators for which a process of
“backmapping” (associating CURRENT summative year assessment data from prior year(s)
enrollments) occurs. ELPtP is not backmapped, nor is science. Additionally, all demographic
data associated with the backmapped SIDs should be taken from the current summative
year data set.
In 2022, science proficiency is replaced by science participation.
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Highest Grade
ELA and Math Scale Score
Current summative year
accountable school table
Grade 3 enrollments from prior summative year
accountable school table (e.g. if current summative
year = 2022, 2021 accountable school table)
Grade 2 enrollments from
prior summative year
accountable school table
Grade 2 enrollments from (summative year 2)
accountable school table (e.g. if current summative
year = 2022, 2020 accountable school table)
Grade 1 enrollments from
(summative year 2)
accountable school table
Grade 1 enrollments from (summative year 3)
accountable school table (e.g. if current summative
year = 2022, 2019 accountable school table)
b. For attendance data: Sum the data from all enrollments associated with the SSID where the
length of the unique enrollment is ≥10 attendance days. Inclusive of grades 1-12.
c. For climate survey participation: Inclusive of grades 4-12.
a. If a student is rostered at any single school, tie their participation to the accountable
b. If a student is rostered at multiple schools, use the preference logic dictated in the
indicator itself.
d. For English Learner Progress to Proficiency, use the logic defined in step 8.a. to determine the
applicable current score, prior score, and initial scale scores. Additional necessary data elements
are outlined in Process 2. Inclusive of grades 1-12.
e. For 9
Grade OnTrack, use the information from the warehouse student metric table.
a. If an SSID has multiple enrollments with a non-null On-Track value, use the record
associated with the enrollment used to determine the accountable school.
f. Composite 4-, 5-, and 6-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate is calculated at the school level,
not the individual student level. See the rules associated with this specific indicator in Processes 2
and 3.
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Process 2: Raw Performance Calculation by Indicator
Calculate the Demographic Group’s Performance Level for each indicator according to the rules for that indicator
ELA & Math
Exclude students who were marked 1st Year in US in either the applicable academic year or the
prior academic year (I.e., if using spring 2022 data, marked 1st year in US in Sy21-22 or SY20-
21). They students should be dropped from both the numerator and the denominator. This is
called out explicitly because it differs from the report card business rules referenced
below. Follow all other inclusion and exclusion rules as defined in the Report Card Grouping: All
Tests Proficiency Rate Requirements and Business Rules (replacing responsible school with
accountable school).
A. Number Proficient (ES): By subject, the sum the number of students in a given demographic
group with ELA proficiency levels of 4 or 5 on IAR, and students with ELA Levels 3 & 4 on
DLM-AA, excluding English Learner students who are newly arrived in the summative year
or in the academic year prior.
B. Number Tested: By subject, sum the number of students in a given demographic group with
a valid score of any level.
C. Number Should Have Tested: By subject, sum the number of students in a given demo
graphic with a valid test score or RNVTA code of 10, 15, or 19, 25 or 53.
a. Note: In the ES grade band, calculate both at the Demographic group level (all
students in the demographic group), then at the grade group level (all students of
the demographic group in grades 3 & 4, 5 & 6, 7 & 8).
D. Grade Groups (GG): By subject, the number of students in a given demographic group in
grades 3 & 4 combined (GG34), grades 5 & 6 combined (GG56), and grades 7 & 8 combined
(GG78). A disaggregation level for Number Proficient, Number Tested, and Number Should
Have Tested, which are calculated by subject for each demographic group.
E. Grade Group Weight (GGW): The ratio of the Grade Group Number Should Have Tested to
the Demographic Group Number to Be Tested
a. GGW34 = GG34 ÷ (GG34 + GG56 + GG78)
b. GGW56 = GG56 ÷ (GG34 + GG56 + GG78)
c. GGW78 = GG78 ÷ (GG34 + GG56 + GG78)
F. 95% Code: Values 00 = No, 01 = Yes.
a. If the total number of students to be tested per subject in the demographic group is
< 20, apply code 00.
b. By subject, for each demographic group, if the Number Tested / Number Should
Have Tested ≥ .95, apply code 01, else apply code 00.
