Funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under
Germany´s Excellence Strategy EXC 2126/1 390838866 is gratefully acknowledged.
Discussion Paper No. 212
November 2022
Francisco Amaral Martin Dohmen
Sebastian Kohl Moritz Schularick
Interest Rates and the Spatial Polarization of
Housing Markets
Funding by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under
Germany’s Excellence Strategy EXC 2126/1-390838866 is gratefully acknowledged.
Interest rates and the spatial polarization of
housing markets
Francisco Amaral, Martin Dohmen, Sebastian Kohl, and Moritz Schularick
November 29, 2022
Rising within-country differences in house values are a much debated trend in
the U.S. and internationally. Using new long-run regional data for 15 advanced
economies, we first show that standard explanations linking growing price dispersion
to rent dispersion are contradicted by an important stylized fact: rent dispersion
has increased far less than price dispersion. We then propose a new explanation: a
uniform decline in real risk-free interest rates can have heterogeneous spatial effects
on house values. Falling real safe rates disproportionately push up prices in large
agglomerations where initial rent-price ratios are low, leading to housing market
polarization on the national level.
Keywords: House prices, regional housing markets, spatial polarization
JEL codes: G10, G12, G51, R30
This work is part of a larger project supported by the European Research Council Grant (ERC-
2017-COG 772332). We thank Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Benjamin Born, Andrea Eisfeldt, Arpit Gupta, Dmitry
Kuvshinov, Andrea Modena, Amine Ouazad, Marco Pagano, Francisco Queir
os and the participants at
the ”The Socioeconomics of Housing and Finance” workshop in Berlin and at the ”ECHOPPE Housing
Conference” in Toulouse for helpful feedback. The project also received support from the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy EXC 2126/1 390838866.
Amaral: Macro Finance Lab, University of Bonn,
; Dohmen: Macro
Finance Lab, University of Bonn,
; Kohl: Free University Berlin,
Schularick: University of Bonn and Sciences Po Paris,
1 Introduction
In 1980, the median home in Scranton, PA, was worth more than half the median
home in New York City. By 2018, its value had decreased to one fifth of the New
York City home according to U.S. Census data. In the U.S. and internationally, there
has been a substantial increase in regional housing price differences since the 1980s
(Van Nieuwerburgh and Weill, 2010; Hilber and Mense, 2021). The spatial structure
of economic activity has changed considerably across countries in recent decades. A
prominent trend is increasing social and spatial polarization among different sub-
national housing markets. As housing is the most important asset for most households,
the increasing dispersion of housing prices and housing wealth have become the subject
of intense public debate.
From an economic point of view, rising price dispersion across segmented housing
markets could increase spatial misallocation of labor as productive workers are forced
to stay in places where housing is still affordable. For instance, Hsieh and Moretti (2019)
estimate that such misallocation slowed down the growth rate of U.S. GDP by one third
in past decades. An increase in local housing prices has also been shown to lead to
more misallocation of capital (Herkenhoff, Ohanian, and Prescott, 2018), to affect local
non-tradable employment (Mian and Sufi, 2014) and demand conditions (Mian and
Sufi, 2011; Mian, Rao, and Sufi, 2013; Guren et al., 2020), as well as consumer prices
(Stroebel and Vavra, 2019).
Why have housing prices risen more in some locations than in others? In the most
parsimonious framework, rental cash flows determine the value of housing assets: the
price of a house is equivalent to the discounted expected future rental cash flow it
generates (Poterba, 1984). An important implication and the starting point for most
existing explanations of growing housing price dispersion is that price and rent
dispersion should evolve in lockstep. Yet, as we will show, this approach is at odds
with an important stylized fact: rent dispersion has increased considerably less than
price dispersion in recent decades, both in the U.S. and internationally. Existing studies
that model housing price dispersion as a function of growing differences in local rents
; Van Nieuwerburgh and Weill, 2010; Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai, 2013) typically
overestimate changes in rent dispersion by a substantial margin.
We use a novel long-run data set of housing prices and rents for 27 major agglomera-
tions in 15 developed countries as well as long-run data covering the entire cross-section
of U.S. MSAs, and show that price–rent ratios in large agglomerations have increased
about twice as much as the national average since the 1980s. Moreover, new research
For instance, existing homeowners in high price urban areas have an incentive to restrict urban growth
to the detriment of new buyers (Ortalo-Magn
e and Prat, 2014). The increasing polarization of housing
wealth may have also contributed to political polarization at the national level (Adler and Ansell, 2019;
Ansell, 2019).
using granular transaction data suggest that the disconnect between rent and price
dispersion is not driven by measurement error due to market segmentation between
owner-occupied and rental housing (Begley, Loewenstein, and Willen, 2021; Demers and
Eisfeldt, 2021).
We propose a novel explanation that allows for increasing dispersion of within-
country housing prices despite much smaller increases in rent dispersion, and ultimately
even without changes in rents altogether. In essence, we argue that a decline in real
risk-free interest rates will have differential effects on housing prices if there is hetero-
geneity in initial rent–price ratios across housing markets within an economy. U.S. and
international data provide ample evidence for such differences in rental yields across
regions. Importantly, large agglomerations exhibit systematically lower rent–price ratios
than smaller cities and more remote regions (Demers and Eisfeldt, 2021; Hilber and
Mense, 2021). Such differences in rent–price ratios can be generated either by spatial
heterogeneity in housing risk, or by differences in local rent growth expectations.
