Reading your School's
Report Card
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Finding your school's report card
Understanding the snapshot
Determining your school’s designation
What are indicators
Disaggregating data
5 Essentials
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Where to find the report card
Insert all or some of the following information
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
You may have to select your school from a list if there is not enough information provided.
The top half of the snapshot will include your school's basic
information, a list of indicators and your district's provided statement.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Scroll down to
the bottom half
to see some of
your school's
If it does not
apply to your
school, you will
see "No Data"
If using a cell phone, the display will be vertical. You will need to
click on the arrow to see the dropdown menu.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Illinois State School
Dr. Benny da Bull
Dr. Staley da Bear
Summative Designation
The Snapshot will show the Summative Designation in the first
square. Click on the box with the designation to learn
more about designations and read your school's narrative.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Summative Designation
There are five possible designations.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Accountability Indicators
Summative Designations are
calculated by assigning each
school points for every
accountability indicator.
The indicators are weighted,
meaning, each indicator is
worth a different number of
total possible points.
On your online Report Card,
click Accountability, then click
Summative Designation.
This new visual on the Report
Card shows you the points your
school earned for each of the
accountability indicators.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Accountability Indicators
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
For elementary and middle
schools, student growth on
the Illinois Assessment of
Readiness is the biggest
category at 50% of the total
For high schools, graduation
rate is the biggest category
at 50% of the total points.
Summative Designation Descriptive Statistics
By design, there will always be
Exemplary and Comprehensive schools,
as these are the top performing 10%
and lowest performing 5% of schools.
Most schools will be in the middle and
will be Commendable or Targeted, if
they have a low performing student
This new visual on the Report Card
shows you the points threshold for that
year for the bottom 5%
(Comprehensive) and the top 10%
(Exemplary). These points threshold
changes every year according to the
statewide data.
It also shows your school’s total points
in comparison.
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Indicators and Other Data
Click on each for a detailed explanation Graphs and another list will open
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Indicators and Other Data
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
The Report Card has
more than just
accountability indicators.
As you click on each
section, data sets will
Compare by District,
State, or year.
Click “Learn More” at
the top for an
explanation of what that
indicator measures.
Disaggregating Data
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Click on the dropdown labeled "Overall" to disaggregate the data to a specific
grade or demographic as shown below.
1. 2.
5 Essentials
Equity Quality Collaboration Community
Every year, parents/guardians are asked to participate in the 5 Essentials survey.
Your school might also use another approved climate survey. The results are
showcased under "School Environment."
Learn More
Find your school’s Report Card at
Visit for more fact
Visit for more
information about the summative designation.
Visit the Report Card Data Library for a glossary of
terms and downloadable statewide data: