No. 101 - DECEMBER 2007
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
(Law No. 50/2005/QH11)*
Adopted by the National Assembly on November 29, 2005,
and entered into force on July 1, 2006
(Article 1 to 5 of Part One, Part Four and Part Five of the Law)
* Translation provided by the Vietnamese authorities.
Pursuant to Article 34(3) of the 1991 Act of the UPOV Convention, the positive advice of the Council of UPOV concerning
the legislation of Viet Nam is contained in paragraph 7 of document C(Extr.)/23/4, based on document C(Extr.)/23/2
Pursuant to the Constitution 1992 of the Socialist
Republic of Vietnam as amended and supplemented
by the Resolution No. 51, 2001, QH10 of the 10th
Section of the 10th National Assembly dated 25
December, 2001;
This Law stipulates intellectual property rights.
[Extract from Part One: Articles 1 to 5 only]
Article 1
Scope of regulation
This Law stipulates copyright, copyright - related
rights; industrial property rights; rights in plant
varieties and for the protection of these rights.
Article 2
Applicable subjects
This Law applies to Vietnamese organizations and
individuals, foreign organizations and individuals that
satisfy the requirements stipulated in this Law and
international treaties to which the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam is party.
Article 3
Objects of intellectual property rights
1. Objects of copyright include literary, artistic and
scientific works; objects of copyright - related rights
include performances, sound recordings, video
recordings; broadcasting programs; satellite signals
carrying encrypted program.
2. Objects of industrial property rights include
inventions; industrial designs; layout-designs of semi-
conductor integrated circuits; business secrets;
trademarks; trade names and geographical
3. Objects of rights to plant varieties are plant
varieties and its propagating materials.
Article 4
Interpretation of terminologies
In this Law, the following terminologies shall be
understood as follows:
1. Intellectual property rights are the rights of
organizations, individuals to their intellectual property,
including copyrights and copyright - related rights,
industrial property rights and rights to plant varieties.
2. Copyrights are the rights of organizations,
individuals to works created or owned by them.
3. Copyright - related rights (hereinafter referred to
as related rights) are the rights of organizations,
individuals to performances, phonograms,
broadcasting programs, satellite signals carrying
encrypted program.
4. Industrial property rights are the rights of
organizations, individuals to inventions; industrial
designs; layout-designs of semi-conductor integrated
circuits; trademarks; trade names, geographical
indications, business secrets created or owned by
them and rights to repression of unfair competition.
5. Rights to plant varieties are the rights of
organizations, individuals to the new plant varieties
which are created or discovered and developed by
and fall under the ownership right of such
organization or individuals.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
6. Intellectual property right holder is the owner of
the intellectual property right or an organization,
individual that is assigned the right by the owner.
7. Work is every production created in the literary,
artistic and scientific domain, whatever may be the
mode or form of its expression.
8. Derivative work is a work translated from one
language to another, adapted, modified, transformed,
compiled, annotated and selected work.
9. Published work, phonogram is a work or a
phonogram already released with consent of
copyright owner, related right owner for the purpose
of being disseminated to the public with a reasonable
amount of copies.
10. To reproduce means the making of one or more
copies of a work or a phonogram in whatever mode
or form, including permanent or provisional backup
of the work in electronic form.
11.Broadcasting means the transmission by wire or
wireless means, including through the satellite, of
sounds or images and sounds of a work, a
performance, a phonogram or a broadcasting
program to the public for its reception at a place or
at a time select by them.
12. Invention is a technical solution, in form of a
product or a process, to resolve a specific problem by
utilizing laws of nature.
13. Industrial design is appearance of a product
expressed in shapes, lines, dimensions, colors or any
combination thereof.
14. Semiconductor integrated circuit is a product, in
its final form or an intermediate form, in which the
elements, at least one of which is an active element,
and some or all of the interconnections are integrally
formed in or on a piece of semiconductor material
and which is intended to perform an electronic
function. “Integrated circuit” is synonymous with
“IC”, “chip” and “microelectronic circuit”.
15. Layout-design of a semiconductor integrated
circuit (hereinafter referred to as “layout-design”) is
a three-dimensional disposition of circuitry elements
and interconnections of such elements in a
semiconductor integrated circuit.
16. Trademark is any sign used to distinguish goods
or services of different organizations and individuals.
17. Collective mark is a mark used to distinguish goods
or services of members from those of non-members
of an organization that is the owner of the mark.
18. Certification mark is a mark licensed by its owner
to other organizations, individuals to use for their
goods or services in order to certify characteristics in
respect of origin, materials, raw materials and
methods of goods production or methods of services
supply, quality, accuracy, safety or other characteristics
of such goods or services.
19. Associated marks are marks that are registered
by the same owner, identical or similar to each other
and are used for identical or similar or inter-related
goods and services.
20. Well-known mark is a mark widely known
throughout territory of Vietnam.
21. Trade name is a designation of an organization
or individual used in business to distinguish the
business entity bearing such designation from other
business entities acting in the same field and area of
The area of business stipulated in this paragraph shall
be the geographical area where business entity has
business partners, clients or reputation.
22. Geographical indication is a sign used to indicate
a product originating from a specific area, locality,
region or country.
23. Business secret is information obtained from
financial, intellectual investment which is undisclosed
and susceptible to application in business.
24. Plant variety is a plant grouping within a single
botanical taxon of the lowest known rank, uniform
of morphological, stability in the propagation circle,
which can be distinguished by the phenotype
expressed by a genotype or the combination of
genotypes and distinguished from other plant
grouping in at least one genetic phenotype.
25. Protection title is a document granted by a State
authority to an organization, individual to establish
industrial property rights to inventions, industrial
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designs, layout designs, marks, geographical
indications; and rights to plant varieties.
Article 5
Application of laws
1. Where there are intellectual property related civil
issues not being stipulated in this Law, the provisions
of Civil Code shall be applied.
2. Where there is any difference between provisions
on intellectual property rights of this Law and those
of other laws, the former shall be applied.
3. Where the provisions of the international treaties
to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is party
contravene the provisions of this Law, the former shall
be applied.
Chapter XI
Article 157
Organization or Individual who can be protected
the rights for plant variety
1. Organization or Individual who can be protected
rights for plant variety are Organizations, Individuals
which bred or discovered and developed the plant
variety or invested in the task to breed or discover
and develop the plant variety or the person to who
was transferred the rights over the pant varieties.
2. Organizations, Individuals mentioned in the
Provision 1 of this Article include Vietnamese and
organizations and individuals of foreign countries
which enter into agreements on the protection of
plant variety with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
and foreign organizations and individuals which
register a permanent residence in Vietnam or have a
business or production establishment of plant variety
in Vietnam.
Article 158
General conditions for plant varieties over which
rights are protected
The plant variety over which rights are to be protected
is a variety which is bred or discovered and developed,
belonging to the List of species able to be protected
by State issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development, that variety is new, distinct,
uniform, stable and has a proper denomination.
Article 159
Novelty of the plant variety
The variety shall be deemed to have novelty if the
propagating or harvested material of the variety has
not been sold or distributed in other ways for the
purpose of exploitation by or with the consent of the
holder of the registration right as referred to in Article
164 of this Law in the territory of Vietnam more than
one year before the date of the application form is
submitted; or outside Vietnam more than six years
before the date of application form is submitted for
trees or grape and 4 years for other species.
Article 160
Distinctness of the plant variety
1. The variety shall be deemed to have distinctiveness
if it is clearly distinguishable in one or more major
characteristics from any other variety whose existence
is common knowledge at the time of filing or on the
priority date, as the case may be.
2. The common knowledge varieties as stipulated in
paragraph 1 mean the varieties of one of the
following cases:
a) Propagating materials or harvested products of such
variety have been widely used in the market of any
country in the world at the time of filing of the
registration application;
b) The variety has been protected or registered into
the List of plant species in any country;
c) The plant variety is still the subject of an application
for protection or for the List of plant species in any
country provided that application form was not
d) The plant variety which has had its description
Article 161
Uniformity of the plant variety
The variety shall be deemed to have uniformity in the
propagation if there is the same expression of the
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
relevant phenotype unless the variation is permitted
for certain characteristic in its propagation process.
Article 162
Stability of the plant variety
The variety shall be deemed to be stable if the relevant
phenotypic characteristics of that variety retain the
same expression as originally described, and remain
unchanged after each propagation crop or
propagation cycle, as the case may be.
Article 163
Denomination of plant variety
1. The registrant must propose an appropriate name
for the plant variety which name must be the same
as the denomination registered in any country upon
filing of a protection registration application
2. The variety shall be deemed to be properly
denominated if it is distinguishable from all other
varieties of common knowledge in the same species
or similar species.
3. The denominations of plant varieties shall not be
considered proper in the following cases:
a) Consisting of numerals only, except where such
numerals relate to the particularity or the
establishment of such plant variety;
b) Violating social morality;
c) Being liable to misrepresent the feature or
characteristics of that variety
d) Easy to misunderstand about Breeder’s
d’) Being identical or confusingly similar to a trade
mark, trade name or geographical indication already
protected before the date of filing of a registration
application for protection of such plant variety;
e) Being identical or similar to the name of harvested
products of such varieties.
g) Affecting prior rights of any other organization or
4. Any organization or individual that offers for sale
or brings to the market propagating materials of the
plant variety must use the name of the plant variety
as the name in the Protection Certificate even after
the expiry of the protection period stated.
5. When the name of a plant variety is combined
with a trademark, a trade name or an indication
similar to the name of plant variety already registered
for sale or offer in the market, such name must be
easily distinctive.
Chapter XII
Section 1
Establishing the rights for a plant variety
Article 164
Registration of the rights over plant varieties
1. To obtain protection of the rights over for a new
plant variety, organizations and individuals must
submit the registration for protection to the State
administrative authority for plant variety rights.
2. The organizations and individuals holding the right
to register the protection of plant variety (to be
referred to as registrant) include:
a) Breeder who directly bred or discovered and
developed the variety by their expenses by way of
his/her own efforts and expenses.
b) Organizations or individuals which invested for the
breeder to breed or discover and develop the plant
variety by contract unless otherwise agreed.
c) Organizations and individuals transferred or
inherited the right of registration for Plant variety
3. For the plant variety which is bred or discovered
and developed by way of using the State’s budget or
the finance of the project under the State
management, the rights over such plant variety will
belong to the State. The Government shall make
specific provisions for the registration of the right over
the plant variety as referred to in this Article.
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Article 165
Submission of the application form for
rights over a plant variety
1. Vietnamese organizations or individuals or foreign
organizations or individuals with a permanent address
of residence in Vietnam or with a plant variety
business or production establishment in Vietnam may
file an application for registration of rights over a plant
variety (hereinafter referred to as an application for
protection) either directly or through its legal
representative agency in Vietnam.
2. Foreign organizations and individuals without a
permanent address of residence in Vietnam or not
having a plant variety business and production
establishment in Vietnam may file an application for
protection through a lawful representative in Vietnam.
Article 166
The principles for submitting the first application
form for plant variety
1. In case more than one independent person submits
an application for protection on different days, the
plant variety protection certificate will be given to
the applicant who obtains the earliest valid
2. In case there are many application forms for
protection certificate of the same variety submitted
in the same day, the plant variety protection certificate
will be given to the registrant who is agreed by all
the others. If all the registrants could not agree, a
plant variety protection certificate will be given by
the State management authority of rights over plant
varieties to the first breeder who bred or discovered
and developed the variety.
Article 167
Priority principle for the application form
1. The registrant may request priority rights in case
an application form was submitted within 12 months
from the date on which the application form of the
same variety has been submitted in a country which
and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam both enter into
an agreement on plant variety protection. The filing
date of the first application shall not be included in
this time limit.
2. In order to claim priority, the registrant must specify
that claim in the registration application for
protection. Within no more than 3 months from
submitting the application for protection, the
registrant must produce copies of documents as
certified by the competent office and samples or other
evidence proving that the variety in both application
forms is the same and must pay the fees. The
registrant must be allowed to supply the information
or necessary materials to the State management office
of the rights over plant varieties for examination
according to the stipulations in Articles 176 and 178
of this Law after 2 years from the date when the
priority ends, or in proper time, depending on the
species of the plant variety stated in the application,
after the first application form is refused or rejected.
3. If the registration application for protection is
entitled to the right of priority, the priority date shall
be the date when the first application form was
4. Within the time limit referred to in clause 1 of this
Article, the filing of another application or the
publication or use of the plant variety being subject
of the first application shall not be regarded as a basis
for refusing the registration application for protection
which is entitled to priority.
Article 168
Plant variety Protection Certificate and National
Registration Book of protected plant varieties
1. The contents of a Protection certificate include
the name of the variety and species; name of the
right holder (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate
Holder) and Breeder’s name as well as the duration
of protection of the right over the plant variety.
2. The state management office of the rights over
plant varieties will record the contents of the
protection certificate into the National Registration
Book for protected plant varieties which is established
and kept by the State management office of the plant
Article 169
The effectiveness of the plant variety
protection certificate
1. The Plant variety protection certificate will apply in
the whole territory of Vietnam.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
2. The plant variety protection certificate will take
effect from the date of the grant of rights for a period
of 25 years for trees and grapes; 20 years for other
3. The plant variety protection certificate may be
cancelled or nullified in accordance with Articles 170
and 171 of this Law.
Article 170
Cancellation and reinstatement of the effectiveness
of plant variety protection certificate
1. The plant variety protection certificate may be
cancelled in one of the following cases:
a) The uniformity and stability of the protected variety
no longer meets the requirements as at the time of
granting the certificate;
b) Certificate Holder does not pay the annual fees in
accordance with the regulations;
c) Certificate Holder does not supply the necessary
documents and propagating materials for maintaining
as prescribed.
d) Certificate Holder does not change the name of
the plant variety as requested by the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties;
2. For the case stipulated in subparagraph a, c and d
paragraph 1 of this Article, the State management
office of the rights over plant varieties shall issue a
decision for cancellation of the plant variety protection
3. For the case stipulated in paragraph 1.b of this
Article, upon the expiry date of the time limit for
payment of annual fee, the State management office
of the plant variety shall issue a decision on
cancellation of the plant variety protection certificate
from the first date of the next effective year in which
the annual fees is not paid.
4. For the cases stipulated in clause 1(a) of this Article,
any organization and individual shall have the right
to request the State management authority of the
rights over plant varieties for cancellation the
effectiveness of the plant variety protection certificate.
Based on the results of the application to request the
cancellation of the plant variety protection certificate
and the opinions of relevant parties, the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties
shall issue a decision to cancel the certificate or to
refuse the cancellation of the protection certificate.
5. For the cases stipulated in paragraph 1 this Article,
the State management office of the rights over plant
varieties shall promulgate the cancellation in a
specialized bulletin and specify the reasons for such
cancellation and at the same time shall serve a notice
to the certificate holder. Within 30 days from the date
of publication, the certificate holder has the right to
submit a request to the State management office of
the rights over plant varieties to explain the reasons
why the plant variety protection certificate is cancelled
and must pay the fee in order to reinstate the plant
variety protection certificate. Within 90 days from the
date of filing the request for reinstatement, the variety
protection owner must solve the reasons for which
the certificate was cancelled, with regard to the cases
stipulated in subparagraphs b, c and d paragraph 1
of this Article. The State management office of the
rights over plant varieties shall then consider
reinstating the validity of the protection certificate
and making it public in the specialized bulletin.
For the cases stipulated in paragraph 1.a of this
Article, the effectiveness of the plant variety
protection certificate shall be reinstated if the holder
succeeds in proving that the plant variety has met
the requirements as to the uniformity and stability
and has been so certified by the State management
office of the rights over plant varieties.
Article 171
Nullity of the effectiveness for
plant variety protection certificate
1. The effectiveness of the plant variety protection
certificate will be nullified in the following
a) The application form belongs to an applicant who
does not have the right to file, except where the right
over a plant variety has been assigned to the owner
of the plant variety;
b) The protected variety did not meet the conditions
for novelty or distinctness at the time of granting the
plant variety protection certificate.
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c) The protected variety did not meet the conditions
for uniformity or stability if the plant variety protection
certificate is granted on the basis of technical test
results which were supplied by the registrant.
2. Any organization or individual can request the state
administrative authority of the rights over plant
varieties to nullify the plant variety protection
certificate during the effectiveness of the plant variety
protection certificate.
Based on the results of examining the requirement
of the nullity and the opinions of relevant parties, the
State management office of the rights over plant
varieties shall issue a decision on refusal to annul or
shall issue a decision on the nullity the effectiveness
of the plant variety protection certificate or to refuse
such nullification.
3. In case of the plant variety protection certificate
is nullified, all the transactions arising on the basis of
the plant variety right are null and void. Such null
and void transactions shall be dealt with in accordance
with the Civil Law.
Article 172
Amendment or re-issue of the
plant variety protection certificate
1. The owner of a protection Certificate has the right
to request the State management office of the rights
over plant varieties to change or rectify any error
relating to the name and address of the holder of the
protection certificate, provided that prescribed fees
and charges must be paid. If such errors are made
by the State management office of the rights over
plant varieties, this office must rectify such errors and
the holder of the protection certificate shall be liable
for payment of any fees and charges.
2. The holder of a protection certificate may request
the State management office of the rights over plant
varieties to re-issue such plant variety protection
certificate it is lost or damaged provided that
prescribed fees and charges must be paid.
Article 173
Publishing the decisions related to the
protection certificate
All the decisions related to the grant, re-issue,
cancellation, nullity, amendment the variety protection
certificate shall be published by the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties
in a specialized bulletin within 60 days from date when
the decision is issued.
Section 2
Application form and the procedures for processing
registration applications for protection
Article 174
Registration applications for protection
1. The application for registering the rights for new
plant variety protection must include:
a) A registration form using the prescribed from;
b) Photos and technical questionnaires using the
prescribed form;
c) Authorization paper if the application form is filed
through a representative;
d) The documents which demonstrate the
registration right if the registrant is a person to whom
the right for registering has been transferred;
d’) Documents to prove the priority in case of claming
for priority.
e) The receipt of the fees.
2. A registration application for protection and any
transaction documents between the registrant and
the State management office of the rights over plant
varieties must be made in Vietnamese, except for the
following documents which may be made in another
language but must be translated into Vietnamese at
the request of the State management office of the
rights over plant varieties:
a) The power of attorney;
b) Documents evidencing the registration right;
c) Documents evidencing the priority;
d) Other documents
3. The documents proving the right of priority for
registration of the application form for protection
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
a) The copy of the application form or the first
application form certified by the authorized
b) The paper of transfer or inheritance of the right
for priority if the right is transferred from another
Article 175
Receiving the application form; Submission date
1. The registration application for protection will be
accepted by the State management office of the
rights over plant varieties with all documents
stipulated in paragraph 1 Article 174 of this Law.
2. The filing date for application form is the date on
which the application form is received by the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties.
Article 176
Examining the validity of the application form.
1. Within 15 days from the filing date, the application
form will be examined by the State management
office of the rights over plant varieties in order to
determine the validity of the application.
2. The registration application for protection shall be
regarded as invalid when one of the following cases
a) The application form does not follow the
b) The variety in the application form does not belong
to a species in the List of protected species;
c) The registrant does not have the right for filing
including when the registration right belongs to
several organizations or individuals where one of them
does not agree upon the registration.
3. The State management office of the rights over
plant varieties will carry out the procedures as follows:
a) To announce the refusal of accepting the
application form for the cases stipulated in
subparagraph b) and c) paragraph 2 of this Article
with the reasons for refusing;
b) To inform to the registrant to correct the mistakes
for the cases stipulated in subparagraph a
paragraph 2 of this Article and to inform the time of
30 days from receipt of the notice for the correction
to the registrant;
c) To inform the refusal of the application form if
the registrant does not correct the mistakes or if the
registrant does not have a reasonable appeal against
the notice referred to in paragraphs 2.b of this Article;
d) To announce acceptance of the application form,
requesting the registrant to submit sample of the
variety to the organization in charge of the technical
test and follow the procedures stipulated in Article
178 of this Law if the application form is valid or if
the registrant has corrected mistakes or gave a
reasonable response to the notice as stipulated in
subparagraph b of this paragraph.
Article 177
Publication of the application form for protection
1. If the application form is valid, the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties
shall publish in the specialized bulletin on plant
varieties within 90 days from the date such application
is accepted.
2. The contents of publication include: No of
application form, date of filing, representative agent
(if have), name of registrant, name of owner, variety
name, species, the date on which the application form
was accepted as valid.
Article 178
Examining the content of the application form for
registering of plant variety protection
1. The State management office of the rights over
plant varieties shall examine the contents of the
application form which is accepted as valid. The
examination includes:
a) To examine for novelty and the denomination.
b) To examine the results of Technical Test of the
2. Technical Test means the conduct of growing tests
in order to determine the distinctness, uniformity and
stability of the variety.
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The technical test shall be carried out by the
competent office or organizations or individuals who
have enough capacity for conducting the technical
test following the stipulations of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development.
The state administrative authority of the rights over
plant varieties may use the results of the previous
technical test.
3. The time for examining of the test results shall be
90 days from the date of receiving the technical test
Article 179
Modify and supplement the application form
1. The registrant has the following rights before the
state administrative authority of the rights over plant
varieties decides to grant or not to grant the plant
variety protection certificate or decision of the grant:
a) To modify or amend the application form without
changing the nature of the registration application
for protection;
b) To request acknowledging the changes of name
and address of the registrant.
c) To request acknowledging the changes of the
registrant due to transfer the application form under
a contract or as a result of inheritance or bequest.
2. The person who requests any of the procedures
stipulate at paragraph 1 of this Article must be submit
fees and annual fee.
Article 180
Withdrawing the application form for registration
1. Before the state administrative authority of the
rights over plant varieties decides to grant or refuse
to grant the protection certificate, the registrant can
withdraw the application form for protection. A
request for such withdrawal must be made in writing.
2. From the time which the registrant requests to
withdraw the application form for protection, all the
next procedures related to the application will be
terminated; the fees which have been submitted for
the procedures that have not yet been conducted
will be refunded following the request from the
Article 181
Opinion of the third party for granting the plant
variety protection certificate
From the date of publication of the registration
application for protection of plant variety in the
professional bulletin until the time a decision for
granting a plant variety protection certificate is made,
any third party can send an opinion as about the issue
of a plant variety protection certificate to the State
management office of the rights over plant varieties.
The opinion must be made in writing accompanied
by arguments and evidence to support the opinion.
Article 182
Refusal to grant the plant variety
protection certificate
An application form for protection shall be refused
for the issue of a plant variety protection certificate
in case the variety does not meet any conditions
stipulated in Articles 176 and 178 of this Law. In case
of refusal, the State management office of the rights
over plant varieties shall implement the follow
1. Announce the proposal to refuse the grant of a
Protection Certificate stating the reasons and the
deadline for the registrant to amend the shortcomings
or appeal against the announcement.
2. Announce the refusal of the grant of protection
certificate if the registrant has not amended the
shortcomings or have not made an appeal against
the announcement stipulated in paragraph 1 of this
3. Implement the procedures stipulated in Article 183
of this Law if the registrant has amended the
shortcomings or gives a valid opinion to appeal against
the proposal to grant stipulated in paragraph 1 of
this Article.
Article 183
Granting plant variety the protection certificate
If a registration application for protection is not
refused as set out in Article 182 of this Law and if the
registrant pays the fee, the State management office
of the rights over plant varieties shall issue the decision
for granting the plant variety protection certificate
and record this into the National Registration Book
of Protected Plant Varieties.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
2. To grant the protection certificate to the applicant.
Article 184
To complain about the issue or refusal to issue plant
variety protection certificates
1. The registrant and any other third party have the
right to complain about a decision to grant or the
refusal to grant a plant variety protection certificate.
3. Any complaint about decisions to grant or refuse
to grant the plant variety protection certificate will
be carried out according to the Law on Complaints
and Denunciations.
Chapter XIV
Section 1
The contents of rights over plant variety
Article 185
Rights of the Breeder
The Breeder of a plant variety has following rights:
1. Name of the Breeder will be recorded on the plant
variety protection certification and in the National
Register Book for protected plant varieties and in all
the published documents relating to the plant variety;
2. To get compensation as stipulated in paragraph
1(a) Article 191 of this Law;
Article 186
Rights of the Protection Certificate Holder
1. The Holder of a protection certificate has the rights
to use or permit other persons to use the following
rights over the propagating materials of the protected
plant variety:
a. Production or multiplication;
b. Processing for the purpose of propagation;
c. Offering for sale;
d. Selling or other marketing;
dd. Exporting;
e. Importing;
g. Stocking for any of the purposes listed in points a,
b, c, d, dd and e of this clause.
To prohibit other from using the plant variety in
accordance with Article 188 of this Law.
To pass by inheritance or bequest or transfer the rights
over the plant variety in accordance with Chapter XV
of this Law.
Article 187
Extension of the rights of the protection
certificate holder
The rights of a protection certificate holder shall be
extended to the following plant varieties:
1. Plant varieties that originate from the protected
plant variety except where such protected plant
varieties themselves originate from another protected
plant variety;
A plant variety is regarded as originating from a
protected plant variety if such plant variety has still
retaining the expression of the essential characteristics
that result from the genotype or combination of
genotypes of the protected variety except for the
differences resulting from actions on the protected
2. Plant varieties which are not clearly different from
the protected plant variety;
3. Plant varieties, the production of which requires
the repeated use of protected plant varieties.
Article 188 Acts which infringe the rights over plant
The following acts shall be considered as
infringements upon to the rights of the protection
certificate holders:
1. Exploiting or using the rights of the protection
certificate holder without his permission.
2. Using a denomination of the variety which is
identical or similar to a protected denomination of
the plant variety of the same or other similar species.
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3. Using the protected plant variety without payment
of the compensation amount provided for in
Article 189 of this Law.
Article 189
Temporary rights over for the plant varieties
1. The temporary rights over a plant variety are the
rights of the registrant for protection of the plant
variety which arise from the date of publication of
the registration application for protection until the
date of grant of a plant variety protection certificate.
The registrant will not have the temporary right in
case the variety protection certificate is not granted.
2. If the registrant is aware of the fact that another
person has been exploiting the plant variety for
commercial purposes, the registrant has the right to
inform that person in writing of the existence of a
registration application for protection of the plant
variety lodged by the registrant and must specify the
date of submission, the date on which the registration
application for protection has been published in order
for such another person to terminate the exploitation
or continue using it.
3. The user of the variety must pay an amount
equivalent to the value of transfer of the right to use
such variety within an appropriate scope and using
time in case the announcement has been informed
as stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this Article and the
user continues using.
Section 2
Limitations of rights over plant varieties
Article 190
Limitations to the right of a plant variety protection
certificate holder
1. The following acts are not considered as
infringements of the rights over a protected plant
a. Using the variety privately for non-commercial
b. Using the variety for breeding and for scientific
research purpose;
c. Using the variety to create new plant varieties
distinctive from the protected plant varieties;
d. Production households may use the harvested
products of the protected variety for propagation and
cultivation in the next season in their own field.
2. Rights over a plant variety shall not be extended to
the acts related to any materials of the protected
variety which have been sold or otherwise taken out
of the Vietnamese or overseas market by the breeder
or his or her nominee, except for the following acts:
a) Relate to the continuous propagation of such a
plant variety;
b) Relate to the export of propagating materials of
such plant variety to a country where the genus or
species are not protected except where such materials
are exported for consumption purpose only;
Article 191
Obligations of the Holders and Breeder
1. The Holder of the protection certificate has the
following obligations:
a) To pay compensation to the breeder as agreed
between them, in the absence of such agreement,
the compensation must be paid following the
stipulations of the Law.
b) To pay fees for the plant variety protection
certificate according to the stipulation.
c) To preserve the protected variety and to supply
propagating material of the protected variety to the
state administrative authority of the rights over plant
varieties and to maintain the stability of the protected
variety as the stipulations.
2. The Breeder of the variety has the obligation to
help the protection certificate holder to maintain the
propagating material of protected variety.
Chapter XV
Article 192
Transfer the rights to use of the plant variety
1. Licensing for use of a plant variety means the
permission of the Holder of the plant variety given to
another person to conduct one or some acts of his
right to use the plant variety.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
2. The licensing for use of a plant variety shall be
consented by all holders in case the right falls under
3. The licensing for use of a plant variety shall be
conducted in the form of a written contract.
A licensing contract for use of a plant variety shall
not have such provisions that unreasonably restricts
the right of the licensee, particularly those provisions
neither deriving from, nor aimed at protecting of, the
rights of the licensor to the plant variety.
Article 193
The rights of the parties in licensing contract
1. The licensor shall have the rights to permit or not
permit the licensee to assign the license for use to a
third party;
2. The licensee shall have the following rights:
a) To assign the license for use to a third party if it is
agreed by the licensor;
b) To request to the licensor to carry out necessary
measures against any infringements by a third party
causing damage to the licensee.
c) To carry out necessary measures to prevent a third
party infringements if within a time limit of 3 months
from the date of the request, the licensor fails acts as
requested the in accordance with sub paragraph b
of this clause.
Article 194
Assignment of the rights for plant variety
1. To assign the rights for a plant variety means that
the holder of the plant variety transfers all the rights
of such plant variety to the assignee. The assignee
shall become the owner of the plant variety Protection
Certificate from the date for registration of the
assignment contract with the state administrative
authority of the rights over plant varieties in
accordance with the prescribed procedures.
2. Where the right of a plant variety is under co-
ownership, the assignment of such rights must be
consented by all owners.
3. The assignment of the ownership rights to a plant
variety must be made in a written contract.
Article 195
Bases and conditions for compulsory licensing for
use of the plant variety
1. In the following cases, the right to use a plant
variety shall be licensed to another organization or
individuals under a decision of the state competent
authority as referred to in Article 196.1 of this Law
without having to obtain permission from the
protection certificate holder or his nominee (to be
referred to as the holder of the exclusive right to use
the pant variety):
a) The use of such plant variety is for the public
interest, for non-commercial purpose, to satisfy the
needs of national defense, national security, disease
prevention, treatment and nutrition for people or to
meet other social urgent needs;
b) The person having a demand and capacity to use
the plant variety fails to reach an agreement with the
holder of the exclusive right to use the plant variety
upon entering into a licensing contract although best
efforts have been made for a reasonable period of
time to negotiate the price rate and other commercial
c) The holder of the exclusive right to use the plant
variety is regarded as conducting an act of constraint
of competition under the competition legislation.
2. The holder of the exclusive right to use the plant
variety has the right to terminate the right has the
right to request for termination of such right of use
when the bases of compulsory licensing provided for
in clause 1 of this Article cease to exist and are unlikely
to recur, provided that such termination shall not
prejudicial to the licensee.
3. The right to use a plant variety shall be transferred
under a decision of a state competent authority in
compliance with the following conditions:
a) Such right of use is non-exclusive;
b) Such right of use shall only be limited to such a
scope and period sufficient to attain the objectives
of the compulsory licensing, and predominantly for
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the supply of the domestic market, except for the
cases referred to in clause 1(c) of this Article;
c) The licensee shall not assign such right of use to
another person, except with the assignment of his or
her business premise, or not grant a sub-license to
d) The licensee must pay an adequate compensation
to the holder of exclusive right to use the plant variety
taking into account the economic value of such right
of use in each specific case, in compliance with the
remuneration frame provided for by the Government;
4. The Government shall make specific provisions for
the cases of compulsory licensing of the right to use
plant varieties and the compensation frame as
referred to in Article 3(d) of this Article.
Article 196
Power and procedures for licensing the right to use
plant varieties under compulsory decisions
1. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
shall issue decisions on licensing the right to use a
plant variety in the fields under the scope of its State
administration on the basis of a relevant request in
the cases set out in Article 195.1 of this Law.
Ministries, ministerial-level agencies shall issue
decisions to license the right to use plant varieties in
the fields under the scope of its State administration
on the basis of consultation with the Ministry of
Agriculture and Rural Development in the cases
referred to in Article 195.1 of this Law.
2. A licensing decision must fix the scope and
conditions of such use in accordance with Article
195.3 of this Law.
3. The State competent authority that makes a
decision on licensing the right to use a plant variety
must notify this decision to the holder of the exclusive
right to use such plant variety.
4. A decision on licensing the right to use a plant
variety or refusal to license the right to use a plant
variety may be complained about or subject to a
lawsuit in accordance with the law.
5. The Government shall make specific provisions for
procedures for licensing of the right to use a plant
variety as referred to in this Article.
Article 197
Rights of Protection Certificate holders in case of
compulsory licensing
The protection certificate holder being subject of
compulsorily licensing of the right to use a plant variety
shall have the following rights:
1. To receive an adequate compensation
corresponding to the economic value of such right of
use or equivalent to the price of contractual licensing
of such right with similar scope and term;
2. To request the state administrative authority of the
rights over plant varieties to amend, cancel or nullified
the validity of the compulsory license when the
conditions resulting in such compulsory licensing no
longer exist or if such amendment, cancellation or
nullity does not cause damages to the compulsory
Chapter XVI
Article 198
Right to protection by oneself
1. Intellectual property right holders shall have the
right to apply the following measures to protect their
intellectual property rights:
a) Taking technological measures to prevent
infringement of intellectual property rights;
b) Requesting organizations, individuals that have
committed acts of infringement of intellectual
property rights to terminate the infringing acts,
apologize, publicly rectify and compensate damages;
c) Requesting the competent state agencies to handle
acts of infringement of intellectual property rights in
accordance with provisions of this Law and other
related laws and regulations;
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
d) Initiating a lawsuit at a competent court or an
arbitrator to protect their legitimate rights and
2. Organizations and individuals that suffer from
damage caused by acts of infringement of intellectual
property rights or discover acts of infringement of
intellectual property rights that cause damage to
consumers or the society shall have the right to
request State competent agencies to handle such acts
of infringement in accordance with the provisions of
this Law and other related laws and regulations.
3. Organizations and individuals that suffer from
damage or are likely to suffer from damage caused
by acts of unfair competition shall have the right to
request State competent agencies to impose civil
remedies provided for in Article 202 of this Law and
administrative remedies provided for in the laws on
Article 199
Remedies against acts of infringement of
intellectual property rights
1. Organizations and individuals that have committed
acts of infringement of other’s intellectual property
rights are liable to civil, administrative or criminal
remedies, depending on nature and extent of such
2. In appropriate cases, State competent agencies
shall have the right to apply provisional measures,
intellectual-property-related control measures with
regard to imports and exports and preventive
measures and shall ensure that administrative
penalties shall be imposed as provided for in this Law
and other related laws and regulations.
Article 200
Authorities in handling the infringement of
intellectual property rights
1. Courts, inspectorate, market management
agencies, custom offices, police agencies and the
People’s Committees of all levels, within its duties and
authorities, are entitled to handle acts of infringement
of intellectual property rights.
2. The application of civil remedies and criminal
remedies shall fall within the authorities of the courts.
In appropriate cases, the courts are entitled to apply
provisional measures in accordance with the laws and
3. The application of administrative remedies shall
fall within the authorities of inspectorate, police
agencies, market management agencies, custom
offices and the People’s Committee of all levels. In
appropriate cases, the above-mentioned agencies are
entitled to apply preventive measures and ensure that
administrative penalties shall be imposed in
accordance with the laws and regulations.
4. The application of intellectual property border
control measures with regard to imports and exports
shall fall within the authorities of custom offices.
Article 201
Inspection, assessment on intellectual property
1. Inspection and assessment on intellectual property
means the competent organizations or individuals use
their knowledge and expertise in intellectual property
to make assessment, conclusion on matters related
to intellectual property right infringement cases.
2. State competent agencies shall have the right to
call for inspection, assessment on intellectual property
in order to handle those cases accepted by these
3. Intellectual property right holders and other
related organizations or individuals shall have the right
to request for inspection, assessment on intellectual
property in order to protect their legitimate rights and
4. The government shall make specific provisions on
inspection and assessment on intellectual property.
Chapter XVII
Article 202
Civil remedies
The court shall take the following civil remedies to
handle organizations and individuals that have
committed acts of infringement of intellectual
property rights:
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1. Compelling termination of the infringement of
intellectual property rights;
2. Compelling public rectification and apology;
3. Compelling the performance of civil obligations;
4. Compelling compensation for damages;
5. Compelling destruction, distribution or use for non-
commercial purpose in respect of goods, materials
and implements the predominant use of which has
been in the creation or trading of intellectual property
right infringing goods, provided that such distribution
and use does not affect the exploitation of rights by
the intellectual property rights holder.
Article 203
Rights and burden of proof of the litigants
1. The plaintiff and defendant in a lawsuit against
infringement of intellectual property rights shall have
the rights and burden of proof provided for in Article
79 of the Civil Procedures Code and this Article.
2. The plaintiff shall prove that he or she is the
intellectual property right holder with one of the
following evidences:
a) A valid copy of the Copyright Registration
Certificate, Related Right Registration Certificate,
Protection Title, or an extract from the National
Registers of Copyrights and Related Rights, the
National Registers of Industrial Designs, layout-designs
and National Registers of Protected Plant Varieties;
b) Necessary evidence proving basis the
establishment of copyrights, related rights in case of
absence of a copyright registration certificate, related
right registration certificate; necessary evidence
proving the rights to business secrets, trade names
or well-known marks;
c) Copies of licensing contracts for using intellectual
property subject matters in case the right to use is
licensed under a contract.
3. The plaintiff shall produce evidence of the
infringement of intellectual property rights or acts of
unfair competition.
4. In a lawsuit against an infringement of the right
to a patented invention, which is a production process,
the defendant shall prove that his or her products
are made by a process other than the protected
a) The product made by the protected process is new;
b) The product made by the protected process is not
new, but the owner of the protected process believes
that the product of the defendant is made by the
protected process and failed identify the process used
by the defendant despite that reasonable measures
have been taken.
5. In case a party to a lawsuit against an infringement
of intellectual property rights has proven that evidence
relevant to substantiation of his or her claims lies in
the control of the other party and therefore
inaccessible, the former shall have the right to request
the court to compel the later to produce such
6. In case of a claim for damages, the plaintiff must
prove his or her actual damages and specify the basis
for his or her claim in accordance with Article 205 of
this Law.
Article 204
Principles of determination of damages caused by
the infringement of intellectual property rights
1. Damages caused by an infringement comprise:
a) Physical damages comprise loss in property,
decrease in income and profits, losses in business
opportunities, reasonable expenses for prevention and
restoration from such damages, reasonable attorney
fees and other tangible losses;
b) Spiritual damages comprise loss to honor, dignity,
prestige, reputation and other spiritual losses caused
to the authors of literary, artistic and scientific works;
to performers, authors of inventions, industrial
designs, lay out designs; and breeders.
2. The level of damage shall be determined on the
basis of the actual losses suffered by the intellectual
property right holders due to the infringement of his
or her intellectual property rights.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
Article 205
Bases for determination of damages caused by the
infringement of intellectual property rights
1. In case the plaintiff succeeds in proving that an
infringement of intellectual property rights has caused
physical damages to him or her, he or she shall have
the right to request the court to determine the rate
of compensation on one of the following bases:
a) The total physical damage determined in an
amount of money plus the profits gained by the
dependant as a result of infringement if reduced
profits of the plaintiff have not yet been included in
the total physical damage;
b) The value of the transfer of the right to use the
intellectual property subject matter with the
presumption that the defendant has been transferred
by the plaintiff with the right to use that intellectual
property subject matter under an agreement for using
such intellectual property subject matter to the extent
equivalent to the act of infringement committed;
c) Where it is impossible to determine the rate of
compensation in accordance with subparagraphs a)
and b) of this paragraph, that rate shall be fixed by
the court depending on the loss level but not
exceeding VND 500 million.