G. Denominator: By subject, for each demographic group, determine the denominator of the
proficiency calculation.
a. If the group’s 95% Code = 00, the denominator is the Number Tested for the entire
demographic group.
b. If the group’s 95% Code = 01, the denominator is the (Number Should Have Tested
* .95).
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H. Grade Group Denominator: By subject, for each demographic group, and for each grade
group, the value of (G. Denominator * E. Grade Group Weight).
a. GGD34 = (Demographic Group’s Denominator * GGW34 of the dem group)
b. GGD56 = (Demographic Group’s Denominator * GGW56 of the dem group)
c. GGD78 = (Demographic Group’s Denominator * GGW78 of the dem group)
I. Grade Group Percent Proficient: By subject and demographic group, the Grade Group
Number Proficient ÷ Grade Group Denominator.
a. GGPP34 = GG34NP ÷ GGD34
b. GGPP56 = GG56NP ÷ GGD56
c. GGPP78 = GG78NP ÷ GGD78
ELA & Math
Exclude students who were marked 1
Year in US in either the applicable academic year or the
prior academic year (I.e., if using spring 2022 data, marked 1
year in US in Sy21-22 or SY20-
21). They students should be dropped from both the numerator and the denominator. This is
called out explicitly because it differs from the report card business rules referenced
below. Follow all other inclusion and exclusion rules as defined in the Report Card Grouping: All
Tests Proficiency Rate Requirements and Business Rules (replacing responsible school with
accountable school).
A. Number Proficient: Sum the number of students by subject with ELA/math proficiency
levels 3 & 4 on SAT and DLM.
B. Number Tested: Sum the number of students with a valid score of any level.
C. Number to be Tested: Sum the number of students with a valid test score or RNVTA code of
10, 15, or 19, 25 or 53.
D. Denominator: The greater of Number Tested or (Number to be Tested * .95).
E. % Proficient: [Number proficient ÷ the greater of Number Tested or (Number Should have
Tested * .95)] * 100
(ES & HS)
A. Number Proficient: Sum the number of students with science proficiency level of 2 on ISA,
and students with math Levels 3 & 4 on DLM.
B. Number Tested: Sum the number of students with a valid score of any level.
C. Number to be Tested: Sum the number of students with a valid test score or RNVTA code of
10, 15, 30, 31, 33 and 34, or Suppression codes: S2, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S09, S10, S13, or S15.
D. Denominator: The greater of Number Tested or (Number to be Tested * .95).
E. % Proficient: [Number proficient ÷ the greater of Number Tested or (Number Should have
Tested * .95)] * 100
Note: In 2022 only, science proficiency rates are replaced with science participation rates.
F. % Participation: (Number tested ÷ Number to be Tested) * 100.
16 | P a g e
EL Progress
(ES & HS)
Note: ELPtP points are calculated at the student level and aggregated to create an indicator
score. All other indicators are aggregated first, then scored.
Create an indicator table with the following data elements for each student with EL indicator
Yes in the applicable academic year. Include in the indicator table only those students who
have an “Include in calculation code” in the accountable school table. The variables below
should be complied/calculated in sequence, as they build upon each other.
A. Current Grade: A student’s grade in the summative year. Must be grade 1 or higher.
B. Baseline Grade: The grade level of a student’s first ACCESS score (or RNVTA) in grade 1 or
a. If they were identified in Pre-K or K, Baseline Grade = 1.
b. If they were identified in Grade 1 or after, the grade of identification is their
baseline year, e.g. Grade 1 = 1, Grade 3 = 3, Grade 9 = 9.
C. Baseline Accountable Year: The academic year associated with the first ACCESS score (or
RNVTA) in grade 1 or above.
D. Indicator Inclusion/Exclusion Code:
a. If Baseline Accountable Year = Summative Year, code student as exclude from
b. If Baseline Accountable Year < Summative Year, code student as include in
E. Partial Years: A count of the number of years after a student’s baseline year for which the
sum of a student’s enrollments for the year is ≤134 calendar days.
a. All students with an active EL record in academic year 2020-21 receive a partial
year for that year (or a record in both 2020 and 2022).
F. Proficiency Target Year: Baseline Accountable Year + Partial Years + 5 (e.g. Baseline 2018 +
1 + 5 = 2024).
