-per package, per day,
A. Storage Charge (1) Valuable Goods Room 130.-
(2) Live Animals Room 110.-
(3) Dangerous Goods Room 110.-
Free Storage Charge Period
(4) Refrigerator or Freezer
No storage charge will be incurred for 24hours from 08:00am of the next day of arrival. ①Loose cargo
This period shall be extended if following dates are included in said 24hours. 10kg . or less 100.-
(Dec. 29 ~ Jan. 03) 11 - 100 kg . 110.-
101 - 300 kg . 180.-
Ⅱ. General Cargo Storage Charge 301 - 1000 kg . 300.-
more than 1000 kg. ;
1.Basic Charge flat charge 300.-
The first day after Free Storage Charge Period as defined in above I + for each additional 1000kg. or fraction 50.-
- per package, ②Unitized cargo in LD3 container
10kg . or less 130.- - per one LD3, per day, 3500.-
11 - 50 kg . 235.- (5) Cool Room
51 - 100 kg . 350.- ①Loose cargo
101 - 300 kg . 590.- 10kg . or less 20.-
301 - 500 kg . 1170.- 11 - 100 kg . 22.-
501 - 1000 kg . 1400.- 101 - 300 kg . 36.-
more than 1000 kg. ; 301 - 1000 kg . 60.-
flat charge 1400.- more than 1000 kg. ;
+ for each additional 500kg. or fraction 440.- flat charge 60.-
minimum charge 250.- + for each additional 1000kg or fraction 10.-
When the charge is lower than the minimum charge, the minimum charge ②Unitized cargo in LD3 container
shall apply. - per one LD3, per day, 1000.-
During the next ten days after the period as defined in above A (Note) : Special Facility Charge shall be applied from the date of arrival.
- per package, per day,
per 100kg . or fraction 130.-
2.Extention Charge 1. The storage days of "consolidated cargo after Break-Bulk" shall be counted
During the next fifteen days after the period as defined in above B retroactively from the first day of carrying into the warehouse.
- per package, per day, 2. After Break-Bulk, each separated part shall be handled as one consignment.
per 100kg. or fraction 130.- 3. Each weight of cargo shall be rounded down to the nearest 1kg. However, if the
+ additional charge (in order to accelerate cargo delivery) whole weight of cargo is less than 1kg., it shall be counted as 1kg.
- per consignment, 130.- 4. "Valuable goods" and "dangerous goods" indicate the consignments which are defined
in IATA regulation or have special handling instruction by Customs and Carriers.
3.Extra Charge 5. "Frozen or refrigerated goods" indicates all the consignments which are stored in
After the period as defined in above 2 refrigerator or freezer on Carrier's or Consignee's instructions. In case special
- per package, per day, arrangement is made due to lack of space in those facility, additional charge shall be
per 100kg. or fraction 205.- added.
Ⅲ.Special Facility Charge
If consignments are stored in following special facilities, another charge shall be added (All charges in Japanese Yen/JPY)
on the Storage Charge as defined in aboveⅡ. Effective from Oct 01, 2011
JAL Cargo Service Co.,LTD.
Terminal Service Charge at JAL Cargo Service Bonded Warehouse
B. Handling Charge
Ⅰ.Terminal Utilization Fee (2) Between two bonded warehouses within main cargo area.
1500kg. or less, per consignment, flat charge 300.- per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 1050.-
+ additional charge, per kg, 3.- 100.1 - 500.0kg. 1890.-
maximum charge 4800.- 500.1 - 1000.0kg. 2600.-
1000.1 - 2000.0kg. 3190.-
more than 1500kg., per consignment, flat charge 4800.- - 2000.1kg.
+ for each additional 500kg. or fraction flat charge 3190.-
100.- + for each additional 1000.0kg or fraction 210.-
Ⅱ.Other Handling Charge (3) Between bonded warehouse in main cargo area and bonded warehouse
1. Temporary disassembling of consignment for an inspection or other needed care in Southern cargo area.
defined in Customs Law Art.40. per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 1570.-
- per consignment, per inspection, 100.0kg. or less 740.- 100.1 - 500.0kg. 2410.-
100.1 - 500.0kg. 1470.- 500.1 - 1000.0kg. 3120.-
500.1 - 1000.0kg. 2100.- 1000.1 - 2000.0kg. 3710.-
1000.1kg. - 2630.- - 2000.1kg.
However, another charge shall be added on above charge in following hours. flat charge 3710.-
+ for each additional 1000.0kg or fraction 210.-
Weekdays 00:00 ~ 08:30, 17:00 ~ 24:00 In case refrigerated transport is needed at above (3), another charge shall be added.
Saturday 00:00 ~ 08:30, 12:30 ~ 24:00
Sunday, National holidays 00:00 ~ 24:00 (4) Between bonded warehouse in cargo area and inspection area in passenger terminal.
per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 4200.-
- per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 190.- 100.1 - 500.0kg. 5040.-
100.1 - 500.0kg. 380.- 500.1 - 1000.0kg. 5750.-
500.1 - 1000.0kg. 550.- 1000.1 - 2000.0kg. 6340.-
1000.1kg. - 680.- - 2000.1kg.
Each above charge will increase to 150% when working hours for following services flat charge 6340.-
last more than 2 hours. + for each additional 1000.0kg or fraction 210.-
...cargo contents inspection, segregation of a consignment for customs clearance.
(5) Between bonded warehouse in cargo area and animal quarantine station in Tennami area.
