Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber
Contents of 70 High Consumption Foods
Betty W. Li*
, Karen W. Andrewsw
, and Pamela R. Pehrssonw
*Food Composition Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, ARS, USDA, U.S.A.; and
wNutrient Data Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center, ARS, USDA, U.S.A.
Received April 30, 2002, and in revised form May 8, 2002
As part of the continuous efforts of the Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agricultural
Research Service (ARS), USDA in updating and expanding the carbohydrate data in
its database, foods were selected based on dietary fiber content and frequency of
consumption. They were analyzed by a commercial testing laboratory under a
USDA contract. Individual sugars, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber values of 70
foods in six food groups were reported. Foods included 14 baked products, 10 cereal
grains and pastas, 19 fruits, seven legumes, 10 cooked vegetables, and 10 raw
vegetables. Except for cereal grains/pasta and legumes, most other foods contained
fructose and glucose; sucrose was found in almost all except baked products, which
were the most predominant source of maltose. Fruits contained the most total sugar
and cereal, grains/pasta the least. Legumes contained the highest amount of total
dietary fiber. All these commonly consumed foods, with the exception of cooked
white rice, contained both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. The percent of soluble
and insoluble fiber varied across food groups, even within each group. Comparison
of data from the commercial laboratory with those of the same food analyzed in the
Food Composition Laboratory using different methods indicated there was good
agreement between high-performance liquid chromatographic and gas chromato-
graphic methods for the determination of individual sugars. Total dietary fiber as
calculated from the sum of soluble and insoluble fiber according to AOAC Method
991.43 and total dietary fiber from direct analysis using a single enzyme-gravimetric
method showed high variability (r
o0.8) for three of the six food groups, but good
agreement for others.
r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Key Words: Dietary fiber; Individual sugars; U.S. diet.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes representative nutrient data
for foods in their Standard Reference Data Base, available on the internet and on
To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed. Tel.: +1-301-504-8466. Fax: +1-
301-504-8314. E-mail: [email protected]
Formerly of Nutrient Data Laboratory.
0889-1575/02/060715 + 09 $35.00/0 r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on
CD-ROM (USDA, 2001). Currently, carbohydrate is determined by difference
and reported for all foods. Total dietary fiber (TDF) data are provided for most
foods. The Nutrient Data Laboratory, ARS, USDA has been updating and
expanding the carbohydrate data in Standard Reference since TDF values were
first published by Human Nutrition Information Service (Matthews and Pehrsson,
1988). Data have generally been determined using AOAC-approved methods of
analysis. Individual and total sugar values were first published in the Home
Economics Research Report Number 48 (Matthews et al., 1987). Since then, more
values from USDA-sponsored contracts have been added to the database. In
response to many inquiries and requests for soluble and insoluble dietary fiber
values (obtained as separate fractions in analytical procedures) in the early 1990s, a
study was conducted to analyze a large number of foods for these specific food
components and individual sugars.
Selection of foods was based on consumption information from the 1989–1991
USDA Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals (CSFII) (USDA, 1994).
The amount (g) of each food consumed as reported in the survey was multiplied
by the total dietary fiber content (g/100 g of food). Foods were then ranked
in descending order to produce a listing of major contributors of fiber to the
American diet. The top 100 foods on this list represented 74% of the TDF
consumed in this country. According to the latest CSFII (USDA, 1998), all these
foods are still major contributors, with the exception of those listed under
legumes and fruits, at least half of which remained on the list. Approximately 70
foods from this list, chosen because they contain both sugars and TDF were
procured, prepared and analyzed by a commercial laboratory according to a
detailed work plan written into a USDA contract. Foods included 14 baked
products, 10 cereal grains and pastas, 19 fruits, seven legumes, 10 cooked vegetables,
and 10 raw vegetables. Freeze-dried subsamples of the same foods were stored at
201C, and analyzed later in the Food Composition Laboratory at the Beltsville
Human Nutrition Research Center for verification and comparison of analytical
All foods were analyzed as eaten. Most vegetables were analyzed either raw or
cooked, based on their most commonly eaten form; broccoli and carrots were
analyzed both raw and cooked.