Empirically, the presence of higher housing risk premia outside the large agglomerations
has been demonstrated by Amaral et al. (2021). There is limited evidence on rent growth
expectations on the regional level, but realized rent growth does not seem to differ much
between the major agglomerations and the national average (Van Nieuwerburgh and
Weill, 2010; Amaral et al., 2021). Note, however, that for our proposed mechanism the
source of the heterogeneity in initial rent–price ratios is irrelevant.
To rationalize how the well-documented decline in real safe interest rates since
the 1980s (Holston, Laubach, and Williams, 2017; Del Negro et al., 2019) has boosted
economy-wide housing price dispersion in the presence of initial difference in rent–price
ratios, we turn to a spatial version of the Gordon growth model (Gordon, 1962).
integrate heterogeneity in risk premia and rent growth expectations across regions in
the present-value equation for housing prices and show that a fall in real discount rates
disproportionately affects the valuation of housing in cities in which initial rent–price
ratios are low. This is because a fall in discount rates leads to a linear fall in rent–price
ratios but a non-linear increase in the price–rent ratio as the inverse function of the
rent–price ratio. With lower initial levels in larger agglomerations such as New York
City, a fall in economy-wide real safe interest rate leads to stronger increases in the
price–rent ratios in these places and to an increase in economy-wide housing price
dispersion without concomitant rent dispersion.
In a last step, we calibrate our model to the data and demonstrate that it can generate
an increase in prices as well as increasing dispersion of price–rent ratios similar to the
Note that this holds under more general conditions. Using a simple discount rate cash flow
decomposition (Campbell and Shiller, 1988), differences in rent–price ratios are driven by local rent
growth expectations or by differences in local housing discount rates.
In Figure 9, we plot the evolution of real safe rates for the U.S. and the world using the estimates
from Del Negro et al. (2019). Safe rates display a continuous downward trend since the mid-1980s.
observational data. Quantitatively, a fall of the real discount rate of 1.3 percentage points
between 1985 and 2018 generates the rise in real housing prices and their dispersion
observed in our sample of 27 large agglomerations. A 1.3 percentage points fall is close
to existing estimates that point to a fall in real housing discount rates of around 1 and 1.1
percentage points over a similar period (Bracke, Pinchbeck, and Wyatt, 2018; Kuvshinov
and Zimmermann, 2020). Note that the fall in real discount rates was less pronounced
than the fall in the real safe rate, as there is evidence that risk-premia increased over
this period (Caballero, Farhi, and Gourinchas, 2017).
We are not the first to link the rise in real housing prices to declining real interest rates
on the national level (Miles and Monro, 2019; Garriga, Manuelli, and Peralta-Alva, 2019).
Yet to the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to make the point that, in the
presence of initial heterogeneity in rent–price ratios, declining real risk-free interest rates
can not only explain rising overall real housing prices, but also growing housing price
dispersion. Related work by Kroen et al. (2021) for the stock market shows that falling
real interest rates contribute to the rise of superstar firms, especially when interest rate
levels are low.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The following section examines
existing explanations for the increase in housing price dispersion and the evidence
suggesting that these explanations are insufficient. Section 2.2 presents new empirical
evidence that housing price dispersion has notably increased more than rent dispersion
since the 1980s. The subsequent section presents the new mechanism and confirms that
it matches the empirical evidence and can generate the excess price dispersion observed
in the data. The final section concludes.
2 Polarization of housing markets
Table 1 shows the price ratio between the most expensive and the median city as
well as the coefficient of variation of housing prices for cities for the U.S., Sweden,
Germany and the UK in 1980 and today. The ratio of the most expensive to the
median housing price region, and the change in the coefficient of variation tell a
consistent story: in the U.S. and internationally, price dispersion in housing markets
has increased substantially since the 1980s. Rising polarization and its causes have
attracted considerable attention in the spatial and urban economics literature, e.g.,
Glaeser and Gyourko (2002); Quigley and Raphael (2005); Glaeser, Gyourko, and
Saiz (2008); Saks (2008); Saiz (2010); Van Nieuwerburgh and Weill (2010); Gyourko,
Mayer, and Sinai (2013); Favara and Imbs (2015); Hilber and Vermeulen (2016); Been,
Ellen, and O’Regan (2018); Oikarinen et al. (2018); Arundel and Hochstenbach (2019);
Hilber and Mense (2021); Molloy, Nathanson, and Paciorek (2022); Vanhapelto (2022).
Table 1: Price ratio of most expensive to median city & regional coefficient of variation
Ratio (Max/Median) Coefficient of Variation
1980 Today
1980 Today
USA 2.81 8.28 2.9 0.23 0.70 3.1 311
SWE 2.97* 6.14 2.1 0.31* 0.54 1.8 290
DEU 1.45 2.66 1.8 0.20 0.44 2.3 42
UK 3.19* 5.00 1.6 0.31* 0.53 1.7 307
Note: The table shows the housing price ratio of the most expensive to the median location as well as the coefficient of
variation for housing prices in the U.S., Sweden, Germany and the UK in 1980 and today. The units of observation
are the following: for the U.S. MSAs, for Sweden and Germany municipalities and for the U.K. local planning
authorities. *: The data for Sweden starts in 1981 and for the UK in 1995. Data for today is from 2018 for the
U.S. and Germany, from 2020 for the UK and from 2021 for Sweden. The coefficient of variation is defined as
the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean, which are both weighted by initial population. Data sources are:
U.S.: Housing census (1980) and American Community Survey (2018) (see below); Sweden: Purchase price of one-
and two-dwelling buildings by municipality from Statistics Sweden; Germany: Preisspiegel Immobilienverband
Deutschland (Amaral et al., 2021); UK: Median house prices for administrative geographies from the Office for
National Statistics.
2.1 Price dispersion in spatial housing models
In the existing literature, increasing price dispersion is typically linked to diverging
housing market fundamentals across regions. In spatial housing models, price dispersion
derives from the embedded present value equation for housing:
1 + r
, (1)
is the real housing price in city i at time t,
is the stream of future
real rent payments net of costs, and
is the real discount rate at time t. Note that we are
abstracting from consumption growth in our definition of
The equation directly links
current local housing prices and current and future local rents. Changes in economic
fundamentals, such as wages, affect local demand for housing services and thereby rents
and housing prices.
For instance, Van Nieuwerburgh and Weill (2010) construct a spatial, dynamic equi-
librium model in the tradition of Rosen (1979) and Roback (1982) for the distribution of
metropolitan areas in the U.S. These metropolitan areas are hit by idiosyncratic and per-
sistent productivity shocks. Households with heterogeneous abilities move freely across
Note that equation 1 can be derived from a simple consumption based asset-pricing model where
investors derive utility from current and future consumption, by setting
= β
, where
is the
discount factor of the investor and
its marginal utility with respect to consumption (Cochrane, 2005).
To simplify, we will abstract from the influence of consumption growth on
and simply refer to
as the
real discount rate.
metropolitan areas in reaction to these shocks. Housing supply is limited by supply
regulations, meaning that rents will adjust to compensate for regional wage differences.
This, in turn, determines housing prices. The authors calibrate productivity shocks to
match the increase in the observed regional wage dispersion between metropolitan areas
from 1975 to 2007. The model matches the increase in housing price dispersion observed
in the data. However, as the authors note, it also produces an increase in rent dispersion
three times larger than observed empirically.
In another well-known paper, Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) develop a two-
location model to show that increasing national demand generated by population
growth affects regions differently, depending on local housing supply elasticities. Under
the assumption that people prefer to live in supply-constrained cities, the model predicts
that in response to increasing national demand, supply-constrained cities will experience
a stronger rental increase than unconstrained cities. This increase in rents passes through
to housing prices via the present-value equation. The authors call the cities that display
a combination of low supply elasticities and strong housing price growth “superstar
cities”. The paper does not explicitly study the model predictions for rents, but in
Appendix A, we use the paper’s data and show that prices in superstar cities increased
considerably more than rents.
A partial exception to the assumption that growing housing price dispersion is a
function of increasing rent dispersion is Hilber and Mense (2021). The authors use
regional data for the U.K. from 1997 to 2018 and start from the empirical observation that
prices have increased much more in the “superstar” city London than rents, i.e., the price–
rent ratio has surged in London compared to the rest of the country. They explain this
with serially correlated housing demand shocks that induce heterogeneous rent growth
expectations. However, the paper is chiefly concerned with cyclical fluctuations and
the proposed mechanism generates transitory divergence in price–rent ratios between
regions. Over longer horizons, housing demand shocks mean-revert so that rents and
prices move in lockstep (Piazzesi and Schneider, 2016).
2.2 Empirical evidence on pr ice and rent dispersion
Explanations focused on rent dispersion as the source of increasing price dispersion
are at odds with one important stylized fact in the data: price dispersion has increased
much more than rent dispersion. Evidence for such divergent trends has not only been
exposed in the U.K. data discussed above (Hilber and Mense, 2021), but also in recent
U.S. data (Demers and Eisfeldt, 2021; Molloy, Nathanson, and Paciorek, 2022).
Concerns that measurement error could be responsible for the apparent divergence
between rent and price growth do not appear convincing in the light of recent studies
with micro data. In principle, market segmentation could lead to selection bias if rental
data are typically taken from lower quality segments of the housing market while prices
mainly come from higher-quality segments (Glaeser and Gyourko, 2007). However,
Begley, Loewenstein, and Willen (2021) study micro-data from Corelogic on prices and
rents for the same property to estimate price–rent ratios, thereby avoiding selection
bias. They show that the price variation in owner- and renter-occupied housing markets
are closely correlated. If anything, renter-occupied prices have risen more than owner-
occupied prices. Demers and Eisfeldt (2021) also use micro-data from the American
Housing Survey to build rent–price ratios for 15 different U.S. cities from 1985 to 2020.
Relying on hedonic models and non-parametric methods, they show that rent–price
ratios fell most strongly in “expensive” cities.
In the following, we systematize the available evidence for price and rental dispersion
using two comprehensive data sets that have recently become available (Amaral et
al., 2021). One is a long-run cross country data set; the other covers the entire cross-
section of regions in the U.S.. Both data sets show that dispersion in housing prices
increased substantially more than dispersion in rents since the 1980s.