G. Timeline Years: Proficiency Target Year Summative Year (e.g. for summative calculations
for 2022: Proficiency Target Year 2024 2022 = 2 Timeline Years)
H. Proficiency Target Grade:
a. If Timeline Years > 0, Proficiency Target Grade = Current Grade + Timeline Years
b. If Timeline Year ≤ 0, Proficiency Target Grade = Current Grade
I. Proficiency Target Scale Score: Using the EL Proficiency Scale Score Tables (below)
determine the target scale score equivalent to a 4.8 composite proficiency level in a
student’ Proficiency Target Grade.
a. 6: 393
b. 7: 400
c. 8: 406
d. 9: 412
e. 10: 418
f. 11: 423
g. 12: 428
17 | P a g e
J. Initial Scale Score: ACCESS composite scale score from the Baseline Accountable Year. If a
student did not have a valid score in their Accountable Year, use 100 (the lowest obtainable
K. Current Scale Score: ACCESS composite scale score from the summative year. If the student
does not have a valid score in the applicable academic year, use 100.
L. Prior Scale Score. Scale score from the academic year prior to the summative year, for
students whose Timeline Years ≤ 4. in 2022, prior score for all students will be from 2020 (if
student does not have 2020, student is excluded). in 2022, former el, and in 2021 reached
proficiency, include these students in EL cohort with a points score of 100 (e.g. no
calculation, just assign points of 100).
M. Timeline Target: Proficiency Target Scale Score Initial Scale Score) / 5. Calculate when
Timeline Years = 5. Save as static variable Timeline Target.
N. Revised Target:
a. If Timeline Years > 0: (Proficiency Target Scale Score Prior Scale Score) / Timeline
Years. Updated annually.
b. If Timeline Years ≤ 0: Proficiency Target Scale Score Prior Scale Score
O. Numerator:
a. If Timeline Years > 0: The lesser of either the Timeline Target or Revised Target.
b. If Timeline Years ≤ 0: Revised Target
P. Gain: The (Current Scale Score Prior Scale Score).
Q. ELPtP Prelim: (Gain / Numerator) * 100
R. ELPtP Points:
a. If ELPtP Prelim ≥ 100, points = 100
b. If ELPtP Prelim < 100 and > 0, points = ELPtP Score
c. If ELPtP Prelim ≤ 0, points = 0
ELA Growth
A. ELA Mean Student Growth Percentile (SGP): Sum of all ELA SGP (type as determined in step
scores divided by the number of ELA SGP scores.
Growth (ES)
B. Math Mean Student Growth Percentile (SGP): Sum of all Math SGP scores divided by the
number of Math SGP scores.
Rate (HS)
A. Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate: Using the federal rules for calculating an adjusted
cohort graduation rate, calculate the following:
a. The 4-year adjusted cohort rate for the most recent graduating cohort (e.g. Cohort
2014 those students who entered 9
grade for the 1
time in 2014 and whose 4-
year graduation year would be 2017)
b. 5-year adjusted cohort rates for the previous cohort (e.g. Cohort 2013)
c. The 6-year adjusted cohort rates for the cohort previous to that (e.g. Cohort 2012)
d. Note: This is the only indicator that does not follow the 134 calendar day rule.
Instead use the last home school in which the student was enrolled.
18 | P a g e
B. Weighted Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate: [(Cohort_Year_4 x .60) + (Cohort_Year_5 *
.30) + (Cohort_Year_6 * .1)] * 100
A. The cohort will consist of 1st time full time freshman defined as:
a. Not enrolled in Grade 9 in previous year.
b. Enrolled in Grade 9 on October 1 of the school year.
c. Enrolled in Grade 9 on May 1 of the school year.
d. The sum of the days enrolled at a single home school in the current school year
must be greater than 212.
e. Summer school enrollments are excluded from this count, which are those students
who have an enrollment date equal to or later than June 1.
f. Student will be included in cohort of their accountable school if they have met the
above criteria.
B. On-Track means the student:
a. Attained a passing grade (A+ through D-, Satisfactory, Exceptional and Meets
Standard) in courses totaling at a minimum 5 course credits.
b. Did not fail (F plus U-Unsatisfactory) core courses totaling more than .5 course
c. Core courses have a subject area of Reading, Math, Science and Social Science.
d. Courses included are the completed courses from Semester 1 and 2 (S1 & S2) or Tri-
Semesters 1, 2 and 3 (T1, T2 & T3).