A simple sampling plan was determined for each food based on Nielsen data from
market share information (Nielsen, 1988). Foods were purchased in the Wilson,
North Carolina area. For most of the foods (especially the legumes, baked products
and cereal grains/pasta), the two top national brands were purchased. In cases where
one brand dominated (i.e., Quaker Oats), then only that brand was used, but it was
acquired from two major grocery chains. When market data indicated that store
brands represented a major market share (i.e., hamburger/hotdog rolls), a major
store brand was purchased and composited with the top national brand. For the
beverages, the top two national brands were obtained. The fresh fruits and
vegetables were purchased from two major grocery chains; the same varieties were
purchased when possible. Food ingredient items were acquired from two industrial
Sample Preparation
Non-edible parts of fruits and vegetables, such as stem, core, seeds, and skin were
removed before further sample preparation. No salt, oil or butter/margarine was
added to any food during cooking. Vegetables were cooked until fork tender. All
vegetables were cooked in a microwave oven with the exception of corn on the cob,
which was boiled, and potatoes which were either baked or boiled. Cereals and pasta
were cooked according to package instructions, except no salt or fat was added.
Following preparation, the foods were composited. Equal weight portions of the
same food from two different stores or two different brands were composited and
blended to a homogenous mixture. Following the removal of a portion from each
sample for moisture determination, by drying in a 601C vacuum oven for 3
-h, the
remainder of the mixture was freeze-dried, ground to 30 mesh, and stored at 201C.
Freeze-dried, frozen samples were further dried in a 601C vacuum oven for 3
-h just
before analysis. Samples containing 410% fat were extracted with hexane to remove
most of the fat.
Sugar Determination
Samples were analyzed for mono- and disaccharides by high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) according to AOAC Method 982.14 (AOAC, 1997).
Sugars were extracted into 50% ethanol; the extract was passed through C
cartridge and then filtered through a 0.45 mm nylon disc. Separation and
quantitation were carried out on an amino-bonded column with a mobile phase of
CN and H
O (80/20 v:v) and detection with a differential refractometer.
Soluble and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Determination
Samples were analyzed for soluble and insoluble dietary fiber fractions according to
AOAC Method 991.43, an enzymatic-gravimetric procedure (Lee et al., 1992).
Samples containing a high level of sugar were extracted with 85% ethanol to remove
most of the sugars. Residues were suspended in MES-TRIS buffer and digested
sequentially with heat-stable a-amylase at 95–1001C, protease at 601C, and
amyloglucosidase at 601C. Enzyme digestates were filtered through tared fritted
glass crucibles. Crucibles containing insoluble dietary fiber were rinsed with dilute
alcohol followed by acetone, and dried overnight in a 1051C oven. Filtrates plus
washing were mixed with 4 volume of 95% ethanol to precipitate materials that
were soluble in the digestates. After 1 h, precipitates were filtered through tared
fritted glass crucibles. One of each set of duplicate insoluble fiber residues and
soluble fiber residues was ashed in a muffle furnace at 5251C for 5 h. Another set of
residues was used to determine protein as Kjeldahl nitrogen 6.25. Soluble or
insoluble dietary fiber residues (% original sample weight) minus % ash and % crude
protein found in the residues were taken to be the values for the respective dietary
fiber fraction. Total dietary fiber was calculated as the sum of soluble and insoluble
dietary fiber.
Statistical Analysis
All final data and correlation coefficients were calculated using Excel 97 on a PC.
All data shown in Table 1 were obtained through a USDA contract with a
commercial laboratory, and are arranged according to food groups and expressed as
g/100 g (as eaten).
Sugar Content
Of the 14 baked products, most contained varying levels of fructose, glucose, and
maltose; only three contained sucrose. Total sugar content varied between 0.71 for
wheat tortilla and 10.08 for whole wheat bread (firm). Of the 10 cereal grains and
pasta, eight contained a small amount of sucrose and only four contained fructose,
glucose, and/or maltose; total sugar content varied between none detected for
cornstarch and 0.78 for cooked instant oatmeal. All of the 19 fruits (except both
varieties of avocado) contained fructose, glucose, and sucrose; six contained maltose.