The first data set covers housing price series, rent series, and rent–price ratios for 27
agglomerations in 15 OECD countries over the past century. The major agglomerations
are defined as the largest cities within each country in terms of 1900 population statistics,
including cities like London, New York, Paris, Berlin and Tokyo. We merge the city-level
series with nation-wide housing data from Jord
a et al. (2019).
The second covers the entire cross-section of 316 MSAs in the U.S. It comprises
of housing prices, rents and price–rent ratios with decadal frequency from housing
censuses. It is based on the data in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013), but extended to
2018 using the American Community Survey.
Figure 1 panel (a) plots the geometric mean of real housing price and rent increases
between 1980 and 2018 for the 27 major agglomerations next to the geometric mean of
national real housing price and rent increases.
The national means are weighted by
the number of sample agglomerations in the respective country. The Figure brings two
key insights. First, housing prices have grown much more than rents in both the major
agglomerations and at national levels. Second, housing prices have grown considerably
more in the major agglomerations than the national average. The difference in mean
growth rates is as large as 70 basis points per year, which implies that mean growth
rates for the agglomerations have been more than 50% higher compared to national
housing price growth rates over the past four decades. With only 35 basis points the
difference in yearly rent growth rates is considerably lower.
Appendix B presents geometric means of housing price and rent growth rates
We use log growth rates to calculate means and confidence intervals, such that the resulting values
can be interpreted as geometric means. This way, mean values show the overall trend during the past 4
decades and are not driven by the volatility of the series.
Figure 1:
Evolution of housing price and rent growth rates and price-rent ratios between 1980 and 2018
(a) Annual growth rates 27 major agglomerations
0 .5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Annual growth rate (%)
Housing prices Rents
(b) Annual growth rates U.S. MSAs
0 .2 .4 .6 .8
0 1 2 3 4
Annual growth rate (%)
Housing prices
(c) Price-rent ratios 27 major agglomerations
.5 1 1.5
Price-rent ratio (1980 = 1)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
(d) Price-rent ratios U.S. MSAs
0 .05 .1 .15 .2
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Note: Panel (a): Geometric mean of annual housing price and rent growth rates of 27 major agglomerations (black)
and the respective national averages weighted by the number of sample agglomerations in the respective country.
Means and confidence intervals are calculated using log growth rates and transformed back to percentage growth
rates afterwards. Panel (b): Kernel density of annualized housing price and rent growth rates between 1980 and
2018 for 316 U.S. MSAs. Panel (c): Index of equally-weighted average increases of price-rent ratios of 27 major
agglomerations and average national increases of price-rent ratios weighted by the number of sample agglomerations
in the respective country. 1980=1. Panel (d): Kernel density of price-rent ratios of 316 U.S. MSAs in 1980 and
2018 calculated from net rental yields.
between 1980 and 2018 by city, demonstrating that housing prices have grown more than
rents in almost all economies. Housing price growth has been higher at the city-level
than nationally for virtually all agglomerations in the cross-country data set. This
phenomenon is particularly pronounced for the largest agglomerations, like London,
New York or Paris.
Figure 1 panel (b) shows kernel densities for the geometric mean of housing price
and rent growth rates between 1980 and 2018 by MSA for the full sample of U.S. MSAs.
Housing price growth rates have not only been on average higher compared to rent
growth rates, but also show more dispersion. The fat right tail of housing price growth
rates is particularly striking. As discussed in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) this
indicates that a small set of cities had very high yearly housing price growth rates.
Importantly, this is not mirrored by rent growth rates.
A necessary condition for our mechanism to hold is that rent–price ratios differ
initially by cities. We mapped rent-price ratios for US MSAs in 1980. The resulting
Figure 10 in the Appendix visually shows a correlation between city size and the initial
rent-price ratios and a clear geographical clustering: the regions with populous urban
agglomerations at the coasts already started with considerably lower rent-price ratios in
1980 when compared to the cities in the more rural central regions.
Additionally, we
show in Figure 3 that this result also holds for our international data set.
Figure 1 panel (c) shows the average increases in price-rent ratios over time for
the 27 major agglomerations and on the national level to show the proportion of the
housing price dispersion that cannot be accounted for by rent dispersion. Changes
in price–rent ratios indicate how much housing prices changed after accounting for
changes in rents. From previous observations, price–rent ratios are expected to have
increased considerably since 1980. More importantly, the data show that price–rent
ratios have increased considerably more in the major agglomerations than the national
average. While the gap in price–rent ratios varies over the cycle, a phenomenon that
could be explained by the mechanism proposed in Hilber and Mense (2021), it shows
a strong persistence over the last decades and seems to be increasing over time. The
gap starts to arise during the 1980s and does not exist in the period before. This timing
coincides with the fall in the risk free rate.
Figure 1 panel (d) plots the distribution of U.S. MSA-level price–rent ratios in 1980
and 2018, demonstrating not only that the dispersion of price-rent ratios was already
substantial in 1980, but also that it increased considerably over the last decades. Again,
this phenomenon is particularly strong for the distribution’s right tail, where also the
major agglomerations like New York are located. As expected, mean price–rent ratios
have also increased over time. Still, the coefficient of variation (CV) increased from 0.19
to 0.32.
3 Falling real interest rates and housing price dispersion
This section constructs a parsimonious, spatial asset-pricing model of the housing
market to rationalize an increase in housing price dispersion that does not follow from
increasing rent dispersion but results from differences in initial rent–price ratios between
Demers and Eisfeldt (2021) also show substantial differences in rent-price ratios for a smaller sample
of U.S. MSAs in the 1980s.
We also start from present value equation (1), the only difference being that we allow
for differences in real discount rates between cities:
1 + r
. (2)
From a theoretical perspective, a combination of local market segmentation and incom-
plete markets imply that discount rates do not need to equalize between cities.
Schneider, and Stroebel (2020) show that housing markets are locally segmented, using
data on online searches to document large differences in housing search behavior across
different municipalities in California.
Housing markets are also incomplete because
housing assets are indivisible, and homeowners are typically non-diversified. The lack of
diversification implies limitations to arbitrage precluding discount rates from equalizing
(Piazzesi and Schneider, 2016).
Empirically, Amaral et al. (2021) show that over the long run returns have been
persistently lower in large cities than in the rest of the country. Differences in housing
returns are likely due to differences in housing risk, as housing prices co-vary less with
income in larger MSAs and idiosyncratic housing price risk is lower. The assumption that
the discount rate differs geographically is further supported by the empirical evidence
that landlords concentrate their housing portfolios close to their place of residency,
exposing them to local housing market risks (Levy, 2021).
In the following, we assume that discount rates are composed of a risk-free compo-
nent, that is equal for the entire country and a risk-premium that can differ by the city
invested in;
= risk-free
+ risk-premium
. To simplify the discussion, we make two
additional assumptions: First, we assume that rents in city i are expected at time t to
grow at a constant rate
. Second, we assume that
> g
, such that housing prices
are finite. This allows us to rewrite equation (2) as the Gordon (1962) growth valuation
1 + g
1 + r
= Rent
1 + g
. (3)
Following this equation, the rent-price ratio is equal to:
Rent-price ratio
1 + g
. (4)
We next consider a setting with two cities: agglomeration A and reservation city
B. The reservation city can be understood as the average of all other locations within
Sagi (2021) builds a housing search model, showing that heterogeneity in discount rates is an essential
condition to explain the dynamics in real estate prices.
They also demonstrate that differences in housing search between different quality segments within
municipalities are less pronounced.
a country except the large agglomeration. To compare both cities, we make three
additional assumptions. First, as argued in the urban economics literature (Gyourko,
Mayer, and Sinai, 2013; Hilber and Mense, 2021) we assume expected rent growth in the
large agglomeration is higher than or equal to the reservation city;
. Second,
as argued above, we assume that risk-premia are lower or equal for housing investments
in large agglomerations compared to the reservation city, such that
. Third,
we assume that at least one of the two previous inequalities is strict, such that rent–price
ratios are lower in the agglomeration and:
> r
> 0. (5)
From equation (3) we can write the log price difference between cities A and B as:
) log(P
) = log(Rent
) + log
1 + g
) log
1 + g
. (6)
Next we derive the predictions of our model after a fall in the real risk-free rate. We
assume that the real risk-free rate decreases by , such that:
) log(P
) =
) + log
1 + g
) log
1 + g
. (7)
If we differentiate with respect to and under the assumptions made above, we get:
) log(P
> 0.
This demonstrates that a uniform fall in real discount rates across both cities, generated
by a fall in the real risk-free rate, increases housing price dispersion if rent–price ratios
initially differ.
The intuition for this observation is presented in Figure 2. Panel (a) plots the rent–
price ratio in the model as a function of
r g
for a varying
, wherein the rent–price
ratio changes linearly in
. Following equation (5), we assume that
r g
is lower in
the agglomeration at time t, resulting in a lower rent–price ratio. Next, we assume
that between
t + 1
r falls in both cities by one percentage point. This leads to
an approximately equal fall in the rent–price ratio in the agglomeration (A) and in the
reservation city (B).
Figure 2 panel (b) plots the corresponding price–rent ratio. As the price–rent ratio
is the inverse function of the rent–price ratio, when
changes, the price–rent ratio
changes in a non-linear fashion. Since the initial price–rent ratio is higher in the
Figure 2: A fall in discount rates in the model
(a) Rent-price ratios
Agglomeration A, t
Reservation city B, t
Agglomeration A, t+1
Reservation city B, t+1
0 .02 .04 .06 .08
0 .02 .04 .06 .08
(b) Price-rent ratios
Agglomeration A, t
Reservation city B, t
Agglomeration A, t+1
Reservation city B, t+1
10 20 30 40
0 .02 .04 .06 .08
Note: Panel (a) plots the rent–price ratio in our model as a function of
r g
. To calculate the points, we assumed
that g = 0.0175. Panel (b) shows the corresponding price–rent ratio.
agglomeration, an equally large fall in
leads to a larger increase in the price–rent ratio
in the agglomeration than in the reservation city. Subsequently, the price dispersion
between the agglomeration and the reservation city increases when
falls, even when
rents are constant in both cities.
