Jefferson County Policy Manual
Ordinance Title: Animal Control Regulation
Policy Number: Part 3 Regulations, Chapter 5 Animals, Section 1 Animal Control
Type of Policy: Regulatory
Adopting Resolution: CC24-042
References: Colorado Revised Statutes §30-15-101 to -105 and §30-15-401(1)(e);
Resolutions CC80-310, CC83-657, CC84-228, CC85-1270, CC91-699, CC94-704,
CC97-487, CC99-484, CC00-077, CC04-504, CC04-534, CC05-293, CC06-570, CC07-
287, CC07-301, CC13-190, CC13-232, CC15-204, CC15-249, CC15-250, CC15-255.
CC23-133, CC23-149, CC24-018
Effective Date: March 10, 2024
Adoption Date: January 30, 2024
Administrative Revision Date: Not applicable
Policy Custodian: Sheriff
Purpose: To establish reasonable regulations and restrictions for the licensing of dogs
and control of dogs and pet animals in order to preserve and protect the health, safety
and welfare of the citizens and animals of Jefferson County.
An Ordinance Adopting Policy Part 3, Chapter 5, Section 1 Animal Control Regulation.
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County,
Colorado as follows:
A. Definitions:
As used in this ordinance, the following words shall have the following meaning:
1. "Abandon" means the leaving of an animal for more than twenty-four (24) hours
by its owner or other person responsible for its care or custody without making
effective provisions for its proper care.
2. "Animal" means any living dumb creature, as defined in C.R.S. §18-9-201(2), as
3. "Animal Control Officer" means any person empowered by Jefferson County to
enforce the provisions of this regulation, and peace officers as defined in C.R.S.
§18-1-901, as amended and pursuant to C.R.S. §§30-15-105 and 30-15-102, as
4. "Animal Control" means the Animal Control Unit within the Jefferson County
Sheriff's Office.
5. "Animal Shelter" means the authorized impoundment facility established through
an intergovernmental agreement with the County.
6. "Attack" means an assault against a person by a dog whereby physical contact is
made in an apparently hostile manner.
7. "Barking Dog" means any dog, whether on or off the dog owner's premises, that
disturbs the peace of any person by loud, habitual and persistent barking,
howling, yelping or whining.
8. "Bodily Injury" means an injury to a person caused by a dog whereby, at a
minimum, severe bruising, the skin is broken, exterior bleeding occurs, or
medical treatment by a licensed physician is reasonably necessary.
9. "Control" means physical control of a dog by means of a leash, cord or chain no
longer than ten (10) feet in length except when the dog is actually working
livestock, locating or retrieving wild game in season for a licensed hunter, or
assisting law enforcement officers, or while actually being trained for any of these
specifically enumerated pursuits.
10."County" means the unincorporated portion of Jefferson County.
11.“County-Wide Licensing Administrator" means the entity delegated the authority
by the Animal Shelter/Dog Licensing/Funding Intergovernmental Agreement to
issue licenses and collect fees for said dog licenses on behalf of all parties.
12."Cruelty to Animals" has the same meaning as defined in C.R.S. §18-9-202(1)(a).
13.“Dangerous Dog” has the same meaning as defined in C.R.S. §18-9-204.5(2)(b).
14."Dog" means any animal of the Canis Familiaris species, including wolves or wolf
15.Dog at Large" means a dog that is off the premises of the dog owner, not under
control and the owner is not observed to be within sight of his/her dog.
16."Dog Owner" means any person 18 years of age or older who owns, controls,
keeps, harbors, has custody of any dog or any person who allows a dog to
remain on or about his/her premises; or the parent or guardian of any child under
the age of 18 years, who owns, keeps, controls, harbors, has custody of a dog or
any person who allows a dog to remain on or about his/her premises.
17."Encroachment" means a dog that harasses or threatens passersby or property
owners by encroaching on public or private property while leaning on, over, or
through fences, walls, or property lines or unattended dogs chained or tied in
public areas or in the common ground of condominiums, town homes, apartment
complexes and mobile home parks. Encroachment shall be considered a dog at
large violation for the purposes of enforcing these regulations (dog at large,
biting, and other violations).
18."Female Dog in Season" means any unaltered female dog in the state of estrus
19."Guard Dog" means any dog placed or kept upon any non-residential property, or
property used in whole or in part for any business, that is there to protect persons
or property, whether or not trained for these pursuits; all dogs trained for police
canine work; and all dogs trained for attack and protection kept at any location
within the County.
20."Harboring" means occupying any premises on which an animal is kept, or to
which an animal customarily returns for food and care. Persons harboring a dog
shall be subject to the provisions of this regulation applicable to dog owners.
21."Immediate Area" means within three (3) blocks or one-quarter (1/4) mile radius.
22.“Improper Care” includes (A) the failure to provide adequate food, water, shelter,
veterinary case, sanitation, or grooming: (B) unsafe tethering such that an animal
is tethered in a manner that the animal may become entangled and unable to
access shelter or water, or in such a manner that the animal may be injured,
strangled, or otherwise caused to suffer; (C) allowing the accumulation of feces
or urine on or inside of any premises owned, occupied, or controlled by such
person, to the extent that is creates an unsanitary, offensive or unhealthy
condition for an animal.