2. If the plaintiff succeeds in proving that the
infringement of intellectual property rights has caused
spiritual damage to him or her, he or she shall have
the right to request the court to determine the rate
of compensation ranging from VND 5 million to VND
50 million, depending on the level of damage.
3. In addition to the damages referred to in clauses
1 and 2 of this Article, an IPR holder may request the
court to compel the infringer to pay reasonable costs
of hiring attorneys.
Article 206
Right to request the court to
apply provisional measures
1. Upon or after initiation of a lawsuit, an intellectual
property right holder shall have the right to request
the court to apply provisional measures in the
following cases:
a) There is a threat of irreparable damage to the
intellectual property right holder;
b) There is a threat of dispersal or destruction of
goods suspected of infringing upon intellectual
property rights and relevant evidence if they are not
protected in time.
2. The court shall decide to apply provisional
measures at the request of the IPR holder as set out
in clause 1 of this Article before listening to the
opinion of the party liable for such provisional
Article 207
Provisional measures
1. The following provisional measures are shall
applicable to goods suspected of infringing upon
intellectual property rights or to the materials, raw
materials or implements for producing or trading such
a. Seizure;
b. Attachment;
c. Sealing, prohibition of changing status or displacing;
d. Prohibition of transferring ownership;
2. Other provisional measures shall be applied in
accordance with the Civil Procedure Code.
Article 208
Obligations of the person who requests for the
application of provisional measures
1. A person who requests for the application of
provisional measures is obliged to prove his or her
right to request as provided for in paragraph 2 Article
206 of this Law, including the production of materials
and evidence as provided for in paragraph 2 Article
203 of this Law.
2. A person who requests for the application of
provisional measures is obliged to pay compensation
for the damages to such provisional measure debtor
in case such person is found not to infringe the IPRs.
To secure the performance of this obligation, the
person who requests for the application of provisional
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measures must deposit a sum of security in one of
the following forms:
a) Depositing an amount of money equal to 20% of
the value of the goods that is subject to the application
of provisional measures, or at least 20 million VND if
it is impossible to evaluate those goods;
b) Submitting a guarantee document issued by a
bank or other credit organizations
Article 209
Termination of the application of
provisional measures
1. The court shall decide to terminate the application
of a provisional measure in any of the cases referred
to in paragraph 1 Article 122 of the Civil Procedure
Code or in case that the provisional measure debtor
succeeds in proving that the application of such
provisional measure is unreasonable.
2. In case of termination of the application of a
provisional measure, the court shall consider
reimbursement to the requesting person of the
deposited amount referred to in paragraph 2 Article
208 of this Law. If the request for the application of
provisional measure is unreasonable, causing damage
to the provisional measure debtor, the court shall
compel the requesting person to compensate the
Article 210
Authorities and procedures for
applying provisional measures
The authorities and procedures for applying
provisional measures shall comply with the provisions
of Chapter VIII of Part One of the Civil Procedure
Chapter XVII
Section 1
Dealing with infringements of intellectual property
rights through administrative and criminal remedies.
Article 211
Acts of IPR infringements liable for
administrative remedies
1. The following acts of IPR infringements shall be
subject to the administrative remedies:
a) Committing an act of infringement of intellectual
property rights, which causes loss to consumers or
the society;
b) Not terminating an act of infringement of
intellectual property rights, even if a written notice
has been served by the intellectual property right
c) Producing, importing, transporting, and trading
in intellectual property counterfeit goods referred to
in Article 213 of this Law or assigning others to do
d) Producing, importing and trading in articles
bearing a mark or a geographical indication that is
identical with or confusingly similar to a protected
mark or a protected geographical indication or
assigning others to do so;
2. The Government shall make specific provisions for
acts of IPR infringements to be liable for administrative
remedies, form and level of remedies and procedures
for imposing such administrative remedies.
3. Organizations and individuals that have committed
acts of unfair competition shall be liable to the
administrative remedies provided for in the
competition legislation.
Article 212
Acts of IPR infringements liable for
criminal remedies
Individuals who have committed acts of infringement
of intellectual property rights having factors that
constitute a crime shall be liable to the criminal
liabilities in accordance with the criminal laws and
Article 213
Intellectual property counterfeit goods
1. Intellectual property counterfeit goods referred to
in this Law include counterfeit mark goods or
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
counterfeit geographical indication goods (hereinafter
referred to as counterfeit mark goods) referred to in
paragraph 2 of this Article and pirated goods referred
to in paragraph 3 of this Article.
2. Counterfeit mark goods are goods or their
packaging bearing a mark or a sign which is identical
with or substantially indistinguishable from a mark
or geographical indication which is protected for such
goods without consent of the owner of such mark or
the management organization of such geographical
indication respectively.
3. Pirated goods are copies made without the
consent of the copyrights holder or the related rights
Article 214
Administrative penalties and remedies
1. Organizations and individuals that have committed
acts of IPR infringement referred to in Article 211.1
of this Law shall be compelled to terminate the
infringement and subject to one of the following main
a) Warning;
b) Monetary fine.
2. Depending on nature and level of the infringement,
the IPR infringing organizations and individuals are
liable to the following complementary remedies:
a) Confiscation of intellectual property counterfeit
goods, materials, raw materials and implements
mainly used for manufacturing or trading such
intellectual property counterfeit goods;
b) Suspension of relevant business activities for a
definite term.
3. In addition to the remedies referred to in
paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, organizations and
individuals that have committed IPR infringing acts
are liable to the following restoration remedies:
a) Compelling destruction, distribution or use of the
intellectual property counterfeit goods for non-
commercial purposes and materials, raw materials and
implements mainly used for manufacturing or trading
such intellectual property counterfeit goods provided
that such distribution and use does not affect the
exploitation of rights by intellectual property right
b) Compelling delivery of the transiting goods out
of the territory of Vietnam or re-export of the
intellectual property counterfeit goods, implements
and materials that are imported mainly for
manufacturing or trading such intellectual property
counterfeit goods, after having removed infringing
4. The monetary fine rates referred to in
subparagraph b of paragraph 1 of this Article shall
be at least equal to the value of the discovered
infringing goods but must not exceed five times of
that value.