C. Course credits from summer session are not included.
D. % On-Track is calculated as:
a. [(The number of students within the school that pass courses totaling 5 or more
course credits AND did not fail more than .5 course credits in core courses) / (The
total number of freshmen students meeting the qualifications outlined in the cohort
definition)] * 100
b. Apply an adjustment to schools not using a .5 credit per semester scale* (adjusting
for known schools who use a 1 credit per semester scale).
(ES & HS)
A. Number Chronically Absent: Only students in grades 1 12 are counted for chronic
absenteeism. Students are considered chronically absent as defined in Section 26-18 of the
School Code. Students who have missed 10% or more of the school year, excused or
unexcused. Exclude enrollments less than 10 school days. Exclude days hospitalized.
Medically homebound students are considered present. Total days enrolled excludes days
a. The combined total number of “days absent – unexcused” and “days absent –
excused” per student is divided by that student’s length of enrollment.
b. The length of enrollment for chronic absenteeism is calculated by adding together
all the “in person”, “e-learning”, “medically homebound,” and remote learning”
days + days absent unexcused + days absent excused
c. If the sum of absences divided by the length of enrollment is greater than or equal
to 0.10 then the student is considered chronically absent.
19 | P a g e
d. For students with multiple enrollments at the same home school, attendance is the
sum of all such days for the schools.
B. Number of Students: Number of students with enrollments greater than or equal to 10
consecutive school days in the relevant student group.
C. Chronic Absenteeism Rate: (Number Chronically Absent ÷ Number of Students) * 100
Survey (ES &
A. Number Participated: The number of student responses received.
B. Note: If the student ID is represented multiple times order of preference is:
a. If any record is participation Y, take that record.
b. Else if any record is student cognitively unable to access the survey, take this record
c. Else if any record is participation no, take this record
d. Else if any record is participation no, parental refusal, take this record
e. Else if any record is participation no, student not enrolled, take this record.
C. Number to be Surveyed: The number of students who had an enrollment in a surveyed
grade, during the survey window. Excludes students who transferred out prior to the survey
window and students who are cognitively unable to access the survey.
D. Note: If a student above is coded cognitively unable to access the survey, but does not have
either CWD = Y or EL = Y, include these students in the number to be surveyed (e.g. .
E. Participation Rate: (Number participated ÷ Number Surveyed) * 100
Note: There are some schools who serve grades that span the ES and HS. These schools receive two
designations, one calculated based on their applicable grades in the K-8 band and one based on their
applicable grades in the 9-12 band.
20 | P a g e
Process 3: Convert the Demographic Group Performance Level to a Demographic Group Indicator Score
1. For each indicator, as applicable to grades served, convert the school’s performance level on that
indicator into an indicator score, using the following rules.
2. For each indicator score produced, code the score as Meets N≥20 Y or N.
Performance Level to Indicator Score Calculation Rules
ELA & Math
Proficiency (ES)
A. Grade Group Interim Target (GGIT): The interim target, by subject, of the demographic
group by grade group (See ES ELA and Math Interim Targets Table).
B. Grade Group Indicator Raw: By subject, by demographic group, and for each grade
group, the Grade Group Percent Proficient ÷ Grade Group Interim Target.
a. GGIR34 = GGPP34 ÷ GGIT34
b. GGIR56 = GGPP56 ÷ GGIT56
c. GGIR78 = GGPP78 ÷ GGIT78
C. Grade Group Indicator Weighted: By subject, by demographic group, and for each grade
group, the Grade Group Indicator Raw * Grade Group Weight.
a. GGIW34 = GGIR34 * GGW34 * 100
b. GGIW56 = GGIR56 * GGW56 * 100
c. GGIW34 = GGIR78 * GGW78 * 100
D. ES Subject Proficiency Indicator Score: Sum of all Grade Group Indicator Weighted
values for the three grade groups. All values greater than 100 are capped at 100.