23."License or Licensed" means a current license indicating that the dog has been
registered with the County-Wide Licensing Administrator within 365 days prior to
24."Licensed Facility" means a kennel, boarding or breeding facility duly registered
and regulated by any state or local governmental entity with jurisdiction to so
25."Mistreatment" means every act or omission that causes or unreasonably permits
the continuation of unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering.
26."Neglect" means failure to provide food, water, protection from the elements,
opportunity for exercise, or other care normal, usual and proper for an animal's
health and well-being.
27."Neighborhood Nuisance" means any female dog in season which is not confined
and that is attracting other stray dog(s) who bark, fight, roam, or loiter or
otherwise cause a threat to public health, welfare or safety.
28."Nuisance Dog" means any dog which, while off the dog owner's premises, in a
dangerous, threatening, or terrorizing manner approaches a person with an
apparent attitude of attack, or any dog while off the dog owner's premises which
in a dangerous, threatening or terrorizing manner, pursues or harasses another
animal without causing injury.
29."Off Leash" means a dog that is off the owners premises and not under control,
but the owner is observed to be present and within visual sight of his/her dog.
30."Open Space Lands" means all public recreation lands, waters or facilities owned
or operated by Jefferson County which have been purchased with Open Space
funds or are managed or administrated by the Jefferson County Open Space
Division, but not including lands managed, operated or administrated by an entity
other than Jefferson County Open Space.
31."Pet Animal" means an animal as defined in C.R.S. §30-15-101(3), as amended.
32."Premises" means the property of the dog owner but not including public or
private thoroughfares, areas over which there is an access easement, common
areas of apartments, townhouses, condominiums, trailer parks, greenbelts, parks
or other areas commonly used by people other than the dog owner.
33."Property Damage" means any property damage caused by a dog at large or
while violating the leash law whereby the replacement or repair of the property
exceeds $50.00.
34."Quarantine" means confinement for a minimum of ten (10) days of an animal
whose bite has caused bodily injury to a person or any pet animal or livestock
animal that is suspected of having been exposed to a rabies-vector wildlife
35."Registered Guard Dog" means any guard dog registered annually with Animal
Control by providing the following information:
a. Owner's name, home address, and telephone numbers;
b. Dog's name, age, sex and physical description;
c. A current license;
d. A list and description of commands known by the dog;
e. A description of the training given to the dog including dates and name and
telephone number of trainer; and
f. The name, address and telephone number for an alternative person to
contact regarding the dog in the owner's absence.
36."Vicious Dog" means any dog which, while off the dog owners premises, in a
dangerous, threatening or terrorizing manner attacks a person without causing
bodily injury, or any dog while off the dog owner’s premises which causes injury
to or kills another animal.
B. Duties of the Animal Control Officers.
1. The Animal Control Manager and Animal Control Officers shall have the duty and
the authority to enforce all sections of this regulation which pertain to animals.
Open Space personnel designated by the Director of Open Space and trained by
Animal Control shall have the duty and authority to enforce all sections of this
regulation on Open Space lands.
2. Pursuant to the provisions of C.R.S. §§30-15-101 to-105 the Animal Control
Manager and Animal Control Officers, Sheriff's Deputies and Open Space
personnel designated by the Open Space Director are hereby designated and
authorized to issue, sign and serve summons and complaints in order to enforce
the provisions of this regulation and to make all administrative determinations
required by this regulation.
3. It shall be lawful for designated Open Space park personnel to capture an animal
to be impounded for violation of this regulation on Open Space lands.
4. It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Manager to keep or cause to be kept,
accurate, detailed, and complete records of all complaints, warnings and
violations of this regulation.
C. Licensing, Rabies Control and Biting.
1. Dog Licensing
To promote responsible pet ownership and animal welfare, a license shall be
required for each dog over the age of four (4) months that resides or is kept in
unincorporated Jefferson County. Even if the dog does not reside in Jefferson
County full time, any dog that is kept or harbored in unincorporated Jefferson
County for 30 cumulative days or more within the prior 365-day period shall be
required to have a current license.
a. The County-Wide Licensing Administrator shall administer the dog-licensing
program, distribute the dog licenses, and maintain all records relating to the
dog-licensing program.
b. To obtain a license, a dog owner must submit proof of a rabies vaccination
administered by a licensed veterinarian within 365 days prior to licensing, or,
if a booster vaccination, within the time period recommended by the annual
compendium of animal rabies control.
c. Licensing fees and exceptions from licensing shall be set by resolution by the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
d. A dog owner must renew this license once every 365 days.
e. A dog owner may request an exemption to the vaccination provision if, for
medical reasons, his/her dog cannot be vaccinated. In this event, a dog
owner must submit an affidavit from a licensed veterinarian stating the reason
why the dog is unable to be vaccinated.
2. Failure to have a license
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she fails to
obtain a license from the County-Wide Licensing Administrator for any dog that is
four months old or older as provided in this ordinance.
3. No License Tag Attached To Dog
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she fails to
attach the license tag to his/her dog by means of a collar or harness. The license
does not need to be attached by means of a collar or harness when the dog is on
the dog owner's premises, at a local or national dog association competitive
event or at a pet animal facility. Dogs that do not have the license tag attached to
the collar (when on the dog owner's premises or at the local or national dog
association competitive event or at a licensed facility) must have an implanted
microchip that identifies the dog owner.