Total sugar content varied between 0.16 for avocado (California Haas variety) to
59.15 for seedless raisins. All seven legumes contained sucrose; only two contained
fructose and glucose. None of the legumes contained maltose and total sugar content
varied between 0.39 for dry, cooked, drained lentils and 4.92 for canned beans with
pork and tomato sauce. All of the 10 cooked vegetables contained sucrose, eight
contained fructose, seven contained glucose and one contained maltose; total sugar
content varied between 0.44 for French fries and 7.37 for microwaved carrots. Of the
10 raw vegetables, all contained fructose; all except broccoli contained glucose, six
contained sucrose, and two contained maltose. Total sugar content for raw
vegetables varied between 0.53 for spinach and 5.35 for onion. Both raw and cooked
forms of broccoli and carrots were analyzed. Total sugar content was higher in the
cooked forms; cooking may have released slightly more sugars from the softened
plant tissue.
Dietary Fiber Content
The foods selected for this study were considered common dietary fiber sources, all
of which contained soluble (except white rice) and insoluble fractions in varying
proportions. For baked products, the soluble dietary fiber (SDF) ranged from 0.56
to 1.62, and insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) ranged from 0.85 to 8.64; TDF varied
between 1.54 for soft white bread and 9.67 for reduced calorie white bread (firm).
Among the cereal grains and pasta, SDF ranged from none detected to 1.54, and
IDF ranged from 0.08 to 3.32; TDF content varied between 0.34 for cooked white
rice and 3.94 for yellow corn meal. For fruits, SDF ranged from 0.04 to 4.50, and
IDF ranged from 0.03 to 11.81; TDF content varied between 0.40 for orange juice
and 12.72 for guava. Legumes contained the highest amount of dietary fiber (mostly
as IDF); SDF ranging from 0.09 to 1.38, and IDF ranging from 4.02 to 10.56. TDF
content varying between 4.53 for canned cowpeas and 10.65 for cooked split peas.
For cooked vegetables, SDF ranged from 0.13 to 1.85 and IDF ranged from 1.06 to
4.21; TDF content varied between 2.05 for boiled white potato and 5.23 for cooked
lima beans. Vegetables, which are eaten raw, have a lower TDF content when
compared to their cooked counterpart or cooked vegetables in general. The SDF for
raw vegetables ranged from 0.10 to 0.77 and IDF ranged from 0.88 to 3.06; TDF
varied between 0.98 for iceberg lettuce and 3.50 for broccoli.
Marlett (1992) had published the content and composition of dietary fiber in 117
frequently consumed foods, which were analyzed by a modified enzymatic-chemical
method. In general, their values were lower than those for similar foods analyzed in
Sugars and dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble) contents of 70 high consumption foods (g/100 g as eaten)
Foods Moisture Fructose Glucose Sucrose Maltose Total sugar Sol. fiber Insol. fiber TDF
Baked products
Bagel, plain, frozen 32.33
1.38 0.82 F 3.08 5.28 1.17 1.29 2.46
Bread, white, reduced calorie, soft 41.78 1.13 0.41 FF 1.54 1.01 8.46 9.47
Bread, white, reduced calorie, firm 39.84 2.67 1.04 2.18 F 5.89 1.03 8.64 9.67
Bread, rye, w/caraway seed 32.28 0.34 FF1.71 2.05 1.09 1.98 3.07
Bread, rye, seedless 35.92 FFF3.11 3.26
1.62 2.84 4.46