ELA & Math
A. If % Proficient Interim Target for demographic group for year (See HS ELA and
Math Interim Targets Table) Indicator Score = 100, else
B. HS Subject Proficiency Score: (% Proficient / Interim Target for demographic
group for year) * 100
(ES & HS)
A. If % Proficient Interim Target for demographic group for year (See Science Interim
Targets Table) Indicator Score = 100
B. Science Score: (% Proficient / Interim Target for demographic group for year) * 100
C. FOR 2022 ONLY Science Score: (Participation Rate * 4.9975) 374.7625
ELA Growth
A. ELA Growth Score: [(ELA_MSGP * (20/9)) 62.2222222221]
B. Note: MSGP ≥ 73 = 100 points, MSGP ≥ 28 points = 0 points
Growth (ES)
A. Math Growth Score: [(Math_MSGP * (20/9)) 62.2222222221]
B. Note: MSGP ≥ 73 = 100 points, MSGP ≤ 28 points = 0 points
EL Progress to
Proficiency (ES
& HS)
A. ELPtP Score:
B. In 2022 ONLY, add to the calculation Former EL students who reached proficiency in
2021. These students receive scores of 100.
21 | P a g e
High School
Rate (9-12)
A. Graduation Score: [Composite weighted adjusted cohort graduation rate * 3.7975)
253.16456, with negative values rounded to 0, and a maximum score of 100.
B. Note: A weighted composite graduation rate ≥ 93 is 100 points and a weighted
composite graduation rate ≤ 66.667 is 0 points.
Grade On-
Track (HS)
A. On-Track Score: [(% OnTrack 66.6) * 3], with negative values rounded to 0, and a
maximum score of 100., with negative values rounded to 0, and a maximum score of
B. Note: On-Track rate ≤ 67% = 0 points
(ES & HS)
A. Chronic Absenteeism Score: [(100 (Chronic Absenteeism Rate *2)]
B. 2022 ONLY - Differentiated Scoring Band: Compares the 2022 rate of chronic
absenteeism to the 2021 and 2019 rates of chronic absenteeism to place schools
(and their demographic groups) into differentiated scoring bands. A multiplier is
1. Calculate the difference between the 2021 demographic group chronic
absenteeism rate and the 2022 chronic absenteeism rate (2021CA 2022CA
= difference)
2. Calculate the difference between the 2022 demographic group chronic
absenteeism rate and the 2019 chronic absenteeism rate (2022CA 2019 CA
= difference)
3. Place each demographic group into a differentiated scoring band:
When 2021CA 2022CA is > 7.5
When 2012CA 2022CA is > 5 but ≤ 7.5
When 2012CA 2022CA is > 2.5 but ≤ 5
When 2012CA 2022CA is > 0 but ≤ 2.5
When 2022CA 2019CA is >2.5 but ≤ 7.5
C. Note: Chronic Absenteeism rate >= 50% = 0 points
Climate Survey
(ES & HS)
A. Climate Survey Score: [(Survey Participation Rate* (20/9)) 111.11], with negative
values rounded to 0, and a maximum score of 100., with negative values rounded to
0, and a maximum score of 100.
B. Note: Participation rate ≥ 95% = 100 points, participation rate ≤ 50% = 0 points
2. Repeat for all student groups saving as variables Indicator Score.
22 | P a g e
Process 4: Weight and Aggregate the Indicator Scores to Create Demographic Group Index Scores
1. Ensure that schools have a sufficient number of indicators that meet the minimum student population
size of greater than or equal to 20.
a. If a school does not have at least one SSSQ indicator, assign “Entity Does Not Meet the Indicator
Threshold” as index score and Summative Rating.
i. Logic Check: If SSSQ count <1, Chronic Absenteeism student count should also be <20
and total school enrollment in grades 1-12 should be <20.
b. If a school has at least one SSSQ indicator, check that the sum of the SSSQ indicators and
Academic indicators is greater than or equal to 5. If it is less than 5, assign “Entity Does Not Meet
the Indicator Threshold” as index score and Summative Rating.
c. For all else proceed to step 3.
1. ELA Proficiency
2. Math Proficiency
3. ELA Growth
4. Math Growth
5. ELPtP
6. Science Proficiency (Participation in
2022 only)
1. ELA Proficiency
2. Math Proficiency
3. 4-, 5-, & 6-Year Weighted Composite
Graduation Rate
4. ELPtP
5. Science Proficiency (Participation in
2022 only)
7. Chronic Absenteeism
8. Climate Survey Participation
6. Chronic Absenteeism
7. Climate Survey Participation
8. 9
Grade OnTrack
2. For each demographic group identified in step 2 above, multiply each indicator score by the weight it
has in the system, and sum using the formulas below.