4. Misrepresentation of Licensing or False Information
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a., if a tag
evidencing licensing for another dog is affixed to the collar of his/her dog or if a
dog owner provides false information on a license application or makes a false
statement regarding residency.
5. Duty to Report Animal Bite
a. Any person having knowledge of a pet animal or other mammal bite causing
bodily injury to a person shall report the incident to Animal Control. This report
shall include:
1) The name, address and phone number of the owner if known.
2) The name, address and phone number of all persons treated.
3) Specific information regarding the circumstance of the bite.
b. Any licensed medical practitioner who attends and treats a person or persons
for a bite inflicted by a pet animal or other mammal shall report such
treatment to the Animal Control Unit within twenty-four (24) hours of the
c. When no physician attends, the parent or guardian of any child bitten, when
the bite caused bodily injury, shall, within twenty-four (24) hours after first
having the knowledge that the child was bitten, make a complete report.
When no physician attends a bitten adult, when the bite causes bodily injury,
the adult or person caring for him/her shall make the report.
d. Any veterinary practitioner or pet animal facility who has knowledge of an
animal bite that caused bodily injury shall report the bite to the Animal Control
unit within 24 hours.
e. Any veterinary practitioner or pet animal facility which learns of or otherwise
has knowledge of a pet animal that was bitten, attacked or had close contact
with a rabies-vector species shall report the possible exposure to the Animal
Control Unit within 24 hours.
6. Failure to Report Animal Bite or Rabies-Vector Exposure
A person (over 18 or guardian of a minor), a physician or veterinarian commits a
Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a., if he/she fails or refuses to report to the
Animal Control Unit a pet animal bite which causes bodily injury to a person
within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence or fails to report an incident of person
or pet contact with a rabies-vector species. A person who fails to report an
animal bite or contact with a rabies-vector species for any pet animal or other
mammal in accordance with C.R.S. §25-4-603 shall be guilty of a Petty Offense
in accordance with C.R.S. §25-4-614. A complete report must include the pet
animal or other mammal’s owner name, address, and phone number and specific
information regarding the bite. Each day of such failure or refusal shall constitute
a separate violation.
7. Biting Animals Quarantine
Any pet animal or other mammal that has bitten or is suspected of having bitten a
person causing bodily injury and meets the criteria established by Jefferson
County Public Health or the Colorado Department of Public Health and
Environment to need to be quarantined, shall be immediately confined for a
minimum of ten (10) days from the date of the bite to be observed for symptoms
of rabies. A quarantine is required whether or not the animal has ever received a
rabies vaccine. During the quarantine period, the animal may not be taken for a
walk, taken on vacation, sold, given away, euthanized, killed, relocated, or
allowed contact with people or animals other than those with whom it resides
unless written authorization from the Animal Control Unit or Jefferson County
Public Health has been obtained. The quarantine location is to be at the
discretion of the Animal Control Unit. Any costs incurred as a result of any
quarantine are the sole responsibility of the animal owner.
If a veterinarian learns that a pet animal has inflicted a bite to a person within the
preceding ten (10) days or that a pet animal had physical contact with wildlife
within the preceding 120 days, the veterinarian may not euthanize the animal
unless he/she contacts Animal Control to arrange for rabies testing of the
euthanized animal. The animal owner or veterinarian will be responsible for any
costs of rabies testing, as determined by either Jefferson County Public Health,
the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), or the
Colorado State University (CSU) Veterinary Diagnostic Lab. Failure to abide by
these provisions shall be considered violating quarantine as defined in this
8. Violating Quarantine
An owner of a pet animal commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a., if
his/her pet animal violates the quarantine requirements. A person who fails to
comply with quarantine requirements for any pet animal or mammal shall be
guilty of a Petty Offense in accordance with C.R.S §25-4-614.
9. Duty to Produce Animal Quarantine
a. An owner of a pet animal commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a., if
he/she refuses to produce the pet animal that has bitten or is suspected of
having bitten a person causing bodily injury or the animal is suspected of
being exposed to a rabies-vector wildlife animal. Each day of such refusal
shall constitute a separate violation. A person who refuses to produce any
animal that has bitten or is suspected of having bitten a person causing bodily
injury shall be guilty of a Petty Offense in accordance with C.R.S. §25-4-614.
b. If an animal has not been produced for quarantine within 36-hours of the
owner being made aware of the quarantine requirement, an Animal Control
Officer, Deputy Sheriff or Public Health Official may apply for a search
warrant from the County Court, authorizing the temporary seizure of the
animal for quarantine/observation at the Animal Shelter.
10.Duty to Report Pet or Livestock Exposure to Wildlife
a. A person, (over 18 or guardian of a minor), or any veterinarian treating an
injured pet animal or livestock animal, must report any bites, altercations, or
contact between pet animals or livestock and wildlife within twenty-four (24)
hours of occurrence.
b. If criteria established by Jefferson County Public Health or the Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment indicates the animal needs to
be quarantined, the provisions set forth in D.7 shall apply.
11.A person (over 18 or guardian of a minor) commits a Petty Offense punishable
under E.5.a., if he/she fails or refuses to report to the Animal Control Unit any
bites, altercations, or contact between a pet animal and wildlife within twenty-four
(24) hours of occurrence. A person who fails or refuses to report any bites,
altercations, or contact between livestock and a wildlife animal in accordance
with C.R.S. §25-4-602shall be guilty of a Petty Offense in accordance with C.R.S.
§25-4-614. A complete report must include the pet animal or other mammal’s
owner name, address, and phone number and specific information regarding the
bite, altercation or occurrence. Each day of such failure or refusal shall constitute
a separate violation.
D. Offenses
1. Dogs at Large, Dogs Off Leash, and Biting Dogs
a. Dog at Large/Encroaching
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a.if his/her dog is
at large in the County or commits an encroachment as defined by this
b. Dog at Large or Encroachment and Biting
A dog owner commits a Class II Misdemeanor punishable under E.5.b. if
his/her dog is at large in the County and bites a person causing bodily injury,
or commits an encroachment and bites a person causing bodily injury.
c. Unlicensed Dog and Biting
A dog owner commits a Class II Misdemeanor punishable under E.5.b. if
his/her dog bites a person causing bodily injury and said dog has not been
d. Dog Biting Off Premises and Under Owner's Control
A dog owner commits a Class II Misdemeanor punishable under E.5.b. if
his/her dog bites a person causing bodily injury while off the dog owner's
premises and under the control of the dog owner.
e. An affirmative defense to a violation of D.1.c or D.1.d. shall be:
1) at the time of the bite, the victim was committing or attempting to commit a
criminal offense against the dog's owner; or
2) at the time of the bite, the victim tormented, provoked, abused, or inflicted
injury upon the dog in an extreme manner, which resulted in the bite.
f. Dog Off Leash
Except as permitted in designated locations, a dog owner commits a Petty
Offense punishable under E.5.a. if his/her dog is off leash.
g. Dog Off Leash and Biting
A dog owner commits a Class II Misdemeanor punishable under E.5.b. if
his/her dog bites a person causing bodily injury while the dog is off leash.
2. Nuisance Dogs, Vicious Dogs, and Dogs At Large Causing Bodily Injury
a. Nuisance Dog
A person commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a.if he/she owns,
harbors, keeps, controls or has custody of a nuisance dog as defined in this
b. Dog Off Leash or Dog At Large and Dog Causes Bodily Injury
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if his/her dog
is off leash or is at large in the County or commits encroachment and, as a
result of either of the foregoing, a person sustains bodily injury other than a
dog bite (i.e., an injury sustained in the process of avoiding, retreating from,
or impounding a loose dog).
c. Vicious Dog
A person commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she owns,
harbors, keeps, controls or has custody of a vicious dog as defined in this
d. Dog at Large or Off Leash or Encroachment Causing Property Damage
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if his/her dog
is at large or off leash or commits encroachment and, as a result of any one
of the foregoing, causes property damage as defined in this regulation.
3. Habitual and Persistent Barking Dog
a. Harboring a Habitual and Persistent Barking Dog
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she fails
to prevent his/her dog from disturbing the peace of any person by loud,
habitual and persistent barking, howling, yelping, or whining, whether the dog
is on or off the dog owner's property.
b. Warning Notices
An Animal Control Officer will issue a warning notice to the dog owner after
receiving a complaint of a barking dog. The complainant must provide the dog
owners address, dog description, and the date and duration of the violation.
The dog owner will be allowed three (3) days from issuance of the warning
notice to correct the problem before being charged under the summons and
complaint process.
c. Citations/Summons and Complaints
After the three-day grace period and within 180 days after issuance of the
warning notice, a citation, or summons and complaint may be issued if two
identified complaining witnesses from separate households in the immediate
area have signed complaints and are willing to testify at trial. The
complainants must provide the dog owners' address, dog description, date,
and duration of violation, but need not be reporting the same date and time of
a violation. In the event there is only one occupied residence in the immediate
area of the location of the barking dog, only one complaining witness shall be
required to sign the complaint prior to the issuance of a summons and
complaint if the complaining witness is willing to testify at trial.
d. Service of Warning Notices
A dog owner shall be deemed to have received and been issued a warning
under this subsection if the warning was personally served on the dog owner,
posted on the residence of the dog owner, or placed in the U.S. Mail, postage
prepaid and addressed to the dog owner. Warning notices so served shall
constitute notice to all members of that residence.
e. Second Offense
If a second complaint of a barking dog is received within 180 days of issuance
of the first citation or summons and complaint, a citation or summons and
complaint for a second offense may be issued without issuing a warning
f. Proof Required for Conviction
No person shall be convicted at trial of violating this section unless a person
in the immediate area has signed a complaint and testified to the persistent,
habitual, and offensive noise generated by a barking dog.