Bread, wheat, soft 29.50 1.00 0.63 FF 1.63 1.26 2.13 3.38
Bread, wheat, firm 35.80 0.50 FF1.41 1.91 1.56 4.63 6.19
Bread, white, soft 35.51 0.73 0.37 F 0.25 1.35 1.02 0.53 1.54
Bread, white, firm 34.26 2.36 1.88 F 1.29 5.53 1.30 1.36 2.66
Bread, whole wheat, soft 35.70 4.41 3.35 F 0.20 7.96 1.26 4.76 6.01
Bread, whole wheat, firm 35.36 3.82 2.88 F 3.38 10.08 1.51 5.21 6.71
Hamburger/hotdog rolls 32.57 1.94 1.09 FF 3.03 0.56 1.44 1.99
Tortilla, corn, RTE
37.94 0.03 0.07 0.28 1.53 1.91 1.11 4.39 5.50
Tortilla, flour (wheat), RTE
21.96 FF0.71 F 0.71 1.51 0.85 2.37
Cereal grains and pasta
Corn meal, yellow, degermed 7.05 FF0.64 F 0.64 0.62 3.32 3.94
Cornstarch, wholesale 7.66 FFFF 0 1.00 0.08 1.08
Brown rice, long grain, cooked 68.60 FF0.45 F 0.45 0.44 2.89 3.33
Flour, all purpose, bleached 9.63 FF0.22 0.09 0.31 1.54 1.50 3.04
Grits, quick, cooked 84.09 F 0.09 0.20 F 0.29 0.12 1.14 1.26
Grits, instant, cooked 73.79 0.08 F 0.20 0.07 0.35 0.07 1.48 1.55
Oatmeal, instant, cooked 78.71 FF0.78 F 0.78 1.45 1.14 2.58
Oatmeal, regular, cooked 85.51 FF0.13 F 0.13 0.42 1.23 1.65
Spaghetti, cooked 54.33 FFF0.47 0.47 0.54 1.33 2.06
White rice, long grain, cooked 68.10 FF0.03 F 0.03 F 0.34 0.34
Apple (Red delicious), raw, ripe w/skin 83.60 5.60 1.83 2.66 F 10.09 0.67 1.54 2.21
Avocado (Calfornia, Haas), raw, ripe 64.59 0.10 0.06 FF 0.16 2.03 3.51 5.53
(continued on next page)
Avocado (Florida, Fuerte), raw, ripe 79.22 0.25 2.17 FF 2.42 1.25 5.48 6.72
Bananas, raw, ripe 73.37 2.98 2.43 5.97 F 11.38 0.58 1.21 1.79
Grapefruit, raw, white, ripe 90.00 1.66 1.59 2.37 0.11 5.73 0.58 0.32 0.89
Grapes (Thompson seedless), raw, ripe 81.76 6.78 6.07 0.07 0.06 12.98 0.24 0.36 0.60
Guava, raw, ripe 79.51 1.80 0.76 1.11 F 3.67 1.54 11.81 12.72
Mango, raw, ripe 83.71 3.80 0.66 8.27 F 12.73 0.69 1.08 1.76
Nectarine, raw, ripe, w/skin 85.30 3.69 3.32 1.11 0.09 8.21 0.98 1.06 2.04
Oranges (Navel), raw, ripe 84.58 2.03 1.88 4.46 F 8.37 1.37 0.99 2.35
Orange juice, retail, from concentrate 82.90 2.02 2.03 4.10 F 8.15 0.28 0.03 0.31
Peaches, raw, ripe, w/skin 83.10 4.01 4.52 0.21 F 8.74 1.31 1.54 2.85
Peaches, raw, ripe, w/o skin 83.49 3.92 3.52 3.88 F 11.32 0.84 1.16 2.00
Pears, raw, ripe, w/skin 83.24 5.30 4.20 1.21 F 10.71 0.92 2.25 3.16
Pineapple (smooth Cayenne), raw, ripe 85.43 2.83 2.58 3.83 F 9.24 0.04 1.42 1.46
Plum, raw, ripe, w/skin 85.57 3.28 5.10 0.10 0.17 8.65 1.12 1.76 2.87
Prunes, pitted 24.68 12.35 25.42 0.15 F 37.92 4.50 3.63 8.13
Raisins, seedless 6.61 29.89 28.10 0.98 0.18 59.15 0.90 2.17 3.07
Watermelon, raw, ripe 91.11 2.72 0.67 2.87 0.03 6.29 0.13 0.27 0.40
Beans, canned, w/pork and tomato sauce 72.43 1.27 0.87 2.78 F 4.92 1.38 4.02 5.40
Chick peas, canned, drained 66.79 FF0.44 F 0.44 0.41 5.79 6.19
Cowpeas, canned, drained 69.95 FF0.42 F 0.42 0.43 4.11 4.53
Lentils, dry, cooked, drained 71.46 FF0.39 F 0.39 0.44 5.42 5.86
Pinto beans, canned, drained 69.16 FF0.54 F 0.54 0.99 5.66 6.65
Red kidney beans, can, drained 65.53 0.10 0.23 3.47 F 3.8 1.36 5.77 7.13
Split peas, dry, cooked, drained 62.71 FF0.65 F 0.65 0.09 10.56 10.65
Vegetables, cooked
Beans, green, fresh, microwaved 86.73 1.25 0.25 0.91 F 2.41 1.38 2.93 4.31
Broccoli, fresh, microwaved 87.03 0.89 0.73 0.30 F 1.92 1.85 2.81 4.66
TABLE 1 (continued )
Foods Moisture Fructose Glucose Sucrose Maltose Total sugar Sol. fiber Insol. fiber TDF
