A New World
The Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the
Global Commission on the Geopolitics of Energy Transformation and do not
necessarily represent the views of IRENA or its Members.
This Report may be freely reproduced, in whole or in part, provided the original
source is acknowledged.
With the support of
© IRENA 2019 ISBN 978-92-9260-097-6
The Commission .................................................................................................................2
Foreword by Adnan Z. Amin, Director-General of IRENA ...................................6
Foreword by Ólafur Ragnar Grimsson, Chair of the Commission .................... 8
Introduction ....................................................................................................................12
The global energy transformation .......................................................................14
Energy transformation .............................................................................................. 15
The forces of change ................................................................................................ 18
Why renewables will transform geopolitics ..................................................... 23
Redrawing the geopolitical map ...........................................................................26
Power shifts .................................................................................................................. 26
New relations between states ............................................................................... 45
Energy and conict .................................................................................................... 55
Addressing root causes of geopolitical instability .....................................62
Economic and social tensions ............................................................................... 63
Climate, water and food security .......................................................................... 65
A new development path ......................................................................................... 67
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 72
Endnotes ............................................................................................................................. 76
Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... 84
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................ 86
Photographic credits ..................................................................................................... 88
A New World 2
The Commission
Aware that the growing deployment of renewables has set in motion a global
energy transformation with signicant implications for geopolitics, Adnan Z.
Amin, the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency
(IRENA), with the support of the Governments of Germany, Norway and the
United Arab Emirates, convened the Global Commission in January 2018.
Chaired by former President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson of Iceland, the
Commission comprises a diverse group of distinguished leaders from the
worlds of politics, energy, economics, trade, environment and development.
The Commission is an independent body with members serving in their
individual capacity.
This Report analyzes the geopolitical implications of the global energy
transformation driven by renewables. It is the culmination of ten months’
deliberations by the Commission, involving four meetings held in Berlin, Oslo,
Reykjavik and Abu Dhabi respectively, as well as consultations with business
leaders, academics and policy thinkers. It is informed by a number of
background papers drafted by experts in the elds of energy, security and
The Commission takes full and independent responsibility for this Report,
which reects the consensus of its members.
3 A New World
Members of the Commission
Fu Chengyu
Chair of United Nations
Global Compact Network
China; former Chairman
for China Petroleum &
Chemical Corporation
Christiana Figueres
former Executive
Secretary of the United
Nations Framework
Convention on Climate
Change (Costa Rica)
Pascal Lamy
President Emeritus of the
Jacques Delors Institute;
former Director-General
of the World Trade
Organization (France)
Joschka Fischer
former Minister of Foreign
Aairs of Germany
Mari Pangestu
former Minister of Trade;
former Minister of
Tourism and Creative
Economy (Indonesia)
Murray McCully
former Minister of Foreign
Aairs of New Zealand
Lapo Pistelli
Executive Vice President,
International Aairs of
ENI; former Vice Minister
of Foreign Aairs of Italy
Andris Piebalgs
Senior Fellow of the
Florence School of
Regulation; former EU
Commissioner for Energy
and for Development
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson
Chair, former President of
Anatoly Chubais
Chairman of the Executive
Board of RUSNANO
Adnan Z. Amin
Director-General of
IRENA (Kenya)
Carlos Lopes
Professor at the Graduate
School of Development
Policy and Practice,
University of Cape Town;
former Executive
Secretary of the UN
Economic Commission
of Africa (Guinea-Bissau)
A New World 4
Representatives of supporting countries
Maria Van Der Hoeven
former Executive Director
of the International Energy
(The Netherlands)
Eirik Waerness
Senior Vice President and
Chief Economist, Equinor
Hans Olav Ibrekk
Representative of the
Government of Norway
Peter Fischer
Representative of the
Government of Germany
Fatima AlFoora
Representative of the
Government of the United
Arab Emirates
Masakazu Toyoda
Chairman and CEO at
the Institute of Energy
Economics (Japan)
Bill Richardson
President of the
Richardson Center for
Global Engagement;
former US Secretary of
Energy and former
Governor of New Mexico
(United States)
Izabella Teixeira
former Minister of
Environment of Brazil
Khalid Bin Mohammad
former Vice President for
Renewable Energy, King
Abdullah City for Nuclear
and Renewable Energy
(Saudi Arabia)
A New World 6
Foreword by Adnan Z. Amin,
Director-General of IRENA
Energy is fundamental to our civilization and to the prosperity of nations. Its
production, distribution and utilization are deeply embedded in the fabric of
our economies and central to the relations between states.
The energy sources powering our societies have been undergoing a period
of rapid change. Renewables have emerged as a technologically feasible,
economically attractive and sustainable choice that increasingly can meet
the energy needs of many countries, corporations and citizens. As tackling
climate change becomes more and more critical and renewables steadily
increase their capacity to meet our energy needs, the global transition to
sustainable sources of energy will continue to accelerate.
Renewables enable countries to strengthen their energy security and achieve
greater energy independence by harnessing the vast indigenous renewable
energy sources that can be found across the planet. The rapid development
of renewable technologies and their widespread deployment is certain to
have signicant long-term eects on geopolitical dynamics. While the estab-
lishment of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has created
a central platform for international cooperation on renewables, to date no
systematic eorts have been made to examine their geopolitical implications
I therefore took the initiative to convene a Global Commission to address the
geopolitics of energy transformation. Composed of prominent leaders from
dierent geographical and professional backgrounds in the elds of energy
and international aairs, the Commission was launched at IRENAs annual
Assembly in January 2018 and deliberated over one year, drawing on the
views of a broad range of public and private stakeholders and academics.
I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to all who contributed to this
process. Germany, Norway and the United Arab Emirates provided generous
support that made the work of the Commission possible. President Grimsson,
as Chair, ably guided the Commissions deliberations.
7 A New World
Commission members made time to actively participate in the Commission’s
discussions and provide compelling perspectives from their various areas of
expertise. Last, but not least, the small but highly competent Secretariat
facilitated, supported and synthesized the Commission’s reections and
The Report that has resulted is a vital rst foray in this area that deepens our
understanding of the wider geopolitical implications of the energy transfor-
mation. It invites us to rethink energy statecraft as we have known it. It maps
trends in the energy sector, and considers their possible impacts on power
relations, trade, the root causes of geopolitical instability, and conict. The
report also acknowledges that, given the complex and dynamic nature of the
transition, it is dicult to predict precisely how events will unfold.
The Report highlights the vital need to prepare proactively for the new energy
age and its geopolitical consequences. It also shows the crucial need to
encourage innovation, align socio-economic structures and investment with
the energy transition, strengthen international co-operation, and plan energy
systems that are just and inclusive. Forward-looking choices that leaders in
government and industry make today will create a more prosperous future
that globally can promote sustainable economic growth, improve livelihoods,
and foster social cohesion and stability.
It is my hope that this Report will help decision makers in countries to anticipate
and navigate the rapidly changing global energy landscape and manage the
new geopolitical environment it will create. In doing so, this Report can enable
them to mitigate the potential risks and benet from the many opportunities
that transformation oers.
A New World 8
Foreword by Ólafur Ragnar
Grimsson, Chair of the
In recent years we have witnessed a transformation of the global energy
system that has helped to congure the geopolitical map of the world which
has prevailed for decades.
The shift from fossil fuels to renewables is driven by new technologies and
falling costs, increasingly making renewables as competitive as conventional
sources of energy. The energy transformation is also driven by the policies
and actions of governments, businesses, cities and civil society, as well as
the world-wide movement to combat climate change and dangerous air
This global energy transformation is already becoming a major geopolitical
force: changing the power structures of regions and states, bringing the
promise of energy independence to nations and communities, enhancing
energy security and democratic empowerment.
It was to understand and analyze this new, emerging geopolitical reality that
the visionary Director-General of IRENA, Adnan Z. Amin, proposed to the
Assembly of more than 150 Member States, the creation of an independent
Global Commission to deliver a Report on the geopolitical consequences of
the global energy transformation.
It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as the Chair of the Commission
and to conduct the informed dialogue of a group of distinguished and expe-
rienced individuals who brought a wealth of insights and knowledge to our
collective enterprise.
This Report is the rst attempt to describe the new geopolitical world that is
emerging from the renewables revolution. It is therefore both historic and
worthy of further debate and analysis.
9 A New World
It is our hope that the Report will help people in government and business,
universities, think tanks, civil society organizations and the media, as well as
citizens across the world, to understand better and adjust to the geopolitical
changes now gathering pace.
I wish to thank the Members of the Commission for their dedication and
co-operation and the capable Secretariat, supported by IRENA, for its excellent
work. We also beneted from various contributions by business leaders and
experts who addressed the Commission. The support provided by the
Governments of Germany, Norway and the United Arab Emirates was also
critical to the success of our work.
In this endeavour, I have been guided by the experience of my own country
which, during my lifetime, has moved from primary dependence on fossil
fuels to become one of the most successful renewable energy countries in
the world - bringing prosperity to the people and serving as a foundation for
constructive political relationships with countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and
the Americas.
Through my service as President of Iceland, I was able to witness rst hand
how success in renewables can lead to new and dynamic partnerships between
countries, thereby creating lasting alliances and fresh opportunities between
nations that were once far apart.
My responsibility as the Chair of the Global Commission thus allowed me to
see in the history of my own country a prelude to a New World.
Fundamental changes are taking place in the global energy system which
will aect almost all countries and will have wide-ranging geopolitical conse-
quences. Renewables have moved to the centre of the global energy landscape.
Technological advances and falling costs have made renewables grow faster
than any other energy source. Many renewable technologies are now cost-
competitive with fossil fuels in the power sector, even before taking into account
their contributions to the battles against air pollution and climate change.
These trends are creating an irreversible momentum for a global energy
transformation. While the surge in wind, solar and other renewables has taken
place mostly in the electricity sector, new technologies are enabling this
transformation in other sectors. Electric vehicles and heat pumps are extending
the deployment of renewables in transport, industry and buildings. Innovations
in digitalization and energy storage are expanding the potential for renewables
to ourish in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago.
The accelerating deployment of renewables has set in motion a global energy
transformation that will have profound geopolitical consequences. Just as
fossil fuels have shaped the geopolitical map over the last two centuries, the
energy transformation will alter the global distribution of power, relations
between states, the risk of conict, and the social, economic and environmental
drivers of geopolitical instability.
These far-reaching eects have not previously been considered in a compre-
hensive manner in any international forum or setting. To raise awareness and
deepen understanding of them, IRENA established the Global Commission
on the Geopolitics of the Energy Transformation, with the support of the
Governments of Germany, Norway and the United Arab Emirates.
The global energy
Renewable sources of energy—particularly wind and solar—have grown at
an unprecedented rate in the last decade and have consistently surpassed
expectations. The growth of their deployment in the power sector has already
outpaced that of any other energy source, including fossil fuels, which include
oil, coal and natural gas. Renewables, in combination with energy eciency,
now form the leading edge of a far-reaching global energy transition.
This ongoing transition to renewables is not just a shift from one set of fuels
to another. It involves a much deeper transformation of the world’s energy
systems that will have major social, economic and political implications which
go well beyond the energy sector. The term ‘energy transformation’ captures
these broader implications.
The global energy transformation will have a particularly pronounced impact
on geopolitics. It is one of the undercurrents of change that will help to redraw
the geopolitical map of the 21
century. The new geopolitical reality that is
taking shape will be fundamentally dierent from the conventional map of
energy geopolitics that has been dominant for more than one hundred years.
Fossil fuels have been the foundation of the global energy system, economic
growth and modern lifestyles. The exploitation of fossil fuels lifted global
energy use fty-fold in the last two centuries, shaping the geopolitical envi-
ronment of the modern world. The geographic concentration of fossil fuels
15 A New World
has had a signicant impact on the wealth and security of nations. An energy
transformation driven by renewables could bring changes just as radical in
their scope and impact.
The majority of countries can hope to increase their energy independence
signicantly, and fewer economies will be at risk from vulnerable energy supply
lines and volatile prices. Some countries that are heavily dependent on exports
of oil, gas or coal will need to adapt to avoid serious economic consequences.
Many developing economies will have the possibility to leapfrog fossil fuel-
based systems and centralized grids. Renewables will also be a powerful
vehicle of democratization because they make it possible to decentralize the
energy supply, empowering citizens, local communities, and cities.
Energy transformation
Rapidly growing renewables have unquestionably started to transform the
global energy landscape in an irreversible way. At the same time, considerable
uncertainty still surrounds the energy transition that is taking place. As the
rapid uptake in renewables shows, we live in an age of exponential change
and disruption. Which technological innovations will accelerate the transfor-
mation cannot yet be foreseen. Political choices will aect the course and
pace of the energy transformation, which is likely to progress at dierent
speeds in each country and in each sector. However, three primary aspects
characterize and underpin the transition: energy eciency, the growth of
renewables, and electrication.
Energy eciency enables economic growth with lower energy inputs. In the
twentieth century, the average growth rate of energy demand was 3%, about
the same as the growth rate of global GDP. In recent decades, improvements
in energy eciency have broken this link. Primary energy demand is now
forecast to grow at 1% a year in the period to 2040.
Growth of renewables. Renewables have emerged as the fastest growing
energy source.
The main renewable energy sources are bioenergy, geothermal,
hydropower, ocean, solar and wind. Among these, solar energy and wind
power are undergoing very rapid growth, while the others are growing more
A New World 16
gradually. Solar and wind share a characteristic that is largely unique to them:
the amount of power they generate varies with the weather and the time of
day. This is why they are called variable renewable energy sources.
The impact of the extraordinary growth in renewables has mostly been felt
in the electricity sector. Since 2012, renewables have added more new power
generation capacity than conventional sources of energy.
Solar power added
more new capacity in 2017 than did coal, gas, and nuclear plants combined.
Wind and solar now provide 6% of electricity generation worldwide, up from
0.2% in 2000. In the aggregate, renewables account for around a quarter of
global electricity generation.
Countries such as Denmark already generate more than half their electricity
from variable renewable energy sources.
In 2017, Costa Rica’s electricity
was generated entirely from renewable energy for 300 days. For several days
in the past year, the power systems of Germany, Portugal and Denmark were
able to run entirely on renewables.
Electrication. Electricity accounts for 19% of total nal energy consumption,
but its share is expected to grow as increased electrication of end-use sectors
takes place.
The deployment of heat pumps and electric vehicles, for example,
permits electricity to be used for heating, cooling, and transport. Electricity
has been the fastest growing segment of nal energy demand, growing two-
thirds faster than energy consumption as a whole since 2000. This trend is
set to continue. Since 2016, the power sector has attracted more investment
than the upstream oil and gas sectors that have traditionally dominated energy
investment, another reection of the ongoing electrication of the world’s
The speed of the energy transformation is uncertain. Because of the complexity
of energy systems, there are as many scenarios on the future of energy as
there are forecasters. Nevertheless, scenarios that model an energy future
compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement have a similar structure: a
near-term peak in fossil fuel demand, a rapid uptake of renewables, and a
long decline in fossil fuel demand.