g. Exceptions
Section D.3.a. shall not apply to dogs working livestock, dogs locating or
retrieving wild game in season for a licensed hunter, dogs assisting law
enforcement officers, or dogs being trained for any of these pursuits. Further
it shall not apply to licensed kennels, breeding, boarding and/or training
facilities, or veterinary offices and hospitals, provided these facilities comply
with all applicable zoning, commercial, and business regulations, laws and
4. Miscellaneous Offenses.
a. Cruelty to Animals
A dog owner commits a Class I Misdemeanor under C.R.S. §18-9-202 if
he/she commits Cruelty to Animals as defined in this regulation and by State
b. Unlawfully Harboring a Guard Dog
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she
places or maintains a guard dog(s) or dogs trained for attack or protection
kept at any location within the county on non-residential property or on
property used in whole or in part for any business unless the following
conditions are met:
1) The guard dog is registered with Animal Control;
2) Warning signs are conspicuously posted around the premises indicating
the presence of a guard dog and such signs plainly show a telephone
number where a person responsible for controlling the guard dog can be
reached at all times; and the guard dog is either:
a) confined to an enclosed area adequate to ensure that it will not
escape; or
b) under the complete control of the handler at all times.
c. Unlawfully Harboring a Female Dog in Season
1) A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she
keeps, harbors, controls or has custody of any unaltered female dog in
season unless the female dog in heat is confined during such period of
time in a house, building, or secure enclosure so that said dog shall not
create a neighborhood nuisance.
2) Confinement
The Animal Control Officer shall impound any unaltered female dog in
season that is not adequately confined as provided for in D.4.c.(1), or any
such dog that is creating a neighborhood nuisance. If necessary in the
judgment of the Animal Control Manager, the dog shall be removed to a
boarding kennel, to a veterinary hospital, or the Animal Shelter. All
expenses and or fees incurred as a result of the confinement shall be the
sole responsibility of the dog owner.
d. Interference with an Animal Control Officer - No Bodily Injury
A person commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she
interferes with, hinders, or obstructs an Animal Control Officer (not involving
bodily injury) and knowing him/her to be an Animal Control Officer discharging
his/her duties under this regulation.
e. Habitual Offender
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she is
convicted, pleads guilty to, enters a no contest plea, receives a deferred
judgment, or arranges any plea bargain for violating any section of this
regulation three or more times in any eighteen-month period.
f. Feces/Urine – Accumulation, Disposition
An owner of dogs, cats or other household pets commits a Petty Offense
punishable under E.5.a. if the pet's owner allows excessive animal feces or
urine to accumulate. The accumulation of animal excrement shall be deemed
to be excessive if there is sufficient quantity to generate odors off the
premises of the dog owner or, if in the judgment of the Animal Control Officer,
the accumulation is detrimental to the health and well-being of neighbors or
the animals.
g. Failure to Redeem or Relinquish Animal from the Animal Impound Facility
After notice by phone, mail or in person, an owner of a pet animal commits a
Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he/she fails or refuses to redeem or
legally relinquish his/her pet animal that is/are impounded at the designated
animal impound facility.
h. Failure to Clean Up Dog Feces in Public Places
A dog owner commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if the dog
owner or custodian of any dog fails to clean up and remove excrement or
feces on public or private property other than on the premises of the dog
owner. Feces are not to be considered fully removed under this section
unless and until disposed on in a designated waste receptacle.
i. Failure to Provide Proper Care of Animals
A person commits a Petty Offense punishable under E.5.a. if he or she fails to
provide proper care for any animal(s) owned, harbored, kept, controlled, or in
their custody or any person who allows an animal to remain on or about
his/her premises. This includes failing to provide adequate food, water,
shelter, veterinary care, or grooming, unsafe tethering of an animal, and
inadequate sanitation related to feces and urine.
E. Disposition
1. Impoundment
An Animal Control Officer may take into custody and impound at the Animal
Shelter any dog found without a microchip or license tag when in violation of
section C.3., any dog found at large, any dog or cat that has allegedly bitten a
person or been exposed to rabies-vector wildlife, or any dog or cat that is sick or
injured and in need of medical attention and any other domestic pet animal that
has been abandoned, and any other pet animal (except cats) that are found to be
at large. An Animal Control Officer may also impound any animals which have
been left without proper care as a result of the death, injury, hospitalization,
arrest, detention, eviction or other incapacitation or unavailability of the owner or
keeper or other responsible party.
Redemption: If the owner of an impounded animal seeks to redeem the animal,
the shelter may require the owner to provide proof of ownership satisfactory to
the shelter; comply with the license requirements in this chapter; and pay the
shelter for any applicable redemption fees and boarding fees.
2. Disposition After Impoundment
No pet animal shall be disposed of prior to five animal shelter business days after
the date of impoundment unless it is critically injured or ill, the owner cannot be
located, and it is deemed in the best interest of the animal that the pet animal be
disposed of as determined by the Manager of the Animal Shelter or his/her
designee and/or the Animal Control Manager. In the event a pet animal is not
claimed by the owner within the five-day period, the Animal Shelter may, dispose
of the pet animal by adoption, euthanasia, or transfer to another pet animal
facility or rescue unless otherwise instructed by the Animal Control Unit. In the
event the Animal Shelter disposes of the animal as set forth in this section, the
owner of such pet animal shall be obligated to pay any and all fees required by
the Animal Shelter.