720 LI ET AL.
Carrots, fresh, microwaved 86.07 0.49 0.47 6.41 F 7.37 1.58 2.29 3.87
Corn, yellow, from cob, grocery store 78.98 1.56 0.64 0.73 F 2.93 0.13 4.12 4.25
Corn, yellow, from cob, farm market 74.50 1.55 1.39 3.66 F 6.6 0.25 2.63 2.87
Lima beans, immature, froz., microwaved 73.95 0.21 F 0.56 F 0.77 1.02 4.21 5.23
Peas, green, froz., microwaved 76.59 FF6.09 F 6.09 0.94 2.61 3.54
Potato, french fries, fast food 33.84 FF0.44 F 0.44 0.67 3.44 4.11
Potato, white, baked, w/skin 72.41 0.17 0.15 0.19 F 0.51 0.61 1.70 2.31
Potato, white, boiled, w/o skin 66.99 0.11 0.16 0.18 0.06 0.51 0.99 1.06 2.05
Vegetables, raw
Broccoli, raw 89.10 0.28 FF0.42 0.7 0.44 3.06 3.50
Cabbage, green, raw 90.84 2.17 1.64 0.11 F 3.92 0.46 1.79 2.24
Carrots, raw 88.03 0.39 0.28 4.19 F 4.86 0.49 2.39 2.88
Cauliflower, raw 90.67 1.35 0.83 0.30 F 2.48 0.47 2.15 2.62
Cucumber, raw, with peel 95.60 0.82 0.67 FF 1.49 0.20 0.94 1.14
Lettuce, iceberg, raw 95.48 0.91 0.67 0.02 0.02 1.62 0.10 0.88 0.98
Onion, mature, raw 85.57 1.76 2.21 1.38 F 5.35 0.71 1.22 1.93
Pepper, sweet, green, raw 94.43 1.04 0.71 0.18 F 1.93 0.53 0.99 1.52
Tomatoes, red, ripe, raw 94.42 1.19 0.49 FF 1.68 0.15 1.19 1.34
Spinach, raw 90.28 0.51 0.02 FF 0.53 0.77 2.43 3.20
Mean of duplicate analyses.
Contained galactose (0.15 g/100 g).
this study by an enzymatic-gravimetric method. Vollendorf and Marlett (1993) and
Mongeau and Brassard (1989) conducted studies comparing two or three dietary
fiber methods for the analysis of a variety of foods. They concluded that enzymatic-
gravimetric methods (e.g., AOAC method 991.43) generate higher fiber values than
enzymatic-chemical methods (e.g., AOAC method 994.13). For this study, we chose
AOAC Method 991.43 because it is a method that was adopted for nutrition labeling
of dietary fiber by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USDHHS, 1993).
Portions of the freeze-dried samples of the 70 foods were also analyzed in the
Food Composition Laboratory, ARS, USDA for individual sugars and total dietary
fiber content (Li, 1996). Individual sugars were determined using the same extraction
procedures described above; and a gas chromatographic (GC) technique for
separation and quantitation. Total dietary fiber was determined by the single
enzyme-gravimetric method. Comparisons were made between HPLC and GC for
total sugars and between the sum of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber fractions and
TDF by direct measurement. Lee et al. (1992) showed that calculated TDF values
were comparable to those from direct analysis using the method described in their
collaborative study. Table 2 gives the squared correlation coefficient for different
methods by each food group. Good agreement was found among total sugar values
obtained in two analytical laboratories using different methods (r
ranged from 0.89
for baked products to 0.98 for fruits). Greater variations were found for TDF values
varied between 0.64 for cereal grains/pasta and 0.97 for fruits).