Figure 1 illustrates these dynamics. It is
not a prediction, but shows a possible pathway which assumes that the world
is able to achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement to limit temperature increase
to ‘well below 2°C’.
17 A New World
Figure 1. The energy transition framework
Primary energy demand (Exajoules)
Source: Shell Sky Scenario, 2018
Fossil fuels
Figure 1. The energy transition framework
Renewables grow
Peak in fossil fuel demand
Renewables overtake
fossil fuels
Note: This data is taken from the Shell Sky Scenario (2018), which has the merit of forecasting
to 2100 and therefore projects the nature of the energy transformation over the course of the
century. Other energy transition scenarios usually have shorter time horizons. The Sustainable
Development Scenario (SDS) of the International Energy Agency (IEA), for example, only looks
forward to 2040. IRENAs REmap scenario goes to 2050. Shell’s forecast share of renewables
and fossil fuels is similar to that of the IEA SDS scenario for 2040 as well as the DNV GL and
Equinor Renewal scenarios for 2050. The IPCC 1.5 degree median scenario and IRENA REmap
scenario anticipate a substantially larger share of renewables by 2050 with an earlier peak in
fossil fuel demand.
Source: Shell Sky Scenario, 2018.
Even though nuclear energy is a low-carbon technology, the growth prospects
for nuclear energy seem limited. After rapid expansion in the 1970s and 1980s,
the growth of nuclear power has slowed in the last three decades. The share
of nuclear in electricity generation declined from 17% in 2000 to 10% in 2017.
Around two thirds of today’s nuclear power plants in advanced economies
are more than 30 years old and will be shut down in the foreseeable future
unless their lifetimes are extended.
Some countries are building new nuclear
power plants, notably China, India, Russia, and the UAE. In others, governments
are planning to phase out nuclear power, as in Germany, Switzerland, Spain
and South Korea.
A New World 18
Overall, the global energy transformation is characterized primarily by a rapid
growth of renewables, and in particular solar and wind. Oil, gas and coal will
be aected dierently by the energy transition because they have distinct
characteristics and are used in a variety of sectors.
The forces of change
Six enabling trends drive the rapid deployment of renewables.
I. Declining cost
As the costs of renewable energy technologies have fallen, the business case
for renewable energy has become a major driver of change. Mature renewable
energy technologies, including hydropower and geothermal, have been
cost-competitive for years where they operate. However, technologies such
as solar and wind have also gained a competitive edge as a result of techno-
logical advances and increased investment. The steep decline in costs of
renewable energy and energy storage has surprised even the most optimistic
observers. Once dismissed as too expensive to expand beyond niche markets,
solar and wind can now beat conventional generation technologies on cost
in many of the world’s top markets, even without subsidies.
Since 2010, the average cost of electricity from solar PV and wind energy has
fallen by 73% and 22% respectively.
In countries as dissimilar as Chile and
Saudi Arabia, India and the United States, electricity is being produced in
optimal locations for around 30 US dollars per megawatt hour (MWh). Auction
prices suggest that by 2020 the average cost of electricity that is generated
by solar and wind sources will be at the lower end of fossil fuel electricity
The cost of lithium-ion batteries, which are used in electric vehicles,
has fallen by 80% since 2010.
As a result of these cost declines, investments
in renewable technologies are increasingly driven by competitive business
models and the prot motive.
19 A New World
Signicant cost declines are expected to continue over the course of the next
decade. IRENA estimates that by 2025 the global weighted average cost of
electricity could fall by 26% from onshore wind, by 35% from oshore wind,
by at least 37% from concentrated solar power (CSP) technologies, and by
59% from solar photovoltaics (PV).
The cost of stationary battery storage
could fall by up to 60%,
and there is growing condence that electric and
conventional vehicles will be sold at comparable prices by the mid-2020s.
II. Pollution and climate change
The problems caused by fossil fuels—including widespread air pollution and
climate change—have led governments, businesses, investors and the public
to recognize the need to decarbonize the global economy. Pollution, mainly
caused by the burning of oil and coal, is making the air dangerous to breathe
in many cities, from New Delhi to Beijing and Paris. The World Health
Organization estimates that nine out of every ten people in the world breathe
polluted air that is hazardous to health and wellbeing, and that air pollution
kills 7 million people every year,
making it the fourth largest cause of death.
Climate change poses an existential threat to humanity and the Earth’s
eco-systems. Unless urgent steps are taken to decarbonize the energy sector,
the world will not achieve the Paris Agreement’s goal to hold “the increase
in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial
levels and to pursue eorts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above
pre-industrial levels”. A recent IPCC report sets out increasingly persuasive
scientic evidence of the need to limit the temperature rise to a maximum of
1.5°C to prevent long-lasting or irreversible changes, including the loss of
vital ecosystems.
At present, the world is on a course that, relative to pre-
industrial levels, will increase global temperatures by at least 3°C by the end
of the century.
Another recent scientic study has warned that an abrupt
domino eect may tip the planet into a ‘hothouse’ state if global temperatures
rise by more than 2°C.
Most pathways to a low-carbon economy would require the rapid deployment
of renewable energy and a doubling of energy eciency, given that the energy
sector accounts for two-thirds of global emissions.
An analysis by IRENA
has shown that deployment of renewable energy combined with improved
A New World 20
energy eciency provides the most cost-eective way to achieve the 90%
reduction in energy-related emissions that is required to meet the Paris
Agreement target.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted
by world leaders at the United Nations in September 2015, contain a specic
goal on energy, which aims to provide universal access to modern energy
services, double the rate of improvement in energy eciency, and increase
substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030.
III. Renewable energy targets
Inuenced by the strengthened business case of renewables and the need
to decarbonize the energy sector, numerous governments have raised their
ambitions and taken steps to accelerate their deployment of renewable energy.
So far, 57 countries have developed plans to decarbonize their electricity
sector completely, and 179 have set national or state renewable energy targets.
Governments initially supported renewables through subsidies and mandates,
but they are increasingly moving to competitive auctions that are delivering
lower prices.
Many countries are shifting to renewables because they lack oil and gas
reserves and wish to be less dependent on energy imports. India, for example,
is set to become ever more dependent on costly energy imports unless it
changes course.
This is one reason why it has adopted ambitious renewable
energy targets.
A number of major oil-producing countries are also setting targets for in-
creasing the proportion of renewables in their energy mix. The United Arab
Emirates’ energy strategy, for example, sets an objective of 44% of renewables
in its power supply and a 70% reduction in its carbon emissions by 2050.
Russia auctioned 2 GW of renewables in 2017 and is planning to auction
another 1 GW in 2018.
In certain countries, where central governments have been slow to establish
renewable energy targets, local governments and municipalities have acted
in their place. California has adopted a 60% renewable electricity target by
2030, and several cities, from Mexico City to Madrid, have announced plans
to ban diesel cars.
21 A New World
IV. Technological innovation
Technological innovations, including higher solar photovoltaic (PV) module
eciencies and taller wind turbines, have played an important role in accel-
erating the deployment of renewables in the electricity sector. Patenting rates
suggest that more technological innovation has taken place in the eld of
clean energy technologies than in traditional energy elds such as fossil fuels
and nuclear.
In the long term, next generation biofuels and renewable hy-
drogen generated from electrolysis may permit renewables to extend into a
growing range of hard-to-electrify sectors, such as aviation, shipping and
heavy industry.
Innovations in digitalization and energy storage are also opening up new
frontiers. New digital technologies, such as smart grids, the internet of things,
big data, and articial intelligence, are being applied in the energy industry,
helping to raise its eciency and accelerate the use of renewable energy
within emerging smart generation and distribution systems.
New energy technologies are also being developed for energy storage, vital
for variable renewables such as wind and solar. Batteries, including those in
electric vehicles, are expected to become an important storage technology.
Electricity can also be stored in thermal form using boilers, heat pumps or
chilled water. For longer-term storage, there are other options, including
compressed air energy storage or hydrogen.
V. Corporate and investor action
The actions of corporations are also driving change. Investor groups such as
DivestInvest and CA100+
are putting pressure on companies to reduce their
carbon footprints. At the December 2018 climate conference in Poland, known
as ‘COP24’, a group of 415 investors, representing over 32 trillion US dollars,
rearmed their full support for the Paris Agreement and undertook to improve
climate-related nancial reporting. They called on governments to put a price
on carbon, abolish fossil fuel subsidies, and phase out thermal coal
A New World 22
The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund is taking steps to divest from coal, as
are some private banks, including HSBC. A number of major multilateral de-
velopment banks, such as the World Bank, are no longer nancing coal in
vestment. Global insurance companies such as Allianz and AXA have
announced that they will phase out insurance coverage for particular coal
Moreover, some of the world’s leading companies are moving to obtain all
their electricity from renewable sources and encouraging their supply chains
to do likewise. Both Apple and Microsoft recently announced that their facilities
are completely powered by renewable energy. Many other companies, including
IKEA, Tata Motors and Walmart, have committed to source 100% of their
electricity consumption from renewables.
Major companies, including fossil fuel companies, now recognize the carbon
risk to their operations.
Under growing investor pressure, for example, Shell
set out a plan to curb its net carbon footprint, including the emissions by its
consumers, by around 20% by 2035.
ExxonMobil, Equinor and other oil
majors support the introduction of a carbon price.
VI. Public opinion
Public opinion is also a potent force for change. In countries across the world,
consumers increasingly prefer to buy products and services that have a smaller
carbon footprint, and civil society movements are applying pressure on
governments and companies to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions.
Religious leaders are adding to the moral arguments for acting on climate
change. Pope Francis, for example, has endorsed phasing out fossil fuels in
the encyclical Laudato Si′.
Public opinion is not only being expressed through words but also through direct
actions. Demonstrations against air pollution have taken place in numerous
cities, from Beijing to London. Approximately 15,000 Australian school children
took part in a school strike to demand action by their government against climate
New social movements, such as Extinction Rebellion and the Sunrise
Movement, are campaigning for radical action to tackle climate change.
23 A New World
Litigation is on the rise too. A court in the Hague ordered the Dutch government
to reduce the Netherlands’ greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by
2020 compared to 1990 levels.
Some of the world’s leading oil and gas
companies are embroiled in legal disputes with cities, states and even children
over the industry’s role in global warming.
As a result of these dynamic forces of change, the global energy transformation
is gathering momentum and accelerating.
Why renewables will transform
The main story of the energy transition is the rise of renewables, particularly
solar and wind, and the future decline of fossil fuels. Renewables dier in
many respects from fossil fuels, and these dierences will have geopolitical
First, renewable energy resources are available in one form or another in
most countries, unlike fossil fuels which are concentrated in specic geo-
graphic locations. This reduces the importance of current energy choke points,
such as the narrow channels on widely used sea routes that are critical to
the global supply of oil.
Second, most renewables take the form of ows, whilst fossil fuels are stocks.
Energy stocks can be stored, which is useful; but they can be used only once.
In contrast, energy ows do not exhaust themselves and are harder to
Third, renewable energy sources can be deployed at almost any scale and
lend themselves better to decentralized forms of energy production and
consumption. This adds to the democratizing eects of renewable energy.
Fourth, renewable energy sources have nearly zero marginal costs, and some
of them, like solar and wind, enjoy cost reductions of nearly 20% for every
doubling of capacity.
This enhances their ability to drive change but requires
regulatory solutions to ensure stability and protability in the power sector.
A New World 24
The energy transformation will be one of the major elements that reshape
geopolitics in the 21
century, alongside trends in demography, inequality,
urbanization, technology, environmental sustainability, military capability, and
domestic politics in major states.
Figure 2. World solar potential
© 2015 Vaisala Inc.
Global Horizontal Irradiance W/m
175 200 225
Source: Vaisala.
Figure 3. World wind potential
6 9 m/s
20 mph
5km Wind Map
Mean Wind Speed at 80m
© 2015 Vaisala Inc.
Source: Vaisala.
A New World 26
Redrawing the
geopolitical map
Power shifts
For two centuries, the geographic concentration of oil, natural gas and coal
reserves has helped congure the international geopolitical landscape. Coal
and steam power drove the Industrial Revolution which, in turn, shaped ge-
opolitics in the 19th century. Since then, control over the production of and
trade in oil has been a key feature of 20
century power politics. A transition
from fossil fuels to renewable energy could transform global power relations
no less than the historical shifts from wood to coal and from coal to oil.
Repositioning of states
A state’s relative position in the international system is inuenced by a range
of attributes, including its GDP, population, land size, natural resources, ge-
ostrategic location, military resources, and ‘soft power. Having control over
and access to signicant energy resources and markets is an important asset
because it enables states to protect vital national interests at home, and
leverage economic and political inuence abroad. States without such assets,
by comparison, have less leverage and are more vulnerable.
27 A New World
The rapid growth of renewable energy is therefore likely to alter the power
and inuence of some states and regions relative to others, and to redraw
the geopolitical map in the 21
How dierent countries fare in the context of the energy transition depends
in no small part on how exposed they are to changes in fossil fuel trade ows.
Equally important is their position in the clean energy race, the commercial
race to become a leader in renewable energy technology. Although the issue
is highly complex, innovation will be a key determinant of the pace of change
and its eect can be illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Impact of the energy transition on selected countries
and groupings
Fossil fuel import dependence (2017)
Source: BP, IRENA.
Figure 4. Impact of the energy transition
Cumulative renewable energy patents by 2016, (thousand)
Net fossil fuel importers
Net fossil fuel exporters
50 100 150 200
United States
European Union
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Source: BP, IRENA.
The Y-axis depicts the share of oil, gas, and coal imports in total primary
energy consumption in 2017. It situates selected countries, as well as
the European Union, in the energy economy of today, which is dominated
by fossil fuels. The higher the share, the more dependent a country is on
fossil fuel imports. Net fossil fuel exporting countries have negative shares.
A New World 28
The X-axis shows the cumulative number of patents for renewable energy
technologies that had been registered by the end of 2016. This indicator
provides a way to assess the position of selected countries, and the
European Union, in the clean energy race.
Countries and groupings in the upper right quadrant of Figure 4 stand to gain
the most from the energy transition: they are highly dependent on imported
fossil fuels but have positioned themselves at the forefront of the clean energy
Figure 4 gives rise to a number of observations.
The United States is close to energy self-suciency, largely due to the
shale revolution. It became a net exporter of natural gas in 2017 and is
projected to become a net oil exporter early in the 2020s. The US is well
positioned in the clean energy race: US companies hold strong positions
in new technologies, including robotics, articial intelligence, and electric
China will gain from the energy transformation in terms of energy security.
It has a leading position in manufacturing, but also in innovation and
deployment of renewable energy technologies. It is the biggest location
for renewable energy investment, accounting for more than 45% of the
global total in 2017.
Currently, it remains highly dependent on oil imports
which have been growing steadily.