3. Liability for Accident or Subsequent Disease from Impoundment
The BCC, any assistants or employees, or any other person authorized to
enforce the provisions of this animal control and licensing regulation shall not be
held responsible for any accident, non-deliberate injury, or subsequent disease
that may occur in connection with the administration of this regulation or for any
injury, illness, or death resulting in the use of a chemical immobilizer or
tranquilizer dart or other necessary force to capture an animal which poses a
potential hazard to public health or safety.
4. Special Sanctions Upon Conviction of Animal Control Violations
In recognition of the serious nature of certain violations and in the interest of
protecting and promoting public safety, Animal Control and/or the District
Attorney's Office has the authority to recommend that a Special Sanction be
levied against the dog owner convicted of one or more of the above enumerated
offenses. This recommendation will be presented to the Jefferson County Court
by a motion of the District Attorney as a proposed condition of sentencing upon
conviction of one of the offenses enumerated above. Animal Control and/or the
District Attorney will present the prior history and documentation on a dog owner
that has been so convicted and will propose the imposition of further restrictions
or sanctions against a dog owner. This special sanction may be in lieu of or in
addition to the specified fine at the discretion of the Court. The Court shall be
asked to take into consideration the severity of the incident, the prior history of
the dog owner and the recommendation of Animal Control and the District
Attorney's Office when ruling on a disposition. The Court shall be asked to
consider each case as unique, and to adapt a special sanction or limitation to the
particular facts and circumstances of the given case. Animal Control will be
responsible for conducting the follow-up visits with the dog owner to ensure
compliance with the court-ordered sanction, and will report back to the court in a
timely manner. The following is a list of available, but not all inclusive, sanctions
and limitations to be completed within a time specified by the court.
a. Construction of a secure dog kennel (built to the specifications of Animal
b. Spaying or neutering of the dog.
c. Dog obedience training.
d. Community Service work at an animal sheltering facility.
e. Euthanasia of the dog.
f. Pet Management Class.
g. Restitution.
h. Micro-chipping of the animal.
i. When outdoors in a private yard, the animal must be in an escape proof
enclosure or with a responsible adult, who is a minimum of 21 years of age, in
the yard with the animal, and a secure six-foot fence must enclose the yard.
j. When walked, animal must be muzzled and walked on a leash no longer than
4 feet in length by a responsible adult, who is a minimum of 21 years of age,
and is capable of effectively controlling the animal.
k. When the animal is away from the property of the owner, the owner shall
keep the animal either in a secure temporary enclosure or securely leashed
with a leash no longer than four (4) feet in length held by a responsible adult,
who is minimum of 21 years of age, and is capable of effectively controlling
the animal and animal must be muzzled.
l. Extension style leashes may not be used.
m. The leash may not be attached to inanimate objects.
n. Owner must post, at each entrance to the owners property where the animal
is kept, a conspicuous and clearly legible sign of at least eight (8) by ten (10)
inches, which shall contain the words, “BEWARE OF DOG in lettering at
least two (2) inches in height.
o. The owner shall not sell or otherwise transfer the animal to any person except
to an immediate family member who will then be subject to all the same
restrictions imposed on the owner. This transfer of ownership information
must be provided to Animal Control.
p. The owner shall be responsible for the payment of all impoundment fees,
boarding fees, and any reasonable and necessary medical expenses incurred
during the impoundment of the animal regardless of whether or not the animal
is redeemed by the owner from the Animal Shelter.
q. Prohibition of ownership of other animals during the period of court ordered
r. Owner must obtain a homeowners or renters insurance policy showing at
least $100,000.00 in liability coverage for any damage or injury caused by the
animal. The policy must be for a 12-month period with the requirement that
the policy be maintained during the life of the animal.
s. Restitution to an animal sheltering facility for costs incurred in caring for or
boarding the animal.
5. Penalties and Enforcement
Owners of animals who commit offenses under this Ordinance shall be subject to
strict liability for such offenses.
a. Petty Offenses.
All charges and proceedings relating to commission of Petty Offenses may be
cited in compliance with the penalty assessment procedures pursuant to
C.R.S. §16-2-201 as amended. Any person(s) who acknowledges guilt or is
found guilty of a Petty Offense shall be punished by a mandatory fine of not
less than the amount set forth in this section nor more than $300.00 for each
separate offense, plus customary court costs when applicable. An
incremental fine shall be assessed for all Petty Offenses, beginning with the
minimum mandatory fine for a first offense and with increases for each
recurring offense up to a maximum of $300.00. The minimum fine as well as
the assessed incremental increases for second and subsequent offenses
shall be mandatory and shall not be suspended in whole or in part by the
court except as discretionarily provided by F.4. “special sanctions.” Nothing in
this ordinance shall be interpreted to preclude an individual from being cited
for multiple Petty Offenses. Petty Offenses include:
1) Failure to have a dog license
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense, increasing $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum of $300.00.
2) No license tag attached to dog (and dog not meeting exception provided in
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense, increasing by$50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
3) Misrepresentation of licensing or false information
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
4) Violating quarantine for pet animals
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
5) Failure or refusal to produce a pet animal for quarantine
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by$50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
6) Dog at large
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
7) Dog at large or off-leash causing bodily injury
$200.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$300.00 for a second offense and subsequent offenses.