3.1 Rent–price ratios in the data
The previous section determined that price dispersion increases in response to a fall
in the real risk-free rate if rent–price ratios initially differ. Our model also predicts a
parallel fall in rent–price ratios across cities due to a fall in the real risk-free rate.
Figure 3 plots the average rent-price ratios in the 27 major agglomerations and on the
national level. Two observations are important. First, rent–price ratios have been lower
in the major agglomerations over the entire period since 1950. This evidence validates
the assumption regarding the initial differences in rent–price ratios.
Second, the rent–price ratios in the major agglomerations and at the national level
have moved in parallel trajectories since 1985 (abstracting from the cyclical variation),
suggesting a common downward trend. Rent-price ratios fell by around 1.2 percentage
points from 1985 to 2018 in the major agglomerations and at the national level. The
equally large fall in rent–price ratios in the major agglomerations and at the national
level is equivalent to the parallel fall in rent–price ratios predicted by the model. Note
that alternative mechanisms that attempt to explain the increase in price dispersion
based on factors that solely affect the major agglomerations, would predict a divergence
in rent–price ratios between the major agglomerations and the rest.
We also use the U.S. MSA-level data to compare the full distribution of price–rent
Figure 3: Rent–price ratios in the data
Note: The solid black line is the non-weighted average rent–price ratio of 27 major agglomerations. The dashed blue
line is the average of the national rent–price ratio weighted by the number of sample agglomerations in the respective
ratios in 2018 with our model prediction. While the data align well with our proposed
mechanism, there is room for other factors at play such as diverging rent growth
expectations between the large agglomerations and the rest of the economy. We discuss
this in more detail in Appendix D.
4 Model calibration
To simulate the increase in price dispersion in response to a fall in r in our model,
we calibrate the model to the following values. We set the expected real rent growth in
the agglomeration and the reservation city equal to 1.75 %,
= g
= 0.0175 t
, which
is close to long-run real rent growth rates observed in our international data set.
we assume that the real discount rate in the agglomeration is 1 percentage point lower
than in the reservation city;
= r
0.01 t
. This is equivalent to the difference in
total housing returns of around 1 percentage point found in Amaral et al. (2021). For
simplification we assume that real rents in the agglomeration and in the reservation city
are equal to one in period one, Rent
= Rent
= 1.
Figure 4 panel (a) plots the resulting price–rent ratios in the agglomeration and
Between 1950 and 2018, rents grew on average by 1.86 % in the 27 major agglomerations and by 1.65
% at the national level.
Figure 4: Simulated price-rent ratios in response to a fall in r
(a) Price-rent ratios as a function of r
20 40 60 80
Price-rent ratio
.1 .09 .08 .07 .06 .05 .04
Agglomeration A
Reservation city B
(b) Model predictions vs. data
0 10 20 30 40
Price-rent ratio
fall in r = 0.010 fall in r = 0.013 fall in r = 0.015
1985 2018 1985 2018 1985 2018
National Model National Data
Agglomeration Model Agglomeration Data
Note: Panel (a) shows price–rent ratios for the agglomeration and the reservation city in the model relative to the
discount rate in the reservation city. Panel (b) compares the model to the data for different assumed values of the fall
in the discount rate r. For both exercises, we assume that g = 0.0175 and r
= r
reservation cities as a function of
, demonstrating that the dispersion in price–rent
ratios increases when discount rates fall. Although the initial difference between the
cities is small for high discount rates, the difference becomes substantial as discount
rates become smaller.
The next step is to assess whether our model matches the increasing levels and dis-
persion of price–rent ratios in the data. This requires estimates for the housing discount
rates in 1985 and 2018. The estimated decline in the real risk-free rate ranges from 2.5 to
5 percentage points depending on the estimation method (Del Negro et al., 2019; Rachel
and Summers, 2019). At the same time, there is considerable evidence that risk-premia
have risen during this period, which partly offsets the effect of the fall in the risk-free
rate on housing discount rates (Caballero, Farhi, and Gourinchas, 2017; Kuvshinov and
Zimmermann, 2020). To the best of our knowledge, there exist two estimates for the
decline in real housing discount rates over this period. Using data on U.K. leaseholds,
Bracke, Pinchbeck, and Wyatt (2018) estimate a drop of around 1 percentage point
between the 1990s and the 2010s for very long housing discount rates, their results are
in line with Giglio, Maggiori, and Stroebel (2015), who also estimate discount rates for
the housing market in Singapore.
Kuvshinov and Zimmermann (2020) estimate a
drop of around 1.1 percentage points between 1985 and 2015 for a sample of developed
countries very similar to ours.
Figure 4 panel (b) compares the price–rent ratios predicted by our model to the actual
The same result is demonstrated by Kroen et al. (2021) for stock markets.
Both papers measure discount rates for housing service flows more than 100 years in the future.
Our sample additionally contains Canada and our data sources differ for some specific countries. The
details can be found in the Data Appendix of Amaral et al. (2021).
price–rent ratios in the data for the years 1985 and 2018. We represent three scenarios
for the fall in real discount rates. On the left, real discount rates fell by 1 p.p., in the
middle by 1.3 p.p. and on the right by 1.5 p.p. Overall, the model slightly overshoots the
price–rent ratio in the major agglomerations in 1985.