The Government shall make detailed provisions for
the method of determination of the value of infringing
Article 215
Application of preventative measures
1. In the following cases, organizations and
individuals shall have the right to request the
competent agency to apply administrative remedies
and ensure that administrative penalties shall be
imposed in accordance with clause 2 of this Article:
a) Acts of infringement of intellectual property rights
may cause serious damage to consumers or the
b) There is a threat of the infringing means being
dispersed or the infringer evading his or her liabilities;
c) In order to guarantee the implementation of
administrative remedies.
2. Administrative preventative measures applicable
under administrative procedures to the infringement
of intellectual property rights comprise the followings:
a) Temporary hold of related individuals;
b) Temporary detention of the goods, means and
implements used for such infringement;
c) Search of related individuals;
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d) Search of the place where infringing goods, means
and implements are stored;
d’) Other administrative preventative measures in
accordance with the laws and regulations.
Section 2
Control of IP-related imports and exports
Article 216
Border control measures of IP-related
imports and exports
1. Border control measures of IP-related imports and
exports comprise the followings:
a) Suspension of customs procedures for suspected
intellectual property right infringing goods.
b) Supervision to detect goods containing signs of
infringement of intellectual property rights.
2. Suspension of customs procedures for suspected
intellectual property right infringing goods is a
measure taken at the request of the intellectual
property right holder for the purpose of collecting
information and evidence about the lots of goods
which serves as the basis for the intellectual property
right holder to exercise the right to request for the
handling of the infringement and to request for the
application of provisional measures or preventive
measures, and to ensure that an administrative
penalty is to be imposed.
3. Examination and supervision to detect goods
containing signs of infringement of intellectual
property rights is a measure taken at the request of
the intellectual property right holder for the purpose
of collecting information in order to exercise the right
to request for the suspension of customs procedures.
4. During the course of application of measures
referred to in paragraphs 2 or 3 of this Article, if any
goods detected to be intellectual property counterfeit
goods in accordance with Article 213 of this Law, the
customs offices shall have the right and duty to impose
administrative remedies referred to in Article 214 and
Article 215 of this Law.
Article 217
Obligations of person who requests for the
application of border control measures of IP-related
imports and exports
1. A person who requests for the application of
border control measure in respect of IP-related imports
and exports shall have the following obligations:
a. Proving that he or she is the intellectual property
right holder by producing the materials and evidence
referred to in paragraph 2 Article 203 of this Law.
b. Providing information sufficient to identify the
suspected intellectual property right infringing goods
or to discover infringing goods.
c. Lodging an application with the customs office
and pay fees and charges prescribed by the laws and
d. Payment of damages and other incurred expenses
to the persons being subject to such measure in case
the goods subject to that control measure are found
not to infringe upon IPRS.
2. To secure the performance of the obligations set
out in clause 1(d) of this Article, a person requesting
for the application of measure of suspension of
customs procedures must deposit a sum of security
in one of the following methods:
a) Depositing an amount of money equal to 20% of
the value of the lots of goods that is subject to the
suspension of customs procedures; or at least VND
20 million if it is impossible to evaluate such lots of
b) Submitting a guarantee document issued by a
bank or other credit organizations.
Article 218
Procedures for the application of
suspension of customs procedures
1. When a person who requests for the suspension
of customs procedures has properly performed his or
her obligations provided for in Article 217 of this Law,
the customs office shall issue the decision on
suspension of customs procedures with regard to
relevant lots of goods.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
2. The term of suspension of customs procedures
shall be 10 working days from the date of issuing the
decision on the suspension of customs procedures.
This term may be prolonged up to 20 working days if
the person who requests for the suspension of
customs procedures has due reasons and having
deposited an additional amount of money referred
to in paragraph 2 of Article 217 of this Law.
3. At the expiration of the term provided for in
paragraph 2 of this Article if the person who requests
for the suspension of customs procedures fails to
initiate a civil lawsuit and the customs office does
not accept the case to handle the importer of the
lots of goods under administrative procedures, the
customs office shall:
a) Continue the completion of customs procedures
for such lots of goods;
b) Compel the person who requests for the
suspension of customs procedures to compensate all
the damages incurred by the owner of the lots of
goods due to unreasonable request for the suspension
of customs procedures, and to pay expenses for
storage and preservation of goods as well as other
costs incurred by the customs office and other related
organizations and individuals in accordance with the
laws and regulations on customs;
c) Reimburse the person who requests for the
suspension of customs procedures the rest of the
deposited guarantee amount after having performed
obligations and paid all the costs referred to in sub-
paragraph b) of this paragraph.
Article 219
Examination and supervision to detect goods
containing signs of IPR infringement
When an IPR holder requests for examination and
supervision to detect a lot of goods containing signs
of IP infringement and when such lot of goods is
detected, the customs office shall immediately notify
the person who requests for such examination and
supervision. Within three working days from the date
of such notification, if the person that made the
request fails to make a request for suspension of
customs procedures with regard to the detected lot
of goods and the customs office does not decide to
handle the importer of the lots of goods with
administrative remedies in accordance with Articles
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11
214 and 215 of this Law, the customs office shall
continue the completion of customs procedures for
such lots of goods.
Article 220
Transitional provisions
1. Any copyright or related right protected under the
legal documents applicable before the effective date
of this Law shall continue to be protected under this
Law if it remains in term of protection on that date.
2. Any applications for registration of copyright,
related rights, inventions, utility solutions, industrial
designs, trademarks, appellations of origin, layout-
designs, new plant varieties which have been filed
with competent authorities before the effective date
of this Law shall be handled in accordance with legal
instruments at the time of the filing of the application.
3. All rights and obligations conferred by Protection
Titles granted under the provisions applicable before
the effective date of this Law and procedures for
maintenance, renewal, correction, license,
assignment, resolution of disputes concerning these
protection titles shall be subject to this Law, except
for those grounds for invalidation of a Protection Title
which shall only be subject to the provisions of legal
documents applicable at the time of its grant.
4. Trade secrets and trade names which have been
existing and protected under Decree 54/2000/ND-CP
dated October 3, 2000 of the Government on the
protection of industrial property rights with regard
to trade secrets, geographical indications, trade
names and the protection of rights against industrial
property related unfair competition shall be continued
to be protected under this Law.
5. From the effective date of this Law, geographical
indications, including those protected under the
Decree referred in paragraph 4 of this Article, shall
only be protected if they are registered with the state
administration authority of industrial property.
Article 221
This Law shall enter into force as from 1 July 2006.
No. 101 - DECEMBER 2007
Article 222
Guidance of implementation
The Government and the Supreme People’s Court
shall make detailed provisions and provide guidelines
for the implementation of this Law.
This Law has been ratified by the Legislature XI of
the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of
Vietnam in its 8th session on November 29, 2005.
Viet Nam Law No. 50/2005/QH11