Individual sugar profiles were characterized for selected foods. Most baked products
contained fructose, glucose, maltose and no sucrose; cereal grains and pasta
contained mainly sucrose, though in low levels compared to all other food groups.
Almost all fruits contained fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Legumes contained mostly
sucrose and no detectable maltose; vegetables that are eaten cooked contained more
sucrose than those eaten raw. Overall, fruits contain the most total sugar and cereal
grains/pasta the least.
Of the 70 foods tested, only six had TDF less than 1 g/100 g (as eaten). Therefore,
the remaining 64 foods may be considered good sources of dietary fiber. The
proportion of SDF to IDF varied across the food groups and even within each food
group. The results of this study support evaluating foods on a case-by-case basis
rather than developing generalizations on the relative proportions of fiber fractions
according to food groups.
Squared correlation coefficient (r
) between total sugar and total dietary fiber values from different
Food Total sugar
Total dietary fiber
Baked products 0.89 0.95
Cereal grains and pasta 0.90 0.64
Fruits 0.98 0.97
Legumes 0.97 0.78
Vegetables, cooked 0.93 0.76
Vegetables, raw 0.97 0.91
HPLC versus GC.
AOAC method 991.43 versus single enzyme method.
722 LI ET AL.
The authors wish to thank Zhenkun Zhao for her analysis of the samples in the Food Composition
AOAC (1997). Official Methods of Analysis, 16th edn. Gaithersburg, MD: AOAC international.
Lee, S. C., Prosky, L., and De Vries, J. W. (1992). Determination of total, soluble, and insoluble dietary
fiber in foods by Enzymatic-gravimetric method, MES-TRIS buffer: collaborative study. J. AOAC Int.
75, 395–416.
Li, B. W. (1996). Determination of sugars, starches, and total dietary fiber in selected high-consumption
foods. J. AOAC Int. 79, 718–723.
Matthews, R. H., Pehrsson, P. R., and Farhat-Sabet, M. (1987). Sugar Content of Selected Foods:
Individual and Total Sugars. Home Economics Research Report Number 48, Human Nutrition
Information Service, United States Department of Agriculture.
Matthews, R. H. and Pehrsson, P. R. (1988). Provisional Table on the Dietary Fiber Content of Selected
Foods. Human Nutrition Information Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S.A. HNIS/PT-106.
Marlett, J. A. (1992). Content and composition of dietary fiber in 117 frequently consumed foods. J. Am.
Diet. Assoc. 92, 175–186.
Mongeau, R. and Brassard, R. (1989). A comparison of three methods for analyzing dietary fiber in 38
foods. J. Food Comp. Anal. 2, 189–199.
Nielsen, A. C., Company. (1988) Nielsen Scantract Data. Northbrook, IL.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (1993). Food Labeling: general provisions, nutrition
labeling; label format; nutrient content claims; ingredient labeling, state and local requirement; and
exemptions; final rules. Fed. Regist. 58, 631–691, 2302–2941.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (1994). Human Nutrition Information Service. 1989–1991 Continuing
Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and 1989–1991 Diet and Health Knowledge Survey. National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA. CD-ROM. Accession No. PB96-501747.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (1998). CSFII/DHKS 1994–96 Data Set, Documentation and Technical
Support Files: The 1994–1996 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals and the 1994–96 Diet
and Health Knowledge Survey. Agricultural Research Service, Riverdale, MD (CD-ROM Accession
No. PB98-500457; National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA). PB96-501747.
U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2001). Agricultural Research Service. USDA Nutrient Database for
Standard Reference, Release 14. Nutrient Data Laboratory Home Page, http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/
Vollendorf, N. W. and Morlett, J. A. (1993). Comparison of two methods of fiber analysis of 58 foods.
J. Food Comp. Anal. 6, 203–214.