Europe and Japan are major economies which are very dependent on
fossil fuel imports. They also hold strong positions in renewable technol
ogies. In Europe, Germany leads the way with almost 31,000 renewable
energy patents. Germanys domestic Energiewende, or ‘energy transition,
has made the country a frontrunner in renewable energy deployment.
India has been among the fastest-growing economies in the world in the
last few years, lifting millions out of poverty. It is projected to have the
world’s largest population by 2024
and is poised to overtake China as
the world’s largest energy growth market by the end of the 2020s.
has set itself an ambitious target of 175 GW of renewables by 2022.
represents a massive increase, considering that India’s total installed
power generation capacity in October 2018 was only 346 GW.
29 A New World
Russia, the world’s largest gas exporter and second largest oil exporter,
may face challenges in adapting to a world increasingly powered by re-
newables. Russia’s economy is larger and more diversied than any of
the Middle Eastern oil producers, but oil and gas rents are a vital component
of the state budget, accounting for around 40% of scal revenues.
though Russia is stepping up renewable energy deployment and is in-
vesting in research and development, it still lags far behind China and
the US in terms of patents for renewable energy technologies.
To assess the impact of the energy transition on dierent regions, Figure 5
shows each region’s net fossil fuel exports and imports as a share of GDP.
Figure 5. Regional impact of the energy transition
Net fossil fuel exports (in orange) and imports (in green) as % of GDP 2016
Small Island Developing States
South Asia
North America
Southeast Asia
-10 -5 0
10 15 20 25 30
Small Island Developing States
North America
Southeast Asia
Small Island Developing States
Middle East & North Africa
Latin America
Sub-Saharan Africa
Source: World Bank, IMF.
While the graph above masks dierences within regional groupings, it has
the advantage of uncovering major dierences between regions and country
The Middle East and North Africa, together with Russia and other countries
in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS),
are the regions most
exposed to a reduction in fossil fuel revenues. On average, these regions
A New World 30
have net fossil fuel exports of more than a quarter of their GDP. Declining
export revenues will adversely aect their economic growth prospects and
national budgets. To prevent economic disruption, they will need to adapt
their economies and reduce their dependence on fossil fuels.
The majority of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) will benet from
reducing fossil fuel imports and generating renewable energy domestically,
because this will boost job creation and economic growth. The exceptions
to this are the two biggest oil producers in the region, Nigeria and Angola,
which are at risk because they depend heavily on fossil fuel rents. Because
of their size and large fossil fuel exports, they skew the data for SSA as
a region. In the long-term, however, African countries have a unique
opportunity to leapfrog the fossil fuel-centred development model despite
recent discoveries of oil and gas.
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will benet most of all if they
adopt renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuels. The import of
fossil fuels now amounts to 8% of their GDP. Many SIDS are also extremely
vulnerable to the eects of climate change. SIDS possess ample renewable
energy sources and renewable technologies can meet most of their do-
mestic energy needs. The shift would cut import bills, promote sustainable
development, and increase their resilience. International cooperation to
support SIDS’ renewable energy ambitions is growing substantially, and
13 SIDS have established 60-100% renewable electricity targets.
South Asia spends more than 3% of its GDP on imports of fossil fuels,
and demand for fossil fuels is rising rapidly from a low base. These
countries will benet from the energy transformation primarily by reducing
their fossil fuel import bills, which would otherwise grow dramatically
and weigh on their economies.
Europe, China and Japan are currently heavily reliant on fossil fuel imports
but would increase their energy independence as renewable energy shares
grow. Japan is the most dependent; its net fossil fuel imports amount to
5% of GDP.
North America and Latin America are net neutral when combined. On
a continental scale, in light of both their domestic resources and interna-
tional trade in energy, their economies are largely energy independent.
31 A New World
The vulnerability of fossil fuel exporters
Countries that have historically enjoyed geopolitical inuence because they
supply fossil fuels are likely to see a decline in their global reach and inuence
unless they can reinvent their economy for a new energy era.
Many fossil fuel-rich countries are able to project considerable international
power. They can employ their fossil fuel rents (the dierence between cost
of production and market price of fossil fuels) to nance socio-economic
development and economic diversication, signicantly strengthen their
military capabilities, or invest in foreign assets such as US securities.
The energy transformation is expected to put pressure on fossil fuel prices
and related rents.
If fossil fuel revenues decline, these countries will need
to rethink their national priorities and strategies. Figure 6 lists countries that
derive much of their GDP from fossil fuel rents.
Figure 6. Fossil fuel rents as a percentage of GDP (average 2007-16)
Source: World Bank.
Figure 6. Fossil fuel rents as a percentage of GDP (average 2007-16)
Saudi Arabia
Congo, Rep.
Equatorial Guinea
South Sudan
United Arab Emirates
Brunei Darussalam
Trinidad and Tobago
0% 10% 20%
40% 50%
Source: World Bank.
Figure 6 shows clearly that oil rents have generally been much larger than
natural gas rents and coal rents. Among the countries whose fossil fuel rents
amount to over 10% of GDP, natural gas rents are higher than oil rents in only
A New World 32
three: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Trinidad and Tobago. In just one country,
Mongolia, coal rents are the highest fraction. In all other countries, including
large gas exporters such as Russia, oil rents dominate.
A decline in fossil fuel rents has the potential to profoundly destabilize countries
that have not prepared their economies suciently for the consequences.
The loss of oil rents in countries with weak governance could lead to fractures
in society and political instability. The drop in oil price in the 1980s was one
of the factors that contributed to the decline and eventual fall of the Soviet
Union, which in turn led to the end of the Cold War, arguably the biggest
geopolitical shift since the end of the Second World War.
Figure 7 shows fossil fuel exporters’ preparedness, based on exposure and
Exposure captures the degree to which countries rely on rents
from fossil fuels.
Resilience measures income in relation to population in
order to capture how robustly an economy can respond to the risks posed
by the energy transition.
Figure 7. The relative preparedness of fossil fuel producing countries
for the energy transition
Note. The chart includes countries in which fossil fuel rents account for more than 5% of GDP.
Source: IMF World economic outlook database April 2018, World Bank.
Figure 7. The relative preparedness of fossil-fuel producing countries for the energy transition
40 50
70 80
Fossil fuel rents as % of GDP,
2007-16 average
GDP per capita PPP $000 2016
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Congo, Rep.
Equatorial Guinea
South Sudan
Trinidad and Tobago
Brunei Darussalam
Note: The chart includes countries in which fossil fuel rents account for more than 5% of GDP.
The GDP of Syria dates from 2010.
Source: IMF World economic outlook database April 2018, World Bank.
33 A New World
Four groups of countries can be distinguished:
Highly exposed, low resilience countries
These countries are highly dependent on fossil fuel rents, which typically
account for more than 20% of their GDP. They also lack resilience because
their per capita GDP is low and they have limited nancial buers. The
countries in this group include Libya, Angola, Republic of Congo, Ti-
mor-Leste, and South Sudan.
Highly exposed, highly resilient countries
These countries are highly dependent on fossil fuel rents but have sucient
income and capacity to be able to reinvent themselves and adapt to the
energy transition. They include Gulf states, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Brunei Darussalam.
Moderately exposed, moderately resilient countries
These countries are quite exposed, but their economies are moderately
resilient. As a result, they should be able to manage the transition, provided
they implement eective policies to diversify their economies. This group
includes Russia, Iran, Algeria and Azerbaijan.
Relatively low exposure countries
Fossil fuel rents in these countries are less than 10% of GDP so they
should be less vulnerable to the energy transition. This group includes
Malaysia, Bahrain, Colombia and Norway.
In many oil producing countries, there is an implicit social contract in which
the authority of the state stems from providing generous subsidized services.
If their oil income falls for a long period, these governments will struggle to
provide the socio-economic programmes that citizens have come to expect.
Austerity can potentially fracture the state’s legitimacy, possibly leading to
social unrest, political inghting and even violence. In such cases, domestic
political turmoil could spill across national borders with consequences for
neighbouring states. Indeed, the emergence of a power vacuum in petrostates
is potentially the biggest geopolitical risk of the energy transition.
A New World 34
Vulnerability is probably greatest in countries where the dependence on oil
rents is highest and where there are high levels of youth unemployment.
Recent upheavals in the Middle East indicate the formidable nature of the
governance challenges in these states, which will become even more dicult
to resolve as oil revenues decline. Nigeria is vulnerable in this regard as well.
It has long struggled with poor governance and poverty, and now faces a
youth bulge: the average age of the population is 18 years and the country is
expected to overtake the United States to become the third-most populous
country in the world by 2050.
The loss of oil rents may cause painful adjustments in the short term. In the
long run, however, fossil fuel-driven economies have the opportunity to reduce
the risks posed by oil dependence, and create a more stable, equitable and
productive economic future for their peoples. Studies show that large oil rents
can undermine growth, distort the economy, capture democratic institutions,
stimulate corruption, impede the development of domestic industry, and
aggravate conict.
While most of these adverse eects can be avoided
through good governance, the rule of law and sound policies,
they never-
theless remain a signicant risk for many oil-rich states.
Economic diversication to reduce dependence on oil rents has been a
long-standing policy goal of many oil-exporting countries. The economic
diversication and decarbonization strategy of the UAE, for example, shows
how enlightened decision-making can reduce risks. The energy policy of the
UAE foresees a 44% share of clean energy and 70% decarbonization of the
economy by 2050. However, few countries have successfully invested their
resource windfalls and constructed a strong and diversied economy. With
the exception of Malaysia and the UAE, few oil exporters have followed
Hartwicks rule which states that, to preserve long-term per capita consump-
tion, subsoil assets (such as oil, gas and coal) should be transformed into
reproducible surface assets (such as human or physical capital).
In recent years, in recognition of the new reality, several oil exporting countries
have developed plans to diversify their economies and increase their resilience
(see Table 1).
35 A New World
Table 1. Diversication plans of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Year Country Plan
1995 Oman Oman 2020: Visions for Oman’s Economy
2008 Bahrain Economic Vision 2030
2008 Qatar Qatar National Vision 2030
2009 Kuwait State Vision Kuwait 2035
2010 UAE Vision 2021
2016 Saudi Arabia Saudi Vision 2030
2017 Kuwait New Vision 2035
Oil- and gas-rich states will derive many benets from diversifying their
economies. They will strengthen their long-term growth prospects and shield
their economies from the vagaries of international commodity prices, a key
source of macroeconomic volatility.
An open economy and competitive
private sector will generate more sustainable growth. They will also create
more productive jobs, an important priority in countries where large numbers
of young people are unemployed. Finally, diversication will help to prepare
these countries for the looming peak in oil demand.
A tailored strategy is needed to create a secure path to economic transfor-
mation and diversication, particularly as each country has unique charac-
teristics and faces particular challenges which require specic solutions to
resolve them. Policy interventions that encourage diversication include scal
and monetary discipline, investment in human capital and infrastructure, and
support for the private sector.
Energy security for fossil fuel importers
On the eve of World War I, Winston Churchill made a daring choice: he
converted the fuel used by the British eet from domestic coal to imported
oil. Ever since, energy security—the uninterrupted supply of energy at aordable
prices—has been a critical strategic issue for all energy-importing states. No
less than 80% of the world’s people live in countries that are net importers
of fossil fuels.
A New World 36
Concerns over energy security have marked the conduct of international
relations, the formation of alliances, the protection of national interests, and
defence planning. Oil interests have shaped the relations between the
United States and the Middle East for decades.
Similarly, China’s need to
secure oil supplies and other natural resources to sustain its growth has led
it to foster new and deeper ties with countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America,
as well as diversify its domestic energy supply with renewables.
In a renewable energy economy, most countries will be able to achieve energy
independence: they will have greater energy security and more freedom to
take the energy decisions that suit them. Since some form of economically
viable renewable energy potential is available in most places, countries that
currently depend heavily on fossil fuel imports will be able to use renewables
to reap strategic and economic benets.
In strategic terms, fossil fuel importing countries are vulnerable to risks of
supply disruption and price volatility caused by political instability, terrorist
attacks, or armed conicts that may occur in oil- and gas-exporting nations.
Smaller energy-importing countries may also be subject to pressure or coercion
with regard to their energy supply and therefore have less freedom to determine
their own strategic priorities and goals.
By contrast, countries that are able to develop their own renewable sources
of energy are better placed to achieve energy security. An example is the
Brazilian ethanol programme which was put in place after the oil shock of
1973 to reduce the country’s oil imports and shield the economy from volatile
prices and supply disruptions. This programme has played a vital role in Brazil’s
eorts to achieve energy self-suciency and has helped transform it into the
world’s second largest producer and largest exporter of ethanol.
In economic terms, a high degree of import dependence also generates costs
and risks. Countries that import most of their energy are exposed to currency
uctuations and volatile fuel prices that can result in balance-of-payment
problems. The oil price shocks in the 1970s, for example, squeezed many
industrial economies and sowed the seeds of a debt crisis that many developing
countries suered in the decade that followed, with serious social and eco-
nomic consequences. Increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix
can mitigate such risks and provide new pulses of economic growth.
37 A New World
Iceland is a good example of the benets that can accrue from an economic
transformation based on renewables. During the 20th century, it evolved from
being one of Europe’s poorest countries, highly dependent on imported coal
and oil, to a country with a high standard of living, which derives 100% of its
electricity from hydro and geothermal energy.
The eective development
of its renewables has enabled Iceland to bolster its energy security, widen
its economic base, and attract new industries to the country, including alu-
minium smelting, data storage and greenhouse agriculture.
Fossil fuel imports can also impose a huge burden on the trade balance of
some importing countries. Data from the World Trade Organization (WTO)
indicate that in 2015, despite a signicant drop in oil prices, the global cost
of gross fossil fuel imports was 1.9 trillion US dollars.
Figure 8 shows that
Bahrain, India, Belarus, Jamaica, Tanzania, Pakistan, and South Korea were
among the countries most dependent on fossil fuel imports.
Figure 8. Share of fossil fuel imports in all merchandise imports
(average 2007-16)
Source: World Bank.
Figure 8. Share of fossil fuel imports in all merchandise imports (average 2007-16)
0% 5% 10%
15% 20%
25% 30% 35% 40%
Pacific island small states
Cote d'Ivoire
Caribbean small states
South Korea
Source: World Bank.
A New World 38
Countries that switch from imported fossil fuels to domestically generated
renewable energy will signicantly improve their trade balance. India, for
instance, is expected to overtake China as the largest growth market for
energy in the 2020s. Its fossil fuel import bill (calculated as a proportion of
total export earnings) grew from 35% in 2000-01 to 60% in 2012-13. Fossil
fuel imports contributed to a trade decit of 190 billion US dollars over the
same period.
From the perspective of consumers, high energy import bills transfer large
amounts of wealth abroad.
Energy importers are vulnerable to price swings,
often as a result of remote geopolitical events. High oil prices can also stie
economic growth by importing ination, curbing consumer spending, and
raising the cost of doing business. Lower oil prices, conversely, can help to
stimulate an importer’s economy.