8) Habitual/persistent barking dog
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
9) Unlawfully harboring a guard dog
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
10)Unlawfully harboring a female dog in season
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
11)Failure to dispose of feces/urine as provided in D.4.f.
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
12)Nuisance dog
$100.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$150.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
13)Habitual offender
$300.00 mandatory minimum fine.
14)Interference with an Animal Control Officer, no bodily injury
$200.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$300.00 for a second offense and each subsequent offense.
15)Failure to report a pet animal bite by another pet animal, wildlife or
livestock or an exposure of a pet animal as described in this regulation to
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for a second offense increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
16)Dog off leash
$50.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$100.00 for second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
17)Failure to redeem or relinquish animal from the designated animal
impound facility
$150.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$200.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
18)Failure to clean up dog feces in public places
$150.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$200.00 for a second offense, increasing by $50.00 for each subsequent
offense with a maximum fine of $300.00.
19)Vicious Dog
$200.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$300.00 for a second offense and each subsequent offense.
20)Dog at large causing property damage
$200.00 mandatory minimum fine.
$300.00 for a second offense and each subsequent offense.
21)Failure to provide proper care
$100 mandatory minimum fine.
$150 for a second offense and each subsequent offense with a maximum
fine of $300.00.
b. Class I Misdemeanor
All persons who acknowledge guilt or who are found guilty of a Class I
Misdemeanor shall be punished by a $500.00 minimum fine with a maximum
fine of $5,000.00 and/or imprisonment in the county jail for up to eighteen
months for each offense. Committing cruelty to animals as defined in this
regulation and by state law is a Class I Misdemeanor.
c. Class II Misdemeanors
All persons who acknowledge guilt or who are found guilty of a Class II
Misdemeanor shall be punished by a fine as set forth in this section with a
maximum fine of $1,000.00 and/or imprisonment in the county jail for three
months to 364 days for each offense. Nothing in this ordinance shall preclude
a person from being charged with multiple violations. The minimum Class II
Misdemeanor fine shall be as set forth below unless it is suspended as a
condition of probation.
1) Unlicensed dog and biting: $250.00 fine.
2) Dog is at large or Encroachment and biting: $500.00 fine.
3) Dog biting off premises and under owner’s control: $250.00 fine.
4) Dog Off Leash and Biting: $500.00 fine.
d. Enforcement
Except as set forth in Section D.3., whenever an Animal Control Officer has
personal knowledge or probable cause to believe that any violation described
herein has occurred, he/she may issue a summons and complaint, or a
penalty assessment citation to the violator stating the nature of the violation
with sufficient particularity to give notice of said charge to the violator. Nothing
in the Ordinance shall be interpreted to preclude an individual from being
cited for multiple violations. NOTE: Summons and complaints for violation of
cruelty to animals (D.4.a.) may only be issued by those Animal Control
Officers that have been appointed by the Colorado Commissioner of
Agriculture or his/her designee as Animal Protection Agents.
1) Upon being informed that an Animal Control Officer intends to issue a
summons, any person suspected of a violation described herein (whether
not he or she is eventually adjudicated as a “dog owner”) shall identify
him/herself by means of providing his/her true name, date of birth and
current address, or presenting government-issued identification if
available. Failure to comply shall constitute interference as defined in 4.D.
2) Within the 20-day penalty assessment period, the Animal Control Manager
shall have the discretion to suspend or reduce fines for any violation of
C.2 if the dog owner purchases a dog license and has presented proof of
purchase to the Manager or his/her designee.
F. Fines
1. Disposition of Fines and Forfeitures
All fines, monies and forfeitures for the violation of this regulation shall be paid
into the general fund of the County except as otherwise provided herein. The
BCC may authorize by Intergovernmental Agreement or separate resolution the
payment of all or a portion of license fees to the Foothills Animal Shelter or
designate the fees to be used for any other purpose authorized by the BCC.
2. Penalty Assessment Surcharges. Pursuant to C.R.S. §24-4.2-109, the Animal
Control Manager shall be authorized to establish a schedule of nominal
surcharges on Penalty Assessments, including but not limited to: credit card
processing surcharges, convenience fees for online payment, or other
reasonable fees or charges. In no case may total surcharges exceed 7.5% of the
original fine, unless otherwise authorized by the BCC. Any surcharges generated
shall be credited to the Animal Control Unit and deposited to the General Fund.
G. Off Leash Area/Exception to Dog Off Leash Offense
A governmental agency with the power to own or operate a park or a homeowner’s
association that owns and/or manages common property may designate a common
area or parkland that it owns or manages as an Off Leash Area if it obtains an
exemption from the BCC. Dogs shall be permitted to be off leash in such areas so
long as the owners are observed to be present and within visual sight of his or her
dog. This shall be an area where there is an exemption to the off-leash offense.
1. Application Notice
The governmental entity seeking an exemption shall submit a request for an
exemption to Animal Control. The governmental entity must submit proof that at a
minimum it has notified all property owners within a one quarter mile radius of the
boundary of the proposed off leash area. It is recommended that special districts
notify all district constituents. If the off-leash area is a trail on Forest Service land
or Open Space, the Forest Service or Open Space, at a minimum, shall notify all
property owners adjacent to the trail and all property owners whose property is
within 100 yards of the parking area designated for the off leash area. The
notification must direct people to submit written comments, whether pro or con, to
the Animal Control Unit within 30 days after the postmark date of the Notice. A
list of addresses of all persons notified must be submitted to the Animal Control
Unit with a copy of the notification. The application must include a map depicting
the boundary of the proposed off leash area.