This indicates that the difference
in risk-premia between the agglomerations and the national average was either smaller
than 1 percentage point or the rent-growth expectations have been slightly higher in the
major agglomerations.
In the scenario where real discount rates fall by 1 percentage point, our model cannot
fully account for the rise in levels and dispersion of the price–rent ratio. It does, however,
generate a substantial portion of the increase in levels and dispersion we observe in the
data. Assuming a fall in
of 1.5 percentage points instead, our model does overshoot
both the level and the dispersion in housing prices we observe in the data. Matching the
increase in levels and dispersion in the data requires a fall in discount rates of around
1.3 percentage points.
Our model also matches the increase in levels and dispersion of price–rent ratios if
we assume that expected rent growth was 1 p.p. higher in the major agglomerations,
keeping discount rates constant across cities,
= r
. Given the small difference in
observed rent growth and the stable return difference between major agglomerations
and the national average, we assert that a constant difference in discount rates is more
realistic than a constant difference in expected rent growth. A large-scale simulation of
many different combinations of different model variables (Appendix C) demonstrates
that falling discount rates robustly lead to increasing housing price dispersion for most
realistic value combinations for r and g.
5 Conclusion
In this paper, we present a novel explanation for increasing housing price dispersion
that, unlike existing models, does not require a comparable rise in rent dispersion. The
key new insight is that a uniform fall in real interest rates can have heterogeneous
spatial effects. For realistic values for the fall in real discount rates, the model is able
to reproduce the growing dispersion of price–rent ratios observed in the data even
in the absence of changes in fundamentals. In light of the central role of rental and
housing price dynamics in urban economics, more research is needed to integrate this
mechanism into more complex spatial models.
An important takeaway of the paper is
that increasing polarization of housing prices between “superstar cities” and the rest
Note that the model exactly matches the national price–rent ratio in 1985 by construction, since we
back-out the initial average national discount rate from the rent-price ratio in 1985 using our model.
A promising example of this is the dynamic spatial equilibrium model of housing demand and supply
in Vanhapelto (2022).
of the country is not just driven by supply-side restrictions, but that interest rates can
play a central role not only for the pricing on a national level, but also for the growing
dispersion of housing prices. For future research in urban economics this implies to also
pay attention to financial factors when thinking about trends in regional housing markets.
The findings of this paper potentially also speak to the housing market outlook in the
current environment of rising interest rates. All else equal, some of the polarization of
housing prices that we could observe over the past decades can be expected to revert if
going forward real discount rates rise again.
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A Superstar cities revisited
A.1 Rent growth
Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) derive a set of propositions, that directly imply
that superstar cities should have experienced stronger rent growth than the rest of the
country. Proposition 1 states that superstar cities have higher rental values than the
rest of the country. Proposition 3 states that an increase in aggregate income leads to
stronger rental increases in the superstar cities than in the rest.
These two propositions
are tested in Tables 2 and 3 of the paper, using log house value as the dependent variable.
Here, we replicate the analysis focusing on the effects on house value growth and rent
growth. Table 2 presents our regression output. There are two primary results. First, the
coefficients for rent values are significant and positive, just as the coefficients for house
values. Second, the coefficients for rent values are slightly less than half those of house
values. This indicates that the effects on rents are much smaller than on prices, which
raises the question of whether we can fully explain the strong divergence in prices with
the divergence in rents.
Table 2: Replicating Panel A from Tables 2 and 3 in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013)
log house value log rent value log house value log rent value
Superstar 0.605 0.291
(0.0729) (0.0377)
Superstar x Rich 0.394 0.172
(0.0356) (0.0193)
N 1116 1116 1116 1116
adj. R
0.414 0.308 0.856 0.861
Note: This table replicates Panel A from Tables 2 and 3 in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013). In addition to the
regression on log house value, we perform the same regression on rent log value. Columns 1 and 2 present the
results of a regression of the left hand-side variable on a superstar dummy and year fixed effects. Columns 3 and 4
present the OLS coefficients of a regression on an interaction effect of a superstar dummy and the log number of rich
families in the U.S. and time and superstar fixed effects. Standard errors are in parentheses and are clustered at the
Propositions 2 and 4 relate to income growth in the superstar cities.
A.2 Price-rent ratios
In this subsection, we present evidence that the divergence in price-rent ratios
between superstar cities and the rest has strongly increased since the 1980s, extending
the data set presented in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) to 2010 and 2018. We then
use the definition of superstar cities to categorize the cities into superstars group and
non-superstars groups, which we call the rest of the country. We estimate an equally
weighted average of price–rent ratios for both groups by year. Figure 5 presents the
results. The Figure shows that price–rent ratios have been increasing over time in
superstar areas and in the rest of the country. However, in the superstar cities, price–rent
ratios have increased much more, leading to a growing regional divergence in price–rent
Figure 5: Price–rent ratios in the U.S., 1950-2018
Note: We define superstar cities as cities that were at least once a superstar city between 1950 and 2000 according to
the superstar definition in Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013). We extended the data from Gyourko, Mayer, and
Sinai (2013) to 2010 and 2018. Each bar represents an unweighted average by year for the specific group. 95%
confidence bands are shown in black.