Developing countries that lack domestic fuel reserves stand to benet the
most from exploiting their renewable energy resources. Small island developing
states (SIDS), for example, rely heavily on imported fuels for their electricity
SIDS also sit on the frontline of climate change despite having done
the least to cause it. To increase their resilience in the face of extreme weather
events, as well as bolster their energy security and reduce prohibitive import
bills, 13 SIDS including Cabo Verde, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines, Samoa, and Vanuatu, have announced plans to increase the
contribution of renewable energy to between 60% and 100% of the power
they consume.
Achieving an electricity supply that is 100% renewable is technically feasible
in places where diverse sources of renewables are available, and the variability
of renewable electricity generation can be managed on the grid. Some
countries, such as Albania, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Norway, Paraguay and Tajikistan,
already obtain all or almost all of their electricity from hydropower, which is
an established technology that provides stability in the transmission system.
Others have achieved similar results using a mix of renewables. Brazil,
Costa Rica, New Zealand and Kenya, for example, generate more than 80%
of their electricity from a combination of hydro, geothermal, wind, biomass
and solar power.
39 A New World
Countries such as Chile, Jordan and Morocco are also reducing their depend-
ence on energy from abroad, in order to enhance their energy security and
correct the structural trade imbalances that energy imports exacerbate.
Morocco currently imports over 90% of the energy it consumes.
It plans,
however, to exploit its consistent sun and strong winds to reduce these imports
and eventually become a net exporter of electricity to European and African
markets. It has set a target of 52% renewables in its electricity mix by 2030.
Energy independence does not imply complete self-suciency or autarchy.
Even if a country is able to generate renewable energy, it will not necessarily
choose to do so because it will focus on its comparative advantages. Even
when a country’s energy needs are supplied entirely from home-grown sources,
it will still benet from international value chains and trade in technologies,
goods and services.
Increasing energy security through renewable energy deployment may change
the dynamics between energy exporters and importers. It will also diminish
the role of oil and gas in international politics. Ensuring the security of energy
supply becomes more a matter of domestic governance, rather than an in-
ternational security priority. Countries that achieve energy independence will
also be less vulnerable or beholden to their suppliers and will therefore be
able to pursue their strategic and foreign policy goals more independently.
The rise of renewable energy leaders
Countries that are able to take advantage of new renewable energy technologies
can expect to enhance their global inuence and reach. Three types of countries
have the potential to emerge as new renewable energy leaders.
First, countries with high technical potential for renewable energy generation
stand to gain if they are able to become signicant exporters of renewable
electricity or fuels. Australia’s economically demonstrated solar and wind
energy resources are estimated to be 75% greater than its combined coal,
gas, oil and uranium resources.
In the Atacama Desert, Chile has among
the world’s best solar resources, as well as high potential for wind, hydropower,
geothermal and ocean energy. In both cases, however, the remoteness of
these locations will probably constrain electricity exports.
A New World 40
Some countries are already net exporters of electricity generated by renew-
ables. Brazil is already a major exporter of renewable electricity from hydro.
Norway exports electricity to its neighbours and the Netherlands, and is
building new transmission cables to Germany and the United Kingdom. Laos
and Bhutan also export electricity generated from hydropower to neighbouring
countries. Bhutan’s power exports to India raised more than 27% of government
revenue and 14% of Bhutan’s GDP.
Second, mineral-rich countries such as Bolivia, Mongolia, and the Democratic
Republic of Congo (DRC) have an opportunity to become part of the global
production and value chains necessary for renewable technologies. Doing so
will boost their economic development, provided they put the right policies
and governance frameworks in place.
Third, leaders in technological innovation are positioned to gain the most
from the global energy transformation. No country has put itself in a better
position to become the world’s renewable energy superpower than China.
In aggregate, it is now the world’s largest producer, exporter and installer of
solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and electric vehicles, placing it at the
forefront of the global energy transition.
Figure 9 shows the total clean energy manufacturing value added by four
technologies: wind turbine components, crystalline silicon PV modules, LED
packages, and lithium-ion battery cells. It conrms that China is by far the
largest global manufacturer of these clean energy technologies. In addition,
it leads the world in renewable energy patents (see Figure 10).
China’s concerted eorts to research, develop and invest in renewable energy
and clean transport oer its industry the opportunity to overtake US and
European companies, which have been dominant in sectors such as cars
and energy machinery. This will give China a comparative advantage in trade
and lend impetus to the country’s economic growth.
41 A New World
Figure 9. Clean energy manufacturing value added (2014, US$ billion)
Source: Clean energy manufacturing analysis center.
Figure 9. Clean energy manufacturing value added (2014, US$ billion)
United Kingdom
Chinese Taipei
South Korea
United States
Source: Clean energy manufacturing analysis center.
Figure 10. Cumulative share of renewable energy patents end 2016
Source: IRENA.
Figure 10. Cumulative number of renewable energy patents end 2016
China 29%
United States 18%
European Union 14%
Japan 14%
Rest of the world 15%
South Korea 9%
Source: IRENA.
A New World 42
By taking the lead on renewables, China has improved its geopolitical standing
in several respects. By producing more of its own energy, China is reducing
its reliance on fuel imports and the risks of energy disruption which could
put a brake on its economic ambitions. Its technological expertise in renewables
has established it as a leading exporter of clean energy technology, creating
a balance of trade advantage.
The clean energy technology race could result in a situation of technology
dominance. In some respects, that outcome can already be seen in mobile
technology where a few companies (Huawei, Samsung, Apple) compete for
global leadership. If a small number of players were to dominate clean energy
technology in a similar way, it would raise concerns that concentration could
stie competition, suppress innovation, and distort markets. Countries that
do not control key energy technologies may become heavily dependent on
the few countries and companies that do. In this context, industrial policy
becomes increasingly important; countries will need to create a competitive
manufacturing value chain around certain technologies within a fair and
rules-based trading system.
Apart from the risk of technology dominance in specic areas, renewable energy
leaders are unlikely to gain the degree of market dominance that fossil fuel
leaders have enjoyed, due to the ubiquitous nature of renewable energy
New actors: citizens, cities and corporations
The shift to renewable energy may reshue political and economic power,
because renewables tend to decentralize and democratize energy systems.
Due to the falling cost of solar PV and wind power, as well as smart distribution
systems, almost anyone with a rooftop or some land can produce electricity,
either for self-consumption or for the grid. These developments will generate
a more diverse energy ecosystem. The role of the centralized state in the
energy system may change, while many new actors and new business models
are likely to emerge and ourish. Local and distributed forms of energy
generation give households and communities more autonomy than centralized
grid systems.
43 A New World
As more people install solar panels, batteries and smart software, formerly
passive consumers of electricity may become consumers and producers of
electricity in an interconnected grid. Innovation in market design and smart
grid technologies, including storage, permit stable management of variable
renewable electricity on the grid. Advances in communication technology
may lead to the emergence of an ‘energy internet’, allowing hundreds of millions
of people to produce electricity in their homes, oces and factories and share
it peer-to-peer.
The number of grid-connected smart devices is projected
to rise from 26 billion in 2017 to over 75 billion by 2025, enabling intelligent
demand side management.
In this new world of ‘prosumers’, energy assets
will no longer be owned exclusively by centralized utilities or the state.
In a centralized energy system, the nancial benets of energy also tend to
be centralized and concentrated in the hands of corporations and governments.
A decentralized, renewable electricity system, by contrast, gives consumers
a true choice of energy sources and a share in its economic benets, while
enhancing social acceptance of renewables investments. Germany provides
a case in point. In 2016 private citizens owned 31.5% of installed renewable
power capacity, making them the largest ‘bloc’ of investors in the sector.
Decentralized renewables can also help to increase the resilience of local
communities against environmental disasters. Higashi-Matsushima, a Japanese
city aected by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011, chose to rebuild its
energy infrastructure around microgrids and decentralized renewable energy.
In the United States, microgrids became popular after Hurricane Sandy
knocked out power for 8.5 million people in 21 states.
Cities occupy a central role in the energy transformation. By the middle of
this century, 70% of the world’s population is expected to live in cities.
consume around two-thirds of generated energy and produce 70% of the
world’s carbon emissions. They are also especially vulnerable to the eects
of climate change, including coastal ooding and urban heat island eects.
At the same time, they have the means to shape the new energy landscape.
By 2030, the fty largest cities will have a bigger economic footprint than
many small- and medium-income countries, making them major economic
and political players on the international stage in their own right.
A New World 44
Cities are already taking decisive action. In 2017, more than one hundred
towns and cities were sourcing up to 70% of their electricity from renewables,
compared to 42 in 2015.
Several capital cities are among them, including
Oslo (Norway), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Quito (Ecuador) and Wellington
(New Zealand). Yokohama, Japan’s second largest city, is deploying a smart
city project that has led to a roll out of smart grids, solar PV panels and electric
New megacities are being announced and built to run entirely on
renewable electricity, such as Neom, which will be constructed near the Red
Sea and Aqaba Gulf.
Cities and local municipalities are also forming global alliances and networks,
including C40, ICLEI and the global covenant of mayors.
Together with the
actions of other non-state actors, such as California’s Global Climate Action
Summit of September 2018, they are adding a new layer of global governance
that is driving action to achieve decarbonization, sustainability, and greater
resilience through renewables.
There is ample evidence that private corporations are responding to the realities
of the energy transformation by restructuring and adjusting, and increasing
renewables generation. Following dramatic declines in market capitalization,
Germany’s largest utility companies, RWE and E.ON, both split their businesses
into two parts, one focused on renewables and the other on thermal generation.
Danish Oil and Natural Gas (DONG) changed its name to Ørsted after selling
o its oil and gas business. Total is diversifying into solar and battery technology.
Shell is growing its natural gas portfolio relative to oil. BP and other oil com-
panies are buying into electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In 2017, barely
seven years after its initial public oering, Tesla became the most valuable
US car maker, overtaking General Motors, a company over one hundred years
old. Some global technology companies already source 100% of their electricity
from renewable energy.
These trends indicate that global technology
companies are becoming important players in the new energy landscape.
In short, the renewable energy transformation goes hand in hand with a
dispersion of power. The modern nation state and the fossil fuel economy
have evolved alongside one another. The decline of the fossil fuel era and the
advent of decentralized power generation in an increasingly electried world
may have profound implications for the role of the nation state.
45 A New World
New relations between states
Renewable energy will not merely inuence the balance of power between
countries. It will also recongure alliances and trade ows, and create new
interdependencies around electric grids and new commodities.
Shifting alliances
If global demand for fossil fuels declines, alliances built on fossil fuels are
likely to weaken. Alliances may be maintained for various other reasons, but
the energy pillar will become relatively less important.
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is a prime
example of a fossil fuel-based grouping. It was created in 1960 as a forum for
oil-exporting countries to exchange information and coordinate their inter-
actions with the international oil companies that dominated international oil
trading at the time. OPEC countries started to coordinate their oil production
policies from the early 1980s.
OPEC has displayed enormous resilience to shocks, including a range of
price crises and conicts between and within member countries. The current
cooperation between OPEC and non-OPEC countries, underpinned by the
rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Russia despite their diering
geopolitical priorities, can be understood as an attempt to sustain the organ-
ization in the face of rising US shale production. OPEC might reinvent itself
in some guise; nevertheless, in a world that has a growing range of energy
alternatives, it is likely to decline in importance.
Qatar’s recent decision to
leave, to focus more on export of natural gas, illustrates the challenge that
OPEC faces amid rapid and structural changes in the market.
Bilateral relations between states will also undergo change. The alliance
between the United States and Saudi Arabia is a prime example of a strategic
relationship in which oil plays a key role. This alliance dates back to 1945,
when King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud and US President Franklin D. Roosevelt came
to an understanding that the US would provide military assistance in exchange
A New World 46
for access to Saudi oil. Relations between the two states may evolve signi-
cantly as economies across the globe become less dependent on oil.
Countries are also beginning to rethink their energy diplomacy. The foreign
energy strategy of Japan no longer concentrates exclusively on securing fossil
fuel imports but also includes renewables,
hydrogen in particular.
spearheaded the creation of IRENA in 2009 and has developed bilateral energy
partnerships with a number of countries in which renewable energy features
The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a major oil-exporting country,
has also assumed a leadership position on renewable energy by hosting
IRENA, funding renewable energy projects in developing countries via the
Abu Dhabi Fund for Development,
and investing in renewable energy projects
in developed countries.
Several new alliances and initiatives are emerging to promote multilateral
cooperation and boost specic renewable technologies. The Paris 2015 climate
conference alone gave birth to the International Solar Alliance,
the Global
Geothermal Alliance,
and Mission Innovation.
Initiated by governments or
intergovernmental entities, these bodies bring together countries, private
sector actors and non-governmental organizations to accelerate the adoption
of renewables.
While many of these alliances are at an early stage of development and focus
on technological cooperation, they are likely to gain in geopolitical impact.
At the launch of the rst Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA),
India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, said that the “ISA will play the role of
OPEC in the future”.
While the ISA is still in its formative stage, India hopes
to forge deeper trade and political ties with the developing world through
solar diplomacy.
New geographies of trade
Renewables will congure new geographies of connections and dependencies
between countries and regions. In broad terms, the weight of energy depend-
ence will shift from global markets to regional grids. Countries that today
import oil from the other side of the world will seek to develop renewables at
home and to integrate their grids with those of neighbouring countries.
47 A New World
The transition to renewable energy will put electricity centre stage. Unlike oil
and liqueed natural gas (LNG), which are traded globally, electricity is currently
a regionally traded commodity. With current technology, much electricity is
lost when it is transported over long distances. Global energy markets are
therefore likely to become more regional. Innovations in ultra-high-voltage
transmission that minimize losses could nevertheless help to enhance trade
in electricity over longer distances.
Trade in fossil fuels currently accounts for almost 15% of all merchandise trade.
If less fossil fuel is traded, more of the energy-related trade that persists will be
in renewable energy technologies and electricity rather than fuels. Exceptions
to this may include fuels such as hydrogen (generated both by renewables and
conventional energy), synthetic fuels, and biomass (see Box 1).
Unlike trade in fossil fuels, trade in renewable energy technologies would be
shaped by ‘normal’ rather than ‘natural’ comparative advantages. A country
has a natural comparative advantage when it has natural resources (such as
oil elds) that are required to extract or produce a product. Since renewables
are much less geographically concentrated, a country will specialize in those
aspects of renewable energy trade in which it has a comparative advantage
based on factors such as technology, relative price, and cost of transport.
As energy trade routes redraw themselves, the geopolitical map will take new
forms. In a world in which energy can be produced at most locations, a single
hegemon will be less able to exert inuence by controlling the high seas or
strategic chokepoints such as the Straits of Hormuz or Malacca. Some maritime
trade routes will therefore become relatively less important.
Control over grid infrastructure will become vital for national security and for
projecting global inuence and power. Grid infrastructure includes physical
assets such as power lines and storage facilities, and virtual interconnections
that will multiply as the sector digitalizes. A countrys connectivity and networks
may complement its land, sea and air power.