2. Site Evaluation
Within 60 days after receipt of a complete application, the Animal Control Unit
shall conduct a site evaluation to determine if the site meets the criteria of this
section. Animal Control will submit a written report to the BCC. The report will
summarize the public comment, confirm that the area meets or will meet the
specified criteria, and will make a recommendation to either approve or deny the
application. The BCC decision will be final. The report will contain a signature
page for the approval/denial and a copy of the document will be maintained at
the Animal Control Unit.
3. Park Off Leash Area
All park areas designated as off leash areas, except trail areas, must comply with
the following criteria:
a. Have a minimum of one acre of land surrounded by a 4-foot secure, chain link
fence (or other similar material). The fenced area must have a double-gated
entrance to prevent escape.
b. The area must be accessible to people with disabilities.
c. The area must have covered garbage cans and pooper-scooper stations
provided, stocked and maintained.
d. The area must have shade and water available.
e. Signs must be posted that specify park hours and rules, including a
"participate at your own risk" statement.
f. Adequate parking must be close to the site.
4. U.S. Forest Service Trail Area or Jefferson County Open Space Trail Area
All U.S. Forest Service Trail Areas and Jefferson County Open Space Trail Areas
designated as off leash areas shall comply with the following criteria:
a. Adequate parking close to the trailhead or area.
b. Covered garbage cans and trash removal service.
c. Signs that specify trail rules and clearly designate the area as off-leash to
warn/notify other hikers or patrons. Also, signs shall include a "participate at
your own risk" statement.
5. Enforcement of Off Leash Areas
All complaints, except complaints concerning dog bites, will be handled by the
entity having jurisdiction over the park (the "park jurisdiction"). All bites must be
reported within 24 hours to Animal Control.
6. Revocation of Off Leash Exemption
a. The Off-Leash designation can be revoked at any time by the park jurisdiction
or County Open Space Division. The park jurisdiction or County Open Space
Division must notify Animal Control, immediately, in writing of the decision to
un-designate the Off-Leash Area. The park jurisdiction will have to wait 6
months to re-apply if they wish to reinstate the off-leash designation.
b. If Animal Control receives repeated complaints that are not being adequately
addressed by the park jurisdiction, Animal Control can petition the BCC to
revoke the off-leash exemption. If the revocation is approved, the park
jurisdiction or Forest Service will be notified in writing to close the area to off
leash activity and that leash law enforcement will resume in the area.
7. Nuisance/Vicious Dogs
No vicious or nuisance dogs as defined in Section A.32. are permitted off leash
within areas designated as off leash parks.
8. Existing Open Space Areas Designated as Off Leash
Open Space areas already designated by the Open Space Division as areas
permitting dogs to be off leash shall be deemed already granted an exemption
from the BCC.
H. Dog Off Leash Areas within Apartment/Multi Family Communities and HOA’s (Areas
under 4,000 Square Feet)
1. Apartment multi-family communities, or others with an established HOA or
Metropolitan District, may request an Off-Leash Exemption Permit from the
Animal Control Manager for a small dog-off-leash area available for the exclusive
use and enjoyment of the complex/community’s residents. All applications shall
be made using the approved Animal Control Dog Off Leash Application form and
the site will be inspected prior to the issuance of the permit.
2. The permittee shall be subject to the sanitary provisions under E.1.d. Feces
Accumulation and is ultimately responsible for upkeep of the grounds. Excessive
accumulation of feces may result in issuance of a warning penalty to the
permittee. Multiple violations of any kind shall be cause for the Animal Control
Manager to discretionarily suspend, revoke or deny that exception permit. An
Animal Control Officer may also issue a suspension order to the permittee
requiring the permittee to clean the off-leash area or rectify other violations
before re-opening it to residents.
I. Special Event Permit for Off-Leash Dog Activities In Unincorporated Jefferson
1. Jefferson County Animal Control Manager or his/her designee may issue a
Special Event Permit allowing for temporary off-leash dog activities upon receipt
of an application under this section by an established and organized club or
group. Activities may include dog agility trials, fly ball, rally, dog obedience,
conformation, and field trials. All applications shall be made using the approved
Animal Control Dog Off-Leash Special Event Permit Application form and the site
will be inspected prior to the issuance of the permit.
2. Within two weeks of receipt of a completed application, Animal Control will send
one copy of the application with its approval or denial to the applicant group’s
organizer/liaison and one copy to the event venue. If the permit is denied, the
application will include an explanation of why the event was not approved. Re-
application for the same event may be made one time. A copy of the permit will
be kept at the Animal Control Unit.
3. The Applicant shall ensure that the event is conducted in a safe and orderly
manner and that the event is conducted in compliance with the requirements.
J. Severability
Should any section, clause, sentence or part of this regulation be adjudged by any
court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not
affect, impair or invalidate the regulation as a whole or any part thereof, other than
the part so declared to be invalid.