[(ELAProf * (.075 + R
)) + (MathProf * (.075 + R
)) + (SciProf * (.05 + R
)) + (ELAGrowth * (.25 + R
+ (MathGrowth * (.25 + R
)) + (ELPtP * (.05 + R
))] = Academic Index Score
[(Chronic * (.2 + R
)) + (Climate * (.05 + R
))] = SSSQ Index Score
School Index Score = Academic Index Score + SSSQ Index Score
High School
[(ELAProf * (.075 + R
)) + (MathProf * (.075 + R
)) + (SciProf * (.05 + R
)) + (GradRate * (.5 + R
)) +
(ELPtP * (.05 + R
))] = Academic Index Score
[(Chronic * (.1 + R
)) + (Climate * (.0667 + R
)) + (OnTrack * (.0833 + R
))] = SSSQ Index Score
23 | P a g e
School Index Score = Academic Index Score + SSSQ Index Score
is the relative weight that needs to be added to each of the remaining variables if 1 or more
variables are missing from a given grouping where m defines the grouping and n defines the variable
in that grouping (i.e., m=1 is academic worth 75%, m=2 is SSSQ worth 25%)
Wmn is the original respective weight of the given indicator (e.g., for MathProf, .075 is W
∑(Missing W
for m group)
= W
* -----------------------------------------
∑(Remaining W
for m group)
∑(Missing W
for m group): Sum the missing weight for a specific group “m”
∑(Remaining W
for m group): Sum the remaining weight for a specific group “m”
Treat missing indicators as zero’s, which will eliminate them from the formula.
Add relative weights (R
) to the formula and calculate.
The formulae redistribute the weight of missing indicators to other indicators of the same type
(e.g. academic is distributed to academic, SSSQ is distributed to SSSQ).
Repeat for all student groups where the n-size is ≥ 20 for at least 5 out of 8 indicators, of which at
least 1 is an SSSQ indicator. Save as variables.
24 | P a g e
Process 5: Convert Index Score to Summative Designation
Elementary Designations
1. Rank order all schools with an ES index score by the “all” index score from highest index score to
2. Identify the lowest performing 5% of all ES Schools. Save the “All Students” index score of the
highest ranked school in the lowest 5% as a variable named ES_CompThreshold.
a. Assign Comprehensive to all schools with an “all” index score at or below the
b. Assign reason as “All Students
3. Identify the top 10% of all ES Schools by the “all” index score. Save the “all” index score of the
lowest ranked school in the top 10% as a variable named ES_ExempThreshold.
a. Assign Exemplary to all schools at or above the ES_ExempThreshold.
b. Assign reason as “All Students
4. For all schools without the designation Comprehensive, compare the index score of each student
group to ES_CompThreshold.
a. Where any student group index score is ≤ ES_CompThreshold, apply Targeted
overwriting any existing summative designation of Exemplary. Do not overwrite existing
Comprehensive designations.
b. List all student groups with an index score ≤ ES_CompThreshold in the reason field.
5. For all other schools, where the summative designation field is blank, assign Commendable.
a. Assign reason as “All Students
1. High School Assignment
1. Rank order all schools with an HS index score by the “all” score from highest index score to
2. Identify the lowest performing 5% of all HS Schools. Save the “all” index score of the highest
ranked school in the lowest 5% as a variable named HS_CompThreshold.
a. Assign Comprehensive to all schools with an “all” index score at or below the
b. Assign reason as “All Students
3. For all schools not yet designated, identify schools with an “all” Graduation Rate indicator score of
a. Assign Comprehensive
b. Assign reason as “Low Graduation Rate
4. Identify the top 10% of all HS Schools by the “all” index score. Save the “all” index score of the
lowest ranked school in the top 10% as a variable named HS_ExempThreshold.
a. Assign Exemplary
b. Assign reason “All Students
5. For all schools without the designation Comprehensive, compare the index score of each student
group to HS_CompThreshold.
a. Where any student group index score is ≤ HS_CompThreshold, apply Targeted
overwriting any summative designation of Exemplary.
b. List all student groups with an index score ≤ HS_CompThreshold in the reason
6. For all other schools, where the summative designation field is blank, assign Commendable.
a. Assign reason “All Students