The model developed by Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) predicts that price–rent
ratios are higher in superstar cities, but it does not account for the growing gap between
superstars and non-superstars over time.
Price and rent growth rates for 27 major agglomerations
Figure 6: City-level growth rates for 27 major agglomerations compared to national averages
(a) Housing prices
(b) Rents
Note: Geometric mean of annual housing price (Panel (a)) and rent (Panel (b)) growth rates by city for 27 major
agglomerations (black) and the respective national averages (blue).
Model simulation of risk–free rate fall on housing price
To examine the scope conditions under which a falling discount rate leads to in-
creasing housing price divergence between the agglomeration and the reservation city,
we simulate our asset-pricing model for a range of potential, and not always realistic,
values. The result displays the housing price divergence (in log) as a function of falling
discount rates (in
) and is broken down for all possible combinations of differences
in rent and discount rate growth rates between the agglomeration and reservation city
(7). The figure demonstrates that housing price divergence occurs under a majority of
calibrations, as long as the agglomeration rent growth excess and the reservation city
excess discount rate is sufficiently high.
Figure 7: Simulation results by excess rent growth of agglomeration
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Fall in discount rate
House price divergence
Reservation city
excess discount
Major agglomeration rent growth excess
Note: Facets show the percentage points by which the agglomeration’s rent growth exceeds that of the reservation city.
Colors indicate the percentage points by which the reservation city’s discount rate exceeds that of the agglomeration.
D Model evidence using U.S. MSA-level data
We also use the U.S. MSA-level data from Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013), which
was extended to 2018 in Amaral et al. (2021), to test our mechanism empirically. We want
to replicate Figure 3 in the main paper. Our mechanism predicts a one-to-one relation
between rental yields in 1980 and in 2018, with a linear shift due to the fall in real
discount rates (compare Figure 2 in the main paper). It also predicts a non-linear relation
between rental yields in 1980 and price–rent ratios in 2018, with initially lower rental
yield MSAs subsequently having disproportionately higher price–rent ratios (compare
Figure 3 panel (b) in the main paper). As demonstrated below, these predictions hold to
a great extent in the data.
Figure 8 panel (a) plots the rent–price ratios for all MSAs in 2018 relative to the rent–
price ratios in 1980. It also shows a linear fit with the resulting regression coefficients.
Rent–price ratios in 2018 can indeed be predicted by rent–price ratios in 1980 but have
fallen uniformly by approximately 85 basis points. Of course, MSA-level rent–price
ratios do not perfectly align with the regression line. This implies that rent–price ratios
have also been affected by city–specific shocks. Not all variation in rent–price ratios
can be explained by a fall in discount rates alone, however, the linear fit can explain
approximately half of the variation in the data.
Figure 8: Comparison model and U.S. MSA-level data
(a) Rent-price ratio 2018
.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06
Rent-price ratio, 2018
.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06
Rent-price ratio, 1980
m: 0.973 (0.0583)
: -0.009 (0.0025)
R squared: 0.489
(b) Price-rent ratio 2018
20 40 60 80 100
Price-rent ratio, 2018
.02 .03 .04 .05 .06
Rent-price ratio, 1980
Fractional fit
Model prediction
Note: Panel (a) shows the rent–price ratios in 2018 relative to the rent–price ratios in 1980 together with a linear fit
and the resulting regression coefficients (standard errors in parentheses). Panel (b) shows the price–rent ratio in
2018 relative to the rent–price ratio in 1980 together with a fractional fit and the predictions of our model resulting
from the linear fit in Panel (a). The data is taken from Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) and extended by Amaral
et al. (2021).
Panel (b) of Figure 8 plots price–rent ratios in 2018, also presenting a fractional fit to
the data (green line). The red line depicts the price–rent ratios that the model would
predict for 2018, given the rent–price ratio in 1980 and the uniform fall in rent–price
ratios estimated in panel (a). Again, the model does not fit the data perfectly, however,
it does agree with the overall picture of the data and predicts higher price–rent ratios
for cities that already had low rent–price ratios in 1980. The fact that price–rent ratios in
cities with the lowest rental yields initially are even higher than predicted by the model
leaves some room for alternative explanations. One example would be increasingly
more optimistic rent expectations (g) in major agglomerations relative to the rest of the
country. Another would be a tightening of supply constraints in major agglomerations.
E Fall in real safe rates
Several papers have documented the long-run decline in real safe rates across OECD
economies since the 1980s (Del Negro et al., 2019; Rachel and Summers, 2019; Blanchard
and Katz, 1992). Using the estimates from Del Negro et al. (2019), we plot the time-
series evolution of ex-ante real safe rates in the U.S. as well as averaged over 15 OECD
economies in Figure 9. It is evident that real safe rates have been declining considerably
both in the U.S. as well as across the world, since the 1980s.
Figure 9: Global and U.S. Real Safe Rates, 1950-2016
0 1 2 3 4
Real Safe Rates (%)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Note: The Figure plots the posterior median of the trend in global and U.S. real safe rates. The estimates are taken
from Del Negro et al. (2019).
Figure 10: Rent–price ratios in the U.S. 1980
F USA Rent-price ratios 1980
Note: Data for US MSAs are taken from Gyourko, Mayer, and Sinai (2013) extended for the period 2010 to 2018 with the American Community Survey.