A New World 48
The transition to renewable energy will create new trade patterns. While
trade in fossil fuels will decline, trade in at least three other areas will
Trade in renewable energy-related goods and technologies. These
include a wide range of goods and technologies, from solar PV panels
to smart meters and batteries, as well as their components and parts
(for example, blades for wind turbines or water wheels for hydropower)
and related services (for example, engineering and installation
Electricity trade will increase because additional interconnections
make grids more stable and resilient. Variable renewables, such as
solar and wind power, require exible and interrelated power systems
that can balance supply and demand in real time. Electricity inter-
connections can be made between neighbouring countries, at a
regional scale and possibly even inter-continentally.
Trade in renewable energy fuels may also grow signicantly.
example is hydrogen formed by electrolysis in regions that possess
an abundant supply of renewable energy, such as Patagonia or the
Australian desert. Besides hydrogen, a host of synthetic fuels may
also be generated from renewable electricity, including ammonia,
methane and methanol. Such fuels permit seasonal storage of re-
newable electricity (which only pumped hydro has been able to do
to date), and use existing infrastructure (such as natural gas pipelines).
They also have the potential to reduce emissions in hard-to-electrify
sectors such as aviation and some industrial processes.
While the potential to increase trade exists, the number of trade disputes
related to renewable technologies has grown in recent years. Trade in
renewable energy goods may be hampered by taris, discriminatory
subsidies, and conicting technical standards. Members of the WTO
have started negotiations to open trade in environmental goods and
services further. In the future, consideration will need to be given to
governance issues, particularly standards and rules, to ensure a level-
playing eld in renewable energy trade.
49 A New World
With projects in nearly 80 countries, China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ (BRI) is
a strategic global plan. Supported by over a trillion US dollars of dedicated
nancing over its lifetime, it is one of the world’s most ambitious infrastructure
development programmes. The BRI aims to create a network of ports, railways,
roads, pipelines and industrial parks that will link China to cities as far away
as Bangkok and Rotterdam. No less bold is the ambition of State Grid, China’s
largest state-owned company, to create a global supergrid called the ‘Global
Energy Interconnection’ (GEI) that will link every continent with undersea
transmission cables to power the world with green electricity.
The BRI and the GEI have strategic objectives. China hopes to reduce its de-
pendence on energy and commodity imports that pass through chokepoints
such as the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea. China’s infrastructure
diplomacy could be as important to 21
century geopolitics as the protection
of sea lanes was to the hegemony of the United States in the 20
century. While
the BRI has been embraced by many countries, it has also caused disquiet in
some countries about China’s growing inuence.
Other concerns that have
been expressed relate to indebtedness, transparency, the prominent role of
Chinese contractors and the environmental sustainability of these projects.
In recent years, other major countries have promoted their own infrastructure
plans. Japan, the United States and India have advanced their ‘Free and Open
Indo-Pacic’ strategies,
under which the US will invest 113.5 million US
dollars in infrastructure and connectivity projects. The countries of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have developed a strategy
called ‘Connectivity 2025’,
while the EU recently unveiled a ‘Strategy on
Connecting Europe and Asia’.
Given the range and ambition of these developments, infrastructure links and
the internet may become new battlegrounds for inuence and control between
competing powers. They may also serve as a geopolitical glue, bringing nations
and their citizens closer together in new interdependencies. To emerge and
endure, a networked community needs a high degree of condence and trust;
but, once established, physical and human interconnections can become
conduits for cooperation and coexistence, as well as stability and prosperity.
A New World 50
Rethinking energy statecraft
States have long used energy resources as instruments of foreign policy, a
practice known as energy statecraft. In a world powered mostly by renewables,
energy resources will lose much of their currency as geopolitical instruments.
In the words of former US President Jimmy Carter: “No one can ever embargo
the sun or interrupt its delivery to us”. At the same time, a reliance on other
commodities, such as electricity, biofuels, emerging fuels like hydrogen, or
critical materials, could create new forms of dependence and vulnerability.
Oil and gas as foreign policy instruments
One possible consequence of the energy transformation will be to reduce
the geostrategic importance of oil and gas as tools of foreign policy. On oc-
casion, countries have intervened in oil and gas markets to further their foreign
policy goals.
One way in which they have done this is through supply em-
bargoes. In October 1973, for example, member countries of the Organization
of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) declared an oil embargo
against some Western states in the wake of the Arab-Israeli conict. Another
example is the oil embargo against apartheid-era South Africa.
Some countries have also put embargoes in place to leverage pressure on
oil exporters. The US government’s re-imposition of oil sanctions against Iran,
after President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal,
is a recent example. Some sanctions do not curtail a countrys current exports,
because doing so would raise global prices and inict equal pain on consuming
countries. Instead, sanctions are targeted to hinder development of future
production capacity. This approach underpinned the oil sanctions that Western
states and Japan imposed on Russia in 2014.
Countries have sometimes tried to exert geopolitical inuence, not by with-
holding supplies of oil and gas or by raising their price unilaterally, but by
doing exactly the opposite. After oil prices fell dramatically in 2014, for instance,
OPEC did not move to cut production because it preferred to maintain its
market share in the face of growing US shale production.
51 A New World
Oil and gas have not only been used as ‘sticks’ to hurt or deter foes, but also
as ‘carrots’ to reward allies and ensure their allegiance. Venezuela’s Petrocaribe
scheme, for example, granted large discounts on crude and oil product
deliveries to small Caribbean states in an eort to counter US inuence in
the region.
It is not just the energy resources themselves which have been the object of
geopolitical competition, but also their transit routes. In the 1990s, for instance,
the US promoted the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline to bolster its strategic
inuence in the region at the expense of Russia and Iran. For more than a
decade, the EU has supported the construction of a Southern Gas Corridor
to reduce its reliance on Russian gas, while both Russia and some European
countries have promoted alternative gas corridors, such as Nord Stream, to
circumvent existing transit routes.
Electricity cut-os as a geopolitical weapon
The spread of renewable energy will increase electrication and stimulate
cross-border trading in electricity. Variable renewable sources of electricity,
including wind and solar, require exible power systems that are able to cope
with uctuations of demand and supply in real time. Innovations in market
design, smart grids, and storage technology, together with high-voltage direct
current electricity interconnections between countries, can eectively meet
this need for exibility.
Some argue that countries that dominate electricity grids may exercise undue
control over their neighbours, and that inter-state electricity cut-os will become
an important foreign policy tool, applied strategically in the same way as oil
and gas sanctions.
Notably, however, electricity trading tends to be more reciprocal than trade
in oil and gas. Whereas oil and gas ow in one direction, from an exporter to
an importer, the trade in electricity between countries ows both ways. A
country that generates solar power may import energy from a neighbouring
country when it rains, but export energy to that neighbour when the sun shines.
Unlike trade in natural gas, which requires a xed transportation infrastructure
such as pipelines or LNG terminals, the relationship between sellers and
buyers of electricity is less exclusive. When Russia cut o gas supplies to
A New World 52
Ukraine in 2009, hitting consumers downstream in Europe, European states
had limited access to substitutes for Russian gas. In the future, however, as
more countries produce clean electricity and build interconnections, they
are unlikely to be caught out by a boycott because they will be able to produce
more electricity locally or to import it from a variety of alternative sources.
Even if an exporter of renewable electricity acquires a dominant position with
respect to an importing country, that asymmetry cannot easily be used as an
instrument of geopolitical pressure. This is because countries will have al-
ternative options at their disposal: they can either produce the electricity
themselves, for instance by deploying renewable energy at home, or import
electricity from neighbouring countries.
As a result, renewable energy
exporters will always be part of a complex web of interdependencies between
importers and exporters that would tend to curtail the potential to use renew-
able electricity as a geopolitical weapon.
An alternative view is that cross-border electricity trading will create oppor-
tunities for regional cooperation, and the creation of ‘grid communities’. Il-
lustrations of these include the Scandinavian countries, which have traded
electricity between themselves for decades. Regional electricity pools are
also being developed in Asia (the ASEAN power grid), Africa (ve subregional
power pools), Central America (SIEPAC
), and the Middle East (the Gulf
Cooperation Council power grid). In recent years, several renewable energy
supergrids have been proposed, including the Asia Super Grid, the Desertec
project and the North Sea Oshore Grid.
Lack of trust is a major impediment to creating cooperative grid connections
between states. In order to build condence during the Oslo peace process,
a proposal to construct grid connections between Israel and its Arab neigh-
bours was put forward. These plans did not materialize because there was
insucient trust between the parties.
Israel remains an ‘electricity island’
as a result. In another example, the Baltic states want to synchronize their
grids with those of continental Europe in order to decouple their electricity
systems from Russia, a move that has geopolitical motives.
To govern cross-border grids, governments will need to develop appropriate
arrangements to enable electricity to ow freely in well-regulated and
transparent markets.
Examples already exist. In Europe, the EU Agency for
the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) helps to ensure that the single
53 A New World
European market in electricity functions properly. IRENAs Clean Energy
Corridors (CEC) initiative, which is incorporated in NEPAD’s Programme for
Infrastructure Development in Africa, promotes cross-border trade in electricity
across energy markets.
The Continental Free Trade Area which is being
developed in Africa also provides new opportunities for regional and sub-
regional integration and interconnections.
Biofuel trade risks
Biofuels have become important commodities in world markets, particularly
since 2006, and are part of the energy transition strategy of some countries.
Ethanol has been traded globally in signicant volumes for decades. Biodiesel
trade is less established and continues to consist primarily of trade in feed-
stocks (such as soya beans and vegetable oil) rather than fuel.
concerns have been raised about the environmental impact of biofuels and
the potential conict between biofuels and food, but many countries are taking
steps to address this, including through the development of next-generation
biofuels based on crop residues or algae.
Despite these concerns, the characteristics of this market make it unlikely
that trade in biofuels will be used as a geopolitical weapon:
Some feedstocks (such as sugar cane) are non-tradable or perishable.
Only a small proportion of biofuels is traded internationally.
The biggest producers of biofuels are also the biggest consumers.
Tari and non-tari barriers continue to hamper market access in a number
of countries.
Sudden changes in crop yields or regulation can alter the direction and
volume of trade ows.
Bottlenecks in critical materials
Renewable technologies and batteries require certain minerals for their
production, such as cobalt, lithium, and rare earth elements.
Some fear
that countries which have rich endowments in these critical minerals may
use them to exert pressure on countries that lack them.
A New World 54
This view was given credence in 2008 when China restricted the supply of
rare earths to foreign buyers. Markets panicked and international prices soared,
because China controlled a substantial part of the global supply of rare earth
In fact, most of the 17 rare earth minerals are not geologically rare. They are
abundant and widely distributed, though they are expensive and polluting to
mine and produce. This is partly why the US has refrained from contesting
Chinese predominance over rare earth production since the 1990s.
Rare earths were perceived to be scarce partly because, like all commodity
markets, rare earth markets are cyclical. When demand rises, supply takes
time to respond because new mining projects have long lead times; the time
lag causes prices to spike; high prices can lead companies to overinvest, so
a boom is followed by a price collapse and a new cycle starts. This is exactly
what happened in the wake of China’s export restriction: as prices rose, in-
vestment owed into mining projects, leading prices to collapse in 2012.
Furthermore, there are alternatives to the use of rare earths and other critical
metals in renewable technologies. Eorts are being made to create cobalt-free
batteries, and only a small minority of wind turbines (less than 2% in the US)
are built with rare earth elements. Some minerals can also be recycled, re-used
and stockpiled, thereby further reducing their perceived scarcity.
These factors combine to make it unlikely that cartels will emerge to control
these critical materials. Cartels are hard to form and sustain. In the 20th
century, oil was the only major commodity whose price did not fall in real
terms, even though cartels were active in tin, coee, sugar, and rubber. Inter-
national trade rules also impede cartelization. In 2014, the US, Japan and the
European Union appealed to the WTO and successfully challenged China’s
decision to restrict the export of rare earths.
In sum, the energy transformation driven by renewables will provide fewer
instances of ‘energy statecraft’, the use of energy resources as an instrument
of foreign policy. Electricity, biofuels and other materials critical to the new
energy system are unlikely to acquire the geopolitical role and weight of oil
and gas.
55 A New World
Energy and conflict
The pivot to renewables could reduce the incidence of certain kinds of conict,
and alleviate competition for important natural resources, notably oil, gas,
water, and food. On the other hand, cybersecurity and access to important
minerals may generate increased concern and tension.
Reduction in oil- and gas-related conflict
Fossil fuels, especially oil, have made a considerable imprint on patterns of
conict over the last hundred years. As the world shifts to renewables, and
the relative importance of fossil fuels declines, a geopolitical shift in the in-
cidence and geographic location of conict may occur. Global and local
confrontations over contested hydrocarbon reserves, for example in the South
China Sea or the Eastern Mediterranean, may diminish or result in fewer
conicts. To this extent, the global energy transformation may generate a
peace dividend.
Fossil fuels are rarely a direct cause of conict between states, but they are
often an aggravating factor in armed conicts within states. Some African
countries that produce oil have experienced serious internal turmoil and
conict in recent decades. Oil can reinforce existing inequalities and create
opportunities for external actors to further exacerbate grievances in oil-pro-
ducing regions, particularly when central governments redistribute wealth
away from them. Armed groups can also capture natural resources and related
supply chains to nance their activities. Other natural resources (diamonds
and tropical timber, for example) may also drive local conict; however, the
evidence links conicts to oil more robustly than to any other natural
If oil and LNG become less strategic for security, maritime chokepoints—
narrow shipping lanes such as the straits of Hormuz or Malacca—may become
less critical as a consequence (see Figure 11). The Strait of Hormuz is the
world’s most important oil artery, which links Middle East crude producers
A New World 56
to key global markets. At its narrowest point, it is only 21 miles wide and the
shipping lane is only 2 miles wide in either direction. Each day, around 30%
of all seaborne traded crude oil passes through it, as well as a signicant
volume of LNG. There have been several military incidents in the Strait. In
2018, Iran hinted it could disrupt oil ows through the Strait in response to
the oil sanctions announced by the US.
The global energy transformation could aect the way in which military
operations and bases are run. In some countries, the military has blocked
the deployment of wind turbines because they are alleged to interfere
with radar surveillance. Yet militaries increasingly perceive renewables
to be an opportunity. The US Department of Defense (DoD) is promoting
energy resilience through energy eciency, use of renewables, bat-
tery-storage, mini-grids and alternative fuels. The DoD has set a goal to
produce or procure 25% of its total facility energy use from renewable
sources by 2025.
The push into renewables is driven by defence and military requirements.
The US military is one of the world’s largest consumers of oil. In 2017,
it used over 85 million barrels of fuel to power ships, aircraft, aircraft
carriers, combat vehicles, and contingency bases.
This level of con-
sumption is costly and dangerous because fuel supply lines can be
vulnerable to attack, especially in forward operations in combat zones.
