X = Indicates use allowed in this zoning district
A = Accessory to principal use
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Accessory Building(s) XXXXXXXXXX
Day Care Facility - Adult XX
Agritourism X
Airport SUP X X
Animal Husbandry X
Art Galleries XX
Asphalt Plant X
Athletic Fields XX X
Automotive Parts Store XX X
Automotive Repair - Body/Fender X XXX
Automotive Repair - Mechanical X XXX
Automotive Sales - New & Used XXXXX
Bakery - Establishments Manufacturing Food Products X X SUP
Bakery - Retail XX X
Bank XXX X
Barber/Beauty Shop XXX
Bed and Breakfast SUP SUP
Bedding Manufacturing X
Boat Service Stations X
Booster Pump Stations X
Boat Sales and/or Manufacturing XX
Bottling Plant X X SUP
Brick/Tile/Pottery Manufacturing/Sales X
Building Materials/Supplies - Lumberyards, Storage & Sales XXXX
Bus Repair X
Bus Storage Terminal/Facility X
Business-Retail/Wholesale XX X
SUP = Special Use Permit Required
Note: Table is intended for a guide only.
* = Uses in addition to underlying zoning district uses
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Cabinet/Woodworking Shop XX
Camp Grounds - Travel Trailer Parks XX X
Camping - Fishing Supply Stores X
Car Wash XX
Carnival/Circus (Temporary) XX
Carpet Cleaning/Manufacturing X
Cemeteries (not accessory to church/family) SUP SUP SUP X X
Chemical Manufacturing - Household/Industrial X
Church X XXX X
Cleaning and Dyeing Establishments SUP
Clinic XX X
Clothing/Textile Manufacturing XX
Club-Private/Public XX
Coal/Wood/Fuel Yards, Pole Treating Plants X
Colleges XXX X
Community Center SUP
Community Facility (not p/o residential development) X XXX
Concrete Plant - Manufacturing X
Contractors office w/Storage Yard XX
Convenience Store XXXX
Cotton Gin - Cotton Waste Processing X
Dairy Products - Processing/Distribution XX
Day Care Center - Children SUP X X X
Dental Clinic - Laboratories XX X
Dry Cleaning /Laundry Plants XX
Dry Cleaning Establishment X
Electrical/Electronics Manufacturing/Assembly XX
Electrical/Electronics Sales/Supplies X XXX
Extraction of Earth Products SUP SUP
Factories X SUP
Farm Machinery Assembly XX
Farming Operations, Forestry, Horticulture, Hobby Farming X
Feed/Seed Store X
Fertilizing Manufacturing X
Flour/Feed Mill X
Foundries Producing Iron, Steel, Copper, Brass, Aluminum Products X
Freezer Locker X
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Fruit/Vegetable Packing Sheds SUP
Funeral Home XXX
Furniture Manufacturing XX
Glass Manufacturing X
Glass/Mirror/Window Blind/Awning/Tile Shop & Similar Specialties XX
Golf Course Commercial Public/Private XX
Golf Course p/o Residential Development XX
Government Facilities XXX X
Greenhouse/Nurseries SUP X X
Group Care Facility SUP XX XX
Hatchery SUP X
Health Facility - Doctors/Clinics XX X
Heating and Air Conditioning Shop X
Home Occupations XX
Hospital XX X
Hotel XX
Hunting, Fishing, Boating & Saddle Clubs X
Ice Plant/Storage, Freezer Lockers X
Industrial Supplies/Equipment Sales/Service XX
Junkyard/Salvage Yards SUP
Kennel SUP X
Landfills SUP
Leather Products - Luggage Manufacturing X
Libraries XXX X
Livestock Sales SUP X
Machine Shop XX
Machine/Tool Manufacturing X
Marinas XX
Manufacturing Uses - Operations XX
Mobile/Modular Home Sales X
Meat Packing Plant X
Medical Offices/Uses XX X
Metal Fabrication Plants Including Boiler & Tank Works X
Migrant Housing Dormitories SUP
Mini Storage Facility XXX
Mining Operation X
Motel XX
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Monument Sales/Works X
Museums XXX
Novelty Shops XX
Office - Business (non home occupation) XXXXXX
Optician Office - Optical Goods Store XX X
Orthopedic Supply XX X
Paper goods - Manufacturing/Distribution XX
Pharmacies XX X
Pharmaceutical - Manufacturing/Distribution XXX
Physical Culture - Reducing Salons XXX
Planned Development - Housing SUP
Planned Development - Mixed Use SUP
Plastics Manufacturing - Rubber Products X
Plumbing - Heating Supply Offices/Storage Area XX
Poultry Processing Plant X
Printing/Publishing - Reproducing Establishments X X X SUP
Public Safety Facilities-Fire, Police, Rescue, Civil Defense Center X XXXXX
Public Utility Facilities X SUP SUP SUP X X X
Quarries SUP
Recreation Facility - Indoor XX X
Recreation Facility - Outdoor XX X
Recreation Facility - Owned by Government SUP
Residential Dwelling - Within Office/Commercial Building XXX
Research Activities (Non Manufacturing) XX
Research/Development Facility XXX
Residential Dwelling - Seasonal X
Residential Dwelling - Duplex XX
Residential Dwelling - Manufactured Home XX X
Residential Dwelling - Mobile Home Park X
Residential Dwelling - Multi-Family XX
Residential Dwelling - Single Family XXXX
Residential Dwelling Single Wide Mobile Home XX
Rest and Convalescent Homes SUP
Restaurant A XXAAX
Retail Sales Stands - Retail/Agricultural SUP X
Riding Stables - Commercial - not p/o residential development X
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Rifle, Skeet & Trap Clubs SUP
Roofing Shop X
Rooming Houses/Boardinghouses X
Sawmills, Planning Mills & Wooden Box Factories X
Schools XXX X
Service Station (Gasoline) XX X
Sheet Metal, Roofing & Plumbing X
Shopping Center SUP X
Sign Fabricating Shop XX
Storage of Explosives SUP
Swimming Pools - Recreational XX
Tanning Operations SUP
Telephone Utility Facilities X
Theater X
Tire Recapping SUP X
Tire Sales X
Tourist Homes X
Towers - Cellular, Radio, TV SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP SUP
Treatment Plant - Water/Sewer SUP
Trucking Terminals - Transfer Companies SUP X SUP
Upholstery Shop XX
Utility Facilities (Major) SUP
Vehicle Sales - Recreational X
Vending Companies XX
Veterinary Hospital XX
Warehouse Facility/Wholesale Establishment XXX
Welding Shop XX
Wholesale Gasoline Storage Facility SUP SUP
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009
Permitted Use AR RR MHP OI GB CB I1 I2 IHI* MTD
Uses for Retail Center Vs. Shopping Center:
Art Gallery
Automotive Parts Store
Book Store
Cellular Phone Store
Clothing Store
Drug Store/Pharmacy
Dry Cleaners
Furniture Store
Furniture Rental Store
Grocery Store
Hair & Tanning Salon
Military Recruiting
Movie Rental
Nail Salon
Zoning Districts
RR = Resort Residential
MHP = Mobile Home Park
AR = Agricultural Residential
MTD = Municipal Transition
OI = Office and Industrial
GB = General Business
CB = Community Business
I1 = Industrial 1
I2 = Industrial 2
IHI = Interstate Highway Interchange
NOTE: Table intended for guide only. Actual text Land Development Code should be used for verification.
Retail Center
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X = Permitted SUP = Special Use Required
A = Accessory Use
as of 01/2009