2. Overtime Delivery Charge per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 3680.-
Overtime delivery charge shall be applied when the consignment is delivered 100.1 - 500.0kg. 4520.-
in the following hours; 500.1 - 1000.0kg. 5230.-
(17:00 ~ 08:30 on weekday, Saturday, Sunday and national holidays) 1000.1 - 2000.0kg. 5820.-
- per consignment, - 2000.1kg.
1000kg. or less 900.- flat charge 5820.-
more than 1000kg. 1800.- + for each additional 1000.0kg or fraction 210.-
However, another charge shall be added on above charge especially in following hours;
(23:00 ~ 06:00) (6) From inspection area of Narita Air Cargo Sub-Branch Customs to
- per consignment, 1000kg. or less 450.- inspection area of Narita Nanbu Air Cargo Sub-Branch Costoms.
more than 1000kg. 900.- per consignment, per one time, 12,000.-
3. Transportation Charge Without unloading and loading charge at area of Narita Nanbu
(1) Between bonded warehouse and inspection area of customs, animal quarantine Air Cargo Sub-Branch Costoms.
and plant quarantine (within main cargo area).
per consignment, per one time, 100.0kg. or less 840.-
100.1 - 500.0kg. 1680.-
500.1 - 1000.0kg. 2390.-
1000.1 - 2000.0kg. 2980.-
- 2000.1kg.
flat charge 2980.-
+ for each additional 1000.0kg or fraction 210.-
Terminal Service Charge at JAL Cargo Service Bonded Warehouse
4. Refilling of dry ice per package, per one time, 160.- Urgent handling service shall not be applied in following cases.
(Actual expenses of dry ice itself shall be charged additionally.) (1) No request for urgent handling is made until 30minutes before time of arrival.
(2) Consignment over 100pc. per AWB (per MAWB for transferred cargo).
5. Cargo incineration charge ...Actual expenses shall be charged.
(3) Cargo which need to be transported between two warehouses for Consignee's convenience.
6. Application or cancellation for Certificates of any kind. No charge will be incurred for following items.
per consignment, per one time, 500.- Express cargo of airlines, perishables, valuable goods, diplomatic document, newspaper,
live animals, and other items which need urgent handling for humanitarian reasons
7. Accompanied checking of cargo contents and room charge (such as serum, cornea, and organs for transplantation etc.).
per consignment, per hour, 3120.-
18. Charge for igloo/pallet breaking down
8. Fumigation charge (see another sheet)
9. Loading cargo into a truck by forklift. per kg, 1.5.- 1 AGB ASG
10. Loading by ULD unit. per ULD, 2H AMD AQ7 AQD
(Type) 1, 2, 2A, 2C, 2H (Main deck size) 2000.- PMC PQP P6P
5, 6 (Lower deck size) 900.- 2C P1P P1G PAP PAG PAJ
8 (LD3) 400.- 2 AMA AQA AQ6
11. Re-weighing and re-measurement charge UMA UQA UQ6 UMB
- re-weighing ; per kg 7.- PMC PQP P6P
minimum charge 1000.- 2A P1P P1G PAP PAG PAJ
If particular Case Number is specified, another charge; 500.- 5 AAP AAN AA2 AAA AAU
per Case shall be added. UAP UAN UA2 UA6 UAK UAA
- re-measurement ; per package 500.- P1P P1G PAP PAG PAJ
minimum charge 1000.- PMC PQP P6P
If particular Case Number is specified, another charge; 500.- 6 AWB ALP DLF
per Case shall be added. 8 AVJ AVE AVN
12. Keeping ice bag in refrigerator per package, per day, 200.-
13. Taking cargo photograph by digital camera 19.Accompanied inspection of Customs or Animal/Plant quarantine
up to 5 pictures, flat charge 800.- per consignment, per one time, 1500.-
more than 5 pictures; If inspection lasts more than an hour, see Art. 22 below.
flat charge 800.-
+ for each additional picture 100.- 20.Feeding animals ...Actual expenses shall be charged.
14. Special cargo checking (using specified form by Consignee)
per consignment, per package, 200.- 21.Disinfecting of sheep casing, chicks, etc.
minimum charge 1000.- per consignment, per package, 45.-
15.Break-Bulk of consolidated cargo after storage 22.Other special handling which is not included in the above
per each H/AWB, per one time, 100.- ...Actual expenses shall be charged.
16.Transferred cargo from other domestic airport e.g. staff service charge per hour, per staff, 6000.-
For service of unloading cargo from truck and carrying into JAL warehouse, following
charge shall be applied.
per consignment, per kg, 4.-
17.Urgent handling charge (Rules)
In case Consignee requests urgent handling, cargo arrival check shall be finished 1. Words "per consignment "generally means "per Air Waybill". However, it exceptionally
within 100min.(passenger flight) or 150min.(freighter/transferred cargo) after time of arrival. means "per delivery" for Terminal Utilization Fee.
the number of pieces in one consignment 2. Each amount of money shall be rounded up to the nearest JPY 1.-.
1pc. - 25pc. 1500.- 3. If the whole weight of cargo is less than 1kg. , it shall be counted as 1kg.
26pc. - 100pc. 2500.-
However, if arrival check was not finished in time, no charge would be incurred. (All charges in Japanese Yen/JPY)
Effective from Oct 01, 2011
JAL Cargo Service Co.,LTD.
96" 96×238.5
Charge IATA I.D. Code
Type Height Base Size
(N) (N)
88×125 \15,700
118" 96×125 \21,000
118" 88×125
64" 88×125 \10,500
96" 96×125 \15,700