Even at home, US military bases are increasingly exposed to the threat
of cyber attacks, as well as more frequent and extreme weather events
due to climate change. In October 2018, Hurricane Michael devastated
the Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida.
The US DoD is not the only defence organization to explore the potential
of renewables. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) adopted
its ‘Green Defence’ framework in February 2014. The militaries in
countries including the United Kingdom and South Korea also plan to
expand their use of renewable energy.
57 A New World
Figure 11. Daily transit volumes through world maritime oil chokepoints
Notes: All estimates in million barrels per day. Includes crude oil and petroleum liquids.
Based on 2016 data.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Figure 11. Daily transit volumes through world maritime oil chokepoints
Note: All estimates in million barrels per day. Includes crude oil and petroleum liquids.
Based on 2016 data.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration.
The energy transition is occurring alongside another revolutionary trend:
digitalization. New digital technologies are transforming the energy sector
by making it more connected, intelligent, ecient, reliable and sustainable.
The electricity sector is at the heart of this process. As the contribution of
variable and distributed energy sources grows, digitalization plays a key role
in keeping grids balanced. It enables smart responses to electricity demand
and blurs the distinction between generation and consumption.
However, the growth of digitalization in the energy sector can raise security
and privacy risks in the absence of an international rules-based framework.
Criminal groups, terrorists, or the security services of hostile countries may
hack into the digitalized systems that control utilities and grids, either for
criminal purposes such as fraud and theft, or to commit military or industrial
espionage. In the most extreme case, cyber attackers may attempt to interrupt,
sabotage, or destroy industrial infrastructure, including the power supply.
A New World 58
The growth of the ‘internet of things’ (which allows users to connect household
appliances, electric vehicles, communications equipment, and the energy
infrastructure) provides additional entry points and targets for digital
A case often cited is the December 2015 cyber attack against Western Ukraine’s
power grid. Hackers were able to install malware on the computer systems
in power distribution centres and take 30 substations oine, leaving more
than 230,000 people in the dark for up to six hours. Considered the rst of its
kind, this incident highlights the risks of potential cyber attacks against
electricity-based digital systems.
More recently, ‘national security’ justications were invoked by authorities to
prevent State Grid (the world’s largest utility company and China’s largest
state-owned enterprise) from purchasing shares in certain electricity networks
and utility companies, including in Australia (Ausgrid), Belgium (Eandis), and
Germany (50Hertz). While the reasons were never fully elaborated, the assessed
risks probably included a high threat of cyber espionage as well as unwilling-
ness to allow a third country to acquire partial control over critical national
While the threat of cyber attacks is real, it should be placed in perspective.
Cybercrime is a risk that predates the energy transformation. Traditional
electricity grids are also exposed to cyber intrusion, while other digital systems,
such as banking and the internet, are equally vulnerable. In reality, everything
connected to the internet is inherently vulnerable to hacking and cyber
Although vulnerabilities and cyber risks will always exist and evolve, eective
counter-measures can be developed and implemented to protect grids and
related assets from attack. Grid providers around the world are already taking
steps to prevent unauthorized access to energy systems. System operators
have established standards to protect the grid, and companies are becoming
more vigilant and developing contingency plans to protect against cyber
attacks. New smart grid systems are being developed that prioritize cyber-
security in their design. To minimize the risk further, it would be prudent for
the global community to take eective steps to develop common cybersecurity
norms and rules.
59 A New World
The widespread adoption of renewable energy and related technologies, such
as solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles, and energy storage technol-
ogies, will increase the demand for a range of minerals and metals required
for their production. (See Table 2.)
In theory, the regions that possess substantial reserves of these minerals
should benet from the energy transformation. Latin America has huge reserves
of copper, iron ore, silver, lithium, aluminium, nickel, manganese, and zinc.
Africa is rich in platinum, manganese, bauxite, and chromium. In the Asia-Pacic
region, China has metal reserves; India has iron ore, steel and titanium; In-
donesia, Malaysia and the Philippines possess bauxite and nickel; and New
Caledonia has enormous reserves of nickel.
Advances in prospecting and mining have also made it feasible to exploit
minerals located under the seabed, raising thorny issues of sovereignty and
As deep sea mining expands, international norms and standards
will be needed to mitigate the risks of environmental damage and conict.
However, the largest reserves of metals and minerals required for renewable
technologies are found in weak states with poor governance records. More
than 60% of the world’s cobalt supply originates in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC). Unaccountable external actors have sometimes caused
or aggravated conditions that have maintained lawlessness and conict in
some of these mineral-rich regions, with devastating social, economic, political
and environmental consequences. In Colombia, a country in which the
longest-running internal armed conict has taken place, various armed groups
have controlled and exploited illegal tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold mining
Eorts have been made to address the issue of so-called conict minerals.
Most of these strategies attempt to increase transparency and accountability
along the global supply chain. The OECD, for example, has published due
diligence guidelines for companies that mine or trade in minerals
and the
UN Security Council has called for such measures to be applied in Cote
d’Ivoire, the DRC, Sudan, and other conict-aected states.
and transparent exploitation of mineral deposits can make a major contribution
to the economic development of these countries.
A New World 60
Table 2. Minerals required for green energy technologies
Electric vehicles,
energy storage
Bauxite and
x x x
Cadmium x
Chromium x
Cobalt x x
Copper x x x
Gallium x
Germanium x
Graphite x
Indium x
Iron x x x
Lead x x x
Lithium x
Manganese x x
Molybdenum x
Nickel x x
Rare earths x x
Selenium x
Silicon x x
Silver x
Tellurium x
Tin x
Titanium x
Zinc x x
Source: IISD, Green Conict Minerals, August 2018.
root causes
of geopolitical
The global energy transformation will aect social, economic and environmental
factors that are often among the root causes of geopolitical instability and
conict. Climate change, rapid urbanization, high unemployment, discrimi-
nation, inequality and other major trends can create conditions that increase
poverty and exclusion, promote the mass movement of people, cause violent
conict, and political extremism—all forces that have the potential to aect
geopolitical stability. While the characteristics and rapid growth of renewables
will generate new risks, the energy transformation will also create opportunities
to overcome some of these challenges.
63 A New World
Economic and social tensions
The energy transition involves a profound economic, industrial and societal
transformation. It could aect prosperity, employment, and social organization
as much as the rst Industrial Revolution. The shift to renewables brings
several macroeconomic advantages. For example, by 2050, the cost of energy
could fall from 5% of global GDP to a little over 2% of a much larger world
However, it may also create new social divisions and nancial
risks that could reverberate through the international system and be geopo-
litically signicant.
Mitigating social dislocation
While the switch to renewable energy has the potential to create an additional
eleven million jobs in the energy sector by 2050,
it may at the same time
reduce employment in specic sectors such as coal mining. The most la-
bour-intensive form of fossil fuel extraction, the coal sector employs a global
workforce of at least 9 million people, more than half of whom are employed
in China.
Coal mining jobs are threatened by structural market forces in-
cluding cheaper alternatives and automation, and by government regulation
to protect human health and the environment.
In China, the world’s largest coal producer, coal mining accounted for around
5 million jobs in 2016, out of a work force of some 800 million.
coal jobs are concentrated in particular regions and labour is the least mobile
factor of production. Mine closures frequently have a deep and long-term
impact on local communities and economies, causing marginalization, social
dislocation, and disputes between workers and employers.
The energy transformation may deepen existing political divisions or create
new ones that in their turn create geopolitical consequences. Coal miners
were among the most vocal supporters of Donald J. Trump during the 2016
US Presidential elections; and recent cabinet changes in Australia and France
can be linked directly to disagreements over the energy transition.
In 2013,
the Bulgarian government resigned amid a wave of violent protests over rising
electricity prices, partly due to an overgenerous feed-in-tari to renewables.
A New World 64
In China, protests against air pollution have spurred the government to make
the ght against it a political priority.
In many of the countries in which
governments have attempted to phase out fossil fuel consumption subsidies,
protesters have frequently taken to the streets to oppose such reforms.
than a quarter of a million French people protested in late 2018 against a rise
in fuel prices tied to a new carbon tax.
There is some evidence that, while dicult to put into practice, policies that
facilitate a ‘just transition’ can help to address the serious socio-economic
diculties faced by coalminers and their families and other communities of
work whose skills are made redundant by new technologies.
that have been developed include the establishment of national or regional
transition bodies, transition funds, on-the-job retraining programmes, infra-
structure investments, and programmes to develop skills, education, and assist
with relocation.
Spain recently provided an example of what can be achieved
with enlightened leadership and progressive policies. The government came
to an agreement with trade unions to shut down all coal mines by the end of
2018, while investing 250 million Euros in aected mining regions over the
next decade.
Stranded assets
The global fossil fuel system has a built asset value estimated at 25 trillion
US dollars
and continues to add one trillion dollars of assets each year.
A giant network of oil wells, coal elds, power stations, pipelines, oil tankers
and reneries extends across the world. Yet no more than a quarter of total
coal, oil, and gas reserves can be burned before the ‘well below 2
C’ target
of the Paris Agreement is exceeded.
Parts of the fossil fuel system could become ‘stranded assets’ as a result of
policy action and the falling costs of renewable technologies. Asset stranding
occurs when assets have suered unanticipated or premature write-downs,
devaluations or conversion to liabilities.
IRENA has noted that electricity
generated from renewables will become cheaper than electricity generated
by new fossil fuel assets in all major locations by 2020.
It is therefore only
a matter of time in many parts of the world before green electricity becomes
cheaper than electricity generated from existing assets, at which point it
would make sense to close down fossil fuel generators.
65 A New World
The process has already started. Since 2010, Europe’s electricity sector has
already suered impairments valued at more than 150 billion US dollars from
write-downs of its thermal generating capacity.
In the last ve years, Engie
has written o 35 billion Euros in fossil fuel assets.
The risk of stranded assets might not be fully reected in the value of companies
that extract, process or distribute fossil fuels. Moreover, these assets are
counted when countries calculate their national resources. Were the risks to
be priced in, the value of these companies, and the credit ratings of certain
countries, could experience a sudden drop. This might have systemic con-
sequences, even trigger a climate ‘Minsky moment’,
given the large sums
involved. One study found that no less than 12 trillion US dollars of nancial
value could be lost in the form of stranded assets.
To provide context, the
Great Recession of 2008 was sparked by losses in the US subprime mortgage
market of 0.25 trillion US dollars.
International bodies, such as the Financial Stability Board, are strongly en-
couraging rms to increase their disclosure of risks relating to climate change.
By September 2018, institutions with over 100 trillion US dollars of assets
under management had declared their support for the recommendations of
the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Climate, water and food security
Renewables will also induce geopolitical eects by mitigating climate change.
Climate change will have widespread eects that defence and security experts
call ‘threat multipliers’ because they can worsen scarcity of food and water,
increase poverty, and aggravate risks of conict and political instability. The
UN Security Council has examined the impact of climate change on interna-
tional peace and security since 2007.
Climate change can threaten the stability of countries in a number of ways.
It causes rainfall variability, droughts, oods, hurricanes and res. Rising food
prices and water shortages can result in political and social unrest. Sea level
A New World 66
rise is already threatening the survival and existence of many Small Island
Developing States (SIDS). The destabilizing impacts of climate change can
also lead to increased displacement and migration as people move to avoid
extreme weather events or nd water, food, land, jobs and a more secure life.
These outcomes are already being felt in many countries, irrespective of their
level of economic development or geopolitical standing.
Accelerating climate change will increasingly exacerbate geopolitical com-
petition for water and food. Rapid economic and population growth are already
increasing demand for those resources, especially in developing countries.
By 2050, the demand for water and food is expected to rise by over 50%.
The interplay between water, energy and food supply systems—the nexus
creates major geopolitical challenges for countries at a time of accelerating
climate change.
Hydropower is the world’s largest source of renewable electricity and has its
own geopolitical dynamics, particularly when transboundary rivers and water
resources are involved. These dynamics are increasingly impacted by climate
change. The damming of major rivers, for example, will increase the energy
security of upstream states that benet, but could harm water supplies, ag-
ricultural productivity and sh stocks in states downstream, which may already
be experiencing rising water stress. Planned dams along the Nile, Mekong,
Tigris and Himalayan river systems could all have major impacts on water
availability downstream and create tensions among riparian states as a result.
There are also examples of hydropower benets. The Itaipu dam enables
Brazil and Paraguay to trade electricity and share water, so enhancing sub-re-
gional cooperation and stability.
Renewable forms of energy can help to reduce water stress. Renewables
require water withdrawals 200 times lower than conventional energy.
study has found that, by 2030, if they combine renewables with improved
plant cooling technologies, Chinese power generation could reduce water
intensity by as much as 42% and emissions intensity by up to 37%.
energy technologies also oer increasingly attractive solutions to power
desalination, a vital issue for many countries in arid regions, including the
countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.
67 A New World
Vulnerabilities in water and energy supply also pose critical risks for food
security, since severe droughts and uctuations in energy prices can aect
the availability, aordability, accessibility, storage, and use of food over time.
Integrating renewables in agriculture (through solar pumps for irrigation or
geothermal energy for food drying) can improve agricultural yields, reduce
post-harvest loss, and ultimately enhance food security.
Any signicant increase in competition for food, water, land, clean air, and
other resources essential for life can create social and economic tensions
that could in turn have geopolitical consequences. These can increase tensions
between states but may also foster new forms of cooperation to tackle these
challenges collectively.
A new development path
Social and economic tensions in a country can worsen if growth is not inclusive,
services are captured by elites, or industrialization generates imbalances
between regions. To achieve stability and prosperity over time, a country’s
development needs to be inclusive and sustainable. In this sense, peace and
development are two sides of the same coin. Both require policies and insti-
tutions to address environmental risks, reduce inequalities and ensure equity
and social cohesion.
Energy lies at the heart of human development. It is a critical factor in economic
activity and essential for the provision of human needs, including adequate
food, shelter and healthcare. Energy also fuels productive activities in the
wider economy, including agriculture, industry and commerce. In the last
twenty years, millions of people have gained access to electricity. Developing
countries in Asia, led by China and India, have made signicant progress. Yet
to achieve universal energy access by 2030, as agreed in the SDGs, these
eorts will need to accelerate. On current trends, about 674 million people,
mainly in Africa, could still be without power in 2030.
Historically, national electrication programmes have relied on large-scale,
centralized power stations and line extensions powered by fossil fuels. Since
around 2011, however, renewable energy has become an increasingly realistic
A New World 68
alternative due to the conuence of two major trends: falling costs and mobile
banking. A quiet energy revolution is now underway, providing light and power
to households and entrepreneurs via o-grid renewable energy systems (see
Figure 12). Estimates suggest that o-grid solutions (standalone and mini-grids)
could supply approximately 60% of the additional generation needed to achieve
the goal of universal energy access by 2030.
Figure 12. Population served by o-grid renewable energy solutions
Source: IRENA.
Figure 12. People served by each technology (million)
Biogas mini-grids
Hydro mini-grids
Solar mini-grids
Solar home systems
Solar lights
Source: IRENA.
Improving access to energy brings numerous benets that are vital for human
development and therefore helps to create the conditions necessary for
geopolitical stability. Energy poverty is typically considered a development
concern because, for both individuals and communities, it reduces the quality
of life and opportunities. However, it also compromises security. It poses a
direct threat to the many women and children who are daily at risk of injury
and violence when they gather fuel. More broadly, it is a threat multiplier,
because it causes or exacerbates a wide range of problems, including poverty,
marginalization, social unrest, population displacement, and environmental
Renewables also oer developing economies an opportunity to leapfrog, not
only fossil fuels, but, to some extent, the need for a centralized electricity grid.
Countries in Africa and South Asia have a golden opportunity to avoid expensive
xed investments in fossil fuels and centralized grids by adopting mini-grids
and decentralized solar and wind energy deployed o-grid—just as they
jumped straight to mobile phones and obviated the need to lay expensive
copper-wired telephone networks.
69 A New World
Most importantly, renewables improve human welfare in ways that are not
captured by GDP statistics. Properly designed, they can be applied to promote
social justice and human welfare, encourage local empowerment and local
wealth generation, contribute to a safer climate, improve public health, and
advance gender equality and educational opportunities. The adoption of
renewable energy will ease progress towards all 17 of the Sustainable
Development Goals, not just the goal that relates to universal, aordable and
clean energy.
This Report argues that the global energy transformation driven by renewables
will have signicant geopolitical implications. It will reshape relations between
states and lead to fundamental structural changes in economies and society.
The world that will emerge from the renewable energy transition will be very
dierent from the one that was built on a foundation of fossil fuels.
Global power structures and arrangements will change in many ways and
the dynamics of relationships within states will also be transformed. Power
will become more decentralized and diused. The inuence of some states,
such as China, will grow because they have invested heavily in renewable
technologies and built up their capacity to take advantage of the opportunities
they create. By contrast, states that rely heavily on fossil fuel exports and do
not adapt to the energy transition will face risks and lose inuence.
The supply of energy will no longer be the domain of a small number of states,
since the majority of countries will have the potential to achieve energy in-
dependence, enhancing their development and security as a result.
While the precise scope and pace of the energy transformation cannot be
predicted, its impact on countries, communities and companies will be
The transition will generate considerable benets and opportunities. It will
strengthen the energy security and energy independence of most countries;
promote prosperity and job creation; improve food and water security; and
enhance sustainability and equity. Some states will be able to leapfrog
technologies based on fossil fuels. The number of energy-related conicts
is likely to fall.
73 A New World
Countries must prepare for the changes ahead and develop strategies to
enhance the prospects of a smooth transition. At the same time, the energy
transformation will generate new challenges. Fossil fuel-exporting countries
may face instability if they do not reinvent themselves for a new energy age;
a rapid shift away from fossil fuels could create a nancial shock with signicant
consequences for the global economy; workers and communities who depend
on fossil fuels may be hit adversely; and risks may emerge with regard to
cybersecurity and new dependencies on certain minerals.
Despite diculties, the energy transformation will ultimately move the world
in the right direction by addressing climate change, combating pollution, and
promoting prosperity and sustainable development.
As the world gets ready for the geopolitical consequences of the energy
transformation, this Report can provide leaders of governments, business
and all sectors of society with a foundation for dialogue and debate, thereby
contributing to policy development and new courses of action.
A New World 76
1 IRENA, OECD/IEA and REN21, Renewable Energy Policies in a Time of Transition, Inter-
national Renewable Energy Agency, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Devel-
opment, International Energy Agency, Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21
2 We use the term ‘energy transition’ to refer to the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy
sources. We use the term ‘energy transformation’ to refer to the broader implications of
this shift.
3 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, New Policies Scenario, International Energy Agency,
2018. Global GDP growth in the same period is now forecast to grow at 3.4 % per year.
4 IEA, Global Energy and CO
Status Report, International Energy Agency, March 2018.
5 IRENA, Renewable Energy Statistics 2018, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018.
6 IRENA, Renewable Energy Statistics 2018, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018;
UNEP and BNEF, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2018, UN Environment
Programme and Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2018.
7 IRENA, Renewable Energy Statistics 2018, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018.
8 IRENA, Renewable Energy Statistics 2018, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018.
9 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018.
10 IEA, World Energy Investment 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018.
11 See, for example, Shell Global, Sky Scenario 2018 – Meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement,
Shell Global, 2018; IEA, Sustainable Development Scenario, International Energy Agency,
2018; Equinor (2018), Energy Perspectives 2018; IRENA, REmap – Renewable Energy
Roadmaps, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018; DNV-GL, Energy Transition
Outlook 2018, DNV-GL, 2018; and “Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5°C in the context
of sustainable development”, Chapter 2 of IPCC, Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C:
An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-
industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of
strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development,
and eorts to eradicate poverty, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018.
12 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018, p. 292.
13 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018.
14 BNEF, New Energy Outlook 2018, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2018; Marteka, M., A.
Slaughter, C. Amon, “Global renewable energy trends: solar and wind move from mainstream
to preferred”, Deloitte Insights, Deloitte, Sept. 13, 2018.
15 IRENA, Renewable power generation costs in 2017, International Renewable Energy Agency,
16 IRENA, Renewable power generation costs in 2017, International Renewable Energy Agency,
17 BNEF, New Energy Outlook 2018, Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2018.
18 IRENA, The power to change: solar and wind cost reduction potential to 2025, International
Renewable Energy Agency, 2016.
19 IRENA, Electricity storage and renewables, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2017.
20 Hodges, J., “Electric cars may be cheaper than gas guzzlers in seven years”, Bloomberg,
22 March 2018, at: www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-03-22/electric-cars-may-
21 WHO, How Air Pollution is Destroying Our Health, World Health Organization, 2018, at:
77 A New World
22 IPCC, Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
23 UNEP, Emissions Gap Report 2018, UN Environment Programme, 2018.
24 Steen W. et al., “Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene”, in Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 9 August 2018.
25 IPCC, Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
26 IRENA, Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050, International Renewable Energy
Agency, 2018.
27 REN21, Renewables 2018 – Global Status Report, Renewable Energy Policy Network for
the 21
Century, 2018.
28 IRENA, Renewable Energy Auctions: Analysing 2016, International Renewable Energy
Agency, 2017.
29 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018.
30 EPO, UNEP and ICTSD, Patents and clean energy: bridging the gap between evidence and
policy, European Patents Oce, UN Environment Programme and International Centre for
Trade and Sustainable Development, 2010, p. 30.
31 IRENA, Innovation outlook: advanced liquid biofuels, International Renewable Energy Agency,
2017; IRENA, Hydrogen from renewable power: technology outlook for the energy transition,
2018; Energy Transitions Commission, Mission Possible: Reaching net-zero emissions
from harder-to-abate sectors by mid-century, 2018.
32 CA100+ has the support of 310 investor groups, representing over 32 trillion US dollars in
assets under management.
33 2018 Global Investor statement to governments on climate change.
34 RE100 website; IRENA, Corporate sourcing of renewable energy: market and industry
trends, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018.
35 Today, over 7,000 of the world’s largest companies, representing some 55% of global
market value, disclose information on climate change. See: www.cdp.net.
36 “Shell yields to investors by setting target on carbon footprint”, Financial Times, 3 December
37 Encyclical letter Laudato si’ of the Holy Father Francis on care for our common home;
Vatican, 2015, para. 165, at: http://w2.vatican.va/content/dam/francesco/pdf/encyclicals/
documents/papa-francesco_ 20150524_enciclica-laudato-si_en.pdf.
38 “Climate change strike: thousands of school students protest across Australia”, Guardian,
30 November 2018.
39 www.sunrisemovement.org; https: //rebellion.earth.
40 www.urgenda.nl/en/themas/climate-case.
41 Nachmany, M., J. Setzer, “Global trends in climate change legislation and litigation: 2018
snapshot”, Policy Brief, Grantham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, at:
http: //www.lse.ac.uk/GranthamInstitute/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Global-trends-in-cli-
mate-change-legislation-and-litigation-2018-snapshot-3.pdf; Hasemeyer, D., “Fossil Fuels
on Trial: Where the Major Climate Change Lawsuits Stand Today”, Inside Climate News, 6
November 2018, at: https:// insideclimatenews.org/ news/04042018/climate-change-fossil-
42 DNV-GL, Energy Transition Outlook 2018, DNV-GL, 2018.
43 Frankfurt School-UNEP Centre and BNEF, Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment
2018, Frankfurt School-UN Environment programme Centre and Bloomberg New Energy
Finance, 2018.
44 UN DESA, World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision, United Nations Department
of Economic and Social Aairs, Population Division, 2017.
A New World 78
45 IEA, World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy Agency, 2018.
46 IEA/IRENA joint policies and measures database.
47 Government of India, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority, Installed capacity,
October 2018, at: www.cea.nic.in/monthlyinstalledcapacity.html.
48 IEA, Outlook for Producer Economies, in World Energy Outlook 2018, International Energy
Agency, 2018, p. 38.
49 Under the World Banks classication system, the CIS includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, and Tajikistan.
50 IEA, Special excerpt: outlook for producer economies, in World Energy Outlook 2018, In-
ternational Energy Agency, 2018.
51 Two indicators have been selected to show the relative position of dierent states, while
recognizing that many factors inuence a country’s preparedness for the energy transition.
For a more detailed analysis of this issue, see World Bank, Crossroads - Climate strategies
of fossil fuel-dependent countries, World Bank, 2018.
52 Fossil fuel rents are calculated as a percentage of GDP. To normalize the eect of volatile
oil prices, average rents in the last 10 years (2007-2016) were used.
53 GDP per capita was used, calculated in terms of power-purchasing parity in 2016.
54 Remark made by General Tom Middendorp, former Chief of Defence of the Armed Forces
of the Netherlands, Oslo, June 24, 2018.
55 UN DESA, World Population Prospects, United Nations Department of Economic and Social
Aairs, Population Division, 2017.
56 Sachs, J. D., and A. M. Warner, “The curse of natural resources” in European Economic
Review, 2001, 45(4-6), 827-838; Ross, M., The Oil Curse: How petroleum wealth shapes
the development of nations, Princeton University Press, 2012; Colgan, J. D., Petro-aggression:
When oil causes war, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
57 Norway, a signicant producer of oil and gas, tops international league tables for its economic
performance and the quality of its governance.
58 World Bank, The Changing Wealth of Nations - Measuring Sustainable Development in
the New Millennium, The World Bank, 2011.
59 Lederman, D. and W. Maloney, “Trade Structure and Growth, in D. Lederman and W.
Maloney (eds.), Natural Resources: Neither Curse nor Destiny, The World Bank, 2007.
60 Ross, M. L., What do we know about economic diversication in oil-producing countries?
(Unpublished manuscript, 2017).
61 Authors’ calculations based on data from the World Bank.
62 Evidence for this includes the Eisenhower Doctrine of 1957 and the Carter Doctrine of
1980. Under the Eisenhower Doctrine of 1957, the US oered economic and military aid
to Middle Eastern countries if another state threatened them with armed aggression. This
was motivated in part by the Soviet Unions growing inuence in the region after the Suez
crisis of 1956. The Carter Doctrine of 1980 was a response to the Soviet invasion of Af-
ghanistan. It proclaimed: “An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian
Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of
America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military
63 Iceland National Energy Authority.
64 Exports of electricity may become a new source of revenue. A proposal to connect Iceland’s
electricity grid to Scotland via a submarine cable is one of the European Union’s key energy
infrastructure projects. European Commission, Projects of Common Interest, April 2018.
65 WTO, International Trade Statistics, World Trade Organization, at: data.wto.org.
66 Pachauri, R. K. et al. Building the Future we want, New Delhi: TERI, 2015.
79 A New World
67 IMF Research Department, The Impact of Higher Oil Prices on the Global Economy, Inter-
national Monetary Fund, December 2000.
68 For example, the large drop in oil prices in 2014 generated a one-o boost to the EU
economy and an estimated GDP increase of 0.8% in 2015 and 0.5% in 2016. Source:
European Commission, Energy Prices and costs in Europe, Report from the European
Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of the Regions, COM(2016) 769 nal, 30 November 2016.
69 UNCTAD, The Least Developed Countries Report: Transformational energy access, UN
Conference on Trade and Development, 2017.
70 IRENA, Finding a way to transform energy on islands, 13 January 2017, at: www.irena.org/
newsroom/ articles/2017/Jan/Finding-a-Way-to-Transform-Energy-on-Islands.
71 IEA, Electricity Information: 2018 Edition, International Energy Agency, 2018.
72 World Bank, World Development Indicators. At: http://datatopics.worldbank.org/
73 Autarchy implies a complete absence of foreign trade.
74 Beyond Zero Emissions, Renewable Energy Superpower: Zero carbon Australia, Beyond
Zero Emissions, 2015.
75 IHA, 2016 Hydropower Status Report, International Hydropower Association, 2016.
76 www.manufacturingcleanenergy.org/images/cemac-benchmarks-gures/es-3.jpg.
77 The trend is gathering momentum. Consider, for instance, swarm electrication in Ban-
gladesh, which allows owners of solar home systems to trade power with their
78 IHS Markit, The Internet of Things: A movement, not a market, IHS Markit, at: https://cdn.
79 Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien, “Bürgerenergie bleibt Schlüssel für erfolgreiche Ener-
giewende”, Press Release, 1 February 2018.
80 Microgrids are energy networks that can operate even when the grid cannot.
81 UN DESA, 2018 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects, UN Department of Economic
and Social Aairs, 16 May 2018.
82 UCCRN technical report, The future we don’t want: How climate change could impact the
world’s greatest cities, Urban Climate Change Research Network, C40 Cities, Global Covenant
of Mayors, and Acclimatise, 2018.
83 www.cdp.net/en/cities/world-renewable-energy-cities.
84 www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/ondan/english/yscp.
85 www.neom.com.
86 www.c40.org; www.iclei.org; www.globalcovenantofmayors.org.
87 IRENA, Corporate sourcing of Renewables: Market and Industry Trends, Remade Index
2018, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2018.
88 Van de Graaf, T., “Is OPEC dead? Oil exporters, the Paris agreement and the transition to
a post-carbon world”, in Energy Research and Social Science, 2017, 23, pp. 182-188.
89 Opening remarks by Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Aairs of Japan, at an International
Seminar on ‘The Age of Renewable Energy Diplomacy and Japan’s Course’ (Tokyo, 12
March 2018). At: .
90 Nagashima, M., Japans hydrogen strategy and its economic and geopolitical implications,
Etudes de l’IFRI, Institut français des relations internationales, October 2018.
91 Westphal, K., “Globalising the German Energy Transition, SWP Comments, Stiftung Wis-
senschaft und Politik, December 2012; Roehrkasten, S and K. Westphal, ”IRENA and
Germany’s foreign renewable energy policy”, SWP Comments, Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik, September 2013; Van de Graaf, T., “Fragmentation in Global Energy Governance:
Explaining the creation of IRENA, Global Environmental Politics 13(3), pp. 14-33.
A New World 80
92 Weatherby, C., B. Eyler and R. Burchill, UAE Energy Diplomacy: Exporting Renewable Energy
to the Global South, Trends Research and Advisory and the Stimson Centre, 2018.
93 http: // isolaralliance.org.
94 www.globalgeothermalalliance.org.
95 http: //mission-innovation.net.
96 “ISA could replace Opec as key global energy supplier in future: PM Modi”, The Times of
India, 3 October 2018, at: https: //timesondia.indiatimes.com/india/isa-could-replace-
97 “Will India nd its place in the sun with solar power?”, Stratfor, 22 August 2018, at: .
98 This share includes trade in mining products. WTO, World Trade Statistical Review, World
Trade Organization, 2018, p. 11.
99 The European Commission denes ‘connectivity’ as follows: “Connectivity is essentially
about networks. These can be in the form of transport links: by air, land or sea. Connectivity
can be digital networks: mobile or xed, from cables to satellites, from the internet backbone
to the last mile. Connectivity also includes energy networks and ows: from gas, including
liqueed natural gas (LNG) to electricity grids, from renewables to energy eciency. Finally,
connectivity has a very obvious human dimension: from cooperation in education, research
and innovation to travel and tourism.” European Commission, Explaining the European
Union’s approach to connecting Europe and Asia, Fact Sheet, European Commission,
September 2018.
100 In general, these green fuels are often referred to as ‘power-to-X’, where ‘X’ stands for any
fuel or feedstock from renewable power via electrolysis.
101 The World Energy Council Germany estimates that a mature global market for synthetic
fuels can supply between 10,000 and 20,000 TWh per year by 2050. This corresponds to
about half today’s global demand for crude oil. Frontier Economics, International aspects
of a power-to-X roadmap, World Energy Council Germany, October 2018.
102 For more information, see the website of the Global Energy Interconnection Development
and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), at: www.geidco.org/html/qqnycoen/index.html.
103 Andrew Small. “The Backlash to Belt and Road,Foreign Aairs, Feb. 16, 2018.
104 Hillman, J., China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Five Years Later, Statement before the US-China
Economic and Security Review Commission, US Senate, January 25, 2018; Hurley, J., S.
Morris, G. Portelance, “Examining the Debt Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative from
a Policy Perspective”, CGD Policy Paper, Center for Global Development; “China’s Belt and
Road Initiative is falling short”, Financial Times, 29 July 2018.
105 US Department of State, “Advancing a Free and Open Indo-Pacic”, press release, 30 July
106 ASEAN, Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, Association of Southeast Asian Nations,
August 2016.
107 EU, Joint Communication: Connecting Europe and Asia – building blocks for an EU Strategy,
European Union External Action, 19 September 2018.
108 These points are inspired by Carlos Pascual, The new geopolitics of energy, Center on
Global Energy Policy and School of International and Public Aairs, Columbia University,
109 O’Sullivan, M., I. Overland, D. Sandalow, The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy, Working
Paper, Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy and Harvard Belfer Center for Science
and International Aairs, 2017.
110 Scholten, D. and R. Bosman, “The geopolitics of renewables; exploring the political impli-
cations of renewable energy systems”, in Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
2016, 103, pp. 273-283.
81 A New World
111 Sistema de Interconexión Eléctrica de los Países de América Central.
112 IEA, Large-scale electricity interconnection: Technology and prospects for cross-regional
networks, International Energy Agency, 2016. See also, Scholten, D., R. Bosman, “The
geopolitics of renewables: Exploring the political implications of renewable energy”, in
Technical Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 103, February 2016, pp. 273-83.
113 Fischhendler, I., L. Herman, J. Anderman, “The geopolitics of cross-border electricity grids:
The Israeli-Arab case”, in Energy Policy, 2016, 98, pp. 533-543.
114 European Union, “Synchronisation of the Baltic States’ electricity grid with the continental
European system, press release, 14 September 2018.
115 IEA, Electricity security across borders, International Energy Agency, 2016.
116 It has been endorsed at the highest level in Eastern and Southern Africa (ACEC), in West
Africa (WACEC) and in Central America (CECCA). See: www.irena.org/
117 UNCTAD, The state of the biofuels market: regulatory, trade and development perspectives
UN Conference on Trade and Development, 2014.
118 UNCTAD, see note above.
119 The term ‘rare earths’ refers to 17 elements often found in the same ore deposits: cerium,
dysprosium, erbium, europium, gadolinium, holmium, lanthanum, lutetium, neodymium,
praseodymium, promethium, samarium, scandium, terbium, thulium, ytterbium and
120 Overland, I., “The geopolitics of renewable energy: Debunking four emerging myths*,
in Energy Research & Social Science, 49, pp. 36-40.
121 Lovins, A., “Clean energy and rare earths: why not to worry”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists,
23 May 2017.
122 Goldthau, A., M. Keim and K. Westphal, The Geopolitics of Energy Transformation: Governing
the Shift - Transformation Dividends, Systemic Risks and New Uncertainties, Comment
No. 42, German Institute for International and Security Aairs, October 2018.
123 Ross, M., “A closer look at oil, diamonds, and civil war, in Annual Review of Political Science,
2006, 9, pp. 265-300.
124 “Strait of Hormuz: the world’s most important oil artery”, Reuters, 5 July 2018.
125 National Defense Authorization Act of 2010, Section 2842
126 www.acq.osd.mil/eie/OE/OE_index.html.
127 Overland, I., “The geopolitics of renewable energy: Debunking four emerging myths*,
in Energy Research & Social Science, 49, pp. 36-40.
128 World Bank, The growing role of minerals and metals for a low-carbon future, World Bank,
129 The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) declared that the seabed area
beyond national jurisdiction and its mineral resources are the “common heritage of mankind”.
All mineral exploration and exploitation activities must be approved by the International
Seabed Authority, which has began to develop regulations and guidance to govern the
future exploitation of seabed minerals.
130 OECD, Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conict-Af-
fected and High-Risk Areas, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
131 www.oecd.org/corporate/mne/mining.htm.
132 DNV-GL, Energy Transition Outlook 2018, DNV-GL, 2018.
133 IRENA, Global Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050, International Renewable Energy
Agency, 2018.
134 World Bank, Crossroads - Climate strategies of fossil fuel-dependent countries, World Bank,
A New World 82
135 National Bureau of Statistics of China, China Statistical Yearbook, 2017.
136 “French environment minister Nicolas Hulot resigns”, Financial Times, 28 August 2018;
Australia’s recent climate change policy: A brief history of seven killings”, ABC news, 22
August 2018.
137 2018-20 Three Year action plan for winning the blue sky war, 2018. At: www.gov.cn/zhengce/
138 Skovgaard, J., H. van Asselt, The Politics of Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Their Reform, Cambridge
University Press, 2018.
139 ILO, Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and
societies for all, International Labour Organization, 2015.
140 Sartor, O., Implementing coal transitions: Insights from case studies of major coal-consuming
economies, Climate Strategies and the Institut du développement durable et des relations
Internationales (IDDRI), 2018.
141 Shell, Presentation by Brian Davis in Oxford (June 2017).
142 IEA, World Energy Investment, International Energy Agency, 2018.
143 The total amount of carbon in fossil fuel reserves amounts to 3,500 Gt (BP, Statistical Review
of World Energy, BP, 2018). The IEA and IRENA estimate the total carbon budget for the
energy sector to be 790 Gt, if we want to have a 66% chance of staying below 2°C. See IEA
and IRENA, Perspectives for the energy transition: Investment needs for a low-carbon
energy system, International Energy Agency and International Renewable Energy Agency,
2017, p. 48. Signicantly, the most recent IPCC report has increased the carbon budget
for the 66% 2°C scenario to 1320 Gt. See IPCC, Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5°C,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2018. This is nevertheless 2.5 times smaller
than the carbon content of existing fossil fuel reserves. On the dierent impact on specic
fuels and regions, see McGlade, C., and Ekins, P., “The geographical distribution of fossil
fuels unused when limiting global warming to 2 C
, in Nature, 2015, 517 (7533), p. 187.
144 Caldecott, B., Howarth, N., P. McSharry, Stranded assets in agriculture: Protecting value
from environment-related risks, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University
of Oxford, 2013. See also: IRENA, Stranded Assets and Renewables - How the energy
transition aects the value of energy reserves, buildings and capital stock, International
Renewable Energy Agency, 2017.
145 IRENA, Renewable power generation costs in 2017, International Renewable Energy Agency,
2018, p. 3.
146 IEA, World Energy Investment Report, International Energy Agency, 2017.
147 Thierry Lepercq, Executive Vice President of Engie, presentation in Oslo to the Commission
in June 2018.
148 “Mark Carney warns of climate change threat to nancial system”, Guardian, 6 April 2018.
The term ‘Minsky moment’ refers to the work of the economist Hyman Minsky, who showed
that a sudden major collapse of asset values can generate a credit or business cycle.
149 Mercure, J., H. Pollitt, J. Vinuales, et al., “Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel
assets” in Nature Climate Change, 2018.
150 www.fsb-tcfd.org.
151 IRENA, Renewable Energy in the Water, Energy and Food Nexus, International Renewable
Energy Agency, 2015.
152 IRENA estimates that, if renewables are widely deployed, by 2030 the energy sector could
reduce its water consumption by nearly half in the United Kingdom, by more than a quarter
in the United States, Germany and Australia, and by more than 10% in India. IRENA, Re-
newable Energy in the Water, Energy and Food Nexus, International Renewable Energy
Agency, 2015.
83 A New World
153 IRENA, Water Use in China’s Power Sector: Impact of Renewables and Cooling Technologies
to 2030, Brief, International Renewable Energy Agency, 2016.
154 IEA, Special Report: Energy Access Outlook in World Energy Outlook 2017, International
Energy Agency, 2017. See also: IEA, IRENA, UN Statistics Division, World Bank, WHO,
Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report 2018, World Bank, 2018.
155 IEA, Special Report: Energy Access Outlook in World Energy Outlook 2017, International
Energy Agency, 2017.
156 Bazilian, M. D., “Power to the poor: Provide energy to ght poverty, in Foreign Aairs,
March/April 2015, pp. 133-139.
157 IRENA. REthinking Energy 2017: Accelerating the global energy transformation, International
Renewable Energy Agency, 2017, p. 96.
A New World 84
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
BRI The Belt and Road Initiative
C40 C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group
CA 100+ Climate Action 100+
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
CSP Concentrated solar power
DRC Democratic Republic of Congo
EU European Union
GCC The Gulf Cooperation Council
GDP Gross domestic product
GEI Global Energy Interconnection
GEIDCO Global Energy Interconnection Development and
Cooperation Organization
GW Gigawatt
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability
IEA International Energy Agency
IMF International Monetary Fund
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
ISA International Solar Alliance
LED Light-emitting diode
LNG Liqueed natural gas
MWh Megawatt hour
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEPAD The New Partnership for Africa’s Development
85 A New World
OECD The Organization for Economic Co-operation and
OPEC The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
PV Photovoltaic
REMap Renewable Energy Roadmap
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals
SDS Sustainable Development Scenario
SIDS Small Island Developing States
SSA Sub-Saharan Africa
UAE United Arab Emirates
WHO World Health Organization
WTO World Trade Organization
UN United Nations
US DoD United States Department of Defense
A New World 86
Many individuals contributed to the Global Commissions work over the course
of its deliberations. The Commission is grateful for their support and acknowl-
edges all their contributions.
Three Member States of IRENA—Germany, Norway and the United Arab
Emirates—provided important political and nancial support for the
Commissions activities, for which the Commission is extremely grateful.
Additional nancial support was received from the Government of the
A small Secretariat was responsible for all aspects of the Global Commissions
work. The Secretariat was led by Ruth McCoy and included Kingsmill Bond,
Heather Carney-Graham, Abas Moussa, Marcin Scigan and Thijs Van de Graaf.
Substantive research for the Commission’s report was carried out by Thijs
Van de Graaf, who served as lead writer for the report, and Kingsmill Bond,
expert analyst. Ahmed Abdel-Latif, Nazik Elhassan, Ruth McCoy, Marcin Scigan
and Adrian Whiteman also provided inputs for the preparation of the report.
The Secretariat received vital support from Ahmed Abdel-Latif and Mohamed
El-Farnawany at IRENA throughout the process.
The Commission would like to recognize with gratitude the important contri-
butions of several individuals who participated in a dialogue with Commission
Members at their second meeting in Oslo: Ditlev Engel of DNV GL, Auke Lont
of Statnett, Thierry Lepercq of Engie, Simone Mori of Enel, Helle Kirstoersen
of Total, Henrik Sætness of Statkraft, General Tom Middendorp, former Chief
of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and
Amory Lovins, the co-founder and chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain
Institute. The Commission also wishes to thank the Mayor of Reykjavik, the
Minister of Communications, the Minister of Science, Reykjavik Energy and
the Blue Lagoon for their hospitality during its third Meeting in Iceland.
87 A New World
The Report draws on various presentations and background papers from the
following experts: Dolf Gielen, Adil Najam, Indra Overland, Daniel Scholten,
Kirsten Westphal, Morgan Bazilian, Meghan O’Sullivan, Henning Wuester,
Andreas Kraemer, Frank Radtke and Karen Smith Stegen. Written contributions
from Luiz Barroso, Rafael Ferreira, Sebastián Kind, Bent Erik Bakken, Sven
Behrendt and the Climate Policy Initiative were gratefully received. Valuable
feedback during the review process was received from Anna Charles, Rabia
Ferroukhi, Neil MacDonald, Indra Overland, Elizabeth Press, Daniel Scholten,
Kirsten Westphal and Adrian Whiteman. Robert Archer edited the Report,
and Fairouz El Tom was responsible for its design and layout.
The Commission is also grateful for the support of the team at IRENA in Abu
Dhabi, namely Damian Brandy, Daria Gazzola, Zoheir Hamedi, Manuela
Stefanides, Sina Tabrizi, and sta from various departments including
Communications, Finance, General Services, ICT and the Governance Support
Oce. Valuable assistance was also provided by the aides of the three
supporting member countries and the Chair: Reshma Francy, Kerstin Klee,
Kirsten Hammelbo, and Ástríður Jónsdóttir from the secretariat of the
Arctic Circle.
A New World 88
Photographic credits
Page 1 Onshore wind farm, Spain (lkpro/Shutterstock.com)
Page 11 Transmission power lines (konstantinks/Shutterstock.com)
Page 13 Solar PV power plant (hlopex/Shutterstock.com)
Page 25 Electric vehicle charging station (Sopotnicki/Shutterstock.com)
Page 61 Geothermal power plant, Iceland (IRENA)
Page 71 Noor Solar Power Plant, Morocco (IRENA)